HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION (3) PICK YOUR PART™ CORPORATE OFFICES 1301 E. Orangewood Anaheim, CA 92805 (714) 385-1522 ÇEB-T'EIED January 7,2000 County of Kern Environmental Health Services Department 2799 "M" Street, Suite 130 Bakersfield, CA 93301-2370 A TIN: Amy Green RE: Proposed Work Plan For The Assessment of Soil Contamination 2120 S. Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93307 Dear Ms. Green: Enclosed is your copy of the proposed Confirmation Sampling Work Plan for the property located at the above address. Please review the plan and let us know by written correspondence if this meets with your approval. We are ready to start immediately.' If you have any questions you can reach me at F14) 385-1522. . (3/0)8'3t¡-- 996tf Srncerely" ' SeM11)~/~,()J. Scott Vollero Project Manager SV/lw cc: Glenn McElroy Chris McElroy Cindi Galfin @ Printed on Recy&i~\EXEC\GEN\DOCS\CCC\Bakersfield\Amy Green Approval Letter,DOC CC C Contamination Clean-Up of California, Inc. PROPOSED WORK PLAN FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF SOIL CONTAMINATION p'. ~ ,~;:¡ AT Pick Your Auto Wrecking, Inc. 2120 S. Union Avenue Bakersfield, California 93307 Prepared For Pick Your Part Auto Wrecking, Inc. 1301 E. Orangewood Avenue, Suite 130 Anaheim, California 92805 Submitted To ~:,~ County of Kern , Environmental Health Services Department 2799 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301-2370 Attn: Amy Green December 27, 1999 Prepared By: lleviewed By: ~ Thomas Twillie, Project Manager Chemist/REA/REHS hr#~ Scott Vollero, Project Manager I 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 . Anaheim, California 92805 (114) 385-1522 . FAX (114) 634-0520 1.0 2.0 '~ 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 ~ Table of Contents filg£. EXE CUT/VE SUMMAR Y ........................................................................ 1 INTRODUCTION 2.1 2.2 1 Back gro u nd ....................................................................................... 1 Purpose and Objective ...................................................................... 2 ..................................................................................... . GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY ...................................................... 2 , 4.1 4.2 FIELD INVESTI GA TI 0 N ........................................................................ 2 2 3 So it Sam piing................................................................................... Soil Analysis ..................................................................................... RES UL TS ................................ ........... ................... .................... ................. 3 SUMMAR Y .. .... ..... ................................. ............. ........ ................. .......... ..... 4 APPENDICES Appendix - A Appendix - B Appendix - C Site Location Plot Plan Confirmation Sampling Test Results, 5 6 ................................................................. . ........................................................................ . Chain of Custody .............................................................. 7 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY j A recent closure report was submitted to your office for the remediation of contaminated soil at the former Pick Your Part Auto Wrecking facility. The facility is located at 2120 S. Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California. The removal of lead and total petroleum hydrocarbons contaminated was removed from four (4) area at the subject site. The contaminated soil was removed, primarily from the Scrap section of the facility. Area #1 (see site map) was around the vehicle crusher, Area #2 (see site map) was the former engine pile, Area #3 (see site map) was in front of small storage sheds of rear of yard, and Area #4 (see site map) was adjacent to concrete pad of service building. A total of thirteen confinnation soil samples were collected from the excavated Areas #1, #2, #3 and #4. Two confirmation soil samples, S-7 in Area # 1 and S-12 in Area #3 revealed contamination results that were in excess of the clean-up criteria for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and lead. During the remediation project, additional soil was excavated from the two areas but was not re-samp1ed. 2.0 INTRODUCTION The former Pick Your part Auto Wrecking facility is located at 2120 S. Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California. Pick Your Parts primarily business is the recycling of used autos and the retailing of parts. It was a self-service operation, allowing customers to remove the parts they choose from automobiles. The facility consisted of an office/warehol,lse building, storage and service sheds, used autos, parts, and other accessories. The site occupies approximately ~ 7.3 acres of flat land and is located in close proximity to other auto recycling facilities. 2.1 Background Pick Your Part occupied the former facility for the last nine years. Prior to Pick Your Part, the site was occupied by truck repair and wrecking operation. The truck repair facility was in operation from the early 1960's until Pick Your Part occupancy around 1990. The facility is presently unoccupied. F:\DA T A IEXEC\GEN\DOCS\CCC\Bakersfield\Work Plan 2120 Bakersfield.DOC Page 1 On May 19, 1999, the impacted TPH and Lead contaminated soil was removed from the affected areas at the subject site. A total volume of 437 cubic yards or 731 tons of impacted soil was transported, via uniform manifests, to an off-site Class I-disposal facility. The excavated areas were backfilled with imported soil to surface grade and compacted to a relative ninety (90) percent. 2.2 Purpose and Objective The purpose and, objective of this work plan is to determine the vertical and horizontal extent of soil contamination in the affected areas of the scrap section of the facility. In addition, the proposed sampling of this work plan is to confirm that the additional soil removed around S-7 of Area # 1 and S-12 of Area #3 was effective in removing the remaining contaminated soil. 3.0 GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY The subject site is underlain by soil of recent Pliocene Age and alluvial deposits from the Kern River Alluvial Fan. The soil is primarily sand, fine sand, gravely silt, to silty clay. Groundwater depth is approximately two hundred feet (200 ft.), with the direction of flow to the southeast. Groundwater is unconfmed to approximately eight hundred feet (800 ft.) below swface grade. 4.0 FIELD INVESTIGATION ¢l< An investigation will be conducted at the facility to determine the vertical and horizontal extent of soil contamination within the affected areas (Area 1 and Area 3) at the subject site. The investigation will consist of the placement of four vadose soil borings in Areas #1 and #3 where earlier samples S-'7 and S-12 revealed elevated concentrations of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Total lead. The sampling will be conducted with a truck mounted direct push Geoprobe Model 5400 unit. The borings will be drilled to a depth of twenty-five feet or deeper if required. 4.1 Soil Sampling Soil boring samples will be installed with a direct push (Geoprobe) sampling rig beginning at five feet (5ft) below surface grade and at five foot intervals thereafter. Samples will be taken to a total depth of twenty-five feet (25 ft). Soil samples will be collected in a split spoon sampler, containing a brass liner. The F:\DA T A \EXEC\GEN\DOCS\CCC\Bakersfield\ Work Plan 2120 Bakenfield.DOC Page 2 undisturbed soil samples will be drawn from the sampler in 1.5 inch brass liners, the ends covered with Teflon sheets, capped, labeled, placed on ice and transported to a state certified laboratory for analysis. The push rods and sampler will be decontaminated between borings by cleaning with water and Alconox soap, rinsed with tap water and then a final rinse with de-ionized water. The samples will be screened with an OVA Meter FID for the presence of Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons. The bore-hole bottoms will be plugged with bentonite and back filled with the soil cuttings to surface grade. 4:2 Soil Analysis t~ A total of approximately sixteen (16) soil samples will be submitted to a state certified analytical laboratory for analysis. The samples will be tested for the presence of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) by EP A Test Method 418.1 and TPH-diesel by Cal-EPA, DTSC Modified Test Method 8015. Total Lead (TTLC) by EPA Test Method 7420 and Soluble Lead (STLC) Title 22 Wet Method (Extraction) and EP A Test Method 7420. All test methods will be performed in accordance to EP A and CAL- EP A applicable procedures and protocols. 5.0 RESULTS The soil sample results will be assessed to determine the extent of vertical and horizontal soil contamination in the affected areas of the former scrap section at the subject site. The concentrations of contaminants revealed by the investigation will be used to determine whether a significant threOat to soil and groundwater exits at the subject site. O~ F;\DATA\EXEC\GEN\DOCS\CCC\Bakmfield\Work Plan 2120 Bakersfield.DOC Page 3 6.0 SUMMARY A field investigation will be conducted at the former Pick Your Part Auto Wrecking facility to determine the vertical and horizontal extent of soil contamination in the affected areas (see Area #1 and Area #3 of the site map) of the former Scrap Section at the facility. A total of four (4) soil borings Will be installed to a depth of 25 feet in these affected areas. A report of the investigation will be prepared from the findings and submitted to Kern County Environmental Health Services for review and acceptance. The field investigation will commence upon written approval of this ;) proposed work plan by Kern County Environmental Health. fì) F:\DA T AIEXEC\OENlDOCS\CCC\Bakersfield\Work Plan 2120 Bakersfield.DOC Page 4 Appendix - A Site Location 14; ~ -- t't. ... OJ Q¡ " CÐ . . ~ tJ 'tJ III (.J .~ ..... n .... 1/1 K " ... >< r.. \.-:: 0 ~ :J C .~ P1 r. " ). :1 'U lit ~ ,., \0< rt w" w· c ..... ,~;J ~ Appendix - B Plot Plan ., IMPOUND SECTION MOTOR PILE SHEDS E4 E1 30' C-8 8' B-4 0-.31 SCRAP SECTION o 8-12 AREA 3 t::. (") E-6 B-1 ::a :i;~ E2 ¿ c: ¿ en ...-;., % m ::a AREA 2 B-2 t::. AREA 1 ~--o 0 0 DRAINGING RACKS C-11 8-13 ------~--------i . : o I I I I I RETAIL SECTION AREA 4 ~ ." ::0 o Z -I C) ~ m PARKING LOT BUILDING UNION AVENUE Map Not To Scale o = Excavated Areas o = Sampling Point t::. = Proposed Soli Borings Pick Your Part Auto Wrecking 2120 South Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93307 Appendix - C Confirmation Sampling Test Results, Chain of Custody ~1} ,¡,,~ .)¡,~ B Laboratories, Inc. 666\ t 6 lnr July 19, 1999 (~ LINDA WADE PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim I CA 92805 Subj ect: Laboratory Submission No. : Samples Received: 99-07072 06/16/99 Dear LINDA WADE The samples(s) listed' on the Chain of Custody report were received by BC Laboratories, Inc. on 06/16/99. Enclosed please find the analytical data for the testing requested. If you have any questions regarding this report please contact me at (661)327-4911, ext. 250. Any unused sample will be stored on our premises for a minimum of 30 days (excluding bacteriologicals) at which time they will be disposed unless otherwise requested at the time of sample receipt. A disposal fee of $5 per sample may apply for solid sample matrices. Please refer to submission number 99-07072 when calling for assistance. Sincerely, ,- '¡,jjjI «S:) ~~ ~ Diane Hale Project Coordinator BC Laboratories, Inc. All results Dsted In this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party, BC laboratories. Inc. aasurnea no responsibility for report alteration, detahcment or third party Interpretatlion. 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield. CA 93308· (661)327-4911 · Fax(661)327-1918 · www..bclabs.com qg -l012 ---... BC LABORATORIES, INC. 4100 Atlas Court · Bakersfleld, CA 93300 (805) 327-4911 · FAX (805) 327-1918 CHAIN OF CUSTODY Pa 1 ,- 1 .:c: Name: PICK YOUR PART Phone: 714-385-1522 418.1 Ec, PH, TSS. Toe 8010 flY BTEX TOTAL AlkAUNITY 8211) MTBE FE, PB. Address:: 1300 E. ORANGE WOOD SUITE 130 Project: BAKERSFIELD ~ AL City: A.NAHEIM Sampler: 7ðJM 7/),/1 't in ~ State: ICA Zip 92805: 6'/ Tf¿ , PI'" 4" J/O '" \I tJ¿. VI Attn: DIANE LAMB : Jd¿. fa v~, <.L IJ' c.. ð: Õ\ ~ 4 °V ~L VIAL ~ML~ ~ML_ ¡};~~·11~tli¡I~1:::0~! ''''~:~¡~tI;:"'''W' . ~111Br~. 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'!" {Ä) AnalysIs (C) Container (P) Preservative 11 Kt'1 r'oJ I "\Ir\. ~ ~.() III DISTRIBUTION I· ; CHECKED BY t:T I I - .... -- '-==, " .-.-. -...--+- -......- @ ® C1C1 - I 072 4100 Atlas Court · Bakersfield, CA Pag 93300 CHAIN OF CUSTODY 1 0 BC LABORA TOR IES, INC. (805) 327-4911 · FA>( (805) 327-1918 2.: ',8 !~fpgn~:t:ìöªl:;PJ.I"'e;r~;~~~*~;~ä;m11~Ü~¡;~iF::;,;.:;:':;t;;t!t:¿,;l~;~¡;1¡¡;.:;~:~!:;};;~:iiû;¡;:~:,~;~;';¡ ';i;¡;:;,;::':;::,i1i:': 1i;::.;:t):~1i·J'(;i: :::';":;,'i, :1.:' :"~: ,'.:' ::i'i:~,:::::;,:LAnalysi~;;,fi,..., ë.qlJeªteCl·,::::i;; .:.:' Y:¡:i' ;.¡ :: .:, : ,¡~ ~~' . .-.'#. ,......-......'.,.;:..-,.......:.....~.-:..:,..~::.;~: .._....~:..... ....'. ..............., .... ..... . -. ....: .:';".; ; .;.:....0: .":. .::.:.~. .: .:...:.::::." ...:.;....:..::....:....~..: ';>' .', . ..:'. ..... ",.:", ."::. ~:., : ";::':".:: .:' . _., . . . ~. . ,;. ._ _. .... ._." Name: PICK YOUR PART Addre9s: 1300 E.ORANGE WOOD SUITE 130 City: ANAHEIM State: C:A AUn: DIANE LAMB ",. .. Phone: 714-385-1522 Project: BAKERSFIELD Sampler: TDM -¡-WI I ,,~ Zip 92805: & Kt¿ Vs.-k (J J c.... h ';'i"*""'_....'.,.."... :..,e..,' Ll(., J()~, v.h.~y-(?:, cJT} OTPe f"1.~ ~l ,;'~m;tIào!';t rrit' ., 'mÎÎi~""~'~" HQ.I ~E ./ H2so4 HCL t' ~:.. .......".:.:.::t:.?:~)ò:~.;;¡.... :-:.:..,,~. .)~.f ......,...;.- ." .....d.·.....;..;:~...:. ,;"." ..o...;.·...h .. ~~ . .'" r :$V··~;?~tw~~~H~m:~;'~~!:;U~:n,¡h ,~~~;Am~ .;.. i·;1):~~¡.~ri:::L;: . :¥f;~:::i: MONITORING POINT (A) 6 / JÆ. I c¡ C, JO ."~ð Jjt...... sw 41~ I \ ~òIJh¡021ù X Kf.. ~ tf)) \ , ( 418.1 EC, PH. TSS. AlKAUNITV TOC 801 0 BY 828:) BTEX TOTAL MTBE FE. PB. (0020) Al 40 Ml VlAy ..........500 fAl . .~'to..L "'03 ~ ~~ -\1 ~-to -c-t¡ fj a -t C-H- ¡-GG 4 -\2.. S - J 2-- 1-9 ç s -13 ,- \3 -- , - G '1 I 7~~ x " '1 x x I I \. '" -J,..¡ h'" ~ \ 1/: z{ sv::,l.A..- <.c¡' '\ _ LJ.('f.\ t¡ðf<k- ~ x ~ E~ ï' 8 91 10 ~ Comments: --q 't b 4... ~ U 0- q <-.. <!,S '1~ OV"~ (..AS ~ I ~ '^-L .~ \uJ \ \\ ~ <LQ C?~ 2) {:I ð # 0 \.(- \f \.¡ BillinQ Info: SAME AS ABOVE ReJlnq~hed by: (Signature) II I I d bi:LI '-Ll Date & 11me ~~. .J 1.... 'U ¡¡III / P. 7,' r G- ft-C(q r~Y~ v If/jll.he 'f ý¡;at ure) :J\:i~\;ti\~ .r-« I I~~~~ &l~2 Relinquished by: (Signature) Recelveà by: ~ Òate & Time ~ - Analysis (C) - (;ontainer (P) = PreservatIve @ ~ ',:-û BC LABORATORIES INC. SAMPLE RECEIPT FORM Rev. No.6 10/13/98 Page Of Submission #: qq- 'n72. Project Code: SHIPPING INFORMATION SHIPPING CONTAINER Federal Express 0 UPS 0 Hand Delivery 0 Ice Chest. None 0 BC Lab Reid Service ~ Other 0 (Specify) Box 0 Other o (Specify) Refrigerant: Ice~ . Blue Ice 0 None 0 Other 0 Comments: Custody Seals: Ice Chest 0 I Contah'eriiO. d None Jd Comments: Intect? Yes DNo !:' . I_? y..·d.~Ño. ... All samples received? YesÁ No 0 All lemples contalnerllntect? Yes þ( No 0 Descrlptlon/s) metch COC? Yes X No 0 ~' , Ice Chelt ID "P .1JkDatemme ~ Ice Chest ID Datemm~ Temperature: ',S- ·ë /'tl Temperature: ·C Thermometer ID: l 1S Analyst Inlt íC.- Thennometer ID: Analyst Inlt Emllslvlty I() Emissivity ~r' Container J.pA,,", J") bl~ Container SAMPLE NUMBERS SAMPLE CONTAINERS 'ð~ , . . . I I , . . . , .. . . . . . , . I ,. " I. . . QT GENERAL MINERAU GENERAl PHYSICAL PT PE UNPRESERVED "eTA' ., DT lUIeTA' ., PT PT I ""RM!;: "'" one ")ft. . 100ml TnT41 -....--.. 1 nOmr ..u.,...." ...... 1....0_1 "nA "'A. TRA"'" RI AN { VI41 InT e"A A."" 1 41"'? 41R 1 .!'i04 InT eDA InT "DA c." 1/R11;0 nT e"A ".." nTS:P4 D' AM" 100ml S:P4 1;47 1nn_1 eDA I;~1 1 nT S:P4 !;4R nT FP4 1'i4!: A"I? Rn1ll::M -- . .._~- R n7, .JAR "'., n7 .14R .",,, .'" ee\le I I , I I , , , , , , P~R VI.III PLASTIC BAG Comments: "3 ßOi I ß'--' ~(~.c..ei Vf'r: wi+h no roo<'{ scuY1Þ~I~p.tKl ì nCŠJ.rlo, þ~~ìc. bct<?~Æ Sample Numbering Completed By: '..,.(" Data/TIme: I 0 1/" I F,;.. ) IF:\WP80\LAB_DOCSIFORMS\SAMREC2.WPDJ L:..t.--" '....( \Lt - ({ B Laboratories, Inc. TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of Regulations I Title 22, Section 66261) Page 1 PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/28/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-1 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD EP-1-1-99 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM . Constituents Samcle Results Units Method P.O.L. Method Regulatory Criteria STLC TTLC mq/L mq/kq :~~ Lead None Detectèd mg/kg 5.0 SW-6010 5.0 1000. Comment: All above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate ~ techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte quantifiable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed) . Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration Total Threshold Limit Concentration STLC = TTLC = REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846. California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 \~~ Dan Schultz Laboratory Director AD raullllisœd inlhi. report an Cor the exchøive \lie oCIbe .ubmltIÏ1I¡ party. BC Laboratoriea.1nc. UlIllllClIIO lapOIIIIoility for report alteration. aeparatioo. de1adunent or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield, CA 93308· (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327·1918· www.bclabs.com Ð Laboratories,Inc. Page 1 TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of Regulations I Title 22, Section 66261)' PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/28/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-2 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD EP-2-1-99 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM Constituents Samcle Results Units Method P .O.L. Method Regulatory Criteria STLC TTLC maiL ma/ka f.Z0 Lead 73. mg/kg 5.0 SW-6010 5.0 1000. Comment: All above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. ~~ Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. = STLC = TTLC = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte quantifiable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed) . Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration Total Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Méthods", EPA-SW-846. California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 PA~ ~ Dan Schultz Laboratory Director All mullS liatecl in ibis report an: for the exduslve UIC oftbe submitting party. BC LaboraIories, Ine. IISIIIDCI no responsibßlty for report alœraÛOD. aeparatioa, detachment or third party intet¡mtatÎ01L 4100 Atlas Court" Bakersfield, CA 93308" (661) 327-4911 .. Fax (661) 327·1918· www.bclabs.com Ð Laboratories, Inc. Page 1. TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261.) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 71.4-385-1.522 Date Reported: 06/28/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-4 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD EP-4-1.-99 06/1.6/99 @ 09:20AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type'i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM Constituents SamDle Results Units Method P.O.L. Method Regulatory Criteria STLC TI'LC mq/L mq/kq ~~ ::.1' Lead 92. mg/kg 5.0 SW-601.0 5.0 1.000. :i\': Comment: All above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. = STLC = TTLC = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte quantifiable based on sample size used and analytical techniqµe employed) . Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration Total Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846. California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 p;-g LV) Dan Schultz Laboratory Director An mults listed in dú. report arc fOf !be exclusive use of die .ubmltting party. BC Laboratorie.. Inc. ua_ 110 raponsibillty for report alteration, .epanIÍOll, detachment Dl' third party \ntetpfCt&tiOll. 4100 Atlas Court '" Bakersfield. CA 93308'" (661) 327-4911 '" Fax (661) 327-1918'" www.bclabs.com E Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of Regulations I Title 22, Section 66261) PICK YOUR, PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Actn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/28/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-5 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD ' EP-5-1-99 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type'i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM Constituents Samole Results Units Method P.O.L. Method Regulatory Criteria STLC TTLC mq/L mq/kq . .~t, '''''::/ Lead 354. mg/kg 5.0 SW-6010 5.0 1000. Comment: All above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. ~ Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. = STLC = TTLC = Practical Quantitation Limit, (refers to the least amount of analyte quantifiable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed) . Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration Total Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846. California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 œ áA~1 Dan Schultz Laboratory Director AD rmdlllisted in IhIa report an: for !be exclusive use of the SlIbmltIÚIg party. BC Laboratoriea. lac. __ no respoftSt'billty for report almation. aeparatioD. detachment or third party iotcrpreratiOJl. 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield. CA 93308 · (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327·1918· www.bc1abs.com E Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of Regulations I Title 22, Section 66261) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim I CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/28/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-7 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD S-7-1-99 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM Constituents SamDle Results Units Method P.O.L. Method Regulatory Criteria STLC T'I'LC maIL ma/ka <... "Z}' Lead 198. mg/kg 5.0 SW-6010 5.0 1000. Comment: All above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. ~ Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. = STLC = TTLC = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte quantifiable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed) . Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration Total Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846. California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 / r:,-gC(À.t~r Dan Schultz Laboratory Director An results listed Î1IIhis report are for the exdusive \110 of the submitting party. BC Labcmtoria. Inc. assumes no respcmsIbilIty for report alœration. separation. detachment or !hini pattY Intcrpretatiou. 4100 Atlas Court" Bakersfield. CA 93308" (661) 327-4911 .. Fax (661) 327-1918· www.bc1abs.com Ð Laboratories,Inc. Page 1 TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/28/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-8 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD C-8-1-99 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid -.No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM Regulatory Criteria STLC 'ITLC mq/L mq/kq , Î;t. "'" Constituents Samola Results Units Method P.O.L. 5.0 Method Lead None Detected mg/kg SW-6010 5.0 1000. Comment: All above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. ø Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. = STLC = TTLC = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte quantifiable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed) . Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration Total Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846. California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 eJ;~1 Dan Schultz Laboratory Director All resullllislCd in Ibis Jt )Or\ loR for 1hc cx.clusive use of the submltthl¡ party, BC Labora1orlea, lnc, uaumcs no reaponsibility for report a1œntion. lC Iaratioo, de!achment or !hitd partY interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court'" Bakersfield. CA 93308'" (661) 327-4911 ... Fax (661) 327-1918'" www.bclabs.com E Laboratories,Inc. Page 1 TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of Regulations I Title 22, Section 66261) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim I CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/28/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-9 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD C-9-1-99 06/16/99 @ 10:45AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: M1llable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM Constituents Sample Results Units Method P.O.L. Method Regulatory Criteria STLC TTLC mq/L mq/kq ~, , , -.,#' Lead 6.3 mg/kg 5. SW-6010 5.0 1000. ~.~~ Comment: ~l above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. = STLC = TTLC = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte quantifiable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed) . Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration Total Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846. California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 Dan Schul tz '"' ~c.Ç1...L-'-r Laboratory Director All mullS listed in this report are for !be exclusive 1110 of !be IIIbInittin; party. BC lAboratories. Inc. UBII1IIeI no respcmsibi11ty for report alteration, sepantion. delacbmellt or thitd party Interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield. CA 93308 · (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327-1918· www.bc1abs.com E Laboratories,lnc. Page 1 TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714~385-1522 Date Reported: 06/28/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-11 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD C-1l-1-99 06/16/99 @ 10:50AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type'i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM Constituents Samt)le Results Units Method P.O.L. 5.0 Method SW-6010 Regulatory Criteria STLC TTLC maIL ma/ka. ® Lead None Detected mg/kg 5.0 1000. Comment: All above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. I~ Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. = STLC = TTLC = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte quantifiable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed) . Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration Total Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846. California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 Dan Schultz Laboratory Director c>. 0 ~ :+- L /'"O(ýv.P All Ie.ullllisled in 1bIa report ale for the exclusive use of the submlttins party. DC Laboratoria, Inc. usumes no responsibility for report altaation, acparatioa. dc!adunent or third party Interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield. CA 93308· (661) 327-491] · Fax (661) 327-1918· www.bc1abs.com E Laboratories, Inc. TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) Page 1 PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/28/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-13 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD S-13-1-99 06/16/99 @ 11:45AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM Regulatory Criteria STLC TTLC mq/L mq/kq ~ Constituents Samole Results Units Method P.O.L. Method Lead None Detected mg/kg 5.0 SW-6010 5.0 1000. Comment: All above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. ~ Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. = STLC = TILC = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte quantifiable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed) . Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration Total Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846. California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 f?g~ Dan Schultz Laboratory Director All ~sullB lísœd in tbiJ report are for the exclusive use of Ibc submilling party. BC LaboratoriCl, Inc:. USUJllClIIO rapoDSlbiUty for report alteration, aeparalioø. cletacbmenl or third party Intcl nCtatiou. , 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield. CA 93308· (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327·1918 · www.bc1abs.com E Laboratories,Inc. Page 1 WET TEST EXTRACT CONTAMINANTS ANALYZED ACCORDING TO TITLE 22, ARTICLE 11, CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS FOR HAZARDOUS WASTE DETERMINATION (STLC) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim I CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/10/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-5 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD EP-5-1-99 06/1~/99 @ 09:20AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM ('~!t Regulatory Sample Results Method Criteria Constituents mQ'/liter P.O.L. Method STLC Lead *05 24. 0.5 SW-6010 5.0 Comment: All metals reported above are in mg/liter on a filtrate basis (STLC). results are based on extracting sample according to Title 22, Article California Administrative Code using a 48-hour citric acid (deionized for hexavalent chromium) extraction. Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte quantifiable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed) . Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration These 11, water '~~ \;;- P.Q.L. = STLC = REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846. Flag Explanations: *05 = Sample precision is not within established limits. ~~ Dan Schultz Laboratory Director All results listed In this report are for the exclusive use of the submltUng party, BC Laboratories: Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, detahcment or third party Interpretatlion. 4100 Atlas Court * Bakersfield. CA 93308 * (661)327-4911 * Fax(661)327-1918 * www..bcJabs.com B Laboratories,Inc. Page 1 WET TEST EXTRACT CONTAMINANTS .ANALYZED ACCORDING TO TITLE 22, ARTICLE 11, CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS FOR HAZARDOUS WASTE DETERMINATION (STLC) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim I CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/10/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-7 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD S-7-1-99 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM Ti tIe 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM ;~ Regulatory Sample Results Method Criteria Constituents mq/liter P.O.L. Method STLC Lead *05 15. 0.5 SW-6010 5.0 @ Comment: All metals reported above are in mg/liter on a filtrate basis (STLC). These results are based on extracting sample according to Title 22, Article 11, California Administrative Code using a 48-hour citric acid (deionized water ,for hexavalent chromium) extraction. P.Q.L. = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte quantifiable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed) . STLC Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846. Flag Explanations: *05 = Sample precision is not within established limits~ ~ Dan Schultz Laboratory Director All results listed In this report are for the exclusive use of the submlttlng party, BC Laboratories: Inc. assumes no responsibUIty for report alteration. detahcment or third party Interpretat/ion. 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield. CA 93308 * (661)327-4911 · Fax(661)327-1918· www..bclabs.com Ð Laboratories, Inc. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Page 1 PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date·Reported: 06/29/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-1 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD EP-1-1-99 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM Method Constituents Sample Results Units P.O.L. Method ~ Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons 180. mg/kg 20. EPA-418.1 l:~ 'iiffI Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed in this report are Cor !be exclusive use oCtile submlUln¡ party. BC Laboratoriea, ¡DC. USumel no responsibiIJty Cor report al1eratlon, 1Cpa1'l1Î0D. dellchmcnt or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfic1d, CA 93308· (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327-1918· www.bclabs.com E Laboratories,Inc. Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim I CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/29/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-2 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD EP-2-1-99 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM ' Method ® Constituents Sample Results Units P.O.L. Method Total Rec9verable Petroleum Hydrocarbons 390. mg/kg 100. EPA-418.1 '.ITÞ Note: PQL's were raised due to dilution required to bring target analytes into calibration range. 6 Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor An rcsultllisted in lhis report arc for tile exclusivo use of tile lIIbmiuilll party. Be Laboratorio., Inc:. assumes no IUponsibillty for report allel'ation, aeparatiOll, detachment or third party illterpretatioll. 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327-1918 · www.bclabs.com § Laboratories,Inc. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Page 1 PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim I CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/29/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-3 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD EP-3-1-99 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM TOM Method Constituents Samcle Results Units P.O.L. Method ".1) Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons 1000. mg/kg 200. EPA-418.1 ,~ Note: PQL's were raised due to dilution required to bring target analytes into calibration range. California D~~86 Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor , All results listed in Ihi. report are for die exclusive use of the submlUlag party. Be Laboratories. Inc. IISIII'IIeI no responsibility for report alteration. aeparatioa. detadunent or third party interprelAlÍon. 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield. CA 93308· (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327-1918· www.bc1abs.com E Laboratories,lnc. Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim I CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/29/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-4 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD EP-4-1-99 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM Method .~ Constituents Sample Results Units P.D.L. Method Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons 1700. mg/kg 200. EPA-418.1 ,;J Note: PQL's were raised due to dilution required to bring target analytes into calibra~ion range. Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor An results listed in this report are for !be exclusive use of !be submitting party. BC laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alla'itlon, acparatioa, detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327·1918· www.bclabs.com E Laboratories,Inc. Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim I CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/29/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-5 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD. EP-5-1-99 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM , Method 11) Constituents Samcle Results Units P.O.L. Method Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons 790. mg/kg 200. EPA-418.1 :~ Note: PQL's were raised due to dilution required to bring target analytes into calibration range. Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor AllrcsullS listed in Ibi. report Irc Cor !be exclusive use ofthc: submitting pati)'o BC LaboratorieI,Inc. asslØllC. no rapoIIS1'billty for report alteration. sepanlioo, detachment or third party intetpretation. 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327-1918 · www.bclabs,com E Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewobd, Suite 130 Anaheim I CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/29/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-6 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD S-6-1-99 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM TOM Method Constituents Sample Results Units P.D.L. Method "r Total Recoverable Petroleum .~ Hydrocarbons 61. mg/kg 20. EPA-418.1 i';b Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor AD mults listed in ibis RpOrt are for !be exclllllve use ofebe submitting party. BC Laboratories. Inc. uaumcs no n:5pODSibillty for R¡IOrt alteration. acparalioD. clelacbmcnt or third parIY interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court. Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (661) 327-4911 · Fax. (661) 327-1918 · www.bc1abs.com E Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/29/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-7 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD S-7-1-99 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM Method Constituents Sample Results Units P.O.L. Method :~ . Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons 18000. mg/kg 2000. EPA-418.1 ::Þ Note: PQL's were raised due to dilution required to bring target analytes into calibration range. All resulta listed in this report are for !he exclusive \ISO of the lubmittin¡ party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no rcspollSlòility for report allaZ1ion, Icparatioa. dclac/unent or !bint party interpretation. 4100 Atlas COurt· Bakersfield, CA 93308· (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327-1918 · www.bclabs.com B Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/29/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-8 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD C-8-1-99 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No.Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM ' Method ':" ~~ Constituents Samole Results Units P.O.L. Method p Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons None Detected mg/kg 20. EPA-418.1 ~r~ .....' Stuart G'. Buttram Department Supervisor AD results listed in this report l1'li for the exclusive UIe of the submitting part)'. BC Laboratories, Inc. Illumes no lUpOIISibiUty for report al=ation, IeparatiOD. detachment or third puty interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court. Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327-1918 · www.bclabs.com E Laboratories,Inc. Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim I CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/29/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-9 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD C-9-1-99 06/16/99 @ 10:45AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM ' Method r4} Constituents Sample Results Units P.O.L. Method Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons None Detected mg/kg 20. EPA-418.1 .. & An re.ults listed in Ibil report are fOT !be cxclllllvo use of !be .ubmltliug party. BC Laboratories. Inc, assumes 110 reapousibillty for report altaUiou. scparatioD. detachment or third partY interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327·1918 · www.bclabs.com E Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim I CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/29/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-10 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD C-10-1-99 06/16/99 @ 10:50AM TOM Method Constituents Samole Results Units P.O.L. Method Total Recoverable petrolewn Hydrocarbons None Detected mg/kg 20. EPA-418.1 .,':;J California Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All re.ullS listed in thll report are for !be exclUl/ve \IIC of the JUbmluin¡ party. BC LIboratoriel. Inc. aalllllCl no rapoIIIIbiI/ty for report alœration. IC lllralÌoo, detachment or !bird party interpretatiou. 4100 Atlas Court * Bakersfield, CA 93308· (661) 327-491 1* Fax (661) 327-1918 * www.bclabs.com Ð Laboratories,Inc. Page 1. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim I CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/29/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-11 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD C-1l-1-99 06/16/99 @ 10:50AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Mîllable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM . Method ,Jti Constituents Samole Results Units P.O.L. Method ';::;" Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons None Detected .mg /kg 20. EPA-418.1 ~ All mults lisIed in dù. report arc for the exclusive use of !be subnùtlÌ1l¡ party. BC Laboratories. Inc. wumes no mpolllibi1ity for report alteration. aepualion. delacbment or !hint patty interpœtation. 4100 AtlaS Court" Bakersfield. CA 93308 · (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327·1918" www.bclabs.com E Laboratories, lnc. Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim I CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/29/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-12 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD 5-12-1-99 06/16/99 @ 10:50AM TOM Method Constituents SamDle Results Units P.O.L. Method @ Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons 92000. mg/kg 20000. EPA-41.8.1. (Æì Note: PQL's were raised due to dilution required to bring target analytes into calibration range. All relullllisted in this report are for !be exclusive use of the submlttilll party. BC Labontories. Inc. assumes no raponslbillty for report alla'&tion. separalion, clecachmenl or !bird part:)' inlCrpret&lioD. . 4100 Atlas Court. Bakersfield, CA 93308· (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327-1918· www.bclabs.com E Laboratories,Inc. Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim I CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 06/29/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-13 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sampling Date/Time: BAKERSFIELD S-13-1-99 06/16/99 @ 11:45AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Sample Collected By: TOM Method Constituents Sanmle Results Units P.O.L. Method .¡ Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons 32. mg/kg 20. EPA-418.1 3J Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All rcsultslislcd in this report arc for !be exclusive use of !be submillllll party. BC Laboratories, Inc. wumes JIO responsibility for report alteration, ICpUation. detachment or thin! part)' Interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield, CA 93308· (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327-1918 · www.bclabs.com Ð Laboratories, Inc. Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Page 1 PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/02/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-1 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD EP-1-1-99 Soil TOM Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(g) : Date Analyzed-8015M(g): 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM 06/17/99 06/17/99 06/17/99 06/17/99 :;1$t Analysis Reporting Constituents Results Units Benzene None Detected mg/kg Toluene None Detected mg/kg Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg Gasoline Range Organics (CS - C14) None Detected mg/kg Surrogate t Recovery 82. t Practical Quantitation Limit 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 l. 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. ~ Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed in lids report m for !he exclllSive use of the slIbnùtting party, Be LaboratoriCl, Inc, USIIIIICI no I'CI JODSibillty for report altaatioD. IeparalÍOD, detachment or third party intcrpretalÍOD. 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327-t918· www.bclabs.com B Laboratories,Inc. Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 'Page 1 PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/02/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-2 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD EP-2-1-99 Soil TOM . Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(g) : Date Analyzed-8015M(g): 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 Constituents Analysis Results Reporting Units Practical Quantitation Limit t1# Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Total Xylenes Gasoline Range Organics (C5 - C14) Surrogate % Recovery None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg t 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 *2 *2 *2 *2 None Detected 64. 1. 70-130 *2 *1 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - MOdified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. ~ Flag Explanations: ' *1 = Note: Surrogate is low due to matrix interferences. Interferences verified through 2nd extraction/analysis. *2 = Associated surrogate recovery is low. Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed in this report are for the exclusive \IJC oflbe submiuilll party. BC Laboratøriea. Inc. 1JJ\III1CI no responsibility for report attention. separatiOD. detaclunent or thiJd put)' interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court. Bakersfield, CA 93308. (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327-1918· www.bclabs.com Ð Laboratories,Inc. Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/02/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-3 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD EP-3-1-99 Soil TOM' Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(g): Date Analyzed-8015M(g): 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 Constituents Analysis Results Reporting Units Practical Quantitation Limit ~ Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Total Xylenes Gasoline Range Organics (C5 - C14) Surrogate % Recovery None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg % 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 *2 *2 *2 *2 None Detected 55. 1- 70-130 *2 *1 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8615 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. '1t¡ Flag Explanations: *1 = Note: Surrogate is low due to matrix interferences. Interferences verified through 2nd extraction/analysis. *2 = Associated surrogate recovery is low. Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed in dúJ RpOrt _ for the exclusivo use of !he submitting party. Be Laboratories. Inc. ISIUIIII:I DO responsfbi1Jty far report alœration. separation. detachment ar thin! part)' intclpl'Ctation. 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield, CA 93308· (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327-1918 · www.bclabs.com E Laboratories, Inc. Purgeable Aromatics and Total' Petroleum Hydrocarbons Page 1 PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim I CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/02/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-4 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD EP-4-1-99 Soil TOM . Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(g) : Date Analyzed- 8015M (g) :. 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 ~1) Analysis Reporting Constituents Results Units' Benzene None Detected mg/kg Toluene None Detected mg/kg Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg Gasoline Range Organics (C5 - C14) None Detected mg/kg Surrogate % Recovery 59. % Practical Quantitation Limit 0.005 *2 0.005 *2 0.005 *2 0.01 *2 1. *2 70-130 *1 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. ,"" J.:I Flag Explanations: *1 = Note: Surrogate is low due to matrix interferences. Interferences verified through 2nd extraction/analysis. *2 = Associated surrogate recovery is low. Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All rel1l1lS listed in this report arc for the exclusive use oflhc aubmluing party. BC Laboratoriea. Inc, assumes no responsibDlty for report aIlaatåon, separation. detachment or !bird party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court. Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327-1918· www.bc1abs,com E Laboratories, Inc. Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Page 1. PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim I CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/02/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-5 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD EP-5-1-99 Soil TOM . Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(g) : Date Analyzed-8015M(g): 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 ¡t; Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 *2 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 *2 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 *2 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 *2 Gasoline Range Organics (CS - C14) None Detected mg/kg 1. *2 Surrogate % Recovery 53. % 70-130 *1 TEST METHOD: .TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. D Flag Explanations: *1 = Note: Surrogate is low due to matrix interferences. Interferences verified through 2nd extraction/analysis. *2 = Associated surrogate recovery is low. Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor An ~u1ts listed in this report _ for the exclusive use oflhe sllbmJaing party. BC Laboratorics,lnc. uaumcs no ~illty forrcport alteration. separatioD. dccachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield, CA 93308· (661) 327-491 I · Fax (661) 327-1918 · www.bclabs.com E Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/02/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-6 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD 5-6-1-99 Soil TOM Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-S020: Date Extracted-8015M(g) : Date Analyzed-8015M(g) ~ 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 constituents Analysis . Results Reporting Units Practical Quantitation Limit 1.-:,·... ,~~'" Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Total Xylenes Gasoline Range Organics (CS - C14) Surrogate t Recovery None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg t 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 None Detected 82. 1. 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA BOIS Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. ~~ Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All n:sults listed ill dùs report Ion: for the exclusive use of the submiUin¡ party. BC Labol'ltori~, Inc. usumes no reaponsfbility for report alteration, leparation. detaclunent or lhín1 part)' intcrpRtatioa. 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield. CA 93308· (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327-1918 · www.bclabs.com § Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/02/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-7 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD 8-7-1-99 Soil TOM, Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(g) : Date Analyzed-801SM(g): 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 Constituents Analysis Results Reporting Units Practical Quantitation Limit c.? Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Total Xylenes Gasoline Range Organics (C5 - C14) Surrogate t Recovery None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg t 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 *2 *2 *2 *2 None Detected 59. l.. 70-130 *2 *1 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. .:} Flag Explanations: *1 = Note: Surrogate is low due to matrix interferences. Interferences verified through 2nd extraction/analysis. *2 = Associated surrogate recovery is low. tuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor AU results listed in IhiI report m for the exclusive use oftbc sabmittlng party. Be Laboratories. inc. assumes no respollllibWty for report aJcaat/on. JCp&I1ItiOD. delacbment or third pany interprer.tiou, 4100 Atlas Court * Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327-1918 · www.bclabs.com E Laboratories, lnc. Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/02/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-8 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD C-8-1-99 Soil TOM· Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(g) : Date Analyzed-8015M(g): 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 Constituents Analysis Results Reporting Units Practical Quantitation Limit c ·-it Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Total Xylenes Gasoline Range Organics (C5 - C14) Surrogate % Recovery None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg % 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 None Detected 82. 1- 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. 1 L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. iJ Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor An results listed iJllbis report are for the exclusive \IJe of Ibc slllmúning party. BC Laboratories, Inc. USUIDCI no responsibiUty for report alteration, separation, clclachmcnt or third patty interpretation. 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327·1918 · www.bclabs.com E Laboratories,Inc. Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/02/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-9 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD C-9-1-99 Soil TOM. Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(g) : Date Analyzed-8015M(g):. 06/16/99 @ 10:45AM 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 Constituents Analysis Results Reporting Units Practical Quantitation Limit /::~ Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Total Xylenes Gasoline Range Organics (C5 - C1.4) Surrogate % Recovery None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected mg/kg rng/kg mg/kg rng/kg mg/kg % 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 None Detected 87. 1.. 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 801.5 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. ;;) Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed in Ibis report m for !he exclusive use of the submltling party. BC Labcnatoriea, Inc. aalllllCl DO reapoDJlbllity for report alteration, ICpuatiOD, cScIaehment or thUd party interpn:tation. 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield, CA 93308· (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327-1918 · www.bclabs.com § Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 Purgeab1e Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 .Anaheim I CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/02/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-10 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD C-10-1-99 Soil TOM. Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(g) : Date Analyzed-8015M(g): 06/16/99 @ 10:50AM 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 Constituents Analysis Results Reporting Units Practical Quantitation Limit r0~ Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Total Xylenes Gasoline Range Organics (C5 - C14) Surrogate % Recovery None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected' mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg % 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 None Detected 84. l. 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. ~ .!;t Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed in Ibi. report are for !he exclusive \ISO of the submitti1l8 party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no respcmsIbillty for report alteration, aeparadOD. detachment or !hird pany interpn:tadoß, 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327-1918 · www.bclabs.com E Laboratories, Inc. Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Page 1 PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood, Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/02/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-11 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD C-1l-1-99 Soil TOM . Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Bxtracted-8015M(g) : Date Analyzed-8015M(g): '06/16/99 (jj) 10: 50AM 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 ¡':~ '.."Jl Analysis Reporting Constituents Results Units Benzene None Detected mg/kg Toluene None Detected mg/kg Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg Gasoline Range Organics (C5 - C14) None Detected mg/kg Surrogate % Recovery 83. % Practical Quantitation Limit 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 1'. 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified BPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. L*~ Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed in this report Ire for the exclusive use of the submllling party. BC Laboratories. Inc. assumes no reI IOIIIibility for report alteration, acparatfOD. clelachment or thin! patty Interpretation. 4100 Atlas COurt· Bakersfield, CA 93308· (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327-1918 · www.bcJabs.com § Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim I CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/02/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-12 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD 5-12-1-99 Soil TOM Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(g) : Date Analyzed-8015M(g):, 06/16/99 @ 10:50AM 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 Constituents Analysis Results Reporting Units Practical Quantitation Limit ':~;... Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Total Xylenes Gasoline Range Organics (C5 - C14) Surrogate % Recovery None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg % 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 *2 *2 *2 *2 None Detected 14. l. 70-130 *2 *1 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. I L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. ,} Flag Explanations: *1 = Note: Surrogate is low due to matrix interferences. Interferences verified through 2nd extraction/analysis. *2 = Associated surrogate recovery is low. . #1186 Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All rcsullB listed in dúa report arc for thc cxclusive IISC of the submltling party. Be I.&boratoriCI,lnç. Uluna no rcspoIIIfbilJly for report alcaalÍOll,lCp8tadon, delaçbmcn! Dr mini partY intcT mtati01l. 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield, CA 93308· (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327-1918· www.bclabs.com Ð Laboratories, Inc. Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Page 1 PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim I CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/02/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-13 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD S-13-1-99 Soil TOM . Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(g) : Date Analyzed-801SM(g): 06/16/99 @ 11:45AM 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 06/18/99 Constituents Analysis Results Reporting Units Practical Quantitation Limit 1¿# Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Total Xylenes Gasoline Range Organics (C5 - C14) Surrogate t Recovery None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg t 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 None Detected 82. 1. 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. ..~ Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor An results listed in Ibis report are Cor !he exelU5ive use oC!he submltdng party. BC Laboratories, Inc. USIIIDCI no rcspcmsIbiIlty Cor report alteration, separation, detachment or thin! party interpretatiOll. 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield, CA 93308· (661) 327-4911 · Fax (661) 327·1918· www.bclabs.com Ð Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8010/8020 By GC/MS) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/10/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-1 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD EP-1-1-99 Soil TOM Date Collected: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM 06/26/99 06/26/99 ~..:;; Method Analysis Reporting Method Detection Constituents Results Units P.O.L. Level Bromodichloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00059 Bromoform None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00050 Bromomethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0014 Carbon tetrachloride None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0015 Chlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00052 Chloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00096 Chloroform None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00065 Chloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00089 Dibromochloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00045 1,2-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00045 1,3-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0005 1,4-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00048 Dichlorodifluoromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0010 1,1-Dichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00078 1,2-Dichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00084 1,1-Dichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0011 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00067 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0010 1,2-Dichloropropane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00062 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 ,0.00060 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00040 Methylene Chloride None Detected mg/kg 0.01 0.0010 1, 1, 2, 2-Tetrachloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00066 Tetrachloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0008 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0011 1, 1, 2-Trichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0006 Trichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00064 Trichlorofluoromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0012 1,1,2-Trichloro- 1,2,2-trifluoroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0012 Vinyl Chloride None Detected mg/kg 0.005 o . 0011 Methyl-t-butylether None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0025 Quali ty Control Data Surroqates %- Re cove rv Control Limits 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 98. 70-121 Toluene-d8 100. 81-117 4-Bromofluorobenzene 95. 74-121 .~. ;,,4,), ,'"J.' All results listed In this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party, BC laboratories. Inc. assumes no responsibility for raport alteration, detahanent or third party Interpretatilon. 4100 Atlas Court ~ Bakersfield, CA 93308 * (661)327-4911 · Fax(661)327-1918 · www.,bclabs.com E Laboratories,Inc. Page . 2 Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8010/8020 By GC/MS) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/10/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-1 Sample Description: BAKERSFIELD, EP-1-1-99, 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM, TOM (~; ¡:"'& '<fP California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 ØL- Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results IIsteclln this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party, BC Laboratories. Inc. esaumes no responsibility fOr report alteration, detahcment or third party InterpretatJion. 4100 Atlas Court * Bakersfield, CA 93308 * (661)327-4911 * Fax(661)327-1918 * www..bclabs.com g Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8010/8020 By GC/MS) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/10/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-2 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD EP-2-1-99 Soil TOM Date Collected: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM 06/26/99 06/26/99 ,~:¡ Method Analysis Reporting Method, Detection Constituents Results Units P.O.L. Level Bromodichloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00059 Bromoform None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00050 Bromomethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0014 Carbon tetrachloride None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0015 Chlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00052 Chloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00096 Chloroform None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00065 Chloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00089 Dibromochloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00045 1,2-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00045 1,3-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0005 1,4-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00048 Dichlorodifluoromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0010 1,1-Dichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00078 1,2-Dichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00084 1,1-Dichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0011 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00067 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0010 1,2-Dichloropropane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00062 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00060 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00040 Methylene Chloride 0.073 mg/kg 0.01 0.0010 1,1, 2, 2-Tetrachloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00066 Tetrachloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0008 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0011 1, 1, 2-Trichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0006 Trichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00064 Trichlorofluoromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0012 1,1,2-Trichloro- 1,2,2-trifluoroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0012 Vinyl Chloride None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0011 Methyl-t-butylether None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0025 Quality Control Data Surroqates t Re cove rv Control Limits 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 100. 70-121 Toluene-d8 98. 81-117 4-Bromofluorobenzene 82. 74-121 ,~\ ""::; All results listed In this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party, BC Laboratorias. Inc. assumas no responsibility for report alteration, detahcment or third party inlerpretatilon. 4100 Atlas Court * Bakersfield. CA 93308 * (661)327-4911 * Fax(661)327-1918 * www..bclabs.com B Laboratories,Inc. Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8010/8020 By GC/MS) Page 2 PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim I CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/10/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-2 Sample Description: BAKERSFIELD I EP-2-1-99, 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM, TOM t~~ ~ California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 ø~-- Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed In this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party, BC laboratories. Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, detahcment or third party Interpretatilon. 4100 Atlas Court * Bakersfield, CA 93308 * (661)327-4911 * Fax(661)327-1918 * www.,bclabs.com E Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8010/8020 By GC/MS) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/10/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-5 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD EP-5-1-99 Soil TOM Date Collected: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM 06/26/99 06/26/99 :.~ Method Analysis Reporting Method Detection Constituents Results Units P.O.L. Level Bromodichloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00059 Bromoform None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00050 Bromomethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0014 Carbon tetrachloride None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0015 Chlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00052 Chloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00096 Chloroform None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00065 Chloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00089 Dibromochloromethane f' None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00045 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 'v None Detectèd mg/kg 0.005 0.00045 1,3-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0005 1,4-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00048 Dichlorodifluoromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0010 l,l-Dichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00078 1,2-Dichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00084 1,1-Dichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0011 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00067 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0010 1,2-Dichloropropane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00062 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene None Detected mg/kg '0.005 0.00060 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00040 Methylene Chloride 0,.035 mg/kg 0.01 0.0010 1, 1, 2,2-Tetrachloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00066 Tetrachloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0008 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0011 1, 1, 2-Trichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0006 Trichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00064 Trichlorofluoromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0012 1, 1, 2-Trichloro- 1,2,2-trifluoroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0012 Vinyl Chloride None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0011 Methyl-t-butylether None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0025 Quali ty Control Data Surroqates % Recoverv Control Limits 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 106. 70-121 Toluene-d8 95. 81-117 4-Bromofluorobenzene 76. 74-121 @ All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party, BC laboratories: Inc. assumes no responsibility for raport alteration, detahcment or third party Interpretatlion. 4100 Atlas Court * Bakersfield. CA 93308 * (661)327-4911 * Fax(661)327-1918 * www..bclabs.com E Laboratories, Inc. Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8010/8020 By GC/MS) Page 2 PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/10/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-5 Sample Description: BAKERSFIELD I EP-5-1-99, 06/16/99 @ 09:20AM, TOM ~~. f~ ® California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 ø-./£ Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor AN results listed In thl8 report are for the exclU81ve U8e of the 8ubmlttlng party. BC laboratories, Inc. a8sumes no responsibility for report alteration, detahcment or third party InterpretatiJon. , 4100 Atlas Court· Bakersfield. CA 93308· (661)327-4911 · Fax(661)327-1918 · www..bclabs.com E Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8010/8020 By GC/MS) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/10/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-9 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD C-9-1-99 Soil TOM Date Collected: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: 06/16/99 @ 10:45AM 06/26/99 06/26/99 (:~ Method Analysis Reporting Method Detection Constituents Results Units P.O.L. Level Bromodichloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00059 Bromoform None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00050 Bromomethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0014 Carbon tetrachloride None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0015 Chlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00052 Chloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00096 Chloroform None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00065 Chloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00089 Dibromochloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00045 1,2-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00045 1,3-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0005 1,4-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00048 Dichlorodifluoromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0010 1,1-Dichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00078 1,2-Dichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00084 1,1-Dichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0011 cis-l,2-Dichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00067 trans-l,2-Dichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0010 1,2-Dichloropropane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00062 cis-l,3-Dichloropropene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00060 trans-l,3-Dichloropropene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00040 Methylene Chloride None Detected mg/kg 0.01 0.0010 1, 1, 2,2-Tetrachloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00066 Tetrachloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0008 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0011 1,1,2-Trichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0006 Trichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00064 Trichlorofluoromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0012 1, 1, 2-Trichloro- 1,2,2-trifluoroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0012 Vinyl Chloride None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0011 Methyl-t-butylether None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0025 Quali ty Control Data Surroqates %' Recoverv Control Limits 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 92. 70-121 Toluene-d8 99. 81-117 4-Bromofluorobenzene 98. 74-121 0~) All results listed In this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboretoí1es, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, detahcment or third party Interpretatilon. 4100 Atlas Court * Bakersfield, CA 93308 * (661)327-4911 * Fax(661)327-1918 * www..bclabs.com E Laboratories, Inc. Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8010/8020 By GC/MS) Page 2 PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/10/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-9 Sample Description: BAKERSFIELD, C-9-1-99, 06/16/99 @ 10:4SAM, TOM @ ~v #1186 Stuart G. Buttram Department 'Supervisor All results listed In this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party, BC laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, detahcment or third party Interpretatilon. 4100 Atlas Court * Bakersfield. CA 93308 * (661)327-4911 * Fax(661)327-1918 * www.,bclabs.com E Laboratories, Inc. Page 1 Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8010/8020 By GC/MS) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/10/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-11 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIEW C-1l-1-99 Soil TOM Date Collected: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: 06/16/99 @ 10:50AM 06/26/99 06/26/99 .~..~ "', Method Analysis Reporting Method Detection Constituents Results Units P.O.L. Level Bromodichloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00059 Bromoform None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00050 Bromomethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0014 Carbon tetrachloride None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0015 Chlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00052 Chloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00096 Chloroform None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00065 Chloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00089 Dibromochloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00045 1,2-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00045 1,3-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0005 1,4-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00048 Dichlorodifluoromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0010 1,1-Dichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00078 1,2-Dichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00084 1,1-Dichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0011 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00067 trans-l,2-Dichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0010 1,2-Dichloropropane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00062 ciS-1,3-Dichloropropene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00060 trans-l,3-Dichloropropene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00040 Methylene Chloride None Detected mg/kg 0.01 0.0010 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00066 Tetrachloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0008 1,1,1-Trichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0011 1,1,2-Trichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0006 Trichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00064 Trichlorofluoromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0012 1,1,2-Trichloro- 1, 2, 2-trifluoroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0012 Vinyl Chloride None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0011 Methyl-t-butylether . None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0025 Quali ty Control Data Surroqates % Re cove rv Control Limits 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 90. 70-121 Toluene-d8 100. 81-117 4-Bromofluorobenzene 97. 74-121 ~";é'; All results listed In this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party, BC Laboratories. Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteretlon, detahanent or third party Interpretatllon. 4100 Atlas Court * Bakersfield, CA 93308 * (661)327-4911 * Fax(661)327-1918 * www.,bclabs.com E Laboratories, Inc. Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8010/8020 By GC/MS) Page 2 PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim I CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/10/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-11 Sample Description: BAKERSFIELD, C-11-1-99, 06/16/99 @ 10:50AM, TOM ù~ ~ California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed In this report are for the exclusive use of the submltttng party, BC Laboretorles, Inc. asaumes no responsibility tor raport alteration, detahcment or third party interpretatiion. 4100 Atlas Court" Bakersfield, CA 93308 * (661)327-4911 .. Fax(661)327-1918 * www..bclabs.com E Laboratories,Inc. Page 1 Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8010/8020 By GC/MS) PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim, CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/10/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-13 Sampling Location: Sample ID: Sample Matrix: Sample Collected By: BAKERSFIELD S-13-1-99 Soil TOM Date Collected: Date Extracted: Date Ànalyzed: 06/16/99 @ 11:45AM 06/27/99 06/27/99 '~ Method Analysis Reporting Method Detection Constituents Results Units P.O.L. Level Bromodichloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00059 Bromoform None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00050 Bromomethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0014 Carbon tetrachloride None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0015 Chlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00052 Chloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00096 Chloroform None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00065 Chloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00089 Dibromochloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00045 1,2-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00045 1,3-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0005 1,4-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00048 Dichlorodifluoromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0010 1,1-Dichloroethane None Detected, mg/kg 0.005 0.00078 1,2-Dichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00084 1,1-Dichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0011 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene None Detected . 'mg/kg 0.005 0.00067 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0010 1,2-Dichloropropane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00062 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00060 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00040 Methylene Chloride None Detected mg/kg 0.01 0.0010 1, 1,2, 2-Tetrachloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00066 Tetrachloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0008 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0011 1,1,2-Trichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0006 Trichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.00064 Trichlorofluoromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0012 1,1,2-Trichloro- 1,2,2-trifluoroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0012 Vinyl Chloride None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0011 Methyl-t-butylether None Detected mg/kg 0.005 0.0025 Quality Control Data Surroqates % Re cove rv Control Limits 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 7B. 70-121 Toluene-dB 96. 81-117 4-Bromofluorobenzene 95. 74-121 ....J< ,;:'>1 All results listed In this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party, BC laboratories, Inc, assumes no rasponslbillty for report alteration, detahcment or third party Interpretatiloo. 4100 Atlas Court * Bakersfield, CA 93308 * (661)327-4911 * Fax(661)327-1918 * www..bclabs.com g Laboratories, Inc. Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8010/8020 By GC/MS) Page 2 PICK YOUR. PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Suite 130 Anaheim I CA 92805 Attn: LINDA WADE 714-385-1522 Date Reported: 07/10/99 Date Received: 06/16/99 Laboratory No.: 99-07072-13 Sample Description: BAKERSFIELD, S-13-1-99, 06/16/99 @ 11:45AM, TOM :~1 :~D California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed In this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party, BC laboratories. Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration. detahcment or third party Interpretatllon. 4100 Atlas Court * Bakersfield. CA 93308 * (661)327-4911 * Fax(661)327·1918 * www..bclabs.com -....._-~.. ._.~- ~."-' -- . r.)' " < Laboratories, Inc. . '-~._- - ........~.._.~_. Celebrating our 50th Year JUt- 277999 July 26, 1999 ;·ig LINDA WADE .' PICK YOUR PART/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1301 E. Orangewood I Sùïte 130 Anaheim, CA .92805 Subject: Laboratory Submission No.: Samples Received: .9.9-07863 07/07/99 Dear LINDA WADE The samples(s) listed on the Chain of CUstody report were received by BC Laboratories, Inc. on 07/07/99. - Enclosed please find the analytical data for the testing requested. If you have any questions regarding this report please contact me at (661)327-4911, ext. 250. Any unused sample will be stored on our premises for a minimum of 30 days (excluding bacteriologicals) at which time they will be disposed unless otherwise requested at the time of sample receipt. A disposal fee of $5 per sample may apply for solid sample matrices. Please refer to submission number 99-07863 when calling for assistance. Sincerely I )} pj~~. ~.à Diane Hale Project Coordinator BC Laboratories, Inc. 4100 Atlas Ct. . Bakersfield, CA 93308 . (661) 327-4911 . FAX (661) 327.1918 www.bclabs.com