HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN .~ I , .,'-~ SITE DIAGRAM r V 1 Business Name:·· .~ Pick 'Your Part Business Address: 2120 S. Union , - FACn.ITY DIAGRAM r 1 Bakers:fie1d '> YARD -, I ODD GAL . CONVAULT I Gf\)OllN£ ~t jFJ1Ul£5 ",,\ l ~R.oSIVC1 ntranceº", Parking Lot ''8-' . ~ Open J ,ßa v, ~ ~~ , ç,A5 5ij(/rOff §--r ii:: 2120 S. Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA J1307 ~~- BAKERSFIELD POLlêE"DEPARTMENT LABORATORY SERVICE REQUEST (See Instructions on Back) CASE NO, , f! '/ .< l ' CASE DATE, ,I ;' ;/ OFFENSE } / Page of VICTlMlS AND LOCATION OFFICE,R I AGENCY I PHONE f \ - .) I, ¡" REQUEST DATE j -~.. - ..; '" , " . I - I I { ...-/ ,,' TECHNICIAN ASSIGNED ". <f, /~.' "?(_ .~ 'i¿' RACE AGE' NAME SUSPECT/S ELIMINATION OF VICTIMIS LAR # DDS SEX 1 , 2, 3, 4. 5 DETAILS OF OFFENSE (Include relationship of evidence to case) - PHOTOGRAPHY SIZE: 5X7 v 8 X 10 Number of Copies ) Date Required PROPERTY # & ITEM # EVIDENCE SUBMITTED DESCRIPTION LOCATION OF EVIDENCE ---- ~- -- ._~- - ----- - ._- ~--- .) TYPE OF EXAMINATION (Purpose of Request) ..'\ " / I , ,. , ;'7 ./ j , i " ,¡ ',/,; ¡I, L ( , ! ", ,,' /I, t .._,/.J PROPERTY NUMBER -- .. ,., Has other evidence in this case been previously submitted? 0 YES 0 NO LABORATORY RESULTS .I () » C/) m Z " 0 '" ¿.; ,~" . ..,;/~~, /~ !:.' r-: ( , ,. ~,":;; /,'- ~,/ /; ..... ~ ¡, ,J ,/' ,cjr' ,;-:.7 -, . ' .~." f. .J .~' " ; ¡"/<t-",..¡;, 1.=11' '~~."._ :.,:~~: ~,. " ,." ~:' ~~~ \~ e '~ .":\. S-. 'f '" ' " \ ¡ Supplemental Reports DYES 0 NO YELLOW-Original to Records Section Technician WHITE-to Police t:rime Lab"" PINK-to Investigations P.O. 87·210 / r// , ./ ~ .' , '.,~ . f. ~- , \ I /t .,;; , , . e H}I :rIP SIT E DIAGRAM 0 P L ~~,~ ~_-\P F~ILITY DIAGRAfw1 C 3~s :..::.~ss ~{ame: -p (é LŽ 'i ~û ifL t?(ì-~ I ¡t./c A:~a ~a~ ~ Q: :\ /' -- - ~¡c=~:: ~ame 0: ^r~a: pr:¿A \ r0 P\o-s. fr/4::-Pr f D[ - --- - - --1~[ ~ ~ . \,tI 0 \) , "- ~ Z ::> Q¿ "- \.tJ "1;: V\ t(¡ i l\J ~ Ž ~ .Á~f--- v ,lJ~\¡ o ,/.' tJP( &- ø s}I'L 1f'l/v - () ~ 1) ~ ~ / ---~- -, .) ( . v ¡~ ( C {\! · ,I RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location: &0 t ZO s. u^'(o~ Buslnesa Name: ~~lrM4f' P\,-~ yvvr ~\r-cf= Contact Name: LI>JèRV Sl"\'1'M prtl¿:",)j\¿IQc"'~ þ~W'I<::~ vJ('~~ 10# Business Phone: InspeCtor's Name: 3~4 ~-U,= FAX: ~w ' '\ Time of CaD: Date: 7 (e::, le~ Time: Type of Call: Incoming [~ Outgoing [ ] # Mfn: Returned [ ] Content of Call: WC~~("($l ~ J;lo.J, ô/JA' ~4~_, 4eJ$ Of( e~ ~ ~ f;'.ìl\Mi?-AL,,\. ~ e... (e5'-i?\ c ~ (;. f Wü \ Ût!Ì. ,,~c ,-,-:~::\r C ~+ eqy ( /"'- '')' "£1 ~ 1 it /,'.n ,é'é~h¡;~, C ~JWA. t~,£" ~ (I '" h þ/¡ U'\¿/Ö"i L\\I \ t cq fie, t: {~ (€t?:{·,: rf.{r Ií'\Ò{ìf'~: JrkQ~ t ~I ~ I~ 7 91<f~- ì'\0. ~ C'c'X:'<),\:,,1 (""(2J:;''''~e¡Jl\. Actions Required: ;r:' e~I,~(I 'ù~ ¡/;{¿~JeÆ(l$ /' f;f/~{~- i- ~~ "¡'cieJ. A~~\? '(¡"..~"':'~ ø~( ke.rtç~' f?te.~J "'¡~ (~e.(.l0'e 1"\..-ðe¡,!wf'A1''>-/) ~ ~ ~ .fe'\. ~ ;) ti', 4 .;;' t'>1t. ' -- by ~ . ,?" fI " ¿. jl>..3,( '- C\..J- Ke:.{~d·, Time Required to Complete Activity # Mln: '. ,~:~,' , PerDlit , , to Operate Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE This permit is issued for the following: " !!¡tI,_zardous Materials Plan ,;¡ 8,;[ground Storage of Hazardous Materials , agement Program Waste 2120 S UNION PERMIT ID# 015.021-000006 PICK YOUR PART INC LOCATION Issu~:d by: Bakersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (80S) 326-3979 FAX (80S) 326-0576 ~~. ph Huey. ffiee of ental Servi es June 30, 2000 Approved by: Expiration Date: ,------ ~ e e PICK YOUR PART™ CORPORATE OFFICES 1301 E, Orangewood Anaheim, CA 92805 (714) 385-1522 December 18, 1998 Bakersfield Fire Department 1715 Chester Ave., Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attn: f '·-----'-·--~"-·-·--l " fUG-{ .'~ i Ester Duran \' ~S07 / 2120 S. Union Ave., Baker~e1d Hazardous Materials PermiC--- --. Re: Dear Ester Duran: The facility at the above referenced address closed effective 12/1/97. We do not need to renew our Hazardous Materials Permit for that location. If you have any questions, please give me a call at 714-385-1200. Sincerely, ~/ EJ Ald1 @ Printed on Recycled Paper t e e CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (80S) 326-3979 INSTRUCTIONS: 1. To avoid further action, return this form within 30 days of receipt. ~ 'S.ef* d0 I \ q ý. 7 2. TYPEIPRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. - (~ 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA BUSINESS NAME: Pick Your Part Auto Wrecking LOCATION: 2120 S. Union Ave., Bakersfie1d,CA.93307 MAILING ADDRESS: 1301 E. Orangewood Ave. CITY: Anaheim STATE: CA ZIP:90680 PHONE:714-385-1200 DUN & BRADSTREET NUMBER: N/ A SIC CODE: 5015 PRIMARY ACTMTY: Auto recycling and dismantling OWNER: Pick Your Part Auto Wrecking MAILING ADDRESS: 1301 E. Orangewood Ave., Anaheim, CA 90680 SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 24 HR. PHONE 714-385-1200 714-270-8069 1. Edward J. Arismendi Gen. Mgr. Safety, Health & Environmental 2. Tony Mendoza Gen. Mgr. 818-767-6088 714-270-8066 1 e e HAZARDOUS MATEIDALS MANAGEMENT PLAN ~ SECTION 3: TRAINING NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 3 employees - -. . - -~ - MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: Yes BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: See attached SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM mE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6.95 OF THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE" FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: WE DO NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. WE DO HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO TIME EXCEED THE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTITIES. OTHER (SPECIFY REASON) SECTION 5: CERTIFICATION I, CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT TInS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIV. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES PERJURY. SIGNATURE TITLE DATE 2 i e e BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: Our Organization has implemented a safety training philosophy that extends to hazard communication program and safety procedures. Our program follows the California Hazard Communication Regulations contained in Section 5194, Title 8. Our program consists of the on-going training that includes: 1. A step-by-step approach to the communication of the hazard. 2. Review of the Hazard Communication Regulation. 3. Assignment of members to be part of the committee responsible for implementing, enforcing, and monitoring the program. 4. Develop and maintain an inventory of all hazardous substances to which employees and/or neighbors, as well as customers, may be exposed to in work areas or processes. This list is useful in ensuring that all employees are trained in the use and purpose of all MSDS's. 5. Collect current MSDS's for all hazardous substances in the workplace and make sure they are updated. 6. Review original and secondary containers to ensure they are properly labeled. 7. Workshop with employees on hazardous substances in our workplace, and training in reading labels and MSDS's; discussion on physical and health hazards of the hazardous substances used. Example of general hazardous substance group type training, i.e. product/chemical group. Detection of release, emergency response for flammable solvents (gasoline), exposure control, engineering controls and work practices. Appropriate emergency and first aid procedures (eye contact, skin contact, inhalation, ingestion. 8. The plan includes the training of new employees, the evaluation of chemicals on an ongoing basis, and the monitoring ofthe entire hazard communication program. .. e e HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES A. AGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCUDURES: The Emergency Response Team is trained in the processes in which hazardous materials are involved, from storage to draining and removal. Also, the locations of telephones and alarms, emergency response numbers, other agencies, CHP, EP A-California, Department of Toxic Substances, and corporate emergency phone numbers. In addition to this, the Emergency Response Team will implement the Facility Evaluation Plan; they will direct all operations and maintain contact. B. EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION: Radio contact with supervisors (all area supervisors carry battery operated hand-held radios). All employees consult site plan in advance of any emergency and learn emergency exists and evacuation routes. This activity is part of the employee orientation program and continuing safety training. Those employees in office building, counter, and shop will exit through door and go to the Emergency Meeting Area. Those in the yard will carefully, avoiding all hazards, go through the closest gate and go to the Emergency Meeting Area in the open yard area inside the front gate. The emergency Response Team is responsible for notifying users of all adjacent properties by phone or messenger. C. PUBLIC EVACUATION: Public evacuation is conducted following the same principles established for the evacuation of employee evacuation. Depending on the emergency, we make sure that every customer in the yard is conducted to the Emergency Meeting Area or escorted out according to the circumstances. As previously stated, our staff is provided with radios and hand held telephones in order to effectively and efficiently communicate and coordinate every effort made in this endeavor. D. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: Our Medical Emergency Plan consists of providing first aid to any customer. Since our staff is provided with radios and phones, depending on the medical emergency we are faced with, we either assist with our first aid (CPR included), and/or we immediately contact 911. 2 '\; e e HAZARDOUSMATEmALSMANAGEMENTPLAN SECTION 7: MITIGATION. PREVENTION AND ABATEMENT PLAN A, RELEASE PREVENTION STEPS: The facility Emergency Response Team headed by the site manager directs all operations and maintains constant communication by radio and/or phone, The Emergency Response Team is responsible for alerting employees and notifying authorities and Pick Your Part's Health & Safety Manager. The Emergency Response Team is trained to act upon shutting off gas and electricity, locate and operate emergency equipment, and fighting small files. B. RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR MINIMIZATION: & C. CLEAN-UP PROCEDURES: To stop and remove hazard, our facility is provided with spill and leak containment equipment that includes dry sweep, manual pumps, brooms and shovels, all located at facility. The Emergency Response Team is properly trained to respond efficiently to these undertakings, The Emergency Response Team is adequately trained to effectively evaluate the hazard or hazards, and coordinate the clean-up procedure in a hands-on fashion. Major fires, earthquakes, and other acts of god may be beyond our ability to respond and contain. At this point, our Emergency Response Procedure Plan calls for the proper action that requires the intervention of the Fire Department, Police, and the other agencies accordingly. SECTION 8: UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY) NATURAL GAS/PROP ANE: Please see dia!!ram ELECTRICAL: WATER: " SPECIAL: " LOCK BOX: YESn@) IF YES, LOCATION SECTION 9: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER AVAILABILITY A, PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION: Our yards are provided with portable fire extinguishers (ABC and Water) that are loaded on carts designed for that specific purpose, A group of trained employees are instructed to follow procedures in smothering and/or quenching fires, depending on the type of fires and circumstances. If fires are or have become hazards beyond our private capabilities, instructions to immediately contact the Fire Department will follow, B. WATER AVAILABILITY: Our yards are provided with plenty of water from different fire hydrants. 3 e e .. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY FACILITY DESCRIPTION CHECK IF BUSINESS IS A FARM [ ] BUSINESS NAME Pick Your Part Auto Wreckin~ FACll.'¡TY NAME Pick Your Part Auto Wrecking SITE ADDRESS 2120 S. Union Ave. CITY Bakers.fie1d STATE CA ZIP 93307 NATURE OF BUSINESS Auto recycling and dismantling SIC CODE 5015 DUN & BRADSTREET NUMBER OWNER/OPERATOR Pick Your Part Auto Wreck¡\OONE 714-385-1200 MAILING ADDRESS 1301 E. Orangewood Ave. CITY Anaheim STATE CA ZIP 90680 EMERGENCY CONTACTS N~ Edward J. Arlsmendi General Manager TITLE Sa.fety, Health & Environmental BUSINESS PHONE 714-385-1200 24 HOUR PHONE 714-270-8069 N~ Tpny Mendoza TITLE General Manager BUSINESS PHONE 818-767-6088 24 HOUR PHONE 714-270-8066 1 ~ARDOUS MATERIALS INVE.RY Wrecking' Page ~ of -1. .; Pick Your Part Auto Ad~ 2120 S. Union Ave. Business Name CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 2) COWUn-~ I) INVENTOR Y STATUS: New [ J Addition [ X Revision [ J Deletion [ J Check if chemical is a NON Trade Secret [ J Trade Seaet [ J 3) DOT' (optional) Chenúcal Name: W~~t:~ 0;1 Waste motor oil AHM[ J CAS # 64742-65-0 4) Physical & Health PHYSICAL REALTII Hazard Categories Fire f)G Reactive [ J Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) r)<d Delayed Health (Chronk) ( 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-dígit code trom DHS Fonn 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Liquid [X] Gas [ ] Pure [ Solid [ 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY Maximum Daily AmOWtt 2. 74 gal Average Daily AmOWtt 2. 7 4 ~al Annual AmOWtt 1,000 gal Largest Size Container 1 tffOO gal #I Days on Site 3 5 days UNITS OF MEASURE Lbs [ ] Gal [)<.] ft3 [ ] Curies [ ] Circle Which Months: 9)~: Li~ the three most hazardous I) chenúcal components or 2) any ARM components 3) COMPONENT N/A lO)LOCATION Mixture [ ] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ 8) STORAGE CODES a) Container: 02. b) Pressure: 1 c) Temperature 4 e). F. M. A. M. J, J, A. s, 0, N. D CAS' % wr ARM [ ] ( ] ( ] " I) INVENTORY 8T A TUS: New [ ] Addition [)(] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON Trade Secret [ ] Trade Seaet ( ] 2) Common Name: Gasoline 3) DOT # (optional) Chenùcal Name: Gasoline AHM[ ] CASfI 68476~~5 4) Physical & Health PHYSICAL HEAL TII Hazard Categories Fire [ ] Reactive ( ] Sudden Release of Pressure ( ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chroniç) ( S) WASTE CLASSIFICATION 343 (3.œgit code trom DHS Form 8022) 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid ( ] Liquid [X] Gas [ ] Pure [ 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY Maximum Daily Amount 5. gal Average Daily Amount 3. gal Annual Amount 1,095 gal Largest Size Container 1,000 gal # Days on Site UNITS OF MEASURE Lbs [ ] Gal [ ] ft3 [ ) Curies ( ] Circle Which Months: 9)~: Li~ the three most hazardous I) chenúca1 components or 2) any ARM components 3) COMPONENT N/A USE CODE Mixture ( ] ,Waste [ ] Radioactive ( 8) STORAGE CODES a) Container: 02. b) Pressure: l c) Temperature 4 G Yill, F. M, A. M. J. J.A. s. o. N, D CAS# % wr ARM [ ] [ ] [ ) IO)LOCATION I certitÿ under penalty oflaw. that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information on this and al1 attached documents. I believe the submitted mformatioo is true. """,ate omd """PI.... ~/ '1'£ Edward J. Arismendi, Gen Mgr Sa.fety, Health . ., (¿?~ 7 PRINT Name & Title of Authorized Company Representative & En vironmen 1m . ture Dati ezARDOUS MATERIALS INVE.RY Wrecking Business Name Pick YOur Part Auto Address 2120 S. Union Ave. CHEN.UCALDESCRDnnON Page-L-of-L 2) Common Name: I) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [ iRevision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check ifchemical isa NON Trade Secret [ ] Trade Secret [ ] Diesel Fuel 3) DOT II (optional) Chemical Name: Diesel Fuel AHM[ ] CAS II 68476146 4) Physical &. Health PHYSICAL HEAL rn Hazard Categories Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [ 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION 343 (3-digit code from DHS Fonn &022) 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid [xl Gas [ ] Pure [ 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY UNITS OF MEASURE Lbs [ ] Gal [ ] ft3 [ Curies [ ] Maximwn Daily Amount Average Daily Amount Annual Amount Largest Size Container II Days on Site , 10 gal ij gal 2600 gal 1000 gal 365 Circle Which Months: 9)~: Li~ the three most hazardous 1 ) chemical components or 2) any AHM components 3) COMPONENT N/A USE CODE Mixture [ ] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ 8) STORAGE CODES a) Container: 02. b) Pressure: 1 c) Temperature 4 ~ Y~,;¡J, F, M, A, M, I~ I, A, S, 0, N, D CMII % wr AHM [ ] [ ] ( ] lO)LOCATION I) INVENTORY STA1US: New ( ] Addition [~Revision [ ] Deletion ( ] Check if chemical is a NON Trade Secret [ ] Trade Secret ( ] 2) Common Name: An t if'ree ze 3) DOT II (optional) Chemical Name: Antif'reeze AHM[ ] CM# 107-21-1 4) Physical &. Health PHYSICAL HEAL rn Hazard Categories Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure ( ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Cbronic) [ 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION 343 (3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) 6) PHYSICAL STATE Pure [ Solid [ ] Liquid [ x] Gas [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY Maximwn Daily Amount 2 gal Average Daily Amount 1 gal Annual Amount 365 gal Largest Size Container 300 gal II Days on Site UNITS OF MEASURE Lbs ( ] Gal [ t ft3 [ ] Curies [ ] Circle Which Months: 9)~: Li~ the three most hazardous I) chemical components or 2) any AHM components 3) COMPONENT N/A IO)LOCATION USE CODE Mixture [ ] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ 8) STORAGE CODES a) Container: 02 . b) Pressure: I c ) Temperature 4 ~~), F. M, A, M. I, I. A, S, 0, N, D CAS# % wr ARM [ ] [ ] [ ] I certify under penalty oflaw, that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information on this and all attached documents. I believe the submitted infonnation is true, accurate and complete. , ~ /'" Edward J. Arismendi, Gen Mgr Saf'ety, Health ~~ r C'~~ PRINT Name &. Title of Authorized Company Representative & Environme Date'" "' þRDOUS MATERIALS INVEN.V Business Name Address CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION Page_of_ " 1) INVENfORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON Trade Secret [ ] Trade Secret [ ] 2) Common Name: 3) DOT II (optional) Chemical Name: AHM [ ] CAS # 4) Physical & Health PHYSICAL HEAL TII Hazard Categories Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [ 5 ) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ Liquid [ Cas [ ] Pure [ 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY Maximum Daily Amount Average Daily Amount Annual Amount Largest Size Container " Days on Site UNITS OF MEASURE Lbs [ ] Gal [ ] ft3 [ ] Curies [ ] Circle Which Months: 9)~: List the three most hazardous 1 ) chemical components or 2) any AHM components 3) COMPONENT USE CODE Mixture [ ] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ 8) STORAGE CODES a) Container: b) Pressure: c ) Temperature All Year, I, F. M. A. M. I, I, A. S, O. N. D CAS# %WT AHM [ ] [ ] [ ] lO)LOCATION 2) Common Name: 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check ifchemical is a NON Trade Secret [ ] Trade Secret [ ] 3) DOT # (optional) AHM[ ] CAS# PHYSICAL HEALTII Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [ Chemical Name: 4) Physical & Health Hazard Categories 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ Cas [ ] Liquid [ Pure [ 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT F ACILfIY Maximum Daily Amount Average Daily Amount Annual Amount Largest Size Container II Days on Site UNITS OF MEASURE Lbs[ ]Gal[ ]ft3[ ] Curies [ ] Circle Which Months: 9)~: List the three most hazardous 1 ) chemical components or 2) any AHM components 3) COMPONENT USE CODE Mixture [ ] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ 8) STORAGE CODES a) Container: b) Pressure: c ) Temperature All Year. J, F. M. A. M. J. I, A. S, 0, N, D CAS# %WT AHM [ ] [ ] [ ] lO)LOCA TION I certitÿ under penalty oflaw, that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information on this and all attached documents. I believe the submitted information is true, accurate and complete. PRINT Name & Title of Authorized Company Representative Signature Date eJ ~ -- ...". ,- -_.......þ ""'''' STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 98801-0000 (805) 326-3979 DATE: 2/01/97 TO: PICK YOUR PART INC. 2120 S UNION AVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 CUSTOMER NO: 3507 CUSTOMER TYPE: ES/ 3507 - ---- ----.- -~. - - -- --- '~','~ . ~~;P':; ':::-~;-':.::'.:-:.- '::::::~._":.~ .. FINANCE DEPARTMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD P.O. BOX 2057 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93303 , .' '. '. - # .... :,":',-'" _I': ~'. u, ~ .f' J ¡, -:.: )" 1. .' , . ; ..~: ~~:1 \ : \" -(: ~. .' .' "t' i~ :- ",': : ~'j ~ ;: -.01 t.. ,!~ L.~ .- I: . .~' L. , ._, '... _._~ ,~.._.. ._. . __ j :; ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED ~~ ~i ~~ ~~ . " .. .: .I:~; . !' )-- " r' ',' t· '"- ".' .'.. PICK~20 933072032 lCQ6 02/~01Q7 RETURN TO SENDER ST 08 : PICK YOUR Pf\RT 53~~ S UNION AVE BAKERSFIELD CA Q3307-5~i5 ~':".:$':"~<".J~ ~ -jij:.<".J'S '? "U 11111,1.11...11.1111".111.,11111,,1.1,1.1. .,, "I,ll" \ · " - ~ , BAKE;RIr=IELD CITY FIRE DE.RTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 1715 ,CHESTER 'AV.f..~ BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN 1. io avoid further action, return ¡his form within .30 days of receipt. 2. ¡YPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the auesTions below for the business as a wnote. 4. Be brief and conc:se as possible. FlErc~UVED MAY lJ ! 19% HAZ. MA r. fDuV. INSTRUCTIONS: SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA 3USiNESS NAME: Pick Your Part LCCAiiON: 71?O S Union, Bakersfield, r.A ~v1A¡LtNG AC :K=SS: 2120 S. Union, Bakersfield, CA ,'-":":-y, Bakersfield :::-" 7=, CA ï!O' 93307 ,;JHONE.' 805-833-0800 '-II I. ...,1/"'"\1,,-, _ _~. . :UN &. 3R;",::S;~::=; NUMBE~: not applicable SlC <::)0::: not applicable ,:::~¡:vîAi~Y ,~C~:\/!T'(: AUTO PARTS DISMANTLING :::;WNE~: CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: PICK YOUR PART >/î~\!~:,~2- ,~,==~=:S: 1301 E. Oranqewood, Anaheim, CA 92805 SEC710N 2: =~r'1ERGENCY NOT!F1C;"iION: CCNiAC¡ :ïTL = 3US. PHONE 24 :-1R. PH,ONE i. J<'F.VTN RROWN YARD MANAGER 833-0800 397-1<:)77 '"' ¿ SANDRA POPOV OFFICE MGR. 833-0800 664-8355 ~ .u ~t:::¡;:H..I.~l.Cl 1: lIe lJept. tþzaràous Materials Division e. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN - .. . . SECTION 3: TRAINING: NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 25 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: yes BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: Hazardous communication program on file. SECTrON 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST: : CE~íiFY UNDE~ PENALìY OF PE~JURY ~:-iA I MY BUSiNESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE ~E?ORT[NG Rë';:UIREMENTS OF CHAPTE:-< ó.95 OF THE "CALlFORNIA HEA.LTH & SAFE:Y CODE" FCR THE ~QLLCWING RE.~SCNS: WE JO NOT MANDLE :-;'A.Z.~,~DCUS MATë~!ALS. 'NE :JO HANDLE HAl-D.,RCCUS MATERIALS, 3UT THE QUANï!ííES AT NO -'ìv',--'<C,..-..... -, 'I:: \ '1'NIMU' 1 -'--r-'R-¡'NG "'-'U ^ 'NT'rrIE~ - "I 1::::=... .::=~ Ir....;v II IV :C::-'~ I ':::>(.--1 ~. ,,-:..;=;"' tc::::c::r'(;:v ö"'C\ ':::"Nì 0[,,_.'( ,-"";1 __II I !~"-.-"""'\"""I , SECTION 5: CERTIFICÄ TIO N: ;, KF.VTN BROWN C~RT!FY THAT THE ABOVE INFOR- MATION IS ACC:.JRATE. ! UNDERSTAND Tri.tl.i THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFiLL MY FiRM'S CBUGAilONS UNDER ~HE "C.;LlFORNIA ~EALìH AND SAFETY CeDE" ON HAZf\RDOUS MATERIALS (C(V. 20 C-i,tl.PTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 E1 AL.) AND THAT INACCURATE INFORMATI N CONSTITUTES PERJURY. r '-- SIGNA TURE YARD MANAGER ilTLE 5/25/96 DATE - e Hazaråous Materials Division tit HAZARDOUS. MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Facility Unit Name: PICK YOUR PART SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND EV ACUATION PROCEDURES: A. AGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: Call 911 in case of emergency Call Environmental Services 326-3979 (non-emergency services release). Call company Management Team KEVIN BROWN 397-1972 SANDRA POPOV 664-8355 3. ::MPlOYE= NOTIFICATION Ai\JO ::"/ACUATION: Hand held radios Verbal P.A. System probable in near future ,..... ?U8l:C ='./ AC~A nON: '-./. Verbal J. =:'¡1E~GëNC':' ~v1ED¡CAL ~~,;N: Local Hospital - Bakersfield Community Hospital 805-392-0311 Bakersfield Memorial Hospital 805-327-1972.. ~ ,'" "'I!>' · . '. e Bakersfield Fire Dept. e Hazaråous Materials Division '"'-... " HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 7: MITIGATION, PREVENTION AND ABATEMENT PLAN: A. RELEASE PREVENTION STEPS: Storage in ciosed metal/and or approved plastic containers 3. RELEASE'CONTAINMENT AND/OR MINIMIZATION: Secondary containment, all liquids to be stored on slabs of concrete. Gas, Oil, Coolant. ',-, . ,--, ,- J. N UP DI"10Cr-:""\URE~' "-1...=. ,I - I ;, ~~ ""'. Floor sweep, sand, drying agents. For larger spills call Environmental Clean Up Company. SECTICN 8: UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (_:CAïICN CF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACiLlTY): ~AïURAL 3,':"S/PROP,A,NE: _ None. =~=C~R !C.;~: West wall of buildin9. east wall of garagp ',I¡~,ïE:<: by well (see attached map) ....,.....-,_''\ ' ~.. = ',-,.r\ 1..: NONE LCC:< oCX: '("~ :r: 'f~5, _::: C ; ìiO N: SECTION 9: ?RIV ATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER A V AILABILlTY: A. ?RIV ATE FIRE PROTECnCN: Private fire protection - watertruŒ B. WATER AVAILABlllTY (FiRE HYDRANT): Hydrant (Fire) - on Union Avenue. BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT H4DOUS MATERIALS INVEtllJRY SEE ATTACHEIO' - PageLof5 SûsinessName " Pick Your Part Address 2120 S. Union, Bksf. CA 93307 I ! CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION i , 1} INVENTORY STAl'US: New! ) Addition! ) Re'Iision! ) Deletion! ) Check if chemical is . NON TRADE SECRET ( J TRADE SECRET ( ) , 2} Common Name: 3) DOT # (optional) I i i I Chemical Name: AHM ( ) CAS # i I 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire ( ) Reactive! ) Sudden Release of Pressure ( ) Immediate Health (Acute) ( ) Delayed Health (Chronic) ( ) : , ¡ 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid ( ) Uquid ( ) Gas ( ) Pure ( ) Mixture ( ) Waste ( ) Radioactive ( ) æECIC AU. J)lAr A.PR.r 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIUTY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount: Ibs [ ) gal [ ) 1t3 [ ) a) Container: Average Daily Amount: curies ( 1 b) Pressure: Annual Amount: c) Tempereture: Largest Size'Container: # Days On Site Circle Which Months: All Yeer. J. F, M' A, M' J, J, A. S, 0, N, D ¡ 9} MIXTURE: Ust COMPONENT CAS # %WT AHM ! the three most hazardous 1) ( ) ! chemical components or ! any AHM components 2) ( ) I 3) [ ) 10) Location CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New ( ) Addition ( ] Revision ( ] Deletion ( ] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET ( ) TRADE SECRET [ ] , 2) Common Name: 3) DOT # (optional) ! Chemical Name: AHM [ ] CAS # 4) PHYSICAL &. HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) ( ] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3·digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid ( ] ~iquid ( ] Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture ( ) Waste [ ) Radioactive ( ] CH£C1(A.LLrHAT~., 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIUTY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount: Ibs ( ] gal [ ] ft3 ( ] a) Container: Average Daily Amount: curies [ ] b) Pressure: Annual Amount: c) Temperature: Largest Size Container: # Days On Site Circle Which Months: All Year, J, F, M. A, M, J, J. A, S, 0, N, D 9) MIXTURE: Ust COMPONENT CAS # %WT AHM Ihe three most hazardous 1) [ ] chemical components or any AHM components 2) ( ] 3\ [ I I 10) Location , 'e"ly unde, """eltyof lew, 1hBt I h."e .e""new"""",""" eM em _Ii'" w... ..e 'n/o_ $U_-:~um_ I ...... ... submItted mformatJon IS true, accurate. and complete. ' ' ~If\ ~W\i'(\ ~~¡O.R- [ /~ - L/-029.L?¿p Signature Date PRINT Name & Title of Authorized Company Representative IWt1IOtV Is=vr.,",~~ , --=. .1. ~,'~;iar~:., ....~~ - BAKERSFUiLD CITY FIRE DEPAFilMENT HAZAR1rOUS MATERIALS INVENTðftV' . Page_of_ ,usiness Name Address CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New ( ) AdditIon ( ) Revision ( ) Deletion ( ) Check if chemical is . NON TRADE SECRET (J TRADE SECRET ( ] 3) DOT # (optioMl) 2) Common Name: Chemical Name: AHM( ) CAS # 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES PHYSICAL Fire [' ) Reactive [J Sudden Release of Pressure [ ) 5) WASTE CLASSIACATlON (3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) HEALTH Immediate Health (Acute) (J De~ Health (Chronic) [ ) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [J Uquid [J Gas [ ) Pure [J Mixture (] Waste [] Q;EOI/oU. IllAr AI""" Radioactive ( J, 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIUTY Maximum Daily Amount: Average Daily Amount: Annual Amount: Largest Size Container: # Days On Site UNITS OF MEASURE Ibs [ ] gal [J ft3 [ ) curies [ ) 8) STORAGE CODES a) Container: b) Pressure: c) Temperature: Circle Which Months: All Yeer. J. F. M, A, M, J, J. A,S, O. N, D 9) MIXTURE: Ust the three most hazardous chemical components or any AHM components COMPONENT CAS # %wr AHM [ ] [ ] [ ] 1) 2) 3) 10) Location CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET [J TRADE SECRET [ ) 2) Common Name: 3) DOT # (optional) Chemical Name: AHM [ ] CAS # 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES PHYSICAL Fire [] Reactive [] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] HEALTH Immediate Health (Acute) [] Delayed Health (Chronic) [ ] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [] Liquid [] Gas [ ] Pure J Mixture [ ::;>'E~ AU rHAT APPlY Waste [ ] Radioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIUTY Maximum Daily Amount: Average Daily Amount: Annual Amount: Largest Size Container: # Days On Site UNITS OF MEASURE Ibs ( ] gal [J ft3 ( ] cunes [ ] 8) STORAGE CODES a) Container: b) Pressure: c) Temperature: Circle Which Months: All Yeer. J. F, M. A. M. J. J. A. S. O. N. D 9) MIXTURE: Ust the three most hazardous chemical components or any AHM components COMPONENT CAS # %wr AHM [ ] [ ] ( ) 1) 2) 3) 10) location ? rJl.L?þ Date ;.If'· ¡r~. ' rf<' !!,~" !:r;;~ . ~r~4/12/9~. ¡¡~: 11:,p! \r."~'1 ' ;~f:.' i'~ln-Ref ~~, ,t}" . , f·¡" 02 007 ~?h, - Ii.;, ~~, ' .~:';~ 02-004 }~·t:, , ..t:¡{..... !l~ ¡;¡1i 02-001 .,;~:. ,~¡,j~': ~¡' .... '.i:,~ 02-003 '. ~:f~ :1''): i:~\~!;, " , ,. "J~02~002 , 1i'i:;', '1;''- ¡¡¡.~ 02-006 ~ìII:, ~)mr", ~ " ' 'fr~' }~ 02-008 ,¡\~¡ 'b,' ,; :;¡!Ii 02~005 :~!~ . (Wit; , ;j;" ,~~, 02-009 :t!~'1 , J:: "'11: ! '1iìî~¡, ;\~ii\: : ,,¡¡¡¡, :;¡~" : ~{j~~' , :~~1~' )~: ,,';ø~:' .',~,'" , qJ¡J ¡ffl\" f'~ ¡~~r: , t;!t '~~ Ji.''r "tf' ,h'¡: , ;~: 1.':¡J:4\~ '~)t~, . : ~~'!i i( ,·1: ';:(f lfit¡ : ~'" f~{ ~~; : ': ~ . e . PICK YOUR PART INC 215-000-000006 Hazmat Inventory List in MCP Order Page 2 ~5 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Name/Hazards Form Max Qty MCP Gas 1320 High FT3 Liquid 750 Moderate GAL Liquid 400 Low GAL Liquid 500 Low GAL Liqui~ 110 Low GAL Gas 1686 Low FT3 Liquid 110 Low GAL Liquid 2000 Low GAL Liquid 55 Minimal GAL ACETYLENE ~ Fire, Pressure, Imrned Hlth GASOLINE ~ Fire, Imrned Hlth, Delay Hlth ANTIFREEZE ~ Fire, Delay Hlth DIESEL FUEL ~ Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth HYDRAULIC FLUID ~ Fire, Delay Hlth OXYGEN ~~Fire, Pressure, Imrned Hlth ,TRANSMISSION FLUID ~ Fire, Delay Hlth WASTE ,OIL ~ Fire, Delay Hlth MOTOR OIL ~ Fire~ Delay Hlth I;~j '~I "~ .1 I '-r ~. , ,,j~, .' 'j¡ ~\, '. '~:..... . . ~. ~. . .. ::t,jì: ~ "':1'1': ~~~1~ ;~.. 4' 'fir /.:.~ ;~04/12/96. ;, ,;,'1 i." ;~);' ¡i,i:: \0/<' '~ ::, 02-007 í'C1 ft\l::~, ~ ~,I'. '¡f., ' i~¡ '~j V" ~r ,;', '.1 ));1, '~1')' '/~' i \,~ h .~ ¡ . t;!" \1" y ip': . e PICK YOUR PART INC 215-000-000006 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Page 3 '0 s-' 1320 High FT3 Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order I ,I , t, ;:t\ ' I' 'I ;;J ;;~j' ~¡. '.~r 02-004 filL- ;~f ';~,: ~, ACETYLENE ~ Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas CAS #: 74-86-2 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Days: 365 Use: WELDING SOLDERING Type: Pure Daily Max FT3 ----y-- Daily Average FT3 --r-- Annual Amount FT3 -- 1,320 I 700.00 I 34,320.00 Storage r Press T Temp ~I Location PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above Ambient EAST END OF YARD . , - Cone l 100.0\ Acetylene Components ~ MCP -,-Guide High I 17 ',' ;(, ' ~'! 'f .. J,' ;'j .t'· ;~~' ':~ , '~.,¿' "",t' ;~> :&l ·,mt 1~::1t ~ :;~(; 02-001 , j~i ,~~ i.~¡¡ '~\ it Liquid 750 Moderate GAL GASOLINE ~ Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth I CAS #: 8006-61-9 Trade Secret: No Form: ,Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL ---- Daily Max GAL ----y-- Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 750 I 400.00 / 7,500.00 , Storage ABOVE GROUND TANK r Press T Temp ~ Location Ambient Ambient EAST END OF YARD '. - Cone l 100.0\' Gasoline r; MCP ---,-Guide Moderate 27 Components ..; I' ..~ i~;, 1;,:' ¡ .~~{. If': ,j', It,; I /~~ I ~:' i ~,~r , ~, it, '~~' 1-" . , ~.. , , í;¡ u , .f' Liquid 400 Low GAL ANTIFREEZE ~ Fire, ,.~elay Hlth CAS #: 107-21-1 Trade Secret: No . 'Ii. , '. Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: WASTE Daily Max GAL ----y-- Daily Average GAL ~ Annual' Amount GAL -- 400 I 250.00 / 2,000.00 Storage ':ABOVE, ßROUND TANK r Press T Temp ~ Location Ambient Ambient/EAST END OF YARD - Conc l 100.0% Ethylene Glycol ~ MCP ----¡-Guide Low I 27 Components :,::: ~ ~~~~.; :l:, ¡.; .',:~j; '" ',~ ~ ';~i04/12/96. '(,1 \~': '.,\4'~ i0~ ~; t,02"'003 ~, " :'j'í; I . ,~~i: '\~Îi'" ,~ fJ, ';i~' :,~ e e I, PICK YOUR PART INC 215-000-000006 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Page 4 1}5' Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order if . :..~~ ~:; ii" g~' 'Ii' I). .\'~,!~ ; . I :'1"1,: " 'I~",., ~f.. . "~> r¡ : ~f 02...002 , ~" ' , ;9;':: f,¡"". , ,- , II!'! I,::' ;7: ¡; , ~;:I !r ~{ DIESEL FUEL ~ Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth Liquid 500 GAL Low CAS I: 68476-34-6 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 500 I 200.00 I 5,000.00 Storage r Press T Temp -:-, Location DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC Ambient AmbientlWEST END OF YARD - Cone l 100.0% Diesel Fuel No. 2 r; MCP ---p;uide Moderate 27 Components , " '. ,,' ,.' t ',' ~";,, , .~~!.1 ;';®: I .~f}·~.. f·(., :~~\',." , ' I. I', ¡¡if ~." ~~~~: . ~t ~ ,r·, '1 I :;'ë , ir' I '~¡\;, I)~, I :¡;', ! ..'¡¡ ¡ :::t :' 'I'~ HYDRAULIC FLUID ~ Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 110 Low GAL r CAS II 112345 Trade Secret: No Form: ,Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 110 "I 60.00 I 700.00 Storage ABOVE GROUND TANK - Cone l 100.0%'" Hydraulic r Press T Temp ~ Location Ambient Ambient WEST END OF YARD Components ~ MCP ---p;uide Brake Fluid (Diethylene Glycol Monobu\LoW I 27 02-006 Gas I ;}~ :.~ f~~1 ' ~~~~ ¡ :ìt '~, ;~.., ~ ¡ 1" 'I~:' , .ì~"'" ·t1ì :~t. .ft.:;\, '::::(: '~~ ¡ jl ¡~l,<' I .~.". . .'j' r :--/,'1 " ~~;. ¡'I·Jfh OXYGEN .. Fire" .Pressure, Immed Hlth 1686 Low FT3 , CASt: 7782-44-7 Trade Secret: No \;', . Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: WELDING SOLDERING ---- Daily Max FT3 ----r-- Daily Average FT3 --r-- Annual Amount FT3 -- 1,686 I 840.00 I 33,720.00 ., Storage r Press T Temp ~ Location ~:PORT·., PRESS. CYLINDER Above Ambient EAST END OF YARD . . - Cone -, 100.0\ Oxygen, Compressed I~ MCP -¡Guide Low I 14 Components e e 0:4 / 12/96· PICK YOUR PART INC 215-000-000006 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Page 5 ~5 Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-008 TRANSMISSION FLUID ~ Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 110 Low GAL CAS #: o Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL ~ Annual Amount GAL -- 110: I 60.00 I 700.00 Storage ABOVE GROUND TANK r Press T Temp ~ Location Ambient Ambient WEST END OF YARD - Cone l Components 100.0% Transmission Fluid (Petroleum-Based) ~ MCP -¡Guide Low 27 02-005 WASTE OIL ~ Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 2000 Low GAL CAS #: 221 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Waste Days: 365 Use: WASTE Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL ~ Annual Amount GAL -- 2,000 1,200.00 I 20,000.00 Storage ABOVE GROUND TANK r Press T Temp ~ Location Ambient Ambient EAST END OF YARD j - Cone l Components 100.0% Waste Oil, Petroleum Based ~ MCP --rGuide Low I 27 02-009 MOTOR OIL ~ Fire, Delay Hlth CAS #: Liquid 55 Minimal GAL Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL ~ Annual Amount GAL -- 55 I 30.00 I 300.00 , Storage DRUMl~ARREL-METALLIC r Press T Temp ~ Location Ambient Ambient WEST END OF YARD - Cone -, Components 100.0% Motor Oil, Petroleum Based \-; MCP ----rGuide Minimal I 27 ~ "'-"',.......,..... .A. .. ~ /2. ......... ....- .. _.~- . ,_ SITE DIAGRAM I e FACIUTY DIAGRAM ., Business Name: PICK YOUR PART Business ACdress: 2120 S. Union, Bakersfield. CA 93307 For Office Use Only FirST !n $teTion: Area Meo ,; ~t Insoecjon Stejon: NORïH 0- ~4U' --- "~ SITE ~GR-AM- 0 3~ :.~.ss ~'am.: 'v (('\.( /\ ' ,I' '. ,- F't--.~ILITY DIAGRAM e (¥"~ r i I \ , '1 I...'L ~~ I:> rt ( ~-(". I ~ C Á:,a ~a; a Q: -..-- ~Jc:a-:: ~lam. 3: ;':,a:8'O/.l7þ1¿E""/C:::::: ",c/1éZ/C/ ./Ý I, I' , . , .. .. -.. '. . . ~ ,~ ~ I-{\ . tJ o .... '" Z ':) }.. ~ " ~ ~' 1 ~ \1\ ~ ~ » Dt<A' tJ h&€- ft í2.~fIr ' . ( Vi - , ll~( - - --tV t.,,- L' jCt,./ 'I II I, 1"1 \, '!¡ 1 I: I .Á~~ '\1' Jt'~t" O of' ,..¡ò"'~~ ø ~~{f ,"" I () 't\ 1, ~ " , ._.~_._-----_. ..-. e PICK YOUR PART™ 2120 S. Union Bakersfield, CA 93307 (805) 833-0800 - May 1, 1996 Attn: H. Wines Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~~(Ç~DiW ! ì/' r 'III 'òY :;; IU\,:r ~I Jil ~,.. , -, ¡. !:l .. ,,! I By_ ! --~,.,=::;:::--:::~--~'~:::.::::,= j Dear Mr. Wines, Per your correction notice # 0343 Item # 2, attached please find evidence that the effects of the oil spills have been remedied by a licensed Hazardous Waste Removal Contractor pursuant to UFC 8001.5.2.5. Respectfully, , s:ð¿L/ea! C/ Sandi Popov Office Manager SP cc. Ed Arismendi ':',D~~ì;-;L\~~~ ~S~~ P--'-p ~, ~ ~¥ .- /i~ /) ~;~~~_~þ- ,/" FIL ~, ~. ~ J:>r'Ì'/4& ~~ <,:.. ~'~ NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE DATA FORM ,,' ~ ,0 ... c ~ au Z ... C) >- ¡ II ! Q , W I .... I W ~ A. 2 0 0 w as 0 .... I .. N? ,~~ I ~f4 4801 NAME Pick U Part I J I I IJ l~A r I I I AOOlllns .2.l2 0 ~. [Inion Av~ CIT"f,$TAT(.~'" Ba~ersfi eld , r..A 93307 '''0-.£ NO ß 0 5) 8 3 3 - 0 8 0 0 CONTAINERS: No 18 yds wEIGt<' VOlUME TYPE: O 't,~NUI(CK .n oo''''~CPK 0 0 0 .. xx "v ORUM!> CAAfON5 OTHER WA$Tf,ÞESC"IPTION ('~nta.mi n;::tt2d So; 1 ÇOMI'ONfN"O' WA$f( '''M GENfRATINGPROCUS ~i tß ~l~;:¡nI¡p CO"'~Nt'NT~ OF W'¡':;Tf "P'" SOil 99% 1% & a Hydro Carbons . 3~ -- .. . ""OPE.mu: pH..--.-- ~O~ D o llOUIO 0 $~VDG£ 0 SlURRY 0 OTt<EA .. MANOlltl Q INstVCTION$: THE GENERATOR CERTIFIES TMAT THE W.ST~ AS OESCRI8EO JS 100'11> NON-HAZARDOUS, 1-21-f} OATf ""'''EO OA PRINTED ~ULL 1-14"'E ¡ $IGN...TUHE a; W ~ II: o CL en z 4( 0: ... I, :~ fc I A I D I 9 I . I 0 I 6 ~ 9 I · 1 7 ( I f S I ' NAME' DwI,ht Trucldn.. Inc:. P.O. Boa 81615 Baker.fleld. C..IIlo",l. 9'SSG ADORESS S~RVICE OROfA NO PIC ( VI' OAT! 'i'" 2ýJ'j l CITY, STAT", Zt" PHON' NO, ,(105) 399·1177 JI r.~/VI S ¿~~ ~Lü ~ f tI """£0 OA P"II T~O fUll H"''''E & SIGN.TV"E Lf '-'29v9 ø DAa- l~A r 1 ¡ I lit 1 I OI$PO$Al M(THOO o LANO~'lL G: OT"(R P9C ~'(' Lj n.g 1 TAVCI(, U"IT, 1,0, "0, ' HIIM& CDE Soil Recycling Facility ~ ::; - U ~ Q (I) .... AØD"ES$ Glen tielen ~eqional Park C:ITY,STATE,Z'P D~vorp. ~A C}24D7 ,~ ' f-/LðL1/'1b aAa Ð<:..~ô)..~ PHONI:NO 190' 887-9471 ~t?~~~~~ TYPED 0.. PAINTEO ~UU NA....E & SIGNATURE _b ~ ....1, T"\'L-«' ~ ;L'-f, I i-{ ~'S GIN OlO/NEW l TRANS S C:/O IIITlCO A e TONS "WD' NONE DISC""PANCY ·..r"Tf .....,._'f .&,. -"-'v -'''-' _'...'-w" _,. ¿.I,..... ~_. ~. L-tl·,·....I··.I_'I"·IO.....I....- ..~ - - --......- - ~-- - ---- ---- - - - - --- --------- -- -.--- ~ - ------ ~' ,; - ~ Cunningham-Davis Environmental, Inc. ..·.~!H jØhks Drive· Cor0f\8. Calilomia 9\720 Phone (909) $49·, 100· Fax (909) 549·1,', e 0928 '.', . WE GH..,...~TEM C ¡RTI~ICA TI! THIS IS TO CERtiFY Ih.11N ¡"II\..'.". tÞcrj~~ commød'I)' "'.:0 wtl,hcd mc..ùl/ed. Of ~"""t,(-J t» , wC'irhmaMtr, .holC' .i,n.,uII " <'-" Ihi~ uni(ICltC'. who ¡Ii 'c~..("...i,,(d ~ulhOfi()' ~f ........y. II pr...rl,>,Ø ~y Chi"'.' 7 c.ummc""in, wj'h So<li"n 1~7mJ of D4Vision , of ,~ C"lilorni. Bu:-;int)i,)¡ und P 'oJ('~...i(tn, CO<k, tdmìni,.en4 b)' ~h, ()h..i~ion of MeQ~lJftn.t1\1 ~hIA4:.1rð.~ of \tK Cah(mnlu [)(1~r\n)4.·1II gf F~MJd £In'" A$,i\'I,huIC, WEIGHED AT: CDE Glen Helen Facility Glen Helen Regional Park · Devore. CA ~ ::,: ¡~~ f~~ '~ 'd'4g:~: ; . .J' ~,l I" :1 to... , ) , ì ítJ: ':'i',,'r'¡,:: d ;, ~~; .t ,).,:!- ':.":', j' : ':-¡(, CDE Accephmcc # -£¡/ C¡b -;1 b ~ Munifest # . ~"Sfl,\ Dep\1ty -p_J.QCI '*1}£1l t,tD~\/\ Deputy CHent I ,t::T 'C. ''H:L~8U 1. 1 t:'" ;1 ~ tI-i ": c.~I'y:; CommQdilY; Tl'\lçk Lic,II:' ~O-/\- h^'~ ~ OY.!ilJ h , TRANSPOR'rER CERTIFICA ¡ION, I açk"owkd~e ytteípl of the soil de,,~ribed above ;¡nd emif)' th'll th~ soil j,,, beirl¡; cklivcrtd 10 Ih~ de"if!nuted f:I,'ility in c~u~II~' Ihc surM ~òndi!Ìon u\ whcl\ r~ccìl'cd, ~ ~.r r_ + --+ (. , \. TranSPQrter:~~J.í' v.--<..Jl..{~~) Drive,.: ---. I Load It; Trail~r Lie.': TraHer Lie,l#: .: CDE OFFICE \ . -~ I"'ÃÑÕGÑG,, H$"VGfíõ"HT::--:-~ - ----;;-.-- - -- -- ",'- - -- - ---- , ~............... ---'-T \ ....,. .. . .. 04/22/1996 13:43 8058360632 e DMV_INVESTIGATIONS post.lt'" brand fax tranS mitt To 1~~oJAI(.,D l! 1~6 Co. PAGE 01 , \J/~ I Co, A Public Service ,.4gaflçy Dept. ç-\n...6 Fall # phQne # Fa:tlf C=-=~=-===--'="':==~=~~===~~-====_____'___'_"____"'_'_'__~"J_ OI..H,; (JU: 1 r'H11 '. GnLl~; F'C~.IS {',79 LC (ì C¡(I!"XU LI19993Jó7?AI02801 F r rmH: ()2l$(i:l. PHONE ~ (X>:>::) i'lL. TCP:f.301 E Of.MNtiC¡.HJot) ~nE j,~1() Cl'fY~ANt- I'H~:,lrl ~:nAl[;{;{1 J () ()/.;,~W~'(J N:-4Á ~m,:\ ZIP;9~80h 810P:F OImEt\~MCELROY OLENN C{1r~LrON OSIIIP-nXI,J I~/i)~()')/O{¡/.p EFr:'l)r~():lI.~'Ij}') EOj,"'A[JOI"f n<L fJ8I,IXP:¡,II..J r!,/ ):(\:I./:L:U4Ö r:J rln :OfV:',;i /?<¡ m' NEr~: NI~:U ~:( CIIA:~ ) ~JA n:::f~J'íJAN E04..tIDCHT: I<L.. OBI'UP ~ E OhINI~:I~ ~ r'lCEU~l)y CIWo: I STOr'~H::r~ ,1'1, .:,.,,: , ~ .'. . ~ '.......' 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Age",,!, ~C :C :~ - (J~.~·-·l-'~~~;t ~ I :f~~FM 0 :.;':J:~J='.~(~ l} :3-=~:~~'~-~~ ;ïij'=·~:::~'-:~·;:·~~~:~~=i.¡·"~~~~)i;:i-:}~===~==-·--i)():'f;:~TfY'(,¡ LX199933¿79AI02U01 TYPEL; J:j '?r~ XO ~ 03' G04"" ON B!~tJN" t)):n~04/;!.'<.'/l=~:.~ OeA~HELP YOUR SELF AUTO WRECKING A[)[)f~: 126:1. ALp¡ "¡r.;:PP $n cn y ~ ~D:U'IJN(jTON ßTf..,-rE ~ CA TYI~'EL:¡ .I.!S I,:.r;:;¡; I) ~ i.)l~ (.¡(I~j.. DM m~ANI,t t)le.~OH/Üj/':í() ()r..A~ :!:NS S(.;I..WHJE HrrN:r.CL Ar.H>t~ ~ :1.{)'?4:J. fUìND('¡L L BT CI1Y~SUN VALL~Y STA1[:CA TYPt~::L : :I.~) gli! X I) ~ O~~; eXI'lP r ~ y ,;<,,;,.:, G06··, Of'1 P..f~f.Jt..m rn r,. : Oç,;- /2tdYO ,', ',',:',.. DP..A:PICI·' yOtm PAI;:r AUra HI:;;¡:::CKr,JJ,Ø,'" A[)lm~2:J.?O S UN10N AI,.IE ,",,:','::, ,," ,:'; "~":'':'~~> ':';'!'; ;. "I tl TY: gA~ŒRHF' n:LO 51' PI l r::: tA Zl:P ~:.():"3:Q?',' ", A,f,;·:~,,.~,,,I\{~'Ì'·li D ~ (.". ,/,VPt:rL. :t~:; I:~.::~:O) ~ oò EXf'lP r ~ Y:":'" "::;'" '" '::',: -'r:,~,.',q::'::';:·:,,;\:r ';, ~ GO?'" 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CC.:'í'l ¡:~í·it-.UI)~~":~ TYPEL:15 ßR 1D;07 D03-ùTHLR:HELP YOUR SELF I.) '>'1',-~:~;'N) Ö ·!:,:;(Y·l) )I" LO;\, ,... CONI) H)2 END t.\)1) ~ o~~Üó:t :t A F' " ' .... . '. " '. :'''' '" " . '...,1, :' ,..,.". " ..';,: ~ ¡. '( . ". ~,7' .,1. " , '" ,... ',,'. " : , ~ ',~ ' . I '..,' '.:, . . '" " ., ," , .,,' , , " ,,~ "'1 " ' .....:.. ',.' ' ~ 04/12/96, e e ~ Page 1 PICK YOUR PART INC 215-000-000006 Overall Site with 1 Fac. Unit General Information Location: 2120 S UNION AV Map:124 Haz:3 Type: 3 City . BAKERSFIELD Grid: 08C F/U: 1 AOV: 0.0 . --- Contact Name Title - Contact Name Title KEVIN BROWN / MANAGER SANDRA POPOV / OFFICE MANAGER Business Phone: (805) 833-0800x Business Phone: (805) 833-0800x 24-Hour Phone · (805) 397-1972x 24-Hour Phone · (805) 664-8355x · · Pager Phone · ( ) - x Pager Phone · ( ) - x · · Administrative Data Mail Addrs: 2120 S UNION AV D&B Number: City: BAKERSFIELD State: CA Zip: 93307- Comm Code: 215-005 BAKERSFIELD STATION 05 SIC Code: 5093 Owner: PICK YOUR PART CORP HDQTS Phone: (805) 833-0800 Address: 1301 E ORANGEWOOD State: CA City: ANAHEIM Zip: 92805- Summary fìV/~c r'> , ~'0 .~ r¡-'''fj; "-> l7~'r¡ 1~.'1,[)¡/jj [. 'itY 2 ~? '" v j\f'tt 1hJ!!J? M " ~" ~r: Dð~': Uv k, (\ b ~ ^ [OJ@ rt®U"®l\1y OOGlloV)! ~lfD®a ~ ~&J~ŒJ (Y¡¡p0 CT ¡:¡1m œ..--.-w) 1?®~®'0'01®(QJ ~U1® ©ìü~©Uî®(QJ Uî~@lf'~OO~ U'ìJ\i@\1®lf]®~~ M@fJÐ~®. M®úíJ~ lQ)~lfì) ~@&C.,k.J1~~~ ~7t@ ~~@~ Olt ®fJ©Xi'ù@j ~Jå\1Û1 ~EJ"®~~D êffDW ooliV®©bi©[[ù~ ©~)):Fù~U® ® ©:Q)M[0~~® ~[fi;@ OO~'é?l Wù@lf'ù· ~®(iìíi)®17ììi1 [Q>~ t@lf' fIìJiW ~~~o ~) ~ík"'ê!lK) . LJ/Lo-9¿(; ~ ¿9u.. é'~~ /~# 9 é/) ------- e e 04/12/96. PICK YOUR PART INC 215-000-000006 Page 2 Hazmat Inventory List in MCP Order 02 - Fixed Containers on Site PIn-Ref Name/Hazards Form Max Qty MCP 02-007 ACETYLENE Gas 1320 High Þ> Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 02-004 GASOLINE Liquid 750 Moderate Þ> Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL 02-001 ANTIFREEZE Liquid 400 Low Þ> Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 02-003 DIESEL FUEL Liquid 500 Low Þ> Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL 02-002 HYDRAULIC FLUID Liquid 110 Low Þ> Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 02-006 OXYGEN Gas 1686 Low Þ> Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 02-008 TRANSMISSION FLUID Liquid 110 Low Þ> Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 02-005 WASTE OIL Liquid 2000 Low Þ> Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 02-009 MOTOR OIL Liquid 55 Minimal Þ> Fire, Delay Hlth GAL e e 04/12/96. PICK YOUR PART INC 215-000-000006 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Page 3 Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-007 ACETYLENE ~ Fire, Pressure, Immed H1th Gas 1320 High FT3 CAS #: 74-86-2 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: WELDING SOLDERING Daily Max FT3 ----r-- Daily Average FT3 --r-- Annual Amount FT3 -- 1,320 I 700.00 I 34,320.00 Storage r Press T Temp -:I Location PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above Ambient EAST END OF YARD - Cone l 100.0% Acetylene Components r; MCP ---p;uide High I 17 02-004 GASOLINE ~ Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth Liquid 750 Moderate GAL CAS #: 8006-61-9 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 750 I 400.00 I 7,500.00 Storage ABOVE GROUND TANK r Press T Temp -:I Location Ambient Ambient EAST END OF YARD - Cone l 100.0% Gasoline Components r; MCP ---p;uide Moderate 27, 02-001 ANTIFREEZE ~ Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 400 Low GAL CAS #: 107-21-1 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: WASTE Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 400 I 250.00 I 2,000.00 Storage ABOVE GROUND TANK r Press T Temp ~ Location Ambient AmbientlEAST END OF YARD - Cone l 100.0% Ethylene Glycol Components ~ MCP ---p;uide Low I 27 e e 04 / 12/9 6· PICK YOUR PART INC 215-000-000006 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Page 4 Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-003 DIESEL FUEL ~ Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth Liquid 500 Low GAL CAS #: 68476-34-6 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GAL ~ Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 500 200.00 I 5,000.00 Storage DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC r Press T Temp -:ì Location Ambient Ambient WEST END OF YARD - Cone l 100.0% Diesel Fuel No.2 Components r; MCP --rGuide Moderate 27 02-002 HYDRAULIC FLUID ~ Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 110 Low GAL CAS #: 112345 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GAL ~ Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 110 I 60.00 I 700.00 Storage ABOVE GROUND TANK r Press T Temp ~ Location Ambient AmbientlWEST END OF YARD - Cone l Components ~ MCP --rGuide 100.0% Hydraulic Brake Fluid (Diethylene Glycol Monobu Low I 27 02-006 OXYGEN ~ Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 1686 Low FT3 CAS #: 7782-44-7 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: WELDING SOLDERING Daily Max FT3 ~ Daily Average FT3 --r-- Annual Amount FT3 -- 1,686 I 840.00 I 33,720.00 Storage r Press T Temp -:-1 Location PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above AmbientlEAST END OF YARD - Cone -, 100.0% Oxygen, Compressed Components ~ MCP --rGuide Low I 14 e e 04 / 12 / 9 6· PICK YOUR PART INC 215-000-000006 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Page 5 Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-008 TRANSMISSION FLUID ~ Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 110 Low GAL CAS #: o Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GAL ~ Daily Average GAL ~ Annual Amount GAL -- 110 I 60.00 700.00 Storage ABOVE GROUND TANK r Press T Temp -:ì Location Ambient Ambient WEST END OF YARD - Conc _I Components 100.0% Transmission Fluid (Petroleum-Based) ~ MCP ----re;uide Low I 27 02-005 WASTE OIL ~ Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 2000 Low GAL CAS #: 221 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Waste Days: 365 Use: WASTE Daily Max GAL ~ Daily Average GAL ~ Annual Amount GAL -- 2,000 I 1,200.00 I 20,000.00 Storage ABOVE GROUND TANK r Press T Temp -:ì Location Ambient Ambient EAST END OF YARD - Conc l Components 100.0% Waste Oil, Petroleum Based ~ MCP ----re;uide Low I 27 02-009 MOTOR OIL ~ Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 55 Minimal GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GAL ~ Daily Average GAL ~ Annual Amount GAL -- 55 I 30.00 I 300.00 Storage DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC r Press T Temp -:ì Location Ambient Ambient WEST END OF YARD - Conc -, Components 100.0% Motor Oil, Petroleum Based r; MCP ----re;uide Minimal I 27 e e 04/12/96· PICK YOUR PART INC 215-000-000006 00 - Overall Site Page 6 <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical <1> Agency Notification CALL 911 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY NON EMERGENCY RELEASE CALL 326-3979 COMPANY MANAGEMENT TEAM <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation HAND HELD RADIOS, VERBAL, PA SYSTEM PROBABLE IN NEAR FUTURE. <3> Public Notif./Evacuation VERBAL <4> Emergency Medical Plan LOCAL HOSPITAL LOCAL INDUSTRIAL CLINIC BEING SET UP NOW e e 04/12/96· PICK YOUR PART INC 215-000-000006 00 - Overall Site Page 7 <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt <1> Release Prevention STORAGE IN CLOSED METAL/AND OR APPROVED PLASTIC CONTAINERS <2> Release Containment SECONDARY CONTAINMENT, ALL LIQUIDS TO BE STORED ON SLABS OF CONCRETE. GAS, OIL, COOLANT <3> Clean Up FLOOR SWEEP, SAN, DRYING AGENTS. FOR LARGER SPILLS CALL ENVIRONMENTAL CLEAN UP COMPANY. <4> Other Resource Activation e e 04/12/96· PICK YOUR PART INC 215-000-000006 00 - Overall Site Page 8 <F> Site Emergency Factors <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - NONE B) ELECTRICAL - WEST WALL OF BUILDING, EAST WALL OF GARAGE C) WATER - BY WELL D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - WATERTRUCK, 12 CHEMICAL FIRE EXTINGUISHERS, FORKLIFTS, IF CAR FIRE, CAN MOVE TO REMOTE SPOT. FIRE HYDRANT - ON UNION AVE. <4> Building Occupancy Level . . 'ë e e 04/ 12/96~ PICK YOUR PART INC 215-000-000006 00 - Overall Site Page 9 <G> Training <1> Employee Training WE HAVE Jð' EMPLOYEE.ß AT THIS FACILITY ~ c::2ú::?\/ WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE HAZARDOUS COMMUNICATION PROGRAM ON FILE. <2> Page 2 <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use ~. .:JQI!f" "",,",'''_ _.......,.___~.... _..,....,........~_.-' ..~__.~~"__ ~,-------" ~~"""'-"~~,II' --...-.,..... ~.' ~--" ---....' ," - -- -~-_.~-- Pick Your Part™ SELF SERVICE AUTO RECYCLERS \....-J Kevin Brown Manager 2120 S. Union Bakersfield. California 93307 (805) 833-0800 .."" - ~1~... Cé'RRECTION N0iCE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT N~ 0343 Locatiol1 ?rc.iC YOUR. ?ÞR.T . Sub Div. 21 2.D oS. UNioN . Blk. . Lot You are hereby required to make the following corrections at the above location: Cor. No ( V F c... 7'10 l .., (ø I ~·?c\~o<...6u1V') W\1>S.'é PaoÛLC S'H-A.(..(... NOr GE: j)r$CKAe6GQ -rö T l-tE lor(1..c) vAl D ;¡, UFc.. Î90{.7,'Z~ 5P ( L L.$ StlALL g~ CLt4.N6 UP .p«ðMPTLY . ? L E-As:E PROVIDE: £\1 ( I')FAJ '-~ 'iUA Î THE EFFEclS ðÇ -rHE OIL SoPt LL5 HA\/~ ߣ£/V R~fVlEf)(E() BY A l..t O:;NCEf) I:kA-zAeDðu5 WAST€ REt11úvAL CQN7ÆA.C7õ R.... ?URSu AI'i r Tð UFG <goo I, ~-"À" S- (Æ 111.( ¡Al 30 DAYs or:: 'I·U s= AJo ncE:.. .3 Uç:'c. 7901 ~7d ~ MAt'" ,EAJAII/ct AND ofG'G4- r. .p~{lcES 5 HALi... Co I\JTIZ.cJ '- LEA.~AG£ AND WASTE FLUtD5 t>eAfv&D FrzofVl $Âl...VAGG/J V'GH.ICt.ES, ~ t.f4.t-L BE:' 5TôeED 'N APPROJED CtJI\J r A. ( /Ii ees IN IT#. LI f).$ ¡ ( CONnNU~Ô ~ ') IS D ,1Lt- Completion Date for Corrections ~ / (ð /96 ( Date 41 (0/ l b eI-f. úJ ,Ales L~ 326_39;~spector f . '.. BAKERSELELD CITY FIRE DEPASTMENT H~OUS MATERIALS INVE_RY P,o" YOJR. f>A/Z.,..- Page_of_ 9usiness Name Address CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: NfIw { J Addition { J Revision { J Deletion ( J 2) CommonName: WA.STE Oi£.- Chedc if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET [1 TRADE SECRET r J 3) DOT # (optional) Chemical Name: AHMI] CAS # 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire PHYSICAL Reactive I) Sudden Release of Pressure ( ) HEALTH Immediate Health (Acute) I) Delayed Health (Chronic) 5) WASTE CLASSIACATlON '2.."2...( (3-cligit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 40 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solidi) wquid~ Gas I] Pure [] Mix1ure I] Waste (:iJP F*lioective I J CH£CX ALL lU.\T APPlY 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIUTY Maximum Daily Amount: Average Daily Amount: Annuej Amount: Largest SizeContainer: # Days On Site 4~ q4-0 S-S:- '3h 'Š UNITS OF MEASURE Ibs [ ] gal ØI ft3 [ ] curies [ ] 8) STORAGE CODES a) Container: b) Pressure: c) Temperature: 6 Jr Circle Which Months: All YeN. J. F, M. A. M. J. J. A. S. O. N. D 9) MIXTURE: wst the three most hazardous chemical components or any AHM components COMPONENT CAS # %WT AHM [ ] I J [ ] 1) 2) 3) 10) Location ItV 860 0(-" S,A"'~ S tf)£" 'la-vCI( A"î N¡£ c.R.1Jf'?. oÇ U)"/ CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ I Addition [ ] Revision ( Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET [] TRADE SECRET [ ] 2) Common Name: usc-/) R.. - 1 '2.... 3) DOT # (optional) Chemical Name: AHM [ ] CAS # 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES PHYSICAL Fire [] Reactive (] Sudden Release of Pressure ~ HEALTH Immediate Health (Acute) ~ Delayed Health (Chronic) ( ] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3·digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 46 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [¡ Liquid [] Gas . Pure [] Mixture [] Waste" Radioactive [ ] :¡"ECK..t.LL THATAPPl'f 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIUTY Maximum Daiiy Amount: Average Daily Amount: Annual Amount: Largest Size Container: # Days On Site IOQ~ ~ ,?IóC UNITS OF MEASURE ibs ~ gaJ [J 113 [ ] cunes [ ] 8) STORAGE CODES a) Container: b) Pressure: c) Temperature: 4 "Z.. 4- Circle Which Months: All Year. J, F, M, A, M, J, J. A. S. 0, N, D 9) MIXTURE: Ust the three most hazardous chemical components or any AHM components 1) j¿ - l'-... COMPONENT CAS # %WT AHM [ ] [ ] ( ] 2) 3) 10) Location I V\Js , 0 £ AT N £ Cöfù\!Y3¿ ()Ç ¿cor ocuments. ~/¿>-9 Date aerwowv IC'CIr"'.,._A"WU BAKERSFtl-D CITY FIRE DEPA.MENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY .' .. Page_of_ ' usiness Name Address CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New ( ) Addition ( ) Revision ( ) Deletion ( ) Check if c:hemic8J is . NON TRADE SECRET [ ] TRADE SECRET [ ] 2) Common Name: iAJAsíE ~t~'¿qJ'f' M-J -r I R2ez.é 3) DOT # (option8 ) Chemical Name: AHM ( ) CAS # 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire I ) Reactive ( ) Sudden Release of Pressure ( ) ImmediCe Health (Acute) ( ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [ ) 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-cligit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 4-0 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ) Uquid þJf Gas ( ) Pure ( ] Mixture ( ] Waste [ ] Radioactive ( J, OIEClCAI.llHAT N'Plr 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIUTY IS-O UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount: Ibs I ) gal If' ft3 I ) a) Container: Average Daily Amount: ")ç- curies I ] b) Pressure: Annual Amount: ~ c) Temperature: Largest Size Container: # Days On Site ~6, Circle Which Months: All Year. J. F. M. A. M. J. J, A, S. O. N. D 9) MIXTURE: Ust COMPONENT CAS # %WT AHM the three most hazardous 1) [ ) chemical components or any AHM components 2) [ ) 3) [ ) 1 0) Location IN POlY T AN'kS AT -rANK.. Ç"&\\(lM ,rJ DRAiN .~·:GtÓ. CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New ( ] Addition ( ) Revision ( J Deletion ( ] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET [ ) TRADE SECRET [ ) 2) Common Name: &ASð<-INt£. 3) DOT # (optional) Chemical Name: AHM [ ) CAS # 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire q Reactive I ] Sudden Release of Pressure ( ] Immediate Health (Acute) ij;t Delayed Health (Chronic) I) 3) WASTE CLASSIFICA'nON (3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE ¡eÞ¡ 5) PHYSICAL STATE Solid I] Uquid f(J Gas I ] Pure I] Mixture [ ] Waste [ ) Radioactive I ) CHECX ALL THAr APPlY ~) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIUTY lDoò UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount: Ibs [ ] gal [ J ft3 [ ] a) Container: Average Daily Amount: ~~ cunes [ ] b) Pressure: Annual Amount: c) Temperature: Largest Size Container: ( bOc) , # Days On Site :3 b <;" Circle Which Months: All Year. J, F. M. A. M. J. J. A. S. O. N. D 9) MIXTURE: Ust COMPONENT CAS # %WT AHM the three most hazardous 1) [ J chemical components or any AHM components 2) [ J 3) [ 1 1 0) Location ttV ("0'f\.N p.. Ut:"f IN ì)R.A, "J ...fJ... f21::~ cel11fy under penaJty of law. that I have personally exarmnecl ana am famIliar with the mfomat1on suomlttØCI on thiS and all attacnecl aocumenta. I oelleve the :¡bmitted information is true, accurate, and complete. RINT Name & Title of Authorized Company Representative Signature Date BAKER~ElD CITY FIRE DEPalTMENT HAZtItICOUS MATERIALS INVeA;RY .,.~. . " Page_of_ 3usiness Name Address CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION : 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New ( I Addition ( I Revision ( ) Deletion ( ] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET [ ) TRADE SECRET [ ] ,/ 2) Common Name: IVI¡YïO¡¿ C)1t- 3) DOT # (optional) Chemical Name: I AHM ( ] CAS # I I 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH " HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ) Reactive ( ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ) Delayed Health (Chronic) [ ) 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3·digit code trom DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] liquid [ ] Gas ( ) Pure [ ] Mixture ( ] WtJSte ( ) Radioactive ( ] OlEac ALL mAT APPlY I 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIUTY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES I ¡~ð I Maximum Dally Amount: 100 [ J gaJ [ ] 113 [ ] a) Container: Average Daily Amount: ~v cUries [ ] b) Pressure: Annuai Amount: c) Temperature: Largest Size Container: iF Days On Site Circle Which Months: All Year, J, F, .'.1, A. .'.1, J. J. A. S, O. N, D 9) MIXTURE: list COMPONENT CAS # %WT AHM the three most hazaraous 1) [ ] chemical components or any AHM components 2) [ ) 3) [ ] 10) location )N f.) C<.I). . oJ ALC-A -t A. AJ 1<- ~ CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New ( ] Addition ( ] Revision [ ] Deletion ( ] Check if chemicai is a NON TRADE SECRET [ ] TRADE SECRET [ ] , 2) Common Name: WASTE Oft- 3) DOT # (optionai) ¡ ~ Chemical Name: AHM [ ] CAS # 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH I HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [ ) 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-diglt code trom DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid [ ] Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture [ ] Waste [ ) Radioactive [ ] I OŒCX AU I'UAr A.PPt., 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIUTY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES '2.- Maximum Dally Amount: 2Ç'O Ibs [ ] gaJ [ ] 113 [ ] a) Container: Average Dally Amount: f'7...Ç cUries [ ] b) Pressure: 7 Annuai Amount: (OVO c) Temperature: d largest Size Container: ¡OOO . 40 I>AV$ # Days On Site ""'¡>'-" Circle Which Months: AJI Year, J, F, M, A. M, J. J, A. S. 0, N, D .,- 9) MIXTURE: Ust COMPONENT CAS # %WT AHM the three most hazaraous 1) [ ] chemlcaJ components or any AHM components 2) [ ) j¡ 3) [ ] 10) location IN (?O L ~ "TA- ¡0 t. ¡I\J í)Q..A; tV .þ..('(L -IJr ! I ce,,'Y unae, p~~'Ya' 'ew, "'e,' n""e peBan~lyemmmea ana ~ '~"'M w,rn rne ,",am_ '~ace......... I lJe/leve me sUbm~~;~aon~:~rar~,::~m;¡þA~///J l _ ' ¿~/¿J~~ PRINT Name & Title of Authonzea ComDanv Re resentativé Signafùre Date p ':___311 t~ IIIIEGOIw lØCST.tIfIIQII IIQFOI'M ....~;;;;.' BAKERSILD CITY FIRE DEPAWTM-ENT - H~ OUS MATERIALS INVENeRY Page_of_ :3usiness Name PIC,/<.. <.JOUr>- P~l Address /Ll 2...0 <; UN IcMJ I CHEMICAl. DESCRIPTION I 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New ( I Addition ( I Revision ( I Deletion ( ] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET [ ] TRADE SECRET [ ] , 01'E<;Ec... I 2) Common Name: I 3) DOT # (optional) I I ¡ Chemical Name: ¡ AHM [ I CAS # I 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH I ! HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire ~ Reactive ( 1 Sudden Release of Pressure [ 1 Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronlcl [ J, i 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION /1 I I (3·digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODe I I 6) PHYSICAL STATE Liquid (~ I Solid [ I Gas [ I Pure (~ Mixture [ J Waste [ ] Redioactive [ ] I CUEO: ALl. mAT APJIl'f : 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIUTY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES ~ ¡O()O 02- Maximum Daily Amount: Ibs [ ] gal [ I !!3 [ ] a) Container: Average Daily Amount: ' s.ë>ù cunes [ ] b) Pressure: ~ Annual Amount: ¡ 1.. ClDO c) Temperature: Largest Size'Contalner: I(;tUO ;# Days On Site '3bÇ- Circle Which Months: All Year, J. F, M, A, M, J. J. A, S, O. N, D i 9) MIXTURE: List COMPONENT CAS # %WT AHM I the three most hazardous 1) [ ] chemiCal components or any AHM components 2) [ I 3) [ I i 10) Location 0;0 'S II \ 'f)(.6' SuPPa (2.:rs iN D tZA ;/V Af2.c-A / : I - 1 CHEMICAl.. DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New ( ] Addition ( ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ I Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET [ J TRADE SECRET [ ! I I 2) Common Name: ¡(~:2.AUVc, Ç-LUIO 3) DOT # (optional) I I : ChemIcal Name: AHM [ I CAS # , I , 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [ ] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] liquid ~ Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture [ ] Waste [ ] Radioactive ( I I ~EC1( AU Tl-iAr APPl" , 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIUTY iq6 UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount: Ibs [ ] gal ávl 113 [ 1 a) Container: ð"2...... Average Dally Amount: ~ cunes [ J bJ Pressure: I Annual Amount: c) Temperature: 4 Largest Size Container: -;'65" # Days On Site Circle Which Months: All Year. J. F, M, A. M, J, J. A, S. 0, N, D 9) MIXTURE: List COMPONENT CAS # %WT AHM the three most hazardous 1) [ ] chemica¡ components or any AHM components '2) [ ] 3) [ ] 1 0) LocatJon IN ~(L!) f ¡J Atz-EA \ cerD unaer oene.J or law, Chat I nave personally exammea ana am familiar Wlrf¡ Che mfomaaon suomlttea on UlIS ana all arracl'lea aocumenr:s. I believe me ry ry submItted information is true. accurate, and complete. Signature Date PRINT Name &. Title of Authoflzed Company Aepresentaave '_~:m ,.., I'fQCll I 1.ØC~#IIIfiIIQN'OFaII.. I' ~ 06/12/92 - - 215-000-0~O lôl~~?~n.~,~ n 1 Fac. Unit ~j HUI. (b.:II::: ~ 1 PICK YOUR PART INC Overall Site with General Information By "~<:3 Location: 2120 S UNION AV Community: BAKERSFIELD STATION 05 Map: 124 Hazard: Moderate Grid: 08C FlU: 1 AOV: 0.0 Contact Name BRENT SNOOK MIKJ:. I\tJðELLð- J Title MANAGER MAnAGER Business Phone (805) 833-0800 x i8QS) BY1 4SS§ H 24-Hour Phone ~ 805 ~ ~Jsfijll Mail Addrs: City: Comm Code: Administrative Data 2120 S UNION AV BAKERSFIELD 215-005 BAKERSFIELD STATION 05 D&B Number: State: CA Zip: 93307- SIC Code: 5093 Owner: PICK YOUR PART CORP HDQTS Address: 1301 E ORANGEWOOD City: ANAHEIM Phone: (805) 833-0800 State: CA Zip: 92805- Summary ---, ~ 'ft;, ....~,-_., .........' O\L- D() ~T ~ /¿ [) 0 r"ß,{;10r~'!J Q'Ô'¿~1) (';0 ('¡ n rk =-=Iit-,-~ ~ VL<2iu\2JJ)J)j wvu""iJ uúV--~uu u¡~® IJVvv--'uc..~wc~,~:r [;ì50~"v~ \Wk) [l~~®©J Û'ù@¿lillu~©~® Wù&Jß®ú"0®U65 M®W"~®o f~JîD ~ôUîJ f1JJfJLl~~~!'.~@ ~~~~ ~ß f§l~©fftl(j1 W'¢b «C'6.¡o€îli~~'4œ) 'igJ hr'u 8lì7~J¡j\b©ûf~1M0 ©@rJ~\Ø~Mfi® ® ©©mtJ;®~® ~rü@ ©©i'O(eCí m~m- Q'-'0r-,~r;;:{) n {\ ~0vVù\Slu1m [Q)0fillUV u@[? íM)J g®©jGmv. t· lÌ(;, ~~ ~---~~ §j~þ¿¡Q--~~ 6k/??- = = í:kJ!~ / e e 06/12/92 PICK YOUR PART INC 215-000-000006 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Page 2 Hazmat Inventory Detail in Reference Number Order 02-001 ANTIFREEZE ~ Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 400 Low GAL CAS #: 107-21-1 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: WASTE Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL ~ Annual Amount GAL -- 400 I 250.00 I 2,000.00 Storage ABOVE GROUND TANK r Press T Temp ~I Location Ambient Ambient EAST END OF YARD - Cone l 100.0% Ethylene Glycol Components c- MCP -¡List ¡Low I 02-002 HYDRAULIC FLUID ~ Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 110 Low GAL CAS #: 112345 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 110 I 60.00 I 700.00 Storage ABOVE GROUND TANK r Press T Temp ~I Location Ambient Ambient WEST END OF YARD - Cone 'l 100.0% Hydraulic Brake Fluid Components I~ MCP -¡List Low I 02-003 DIESEL FUEL ~ Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth Liquid 500 Low GAL CAS #: 68476-34-6 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 500 I 200.00 I 5,000.00 Storage r Press T Temp ~I Location DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC Ambient Ambient WEST END OF YARD - Cone l 100.0% Diesel Fuel No.2 Components I~ MCP -¡List Low I e e 06/12/92 PICK YOUR PART INC 215-000-000006 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Page 3 Hazmat Inventory Detail in Reference Number Order 02-004 GASOLINE ~ Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth Liquid 750 Moderate 'GAL CAS =It: 8006-61-9 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GAL ~ Daily Average GAL ~ Annual Amount GAL -- 750 I 400.00 I 7,500.00 Storage ABOVE GROUND TANK r Press T Temp -:I Location Ambient Ambient EAST END OF YARD - Cone l 100.0% Gasoline Components MCP ~List r;oderate I 02-005 WASTE OIL ~ Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 2000 Low GAL CAS =It: 221 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Waste Days: 365 Use: WASTE Daily Màx GAL ~ Daily Average GAL ~ Annual Amount GAL -- 2,000 I 1,200.00 I 20,000.00 Storage ABOVE GROUND TANK r Press T Temp ~ Location Ambient Ambient EAST END OF YARD - Cone -, Components 100.0% Waste Oil, Petroleum Based ~ MCP --rList Low I 02-006 OXYGEN ~ Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 1686 Low FT3 CAS =It: 7782-44-7 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: WELDING SOLDERING Daily Max FT3 ~ Daily Average FT3 ~ Annual Amount FT3 -- 1,686 I 840.00 I 33,720.00 Storage r Press T Temp ~ Location PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above Ambient EAST END OF YARD - Cone l 100.0% Oxygen, Compressed Components I~ MCP --rList Low , e e 06/12/92 PICK YOUR PART INC 215-000-000006 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Page 4 Hazmat Inventory Detail in Reference Number Order 02-007 ACETYLENE ~ Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 1320 High FT3 CAS #: 74-86-2 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: WELDING SOLDERING Daily Max FT3 ----r-- Daily Average FT3 --r-- Annual Amount FT3 -- 1,320 I 700.00 I 34,320.00 Storage r Press T Temp -:-1 Location PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above AmbientlEAST END OF YARD - Conc l 100.0% Acetylene Components IH MCP -¡List High I 02-008 TRANSMISSION FLUID ~ Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 110 Low GAL CAS #: o Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 110 I ' 60.00 I ,700.00 Storage ABOVE GROUND TANK r Press T Temp -:I Location Ambient Ambient WEST END OF YARD - Conc l Components 100.0% Transmission Fluid (Petroleum-Based) I-=- MCP -¡List ¡Low I 02-009 MOTOR OIL ~ Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 55 Minimal GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GAL ' Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL 55 -¡ 30.00 I 300.00 Storage r Press T Temp ~ Location DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC Ambient Ambient WEST END OF YARD - Conc ~ Components 100.0% Motor Oil, Petroleum Based r; MCP ~List Minimal I e e 06/12/92 PICK YOUR PART INC 215-000-000006 00 - Overall Site Page 5 <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical <1> Agency Notification CALL 911 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY NON EMERGENCY RELEASE CALL 326-3979 COMPANY MANAGEMENT TEAM <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation HAND HELD RADIOS, VERBAL, PA SYSTEM PROBABLE IN NEAR FUTURE. <3> Public Notif./Evacuation V~6A/ ~ <4> Emergency Medical Plan LOCAL HOSPITAL LOCAL INDUSTRIAL CLINIC BEING SET UP NOW e e 06/12/92 PICK YOUR PART INC 215-000-000006 00 - Overall Site Page 6 <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt <1> Release Prevention STORAGE IN CLOSED METAL/AND OR APPROVED PLASTIC CONTAINERS <2> Release Containment SECONDARY CONTAINMENT, ALL LIQUIDS TO BE STORED ON SLABS OF CONCRETE. GAS, OIL, COOLANT <3> Clean Up FLOOR SWEEP, SAN, DRYING AGENTS. FOR LARGER SPILLS CALL ENVIRONMENTAL CLEAN UP COMPANY. <4> Other Resource Activation e - 06/12/92 PICK YOUR PART INC 215-000-000006 00 - Overall Site Page 7 <F> Site Emergency Factors <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - NONE B) ELECTRICAL - WEST WALL OF BUILDING, EAST WALL OF GARAGE C) WATER - BY WELL D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - ?????ï???1??? / # - WATl"b-rævúl:¡ I::L 6-1I~/Ýl/~ Þí'a-L. ~>< vA/6VISHrÆ-5 <' ¡-~I('--,~T5 :r ¡C C-A¿ ,c; ÆL cA/f-/ /l?Dl/t.... r c;> ~ it.. S,¡O t:J1: FIRE HYDRANT - ON UNION AVE. <4> Building Occupancy Level .. e e 06/12/92 PICK YOUR PART INC 215-000-000006 00 - Overall Site Page 8 <G> Training <1> Page 1 WE HAVE 10 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE HAZARDOUS COMMUNICATION PROGRAM ON FILE. /3 Z/11P/o'fLLJ <2> Page 2 as needed <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use ----_.~ . Bakersfield Fire Depe HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93~ , (805) 326-3970 í':;f( ~ UNDERGROUND TANK aUEsTloWNÃÍRE v RECE1VED JAN 0 3 1992, HA7. MAT. 01V. PARCEL No.(OPTlONAl) ./ BOX TO INDICATE ~ORPORA TlON a INDIVIDUAL a PARTNERSHIP a lOCAL AGENCY DISTRIClS a COUN1Y AGENCY a STATE AGENCY a FEDERAL AGENCY 1YPE OF BUSINESS a 1 GAS STATION a3FARM a 2 DISTRIBUTOR KERN COUN1Y PERMIT a 4 PROCESSOR a 5 OTHER TO OPERATE No. i ~~~ENC~~~~R~N(SE!~N~~~n~ DAYS: NAME (LAST, FIRSt) PHONE No, WitH AREA CODE I i I I EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (PRIMARY) DAYS: NAME (LAST. FIRSt) PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE fJo NIGHTS: NAME (LAST. FIRSt) PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE NIGHTS: NAME (LAST. FIRSt) PHONE No, WITH AREA CODE II. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION (MUST BE COMPLETED) NAME CARE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION MAiliNG OR STREET ADDRESS ./ BOX Q INDIVIDUAL Q lOCAL AGENCY QSTATE AGENCY TO INDICATE a PARTNERSHIP a COUN1Y AGENCY Q FEDERAL AGENCY CI1Y NAME STATE I ZIP CODE I PHONE No, WITH AREA CODE III. TANKOWNER INFORMATION (MUST BE COMPLETED) NAME CARE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION MA ILlNG OR STREET ADDRESS ./ BOX a INDIVIDUAL Q LOCAL AGENCY QSTATE AGENCY TO INDICA TE o PARTNERSHIP a COUN1Y AGENCY Q FEDERAL AGENCY CI1Y NAME STATE ZIP CODE PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE OWNER'S TANK No. DATE INSTAllED VOLUME PRODUCT STORED DO YOU HAVE FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY? V/N TYPE IN SERVICE V/N .. V / N V/N Y/N V/N V/N ". BUSINESS NJ!~: LOCATION: CITY, ZIP: PHONE 4: ~c-L ~V~ ¡:7~ OWNER NAME: ADDRESS: CITY, ZIP: PHONE,i: RECEIVED NOV 2 5 1991 page_ofL NAME OF THImr~I·:D'V. STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAL ID # ./V o Farm and Agriculture 0 Standard Business CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY '. NON - TRADE SECRET - - -- ",... 1 INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES 11 12 Use Location Where Code Stored in Facility 13 'by wt f e Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number Component , 1 Name , C.A.S. Number (Check all that apply) NUmber 0 0 o Reactivity D Immediate 0 Component , 2 Name , C.A.S. Fire Haz.ird Sudden Release Delayed of Pressure Health Health Component , 3 Name , C.A.S. Number / l/ I):::::> Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number Component I 1 Name , C.A.S. Number (Check all that apply) 0 0' Reactivity 0 0 Component It 2 Name , C.A.S. Number 0 Fire Hazlird Sudden Release Inunediate Delayed of Pressure Health Health Component , 3 Name , C.A.S. Number -, /,eA"c/SI"?,.J.sJOoJ rli/I Physical and H,~lth Hazard C.A.S. Number Component , 1 Name , C.A.S. Number (Check all that apply) 0 0 0 0 Component , 2 Name , C.A.S. Number Ci Fire Hazélrd Sudden Release Reactivity Inunediate Delayed of Pressure Health Heal th Component /I 3 Name , C.A.S. Number Physical and HE~lth Hazard (Check all that apply) 'î L Fire HazaLrd D Sudden Release of Pressure C.A.S. Number Component , 1 Name , C.A.S. Number Component It 2 Name , C.A.S. Number Component , 3 Name , C.A.S. Number 42 o Reactivity 0 Inunediate 0 Delayed Health Health EMERGENCY CONTACTS 41 Name Title 24 Hr. Phone Name Title 24 Hr Phone Certification (READ AND SIGN AFTER COMPLETING ALL SECTIONS) I certify under peanlty of law that I haver personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this and all attached documents and that based on my inquiry of those lOOMd"",' _....lbl. f~ :;~TŠ~:~.~l <he ._mod 1.fo_tioo 1. uue;;¡;¡t:'N / / k/9 J ",/\ME AND OFFICIA:~ TITLE OF CMNER/OPERATOR OR CMNER/OPERATOR'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE SIGN DATE SIGKED CITY of BAKEHSflELO HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY farll and Agticulture 0 Standard Business 0 NON-TRADE SECRETS ~USINESS NAHE':A¿/( ~V4.;C!,~ OWNER NAHE: NAME OF THIS FACIlITYò' u__'__" OCATION' ADDRESS' STANDARD IND. CLASS C DE:--.----.------'u''- ;1IM~ ~~P::::...-==----.---,..--==,:::~=== WIÓY ¡!P:_._______,_____ DUN AND BRADSTR~EI NUHB~R~-_ _ "-- '--·-R~F~h to-'INSTRUCTIONS-FOR-PROPER CODES ,- - - - - - I 2 J 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 II 12 I J U Iqns IVRe ~ax Average Annual Hea$ure I Oys Cont Cont Cont Use location Where 'by !Ialles of lIixture{çCfConents ' Code Code ht Allt Est UnIts on Site Jype Press 1e~p Code Stored In facility wt See lostru: 100S ¡VI p-C7ëOL 2- Ç--c I~OVO I~ )~~ pi I I I '1 r'1o ~src-Q ~ y;:¡~ Coqt.cJ. J-;-(¡;Nt{c~~-:c..e}= Fhy~ical ond He,lth Halard C.A.S. Humber COl1ponent" Hame' C.A.S. Humber ~ , r,' , ¡Check all that apply [J f ire Hazard o Reactivity ~elayed 0 Suddfn Release ~Health 0 Pressure ~/O Ibe Phy~icøl ood Health HaIard (Check all' that apply) Paqe __n_ of__ ------ COl1ponent 12 Name I C.A.S. Humber o Immediate Health Component 13 Ham8 I C.A.S. Humber I '1 1:1-h luJu} £--t-O ð P4dJ Component II Hal1e I C.A.S. HUl1ber 7CXJ B >6:;- 10 I I I C.A.S. HUllber EMERGENCY CONTACTS "1 "2 RIlle Htll fflfrFfiõñ¡- Rãíie ;ertifjçatioq (Reed and $ign af1t:Jr cÇ>mplç¡ti(1g, all. ~ectionS) . . I ce.tlly under penaltï 0 la~ that I have persona I'l examlnao OQd ,. famIliae WIt the InfortatlOR $ublltte4 In this ond all Itlaçhed dQcuments, ano t at Þased on Iy Inquirv 0 hose IndlVldua s responsIble or obtaIning the InformatIon. I belIeve that the ;ubl!lltted Inlormatlon IS true, accurate, and co~plete. . 'T . \ \3-e.(~ ,fV :5 I,'J OOl<- r1r~ ~rãl5riëT¡r-TT('é of own~r'Oøera(or UK owner/õPë~š-ãüthorlled representative S1gñãture [] Reactivity ~ela,ed [] Sudden Release Hea th of Pressure ,) Physical ond Health Halard ¡Check all that apply C.A.S. Humber o fire Hazard [] De Jayed [] Sudden He lease Health of Pressure [] Reactivity ~~oc ;2-(¡O PhlSicØI and Health Haiard I heck all that apply ,fAire Hazardl ,[] Reactivity dr1eJayed ÆY ~ Health Is-.PDO~ .?6Ç C.A.S. Humber o Sudden He I ease of Pressure )l'1oæ/J ¡)i-I é.. r ¿ (,' { b ~ [] Conponent 12 Nal1e I C.A.S. HUllber IlImediate Health COllponent 13 Nalle I C.A,S. Humber Component II Hal1e' C.A.S. Humber [] Component.2 Name I C.A.S. Nunber IlImed iate Health COl1ponent 13 Hal18 I C.A.S. Hunber oþ 1/ if I/~ I¡.it/¿.)¡~o~~ Component II Hall8 I C.A.S. NUllber D ( Ê: 6Ë'- f-u rëL . /. --, , 'J ' Component 12 Nam8 I C.A.S. Number [] Immediate Health Component 13 Hame I C.A.S. Number TTOe H Hf 'FIïõnr-- /O¡Í6/¿¡V OHe--Siq~H-- ') CITY of ~AKEHSrlELIJ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Farm and AgticlJlture 0 Standard Business 0 NON-TRADE SECRETS Page ___' of ~P~INESS.NAHE: Ac.../(í6v~j7~ ~~~~~s~~ME: ~~MnD~~DT~~B.FêfUPt¿OE:----'--------'------ n__u JrçTIOt1lp:--------- c TV zip: DUn AND BRADSTREEl NUHBER-" '-- u_, . _'U )IIOII~ ~:.. -----------'-'---===--== iiwMh M-;O-'INST-;¡~rIDN~-'FDR-PROPER CODES - - - - - - - -__~__,_,___ 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 II 12 13 ( Ir~ns IYAe lax Average Annual Hea$ure . Dys Cont Cont Cont Usq loc~tion ~hece 'by flam of "ixture{çOfconents Code (ode ht Amt Est Units on Site 'ype Press 'emp Code Stored In facIlity Wt /-v~~~~~; ~~hO ;'~:.s-I--~ 10" 71/[ rrf[¡l0-r-þO 1-7c>~J~:3 hS 10 / I J tTI:u I~.c-.o d" ;w-o _ /r C..d I ~v,.,,-,. ~ FhHical ~nd He,lth Mafard C.A.S. Humber COl1ponent II Hame' C.A.S. NUllber V'' ' (Check all that apply þ- .Jl:1>ire Hamd o Reactivity ~elayed 0 Suddrn Release Health 0 Pressure C0l1ponent.2 NaMe' C.A.S. Number o JIImediate Health Component.3 NaMe I C.A.S. Number ~S5 I::JÓ Phy~ic.1 'nd Heolth Halard ICheck a I that apply) '3<:;70 ~I 365 lo~ I / C.A.S. Number IIf 12.61Ú/~d' ~ COMponent II Na~e I C.A.S. Number qO¿;J-r~~-oi/ / V -, QÍ::Dre Hazard ~Jared o Suddfn Re lease o Component .2 Name' C.A.S. Number o Reactivity Immediate Hea th o Pressure Health Component 13 Name I C.A.S. Number =r=I I D l Phlsical fnd ~eolth Haiard C.A.S. Number COMponent II Name I C,A.S. Number I heck a I t at apply o Reactivity o Suddf" Release o Component .2 NaMe' C.A.S. Nunber ,Of ire Hazard o De Jared Immediate Hea th o Pressure Health Co~ponent 13 Name I C.A.S. Number =r=c I D C.A.S. Number COMponent.1 NaMe' C.A.S. Number Phrsjcal end Health Halard ICheck all that applYI o Fire Hazard ,0 Reacthity o Delayed 0 Sudden Release Health of Pressure O i Co~ponent.2 NaMe I C.A.S. NUMber hmed ate Hea I th Co~ponent.3 NaMe I C.A.S. Number EMERGENCY CONTACTS 11 12 RIme ntl, nlInfiõñ¡- Rãíie Title ertifiçatioq fReed and $ign af1f3r cçmpleting all rcectiO(15) I certify un1er penaltï 0 la_ th,t I have persona I~l examlnqo eijd,. familiae tit the Infor~atlPn Gub.itte~ in this ond all ¡ltaçhed dQcuments, ano t at based on .Y Inquiry 0 hose Indlvldua s responslb e or obtaining the Inforlatlon. I believe that the ;ubmltted ,nfor.atlon IS true, accurate, and co~plete. ~ ~ ~ ,,,O~TSA./06/( /~ '!rã~1(jriëTfr-fT!'e 01 ownerlopefjtor UN owner/operator's aüIhorlzed representative STgñãture Z{HfFñðne- ----- ~~t:f~, e Bakersfield Fire D.. Hazardous Materials Division 2130 "G" Street J Bakersfield, CA 93301 ()~/ . /i~HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN ~c~ ~(J ifø INSTRUCTIONS: 1. To avoid further action, return this form within 30 days of receipt. ~~ 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. . ~ 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. I \ Q ~ 4. Be brief and concise as possible. j :2'--\:- b I:) '-- I ~ 5C- SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA BUSINESS NAME: ;8 C' Ie Yo u ;e fJ/l-,¡~T. / ~ e , I 21 ¿, 0 r d, L/ /oJ I cJ 4J . LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: ~Mr:.. CITY: /J K.5 F!) STATE:C,4. ZIP: 93307PHONE: 833- () 'if DO DUN & BRADSTREET NUMBER: ø SIC CODE: PRIMARY ACTIVITY: /Jure iJT¡{!'D {)r_ç~ /I~/¿/ ~tS- OWNER: é (j)¡\ ¡J. /-i De¿ T 5 . .' -.... MAILING ADDRESS: /::: () / E. O¡CHJt.J6-¡¿ uJ ~c D AtUl-I riél /l-1. (/l / ' c¡ z 3' tJ Ç'" SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION: f!' CONTACT TITLE l. ß/4ÇA.lT ..r AI ðD/é. ;M ~f)_ 2. ;21/1< G /}ÚG-EL¿O AI ú-fl . BUS. PHONE 24 HR. PHONE 8" ~.~ -- 0 t () ù g- _5 I 6 '7 '3 9 ~7 /- 'f.)ç~ (ì-lðÞ1Æ£ ) 1. FeIS;, e Bakersfield Fire Dee Hazardous Materials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 3: TRAINING: NUMBER OF EMPLOYESS; 2-.5 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: VZ--S BRIE:: SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: /'¡A~/O<;:X/5 c....or""?/'7 VA/J~-¡/ 0-./ /~4!.0 ~/"7 0/\-/ A í.¿.,. ' SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST: '- I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6.95 OF THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY'CODE" FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: - WE DO NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. WE DO HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO TlMEEXCEED THE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTITIES. OTHER (SPECIFY REASON) SECTION 5: CERTIFICATION: I, ~~71S,A-/06/( CERTIFYTHATTHEABOVEINFOR- MAnON IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIV. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES PERJURY. ~~ SIGNATURE m¿;¿ TITLE /oA0jqO DATE 2, Fe ~ . \ -';., e Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Divisio_ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Facility Unit Name: jJrer< '-/Õc//L 4,.(27, /~L . SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES: A. AGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: d. (} ¡lfLL 7' I / IN (!.CL& <2 0ç e J..{eR.jeNC- Y &. (];/4- L- L ¿J - ,- I' : ~ ~~ y___ 1'f!! ' ,. f "---J ; 3 2 , - .5 9 7 7 - NON tHeR-:¡eNCÝ R,et...ea..r. <e r . (I. C.o~?~~ rrJ,q.A/4b2/J&~T Tz..q;r¡ B. EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION: /I/;-AJ b !/G¿ZJ ~r1f)I'O S I/F¡(iJ~L ¡J. /I. f'lS/E/l1 ¡tJre¿'{3/!-¡J L¿ /P d'Þl'9d ÆJ7U/l,£. . . C. PUBLlC-eVACUATION: tV.J () u? f) ~ () T' rTfJ/J t:, V -. ~, D. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: 1/. ¿ 6 e./4 '- fÄ.:. ~r / T,4 L ~ . ¿ Oe' A L / ,iJ ¡) L)S 7jZ/ /1 L- C C / JJI ¿ . '.1 ßç /Nc"- ~£r uP AfoL-rJ. ,. I 3., FOI&;\" e Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Divisi<4t ..... ... .,,, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 7: MITIGATION, PREVENTION AND ABATEMENT PLAN: A. RELEASE PREVENTION STEPS: 5 /i::> I2.+C----& ; ¡J C '-OS £.0 1l1.e7?¡ ~ 4-/\1 ð 0/02. A-//J¡2(jl..Jf!J ¡J¿/1-:) ne- CCJJ77J-I;; ~/Z f B. RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR MINIMIZATION: $G:CØdD412- V Cð,.v /.4ìJJ¡v!G:/¡) T /fl-L- £/4/(.,11'05 To R E 517JIZE £J ðA/ .$ c../lG..s. (-ct:'O"J(~/~ (Ý/J-.5; I eJlL ) ~C;Cl /J,J T C. CLEAN-UP PROCEDURES: F ¿ðcJ/L" I'ç 0££,tJ S/l-N b !J/J. f.j IÅJ{- ,ll-6c.-Ji..,S , , , rc::;;Y'1../ ~ S'~;/I$ c-9j I LVILfJ~z;;JM! t::.-/~c/P c-c~~ . SECTIONS: UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY): NATURAL GAS/PROPANE: 1) N A-. /,J _ ' I.L/ LU&_, T (,1.),4(" L ð ¡C 1St /)(;-, --- ........... ELECTRICAL: C/.k!.é Ut f II Æ-/.¿-S. Ú::/ F,4ç /' W,9",- 0/.= r9'/1æJ4~£ WATER: ["I VJ E.ll_ ( L- "'C'~T6't:J) s £ ~ fl-ff4 q{ (þ .,(1/{ {J f SPECIAL: LOCK BOX: Y~ IF YES. LOCATION: SECTION 9: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER A V AILABILlTY: A. PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION: ¡)ði Ý~I B. WATER AVAILABILITY (FIRE HYDRANT): /-IY/}/2/f¡J.7 CJttl u¡e)/oJ /f,J. 4. FO! ~ , HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Farm and Agtlculture [] Standard Business [] p ;.r r../ NON-TRADE SECRETS BUSINESS NAME: I' /C,//¡ / <7V£-?~ ' OWNER NAME: NAME OF THIS FACILITY: lOCATION' ADDRESS' STANDARD IND. CLASS COOF:---- , CI1Y ZIP: CITY zlp: DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER-·-'------,·-·---- PHON~ ": ' PHONË ": REFER T01NSTRUCTIONS-roR-PROPER CODES - - - - 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 . Dys Cant Cant Cant Use location Where 'by 'lues of ~ixture{çc \conents on SIte Type Press Temp Code Stored In FacIlIty Wt See Instruc Ions >6'; ðz" I ÇA: c.-Q ~ ~ Go. 0 L Component.1 Name I C.A,S. Number 1 Trans Code 4 Average Amt 5 Annual Est 3 Max Allt C.A.S. Number CITY of BAKERSFIELD ~Fire Hazard ~ ~ Component.2 Name I C.A.S. Number [] Reactivity It) oelared [] Suddfn Release ~mmediate Hea th 0 Pressure Health Component.3 Name & C.A.S. Number ( 2-- a:;, PhY$ical 80d Health Hafard (Check all that apply L9.sí¿.-o 0.,0 W.eo Component.1 Name I C.A.S. Number o Fire Hazard [] Reactivity 't:;zL Dehred [] Suddfn Release ~ Hea th 0 Pressure Component.2 Name & C.A.S. Humber [] Immediate Health Component.3 Name I C.A,S, Number ~Fire Hazard [] Reactivity [] Delayed~Sudden Release Health of Pressure [] Reactivity [] De I ared rrludden Re 1 ease Hea th~ - of Pressure &vQ ti:J¿o 'dbþ/}L Component.l Hame & C,A.S. Humber Component.2 Name I C,A,S. Number [] Immediate Hea lth Component.3 Name & C.A.S. Number ~~ ~12D /77oþ¡Jt!!.- Name I C.A.S. Number ~ Component.2 Name & C.A.S. Number mmediate Health Component.3 Name & C.A.S. Number Page of - " " 'V EMERGENCY CONTACTS #1 "2 /fame Tttl e Z41fr poone Rame Tltl e ~ertifjcatioq fReed and $ign aflßr c9mp7eting Ç177 sections) certIfy under penaltx 0 la~ th~t I have persona Iy examlneo e"d 8m familIar ~ith the informatIon $ubmitted in this end all :ttaçhed dQcu~ents, anQ t at based on my Inquiry 0 those IndIVIduals responsible for obtaIning the InformatIon. I belIeve that the ;ubmltted Infor~atlon IS true, accurate, and complet~ S' ~ 'IJ ó<-é A.f"'T tJ 0 ð (C :~~! arol5fîclal tItle of o~n~r/operator O~ owner/ope~ator's authorIzed representatIve STgñãture zrlfrPñ~ /oß¡Ç;/90 Unniqroed I r ¡, 4 OCT-15-1990 11: 17 FROM PYP EXECUTIVË~_u - ,¡ e e TO P.02 BAKERSFIELD If .. ' t, . EMERGENCY>RESPONSE PLAN " , Business: pic'k Your Part " Address: 2l2Ø So. Union Ave. Bakersfield,. CA 933Ø7 PROCESSES IN WHICH HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ARB USED: 1. 2. 3. 4. S. 6. Storage of unclaimed motor. vehicles; including stao~in9 of low-value motor vehicles using forklif~s. Draining, storage, and removal of fluids from motor vehicles, including gasoline, diesel fuel, motor all, transmission fluids, brake fluid, radiator fluids, and other automotive fluid~. Removal of batteries from vehicles. Removal of radia~ors from vehicles. Removal of misc~llaneous contents from abandoned vehicles. Crushing of vehicles, using crusher machinery and cru~he~ pad. t:C ' " . , . EMERGENCY RESPONSE NUMBBRS , ' . .' Bakersfield Fire Dept. ...."..................... 911 Kern County Sheriff Dept. t:..................... 911 ~. California Dept. of health Hazardous Waste ...... 'l~8ØØ-2S8-6492 < National Roøponse Center Toxic Chemicals and oil Spills ...........~................. 1-800-424-8802 Utility Services Emergency...................... (S9S) 861-3636 , ' Ambulance - EMERGENCY................. 911 Bakersfield Community Hospital....... .':_ (8Ø5) 392-9311 Kern Medical Center ................... (895) 326~2ØØØ Ba~er8fiGld Memorial Hospital......... (8SS) 327-1792 . , I, LOCATION OF TELEPHONES AND A~ARMS , . . .. , ~'j~~·h {. 'f 1. 2. 3. In counter area In main office (Lincoln Ave.) Public Talephone at entrance by Guard Post. 1 &. , \ e ~_/~--- /'''''\ <. (. ~< '.j ( ~.~, '!' . ~, ! ~ ~ I \ I i ,_ ",'1 L ...... I ) '- .; / L~ J / " \ l' e . -rf:',. . . . -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,'. . , - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - ' OCT-1S-1990 11: 17 FROM _ EXECUTIVE , , : .. r. i , '~" , " , ,/" ~H ¡.. rJ1 , i t, : " ',,~ ,:d' ',I ; ¡', , . , 'I 1'~ 1 ~ " d' ,; '~, '1 " . ~,'.,' , ~ ,<' I J j ,:,' .: '~ ,.' ,",/:-', f ... ',' " :' '!,,";.' TO BAKERSFIELD P.03 "e ". , . OTHER AGENCIES . 1. County of Kern I Health Care Agency I I ... (80S) 861-3644 2. California Highway Patrol .......~....... 911 PRB-EMERGENCY CONTACTS WITH BMERGgNCY SERVICES . 1. Conault:a~ion with B,aker:sfi,ld rire Dept. (t91l) regarding type, quantity, anð location of fire fighting equipment and training of personnel in use of equipment. . ~ " WHEN TO NOTIry BMSRGENCY RESPONSE AGENCIES " ~. PERSON(S) RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTACTING AGENCIES . Mikœ Augallo (Store Manager) Brent Snook (Assi$tant Manager) , " ", NOTIFICATIONS FOR HAZARDOUS MATERIAL SPILLS Bakersfield rire Department .........'...... California Dept. of Health Hazardou$ Waste .............................. National Response ~enter To~i~ Chemicals and 011 Spills ........~............ 911 1-S0 0-2S~-64,~2 J' ;',' c'0:.. " l-a0ø- 4 2¡'~8Ø2 i~J', ' .- , NOTIFICATIONS FOR SPILLS ON ROADWAYS . ..., , " ' Bakersfield Fire Department ............. 911 ,National Reaponae Center Toxic Chemicals and oil Spills ..................... 1-800-424-8802 NOTIFICATIONS FOR FIRES Bakersfield ri,e Department ............. 911 Sheriffs Department ..................... 911 EVACUATION PLAN METHOD or ALARM TO EMPLOYEES , i ~ : 1. Loud speaker (P.A.) system 2. Hand held radios and walkie-talkies (diff!J:.ent systems) 2 u"' OCT-1S-1990 11:18 FROM 411rP EXECUTIVE TO "e BAKERSFIELD P.04 ROUTES OF EGRESS (EXITS) All employees will consult site plan in advance of any emergenoy and ,learn emergency exits and evacuation routes, which are shown on attached map. , METHOD TO ACCOUNT FOR ALL PERSONS Count people to time cards for that shift, also all ,employees will meet in the open yard near main office if it's safe to do so. The Emergency Coordinator (Site Manager) will have a checklist'of all employees. All employees will ôneck in with the Coordinator in person or by radio. ALERTING NEIGHBORS Emergency Coordinator (Site Manage) will be responsibl.: for notifying users of all adjacent properties by phone or·.~y messenge r." i PROCEDURES FOR SHUT OFF OF GAS, WATER, AND ELECTRICITY . A. Electricity - Shut off main transformer brêaker. B. Gas - Shut off main valve if necessary. C. Water - Shut off main valve if necessary. * 1f needed will call Utility Services Emergency (895) 861-2491 SPILLS AND LEAKS or HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SPILL AND LEAK CONTAINMENT gQUIPMENT (availability and maintenance) 1. Notify the Site Managers immediately in the event of any spill. The Site Manager will evaluate the hazarð and coordinate the clêan up procedure. E~acuate if told to do so by the Site Manager and if it is safe to do 80 without personal danger, attempt to contain the spill immediately using protective gear. Once the situation is controlled, the Emergency Coordinator 18 responsible for notifying the proper authorities or agencies that there has been a spill of hazardous materials. 2. Dry sweep, man~al pump, brooms and shovols. Safety equipment thðt will be used by employees include gloves, face shields and breathing oquipmont if nêêded. 3 OCT-15-1990 11:19 FROM PYP EXECUTIVE IU C"""~I'wl ,,~...,., e '- SPILLS AND LEAKS OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (CONT) PROCEDURES FOR CONTAINMÉNT AND CLEANUP MATERIAL(S) Used gas: Contatned in above ground tanks with'Safety '- PROCEDURES Call Fire Dept. ................ 911 Spread Dry Sweep to contain spills. Onoe this situation is' controlled, the Emergency Coordinator is responsible fo~ notifying the proper authorltios or agencies that there has bêèn a spill of hazardous material. Also, all tanks will be visually inspected by Site'Manag~r and properly monitbred for spills. MATERIAL(S) Used oil and anti-treeze PROCEDURES " 1. Pump out of containment area into barrels. 2. Finish clean .uP with dry sweep. ," 3. Call Fire Dept. if needed (911). Once the sltuat~on ie controlled the emergency Coordin~tor is rœsponeible for notifying the proper authorities or agencie~ thal t~~re has been, a spill of hazardous material. ~' . M1\.TERIALS(S) Batteriesl Are stored on pallets on concrete slab with 4" retaining wall. If spillage occurs, se. next line. PROCED,tJRES Spread baking soda and Dry Sweep to contain it. Once the situation is controlled, the Emergency Coordinator is reeponslble for notifying the proper authorities or agencies 'that there has been a spill of hazardous materials. 't CONTAINMENT AND CLEANUP, PROCEDURES FOR SPILLS ON ROADWAYS Dry sweep, manual pume, brøoms, and shovels. Safety Equ~pmênt: Gloves, ~p:ron~ face shield, and breathing equipment if nt!eded.'f,:' '. .t' .' , . ," t·, , " Numbers to call if neededt . Çalifornia Highway Patrol................ 911 Fire Dept. ............................... 911 E.P.A. ................................... (714) 523-3464 4 4 .."" · ~ -, -- tr'. : OCT -1S-199Ø 11 : 19 FROe ~~-p- ~~~~~~-I ~E- - -- - - - . , , -- -T~- - ". -- -- -- ~~~~~~~-I ~~~- -- - ~-. ~~- -- - - - - -- h FIRES AND EXPLOSIONS., EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT (availability and maintenance) Fire Extinguishers 2Ø-1Ø ¡bs. - ABC. Fire Extinguishers 2Ø-10 lbs. - Water. Water, hoses and valves throughout the yard. Dry Sweep. PROCEDURES FOR CONTAINING SMALL FIRES Facility Emergency ,Coordina~ors and designated employees are trained in use of on site fire fighting equipment. If & small fire ooours ðnd you can control the situation and extinguish it easily. using emergency equipment, then do so. Otherwise: , &. Evaluate immediate area so to avoid per90na~ danger. b. Notify Site Manager providing the following information: name, location, type of" emergency ( fir e) .' c. Remain in telephone communication, if directed by emergency coordinato; to direot ~mergency crews to exact location of fire. . , , d. If the entire yard must be evaluated, contact the, Emeriency Coordinator than evaouate away fro~ fire as d rected i~ evacuation plan. Do not retUYR , until instructions by Emergency Coordinator that ~ it is safe to do so. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR rIRES INVOLVING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Notify Site Manager. Providing Name, Location, Type of emergenoy (fire involving hazardous waste). ~vacuate immediately. The Emergency Coordinator will be responsible for notifying authorities, and informin~ them that the fire involves hazardous wast8~' i' ," ...... 5 " . Ii.~........................... -,- - - :. ,qcT-1S-1990 11:20 FROM 4IÞYP EXECUTIVE, TO BAKERSFIELD P.07 'e , . EARTHQUAKES SAFEST LOCATION(S) IN BUILDING DURING AN EARTHQUAKE ~ ;. " Get under desks, doorways. PROCEDURES TO SECURE AND ASSESS CONDITION OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS STORAGE , a. Make sure tanks are standing straight and upright. b. Check (visu~lly) .all aboYe ground tanks and check monitoring systèms to see if any spillage has occurred. c. If some liquid has been spil1edc 1. Gather drums 2. Manuai pumps 3. Dry sweep 4. Shovels .: 5. Respirators 4nd other safety equipment needed as requ ired 6. Pump all liquids into S5 gal. drums and store 1n proper, areas . . . r ,. INJURIES CAUSED BY HAZARDOUS MATSRIALS FIRST AID FACILITIES/EQUIPMENT (avåilability and maIntenance) , First Aid Kit on premises. Managers and Supervisors all Red Cross trained for ,CPR and First Aid Training. Also, earthquake and disaster preparedness training is done by Amerioan Red Cross. NOTIFICATION or AMBULANCE AND MEDICAL FACILITY ( , Emergency number .... ~. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . ... 911 ,.' Bakersfield community' Hospital .......... (90S) 392-0311 Bakersfield Memorial Hospital........... (80S) 327~1792 ", . ..' . , ....'¡ . ..... " ~ 6 . ,...' , . . ,.' .. 1;..: I: ~ .' . ".,....' .. .~.. .. '_,~~'u.'· ..',' " . , t " :~:f:·~' '!> , ., ;, ,i' ,I I , ! ! ' , ì, 'i '! . .. '. ¡ í i ,; " ULI-l~-19gØ 11:2Ø FROM PYP EXECUTIUE TO 'e e TRAINING . . BF=lKERSFI ELD F.ØS Prior to starting new work assignment an employee will be instructed in the use and location of emergency ,equipmint and emergency prooedures. METHOD FOR 'TRAINING NEW EMPLOYEES Evacuation Plans: Bach employee will read this plan and sign an aoknowledgement that he or she has understooð the plan and has hað any questfons answered. Refresher training will be provided on a regular basis and at safety maetings. METHOD FOR,ANNUAt'REtRESHER TAAIN~NG . All Site Managers and Supervisors are required ~o take a refresher course yearly and follow up training is raquired.. by Pick Your part Corp. Safety Dèpt:. . . i ,: " .,./......' .. ,,'. , 7 .' ~ .......~.. ..'t _ _ _ _ ... .. _ _ .. .. _ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. _ _ _ _ .:. _ _ _ _ .. ,. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ~, IfT-15-1990 11:21 FROM eyp EXECUTIVE I TO:. BAKERSFIELD P.09 .. : ' . ' . HAZARD COMMUNICATION PROGRAM , Pick Your Part has dovoloped a Hazard Communication Program to enhancé our employee's health and safety. As a company, we int~nd to provide information about chemioal hazards and other hazardous substances and the control of hazard. via our comprehen.ive Hazard Communication Program whLch includes container labeling, Material sateti'Data Sheets (MS D S), an d t r a in in 9. . : .. .. . " #' ì~' ; . ~ ,.' ; . .. ,,- .. ",;Ý'-;' .... , ¡ r .' 1 r ¡ f ¡ OCT-1S-199B 11:21 F1i PYP EXECUTIVE TO,. BAKERSFIELD P.1B . . t . . f , . . ... ... I. CONTAINER LABELING . It is thœ policy of this company that no contain~r of hazardous substance will be rœleasad for use until thQ following label information is' verified, , a. Containars are clearly labelad as to the contœnts. b. Appropriate hazard warnings are noted. c. The name an~ address of the manufacturer ar~ listed. llt.(t4:I ~\I"'/~ · the-~aza~' policy to lab~l all This responsibility has been assigned to To further ensura that employees erœ aware of materials used 1n their work areas, it 1s our secondary containers. The supe tV isor ~.r.e.bti_S);Jm'6_ in each sect ion ,./i 11, ensu tl!, that all secondary contain~rs are labeled with either Ððl~xtra copy of the orig1na1 manufacturer's label or with genœr1~~labøl! which have a block for identity and blocka Eor h~zard W',rrdnfJ,.· ,. '. " . . , t; - ...... . ..........~ :/-- 2 <t: . '-:~. ' : , ~------------------------------------------_. ; OCT-;1S-19gø 11:22 FROM PWXELlJrIUE --.-....--------------- , TO .. . BAKERSF I ELD P.11 .. J , fl. . . ., . , II. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS Ii :' ." ,. Copies of'MSDS for all hazardous substances to which em~oY..8 of this company m~y be èxposed a~œpt in ~e\\J" S)JOC~ and ;QB,p. ÒtbCt~~ · The safety Supervisor' ~~þ~'~ ~\~~~ will be responsible for obtaining a~~dðta shõet sy.stem for the company. .__" .. . . ~ÙJ S~þ~· will review lncoinin9 data sheets for nêw and sign ficant health/safety information. lie/she will see that any new information is passed on to·the affecteð employees. (If alternatives to actual data .hQøta'~rQ used, provide B description of the '.y.tern). f1SDS will be reviœwed f~~' ~ompletœnctss by _£L~Q~~t~~~ue~ . 1 f an t·\SDS, is m lSB lng or obv lUUS li" incomplete, a now MSDS will be requested from the manufacturœr. Cal/OSHA will be notified 1f a complete MSDS is not:received. USDS are available ~o all employoes in' ~heir work area EOr" re'l ie'W"dür Lng each wor k .. sh 1 ft. 1 f -1SDS are not ava! lablœ or new hazar~us ~s~ance (8) in use do not have r1SDS, please contact' . ~,' ~D~\~~~'!-(:)~~ immediately. r .. " , .. , , .. . ,¡ti " ;>'-;. .:"Y" , " , . 3 I \ ¡ , 1f:.._JJ~'.. ~i . OCT-15-1990 11:22 FROM PYP EXECUTIVE e' TO tlHKt:t'(~~1t:.L..1J :ft r. .A.c. III. EMPLOYEE INFORMATION AND TRAINING Emplo ees 'Up by 'information an health ~nd safety or1~ntation G~t prio~ to starting work for traini 9 on the following I . .. " a. An oVer~iew of the requi~emen~s contained in tho h~zard communication regulation, including thœir rights under tha regulation. 'I b. Infòrm employçes of any operations in their work ar~D where ha~ardoue.substances are present. . . c. Location and availability of tho writt.'en 'haz~rd'~ '. communication program. . d. Physical and health effects of the hazardouB substancas. ! e. Methods and observations techniques used to detarmine the presence or ralease of haz~rdous Bubstanc~s 1n the wo r k are a . ' " ',' ' f. ., . ~': ~) ',; , I How to lessen or ørevent exposur& to thêS~ ho%ordous substances through usage of engineering controls, ~ork practices, and/or the use of personal protectivQ equ ipment. r, , I " 9- Steps the company has taken to lessen or pravent exposure to these substances. h. Emergency and First Aid procedures to follow if employees are expos~d to hazardous substance(s). 1. How to read labels and review MSDS to obtain appropriate hazard information., NOTE. It is critically important that all of out ~mplOYQQa understand the training. .If you h:,wl! any aùdltion~l questions, please! contact ~_~º~~ . , . . When new hazardous substances are introc]ucad, _.=ßS"e.~_.___ S}jD.D~ will review tho ilbo'/e items as th'!y artt rol:1ted to the new materfal 1n your work area safety maeting. :..(. 4 [' . " : ~ .:' , I,,', . " \' ¡ . , I <- ~ ~ " , " ' OCT-1'5-H;~gØ 11: 23 I=ROM :)V :) E:~E:CUTIUE: ,e I~,. , . . IV. LIST OF HAZARDOUS SbaST^NCE . , .. I ' The following is a llst of all known hazardous suba~ances present at Pick Your Part ' . Specific information on each noted ~azardous substance(s) can be obtained by reviewing the 'Material ~afaty Data Sheets. Ha~ardous Substances' . , Work hrea or ~rocesa a. Diesel Fuel Oil .~." Maintenance Dept. Fueling, Fuelera, MechanJcs, Forklift Op~ratora, Scrap Dept. : Maintenance P.pt. Machanlc'. Motor Breakers,' rool ~~,[son( s) Scrap Dept. ,:, .~:> . Ii. ' b. Safety Kleen lØS Solvent '6617 t. ABC Dry Chemical (Ammoniom Phosphate) . Maintena~ce Dept. Mechanic,' Forklift Operators, Motor Breake rs, Set ap Dept. . Forklift Operators,::' , Haintenance Dept., 's.è:r.,4P Dept. " ¡}',,: All Areas In Yard, Fire Brigade, Scrap Dept., Retail Dept. ^ll Areas In Yard, rite Brigade, Scrap Dapt., natail De pt. c. Universal Tractor Fluid d. Propane e. Dry Chemical (So~ium Bioarbonate) Fire Extinguishers q. He 1 i urn (Gas) h. Covered Eløotrodes (We 1ò lng Rods) i. Automatic Transmissi.on Fluid j. OXYgen / . .' II , . k,. Acety,lene J , . L. Gaøolinœ Leaded and Unleaded \qa ld 1n9 De pt. , \"elders , Cutters, Scrap Dept. * \~(t ld in9 Dept., Cut.tœrs and \ielde r s, S¡;: r ap Dept. t-ialntenance t)Qpt., r.tl!chanlcB, Lift operators, scrap Dopt. Welding Dept., W~lð~rs and Cutters, Scrap »ept. welding Dept., Cutters and Welders, Scrap Dept. PSaintœnance Dept., nC!ché1nic(s) Fuelers, Forklift Operator, scrap Dept. ' 5 , . ~ .... . '< ----~-------------------------~------------------------------------------------------------------------ .' '.' OCT-1S-1990 11:23 FR_ PYP EXECUTIVE TO :. BAKERSFIELD P.14 . ' . V. HAZARDOUS NON-ROUTINB TASK Periodically, employees are required' to perform hazardous non"routine tasks. ' Prior to starting work on such projects, each , - affected employee will be given information by their supervisor about hazards to wh'loh t.hey may be expose.d dur ~n9 such an activity. ~ ~ ,- HAZAltDOUS SUB9T^NCE a. Removing Gas Tanks Gasoline Un lQl1t3ad or Loaded ~. b. Ret.ail Yard Maintenance , Lime , .' c. Veh Ie le Stripping Gasoline, Oil, Flu i,ûs - ,R12 d. Fueling Gasoline, Fluids, D i.e.se 1 Fuel . .. ,. .. / . 4~ ' i{'I' , -..;. . 4.i:i f . '.' " : . .Þ" .-" ,,." j: I 1 . , 6 , I ¡ ! ' '1 : OCT-1S-1990 11:24 'OM ?Y? EXECUTIUE IU '. VI. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES IN UNLABELED PIPES To ensure that our employees' who work on un'lab/! lœd P ipGS have, been informed as to the hazardous substance~ contained within, the followln~'pollcy has been established. ' Pr lor to start lng wor k ,on unlabe led pipes, our' employees aro to cont.act '~,<"e~~ CS'400~. for the following in f Q r mat ion:' . ." ..' ' "a. Hazardous substance in the pipe, b. Potential hazards, 0.- Safety precautions which shall be taken. .7, '. . ,.' . I" .' , !:' . " ('.':"~."~. ' " ~ J'"' , . . . , r ,. . :: /', .. \. 7 , t, C1' OCT ':1~':1~· -;;.-;; -;,;;¡ -;,:,;; ~;;;'~-l~ -- - -- - - - -...; ~.. - - - -. - ;;;~;;;;l~··· ;;'-1~' -. - -.... . ~ . : ,". VI I. INFORt<UNG CONTRACTORS " To ensure that outside' contractors work saEøly 1n our yards, it is the responsibility of ~~~~:L-;;~O~~ to provide contractors the follow n9 in(õrmatlon: a. Hazardous substances to which they may be oxposod while on the jobsite. b. Precautions the'ømployees may takœ to lessen, ~he possibility of exposure by usage of appropriate protecti~e measures. : 1""'\""\ If anyone has questions ¡about this plan contadt ~,~O~_ ~o ~G:s\,.)e~ . Our: plan will bQ monitored by b~ ~~Q."'l:.~u·~'i... to ensurø that the pOliclG9 art! " carr e out an ~pLan is effective. . '. ~ . A. Rod nodr ique~ . Safety Manager ". ." ' . ~ .i, ,. , ,. , , .., .......' . /,...' , , " . 8 "....~ , . e', ,ø .., . .,.. . Hazardous Substanc& a. Diesel Fuel Oil \ t b. .. II . INVENTORY LIST Area Used Maintenance Dept., Fueling Area, Scrap Safety Kleen Solvent ", Scrap Dept., Maln~ønance ~luid ' .-/"'. '" Dept. ..... ' c. universal Tractor d. Propane e. Reg. Dry Chemical f. ' ABC Dry Chemioal g. ,He lium (Gas) h. ~ ' ,. Covered Eleotrodes . .' Automatic Transmisšion Fluids j. Oxygen i, , ,. k. Aoety lene 1. Gasoline . I ~~; m. Battery Acid ~\..;;:, ".. 'scrap Dept., Maintenance Dept. Scrap Dept., ruœling ~rea All Dept.. All Depts. . '·.~·'Weldln9 Dept., Scrap Dept. .' Welding Dept.'., Scrap Dept. . , . All Depts. \"..lding Cutting Areas Same . Scrap Dept., Maintenance Dept. Battery Area, Sctap . ' /" '~':i .: ; .,.~fi;: ~ ; " .. .. ". 9.. . MSDS - " Yes I . Yes . ' . Yes Yœs YØ& .,. ~ .. Yes Yea " ,~Ye~, , ;",t ..:': Yes , .' , Yes .. Yes ri . , Yes Yœs 1....... ~...t Fo~rns IF ft¡-·-i:f1T ~ËCE I VEO [) C T 2 7 1989 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS COMPLIANCE STATEMENT Ans'd (To be completed by Building Permit Applicant and/or Site Plan Review Applicant) ............ .., Hakerstield r'ire ~t. Hazardous Materials Divi. in BUSINESS NAME Pitre.- TS 2/Zò Fo~~ ¿.£ S S 5:', L/ /J 16¡.) CnA/7/9-T/\./ £ ,.) ff¡/ , 1l1, Ac/6-E¿¿O LOCATION PLEASE READ ALL OF THE INFORMATON CAREFULLY, FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGULATIONS MAY RESULT IN CIVIL LIABILITIES OF UP TO $2000.00 FOR EACH DAY IN WHICH THE VIOLATION OCCURS. (NOTE) If you handle, store, use or dispose of, reportable quantities of any hazardous substance, you are required by California Law to complete a Hazardous Materials Business Plan. Forms can be obtained from the Bakersfield Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Divtsion, 2130 G Street. ----- -- - Will the Applicant or future building occupant be required to complete a Hazardous Materials Business Plan? Typical every day hazardous materials you may find in your facilities may include, but not limited to: compressed gases; fuels - all types; solvents; oils (new and waste); thinners; caustic or corrosive materials; poisonous or toxic materials; and radioactive materials, Will the applicant or future building occupant be required to complete a Risk Manage- ment and Prevention Program? YES o NO B'" (NOTE) If you handle, store. use or dispose of reportable quantities of any extremely hazardous substance you must develop a Risk Management and Prevention Program. THIS PLAN MUST BE APPROVED BY THE lOCAL ADMINISTERING AGENCY BEFORE YOU COMMENCE OPERATIONS AT THIS FACILITY. The list of regulated chemicals is contained in Appendix A of part 355 of Subchapter J of Chapter I of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, This list of chemicals isavailable at the Bakersfield Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Division, 2130 G Street, Hospital - YES NO 0 ~ YES NO 0 EJ 0 B 0 B 0 [g-'" Will the applicant or turture building occupant be required to obtain a permit from the Kern County Air Polution Control District? Location within 1,000 feet of outer boundry of the following: School -(any school, public or private used for the purposes of education of children Kindergarten or any of grade 1 to 12, inclusive) Long Term Care Facility - Check here if none of the above apply to this project. Signed: Jl/L- \A,,-- . (Owner, Priniple or O~sintm) . Date: 9~ /7- ~ FD 1654 · ------ VvuA~:lt, - ( ; ),~, .. ,) ,"-& lA" - fQ~ ·t l2'w;w¿w~ I :bil//¿JJ ~Æ.>-!~//L.j r" , :..... .. 1\" ) \ e ---- ------