HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION 1986 rn INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION -~...:- - ..,' , , . '.' RESPONSIVE TO THE NEEDS OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENi ,'. . '. :? ...... - .- e . RECONNAISSANCE INVESTIGATION OF PESTICIDE CONTAMINATION AT BAKERSFIELD AIRPARK Prepared for: The City of Bakersfield Prepared by: IT Corporation 4585 Pacheco Boulevard Martinez, California 94554 September 1986 - e rn INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION September 22, 1986 Mr. Richard J. Oberho1zer, Esq. City Attorney City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxton Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 SUBJECT: RECONNAISSANCE INVESTIGATION OF PESTICIDE CONTAMINATION AT BAKERSFIELD AIRPARK IT PROJECT NO. ME0183 Dear Mr. Oberho1zer: Attached is our report on the Reconnaissance Investigation of Pesticide Contamination at Bakersfield Airpark. The report describes the scope of our investigation, analysis results of soil, water and airborne dust samples recovered from the Airpark property, and our conclusions based on findings of this preliminary study. We have also included recommendations for additional work to more completely define the extent of soil contamination and to investigate the potential for ground water degradation. Although remediation of site contamination was not within our scope of work, we have provided a brief discussion of some options which could be implemented to reduce the potential hazard to surface receptors and the risk of polluting ground water beneath the site. However, we wish to emphasize that it would be both technically and financially prudent for the City to carefully coordinate any future site investigation and remediation work with that performed at the Garriott Crop Dusting Company property under the direction of the California Department of Health Services and the Regional Water Quality Control Board. .- ..,~ Where the report cites estimated costs for site investigation or remediation work, these are budget level figures only. Should the City request IT to .- ~ ,~ Regional Of lice 4585 Pacheco Boulevard. Martinez. California 94553 . 415-372-9100 Mr. Richard J. Oberhcã ,~ City of Bakersfield ,., September 22, 1986 Page Two Í INTEe1 IONAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION perform all or part of the work descri bed, we wou 1 d be pleased to submi t a formal proposal. If you have any questions, please call us at (415) 372-9100. DJW:jaa ENG:0981-ltr .. :~ .-,- '- - ... - , e, . TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE LIST OF FIGURES.........................................................11 L I 5T OF T AS LES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; i LIST OF APPENDICES......................................................11 1.0 INTRODUCTION.......................................·...............1-1 1.1 PROJECT -BACKGROUND...........................................11 1.1.1 Initial Site Investigation............................1-2 1.1.2 Fencing...............................................1-4 2.0 SOIL, SURFACE WATER AND AIR SAMPLING PROGRAM......................2-1 2.1 SOIL SAMPLING................................................2-1 2.2 SURFACE WATER SAMPLING.......................................2-3 2.3 AIR MONITORING PROGRAM.......................................2-3 3.0 SAMPLE ANALySES...................................................3-1 4.0 FIND I NGS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-1 4.1 CONTAMINANTS IN SOIL.........................................4-1 4.2 CONTAMINANTS IN SURFACE WATER................................4-3 4.3 CONTAMINATED PARTICULATES IN THE AIR.........................4-3 5.0 CONCLUSIONS.......................................................5-1 6. 0 RECOMMENDATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-1 6.1 ADDITIONAL SOILS INVESTIGATIONS..............................6-1 6.2 HYDROGEOLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS.................................6-2 6.2.1 Additional Investigations in the Surface Water Sump............................................ 6-2 6.2.2 Ground Water Investigations...........................6-2 ·6.3 REMEDIATION MEASURES.........................................6-3 6.3.1 Diversion and/or Piping of Storm Water Drainage.......6-4 6.3.2 Water Management on the Garriott Property.............6-5 6.3.3 Isolation, Removal and/or Treatment of Contaminated Soils on Airpark Property...........................6-5 7.0 REFERENCES...........................·.............................7-1 i .3:0981/09186 TABLE NO. 1 2 3 FIGURE NO. 1 2 3 4 APPENDIX A B C .. -..' .~:0981/09186 - e LIST OF TABLES TITLE Bakersfield Airpark-Compounds Included in Analysis Scan of Soil, Water and Airborne Particulate Samples Bakersfield Airpark - Concentration of Compounds Detected in Soil Samples Bakersfield Airpark - Relative Ranges of Concentrations of Contaminants in Soil Samples LIST OF FIGURES TITLE Site Location Map Soil and Water Sampling locations Air Monitor locations Dacthal Concentrations LIST OF APPENDICES TITLE Notice of Violation and Schedule for Compliance Results of Analyses of Soil, Water and Airborne Particulates Technical Data on Contaminants i i e e TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE LIST OF FIGURES.........................................................11 LIST OF TABLES.......................................................... i i LIST OF APPENDICES......................................................1i 1.0 INTRODUCTION......................................................1-1 1.1 PROJECT -BACKGROUND...........................................! 1 1.1.1 Initial Site Investigation............................1-2 1.1.2 Fencing...............................................1-4 2.0 SOIL, SURFACE WATER AND AIR SAMPLING PROGRAM......................2-1 2.1 SOIL SAMPLING................................................2-1 2.2 SURFACE WATER SAMPLING.......................................2-3 2.3 AIR MONITORING PROGRAM.......................................2-3 3.0 SAMPLE ANALySES...................................................3-1 4.0 F I NO I NGS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-1 4.1 CONTAMINANTS IN SOIL.........................................4-1 4.2 CONTAMINANTS IN SURFACE WATER................................4-3 4.3 CONTAMINATED PARTICULATES IN THE AIR.........................4-3 5.0 CONCLUSIONS.......................................................5-1 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS...................................................6-1 6.1 ADDITIONAL SOILS INVESTIGATIONS..............................6-1 6.2 HYDROGEOLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS.................................6-2 6.2.1 Additional Investigations in the Surface Water Sump...................:........................6-2 6.2.2 Ground Water Investigations...........................6-2 6.3 REMEDIATION MEASURES.........................................6-3 6.3.1 Diversion and/or Piping of Storm Water Drainage.......6-4 6.3.2 Water Management on the Garriott Property.............6-5 6.3.3 Isolation, Removal and/or Treatment of Contaminated Soils on Airpark Property...........................6-5 7.0 REFERENCES........................................................7-1 "- i :3:0981/09186 e . 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report summarizes a reconnaissance investigation of potential soil and surface water contamination of the Bakersfield City Airpark conducted by International Technology Corporation (IT) for the City of Bakersfield (the City). The report reviews sampling and analysis methodologies, discusses findings of the investigation, outlines some basic remediation measures that may be undertaken, and provides recommendations for further study to better define the extent of contamination. The reconnaissance investigation indicated the presence of several contaminants, principally pesticides and herbicides, in the shallow soils and surface water on City owned property. These contaminants were, most likely, transported by overland and channelized flow of surface water from the adjacent Garriott Crop Dusting Company (Garriott) property. 1.1 PROJECT BACKGROUND The Bakersfield Airpark, owned by the City of Bakersfield, is located on South Union Avenue in the southeastern portion of the City (Figure 1). The Garriott Crop Dusting Company is located on private property adjacent to the southern boundary of the Airpark. Unlined earthen pits located on the Garriott prop- erty, reportedly containing pesticide and other chemical residues, may cause soil and water contamination in the area. State and county officials are :1 currently conducting an investigation of the Garriott site. (See: Notice of Violation and Schedule for Compliance issued to Garriott by the State of California Department of Health Services (DHS) reproduced in Appendix A). The : ~ .. City of Bakersfield, concerned over possible spread of contamination from the ,~ ....)- 1-1 ~.."3: 0981/09186 e e Garriott faci 1 ity onto City property, requested IT to inspect the Airpark property for potent i a 1 pest i ci de contami nat i on on Ci ty owned 1 and. IT was asked to recommend a preliminary program of soil, water and air sampling to assess the extent of contamination, if present, and to evaluate an area for possible enclosure by a fence to secure from innocent trespassers any portion of City property suspected of being contaminated. The initial site inspection was performed under a Master Services Agreement (No. 86-73) between the City and IT made on 7th May 1986 which provides the general terms and conditions for ITI s provision of services to the City. Following inspection of the site, IT recommended the program of prel iminary investigations described in this report. The work was authorized by the City on July 9th, 1986 and also performed under the terms of the Master Services Agreement. 1.1.1 Initial Site Inspection On the evening of July 1st, 1986, Mr. Duane Meadows (Field Chemist), with Mr. Eric Paukstaitis (Senior Project Hydrogeologist), Mr. Robin Hamlet (Project Geologist) and Dr. Dai Watkins (Manager, Geosciences) of IT IS staff, visited the Airpark to make a reconnaissance inspection of conditions at the site. Throughout the site investigation, ITI s staff wore protective clothing con- sisting of disposable white Tyvek coveralls with boot covers. Without leaving City property, they observed the general state of the terrain, man-made struc- tures and parked aircraft at the Garriott facility and adjacent areas. The principal fences, paved areas, ditches, drains, and water sump in the area are shown on Figure 2 which is a sketch map prepared from notes taken at the time 1-2 ..3:0981/09186 e . of the visit. This sketch is not intended to be definitive or complete with respect to any of the features shown. It is intended only as an aid to this presentation. Property bounderies, and their relationship to fence lines, were not determi ned duri ng IT IS site inspection. Such determi nat ions are beyond the scope of this report. IT staff observed that the area between the Garriott facility and the Airpark runway shows evidence of surface water runoff flowing from the crop dusting station onto City property. Further, discoloration of low lying areas suggested that water may have ponded and contamination of surficial soils may have occurred. A container cap, marked with the name of an industrial company known to manufacture pesticides, was seen (but not removed) within the inspected area on City property. Disturbed ground at one location suggested the presence of a backfilled trench or sump extending under the existing fence that separates the Garriott facility from the Airpark. ,~ An unlined surface water sump is present on City land south of the Garriott facility. The purpose of the sump is to collect excess runoff during periods of high rainfall. This sump receives water via a buried 14-inch diameter culvert that has its head on City property immediately east of the Garriott facility. A shallow, concrete-lined drainage ditch leads into the culvert. This ditch crosses the Garriott property and is a conduit for surface water drainage from south Union Street, west of the Airpark. The ditch can also pick up water flowing over the ground adjacent to it, including water flowing from the Garriott property. 1-3 "G:0981/09186 e e ITls staff noted that the area inspected is covered with dust, (to a depth of several inches at some locations). This dust has the potential to be blown into the air by wind and especially by propeller wash from hel icopters and fixed wing aircraft operating from the Garriott facility and the Airpark. These observations were the basis for our recommending the air monitoring program described in Section 2.3 below. Based on their observations, IT's staff delineated an area of City property within which there was sufficient prima facie evidence of soil contamination to warrant further study. Thi s area is shown on Figure 2 and is bounded by the main runway, the taxiway to the Garriott facility and the fence along the east side of the Garriott facility. 1.1.2 Fenci ng ....'}- As requested by the City, and based on observations made during the initial site inspection, IT recommended lines for a fence that would enclose areas of suspected contamination. This area coincides with the "Study Area" shown in Figure 2. However, subsequent review of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations revealed that stationary structures, including fencing, can not be erected within 75 feet of an active runway. Complying with the regulations would reduce the fenced area to some 25% of that included within the study area (shown in Figure 2). Given these restrictions, and recognizing that the area of concern is not open to public access, it was determined that erection of a fence would have little merit. Thus, fencing was excluded from the work order issued to IT by the City. The City has erected signs and ribbons around the area to warn trespassers that the area is contaminated. - , . - 1-4 :3:0981/C~!96 e . 2.0 SOIL, SURFACE WATER AND AIR SAMPLING PROGRAM Soil and water sampling at the site was initiated on July 11, 1986 and com- pleted on July 15th. Air monitoring was performed on the 15th of July and repeated on Augu st 8th. A 11 samp 1 i ng was performed by personne 1 equ i pped according to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Protection Level C including; white Tyvek coveralls, disposable latex gloves and boots, and air purifying respirators fitted with organic vapor cartridges. A decontamination stat i on was estab 1 i shed pri or to each day IS samp 1 i n9. Complete decontam- ination of equipment and personnel was conducted prior to egress from the site to prevent transport of contaminated materials to uncontaminated areas. 2.1 SOIL SAMPLING Soil samples were obtained from 12 sites on the Airpark property at the locations shown on Figure 2. Preliminary sample locations were selected based on observations made during the site reconnaissance on July I, 1986. Some minor changes in sampling locations were made in the field by IT's geologist in charge of the sampling program. Samples were obtained using a 3-inch diameter hand auger equipped with a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) tube liner. At each sampling location, auger cores were obtained every 6 inches from the surface to a depth of 2 feet except at '.' .¡ .::¡ .. locations where the subsurface conditions were unsuitable. Samples were transported under strict Chain-of-Custody procedures to IT's laboratory in Santa Clara, California for analysis. :"0: _! 2-1 :;:0981/09186 e e Following completion of sampling at each location, the auger and PVC liner were throughly cleaned and decontaminated by washing with Trisodium Phosphate (TSP) and rinsing with distilled water to ensure that no cross-contamination occurred between samples. Sample locations S2, S6, S8 and 511 are in topographically low areas presumed to be inundated by surface water runoff and/or ponding during wet weather. It was suspected that overland and channelized flow from the Garriott facility would collect in these areas and concentrate transported contaminants in the soils. 5ample location 53 was on a topographic high in the middle of the suspected ponding area. Locations 51, 54, and 55 are along the taxiway from the Garriott facility to the main runway. It was speculated that, over time, leakage from planes using the taxiway could concentrate contaminants along this zone. At sample loca- tion S5, an accumulation of trash was found 6 inches below the surface. Arti- facts uncovered included: a plastic bottle of motor oil, a beer bottle, and a decomposed, plastic-lined, 50-pound sack containing an unidentified powder. This debris was localized and similar materials were not found at the near-by Sampling Locations 51, S2 and 54. At location 57, a sediment sample was taken at a six-inch depth from the paved ditch which carries water to the culvert on Airpark property. Stains in the paved drainage ditch on Garriott property suggest that at some time in the past chemicals may have drained into the ditch. 2-2 3:0981/09186 e e Samp 1 e 1 ocat ions S9 and S 10 are in what appears to be a backf ill ed earthen ditch extending from the Garriott property onto the Airpark site. Sample location S12 is on the bank of the surface water sump located on City property to the south of the Garriott facility. 2.2 SURFACE WATER SAMPLING A sample of the water (Sample No. WI) in the surface water sump was obtained and shipped to IT1 s laboratory under Chain-of-Custody control for analysis. It was observed during sampling that vegetation along the edge of the sump was dead; however, evidence of insect life was noted in the water. The culvert originating at the paved channel that passes through the Garriott facility onto City property (see Figure 2) was assumed to discharge to the sump. However, no evidence of the culvert outlet was observed during sampling. Subsequent inquires at the City Engineer1s office indicate that the culvert enters the sump below the water surface. 2.3 AIR MONITORING PROGRAM \ Air monitoring was conducted on the Airpark property on July 15, 1986. Loca- tions of the air monitor stations are shown on Figure 3. Sampling locations were divided ,into two groupings. Group A were locations arranged along the fence separating the Garriott facility from City property and in areas generally adjacent to Garriott's property. Group B locations were generally remote from the Garriott facility including locations on the periphery of the 2-3 ';:0981/09186 e e Airpark. Two sampling shifts were used to obtain 16 samples. Airborne particulate samples were collected using Gillian air pumps to draw air through 0.3 micron pore glass fiber filters. Two air pumps were used at each location so that one filter would be available for analysis for Organochlorine and PCB group contaminants and the second for analysis for Organophosphorus group contaminants. Winds were variable in both direction and velocity during the sampling on July 15. It should also be noted that, during the air sampling conducted on July 15, plane engines were tested on the Garriott property. Reving of engines downwind of monitor locations A5 and A6 resulted in a greater than normal volume of wind-blown particulates. Due to an oversight at the laboratory, the complete suit of analyses that were to be performed on the filters recovered from the air pumps on the July 15 was not made. Consequently the air sampl ing program was repeated on August 8th. The sample locations and procedures for the sampling were the same as for that conducted on July 15. ..,1 -- , n~. 2-4 ,.:j : 0981/09186 e . 3.0 SAMPLE ANALYSES Soil, water, and air particulate samples obtained from the Airpark were shipped under strict chain-of-custody procedures, to IT's Stoner Lab in Santa Clara, California for analysis. Samples were tested for the suit of organo- chlorine and organophosphorus pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) shown in Table 1. Soil samples were composited in the laboratory. Using this method, half of each of the soi 1 specimens recovered at various depths at a given sampl ing location were combined and throughly mixed. The unused half of each specimen has been archived at ITls laboratory. Thus the analytic results indicate the presence at a part i cu 1 ar samp 1 i ng 1 ocat i on of any compounds detected in the composited sample but do not provide information regarding the depth distribution of contaminants. This method is appropriate for reconnaissance investigations because it reduces analytical costs to a minimum, but at the same time retains sufficient material for additional future analysis should this be necessary. The method of analysis for organochlorine pesticides, PCBs and organophos- phorus pesticides in soil is adapted from E.P.A. Methods 3550, 8080, and 8140. The method of analysis for organochlorine pesticides, PCBs, and organo- phosphorus pesticides in water is adapted from E.P.A. Methods 608 and 622. :.,.. All soil and water samples were serially extracted with dichloromethane. The " dichloromethane extract was evaporated and the solvent exchanged to acetone. For organoch 1 ori ne pest i ci des an a 1 i quot of the acetone extract was further 3-1 .3:0981/09186 e e concentrated and analyzed by gas chromatograph using a flameless alkali salt nitrogen-phosphorus detector. Filter disks from air monitoring stations were also analyzed for organo- chlorine, PCBs and organophosphorus pesticides. The methods of analyzing filter disks are taken from the NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods. Samples for analysis of organochlorine pesticides and PCBs are extracted by shaking filter disks with iso-octane. An aliquot of the iso-octane extract was then concentrated to a suitable final volume and analyzed by gas chromatography using an electron capture detector. Samples for analysis of organophosphorus pesticides are extracted by shaking filter disks with toluene. An aliquot of the toluene extract was then concentrated to a suitable final volume for analysis by gas chromatography using a flameless alkali salt nitrogen- phosphorus detector. Compounds included in the analysis scans (See Table 1) would have been detected if present at or above the detection 1 imit. Detection 1 imits vary from compound to compound depending on instrument sensitivity, and may also vary from sample to sample depending on sample matrix. The detection limits are given in Appendix B. 3-2 3:0981/09186 e e 4.0 FINDINGS The results of the analyses of the soil, surface water and airborne particu- late matter samples are presented in Appendix B. 4.1 CONTAMINANTS IN SOILS Of the 54 compounds in the analysis scan, 16 were found in the soil samples. However, not all compounds detected were present at each samp 1 i ng 1 ocat i on. The distribution of contaminants by sampling location is shown in Table 2. Although contamination was found in the soil at all sample locations, the highest concentrations and greatest numbers of contaminants are present within and IIdownstreamll of the backfi lled trench that cross under the fence between the Garriott facility and the Airpark (see Figure 2). Contaminants were found at or near detection limits in soils along the edge of the taxiway from the Garriott facility. Dacthal, a selective pre-emergence herbicide, is the most widely distributed and highly concentrated soil contaminant at the site and this may be used as a tracer to provide a general indication of the distribution of contamination in the study area. The distribution of concentrations of Dacthal is shown in Figure 4. The pattern of distribution confirms our observations and interpretations regarding the potential distribution of contaminants made " during the initial site inspection on July 1st, 1986. 7 4-1 ;:0981/09186 · e Table 3 presents an analysis of soil contaminant distribution based on the number of locations at which each compound was detected, range of concen- tration found, and sample location of highest concentration of each contam- inant. For comparative purposes, Table 3 also includes a listing of EPA Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCL), California Department of Hea lth Services (DHS) State Action Levels (SAL) and EPA or National Academy of Sciences Suggested Non-Adverse Response Levels (SNARL) from Appendi x IV of Marshack (1985) (See Reference 1). Designated Levels of contaminants for soils, from the same source, are also listed in Table 3. It should be noted that the Designated Levels do not take into account site specific conditions or the cumulative effects of several constituents present in the soil. It should also be understood that the presence of contaminants in soils on City property does not provide definitive evidence of extant ground water contamination, nor does it provide evidence of a quantifiable threat of future ground water pollution. Such determinations would require a comprehensive geotechnical and hydrologic study and are beyond the scope of work of this present study. The values provided in Table 3 can not be used as definitive indicators of the toxicity of contaminated soil to surface receptors. Guidance with respect to the factors should be obtained from State and local Public Health agencies. For information purposes, technical descriptions of the uses and characteristics of the compounds found in the soils are provided in Appendix C. .j <> 4-2 ;:0981/09186 e e¿f 4.2 CONTAMINANTS IN SURFACE WATER Only Dacthal (0.2 micrograms per liter) was detected in the water sample (WI) obtained from the surface water sump. Higher concentrations of contaminants were expected in the sump water because the culvert which drains into the sump is suspected to act as a conduit for contaminant transport from the Garriott property and adjacent areas of the Airpark. However, we understand that sediments are periodically removed from the bottom of the sump. Such maintenance would have reduced contaminant accumulation and thus mitigate any potential for the sump to act as a vehicle for migration of contaminants. Despite the low level of contamination detected in the sump during the reconnaissance investigation, it would be prudent to perform additional checks of water and sludges at this location to more fully evaluate the extent to which it may be polluted. Recommendations for further investigation in this area are discussed in Section 6.0. 4.3 CONTAMINATED PARTICULATES IN THE AIR '.. Two contaminants were found in samples of airborne particulates from the site. Dacthal was present in sampling filters at Stations A3, A4, A7 and A8 (July 15, 1986 sampling) in the amount of 0.01 grams per sampling location. This is close to the detection limit of the analysis method used. These sampling stations are all along, or close to the fence, separating the Garriott facility from the Airpark. In the August 8th sampling 0.01 grams of Dacthal was found in filters from sampling Stations A3 and AS. Filters from Stat i on B7 located south of the ground water sump contained 0.13 grams of Dacthal and 0.02 grams of Balan (also known as Treflan). 4-3 . - - 3:0981/09186 e e, 5.0 CONCLUSIONS The preliminary investigation of City property adjacent to the Garriott Crop Ousting facility has shown that soils and, to a lesser extent, surface water at the site are contaminated by various pesticides and herbicides. It has not been determined to what depth these contaminants have penetrated the soil and whether they have reached the ground water system. The 1 i ke ly source of contamination is the Garriott Crop Dusting facility. Contaminants have probably been transported onto City property by overland and channelized flow of surface water. A backfi 11 ed trench extendi ng from the Garri ott facil i ty onto City property appears to be a primary source and/or route of contamin- ation. The paved drainage ditch and buried culvert system also appear to be a potential conduit for contaminant transport. Evaluation of the public health consequences of the contamination detected at the Airpark is beyond the scope of this report. Such evaluations fall within the jurisdiction of the State and local Public Health authorities. Final I I determination of the action, if any. required to remove any threat to the ground water will be made DY the Regional Water Quality Control Board. However, we offer the following evaluations, which are based on our general experi ence, as an aid to an appreciation of the risk potential po~ contamination. The relatively minor quantities of contaminants detected in the air quality samp 1 es suggest that dust blown from the site is not a threat to the 1 oca 1 population. 5-1 3:0981/09186 e . Some of the contaminants found in the soils at the site (e.g. Parathion 4 c.. .,,µ (Ethyl), Endosu1fan I and II and Ethion) can be1 toxic to human receptors at high concentrations, particularly through ingestion and absorption through the skin. However, long term effects of chronic exposure at the '---'," ""- f~_~~n C¿,~2roperty are_ un~no;n. \\ _' __ ~ --tJ The health risk to the general population in the neighborhood of the Airpark from exposure to the contaminated soils is limited by the isolated nature of the affected area. Located within the confines of the Airpark perimeter and adjacent to the main runway, the contaminated area is not accessible to the public except by trespassers. Some contaminants found at the site (e.g. DOT, ODE, Methoxyc lor, Heptach 1 or, and Ch 1 ordane) may pose a threat to the 1 oca 1 ground water system, due in part, to their persistence in the environment. Dactha1, although found at relatively high concentrations at the site, is not generally considered a major threat to either humans or the environment. PCB 1254, at the very low concentration (0.2 ppm) found at a single sampling location (52), is not considered to be a significant threat to humans or the environment. Potential sources of PCB in the soil include possible historical use of PCB oils as an adjuvent in pesticide formulation or its use in hydraulic line fluid. " 5-2 . :0981/09186 e e 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS The preliminary investigation of the area adjacent to the Garriott Crop Dusting facility has identified contamination on City property. Additional study of the site will be required to better define the areal and vertical distribution of contamination and to provide a basis· for any remedial or corrective action that may be required. Should the City decide to proceed with additional investigations, independent of those that are expected to be required of Garriott by the regulatory authorities. the work described below is recol11TTlended. 6.1 ADDITIONAL SOILS INVESTIGATIONS Analyses of selected archived soil samples. obtained from areas of highest contami nant concentrations. shou 1 d be performed to defi ne deptn of contami n- ation. Additional sampling should also be undertaken. A shallow soil sample (to 2 feet) should be obtained in the area southeast of sample location 511 to ensure that s i gnif i cant contami nat i on does not extend in th is direct ion. A drilling rig should be mobilized to obtain soil samples to a depth of 30 feet II in the vicinity of sample locations 510. 511. and 58. These holes can be I drilled using a small hollow-stem auger rig and split-spoon sampler. Results of soil analyses from these holes would be used to determine required depth of soil excavation. Estimated Cost: $30,000-$40,000 6-1 3:0981/09186 e e~ 6.2 HYDROGEOLOGIC INVESTIGATION 6.2.1 Additional Investigations in the Surface Water Sump , A 1 though only minor traces of one contaminant (Dacthal) were found in the surface water sump on City property, and no contami nants were found in the soil sample form the banks of the sump, we recommend additional sampling of the water and sump-bottom sludges. This will be particularily important if closure and backfilling of the sump is contemplated. Three additional samples of the shallow soil from the banks of the sump close to the water line should be obtained for analysis. A second water sample should also be obtained to confirm the results from the sample gathered previously. Because pond-bottom detritus may retain residual contaminants, a representative sample of the sludges should be taken. Twó samples are recommended: one from near the outfa 11 of the cul vert and one from the deepest part of the sump (presumed to be at the center). Th i s work wi 11 require a means of operating sampl in9 equipment over water. At present we envision this being done using a small boat or raft. However, safety considerations, as determined by a feasibility study, may require mobilization of hydraulically operated personnel platforms or similar equipment. Estimated Cost: $8,500.00-$10,500.00 6.2.2 Ground Water Investigations If the sludges in the surface water sump show evidence of significant contamination, there would be sufficient prima facie evidence of potential 6-2 ,:;:0981/09186 tit e ground water pollution via this pathway to justify a more complete ground water investigation. It would be advisable to conduct this study in conjunction with studies of the potential threat of ground water pollution that is represented by the contami nated soil s on the Garri ott property and adjacent thereto. Preliminary to a ground water study, a review of city records and engineering drawings should be undertaken to provide information on historical land use on the City, Garriott and adjacent properties. If adequate records are not currently available, a topographic survey, including elevation contouring, shou 1 d be made of the Airpark and surround i ng property. Th is survey shou 1 d include determination of land ownership. This could provide information concerning past sources or routes of migration of contaminants. A minimum of three boreholes should be drilled on City property to a depth be low the water table and be comp 1 eted as monitor wells. At 1 east one of these wells should be drilled in the vicinity of the sump. Soil samples would be obtained during drilling and analyzed for those contaminants previously found at the site. Ground water samples would be obtained from the wells and analyzed for those contaminants found at the surface. Water levels taken in the wells would be used to prepare a potentiometric surface map for estimation of direction and velocity of ground water and potential contaminant flow. Appropriate ancillary studies, such as determination of depth to water and sampling in any existing wells in the near vicinity of the contaminated area, would be included in the work. Estimated Cost: $75,000-$85,000 6-3 3:0981/09186 e . 6.3 REMEDIATION MEASURES Remediation of the contaminated area of the City property can not be rationally considered in isolation from the remediation work that will be required on the Garriott property. The principal reason is that as long as an untreated source of contami nat ion, in the form of polluted water or soil, remains on the Garriott property, pollutants can be transported by flow of surficial or subterrainian water onto City property. Further, any remediation work that may be undertaken on City property is 1 i ke ly to be under the jurisdiction of the California Department of Public Health, the Regional Water Quality Control Board and/or the Kern County Health Department. The remediation procedures that they will require can not be predetermined without a complete investigation of the Garriott property and the affected portion of the City property taken as a who 1 e. However, we have out 1 i ned be 1 ow some remediation measures that may ameliorate conditions at the site and that the City may wish to undertake using its own resources or in cooperation with Garriott. If such is the case, it would be advisable to consult with the appropriate regulatory authorities before proceeding. 6.3.1 Diversion and/or Piping of Storm Water Drainage The drainage ditch that carries storm water from Union Avenue through the Garriott property onto the Airpark and, via the culvert described in Section 1.1.1, into the surface water sump, is a potential path for the transport of contaminants. This mechanism for spread of pollution could be eliminated by: 1) complete diversion of the storm drainage from Union Avenue and other -..' 6-4 0981/09186 e e tributary areas to an alternate outfall; thus permitting excavation and removal of the existing drainage ditch and culvert or, 2) piping the surface water sewer throughout its length to prevent inflow of surface contaminants. If closure and filling of the surface water sump on City property is included in this work, it should not be performed before the degree of contamination of sludges or soils within the sump has been more fully evaluated. 6.3.2 Water Manaqement on the Garriott Property Based on ITls observations during the site inspection on July 1st, it appears that several interim measures cou 1 d be taken to reduce the ri sk of ongoi ng contaminant migration from the Garriott property. Regrading and sealing the ground could reduce the flow of storm water onto the Airpark and control the rate of percolation into the contaminated soil. Construction of' an impervious berm on the property line between the Garriott facility and the Airpark would prevent runoff onto City property. However, this construction would need to ---- be--engineered such as to control ponding and in such a manner as to provide for appropriate disposal of potentially contaminated water. Removal of standing water from ponds on Garriott property would eliminate this source of contaminants. If ponds are dried, measures to control dust on the Garriott ---- property will be an important part of any work performed. 6.3.3 Isolation, Removal and/or Treatment of Contaminated Soils on Airpark Property - As discussed previously, a comprehensive analysis of the remediation measures that may be applicable to the contamination at the site will require a 6-5 .;3: 0981/09186 e . complete geotechnical and hydrologic investigation and guidance by the concerned regulatory authorities. However, as an aid to a preliminary assess- ment of the range of policy options that may be available, we have outlined below three possible approaches to treatment of the contaminated soils on City property. The cost estimates cited are conceptual and should not be considered as definitive. OPTION 1: Paving of Site (No Contaminant Removal) This alternative involves minimal grading prior to sealing of the site. Except for nominal quantities associated with the grading, no contaminated soil would be removed from the site. The site would be contoured to promote runoff from the area. The entire area would then be covered with a seal composed of impervious geotextile and an asphalt surfacing. Thé asphalt cover ------- would eliminate wind blown dust and greatly reduce surface water recharge to - thearea.-- -- The reduced recharge would slow potentially leaching of soil contaminants to the ground water system. However, since the potential source of contami nat ion wou 1 d not be removed, the poss i bil i ty remains for eventual ground water degradation. OPTION 2: Selected Contaminant Removal/Sealing of the Site This alternative includes removal of the most contaminated soils from the site, replacement with clean fill, grading of the site, and sealing as for ., Option 1. This would not only eliminate wind blown dust but would also greatly reduce the long term potential for of ground water pollution. ..: 6-6 .,:G:0981/09186 e e OPTION 3: Contaminant Removal This alternative would remove contaminated soils from the affected area to a depth of up to two feet. Actual depth and area of excavation would depend on extent of contamination a's determined by sampling and laboratory analyses. Contaminated soils would be replaced with clean fill. If contaminants remained below the depth of excavation the site would be sealed to prevent leaching of contaminants to the ground water system. Other remediation options (e.g. low temperature thermal desorption or isolation of the contaminated soil by a clay-slurry cut-off wall) may be available but their efficacy can not be assessed without comprehensive geochemical and hydrologic studies. - 6-7 ;G:0981/09186 e e 7.0 REFERENCES 1. Marshack, J.B. (1985), Waste Classification and Cleanup Level Determination; Guidance Document (Draft). California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region. '. .. 7-1 J:0981/09186 - C I < I 0( CO) II) - c uJ ~ C)a: ~UJ ~ID <~ a:::> CZ » IDID CC UJUJ :.::> uO Wa: J:~ u~ < ~~ .' ..; '" . .'.. -I :. ...~I 7 , . ~ I..:'~~U I ~ .."Ø('IS .. ...' . .u < ' A'EIlA' ¡".fI....:! I . I 11·.. ......... I . ! ~II~ ;~~':.\ .~ . L~L ~t~:!.n , ; - .....r .....'.:/...-\ . ~ '; ;J/; t';:.-:.I··~·DS '.. ~ ··~·:x.1 So:...oG., "'l1li£. < ....,. "I"~ :1 .. ;1 ~: -, .....~.. ' \ ..: .. .,,·.1:" -; &.: .....:.- ....., '0' I'" '.. ~ I ., : ,. , ,. I~~~~II ,~I 1..... ";~i 7ó ;I!~ .f".:': ...... .'It", .?! ; ~b ... I :c;-... !-i..a.a,¡ ...;., ~~. 7" - . )K.~.,þ¡ \ ~ c _ to I t: ,\(I: ""1.:1" \ ./:: ., ;:~. ~..~ i.~;· :: : , " I -::¡ 'I. 5"··_1 .-'" " . : l - !5'TA-r~ / . < M : IU~ < ,."., ~~ ; 2· "' ..... IC;·.C. ~....C'... .., ..-,'. '" 'f...~~ e I 16. ì ., Co: ~ l¡ > , i "' \,:. :...~ ~:~:.W .... . ...~ . ~ ¡ II ~I 1 ,. '..111. (...IW~; o (B,AKERSF'IELD'''~:~PARK ~.·:III·' ~, '- .~1..J."'1 SCALE I o 1/2 I I MILE o ¡;¡ ... .. C\ ... Z < 1984 IT CORPORATION ALL COPYRIGHTS RESERVED "Do NO! Scale Th'S Draw,ng , ~"Ih,) > < ,. . o ~} "I .1 ;1 ¿' .D.Io4~ =~. ~~.-., . ../ !. ~, ...'/ ,':A~ lO'-. ,..... s... '_I' ..0.-" . I(..OQ~ "II"'. . --- I I I - ,-~ I; ! . . ~ " ror .\ " ¿ < ., ., % ' !2 'l % :> 01', " 01", .i ..: ~ ~ c.! ~ .' > .. ... c, ,. .... ¡-'---- ~ L:.-. I FIGURE 1 SITE LOCATOIN MAP BAKERSFIELD AIRPARK rn INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 1).(:., I; ,..'....¡ . .;,' '", ~. . ··.':;i '.,' ~N BnERSFlELD AIRPARK EXISTING STRUCTOOES AND PARKING TAXI ./( "" . . I /' I ./< I I '. """.""...,;,,0.. i...'...... j/ ··..""'2~,/, I ./ -~-'Y 0 ·,2 i ..SI1 ~~~- j /r~' _ .___._. ,.;',,"'11"----- - -, ,.,.!.. 10 .1- r £. -,i3 ,POSSIBLE /JACrcF'LLED TRENCH .J" . ;:':>8.. .'S9 , g ,(.~.... I ~,)' I / ,0 sr", 58 .>. , ,/ I I Jt.(.: W--/ ..S3 L-VhL·'; 'J' ~t~ I II . I 11 S'¡-¡-·-ŠŠ , I I I I ,- - - - - DRAINAGE DITCH ~y I I I í < I 1 < j----1 . (::-r'\ ! '''-. 'c' \1 \ '. /' \ ------I ~ (' J..I (,~ i ~ <c', . êf'- ! ~ I .~ \0\\ 'b,1 GC'O~(\~ O\)~\\ / .' SIØ'AŒ WATER SLI/IIP NOTE: SITE MAP FROM FIELD RECONNAISSANCE NOT TO SCALE SOUTH UNION AVENUE [D IT CO~.fI_ ~~ A SOILS . WATER Q "I o II: ..... 4!: "I ..J Q. e,. 2103 pano" way .a"EIIS"'ELO. caLIFORNia 9330. FIGURE 2 SOIL AND WATER SAMPLING LOCATIONS, Bo.....fi.ld Airpark . Ba.....fi.ld. ColifOfn,o "'E01l3ll-.-01 N o I < I 0( (') CD - o w ~ t:'CC ~UJ .J ~c;) <~ CC::J OZ » c;)ca 00 wW ::;:> uO wCC ~Q. ......Q. u< e -~ DRED lUll .... > DC: Q ~B5.6 ~ B3.4 ~ B7.8 o -< o DC: '" - - -< ~ ~ ~ o a: a: < " N Z -< .... a. " A7,8~1 ( I x I ,<' I r UNION AVENUE - LEGEND FIGURE 3 AIR MONITOR LOCATONS BAKERSFIELD AIRPARK [D INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY . CORPORATION f::::.AIR MONITOR -. co ¡;; .. ;: ~ 1984 IT CORPORATION ;) ALL COPYRIGHTS RESERVED "00 Nor Scale nlls DrawIng' .. DWG NOT TO SCALE e -~ TAXIWAY .,. /' .,.. ,/' .,.. +/ / /' - ... - /' -- - 11A(720) ~£.- _-- -- ,?-- .///~-"~,.-,.~,.-,,. /./ C //,// '101 ,/ ,/,/ IA,,(140) -T<- (15) ",I i 1\ 6~ T~(15) 7~(11 / J I 8,ð! 8 ) i- I I : I ~/ 13: I.¡.V 1=1 2A(O.17) A I I~I 4. I I I ~I ._,._._.~ I I ;: 4..6.(0.1) 5 A(0.5) 1"::1 I~I ~ z </ z .... 1= < I .... Ix Q u _ I~I = I~I -= 1:1 c.:J le( I ., 3,ð.(O.04) y 0{' I " -; LEGEND -- LOCATION 11..6. CONCENTRATION (ppb) DWG NOT TO SCALE FIGURE 4 DACTHAL CONCENTRATIONS BAKERSFIELD AIRPARK rn INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION .- ,. co ;;; .. ;: c 1984 IT CORPORA TION ; ALL COPYRIGHTS RESERVED "Do Not Scale Th,s Drawing Organophosphorous Compounds Azinphos methyl Carbophenothion Chlorpyrifos DEF Demeton Dialifor Diazinon Dichlorvos Dicrotophos Dimethoate Disulfoton Ethion EPN Hostathion Malathion Methidathion Mevinphos Naled Parathion (ethyl) Parathion (methyl) Phorate Phosalone Phosphamidon Ronnel Tetrachlorvinphos e e TABLE 1 BAKERSFIELD AIRPARK COMPOUNDS INCLUDED IN ANALYSIS SCAN OF SOIL, WATER AND AIRBORNE PARTICULATE SAMPLES Organochlorine Compounds a-BHC b-BHC d-BHC g-BHC Aldrin Heptachlor Heptachlor epoxide Chlordane Dieldrin DOE Endrin Endosulfan I Endosulfan II Endrin aldehyde Endosulfan sulfate 4,4'-000 4,4'-DOT Toxaphane Methoxychlor Dacthal Balan/Treflan Botran Polychlorinated Biphenyls PCB 1016 PCB 1221 PCB 1232 PCB 1242 PCB 1248 PCB 1254 PCB 1260 , . , . .... , i:0981-t/09226 I .. .'. ;.'.\ 1', . ,¡,,::i t.. , .'.... ...:,. TABLE 2 BAKERSFIELD AIRPARK--CONCENTRATION OF COMPOUNDS DETECTED IN SOIL SAMPLES ALL VALUES IN PARTS PER MILLION (PPM) SAMP LE LOCATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 COMPOUND DACTHAL 0.45 0.17 0.04 0.1 0.6 15 11 8 15 140 720 NO ENDOSULF AN I NO NO NO NO NO NO 0.5 0.7 2.3 12 NO NO e HIDOSULFAN II 0.02 0.01 NO 0.01 0.2 0.7 2.3 0.7 4.7 6 NO NO Bt\LAN/TREFLAN/BENEF I N 0.01 NO 0.02 NO 0.08 0.08 0.2 NO 12 21 60 NO CHLORDANE NO NO NO NO 0.5 12 NO 12 58 37 6 NO P/~RA TH ION (ETHYL) NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 6 120 NO ETHION NO NO NO NO NO 15 NO NO . NO 5 NO NO BOTRAN NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 0.6 7 NO NO METHOXYCHLOR NO NO NO NO 5 NO NO NO 7 7 60 NO ODE 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.09 0.1 0.7 0.1 1.6 NO 1 NO NO 4,4 DOT 0.16 0.1 0.02 0.8 0.2 NO 2.5 NO NO 3 NO NO DIEF NO NO NO NO 0.06 NO 0.8 NO NO NO NO NO DIMETHOATE NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 0.4 NO NO NO NO e CHLORPYRIFOS NO NO NO NO 0.18 NO 1 1 NO NO NO NO HEPTACHLOR NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 0.3 NO NO NO NO PCB 1254 NO 0.2 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO= None Detected ENG:0981-t/09226 · .'. J L M loll ~.' ..~. :, .... ,,-'~ i'", ~~...,~ I',: TAD LE 3 BAKERSFIELD AIRPARK RELATIVE RANGES OF CONCENTRATIONS OF CONTAMINANTS IN SOIL SAMPLES ALL VALUES IN PARTS PER MILLION (PPM) LOCATION OF REGULATORY LIMITS NUMBER OF RANGE HIGHEST WA TE R SOIL COMPOUND DETECTIONS LOW HIGH CONCENTRATION (SAL) (RSCL) IaACTHAL 11 0.1 720 11 N/A N/A IENDOSULFAN I 4 0.5 12 10 0.074' 74 IENDOSULFAN I I 10 0.01 6 10 0.074# 74 e ** IßALAN/TREF LAN/BE NE FIN 8 0.01 60 11 0.7 700 CHLORDANE 6 0.5 58 9 0.000055 0.055 \PARATHION (ETHYL) 2 6 120 11 0.03 30 IETHION 2 5 15 6 0.035 35 BOTRAN 2 0.6 7 10 N/A N/A * I~ETHOXCHLOR 4 5 60 11 0.1 100 DDE 9 0.01 1.6 10 N/A N/A 4,4 DOT 7 0.02 3 10 N/A 0.00024 OEF 1 0.8 0.8 7 N/A N/A IHMETHOATE 1 0.4 0.4 7 0.14 140 CHLORPYRIFOS 3 0.18 1 7 & 8 N/A N/A e HEPTACHLOR 1 0.3 0.3 8 0.00002 0.00028 PCB 1254 1 0.2 0.2 2 0.05** 0.000079 SAL: State Action Level RSCl: Recommended Soil Contaminant Level # EPA - No Adverse Effect level ** SNARL: Suggested No Adverse Response Level * MCL: EPA - Maximum Contaminant Level N/A: None cited by Marshak (1985) e e APPENDIX A NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE ISSUED TO GARRIOTT CROP DUSTING BY STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES j ",:1 e e STAff OF ('AllfOR""..-H!AITH AU:;' W!lFAQI AGII.C~ G' C)RGf Of ur,Mf )1.0.'" \.,,,..nn' DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES tOXIC SUBSTANCES CO"'IROl DIVI~I-:"!J NORtHERN CAIIIORNIA SECTION FRESt.O DISTRICT Off 1([ 3~43 E AS1 SHiElDS AVH~U¡ FRESNO. CA 937<7 /-:;., ~,y CERTIFIED HO. P 055 346 477 July 31, 1986 Garriott Crop Dusting 2010 Union Ave~ue Bakerfield, CA. 93307 Dear Mr. Jack Garriott: NOTICE OF VIOLl-_TIOn AHD SCHEDULE FOR COHPLIÞ.NCE On June 26, 19815 the Depar-tpr:nt of Hea.l th Services (DHS) conducted an inspection of your Garriott Crop Dusters-Bakersfield facility. As a result of that inspection, violations of hazardous ~aste statutes and regulations were identified. Specified violations and required corrective action are listed below. Failure to correct the identified violations within the schedule provided will result in DES citing you for continuing/additional violations. 1. ;:otice of Violations COUNT I. section 25189.5(a), Health & Safety Code The disposal of any hazardous or extremely hazardous ~aste, or the causing thereof, is prohibited when the disposal is at a facility \'lhich does not have a penni t from the departpent issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, or at any point which is not authorized accor~ing to the provisions of this chapter. Pesticides and herbicides have been disposed of in an unlined earthen pond approximately 12' x 200'. Pesticides/herbicides have drained from a concrete pad to the earthen pond. Pesticides collected in the area ~~hich drains to the pond and the covered drainage ditch were found to be at hazardous levels in the February, 1985 samples. -0.. Samples taken in June 1986 at specific areas on the Garriott property are now being analyzed and verbal confonnation has been given from HHL that pesticides are present. Analytical data will be sent within the ¡'.'eek. .. . COUNT II. COUHT III. COUNT IV. '¡; :--j 2 " ~:. e e -2- section 66508(a,b,c), Title 22, California Administrative Code The generator may accumulate hazardous waste on site for 90 days or less provided that: (1) each container and tan):. is labeled "Hazardous \'iaste": (2) each container is marked with the start of accumulation date: and (3) each nonstationary container is labeled with the composition and physical state, a statement or statements identifying the particular hazardous properties, and the name and address of the generator. A generator who accumulates hazardous waste for more than 90 days is an operator of a storage facility and is subject to the re~ùirernents of Articles 17 through 32 and the permit requirements of article 6 unless he has been granted an extension to the 90-day period. Such extension may be granted by the Department if hazardous wastes must remain on site for longer than 90-days due to unforeseen, temporary and uncontrollable circumstances. Pesticide/Herbicides have been stored in the earthen pend for a nu:rnber cf years. Section 67120(a), Title 22, California Administrative Code Pe~itted facilities shall be designed and constructed, and all facilities shall be maintained and operated to minimize the possibility of a fire, explosion or any unplanned, sudden or non-sudden release of hazardous waste or hazardous ~aste constituents to air, soil or surface ~ater which could threaten human health or the environment. Triple rinsed containers were being stored in three cotton trailers. Some of the containers in each of the trailers had leaked to the surface of the ground. section 66371, Title 22, California Administrative Code (a) Permits are re~Jired for treatment, storage or disposal of hazardous waste. Pesticide/Herbicides have been disposed of in an earthen pond \olithout a permit from the Department. I . e e -3- COUNT V. section 67140 (a), Title 22, California Administrative Code Each owner or operator shall have a contingency plan. No contingency plan was available. COUNT VI. section 67105(a), Title 22, California Administrative Code Facility personnel shall successfully complete a training program, directed by a person trained in hazardous waste management procedures, that will ensure they are able to respond to emergencies by fa~iliarizing them with emergency procedures, equipment and systems, relevant to their positions of employment. 11'0 training records were available. 1. Sc~edule of Correction 1. Submit plans for contamination assessment of soils and groundwater as outlined in the April 24, 1985 req'.Jest by the Ri'ìQCB. 2. Contact Tom Kovac (209) 445-5999, Department of Heal~h Sen,ices, Fresno Office for guidance on DHS re~Jlrements for remedial investigation of soils and ground¡·;ater by August 8, 1986. 3. Submit contingency plan as discussed on the June 26, 1986 inspection within 30 days. 4. Submit training outline within 30 days. Personnel training regulations are enclosed. Please send vlritten certification to this office by September 1, 1986 that the above corrections have been completed. The DeDartment will schedule a re-inspection of Garriott Crop Dusters to verify compliance. The issuance of this Notice of Violations and Schedule for Compliance àoes not preclude DHS from ta}~ing administrative, civil, or criminal action as a resu~t of the violations noted herein. .- ."- --' . . . \ - - e, -4- If you have any questions regarding this Notice, please contact Jerry E. Prine, R.S. at (209) 445-5609 Sincerely, ~~ 1/ W~ Gerald H. Hhite, Chief Enforcement and Surveillance Fresno District Office cc: Richard M. Ross, Enforcement Coordinator Ms. Caroline Cabias Hazardous Waste Management section Mr. Steve Gildner Kern County District Attorney's Office ~. Mr. Vernon S. Reichard Kern County Departmen~ of Environmental Health Mr. Sargeant Green Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, Fresno Mr. Anthony Landis, P.E., Chief, Site Mitigation Unit DepartITen~ of Health Services, Sacramento Mr. Thomas W. Kovac, site Mitigation Unit, Department of Health Services, Fresno 1 .:" - ~ , , -' e e APPENDIX B RESULTS OF ANALYSES OF SOIL, WATER AND AIRBORNE PARTICULATES Of e e rn INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION IT Corporation 4585 Pacheco Blvd. Hartinez, CA 9'553 July 29, 1986 A1TH: Robin Ha.let Followinq ar~ the rosults ~Í analyses ~n the sample~ described bele,.,. Project: HE 0183, City ~f Bakersfield Airpark Lab Numbers: Number of Samplas: Data RGcd·:ed: $ampl¡;¡ 'I'yp~: Analysis Request~¿: ~2107-50 ~~151-67 42168 U 17 1 7/16/26 7/16/36 7/16/86 ~~ils Filter Disks Vater Cr~anochlcrin~ and Or~anophosphcrus Pesticide~ Tha soil samples ~lsre:::-mposited from forty-four ;44) to t~rd·;e ;L~j samples for analyses. The method of analysis for orqanochlorine pesti~ides, PCBs and organophosphorus pesticides in seil is adapted trom t.P.A. Methods 3550, 8080 and 3140. Thë method of analysis for orqanochlorine pesti:idçs, PCBs and cr~anophospborus pesticides 10 ~ater is adapted frem E.P.A. Methods 0503 and 622. ~ll samples are serially extracted ~ith ¿i:hloroœethane. The dichlercmethans ç~tract is a~apcr~ted and the sol~ent is exchan~ed t: acetone. For orq3nochlorine pesticiàes and PCBs an aliquot ot the acetone extract is excbanqed to hexane, cleaned-up throu;h Florisil and analy~ed by gas chromatoqraphy (GC) usin~ an elactron =~pture åetectcr. For organophosphorus pesticidBs an ali~uot of the acetone extract is further concentrated and analï=ad by GC usinq a flamcl~s~ alkali ~alt nitrogen-phosphorus ùetector. . Filter disks ~ere also analyzed for organochlorine, PCBs and orqanopbosphorus pesticides. Each filt~r cassette contained two (2ì filter disks. Beth disks in each cassette were combined fer the extraction and analysis. Regional Otfice 397 Mathew Street. Santa Clara. California 95050.408-727-4277 e e IT CORPORATION IT/Santa Clara to IT/Martinez ATTN: Robin Hamlet July 29, 1986 P:¡ge : ~he aethod ot analysis fer organochlorine pesticides and PCBs is taken fro. the NrOSH Manual ot Analytical Methods. Samples are extracted by shaking witb iso-octane. An aliquot of tbe iso-octane extract is then concentrated to a suitable final volume Ind analy:ed by ~~S =hromatoqra~hy using an electrcn capture ~etectcr. The method of analysis for orqanophosphorus pesticides is taken from tbe NIOSS Manual of Analytical Methods. Samples are extracted by shaking with t~luene. An !liquot of the toluene extract is then :on- côntrated to a 3uitatle final 70lume for analysis by ças chromatography using a flameles! alkali salt nitrogen-phosphorus detector. Any of the compounds in the Table ~f Results ~ould ha76 ~e2n 1etected had it been present at ~r Ibo.e the limit of ~etection listed. Detection limits ~ary trc~ compound to ccm~cund dçpöndin; ~n in$trum~nt sensitivity I ånd they may also vary from sample t~ sample dapendinq ~n sampl.. matriö. DH/jd ~- . --. ~~am C=ttla, !T!Qilmin;tcn ~3 paQ6S fcllc~inq - Tatles oÏ Result3 :-:~ '-' , .;.~ ,. , . ,,..¡ .,~ .1 e - IT CORPORATION IT/Santa Clara ~o IT/Martinez hTTll: Robin Hamlet July ~9, 1986 Page 1 of 43 Report of Analysis Organochlorine Pesticides and PCBs in Soil Project; Number: HE 0183, City of Bakersfield Airpark Lab Numbers: Sample Identification: 42107-42110 (Composite) I 7/14/86 BAS-1-')01, 'J-6" BAS-l-002, 6-12" BAS-l-003, 12-18" BAS-l-004, 13-24" 7/16/36 Date Riceived: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Rasu1t;s - Micrograms per Gram (Dry Soil Basis) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Compound Det:ect;ed Det;ect;ion Limit ------------------------------------------------------------------- " Organochlorine PestÜ:ides and PCB's: a-BHC None 0.01 b-BHC None 0.02 d-BHC None O. 'J1 g-BHC None 0.01 Heptachlor Hone O. 'J1 Aldrin None 0.01 Hept;achlor epoxide None 0.01 Endosulfan I None 0.01 Dieldrin None O. 'J1 DDE 0..02 0.01 Endrin None 0.01 Endosulfan II 0.02 0.01 4,4'-DDD None ."1 ."1"'1 ""'...,.. Endrin aldehyde None 0.05 Endosulfan sulfate None 0.05 4,4t-DDT 0.16 0.02 Chlordane None 0.05 Toxaphene None 0.4 PCB 1016 None 0.1 PCB 1221 None 0.2 PCB 1232 None 0.1 PCB 1242 None 0.1 PCB 1248 None 0.1 PCB 1254 None 0.1 PCB 1260 None 0.1 Methoxychlor None 0.05 Dacthal 0.45 ,~. 01 Balan/Treflan 0.01 0.01 Botran None 0.05 ... ,-- ....( e e IT CORPORATION IT/Santa Clara t~ IT/Martinez ATTM: Robin Baaløt July 25, 1986 Page 2 of 43 Report of Analysis Organophosphorus Pesticides in Soil Project Number: ME 0183, City of Bakersfield Airpark Lab NWlbers: Saaple Identification: 42107-42110 íC~mposite}, 7/14/86 BAS-l-001, 0-6" BAS-l-OO~, 6-1:" BAS-1-003, 12-18" BAS-1-004, 18-24" 7/16/86 Date Received: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Results - Hi=ro~rams per Gram (Dry Soil Bas~s) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Compound Detected Detection Limit ------------------------------------------------------------------- Organophosphorus pesti:i:ies: A%inphos lIethyl None 0.:: Carbophenothion None 0.05 Chlorpyritos None 0.05 Def None 0.05 Demeton Nona 0.1 Dialifor Ncne 0.1 Dia:inon NonE:: 0.05 Dichlor-;cs None 0.05 Dicrotophos None 0.1 Dillsthoate None 0.05 Disulfoton None 0.05 !:thion None 0.05 UN None 0.05 Hostathion None 0.1 Malathion None 0.05 Hethidathion None 0.05 Hevinphos None 0.05 Haled None 0.2 Parathion ethyl None 0.05 Parathion methyl None 0.05 " Phorate None 0.05 Phosalone None 0.2 Phosphamidon None 0.05 Ronnel None 0.05 Tetrachlor7inphcs None ,) .05 -' 04"' e e IT CORPORATION IT/Santa Clara to IT/Martine% ÀTTN: Robin Hamlet July 29. 1986 Page .3 of 43 Report of Analysis Organochlorine Pesticides and PCBs in Soil Project Nu.mOer: ME 0133, City of Bakersfield Airpark Lab Numbers: Sample Identification: 42111-4~114 (Composite) I 7/14/86 BAS-2-005, 0-6" BAS-2-006, 6-12" BAS-2-007, 12-18" BAS-2-008, 18-24" 7/16/86 Date Received: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Results - Micrograms per Gram {Dry Soil Basis} ------------------------------------------------------------------- Compound Detec'ted De'tection Limit ------------------------------------------------------------------- . Organochlorine Pesticides and PCS's: a-SHC None 0.02 b-BHC None 0.04 d-BHC None 0.02 g-BHC None 0.02 Heptachlor r-lone 'J.O: A.ldrin !-lone 0.0: Heptachlor epoxide None 0.01 Endosu1fan ! None 0.01 Dieldrin None ').01 DDE 0.03 0.02 Endrin None 0.01 Endosulfan II 0.01 0.01 4,4'-DDD None O. ')4 Endrin aldehyde None ,:L05 Endosulfan sulfate None 0.05 4,4'-DDT 0.1 0.04 Chlordane None 0.1. Toxaphene None 1. PCB 1016 rlone 0..2 PCB 1221 None 0.4 PCB 1232 None 0.2 PCB 1242 None 0.2 PCB 1248 None O.~ PCB 1254 0.2 0.2 PCB 1260 None 0.: Methoxychlor None 0.05 Dacthal 0.17 O.O~ Balan/Traf1an None 0.02 Botran Uone ·J.05 " .:. e e IT CORPORATION IT/Santa Clara tc !T/Martine: ~TTN: Robin Haalet July :9. 1936 P31¡e 4 ~i 43 Report of Analysis Organophosphorus Pesticides in Soil Project Number: ~Œ 0183, City =f Baker~fiçld Air;art Lab Numbers: Zample Idantificati~n: 42111-42114 ¡Ccmposite). 7/14/36 B~S-2-005. 0-05" 815-2-006, 6-12" 3AS-2-007. 12-13" BAS-2-00S. 18-24" "7/16/86 Date Received: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Table ;f Results - Micrograms pEr Gra~ (Dry Z~il Basis} ------------------------------------------------------------------- Compound DHe::ted Detecti:::n Limit ------------------------------------------------------------------- ": Organophosphorus Pesticides: A::inphos methyl None o ,) . ~ Carbophenothion None 0.05 Chlorpyrifos None ':L 05 De! Nene 0.05 Dameton ~l=ne 0.: Dia.lifor None 0.1 Dia::inon None 0.05 Dichlcnos None 0.05 Dicrotophos ~lone 0.1 Dimethoat6 None v.05 Disulfoton None 0.05 Ethion None 0.05 EPN None 0.05 Hostathion None 0.1 Malathion None O.OS Methidathion None 0.05 Hevinphos None 0.05 Haled None 0.2 Parathion ethyl None 0.05 Parathion methyl Hone 0.05 Phorate None 0.05 Phcsalone Nene O.~ Phosphamidon None 0.05 Ronnel Nene 0.05 Tetrachlorvinphos None O.Û: , . -·'01 . , - -, -- . :"i. e e IT CORPORATION IT/Santa Clara to IT/Martinez ATTN: Robin Hamlet July ~9, 1986 Page 5 of ~3 Report of Analysis Organochlorine Pes~icides and PCBs in Soil Project Number: ME 0183, City of Bakersfield Airpark Lab Numbers: Sample Identifica~ion; 4211s-~~i18 (Composite;, 7/14/86 8A.S-3-009, oJ-oS" BAS-3-010, 6-1:" BAS-3-Q11, 12-18" BAS-3-012, 18-24" ï/16/86 Date Received: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Results - Micrograms per Gram (Dry Soil Basis: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Compound Detected De~ection Limit ------------------------------------------------------------------- ., Organochlorine Pes~icides and PCB's: a-BHC None 0.01 b-BHC None 0.02 d-BHC None 0.01 g-BHC None 0.01 Heptachlor None 0.01 Aldrin None 0.01 Heptachlor epoxide None 0. ~'1 Endosulfan I None 0.01 Dieldrin ~¡one 0.01 DDE 0.01 0.01 Endrin None 0.01 Endosulfan II None 0.01 4,4'-DDD None 0.0: Endrin aldehyde None 0.05 Endosulfan sulfate tJone 0.05 4,4'-DDT Û.C~ 0.02 Chlordane None 0.1. Toxaphene None 0.4 PCB 1016 None 0.1 PCB 1221 None O.~ PCB 1232 None 0.1 PCB 1242 None 0.1 PCB 1248 None 0.1 PCB 1~54 None 0.1 PCB 1260 None 0.1 Methoxychlor Nona 0.05 Dacthal 0.04 0.01 Balan/Treflan 0.02 0.01 Botran None 0.05 .,- ,- " .....;... e e IT CORPORATION :'I'lSanta Clara to IT/Martinez 11TH: RobiD Hamlet July 29, 1986 Page Ó ot 43 Report of Analysis Organophosphorus Pesticides in Soil Project Nuaber: HE 0183, City of Bakersfield Airpark Lab Hubers: Sample Identitication: 42115-42118 (Coapoaite)I 7/14/86 BA5-)-009, 0-£" . 815-3-010, 6-12" 8AS-3-011, 12-18" BAS-3-012, 18-24" 7/16/86 Date Received: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tabla oÏ Results - Micrograms per Gram (Dry Soil Basis) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Compound Detected Detection Limit ----------------------------------------------------------------- Organophosphorus Pesticides: Azinphos methyl None 0.2 Carbophenothion None . 0.05 Chlorpyrifos None 0.05 Det None 0.05 Demeton None 0.1 Dialifor None 0.1 Diuinon None 0.05 Dichlorvos None 0.05 Dicrotophos None 0.1 Dimethoate None 0.05 Disulfoton None 0.05 Ethion None 0.05 EPN None 0.05 Bostathion None 0.1 Malathion None 0.05 liethidathion None 0.05 Hevinphos None 0.05 Naled None 0.2 Parathion ethyl None 0.05 Parathion methyl None 0.05 Phorate None 0.05 Phosalona None 0.2 ..:. Phospbamidon None 0.05 Ronnel None 0.05 Tatrachlor7inphos None 0.05 " e e IT CORPORATION IT/Santa Clara to IT/Martinez ATTN: R.obin Hamlet July 29. 1986 Page 7 of 43 Report of Analysis Organochlorine Pesticides and PCBs in Soil Project Number: ME 0133. City of Bakersfield Airpark Lab Numbers: Sample Identification: 4:119-4:122 (Composite). 7/14/86 BAS-4-()13. 0-6" BAS~4-014. 6-12" BAS-4-015, 1:-13" BAS-4-016, 18-24" 7/16/86 Data R.eceived: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of R.esults - Micrograms per Gram (Dry Soil Basis) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Compound Detected Detection Limit ------------------------------------------------------------------- Organochlorine Pesticides and PCB's: a-BHC None 0.02 b-BHC None 0.04 d-BHC None 0.02 g-BHC None 0.02 Heptachlor None 0.02 Aldrin None ,..... ('\~ ... . ... IÌÍII Heptachlor epoxida None 'J.01 Endosulfan I None 0.01 Dieldrin None ':-.01 DDE o. 'J9 0.01 Endrin None ,j.Ol Endosulfan II 0.01 0.01 4,4'-DDD None ·J.04 Endrin aldehyde None O. t~5 Endosulfan sulfate None v.05 4,4'-DDT 0.3 0.04 Chlordane None 0.1. Toxaphene None 2. PCB 1016 None O.~ PCB 1221 None 0.4 ,o_,,! PCB 1232 None O.~ , PCB 1242 None 0.2 :. .~ PCB 1248 None 0.2 PCB 1254 None 1. - PCB 1260 None l. Methoxychlor None 0.05 ,. Dacthal 0.1 0.02 , " Balan/Treflan None 0.02 Botran None 0.05 e e IT CORPORATION IT/$anta Clara to IT/Hartine= ATTH: Robin Hamlet July 29, 1986 Page 8 of 43 Report of Analysis Organophosphorus Pesticides in Soil Project Number: ME 0183, City ~f Bakersfield Air~ark Lab Numbers: Sample Identification: 42119-4212~ (Compcsiteì, 7/14/86 BJ.5-4-013I 0-5" BI5-4-014, 6-12" BI5-4-015, 12-18" 8A5-4-016, 18-24" 7/15/86 Date Recei-:ed: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tablë of Results - Micrograms per Gram (Dry Soil Basis) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Compound !)çt",cted Detection Licit ------------------------------------------------------------------- Organophosphorus Pesticides: Azinphos methyl None 0.2 Cubophencthicn None 0.05 Chlorpyrifos None 0.05 De! None 0.05 Demeton ~Jcne 0.':' Dialifcr Nene 0.1 Diazinon Ncne 0.05 Dichbr-:os None 0.05 Dicrotophos None 0.1 Dimethcate None 0.05 Pisultoton None 0.05 Ethicn None 0.05 EPN None 0.05 Hostathion Nene 0.1 Malathion None 0.05 Hethidathion Ncne 0.05 Hevinphos None 0.05 Naled None 0.2 Parathion ethyl Hona 0.05 Parathion methyl None 0.05 ;-:~ Phorata None 0.05 .- Phosalone Ncne O.~ Fhosphamidcn Noue 0.05 '1 , , Ronnel None 0.05 - . Tetrachlcr~inphcs r¡one o.os 'f ;; . ,:; e , , ef' IT CORPORATION IT/Santa Clara to IT/Martinez ATTN: Robin Hamlet July 29, 1986 Page 9 of 43 Report ot Analysis Organochlorine Pesticides and PCBs in Soil Project Number: ME 0183, City of Bakersfield Airpark Lab Numbers: Sample Identification: J2123-~2126 (Composite), 7/14/86 8A5-5-017, 0-6n 8A5-5-018, 6-12" BAS~5-019, 12-13" 8AS-5-020, 18-24" 1/16/86 Date Received: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Results - Micrograms per Gram (Dry Soil Basisì ------------------------------------------------------------------- Compound Detected Detection Limit ------------------------------------------------------------------- ¡ Organochlorine Pesticid.es and PCB's: a-BHC Nene 0.05 b-BBC None 0.10 d-BBC None 0.05 g-BHC None 0.05 Heptachlor Ucne 0.05 A.ldrin None 0.05 Heptachlor epoxide None 0.01 !:ndosulfan I Hene 0.01 Dieldrin None 0.01 DDE 0.1 0.05 Endrin None 0.01 Endosulfan II 0.2 0.01 4,4'-DDD None 0.1 Endrin aldehyde None 0.05 Endosulfan sulfata None 0.05 4/4'-DDT 0.2 0.1 Chlordane 0.5 0.5 Toxaphene None 2. PCB 1016 Nene 0.5 PCB 1221 None 1. PCB 1232 None 0.5 PCB 1242 None 0.5 PCB 1248 None 0.5 PCB 1254 None 0.5 PCB 1260 None 0.5 Hethoxychlor 5. 0.1 Dacthal 0.6 0.05 Balan/Treflan 0.08 0.05 Botran Hone 'J.05 - -' ,- e e IT CORPORATION IT/Santa ~lara :: !T/~artin~: ¡TTN: Rebin Hamlet July :9. 1986 Paoe 10 cÍ 43 Report of 1nalysis Orqanophosphcrus Pesticides in Soil Project Number: ~ 0183, City ~Í Bakersfield Airpark Lab Numbers: Sample !dentifi=ati~n: 4:123-42126 {Compcsiteì. 7/14/86 BAS-5-017, 0-'5" BAS-5-013I 6-12" BAS-S-019, 1:-13" BAS-5-020. 18-24" 7/16/36 Date Recei.ed: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tabl~ ~Ï Results - ~icrogra~s péf Gram (Dry $:i1 Basis; ------------------------------------------------------------------- Compound D€:tectd Det~cti~n Li.:nit ------------------------------------------------------------------- Oroanophosphcrus Pesticides: ., Az:inphos meth~'l Carbophencthion Chlorpyrifos Def Demetcn Dialifor Diazincn Dichlcr''':s Dicrotcphos Dimethoate Disulfcton Ethion UN Bostathion ~alathion Hethidathicn Hevinphos Naled Parathion ethyl Parathion methyl Phorate Phosalone Phosphamidon Ronnel Tatrachlor7inph=s Nene O.~ None 0.05 0.13 0.05 0.06 0.05 None ';.1 Nene 0.1 Nen.: 0.05 None 0.05 None 0.1 None¡ 0.05 None 0.05 None 0.05 Nena 0.05 Ncne 0.1 ~Ione 0.05 None 0.05 None 0.05 None 0.2 none 0.05 None 0.05 Uone 0.05 None 0.2 None 0.05 None 0.05 Non.: O.OS ":õ! -.. .' e e IT CORPORATION IT/Santa Clara to IT/Hartine% ATTN: Robin Hulet July 29, 1986 Page 11 ot 43 Report ot Analysis Organochlorine Pesticides and PCBs in Soil Project Number: HE 0183, City of Bakersfield Airpark Lab Numbers: Sample Identification: 42127-42130 (CompoBite)I 7/14/86 BAS-6-021, 0-6" BAS-6-022, 6-12" BAS-6-023I 12-18" BAS-6-024, 18-24" 7/16/86 Date Received: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tabla of Results - Micro~rams per Gram (Dry Soil Basis) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Compound Detected Detection Limit ------------------------------------------------------------------- ,¡ ~ Organochlorine Pesticides and PCB's: a-BRC None 0.2 b-BBC None 0.4 d-BHC tJon~ 0.2 ~-BHC None 0.2 Heptachlor None 0.2 Aldrin rJODt> 0.: Heptachlor apoxide None 0.05 Endosulfan I None 0.5 Dieldrin None 0.05 DDE 0.7 0.2 Endrin t10na 0.05 Endosultan II 0.7 0.05 4,4'-DDD NODe 0.4 Endrin aldehyde None 0.25 Endosulfan sulfate NODe 0.05 4,4'-DDT NODe 0.4 Chlordane 12. 1- Toxapbene None S. PCB 1016 None 2. PCB 1221 None 4. PCB 1232 None 2. PCB 1242 None 2. PCB 1248 tJona ., -. PCB 1254 NODe 1- PCB 1260 None 1- Methoxychlor None 0.~5 Dacthal 15. 0.05 Balan/TreflaD 0.08 0.05 Botran ~1ona O.~ -.... -- .-. e e,/ IT CORPORATION IT/Santa Clara to IT/Martinez ATTN: Robin Bamlet July 29, 1986 Page 12 of 43 Report ot lnalysis Organophosphorus Pesticides in Soil Project Nuaber: HE 0183. City of Bakarstiald Airpark Lab NUllbers: Saaple Identification: 42127-42130 (Compositêì, 7/14/86 BAS-6-021 0-6" BAS-6-022, 6-12" 8A5-6-023, 12-15" BAS-6-024, 18-24" 7/16/36 Date Received: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Results - Micrograms per Gram (Dry Seil Basisì ------------------------------------------------------------------- Compound Dstectad Detec'tien Limit ------------------------------------------------------------------- Organophosphorus Pesticides: Azinphos methyl Hone 4. Carbophenothion None l. Chlorpyrifos None 1- De! None 1. Deaeton None '\ ... Dialifcr None '\ .... Diazinon tlone 1 .... Dichlon·os None 1. Dicrotophos None .., .... Di.llethoate None 1- Disultoton None l. !:thicn 15. 1. EPN None 1. Hostathion None '\ .. Malathion None 1. Hethidathion None 1. 11evinphos tlone 1- Naled Hone 4. Parathion ethyl None 1. Parathion methyl None 1. ~'.;:.{ Phorate None 1. Phosalone None 4. PhosphalÚdcn None 1. Ronnal None ~ , . .. Tetrachlor.inpbcs None 1 .... -:.... " . . e . IT CORPORATION IT/Santa Clara to IT/Martinez A1TH: Robin Hamlet July 29, 1986 Page 13 of 43 Report ot Analysis Organochlorine Pesticides and PCBs in Soil Project Nuaber: HE 0183, City ot Bakersfield Airpark Lab Nuabers: 42131-42132 (CoJllposi tei , 7/14/86 Sample Identification: BAS-7-{)25I 0-6" BAS-7A-025I 0-6" Data Received: 7/16/86 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Table at Results - Micrograms per Gram (Dry Soil Basis) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Compound Detected Detection Limit ------------------------------------------------------------------- Organochlcrins Pesticides and PCB's: a-BHC None 0.1 b-BBC None 0.2 ;i-BHC None 0.1 g-BHC None 0.1 Heptachlor None 0.1 ;.ldrin None 0.1- Heptachlor apoxidt! None 0.1 Endosulfan 'T' 0.5 0" ... ... Dieldrin None 0.1 DDE 0.1 0.1 EDdrin None 0.2 Endosulfan II 2.3 0.5 4,4'-DDD Nena O.~ Endrin aldehyde None 1. Endosulfan sulfate Hone 1. 4,4'-DDT None 0.2 Chlordane 2.5 0.5 Toxaphene None 4. PCB 1016 None 1- PCB 1221 None ? .... PCB 1232 None l. PCB 1242 None 1. PCB 1248 None l. PCB 1254 Nona 0.5 ~ 1260 0.5 PCB None ',- Methoxychlor None 0.5 '. Dacthal 1l. 0.1 '"" Balan/Treflan 0.2 0.1 Botran None 0.5 e e IT CORPORATION IT/Santa Clara to IT/Martinez ATTN: Robin Hamlet July :9. :9~é Pa~e 14 :;f -"3 Report ot Analysis Or~anophcsphcrus Pesticides in Soil Project Number: ME OB3. ':i ty ;f Bakersfield ,Hr;:ark Lab Numbers: 4:1.31-421.3: (C.::mp:::site). 7/14/86 Saaple IdentiÏication: BA.5-7-025, 0-6" BAS-7A-025. 0-6" Date Recei.ed: ;/16/86 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tablë Qf Results - Mic=:::gra~s per Gram (Dry ~:::il Basis) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Compound Detected Detect::.:;n Limit ----------------------------------------------------------------- Organophosphcrus Pesticides: Azinphos methyl None .. "\ Carbophenothion Nene 0.5 Chlorpyrifos 1.0 0.5 De! 0.3 0.5 Demeton None , .... Dialifor Ncne , .... Diazinon tf~ne 0.5 Dichlor.os None 0.5 Dicrotophcs None , .... Dimethoatê ').4 0.25 DisuHoton Non.. 0.5 Ethion Nene 0.5 UN Nene 0.5 Bostathion None , .... Malathion :lone 0.5 Methidathion None 0.5 Me...inphos None 0.5 Naled Nene .. .... Parathion ethyl None 0.5 Parathion methyl None 0.5 Phorate None 0.5 ." Phosalone None ., ... Phosphamidon Nene 0.5 Ronnel Nene 0.5 Tetrachlor7inphes :lone 0.5 . ~. e e IT CORPORATION !T/Santa Clara to IT/Martine: ATTN: Robin Hamlet July 29, 1986 P3;e 15 of 43 Report of Analysis Organochlorine Pesticides and PCBs in Soil Project Number: HE 0133, City of Bakersfield Airpark Lab Numbers: 42133-42134 (Composite) I 7/14/86 Sample Identification: 8A5-8-02£, 0-6" 8A5-8A-026, 18-24" Data Recei-;ôd: ï/15/S6 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Results - Micrograms per Gram (Dry Seil Basis) / ------------------------------------------------------------------- Compound Detêctsd Detçction Limit ------------------------------------------------------------------- ~.;.. Organochlorine Pesticides and PCB's: a-BHC None 0.2 b-BHC Nene 0.4 d-BHC None 0.2 go-BHC Nene 0.2 Heptachlor 0.3 0.2 Aldrin Mens 0.2 Heptachlor ep:;^ide None ,) .1 Endosulf an I 0.; 0.1 Dieldrin None 0.1 DDE None 0.2 Endrin none 0.1 Endosulfan II 0.7 0.1 4,4'-DDD None O.~ Endrin aldehyde None 0.5 Endosulfan sulf3te None 0.5 4,4'-DDT None 0.4 Chlordane 12. l. Toxaphene None s. PCB 1016 None ., ... PCB 1221 None 4. PCB 1232 Hena 2. PCB 1242 None ") - . PCB 1248 ~Ione '") -. PCB 1~54 None , .... PCB 1260 None , .... Methoxychlor None 0.5 Dactbal 0 0..2 oJ. Balan/'1'rdlan None O.~ Botran rlone 0.5 - e e IT CORPORATION IT/Santa Clara to IT/Martine: ¿!TN: Robin Haalet July :9, 1986 ?3C}e 16 of 43 Report of Analysis Or;anophcsphorus Pesticides in Soil Project Nuaber: ME OlS3, City ~t 'Bakersfielà Airpark Lab Numbers: 42133-42134 (C~mpcsite), 7/14/86 Sampl~ Identific3tion: BAs-a-026I 0--5" BAS-8A-026, 13-24" Date Received: 7/16/86 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Table =f Result3 - MicroC}rams per Gra~ (Dry Seil Basisi ----------------------------------------------------------------- Compound Detectsd Det-acti::m Limit ----------------------------------------------------------------- Organophosphorus Pesticid.as: Azinphos methyl Nona 4_ Carbophencthion None l. Chlorpyrifos 1.0 1- De! None 1. Demeton None .., -- Dialifor Ncne .. w. Di.1=inon Ncaa 1. Di chlor-:os Nen,; Di::rctophcs None Dimethoat.: None 1- Disulfoton None .... tthion None 1. EPH None 1- Hostathion Nena .., -. Malathion None ! - . Methidathion tlone l. Mevinphos None 1 .... Haled Nene 4. Parathion ethyl Hone 1- Parathion methyl None 1- . -,.;.~. Phorate None l. Phosalone Nene 4. Phosphamidon none 1. Ronnel None 1. Tetrachlor.inphcs ~lcne 1 -: - -- IT CORPORATION '\ IT/Santa Clara to IT/Martinez .\'%"1'X: Robin Hamlet July 29, 1986 Pac¡e 17 of ~3 Report of AnalY8is Orc¡&nochlorin6 Pesticides and PCBs in Soil Project Nuaber: HE 0183, City of "Bakersfield Airpark Lab RWDbers: Sample Identification: 42135-(2138 (Composite) I 1/14/86 BAS-9-0~7. 0-6" BAS-9-028I 6-12" BAS-9-029, 12-18" BAS-9-030, 18-24" 7/16/86 Data Received: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Results - Hicrograms per Gram (Dry Soil Basis) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Compound Detected Detection Li:nit ------------------------------------------------------------------- " Organochlorine Pestici:ies and PCB's: a-BHC Nona 1. b-BHC None "I ... d-BHC None l. g-BHC Mone 1 .... Heptachlor None 1- Aldrin None I .... Heptachlor epo;Ü::e None 0.5 Endosulfan I ::.3 0.5 Dieldrin !'tone 0.5 DDE 1.6 l. Endrin None 0.5 Endosulhn II 4.7 0.5 4,4'-DDD None ~ ... tndrin aldehyde None 2.5 Endosulfan sulfate HonG ~.5 4,4'-DDT None ") ... Chlordane 58. 5. Toxaphene None 50. PCB 1016 Hone 10. PCB 1221 None 20. PCB 1232 Hone 10. PCB 1242 l{on e 10. PCB 1248 None 10. PCB 1254 Hone ~ ... PCB 1260 None s. Methoxychlor 7. 2.5 Dacthal 15. l. Balan/Traflan 1.... l. ...-. Botran 0.5 0.5 :- .:~ , , "'; , ': e - IT CORPORATION IT/Santa Clara to IT/Martine: ~TTH: Rebin Hamlet July ~9, 1986 Page 18 of 43 Report of Analysis Org~ophosphorus Pesticides in Soil Project Humber: ~E 0183, City of Bakersfield Airpark Lab Numbers: Sample Identification: 4~13S-4213S íCcmposite), 7/14/86 5AS-9-027, O-~" BAS-9-028I 6-12" 3A5-9-029, 1~-13" BAS-9-030, 18-24" "7/16/36 Date Recei...ed: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Table ~Î Results - Micrograms per Gram (Dry $eil Basisj ----------------------------------------------------------------- Compound Detacted Detacticn Li::1i t ----------------------------------------------------------------- Organophosphorus pesticidês: Azinphos methyl None ~O. Carbophencthion Ì'lone ::. Chlorpyrifos Hone 5. Dei Nene 5. Demetcn None 10. DialHor !ione 1.0. Diazinon None 5. Dichlor\"os ~one 5. Dicrotophos None 10. Dimethoate None oJ. Disultoton None c: oJ. Ethion None 5. EPN None r:: .... Hostathicn Hone 10. Malathion None .... Methidathion None c: oJ. Mevinphos None 5. Naled None 20. ....., Parathion ethyl Hone 5. '·5 Parathion methyl None 5. .' .~ Phorate None 5. Pbosalone None 20. Phosphamidcn None 5. ReDnel None 5. Tetrachlcr7inphcs None ~ . 'c ..4 . . IT CORPORATION "' IT/Santa Clara to IT/Hartinez A1TH: Robin Ha.let July 29 I 1986 PilQ8 19 of 43 Report ot Analysis Or~anochlorine Pesticides and PCBs in Soil Project Nuaber: HE 0183, City of Bakersfield Airpark Date Received: 42139-42142 (Coaposite)I 7/14/86 BAS-10-0Jl, 0-6" BAS-10-032, 6-12" BA5-10-033I 12-18" BA5-10-034, 18-24" 7/16/86 Lab Nuabers: Sample Identification: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Results - Micrograms per Gram (Dry Soil Basis) ------------------------------------------------------------------- C:Jmpound Detected Detection Limit ------------------------------------------------------------------- OrQanochlorine Pesticides and PCB 's: a-BHC None 0.5 b-BHC None 1. d-BHC None o " . ~ g-BHC None 0.5 Heptachlor None 0.5 Aldrin None 0.5 Beptachl:Jr epoxid.. None 4. Endosulhn I 12. ~ ... Dieldrin trone 4. DD! l. 0.5 Endrin None 4. Endosulfan II 6. 4. 4,4'-DDD Mone l. Endrin aldehyde None ") c:; ...-- Endosulfan sulfate tlone 2.5 4,4'-DDT 3. l. Chlordane 37. 5. Toxaphene None 20. PCB 1016 None s. _¡t. PCB 1221 None 10. PCB 1232 Nona 5. PCB 1242 None 5. PCB 1248 None 5. PCB 1254 None 5. PCB 1260 ~lone 5. Methoxychlor i. ~ ..; . Dacthal 140. 4. Balan/Treflan 2l. 0.5 Botran 7. ~ " ." . · - IT CORPORATION IT/Santa Clara to IT/Martinez A1TN: Robin Bulet July :9 I 1986 Page 20 :¡f 43 Report of Analysis Organophosphorus Pesti:id~s in Soil Project Huaber: ME 0183, City of Bakersfield 7.irpark Lab Numbers: Sample Identifi:ation: 4~139-42142 (Composite), ï/14/36 BAS-IO-031, 0-6" BAS-10-032, 5-12" BAS-10-033, 12-18" 915-10-034, 18-:4" 7/16/86 Date Received.: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tabla cf Result3 - tli~rcgrams per Gram ~Dry Seil 3asisì ----------------------------------------------------------------- Compound Det..:tEòd Detscticn Li!Dit ----------------------------------------------------------------- Organophosphorus Pesticides: A:z:inphos methyl None ~O. Carbophenothion None ¡:; oJ. Chlorpyrifos Nona s. Def None 5. De.aton ~l:::n., 10. Dialifor Ncne 10. Dia~incn ~~cna r:: J. Dichlcr·..os NODE: "' J. Dicrotophos None 10. Dillethoate None c: oJ. Disul!oton None c: oJ. Ethion 5. 5. EPN rl:::ne 5. Bcstathion None 10. Malathion :~on~ ¡:; oJ. Methidathicn None 5. Mevinphos Nene 5. Haled None 20. Parathion ethyl 6. 5. Parathion methyl None 5. '.~. Phorate None 5. Phcsalone Hone ~O. Phosphaaidon rlone r:: Ronnel Nen", 5. Tetrachlcr7inphos Ncne ;:: oJ . e e IT CORPORATION IT/Santa Clara to IT/Hartinez ATTN: Robin Hamlet July 29, 1986 PaQ8 21 ~f 43 Report of 1Dalysis Organochlorine Pesticides and PCBs in Soil Project Number: HE 0183, City of Bakersfield Airpark L.ab Nuabers: Sample Identi!ic~ti~n: 42143-42146 (Composite), 7/14/86 BA5-11-035I 0-6" BAS-ll-036I 6-12" BAS-11-037, 12-18" BA5-11-038, 18-24" 7/16/86 Date Received: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Results - Micrograms per Gram (Dry Soil Basis) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Compound Detected Detection L.imit ------------------------------------------------------------------- OrQanoch1orine Pesticides and PCB's: a-B8C Hone 1. b-BHC None .... ~. d-BBC None 1. g-BBC None 1. Heptachlor None , ... Aldrin None 1. Heptachlor epoxide None 20. Endosultan I None 20. Dieldrin None 20. DDE None l. Endrin ttone 20. Endosultan II Hone 2.5 ~,41-DDD None 2. Endrin aldehyde Hons 10. !ndosu1tan sulfate Hone 10. 4,4'-DDT None ") ... Chlordane 6. 5. T'cxaphene None 40. PCB 1016 None 10. PCB 1221 Hone 20. PCB 1232 None 10. PCB 1242 None 10. PCB 1248 Mona 10. PCB 1254 None 5. PCB 1260 None s. lie thoxychlor 60. 50. Dacthal 720. 20. Balan/Tre:flan 60. l. Botran tJone 20. e e~ IT CORPORATION IT/Santa Clara to IT/Martinez ATTN: Robin Ba.let July 29, 1986 Page ~~ of 43 Report of Analysis Organophosphorus Pestici3es in Soil Project Nuaber: ME 01&3, City :f Bakarsfield Airpark Lab Numbers: Sample Identifi~ation: 4~143-42146 (Composite), 7/14/86 515-11-035, O-~" B1S-11-036, 6-1:" BI5-11-037, 12-18" BA5-11-038, 18-:4" 7/16/S6 Date Recei7ed: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tablô cÌ Results - Hicroqrams per Gram (Dry Sell Basiz) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Compound Detected Detectien Limit ----------------------------------------------------------------- Organophosphorus Pesticides: Azinphos lDethyl Nene '- 200. Carbophenothion None 50. Chlorpyrifos None 50. Dei None 50. Delleton Nene 100. Didifor N:::De 100. Diazinen None 50. Dichlor7os None 50. Dicrotophos None 100. Diaethoate None 50. Disulfoton None SO. Ethion None 50. EPN None 50. Bostathion None 100. ~alõl.thion None 50. Methidathicn None 50. lievinphos None SO. Haled None 200. Parathion ethyl 120. 50. Parathion methyl None 50. Phorate Hone 50. Pbosalone None 200. PbesphamidoD None 50. Ronnel None 50. Tetr3chlor7inpho~ !lone 50. e e IT CORPORATION IT/Santa Clara to IT/Martinez ÀTTN: Robin Haalet July 29, 1986 Page 23 of 43 Report of Analysis Or~anochlorine Pesticides and PCBs in ~oil Project NWllber: HE 0183, City of Bakersfield Airpark Lab Numbers: Sample Identiticativn: 42147-42150 (Composite}, 7/14/86 BA$-12-039, 0-6" BAS-12-040, 6-12" BA5-12-041, 12-18" BAS-12-042, 18-24" i/16/86 Date Recei·;ed: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Results - Hicrograms per Gram (Dry Soil Basis) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Compound Detected Detection Limit ------------------------------------------------------------------- --:. Organochlorine Pesticides and PCB's: a-BHC None 0.01 l::-BHC None 0.02 d-BHC None 0.01 q-BHC None 0.01 Heptachlor None 0.01 Aldrin NOD€ 0.01 Heptachlor '''; ~Ione 0.01 ¡;;:eXl..c Endes ulf an ! None 0.01 Dieldrin None 0.01 DDE None 0.01 Endrin llone 0.01 Endosulfan II None 0.01 4,4'-DDD None 0.02 !:ndrin aldehyde None 0.05 Endosulfan sulfate None 0.05 4,4'-DDT None 0.02 Chlordane None 0.05 Toxaphene None 0.4 PCB 1016 None 0.1 PCB 1221 None 0.2 PCB 1232 None 0.1 PCB 1242 None 0.1 PCB 1248 None 0.1 PCB 1254 Hone 0.1 PCB 1260 none 0.1 Methoxychlor None 0.05 Dacthal None 0.01 Balan/Treflan r~one 0.01 3ctnln None 0.05 - . IT CORPORATION IT/Zanta Clara to IT/Martine: ArTN: Rebin Hamlet July 29, 1986 Paqe 24 of ~3 Report of Analysis Organophosphorus pesticides in Soil Project N~er: HE 0183, City of Bakarsfielj ^ir~ark Lab Numbers: Sample Identification: 42148-42150 :Ccmpo=-it..}, ;/14/36 BAS-12-039, 0-6" B~Z-1:-040, 6-1:" BAS-12-041, 11-13" B15-12-042. 18-24" 7/16/86 Date Received: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tatl~ oÍ Results - Hicroqrams per ~ram {Dry S~il Basis} ----------------------------------------------------------------- Compound ~ete::tçà :)etecti:::n :'imit ----------------------------------------------------------------- Organophosphorus ?esti.=ides: Azinpbos methyl Hone 0.2 CarbophenothicD NODe 0.05 Chlorpyrifos None 0.05 De! None 0.05 Demeton None o ~ .. Dialifor Nonç I) .1- Diazincn None 0.05 Dichlor':os ~Jone 0.05 Dicrotophos ~lonê 0.... Dimetboats None 0.05 DisuHoton None 0.05 Ethicn None 0.05 EPN None 0.05 Hostatbion None 0.1 M~lathion N::)De 0.05 Hethidatbion None 0.05 Mevinpbos None 0.05 Naled None 0.2 Parathion atbyl None 0.05 , Parathion methyl None 0.05 Phorate None 0.05 Phcsalone None 0.2 Phospbamidon None 0.05 Rennel None 0.05 Tetrachlor.inphos tlone 0.05 e . IT CORPORATION IT/Sant~ Clara to r~/Martine~ ~'M'N: Robin Bulat July ::9, 1986 Page '::5 of 43 Report of ànalysis - Orqanochlorine Pesticides ~nd PCBs in fil tar Disks Project Nwa.ber: ME 0133, City of Bakersiiel~ airpark Lab Number: Sample Identification: 42151 Fence East (AP) A-1 I ï/16/86 ~f T:1::i1,ay 7/15/36 Data Recai..,ed: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ~abla =Ì Results - ~icr~~rams ~~r Zampl~ ----------------------------------------------------------------- Detacti~n Compound Detected r..i::it ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Or;anochlerine Pestici:ies and PCS's: 3.-BHC ~Jcnê 0.01 b-BBC None 0.02 :i-SHC Non.. 0.01 q-BHC ìJ::me 0.01 Heptachlor Nena 0.01 ~ldrin None; 0.01 Heptachlcr ~~oxide None 0.01 E:ndosulfan ! None 0.05 Dieldrin None 0.01 DDE Nene 0.01 Endrin Hone 0.01 Endosulfan II None 0.01 i,4'-DDD None 0.02 Endrin aldehyde None 0.05 ::ndosulhn :sulfilte None 0.05 4,4'-DDT Ncne 0.02 ':hlcrdane None 0.05 Toxaphene None 0.4- PCB 1016 tlone 0.1 PCB 1221 None O.~ PCB 123~ None 0.1 PCB 1242 None 0.1 PCB 1248 Non¡~ 0.1 PCB 1254 rlcne o ' .- pcs 1260 None 0.1- Methoxychlor :fens 0.05 Dacthal rlone 0.01 :1 _:~~ '- '. .. e . IT CORPORATION :T:~anta :lar3 ~Q :T:Martin~z ~TTN: Rcti~ Haml~t July ':9, 1986 Paqe :6 of 43 Report ~I Ánalysi~ - 0r;ancchlorine Pesticides and PCBs in filter Disk::> Project Number: ME 0123. City of Bakersfield ¡irpark Lab Number: $ample Identificaticn: 4215: Fence East (AP! A-2, 7/16/36 of Taxi ~1'ay 7/15/S6 Da.te Received: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Re~ult~ - Hicrcgrams ~er Sample ----------------------------------------------------------------- C:::¡mpcund Detc:::teå ~et..cti.;n :.i:nl t ----------------------------------------------------------------- OrQ'anoch1~rine ?esti:l:les and PCB 's: ;1-BHC None 0.01 b-BBC Nonl:! 0.0':: :i-SHC rlone O.ûl ~-BHC Ncne 0.01 Heptachlor NOD;; ',). 01 )"1drin None 0.01 Septachl~r = pc:,:i::ie !'lone J.Dl EndosulfJ.n . None ').05 Dieldrin None 0.01 DDE None 0.01 Endrin None 0.01 Endosulfan II None 0.01 4,4'-DDD None 0.02 Endrin aldehyde None 0.05 !:ndosuHan sulfate :fone 0.05 4,4'-DDT None 0.02 Chlordane None 0.05 Toxaphene None 0.4 . , PCB 1016 None 0.1 .', ;-1 PCB 1221 None O.~ PCB 1232 None 0.1 -,,'" PCB 1~42 None ,) .1 .' PCB l:~S None 0..1. -"' FCS 1254 None 0.1 "·1 PCB 1260 Hone; 0.1 Methoxychlor None 0.05 ...:... Dacthal None 0.01 e . IT CORPORATION I1/Santa Clara to IT/Martine= .\ '1"'I'N : Robin Baal e t Jl.1ly ~9, 198€ Pa¡¡e ~7 ~f ..3 Report of Analysis - Orqanochlcrine Pesticides and P~Bs in Filter Disks Project Number: ME 0183, City ~Ï &ak~rsÍield ~ir?ark Lab Number: Sample Id6ntification: 4~153 Mid~oint of East Fence (àP) A-3, 7/15/86 7/16/2£ Date Recei....ed: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tabla of Results - Hi=rQqrams per ~a~pl¿ ----------------------------------------------------------------- Detecticn Compound Jet,¡;ctd Li:nit ----------------------------------------------------------------- Organochl:::rine Pssti~id~.s ud PCB's: a-SHC None 0.01 b-BHC None 0.02 d-BHC None 0.01 ~-SHC None 1).01 Heptachlor None 0.01 l\ldrin Ncne ').01 Heptachlor e;: ::::~i ci ¡; None ').01 Endosulfan I !icnt: 0.05 Dieldrin None 0.01 DDE None 0.01 Endrin None 0.01 !:ndosulf an II None 0.01 4,4'-DDD None 0.02 Endrin aldehyde None O.OS Endosulfan sulfate ticne 0.05 4,4'-DDT None 0.02 Chlordane None 0.05 Toxaphene Non.. 0.4 PCB 1016 None 0.1 ;.:, PCB 1221 None O.~ PCB 1232 None 0.1 PCB 1242 Nene 0.1 PCB 1248 N~ne 0.1 PCB 1254 t~one 1'\ , ".- PCB 1260 None 0.1 Methoxychlor ;ione 0.05 Dacthal 0.01 0.01 e . IT CORPORATION IT/Santa Clara to IT/Martinez ATTH: iobin Hamlet July 29, 1986 Page 28 ot. 43 Report of Analysis - Organochlorine Pestici~es and PCBs in Filter Disks Project NWlber: ME 0183, City ~f Baker3Ïiald Airpark Date Received: 42154 Midpoint of East Fence (AP) 1-4, 7/15/86, 8-10 7/16/86 Lab Hwa.ber: Sample Identification: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Table cf Results - Micrograms p~r Sample ----------------------------------------------------------------- Datecti~n Compound Detected Limit ----------------------------------------------------------------- Organochlorine Pesticides and PCB's: a-DBC None 0.01 b-BBC None 0.02 d-BBC None 0.01 ¡¡-BBC None 0.01 Heptachlor None ·J.01 Aldrin Nene 0.01 Heptachlor ~poxide None 0.01 Endosulfan T None 0.05 ... Dieldrin None 0.01 DDE None 0.01 Endrin None 0.01 Endosulfan II None 0.01 4,4'-DDD None 0.02 Endrin aldehyde None 0.05 ~ndosulf an sulfate None 0.05 4,4'-DDT None 0.02 Chlordane None 0.05 ..-".. Toxaphene None 0.4 ..":>-" PCB 1016 None 0.1 ~-'.'~ PCB 1221 None 0.2 PCB 1232 None 0.1 PCB 1242 Nene 0.1 PCB 1248 !lone 0.1 .~ PCB 1254 Nene 0.1 PCB 1260 tlene 0.1 ...,::, ~ethoxychler None 0.05 ' . :..J Dacthal 0.01 0.01 e e IT CORPORATION IT:~anta Clara to IT!Martine: ~TTN: Robin Hamlet Juh' :9, 1935 Page ~9 of 1,\3 Report of Analysis - Organochlorine Pesti:ides and PCBs in Filter Disks ?r:Jj.:ct Number: ME 0133, City of Bakersfield Airpark Lab Number: $ample Identification: Date Recei';d: 4.2155 Junction of East Fence i 60 jeqree Chan~e, {AP} A-5, 7/15/86, 3-10 7/16/86 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ~~tle ~f Results - tlicroqrams per ~ampl€ ----------------------------------------------------------------- Jetecti~n Compound Detectd ... . ~ ...~ml\.. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Orqancchlcrine Pesticides and PCB's: " a-BHC b-BHC :i-BHC g--BHC Heptachlor Aldrin Heptachl~: êP=ðid6 Endcsulfan :;: Dieldrin DDE Endrin Endosulfan II 4,4'-DDD Endrin aldehyde Endosulfan suliat~ 4,4'-DDT Chlordane Toxaphene PCB 1016 PCB 1221 PCB 1232 PCB 1242 PCB 1248 PCB 1254 PCB 1:50 Me tho:{ychlor Dacthal None None None rJone Nene None Hone Nene None None Rone None None Nene l10ne None None None None None None None None None None None Nene 0.01 O.O~ 0.01 0,01 0,01 0.01 'J,01 0.05 :J.Ol ').01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.05 0.02 0.05 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.1 0,1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.01 ~ .'-::. '. . ~' ..... ~~'! .:-¿ ',' ,. e e IT CORPORATION IT/Santa Clara to IT/Martinez ATTN: Robin Hamlet July 29, 1986 Paqe 30 of .J3 Report of Analysis - Orqancchlorine Pesticides and PCBs in Filter Disks Project Number: ME 0133, City of Bakersfield àir~ark Lab Number: Sample Identification: 42156 Junction of East Fence ~ 60 deQre~ ChaDQe, tAP} 11.-6,7/15/86.3-10 i/16/86 Date Recei...ed: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tabla of Results - Micrograms per Sample ----------------------------------------------------------------- Compound Detecteå Detecti.::n ~imit ----------------------------------------------------------------- Or;anochlorine Pesticldes and PCB's: a-BRC None 0.01 b-BHC None 0.02 d-BBC None 0.01 g-BHC None 1).01 Hepta::hlcr None 0.01 Aldrin None 0.01 Heptachlor epcxide None J.n Endosul.fan ... None ').05 J. Dieldrin !'lens <J.Ol DDE None 0.01 Endrin None 0.01 Endosulfan II None 0.01 4,4'-DDD Sone 0.02 Endrin aldehyde None 0.05 E.ndosulhn sulfate None 0.05 4,4'-DDT None 0.02 Chlordane None 0.05 Toxaphene None 0.4 PCB 1016 None 0.1 >'\' PCB 1221 None 0..2 PCB 1232 None 0.1 PCB 1242 None 0.1 , . .~~ PCB 1248 tlone ;) , PCB 1254 r~one 0.1 -- 1260 None ,"I 1 PCB v._ :fo Methoxychlor None Q.05 Dactbal None 0.01 ,;.1.' --'"I; e - IT CORPORATION IT/Santa Clara to !T/Martine: dTTN: Robin Hamlet July ;::9, 1986 Psge 31 ~! 43 Report of Analysis - 0rqancchlorine Pesticides and PCBs in Filter Disks Project Number: ~E 0133, City of Bakersfield Airparr. Lab Number: Sample Identification: r£215ï Fence Post west of T~iway íAP} d-7. 7/15/86, 8-10 i/16/36 Date Recd.ed: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tabl~ ~f Results - ~icrcqrams per Sample ----------------------------------------------------------------- C~lIIpcund Detö:ctö:d Detecticn !..i:Üt ----------------------------------------------------------------- Organcchlcrinö: Pesticid.es and PCB'3: a-BHC Hene 0.01 b-BHC Nene 0.02 ¿-BHC None 0.01 ~-BHC None 0.01 Heptachl::Jr None 0.01 ðldrin None 0.01 Hept~chl::Jr epc;.:i:ie Nen;; 0.01 E.ndos ulf an T lione 0.05 ... Dialdrin None 0.01 DDE Nons 0.01 En:irin None 0.01 EndesuHan T- None 0.01 ....1. 4,4'-DDD, None 0.02 En:irin aldehyde !lon.. 0.05 Endcsulfan sulfate None 0.05 4,4'-DDT Hone 0.02 Chlordane Nene O.OS Toxaphene Hone 0.4 PCB 1016 None 0.1 PCB 1221 None 0.2 ..-... PCB 1232 None 0.1 PCB 1242 rlone 0.1 ?CB 1243 None 0.1 PCB 1~54 None 0.1 PCB 1250 None 0.1 lie thoxychlcr None 0.05 D3cthal 0.01 :>.01 e . IT CORPORATION IT/Santa Clara to IT/Hartine= 11TH: Rebin Hamlet July 29, 19~5 Page 32 of 43 Report of Analysis - Organochlorine Pesticides ~nd PCBs in fil ter Disks Project Number: ME 0183, City çi Bakersfield ~irparr. Lab Number: Sample Identification: 42158 Fence Post west of Taxiway (AP) A-~, 7/15/36, 3-10 7/16/36 Date Recei,ed: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tablç ci Results - ~icrograms per Sacpl¿ ----------------------------------------------------------------- Compound Detçct~d D~tçcti~:l Li:tit ----------------------------------------------------------------- Organochlorine Pesti:ides and PCB's: a-SHC None 0.01 b-BHC None 0.02 d-BHC none Q.Ol g-BHC None 0.01 Heptachlor None 0.01 Aldrin Ncnç 0.01 Hepta:hlor apo7.ide None 0.01 EndosuHan I Ncn€ 0.05 Dieldrin None 0.01 DDE Nene 0.01 Endrin None 0.01 Endosulfan II None 0.01 4,4'-DDD tlone 0.02 Endrin aldehyde Ncne 0.05 E:ndosulfan sul.fJ.t~ t!one 0.05 4,4'-DDT Nons 0.02 Chlordane None 0.05 Toxaphene None 0.4 .', PCB 1016 None 0.1 '.:'~ PCB 1221 None 0.2 ... 1232 PCB None 0.1 PCB 1242 None 0.1 PCB 1248 :ione 0.1 PCB 1::?54 Ncne 0.1 PCB 1260 None o 1 .J. ._~ Methoxychlcr None 0.05 :~ -..:; Dacthal 0.01 0.01 e e IT CORPORATION IT/Santa. Clara to !T/Martinez ¡TTN: Robin Hamlet July ~9, 1986 Page 33 ot 43 Report of Analysis - Or~anochlorine pesticides and PCBs in Filter Disks Project Nullber: HE 0183, City of Bakersfield Airpa.rk Data Received: 42159 (AP) A-9 I B13nk i/15/S6, 3-10 7/16/86 Lab Humber: Sample Identification: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Result~ - Micrograms per Sample ----------------------------------------------------------------- Compound Detected Detection ' Limit ----------------------------------------------------------------- ,. i Organochlorine Pesticides and PCB's: a-BHC Hene 0.01 b-BHC None 0.02 d-BHC None 0.01 g-BHC None 0.01 Heptachlor None 0.01 Aldrin None 0.01 Heptachlor epo:dde None 0.01 Endcsulfa.n I None 0.05 Dieldrin None 0.01 DDE None 0.01 Endrin None 0.01 Endosulfan II None 0.01 4,4'-DDD None 0.02 Endrin aldehyde Nene 0.05 Endosulfan sulfa.te None 0.05 4,4'-DDT None 0.02 Chlordane None 0.05 Toxaphene None 0.4 PCB 1016 Hone 0.1 PCB 1221 None 0.2 PCB 1232 None 0.1 PCB 1242 None 0.1 PCB 1248 None 0.1 PCB 1~S4 None 0.1 PCB 1260 None 0.1 Methor¡chlcr None 0.05 Dactha.l ~1cne 0.01 , .- .. > , .. It e IT CORPORATION !T:~anta Clara t: IT/Martins: A~N: Robin Hamlet July :9. 1936 P~ge 34 ~i 43 -.- ~. Report ~t ~naly~is - Orqancphcsphcrus P~sti:i~~$ in Fil ter Disks Project Number: HE 0123, :i ty -;f Bai:cr!JÍÜl:i Airparj; Lab Number: Sample Identification: 4::160 S.E. Ccrner :n IreD "T" {lP) B-1, 7/15/86, 11-1 -:'/16/36 Datu Recei...d: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tatlç ~f Re~ults - ~i:rcçra=~ PÇr $3~plc ----------------------------------------------------------------- C:::npoun¿ Det¡;;ct¡;;d D~tçcti::n Li:::it ----------------------------------------------------------------- Or;anophosphorus pesti:idçs: ~::inphos meth~il neni' ., - . Carbophenothion None 0.5 Chlorpyrifos None 0.5 De! NeDe .", :: V.oJ DsmetcD None . ... . Diali.f :r NonE: -).. 5 Dia:~Il;:;D :lone 0.5 Dichlcr-:cs Nen€: !) . :. Dic:rotophcs NODG 1).: Dimethoate None 0.5 Disulíctcn None 0.5 Ethion Nene 0.5 EPN ~lone 0.5 Hostathicn None l. Malathion None 0.5 Hethid3thi:;m Nenl:! 0.5 Mevinphos None 0.5 Naled None ., -. Parathion ethyl rlone 0.5 ',' Parathion methyl None 0.5 ,.~: Pherata None l. .~. ..,. Phosalone Nene 1. Phosphamid~n None 1- .,¡ Ronnel ~eDe 0.5 ~~tr3chl~r7inphos None " --... - . " e e IT CORPORATION IT/$anta Clara to IT/Martine: ATTN: Robin Hamlet July ':9 I 1986 ?aqe 35 oÏ 43 Report of Analysis - Organophosphorus Pesticides in Filter Disks Project Number: ~ 0133, City ~Ï Baker~field Airparr. Lab Number: Sample Identification: 42161 s.t. Corner OD Iron ~T" (AP) B-2, 7/15/86, 11-1 i/16/S6 Date Received: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Table ~f Results - aicrograms ;er Sa~pl~ ----------------------------------------------------------------- C:::mpcund !)eteçt.,d Det~çtion !:.imit ----------------------------------------------------------------- Orqanophosphorus Pesticides: A:z:inphos methyl None , -. Carbophenothicn None 0.5 Chlor;yrifos None 0.5 Dei None 0.5 De¡¡et:;¡D NeIle , Diali!:::r Ncn~ ..... c 'J . wi Dia:inon Nene 0.5 Dichlor·..os !ion.. O.~ Dicrotophos Mone '.... :: ~ . oJ Dilllsthoata Ncn6 0.5 Disulfoton None 0.5 !:thion None 0.5 UN None 0.5 Hostathion NeDe .... l-ialathicn ~fcn~ ').5 Hethidathion None ').5 Hevinphos :lone 0.5 Naled None 2. Parathion ethyl None 0.5 Parathion methyl NeDe 0.5 Phorate :~onç L Phosalone Ncne ., .... Phosphamidcn !Ion;: 1 ... Ronnel Nona 0.5 ratr3chl~r7inpho~ ~fcn~ ...... e e IT CORPORATION ~4 ~ .-. IT/Santa Clara to IT/Martinez ATTH: Rebin Hamlet July ~9, 1986 Page 36 ot 43 ..~ Report of ~alysig - Or;anephesphorus Pesticides in Fil tar Disk:s Project Number: UE 0123. City of Bakersfield ~irpark Date Recei·..ed: J~162 East Siåe of Àir;ark Near Barn (AP) B-3, 7/15/86, 11-1 7116/36 Lab Humber: Sample Identification: ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1ab¡~ of Results - Hicroçrams per Sample ----------------------------------------------------------------- ':;::IIpeun:i Detected !>etaction :i.imit ----------------------------------------------------------------- Organephosphorus Pesticides: 1... inpho IS œetbyl None '\ - . Carbophenothion None 0.5 Chlorpyrifos tlone 0.5 Det Nene 0.5 Demeton Mone , .. DialiÍ~r None 0.5 Dia::inon ~~one 0.5 Dichlor7os None 0.5 ...,. Dicrotophos None 0.5 f . Dimethoate None 0.5 1 ,¡ Disulfoton None 0.5 -: Ethion HODe 0.5 1 UH Hone 0.5 '.¡ Hostathion Hone 1- ~alathion Nene 0.5 ] Hethidathien None 0.5 Hevinphes None 0.5 NaIad llone " ... ~ P~rathioD ethyl None 0.5 '-~~ Para.thion methyl None 0.5 .. Phorate Hene 1. Phosalone None 1- j , . Phosphamid;;n None 1. Ronnel None 0.5 Tetrachlcr7inph~s None " -. ill f}: '-1 " ~~;1 . e IT CORPORATION '... IT/SaDta Clara to IT/Martine: ~TTH: Rebin Baalet July 2g I 1935 Page 37 Qf 43 Report ~f Analysis - Organophosphorus Pesticides in Filter Disks Project Number: HE '0133, City vf Bakersfield ;ir~ark !late Recei.ed: 42163 East Side ot Airpark Near Barn (ÀP) 8-4, 7/15íS6, 11-1 7/16/36 Lab Nwaber: Sample Identification: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Table oÎ Resultz - tli=rc9rams ;er ~amplç ----------------------------------------------------------------- Ccm¡;:::und r:et;actd :)etçction :"imit ----------------------------------------------------------------- Organophosphcrus Pesticides: .J ·~:iDphos methyl CarJ:lophenothioIl Chlorpyritos Def Demeton Dialifor Dia=inon Dichlor.os Dicrctophcs Dimethcata Disuliotcn EthioD EPN BostathioD MalathioD MethidathicD Hevinphos NaIed P~rathion ethyl Parathion methyl Phorate PhosaloD6 Phosphuidon RODDel Tetr~chlcr~inphcs None None None None None iicn€ t!one Nont= "I w. 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 .. 0.5 0.5 O.S -:¡ I None None None Nene None NODe None None None Nene None NODe None None None None None :J.5 0.5 O.S 0.5 0.5 l. 0.5 o t:. O c: .J 'J -. t, c: V...J ~.. "':' .. , ~ ;. )...'.' ~ .~ ','I ~l. SJ ":1. "1 0.5 1. 1. . Jo. 0.5 "I e e IT CORPORATION IT/Santa Clara tc IT/Martinez A'l"TH: R:lbin Hulet July 29, 1986 Page 38 of. 43 ,. Report of Analysis - Or~anophcsphorus Pesticides in Fil terDisks Project Number: HE 0133. City vf 8akersfield Airpark , , Lab Nuaber: Sample Identification: 42164 East Side of Fence Post 100 yds due North of Barn, (AP) B-5, i/15/86, 11-1 7/16/26 Date Received: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Results - Micrograms per Sampl~ ----------------------------------------------------------------- Compound Detected Detection Limit ----------------------------------------------------------------- 'I Organophosphorus Pesticid.es: Azinphos .ethyl None 2. Car!lophenothion None 0.5 Chlorpyrif os None 0.5 Def None 0.5 De.eton None 1- Dialifor Nene 0.5 Diazinon None 0.5 Dichlcr70S None 0.5 Dicrotophos None 0.5 Dillethoate None 0.5 Disul:toton None 0.5 Ethion None 0.5 EPH None 0.5 Bostathion Non.. 1. Malathion None 0.5 Hethidathicn None 0.5 Hevinphos None 0.5 Haled None " ... Parathion ethyl NODe 0.5 Parathion lIethyl None 0.5 Phorate None 1- Phosalone None 1. Phosphamid.on ~lone 1- Ronnel None 0.5 Tetrachl~r~inphos NODe " -. .._'.. I i i j " j ,.J ~1' ".'. " . 8 OJ '.>:: .- ''.'( :'~ ......... ;'l ·:-'·t · e e IT CORPORATION IT/Santa Clara to IT/Martinez 1TTH: Robin Baalet July 30, 1986 P:lge 39 of n Report of Analysis - Or~ancphcsphorus Pesticides in Filter Disks Prcj act tlumDer: :iE 01ô3, City =f Bakersfi~ld dirpark Lab Number: Sample Identification: 42165 East Side of Fence Post 100 yds due North ~f Barn, U"P) B-6, 7/15/36, 11-1 7/15/36 Date Recei...ed: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tabla ~i Results - Hicr=qrams per ~ample ----------------------------------------------------------------- ç~mpound Detected Det~;ti=n ~i:nit ----------------------------------------------------------------- Organophosphorus Pesticides: Azinphos methyl None ,.., - . Carbophenothion None 0.5 Chlorpyrifos None 0.5 D~f Ncne 0.5 Demeton None -. Diallfor None ". :' Diazinon Nona it ... Y.", Dichlor-:c~ Nen.. 0.5 Dicrotophcs ~¡onç 0.5 ¡ Dimethoate None 0.5 Disulfoton None 0.5 ,-~ Ethion None 0.5 , UN None 0.5 Bostathion None 1 .. Malathion I-lone ').5 ., Methidathion Nene 0.5 ...J Mevinphos None 0.5 Naled None '"' ... ~.: ., Para.thion ethyl None 0.5 ¡j Parathion !lethyl None 0.5 Phorate None 1. 1 Phosalone None 1- Phosphuidon trone 1. Ronnel None 0.5 Tatr3chlor7inph:::s :l:;)n~ ~ J - !J ',1 e e IT CORPORATION IT/~anta Clara to IT/Hartinöz ;¡'T'1'H: Robin Baalgt July 30. 1986 Page 40 of 43 Report ~f ~alïsis - Organophosphorus Pesticiåes in Fil tar Disk3 Project Number: HE 0183, City of Bakersfield Airpark Lab Number: $ample Identification: 42156 ~outh of Garrict 50 ft. From Sump {AP) B-7, 7/15/86, 11-1 7/15/36 Date Recei.ad: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Table ~Í Rasult3 - Micrcgra~s per $ampl~ ----------------------------------------------------------------- Compounå Detected Detection 1.i:1i t ----------------------------------------------------------------- ') i J .j Organophosphorus Pesticides: A.:inphos =ethyl None .. - . Carbophenothion None 0.5 Chlorpyrifos None 0.5 De! None 0.5 Demetcn None l. Dialifcr Nond 0.5 Dia::inon Nene ').5 Dichlcr,,;cs None 0.5 Dicrotophcs None 0.5 Dimethoate None 0.5 Disulfotcn None 0.5 Ethion None 0.5 EPN l~one 0.5 Hostathion None l. Halathi~n ~lone 0.5 Hethidathicn ¡'¡one 0.5 Me.inphos None 0.5 Naled None ., ... Parathion ethyl None 0.5 Parathion methyl None 0.5 Phorate None l. Pbosalone None l. Phcsphuidon None . .... Ronnel N=ne 0.5 Tetrachl=r~inph~s ~tcn~ .. -. ~ ~ .-..., ..1 ---:'1 j ;;1 ~J H ¡", ... J "'t. 7-J r.:-J e . IT CORPORATION IT/Santa Clara to IT/Martinez ATTN: Robin Samlat July .30, 1986 Page 41 vi 43 Report of An.lysis - Organophosphorus Pesticides in filter Disks -., Project Number: ME 0183, City ~Ï Baker3field ~irpark Lab N'usher: Sample Identification: 42167 $outh of Garriot 50 ft. From Sump (AP) 9-8, 7/15/86, 11-1 7/16/86 Date Received: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Table cf Results - ~icrcqrams per Sample ----------------------------------------------------------------- Compound Detect<òd Detóacti::n Lir.Jit ----------------------------------------------------------------- ., .! OrgaDophosphorus Pesticides: A;inphos methyl None "I -. Carbopbenothien Nene 0.5 Chlorpyrifos riona 0.5 Def None 0.5 Demeton ~lone , .... Dialifer Nene 0.5 Dia:inon None 0.5 Dichlor-;os None 0.5 Di::rotophes None 0.5 Dimethoate None 0.5 Disulfoton Nona 0.5 Ethion None 0.5 UN None 0.5 Bostathion Nene 1- Malathion Kone 13.5 Hethidathion NOne 0.5 Kevinphos None 13.5 Haled Nene ') ... Parathion athyl None 0.5 Parathicn methyl None 0.5 Phorate Nene 1- Pbosalone None l. Phospbamidon None 1- Rennel None 0.5 Tatrachl~r~inphcs None .. -. ) I i '1 ~ ;., .-j -1 i -l g., ~.~ ~~~ ,. ~ ~1 ~ t'1 tj '-!~l ~':J : .:t -.~ e . IT CORPORATION IT/Santa Clara to IT/Martinez ATTH: Robin Ha.let July 30, 1986 Page 42 ot 43 Report of Analysis - Organochlorine Pesticides and PCBs in Vater .-- ~ Project Number: ~ 0183, City ~f Bakersfield ¡irpark Lab Number: Sample Identification: 42168 i-l, $urfac6 Sump 12:00 pm, 7/14/86 7/16/86 Date Received: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Results - Micr~grams per Litçr ----------------------------------------------------------------- Compound Detêctad Detection Limit ----------------------------------------------------------------- Organochlorine Pesticides and PCB's: a-BBC None 0.01 b-BBC None 0.02 d-BHC None 0.01 g-BHC None 0.01 Heptachlor Hone 0.01 lldrin None o ,-., ....... Heptachlor apo;:i:ia Nona 0.01 Endosulfan I None 0.01 Dieldrin None 0.01 DDE None 0.01 Endrin None 0.01 Endos ulf an II None 0.2 4,4'-DDD None 0.02 Endrin aldehyde None 0.05 . Endosulfan sulfate None 1 .. 4.4'-DDT None 0.0':: , J Chlordane None 0.05 ::..J Toxaphene None 0.4 PCB 1016 Hone 0.1 ':~ PCB 1221 Hone 0.2 \~ ~ PCB 1232 Nene 0.1 PCB 1242 None 0.1 3 PCB 1248 rlone ').1 ,.' PCB 1254 Uone 0.1 PCB 1250 None 0.1 j Methoxychlor None 0.05 D3cthal 0.: 0.01 r~1 .^ :~~1 ." -. '. e . IT CORPORATION , , IT/Santa ~lar3 t: IT/Martine: ATTN: Robin Hamlet July JO, In6 Page 43 of 43 R6port of lDalysis - Organophosphorus P~sticides in 1atçr Project Number: ~E Ol~3, City ot ßakar~field ~irpark Lab Number: S~pla !dentiiic3ti~n: 42168 ~-l. Suria~e Sump 12:00 pm, 7/14/86 7/16/86 Date Recei';ed: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tabl~ ~i Result3 - ~icrcqrams p~r Liter ----------------------------------------------------------------- .~ Co:npound Detectëd Detçcti~1'l Limit ----------------------------------------------------------------- Or;ancphcsphorus Pesticides: A;:inphos methyl None ! CarbophçnothioD Nonç l. Chlorpyrifos None , .... De! Nonê .... Deme t::m !fone L Dialifor None Dia::incn Non~ .I.. Dichlcr-:cs None Dicr:.:1t:::phos Ncn.. , .... Dilllôtboatê None Disulfoton Ncne . .... Ethion None . .i.. EPN None 1- ; Bostathion Non~ 1. .I Mal~thion ~!cne .... Hethi~athicn None 1. -.., Kevinphos None l. j ì Naled Hone 4. .1 Parathion \!thyl None l. ... Parathion methyl None 1. 1 Phorate Nena l. Phosalone None "\ -. Phosphamidon None , ~1 ... Rennel ~lcne , J .... Tctr~chlor-:in~hos Ncne , ... " j ." ;] ;,j e . rn INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 1'1' ~orpcration 4585 Pacheco Blvd. Martinez, CA 94553 August 18, 1986 ATTN: Eric Paukstatis , . rollowing are the results oi analyses on the sa.pIes described below. Project: Lab Nuabers: Nuaber of Samples: Date Received: Suple Type: Analysis Requ6st~ HE 0183, City ot Bakersfield Airpark 42966-42981 17 August 11, 1986 !'il ter Disks Organochlorine Pesticides and PCB 's, Organophosphate Pesticides Each filter cassetta contained two (2) filter disks. Both disks in each cassette were combined fer the extraction and analysis. The methcd of analysis for organochlorine pesticides and P~Bs is taken troll the KIOSH Manual ot Analytical Methods. Samples-'ue extracted by shaking with iso-octane. An aliquot of the iso-octane extract is then concentrated to a suitable final voluae and analyzed by gas chro.atography using an electron capture detector. The method of analysis for organophosphorus pesticides is taken from the NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods. Samples are extracted by shaking with toluene. An aliquot ~f the toluene extract is then concentrated to a suitable final ~clume for analysis by gas chromo- tography using a tlaaelass alkali salt nitroqen-phosphorus detector. Any of the co.pounds in the Table of Results would have been detected had it been present at or above the limit ot detection listed. Detection limits vary from compound to co.pound depending on instruaent sensitivity I and they may also 7ary from sample depending on s&Aple matrix. - 4 J DHI ksr 18 Pages Following - Tables ~f Results I 1 ¡ C"· .... Adam Cottle-IT/Vilminqtcn Regional 01fice 397 Mathew Street. Santa Clara. California 95050. 408-727-4277 e . IT/Santa Clara to IT/Martine: ~TTN: Eric ?auKstatis ';uaust 18. 1986 ?aqe 1 ::if 18 Report ot Analysis: Organochlorine P6sticides in Filter Disks - Project: HE 0183. City of 9akersfield Lab Number: Sample Identificatlon: 42966 APA-l, 3/3/86, 9-11. Locatlcn 1 Data Received: g/1l/86 ----------------------------------------------------------- Tabla of Results - :'ficroçrrams per Sample ----------------------------------------------------------- Co;nt)ound Det6ct:.cn :"imit Detected ----------------------------------------------------------- .,~ a-BHC Hone 0.01 b-BHC Hone 0.02 d-BHC None 0.01 g-BHC None 0.01 Heptachlor None 0.01 Aldrin None 0.01 Heptachlor epoxidë None 0.01 Endos u1.f an .- Ncné! 0.01 Dialdrin None 0.01 DDE NODe 0.01 Endrln Mone 0.01 Endosulfan II None 0.01 4.4'-DDD Nonia 0.02 Endrin aldehyde trone 0.05 Endcsulfan sulfate None 0.05 4,4'-DDT None 0.02 Chlordane Non.. 0.05 Toxaphene None 0.4 PCB 1016 Hone 0.1 PCB 1221 None 0.2 PCB 1232 None 0.1 PCB 1242 tJone 0.1 PCB 1248 None 0.1 PCB 1254 None 0.1 PCB 1260 None 0.1 ~iethoxychlor None 0.05 Balan/Traflan None 0.01 Dacthal Ì10ne 0.01 ~ " . ¡ , I .J j :1 ..3 J j :J .. " ~ IT CORPORATION e ,/' . IT/Santa Clara to IT/Martinez ATTN: Eric PauKstatis August 18, 1986 PaQa 2 of 13 Report ot Analysis: Organophosphorus Pesticidas in Filter Disks Project: ME 0183, City of B~kersfield Lab Number: Sample Identification: 42967 .~PA-2, d/8i86, 9-11, Lc:ation 1 .. Date Receivad: 8/11/86 ----------------------------------------------------------- Table of Results - Hicrograms par Sample ----------------------------------------------------------- Compound Deta:t:;d Detêcticn Limit ----------------------------------------------------------- -, Azinphos methyl None '" ... Carbophenothion None 0.5 Chlorpyrifos None 0.5 - Def Nona 0.5 Dameton None l. Dialifor None 0.5 Diazinon Nona 0.5 Dichlorvos None 0.5 Dicrotophos Nonô 0.5 Dimethoate None 0.5 Disulfoton None ').5 Ethion None 0.5 EPN None 0.5 Hostathion None l. 1-1alathion None 0.5 Hethidathion fJone 0.5 Mevinphos None 0.5 Naled None " w. Parathion ethyl None 0.5 Parathion methyl None 0.5 Phorate NODe 1. Phosalone NODS 1- Phosphamidon None l. RonDel tlone 0.5 Tatrachlorvinphos None ., ... ... ~J ~..:, "~ ~ ", J q d "J "'1 .:. .. IT CORPORATION e . :T/$antã Clara to rT/Hart~nez ~TTN: Eric ?aukstatis August 18, 1986 Pac;e 3 of 18 -" Report of Analysis: Orqanochlorine Pesticides in Filter Disks Project: ME 0183. City of Bakersfield Lab Number: Sample IdentiÎi:ation: 42968 APA-3, a/8/36. 9-11, Location 2 . Date Racelved: 8/11/86 ----------------------------------------------------------- Table of Resul~s - Micrograms per Sam;le ----------------------------------------------------------- Comt)ounå Detectlon Limit Detected ----------------------------------------------------------- 1 a-BHC None 0.01 b-BHC ~JoDe 0.02 d-BHC None 0.01 q-BHC NODe 0.01 Heptachlor None 0.01 Aldrin Nons 0.01 Heptachlor epoxide None 0.01 Endosulfan I Uone 0.01 Dieldrin None 0.01 DDE None 0.01 Endrin None 0.01 Endosulfan II ~tone 0.01 4,4'-DDD None 0.02 Endrin aldehyde ~Ione 0.05 Endosulfan sulfate None 0.05 4.4'-DDT None 0.02 Chlordane None 0.05 Toxaphane None 0.4 PCB 1016 None 0.1 PCB 1221 None 0.2 PCB 1232 None 0.1 PCB 1242 t~one 0.1 PCB 1248 None 0.1 PCB 1254 None 0.1 PCB 1260 None 0.1 Methoxychlor None 0.05 Balan/TreHan None 0.01 Dacthal 0.01 0.01 " ¡ i -, , j "~ ~.:. :.,. ~ ".- ~ d [j (., --J IT CORPORATION e e IT/Santa Clara to !T/Martinez ATTN: Eric Paukstatis Auaust :8, 1986 ?ac;a :.1 ot 18 Report of Analysis: Oraanophosphorus pesticides in Filter Disks Project: HE 01S3. City of Bakersfield Lab Number: Sample Identification: 42969 AP.~ - 4 I 8/8/86, 9-11, Location ;: ~ Date Received: 3/11/86 ----------------------------------------------------------- Table of Results - ~icrograms per Sam~lê ----------------------------------------------------------- Detection Cc::~ound ~ête=tçd .' . . """.. ...u"_ "" ----------------------------------------------------------- -; A:inphos ;nethyl :10ne "\ - . Carbophanothion None 0.5 Chlorpyrifos None 0.5 Def rlone 0.5 Dellleton None . .. Dialifor None 0.5 Diazinon ¡-Jone 0.5 Dichlor'¡os None 0.5 . :1 Dicrotophos !>lone 0.5 ¡ Di:nethoatë ~!one v.5 , i ,~ Disulfoton Mona ,., :; ....... Ethion None 0.5 :-:; EPN None 0.5 ? Hostathion r~onë l. ' ... Malathion None 0.5 ., Hethiåathion None 0.5 ; lievinphos None 0.5 ¡ ,~1 Nalêd done '" ... Parathion ethyl None 0.5 j Parathion methyl Hone ',). 5 Phorate None 1. Phosalone None 1. ~ Phosphamidon None 1 .. ,- ,~ Ronnel ~Jone 0.5 Tatrachlorvinphos None .., ... t'J J .. 71 IT CORPORATION e e IT/Santa Clara to IT/Martinez ATTN: Eric Paukstatis .;Uç 'ust 18, 1986 Paqa 5 of 18 Report oÍ Analysis: Or;anochlcrine Pesticides in Filter Disks Project: HE 0183, City of Bakersfield Lab Number: Sampla Identification: 42970 rtPA-5, 3/8/36, 9-11, Location 3 ..., Date Recei-¡ed: 8/11/86 ----------------------------------------------------------- Table oÏ Results - Hicroçrrams per Sample ----------------------------------------------------------- Compound Detected Detection Limit ----------------------------------------------------------- 1 a-BHC None 0.01 b-BHC .. None 0.02 d-BHC None 0.01 q-BHC None 0.01 Heptachlor None 0.01 Aldrin None 0.01 Heptachlor epohide Nene 0.01 Endosulfan ... None v.Ol ... Dieldrin None 0.01 DDE None 0.01 Endrin None 0.01 EndosulÏan II None 0.01 4,4'-DDD None 0.02 Endrin aldehyda Nona 0.05 Endosulfan sulfate None 0.05 4,4'-DDT Ì'lone 0.02 Chlordane None 0.05 Toxaphene None 0.4 PCB 1016 None 0.1 PCB 1221 ~fone 0.2 PCB 1232 None 0.1 PCB 1242 None 0.1 PCB 1248 None 0.1 PCB 1254 None 0.1 PCB 1260 None 0.1 Hetboxychler None 0.05 Ba.lan/Traflan I'fene 0.01 Dactbal 0.01 0.01 --; .-! ..1 1 ,:>1 ;¡ t ..... J '::1 ,'j ,~ IT CORPORATION e - !~!Santa Clara ~o IT/Martinez ATTN: Eri~ Paukstat~s Auaust :8, 1986 ?!qe .;) ot 18 Report of Analysis: Orqancphosphorus P~sticides in Filter Disks Project: ME 0183, City of Bakersti~ld Lab Number: Sampla !dsntification: 42971 APA-6, 3/5/86, 9-11. Location: ..., Data Receh·eà: S/1l/36 ----------------------------------------------------------- Table ot Results - M~croqrams per Sample ----------------------------------------------------------- Compound Detection 1.i:!Il t Detected ----------------------------------------------------------- Azinphos methyl Noné ~. Carbophenothion None 0.5 ' - Chlorpyrifos None 0.5 Dei None 0.5 Demeton None l. Dialifor Uone 0.5 Diazinon None 0.5 Dichlor·;os None 0.5 Di::rotophos None o :; .... Ji:nathoate Hone 1).5 DisulÏoton r~one 0.5 Ethion rJone 0.5 EPN Mons 0.5 Hostathion None l. Malathion None 0.5 :fethidathion ~Jona 0.5 Hevinphos None 0.5 Haled Hone '"I ~. Parathion ethyl Uone 0.5 Parathion methyl None 0.5 Phorate None , 4. Phosalone None l. Phosphamidon Mone 1. Ronnel None 0.5 Tatrachlor7inphos Mone 2. , í j IT CORPORATION e e IT/Santa Clara to IT/Martinez ATTN: Eric Paukstatis August 18, 1986 PaQe 7 :)Í 18 Report of Analysis: Organochlorine Pesticides in Filter Disks ProJect: HE 0183, City of Bakersfield Lab llum.ber: Sample Identification: 42972 APA-i. 3/8/36. 9-11. Location 4 Data Racai7ed: 8/11/86 ----------------------------------------------------------- Table of Results - Micrograms per Sample ----------------------------------------------------------- Compounå Detection l' '. ...l~lt DstectGd ----------------------------------------------------------- 'C~ a-BHC :1one 0.01 b-BHC None 0.02 d-BHC None 0.01 q-BHC None 0.01 Heptachlor None 0.01 Aldrin None 0.01 Heptachlor epoxide None 0.01 Endosulfan . tJone 0.01 .L .~ Dieldrin None 0.01 DDE None 0.01 ¡' Endrin None 0.01 Endosulfan II None 0.01 " 4,4'-DDD None 0.02 .! Endrin aldehyde None 0.05 Endosulfan sulfate None 0.05 .., 4,4'-DDT None 0.02 Chlordane None 0.05 , . Toxatlhene None 0.4 "1 PCB 1016 None 0.1 i PCB 1221 None 0.2 ....J PCB 1232 None 0.1 PCB 1242 None 0.1 .0. PCB -1248 None 0.1 J PCB 1254 None 0.1 PCB 1260 Nonó: 0.1 J :Iethoxvchlor Nonë 0.05 .--: Balan/Treflan None 0.01 Dacthal nons 0.01 ~ J " :':1 ,.~, IT CORPORAnON -. e e IT/Santa Clara to IT/Martinez ATTN: Eric Paukstatis August 18, 1986 Page 8 of 18 Report of ADalysis: Organophosphorus Pesticide. in Filter Disks Project: HE 0183, City of Bakersfield Lab Number: Sample Identification: 42973 APA-8, 8/8/86, 9-11, Location 4 Date Received: 8/11/86 ----------------------------------------------------------- Table ot Results - Microqrams par Sample ----------------------------------------------------------- Compound Detection Limit Detected ----------------------------------------------------------- Azinphos methyl None 2. Carbophenothion None 0.5 - Chlorpyritos !fone 0.5 Def None 0.5 Dem8ton None 1. Dialifor None 0.5 Diazinon Nona 0.5 Dichlorvos None 0.5 Dicrotophos None 0.5 Dimethoate None 0.5 Disulfoton None 0.5 ~ Ethion None 0.5 '; EPH None 0.5 ,¡ 1 Hostathion None 1. ""'"'!: Malathion Nona 0.5 " Methidathion None 0.5 ,..., Hevinphos None 0.5 Naled None 2. Parathion ethyl None 0.5 :.J Parathion methyl None 0.5 Pborate None 1. rJ Phosalone None 1. ~>'.' Phosphuidon None 1. Ronnel None 0.5 Tetrachlorvinphos None 2. ] " '.. j :;"> -'1 ... :cA IT CORPORATION e e IT/Santa Clara to !T/Hartinez ATTN: ErlC ?aukstatis ~uqust le, 19B6 Paqe 9 :;,f 18 Report ot Analysis: Orqanochlorine Pesticides in Filter Disks Proiect: HE 0183. City of Bakersfield Lab Number: Sample Identltication: 42974 APA-9. a/8/86. 9-11. Blank :r· Da te Recei ';ãd: 8/11/86 ----------------------------------------------------------- Table of Results - ~lcrograms per Sample ----------------------------------------------------------- Compound Detection Lin1Ì t Detactaå ----------------------------------------------------------- .:~ a-BHC Hone 0.01 b-BHC None 0.02 d-BBC None 0.01 go-BHC None 0.01 Heptachlor None 0.01 Aldrin None 0.01 Heptachlor epoxide None 0.01 Endosul:f an ... None 0.01 ... Dieldrin :1ona 0.01 DDE None 0.01 E:ndrin None 0.01 Endosulf an II Nona 0.01 4,4'-00D None 0.02 Endrin aldehyde None 0.05 Endosulfan sulfate None 0.05 4,4'-DOT None 0.02 Chlordane None 0.05 Toxaphene None 0.4 PCB 1016 None 0.1 PCB 1221 None 0.2 PCB 1232 None 0.1 PCB 1242 ttone 0.1 PCB 1248 None 0.1 PCB 1254 None 0.1 PCB 1260 None 0.1 Hethoxychlor ~fcne 0.05 Balan/TraUan None 0.01 Dacthal Non.. 0.01 ! .J [] J '] ":1 1 IT CORPORATION e e IT/Santa Clara to IT/Martinez ATTN: Eric Paukstatis Auqust 18, 1986 Page 10 of 18 Report of Analysis: Orqanophosþhorus Pesticides in Filter Disks Project: ME 0183, City of Bakersfield Lab Number: Sample Identification: 42974 APA-9. 3/8/86, 9-11, Blank Data Received: 8/11/86 ----------------------------------------------------------- Table of Results - Micrograms per Sample ----------------------------------------------------------- Compound Detected Detection Limit ----------------------------------------------------------- -~ , Azinphos methyl Nona '" ¿'. Carbophenothion None 0.5 - Chlorpyrifos None 0.5 Def None 0.5 DeJDeton None l. Dialitor None 0.5 Dia%inon None 0.5 Dichlorvos None 0.5 Dicrotophos None 0.5 Dimethoata None 0.5 Disulfoton None 0.5 Ethion Nona 0.5 EPN None 0.5 Bostathion None 1- Malathion None 0.5 Methidathion None 0.5 Hevinphos None 0.5 Naled None 2. Parathion ethyl None 0.5 Parathion methyl None 0.5 Phorate None 1. Phosalone None 1. Phosphamidon None 1- Ronnel None 0.5 Tetrachlorvinphos None 2. ,...,' ~ , :J '-1 ~ "1 ','.J IT CORPORATION e e .. IT/Santa Clara to I1/Hartlnez ATTN: ErlC Paukstatis AUQ'ust 18. 1986 Paae 11 oÍ 13 Report ot Analysis: Orqanochlorine Pesticides in Filter D1Sks Project: ME 0133. City of Bakersfield ....,. Lab Number: Sample Identitication: 42975 APB-i. 8/3/86, 9-11. Location 5 Data Received: 3/11/86 ----------------------------------------------------------- Table :f Results - Micrograms ~sr Sam;l~ ----------------------------------------------------------- Compound Detected Datecti:n Limit ----------------------------------------------------------- "'. a-BHC Hone 0.01 b-BHC None 0.02 d-BHC None 0.01 ;:-BHC None 0.01 Heptachlor None 0.01 Aldrin Hone 0.01 HaPtachlor GPoxide None 0.01 Endosulfan ¡ Hene 0.01 Dieldrin 1iODë 0.01 DDE ;'¡one O.ûl Endrin None 0.01 Endosulf an II None 0.01 4,~'-DDD [{one 0.02 Endrin aldehyde Hone 0.05 Endosulfan sulfate Mone 0.05 4.4'-DDT None 0.02 Chlordane ?-lone 0.05 ToxaJ)hene ¡-Ion.. 0.4 PCB 1016 None 0.1 PCB 1221 None 0.2 PCB 1232 None 0.1 PCB 1242 None 0.1 PCB 1248 None 0.1 PCB 1254 None 0.1 PCB 1260 !-lone 0.1 ¡'le thoxy:hlcr Hene 0.05 3alan/Tretlan None O.ûl Dacthal irend 0.01 . .'~ -', j .- ".';2. ., ! ..J ....:.. '! .J ':'1 d " '. .~ .:~ IT CORPORATION e -- , , !T/Santa Clar3 to IT!Martlnez ~TTN: ~ric PauKstatls luaust 18, 1986 ?3qe 12 of 18 Report of Analysis: Organophosphorus Pesticides in Filter Disks Project: HE 0183, City of Bakersfield :'a.b Num.ber: SamDle !dentiticatlon: ~29i5 APB-2. 3/8/86, 9-11. Locatlon 5 Data Rec..i·;..à: 3/11/86 ----------------------------------------------------------- Table of Results - Micrograms per Sample ----------------------------------------------------------- t;:o:nDound Detected Detection Li::lit ----------------------------------------------------------- , r" Ì1zinphos :nethyl Nonéò ì Car.bophenothion tlone -).5 Chlorpyrifos None o c; - Def None 0.5 Demeton None 1- Dialifor None 0.5 Diazinon Mone 0.5 Dichlon'os None 0.5 Dicrotophos None 0.5 1 Dimethoata None 0.5 > Disulfoton Nona 0.5 ;. Ethion Hone 0.5 '.... EPN None 0.5 , Hostathion None 1- ,. Malathion 0.5 lione --. Hethidathion Hena 0.5 i1evinphos Nona 0.5 - NalGd Nons " -.,.... ... puathion ethyl Hone 0.5 j Parathion methyl Non~ 0.5 ;.::.1 Phorate None 1. Phosalona None 1. ~ Phosphamidon Hons .i.. ~. Ronnel None 0.5 Tetrachlor~inphos Nons ., ... fJ ii' d :'.~ 'i ~ 'î ., ~'.~ IT CORPORATION e e IT/Santa Clara to IT/Martinez ~TTN: Er1C ?auKstatis .!"uaust 13. 1986 Paqê 1.3 oÍ 18 Report oÏ Analysis: Organochlorine Pesticides in Filter Disks Project: ME 0133. City of Bakersfield Lab Number: Sample IåantiÏicaticn: 42977 ~PB-3. 3ía/86, 9-11, Location 6 Dat.. Recê1'leci: 8/11/86 ----------------------------------------------------------- Table of Results - ~lcroarams per Sam~le ----------------------------------------------------------- Comround Detected Detectlon L1IDlt ----------------------------------------------------------- '·7 i-BHC ¡lone 0.:)1 b-BHC ~lene 0.02 d-BHC None 0.01 ~-BHC Nene 0.01 Heptachlor Nom, 0.01 Aldrin :lene 0.01 Heptachlor ;:poxide None 0.01 Endosulfan ~ None 0.01 Dlsldrin None I) .01 ;)DE tlone 0.01 E:ndrin !'lone: 0.01 Endosulf an iI ~lone 0.01 4,4'-DDO None 0.02 Endrin aldehyde None 0.05 Snciosulfan sulfatê None 0.05 4.4'-DDT Mone 0.02 Chlordane ~on6 0.05 TcxapÌ1ane Hone 0.4 PCB 1016 ìicne 0.1 PCB 1221 None 0.2 PCB 1232 None 0.1 PCB 1242 None 0.1 PCB 1248 None 0.1 PCB 1254 None 0.1 PCB 1260 t{one 0.1 ¡'lethoxychlor None 0.05 3alan/Tratlan lion.. 0.01 Dactbal ¡'¡cne 0.01 , ,¡ '-, I ì :-...,., rl .J f1 21 '] , ". 1 IT CORPORATION -, e e :T/Santa Clara to !T!Hartine: ~TTN: Eric PauKstatls August 18, 1986 ?aqe 14 0: 18 Report of Analysis: Or;ano~hosphcrus pesticides in Filter Disks PrO]8ct: ~E 0183, City of Bakersfield Lab Number: Sample IdentiÍication: 42978 ~PB-". 3/8/86, 9-11. Location 6 -: Date Received: 8/11/86 ----------------------------------------------------------- Table of Results - Hicroqrams per Sample ----------------------------------------------------------- Compound Det",ction LJ.:1it Detected ----------------------------------------------------------- ~ Azinpnos methyl None 2. Carbophanothion None 0.5 Chlorpyrifos None 0.5 - Det None 0.5 Dellleton None , .... Dialifor None 0.5 Diazinon None 0.5 Dichlor"i.'os rlone 0.5 Dicrotcphos None 0.5 Dimethoate None 0.5 Disulfoton Mone 0.5 Ethion Hone 0.5 EPN None 0.5 H09tathion None 1- Halathion None 0.5 Methidathion None 0.5 :1evinphos None 0.5 Naled Hene 2. Parathion ethyl none 0.5 Parathion :nethyl None 0.5 Phorate None 1. Phosalone None 1- Phosphamidon None 1. Ronnel None 0.5 Tetrachlorvinphos None ") ... .' ~ ., f ..- . j, ~.J ~ ~'~ 10"- ;3. ~ ~1 ,tJ rtJ ;:f IT CORPORATION e e IT/Santa Clara to IT/Hartinez A1TH: Erlc PSuKstatls August 13, 1986 Paqa 15 of 18 Report of Analysis: Orqanochlorine Pesticides in Filter Disks Project: ME 0183. City oÍ Bakersfield - Lab Number: Sample Identification: .- 42979 }.PB-5. 3/8/86. Location 7 -:1- l' ., -.. Date Recai7éìd: 8/11/86 ----------------------------------------------------------- Table of Results - ~icrograms par Sample ----------------------------------------------------------- Compound Detected Detection Limit ----------------------------------------------------------- .~ a-BHC None 0.01 Þ-BHC None 0.02 d-BHC Hone 0.01 g-BHC None 0.01 Heptachlor None 0.01 Aldrin None 0.01 Heptachlor epoxide None 0.01 Endosulfan ¡ None 0.01 Dieldrin None 0.01 DDE None 0.01 Endrin None 0.01 Endosulfan II None 0.01 4,4'-DDD None 0.02 EndriD aldehyde None 0.05 Endosultan sulfate None 0.05 4,4'-DD1 None 0.02 Chlordane None 0.05 Toxaphene none 0,4 PCB 1016 Hone 0.1 PCB 1221 ~tone 0.2 PCB 1232 None 0.1 PCB 1242 None 0.1 PCB 1248 None 0.1 PCB 1254 Nene 0.1 PCB 1260 None 0.1 Hetboxycnlor None 0.05 Balan/'I'reflan None C.Ol Dacthal None 0.01 ", ".... ~3H1 (:-::. .. ~1 U .~ ~'1 "-:.J "1 :..-.,:~ IT CORPORATION e . IT CORPORATION IT/Santa Çlara :0 IT!Martlne: ~rTN: Erlc PaUy.statls ;'uaust 18. 1986 Pac;a 16 at 18 Report oÍ Analysis: Organophosphorus Pesticides in Filter Disks Proiect: ME 0183. City of Bakerstield L.b Num.ber: SamDle !dentifi:at~~n: 42980 ;\PB-t5. 3/8/86. 9-11, Location 7 Date Rac6r;ad: 8/11/86 ----------------------------------------------------------- "!'a~l= d Rasul ts - Hicroarams per Sample ----------------------------------------------------------- C~mpounci ;)etacted Detection I.irat ----------------------------------------------------------- 1 riZlnpnos :äGthyl Hone Carbopnanothion ~Jone 0.5 Chlorpyrifos None <.J.5 - Dat None 0.5 Demeton Non~ l. Dialifor None 0.5 Dlazlnon None 0.5 Dichlor~;os rkn€ 0.5 Dlcrotophos HeM 'J.5 Dl::Iathoat.. :'Jone 0.5 )isulfot·~n None i).5 Ethion None 0.5 EPN None 0.5 Host3thion None 1- Haluhlon None 0.5 :f..thidathicn Hone 0.5 Hevinphos Hone 0.5 Naled None "\ ?arathion Hhyl None :J.5 ?arathion methyl None 0.5 Phorate None 1- Phosalone None 1- Phosphamidon None 1- Ronnel lJone 0.5 Tetrachlor~lnDhos Mone 2. '1 f -..; '~ i~~ :.." """ 11 ",'" ;:J f.:t:.:- ~ " ~ ~ :.~ , ;'1 '.,.¡ e e IT/Santa Clara to IT/hartlnez ATTN: Eric PauKstati! .;uçrust 18. 1986 Paae 17 of ;'3 Report of Analysis: Organochlorine Pesticides in Filter Dists Project: ME 0183. City ~Ì 3aksrsfield Lab Number: Sample Idsntlfi:ation: 42981 riPB-i. 3/8/36. ~-ll, Location 8 Date Received: 8/11/86 ----------------------------------------------------------- Table of Results - Micrograms per Sam~le ----------------------------------------------------------- Compounå. Detectlcn Limit Detected ----------------------------------------------------------- --, , a-BHC None 0.01 i)-SHC None 0.02 d-BHC None 0.01 q-BHC Hone 0.01 Heptachlor None 0.01 Aldrin None 0.01 Heptachlor epoxide None 0.01 Endosulfa.n ! Non.. 0.01 Dieldrin None 0.01 DDE frene 0.01 Endnn Nons 0.01 Endosulfan II Mone 0.01 4,4'-DDD None 0.02 Endrin aldehyde None 0.05 Endosulfan sulfate None 0.05 4.4'-DDT Nona 0.02 Chlordane None 0.05 Toxa~hene Hons 0.4 PCB 1016 None 0.1 PCB 1221 Nene 0.2 PCB 1232 Nona 0.1 PCB 1242 Uone 0.1 PCB 1248 Hone 0.1 PCB 1254 None 0.1 PCB 1250 None 0.1 Hethoxychlor j-fone 0.05 Balan/Tr..tlan 0.02 0.01 Dacthal 0.13 0.01 ". . ..1~ ~ j'; '",< -', "1 :. ~ 'j \:.~ '.~ A IT CORPORATION e . :T!Santa Clara to !T!Hartlne: riT':'N: ž::nc Pau}:stans Auaust 18. 1986 Paqa 18 ot 18 ReÐort ot ~nalysis: Organo~hosphcrus Pesticides in Filter Disks Project: ME 0183. City of Bakersfield Lab Number: Sample Idantifi:ation: .i2982 APB-8. 8/8/86. 9-11. Location 3 Data Received: 8/11/86 ----------------------------------------------------------- Table of Results - ~icroarams per Sample ----------------------------------------------------------- ::¡mt:ound ~;;:t;::tad Detectlon Li:nlt ----------------------------------------------------------- " Azinphos :!1sthyl Nene '"\ - . Car.bophenothien None 0.5 Chlorpyrifos None 0.5 - Dei Non.. 0.5 Demeton None l. Dialif or None 0.5 Diazinon None 0.5 Dichlor':os None 0.5 !)i::rotophos None 0.5 Dimethoate None 0.5 Disulfcton None 0.5 Ethion Ncnô 0.5 EPN None 0.5 Hostathion None 1- !·lala thion None 0.5 liethidathion None 0.5 Heÿinphos None 0.5 Haled None "I - . Parathion athyl None 0.5 Parathion :uethyl Ncne 0.5 Phorate None 1. Phosalone None l. Phos;lhamidon None 1. Ronnal r~one 0.5 Tatrachlorvin~hcs None 2. i ¡ ...I j ! ~. " , ~1 J ] -~1 't ·'3 IT CORPORATION ..~ .', .' r' ..~ '., ~ .. . .. .., .' ~'1' ~ ,. '. ,. . '-.r-;"' ..' .-~ . ~- '~ ", , , : I . ~ t' >' . , " ':" ~" ::'4, '. . . '" ,.< . '( . . c;'... ." ~_._ . '/. ::, .'~~ . ". . ' );. , , '.., e e APPENDIX C TECHNICAL DATA ON CONTAMINANTS - J (Extracted from: The Agrochemicals Handbook The Royal Society of Chemistry. The University- of Nottingham. Nottingham. England) , , 1. " 1 ¡ . -þ --1 ! -'1 ;r ~1 ._"J ¡?~ û a·' . , ¡'.;< ~" û {!t ;::~ Herbicid4 e óALAN/TREFLAN/ trifluralin . NO . ~NPr 2 Jl). F3C h N02 , Common name: trifluralin (8SI, ISO, ANSI I WSSA) Chemical names: a,a ,a-trifluoro-2, 6-dinitro-N, N-dipropyl-p-toluidine (I UP AC) 2, 6-dinitro-N, N-dipropyl-4-(trifluoromethyl)benzenamine (CA) 2,6-dinitro-N,N-dipropyl-4-trifluoromethylaniline Other names: trifluraline (France). Trade names: Treflan; Trefanocide; Digermin; Elancolan; Triflurex. Molecular formula: C13H16F3N304 Molecular weight: 335.28 CAS Registry Number: 1582-09-8 Manufacturers: Elanco (Eli Lilly); Farmoplant (Montedison); I.Pi.Ci; Makhte- shim Agan; Crewe Chemicals; CIFA. Physical form: Yellow-orange crystals. Melting point: 48.5-49 ° C. Boiling point: 96-97°C at 2.4 mbar; 139-140°C at 5.6 mbar. Vapour pressure: 2.6 x 10-4 mbar at 29.50 c. Stability: Very stable. Decomposed by UV irradiation. Corrosiveness: Non-corrosive. Solubility: In water at 27 ° C, less than 1 mg J I. Readily soluble in common organic solvents, e.g. acetone 40 gJ 100 g, xylene 58 gJ 100 g. Analysis of products: Chromatographic clean-up on columns of Florisil, measure- ment of absorption at 376 nm (F. J. Holzer et al. J. Assoc. Off. Ana/. Chern. 1963,46, 659 or Zweig I V, 528L Elemental analysis: Calcd. 17.00% F; 12.53% N. Analysis of residues: Extraction from plants or soil with methanol, clean-up on columns of Florisil and determination by gas chromatography with elec- tron-capture detection (Zweig I V, 530-535). See also M. Fuzesi (J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chern. 1971,54, 711-712L Mode of action: Selective pre-emergence soil-herbicide. Affects germination of the seed. Uses: Control of many germinating annual weeds when incorporated into the soil prior to planting or sowing with broccoli I broad and field beans, Brussels sprouts I cabbages, calabrese, carrots, cauliflowers, cucumbers, dwarf French beans, kale, Jettuce, mustard, navy beans I parsley, parsnips, peas, peppers I raspberries I runner beans, swedes I tomatoes, turnips, potatoes, oilseed rape, and strawberries, and post-emergence in sugar beet. Used . .'; -. .~ :-1 t1 ~';"i' ".." 1 ;.~ ~'1 ;,-} ~ ~1 A4 12/ Oct 83 ~,.LAN/TREFLAN/ trifluralin e . -, with linuron for control of annual grasses and broad-leaf weeds pre- emergence in winter barley and winter wheat. Also used on cotton, safflower, soya beans, citrus, peanuts, hops, cereals, orchards, and vineyards. Formulation types: Emulsifiable concentrate; granules. Mixtures: Emulsifiable concentrate. Mixed formulations: (trifluralin +) linuron; napropamide; 2,4-D-isopropyl. Compatibility with other products: Compatible with most other plant-protection products. Toxicity to mammals: Acute oral LD50 for rats> 10,000, dogs and rabbits >2000 mg/kg. No irritation to skin of rabbits at 2000 mg/kg. No harm is incurred by dogs fed at 1000 mg/kg body wt. for 2 years or by rats fed at 2000 mg/kg for 2 years. Toxicity to birds: Acute oral LD50 for chickens >2000 mg/kg. Toxicity to fish: Toxic to fish. LC50 for young rainbow trout 0.01-0.04, young Lepom;s macroch;rus 0.02-0.07 mg/I. Toxicity to bees: Not toxic to bees. Degradation and metabolism: In soil, plants, and animals, dealkylation of the amino grbup, reduction of the nitro group to an ãmino group, partial oxidation of the trifluoromethyl group to a carboxy group, and subsequent degradation to smaller fragments. Duration of residual activity in soil 6- a months (at 2.5 kg/ha). After oral administration, ca. 70% is eliminated in the urine and 15% in the faeces within 72 hours. Precautions: Usual precautions. Keep away from eyes and do not inhale. Prevent drifting during use. Antidotes and medical treatment: No specific antidote known. Symptomatic treatment. , 1 ..- ,-.- ~ ·1 ,j ~. i.J fJ ?~ 8J ;<.';f. .. ..~ " e e Fungicide BOTRAN / dicloran NH2 ClhCI Y NOZ , \ Common name: dicloran (BSI) Chemical names: 2.6-dichloro-4-nitroaniJine (lUPAC) 2.6-dichloro-4-nitrobenzenamine (CA) Other names: dichloran; DCNA;, ditranil. Trade names: Botran; Allisan: Resinan. Molecular formula: C6H4CI2N202 Molecular weight: 207.06 CAS Registry Number: 99-30-9 Manufacturers: Up/ohn; FBC. Physical form: Yellow crystals. Melting point: 195 ~ C. Vapour pressure: 1.7 x 10.6 mbar at 20:: C. Stability: Stable to hydrolytic and oXidatIve influences, light. and heat. Corrosiveness: Non-corrosive. Solubility: PractIcally Insoluble in water. In acetone 3.4%. dIoxane 4%. chloroform 1.2%. ethyl acetate 1.9%. Analysis of products: Extraction with chloroform. measurement of IR absorbance at 1145 em" (Zweig. III. 62J. For determination by thin-layer chromatog- raphy see F.G. Van Stryk (J. Chromarogr. 1967.31.574). Elemental analysis: Catcd. 13.53% N; 34.25% CI. Analysis of residues: Extraction from fruit with benzene. clean-up by column chromatography on Florisil, and colorimetric determination of the yellow coloration with potassium hydroxide in acetone at 464 nm (Zweig, III, 63), For gas-chromatographic determination see Zweig 1972, VI. 553- 555. Mode of action: Produces hyphal distortion but does not affect spore germination. Uses: Protective fungicidal action against Borrytis. Monilinia. Rhizopus. Sclerotinia. and Sclerotium species. Used on fruit. vegetable, berry, and ornamental cultivations. Used as a seed treatment for onions and leeks. Crop tolerance: Good. for the recommended areas of use. Formulation types: Wettable powder; dust; flowable. " .:J t] q :"1 ....... '3'· :.... ~f' A139/0ct 83 ~'>' ,'j ~c~ e . BOTRANI dicloran Mixed formulations: (dichloran +) captan; thiram. Compatibility with other products: Good compatibility with other insecticides and fungicides formulated as wettable powders. A preliminary test is necessary for mixing with emulsion spray mixtures. Toxicity to mammals: Acute oral LD50 for rats 4040. mice 1500-2500. guinea pigs 1450 mg/kg. Acute dermal LD50 for mice >5000 mg/kg. Toxicity to bees: Not toxic to bees. Degradation and metabolism: In plants and other organisms. nitro groups are generally reduced enzymically to amino groups. In plants. there is also replacement of the chloro atoms by sulphydryl groups. Precautions: Avoid prolonged skin contact and inhalation of dust and spray fumes. Keep away from the eyes. Antidotes and medical treatment: No specific antidote known. Symptomatic treatment. $ - .~ ; -.... -~ I "- [17 ~. : !.' j rr d ",'] " e Insecticide . chlordane ..,¡ Cl " Common name: chlordane (BSI, ISO, CA- for technical grade) Chemical names: 1,2,4,5,6,7 ,8,8-octachloro-2,3,3a,4, 7, 7a-hexahydro-4, 7- methano- indene (IUPAC) 1,2,4,5,6,7 ,8,8-octachloro-2,3,3a,4, 7 I 7a-hexahydro-4, 7-methano-1 H- indene (CA) Other names: chlordan. Trade names: Octachlor; Belt. Molecular formula: C1OH6C1S Molecular weight: 409.83 CAS Registry Number: 57-74-9; 12789-03-6 for technical grade Manufacturers: Velsicol. Physical form: Brown viscous liquid with 60-75% chlordane isomers (technical). Melting point: a-chlordane 102-104°C; ß-chlordane 104-106°C. Boiling point: 1750 C at 1.3 mbar (pure product). Vapour pressure: 1.3 x 10-5 mbar at 250 C. Density: 1.59-1.63 at 250 C (technical). Stability: Sensitive to alkalis, with the separation of hydrogen chloride. Under UV irradiation, a change in the skeletal structure and of the chlorine content occurs. Corrosiveness: Corrosive to iron, zinc and various protective coatings. Solubility: Practically insoluble in water. Miscible with most aliphatic and aromatic organic solvents including mineral oils. Analysis of products: Because of the numerous components in technical chlor- dane, total chlorine determination is recommended along with IR spectro- photometric and gas-chromatographic determination (M. Malina et al. J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chern. 1972, 55, 942-947). Elemental analysis: Calcd. 69.22% CI. Analysis of residues: Extraction with pentane, reaction of chlordane with methanolic potassium hydroxide and diethanolamine to give a red colora- tion, and colorimetric determination at its absorption maximum of 350 nm (Zweig, II, 56). For gas-chromatographic determination see A. S. Chau and W. P. Cochrane (J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chern. 1969, 52, 1092- 1100) and also W. P. Cochrane and R. Greenhalgh (ibid. 1975,58,1051). Mode of action: Stomach I contact, and respiratory action. ~t - --, .-¡ ._~ ~:;'J :J g ....~ ..~~t ~ '~ :J >~ A072/ Oct 83 chlordane e e Uses: Insecticidal control of termites, ants, wasps, and cockroaches. Also used in some countries as a worm killer on turf and lawns. Crop tolerance: Good, for the recommended areas of application. Formulation types: Emulsifiable concentrate; granules; dust; wettable powder; oil solution. Mixed formulations: (chlordane +) pyrethrins + piperonyl butoxide. Compatibility with other products: Incompatible with alkaline preparations and for~ulating materials. Toxicity to mammals: Acute oral LOSO for rats 250, mice 430, rabbits 300 mgjkg. Acute dermal LOSO for rabbits 780-840, rats 217 mgjkg. Serious chronic and cumulative toxicity. Accumulation in body fat and lipid-containing organs. Liver and kidney damage. Toxicity to fish: Highly toxic to fish. Toxicity to bees: Toxic to bees. Degradation and metabolism: In warm-blooded animals (rats). hydrogen chloride is removed and a chlorohydrin is formed along with hydroxylated, hydro- philic metabolites. Precautions: Protective clothing should be worn when working with undiluted preparations. Do not inhale. Antidotes and medical treatment: No specific antidote known. Symptomatic treatment. Emetic, stomach and intestine wash, adsorption therapy, ba rbiturates. Additional information: Mixture of cis and trans isomers. ,; ; ....,j ->~ :~1 ...J J ] ] .'~4 Insecticide, e e chlorpyrifos CI CI CI .', Common name: chlorpyrifos (lSO, BSI, ANSI) Chemical names: O,D-diethyl D-(3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridyl) phosphorothioate OUPAC, CA) 0, D-diethyl D-(3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridy ) thiophosphate Trade names: Dursban; Lorsban; Loxiran; Detmol; Zidil; Pyrinex. Molecular formula: C9H"CI3N03PS Molecular weight: 350.62 CAS Registry Number: 2921-88-2 Manufacturers: Dow; Makhteshim-Agan. Physical form: Colourless crystals. Melting point: 42-43.5°C (99.5% pure). Vapour pressure: 2.4 x 10-5 mbar at 25 ° C; 1.2 x 10-4 rribar at 35 ° é. Stability: Wide stability in neutral and weakly acidic media. Hydrolyzed by strong alkalis. 50% decomposition of an aqueous-alcoholic solution occurs in ca. 7 days at pH 10. Corrosiveness: Attacks copper and brass. Solubility: In water at 35°C, ca. 2 mg/I. In benzene 790, acetone 650, chloroform 630. carbon disulphide 590, diethyl ether 510, xylene 400, methylene chloride 400, isooctane 79, methanol 45 (all in gJ 100 g). Analysis of products: UV-spectrophotometric determination in methanol at the absorption maximum of 289 nm (Dow Chemical Co.). Elemental analysis: Calcd. 30.34% CI; 4.00% N; 8.84% P; 9.15% S. Analysis of residues: Extraction with benzene I clean-up on silica columns, and determination by gas chromatography with flame photometric detection; the oxygen analogue (metabolic oxidation product) is detected concurrently (M. C. Bowman and M. Beroza J. Agric. Food Chern. 1968, 16, 867- 869); see also B. G. Luke et al. (J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chern. 1976, 59, 1081) (in meat and fat), R. L. McKeller (J. Agric. Food Chern. 1976, 24, 283) (in milk), and H. J. Dishburger et aJ. (J. Agric. Food Chern. 1977, 25, 1325) (in animal tissue). Mode of action: Non-systemic contact I stomach I and respiratory action. Absorbed through leaves and roots. Slight translocation. j ,I --..." J ~J iJ '~1. ; ~ d A088 / Oct 83 ~1 !~ chlorpyrif_ . . Uses: Insecticidal control of a wide range of insects, including flies, mosquitoes, leaf and soil and household pests, and ectoparasites. Used on glasshouse and outdoor ornamentals, brassicas, strawberries, vegetables, cereals, fruits, pasture, cotton, and alfalfa. Crop tolerance: Good, at the recommended application rates. Formulation types: Granules; emulsifiable concentrate; dust. Mixtures: Granules. Mixed formulations: (chlorpyrifos +) disulfoton; thiram. Compatibility with other products: Incompatible with alkaline preparations. Toxicity to mammals: Acute oral LD50 for rats 135-163, guinea pigs 500, rabbits 1000-2000 mg / kg. No teratogenic effects. Dermal LD50 for rabbits ca. 2000 mg/kg. Slight eye irritation. Cholinesterase inhibitor. Toxicity to birds: Acute oral LDSO for chickens 32 mg/kg. In repeated mosquito- control, bird fatalities have not been observ~d. Toxicity to fish: Toxic to fish. LCSO for goldfish 0.18 mg/I (24 hours), Gambusia affinis (mosquito fish) < 1 mg / I (24 hours). Toxicity to bees: T oxic to bees. Degradation and metabolism: Following oral intake by rats, 90% is excreted in the urine. The metabolites are monoethyl chlorpyrifos, the P = 0 oxidation product, and trichloropyridinol. In soil, there is a slow hydrolysis, a low level of bacterial degradation I and a half-life of 80-100 days. Precautions: Avoid contact with eyes and skin and inhalation of vapours, dust, or sprays. In other respects I as for other cholinesterase-inhibiting organophosphates (see parathion). Do not use in the immediate vicinity of waters. Antidotes and medical treatment: Atropine. -. ~ ¡ " '1 ,--, ~ 4 -j j -j j'.. . ' " ; - n.'~ d q G] ,;'. ;J <~ Insecticid. e DDT CI ¢, , I ~ ~S" CI '. Common name: DDT (BSO· Chemical names: 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(4-chloropheny )ethane (lUPAC)' 1,1 '-(2,2,2-trichloroethylidene)bis(4-chlorobenzene] (CA) p,P'-DDT dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane . 1 I 1 , 1-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chloropheny )ethane Trade names: Gesapon (formerly); Gesarol (formerly); Neocid; Didimac; Dedetane. Molecular formula: C 14HgCIs Molecular weight: 354.51 CAS Registry Number: 50-29-3 Manufacturers: (various). Physical form: Colourless crystals (tec~nical: waxy solid). Melting point: 108.5-109°C (pure). Boiling point: 185-187 ° C at 0.07 mbar (with decomposition). Vapour pressure: 1.7 X 10-7 mbar at 20°C. Density: 1.54. Stability: Loses hydrogen chloride in solutions of alkalis and organic bases. Iron, aluminium and UV light promote the decomposition. Corrosiveness: Under storage conditions, slightly corrosive to iron and aluminium. Solubility: In water 1.2 x 10-3 mg / I. In acetone 50, ether 27, ethanol 6 I benzene 77, chloroform 31 I cyclohexanone 100, dioxane 100, methanol 4, methylene chloride 85, trichloroethylene 72, xylene 60 (all in g/ 100 ml at 27°C). Analysis of products: Conversion with a nitrating acid mixture into a polynitro compound which forms a blue-coloured complex in ethanolic potassium hydroxide. This can be determined colorimetrically (as in residue analysis below: see Methodensammlung Rueckstandsanalytik, 30). Elemental analysis: Caled. 50.01% CI. Analysis of residues: Colorimetric determination after nitration and reaction with isopropylamine by the method of F. A. Gunther et al. (J. Assoc. Off. Anal. , ,j j !:'.'. J J ].', ' , A 118/0ct 83 . '"1 ' .~ ';; DDT . . . J Chern. 1962,45, 359-363). For gas-chromatographic determination with electron-capture detection see N. Ahmed (ibid. 1979, 62, 1150). Mode of action: Persistent insecticide with contact and stomach action. Uses: Control of cutworms (carrots, potatoes, ornamentals I strawberries I and sugar beet), chafer grubs (sugar beet, potatoes, ornamentals, and sports turf), and leatherjackets in cereals. Also mosquito vector control. Crop tolerance: Good, in general (with the exception of pumpkin plants). Formulation types: Emulsifiable concentrate; wettable powder; granules; dust; solution; aerosol. Mixed formulations: (DDT +) lindane; endosulfan; malathion; methidathion; monocrotophos; phosalone. Compatibility with other products: Good, in general. Toxicity to mammals: Acute oral LD50 for rats ca. 250-300, mice 150-300, rabbits 300, dogs 500-750, sheep and goats> 1000 mg/kg. Acute dermal LD50 for rats 2510 mg/kg. Temporary accumulation in body fat and fat-containing tissue and excretion in the milk. Maximum acceptable concentration in work-place atmosphere over a 7 -8-hours working period 1 mgfm3. Toxicity to fish: Toxic to fish and to animals of fish diet. Toxicity to bees: Less toxic to bees. Degradation and metabolism: In warm-blooded animals and to some extent in insects, di-(p-chlorophenyDdichloroethylene (DDE), di-(p-chloropheny )di- chloroethane (DDD), p,p'-dichlorobenzophenone, 1,1 I 1-trichloro-2,2-di-(p- chlorophenyOethanol, and di-(p-chlorophenyOacetic acid (DDA) are formed. Precautions: Avoid skin contact with oil-containing solutions and inhalation of spray and aerosol mists and dusts. Antidotes and medical treatment: No specific antidote known. Gastric and intestinal lavage, adsorption therapy (carbon, oatmeal grue!), symptomatic treatment. Additional information: Technical DDT consists of ca. 30% O,p and ca. 70% P,P Isomers. , 1 .., i í , . ;.j ~ ". ". f~.;~ ~1... ,. LJ .g'.!.. ~ -", f: to1 ~TJ Herbicidee DACrei chlorthal-dimethyl CI CI CI C 02 M~ .-i' Common name: chlorthal-dimethyl (BSI, ISO) Chemical names: dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate (lUPAC) dimethyl 2,3,5,6-tetrachloro-1,4-benzenedicarboxylate (CA) dimethyl 2,3 I 5, 6-tetrachloroterephthalate Other names: chlorthal-methyl; DCPA (WSSA). Trade names: Dacthal. Molecular formula: C1OHSCI404 Molecular weight: 331.99 CAS Registry Number: 1861-32-1 Manufacturers: Diamond Shamrock. Physical form: Colourless crystals. Melting point: 156 ° C. Vapour pressure: Less than 0.01 mbar at 25 ° C. Stability: Stable under normal conditions. Hydrolyzed In strongly acidic or alkaline media. Corrosiveness: Non-corrosive. Solubility: In water at 25°C, ca. 0.5 mg/I. In acetone 10%, benzene 25%, toluene 17%, xylene 14%, dioxane 12% (all at 25°C). Analysis of products: Extraction with acetone I transfer into carbon disulphide, and determination with IR spectrophotometry at the absorption maximum, 10.4 µ.m (Diamond Alkali Co.); see also L. A. Wapenski (J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chern. 1969, 52, 1284-1292). Determination by gas chromatog- raphy with flame-ionization detection (Zweig 1972, VI, 612-620). Elemental analysis: Calcd. 42.74% CI. Analysis of residues: Extraction with methylene chloride, clean-up on a column of aluminium oxide and determination by microcoulometric gas chromatog- raphy (Storrs and Bourchfield Contrib. Boyce Thompson Inst; 1962, 21 I 423). For determination with use of flame-ionization detection see Wapenski, as above. Uses: Selective pre- or post-emergence herbicidal control of annual grasses and broad-leaf weeds. Used on turf I ornamentals, shrubs, strawberries, "1 - ;~ :',.. :.-1 ~1 '~'i . ' w g.' ",' .' J, ; ~~ - ~J A089 / Oct 83 DACTHALj chlorthal-Lethyl - ...., brassicas, leeks, onions, sage, blackcurrants, raspberries I gooseberries I soya beans, runner beans, cotton etc. Formulation types: Wettable powder; granules. Mixed formulations: (chlorthal-dimethyl +) methazole. Compatibility with other products: No difficulties known. A preliminary test is recommended if mixed with wettable powders. Toxicity to mammals: Acute oral LOSO for rats >3000 mg/kg. Acute dermal LDSO for rabbits> 10,000 mg/kg. Slight irritation of mucous membranes of eye. Feeding to dogs and rats at 10,000 mg/kg (1%) diet for 2 years induces no toxic effects. Toxicity to fish: Not toxic to fish. Harmless even at 500 mg/I. Toxicity to bees: Slightly toxic to bees. Degradation and metabolism: Monomethyl tetrachloroterephthalate and 2,3,5,6-tetrachloroterephthalic acid are metabolites. Duration of residual activity in soil 3 months (at 13 kg / ha). Precautions: General precautions. Avoid skin and eye contact and inhalation of spray mists. Prevent drifting. Antidotes and medical treatment: No specific antidote kn9wn. Symptomatic treatment. .~ -, i ,-, ill,' .,' .... ' , ;~ì :;.;;J 'J ';J '~1 .1 ... Insecticide. "aricide e dimethoate MeO )p-s- CH-CO-NHMe Me 0 II 2 S , , Common name: dimethoate USO, BSI, ANSI) Chemical names: D,D-dimethyl S-methylcarbamoylmethyl phosphorodithioate (IUPAC) D,D-dimethyl S-[2-(methylamino)-2-oxoethyl] phosphorodithioate (CA) D,D-dimethyl S-(2-oxo-3-azabutyl) dithiophosphate Other names: fosfamid (USSR). Trade names: Cygon; Dimetate; Rogor; P~rfekthion; Roxion; Rebelate; Daphene; Devigon; Trimetion. Molecular formula: CSH'2N03PS2 Molecular weight: 229.28 CAS Registry Number: 60-51-5 Manufacturers: American Cyanamid; FBC; Boehringer; Farmoplant (Montedison); BASF; Celamerck; Sumitomo; Chemiekombinat Bitter- feld. Physical form: Colourless solid (technical: yellow-brown oil). Melting point: 5 1 ° C. Boiling point: 117 ° C at 0.13 mbar. Vapour pressure: 10-5 mbar at 20°C. Density: 1.277 at 65°C. Stability: Slowly hydrolyzed in aqueous acid solutions, rapidly hydrolyzed In alkaline solutions. Corrosiveness: Slightly corrosive to iron. Solubility: In water 2.5% for the pure substance, 3.9% for the technical quality. Readily soluble in most organic solvents with the exception of aliphatic hydrocarbons (petroleum ether, mineral oils). Analysis of products: Dilution with acetonitrile, addition of dibutyl phthalate (internal standard) and determination by gas chromatography with flame- ionization detection (Zweig 1972, VI, 357, 362).' Elemental analysis: Calcd. 6. 1 1 % N; 13.51% P; 27.97% S. Analysis of residues: For gas-chromatographic determination with a thermionic or a selective phosphorus-sensitive detector see Methodensammlung Rueckstandsanalytik, 236-242; see also Zweig 1972, VI, 362-375 and H. Frehse (Pflanzenschutz-Nachr. Bayer 1976, 29, 54-56). Mode of action: Systemic insecticide and acaricide with contact and stomach action. Cholinesterase inhibitor. , , -~l "J t.:"1t ''1 C1 ." J ~:].>'.. 'J A 153 / Oct 83 ò:] ",¡¡ dimethoae e .. Uses: Control of aphids, red spider mite, bryobia mite, pea midge I thrips, wheat bulb fly, sawfly, sucker, woolly aphid, leaf miner, and capsids. Used on pome fruit I soft truit, berries I vegetables, brassicas,beet crops, hops, ornamentals, grass-seed crops, soya beans, field beans, runner beans, french beans, broad beans, cereals, citrus, tomatoes, lettuce I cotton, lucerne, etc. Also used as spray for controlling house flies around farm buildings. Crop tolerance: Good, in general. Formulation types: Emulsifiable concentrate; wettable powder; dust. Mixed formulations: (dimethoate +) permethrin; malathion; dichlorvos; phen- thoate; endosulfan; malathion + lindane; thiram + lindane. Compatibility with other products: Incompatible with alkaline preparations. Toxicity to mammals: Acute oral L050 for rats 250, rabbits 400-500, guinea pigs 600 mg/kg. Acute dermal LD50 for guinea pigs> 1000, rats 600- 1200 mg/kg. In chronic toxicity studies (over 15 weeks), ~5 mg/kg reduces cholinesterase activity and 100 mg / kg, apart from a decrease in wt. gain, causes no significant disturbance. Toxicity to fish: Toxic to fish. LC50 for mosquito fish 40-60 mg/I. Toxicity to bees: Toxic to bees. Degradation and metabolism: In plants and animals, as well as oxidation to the thiophosphate, there is also hydrolysis to O,O-dimethyl-dithiophosphoric acid, -thiophosphoric acid, and -phosphoric acid. An ester group is demethylated and the methylamino group is hydrolytically cleaved. Precautions: Avoid inhalation and contact with the eyes and skin. In other respects, precautions are as normally observed with cholinesterase- inhibiting organophosphates (see parathion). Keep away from heat. open flames, and spark-generating equipment. Antidotes and medical treatment: Atropine. Toxogonin, PAM, 2-PAMCI, and 2-P AMM as possible adjuncts to atropine. . ¡ ~ ; -J r~~ ;,,'t j ";1 J ~'1 ;J "\ ;..~, '''':¡ Insecticide!caricide e endosulfan Cl /c, H .........CH2" C1C I C 0, II ClCCt I ..../50 Cl C,I /C, /IJ C/ H CH2 C1. - Common name: endosulfan (BSI, ISO, ANSI) Chemical names: 1.4,5,6,7 I 7-hexachloro-8,9, 10-trinorborn-5-en-2,3-ylenedimethyl sulphite (lUPAC) 6,7,8,9,10, 1o-hexachloro-1 ,5,5a,6,9,9a-hexahydro-6,9-methano-2,4,3- benzodioxathiepin 3-oxide (CA) Other names: thiodan (USSR, Iran); benzoepin. Trade names: Thiodan; Beosit; Cyclodan; Malix;. Thimul; Thifor; Thionex; Chlorthiepin; Tiovel. Molecular formula: CgH6CI603S Molecular weight: 406.96 CAS Registry Number: 115-29-7 Manufacturers: Hoechst; FMC; Velsicol; Makhteshim-Agan; I.Pi.Ci.. Physical form: Colourless crystals (technical 90-95%: yellow-brown). Melting point: 108-1090 C (pure a-endosulfan, comprising approximately 80% of the isomeric mixture); 206-2080 C (pure ß-endosulfan, comprising approximately 20% of the isomeric mixture); 70-100°C {technical}. Boiling point: 106 ° C at 0.9 mbar (partial decomposition). Vapour pressure: 1.2 x 10-2 mbar at 800 C. Not determinable at room temperature. Density: 1.745 at 200 C. Stability: Slowly hydrolyzed in aqueous acids and bases. Corrosiveness: Non-corrosive. Solubility: Practically insoluble in water. Variable solubility in organic solvents; mostly readily soluble in, e.g. xylene 45%, chloroform 50%, ethanol 5%, mineral oils 15-25%. Analysis of products: Alkaline hydrolysis with liberation of sodium sulphite, acidification I and titration of the sulphurous acid with iodine solution (Zweig, II, 509). For a summary on macro- and microanalytical procedures see H. Maierbode (Residue Reviews 1968, 22). For gas-chromatographic determination with thermal-conductivity detection see Zweig 1972, VI, 5 11-5 13. Elemental analysis: Calcd. 52.58% CI; 7.88% S. Analysis of residues: Extraction with acetonitrile, transfer into hexane, column- chromatographic clean-up and determination by gas chromatography with - ¡ -. : d ,1 (;j m [1 ~·1 ~:'J \:j :.·'.~1.· ~'.'4 "-! A 175/0ct 83 endosulfa. e _., , electron-capture detection see Methodensamm/ung Rueckstandsanalytik, 50. Mode of action: Stomach and contact action. Uses: Insecticidal control of aphids, thrips, beetles, cutworms I bollworms, foliar- feeding larvae I mites I bugs, borers, whiteflies I slugs, and leafhoppers in citrus, deciduous, and small fruit, fibre crops I forage crops, oil crops, grains, coffee I tea, forestry I tobacco I and ornamentals. Controls termites and tsetse flies. Also used in rice and legumes. Crop tolerance: Good, in general. Formulation types: Emulsifiable concentrate; wettable powder; UL V; granules; dust. Mixed formulations: (endosulfan +) binapacryl; DDT; dimethoate; malathion; methomyl; monocrotophos; pirimicarb; triazophos; fen.oprop; parathion- methyl. Compatibility with other products: Incompatible with alkaline preparations. Miscible with most fungicides. Toxicity to mammals: Acute oral LD50 for rats between 40-50 and 110 mg/kg. Acute dermal LDSO for rabbits 360 mg/kg. In dogs fed 30 mg/kg daily diet for 12 months and in rats fed 30 mg/kg for 2 years, there is no substantial accumulation in tissues and no great excretion in the milk. Central nervous system stimulant. Toxicity totish: Extremely toxic to fish. LCSO in some species 0.001 mg/I. LCSO for trout fry 0.01 mgjl, mirror carp 0.011 mgjl (48 hours). Toxicity to bees: Not toxic to bees. Degradation and metabolism: In rats, endosulfan is excreted in the urine as a- hydroxyendosulfan and endosulfandiol. In insects (locust), endosulfan sulphate, a-hydroxyendosulfan ether, and a-ketoendosulfan have been found as metabolites. Precautions: Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and respiratory mucous membranes. In other respects, observe precautions commonly associated with chlori- nated hydrocarbons. Antidotes and medical treatment: No specific antidote. Symptomatic treat- ment. Short-acting barbiturates for alleviation of symptoms. Diazepam for convulsions. If ingested I induce vomiting I then administer magnesium sulphate. ·1 f J J. " i·1 . .J "\ , 1 Acaricide/&ecticide . ethion EtO, OEt P-S-CH~S-p/ EtO/1( 'I 'OEt S S , ... Common name: ethion (ISO, BS ) Chemical names: O,O,O',O'-tetraethyl S,S'-methylene di(phosphorodithioate) (lUPAC, CA) S,S'-methylene bis(O,o-diethyl dithiophosphate) Other names: diethion (France, India I South Africa). Trade names: Rhodocide; Nialate; Ethanox; Ethiol; Hylemox; Rhodiacide. Molecular formula: C9H2204P2S4 Molecular weight: 384.48 CAS Registry Number: 563-12-2 Manufacturers: FMC; Rhone-Poulenc; Stauffer: Cheminova. Physical form: Yellowish oil (purity ca. 95%). Melting point: - , 5 to -12 ° C. Boiling point: 164-165 ° C at 0.4 mbar. Vapour pressure: 2 x 10-6 mbar at 25 ° C. Density: 1.215-1.230 at 20°C (technical ca. 95%). Stability: Hydrolyzed by aqueous acids and alkalis. Slowly oxidized by air. Corrosiveness: Non-corrosive. Solubility: Practically insoluble in water. Miscible with common organic solvents, slightly soluble in mineral oils (petroleum 5%). Analysis of products: Spectroscopic determination (F. A. Gunther et al. J. Agric. Food Chern. 1962, 10, 224-226). Determination by high-performance liquid chromatography (J. E. Lanner J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chern. 1979, 62, 11 ). Elemental analysis: Calcd. 16.11 % P: 33.36% S. Analysis of residues: Extraction with hexane, alkaline hydrolysis, reaction of the resulting diethyldithiophosphoric acid with copper sulphate to form a salt, and spectrophotometric determination of the yellow coloration at 418 nm (Zweig, II, 224). For gas-chromatographic determination see M. C. Ivy and H. D. Mann (J. Agric. Food Chern. 1975, 23, 319-321). Mode of action: Predominantly contact action. Cholinesterase inhibitor. Uses: Control of motile stages and eggs of spider mites in fruit cultivation. Secondary action against aphids, codling moth and others. Used on a broad range of ornamental, fibre, and food crops. Crop tolerance: Some varieties of apple are susceptible under unfavourable conditions. ,-;-.:.~~.. .. -~ ..,,", ,I j ~ j .:1 :1 A 182/0ct 83 ethion e e Formulation types: Wettable powder: emulsifiable solution: emulsifiable concen- trate; granules; oil-based solution. Compatibility with other products: Incompatible with alkaline preparations and formulating materials. Toxicity to mammals: Acute oral LD50 for rats 96 mg/kg (technical Quality) or 208 mg/kg (pure), mice and guinea pigs 40-45 mg/kg. Acute dermal LD50 for guinea pigs 915 mg/kg. Rats fed ethion at 300 mg/kg body wt. for 28 days show no changes in growth or mortality. Cholinesterase inhibition from 10 mg/kg. Toxicity to fish: Toxic to fish. Average lethal concentration 0.72 mg/I (24 hours) or 0.52 mg/I (48 hours). Toxicity to bees: Toxic to bees. Degradation and metabolism: Presumably by oxidation to the thiol phosphate, dealkylation, and hydrolysis. . Precautions: As for other cholinesterase-inhibiting organophosphates (see para- thion). Antidotes and medical treatment: Atropine sulphate (2-4 mg, i.v. or intramuscu- larly): repeat every 10 minutes until fully atropinized. See parathion. "-7 , ¡ ..,- ~.-- .' .~ .,:.,,!!: ..;,; f·~ '1 1 .... :J ., U .~~ : '1 ,~ - r I , ..... .'":t ·ì i -- -., __J ~;~ ¡;-t J :::':t d ill ':¡1 ... ~'.~ Insectjcid_ . heptachlor Cl I C H c1c/I'c CH II ClCC1 I II CIC,I /C, /CH C/ H ~ Cl H 1:t Common name: heptachlor (lSO, as ) Chemical names: 1,4,5,6,7 ,8,8-heptachloro-3a,4, 7 I 7a-tetrahydro-4, 7-methano- indene (lUPAC) 1,4,5,6,7 ,8,8-heptachloro-3a,4, 7 I 7a-tetrahydro-4, 7-methano-1 H- indene (CA) 'Other names: heptachlore (France). Trade names: Drinox; Heptagran; Heptamul; Heptox. Molecular formula: C,oHsCI, Molecular weight: 373.34 CAS Registry Number: 76-44-8 Manufacturers: Velsicol. Physical form: Colourless crystals (technical: waxy solid). Melting point: 95-96°C (pure); 46-74°C (technical ca. 72.%). Boiling point: 117 -126 ° C at 0.07 mbar. Vapour pressure: 4 x 1 O~ mbar at 25 ° C. Density: 1.57-1.59 at 9°C. Stability: Wide stability. Slow loss of hydrogen chloride with alkalis. Sensitive to some active carriers. Corrosiveness: Corrosive to metals. Solubility: Practically insoluble in water. Soluble in many organic solvents, e.g. in acetone 75 I benzene 106 I xylene 102, cyclohexanone 119 I carbon tetrachloride 113, ethanol 4.5 (all in g/ 100 ml). Analysis of products: Cleavage of a labile chlorine atom with silver nitrate / acetic acid / nitric acid solution and either gravimetric determination of silver chloride or colorimetric determination at 560 nm, after reaction with monoethanolamine/butyl cellosolve/potassium hydroxide (Zweig, II, 247). For gas-chromatographic determination with aldrin as internal standard see Zweig 1977, VI, 404-407 and 1978, X, 73. Elemental analysis: Calcd. 66.48% CI. Analysis of residues: Colorimetric determination as above, with the modification of Ordas (Zweig I II, 249). For gas-chromatographic determination I including the epoxide, see A. S. Chan and W. P. Cochrane (J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chern. 1969,52, 1092-1100); see also Zweig 1972, VI, 404-407. Mode of action: Persistent insecticide with contact and stomach action. A225 / Oct 83 heptachlo' - Uses: Seed dust against wireworms and beet beetles, seed coating against onion fly, and seed dressing in combination with fungicides. With thiram for pelleting beet seeds. Also used for termite control. Crop tolerance: Good, for the recommended areas of use. Formulation types: Wettable powder; emulsifiable concentrate; dust; dust concentrate; oil solution. Mixed formulations: (heptachlor +) thiram. Compatibility with other products: Compatible with most plant-protection products and fertilizers. Toxicity to mammals: Acute oral LD50 for rats 130, guinea pigs 116, mice 68 mg/kg. Acute dermal LD50 for rabbits >2000, rats 195-250 mg/kg. Strong tendency to accumulate in body fat. Excretion in milk (as epoxide). Toxicity to fish: Highly toxic to fish. Toxicity to bees: Seed powder not dangerous to bees when used as prescribed. Degradation and metabolism: The metabolites are heptachlor epoxide (increased activity) and heptachlordiol (detoxified). Precautions: Pay particular attention to skin protection, keep away from the eyes, and do not inhale the dust. Antidotes and medical treatment: No specific antidote. Symptomatic treat- ment. Stomach and intestine emptying I adsorption therapy (carbon, oatmeal grue ), barbiturates. ~ ~... ..~ j j ........ :1.·· ~~ .;.:¡ ] ] ì . 'J Insecticicl Acaricide . methoxychlor ( OMe ¢ eHeel 3 ¢ OMe ,...~ Common name: methoxychlor (lSO, as ) Chemical names: 1 I 1 I 1-trichloro-2,2-bis(4-methoxypheny )ethane (lUPAC) 1,1 '-(2,2,2-trichloroethylidene)bis[4-methoxybenzene] (CA) Other names: DMDT. Trade names: Marlate. Molecular formula: C16H1sCI302 Molecular weight: 345.65 CAS Registry Number: 72-43-5 Manufacturers: Du Pont; Ciba-Geigy (formerly); Kincaid Enterprises; Hop- kins Agricultural. Physical form: Colourless crystals. Melting point: 89 ° C (pure); ca. 70 ° C (technical 88-90%). Vapour pressure: Very low. Density: 1.41 at 250 C. Stability: Stable to oxidizing agents and UV irradiation. Reacts with alkalis especially in the presence of catalytically-active metals, to give cleavage of hydrogen chloride, but more slowly than DDT. Corrosiveness: Slight corrosive action to iron and aluminium. Solubility: Practicaliy insoluble in water. Readily soluble in most organic solvents I e.g. benzene, ether and chlorinated hydrocarbons. In trichloroethylene at 20°C, 70 gj 100 ml. . Analysis of products: Extraction with toluene, reaction with sodium biphenyl I potentiometric or titrimetric determination of chloride ions (H. L. Pease J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chern. 1975, 58, 40-43), For an IR-spectrophotometric method (8.48-12.54 µm) see Zweig, II, 306. Elemental analysis: Calcd. 30.77% CI. Analysis of residues: Extraction with benzene, dehydrohalogenation with alco- holic potassium hydroxide, sui phonation with sulphuric acid and spectro- photometric determination of the pink coloration at 550 nm (Zweig II, 308). Nitration according to Schechter-Haller, as for DDT, and photometric þ:¡ ¡J ., ;.-:~ ..;:¡ ,;.., "1 C3 '1 .:~ "-:.-c A271 /Oct 83 methoxych.r e measurement at 590 nm (Methodensamm/ung Rueckstandsanalytik, 80). Gas-chromatographic determination by general methods for chlorinated hydrocarbons (Zweig 1972, VI, 441-442). Mode of action: Contact and stomach action. Slight secondary effects on greenfly and spider mites. Uses: Insecticidal control as spray in and around animal houses and on surfaces contiguous with food storage, transportation, preparation, and consump- tion. Aerosol formulations for use in the home. Control on fruit and shade trees and vegetables. Crop tolerance: Good, in general. Formulation types: Wettable powder; emulsifiable concentrate; flowable; dust; oil solution; aerosol; seed treatment. Mixtures: Emulsifiable solution. Mixed formulations: (methoxychlor +) captan; dichlorvos; malathion. Compatibility with other products: Miscible with most other plant-protection products. Toxicity to mammals: Acute oral LD50 for rats 5000-7000 mg/kg. Acute dermal LD50 for rabbits >2000 mg/kg. Estimated lethal dose for adult humans 450 g. No significant accumulation in body fat and no excretion in milk. Feeding of 20, 100, and 300 mg / kg diet daily for 12 months causes no pathological changes. Toxicity to fish: Toxic to fish. LCSO for rainbow trout 0.052 mg/I (24 hours). Toxicity to bees: Emulsifiable concentrate not toxic to bees. Dust preparations toxic to bees. Be careful with combined preparations. Degradation and metabolism: Oxidative cleaving of the methoxy group to the corresponding phenol and diphenol. Dehydrochlorination, as with DOT. Precautions: Usual precautions. Antidotes and medical treatment: No specific antidote. Symptomatic treat- ment. Gastric and intestinal lavage, adsorption therapy (carbon, oatmeal gruel), barbiturates. '''. 7'~1.'.~.' '4 J 'f d ...~ ..~:t 0'... . .~~ I nsecticid...:aricide tþ. parathion EtO,p_ 0-o~ NOz EtO/1I - s ~.- ~ Common name: parathion (BSI, ISO) Chemical names: O,O-diethyl 0-4-nitrophenyl phosphorothioate ( UPAC, CA) O,O-diethyl O-(4-nitrophenyl) thiophosphate Other names: parathion-ethyl; thiophos (USSR); ethyl parathion. Trade names: Folidol E-605; Niran; Fosferno 50; Rhodiatox; Thiophos; Eftol; Vitrex; POX; Bladan; Paramar. Molecular formula: C1OH,4NOsPS Molecular weight: 291.27 CAS Registry Number: 56-38-2 Manufacturers: Bayer; Monsanto; ICI Plant Protection; American Cyanamid (formerly); Cheminova. Physical form: Yellow-brown liquid. Melting point: 6. 1 ° C. Boiling point: 150°C at 0.8 mbar. Vapour pressure: 7.4 mbar at 20°C. Density: 1.265 (4 ° C - 250 C). Refractive index: nos 1.5370. Stability: Hydrolyzed very slowly in acidic media (pH 1-6), more rapidly in neutral media and rapidly in alkaline media. Corrosiveness: Non-corrosive. Solubility: In water at 25°C I 24 mg/I. Readily soluble in most organic solvents, e.g. alcohol, acetone I benzene and chloroform. Slightly soluble in ligroin and some types of mineral oil. Analysis of products: After extraction, transfer into ether, washing with 1 % sodium carbonate ,solution, reduction of the p-nitro group with zinc/ hydrochloric acid, and titration of the amino group with sodium nitrite I either potentiometrically or with potassium iodide-starch paper (Zweig, II, 322; see also WHO Specifications for Pesticides I 3rd edition I 1967, 49, 148). Elemental analysis: Calcd. 4.81 % N: 10.64% P: 11.01% S. Analysis of residues: After extraction with acetone, transfer into benzene, clean- up on Florisil and determination by gas chromatography with a phosphorus- selective detector (Methodensammlung Rueckstandsanalytik, 878). Mode of action: Insecticide and acaricide with non-systemic contact I stomach I and respiratory action. Cholinesterase inhibitor. ~¡.. ':4- ~ :1 'J 3 A311 / Oct 83 '] <:i ",'Ii 1- parathion- . '., Uses: Control of biting and sucking insects in the cultivation of field crops, fruit, vegetables I vines I hops, and ornamentals. Control of spider mites I scale insects, mangold flies, chafers I caterpillars. Crop tolerance: Good, in general. Some varieties of apple, cucumber and tomato are susceptible at higher dosages. Formulation types: Wettable powder; emulsion concentrate; granules; dust; oil- based spray; aerosol. Mixed formulations: (parathion +) parathion-methyl; thiometon. Compatibility with other products: Incompatible with alkaline preparations and formulating materials. Toxicity to mammals: Acute oral lD50 for rats 6-15, mice 12, horses 5, guinea pigs 16-32 mg / kg. For humans, the estimated lDSO is 3-5 mg / kg (210- 350 mg/70 kg body wt.L Acute dermal LDSO for rats 20-60 mg/kg. No accumulation in tissues. Feeding to rats at 10 and 25 mg / kg body wt. for 2 years produces no injury to health. Maximum acceptable concentration in work-place atmosphere over a 7-a-hour work period 0.1 mg/ m3. Is absorbed through the skin. Toxicity to fish: Toxic to fish and animals of fish diet. lethal concentration for rainbow trout 3.0 mg/I (24 hours). Toxicity to bees: T oxic to bees. Degradation and metabolism: After oral administration, p-nitrophenol is excreted. Precautions: As for other organophosphates. Directions for use should be scrupulously adhered to. Be especially careful when using undiluted agents and concentrated solutions. Carefully avoid skin contact and inhalation of fumes or spray mists. Immediately wash contacted skin with soapy water. Do not spray at high temperatures or against the wind. Keep products away from unauthorized persons, children, domestic animals I food, and feedstuffs. Obtain medical assistance immediately upon noticing signs of poisoning (dizziness, nausea I vomiting I intestinal spasms, diarrhoea, contracted pupils, difficulty in breathing). Antidotes and medical treatment: Atropine, toxogonin, 2-PAM, 2-PAMCI, 2- PAMM. Rapid medical inte'rvention can be the determining factor. Up until that time I wash exposed parts of the skin, quickly empty the digestive tract, induce vomiting I wash out the stomach with medicinal charcoal suspension I saline laxatives, e.g. 1 -2 tablespoons of sodium sulphate in a half litre of water. ¡ ; "'~..: q -1 "1 , ',~ ...J : ~ .'r .:.~