HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN 2/25/1992 ~e _.- SITE/FACILITY DIAGRAM FORM 5 .... q~ ·\~i/~ (. SCA~E: f BUSINESS NAME: /t "r:\ '. ~ ~ I'W\'. J' ,(¿ ~\:C/q (\-I t->c~ ';¡'-I'V'~ DATE:, ! / FACILITY Nk~E: Ie ~7 '1J FLOOR: OF UNIT #: OF (CHECK ONE) SITE DIAGRAM FACILITY DIAGR.~~ Ê "Q -z.. p¢)Vc, . ,_,_~I.rr1' 1C'11.. '.5>__.Þ ðM f -1( l' f t CJ] ,Jjf ~'Ùl" \ ~----~~ ",~, ~~ ~ Ò" ~ \J v' t) ,~ " ~ I Q. ¡\{ ~ (~ t: '1( (: ~,dtØ \Ið t:1 ~ ~Cf;.,w b:<:::- -~ ' t~~~ ~,~ , \' ~ ~ ".(.:j f' ~ ~,v ~" U'f'/ , ~ ¡( ~ ,vI \ ~ \ 17 l è~;¡ , - èY:~~I..' ~g.,..... N <. ~ "- C\:.. '¡-- i L-----.¡ ~I, IA eTA-~)'r,:j:¡í ¡"'(r ~.f V£, ~y," 1 ¡ ~{tl, f'rÞ \ i ~I bf í' I¡~ ~ii tI' ·U , fè1,ððM '~~tV' ¡.\ i t/\J $ f. \ ~~Ìr ... iJ. (\.,J ~"\ \ G-prt-C7 '\., ~ ~. .,\- \~ 'rJ() ~1J"f rt IJ ~ Itj ~ ..fr- \I ~ ù 2, (Inspector's ~s): -OFFICIAL USE ONLY-/ :;;:{ ~'~.. ' /ê:'ç-cyC//iV6 ,2.7cJo ..5. Ú/1/h/l1 ~ --' .# ,,/ S/-rf2-" 0 -z;:l/c <> ~ - SA - SITE DIAGRAM (Requi~ed iteas) 1, Address: Iden~t~e principle bul1dtn~s by the Street nu.bers. c, Metal construction 9. Lock (k.POX 10, MSDS Starai'e Box 11- Railroad Tracks 12. Fence or Barrier a. Wtre 'b. Masonry c. Wood d. Gates 13. Power lines 14. Guard Station 15, Storage Tanks: Identify the capacity in gal, a. Above ¡round b. Undercround 16. Dikinc or Ber. 17, Evacuation Route ~~ ~~~~ " -: '~, ,2. Street(e). Alleys. Driveways, and Parkini' Areas adjacent to the property, Include the street nalles. 3, StorR Drains. Culverts. Yard Drains 4, Draina¡e Canals. Ditches. Creeks. 5. BuIldings a. Fraae construction b. Masonry construction d, Access Door 6. Utility Controls a. Gas b. Eiectricity c. Water 7. Fire Suppression Syste.s: a. Fire HydrllDts 18. Evacuation Area: Identify the location where e.ployees will ..et. b. Fire Sprinkler Connections i9. Outside Hazardous Wa.te Storace c. Firs Standpipe Connection. 20. Out. ide Hazardous Material Storace d. Water Control Valves for protection syste.s 21. Outside H.~ardous Material Use/Handline e. Fire Puap 22. Type at Hazardous Material/Wa.te Stored or Used (See Below) 8. Fire Depart.ent Acce.s TYPE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIAL F · Flu.able E · Explol1ve L · Liquid C · Corro.ive 0 · Oxidizer G · Gas W · Water Reactive T · Toxic S · SoUd R . Radiological P · Poilon H . Cryo¡enic D . Wute B Et1olo¡ical Exa.ple: Flaa.able Liquid. FL FACILITY DIAGRAM (Required ite.a in addition to the above) 1. Risers tor Spr inkhin 8. Fire ¡¡acapea 2. PartitIon. 9. Air Cond1t1on1n, UnItl 3. Stal rtfays: Indicate the 10. Windowa levels .e~v.d fro. h1eheat to loweat. 11. Inaide Hazardous Waate StoniO 4. Escalator: Indicate the level. .erved t~o. la. Inalde Kazardou. hlehe.e to loweae. Material. Sto~se. :5. Elevator 13. Inaide Hazardous Material. Uae/Handllne 6. Att1c Acceas 14. Se...r Drain InJets T. SkyU¡hta Î, 'v\\J ~ ~ vi l/f t \, ........,. ~ ~ ¡W:~~e~ePt"---- A)JJ 6· .. ~ I HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION {~~ ate Completed '2: 26-q¿: Business Name: Business Identification No. 21 (fop of Business Plan) Inspector . o 2 Ans'd............ Location: Station No. Shift J qÅ>{ Adequate Inadequate D D D D D D D D Verification of Inventory Materials Verification of Quantities Verification of Location Proper Segregation of Material Comments: D D Verification of MSDS Availablity Number of Employees Verification of Haz Mat Training D D Comments: Verification of Abatement Supplies & Procedures D Comments: D Emergency Procedures Posted D Containers Properly Labeled D Comments: ,A / () 1 ó~~ 1.....1 ~S\}..J1f~S Verification of Facility Diagram D Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: D D D Violations: All Items O.K. D Correction Needed D Business Owner/Manager FD 1652 (Rev. 1-90) : I White-Haz Mat Div. Yellow-Station Copy Pink-Business Copy (> 1/ 13/r::32 . J &CY~L I ~G I NC? 215-:::000-()()?"_' Overall Slte wlth 1 ~ac. Unlt ' Page 1 General Information í------------------ --------------------'----"--'"---"--------"---'----'ì ,---__. ------.---, I Location: 2200 S UNION AV Map: 124 Hazard: Moderate~ Commurl i t y: BAKEr~SF I ELD' STAT I ON 05 _____________~3t~ i d :__~~:._F /~~_~~o~_~__ (>..,~ Œ- Contact Name í Ti tie -.----:-. Bels h,es: - ~'~one --r i~~~:I·k. ~:n~ Ph '='~I:~ RICHARD WHITLOCK I (8u5) 834-v¿~¿ x (8u5) b64-1¿u¿ JOSEPH PANELL~~_ ___,_E(5) 834-02L.i::: x (1305) ~71--g7'~)1 Ma i 1 (':¡ddt~s: City: Cc.mm Cc.de: ----. (·1dmirlistt~<::\tive 2200 S UN I ON A~j BAI"ŒRBFIELD 215-005 BAKERSFIELD STATION 05 Data --------..-..-----.---..----------, ~ D&B~Num~~r: !~:~~9-3873 I Qtate: LA Zlp: 3~~u/- SIC Cod e : I -------,-'.--- II Phor!e: () II State:C(':¡ II Zip: 93307- I I ,___._____._________..J I ----·,'-----ì I I l Owner: J & R RECYCLING Address: 2200 S UNION AV City: BAKERSFIELD ------...--..-..-. r Summary -- I L~ID ~~ --..---- INC ------- -...-....---..---- '1 I .~_~5IJSJ~22.--~=_-=-.--"~_====:_,_.~====-j · .-.;;- 01/13/'32 J R RECYCLING INC 215-000-000487 Hazmat Inventory List in MCP Order 02 - Fixed Containers on Site PIn-Ref Name/Hazards FO¡-·'nl ..______..._______.__.._H____..._.___....____.______ ------------..-..-- 02-002 PROPANE Fir~e, Delay Hlth Liquid 50 High 02-001 SCRAP BATTERIES Fir~e, Immed I-Hth G!uantity Liquid 100 -..--..--.. Liquid 100 02-004 DIESEL FUEL Fire, Imnled Hlth, Delay Hlth ....---__..___00_____- 02-003 HYDRAULIC OIL Fir~e, Delay Hlth Liquid ---------.----- ¡;::" ¡:;.- "òo..t\oJ GnL GAL Gí-"!L. Page 2 1'r1CP .------- High -----. Lc,w ----..,----...------ Lc,w GnL OL~-005 OXYGEN Fire, Pressure, Inlmed Hlth Gas -------.---..,-- LO\l'J ----...--.--- -_.._,--- - e 1 , ~jOO FT3 ...-----.-....---...- 01/13/92 ' J .CYCLING I!\IC 215-000-000_ 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Page -, .::. Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order -----,--- -----.- O¡;;:~-OOi::: PFWPANE F i"r~e, De I ay 1-11 t h Liquid ::;0 Hi !~h GAL ------------_..._-_.._---_.._-----_._------~._--_..__.._-_....--.------ CAS : -.J:: 74-98-6 Tt~ade Secret: No Fot~m: L i qui d Type: Put~e Days: 365 Use: FUEL -- Dai ly Max G':'iL ----T'-···· Dai ly Avet~ag~. G~~ --T- Arw'II_lal 50 I .::.U.UU f~mc...trlt GAL -.- 360.00 ---., Stot"agt"':! ..----·--T Pt~eS5 '1- Temp --1'-' ---- Locat iorl PORT. PRESS.) CYLINDER (.imbier,t ,AmbieYlt BLDG SOUTH DOOli - Corlc _1-·---------··------..---- COmpOYleYlt s ---.-------.--, IYlCP ----,-1.._ i 5 t 100.0% Propane IExtreme I -..--..-----------..------,.---------- 02-001 SCRAP BATTERIES F i t~e, I mmed HIt h Liquid 1 00 H i t~ Ii GAL --......--.---..-----.--..---..-----......-----.-...----..-----..------------..-.----.. CAS ~*: Trade Secret: No Fot~m: Liquid Type: Waste Days: 365 Use: WASTE --- Dai ly tr1ax Gf::¡L ----I Dai ly Avet~age G¡4L --r-·- AYlnu....Ü ':')rllol.mt Gí·)L --- 100 I 50.00 960.00 ,---------- St ot~a 9 e ---""-l- Pt~e55 T Temp -l--·----·-- LQC at i c·rl .--------- PLASTIC CONTAINER Amblent Amblent S O~ ALUM VAN OUISIDE E - Conc -~------.--------.,--..------ CQmpOYleflt s ---'--------ì- 1~1CP .--...,...L i 5 t 50.0% ISUlfl..lt~iC Acid <EPA) IHigh IE :.~'A -.----- ----. -..--..--...------ ----------..-....--..-.--..- 02-004 DIESEL FUEL Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth Liquid 100 L.:,w GAL ...-..------ -----,-.---..-------.-----..---..- .--------..-.----...- CAS #: 58476-34-6 Trade Secret: No F Clt~m : L i qui d Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL -- Daily jYlax GAL --1"-- Daily Avet~age G':'iL ----'1---- AYlrlual Ame.l.lr,t GAL --- 100 I 60.00 850.00 ~~VE G~~~~~g~A~~--'-·-ì A~~~~~:;'t TA~~~r~l~¡rI~-T~fJ~~rH ¿~~::~- Locat iorl -----..- .- CC'ì~IC i -.,---.------------- COmpCIYI8flt 5 100.0% IDie5el Fuel No.2 ----------------, IYlCP --~ i 5 t I LOIrJ I 01/13/'32 J R RECYCLING INC 215-000-000487 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Pi:':lge 1+ Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order -..-- ..-----. 02-003 HYDRAULIC OIL Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 5::,i L.ow GI~L ....---. CAS ~~: Tt'ad~: SeCt'et: No FCI'r'rtl: L iqu id Type: PU'r'e Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT - Dai ly IVlax GAL --¡-- Dai ly Ave'r'ag:,_ G~I~, -,- A"(w"lual Amo',.l\'",t GI~L - ::,i5 I ~u. 00 2i:::0.00 - Stc''r'age "----," P'r'ess T Temp _1-------..----- Locat ic."(, DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC Ambient Ambient SOUTH DIRT ---....--- - COY'IC -y------- 100.0% Hydraulic Brake Oil Comp<:<"("ieY'lts -------r,-0 ¡V¡CP -'ÎiSot ¡LclI^, ..-.....---.. ..,----..----- 02-005 OXYGEN Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 1500 LOlrJ FT3 ....--..---...-..----.....---.----,----.------....--.-----..--... CAS =»: 7782-1+4-7 Tt'ade Sec'r'et: Nc. Form: Gas Type: PU'r'E! Days: 365 Use: OTHER --- Daily Max FT3 1 , 500 Daily Average FT3 1,500.00 --T- Annual Amcll_lY'It FT:~ -- 18,000.00 ---- Stoì'age --r P'r'ess T Temp -~--------- Locat ion -----_.--,-- PORT. PRESS. CYL.INDER Ambient Ambient SOUTH DIRT - Cc.r,c ----- 100. 0% ~yger" Comp'r'essed CClm pC'Y',eY",t s --------..-¡--'- MCP --r- i s t Lc.~\! I . e 01/13/r:32 . J' .CY~~ I NG I NC 21 ~-:-OOO-OOOe UU - Overall Slte Page c:- ~, CD> Notif./Evacuation/Medical ------. ..--..---.. .-..---.--------.. (1) Agency Notification -------- CALL 911 (2) Employee Notif./Evacuation -------.--- PANELLI AND WHITLOCK ARE WORKING OWNERS, MAKING ALL DECISIONS. WHITLOCK 664-1202, PANELLI 871-8791. BUSINESS 834-0242. FOUR OTHER EMPLOYEES. NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION WOULD BE IMMEDIATE. (3) Public Notif./Evacuation ---------------- WORD OF MOUTH - GET OUT - CLOSE GATES - ALLOW NO ENTRY <4> Emergency Medical Plan MEDI CENTER - 820 34TH ST - 325-6334 01/13/92 J R RECYCLING INC 215-000-000487 00 - Overall Site Page 6 CE} Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt ---..------------..-----------.---- C~} ,Release Prevention SCRAP BATTERIES - BUYING NO BROKEN OR CRACKED BATTERIES. GENTLY PLACING ON PALLETS, WIRED SECURELY TO PREVENT SPILLS AND BREAKS. TWO OWNERS, TWO EMPLOYEES, ALL WITH A COMBINED EXPERIENCE OF 60 YEARS IN THE SCRAP BUSINESS <2> Release Containment ---..-.---..----..... SAND TO SOAK - DILUTE <3} Clearl Up SWEEP C4} Other Resource Activation ....----------,-- e . 01/13¡r::3c~ · J' F.CYI?~ I NG I NC 21 ~j-:-OOO-OOO'_> UU - Overall Slte CF) Site Emergency Factors -----------. (1) Special Hazards (2) Utility Shut-Offs ~1 ) 8(-1S ,- NONE B) ELECTRICAL - NORTHWEST CORNER METAL BUILDING PLANZ & SOUTH UNION C) WATER - NORTHWEST CORNER PLANZ & SOUTH UNION D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3) Fire Protec./Avail. Water ---------- PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FIRE HYDRANT - PLANZ AND SOUTH UNION ON CORNER (4) Building Occupancy Level ----------------- Page 7 01/13/92 J R RECYCLING INC 215-000-000487 00 - Overall Site Page 8 <G> T1'~ë.~ i 1"1 i I"lg ____M__________..._______________.. <1> Page 1 ----- WE HAVE 6 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: EMPLOYEES KNOW WHERE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ARE AND HOW TO USE THEM. <2> Page 2 as needed -.---..-------..-----..----- <3} Held for Future Use <4} Held for Future Use ----- q - .-' f~ -- e e Completed 2: 2~ ~/ ' ~ Comments.;" ~". -~\ ,;-" ECEIVED 2 6 J992 (Top of Business Plan) \/ 5 ._J t7~ Aos'd. ........... Inspector Adequate Inadequate ., Verification of Inventory Materials D D Verification of Quantities D D Verification of Location D D Proper Segregation of Material D D ~ ~ ~""', Verification of MSDS Availablity D D Number of Employees ~ ~, i , Verification of Haz Mat Tr'aining D D Comments: Verification of Abatement Supplies & Procedures D o Emergency Procedures Posted D 0 Containers Properly Labeled D D Comments: ,A I (j 1 Ó^ l~f7? G ~ ~ ßv·Sl,e..J1F <;~':::, Verification of Facility Diagram D D Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: Violations: ",,-é" All Items O.K. 0 " Correction Needed 0 Business Owner/Manager FD 1652 (Rev. 1-90) White-Haz Mat Div. Yellow-Station Copy Pink-Business Copy 04/16/91 -- e J R RECYCLING INC 215-000-000487 Overall Site with 1 Fac. Unit RECEIVED APR 2 q 1991 Page Ans'd............ 1 General Information Location: 2200 S UNION ÁV Map: 124 Hazard: Moderate Ident Number: 215-000-000487 Grid: 17A Area of Vul: 0.0 - Contact Name Title Business Phone - 24 Hout- Phone RICHARD WHITLOCK (805) 834-0242 x (805) 664-1202 JOSEPH PANELLI (805) 834-0242 x (805) 871-8791 Administrative Data Mail Addrs: 2200 S UNION AV D&B Number: 13-969-3873 City: BAKERSFIELD State: CA Zip: 93307- Comm Code: 215-005 BAKERSFIELD STATION 05 SIC Code: Owner: J & R RECYCLING INC Phone: ( ) - Address: 2200 S UNION AV State: CA City: BAKERSFIELD Zip: 93307- Summary " if,;: ., fl¡c~~~ . ~D ~ I C,fW¿'b A w'¡ttt.ß'bt-n (TVP30rprint~amø) (Q) sreby ©®úÎ(¡~ ft~ft ~ li1~'If® . . .' f~Vlswsd ihe aUached hC.¡;~;ïh· ir. m~~ðf' I ' , . ..." '.' ,,~ Qlog la S ~taW'~~g®Q meí1i plan 10f\rT~~~~,~~~~:r-v,,j tnai j~ along wi~lfì¡ ~nv ©©ITrSM.;",r.S "'ov.,.·' .", y \.ol Y. '" .,"'" \;) ':'; "V"':'..."I.~~ "", '"""...,...... ~ v""J ¡ '¡"'lthS anl\.il COfi'ISQ m~w'þ", ~g~m®ú1i plan for my 1ac;liiy. ' itu~l((¡~~:t/~1'~Y \)\.U. 5/\10-'1\ 04/16/91 J R RECYCLING INC 215-000-000487 Page 2 Hazmat Inventory List in MCP Order 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Pln-Ref Name/Hazards Form Quantity MCP 02-002 PROPANE Liquid 50 High Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 02-001 SCRAP BATTERIES Liquid 100 High Fire, Immed Hlth GAL 02-004 DIESEL FUEL Liquid 100 Low Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hl tll GAL 02-003 HYDRAULIC OIL Liquid 55 Low Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 02-005 OXYGEN Gas 1,500 Low Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 e e 04/16/91 e e J R RECYCLING INC 215-000-000487 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Page 3 Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-002 PROPANE Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 50 High GAL CAS :It: 74-98-6 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pu re Days: 365 Use: FUEL ---- Daily Max GAL ~ Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL 50.00 I 30.00 I' 360.00 Storage r Press T'Temp -:¡ Location PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER AmbientlAmbient BLDG SOUTH DOOR - Conc -1 100.0% Propane Components ~ MCP --r-ist High I 02-001 SCRAP BATTERIES Fire, Immed Hlth Liquid 100 High GAL CAS :It: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Waste Days: 365 Use: WASTE ---- Daily Max GAL ~, Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 100.00 I" 50.00 I 960.00 Storage PLASTIC CONTAINER r Press T Temp -:-1 Location Ambient/Ambient S OF ALUM VAN OUTSIDE E 02-004 Components r MCP --r-ist I Hlgh I EPA (EPA) þ'f\ Liquid 100 Low GAL Hlth, Delay Hlth CAS :It: 68476-34-6 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL ---- Daily Max GAL ~ Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 100.00 I 60.00 I 850.00 Storage ABOVE GROUND TANK r Press T Temp -:¡ Ambient Ambient SOUTH DIRT Location - Conc l 100.0% Diesel Fuel No.2 Components ~ MCP -,-List Low I 04/16/91 J R RECYCLING INC 215-000-000487 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Page 4 Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-003 HYDRAULIC OIL Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 55 Low GAL CAS #: Trade Seoret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days..;: 365 Use: LUBRICANT ---- Daily Max GAL ~ Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 55.00 I 30.00 I 220.00 Stat-age DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC r Press T Temp -:ì IAmbientlAmbient soUTH DIRT Looation - Cono l 100.0% Hydraulio Brake Oil Components ~ MCP --rList Low I 02-005 OXY9EN Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 1500 Low FT3 CAS #: 7782-44-7 Trade Seoret: No Form: Gas <1: Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: OTHER ---- Daily Max FT3 ~ Dai¡y Average FT3 --r-- Annual Amount FT3 -- 1,500.00 1,500.00 18,000.00 Storage PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER r Press T Temp -:ì Ambient Ambient SOUTH DIRT Looation - Co no l 100.0% Oxygen, Compressed Components ~ MCP --rList Low I e e e e 04/16/91 J R RECYCLING INC 215-000-000487 00 - Overall Site Page 5 <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical <1> Agency Notification CALL 911 ~2> Employee Notif./Evacuation PANELLI AND WHITLOCK ARE WORKING OWNERS, MAKING ALL DECISIONS. WHITLOCK 91' rr' PANELLI871-8791. BUSINESS 834-0242. ~ra0~ OTHER EMPLOYEES. NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION WOULD BE IMMEDIATE. ' (p (." tf- ( :µ, 2- -------------- --- -~- < 3 > (J~ubl-i c-No ti f-;:- /Evacua,t-iotiJ NQNC LI8TCf) Wð(2..~ Òf= (V'\ðüT'H --G-e-r ð c.J( - C'.A.ö~~ G'A1i=S f\¡...\-O~ ~ e~ <4> Emergency Medical Plan MEDI CENTER - 820 34TH ST - 325-6334 04/16/91 J R RECYCLING INC 215-000-000487 00 - Overall Site Page 6 <E> MitigationjPreventjAbatemt <1> Release Prevention SCRAP BATTERIES - BUYING NO BROKEN OR CRACKED BATTERIES. GENTLY PLACING ON PALLETS, WIRED SECURELY TO PREVENT SPILLS AND BREAKS. TWO OWNERS, ~ f'ó\.'~ EMPLOYEES, ALL WITH A COMBINED EXPERIENCE OF 60 YEARS IN THE SCRAP BUSINESS <2>8'ë\eas,e -C-6-n:ra_ir~mêfït~ ~3f)N'-o To <¡;ðkk:. - 0 Il cJT£ < 3 > \e.?:'~~~_o.p_".J .~ wt:-~ <4> Other Resouroe Aotivation. e e 04/16/91 e e J R RECYCLING INC 215-000-000487 00 - Overall Site Page 7 <F> Site Emergenoy Faotors <1> Speoial Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - NONE B) ELECTRICAL - NORTHWEST CORNER METAL BUILDING PLANZ & SOUTH UNION C) WATER - NORTHWEST CORNER PLANZ & SOUTH UNION D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Proteo./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS \".\ FIRE HYDRANT - PLANZ ÂND SOUTH UNION ON CORNER <4> Held for Future use 04/16/91 J R RECYCLING INC 215-000-000487 00 - Overall Site Page 8 <G> Training <1> Page 1 WE HAVE 6 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: EMPLOYEES KNOW WHERE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ARE AND HOW TO USE THEM. <2> Page 2 as needed <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use (', e e " ì RISK RANKING - e e J&R RECYCLING, 46,ØØ0 LBS SCRAP BATTERIES SULFURIC ACID ESTIMATED TO BE , 50% OF PRODUCT FACILITY RISK INDEX 1 .5 X 3 4.5 INSPECTION HISTORY ø v ":? ø 1\ ~¡ PO PULA TI ON EXPOSED 2 X Z 4 1'1CP 4 X 4 TOX FACTOR 9.2 )( 9.2 [(46,ØØØX.S>/lØØØJX.4=9.2 TOTAL 21- ,., " t e e FACILITY RISK INDEX HATING W Activities or conditions that increase the likelihood of a r 1 x .5 ~ 0.5 (NO. OF YES ANSWERS 0N THE QUESTIONNAIRE 1-13. Add 1 yes to each facility for storage and MiniMsl x - This factor reflects a cOMpany's claiM (safety) history. 1 (WORKER COMP FACTOR, MAXIMUM EXPECTED IS 1.5) Y Self reported accident! safety record. ø (REASONABLE~Ø, INAOEQUATE-Ø.25, GROSSLY INADEQUATE Z - A discretionary catagory used to account for factors not directly addressed in the questionnaire. ø (OTHER COMPLICATING FACTORS MINIMAL=0, CONSIOERABlE=0.5, SU8STANTIAL~1 .0) I FACILITY RIS~: INDEX RATING FJ 1.5 l..J+X+Y+L RATING RATIONALE: Hisk increas65w\th increa:5ing proce55 covlplexi,ty and potentia,l fo hW'lan error'. e e POPULATION EXPOSED - RAT! 1. IS TOXIC MATERIAL APT TO BECOME AIRBORN RAPIDLY? i.e. A GAS, FINE OUST, HIGHLY VOLATILE LIQUID NO"'1 YES"" 2 IF ANSWER TO 11 IS NO, PROCEED TO #6 IF ANSWER TO #1 IS YES, ESTIMATE THE EVACUATION RADIUS, USING THE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. GRAPH MODEL, AND ANSWER QUESTIONS 2-5. 2. IS THERE A SCHOOL WITH IN THE EVACUATION RADIUS 7 NO=0, YES=1 ø 3. IS THERE A NURSING HOME OR HOSPItAL WITH IN THE EVACUATION RADIUS ? NO=0, YES~1 ø 4. IS THERE RESIDENTIAL HOUSING WITHIN THE EVACUATION RADIUS? NO=0, VES=1 ø 5. IS THE POPULATION DENSITY OF THI~ AREA HIGHER THAN THE AVERAGE DUE TO ALor OF MULTISTORY BUILDINGS ? NO~Ø, YES~1 ø 6. WHAT IS THE OCCUPANCY OF THE BUILDING THAT AHM IS STORED OR HANDLED IN ? LESS THAN 5 PEOPLE=1 6 - 25 PEOPLE =2 26 - 50 PEOPLE =3 MORE THAN 50 PEOPLE ~4 TOTAL POPULATION EXPOSED RATING 2 L RATING RATIONALE: Releases that are liMited to onsite consequences will liMit the ex population. As the nUMber of persons onsite increases, evacuation and response efforts becoMe More cOMplicated, and the potential f incr....eascs. '.;:- e e , r' ~~ . FACILITY INFORMATION FORM Please answer eaoh of the following questions by circling Y (yes) or N (no). 1. Is any acutely hazardous material (AHM) manufactured or used in a chemical reaction ? 2 . Is any other flammable gas, flammable liquid or explosive material manufactured or used in a chemical reaction ? 3 . Is any reaction in question 1 or 2 a moderately orhighlý"' exothermi-c reaction -(e. g.' al·kylation- esterfication, oxidation, nitration, polymerization or condensation) or one involving electrolysis ? RF.r.ftVED lMAY , 9 1990 HAZ, MAT. DtV. Y0 -" Y If) Y 10 4. Can any unplanned release of a AHM to the atmosphere result from the malfunction of any scrubbing, treatment or neutralization system or the discharge of a ,~~ pressure relief system ? Y I~ 5. Does any physical or chemical, process in which an AHM is produced or used involve a batch process ? 6. Does any physical or chemical process involve the production or use of any ARM at a pressure in excess of 15 psig ? 7. In excess of 275 psig ? 8. Does any physical or chemical process involve the production or use of an AHM at a temperature above 125 degrees F ? 9~__!n exc~ss of 250 degrees? 10. Can any explosive dust be present in any closed container within 100 feet of an AHM or otherwise be present in the same building as an AHM ? 11. Is there any ignition source or open flame within 100 ft. of any process, storage or transfer area where a flammable or explosive AHM is present , except where there is a firewall providing protection ? 12. Is any lined or non-metallic pipe used in the transfer of any AHM ? 13. Is any equipment or piping handling any AHM more 10 years old ? Y 10 Y (0 Y 18 Y/0 Y IV Y 10 Y IGJ Y(}) Y 10 e e t PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION ( Attach additional pages if necessary) 1. Your company's current workers compensation experience modification factor. /ó{) C, 2 . How many people occupy the building in which AHM's are used or stored? 3. Give details of all accidents which involved any hazardous material and all other instances when the fire department has been summoned in an emerge~cy. ~--~ - ~ --'.-- - --~._~..,.-..- ---,- ~ ~b~p/ 4. Briefly described the operations process at your plant and the specific processes utilizing AHM's, including storage proceedures. , S~K~ \> ß-IYr\efL- (frS '- fP..j\ I-J-. ~(L.-~ - w, P___,€Î - ---- S;fHPP:ÊÒ . - ~ð~Lt , - -2- i / . e e " , r :- " J 5, Briefly describe the equipment being used in the processes involving AH~s, / /' '-- - -6', 'Rep-ort-quanti ty of-AHr1-( s-),re-f'eren-ce'd~in--t'he--Hcover'-' - - ----- letter, that this business handles, :;13,10;; ðP a) Maximum amount on hand at anyone time. si!, i2kP ~(r-t1í2.Jg-S b) Please attach a Material Safety Data Sheet ~&IDCOlb~.3ð(%~C~) for any material that is a mixture. Do not y, 3Sl~/.~"5()(, 0'-1::.) include MSDS for pure substances. ., ~ ;:..t..¡f33~ DEMOGRAPHIC DATA: /íOOO(,P~.; 4.Ø3 State the straight line distance in feet between the business property line and each of the following, 1. Nearest school. 2 . Nearest daycare center, hospital, nursing home or similar facility. 3. Nearest residence/motel etc. Yl:A07- CZ ,4., _ ti.e.fLJ;'es:t;. . occupie<i. bu, iJ,dJ,ng. '3 eo -{>~ ~~__>___.~e~G1J~ AùTð Address: Business Name: I certify correct to he 's true and Signature: Title: Date: _~ /1,. C)U -3- e e ~.5è May 1, 1'3'30 Dear Business Manager: The following questionnaire is a supplement to the Acutely Hazardous Materials Registration Form previously submitted by your business as required under Section 25534 of the California Health & Safety Code. This registration /- ---~------ - i Y'ld i cat es that,-J'..~R...- J~ecyc.LiJH~ haY'ld I es ê-,.:!:':r'f:cl.rj.~_~1:\.çjCl~ an acutely hazardous material ( AHM ), in an amount greater than the planning quantity for this chemical. Additional information is necessary in order to complete the risk management planning functions of this agency. This questionnaire should be completed by an officer of the company or other person having substantial management control over all operations at the facility. If there is any doubt as to whether or not the answer to a question is yes ,:)¡-" '1"11:', the aY'lswer "yes" shall be 9 i veY'I. With in two weeks of receipt, complete and return the questionnaire to: The Bakersfield Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division 2130 G Stt"eet Bakersfield, CA 93301 If you need additional informatio~, please call 326-3979. Si Y'lcere I y, Bat"ba¡-"a Bt"eY'IY'let" Hazardous Materials Planning Technician ·~.. , .,¡,'i e e ,,';-:;,~'þ'---' ~/ ' /'ðJ-'\!Q~, it" , /O't. "', -5'''<\'' ,/'J......' ~\ \ .. f.-." (" , '0' :=, -idr---.. 0' \ \', ::'C'O:-../¡,.,._'., ') \'._......,,~J..;,! " '. ~- -" '\ ¡, '\,C"'.:,' ,j' ',,1{1'..·,,-;;i\.~' , '--~~/ ..~ 1. ,'~ Iii, \\\'\~,~f-"____ " CITY of B, AKERSFlELD .1161 ~~<~o¡¡¡';;~,\§ "/VE CARE" '4 ~y~\¿ ~~ ::,~ . ® 7,?:kDð "'~j¡,¡~~:' R\L-HA-Q'ò 8:, w4+ lTkÒt,k... ltYDe or print name I Do hereb:;c certify that I Ì1a','e re'vieh'ed the RECEfVED FEB' 0 1 1989 attached Hazardous !,lat.erials business plan Afls'd. ............ for ~-+ R R-EQ'--{ e.,,,( ~G- -+-NC\ (name of business) REceIVED rJUN 2 0 1989 and tha tit along wi th the attached addi tions H~l. MAT. DJV. or corrections constitute a complete and correct B Plan for rJ (t /r)q /qc¡ date Sl.g:nat.ure ~ lrtW.e.. (ç;-2G:, / {J ' f ,I , . f .v\,,~ ~,'\' ',--'nc.~¿, ¡'l~:_\' k..'. '.ù (J\e:. ~'~ {~J \.u'\ J1¡ ..J CIT}T of BAKERSFIELp '- BUS I NESS Nl'JjI,E: ::5-r R. LOCATION: í).1 ,(jù , " C I TV. ZIP: PHONE ,; HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY NON-TRADB SECRETS ....., Il\ ~¡tkf\fZ.~# (-rH> dJ:Ç .J.;>I"L., OWNER NAME: . ()~"; ~' .f1r.S~~1 NAME OF TinS ~fJL.lTY: ADDRESS: ~ 0 ~', ~-L u' ~ .' STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE u ;~:É ;IP, . - )C ._~~:...]zY'" ~~; Ø7DU. AND 8RA~["~~~qZ"i~R~ ~ 7. ~ ..,.." ro IlISrftUcrIOIIS roll PItOPD COI,lD r p.q, _:_- 'Of ---1 ,~ ~ Far. .nd Aqr;eu1tur. l-J St.nd.rd øU~ln.~5 '---' 1 2 Ir8n, Tyøe (od. Cod. ] .... Mt . ..,.... AM S --I Est , lleltvre UnHs 7 IOys on SIt. t " " Cant Cant Un """ '.. Code U Location ...... Stored In Ftelltty u ,by lit I' __ of .tIltUNlc-t. SIt IMtruet 1_ Ph~ic,l and Htl1th IIII.reI f(llKk ,II thlt ' lply) u.s. ......._______ Calipanlnt...... C.A.S. ..... -------------- --- .fir. H.mel ~=J IItterh,lry ~=J o.l.yø¡ ~:J 5udcItn hl_ ~=J 1"'I,r. _ ....Ith of ,....turI ....'th c...-t 12 .... C.A .5. ....... ~t IJ .... U.S. ...... . fL"'- ____ (c:rò ..1:1 ~ ?>l2lt-cf /./C- I'-=- phyt ie.l and ....1th 1I'l,reI tChKk .11 thlt 'PI~ y C...S, ......._ .......,- ......t II .... U.S. ....... ------ ~-, ,.-, ,.-, ,.-, · - J fire HllIrel L _.J IItterh,lty L - oJ o.l.,.ct L _ oJ Sudden hI... L - oJ l"'llt. ....Ith of ....._ ....hh c..o-t n .... U.S. ...... ~t IJ .... C.A.S. ..... -V- /o-ò D ( ~ 'r::--t- '{-U 1:=1-- --- --- Phytlcel 11M! ....lth HlI.reI C,A.s. ..... (Check .11 thlt 'PI~ly) r-, r-" r-, ~ . - J F I~. 1I1I.~eI L - oJ AHet ivtry L - oJ De I eyed L ~ SucIcI.n lit I",. ....Ith of P....sure CcIIIpontnt II .... C.A. S. ....... ,.-., L _ oJ l..etler, ....It" CcIIIpontnt n .... c. a.s. ....... u... - Ll__.~___LJ2r~LLJ ~~ and ....lth NeI11'II (Check ,II thlt QlI" ___Jtfll~LQ. 1-' I /f 1.1<3-1..5..Q ))i~ ! 1 C. A. S. ..... ____________________. CcIIIpontnt"'" . C. A.S. ..... - ~- r-, ~-, r-.,,.. r-, · - J Fir. HIl.rel L_.J IIHctlv1ty L_oJ Deleyø¡ L - oJ Sudcltn 1It1"" L_oJ 1"'let, H..lth' ot Pr"sur. ....Ith ------- C......t 12 .... C.A.S, IhiIIIItr -------------------------------- ------ CcIIIpontnt I] .... C. A .5. IIœIItr " ~"fRGfNCY CCJlfACTS .. ~!~HJ~f~Q---~C[L--- __ T1~¡~~J~-.--:----- 71 ;~r;;:.L~-~ 12-;¡.¢§:£W__f!1l~.:£6.__.___ ")7~Cr _ _.:...._______ ~~-~-í r..L L son., Inquiry of thot. hViMl. ....ponsibl. ----'--- ____J ---. 1Ii~.-Si-'-~-::-2!--i!J!.-------- " .. C nllU . C.n I ficat ion (Read and sign lifter co.pJt>ting 1111 sections) I certify und.~ IfIIlty of 1.. thlt I hi... "~sone1Jy ,...ined tncI .. f..¡her .ith tilt infor..tionjitWittcl I 1s:¡Jllltt lor J-":tg<in9 the '~f3tlon. I btJi.....tllet t~ subltitted info....tž5'1,'strw. ~~ re , ' <> A·-\na-~~1-...f<...1---T---è~-~"fyORlJJ::ö7·~!s-~.--=-n~-C~-!.~..-- S'-- ' __' _'.. ___ ...::..---1- .... ,an 0 It.. ~' .0 OW'.r,oo.rðtor own.r o~rð.or s 'u"",r",.., r.O~"""'<1". IC M ur. ' '-~ " ~ .... .BUSINESS NAME J R R~CLING INC LOCATION Z200 S UNION AV e I D NUMBER Z 15·-000-000487 HIGH HAZARD RATING 3 O. Et1PLOYEE Non FI CAT! ON 1 EVAC\JAT1 ON LAST CHANGE 05/24/88 BY ESTER 3A SEC Z) PANELLI ANÇ)...~Hgl,Q.~ARE WORKING OWNERS, MAKING ALL DECISIONS. WHITLOCK ~ ~1~ PANELLI 871-8791. BUSINESS 834-0242. HJO OTHER EMPLOYEES. NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION WOULD BE IMMEDIATE. E. MITIGATION 1 PREVENTION 1 ABATEMENT LAST CHANGE OS/Z4/88 BY ESTER 3A SEC t) SCRAP BATTERIES - BUYING NO BROKEN OR CRACKED BATTERIES. GENTLY PLACING ON PALLETS, WIRED SECURELY TO PREVENT SPILLS AND BREAKS. HJO OWNERS, TWO EMPLOYEES, ALL WITH A COMBINED EXPERIENCE OF 60 YEARS IN THE SCRAP BUSINESS, ~:~ PAGE 4 12/23/88 16:21 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (905) 648-6800 " / " BUSINESS NAME J R RECYCLING INC lOCATION ZZ00 S UNION AV FACILITY UNIT 01 10 NUMBER ZI5-Ø00-ØØØ487 HIGH HAZARD RATING :3 A. OVERALL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY LAST CHANGE 05/24/88 BY ESTER 10 TYPE NAME LOCATION CONTAINMENT MA}( AMT UNI T HAZARD USE WASTE SCRAP BATTERIES 100 GAL HIGH S OF ALUM VAN OUTSIDE E PLASTIC CONTAINER[SJ WASTE 10 PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LIST 1076.00 100.0 SULFURIC ACID (EPA) HIGH EP B. FIRE PROTECTION 1 WATER SUPPLIES LAST CHANGE ~5/Z4/BB BY ESTER 3A SEC 4} FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FOR FIRE PROTECTION. 3(1 SEC 5) FIRE HYDRANT LOCATED PLANZ Ii SO. UNION ON CORNER. PAGE 3 12/23/88 16=21 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS> INC (80S) 648-6800 e e · BUSINESS NAME J R RI.CLING INC LOCATION ZZ0Ø S UNION AV e 10 NUMBER 215-0Ø0-0Ø0487 HIGH HAZARD RATING 3 3. HAZ MAT TRAINING SUMMARY LAST CHANGE I ! BY ,~~~ 3~ < NO INFORMATION RECORDED FOR THIS SECTION> M&;Ù'=> ,6~Ov'\t. &" ~ - ~.£A..' ~ , l í\ l' \. ~ \ . \.~\ 1\ ~ I} thu" (1.. \ (, lL)'\r; '\' L..e tt l0 LG~L ~<~~ÎJ',,¿J\i\ . \]-J,'\Ji.J-~"'" "0 '.. - ''1:) b(\ßJ\.<L- 't ^ ~''',~ I::-'~ ( ^ (.; 'L 1Acw>Î ffi\O/ , -......... ,'.. ~,,-j¡ ,. - 0 Ô'fi.f~\\15 \ (1J t" '~:"f,;\~..t,- tUtu;: ..=t~\a!~L' -¡.){ljt(1i¡,(f 4. LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE LAST CHANGE OS/24/88 BY ESTER ZA SEe 5) MEDI CENTER - 820 34TH 51 - 325-6334 .--_ - -- _ _-' 0-: PAGE Z ¡ZIZ3/B8 16:21 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) 648-6800 - i .. BUSINESS NAME J R RECYCLING INC LOCATION ZZØ0 S UNION AV 10 NUMBER 215'-000-000487 HIGH HAZARD RATING 3 1. OVERVIEW LAST CHANGE 05/24/88 BY ESTER JURIS CODE 215-005 JURIS BAI<ERSFIELD STATION 05 MAP PAGE 124 GRID 17A FACILITY UNITS 1 HAZARD RATING 3' RESPONSE SUMMARY ZA SEC 4) FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AND WATER HOSES FOR FIRE PROTECTION. EMERGENCY CONTACTS ZA SEe 2) II W 7- RICHARD WHITLOCK - 834-0Z4Z OR 831 @478""" ~ (p,- JOSEPH PANELLI - 834-0242 OR 871,-8791 UTILITY SHUTOFFS ZA SEC 3) PI) GAS - N/A B) ELECTRICAL - NW CORNER METAL BLDG PLANZ & SO. UNION C) WATER - NW CORNER PLANI &. SO. UNION D> SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO Z. NOTIFICATION / PUBLIC EVACUATION LAST CHANGE / / BY < NO INFORMATION RECORDED FOR THIS SECTION> PAGE 1 lZ1Z3/8S 16=Zf MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS. INC. (805) 648-6800 .. .,.... ~ -, . - e . ~ C?~ . rJ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INS~CTION RECEIVED ¥k BUSINESS HAIŒ: J ß ~ RP<f~ \\~'J LOCATION: ~ ?- 0 () S . U V\ I ~ ~ J.. \<)-- 000 - 000 tt8'7 InSPECTION DATE: (- I - ~ ( JUN 0 5 1989 HAZ. MAT. DIV. INSPECTOR: VERIFICATION OF IHVENTORY MATERIALS VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES VERIFICATION OF LOCATIOR PROPER SEGREGATIOR OP MATERIAL W aJMMENTS: 56 j~\. cat h fG Cì8 OOc..,~t) 5'5 ~~l hr~".avl,~ {'\"';J) 10e> ~/;\\ j:(>:¡~1 , If 6 if- co..Ç).j.., oP 0.:1..) ~ 600 \:7Q~t'W-':'J fé> .:2.<t-l- &I<:,J:= 300 <3,,11.,..) G~ sJfv..,~ 0..<:.,J. VERIFICATION OP BAZ MAT TRAIHING ? fCor'L W oL D 0JmŒNTS : Mo Me.; O~ Ð VERIFICATION OF MSDS AVAILABLE vmUPICATION OF ABATEMENT SUPPLJ:BS . ÞKUOWORBS œ l , COt1MEK1'S : Er.1ERGE!fCY PROC2DORBS POSTED o [Ø' . CONTADŒRS PROPERLY LABELED COfØ4EK1'S : VE:lUFI~œ OF l'AaLITY DIAGRAM - No""_____ '\,.r;+~ C'o-P"~P'" fr"\"'~ovt SPECI1\L BAZARDS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS FACILITY: D V"' VIOLATIONS: - \. e e (1~{/: :'1~, '¡~':~"1 '\I;'~';^~~ ::,~ /~ ' X L c¡ Cj / c/i- · =trc¡/ ~ ~ Nð ~ - --==- No Hs; D~. dtf2 ~c;)~.P, ])~ V~ Afaif~) fl n /éí¥~ f / C7~ ' ~/L e e CITY of BAKERSFIELD «WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT D,S. NEEDHAM FIRE CHIEF OCTOBER 13, 1988 2101 H STREET BAKERSFILED, 93301 326-3911 " J & R RECYCLING, INC. 2200 S UNION AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 DEAR MR. RICHARD WHITLOCK: THE ENCLOSED "ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGISTRATION FORM" MUST BE COMPLETED BY ANY BUSINESS" HANDLING ABOVE THE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTITY OF ANY MATERIAL ON THE EPA LIST OF EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. (FED. REGISTER VOL. 52, NO. 77, P. 13397). YOUR COMPANY HAS REPORTED HANDLING THE FOLLOWING ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: .. SCRAP BATTERYS WHICH CONTAIN "SULFURIC ACID" PLEASE RETURN THE COMPLETED ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGISTRATION FORM TO: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 2130 G STREET ? BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS FORM PLEASE CALL RALPH HUEY AT 326-3979. SINCERELY YOURS, RALPH E. HUEY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS COORDINATOR REH/ed ENCLOSURE , . ~-:: ". '. e e Bakersfield Fire Dept. ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGISTRATION AND RISK MANAGEMENT AND PREVENTION PROGRAM 1. A.H.M. REQUESTED 2. A.H.M. RECEIVED 3. R.M.P.P.REQUESTED 4. R.M.P.P.REVIEWED 5. R.M.P.P.APPROVED 6. R.M.P.P.INSPECTION COMMENTS: CHECK LIST ¿J~-/d-B9 ~"ud AhAèé 09"- ~s- 89 cZ;;vd g R£'ot:/--~ JÑc. i BUSINESS NAME ~87 I. DmJ.MBER e e ;t!'i " "'" CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT D, $, NEEDHAM FIRE CHIEF 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 April 12, 1989 J & R Recycling Inc. 2200 S. Union Ave. Bakersfield, Ca. 93307 Dear Business Owner: The enclosed "Acutely Hazardous Materials Registration Form" must be completed by any business, handling above the minimum reporting quantity of any material on the EPA list of Extremely Hazardous Substances. (Fed. Register Vol. 52, No 77, P. 13397). Your company has reported handling the following Acutely Hazardous Materials: SULFURIC ACID (From Scrap Batterys) Please return the completed Acutely Hazardous Materials Registration Form to: Bakersfield City Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division 2130 G STreet Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 If you have any questions regarding this form please call Duane Meadows or Ralph Huey at 325-3979. Sincerely Yours, ~¿ Hazardous Material Planning Technician DJM/ed AHMREG.FOR ii":'" .. ~,¡. ACUTELY HtARDOUS MATERIALS RE!STRATION FORM THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED BY TIlE OWNER OR OPERATOR OF EACH BUSINESS IN CALIFORNIA WHICH AT ANY TIME HANDLES ANY ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IN QUANT111ES GREATER THAN 500 POUNDS, 55 GALLONS OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF GAS AT STP.l THIS FORM SHALL BE COMPLETED AND SUBMfITED TO YOUR LOCAL ADMINISTERING AGENCY. (§25533 & 25536 Health & Safety Code) ~1\('"E'ò 'A~ ~ S M~ HA,", M~~,f, tJ'\Q· (J-fr reI2S1:/etJj j C A- r¡53o 7 Note Instructions on reverse Business Name JTiL Business Site Address ~ ~,I.)-O f2..~ \f trl.- ( v0 G) ~" SòüTt+ u ,J IÓt0 Mi'. Business Mailing Address (If different) i J,Lf - ò ')-L( V Business Plan Submission Date2 /9<t1 Business Phone Process Deslgnatlon3 ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HANDLED4 -USE ADDITIONAL PAGES IF NECESSARY- CHEMICAL NAME 5- tJ J.-. ~ln¿, (~ -It (~X1) (fE6rtÌ 7;~£ft-P ßIF7Tf:12 (.e:-~ QUANTITY "Í crr"¡¡-Ä- T () ¡J f9Ç /M+ 7T£/2/,é::S 11-(1/ () L.:cD/). (' A-ð' CS Fd /2..> ¡qC{i WA-~ c~ .3 faC) lð) ,A PPð.)(: 660 0,.Q¿'. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROCESSES AND PRINCIPAL EQUIPMEN,-5: PItJ-l..- CT¡ZI tJ G 511-1 fJ PI Af 6- ) ¡f1hJ "/) L f ,sf I SIGNATURE ~ ~~ mLE PRINTED NAME (2/ é./-j--1J12 ð A . wlll/~ ð~<- ~~ DATE 1/" /7,..- f , / California Office of Emergency Services FORM HM 3777 (1-15-88) e e ~.. 0(" -....' JNSTRUCtJQNS: Superscripts: 1. Quantities for RMPP compliance are "equal to or greater than" the minimum criteria and apply to chemicals handled "at anyone time". 2. Businesses handling reportable quantities of Acutely Hazardous Materials that have not submitted a. business plan MUST contact local Administering Agencies. The business plan submission date will assure the Administering Agency that a business plan has been submitted and is on fIle. This will also immediately identify businesses that have not submitted business plans. 3. "Process Designation" is provided as a reporting option (with the approval of the Administering Agency) for facilities that can most easily report by process. Thus, facility RMPP registration data could be submitted in a similar fonnat to a business plan that is divided by process. "By process" data can initiate an emergency response to a process incident rather than a general emergency response to a major facility. Process designation _ can simplifyjnspectionsfor,ma.jo!'.f~ilitieg.and-i."tlpro...e-futu.-~'erner6c...cy'res1Nnse. - ,-- -'----"'<, - -- ,,~ _.. 4. Refer to the EP A list of Extremely Hazardous Substances from the Federal Register (Volume 52, No. 77. p. 13397 ~,April22, 1987). Each chemical has a threshold planning quantity. This list may be changed by EPA on an annual basis. Updates of this list may be available early in 1988. To comply wim this element, you may attach a copy of the inventory submitted to your Administering Agency from your business plan and highlight all Acutely Hazardous Materials. It is recommended that facilities list all extremely hazardous chemicals handled in quantities equal to or in excess of 1) 500 pounds, and 2) any EP A threshold planning quantity less than 500 pounds. 5. Do not include Trade Secret information in these descriptions. General: For emergency response purposes, it would be desirable to describe the following to the Administering Agency: 1. Batch Process: a. What raw materials? b. What operating pressure range? c. What opezating temperature range? d. Batch capacity rating? e. Product characteristics? (e.g., chemical state, flammability, toxicity, etc.) f. Critical process points and characteristics? 2. Continuous process: (similar infonnation as above.) ----- -~ "-- -~ ~..- ._----- -.- ------ -.-. - - --- - .~ - -- NQIE: "Pursuant to §25534,1be Administering Agency may require the submission of a Risk Management Prevention Program (RMPP), if the Adminisfering Age:w.;y detmnines that the handler's openuion may present an acutely hazardous materials accident risk. The bandlez sbal1 prepare the RMPP in accordance with subdivision (c) [of §25534]. The RMPP shall be prepared within 12 mœths following the request made by the Administering Agency pursuant to this section. " (§ 25534 (a) Health and Safety Code) An amendment to the RMPP must be submitted to the Administering Agency within 30 days of: 1. Any additional handling of acutely hazardous materials. 2. Any material or substantial alterations to business activities. 3. Change of address, business ownership, or business name. (§ 25533 (c) Health & Safety Code) · EVERY BUSINESS REQUIRED TO SUBMIT AN RMPP SHALL IMPLEMENT THE APPROVED RMPP· California Office of Emergency Services FORM HM 3m (1-15-88) , ~~;'~~ , ""'-- ... 'é>~ Þ e e BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT R E eEl V E 0 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 /1 II ^ JUl 9 1987 (805) 326-3979 I;). -, - t"t Q) ~;~d;¡¡....... OFFICIAL USE ONLY ID# OC¿;l{ lS J/~7 BUSINESS NAME HAZARDOUS MATERIALS BUSINESS PLAN AS A WHOLE FORM 2A INSTRUCTIONS: 1. To avoid further action, return this form by 2, TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH, 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA Ql?cL( C It ¡J c. \ 410 ~. ~~CJð .so, ò to {ò ;J .::r;- R. A. BUSINESS NAME: B. LOCATION / STREET ADDRESS: flV~ M qgt7 BUS.PHONE: (,?()ç') 'ß:3cfrIJ2-'I'2--' CITY: Mtc e-f2&r: { E Çþ ZIP: SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In case of an emergency involving the release or threatened release of a hazardous material, call 911 and 1-800-852-7550 or 1-916-427-4341. This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of Emergency Services as required by law. EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: NAME AND TIJ:L, E ,¡ A "1 µ DURIN.9 BUS. HRS. AFTER BU,rs. ,H~S. ('J A. Rfc1f'fI-fD f»lfffI-VC-I..- Ph# g.3</~02-(2--ph# f?31/"CJCj7¿f B. .JÒSr::::PtI ?A-NEI-LI Ph# ~cßý-02ýz".-ph# g1I,'-<671 ( SECTION 3: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE: N I A- , B. ELECTRICAL: N ~ ~eNËR flJr?rn1- £O/j.7)¡~-, r:Jfr1J1- C. WATER: N (.Ù __Q,J 2" ¡;;LJ+~7- '~r$d u _>'d D. SPECIAL: ~ E. LOCK BOX: YES /. IF YES, LOCATION: 't" .5£>. c:) N/¡J~ IF YES, DOES IT CONTAIN SI7E PLANS? YES / NO FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO MSDSS? YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO - 2A - e e SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEAM FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE ttfLé ~TOJG-O{ S;'H-£T¿5 W1f.--rif'Í?--- If051:CS" W'~'~~, - ... . SECTION 5: LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE FOR YOUR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE ~ ~~'i( ~'ì U IJ'Îe-{L - 31/.;LÂ.. SV2-e:.c-r' SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINING EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PROGRAM WHICH PROVIDES EMPLOYEES WITH INITIAL AND REFRESHER TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS. CIRCLE YES OR NO A. METHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES:........... , .............. C. PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT:.....,. ......... . . D. EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E. DO YOU MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS:...... . INITIAL @ NO 'NO NO Y E~ c; REFRESHER @ NO fj'f NO , " ,NO YE NO YES NO SECTION 7: HAZARDOUS MATERIAL CIRCLE ~ OR NO DOES YOUR BUSINESS HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IN QUANTITIES LESS THAN 500 POUNDS O~~ SOLID, 55 GALLONS OF A LIQUID, OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF A COMPRESSED GAS: ,., ". YES ~ I, ý2(c1fHR}, 'iÎ. W+f- (ít-ð&~ , certify that the above information is accurate. I understand that this information will be used to fulfill my firm's obligations under the new California Health and Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. 20 Chapter 6.95 Sec. 25500 Et AI.) and that inaccurate information constitutes perjury. ~w)J- - 2B - DATE b / z3-f7 .0: -..,..- . ~. 'ç' . ." e e BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 OFFICIAL USE ONLY ID# ------ BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS PLAN SINGLE FACILITY UNIT FORM 3A INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further action, this form must be returned by: 2, TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANSWERS IN ENGLISH, 3. Answer the questions below for THE FACILITY UNIT LISTED BELOW 4, Be as BRIEF and CONCISE as possible. FACILITY UNIT# /f' '\ . J -, ~Il(ù FACILITY UNIT NAME: V -1- Q /2Ð:J1 C~I t b-)dJV' . SECTION 1: MITIGATION, PREVE~~ION. ABATEMENT PROCEDú~ES S\'>.).;f\'? ~ES¡LI~ - ßUYJ^)'Cs NÒ Æt2/jt-cÙ oR- Cj¿¡t-():~/!"þ f}dt~t!f;f5: e~ I--:ST I-l{ ? J..A-c I ~)ç tJ ~ P ·fT/-LcTS i 'W'¡ ¡2../? Þ ¥CU )2-1.:1- Y TÒ, Q Ý2¡i-r::"rr ~? It-C:-, S rf}-~ D B!2t'tT ¿"s ., TWV ð ¡J) AI.é72->,: ~/)jo 7 ' cu ...i' '" e- Ì) /C-XP ,£12 l,tfì/J Q ¥ ./}y)rp !-c) frCl~ S fr L G úJ I '111 fJ (J ø t11l/l rv j),.. , ' t:) 1? ('> ß-cJ51 ~ )!'Sc:;;: ø f ~O Ytll(l$ / ¡J T{f£ $C..f~ftl ' SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION fu~D EVACUATION PROCEDURES AT THIS L~IT ONLY ?ft~~ hk.:f 11~D \JJ'1i JT¡:...or;~k fJQ£ (;..J ÒIi4tI N C- Ò(UN £12.5.. r 1\/lftÞII~(~ ~l--~ ~EC(S(ò¡..)5~ iJJ'If ¡-rt-òeJC ~ßI"Ô V7g/ all Q> ~ ~1.-l-:J -.fl. 7 I _ g 1 c:¡ I . /2;-03 t'r1 esç 't?, 3 f'¡~d 2--r" z , .. T /IV' Ò ) 'n. ') , III-c () IT';-/ d N ð -r H ¿-I¿ /2--;/,1 fl-d ~ ¡¿-eS ~ tJ ð T I ¡: I c-lt'TI J ¡J fJIIV Ì) F, ~~ v--Jó>J J. 7) ~C I jJ/) 114 C Þ 1fT!£. - 3A - e e ~ i' '-'~ .. SECTION 3: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FOR THIS UNIT ONLY A. Does this Facility Unit contain Hazardous Materials?. . , .. ~ NO If YES, see B. If NO, continue with SECTION 4. B. Are any of the hazardous materials a bona fide Trade Secret YES é§P If No, complete a separate hazardous materials inventory form marked: NûN-TRADE SECRETS ONLY (white form #4A-l) If Yes, complete a hazardous materials inventory form marked: TRADE SECRETS ONLY (yellow form #4A-2) in addition to the non-trade secret form. List only the trade secrets on form 4A-2. SECTION 4: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION f:?<~ / ~U IS fie- ~ SECTION 5: LOCATION OF WATER SUPPLY FOR USE BY EMERGENCY RESPONDERS \ ftY D ILA-- N -r I-Ø C!.,/fJ J:: b fLlft.ì -Z ,(.$ d u;J /ò ¡J ~ðfLN e-fL--- ~I fl,f: ðµ SECTION 6: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS AT THIS u~IT ONLY, A, NAT. GAS/PROPANE: B. ELECTRICAL: f\Y A- ,JW Cð{2,JßfL rjç ,fÆ~P¿-I2,-rY p/-fT~''2 T<:ð J N I ð.A ·A-d.t" C. WATER: ¡J I.P Cò{¿/h:::72 dÝ f Æ!tJPeß1j P Lit':> 2- .-t çc). d ¡d I' ð ;U D, SPE-G-I-AL' -----, E, LOCK BOX: YES /~ IF YES, LOCATION: IF YES, SITE PLANS? YES / NO FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO MSDSs? YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO - ,38 - BUSINE~S NA ADDRESS: ,CITY, ZIP: BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT FORM 4A-1 NON-TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY E: ..J't-f2- f2e:-GŸt0",/r0" ,::f)S(>, OWNER NAME·.~'-rí2.. {Gr;rvýc"Lr\6, ,~rÐ FAC LITY UNI ! ('-J ,'_' I T #: ðõ" \,)'{ö ft£, ADDRESS: FACILITY UNIT NAME: ·'/tCél!..£; I/::i-.:Ì) r" ~07 CITY, ZIP: Page .. . 'f{" ~ -0("-'1. --- -'.... - 1. D. # '. ... ' ... >, " .....If! PHONE # : CC,¿K) <6.B ¡of ,- 6'1-i.{V PHONE #: ~.3 I-ô V 7 fJ g '71- [5 '1"1/ 10FFICIAL USE CFIRS CODE ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAJ. CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS % BY HAZARD D.O.T CODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE 'áv¡..¡r> 5~,~ 45). ¡rJ ~() ~ -o""'Tt D F It J- cJ VI, V t-r¡.J 5·(!.-ßf¥? &-rrCÆ I IFS II) 7þ rt .£11-r W-I\' ~W\ ß'~ l~S, ðc)í$I7J~ at;,,-r ð ~ ~ L ~~ , (Of) ~.IOO ~C{¡)O Ñ S ')G fh t...~ arid- ""'- .JP' \. lJ ./ - A 0, /X?//A/, d /)1 Îr1/ ~ 1;/ / NAME: f2, u+·1t-I>- ò w;+ If.LdM: TITLE: '-j¿e-Sr 'ìYl:N""'I NATURE: IVJ~i UJU I. t/ l )'V(71 ÁIfI' ÆÀ.TE: 0,. 2--3 "'7 ,- . EMERGENCY CONTACT: W¡-} i'J-.c) M TITLE:, j:JÆ:>t'2Jr^ r=r- V PfJ--;J¡¿-Ll-! -TITLE: rjlGé ßeJlS' , ACT I V I TY : ~~M--fJ ~lo'N ¡-/'1 t?rYt-/-I::: - PHONE # BUS HOURS: AFTER BUS HRS: PHONE # BUS HOURS: AFTER BUS, HRS: g ß i/ - ð -z, f/ g.- -:if;, [.31--0 V? ~ 3> i./ ..-:1 Z, If :J,,/ ~ r¡ 1- 'K'7 q I EMERGENCY CONTACT: 'PRINCIPAL BUSINESS - 4A-l -