HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION CC C Contamination Clean-Up of California, Inc. REMEDIATION OF CONTAMINATED SOIL AT Pick Your Auto Wrecking 2120 So. Union Avenue Bakersfield, California 93307 PREPARED FOR Pick Your Part Auto Wrecking, Inc. 1301 E. Orangewood Avenue, Ste. 130 Anaheim, California 92805 SUBMITTED TO County of Kern Environmental Health Services Department 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301-2370 Attn: Lydia Von Sydow September 23, 1999 Prepared By: Reviewed By: ~~- Thomas Twillie. Project Manager Chemist/REA/REHS ~~:[f\¡ ~ Scott Vol/era, Project Manager I 1301 E. Orangewood. Suite 130· Anaheim. California 92805 (714) 385-1522· FAX (714) 634-0520 IIPYPISYSIDA T A IEXECIGEN\DOCS\CCCIUakerstield\2120 S, Union A venue, DOC f" ------- -------------- 6.0 Clean-Up Criteria The contaminants identified in the previous site investigation at the Pick Your Part Auto Wrecking facility were Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPHs) and Lead. Only trace concentrations of Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons were detected, primarily Toluene, Ethyl Benzene, Xylenes. and Total lead (TTLC). All samples tested for Halogenated Hydrocarbons were non-detect. The recommended clean-up criteria for soil contamination at the Pick Your Part facility are as follows: Table I Clean-Up Criteria For Soil Contamination ..' Contaminants Matrix Concentrations Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Soil 1000 Waste Oil. Oil and Grease, etc. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Soil 100 mg/kg Gasoline / Diesel) Benzene Soil 70 Eth I Benzene Soil 100 Toluene Soil 100 X lenes Soil 620 Lead - TTLC Soil 50 Lead - STLC Soil 5 '."''':,.,' Note: TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration ". .}t. MW/CCC/BakerstïeldRemcdiationPlan.doc ,~ '-ai' Page 8 Table of Contellt."ì PAGE 1.0 Exec utive Summary ....... ................................ ........................... ......... .......... 1 2.0 Introduction.... .......................................................... ...... ............ .................... 2 2.1 Backgrou nd ........ ............................... .......... ........................ ....... ......... 2 2.2 Purpose and Objectives ..................................................................... 2 3.0 So i I Remediation ............. ........................... ................ ........... ..... .................. 2 4.0 Sampling and Analysis ........... ..... ................................................................ 3 4.1 So i I Sa m pli n g .................................................................................... 3 4.2 Soi I Analysis ..... ........................................ ................... ..................... 3 5.0 Geology and Hydrogeology ......................................................................... 4 6.0 Res u Its .......................................................................................................... 4 7.0 Sum mary .............. ............................................... .......................... .......... ...... 5 Appendix A . Site Location Appendix B . Plot Plan Appendix C . Soil Sample Test Results Appendix D - Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifests Page i 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On May 19, 1999, Contamination Clean-Up of California. Inc, was retained by the owner for the remediation of Total Petroleum Hydro-Carbons impacted soil at the former Pick Your part Auto Wrecking facility. The facility is located at 2120 So. Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California, An earlier site investigation of soil contamination revealed four areas with Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and lead contamination in excess of regulatory agencies limits. The areas of concerns indicated in the previous site investigation revealed elevated concentrations of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPHs) and lead in the Scrap area at the site. The Section of Scrap area that contained the greatest soil contamination was the former motor pile. This area was excavated to approximately thirty feet (30ft) in length, fifteen feet (15ft) in width. and a depth of five feet (5ft). The area was excavated until there were no visible signsoc petroleum hydrocarbons. Upon the completion of soil removal in this area soil sampling was .- conducted. A total of five vadose soil samples ~~, collected from the bottom of the excavated area and submitted to a State certified analytical laboratory for analysis. All samples were non- . II detect for the presence of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons (BTEX). All samples tested positive for total lead except sample # EP-1-1-99. Samples # EP-2- 1-99 (Lead- TILC -73 mg/kg): EP-4-1-99 (Lead- TILC - 92 mg/kg); and EP-5-1-99 (Lead - TILC - 354 mg/kg). Sample #EP-5-1-99 was also tested for soluble lead (STLC - 24 mg/I). All samples collected around the crusher revealed low lead concentrations. Sample #S-7-1-99, located between the crusher area and motor pile revealed total lead concentrations of 198 mg/kg. All other samples tested for total lead were non-detect. The impacted soil of the affected areas at the subject site were excavated and placed on plastic and covered, There were approximately 730 tons of TPH and Lead contaminated soil that was removed and disposed-off at a Class 1 disposal facility (Chemical waste Management, Kettleman City. California) via hazardous waste manifests. The excavated areas at the subject site were backfil( with clean import soil and compacted to a relative 90 percent compaction. Page ¡ 2.0 INTRODUCTION The :ormer Pick Your Part Auto Wrecking facility is located at 2120 So. Union Avenue. Bakersfield. California. The facility consists of an office/warehouse building. storage and service sheds. used autos, parts, and other auto accessories. The site occupies approximately 7.3 acres of flat land and is located in close proximity to other auto recycling facilities. Pick Your Parts primary business is the recycling of used autos and the retailing of parts. It was a self-service operation, allowing customers to remove the parts they choose from automobiles. 2.1 Background Pick Your part occupied the former facility for the last nine years. Prior to Pick Your Part, the site was ::ccupied by truck repair and wrecking operation, The truck repair facility was in operation from the early 1960's until Pick Your Part Occupancy around 1990. ".-:::---, On May 19, 1999, the impacted TPH and Lead contaminated_.vyas removed from the affected areas at the subject site._ There were four areas identified in the site investigation conducted in April 1994. A soil redemption plan was prepared and submitted to Ken County Environmental Health Services for approval prior to the commencement of work at the site. All work performed during the remediation project w;-;)n accordance to the plan for this project. , ---------- 2.2 Purpose and Obiective The purpose and objective of the work performed at the subject site was for the remediation of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Lead impacted soil. The horizontal and vertical extent of soil contamination of the affected areas was identified during an earlier investigation. The areas of contamination in excess of regulatory limits were excavated and stockpiled on-site. This affected soil was transported off-site to a permitted TSD facility for disposal. 3.0 SOIL REMEDIATION The areas of contamination at the subject site were identified By an earlier investigation, which consisted of the Scrap area. Impound area, Crusher, and Motor pile area. These areas were excavated via the use of an excavator and loader. The depths of the excavations range from 2 Page 2 feet to five feet. The affected areas were excavated until all visible stains of hydrocarbons were removed. There were approximately 487 cubic yards of TPH impacted soil removed from the four areas at the subject site. This soil was stockpiled on 8-mil plastic and covered. There were approximately 49 loads of contaminated soil transported off-site, via uniform hazardous waste manifests, for disposal. The four excavated areas were backfill with clean imported soil and compacted to a relative ninety (90) percent. 4.0 SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS Upon completion of the soil excavation and removal the contaminated soil in the affected areas, confirmation samples were collected and submitted to a State Certified Analytical laboratory for analysis. The confirmation soil samples will be utilized to verify that the clean-up criteria established for the subject site was achieved. Five (5) samples were collected from motor pile excavation area, two samples (2) in the scrap area, and four samples (4) around the former crusher area. In addition, one (1) sample was collected from the bottom of the excavation near the storage sheds at rear of the facility, and one near the concrete pad adjacent to service shed at the front of the facility. 4.1 Soil Sampling The soil boring samples were collected with the utilization of a hand auger and hammer attached sampler containing brass liners. The undisturbed samples were withdrawn from the sampler in 1.5 inch brass liners, the ends covered with Teflon sheets, capped, labeled, and placed on ice. The samples were transported to "B C Laboratories, Inc., Bakersfield, California," via chain of custody form for analysis. The auger and sampler was decontaminated between borings by cleaning with water and Alconox soap, rinsed with tap water and then a final rinse with de-ionized water. The samples were screened with an OVA Meter FID for the presence of Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons. 4.2 Soil Analysis The soil samples were submitted to a State Certified analytical laboratory, "BC Laboratories, Inc., Bakersfield, California," for analysis. The samples were tested for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPHs) by EPA Test Method 418.1, and TPH-gasoline by CAL-EPA, DTSC Page 3 Modified Test Method 8015, Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons by EPA Test Method 8020, Total Lead (TTLC) by EPA Test Method 7420, and Lead (STLC) Title 22 Wet Method (Extraction) and EPA Test Method 7420. All test methods were performed In accordance to regulatory applicable procedures and protocols. 5.0 Geology and Hydrogeology The subject site is underlain by soil of recent Pliocene Age and alluvial deposits from the Kern River Alluvial Fan. The soil is prima'rily sand, fine sand, gravely silt, to silty clay. Groundwater depth is approximately two hundred feet (200 ft.), with the direction of flow to the southeast. Groundwater is unconfined to approximately eight hundred feet (800 ft.) below surface grade. 6.0 Results The soil confirmation sample test results were all non-detect for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPHs) and Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Soil samples tested for Total lead revealed the followings: sample #EP-1-1-99 -NO; #EP-2-1-99- (73 mg/kg); #EP-4-1-99- (92 mg/kg); #EP-5-1- 99- (354 mg/kg); S-7-1-99 - (198 mg/kg); C-8-1-99 - (NO); C-9-1-99 (6.3 mg/kg); C-11-1-99 (NO); and S-13-1-99 (NO). Soil samples tested for soluble lead (STLC) revealed the following --'.... -..--.... levels #EP-5-1-99 (~¡']and #S-7-1-99 (2~~g~~) µA-'7.. The only contaminant concentrations in excess of the clean-up criteria established for the subject was lead. The lead concentrations remaining at the subject site do not present a significant risk to the environment, and public health. The depth of groundwater in the vicinity of the subject site is in excess of two hundred feet (200 ft.) The areas of excavation were backfill with imported soil and compacted. It is assumed that the lead concentrations will attenuate and present minimal risk to groundwater at the subject site. It is recommended that no further action is required for the remediation of soil contamination at the subject site. Page 4 7.0 Summary The Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Lead impacted soil was remediated at the Pick Your Part Auto Wrecking facility on May 19, 1999, The soil removal was conducted by Contamination Clean-Up of California. Inc. to satisfy the requirements of Kern County Environmental Health Services Department. An earlier subsurface investigation of soil contamination revealed four areas of impacted soil at the subject site. The four of concerns were the scrap area, motor/engine pile, crusher, and area adjacent to service building. The depths of the contamination range from one foot (1ft.) to five feet (5ft.). The area at the subject site of most concern was the Scrap area and particularly the motor/engine pile. This area was excavated to a depth of five feet (5ft.) below surface grade. The excavated soil of the affected areas was stockpiled on plastic and covered to prevent wind migration. The final sampling of the stockpiled soil was witness by a Kern County Environmental Health Services Department representative, Lydia Von Sydow, on July 7, 1999. A total of four samples were collected from the motor/engine stockpile, and two samples from the scrap and crusher areas stockpile. These samples revealed elevated concentrations of TPHs and lead. These samples were non-detect for Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Halogenated Hydrocarbons. A total volume of 487 cubic yards or 731 tons of impacted soil was transported via uniform manifests to an off-site to a Class I disposal facility. A total of thirteen (13) confirmation soil samples were collected from the four (4) affected areas excavations at the subject site. The test results of samples met the clean-up criteria with the exception of lead. The total lead results of the motor/engine pile and scrap areas section were in excess of the total and soluble lead Clean-up Criteria established for this project. An evaluation of the environmental conditions and depth of groundwater within the immediate vicinity of the subject site it was recommended that no further action is required. The lead contamination left in place is considered to be insignificant and is not a threat to the environment or public health. The excavated areas were backfill with imported soil to surface grade and compacted to a relative ninety (90) percent. Page 5 APPENDIX A Site Location ~ tv III ;>I'" '. (11 ~ ~N 'é 11\ 0 fo" ..... (') .....111 ;arr' œ . ... -< c..:: 0 , :J C ..... t1 r..C' )-;:J "Ø EIr ;:, t1 .0<: rt" W~ W· C ,~ . · · I a I · t ~-f- ------ - +-- · þ . ---..------ . ...." )-j I ------+-- · I · t · · I t I · I - - - .. - - - - - - - -- - - -+-- t , · · · · . . I I I I I t ~ r--------:--,. --f----T --- --f-- : I : I t t : . : . . , I I f :::-_~..~-- · · I !'·1'Îií'":~!: I 1 ! . "0 . --------1----~~-- ,~ I - -- - -- - J - h -- -_ _L · I- , t · -------+---- · , I · r I · APPENDIX B Plot Plan IMPOUND SECTION MOTC ~ ;:'ILE SHEDS 8' "re:) .. / 20' S-12 DRAINING RACKS S-13 J o . ::.! =1 ... .. , X'T 30' c -þ-~ r~;-l· E3 E2 RETAIL SECTION 'TI ::u ~ I :Þ -1 m BUILDING .\hll .~I)t Tn Snle .. [IC.II'o'utrd ·\reJlJ o ~ "Ólllllplill~ I"uint CCC/Slormwater/Bakersfleld S·6 .. ¿ PARKING LOT C·8 "..."~ SCRAP SECTION g-o S-7 ! () ::u c en I m ::u ~~ o ,. ",...,.9,.. ¡ C11 L :-íIO!\ .-\ VE~l'E Pick Your Part .-\uto Wrecking 2120 South linion Avenue Bakerslìeld, CA \)3307 APPENDIX C Soil Sample Test Results -r;;;:\ß C ..Ef Laboratories, Illc. 6661 1: 6 lnr .Julj' 19, 1999 LINDA WADE PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Subject: Laboratory Submission No. : Samples Received: 99-07072 06/16/99 Jea.::: LINDA WADE Yhe samples(s) listed on the Chain of Custody repor~ were received by BC ~aboratories, Inc. on 06/16/99. Enclosed please find the analytical data for the testing requested. If you have any questions regarding this report please contact me at (661)327-4911, ext. 250. Any unused sample will be stored on our premises for a minimum of 30 days (excluding bacteriologicals) at which time they will be disposed unless otherwise requested at the time of sample receipt. A disposal fee of $5 per sample may apply for solid sample matrices. Please refer to submission number 99'07072 when calling for assistance. Sincerely, ~., (C-.. LD... ~ \ \ ' U cJ...c Diane Hale ProJect Coordinator BC Laboratories, Inc. All results listed òn this report are for the exduslve use of the submitting party, BC Laboratories, Inc, assumes no responsibility for report alteration, detahcment 01' third party inlef1Jfetatiion 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield. CA 93308· (661)327-4911 . Fax(661)327-1918 . www..bclabs.com QCf - l012 BC LABORATORIES, INC. 4100 Atlas Court · Bakersfield, CA 93300 (805) 327-4911 · FA>< (805) 327-1918 CHAIN OF CUSTODY Pag 10 1- ( Report !fi~J:J~I!"Jp:" !:~:" , .,;:~;~1¡~:.,,~1 ì, '..' . '~'¡' ",' . Analysis R~quested --- ~.. . ¡Jr,',' :"..;\:; " .. .. . ,.'.. .. " ,"'§ ~lil.,.. ., .. " :. : ..:. : ~ ..': . :.. ;....: .';. !, .',. .... ' ,. .. .. Name: PICK YOUR PART Phone: 714-385-1522 418.1 Ec, PH. 155. TOC 8010 UV BTEX TOTAL ALkAUNITY 82eu MTBE FE. PB. Address: 1300 E. ORANGE WOOD SUITE 130 Project: BAKERSFIELD ~ Al City: ANAHEIM Sampler: 7ðM 7/A/J J..}"L I State: GA Zip 92805: c..~ / 7-Q. .. P ,'c- LVö '" \J {J¿.. '" I - Att": DIANE LAMB :~ lav~+,tL1J c... d ~ ~ - 40Y «>t'l VIAL ;Ap Ml ~ ~Ml_ ~~ ., :~,~~·~:~i;'~,¡i,'·· ~::t,<: ~~·~.0t1~~I~? ;~J.)~amÞled. J'~~~~~~~¡ ',.~, Ha. \.. V NONE "- Lt11S04 W '-¡(cl ..W3 <~}/':::: :.::' " ..: ~: . ',' -.' .: ~; ~",. '.:";-:: MONITORING POINT (A) (.,-/~-<¡~ 19:,2.0 Æ~ ?~I X'l. - -~ x 1 '~ ~ " Jl____ ," 2 .-- \ EP-/- I -99 tI¡9,/ ~ql$ll(J ~ -r;~rj ~OfCJ - ;'b.~ 3 -2 ¡;:¡J-l-- -<j<r , )( I x. 4 -~ ~ .¡) - 3 -J- CfCj .. 5 -11 1£/1 - Lf-r-c¡y X 6 -5 /S(,J)-- ç -I -~ '-t I X X -~ j -- , 7 <<;-~ -(- l(..ý 8 -{ Ç'- 1- I - ~ \ Þ<.. 17" 9 -<6 c ~- /- q,,~ ~ '- " 5fö ~/fD¡ -'Z> :>( - 4 (.( ... 110 -q b .;.~ -'l<f / D :1.,') .#u. .......7 t//'i .( Y61r(;6l X C- - '1 - l -~ S"ÕI I ~ sf Comments: Billing Info: r:hed by: (Slgnatu,e) R I. A d tJ.¡1 I Date & 11m { tCl h..t>V "-cyu..J1~ 'Y"" SAME AS ABOVE X' 'í:"V' I ·1rdL.. ij/W[ b'fb~ / _ ßof -'<L --,-; ~ -rW', ( 1/ A ~ ~1$hJ )J. Iii tlnature) ¡ X~~\[~t~'òl1Þ1IHì Date & 11m :'" <@ C .fl.;.. 1) "'3lJ - ~ I..f "I", ~/ /} ~- ul\lo 14 \S- ~ellnqul$hed by: (Signature) \ - Date & 11m Received by: -;--Container -- ..- .. . 'í\IT'Jm3ER1NG' , Af = AnalysIs -.----~ (Pf;--Pièseiîiafive--' , tìV,(1 --) ~ KYI DISTRIBUTION :-r I CHECKED BY I L -. - --- . .. -- . .---. ClCl - ,072 --"_. - ----- ----------- ------ _.~----------- ---._--------~-_..- ----..._-,------ ---.. ---_._--~ . - -~~-_.."- -_._-- .-- .----.- ~----_. 4100 Atlas Court. Bakersfield, CA 93300 (aOS) 327-4911 · FAX (805) 327-1918 CHAIN OF CUSTODY Page 1 of 2' BC LABORATORIES, INC. Report 80Ø. Bin To:· :' ;~~: ~ :-.:': .. ,,' -. . , . .. . . . Name: PICK YOUR PART Phone: 714-385-1522 Address: 1300 E. ORANGE WOOD SUITE 130 Project: BAKERSFIELD City: ANAHEIM Sampler: 7D tU -r-v..h I J~ ~ State: CA Zip 92805: & K.Q v~ t;> J c... is Attn: DIANE LAMB : P, Ll<... J CJ.... v hu.. v -f""":) . , .~,~~ ~,;l~j¡:~;)i.:t:i¡¡;~L~~~~~~~;~~'~n:¡,;,w1t~[~~~:~~pI+d Tht1~:~~~j~i:t 1 MONITORING POINT (A) 6/p, Ie:,,, /Ô:5ð ~ sw ) ( - 2 -\D C--to - (--'11 3 -t\ C-l{- J-<:1G 4 -\2.. 5- 12---\-'H 5 -13 <; - 13 - \ -- q Ç¡ / "- ,-JrJb-'tt' 1/' &(s'-ð1A- . - 6 -- 7 8 9 10 ------Änäfys-Is-Requestèd --- . -- --.- 4~~ ECo PH~~ -'~~Î. .- -~)10 ~;- ---;~ --T~~~:- -""- 'þ ALKALINITY 816) MTBE ~f. PO, I ~ Al , J -.--- -. '- - <,""> OT PE "'.2..~ 4O~l 40 ML V\Ay /50) Ml tiel.\., --.r- /' t12S<>4 HCl. C .:...L -W0J -, t.I ~. \ ð'olJ/YOlh x , 8~ ~6J -7~~ '- ----- x - -----" -'--~-_. >( x I I I I , I . , , . (.v "\ ¿J.(<J",\ Cfð«k- \ x 'K --- .---. Comment:s: + <t b4..~ 00.- q 4~~ f~.~J LÚ~I -t:C) ~ -\vJ \ \\L <LQ (?£ 1) £:1 Ó ~ Q '+ \.f \¡ " Re~nqul.h.d by: (SI~nature) ~ U.I 'd~V1 r Date & T1m~ - } j?~H'" ~,.}(AJ.IY II / /I f) lY (b-Cfif r)Y~ v /[~. . 1/ ¿y lot: 'J'.. . R I,h. ~7/ ~ature) "~~elve,d fY; . \ Date & T1~ / j!jI r 1/ V ~J()l ~\ ~\ \11\1 ~t~l IcHtc 14h Relinquished by: lSlgnature) RecelveÖ" by: 'Óate & TIme Billing Info: SAME AS ABOVE (A) - Anafysis (C) - Container (P) :: Preservative r '! SAMPLE RECEIPT FORM Page Of ¡ BC LABORATORIES INC. Rev, No.6 10/13/98 I Submission #: Q,S-l()72. Project Code: .J SHIPPING INFORMATION SHIPPING CONTAINER Federal Express 0 UPS 0 Hand Delivery 0 Ice Chest.2 None 0 BC lab Field Service ~-Q. Other 0 (Specify) Box 0 Other o (Specify) Refrigerant: Ice~ Blue Ice 0 None 0 Other 0 Comments: Custody Seals: Ice Chest 0 Containers 0 None JQ Comments: Intact? Yes 0 No 0 Intact? Yes 0 No r AU samples received? YesA No 0 AU samples containers intact? Yes þ( No 0 Description(s) match COC? yes)( No 0 ~~~ \. Ice Chest ID --p .~ DatefTíme ~ Ice Chest ID Datemm~ .~ Temperature: '.S- °C f Temperature: °C Thermometer ID: L 15 Analyst Init TC.- Thermometer ID: Analyst Init ,J Emissivity to emissivity -------- / Container . \.. .-. blcwc.l. Container SAMPlE NUMBERS SAMPLE CONTAINERS b. , . . . . . 7 . . , I .. I . . . . 7 . . ,. " .. . I OT GENERAl MINERAU GENERAL PHYSICAL PT PE UNPRESERVED ....<=TAI '" IPT U"TAI'" FORM!'; "'"I ",n" 17n7 100ml TOTAl : aT TaX PT nYVn~ 100m! Dw"....nl ,,...'" VIA' TRAVFI BlANK . VIAL nT FDA 4''''.1 413,2,418.1 PT nnnR PT FPA ~ -- p- §1§1/R1M 525 DO A"'" 547 [100ml EPA 5311 lOT FP.6 548 lOT FP.6 Có4Q i OT EPA R::I7 lOT EPA R01!;M OT DA/Oe OT AMBFR '8 OZ, JAR 32 OZ, JAR SOil SlEEVF I I I I I I I I I } , I , Pr.R VI.6' PLASTIC BAG Comments: '3 ~I I s>\ep1/FS.recelv('(" LLI~"'h 1ìC' ('c\It)c,i SCHY'lþlCi.,þ)çlÚ:d ì n~l ~)\~ ìt ixf{:>:¡ Sample Numbering Completed By: ~ "" Date/Time: ('11/" f',A. : \ IF:\WPBOILAB.OOCSlfORMS\SAMFlfC2,WPD] L~ ~ ( \ \....( I ~~ , IC{ Ð Laboratories, Inc. TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) Page , .I. PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385'1522 Date Reported: 06/28/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-1 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD EP-1-1-99 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid, No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM Constituents Sample Results Units Method P.O.L. Method Regulatory Criteria STLC ITLC mq/L mq/kq Lead None Detected mg/kg 5.0 SW-6010 5.0 1000. Comment: All above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. Practical Quantitation Limit (re=ers to the least amount of analyte quantifiable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed) Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration Total Threshold Limit Concentration STLC TTLC REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846. California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 ,0~ c;'''1 Dan Schultz Laboratory Director All results ¡osled In chis rq>on on- fOT !be uclUSl'e use of !he subrrnll1ng ~rt) 8(' ~bont("'e', in< us..""" JI(' ",>¡>or.,ibrllry for repan .!lentlon. Jepat1uon, derachmnn or lh:rd part) in~rpTrfJItlon 4100 Atlas Court · Bakmfi~ld. CA 93308 · (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327·1918 · www.bc1a.bscom § Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 ~~aheim, CA 92805 Attn: LI~~A WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/28/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-2 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD EP-2-1-99 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM Constituents Sample Results Units Method P.O.L. Method Regulatory Criteria STLC TTLC mq/L mq/kq Lead 73. mg/kg 5.0 SW-6010 5.0 1000. Comment: All above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate te:~niques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte quantifiable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed) STLC Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC To~al Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846. California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 ---- ' - '- ~~.^J..--'\--- Dan Schultz Laboratol~' Director All results lISted m tlus "'f'On arc ior ù", ."Ius;'. lISt oflbc subm'ttJnf PO"' BC Laboratori.s. lnc as.sUffiCS no responsib,h:y for rcpo" alœratlOr.. scpanÞoo. deQChmnl1 01 Ùllrd pany ¡n~rpreUlþ()n 4] 00 Atlas Court · Bakersfield. CA 93308· (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327-1918 · www,bclabs,com § Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Crangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LI~A WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/28/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-4 S~~pling Location: S~~ple II): Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD EP'4-1-99 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM Regulatory Criteria STLC TILC rnq/L rnq/kq ') Constituents Sample Results Units Method P.O.L. Method Lead 92. rng/kg 5.0 SW-6010 5.0 1000. Comment: All above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P,Q.L. Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte quantifiatle based on sample size used and analytical technique employed) S~LC Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC Total Threshold Limit Concentrat~on REFERENCES: S¡'; = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846. California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 r / . ~- ¡... ,.......,; _< '.T .Dan Scni.1:tz Laborato~/ Director All result.s hsred In thIS rw>n ¡IT for ~ exclusl>'c use oflhc submitting party. BC Labo"lOrIcs,lnc, asswnes no responsibIlity for rc-pon allUltJon,lepaRlIOO. cleQ,hmcnl 01 tlm'd pa~ int<"tplTUlbOn 4100 Alias Court · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327-1918 · www,bclabs,com E Laboratories, fllc. Page 1 TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS ~301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 ~1aheim, CA 92805 ~~:n: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/28/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99'07072-5 S~~pling Location: Sample ID: Sfu~pling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD EP-5-1-99 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM Constituents Sample Results Units Method P.D.L. Method Regulatory Criteria STLC TILC mq/L mq/kq "") Lead 354. mg/kg 5.0 SW-6010 5.0 1000. Comment: All above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TILC) as sample subjected to appropriate techr.~qJes to determine to~al levels. P.~.L. Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte quantifiable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed) Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration Total Threshold Limit Concentration e:........,.... .... -.....\...- T7~C REFERENCES: SW '" "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846. California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 t-; ~; cG-~~/ Dan Schultz Laboratory Director All results hsted In chis ...-pon an: for W c.clusi\'c use of 1M subnutting party. BC Uiboratories. lnc assume. no responsibIlity (or "'pon altrral'on. uparabOO. detachmerll or Ibm part) InlrrpretAliOn 4100 Atlas Court · Bakmfield, CA 93308 · (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327·1918 · www.bclabs,com § Laboratories, IlIc. Page 1 TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) PICY. YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 130: E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Att~: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/28/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-7 Sampling Location: Sar:-cple 1D: S~~pling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD $-7-1-99 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid S~~ple Collected By: TOM Constituents Sample Results Units Method P.O.L. Method Regulatory Criteria STLC TTLC mq/L mq/kq '1 Lead 198. mg/kg 5.0 SW-6010 5.0 1000. Comment: All above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.:;.L. Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte quantifiable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed) Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration Total Threshold Limit Concentration ST:'C TT:.: REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846. Ca:ifornia D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 F:.'~ü\.,· ì Da:: Schultz Laboratory Director All result¡ IISIed In this report are fOT ÙII: nclusi,'. ~ of the submitting party BC LaboralOrÌ.., In¡;, assumes no responsibility for repon ahenltlon, ""panDon. dtQchmmt or ù"rd!'&"l) ,nlrrprcLltlOn 4100 AlIas Coun · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327-1918 · www,bclabs,çom -::.. Ð Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/28/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-8 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD C-8-1,99 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM Constituents Sample Results Units Method P.O.L. Method Regulatory Criteria STLC TTLC mq/L mq/kq Lead None Detected mg/kg 5.0 SW-6010 5.0 1000. Comment: All above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte quantifiable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed) STLC Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC Total Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846. California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 eSl~-7 Dan Schultz Laboratory Director All results listed In lIIis rqx>n an: for W e>cllISi\'e ~ oflht subm.lring ~n). BC LaboralOl1e5,lnc, assume. TK' n:s¡>o~sib,lr:y for rqx>n alteration, ~~rabOO, delactl/nent or tl rd part) imtrpn:..oon 4100 Atlas Coun· Bakersfield, CA 93308· (661) 327-4911 · Fax (66\) 327·1918· www.bc\abs,tom E Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of Regulations, Title ..,.., "'~, Section 66261) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood. Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/28/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-9 Sampl~ng Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD C-9-1-99 06/16/99 ~ 10:45AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM Constituents Sample Results Units Method P.O.L. Method Regulatory Criteria STLC 'M'LC mq/L mq/kq Lead 6.3 mg/kg 5. SW-6010 5.0 1000. Comment: All above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techni~es to determine total levels. P .Q.L. Practical Quantitation Lim~t :refers to the least amount of analyte quantifiable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed) Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration Total Tr.reshold Limit Concentrat~on STLC TTLC REFERENCES: S¡"; = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846. California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 Dan Sç!1ultz Laboratory Director r: ' -j' ---- \L{ .\......... , ,"II results lis~ I!1dUs I'C'pOn a~ fOf thr cxclusi"t L»t ofÛlt subnuttin¡ part) BC U~s. Inc, assumes no responsibìl,t,· for repon alteratIon, scparabOO, dctachmcnl '" tÌ",d pan, in~rpTtt.tbon 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (661) 327-491 I · Fax (661) 327·1918· ~ww,bclabs,com Ð Laboratories, Inc, Page 1 TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/28/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-11 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD C-1l-1-99 06/16/99 @ 10:50AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type~: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM Constituents Sample Results Units Method P.O.L. Method Regulatory Criteria STLC T'I'LC mq/L mq/kq " Lead None Detected mg/kg 5.0 SW-6010 5.0 1000. Comment: All above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techni~~es to determine total levels. P.Q,L. Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte quantifiable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed) Soluble Threshold Limit Concentrat~on Total Threshold Limit Concentration STLC TTLC REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846. California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 .--.. " . -+- t.--.> L .'\...~.... / Dan Schultz Laboratory Director All results listed on this!'<'pOn an: for 1M exclusive use of eM $ubrmttmg pa~ BC LaboralOne., ¡ne assume. no respor.sibd¡!y for repoM altcrauon, scparauon, detachment or ùm\J ran~ in~r¡muuon 4 J 00 AlIas Court · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (661) 327-49] 1 · Fax (661) 327-1918 · www,bclabs,com Ð Laboratories, IlIc. Page 1 TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of Regulations, Title ..,... .. ~, Sect~on 66261) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/28/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-13 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD S-13-1-99 06/16/99 @ 11:45AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM Regulatory Criteria STLC TTLC mq/L mq/kq Constituents Sample Results Units Method P.O.L. Method Lead None Detected mg/kg 5.0 SW-6010 5.0 1000. Corrunent: All above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. Practical Quantiration Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte quantifiable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed) Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration Total Threshold Limit Concentration STLC TILC REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846, Califcrnia D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 ('., 1 t-- -;16" , C¡.r.---,-~ Dan Schult:: Laborat81y' Director AlJ results lISted I~ 111;5 ~I'1.'" for Ibt e_elusive ~ of 1M submllung pvty. BC Laboraroncs, Inc usumc¡ no "'spor.sibIIJ~' for I'tpOI'1 alteration. ~puaDOn, detachment ar thud part)' inLctprCt.ol>On 4100 AlIas Court · Bakersfield, CA 93308· (661) 327-4911 · Fax (66 ) 32;-1918 · wW\Io'.bclabs.com E Laboratories, Illc. Page 1 WET TEST EXTRACT CONTAMINANTS ANALYZED ACCORDING TO TITLE 22, ARTICLE 11, CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS FOR HAZARDOUS WASTE DETERMINATION (STLC) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS :301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 ~~aheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/10/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-5 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampl~ng Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD EP-5-1-99 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM Constituents Sample Results mq/liter Method P.O.L. Method Regulatory Criteria STLC Lead *05 24. 0.5 SW-6010 5.0 Comment: All metals reported above are in mg/liter on a filtrate basis (STLC). These results are based on extracting sample according to Title 22, Article 11, California Administrative Code using a 48-hour citric acid (deionized water for hexavalent chromium) extraction. P.Q.L. Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte quantifiable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed) . STLC Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846. Flag Explanations: *05 = Sample precision is not within established limits. ~cQ~ Dan Schultz --¡ Laboratol-:,' ;):;,::-ec:::or All res~lts listed ,n ¡h,S "eDOn are for the excJus,ve use of the submitting pany BC Labora10nes, Inc assumes no responsibility for repon alterat'on, detanCment 0" trmd pany 'nlerpretatllon 4100 Atlas Court' Bakersfield, CA 93308' (661)327-4911 . Fax(661)327-1918 . www..bdabs,com V Laboratories, fllC, Page 1 WET TEST EXTP~CT CONTAMINANTS ANALYZED ACCORDING TO TITLE 22, ARTICLE 11, CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS FOR HAZARDOUS WASTE DETERMINATION (STLC) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LI~uA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/10/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-7 Samp:ing Locaticn: Samp:i.e ID: Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD S'7-1-99 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - Nc Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM Constituents Sample Results mq/liter Method P.O.L. Method Regulatory Criteria STLC Lead *05 15. 0.5 SW-6010 5.0 Comment: All metals reported above are in mg/liter on a filtrate basis (STLC). These results are based on extracting sample according to Title 22, Article 11, California Administrative Code us~ng a 48-hour citric acid (deionized water for hexavalent chrom1urn) extraction. P.Q.L. Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte quantifiable based on sample size useà and analytical technique employed) STLC Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methoàs", EPA-SW-846. Flag Explanations: *05 = Sample precis10n ~s not within established limits. O~J'l L...' Da~ Schu:'::z Labc:'atory D~rec:::J!: All 'esults listec ,~ this lo?;>2'1 arE' for the exc:~s;ve use o! the subml",r.ç party, BC LaDOratorres Ir,c aSS,mes ~o reSP2"SIDllity for repoc: alteralicr, celahcmen: or th,'e party Interpre:a: I('r' 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield, CA 93308· (661)327-4911 . Fax(66"1 )327-1918· INWW.bclabscom § Laboratories, IflC. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Page 1 PICY. YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date~Reported: 06/29/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-1 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD EP'1-1-99 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM Method Constituents Sample Results Units P.O.L. Method -1 Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons 180. mg/kg 20. EPA-418.1 Stuart G. Buttram 0e~a~tme~t Supervisor A!: r'tsult5 hs~d In thiS rr~xt an: fOf La~ c.\cIusl\( u.'t.t oftht subrmrong part~ BC ~aboralone~.lnc a.s..-;W1YS r,I' ~~~Îr.~ib:llt:.· fllf report altrratlon, 5q)anlnoo.. .x~ch~nl ~)r '..1"1""'\1 p.ar.:. m~rpn:'.JJ!lon . ~JOO Atlas Coun' BakersfIeld. CA 93308' (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327-1918' V,!WW , bclabs com Ð Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/29/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-2 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD EP-2-1-99 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM Constituents Sample Results Units Method P.Q.L. Method Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons 390. mg/kg 100. EPA-418.1 Note: PQL's were raised due to dilutlon required to bring target analytes into calibration range. Callfornla Stuart G. Buttram Departme~t Supervisor Alj results hsted In tius ~1n arc for tht (.\c!us,,"c US(' of lht submlttmg pa"~ BC Larora1Onc~. inc l$.5umes f}{\ respor.!.ìbl)¡t~, for repon alteration )t'pa~!1on. ù(·urhmcnl or thmj par::~ mlt';;-:'..1!I0r. 41 ()() AlIas Court · Bakersfield, CA 9330~ · (66 i) 3:7-4911 · Fax (661) 327-1918 · ....-v.n... ,b-:labs,com E Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ?::K YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 ~aheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/29/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-~ S~~pling Location: S~":1ple ID: S~T.pling Date/Time: S~":1ple Collected By: BAKERSFIELD EP-3-1-99 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM TOM Method Constituents Sample Results Units P.Q.L. Method ~ Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons 1000. mg/kg 200. EPA-418.1 Ncte: PQL's were raised due to dilution required to bring target analytes into calibration range. All ,,"suit> ,"ted In this I't'pOn .~ for Ibt ("eluslV( u.'" of Ibt subm,mng p.n~ Be- LaboralDn(s, lne 1lS.,w:rs n(' rcsiX'C.,,1>,i") for rrp"~, .lterallOn, "'¡>aranoa, dcClchmcO! or :; --.,j ro."> Inlcrr~· 'AU" 4 100 Atlas Court · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (661 )327-41,/ j I . Fax (661) 327-1918 · .........'W,bclabscom § Laboratories, IlIc. PagE: 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/29/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-4 S~~pling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD EP-4-1-99 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid, No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM Constituents Sample Results Units Method P.O.L. Method Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons 1700. mg/kg 200. EPA-418.1 ~ No~e: PQL's were raised due to dilution required to bring target analytes into calibration range. Call f ornia ~76 St~art G. Buttram Department Supervisor ....:: rcsult5 listed In ttns ~n an: fOT 1m' exclusive u.s.c of lhc S.Ubmlttin¡ p~n~ BC ~ooralllf'1cs..rK a.s.sl.me~ no n-spons1òlh:;. (or rc-po" ¡dtc¡¡~lon \Cp2!"2non. dctachmt'n1 or :..r::""d f\&n~ :n:.r:';';>:UlttOr. 4100 AlIas Coun· Bake;-sfield. CA 93308· (661) 3:7-491 I· fax (661) 327-1918· .....ww,bcll1b~ com Ð Laboratories, 111C. Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUP. PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/29/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-5 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD EP-5-1-99 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM Constituents Sample Resul ts Units Method P.O.L. Method Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons 790. mg/kg 200. EPA-418.1 Note: PQL's were raised due to dilution requlred to bring target analytes lnto calibratlon range. , ./ Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor AU results hsted m this ~p0rt In: (or lht U.clUSI..t UK' of r.M submJ~~f p3!'ty BC LaÞoralOne~ 1n( .SSW1X!- nt.' rcspor.~ÎbI1Ity for rtpon alteration. sepan !)On , dtUChffi<"T1: .)r !lllrd part) mlt:r:1:lJ.tJ0Ti 4JOO Atlas Court· Bakersfield, CA 9330~· 166ij 317-4911 · Fax (661) 32ï-1918· .....·ww,bciabs,com § Laboratories, Inc, Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/29/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-6 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD S·6-1-99 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM TOM Constituents Sample Results Units Method P.O.L. Method Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons 61. mg/kg 20. EPA-418.1 Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor AI, rcsults lasted on t/m rc¡x'" .,,: for W c\c1us;V( US< of 1M submlt::ng pa~ BC Laho~lOfIcs, loe a~wnc, nc r:'s;>O)~'JÒJIJ:\ for rcpoM allr:atJon, l<'f'a"tJoD, Ikrachmcnl ~ :hmJ par!) mlt'P"'t.ltJOn 4JOO Atlas Coun· Bakersfield, CA 93308· (661) 327-49; I · Fax (66;) 327.1918· \\v.'W,bclab~com § Laboratories, Illc. Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim. CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/29/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-7 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD S-7-1'99 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM Constituents Sample Results Units Method P.O.L. Method Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons 18000. mg/kg 2000. EPA-418.1 Noce: PQL's were raised due to dilution required to bring target analytes into cal:bration range. ./"'"'. californ~~~B6 Stuart G. B~ttram Department Supervisor ."11 reswtó hSl.d In thIS ~rt an: fo, Ù>I' <,(Ius". u.'" oflh<: subml!t:n¡; pa"~ Be LaboT'llon.s, In< &ssWTI<S IX' "'s¡>onsibrlJt)' for "'port oltr"':'oo, 1<1"''''1100, drtachmrnt or thmj part)' Intrr¡>"'Ultoon 4 J 00 Atlas Court · BakersfIeld, CA 93308· (661) 327-4~! I · Fax (661) 327-1918 · ....ww,bclabs,com § Laboratories, lnc, Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydroca~bons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/29/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-8 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD C-8-1-99 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM Constituents Sample Results Units Method P.O.L. Method Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons None Detected mg/kg 20. EPA-418.1 Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results lisle.:: :n tlus rt"¡>on an: for Ih< e,elusi\'e US< of 1M submitting part\' BC ~boralOnCl~. Inc u.'lome:, IK' ",s¡>onsi!>,II:' for ",¡>on ~lter;ltIon, sq>arabOn. dcraehmt111 or th,rd pa'" mt.e'1'n:tAtJOr. 4} 00 Atlas Coun · Bakersfield, CA 9330~ · (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327· ì 9 ¡ 8 · W\Wo.bclabs,com § Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/29/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-9 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD C-9-1-99 06/16/99 @ 10:45AM Ti~le 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM Constituents Sample Results Units Method P.O.L. Method Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons None Detected mg/kg 20. EPA-418.1 D~7 Stuart G, Buttram ~epartment Supervisor California AI] r.sults lISted In this ro-pon ire for ÙIt .,clus,,·. u.... o( ÙIt subnuttmg party BC uboDlor..., Inc. Wume5 "" l'eSþOnsib,liry (or rcpon ilteral,on, "'¡>araticn, <ktachrnm< ~r thIM! pan) ,"~rprc..."or' 4]00 AIIIIS Court· Bakersfield, CA 93308· (661) 327-491 J · Fax (66\) 327-1918· v;ww.bc\abscom § Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICY. YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attr.: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/29/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-10 Samp:ing Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: Samp:e Collected By: BAKERSFIELD C-10-1-99 06/16/99 @ 10:50AM TOM Constituents Sample Results Units Method P.O.L. Method Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons None Detected mgjkg 20. EPA-418.1 Callfornia D.O. Stua~t G. Buttram Depa~tment Supervisor All results hsted In thIS report art fOT IN uclus". use orIN subnl1tting part> BC LaOOralonc' ¡hr ",,,,m,,, h.' responsib'¡rt, for report alrrnluon. .."..."rioo, dtllchmcT1I Jf ,¡md part> Intt!?,,·.atJon 4100 Atlas Coun · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (66!: 3:7-491 I · Fax (66 J) 32ì.1918 · ....·wv..,bclabs,com E Laboratories, fllC, Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/29/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-11 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD C-1l-1-99 06/16/99 @ 10:50AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No F~ee Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM Constituents Sample Results Units Method P.Q.L. Method Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons None Detected mg/kg 20. EPA-41B.l Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor AIJ reswts IIS~ In this...-port aT'< for tb< e\elusive ~ o(W subnutting party BC' ~boralDT1e>, in< &S.\UffiCS 11{' respor.sibll:,: :or "';>crt a¡!<IralIOn, scparalioo. detachment O' th:,-d pa~ mt<:rpr<IIDOn 4100 Atlas Court · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (661) 327-4911 · Fax (6f)! ì 3:!Î-1918 · ....""......,bclabs,com §. Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/29/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-12 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD 5-12-1-99 06/16/99 @ 10:50AM TOM Constituents Sample Results Units Method P.O.L. Method Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons 92000. mg/kg 20000. EPA-418.1 Note: PQL's were raised due to dilution required to bring target analytes into calibration range. 186 Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervlsor AI, resuJlS hsœd in this rt'pOn art for the e\Clus,"e use of !he subm,tting party BC :"'bo"'tone, ¡nc assumes no respansÏb,!::,. for rtpo" alœl'1luon. oep&raDOO, det>chmen, Of :J ,rd paM)' inœrpreLlbon 4100 AlIas çourt· Bakersfield, CA 933C5· (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327·1918· ....'Ww.bclabscom E Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPOPÀTE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/29/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-:3 Sampling Location: SamFle ID: Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD S-13-1-99 06/16/99 @ 11:45AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM Constituents Sample Results Units Method P.O.L. Method Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons ;.;v 32. mg/kg 20. EPA-418.1 ~ Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor AI; r~sults listed In this I't'POrt .~ for 1M c.cllISiv~ ~ of \h( subnuttmg pany BC ub"..ton~s, ¡nc assume> nc> responsibility for IqX1rt al~nltion. Jql&nltioo. deQChmml :11 :bIrd part) inrrrp~Clb()n 4 J 00 Atlas Court · Bakersfield. CA 93308 · (661\ 327-49 ¡ 1 · Fax (661 ì 327-1918 · www,bclabs,com g Laboratories, Inc. Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Page 1 PICK YOUR PART/CORPQRATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 .~aheim, CA 92805 A~t~: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/02/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-1 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD EP-1-1-99 Soil TOM Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(g) : Date Analyzed-8015M(g): 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM 06/17/99 06/17/99 06/17/99 06/17/99 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 Gasoline Range Orga::ics (C5 - C14) None Detected mg/kg 1. Surrogate %- Recovery 82. %- 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. Stua~t G. Buttram Department Supervisor ,..n results hs~d In lIus ~n art (Of II>< ."Ius". u... of tht suoollrnng put~ flC Laboraton<s, In< asswnc:s no rcsponsibiJity (or rcpon al!l:ntuon. sq>ara!lOO. d<Qlchm<TIl Of ùllrd pan)' 'nterprctaÞoÐ 4100 Atlas Coun· Bakersfield, CA 93308· (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327-1918· www.bc1abs,com Ð Laboratories, Inc, Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/02/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-2 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD EP-2-1-99 Soil TOM Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-B01SM(g) : Date Analyzed-B015M(g): 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/1B/99 06/18/99 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units . Limi t Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 *2 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 *2 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 *2 Tot.al Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 *2 Gasoline Range Organics (C5 - C14) None Detected mg/kg l. *2 Surrogate %- Recovery 64. \- 70-130 *1 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O. H . S. / L. U . F . T. Manual Method - Modified BPA 8015 Individual constituents by BPA Method 5030/8020. Flag "'1 Explanations: Note: Surrogate is low due to matrix interferences_ Interferences verified through 2nd extraction/analysis. Associated surrogate recovery is low. ...., <. Stuart G. Buttram Depart.ment Supervisor AI! rcsuJt5 listed m this ..-pan art for the t\c1usi" use of the subnutring ~rt). BC uboralDnn, Inc assUInCS no rts¡xmsibilil)' for rtpon aJlrT'IIlJon, JC~rabOD. deQchnYTIt or lIurd pArtY inc.rrp...ellbon 4] 00 AlIas Court · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (661) 327-49 ¡ 1 . Fax (661) 327·1918 · www,bclabs,com § Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ?ICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 130: E. Orangewood I Suite 130 An~~eim, CA 92805 At~~: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/02/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-3 S~~pling Location: Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD EP-3-1-99 Soil TOM Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(g) : Date Analyzed-8015M(g): 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 Practical Analysis Repçz:~ing Quantitation Constituents Results 'Units Liiid t Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 *2 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 *2 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 *2 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 *2 Gasoline Range Organics (C5 , C14) None Detected mg/kg 1. *2 Surrogate % Recovery 55. %' 70-130 *1 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Hodified BPA 8015 Individual constituents by SPA Method 5030/8020. Flag *1 Explanations: Note: Surrogate is low due to matrix Interferences verified through Associated surrogate recovery is low. interferences. 2nd extraction/analysis. ..." Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor AIi ,,,,lilts IlSted m this ~rt arc fo, ~ uclusivc use of ~ subrmtting part)' BC LaboralDnc., ¡nc, assumes 00 responsibility for ~rt alteration. separanon. ÒCQc~nl or 1lI'"j part)' in~rprctlliOn ~I()() Atlas Coon· Bakersfield, CA 93308· (661) 327-49: I · Fax (661) 327-1918· www.bclabs.com § Laboratories, Inc. Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Page 1 PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/02/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-4 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD EP-4-1-99 Soil TOM Date Collected: Date Extracted-B020: Date Analyzed-8020: Extracted-8015M(g) : Analyzed-8015M(g) : 06/16/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 @ 09:20AM Date Date Practical Analysis Reporting Quan,~~tation Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 *2 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 *2 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 *2 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 *2 Gasoline Range Organics (C5 - C14) None Detected mg/kg 1. *2 Surrogate " Recovery 59. \- 70 -130 *1 TEST METHOD: .TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/B020. Flag *1 Explanations: Note: Surrogate is low due to matrix interferences. Interferences verified through 2nd extraction/analysis. Associated surrogate recovery is low. *2 Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor An rcsuJ~ hste4 In this ~rt art for lilt exclusive _ of lilt subnutting party. BC Laboratories, Inc, asswnes 00 responsibility for report alteration. separaboD, dtClchrnC'1II or th,rd part)' mltrprtLObOn 4100 AlIas Court· Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (661) 327-491] · Fax (66!) 327·1918· www.bclabs,com Ð Laboratories, Inc. Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Page 1 PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/02/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-5 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD EP-5-1-99 Soil TOM Date Collected: Date Extracted-S020: Date Analyzed-S020: Extracted-S015M(g) : Analyzed-S015M(g) : 06/16/99 06/1S/99 06/1S/99 06/1S/99 06/1S/99 @ 09:20AM Date Date Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 *2 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 *2 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 *2 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 *2 Gasoline Range Organics (C5 - C14) None Detected mg/kg 1. *2 Surrogate % Recovery 53. %- 70-130 *1 TEST METHOD: ~PH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/S020. Flag *1 Explanations: Note: Surrogate is low due to matrix interferences. Interferences verified through 2nd extraction/analysis. Associated surrogate recovery is low. *2 Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results hsted in dlis rqx>n arc for III< exclllS'Vt lISt of Ibt submlrring part) BC lAbo~tories, rnc assumes 00 responsibility for!'CpOn alrt~tlon. Itpa~bOO, dtcachmt1ll or thm pan\' mtcrprt..bOn 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield, CA 93308· (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 32;·1918· www.bclabs.com Ð Laboratories, [IIC, Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Page 1 PI~K YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/02/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-6 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD S-6-1-99 Soil TOM Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(g) : Date Analyzed-8015M(g): 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 Gasoline Range Organics (C5 - C14) None Detected mg/kg 1. Surrogate \ Recovery 82. \ 70-130 TEST METHOD:TPH by D.C.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified gPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor An =u/IS IlSœd In mis rrpon an: fOT Ibt exclUSlVt lISt of Ibt subnlla:~ ~rty BC uboratonts. Inc. assumes 00 n:sponsibility for n:port allC!1Ioon. oepanbOD, detachment or tI!ln! party inlerpn:tlÞon 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield, CA 93308· (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327-1918· www.bclabs,com E- Laboratories, ¡IIC, Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YGUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 k~aheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/02/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-7 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD S-7-1-99 Soil TOM Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(g) : Date Analyzed-8015M(g): 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 Analysis Reporting Constituents Results Units Benzene None Detected mg/kg Toluene None Detected mg/kg Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg Gasoline Range Organics (C5 - C14) None Detected mg/kg Surrogate % Recovery 59. % Practical Quantitation Limit 0.005 *2 0.005 *2 0.005 *2 0.01 *2 1. *2 70-130 *1 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified SPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. Flag *1 Explanations: ; Note: Surrogate is low due to matrix interferences. Interferences verified through 2nd extraction/analysis. Associated surrogate recovery is low. *2 tuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor AIJ results lISted In tIIis repon art for Ih< cxchasi," ~ of !h. submitting pan, BC Laooratones. Inc assumes rI(' responsib,lrr:. for rqx¡n aUrratJon. lep&nllon, detachment or !hlnl part) mttrprtolAlK>n 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (661 ì 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327-1918· www.bclabs,com § Laboratories, [IIC. Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92B05 þ"tt:':: Llt'C~:'.. WADE 714-3;5-1522 Date Reported: 07/02/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-8 S~~pling Lc~ation: Sample ID: Sarnple Matrix: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD C-B-1-99 Soil TOM Date Collected: Date Extracted-B020: Date Analyzed-B020: Extracted-8015M(g) : Analyzed-801SM(g} : 06/16/99 06/18/99 06/1B/99 06/18/99 06/1B/99 @ 09:2C;''':~ Date Date Analysis Reporting Constituents Results Units Benzene None Detected mg/kg Toluene None Detected mg/kg Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg Total Xyle:-:es None Detected mg/kg Gasoline Ra.:1ge Organics (:5 - -- .- \ None Detected mg/kg \....-":: Surrogate % Recovery 82. % Practical Quantitation Limit 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 l. 70 -130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. St\.:a~-t G. 3ü:tram ~e~ar~~ent Supervisor A:; results Ì1S\t~ It'; åHS 1T'f'OM ¡~ fm Ù\t' t"dusp.c \Ci.C of \hc ~U.~"TI\r''':'T1f P¡"~ kC ~.a¡"'(,ahlnc:-. tn\ a.s...<¡u.r.x~ no rrs;y_x'.slblltt~ tor r~n. a;~crd.lJOn, ~~dr":1I-'ß. JC':J.ch:1M:m;: :h:rd p.an~ 1fltt'r;"Ct!!I('T: 4) 00 Atlas Court · Bakersfield, CA 9:308 · (66 i) 327-4911 · Fax (661 ì 32ì-1918 · ',,'W\Io ,bc!abs,com § Laboratories, Inc, Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORh7E HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, S~ite 130 .~ar.~~m, CA 92805 ;'.tt:-.: LIl-<'"DA WADE -:4-385-15:2: Date Reported: 07/02/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-9 5~il Date Collected: ùate Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed,8020: Extracted-8015M(g) : Analyzed- 801SM (g) : 06/16/99 ¿ 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 10 : 451-...'1 S~~~:~ng Location: S~'T1;:::'e ID: Samp::'e Matrix: Sample Collected By: TOM BAKERSFIELD (-9-1-99 Date Date Constituents Analysis Results Reporting Units Practical Quantitation Limit "' , Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Tata::' Xylenes Gasoline Range Organics ':5 - C14) Surrogate % Recovery None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected mgjkg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.0: None Detected 87. mg/kg % 1. 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individ~al constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. S:ua~: ~. 3~ttr~~ Depa~t~ent Supervisor AH re'5uhs hs\ed In :hIS ITpon ¡~ for the c:\.;lusllot ¡,¿)(' r:'If tht submrttng p~r." h( L~Y..\J.\Oc~. in( iLSS\1raC~ \)1.' rts?-~\;.s¡blh!y ~\Jr rtport I:u:r.t\of\. !.C?a~tton. ~ku(hm<.'~~: .~r :::1~J "J;-:~ ":r~"':4itJr.lr. 4100 Atlas Coun · Bakersfield. CA 9330b· (661) 32ì-49 ì I · Fax (661) 32ï-191 8 · ""wv;,bc1abs,com § Laboratories, fllc. Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92B05 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-3B5-152: Date Reported: 07/02/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-10 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD C-IO-1-99 Soil TOM Date Collected: Da~e Ex~racted-B020: Date Analyzed-B020: Extracted-8015M(g) : Analyzed-8015M(g) : 06/16/99 ~ 06/1B/99 06/1B/99 06/1B/99 06/1B/99 10:50AM Date Date Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg O.C: Gasoline Range Organics (C5 , Cl4) None Detected mg/kg 1. Surrogate % Recovery 84. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA ~ethod 5030/8020. St'Jal~~ ~. =·~::.t.:-arn Department 5up~rvisor ....11 results hsted ¡n thiS rt'fI'0n ¡T'!.O for W C'\ctUSI'I.t U~ oflhr submln:r.~ pó!n~ R( LatxJ,..tOf1(:.. ìOf ~..r.x~ n0 rts;x ~~ibIÌl:\ :Jl' rt:pon. ; i tC'r./.lJ on. .'t('~~~pn. d(t;¡chmC'n: ..:~ ':'I:~ part\ :~H.!"1T'a :J fJc,r~ 4100 Alias Court· Bakc:rsfitld. CA 93308· (661) 327-491 I · Fax (661) 327-1918· ....w.....bclabs.com B Laboratories, ¡flC, Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Page :i. PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Att~: LINDA ~~E 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/02/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-:: S~~p:~ng Location: S~~p:e 1D: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD C-1l-1-99 Soil TOM Date Collected: Date Extracted-B020: Date Analyzed-S020: Extracted-B01SM(g) Analyzed- SOlSM (g) : 06/16/99 â 06/1B/99 06/1S/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 1 0 : 5 0 .:,:.: Date Date Constituents Analysis Results Reporting Units Practical Quanti tat ion Limit Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Total Xylenes Gasoline Range Organics (C5 - C14! Surrogate ~ Recovery None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected mg/kg mg!kg mg/kg mg'kg 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 None Detected B3. mgikg ~ l. 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. cali7~s Cer ~~ St~a~~ ~_ Buttr~~ Department Supervisor AJj rcsutt) hs((d In thiS r~p(1n an' {Of Ù)(' c'\cI\C) \(' U5o(' of lhc submm:n~ P;H1" HC i.....ho-¡raIPn<:..... ;nr as....ufac~ n0 rrsponsibiÌi~, ¡or rcpon ¡Iteration. s.cpantJOO. dt'tach~n: .':H :J1:"': p.a.r:. .... :...:-:-;--.: ~~ì01\ 4]00 Atlas Coun· Bakersfield, CA q3~Ob· (661) 327-49i I · Fax (661) 327-1918· w........."bclabs,com § Laboratories, fllC, Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ?ICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 .~~aheim, CA 92805 ~ttn: LI!IDA WADE 714,325-1522 Date Reported: 07/02/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Labo~atory No.: 99-07072-12 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: Date Date Date :ollected: Date Extracted·S020: Date Analyzed-S020: Extracted-S01SM(g) : Analyzed-S01SM(g) : BAKERSFIELD 5-12-1-99 Soil TOM 06/16/99 06/1S/99 06/1S/99 06/1S/99 06/1S/99 Page 1 ~ 10:50AM Constituents Analysis Results Reporting Units Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene 70tal Xylenes Gasoline Range Organics (C5 - C14) Surrogate % Recovery None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg rr.g/kg None Detected 14 . rr.g/kg %- Practical Quantitation Limit 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 1. 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA S015 Individual constituents by EPA.Method 5C30/S020. ;".l.ag Explanat~ons: Note: Sur~ogate is low due to matrix interferences. Inte~ferences verifieà through 2nd extraction/analysis. Associateà surrogate recovery ~s low. *1 *') =~/#1186 S~~a~t G. B~tt~am ~epartment Supervlsor *2 *2 *2 *2 *2 *1 AI: rc:~uJt:. lasted In thiS rt.';X\T1 ¡n.' fN tht C\(iUSht u...~ ('If the subnutt:m~ p3n~ BC :.....aMrawnc~. ¡or. as..'II.Wõ1C~ n" rl':i;h"\;:::Þ J::' '-I,U repcn ¡ltc~:lon. scparanoD. dctJchoxnl or rn1ro p.an.~ lnt.tr;-::T~nOf1 4100 Alias Court' Bakersfield, CA 9330ð' (661) 327-49i I · Fax (661) 327-1918' \,vww,bclabs,com Ð Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons P1CY. YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 130: E. Orangewood, Suite 130 ~~a~~:m, CA 9~805 ,;;'t'::':.: :"1N1::.2:.. WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/02/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-13 Sam~::ng Location: Samp::"e ID: Sa.'T.p:~ Matrix: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD 5-13-1-99 Soil TOM Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Extracted-8015M(g) : Analyzed-8015M(g) : 06/16/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 â 11: 4 SAM Date Date Constituents Analysis Results Reporting Units Practical Quantitation Limit Benzene None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %- 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 Tol;,;e::e Ethyl Benzene Tata::" Xyler:<::s Gasoline Range Organics r-:s - C:4: None Detected 82. 1. 70-130 Surrogate ~ Recovery TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified BPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. CaL;OO"iaÁ. / / / /. 5 :: ._~ .::.: ': __. =, :J :: tram Depa~:~e:1~ 8~pervlscr AJJ results hs:~": In. thiS ~':1.n. iar LM C\~·!u.s]~e lotS(' oflbt subn\ltDng pan~ R~' :"'aMrat(1f'1~~. [oc .s.lj.wnc~ nt' rcsponsiblil!)' for rtpcn alteration. SCpa;"'3t1N' dtbchmcnt ::n th:"\J pAr.\ 'nt.r~:'"u.ttIOr. 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield. CA 93308· (661) 327-49J 1 · Fax (661) 327-1918· 'W'WW.bclabscom Ð- Laboratories, Inc, Page 1 Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8010/8020 By GC/MS) PICY. 1~UR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 ~~aheirn, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 S~;:~~3 Location: Sar.-,;.le ID: Sample ~..atrix: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD EP-1-1-99 Soil TOM Date Reported: 07/10/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-1 Date Collected: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: 06/16/99 _ :9: ::;C~1 06/26/99 06/26/99 Constituents Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlcrobenzene Chloroethane Ch1.8roform Chloromethane Dlcr~mochloromethane 1.2-Dichlorobenzene 1.3-Dlchlorobenzene l,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane l,l-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene CiS-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane cis-l.3-Dichloropropene trans-l,3-Dichloropropene Methylene Chloride 1,:,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene 1. 1. I-Trichloroethane 1.1,2-Trichloroethane ~ri::hlcroethene Tr~::hlorcfluoromethane l.:.:-~~lchlcro- :.:.2-tr~fluoroethane Vim": Chloride Met~yl·t-butylether Analysis Results None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected Reporting Units ¥.e thod Detection Level Method P.O.L. mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mgjkg mgjkg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mgjkg mg/kg mgjkg mgjkg mg/kg mg/kg mgjkg mgjkg mg/kg mg/kg mgjkg mgjkg mgjkg mgjkg mg/kg mgjkg mg/kg 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0_005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.00059 0.00050 0.0014 0.0015 0.00052 0.00096 ).00065 0.00089 ).00045 0.00045 0.0005 0.00048 0.0010 0.00078 0.00084 0.0011 0.00067 0.0010 0.00062 0.00060 0.00040 0.0010 0.00066 0.0008 0.0011 0.0006 0.00064 0.001: mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 0.005 0.005 0.005 ).0012 0.0011 ').0025 St..:~-::-2qa::es :/:-~:c~loroe~hane-à4 To l·...:ene - d8 4·E~omc!luor~ben=ene %- ~ecoverv Quality Control Data Control :"lmlts 98. 100. 9S. 70-121 81-11 7 74-121 A.)! I"esu1ts 's:ec I~ ~......s re~C'~ are fa: the €:J:...s,ve use o~ the suom¡t";!ng ~art\; Be L.aboratones Ire assume~:1O "espo~sIDd,t>, tor repor. al!eratlcr ¡j~talì:men:;:-··r.:: :é--'. r:fr:-~f:~a: IC'" 4100 Atlas Court' Bakersfield, CA 93308' (661)327-4811 . Fax(66' J32ï·i~18· WW'W .bclabscom § Laboratories, IlIc. Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8010/8020 By GC/MS) Page 2 ?:CK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/10/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-1 S~~ple Description: BAKERSFIELD, EP'1-1'99, 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM, TOM California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 /.. /, ". ./' // /. ß~: 2:~ar: G. 3ut~~~ =epartmen~ Superv:sor ~ AF res.Jl~s I'sted Ii! th~s rr:-~o'"1 are for the exCh..:s·ve use o~ tf1e subrr.;~m9 party 8: _â:x.¡a~c.qes me ass....rT1es nc reSpo'lSIt>d!ty for íe~K - d't€;iatJor¡, detancmC'":t or ttwc Pð'1)- If"t~",,;,reta:, or. 4 ' ao Atlas Court' Bakersfield, CA 93308 . :661 )327 -4911 . Fax(66 í )327·1 9 í 8 . ......vw ,bclabs com E Laboratories, ¡IIC, Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8010/8020 By GC/MS) PICY. YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim. CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 SæT.pling Location: Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD EP-2-1-99 Soil TOM Date Reported: 07/10/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99'07072-2 :Jate Ccllected: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: 06/16/99 'ª' 06/26/99 06/26/99 Page 1 ~,q . .., r:. '.' .... -- . - ---.. Constituents Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane Dibrornochlorometh~~e l,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane l,l-Dichloroethane l,2-Dichloroethane l,l-Dichloroethene cis-l,2-Dichloroethene trans-l,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane cis-l,3-Dichloropropene tr~~s-l,3-Dichloropropene Methylene Chloride l,l,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene l,l,l-Trichloroethane 1, 1. 2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Trichlorofluoromethane :,:,:-Trichloro- :,:,2-trifluorcethane Vir:':l Chloride Methyl-t-butylether Analysis Results None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected 0.073 None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected Reporting Units Method P.O.L. Method Detection Level 0.00059 0.00050 0.0014 0.0015 0.00052 o . 00096 0.00065 0.00089 0.00045 0.00045 0.0005 0.00048 0.0010 0.00078 0.00084 0.0011 0.00067 0.0010 0.00062 0.00060 0.00040 0.0010 0.00066 0.0008 0.0011 0.0006 0.00064 0.0012 0.0012 0.0011 0.0025 Sur::'-:Jcates 1,:-S:.chloroethane-d4 :'oL.lene - dB 4·Bromofluorobenzene mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg rng/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg rng/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 0.005 - 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 0.005 0.005 0.005 A,I ~eSu¡ts :'stec Ir tnl5 ¡epo~ are for tl1e E:t:.IL:S ve use 0: thE submlrJrç .part~. S': _d:Joratorles. Inc ass\J~€:~"C :"'espo'1S¡:>.!:~ 1C! repo~ ar!eratJor., detahcm('I".: :," Ii,''':: ;Jð'Î'y :ntff'"Preta: ¡çn 4100 Atias Court' Bakersfield, CA 933Gf;' (661ì32ì-4911 . Fax(661)327-19i8' 'IMW .bclabscom %- Recoverv Quality Control Data Control Limits 100. 98. 82. 70-121 81-11 7 74-121 B Laboratories, ¡lie. Page 2 Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8010/8020 By GC/MS) prcy. YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385'1522 Date Reported: 07/10/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-2 Sam;;.:.;:: Jesct"iption: BAKERSFIELD, EP'2-1-99, 06:'16/99 @ 09:20A!-o!, TOM California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 ¿~ Stual't G. But tram Department Supervisor All results Ilstec In this re:>o11 ale tor the excluSIVe use o· me SUbm,r.:ng ~arT\'. BC Laoorato'les Inc assumes no respo'l5/b.llty fú/ repor. a\leralton, OelahCmen: or tt,J!O party ,nle"P'eta:ilon 4100 Atlas Court' Bakersfield, CA 93308 . 1661 )327 -4911 . Fax1661 )327 ·1918 . 'W'WW ,bclabs.com E Laboratories, Illc. Vo:atile Organic Analysis tEPA ~Æthod 8010/8020 By GC/MS) Page 2 prcy. YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADÇUARTE~S 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Ana~eim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/10/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-5 Sæ~;:e Desc~iptior.: BAKERSF:~~D, ~?-5-1-99, 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM. TOM Ca:~:crnia D.O.H.S. Cert. #1:36 /// / ¿~: St~~r: ~. Eüttram ~e;~rtment Supervisor Ail 'esul~ s'eo '" this 'e;Je~ a,e fer thee elcl~s,e use Of the s~b"" :,.-ç ~~" BC laboratories, Ir.c assumes ~o respO~SiD'¡lty for repe" alterat.or,. oetahCmcnt or tn,":: péJ1y rnterpreta:"Dn 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield, CA 93308 . (661 )327-4911 . Fax(661 )327-1 918· www.,bclabs,com § Laboratories, IlIc. Page 2 Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8010/8020 By GC/MS) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/10/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-9 Samp~e uescription: BAKERSFIELD, C-9-1-99, 06/16/99 @ 10:45AM, TOM #1186 Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All 'esul:s I:slec 1[0 this repon are fa' the exClusive use of the subm,tt,ng party, BC LatJoratones, Inc assumes no responslt>"'ty for repon alteratiOn cetar1C""1ent or thllC party Interpretatllon 4100 Atlas Court' BakersfIeld, CA 93308' (661)327,4911 . Fax(661)327-1918' W'W'N ,bclabscom E Laboratories, IlIc. Page 2 volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8010/8020 By GC/MS) prcy. YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/10/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-11 Saœple Description: BAKERSFIELD, C-11-1-99, 06/16/99 ~ lO:50AM, TOM Callfornia D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results ¡'sled rn this 'ePOr! are fo' the exc ~slve use of the subm,nlng par1Y, BC laboratories nc assumes no respo!'JsibMy for report a terat,o~, detahcment or !~ -: pa~ ,nte,-pretat,oon 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield, CA 93308 . (661 )327-4911 . Fax(661 )327-1918 . www .bclabscom E\- Laboratories, fnc. Page 1 Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8010/8020 By GC/MS) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/10/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-13 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD 5-13-1-99 Soil TOM Date Collected: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: 06/16/99 @ 11:45AM 06/27/99 06/27/99 Method ~ Analysis Reporting Method Detection , Constituents Results Units P.O.L. Level :.:,.",.. BromodichI oromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00059 Bromoform None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00050 Bromomethane NòliÊ!" Detected mg/kg ''''0'':'0'05'' 0.0014 Carbon tetrachloride None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0015 Chlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00052 Chloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 o . 00096 Chloroform None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00065 Chloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00089 Dibromochloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00045 1,2-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00045 1,3-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0005 1,4-Dichlorobenzene "·'Wone Detected' mg/kg "hO.005 0.00048 Dichlorodifluoromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0010 1,1-Dichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00078 1,2-Dichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00084 1,1-Dichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0011 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00067 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0010 1,2-Dichloropropane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00062 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00060 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00040 Methylene Chloride None Detected mg/kg 0.01 0.0010 1, 1,2, 2-Tetrachloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00066 Tetrachloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0008 1, 1, I-Trichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 o . 0011 1,1,2-Trichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0006 Trichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00064 Trichlorofluoromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0012 1,1,2-Trichloro- 1,2,2-trifluoroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0012 Vinyl Chloride None Detected mg/kg 0.005 o . 0011 Methyl-t-butylether None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0025 Quality Control Data Surroqates % Recovery Control Limits 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 78. 70-121 Toluene-dB 96. 81-117 4·Bromcfluorobenzene 95. 74-121 All results I,steo III Ih,s repor1 are for the exduslve use of the submltMg party BC Laboratones, Inc assumes no respo~s,billty for repor1 alteration, detahcmen: 0' thrrd party ,nte'Pfeta: ,or 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield. CA 93308 . (661 )327-4911 . Fax(66 ~ )327 ·1918 . www.bclabs,com E Laborlltories, 11IC, Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8010/8020 By GC/MS) Page 2 PICY- YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim. CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/10/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-13 Sample Description: BAKERSFIELD, 5-13'1-99, 06/16/99 @ 11:45AM, TOM California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 hL- Stuart G. Buttram Department Superv1sor All res~lts listed 1[' tr,:s ,t?:Jor1 are for the exclus,ve use of the sutJm'~Jnç partY BC LaDorato',es, Inc assumes nc 'espo~SJD¡J,ty for repO~ alteratlOr detahcme~::Jr thrr:: PB'1y Interpret.atllon 4100 Atlas Court' Bakersfield, CA 93308 . (661 \327-4911 . Fax(661 )32ì·1918 . www .bclabs,com r", ,'--'" ~. Laboratories, Inc. f d~hr;¡rin:.: ollr :,Olh "'.If" JUt! 7 1999 <:._~l.:' 26, 2.9S<:f LINDA WADE PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUk~TERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Süite 130 .~,aheim, CA 92805 St.:bject: La;:,oraccr1~ Submissio:""_ ::0.: Samples Rece:..'¡e¿: 99-07863 07/07/99 Dear LINDA WADE: The samplesís) listed OD the C~a~n of C~stody report were received by BC Laboratories, Inc. on 07/07/99. Enclosed please find the analytical data for the testing requested. If you have any questions regarding this report please contact me at (661)327-4911, ext. 250. Any unused sample will be stored on our premises for a minimum of 30 days (excluding bacteriologicals) at which time they will be disposed unless otherwise requested at the time of sample receipt. A disposal fee of $5 per sample may apply for solid sample matrices. ?lease refer to submission m¡¡ï.Der 99-07863 whe:1 calling for assistance. Sincerely. ',. ... --......... ~'~ .'C· i _ \ æ---l. ,r--.-, , I ~} . ..- .. .;.,...l.a::è rta-.e Project Coordinator 2C Laboratories, Inc. ·HUII ,,\ J;¡,~ C/o' B;¡ker~tidd. C\ 'JJJOS. IMI) J.:!7--4'J11 . F.\\ Iflflll .\.:!7.('''X .. ..n./)d;¡h~.cum ;- ~'I <..' -ì ->ð../I,", ~ elk.) C1Cì ·7~3 ,__.alU~ 1. 'I. þ~, _ _..___ ~ 41f' Atlas Court · Bakersfield. CA . . 93308 (801) 327-4911 · FAX (806) 327-1918 1 .._._.._-~--- -- .._-_._--- --.--------- Repor1t .n<.tl~PIl',To: 'H;;,,' " l;~L, ,~" ..' ',d :IJ¡i~','!/ Analysis R,equested :; , . . ..... . "', ..' .... . ,. . . . t .,...... :,.,; '.) "µ. ~ , ".' .. ,. .. .. . -- ,,' . . ," ~. Name: V' 1 PIICK YOUR PART Phone: 714-385-1522- 418.1 EC, PH. T55. TOC 8010EIY 8TH TOTAL ~ ALKALINITY 82Œ) MTBE FE. PB. Address: 1300 E. ORANGE WOOD SUITE 130 Project: BAKER SFIELD rmo! AL -,j -. ~~ ~~ -.J ..g City: ANAHEIM Sampler: ~"""" TN" I t', e.. I o~tl- State: GA Zip 92805: > Sf). L S~, ,.,\':_..... '-v- .ja;~ --- T -.-,-.- ---- AUn: L I "-if)(", W ty{)e ~ . OT OTPE 40l 40 ML \fIAL 40 ML V1I\L 500 ML ~"<if\'¡' L . Sample O:~d.~I<?I}I!' Fe:¡~amþied il· ......... . ., TI~' :~~~:\ . Ha. NONE H2SO4 HCl. 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(C) - Container (P) = Preservative t ; BC LABORATORIES,; IN'C. '> Page CHAIN OF CUSTODY 1 of 1 BC LABORATORIES INC. SAMPLE RECEIPT FORM Rev. No.6 10/13/98 Page Of Submission #: CFf - 73(03 Project Code: SHIPPING INFORMATION SHIPPING CONTAINER Federal Expren 0 UPS 0 Hand DeDvery 0 Ice Chest r;;Y' None 0 /' BC lab Field Service ~ Other 0 (Specify) Box 0 Other o (Specify) Refrigerant: Ieee(" Blue Ice 0 None 0 Other 0 Comments: Custody Seals: Ice Chest 0 1=:-O°No J None if' Comments: Intact? V.. 0 No n All .amples received? Yea¡1X NoD All aamplu container. Intact? VesK. No 0 Descrlptlon(.) match COC? Yu I/.. No 0 ""'iò-""~ Ice Che.t ID DatelTlme " - ì . i 'í Ice Che.t ID DetefTime ~~ Temperature: :: ').. ·c 1 Temperature: ·C -' Thermometer ID: I.¡~ Analyst Inlt DfL-- Thermometer ID: AR8Iyat Inlt \ I Emissivity . '1..Ò Emissivity I '.--------- ./ Container ï.l¿,fYI 0 i)(MF- Container SAMPLE NUMBERS SAMPlE CONTAINERS . a . . . . 7 . . . , .. . a . . . ~~,~ . . , .. It .. . .t- . ~', .. ..,:,~f': """"",. ...... "¡n, ,t ....,..~. aT GENEJIAl MINEAAlJ GENERAL PHYSICAL PT Æ UNPR£SERVED 01\");', ,- . ,..':'Jr ., ¡,~, _4 ~ fi,/·. lOT "£IT". ~ UE:TA,e:: IPT IPT . FORM~ 'PT TOTAl ~III FIOF ·'n. I ~ITRIT1' ¡,OO,." TOTAl IPT " ' ~ . .~. -.. . '.- .~ w..,,·· ~ '.' "-'~'. .. . ~_.. ,^^ -. -..--.-. .-- An.... vnA VIA' TDAVF' AI AAI ( 4n...I vnA VIA. A''''. A..... 'iH11 PT nnnA DAr"n, nl'>''''''' I nl'>''''A' PT ~P A !õnA InTE:ÞA InT E:PA £1.£1 ./04"1'1 lOT E:PA ..,.. lOT FPA ..,.. TRlIVE:' AI liNK "MtnI FPA 1;47 '00,.,1 ¡::PA <;"'1' , tiT FP.ð S;41'1 OT FPA C¡4Q OT E:DA ....., OT FP.ð 1'10' 'ilIA nT OAIOr OT AMRFR R n, ,IAR "'I' 07 ,IAR !:nll !':IFI'VI' I I I , I PLASTIC BAG I I Comments: Sample Numbering Completed By: DetefTlme: If ,IWP80ILA8 _ DOCSlfORMS ISAMRfC2 ,WPD §. Laboratories, Illc. Page 1 TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) PICY. YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim. CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/19/99 Date Received: 07/07/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07863-1 S~~pling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: 5311 S.UNION, .BAKERSF. 1-EP-799 07/07/99 @ 10:00AM Title 22 Waste ~1Pe: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM TWILLIE Constituents Sample Results Units Method P.O.L. Method Regulatory Criteria STLC '.l'TLC mq/L mq/kq Lead *05 124. mg/kg 10. SW~60l0 5.0 1000. Comment: All above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. .:. _.-.1...- Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte quantifiable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed) Soluble Threshold ~~mlt :oncentration Total Threshold Limit Concentration P . ~.L. ::: .......,...... ,... REFEEENCES: SW := "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA'SW-846. Flag Explanations: *05 := Sample precision is not withlD established llmits. Call~ornla D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 Dan Schu::'tz .-.: a,-' '- '..,.>" .:..-:.r~ ~ '- .L'a:-::::-a !:cr:\l Ð:'l:ectcr ,..... ~es:...lt~ ,s:€:,: .- :t' :. ~e:::o.., are for ttle e~':::...5 \Ie L.~e :)' :r€' 5L:........I:1 '1; pa'"7! 3C Laccra::.' €5 Ir¡c aSSJr'1es no resDOns:::J-p~'~ I:~ ~e;)O--: alte~a: o~· dctafìcmen~:.~ :-,': : .1'1\ -:e{:'·f~2'·J0"" 4 1 00 ,;tlas ::: oun . Bakersfield CA 933GB' (66 i )327 -4911 . Fax(66 ' 1327 ·1916 . www ,bclabs com E Laboratories, [IIC, Page 1 TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 An~~eim, CA 92805 At::::.: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/19/99 Date Received: 07/07/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07863-2 Sampling Location: Sa.:;:p 1 e ID: Sampling Date/Time: 5311 S.UNION, .BAKERSF. 2E,2'7-99 07/07/99 @ 10:05AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM TWILLIE Constituents SamPle Results ~ Method P.O.L. Method Regulatory Criteria STLC 'ITLC maiL ma/ka Lead ·05 194. mg/kg 10. SW-6010 5.0 1000. Comment: All above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.~. Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte quantifiable based on sample s~ze used and analytical technique emp12yeè\ ST~: Soluble Threshold Limit Concentrat~on T'I':":: Total Threshold Limit Concentrat:lon RE?ERENCES: S'i-\ = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods" I EPA-SW-846. ?la9 Explanations: *C5 = Sample precision is not within establ~shed limits. ~a~::o~n:a D.O.B.S. Cert. #1186 -- , ~, \.....-,)-'/, ,". -.¡ ( '''---\' 1........ t :;a:-~ SchL.ì..':"::: Lacc::"3:'C~'" ~irecto:=.- ~r res...lts ;¡s:e: ....:r-- s ~e:'8'" are ~:y ~ne exd;.;s "f!: use o~ tfle SUDr1ln,ng ::>a-;y. BC Laboratones Inc assu:nes r,.) res;Jr:",s'~d:~\ I:.' 'e:>o~ a~teratlor. de:ahcmer.t œ:" -: ~art) ."":e·;'·.e:at.I:.... 410C Atlas Court· Bakersfield. CA 93308· (661 )327 -4911 . Fax(66i ,327-1918· www,.bclabscom E Laboratories, /I/C, Page 1 TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22. Section 66261) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385'1522 Date Reported: 07/19/99 Date Received: 07/07/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07863-3 Sampling Location: Sample 10: Sampling Date/Time: 5311 S.UNION, .BAKERSF. 3NW-3-7-99 07/07/99 @ 10:10AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Mîllable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM TWILLIE Constituents Sample Results Units Method P.O.L. Method Regulatory Criteria STLC ITLC mq/L mq/kq Lead *05 121. mg/kg 10. SW- 6010 5.0 1000. Comment: All above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (ITLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techn~ques to determine total levels. P.Q.L, Practical Quantitation L~mit (refers to the least amount of analyte quanti:::'able based on sample size used and analytical technique emplc:/ed) Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration Total Threshold Limit Concentration STLC TTLC REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods"; EPA-SW'846, Flag Explanations: -OS = Sample precision is not w~th~n establ~shed l~mlts. Call:=~nla O.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 ,'~- ~ ) "I " ~' L.r.. l.~ .:'arl ScJ:u1.:z Labc~atory Dlrector Ai' :'"es...;;t~ I=:ec ......, :"".'5 'e8:)~ are t~v ~tlE" ex:Jvs've cse 0' the ~L:''''''',r~ ....; paity BC Lat.ora10nes Inc assumes nc respOnS1b¡/¡t), ~Oi ;e~C':: a1te"a::or detanc.me": s' '., 'c: ::.aí1, :í:e::·e:at,I:;.... 4100 Alias Court· Bakersfield CÞ-, 93308· (661)327-4911· Fax(651)327·1918· www ,bclabs corn V Laboratories, fllC, Page 1 TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/19/99 Date Received: 07/07/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07863-4 S~T.pling Location: Sarnp::'e ID: Sampling Date/Time: 5311 S.UNION, .BAKERSF. 4NE-4-7-99 07/07/99 @ 10:15AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM TWILLIE Constituents SéUTlDle Results Units Method P.O.L. Method Regulatory Criteria STLC TILC mq/L mq/kq Lead *05 285. mg/kg 10. SW-6010 5.0 1000. Comment: All above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. ~ î - r.~_....... Practical Quantitation Lim~t (refers to the least amount of analyte quantlf:.able based on sample Slze used anà analyt:.cal technlque empl:::yed) Soluble Threshold Limit Concentrat~on Total Threshold Limit Concentration .::: - ~'- 77LC ?EF~P..ENCES : SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solld Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods". EPA-SW-B46. Flag Explanations: *05 = Sample precision lS not withln establlshed limits. :al:.:o~nla D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 ,c~ :/' .-...._ " ,,- '-' 'C> \ :;a:-.: ~=::ul~z ~aDc~atory D:.~ectc~ ;.., -~sl,.n~ ;~:e: -:r ~ ·E.-:-,O~ are ~O' !ne exc.)....5-ve use o~ the SIJD""t!1'ng :;'2"":): 8·:' lat;cra~2r e~ j~.: ass,;"""'es '1(.. 'f::S:J::'''',~;D II¡V (':If re;JO~ alte'a:.or ae:at1cmer.: =>~ ',- ': :-aft) ;1ì~e1:'ï::2i,IO" 4100 Atlas Caur;" Bakersfield CÞ 93308" (661 )327·4911 "Fax(661 )327·1918" WWoN..bclabscom E Laborafories, fllC, Page 1 TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/19/99 Date Received: 07/07/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07863-5 Sampling Location: Sal'np 1 e II): S~~pling Date/Time: 5311 S.UNION, .BAKERSF. 51-5-7-99 07/07/99 @ 10:20AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM TWILLIE Lead *05 135. mg/kg 10. Method SW-6010 Regulatory criteria STLC TTLC maiL ma/ka Constituents Samcle Results Units Method P.O.L. 5.0 1000. Comment: All above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.:;.L. Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte quant:.fiable based on sample s"-ze used and ana"-:rc:.cal technique e::-:ployed) Soluble Threshold Limit Concentrat:.on Total Threshold Limit Concentration ST:"C T':'l..C = RE?ERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Phys~cal/Chemical Methoàs", EPA-SW-846. Flag Explanations: *J5 = Sample precision is not w:.th:.n establ:.shed limits. :a:~forD~a D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 <,'" -''--<~ Da:: S~h1Jì~z Labcratorÿ Director A: ~esults ..5:e: 'r. tt'!ts 'e:.::; a'e ~:'" ~··E e' :....s .¡e use Of the Sl,.¡Dr;)t~.,1b pa~y, 8: ....at;cra¡;::·'e5 Î'1C as$....:-·e~ ~~ '€:SDor;~I~'¡'~)' I~r "eooli alte"3tlor, de~a"cme"':~ :r¡"c party J!1~e·~·f:at:IO""; 4100 Atlas Court' Bakersfield CA 93308' í661\327-491 1 . Faxí66~ i32i-1918· www..bclabscom § Lahoratories, ¡/lC, Page 1 TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385'1522 Date Reported: 07/19/99 Date Received: 07/07/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07863-6 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: 5311 S.UNION, .BAY~RSF. 6S-6-7-99 07/07/99 @ 10:25AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM TWILLIE ,.,.....""";-'~ , Regulatory ..."., ' Criteria, , STLC TTLC maIL InQ/kq Constituents Sample Results ~ Method P.O.L. Lead *05 382. mg/kg 10. Method""," . SW-6010 5.0 1000. . ..; ....Ñít." ~.'''''~': Co~~ent: All above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.Q,~. Practical Quantita~ion Limit (refers t~ the least amount of analyte cr...:an~.if:.able baseà on sample s:.ze used and analytical t.echnique empl:::::;eà; ~~~~ Soluble Threshold Lim~t Conce~t~at~on 7TLC = Tot.al Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Sol~d Wastes Phys~cal/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846. Flag Explanations: *05 = Sample precision is not within established limits. Cal:.fornia D.a.H.S. Cert. #1186 <--:". -- \. {{ . -----=;- :Jar; 5C:l·...:1 tz ~aboratory Director Ai :-es...\ts. .Is:ec "\ tt',.5 ~eçQ:-". 3'E ~;)' :.....{> exci¡,;s vc '...5t o~ ~t'\e Sl.::'--;!tt\(ìd ;:.a.~y. BC lat,c.ra~~r~es !"\C aSS..Jmes f1l ·'f:~~,:'··"S\t)\!Jty fO~ rej)o""': a'\e~a~\ú"" Ce~ahCr.ïefì~ Of ~:-W\: party \~,~e:;-·e~tilO!". 4:00 Atlas Court' Bakersfield. CA 93308' (661)327-4911· Fax/661)327-1918· www.,bclabs com E Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 WET TEST EXTRACT CONTAMINANTS ANALYZED ACCORDING TO TITLE 22, ARTICLE 11, CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS FOR HAZARDOUS WASTE DETERMINATION (STLC) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1~01 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 ~:.aheim, CA 92805 A~~n: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/20/99 Date Received: 07/07/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07863-1 Samp~ing Location: Sarnple ID: Sampling Date/Time: S~~ple Collected By: 5311 S.UNION, .BAKERSF. 1-EP-799 07/07/99 @ 10:00AM TOM TWILLIE Constituents Sample Results mq /Ii ter Method P.D.L. ," !,:;;::..;f.:." .... , . ~.~. Method Regulatory Criteria STLC Lead *05 6.1 0.5 SW-6010 5.0 ....,~ -":~~\i9j. ,." ~<!""%'Q1!'~. Comment: All metals reported above are in mg/liter on a filtrate basis (STLC). These results are based on extracting sample according to Title 22, Article :1, Californ~a A~~inistrative Code using a 48-hour citric acid (deionized ~ater for hexaválent chrcmium) extraction. P.Q.L. Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte quantifiable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed) S~~: Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration RE?ERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846. Flag Explanations: r:S = Sample preçision is not within established limits. /' ~ .~: .,' ---;, L _ ~....... . ',- Da:: Schultz La~c~a~c~r DirecLor ~f results IIs:ed In th'S ~epo~ are for the ex:::lus,ve use of the w:>mlttJng party, BC LabOra!ones, Ine assumes no responSibility for report alterallon, detat1cment or tNrC party Interpretat¡'~ 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield. CA 93308· (661 )327-4911 . Fax(661 )327-1918 * www..bclabs.com E Laboratories, Iltc. Page 1 WET TEST EXTP~CT CONTAMINANTS ANALYZED ACCORDING TO TITLE 22, ARTICLE 11, CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS FOR HAZARDOUS WASTE DETERMINATION (STLC) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LI~~A WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/20/99 Date Received: 07/07/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07863-2 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: Sample Collected By: 5311 S.UNION, .BAKERSF. 2E-2-7-99 07/07/99 @ 10:05AM TOM TWILLIE Lead *05 0.5 ~~,t~W¡"·i-."'~.I~"'~ J.' Method '·š-w·~ 6010 Regulatory ,t.i<i.~''" Criteria STLC Constituents Sample Resul~_t T":¡,,,,,,, Method mq/liter' P.O.L. 12. ..,...<;..,..~.¡tIo'.. 5.0 ~~'t'~~h~d~~.lV.....~-ø:~~ ., ".~' ,.a4:-iIr~' P.Q.L. All metals reported above are in mg/liter on a filtrate basis (STLC). results are based on extracting sample according to Title 22, Article :alifor~ia Administrative Code using a 42-hour citric acid (deionized :or hexavalent chromium) extraction. Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte quantifiable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed) . Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration These 11, water Comment: S7LC = REFERENCES: Sv. = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes physical/Chemical Methods" I EPA-SW-846. ~:~g Explanat~ons: ~05 = S~~ple precision is not within established limits. " .; í ~ (- .J':X...",,-'\" ! :ô.:-: Sc:-::.;:~: :'aiJora::ory Director All results listed In thIS report are 101 the exCluSIve use of the sUbm,rtmg party, BC LabOratories. Inc assumes no responsibilrty for repor1 alteration, detahcmenf ex !turd party Interpretatilon 4100 Atlas Court' Bakersfield. CA 93308' (661)327-4911' Fax(661)327-1918' www..bclabs,com E Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 WET TEST EXTRACT CONTAMINANTS ANALYZED ACCORDING TO TITLE 22, ARTICLE 11, CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS FOR HAZARDOUS WASTE DETERMINATION (STLC) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/20/99 Date Received: 07/07/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07863-3 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: Sample Collected By: 5311 S.UNION, .BAKERSF. 3NW-3-7-99 07/07/99 @ 10:10AM TOM TWILLIE 5.9 Method P.O.L. 0.5" ' J;f.4I, Method Regulatory Criteria STLC Constituents Sample Resul t~.;~.".. 1I\Q'/liter Lead *05·..·..' ..-:....... SW-6010 5.0 ~~!-Þ.4iÚ,,"·····~ ~......~... ,,'-',.. Comment: All metals reported above are in mg/liter on a filtrate basis (STLC). results are based on extracting sample according to Title 22, Article California Administrative Code using a 48-hour c1tric aC1d (deionized for hexavalent chromium) excraCC1on. Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte quantifiable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed) Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration These 11. water P.Q.L. ST:"'C REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846. Fl~g Explasations: ·05 = Sample precision is not withln estab11shed limits. C~.Â- L- ' Da~ Schul::: Laboratory Director All results listed In thIs repo~ are for the ex~us,ve use 01 the IlUbrruttmg party. BC laboratories, Inc assumes no responsibility lor repor1 alteratior\, detahcment CY {h,ra party ,nterpretablOn 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield. CA 93308· (661)327-4911 . Fax(661)327-1918· www..bclabs,com Ð Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 WET TEST EXTRACT CONTAMINANTS ANALYZED ACCORDING TO TITLE 22, ARTICLE 11, CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS FOR HAZARDOUS WASTE DETERMINATION ( STLC) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/20/99 Date Received: 07/07/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07863-4 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: Sample Collected By: 5311 S.ONION, .BAKERSF. 4NE-4-7-99 07/07/99 @ 10:15AM TOM TWILLIE Lead ·05 16. " SW-6010 Regulatory .Cri teria STLC 5.0 Constituents S~le Results ·"·mq/liter Method P.O.L. ;,:'.'.~.~' 'Method' 0.5 ~ ,- ',. . . ..(t.~) o"." '. , .,:~~.","":A'.. Comment: All metals reported above are in mg/liter on a filtrate basis (STLC) _ These results are based on extracting sample according to Title 22, Article 11, California Administrative Code us~ng a 48-hour citric acid (deionized water for hexavalent chromium) extraction. P.Q.L. Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte quantifiable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed) . STLC Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846. F:ag Explanations: ·05 = Sample precision is not within established limits. c~ ~~, /-:.:- L .......... , Dan Schultz ~aboratory Director All results listed In thiS repOr1 are 'or the exclusive use of the submittmg par1y, BC Labora:ones, LnC assumes no 'espcns,o,lrty for repor1 alteration, detahcment CY thlro par1y Interpretatllon 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield. CA 93308 . (661)327-4911 . Fax(661)327-1918 . WW'N"bclabscom E Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 WET TEST EXTRACT CONTAMINANTS ANALYZED ACCORDING TO TITLE 22, ARTICLE 11, CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS FOR HAZARDOUS WASTE DETERMINATION (STLC) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/20/99 Date Received: 07/07/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07863-5 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: Sample Collected By: 5311 S.UN10N, .BAKERSF. 51-5-7-99 07/07/99 @ 10:20AM TOM TWILLIE "." ":~." constituents Sample Results mq IIi ter Method P.O.L. -,·:·l~'.:" Regulatory Criteria STLC Method Lead ~~."~~" "~".OS ' ,,0 16. ·~y.,~ô~~··~ ..¡...~..:;.,' SW-6010 5.0 '\~~"'! '~'~!I.', ..~ ~.''''' "*--<'~,,",. Comment: All metals reported above are in mg/liter on a filtrate basis (STLC). results are based on extracting sample according to Title 22, Article California Administrative Code using a 48-hour c~tric acid (deionized for hexavalent chromium) extraction. Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte quantifiable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed) . Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration These 11, water P.Q.L. STLC = REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846. Flag Explanations: *05 = Sample precision is not within established lim~ts. 2:&'^-..Þ0 Dan Schul tz LaboratcD' Director All results listed in thas report are for the excJusrve use of the subm,rtmg party, BC Laboratories, Inc assumes no responS'bilíty tor report alteration, detahcment O' :-o.nj party II1terpI'e!atiion 4100 Atlas Court * Bakersfield. CA 93308 * (661)327-4911 * Fax(661)32ì·1918 * ~..bclabs,com § Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 ' WET TEST EXTRACT CONTAMINANTS ANALYZED ACCORDING TO TITLE 22, ARTICLE 11, CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS FOR HAZARDOUS WASTE DETERMINATION (STLC) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/20/99 Date Received: 07/07/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07863-6 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: Sample Collected By: 5311 S.UNION, .BAKERSF. 6S-6-7-99 07/07/99 . lO:25AM TOM TWILLIE Constituents Sample Result!. mq IIi ter ",~~od --P.O.L. :~.: .::!~.:;.;......j7':;",,'~ ~~:¿\1.f:... Regulatory" Criter~~á~~~· STLC Method Lead *05 27. ., ",<,<~,~ 0.5 SW-6010 ...~il'wßf.i¡'· 5.0 ,,~;.-- -\""~" ...>....~.-...4'.... o;i',~,;,tVj%¡1f..,,:>. ."".,..~~. ,.""",,,,,,,,",',, Comment: All metals reported above are in mg/liter on a filtrate basis (STLC). These results are based on extracting sample according to Title 22, Article Il, California Administrative Code using a 48-hour citric acid (deionized water for hexavalent chromium) extraction. P.Q.L. = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte quantifiable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed). STLC Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846. Flag Explanations: *05 = Sample precision is not within established limits. Dan Schultz Laboratory Director ,Q.ßCA/\ '--' All results lisle(! ,n In is repor. are for the exclusive use of 1f1e submlttmg party, BC Laboratones, Inc assumes no responslbiirty for repan alteration, detahcment or It1IrcI party interpretatiiotl 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield. CA 93308· (661)327-4911· Fax(661)327-1918· www..bclabs.com B Laboratories, IlIc. Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/13/99 Date Received: 07/07/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07863-1 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: Sample Collected By: 5311 S.UNION, .BAKERSF. 1-EP-799 07/07/99 @ 10:00AM TOM TWILLIE Constituents Samole Results Units Method P.O.L. Method Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons . r... ;'h~~-f:" ·:':;'i-i!.':"·'r...';"", ;- ..~~ '~_. 1400. mg/kg ·t'\"j :"'~~-i';.;;;!:~>1i*';.!;.': 'or . EPA-418.1 "" ~M-i>.·"";':¡¡" . ..- '.Þ:'f'~~~'" ,.~;"",:,:~j,l1'""" . ,:·/t~). ;i;d,,....":..: '''''''!l'~''F ,." ~~. ,., ",..,.<t.'..:,;.d~'¡¡¡q¡III1AA.~'" '1"<ifo;'~,' ._~ ....., ..~..-... ";:'1'~' - ~ . ....~ ~)o;>~~ft1'-~~~·:-:'.t:~_r.4-\.;'fi~~""':':'{~)'':' .;,...¡~\ft~ Note: PQL's were raised due to dilution required to bring target analytes into calibration range. californ1a~~B6 Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results hsted ,n this repOl1 are to, tlJe exclusI"e use of !tie aubmitlJng party, BC Laboratories, Inc, aasumes no responsibility for report allel1llion. delahcment or tturd party interpretatiion 4100 Atlas Court' Bakersfield, CA 93308' (661)327-4911 . Fax(661)327·1918· www.,bclabs.com B Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/13/99 Date Received: 07/07/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07863-2 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: Sample Collected By: 5311 S.UNION, .BAKERSF. 2E-2-7-99 07/07/99 @ 10:05AM TOM TWILLIE Constituents Sample Results Units Method P.O.L. Method Total Recoverable Petroleum HydrOCA;'OOns ,¡¡!if<); <""",,, 1700. " .. . ··"ilfMfl~~~ ,,,-,,mglJc.g "j.;,*'-~i,d~. .." "BP. . ~ . . " ~\ .;..,'i ,.,",,, ~~" i. .-1~¡" "';~-">\-;~""'~"" "'i ~~l~'~~iJ...t1t.~.Þ.~~,,,,, ._.¡.~/' . ,..,: ...-~....~ ~'¡"~-';! ,';'~J.:': " ~,'~ . ~'. .......~~.. '''~,~... ~~ .,...~.." Note: PQL's were raised due to dilution required to bring target analytes into calibration range. 186 Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results IIsted,n tt1,s repor1 are for the exclusive use 01 the submlttmg party, BC Laboratories, Inc assumes no responsibility for repor1 alteration, detahcment or th.rCI party inØpn:!tatiion 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield, CA 93308 . (661)327-4911· Fax(661)327-191B· www..bclabs.com E Laboratories, [IIC. Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PI:Y. YOUR PART/CORPOPATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/13/99 Date Received: 07/07/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07863-3 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: Sample Collected By: 5311 S.UNION, .BAKERSF. 3NW-3-7-99 07/07/99 @ 10:10AM TOM TWILLIE Constituents Sample Results Units Method P.O.L. Method Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons 1600. mg/kg 200. SPA-U8.1 .~.'. ~;....,' ":-.~·_~'~~14}~~~" "f...r.w~''''' . .\,:~¡~ - ',..:¡.. Note: PQL's were raised due to dilution required to bring target analytes into calibration range. Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed In this report are for the exduSlIIe use 01 the submitbr>g party, BC Laboratories, Inc, assumes no responsibility for report alteration, detahcment or third party Interpretatiion 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield, CA 93308 . (661)327-4911 . Fax(661 )327·1918· WWW.,bclabs,com B Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICY. YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/13/99 Date Received: 07/07/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07863-4 Sarp~ìDg ~ccation: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: Sample Collected By: 5311 S. ':J'NION. . 3AKERS? . 4NE-4-7-99 07/07/99 @ lO:15AM TOM TWILLIE Constituents Sample Results Units Method P.O.L. Method Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons 1.300. mg/kg 200. EPA-418.1 Note: Pç~'s were raised due to dilut~on requ~red to brlng target analytes intc calibration range. ro ' ç' ~ c..a...l_ornla D.)Y.Pv.'S. Cert. #1' ~/ /~ /~ / / _ ,/ /' ~Ä- St~art G. 3~ttr~~ Depa~~me~t Supervlscr AI! results hstec ,n th,s ·epo" are for the exClusIve use of the suOm,ltlng pa~, BC Labora:ones, Ine assumes no 'espcnslOlirty fo' 'epe" alteration àetar.C!T1ent O· ¡hire party mterpretatllor 4100 Atlas Court' Bakersfield. CA 93308' (661 )327-4911 . Fax(661 )327·1918' www,bclabscom E Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/13/99 Date Received: 07/07/99 Laboratory No.: 99'07863-~ S~,p~:ng Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: Sample Collected By: 5311 S. UNION, ,BAKERSF. 5I-5-7-99 07/07/99 @ 10:20AM TOM TWILLIE Constituents Sample Results Units Method P.O.L. Method Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons 2000. mg/kg 200. BPA-418.1 Note: PQL's were raised due to dilution required to bring target analytes into calibration range. /--------- Cali:orn~a ~;(H.S. Cert. p/ ~/ ~:ua~-:: c:. BL.ìt tl~a."r. ~epartment Superv:sor All res~lts IIsteo In th,s 'ere r' are 'or t'e eXCJu5,ve .se of the 5uom,:¡,ng party BC Laboratones Inc assumes nv 'esoonsllJ¡ rty fO' reoon alterat'on. Oeta~lcment O' ¡-,': ;)arty InterpretalllOl1 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield. CA 9330B . (661 \327-4911 . Fax{661',32ì·1918 . www"bctabs,com E Laboratories, IlIc. Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/13/99 Date Received: 07/07/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07863-6 S~~pl:~S ~ccation: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: Sample Collected By: 5311 S. 001-::1, . BAi'.EP.S? . 65-6-7-99 Oï/07/99 @ lO:25AM TOM TWILLIE Constituents Sample Results Units Method P.O.L. Method Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons 7100. mg/kg 1000. EPA-418.1 No:e: PQL's we~e ra~sea Que to dilut~on requ~red to br~r.g target analytes ~nto calibration range. Californla D,~. Cer:. /~ /~/ ~ 6 S::'~~a.r:' ::;. E:..;ttram Depart~e~~ Superv~scr All results i'steC ,n ¡~IS 'eeon are ~or toe exclusIve use 01 the SUDm,n,ng Darty. BC labora:ones Inc assumes no respans.b,lrty for repan al1erat.of'\ Oetahcment or t""d PéI!1y Inter:ret!ltioon 4~OO Atlas Court' Bakersfield, CA 93308· /661 )327-4911 . Fax/661)327-1918· www.bclabscom E Laboratories, IlIc, Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Page 1 PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/10/99 Date Received: 07/07/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07863-1 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: 5311 S.UNION, .BAKERSF 1-EP-799 Soil TOM TWILLIE Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: 07/07/99 @ 10:00AM 07/08/99 07/08/99 Analysis Results Reporting Units Practical Quantitation Limit Constituents Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Methyl-t-butylether Total Xylenes Surroga~e % ~ecove~/ None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected 81. mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg % 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.02 0.01 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method, Moàified EPA 8015 Ind~viàual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. ....,.."""""qo....... /~ califor~a~û.H.s. Cer . #1186 ~ ~~ -=- Stuart G. But:~arn ~epa~~~e~: S~pervi50r .4:¡ reS:..J!t5 j'stea I:' tt1:5 r~~.y~ a~o.? f;Jf the exdL;s.ve use o~ the submlr.m~ party. BC LðXiratO'les. Inc assumes ,Iv 'esOC-¡SJt)¡t;!)' for repor1 alteratlor., detahcmen: or thlre paf1)' ¡nte"Pre:.a:'lor· 4100 Atlas Court' Bakersfield, CA 93308 . (661 )327-4911 . Fax(661 )327·1918· www..bctabs.com §. Laboratories, fllc. Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim. CA 92805 At:::-:: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/10/99 Date Received: 07/07/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07863-2 S~~pling Location: Sample ID: S~'TIple Matrix: Sample Collected By: 5311 S.UNION, .BAKERSF 2E-2-7'99 Soil TOM TWILLIE Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: 07/07/99 @ 10:05AM 07/08/99 07/08/99 Constituents Analysis Results Reporting Units Practical Quantitation Limit Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Methyl-t-butylether Tot-a::' Xylenes Surrogate \ Recovery None Det~,Çteq,~~,. None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected 77. mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg \ 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.02 0.01 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. .....~~-. . ··.:'.....~,..I'.'·.-~.......~.·,.·... ~ .......n-.-.... /.r"" // ó/ ./ // 4:Y ca;z¡t::ZllSE St'..:a:': :::;. Buttram De~a~~me~t SuperV1SQr '-. 'e5~lt5 I:steo I~ th'5 repocc are for ~t'le eXCI"5 _e ust" 0' tt'le sutJmlt1lnç pa~\' BC laooratones, inc aSSlJme~ "~ ·'=S;>o~sl~.II'Y for reDV" alte:at'o~ ojetat'lcment or thlfo par1y ,nlerpretat:Jon 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield, CA 93308· (661)327-4911 . Fax(661)327-1918· www.bclabscom Ð Laboratories, fllC, Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WÞ~E 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/10/99 Date Received: 07/07/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07863-3 Sampling Locaticn: Satl1ple ID: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: 5311 S.UNION, .BAKERSF 3NW-3-7-99 Soil TOM TWILLIE Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: 07/07/99 0 10:10k~ 07/08/99 07/08/99 Constituents Analysis Results Reporting units Practical Quantitation Limit Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Methyl-t-butylether Total Xylenes Surrogate \ Recovery None Detected None --Ï>etecte(f....~.. None Detected None Detected None Detected 73. mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg;'kg %- 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.02 0.01 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. ~.~"'Y"'t1:'" . ,..a~' f'oy,,",,' a LH/S/' Cert _~~~/~þ/~.H.. . ~~~ S:::..:a,:::: ::;, Buttram ~e;ar:~e~: Supervlsar All results hstec IfI If'S r€:p01 are lor Ihe exClusive use ollhe subm,lling party, BC LabOralorles, tne assumes no respo'1slt}¡ tly lor report alterat,or., <1etahcment or tt\r:: party Interpretataon 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield, CA 93308· (661)327-4911· Fax(661)327·1918· www.bdabscom Ð Laboratories, IlIc. Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/10/99 Date Received: 07/07/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07863-4 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: 5311 S.UNION, .BAKERSF 4NE-4-7-99 Soil TOM TWILLIE Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: 07/07/99 ~ 10:15AM 07/08/99 07/08/99 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results units Limi t Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mgjkg 0.005 Methyl-t-butylether None Detected mgjkg 0.02 Total Xylenes None Detected mgjkg 0.01 Surrogate %- Recovery 66. \- 70-130 *1 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. ~cce: Associated surrogate recovery is low. Flag Explanations: *1 Surrogate is low due to matrix ~nterferences. Interferences verified through 2nd extraction/~~alysis. / // .H.S. Stuart G, Buttram Department Super,:sor A,i reSJlts "sted ,n this repor1 are for the exclcs ve use 01 the Submlnlnç party, BC Lat>oratones, mc assumes nc 'espo'sl~ it, fO' re;x''': atterat,or;, oetahcmen: 01 !MtJ pa'n, n!erp'eta:"o~ 4100 Atlas Court' Bakersfield. CA 93308' (661)327-4911 . Fax(661)327-1918 . www .bclabscom Ð Laboratories, ¡IIC, Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/COP~ORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 ~~aheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/10/99 Date Received: 07/07/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07863-5 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: 5311 S.UNION, .BAKERSF 51-5-7-99 Soil TOM TWILLIE Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date ~~alyzed-8020: 07/07/99 ~ 10:20AM 07/08/99 07/08/99 Constituents Analysis Results Reporting Units Practical Quantitation Limit Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Methyl-t-butylether Total Xylenes Surrogate % Recovery None Detected None Detect'éd None Detected None Detected None Detected 82. mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %- 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.02 0.01 70 -130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D_O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. .....', Stuart G. Buttram ~epartment Supervis~r A!I results ¡,stec In tt;,~ 'e:>c~ are for the eXCJ~s."e use 0: the subml11mç ~ar1, BC LaooralO'les Inc assumes no res¡,c1Slo,ì.t, fer rep.?rt alteratlor, de!,;' ': ..,('n: 0' !h,1'(j party rnterpretatllon 4100 Atlas Court' Bakersfield. CA 93308' (661)327-4911' Fax/66',)327-1918' www..bclabs com V Laboratories, lnc, Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PI:K YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 .~,~~eim, CA 92805 A~~~: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/10/99 Date Received: 07/07/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07863-~ 5~~~ling Location: S~11ple ID: S~"ple Matrix: Sample Collected By: 5311 S.UNION, .BAKERSF 6S-6-7,99 Soil TOM TWILLIE Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: 07/07/99 ¡ 10:25AM 07/08/99 07/08/99 Constituents Analysis Results Reporting Units Practical Quantitation Limit Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Methyl-t-butylether :'c::al Xylenes Surrogate ~ Recovery None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected 0.015 75. mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kq mg/kg ~ 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.02 0.0: 70-130 TES7 METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. ~,ual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. ß/ r-_ - _ .ç: '--. . _a_--..)ra .H.S. ,~ S~~art G. Buttram De~art~ent Sup~rviscr All reSults I:Steo :r :~,,~ r<:;>Or1 are fa' tne exci_s.e use at tne suom,n:ng pan,., BC ~a:;,ora:C',es Inc assume~ -,~ resDO-,~: "ty for repor1 dlte:atl';w" aetancmer: :' .. .: par1y .nlerpre:a:"or 4íOO Atlas Court· Bakersfield, CA 93308' (661)327-4911 . Fax(661)327·1918· www"bclabs com E Laboratories, Illc. Page 1 Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA 8010 Analytes by 8260) P:CK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 ~aheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/15/99 Date Received: 07/07/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07863-1 Sa:.~1p::'i:-.9 Location: Sample ID: Sa.-nple Matrix: Sample Collected By: 5311 S.UNION, .BAKERSF. l-EP,799 Soil TOM TWILLIE Date Collected: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: 07/07/99 @ 10:00~~ 07/09/99 07/09/99 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constic:uents Results Units Limit Bromodichloromethane None Detected mg/kg J) . 005 Bromoform None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Bromomethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Carbon tetrachloride None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Chlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Chloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Cr-.lorcform Nor..e Detected mg/kg 0.005 Chloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 D~bromochloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 l,2-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 1,3'~l=hlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 l,4-D~chlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Dichlorodifluoromethane None Detected mg/kg' --'. .,,~ ..·..·0.005 *03 l,l,Dichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 1,2-Dichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 l,l-Dichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 cis-l,2-Dichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 trans-l,2-Dichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 1.2-Dichloropropane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 c~s-1,3-Dichloropropene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 trans-l,3-Dichloropropene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Methylene Chloride None Detected mg/kg 0.01 1,:,2,2-Tetrachloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Tetrachloroethene None Detected mgjkg 0.005 1,l,1-Trichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 1,l,2-Trichloroethane None Detected mgjkg 0.005 Trichlcroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Trlchlcrofluoromethane None Detected mgjkg 0.005 1:l,2-:-:-:.chlcr:=- :,:,2-trifluoroethane None Detected mgjkg 0.005 'J.:.:::;l ::Üoride None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Methyl-t-butylether None Detected mgjkg 0.005 Qual~ty Control Data 5'....:::rO:::3 ::es ~ Recc"',rer'l Conc:rol Limits 103. 70-121 93. 81-117 96 . 74-121 l,:-D.:.chloroethane-d4 Tc:"uer:;e-d8 4'3rcm=fluorobenzene All results listed ,r, mlS 'epOr1 are 'or tne exclusIve use of the su~m'[t .~ç party, BC Laboratones, Inc assumes no responsibility for repor1 alteratIon, detancmenl or tn,rd party Inlerpret¡ltllon 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield CA 93308· (661)327-4911· Fax(661)327-1918· VM'W..bclabscom Ð Laboratories, Inc. Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8260) Page 2 PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUAR7ERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/15/99 Date Received: 07/07/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07863-1 Sample DescriptiQ~: 5311 S.UNION, .BAKERSF., 1-EP-799. 07/07/99 @ 10:00AM, TOM TWILLIE ._~~~"'''''' , ...,; ..., .~~H ~. Flag Explanations: *03 = CCV recovery not within met~od limits. Cal~fornia D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 /' /' ß 5~~aY~ G. B~ttram D~l=.ar::ment Superv~sor All results \lsteà \1'1 th,s repor. are 10r the exclusive use of tt1e sUCmlltmg pa:1y, BC Laboratones Ine usumes no responsibility for report alteratJon, detahcmenl (X Ihtre party mlerpretalllon 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield, CA 93308 . (661 )327-4911 . Fax(661)327·1918 . www..bclsbs.com E} Laboratories, lnc, Page 1 Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA 8010 Analytes by 8260) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS :301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anahei~, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-152: Date Reported: 07/15/99 Date Received: 07/07/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07863-2 Sampling Location: .sample :;:D: Sarnple Matrix: Sample Collected By: 5311 S.UNION, .BAKERSF. 2E-2-7-99 Soil TOM TWILLIE Date Collected: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: 07/07/99 ~ 10:05AM 07/09/99 07/09/99 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Bromodichl orome thane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Bromofo.rm None Detected mg/kg 0.005 "...;J'f..>:-r.': Bromomethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Carbon tetrachloride None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Chlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 :hloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Chloroform None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Chloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 ~ibromochloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 1,2-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 1,3-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 1,4-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg /kg -.~' ··:~(Gt.,,·:. .,~t) . 005 '. " . - Dichlorodifluoromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 *03 1,1-Dichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 1,2-Dichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 1,1-Dichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Cis-l,2-Dichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 1,2-Dichloropropane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 trans-l,3-Dichloropropene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Methylene Chloride 0.015 mg/kg 0.01 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Tetrachloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 1,1,1-Tr~chloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 1,1.2,Trichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Trichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 ~~:=~:c~ofluoromeLhane None DeLecLe::: mg/kg 0.005 :,l.:-Tr:.chloro- :,2,2-trifluoroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Vinyl Chloride None Detected mg/kg 0.005 MeLhyl-t-buLylether None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Quali ty Control Data Surr::>qates %- Recovery Control Limits :,2'Dlchloroethane-d4 Tol~e:1e·d8 ~-Brcmofluorobenzene 109. 90. 94. 70-121 81-11 7 74-121 All results listed In th,s repor. are for the exclusIve use of the submlttJnl; party, BC Laboratones, Inc assumes no responSlb,lrty for report alteration, detahcment (y ["1,'0 party InterpretatIon 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield, CA 93308· (661)327-4911· Fax(661\327·1918· www,.bclabs,com E Laboratories, IflC. Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8260) Page 2 PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/15/99 Date Received: 07/07/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07863-2 Sample Description: 5311 S.UNION, .BAKERSF., 2E-2-7-99, 07/07/99 @ 10:05AM, TOM TWILL:E , ,.+-.....- ~~ .', .:....'I:t:ot..... "" . -, Flag Explanations: *03 = CCV recovery not within method limits. Cal::ornia D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 ffi~/ St~a=t G. Buttram Depar~ment SUFervisor AI: results hsteo In th,s cepOr1 are ~or troe exdus'\Ie use 01 the supmrttmg party, BC Labora\OTles, Inc assumes no responsibility for report alleral.0n, detahcment 0: third party Intef»re\atilor, 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield, CA 93308· (661)327-4911· Fax(661)327-1918· www..bcJabs,com E Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA 8010 Analytes by 8260) PICY. YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 130: E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/15/99 Date Received: 07/07/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07863-3 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: 5311 S.UNION, .BAKERSF. 3NW-3-7'99 Soil TOM TWILLIE Date Collected: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: 07/07/99 @ 10:10AM 07/09/99 07/09/99 Practical Analysis Reporting Quanti tat ion Constituents Results Units Limi t ..~ " -. ~ -Þ;'. :..~;j...;I.. Bromodichloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Bromoform ,l!~~£Fed ""-';"~"- mg/kg 0.005 B romome thane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Carbon tetrachloride None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Chlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Chloroethane None Detected mg/kg O. :J5 Chloroform None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Chloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Dibromochloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 1,2-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 1,3-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ,,,-,,.,..,,, None~"ê"'ëted mg/kg '>....,:' , -~O . 005 Dichlorodifluoromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 *03 1,1-Dichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 1,2-Dichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 1,1-Dichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 ciS-1,2-Dichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 1,2-Dichloropropane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Methylene Chloride 0.014 mg/kg 0.01 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Tetrachloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 1, 1, I-Trichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 1,1,2-Trichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Trichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Trichlorofluoromethane None Detected mg/kg O. : 25 1,1,2-Trichloro- :,2,2-trifluoroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Vinyl Chloride None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Methyl-t-butylether None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Quality Control Data Surroqates % Recovery Control Limits 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Toluene-dB 4-Bromofluorobenzene 109. 90. 93. 70-121 81-117 74-121 All results listed In thIS reper: are for the excJuSl1o'e use of the sutlmlttmg par1y, BC Laboratones, Inc assumes rc responSibIlity for.epon alteratJOn, detahcme<1: :>c third par1y ,nterpretBblon 4100 Atlas Court · Bakersfield. CA 93308 . (661)327-4911 . Fax(661)327·1918 . www..bclabs.com E Laboratories, Inc. Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8260} Page 2 PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/15/99 Date Received: 07/07/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07863-3 Sample Description: 5311 S.UNION, .BAKERSF., 3NW-3-7-99, 07,"07/99 @ 10:10AM, TC~ TWILLIE ..,,..~- ..,.~-~. ~ Õ,;.".........- '-4 <!'~" ,- ;~f:~~:,,:-b¡~"""'I"'''''' .... Flag Explanations: *03 = CCV recovery not within method limits. California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 ./ /: ø StuaY~ G. Buttram DepaY~ment Supervisor All results listed In th,s repon are tor the exduslve use ot the submrttmg Pi")', BC Laboratones, Ine assumes no respons,t¡"rty tor report alterallon, detahcmenll)' tN"d party Interpretatllon 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield. CA 93308· (661)327-4911 . Fax(661)327-1918· www,bclabscom E Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 Volatile Organic Analysis (E?A 8010 Analytes by 8260) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 7:'4-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/15/99 Date Received: 07/07/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07863-4 Sampling Location: Sample 1D: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: 5311 S.UNION, .BAKERSF. 4NE-4-7-99 Soil TOM TWILLIE Date Collected: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: 07/07/99 @ 10:15AM 07/09/99 07/09/99 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Bromodi chI orome thane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Bromoform None Detected mg/kg . 0.005 Bromomethane None Detected mg/kg . ·,·'....Õ~:·b05 Carbon tetrachloride None Detected rng/kg 0.005 Chlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Chloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Chloroform None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Chloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Dibromochloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 1/2-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 1,3-Dichlorobenzene None Detected rng/kg 0.005 1,4-Dichlorobên~ene ·'~iróne Detècted . mg/kg 0;005 Dichlorodifluoromethane None Detected rng/kg 0.005 *03 1,1-Dichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 1,2-Dichloroethane None Detected rng/kg 0.005 1,1-Dichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 ciS-l,2-Dichloroethene None Detected rng/kg 0.005 trans-l,2-Dichloroethene None Detected rng/kg 0.005 1,2-Dichloropropane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 cis-l,3-Dichloropropene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene None Detected rng/kg 0.005 Methylene Chloride 0.015 mg/kg 0.01 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane None Detected rng/kg 0.005 Tetrachloroethene None Detected rng/kg 0.005 1,1,1-Tr~chloroethane None Detected rng/kg 0.005 1,1/2-Trichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Trichloroethene None Detected rng/kg 0.005 Trichlcrofluoromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 l,l/2-Trichloro- :.2,2-trifluoroeth~~e None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Vinyl Chlor:.de None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Methyl-t-butylether None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Quality C::::ntrol Data Surroqates %- Recovery Control Lim~ts 1,:-Dichloroethane-d4 Toluene-j8 4'3romof2~oroben=ene 105. 9l. 94. 70-121 81-117 74-121 All res~lts ,'s~ed ¡r. :'>IS 'eDor are '0< !r¡e e>CJ~slve J~ 01 the SUDm/ttJng par1y, BC Latx>ratones ¡nc aSSJn1E1S no responS,brl,ry to' repon allerallOl1. detBhcmenl 0' ~,'In:: party Inler:Yetat//OI' 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield, CA 93308· (661)327-4911 . Fax(661)327-1918 . www.bcJabscom Ð Laboratories, I11c. ','clatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8260) Page 2 P::K :OCR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 A:.ahe:m, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-15:: Date Reported: 07/15/99 Date Received: 07/07/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07863-4 Sa::-¡p:'", Description: 5311 S.UNION, .BAKERSF., 4NE-4-7-99, 07/07/99 ® 10:15AM, TO~ TWILLIE <.~.:~~ip""", . ",'1)',- ".):ð",):(J"":'fI;~-(''''' .~ f..'I.;,. Fla3 ~xplanations: ~03 = CCV recovery not within method limits. Cal~fJrr.ia D.G.H.S. Cert. #1186 St·,:a.:': ~, Buttram ~e~a~:~e~: S~perv~sor All results ,¡SleC :n :l11S 'epon are lor the exClusIve use oj the SutJffiI:tJ:og pa"'f BC Laboralones, If\e assumes no responsibility for repct', allerallOf\, detaflcmen! 0< t:w': party Inlerþfetat Qr 4100 Atlas Court' Bakersfield, CA 93308' (661\327-4911 . Fax(661\327·,918· www .bclabscom Ð Laboratories, fllC, volatile Organic Analysis (EPA 8010 Analytes by 8260) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS :3:: E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 At~n: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 S~~ling Location: S~"TIple ID: Sample Matrix: S~~ple Collected By: Page 1 Date Reported: 07/15/99 Date Received: 07/07/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07863-5 5311 S.UNION, .BAKERSF. 51-5-7-99 Soil TOM TW1LLIE Date Collected: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: 07/07/99 ~ 10:20AM 07/09/99 07/09/99 Constituents Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Ch:8roethar:e Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene l,3-Dichlorobenzene 1~4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane ciS-1,3-Dichloropropene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Methylene Chloride 1.1.2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene 1, 1, I-Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trlchloroethene Trichlorofluoromethane :,1,2-Trichloro- 1,2,2-trifluoroethane Vi:-:yl Chloride Methyl-t-butylether Analysis Results Reporting Units Practical Quantitation Limit ;~. ..: 0.005 ';~r.i;,!;,:,,~+ 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 .,_..--..............~~.' "". ,""., "<~~.., ---"~~-¡'" 0.005 ·03 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 (po None Detected None De"tected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected "Wan'f Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected 'i'''W.;: mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 0.005 0.005 0.005 S;.¡: :'oqates 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 :-o::'uene-d8 ~-?~omofl~==~be~zene None Detected None Detected None Detected mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Quality Control Data %- Recovery Control Limits 102. 70-121 94. 81-11 7 99. 74·121 Ai: res,,!:s IIs:e~ In th,s repor: are for :'1e exclus'...e use 01 the submitting party, BC Laboratones, Ine assumes no responsibIlity 101 report alteration, detahcmen1 O' l'1Ird party ,nterpretalllon 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield, CA 93308 . (6611327-4911 . Fax(6611327·1918 . www,bcJabs,com Ð Laboratories, Illc. Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8260) Page 2 ?I:Y YOUR PART/CORPOP~TE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 ~aheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/15/99 Date Received: 07/07/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07863-5 SaT,ple Description: 5311 S.UNION, .BAKERSF., 51-5-7-99, 07/07/99 @ 10:20AM, TOM TW1LLIE . ..~~j':r'" . '.~.: ~1f."" ",,~j'.. .j~c :~.~.. ......,'~~,;J¡~.. . .......~. " . .·¡~.~~ir':'· '-.~"'~1.. .......~.!' . ..~~~~~_.Jõo~~Jœ<~:. ..'''';.{J'i,....¡¡;¡¡.._> .·::~~f'jtl~~..,.Ä~H'."._. ~"h.., ,.>~~~%·i,-.,' "~tf1II..l!'..'~.¡¡i";...~' ..""jo:;¡~'~..... Flag Explanations: *03 = CCV recovery not within method limits. Callfornia D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 Stuart G. Buttram ~epa~~ment Supe~visor AI! res "Its IIs:ed In th'5 repOn are '01 :~e exc:ius'lIe use of !tie submfttJng party, BC LabOratories, Jne assumes no responsibllrty for repon alteratioo, detahcment or !lure party Inlerpretatuon 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield, CA 93308' (661)327-4911 . Fax(661)327·1918· www.bclabscom E Laboratories, fllC, Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA 8010 Analytes by 8260) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: 5311 S.UNION, .BAKERSF. 6S-6-7-99 Soil TOM TWILLIE Page 1 Date Reported: 07/15/99 Date Received: 07/07/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07863-6 Reporting Units mg /~r{'" . . mg/kg .."'. mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg ~~J\~k'~~~.' mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Surroqates " Recovery Quality Control Data Control Limits Date Collected: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: 70-121 81-117 74-121 07/07/99 @ 10:25AM 07/09/99 07/09/99 Practical Quanti tat ion Limit ¡OJ" .,,"~. . 0.005 A" *22 "...........,9~~gp5 *44 0.005 0.005 0.005 *44 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 *22 0.005 *44 "¡''''iMg.~~i\..~~::''~'~,l''., 0.005 *03 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 *22 0.005 *22 0.01 0.005 *44 0.005 *22 0.005 0.005 *22 0.005 0.005 Analysis Consti tuents Results Bromodichloromethane '>i-~'" <¡*N6iì';:'ritf;~éÏ"" :~:~~'~ãñè";; ':~~~-t.g ,'f~:_~.. Carbon tetrachloride None Detected Chlorobenzene None Detected Chloroethane None Detected Chloroform None Detected Chloromethane None Detected Dibromochloromethane None Detected 1,2-Dichlorobenzene None Detected 1 13 -Dichlox:obe¡;1zene .' ,'. . ,N~ ,D~tect;~d 1, 4 ~Dl'all{)!ð'61fiH'fie "'~~~béfè~~" Dichlorodifluoromethane None Detected l,l-Dichloroethane None Detected 1,2-Dichloroethane None Detected 1,1-Dichloroethene None Detected CiS-1,2-Dichloroethene None Detected trans-l,2-Dichloroethene None Detected 1,2-Dichloropropane None Detected ciS-1,3-Dichloropropene None Detected trans-l,3-Dichloropropene None Detected Methylene Chloride None Detected 1/1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane None Detected Tetrachloroethene None Detected 1, 1, I-Trichloroethane None Detected 1,1,2-Trichloroethane None Detected Trichloroethene None Detected Trichlorofluoromethane None Detected 1/1.2-Trichloro- 1,2,2-trifluoroethane Vinyl Chloride Methyl-t-butylether None Detected None Detected None Detected .;~, 0.005 0.005 0.005 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Toluene·dB 4-Bromofluorobenzene 135. 76. 90. *19 *20 All results irsted In thl~ repor1 are for toe exclus,ve use of the wbmlttmg par1y, BC Laboratones, Inc 85sumes no responslb,lIty for repon alteration, detahcment or th,rt1 parTY ,nterpretablOn 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield, CA 93308· (661)327-4911 . Fax(661\327·1918· www ,bcJabscom Ð Laboratories, Illc. Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8260) Page PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Ar.aheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/15/99 Date Received: 07/07/99 Laborator/ No.: 99-07863-6 S~~ple Description: 5311 S.UNION, .BAKERSF., 6S-6-7-99, 07/07/99 @ 10:25AM, TOM TWILLIE " 't-. Flag Explanations: *03 CCV recovery not within method limlts. *19 Surrogate is high due to matrix interference. Interferences verified through second extraction/analysis. *20 Surrogate is low due to matrlx interference. Interference verified through second extraction/analysis. *22 Associated surrogate recovery is low. *44 Results are affected due to low internal standard response. California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 / / ø~ Stuart G. Buttram ~epartment Supervisor All results listed In th,s repor are for the excJus,,,e use of the submrttmg party, BC Laboratones, Inc assumes no responS'D,, ty tor repon alteration, detahcmenl 0' third party ,nle,-preta:l/0r 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield, CA 93308 . (661 )327 -4911 . Fax(661 )327·1918· www,bclabs,com APPENDIX D Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifests WMcHEMtCAL WASTE MANAGEMENT" INt: ""'T1I-'-' -~2S1 OLD SKYLINE RDAb . ~ . ..', -, KETTLEMAN CITY CA 93239 800/222-2964 ÞROFII..E "-""~."",,, . D£SC / INVOICE THIS IS AN INVOICE FOR CURRENT CHARGES PLEASE PAY AMOUNT INDICATED BELCI''' TERMS ' DUE UPON REC I T DR PER CONTRACT ALl PAST DUE AMOUNTS WIll BEAR INTER· EST AT ONE AND ONE HALF PERCENT PER MONTH OR THE MAXIMUM RATE AllOWED BY LAW. WHICHEVER IS L£SS. ~A-:;¿ UNIT .. QUANfITY ,.," RATE"" ' . AMOUNT ,,", ",~l'~;,,*':;;I~_...,,~ "'~~"~";~'~>:"~".\~~~~;.t........~~.:.. . , ,...,-=:, .- ", ,:¡..... ." ~ ~1jIt:...> . , '-~ 91~0'l4340'-()1 KHF-EA24ó8 SOIL \.,ITH DIEf.)(~L DIRECT LANDFTLL ..",'... 'toNs TRANSPORTAf[ JN TONS ST BOE TAX TONS K r NG S COUNTY TAX REVENU.:: 26 .. ~ -" 26..46 26..46 900.17 LUTREL IB\I 091307434 i '-()1 KHF -EA24óS DIRECT LANDFILL TRANSPORTATION 8T BOE TAX KINGS COUNTY TAX SOIL \HTH IHt:f.3£L TONS TONS TONS REVENUE 26.5t 26.51. ·26..5t 901.87 LUTREL IB\I 098074'312-01 KHF-EA2468 DIRECT LANDFILL TRANSPORTA r ION s r BOE TAX KINGS COUNTY TAX SOIL Wlm DI~SE:L. TONS TONS TONS REVENUE 26.16 26.16 26 . 16 889.96 LUTR£L IBV 0980"14313-01 KHF-EA2468 SOIL WITH J)IE~3£L DIRECT LANDFILL TONS 25. eo ~ CHEMICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT,INC P . 0 . BOX 8-40606 DALLAS, TX 752S"-OóO() eve DATE: 08/12/99 - ">';"'34"~'0200''''''''''''<'' 900'~'17 " 14.8500 392.93 1.0200 26.99 .1000 90.02 SUBTOTAL 1,410.11 ".~,.,.~"..,~~,j .'. < "1 ~ , sVC DATE: 08/12/99 34.0200901.87 i4.9500 393.67 1..0200 . 27..0.4 ..1000 :-'- 90..19 SUBTOT AL i.412.77 SVC DATE: 34.0200 14.8500 1.0200 .1000 08/12/99 889.96 388.47 26.68 89.00 SUBTOTAL 1,394.11 ""->f...A.s......... -. ~ ' . ~. '. ~ : 4,~~:. ~~.:;~/¥>;-.. ~~~:~~ _ sve DATE: OS/12/99 34 . 0200 877 . 72 PLEASE PAY ~ THIS AMOUNT r CONTINLED ~. ... ;., CWMoo87 4/99 ';~ ',..::L.~ ' ¡ 'WE-~'ATEV .~ -- --- ----- ~. "u____ :.,,~ 7- " \NMcHEH 1 CAL WASTE MANAGE11ENT, r NC .....TO --~2:51 OLD SK YLI NE ROAD -- KETTLEMAN CITY CA 93239 800/222-2964 INVOICE THIS IS AN INVOICE FOA CURRENi ::;HAFC,:' '_ PLEASE PAY AMOUNT INDICAiEO ~~~~_-: TERMS DUE UPON REC'T OR PER CONTRACT PROFILE DESC / UNIT QUAtHITY RATE . :'!t", ~."~ ~.' ~ ~ :......:...ç:~,..... 980'143-1.:5·,01 KHF-EA2468 - C 0 N T I N IJ E 0 - - -. SVC DATE: 08/12/99 TRANSPORTATION' TONS ~ . 80 t4..9500 383.13 ST ÐOE TAX TONS ',;?5.80 1..0200 26.32 KINGS COUNTY TAX REVENl JF. 877.72 . i 000 87.77 SUBTOTAL 1,374.94 WTREL IBV 0913074314-oi KJ-F-£A2468 SOIL WYTH DIESEL SVC DATE: 08/12/99 DIRECT LANDFILL TONS 28.5U 34.0200 972.29 TRANSPORTArrON TONS 28.Sf3 1.4.8500 424.41 5T BOE TAX TONS 28.58 1..0200 29.15 KINGS COUNTY TAX REVENut 972.29 .1000 97.23 SUBTOTAL 1,523.08 LUTREL ISV 0<78074,3 '+5 -01 K..IF -EA2468 SOIL WIn~ DIE:!=>k:::L SVC DATE: 08/12/99 lH RE::CT LANDF I LL TONS 33.63 34.0200 1 , 144. 09 fRANSPORTATION TONS 3.3.. 6.3 i,4.8S00 499.40 ST BOE TAX TONS :33.63 1.0200 34 . 30 KINGS COUNTY TAX REVENUF- 1,144.09 .1000 i14.4i SUBTOTAL 1,792.20 LUTREL IBV 098074316-01 KHF"-EA2468 SOIL WITH »IE~3E:L SVC DATE: 08/12/99 DIRECT LANDFILL TONS 26. 77 3..04.0200 910.72 ~ CHEMICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT,INC ~? . O. BOX 840606 DALLAS, TX 75284-0606 PLEASE PAY ~ THIS AMOUNT r CONT I NUED CWJ.tooe7 4199 ~~ -«.-~~ WE APF tATE :"'! ..', .. , . ..,' - ~.., ~"¡' '- ',',' ~ \~_,"", . ":", ' . '._'h ~:'~' "" , '.~~"~. "i ...~"..' . . \f~"'. .~~~ . ~ - - - - _.- - - -- WMcHEMICAL WASTE MANAGE11ENT INC ..... ........~251 OLD SK ,(L lNE ROA})" KETTLEHAN CITY D' 93239 800/222,-296-4 PROFILE 09807 434ó'-O~ KHf.:-EA2468 TRANSPORTA r ION ST BOE TAX KINGS COUNTY 'fAX LUTREL lBV ". ~. 098074347-{)1 KHF-EA2468 DIRECT LANDFILL TRANSPORTA·fION ST BOE TAX KINGS COUNTY TAX LUTREL IBV 098074348-(>1. KHF-Er"\2468 DIRECT LANDFILL TRANSPORTATION ST BOE TAX KINGS COUNfY TAX LUTREL IBV ÐESC / UNIT . ....... .... ...-.~ - - - CON i TONS TONS REVENlJt.-: [ N SOIL WITH DIESEL TONS TONS TONS REVENlJ..: SOIL WITH DIE:3EL TONS TONS TONS REVENUE 0980"143'\9-01 KHF-EA2468 SOIL WITH DIESEL DIRt::CT LANDFILL TONS ~ CHEMICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT, XNC p . 0 . BOX 8-40606 DALLAS, TX 75284-0606 QUANTITY .. ..RATE . ,.AHOUNT ~ .;.-....~',_ ~..~~.,~.. ~.i..~··~.:~::.~~$;.\-~~,,~~~~~~~-- U E D - .- - eve DATE: 08/12/99 , 26. 77°' i.4'~·B500 ,. '~·"''''-'"397.53 26.77 1.0200 27.31 910.72 .1000 91.07 SUBTOTAL ,."..- '-SVC DATE: 27.25 34.0200 21.25 14.8:500 27.25 1.0200 927.05 .1000 SUBTOTAL 23.99 23.99 23 . 99 816.14 eve 1>A TE : 3-4..0200 14.8500 1.. 0200 .1000 SUB TOT Ai.. 1,426.63 08/12/99 927.05 404.66 27 .80 92.71 1,452.22 08/12/99 816.14 356.25 24.47 81.6~ 1,278.47 26.35 svc DATE: 08/12/99 34.0200 896.43 PLEASE PAY ~ THIS AMOUNT CONTINUED , ' . - -- _. --. .. - --~--- ~;!'¡o""'~~'-'>:' :::;/ ~ WMcHEM rCAI_ WASTE MANAGEMENT I [NC '....n ---"'352'51. OLD S1< YL I NE ROAJ)" KETTLEMAN CITY €:A 93239 800/2.22-2964 INVOICE THIS IS AN INVOICE FOR CURRENT CHARGE.' PcE,45E PAY AMOUNT I~DICATE[j BELS:. TEI1MS DUE UPON REC I T OR PER CONTRACT PAGf: 4 14 PROFILE DESC / UNXT QUANTITY RATE AMOUNT 09B0743'1'Ï',·-o1 KHF-£A2468 - C 0 N T I N U E D - - .- SVC DATE: 08/12/99 TRANSPORTATION TONS 26.35 t4.8500 39i..29 ST BOF.: TAX fONS 2,S. .3:5 i..0200 26.88 KING~3 COUNTY TAX RF.:VENUE 896. ,on .1000 89.64 SUBTOTAL 1,404.24 WTREL IBV 0980't'4.;:50-·()1 KHF-£A2468 !30IL t,JITH In ESt::L S'v'C DATE: 08/12/99 D I F\.'F.:CT LANDFILL TONS 26. 74 34.0200 909.69 TRANSPORTAfION TONS 26.74 i,4.B500 397.08 8T BOE TAX TONS 26. 74 1..0200 27.27 KINGS COUNTY TAX REV~E 909.69 .1000 90..97 SUB TOT AI_ 1,425.01 LlJTREL rev 0980143:51 -01 KHF-EA2468 ~30 I L l,JITH DIE:;)EL SVC D(\TE: 08/12/99 DIRECT LANDFILL TONS 2~.4? .31.0200 866.49 TRANSPORTATION TONS 2:5 . 4 7 1.4.8500 378. 22 81' BOE TAX TONS 2~5. 47 1.0200 25.98 KINGS COUNTY TAX REVENl J~:: 866.49 . 1000 86.65 SUBTOTAL L 357 .34 LUTREL I8" 098014.3:52-01. KHF-£A241~8 SOIL WITH DIE!:>EJ . S"C DATE: 08/12/99 DrRECT LANDFILL rON:3 24.9.S 34.0200 849.14 ~ CHEMICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT,INC e.o.oox 840606 DALLAS, TX 75284--0606 PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUNT ~ CONTINUED CWJ.4008 ì 4:99 ¡ WE APPRECtATE YOUR' uÌt£æ,", ',- ~~~,,~~~., ~h~+... ":. . ,.:.. ~.~ .~ ' . .... ~ . +:..,'. ' .. ..'-A~." =~ . ~.-... ... .. ~ -- .- - - .- - - -- - W...:~.^CHEM I CriL :..JASTE MANAGEI1ENT, .: NC ....."...._..·-"',3~25t ULD :.~KYLINE :'\OAJ) KETTLF..MAN ClTY CA '?:~'.239 800/222--2964 INVOICE THIS IS AN INVOICE FO" CURRENT CHARGE:: PLEASE PAY AMOU'-' INDICATED 8EeS/. TERMS DUE UPON REC'T OR PER CONTRACT All PAST DUE AMOUNTS Will BEAR INTER· EST AT ONE AND ONE HALF PERCENT PER MONTH OR THE MAXIMUM RATE ALLOWED BY LAW. WHICHEVER IS LESS. NIJ. PROFILE DESC / UNIT QUANfITY RATE AMOUNT .- '. ,.' ,. -:¡..~ -. . 0<)80'113:.52 ··01 KHF-EA2468 - C 0 N T [ N LJ ..~ . () - - ... SVC DATE: 08/12/99 '- rr~ANSF'ORT A TI ON TONS 24. 9,~ 1. ., ~. gar..JO() ... 370,,65 Sf BOE TAX TONS :.:2 -1,7/) '\..0200 25,,46 KINGS COUNry rAX REVENU;¿ 84·;.i'~ .1.000 84.91 SUBfOTt-IL 1, 330 . 16 LUTREL IBV 09130"713:33-,01. KHF-EA'24.~B SOIL tJIìH »[I-'::SCL SVC DATE: OS/iV99 DIRECT LANDFILL TONS 21.25 34.0200 824.99 TRA~3f'ORTATI ON TONS '2 4 . 2:-:j 14.8500 360,,11 ST ÐGE fAX TONS 24.2:5 1...0200 24.74 KINGS COUNTY TAX REVENUt:: 824.99 .1000 82.50 SUBTOTAL 1, 292. 34 UJ fRCL rev 09130743:.ï1-01 KHF-£A::!468 sorL L.iITH )HESEL svc DATE: 08/12/99 .l)J:R~CT LANDF[LL TONS 24.~? 34..0200 836.55 rRAN~3PURT A r I ON TON:~ 21 . j} 1.4.8500 365.16 GT DOE TAX TONS 24 . 3'} 1..0200 25.08 KINGS Ç'~DUN ïY rAX S£. i~~X '\ ;~:: 83,~ . ;:";:.i .1000 63.66 SUBfOTAL 1,310.45 LUTREL IBV 09807-'\3:'j~'i-Oi KHF-EA2468 SOIL \JITH D1E:)8- SVC DATE: 08/12/99 DIRECT LANDFILL TONS 21.01 .54.0200 919.90 ~ ~HF.:(HCAL WASTE Mf.'INAGE~ENT, INC P.IJ.DOX 1340606 l)ALLAS, TX 75284--060Ó PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUNT ~ CONTINUED i WE APPRECrATF.: YOUR MtNESSI " c... .. .... . ,~.. .....t···- ~:¡;-<"fI:.. ^, '.. h WMcHEMICAL WASTE MANAGEI1ENT, [NC .....n M--....3~52S 1 ULD SK YL I NE :~mAJ) I<ETTLEHAN CITY CI\ 'J.3¿39 800/222--2964 NO.. PROFILE O,)80713~35 ·01 KHf-·-£A~468 TRANSPt1RT A T 'f. ON ~¡ r (iOE fAX K T.NG~:J COUNTY fAX UJTF.:EL lEV 0980743:36·-01 KHF'-EA'2468 DIRECT LAN:DFILL TRANSPORTATION ST DOE TAX KINGS COUNTY T~'< !_UTREL LBV 0930713~8-0i KHF-EA24~8 DIRECT LANDFILL rRANSF'ORT A T I ON ST BOF TAX K I NG~ COUN TY I r..x LUTREL IBV DESC / UNIT ··CONTCNU TONS TONS RtVENUE SOIL WITH ÐtF.SEL TONS TONS TONS REVENUE SOIL WInl DtE3~L TONS TONß TONS REVENUE: 0980743~:j'?'-'01 KHF -£(.\2468 SOIL WITH DIESE:/_ DrR~CT LANDFILL TONS ~ CH£MIC¡':¡L WAS rE MANAGEMEN r, INt: P.D.BOX 840606 DALLAS, TX 75284-0606 CWM00874199 . . ,¡."..~ ... I; WE APf>REC TATE YOUR BUSINESS I , .... :".:¡:~. ..; ~ QUAN fI TY F=:D-..--- '27.04 2 ? . í)'¡ 91.9.'10 .30.81 30.8{ 30.81- 1,04:3.1b 2.3 . 56 23.;::j6 2.3. 5.S 301.jt 26.,s 7 INVOICE THIS IS AN INVOICE FOI'ì CURRENT CHARGE~ PLEASE PAY AMOUNT INDICATED BHO',', TERMS DUE UPON REC'T OR PER CONTRACT All PAST DUE AMOUNTS Will BEAR INTER· EST AT ONE AND ONE HAlF PERCENT PEP MONTH OR THE MA)OUUM RATE ALLOWED BY LAW. WHICHEVER IS LESS. RATE: .~;. ". :..("b~lo~@· SVC DATE: 14.. 8500·'....'··' 1..0200 .1000 sUtH{)T~IL SYC DATE~ 34..0200 1.4..8500 1..0200 ..1000 SU B rOT AL SVC DATE: .34.0200 14.8500 1.0200 . i 000 SUBTOTAL AMOUNT " .ði-..Jt;!..... ~,. . "':.'. . 08/12/99 . - '401';.-'54 27.58 91.99 1, 441. 01 08/12/99 1,048.i6 4S7 .. 52 31.43 104.82 i , 641. 93 08/12/99 801.51 349.86 24.03 BO. i 5 1.255.55 svc DATE: 08/12/99 34.0200 907.31 PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUNT ~ CONTINUED ." -.,;" "';' ,,~....-t' ". ...~'-'" -,,~'.~ - ~ ~..... ...ç'L\i-::'~' -!".. ~., . . . ..... . . ~ -------..--. -- ~~~~----=:====- , / I I wt.jt~HEMIcr.¡L ;";~STE ¡'¡(~NAl~t::I'I£NT I ':NC w.......,.-...-.....,3:i251. IJLD ~.>I(Yt..lNE ¡~OAJ) KETTI.EMAN CITY CA ?323'Y 800/'222--'2964 INVOICE THIS IS AN INVOICE FOR CURRENT CHARGE S PLEASE PAY AMOUNT INDICATED BELC t. TERMS DUE UPON REC'T OR PER CONTRACT All PAST DUE AMOUtITS WILL BEAR INTER EST AT ONE AND ONE HAlF PERCENT PE; MONTH OR THE MAXIMUM RATE ALLOWE( BY LAW, WHICHEVER IS LESS, CUSTOMER ACCOUNT NUMBER 680 i42601.0u n INVOICE DATE I' PAG~ 8/27/99 7 NO.. PROFILE DESC / UNIT QUANTITY RATE AMOUNT .,.....~,....",~y,.. \~~..... ,.-. ", ....~ .,' :-- .-:;'.I't'i"t.!f:~?"'.;:" " ., ()980743;;.'j9-Ü1 KHF·-£f.t2468 - C 0 N r .r N U t:: '() - - - SVC DATE: 08/12/99 TRANSPORTATION TONS 26A67 1..,' :~OO '39~ :- 04 Sf [iOE TAX TOW'; 26 . 6 ¡ 1..0200 27.20 lONG:; COUNTY Tt.X REVENl Jr-: 907.31. . 1000 90. 7:3 SUBTOTAL 1,421.28 I.UTRF.:L IBV 09f:30'743.')0 -01 KHF-EA246S SOIL \HTH DIE:3E:L SVC ' , DATE: 08/12/9-9 DIRECT LANOF1LL TONS 26.32 34 . 0200 895.41 TRANSPORTATION TONS 26..32 14..8500 390.85 ST BOE TAX TONS 26 .. 3:,,~ 1 .0200 26.85 KrNGS CO UN rY :AX REVENl Jt:: S9:S..4l ..1000 89..54 SUBTOTAL 1, 402A65 I JJTR~::L TBV 09[JO'14.3,S1 -ot KHF·-EA21168 SOIL WITH })n::::>~:J_ S\lC DATE: OS/12/99 DIRECT LANOFrLL TONS 2', . 6 t ..H . 0200 1.007.33 n\:ANSPORTA nON TONS 2'}).. 6!. 1.-1..8500 439.70 ST DOE TAX TONS 29.6t 1.0200 30..20 í<ING,3 COUNíY L';X REVENUE 1. . 007 . 3.5 ..1000 100.73 SUBTOTAL 1. 577 . 96 LU TREL UN 0980"1 4.Y)2-0 1 KHF-EA.2468 301L 1,.nTH ]) IE!]I;;:L svc DATE: 08/12/99 DIRECT LANDFILL TONS 23 #0 7:-) 34.0200 807.98 ~ f :HE-1ICAL :I!i-\::?TE MANAGEì'lENT ¡ INt.: ;).0. BOX 840606 DALLAS TX 7:-5284-060é) PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUNT ~ CONTINUED I CWM0087 4/99 I WE i\PPREC r ATE YOUR BUSINESS I . , ., \.-. ~,..~. ." ;!.?:~'~'.':-.- ... ...r .' -.._':....~!;~ I W.J~·^:HEM rCr"L WASTE MANAGE''1ENT, [NC "Am ............-....;)5251 I.JLD ::)K YL 1 Nt::: I~U{)]) K£TTl£HAN CITY CI' 'r3239 800/222--'2964 INVOICE THIS IS AN INVOICE FOR CURRENT CH"RGE.': PLEASE PAY AI.I')UNT INO'CATED BElS'1.' TERMS OU£ UPON REC'T OR PER CONTRACT ALL PAST DUE AUQUNTS Will BEAR INTER· EST AT ONE AND ONE HALF PERCENT PER MONTH OR THE MAXIMUM RATE ALLOWED BY LAW, WHICHEVER IS LESS. PICK YOUR PARTS r~UTO l,JRE¡':K ING . AATTN ACCOUNTS i'A,(ABU":: 1.301. E ORANGEWOOD ~;TE 1.31.J ANAHF.: I (1 ë:'-\ ,)'2!3()5'-·~)\306 Î ... "-~ F'.JC - NIJ.. PROFILE DESC / UNIT QUAN r Ir( RATE AMOUNT 'L.; :::.r< '".f :-:.. 1'·' ' : ,y/ ,1,3,:'>2 '-01 K HF -Ei'l24.S8 .- - - C 0 N r t N IJ E () - - SVC DATE: 08/12/99 fRANSPORTA nON TONS 23..7:5 1.4.8500 352.. 68 ~) r BOE TAX TONS 23. 7:5 1..0'200 24A23 K ,[NG~3 COUNTY TAX REVENl J::: :30'7.98 .1000 80.130 GUBTOTAL 1,265.69 UJTRCL IBV :.~. '·-'~')(}·?43.S4-01 KHF-EA2-468 SOIL l,oJtTH ) IF.»~L svc OATE: 08/12199 DIRECT I_AN DF [LL fONS :~5.. 18 3440200 856..62 TRANSPORTAfION TONS 2S.. ilj 1.4 A 8500 373.. ',2 ST am:.: TAX TONS 25.111 1..0200 .2:i .. 68 KINGS COUNTY fAX REVENUE: 85.S.. 62 ..1000 85..66 '3UEn¡JT AL 1,341..88 : .U rR..~l ISV <t-' ",'j.' <1,.?,·,.S-Ot i\HF-£A2468 SOIL I,'; £1'1·1 )JI C:;I:::L SVC DATE: 08/13/99 DIRECT LANDF'~LL TONS 2 7 .. 2::; 34.0200 927 . O~3 rRAW>PORT A í I ON TONS :2 'I . 2::i 1 ,~ . 8t:iOO 404 .. 6..." ST BOE TAX rONS 27.~5 1.0200 27.80 1< i NG:3 COUNí'Y [,AX F..:EVt:NUË 9~ ? . 8--; .1000 92.7i SUBTOTAL 1, 452.. 22 LUTF<£L IB" ¡ (. ' ,~ ?-'+3,/)? -()1 KHF-£A2468 SOIL !..JITH DIESEL svc DATE: 08/13/99 DIRECT LANDFILL TONS :2 7 . 30 34.0200 928.75 ~ ¡ REMIT TO , ADDRESS ':HEMICAL luA~ìTE MANAGEì1ENT J ,u-,¡r; :>.0. BOX 840606 ;)A1LAS, TX 75284-0606 PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUNT ~ CONTINUED -- ~~'.': ~':_","'''''~'. .'~" i' ;',',!, -"I"~ :WM: .'f- 01 99 Jr:: APPRECTATE YOUR BUSINESS 1 NO. PROFILE DESC / UNIT QUANTITY . RATE AMOUNT . ....:;~.:·M··.. . .,...., . ....;.."" OW3071367 -01 KHF-EA2468 - C 0 N r [ N U E D - - - SVC DATE: 08/13/99 TRANSPORTATION TONS 27630 14.13500 405.40 ST BOE TAX TONS 27 6 30 1..0200 27.85 KINGS COUNTY T~X REVENl J~ 928.75 .1000 92..80 ::1U8TIJTAL 1, 454. 88 LUTREL rBV 980"?43.S8-01 KHF-EA2468 SOIL WiTH DItSEL -.' SVC DATE: 09/13/99 DIRECT LANDFILL TONS 34.'78 34.0200 1,183.22 TRANSPORTATION TONS 34. 78 14.B500 516.48 ST BOE TAX TONS 34.78 1.0200 3S. 48 KINGS COUNTY TAX REVENUE 1,183.22 61000 118.32 SUBTOTAL 1,953.50 LUTREL tBV ;. OQ807-13.~9-01 KHF-EA2468 SOIL !HTH )[ ¡'::J~~'- SVC DATE: 08/13/99 DIRECT LANDFILL TONS 26.5'1 3460200 902.89 ~ TRANSPORTATION TONS 26.54 14..8500 394.1.1 -'''I ST BOE TAX TONS 26654 1.0200 27.07 -1 K I N'GS COUNTY TAX REV£Nl JI-:: 902. 8';0> .1000 90.29 ~1 -,' SUBTOTAL 1,414.36 UJTR£L IBV 0980-143"70-01 KHF-EA2468 SOIL WITH D I E!3EL SVC DATE: 08/13/99 DIRECT LANDFILL TONS 28. 3'J 34.ù200 965.83 WM:HEH [Cr..l_ WASTE MANAGEMt:NT I [NC w.... """"-"'35251 OLD SK YL I NE ROliJ) KETTLÐiAN CITY C/~ '~3239 800/222-2964 INVOICE THIS IS AN INVOICE FOR CURRENT CHAf<G,- ~ PLEASE PAY AMOUNT INDICATED 8EL":,\', TERMS OU£ UPON REC'T OR PER CONTRACT All PAST DUE AMOUNTS WILL BEAR INTER, EST AT ONE AND ONE HALF PERCENT PEP MONTH OR THE MAXIMUM RATE AllOWEú BY LAW. WHICHEVER IS LESS. ----- ------ - -- - ~ REMIT TO jI ADDRESS , ',~.li ~ !:H£MICAL \.JAST~ MANAGEMENT !NC ;-' . 0 . BOX 840606 DALLAS, TX 75284-0606 PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUNT ~ CONTINUED CWM0Q874.99 . .. . ..-. ~ .. WE: APPR£crl'\TE y~ BUSINESS I . " - ..,,:..,.,.,... -- ;:-~ -~';R!i-:' -_::;::J-'~'¡;;' WJAHEM rCAL Wf.\8TE /'IANAGEMENI, [NC w...T...·.......-'"'35251.. ULD :-3KYLINI::: ¡,OAD KETTLEMAN CITY Cft ?:3';~39 800/222-291>4 INVOICE THIS IS AN INVOICE FOF :...:>iAENT CHARGE.: PLEASE PAY AMOUW ',JICATED gEL':,:, TEAMS J)UF:: UPO~l REC I T OR PER CONTRACT All PAST DUE AMOUNTS WIU BEAR INTER, EST AT ONE AND ONE HALF PERCENT PE" MONTH OR THE MAXIMUM RATE ALL owe BY LAW. WHICHEVER IS lESS, NO. F'ROF I Lt:: DESC / UNIT QUAN rI TY RATE AMOUNT 0900743 ('0-01 KHF-EA.:2468 - '. -. C I) N T ( N U E 'D - - ... SVC DATE: 08/13/99 fRANSPORTATION TONS ?S.3'1 1.4&8500 421.59 ST '(iOE TAX TOM3 28 . .!¡? 1.0200 28.96 KtNGS COUNry r~~x f<EVE:NUE: 96S .13:~ .1000 96.SB !':>tJBTIJT AL 1,512.96 LUTR£L IOV Ot,.)t-30"74,311..-01 J<HF-EA2·468 SQ'{L t..J I TIof DIt::~1~1.. SVC 1)A TE : 08/13/99 DIRECT LANDFILL rONS 30.06 .54..0200 1,022.64 rRANSF'OR1' A ,. I ON TONS 30.06 1..4.8500 446.39 ST BOE TAX TONS 30.06 '1.0200 30.66 KINGS COUNTY fAX REVENUE 1,022.64 ..1000 102.26 ~3UB TOTAL 1,601. 95 LUTR!'~L lEfV OY!3074:3 1'·'~-O1. KHF-Et\2468 SOIL I,.J I rH }) r F-~3€1_ !~VC DATE: 08/13/99 DIRECT LANDFTLL rONS 2S . 8',~ 34,0200 878.40 rRANSPORTArrlJN fONS 2S . 8~:; 1. -1 . fJ500 383.42 ST BOE TAX T )N~3 25.82 1...0200 26.34 KINGS COUN ry fAX REVC'¡Uf::: 878.4) .1000 87.94 SUBTOTAL L 376.00 LUTREL IBV OŸ8074373-0i KHF-EA2468 SOIL WITI4 DIE:~)O.. SVC DATE: 08/13/99 DrR£CT LANDFILL rONS 2.s.00 34.0200 884.52 ~ CHEMICAL WA~:¡TE MANAGEMENT, INC P.D.BOX 840606 DALLAS I TX 75284-0.S0éJ PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUNT ~ CONTINUED CWM00874/99 ,,. - we: APPRECIATE YOI..R BUSINESS I . ,~~ Wi'AcHEH 1 CAL WASTE MANAGF.:11f::NT, (NC """"---.3~25t DLD SKYLINi::: ROA¡) I<ETTLEMAN C:rTY Ct' ').3¿.39 800/222-2964 INVOICE THIS IS AN INVOICE :::'R CURRENT Ch,l;;: ~ ~:: PLEASE PAY At.Ao...,<r INDICATED S~_: ,', TERMS DUe: UPON REC'T OR PER CONTRACT All PAST DUE AMOUNTS Will. BEAA INTER· EST ATONE AND ONE HAlF PERCENT ~R MONTH OR THE WJCIMUM RATE AllCWED BY LAW. WHICH~ IS LESS. PROFILE DESC / Ul-II T QUANfITY RATE AMOUNT '.')- "".~"".:, ., . . 0980-74.313-01 KHF-EA2468 - - - C fJ N f t N IJ E 0 ,- .- SVC DATE:: 08/13/99 TRANSPORTArtòN TONS 26.00 14..8500 386.10 Sf BOE TAX rONS 26..00 1.0200 26..52 KINGS COUNTY TAX REVENUE 8134..52 ,1000 88..45 SUTHOTAl. 1,385..59 LUTREL IBV 09007437-1-01 KHF-EA246S SOIL tHTH 1>1 t::~EL SVC DATE: 08/13/99 DIRECT LANDFILL TONS 28..06 34..0200 954 .. 60 TRANSPORTATION TONS 28..06 1.4.8500 416.69 ST BCE TAX TONS 28..06 1..0200 28..62 I< I NGS COUNrf TAX REVE:NlJ~ 954 . 6() ..1000 95..46 SUBTOTAL 1,495..37 UJTREL rBV 09:3074375--01 KHF-Et\24ó8 SO[L WITH ·')[C3CI.. SVC DATE: 08/13/99 DIRECT LANDFILL TONS 2,S . 50 34.0200 901..53 rRANSPORTA fION TON:; 26..50 14.8500 393.52 ST BOe: TAX TONS 26..50 t..0200 27..03 KINGS COUN ry fAX REVEN U 1-: 901..:13 .1000 90 . i :: SUBTOTAL 1/412..23 LUfR£L IBV 09807~.3?6-()1 KHF"-EA2468 SOIL WITH J) I£:3CL SVC DATE: 08/13/99 DIRECT LANDFILL TONS 29.. 4:5 34.0200 1,001.89 ~ CHEMICAL WASTE MANAGE:MENT,:i:NC e ..O.ÐOX 840606 DALLAS, TX 75284-0606 PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUNT ~ CONTINUED CWMOO87 4/99 we: APPRECtATE ~iJSINe:S91 "'~:~~~- " WMcHEM rCAL '..Jf\STE .'1ANAI;EI1EN''', fNC ....... ---'35251. ULD SK YL [NE I~OAJ) KETTLE:MAN CITY Cc' '?~239 800/222,-2964 INVOICE THIS IS AN INVOICE FOR CURRENT CHARGES PLEASE PAY AMOUNT INDICATED SEc:,', TERMS DUE UPON REC I T OR PER CONTRACT ALl PAST DUE AMOUNTS Will BEAR INTER, EST AT ONE AND ONE HALF PERCENT PEP MONTH OR THE MAXIMUM RATE ALlOWEú BY LAW, WHICHEVER IS LESS. NO. PROFILE 1>ESC / UNIT Q1JAN fI TY RATE '. AMOUNT "iU~p.''''~'I''·,,·- ~- 098074376-01 I<HF-EA246S -. (: 0 N T L N U f": D - - .... SVC DATE: 08/13/99 fRANSPORTAfION TONS 29..45 1.4.~OO 437 .. 33'-" Sf BOE fAX TONS 29..45 1.0200 30..04 K rNG:':) COUNTY fAX REVENU£ 1,OO1...8? ..1000 100..19 ~-)I JUT OT AL 1,569..45 U.JTREL . I 'EN ¡ 098074377-01 KHF-EA24~8 SOIL WITH J)tF.:SEL SVC DATE: 08/i3'/99 ï)I REC T LANT)FILL TONS 26..47 34.0200 900..51 TRANSPORTATION TONS 26..47 14..8500 393.. 07 ST BOE TAX TONS 26..4'(' 1.0200 27.00 KINGS COUNTY TAX REVENU~ 900..51 ..1000 90..05 SUBTOTAL 1,410..63 LUTREL rBV 09130743:3:1. ,01 KHF-£A2468 SOIL IHTH 1) [€::3EL SVC DATE: 08/13/99 DIRECT LANDFILL TON!3 2~ .. O';~ 34..0200 885..20 rRANSPORT A r I ON TONS 26..0:? 14..8500 386..39 ST BO€ TAX TONS 26..02 1.0200 26.54 K ING~) COUN!"Y fAX RE:VENUt-: 885.20 ..1000 68..52 SUBTOTAL i,386.65 l.UTREL IBV 0900143<32-01 KHF,-E::A246f3 SOIL WITH }) I E~3::I_ SVC DATE: 08/13/99 THRECT LANDFILL fONS 28.6'7 34..0200 976..03 ~ CHEMICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT J.NC P.D.BOX 840606 DALLAS, TX 75284-0606 PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUNT ~ caNT I NUED CWMOOB7 4199 !.JE APf>RECrATF.: YOUR BUSINESS I " ;...~., "11" ., ,~~.::.,#l...~ .~,:~~,,,,,,-,,,,,,,,,,""",,,,, .~. ~.~.'~~~- ,~ ~"""'" .>~~~. '''::--. ~:,:~,,~,...,:, . r· ~'''':'- ~~~. ~...._-:,..:..-- f:.FEHF: .(. ": F? .:;~.... ...J ", . r- (' .,. (t... . ø.; .' I ! <!". ' " ',... L.", , , j ¡ i I -> i '·:1 REMITTC 1 ADDRESS ~7- , . - CWMOO8ì ~ .. 'NMHEM rCAL \.JASTE t-1ANAGEI1ENl", lNC ."MA~35.2:S:t ULD ~:;KY'-INE ROAD KETTLOit-\N CITY CI~ 93239 800/2'22'-2964 INVOICE THIS IS AN INVOICE FOR CURRENT CHARGES PLEASE PAY AMOUNT INDICATED BE,lOW TERMS .. DUE UPON REC'T OR PER CONTRACT ALl PAST DUE AMOUNTS WIll BEAR INTER· EST AT ONE AND ONE HAlF PERCENT PER MONTH OR THE MAXIMUM RATE AlLOWED BY LAW. WHICHEVER IS~-" PICK YOUR PARTS AUTO I\lHFI:K [Nt; . . AT rN :^-tCCOUN IS ~:'AY¡:~BU.:: 1301 E ORANGEWOOD STE 131~ ANAHLU'1 ------- CUSTOMER ACCOlM' ~ER , ,. 680 6BO 1~26010 INVOICE NUMBERtiA.:, ..INVO.'CE D.,A-,'E. ,j . P.A.,GE 8070726 1~/27/99 13 r.A ',r.~805-Ó80.S .~~:..:a.r;?".':1-...."..~!:;.~:·~", . .': -_ _ __', !rJ.. PROFILE ..01. KHF-'EA24.S8 '~ANSPORTATION ~T BIJE TAX rNGS COUNTY TAX .~JTREL LfJV ~'83 '-01 KHF-€A2468 DIRECT LANDFrLL TRANGPORTArION ,T ÐO£ TAX < [NCS CQUN fV TAX ,UTR~:L ·,BV ·01 KHF-EA24.~8 ;. fRECT LANDFILL ,'RANSPORT A r I ON ;T BOE TAX -. r NGS COUN T"Y r í~X . _UTR£L ::av ------- DESC / UNIT - - - c 0 ~t TIN U TONS TONS REVENlJ¡": SOIL WITH Dr:::::3€L TONS TONS TONS REVENUE: SOIL WITH }) O:::~)>::L fONS TONS TONS REVENLJ:::~ -01 KHF-EA2468 SOIL WITH JHr'::~3J::":L ) [RECT LANDFILL TON::; QUAN n TY ----- -- RATE , " AHDUNT .. ::.;.... ,. 4!'...~~~{".:,~",;::.:"...,~..,1'~.!'._' ED---- 28 . 69"" '. :28.69 976.0.3 sve DATE: 08/13/99 t 4..8500 '... ',.'0··....·..."""426'::'0-4'..."" t.0200 29.26 .1000 97.60 SUBTOTAL 2., . 4~ 2 1 . 4::; 27.4:-; 933 . 8.5 eve DATE: .34.. 0200 14,,8500 1..0200 . 1000 ~ SH£MICAL WASTE MANAGEi1t:::NT ,ING P.O.BOX 840606 DALLAS, TX 75284-0606 SUBTOTAL 28..34 2t3 . .31 28.34 96-1. i..3 SVC DATE: 34.0200 i4..eSOO t.0200 .iOOG SUBTOTAL 1,528.93 08/i3/99 933.85 407.63 28.00 93.39 1,462.87 08/13/99 964.13 420.84 28.91 96.41. 1,510.29 :2 7 . 00 SVC DATE: 08/13/99 34.0200 918.54 ;~ ~ppr~" ~rE YOUR BUSINESS! PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUNT ~ ..... ."~:\'.. 6:¡,.":.. CONTINUED - -----..--- :,.,.... '. . ~ ... . ...:~u~"'iØ~~iìiiïih>_;¡"'____~_ r- --- I i '"' Wl'^CHEM [CAL WA~jTE MANAGEl1ENT I I NC "...........""'...-...35251 UI_D ::)KY/_HIE :<:OAD KETTLEMAN CITY r.^ 9~23'j) 800/222-2964 INVOICE THIS IS AN INVOICE FOR CURRENT CHARGES PLEASE PAY AUOUNT INDICATED BElOW TERMS ,()Ut~ UPON REC I T OR PER CONTRACT ALL PAST DUE AMOUNTS Will BEAR INTER- EST AT ONE AND ONE HALF PERCENT PER MONTH OR THE MAXIMUM RATE ALLOWED BY LAW. WHICHEVER IS LESS. PICI< YOUR PARr!:> AUTO WRECI< tNG . ..AT fN ACCOUNTS r'AYABi..:' '\.301 E: ORANG:::WOOI) STE 1..51.) ANAHEIH r.A 'J2805--.S806 NO. PROFILE DESC / UNIT QUANfITY ~.".,~T ;. -"""':':"'_' -ß.Ø1:~." ...,.. " . ¡, '.... .... ....., , . ',' . 0':;:3074.385-01 KHF--EA24,!>8 - - - C o H r [ N U E.o - - -. SVC DATE: 09/13/99 TRANSPORTATIDN roNS 27400 ..~. {~~SSð'ð""'" " ··"...··400.. 95 ST £iDE TAX TONS 27..00 1..0200 27..54 KINGS COUNTY TAX RF.:VENt J£ 918.54 ..1000 91..85 SUSTOTAL 1,438~88 I ISV I rOY80743:36-01 KHF-E(t2468 SOIL loJ! TH D IE~;)t:::L SVC DATE: 08/13/99 DIRECT LANDFILL TONS 26..60 34.. 0200~-'" 904~93 îRANSPORTATtON TONS 26..60 14..8500 395..01 ST BOE: TAX TONS 26.60 1..0200 27..13 KINeS COUNTY r~x REYENlJf.: 901.. 9:3 ..1000 90.49 SUB rOT AI... 1,417..56 LUTR8- I tBV 1091:30743'; i -() 1 KHF-E:~24.S8 SO.[L WITH Jj [F':!=)ËL SVC DATE: 08/13/99 i '[)[RECT LANDFILL TONS 24..37 34..0200 829.. 07 I rRANSF'ORTA nON TONS 24.37 1.4..8500 361..89 ¡ ST DOE TAX TON~3 24..37 1.0200 24..86 ! K r NG!; COUNTY TAX REVENUt: 8'29.07 41000 82..91 SUBTOTAL 1,298..73 I LU T¡;·~;:L. I ~ rÐV 0'/80"113'12-0i KHF"-EA2468 SOIL WI-rH }) r £~=)F.:L eve DATE: 08/13/99 DIRECT LANDFILL rONS 30..00 3-4..0200 1,020.60 TRANSPORTATION TONS 30..00 14..8500 445. SO I I i REMIT TO ADDRESS ~ PLEASE PAY ~ THIS AMOUNT ,. CONTINUED r;HE11ICAL WAS TE ,'1ANAGEMENT, INC :~ .. a. BOX 840606 DALLAS, TX 75284-0606 :;,¡.... õ'.~ CWM00874¡99 we: APPREC I ATE YOUR 9U9INESS I 014 ~ ...... ".. _ I -.- , -;~.., "~"" ~:.. ~,..-.- , . t. ..y~.." "'; .......: 1Ir.. .\:. . ~-.¡'-":""'''''''.......?-' . ~ -..... .".. .\t............ -., -- --.- - - -'- - ... WMr..HEM [CAL Wt\STE MANAGEMENT, [NC "3:5Z51 ULD ßK YL I NE 1:::0AI> KETTLEMAN CITY C.f\ '13239 800/222 '-2964 PROFILE 09001' 1.5'72-01 KHF -Et\24.S8 ST aOE: TAX KINGS I~OUNTY TAX IBV 09t30743'?3-01 KHF-EA2468 DIRECT LANDFILL TRANsPoRTATION 8T £tOE 'TAX KINGS COUNTY fAX LUTREL rEV 09B0743?4-01 KHF-EA2468 DIRECT LANDFILL ff"<ANSPORT A T I ON GT BOE TAX KINGS COUNfY TAX LUTR£L lEV 0980'14.3'7:5--01. KHF-£A24~8 DIRECT LANDFILL rRANSPORT #~ r ION DESC / UNI r '.. ;::00., ';'~-i' - - - CON r [ N TÕÑS REVENl It:: SOIL \HTH DIE:.3ë-:L TONS TONS TONS REVENlJE SOIL WITH DIE::)F.:L rONS TONS TON::; REVENUr:: SOIL WITH J)1F.>~£L TONS TONS ~ CHEM r CAL I..JAS H:: MANAGEì1£N r , I HC í~ 606 BOX 840606 DALLAS, TX 7:5284-0606 CWM0Q874199 WE APPk."'EC [A TE YOlR BUstt£ss I INVOICE THIS IS AN INVOICE FaA CURRENT CHARS,.: PLEASE PAY AUOUNT INDICATED BEe: I, TERMS DU~ UPON REC'T OR t">E;R CONTRACT All PAST DUE AMOUNTS WIll BEAR INTER· EST AT ONE AND ONE HALF PERCENT PE=- MONTH OR THE MAXIMUM RATE ALLOW-=':: BY LAW. WHIatEVER IS LESS. QUANTITY... RATE.;-+ , At10UNT ,.",..', ' c""'·"'l'A.~'.",,,,.,,,~~,.t9,IIo ..,',-.~,' LJ E 1) - - - SVC DATE: 08/13/99 ,.,.., 30.. 00 "",,'..,.-Q'+. t .. ð~o .,.,.., ""3ö·;·~ t,020..60 ..1000 102..06 27..19 27~19 27619 92:5600 28..62 28..62 2866',"! -;>7..L 6:5 28 6 4',i) 286 4'¡ SUBTOTAL 1,598..76 SVC DArE: 08/13/99 34..0200 925..00 "1'~ðð 403~77 t..0200 27..73 ..1000 92..50 SUBTOTAL 1,4<49.00 SVC DATE: 31..0200 t4..135oo 1.0200 6iOOO 09/13/99 973..65 425.00 29.19 97..37 SUBTOTAL 1,525621 !3VC DATE: 08/13/99 34.0200 969623 1468500 423607 ~ PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUNT CONTINUED . - ...;~. .:.., WfV\cHEM rCAL WASTE MANAGEl1ENI I [NC ....... ·......""-"'352~ 1 OLD SK YL I NE ROAn KETTLEH~N C[TY CA 9~239 800/222-2964 PICK your.: Pf\RfS AUTO l..lREi;K,[NG . .ATT"N ACCOUNTS f'AYA.BU~ 1301 E ORANGEWOOD STE 13l~ ANAHEIM PROFILE 098074.3·}5·-o1 J<HF-EA2468 81' DOE TAX KINGS COIJNry fAX LUTF~CL IBV 0980743')6·01 J<HF-EA2468 DIRECT LANDFILL THANSPORTATION 8T BOE TAX KINGS COUNfY fAX LUTR£L r:sv O'Ï'7i.0432,?-01 KHF--EA2468 DIRECT LANDFILL IT.:ANSPORTA fION ST BOE fAX KING!=) COUNTY TAX LUTREL IEV Cf.\ 'J2l105 -.sS06 DESC / UNIT QUANTITY ...... . ..~~. . .; . _t¡. ~ INVOICE THIS IS AN INVOICE FOR CURRENT CHARGE S PLEASE PAY AMOUNT INDICATED BELO". TERMS DUE UPON REC'T OR PER CONTRACT ALL PAST DUE AMOUNTS WILL BEAR INTER· EST AT ONE AND ONE HALF PERCENT PER MONTH OR THE MAXIMUM RATE ALLOWED BY LAW. ~Vtil,ÇH~_,ª_L.ESS. RATE AMOUNT .' r·;'¡..:"40"'~"'~~·"." "!ii-~~~~TI..'\."t~..~......, - c a H r r N U E Ð -- - "tONs . 28..4? ." REVENU~ 969.23 SVC DATE: 08/13/99 - t: 02O<r"""""~- "~29'.: 06 .1000 96..92 SOLL WITH l>If.:::;£L mNS- ,. TONS TONS REVENUE: SOIL WITH ¡)IF.:SEL fONS fONS TONS REVENUI~ ~ :,H£MICAL IIIASTE MANAGEMENT I rNt:: ,- .0. BOX 840606 DALL.AS, TX 75284-0606 CWM0087 4/99 , WE APPRECt ATE YOUR MINESS J 27.. 50 27.50 27..50 935.55 26.8:5 26.8:5 26 . 8::; 91.3.44 SUBTOTAL SVC DATE: 34 ".02()()"~" 14..8500 1..0200 ..1000 SUBTOTAL SVC DATE: :34.0200 i.4.a:soo 1.0200 ..1000 SUB,OTAL PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUNT ~ \"0:"'" -.. 1.518..28 08/13/99 '935.. 55 408..37 28..05 93.56 i,465..53 08/12/99 913.44 398.72 27 . 31¡ 91.34 1,430.89 69,502.74*,* ..'-- - - -..- -_.. -- -. --- 0 "1 "1 ilil 81 <n : -' oð\ q~ï Y)z , "" q2 ;'-~ au Oj~ cnË ~ G N E 0 N CD t CD 'Of R N A 'Of 0 T 0: 0 :1 R I ""i ~I w I/) Z 0 Q.. I/) LoU "" .... < z 0 ¡:: 4: Z w ::r I- .... -' < ~I -' I ä:; <I'll ""/ 01 >-, \..,). Z', ì)/ 1 exl ~ ~ I . S , a 0 I , w [ I/) I < U ~ ~~.. :)' -.:: ~"~O""o-~ """(0"'''''."'01 Pror.Chon "'g~!'\<'" ,- ':'~_"."~': :::~··5.....G :C~\~-':'C]Q ::..o,(e', ~ ~~. ;-:. {. '-;7 :; r ~/ ~ei ín~tructions on cock of poge 6. J.OO'''"'II!'...·" ·').,r ;,....t\·-;··~, ;:. 40":". :.' (I' ')r ......D'! r.jr"., ,J,.\ 9"~a ro' 'J'. ð" ~ 'f! I : ì : . - - "'P~""'~' ~:'::fO'T1rn'r,¡ ,UNIFORM HA¡ARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST I G.n.'oto" U~ fP'" 10 No Inror",Ohotl ,n the ,hO".O orl!''J~ L' 1'\0' 'e-Q\,I ,ed by Fedf'rol rJ_ Mo" ~e,t to<'umen, No Poq_ ¡ I of ~ Genero'~( , ~o_m~ o~ Moi"fca.Addr,!JJ PI c........ V < <. K. , MI:.l '2. I Z -: ':.L~~ ¿_.-.J ;, II t;;. 2h?tl~~; ELI') C ''':'U r: . <1 Gen.'OIO" P!,on. \':..:J,..¿, } t,. S ( -. C. 1/ 5 T ronspor..r 1 Company Nome -It ( -¡f-; (;¡ ~ ..., State Manll.,t Doc_, Numbe.- 98074340 (, ~.5c" 7 '-I .. SIa.. G._olot"'. ID 6, US EP... ID NumOet c. 9 Des'gnoteo Focdity Nome qnd Sit. Addr.", . . _ c.~(:: 11\ ,< ....,~ L.J rt~n:::" It-l IJr/é:£¡¡\ tjl-J I .2 5 '2 ~ I C" l.) 5"" Y'L #...j c: t?,.) r~t.mê.J H¡ J (",rt C;3'2.~ci II, us DOT Description (including Proper Shipping Nome, Hazard Cia... and 10 Number! rE .SðL/'~ a, tJCN (,( It µ ~;L w,rw blE b, 6/1 . fP~Ottt- c. SIIØ,·, f.9A1ott.. _.~ .J. "'00' a-' ") '~c.~ '}7 - cj, ~~.-=.~~\·.-i'-:··~ . Pt:l1,:, ~ : -~¡i·. 15. .# I ó GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I !'ereby de<1ore thaI the contents 01 this consignmenl are fully and accurarely described abov. by proper ,hippinq no.... and or. clauified, pocked, marked, and Jabeied. ond are In 011 respeen In proper condition for transport by highway ac::oraing to apPlicøble Intemotional and nationol government regulotions. if om a large quontity generofOr. I cerhfy that I hove a program in p oce to reduce '1'Ie YOI\,"" and tOXICity of woste ge~.rote~ .'0. the degree ~ave d...muned to be .conomlcc.¡¡~ practicable and tho, I hove selected tn. proctica~. method of treatment. storagl. or diSposal currenriy Q'Wollobl. to me wruch m,nlmlz,' the pt.~ and futu,. threa' to human health :Jnd the envIronment; OR. if I am Q smail quantity generator, I ho'We mode 0 good fc,~ effort ~o minimize my waste generQt;on and ..Iect the be.t wo.,. management method tho, 1$ available 10 me and rhotl con oflord. 19 D,..,repancy Indication Spac. j DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE. ~ ~ Wh,/. h rsOf SENDS THIS cm T9..~HSC WITHIN ~~. P::> &00 3000. ~r"",.nlO. c.. 9581~ " '... ~ . 'Þ . #?\.: ::;:~: OTSC 8021... 1~/97¡ EP... 8700-22 ,..,,,,~.. . ~- . . .-:-'.~:' _ :'~...~'* ,-" "'''';~'-:'-*' '~-....~~,>~.~'.f.L:.~~~ .>~.' -r.'--"''''-''. .-:-.....:~-.....~..~., . ...~.....t. -.~þ!'~...~~ ....'~ ~~ 'Ç I TARE: .¡ET: 15. 61 -.---..... " ! ~ ~..(...CAl. wur( 'ð- wtIGMIIA51lR ::....~( "I"' .', '0' »f31~~ wt ÇHIIAS1I I Thb .. hi ' R ctln'1f'1CJoT( I .-"J t_" - I by . wtlC:HWt .......::- 101_'"9 MOC_ :.l1IlIcO'., ..... ~.. - -::;:::.t4. .. .- (CCWOCy 01 0 'oc..... "'" Ia 1ft .... I ..-~g pr.ocrlbod .,. 104 .11'........ t I !h. tolllomlo willi . r17oo1 ØW'T[R 7 · ;:'O':::~~:rod, ~"~":~~I~'= c:.,.' _ Aglfc":: C.Utomlo Depo.t .....,,'_.. ...... "......t .t r":;' , i .......- ,. :?uuç:-:.-y· I µ~:APOC1!~ __::::! WA.~T( ,r OEP.t Çy w , ..:. [lCHIIIAlSTrJl /I~' . '...(1(,"; :lS) _...- l Cf"' ~ .Qill ":R055: ·G;.,...r....t..i:H" 09=06 4.JI 0SI!'2/99 0..111 O~ HO I b 11:10 ill 0811" JOa "n 31220 Ib =]r /(7 I 7' () ./.~ . ~. ~ /"" IIIIANlrEST ,~;::f- ¿;C~ - TRAILER , 1 UC/( . -.-7 (j NSE NO. iZ.07 '-- I .YARDACE' 1: ~-- , ¡-'/ .- ".' , " \' / , '- / /7/~7 ~. ."" . ...;-~ .,,'" ..~. . / /' / /:'1" /' ~ , I~'- ". 07/ "./;/ , .-::;', i~,':" ~ .. .' .. ,//. . ~~~ . ~ ", ,.~ . . .,.þ .-- -:'/ ¡I 1/ · · ,dol;) ~ ··I.~ . .... '.. A"a: ·-~'i.1:.Mt·~·";;$:- ....;... ~~..';",'" '.' .... ."~-~ .... . !¡'at -~-~ ..,ttJ(",,!:¡;.,,~;;;:::.~:... r ///..Þ//á1 · '. ; :':". :"-t:- -~.:: ~ ~ " ., . ,. . - - ...~ ~~. ..' :<'7:")'; '-,'TI~;~;;~'~~~o< -1i..-:--~ ;"': ..:...... . :~r··- .. ..~... ' . ~ ,··,........'~..ú..:'~ . ,- ,~~I '~~ ... .") :~.;:....... ~:.,,~....,;":."". -. S~ot. -:>i Co;,;!)rn'o-E.,....'ronm.ntoi ProteCtion Aq.ncy ..) ~~J -'''9' ':'cc;;r-;",!,'J ...."...e, ."f.' :\:2.0-1)029 fE_pI'." ..}( ;0-:' I'~-^-"'\ .) "-;:',f' :;Jr'.... '), "Vp~ : :-'.., Jf""g,"~a 10, 'J'~ on ft/"p , ....r~_"'.r o .r) .r) '" N .r) CO o o c:c -'I --.J :;( "'---'V¡ c::j" <{-, .:Y) Z' -.:::r-Õ i"-:s OJ COZ <n:ë !:: ~ G N E o N ~ E ";" R q! A 6: T !I~ ex w I- Z W U ..., on Z o Q.. on W ex -' <{ Z o ~ z w Xi :1 :;(' vi -I -' , 551 õl >-' v: Z' w <.:J ex , wi ~I wi I u..1 ~\ V') , <{' Vi ~I I ! See Instructions on bock of page 6. :;'p'~..-..., ~o(~omll!~'r.. J,"'.'~ '; UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST i I Generotor J L:S EPA 10 No I C 01 Mor".." ÛO<:u"'e,..' No ":lge 1 In;or.,...,.·on .n fh. ,I":O~~(j 'J' por, \ IS nor '~.d by ~"!':Iifr~1 0'" 74341 J Generator s Nome and Moiling Addreu PICK YOUR PART 2120 S. UNION AVE, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 4 Genera'ar, Phone is 6 2 ) 6 50- 04 4 4 r· 18 Sta.. Man,f.., Document to_be< 9 8 s",.. Ge...ra""', 10 T ran'porter 1 Company Nom. 6. US EPA ID Number C, Q Designated Facility Nome and Site Addreu CHEMICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT OLD SKYLINE ROAD MAN CITY CA 93239 i 10. US EPA JD Number IF, Tran>porter'. Phone G, S .' 1 1 US DOT Description (including Proper Shipping No...., Hazard Clau. and ID Number a, NON RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE SOLID (SOIL WITH DIESEL) b. '~.,.....:o" EPAlOIher .."!> ~ ~ sea.. ~ d, ~:w ~. ..:.'!'}.-,- ~.~., " ~~. -~~4~ ! 6 GENERA TOR'S CER11FICA110N: I hereby declare that the canrenh of this con,i9"menl or. fully and accurareiy d.ucrobed above by proper .hipping nom. and or. clau'.'ied, pockeo marked, and 1obeled. and or. In 011 respecrs In proptlr condlnon for transport by highway according to oøpi¡caÞt. ,ntemohonal and nahonoi government regulahons If! am a Jorge Quantity generotor, cenlfy mat I hove a program În piae. to reduce the volume: ond toXICÎry 0: _Olte generoted to the degree I "o"e determined to be econorr'':':I'. practicable and that I hove ,elltCfed the øracticabl. method of !Teatm."'. storage, or disposal currenrly ovollaÞ~ "0 me whlct, minimizes the pre,en' and "'tvr. threat to humQn ~eol!r< and the environment; OR, if I am 0 smoil quantity generator t have mod. a good fa.th .Uort to minimize my waste generation and select the best waste manogement tnetho '~ct ., avo' lobi. 10 m. and 'hat I can allora, 19 Dlscreoaney indication Spoce Day YEC' I 5Vfr Lit DO NOT WRITE BelOW THIS LINE. Wh;.. '0 TSDf SENDS THIS coPY TO DTSC WITHIN P 0 Scx JeCO Socram.nto CA ç ~,! " DTSC sonA (4/97) EPA 8700-12 , \ '1Io~¢_' '., h_., - .i\~~~,:.i~~,~~'",~.\-Y:;¡,k.>*".,'';'-:!,,,., ~,...-: '... '. .~ _7";' '-. :C'tr~s~~:qt~~~~~.T":~-:~__ ':".t-~ ;':_,'. '. ' "- ~,' . -.'" ...... ì= .... . i 1 I GROSS: ~ '@CH[WOC,t,l w.utr ""NIoC(W(NT. 'Nt , WOGHWASlUl -'VNd .' JUSt ON ..,.,.. __ : ~~'~n NO:~ ·"'·(:C,..(¡' ~LaJ .ill!.!: DATE -,., . . . .. "'1:IGHIoIASHR YAROAG(' ï ~ ~ Cl:lITtnCATf 1'IoIt Ie .. ....., _ ... --"'9 doocri_ ..........., ... ......... .......wM. ., _..-"4 ... . W[JQ8M$TUI. _ ............ Ie "" _ .-.Ie.... _ Ie . .......... ..._My .1 eccurocy. ... ,,- ~ OW'TrR 7 (~ _. '2700) of ...- $ .f ... Collfomlio ..-.. . ,....,...... Cod.. ocI",,~ .t_ .... ... DiwIoion .f "'o...r.mo~1 $10__ of CoIIf_ Dopert....... of r oed ..... ~. ~,~~.- ...~ ~. . 09:00 UI 08/12/99 ~ It ..1 TARE: NET: . .,. ,"" ~. . --:0.' -'- '" ;. '" '~.'~ .:, -.- -;~:~. ':-i~ :.- f//cJ/ç;::- , I'·' ~ , / .- ~... . -.-', .....,--: >~"-:' . ...........'f.-¡ _ ":".. :...... /~ ~ '.,' ¡'.~ - :~,~..._~...,." ./ ~', ....... .:..-' '. ~.~ '-.;;'¿;¡~ ~ OJ ..,:;,;j;." t· t;('\'';-., -. > , ~<.:.= ., ".~~;.~..:.,.."...,i$~lI~.~·:' ,-,,', ~ :.;.".;::.~~ ..., ' .. - -.... . - ':'. .~.. .~..:~:..:_.......'. ".... . '1 ./.t:/.:P~ .. ::,~é~::1 ,r . .)é;)/ / O· , " ,\:.~~:(..::~.;(, ·.3i;~, ~.... . ;,*:.:, ·.f~: ~ 7 .',- 4" ;. "S~S~;::::,~~·~:: .. ., ..,j¡¡t),...(;'.~~... .'., . =tf.'!~~~~ j./ ~ ~~1¡~~:-~'- ;:~.~__ : -'"1-' . ~. -,' ~. , .... ..... v ....-... _ '1-:' "( - .. ~ .....:: .;;..:::.:.,.j:..... ~.,... ~ : ~'. .' ~ ~;~':.'~,: "":.- ..~.~:j.' . , ,. . ..·-+to. ,'1.. 1i~" :...~' ~.~~::~~~~~:~.~.-:;..,~\~~~... . . ,¿. ...... '9..~"...:-: :t.~. '.'coe~' .,1 '~.. - .:.' 'T' ...~: . -......-: I I 01 V') , .r¡ "- N V') CO o o CO ~I :'\.J V , ~~'I Y)~; ~2 -~ 4: :::>V .:o~ :nË ~ G N E o N ~ E ~I ~ gl 0 ;..! R 0::1 ~I z' Vi LU '" Z o Q. en LU CI: -' 4: Z o ¡:: 4: Z w :J: ... .... ~ VI , ., ~i en I 0::1 OJ >- ....; Z, ~, D: ex! wi ~i ~I: V') , <C Vi ~! ~ c I L I T Y ",,; ~ IÞ .. -:_;"'''''onm''/''I'OI P'O'''Ct,Ol'' A.,~....('"y L > ).- .,,~ 'oç. _.~r, :.; .E.,·,r..., . ~'..; 'i'~¡ ..._ :"-, ;..,.';·~r .~~ ,..../.'~ll;C,!... .....:......, .... ·-;'-'···C ,)í i-Ilï~ See instructions on back of page 6. ",.p.o,o_..._. :.' '..., ;,.;f.....;....... !.; C,11"'e'f'or \ us EP,ð. :D No MOt",;e\' Doevmenr No !C~ L 00 :0,0~6¡ ~7 IS! Pogo 1,,10'"'0''''''' ." ,.,. ,haded I)r~a\ 1\ no' "...:J.I .t'O oy Federal UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST of ~·.f~'or , Nome and MOIlIng Addre\S A. 5'0" Monlle" Documen' Nu"'¡"" 98074342 ?ICK 2120 YOUR PART S. UNION AVE, BAKERSFIELD, 650-0444 CA 93307 8. 5"'.. Ge_OIDf', ID , 4 ~-·efotof , Phone ¡ 56 21 '~"'500rter I Company Nome c/( D. TlGnaporler'a Phone 6 uS EPA ID Number c, - -:-~:,=r'ef 2 (orr.ocn....- Ncme 8 US EPA ID Nvmoer J E, Sic" T ronaponwr' a 10 , L 11 NON RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE SOLID (SOIL WITH DIESEL) ~, .....' ~ ,/' ., .. ~ .. ~...:~. ..~: .~- '..--~:.:'::~'. .;. ..~~«_... '0 GENERATOR'S CERnFICATlON: I hereby declare the, the conren" of .h" con"c¡¡nment ore fully and accurately described above by proøer .hipping nom. and ore clauihed, pocked. -;rlleo. ana lobe/eeL and ore In all respect' In proper condition tor transport oy h'gnway accordIng :0 ocpllcabie 'nfernohonoi and nChona' government 1'99"10'10"" . :Jm 0 :orge ~t.lQnhty generator, çerflfy that ¡ ;,0..... 0 prOjfOm 1" piae. to 'educe the volume one !C,I(IClty of woste ;len.rated to the degree ¡have det"''''lIne<2 to be economleo~l,. :~:1ctícoble ?nd that I hove selected the p.,octlcable method 0 ',&atment. ,toragl, or dispQiGl currenrfy Qvallable to me which minimizes the present and futun¡ threat to human neoit" :-0:: ~e en....-Ironment; OR, ;f I am a smoll quantity 98nerotor. hove mode 0 good faith effort to mInImiZe my ....os'e generation cnd ,elect the best -a',. management method thot ~ ="'Qlioble to me and thot I can offord. f/ '': : ~.:·eponcy InClcollor, Spoce . ~ - , ..~ :........p. Of ':)pe-rOfOr Cef~!;'COhon ':)f recelC"~' "c:::~r~~~> -.C'ef'C!\ o:overeo 0""- th" ,"",onde5' ~":eo! ':n .,oled In Ife"T1 : 9 ~y' -.-.".~-e ~ "l<it '\~l-!\cd- ! 5'tt'l u:. ~ ~ ~<J/- ID~I/~fJ 9'·~.: DO NOT WRITE BElOW THIS LINE. OTS( &OnA . " ' EPA 8700-:: Wnlte ~o ~SDF SENCS THIS copy TO O~SC WITHIN 3: ' P:) 80. 3000 Socro"'en"', CA 95812 . .. ., /' DE)'tITv W[lCH....ST(R " l~c...(wtC"'- ....ST{ WANACrW(N1, IHC -.: W(IGHWASItJl ."9".4 o' 3~2)1 00cI SII"'.o hod No:~"3ã5'67 ~~-=-.:.:..:.:.: ~ ~~ ~D'ry, "AZAP;)C'.'S WASTE . 1) _.,. _ _._ GROSS TAP(· 0<3: H ).AI OB. 12. '9'9 lr..02,,'AI! 08/12ß3 .,' '_~ ~ (.,1 -----A~~---- ., :PPor!LE NO 8"~ lb 32620 1 b -+2.'17 r ''*'' " , ;~~ ..- l·:~ ,--'- -........ , wtlQlM4S1tJl C[,".neAT( ,"'- .. to ..I1U, ttwt 11M '01l0wln9 delcrft..d c............., woe ......... MeeeyrM. ., counted .., . W(JÇNWASTtJl, _. oItOMtur. .. ... - c.....Ic.t.. .,.. .. . ,".,.vled outlMHlty of _. O' p<_rIbod '" CHAI'UJI 7 (e~ .... . 12700) 01 ~ S ., ,... eoRI...... ..._. . ~IO''''_ Cod.. odmiltilte-Nd by .... OM.ion of ".a..,rem.'" S'oft4onll of Col'omio O.port",."t of rood ......~u,.. 16.31 ( ---~- ~(T: I YARDAGE' "- - - --- ~.- /#, / I: , i ¡RAÇO~ UCb:;E "Y· ! 1<: f ¡ I / ..,'......" 1-- ;Ç~// ~/ / ?"/ ". - 'I c.... /-~. " ç- ..::,~;.. ;¿,..;...... // /, -' .I-' ,.;.... / :.{¡;/' :1#// ~ ..":"'......r,.:J....., _ -.:. ~......."":"~~.~. ",. -.;-,> /' / . ...... .': \ r;; n Îé0' ~. ~ . l,; 9' . , -,~...... ;o:.,~,_,r" , ., ./'/ /.#~/ ßt''/ f c-~ - þ .:.,:_. ~~~~.:- :.~. " ~."(,';~. ~.,!r~~~~~:~~:::. ~.~~ .~,~_~::-~~.... .,".~"'~~,' ,,' .' ':' ...~~.1à;,~..,."'A..::-' _ . . -,.,... ~'.~ ... . .....~~~V""'" 01 .r¡, ~I NI .r¡, ~ g. D :::jj (Y') ,<; , -J, o::::t - i (Y') ~ ' z o::::t õ I I"'- "-, O~¡ oo~1 O')Ï I- ~ G N E 0 N !XI E !XI , I R ~I "'71 A ('r) 0' T ~ 0 ~ "'I R ,"w l- f'. ~: ul ~~ . °1 ~ IX .... <I: Z ° ¡:: <I: Z ~ N 'i.n -= ' <1:: ~~-: s:: II> ' "'! ~ , >- v' z! , -- ' IX, :..0...:' :Ei ~! u...1 0: w' ;J')i <: VI Z~ F A C I l I T Y ': _ . ..~ ,- :,,,!·,ft·""J! "·.,,.....··f)" .:..:P....(, -.- -~é..:..~:: _"'I'd ".;0 ~,,:.>..-,)~..I]9 -f·OJ"'"'" ~':. :", ":-:'.~ ;Jr'" .,,;1'" 'Of"" o~,.gnf!a '0' 1.11(' ;}n .1,'" !.~' ¡:),tc_"1; ...,.."r-','.' See Insfructions on back of page 6. ~t'CoQr'"",,"r;1 o;,t . '-'" . ,;;¡o(rOtr'e('!IO _Vl"r..rn,o 98074343 ~onlte', ::'0": ...<T'!('nl No ¡)~ge i .nJo,onOf,on ,n ,he 'hooed or~').. ., "'at required by F~cJe'ai UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST LO , I 7 'fJ 41 !C~ i I Gen.rOfOr's Nome and MOIling Addr." PICK YOUR PART 2120 S. UNION AVE, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 4 Ç',enerotor, Phone 15621 650-0444 8, Slot. VenelQlOr', 10 .. "~n,porter 1 Company Name 6 US EPA 10 Number c, I~ ft£/j!t4c.k'·"r -:LlX- ''J;\:::Crlp'r ... '_.)mpcl"'Y f'..H;me rJ" ~e~19noted FOc;I¡'ty Nome and Site Address I f, Tron,por1er', Phone G, Sto 'ü US EPA ID Numee' CHEMICAL WASTE 35251 OLD KETTLEMAN MANAGEMENT SKYLINE ROAD CITY, CA 93239 Q, NON RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE SOLID (SOIL WITH DIESEL) b. -...........,-... . ......~.., " .' SIaI8 F.'1A/CYIh« ~ :/~- '-- .. ~-. ~~_. -:-'--::-) . , .;".';~~~J~ "_'._ ,..~......... .>:t~~k'__'''''''''' '. .. .:~¡__;' ";_';:-; ".~':';~.~:.t'.~~,,_.......~~.~. ~~:-:. .. ~~.;~~_:.~ ' Co, ;. ,.~f:iî·.,:<. , .' GENERAT N; I hereby declare thot the contents of thIS consignment or. Fully and accuratel..,. described above by proper ,hipPing nome and ore ciossiFied. pocked ""arked, one IObeled. and ore In oil respects In proper condition for transport by h,ghwoy according to applicable International ond notional government regulations. ;f I am 0 large quantity generotor. I certify that I ha....o program Tn pioce to reduce rh. wolume ond rexlclty of _osl. generated to the degree I hove Øetermined to be econOITllcoi:.., orochccble ond tho' I hove_ selected the practicable method of 'reatment. dorog., or d¡soosol currentiy ovallable to me which minimizes the presen, end ~tur. threot to human neOll1": ond the en"'lronment, OR, :f I om 0 small quanrlty generator. I ne..... mode a good taltft effort to minimize my was'. generation and select rhe best waste management merhod that ,~ ovatÍable to "'I"',e and tnat I con afford. I Signature ! Y~or DI ~ueponcy IndIcation Spece :::- ßt.::,: ¡-.... '')wne-r ~r C'CP'OTC'f ·~!!··,f:c:!··':!"" '). ·f',:~·c ~; "'czcroc'.J~ -:::'er¡ol~ COve-feC '::'" - ~ "'on,;e5! el:~:' =~ "'ore-=: r" Hem: ç V"("[{;." 3Ûì(ùUìd 1- :\j\" ~f-- c:s~ J\lA.JJlìctd- DO NOT WRITE BelOW THIS LINE. ¡67!:~~C¡~ J~SC sa:::. fJ.'<;:¡1 EPA 8700-22 W"'re- To :SDf SENCS :;-;:5 COP V TC :JTSC w'T,",,'" p o. ~o... .JJOO. So,:omento CA ; ~; ~ ~ ...;~~ ,'":::..p. .,., ,':';'~f!Iii\; .~.,..- i C;¡OSS' I I ¡ T"'PE ~ '1(1: i ¡ YARDACE - -- G:.. ~~:.. R:' ...... i; i , . arAC"'O~ II .- "E,CHT '~Q¡ ~ .Qill ..... ". C' 09: 10 UI 08....12...99 33820 1 b r 'fl.91 16.11 11=01 all 08112/99 32220 Ib - --- - - /f-7.4/- "'A)oIll'r~¡ -' ' ,/ /. /1 / L r_ .:CENSE NO.' J. / i/J CCVIJ:: 'r( "t:"'~::':;':~l! "0-. -.¿:~ W(IGH......STER --- ---¡Z - - , -' / -' ///; /7;7 "," ",~_.",,_~"J".'" I //#~/ ?~d .I.., - .~~-..":.......<..;-~,,:..:;.,. .. .~<':'~~.........,'~ .' ~.(.. .~~- ... ~ ." '~t:W(W~C41 W"'ST[ w,II&.AG(W[Nf. tole I.... wtlGH".SI(.1 _d ot ~UI Old so..... .ood NO: l"3ã 56"'4 " I Thll I. 10 c""'", _ .. '......'"9 ducri_ ' COMMOd", wo. ......... .........,.0. ., co"'".., by a W(IGHIU,STU. _ oIo.....ur. II ... 1hI. c.t1iUcot.. who ie . ,..."...4 outho,ity 0' accllr<IC"/. o. ....- .,. CH","t. 7 I (c~ ."" '12100) ., Dh>_ S 0' III. con,_ ...._ . ',o'n._ Cod.. i admlni.t.teet br .... OM...., 0' ....oa"".,..,.", Slaftdord. of CoU,Of'1\IG o.pol1",.,.. of r oed 0"" A1 rlculluI.. wt.....,ASTt. cr.'If'ICAT( - ( ( f . ' I t .; l ..: " i.. y~ I.. ,. , ,'¡, , tli '( 'Î ' . ,.,1.- 0 t -6;, /' ...~...,".;"'" / / /~/..:ól' I ¡:.,...~ ". :~~:t~.. ~~ ,~, .~:t~f:¡,:.~ .öt'.·.. < '::::TV .-:::j"~' Y)~ì ~2: ""- ~ : <i ::)u; :O~: ~Ë ~ G šl~ ;5 ~ E ~, R ' ':it A :S, OT :Di R ~';'.':" :.' ·...0 -'o'e"or Agency --:¡ c... 2..5 7 ~ ~ . I V \/ ~ 3 7 2.. :~"]G,O é'o'e, ~ 300<;' See Instructions on bock of poge 6. :"~ g".c1 'or VIe on ."'. (;;. ~ 'C"i ryp~w",.,r S.OCfome...,o C01ItO'",Q :J"[~or,",....t ..,' ......... .~\J~':""""": 98074344 ~M HAZA-ROOUS' ,TE MANIFEST 1 Generafor 1 uS EPAt IC P\, o . Information .1'1 tl"t~ ,haded ':Jr~')1 I' nof reqUIred by F _dero¡ low Mon'~.\1 Do<um."' No 'ame and MO, ing Addr." ::> or, .,." ......, YOUR PART S. UNION AVE, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 'hone ( 56 21 6 44 4 B. SiaN Generolor'. 10 :" .r., :DI Company Nome ò US EPA tD Number C. ~ IL, ~cllity Nome and Site Addre" :CAL WASTE MANAGEMENT OLD SKYLINE r-- 1; i ¡--- I r- RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE SOLID (SOIL WITH DIESEL) 00::; '"-" - Z, Wi ui ~ Z g WI 00::1 <I z, Q! < z ~ -' !! ~ <, U, a's CERnFICAnON: I hereby declare thai the conlenlS of thi, conSIgnment ore fully and occurotely described above by proper .hipring nome and or. clouified, pocked, d labeled, ond ore in 011 respects in proper condItion for Itensport by highway occording 10 applicable intelnational and naliona government regulation.. . , .98 quantity generator. I certify rhat have a program In piace to reduce the votumo and toxicIty of woste generated to tn. degree hove determined to be econom,codr ana that have selected the practicable method of treatment, ,toroge, or dispo)Q1 currently available to me which minImize, the pres.nt and fvtur. threa' to human heolth Ilronment; OR, if I am 0 ''''011 quantity generator. I have moo. Q good fait+, effort to mInimize my wosr. generation and aelect tfoto belt wos" manogement ",ethod thof ~s ~ me and tho, I con oHord ~ Yoor >- 121)1 ¡:AI / L -- Z :"\. .:.: ~ -' ~r . Doy "!'e-c~ I) i 21C1 ,C ..;..- '" '" _ r ."), ¡ <--- Day ! ....; __ indicQhOn s.poce F A C t T y \ \ ~ DO NOT WRITE BelOW THIS LINE. :'SC a~:. :p", F~C- WhIte To rSDF SENDS THIS copy TO DTSC WITHIN 30 ::.' s P,O 800 3000, Socramento. CA 958 2 "<- ....£'CH; '~B) ~ ~~T£ . . 0 ::".n.J::';";'of" L.J':.1P~~ ",'AS'[ -\0 . .. c:> o . .. 1~':''''[~CAl ...sfr ...t"....CU,l(Jf1. He ~ "a. W(¡(,Hw.~t(ft ..'9f'ed 0' J'UI Old Sk..... ._. 1385'65 NO: 1)9: 12 i.(¡ œ.·1:'·~ B5æú 1 b i:.93"'- ,Ð(9UTY W[l~\' "'ST(R / 'ii//? I' '~1/ ~ ~ ~---, ',--- -...- - /~ ,I { I . :'~úSS .' -~-~--jt..~.J-:':-71'-I/-.~ - ''''ANlrE.~T . / ti<cr,L( NO. ¿ c f _7 ~. /1 ~- wtlCMlU'Ttl C£ITInCA Tt Tim .. to c.f1IIy _ "'. ,.......... __ COft'Imocftty ... .......... .......".... ., c.-wed by . wtICHIoIASTEJ. _.. oIt- 10 Of' tN. certlUcot.. w'" " . ,.c09"'uctl ovthof6tr or accutOCy. 01 ,.-.., by CI<AI'T(JI 7 (c-nt _ '12700) ., DMeIoJo , 01 III. CoOlomkl ...-.. . ~'.,..._ Co4o, oo"'ln¡."t..,.d '" .... OMtlon of W.o~f'.m.t'\1 Sta....rd. of Cúlomio OeþOrtm.'" .. rood _ -"t"CultUI" 7A~E 11:26 all 08I12~ 28700 1 b 1i.35 -,c, fAPDACE' ----- :c·._-~T::R -/ " IP.C10R !:!.çEr~S~ NO. . ///J /Ç"ç l j / . / ,/>/"/" // "- / I / / '-7{~' /jJ~- ,/ ,/ ./ /þ!/J ~ r .. . ~. /;" ~¡. '~è{f a '~ " -1 ., - ..Y . ,. .... ..... ...-...' /' / /~.# /ð// , , .~~~ ~~::;~~ ..~~-~~¡~~.-~~~. ... ':;'':;-- -. '::~:;.:.' ~:.~..... . .- - ,...'~,..¡,j ,~'. ~t·,:,·..""...,..11.» ','... ,"_" _.. ..;,~ .·h . "t;1Z" .~ '~~~""".'" ~..,~. . ¡.U ~ .... . .:..~,~.J)"'-. ~ ". _""':;- , ..;',. ~fOf. :-' --:. =JJiol'''' :'-~ "''''''')''':-',e:'oi_Ørotechon Agency .- -,., ".~"- .~'~. L ,:.. ,.,":¡ ....-;. ~ 'c.:"~~ ., ::r, 'J':i "';:f::' ":'- -:~~..J"'f'(: '('f ;', IJ ,,, "".,. ';' =,,,("~I ""'C"'-' '"., ~¡ "1 , ;1 CO' gl -, :=;¡ ....~jl <::::t - , 'Y) ~ ~õl r-!:: .... oj :Oz 0'):1: I- ~ G N E 0 N ~ E ~ ~ R N A ~ 6 T 0 0 ! R ::.::; w 0- Z W V w I/) Z 0 "- I/) w IX .... <{ Z 0 ~ <{ Z w ::t: 0- ..... ..... jl , ....'1 ...., -, ~I See In~tructjon~ on bock of page 6, :"'oar'-¡~"':J' ~~,,-: :~:". '":',.' ~ocrO~.'~IC _-:. ':"'" 'J UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST ·:'en.'0'01' ...: :õ)A IC ~o Mf)n\í~\! Go....um~t"!1 ""0 ""Jqe Informo"on ,n ''''e ,hooeC ~r~CJ\ " not reQv".d b.,. FiI!'ð.r., "J..... Ie f\ ,L; 00 0 j 04 6 ¡ 917 : 8 ); I 1 Stale Manl;.,t Do<um.ent Numb... 98074345 ':jeneraror , Nome and Moiling Addren IA \8 510.. G.n.roto,'. 10 PICK 2120 YOUR PART S. UNION AVE, BAKERSFIELD, O"on. ( 5 6 2 J 6 50- 0 4 4 4 CA 93307 4 Generalor, 11. T ron.por'er 1 Compony Nom. 6 US EPA ID Numb.r T:'lC- (Ir~I()Ú'! ò US EPA \D Number ? DeslgnafeO rac¡i,ty Nome and Site Addreu ¡ I '0 US EP... ID Numoer IF, Transporter'1 Phone 'G Slo CHEMICAL WASTE 35251 OLD KETTLEMAN MANAGEMENT SKYLINE ROAD CITY CA 9 H. :..~:-~~~~ r.~.:~~ 13. TOlol Quantity 14, Unit WI/Vol 0, NON RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE SOLID (SOIL WITH DIESEL) b, s..... .......:b.;.~;'1. .-...:~....... ~ EPAlOIher , s.... 1 I EPA/OIIMr s..... / , c. .1- - I, c, 4-'''~''''··' . '.- ,," 16 GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I her.by declor. thot the conten" 01 this con,o~nmenl ore fully ond accuralely de.cnbed obove by proper ."ooo,n9 no",. ond or. cion,lied, poned. morttec. ~nð 1obeled. and are In 011 re~pecn in proper condition tor Transport by hignwoy according fO appllcoble Inl~rnQ'lona! anà norlonoì government r~u¡Qtlon1. If . ~m C .orge quantIty generator. ! certify thot I hove a pro~rom ,n place to reduce the '-Olume and tOXIClry ot .....aste genero'e~ ,'0 the degrfte ! ,\?ve determined '0 be K:I"'omlcody prac,ícabie ond thot \ have '5.elK,ed the prQ(.,ico.ble memod ot ·re-oM'lent, \'oroge, or di1PO\ot c.ut'fent'". o'lfo'lobie to me which minimize, the present and fut\Jr. Ttirea' 'to hvrnot'l !'\eolt\-¡ and the en'lf"onment; OR, if I om 0 small quantity generator. ' ..:....e mode Q good faith effort to mInimize my .....cUe generation ond seJect 'he Dest wOlle management methoc that I~ ovo,iobl. '0 "'. and thot I con allard, >- ~, Z w ;:)' :x: ~ Ló-I ~ <1:1 V! F z' -I ~ I L 1 T y J 5'gno1u,,,/ ~ , /]/ / , ~-¿Z /A:L/æ I R . ! P~'!'Ifed, ~'fpeo Non-.e : ,-r:ír6'lé?- p D . 8 R I [ R I Ao.nowieoaer""len! or Î(e<elot at Materlcls (l p ~¿ Year rQf"sDOrfer 2 Aànowleo emert' of Receiol of MetenOIS I S'9no.ure Monrtt Day PrJntea/iypeo Nome Year . 0 Dt~crepen,y Indication Space : VOl t ' \Öo~ l DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE. ,. j;~ I:: DISC 802:A (~, Pi EPA 87:>0-" --¡-;;." .. I r I\¡? q.4J)(2- 7 \ \A V -1 l)'\ l.., ~ -:.)F ;t....:)s ~~tS :~p~ ~.:: ')15C ......1T~!"-4 ''';'1 ;~': j )c~ro""en'o ':~ 7~81 ~ - .'. ...··'e " W[;C¡"¡ 'Laì ~ ~~ T[ COUUOOITY' H,t.Z,t.RDOl'';; W.O:¡T( ,/..;". ~.:, . . . ~C..[....C..... w..sl[ "~"""W("', Ole., wtlOflllASIUI .'19N4 .. ' JUSt 0lIl ,.,.,.. - 1385"73 ~ NO! o . : GROSS: 09=i5 ~ 08/12/9<3 35520 1 b i7.1" \ ì I ; I TAR(: i "'ET: I YARDAG(, 11:16 UI 08112/99 28260 1 b ti.13 c~ 'wtlGt4¥AS7U CCIITn:.&Tt ;;' ,.... .. .. ....." - ... '........ -- '-'_.~-...- by . wtJCMWASTn. __ .,.,..... Ie ... _ ._lIcoN. .... II . '..........., .--, ., 1OCCWOCy. o. __ _.., CHAl'TUI 7 C_ocIo.. _ I .nOO) ., ..- 5 of 1M con'....... ......... a ....,_ ea.. _I.,..ed by ~ Diwb.... ., ...._.....ft. 51_. 0' CoII'_ Dopon_,.r r_ ..... A.IIe""..... , ,GeNERATOR ,- -' / i ...:.' .....- þ -... ...~ _I. ,~ //>/1'';;- 't': !_ (t i-I ., '';~:'":'.:'.-",...: -,. '-/'-; ~' " / .' I -' . / - // ' .- ~.:.... -~",," ..... ;.- ".~ .;... ,". _::;;,,<~~,',t.iA.~,.:'" ,'.' -".' , " -. . .,.:.-:,. " . ./ '.- . "r.: -"'~':... ".' ':;...... _-.1 -........ - .. ......". '.. '.. ..""""""'.... I .......þ..... ~~!t, ..~J~.. $..,./ ¿..~, ... ~,.~. '- . ....; ::,*.:.ot..~";:'~.. ~ -..;. ....,... .:.... .'.~~.-' YN' .,~--~-... " ' ... ~ -:*,f ·W4AV./b~/ ~/-X' p" ..... .," ·1· ... .¡ - - .~. ~l.,.~ , . . . Þ4' :". . ~ff~;~<~ '-."o. '-~ 1o.;.,-,~.~~.s --;~-r~; . :~~. : ..,'." '_i-s -. '- . .:t: '. .:."'.:.......j~.'...~~.~.=J... ,.:h· '~';':$ .':~ "-fl. ..ilo..~..· ..., ~ ~~?Æ~~'" ' ;~~~~~.J .~ L-(..-1 .... ,",...·~f·;) p")''''' "'Ì" .J.r:¡"'''H, 'f :.~'-r ';'~..-,',:,,,,,,.~ :..r..t' ..~.,~ .(~)(¡-·)OJQ f40Ir~\ " ]:, '..;.0, ; ~':He ::;r .,. ::I' ··,C~ ':.:""," ";~'!.!9ned ~O' ..liO Of' flflle (12 ""en} type""""'''' I I 0' .r¡ ~ N, <.t') ~I :x): :::1 <1:' :)ul :t <:! ;êll -~ <: ::>U -P~ r>Ë 3 G N E o N ~ E ~ R ~: A ~, T . ~i 0 i ..:.: R : ~I wi u IU on Z o ~ V') W IX ... <: Z o -= <: ZI l.U I ~I ... I ~¡ UI -..."! ....., ö:¡ ""I 0::; C >- ' Uj z, ~i wi ~j W! ~I <: ~ F -¡ A ! C : I i l I T Y S/?~2S-S- T- ~1 1þ./6'''//~ See Instructions on back of page 6. D"D'O"~"" 0' To.,( ), ~'''''J''''''~ 5ocromen'o ....:.Ot.rQlr. '::: UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE ~ANlfE5T I 1 'JenerOIO( ~ ''':~ ~PA 10 No. , 2 Page ¡ . . CAlLi 00;0 Generator \ Nome and MOIlIng AddruI 74346 PICK YOUR PART 2120 S. UNION AVE, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 4 Gen.ra'ar, Phon. t 5 6 2 6 5 0 - 0 4 4 4 t. Stale Ge.....a....-' 10 Tronsocr·er ì Compl'Jny Nome 6. US EPA ID Numb.r c. D. I~ 1 ~I I~ I ~1 I" I" ,.~ 'Ii :'1 a us EPA !D N...,mcer E, StOle T ran>""'ler', 10 9 Oe~19nofeo Fac¡¡ity Nome and Slle Address 10. US EPA ID Numbe, CHEMICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT 35251 OLD SKYLINE TTL a, NON RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE SOLID (SOIL WITH DIESEL) b. f~··7'· . d '0 GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I h.reby declar. that the cant.nt> of !hi, can"gnm.nt or. fully ond accurat.ly d.",ribed above by proper 'hiPFing nom. and..... clan,fied, peeked, ~orkeo. ::Jnd labeled, and ore In 011 respecn In proper condition for transport by highway according to applicable international and nahona government fll9Ulahons. ;f I am 0 large quan"ty g.n.ratar, I c.rtify thaI I have 0 program in place to reduce ,h. volum. and toxicity of woll. g.nerated to the degree 1 hove d.ronnined to be ecanamICallv proctlc::Jble and that I have selected the practIcable method of treatment. storog., or disposoi currenrly available to me which minimizes the pres.nt and future threot to human 011" and tne e,,,,,,onment; OR:, jf ¡ om 0 smail quonl1ty gen.(OfOr, I ho.... mod. 0 good faith effort to minimize my waste generation Qnd select the best wa.te management method t or , ~vailoble to me cnd thot con offord. Pron,od/T yped Nom. 19 DI screpçncy indlcohon Spoc"'! I~ r .-¡- DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE. DiSC 8C22A 1~/971 EPA 8700-22 'Wh.t. ·0 ·SOF SE"-IOS ¡H;S copy TO c-:SC W'TH;N 3C r"O :1:-_ JVOC S'JCfo,.,enIO':. '~812 W(IÇf'~ .~:) ~ .Ilb!I ~ . .,.r " . . COIIIII)O'r'f' '<AZ'QD(,~~ -It , ,..." .. J · '~7·r'i'"";'" ~ CH(WIC.t.L. WAST( Wj,N,AC(w(N'. ... W(JC;H.....SIU ."""d .' ~5UI Old "'..... __ I_ CI.,. CA 138568 ,He, :;~oss: NO: ·~:...","[~A -;c,p .. 11=16 all 08112/9'9 œ:19 Ut œ..1~/99 8i720 1 b i2.~~ '- _..--- wtIGHWASTtICt:ITInCATt Thlt II 10 .-tr _ ... ,........, Ñocrt_ ~ "011 .~ ......."... ., .."""M by . wt!CHIlASTEI. ...... ........... 10 o. ..,. certUlca". .... .. . rec..fti,M O¥fho#lt, of IICCU'OCy. 01 ..- 'Y CHAI"I [II 7 (_~ .._ 112700) .. DIww. 5 01 .... ConI -..- . 1'101_ Cod.. odrN"itt.~ by "'. DIvIsIott ,f """""Ol""le...' Sto_,dl 01 ColI_ 00....._ II rood .... ....1Ie""..... ,APC ,,(T; - -- ----- --7- ,- 6r NO. .- -' '!'AI/DAGE' . ""_ ~ .....".:.. ~;- ...._..-,~..~_.~ t/ : / //'I,Ç; _ /c/ .~~ ~ / VI . / '~-,": ~., ,/:1,1:: ~,~.~-.:~~,;, .' '"./ , . ";¡''''~",,''~c"re''¡'¡;''''', .' .:-.;~,., ,i~ ,.-'-:., ..'.' , .' ".....;' ,,:-,~:i::i.. ..~.. ...., ; ..........., .... .- ~ ,- .01,.,. ~~.__ >: ".",r~",,:~.;,.~·~~:-!·:-7~·:~~;:'· ......... ....,..01)..........' -; ......:1'..,.-- .,.-', .~..~ -. ........'~'.-.- -":J::t<o-...4: . ,")t¡i"1.P..~~~-*-...·1't':1111-.t!",'i't!-<{~\P."'~..'o ~: .~.- ~ ~'."'-." .,' of ! ... .~:J /Øí/ ¥ . -. ~¿~.:~~'~"J:~"''': ....~~·.f__,c..· r:..~ '. -.: ... -··!~·::.¡ i,';:"~:':~' ~I' ".J..'~"'."'" I <;; C-( j -:t €j~ · ;¡.""-,;,~.~, .~~~ ~ ",/7' /~¿/ 50// /"..4_ _~ r ~'J. ," ~-:-".' " " .. - ,":f~, ."'~.,¡. ":\;'. . -!t. ~'-:'~:" ~';' ;,....,. "~~~''''''-:''r-~r'!~: ~"'jf~C,.on t.1~"'·<';" ;-;r'T A::'''fÇ''~-:: :~~¿ N~ :r:.~C.-':'CJ9 iE...p,r., :, :'~ ;r... .i:I!f':Jie pffr'!r .of ~..p<e ;'orrn '3e;.gf'lflo tor UJ. on .h'. f í 2'çilC"1 f)-PflW!".' ¡ ¡ J 11') 11') t-.. N 11') Q) 0 0 COI -, -ðl 1- _\ . « ")Z :tÕ -~ ... ::>ð ~Z ;') J: .- 3 G N E 0 N Q) E CO ~I R A c T ! 0 0 CJ? R ex w .... Z w U ~ « z 0 ¡:: « z w :I: .... ... -' « u =- õ: :¡ c >-; ~I w T 0 · ex · w ~ · S w P ..... 0 0 · T w E <.f) · « u ~ F A C I l I T Y See Instructions on bock of page 6. :-",p\.lr'~""· ~.' YJ'-','-::' ". :'U(UJr· f" 'ü UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST I I Generator, us EPA 10 No I . . ie~ ~--IOP 10 10~ Monlf.,t Do<um~"1 N~ 2 P')9~ ¡ ",ormO'ton.n ,h~ ,hod'!o '}fr~;~ ., no' ItlQI.,nreo by F~d~,o ·0·.... I 1 '7 . (01 ( : A. SI~ . Man,fe.t Docum.nt Number 9 8 0 7 4 3 4 7 Is, Stole Gen.,ato,'. ID ¡6 1917 18 ¡ 7 1"1 I,? G.n.rotor"1 Nome and Moilinfil Addr." PICK 2120 YOUR PART S. UNION AVE, BAKERSFIELD, 4 Generator'. Phone1562 650-0444 CA 93307 5 T ron~Dorter I Company Nome 6, US EPA ID Number c. I š ! D! "I" 11 ! (, :'1 D, iE IF, Tran.poner'. Phone 9 DesIgnated r~cd ty Name and Sit. Address WASTE MANAGEMENT SKYLINE ROAD CITY CA 93239 CHEMICAL 35251 OLD KETTLEMAN 11 US DOT c"ocription ¡including Prop« Shipping Nom., Hazord Class, and ID Numb.'¡ 13, Total Quanlily Type a, NON RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE SOLID (SOIL WITH DIESEL) b. a. . ,,- ........ .~ .' ....: ~~~:~.~.' '", '-or.. .;-:;':~,*'~_.'...:. "-~.-:.., '........'":'tI';....."_--:.-.. ~- t-.~..... ,. c. 1~. Unit Wt/VoI .,.'-~'~~."'" ~t: SIå ::"'~-""-" EP AtOther s..... . , I f1'A/om... SIaIot EPAlOther 1 Ó GENERATOR'S CERTIFICAnON: I hereby declare that the content. of thi. con.ignment are lully and occurately d..crobed above by proper .hipping nome and ore clan, lied, pock eo , ~orked. and labeled, and ore in aU r.spectl in proper condition ror tronlport by highway according to oppi¡cobie Internotlonol and notional government reguiotions. if am 0 iorge quontity generotor, ¡ certify that I have 0 program In place 10 reduce the ",olum. and toxicity of wOile generated to the deg'ee I ~o"'e determined to be econom,c:; I·w oroctÎcobi, and that I have, ,elected *'e practicable method of treatment, itorage. or disposal currentty available to me which minimizes the present and h.,ture tnreat to ¡'uman neolt~ and the en\flronment; OR. If, om 0 smail quonhty·generotor. I hav. mode 0 good fal", effort to mlnímlze my waste generation and select ,he beu woste management method Ih..:: ~ avoiloble to me ana ",,0' , CQn offord. ¡ 19 Drscepof\cy InQIcctlon Space ¡?Ví/~ JJ / ''''ec~ c¡ Mont+. Day Yeor ~ ·:)petCIC'( '':en,tlc:o'tOn or rece!ol ot hczordov!r 'T'ot~qo" ::O\f.red b... ·;"t\ mönltes' exce t 01 no'ed ," Item I Q (..ù' DO NOT WRITE BelOW THIS LINE. ~ <:.:.~f,-:!<-- , :~~,~" .. .['.1·11 ,,"~~t~~~~~;.;,:t~·· . ..;,W~ ':::"~'.*" 'SDF SENDS THIS COpy TO OTSC 'NIT~!~, A PO, &0. 3000, Sacram.nto, CA 93812 W¡',te To, OTSC 80n... 1~:97 fPA 8700-22 ~-). '"" .." .~-.. . --.---~- - ~ ,. O£PUTV W[lCH......SHR I@.:...rw"..... _ASH "''''''''C(W(H'. ,Nt: -..: wr"""4SI(. .~d o' 35~1 OW SII'-- O_d K_ CI~, C4 138518 ~o: ... 'LS; ~ ~ çCUU':~~~~P_~QI~~~r -~.~. o -. . 4~E 12:10 PII 08112/99 29660 1 b ti.83 . f \~. - .// " I ~- w(_UTt. C:U'TIFICATI T"" I. to .orIIf o _ ... folio,"", """"bed ._Ity _ ~ _. ... ......1... .." . w(1QIMAST(I. ._ ..._ .. ... IN. certificate. wM .. . rM09"'IM owthotttJ 0' ace....."'. a. -"".. I>J "'4I'T(. 7 (e_nclll9 _ f 12700) of 0IwtaIaft ~ of III. CaUlomla ......... .. "'01_ Codo. admlnilt.rwd b¥ .... om,1oft 0' W.01""'."'_"' Slo.....'d. ., CoIICII'IIIo 0.0......... 01 rood ond ...Orlcult..... :~oss ¡ù:07 u 08/12. ~ 8'1160 Ib ~2.œ ~r;r· - -- - ----- r' ./ - - - - -"'!"-'¥=/- - - - /'.... r~'...· ./' : ......N.JFf'ST /' IPpO';L[ NO, I.j.,/, ,/; / Y~PDACE ..---............--........-- ..J:' ~:.. - - . . .. _. c....ì /'C( 'RÄ.'~-0~ ~·C~""S[ ~~ TRAILER 111 UCENSE NO. TR...ILER , I - ... / c ... í ( . f"7/"1 -ó \'" \:) L "- ' --, ./ " I "'Yv /2/( ,/ ~- ,/ :..,.- ......., . . /Ç; -'-Ill 'Îè , . .: .~~... /iØ- i \'f 1/,' .. , ~ Òb I 0 . "-! ~~.<, .J: .v--¿'" .. ,!.~~.)¡.;-..;.:... ~ ... . ~ ~ /':::r:-/~~/'~ /ç~ ~/ ¿þ¿,Ç,,4/JJ/44/r- . -.;'~ .... .,"--'í¡.. ~,' . . ..-: ~..Þ( :~. '\:: ·è· .': . I -::..¡ ..~ J: ~.~...~._~,.~~.., ...;". ..~, ....:.;..$... .. ....._... ~.. ..~:.. .'~..~._;.:...~;.... .... . ,~. .. : ..:....~.., -. ~...~.. -::, . , "',L ..r-..... ~ ". '. " .'-'-'~J.,. .·..·'Ä"~-' ..... .. ,.., --.... -.·..~'....~c"" '. ~..,...~. ',- .~.'.., -, ....' .'.........t"..d ..,.. -'. ,.....r-:.....*'_.,...,¡:....~_.... '\..'" - ~_.,_ _ ~ .._.' . ., -' 3"".....""· ~- ',-' -~ ...' :5.: .r,é,;..·,'t'~...~<.......:..<.:'~.. . _ ".,' ~,~Sr, ." ;'..,. ~'>lI.~~';:' . ........ ., ," "-·.~l_. - . :tr~,,::"-1II;,r- ~'~....r:!v:~..: ~..--,...·~r- _...!.~..~,~..:.. -... _~~ r~ . ,l';"~~}.. , , .r, , ......, ~' .r, :c ~ - ~ ~ )W ~5: "\z "ex I -0' 4 =:: -~i JU, "\ Z' oJ _, }~I G ~¡ E N E ~ R N' A ~ :::: T :D 0 R "" u..i: Z ...0..;' u, ~I Z 0' Q.. V) I UoJI c<:1 ~, ~, ZI Oi _I -, ~ Z -¡ -, <: î .r. S!:: ~ ~ ,~ ,-' "" ::E '"- *: -' -, , < - JTSC 80:> EO.. 8700- iJ--:: ! J _ , . ~ I ~ ~ ;---' ;t.~ ."'". ·,rj'· (. ::_...< , \ ' ".., I n .J' \ \.:; --:-,' r-\....,.,\.., .,.p-,' I - '",y.'"~."", v ; ,;,.' '!.. ~ See nstruction~ on bock ;;)f poge 6, . '''0 ror .j)1':' '.II ~, ;¡. '.:,~_. 'f." _._---~- - HAZARDOUS MANlfBT GenerOlor \ '...IS :. ~ A. '0 r-..Jo " Ma,.H'eu :>O(lJment '''0 ~' i'age, !nform )I,Of", .1", ''''e 1"'OOt.!CI 'Jr~·;·. '!I "0' ff!'QUHet1 by fed~ro' I.,... 917 ¡ 8 i : 5 ,'I Y Ii"; I : A, 51o" Mon';..' Document Nymbe, 9 8 0 7 4 3 4 8 C A 93 307 Ie, Sto.. Ge".,olOl'. ") I . Cpo. !L ¡ 00 0, 0 r1 ; 6 It! and MOiling Addre" ~ OUR PART UNION AVE, BAKERSFIELD, ne I 5621 650-0444 ¡mpony Nome ó. US EPA 10 Numb., C, I ! C I léJ kJ V '.I ~ !l D I E, Transport.r', Phone./' <k~1 Stote T ron$po,.er " ID ;ty Nome and Site Addreu '0, US EPA 10 Nymber IF, T '"".porter'. Phone G, Sto AL WASTE MANAGEMENT OLD SKYLINE ROAD MAN CITY. CA 93239 C IA I Tb 10101114! 611 ..... .....:..;. ':;<-r _ ":'.~:~~~~~;:i~,' ! 1 1~. Conl0ln8rs No, Type 13. To'ol QYOnlity "ion (including Prope' Shipping Na...., Hazard Clos;, and ID Nymberl CRA HAZARDOUS WASTE SOLID SOIL WITH DIESEL) SIaIe EPAlOIher '~ :~:,_,:,:,--~. ~ ~'riORGlD.ai~.sIarMalwialtu.wAlíowe:~ :-;;."-. ,'/ PR':6F'~ii~~:;;~'68:--~~j;:··; ;:t~;:-, ~ .~.-nç~.. -- ~ ~. - - ,...:,'~.·.~,~l,~,--:'.:,::.1.·:...·.~_'.,;·.:.:_.;,~.·,~,Þ,'.;.t~~t..',~:.-,..';.;:.~;~.,..'.".~;,~,-,:,·.'..:.,~C: ~.';..,~ . 'u;; tâ~~ß~~:'=:~~:l~'~";:;',-4-: ~:o '- _ ". '-- .c.. ., F A C I L I ~ ' \ \ -:.. '-.. "':;t> ',~_;;'~..~.'.;.;,...,:::.:. .. ~,~.:.'~';'.' .~-,::¡.. -':"~','~.';,::;..,':'~,"",.:. __ ~ ~ '-~ r - ~ "":"' ~~__~.. .\'-_0; ,,~,.. .~_:.-.. ,. _~'-C.~·."': ; CERTIFICAnON: ! hereby declare thot the contenn ot rhì~ conSignment orB fully cnd occuroteiy described above by proper shipping name and or. classified, pocked, co.ied. and or. in an respects .n proper conditÎOfI tor transport or highway according to appllcocle , 'Herl"otlonol and nOhonol government regulations. ! Quantity generotot'". I .::ertlty rh.ot I hove 0 pro~r~t1'I ,n place ~ "ed\Jce me volume ond fOx1ciry of """cUe generated to the degree I ho'W'. determined 10 be ,econom,col!... '0 Ihat I hove s.ìect&d the orocllcable method at trearment. storoge, or disposal curr.n"y o'W'odoble to me ....hich minimizes the present and fun"r. threat to !'Iuman !'Ieolln )nment; OR. if I om 0 smail quantity generotor . ~ov. mod. 0 good faith effor' to minimize my wost. generahon and $elec' tn. best waste manogement method ,hot . ~ e an¿ tho, I can afford, ¿~ J: v-/¿1 t/ ~'l(no""'lII~ace""',~:"! :.; ~ec!! Of of ~C1e(lO{S ...e 'n. Doy Year :101<:ohon Space I' -'\ SoJ\~,~T -::'~"Cl~ :::·.~~ec b... 'hi!, ."on,f.!ol ._C~D1 ':)\ "10'.0 ,F". ,'e"'!"l : Q i 'VT li SQM-fY:{ rf DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE. ¡(rk V :9 >~) , :")r ',')Der01cr ':en,í'COflon 0' rece,pt ot hczoroc.· Whit. To '<;DF 5€NDS ; "IS CC?Y TO D!SC ....iTH,~· ~ ! -, 1000, Jocrome'110 C,¡. '~8: 2 ~- ---. .-------~._+ .,. . _ õ' "'$... .... ':ç''''''''O~~_~~~.';·~!,';_~.':.'i~.r ---- /' DEPUTY WEICH.....STER / ~... Hr ()<J., ~. , -1~ ll-/ 13.15 þ ll':1; t.£r . , c~os s u 08/1:''99 7i280 1 b , rAR£. i 08/12'99 26300 1 b ~/7 f J' ~[T: ¡ Y.>RDA:~ - - -+- ~~~ "-i[:';:" . . ,,' TRACC" ./ ".---- -.. - ..--' 1/ '.. ,"-' ~ .:' -.'" I ",.~ ,,/ f:?;¡. /¡/1~ V' ,.-:t. ¥¡:-; - ". 3 :'·~·'·T· " '\ .....-'........- , ' _',' ,;;:s:,': ";:';", " ~,~~;~~_:~.,,:.:;. '",! . . :'Po ,~~;,íf~c~~~~~~': .~ \ r_... ....#1:"'.." ~ ;~.. /" ( ~ " J i@r.H£W1c.Al ."'Sf( ......H.AC(W(N1. ¡H(. ~ W'(.Q1WAS,tl' ..'o".d at 1~2~1 004 SO"ftO __. 13ft'ã 51A4 NO: W[JQ WUTJJI CfllTlnc.&T( i T~1o Is '0 cortlf, _ ... followl"9 ...",,_ I cemmodltt' ... .~ .....wr'M. ., COW'IfM j '" . W[IèMWAST[R. _ 1It....1If'. to OIl _ ¡ c.,tlUco'.. .."-0 te . ~zed oufh040!tr 0' oc.cu'oCY. os .rescribed Þf CHAf'T[1t 7 (e--I"9 wK~ I 12700) of DMaioft 5 .f 11M Colli_ Bu._ a ~Iol...1oM Cod.. Odmi"istered by tt\. ~ of W.oaurerne"t ' Stoftd,ords 01 c.oUton". Deportm."t of rood ond &9,\CuHure. .i ,_ / ·7 J/ . // ",,( ¡Þ~.~.';'. ~,/('~ \ . ';;p' cR~ :' /_' i..: C1rp- / './-, //' " .., ~ " ./ /~..;,~ ~-'// .........-"";. ~- - ... ..>~~..;..:.: ~:,:,:::;. : . ~..". -,.,.... - ',', ~...tl',.~,,-.... "':".~ ., ... "' - ,S" z Vi ~ Z o Q. V') '"-' See In~tructlon~ 0'1 bed vi page 6, - -;". ~ ........ '," r;-"':' ____h___ _. ~M HAZARDOUS iTE MANIFEST 1 ':'en.'?lcr, \/::; EPA tú ~¡-. i ¡ C~ 'L 00 ¡O; 04 i 8 : 7 ;..¡ ! 7, ! Ý ; 1 '?i I I A, Slot. Man,f... Document Number 9 8 0 7 4 3 4 9 'V',()nllf!~r CìOcumftnl No "2 P"q@' i :""ormallor¡ r-·....e \"Od,...; "J' ''' ', \ 1'\01 reQu".-; ':'f ; enf" 1)1 " 6; 917 .ome and Mo,i,ng Addrt'U YOUR PART S. UNION AVE I BAKERSFIELD, 'hone I 5 6 2 ì 6 5 0 - 04 4 4 93307 CA 8, SIo..~.'D Company Name 6 US EPA ID Number c. I '!;tk( k¡',y : :"~(;Gr"v ...c.....~ . I I D. TronlopOl1WJ". PhoM ~ ) e..!,A 1 D tJ lý !rGJ! ¿)I OI:J. '4:~ ;; -~ I ~"- d'2.~(, 3 IjS :;0. D Nu."oer I f. S~ Tron¡poner'IID ì F, - ---1..", C . :Jcdity Nome ono SIte A..odreu : 0 US EPA D "'~....mber 'CAL WASTE MANAGEMENT OLD SKYLINE RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE SOLID (SOIL WITH DIESEL) flA/OW- I , .~ (! Ii .:.:'~- ::::..~--~:~--~:--. _.:::.<~ ,/ '. ' ,. -:;....4 , '~......_' ~... ;':.' /~ .:....>~{~.~.~~-. ,. #~A 2468 , " ."" ..- ø..' ..... .;." ._.~ :-..~ ..;..¿,:~-C::- :....~.... --'':~j~::'-.. .~..~ ~ -:-:-~. ..... '. ..;..:. ...~. '.7- .....#" _, ':.~:~~::~.~{:::;~~:is'~i-;~tff~' .Co PROFILE . ·:·~·~:>W;~~~·:~;~2~ -.'. R'S CERTIFICATION: '~e'ei:)''f declare tho· 'he con~ent~ of tn,s cons'9nmen! Ofe fully and occur::;I!!,! de"n~ OOOV!! c'Y proper sh~Q.!'a.me and or. dcn,'ieO. pOCkeo ':J labeled. 01"0 or!! tn ad reSPects tn proper ~ond.tlon ror transpOrt by highway accordIng ro ocpucobie ,nternotlonal cnd norlonoi governmenl.!eguiahO'H. '3e quantrty ;enerotor i cenlty Inol ì r,O'l. C program tn oiace to reauce f'h. 'oiume and !OI:C:ty d W01!e generated to the degree I hove delerm '~ to De economIC:: . :Jno !"hot! ¡'cve ~etecfec tne proctlcoble method of ~reotment. uorog8. or disposal currently ovodobl. 10 me w;",h mlnlmlZ.S the present and future ""reat to ;"uman "'tee n .,ronrTIe:-1" c;: ,1: .:)rr, '::I ~/TIoil quantIty generotor. : no'l. maae :J good tOllh effort !o m,nllTtIU my ......0". generation and sele<;:t the best was'. management method 'hc' ) me and thot i ~CM afto.,¿ , ,J 7'~ ¡~J )A':ç:'~ - ?¿/-l f /:V.f~(/ ~;-='? / J // );>.;J'd;£-a ¿ d, /1 ~ <' !/ A(know!eo:::r::t!""'e-n~::· ;:ec!':"~' :;" \,' :; ~e; .; ~ Day Mor:~ ~a!'!\e ,- . 2 Ack"owleaoement oí ~e~etpl:>r MCler,OI~ 'iame 'ndICCIICI" ~:::oce .-.' ~'\:'C~'''7':-' .::~. ':J"~"':" '';'''~'';-':' -';=';-':CI~\ 'T"(JJf'OC·,':; \ .: .~,~c ~'" .¡,,~ 'TIO'Î'!P·.: f'!.(~':' C~ noted'" ·t~m ;c· i' S-hWV\d+ ¡Ó.Vl· 0-h 7:01C0VlCirJ' DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE. DV Id5'-/ Whit, To 'SDF SENDS THIS COpy TO DISC WITHIN JJ .:. ? 0 a"" 3000, Sacramento CA ;>5812 -.-.---- ..._n__ ."" ~ ~? :~~':'_~~';:~:~'::~~~'::i , -,. . .......J ~.r. --=~¡ .. , ¡ œ'12/99 3S58O Ib . i I ! .. :. 79---- , .. 08112/99 32880 1 b 16.+i lJi¿/' /l ·0'/ I ( " ~~ - . I, /- ~·"'JI"''''''''''' ,.,-- -=-- ":-:- ~ ...I....~.. I - ; <.:....--- ~' ,,' 'PP()1"'u ~w. : I" i I (:> ...i .// .(' (I .--" . , / ' /....." J //,L-'" . _.j "RAILER #1 LICENSE N: ! -- V t./6 .- /t1 'RAILER #2 liCENSE NO, , ..--- Y WEiGHIJAST(p .-"'- .---- -~ ,,-- "~~ ;';f(J '1' (? ?// '/'Z;/'b ;.---- ~. .~/ 'rr , ..i ~ ~ ---~ t. .... '~rH(""CIal .Aur ------ ~ w.........C,¡W(HT ,.,r W'(~W"SH.A ..'9t1ed ot . \ 3SZSI ()O, "'...... -_ NO: . f38 59·4 I wtIGHWASTIII C(!!T,nCAT( i 1M. I. to ..l'IItp I co .......... the f"".'", ."riNd by ~"'SJ(~ __M. .. _""'M' certl'lcat.. _he .. . MoftO'ure .. .11 thI, aecwrvcy. oe ~eoet"'zed o..thority of (C-Int _ ..., CHAI'T(R 7 I ",. Conlomlo t 12700) 01 DIw'- ~ 01 odm'"i,t.... by~ a. ~Iol.._ Cod.. Stando,.d, 0' Coafom~ of "'"lUre"'_"' t and Âqr1cut1ure port",_", 0' rood , I .- . þ.-.. -I ¡/( ..·.'VJ-!p...¡ ¡; ..c ,..' " !J'" '- It.-, 'rr./ ( .~.(. ~ ér: - ) /';/pr øc-'/ ¿b é/7 ,-/þ//'l4d " '" " " .-.-.;... :Þ-.. ..;..;..., --c.-. .... ; ,; ....~... ·~"':A· ....,. .JJl:::..;.,¡¡¡....... ~, ;'::'.""'," ~.~r"'r ~ See !n~1rU(!lon~ on ~a(k :)1 pcs;e 6. . .:.".'·-~"'r :r ',;. ( ·...~(r.}mef>'...) .J .J....,: --------- :C! 'L 00 0 04 6 :97 8 1 c.j \.5 <)0 'n;o·....-;·,-:.n tn the ~nol')~!'j OIf"'1' I ,no' '.Ov,red by F"!.-.il!r01 n.... I , 5tot. Morllte\t Document Number 98074350 ( ~II .., HAZARDOUS 'E MANIFEST ':"",ne,')ror \ ;:.¡" [,: ""¡o. .VlO"';"!'· :::'OCUrY>~"I1 . '': ¡ P'JI)~ \ :;, - N' ::: --' <: -' ;5 -, z , :.: -:- :J. '"- -< :Jv )~ J= 3' G I E N N CO , E 'XI' ..., R , , A ..., T - 'J :.: .;.. .:ñ¡ ;:. - .r> -...,¡' :>:: <: z ""', ~ :S OUR PART UNION AVE, BAKERSFIELD, 562:650-0444 CA 93307 /10, ¡ a 5101. G.n.(olor'. ID ·.-,e ::1"10 "",O·II"g ~dürpn ompony Nome 6 US EPA 10 NumMf Transport.r'1 Phut. ·(Ui!t/,. r ..:,"'=c'...v "·';~e .J ::I11{. . ~é:A '1>1 ð '8' ~ '¿) 1(/0 :3' r, (1 J:' :PA ID t-~u'"t'e' ': 510'" T rf1"'\corter' S 10 AL WASTE JLD '1 MANAGEMENT SKYLINE ROAD H, foc., :,:->0' f'...1ome ~nlj S,te AacHen , ¡ JS :PA ,D Numoer iF, Trnn.port.('. Phone I G. Slat :RA HAZARDOUS WASTE SOLID ~OIL WITH DIESEL) ii.:.í,'it...-,,. fPAlo¡,. ~,~~';; '. StaIII fPAJC»wr .. _. -.~. ',-- ...... --~. ,- ~.': ..::.:....:.. :~...,,:,,:. '.:.:. '~.'" --:; ,-0_""· ., .., L" .' .-.â.f:~':'~~:':'!'-' ~ , " Co ...-.:. ':" " ...... .~::~+; ~.' ~ ú < :ERTtFICATlON: '~el'eov oeciore :hOf ~e content" 0; ':'\\\ con\\gnment ort! í-.,;n., and octurotel~ de'!ot:"be~ ~co"'e 0..,. procer "hipP,ng nome ona ~re dassltied. pocked. e'eo. ~nc ore ,n ::J¡ resoecf1 ,n prooer ç:Jnoirlon ;O( 'ronsporl bv rlJgh_oy ::1ccording rc o¡:::Pllcocle Inter:"lohonat cnd notlono! government rtÞg4.Itationl. . . ...entlty ;e.,erotor ! .:enJr... ,hot I ho....e 0 orO';fom ~ ~ oce '0 .-educt :h.e ...oiume and TO.l."If'Iy :>t woste gtnerared fO fhe aec;reo ¡ ¡'ove\detenfllned to be economically '''or ; r;û....e Sf',ec·~ .¡,~ :j"racTtccbJe me,t,od Of treorment. storage, :>f disposal currentty eVQlìobl. 10 me wnlch mInimizes the present and h.ttvr. threat to human heoirt, "'e~' OR.:Í ;)f"":: '.~': . :,.,:J,1""~' genera,or, ! "ove .....ooe a gooo to\th er-ior' !o mlnlml!.e ~'1 ......Q~te generotlol" ond ~e¡~t t~e be\f wO," rnonogement method that ~~ ~nc "!'Ie' ~ ::;,",: :lfforo. ;L _.i- \---\ , 3,'~T'lQh..lf~ -,¡, Coy 1eo, '"!. : ..........' ;.."' -:';;'d /7«/d.-- "-. '~__ .J ~./2/'"'/-¿;¿/ .::. , -:: , -':-"""I!\~::~~-~-' <: -::: ',~c-'~=::lJe""'er':~ ::. ;:~(I!!!!CI :' MClerlOtS ~ 5Igno'urf' <~- ':"01'" Sooa A . ~."':':' :e"';'':::::''cr:ë' '~-:~':1' C'. --:-:.'::::...~ .....::.~" __ ::,~" --;"" ·P.~t ~.~f."::' ::~ ,"CIf!C - '..~ :y\ ~l SJ~~ rf7 ðt¡ f~~,Ç;-' S-~{~\.f\{x. ~ DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE. "":.-. '~ - ~~", " ..... '. . - - ~ ~ . .,-.".') '- . -~-;. fa 08/12"9'9 II 08/12/99 - , ~ p ..:':. .... e. B5620 ¡ tr 321iO Ib - -- - -- '_.-'0 _ ~ __ __ ~___~ J ~ " Ii' (' "':.81 16.07 ._--.--- - ~ '" '~t;...(.."c..L. ..0;1'( .,u.""C.&(;.(w(", Ht; .... W( GHaI"'S1'~' ..ion.d 0' 1~2~' Old Sk""~. lood 138 5'93 ':~IJ~:~~;..~~._-:~:_~~.:_:-=r .' "r /ç- , -/+.4~ .; {/ / (I .:~ _-cfo;; / J/ {I !/ 1 LICENSE NO. fRAILER ,2 UCOiSE .~A~.[:~ !7./ I TRAILE" ~JI I ---~ ¿¿- NO. NO: wtlCMlAS1t1l C(JlTlrlC.Ut 'hi. I, to c."" fhOI IhiI followl"9 Nscrtkd c~.., ya:. .~. nwo.,,'M. ., lo",,_.d by . Wl:ItHIotASTrl. """.. .IQnaiur. 10 ... th/. certlUcot.. whGJ it . f'H09NZ.d DWthofHr 01 accuracy. o. Pf'eIoCI1Þed Þ'f CHAI'T[I 1 (c...........,J/lQ _, 12100) of DI¥_ 5 of ttIi. tol1tomio &u.Ines, A P'ot.II~' COCl.. administered bY ..... OM.ion 0' W.owurem.,,' S'onclor<2. of C.oIii'ontlo Oepor1"'.'" 0' r 004 OM A4r1cultur.. I ~'.i..f/ / ' // - , ..-.... . -/" ,"'" , I cJ !"/ C ~ ; ( . .I " ·i/ /·'ï ~j ...' ,'.J, .-' ·r --.1· i " -"" .!.. c.. '" '1 ~' 0(;: {I.~, " ~~ Aj/';'L'Óé/// ~¿~f? /!/ .,J~I d .... ,.. .'-.- ~. '..' . r,.. ,.., ;..". '. 5PL;M~e In~ r\)Clion~ on DC, I.. of pes'" ~ - , ~ ...t.:(),.....~.,. -...' 'J"' " .~ "I'...· ...:J,....., .,.: ~ ,__,_ "; ''''... ' "..J HAZA~DOUS MANIFEST : Generato,', us EPJ\ 10 t'~o , Man,t." Do('vment No í. ;¡lJg~ i ,CA I L 6 91 I ! I ~ Ii , ¡i:315il 1,1 I InformOllon .n !he ,haded 0' f";; " not reQu'4ða bv F.cJCfot 10- , -~ on~ ·'^GlIllnq Addreu R PART UNION AVE, BAKERSFIELD, -. '562) 650-0444 I A, Slate Man,I.., Documenl Number 980 4351 CA 93307 a. Stole Gene,,,,,,,,', 10 .. "! Nome and Site Address. -oorry Nome 6 US EPA ID Numbe, c. ,- ,~L OLD WASTE MANAGEMENT SKYLINE ROAD 7~: foci'.'.~~d~i~~~.i'7' . .. .'-~ .~~~~~~~~.'~~.. Conlo,ne" 13, T 0101 U. Unit Type Quantity WllVoI =0 CRA HAZARDOUS WASTE SOIL WITH DIESEL) SOLID ') < )- ',¡ - 5 .- , Stale EPAlOtt... . ..... s- . - E1A1Orfta ~I ...,.. , õ¡ B;! , . ..~: ~, . .:':._..:: -t:';....:;.:.....".. .:~.~: ,,~~;; ;,.;;;.~. ~ . :-- ~.~.~¡;;~~~/~\~-::.,..... '. ~:- ~:~~:.-:-.-;r ;.:::i..¡.',;?Ç. :~: d. . ,,' -=- CERT:F'C~nON: : ~~reb)' decJare that the contents of this con~l~nment ore hJlly and occuroteir described above Dy Droper ,hipping nome and or. classified, OOckeo ;~ele'O. :::'Id are In 01Î r~~pecn In proper condition for transport by highway according to applicable Internotlonal and r¡Oflonol government regulations, ::uot".!\Py generOtor, : :ertlfy thot I hov. 0 program In plac. to -educe tne voíume and tox:c'ry of WO~'e ge~erc'ed to '''. degree hove determIned to be econom,c::d", : !ho' ~OV~ ~'-!¡ect.d the praCTicable method of treatment. ~toroge. or disposal curren~y available to me which m," mlze~ the present and tutvre Ihr8'Ot to human "ecl!h ,n,e-' ':.i':. it! om a ~r:'ioil quantity generator, hove mode 0 good faith effort '0 ",..nimlze "'y waste generallon onci ~eìect the best wo~t. mOflogement methoci o~·~ ~ ~;")C'. -:--.ot I can offord . / J¿y¡ J-:- //? ¿:;; ¡/ ..:....:r:.~=.... f!'doemenr or ~~celor c; ~orenoís '( Ú )~fc~ :"::k~c""':ed;;ment ot 'le-celpt Of Mat.\",c.\ I Signature I Month Day I 'fl!or 'e I 5;goo'ur. :;'ccr'on Space' ")r·-... =~":::'or '_f"~,. -::' ~n 0' ,~:'!' :~, ::~ "r.':::::·~Cv" :'T1"::!('~'CI~ (0" ~o bv 'h,\ ....,::n,rf!\ ~.:f!D' -=\ ...or4!d .1". I e~ : ~ dr- ;c "l Gtl ('~ c- ) Wh,le To TSDf SENDS THIS COpy TO oTSC III;T;';IN ç 0 80. JOOO SacromenlO ell. ~ ~8: ;; , G;:'iOSS: I TARE: I ..(T: ¡ YAROACE- - -- Gt.N~;;A~ , ' ~~.~~~~j ~~ ';'}JI -------.------------.------------.------.-,-------,----,- .'" 'I. 2:33 paa 08/1:"'9'9 81720 Ib 3:17 PM 08/12199 3O/SO 1 b , I ~: I:'V . .' r.~~r:~!=-~,~_':~..:,~!:.1~:::'.:_ Na':!, ~/ /,,- . 'It . ~ ò'" '/ '10.86 T' W(tGHt.lAST(R / ( -----~- . r, bC NO, -- -- o\CiOR LICENSE '10, / / .u ,- ~J // './' /" F'.:::- J, k - ..; ~2.""r> .1 I 't,,· j '/'f ~~-- ,. ~'. !.,: : "'I"'~; - :;": ...¡;; . .. .', ' ' 1It ... ." ~. ~ Jr.¡, '.. \.../. . .'. ,~~. , ...." 15.39. ? ,..- NO, . -',II. ., . ...,"''F."~'" ..." " .....:::.. ,. (/ ._ _______.________. __.___ _____.____.,_ '"0 ._ ~(I<I("'I''''l .&':.~f """'''':'('''11.' j "8.. W(I(.to(w",~:~' ".'c¡J".d 0' 3~2~1 004 510"_ 100<1 ~ ............. C;ty. CÁ o:--.-13866C H', wtlCHWUTU C£lmrle,Ht ,.... '1 to clrttf, t'hcIf the fono..,,,, ckurlbecf .~fty woe ......... ........,.ect. ., counted by . wtlCHwoUTr_, _. .........,. Ie .. ..... I Clf1UlcO'.. who i. . 'lC09nizld o,,'hofil., of occ"rocy. 01 ..,.Iacrw.d by CkAI'TEJt 7 (com_nclnll _"" 112100) .1 DMaIon ~ of .... eollf.mkJ _ . ~rot..._ Codo, adminit.ll".d by ~ OMalon of Weoa",'."'.,., s.oftda,.". 0' Co"f~ CeP'On",.,.., 0' rood 0.... AgJtcultUI.. .' / // . ." . ,.' /', -" / H/ '/./ ,/' / ."..I.~ -d 'I 't ¿:~~ y ,/ -/ _ ;¿:;,.¿, /' 4/, ¿;..//- ~ ,.- /~'-. '// /e<' --- , / / <:'L-.. ('./ . ..¿..o ~"':~h .- . .~_:;~~.. :}<,~ ..... .,:;-.-. ;)--.'.' """':'" :...,.,.,,.... .. See instructions on beck of page 6, -= ~~.')f·"T'~·· " -.' t''; "-,' ,'.~ ,·f' .., '.. ;..,. I,. f1 , ".~'f!'_' "4' .'Jr. I:;"'."". ~ HAZARDOUS E MANIFEST : ; GenerClor \ uS ErA (¡ '·0 i I CA 'L ¡ 00 :0: 046 ~1J"de..~ .: -:-... ~ -eon' No ¡ 0'Jge ì :ntO"TlOIIO'" ,n ·...e \"'ad~d ')r~';: , "0' reQuI'eð Dy ~t!df"O r;~ 9il ¡ 81 ,5 .:> ¡ 2. I I of ( 'A, State Mon,f." Docum.nt Numbe< 98074352 TIe and Mall"..g Addreu OUR PART UNION AVE, BAKERSFIELD, )ne I 56 2 I 6 5 0 - 0 4 4 4 CA 93307 B. State Geo>.olOr'. 10 ::rT\cany Nome 6. uS EPA 'C Numb., C, I ~..!1 ~ I D. Tron___'. ~~(; 1)399- CJ2 fit ¡ E. Smr. Tron~oo,.,.,.'s tD I I F. Tran~. Phone I ~/1è. ...,. ..-.... . '--,: :~: :11)' Nome and Site A.ddren ! O. uS E?.ð. ~C 1"Jul'1"Icer 'G. SIo AL WASTE MANAGEMENT OLD SKYLINE ROAD ',··,~f:,~.;,;,"~·:· ~""~~.. , 13, Total '."'~;t. Quon'ity I. W_ ~ .~. CRA HAZARDOUS WASTE SOLID SOIL WITH DIESEL) wi - "" ~ '- v, ""-; -. ~ ~ ',~ :;~ri~~(~~~~;?~2i c.¡: ~; .". . , . ..:'-...;.."' '. ~ ~~.\ ~~:~~~~~:"~" CERnFICATION: j hereby dec!cre that the contents ot tÍ'lu consogl'll'T'1el"l' ore tully and accuroter.,. :e\Crlbed obove by groper ~hípp,ng nome and ore dCssr;led, pocÌr.~ ~::e ed. and are in aU respech In proper condition for transport Oy nlghwoy accoroing ~c oppllcocÎe ,n'ernatlonal and notional governmenr regulations ~uonflty generaTor. ¡ certify ~ot j ho". 0 program In pioc. 10 r.Ovc. the ..olume cno tOXIC'" :It wo~t. generated ro the degree nove aerermlnea to be Konorr.IC= y j ~not hove 1eiected the practicable method of treohnenl }foroge, or di}oosol currently ovc,iooie to me which minimizes the pre~enl o"d future ,hroat to human ~ec"'" .,men~. OR, if i am c ~moJl quantity generator, hove mode 0 gOOd fOtth eHort to mInimize ~..- waste generation cnd seiecf the be51 ......051. manogement method H'=' ~ '\ and that I con 0f10rd i SIgn.,:,.... ~ kði"r ;d ~ar'\ow¡eoqem.nf at Receipt of Motenaj} , I S;9"0I\l" , Monw. Day "'ocr ~tco,.on Space ::;-r Op~rator Ced;:'(CI'on 0' r~c~:::' ':Ji hazc'::cL,;' ""a'~' :";.~ :::-'.eo'~c ~h 'r"" "T\:-::' 1~\' ~':!"'ÇI' -::, ~:"f'!ci.n .,!"...... . Q . ~~Lt1 (t J- 5'\)' I ~ l S ~ (;')LI'~~ DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE. \ Mon~ Do)' "~I :OY; I ~iC;7 ./ White To' 'SDf SENDS THIS COpy TO DTSC WliHIp..¡ 30 : '" '. PO So. JOOO, SOC'O",,"IO, (A 95812 ------..-------------+--.-----------.- <--.-----------.- -----~.__._------_.- . -----..--- + - --------------------.------_.- _. ~__ . ð , ( I@('~£..,!<..I,,( w&S""f W.A,......~t..r~...r ""_ 0.... W( GHW"'STt~ ..'~4 .,. 3525' Old s....._ '.04 I K.""-~ CIty. CA :o;~38664 ~L~ .:.:..~.~ - . ,:-.:.: ~:_':~~....:_2__~~4,::~_~.:_= ._:__,_':'~.'. °t orpUTf WfiGHI.aS IE P :';;")55 ./ , ,'~ ~ ¥// [Lu---". (---- - - ~~-) -Á~/- - - - - - - - - ~- ·'.....,.;r--· / ~-,- NO : 'I ~~-¿' / t7' . :..~¿~~>' ~;v' (/ {,;- ì TRAllE~ ,1 LICENSE NO. t TRAilER #2 lICE'<SE NO. -71 _! , ¡ "'" I. to c.",I, ".., ... I~ rMocrl_ ! .~tty wee .......... ........,.... ... co...-fN1' .., 0 W(ICHW.u TOI. ...... .......... II .. """I cH1U1cole. ..no ~ . ,ec09Nu.I evthotity 01 occurocy. a. pre'ICttbH by CHAI'T[1t 7 . (comm.ncl"9 with 112700) ., DIoI8Ioft ~ 01 tho CollI_ Bu....... .. ~fof_ Cod.. octm,,,¡.t.red by tto.. om.ion .f w.o...,r.,..,_"' Stondard. 0' Coal,on'hO Oeport"..",. or rood 0"'" .,rlcuHU"e. 2:57 PI! O&'l~''99 Sl&fO lb 'f{).9:: we_unll C(JIT~T( .:.~[ ...[1': 3:il PI! 0SI12.~ 31920 Ib 15.96 ":.PCrÁC~ ----- r'__--_-·... ,... -.- '. -.:. .. /- '~ACO:~ c'CENSE >W. / ////1 - /0- " / ( \....,.. . , / / / I I _ ' '! ~1// ~.~ -Yc:: _../'" Ag'//' --- V__,¡-r -,' ,I, If 01- ..;.! -c/' / ~'...~:.,:.,..-;. . / .... / - /~At'~~/ /é?/,-{~~ç/ ,1 -> / .::::' '////ér~P-b ø " '^' ::,.,;.:,>. ..., ' .-, .:~:,' .....f~".-:~ -::,':~:"'~~~J~-t-' :. ; ~'; -----.--.--- ;:;, .n' --. .n :::: - <: .......,...; , ..:; <:;' Y)ZI ~s~ --- ~, -, ::>3: .x:> z : ~ê\ 31 ~! ::: ,<:' '"" "<: 01 0' :::: ""i , '""', z, ~/ V"> ' z' 91 :ñ "-' "" :;;: z º, <:; w' I' < - -') ~ .- - -:: ;: ...... ~ ;::: - , < F == A C I l I T '( .- ':'C ~ ~ . _ .:-.å d' L - ~ 9 S /!!?{, 2 ?5"" r- 31 /¿u~ '?/~...5 .>, _.~".... :. I ~. - e\ . ~'" :;;rm cr~,,'}n~a 'O( JI. on ."'. (J 2 p,fC"" ....p~-~_.~~ See im!luClion~ on bock. of page 6. :..,..:.r.;........." 0' '0'" '.Jvt)\!'J'" p' Socromel'1'o C'JI,fr::r"'ü UNIFORM HAZAR~OUS WASTE MANIFbT :'''!''.rf)Ior ; 'C 'J~ ¡ InICl'....'";·'':In ,n 'h" \haded or,!-eJ\ '. no' "oo".d by Fede,ol lo~ A. 5tot. Mon,I.., Doc......n. Numb.< 9 8 0 7 4 3 5 3 ·V.OI",tl'!\' C0":UMt!I~t No J ~ ~;.. A ¡ ICf'.Li 00,0: 0,4 1619[7 isl 0' ..·",eraro' \ Nome and MOlltng Addren PICK YOUR PART =120 S. UNION AVE, BAKERSFIELD, '"'.'010''' Phon. I 562' 650 - 0444 93307 CA a. State Generator I ¡D ·'.Oor!~r 1 C.Jmpony Ncme O. uS EPA iC Nvmcer I C. Slo'. ¡ ron'po".r · ,0 '11; D I' : .. T ronopot1er'. Phone G. SIo ð99-02~4 _L~~~~~~.:ÞJ ¡'on'PO".... Pho~ ) ~/ Stat'll T rontpone" D ---- -:Lr7C t~1'D'o83 t)c'2.S ¿ 3 'JS :'Fl. Ü ~.I,,"'oer ,) ¡ ;- ~'~ )!gnoted Facrlity Name and Site Address 10 US EPA tD Number 2HEMICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT 35251 OLD SKYLINE ROAD ~ETTLEMAN CITY CA 93239 _c ::;OT D..crip'ion linc!ud;ng Proper Sh;pp,ng Nome, Hozurc Cia.., and ID Number' No. Gi E I N! E R A T o R NON RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE SOLID (SOIL WITH DIESEL) o . -.....- ~ '5i*~' UAIO'It- s- " EPA/~, ~,~' ~.:-. -~...-- It Handlino;¡ Codes lor Wows ü..UL_, .' o. ~~:."~ ~:,:~~~;::'- / ~. ,-. , .. ~.. ~d,tioncd Description. lor ~Is ÜII8d Abooe .'"' r PROFILt ~~~ 2_¡~~~~~~~~l-~""~" ,~.:~ ~-::~:-~¿S¡;,~~~i~~' ~.. , . .'- - <~'~~~1ii!;;~~: ...' ,... - --~!;- ~~~~~'~ eo:' '. '~-'J~ -.--:.~ ':'~NE¡ATOR'S CERnFiCATION: ! nereby declore tt,Of ~e confenrs ot trlls con)'gnment ore rvlly and occurcfelv :lescr'oed above by proper ,n,ocl"g nome one ore cloHlfled, pocked. -- :'I(ea, and 1obeled. and ore !n 011 respecn i" prooer co"dition for tTonsoorf by highway according fa oppLcoble ,nternotlonal and nOl!O"OI ;ove""men~ "~u¡Qtion, ::'!' 0 :orge quanttty 3ener.Ofor, I certify thol ! f-Iove 0 pro;¡r:m 'n piace to reduce the voiume and tOXIC¡t'y ot wcue generQted to the =~'ee j hove oetetmlned 10 be econom,c~dv ---::c!!ccole and t'nat j nov. ~elected t+.e practlcaOle memod ct ··~atmenf. 5toroge, or dISposal currently o....oriobl. to me which minimizes ~e ::)re,ent one hJfUr. threot to numoro ·"'e~:!" ._~ ,he e"vlronmen" OR, if: OM C ~maj¡ quanttty generator ",=ve "..ade 0 ~ooo tcith ettol"! !O mInImIZe mv _oSfe çenerc"o'" ond se/e-;:o -e bes' """'0\'8 -nonogement 'T'Iethod ''''.-:' \ . ~ ':' -e ;:-::: '::' ::;'" :rtc.-c -" -·":¿:....peo Nome '-.-' ':4 ,ULJAJ ß .-.J: Zl "1 7 .~¿? /ÆZ'/æ . ~,n", A Doy" v'O ¡ / cÞ1' / '/ / . - -:- c·cr~er : .:.(...,o.....¡,e.coe(T"!e~! ci ;j;1'.:eID·:it Mc!er!c:~ Yeor ;J. -....--: - .:Jec No."'. ~ '. -:- ',parfer 2 Adno_ieaoement of ReceIpt ot Mateno!s .;, "",-,- - .;:)eo Nome Signature Doy ! Month ·''Ó'c' "=--"'cn(v :I')O¡COflon Space _ --... ~. ·Jp.-rotor (e",I,,-::::·,c.... :;. -"~f'<::':' -.: ;'·~c...-, -a'"'~fA: '''~'l'~-~'~~ ~ !)n"~: !~ C;~) _\! \(i~r· CjGh kM)(i.r¿f DO NOT WRITE BElOW THIS LINE. .'. \.. '. : ·S( IV'" - ,.... '.. ':'<OSS T,t.,PE 'lET: (4RD4CE ~- -. - __.n.~..__. _____ ._.' ~.~:- ~ -.-- -·~C"~ - . ,,--"-' ~ç~-.::¡-~-~-'-~- _._-~_. ..." - " ~J '" - .. ~! ....-. : ~ t) V r;~., :~n _u_': e.. .:~. ~:. '7 '..-'.'~ . ... ,~ - . t . . .¿; - - . 1 ¡¿."r=. , DrpUT, w(IGf<ldSHP /" / ------- --- - - _. - - - -- -- '. "RAILE" 1 LI'~Er-.SE NO. , , , I --- --~..,----.-_._-.- -- .--------- '~: ,f(W,c.~ ...~Tf Wj,Jtr4,H;.(w["· '&. \IIIt[I(,H..ASltR ""gI\.d o' ! : J!l251 Old Skytln. tood I' 1(.41Lemon CIty. C" 138670 ~o: .:. ~ '\ ~:; .'?-tf,,: wtlC><"'ST[R c[ltTrrlC."[ TI'\I. I, '0 c.rtlly '''of th. '0110.'"9 ducnb.d ! comft'tOdlty "0' .~. meoaur... or count.d I by e WftCHW"$T£'. .ho.. .ftftOf"". I, Of! 'hi. C.t1Hkot., whO it 0 '.cO'¡ niud owttto,¡t.,. 0' OCC""OCy. O' pf'.tcnb.d Þy CHAI'T[a: 1 (c__ncl"G .... f 12700) of DMoion ~ of the California 8u.In... 6: FÞrct'l1Iton. Cod.. aOmtnt,t.,..d by H\. Diyition 0' w.o,,,,,.,,..,"t I SloNSorOI of California O.po"'''''''''' of ,. ood o"CSI '9rlcut1ur.. ~;':;'lf :~U~C"D"? ,-!(E~~St ~'J , - .-.,.. -,n c ., - -,:)C¡ OC" . ~ -- )J%(: 1 b ~ ¡RAILER 0 L CE"S[ NO, -------- IJ A~..; f ::: ":' ~-. -: =: " ~ -'"' . v' --- '''-- """\ = ;...- 3; G E N E R A .- . ~, ..,. T o R J' ' ~' J. Ao-: J) '" '- ::::: .=: .< = -: T ~.- -:- :- :. " \ \ -,-. '/ ..;,. .. (-' r" I' '" ..' - See Ins'ru( lór.~ on DOck of poge 6, ." ..~ """, - ---------------- -._----- ------- ;.';'?" :.;.,",: )",-;, ~ HAZARDOUS E MANlttST :""""'<>'0' f P;" ,..; . _......~,.... . ", .,...",...,,;... .. 't. _.., .~,), '..;;..' -rj '1 ~ ; "'J... ""I' CA L Op 0 04 ,6 97 87 13 s ~ (I I" I I A State Mon.le\t Document Numb.r 98074354 '" 'In(,l \/")_ ,n'.} t..<;IO''''·,\ OUR PART UNION AVE, BAKERSFIELD, '562 650-0444 CA 93307 'B Stole G.ne,olo,', ID ;;moon.,.. "'~,::m~ 1 'JS EPA ID Numb., C. 5tate Tron..porter·, ID I ...--. 'iiUe.ilLJII Tð.C .-::.~:-'" '.-:-~ d 3f?- ð20.' c¡ '1 D ¡(~ ;,Iote TrQn~cort.r .. ¡ Transporter', Pnone ~! Nome '1n>;J Sde Addre\~ ! 0 US E?A ID Number , G. ;\L JLD '1AN WASTE MANAGEMENT SKYLINE ROAD CITY CA 93239 í 11. focI I 7' 'Icn linc!u¿''19 Prooer Sh,PpIng Nome. Hazard CJoB, Qnd tD Numbt.'¡ Container, ~o T yp4t 13. Tot<ll QUQotlty :RA HAZARDOUS WASTE SOLID SOIL WITH DIESEL) ~ : EPA/Oth.r ! 5",.. ¡ \ : EPA/Oth« I ! SIaIe- ! 0. c, d. :~TIFICATlON: ;,e·e:¡.... ::e.:: Qre 'he! 'he .:onrents Of th ~ -:~ns'gnmen! ~rl! ;uily ç n¡j ~::=...r= !e~" ~es.:~,oe-:: 'Jco....e Dv procer snlcOIF"g "cl'!'le onC ore ::'OU¡fleCl Doclled. eC :;nc :re 1'1 ,)11 re~ce-:·s ..., :;)fCDe~ ,:onddlon tor fran\oort by fo\lgnwoy oc::ordlng Ie :JPP!IC=Olð ,nter"Ollonol and notIonal government regUlotlons -' ~ 3'e"er-::~cr ,·:er.,;..,... .,...=~ ; ~:::·'e ::: Dro~rom ·n picce '0 reOvee tne VOlume 01":0 tOXIC!,..,.. ::; wosre generated 10 the degre-e j hove determ,neo to be e'o"om.(~i;" "o\le ~e'e::::·eQ 'he :Jr::::::-'c:::oie 'T'Ier;,od ot Ireorment, s,orage. or 015eOSol currenttv ~voHot;;'e '0 -e ....rHch mlnJl"llf.!'5 fhe Of'!',enl onc tUfure '~reor te '"lumen heel'"'; ,:·R ; :::~ ,=' smail :J1".::I"',fl!"y -generator hove mode 0 gOOd forth ettorl '0 mln,m,ze l'f'Iy -aste :e:"leraf¡C~ ::"c ,eleCT H"~ ':esr ....oste "T'Ionogement me,hoa rhol '~ ':: ·nor ) con .Jirord . ,ì ::; -- /--' r' ¿; ¿/ :. :~~~~~~-..~, /~:~~, ; : '"ÇI¿¿ A d.¡ é/- ---ì .---/ L/+µ/' .¿;/)~'¿¡/9 ':'~ ;~C(~ Yec' ~. / :.. e-::-:"'.....e....·:' ~eCf'1D~ :;' '.':: Þ?"~'~ C)Cy ,Vlonlr"; ---._-~-- -" £¡~ (~;."èé"Vi~ L ·S"~~V' ~ r- L>~ ,:, J Q';:-, U I d-/-.)- DO NOT \VRITE BELOW THiS LINE. '" 'I!' --, -. .':':'':;¡ ..:,=[ '~':". . ':':~.ð.C r .....-----.. ..."'- - ~c·: '-- .. .. ~: ~!, ~ y-~ - ;.~;: - If" -.-....., "'-' -. ,> :.:VV~·: . ( - A: ,\ ~':',":":'- Nt-. ': O[PUT; wnC'Ü,¡A')T[P .;" >:~ : ~ c ., ~.,,;",,'r_AL _.-;.rr ...........:.r...('.· ;:; ...,( C.104......'S¡~P ..'9"'.0 ,J' ¡ ~~2~' Old ~...,,,,... load , "ett,.mOt'l C:f\I. C. :~o,~9_ w[lCt-f....sr[1t C£IItTtnc , T( T"'II I. '0 cer1U, ....ot ""e '04k>..I"Q ¡j....:"t+d cO"""'oðtty _0. ..~h.ed. fII\.e.,,".4. Of" c~'ed \ b, 0 WCiGWWAST[.. _ho.. e'QnGtu,.. I, OØ' thl., cet1l1ico'.. ."0 i, 0 r.coç......r:.d o..lhoph .; 'I (CC::"':~~'CI~; ~ ~~Cí'~;;~) ~~~~~':o: !a ot 'h. C~llfo..nio Bu.in... a: "',olenion. Cw.. , adm¡"'I,I....o by .~. O;";lio" c' ....a.u'.,-.....f I' SIO"dorG. of Colitorn,o OeP<l"'f'"'\."' at (>cd . o"d Ã9,tcuf1ur.. -.- -- -- - -~ - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - ~~:~3C ,- ..:,':. v:..·.·, .J . , -.-. -_.~ --.--- ·;,:,,~·c;,: ~,Cl~;':¿ ~O. ~¡:;·:::.r ¡, r ~ (¡ 'RAIL[~ .1 LlCt~S[ NC, ; RAILER n L ([~St NO ~ '::>! r, ..r, " , -'-1 : .""\ 7) ,::;, ,::>1 ~ ),5' ...., "' <I: : }z: _Or::; '::'~I :>5i ~Zi ~~I G NJ E 0' N ~I E -.;:, R N\ A -.:¡ :) T o:¡ 0 R :>:: ~! ~I Z¡ ...LJ1 ...; W V') Z ;) Q.. V') W 0:: ~ -<:: Z 0 ;:: <I: Z -'-J, :1 <' ~, ~ (>. ,"",' '" , 0, >- =:; :z:. ~ ~ :E ....wi Ô¡ ~: .j) <I: ~' Z' F A C I l )~S( Be:?:.\ :4 ::;:A. a;'~G-:; '--fC ¿J I Ó G I I.; ¡, ./ I ,_ S~e In')~"'J(f on~ on bc..... ·:;r ;;csc 6. - - ------ ----- ~------------_._._.- ---'- UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST ..,,., 'J ,~_. CA L 00 0 04 6 97 8 L_'i-)~ ,:.)_ ') 'I A ...'Ol~ ""^onll~,,T ::"'..'l.\I"'t"nl Numb!!!'r 98074355 - ---_.._,----------_._._-~-- =:"..."".;.:,. ,,~,-.~ J' ; .....~ -; ':''-)'J'''~'.', PICK 2120 YO Up. ?~RT s. UNION AVE I BAKERSFIELD, ,.,,'. 562 650-0444 93307 ; 6 SI,:",I. Gf!nerator ~ ¡D CA 'an\po"~' ,- ;.tTlOOl"'y !'tG-.e .., 'J'j t PA ¡D NVlT:bl!f C Stele fronsporfe'" \ 10 -4£L4~1 !:~({:J Xr u ~ ) ":'HOO"'" ?"on.~ /./) <'«'_ ......,,..'Y//_ <2 ~4!DIc.." O,j ¿, <.....-5' 0:_</ I {Q~ _ ....J//- C-/_y~ . -j :"- := "'Jr"C~' :'::..~ :: (J"',:;o:;r:I!' \ 'D i ',"J~~~or!er : ;'¡c~e ~ ')~s,ç"" :.....: ;~;': "t'~ :-~c.....,: :~': ,; 'e :'~cres~ 'J:' :.;.:. :::. "',; ......(: e~ ~J:~¡I'(vI ~ H ç,ocr!. ~ P,,",one CHEMICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT 35251 OLD SKYLINE ROAD KETTLEMAN CITY. CJ\ gl :ng r IJ\ 1 Tn ;0 i Of) 14 11 i 71 n.h ; J u..·· 1 J rotol Quantity .. ·:onlo'neq .....0 Tvee 11 US Dor De!.cflpflon í'nciud¡"'g Proper Sh'CP,ng Nome, Hazard CIO$1, and Ie. r~:.JmoerJ Wt!V,;' i I, Waite Numoer Stole NON RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE SOLID (SOIL WITH DIESEL) b. .' !( ¡¡ 1 SIc.. EPA/Other , SteF. I ¡ EPA/Other ~ HancMð Codeo lor Wo_ ~ùM~ / Ie d. rion .' f ð GENERA TOR'S CER!'lFtCA nON: '''e'eDv declare thot the contenH of ,his cons!gnmenr ore tullv and accuratelv de5cr!beo ~bove by croper ~i"I1PDlng nome ond or" _Blfied POCkeo ....c,kec ~ .... .::celtt; :'-.": :-e ....., :J ; 'e\~ec!" In prODer condition tor Ironsoor~ 0...· o,lgnwoy ac,:::>rd'ng ~o ::r:c·.:;:::cle ,I'ne'~c~:~no¡ ::n::;J "Of.Or.O' 2o¥ernmen' '~~vlotIO!"~ . :rr.:: :'::e JUC",',". ~e-er':J'or . :en~:.v 'hot I ,;'ove a pro~rom ,n oiace '0 '~c\Jce 'he >loiume and '01(<: ..." ;; NOHe ~e""erOfec '':) '''e jeg~~e i ho....e =e·~"'T1.nec '0 h~ ~-:,::~':)m,(..: orac:¡::::c'e ::nc 'r1-:¡1 ~c""e ¡'!JeCfec ~he orOCllcoOte method or treatment ~!cr::oe or :::SPOSQI ':'oJr'ef'1!1y 0....:: ·.:::JJe ~c ....e ....,,'c~ 'T'!'I""'~ ::e~ '!"1~ :'~~etJl one ·.··..·e 'r.-~c! ~::. .. -:"'1 -p,,:" '.. :Jnc '''e ~"''''':)I'''Me''' ..:~ ; 'Jm ':J ~mQIJ quantity Qenerotor ¡ ....eve ",ooe ~ ::;00 forlh eHor! to ~W'lmlZe -'.. NCSle =e"'er~f!Or. ~r'C ',~!e,· ...~ .,e~1 ....as~e "'oncgefT\el""~ -'!·":-c 'r-:' :::"'0;;0= e '0 ~e ono ~hat: :::~ orfar" - . v .:'~;=;;~RA ,T Æ~¿;;¡;/ .:-:::~.~. '""c...-:- e:::~-enf:' 'I!(I!'[,~ J' "'~C'~r·a~s 0TC C iv , 1 ,S ^ , "e".:P.,. """C~ -cc.-e-.' ,. <eC.'D' D' "Dter D" P'ln'eo - ...-::e:: ~cme ,'1, /) -.r v-:~~ "/ ~ ¿;7 /=:2 1"9. . ~ , . ~/:7~7V/7 - ./ - -/.. /¿" '¿:í.;:~' '.';:'-;' ~h o ~ I - - C{' 2. 'j ~ S'Qr'OI;,,¡re i - ""'.0 n !t'. --' '" ~ '. _h~ na,(::J!;C'" s::;:~ T *r ,>~ ~,:~,~' y ~l r r: ."" .::::·.ÇH) )' ·'>,"O::-'C:.J1 hC:Of'JGu', "",,,:',,, -":" .~~! A, P,,' :: - :"A: .. '".- ------.--------- - , \ /.. C- I --~{-ct--~~.'-td_ DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE. ~î~ct ,.J- {)~~_!~,.c; ~ .- - "'''''0 :005$ . APE ,.[; _ .-----------. _ -_._-----~--~-- ~~......~ .:.-.~ ~...:l . . . .' . .,. , . F'f,; :J~..' ¡.:.. . :-J'~ _.:.~c ~ L! '::0: ~'f!; 02,"1:, ·S~ ':-3360 1 ~. . ..' ':.::D.Þ.CE .--- ("/-- - ('.' , /<". ~ ~-:-;~~::. ...::.,- --- - - "U.N:Ç~ -: 7 -- ----- ----- !Þ.:ÄC~O~ L!CENSE 'to. I I i ;RAILE'I 1/ I UCEP-OSE NO, I I ______n __._.____ : >~-~~: .----.-.- ___::_7_:_J.£.~ _ç_~: t,':' , . O[f'UT' "'[IGk'''S;rp 14 1 ~ .. I . .. 'wi -" ~-- --- -~ - --- --. -------. =-; !,:: L r ,....~. /- z_ ,/ --- -~ - - .__~.____ __.____._._. ." ___n_____._ _._.. _ ~......r...'('t ..~.~ "" r,...,,r.F~I~t ,~ ·IIV[.GHW.:'·~P ..'g"'ed Of ¡ J~2~' 0>0-:1 S..,tI.... 'ood . _.":'-4'" C¡ro,. CA I ~o:_-13 8 672.__.". W(!CH.uST(_ CERT,nc. TE TI\II I, to '.rtlf, tPIGIf th. 'oUo.l~ dncribed CDf'"modlty .01 .~. ",eo',,'.d, ., co"nted by 0 W(ICH.....ST(.. ."0'. tJoftoture I. 011 thl. '.r1!fico.e, _"0 II CJ tec09nlled o"'hottly 01 accuracy, 01 P'.K....4 bY' CHA.PTER: 1 (c_....ncl"~ .II~ I 12700) 01 DlYI."", ~ of the CoUfomJo 8"'......... . Pro'.lIion. Code. aClmi"is'.r.d by tfowI Divition of W.Ot.."."....,... Sto"oorch 0' Coauorn.o a.portm.". at rood : a"d '9,lcu"ur.. ¡RAILlR 0 c C['Sé ~J - ./ ,. . / ·1 . . " " - .," :'_::" "/. ~ ~ ~. r " ,!'. .. .'.. ,)'..) See Ir.slruc!;ons on bock of page 6, I ru (~_7.- Ti!-'12'ç:Y- j ¿ r - ;"Cf'e cr C,11,tor!"lIO-~"V"I)"''''.''''''1 Ø'Ole'-:hon "'1."('1 < tDV L..{) :~{ (Y)Z IX ~o ..... r-::::¡ <I( au <X)?; O1Ë ~ : I 01 ""Ii ;/ ~¡ 8, :0' N o CD CD "'f NI ~I 01 0' :! IXi ~¡ Z w V w en Z o Q.. en w IX w :1 ~ ð.l ~I :1 0, >-, 31 1,)' ~I Wi o w I/) <I( v, ?; I ~ i ~ 1 l I I ! T Y = ,.-: '.~ ::. .,1 - ..... <I( Z o ¡:: <I( Z . -:-'".,.. ~"'.'?"." :'). "." ,'r> .,,,,. i' 7' :"""'''1 .....1"'.....,.,,.' UNifORM HAZARDOUS WASTE ,MANIfEST A, ~Ia" Man.h.., Oacu~ Numb.t Så074356 ManIt." Oo<urroe"t No 2 Øoge ¡ c..~.(oto' , uS EPA 10 No ·n~o...,nahV ...,;-,. ''''oo''!'1 'J' ~'; \ ., nol -.0.. oed b... ~1tf'i~rrJ' ']- , ÝI3 IS ¡ (p i I 01 I , ¡L 100 ,0 Generato,', Nome and MOiling Add,." PICK YOUR PART 2120 S. UNION AVE, BAKERSFIELD, CA A Generato'- s P~a". {J 4 4 4 93307 a, SIaM Gene,ator'. 10 G E N E R A T ! Oi R \ I , 5 T,an.pa"'" 1 Company Name c. 6, US EPA 10 Numbe, {LJ.J8ff- ¿).:19'~ 9 Deslgnoted Foc:í,ry Name and Site Address CHEMICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT 35251 OLD SKYLINE II I us DOT De""iplian lincluding Prope' Shipping Na..... Haza,d Cia... and 10 Number) a, NON RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE SOLID (SOIL WITH DIESEL) b, ~, c, J. PROFILE -;¿~:. - ...... ..~..: . Co - .. . ....... :', ..-t·o_ ~~ ". .~;''':';: ..... .. ...:....... ......-.;. ". - .;11":,.. IS, : ó GENUATOR'SCUTIFIOTION: I he,eby declaro tho. the conlent> of this consignmon. are fully and accurat.i. descrIbed abo.. by propenh:ppi"9 name and "'" clo>s,~ed, packed rno,.iu~·d, and ·ooeled. and or. In all respects In proper condihon for tronsport by highway occordin9 '0 oppi.cobl. Intemotlonal and notIonal 9O"'ernment ~tiOt"ls. , I , . S p Q ! I T ( . If I om 0 Jorge Quantity generator. <ertiry thot I have 0 program In place to reduce the volume and toxicl~ of wOlt. generoted to the degree! have ø...,....neci to be econom';: . practicable 0,,6 !'hor I ~~ve. sejected the practice,ble mernod of treonne"t, storage. ,or disposal currenriy ovodobl. to m. which minImize, the pr~~t and Fu~ "'reot to hu~on ne--: .~ and the envlronm.nr; vR, If , om 0 imoll quantity generator, I hove mod. 0 gOOd fa.th effort to minImize my WQ$t. generatIon end )elect the Den wOII. mc.:"WJgement me'''pd t!"'.,:, " , j;~;;;O":; ß?,Ct/ l:7¿ij~~9 ~~ iõ? /J Ýj/ 'So n Manrh l.>1~1 Doy . . ¡.:::--".Cc l.:Y! -.; t MoJo , Day . ~"J ; 9 Dtlcreponcy Indication Spec. d;tedCtL err I~';;µ,-: DO NOT WRITE BelOW THIS LINE. OTSC 8022A 1~/97) ,EPA 871»-22 , '. ...;: .ii~>~·· r:".~f'~: ~. Wh,le: Ta' TSOf SENDS THIS cm TO O~ W'n-o\IN P 0 ~a' 3000, Sac,..""...Ia, CA 95812 . ~ "" '{ ..u· r ,~~' '" ;~....'1" ~;.:. ,- .' ... .~ 't'-. ~":-.~-. 1'" .b.: ,. ;\ .' ... ......~ . ... I" .. . ..'". --------------_.~ ~~":rT ~SJ ~ ~.~ C:¡......:C,7' ~ A ;¿;:;'Sj..,.': "'AS ~f " I '\ l@~'¡.I[""c,,:" "A~Tr ......JrUC£J[Io · ..,r r...: W( ÇK"A$IElt ..¡~. O' J~UI ClOd $1."_ __ ~o,---Ì3š6'å3 "1. . _ r . . ... _ .--r' . . ';' - rtl"' ~~oss: 'f:03 PM OB/ 1 :..~ S7$O 1 b i3.78 r='} '. D£PUTY W£lGHI,AA5T(R .:':.. N L ;:'1"::-'="" cJ7 9ý~ ¢'.J () , iffé''( 0 '- W[1GMMAStDI ctllTonc.A Tt 'Il1o .. .. ....., _ ... 1..-., ...c_ .~ - ........ -. .. - by . W[ (; lIASTrl, wlIo.. ~. I. Of' _ cet1Mkot.. who 1:1 . ,ecogNIM ovtho,U, o~ -...:y. .. ~ '" OW"TCI 7 (-"'8 - I U700) ., ~ , of 11M COI1I-.o ...-.. . ~Iol_. Code. Od"'""i.t.~ b¥' .. Oi¥laioft .f Wea'U,.~f 51.__ 01 ~.....io D~ .1 roo. _ .....uflur.. TARE: 0;(1: YARDAGE -~ ... I I I - -- , i ¡ I' ; ¡ II 1 I ...'~ - ./ ~~' ij!;/ /7 --.. . -, \ Á..--{:)) ~~ ..:~ .. .. ~:-?_: " ":..,,.-'.,..,..-:c~,1 " .r.~.,,'f.:;;Jt~~ÍI,..;, . .,- '" . ,,-- / ..-::./ -, -I7"j. , /~.~ / -' C/.. . .~~~~& ./ .1 /¿J .,J ¿/tF!_~. -.~-- .,K /,' '. ...-' " / ")( ,~ ,;....(! i} ..- f/."(d ·:..~·.:-:-~1.~~ÞIr.:.~:.-.; '~':".'.-'. .......:'.:~ -;~.~'~'. ,~~....._~_._~"':'- ~." . ~.~.-! Þ:"', .~,~.~._. ":.'-- é -..··...7'~'~...:t':~··..~"':·;·····-·~~ " 5-~?r /bd-' k-Ì;;J?// ~~~, .' ... / // / / / .-' /' , ~ ' . (/' ' ,. t ~ , ¡ . ' -, ':.' .-..,. ~.:: ,~ . ~ , . ,- ~.. ...~.". ....-,. ~- ·~~·~;·z~·~:·~)·... ~.~-~~,.~ #:~'...' ~. ~ ,.. , ,.... ;a.~,>. .~. ; ,,~... .~, . ,.......~. . .,~ -'-~.. ~~.;..:.::. .: :-'- # .' '. ~-:..:'.'\;Q¡\f:...~ -.- ....: (., - .. ~ ~ ,.- L,/ :7 .//',' -" 7 P' 5'2r h~tr'J(!io!u on bock of page 6. '~;~pr;H_,,!.' ')í ·QI.r ..L.C'.";'" po, ~«ome",'c. .(J,.,....,....; ;10'. ',)r :::':J!I;or"'.c-é~....ro"m."'01 Prot.-::tlon AQ."'C'I' , '.. ',:-(' ;. :..,.. ::~', C";' .''"; -.r ,I'" :..... .,. .,','-' .,,' If\for~"'.r. ·n t+,. Utat1ed Q'"!'}\ 's 1"101 '9?...,r.d by rcy,jeroJ 10.... UNIFORM HAZARD~US WASTE MANIfEST :'",n.'OIOf !. uS (PA 10 No """I);,,'ti~' DO<vm.n' Þ<..., I "f\~¡":"V~fu ~"g ",wen i ",'. L.,- ,~j7_ ~.~,'''~ n--- Gn47 ~",,-\ú;:as:H'" "'" . C~ ! 4 G..'erotor, Phone I -S~2 ~~ - Mt.{ IS.S"!? A.. Sf_ Mon,¡'sl Docu_ Numb. 98074358 0 'i"I 'i"I "- N 'i"I CO 0 0 CO ¡jl ) ::;'j ,Z , ex ' -01 , ...... _=1 )0\ )~ :I: )!:: ~ G N E 0 N IX) E IX) 'q; R N! A "':f! 52; T !I 0 R ex , u..;' ~I u..J VI Z 0 Q.. V) u..J et: -J < ~I ~, :::i -, =1 -' , 31 ~.! :;=)! :>::: :J¡ >- ž: ...., .~ oJ :>::, ....., -;E: -, I ~I l1i <' -'I ..,.¡ F .=! A C I l , T r .. S40Ie Gen.oIOt'. 10 6. US EPA 10 Numb... c. us DOT Desc"Plion (including Proper Shipp,ng Nome, o ,.U())I ,q'~J?~ fiA~~US lAJ~¡' w'y,A f),. ~L .,...-.... 9AJOIIoer s- 9A/0ft0M J. ... --I-p.-. aI -.....,. ,~...;.... ..,'.~'.' .-. "....~ c. """':............: '.' - -.,' ..tT'. ¿~ ~.y ~.,. --- ,/r- 7 < ¿ //~A> f 16 GENERATOR'S CERnFtCAnON: ; ~erlb" dedore ff..ct!'he contents of thi, consignment or, ~ y and curoteiy de!tcflbed above b", prooer snipping nome and QI'"'I ciaulfied, ""o~ked, ond lobeied. ona Ofe 1(, ::¡; re)ç)f~c!!t .r. ~roper condition for transport by ¡'ugnwoy occording 1'0 applicable !nternOrtonQ' ond notlonol government reqvtcmons. 'r /,- ;r;¡ ß· c,< ~ ¡V øock~ .~ i ::m 0 large Cluontl'" generator : certiFy +ct j ;,ove 0 prog:rcm in place to re-duce rl-Ie ...o;vme one ·C~IC ty of wast. generateCl to tie ce-gree I ~o.. dete1"mtn.ed 10 be economlcody :;rOClccole onO thor ! ~ove sðle<teo the procf,coble method of treatment, noroge, or dlspos.o¡ 'urren~îy QvotÌoble to me wr'ilCh .Thnlmize$ "he present ond hI"'r, threat to human heatt;" ~r:c the enVIronment. SIR. :f om 0 ,moil Clvontll'y generotor. I hove mode 0 good 'olm .;;0(1 to mn'\lmlze my woste generatIon ond seiK: the best wOSN ~mfH"t method thet ¡I. :J'f'o¡lobie fO me and mor I cen offord. Yeor \ 9 l::- ~c "e;:.cncy 'ndiceftor. SOOC8 +-- DO NOT WRITE BelOW THIS LINE. ..ah~:;'>O." ( ~ -, t';;':'i",,~'" '. ~'f?~""'~ White TSOF SENDS THIS COpy TO C:~ WITHIN 30:" . To PO øoo 3000. So,,.,,,,,.,.,.,, C.to 95812 L . ~:;.;,~iÌ";¡f. PÑ¡.,j~~.~~¡.~",..~~~ ':.~~f,;: ...~""".........~ -:r... .. '_~ ' P!I,.'· - :rsc 8CnA 14 C~\ ~CA 8:CC-2:' '\~ , c~oss 3:53 ~ OS.'1:'·~ :-'Si-tü Ib __.n _____ __..__ ____ __.__________.__.______+_____ rr,..,v..·,·~,...", \.. A~"P'")(\ I(" N..."'!.r I~CH(~'A.t W4$Y[ "."",C(W(NI. ,..r: ~--..;... ______:.a_~J-...L-&-_L I..... W(~..AS1{1t ..i9"'.4 ot . ~ - - &:" 351' 0IcI SJo...... "_d . \\ r.......... City, co. ¡ O£PUT' W[lCH......ST[R '13 8 6 8 G I NO:---" I WOCõtIWAST(' C(IT'ncAT£ I This Is 10 '-" """ ... foßo.'n9 4..e""'" c.........., ... ."f\e4. ......""H. .,. CO""... by . WfICHl/ASTCII. ._ ........UI. r. 0" "". certlficOfe. ..... .. 0 '~"'J:.cI authority 01 ....curacy. .. .....ocrt..... br C"""(II 7 (~""ncM9 ..... I 12700J 01 DIY'oJoft ~ 01 ... Canl_ 1Iv....... a ",ol...lon, Co4.. od",l"ilt.r~ b¥ the Di¥4lioft of W.Olur.",.n' SloMtord' e4 CaUfornto a_paM",4"' of rood 0"" Agrlcultur.. -.---.--.----.. ~ -L.::..w :...-":~: ~ "';vr ~_ t Tr . .r--~..-.... . . hPC ~""37 C) , ) "/ .' , ". - ~.~.;o ¡ ,"(1: ,.. - - -- ---- - - - -/,~,-þ - - - - - - - --= -.:;r- .....u,¡¡r;;r /# .p~cr Lf NO. ! ~~. . ~¿/ -/A E/- J /' t/ ~A TR ILE~ ;1 LICENSE NC. I TRAILER ;2 LICENSE NO, ( AI/DACE- "J'.. ....[::; A ':".:';:' -// .... /.. r R...c ;o~ L'CENSE , -- , / N~" ',' /' ". / í .....' " / ,. , /,..--- /,/;;;"//"/ d'~) QCUci' , ,,"~·¿··Ut (l { /!~,./ -J-' ¡, ,,7" i'~c;.' :rr ... '.. I /¡.. 1,/lt.'-· ~f Þ't ,~,¡;. .// £ r;' ¿c,/// ,/I'" . /' ( .;;µ:~~{:-;.~ 77' ---- / / ..... .' ,..::~.~,.",~.":,, ..-:~ )"t->:" ". " ." ..' r r, ",-, ~, .-- :::; ;:: -< -< . '" , 0' ~ -I :5 ~ 'Z ) ~1 3 '" ~I :::; ~ Z '- ~j <- o c.. , Vi ' - '" 4:; z: Q: -< -< - ~ Ž -::: 5: :E , , ", -< F A C I - - ~ - ,- - - . - =.~. ~... : ~:.. ::,.. ....i..'-._ ~. ..~, 'orJ" ~ 1fO'" , See ¡mlr'J(tion~ on bock of page 6, :"''''~cr·r>1I1'!'''' :" ':. ..( - J:~ j'" t ,1'':;''''\ ; r: :~~"1"'!C: lor .JU' .:>n elt/'" ¡ ; ..' pf'r~J ')"(.1"''''''' 'I!I .)0,:: r~."IO -----. - I ~"1,A!i-:0 I¿) ¿, ~!;l1 ~ i9 il B: POQ~ 1 I in.ormo"on ,,, .,.... shaded """-:', ., 1\ot requ'r.c ,.., Federal 't:.. 7 .1' ¡ 5 ¡ S- i c¡ I 01 I I A. S,lot. Manlf.,t Document Number ;~~IFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANlfES·. ! 1 Generotor ~ uS EPA ,e ".0 ! f' , . Morll'es' Do(vme,,' No -- : :". ... "';' ", ·'c,.,~ndz.lin.9 ~ddreu p¿ t :--;:'''''''- /'~ i.::7.1-'~ S ,........, D" ð"4Æ ~~J'.HÆ/¿ <::~,,,,,c:-. "Y307 ~,. "0' I >"ono IS-GZ I 4- S'V _ ðV~ 98074359 e, 51010 Generator', IU . '"" , Company Nome 6. US EPA ID Number C, - ~LL:. .J,~ '~¿o!i~( i~ 7ßc, , ì F. Transpone,s Pt.one '::.þ !è./4 'Dtt:Yf515'O c' ::</9iO .I': :,..~A G "~,,"'O~r : 0, US EPA ID Numb.r G, , ,: _ ;'<:''ê.: ;'Jcdity Nome and Site Addreu C. hL,....··¿o-llV,;1'#S'TJt{ /1'1~A6.1CÞ1<"r ~~/ O/D .r~/4,~¡£ ~7CMA.u ~ , ¡ 1 "S :,:T Je,c"ptian (including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Cia.., and ID Number! ,QO 9~Z3' H. I 12, No, ,A./ 0 A/ ??~f?A- #"''Z.A-4.. ~ C'L.. S tv",...r n:;. r.5" &J I t-P .., ~I G E NI E . R A SoiL C> I i I F!lAlOIo. T s.. - - o R s- ~-" . 1. Add";anal ~ ~, ....,.~ ,~:..:.", ':-.._~;. . t1< () r:ILÊ ~. ~"~~~~~~~<"~1', ~ . ~"". ~:; "'- .-:~~. -- ".:"~;:..~~¡~~ .....::"~-~.. =~(...:..~ ~~~:<~'~:.i";~~0.:..:-~ ~t¥;- -..::. i '" , I I I :J ," ". ~ ::i:~.=. - Ç! ""1ondlin9 Instructions and AdditionallnFormotion CERTlFICA . hereby declare that the ~ontenh of this con'l~nm~"t ore rvll...,. ond occurately des(nbed obo.... by proper shlDplng nome and or. CÞQu,fied, pOcl.~ . ono ore In oil respecr, In proper condition tor transport by highway oc~ording to appiicable In,.rnO'IOr'lal and nO'lonol government regu~ohOn'. ...... : crge quont.~ generator, certify that hove 0 program in place to reduce the vojume and toxicity of waste generated fa the degree! hove determloec to be &CQnc- ::!'f , :::::·e :JnQ !hor ! hove ~e ected the practIcable method of treatmen" s'oroge, or disposo; currently avollable to me which mlnlmlI" rhe present and future rr.reat to humo~ ~ir¡" : '-~ ~"'...,ronmenf; OR. if i om 0 small avonflry generator. I hove mode 0 good tol'" eHon to minimize my wost. eenerotlot'\ and 1eJect th~ best ....Olt. manoget"ent methoo --=! 'I ., ,COle 'a me and that con cHord Þ. _'" .., _ ¿U.a -- ' I Monti. ,ÒI~ ~:~C '\o~e /.,'/0' Day l ~2- ement 0' Rl!Kei I of Moteno!s Year . :--eo ~ome :: ::;"':v :ne'coflon SP<Jce ~j¡/i~:~·'j~;;;;'~·~=¡;~;1/·~¡;··'·~ r -Î~~ 'ìr'r 3 j 9j:fP! WRITE BelOW THIS LINE. ~~~~~ ,.\v\~lS1·~.~~~y..~~" MO""" Do... ~,,~. 6r IdS; S- '.~'\.... ~ --::< c,"JûS 7""~ cOP" ·C ::HSC WITHIN Jr ~ " .:; 30. ]>:00, Sac-o",,,"'a, CA 958 2 ""~'~" -~..". ~'~ 'j"'iIt..:", " "",.' :. 'e¡,:"'" ~ ... h.~~ .' ,_ . Ta, .~., _,,=",):'7... ~., ~ :;;¡OSS ~ APE 'lET; YARDAGE - -- .........-;---....-;-......w. J:' . _ -- -~._. ¡¡¡AC'>' .._,_.._...._..~._--- . -.". -. -- --~._- - -------.-------------.---. Ff¡¡ ,)8.·'1 :."39 -"8'1'z:f I/.¡ ~ . . . -- --_.----_..-._,-- _.: J ""'J.Tr JJi __.. '. r"'VVr¡r ...... ~ ;"'J~"""jI'<:' "","'''r ......I_..........---~~~-----,.;- :"ur --.... . PM 00/12/99 27980 1 b i(ì.~ ,r,_ ~.~ .,,,"",m 13.99' .~~ .----~ / ( ~ /r /'- ::- /' ,/ --:. ....... r " ~ rl b I" I «], IPROr'L[ N'~ / --' . ,,-- ,...- // \ c::=:.~ "'<',..:)1 ___, 'I ----, '1, . ,;::"."':.-.....'.. ,," _ v;$-- t ~r:'"'r...'(...l '*ASTr '"u......C(...(...r N' ; 'a..: w[.c.H.....sr(1t ..'Q"'ed a' i ' 3SUI Old "'..- """" i , \. h"....._ CI", (.A I~o: 138678 W(1CftWUT[1I CfllTlnCAT[ I' Thh II to ..J1Ilr _ ... 1-"'0 .""_ &Offtft'lOCt.... "0. .......... ....ur-.d. ... c....-...d by .. WCIGHItASTtR. -- oIfMI...... " ... thll I certUlcof.. who II a ,~"¡:ed ovthof'fty 0' , occvrocy, 01 ....scribed .., C"",,,(II 7 (-"''''''''''9 with 112700) -' ~ ~ 01 1M Conlomlo .......... * ~""._ C04.. I odm'"i,'.red by tt'I. ~ 0' ".a.ur.~t : SIO,,,,jd,dl 0' CoM'otn o D.fMrt"'...., of 'oed 0"" "9Jlcuflur., ..;. -- " /' ;' '/ ' ..~:'J~ .- . ' . . - - j/ )11'.-:h ,';.,;'.~<4W ,/ ,. -{) .../C . ) ~ ,... \- j L·/ .. /þ;'1'~r?/~/ ~~µ tfr- I ¡ I I í ("'.. ·.··,';;,:~·:.r,......'·~f~ ..,';). ""~~"';-".:"''''''~ ...~::..;'_~~''':--~: '" ~. '.-:~"~ ..l. ~;~:~~-:7~~'~?':· ',-;..~~ ~~..:..-~~f-t,.:.:.~." ";;\.ft.~~1t'V,· . þ"~~1~Jl .¿,,:'. .:o~'t. "r~ ::;J' .r. ' .r. ,,-, '"", - ::: 52! ::: <, :::)'...J ..0::: ......7 )~t -°1 "''"- "-:= i <I:! --.. ~ - <O~i J") :I: , ~I G NÎ E ~, N E '" R ~¡ A ~, -' T Xi, 0 R "": ...., -' Z! ~ ...-I, ~I Z! ~I u..Ji "" -" <I: Z º <I: Z ~, -, , <, =-- -- '=' z; , -::: '~ "" ¿ ......, 3' ..r... <' F A C I l , y '-;~"'I,",,..,m.....,t"l ;J,?t,.-:"on A'J~"''''-i See Instructions on bock of page 6, ..:- -......"'... ,.:.:;".... h' ...._......" .... :?~~~_._.r -- .- --'- _._~~ , Montt.,.Oocumen' No : P::::ge UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST I 1 Genero'Of \ ....J EP,ð. to No ! ' ~/Ìi.. 0 piC ,0 I 0' I ~·:::"r"",c·,on ,n Itle ,ho"c(j .. ....01 (~'J'J'rf!d by fl!(}f!,a, '0'... p, .~eL~OIJi,:::.e p~~ Addreu : 2/ Z"> S": iA..,....,.. ~4- 'lS~,..iE-£I¡C;',c/d, ~¡=.-" qr~v7 4 ':'.0"0'0" Phone (n_ '$7) _ ~ T (':!I"I\OOrter I Company Name 98074360 I_Ll 6. US EPA ID Numb.r ;L u I- a.,( . Zc... iDIOB13öúls' us EPA ¡C NumQer : Oe,.gnared Foc¡j 1'y Nome and S;te Address : c:./lblk-/CA-L ¿...¡__ne. /Joo~~ SQ%~I e;>/4 S"4:..f','AJ¿ aD ! J<1£.1"íL~M.-N cn-. q-rZ$ 11 0, b o. '5 GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: J hereby declare thot the contents of this consu~nmen' ore tully and occuroreiy descnbed a~ve by proper shipping nome and ore clonified, pocked -cneo, and :ooeied. and ore In 011 respects .n proper conoihon for transport by highway according to oppi,cao,. International and nor.onOI go",.r!"!menr regulations. ~ 'Jm., large ~uantiry generofor. ! o::ertlfy tf,ot I ¡"ove 0 crogrom In place to ..educe tf,e volume Clnd 'OX!CI!)' of wo"e generated to rhe degree! nc"'e determined fa o. econom';::J"" .:'=:crrcable and thol I hove ,eiected ",e proctlcable method af treormen', s,oroge. or d;SDOiQI curre""y aVQllable to me which minlmlZ&U the ~(esent ~nci ~tvre threat to humon "',ec;H-, :r.c the e"",,,onment; OR, if am a smoll quantiry generator. ¡ hove mode 0 good f.ol,h effort to MinimiZe ""y waUe generation ond seloc! '!"Ie ::>.,r ...·:ar. moncgement men,od >het .~ :;volÍoble to me and that I con ~iford ~··ntea. '!''I'oed Nome ¡ S;gnc'_'~ C1 (è I LA r... i Mont+. Day . '0' ¡Ol.g,( ~ .~ L' ----:Iõ r 1 e 1. . II (2 n f). (\. . f.:)r:'POfter 2 .:.o.clcnowled emen! 0; Re-cel lOr MaretlOli ;:"'nfe-<:;l/Typed Nome Mont+. Signorur. Day I 'feor :: ~çreponC'l" I"CICatlOn Space ~.: :',,-:d,ty O_n~f ~t Operator ::er~,f\Cotlon a! 'pce-Ipr al r,c:='::::ou\ !'r'c' I"'oh :c...~'#>c:¡.... 'h" maf'l';p~: e'.Il:;eOf 01 noted :n ¡!pm ¡ 0 vre~~~. J~~ci--+ iVl~\( Sr¿A~Rfd1- DO NOT WRITE BElOW THIS LINE. .......onth Do", . f':C" Dði /ð23 = 'óc S:::A "" y~; :?A 8ïCO-22 Wh,t.· To 'SDF SENDS THIS CCF ¥ TO DTSC WITHIN 30 : A' ó PO 80. JCOO Sùcror-.en10. CA ~5812 " --.----.------.. ---------- - - -----.-----------.--- -----------+---- -~_...~ --- . '1:'¡ .-.......... ~~ ~G ~~~:.:. ~-~-~-~ :.~:::.: ~_:.':~::: ." . .1 ò . . .. . ... @":W(W1CAt .'';:1'r WJ.....C(W(H' ",r ~ W[J(;tfWA.SJER' ..¡red Of JUS' Old "'...... '004 b.......... C1..,. C. 138694 ,', , . -'0 Flit os.·l::.·~ 31420 lb \ d¿¡1V99 28/80 1 b <!I {r c/o - -' P. -to. 71 I li.39' D£PUU ..:: C'H".ST£R ............-----........ '" ;a NO: .l.;~ ~----- .... woc::HWUTlII C(IITIflC.rr f"," .. 10 ._'" _ ... ,........"9 oM",,,,_ ~ _0. .~. ~"M. ., coUftted by . W£N:NWASTr.. ....... ~",'ur. I. on thI. cef1iUcote. ..he '- . rKOgn"ed o,",'hotUy at I accuracy. .. ,..__ by 04""£11 7 (c....mancI"f .... I 12700) 0' OMolon S 01 ",a Conlomla ..._. .. ~ro,...lon. Cod.. ocll'ftfni.t....d by ..... Otwts"" 01 W.a.,.,...",_"' J Slo_rcfo 01 c..,_ o.po...m...' of rood 0"<1 A9l1c:uflu... . '-ó~. Yj::AGE - -- -------- - .;.:. ~. C~ -- ./ //7" -:::>' ~'S.~ \( .l~ i ' . ~ t",-.. j"'.' b.. "(J:A' ~.\',c~ " .~~~ I· .! ._ l " L '7/ . .?:Ü Ú1 p- , .~-.:v<'-: .'-t.. " . ~ ,/.1:-# øé"/ ¿z:/¡;., /' ' . ßR7~/~.ø~ L- ) / .~ " .' 'v,.t~'i'~~":J' :'1 '........ "_." ;r ,,-:~. :::~i.~-:~ti:·~ . :p' .;:- ..~ .. ~V.~~';' :__........¡;,., '..~'~ '~;_þ.,..~~' ,;""', r:.. ., ~;..,-\~¡; ~..~ .t.....""t . ~~_~ .:......~.~.~ ~:...., - 4.. ~...1': ..,,,,~. ~ . ,-... .. . - --. .-.--. p "$I: '. , ", "- '" ' . " ;:; Ii . 2' - - ~. .J ~: , ....,) ) . i~~ <f '\- 'Z I'~~' rõ! ~~: ' KfL.. -' , ; Jð: \ I' .) z; 0~\ G i E >-- g\ N "'" E ... R L- N' A ..., T ~j 0 R 01:, :.u! .:... v'; ~I z~ 0; B=¡ wi IX; -' I <:' Zl o! ;:¡ <f - .... I >-, ~ < - "- 0/'), '" , '. ,- Z \... ,,\ ~. R ..., A .. ::E N l.U , S p 0; 0 R T ~ r ;,.-}, ii <-- f A C I l I T \ '( '. :~sc a,,:::-:.:. '~A 870C-, , . . ,.... ... ~ ...,.. .,....... _...~. See In;!rUCT'OT1; ,:;n ~c(k oí ;:¡cg': 6, : ..00.........' r '); '..." . . ~ ~ :,::.... . . :'::'. ·c..-..... '0 ----- ,V.Of"\"e\' ::'':'' _,-.~.,. ..",.... "og. InrormOltof"l .n ,h. ,,",oded ,\ "'101 r.QvH.d by federal ç.. f~ HAZARDOUS 7E MANIFES¡ '::'t'ne,otC'· \ __:j ~PA 10 NO , !(J'A Lo'oi p:v;'¡',;<1 7 'I': ¡$I' .5~ 6 I 0' I 5'0'. Monl~.st Docum.nt Nvmber 98074361 'TIe of"ld MOtl,n9 A.odren ,<..c. ~,z +- .:..~ ø... Ar..- a ,~/¿. t,¡l- IITlO7 'n.(~ ~_ Ù ~ SIoI. Ge...ra..... 'i 10 ~moony Nome ó uS EPA ID Num"'" I~KLilj ~_..,....... ...~,~.....,.. ~ - - ...'- ¡ D T 'an,po'''''' P!ta'Jll""::: _ ~ ) t"lA 'D'CS'S'(' 'c3.J.: q '1 i ' ~~ 1.;5 EDA : .., t.....::~r ' E. State Tron'oorfer', 10 Jr7C J9'1- d2r¡~ ilf'y ~ome and SI~e Address _ Wo.~~ ~~(].'"~.- -i) Sï:'(L;/4C I'2D e.,. ~3l~C¡ T ronsport.,' s Phon. ; 0 US E?A :0 Nvrr,t4!r 'Ohon ¡including Prooe' Shipping Nom., Hazo,d Clan. and ID Numb.,¡ JJ 'eRA fI-/f2..ARO(>(..I.) W~TE ~(lL- 0 ~ ¡ EPA/OII.. wi ...... ......!.: seae. flA/Ottt. s- EPA/Oth. ø, Iorw_ ~""""..' -;.~" . , ".' ~~,~._¡t;·~~~~ ~ -~:" . -;;<~~'-"" / .. ---·_f . Co- , , :..... . .. . .-..~~:~- .. _. i ,. :;: S CERnFICATION: ! hereby declare ""at tne con'enU, of this conslgnme!'\' are fully and oc:::urc~ y described above by oroper ,hippIng nome ond or. ciouified. poálo . iobeled. and or, ,n all respecrs In proper condi'ion for tron\por1 ::>y h'gnwoy occorO,,,t; 10 =::"cooie 'nlernoriol"lO¡ cnd notlonoi govern men' regulations. :~ =_-:',",:,,,:, ;ene-r::·c' i ;enify that 1 ~ove 0 pr09rom in place to -educe ·he volume Or''' 'C1: .: ~ at -oue ge~erared ro ~he degree ¡ h~'W'e determined to be IccnO""!C;J:!~ ."'C -.\~' : ~O"'~ }.-ec~ft'::i trle ::,"oç~Icoble me,hod Of treatment. Harogo. or disDOSoi curre..,'ly '::"'~<lccie fa me whlc" mInImIzes the presenr'ond futvre threat to human heOlfh ::::I"~'~":'._:;;: jf' 'C"!" c ~,"'r.~tÎ :JuCM~ry ga,n.rctct : ".O'·f,' ""Oei'!! :: ;C'OC :=,t~ etfor· '0 ~p·'I~·.::e -,y _oUe 3enero~ on and ,elect the be~t .....osle manogement merhoe +ot,~ ::"" ~ .0- OO'Æ------ "",,,_ .1 ,1 ,tif1/;;1 c£9 ,!?4:.:,;Z;--:,~;;~c: .-. ~;:2J:d¿¿¿ /t Y:"~/'--/ ~;;~- c-~ ~1r-;;'-----rZZ-:::--k~ .:. ':1-~,wl~~em"f'\1 ot ReceIpt ot Moterloh ¡ Month it) Ig I ::Joy I? "'eor ;9 1 .::mf' I S'gno'u'e I ~~or Manth Doy nC,::':'~10n Spec. ~. :-0.:::': ,"":0"00 0; '''''0' ,; 'o,~==v, mo'.' .~'¡'" ..~.,~~' " ~ " -c·,;,,, ..,,, , ' ·'C"o . ',m ,:: /-.." '-Jl =:c/,¡\~ iT',~ ¡ ¥tGtL ~,~ DO NOT WRITE BElOW THIS LINE. i [)1 J'~J- ....... 'III "Of SENDS ',.,:S '::'?' TO DTSC ·.n.'THIr--. -; ~o. 3':01) Socrom~r'lto. C.\ ~ 59; = - ~~~;....Þ:- .,.. ------ -..-..- ..----- --.. ----~-. I C;;¡OSS: I I UPE: I "lET: I YAIIDACE' ~::"Ir;_:.· ~'..?J ('(, U;\c --.----.- .. -_..~_._------~- .--.------- ~.¡.~.r c,j,_Tt ~Q.~_L!:tC"·~' ._~Al.~_~_~_Q!yI5_..~i_?_T.! .. . _ .r- Ii _~I ';1 ð ' - -- ----- r ~""."'" ,-/L/,-/ /-- - ~ - ~ ( - -/- ~.. ." :::,(",~ ,:- NO A"¡ '~/~- i:i8 PII 08112/99 29iOO 1b li.70 ----- , oG:::"[~' T(P : 1R.\.ÇO;¡ UCEN"'( .'((), I '/ '~' .::.. / '.' / " .' . .. ¡I . ,,~ ",-- "...., -oJ ,'. .. . / ,.--...-- ~../ /7/ ,/.7 -', -.~::- -.... ~_. ,'/ .....- ..... I ~ ~"-, ~ \ ~ .-/'C-V- > i . !p , "~ j ¡þ -' .., ----. 'r-"" ,-~,,,'I ,,/-.-~"(.-. -- .;' ~ -- --_.-.----. '¡~':þOI[W1C.AW.. -"'SH "'"......c.£...{,..! ,.r. ,.... ..[IQt,..S¡t~ .~ 0' 352)1 Old s...... '_d i38s'Š3 \ - ~o: wtlCHWASTIR ctll'l1flU Tt '~h .. .. c....., _ .... f~ deurlbe<! c~ "011 ~. ~. ., _..-teet '" . W(.:HWAST(JI. ....... ......._ Ie ... 1hI. cøfi,&c.o.., who .. . rec.."'.ud .~ity or ocCUJOCy. 01 "'--0<1 "T ,"AI"T[~ 7 (.~ .... t 12700) ., Diwfolon 5 01 .... CoRlomIo ~.. a ,.,.,......... Code. ocSlnmtsf.red by ftI4¡ OWilioft ., tHoI"r,,.,,"t Sf.NSord. of ColfCW'nio Deport"'."' or rood 0"" ~uro. - :l -' I "...~~... lCCY ( l,L" ~~':~,. ; ~-.;- .- '.. -s Ict.: ~-~ .:_~.."'¡r.'...' //!/~ /d/ Ì' ¿bé,r/' __<j,,£ é// é?M'a."::C ?- ~.~ (. -, .....- .- ,-- l~~' ,...-. ~,,, ,.:..> -~ <; .~:'~~. ';,_. - . '-='~~~~.~'.~ r, .n "! ~~ ' .r, :c ~i < J'~' ;~ Z '01:::: -0: . ......' - -" 4:' ) ~ ))~ )Ë ~ G N' E g\ N :c ' E ~, R N' A ~I T -, 0 :0 ' R :>::, .....;..¡: ~ -' , ...)! w \I') Z 0 ~ U'"J w :>:: , "',~' ~ .:..~' , See In~tr'Jc,ion~ on bock. of page 6. ". . :"e;.¡c'·""ro.., ") 'ç.. I. , , !.' ~ ~ '..\ . - -'L~ - :,..... .}r-,,,) '.-.ç I."), .IU~ ';)( "!,,',,. . ~ ,J.....' ,If!!' :"J~ro""enIQ ~J""~" UNIFORM' HAZA~DOUS WASTE MANIFEST ¡ 1 Jen.fo,or, uS EPA I~.~..lo Man,t. \t Do.: ..,,,,.01 No i 2 P01. i I ¿ I I 01 I In~()f'mOhon In the ,haded 0'.':]\ ') not r.Qvt.ed by Federal 11')- '\. L: ¡¿:(?!() '0: «!5 G A. S._ Man'.... Documtln' Nurnbet 4362 I 3 GenerOlor, Norn~ and Mod,nq Addreu A <=...l '7y~ 8.-.-J- 2/2. ~ u.-./~)~ /Iv£- K~£,.LJ~"';, ~/¡C. 4Tj'c7 4 Generator, Phone (:s-l..c.J1 G"5"V· C Transoorter 1 Company Nom'! 980 e. State v.ne<alor" 10 ~ 6 US EPA 10 NumiMor c. ¡ i ùe"¡gnotea rocdity Nome end Site Ar1dren I ~/¡¿^ -,4.- / W~ ,FI-é- /h.........,.<A4t:.Þ ~ '~!r%S"1 ¿J/- .rÁ,¡J..,';</C. no I )~ ¡.;/.c.". ~ ~,'~ ., ~ Z~1 11 US DOT Description (including Proper Shipping Nome, aNO~ Rc:!~,.+- ,II~:u:..c.~~ W~S~ ~~/..l/) DI¡¡~~L ~, fP~ ~:;;;:;~"...: ....- .!-~: :r: I ...., -< , ...) I ~ ../), ~ -. >- ~ i ,~ ~ .., :'E ¡ ~ ...... 0 ...... < - F - A C I L I T Y Vd /, / '6 GENERATOR'S CERTIfiCATION: hereby de<;a,. ';'01 the con..n" 01 Ihis con,ígnmenl or. fully and accurate'" d.,crobed abo.. by proper .hipping name and or. clo"ílied, paclr.ed, morked, and lobeled. :Jnd ore In oil re~n In proper conchflon for transport by hignwoy according to apgiiccbl. InternatÎonal and nationOI government regulations. :f : .~IT. 0 ,cr?e ouontlty generator,' cerTify that i have Q pr0)1ram in place to reduce the ..,alume and ta~lC:ry ot wosle generated to the degr.e have determined ta be economlcoÎ1:r prCK~!c::::b e o~o 'he' ¡ "10..... sete<ted tn. proctlc.::zbl. method at treatm."" uoroge, or dispoiOl cvrrenriy CJYQ,iobl. to me _ruch minimizes the present and future threot to human ~eo¡'''' ond the ~!'"!"\!'O""I"!\.":. :JR, If I om Q unoll oven",,>"' gln.tol'Or, I ho.... mod. 0 good fOltn eHan to minimize my waste generation and select the besl was,. manogement m.thod Ot IS :lvodoble !o me -:¡r\O l't\o1 ! :0:-. oHord. ------ Signctvre YO(]' ; 9 DJ'-Cteponcy !nOI(otJon Sooce , t)f'~~ISd~~:;'; '" ¡;~~ "~";'~h ':' :1- DO NOT WRITE BelOW THIS LINE. 1&1 5-ç ç- Wh,,. To TSDF SENDS "-¡IS copy TO DTSC WITHIN ,.- PO Soo 3000, Socro",.n.o, CA 9581" .,. ',..{: ='"SC 80nA IA;97; ~FA 8700-22 ... ,.,.-- GROS S' TARE I , ! ~ET, ! '( APOAGE - -- 'Gc"é'~~ß -..--.--------.-. ., -:- ~ - ~ :; -.--.......----..-". --_._-.-~-- --.-----.-- -._- -.-.- ---~.. ~.~~.r "f: ~ of p~ 08..'1 :"9~ -g2bJ:, ¡ ù . . ...-. \, 5:26 P. 08/12/99 31760 Ib ,.., ¡) ./".. ./ -f r- ..,-. - - /- ~. ~--r - - : ....A,...~: ' . ¡PRor!Lf NO ¡ 7'. ¿ / . '/ :' Á' ..J .- ,RAILEq 1/ 1 liCENSE NO. ------ ,lRACOq uCé '.:;<......0, " / / /~. / .' / ./ ç- ,.-- . ./" ,/.þ//' ;py;. ,,/ J._,~ /.' /71'" . . / ¿ . -'~" " :5,'· .. . "'~". 33. b3 15.88 --- --- -~------- :~~~::~~..:---=- . .. A ø C': ~ WI.': ..r - . . ~ -. . 0" , O£PUTf W[lGHIojAST[R LL-- / ,þ' ---'- -_: -(-~ ,. I r' .---- '. I IRAIL[R O/\.!C~E ;;) t-;J·sý ~ ..~ '~:l. ..., _ ~, . ~ ';¡'.k._ ~,~.~~ ...... . ) ...-...~~., Jï;':..~~' ~Z-.~ .\.~;.!~,,~.:!.,_.~¡ '~ .. /' -~ ,~'=~[W'CAJ.. ....STf WANAc.(III(...'. ...ç " WOc;HW.S't_ ..,gned 0' ; ~~U I Old SI<"_ ..... ~~:\ i3ã104 wtlGMWASTtll C[lITrnc.T( TIoII to Ie .0000ty _ ... f~ ducnbod C~ ... .......... ............... ., count.d .., . wtlGHwASTrl, _. ao-- '" O. Ihl. c.....flcot.. wfto 5e . '_09"lIed flvthotlty of _racy, 01 IM'_ by CI.AI'rrll 1 (-0 w"" '12100) ef DIw_ ~ 0' ... CoIIlomIo ev_ a "'01_ Cod.. adm!n¡...,...., by ..... OWt.ion 01 w.a."rement StONorOa of Ca."Of'ftÞO O.po,,~t ot rood _ Agrlcullu... ~_J, ." ·----1 -..·~:~¡,~'~{1··t~ t c , _..,'¥"........ +..,~,.. .;,..... - ..,,~ -<- ~{" ~e iT;;; gS>-: ,...,y .., _ j/~/, /&/ / ¿-C~· ;' -- - O*/'k~~ ( /-' .' '..."" ;¿~ .~< :-....,. - .;:. ,,:,,<~ ~--:-' ~'2-:~' "-.-"'¡' , '- ~,,~:~..'1:$:~;'.~1~~;·~~ ..~:~~:~. Y· '.. ..." :; -;', ..,., ' (~,. ..1 ":.~~..-, See Instructions on back of page 6. , . . .....,:'~",..,~..' -:;t '~"", _,.[;',If']"'''' " "J,j. :.;: 'f!:'" :: ,'I' ."" ,Jt"'"ynf!ù '0' ~J. -.)" ."'.". ¡","(. '.;"~"I',,,. )"'':''1m..."r') '. ,::1,.....'.,.. ~ ") :21 I " ,'" .\0 - ~, .... ' .... .J' ,,{i :;: "'I )¡ <::i 11 ..)' '\Zi 'J:: ~\ G E g\ N :::0' E ~, R N' A ~ Õ, T ¡ :::0, 0 I R ",¡ ~! z¡ ... ' u' ~, Z ~ w, "" ~I <::i z¡ 01 -, ....' <::, Z ....., I, ...., <' u, ¡:¡: "'" t:>::: >- \_: Z -:: ~: '"- ~. - 6; ~ ,-") <:: F A C ! y -:;.".ro,o" us [PA Ip N,o. . Mamf." Documenl No .ntormO'lon In ",. ,"'ooeo Qreo' , not r~u (.d by Federal 10.... .. Þf'Jge UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST 98074364 G~eratq'\ Nome 9')d ~II n~dr.u f K. I.... Ý al t; f"A "I. _ -Z l0 ~D £ {¡.J 'Ö,:.J ¡1~ &)K£f:.5rldCJ (",4 (:1~7 · ",on.'ala" Phon. 1.5'=Z) (V~'D ð"i '-I '1 i 'Of'l\oor!p.r \ Company Nome 6 US EPIo. 10 Number ·Iã{.\(. L ';~DOI"" "'~c",e o ¿HÉ~¡,dl?;{( :J~aSd$Î~~r¡ij.J~-'11ë.AJ 79' 35251 OL-Ò SJfI/L.fj.Jc<:,,L)- f: ETf.EI,IAN t" ft ~ 2 3<; I~ III I~ 1 'II US DOT D.,criptian lincludi"\ Proper Shipping Nome, Hazard Clau, and 10 Numberl a, fJð,..J lèc ¡A (~/L W þ, -' .,.~....,.,.. - fPJVOI-' ~,- .;-.-.' ~c '.r..','-', .. 'ErA/Other .. .~.~:,., FH./0It. ~ ·:"'.ii·~··~:~·:..; ...- " ~ -, =-~.:~::;.--,.. ,. ':.;, ---~ .:. >.'.'- þ,..' '.c;¡; ~ ~ '~ GENERA TOR'S CERTIFICA nON: I hereby ".ciar. mat m. contenh of mi, consignment or. fully and accural.lv d..cribed above by proper ,f,¡pp,ng oam. and or. da..ilied, packed Tlor..d, ana labeled, and art In 011 r,spec!'1 ,n proper condition for transport by hjg~woy according 10 opplicable International and notIonal gO'lrernment regylotion\, :f ¡ om 0 jorge quantity generoror. ¡ ,.mfy +lot I hove 0 program in place to reduce the volume and tox.iclfy of wos'e generated to the degree: have determined to be e<onomIC:::.:~ practicable and that 1 hoye ~eie<ted the proctlc::obl. method of treatment, storog.. or di,posol currentty o....oiloble to me which mInImizes the present and h,ture threot to numan heoilh and the environment; OR.. if am a small :J<.Ionhty ge".rotor, I hove mod, 0 good faitt. .ffort to minimize my wos.te generation and "Iect the be"t waste manogement method rhel ,\ avoilabl. 10 me ond mal I can afford, Pr¡"~tN:2/Typed Nome ~Æd¿æ,;; ~ j S;g~tvr. ¡;, Yecr ~ifi/~~:Ç ) 8 T ronsporfer 2 A n Þ"nted/T yped Nome '9 Mont~ ¡~~¿O~ -f ~ DO NOT WRITE BelOW THIS LINE. Wh,te ~o ·SDf SENDS ~HIS copy 10 ~¡SC WITHIN JCì ~,' P 0 Sa. JOOO, Sac'amento, CA 951112 :·SC 8022A i_iQ7} EP" 8700-22 if} ,~.. ;...,:'l,., ..-(.i;~:r~...~:,;,~., ;,y,,", ,_'" :f-d /éJ/(">?-2::-'¿,// C~é~"ð 1. ------~ ~:.:.:..~;~ .:lHt :ill ccu""~,':,·~ ~,4:A.PD~~ ·^'j~Tr -a. .... r --, -~. ...I"~ ..:5; MI OS/l:!.-'99' m+o Ib 'H :i7 . tC· DEPUTY W£lCHIoIAST£R CROSS: TAR(:,,6=2S PIS .... 08112/99 32S8O 1 b , ,~' ' ." .} '1¡--" :f}!' - --- 16.29 .n NET: I LYARDAG£' ! Gt:N[~A¡:-~ -~---- p~orll( '10. I I , , Ç//~/?F d.. 17'-=' -, )' .:~~",:, .,... :~~. ,~. ~ ~- ., /' !/_I /J þ~ ~p .' ·.f.·:.~".:. .":...:,~~::~~~_...~~_.:.~~~.~:., ß,"uP _;.-=," '_~. ~:~L ''-. " ~. , " , \. ':" '.. , ~':þoI(W'CJ.l ..a~T( .,u.....r:í...t..,· ..,: ~ wt......ASILR n'fI'Wd o' UZSt Old SIa..... I...... i3š"ås -- ~--~----- NO: WOI::HM.UTI:It C(lfTII'ICA T( 'Mo .. to ....., _ ... lei""""", d4Kn_ ~Ity ... ..&thM. ....osvrecll. ., c~ by . wtlèHlIAST[II, wlwto. ~""'.... 10 Oft ..... c.....Ucot.. ...,. is . 'ec~¡.d evfN,¡ty of _roc.,. .0 ..- ..., DfAr'TLR 7 (._"'~ _ "2700) ., 0I¥I0Ic>II 5 01 the CoUf.... 1JwØw.. a 'rof.n~n. Code. "",I"b'.nod by tNi OiYts6on of ..".",,..m.~t "_dO 01 c..lon". o.po"_ 01 rood 0"" Iofllculluro. t -) -- I. l; . ~ .' .,.; ~..... . ~... ;.r::.~'.:. +-l,\ ~,cl f: '" .,',;, trL-,..· .~" t-·..' ".~.~. .. n,;t. ...'" _.. , , ,. '.-", .' .... ,t";' ·"'r..- ~. ..."''''''''''"'... " ~', --;',J-:'-,-";.'O , (. /~ /i ,... '-, '. . . .,' .' ~ .. \ ~' ~ . , "- --. " ::: - - '< -. ' .-/- >~ ...z ::><, :r2i -<: ~'....,I. ~~. ;)~! G :"I' E gl N :0 I E .., R '::;! A ::: T :01 0 R ;>::. -.Ji ..,. . w <I) z Q ~ <I) ~ .:>:: ~ Z º ~ - < î ..f) "" .,... - , ::>< , R A ~ N ¿ , "-' . a '"' R ., < F A C I ", . I r......,. ..:' ~.'";...~ "0". A .-:.."r " See In~lruction~ on beck of page 6, ':"~OO""""""'I .... . . ,- ..... .,.; .: ~ ',{! ;¡¡ .. ,'~ "', ~~-' :,.. J(l'.-;........ U~~IFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIfeST Generafor S .....J !f/l. D ~~o. Monl'.,' Oo<um.,." No ¡n¡ormotlon In "''Ie ~nodtd -:;".. '. ~ ,s not reQuued b., 'ederOI :-::- : Paqt' I Icvi iL;o I<,":I¿"A'J l¡ ~(i' is 't... it.. I 01 A. Stote Mo"_¡",' Document Number 98074366 G~ne'':'~r \ Nome ond M~I~~ -\d~1S r'I('¡~ '/Cd/C t"¡.U:,I_ :... (20 ~(I. ....N/CN ;IVt ¿_, ¡~Jchrll'UJ <"1'1 73.:JÖ7 g.,o'~" ?hone 15(.., I (,. 5C 'Ö'/ 'fL.f T fonsøor"er 1 Company Name II, Stole Ge_' I ID b, 6. US EPA ID Numb.r c. !( . -0:2$1",," ~ ':;~I~~~~'¡¡~;1S 7Ì Si;j1Jt~~"'~/IJ EN ¡- 3SZS1 Öl.L.J 9(t/Lir.h-; i?O ì 10 <.J5 EP":D Number 'tErrLt I I~ J Q325C¡ I ,.'..:~-;~..~.··t. ' ...~~~--!i;~;' I~. Unit WtlVoI LA I 1 US OOT Description lincluding Proper Shipping Nome, Hotord ClolS. and ID Numb.rl o DCN f2c eA fiH ZA (~//... ~ ïJlé~e... ""!~-7~':i~~ > Ujf'-S 7C :5JÒ,- Ii) s- f1A/OIwr s-. .w:l~:""":::'· '7" .! o GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declore that the conlents of thi, cor.s'gnment or. fuily ond occurolelr de.c"bed above by proper .hipping nome ond or. cla..,;,ed. pock.., -·crl,ed, end iobeied. and ore In aU respects In proper condition for rronspon Or hIghway according to opphcobi. InfernO'lonOI .:¡nd notlonol government regulations if: :::'!". ~ :or98 :Juon',!'y 3enerctor, ! ~errify thor t hove a program in ploce '0 ~edl.lc, the voium. ~nd "Oaiclty of wosfe generofec ·0 ¡,. degree I Hev. determineo "'C De ecor·c-,-:oily practIcable and that hove sei.c'ed the practicable method of treatment, "04""°98, or disposoi currently a b' 10 me .....h.ch '!'I'''' "',%'J the ,presen} and futvr. thre-ot 10 humol"' "Ieo,th ~no trle en..,"onman1, CR., if I am 0 ,moll quontiPy .rator. ! have mod. Q good faith effort to mln ¡l. m aste generor10r'l c~c ,elect 'he besl woste monoger.'!en' methoc "!'Q! .\ :"01;:;::;; to rTle and ",ot I con Q~~ . . c ;';ome (/>' IS -c-,,",, th Pr'nte:::¡:v:>ed Nome i )U;!"'Ictvrø : 9 :::'''~eponcy IndIcation Space 7?'";:) 9 ~ DO NOT WIUJf'"'BEl \^'....,'h~ '0 i$()f SE "DS '~IS COP~ TO DT~C ''" -"'IN o 0 ~o' JCC,i), ~~cram.nla C.... c ~d' 2 ~ ·SC 8022. ¡..:9~! :Pt.. 8700-22 '. ...,.. ". ~., . ;. ,'. ,i_~t' ~~~, '., ~ ... ~~, ," ·:X , . '.. ~." , "!'..'. '. ......... ~J....-~' ~ '" ~ ..... ,. ~~;'I!'f ~.I,:""þ::~!..J': W",STI: IOOC 1AI!£: ~ ¡. .;r . . ,. ':~,:i,t.~:.,-..:1'.~..~t? 10:00 UI 08:13/99' .839øo 1 b .-.~~r~':Jt:·~ '::dI OCPUTY . "":'". .:-. :.,<Iò.., ~'.r >:"'5-¡I;¡(;', " ,t ,'\ ,. ~;.~,\·:tj~;~::.~;:'~1:S4!~t~t·· ::,' 10=36 ¡at ~1~,·29180 Ib, ./ti~1i'·; . ~"""".', ,,;:.. ~':~~;..:. ~ '~',..' ~ ...·4,,·~f~;~~J:;:F þ.,~~:~,:.~...," .' :. " ~, "cú~;1, ~,>"""...~~~~~..~'Ji;.~",:,... ':f;. ~=H~:C "~S~::;:i~,.~~~1?':' '> ~~., I. .i W(ICHWASnl! GROSS; . ~ ~ . '.~~' I N£T: I YARDAGE; I. ".r-" .:~'~;.~ '~:::"J:~.~'~~~-~' , . -.!~"~of.~,,~:.<~~,~';"~~~ '" '-'.~~~;.~. ~< ":=:':i~~',~!i'?~~-:' '.~' :-.,. ..' ., "'...': '. :. .;r::::}:if~;~~~i~?r :~~~,~:~;c: ~~..:. , ,'..;,;..,..-,. ..".,,:: ,:::::'~,;.'.::""'.r;;,. .,;...,.....,. .~ff:¡t'A....~ -J':;'-' .~-<~;,...~~. . :-...~*..;~.11i- .~~-~. :.....:.";":~.~ ./' "~/, -! /?-/'-' .. C7 ').~)c;;.~, .' ...., .~~:i··.;: ..:' ,';':. ". ~', . .:. ; . , .- / · . ,c ':H'~, "."Í ' .~ Cf;-' ' ~ ~ - ~: ~ :: '-1~ '." ~_:: . - ~. .... >- .>~{:- ..j~··:~~~:"~~li;{~¡? '.€~::-;~ .' "? .:..,;.;,......."~·~·_~t~,~.ft('~r~r....- ~~~~,._~~~. ,-' " ',' . " .' . , ~ '" !feI~iii¡1:.. ,~"~.-. ,M , . ...,., :þ..,~~_~;.:~~:l~li~,JA:~~ ~# .., .. ~. ..... ..~~;..#~..,. '",:. \. "~ .. :i~~;:~0;;~:;,.: ...< ",,"' ~", þJ ('l." ~·"~frlif· ~ :~·~;~?:~{~~~t~~ " ...·~~·~·;-~..~~~~~).~:2~~~': ' '-:::;': .-.~- .¡: .... ....... . .-'.. :."'" ... 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"'::. .:..... ¡', :~}'~~k .' !k:~';'.( .~...,. .'; ,h-...~ ) r J7731 (7'7. ' ". Sée In~tru(tlons on ~CCK Qr pcge 6 J'" ,'.'_ ,. ., D_",~,.:v.~"~v,--:-..:..~... r')f\r"t!f\I?1 "'_'~~'\O,r,'."', q.~.~:y .'. __-_,. ,~'" .~"'.:'...-;..,r.""- I ~I ~I g =1 -3/ D<{'I 0Z¡ ~õ _!!: :;>3 :Oz ),)~ Þ- ~ G N E o N ~ E .q R N il ~ :1 R w, 0- Z W U W In Z o CI.. V) W ~ < z o ~ <{ Z W ~I §I ~'i 0.. , ð >-, I...); z: w 0! "",, w, ~! ~I ~I ~ I l I T Y :foC,O':,...'.....· .. . ""in,..r: ....., ,,. .... .. " ·:,¡o(,,·'¡....·..',,¡ ;:'.I,_",! ''':'''_1'''''' In'ormOlllon I". .,... ~nor::.' ·:r"'I'~7'. '\ "0. reO\l'.~ 'J)" ~ec"'':: Monlie\1 !)o( ...""en' ~-4rJ J:' ¿;¡,A. õÚ f.a UNIFORM ,HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST c,.en.rr.;PO' . 2 '''v;~ I , ! I . lé~:L'ð 000 (/i(¡:<:] '7' G~ner~:?'; Nome an~Mo,¡,n9 Ad~, PICA- '/D./~ ;Jrly/ _ ~ ,Zt..) ~Q, UNlð ...J t;J~ ùiJl£í?'!:;?IEl.i) ~11 £13:307 <I G~o~'c'o" Phone I.... é" l..' (,. 5~ (')~( 'i Y 74367 T fon,porter J Company Nome 6. US EPA ID /'lumber L "^- t"fL.¡ l-r~ .; , ; ! t: :', !oj ~ft;- 0.2. S/ ¡ CI ....1 ) I (.., I t'l- I 'J:;' E?A iD :--'Hmbef ¡ t. 5tote TrOMCOn.'\ ID 7 TrlJ~~:::··~~ ~ "::)mponr ~'::...,~ 9 De$lo"'':J't!'d ;oc:lirv N')m~ r....nd~ Address 'Ii " _ :0 /...·/1t=f"IIC¡'( I.A.I~ ~Tc.. IIJ¡ J.j r.,.~Hlé"'· ~5Z~7 c-~;:, 5Þ>tY£'I¡Jë t?;) iécTTL£t1'IJ/;J é"A 93Z3C"/ If, TrQ,,,pon.'" \ p¡,.",. !G US EPA 10 Number ) 'r ì I ... f(P~Oher ~.. . ....., .... 13, Totol O=ntity 14, Unit WtNol r: W_ NumIMr Typ. 0;..:v¡J í2C Z n {!Þ'L (.() f-tJI vII r:;jSI ( ~'-~" b. '~::';.,.:> EPA/OIfMr c. ~A/o¡., ...""",,,~~ ;;..~::-....r: ;.;..l,.-;ïli~ ~.. ,:-..~Å[~~,f,:~.y" :: ..~~.. .. c.. 1I::~~~i+' J< d. - ~: :;;,.;..:..~ . - ..Pr.. :.;.~.. .... ..:0..' _. 16 GENERATOR'S ,CERTIFICATION: I her.by declare thot the conte"'·" oi this consl9nment ore h.,lIy and accurately oescnbeci above by proper ,h¡oplng ~ome and Ofe clou,fred. pockeo. morke'C ::I"'.d lObe/ed, and Of. In all respects tn proper condltlc'" ·:r 'ransport by ;,rgh......oy occ:oroing to oppjlc::cle ntet!"lOl10no and nohonoi government reglJiatlons. If I arT' :r :orge ,quantity generator, -:ertify ft,ot I hove a pro9r~- 'n place to reduce th.e ...olum~ and 'oIC.lciry 0' *oste gen.e~ored !o the degree ¡ hovt. determined to oe ecor'lomH';.ody orocrl'=~.e -;Jl"\å ~hot I. hove 1e¡ected. the pro;!~:f..b¡e method 01 ··~tmenr> 1'or0ge, or ?Ispo$ol currentJy ov !ioo'e t9'"'1'n wnlc;, mInimize" the pre1ent and future threat 10 kuman heolth ~na l!"Ie !r!v,ronment; OR .: r am a small 7t'ty generator I ":o...e moOt. 0 good tOlth t. 0 mini my "-!ore eneratlon and 1e¡ec~ fhe be!ot wast. manogement method t at '1 ovodo ie Ie :'Me ono triO: ;::: a ford / s;s o. nre?r;¿Jç¡g , \ B rfon1DO"~' ~ :"O:!"Iowle- PrU"e<:11 -:- tpee Ncme I Signature Doy Yeor 19 D'!ocre~nc'Y ¡ndicatlon Space W~lr.· ~~Df Sf"JDS ¡""5 COPV '0 DTSC WITHIN =-0 ÒO) ]C'('(t SCC1:Jmenro ,:A ~.5812 DTSC 802¡A i~í97J EPA 8700-12 ,¡,t ." !~;.:~: . .;...../J':... ;,:,e .7'~ ..$';'\~I '.:: :'r-I:;,~.~' .. ~.~-:S:!,.., .' ;.1k,:.~'':: ;-"'.~' .~.'!- ~... .....~ ... .. - - --.------.---- ._----_._----_.~-.._--------------_._------~-----_. '~C"(-.... w>..S'T( .......C;(W!...., ,..e wtJÇH.....SI(J! .-'9"04 .' J12S1 0.. SC..... I.... (_C;¡~.CA !':'~}!l~ 2 . '''~ J '-'~ QA!.[ ç.O..l!'.!o'{¡t-JIY ~_!:.A ¡.A.~D,ÇJ,l,L~ ~ Et - . ... .- ...... ~r ,// .' "./ . D£i' r W[IGHIoIAST(R 'f3.OS. ,$/ 'I I 1" '"Í " . , (\::7 -. 15.76 : I (//) I~_' .__--. \þ ( --------~-~ J ,_' NO: 132828 ¡ al/oss I I I I I TA~E:' I I..n, I YARDAG£: ....--- , íG~NE~A ,,,1<- 03:13 UI æ'13/~ 86100 lÞ 09=59 u OSIl~ 31520 Ib WIJGHIüSTDI ClltTlncA T( ::.~ .... ... f_I"9 'n"li_ _ ......... _N. .. ......... .." . -- ...-..... .. ... - ___.. _ .. . .......,.... o~ of _. .. ".- .,. 04IJ'1U 7 C................. wII_, 12700) .f _ 5 .1 ... toM_ ~ I: "01.._ c_. ed.....twM by the 0hWeft 0' ....,.ur.""."t Sf.~. ., Co.,...... o.portrn.nt 0 f rood - ............ ----- 1" _ _ _ _ _ /",J -:-:/-/_ é.....:. ~ . '-L- ! 1oI.,¡¡r£ 51 /., iPRorlLE '10, I 7:..' L.-. 7'--<:'/ /' t..· ~ ,,/ ,. ¡ . tRACO:? LICENSE '10,// I r-- ;>. -,. j J' ,././",,/ I TRAilER " liCENSE NC, I TRAilER 12 LICENSE NO. r ':'\ '....' ('-:' ~' -':.- .~ /:'/5//'""/ ~:JÅJ7 )" '-"þ ~..} .... L.l. , V , .' L . '~""~~:1~;:', l ',' ~' ".J / ' ~/ff . -'~...... .... "''10. '!-','t'.·.-'I ....-... . ~·l ..' , " X· '?/:3 7'þ .~"c..,I~~\.~.... .. ...... ,._..,~~.....,r...~.~.......~- .. ':/// ,é//( " fZ: //'>/ ./'~>"f{ /jF "' ( '- '+':" ;a' . . , . .~;;~.~~...~~:;, ,. _ .... .:~:r.;':; .....~/.. .' '"-:-of"-""A u.o;=",:"-\ "'.,'. . ,'.. ;,~. ..~~.. , "f.,..~.....~. ;;t'i~~'~ ¿c,.:k..,~~:'i't:¿,~:'~,.,~~· ' ,~.p-~$' . ,,', .~~" ',','.,..: ::' ~~;:~,_:.,::-.~:,~ ~.';t .~::;,;;,. '.' ~'-. ,':..:~i'tb-"..."",. '-~.;:. ."" .:: .~;ç,";'--:;;':' '. S..SC 8C22A 1..;Ç-<>; EPA 8700-22 <{, a:)U LD~- M~ o;:;:tO LLI r--' 4:: aU! '""""Z! "^" - I cnê' ~ 01 v-. I ...r') ~ " , ~ oc ' 8\ CXJ' G N E o N ~ E ~, R ~: A òl T O¡ 0 R -' , -' ' <{ u, _.;--¡ -- , ö: </) , ex: 0: >-- :::. :-;; .~. cs: ' ~. \.U i ; , R J [ R ..... 0, wi </) , <{ UI z: f A C I l T Y .J~C~ Of r~o"rornr..,_€n....r').,m"f"I~· ~~",.,ctlon ..ðoqer'lcv - - ..:. -r". ~..,; ,:..,: - .' See !nSlructions on bock of page 6. Jeportmenl 0' .~.. '. ,,:", ": :)OCfOlTleo:"TC _ ~ ·~r- 'J~~,'';'~-; ,',,. " ....f' '.' "_. 'I" UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST ~ "3oen.,o,<:/r ~ '.J~ EFAJD No 2 Pogo I InformatIon In the ,no"e~ .."..~~ IS not reqUired b.,. f."f'·:;: ManIfest Docum...., No '¿A L ò cÚ:)! Q (( I' ~ '9; /1 a 7¡'-/15 ¡ e (01 I ~tot. MQ,,,fe\t Ooc:.umenl N\HI\ber 98074368 G IA I 51010 Genera....·' \0 .. I I I I I I C. 51010 T rGnapon.t" I 10 !c..!f--J"t)lûl:j ) Id 1..:)I~!¿lì IIllo. a us EPA ¡Q Number E (5"í't%!' ''0o;"(i-~Î?Ycid'"" Z (i? L \ '0v C 1,.J lð;..J ¡1J¿ ¡fA tlEksrl EZ..[) C" II '/3.3 <:) 7 4 (,""0'010' \ ?~on·5f.o 1 ¡ ~ S"c 6 't l¡ 4 5 T ronspor'er 1 Company Nom. ð, US EPA 10 Number ~ ~,!::;5L~~I<.; 'J~ T rOlllf>O"'er', Photoe ((" ~ , State T ron.1por1er' \ 10 ~-c2J/(, ¡ ¡ '? De) ~c'~O F:JC,J,I'"'f' "ome one Site AcidreH ,. ./ to US EPA 10 Numb., 0;<=-/. ¡le,..¡i.. w~'Sn= IVi J4 NH '"'-'G'/1.\ENT 35'25/ OLL:J ~'¿I/,-,,..jé?v ~' /...EIV1I1¡J (A &J 3 z 3 I F. Tron>potte<', Phone G. O. NCtJ KolA ¿ ~ðlL td I 1 US DOT D..croP';on I;ncluding Proper Sh;p¡:Úng Nom., Hazard Clau, and ID Number) Hf1z,4£>j)cJU$ ¡,.¿.,rf~ ìé 5ð(.' 1<5-5 ~-¿ tJ b, " -, "- , I "- 51.- f7A1ortw :>:: ;:: Z' ....., v: w' zl O! ~¡ CX"¡ -- , <{, Z QI <I z: 51.- EPAlo«- 0, .....' ... ....., \ 6 GENE~A. TOa'S CEI"f'CAT10N: \ !-Iereby declare that the content, o~ ,hIs COMIQnment or, h,lIy and oc:vrotely described obove 0.,. oroper )Î"lIPPlng nome and ore clOHJt,ed. pce. ..ec ."on;eC:: =:-:0 ¡oos'e:: ~nd orf! In 0/1 reSQecTS :n ~rOO'r condition ¡or trenspo(' by highway according to oppi,ccbfe InternatIonal end nohonel goyernment regulation" ""'ost~ generc'eo '0 the degree i t-,o....e dete(mtned to be ec~""OM"'''== . e 10 me ..,i"HCh mtrumll:es the pretent and future threat to humon n~O!'''' .....aste 3eneratlon and ulltt<:t the best waste management me"1"OC ·...c· ~ ;:. ~ff'C'· ..De~ ......::'T'Ie /~ -. ''') ¡,/íò"--L "Í£- \ 8 ~rc'~ClO"~': :'co;":::_,,,,ooemeM of ReceIpt CJí ,~ofer'OIS lðMon~1 I Q01 C?,¡ ?~!nted. iypec :-"ome Month Day I I r'e-c: i ç D'~creponc"" ~ndicct.=r, Space --rT~K 9 It- 3'~ { L 7 ~.......~( I",'.? I Á {r -¡ c:::-'/ '7 . SDF SE~D5 ·...'5 ,~C;>" '0 DTSC .....IT...:'" ~ a ~O.lll ~ooc, ~vcrcmento. CA 95812 . -~. '~II!- F \ It··.... '~. ~~~~~'. ,·"J\o:-o~'o" ,..",._ ..'.. '_ 0, ."<,..' - _"0". . __________.____--4- ~~~.':'.!....:._;_J lM ~ ~ìY' H,o,ZAPDOVS "'''STl ::toss ..,. _ . eo- 03:".of jJII 08/13/9'9 3:'820 1 b -18,:91 .6" . . . DCPUTY W(I(;H...,o,ST£1I ailE 11.13 N(T: 10:57 UI OSIl~ 28260 1 b I YARD,o,CE:: ~-- G~~¡:~A 10k -'. Sß,J/r'/ d '.:50 ~~ . - . - "'\ ~'"'"~ 5;:~: .I:Í;~" :.). .....;~~ .~;j,;<':::' . ",",: ~':' ~\)¡í..~;:\~.~:;.~~:...."~- J $; --. ~G"[WICAL ..AST( ...."""(w(~" ..c 1O/(1CH....sr.. ~ ., un, ow s..... -- k_ cay. 0 .J NO: 132840 WDGIQüSTU C(1IT'flUT[ ". lei 10 '....'" _ .. .-.... .._ e----, _ .......... _. ", C_H '" .. WDOMIIASTtII. ..... ........ 10 ... - '-1_.._ 10 . ~.... -Itr .1 _. .. ,.- ..,. CHAI'T[JI 1 (__.. _. '2100) .. _ S .1 ... CeIf....... ........ . ".,_ c... _..... .." ".. ......... ., __._1 ~_."" .1 ColI'...... o.p.tt_ .1 r_ ..... ~ . .. .- .:,..:..,.~...; <::l . ( <:J.~: C . ' :,LI; ,....... .. ·".H .. .~- .... ,.>. .....J.. _ ','. .-". . ~.."',;..,:,~~.. '0 '~_""'~''-o''~.' ~. .,.''',, . ~ .. . I ....' . _ . ,þo.'. - ~ . ..._--~ ~:: "''''~ ."':~·'.:~.:-<; H...~.::.~~~,:-;.::-~.....:.·:..~~.~~~..-:···~ -.:". '-:~~ :.;:....~k<,;~ ~/// é!/;/èYÍ/ .; or- ._ ~'\ ~;.. ~. .. . ~'~~"Þ:,'~;' ".' _"~_.o_ '~'~':!(':;L" . ....,. '-.. ,^^. " /' .,,;~ ..:~~ :r "- ("I: ./" ' ::: ~¡ "'),3 '" '" <: i= - ~ . Ci "=" == ~ "5 )z. ")::: ~I G ",i E :)' N ~ E ",,: R :..; A =: T _ 0 R :.:: - z. ~I z, () ;l., \/)1 ~i ¡X , .....' < '7 Q' ,-' \$ ::;: 'J' (.::P¡k.f"'O-Ç!"\...""",....-.,.,t]i Pr."~,:""o,,, A-:;.,.,." See Instru(tions on bock of ?oge 6, J~PO""""'~'~' 0.'<. ..I....t..,~{:".....!.. ~ro".,ento (Ol,'ço,nro fn~OfmO'jO' '" 'nl! \noðed '1rl!fJ' It. 1"10' ,~y\'ed by Fflde,c/ '0_ ," 98074369 ....., ',. , .... ¡.: .. ~ . ,', ~-;... ~~iZ< wr;rr~e~dre" _ L¡ ZL ~. <..i1-J,()N A Vl:;, f!¡11KéJZ';)~(d¡J C rJ (¡ ~-!£'II J Generolor, Phone is (.;.'l ì (¡; ~V - 0-t 4 'f 5 Trantporr., 1 ComP<Jny NOrM c. ...... . ..- ~,.. :""'" ..... ',;"J"_' ,~. 7""1-0 ?.cI~ UAlOIttM- -~. l s.a.., . r~' "'-'~~ ~AlOth« , ;;::,', . ',j ~.....:-~ ~~ I , ~ - " =2 'ó GENERATOR'S CERTIfiCATION: I ...reby declere t!.at t!.e conlen" 01 Ih" con"9nmen' ore fvlly and o«ural.ly d..cribed aba.. by prop.r .h,pp,ng nome and ore dawlied, pecked, .,..,or'keO ::''''0 labeled ';In¿ arB ~" 011 retpet1S In ~roper condition for tran'port by highway according to applicable internOflonol and na'ional government regvlchOtl$. ,; , err·:: C~~t: ~'.01"',tIT":: 3eneft)tOf ~ certify thot 1 have.o program In pia,. to redu'. the voiume and toJlllci of wolfe '.rated to the degree f hove determin.c "0 b. economIcally ;)ro~tlco~¡e one -"'1.0' I ~o..."! ,s~;e~f~.fr ~ractiC?b . ',hod of treatment, uoroge, or ~iS.DO'QI curr fly O't ablÿé m t..'ch minimizes the 'present and future tt',re-ol ~ "umofl ....eo!'\-. ::nc Ihe, en.....ron:T'le-~t· õ_,p, I~ I C',:": 7' ~~oh QUO¡:,:J"f)' neratol'. I hove mod. 0 good fojJf. effort to mm most generatton and select the best was Ie manoçeme,",' ,.,..erhoO' ~r.Of ,S ovolJobl.e to me ana that ; -;'.1r, .'::f"l!d.j ..' - ...A ... ,I' 1 .-' -_.~-_._----;:.L-- --'!,/ec: Nome ' /09é/,/C -jfj:;:d--"Ç;"l2---- ~ 7 ron)pcwer '2 Ac" -~-ied eme"r ot i1:eCthp! 0; ,"",-:I''''lols i ~qn'ed¡T ypeo Nome .f: ::.:: '" ....J ~ -:- - ~ '" -, " . ~.. " UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST G,".rOfor \ us EPA 10 No MQ"'~e'! DO(VrT'If!'I'H No P~1· i ðo!n~ (731 ~.~y O~I t~3 I 9~'7 Year 7! ...¡ !? a, Slcte Generator'. 10 ó us EPA 10 Numb.r LlA...l"..~ I \V'll.<.( k. , , 0, Tronspo....,. Phon. /, / _I \ C 1 ,: \ .. ,I : ' :... ! y : '1 u...... .~ 'JS EPA ID "Jv/TI~er : E, Stote Transporters ID :::r: f"\. <. .. .. :- t:]n1ponel' 2 :. :'lTIpony Nome I 9 D..,gr¡OI.d <oc,¡''Y.1''ome cnd.Si'. A.ddre.} .1 _ ...-10 t:. .,t::...,. ¡Ie AJ~w"br£ '~lH,J ,.~Mt::NI -S SZ'51 Cl.:) 'SK/fl..',.Jc 42<) J{€7'TJ...f¡uA,.J CA '9323; US EPA JD Number 7 11 us DOT Descrip.ion (including Proper Shipping NO"'e, Hozard Clau, and 10 Num¡"r) Contotnen No, Type o. ~ Pc.~Jl ¡../AZ4R2>ot.1$ ll,;,1S~ (~/¿ )J 7)1 €5e... ¿jl t 95(/ '~.¡ b, c, F A C l I T 0) D'lctpor,cy 1:"01(':' =:" Space ':: :~::A (~/971 " ,'JO-n w t.i".,1 . .. ~;~ "1- ,..' '. ...:. .'_ '" 'f' "';!)r ':.E'JC'S T\J!S copy TO orsc '"" '9i-"!N :) ",:l.' ,'':'' ',';>1 3,,':0, :""""'en'o, CA ,95812 '.. ..Iw ',-\;" >..'-:>r>:' .,' ,~~.~'!',:~~~~r,;;;"<t~· '~,' -- --. - -.- - -- .-- -..---------------.---.-- -~- - -------- '!'-.~ IC'....! ~:.8) ~,'U.£ D.. It . . .- CROSS 03: 3(. ".ill 00': 1 3..?3 8S20i) ! l; 10:13 .. 08113/99 32120 1 b TA~E "lET: YARDACE: /. .,,<-- -'- ~ , ,. --~-------,-- Ç~~9.D..ŒL,.__...~m.Q"'~'":.~~.r¡ i~CH(IoftC.... w.uT( .........(.(..0" ..c IIttIGHWUI tR ..00-' .' -.. ~ oJ. - »UI dY Sk..... ._ 11:_ City. CA NO: 1328 3 5 . " W[DQu.ST(R c(1I'T1f'1CA T( TWo II .. .....,. _ ... I........ __ -.dy - ......... -. ." - .., . W[~TD, _ ...- .. NO _ ' .....1....... _ Is . _....... .--. .f eccunocy. .. __ I>y CHUTtJI 7 (C_=:;:z. -. 12700) of Dhow- 5 .. 11M C.., ......... It 1'1.'_' C_, _10'_ ..., 11M IIM_ o' ..............", SI.....rd. of Co.f......'- Oeport"".'" of r GOd ..... Afrtc-· .---- ------ -.- . ~ rUTY W[ICH¡'¡4ST[R of .:. . 60 : I' ( it!;ji 16.06 _'-\j ,/ ( -----. , :¡:;c A ,U" t'~//~/7? /jd' J ~- /~ ..... ý/// /ð/é (ré // / ....... ~ ~~- :) J)O~~ I / , } ,,t. d~ l .,l '.. ~L...~:~... , ~},-, ',.,. . . ",-' . ~?C£ð .,',.,_..,'~'.,- .t'..........~~...."':--, , ~ I ' ,. :~,.. ~~.::~..~~:;,.,'¿-' ~. 1.... ~~~t:}..~,. ... . 0 -r) '4') " N "'>' eX) . 61 o. eX) , ~I QU! r-~'I (Y)Z: -=-::t õ I r-~I au CO?;! :I: , O)!:: ~ G N E 0 N co E ~, ~I R -.:, "- 6: T 0: 0 ~I -, R ~I ~I 0 Q.. II) W ex ~ < Z 0 ¡;;; <, z! w' :J:I ....1 ...., ~; <, ~ì , -, -; -, -, Q.. , I./> ; ex , 0' )- v. Z' w V ex: . w' :Ei WI 01 wi 1./>1 <' Ui F I ?;I A C I l I T ~ , , ·'.r-·-:-;-, '';"' .... ~_ "': ='. -:...~ "~':" .l ;.'.. , I I-- f'-- \l.-- - I J,N _ j ¿.' See Instructions on bock of P~~. 1.:J.""ð~"~"i:7 ;:;_ J oj,- C Î r¡ _o.-..J~.,I·______' Mon:~e~t Oocumenf ......0 2 Poçe ì .-.,...,~ ...Mß "'.ç, :~':'~_'~,(J;' :t.l;)\·M .. :'I Jr;' ....- - '''~II! . ..:of"" .:'!"~ ;""f1!O rOf VJe .In p.,'. ..' ~(/'. .....pf!""'r'I,.' i J . I" '- j '( \J.) I of I ..... SI_ Man,I... Doc_ Numb. 98074370 Gen.rotor 1 '....:. -:'PA ,S o..."jo InfOl""mo-.on ,n 11'1. ,¡'oóed .,r~c' ., nOt '..ovlre( :>y f ed.(':J h')-- UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST .. .. Iii IL i(~:() .C' (",I L; j Cc>: 'i' /ìR <5 J .~enerQ'Pr \ Nome on~ M¡pl~n.i!'ddr.u (1<." \I(,'d~;.:" r HI.:. T ZIZ.0 .s. uNICltJ#.1 )¿ , ßÑK£?Sr/¡;W 01 93307 4 Gene'olo" Phone \5" ZI Go- 5'0 - 0'-1"4' a. SIote Ge_ator'. 10 Transporter I C:>"'PGny Nome 6 US EPA 'D Numbe, ':O,.'r..... L,^-,+-...~ ( 1t.L....L It, D, TI'QM >OOW'I "- ~ .?19- "ZC/ :::h..l..r- !c.!...,q)iO!S!)"':;i ,il'c.:.I'i1 9 _ $ EPA IC "'~\,.'T1t:er State T rons.portw', ID ! E. .. "·:Jn~ocr'~r: :.:-oany Nome 9. Deslgna,ed Facli,ry Name and 51 Ie Addreu .I.~J "'_·,I'~MI<:rlL WH91:~' n¡II¡..j,..¡(,.Ð,ICT"I 3S"ZS-¡ Cw ýCI/LII.JE;!i) r(E'IÍL¿íJ1J.1JJ ét# 9323'7 , i : 0 us EPA tD Number 11, US DOT DeKrtption lincluding P'oper Shipping Name. Hazard Clan. and ID Numbed w ïE 5ðLI ,It ...._ . . b. ci, J. 15. . 0 GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: ! h.reby dee/are rhot the conte"" or ~I' con"gnment ore fully and accuratel., de,cnbed obo.... by proper ,hioo,ng nome al"'ld or. ciaulr,.d. gocxeo ~arked. :Jnc ¡coeled, and or. in all respects in proper condihon ror "rCM:Ioþon by highwoy according to oppi,cable international and notlana; go....rnment r.-gulotlGns, I Monti> Da~ !ð \ 91 / :3 7 .r ¡ 0'" ~ er9~ ~...onrity generotor. I certify rhoJ..-t'ove (I program In ;:Iicce to reavc. rhe v . one ~ c1ty o¡"wos generored '0 the degree. hove oer.rml(\80 ro be Konom':; . "roc~ c.ob e :J"= .o.;cr 1 hove :IoeÎec!'ed the D!"a..tfíC~. method of treotme'" storage. or di:looo,al c rrenr o'Voll?Ö'. to . wruch minimize, t+,. present one ~f\Jre *,r~t to human "e--::- :Jna 'he en....rcr-....enr; O~" ;f ¡ c Im::.-~~..fjt..pf.tft~'.. generotor. ; heve ~.::ae 0 good faIth enort t m Im!::e Y'W è' generotlon ond seiec! tf1e besr WQ!" rnanogement methoo N"-:" available to me ~nd tf,O! ì co a oro /./ -----._- ð! , de...., '~,. ':_------,-_.. -_,¡;-;)",,·iJ...1e~''':1; '.:,; 'Æçel;!~; lv\cr~{'OI~ ...ooo-.-_____=;¡..:.._____. P~·n~ed,'T ~ :;e.:: "'-tC"-,o! '---"' "'Sf ~ Ll~ . ~, ~ ~ I' .s . 8 ;ror~:IopOrTer 2 A':kncwleooement or ;(ecelp, Of MotenoJs P,.nted/Typed Name I /' ~e. L: ~ ~-~ '-' ,-- C / -J-- . Signature "'ontl> Day ! . .-c' : 9 DI,crepaMc~ :f'\e,colion Space ::::: coc:..r.,. J-.....-~- :-- - - , /~ (, / / Prl",,,,a·",, c"'~.-:-t ,-- ~ W¡',le To 'SOf 5E!'IDS ,...,5 C:JPY ,0 DTSC WIT.,I~ ,C _- PO 80. 3000, SocromenlO CA ;>~812 DTSC 8012.. 14:971 EPA 8700--22 '. -------- ..---.-.---------. ----..-- --------~-- - ----------- I '(iCN(WlCAL .AST( ....,tAG-(W(N' "'r. wtlGH¥4Sttll .e1fhe4 o' /" ' ~2S1 ow SIr....... 1_ " · -;t 7'"""""''' 1 - .J. h2ã i9" c I- ~. , ,,-"'" "ø~. , ,.... II Ie -.,. thai ... f.........._ : ~ .--. - .......-. -. .. ·-1 f- .." · wtIOMMASm. ...... ........... Ie ... - __ _. ..rtlllco... _ .. . _nl_ ..--,. of , _. _ ..- .." QW'TDt 7 L ,<-..... -. 12700) .. .- S .' .' 1M Celt.... ......... . ''''''-- CMo. __ ..... 1M 0IwI0Mn .1 __, 11_ of Cdf....1e 1IopeI1_ ., rood --~-~......~. . ,'" .':~-~::':'_~;": ~ ~. . Tr .-..... ,:,;v,,-,::-rr.r. "'!~O'JS w'<'[ GROSS -,...,-A~ 'U O'=-'.'1.....,~9 t' ~ - .,. -:.,. "".. ~_!.. ...... J g·c'tG 1 tJ ...'... ~. . i:.:7' 1 ~ARE I 10=59 u 08/13/39 27%0 1 b ( 13.98 'jET: , Y AROACE: --------- ~ ~~~ /' -'/ - {,~N[RATGP . :' - ·.~.:..:::·::·;·::_:7 ~. ., ¿'//.//7,;Ç ;), )O( ç- .- ~....--..~.¢:~ . C/:";;P:·"Y .' - . ' . -: -~ ,~-'~~~~..-t. . .' '. ._..;e~ê;:::-' ..~ ':-+~i1:~ ., ,..,. k#Y /~ ......,.ø..~-."';,.... . _......~.. '''.-''' ;,>..'iff,;....~ ." , :-/. ;.,/{ '"' ,-..E 7"~~/ . k' ;:, L,' ." .~., .~......~ ~. ..,.¡ . . 3/# ~// :-. " , ./ /' ,/ ""/'/ ::/ ¿' /" / / J / I /~ // I /~ ¿~// /; 1/ / ~ ,/ L {j~ ,/ .'. ~ . ~ ; ""'.-~~~' '-. ,..;:t-::¥6~t ~2é:-:,:.·, - - -.-.... .....",----------- --- ".,r'.. ;'-" See In~l,.uction~ on bock of page 6. :>'POf1",.M ot ~o.,( SuO".....- .~\ SoCfOl"1oento. <:. :....~ .... In'Of'!"O'lon In t+.. shaded -;:'---;-. II f"Iot '.qulr.d by F.d.,o) '';_ . . þ\~ .,/' ~ .,.~ : '..' ~ 'r.··..' ... - . ~ '. .. q' -', ~ -. ¡.:,I' ''T'; 'J"'~"J"'''~ '0'" 'iff! r.>f' I!/"t' ' ; plrC"1¡ .....p#_,;tfl!· :::> ..t') ..t') "- '"" ./"\1 x: 51 ~, ~, -, ~ .~.' 4:1 ..., -, , z¡ ~õl - ::' )31 ) z¡ :;:1 ~I G ·1 E g N ""I E "'1; R q¡ A ~: T :o! 0 R '" , u.J ' ~I z; ~, ,,-1 ! ~I z: ~I Wi 0::1 ~i ~I <: ~ <:: ., .~ - -:: ~, - ! i :'t!ne'otor \ \JS ~,?, 'D r-.io Man!fest DQCume,..' r-..ço ;: Peg. j UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST I 01 I ! Cf\ 'L i Generator \ '¡orne and Mod ng Address I A, a Ie. ;0 Stale Moft,¡".. Doc_I NUrI\¡"" 98074371 PICK YOUR PART 2120 S. UNION AVE, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 4 Generator, Phone ~ 5 6 21 6 5 0 - 0 4 4 4 Store Gen...olOr·' 10 !rl'Jnsportl!r ':omoony Name ó US EPA '0 Numb.. Slore T ron,portw', 10 LL'--'bz-cl ¡;'.~.L, "t; ~~c. "~"'e''''"' . ""e,'·" ";.,... (J ~ . ~ - - .. . ~ , ~ . . T'on'po"er ,p....... /J I I ) , ~~ . Jf7-02C¡ç, Stat. T rons.porre, I ID 'L4:'-:.9:-Ct:! ¡: ~~.Y~ ; C 77 J::" :~4. D .-.....,um04!! ~ Designated Foo::.iity Nome and SI'e Address 10 US EPA 10 Numbe, CHEMICAL 35251 OLD WASTE MANAGEMENT SKYLINE ROAD 11 US DOT DeKhprion (induding Proper Shipping Name. Hazard Clan, and ID Number! ". NON RCRA (SOIL HAZARDOUS WASTE WITH DIESEL) SOLID b fflAlOfh. ~, .. ~A/oa. SIaI.. '::I{t\'1'; .. ...:'f~:r~:· ~~ ..- < ~:~, . ¡¡~~ a. ._ ":'.·r~.:: . :. ..:":__.,...- . !~~::: .:,~~-;~,:5, ~- ..-:--' ...... C,:. '~;;:?:~::1~,- ~:'~;~i=~'··:~ -;i. ~.._~. .: ¡ ~ GEN,ER~ TOR'S C~R~IFICA nON: I ~ereoy deciore that the co~!en's of ""IS consu~nm~n' ore tully on~ occuratelr delcnbeo ocove ~y proper ,"ip~:Hng nome and ore clo'ui~ied, padr.eo ."orked. and labeled. ond ore In all ."espe<:ts In prooer cond,tion for troMpert by "'"ghwoy accordIng to applicable InfernOftonOI cnd nOrlonOI government re9uJOfio"s - ( \ o pr~rQm in ploce to "educe the 'W'oiume and ~~~C1ty ¿!.'e generoled 10 !he deg,ee ¡ ho...... oe'errmned 10 be econom'~: " ethod at 're01men', storoge or d;!~ en y pv ao !o me whIch m.nin1fz.s tn. pr.sent and tutvre "*,,rea, to numo" I'\~: ""'\ nerotor. I ho.,. mod. 0 good fa,t ort to ;"<I~ "fI wo,re 3er'1er'Jt!on and ~e e-c' !'he best ·....o1te lTIonogemenl .'T'Ier+,od .~:. ! /,-/ // If I am a large ovOnhty generator. r cemfy that! . practicable ona Iher I ~~"e HJ:e':'ed 'he pro,'IC e ana. rhe environment; OR. ;f ¡ o~~mo" qu iry ~vo oble to me and thO! :::In :J/.or~ , a , . S P o . T £ i ·~r 'oor .. is Signature I --.- -.), Vf ,t¿\ ~~ ¡ SIQnalure i - Monr/> Day ~ 9 O'~creponc'y InCI'::~:Or. Spac. F A C , l I ¡J~. ~7 y ..... DO NOT WRITE BElOW T , l.../ ......~".. T<;CF ,:;'Jcs 'H$ (C~y TO ,);:;C N'";;'''" JO ~'~ ;, -:; ~c... ~('oJ(). ~.x':)""~"'t) (A. 0 "R I? :: BCn... ¡4/97! . 8700-22 " ... ~ . '...,~ C j.1E ~"!OD'TY' HAZ.APDQ!.ú._"!.~!r ------ -.----- - .-..-,---'--.-. +- . .---- - -~----_.. -_Þ' .. . '- ~r . . ; GROSS 10;0-!- U! 08.12.'9"3 1....57 83HCr 1 b , rARE ! IIIET: 10:i2 ~ Q&?13;gg ii.51 ~lb LVAROACE: G:::NE~A TC;P " //~/'ç/ d(~70 . . " " :~:¡-: "':;'\:~-..-.:"""",-+-,~' . ~ ,: ? il/f2-- -- /-.~ '~~,::?-.r~".~ - ~...~~II''':~"~;J'.:-~.~'" - _//;/~/ þ// /¿d/ /' ---.Y' ,. ../>r'("/:< ,/ ./ //' ___;..;//,/ r " ..... , '.....M. ~.:.w.:.: ._ 1..,." ..... . c...."': -)!~;~,::':;~;.:~~~~.; ,,-' " ..... .~. ~ ," "'.~": .,........; (M("'GAL. .,ST( ....UUCOItM". iHe w[1CiH"A$1~ .~4 .' 35111 011 s...... lood , K_ Ci.... CA N~: )32844 M Ç Q ASTD cUTlnc.& Tt ,.... h Ie .-., _ ... ,......... _ ...-.., - ........ -. .. -- ~ . wtICNUASTtI. _ ....-. .. ... - ..1111_. _ It . ............ ..-.,. .1 0CCWWY. .. ,....... ~ CHAr'T[JI , (......._....... _. t27llD) ., DIww. S ., Iho ~....... """- . '"',_ tN.. .dtNi .....-.4 by .... ~ of .....""......, Slo_.f CoIf_ 0.0"_'.' rood .......-. ...... . r, ': \ , ...... , ~ ----'- I - - "- 1cJ -~ l '-"(('''i'' ',' ' . ,;.J...,,<, ::,.'., ...'. , . ,.'.... ~". ..~.' ~ .''¡ .~.. . -- , "11-",'''''' ;;;-.t'.ò-- ; 1"",,\ ,....-i ",: I ' ~~$~~ ,'", .,.~""._,"""'-".....,~~ .~. . .._.rr":;¿-:?W'~1-~~ ·.....ó........'t,··... '. "..:' ,: I .-.~., ~ ,~~~ ,~..:}._.,,:~::.r~ 0, "'" J'\ ...... .:---.I: "" -. ;s: « ""- ,~ - ...... - <:: -y"' - - "" .:::::TO r-=I «' C:>..J co~: OJ=' ~\ G E N .....,. N ~i E a:> .::! R ,,", A ..., -=: T - 0 R "" '7 , ~¡ -.J, ;¡:; z 9 :;:; ..... ~ < z 'º « ::: « . ... :,::' - ~ .". J ¡ ¡ _ E <~ F :::: A C I L ~~_s__ - - ~:::. ~ ~- =: .:. :::,.:;, . - '.!I""onm...n10· . '·;''''(''0'' Þ,9~"<" .; ~ "-.') :,..~ ~ r '''', . - r '; ':' ¡ Se~ In5tructiof15 on bock oí page 6, _"~or'; .. '<'- "':;"_"r ~U<:'-:J""'''' 'r __ _._.___. ___.n_ -..--.---.---. UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST ¡ ~ C.",n.rOfOr,';S EPA 1D ~~o i . I !C!\ L :00 :0 104 Mor\lí..~t D"cVITi4tnt N..; '6 : 97 ;8 i ? ;...¡ : ,1 ¡) ! L ! Ir,'/jrmo,.on ,,, '"hf' ,nor:~'; 'J'.''''', q "'1':1' .1t"J\,I"~O tt... ~~<'f""\' '2 Page 101 --:: ~"'e(otor ! Nome ~n~ Mo,¡'''g Aðdrf!H PICK 2120 YOUR PART S. UNION AVE, BAKERSFIELD, Phone 5 6 2 I 6 5 0 - 0 4 4 4 CA 93307 II SIo.. Gen...alo'" ID ~"',e(otor·'5 . ''Jniporter 1 Company Nome o. US EPA ID Numb4, c. T",nlpOltllr't ""_ -:~"Iqnole'd Feed·....... .....eme ~nd )1'8 4odre15 10. US EPA ID Numoe, k) i 3 '",:(1 11, D, ,E I If. 'G T ranl >Ol1er' a ""<>ne 5'0" Transport.r'. ID ---:..·.ocrter 2 ::-'~<:-1 "''J'-e CHEMICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT 25251 OLD SKYLINE ROAD NON RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE SOLID (SOIL WITH DIESEL) Sto-. EWOhr SIrIIII ' , '.:...,;.;J¡,.... GENERATOR'S CERT1AC.AT10N: I hereby declare ,.not tne ~on'e",., ot thIS conSignment ore hJJ1y and accurately descpb~d coo"'e by proper ,r.ippìng nome and ore dou¡,¡ed pO::keo - -:~"e¿ ~nd IQbe\e-o :.~d ore \" oil 'e~ceca ,n ;:>'oper :enclitio" tor tronsporf by highway according to applicable ,,.,,.rno,.10nol ond notional government reguiot!ons. I Signaturo I Day i "" ~ '.': 'eDO"')' 'nC1O::C:':::," Scace T '( " .;, 7/ While To 'ó:)F SENDS ¡HiS CC>PY TO DTSC >:.' Bo. }GOO 50(lo",on'o, (,4. "...'Jj}-o:."'.. ~ 5a i~' ... -.. ....;:. '4;:A.~[ ...---.--.. -- ..'. - --- r;. ... :: ':"':-' ., . L,.o: :'A ~~ . ... , ,.;'. .' ~. - -.-. ------.-- --. r; )!-'.~QO.!!~~. __.·U·l~_~_~~.sJ.t :1 08"13~~<3 32.~..n 1 b 16.37 -------~~---- ...'¡'N:rr 3' r? PQOf'L( NO G.' I / / --/ '4 b " liCeNSe NO, 12 LIceNSE NO. ~.iI 08':13."33 8... 33û 1 b '1:.19, - /' ~ ~- I ¿It-) ./ ~f:r- :--;- rLØ/ - ,.- i í / .- .' '. ':~ --- --- C"IWtCA&. wA.ST( .....HAÇ(...:.JIiI1. ...r. 1f()(;M"AST(1I ........ Of 3425' Old ""..... II- I_ City. CA N~ 1 ~~~ 7.,~Tt : """ It .. ....., _ ... ........ ..__ I -..Illy - ....-. _. ... ·-1 ., . wtlCNllASm. _ ......... II ... .... __lie.... _ It . ........_ .-ø, or , -..y. _ __ ~ QCAI'T[II 7 (_......... _. 127011) of ~ S 01 ... CaM...... ...- . _1_ eo.s.. ~I_ lor .... ...... 01 _0"'0"' : Slo_rda .. CoIII....1e Depart..._. 01 r_ _ ...IIe_. '- . X"¡\. I ,-. , "'.~' "''"Q' .~., ,..=>JfI'<t'.,.,.'.. ' .. .'<' ':,,~,: .- -" ,'."'.:.... .., .... ~ ~:;: t) t /~ ',¡ ; \. - . . ,'./ . ~ . "<~""",,,--..,.,;..:,;~,., '. .~~, :_~ tik;::· ,',,:~<;'~.~,'.r -'~ -;,." :.- '~.~.:'....:~.... ~~~. ~1f-3 ,~' .ro .r¡ :-.... :--¡, r, ~. -. '. ~,š· <:, '}z ~ði _u. :J.5 ! .0 Z: ':')I: ~\ ~ ~I ~ R A T o R "" ':;;¡ '~ \)..c.: '-~' \, \Z: ........:'" 'N;, " Z' J2 :/') ~ "-: <: z º - \ <:, ,^Z, \\~I ~-" , < v; ~., ~. z .... ,~ :;:: R i....O.J, t ::E' N ~: ~ o R T E R (, ~. "-J ' ," ' < -' ~ '," 'c'- - .. ~ "";. ;¡.~,,.,...'),. ~ ¡....... , See Instructions on back of page 6. ..'.D~'·-·"'· "), 'j., ..IJ'=':J~""·"" ---- -- - Generator \ ·jS EPA l()t""fo '} Pog. ¡ I 'nr..,rrn,:Jr'on ,'" I~ e ,hod.,ð "':' "~;'. .1 nol reQuired by FeOttfQ' c- -~--- ~on"e~t OOl.:lImfJ'nt No') UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIfEST C'A : L: O¡O i 0: 014 ,6 ¡ 97 i 8\ I: 11,j 'of ( 17 : J I A State Mo"..... Docum."t Numbet- & SIoM Ge".rOI"'" ID 98074373 ::::'eneUJfor ~ !"~c~e cnd Moiling AddreH PICK 2120 YOUR PART S. UNION AVE, BAKERSFIELD, '"o"e I 562' 650 - 0444 CA 93307 J G~nerOlor, rro,,~porter I C~mpo"y Nome 6. US EPA ID Numb.r c. -~ '-:- ~~.~ ~ _ :-:!1,::~ k,' j ~{. L- !C~Dlù!¿'I,)!C!G' ,I¿í '« I), 8 'JS EPA :C ~!..'mb~r : E. F. T ron'f'Ol'8r' I Phone 11 Je~ gnc,p.a ;:':": ~ """-iome ond Site Adareu 10 US EPA ID Number G, CHEMICAL 35251 OLD 1::'~ WASTE MANAGEMENT SKYLINE ROAD ° NON RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE SOLID (SOIL WITH DIESEL) \" EP A/0Iher $IIaM EPA/OIf>er d. s- EPA/OIf>er c. d. · ~ GENERA TOR'S CERTIFICATION: : "'ereo,.. aKiore ~at the contenn of !fHS cOnilgnme,,' are Í1.J1/,.. and accurately descrIbed above by proper ''''¡pping nome and ore clouifjed. pooec "r\ork.eO 0"0 c:Je\ed, Of"\C ore In ad re\oe<t\ In proper conoition for tron!tpor1 ':J'f hlghWOY .:Je:ordmg '0 oOPlicoble Inte,"otJona\ and notional goyernment r-egulotîons. 'f ; am ;:: ;orge :...ontlty generaror :er1ltv that 1 hove Q :Jfo~rcm tn pioce '0 'educe me ",clume cnd tOXICity ?f "",cUe generated to the degree ¡ hoye determined 10 be ,econcr!" :;::tÌ,< oroct coCle ono -r.or J hoye selected the orachc~. method ot 'reotment. 5toroge. or d¡sØQ,QI cvrrenrly 0\1 le.PO e .....hlen "'In.mlle, ,he present and future threat to o,umc,., ~~.:t!"" ar:.Q the env!r~"""'.e~r; OR. If l om Q l.mad Qua I generator, \ !'o~e mode 0 3000 tOltÍ'l erton I minIm'.... ,..,.,y ~ e generohor. or.d u.lee, the be\1 _01.1. management me'hoo -=~ ~ :)valiobje '0 ....e :Jl'\d thel : :on off · 9 :'::::n~Do~'er 2 .l,:,,"'c'wl~ccemenf 0; (ece'D! 0; Materials ;:IrH"lte<:S/iypea Nome I Signoture ¡ · ~ :""'~c~c¡;r')' .r= :::flor SDcce - F A C I L f!'¡::' =i "'cZoraç,_·~ ~CJ'f"'C::~ T y "".~c/~.c, '''0-' ; C - ,,'¿ ~ / ) V\¿¿\ ~;f~~'-if DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE. C' /- / ~/' Wh,t. .<:' :t~DS THIS copy ;0 :>TSC WITHIN J: ?:: ~o.. 3000. 5oCfomenlO, CA Q ~8 \ = :.. ·5': e:::A ¡.II. Q"~ :~A 3~::,C-¿:' c .._---_.~ -~-._-------- ------.---.--- --- ------ !.IW( ~"'·í ÎI . ."'.. .. ,,. 08.'1 :,·'9'3 ;J1S80 1 b i2.~ 16..29 1M 08/ 13/'9<3 32SSO 1 b ~.Q.l!HQDITY; ..;.t.ZARDOVS WASI&: ---. . -¿:; ,. orPUTY W£lCHIIAST[R ,.~ ~/ (L \L". ~ (j / '~ í J .-'1 - /' i , /jl! ,:1:;1.,7 /. - ,-::_:," //·.·...-/"':7 / L.....-' ./ . / ..,..- --~~..:. "...>:-;'..~, .....\,.'<.. ... - ...~. ~t~(.,.C.A.l _..S1'[ w..A.JrILAC,(W(NT. ...,. \ Ø(~....!.J¡'Q ....,.4 af \ 14UI Old 51<..... ._ K_ City. U. NO: 13288 5 W[1CHMASTtIt C(IfT\F1CA'It ,.... 10 .. c-tr _ .... .......... ___ e--. ... ......... _. .. ._04 lip . WDtHMASTD. ..... ........ 10 .... ..,. 0_....... _ It .. ,_"'&04 _Ity of _... ~ ~ 04"""(1 7 (_...~... ..... 12700) ef _ ~ o' ... Calf....... ........ I; ....0'........ CMe. __.... lip.............. _...'....-1 SI_ ... C<df..... 0.,-.-' o' r_ _ ....rleuttur.. ,- ...} /.. !/~';r r // ¿',~,-,~~~/.:., ' .....~.., -, 1(1' }-{'. 8 \ dCf-._... . .....,:)-.-... ~-<..=t:~~......~~.'" .-: .....-_.~ w>u:¡-ó~~~~~t.;._ ' . . ~ ..-..... ..../." ...,. ~ z ,-.., '...,J, ~! wi ,,",' ;"). - ,~~. ",' :. ,,;.. ,," / / I .f /~ ~ /' See n~lrucljcn; ?n bcc~ d page 6 .. ..~. . ) // .' ....... .... ,. , ---.------ -- HAZARDOUS MANIFEST ':'ftne'Qlor " Í)~ EPA ·D ~,¡~ MC" !I!\' :..0.;......'" ."'40 nl1j,rnCI,on .f", '--e \nOl.1p·:J '':-.:' : Page ; ~ ~C' ·~'J'.I (If<j ::If ':",-"'!t"'" :- il 1 {Ol I ¡ Stot. ManIfest Do<:ume'" Numc.r 98074374 I! and MOtÌH"Ig Addr~B :Cf'. i,:000:0t1;6 9í7 ;81 'i ? 1 I: I c. Sta.. Tran.pon.r"IO )DR PÞO.RT UNION ÞO.VE, BAKERSFIELD, CA 815621650-0444 93307 Sta'" v....IUIOr'. In "'pony Nome ð. US EPA ID Number ~u.. /..¡ .. ;?'7?-oz r ~ ::..I-r-c.. T ran.parIIor' I Ph.",. -::-:::r:'~ ..-::.....~ j E. Stat. Tronsporter's 10 ry Nome and Site Addreu j 0 US EPA ID Numeer ,. r,ansporte,', Ph..... AL WASTE MANAGEMENT JLD SKYLINE ROAD \fAN rT'T'Y. ('Ä q1?1q ~ in ITb 10 06 14 6b·' 1 2 ~onrolners 13. Total Quonrily .ian (including Proper Shipping Nome, Hazard Cia... and 10 Nu",ber No. Tpe CRA HAZARDOUS WASTE SOLID SOIL WITH DIESEL) .. ...;:f:;·:-~~~ EPAlOII.r SIaIa EPAlOIhet / / s... '-, '," flA/Otftar ...-.-;~' ?ROFILE - _.._- 4;;:' .J. .~. - . ~. . . ...... . ..... .' .,,=,'-- -. CER~FICATlON.: J hereby òecÎore that 'l\e contents at this consIC3nmenr ore fully ono ::Jccurotei'V deserl.bed above bv proper s¡'ltoping nome and ore dOHdi~. poete-: :oeled. :Jno ore In 011 respects in proper condrhon ror 'ro"\oort by hIghway cccora,"9 to acollec=::ìe ,nfernottonoj ond nOflonol government re-gulOhons. ~01.. . ¿ç 'd /' /' l..áno"",leCoemenT ot Recel "e Day I '":'eer -CHeefIOr. Scaee ,~ ¡ __ .Yw:lnm- _ __: <;;)' . . 'Ú.f'" /3 c¡ Oc¡-/ 3~J '--:eIDI of I-¡c.:::-::-::ous 'T\oler'oh ..:overeod b ~l.. DO NO """"¡te _o:~ ~.:".DS ï.."S coP'" TO ~TSC 'NIT""I'" ::-. ~~~-:r:::,;,.('''''·:')::~ :;5ei; ------------ ~~;~ lli!E ;:_~-.:.r CROSS' . . . ¡ 2:0-1 PId OS. '1:' 13'9 ò;'i8û U, i3.71 \C-:-.. , ' lS.68 ' f 2=26 PI! 08/1~ 31360 lb T"t~.I· - TARE' NET; LYARO"'CE: :~A,.~ .'"7" ./".i. ¡......NIHST .. ~' 'PRqýtE NO. /" ( i ,/ ,. l IRAILER 1/2 L'CENSE NO. é';" " LICENSE NO. --- :J //--:.~/ ~/ ,/ ~ _. ~/ #' ~/; ~///' ".':,. '~'~-;"~'..'-~' " ' "" ~~" ~.Q,ry, "...:..."DO'j':. "ASTE h . "'-r')' DEPUTt-~( GH"''''ST['' ..J #// , 'f C" I /, 17 (I .- I . . ·1 \. ._.. . 'j --~ i t..... ,~'~;"..':-'.'" ;~ -:",(.,.,41. .4~T( ".AH.AC;(...t~· ",I'. , .."Oc.io\......;rLR ..'qh.d oJ" I 1SU 1 Old "'..... '_d NO: ~ 328 8~6c" , : . W(1CMIU.STt1l C[RTlnc.. T[ I TtWo to .. ~ _ ... f_", __ , .---. .... ~ -.... .. --.../ ~ . ~" __ ........... 10 Of' _ ._,~ _ 10 . recotf'I.ed .~., I _....,. GO ~ by CHAI"T[R 1 <.--... _ I 12700) ., DIw_ $ .' ... CoØf_ .......... a ".1_ cø.. ___ ~ .. IIMaiaft .1 _ I 51__ .,. ~_.. o.,..nm.... .1 ,_ ; .....~..r., i ,/ /"/~. / // /" / -'./'/ /0 ,/'/A~'" -/ t . -....; ý ... 'I ·è! ; :~ ' .- ~:.... ~\ .....;; ~' '" .'::·'~.r~~..~:-7~~:..r. 0 "., "., "- N ~ :0 :;¡ ~ Lf') 3 ! 1- .: ("T) ~ I ~91 1'-:' oj 1 OOZi (1) ~I ~ G ("oj £ 0 H ao E ao ... R :-. A ... 5 T :0 0 R x' 31 .." ~ 31 .)- ~I x: "- _I - «I Z '( º ..... « z "'\ - -, , < ~, '7i. ..., =' ...) >- z '"" x ~ "" .. < F "'- A C I l I T y ,ll';t. Of <.:'"....".....--:: _ ;..".~r:....-.~nl.,\ o.~.... '";,' :." ~,-, .... 'J' ....'1 _ ::.\; .01< 2': f '::'''~', . ;..)~ Se", n~'ru(ti'J".~ ç:] beck of page 6. :."!~,·rr.tt"' Of To.·,. "':',\""'''' 50<romf""'~ ':""'7'~' c ,n''l-.ot1o'" ,,, rh. \tlO(j~-:: r""':]1 It ""'J reQulr.d by Feo.'Q '""'J\iI!' ,-;< ...... . . ... .:'" ,;",...: ',.> ~~, ." .. .~ . ';'''-' ~,.., UNIFORM HAZARDOUS, WASTE MANIFEST Jene,o,cr \ .)~ £P'" CN(,. 98074375 Moo,f." Doc.umenf No J 7 I) A, ,c). Ge".rotor , Nom. ond Moding Aodr.u PICK YOUR PART 2120 S. UNION AVE I BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 4 G.n~·otor'. Phon. \562 \ 650-0444 B, Sto.. c;.".rotor', ID 5 T ron 'porter 1 Company Name 6 US EPA '0 Numb., c, I L Lt..J: 12 I~ -- -t-1\.L. . 'u J'I.,., . ! O. Tron.porte<', Phone t:> 3 C "', vmb~" E " ,. .... ~. ..~ .......~ ~;:... ~ '. .' ~ 9 Des'9l"'1oted FacIlity Name Q"d Site Addre" WASTE MANAGEMENT SKYLINE ROAD ¡ 1 US DOT D.",rip'ion (incl~di~ Prop.< Shippi~ No..... Hozord Clo... ønd 10 Number) 0, NON RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE SOLID (SOIL WITH DIESEL) b. c, d. : i .-~~:~, . . - . 16 GENERATOR'S CERTIfiCATION: t ~ef.b"" ¿.dore ""0' the contents 0; this ,ons'gnm.n, are ",By and occuroteYv d,scfI.bed above by proper shipring nome and ore clas"fied, poc:ked. moriced, and jobeled. and or, In ail "\(Mets In proper condition for tron¡.port by highwoy occording to applicable !f'\ternottoool ot"ld I'\ot\ona go..,.rnment re-;'Jiot1o'''' I S;9"'O""· i 19. Discrepo:'lcy Indicotlon Space ~·.C! DO NOT WRITE "..'h,te To, ~:~f Sf~~CS rHI~ (::¡~Y ~C :)t~ 'Nt7nl..... )0 :.l ~ ~ · 0, &oa 3000, 5ocro_lo. CA 9S812 : °SC 8022A 14/071 ,:. 8700-22 ~ ~~ ."~.-...~~ '10; GROSS TARE i ~n: : YARDAGE: - -- ~'Õ'j:' N~ . u~ . _..~', ..---.---. ------.-.-- -- n_,,"___, .._n n.'___._______.. -.--_-l.. ~OÞ.f...úú¡Tr·~~_~:.:~ "'...ST£ ~:,'" i.E . . -.. ~..I.': Pili 03,'l3':'3~ 'HSSO 1 tJ ...,.... 'c.'t1 OS.. 13. "J~ 31900 1 b 15. 9-i ----/~~- IUANIHST ~--'- : -- '¿.,/ 3:2' Pal --- . I / ---_ I~' " ~/' ____J.__~---- :PR~E NO. . /4 -\..~ I ¡ , -,.' ..." . ..1..- D[P~ W[IG,",WASHR '.':..., , ...- .-'/.r 'IRACTOR UCENSE ~ .~ ! I " /, .1/ r-p- .;;/ /',j r / -:>//' þ¡,/ --- -- " , .r'-é/··/ J r--., lid .~çj o "of'"' o LICENSE NO, -/ ~/ , I ¡~ ':HCW"CAI.. ....rr ...../OC,AG(W{N' ..,: , 4If[~",,:;,~~; ..'9ft.4 0)' ;¡S2.S' 0001 "'...... .00. \ K_ c;.... C. NO: 13 2 8 91 w[1GHMAS'!Ut C(,",neAT( r.... 10 "" ..." _ ... f.......... Moen_ ~ ... ........... ........rM. ., coun'ed ~ . WVOIIMAS'TP. _ ...-.... 10 OIl _ __,....,.. _ .. . ~I... 0-"" of -....cy, .. __ by C",,"[II 7 (e........... .11" . lnoo) 01 _ ! .1 ... CoIf...... -....- . ",.f..- CHo. __ ~ .... - .1 _.....nl St.......... .f Coif..... Oep.ert""..,. .f , ood ond "'_ur.. ( ,. :l .4 . . J // / .,.7..~,. :/ , . -- (. f-j ~,-~ i~ "-/' ...' :;1 .-' "" 0<[ .,", -,:J :2: - ;;{: .D'''; ,-~'! Y"\ :: ' '"" qO; "-- =: I <I: 11 ::::JU X)?; :nê 3 G N E ~I N E ~ R -:', . A "'I ::: T :é 0 R :.: ~i z: ~: ..... on Z ""\ '-' Q.. V') ..... Q:: ;¡ Z º .... <I: z: ~ <I: v: .:;:, V') Q:: , 0, >- Z¡ .:>:: ....' ::: -.J! ~ . Vi -") , < f ::: A C I l I T y '1--;-" "~"''''fI-'':)' O'')'''C!'Cn .\,:;p"',-" See Inilruct,ons on DOck of poge :" .:...DO··.....~· :" .). \ -' ~';"'! ~ ~ . . - .... ".,. ~ '_r .,.. .", ..' '" ..........·-:..·.,t",..I::: .; .-:;....,.: UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST Sen."oror , ..../j [PA tD Nr;; ;n,ormor¡o·' n '~4!! '''oa~fJ ::r~CH " not req",,"e<:] 0" ·f'OI!"C¡ Y.1'Jr.lt~H DI)r; J-..t"." ........., '2 P-:::g.: 9~ : 8 I:¡:] i 1 : C AL ¡ 00 0: 0 fI ¡ 6 :, : , , , loi I JeneroTor ) .""am. onO MoilIng Addreu 'A, SIO,. Mon,¡'" Documenl Numb.< 98074376 PICK YOUR PART 2120 S. UNION AVE, BAKERSFIELD, CA J :'ene(o,o" ?"ono ¡56 2 i 6 50- 04 4 4 93307 a, Slale Geno'aOO<', 10 'irQf\\porter 1 C~~n., Name 6. US EP" ID Num~' c L.. [).. .¡. t r;. I -r "-u.-c \,- ~I"t. L I(.'~ ~I "'r?! '.' .J" . .' IV' L- ) ~..J./..Jr.> 3 VS EPA :C "J.;mj~' 371- ozslc 'ê]nH)cr'I!' ~ ~_'~:.;J"'''' No~e :'!slgf"lctea ;:::(' :...... ....cme and SI'e Address CHEMICAL 35251 OLD WASTE MANAGEMENT SKYLINE ROAD o. NON RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE SOLID (SOIL WITH DIESEL) b, ~Alcm- .." ~ Sk* "- fN./Ott.. ~ 1-':.,...;,.... _.. IM/OIIw . -'H::~_ ~:-~~.~.. . / o. ó ~~ .... --:,,;::?},:~ . -..-.:.-.... '.c.. . , , u . :~. ...., ..~ GENERATOR'S CERTtFICAT10N: I here6)" declore fhot the con'ents 0; this 'onslgl"!mel"lf ore tuily ooc accvrorely descrlbeod cbove by proper s;'IDOlng nome and are :IOHified. pocked. -'onced. ~r.d :OOoeIe'C. ~n¿ cre In 0\\ respects In croper condition tor tronsport by highway occorclng to oppiiccbie ."rernorlonoi ond MorlonOI government regu~"ons. e ene"~led ro 'l"1e àegree i\hove determined '0 be e,onomtco!iy ....nJc~ .....,¡l"\lmlzes 'f'1e ores~t and future rhreof to human Öo¡ecith ge:"le"cr'c!'"I one 1elect the belt wo,te manogement method Thor 's . ~ A M S ; p ~ ':' "'-::!"I!.po('·e~: A:w.~c""'·ec emoern ot Re<::e\ot ~t ,~C1er\oi1. ~ O',n'.diT ypea Nome E R Yeor c,. ! S;gno'ur. Year C,')creoç-:.... i"-; ::~·,on Space (" ,- 'f \,.~ / '",'foIde To !5D~ :£".2~ '., 5 ...:::~Y TO CTSC t. ~-". ;) 0 ;ç.t :\0210, 5 tJcror.-ento, C,A. ç sa' .. :-sc aC2:A 4 071 :?A 8700-:: ... ____.______________~_u __ . -.-..- ._--~---_._- ------ ----------- _~u_____~__ '1~(-- C~~~ HAZARDOUS (;/: _^ ~_;~~_~:.....;.¡" ~.wi Ci"'..;,~ "'A.SH 'r ¡~ :H{W'C...... ....nr ..,uuct....,.1. ¡,...: ft'(,.,....sjUf ..~.f o' un lOWS....... .- ~ ~ cay. 0 TAoI!E . " -~ . --.. :=5.- PM 08.-'1.3, '99 aB:iO lb +1.12_ ! J:3i PI! 08113/99 293iO Ib li.67 II' . .. ,- WElGHI,,tA,ST£R NO: 13 2 8 9 7 GROSS W[ICMOASTtII CUTInC,f. T( 'holt .. .. ~ _ ... I......... .- .-,. - ........... -. ., - '" . WDQMMdIØ. ..... ......... II _ _ -.. _ 10 . ~IM ...-.y .1 _. .. --.. ~ CIf-,"EII 7 eCI TO bOIftt _ I '21110) ef ~ S .1 ... ~- --- . ....,........ ~ __ ... ... __ .1 __I St_. .1 ~ 0.,...._' .. r_ - "fricuII- >jET: LU,RDAGE: ,4:'~N~~A¡:."I ....... . /:/~' TI¡~C1'Oq UCtN5'!:' NO~' . ". ., '-- . / ¿' ,/ /. . / ,.-.' -' --' ~ -. I i / / ~. -' , -.... '// ,::-/- ,... /" r (..... I 'r' /' .. .CL.K/ ...,';-;i,~..,~,~,."¥~~5-~"/~-j~;..~?::;~~>"..:..,' '" / /!!iI,~ " 4/"¿-~ ( .....~. .......~~.....".;..:, "',#' -~......' .~"'~'::'.'. .-,!-¡- 'i/. ' .::;!.. íJ,' --J.' ", ...,/\ ' J r- 'u , ' , o.,',',:".,.;.~.;..',;;:.. '" ,. ..., , /,;,t'" / Ø/ ; ./ -,' " Ã--£¿/'J - . ,',' ,;~' ,".> '<.: ' .,~"..' ~~~"':~? ::~.~', ,'." ' ' .~~;')~ ',~~~ ;.--~. ~;~...~\."...""'....,,~,~~," ~'::.,\.,..:':-';;.-,t.~ - ~' ~,' '#"~, - -~ . -,~. '~j'!J..,., <I . .'II' ..:~_. -~,~~~~ :..z~:·1:_. ~~ ','- .~.-:1r~' o ./"', cr· "- ~: ./"', :x:: -, -,<:; '-, -- <:;' Y):::; "- -::::rOI -== 03! :Oz: ,j')Ï 31 G ¡ " E N' N 01 oX) E <X) . '"7 R ,~. A -.:: ;2 T CD 0 R "" ~ Z "" v <:; Z -' <:; '..) î ./) :>::, .') :- Ž , :;é -' :E , 0 -' J) <:; - Z F A C l y --~- ~ ~, _..:.... =~~~.:. . f"A 3"'~<-:: ---...."...'ni 0,'1''''''''''''' A~.....r'" ;'=-"'f!" ... See Instructions on ::>ock of poge 6. ....,..'- ,,_. " . ':... '" /1<' '1m4"" '.: JNiFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIfeST 1 c,""ftrotor s ...: :~A :0 No , I("o(me',.,.... "Ih~ ,~';-::..-: ';''''.', Al.ol"\,te\~ :'x.,Imeru ~~o 2 Paqe \ ,) not f~;I'.Ó b., ~~,)4"':; 1 -., 5'0" Mon.I... Doc_' Nu...t.o< I 817 l '01 ( '7 ~ ,7 CA LI 00 0\ 74377 ~. ,:'-:;¡r \ Nom. ond Mod,ng Add'e" ?ICK YOUR PART 2120 S. UNION AVE, . "~~''";'J~ \ Phon. { BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 r., s_ Gene,,,,,,,',IO '. ;')r,",:Y.)Mer , Company Notn. US EP-. 10 Number c. :.:::::¡:;,.. <:..- 0, T,on~1 PI>one 3"- Oèf/~ Ai D10 '8;5:0 ~ .J '-' I ~ . h ._-,~ E. StOfa irOMsporter'S !D .;$ E?~ C ",jumoer -..~ ~~=.~~ :ocdity Nat'r1e ::Jnð Site Addreu f. T tOftsporte<' I ""- G. '~ US EPA ID Number CHEMICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT ~5251 OLD SKYLINE ROAD ','"-"'rr NON RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE SOLID (SOIL WITH DIESEL) :·:~ERAiOR'S CfRT1F1CATION: i hereby declare mat the confen~ 0; "!'1 1 cons.9l'\ment or, tvllv and OtCvrc...... O.ICr!oed above by proper ,hipPIng "ome and art douified, pocn'd - -:PO(I!~ ::"'0 Icbejed, ond or, in 011 respech in proper condition f'OI' 'T"onsport by Í'ughWOy according to opør..cobl. International and nOhonal go....rnm.nr reglJlOrions. u. generated 10 the degree I hove dete"""I'Hneð to be t~ono"":::J¡iy m~ ""'."nen mlnIfT\lZe) the present ond tUt\if' -flreot TO "\'..1'1"00" "e-C\l~ st. generation and ~IIIK' ,he be" wo,te rnonogemen. m.mo ·.,;:t ~ ~"........' -·~ec~ame -Y-j{( q e ,I r' -1 (è, ìAfL .:. - '-'.;:;:-oer 2 A~ (nO""'ledQem.nt of RcKel ! ot Mofericj~ ~·,,,,·þC - .;:.e-o Nome \ Sìgnofvr. I- I J. U I< 1'7j~ r: - ~ "e-af MoM! Day "eor i Signoh,¡re <_.~~:,<, 'nOtCC:lon SDOce- -~-- ....h,.. To 7S",F SENDS 7111S copy TO DT>C WIT"'I~ PO &0. J0OQ, 5ocrom....lO. CA 95812 ":! ; ~: ""~ . ~~ ._-_._-_.-------_.__.._~---_._-_.._---,------ ..__ _,.r ~.;; :';¡I)SS : : 5'3 p" OB/l 3.-. "9'9 TAI>[ 3:36 PI! 08113/99 28800 1 b 'In: ¡ HRúl.C[ ,1j:..~:::""fA! '.11-( '. /- : '~RAC 'OR [!C[NSE...,~W.- .... ,/ - ./ ..... /." '--'//'-:' /;,,::- \.,..' -- .....'i.. ;//~ ß// ./ " I , '/ / , ¿-:'(";;' ./ w......~ '... . 81~O Ib ..1' iO. ai ¡ \ H.iO /' ~~ý.:.I:',;,~~Q9.~~u: o . 'i.9-ÚT1 W£ICHUI.SHR ~ -,~_: " .. ~ { . !UANIH:r // L" _'...."; (, TRAILE'! I' liCENSE NO, /" r I /- v!i~,--~ ~- /~I NO -/ v ~. - .J ~ , ~:¿·~' '...;~~þ:'~~~~~~:i>\., .' .. ' ----~ , / ~t:H(WtCAl ......:Tl W.AJtüc(I4.N'. ~': W()(,.HMAS: La ..'9"''"' '3. -":IS' 000II S>....... '00<1 I K_ City. CA NO: 132896 W£ICõMMUTtR C(1I7"1CA T[ nolo '" Ie ~...., _ ... f_/no ...~ c~ ... ........... ........ecf. .,. cOW\f.cI: by . W£ICHIIASTD. -. .......... Ie ... ..... ¡ c."'/IeGI.. _ 10 . _......4 0"-" 01 ..cur....,.. .. ,.- toy CHArT[1I 7 (c_-... ... . 12700) of __ 5 01 lito Colli....... eo..- & "'.I.loionl Co<Io, "''''''''1'.''' ..... .. Øh4aIon ., ..eo....'.~"' "eNOrdl 0' CotH......., OItpG"",.n' 0' rood ..... At-",·· -- J/ -~//' .(' "(~"~h::.~ ....., I .-:) ;j' Ò' .~. ?, -. ....,' .. ~..r ~,-- . "-'"":-;~'~:: ......_._~"""---- - ',' ~ . ~'::: . . - - ~ :,:-..'.~~ ._..~,'~, <;i7]7/ J I 719- See Ins!ructions on back ot poge 6. _tOle- ")1 ·~=";I""\''''''''-;;:'''v,''''!''''''''~'''''! ,.-::.......,.,... :. ;".'" o V', V'> "- N V'> <X1! g ':::JI ~, ..-1 ,5 i ,XJ ~-¡ '"'0z '7°1 --- ~ '::) j I 'X) zl ~ J') :¡: , ... , ~ G N E 0 N co E co ;;¡ R 6\ Á 1 T ~I 0 R Xi 31 '..); ~I ~I "'I ~ ~ ~: Z' Q! _, ~i z. ..... \ .....! ~j ~ 1 :ñ ~: :,. ži . ~ ~ ~ -:: --- F ::: A C I l I ~ , y I 2 Pogo \ I or I 101 I A. Scar. Monil.lI Oocu_ N-o.. 9 8 0 7 4 3 81 a. ~ Gene'OIOI', 10 " " ; ~ t' ;;., .. ~I/(.": ...,µe*' I~' 0.00''''''."' ðt "':J.( ..>Jt¡..,f1",.... ~O( ·omp,.,, ') _UI iQrn '1 ''';O',"Qllon '" '1'\. \¡"'O(j~Q 11.f)\ 15 not '.qu.rarc b... 'ea"'t]1 !Qw .?f7-020. . _..";'~~~:.A::~~~~ ~ , SIaIa _ ,~~ s.a..- ,1MJOIher - I .-.:~:~ .. .õf';. ~ ,~.-- ~,... ,.......J ':.' ,~... " ~"f" c.(,/"I.'o',:,· . .~ :PA \D~ M01'\lt." Document N? .... ~ ~;" -r.~~';';."-: UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST Ie LOO o I Ori 16 I 9 I ¡8!7:-I 16 GENfR~TOR'S CfRnfICAnON: i hereby decJare that the conten"~; thlt con,ígnmen' are fully and accvroteJy de1cri.bed above by proper ,hipping nome and ore cÎoud,eO ;:)ocied. "norked ana \obejed. ond are In 011 resp.ch In proper condition tor rronsport by highway accordin9 to applicable In'erMorlo"ol ond .,ottonol government -e-gu orlon~ I ¡ 9 D',oeponcy lI"IchCOhon .spoce Month :;.cy Yeor ::;enerQfor ,. Nome ond Mo ¡l"tg Addre" PICK 2120 YOUR PART S. UNION AVE, BAKERSFIELD, 650-0444 CA 93307 · G~n~ra'cr' Phon. I 56 2 I T fontporter 1 Company Nome ó US EPA ID Numb~, c. l ' L"'-- l I ,~,~,:~.~ c~~oa~Y~~ ~ :ð ~^G C A-! 12J.ÛJ:c3..L v t .t 3.. :0 1 'JS :P.ð. D ·~...f!"c"'r E, ~ ::>e11gnoted Foc"ity Nome and 5Ît. Address CHEMICAL 35251 OLD WASTE MANAGEMENT SKYLINE ROAD 11 o NON RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE SOLID (SOIL WITH DIESEL) b. c. .' .. .-;.:\:' ':..;..-.' ,;-01' . '::, .~';..' ..-!'; :-:.~/?;~~ , ' ;... ~~~;)'~~~7&:~.:ifi, ~' -- :;--t .~~-?l~ e. I 01 ":::.orOO\J~ ....,c·,,· Þ"'("~C, DO N ",,: BonA :., ç~, 'A 8700-22 Whit. To' t. TSDf SENCS THIS copy TO DrSC WITI-'IN JO P':> 8<>. 3000 Soocr"m.~'" CA 958!' - .,,' -.. . ~ "'E!'-".:. _.,.¡, ::..r --'--._.-~_. ..---..----------------.-- --.--....----" ;¡.': !L ~~oss 1:"7 Pili 1)8,'13.'93 'ARE ~(T: 2:18 PM 08/13/9<3 Y AROAC£: - -- :-:~t.RA-;"Dk " .' , S33E.o 1 b 31320 Ib -- -_.--~._--- - - ..-------- ~~~~~..:~.:i~_~~~£ ~. r .;-., -. o£P"n w£lc.....SrfP } t il·Ef--,'· ,'-...-\.... '-- " iZll 15.66 -1j' , / / -- f .. . ..-...- .. . 'I(i,/' /J -r ,.'- ,.--, -;r -: / ';PRor'Lf NO, 'I.4ANlfrST l.. , / ./ !RACTQ.R LICENSE '10. . ~-..-- /.:/--/ ; / /' - './ J . ?'J// ' / ¿I~ //( /v ",,,/ tl._ '-, /, /¿ ,'/' 'j :.. / -.,...... ,. LICENSE ,.., ~/~r (,.,: í-' _. - ,%fir ,/' NO, ':~'1' ~/ . '.'" .'. ~.... ..~. ...... J _~... . ~~ "....~..'! ..., ..: l~c"'C'WV:.~ .....~.~ IIÙ....AC(~.- ..,. l ''It(.t\W,,SI ~~ ..'9"'.. ~ 151S1 <Mol "'...... I_ I K_c:;....CA NO: ,132880 : .~ "ICòMMASTDt C£1IT1IlCA'1 I "'" .. .. e..ø, _ ... f......... Mocll_ I ~ ... ......... ............. ., count.'" ~ . ~ .... ...- Ie ... ..... ~lIcat.. _ Ie . -""" -Ity 01 I _racy. .... __ ..., CHAI"ItJ! 7 (-""'" .... 111100) 01 _ S 0' I ... CaØf.... ......... A: "0'_ CocIo. _nht_ by .... DtootoIM 01 _.men' Ste__ .1 ColI_ ~_ of rood ! ond "9rlclJllulo. I ..- ./ ----- .-' L ,- '---_ ·~:L /;v' ./ îk·· .1j'. r.-J ( I \ ¡ i '- '/ " .'" ". ." "~-.:....:..~ ;. ..~~~...., JI,-. __~ o· .~...~.~. ,.. _.' ".-"''.O\o':¡'" ¡:,: . ~,,:~ .,.",_. ;;1, '.-- . '..... L - (:, c¡ Sl'ç¿'Zçç- 1- ~<t /Þv(J /'/73 See Instrunrcns ::>n bock of pcge 6. :'~pa"'me"f Of :0...( -; ..r..,!r:r'( ~', Sacramen,o ',)! ;'':''~'' ;: .:: ,~~ ,. ...... ',- ~. =,....' ·~r 9(7 ;8: ì ..¡ I 2 P~'1~! I ! 7- I {of ( I Slot. Manif.st Document Number ~njorlTlo')on In !h. \nodeo '1~"':n 0' no' reo.ulred by Fed~,o¡ 10.... RM HAZARDOUS ;re MANlfES;: ':"<t'",'!f')to, " ·..:S 6":. 0 "-.0 IcAL; 00 ;0 I ~4 :6 ,~~I""e\t Ot')(\.~me!'\! NO ~CRA HAZARDOUS WASTE SOLID (SOIL WITH DIESEL) CA 93307 ,/ ¡ r- IA B. Star. Gen.,ator'I ID 98074382 jam. and Modt"q Adoreu -;:), ,",\ YOUR PART S. UNION AVE, BAKERSFIELD, 'on. I 5 6 2 I 6 50- 044 4 " ~i ,¡') ::)moo"Y' Name ó US EPA 'D ~",mb., ::: ~, l-:~' ::~.=o!. -'0"-" , J ~ 'CA-i Pi':; ~i ,)':,,: . . '< ~éf .IS ::' ~ ;: " ,""'0'-' ; E Sto.. íronJpor,.r's « :,.J- ::0 ~. ........Z' =.: ~'i· --- =: «¡ :::) '..J : :O§: -7)Ë: ~I G ,.:..¡; E 01 N ~I E "': R ~' A T :0, 0 R :Iiiry Nome ond $11. Addreu 10. US EPA 10 Numb." F. G, :AL WASTE MANAGEMENT OLD SKYLINE ROAD ::' ~ .:01", sa.... .. -.. . ...... ".r· f!lA/OhI - ,~. ..... ~ OJ -~., . ¡,~{~~~~~~~ -~t'...:--,.~,,-~.:#~~:.,,-..-. ~,:,:' ,. =.: -' z: ..; , "'" "" MateriaIo UiIed ~. ~I ~ :ñì ..;' :.::, < z¡ Q) . .'. ",pOw -, :-' ''':w·,'~·::i-;...~<:·"-?,,,: F I L E' #f'Á 2 4 6~.:·:;:~#· ---. ,,'-"" "~,-, -'::';~::~:~~~ " < < n - .::. -:0 - "- -, --: F :: A C I :ERT1ftCATlON: ; "'ereoy declare thot the contents at rr.IJ cons'9nrnenr -::re tun..,. and accuratelY descrlMd oDolfe by proper ,hipping nome ana ore daulfied, pocked. ~Iea. OliO ~re if" .:11 (~Joe<:ts in proper condition tor trOMoor1 by h'ghwoy according to o~o¡icQb¡e Internahonal ond notional government regyiation,. ::: ) I 5'9no"". I I ,'/ /. ..- ~ '" :"'01"1 Soo{e ./ - ..>.IIt.., ,'t ',: ia: .~:.; .E~D~ '"S Cc?y TO DTSC WHH!N · 0 >..,. !I'p() ~t, ~:--ft'" ;~. 't;~.n.P :,~ :".)'- . :. - ~ - - .. ~ ~ -'i'~ "... . - --- ~_._--~-,._--- . .. . . .,.. . , '~t:H("'C.AL ....ST[ ....~wt.H!. M(. ! III'{JQ....~TU _..., .' UD' Old "'..... 1_ ~C '.u. !,.:..;...---;.:..; ~ :-ill C 0101 1010:; 1 1;' MA:"Þ.PDÇ··.)~~_·J. i " ..0: 132884 'i WOGMu.STtIl C(lITontJ,T( "* ..' Ie c..-.., _ ... ,.......... ..__ ~ ... ......... ............... ., coun,ed .., . W[ICMMASTØ. "'- ......... 10 ... .... ~.. - .. . ~ ...-.., .f _. .. __ .,. CMAl'TPI 7 (-odftt - 112700) ., ~ S ., .. Cell'.... ......... . ".,_ '-. _...._ .., ... CIhIIIeA ., __I ___ .f C4f_ ~ .f f_ _ A9oic,,"u,.. . . ~~OSS 1=5-f PII œ.·'I3199 88180 1 b +t. og-- TARE i -.rT: 2:21 PII.OSI13199 DØ) Ib 1&.10 ~A...J><:' ~7~ ~ :;; !p~o.;u NO I L/ ".- YAROACE' - -- )RAC"OR LICENSE. J:!.' ¡ . / ,c=.: ..-i :'';; . " ''''f,''' ¡(,;:,:::-, " ' . '.~':::."T..,~ ..... , ( I I ...,/~C /J .J., __ / /' ..~,.".~.~·¿·IJ,. , , ,/ , ,,,,,' ,5 // ~/F/ I -' tiLl 1/ ,/~J Jf;? .-, ..... 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I 5 6 2 J 6 5 0 - 04 4 4 98074383 93307 a, Stole Ge<>er.....r'. \0 Tran1ooorte, \ (o""pony Nome 6 US EPA ID Nvmbe, c. ~,~~íL,T::<-l , (j-:r "-<-- : CA- ~P!O ~).3 ù û I ..;"'~ 'iy 0, JS EPA :0 ',~ ~~~. ! e. Src,. TroniØOrter', I ~ô¿ý, S'e~t9note~ =:Jci,t'V /\.¡ome oncj S:!e Addrou CHEMICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT 35251 OLD SKYLINE ROAD KETTLEMAN CITY, CA 93239 f, T.....IfIOrirII'. P!Ioa. G. . A TO: a! 06 i 4 ~ 61 I 1 11 US DOT Descrrption linclvding Proper Shipping Nom.. Hazard Clo.., ond ID Nvmber) 12, No, 0, RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE (SOIL WITH DIESEL) SOLID NON b, . 6 GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: ¡ hereby d~ro!'~ that the contenh of mi, cOniì9nm~nt ore ~i!.,. end oc::uroteiy oeiCrlbed ooove oy øroper sr,ipplng "IOtne and or. ~oul.f,ed, poC'eci. "':"\cr.ed, ,Jno ìooeled. and or. In 011 respects In proper condìtion for !Tontpon by highway oc::ording to appìlcooì. rnternotionoì and notionol 9~men' reguÎat10ns ¡f I cm ~ ·orge :Jl,¡cr' "'~' ;~era~:')r ! certify that ¡ ~a"'e Q program in ;:IIoe8 fo reduce the ...o,ume and rOXt' :>~achccore ~nd ~¡,o: "'cye "I.'!'!e'("~ec rhf! Droc'lcabi,.. jethod of treatment, ,'oroge, or a"POtor ~ e,...rJy 0 ::"'0 °he en""ro,.,mel"'1 :¡:, ,f' c:'"" :< ~moi! Q\Jc;;¢YA~,...~rotor, ~ hc"'. :T\c:d. 0 ;ood huth eO< ,~o Inl e "'oIc"coie to -'e ;Jnc ~~=t i can on .. '/ of V>IO"I generated to the degree' ...c...... óetennl"'9CÍ to be !KOfIOtflICoil" o\Í"c e .....hlch ~'tInrm :Z" the pre...-:' :Jno rvtvrl "'reer ro human neol"" ....0 e generation ond seìðCt the ~s,' -ou. ma~fTI.nt method thot 110 ¡ , . S p a '8 ~ Pr'n"'Q'1'~pe¿ Nom~ ~ i e IO¡?¿¡ Day ;~b¡ I ¡3iG} . , ¡ Signature ~ Day '<eo~ 1 i ... :·~.:~eocr(\-" i"'c'C'::r'::;r-. Spoce "-- F A C I l I (.~ y W\.!fll!' 10 TSDf SENDS THIS C:)f' 10 DTSC W:n'¡IN JC CAvS P 0, 80' 3000. 50cr_'o, CÞ. 9~812 . '.':i.' ...: ~., .~';..' .' .. '. ~ :... ,. : ~A 8700-22 ~ +3':: a02::A ,.4. Ç-;"¡ , ,",.;~ .. :~".."'I' -~.- " ~,:.::: : __"; _ ::.'1: COw~C[¡ ..., -":A~~~~.~..L --¡,..."' _ 6""- :-,,--'-~ 4 ..., . . - - ., . ~ROS: :.:2(, PfIJ 08/13.·'93 33:tG 1 b iL&: /i .: '- i , TAPE 1:59 Pti 00/1'3/99 2S3iO 1 b H.17 , "(T: rAR:'Å~¿ - -- ---- S/ /3/?',ç - . ; j / ," ".:'" . ~ ."'"-. Jf)J/ .... 1'L "" / ~ í ; . ;Ý// ,6/; é¿::4/' !~,:...[..tt::Al _..'sf[ aüJlU.(..(.-l....1 ...( , . N(ilÄtWA~H.R ..;g".d J' I 3SU\ ow Sk...... I_d 1_ C;Iy, ÇJ. NO: r132874 i wtlGHWASTU c( rrrnc.& 'It I TIIIo .: .. ._ty _ ... lellewM9 dncribed cemmecØty ... .......... ............,. .,. co",...et ~ . wtlCHalASTn. _ .......... Ie 011 thI. ._,-. - .. . ACe9....... ..-..., 01 , eocur.cy, .. -- I>f CI4""tll 7 I <__.ø... _ 112700) III DIoIoIon S of ... ~ ...... . "'~_ (eM. _110"''' ~ .... DMIIen ~ __I St._"," .1 CoIIf_ ~I .1 r_ I .""' ...110........ ' ._., , .. ., / I' ,'/ /: / ',// , / ~~/:.b/ ./ "..~.,,,...-';....", " ~:f' -: . C.J 1.<,: ...:........:...< ".;; ;,.i..:....:::...__ '. . . ... ...d".~".~..~ :X':"st-d-... ""., " .... ';.1 ··'·~~~·.~'"'w~~...~.J~~1:- ~:~' "'".~i..:~ '1;~~. ..,.'.:¡~.~~,\"',., . .~"~... ,,4A-.':';:.Jii.~ii._. :'~·"0~..§:~<.~.....>.:... ~I 'J')I ~I ~I 81 ,X) I ~I ':1"Ui X)~¡ Y)zi ~~I -- -' ~ :::)u :O~ nË ~ G ("oj E 0 N <:0 E co ~ R N A ~ ~ T '~ :::> 0 0::> R ::>::: ~. ,....1 ZI ::;! w I/) Z ° Q.. <./') W ox -' . <1:1 ~! ZI wi :::1 ~I ~, ~·I :î: <.f}1 ;xl °1 >-, ~, Z¡ UJ :.) : ::x: , :...u; ~: wi ...., °1 ~I ~: '..)1 I F ?;! A c I l I T Y ._. ,;":,,.. ';~;:"''''''ê.''''''''''''''~' ;·':'.('~I"" .1~~",...., ~5j J4:e 'ntuto{S'tn~f page 6. -.....0<"1'.-....."...... -, , ' ~O{rQ(rIp"IO ;101',' .---------- UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANifEST 1 J~"'.rOfOI \ 'J':: EÇA C. "..J, ¡'\tOI"I'T\Of!O!'\ If' ''''e \P'1.Q.JI!O l' ,.,~ \ 1\ n~t reqult.d by 'eÓIPlo! 'D_ Mo!'\,te\' 2'O<>Jmen! No P"J14! I , 8: I .ý : ) ¡ C.a: ,L i ob ,0 0'4 ,6 19'7 98074384 :je"efaror \ ~~omt' '::f'10 Mor1I1'\9 A:j"ren PICK YOUR PART 2120 S. UNION AVE, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 · ~ene'?lor' Phcr,. , 56 2 I 6 5 0 - 044 4 8. SIole Generalor·, ID o. Trol"Iporter J Compony Nom. 6 US EPA ID Number c. L"-hUL- ( ¡¡~ I.. I' 'if .,,"...,._,,..,,~þ. ! -<--"'0" ,"J,..._. ~ ,-.. -. .. -. .... " ,,,,,,,,, D, 1 ran.pon.r', 319- ()?-~ IC',4 'l) û'8 !)' IL"u'3'¿ f7 ~ .. ': €PA, c: .....vmt)~. E. Sfot~ r ra'1~øort'8r" ~ )es. g"~led t:;¡(: :II'"( 'tryme 0"0 Si~e Address 10. US EPA ID N"",b..r CHEMICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT 35251 OLD SKYLINE ROAD J 1 US DOT De,,"pl'Qn lincluding P'oper Shipping Nome. Hazord Clou, ond ID N..mberJ Containers 'la, Type 13 10/01 o..o..tity NON RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE SOLID (SOIL WITH DIESEL) b. c, ~w 4/"~"" -~¿.,:::" ,:,>..'~ ¡~~~~:CC:;i~~i C~¡~~~: .'- -. -' :~. ~;'~:t' ~;:¿~%~~.f.y . / ' .! ; 6 GENERATO AnON: ¡ ;'ereby declare that rh. C'O"~"" of this CQnSIC~nm.nt or. ivlly ~nd accurate!'" described above by proper ,hlc~lng nome and are classIT,e-C. oCCkl!!'d ,.,cr.ec ,Jnd ;o::>ele-c :r"!d ore :f' :;d resøecrs In proper condition ;or tran,oorr by ~lghWQy according to oppltcable ,nternotronai Qnd nOtlonel government reguiatlo"," "f I em 0 iorge :;¡uc~~''V generator ::emry trlot hoye 0 program In 0/0'1 to re-dvce the vOlum. and '0;1(1' cJ went. neraled Fa the d~ree ho\. determined '0 be eco"omlc:Jdy proctlcoo¡e one 'nor "c...e )e,t'C'e--:: '~e practicable method of treotmenr "oroge or dlspOsol rrenrly ov~- 0 m whIch minimize, the :)retenr and h,¡'vr. rhreot '0 ;'lJrTlon Ì1ecln"', ond the er....lfonme..· :~ Y! QI't = ~mQlL IJC ~.~ generator J nove mooe a gooo faith ort t mini . J" on generation and Jelecf "f'1. bet' ......OS,. monogemeM ""ethoa tho! I' evadable to me ono "',0· ( :.on I'd / / ! Signo'ure , Doy I 10 D·!.Creoanc'f :nd.C:J!'c:'" 50ccI!I :>TSC 8022,4 (A/O:-; ÔP,4 8700-22 Vh,·. To 'SDF ,¡"<DS ;,- S -=:OP'I TO ) 0 do.. 1C.':0. j.:- :r")iT'f:\fO. o)!SC -"'r¡..,,,- :.A '~e,:: ;~; .ë. .. ,-.~ ..,... ..;.o¡¡'......: .. -¡¿"j . "'~~~' ," ,. . ',~"\l7:' ,.' ..(, ,~". --'-~-_._-. ~~_...::-=_._.~:... ~ ~I~ :;"os: 1 :5: F'II 08.13.'99 88%0 ¡ b i I \ TARE I ~(1: 2=2'" PI! O&J13/9~ 32280 1 b ! YARDACe. G~~t."(¡·';t'( RAe --// , , , ,',,''""1 / C .- '.':':'//C7 / /' /' t#!:-/ /~ / - ~ ;;, _~.-W ø / / ~d::f"l/ ,/ ~ ~/ ··1 - "","'Mj,,'i;~,." .. "(";;_.:.~~ ÇQ"' o¡ ~:;j". ~.....:~~....a¡ . ..... ,.... -. . .J'.{). - ¡;', J£7UT ...(lC~""'ST£R H.~ .~(;/ 6.H-\~V{¿( --- o \...; .......-:::' ,. :PfiM"~£ NO , ¿/ ICENSE NO, oJ- - - Il/ ./ -;;". ..,ø.- ._ ~..:'...<t._ .~~\":fI:.~ ...'. 1-,.;/~ ~~~~. . .\. !..; ·~(H(W1CAL .,,::~[ aullU~l...(·· -r.c"uuSf(. ....O'...d ~. , ~2)I Old \....... '_ " '\ K_ c;~. c. ~o: 132882 i -" W£ICHWUTU c£IfI,nu'( : fl... II .. cw*fy _ ... f.ø..lnt ....."bed I c~ ... ......... ".....,...... .... co"",'.d ~ . w£lCH!ruSrrl. __ ..._ 10 011 IN. oortl1_. ..... .. . _nl.... ~ .1 oocurocy, .. ...._ by 0<""£11 7 (c-mencIn ."" I 12700) 01 0MNt0 5 or I 11M Call,....... .......... ." ".'_1 C_. M""nIIf_ ~ .... _ .' __", ~"'" .1 Co.f_ o.p.,,_ 01 r_ _ AOrlcull~I.. ! .- 1. -. .-- / / / /<1 I ~.. / ..' . . /,... ,/:~, 'f. ~/( ~...A ; .r) (,( ,/' / , \ .·\i.~;~ .)<- . - . - "\,." .~.. íi.:.... '--:'. . '. . -.....,. ~...,.t¡,..ç~1:<-...' _,~~,'::æJ.:; ¡. 0 ""' '" ,.... N '" :0 '""' ,5 :0 , ::::¡ n3: :0 «'1 Y') z i ~õl ;31 "Dz 'J)x .... 3 G N E 0 N co E CD ~ R N A ~ 0 T 0 0 CD R co: w .... Z ..... v w V) Z 0 Q.. 0.1) w "" < z 0 ¡:: « z w I .... ~ -' « v, 1 ........1 ~i 0:1 <.1')1 ""I 01 >- 1 v: z: w 0; "" 1 :"...,1 ~I ~I <.1')1 <: VI 1 F ~ A C I l 1 T y . , ~ - ~ .... 'I ~" :. :.. -. , <..~%~ J f_, . ! --- ee 1n\tructlons on COCK of poge 6, _..~,,: -- ..~. -.., .>:.. ~r ..,;......J ~ '..>' ..: . '. ...:.: ',1:':: ~ ~ ::" "". ": '..... J#!", 7"'!'] 'or \J1f' ~r '!" .~ ',:... il!'" , "'. .·':((0...··1"·'·, __._~_..u__ UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST ¡ J Generator's us EPA 10 ,,~') I . ICA iL ¡OO 0 :O¡:i ;6 "7"0-==-=-'--------------___ ________ Mon';~lol :>o<ument No '2 Page I ! jn~orm,,=, 'l' "Ihf' \hoa'!'J 'JI"'" \ I' not '..,.. 'e-d b-r ft"j~'a\ t.}.... I I ... of / 1. i.. 5fQtw Mot'tf.'1 Document Number 9 8 ¡ )1 97 :8 i l' GenerOfor 1 Nome and MOiling AOdreu 74385 PICK 2120 YOUR PART S. UNION AVE, BAKERSFIELD, 65 0444 J 93307 CA I, 510.. <>.n.'olol·' ID .t Generotor') Phone I 562' Tronsoon.r , Company Nome 6, US EPA ID Nvmbe, c. D. Tronsportet'. Phone iDlð!~ !j"iO:¿;/1! (.:'i 1<1 '0 ~'I.1-'~r j E. S'ot. T ron'OOf'te,.', 10 b. DeSlgnc:ed rocdity Nome and Sit. Address CHEMICAL 35251 OLD WASTE MANAGEMENT SKYLINE ROAD H. . Phone ':.. ,...""~ ' ....... ..".". -. J . ..- .....,: ..'-,"."~ ~->U,_, , . ." ...~~ " ,-:.:--~'; ........!~.':"..,.-;;< '. ",,'.. ----.,.;' ':" 111, US DOT o.,«iplion ¡including p,C>pe' Shipping No..... Hozord Clou. and ID Nvmberl ~ NON HAZARDOUS WASTE DIESEL) SOLID RCRA (SOIL WITH c, ,:.- s.a., ..:1.::-..: d. EPA/o;.., - -, - :";;.~' ->~~: ..;}~ ~.~~ --~«; . .,.' .·~:t::'~~k-'~~~' '.' "7;::. : -~. ::=- : . .~,... . '" ~..:':'5:;':;' . '~t-~..~. ':-';.' - Co .... .....-1'.. .,. 16 G£NE'R..A.10R'S C£RT1fKATION: : hereby declare thot »,e contenh of this cons'9"men, ore hJHy ond occvr:::rety descrIbed above by proper ,hipping nome Or"lC cr. classified. pOckec mOrle-ð. and labeled. ond or. in aU respects in proper condition for rronsport by highway according to ocpiicob1e International and narlonal governmenl ·~uiotions. , os:e ge"'eroTlon anO ~elecl 'he be,,' .....(Hte Tlonogemen, IT'Ierhoo 'hOI Monltt Day I . eo' ì 9 D,!¡..:~&oonc'Y indicotlon Sooce I DO NOT ~. (f ,. w~,'" To 'SOf SENDS THIS COP'"' TC :TSC WI,"'IN PO 80a JOOO, Socramento::A. 958': DTSC 8022A 1.:9'1 EP" 8700-22 I. ." t ., CM(WtC~ W.a..S1'( WÃN.AG(Wl"~ ...... wt1GJ.ol...."~H~ ...gn.d ~. I »UI 014 ~yII... ..... (_CI....CA 132871 ~~..1__;~, ~~.~ ;¿u¡; ~~:~!':~,t2:':"~~~~LL ~ - . .. . ,/ r OE PUT f f .. ... ...... ¡ CROSS I t 1::[ LYARDACE: 1 :21 PAl os. '13/99 ai320 1 t· i2.1.C"' { ~ /{' /' .- ~ ¡CEN E NO, W(!Q4W.\STU Crll1lF1CATt rllft .. .. ......., _ .... f~ __ c."...,.,.., ... .......... ~. ., coun"d -, . WDCIWASTDI. __ ........... Ie OIl _ .-floo'" _ .. . ......,... .-w, 01 _. eo ,.__ by C!W'TU 7 (.~ .... 112700) .1 ~ 5 of ... CoUt...... ........ a "01_ CMo. _.._ ~ .... DIwIùoII ., _......meftl __ of Cdf_ ~_ of r.... _ Attlc""uro. 1: 67 ?II 08/13/99 30320 1 b 15.16 tG[NERA 'T'-,~ /. ~ 7'" -'-,-~ /- /' ,..-' PIO- L [ NO, ;" ........ ,/ I TRAILER N2 --- . / ' ,--;:;:. '. //~/~/ > -1/ I / /,,' Y :-.~ ,../"-. J HAr./ ~~ ,r-~'-r-' I~ .-' . , '1. f . , " ' ... ~i '".-J , .-ý//I ø///Ø/ ......;..:'.~'t, .' 1.......·Ò"t,,, ,.J1 ~..~.....:.:~'";\.~~~ . '-' . '..' ,: . "-. .... . '-, ' .' -"."...... .. . ,....>.:.L".·m'.·.--'~.· .iIìi."~"~."-~." ,.."""...,,:_,., . ~.-" , .. ,......... '... '. ......" ',._..,...".....,~.' ....... ~............ '-'("'~'H'Jo." .'.. -"... '.. . , .. "...'..._' .~-......,'-', , ",","'-'. ',..wa...~..~õì!r, ~. '.' .¡., . ,- '" .- = - < 1....0 '~ Xs ,"""""'= o;:j"~ r-~ 0'-', OO~ OJ::: ~I "" < ~, ~ ::::: <, ~ < . ~ '" =. ~ :¿ -= ~ < ·Q.1)'o-o:.n....' onm."to\ ,.'ote<.hon "'qel1('1 ....: ~....~ ~.,? :,~,~rJ_.'jr.'JQ 'f'r."~·, ~ :r )..;; See Instructions on bock of poge 6. ~......, :~'.'f1"'~~ 'r:r ¡~~ ,-1" ". 'f'! :-,>1(..... ".-r" ....'oI~' .,~, ' J~''''' ' - -+------_._---- ---.------..--.--------.---- ----- UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIF.EST 1 ¡ ~en.(oto', u.S EPA :0 ~,¡c y.;'r'1"~\' ~~o,::..m,.n' "U", "·-:r-O'IO" .n '''1' ,r '. :......; J"" ;;'.0: ',a . ........ 'eovlr.d by '"f'-;~'-:;' J- C.r\ L P a ~ p 4 691 8 7 ...¡ · J ! fj ,0 (.,' ( :'enerOfor 1. Nome and MOiling. Add,." 'A. Slalll Man,lest Ooev<nent N~_ 98074386 PICK 2120 YOUR PART S. UNION AVE, BAKERSFIELD, 56~ 650-0444 93307 CA e s_ GeneraloJ" 10 J Senerotor's phone ¡ Tro"'pot'ter Company Name 6. US EPA 10 Number .. ~'. c. :::: L ,0 Tran'~r', P!.ane 3?f-ózy :t',¡5 l (j.;' '1.4 I"~ I ¡ E. !>tcte T fOn\portv' \ :D T ran"""'..." pnoo. ? Ge~lgnou~ö QCI I eo " 35251 OLD KETTLEMAN SKYLINE ROAD CITY, CA 93239 CLLr H. FOCil~.. ~ ;.::- :~N~.¡;;!~.: ,',;"-;"-,,'" ..~.;.;",,;; , .., ,~,?:', . 13. Tolal ¿ Unit Ouonlity WtlVoJì! w.;;;. H..mò.r " US DOT Descropl;an (;nclud;ng Proper 5h;ppíng Name, Hazard Clau, and 10 N"mberJ "NON RCRA (SOIL HAZARDOUS WASTE WITH DIESEL) SOLID :;¡ G E Nt E R A T o R EPAJOII- -'- b, '"' '"' ,..., .' - - - s.... ':"" /. - EPA/Otn« ....~ I I o-~y.~~~~._ ,~~~~' ~:?.~_., _;~~:~,:~:~f!..~&f~~~ 2468 . .,~ ~.' " ..-"'. ._.~".. "." ...., !. u. .~··:¥~f~~)~:~:-:::~~~Š#:?7~~~~~;-o~S~~: '.. "' I :-!E{j"*"':;¡~'~':o"- ~~ .' ,r.~:?:;',;'f'v'" ~- ' ::.,., r?-;¡~.~',..-' d...:. .' ~---'..:. ..... :x _0, Co" z.·,.; . " ....~~; .. ~ 6 GENERATOR'S CERnFtCAnON: I hereby declcre that the cont8nh 01 this conSl(3"ment ore fvHv and accurately de~cr;bed above by proper s¡.,.g~::lIn9 no",," 2r'Jd ore clossllied ooáe-o .."ar.ed. and labeled. and are In aU re!tpech In creper condilion for tfon\port by hig¡'wo'f ~c:ording '0 ::Jcpiltob1e International end "Iot101"¡01 gov.r.....!"'"...,' -e-gvlofton). ~ ........cter·ol\ .. "J1"'.~ooner 2 A,clt.:,,:o..,...i.doemen, of Re<:P101 0; Mctenoh :>"~feCJ!Typeo Name i Signature Vcr I Man'" "'~or F A C I l DI\cre-ponc)' Ind'lcot.on 'Space vV h. ~e TO :5Cf :,E"4:::S '~:S C:,:..;· .; "';:.... ;" -"T<" - ";t.;)I,... ~ ~)C aC2¿A \4/971 :=A B"JO~:: PO Bo.. 3000, Sacra"...."..,. CA 958: : ...:-~~""... -:,.,",.. ' "-:"'::J "AÇ( "'4C"''I'. fARD.ACL - -- ~::'~: ;........-:: ':' ~A'~ -:;;' _ - - -- - --- - --- -----~- - !.'\, . ,_ . 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'D ~ c. . \ Jlf1. O:2<1~ , E StOl. TrantQOrler', ID i r ronspøner, Phone If !G, r YOUR PART S. UNION AVE I BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 ;ne ( 6, US EPA 'D ~, ~.2:~~. L: ') --L-r~ 'CIA ~JO cl)!c..1 '~. -~"':' - dry Name cnd Site Addre" ~c :JSE~~ C,'..~·ber =CAL WASTE MANAGEMENT OLD SKYLINE ROAD , :,.'-":.:~{;(~~ 1., Unit WINo! ::- 13, Total Quantity :F:otiol" (including Proper ShIpping Nom., Hazard C10h. and ID Ittr.Ivmb.r! KCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE SOLID (SOIL WITH DIESEL) -'....._. ·B,.~_:~:~ .::(";. ?ROFILE #6 2468-' 0. I" __~:;.,~"-:._,;~.:;~,,,;.~....~_~,.j;.',~.:~;::2· ',.,.." ~ :: - - - - ::~~~~;~.. . _, ;:. ~;a. _:-'. ,,-' ..... ~... '. .~~7;'~ ·r;~:: '-1IEi4:}; "- .. : ~ 5 CERTIFICÁ nON; ) nereo.,. oe<iore n,Ot ·¡'e ~ont~:'"'·~ '0; !h.\ C:O!"'\ on,.,...-. :Ire fvily and accurate..,. des.crloe-c ~Oo"'e Cy t:~,: oer snlcplng nome and or. dOH/fiea. pcckec ~ ccelec. c~d ore tI'\ oil u!:s.Qoe<.n In prOØ4!r ,onditiol' :or trans-POr'" ;.... - ;··.....0'1 according fO oppilcacie ·~te"-·OfIOt'lQ( Of'\O notlOt'lol government regulotion\. sre ;ene~afed ~Q ~e :egree hove defermlned to be econc~ (:::'1', o ."!'e ....nich mInimiZes. the pre1enl ona "-'tur. threat to human "leei'i-: c\fe ;¡enerot1on onc select Ihe oesl woue mal"logemenr method ....::. ~ ðl"~ . .~""e ¡ SigN:~..Ir. i Month Day ! Year ~C'C:::!,OI" Scoce .'" C' ::':'''' ;:'-.- ~- ...···i,('"::J.·,,-..- -:0' '0;0':""'0' ':!~ "IG:'ë::~,~C~\ "'~'~"Ol~ ::. ~.~-: :. ....,,'1 maf'"\(te~t fI..cer-1 C~ "'C:'~~ L·'·~J'\~c'tr- ¡V'I'r U S~WV\ c.Lf DO NOT WRITE BElOW THIS LINE. :êf}i /~3~5 \O......~,'f! :f ~~ ",cs .~'.: ,:op'!' :ç, OTS( ,^".7~IN ,J,.. ,~~ ÒOI ;.:oc Sc':~~r'r'.""O CA Q 58: ~ ,~ '~I-':'" ......~.- , .. A"E ~c ·':'~~AGt:. -. - -- y----_....-... '" ~ " -.:,. .- . ~.....:: -:- ~ - , _:~~ :.A-':l .~- 'J OS.'1:, '99 81520 It .II 08/13/9'3 w-w 1 b l, /' , 'I l- " ÇO~Mt)OITY' ~Å~APDOu$ ~J ~.- ~'O- o o iO·r-' \,-- 16.39 (~ ~; #!-/j (./~f .. ø// /~.,~;,tcl/ dl.:XJ7Ý ..~ ···~:·~7:~·.~~~;··"ë...:~~·-?: :,.,.~~ -' . ............,r;...,:';..... \ \ :~(I4(...CAL wJ.$1£ 1IÙ"'-4G.(Iof( I(~ "". , ! «(I(~,.nu,,~t(. .~ o. 3$1" OW ~ ._ \ I_O..,.U ~:' 132832 wtlCHMuru CUTII1CATI T"II .. .. c-tr _ ... ,~ _ c~ ... .......... ........,...¡. ~ c......; ~ 0 wtlCMwAS1D. _ .......... Ie _ _ " ..r1Illoo... _ II . ~_ -.....f , _....,. .. ~ ~ OW'Y[W 7 ' (c_-. ..... I '2100) ef _ , ., lie toIIf........ ......... . "0'"_ ~ __ ..,. IN ...- of _ $1._ ., Co.'_ ~_t .1 ,_ 0"11 ...rIc....ur.. 0, , ' '~I. (. 1( ; ,¡ - . -- _ (Ii_ _~; W. '-'~V:~~" ·A·;. " j :.:);-;. \ r "':""bt- .t'~',. '.:_;~':.' . .'.- ~~·r~ :~-. .~~ê~~..~:~-:~~.t.~~iQf~ßi;~ _.;;~~; .~~~~.:; ~~: / ..:: ~~¡:~~.~~ " ,~o::,,,,......,, ' _ ---- ~J ' - ." ,~ - < JI - I' ;< .....~ Z ::s:. 1"2 <1:, :)v J~¡ :JE' ~\ G ~; E 0' N CX) E 'J:)I ..., R - , ..., A -, T :is 0 R .:.: ...., ~, .:...' ",-" ~I Z! ;J 0..., V'>; ",-" XI ~I <1: z: 0\ ;:::: <' " V) ::s:. J -=. '":' "" ~ - .~ --=: , A ( . - - - - - - . , - (..-&'1 ..:>r5('¿::'S-~' 1- 39 /VJ¿??/3-j See In$trudions on bc(( of page 6. .' .. ,~,. ~.' :. ':"'...,. ~ . __ J,-.:.r =-:.. ";.1;' '-: ., ~, J'" \J}r~~'; ",' ,.': ;"'" 'f!' '.. ~OcrOM.· ''') ,';11;';"'" 0 .~----'-'--- ! 2 Dog" ¡ I Z ¡ J "I ( ! State Men,"'", Document Numb.. Mo"";e~' DO(J........· ""'40 I.. ::;~n~rQ'O" u:' E?A 'D I'Jo ·"'O'!'nC"~·O" 'n ltop .~,';'-:.,o I')'.'J', UNifORM HAZARDOUS'· WASTE MANIFEST " "01 'f!<'jt¡,r.d by ;~-::.~"I) '0"'" I ¡Cf\L lOP ,O! O~ 16 i 917 i8! 7: ,/1 ~ ·ï ( 1" i c. I , D. T ronlpor1er" PhocIe .Jt.:"~ ';'?f \ !"Jame fJl'\C Moti,nq Addrf!U YOUR PART S. UNION AVE, BAKERSFIELD I >-.,,".~, . P~on. I 562 i 650 - 0444 98074392 ?ICK 2120 CA 93307 S_ G.nerOIO<',ID I s"'''' T ronlpon.r' I 10 :", .,~\oo"er , Compony Nom. 6 US EPA ID Numb.r -'=-~~,~ (.:} . E. Stote r,on!po"""" ID =~<"g"':~~c Fa<¡ \ty Name anQ Site Addreu \ 0 US cPA 10 Numbe, CHEMICAL WA.STE 35251 OLD KETTLEMAN MANAGEMENT SKYLINE ROAD CITY A 13. Total Quantity ,)S DOT Oe,cription (including Prope' Shipping Nome, Hazard Clau. and 10 Number! C.o....aìn.rl No Type NON RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE SOLID (SOIL WITH DIESEL) . ~'":,_A~~ . --------.... / ...,:..;.... Deocriplionl lor ~I UsMd Above /, , PROFILE ~ A 2468 .- ";~~}¿:':~Oþ:T~<:,:'~~};~~~~;;~~ ~:'. .:... '..,. ~'- -,- ,-.- ,..-.;;.". "'~..¿..1:. ........."'.~. c.=, "'r',á...·~. . ·~~;··::~P\?{~_:>~ ~~~~:~~..~..:~,*§)~;._þ . ~~. .~, ~~~,.~~~~~......~. ,>"':' -~~ .~~~ A' .~. ;CI~C'O¡ Handling Instructions Qnd Additiona I GENERA TOt'S CERTIfiCATION: l hereby dedare thot the contenh of mls cons.ignment ore fully and OCturotei~ cie\c· :ed obo....e by proper \¡"'lpPlng nome and ore dou,tJeo =>onea. >. ::.~~= Jno labeled, cnd ,:,re In 011 re~pe<:ts In proper condition for transport by hlgnway occordil'\9 '0 applICab'e ~t.r"OhonQI and na"onal go....ernment re9u6ation~. .'; / ,re generated to »,e degree \ ~o""e deter"T'l'Med to be Konornlcoii~ -: -,f) whu~h m\nlm\Ie~ 'he pre!>en! :J!'\d future :hrt!01 tc "'.¥mon t'\ecHh c~.. gene-ratIO,., and ~e!e<t the be,' woste management -~"'od that IS _'C:" '-:eur '3 I ~ 1/ "'""It> :"O't' ~ear ····.:;:··er:: A(~no......'ecoemer:f ot ~ece'Dt or Ma,erlol, ;". "Ie>:: - ,oed Nome ! Signature I . "':"::::-:... (('\dic':)t,or. Spece , . '-. -=-~'!'. .';Ir :¡t)~·O·Q.. ".~:1r·o"". Jr 'e-::e,ol:;>; "c:~'dcu~ .'T1C~~',(:j~ ,~c~erf"C ~v ''''''\ ~C" ....,. t".-~t'~: ::~ ~çt"c ~. 'f ·.;-.':.....D~e ., {LQ..\l S0\ ,,~tl+- '.- S£" ¡' I CIL ( 5:¿/~ l "Î"'oe:;f DO NOT WRITE BElOW THIS LINE. ,6~cr /3 >,'i- W},,'t '0 '~0f SENDS ·HIS COpy '0 :;:sc WIT'" " o Q Bo ! :':C'O Socro'"f'nto CA 9.5812 ~:.~...-=_.~~ :.:.,....i ~.JJ: ......- ./'~ -. -is'. i::' 0';1=1£ d¡ ÇI'" ., ~ '~9 309iÜ Ib GROSS 0,. .. ..... .. O'3:S¡ UI 00113/9<3 Jœ+O Ib 15'. i7 TARE' NeT: YARDAGE >- -- .G~"l[RATOR i IoCAßI>-(~T_ IliAC ¡OR LICENSE )10, .c-- /" .'~. .~./ / ! /C_~ //ø ;./ 4Þ-' "' "/// /0// ç¿////~/fC// , ,u._-.L~~'~' '~- ,. -·.....,·P.;:ztr..· ~ p -~. -. .......... . . - . .' '''''-, .... COIIMODi ~'(, -"i..z.~91,.i.'.ì..,~ll DEPUTY W[lGHII"'STER /---- PRor.u NO .. ~ ¡ -~- d 15, -1 ./ 9 . ,,:"~.-'" ,-..--::;J- :~t:"(IrII1c.AJ.. -~~;;- ..uPU.C(W(~~--~: W()(i,H.....SIUl ......" 0' 1SUI OW S~..... hod K_ C;..,. tA NO: 132825 ! ; W[ØCIoIASTIII CUT,rJCA,T[ TIoIa .. .. ..." _ ... f-.,. ___ ~"::;T[i~'::'::" "';:~ ~ ~"-:: _Ileal.. _ .. . _....... ._.... .1 _rocy, a. ,..__ Þy 04""[11 7 C--Int -"". 12700) .1 Ohw- 5 .1 ... CoIIf,""" ...-.. It rlOl...Ion. c_. e4M1fth:tet'M by ttw 0htaI0ft .f ...o.ur..........t SIe_rd. .1 Call.....1a Cepe""'."' .1 'ood _ ~tIcultu... ----- .....,.v .~ . ,," '/. ' -", ' .~"'-~ ,. t. ~ ..' .....J. " .~ ~ r: J, 'C ~-;¿. '~? Ý ~'ì\' /" ! 7-/ " . ~ ~-- ~ ~.. /-., .,......... '--.-: - ~ " ~:,;.::~ t ,1;:/....~ ' ·,w'.·- '':-'~'~'~fr..~liJ''fr.:~'''''_ 0 ..... '-i') "- N '-i') CO oí C' '%J rrJ ~i ul I 0'") -; \0~1 ~21 1'-:::, 05\ : C:Oz "\ I OJÏ' ~ ~ N 0 co CD I ~I 0' ~i xi ~I ~¡ 0 Co.. II) W Q:: ....J < Z 0 ;:: < z wì :1 <1 ~-I ~; ~¡ <.1)1 Õ! >, ....' '- , ---" " ~; LoU¡ ~, WI ....., 0' wi <.1)1 <, u, ~¡ >:-:.~ -,r :-;r"'.'1-;"'-'··-:'''~f''''f''''! p...".......,..., .:. ;......, t...- - .:;, 7 ...) , t=.....,/(.."J ý See instructioru on bock of page 6, '.' .. ~ -'. (. ,.-....- . .. :...'.... /;~ ..,;...~...r. . "...' ...,.. .~...,... . UNIFORM HAZARQOUS WASTE MANIFEST c'eneroror " ¡j~ E PA iO ~tO ? ?'J~~ ·,.,'O''''r, I'r,.. p .~,. ~"I;':r'; ,\ r'l0' r.~,..,·~-:: :::.... ~...<::..., "; " ""01"""" :o("rT"I~n' "'ú;. I 81 ., ; ! CPo L 00 0 ~ 014 ,6 97 I 01 I :'enerolor\ Nome end Modlng Add,l!'u A. Stol. Montf.,t Do<vme"' Number 9807439' PICK YOUR PART 2120 S. UNION AVE I BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 J Gooo,Oto" Phone I 5 6 2 6 5 0 - 0 4 4 4 5 Transporter I Company Nom. 6 US EPA ID ""Uf'I'1b.r B. Stet'- G."ero,or· s 10 C. Sic", hon"",'..", ID i ! ,~~!±~-L~~¿~:(o k i 'J T,on,po'('(tt"1 ) SIOIe i rOr'lsOor"er', :D D 3~'1'ý, : E I -317 0 .h:./¡{~ 'T,,\(, 'C;-1:'D'u ;.;.)":..)i( ., ~)) :;>.ð, c.", -:,.~~ G E N E R A T o R (1 ,- 9 Df!1lgnGlted Focdity Nome ond Srte Addreu 1 I) uS EPA :D ~~IJ"",oer WASTE MANAGEMENT SKYLINE ROAD " us DOT Description ¡including Proper Shipping Nome. Hozard C¡as$ ~nd 10 Numbe'! 13, Total Quon'; 'Y ,- 14, Unit r- . W'/Vol I r. W_ Nvmo.. 's...." . ~i:A1/ft 1 1 ~ Q, NON RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE SOLID (SOIL WITH DIESEL) b. fa. , ¡ E1 A,lOther ¡ Slate I EPA,lOther ....... -"--..ot.i'~' FILF;-~i:A z~6å·,. ~ø" -:. ;.~;/~;~~~~·:Æ(~~it1·:·:f ..... ~ :\~~:'_f ~..-- '.,. ~~. +....,;.-. ...1'....· ;.. c. t.~<é;~ -: I .:$"." .::. . " .... ..... .- . < -7~ ~ .'! 'S CERTJFtCA .! hCHeby oeclor. that the cO"tenh 0; tht!l consIgnment ore fully and -:lccur::re!V described abo""e by proper shIPPing nome ond are c~osd'ed. DCCM!C , ano or. ,n oil rlnpe<tt In proper ,onOlrion tor trons.port by ht9f\;woy according to 'Joc(;coble 1f'\fernat!ottol and nOllonal goverT'lmenf reguiott~t R A . S P o R T E R ¡ , .: -S .- .' / Doy , MOf'tII v~.::. F A C I l 1 T y : 0 Di)ueponcy InOI(OIlO(; SOCCI 2G c~C-'I ry Own~r ~r voerctor Cr("~!CCI~o"", ',,)' ....-.. ::'?; ~c:::::1'·,:::::=,_,~ ""n'~"r::' '. -"'......é! ::-. .~ . ~~~.~e"\: ~..<:eç;· ":: -çoled n ,tltm Ç' \]dTD~~~ S~ ~~U\ ~j- VL~; ~ ~U1o. -I- - Monr!": )0.,. (~r /3S~ DO NOT WRITE óElOW THIS LINE. Drsc e022A ;" IQ'9! EPA 8700--¡: 7SDF Sf~OS 'r"I~ ~Cpv TO :';5': ;:¡ -:> :0.1 :C-00. Socromen,o C Å. ~ (.... ~. . ..., I ... , __....J.____IC-... ~~j -~-- -------------" -.-.------ ;;¡_~:..i :~r::M(W'lCA.L. .....Sf! ...AJU.c.(~["'.. ...r: I w[lCNwA.$Té;J! ......., .1 .J525' Old Sk,- ._ 11;_ City. U ç_~QQ!.T."!~ ..H.~z!:.~~';'¡t·:' .~_~_ :--=..r ~'. .-..... --4tÇ "11 . . .' "..Ð(PUTf W[ICHI.uST[R ( I . l/ ''f- rµ1(~ . "2.97 ( \, lS.78 GROSS J3:1f J.J¡¡ ';2,'1:.'33 ,3S?iO l~ NO: 132826 I TARE I I N(T: I Y ..RDACE, ....- I :~A,.- 1O:0~ III 08/13/99 W(lC;M .UT(R CCIITInc.& T[ .... "'.. .. ,. -..." _ .... ,-.... "..",j- --, .... .......... _. .. __'ocI ." . wtlCHllASTD. ....M ..-.... Ie Oft _ _0111'*,.. ...... 10 . ,..OfI'IlocI 0_'" 01 _rvcy. .. ~d by CHAPT£R 7 (-"'t - "2700) ., DIofobo , .1 .... toll,...... "'- ., ',.'n.... Cod.. edml"Mt....al by the 0WtaMn .f "'awr.,..,.nl StiMdo,d. .f Co.If.... 0.,..""'..... o~ r GOd _ Attlc_ro, 31560 Ib / i ¡;«ACTCR"'-"-::~":E N~/ : 4~- ./" j , X .;.::-- ./,.- (~//' .l/r/ ~'./t'" ß:J / / J ~,¿'~/ .... //¥ r</ / ,. ./ /f: "'A?:.~__ /è)¿ ; TRAILER '1 LICENSE j 0-' c:.-< '> --'/l \ , ~, ~' . "~ 't· ..' . {, . (:~"., .. >!c' .. 1..., !\ ',Ir.. uJE'" .~ /~#' t i /,__ ~1 e; /' '/ ,r;;.- I ,"","" . - - .#:..; ," '1-: .,-~>.~~~'::~ '. -·""!f~~:}::. ... . . ~ '. ....:è;',.;.::;~":;j.:.o.>~.; " .'.: "-'" ~~ <.~ II . .,; ft" ~~. 0' .r, .r, ' .......... : Ni .r,r X>' g¡ X>' ~, ~Vl :n~'¡ ,"Y') ~ : c::;j2 r-~ ov 20~ J)ê 3 G N E or N ~I E -' R ~( A >21 T ;;' 0 R "" ::: Z! w....¡\ - ~i Q: ~: Z -' -' ~ ....., ::ï¡ :x , ,:) >- L "",, ~' -'-' ~; -"- ./') < .J F A C I l T -------' ; "'."Iron...."',.,'o' P."'-'<'.")r. ð.~~..~ , -, f.., ) ~ 5' /:271'1'2 See !n~lru(liom on bock of pcge 6. C.oorfm.", Of ro..-,( :'uC\lonn'<' Socrom.nt.., '~.":¡';C':""] , ' ". .~.,~, .'. ...... !"..';...,.... , ~ of.)' " '.. . .: ~(-.,. '-~ç,e ""r 'fOr UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST '-J-'l~'O'O' .. ,)S vA. (9 ~J;Q , :~9. I I I ICA :L ¡ 00 :0 o "~Iotor', Nom. and Mo.J,ng AcoreH 74394 ?rCK YOUR PA.RT 2120 S. UNION AVE, BAKFRSFIELD, CA 93307 ..·.·~'O" Phone I 562' 650-0444 a. 5IoIa Ge_alot', 10 .. .,_:. ~- -:;n..porter 1 Compa"y Nom. Ó, US EPA ID Numb., c. I .. 1,.-4 .~_,,^-_L . D T'an>øorter' """"- / ) ;'~./'L'1 :'J, (4:(. J .?"Jf-OZq(., 'E, S",.. ¡'an,ponwrl ID !CJ ~<... .....-...- ","'- ..._J _' ..:~.'..r>cled Fac¡\¡t)' Nome and Site Addre\) F, 10, US EPA ID Numb.r CHEMICAL WASTE MANA.GEMENT jS251 OLD SKYLINE ROAD MA ITY CA 93239 1) 'JS ~OT Oe"ription ¡including Proper Shipping Name. Hazard Clau, NON RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE SOLID (SOIL WITH DIESEL) ~, .;.... ..-'- flAlOIh. .~. '. ~~~7~~~~~~~.·.:~·;!_:~~:t~ . GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: J ;,ereby .::ec!cr. ~not ~e <':O/"ltents of thìs consl~nm.nf ore fully and accurately described above Dv øroøer ,ì1Íppi"9 nome and ore classìfìed. poåed ~::~lIed, :;:no iobeled. Qnd ore In 011 re!lC:e<!'1 m ~rop.r condítlon for trornpor1 by hignwoy according 10 applicoble 'nternotlonOI ~r:d notronOI government reguiotions orge :lJO/"lurv genercror I C"MI;.y 'hat !.- "10..... a pro~rQm In Diace to reduce the volu"'. and tOXICity .,f .....ost" ~e'o'~'o ·h. òctg,ee hove de'erm,ned to be e<onO/'!lIc.:J·..... , "1(." 'T'p-,"-'IZ81 the pr.\enl and tutur. ",reot to ~umor' (f!C,.... enerOTrO"" :"::; )e'e·:' ...~ :Jesl .....'::~Ie monogemenl 'TIett'oc ~C' : " cz ;:r,"':ec. . yped Nome Do, V'!<:' -.:'P01"'.:. 'ne'(::I1,on Spc ,e Cr- ._.2 ..... ':'_"'~r or vperOft)f ~~~..:,: :"':r" ')i ~~£l' ¡ I DO NOT WRITE BElOW THIS LINE. mite To :~Of SEN",S THI~ COP'" TO OiSC WliHIN J" P 0 So. 3000, SOcro....nta CA 958 ! 2 :~A 3;-";C-; :·SC ~c:::,:.. ...: :--1 ......._~ >:"''1 CQQSS J3=O: :1.'" as. '1 :. '39 ô'3.ofOC 1 b 09=26 all 0&/13/99 32160 Ib ! URE' : N(1: : vARQAG( .t.~::-'O r' 16.08 - -- , I :Gc..N[..J. ---- A;/ - 1104.a.'\IHST /' '/' - . .:-,., ----- ------ ._-~-+ ~...~;-. ".a.z,t.RQQV5,!':". ~:1 'I . :iÇ> -r .: . O(PUT' W[IGHI/AST[R , w(/-- , -~ ---- :~u NO, : ¡ TR.a.C:O~ 1.1<: (NSE,-'W)'. /" .' / ,/ . / ,...- ..-- ~'/ / " .", .' .(/l./ þ-J. .¡-' ~I /--;//// ,¿;f;//¿¿-A/ -:- /-:r'/·. .-' // ..' (' ~'- £,/ e' ._/-P"..v//. .. ~ . ,..::: 'l .: ~ìf:f~ ~~J" ~...:~ ,,' :.~ ~. , ;/1 I :74- V '0' ': \"'~.J--:'''' " !~(H("'CA1. ...ST[ ......H...cr~N" ,.... I W(I(;.HWUIER ."9Nd .' U1$1 ON Sk"'_ ....d Kett......... C;Iy. CA NO: ,13 2816 W(ICMWUT'(It C(1t'I1f'ICA T[ n.Je It ..; ....." _ ... fon..ln9 4<oK'-~: c--.Atr .... ..~ _. ., <~,--.: ~ . wtJðNWASTtII. __ oIf-.w. I. .... ~ ....'Icol.. ..". " . ,_"'&'" 0"_'''' 01 -...,. .. __ tor CHAI'T[II 7 1-... .R",IUDO) of Dtw..- ) .1 ... c.afemlo .......... aI".'...... c...... ~.,.. ...,. .... DhtsIeft ., "'O'",r.m_"' se.....'d. .1 taltom" o.p.rt",."t of rood - A9'k"""". - ('"\ fl· . .' ,11 , t . , , ... , .' ·J't~ , ·f·" ....1-' ,.>'. f" r '~~"l t "L "- I ,. r> , ¡(:'''' ?{J ¡j '/ -:f( "I.., ___,' Ì' . r" :.~. '~:. '" . ~ _ . . .. ~- ......... '.. .,~-: "" '. ."",:.:;.. ,.. r... .,..,.;.... .. 01 "">1 ,,">', ....... ~I ::0 , 5, ':D L.í'")< U OJ . < (Y) z' .:::::rð, t"'-::i OJ, COZ 0') I, ~I G E N ~I E -.:. R ='" A -.: òj T 0, 0 ':D R :x z¡ WI ui ~: V') I $1 ¡;;¡: wi "", <, z º - « z ;,.¡,,; ~ I: =1 < ,I -' ::; :x: O~ >- - --:: ~: ~ -' :::: ~j "'" < ~, Z, F A C l I T '( -" ;.~~': ~'c,~~~¡:~~n~~;:E~.'f~::rl!_"~' ~"~''''''~~r> þ,;"", ~ .sr5~5~) S~e /n~trv(tlonfàn bock oí poge 6. .Jt!pQrtment 01 "o..,{ S",6,!,,;, ~.. Socrc.....f!'f'lto .:.....¡,'rr'· " l"I'Ol'mOhon In !h~ ,hOO"d or..,:~ 's nor 'equ.,ed by Fed.rol 11:0_ .. .., Qf!. ç_"r; '., '. ,'1, ',"';)~W"'f!( UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST G.n.~ator , us H'A 10 N~ Mondr,r Doc\Jmer.t ~o Generator, Name or·d Mo,llng Addreu PICK YOUR PART 2120 S. UNION AVE, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 4 Ge~e'o'o" Pho~e I 5 6 2 6 5 0 - 04 4 4 rron'po....r I Com )Ooty Nome 6 US EPA 10 Numbe. " S",.. G.nerolOr', 10 IC, : D T ron' )Orter I PIlon" (t (, I ) f S.o.. fron>porter', 10 ~17-~ZC¡(( kktf LT~li ?J' '~. - "·--;~...~ç··t·: ·:'cmpç:-" "'om~ !C!A'D'J:;:{ ~·<..-';·i.'lrl 3 :)S E;A T' Numr..' :ÿ1 Je~!9f'1areO Facility "'.C~4 and Site Addreu 10. US EPA 10 Numbe' CHEMICAL 35251 OLD KETTLEMAN WASTE MANAGEMENT SKYLINE ROAD CITY, CA 93239 Q NON RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE SOLID (SOIL WITH DIESEL) b EPA/O+- ,SIal. .....- ..... ..i~:~';~· 0.. . c. 4- .:.~'..~': .'~~"-~.~- . ~ .¡. "'."":~'-~' ~~- r~:~i~ ~.-.- - 16 GENERATOR:~ C~Rnf'OTlON: ! ner.by O~C!Cre thot tne CO~:ef\h of tt-HS con'19"~~nl or. fully :JI"rQ occvrQ'e¡~ d~s.crl.bed o60ve by proper shipping nome and or. d.ouified ooo:e¿ mc~_e~ :"''' coeled. cr.;:: 'J~~ ·n ail re'pe<:n in prop.r cond,tion for rronJport by "lIghway acc.arcing to applícaole u,ter"lorlo"al ond nollO"OI go...,rnmen' regulations. :f , ~m ::. C(;~ ~ucnf¡t:' ;ier"erotor (certify tho! ! ha~. Q program In place to reduce r+-.e yo~v~ :)nd toxic of Wrß' e-"'e"c,~6 to the degree ! ~Ov. dete'r",'lIn~ to b4! ecor-,cr.- ,c:-: . ;)to,r c~c;~ 'Jno '~ar .! "10'''0 .~Ip'(led f,ì-.e prc;~;~e method ot ;reotment.. ,rorage.?~ di.sposo :::..,.~.,,~y 0 ,Iable IT! wn,c~ rnJnim ze~ the .pr~tent and /.v"Uf. mreot fo '":~""cr: ~'f'::: ... ond ";'e e "'...."O,...'TIe-~f C:P: . :.tT". c¡ "¡:'T,O\~·__::i",.If!'," generotor'. ! he".- 1'''00,1 0 300d !'Qlttt , 'C Tnn, . rTlf os e."'~'=~lon and 1e:t'(' '!"re be'" wos.tlt 'T\onogeme"'~ - '!'. :'-C ,..:-' : ~YolìQ.b ' ~o "'e 01'",0 tho' ! -:::n ottofd. " ~ / '9 ::>'icre:;¡onc~ '''d¡r::='.ol''l SOCCI! I S.gnotvr. I ;:Ir:r'!I'edJ i yped Nome Ye~r V'FŒc:' ;~\:~"' ';:" "'O'~r'OI1 ::;:.....er@'c b" -+,'" mond'"'' ~1:eoOf 01 nOleC ;SV"/ ~ , LeL, V-Ji DO NOT WRITE BelOW THIS LINE. \; Monrh ~O,V Do. /3C¡) cZ.~ : '>C se::.. ;,01971 :=-A 87:":-22 Whit. To. 'SDf SENDS THIS COpy '0 Drsc WITHIN j,: :...' P 0 ~a 3000, $ocTomenlO. CA 958\1 .- -. ------------------- ,...~...~._...-:..-'.¡ ~ ::ill ~.?~~.':'þ,~~L_._ _~~~~.~5.~ ;~r:--H(,.,.C4.l. W"-ST[ W"''''..t.'';'Lait~·. I III(~W4S1U ."V"..:t .1 35UI Old Sk,,_ "_ K-,"-"-, City. c.t ì C~OSS 0'3:01 ¡III 1).'3. '13. '33 ..... . _ó' -. .~.. -; 8..""520 1 b i 3. 76 ( \ 305iO Ib 15.27 . PUTY W£iCH¡,¡"ST£R NO: 132815 --'--- wt_W4STtII C£ItT~Tt filii .. .. __fy _ ... f....... -'_ ~;:;fÕ~.~ ~ ~::~ __I!cr.I.. _ 10 0 _",.teI .--, 01 _urocy. .. __ lit' CHArT£R 1 C-...... .... I 12700) 01 DMoIon S 01 ... eoØl_ .......... . I'rol."". C_. ""'''''....._ by Iho _ 01 __, Slo__ 01 c.ø_1e o.p.t_I 01 r_ _ "'ltculturo. Tl.R£ 09:21 U1 08/13/9<3 NO, (,~'-I[~J.,...:~ ~./_--- ,,~ ;;:¡;;t'- ", ----- URDAG[ ¡IRACOR LICENS£,,NO, i <. ".,-" '--~ ' é /'/ _f//~ J/~ -('("'(7'( ,r- ....,I "~',, --, .' L~r t~:..:'~·~':" :',."'/ /'//L .~ " ~ ! - '.... I ~ '..l"l Cl~.'i ",.y. .."" ..,......l.~,"!:- .....~. . /. ':/c7' ~ç/ r.-: /y :;.... .¿:~..t;...~ //¿-.L " "... ....',¡'; ',~~: ~ . ..-:;, ~"" ....,.' ":;';". q.......... 'k.. ~',h..-.:.¡¡( ~'. ."....~,,~;-, ,.~ .. .............~_. -.JIll; "_" ._-~~ ,J> :::>! ./"¡' ./"¡ "I N! ./"¡, ::0: 61 z -I <C ::J U' .n ::;', ......... 7' ) :.:' -01 ;31 :oz! -I J)Ë 3 G ,I E 811 N ~, E ~' R ~i A ~ T :;0: 0 R :xi ;:1 z, ....' - .... IJ) Z 0 ~ '" ..., 0.: .... <í Z º < z, ;::1 --, <> 'v! ~: ::;) ~. ž: , ^ ~I :.J.. ; ~, ....o..J õ: .... ./)' <í Z' F A C I l 1 T Y .- -:-=-..",r..,........."'C:' P~Ct"('·1c..r\ J..'':......f. -- ~ "'-:' ~,~ 5']-'.:': 2<; E ß;'" ~1 .; ~,': .. lL G.. 5" I ~ ¿ V V 1 j / L--' See Instructions on bock of poge 6. _. ._~.." :'1 . .' . . ... ~,.\.~.""': u' ,~(I .I" ('!,,'~. .: ;:J"cn, ',p~_' r(l!r ~oc:'o,.,e.-:·::'· _ .J1.tu' n.d UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST ; 1 :'~"'erofor 1 uS EPA .0 '\ o ICA L i 00 [0; O~ Mon.ie,' Df')(umenr No P'Jg~ i 'n'or""7"'¢" In th. ~r·,;':I...'J ."l'~'J' ! 1 "'Ot '~'..",.r; bY' F *o.,r':;lL 16: 9!7 1811 i '-II ).. ¡7 14 I (of'. A. SIc'. Men;ful Ooc:u...... Numb. 98074396 :'~'"IIItr'3ror \ Nome and MOIIH\9 Add,." PICK 2120 YOUR PART S. UNION AVE, BAKERSFIELD, Phon. ( 6 2 650 - 0 444 CA 93307 a. Sto.. Gen.,alof'. .D ~~r..roror· , .. ''3I''!\oorter 1 Company Nome 6, US EPÞ- 10 NumMr c. ( _~ tA.,.. ht. ~ t), Tran.portal', ""one ? ,..,. - a2 f/. \ It",-<--l.. . 1 ('1 ^ \ 01 01 ..;J ':- 1 ()!<-) I ~. Ii. :(} :9 a ":s :PA ir) :'\.IJf"1t'~r . f SteM; ran sport., , tD - .--::- :CC"l!f .2 C.::mDC~Y ·....c!"r.e 11 , :f!\:gnoreci ¡:~,i jty Nome and Site Add,.u CHEMICAL 35251 OLD WÄSTE MÄNÄGEMENT SKYLINE ROAD NON RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE (SOIL WITH DIESEL) SOLID b, .?,!-I~ SIaIoo EJ>A/ Other -., --~ ". .~".:r.¿~'" d, .~~ ... -;;~;.~"" ~.'·'~:'1~L~Ä:~:¿;;~~¿:~... :·;i~~~~:5.,.·~it "'".~.~....~,.. _...",." ,'- 'C~"""'1:'" ;~-"'" ~~ '. - ::;':: ~:~ .;.;;. .:.'2.-..... ~._-. ...~ ~ ::r.~'.. ~ ~- .....;.~~ . '. . _ ._.,.1~~' ~._" "~' .1:~.......~Jt"/? ''-o..~-,. .. .... .~.. - .':'''~'''10\.,-,-,,~....;(. ....~...õ.4'i'w'- :1;':~~..J ~,........... .~~J~~~.$~~ ~..f;. -:~~-,~ .~~~14:;:.~~'#1~~::.~~1f~ . GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby dedore ti.o, 'he canlen" of ,hi. con.ignment or. tully ond occurately desc" oed ooov. oy oroper Ih,pp;ng no",e anci or. c!a,,¡fi.ci, poCk.O "none<!. ana ,obeied. and are in all 'espeers In proper condirion for tronsport by highway accordìng to opp1icabl. ,nterl'lo'lof'lol and nO'lonol government reçviotions. 'f!",~/Trp&d Nome c; Month Day Year : \.:reponcy InOlcotion 5poc. _ ::::CtI,,,, O-,..~' =, ''::::::'I!~o'or CfJNti'c:Jt'on 0' rec~IC" 0' "0:0'001..'1 "".cr~·,c,~ ==-,,@red b..· !h" .....cr.'e~1 ~p,repr en noted ,,, !f'~ ? y'C~'L- ~\l0\-f\.c+J- ¡SVJJt CStJ\U )'-f1# DO NOT WRITE BElOW THIS LINE. (Ji Jo3 '.- : 1 / : j'C: ./ Yw·hd., To: 'SDf :: "<CS '!-'IS COP" TO ::~SC WIT"I~ p 0 80' JCCQ, Socro",enlO. C.... Y S8 12 :.iSC 80::A ¡4/971 ~o'" S~OO-,2 -~.. ·.0J. __.~ .-.:"' " ':"~o.- ; GROSS I I ! I TA~E:' I I NET: ! " H,ROAGE: r IG:..NERA,,;"):;I ~~; ":":"'_--..::] =-~ ;;""..!1 _________ ____________.M__ ';.?~~2.QIT'v. '"'J.~~Q'~'::"" ~ ",...~~;:: -,. . " .. Z5iD 1 t 0'3 : (H d.~ 0&.' !:. '99 09 :~~ a.M 08/ 13/~ 285..0 Ib : ? I J IT CiOR LICENSE ~,., 'rr-J/':'- / ¿ //3/ /""ç '. ¿r- ...~: -(" / /' /: ¿;YI/I /~~ , 't' ,l /~~/'¿ ¿/ N f / ¿ ¿:C(" >, ...... ....r.. r -,,' oj .......... i 1.. " 11.27 .._0 b¿ NO, ,...,1 (~. ({ ') . I ~. · >f. c' ..' '.,J... ~:H(W\:'''''' ..S'T[ .....~"(Wl__' N. ~ltR ".9"M4 Q' u.zs I QM Sk...... ,_ ~C;..,Cþ NO: 13 2819 WfXMoU'TtR C(IItIl"lCA 11: T~1o .. Ie ..... _ ... f........ ~_7~: ~~....:.:-..~ : :''-;;' ....,leot.. _ io . rocoe"'ZM .-ur 01 _.oey. _ _ .., 0U0I'tU , C-"'t -. tnoo of ØIoow. 5 of ... toJIlomIo .......... & ",.f_ C_. ecf".,,,,.f..-.cf Þr .. Øhofaloft .f "'oa~,.m."f Sf__ .. c..-Io ~ .. ,_ _ Atrleuff_, ,- ' ( K .' : \ I . ~ '. . ~. , \.. , . ~,' . {I . ~ r ¿'¡ lit' \)( ~\ "\~'S· . ~. 'I' ---7..(;, ,'r I '1. ,/ ../ U Cl ell __ \or' J ~. . ~'-:_'.. .-r.t --~-....... ,,' þ .. . . ~';-" ,. '".;.;. '. -JJ= . Nð! L.D~'i ~Zl OÕI r-1:= J)ð ÇY)z Ï I- j G N E o N ~ E ~ R ~I ~I ~ ::Oi 0 ...:..1 R ~I I '''';1 ' I ....' ~ ~, - - ... ~ ""-~''''''-~ - ..110" ot Caì'~':),"IO-€:'1V'rOrH,"@""'O¡ P~Ofl!~hon Àf1"'......." ", .~......: -::.....~ ""; ':'.>·:C;-; [,ü(r~'" ~< ~.~\ , ..,. ~ r ":r :" Po::';'" .·.-:r...., !þ',']"""" ':,,( ,'" 'I" *.',. .;- P"C,':¡ ',~,:_. Il!r See Instruct!cn5 Qn b:;~k d page 6. :ðøorfment at i?..,~ ~UrH O'l(f'.'·. So<romer'llo. (ol,to'.-¡ ') UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANtFES~ I Ã"'Ier010f 1 ;S £9A. :D ".0 Mon.Ie\! -j~"-. ",mtf'll ""-Ie;; Poge ,,.,torrnotlon In ,he )"'oo~d or ~<), ., nor requtf.d by feaero ¡ow o .." .." r-.. N .." ø o o :z:> Generotor's Nome and Mo.ling Add,eu 4 '.jtl!nerQ'Or' \ Phone ~ I S. T ran'porl.r I Com pony Nom. ~~ Tf\vclG..A" ... ~ '':fuporter 2 Compon)' Nome ð II US OOT O.,cription (induding Pro,",r Shipping No_, Hozard Clau, and 10 Number! o,N..~ tJ..ur ~ ()J~ ~'v..o-l ~U to b. c, 0, :;i Z 0 ;::: <í Z .u ~ -' <í '...J V) '" ,"", ..) ..:.., ~, ~' "" . U-J I ~¡ ...., 0: ., < -' I ;¡ F A C I l J T Y 16 GENERA.TOR'S CERTlffCA.OON: I h.r.by declare tho. the ,,,MI.n,, 0; ,h, con.,,;¡nmen' or. fully ond accurot.ly d..",bed abo.. by propenh,pp.ng name ond or. ciani lied , paded, :TIor,ed. ::)nc fobeied, and ore _n aU r.'pecti In proper conO¡f10n for tronspcn by ~1I9hwQY according to applicable Internatlonol and .,orlonal go~er"rflef" "e-gulotionl. if : em ~ ;orge quon~rty gene rOtor , ! certif.,. thot hove 0 pr~rom In 01o,. to reduce ~he volume ond ~o (i,!'Y of .....o!te generated !C '''e ::!!g,ee I ".'J",e aeterm,ned to be economIcal!,:", ;:JrocI/cocie ond that I haye wt ected th. oroct'coble me,hoc ~t ~rl!'otment. \tcroge. .Jf olspo10i ::urrently ovo,iooie '0 me whIch mlfllM,U1. Ihe pres..'" and tvtvre threat to humon heOLth ::¡"d '~'e enVlfonmeM: 0R, if i ;)m 0 ).mail quo,.,'rity gene'-=·:." ~c""e "'::C'ð 0 good talth .Hort to mInimIze my wou, geneforlon cno ~:I(t rht b~ur .....oste ."onogement ""e~~oc 'r-c' ~ oyo,joc¡e :0 'TIe one: ~hot I con ::.;1ord "-'ç.~ ·:~:""=""':e 3:gnCfure I I Month Day lIeor I~n ,""" n th Day Vear '( 'r~~~t:ç"e' ~ ,).(k:"o"""~se~el'\' c.<~ RtK~IP c~ MCleftC!!. t"ZA ~ Mater'oi, ¡ Srgnoture i 9 D:,creDC"Cr It,d'carlon Space ~ ¡ Menm 16 DO NOT WRITE BElOW THIS LINE. :HSC B022A 11 '99\ :c,:. a700-n ....'~ "'1' ~, .\ ,'" _ "'. .... .;..", .' J'__ t.. :: ",: 2 /J'~ / . j. " +f- - y ---:--" ---~-------_._---. ~-~.- _.._~_.. _ _.......__.___. _.. J.. _____.. -.--~--_.__.-- .-----_.~-- ... -~_._--. \-~Jt_,qr.~,.~~t ~( ""...,;'...,;<1: <A'''~Jr ......z....;______.....~-1.J~ /1'; "I} II . .. i W£lCfi..."T[R I~CH(""'CA.¿. ....ST( "'~1'U"(,,{,,f. ,.( W{lC;Ha.I"sn, ..í~d 0' ~~~ 1 Otd )..,...... 'o"d No:J38 5'77 ~~1~.~4':' _.IooP~ ~ ~ ~~~ ;_4.J ", . . .- i I ! CROSS .~ ( --~- .~"""1.ST[1t C(ltTtnCAn fills Is '"' .....,. _ ... f-..v __ eOf"rttOd"" W" .~. Meo.-ure-d. .... C-:-";"'-,' by 0 W[I(;HWASTE'. ....,.. ,,~....y'O Ia 0" -, ._'IeoIO. _ 10 0 lac""".... o-*, 01 oc.....ocy. O. ,.- by CHAI'T[1t 7 (.O"'....ncl~ willi t 11700) 0' DIY'oJon 5 of th. Callfomkl euak\... &: Pro....iont Co..:Je. fJd"""¡lt.red by ~. Oiwi.... .1 ...o.",re"'e"'f ,toNlo,.d. 01 C"lI'fom.ÌG O.øo"""."' 0 f r o.od o"d A9'tcu¡'u'.. " lO:Œ :uI 08/1:''39 8268û 1 b í--[ -i1. 31 >JI .... H,R(; YAROotC(' 12:Œ PII ()&II2I9<J 2ß98C 1 b 1'1.19 - - - - - - - - - -~{~-; :;-=.-= - - -- 101(1': - -- . iC[~(,...1 TOR --~-----_._. y....~:r r s; P~:::...t. ..~u - liCeNSe TRAILER f 1 ~iCE"SE NO, fRAilER 12 l,CENSE NO, .--, / "..., -- é//-" // _ ¡ t / í/ Yþ'<"L. .¡?þ., , ,/ _/ .. V.. v /~/ 1/:'< %$: "~I' ;J..:.¡ '':f ¿, / fJ~ , .I, ¢'/ ?-J~' > ..¿Z:~·· ~~':'L~'~:~ /J./;4;/¿ '¿' '- J . s., .:':~ ..:' ~~,.~ ->- ....~..... 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