HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN 12/10/1997 ..,'~·,·"'t.."· ""'t":"::":"'!";' ( . > , .. ······'0 Materials/Hazardous --..,", ;;>:': " ','" ", ." . t ' : :·:,5: "'·0.·· .,...." . ,'..,'.." "''''''., '.':', ·p··'e·.·'....··' 'e"~ ..:,,','~.' " ., . '1" ,,' , . " , , " ", . ", ,~~. . :', ;.:. ,,: ~'. Per Waste' Unified Permit Hazardous CONDITIONS ,OF ·PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE " ~ It! Hazardous Materials Plan o Underground Storage of Hazardous MateriaJs o Risk Management Program o Hazardous Waste On-Site Treatment . - , ., Permit ID #: 015-000-000077 C & B FLYING SERVICE LOCATION: 2000 S UNION AVE .! Approved by: Date Issue Expiration Date: Bakersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES 1715 Chester Ave" 3rd Floor ' Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 Issued by: -- ~I_~ .'Cf~ø ro~ < tt,··,.· ~:c. "" CITY A TIORNEY Judy K. Skousen CHIEF ASSISTANT CITY A TfORNEY Robert M. Sherfy ASSIST ANT CITY A TfORNEYS Alan D, Daniel Laura C. Marino Allen M, Shaw Walter H, Porr, Jr. Michael G. Allford DEPUTY CITY A TfORNEYS Janice Scanlan Carl Hernandez III Virginia Gennaro LAW OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Frances E, Thompson Mr. William H. Wimsatt, Esq. Magana, Cathcart & McCarthy 1801 Avenue of the Stars Suite 810 Los Angeles, CA 90067-5899 Stephen L Nelson, Esq. Bailey & Marzano 3745 Whitehead Street Suite 5 Mather, CA 95655-4100 e~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF THE CITY A TfORNEY 1501 TRUXTIJN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 TELEPHONE: 805-326-3721 FACSIMILE: 805-325-9162 December 1, 1997 Re: Anderson v. C & B Flying Service Gentlemen: lij~(Ç~~. ¡r DEC 101997 iY By I '--,...-. I ~, - -.._--~ ------:,,~J Please be advised that Messrs. Milwee, Wines '" and Huey reviewed their deposition transcripts and made the following changes: Richard S, Milwee: Howard H, Wines III: S:\GG\DEPO-HUE.L TR Page 50, line 23 "attributed that condition in the first day of the report I filled out." Should read "attributed that condition in the first-aid report that I filled out." Page 10, line 5 "test" should be "tests". r '~ ~r 5 e e ~ Mr, William H, Wimsatt Mr. Stephen L Nelson December 1, 1997 Page 2 Ralph H. Huey: Page 13, line 18, "accident" should be "incident", As you know, Larry Jamison is not an employee of the City; and, therefore, the City is not responsible for obtaining his review or signature on the deposition. In accordance with the agreement made at the time of the taking of the depositions, the originals of these deposition transcripts (including that of Mr. Jamison) are being returned to Mr, Wimsatt under cover of this letter. Should you have any further questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to call. //,/7 Very tr;M yoyts, ~ ~., / ,/,/ ~\ tf~#RÕ<4 W ~~ty City Attorney VG:fet Enclosures (Wimsatt) cc: Keleher's Reporters Howard Wines III Ralph Huey Richard S. Milwee S:\GGIDEPO-HUE.L TR . r.. , . if . _~' . .~ ,~~..' .. ..,<; __.;~.~ '.~.,..,,,:.. o' ,>~' ,f'.. "'.., ..'~t·': . ',J 'J", ; /.,' "'~·:lnform~tionReqij~~:ted:·:. ," ',' ". .: :,'.:. . , '>:C-' i:." :,,:~;;:::, :'::',:', '~,;.,'..:::,:;" ;~';;;: '," <,t. ,'..., . ", . :iT '. , """::' , ". .' '.' .' '. '. ,,' ,:", ;' .' .. ... '>:.:r:~:;, ·~¡~~:~\Je~~:~~l~~é~~~i!r;:~ W;:::¿::S=%élH1þ~C: ~,' .... ···..··'1 ·i,· -,' . , :', ':-'.... à~:C.&B.,~lying':Servi~~ntje:aøk~r~~ldMunicipal~ÄifRO.rt, ': ':',,',. 'r' "'~'j ,~: ". >', ,\ :., ~~~ ( t~·~Ót.d~>~,h~~::'~~'~~~'~ ';bJ~\~,~f~~~ti~~~::·~í~.ø~eÞ~o~f~~~ ~~~'(1) ,~et ·t9 t~è' City' ,"..:'. :, ;'. ; ~ ';:~ }~. ..,.:: ';Çlel1(.J~)ffiè~;',::YØ~JA~E;Nqf.ô,BLI~A1Er;htO:~*"~f;CQ~DtO CQMPLY·. . ':' . ~ - .... . - , '.~ . ',' \ ' :' _. 'r -' " ".' _. .' ~:r ,-" -, _ . -- (. <. .' . -", . _ ," _' - - - . . ._. - _; . .. ' , " "wiTHTflIS'REQOESI'" ;....;'...,' '...'..,..., '>" '::', ,,,,',,,: ;', '.,' .0"" ~;' ';;',..'" ';:,:: ,~':;. :". \ ". 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';RALPH':ftV'EYtJ~I~RDous·'rM1ÇRfA~SCOOR[)íN~TOR ....' :;~.....;:~. :,F,RØ~r,. '~"MeLA':~.,:MÇÇ~:~TH~" çn~y'cL~R~^.',:.~:~' " .,'. .' . 4 ,,.. ", .. -, ,'" . .., " '.. . ~. , ',:, . '; ~ ' :' -¡, t --,' .'1 .: ...~~_: ..' . .. , ,. ,. ....., . ~ ':" : ~ .' . '.. : .~ " "~, ~ .. i' , ' ." . .,..'.. " '- .," .. ,~':. .' . ~ ,., , . '¡,'..< .... , .' ;", " '- , . . . .;~ " .> , . .' " , S:ISUBPENASlRECORDS\HAZMAT.REQ , . ;;; ;. " - -,~' ~ " e ~ .e. . - B A K E R ·8 FIE L D' CITY CLERK'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM June 13, 1997 SUBPOENA FOR RECORDS TO: FROM: RALPH HUEY. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS COORDINATOR PAMELA A. MCCARTHY, CITY CLERK / \ , i i " Information Requested: 1. Any and all records" documents, notes, writings, bills and/or invoices pertaining to the removal of the underground storage tanks and fuel pumps at C & B Flying Service at the Bakersfield Municipal Airport. i . \ \ . , . > If you records that c~ntain this information, please provide one (1) set to the City Clerk's Office. YOU ARE NOT OBLIGATED TO CREATjS A RECORD TO COMPLY WITH THIS REQUEST. Please submit the records to the City Clerk's Office by Monday, June 23, 1997. If you have any questions, please callext, 3029. Thank you for your prompt ~ttention to this matter, 00: Virginia Gennaro, Deputy City Attorney \ , ! . \ :cw Attachments . , 'I '/ \ \ .', S:\SUBPENASIRECORDSIHAZMAT.REQ e ATTORNEY OR PNm' WITHOUT ATTORNEY u.... MJlI AiØ...J: TELEPHONE NO,: (310) 553-6630 FOR COCRT IIS£ OIIL y William H. Wimsatt #68042 MAGANA, CATHCART & McCARTHY 1801 Avenue of the stars suite #810 Los Angeles, CA 90067 ATTORNEY FOR OV_J: Plaintiff JAMES ANDERSON NAME OF COURT: SUPERIOR COURT OF KERN COUNTY ~~~E§: Kern County civic Center UAlLINGADORE§: 1415 Truxtun Avenue CITY AND ZIP CODE: Bakersfield, CA 93301 BRANCH NAME: PLAINTlFFIPETITIONER: JAMES ANDERSON, 97 JUN 12 PH 4: r 2 Q BAKERSFIELD C¡ 'I ¡' CLERK DEFENDANT /RESPONDENT: C & B FLYING SERVICE, et aI, DEPosmON SUBPENA CASE NUMBER: For Production of Business Records 231 724 - EW THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CAUFORNIA, TO (name): Custodian of Records for the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1. YOU ARE ORDERED TO PRODUCE THE BUSINESS RECORDS described In Item 3 as follows: Deposition Officer (name): Mighty Eagle Legal Services Date: 30 June 1997 Time: 9:00 a.m. Address: 1706 Chester Avenue #351 . .. Do not release the requested records to the deposition officer prior to the date and time stated above, a. 0 by delivering a true, legible, and durable copy of the business records described In item 3, enclosed in a sealed inner wrapper With the title and number of the action, name of witness, and date of subpena clearly written on it. The inner wrapper shall then be enclosed in an outer envelope or wrapper, sealed, and mailed to the deposition officer at the address in item 1. b. 0 by delivering a true, legible, and durable copy of the business records described in item 3 to the deposition officer at the Wit- ness's addreSS, on receipt of payment in cash or by check of the reasonable costs of preparing the copy, as determined under Evidence Code section 1563(b). c. [X] by making the original business records described in item 3 available for inspection at your business address by the attorney's representative and permitting copying at your business address under reasonable conditions during non1l81 buSiness hours. 2. The records are to be procAJced by the date and time shœn in item 1 (but not sooner than 20 da}'S alter the Issuance of the deposition subpena, or 15 days atter S81Vice, IMtJIcheYer date Is later). Reasonable costs of beating recorr1s, making them available or copying them, and postage, If any, are recoverable as set forth in EIIkJence COde section 1563(b). The records shall be accompanied by an affic:Javjt of the custodian or other ~Ied witnesS pcrsuant to EIIkJence COde section 1561. 3. The records to be produced are described as follows: For any and all records, documents, notes, writings, bills and/or invoices pertaining to the removal of the underground storage tanks and fuel pumps at C & B Flying Service at the Bakersfield Municipal Airport. o Continued on attachment 3, DISOBEDIENCE OF THIS SUBPENA MAY BE PUNISHED AS CONTEMPT BY THIS COURT. YOU WILL ALSO BE LIABLE FOR THE SUM OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS AND ALL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM YOUR FAILURE TO OBEY. Date issued: 10 June 1997 ,~¡.~~~~..f{,..~¡.~~~~,....,..,..."",.."",.." (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) ~ 'LAnIvJ~ (SIGNATURE OF PERSON ISSUING SUBPENA) Attorneys for Plaintiff ANDERSON (TITLE) (See reverse for proof of service) FonI Adopted by Rule 982 JudiCial CounCil 01 California 982(a)(15.2) (RIIV. January 1, t993) DEPosmON SUBPENA - BUSINESS RECORDS Code 01 Civil Procedure. .. 2020. 2025 GovemllMlnt COde, 168097. 1 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 1 William H. Wimsatt, Bar #68032 MAGAÑA, CATHCART & McCARTHY 1801 Avenue of the Stars #810 Los Angeles, California 90067-5899 Phone: 310 553-6630 FAX: 310 785-9143 2 3 4 5 G. Bryan Pinion, Bar #96793 THE LAW OFFICE OF G. BRYAN PINION 1221 Van Ness Avenue #409 Fresno, CA 93721 Phone: 209 498-3322 FAX: 209 498-3301 6 7 8 9 Attorneys for Plaintiff 10 ....-- - - e 91 JUN I 2 PH 4: II (S) BAHERSFIELD CII Y CLE~ SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA 11 COUNTY OF KERN 12 13 14 JAMES ANDERSON, 15 16 Plaintiff vs. 17 C & B FLYING SERVICE, et ai, 18 Defendants, 19 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No, 231 724-EW NOTICE OF TAKING DEPOSITION WITH REQUEST FOR DOCUMENTS (RECORDS ONLY) Date: 30 June 1997 Time: 9:00 a,m. . Place: Bakersfield, CA PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that plaintiff will take the deposition of the Custodian of Records for the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD at the offices of Mighty Eagle- Legal Services, located at 1706 Chester Avenue #351, Bakersfield, CA 93301 on Monday, 30 June 1997 at 9:00 a.m. Said deposition will be taken before a duly qualified notary public and continue from day to day until completed. - 1 - 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e e 1 Pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure §2025(h)(1), the deponent is required 2 to bring with him to the deposition and produce for examination and copying any and all 3 records, documents, notes, writings, bills and/or invoices pertaining to the removal of the 4 underground storage tanks and fuel pumps at C & B Flying Service at the Bakersfield. 5 6 Municipal Airport. 7 DATED: 11 June 1997 8 9 MAGAÑA, CATHCART & McCARTHY and THE LAW OFFICE OF G, BRYAN PINION BY: 1Af1!!: J~~ WILLlA H, WIMSA IT . Attorneys for Plaintiff ANDERSON 10 11 12 13 14 15 - 2 - , , e ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Nlllfl/lllnø AØclr8SSJ: TELEPHONE NO.: (310) 553-6630 FOR COLRT US£ OM..Y william H. wimsatt #68042 MAGANA, CATHCART & McCARTHY 1801 Avenue of the stars suite #810 Los Angeles, CA 90067 ATTORNEYFORCNllIleJ: Plaintiff JAMES ANDERSON NAME OF COURT: SUPERIOR COURT OF KERN COUNTY STREETADORESS: Kern County civic Center MAlUNGADORESS: 1415 Truxtun Avenue CITYANO ZIP COOE: Bakersfield, CA 93301 BRANCH NAME: PLAINTIFF/PET I TIONER: JAMES ANDERSON, DEFENDANT /RESPONDENT: C & B FLYING SERVICE, et aI, DEPOSITION SUBPENA CASE NUMBER: For Production of Business Records 231 724 - EW THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CAUFORNIA, TO (name): CUstodian of Records for the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1, YOU ARE ORDERED TO PRODUCE THE BUSINESS RECORDS described in item 3 as follows: Deposition Officer (name): Mighty Eagle Legal Services Date: 30 June 1997 Time: 9:00 a.m. Address: 1706 Chester Avenue #351 , " Do not release the requested records to the deposition officer prior to the date and time stated above. a. 0 by delivering a true, legible, and durable copy of the business records described in item 3, enclosed in a sealed inner wrapper with the title and number of the action, name of witness, and date of subpena clearly written on it. The inner wrapper Shall then be enclosed in an outer envelope or wrapper, sealed, and mailed to the deposition officer at the address in item 1. b, 0 by delivering a true, legible, and durable copy of the business records described in item 3 to the deposition officer at the wit- ness's address, on receipt of payment in cash or by check of the reasonable costs of preparing the copy, as determined under Evidence Code section 1563(b). c. CXJ by making the original business records described in item 3 available for inspection at your business address by the attorney's representative and permitting copying at your business address under reasonable conditions during normal business hours. 2. The recoråS are to be proáJced by tile date and tÎme snown in item 1 (but not sooner than 20 days alter tile issUance of the deposition subpena, or 15 days alter service, whichever date is later). Reasonable costs of locating records, making them available or copying them, and postage, if any, are recoverable as set forth in Evidence Code secÜOfl 1563(b). The records shaH be acconpanied by an affidavit of the custodian or other QUalified witness pursuant to Evidence Code sectÎOIJ 1561. 3. The records to be produced are described as follows: For any and all records, documents, notes, writings, bills and/or invoices pertaining to the removal of the underground storage tanks and fuel pumps at C & B Flying Service at the Bakersfield Municipal Airport. o Continued on attachment 3. DISOBEDIENCE OF THIS SUBPENA MAY BE PUNISHED t.S CONTEMPT BY THIS COURT, YOU WILL AlSO BE LIABLE FOR THE SUM OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS AND ALL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM YOUR FAILURE TO OBEY, Date issued: 10 June 1997 ~ YAJJtvJ~ , fff.I,.1,.¡N1. .ff !. . W:U~fßl\IT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (TYPE OR PAINT NAME) (SIGNATURE OF PERSON ISSUING SUBPENA) Attorneys for Plaintiff ANDERSON (TITlE) (See reverse for proof of service) FomI Adoptecl by Rule 982 JudiCial CounCil 01 calilornia 982(a}(15,2) IR8\!. January 1.1993) DEPOSITION SUBPENA - BUSINESS RECORDS COde of CMI Procedure, G G 2020. 2025 GoIIeml1lent COde.I6809T. 1 ~ _( , 111..,. :; .. 20 21 - e 1 PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL 2 3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 4 I am employed in the County of Los Angeles, State of California, I am over the age of 18 and not a party to the within action; my business address is 1801 Avenue of the Stars, #810, Los Angeles, California 90067, On 11 June 1997, I served the foregoing document described as NOTICE OF TAKING DEPOSITION WITH REQUEST FOR DOCUMENTS (RECORDS ONLY) on the interested parties in this action by placing a true copy thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope addressed as set forth below, 5 6 7 8 9 I am ·readily familiar" with the firm's practice of collection and processing correspondence for mailing, Under that practice it would be deposited with U,S. postal service on the same day with postage thereon fully prepaid at Los Angeles, CA in the ordinary course of business, I am aware that on motion of the party served, service is presumed invalid if postal cancellation date or postage meter date is more than one day after date of deposit for mailing in affidavit. 10 11 12 13 14 G. Bryan Pinion 1221 Van Ness Avenue #409 Fresno, CA 93721 Phone: 209 498-3322 FAX: 209 498-3301 Co-Counsel for Plaintiff 15 16 17 18 Stephen L. Nelson BAILEY & MARZANO 3745 Whitehead Street #5 Mather, CA 95655-4100 Phone: 916 361-3099 FAX: 916 361-3526 Attorneys for Defendants 19 22 -X:.. (State) 23 24 25 26 27 28 I declare unde r penalty of perjury that the above is true and correct. _ (Federal) I declare that I am employed in the office of a member of this court at whose direction the service was made. Executed on 11 June 1997 at Los Angeles, California. ~~~. Jo Saxton cç '.. '0 .-6\ . ..".,'~. .~ . e - . f~~~M tËY::::---- . --~ BAKERSFIE'LD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM June 4, 1997 SUBPOENA FOR RECORDS ) . ì > , TO: FROM: RALPH HUEY, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS COORDINATOR PAMELA A. MCCARTHY, CITY CLERK Information Requested: 1. Any and all records and drawings of the design, manufacture or construction pertaining to the C & B FLYING SERVICE underground fuel storage tank( s} located at 2000 S. Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California, owned and maintained by the City of Bakersfield. ) . \ If YØJUecords that contain this information, please provide one (1) set to the City Clerk's Office. YOU ARE NOT OBLIGATED TO CBEATI; A RECORD TO COMPLY WITH THIS REQUEST. Please submit the records to the City Clerk's, Office by Monday. June 16, 1997, If you have any questions, please call ext, 3029, Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter, 00: Virginia Gennaro, Deputy City Attorney :cw Attachments ~ , > . > ) S:\SUBPENASIRECORDSIHAZMAT.REQ · ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Neme assJ: TELEPHONE N (310) 553-6630 FOR COIRT US£ ClllLY william H. wimsatt #68042 MAGANA, CATHCART & McCARTHY 1801 Avenue of the stars Suite #810 Los Angeles, CA 90067 ATTORNEYFORCHe.J: Plaintiff JAMES ANDERSON NAME OF COURT: SUPERIOR COURT OF KERN COUNTY STREETADORESS: Kern County civic Center YAlUNGADORESS: 1415 Truxtun Avenue CITYANDZlPCOOE: Bakersfield, CA 93301 BRANCH NAME: PLAINTlFFIPETlTlONER: JAMES ANDERSON, DEFENDANT /RESPONDENT: C & B FLYING SERVICE, et aI, DEPOSITION SUBPENA CASE NUMBER: For Production of Business Records 231 724 - EW THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CAUFORNIA. TO (name): Custodian of Records for the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1, YOU ARE ORDERED TO PRODUCE THE BUSINESS RECORDS described In Item 3 as follows: DepoSition Officer (name): Mighty Eagle Legal Services Date: 23 June 1997 Time: 9:00 a.m. Address: 1706 Ch~ster Avet;1ue ~351 Do not release the requested records to the deposition officer prior to the date and time stated above, a. 0 by delivering a true, legible, and durable copy of the business records described in item 3, enclosed in a sealed inner wrapper With the title and number of ,the action, name of witness, and date of subpena clearly written on it. The inner wrapper shall then be enclosed in an outer envelope or wrapper, sealed, and mailed to the deposition officer at the address in item 1. b. 0 by delivering a true, legible, and durable copy of the business records described in item 3 to the depoSition officer at the wit- ness's address, on receipt of payment in cash or by check of the reasonable costs of preparing the copy, as determined under Evidence Code section 1563(b). c. IX] by making the original business recordS described in item3 available for inspection at your business address by the attorney's representative and permitting copying at your business address under reasonable conditions during normal business hours. 2. The records are to be produced by the date and time shown in item 1 (but not sooner than 20 days alter the issuance of the deposition SUbpena. or 15 days alter service. whichfNer date is tater). Reasonable costs of locating records, making them available or copying them. and postage. if any. are recoverable as set forth In Evidence COCIe sectiOn 1563(b). The records snan be accornpatIied by an affidavit of tI1e custodian or other qualified witness pursuant to EVidence COCIe section 1561. 3. The records to be produced are described as foUows: Any and all records and drawings of the design, manufacture or construction pertaining to the C & B FLYING SERVICE underground fuel storage tank(s) located at 2000 S. Union Avenue,_ Bakersfield, California, owned and maintained by the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. o Continued on attachment 3. f DISOBEDIENCE OF THIS SUBPENA MAY BE PUNISHED ÞS CONTEMPT BY THIS COURT. YOU WILL ALSO BE LIABLE FOR THE SUM OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLlARS ~D ALL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM YOUR FAILURE TO OBEY. Date issued: 2 June 1997 ~ \AMu)~ (SIGNATURE OF PERSON ISSUING SUBPENA) Attorneys for Plaintiff ANDERSON (TITLE) .W¡.¡.~¡~. .ff". W¡.l:f.~Nf'f............................ (TYPE OR PRINT HAIlE) (See reverse for proof of service) Form Adopted bY Rule 992 JudiCial CounCil of california 982("(15,2} (Rev. January '. 1993J DEPOSITION SUBPENA - BUSINESS RECORDS COde Of CIVI ProCedUnt, 112020. 202S GØ\l8mllent COde. 1 6809T,1 · 26 27 28 e 1 William H. Wimsatt, Bar #68032 MAGAÑA, CATHCART & McCARTHY 1801 Avenue of the Stars #810 Los Angeles, California 90067-5899 Phone: 310 553-6630 FAX: 310 785-9143 2 3 4 5 6 G. Bryan Pinion, Bar #96793 THE LAW OFFICE OF G. BRYAN PINION 1221 Van Ness Avenue #409 Fresno, CA 93721 Phone: 209 498-3322 FAX: 209 498-3301 7 8 9 Attorneys for Plaintiff 10 e SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA 11 COUNTY OF KERN 12 13 14 JAMES ANDERSON, 15 Plaintiff 16 vs. 17 C & B FLYING SERVICE, et ai, 18 Defendants. 19 20 21 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No, 231 724-EW NOTICE OF TAKING DEPOSITION WITH REQUEST FOR DOCUMENTS (RECORDS ONLY) Date: 23 June 1997 Time: 9:00 a.m. Place: Bakersfield, CA - PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that plaintiff will take the deposition of the 22 23 ( Custodian of Records for the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD at the offices of Mighty Eagle Legal Services, located at 1706 Chester Avenue #351, Bakersfield, CA 93301 on 24 25 Monday, 23 June 1997 at 9:00 a.m. Said deposition will be taken before a duly qualified notary public and continue from day to day until completed, - 1 - .. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e e 1 Pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure §2025(h){1), the deponent is required 2 to bring with him to the deposition and produce for examination and copying any and all 3 records and drawings of design, manufacture or construction pertaining to the C & B 4 5 FLYING SERVICE underground fuel storage tank(s) located at 2000 S, Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California, owned and maintained by the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, 6 7 DATED: 2 June 1997 8 9 MAGAÑA, CATHCART & McCARTHY and THE LAW OFFICE OF G. BRYAN PINION BY: M1~)~ WILLIAM H, WIMSATT Attorneys for Plaintiff ANDERSON 10 11 12 13 14 15 ( - 2 - ; .. .~ 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e e 1 PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL 2 3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 4 I am employed in the County of Los Angeles, State of California, I am over the age of 18 and not a party to the within action; my business address is 1801 Avenue of the Stars' #810, Los Angeles, California 90067. On 2 June 1997, I served the foregoing document described as NOTICE OF TAKING DEPOSITION WITH REQUEST FOR DOCUMENTS (RECORDS ONLY) on the interested parties in this action by placing a true copy thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope addressed as set forth below, 5 6 7 8 9 I am -readily familia'" with the firm's practice of collection and processing correspondence for mailing, Under that practice it would be deposited with U.S, postal service on the same day with postage thereon fully prepaid at Los Angeles, CA in the ordinary course of business, I am aware that on motion of the party served, service is presumed invalid if postal cancellation date or postage meter date is more than one day after date of deposit for mailing in affidavit. 10 11 12 13 14 Co-Counsel for Plaintiff 15 G. Bryan Pinion 1221 Van Ness Avenue #409 Fresno, CA 93721 Phone: 209 498-3322 FAX: 209 498-3301 16 17 18 Stephen L. Nelson BAILEY & MARZANO 3745 Whitehead Street #5 Mather, CA 95655-4100 Phone: 916 361-3099 FAX: 916 361-3526 Attorneys for Defendants 19 / -X:.. (State) I declare under penalty of perjury that the above is true and correct. _ (Federal) I declare that I am employed in the office of a member of this court at whose direction the service was made, Executed on 2 June 1997 at Los Angeles, California, ~';.~ Jo Saxton ,.;""",~.. 'ITE/FACILITY FORM 5 DAGRAM 2\000 So 11~ln~ ~ NORTH Un<2~ti) ~ SCALE: " , ~}Z¡//ee.- FLOOR: OF UNIT #: ¡OF DATE: / / (CHECK ONE) ~ FACILITY DIAGRA~ SITE DIAGRA\f Ve... P) S V·'NI'''.') AVe.. ¿';X- 0 () (j to' IV e~ 6hl/iOÇÇ~ fèr ctE> 6TD ~ ~ 0 - 'Co..s .~~ \ C lÞ 'ß f!,.- \ s~{øtœJ\ ." o ~ ~ ~~~ L~~~·· , ',(1 ~ II t>r , \ ~:J ~e.rq~\(A,l1 S~,)~H~ ~"W. 'tt:6 V~~?~ . ~ 4{//V ~f()Y" AIR CJf-Q.. f / / ./ Ý .A A \J'> -0 ~ ~ð C (Inspector's Comments): -OFFICIAL USE ONLY- - 5A - " SITE DIAGRAM (Required iteas) 1. Address: IdentiAlllbe principle buildin2s by the Street nuabera. c. Metal construction 9, Lock (keBOX 10. MSDS Storage Box 11. RG! lroad Tracks 12. Fence or Barrier a. WIre b. Masonry c. Wood d. Gates 13. Power lines 14. Guard Station 15, Storage Tanks: Identi fy the capacity in gal. a, Above ground b. Undereround 16. Dikin~ or Berll 17. Evacuation Route " or:' f "'rë: 2. Street(s), Alleys, Driveways. and Parking Areas adjacent to the property. lnclude the street na.es. 3. Stora DraIns. Culverts. Yard Drains 4. Drainage Canais. Ditches. Creeks, 5, Buildings a, FrftBe construction b. Masonry construction d. Access 0001' 6. Utility Controls a. Gas b. Electricity c. Pire Standpipe Connections 18. Evacuation Area: IdentiCy the location "here e.ployeea ,,111 liIaat. 19. Outside Hazardous Waate Storaee 20, Outaide Hazal'dous Material Storaee 21. Outside Hazardous Material Use/Handline 22. Type at Hazardoua Material/Waste Stored or Used (See Below) c, Water 7. Fire Suppression Syste.s: a. Fire Hydrants b, Fire Spl'inkler Connections d. Water Control Valves tor protection syste.s e. Fire PUllP 8. Pire Department Access TYPE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIAL F .. PllUIIIsble I .. bploaive L .. Liquid C .. Corroa1ve 0 .. Oxidizer G .. Ga. )f .. Water RtillCU \Ie T .. Toxi c 9 .. SoUd R .. Radiological P .. Poi.on B .. Cryogenic D .. Wlllté B .. Etiological ExallpJe: FJa..abJe LIquid· FL FACILITY DIAGRAM (Required ite.. in addition to the above) 1. Risel's tor Sprinklers 8. Pire E.capes 2. PartitIonø 9. AJr CondltJonina Unit. -,. 3. Stairways: IndIcate the 10. "indon levels eeL'ved trom .' ,", h1cheat to lowe.t. 11. In.ide Hazardous Waste Storage ,." 4 . Escallitol': Indicate the levels served tro. la, Inaide Ha%ardoua h1ehest to lo....t. Materi41. Storase ..' ;......., 5. Elevator 13. In.ide Hazardous ,,,.\', Materials Use/Handline ";,';" 8. Attlc Access 14. Sewr Drain Inlets 7. Skyl1¡hts , . -C6-1J ,c~ 'r ¡Lc-C 5'6='a..L( (!L'7 e c)'\ \ cl..D (~(- :;:J : ~~) ~-::~:_:~~ ,,-0 9 'IV () .- ^ , ~ 11~ J\~~~~X '~~AÜ~P-~~:= ~ ~\:iJ (JAr[ElI.jpt;;lf) ~ ~ < J~ .r'" 'V \~ 01'3:>03_'70 ./ ; J.Y f J j( ~A ".1·S1/~iÄ<""Hzr? 1i.1"" 1i".1i .11"...Ii... 1./11"" 1./. I" .1.1./. I", 1.1i "I · CUST.E & NO. ES ;:¿%-~C MISCELLANEOUS RECEIVABLES ADJUSTMENT ' DATE 2- lr-a) NEW ACCOUNT ADDRESS CHANGE CLOSE ACCT ¡ : FINANCE CHARGE I ; OTHER ADJ i CUSTOMER NAME - C } f:> A y tl'è ') S€JíV r c. <{J MAILING ADDRESS ::2C:oð -.S ~fðr1 <Xk/e CITY ßa1erc),-e Id STATE eJ-. ZIP~ODEl33q? SITE ADDRESS PARCEL NUMBER (IF APPUCABLE) ADJUSTMENT REMARKS~!'f.#JvtY1eI)lß/'3 r1ð J\,j /'>L. /!): / a:f 7h17 XfJ.dLLfy, .::2./U-e IIN':!;~d 'ð-7~O. APPROVED B~_--------_.. ) ASS 0 C I ATE DEN U I RON MEN TAL S Y S T EMS C A F E Å N .-.. ( TbwER OFFICE 0 \ l ~-~ 19H 89 OC 19H 199 OCT AUGAS AUGAS ] NOT TESTED TillS DATE ---¡ DISPENSER CABINET caB FLY I G J I I - Site Layout For BAHERSFIELD AIRPARH 2909 SOUTH UNION AUE BAHERSFIELD ¡ - . S Y S T EMS C A F E Å N .411: 5 ß.----. La a~ .-.. (TbwE OFFICE () \ ) ~-j 19H 89 OC 19H 19Ø OCT AUGAS AUGAS NOT TESTED THIS DATE ~ DI PENSER CABINET C&B FLY I G I I RON HEN TAL BAHERSFIELD AIRPARH 2900 SOUTH UNION AVE BAHERSFIELD I E N V E D A T For' I ASS 0 C te Layout Si ~ '. -, --- ~ -~ ~ ~--~ -- .~---~._-------- ~ ------- ~ ----- . . COR.ECTION NOTIC~~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ¡<~ C~ ~ ,~ Ft.).::_ \kj "" !CJ "" Locatio" C~ß P)' ~ .5gy~e Sub Div, 9-ô1YJ. ç U!¡(~a/I. B1k'p . Lot You are hereby required to make the following corrections at the above location: Cor. No H- ~èR Pc 'fç 'It ~_ ( Completion Date for Corrections Date 9/¡s/c;c- I - - InspecÏõr 326-3979 <' ,f , \ \'- - '.' .\ ,/ CO,"I'ECTION NOTICC , .- BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT , '-1 LOcatiol1 I )-lJ,¡,e?~-!.~/J ,.. if ¡,,;,>~,:)~~ Sub Div,) ?)(~{) S. U 1\ .. .-~. Blk. . Lot You are hereby required to make the following corrections at the above location: Cor. No , PIp. .1P: J,) S!J" t..;,../ <1 'S'I¡¡f,'-'v.·Lo,',....¡ c~Pf:tl4:' '..:1 f.-."',·:...<)DI!-::,.Á;/,·~~, '.i .'~ S,,,!::. ,..,..../ ; t/l ,'.f I" ,.' , , ....~ "" ,'a.,.f~ '( , . IJ , () .- !.~,...1 I , fr-·ï. f ,. J '1 lé ///"'J - r,' r l ':-,/ I~: , tr:. , J ~ 1: ~ ì -..~ f..' (r.. to. Jr::'- I ,'II,r, , , " i , I,Ç I I. ~ f 1;,.:/ I /..1 [I .,. tit) ð\.) I ._"':'..,:..; ~ '; ..'~ ,{..I If-f';' ~ " .' ~.~\ .'\ íi ¡: ~.' )1:1/ I ~f! I " ;/ " / íc:JI i ....\ ') I - I~,..:.-..; ,- -", '/¡.w 1.:..-", -.r;;e ,J ) ,! '!t-/1'1'\.!'~< ,.,3 "i,' ·:'"GIV¡'·.j ),.., OL<-~ Q~:r~p ''¡II/nt.., 1'-1/ ,T,'\/(-t'-'t.:-'.~/ / ¡·,,:C)¡ , (' ; f,' ,.) '-} , i!""""': r " ,-' I .} . \.J ~ .:)'-l'--I 'I~ ,¿:t,/- h r ---- Completion Date for Correction~ ~/:/.2f! ~ /J /; /.:....£,-.. - -,; :¡,' /,- / /' ,/ ''j Date r,r-/ '!};ð,?¡f;:;~ ,//:.:;,,' ¿/ t' ,j,.>~ ,,_..;;4/ I;? '- Inspector 326·3979 ----. /t3/75 ... -:: -~- '- - . Œ11 A7/~ ~)/;c.€-- ~ s. ()¡,~!Jve- . mJ- ~ ~ ð:+~ /~e- ~~ W#("e,.. ~~ .1>~ --r~A- ð~WeJ -fk¿ ~~ ~ ~~~ e.ve~ :J- - g ~.s . -=x: e. f f("oÌ "e.c:- (+L..- ~ 'k J,..\.-.... ~ $f>.~b.. +~e, lOI) ¿'À~ -t,o.wk.."5 M- Yài'\. ",,~e; t~e,\ew" ~t\.:L. \~~re:~ fOJ. e, . No's <.S~«:k ,':.5 v.e~'1 UJ"I~. :µe-s~weðÞ (VI-e, h:-6 ~ wl.tL ~w~ wl1dI1~~ ~ ~ <1V"S . :c --1-.L J t,.: VI., -fro -k,. J...; (:1 3/-¡J.'~ 4,¿ ~l "'6 vv/ ~~~. J1I~ :;::/éff'tP*> Ò:,J0 . --J-"'-~Itv~~ \'\~ ~,see CcL~~~;J~ ,~tP :ç~L\t'\d-¿;t ~~fo~:IÞ1:~ ~~'"' ,~ ~~ ,:r: áf~~.\ ~~cÞ" ~~i :J:' 5* 1;.~~~ ~.hAt ~$ ~ "b~ ~~ ~l~~, ~ k C.o~~ ~ø- 11\.s",,1U)~~ c..'~~ ~~,,;4. íIT ~ Af.-so ~. ~1 SA~ þ.€-- jt-:ll owes .f~Ðð(!)¢!- ~fZ.- 'fke.. t~~ ~ loAck, A~ ~~.{. ~ 4-ó ~U l,..,t-.s -{A~ ~ f(,..~$ "h·~ T sd I~ ~ ¿It /zs,'f ¡¡Q 7è,dcfl,$ .. Per it to Operate Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE This permit is issued for the following: ;::tI@~ardous Materials Plan round Storage of Hazardous Materials agement Program Waste 2000 s. UN PERMIT ID# 015-021-000077 C & B FLYING SERVICE LOCATION Issued by: ~-- Bakersfield Fire Department OffiCE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES 1715 Chester Ave., 3rdFloor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 *~ ph Huey. ffice of ental Servi es June 30, 2000 Approved by: Expiration Date: · rYì " .... A :'cJ\ LoJe U 'n~ ù~ ß1r\&VfJ). \0o~ ~ 1-, ~ L\,&. t .- - ~ L~'-'Y . ('t D' ~ t d ~- ~?. qr\\D ~,I ~ ...--...res \j~'ì"j Y\ 7 ~~~~osd ~% 5.~ ~, L-.____~ ~ - - ----- ~- - FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KELLY ADMINISTRAßVE SERVICES 2101 oW Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 oW Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PRMNTlON SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield. CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399,5763 ~ . e ~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT May 31, 1998 Bob Becker C&B Flying Service 2000 South Union Ave Bakersfield, CA 93307 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UPDATE Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: The City of Bakersfield wishes to congratulate those tank owners who have upgraded, removed or replaced their tanks in the first quarter of 1998. This office is expecting an even bigger second quarter result. This commitment, has helped this office achieve a 75% compliance average for the underground storage tanks within the City. This is a very "good start". For the benefit of those who have not yet upgraded, the City of Bakersfield and Kern County Environmental Health, will conduct a Underground Storage Tank Workshop scheduled for Friday, July 17,1998, from 8:00 a.m. - 12 noon. Look for our June letter for more details. Should you have any questions, please feel tree to contact me at 326-3979. Sincerely, ~~ Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector SBU/dm cc: Ralph Huey, Director '7~~W~~~~~AW~" FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KELLY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 ow Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 32~941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 oW Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 32~941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SEIMCES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 EN~RONME~S~ 17J5ChesterAve. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Street Bakersfield. CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 ~ . -- ~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT March 20, 1998 Bob Baker C&B Flying Service 2000 South Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93307 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UPDATE Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: The City of Bakersfield has some exciting news regarding loan monies, which has just become available through the Small Business Loan Association (SBA). Pollution Control loans, thru the SBA, are intended to provide loan quarantees to eligible small businesses for the financing of planning, design, or installation of pollution prevention controls, which includes underground storage tank facilities. The vast majority of businesses are eligible for financial assistance from the SBA. The SBA defines an eligible small business as one that is independently owned and operated and not dominant in its field of operation. For those applicants that meet the SBA's credit eligibility standards, the agency can quaranty up to eighty percent (80%) of loans of$lOO,OOO. Seventy five percent (75%) of loans above $100,000, Lynn Knutson, Chief of Finance for the SBA says, "If customers apply immediately, and meet the requirements, funding is available". The City of Bakersfield hopes all of our underground storage tank owners take advantage of this opportunity. For more information on SBA, Pollution Control Loans, please call or write to: Lynn Knutson, Chief Financial Officer Small Business Loan Association 2719 North Air Fresno Drive, Suite 200 Fresno, CA 93727 Phone # (209) 487-5785, Ext 130 Don't delay, start today!!! Sincerely, ¿tMu£o Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector Office of Environmental Services cc: Ralph Huey 'Y~de W~ g-eve ~0Pe ~ A W~ " FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KELLY ADMINISTRAnYE SEIMCES 2101 ow Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 ow Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PRMNTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-û576 ENVIRONMENTAl SEIMCES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-û576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor street Bakersfield. CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 ~ . - - BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ~it:l r. b~ February 24, 1998 ß Ð CD l?JClfer C&B Flying Service 2900 South Union Avenue ;Lol:Jl) Bakersfield, CA 93305 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UPDATE Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: The City of Bakersfield has some exciting news regarding loan monies, which has just become available through the Small Business Loan Association (SBA). Pollution Control loans, thru the SBA, are intended to provide loan quarantees to eligible small businesses for the financing of planning, design, or installation of pollution prevention controls, which includes underground storage tank facilities. The vast majority of businesses are eligible for financial assistance from the SBA. The SBA defines an eligible small business as one that is independently owned and operated and not dominant in its field of operation. For those applicants that meet the SBA's credit eligibility standards, the agency can quaranty up to eighty percent (80%) ofloans of $ 100,000. Seventy five percent (75%) ofloans above $100,000. Lynn Knutson, Chief of Finance for the SBA says, "If customers apply immediately, and meet the requirements, funding is available". The City of Bakersfield hopes all of our underground storage tank owners take advantage of this opportunity. For more information on SBA, Pollution Control Loans, please call or write to: Lynn Knutson, Chief Financial Officer Small Business Loan Association 2719 North Air Fresno Drive, Suite 200 Fresno, CA 93727 Phone # (209) 487-5785, Ext 130 Don't delay, start today!!! Si2'~ Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector Office of Environmental Services cc: Ralph Huey 'Y~de~~~~~~A~~" FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KELLY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'W SlTeet Bak8lSfleld. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'W SlTeet BakefSfleld. CA 9330 1 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES J7J5ChesterAve. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMINTAI. SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor SlTeet BakelSfield. CA 93308 (805) 3W-4tR7 FAX (805) 399-5763 . - ~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ~ January 29, 1998 Benita J. Lewis C & B Flying Service 2-900-S Union Avenue J-oè.JÙ Bakersfield, CA 93305 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UPDATE Dear Benita J, Lewis: The City of Bakersfield wishes to congratulate those tank owners who have upgraded, removed or replaced their tanks in the month of January. During the month of January, our office had six sites (14 tanks) which are now in compliance. This is a very big "first step". For those who have not yet upgraded, I would like to share some thoughts on why it is so important to act right away: 1. Licensed contractors are booking up fast, in some cases, up to three months in advance. Supplies (pumps, dispensers, leak detection equipment) may be scarce. The cost for upgrading or removing could go up as demand Increases. Assembly Bill 1491 will ban fuel deliveries after January 1999 to non-upgraded owners. 2, 3. 4, The good news, is there is still time!!! Ifthere is anything this office can do to assist you in your planning, do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, ¡/lc1kÆJ Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector Office of Environmental Services cc: Ralph Huey, Director, Office of Environmental Services IY~~ W~~.AOPe ~ ~ W~ IJ fiRE CHiEf MICHAEL R. KEllY ADMINISTRAJIVE SERVICES 2101 'W Street Bakersfleld. CA 93301 (805) 32b-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 32b-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 I'flEVENnON SERVIaS 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 32b-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 32b-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield. CA 93308 (805) 399-4tR7 FAX (805) 399-5763 . ~ . . - BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT December 18, 1997 C & B Flying Service 2000 S Union Ave Bakersfield, CA 93305 Dear: Benita J, Lewis You will be receiving this letter on or about December 22, 1997. One year from today, December 22, 1998, your current underground storage tank(s) will become illegal to operate. Current law would require that your permit be revoked and, would make it illegal for any fuel distributer to deliver to any non upgraded tank(s), However, in reviewing your file I see that you do plan to remöve your tank(s) by'D~cëIfibèr 1:~;1~9,8, We congratulate you on your decision to removè, . .^ .....' .... ,..... ,", """. -, ., ,..'". '0,<."1 ~'''.' your tank(s) and simply want to offer any assistance we can in meeting your target date, Please remember to contact this office for permits well in advance of your anticipated start date. As we get closer to the December 22, 1998 date, I would expect construction lead times to become extended, as well as costs for tank rem'Qvåls, Sincerely, Ralph E, Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/dm cc: Kirk Blair, Assistant Chief t7~/Á8W~~~~~~W~" e e it fÞ . C 4 B Ti¡rr ~. 01/09/98 " FRI 08:59 FAX 805 325 9162 - Bak City Attorney '" t'. . l4J 001 ,CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE FAX NO. (805) 325-9162 TELECOPIER MESSAGE DATE: January 9, 1998 PLEASE ROUTE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO: NAME: RALPH HUEY, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS COORDINATOR COMPANY: FIRE DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FAX NO. SENDING MESSAGE TO: (805) 326-0576 FROM: CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE NAME: GINNY GENNARO NUIVIBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER SHEET): 2 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Please note change in time of taking your deposition, THIS MESSAGE IS INTENDED FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR EN.TITY TO WHICH IT IS ADDRESSED ê-ND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL. IF YOU ARE NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT OR THE EMPLOYEE OR AGENT RESPONSIBLE FOR DELIVERING THE MESSAGE TO THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTION OR COPYING OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS COMMUNICATION IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY BY TELEPHONE AND RETURN THE ORIGINAL MESSAGE TO US AT THE ADDRESS 8ELOW VIA THE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE. THANK YOU, 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805) 326-3721 ·., 01/09/98 FRI 08:59 FAX 805 325 9162 J "". :::' 9'¿: 1:::; 13 ¡;¡I;I~:;¡(j ¡'1'':'¡le')':¡THHF~T Bsk City Attorney @002 -- F'HGE G1 81 ~~VW" OJ:"'JI"'1C¡::;Z f"I..,....r-,¡ ~, MAGø..;". . ~".. ~t.:.'U'II.-.cI".II "~ MAGAÑA. CATHCART s.. McCARTHY ""''I'E'" 'T, c..'TMc...¡:OT SUITI!:. Es'O ¡eOI AVe:I'JU~ Of" T...e: STÄo:IS, 1.0S "'MGEl.eS. CALIFORNIA 90067-,5899 ::IcO' S~3-";¡Eò.30 ..."'0 '~:3, 87&-25:" frAJe 1'::'1<:>. 7eS-o£.I4~ /7lc17.(: -'~w@.:..,nhlinJ<....el httl':/I......... m"'mc:::-Ia" ,earn Q" ,r~<:). ...:~c..... CI.u.NI..... t:.: (::...r...~AaT "'II I ..I- ';:'Q~T'Q'" ". cr.C'T"c"cII...rr'" ~1I.:Þ"'=':arl"O ....r ~..._ -'=t...".Øoll..YI'-r~= ......-~~."I'.QIIoI ..J"''''E:~ .], """(,¡C...go'T',...... ,';t.aCH.H. 0 MAG_ÑA. 1ItC....~tJ CDO_ "'-c ..._ ..........,..."" ~ ....'''''$...TT -L...... ~cn:I'Ç'II:J..TIÇ4o. "'''=¡';..Ft:> 1... SIIS!:,.T, (:¡,..at.1' R'OSSINS. 1)1 ¡:'...NIt:L .... c:ø/el!!lS L.ll'Il)... :;¡ ...1.....1;:1..:;;.. F' N. 10'...... I.. A þo" Mt:E.~OS "Jç~,..-....u _..C.....T~~..."~ t.;f..ÞNZl!: s, ~""\.e:.r:.N 8 January 1998 FAXED TO: 916 361-3528 Stephen L. Nelson BAILEY & MARZANO 3745 Whitehead Street #5 Mather, CA 95655-4100 Re: ANDERSON v. C & B FLYING SERViCE, at ai Our File AV-MCM-7198 Dear Mr. Neison: Pursuant to a telephone call from Virginia Gennaro of the City Aîtomets Office, the deposition of Ralph Huey has been put over to accommodate Mr. Huey's schedule. His deposition will now begin at 1:30 p.m. instead of 9:00 a,m. on Monday, 12 January 1SS8 at Kefehe(s CSRs in Bakersfield. Thank you for your consideration, Sincerely yours, MAGAÑA. CATHCART & McCARTHY , IL\~ WI~~. WIMSA IT WHWljs cc: Bryan Pinion Virginia GeMaro Keisher's CSRs 209 49&-3301 80532S-9162 Sû5 393-0851 01/09/1998 11:44 9164441435 e ACCTG/PERSONNEL .e',' PAGE 01 - .';. i: ~·"."'~'~~~\"~,\r~~~'!·" , '. , . . '. .,' . " -, " " , . .:...... ~ . " , ~ to' ..... . .'~. .... .'.-,.' : "':".,. .". .......~. It "'. . ~','.:J'.:~ . - , -' ..~ " . '. ". '.... ",. 'I "~ ~.. . ... . ("I " " l~'."I ,; ~~. ~':.~¥;...' ,...:.._-;....::.,.,..~.'~ .,...,'~.,'~.,~:./.....~, ,..:<f.~'...:'~~ .j,. .··.1:· " ., ". .~. I . ft. .. 4 \ ....",.·~t¡''tlf!.f'4I\~~J.,· .' ; ','. .: .'.' :",' ~ " . ,"'~", ,< ".:: ;',,.:'~ J/':"c; '.- I '.,' '. t I' . " ... .)0' . . ,~ . ¡ . .' 1" ,...'''' " " , . , , .:.. ,I ",. .,. '.. J. ',' " I,. ........ ",1. ".: .._A .', ~ . , , . .' HOLIDAY 'NN OAPITOl pLAZA , 3CIO J STREET : $AQRAMEN1O CA .14 .; (118) 44&4tao BAKERSFIELD tA 93301 1/J03-U 12/10/97 12/11/97 258961 104.QO ê-CBANk O-iCD RALPH HU£Y XI 2101 H STREET Page J 991 06:¡1t~9 LIZ ADVANCE,ÐEPOSIT .00t "116.1t8' "116.~8' 12JO lJJ J2JOOOO TIIS SUEST RDDII; J04.oo, .DOj -12.~BI 1210 au 12100ðl TMS ROOK TAl 12.481 .001 .00' IflTOTALftl .00& ~~~.~ "" _ z::;; yo- PH*. . FAX*- -- ----- JAN- 7-98 WED 15:59 BKRFLD CITY CLERK F AX NO. 3233780 p, 01 e e . ~ B A K E R S F I E L D CIT'" CLERK'S OFFice MEMORANDUM January 7, 1998 TO: Ralph Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinator FROM: Rhonda Whittemore, Assistant City Clerk 10 THROUGH: Pamela A, McCarthy, City Clerk SUBJECT: Subpoena for Appe~.!.~.~e and Production of Records Attached is your copy of a Subpoena for appearance for which witness fees have been paid. Please note the following information: . Address: Keleher's CSRs, 3400 Unicorn Road #101, Bakersfield, CA - Date: January 12,1998 - Time: 9:00 a.m. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Ginny Gennaro, Deputy City Attorney at X-3721. RW:mb Attachment cc: Ginny Gennaro, Deputy City Attorney ~ ¿'-~'-)..¿ ~ J,dJ'L~~ ~ S:\s\illfl'.NAS\AJ>P&R.EC"HUEY,wpd D~~--= 1-.~~~ i___ From "1 j I - - - - I, I ¡ I e -. ....-... --- ---- --- ._-~- - ---- - ---- ---------------- ----- ------------- , - - -+-;- _S~_.__ ______.___ n_ ___ _ '___h _ __n___n.____.. ________ ---- '--- -+-+ - ---- -e~--~-_ ___ n' _.._ ____, _____ ,_, _ ,_ ,,___ __.._ ------------.-------- --------------- -------- ----- ----- -, - --~-_._--- ~~~=, ·!1d~ ~--7fia,~-~·;9 6-'4Z-n-. .' I ~--t. ~/;)--- --- ------ -~-'----_____n___ _ _________ 'Ill en. - f 9 . ------- --+-+---__. _ _t't._.___ _____________________~.___ __________.._____ -_=---~~~=~~-:~¿n~~ _. t!i~ýn,~-: =_~_ -- ----:+--- n__n__u__n___ '----- - ----Jjº.}-«.J'1!I-a/ _ ---- -- ! .H 11· (!.:p_..- ----~ -----+- ------ ------ ---- ----- -~{--.. _~~_n_=:~ nið-~~-~-~-=~_~-------- .-.~-;~~.~._.:~~~~-.._.~.- .__.~ ---~~- ----~-'f~-~-.- ____ ____, _ _ 'J - - r-".' C>7":. I. . /I {I LA.. -r;;- ,L ~. -- --, ~ - t/--fl.&f:J¿.J----~- -/-CJ.MAC- ' - ----- - - _n_nq_ .--~TiT.-~-k::ijk¿¿- - - _ ; _'" __ of ,. . -~, .oð.At~.I~. - :+- _, -V ~----~ ~ -- ----- It e INVOICE ICB000001 TEST DATE: 04/02/96 REDWINE TESTING SVC., INC. P.O. BOX 1567 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93302 TANK STATUS REPORT -- ULLAGE TEST . -- . - .. _. - - 0- __._ ----------------~---------------~ ._. _._--~~--_. . ---- -- -- 0.______.-. -.. - --. +- ***** CUSTOMER DATA ***** ***** SITE DATA ***** C&B FLYING SERVICE 2000 SOUTH UNION AVE. C&B FLYING SERVICE 2000 SOUTH UNION AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93307 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93307 CONTACT: BOB BAKER PHONE I: 8053979201 CONTACT: BOB BAKER PHONE I: 8053979201 ***** COMMENT LINES ***** CALM COOL 60F\ TANK 11 = TANK 12 AVGAS 80 ON SITE NO WATER MEASURED IN TANK . .... - -,. -"'--.~ . CURRENT EPA STANDARDS DICTATE THAT FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RATE ... '--- .. 'OVER THE PERIOD OF ONE" HOuR IS '-05 GALLONS.·- . -- --- - --.-.. ._.- -.---.". TANK 11: AVIATION GAS 11 TYPE: STEEL SN: -.08 TANK IS TIGHT. .. OPERATOR: tL,"JJ:a.f;.L~_ SIGNATURE: __-?£~_____ DATE: -1/.;J.'l!..- Y£z- 'Po ------------ . -----,,~- - -------.-- --,c~~.__~' ."'._ ""n- ,.,. --.___._0-_·__" "'~ .,..... .. - -. -.. - --.-- ---- --- ---~ --... --' ,_...",.,~ _....... ---~.- ---.--- ._... .. .....- ..- ...~ -- - ,. ." ., .....,1. - -------·---If-- ,.. ~-=>t:P~ f (' ··e ~K"".2.. (300<:'''~) :_______;;.:;~_.~':;/::__~~-!~A55~=__c~~ë:c-:~~~-:.c_fL --7~;;~~~ ,::;:::--::::-:~':::~:::-=- ,_~;¿;;riii' :U-¡";';-;;cE"-- ~;;;;;;V:;~'~~~~'~7?!;~ii:P~~~:';diiiJ~-" -'- ~_.--~-= '~-(~;';~¡J). - I~Wh:S ;;~'¿;"a1 ~;,r #è CA~ -_~_~....." " ... -----. -... ::;. _ :-:--,-;'- ~ -;;-.'.":-- -~-:- . .;.:" --:-',-~: _ .--. ''';' -:--.:-:: :: _ -,.. :.--.-_~.:~ 'd-_ -- --.' .:~.- --.---;--'''' "... .--- ~. - .----~_.-,-_..-.- -_._~ -.. -.... -------.--. -~..-. 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Uevr /'¡/',¡¿- '-v'AJ' k~~,,-f'U'lCé.l). /-I,) />1A..).;¡¿ S,ht..'-AG€' HAð OC-C t./RI2(=tJ (S/T¿r /"",.sr'6::-rc:"CD) Ar.JO NO I .. ,. tÕð I> 1.:-~j-r>Æ"',,"s~~"b:s?'l-,.)-ÒAC,(:Ft(;L-wþ;;;,S--¡'crr"-7,v:rc.~~~~\;/~TtlJ',.J.---___:___..-~--_..~------~'- ~~_~=';_'-:=::~~ ¡~~_ ~~=-'-~~=...-=~=.:~;.~~~~~:::;.~~~;~; ;;~-;:C:~;~~~-;~~~:;;' I '-. -- - .. - -- - - - - -- ..-- -- . .. - ~ ~ --~ .,,-~. -.-- . ..." -. . ..< ~ -.. . ~ .~. - - .-:~ -_-=~~~,.-~~_~~~~-~ ·~.~:_;=-~=:.~7~:~~-·==~~~;:~: _=~-_.~- _.~ ----- ~ .~.-_.~~ _~;:~~~7·:;-~~;~~;:-~~~-_==--=-~_=~= ~~~'-.- -.,---- - -~- -- -. -- , - ~ . - - . . . ,- , , ---"-""~~- - --. .. ._----- --~ .~-- -, __..., .n_ _.' _".__' _ .._ _._._..._:...~. _~ :.... ¡'-'~,"E:","'--'.:,~'''''~..~, ._~_,..... .. '.,-.'~~ '-'-'_. ~ . ,:.. ....., c.. CC___.._ .. .... .:__ _..~:._,:~..' _,..:"",~... I I: !ii!':~ ~ ~,¡:i~; J¡"';;.; ~ ,¡:';';.,i/ll;¡¡¡ r'..~'·"¡¡Ù 1,"-' " ,I:., I¡¡;:,.:¡ !!IHIfIfP f~f;i.~:~ œu --III.'!IIIIIII ·í- (I \ e I 'e Associated Environmental Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 80427 Bakersfield, CA 93380 (80S> 393-2212 PRECISION TANK ~ LINE TEST RESULTS w.o.#: 2227 Invoice Address: -~----------~~~ - - .". - - - .. '-....".~-.._-~.- - -- .~... .- :---:--..-- ._. . --=":- -C:'I:''-:'Y- ':::lJF=- B AREr:::S-F::--'I)"-:-^....::----:-..:::.:.--' ':::':::-::::'B ÃKERSF-IEtD'---ATR PAHK:.:---- ---.t ë'ëh rí.IC:'ian~:~LãNä~~=~-~--;:-'---'~=, .:~ -_. . -~- ..~ ~ . ~~'sc.:;:..........~_"....___--,-:.-"........--....~,,--"""'....,.,....-'-...oJ..::_~""".,~ __...::..-:,,_:..._..:.__._=-....:_~__________.___~.~___ ___._.____.___________ ~ -. -. -----ZO-OO'-S-;--UNTOI\r"A9E:------.--'- - , Tech.#:86112 Van#:6103 . . IÍåteo:'6}2~7B7::::~.:c··t i¡,;'é-"St..~t~:7~'ÔOc:E~d ~:'13~'ÕÖ '. :;:~~~:-si~~·~~~;~-i~7..;?~·· Facility Phone#: 832-9100 Groundwater Depth: 50+ Blue Prints: N/A Contact: ROBERT Date;Time system was filled: 6/25/87 Tank Cap. 1 101< 2 Prod. AVGAS Tank PASS Line FAIL P/L FAIL VIR N/A Water/Inch C> Pump SUCT Mat STE~L Pdia ~II"'II .... "'" .,.. ..;. 4 5 6 ------~..._.......-.__._.._-- ...~---'----- ,...... '-. . ~d.9. i t,i-'~n.a I. In forma t ion:: ...F.:,RODUCT-L I NE,· VENTED AND ·FLOODED' DUR-I NG" TEST I NG ~ THIS INCLUDES IT IN TEST.-AS IT IS ~SUCTION SYSTEM AND OPERATíNG PRQPERLY THE PLUMBING PROBLEMS ARE LIKLEY TO BE IN OTHER PLUMBING. ~._.- c- -- .- SITE LOG . TIME . H_ ...~ . '.' ..._~_____.._____.. .______~_P, ,_.~w_.__ _.___.____,_._--..___,_____~~_.._~__.__..__ --'''-q" lE~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~ Bled Vent lines: N/A "., _: i:~-::' ~pump~:-~::=:,~-~ ~~==-~~;~~:> =~_ ~~_:=----:', .~-::-:-:-~~~~: :::_~'~: ,·:::..,~=~:,'_C..-.-:~7:..~~~:..'~.'-:,::~ ~~~-:~~~.;'~~~~'=~:--":":':':~~~"'~_='-' Ri sersInstëi.lrëd i' ---N/A __ __'_ ______ __-:____-=-___~ - :-._~:.:_~~_ _-=________=_.: __-: ...:.:_._ _ __~___ _____.:....._ __--=--.:....:.:.:.:_=-:. _:..:.:...___ __ __-_~ __ "____ ___n___ __ ____ .. - .-..- - '-. - - -- --------~--- -- a) These results obtained using the patented A.E.S./Brockman system. b) This system and method meets the criteria set forth in NFPA #329. c) Any failure listed above may re~uire further action, check with all regulatory asencies. e PERMIT CHECKLIST (e SAK;RSFJELD AUG 2 0 ,gab Facility Bakersfield MuIu.cipal Airport (BKF Airpark) Permi t # 250004C IlUNtClPAL AIRPORt' This checklist is provided to ensure that all necessary packet enclosures were received and that the Permittee has obtained all necessary equipment to implement the first phase of monitoring requirements. Please complete this form and return to K'CHD in the self-addressed envelope provided within ~ days of receipt. , - ~. .-.--- - ~~ ~-""'-"--" -- .._- -,----- ..__._~-- - -'~'-._- ~.~~ -< ~ __.....~__ _ c. ____n - ... --. --- -----. . -- --.~- -'~ ----".., - ~. - - ---- ...__.-.- --.- -~-- - -~'- -- ----------~. --~,--- -- ------.--- "'h k - -.---,..,....---,-.....--...-...---..- ,,'.---- --- --"--.-'---" ,-, ..-.. .....-..-.. .. .----..------..,-.---..~,~.. _ _...::"c::::!:--==-~_±.__~~.:::=':':~:.._~=:.-=....:.:_=~...::::.:.....:___:::::::::.'::::::'::'_=:..:_~=__~"_=::::_.:...:::__===_~:::.==~-~- ~ _~__'~.~~__·'"~'c~·'··· , Yes No _,-.. --.-c".::':--c..c._ ~.A-;:::The 'packet-l--:'recelved"contained :'-.'. '-'''-:'-C': ;,-- -;:-:'-:;::;'::::;::,;::..:-::-:'-0;:-_-'--"":-'" ":-'.' ---,-'- ,-,-- :::;---:;=-':-='::::;:;-,-"=-:-. :.:.;-' ~~~-l} "Cover"--Letter ;-'Petmit--Checklist ;-. Interim '''-Permlt', -"Phase--f - Interim Perm1-t..·-, Monitoring Requirements, Information Sheet (Agreement Between Owner and Operator), Chapter 15 (KCOC #G-3941), Explanation of Substance Codes. Equipment Lists and'Return Envelope ,4, .~, ::c _:../ . ?,::;" ;". 2) Standard Inventory Control Monitoring Handbook #UT-10, ~t~~~ 3) The Following Forms: a) Inventory Recording Sheet b) Inventory ~ Sheet with summary on reverse (Reconcilliation) c) Trend Analysis Worksheet 4) An Action Chart (to post at facility) x ~ x .. -" --- -- B. I have examined the information on my Interim Permit. Phase I Monitoring Reqy1~ent~, and Information Sheet (Agreement between Owner and òperator), and find ,owner's name and _ add~ess . facility .name and address, oper~t,or.ls, nal1\e,aP-ë[-- address. substance 'codes, and number of tanks to be accurately l-isted (if "no" is checked, note appropriate corrections on the back side of this sheet). -X.. C, I have the following required equipment (as described on page 6 of Handbook): ".",.' ··..1--· _---~.~-_.~~.~;~~:;,~;1':~~~;.~~~~~~~~~~~~-.----------..-----,.------..----..------,. ..~.~x~~~~)iï~~~1~~~~~~P::i;:..;~~; ~hê::~~~.;;.~~n~~~~~~~~n~b~~:;;_=:~~:;~:~~~; n Agreements between OwneI' and Operator and hereby state that_ ,the owner of this, , facility is the operatòr (if "no" is' checked, attach a copy of agreement between ., . .- ." d t) .. - --:-~"-;:',:-::-=:-:-:~~~ :::::-owne r -- an ~,.o pe ~ a: __0 ~ '-~-::"_ - - -----:--:..-::-~ :'~- _: .. .' ':-, :~--.'-~-:::~-=-=-.-.: ~..= -----:::::-' '. :-- ::: ..:: ... _:::':';: :::-'-:-::-::-: :',~:"':'~:=-: ___ ~ E, I have enclosed a copy of Calibration Charts for all tanks at this facility (if tanks are identical. one chart will suffice; label chart(s) with corresponding) tank numbers listed on permit), F. As required on page 6 of Handbook #UT-IO. all meters at this facility have had calibration checks wi thin the last 30 days and were ca] ibra:ted by a registered ._:-~ u...... __ _ device, repairman.!.f 9ut;, of tolerance (all !'I_et~r, calibrations must be recorded on ..---....---- --------'-----"Më'ter-:· CällëI'a ti'dn--Ch'e'ck--P örm,,-cfound --in--:the-:Appendi-x--o!-'-Handbodk- ).;:"::'::::':~-,---,--._:::.c-':'::=:,:-='_,:" " x --- ---. G, Standard Inventory Control Monitoring was started at this facility in accordance with procedures described in Handbook #UT-1 , Date Started S~ER 1 19 Date: Ai q,art- ~"';:¡gPr 8/20/86 Signature of Person Completing Checklist: Title: " e (' e ASSO 1: CA,-e::D ENV x RO......YlENwrAL SVS-.·EI....S 1: ¡"-J C; _ ...... u.. l:IU>.. t)1..;14~ 7 ~Kt:.H~F H:;.U)~ CR 933(,)8 ~'I..~-"...~\::!o·þ.~I.l .."j. AES - SYST'E.-w 11 PRECISION lANK & LINE TEST RESULTS S~RY ,'ly~vC;~ic,,-:.I4·aõf>ii6-t5s=----:~ --==:-,. -:_::....--=::.::~~(¡yjk=t:'oc:a.t. :t:or;:s-::.:..::. '::.:......-:.'.: -:-,.:....::_:-:~.::w..~u; 9t-:":;--lHI,j .s"I-:~,::'.'::--:':=:::::':::: :.:.::::::==.:, :":: . __0________..__________ ::.'t-. _,:...-"--_...:&.....<----=._~_==...:;.~_...==~~..::..~~~===_~ ~~ -- ..~~- ..~=-----~~___. .. "."~ -. ..- - .~~~_"..r_"'~,,..:......._"""":~~=r..~_.....~..='i.=:.:::..~ ----~ .__..----------_._--_._._~~._---------~--- CITY OF BAKERSFIELD l~l()l 1~~UXt'lJN -ÄVE.---- - -- - BAK_~H~¡_';': ! ~'=-_J?,__, L;~_~'_m~_~~~~~'?__ S41R PS4RK 2ooo"8~ Uj\ ,(lJj\ '¡-WE. ,ßAKERSFIELO, CA. 1.. U.. I\IWIW@t'" 1'1/ H -fë¿'1Y, i c i ai,: f:<~iH -~ . - .. ,'-d_ ~ Twch..~sa&14~ V~n#~1119, -- ....- ---- ------- - ¥ .,..- - -- --- '-~-' -- --.---..-----. --------- -- .---- - ~-~ -~._----_.__._- - .._~.._--_. --- -_..- - , F '+~ ..... _,~"""._",~__F_.". ,..-._,."_","~,_,,, _-............_._.~ .-. __._ . _-....., _...~ __-.....~. ,.....- ....-...,.._....~_... ........ - -'.' . , .. .... -... '.r-.'._'~ ~._ .r ....-, . .-.-- . ...,.-.'- . -.' ,- .-. - ..- - . - . . "~_.. '.. - -- . ~ .._~ . -, . .... . ,-- -_.~._-_._---~- -_. ----~ - '-.'.--'''--- ---'---_.--- ------..--------"- ._------~ ,-_. ---..+ .~-------. ,-..-.- -~-.. -" -...- _._-~ ---_._~- ,-_..~ . --.-. .--......--.- Datøs ~-1~-94 Time Starts 07:15 Ends 12:00 Countys K~ Facility phcme#: (tiO~)832'"'"2252 .-, ·Grouy,dwater Depth: 200' liIlule Pr-ir.,.ts: N/A Ccmtact: BOBBY BAI~EH Vate;Time system was filled: 4 !-iRS. + Tank Fi l1/Verlt Product "fype Of Vapor ):Ylches of Pump Tarlk. TaTlk Capacity Product TaYlk Vapor Lires Llr,e Hecovery Water/Tiiu"lk Type Material 1 lOK 100/LL PRSS PASS PASS I (1.(1" sue I. - SWS ......_~~="'""'~=----OO-==-_~_O"~--=--=__=O__==~'-'7="_ _ Additional Information: GRUUNUW~l~R DEP'IH WRS D~' EkMIN~D BYIH~ K~HI~ CUUNIY WATER DEPT. ~.~. _.~_.-._.- -_.._-_._-~~---~------- . ._ _.:':-'_ ~__ __~:... ~ ". '=-:..=-:=::.:-=~="'::-:..___...=~...=..-~----~===:, ~'~~~-.,":~~= .=::=:.:....:,.~:'__:=..:.=..=::~ -. __-..:..~4=-----~=_..==:.:...::_~_=:...:..~:.;.=_:==.:: ~ . .. -- --'-'--': -- :---:- -.. ~-::--..:..._-._-----:-:-::-=--=--.:-::-::----:=--=:.~-----::--::--.-=--:-: =---::..-=-:-::.-=::.:--::-::-:--.--....---....-- --.--.--:-.-.-:--- ":'.-"'.-. - - -..::-."-------. --- -.. + --_.--:-~---"-- _.-.--::-:--:::-:---:-:-:::":.-------:-::----;--';'- . ~_. ............ --~..... --- ----- .~." ~~__.__._..___.Lo-'.____"____""""~._ _.___.__.........~.....~__.~,_~_,.__._~______~____........ ......_"'-.__---'-'_____,____~'__.:'_;_A.... ..........._'".=._~~" S111:: LOG or 1 ME: ._ ..__. _____ _.._____~___._._ .__~______.___ ...______.___u.. __ ._~ _._____ ._._ __ _.._.______.__ _ ___ _ ____ ___.._.______._._._ ·U__ ________.____._ __ 5e1::.. J.J.P.._ ~q \.tiR:___'...:...____.:...:...Q.ª_= S~º___,~__._ ._..-"--__,_______,___.__~_........; _~_____ __,__~_..._'":, _____...__.._ ,._______ ,__. Ð-lëd 'Þt'cidüct=-=L:ì.:n'!is-:~:,=--,,-:--:'-07 :-5="c-:..:.::::-:'-,-=-===:-::.:.-..-:.-":-::=--":::':::' --,":-' --- "n_ . n_ , ' -. ,. .., ...- .. ....- -- Bled Vapor Lines: N/A Bled Vent lines: N/R Bled Turbine: N/A Bled Suction Pump: 07:5~ Risers Installed: N/A -.. . -_.. .-.----.. ----- , . - . . - ~ --- . . . . . . . .- '.. -....- - -- . --.-.--- --- .-..+- .-. ~ ~---_._--~-.------------~------.---------.-----~-.--'---~---_.__._._.._._-_...- _________·_·.._~_..w.____~____·______..._ _. . fA) This system and method ft)eets the criteria set forth 1.'1'\ NH..·H "::SÒ:::':i. b) Any fail""I"e listed above hliAY req\.dl"e f\.trthel" iA~tiO\'l, chfleck with all regulatory agencies. Copyright (c) 19a9 by AES, Inc. Technician License No. : 91-1069 Certified iechnician Signature I ~~1Þ~ Date, : Lj-/S--9L¡ (', UC)l F BJ r"\ ;, 4laxERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMEÌ'..e ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 TANK REMOVAL INSPECTION FORM ~.,~~~.~~.~E'ACIL.lT_Y ~krI2..> Ç"¡et.0 A, R.P~· ADDRESS '2.ùSt) s: UN,O.,..) . ~::-~~==~~~!f!::=-=?"f'~~:~-~-~~šr:;~- -,--~-' ~,: :::_'.: . ':~~~:~~=~~~f,[~~E!' '. '8~ ~~Ó((:;~~-::::"'==-~=.--.'." " .,.....CONTRACTOR--<;)\(\TC:-C?'ii1rltëJN;;GE~"'<:::::----------CONTACT-PERSON-~çJ-'l'A:c:-~-r . _ LABORATORY,-Z::lVr~~ #OFSAMPLES ìl (,..." t'''''-1.I'~~.k -;"..,.{,$ pJe.) TEST METHODOLOGY --_'c:..."~,,:c;-:,,,.P:~E~~l'Wl1~~~Y':)~$~E~SME,~,-~-GQ_~,--A.~ ' . .,.' __Cº~AC~-,c:~~~~ON . , , . :., ..-.., -- C02--"RECIEPT·/..M.ßc.'d~L-:-· '~;J,:$--_.---, ----LEL%.. ,~--I-ç:~.-,---...-,,-... O2% '::..-7-1--(( ...-----.:.~. ~,;~~~--:~'-- ,. PLOT PLAN vJ(\."tT~ ~l2... ~(Q)~)f J <:( ? ~ ..... '( ~ .... " ,-,. :. --- -oc~1J" "',' ...-, -!-, ll- j, ~. 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CiJR.IU~'<J,.J -r«;:£-s.. ,1.7 -øf' Qç -r4"'1:::.S. CONDITION OF PIPING C(J('..I!..CJnC-Q. c.rr-J~ Ç'IPt£ *0  S~"'1 1"\1 I ï - - - .- . '" '_~"'" __ - . . " _. - .__ __ .0 _. .- .'- .~----- -- -- ------------..COND-I T I ONOF-SO IL -'(;I\<;O\/"'¡:- ,'" f AC T~() - ov~ ßÙR./)&:;-'---"---·--------·,c-'-----.-------- _.:,'--_=...::...:....c,..:.......::......_c.::.:...::..___.. COMMENTS ·~·~1.L/ S- !~. ':-, ," ~óvJ'4ttÞ W, ,1\.lE.s ~; llA. ~'-- DATE INSPECTORS NAME SIGNATURE ,'~ ... I I it) I I ! I~ i , I 11 :s) I i i I' - - - - ---- -- , ___ r -~ .. - - , .....- ~-- ~ e e ~\.J~~ .:. w~~ VI-'\. c..U', '" ~ ~ rcW::> ~ #c.. 'E.o \ ( t $ ("~ -LrJ{<:J 17 : ~ ~ ~-lt'~--LL ~~h~~~!{1'1!c"c8~~_~,~t~~~.y",£;~L_. ! eke.., ,~ ~~ &tV'U>. fX-V~) C>V'~ J. tAJ()\;'\ 1+ Ið\-l(yw ~) t~e~e ~ 4 ," ~r) v,JC"J,v (4~,.~("_l ~_:'~<lt~:~ ~~ 10){ ~~Jrf,,~~~ff~ i{,~te\ I/<et~"{'() 9~b~ (I-\-s. 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II .-1), , ,¡I t '" '> I " i[ct· I: I' Ii ]1 !! e ~~~"",.....:Jli&-~~_¿-:-' PPM. ~ so ~OO ~ :2 . 1- It~,> 9(' .:> ,'"" "1 \ ',,) II / '2 ',Ot::) , c, ¡¿"2/~i"n , s,"'" . (~ 1\ 'J l ¡;>',t: <ì e- \ ( ¡ . '" (0 I ~~ 6'2'" 'I:; "\ I, f . ~p '2? , 'l- 1 e' " t o ~ é..¡ ,!I e I 20 - V"'--tt-- , " ,/ \If:>. ! :):...\ ~ ,'!: '2.0 X. 2. 0 ~ ) ~~.... ____ _ ~ _"""""..:-;¡:..;!-P'"_"'" . L, "'J> é=(">~ PQf't"'S \ '/' ~ K,~ ~ :::. 2. 1l ~~ \ "'- , e/{".....t-"J, hi ,0' ~. :Ií;:~' . ..- .._,-~_.~---,--.;,) '. '.. -- " '''-~. ---".---. ( .::: ~'J, 600 <:~ i~: ! 4>, f ~,' t? <-;,ctJ,' l"'t, j <- < ..~~"--)~Y\ \f.?-<. ~ \ C'/t.ðe., ( <; ~J\J'f?rlA f ~M.. ~;,J; ~ f f ~ ~ ç, v F @..tr,\:Jo;,"\Ø) t ~~ (~~(JjQ0J'')pp'''''-) to" w~(çl'" 0/~()..J~· '{ ~(')Û lY:¡~'''\ {~Cc~ 5G,>~II~) ~y y, permeability and texture )orosity of a sediment when it .bles: grain size, sorting, grain 19u1arity) and packing. A Ie on the way that these five work includes theoretical , 1951), experimental analyses j modern sediment, and even ow be summarized for the five " I ty and permeability t 1in size. A mass of spheres of, ame porosity, regardless of the 'e varies in direct proportion to ,gers and Head (1961), working is independent of grain size for on, is seldom found in nature, .lOdern sands and showed that; ;;, River sands were the reverse; '5, This trend is probably due to tly linked with grain size. Finer able to support looser packing , than coarser sands. has been empirically shown that g grain size for unconsolidated ip is not always true for lithified, '5 with grain size. This may be e from compaction and cemen- h increasing grain size (Fraser,. 1973). This is because in finer )res are smaller and the highe. fluid flow. This relationship is sand. ity own that porosity increases widi and Head, 1961; Pryor, 1973, ¡onk (1942) and Beard and Wey rting correlates with increasin 2, PARTICLES AND PORES 35 !- 1- 1:- : I' ¡¡¡¡¡ ',- 'H iiiiiiiii 'Ii= 11:)1.- ".- I i'- j; , i I I I i A reason for these relationships is not hard to find. A well-sorted sand has a high proportion of detrital grains to matrix. A poorly-sorted sand, on the other hand, has a low proportion of detrital grains to matrix. The finer grains of the matrix block up both the pores and throat passages within the framework, thus inhibiting porosity and permeability respectively. Pryor's study (1973) of modern sands from different environments confirmed this relationship for river sands, but showed that beach and dune sands were anomalous in that their permeability increased with decreasing sorting. Figure 15 summarizes the relationships between porosity, permeability, grainsize and sorting for unconsolidated sands. - '. - e~ ..:<' coarse tO~ 104 -;¡; ,~ 103 Õ ~ Ë ~ ~ '02 o ., E ~ a. 10 0·, o 10 20 30 Porosity ("!o) 40 50 Fig. 15. Graph to show the relationship between petrophysics and sediment texture in ~consolidated clay-free sand, For explanation see text (from Nagtegaal, 1978; Beard and eyl, 1973). .~ , ..",.'. .)~..1!J e ~ e . - BAKERSFIELD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM January 7, 1998 TO: Ralph Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinator FROM: Rhonda Whittemore, Assistant City Clerk ßJ THROUGH: Pamela A. McCarthy, City Clerk SUBJECT: Subpoena for Appearance and Production of Records Attached is your copy of a Subpoena for appearance for which witness fees have been paid. Please note the following information: - Address: Keleher's CSRs, 3400 Unicorn Road #101, Bakersfield, CA - Date: January 12, 1998 - Time: 9:00 a.m. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Ginny Gennaro, Deputy City Attorney at X-3721. RW:mb Attachment cc: Ginny Gennaro, Deputy City Attorney S:ISUBPENASIAPP&REClHUEY.wpd ... ,¡'. t''' .' ')- .... . .. · CITY OF BAKERSFIELD· INVOICE FOR SERVICES PROVIDED . . DEPARTMENT COSTS: Department Direct Operatinl Costs: Photocopies: Pages @ $0.25 per pale Direct Materials & Other Costs TOTAL DEPARTMENT COSTS: ESTIMATED POSTAGE CHARGES OTHERDmECTCHARG~ TOTAL COST OF SERVICE LESS AMOUNT ON DEPOSIT FOR WITNESS FEE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE :ndw Records\Invoice.dpt ..-~ . . ~';¡. .. J'~ " .~ ~ .' ATTORNEY OR PIoRTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY tN.1IIS AdØ'ea8>: TELEPHONE NO.: (310) 553-6630 FOR COLRT USE OM.Y william H. Wimsatt #68042 MAGANA, CATHCART & McCARTHY 1801 Avenue of the stars #810 Los Angeles, CA 90067-5899 ATTORNEYftRtNø8J: JAMES ANDERSON ~E~C~M: SUPERIOR COURT OF KERN COUNTY STREETADORESS: Kern County Civic Center UAlUNGADORESS: 1415 Truxtun Avenue CrNAND ZIP COOE: Bakersfield, CA 93301 BRANCH NAME: 97 DEe 30 AM 11: 32 BAI{ER:;F¡¡¡ ;;; CI'¡ '., "I Ee,l..' -- '.... ,rill PLAINTIFFIPETITIONER: JAMES ANDERSON, C & B FLYING SERVICE, et al, DEFENDANT /RESPONDENT: DEPOSITION SUBPENA For Personal Appearance 00 and Production of Documents and things CASE NUMBER: 231 724-AEW THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CAUFORNIA. TO (name, address, and telephone number of deponent, If known): RALPH HUEY, Environmental Services Group, Bakersfield Fire Dept., 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California 93301 1, YOU ARE ORDERED TO APPEAR IN PERSON TO TESTIFY AS A WITNESS In this action at the following time and place: Date: 12 January 1998 Time: 9:00V Address: Keleher's CSRs, 3400 Unicorn a.m. Road #101, Bakersfield, CA a. 0 As a deponent who is not a natural person, you are ordered to designate one or more persons to testify on your behalf as to the matters described in item 3. (Code of Civil Procedure section 2025(d)(6),) b. Qtf You are ordered to produce the documents and things described In Itell3. c. [Xl ThiS deposition will be recorded stenographically and by 0 aUdiotape 0 videotape. d. 0 ThiS videotape deposition is intended for posSible use at trial under Code of Civil Procedure section 2œ5(u)(4). 2. 0 The personal attendance of the custodian of recordS or other qualified witness 0 and the production of the original documents are required by thiS deposition subpena, The procedure authorized by Evidence Code sections 156O(b). 1561, and 1562 will not be deemed sufficient compliance with this subpena. 3. IXJ The documents and things to'be produced and any testing or sampling being sought are described as foßows: Any and all writtenme.moranda, notes, correspondence, reports, ~rawings, charts, phòtographs and any other documents or writte~ evidence upon which you are relying for your opiniòn in this case~ o Continued on attachment 3. 4. A deposition permits an attorney to ask questions of a witness who is sworn to teN the truth. An attorney for other parties may then ask questions aJsÕ. Questions and answers are recorded stenographically at the deposition; later they are transcribed for possible use at triaL A witness may read the written record and change any incorrect answers before signing the cJeposltion. The witness is entitled to receive witness fees and mileage actually traveled both ways. The money must be paid, at the option of the party giVing notice of the deposition, either with service of this 50 na or at the time of the deposition. DISOBEDIENCE OF THIS SUBPENA MAY BE PUNISHED AS CONTEMPT BY THIS COURT. YOU WILL ALSO BE LIABLE FOR THE SUM OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS AND ALL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM YOUR FAILURE TO OBEY. , . W:U.~L¡~ . ß.... Jj;J;MSN¡''r.. ........ .... ............ ... (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) 8PENA) Date issued: 15 December 1997 Attorney at Law (TITLE) (see reverse for proof of service) ¡ -: ì ¡;< ~ Form Adopted by Rule 982 JudiCial Council of caJifomia 982(a)(15,1) [Rev. JanU8IY 1, 1993) DEPosmON SUBPENA - PERSONAL APPEARANCE . 'Code of CM ProcecIUre, -II 2020, 2025 GoIIemment Code 168091.1 _0' ,-, " . ; ~ " ': \. . V . . /' ¿ / 1 / 2 ,- 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 --1 ¿".. ~. . r' " e William H, Wimsatt, Bar #68032 MAGAÑA, CATHCART & McCARTHY 1801 Avenue of the Stars #810 Los Angeles, California 90067-5899 Phone: 310 553-6630 FAX: 310 785-9143 G, Bryan Pinion, Bar #96793 THE LAW OFFICE OF G, BRYAN PINION 1221 Van Ness Avenue #409 Fresno, CA 93721 Phone: 209 498-3322 FAX: 209 498-3301 Attorneys for Plaintiff e SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF KERN JAMES ANDERSON, Plaintiff vs, C & B FLYING SERVICE, et ai, Defendants, ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No, 231 724-AEW NOTICE OF TAKING DEPOSITIONS WITH REQUEST FOR DOCUMENTS (CCP §2025 & §2034) Date: 12 & 13 January 1998 Time: 9:00 and 10:30 a,m, Place: Bakersfield & Sacramento PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that plaintiff JAMES ANDERSON will take the depositions of the defendants' non-retained expert witnesses as follows: DATE: TIME: 12 Jan, 1998 09:00 a.m, 13 Jan, 1998 10:30 a,m, - 1 - DEPONENT: LOCATION: RALPH HUEY Keleher's CSRs 3400 Unicorn Road #101 Bakersfield, CA 93308 DAVID McREE Bailey & Marzano 3745 Whitehead Street #5 Mather, CA 95655 , r. "', ..' 04' '" ;:;.. t,~" ", . , . - ' .. / / /' / 1 /- / ,/ / 2 / 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 / / e e NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that under CCP §2025(c) and §2034(h), each of the above named witnesses shall be required to produce the following documents at their deposition: 1, Any and all written memoranda, notes, correspondence, reports, drawings, charts, photographs and any other documents or written evidence upon which he is relying for his opinion in this case, Said depositions will be taken before a duly qualified notary public and continue from day to day until completed, DATED: 12 December 1997 MAGAÑA, CATHCART & McCARTHY and THE LAW OFFICE OF G. BRYAN PINION BV:_tJ I~)~ WILLIAM H, WIMSATT Attorneys for Plaintiff ANDERSON . - 2 - I I: "'.'~'~'::".!.:"~ F !i: ":.}'"1 ," !'~'~ I ·i...r.t I-,.;ji^-,· ;\'J ,;.' ·~,i u:2." 5' l.:l:!::i...,¡(: I I'" . ~ ...,~. 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Nelson SB.No. 74836 (916) 361-3099 ~ LAW OFFICES OF BAILEY & MARZANO 3745 Whitehead Street, suite 5 Mather, California 95655 ATTORNEY FOR (Name): C&B Flvinq service et al. NAME OF COURT: SUPERIOR COuRT ." STREET ADDRESS: 1415 TRUXTUN AVE MAlLINQ ADORESS: CITY AND ZIP CODE: BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301-5216 JUD BRANCH NAME: BAKERSFIELD PLAINTIFFIPETITIONER: JAMES ANDERSON DEFENDANT /RESPONDENT: C&B FLYING SERVICE, CALVIN BAKER & BOBBY BAKER CIVIL SUBPENA CASE NUMBER: D Duces Tecum 231 724 AEW . THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, TO (NAME): Ralph Huey 37961 Canton Way Caliente California 93518 1. YOU ARE ORDERED TO APPEAR AS A WITNESS in this action at the date, time, and place shown in the box below UNLESS you make a special agreement with the person named in item 3: a. Date: JANUARY 20, 1998 Time: 9 : 00 A. M . [X] Dept.: 7 D Div,: D Room: b, Address: 1415 TRUXTUN AVE A E S IELD CALIFORNIA 93301-5216 JUDGE AUTH E. WALLACE 2, AND YOU ARE a, [X] ordered to appear il') person. b, D not required to appear in person if you produce the records described in the accompanying affidavit and a completed declaration of custodian of records in compliance with Evidence Code sections 1560, 1561, 1562, and 1271. (1) Place a copy of the records in an envelope (or other wrapper), Enclose your original declaration with the records. Seal them. (2) Attach a copy of this subpena to the envelope or write on the envelope the case name and number, your name and date, time, and place from item 1 (the box above). (3) Place this first envelope in an outer envelope, seal it, and mail it to the clerk of the court at the address in item 1. (4) t.:1ail a copy of your declaration to the attorney or party shown at the top of this form. c. D ordered to appear in person and to produce the records described in the accompanying affidavit. The personal attendance of the custodian or other qualified witness and the production of the original records is required by this subpena. The proce- dure authorized by subdivision (b) of section 1560, and sections 1561 and 1562, of the Evidence Code will not be deemed sufficient compliance with this subpena. 3. iF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THE TIME OR DATE FOR YOU TO APPEAR, OR IF YOU WANT TO BE CERTAIN THAT YOUR PRESENCE IS REQUIRED, CONTACT THE FOLLOWING PERSON BEFORE THE DATE ON WHICH YOU ARE TO APPEAR: a. Name: Stephen L. Nelson, Esq. b. Telephone number: (916) 361-3099 4. Witness Fees: You are entitled to witness fees and mileage actually traveled both ways, as provided by law, if you request them at the time of service. You may request them before your scheduled appearance from the person named in item 3, DISOBEDIENCE OF THIS SUBPENA MAY BE PUNISHED AS CONTEMPT BY THIS COURT. YOU WILL ALSO BE LIABLE FOR THE SUM OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS AND ALL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM YOUR FAILURE TO OBEY. Date issued: . .~t~.PÞ.~J:1. .J;..... .~.~J..~<?~I,. ,~~q~.................... (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) ~~££ Attornev for Defendants (TITLE) (See reverse for proof of service) Form Adopted by Rule 982 JudiCial Council olcalitornia 982(a)(15) (Rev. January 1. 1991J CIVIL SUBPENA Co.de at Civil Procedure. 11: . ¡, -- -- -- - --- ~- ... ~ ____ _n -- -- --- - .- . ~o./ 1:1 ic..t(. - . I.ð'"':-~· ..- !,~~J"~-~C~) I, I, . ... _._ ., _(..Q, I &Mo.. ~ I; --- -~ -- -- ----- -- - - - . __. __ _u __ _ _ - - -- -- - - ~- -- 60, t:Þ' ,~n - - - - -- " _$.-, '~__,. ' _ ... _.,0',. _ C- " _ ", ,..7'.~, _ _, _ _.n ___ __ - __ -0 -- ---. - --- - --~-_._-- " - - - -- - -- -- - - - ~ un_ - -- - -- ! - -- --- , ,i !): 'II :1, II! Ii tt! t ii' ¡r; ¡'I I' ; I , J.' . i i' , .. I' I I : I - ,.-~ I' - -- --- - - --- -- - - - - -- - --- ---- -- ~ - - "'" - ~-,¡,~ .../ ~- ,/ /<>', \ '('E:~' /<0:':'-' ::l?:S-);.. i,.J., _.., ~\\ ¡ ,!:;, - .. b (",,) .: ..' ,". -".,A ". . ¡.~ ':'=-~-"L...~- ' ~'.,... .....,~i··.,i ':\\('~>.~ .~ ./ ,.11.1....·~\.~/ ",~OR/ :IÞ I CITY of BAKERSFIELD ., H'E C-1.RE" '11 ~,\~~~~~ ,"\)s¿,,; ~~. l ,) /~ ~>~ '9 (7 =1::: \\ '/! -::~- ./ ':\-,.'::; ~:=:; Cb S\'" - ~,'::::::: ........ I I§' ~.... ~ '" , ......"'- ~ JI ;;,--_'."': t .\\"'~/ . ~ àJ'lííÍ~ ltYDe rL y Idj I . or prlnt. I S el? V I e 6 I (! ~ ß name) Do hereb:;" certify tha t I ha-,-e revieh-ed the RECEIVED JAN 0 9 1989 Ans' d.... ........ attached Hazardous Materials business plan for ~ of is "PJ.y I/¡1 Set( VI e,~ (name of business) RECEIVED F f B , 4 1989 ¡ d h 'I . h h h d dd' , HAZ. MAT. DIV. an t at It a ong Wlt t e attac e a ltlons or corrections constitute a complete and correct Business Plan for my facility. ca¡ ~.~ sign t.ure /_1-f9 ~ date \ ~ oo9iL 1iLck. '. \ \. No Æ rjJ\ ~=7 - 4 -- wél1 ~ /' : e . BUSINESS NAME C & B FLYING SERVICE LOCATION 2000 S UNION AV ID NUMBER 215-000-000077 HIGH HAZARD RATING 2 1. OVERVIEW LAST CHANGE 11/13/87 BY ESTER JURIS CODE 215-005 JURIS BAKERSFIELD STATION 05 MAP PAGE 124 GRID 08C FACILITY UNITS 1 HAZARD RATING 2 RESPONSE SUMMARY 2A SEC 4) NO PRIVATE RESPONSE TEAM EMERGENCY CONTACTS 2A SEC 2) BOB BAKER 832-2252 OR 397-9201 CAL BAKER 832-2252 OR 871-0443 UTILITY SHUTOFFS 2A SEC 3) A) GAS - NONE B) ELECTRICAL - IN FRONT OF MAIN BUILDING AT AIRPARK AND ON GAS ISLAND C) WATER - NORTH WEST CORNER OF AIRPARK PROPERTY D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO 2. NOTIFICATION / PUBLIC EVACUATION LAST CHANGE / / BY ¡j)~ -1 /J1(v7 9r~ < NO INFORMATION RECORDED FOR THIS SECTION > PAGE 1 12/12/88 17:36 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) 648-6800 e . BUSINESS NAME C & B FLYING SERVICE LOCATION 2000 S UNION AV ID NUMBER 215-000-000077 HIGH HAZARD RATING 2 30 HAZ MAT TRAINING SUMMARY LAST CHANGE / () / BY ¡} 1 /J t1, f~ ~ ~ -/z, ð-v.-0 A~ ~/~ (1)~k ¿J.,cj¿'D /(f'~ N..I! ,j _, ' A I., , VI, I LL.. ¿rJ-\.../' p/lt//? ('7-I/~¡..,J...l('¿-&~/ d/{,'~ t/<'~(.r.¡,.'t'~z" i?'~/ 1-:. rfJ.-lc,[ 'I-,<J ~.~ jh/(/h ('1/ /~jj.".,,/,, ,0:" ~,,/),J' 'l"- ,.Ø¿-ë-.t<..4: ,-' (7~ /í-4J 'Ch' ðLA./ c.!:.--{J.. .¿ 1 -<.," .~! j, //'(" 'h Y /) , " ",~ . ( ,~ éu (; . (¡ f . . /oJ. /¡/ : " " '"', < NO INFORMATION RECORDED FOR THIS SEC'f?N > '. (J I /111 S D ç! ~ C7_...,/ :;ti.Æj ,7,/-ð aL-~f //., (,~ .-;7Lb'\... ~ /fl£l'vl/«Å- ,/ I' ~ A14 ¿ f ;: ,. ð ¡I /: -I, Ù '/', A'1 ( .:! _ ;¿ I":?,t.f-'" ,/ _ Cr. ~j/UuJ----::L.,-) t.A.J-' tJ,,~ ¿c I' ~ /.~ - , , c/~ (, y /J.,. .. U·_~. t \.ð'~lt o/\...C: ,;/ - -, ~ , ~. ~_ _ ,..._._, ,. ,. / ~. II·\"~/'" .( f ' , ( I, -[ ::.. \. ~ 4. LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE LAST CHANGE 09/25/87 BY ESTER 2A SEC 5) CLOSEST HOSPITAL PAGE 2 12/12/88 17:36 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) 648-6800 ·, ., - . BUSINESS NAME C & B FLYING SERVICE LOCATION 2000 S UNION AV FACILITY UNIT 01 ID NUMBER 215-000-000077 HIGH HAZARD RATING 2 Ao OVERALL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY LAST CHANGE 10/15/87 BY RALPH ID TYPE NAME MAX AMT UNIT HAZARD LOCATION CONTAINMENT USE 1 MIXTURE AVIATION FUEL 20000 GAL HIGH SIDE BY SIDE UNDERGROUND UNDERGROUND TANKS FUEL ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS 1182.00 100,0 GASOLINE HIGH Bo FIRE PROTECTION / WATER SUPPLIES LAST CHANGE 09/25/87 BY ESTER 3A SEC 4) FIRE EXTINGUISHER 3A SEC 5) CORNER OF WATTS DRIVE AND UNION AVE. PAGE 3 12/12/88 17:36 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) 648-6800 e . ~ BUSINESS NAME C & B FLYING SERVICE LOCATION 2000 S UNION AV ID NUMBER 215-000-000077 HIGH HAZARD RATING 2 De EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION / EVACUATION LAST CHANGE 09/25/87 BY ESTER 3A SEC 2) CALL 911 - GAS PUMPS ARE OUT IN THE OPEN. Eo MITIGATION / PREVENTION / ABATEMENT LAST CHANGE 09/25/87 BY ESTER 3A SEC 1) NORMAL GAS PUMPING PROCEDURES AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT ON PUMPS. 01 () '" I~ if ¡; é-, '",,~ ,- , /J I, j;;, ß¡~ "/ z¡¡..-0 A-l-'H'L-¡5~L;¿J,¿ ~ _.eA.'·&¿£:J.¿~¿)/t..l ' . ~ tiJ1 ¡'U",,,t.t t. y( .,.. . .. r i4 (f., fA .. ð If ,-l-¡",., j .f ..".j /; I'c' ,I,.:, u.-i 1', 'ì /5 D 5 ~Lf!..I!.-~ ~ J " :,.'''' t." . PAGE 4 12/12/88 17:36 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) 648-6800 q. -. ' '\ ~, of BAKERSFIELD ~'HAZARDOUS MATERXALS XNVENTORY NON-TRADE SECRETS ßA~! CIT}T .~ L-J -, - . '~J of PI,. NAME OF Tft1S ~f1L~TY: STANDARD IND, CLASS CODE DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER --L>-- -- --- OWNER NAME:. ADDRESS:_ CITY, ZIP:_ PHONE 11:_ IUa'Ø ro IlISrlfUCf'IOIIS PO" ""ora CODa . e~ St.nd.rd Bus 'nns tur, ~ ara and Aqr Icu BUSINESS LOCATION: CITY. ZIP: PHONE II: e II __ of .hrturelC J I 401t. S. IMtl'UCtf_ ___ Ol~ ---- ?MÁMI';'(~ -- 5.U~tl!Jl4--t."Td /!el'y~"" ;,¡,1'10 , \ t' 'RescJùhl ð t X - ~9___ <..!' 1] 'by lit , 7 I I II 11 n 1INs~ I IIyI Cant Cant Cant Un lCIICIUan ...... Unlu III Sit. 'YI'I "... '" CollI Stored fn Fecf 1ft, ¥l36J [lIT ~Si4M.a;â ~~~~!~i~:_ C,A,5. ...... iLi£!!/!¿~ftI:.-~_:±:- ea....-t II .... e,l,l. ...... ~¥1~~~O . ,. -, ,. -, .......t 12 .... e.A,5. ...... L _.I Sudden "1_ "_.1 .....f.t. of P....-. ....Ith ea....-t I] .... U.S. ..... Dtl.ytd IIHlth ,.-, "_.1 . A"". - hectfyfty ,.-, "_.1 r. Har .rd ~,' ~F , I"flnt Cod. Pi ~ I(~ 12A<:, TIVe. cld A-':.. · e.A.s-:-~--L~ ...... ..... - -- - -----.-...------- Physic.I and Httlth H".1'd (Chtck tl1 that ."Iy) -, r-, - J fll'l HlI.rd L _.I IIHctfvity 'C.U ... ... ea....-t .. ea....-tl2 ea....-tlJ ......--- ,.-., L_oJ C.A.S. ,.-., Dtleytd L_oJ Httlth ,.-, L_.I r . ec..-t II ec..-tl2 eo.øc.-t I] ---l-___L________L___m______l__________l____.l__l__l I 1__-1___ Physic.1 and HMlth llalll"ll C.A.S. .... c.øan.nt II (Chtck .11 that ..,1,1 ------------------- r - .. ,. - , ,. - , Co.panent 12 · - J Ftrt H"trd L_.J IItKtfyity "_.J ~tl3 ... . C.u (J)..Ikr~_J ~# ....'. C.A.S. I....t.t. ....lth Sudden "1_ of Pres_ I O~~ /) CD --¡---- J D oðO -7'-------- eLl ~l24Þ.f'...,'L / c â Physlul andlfMlth HIlti'd (Check .11 tlllt .lIIIly) ~ ,.-., ~Irt H".1'd L _.I AlICtiyity Ivrr A fh.<t ¿ ...... ...... ...... · C.A.S ... ,.-, L_.J SutItItn lie INII of PNIIIV,", ,.-., L_.J ~~DtI.,.d ~Ith - ....... IIUtIbtr Ieu.IIIr , C,A,S · C,A.S · C.A.S ... ... ... .....f.t. ....Ith ,.-., "_.1 , .J ,.- ,,- ~ A- ß..TM_~______ <i~,{i.~E:£ ?-'-ì 'Z- C¡:J,.(j Ð_k.elt..__ .MlClt.te Httlth ... , C.A.S 1111;_Ç!J~k~-'l-~--r!.--------J~-~1?1\.Tim-=V-&nN-fJt-----~~~R~-;~-:-.::.:_0./ 12 ~P..hl>f--- '71. Sudden lie INS, of Pr"lvr. Of 1.,.d Heal th "fRGfNCY CI*!ACTS of thøt. fncJfyiclull. NII ICIII.ibl. Dit~i9~J-=---~1.--------------- that beslll on ., illC Ulry fn this IncI .11 .tteched cJoc_t. {)IJ/J ---_!_~----------------------~--------- and ellr icatlon (Read and sign tfftcr co.pJpUng all sections' I Ctrt iiv' und.r IIII\Ihy of ,.. that I hay, "rson.lly ....;nlll end .. '.i litr with the fnfor..t ian lor ,lIb!aininq the inforMtion, I wHllv, tlllt tilt .ublolttlld intOI'Mtion i. tMlt. acCUrlt.. and cc.ø .43 ¡ña' õ' pë i'l· f it 1 i- õ' - ~ir Toõi;:;j t õr -OR(;wñir 7õ~;: ¡ {õ;:'š - ¡ü {Iiõ;:ma-r¡öriiiñf ¡t ¡vi 1'\ e -- BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 Ó I 2 ~ -ot'(! 7tU5P') OFFICIAL USE ONLY ID# \ð~Oh \ 33-0 0000'77 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS BUSINESS PLAN AS A WHOLE FORM 2A INSTRUCTIONS: 1, To avoid further action, return this form by 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH, 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA A. BUSINESS NAME: (i!~ß r/y/.~c; .seRVJe~ I / B, LOCATION / STREET ADDRESS: /':l.{) () () S " tJ #1 ò,Al /!-/ €- CITy:53AKR_V'')flf.·/~ (ìiP- ZIP: r '931ð7 BUS.PHONE: ('jð.J) &'3;t_2.:LJ2-- SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In case of an emergency involving the release or threatened release of a hazardous material, call 911 and 1-800-852-7550 or 1-916-427-4341. This will notify r~~~ local fire department and the State Offi~;f Emergency Services as ~ítle(/.s EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, ~.t:..~ ~¡t1 fJ Jf NAME AND TIT4Ft, DURING BUS. HRS. !F~ER ~Ú~SHRS. ' . / A. ~0B vA-Ite.R. Ph# fðS-!ittJ,-,^-J..S'2-Ph# ¡fõ.)--g ,~9'7-q.LD B. CA-L 13ft k.e¡( Ph#ð'¿d-- f3;¿-J..;l-.)-L Ph#~ð-J-- f1/-Dt/L/3 SECTION 3: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE: B. ELECTRICAL: OIÝ C. WATER: f)/!1 ærff , D. SPECIAL: E. LOCK BOX: YES Q!!J IF YES, LOCATION: f ~~iT OJ. 'i' b.!~J3Ä¡li ~J ~T ~ìRr~L <f {)N ~ AS J ~, (\ c Ne Q . t·,~ . (o e 'T'f ,.s , ~.tVd IF YES, DOES IT CONTAIN SITE PLANS? YES / NO FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO MSDSS? YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO - 2A - It e F-...t$,·...co;· .~ .~ .' SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEAM FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE \'~O~H»O M () N 'º- SECTION 5: LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE FOR YOUR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE qn c_l{)s~+ iJo sf ,-b.1. L SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINING J ,/)/Ò £Jl1pJojee~ HAVE A PROGRAM WHICH PROVIDES E~PLOYEES WITH INITIAL FOLLOWING AREAS, AND EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO REFRESHER TRAINING IN THE CIRCLE YES OR NO INITIAL REFRESHER A. METHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS:.. ......,............................... YES NO YES NO B. PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES:.......................... YES NO YES NO C. PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT: . , , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . YES NO YES NO D. EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES: . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YES NO YES NO E. DO YOU MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS: , . . . . . . YES NO YES NO SECTION 7: HAZARDOUS MATERIAL CIRCLE YES OR~ DOES YOUR BUSINESS HANDLE HAZARDOÙS MATERIAL IN QUANTITIES LESS THAN 500 POUNDS OF A SOLID, 55 GALLONS OF A LIQUID, OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF A COMPRESSED GAS:... ... YES NO I, '13 ö b ~ ft \t€.. R.. , certify that the above information is accurate. I understand that this information will be used to fulfill my firm's obligations under the new California Health and Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. 20 Chapter 6.95 Sec. 25500 Et AI.) and that inaccurate information constitutes perjury. SIGNATURE-~ úJ ~ TITLE~ A- RT IV e.. R DATE 5 .-;J.. Ò ·-8'1 - 2B - ;/~¡ \'- ¡ -- . BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE,DEPARTMENT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 OFFICIAL USE ONLY BUSINESS NAME: (!:+13 r/r/~í ..Se;¿y/(!." e ID# ------ BUSINESS PLAN SINGLE FACILITY UNIT FORM 3A INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further action, this form must be returned by: 2, TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3, Answer the questions below for THE FACILITY UNIT LISTED BELOW 4. Be as BRIEF and CONCISE as possible. / FACILITY UNIT# ) . FACILITY UNIT NAME: SECTION 1: MITIGATION, PREVENTION, ABATEME~ì PROCEDù~ES IV~ (faA f~ ~ QNd- ~'~ o-t{~ SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION ~~~ EVACUATION PROCEDL~ES AT THIS tWIT ONLY 11~ ~ ,{AJ tî ~ ¿;;P~ '6.~J ;tk- ~. - CøJ!f2 c¡ / l - 3A - · e ~ ~.. ---.;::---;:,." ~ SECTION 3: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FOR THIS UNIT ONLY A. Does this Facility Unit contain Hazardous \ If YES, see B. If NO, continue with SECTION 4. Ma~~ B. Are any of the hazardous materials a bona fide Trade Secret YES ~ If No, complete a separate hazardous materials inventory form marked: NûN-TRADE SECRETS ONLY (white form #4A-l) If Yes, complete a hazardous materials inventory form marked: TRADE SECRETS ONLY (yellow form #4A-2) in addition to the non-trade secret form. List only the trade secrets on form 4A-2. SECTION 4: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION r if?. e. EX TIÍr'Jd /sÁeJ6 SECTION 5: LOCATION OF WATER SUPPLY FOR USE BY EMERGENCY RESPONDERS ~ ð úJ~~-+ ~~. SECTION 6: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS AT THIS UNIT ONLY. A. NAT. GAS!PROPANÊ: ;fA B.E~~~~~Yn~ C;ERW~~ tJ-~ 1 þ D. SPECIAL: E. LOCK BOX: YES /~ IF YES, LOCATION: IF YES, SITE PLANS? YES I NO MSOSs? YES I NO FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO -,3B - BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE FORM 4A-l NON-TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY j,IS '¿-~~S . . 0 I(, II' , íll º-* . Akers' Ftc/I FACILITY e- FACILITY UNIT NAME _'-- 0 f Page DEPARTMENT # D I " I v,Cß BUSINESS ADDRESS: CITY, ZIP UNIT # ~OX- ~ ..~.~, 22S:;L . -.- PHONE #: 10FFICIAL USE CFIRS CODE ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS % BY HAZARD D,O,T CODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE ;2.' í fitll K.S 5 ¿d e, ~',} Y S, ide . , /Ý\ I ó Co () E/tc.li 9¿, 000 19A-lIol'Õ tJl ¡q u ,.¡ de. 'r' a, /? () t> I'ÌJ '-r A-I'I K. A Y /11 1'" /td/ J}¡Je,/ Iß;l r j..fJ,. 5 -- 1"- V' , ~ I W~ ,< Ub { ~ð/ý7 /(,,t}-C,t /~es ¿ 7/?-/J/. ~S' ¡ Y'ð M R !J-K.eÆsf/~;¡ f 'il; ; . (- /iv (J.{: 1/ e.. 0 () /J/ ¡]-r /) lA/AI -rfl-eM. / I . . ? NAME~ ~ÿ')û'~ ~ TITLE: :::j2ARTitle.R . SIGNATURE: DATE: ...').~ð-ðJ7 ..,....,... ... .., t...... ... n...... .. ...... -.; ., ,,~,~ A..<M P TIT L E : PHONE # BUS HOURS: ~6.J- 83=t ~ ~,S"?-., . OWNER NAME ADDRESS: CITY,ZIP I '$ ð,J'- 8'0,( - Î)ðf_ AFTER BUS HRS: PHONE # BUS HOURS AFTER BUS, HRS: 4A-l (!"A-L ACTIVITY: CONTACT: BUSINESS c"'EMERI) E NCY PEINCIPAL ..,; ·"" ~rr:: ..,. iT}- of E'AK-El?S¡:'1i:.l..D . 213 0 G S7REET BAKERSFI=~, 93301 326-3979 FIRE DEPARTMENT R. E. HUEY HAZ MAT COORDINATOR CJ;I 1\ v.0 cA" ~1ARCH 3,-nr88"- -"-- "----... --. Dear !'lr. BAIŒR NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE IN THE INSPECTION OF YOUR BUSINESS C & B FLYING S~RVICE LOCATED AT 2000 S. UNION AVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 03307 ON MARCH 1, 1988 THE FOLLOWING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGULATION VIOLATIONS WERE IDENTIFIED.: 1 NO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL COMMUNICATION PROGRAM VIOLATION OF OSHA 1910.1200 \ , (g) The employer shall maintain copies of the required material safety data sheets for each hazardouss chemical in the workplace, and shall ensure that they are readily accessible during each work shift to employees when they are in their work area(s) (h)(l) INFORMATION. Employees shall be informed of: 1~)The ~pquirem~nts of thiR AectioL liiJAny operations in their work area where hazardous chemicals are present; and, (iii)The location and availability of the written hazard communication program, including the required listlsl of hazardous chemicals, and material safety data sheets required by this section. VIOLATION OF OSHA 1910,1200lGI (9)Material safety data sheets mav be kept in any form, including operating procedures, and may be designed to co'vel' groups of hazardous chE'nïicals in a work area where it may be more appronriate to address th~ tlZLzard.='. of &. p:8c.eE~, .r2"t...he~'" tllarl indi ",·iduc~l. ,... -r"P." " \ ;.~ - . hazardous chemicals, However, the employer shall ensure that in all cases the required informa~ion is provided for each hazardous chemical, and is readily accessible during each work shift to employees when they are in their work area(s), The department will schedule a re-inspection of your facility to verify compliance, If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact Ralph Huey at 326-3979, Sincerely, I 'Wt:~~' , fPí~/ alph E.Huey Ha~ardous ~atG=ials Coordinator -. . . HAZARDOUS rv1ATERIALS INSPECTION (j) 77'/ Flyt~'j I Se '('v\ (: e BUSINESS NAME: C.¡. ß LOCATION: 'J 0 Q 0 C'), () V)IOv\ ~ V e. \ \~ ') S ~.r v ¡ <{> INSPECTION DATE: ).. - I ~ - ~ r INSPEC1'OR: JI e If1 J V" t V k 5 ð '" VERIFICATION OF INVEN'l'ORY MATERIALS I vi Ci2l Cd [2] VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES VERIFICATION OF LOCATION PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL COMMENTS: VERIFICATION OF HAZ MAT TRAINING [2] W VERIFICATION OF MSDS AVAILABLE COMMENTS: N ð t"'G\¡~I") J ~M 3 P $ VERIFICATION OF ABATEMENT SUPPLIES & PROCEDURES G COMMENTS: No Ç?""'4!\r'jf."'~7r\J'^'1f C'?\w\-h~ - ì~c,\J("J "'d.L~e ð'~ v,d \ot-+-/ð"" EMERGENCY PROCEDURES POSTED /2] œ CONTAINERS PROPERLY IA¡¡1U·Rn COMMENTS: No p r'H..J?U¡q.';, f(H~e~ VERIFICATION OF FACILITY DIAGRAM I yl No....~ CO~"'fvh- fr'''''~-oJ SPECIAL HAZARDS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS FACILITY: tt5, )S \ jg. - ) p~ ./pJ- / , VIOLATIONS: EV-d ~J \'.r'f f V'N\p '7'wJ--c ~\ 3r 3-~í ~.r( .; -', C.1· O! J:)'... -1 1\ 1::. J." ::::.r 1.:::..L ip-) /~ j //O~~, --'_~.s'''''_' ' /ð.~'~~~~\ ¡..- -:~..~ ~ ~ '-' I . ! ~~/' 2:30 G S7REET '5AKSRSF!=:'::, 93301 FIRE DEP.~RT!1ENT R. E. HUEY HAZ MAT COORDINATOR 3:ó-39ï9 ~1ARCH 3, -ï9'8~'--- --- Dear ~lr. BAIŒR NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE IN THE INSPECTION OF YOUR BUSINESS C & B FLYI~G S~RVICE LOCATED AT 2000 S. UNION AVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 03307 ON MARCH 1, 1988 THE FOLLOWING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGULATION VIOLATIONS WERE IDENTIFIED.: 1 NO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL COMMUNICATION PROGR.~1 VIOLATION OF OSHA 1910.1200 (g) The emnloyer sh~ll maintain copies of the required material safety data shee~s for each hazardouss chemical in the workplace, and shall ensure that they are readily accessible during each work shift to employees when they are in their work area(s) (hJ(l) INFORMATION. Employees shall be informed of: ii!The ~~quirem~nts of thiR Rection (ii}Any operations in their work area where ha~ardous chemicals are present; and, (iiiJThe location and availabili~y of the written hazard communication prog~am, includin~ the required list(s) of hazardous chemicals, and material safety data sheets required by this section, VIOLATIO~ OF OSHA 1910.120U(GJ 19JMaterial safety data sheets ma~ be kept in an~- form, includin~ aperatin~ procedures, and may be des ip:ned to cover ~roups of l1a~8.rdou.s ch~·mic8.1=. in a t,o:-l:;, area t:herE~ i~, may be mo::.~e aDr;rO;)rla t,e t,o address tJ11i:- fl:"1..;:s.rd,,:;. of' & p~:JcesE. ~3.the!.'" t113.rl indi","'idu2..l. '*, '!",.~ .:-;; . . hazardous chemicals. i1oh'en~r, 1':11e 2mpl,::¡yer snall ensure that in all cases ti18 required. int'.Jrma'C::'on is pro..-ided for each hazardous chemical, and 1S rp.acily accessible durin~ each work shift to employees when they are in their work area{s), The department will schedule a re-inspection of your facility to verify compliance, If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact Ralph Huey at 326-3979, c;;: Ha~ardou= ~at~=ia~s Conrdinator