HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION (4) oRE ROJ3f f\/n: R N At/;O NAL, I(\J C- :) I !I.\' (;11\'11111\1, \\'(1/11(' /)1I1¡{\\ïll I't/rt ( '\ () I-!l() ~. ,. ,:... . . ~. .. , , , Soil. Soil Cas. Crol/luf¡mter Investi!{(/fion Ser\'ices \'iu Direct Pllsh Techl/olour , 0. .. Geoprobe 5400 mounted on a Ford F-250 4 x 4 truck. Over five years experience in direct push technology services in the environmental and geotechnical fields. New Cone Penetration Test log (CPT) capability (a cordless probe that provides insitu stratigraphy), providing Cone Resistance (MPa), Pore Pressure (MPa), Sleeve Friction (MPa) and Friction Ration (%). Geoprobe 4220 mounted on a 4 x 4' all terrain vehicle. Excellent mobility and great for quick relocation between sampling locations. Made for hard to reach locations. Also CPT capable. Geoprobe 540M limited access, dolly mounted rig. Does not need anchoring. Up to 100 foot reach from remote power unit; therefore, free of exhaust fumes in delicate working areas, such as dry cleaners, machine shops, plating facilities, etc. Geoprobe GS-lOOO grout pump unit capable of generating up to 1000 psi of grout pressure. Grouts regular direct push borings and any type of wells up to four inch diameter. Ideal for oxygen release compound injections. A gcological services company run by geologists to suit your needs. Soil, soil gas and groundwater sampling. Vapor implants, sparge points and Geoprobe pre-packed well installations. We are keeping up with new technology. Call for an estimate. ('olltact Stc\vart Graham or Hamid Khorzani at Core Prohe International. Inc. 51 O~ Gayhurst Avenue, Baldwill Park. CA l) 170b Tclephollc: 626/XI3-1()l):2 · Fax: 6:26/XI 3-67J() · E-Mail: coreprobe@ao!.com' i cC C Contamination Clean-Up of California, Inc. "' . Remediation Plan For Contaminated Soil At ) Pick Your Part Auto Wrecking 2120 S. Union Avenue Bakersfield, California 93307 Prepared For: Pick Your Part Auto Wrecking 1301 E. Orangewood Avenue Anaheim, California 92805 Submitted To: County of Kern Environmental Health Services Department 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301-2370 Attn: Lydia Von Sydow August 31, 1998 Prepared By: Reviewed By: ~ . ~J Tomas Twi ie, Project Manager ChemÌstlREA/REHS ¡¡~T};~ Scott V ollero, Project Manager REA I 1301 E. Orangewood. Suite 130 . Anaheim. California 92805 (714) 385·1281 . FAX (714) 634-0520 Table of Contents 1.0 Executive Summary.............................. ........... ......... .................................................... 3 2.0 Introduction................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 Background............................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Purpose and Obj ective ............................................................................................. 4 3.0 Geology and Hydrogeology.......................................................................................... 5 4.0 Soil Remediation........................................................................................................... 6 5.0 Sampling and Analysis................................................................................................. 7 5.1 Soil Sampling..............................................................................:............................. 7 5.2 Soil Analysis............................................................................................................. 7 6.0 Clean-Up Criteria.......................................................................................................... 8 Table I - Clean-Up Criteria For Soil Contamination .................................................. 8 7.0 Summary....................................................................................................................... 9 8.0 Appendix Appendix A - Site Location Appendix B - Plot Plan - Confinnation Sampling Locations Appendix C - Previous Soil Sample Test Results 1\1 W :CCCIßakcrs[¡cldRclllcdiationPlan,doc Page :2 1.0 Executive Summary On April 19, 1994, Contamination Clean-Up of California, Inc. conducted a site investigation of soil contamination at the Pick Your Part Auto Wrecking facility. The facility is located at 2120 S. Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California. The site investigation consisted of the advancement of seventeen (17) shallow soil exploratory borings in the Scrap area, thirteen (13) in the Impound area, and eighteen (18) in the Retail area of the facility. The soil boring samples were collected at depths of one foot (1 ft.) and three feet (3 ft.). A total of ninety-six (96) vadose soil boring samples were submitted to a State Certified Analytical laboratory for analysis. The samples were tested for the presence of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPHs) by EP A Test Method 418.1 and TPH (Gasoline / Diesel) by Cal-EPA, DaSH Method 8015M, Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons (BTEX) by EP A Test Method 8020, Halogenated Hydrocarbons by EP A Test Method 8010, and for Total and Soluble Lead by EP A Test Method 7420. The soil sample test results revealed significant concentrations of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPHs) in the Scrap area ranging from 26 mg/kg to 3000 mg/kg; TPH (Gasoline / Diesel) range of280/260 mg/kg; and Lead - TTLC (134 mg/kg to 1260 mg/kg). All samples tested for Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons (BTEX) were non-detect for Benzene and revealed low or trace concentrations of Ethyl Benzene, Toluene, and Xylenes. The sample test results of the Impound area were all non-detect for TPHs (Gasoline / Diesel) and only a trace concentration of Xylenes (0.1 mg/kg). The sample results of the Retail area revealed Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPHs) in the range from 43 mg/kg to 140 mg/kg and only trace concentrations of Toluene; Ethyl Benzene, and Xylenes. Sample #R-2-1 revealed 250 mg/kg oflead in the Retail area of the facility. All samples for areas of the facility were non-detect for Halogenated Hydrocarbons. .' The site investigation revealed that the primary area of concern is the Scrap area revealing elevated concentrations of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Lead. The contaminants present are in excess of regulatory limits and will require remediation. The Scrap area section that contains the greatest soil contamination is the motor pile. The surface soil of the Scrap area of the subject site appears to have been impacted by Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Lead contaminants and extends to a depth of approximately three feet (3 ft.). The depth of groundwater within the vicinity of the site is in excess of two hundred feet (200 ft.) below ground surface and has not been impacted by the site surface soil contamination. 7 M W/CCCIB;¡kcrsficld R cl11cd i;¡t ionPlan,doc Page .3 2.0 Introduction The Pick Your Part Auto Wrecking facility is located at 2120 S. Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California. The facility consists of an office building, storage and service sheds, used autos, parts, and other auto accessories. The site occupies 7.3 acres of flat land and is located in close proximity to other auto recycling facilities. Pick Your Part's primary business is the recycling of used autos and the retailing of parts. It is a self service operation, which means customers remove the parts they choose from the automobiles. 2.1 Background Pick Your Part has occupied the facility for the past eight (8) years. Prior to Pick Your Part, the site was occupied by a truck repair and wrecking establishment. The truck repair facility was in operation fTom the early 1960's until Pick Your Part took possession around 1990. On April 19, 1994, a subsurface investigation was conducted to determine the extent of soil contamination at the subject site to comply with an order issued by the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department. During an inspection by the Department representative, soil staining by Petroleum Hydrocarbons was observed at the facility. The areas of concern were the Scrap area, Impound area, and the Retail area of the subject site. The investigation identified concentrations of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Lead in excess of regulatory action limits. The soil contamination, primarily in the Scrap area of the subject site, will require remediation. 2.2 Purpose and Objective . The purpose and objective of this proposed Work Plan is for the remediation of Total Petroleum and Lead contaminated soil at the subject site. The horizontal and vertical extent ofthe affected areas of the site were identified during an earlier investigation. The areas of contamination in excess of regulatory agency limits will be excavated and stockpiled on-site. This affected soil will be transported off-site to a State permitted recycling center for disposal. Upon the completion of excavation of the contaminated soil, confirmation samples will be collected and analyzed for contaminants to certify completion of the remediation at the subject site. 1\1 W /CCC/BakcrsflcldRcJ1lcdiationPlan,doc Page 4 3.0 Geology and HYdrigeOIOgy The subject site is under]ain by soi] of recent P]iocene Age and alluvia] deposits from the Kern River AHuvia] Fan. The soil is primarily bnd, fine sand, gravely si1t, to silty clay. Groundwater depth is approximately two hun~red feet (200 ft.), with the direction of flow to the southeast. Groundwater is uncoJfined to approximately eight hundred feet (800ft.) below surface grade. M W ICCClI3ukcrsficldRclllcd iut ionPlan,doc Page 5 4.0 Soil Remediation The areas of contamination at the subject site werJ identified by an earlier site I investigation, which consisted of the Scrap area, Impound area, and Retail area of the facility. The depth of contamination is approximately thr6e feet (3 ft.) to four feet (4 ft.). I In the areas of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPHs) and Lead contamination, the soil will be excavated with the utilization of a loader and bac1&oe. The areas of soil Hydrocarbon staining will be used as a visual guide for tHis project. The excavated soil will be stockpiled onto six (6) mill plastic, covered, and b:ermed until ready for . l,...? ,..., disposition. The contaminated soil will be transported b~ end dumps to a CAL-EP A, 0hl C/O'" e· ,J, ~ DTSC permitted recycling center for disposal. The total volume of contaminated soil to prJ.. 1,51 be remediated is approximately 1 ,500 tons, The maj ority of this soil is 1 the Scrap area, ~ftt ¡,i Confirmation soil samples will be collected from the excavated areas to certify that the concentrations of contaminants have been remov~d to the site clean-up criteria. Once the sample test results have been assessed and mee~ the clean-up criteria and the approval ofKem County Environmental Health Departm1ent, the excavated areas at the subject site wi)] be backfilled with clean imported soil ana compacted to alel<liive ninety (90) Percent. . .;- !.( ;.. J ,..lJI r ,\ f '. / /' ,/ J _ ;';4'"' L/;f ..' I· ,0' , { I· '" ' i ; .' ,'{ (J : L( f.'/ ! J r, ~ ;..v~' f' - \ ,; , ,.' _." , A'.! I) ii' , .. . , .1 1\1 W /CCC/l3akcrsficldRcmcdiationPlan.doc Page (1 5.0 Sampling and Analysis Upon completion of the excavation and removal of the Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPHs) contaminated soil in the affected areas at the subject site, confirmation boring samples will be collected and submitted to a State Certified Analytical laboratory for analysis. The confirmation soil samples will verify that the clean-up criteria established for the subject site has been achieved. There will be approximately nine (9) boring samples collected in the Scrap area, six (6) in the Impound area; and eight (8) to ten (10) samples in the Retail area of the facility. These samples will be collected at a depth of approximately one foot (1 ft.) below surface grade of the excavation. If significant soil discoloration or staining is observed at the one foot (1 ft.) depth, dee¡Jer samples will be taken and additional soil removal will be conducted. The samples will be randomly placed in the affected excavated areas at the subject site. 5.1 Soil Sampling The soil boring samples will be collected with the utilization of a tractor with an auger attachment for drilling of the borehole to the desired depth. The bore hole will be cleared of loose soil with a hand auger. Then, a hammer attached sampler containing a brass liner will be used to collect the undisturbed sample. The undisturbed soil sample will be withdrawn from the sampler in 1.5 inch brass liners, the ends covered with Teflon sheets, capped, labeled, and placed on ice. The samples will be transported to a State Certified analytical laboratory via chain of custody form for analysis. The auger and sampler will be decontaminated between borings by cleaning with water and A1conox soap, rinsed with tap water and then a final rinse with de-ionized water. The samples will be screened with an OVA Meter (FID or PID) for the presence of Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons. 5.2 Soil Analysis ) A selective number of soil samples will be submitted to a State Certified analytical laboratory for analysis. The samples will be tested for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPHs) by EPA Test Method 418.1, Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons (BTEX, MTBE) by EP A Test Method 8020, and for Total Lead (TTLC) by EP A Test Method 7420. M W 1C'C'C/ßakcrsflcldRclllcdiationPlan,doc Page 7 6.0 Clean-Up Criteria The contaminants identified in the previous site investigation at the Pick Your Part Auto Wrecking facility were Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPHs) and Lead. Only trace concentrations of Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons were detected, primarily Toluene, Ethyl Benzene, Xylenes, and Total lead (TTLC). All samples tested for Halogenated Hydrocarbons were non-detect. The recommended clean-up criteria for soil contamination at the Pick Your Part facility are as follows: Table I Clean-Up Criteria For Soil Contamination Contaminants Matrix Concentrations (mg/kg) or (Uf!/kfT) Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Soil 1000 mg/kg (Waste Oil, Oil and Grease, etc.) Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Soil 100 mg/kg (Gasoline / I)iese1) Benzene Soil 70 ug/kg Ethyl Benzene Soil 100 ug/kg Toluene Soil 100 ug/kg Xylenes Soil 620 ug/kg Lead - TTLC Soil 50 mg/kg Lead - STLC Soil 5 mg/kg Note: TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration M W /CCCl/3akcrsflcld RClllcd iat ionPlan,doc Page 8 7.0 Summary A subsurface investigation was performed at the Pick Your Part Auto Wrecking facility on April 19, 1994. This investigation was conducted by Contamination Clean-Up of California, Inc. to determine the vertical and horizontal extent of soil contamination at the subject site. During the site investigation a representative of Kern County Environmental health Department was on-site and observed the sampling operation. A total of forty eight (48) shallow soil borings were placed across the subject site with sample collection at depths of one foot (1 ft.) and three feet (3 ft.) depths. The soil samples were submitted to a State Certified analytical laboratory for analysis. The soil sample test results revealed concentrations of Tota} Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPHs), and Total Lead in excess of CAL-EP A, DTSC and State Regional water Quality Control Board Action Limits. The area at the subject site of most concern is the Scrap section and particularly the engine I motor pile. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Lead extends to a depth of approximately three feet (3 ft.) below surface grade. The other areas at the facility are the Impound and Retail sections. The impacted soil with TPH and Lead contamination of the affected areas ofthe subject site will be remediated to the concentrations of the contaminants of the Clean-Up Criteria established for the site. It appears that the concentrations of contaminants identified at the subject site presents a low to moderate risk to groundwater, environment, and public health. The greatest risk or concern is surface run-off of contaminants during a storm event. The contaminated soil of the affected areas at the subject site will be excavated and transported off-site for disposal at a State permitted recycling facility. Confirmation soil samples will be collected in the affected areas to verify that contaminants' concentrations have been removed or lowered to meet the regulatory agencies requirements. The excavated areas will be backfilled and compacted to surface grade. The purpose and objective of this proposed Work Plan meet the requirements of CAL-EPA, DTSC. and Kern County Environmental Health Department requirements. Upon approval and acceptance of this Work Plan by the lead agency, the remediation project will be initiated. M IN ICCC/ß;¡kcrsficldRcmcdiationPlan,doc Page <) -\ M W /CCCIßakcrsficldRclllcd lat ion I'lan,doc Appendix A Site Location Page 1 () t): QI ;;';-1\.) (I) ...... t-¡ I\.) 'tJ !II 01-" HI () I-'.(J) ;;.;- (I). ...... >< o..CO , ,::I C I....· t-¡ no :Þ::3 '\i QI :þ t-¡ '-D.~ rt WIt) W' o -..j ) ..... . ""'I!Ø'" ~ :-- . ... . ".... '.':""''":;""'T'"'' t. ., . C M - D Y . . ., . , ~ I 1 I;' .'. ~t. I .....! ,~.,.." , .. .. . ., .. ¡. I . .;" . :.{ ... ' .. " "';' . ", I t;/~. , \ : - .' ~- ....,' .. .. .": II- . '.. . '. .1 " t: i, " ( ~¡j?'1~ I t~. ~ 1 , . ::. . <. ,; . ,,~: " ,,¡ t~~'~: I :, . " ;~~ 'I ,\ to..... ...·1· : ''';, ~"i' I' .. . .... . ~~ ~- . ·1' ¡ ~ !I :.:;; '.... '; : .""'~ ~.;:o ._~, '. I . ': IÌ ~ .. 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LI t : -.. : ;. . .:.:. 5 ,.'_ I ¡, I './ ~~ : - ,ell. '. , I.' ',,- T I ~ ': I.. ~I II , ¡ + I ~ _, I ~ :;., ------f- ----fli---lt~l ~-~-- ~--1---~:--' -----f-- ------/~------+-... ..... , ¡. I I , ,/ I t 1-:;- 1M. .11 li...-.....I.o.." .. I · t·- JiJ ' ' II. ~ : ..' " Þ' ~,...~ .-...~ 0. ;,:,:;;,r. ~~'t" . ' . f ....,,~..;'.. ~:' ... , , . \ _ tia:::-::1 ~ ~ ~.. ."J"~. ~-.~4'''·'\·· -'.:' "7",' . .' ../I', , ., .... . ._ , ,'..., '. . . . - 1Ir, _ ~~ . .. ". . - - '~'-";;'J ~ "':=;¡;;: ,.,.. .T": .~. I '_ _ _ I.' ~.......... ~ .232 .... .- .. - !£t IJ ~I I -.' · 6 -- 1 -.-- ~ - r~~ r -.- I t~- -- 1- N - I~ - -- - -- Appendix B Plot Plan Confirmation Sampling Locations M W /CCC/ßakcrsfic IdRcl11cd ¡at ionPlan,doc Page] ] IMPOUND SECTION MOTOR PILE 0 0 0 0 0 SCRAP 0 °œ SECTION 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 Draining Racks 0 0 0 o Retail Section o o o o o ~ "'0 ~... ~ 1> Parking Lot Building Union Avenue Not To Scale o = Proposed Confirmation Soil Samples Pick Your Part 2120 S. Union Avenue Bakersfield, California 93307 Appendix C Previous Soil Sample Test Results I I i M W IC'CClßakcrsfic t RClllcd ¡at ionPlan,doc i i Page 12 Precision Environmental LaboratDries EN'IIRONMENTAL . GEOSYNTHUIC TESTING REPORT TO: Attn.: Scott Vollero CONTAMINATION CLEAN UP 1301 E. Orangewood Anaheim, CA 92805 PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p.y-p PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: Apnl20, 1994 Date Reported: April 29, 1994 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled, TEST RESULTS Method 418.1 TRPH Date Collected: April 19, 1994 Date Extracted: April 26, 1994 Date Analyzed: April 28, 1994 ANAL YTES LAB CONTROL SAMPLE RESULTS RL 10 ID (mg/Kg) (mg/Kg) TRPH 11667 S 6-1 150 10 TRPH 11671 S 2-3 180 10 TRPH 11674 S 1-1 26 10 TRPH 11675 S 8-3 1,700 10 TRPH 11680 S 4-2 200 10 TRPH 11683 S 11-1 100 10 TRPH 11684 S 10-1 ND< 10 TRPH 11685 S 9-3 1,600 10 Remarks/Notes: NO = Not Detected. T = Trace; RL = Reporting Limits (10 x MDL) ~y. /??' Dafe 645 North Main St., Orange, CA 92668 . (714) 744-4599 FAX (714) 744-0357 PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD P-Y-P PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: Apnl20, 1994 Date Reported: April 29. 1994 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled, TEST RESULTS Method 418.1 TRPH Date Collected: April 19, 1994 Date Extracted: April 26, 1994 Date Analyzed: April 28. 1994 ANAL YTES LAB CONTROL SAMPLE RESULTS RL ID 10 (mglKg) (mgJKg) TRPH 11688 S 5-3 67 10 TRPH 11690 S 15-1 2,500 10 TRPH 11692 S 13-3 660 10 TRPH 11693 S 17-1 320 10 TRPH 11696 S 14-3 3,000 10 TRPH 11697 S 12-1 150 10 TRPH 11698 S 15-3 2,300 10 TRPH 11704 S 16-3 2,000 10 Remartls/Notes: NO = Not Detected, T := Trace; Rl = Reporting Limits (10 x MOL). ~/f~~4 ~ Ronald Belange~ Quality Assurance 0~t/9q¥ Date p , Precision ErMronmental Labcratories ENVIRONMENTAL . GEOSYNTHETlC TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD P-Y-P PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: Apnl20, 1994 Date Reported: April 29, 1994 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 sOil samples: received Chilled, ANALYTICAL QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Method 418.1 TRPH Sample ID: 11667,671,674,675,680,683-685, 688,690.692,693,696-698,704. QC Batch No.: IR-143 ~ mg/Kg (ppm) Laboratory Control Standard Compound Sample Results Amount Spiked '/0 Rec QC Limits Ree LCS 40.2 40 101 80-120 Matrix Spike I Matrix Spike Duplicate Sample ID: Soil Spike Compound Sample Amount Spike Dup RPD QC Limits QC Umits Cone. Spiked %Rec %Rec RPD Ree Total Oils ND 60 99.7 95.5 4 25.0 75-125 p Precision ErMmnmental Laboratories ENVIRONMENTAL' GEOSYNTHETIC TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p-y-p PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: April 20, 1994 Date Reported: April 28, 1994 Lab ControllD: I Sample 10: 11651 126-1 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled, TEST RESULTS Method 8010 Purgeable Halocarbons Date Collected: April 19, 1994 Date Extracted: April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 Date Analyzed: April 24, 25. & 27, 1994 ANAL YTE RESULTS rF .~~~... ......... ANAL YTE RESULTS !,"'··RL· .., "..,. . , µg1Kg ... µg1Kg . µg1Kg µglKg Dichlorofluoromethane ND< , 5 Trichloroethene ND< 5 Chloromethane ND< 5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND< 5 Vinyl Chloride ND< .. ...,.. 5 Bromodichloromethane ND< '. ' 5 . Bromomethane ND< ...'.. 5 c-1,3-Dichloropropene ND< .... , 5 Chloroethane ND< '....... 5 t-1,3-Dichloropropene ND< 5 Trichlorofluoroethane ND< iH'.5 1,1.2- Trichloroethane ND< ) ···.·H. 5 1.1-Dìchloroethene ND< '··..i....·..:-.;:) T etrachloroethene ND< 5 Methylene Chloride ND< 10 Dibromochloromethane ND< 5 t-1,2-Dichloroethene ND< ...... 5 Chlorobenzene ND< 5 1.1-Dichloroethane ND< ,....,.... 5 Bromoform ND< .,.', 5 Chloroform ND< ...., 5 1,1.2,2- Tetrachloroethane ND< 5 1,1 ,1- Trichloroethane ND< ..... 5 1.3-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 ' .,.., Carbon Tetrachloride ND< 5 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND< . 5 . 1.2-Dichloroethane ND< 5 1,2·Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 RemarksINotes: ND = Not Detected, T = Trace; . RL = Reporting limits (10 x MDL). ~~+~~ . Rona Belanger Quality Assurance 'l~~/9?~ Date p Precision ErMrünmental Laboratories ENVIRONM£.o,¡TAL . GEOSYNTHETIC TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p-y-p PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: April 20, 1994 Date Reported: Apnl 28. 1994 Lab Control 10: 1 Sample ID: 11654 128-3 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled TEST RESULTS Method 8010 Purgeable Halocarbons Date Collected: April 19, 1994 Date Extracted: April 24, 25. & 27, 1994 Date Analyzed: ,April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 ANALYTE RESULTS U..., RL0> ANAL YTE RESULTS RL- ,. µgIKg ,.. uUµg1Kg .. µgJKg µglKg Dichlorof1uoromethane ND< ·····5 T richloroethene ND< 5 Chloromethane ND< 5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND< 5 Vinyl Chloride ND< 5 Bromodichloromethane ND< 5 Bromomethane ND< ,,',5 c-1,3-Dichloropropene ND< 5 Chloroethane ND< .., ·.·,··.·5 t-1.3-Dichloropropene ND< 5 Trichlorof1uoroethane ND< ..·,.5 1,1.2- Trichloroethane ND< 5 1,1-Dichloroethene ND< :':> .<" 5 T etrachloroethene ND< 5 Methylene Chloride ND< 10 Dibromochloromethane ND< 5 t-1,2-Dichloroethene ND< 5 Chlorobenzene ND< 5 1.1-Dichloroethane ND< 5 Bromoform ND< 5 Chloroform ND< 5 1,1,2.2- Tetrachloroethane ND< 5 1,1,1- Trichloroethane ND< 5 1 ,3-Dichlorobenzene ND< ..< 5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND< .··5 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 1,2-Dichloroethane ND< 5 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 RemaritslNotes: NO = Not Detected, T = Trace: . Rl = Reporting limitS (10 x MOL). ~.(/f'9¢ Date p Precision Environmental Labaâtcries ENVIRONME',':'AL . GEOSYNTHETlC TEST¡/oIS PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p- y-p PRECISION JOB NO.; E940287 Date Received: April 20. 1994 Date Reported: April 26. 1994 Lab Control 10: I Sample 10: 11657 130-1 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled. TEST RESULTS Method 8010 Purgeable Halocarbons Date Collected: April 19, 1994 Date Extracted: April 24. 25, & 27, 1994 Date Analyzed: April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 ANAL YTE RESUL TS "RLa> ANALYTE RESULTS '{>. RL* µglKg 'µg1Kg µgIKg . :µglKg Dichlorofluoromethane NO< 5 T richloroethene NO< 5 Chloromethane NO< 5 1,2-Dichloropropane NO< 5 Vinyl Chloride NO< ,'.. 5 Bromodichloromethane ND< 5 Bromomethane NO< 5 c-1.3-Dichloropropene ND< :<>' ". 5 Chloroethane ND< 5 t-1,3-Dichloropropene ND< 5 T richlorofluoroetha ne ND< < 5 1,1,2- Trichloroethane ND< :".:'., .. 5 1, 1-Dichloroethene ND< p.:",.. 5 T etrachloroethene ND< 5 Methylene Chloride ND< 10 Dibromochloromethane ND< 5 t-1,2-Dichloroethene ND< 5 Chlorobenzene ND< "",'. 5 1,1-Dichloroethane ND< , 5 Bromoform ND< .."...." ., 5 Chloroform ND< I 5 1,1,2.2- Tetrachloroethane ND< <.."...' 5 1,1.1- Trichloroethane ND< :, .. 5 1.3-Dichlorobenzene ND< :."...,' 5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND< . .. 5 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND< .... ., . . 5 1.2-Dichloroethane ND< 5 1.2-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 RemarkslNotes: ND = Not Deteded, T = Trace; . RL = Reporting limits (10 x MDl). ~d¿/ff~~~- Ronald Setang Quality Assurance ý....~,f mY Date p Precision Environmental Laboratories ENV¡RC",VENTAL . GEOSYNTH[TIC TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p.y.p PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: April 20, 1994 Date Reported: April 28, 1994 Lab ControllD: I Sample ID: 11658 129-3 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled. TEST RESULTS Method 8010 Purgeabfe Hafocarbons Date Collected: April 19, 1994 Date Extracted: April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 Date Analyzed: April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 ANAL YTE RESUL TS ··RL~' ANALYTE RESULTS ¡:... RL·.:··..,',' µglKg µgJKg . µgIKg µglKg Dichlorof1uoromethane ND< . ... 5 T richloroethene ND< 5 Chloromethane ND< ·S 1,2-Dichloropropane ND< 5 Vinyl Chloride ND< ,...··5 Bromodichloromethane ND< 5 Bromomethane ND< '··'5 c-1,3-Dichloropropene ND< 5 Chloroethane ND< : '..c· 5 t-1,3-Dichloropropene ND< 5 T richlorof1uoroethane ND< ,..'. ·<5 1,1.2- Trichloroethane ND< ,5 1,1-Dichloroethene ND< .,·,...5 T etrachloroethene ND< "', . ······,·5 Methylene Chloride ND< 10 Dibromochloromethane ND< 5 t-1.2-Dichloroethene ND< 5 Chlorobenzene ND< 5 1.1-Dichloroethane ND< 5 Bromoform ND< 5 Chloroform ND< 5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND< ,. 5 1.1.1- Trichloroethane ND< ..., 5 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND< .'. 5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND< 5 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 1.2-Dichloroethane ND< 5 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 RemarksINotes: NO = Not Detected. T = Trace; . RL = Reporting Limits (10 x MOL). ~4£/T~~~ Ronald Belange Quality Assurance ~<'4'h-f 49¢ Date p Precision Envirünmenta/ Labcratcxies ENVIRONMENTAL . GEOSYNTHETIC rESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p-y-p PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: April 20, 1994 Date Reported: April 28, 1994 Lab Control 10: I Sample 10: 11660 128-1 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled. TEST RESULTS Method 8010 Purgeabre Harocarbons Date Collected: April 19, 1994 Date Extracted: April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 Date Analyzed: April 24. 25. & 27, 1994 ANAL YTE RESULTS Rl~;r ANAL YTE RESULTS ·/~L .: µgIKg µgIKg µglKg µglKg Dichlorofluoromethane ND< , ··,5 T richloroethene ND< .. S Chloromethane ND< .. 5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND< ,"., 5 Vinyl Chloride ND< ·5 Bromodich/oromethane ND< : 5 Bromomethane ND< 5 c-1 ,3-Dichloropropene ND< ,'.> 5 ' ..... Chloroethane ND< 5 t-1,3-Dichloropropene ND< ..:..' 5 T richlorofluoroethane ND< > 5' 1,1 ,2- Trichloroethane ND< , " 5 1.1-Dichloroethene ND< "'><·5 T etrachloroethene ND< {< 5 Methylene Chloride ND< 10 Dibromochloromethane ND< 5 t-1,2-Dichloroethene ND< 5 Chlorobenzene ND< 5 1,1-Dichloroethane ND< :5 Bromoform ND< :, 5 Chloroform ND< 5 1.1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane ND< 5 1.1.1- Trichloroethane ND< 5 1.3-Dich/orobenzene ND< :"" 5 ' ..<. Carbon Tetrachloride ND< 5 1.4-Dichlorobenzene ND< ' ....'.....,.. 5 1,2-Dichloroethane ND< 5 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 RemarkslNotes: ND = Not Detected. T = Trace; . RL = Reporting Limits (10 x MDL). ?~Æ¿~-, Ronald Belanger Quality Assurance 0P'.zt /'7~ Date p Precision ErMronmental Laboratories ENVIROMAENTAL . GEOSYNTHETIC TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p- y-p PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: April 20, 1994 Date Reported: April 28. 1994 Lab ControllD: I Sample 10: 11661 121-3 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled. TEST RESULTS Method 8010 Purgeab(e Ha(ocarbons Date Collected: April 19. 1994 Date Extracted: April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 Date Analyzed: April 24,25, & 27, 1994 ANAL YTE RESULTS ...... RLt» ANAL YTE RESULTS Y··.Rl· .... ".. . .. . ..., .. µglKg µgIf<g µgIKg µgiKg Dichlorofluoromethane ND< 5 T richloroethene ND< 5 Chloromethane ND< 5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND< .. .... 5 Vinyl Chloride ND< 5 Bromodichloromethane ND< .. ' 5 Bromomethane ND< H5 c-1.3-0ichloropropene ND< .." ,'. 5 Chloroethane ND< .. 5 t-1.3-0ichloropropene ND< ... 5 Trichlorofluoroethane ND< .... 5 1,1,2·Trichloroethane ND< ...... 5 1.1-Dichloroethene ND< .,. ··.···./..5.·. T etrachloroethene ND< '.,::,. 5 Methylene Chloride ND< 10 Dibromochloromethane ND< 5 t-1.2-Dichloroethene ND< 5 Chlorobenzene ND< .. S 1.1-Dichloroethane ND< 5 Bromoform ND< ..' ....... 5 Chloroform ND< 5 1,1.2.2- Tetrachloroethane ND< .. ." 5 1.1.1- Trichloroethane ND< .··.·5 1.3-Dichlorobenzene ND< '.H' S Carbon Tetrachloride ND< .5 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND< '.... ..,' 5 1.2-Dichloroethane ND< 5 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 RemarksINotes: NO = Not Detected. T = Trace; . Rl = Reporting Limits (10 x MDL). ~¿C~- Ronald Belange Quality Assurance P-~ /9# Date p Precision ErMronmental Labcratories ENVIRONMENTAL· GEOSYNTHETIC TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p.y.p PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: April 20, 1994 Date Reported: April 28, 1994 Lab ControllD: ISample ID: 11663 125·3 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 scll samples; received chilled. TEST RESULTS Method 8010 Purgeabfe Hafocarbons Date Collected: April 19, 1994 Date Extracted: April 24, 25, & 27. 1994 Date Analyzed: April 24, 25, & 27. 1994 ANAL YTE RESULTS :RL *?i ANAL YTE RESULTS .' RL*·, ..... ... .. ....... .... µgIKg < .ign<ø . µglKg µgJKg Dichlorofluoromethane ND< .....,......, 5 Trichloroethene ND< 5 Chloromethane ND< .,. 5 1.2-Dichloropropane ND< 5 Vinyl Chloride ND< '.. <, 5 Bromodichloromethane ND< 5 Bromomethane ND< ',"', .., 5 c-1,3-Dichloropropene ND< 5 Chloroethane ND< .,., ..,. 5 t-1,3-Dichloropropene ND< 5 Trichlorofluoroethane ND< . ",,',. "')".. 5 1,1.2- Trichloroethane ND< 5 1 .1-Dichloroethene ND< T etrachloroethene ND< 5 Methylene Chloride ND< '..., .. ..10 Dibromochloromethane ND< 5 t-1,2-Dichloroethene ND< ..... 5 Chlorobenzene ND< 5 1.1-Dichloroethane ND< ..' <,.....,.. 5 Bromoform ND< 5 Chloroform ND< ......,... 5 T etTachloroethane ND< 5 1,1.1- Trichloroethane ND< <,.",.." ' 5 1.3-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 ".",.,.. .,... Carbon Tetrachloride ND< 5 1.4-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 1.2-Dichloroethane ND< 5 1.2-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 Remarks/Notes: ND = Not Deteded, T = Trace; . RL = Reporting Limits (10 x MDL). ~f/9Ø Date p Precis10n ErMronmental Labcratories EfoI\IR)M.AfN7~ . GEOSYNTHETIC TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p-y.p PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: April 20. 1994 Date Reported: Apn128.1994 Lab ControllD: I Sample ID: 11665 123·3 Matrix/Sample Description: 5ì soil samples; received chilled, TEST RESULTS Method 8010 Purgeable Halocarbons Date Collected: April 19, 1994 Date Extracted: April 24. 25, & 27, 1994 Date Analyzed: April 24, 25. & 27,1994 ANAL YTE RESULTS ''::'}·RLa, ANAL YTE RESULTS RL~« B , ' ..... µgIKg µgIKg µgJKg µgtKg Dichlorofluoromethane ND< 5 Trichloroethene ND< 5 Chloromethane ND< 5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND< 5 Vinyl Chloride ND< .,'....... 5 Bromodichloromethane ND< ... 5 Bromomethane ND< B,> 5 c-1,3-Dichloropropene ND< 5 Chloroethane ND< .",<".. 5 t-1.3-Dichloropropene ND< 5 Trichlorofluoroethane ND< .,.. .. S 1,1.2- Trichloroethane ND< 5 1.1-Dichloroethene ND< ( ,.......,'. 5 T etrachloroethene ND< ·'-";'·,,}'·5 Methylene Chloride ND< 10 Dibromochloromethane ND< 5 t-1.2-Dichloroethene ND< . 5 Chlorobenzene ND< 5 '. 1.1-Dichloroethane ND< , 5 Bromoform ND< '5 Chloroform ND< 5 1.1.2,2- Tetrachloroethane ND< .. 5 1.1.1- Trichloroethane ND< , .. S 1.3-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND< .. S 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 1.2-Dichloroethane ND< 5 1.2-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 RemarksINotes: ND = Not Detected. T = Trace; . RL = Reporting limits (10 x MDl). ~/F~ Ronald Belanger Quality Assurance 4L14<ht /f'94' / Date p Precision ErWnJnment31 Latxratories E"i."'RONMf'. -AI. . GEOSYNTHETIC TES~:NG PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p.y.p Date Received: April 20. 1994 Lab ControllD: I Sample ID: 11666 122-3 PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Reported: April 28. 1994 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled. TEST.t{ËSUL TS .. .., Method 8019f'µrg'i!ble H~locarbons Date Collected: April 19, 1994 ANAL YTE Oichlorofluoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl Chloride Bromomethane Chloroethane T richlorofluoroethane 1.1-Dichloroethene Methylene Chloride t-1,2-0ichloroethene 1,1-0ichloroethane Chloroform 1,1,1- Trichloroethane Carbon Tetrachloride 1.2-0ichloroethane RemarksINotes: ND = Not Detected. T = Trace; . RL = Reporting Limits (10 x MDL). RESULTS µgJKg ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< j Date Extracted: April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 ...,..'.....~,~:'.-¡.'::;: ·,.;.:...::::::v5· '...;...,.5 <:;·.:5 ....5 ·:5 ,....:<~.: ",/:::):)5. /10 >5:, ,'.,::..·.·:,::.·...5:, ..5' " <}):\:5: .. :i5 ·},5 p ANAL YTE Trichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane Bromodichloromethane c-1,3-0ichloropropene t-1,3-0ichloropropene 1,1,2- Trichloroethane T etrachloroethene Oibromochloromethane Chlorobenzene Bromoform 1,1,2.2-Tetrachloroethane 1,3-0ichlorobenzene 1,4-0ichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene Date Analyzed: April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 RESULTS µgll<g ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< rA~ /99¥ Date )·<RL·.... µglKg ..,..':::' 5 5 ,':...... 5 :<.. 5 > ,. 5 ..':, 5 ....'.',' ·5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 .........:.. ....::{...:.... :....:",. .:':....:-: ·,:,:X··· ..,....>. Precision ErMronmental Laboratcries ENVlRCNMENTAL . GEOSYNTHETIC TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p-y-p Date Received: April 20. 1994 Lab ControllD: I Sample 10: 11668 S4-3 Date Collected: April 19. 1994 ANALYTE Dichlorofluoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl Chloride Bromomethane Chloroethane T richlorofluoroethane 1 I1-Dichloroethene Methylene Chloride t-1.2-Dichloroethene 1,1-Dichloroethane Chloroform 1,1,1- Trichloroethane Carbon Tetrachloride 1,2-Dichloroethane RemarksINotes: ND = Not Detected. T = Trace; . RL = Reporting Limits (10 x MDL). ~~~ Ronald Belan Quality Assurance PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Reoorted: April 28. 1994 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled. . . .. TEST RESULTS Method 8010 Pu.rgeabfe Hafocarbons RESULTS µglKg ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< Date Extracted: April 24. 25, & 27, 1994 .... \::RL -.tit . .. . ...... ,. ,-... . .,....... ..-.......- ........ .".' .'...,'ji(Ø<g::';:' .. :'5 ,<5 ...',.$ , ,..:..-5.., ··...:5, .. ...-5 ..',··'··;,··...··,·,.'··5· ..:..:;:::.>:....;..-....... . 10 ':5, .5 ..5 5 '5 5 p Date Analyzed: April 24, 25, & 27,1994 ANALYTE RESULTS µgJKg ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< Rl··.. . .. J1ØKI 5 5 5 5 5 ...... ·5 ..'. :.5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 T richloroethene 1.2-Dichloropropane Bromodichloromethane c-1,3-Dichloropropene t-1 ,3-Dichloropropene 1.1.2- Trichloroethane T etrachloroethene Dibromochloromethane Chlorobenzene Bromoform 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane 1.3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2·Dichlorobenzene ~ht /f1f'¥ Date Precision Environmental L.abc:ratDies EIWIRONMENTAJ. · GEOSYNTHETIC TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD P- Y-P PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: April 20. 1994 Date Reported: April 28. 1994 Lab ControllD: I Sample ID: 11670 S 2-1 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled. TEST RESULTS Method 8010Purgeable Halocarbons Date Collected: April 19, 1994 Date Extracted: April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 Date Analyzed: April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 ANALYTE RESULTS :::':::::-::·RL·':::::::'::::·': ANAL YTE RESULTS It:;: RLøH.':H ..... . H".... µgIKg ):::~ôík~:;;' µglKg :, µglKg:'.:- Dichlorofluoromethane ND< '···:5 T richloroethene ND< 5 Chloromethane ND< :,.:5 1.2-Dichloropropane ND< 5 Vinyl Chloride ND< ,:.:··:...·5 Bromodichloromethane ND< ,:'. S Bromomethane ND< . ,., :.·:::..5 c-1,3-Dichloropropene ND< 5 Chloroethane ND< ::, '.., H :- :', 5 t-1.3-Dichloropropene ND< 5 .... T richlorofluoroethane ND< ':::·:::':::·'\:'::::;<5 1,1,2- Trichloroethane ND< IX;:: . 5 1.1-Dichloroethene ND< T etrachloroethene ND< L\';: '.,:{,:5 Methylene Chloride ND< ., . 10 Dibromochloromethane ND< ::;- 5 t-1.2-Dichloroethene ND< ,··,:>::5 Chlorobenzene ND< 5 1,1-Dichloroethane ND< ,:',::.,.5, Bromoform ND< 5 Chloroform ND< '·'·:::,:5 1,1,2.2- Tetrachloroethane ND< :.,.. S 1,1 I 1- Trichloroethane ND< ..:'.:,..5 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND< :(: ·':5': Carbon Tetrachloride ND< :. . ,'... .'·..:·5 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND< f::"" '.. ,5H 1.2-Dichloroethane ND< ,. H, 5 1.2-Dichlorobenzene ND< k,. 5 RemarksINotes: ND = Not Detected. T = Trace; . RL = Reporting limits (10 x MDl). ~#??~~,-, Ronald Belange~ Quality Assurance ~;/;.( /PP~ Date p Precision ErMronmental Labcratnies ENV:RCMAENTAJ.. . GEOSmTHETlC rEST/to(; PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p-y-p PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 " Date Received: April 20, 1994 Date Reported: April 28, 1994 Lab Control 10: I Sample 10: 11672 S 3-3 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples: received chilled. , ... ..TESTRESUL TS Method8010Purgeabte Hatocarbons Date Collected: April 19, 1994 Date Extracted: April 24, 25, & 27,1994 Date Analyzed: April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 ') ANAL YTE RESULTS ,i:?{··.'RL'.:il?f ANAL YTE RESULTS ··.·::,Rl~:):... ......... ...............,...,........... . ....... ". . .." ..... µgIKg ':'" µÔ/Kí;: µgIKg .µgJKg " Dichlorofluoromethane ND< :,:..:.'.'.'.. 5 T richloroethene ND< ,/<·,..·5 Chloromethane ND< , ' ·,···..·.·,5: 1,2-Dichloropropane ND< ····.·.··5 Vinyl Chloride ND< . , . .. ··......·,:...·:5, Bromodichloromethane ND< ::.,::::/': ,·...,,:5 Bromomethane ND< ,....: ,'.,. 5' c-1,3-Dichloropropene ND< :··:·,,·:....'5 Chloroethane ND< ''':5 t-1,3-Dichloropropene ND< {:,:5 T richlorofluoroethane ND< ::",,:., " :'. ·:,....::.:·,5.. 1,1,2·Trichloroethane ND< .. >5 ..%is" ... -.. 1 I1-Dichloroethene ND< T etrachloroethene ND< .. .. :;S ..... Methylene Chloride ND< .. ' 10 Oibromochloromethane ND< .....,: .. 5 t-1.2-Dichloroethene ND< . .. '...... .·.:.5,. Chlorobenzene ND< ..... .:....::' ·,:",5 1,1-Dichloroethane ND< ,'. ::., ·:::.'··:.5: Bromoform ND< .. ·:..:"····5 Chloroform ND< ).,5· 1,1,2.2-Tetrachloroethane ND< . ',...... '.'. '···.:5 1,1,1- Trichloroethane ND< ., .. "'/',::',5.· 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND< ' .'....:: :, "···..·..5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND< 5 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND< .. ""../":'" .. 5 1.2-Dichloroethane ND< ':,.. 5 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 RemarkslNotes: ND = Not Detected. T = Trace; . RL = Reporting limits (10 x MDl). ~4f~~. Ronald Belanger Quality Assurance 7~:Ø;¿,,1' Date" p Precision EnvirunmentallabcratDies ENVlROM£NTAL · GEOSYNTHETIC TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p.y-p PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: April 20, 1994 Date Reported: April 28, 1994 lab ControllD: ISample ID: 11673 S 1-3 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples: received chilled. ì TESTRESUL TS Method 8010.f'urgeab(e Ha(ocarbons Date Collected: April 19, 1994 Date Extracted: April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 Date Analyzed: April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 } ANAL YTE RESUL 1S "·'RL~'·'·'·,·· ANAL YTE RESULTS '::"1 Rl-pp . . ; . ;,'. ',': :/i~:?~{:;. µgIKg i1Ô1Ki::::( µgIKg .,.'.. µg/Kg'. Dichlorofluoromethane ND< ' .·,'·..'..,....,5 T richloroethene ND< :,·...5 Chloromethane ND< ·.,>,'.5' 1,2-Dichloropropane ND< .,·,....·,5 Vinyl Chloride ND< "....'..·.,··..,·:.:,5·" Bromodichloromethane ND< .>'" p ,:"5 Bromomethane ND< '··,...,.,.5. c-1,3-Dichloropropene ND< ":" ..... 5p Chloroethane ND< <.'<::::5 t-1,3-Dichloropropene ND< , , :5 T richloroßuoroethane ND< "'::'."·,}··5··. 1,1,2- Trichloroethane ND< :'.. '. . .5 1,1-Dichloroethene ND< . . 'PO"! T etrachloroethene ND< } ,,:::,,'5'.. ·::?r::;::::::::::;:::~ <- . . ...... ".. Methylene Chloride ND< 10 Dibromochloromethane ND< ":', p 5 P. . P. t-1,2-Dichloroethene ND< ',···,'.··"..,·5·. Chlorobenzene ND< .. :'''''5 1,1-Dichloroethane ND< ,.,:..5 Bromoform ND< "",,:,. '.',5 Chloroform ND< ,:,,,5 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane ND< :5 1,1,1- Trichloroethane ND< ·..:..."""."',5··. 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND< :i'.· ··...5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND< '>:,5 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND< /.' "'=:::.·5 1,2-Dichloroethane ND< '·':·""""'5 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND< ... <5 RemarksINotes: ND = Not Deteded, T = Trace; . RL = Reporting Limits (10 x MOL). ~~8?<;.;r Ronald Bela r Quality Assurance f4</-¢/~ Date p Precision ErMronmental Labcratories ENVIRONMENTAL · GEOSYNTHETIC TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p.y-p PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: April 20, 1994 Date Reported: April 28, 1994 Lab ControllD: I Sample ID: 11674 S 1-1 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled. TEST RESULTS Method 8010 Purgeabfe Hafocarbons .. ' . Date Collected: April 19, 1994 Date Extracted: April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 Date Analyzed: Apri/24, 25, & 27, 1994 ANAL YTE RESULTS ···RL·..·' ANALYTE RESULTS .,RL- .'.'.,. t::\:::. ._-:.::}/:<. . ',", -' -" ...... µgJKg ·µon<lJ µgJKg µgJKg Dichlorofluoromethane ND< 5 T rich/oroethene ND< 5 Chloromethane ND< .. .< 5 1.2-Dichloropropane ND< . 5 Vinyl Chloride ND< 5 Bromodichloromethane ND< 5 Bromomethane ND< .....,.. . 5 c·, ,3-Dichloropropene ND< " 5 Chloroethane ND< .5 t-1,3-Dichloropropene ND< 5 T richlorofluoroethane ND< . :.··.·5 1,1,2- Trichloroethane ND< ":- . 5 1.1-Dichloroethene ND< .·..·<5 T etrach/oroethene ND< ...: 5 Methylene Chloride ND< . 10 Dibromochloromethane ND< 5 t-1,2-Dichloroethene ND< ,,··5 Chlorobenzene ND< . 5 1 ,1-Dichloroethane ND< ····5 Bromoform ND< 5 Chloroform ND< 5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND< 5 1.1,1- T richloroelhane ND< . 5 1.3-Dichlorobenzene ND< ':.. .. 5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND< 5 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND< : '.. S 1.2-Dichloroethane ND< 5 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 RemarkslNotes: ND = Not Detected, T = Trace: . RL = Reporting Limits (10 x MDL). ~ø'~~~ Ronald Belanger. Quality Assurance o/Ac/.~ ä'f'¥ Date p Precision Environmental Laboratories ENVIRONMENT""- . GEOSYNTHETIC TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p.y-p PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: April 20, 1994 Date Reported: April 28, 1994 Lab Control ID: I Sample ID: 11678 S 8-1 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled TEST RESULTS , ' Method8010 PlIrgeabfe Hafocarbons Date Collected: April 19, 1994 Date Extracted: April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 Date Analyzed: April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 -, ANALYTE RESULTS ':':':/':::RLt::'.:::,:.: ANALYTE RESULTS / RL-. :>::::.:.':: -:""::::::<:>-:' . ." . ....... .-... .. ".. ........ - ...... µgfKg : .l9JKg.:.... µgIKg µglKg Dichlorofluoromethane ND< ..:.. 5 T richloroethene ND< 5 Chloromethane ND< : : 5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND< 5 Vinyl Chloride ND< :.:. 5 Bromodichloromethane ND< 5 Bromomethane ND< ..::.... 5 c-1.3-Dichloropropene ND< .' 5 ., Chloroethane ND< :<.. .' 5 t-1.3-Dichloropropene ND< 5 T richlorofluoroethane ND< :::.:.:.':...<. ·::5 1 .1,2- Trichloroethane ND< 5 1,1-Dichloroethene ND< :1: T etrachloroethene ND< (::, 5 .:': .:.;....:'.>J: Methylene Chloride ND< 10 Dibromochloromethane ND< 5 t-1.2-Dichloroethene ND< ..' 5 Chlorobenzene ND< .. S 1,1-DichJoroethane ND< 5 Bromoform ND< . , 5 :. Chloroform ND< 5 1,1,2.2- Tetrachloroethane ND< 5 1.1,1- Trichloroethane ND< ,:...." 5 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND< 5 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 1,2-Dichloroethane ND< 5 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 RemarksINotes: ND = Not Detected, T = Trace; . RL = Reporting Limits (10 x MDL), J' ~4/~ý- Ronald Belang Quality Assurance o/AJht /99f Date p Precision Environmental Laboratories ENVIRONME,·.~AL . GEOSYNTHÐ/C TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p-y-p PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: April 20. 1994 Date Reported: April 28, 1994 Lab Control 10: I Sample 10: 11679 S 7-3 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled. TEST RESULTS Method 8010 Purgeabte Halocarbons Date Collected: April 19. 1994 Date Extracted: April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 Date Analyzed: April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 -- ; ANAL YTE RESULTS C":·. Rl- .:., ANAlYTE RESULTS F\ Rl· µg/Kg µgiKø µglKg t µglKg Dichlorofluoromelhane ND< 5 T richloroelhene ND< 5 Chloromethane ND< 5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND< 5 Vinyl Chloride ND< 5 Bromodichloromelhane ND< :', 5 Bromomethane ND< 5 c-1,3-Dichforopropene ND< 5 Chloroethane ND< 5 t-1.3-Dichloropropene ND< 5 T richlorofluoroethane ND< .,. 5 1,1,2- Trichloroethane ND< ". , 5 1,1-Dichloroethene ND< "",:.:..< 5 T etrachloroelhene ND< >'.,......H ··5 Methylene Chloride ND< 10 Dibromochloromethane ND< 5 t-1.2-Dichloroethene ND< 5 Chlorobenzene ND< 5 1.1-Dichloroethane ND< 5 Bromoform ND< 5 Chloroform ND< 5 1,1.2,2-T etrachloroelhane ND< 5 1.1,1- Trichloroethane ND< 5 1.3-Dichlorobenzene ND< i 5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND< 5 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 1.2-Dichloroethane ND< 5 1.2-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 Remarks/Notes: ND = Not Detected. T = Trace: . RL = Reporting Limits (10 x MDL). ~~~ Ronald Belanger Quality Assurance ~/2t /~ß'fL Date p Precision Environmental Laboratories ENVIRCf.MENTA.L . GEOSYNTHETIC TESTiNG PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p-y-p PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: April 20, 1994 Date Reported: April 28, 1994 lab ControllD: I Sample ID: 11683 S 11-1 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled, TEST RESULTS Method 8010 Purgeabfe Harocarbons Date Collected: April 19, 1994 Date Extracted: April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 Date Analyzed: April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 ANALYTE RESULTS .·...·RL········· ANAL YTE RESULTS RL- µgIKg µgif<g µgIKg µgIKg DichlorofJuoromethane ND< . 5 T richloroethene ND< 5 Chloromethane ND< .. 5 1 ,2-Dichloropropane ND< 5 Vinyl Chloride ND< 5 Bromodichloromethane ND< 5 Bromomethane ND< ... 5 c-1,3-Dichloropropene ND< 5 Chloroethane ND< 5 t-1,3-Dichloropropene ND< 5 T richlorofJuoroethane ND< 5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND< 5 1.1-Dichloroethene ND< '·:()i..5 T etrachloroethene ND< 5 Methylene Chloride ND< 10 Dibromochloromethane ND< 5 t-1.2-Dichloroethene ND< 5 Chlorobenzene ND< 5 1.1-Dichloroethane ND< 5 Bromoform ND< 5 Chloroform ND< 5 1.1,2.2- Tetrachloroethane ND< 5 1,1.1- Trichloroethane ND< 5 1.3-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND< 5 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 1,2-Dichloroethane ND< 5 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 Remarks/Notes: NO = Not Detected. T = Trace; . Rl = Reporting limits (10 x MOL), ~f./?94 Da e p Precision Environmental Laboratories £NVIROM.fENTAL . GEOSYNTHETIC TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p-y-p Date Received: April 20. 1994 Lab Control 10: Sample 10: Date Collected: , April 19. 1994 PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Reported: April 28. 1994 11684 S 10-1 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled, TEST RESULTS Method 8010 Purgeabfe Hafocarbons Date Extracted: April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 Date Analyzed: April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 ANAL YTE RESULTS .·..··.·'·..RL..i ANALYTE RESULTS RL-·' µgIKg µQn<g µglKg µglKg Dichlorofluoromethane ND< ... 5 T richloroethene ND< 5 Chloromethane ND< .. 5 1,2-Dich/oropropane ND< 5 Vinyl Chloride ND< ... 5 Bromodich/oromethane ND< 5 Bromomethane ND< ,.. .. 5 c-1.3-Dichloropropene ND< 5 Chloroethane ND< .. ····.··5 t-1.3-Dichloropropene ND< ,..··5 T richlorofluoroethane ND< 5 1.1,2- Trichloroethane ND< .... 5 1.1-Dichloroethene ND< ············5 T etrachloroethene ND< ¡:. __ ·5 Methylene Chloride ND< 10 Dibromochloromethane ND< ,5 t-1.2-Dich/oroethene ND< . .. 5 Chlorobenzene ND< ,.5 1.1-Dichloroethane ND< .. __.5 Bromoform ND< 5 Chloroform ND< 5 1,1.2.2- Tetrachloroethane ND< 5 1.1,1- Trichloroethane ND< . ······.5 1.3-Dichlorobenzene ND< -,5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND< 5 1.4-Dich/orobenzene ND< . 5 ~ 1.2-Dichloroethane ND< . 5 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 Remarks/Notes: ND = Not Detected, T:: Trace; . RL = Reporting Limits (10 x MDL). ~Ug~. Ronald Belan Quality Assurance ~-1<~f/f'9~ Date p Precision Environmental LBboratories EM7RONMENTAL . GEOSYNTHETIC TEST:NG PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p-y.p PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: April 20, 1994 Date Reported: April 28. 1994 Lab ControllD: I Sample ID: 11685 S 9·3 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples: received chilled, TEST RESULTS Method 8010 Purgeab(e Halocarbons Date Collected: April 19. 1994 Date Extracted: April 24, 25, & 27,1994 Date Analyzed: April 24,25, & 27, 1994 ANAL YTE RESULTS '" RL-, ANAL YTE RESULTS ..."..., RL· ...' µgIKg µglKg µgtKg µglKg Dichlorofluoromethane ND< 5 T rìchloroethene ND< 5 Chloromethane ND< 5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND< 5 Vinyl Chloride ND< 5 Bromodichloromethane ND< 5 Bromomethane ND< 5 c-1,3-Dichloropropene ND< 5 Chloroethane ND< 5 t-1,3-Dichloropropene ND< . . 5 Trichlorotluoroethane ND< 5 1.1,2- Trichloroethane ND< 5 1.1-0ichloroethene ND< . 5 T etrachloroethene ND< '",'.. 5 Methylene Chloride ND< 10 Dibromochloromethane ND< 5 t-1,2-0ichloroethene ND< 5 Chlorobenzene ND< 5 1.1-0ichloroethane ND< 5 Bromoform ND< 5 Chloroform ND< 5 Tetrachloroethane ND< 5 1,1.1- Trichloroethane ND< 5 1.3-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND< 5 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 1,2-0ichloroethane ND< 5 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 Remarks/Notes: ND = Not Detected. T = Trace; . RL = Reporting Limits (10 x MDL). ~A'~¿Ç~. Ronald Belange Quality Assurance ~.¿f /ff'-ß Date / p Precision Environmental Labaataies ENVIRONMENTAL . GEOSY/liTHET/C TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD P-Y-P PRECISION JOB NO.: E9<W281 Date Received: April 20, 1994 Date Reported: April 28, 1994 Lab Control 10: I Sample 10: 11688 S 5-3 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled, TEST RESUL T5 Method 8010 Purgeable Halocarbons Date Collected: April 19, 1994 Date Extracted: April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 Date Analyzed: April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 ANAL YTE RESULTS <Rt.~ ' ANALYTE RESULTS ?RL·· .,.., µgIKg µgtKg µgfKg iµs¡IKg Dichlorofluoromethane ND< ',.'. 5 T richloroethene ND< ..,... 5 Chloromethane ND< .. ,':.' 5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND< ...\ ,:. 5 Vinyl Chloride ND< ....',... 5 Bromodichloromethane ND< :>:>< .....:. 5 Bromomethane ND< 5 c-1,3-Dichloropropene ND< > { 5 Chloroethane ND< ..,: 5 t-1,3-Dichloropropene ND< > :: ' 5 T ríchlorofluoroethane ND< .. 5 1,1 ,2 -Trichloroethane ND< ii .'.: 5 1,1-Dichloroethene ND< '.:.::..:..' 5 T etrachloroethene ND< { )'. 5 Methylene Chloride ND< 10 Dibromochloromethane ND< .: .. 5 t-1,2-Dichloroethene ND< . 5 Chlorobenzene ND< ...'.:.... 5 1,1-Dichloroethane ND< 5 Bromoform ND< ,/{ 5 Chloroform ND< 5 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane ND< > ..........'. 5 1,1.1- Trichloroethane ND< ..···..·5 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND< ..:,."".. 5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND< ..... 5 1.4-Dichlorobenzene ND< ....:,.:: . 5 1.2-Dichloroethane ND< 5 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 RemarttslNotes: NO = Not Detected, T = Trace; . RL = Reporting Limits (10 x MDL), ~~1p-~ Ronald Belang Quality Assurance - ~hf@~ Date ;/ 51 Precision ErMronmental Laboratüries ENVIRONMENTAL' GEOSYN7HETIC TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p-y-p PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: Apn120. 1994 Date Reported: Apnl28, 1994 Lab ControllD: I Sample ID: 11692 S 13-3 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled. TEST RESULTS Method 8010 Purgeabfe Hafocarbons Date Collected: April 19, 1994 Date Extracted: April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 Date Analyzed: April 24,25, & 27,1994 ANAL YTE RESULTS )RL't ANALYTE RESUL 1S RL·· .. . .... ... ..... ..-.' ... µgIKg ..J1g1Kg < µgIKg µgIKg Dichlorof1uoromethane ND< '.. . ·5 T richloroethene ND< 5 Chloromethane ND< ... S 1,2-Dichloropropane ND< 5 Vinyl Chloride ND< .... H5 8romodichloromethane ND< 5 Bromomethane ND< ',. ··'.·5 c-1.3-Dichloropropene ND< 5 Chloroethane ND< 5 t-1,3-Dichloropropene ND< 5 T richlorof1uoroethane ND< , 5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND< 5 ,. 1,1-Dichloroethene ND< ~>/ ·H 5 T etrachloroethene ND< .. 5 ., . Methylene Chloride ND< 10 Dibromochloromethane ND< 5 t-1,2-Dichloroethene ND< f. ···S· Chlorobenzene ND< 5 1.1-Dichloroethane ND< f·· '. .... ·./5 Bromoform ND< 5 Chloroform ND< 5 1.1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND< 5 1,1,1- Trichloroethane ND< ..., .. ·,5 1.3-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND< 5 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND< .5 1.2-Dichloroethane ND< 5 1.2-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 RemarXs/Notes: ND = Not Deteded, T = Trace; . RL = Reporting Limits ('0 x MDL), ç~ø;+~ Ronald Belange Quality Assurance ~Þ4/'19fL Date p Precision Environmental Lal:xratories ENVIRONMENTAL . GEOSYNTHETIC TES7..v:; PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p.y.p PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: April 20, 1994 Date Reported: April 28, 1994 Lab ControllD: I Sample ID: 11693 S 17-1 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled. TEST RESULTS Method 8010 Purgeabfe Halocarbons Date Collected: April 19. 1994 Date Extracted: April 24. 25, & 27, 1994 Date Analyzed: April 24, 25. & 27, 1994 ANALYTE RESULTS .": RL "'<> ,. ANAL YTE RESULTS ',',·RL·?::.·.· - . . . . .... ..' -.. . µgJKg µgI1<g µglKg >µgtKg '...'..'.. Dichlorofluoromethane ND< ... 5 T richloroethene ND< 5 Chloromethane ND< 5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND< . 5 f·· Vinyl Chloride ND< ..', 5 Bromodichloromethane ND< ¡.... .. ·5 Bromomethane ND< ...... 5 c-1.3-Dìchloropropene ND< ",5 Chloroethane ND< 5 t-1.3-Dichloropropene ND< ... 5 Trichlorofluoroethane ND< , .'.. 5 1.1.2- Trichloroethane ND< '.<':' 5 1,1-Dichloroethene ND< ,'.,' ·"·"·'·,,5, T etrachloroethene ND< "/"'.:':',.'.::. :,5, Methylene Chloride ND< 10 Dìbromochloromethane ND< . 5 t-1.2-Dichloroethene ND< 5 Chlorobenzene ND< 5 1.1-Dichloroethane ND< " 5 Bromoform ND< 5 Chloroform ND< 5 1.1,2.2- Tetrachloroethane ND< 5 1.1.1- Trichloroethane ND< 5. 1.3-Dichlorobenzene ND< ..5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND< 5 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND< , .' 5 1,2-Dichloroethane ND< 5 1.2-Dichlorobenzene ND< .' 5 Remarks/Notes: NO = Not Detected. T = Trace; . RL = Reporting Limits (10 x MOL). ~.ß/g~r~ Ronald Belang Quality Assurance ~t<9f¥ Date p Precision EnvironmentalLBboratories EIWIRONMP"Ai.. . GEOSYNTHETIC TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p-y-p PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: April 20, 1994 Date Reported: April 28. 1994 Lab Control 10: ¡Sample 10: 11695 118-1 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received cr.::ed. TEST RESULTS Method 8010 Purgeabfe Halocarbons Date Collected: April 19, 1994 Date Extracted: April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 Date Analyzed: April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 ANAL YTE RESULTS .'. RL·<>. ANALYTE RESULTS .:.. RL· . .... . .". ..",,"., µgJKg µgn<g d µglKg µg/Kg Dichlorofluoromethane ND< :5 T richloroethene ND< S Chloromethane ND< 5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND< 5 Vinyl Chloride ND< 5 Bromodichloromethane ND< 5 Bromomethane ND< ::<5 c-1,3-0ichloropropene ND< 5 Ch/oroethane ND< ·,:··5 t-1.3-0ichloropropene ND< 5 Trichlorofluoroethane ND< .. ,..:··...:5 1.1,2- Trichloroethane ND< ..' 5 1,1-Dichloroethene ND< , .,:.:,::: >.5 T etrachloroethene ND< ':....::' 5 Methylene Chloride ND< . 10 Dibromochloromethane ND< 5 t-1,2 -Dichloroethene ND< 5 Chlorobenzene ND< 5 1,1·Dichloroethane ND< .., ::. 5 Bromofonn ND< 5 Chloroform ND< 5 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane ND< 5 1.1,1- Trichloroethane ND< 5 1.3-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND< .. S 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 1.2-Dichloroethane ND< 5 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 RemarksINotes: ND = Not Deteded, T = Trace: . RL = Reporting Limits (10 x MDL). ~~r' Ronald Belang Quality Assurance rk{//70/ Oat p Precision Environmental LaboratDries ENVIROi\IÆo.,TAJ.. . GEOSYNTHETIC TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p-y-p pate Received: April 20, 1994 Lab ControllD: I Sample 10: 11696 S 14-3 Date Collected: April 19, 1994 -¡ ANAL YTE Dichlorofluoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl Chloride BromOmethane Chloroethane Trichlorofluoroethane 1,1-0ichloroethene Methylene Chloride t-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,1-Dichloroethane Chloroform 1,1.1- Trichloroethane Carbon Tetrachloride 1.2-Dichloroethane Remartts/Notes : NO = Not Detected, T = Trace; . RL = Reporting Limits (10 x MDL), PRECISION JOB NO.~ E940287 Date Reported: April 28, 1994 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled, TEST RESULTS Method 8010 Purgeable Halocarbons RESULTS µgJKg ND< NO< NO< '... ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< Date Extracted: April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 ·.··i,...'·..Rl~.,.>·· .. .... µgn<g 5 5 5 ..5 5 .. . ..5 ':'...:.:5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 p ANAL YTE T richloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane Bromodichloromethane c-1,3-Dìchloropropene t-1,3-Dichloropropene 1,1,2- Trichloroethane T etrachloroethene Dibromochloromethane Chlorobenzene Bromoform 1.1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene Date Analyzed: April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 RESULTS µgJKg ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< Ir>.RL· µglKg 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 .. . ?A~/'i'9~ Date Precision Environmental Laboratories ENVIRONJ,lfNTA/.. . GEOSYNTHETIC TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p-y-p PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: April 20, 1994 Date Reported: April 28, 1994 Lab Control 10: I Sample 10: 11697 S 12-1 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled. TEST RESULTS Method 8010 Purgeable Halocarbons Date Collected: April 19, 1994 Date Extracted: April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 Date Analyzed: April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 ANALYTE RESULTS ,..,.' RL-·· ANAL YTE RESULTS I"· ' RL* ... ._}:}:=::. :.::-;... ..' µgJKg µgJKg µgIKg µglKg Oichlorofluoromethane NO< 5 Trichloroethene ND< 5 Chloromethane NO< .. 5 1,2-0ichloropropane ND< 5 Vinyl Chloride NO< 5 Bromodichloromethane ND< 5 Bromomethane NO< .5 c-1.3-0íchloropropene ND< 5 Chloroethane NO< 5 t-1,3-0ichloropropene ND< 5 Trichlorofluoroethane ND< 5 1,1.2- Trichloroethane ND< 5 1,1-Dichloroethene ND< ' ··5 T etrachloroethene ND< , 5 Methylene Chloride ND< 10 Oibromochloromethane ND< 5 t-1.2-Dichforoethene ND< 5 Chlorobenzene ND< 5 1,1-Dichloroethane ND< 5 Bromoform ND< 5 Chloroform ND< 5 1,1,2.2- Tetrachloroethane ND< 5 1,1,1- Trichloroethane ND< 5 1.3-0ichlorobenzene ND< 5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND< 5 1,4-0ichlorobenzene ND< . 5 '" 1,2-Dichloroethane ND< 5 1,2·0ichlorobenzene ND< 5 Remartl.slNotes: ND = Not Detected. T = Trace: . RL = Reporting Limits (10 x MDl). ?~¿v Ronald Belanger Quality Assurance 4~t /,P9f/' / Date p Precision Environmental Laboatories ENVlRONMEN7AL . GE05YN7H[7IC TES7lNG PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p-y-p PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: April 20, 1994 Date Reported: April 28, 1994 Lab ControllD: I Sample ID: 11698 S 15-3 Matrix/Sample Descriptio ): 57 soil samples; received chilled. TEST RESULTS Method 8010 Purgeab(e Ha(ocarbons Date Collected: April 19, 1994 Date Extracted: April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 Date Analyzed: April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 ANAL YTE RESULTS ····,·········Rl·.) ANAL YTE RESULTS H·RL- / .µQ¡Kg µglKg µgJKg HHµglKg '.' Dichlorofluoromethane ND< 5 Trichloroethene ND< ,.. .. 5 Chloromethane ND< . 5 1.2-Dichloropropane ND< .> 5 Vinyl Chloride ND< ... . 5 Bromodichloromethane ND< .....:,... 5 Bromomethane ND< ..' 5 c-1,3-Dichloropropene ND< : '........ 5 Chloroethane ND< 5 t-1 ,3-Dichloropropene ND< > .,::.,.... 5 T richlorofluoroethane ND< .. ··:··5· 1,1,2 -Trichloroethane ND< ...> <>. .. 5H 1,1-Dichloroethene ND< ,n ··,·:·,·;.··,··5. T etrachloroethene ND< .'..,..'. '·5 '....' Methylene Chloride ND< 10 Dibromochloromethane ND< .. .. 5 t-1,2-Dichloroethene ND< 5 Chlorobenzene ND< . 5 ..,.,. 1.1-Dichloroethane ND< S Bromoform ND< <..: 5 Chloroform ND< . .. 5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND< '... .'... . 5 1.1,1- Trichloroethane ND< ,5 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND< .... ... 5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND< 5 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND< H."....' 5 1.2-Dichloroethane ND< 5 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND< ¡... 5 Remarks/Notes: ND = Not Deteded, T = Trace; . RL = Reporting Limits (10 x MDL). r4<-hfd~ Date p Precision Environmental Laboratories ENVIRONMENTAl.. . GEOSYNTHETlC TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p-y-p PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: April 20. 1994 Date Reported: April 28. 1994 Lab ControllD: I Sample 10: 11703 120-3 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled TEST RESULTS Method 8010 PurgeabfeHalocarbons Date Collected: April 19. 1994 Date Extracted: April 24, 25, & 27,1994 Date Analyzed: April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 ANAL YTE RESULTS .'. <RLt:\ ANALYTE RESULTS {RL-....< . . .H . µglKg µgn<g . µgIKg <' JgtKg Dichlorofluoromethane ND< 5 T richloroethene ND< '.. 5 Chloromethane ND< .·...·.··5 1.2-Dichloropropane ND< ,.<...,.. 5 Vinyl Chloride ND< <. ,.5 Bromodichloromethane ND< F .' 5 Bromomethane ND< .'.····'.·.5 c-1.3-Dichloropropene ND< '.......,. 5 Chloroethane ND< ·,.5 t-1.3-Dichloropropene ND< <.......'. 5 ... Trichlorofluoroethane ND< ......·,···..5 1.1.2- Trichloroethane ND< .:",:. 5 1 , 1-Dichloroethene ND< T etrachloroethene ND< ,....., 5 Methylene Chloride ND< 10 Dibromochloromethane ND< ... . 5 t-1.2-Dichloroethene ND< ..·.5 Chlorobenzene ND< :<,..'. .. 5 1,1-0ichloroethane ND< 5 Bromoform ND< :.....:, .. 5 Chloroform ND< .,··.·..5 1,1,2.2- Tetrachloroethane ND< .......'............ 5 1 ,1 .1- Trichloroethane ND< 5 1.3-Dichlorobenzene ND< . ... 5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND< 5 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND< :.....::........ 5 1,2-0ichloroethane ND< 5 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 Remarb/Notes: ND = Not Detected, T = Trace: . Rl = Reporting limits (10 x MDl). ~~~11p"'d- Ronald Belang Quality Assurance ~f/9.Ç¥ Date p Precision ErMronmental Labcrntories £NVIRCM £Nr~ . G£OSYNTHfTlC TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p-y-p PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: April 20. 1994 Date Reported: April 28, 1994 Lab ControllD: I Sample ID: 11706 119-3 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled. TEST RESULTS Method 801QPurgeable Hafocarbons Date Collected: April 19, 1994 Date Extracted: April 24,25, & 27, 1994 Date Analyzed: Apri/24, 25, & 27, 1994 ANAL YTE RESUL TS ::: .......... RLit..·. ....> ANALYTE RESULTS \d .,. RL~ . ". ........ '. µgIKg Ïg1Kg µgIKg µglKg Dichlorofluoromethane ND< 5 Trichloroethene ND< 5 Chloromethane ND< 5 1.2-Dichloropropane ND< 5 Vinyl Chloride ND< 5 Bromodichloromethane ND< ....': ... 5 Bromomethane ND< ... ·.·,··.··'·5 c-1,J-Dichloropropene ND< 5 Chloroethane ND< <.. 5 t-1.3-Dichloropropene ND< . . 5 Trichlorofluoroethane ND< ·'····.·....5 1,1,2- Trichloroethane ND< .. . 5 1.1-Dichloroethene ND< T etrachloroethene ND< ..:'. 5 Methylene Chloride ND< 10 Dibromochloromethane ND< 5 t-1,2-Dichloroethene ND< .. . 5 Chlorobenzene ND< 5 1.1-Dichloroethane ND< ...>,5 Bromoform ND< 'd 5 Chloroform ND< 5 1,1.2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND< .. 5 1.1.1- Trichloroethane ND< .··,,····.·5 1,J-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND< 5 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND< '. 5 1.2-Dichloroethane ND< .,... 5 1.2-Dichlorobenzene ND< .... 5 ' .. RemarksINotes: NO = Not Detected, T = Trace; . Rl = Reporting limits (10 x MOL). ~<t~¿"~ Ronald Belanger Quality Assurance ~~4'~~ Date p Precision Environmental Laboratories ENVIRONMENTAL . GEOSYNT~IC TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p. y.p PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: April 20, 1994 Date Reported: April 28, 1994 Lab Control 10: I Sample 10: 11707 124·3 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled TEST RESULTS Method 8010 Purgeabfe Hafocarbons Date Collected: April 19, 1994 Date Extracted: April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 Date Analyzed: April 24, 25, & 27, 1994 ANAL YTE RESULTS .:i.,'RL~':: ANAL YTE RESULTS :,.::0:, Rl.:,.'" .... ...". - ....,. :..,. :'.:.. µgJKg :}µØn<g:.:':.:..: µgJKg µglKg Dichlorofluoromethane ND< :..:::... :·:..:,5 T richloroethene ND< 5 Chloromethane ND< .: :..·5 1.2-Dichloropropane ND< 5 Vinyl Chloride ND< ,····'····.·..::::-:·:5 Bromodichloromethane ND< : 5 Bromomethane ND< -- :·.:::·:'..,:5, c-1,3-Dichloropropene ND< ::: 5 Chloroethane ND< 'i ,··:'5 t-1,3-Dichloropropene ND< 5 T richlorofluoroetha ne ND< ... ··..·.:·>5 1.1,2- Trichloroethane ND< ..... S 1.1-Dichloroethene ND< "'::.". ,,'.,~ T etrachloroethene ND< ;:. . 5 Methylene Chloride ND< 10 Dibromochloromethane ND< 5 t-1,2-Dichloroethene ND< ,·.:.,5 Chlorobenzene ND< 5 1 ,1-Dichloroethane ND< ....:.... '5 Bromoform ND< 5 Chloroform ND< :.. ,5 1.1,2.2- Tetrachloroethane ND< S 1,1,1- Trichloroethane ND< ~, . .:. . ::':5 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND< :.'. 5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND< ·'.·"·5 1.4-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 1,2-Dichloroethane ND< I. .. S 1.2-Dichlorobenzene ND< 5 Remarks/Notes: ND = Not Detected. T = Trace; . RL = Reporting Limits (10 x MDL). ~Nhf /f1~ Date p Precision Environmental Labcratories ENVIRONMENTAL . GEOSYNTHETIC TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p.y-p PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: April 20. 1994 Date Reported: April 28, 1994 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 50;1 samples; received chilled. ANALYTICAL QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Method 8010 Purgeable Halocarbons Sample ID: 11651,654,657,658,660. ac Batch No.: GC3-114 ~ µg/Kg (ppb) Matrix Spike I Matrix Spike Duplicate Sample 10: 11654 Compound Sample Amount Spike Oup RPD QC limits QC limits Cone. Spiked %Ree % Ree RPO Ree 1,1-Dichloroethene NO 10 138 128 7.5 25 28-167 Trichloroethene NO 10 118 108 8.8 25 35-146 Chlorobenzene NO 10 96 82 16 25 38-150 Surrogate Spike Recovery Analysis Sample 10 1,2-Dichloroethane Bromofluorobenzene QC Limits 11651 11654 11657 11658 11660 98 116 114 86 86 92 100 114 76 76 60 - 120 60 - 120 60 - 120 60 - 120 60 - 120 p Precision ErNÏronmental Labaotories fNVIROM.Æ",TAL . GfOSYNTHE'TIC TfSTlNG PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD P·Y-P PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: April 20, 1994 Date Reported: April 28, 1994 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled. ANALYTICAL QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Method 8010 Purgeable Halocarbons Sample ID: 11661,663,665.666.668,670. 672.673,674.678,679,683. ac Batch No.: GC3-114 ~ µg/Kg (ppb) Matrix Spike I Matrix Spike Duplicate Sample ID: 11707 Compound Sample Amount Spike Dup RPD QC LImits QC limits Cone. Spiked %Rec % Rec RPD Rec 1.1-Dichloroethene NO. 10 117 120 2.5 25 28-167 T richloroethene NO 10 102 104 1,9 25 35-146 Chlorobenzene NO 10 84 82 2.4 25 38-150 Surrogate Spike Recovery Analysis Sample ID 1,2-Dichloroethane Bromofluorobenzene QC Limits 11661 104 56 60 - 120 11663 114 114 60 - 120 11665 92 73 60 - 120 11666 96 72 60 - 120 11668 97 75 60 - 120 11670 91 50 60 - 120 11672 116 100 60 - 120 11673 95 80 60 - 120 11674 95 70 60 - 120 11678 95 54 60 - 120 11679 98 77 60 - 120 11683 96 74 60 - 120 p Precision ErMronmental Laboratories EN\lRJNMENTAL . GEOSYNTHETIC TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p-y-p PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: April 20. 1994 Date Reported: April 28, 1994 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled. ANALYTICAL QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Method 8010 Purgeable Halocarbons Sample 10: 11684,685.688,692,693,695, 696,697,698,703,706,707. ac Batch No.: GC3-114 ~ µg/Kg (ppb) Matrix Spike I Matrix Spike Duplicate Sample 10: 11707 Compound Sample Amount Spike Dup RPD QC Umits QC Limits Cone. Spiked %Rec %Rec RPD Rec 1,1-0ichloroethene NO 10 117 120 2,5 25 28-167 Trichloroethene NO 10 102 104 1,9 25 35-146 Chlorobenzene NO 10 84 82 2.4 25 38-150 Surrogate Spike Recovery Analysis Sample ID 1,2-0ichloroethane Bromof1uorobenzene ac Limits 11684 100 108 60 - 120 11685 91 76 60 - 120 11688 92 80 60 - 120 11692 114 62 60 - 120 11693 116 82 60 - 120 11695 96 78 60 - 120 11696 75 75 60 - 120 11697 96 69 60 - 120 11698 110 84 60 - 120 11703 96 76 60 - 120 11706 92 64 60 - 120 11707 88 70 60 - 120 p Precision Environmental Labaotaies £'.YIRCM.'¿·ô; A.L . GEOSYNTHETlC TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD P·Y-P PRECISION JOB NO.: E940281 Date Received: April 20, 1994 Date Reported: April 28, 1994 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled. TEST RESULTS Method 8020 BTEX Date Collected: April 19. 1994 Date Extracted: April 22. 1994 Date Analyzed: April 24 & 25. 1994 ANAL YTES LAB CONTROL SAMPLE RESULTS Rl 10 ID (mgIKg) (mgIKg) Benzene 11651 126-1 ND< 0.005 Toluene ND< 0.005 Ethyl Benzene ND< 0.005 Total Xylenes ND< 0.010 Benzene 11654 128-3 ND< 0.005 Toluene ND< 0.005 Ethyl Benzene ND< 0.005 Total Xylenes ND< 0.010 Benzene 11657 130-1 NO< 0.005 Toluene ND< 0.005 Ethyl Benzene ND< 0.005 Total Xylenes ND< 0.010 Benzene 11658 129-3 ND< 0.005 Toluene ND< 0.005 Ethyl Benzene ND< 0.005 Total Xylenes ND< 0.010 Benzene 11660 128-1 ND< 0.005 Toluene ND< 0.005 Ethyl Benzene NO< 0.005 Total Xylenes NO< 0.010 Remar1tsINotes: ND = Not Detected. T = Trace; RL = Reporting Limits (10 x MDL); .. POL = Practical Ouantitation Limits due to Matrix Interference. ~¡;r9~ Date p Precision Environmental Laboratories ENVIRONMENT~ . GEOSYNTHETIC TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p- y-p PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: April 20, 1994 Date Reported: April 28, 1994 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled. TEST RESULTS Method 8020 BTEX Date Collected: April 19, 1994 Date Extracted: April 22, 1994 Date Analyzed: April 24 & 25, 1994 ANALYTES LAB CONTROL SAMPLE RESULTS RL 10 ID (mglKg) (mgIKg) Benzene 11661 121-3 ND< 0.005 Toluene ND< 0.005 Ethyl Benzene ND< 0.005 Total Xylenes ND< 0.010 Benzene 11663 125-3 ND< 0.005 Toluene ND< 0.005 Ethyl Benzene ND< 0.005 Total Xylenes ND< 0.010 Benzene 11665 123-3 ND< 0.005 Toluene ND< 0.005 Ethyl Benzene ND< 0.005 Total Xylenes ND< 0.010 Benzene 11666 122-3 ND< 0.005 Toluene ND< 0.005 Ethyl Benzene ND< 0.005 Total Xylenes ND< 0.010 Benzene 11668 S 4-3 ND< 0,005 Toluene ND< 0.005 Ethyl Benzene ND< 0.005 Total Xylenes ND< 0.010 RemarksfNotes: NO = Not Detected, T = Traœ; RL = Reporting Limits (10 x MDL); .. POL = Practical Ouantitation Limits due to Matrix Interferenœ, ~~drT'- Ronald Belanger Quality Assurance /l¡whf /1f'<r'. Date p Precision Environmental Labcratories ENVIRONMENTAL . GEOSY'NTHETIC TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD P-Y-P PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: April 20. 1994 Date Reported: Aprif 28. 1994 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled, TEST RESULTS Method8020 BTEX Date Collected: Aprif 19, 1994 Date Extracted: April 22, 1994 Date Analyzed: April 24 & 25, 1994 ANAL YTES LAB CONTROL SAMPLE RESULTS Rl 10 10 (mgIKg) (mgIKg) Benzene 11670 S 2-1 ND< 0.020 - Toluene 0.09 0.005 Ethyl Benzene 0.04 0.005 Total Xylenes 0.25 0.010 Benzene 11672 S 3-3 ND< 0.03 - Toluene 0.15 0.005 Ethyl Benzene 0.16 0.005 Total Xylenes 8.3 0.010 Benzene 11673 S 1-3 NO< 0.005 Toluene 0.09 0.005 Ethyl Benzene ND< 0.005 Total Xylenes 0.01 0.010 Benzene 11674 S 1-1 NO< 0.005 Toluene NO< 0.005 Ethyl Benzene NO< 0.005 Total Xylenes NO< 0.010 Benzene 11678 S 8-1 ND< 0.005 Toluene 0.01 0.005 Ethyl Benzene NO< 0.005 Total Xylenes NO< 0,010 Remarks/Notes: NO = Not Detected, T = Trace; RL = Reporting limits (10 x MOL); .. POL = Practical Ouanlitation limits due 10 Matrix Interference, +_V&/'~~__ Ronald Belanger Quality Assurance r1J'Þ0t /f?4 Date p Precision Environmental Labactories EN\lIRC....ME.'I/TAL . GEOSYNTi£TlC TESTlfG PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p.y.p PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: April 20, 1994 Date Reported: April 28, 1994 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled. TEST RESULTS Method 8020 BTEX Date Collected: April 19, 1994 Date Extracted: April 22, 1994 Date Analyzed: April 24 & 25. 1994 ANAL YTES LAB CONTROL SAMPLE RESULTS RL ID 10 (mg/Kg) (mgIKg) Benzene 11679 S 7-3 ND< 0.005 Toluene 0.01 0.005 Ethyl Benzene ND< 0.005 Total Xylenes 0.04 0.010 Benzene 11683 511-1 ND< 0.005 Toluene ND< 0.005 Ethyl Benzene ND< 0.005 Total Xylenes 0.01 0.010 Benzene 11684 S 10-1 ND< 0.005 Toluene ND< 0,005 Ethyl Benzene ND< 0.005 Total Xylenes ND< 0.010 Benzene 11685 59-3 ND< 0.005 Toluene 0.015 0.005 Ethyl Benzene 0.007 0.005 Total Xylenes 0.07 0.010 Benzene 11688 55-3 NO< 0.005 Toluene ND< 0.005 Ethyl Benzene ND< 0.005 Total Xylenes ND< 0.010 Remarks/Notes: ND = Not Deteded, T = Trace; RL = Reporting Limits (10 x MDL); - POL = Pradical Ouantitation Limits due to Matrix Interference. -g~~~~~- Ronald Be anger Quality Assurance ~~/:?~ df~ Date p Precision ErNironmental Labcratories ENVIRONMENTAL' GEOSYNTHETIC TES7ING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD P-Y-P PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: April 20, 1994 Date Reported: April 28. 1994 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled. TEST RESULTS Method 8020 BTEX Date Collected: April 19, 1994 Date Extracted: April 22. 1994 Date Analyzed: April 24 & 25, 1994 ANAL YTES LAB CONTROL SAMPLE RESULTS RL ID ID (mgl1<g) (mgIKg) Benzene 11692 S 13-3 ND< 0.005 Toluene ND< 0.005 Ethyl Benzene ND< 0.005 Total Xylenes NO< 0.010 Benzene 11693 S 17-1 NO< 0.005 Toluene NO< 0.005 Ethyl Benzene NO< 0.005 Total Xylenes ND< 0.010 Benzene 11695 118-1 ND< 0.005 Toluene ND< 0.005 Ethyl Benzene ND< 0.005 Total Xylenes ND< 0.010 Benzene 11696 S 14-3 NO< 0.005 Toluene 0.009 0.005 Ethyl Benzene NO< 0.005 Total Xylenes ND< 0.010 Benzene 11697 S 12-1 ND< 0.005 Toluene ND< 0.005 Ethyl Benzene ND< 0.005 Total Xylenes NO< 0.010 RemarksINotes: ND :: Not Detected, T :: Trace; RL:: Reporting Limits (10 ( MDL); ... POL :: Practical Ouantitation limits due to Matrix Interference, ~4Ø~ý~ Ronald Belanger Quality Assurance ~Atd?fi Date p Precision Environmental Labcratorìes ENVIRONAlE',TAL . GEOSYNTHETlC TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD P-Y-P PRECISION JOB NO.: E9M>287 Date Received: April 20, 1994 Date Reported: April 28, 1994 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled. TEST RESULTS Method 8020 BTEX Date Collected: April 19. 1994 Date Extracted: April 22, 1994 Date Analyzed: April 24 & 25, 1994 \ ANAL YTES LAB CONTROL SAMPLE RESULTS RL ID ID (mgIKg) (mg/Kg) Benzene 11698 S 15-3 ND< 0,005 Toluene ND< 0.005 Ethyl Benzene ND< 0.005 Total Xylenes ND< 0.010 Benzene 11703 120-3 ND< 0.005 Toluene ND< 0.005 Ethyl Benzene ND< 0.005 Total Xylenes ND< 0,010 Benzene 11706 119-3 ND< 0,005 Toluene ND< 0.005 Ethyl Benzene ND< 0.005 Total Xylenes 0.01 0,010 Benzene 11707 124-3 ND< 0,005 Toluene ND< 0.005 Ethyl Benzene ND< 0.005 Total Xylenes ND< 0.010 RemarksINotes: ND = Not Detected, T = Trace; RL = Reporting Limits (10 x MDL); .. POL = Practical Ouantitation Limits due to Matrix Inteñerenœ. f~æ~~· onald Belan Quality Assurance 4 rhf; / ç'f'~ Date p Precision ErMmnmental Labcratories ENVIRONMEN~':'" . GEOSYNTHETIC TESTlM3 PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD P-Y-P PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: April 20, 1994 Date Reported; Apnl28, 1994 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled. ANALYTICAL QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Method 8020 BTEX Sample 10: 11651,654,657,658,660, 661,663,665,666,668. ac Batch No.: GC 1-364 Un.iŒ µg/Kg (ppb) Compound Method Blank I Laboratory Control Standard Method lCS lCS Blank Sample Amount %Ree Cone. Spiked NO 10.5 10 105 ND 10.5 10 105 NO 10 10 100 NO 18.8 20 94 ac Limits Ree Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Total Xylene 80-120 80-120 80-120 80-120 Matrix Spike I Matrix Spike Duplicate Sample 10: 11651 Compound Sample Amount Spike Dup RPD ac Limits QC Limits Cone. Spiked %Rec -I. Rec RPD Rec Benzene NO 10 102 102 0 25.0 80-120 Toluene ND 10 102 102 0 25.0 80-120 p Precision Envirnnmental Labcratories ENVIRONMENTAL . GEOSYNTHETIC TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p.y.p PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: April 20, 1994 Date Reported: April 28, 1994 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled. ANALYTICAL QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Method 8020 BTEX Sample 10: 11670,672,673,674,678,679, 683,684.685,688.692.693,695, 696,697698.703,706,707 ac Batch No.: GC 1-364 ~ µg/Kg (ppb) Method Blank I Laboratory Control Standard Compound Method LCS LCS Blank Sample Amount %Ree Cone. Spiked NO 10.5 10 105 NO 10.5 10 105 NO 10 10 100 ND 18.8 20 94 ac Limits Ree Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Total Xylene 80-120 80-120 80-120 80-120 Matrix Spike I Matrix Spike Duplicate Sample 10: 11696 Compound Sample Amount Spike Oup RPD ac Limits QC Limits Cone. Spiked % Rec %Rec RPD Ree Benzene NO 10 104 116 11 25.0 80-120 Toluene NO 10 104 115 10 25.0 80-120 p Precision Environmental Laboratories ENV:PONM[NTAi. . GEOSYNTHETlC TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p-y-p PRECISION JOB NO.: E940281 Date Received: April 20, 1994 Date Reported: April 28, 1994 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled. ANALYTICAL QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Method 8020 BTEX Sample ID: ac Batch No.: ~ 11651,654.657,658,660. GC 1-364 µg/Kg (ppb) ....~ 661.663,665,666.668. Surrogate Recoveries Sample ID aaa- Trifluorotoluene ac Limits Method Blank 99 80-120 LCS 98 80-120 11651 103 80-120 11654 88 80-120 11657 89 80-120 11658 92 80-120 11660 94 80-120 11661 89 80-120 11663 92 80-120 11665 88 80-120 11666 85 80-120 11668 88 80-120 p Precision Environmental Laboratories ENVIRONMENTAL . GEOSYNTHE7IC TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p.y.p PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: April 20, 1994 Date Reported: April 28, 1994 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled, ANAL YTICAL QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Method 8020 BTEX ~ Sample ID: 11670.672,673,674,678,679, 683.684.685.688.692,693.695. 696.697.698.703,706.707. ac Batch No.: GC1-364 ~ µg/Kg (ppb) Surrogate Recoveries Sample 10 aaa- Trifluorotoluene QC limits Method Blank 99 80-120 LCS 98 80-120 11670 91 80-120 11672 92 80-120 11673 96 80-120 11674 85 80-120 11678 93 .80-120 11679 91 80-120 11683 83 80-120 11684 89 80-120 11685 91 80-120 11688 83 80-120 ../ 11692 80 80-120 11693 117 80-120 11695 87 80-120 11696 89 80-120 11697 110 80-120 11698 95 80-120 11703 95 80-120 11706 98 80-120 11707 94 80-120 P R-OOsion ErMunmental Laboratories [WlRONMEMAL . GEOSYNTHfTlC TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD P-Y-P PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: Apn120.1994 Date Reported: April 29, 1994 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled, TEST RESULTS 7420 LEAD Date Collected: April 19, 1994 Date Digested: April 22, 1994 Date Analyzed: April 27, 1994 METHOD DESCRIPTION LAB SAMPLE RESULTS RL CONTROL to mg/Kg mg/Kg to 3050 7420 Lead 11658 129-3 ND< 8.0 7420 Lead 11672 53-3 134 8.0 7420 Lead 11674 S 1-1 NO< 8,0 7420 Lead 11677 5 9-1 ND< 8.0 7420 Lead 11690 S 15-1 1,060 8.0 7420 Lead 11691 119-1 ND< 8,0 7420 Lead 11696 S 14-3 210 8.0 7420 lead 11697 512-1 1,260 8,0 7420 lead 11702 J 22-1 ND< 80 7420 Lead 11703 J 20-3 10.7 8.0 RemarilslNotes; NO = Not Detected, T = Trace; Rl = Reporting Limits (10 x MOL). ~ø"æ~~ Ronald Belang Quality Assurance ~/1/pÃ'r /fp;L Date p Precision Environmental Labcratories ENVIRONMENTAL· GEOSYNTH[TIC TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD P-Y-P PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: April 20. 1994 Date Reported: April 28. 1994 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled. TEST RESULTS Method m8015 Gasoline and m8015 Diesel Date Collected: April 19. 1994 Date Extracted: April 22, 1994 Date Analyzed: April 24 - 27. 1994 ") ANALYTES LAB CONTROL SAMPLE RESULTS RL ID ID (mgIKg) (mglKg) Gasoline 11651 126-1 ND< 10 Diesel ND< 10 Gasoline 11652 127-3 ND< 10 Diesel ND< 10 Gasoline 11653 126-3 ND< 10 Diesel ND< 10 Gasoline 11657 130-1 ND< 10 Diesel ND< 10 Gasoline 11658 129-3 ND< 10 Diesel ND< 10 RemarksINotes: NO = Not Detected, T = Trace; RL = Reporting Limits (10 x MOL). ~4Y5é6rr· Ronald Belange Quality Assurance 'Ρa4¿¡f;¡; /9.'lfL' Date ~ p Precision Envìrünmental Labcratories ENVIRONMENTAL· GEOSYNTHETlC TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p-y-p PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: April 20, 1994 Date Reported: April 28, 1994 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled. TEST RESULTS Method m8015 Gasoline and m8015 Diesel Date Collected: April 19, 1994 Date Extracted: Apri/22,1994 Date Analyzed: April 24 - 27, 1994 ANALYTES LAB CONTROL SAMPLE RESULTS RL 10 10 (mg/Kg) (mgIKg) Gasoline 11660 128-1 NO< 10 Diesel ND< 10 Gasoline 11661 121-3 ND< 10 Diesel 150 A 10 Gasoline 11663 125-3 ND< 10 Diesel ND< 10 Gasoline 11664 124-1 ND< 10 Diesel ND< 10 Gasoline 11665 123-3 ND< 10 Diesel 13 10 RemarksINotes: ND = Not Deteded, T = Trace; RL = Reporting Limits (10 x MDL). A = C18-C24+ f~r Ronald Belange Quality Assurance ~4~/;Z{ /fP~ Date p Precision ErMrunmental LabcratDries ENVIRONMENTAL . GEOSYNTHETlC TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD p.y.p PRECISION JOB NO.: E940281 Date Received: April 20, 1994 Date Reported: April 28, 1994 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled, TEST RESUL TS Method m8015 Gasoline and m8015 Diesel Date Collected: April 19, 1994 Date Extracted: April 22, 1994 Date Analyzed: April 24 - 27, 1994 ANAL YTES LAB CONTROL SAMPLE RESULTS RL ID ID (mglKg) (mglKg) Gasoline 11667 S 6·1 ND< 10 Diesel ND< 10 Gasoline 11672 S 3-3 280 10 Diesel 260 A 10 Gasoline 11677 S 9·1 ND< 10 Diesel ND< 10 Gasoline 11679 S 7·3 ND< 10 Diesel ND< 10 Gasoline 11691 119·1 ND< 10 Diesel ND< 10 RemarkslNotes: ND = Not Detected, T = Traœ; Rl = Reporting Limits (10 x MDL). A = C8-C24+ ~~~+"- Ronald Belanger Quality Assurance ~f/99~ Date p Precision ErMmnmental Laboratcxies ENVIRONMENTAL . GEOSYNTHETIC TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD P·Y-P PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: April 20. 1994 Date Reported: April 28, 1994 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled. TEST RESULTS Method m8015 Gasoline and m8015 Diesel Date Collected: April 19, 1994 Date Extracted: April 22, 1994 Date Analyzed: April 24 - 27, 1994 ANAL YTES LAB CONTROL SAMPLE RESULTS RL ID ID (mg/Kg) (mglKg) Gasoline 11692 S 13·3 ND< 10 Diesel ND< 10 Gasoline 11698 S 15·3 ND< 10 Diesel 700 A 10 Gasoline 11701 118·3 ND< 10 Diesel ND< 10 Gasoline 11703 120-3 ND< 10 Diesel ND< 10 Remartts/Notes: NO = Not Detected, T = Trace; RL = Reporting Limits (10 x MOL). A = C18-C24+ ~4~z:;.4,~ . Ronald Belanger Quality Assurance 4/",,/';'/ /9'?-Y , Dat p Precision Environmental Laboratories ENVIRONMENTAL . GEOSYNTHETIC TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD P-Y-P PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: April 20. 1994 Date Reported: April 28, 1994 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled. ANALYTICAL QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Method mB015 Gasoline Sample 10: 11651,652,653,657.658,660.661. 663.664,665,667,672,677,679, 691.692,698,701,703. ac Batch No.: GC1-364 1J.ni1J.;. µglKg (ppb) Laboratory Control Standard Compound Sample Results Amount Spiked %Rec QC Limits Rec LCS 410 400 101 80-120 Matrix Spike I Matrix Spike Duplicate Sample 10: 11651 Compound Sample Amount Spike Cup RPD QC limits QC Umits Cone. Spiked %Ree %Ree RPD Rec Petroleum Fuel NO 400 101 103 2.0 25.0 75-125 p Precision ErMronmental Laboratories ENVIRONMEV7AJ.. . GEOSYNTHETiC TESTING PROJECT NAME: BAKERSFIELD P-Y-P PRECISION JOB NO.: E940287 Date Received: April 20, 1994 Date Reported: April 28, 1994 Matrix/Sample Description: 57 soil samples; received chilled, ANALYTICAL QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Method m8015 Diesel Sample ID: 11651,652,653,657,658,660,661, 663,664 ,665.667.6 72,677.679, 691,692,698,701,703. ac Batch No.: GC2-230 !.!.n.ia.;. mg/Kg (ppm) Laboratory Control Standard Compound Sample Results Amount Spiked % Ree ac Limits Ree LCS 525 600 88 80-120 Matrix Spike I Matrix Spike Duplicate Sample 10: 11651 Compound Sample Amount Spike Cup RPD QC Umits QC Limits Conc. Spiked %Rec %Rec RPD Ree Petroleum Fuel ND 400 76 76 0 25.0 75-125 p Precision Envirunment3/ Labcratories ENVIRONMENTAL . GEOSYNTHETIC TEST/foG PÆcision Environmental Labcrataies t~ft/7Ai. . GEOS'f'N'lHET'IC TE$TINO REPORT TO; Attn.: Mr, Scott VolJero CONTAMINAT10N CLEAN UP 1301 E. Orangewood Anaheim. CA 92805 PBOJECI NAME..:. BAKER8FIELD (P.Y.P,) eRECfSlON JOB NO..: E9402I18 Q,te R~ June 13. 1994 Q~te 8.~~: April 20, 1994 MatrixlSample D6lcrlptloO= 4 soli samples for additional testing requested 6/2/94; reœived chilled. :{B~S~~]'; i~';~~.f:~~~djl~:;;i;:;.i¡~::(~7f;!fJj~~lSf.Jg~~~~~£ L~i.µg~::J.lš~~;'I~·~~~lf~Æi;ii;' ......"........_.... .....,:t~ ..,.j..~........(C;I..~..·~..···~·.,·_·.......·:Øl¡{~....~~~~~··· ?~_ _ "1"',', ....--..-.._.., ~"'~M4·t"'" ........ ~t:t#·~~~~:;·~::' .~j:;~ ~·~f~ :~~~?7~~~~?·~r:1·:2t·~~t!Ä~ff~~~·~~:"'·~~~~~~'mg~fl??~.·-.~~tE~/t7·~;JBt\~~$i~~t·i:it: rw. ~lIeç!ed.: Aprf119. 1994 Qlte Dl;olted: June 8, 1994 Date Anatyud: June 13, 1m METHOD DESCRIPTION LAB SAMPLE RESUL TS RL CONTROL 10 mg1Kg mglKg 10 7420 STLC Lead 11672 SW 0.936 0.13 1.-20 STLC leðd 11889 :812-3 0,850 0.13 7420 STlC Lead 11696 814003 34.8 0.13 7420 STLC Lead 11.e98 815..3 1,750 . 9.13 RemerUlNotH: NO· Not CGt&cted. T. TI'tCI: RL II RtØOt\lt\O Urnltt (10 x MOl,J, J'a-01e/,,/ ~"y Oat. ' ; '.. . ' .¡~'.::~~'.:.~ ...:':;'~ -. ........... -- ." -.... ---- -..~...-. otI, ... _ ....'"'~.. - , " ':'~ '. ~r.::: .' TOT~ P.02 ". · . P Precision Lal:Ja'atories CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD t ott-- B \ FC¡4o~g 7 PltOJECr 1Wte: ~~f,d.cl. EJ·" f COlLECTORS NAHE/Sl~_TUR£: /n(ys~ Re«JIfted KM tOU.T 1 (II: R(P()IIIJ TO: IIIAME: S:"y "lIi~ As Received s~t. Info: ~ IIOTES: ~ '\) COIPAII'f: Lð w'V \I'rw' I '" ~i d>J C"t IJ Ih... ~ \..J P r~: c\.:.~.<t ~ w',d C+t i=: ('\,7 ,,^- .L,~ fA \^,....rO . "'- l;.v ~'ttTS·S ADORUS: i ~ I ~ lLbe o PIHtic t::) ~ \l\ t'" ~ ~ City. S'~1E. llÞ I\"NfyLt..""", LA- q '-~ S' o Glass r Snt ed ""'- ~ ( 7'4 ) (7''1) ,;y..ð'.)l.. 0 ~ ~ ~ 1'lIOII£: ..;<8>'ISl~AX: 0 ~ o OtMrs $ ~ t SPl Dlh 'fl. Ct»f>/ æY¿ s..pte Indentificet(on SIZE . ~ ~ 110: S-Pl ed SMøI ed or;;;;; ~.r C,.aS ¿ REMAltKS AI 10 tt -l~ \.,¿.. T. ,,~-\ l ~ ~ ,,(,"-'/ ^S~ .' \I 1:. ¡ '1 .. .> t~ ~ ~ ()./l, ~ n~52. \. 1. J.b - 3 r ~ ~~\' llCls3 ..... ~ t ¡g - :> \ 1M c '" t.. 11(,5'1 II --ç '}b" 3, -Hold r , TUA-c.e, ( '1~55 1:. l,~ - r .-Mo \d ~ "if! ~ () t/fp6fo ~ f' J . ~ f.,)o-( ¡" I~ ' Ý, IIt,,57 I, 1:. J. ft ..; ~ I ~ V ý (I~ lltlClUl SM(D ,,: CUVED ,..¡: EŒlvtO I': ~ll~~I$I£Ð .,: II((E n.~o 't ~ UltI1( ,rilE. '!l,CU' lAt. .·!II(· :.1£11' ~1t: "III( : SlUPPED VIA: 645 North Main St., Orange, California 9266&-1104 Tel. No.: (BOO} LAB·4599 FIIX No,· 17U\ 7AA,....~... p CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Precision Laboratories - I'tO.lUT lINE; ~ ¡, i:~ D (P ~ \" '\ OOlLECTOIS IWE/SHòIlAYUI£: \: '-.,:.. loti" 1011: lIt(~r ro: NAME: txM'Mn : IIÐÐtII ss: ellv SUTE. ZIP ~. .ec«ived $""'. Info: lewp: r!.·~ \l.J. I~ TUbe 0 PI..tlc 'Of: (..,.1'1) ~~~-/~-ZZ 'AX: ( SPl Oat. T 1_ CO/IIIØI SO III .0: Saft)I.cI S_l.cl or Grab Yat.r ) o 'l.as ~ Se.t~ o YOA 0 Others S~l. (ndantiftcat\on SSZE . C1.1S ELltQJlSJÆD IY: fCU~ffÐ IT: RElllOUl$NEO .f: 'feU ~"" IT: EU~lIISMED .': ;tfCE ('-'to 8': 1: ~ 7 - I -+to \d "t 1~-l 1:. ').I-~ 1. 'lC)-t --t\o\d "t. 1, 5'"' ~ "t '-i-l t.'Z,~- ~ 'Ç. 1-'Z - 3 .KltE . JllE, '(lIOU· lAI. tlM(· CLIENT Anel~.. .~Irect JOI. MOTU: ~ ~, N ~ ~ ~ \t~ '-~~ ~ '- ~ ~ L-- '- ~ t ~ · :V f ,. ~ ~7 RElWtXS .~ -~ 11:.1.- -J ~ ~ I ~ ,¡ . -~ ";I 01\1£: z 1-ð 5q 40c£g tAl II) Itln5q Jf(,(¡O IIW f I (dg¿ { lltM.3 II {J¡q 11# n~ SMIPPED VIA: D£ 11 \'£tE1l : ¡[It; . ------~-_.- .p CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD ~ tß ~g Precision Laboratories ECf4Q Þ«OJ~Cl ~: L I. . ð . ~ ( ~'( ~ ) COllEtlORS MAME/S(CMAlutE: AIIItyaes R...t...s I0Il ~ '-- l~.JJCII: 1fP'tIltT to: II»IE : .. Rec~'ved ~te Info: NOTES: ~'AIn: 1fti': ~\\~ ~ ~ ItÐOItU' : Ó' TLà o PI..tic :J ~ ~ ~) CI11t STATE. liP o GI... 'P s..teet '- ~ ~ PIIOI'£ : (7''1) ~k)-/s- Z 'l.. ~ , "" FAX: ( ) 10 ~ C) Others " ~ $PI. D.t. . '1- CO/IfIf'I SOUl S~I. Indentfflc.tion SIZE . .)--.. ~ 110: 5Mpl ed SMPled Of' Greb \I.te,. CTItRS IIfKUUCS LAI 10 S b-\ .¡ ,¡ 1 HJ,1 s ~--~ .¡ 11(111 g 5-\ -Ho'd III L(¡ I YW '5 J. -I .¡ IHo70 S' ~-3 .,/ HI,? I S ,-3 / .¡ .¡ r ( V 7l.. c; , -,~ ./ 1\1,73 S \ - \ vi ~ .¡ 11~7t/ , SNIPPeD VIA: U1IaU1SII£D IY: lIlIIOUI SHED .T: 1£1: I(CI!!YE!) !IT: UW:II~ ,r:LE. 'YHlOll· ·_AS. ;:'IU ~~IE..t D ~ CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD 'i Ct' .,<¿ Precision Laboratories fq~ [()J~R 7 ..oJEt1 !lAME: t....1, & r. I íi ~ ffY\» ODllECT~S MAME/SIGWATURE: Ana, ys. ~'red JOBI -ç '- lOCAflOII : ItEP'OIl TO: IIN4! : As .ecet¥ed Sanpt. Info: ~1fS: ~f: , T ØIp: ~. ~ ~ns: ~ Jube o Pla.tlc Q .~ "-1 ~ In STAte,. ZIP o Gtass ~ Sealed ......... ~ ~ "" PII(I ( : ('1 ~ ) ~~)....I:)ZZ, ~ ~ ~ l,.. FAX: ( ) 0 VM o OtMrS ~ '- ~ "" Vl O.ce TI_ ~I sonl ~,. Indentlflc.Clon SIZE , ~ ~: !lqIled I s.ot ed or Grab U.Cer CT.S REMnS WID S ~-~ ./ /1(,15 St-\ -+told f 1(" ~ ~G.-\ -vi ./ ([~77 ~ B-\ / I( 4p713 C; 7"'S ./ / ( ( t 79 CS'1-¿t / ll(¡ Be I S S-~ -t\old t l(, 61 ~ ~-> -+\ 0 \d 1\ (. &'r ŒJvEÐ IT: OAf!: 1I~: salPVEo VIA: lIlIC~ISM(O IY: 1IIICIJISMEO IY: !WI) DELI YEl£D : If I: LlIlCUUN(Ø .r: I{CfI"tt BY: ....!J( . FILE. "Ell'" , lAI, rI«' CLlE-' . 645 North Main St., Orange, California 92668-1104 Tel. No.: (800~ LAR-."QQ c... u_ . ,...... -~ - ---- ..' D .~ CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD ç v1 ~~ Precisioo Laboratories mLln ~~7 PIOJIECf IIAME: R..J.. .~"Jl Ì! r f'{ r" COtlfC1ORS ~/SIGNA1URE: ANlY'Mt _....Ired JOU U 'Ç; lOCAHCJII: RUOH TO: !WE: As Receind SMPle Info: NOnS: ictN'JUIT : tenp: c\'.H~~ ') ,~ . oA:)O Itu S : 0: 1We o Plast4c: --, ~ " ~ ClfT STAT!. lJP o Cia.. f SftIted "- '\) ~ ,~ ""'- !..- (71'1 ) ~ ~'> - 1~-7. "Z-fAX: a ~ "" ~ ..... 'IION!E' ( ) 'lOA o Ot".n .~ ~ $fit. Date ,,- C~I SOIL I S.-pt. lndenti,icatlon SIZE tI ~ ~ 110: SMlDI ~ !l8IIID lid or "'.0 U.t.,. endS .(MUS lA. 10 S\\-\ .¡ if 1(~~3 ~i6-1 ./ ./ ItCMI t;~-':; / I /(l.1rÞ ~ .0 - :, -tio fd III bI I ~ H"'~ -+\0 td IlbB7 s .5"-~ / ./ t1 (g 6ß 5 i~-~ -+\o\d 11~,q s \ 5'-1 / v' t i ~ <tV [Œlv( ) BY: " VL MU: SIIIPP£D VIA: E lI.ClJI SIŒO IY: UIICtJI$11EÐ IT: EŒlVEI) IY: tEL ,......- ", . ,(:£: ~,~O ,,: 1£1: .-:'r . "'_E. rE.'.OII· lA', 1'111<' ClI!'" 645 North Main St., Or.nge, CaUfomCa 92668-1104 Tel. No.: (800) LAB-4599 Fax No.: (714) 744-0357 . D CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD , . ß 7 v- I ¡¡- It- Precision Laboratories fQ4, ~,gr PIOJtCT IWE: R.... L n . fJÔ j) Ñ '( \) ') COllECTORS IAME/SICNATURE: In t VMS tequi red . JœI 10CATJOII: U IE"" T TO: lINE : _, teceived S8IIpt~ Info: MOTES: (OtPAlWT: . T!!IIp: t~< H~J J ~ {),. ~ ~DU~ÞS: o P\utlc N ~ ~ Cln, st~T( lIP o Glass 'fs~.ted "- ~ PItOII(: (7'Y) ~ >fS-"'1 ') -l. z, ~ ~ ~ FU: ( ) 10 'lOA IW'Jothers ...... .... SPl Date Ti_ c~ SOlll s~t. Indentification ' SUE , ~ ~ '& 110: ~ted Sa/ll)t ed 0(' Crab \later C,.! ~ .I R£Ma1($ lAl I ) 1:.. \<\ -t ~~ .; H&Cj¡ ~ \ ~- 3 ./ ./ .¡ llllC,Z. S. \"1-( I ~ llL,Q3 ~ \~ - \ -flold ~ { Hi/'! L '\ ~ - \ ", l[~~ ~ \\.{-3 / ./ ./ tl{,q" S \)..-t ¡ ../ ¡ t t, î7 S \5 -~ ./ ./ / t(f./Q8 IlElUØJISIIf.D IT: , DAtt: 'Htr9(O VIA: IlEU_.IISMtO IT: t!ŒlvtD IT: iJECEIVliÞ .,: lEi: ItflftQ 11 SIlEO I': t(Œ!V(O I'~ WII11! . ':l!. "[llOol' ~.I, J: I,IC· (UE.., p CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD 7 ~ _8 Precision Laboratories 6Cl40~ ~ )7 IPtoJECf MAlE: tA.",' ,l·&~l r f'{ r\ Ca.lECJœS JlAME/SICNATUtE: Arw'yHS lequired JaM t - lOCAfJ0I1: , _[POll '10: !WE: AI Rec:e\wd Slnpl. Info: IQY£S: ICOI'IPAIIT: ,~: r.\':. n.d . ') ~ . ~ .00II (U: ' f¡:, 1 ube o PlastIc t;) ~ ClfY, St.TE, lIP o c;llSs Y; Sealed "- ~ ~ "^ ~ PtoIE:, (".,1'1) ~V")-/S-Z?- Ç) "- 'Ail: < ) 10 \lOA o Ot~rl ...... ~ ~ ~~ Oate' 1h. SOn./ s..pl. Indentitlc.tlon Sll£ . ~ Cr6Iþ/ 10: S..-pt ~ s..sl eel or Gnl) Uet~ cr.1tS ItÐWIICS lAB ro ~"!>-l -+to Id , I t ~'i1 't. ,-l-i -Hold fI_ ~ ...y nil..... II \I ( ~ 1«'6-~ V t\ 701 1: 1. 1... -- , Jfl~ L 11702- t:. -z.o - :> ~" ~ 11703 ~ \1.0-3- ~ ll7Q'L 1: lo - ~ -Hotd ; U70~ 1:-\'t~3 [\ 7ri(; / (](1J £ŒIYm IY: SMIPt'(1) ~lA: 1lE1I1lGU11 SIB ,,: IlEŒ I\ÐI IT: _1\ 11tQU1 SMR> .' : EllaGUlSI(D I': IIEœ:V[Ð I': \1M! 1~ . "'.f. yEt ~ou UI. "'''11':.1111' 645 North Main St.. Orange, CaHforn5a 92683-1104 Tel. No.: (800) lA8-4599 Fax NO.: (714\ 744-n1..7 ·.... - ._-~" ..---.. . .p CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD ~ <-1'- i Precision Laboratcries ,fCl40.2~ 7 PltOJ!C'f IWI(: tl-.....- .11 "flßJ fp~p') COllECfORS NAN£/SICMA'URE: ANlya" Required J08II v \...- , t OCA" C)If : "EPOR' fO: "AlE : ~. Received Se.p(e Info: NOTES: aMI"'V: T~: c~j ) ~ ~ .øDIZU1I: ChÞ o Plaslle N I'- ~ ~ cln. SUTE. liP o Gl... r Sealed "- ~ J'tI( I ( : ( 71"( ) &-'.. - /' .....Z l- fAX: ( ) 0 ~ " OtMr&' ~ Ç) ~ ....... ~ spo~ ' D.t~ n_ t GIIIp.I ~ SMpl. Indentitlcat ian SIZE . .J' ~ 110: S81Ð1 ed I s.Ol~ or-'Q, t~r CTlIIS ~ 1EMR1C$ AS 10 ~ 1: ~~-3 I ((707 't ""~ ... LJIIOUI$lED I.,: IM'E: SIII,-pm VIA: EŒIV£O It: O£l1VUEC: fa 'VItI ..: 1E1t : ~Ell.autS1(O IY: It:.tI\'!tI 1': ..,..:rt r:u. HUo.., ..1. Hh'" n:on Precision ErrvirmnentBI Labœato ;es ~~ · GLOSYNrHC'tC TESrm REPOR'{ T~ Attn.: Mr. Scott VoIIero CONTAMINATION CLEAN UP 1301 E. Orangewood Anaheim, CA 92805 PROJ£CT NAp E: BAK6R8P1flD p~Y-P PRECJ~ION JOB NO..ù EN0357 pate Rec.I~mf.: May 11, 1994 Data fhøortld; May 19. 1994 MatrlxlSampl. D.crfpQQn¡ 36 soil tamplea; received chilled. ......'.'.,. '.'.~..... ,.... -'.......... .... '..,.,"""'-.. ""-~""~"-'-.'" - '-~a.-_""A.~~-''-'-'''_.. ...·.....lie.,.. ."............~......._... ...,........ ..-..,....'''''C. ...,'..·..Ioooc -'". . -'....... ...~ ~....... .__~~:- : \.~",~<~~-:,:~~.....,''''':-:'''~~:'''~~''::~'''-'::':'':-:',~~''':::;'''-'':::C''' ... ~~ ,~~._...::=::~:!'''~.~'.'"':''~''''__~~'''~. ':lt~w.""""'-:':": ......:...~··..··"¡",,..,;:.;...............":~...,........,'~...,..""'OI,C -----,,*_.: . -r:"'~~~"""'~' . - ,~,. -...... ,......'~, '~:-.'.."..;:;.~.. A';'~..': ::.o.::~"" ''::'~'':''~- ¡:~'I<" k:....... ... ;~~~.:~":.-,;:.~'. ",'1#~~~__~. ...~,:'.. ;:~7,'.:~,:,:.::3~:~~:1~:~~~1:7~~'~~'=:::.-. .._r ~. . ¿g'" . Üi~~·::'";~\~~S-'7l....~ ~~~~~~ ..~.:;.,.,...........:.........~^..,;~~.~~.;"';........~~:..-...__~...~.~.....-. ..... +Wo;t__,... .' .~._..~_.. _:..~"" .' ~..~~.. ..~~~"......... p~ ÇQlleotAC1: May 11,1994 Date ~cted: May 17. 1994 ~An~: MIY 17, 199.4 ANAL YTES LAB CONTROL SAMPLE RESULTS RL 10 ID (mgfKg) (mglKe) TRÞH 12077 R1·1 59 10 TRPH 12019 R2.1 19 10 TRPH 12081 R3-1 N 10 TRPH 12083 R4-1 81 10 TRPH 12085 R5-1 Sf 10 TRPH 12087 R8-1 57 10 TRPH 12089 R7Þ1 13 10 TRPH 12091 Rl-1 11 10 TRPH 12093 ft9.1 88 10 RemarUlNotH: NO · Hot o.t~, T. Trtet: m. . Reporting UnIts (10 x MOl). ~~~/ onald Belanger Quaiit)' Auuran #ftJ/¡P~ ~.- "'_."~ - ". "'...,--- "'60?¡:::t:Ø . I".~\ ":'.....,'~COC'bY '71ð\ '7ð6./')'''7 · .... ~ ¿ ; ;;-e. I . .." -..----. -.-- D~ Rec.IY,d: May 11, 1994 p'RECJSlON JQJ t&: EM03S1 D.tt~ May 1;, 1~ PROJECT NAME; BAKERSFIELD p-y~p MatrtxlSlmpl. D..crtgtlon~ 38 soil samples: recefved chilled. ..-. . '··~Y·A .".'.' '.--.... .._....,.·.,..--...t'·'~- ............ - '~~-~~~~...........:ç,..--.r. :~~~?:·f:·', '~~~ll~l~r:;{*~i~Y')'f;~¥:gl~~~2;:.' . ,~y,u:m :¥:.~1i;§: ::g~~~':'¿:!:6"t~~~~~§ ~:'~"·":-(-;·'~"'M:··"'·"'~7,.:"··· ..;:;.=.....:'. :';'~·_~~"'-::':"::~M"""""· .:oooot..::~-........,."..~ ......... SS- -. ......~:-..:.~~...~Þ1:~~~;;;:.~):r..:;-0....,...~t:".=. _.-..:~...._... ..._.....>''"_.... .~...__-...-.......,.._....."........_.. '~~ 1 ...r:-.......- -.c-_~~.............,."",;"........,..... - ~ -....#:;-;.;.-:-.. ...o."(.-...>~~~:.;--v. .:.:::....':.';:-:;::-:.:.~..,'.. ........... - ..:...~ ~;';.. _~..............__:...~.... ~. ===.....~...,.,._~,...r ,._... .,..M__..., ....h~-~_,-._........_~_..~~-...~~.. Date cor~: May 11,1994 Daft Extrac~ May 17, 1994 patø Anatyz~ May 11, 1994 ANAL YTE8 LAS CONTROL SAMPLE RESULTS RL 'D ID (mgIKg) (mgIKg) TRPH 12095 R1o.1 13 10 TRPH 12097 R11·1 88 10 TRPH 12099 R12-1 86 10 TRPH 12101 R13-1 80 10 TRPH 12103 R14·1 61 10 TRPH 12105 R15a1 81 10 TRPH 12107 R18·1 88 10 TRPH 12109 R17·1 130 10 TRPH 12111 R11·1 140 10 ~: NO. Not OetKted, T!! Trtoe: RL!! ~ limitS (10 x MOL). ~~., Id 8etanger Quality A$sUI'8 ~/ie1" D Precisia1 ErMronmer1al Lata at£) €s 1tÞN1f;~tr....' · Gé()$~~'~ ~ MOJECT NAME~ BAKeRSFieLD p.y~ Dat. R~.d: May 11,1994 Lab ControllD: 12071 Samp" '0: R1·1 ..-.- f!.BECISIOö JOB NO.~ EN03S1 Dm R.poItod~ Me)' 19, 1994 MatrlVSlm~1e DttcrJÞtIQn: 3S $Oil semptø; received chflfed. .:'....,.... .;:...,...,.."':;.';....-....;<~::..~ ~..·;·~·_·....:.·~:·I'· ~:::..-e· 8,' ". -,-:~·.::::;t:-·"';:":/)~-·-'<:':'~-~"·'\\':J!"'·_- ~..:-:.;~.~. .""" .. ;:: ,~~.~ ~ ~....~':.... ..::::' ;'." ~ '..;.,:'-.:~~~. ~~-:::.. . --:. . . '!'" .~~ ""~ _-:~~- ..¡."".;~':""'..;:.==-:-....~~-:..:.~:~ ".,.~......" .,....'t p~........"..>' ....."'......_..~:..""'........'w. ,..................,....... ,\-,,, . .., __.--- ....~...if,..... ,.,.....,..;.....~-..~... :::,:.;,t~"', ··:-;...:::;·t·....·..···....::::::'-..·· ~':.,:",,-".\..~"':~~--' _.~"""'~~'~~ib1'.........~ ~... ..~~.~ ~~.~.."1~~Ji..'l...~;.~~~,~ ~'""":- ~.....:.::;.;~:....~.:.::~.~"::-~.....~:..:-;:~,....: :~~;~:~...::..·~~~-:;r.'8Q "-"':0" '~'i3( .87: ....'4 ~ÄA.:;::r..:::.~~~ ~'^~':.~~~....:.,;.~ "¿"':';: . _.~-;~;..,,-=c:¡~...;..,.....,...,~:... ....~.... .·~.....IrJ~"Un.IU: .... :,~~ ' '...VT::. . . ,~~.:.~·"';;:.__T~~_~..'" c..;.. '." .~~; .,t::::.*,...,..,..,,~..~..~.,...t..,:...,...._., ...,'... _~~"..._,___._....,__._dN -~.,~'" _.~,.. _,. Date Cøn".1(~: May 11, 1994 ANAL YTE D~on>ftuo~hanê Chloromethane Vlnyf ChloriCle 8romomethant ChloroethSf\e TrichJoronuoroethane 1.1·Dichloroe{htme Mtt/'Iylene Chloride M 12·DichlOrOethene 1.1·Oichloroetl'lßM Chloroform 1.1.1· Tnchloroethane CarbOn TêtT1tchlotid, 1,2·0ichloroefh'ne RttMtbINotIH: NO . Not Detect6d, T · Tnø: . JtL . ~ Limb ('0 x MOL). Date Extract~ M~ 16 & 17.1994 Date AntfY%ed.¡ May 16 & 17, 1994 ANAL YTE Trk:hloroethênO 1.2-cichloropropane 8romodichloromethane ~113-0¡çhloropropene t.1.3-OtchIoropfoøene 1,1,2~TrichJorøtthane T etrachlotoethen9 DibromochJoromethe.ne Cntorobl:nZeOe tOmOform 1,1.2,2·T ne 1 ,3o-D;chlorobenz~ , .4-01Cl\IOrobenzene , .2·DlcnlOrobenz&f)t ND< ND< HD< NO< HD< NO< ,. HD< NO< HD< NO< .. NO< NO< ..- NO< .. NO< ?~éV- õnaId Belanger Quaiit)' Assurance 4+ :i-/?<;~ p Precision, r:-. .:-....-----' Lata ata' C M VI . I ~ I&.ØI - ,es ~AJ. · ~~ ?(-$TING PROJECT tJAME" BAKeRSFI~I.D p.y., PBf,'SJON Jot NO.: E~" Data 8~~ MIy 1~, 1~ Date RêeelvGd..: May 11. 1994 Lab Control tD: 12081 SImp¡. ID: R3-1 MatrtxlS.I1'ple D..crtptJon: 3ô soli samp/e&; received ChIDed. . ..,. ....'....:.. ..~,....,...;.;..y.....,_.....,.-..,..,- .._---.. ii, " f.t.::"';5~~.--··· ...:.,....~~.._--}"...r.:~~-....~.......,-...... \.~\~~~:.:.: .~~;~~~:::<.~.i?:x.~.:'~~;,:;~~~::;;::~-þ~~:.: *:~:~.H~d:~:; ·~Èf~~..~~~~ ~~~:..~~1: " -~::':: .;...."":~....~.,,-:......~.,.,.,;,;.;,:_..._..~..~:::":'.,....~-.,. *':'.....;..,... ..~~,,~~_._~ ~~~~ ):-'-.~""':.1t..t'-~_~-"'_'"'''''''''' -.... ,,,-'.;; ·...4..~...: ""4·..........,...,.._.........''''~~,.~~..-.. .. "'ØJ,;.-;;,.I:.fj"^' ~-... . ~ ~_., . ~_.~.~.~~,~-~"~__ ~~~~::~:.:~;~~'.~~~-;:-~;:~..... _ ...W:W¡~ ~:. .. - . a . l¡p~~~·.:~:~~::t~::~~~:::~~~-.:~~~ .t. ."'..._... ~ ...............~. ....,.._. . .. ". -~_..~:t: .'V-~_.._..... .:.......... .k:j~~@..-..d~. ....... ..':"'!"'-"'-............... -.....__ .~."'.. Date .£xtracted: May 16 & 17. 1994 o.t. Âna{rud: May 16 & 17,1994 Rlbt Ç$)1(ftcted..:. May 11, 1~ ANAL yre ANAL YTE ND< ND< ND< . ND< ND< .- ND< ND< HD< ND< ND< ND< ND< : "" , ND< ND< TñehlOroethene 1,2aOlc:hlOropropsne Bromodi¢hloromet/'lMlê 0-1.3-DIOO ropropene t-1.3-0ichloroJ)f'OØene 1 , ,2. Trichloroethane T éttachloroethene Dibromochloromethane ChlorobenZene BromofOl'Tn 1,3-Dichloroben.tene 1....DicnlOrObenzene 1,2-Dichlorobennne NO< #' HD< ND< . NI)< NO< ~ NO< ND< ND< HD< NO< ND< ND< NO< ND< o lorof1uoromélnane Ch\orQmethane V.nyt Chloride BrcmometMne Chlorot1hane Tric:hlorofluot'Oêtnane 1.1·0/d'llOroetMne Methytene Chlotidé t-1.2-Ok:hIotOêttlene 1.1-Did\Ioroeth4ne Cnloroform 1 , 1.1· T riå\Joro~ene Carbo!'! T etreçh oridé 1.2·01á'l10f0e\hane Rttft,trbnlotH: NO .. Net Oettded. T. Trace: · RL · ReponIng lImtta (10 x MOL). ~,:i9f" p Pradsion ErM-onrnentaJ labcrettres FNo/I<,"'H.Ç}/tA/. . OEOS'ffol1HrnÇ 'Ct:TH3 eßOJEC'I.HAME: BAKERSFIELD p.y.p Dati Rec.'urt May 11. 1994 Lab Control 10: 12083 Sample 10: R4-1 PRECISION .(QJ ~J El4œð1 Qatt RtpOded: May 19, 1994 þtrttlSampJ f ~n.: 36 soH samples; reotived chmed. ..-.-;....'.."..-'.... ····~·,~·"~...."::--,··::.;,··_-·....:·~I'·~· :~..~-~-,., ,"-- ~-,."...f.;~'~-~_ :f.~'.' t~~E:":~~~·;¡:.~;~~~~~:-;"~~~·~~~~,·"¥.)!5;~;':":11.:'';., .:~~~'.." :. -., :...;::~-·-~r¿~~~·~~:~~~- ._-~~ .;..~....,.........~~"".;..~~:4.:......_..",:-.:......-;,."'.'::::~.. .. ~ ~iB1i....~~.._:~.&...~~-;:~.. :t:r.;-:; '~._..')...'..,...,..':~',...~- ..__..~... ' ~,. fi"""'·'¿¡' ~_.;;:~._~~ '>'.........=:.,. " ~... ~....._...,~~.:.:...,......)(,...~....t:.........~.~."::::...~........... ..:. iI"Jt..', .~; __~...............f' ~~... -~. "':);~"_...~~w.:~ ':,;:::-/;:",'" ~:~:;:';" ..,....:....~ .. ....~.. '. a.u,...,;. '.fW\i ~.. ·':-=~:;:"r;;:'~--:-~;:--.·""- .' _;.~ ....."...... ~.._.... .~.. .' ~.-.... ... .,.It """"" .--.....-... ,~~.........~ ""-_ . ," ... .._......... ~~..... .........._ ..t.... .~... Dat. ~R."'ctGd: May 11,1994 ANAL YTE I).to ~t8d: May 18 & 17, 1994 ANAL YTe DaM A"'~ May 10' 17, 1~ :: Tr1chloroelhtnt '. 1.2-Dichloropropane Bromodichloromethant '" .~. '" .' o-1,3-okhlOrOpropene t-',3-DjçhlOropropene 1,1,2. Tric;hJoroøthane T elt8chloroetheot Oibmmochloromethane CnlOfobenlene Ð/'Omotonn 1,1.2,2· T etrachloroetha.ne 1 ,~DichlOCObenzene 1,4..Qfchlorobenzene 1,2-Diçt!torot>enzene Dichloro ucromethtnt cnloromethane Vrny1 Chlori<1~ Sromotnettlane C"loroethøne TriChlorofluoroethane 1.1.oichloroethene Mét1'I)1ene Ch\oride t-1,2·DicnJoroethene 1.1 -Dict\loroethane Chloroform 1.1. ,- T richtoroethane Caf1X>n T e-trachlorlde 1,Wchloroethane "-rnIrbINotH: ND . Not 0etKttd. T" TIXe: . RI. . Repoltlng Limitt (10 x MOL). ~4/~+~ RonaldBeJanget QuafIty Assurance p II Qt..4 /. il!'/ te NO< ND< NO< ND< NO< ND< NI)< ND< ND< NO< NO< .. ND< ND< NO< Precism ErMoomentat l.aba 'Qtt)ies ~TAL . GF'05YH1~ ~ --- PROJ~CT ~e: BAKERSFIELD p.y.p Date RICfti~.d: May 11, 1994 Lab ControllD; 12087 S.mple ID: Re·, ~RECJ8'OH JOB NO.: 9$0357 Date R.potfød; Mey 18. 1994 Ma~~mplø D"c~a: 36 soil aamplet; received Chftled, '.: ~~:~'.... .~~.::r:-:;i':;.:~::::~;:::-;~'::: ::·:'1'~7~~r:~~~~E~~';_··· ..~ ~-:.~2~:::--;~.$'~~-~'..~~ . ....""....... ..·....000._"'OI..~:..;:ç"'..._,.þ .~-..·.,..".~.þ.,¡':.--,......06_\.. ~~ . _...........~......_.,.'..... _.~~.....-.r".:;:.:::.......,...:1:.. ?~f~~1~~l~~~~~1f~~~~Hi~·~~~t~~'.~~' ,( ..L' ' , ~ ~·~~~~Jî~~~~.:?l~ ..~... '" ""'~._" ---..... ......~ -~ -,...--_.~"_."-,,,.,, ,,-~_..~~-.'-........-.., pate ColJocted: May 11, 1994 ANAL YTE ~It. ~ac~: May 16 & 17. 1994 Dk:hlorofluoromethane Chloromethane VInyl Chloride Bromomelh&ne ChJoroethane TriçhlorofluoroelMM 1,1-CH ~hene Methyteot ChlOriCSe t-1.2·OIchJoroethêne 1,1- Ic:hloroetn.ne Chloroform 1.1,1. Trlchloroethaoe arbon TetrechloricSe 1.2-t)lchloroethane ,,-,"lrbJNott.: NO · Not Ott.C1!ð. T. Trace: · Rl . Reporting LImb (10 x MOL). ND< NO< ND< NO< HO< HD< NDc NO< HO< NO< ND< NOc ND< NO< . ~~~,~ Ronald Belanger Quality Assurance p ANAL YTE TñQhloroethene 1,2-oic:hloropropane Bromodichloc'cmetl\ane O-1.3-DichIoropropene t-1.3-~ , .1,2· Tl1CNoroelhent T êtrach/orOêthene OIbtomochlOtOmetl\ane ¢hlorobenzeoe BromofOrm 1 I 1,2.2- Téftc:t12oroetl\ane 1.3-0k:N0r0benzene 1,ot-Dlchlorobenzene 1,2·DichlOtObenzene ø~t'/.~ g,ata AnatPtd: Mey 16 & 17. 1994 NO< ND< NO< HOc NO< . ND< NO< HD< NO< NO< HE>< HO< NO< HO< Praäx1 ErM'tnner1aI L..aOO éU) ies E~AL . ~øsYNT/ofF1'IC'tSTwG PROJE((J NðME; BAK!RSFIELD p. Y of' p~ Rec.'vd¡ May 11. 1~94 Lab Control ID: 12089 Samp'.ID: R1-1 - - . - . ... - -... . .. . . -- -- - " - &- .e~~CJStOH JOB HQ.: !t40357 0úJ RepoMd~ May 18, 18&4 MÞtt1JI$.amp&. l>Hc$tIon..: 36loil sample¡; receiVed cM1ed. ..,.,.. .....,..."...'. ....,....~. ..~...._.. ....~-......,.-.....'" .....,.~.. ,....'.,... ~.,.,-..........~;:::.~..~. ·..,u~~.. .,'..<.~:~::....,:¡~-.~~..~.~~:~".~':~~~:~,.:..~:..oÞ:.:.~~~~~::...~~~.. . ". ~...--...::.:;;:::~,~, .:-:'"-::......_ ,,~~~.........--:.:::-2 . ........ .."0(",..".4>0.....,; ~""'~"",,,,,,: ._) ....:.....~ ~ ..."...";'''........~..~.,..,,..., .... .' , . "'""" ~~ ._-...._.... ...~..................__ _---............. ... ....... -.......-.... .......------,~. ....'- ,......... ..." \ ' , ............,...,,~-......,.' ...-..-_--~....,.....,..... ·....·u.. .....":1>.-.... ......A""'.....·"""""'....~. .............. ..............- .""'...,."""....._.... ,..-....."þ,...~. '..:,_' ~..... ~:~Çc_:. -............. ..".____ _~,...~, ~~·2i~~·:~i:t~~i~~~~:~g~~::~~·~..~~j~7M~.. ~ ":~'. . .;...:~:....~~"...., ,.,~ <·.·.ft ·'jlØ$.¿~:~~~~ . ~~# ....w.....1;>,.~,_..., '...,~~.~. ..y··...I, ....-,~"._ '. _rg_~~..;~_.~....., ~......;,..~I:;.:_.. Date ColI~tIØ: May 11. 1994 ANALYTE Oiçhlorofluoromtthene Chlorom1:thane Vinyt Cn'oridê Bromomet!'\ane ChlOroell\ane T~Chtorofluoroethane 1.1 -Oichloroethene tMthylene ChlOlide t·1.2-0iohloroethenê , .1·01chIoroethene Chloroform 1,1.'· T~loroethane ClI1>On Tetf'Qc.nloride 1,2·0içhloroeth3ne ~..: NO. Not~. T. rrece; · RL · R~ Lil'tlltl (10 x MOl). ~t.~_ May 16 & 17, 1994 g,ta A~: May 18 & 17, 1994 ANAL YTE Triohloroethene 1,2·0~ Bromodiohloromethan. ~ 1.3-0ichloropropene '.1,3-Oiçhlotoprwene 1.1.2- TriC:t\loroeihane TettaçhlorOethtne Dlbl'Ol"l'\Ocl\loromethene hlorobenUne Bromof«m 1,1.2,2- Tetrad\lOroeltlane 1.3-DlchIor'obenlene 1,4-Di<:tlIo~en. 1.Z.Dícl\lOrOÞenzene NO< ND< ND< NO< ND< NO< NO< "0< NO< NO< NO< ND< NO< . NO< ~~~~ Ronald Belan Quality A8.ura øt:Y~¡/~?'¿ p Precisa1 ErnrorrnertaI L.atxrataies ~þt, · GFOsy,..'7If:T1C T£S7~ P8QJeCl~~~ BAKERSFIELD p.y., P8ECJltoN ~ NO..: EMOU1 DÑ~= May 1e, 1994 Matrlx/S'InRJ. DM~ 36 soil samptes; receIvtd c:h1Hed. Data fI.e91~,d: May 11. 1994 Lab COntrol ID: 12093 Sampl. tD: R9-' " ....... ..... .,.. . . ~t ..... ...;.~.. ......:~ ......;~~. ~.....~!S;;,. . ".........:;.-----. ..:..;., ~. ~. ~~~~~, '-~ . ~I..._--..I'..~ .,........ ....".,..."..... ....-.......... ...........'*'---.. "_,,, þ .~ .. - ~... ...... ......-.... ~ ~--...~.~ .;,. .........."'".y....:........,-'ot,~:t~...,.........~.........,~~...,......__"'^..t..IOI..,.. ..... '.. ~ _. _.::_", _~,~ ~~''''''''''.~'''_'''"' .....~~~:: ..._""='":-""......-.,....,. .....::!~........ ~~.. '.,.¡,c'-': . ....... -:-~ ....: ......__-..~ _~--:""'<_..............._--.....~......... .. ~'. ...::: ;~·...~;-=.:~~:;~.":~~;"';;:...~;..*-:-:,.1. ... ::·;.M...··~=-'(:""-~~;:-~;..~. :.:...t:'-;...~_ ·:r.:iit-~ ~~;-~~.~::--~').~ ~:-;:: ..._.......~.v~....... ..."....._,....." '''''. ..,....~...""'. .. ·A~.. . , '... ,#.....~ .,¡;;:,,4r.. __ ,.___.................. ''-.__ ~~--.·,:,:...~¡,:"...:.:.·..·~·.~·.~-.I:=.~.:.. ,~.~ - - . ~ ..;:..=:~~.~~..._ '"::....; ;~~.: ~,~,.,,,...,..,.~~-,..-,.,_.,._-.....~.,. .~_.,..., ., .". '. ,.,.,-.. ..... . :~,..~_......._~.........~~~ -- -.., Qate Co(I&ç~: May 11. 1994 ANALYTE Date EJtra~ May 16 & 17, 1~ o.ta þ~: May 16 & 11. 1~ Dlchlorofluorometnane Chloromethane Vinyl Chloride Bromomethane hloroethane Tr1c;hIorof uoroeth8~ 1.1·Dichloroethene Melhylêne ChlOride t·, 2-DlehlOroethêne ", -DiCl1I0r0êtnane Chloroform 1,1.1. richloroethont Catbon Tetrachloride , ,2·DichlOroeth,n, ANALYTE NO< NO< NDc NO< HO< NO< NO< NO< HD< NO< HO< NO< NO< Nt>< ND< ND< ND< ; NO< ND< NDc ND< ND< : HO< ND< .;,..' ND< 1;;. ND< ND< ND< RtmarbIHotM: NO e Not DIttctecS, T - TtIœ; · RL · ~ Li'nb (10 I MOl~ ~~..- Ronald Belanger Qualfty As.urance ø~ ~/~..... p Predsion ~ Lata~ies (,WTRIJN,()(TAL · GF\)S"fPi7~rr 7t:s:N; PROJEC1 NAM!: BAKERSFIELD p.y.p PI" R~.~: May 11, 1994 Lab ControllD: 12097 Slmpl.ID: R11·1 PR1!CJSI~ JOlt H(t: EN03S7 Date R.pðltad: May 19, 1~ MJ~~m~f2ts~: 36 soil sampJet; reoeived cnllJed. .........::.:~. .~...._~;.:::~~'~ ....._.:.;.::':":'''':'....e.......,oo,.~....~......~..,... ., .. .:-~ .-:.-~..,..~~....~~~~1 ~.\.:.:.=...."'" .....,...... '-"...-:.,.............-..~,........~,........,....... -.)..,__ ..' '. ~""._~g ......~....~ .....,c ".:-:;::c ::', t..;:':'::.:;-.:r, '~; ::, '~.:,/II,......._~~~~~~ ....~~;-;:~ . . 't.: . .. .... ~ .......).oo\~.:;.~4'-~:::.. ...:...~~~_....~::~: :~ ;..¿,....:~:'.·.~~~:.:~~.:.~E~~·;~~~~~...:..~~-~~~'~'= .::.;-..~_...............;::.~ -~::.::..~:-.; ....::.:(;,.- ~.~~:'.:..~..=..~~ . ., ..:........... _ ..... ....."... #'''' " ".. ,,'" o'A.. , "''II!' ....., ø.a']lIII.:1fIIIiI; ""'=~~ .. .-......-...__........ .......', .I:"-IÞ ...:.,:~....::......,......;'~.....~.:...:;.... ....~~:~....'" ..: '. ..Ul.RJ8.:.:......~-·:..~.."?"""'.:¡;- .:.:~~;;:~:..-:.--:. :::-::.:::t~...,. ..-\.;:~~.\~~,...,_:.::::.t.)'.~~..____~..-;~J.;.-...., . ....:.......,....... . ... .______..,;::~....þ Ó~..:.:::..-....~..".:~_=.;.~...-~~ " Oar. Collocttd: May 11,1094 ANALYTE Date þtraetêd: May 18 & 17. 1994 Di¢h/orotluorornetl1ant ChIOromeotMn& ' Vinyl C/'\Joridé Bromometnane ChlorOeU'1I1" Tr1OhIo1'OfIuorotthane 1.1-0Ichlomethene Methylene Chloride ~, ,2-DIenIOl"Ofthel'\ê , , 1-DiCh/orOétt\ane ChlorofOrm 1,1. ,- Tl'iel1lor0êth81\e Carbon TetraChlOliðe 1.2...o;ø,Ioroe1hane ~: NO . Not Otttctt~. ~ e TI'ICII; · Rt.. RtpoIfItlQ Lim'b ('0'1 MOL). ND< NO< ND< NO< ND< ND< ND< ND< NO< HD< ND< ~:. ND< ~ ND< ~y ND< ~V~r~ Ronald Quality Auuran p ANAL YTE TI1ct\~ 1,2-o1cNoropropane ~orometha~ ~ , .3-Dil;Noropropene t-1.~cn~pene 1,1,2- Tr1cI'IJoroethene T etra<:hlotoett>ene OIbrO~ ~ Bromoform 1.'.2.2-Te~nè 1,3-DichloroÞe1'1zerle 1.4-DichIorCbet\len 1.2-OiC:hl¢fObe1'lzene Oete An,~: Mat 18 & 17, 1994 RESULTS I<a NO< HD< NO< - NO< NO< Nt>< HO< NO< HD< HO< HO< NO< HO< NO< 416'-4 /,99~ ~ ErrvronrnentaI Labc:rattries ~t · ~~ :'t.5/tr.(; PROJECT NAM~ BAKERSFIELD p.y.p c.t. Rae.IvH: May 11,1994 Lab Control to: 12103 SampIeID: R1.....1 O,tt CollftÇt~å May 11,1994 ANALYTE Oiehlorofl\,lO '()meth8né hlOl'Omethane VInyl Chlondt 9~ant Chloroethane Tncnloroßuoroethane 1 , , ·OichlorOêthene Methylene ChlOti( ø \-1 ,2. \çh 1.1-Diehloroettume Cnloroform , .1.'· TrlcNoroethané Caft>on Tetrac.t\1Oôdè 1.2-OiCnlOl'oe~Ðne RlmerUlNotll: NO . Not Dtœdect. T · Tract; 41ti,. ~ ~ (10x MOt.). ffœCJSfON JOt NO...: £MOW Data R.po1tDd: May 18. 1994 Matt1x/8altl* D_~: 36 soil sampl&a: reoelved chXIed. ··,·...._--:::~ss~~~~~~~.~'~~ _ ::::::::t ~..~.~~ .....'0( "", " .: ~ '. ..,....,-,.1..:':\??tV~~.' ~-ÆË. t ~ - -:.:,,~"':.~ -....~ ~=~.(Ir::): ..0 ...":"::."'~~.... :r1 ~....-:- ........ .'"...: " _.," _.. ~_."r~~ .. "....~~ _.\, .. Oat. !xtracmd: May 16 & 11, 1994 ANALYTE ND< NO< NO< ND< NO< ND< ND< ND< NO< ND< ' ND< NO< NO< ND< ~~A'P'_ RonIJd Belanger Quality Assurance DmAn~: May 16 & 17, 1994 /l/t%/f /~ ate p \ I ,., . i , ) .1 Precision EnirorYnertaI L..abcratnies rtH~A¡ · ~pt:'nc r¡:srfoG "" 'J J. ~ ~... ¡ r ;.. ( ~ r"c;.""",.;;J&V' ,,-,",~~I'-""W_ 1....- '._'__""'.'" ~ctlECT NAM~ BAKeRSFI!\J) p.y.p Data RK~~t:d: May 11, 1994 ub Control 10: 12108 Sampl. 'D: R17·1 ~8ECjSJON JQ8 HQ. 1!J4œS1 D.~ ~~6d; May 1~, 1994 ~trivSampfo Dat~rlptlðn.: 3ß $Oil samplet; ('ØÇ9IveCf chilled. ,1 ~ f ~ ... ~.':~.-::;;.-: .....;:.. :..".~~~:~~~~~;,~';:-;:::~~:=._.~~:: I'~'~'R"""~' .. ~:~~;:::'~...~~."~~:=:..~:;~.~...~---¡-...tu~ "'..:';:::-~::"'.n.".!Z~~'~::':"A''''':~'~''';'~:7''~-~~~~ ~]:i,' . jI;;.....~;..~.~;~....~J..::'~~............,-=-==.,~~.....(. .:;.,..............::.:.." ...(...::c::~Jooo_-::':.'"'...:'.....--"..,....~~,..."'_.. ..~,....,. " . ....:::;:._,-~:~...~. ~:,....Jþ......w....~...~c." .......:;:.....",. ... '" ~~ .... ~,..:.,...œi........··...,......iü~-.. ---- ~. ~r....." >.,.-. ~~-;~~~..............~. ..-..~.;.~¿:;;-".............::;c:.\:I.:..,^..~ ~~~::~:~~ :.i';':.~~~""" ·~::'~~~~·:I~i1b. ~ :;" ~. J: ¥lJÛl~,~~..~·;.····::--.....;~5:~~~:~~;: .-.....,.,'- ._,......~-,~_.,...,-~; ~~.,- ~(".,......._.".,..-y.~::'~~~"....._...~~., Cua ~II&cYd: M8y 11,1994 ANAL YTE DiCt'IlOrofluOfOmethane cnlorornelhane Vinyl hood! Sromomethanê Ch/Qroeth8ne T richlorofluoroet"aoe , . '-OichlorOe!hene Methylene CNOl'ide t·1,2.01ch1~ne " , -Did\loroethane Chloroform ',1. '.Trichlol'Oe~ane arbOn TttrW\lork1e 1.2-Dichlorot!hane RtmlrblNottt: NØ · Not Oft<:ttd. T . Tract; - AI. · RIpOI1iIg LIrnIta (10 ( MOl). ~te Extracted: May 18 & 17, 1994 ANALYTE ND< NO< HO< NO< ~, ND< HD< ND< ND< ND< . ND<·~ NO< HD< .. HD< ND< TricOIoroethtnt 1,2-oi<ihloioproøan. '. Sromodicttloromethane O-1,3-Dl~ f..1.3-Did1loropropene .1.2- Tricnlorotthane ~ T elraehlOtoethene 'bromoct\lototnethane ChlorQbênzøne 9romofon'n 1.1,2.2. TetrJc:Noroethane 1,3-DlchJorobttnzene 1 ,~Dichlorol)en:enG 1.2-D1chloroÞenzene ~~+ Ronald Belanger Quality Assurance Om Analypd: May 18& 17, 1994 4f~:t /-'.~y' p ND< HD< ND< NO< HOc NO< HD< HDc HD< HD< HD< NO< HD< NO< PrecisO; E11vronmentaILatxl ~ ~JJ.. · GEO$YN(fÇTrC 7ES'T1(; ----- .- ---. fßOJECY ~AME..: BAKERSFIELD p.y., Date. RKef\'ftd..:. May 11.1994 Lib ControllD: 12111 Slmpl. ID: R18·1 PR!Ct$tQ.M Jot NO.: EMOH1 D.~ R.~: May 1D, 1994 MatrtxJSamp1e DøeriøØon: 3G $OR samples; receiVed Chilled. ~.l~r~~~:ft~?~~~~~7.l4~~~:· . ": ... ..1-:::-·w. O....... .....~":..........~~~'........~1=~ij:.........,...,. ..... .....,..::\:'~...........,....:.. ........~::·..·.··'......õ... K ·0 8 ' ...'" ..... .."".. ....;.~....-.,,'C ,."~"'''¥''...r ,P ... " 't ;4:~....~--:-:~;').,..........~~~~~~ .;.¡.,. ~~.,.,~--..~,,;..... ~.....~ "') D... QgJ&.Q1ed.i May 11, 1994 ANAL YTE Dic:tllorofluorome11\aoe Chloromêthane vinyl ChlOrld. BrorrIomethene Chlol'Q&thane Tr çhloro1luoroethane 1.1·0 ictl\orOethent Mtthylêne ChlOñØe t·1.2·0~'oroethtne 1.1·Diohlo1'oethane C"lorofotm 1 , 1, 1· Trichloroethane Ctrbon TetrachlOl'iØe 1.2·DIchI0f'0Øthane RItm.l1caINotft: NO · Not Deteøtt6. T. Treoe; . RL · Ftepol1jng ~ (to x MOL). Data ~cted:. Mey 16 & 17, 1994 HD< ND< ND< ND< HD< ND< ND< " ND< NO< ND< ND< ND< ND< ND< ~p~~~ onald Belanger Quatlty Assurance p ANAL YTE Tric:hlOrOétnent 1.2-DiçNoropropane BromodicNOtome1hane ~1.3-0~ t-1.3-D\chIoropropre ',1,2. T~\haI'Ie Te~ ~ CNoroÞenzénê Bromoform 1, 1,2,2~ Tetred\JOl'Oe'J1ane 1.3-OIcNorobenzene 1."DiçhloroÞer1%ene , 1.2-DichloroW'lZene - = DmAn~ May 18 & 17, 1994 ~ -~/?JÝ NO< HO< ND< HD< ND< NO< NO< ND< NO< ND< ND< NO< NO< HD< i I I Precisict1 ~ I..abcratoies ~"'V7A~AI. · ~~uc TF.$mG P.ROJEC1.NAME: BAK~$ReLO p.y,.p PRECJ~tœ'4 Joa HO...: EMœt1 QlfD R.~: May 19, 1894 Dat. RectJved: May 11.1994 M.~ampl4l DJtlCriptjon: 38lOilaampltl; reoeived Chilled. Da. CQJltct&d; May 11. 1994 Dm Extr.cttta: M.y 13. 1994 Data ~.~! May 13. 1994 ANALYTES LAB CONTRO~ SAMPLE RESULTS RL 10 10 (mgIKg) (mOfKQ) Benzene 12077 R1·1 NO< 0.006 Toluene ND< 0.005 Ethyl Benzene NO< 0.00& Total Xylenes ND< 0.010 Benzene 12081 R3-1 NDe 0.005 Toluene NO< 0.005 Ethyt Benzene ND< 0.005 Total Xyltnes HDc 0.010 Bênz.ne 12083 1\4.1 NO< 0.005 Toluene NO< 0.005 Ethyl Benzene ND< O.~ Total Xylenes NO< 0.010 Benzene 12087 ~6..1 NO< 0.005 Toluene NO< 0.005 Ethyl Benzene NO< 0,005 Total Xylene, NO< 0.010 Benzene 12089 R7·1 NO< 0.00& Toluene ND< 0.005 Ethyl Benzênê NO< 0.005 Total Xyfene$ NO< 0.010 R.",.rblNoc..: NO · Not Oetec:ttd. T . TrfCe; R'- · ~ I.WIIIt (10 X MOl): .. Pal . ~ QuantitatIon Limb due to MItIíx Il\tllferenot. -- ~<td~4p""'- Roneld Belanger 0u.'1ty Assurance _ ~,,~/n~- p Precisioo E:rMmnertal Laba stQ;es ~'" · GF<)$)'7\'It(;T'1Ç TßnHO . - - - i . !!. I: II!I PROJECT NAME: BAKERSPfelJ) p.y.., PRECISION Joa t Q,: !94œ51 Data ~~= May 19~ 1P94 patt R~live.d~ May 1" 1994 MltrOOttarnple D6tçriptio~ 3G soil ~mples; receiVed chmeci # .--.' , '_....~.,.'m."""..~,......_"'.__"..... . '.a~'''·'~'~-'_~·---~~~t.- .:,:..:~,:.~.:: ~~ ;:~~:.i~ )~~~i~:~-:f~~,~:~~~ ..' ~. . .~~ . .~ .. ~ t;~:~:%2~"'" ':&::~. .....""":':..J.:t~ ... -.:....~..:-::.:::".t".~~...T;JU~..!_....~þ......_~:....~~: ""'- ,.' ;........ ..........,. ............ ~~'.~' ..~~ ~ ~~:~_~. .. .........._.., .,11.,. _.. ~ -.-........ .--,., ... ....~.¡,¡ '~" ......'*.............-::~-..".......~'~t~"",...).~""...,;.:::........:~ .- ... , -~-:~)'¿:..-'I........:B. ~~--== ~,"n" .::'~:..::...;-;.::......~::.':.::::t"..:=:..:..,.,~-:.~.~~:'....-~,., _ . . ,', ..~~~.:;:-;:.;~.:..~:.:-:~ . ..:o:i''-~: "...... .'.' ~ -~-... ..","""",-..w.;..,. _":':1'r ,. '. -~_._.~~...,...." ---..:;,.._ ......... ..' ·.,.·~.A_ '.1:.IE ..~ ,. ... "'1 ~Ite ÇoIl.ttad: May 11, 1994 Data Ana(pwf: May 13. 1894 Cite Enra~: May 13. 1994 ANAL YTEe LAB CONTROL SAMPLE RESULTS RL 'D 10 (mcrlKGJ (mgfKGJ Bènzene 12093 R9·1 NO< 0.005 Toluene HDc 0.005 Ethyl Benzene NDc 0.005 Tota/ Xylð~ HE>< 0,010 . Benzene 12097 R11.1 NO< 0.005 To/uen. 0.007 0.006 !thy/Benzene HD< 0.005 T0t81 Xylenea NO< 0.010 Benzené 12103 R1~1 NDc 0.005 Toluene 0.01 0.005 Ethyl Btnzene NDc 0.005 Totel Xyfene. 0.02 0.0'0 Benzene 12109 R17·' NDc 0.005 Toluene 0.001 0.005 Ethyl Benzene NO< 0.005 Total Xylene! HI)< 0.010 Benzene 12111 R11-1 NO< 0.005 Toluene NO< 0.005 Ethyl Benzene NI)< 0.005 Total Xylenes HDc 0.010 Rem.,.,...: NO R Hot OIttdtG. T to TrtCt; RL.. ~1nQ Units (fOx MOL); .. PQ1. .. ÞrtetieM Oult\tbtlðn L..I'Ms dut eo UttM Intttferenca. . ~ø==-~ Ronald Sê1anger QuaJlty At.urance I#tý ~/ 911" _ p PrErisKJn EnJrorvneræf LaOO 1:tuies ~Al. · Gt;~TIÇ 7L'$'TINØ I !![ . I - . i !II! !! .. ('ApJECT NAW:: BAKERSFIÐ.O p. Y-P eB.E.Ç11fQH Joa tß).: EM03e7 qUi Rtported: May 1e, 1~ Da.. ~elv.d: May 11, 1994 M.trlx/8arnplt Dwrfptlo.n.: 36 loll samples; received chilled. L··'·'·~········ .,"....-........,..... ^ .,,.'~-,.._...-5:r... .~_. , . """",,"..~~~~:t ~~~~~TI~;~.~~~·-f'~~:;~2:t~~ili~:ff:.:1':~::sa..-~t~, ~ ;,:i~.: ~,. ';" ~Ê:'2~'" ~ -- ~-~..~,:~ ."..".. ',. ..,_··._~._·····~·,·_~x~~" -- ,....,~¥..\",.~""""''''' .._.'~-...,.~:1~ .~~::x:-,. :'~'::;~~.;~.: II:~~,;.~~-=...:::E?~.:-~~~:~:'r .#.~~~-:=-:' ~~:~:.'~ ·~~·~~.A;:.:.:.~·.. ~ ~~.. ,~::::; .' ..ç.,;,;,,;,¡;"'..Ao-......."..·...'1I -......"... _,......_C""-~ ~~·"II '_';' ~ ..~...~~...... ...,..-..;-.-..., ,", . · ,......,...~_.... ...__I'C'..."""......... .... ............. --.... ;~, . ".",. . ... ",."..,...~. .--......... ...\.. ......... ........, ....._._.,";.:«_.._,.......,~ ...:5~.~,..,.~~ __1t:t:._.. L.....~~.·~.,...~ .... n,ate Collected: May 11, 1994 DlIte Dlgl.tod: May 11, 1994 n.ta ~ftaJyHd: May 18, 1~ METHOD DeSCRIPTION LAB SAMPLE RESULTS RL CONTROL ID mglKg mglKg 'D 3050 7420 Lead 12079 R2..1 250 8.0 7420 Lead 12Ot1 Rß.1 NO< 8.0 7420 Lead 12103 R1~1 NO< 8.0 7420 Lead 12111 R18·1 NIX 8.0 ItMnlrblHQCIt: NO It Not Otiecttd. T!! Tr1Ict: AI. :: AepøttIng lÄTtitS (10 Ie Mbl). ~~~ Ronald aalang Qua~ Alsura Date p Precisia1 ErMronrnenær Lat:xratn'ies ~'AL · CFC$MHE IC 1t'S'7W3 T~-':'_ ~,:~ j - - - .. - - - II - - - " P Precision Laboratories CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD ~\ +ç I n - .. J -.81 'f-'t'-~ COllECTORS NAME/SIGNATURE: ,,' ANlya.. Required JOlt ~1!C1 "WI ~1_r_lf\. " , U . l0CA1I1Otl ...., REPelIT TO: NAME: <;C 01\ "{ 0 U ~ ~ ¿> As RecelYed Sample Info: NOTES: co.PANY: r tJ ,,}, ~ I ~ u 1'?r. ù",.J r \O~J v f:> T~: .' C~.I,~t E. ()(L PrY.. h¡Q w~ ' 0 ADORESS: I ~ I ~ T~ o Plastic '" ~ 'fir- ~ CITY STATE. ZIP Þrtvl\-kp ''10-\ QI61)>" o Gl... ~aled -...:: ~ - ¡.. (7''( ) 5R~-/)1z.. FAX:. (7''/) 0'/- ()~ ? () \lOA ,1 0 Others 00 C> - PIlON! : 0 - ~ - ~ SPl Date Tillie COlffJ/ ~ I Sample Indent 1ft catton SIZE , ::r 110: $~led SlIIDl ed or 'rat) Water CTNRS REMARKS lAB 10 S-' ,-<tV , ;0 ""'- (;R~'!> 90., \ i..\-¡ .... , V' ./ z.~... L\~ , , II \I I' ~\ -3 \i I II 'I ., " \ V V- I. R:z.. - \ .. 'I " \I e..'Z.-Š I I \ &f \I \ I \1 ~~-\ II , V V- \I il \I " R~-~ 'f \ " I( 'I 'I \2,\.\ - \ ,\ V' V \ 't " \ \ \\ R'-\-S H \ RELINQUISHED BY: TIME: SHIPPED VIA: RELINQUISHED IY: UPS: REŒIV£O IY: FED EX: HAND DELI VERED: RECEIVlED BY: COURIER: RELINOUISHEO BY: OTHER: RECEIVED 8Y: ~ITE . FilE. YEllOU· lAB. fiNK' CLIENT 645 North Main St., Orange, California 92668-1104 Tel. No.: (800) LAB-4599 Fax No.: (714) 744-0357 P Precision Laboratories CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD ~2f5"' ~'!CT IlMEt itA\' ft.A^ ·O~ ? ~ 'i \~ COlLECTORS NAME/SIGNATURE: Anal)1" ...,fred JoY LOCATlOII: UPOU TO: NAME: C:r ,,\\'J o'\f~) A. !tee.fwd SMple Info: NOTES: iœMPMY: T~: ',C~ .ll.cß .~ iAœtt1ESlz iL T. o PII.tfc ~ N CITT STATE liP o Gl... Jt-hlled \:) ~ '- ~ PMOMI!: ,7ft( ) ;ð Ç" . /~?'l- FAX~ ( ) 0 VM o Other. % ~ SPl Det. TI.. Camp/ '~-~þ Semple Indentlffcltfon SIZE , ~ ~ ~ !eO: S~led $l1li)1 ed o/{Crlb" "ater CTNRS REMARKS LAB 10 I Ç-\\J(~ ~ ~,,- - r ,.- S;;J) I2.<;-1 &zi'f'-' ( ./ }.I,¡)ð'" "'i~ (,A- " ' , \\ I, ~ ç-.3 " I " 'I R.(\ - , II l v' V 'I , I f' '\ 'I I' R.{, - ~ '. I " 1\ I, I, f-7 -\ '. t V' ../ " I, " R.7 - 3 I, I II II II ~ (lg-I I' I v' V .. 1\ II \ I, \l B"'~ " I . , lIeC£IV£O IY: SHIPPED VIA: S: FE!) EX: IIEllMCUISMEO IY: HAND DELIVERED: lIecuvto BY: COJItlER: RELIWOUISHEO BY: OTHER : ItECElvt,O IT: WITE . FILE, YElLOfJ· LAB. PINI(· CLIENT 645 North Main St., Orange, Callfoml. 92688-1104 Tel. No.: (800) LAB-4599 FIx No.: (714) 144-0351 P Precision Laboratories CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD ~ .3 +S- ~C1 WE: ~ ~ "" A, ~JU O ß ~-"1'-~ COllECTORS NAME/SIGNATURE: Anetya.. R*"fred J08# V lOCATlOI: ItfPOll:T TO: lIME: <;, .'rt "of () \ ) " LI ') As Received S-.pte Info: NOTES: !coP"..,: T~: ch!1L .~ ADOtII!SS: ~ T\be . o Pl..tic ~ c-.. ~ CITY. STATE. ZIP o Gl... ~,Sealed '- ~ P!ØI(: Nf'4) ~~C;-(<{'l V ) \lOA o Others ~ ~ FAX: ( 0 ~ SP1. Date Time COIIf)/ ~ S-mple Indentfficetion SIZE fI ~ ~% ~ 110: ~l~ SlR)l~ orÆ~~b) "'atar CTNRS REIWUCS LAB 10 ~ A> "'" - ~. s~J tq - ( I 1/ V ç. {,..qV I (., (IN--. ..... ".,oIL .") &.»,.,. l,... , I, 'I · '/ II Q...'1,3 A I 'I I " " i2.'O-1 " I V (I (, :, " (L 10 - :> I, } ~ " /1 f e 1\ - I ., J /' V- I, II , \, R.\\-~ " J ( I, I, , i, (l tI - { I, I V I It 'I " II R..tZ-.3 1/ I RELINQUISHED 8Y: TIME: SHIPPED VIA: REll.oUI.NED IY: '1/ S: REŒlm IY: HAND DelIVERED: t(CUVEO IY: COJRI(R: RELINQUISHED 8T: OTHER: RECEIVED 8Y: WHITE - FllE, YELLOY· l~8. PINK' CLIENT 645 North Mlln St., Orange, California 92668-1104 Te" No.: (800) LAB·4599 Fax No.: (714) 744-0357 D ~ Precision Laboratories CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD ð-7' 1- Š- ~CT NAME: ~I"..f¡' n} P-'-1-P' COLLECTORS NAME/SIGNATURE: Anltya.. RequIred J08' lOCATIIOII: V ItEPOIt1r TO: .ME: Ç",1í VJ {)~ ) As Received Seaple Info: NOTES: toIPAJIY: T~: ( ~.I/~f ~.ns: Ii.. T¡j)e 0 Plastic ~ ~ ,,, rS.eled C) Cny STATE. ZIP 0 Gle.. ~ ~ -- .......... PItOII!: (7/'-1 ) , ~'K c; -/' ; ll... fAX: ( ) 0 VOA 0 Others ~ ') -... .... ~ SPl Date Tillie Coq>/ ~ Sample Indentification SIZE , ::J' .~ 110: SMaled SlIIIÐl ed or/Grab' CTNRS .~ REMARKS LAB 10 ,2j,;~f- .~. .)~ ;?.I~-' ~(\ " I V '7-II..l( c¡ Il ;U" ~~~ l-. ,,,1[ . , , " I 1/ II ll")-3 I, If I, V-\'-I -I t V """7 " V II 'I I, e,~--.s ~ I 'f I' II í '/ 1.JÇ' - I /, V " I, II ~ It/£; - .> 'I { 8 't {. f (/ 1.Ib -I t I ./ . ~ If í 'I ? \b-~ ~ J , RELINQUISHED IY: S: c TIME: SHIPPED VIA: RECEIY£O IY: RELIMGUISMED IY: IWID DEliVERED: IttCfIY!D IY: COURIER: _£llNOUrSHfD 8Y: OTHER: R£Œlvt,O BY: WHITE . FILE. YELLOW' LAB. PINK' tllENT 645 North Main St., Orange, California 92868-1104 Tel. No.: (800) LAB-4599 Fax No.: (714) 744-0357 j ~" ... P Precision Laboratories CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD ~ 5 of S- '-'EICT lIME: ~~~ l101 ~. y.-r COlLECTORS NAME/SIGNATURE: AnalY''' Required J08I LotATlCJI: , ItEP'OIr TO: lIME: ''; c., ì\'< 0 I )~) A. Received S~le Info: NOTES: COMPAin: T tq): ÔJ,//"IJ ADORE:iS : ¿ T.... o Pl..tlc ~ ~ N I ::: CITY. STATE. ZIP o Gl... r Se.led ~ ~ PtØIf: (711.( ) 'k("" - 1)7 Z "- fAX: ( ) o YOA 0 Other. ~ ~ ....... SPl D.'e ft. C~/ C!-9 Slq)le IndentiftceUÐn SI2E t $ ~ ~ 110: S8llDled SlIIOled or A¡'~b', ter CTNRS REMARKS lAB tD ~-7/' Ý'I í J.tJ~. 6/~ 5JrP íLO - , '6'-"" ...c; I V V Jl~ L.\~ ¡" 'I I' ,/ e.O -.5 II I " " e,g-I I, l V V V 'I /, , , " i.IR-~ I, I ,. " " " " II I If '1 I, I, I I' " " " " " , ( , I, " '1 " I SHIPPED VIA: $: !WID DELIVERED: CCURIER: ulGUr SfItD IT: OTHER: RECEIVED If: WHITE' 'llE, YEllOW· lAB, PINK' CLIENT 845 North Main St., Orange, California 92688-1104 Tel. No.: (800) LAB·4599 Fax No.: (714) 744-0357