HomeMy WebLinkAboutABOVEGROUND TANK (3) ~ ;, ..", ,'.M, . , ~':;. . .. .. ·.···.~'c:··~".·~j{ffiì~ ' . PenYt¡~\, ~I ,; .~.~.~.~.¡..:.l.t~~..~~,..~.:~.~ ....;...... . '. .~."< ...~,~..,~,:~ :,;;<~Y..",'I.~:.;'t:.!, ."".' '.~ ." ~''';' : :~~. ti~ (~.-:'::'.:- "', ,:' " ..,;,; -:;;"~'... ¡','''/M': /v ~ " ' .'.\", ALÌthor¡z ' :ßeprijsèntat¡ve::~ '·~,;:,'~·<;ú",~ ':,"2;.,::'; '..,~': /'~" ::, þ," ,~,~' ..~':<~~~),' ,:"~~':,:>. ,:::: ".,,~<\:::¡. ":~:;i;<'~~:',~,::':)'~~:(" i~',~:. , By.......:. .:.sq~.~.)-:..:: . ....,~~, ~. "':~,.:~.. ..~, .,....~:-i~:-::,!;i:~"... ''': \:' .' . ,...., " ;,;,:, .::..,::;'~,.,:'.,fi.re.~~~I, <', ·~;C:.:Jkt:,;:.:', ~';:~.'(:,:: ~., ':~~..,;,', ·....~h .'... ~ ....r:-,. .'., <'" ''''''' ~ ~, ~<,~! ~ ':" '1"$~' ~(' ," fo' '... "~.~ ';:i'~"~~ ,·<';¿~~":)~ì;:~;2:;~i:;X~:i.:,t~l¿\~:;';",~~:; :<fJ::~' ;,:~~;;:::~>i~~~;:{,::?', . '~ , 1-...... ... ---' -- ---.- _ ,_~", '::'~~:"~ .~~ L~~. 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DICK C.., A e:.¿ I IE Tí C&P jìlJ.$t;",t1 "2DIO $0, ¿)ì\tN:''';''¡ IID1 Z';"~I' 5 . yr U" lAi' ,d"C ' <; OT('~ ~ J ~ARR w .WJ I =- Ii) / II / s'c i¡Lé E i r'V! ¡ {<:<::.,"¡ ,-'''' f ----I i ! ! OF :::IC.E ",,', I / ~ í I .' ¡ I, c.E J 1<, ..J;i::l"n1l- " _..·..~'"'1 I ·'--t''''~~-¿K6·ff'';'' ! .' ¿ L ! .,. ¡¿. (':¡ßJh. r' ' ., -----i .P, ). Ic'.·, t. {Ii '- r . ¡ 0', ~ ", 0 ¡: f' ~: I "1 ,. _ .'. J;1 ! Vj ~ _H ,,;,";'1, " " .'.. r.." ,"j,. \"( ", h ~( ~~' f-, ~' ','" i Jtl¡¡!\ 'I -{',\ ¡ .~ [. ! I'",di .;>.t ; (\" . i rY" \ ! ; ¡ " I i ! ~' i t ~1 \ ~/i ~''" ~ ~' r---I~- ,~' ~ <. ~: "'4 r";~-~-~ I F_aDt'\ 1 ¡ ~ L -š if;. LV fiE> I-t p¡q. v \ ] , ) 75 ,~\ ( . ~~/ (b' .. ! 1 11 s VJt)/~D -.,...- '.'., . " . ~~ ¡ ~ ~' ¡ t ,--'----- y e 1 f 'I i ¡ , ! ....c.:..<.<~::,. "'.../~ <6' I I ~,," ~"f ,"". .'''-/.' "",.rc I< ~,L..'. . '., ~ .... ' .-_. -..--- I I " \ 'I 'I V h'~' ! fry J\ U , i ~",ð....r' 1- J" I, \ " , ~ ~£ .€t'b i I : "' ¡ , \ ,~ r, M\".(V\f ,', n '. f I ,; ¡', ~ " ," ; I t : ! ___ L~~,~ ¡ . i f' -- -- I ¡ i I f I î > I ' ! f/ '-,.---- SHO ""-'''- ~ ! , , i , ~ i i. '"\(",\'4 j;~ '-, i ~. Ù--;P 'iJ UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE OFFICIAL BUSINESS SENDER INSTRUCTIONS Print your nama, address and ZIP Code In the spece below. -_Plete Items 1, 2, 3, and 4 on the rse. - ch to front of article If spece permits, ,otherwise affix to back of article: - Endðrse article "Return Receipt Raquested" adjacent to number. RETURN , TO ... WI (!; ~ REf.E \\'EO DEC 2 7 1988 Ans'd...--....·· . Go prc--r- '- U.S.MAIL o PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, $300 Print Sender's name, address, and ZIP Code in the spac~ below. 2130 G STREET RALPH E. HUEY. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD , BAKERSFIELD I CA 93301 3. Article Addressed to: DICK GARRIOTT DICK GARRIOTT CROP DUSTING 2010 s. UNION AVE~ 3AK""S'1?,'.D, , ~ 1 4. e TYpe of Service: U Registered o Certified DE Mell PS Form 3811. Mer. 1988 . U.s.G.P.O. 1988-212-865 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT ,It e MEMORANDUM OCTOBER 4, 1991 TO: VALERIE PENDERGRASS, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS~ FROM: DREW SHARPLES, FINANCIAL INVESTIGATOR ~ RE: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ACCOUNTS HM451601 I have changed the mailing c/o Dick Garriott 1621 Executive Ct. Sacramento, CA 95864 address to: , O..-r I '^ì2..K. \' !: VIC-¥- L;rr HM701601 I have changed the mailing Attn: Chip McCoy 7700 Calle Nobleza Bakersfield, CA 93309 address to: , f'.l L- A:--t 'fn r HM411201 I have changed the mailing address to: HM411301 c/o Woody Bryant'\""1_¡.¡c...\l(? 119 Westbluff J~i f-' ~ \is Bakersfield, CA 93305 I \Ol~ DS/rw MDS.30 o "'" --- e e REFERRAL TO FINANCE 'DEPARTMENT FOR COLLECTION , . Ie ,,'"") - ~ ,,' , - -," L,.¡r~ '. ....)L -- l..) ~~. ~Lt -' J!/) ~ Referriog Department/Section ()~~L ,Qy\£ÍL/LCncu;¿./L,/ Person Making Referral'J 15 J(oéJ I Account Number ~if~lli~ - (UYtfflWLC &d/u¡~/ k~_le) «"1Q)¡JL;~ &;Pc (k~~ Name(Businesš Name of Comme cial Accoun ) q A 1,(J ,5. Wh"u:YI) ~ ' Site Address Po.6rrt.. 032' ~ ) La. Cf330d.- Mailing Address '837 -;;J;) 3 ?S Telephone Number Æ~A~' Owner's Name, Address and Telephone Number 7 , Billing Period: From Month/Year To Month/Year 570.&/ Amount Due List Collection Efforts by Department Prior to Referrål: ~ f'l ~(J Q;t¡ d. ~ tffi.;t:A iYlf) '~. Comments \..0, ~~ dla;t ~ -/)CMX fhæ -~~ ' THIS BILLING HAS BEEN VERIFIED AS ACCURATE AND VALID Authorized Signature (Original to Cash Management, copy to Accounts Receivable) NM 6/8/90 ~ ,,'" ,.. ... 4IÞBAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPAR~ 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 d.@'6c..... ...L f\)~ P t - , . ~ j' t OFFICIAL USE ONLY ID# USINESS NAME HAZARDOUS MATERIALS BUSINESS PLAN AS A WHOLE FORM 2A INSTRUCTIONS: 1. To avoid further action, return this form by JO'-ì-~7 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA A. BUSINESS Nk~E: :;0cÆ ~r~~~,~ B. LOCATION / STREET ADDRESS: ¿? ~ ' ~ . CITY:~~~þ// ZIP: ~7' , , BUS. PHONE: (~S") ?3;2 - 7Ø't? SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS RECEIVED OC1 3 0 1987 Ans' d............ 6 001104 In case of an emergency involving the release or threatened release of a hazardous material. call 911 and 1-800-852-7550 or 1-916-427-4341, This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of Emergency Services as required by law. E~PLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF E~ERGENCY: NAME AND TI~ . A. t'?2c-K ~/..,# ~.5/~//::I Ph# B.~~¿k2 ~ Æ;-~ Ph< DURING BUS. HRS. ~.3.;2--7øP ~.:2-7Ø¿? Ph#' Ph#' AFTER B1;S. HRS. ;g'3~-.:z;2~tf' ..?..z:z - £' ?'h SECTION 3: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE : ßpkr ¿,;,¿/, /ø~ ck/ #6'1('/ ~ d/é'.s/ k~ ~ B. ELECTRICAL:tí~~r ~~ C. WATER: &M: '. ~ð~ ~ ,/ .,h./k Ã2//:'- ~'1PAt"?~ D. SPECIAL: E, LOCK BOX: YES /@ IF YES, LOCATION: IF YES, DOES IT CONTAIN SITE PLANS? YES / ~O FLOOR PLANS? YES / ~O MSDSS? YES / 010 KEYS? YES / :-¡O - 2;,\ - I. ; ~ í :, : . t e e , '\ ~ . J ''''. .' ,./ <. . ',~ :, '. SEC'lUON 4:¡PRIVATE RESPONSE TEA.\f FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE ~. . ,/ M þ~ .~~ eß'~~4'/~~/'-5 /:V/r.~ ~/~~ o/,s?oZ~ ~ay#: ør£/ ~'þ¡'/~ $//?t:/r.£"> ~ ¿,.{P/.?IN-c)/ ~~. ¿;V't'~~ ~ ,/', ~;t4/ #~þ $~ ~A2r /¿vA'.-,¿ /"/.-e M.> '": -- 0- ' ",. t " . ,~!; ~ ~,!Î;.~~ ~',' !.)ì".. ~~~ fJ-1 '. SECTION 5: LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTk~CE FOR YOUR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE ßr ¿h;#;.ø¿ /; ð~ ///~~/ .ø:7¿?/7//'~ cP.5' /Y~/~a: #~ / /& ~ ~,4-"ßt"l'#,,~P'>:fda>~, /I',...""....//->/ r?6fø" '/. ,;if /,;1,,/;;/ ~Ü- /"'/~ ~ p: a;.,g)/,,q;J SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINING E~PLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PROGRAM WHICH PROVIDES E~PLOYEES WITH INITIAL AND REFRESHER TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS. CIRCLE YES OR ~O I~ITIAL A. METHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS ~TERIALS:............,..........,...............~ ~O B. PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES:.......................... ~ XO C. PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , NO D. EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES; .. . . ... . ..... .... ~ ~O E. DO YOU MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS: . . .. , . ~ NO REFRESHER @~O IXO " E NO NO Y NO SECTION 7: HAZARDOUS MATERIAL CIRCLE YES OR NO DOES YOUR BUSINESS HANDLE HAZARDOUS ~~TERIAL IN QUANTITIES LESS THAN 300 POUNDS OF A SOLID, 55 GALLONS 0: A LIQUID, OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF A COMPRESSED GAS:,...., ~ NO I, ~~Áf~ð~~ , certify that the above information is accurate.- r understa that this information will be used to fulfill my firm's obligations under the new California Health and Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div, 20 Chapter 6.95 Sec. 25500 Et AI.) and that inaccurate information constitutes perjury, TITLE ~~/ DATE ß-;)'¿7 --/7 , - 28 - . , ~.".... ~. e e .' " BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTM 2130 "G" STREET "ENT BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 OFFICIAL USE ONLY ID# BUSINESS NAME: S I N~LUES IFN';CSIS PLAN F LITY UNIT ORM 3A INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further . ' 2. TYPE/PRINT . actIon, this form m ' 3. Answer t~ YOUR ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. ust be returned by, 10- ì-'iI7 4 B · quest,on. below f .. . . . e as BRIEF and CONCISE or :HE FACILITY UNIT LISTED , as possIble BELOW FACILITY UNIT# / . , FACILITY UNIT NAJIŒ~:¿~' ,,/' 1i2. / ' SECTION 1, MITIGATION, PREVENTIO . CO' ",;ø£~ ;.fd~, 1 /' L N, ABATEMENT, PROCEDURES, /' ~ /,~é""ðú".e ?t9,//¥?<'¥/t'/ :dE ~/'// ð// ~ .£' / ' #f'7 þE á~/zd> ðùr~d/mr;W;"a/~;{ ,ro7é:;'.r::'" nð¥~.2 ffi t:þ'/ o/" ~ ~:'5 ø;,;;M,) ,,6 kd~ ~¿;;;;~*'5 ,4?#nd>/ ¿:/kr ,,{/~;¡H, ~ ~~ ¿/,pM'a:r~:"--,.Y..y~; c5;644'E;é';">: //.:> q;# ~"b ØCLU"'- ~~ ~,~ ¿¿K ,¡~ /:k~ ¡;¡:.- ."ð'b ~/,p-~r ~ ~/Y,a7/¿ ~"" j /é"é~~ /?? ð?;ý4 ~ #~ ~ ,z,/./t,;"f fr//t,F ~ ¿pJd>Þ~'£ ;b:;;:ç~ µ;.k, ~~ SEC? 2: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATIO PROCEDURES /~e..5'~?/<é'~/ ah,W/. ~þ , WM: AT THIS UNI ?N~ /- .-; /' . ¿ :¿0 . ,/ /' W %7""" c? "",w' M.YP""''''/ cv //$/ ð"r" ~_é'N'..r_;Ø é"ø',1/Í 6~ ~/..& ,Ø£/.:' ;A:.;4/ 7f./,/.. ð'/' ~:( ¡¡? ø/1/?'V/'~/ J;l'k ðØÙt- ,;/ ÞI¥~ý ~ p~ '" /ay"þ( . ) 6<i'CqJ?,{~ /~5~ ~/,ff¿;; pc/ ,ç;."';~¿>r ~,£ ~¡:;,;>".rz. ø/// ¿eR ð~ ?/~~/ ¿p~ /?,;~h,.;/.d?/?'/ . ~r'¡'/ ð/.s7k ,.#7 ¿'lŸ.£,e. ev6'C"'~ p' Æ'øP,~ - 3A '- í ;- e t/--j,;; '!~ e ~ .. SECTION 3: HAZARDOUS ~IATERIALS FOR THIS UNIT ONLY A. Does thi s Faci 1 i ty Unit contain Hazélrdotls Materials? , , , . , @ NO If YES, see B" If NO, continue with SECTION 4. B. Are any of the hazardous materials a bona fide Trade Secret YES ~ If No, complete a separate hazardous materials inv~ntory form marked: NON-TRADE SECRETS ONLY (white form #4A-1) If Yes, complete a hazardous materials inventory form ¡!larked: TRADE SECRETS ONLY (yellow form #4A-2) in addition to the non-trade secret form, List only the trade secrets on form 4A-2, SECTION 4: PRIVATE FIRE PROT CTION _ , / . //j¿i j¡, # /~ þ¿J '/I-é' e;~~II/..Ç-fié'd /11 ;/ft& S;ZI j? ~S-ð#f / '.~/ // /0 ~ e~ /¡f Q7 Ú/~#/ e¡*~u;$-/l:r /;7 77te ~r; J;~~~e:> ð~~fd ¿;J~kr ft//U ~cK ~;7K 02/&7 7'/DÞT ' /- , /Y';?æ'ðk/ SECTION 5: LOCATION OF WATER SUPPLY FOR USE, BY EMERGENCY RESPONDERS , ~~4 é'd7d C'l7'r//tPr ¿:1~ ~Æ ¥ a~ ~ ~ ~EC~I:N~: /~~~~T~~~ OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS AT THIS UNIT ONLY, /' ~ :~, ~Al h:¡:~;£ /b ~~ c~Æ /~1I1 4 ØR~/ /7o?H/iJr ¡/~ B, ELECTRICAL: ~ ~~ ~¿(~~/ cÞr,l?t!?r' ~ ¿ / C. WATER: ~ /. / ~ ,Æ ö:?,; ¿~/,#'ffør ¿(J6/d tf'¿/~/ ~ð~ Aó7;;Ý~r -/1~:r ;0 , Í'J' , D. SPECIAL: E, LOCK BOX: YES ~ IF YES, LOCATION: IF YES, SITE PLANS? YES / NO FLOOR PLANS? YES / ~O ~1SDSs? YES KEYS? YES ! i NO / I :':0 - 3B - BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT FORM 4A-l NON-TRADE SECRETS , HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY BUSINESS NAME: ~"':¿~"'P.""~~ ~ 1.k. OWNER NAME: FACILITY UNIT #: I ADDRESS: d2ð/r¿~~ C?~ ADDRESS: FACILITY UNIT NAME: Z?Sc-7.::J CITY, ZIP:~~~~~~ CITY,ZIP: PHONE ~~: 1f/3.:2-7Ø'ð PHONE #: ¿-:::2- 70-ó' 1. D. # 'f~ ~ ..;, "í -" '. . Page _of·_ " OFFICIAL USE CFIRS CODE ONLY 2 MAX AMOUNT 456 CONT USE UNIT CODE CODE NAME 7 LOCATION IN THIS FACILITY UNIT 8 % BY WT. 9 ,< NAME ~~, - EMER~CY CONTACT: EMERGENCY CONTACT~/~ ~~Z- PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: ~A?d)D TITLE: TITLE: TITLE:4 ~~ z;:> L./J:7/A/é) - 4A-l - HONE # BUS HOURS: AFTER BUS HRS: PHONE # BUS HOURS: AFTER BUS HRS: 10 HAZARD D.O.T CODE GUIDE FLÁ)' FLé( 5 ð!2/f.< 5 DATE: ø-J~- ';7 ff'32 - ? 'f'/ t::Þ €"'$7 -.;2,;239 q~;:J.-7Øð 3;;2;;2 -6.?ðY ¡,. ¡.~ e e DECEMBER 13, 1988 DEAR MR. DICK GARRIOTT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- IN THE INSPECTION OF YOUR BUSINESS DICK GARRIOTT CROP DUSTING LOCATED AT 2010 S. UNION AVE., BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 ON DEC J3th THE FOLLOWING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGULATION VIOLATIONS WERE IDENTIFIED: ~er-D V ~. a:~~ 1) SEVERAL MATERIALS FOUND THAT WERE NOT INCLUDED IN YOUR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED (MINERAL SPIRITS, SOLVENT CLEANING TANK, PROPANE, MEAN GREEN CLEANER, PESTICIDE WATER MIXTURE, AND SEVERAL UNKNOWNS IN HANGER AREA, AUTO SHOP, AND WEST SIDE OF HANGER OUTSIDE). TO VIOLATION OF CH. 6.96 CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE 25509(A)(1-4) The annual inventory form shall include, but shall not be limited to, information on all of the following which are handled in quantities equal to or greater than the quantities specified in subdivision (a) of 8~0tin~ 25503.5: (1) A listing of the chemical name and common names of every hazardous substance or chemical product handled by the business. (2) The category of waste, including the general chemical and mineral composition of the waste listed by probable maximum and minimum concentrations, of every hazardous waste handled by the business. (3) A listing of the c~émical name and common names of every other hazardous material or mixture containing a hazardous material handled by the business which is not otherwise listed pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2). (4) The maximum amount of each hazardous · e e material or mixture containing a hazardous material disclosed in paragraphs (1), "(2) and (3) which is handled at anyone time by the business over the course of the year. 2) SEVERAL CONTAINERS NOT PROPERLY LABELED. VIOLATION OF OSHA 1910.1200 o~ ,/~ VV (1) The chemical manufacturer, importer, or distributor shall ensure that each container of hazardous chemicals leaving the workplace is labeled, tagged or marked with the following information: (i)Identity of the hazardous chemical(s). (ii)Appropriate hazard warnings; and (iii)Name and address of the chemical manufacturer, importer, or other responsible party. (4) Except as provided in paragraphs (3) and (4) the employer shall ensure that each container of hazardous chemicals in the workplace is labeled, tagged, or marked with the following information: (i) Identity of the hazardous chemical(s) contained therein; and (ii)Appropriate hazard warnings. (5) The employer may use signs, placards, process sheets, batch tickets, operating procedures, or other such written materials in lieu of affixing labels to individual stationary process containers, as lon~ as the alternative method identifies the containers to which it is applicable and conveys the information required by paragraph (2) of this section to be on label. The written materials shall be readily accessible to the employees in their work area throughout each work shift. (7) The employer shall not remove of deface existing labels on incoming containers of hazardous chemicals, unless the container is immediately mari{ed with the required information. (8) The employer shall ensure that labels or other forms of warnings are legible, in ~nglish, and prominently displayed on the container, or readily available in the work area throughout each work shift. Employers having employees who speak other languages may add the information in their language to the material presented, as long as the information is presented in English as well. ~ . ó ~ <i'Y // 2.,.,,& (?~,<¡;1 z,~Z- ø~ ,r¡cr /{./ otl, /(f l,r't :~ e e 3) PESTICIDE RECYCLING BUILDING, AND PESTICIDE STORAGE CABINET NOT PROPERLY MARKED VIOLATION OF UFC 80.103(F) Visible hazard identification signs as specified in U.F.C. Standard No. 79-3 shall be placed at all entrances to and in locations where hazardous materials MATERIAL are stored, handled or used in quantities requiring a permit. 4) SEVERAL OPEN CONTAINERS THROUGHOUT THE AREA VIOLATION OF UFC 80.103(C) Defective containers which permit leakage or spillage shall be disposed of or repaired in accordance with recognized safe practices; no spilled material shall be allowed to accumulate on floors or shelves 5) COMPRESSED GAS CYLINDERS NOT PROPERLY STORED VIOLATION OF UFC 74.107 (a) General. All compressed gas cylinders in service or in storage shall be adequately secured to prevent falling or being knocked over. EXCEPTIONS: (1) Compressed gas cylinders in the process of examination, servicing and refilling are exempt from this section. (2) Medical gas cylinders may be stored and used in the horizontal position in accordance with nationally recognized standards. 6) CABINET USED TO STORE FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS INADEQUATE VIOLATION OF UFC 80.109 (a) General. When provisions of this code require that hazardous materials be stored in storage cabinets, such cabinets shall be in accordance with this section. Cabinets shall be conspicuously labeled in red letters on contrasting background HAZARDOUS-KEEP FIRE AWAY. (b)Construction. Cabinets may be constructed of wood or metal. Cabinets shall be listed or constructed 1n accordance with the following: A. Unlisted metal cabinets. Metal cabinets shall be of steel having a thickness of not less than 0.043 inch. Doors shall be will-fitted, self- closing and equipped with a l~tching device. .To in ts shall be riveted or ¡.relded and ShD,1l be tight fitting. The bottom of a cabinet designed for the containment of liquids shall be liquid 'tè oK- lr~q Zr~ ~.9øM ~~~. . e e t i g h -r~ t 0 é.\ h e i g h t () f :::1. t".. 1 e (J, s t 2 i n c 11 e s . 9. Wooden cabinets. Wooden cabinets, including the doors, shall be of not less than I-inch Exterior grade plywood, or equivalent, which is compatible with the material being stored. Doors shall be well fitted, self-closing and equipped with a latch. The bottom of a cabinet designed for the containment of liquid shall be liquid tight to a height of at least 2 inches. Cabinets shall be painted with an intumescent-type paint. 7) AB6vE GROUND STORAGE TANKS KOT PROPERLY LABELED. VIOLATION OF VFC 80.111 (a) All aboveground storage tanks, pressure vessels and containers over 100 gallons (water capacity) _permanently installed, mounted or affixed and used for the storage of flammable and combustible liquids, compressed gases, or hazardous chemicals regulated by this article, shall be identified in accordance with U.F.C. Standard No. 79-3. Labels shall conform with V.F.C. Standard ~o. 79-3 for size and color and shall be affixed to tank, vessel or container so as to be conspicuously visible at all times. 8) GASOLINE STORAGE IN ABOVE GROUND STORAGE TANKS INCONSISTENT WITH BUSINESS PLAN INVENTORY. VIOLATION OF CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE, CHAPTER 6.95, 25509(A) The annual inventory form shall include, but shall not be limited to, information on R]l of the following which are handled in quantities equal to or greater than the quantities equal to or greater than the quantities specified in subdivision (a) of Section 25503.5: Sufficient information on how and where the hazardous materials disclosed in paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) are handled by the business to allow fire, safety, health, and other appropriate personnel to prepare adequate emergency responses to potential releases of the hazardous materials. 9) WASTE OIL SPILLED ONTO THE GROUND IN SEVERAL AREAS VIOLATION OF CH.6.5 OF THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 25179.2 II (c) The disposal of untreai~ed hazardous t.¡aste In or onto land without adequate technical safeguards threatens not only the quality of the state's land, air, and water resources, but poses a direct hazard to ~ _, ê> ;¡; e e health and safety by exposing the ,public to substances that have been found to cause cancier, birth defects, miscarriages, nervous disorders, blood diseases, and damage to vital organs and genes". VIOLATION OF CH.6.5 OF THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 25250.4 "Used oil regulated by the department shall be managed as a hazardous waste in accordance with the requirements of this chapter until it has been ,recycled. Used oil which is not recycled shall be 'disposed of, or transported out of the state, as a hazardous waste in accordance with this chapter". "Section 25250.5 Disposal of used oil by discharge to sewers, drainage systems, surface or _ groundwaters, watercourses, or marine waters; by incineration of burning as fuel; or by deposit on land, is prohibited, unless authorized under other provisions of law. the use of used oil as a dust suppressant or weed control agent is prohibited". Z-,Z).....(1WE NEED TO ESTABLISH A USABLE SYSTE~1 TO l'1AINTAIN ACTIVE D~ M S D S LISTS OF CHEMICALS STORED ON YOUR FACILITY FOR SHORT ~. DURATION. THIS LIST t-IUST BE Ì'IADE AVAILABLE TO EMERGENCY ~ RESPONDERS ON A 24 HOUR BASIS. ~~ ~~~The above violations must be corrected by JANUARY 13, 1989 The department will schedule a re-inspection of your facility to verify compliance. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact Ralph H1Jey at" :~26-3979. Coordinator .. , e ',' , .-\". e ::; 'c '.. .., DICK GARRIOTT CROP DUSTING INC. .~ ,'~ . ,~1.~:1}' '. ~'~u,,~ . :, . " ;.': o· . :"~ ~.o " .< . ~.', : .~. '," " ',' " ... : o' , ' ' " '" ' ...',.. " ',', ·:;;":';'~~:i,~~~\k~:+c:),,:;:/~;:',?::, ,";,':,"., ',' : '" :' . ." ',~' 2010 South Union Avenue Bakersfield, California 93307 (805) 832-7410 ::; ::. "; :., .. .~. ~ .:.. .0, " .', .. _... ."0 .".' '0 ',:' '.>: . ':~ ':~.~ , , " '. ,:. "i' ~ . ."i ~ ~,. .... . .". ' ,.:. '>'!:" 0"" :.;; -:,0. ;0;. ..'.: ..'.:. ..: '. ........". ':~,;A·¡::.".\D·~\U;';.·\.;··: ,,' .S:i:.,~ ':;': :: "<'.:~.;::':::::::':,~~, :::" _...' Dennis S. Needham 2101 H Street Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 Ootober 30, 1987 Dear Dennis, I am submitting my hazardous materials paoket to you even though Diok Garriott Crop Dusting,Ino., has never reoeived your packet. I utilized the paoket mailed to Garrimtt Crop Dusting, whioh is no longer in Business. For your records, Dick Garriott Crop Dusting,Inc., is a totally seperate entity from Garriott Crop Dusting, and has been so since March 1987. I would like to extend my cooperation with you and your department at this time. I am oertain that we will have the same outstanding relationship that existed with Jack Garriott and Garriott Crop Dusting. Si7A~ ~~ott -;- ~r 26 27 28 ...r:... nC"..A.ØT"'~NT e e FI LE 2 ARTHUR J. SAALFIELD City Attorney DON McGILLIVRAY Assistant City Attorney City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 G rJß J 4 5 Telephone: (805) 326-3721 RECEIVED OCT 2 0 1988 Ans'd... ......... Attorneys for Defendant, CITï OF BAKERSFIELD 6 7 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 8 FOR THE COUNTY OF KERN 9 10 II SOUTHERN INSURANCE COMPANY, ) ) Plaintiff, ) ) vs. ) ) GARRIOTT CROP DUSTING CO.¡ J.C. ) GARRIOTT, an individual; ~ICHARD ) R. GARRIOTT, an individual; CITY ) OF BAKERSFIELD: STATE DEPARTMENT ) OF HEALTH SERVICES¡ CALIFORNIA ) REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL ) BOARD-CENTRAL VALLEY REGION¡ ) UNITED STATES AIRCRAFT IN3URANCE ) GROUP¡ GENERAL ACCIDENT COMPANY; ) CENTENNIAL INSURANCE COMPANY¡ ) MONARCH INSURANCE COMPANY¡ ) INDUSTRIAL INDEMNITY COMPANY; ) TRINITY UNIVERSAL¡ RANGER ) INSURANCE COMPANY¡ LLOYDS ) LONDON¡ OHIO CASUALTY INSURANCE ) COMPANY¡ GLOBAL AVIATION ) INSURANCE; IDEAL MUTUAL INSURANCE) COMPANY; PURITAN INSURANCE ) COMPl\NY¡ SOUTHERN MARINE AND ) AVIATION, INC.¡ CTH AVIATION- ) SOUTHEASTERN¡ NATIONAL UNION FIRE) INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH, ) PENNSYLVANIA¡ AMERICA'S INSURANCE) COMPANY¡ ANDERSON AND MURISON, ) INC.; EMPLOYERS CASUALTY COMPANY) THE HOÞ-1E INSURANCE COMPANY, ) (Caption continued next page) ) 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CASE NO. 202146 DEFENDANT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD'S ANSWERS TO INTERROGATORIES PROPOUNDED BY U.S. ~VIATION UNDERWRITERS INC., SET ONE " e e " Defendants. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) UNITBD S'l'A'fES F LRg INSURANCE COMPANY; UNITED STATES AVIATION UNDERWRITERS and DOES 1 through 100, Inclusive, 2 . 3 4 ----------- 5 PROPOUNDING PARTY: Defendant, U.S. AVIA~ION UNDERWRITERS, INC. 6 RESPONDING PARTY: Defendant, CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 7 SE'f NUMBER: ONE 8 9 COMES NOW defendant, CITY OF BAKERSFIELD and answers 10 interrogatories propounded by defendant, U.S. Aviation II Underwriters, Inc., set number one, as follows: 12 ANSWER TO INTERROGATORY NO.1: July 19, 1985. ___,._______________e___ 13 ANSWER TO INTERROGATORY NO.2: ---.-----..--.--.----.----,-.- Contamination of surface and sub- 14 surface soil as characterized more precisely in a preliminary ana~ 15 lysis conducted by IT Corporation. A full si te analysis 16 assessment characterization has been ordered and is slated to 17 begin on November 24, 1988 by Ensco Company. The results of that 18 assessment are expected sometime in January of 1989. 19 ANSWER TO INTERROGATORY NO.3: There has been a continuous pat- -- -..----- -- -- _._,-~,-_._,- .-,--...,.--- -_._- 20 tern of contamination of the subject property and adjacent prop- 21 erty as a result of rinsing contaminate from aircraft and 22 continuous leeching of contaminates onto adjacent property 23 (Airpark) to the Garriott site. The first dates of such contami- M nation are unknown at this time. 25 ANSWER TO INTERROGATORY NO.4: Defendant City of Bakersfield is ------,- -.---------------.---.--.. 26 not in a position at this time to provide such information. The 27 Ci ty expects to be able to provide such information once the Ensco 28 investigation is completed. That investigation is expected to be -2- ',EGAL DEPARTMENT · .. e e completed sometime in January of 1989. 2 ANSWER TO INTERROGATORY NO.5: Contaminants are characterized in -.---.---,--.---- 3 the preliminary IT analysis report which is attached hereto. 4 ~~ê~~~!º_I~!E~gºGA!Qg~ NO~~~ See response to interrogatory num- ber 3. s 6 ANSWER TO INTERROGATORY NO.7: See preliminary IT analysis ---------.-.-- ----,----_.~_._._--- 7 attached hereto. 8 ANSWER TO INTERROGATORY NO.8: Unknown at this time. -_._---- -_.- ----.--------.--.- 9 ANSWER TO INTERROGATORY NO.9: Unknown at this time. --.,- ------....--.,-- -_._-,---_._-,---,-- 10 ~N~~~g__,!Q_!Nrf~.ßgºGA:!:ºg~_Nº.!._,!O: Unknown at this time. II ANSWER '1'0 INTERROGA'rORY NO. 11: Unknown at this time. ---------_._--------þ._-----_. 12 ~NS~~g_ TO-.!~:!~ªROGA'roªLtJº.!._l~1_ Not applicable. 13 ~NSWEL'!º_JN,'f_ªªªOG~:!:ºª!_!:!º.!._!3: Damage to surface soil continues 14 due to runoff, ponding, and leeching from the Garriott property, 15 onto the Airpark. The exidtìng burm is penetrable. 16 ~~§~~g_'!'.O IN'!~g~Oq1:£.ºB¥_~Q!.._J:.1..:_ In that portion of the Airpark 17 that the City contends was contaminated by Garriott, the City does 18 not contend any other source contributed to that contamination or 19 to contamination in that area. 20 ~NS~E~-'!:º_!.~:!~gªºQ~r£ºg~ NO!..-15~ See answers to interrogatories B 21 through 11. 22 ANSWER TO INTERROGATORY NO. 16: See IT report attached. ------------_._,,- -.._,_._--~ -*_._-,-- ANSWER TO INTERROGATORY NO. 17: See I'f report attached. --- ---.-----,-.--.-.-----.-,--,---.---.-,- ~~-,~~~g_!º_ I N'!'~~~ºG~,!:ºRY _~º.!._!.-ª,!. See 1'1' report attached. 23 24 25 ~~ê~~!!_'!'.º_!~'!'~ªªºGA~0l!~,_!.'!º.!__!.~_!. See IT report attached. 26 ~~ª,~~!L:!º_!~:!'§'~ªºQ~!:ºgI_~º~_~.O: Unknown at thi s time. 27 ~~ê~ªª TO_!~:!'~RROG~!ºg!_~º!..__~.!.!.. See IT report attached. 28 ANe~ªª_,TO_!.~:!'~~gºQ~'!'0l!.~_~~~.!. Unknown to the City at this time. -3- 21 22 e e 2 ~~ª~!;;ß_TO_INrr~RROG1\'l'ORY NO. ~~l. Unknovm to the City at this time. ANS~~R Tº-!,!i:!'ªIi~qGAf'ºgJ_~º,~,_~!!. The Ci ty \.¡as damaged on the da te of purchase, July 19, 1985 but the City contends that a signifi- 3 4 cant portion of the pollution was allowed to migrate onto the 5 Airpark property by Garriott prior to the purchase date, in viola- 6 tion of the laws cited in paragraph 11 of the City's complaint. 7 8 DA'1' ED: __,Oc tobe r ~L_!2!!ª-_ ARTHUR J. SAALFIELD City Attorney 9 10 Don McGillivray By ______ __,____..__.____u_._._._____ DON McGILLIVRAY Assistant City Attorney II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 G G1\RR 4 23 A .ROGSl-1 24 25 26 27 28 -4- ¿ 26 27 28 e e VERIFICATION -- - -.-.----- 2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF KERN 3 I have read the foregoing DEFENDANT CITY OF 4 BAKERSFIELD'S ANSWERS TO INTERROGATORIES PROPOUNDED BY U.S. .5 AVIATION UNDERWRITERS, INC., SET ONE¡ Southern Insurance Company 6 v. Garriott Crop Dusing Co., et al.¡ Kern Superior Court No. 202146, 7 and know its contents. 8 L~-I CHECK APPLICABLE PARAGRAPH 9 t-J I am a party to this action. The matters stated in the foregoing document are true of my own knowledge except as to those matters which are stated on information and belief, and as to those matters I believe them to be true. 10 II 12 QJ I am CJ an officer L-J a partner _,.._,_________ [~J an _ emQ12y~~_____, _.___ of _ deI~,Qªª-!:! ~_Ç!~y,~t_ ªª-~~E.§.~ !~!ª ..__,___,____, a party to this action, and am authorized to make this veri- fication for and on its behalf, and I make this verification for that reason. C=.J I am informed and believe and on that ground allege that the matters stated in the foregoing docu- ment are true. [R] The màtters stated in the foregoing doc- ument are true of my own knowledge except as to those matters which are stated on information and belief, and as to those matters I believe them to be true. 13 14 IS 16 17 18 Executed on _j_º~/'7 California. , 1988, at Bakersfield, 19 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. 20 21 RALPH HUEY Hãzardous-Mãterials Coõrdlnatõr 22 Fire Department, City of Bakersfield 23 G Gl\RR 4 24 VERIFY 2S .¡ 24 e e PROOF OF SERVICE 2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF KERN 3 I am employed in the County of Kern, State of 4 California. I am over the acre of 18 and not a party to the within 5 action; my business address is City Hall, l~Ol Truxtun Avenue, 6 Bakersfield, California, 93301. 7 On _,º~~,~_ !:~.L!988 _._' I served the foregoing document described as DEFENDANT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD'S ANSWERS TO 8 9 INTERROGATORIES PROPOUNDED BY U.S. AVIATION UNDERWRITERS, INC., 10 SE'f ONE; So~~h~~~_!~~~!:ª!1c~_Ç,2!!!Eª!!Y_y':~_~_ar;-"~,Q,~~_Ç~QE º!:!~~.!~g~º~L_ \I ~~_?l~; KCSC No. 202146; on the interested parties in this action 12 by placing a true copy thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope 13 addressed as follows: 14 SEE ATTACHED LIST. 15 16 [K] (B¥ MAIL) I caused such envelope with postage thereon fully 17 prepaid to be placed in the United States mail at B~kersfield, 18 California. 19 Executed on __Qçt. 18, 1988 , at Bakersfield, California. 20 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the 21 State of California that the above is true and correct. 22 23 KAREN L. DODD ____________._____0__'_____ y~z~~,Al:d¿:{.,_-- _,____,__ ___ Signatu~Le G Gl\RR 4 25 PROOF 26 27 28 ...- .,~ - e e SERVICE LIS'f 2 SOU the r,~ I n.§~!:ª,!!£~_ Ç2t.!.'R~!!y_~_·__~~r~i~ ~~_ç~QQ_º~~.!:! ~g _çg ..!.L_~~_.~l-_!.. Kern County Superior Court Case No. 202146 , 16 26 3 4 Michael R. Velladao u.S. AVIATION UNDERWRITERS, INC SEDGWICK, DETERT, MORAN & ARNOLD 3701 Wilshire Boulevard, 9th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90010-2816 5 Richard J. Kern, Esq. GENERAL ACCIDENT CO. EMERSON & YRULEGUI 2600 West Shaw Avenue Fresno, CA 93711 6 7 8 9 Larry Nathenson~ Esq. La FOLLETTE, JOHNSON, DeHAAS & F.ESLER 320 North Vermont Avneue P.O. Box 74916 Los Angeles, CA 90004 THE OHIO CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY TRINITY UNIVERSAL RANGER INSURANCE COMPANY UNITED STATES FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY INDUSTRIAL INDEMNITY CO. SOUTHERN INSURNACE CO. THE HOME INSURANCE CO. MONARCH INSURANCE COMPANY Dennis R. Thelan, Esq. CENTENNIAL INSURANCE CO. 27 LeBEAU, THELAN LAMPE & McINTOSH 5531 Business Park South, Suite 210 28 Bakersfield, CA 93309 10 II 12 George M. Wallace, Esq. SPRAY, GOULD & BOWERS 3530 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 1500 Los Angeles, CA 90010 13 14 IS John M. Newman, Esq. ARON, LIGGETT & NEWMAN P.O. Box 791 Fresno, CA 93712 17 18 John F. Petrini, Esq. BORTON, PETRINI & CONRON P.O. Box 2026 Bakersfield, CA 93303 19 20 Randy L. Rezen, Esq. CHARLSTON, RAVICH & WILLIAMS 2049 Century Park East 42nd Floor Los Angeles, CA 90067 21 22 23 Don Miles, Esq. : HOWARD, RICE, NEMEROVSKI, CANADY, ROBERTSON & FALK Three Embarcadero Center 7th Floor San Francisco, CA 94111 24 25 ,~ f'~ . .' , 10 21 22 e 2 Peter James McBreen, Esq. McBREEN & McBREEN 32UO Airport ~uenue Santa Monica, CA 90405 3 Jeffrey E. Zinder, Esq. MERC.ER & ZINDER 1800 North Vine Street, Suite 100 Los Angeles, CA 90028 4 5 6 Bonnie S. Bass, Esq. WALDMAN, BASS, STODEL & GRAHAM 12121 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 401 Los Angeles, CA 90025 7 8 9 John K. Van de Kamp Attorney General of the state of California R.B. Connett, Assistant Attorney General P.O. Box 944255 Sacramento, CA 94244-2550 11 12 13 Scott D. Perlman, Esq. YOUNG, WOOLDRIDGE, et ale 1675 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 23 G GARR 4 PROOF1-2 24 25 26 27 28 I.~GAL DEPARTMEf4T -2- e SOUTHERN MARINE & AVIATION PURITAN INSURANCE CO. AMERIC~N INSURANCE CO. EMPLOYERS CASUALTY CO. NATION~L UNION FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD CENTRAL VALLEY REGION GARRIOTT CROP DUSTING J.C. GARRIOTT RICHARD GARRIOTT