HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK 1991 - ..--.- -- -..------ PTill PLAN "5A.~ JCð..QÙ\~ "\'R~c.\(:)~ c.o./ ß"sç:-L~) c...~\..~ t< J GIZ ~ ~ VRo"PO"SEO 500 C::"þ..L D\E.SEL. ~\'" À;ß~ÐO~1V\~T · D'~P~,,-\~~ ~ 'PRC\)ÜC" \...\4t- ~.e;~^,,- " , . a ~ \..)0 ~ <.f ~ t!)\;) ~~ Ar{f . ~ 4 -z: o - -z: ':::> - 33B' ~ C.A-llÇO'R~ \1\- À..\1~. lEAL DESCRIPTION ~.io~ \~nHi "tU.~~:tl\~ ('I). 120 0l'\~o""¡ "","\.Iç. 1\~g:\..~ ) (' .~L-'F .~ 330'1 ~~~1~~~~ ,,",.~\\bt-.\~L\P\.~\(~\~ i .~~~\.~r~~:~ ~:3~~ . ~ e e ~ ~i'"- .._____..¿' ~ ~Þy/ Ú, '-") '~ -/+ I ) f?ODJ¿..í//~i;: / L-\ t-le..... '\ /' (£~L \ ~ í~ hJf.L- ~ Sé~L£ ) 1~9 · J ~ 1. \} ~ ~ + t~l(L,Çq?b'~-( ~~( .. L --- i::.DL-1 f,2?<"' ..JI.6.. '" /¡;::- r-- .L-~ L.... N01E-: ÞU- .L~ÄS> W~I ~O~ oP ---('He- ~ L-LJ,::p E:t<cAV~ON D12e:. L.LH2!2£"'-.·}·'Íl-Y PAVeD. _ K:C~dAf:': ~~~.O.~:~:~S " -'-_.-'-~---- .~ \ e . .. CAL-VALLEY EQUIPMENT CO. 3500 GILMORE AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308-6299 (805) 327·9341 December 12, 1991 San Joaquin Tractor 1201 Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93305 RE: Tank Closure Permit No; BR-0022 1201 Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93305 Gentlemen: Cal-Valley Equipment Co. was contracted to remove a 10,000 gallon gasoline underground storge tank on October 29, 1991 at 1201 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, Califonia (See Exhibit A - Plot Plan). The ground above the tank was excavated to a depth of two (2) feet to expose the top of the tank. The tank was then triple rinsed and vacuumed. Determination was made that the LEL level did not exceed 5%. Rinsate was transported by Nieto & Sons Trucking, Inc. to Petroleum Recyclers at 1835 East 29th Street, Signal Hill, California (See Exhibit B - Uniform Hazardous Waste Ma.nifest). Dry ice was introduced into the tank cavity. Upon determination that the oxygen level was brought to zero (0), the tank was completely excavated and removed. There appeared to be no visible sign of damage to the tank itself. Two dispensers and all product lines were removed. The tank was transported by Pipeline Trucking to Golden State Metals, Inc. for disposal (See Exhibit C - Tank Disposal Form). A total of six (6) soil samples were taken from beneath the tank cavity and dispensers. Four (4) samples were taken from beneath the tank cavity at depths of fifteen (15) and nineteen (19) feet. Two samples were taken from beneath the dispensers at depths of two (2) and six (6) feet. (See Exhibit D - Plot Plan for soil Samples). Results of the soil sample analyses shows non-detect for Benzine, Toluene, . Ethylbenzene and Xylenes. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) are well below acceptable limits (See Exhibit E - Soil Samples Analyses and Chain of Custody). EPA methods 8020 and 8015 modified for gasoline were used. Groundwater at the location is situated at a depth of greater than 165' with no perched water in the area, according to information supplied by the records of California Water Services. GOKHflM0 . Pumps. Meters· Reels· Dayco Hose· Alemite Lube Equipment· Emco-Wheaton Products· Red Jacket Pumps. .' e e San Joaquin Tractor December 12, 1991 Page 2 Exhibit F contains application for removal of underground storage tank. Based upon the findings presented by Lonnie Saunders Backhoe Service, Sub-Contractor to Cal-Valley Equipment Company, Contractor, upon the removal of this tank and dispensers, it is our concerted opinion that the site be recommended for permanent closure, and no further action be taken. Yours truly, tJUÚ1tLI! ~ Duane R. Smith Registed Geologist State of Califonia #3584 CC: Inspector Joe Dumwoody Bakersfield Fire Department DRS/mp ;. e . EXHIBIT "A" . ,,"', ."- Ilan must show the following: 1. ". 2. ~ 3. 4. 5. 6. .7. PLOT PLAN . Roads and alleys buildIngs location of tanks, pIpIng, and dispensers utilities SCALE water wells (If on site) any other relevent Informatton .' ( e~/ST 4 D'SPENSER. '" ÎO be. f-fH1ollc.d. Li.t.;. ) E~/ST'4 !IJ/IJ/JO. c.,At# rANk ~~ ið be remOVeD' _ A . : -.... : ~ "SI'~ - I "'£,1- ~l " ~~y - CAL\ FORN\P\ À\JE. . . . , , í "'" ..-' ¡'tt \ \ ~ .. - c: z; õ z. » < In ì ! j , I I ! ~ e - EXHIBIT "B" .. - .. , U.·USDÇ)T ~ <h*d1g PIaper~ Name.it:lzadCIœ. and DNunbet) IX w Z w () w ~ 2 en w IX -' c( z o n= .~ I· ":~ ..- ,'~{~ : '.. ã: cn T · IX R f 0 A ¡: t> N I I = , w 0 ~H 1\ - ~ I~\ .~. I " ? I I I ¡ ~:..~;'~~~;. '~i~~~~ttg~~ ~~};~!~.~~i:~~;.;ÞQ~.;;};:il~~·~t~~{i;/:;~?~; j~~' .,~. !;!.f 1:....,._ ¡~"'·H:='.+)o;'-."1""'1,;.~':';-~~""·-!"'<L~.,-....a'Þ""'fO'!""'~.·. ~:,.._(~. ~~...;o:.,~.. ..<>,!.~'.~.. .,¡.;Ç .:.."- .-........:....>. :....~4:'.. .i::!"'I~::~...A......:. :-.:-....... ·....ft.;:: ....;.0:... '..;.:-:r.~!'. ....~...,.:s..- :"J(~~~~~:..'; i....'-<:..;.~-,:.-:.f.'.:Ç.~.~....:.:..',.¡;..¡.¡.....-.;., ~~~:~..!,~..."'''''J :.~.:.,.~,.;:..~)-..~....... ...... '. -",." ';0 "':'~':if'_~..."'..~......~~. .""(,....- ~...;."':Y" ._Ii-A"~. ~~:~·if~ . .. :<11I~~~::t~~1~~:¡!{~'tf:m~~~~~fi6¥~j1F~:~~~:t~~~~:.f,lWJt.¿.!-'~;¡* t$;¡;f~f~¡; '. .~ ð:: ,.:;;.~~.~,;f~::~~~~~J~f~~:.··t)?~:f:~t;t~·.~ ~~t:~*,.;~~'~~~~~~~ ',- ',; -.'" ·:.··~~i :/:.J'/~ ;¡. ~ ~ ,~".' . . . I .-c~ R ! cn~ I,· ~ i ã ! ~ I ! f ¡ : I' d. pOOR ORIGINAL ..,.~ . ~ - . . -" G1BSØN on. urmEIY COMHiiClAL DilVi BAi£ISmLD. CA 9330& . CADgeO£SJ177 80)-327-0413 -: ~ 16. GENERA 'I0Il'S csmFICATION: I.herebv deem that the contents of ft'å corwIgrment ae fill( and CJCCUICteIv desaIIed· CIbo\Ie by PfOP.8r ~ name ŒId en ~ . packed. marked. and IabeIec1 ~ONÞ'~J~ ~ ~ J IOperconcillonfortrarwport by hlghwaycxx:odlØto ap,'" ..~~ i1Iemallonal and~1onaI ~ ~ !-f. . ... I an 0 large quan\\ty ~r.l.certrvihat I haw 0 piOglOm n p\aceto ~ the voUné Œldtoxtclly oiWà.t. generated tottie ~_11IcMÞ detecrnh.dto bit.·, . " . econorricaly ploctlcobl&'ŒId that lhave ..Iec:ted the plDClIccbIe method of tRtatment.lIoIage. or diIpoIa\ c:uINntIv odabIe to me which mnlm\z8s the pI8Mnt md fuI\R - . theat to hIman health Œldthe erMonment: OIU I an o'lI'I1CIII quan\I\y ~laIor. have made 0 good fQIh effort to mnmlzlllmywœt. genelallon and select the bet! walle :c ',; 'ma~~~ltodabletomeandf!'åtlc:analford..· .' "';) :.' .::"..'. -', ',1': . . ., .... "''':'..;,=./.,!~ . ;{ ~,'1I'J~~!i~.~¡~I~~'>· 17. Transporter 1 Ackl1OlOlledgement of Rec:eipt of MaterIals Prtnted/fvped Name __.__. . .;·,i I -_þ f! .().J.\ L 18. T er 2 Ac of of MaterIals Prtnted/Typed Name /- I ., · " / / -: .:{ I . ~.~ ~ Monlt! Day .Yea i oJ. ,..... /.,.. : II () 1.( I 91 9 I / SIgna\IH Manit! Day . . Year . 19. Discrepancy indication Space ., -- ~ . - .¡ '. ", .'. ';. .;'. 20. FacIIyOWner or ()peICtorCertllcallon of ~ of hazardow material COWIed by ft'å manleltøceptca noted n hm 19. Prtnted/fyped Name SIgna\IH ; . '. . ~ Manit! Day _~,.;,.~ear. DO NOT WRITE BELOWTHISUNE. DHS 8022A (12190) EPA 8700-22 Yellow: GENERATOR RETAINS e e EXHIBIT "e" r -.~. . ,. ~.' . '·e e, . , ",,' .. < .. :;/L:·.:·~~· <:< "..: .<, . ~·,"~·.::;\.:(â.··5\· \;;;,.,;~?-Y , " " ... - ~ ,¡:' -{' Iii¡ -.... . , , j....:..:.........,...:-...~~~---~ . _ _ 8 N~ 1 0 1 33 K DISPOSAL FORM cJÔ·' "':".19" GOLDEN ,STATE METALS, INC. P. o. Box 7015!:1 . 2000 E. Brundage Lane , Bakersfield, California 93387· ' . Phone(805)327~559 . Fax(805)327-5749 Scrap Metals. Processing & Recycling Date .'!..'l"" Contractor's License No. Contractor's Phone No. . 3 z, / L1j""'r¡ " ~' '. '. ADDRESS: JOB SITE: '812::,- &-. CJ 33-v,~ - \ WEIGHT CERT. NO: HAULER: ' ~ G. S. M. . 2000 E. BRUNDAGE LANE · BAKERSFIELD, CA 93387 ,.... LICENSE NO: DESTINATION: TANKS RECEIVED EHSD PERMIT NO: QTY GALLONS SERIAL NO. NET TONS TOTAL 250 .14 l~mtmmm¡¡m¡¡f:~¡¡¡¡¡~~¡¡~l~lliWili~~i.ilijj¡~~~~ili¡¡¡¡¡¡~¡j¡i¡~¡¡¡¡¡~¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡;¡jmmm¡¡¡¡¡¡r¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡{~*lj~¡¡¡¡~it§i~Ir~¡~¡~I¡f~¡¡ 550 .24 E~~~¡~m~~1~~~~~~1¡~~~m¡m~~¡¡~j~)jill¡¡lli*fillilll~Jli~ii~ifl¡1¡¡~~¡¡¡ii~~¡~~~¡¡1tm~¡~¡~¡~m~~~1¡1¡1m;¡~r~~¡¡~j¡~i~~~t4~~1~¡~~¡1¡¡¡~~¡~~~ ~ TANK INSPECTION I2Í CLEAN & DRY (ACèEPT), OR n 0 RESIDUALS PRESENT (REJECT) ~ LEL READING I L OXYGEN CONTENT 1000·6 ft .61 :Wi:::W!!!l!!!l!!::!:!ti¡¡i¡¡¡:::I::i¡:i:¡::¡:~.jt:::¡¡¡:¡¡¡¡¡¡::¡:::::¡¡¡¡¡¡¡:::}m::nm=jWnnn:mm:¡:¡¡¡t:::t¡iíiIJ::l:¡IIi:t: 2000 .97 i~@ntjt:j!j!!::::wm:!:::{mm~R\ìIMii¡i¡lli:i¡;¡:¡:¡:¡Ii¡¡¡¡¡¡:l:)))j/:m!!:t!:mw¡m:¡¡:¡:i¡¡:i¡iillåi:l¡jI¡i:¡i¡ 3000 1.32 ¡i~1tl¡¡m¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡~~~¡¡¡¡¡~¡[~l~~[f~~J.~¡¡*~1¡i¡¡~~¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡jifj¡¡¡¡¡1¡¡¡j¡¡¡¡¡m¡¡¡¡¡¡¡j;j¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡;¡;j;¡¡¡¡~¡~¡~~if~¡i~~*~li~!I¡~¡¡¡¡¡i¡jjj~~illI 5000 2.42 iliWJ~¡~¡~¡!¡~¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡~¡¡¡¡¡¡¡~~f;~~¡~¡~~~Jif~iM~i.Æ~~~¡~~~~~~l¡I~~~~¡~¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡i¡¡~¡¡¡t¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡!¡¡¡!i¡¡¡¡¡~~~~~~~~~Mf!i¡mlm~l~~~ 7500 3.28 DISPOSAL FEE ~~~;¡j¡¡¡¡j¡mm¡mmm¡¡m~¡¡¡¡¡~l~[~lli[~~j¡~¡ji~.~¡¡~¡¡¡¡¡I¡¡ill~¡1¡j~¡jj¡~¡¡¡¡~¡¡jj¡¡¡m¡¡;¡~mm¡¡m¡¡¡1¡¡1¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡1~Ii¡¡¡¡*jjt¡~11~J~jjjj¡~jIj¡¡¡¡¡tI 9000 3.82 SCRAP VALUE ¡. ~ ~~~;~¡¡¡~~t¡~~~::~~~~~j,ill.mï.~¡~I[~®I~¡¡f¡¡¡mm¡i¡mf¡m¡¡¡¡~¡r:¡¡~¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡~~J¡lli~¡~ii~~~~¡¡~¡¡¡~~¡¡ 12000 4.93 OTHER '~tltf.~f:~~r~f:f:f~*-~lftlÎf$f:if:r:~f:fill1~~~~¡¡¡~¡1¡¡j¡~1~jIl¡~j¡;~j~~¡~¡¡¡\¡jjlj~trj~¡~j~¡j¡~~¡¡¡¡~¡illl¡j~¡~g~¡r~j¡~~f:*~j¡¡jj~¡~¡~~¡¡ TOTAL CHARGES $ TOTAL CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE All fees Incurred are per load unless specified. Terms are net 30 days from receipt of tank. Contractor's signature ' represents acceptance ofterms for payment, and confirms that tank removal complies with State laws. CERTIFICATE OF TANK DISPÖSAL I DESTRUCTION CERTIFY THE RECEIPT AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE TANK(S) AS SPECIFIED ABOVE. ALL MATERIAL SPECIFIED WILL BE COMPLETELY R CYCLING PURP ES NLY. \ fC) ~ '?D~ct { AUTHORIZED REP. DATI" . . e ',-.' . ...-- ~;. .. ..' -.. ~ '. ..·.·'T.· ". . . -. '.. . -- . ' - ,-', ~ ". . .. . " ", ....... ~. .'<" .............. '." . . . ~ .. ~. . - . ....... '.~' . .",. ,".. -,'- . .#^ ~IS IS TO CERTIFY that the following delcrlbecÌ~modJty wu weighed, me8auied. or cou·ñted bY å ft¡gmñut.r:;Wiío..·~ IS on.thIá·~,WiìóIa. ; ~.... .,t. ¡recognized authority or accuracy, u prescribed by Chapter 7 (commencing wI1h SectIon 12700) -Of DIvIaIon 5 or the CalIfoinIa Øullnea and ProfeIIIona ,Code, It - ~rnlltered by the bivleIon or Measurement ~ or the CaliJomla Deparbnent or Food and Agriculture. - . ¡ ;.; , * * * * I N T A K E * * * * ::.;,:;;,Gp~PEN, '~l:B,T~ )~Ëj~L~I~J~€?,..i~; ~~; .20{l10 ,_.E. ~~¥BJm~~ø~):h~~;;':::: .:.~. BAKERSFIELD,' CA' 93307 _~: /.;~\\~~- .' . -..' . - ..9.. ,. . ~)};._ .. ",.. T I.CKET " '''~à;'~ I P.4~·ir:-;~i~¡~!.:J.:L;-:·. .:&.,"';:::::: .: '::"" .. .... ;,~;;.;3~~1-~0 . . ""PIPa¡:'lNETRUCK S·-·' -.' :,....,...-...-.....~., .... ¡:.'~ ,'::' . - - ,~.' : ".-:-: :',~ . . .' -::'<: ~::::':<'., . -'" "~ :::.":.-: '~~:.;.,: ~- ',: 'J; .~t :~~;,4:.':'·;V . .>~~;~'.... > . .... !â Commodity Weight Price Amount Weights TANKS 100':1. 4.98 .01 .05 Gt~a s s 51690 POUNDS Tare 41730 POUNDS MANUAL WEIGH Net 9960 POUNDS Dedl.1ct ion 0 POUNDS Adj. Net 9g60 POUNDS --------- TOTAL DUE »}} . 05 B / L NO. Carrier License# Driver I. C. # Remarks :PIPELINE TRUCKING :4D34855 Date: Time: 10/30/g1 14.44 p. ØI. 14.44 p.m. INC. . .~.. . . '!t.:'. Gross Tare GOLDEN STATE METALS, Weighmaster Gro~s~LIN~A HAMMOND Tare:LINDA HAMMOND 26671 . . .... ," PAID CASH })})} RECEIVED BY »}}) ,'\, . . . , !1:;;:;:;;;:!:,:!!';~:i.::'0¡¡t!:;"i;ili~!!;, . . \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ i' e e EXHIBIT "D" · g A1-.). ::£ ~ ,,;,"-' l£,t,. Co . \ '2.D I () ð i00 AÙE. . ~£e~ -hfJ,t) CA. ¡- - - - '4F, I ~ X* 1 '4 l _, _1 ."..... ,')( ~ I ~Io 1-- _ ~ x :r:1¢\),c.~'lEc.. W..I£'i.JL 5~c...Fi5 L,o,jE'e.t: ~£' '). 'L)E'S~ tt'¡ ¡¿' 5.~E:· -éJz.... , D€s~ (0 S~ - "èt~ )5' 1'~1f... I~ 1Ã...:¥. Ú'4 J' ~~PLi. , v.,o.)'" ~~ /5" .:5IhvtA I\. .,- AN"- tt(¿) , IJ 5A7tlf',€. e ~ fI:/ Y. _ 2. N t -- e EXHIBIT "E" " -- e ;. Nevada M~ ..In},¿ JItC. Arizona 5327 Wingfoot Drive Bakersfield, CA 93306 (805) 872-4750 Laboratory Results For San Joaquin Tractor 1201 Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA Date Received : 10/31/91 Date Analyzed: 11/4/91 Analyst: J.S. Johnson Lab No. 910159 Sample Matrix ; Soils Benzene mg/kg Toluene mg/kg Ethylbenzene mg/kg Xylenes mg/kg Tot Pet Hyds mg/kg S-l ND ND ND ND 5 S-2 ND ND ND ND ND S-3 ND ND ND ND ND S-4 ND ND ND ND 5 S-5 ND ND ND ND ND S-6 ND ND ND ND 10 Q/A Spike % Recovery 88 92 79 94 78 All Results Reported in Milligrams per Kilogram ND = Non Detectable; EPA 8020 (.005 mg/kg) EPA 8015 Modified for Gasoline (5 mg/kg) Analysis of Volatile Aromatics ; EPA 8020 *Analysis of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons; EPA 8015 Modified for Gasoline *The TPH Method for Gasoline is the Calif DOHS Recommended Procedure Certificate Number E739 --'d~3~--- ~~o~~n, Chemist Certified Full Service On-Site Analytical Laboratories ~ ~ .!.oiJ6, JM. 5327 WINGFOOT DRIVE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93306 (805) 872-4750 SITE NAME: l~-'\~~,~ ~Y'I9D_ <?o SAMPj..iRS (SIGNAT~RE): /I SITE ADDR~S '// .../Lc. ~VI'" I -...."':> 20 I /.) ¡ ")101...1 .:ArJS' ,- zit.£) '~~~:ð~ DATE TIME COMP GRAB ~'Á~~~~ SAMPLE lOCATION DESIGNATION ~I L I 1:b~", Z Z' t:>~ Ds~ ~l.. I~- L J1:~'{1tV J. t It!:/ Þdfl,Dt.;o~~"Á ~3 IÞL.~L 1"2 . -'L I..' I!t' l: I EAsr r.. ø,e ~ if.- c(- 1Í'lL · L-'?·rr::;r p-.J /',' ,,^ I ~r 13 ø~ 7""A...tL ~ /~ 2'0 IP.-- ,-~I I' I WI,,, 41_ of-t,u, ~/A /O/.L Z:lK fl.- IJ5' 1/,,""- ~(JaOr: ""'A-~... , PROJECT NO.: ße.oDZ,t.. . RElIN0l,J.'SHED ~(SIGN~.T H1E) ~/ C ~/ ..:7i~- --/' II RELlNOUISHEð'BY: (SIGNATURE) DATE TIME RECEIVED BY (SIGNATURE) _L 14:r:tJ).- DATE TIME RECEIVED BY (SIGNATURE) I I RELINQUISHED BY: (SIGNATURE) REGfI\~DFORLABORATORVBV (~f/ /Jf Y h (J DATE TIME CALIFORNIA. NEVADA. ARIZONA CERTIFIED FULL SERV, t ON SITE ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES ~111A'l / /1 REMARKS : .. þ"" 111.' . RELINQUISHED BY (SIGNATURE) RECEIVED BY (SIGNATURE) DATE TIME I I RECEIVED BY (SIGNATURE) RELINQUISHED BY (SIGNATURE) DATE TIME DATE TIME REMARKS: iJßJI~ ¡"tIJ ~ .. " e e I I õ' -- :I e EXHIBIT "F" · ' BaKersfield Fire Dep~ e HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVIR)N UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PROGRAM PERMIT NO.D~ PERMIT APPUCATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SITE INFORMA nON SITE San J 0 a qui n T r act 0 r ADDRESS 1 20 1 IT n i on A v ¡¡p CODe 9 3 305 APN FACILITY NAME ~;:¡n Tn;:¡qllin 1'r;:¡rrnrCROSSSTREET r;:¡1ifnrni;:¡ Avp TANK OWNER/OPERATOR Same PHONE No. (805) 124-4517 MAILING ADDRESS 1 ') 0 1 II n inn A v e n 11 p CITY R a k p r !=: f i p 1 ¡IP CODe q 110 C) CONTRACTOR INFORMAnON COMP ANY r,;:¡ 1 - V ;:¡ 1 1 p Y F. q 11 i pm p n r PHONE No. ADDRESS '~c:¡()() r.i 1 mnrø Avønllø INSURANCE CARRIER Superior Na tional . 1?7-Q1L..l LICENSE No. ¿L.. 77Q7 CITY R ::do:> r C! f ; p' rl ZIP <::ODE Q 11 0 R WORKMENS COMP No. we 30392 B PRELlMANARY ASSEMENT INFORMAnON COMPANY Loonv Saunders BackhoEPHONE No. ADDRESS 44 1 2 0 r r i c k Co u r t INSURANCE CARRIER A hri 1 Ins AQenc v & Asso Scottsdale Ins Co TANK ClEANING INFORMATtON COMPANY Nieto & Sons ADDRESS P . 0 . Box 8 111 WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER NAME OF RINSTATE DISPOSAL FACILITY ADDRESS ?OOO N Al;:¡mprl;:¡ FACILITY INDENTIFICATlON NUMBER 393-8170 LICENSE No. 482832 CITY Bakersfield ZIP CODE 93308 WORKMENS COMP No. GLS320033 PHONE No. ( 7 1 4 ) 990 - 6 855 CITY Anaheim ZIP CODE 92812 OC:¡01 Dempno Kercioon CI1Y r. 0 m p t' n n ZIP CODE QOO?? Not Avai1;:¡hle ' TANK TRANS'ORT~R 'NFORMAnON COMPANY Nieto & Sons ADDRESS P 0 R n x R 1 1 1 TANK DeSTINATiON r, 0 1 rl P n PHONE No.714-990-6855 LICENSE No. 0503 CITY An;:! h p i m ZIP CODE q 2 R 1 ? St';:¡t"P Mpt';:¡l~ TANK No. AGE VOLUME TANK INFORMATION CHEMICAL STORED Gasoline DATES STORED 1948 - Present CHEMICAL PREViOUSLY STORED None 1 43 yrs 10,000 gal (~JI!."W81IIì;_.'"_¥i¡ THE APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED. UNDERSTANDS. ANÒ WILL COMPLY WITH THE ATTACHED CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER STATE, LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. AS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY. AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND CORRECT. I.me. E Peel 02.,,"'. / êd APPLICANT NAME (PRINT) '. j// A~PLlCANT SIGNATURE THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED · . Bakersfield Fire Dept.. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISIÖN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PROGRAM PERMIT Nol3t.- Do;a.. PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SITE INFORMA T10N SITE San J 0 a Q. U i n T r act 0 r ' ADDRESS 1 201 Un ion A v ilP CODE 93305 APN FACILITY NAME S;:¡n Tn::tql1;n 1'r;:¡rrnrCROSSSTREET r.::t1;fnrn;;:¡ Avp TANK OWNER/OPERATOR Samp PHONE No. (80')) :324-4517 MAILING ADDRESS 1 701 TIn; on AVPn11P CITY RRkpr~f; plllP CODE g:3:30') CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPANY C.R1-VRll Py Rql1; pmpnr PHONE No. ADDRESS ~ ') n n r:; 1 m n r ø ^" ø n 11 ø INSURANCE CARRIER Superior National " ~ ? 7 - q ~ LL 1 LICENSE No. LLLL 7 7 q 7 CITY R::tkørc::f; ø1 rI ZIP CODE q~~nR WORKMENS COMP No. WC 30392 B PRELlMANARY ASSEMENT INFORMAnON COMPANY Lonnv Saunders BackhoEPHONE No. ADDRESS 4412 Orrick Court INSURANCE CARRIER A b rj 1 Ins A ~ e n c v & Ass 0 Scottsdale Ins Co TANK CLEANING INFORMATION COMPANY Nieto & Sons ADDRESS P . 0 . Box 8 III WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER NAME OF RINSTATE DISPOSAL FACILITY ADDRESS 70 n n N A 1 R m p rl R FACILITY INDENTIFIÇATlON NUMBER 393-8170 LICENSE No. 482832 CITY Bakersfield ZIP CODE 93308 WORKMENS COMP No. GLS 320033 PHONÉ No.( 714 ) 990-6855 CITY Anaheim ZIP CODE 92812 n')n~ Dp.mpno Kprrloon CITY C.omp r on ZIP CODE g007:2 Not AVRilah1p TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATION COMPANY Nieto & Sons ADDR~S p n Roy R111 TANK DESTINATION r:o 1 rl pn PHONE No.7l4-990-6855 LICENSE No. 0503 CITY An ;:¡ 11 p i m ZIP CODe g 7 R 1 :2 SrRrp MptRl~ TANK No. AGE VOLUME TANK INFORMATION CHEMICAL STORED Gasoline DATES STORED 1948 - Present CHEMICAL PREVIOUSLY STORED None I 43 yrs 10.000 gal IjV~_~ìI THE APPlICA NT HAS RECEIVED. UNDERSTANDS. AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE ATTACHED CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER STATE. LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGU'LA nONS. AS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY. AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. IS TRUE AND CORRECT. ,T;:¡mpc:: P Pppl APPLICANT NAME (PRINT) APPLICANT SIGNATURE THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED Plot Plan must show the following: N ~ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. }. PLOT PLAN e Roods and alleys buildings location of tanks, piping, and dispensers utilities SCALE water wells (If on site) any other relevent Information " ¿¡.q. E'X15T'q /(),/)(}O qAt, //..lNk 7ó be r emo I/G-o A , , (' ,/:)(/57' 4 D ISPEIJS~R. "'-." II) be. r'fn·}()tJ~d. ) 1/ ~ ; I .. ¡ 'I ~J ·_-_~-:----CÄL \.F ORN \ P\ À\JE.' ~ Iœ.~\ . I ! ! I , í \ i \ ! ! " I \ i \ , I i i ¡ \ r: ,- z:. 5 z. » < (1l " e e BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION 2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 TANK REMOVAL INSPECTION FORM FACILITY I ADDRESS /~éJ! () IV { fY\ ¡/~ OWNER S; . PERMIT TO OPERATE# 18'~ CONTRACTOR I ()I CONTACT PERSON J, J-Vt I LABORATORY' # OF SAMPLES l( TEST METHODOLOGY ß/~ íÞ ífC- PRELlMANARY ASSESSMENT CO. ~ Sa-...ß l-CONTACT PERSON tÁ..~.... ..4 CO2 RECIEPT ~_ LEL% -/ C; . O2% Vi PLOT PLAN t \ "- J ö c) + ßud.J\- ~ ð.v + B.db~ 1 . d~~vn ? V CA. / " r IV (q, "4tN? CONDITION OF TANKS ~/~ VNl(jÝl/~ t tU f(lj 5~~)f.- &c,~Vy\ CONDITION OF PIPING /V¡I~ CONDITION OF SOIL /UcJ (}ÞJ/ø.¡-, N¿) d--#/:U.c. COMMENTS IO/B()~~1 DA E I JQ£. {'JL"w~ k j)Jf¿W./~ INSPECTORS N ~ SIGNATU e . BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION 2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 CERTIFICATION STATEMENT OF TANK DECONTAMINATION I'~~ _~ an authorized agent of name ~A.. Q ~A..- ~e here by attest under penalty of contracting co. , perjury that the tank( s) located at /r2. oj U,vtð/7 ~ and address being removed under permit# E/~ CJC) ~ has been cleaned/decontaminated properly and a LEL (lower explosive limit) reading of no greater than 5% was measured immediately following the cleaning/decontamination process. /{)/"?O/7/ , dat!e LDÞ2t2'f. :540>"1\ 'li::.S -P ~--..1 name (print) ~Ad gnature :¡ ----.-L -- - ----- -- -- --~. ~--- --- ._- -- ~ . - ----~~---;----.- -.<.-- --- " ~ '9 o,.to~1' '977 , Date BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION APPLICATION ft.021& Application No. In conformity with provisions of pertinent ordinances, codes and/or regulations, applicatiòn is made by: . ' Sa8 JoaC(uiR TI'~Qtor eo.paøy 1201 nnfnn AViAml. . Nome of Company Address to display, store, install, use, operate, sell or handle materials or processes involYing or creating con- ditions deemed hazardous to life or property as follows: ' . . !ftstsl1øtiee sf 1 lQ.()OO gall_ UaclSrgI'OUM 88.011118 .cora.. ta". E. D. P.a~R. 9500 RQsed21a Hwy.. 589-07'3 'I...J'~............................:........ Authorized Representative issued /:J./J.- / '/?7 Permit QeRiee-- ...1.~...~.../'-r.......2. Date By ........4..~..&t;!(~. ?........................... ~.. Fire Marshal - -- - .--- ---- ~--------------_._---_... -------~-_. --~- . _. --- - - -----~ - 1. 'Jf ~- -- CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT S, D. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF February 13, 1992 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 San Joaquin Tractor 1201 Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93305 CLOSURE OF 1 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANKS LOCATED AT 1201 UNION AVENUE, IN BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. PERMIT # BR0022 Dear Gentlemen, This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the results for the preliminary assessment associated with the closure of the tanks located at the above stated address. Based upon laboratory data submitted, this office is satisfied with the assessment performed and requires no further action at this time. This letter does not relieve you of any liability for past, present, or future operations. In addition, any future changes in site use may require further assessment or mitigation. It is the property owners responsibility to notify this department of any changes in site usage. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (805)-326-3797. Æ" nCßI1' ~A---/ oe A." 'D~O Hazardous Material Specialist Underground Tank Program 1. '\' .......\. ..~ ~~. 'Giî~"";';,~>i¡~~Ø:- :;J,'!:":;;,,.', It e . - ~- --- srATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION· FORM A COMPLETE THIS FORM FOR EACH FACILITY/SITE MARK ONLY ONE ITEM D 1 NEW PERMIT D 2 INTERIM PERMIT D 3 RENEWAL PERMIT o 4 AMENDED PERMIT D 5 CHANGE OF INFORMATION ~7 PERMANENTLY CLOSED SITE D 6 TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE I. FACILITY/SITE INFORMATION & ADDRESS· (MUST BE COMPLETED) NAME OF OPERATOR ~,¿;t~ o CORPORATION o INDIVIDUAL ~TNERSHIP PARCEL # (OPTIONAL) TYPE OF BUSINESS D 1 GAS ST A T!ON D 2 DISTRIBUTOR D 3 FARM D 4 PROCESSOR ø5 OTHER o LOCAL·AGENCY DISTRICTS D ,/ IF INDIAN # OF TANKS AT SITE E. P. A. I. D. # (optiOflaJ) RESERVATION OR TRUST LANDS D COU~·AGENCY o STATE·AGENCY D FEDERAL-AGENCY EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (PRIMARY) EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (SECONDARY)· optional DAYS: NAME (LAST. FIRST) PHONE # WITH AREA CODE DAYS: NAME (LAST, FIRST) NIGHTS: NAME (LAST. FIRST) PHONE # WITH AREA CODE NIGHTS: NAME (LAST. FIRST) II. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION· MUST BE COMPLETED CARE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION CI ST~T}A Cff- ,/ box ID indicale 0 INDIVIDUAL D CORPORATION ..0'"PÃRTNERSHIP ZIP CODE 3CJ5 D STATE·AGENCY III. TANK OWNER INFORMATION· (MUST BE COMPLETED) NAME OF OWNER CARE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION CITY NAME ,/ box to indicale 0 INDIVIDUAL D CORPORATION D PARTNERSHIP STATE ZIP CODE o LOCAL·AGENCY D STATE-AGENCY D COUNTY·AGENCY D FEDERAL·AGENCY PHONE # WITH AREA CODE IV. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION UST STORAGE FEE ACCOUNT NUMBER· Call (916) 323-9555 if questions arise. TY(TK) HQ @E]-CIJIL.D V. PETROLEUM UST FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY· (MUST BE COMPLETED) -IDENTIFY THE METHOD(S) USED ,/ boxtoindicate 01 SELF-INSURED D 2 GUARANTEE D 3 INSURANCE o 5 LETTER OF CREDIT D 6 EXEMPTION ~HER D 4 SURETY BOND VI. LEGAL NOTIFICATION AND BILLING ADDRESS Legal notification and billing will be sent to the tank owner unless box I or 1\ is checked. CHECK ONE BOX INDICATING WHICH ABOVE ADDRESS SHOULD BE USED FOR LEGAL NOTIFICATIONS AND BILLING: I. D IØ III. D THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENAL TY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. IS TRUE AND CORRECT COUNTY # rn JURISDICTION # ~ FACILITY # ~ I CENSUS TRACT 1/ - OPTIONAL THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AT LEAST (1) OR MORE PERMIT APPLICATION· FORM B, UNLESS THIS IS A CHANGE OF SITE INFORMATION ONLY. FORM A (5-91) FOR0033A·5 LOCATION CODE - OPTIONAL SUPVISOR - DISTRICT CODE - OPTIONAL c~ '\ .,,- ,1_-('# e . STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION - FORM B COMPLETE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TANK SYSTEM. MARK ONLY ONE ITEM o 1 NEW PERMIT o 2 INTERIM PERMIT o 3 RENEWAL PERMIT o 4 AMENDED PERMIT 5 CHANGE OF INFORMATION 0 7 PERMANENTLY CLOSED ON SITE 6 TEMPORARY TANK CLOSURE ~ TANK REMOVED DBA OR FACILITY NAME WHERE TANK IS INSTALLED: I. TANK DESCRIPTION A. OWNER'S TANK I. D. II B. MANUFACTURED BY: - ~ D. TANK CAPACITY IN GALLONS: ~ OC?ð II. TANK CONTENTS IF A-1IS MARKED. COMPLETE ITEM C. ,A. g1 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 0 4 OIL B. ~REGULAR 03 DIESEL o 6 AVIATION GAS ~RODUCT C. UNLEADED 04 GASAHOL o 2 PETROLEUM 0 80 EMPTY o 1b PREMIUM o 7 METHANOL UNLEADED D 5 JET FUEL D 3 CHEMICAL PRODUCT D 95 UNKNOWN D 2 WASTE D 2 LEADED D 99 OTHER (DESCRIBE IN ITEM D. BELOW) D. IF (A.1) IS NOT MARKED. ENTER NAME OF SUBSTANCE STORED C.A.S.II: \II. TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN BOXES A. B, AND C, AND ALL THAT APPLIES IN BOX 0 AND E A. TYPE OF ~OUBLE WALL 0 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER 0 95 UNKNOWN SYSTEM 2 SINGLE WALL - 0 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTED TANK) 0 99 OTHER F BARE STEEL 0 2 STAINLESS STEEL 0 3 FIBERGLASS 0 4 STEEL CLAD WI FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC B. TANK MATERIAL o 5 CONCRETE 0 6 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE 0 7 ALUMINUM 08 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLE WIFRP (Primary Tank) o 9 BRONZE 0 10 GALVANIZED STEEL D 95 UNKNOWN 0 99 OTHER 01 RUBBER LINED o 2 ALKYD LINING 0 3 EPOXY LINING 0 4 PHENOLIC LINING C. INTERIOR D 5 GLASS LINING )2:r6 UNLINED 0 95 UNKNOWN 0 99 OTHER LINING IS LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 100% METHANOL? YES_ NO_ D. CORROSION o 1 POLYETHYLENE WRAP ~;TING D 3 VINYL WRAP D 4 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC PROTECTION o 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION 91 NONE o 95 UNKNOWN 0 99 OTHER E. SPILL AND OVERFILL SPILL CONTAINMENT INSTALLED (YEAR) ~ OVERFILL PREVENTION EQUIPMENT INSTALLED (YEAR) --- IV. PIPING INFORMATION A. SYSTEM TYPE B. CONSTRUCTION CIRCLE A IF ABOVE GROUND OR U IF UNDERGROUND. BOTH IF APPLICABLE C. MATERIAL AND CORROSION PROTECTION D. LEAK DETECTION 1 SINGLE WALL 1 SUCTION A U 2 PRESSURE A U 2 DOUBLE WALL A U 3 GRAVITY A U 3 LINED TRENCH A U 99 OTHER A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER 1 BARE STEEL A U 2 S~AINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) A U 4 FIBERGLASS PIPE 5 ALUMINUM A U 6 CONCRETE A U 7 STEEL WI COATING A U 9 GALVANIZED STEEL A U 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION A U 95 UNKNOWN A U D 0 0 3 IN I L 1 AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR 2 LINE TIGHTNESS TESTING MONrTORING V. TANK LEAK DETECTION D 1 VISUAL CHECK D 2 INVENTORY RECONCILIATION 0 3 VADOZE MONITORING 0 4 AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING D 5 GROUND WATER MONITORING 6 TANK TESTING D 7 INTERSTITIAL MONITORING D 91 NONE D 95 UNKNOWN 0 99 OTHER 2. ESTIMATED QUANTITY OF SUBSTANCE REMAINING 3. WAS TANK FILLED WITH INERT MATERIAL? YES D THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENAL TY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND CORRECT ,I DATE IA ø ~ STATE I.D.# COUNTY # [[ßJ JURISDICTION # m2JIJ FACILITY # ~ TANK # ~ PERMIT NUMBER PERMIT APPROVED BY/DATE PERMIT EXPIRATION DATE FORM B (7·91) THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A PERMIT APPLICATION· FORM A, UNLESS A CURRENT FORM A HAS BEEN FILED. FOROtn4 8-R5 2700 M Street Bakersfield, California Mailing Address: 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 861-3636 .RN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTME. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard August 23, 1988 Louie Agnetti San Joaquin Tractor P.O. Box 4218 Bakersfield, California 93387 RE: San Joaquin Tratctor. 1201 Union Avenue, Bakersfield Dear Mr. Agnetti, This department has recently reviewed the addendum to the site characterization report submitted by Krazan and Associates for the above referenced facility. Based upon the findings described in the addendum and in the site charactierization report, this department is satisfied that the "no action" alternative in conjunction with the cap over the affected area, as descibed on page three of the adddendum. will be a sufficient remediation action for this site. Please submit a description of this cap which includes its dimensions and composition, prior to its placement. If you have any questions, please call me at 861-3636. Sincerely, ~()Jv~ k.\~~ Janis Lehman Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program JL/gb ,1ISTRICT OFFICES ..... - I _ .. _ _ . _ __ _ _... _ ._ ._11_ .. .......:.......... .. D;....~^......nlf". . C:k-:aftor . T~ft KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES,.. 3860 North Winery FRESNO. CALIFORNIA 93726 ~@lJ[J[]® LETTER (209) 291·7337 To I(ËR..~ CoIAr.JTY Uc;ALTH DEPT. ATTtJ ~ ~~N'S l£ kt'AA~ Date Co-Ç3-B~ Subject ~f'\ ~o~\(\ \~r L be. \Q..~ o} K~~~V\ f("'O~·1.t e37-0S7 MdQ..~J.v..ff\ C).Ç. 2/10.. Ie r I i I ! -r -:Ie.... {\. ~ 5 i I I I I , ~ ttc-.-t~e...d. ; s * ~ (¿ 0'-'-' f'\<2..\ ~'fY"~ f¥Á.\'{ S ~ \:e.... Q:...~c.....\G....c..\-iè'~~o...-\- \OV\ r~oM-- O~ ,Äv...~,^-S·~ 2..-\ I ~SSl.:r.ç "lO~~ ~O\A..\~ ~\e.o..s~ ~ \ \ '(Y\:- w"'"" e. '" ~O ",- (' e. c...e.\ ~ e.. l +- -L -.J \.AS * ~Ou- \ ð- \ \ \æ.. -6 0..t:n'\. Ç\ \' W"\~-\- "IOU- ,eL e:-\ \¡eJ. ~'\ S ~/' \""--û..,^- \c \.~ 0 LA... . a-ddeV\~lA. vY\ ~o S, (\C€-\Q-\ '\) Please reply o No reply necessary SIGNED FORM 180·2 Available from (NeBS} Inc., Groton. Mass. 01471. To order PHONE TOll FREE 1 + 800-225-6380 KRAZAN e.. ASS 0 C I A" E S , IN C. Construction Testing and Inspection Geotechnical Investigations Environmental Engineering Laboratory Solis Testing Monnorlng Wells February 19, 1988 Proj. No. E87-055A San Joaquin Tractor P.O. Box 4218 Bakersfield, California 93387 Attention: Don Radon RE: Addendum to Report E87-055 Preliminary Site Characterization Report Dated August 21, 1987 Gent leræn, In accordance with your request, IN8 have prepared this addendUll in response to a letter of canænt generated by the Kern County Envi ronrental Health Oepartrænt after review of the above-referenced report. The letter dated February 11,1988 fran the Health Departrænt addressed two points of clarification regarding our report. The first point of clarification was that the levels of con tan in at ion noted beneath the dispenser at the tiræ of the preliminary smpling IN8re significantly above those action levels established by Kel'n County. Further, that the contanination plure was not encountered during the preliminary site characterization investigation. WI' clarification of that point has been sUTT118rized as follows: At the tiræ of the tank and dispenser rEmovals, soil smples IN8re obtained and analyzed to detect the presence and concentration of petroleum hydrocarbons in the subsoi Is at depths of 2 and 6 feet below the respect ive tank or pipes rermved. Results of that analysis -...ere provided to this office prior to the preparation of a proposed IMJrk plan at the subject property. It was understood fran informal ion provided by San Joaquin Tractor that soi I sarples v-ere obtained by National Tank Testing of 8akersfield, California on February 8, 1987. Copies of the certified analytical reports of the analysis conducted on those sarples v.ere provided to this office. Review of the Main Office: Fresno/Clovis . 3860 N. Winery · Fresno, California 93726 · (209) 291-7337 Bakersfield (805) 393·2343 0 Visalia (209) 625·8251 0 Merced (209) 383-3993 e e Page 2 PI' oj . No. E87-055 analytical reports, I:3.C. Laboratories lab/No. 2187, Dispenser at 2 feet, and lab no. 2188, Dispenser at 6 feet has shown the levels at the 2 foot depth as be i ng 288. 57p~ 1HV, and the leve Is at the 6 foot depth at 4 .83p~ TvH. The 2 foot and 6 foot depths had s~own a trend of attenuation. Soi 1 sampling conducted at the dispenser removal location commenced at an approxirrate depth of 10 feet be low the exi st ing grade. The saTp les obtained frcm our drilling at the dispenser removal location had shown a TVH level of 12ppm at the 10 foot below grade depth, and non-detected at the 15 foot depth. Chemical analysis of oi 1 and grease was conducted on the preliminary "tirre of rEmoval" samples, as well as the sæples obtained at the tirre of our investigation. The preliminary sæples had shawn levels of oil and grease of 39,260.0p¡:ro at the 2 foot depth, and 4816.0p¡::m at the 6 foot depth. The samples obtained at the 10 and 15 foot below grade depths in our soi 1 boring had shown oi l and grease levels of less than 20.0p¡::m in both sarrples. The t!'end noted successively at the 2, 6, 10 and 15 foot depths suggests attenuation of oil and grease. Oil and grease IMJuld be considered a dense non-aqueous phase liquid, and IMJuld not be expected to migrate vertically with the sare velocity as a light non-aqueous phase liquid such as gasoline. Additionally, thin lenses of silt v.ere noted in the granular soils at the subject property frcm the surface grade to an approxirrate depth of 7 feet below the existing grade. fhe si It grain size soi Is typically have been associated with lower rates of permeability, and the granular soils typically associated with higher rates of perrreability. The lenses of silt noted in the upper strata rmst likely contributed to the attenuation noted in the zone investigated frcm the surface to approxirrate 15 foot below grade depth. The second point of the County Health Department letter addressed remedial alternatives, short and long term affect to air, soil, surface water, ground water, and biological receptors. Those points have been addressed and were sumnar i zed as fa I lows : 1. The No-Act ion rerœdial alternative was presented on page 7 of our I'epor tin the "Recanrendat ions" sect ion. ~ & ASSOCIATES e e Page 3 Proj. No. E87-055 2. A remedial alternative to the low level of contanination noted below the dispenser 'M>uld be to place a cap carposed of a inperrreable (such as asphalt ic pavement or concrete) over the affected area. The inperrœable cover 'M>uld help to preclude infiltration of precipitation Wëlter into the subsoils yJ,ich could act as a transport rrechanism to the limited area of low level contanination noted in those subsoi Is. The low level resident contanination could the be allowed to degrade by natural biamechanimns. The remedial alternative lMJuld provide a low cost alternative regarding the contanination noted in subsoi Is at the previous dispenser location. Review of published ground Wëlter conditions in the vicinity of the project site have shovvn the ground Wëlter levels could be expected at depths ranging fran 50 to 100 feet below the existing grade depths. In consideration that the point source had been rermved, the potential of a hydraulic load of gasoline as a transport ræchanimn has effectively been rermved. The proposed surface pavement lMJuld also preclude precipitation infi ltration as a transport ræchanism. Those mitigating factors lMJuld suggest a low potential short or long-term threat to ground Wëlter resources beneath the project si te fran low levels of knovvn contanination. Since the contanination lMJuld be beneath a paved surface, it lMJuld be our opinion that the subsoi Is lMJuld not be avai lable for dermal contact, root structures of edible crops, or aspiration or ingestion of fugitive volati lizing emissions 01' wind blovvn contaninated soi I particles. 3. An alternative remedial action lMJuld be to excavate a small area of contaninated soi I lMlich WëlS identi fied at the tiræ of the dispenser renoval. Data obtained fran the chanical analysis of subsoi I samples obtained during additional investigation did not suggest that the contanination had migrated vertically In excess of the approxirrate ten foot below grade depth. The rermval of the soi Is could be accarpl ished by ræans of a four foot diarreter bucket auger, advanced to a IffiximlJT1 depth of 10 feet at the previous dispenser locat ion. The soi Is excavated lMJuld then require ei ther aerat ion for replacement as fill, utilization as fill beneath pavements, or disposal at an approved facility. After the carpletion of the excavation and either use or ~ & AS50:IATES e e Page 4 PI' oj . No. E87-0SS disposal of excavated soi Is, the resulting excavation could be backfi lied with a clean acceptable fi 11 material. Given the extent of effort and cost required to raTlOve the low level contaninated soi Is, the cost benefit of the removal and disposal or reuse of the excavated soils would appear disproportionate to allowing natural degradation to occur as described in the first alternative. The short and long term threat to ground water resources wou Id be great 1 y reduced by the remova I of the 50i Is. However, the exposure potential by dermal contact or inhalation of va lat ¡Ii zi ng hydrocarbons into the atmosphere frem the low leve I contanination in the soils during the excavation process would be a factor of consideration. Although other forms of raœdial technologies currently exist, it 'NOuld not appear that they 'NOuld be applicable for the limited low levels of contanination noted frem additional investigation conducted at the subject property. If there are any questions or if we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Respectfully Submitted, ~ & ASSCIIATES Jef frey S. a Irrer Enviromental Specialist '-kl~ ¡VIi chae I R. Erwi n Geotechnical Engineer ROE U1862S!ROE #297 r4WÞN & ASSŒIATES 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305-4198 Telephone (805) 861·3621 'ERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTAT AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT I I LEON M HEBERTSON, M.D. Director of Public Health Air Pollution Control Officer Fe bruary 11, 1988 Louie Agnetti San Joaquin Tractor Company P.O. Box 4218 Bakersfield, California 93387 Dear Mr. Agnetti, Upon review of the site characterization proposal prepareå by Krazan and Associates f01' the Union Avenue San Joaquin Tractor facility, several matters arise which must be addressed. They are as follows: 1. During the site assessment the levels of contamination identified in the dispenser area are significantly above our action levels, however, this contamination plume was not encountered during the site characterization. 2. This department's requirements for the discussion of remediation alternatives were not followed. They are listed in the enclosed mitigation outline and they include: a. that at least 2 alternativeg plug a "tW aeti(jtì/l alternative be evaluated in the report. b. that thé short and long term threat and effect to air, soil, surface and groundwater, and biological receptors be addressed and also that a discussion of potential mitigation routes be addressed in the report. We suggest that you contact your environmental contractor anå submit a report explaining these discrepancies. If you have any questjon~" please do not hesitate to call me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, ()I 0:\1'. ,~~ d) QJVvv~~ I} a 11 i s L ~" ,;ì n 0~ II ,. i I' " II In e n t a I H e a I t h S P e cia lis t Haz'1rlÌolls Materials Management Program b sure e e SITE CHARACTERIZATION AND MITIGATION Site Characterization refers to the study of a site where contamination is found in order to fully assess its extent and threat to groundwater resources, the environment, and public health and safety. Mitigation refers to abating or alleviating these effects. The Site Characterization Study study must contain precise information on the history of the site, analytical results revealing the extent of contamination, maps showing the geology and hydrology of the site. This information is necessary in order to evaluate environmental threat and authorize the implementation of a remedial alternative in a "Mitigation Plan". A proposal (workplan) must be submitted to the Health Department by a qualified environmental assessment contractor and approved prior to beginning this work. The following requirements must be met in order for a contractor to be quali f ied to do site characterization/mitigation work: 1. Contractor must be a professional geologist, hydrogeologist, or civil or chemical engineer registered with the State of California and must be experienced in performing environmental assessments, ~ 2. Must possess equivalent education and experience to that described in :no The Kern County Health Department maintains an updated list of pre- qualified contractors. Since sampling is an integral part of site characterization, it is important to note that the same ~eneral requirements apply as detailed on page 6. After Health Department review of the results of preliminary assessment, the owner/operator will be notified if si te characterization is required. After notification, the responsible party must submit the workplan to the Health Department within 30 days. Approval must be obtained from the Health Department before the workplan can be started. If mitigation is deemed necessary, the plan must be submitted and initiated within the time frames found necessary to protect the environment based on site specifics. ·1 SITE CHARACTERIZATI~WORKPLAN OUTLINE e The items on the outline below must be addressed in the Site Characterization/Mitigation Workplan. Missing information may delay plan approval. I. Site History A. Type of business (current and past uses) B. How long the tank has been in place, contents of tank C. Any discrepancies or reportable variations in past inventory monitoring or known repairs to the tank or piping D. Any spills, or leaks identified in the past E. Known hydrogeology of the site II. Proposal For Identifying Plume A. Soil Sampling 1. Proposed locations of borings, depths, and rationale for determining sampling locations. 2. Sample collection procedures. 3. Laboratory analysis analytical methods and QA/QC. 4. Results of soil sampling during Preliminary Site Assessment. B. Water Sampling (if necessary) 1. Sample locations and rationale for choosing them. 2. Sample collection procedures. 3. Laboratory analysis analytical methods and QA/QC. C. Health and Safety Considerations (protection of workers, onsite monitoring) III. Site Maps A. Site specific plot plans (showing surface, and subsurface piping, tanks, building, equipment, drilling and sampling locations) · e MITIGATION OUTLINE Mitigation, or Remedial Action, is the method to lessen, alleviate, abate, correct, or clean-up the effects that a release of hazardous waste may have on the environment. Mitigation incorporates a remedial action plan that is site specific and shall include at least the following elements: 1. Brief discussion of the problem from prior site characterization or other studies 2. Findings: a. Vertical and lateral extent of contamination plume. b. Results of all analyses, including interpretation of results. c. Hydrology of the site, including soil types down to ground water. 3. Remedial Action Alternatives Discussion a. At least 2 alternatives plus a "no action" alternative must be evaluated. b. Cost-benefit analysis of each alternative is to be included. c. Discussion must address short and long-term threat and effect to air, soil, surface and ground water, and biological receptors, and a discussion of potential migration routes. d. Time frames for complete remediation for each alternative are to be listed. 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 aN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMEN' HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE Permit Number A380-15 SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY FACILITY NAME AND ADDRESS: OWNER NAME AND ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: San Joaquin Tractor 1201 Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93304 Louie Agnetti 1201 Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93304 Ken Small Oilfield Services, Inc. 140 E. Norris Road Bakersfield, CA 93308 License No. 473011 PERMIT TO ABANDON PERMIT EXPIRES Februarv 5, 1988 1 TANK(S) AT ABOVE APPROVAL DATE I.OCATION APPROVED BY ~l Ma . POST ON PREMISES . JND:T:ONS AS FOLLOWS: ?ermittee must obtain a Fire Departmen~ permit urior to initiating abanåonment action. All procedures used must be in accoraance with requirements of the Standarås anà Guidelines developed for imp~ementation of Kern County Ordinance Code. A minimum of two samples mus~ be retrieveå beneath the center of the ~ank at dep~hs of approximately 2' anå 6'. For all produc~ piping, every 15 linear teet of pipe run mus~ be sampied aL 2' and 6' depths. One se~ of the samples must be taken undernea~h eacn dispenser at the prescribed depths. All samples mUSL be analyzea for benzene, toluene, xylene, and total peLroleum hyårocarbons. Adv~se ~his office of Lhe time and date of proposeå sampling with 24 hours aåvance notice. .JCEPTED BY DATE DISTRICT OFFICES e KERN COUNTY e 2700 "M" Street. Ste. 300 Bakersf;eld, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 March 17, 1989 Louie Agnetti San Joaquin Tractor P.O. Box 4218 Bakersfield, CA 93387 Re: San Joaquin Tractor, 1201 Union Ave., Bakersfield Permit Number A 380-15 Dear Mr. Agnetti, This letter is a follow up to a phone conversation. The dimensions and composition of the asphaltic concrete cap proposed by Krazan and Associates are acceptable as a remediation method for the above referenced site. The cap must be continuously maintained. It must be checked, and if necessary, repaired yearly for cracks or other damage that would compromise-its integrity. If this is not done then yearly monitoring of the contamination plume must be done. The cap must be placed immediately, please notify this Department as soon as this has been done, If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, ~CVy~ ~ryylCvY) U Janis Lehman Environmental Health Specialist II Hazardous Materials Management Program JL:dr 3-17-89 janis\agnetti.ltr c:::?A -J~Q 01 tA~LP , r~~~f5 /"'-, / / I I'\.. / 12'12! ') ~ / ,f~V/ ~~~f1?~LI~e ~µ¡:::;~~ ~-þ ) W.0" ~LANI7 'Ý' ee ~ -t- ~~t::-P ~1<I~ L-~~. I ~AíIO~ WILL -ee ~~~¿::;Jeo IN I ~f:: r:::IElJ:7 ~D c:?~ r:=IeU7~~NI~ e II e 5cJI1e: I ." I /7 Date: Î /11 /4'3 IV IV'! . KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Drawn by: c:::;:? . ~ ' , ' Fresno Visalia Bakersfield Project No. r: 81 ~'S ~.DC10fÇ CA. 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 fRN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMEN' HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertaon, M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard March 2, 1987 Louie Agnetti San Joaquin Tractor 1201 Union Avenue Bakersfield, California 93304 Dear Mr. Agnetti: Upon review of the recently submitted laboratory results from your facility, we have determined that the extent of the contamination has not been adequate I y def i ned. The I eve Iso f con taminat i on at or near the dispenser are significantly above our action levels, therefore you are required by the Kern County Underground Tank Ordinance, Chapter 5, Section 3912.5.03, to further define the vertical and horizontal extent of the contamination plume. We s ugges t tha t you con tac t your env i ronmen ta lasses smen t contractor and submit a plan for further assessment and mitigation of the contamination. If you have any further questions, please call me at (805) 861- 3636. s~elf/4 Mark J. Pishinsky Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program MJP:sw DISTRICT OFFICES E\lI::RGEN~Y,", o Y~S ~ NO STATE TANK ID;: REPORT DATE >- m c UJ ~ 0 OWNER/OPERATOR 0 o ~ ADDRESS /70 ¿) r /ð w l' I' 'S' STREET 1>- -I- ,n II: Z< ~D. ,n UJ UJ..J a:m o UNKNOWN Ave NAME LOCAL AGENCY I( e r 11 C ()U Ì( f)f' CONTACT PERSON q.~1( P;Shí1t ~/(¡ STATE PHONE <1/ð5) '32¥-.y..51 ,,~ r 11 9' ~ '3 CJ $I COUNTY ZIP TYPE OF BUSINESS 0 RETAI L FUEL STA T ION '0 UNKNOWN ~THER.¡:ql"fI1. t!,,:~ PHONE <fð~ )~61- 31 S 6 Z 2 ~ ADDRESS U o ..J UJ I- '" STREET FACILITY NAME !IF APPLICABLE) Sqn Jõ 7rq('fðV' COb IZð / A-v~ STREET CROSS STREET e- ('qt r ,Av~ TYPE OF AREA [J RESIDENTIAL AGENCY NAME /:It~ /f ti OPERATOR S<rhtf' (3 f' I('~ ¡A Si2( r ~ I CITY COMMERCIAL 0 INDUSTRIAL o RURAL 0 OTHER l? Z -(/) I-w Z- UJU ~z WW ..Jl? [1,< ~ REGIONAL BOARD TSCD w uD ~ ~ (1) I-..J ",0 ro> ~:o: (2) CAS ~ (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET iF N~EDED) NAME 0,'- ~ S (JI QUANTITY LOST (GALL~S) --fØ""u N KNOW o UNKNOW OMI·2.MI DATE DISCHARGE BEGAN o INVENTORY CONTROL 0 SUBSURF.oCE MONITORING ~ANK 0 I ROUTINE MONITORING M REMOVAL NUISANCE CONDITION'; ,_J OTHER: ;:t- a:z ilJW >~ OW ul- "'< -ro Do{ YES NO IF YES, DATE 10 M ·2.M UJ SOURCEIS) OF DISCHAR~ ~ D TANK LEAK M UNKNOWN 0{ U "- W U a: :J o (/) [J REPAIR TANK 0 REPAIR PIPIN~ Y 7y ~THER RIP IH~" ~ -Ie¡ It Ie TANKS ONLY/CAPACITY .50 GAL CAUSE(S) .3,'7, DOVERFILL AGE ~ YRS. 0 UNKNOWN METHOD USED TO STOP DISCHARGE ICHECK ALL THAT APPLY) ~EMOVE CONTENTS 0 REPLACE TANK 0 CLOSE TANK DCHANGE PROCEDURES "'I "'I 01 0 yl YI HAS DISCHARGE BEEN STOPPED? UNKNOWN o CORROSION "- c W I- U UJ 1.1. .... <'" "'~ wa: UI- ~< o '" w a: o PIPING LEAK MATERIAL o RUPTURE/ FAI LURE [J SPILL I2rSTEEL o FIBERGLASS ii OTHER (SPECIFY' o OTHER ~KNOWN o OTH ER RESOURCES AFFECTED YES NO THREATENED UNKNOWN WATER SUPPLIES AFFECTED YES NO ENED KNOWN WELLS AIR (VAPOR) 0 0 [J [J PUBLIC DRINKING 0 0 0 0 lif WATER SOIL (VADOSE ZONE) 0 [] 0 PRIVATE DRINKING 0 D 0 D GROUNDWATER 0 0 [J 0 WATER SURFACE WATER OR STORM DRAIN D 0 0 0 INDUSTRIAL 0 0 D 0 BUILDING OR UTILITY VAULT D 0 0 0 AGRICUL TURAL 0 0 0 0 OTHER (SPECIFY) [] D 0 0 OTHER (SPECI FYI 0 0 0 0 COM\1ENTS: "3/~ / Y7 - GROUNDWATER BASIN NAME o UNKNOWN L tØ f~ ~ I' lA..r r· 'f i·f' i1. v- ð 1.. lJ~' Þ'~'If" ~. " ' ~ (J PI" <) I' " .$ c¡- / X e,'?"¡-- r é c>' tJ 11'1 tf Y ~ '-¡-. ~ 5"'5'tfJ 5~' h< ~ '1 +: (/) I- Z W ~ ~ o u COMPLETE AND ATTACH A CLEANUP TRACKING REPORT IF ANY CLEANUP WORK OR PLANNING HAS STARTED M'C os Ilo/aSI 1700 Flower Street Bakerslleld, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3638'.. ~ ·Íf . . ~RN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARlMErP c .... . . . .HEAm.:ÓFFíè:i;R:' ..... . LèonM HèbènJ~~.M.D. .: , . ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION . .' , ... ". ......:>.' , . ,.. . ... . .' ...., \ :'" ,-;-; >:: , :~ .,,' .", - -. ~ -. .' .. DIRECTOR OF ENVlRÓNMË!'fl'ÂL HEALTH .. .:';·:.:·{:~:~~l~"·¡ .. .- .' -, .'-." Þi!fmft ·~~Uïhber.·.Â3ào-15 , ~.:,.":,,-.),,._: "", Z'J:::,}~~);{.< ',': ".' ~ '. ,>-~':::;<.':¡~::'''... . "':" i· . _ : . : ~.:,. c . . ~-"\. .-' .~ . '. , PERMIT FOR PERMANENT .CLOSURE -- , . . OF . UNDERGROUND:'HAZARDOUS:': ':.~ '. \- . ".: . SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY ., -.' - . -' ~. ~ '>\;.\..<: ,.....'. ~ - .' '. '. ,:":, !..:. :. ' ~ . . .. . :·t· .::....~. San Joaquin Tractor 1201 Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93304 Louie Agnetti 1201 Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93304 ,.....' . . .:.;, :·~~.:'.:·,·~-r~~·~ ~< ,. ADDRESS:.:,.: ': .CQN~R.ACTOR::;;. . ," ", -'~.: . . . . ?".... "~'.. :" .'¡' ,'!:..~::" ~~<':': "-~.:~ , " ·.-¡{-~~;.$~a.ll·: Oi If ie Id -Sêrvices .·:'Inc'. . ..,J4.á:E.·.·~Ó~r.is Road : Bakersfield, CA 9330 FACILITY NAME AND ADDRESS: OWNER NAME' AND ~ {., :License;~o.473011 '-- PERMIT TO ABANDON PERM!'f EXPIRES. . Februåry· 5, 1988 1 TANK(S) AT ABOVE APPROVAL DATE LOCATION APPROVED BY . POST ON PREMISES 'NDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: Permittee must obtain a Fire Department permit prior to initiating abanåonment action. All procedures used must be in accordance with requirements of the Standards and Guidelines developed for implementation of Kern County Ordinance Coåe; A minimum of two samples mustb~ retrieved beneath the center of th~ tank at depths of approximately 2' and 6'. For all product piping, every 15 linear feet of pipe run must bè sampleà at 2' and 6' depths. One set of the samples must be taken underneath each dispenser at the crescribed depths. All samples must be analyzeà for benzene, toluene, xylene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons. Advise this office of the time and date of proposeã sampling with 24 hours advance notice. CEPTE~~A~ DA'fE zf(l/'+- DISTRICT OFFICES e e A6/IICUL TIllE LABORATORIES INC. CHEMICAL AIlAL rsI$ J. J. EGLIN. REG. CHEM. ENGR. PETROLEUM MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) NATIONAL TANK TESTING 140 E. NORRIS ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 Date of REPORT:2-11-87 LAB No.:2187 Sample Description: SAN JOAQUIN TRACTOR, UNION & CALIFORNIA DISPENSER @2' DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 2-8-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 2-9-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 2-10-87 Constituent Reporting Units Analyses Results Minimum Reporting Level Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene p-Xylene m--Xylene a-Xylene Isopropyl Benzene Volatile Hydrocarbons /-Ig/g /-Ig/g /-Ig/g /-Ig/g /-Ig/g /-Ig/g /-Ig/g /-Ig/g none detected 14.51 10.10 18.20 18.69 5.88 9.75 211. 44 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.50 Total Volatile Hydrocarbons /-Ig/g 288.57 0.10 EPA 5020/8020: DRY MATTER BASIS COMMENTS: Oil & Grease: 39260 mg/kg VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (Cl to C20) utilizi0g a Benzene Factor. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. Total volatile hydrocarbon values may be less than, equal to, or greater than any other constituent, or the combined total. TOTAL VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all non-chlorinated constituents on this report. By --£ri-~L-- /0 / _~~ .~~~--------- Analyst ASRICULTrIIE e rllEMleAL ANAL rsø LABORATORIES INC. J, J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. PETROLEUM MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) NATIONAL TANK TESTING 140 E. NORRIS ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 Date of REPORT:2-11-87 LAB No.:2188 Sample Description: SAN JOAQUIN TRACTOR, UNION & CALIFORNIA DISPENSER @6' DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 2-8-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 2-9-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 2-10-87 Total Volatile Hydrocarbons I-1g/g Minimum Analyses Reporting Results Level 0.23 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 4.60 0.50 4.83 0.10 Constituent Reporting Units Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropyl Benzene Volatile Hydrocarbons I-1g/g ¡-¡gig f-Ig/g I-1g/g I-1g/g I-\g/g I-1g/g I-1g/g EPA 5020/8020: DRY MATTER BASIS COMMENTS: Oil & Grease: 4816 mg/kg VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a Benzene Factor. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. Total volatile hydrocarbon values may be less than, equal to, or greater than any other constituent, or the combined total. TOTAL VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all non-chlorinated constituents on this report. ··1 ---¡i:~-_u o~~~ ------------------- Analyst e e A6I11CUL". LABORATORIES INC. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS J. J. EGLIN. lEG. CHEM. ENGI. PETROLEUM MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) NATIONAL TANK TESTING 140 E. NORRIS ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 Date of REPORT:2-11-87 LAB No. :2185 Sample Description: SAN JOAQUIN TRACTOR, UNION & CALIFORNIA TANK @2' DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 2-8-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 2-9-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 2-10-87 Constituent Reporting Units Analyses Results Minimum Reporting Level Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene a-Xylene Isopropyl Benzene Volatile Hydrocarbons ¡-¡gig ¡-¡gig ¡-¡gig ¡-¡gig ¡-¡gig ¡-¡gig ¡-¡gig ¡-¡gig Total Volatile Hydrocarbons ¡-¡gig none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected O. lO none detected O. lO none detected 0.50 none detected 0.10 EPA 5020/8020: DRY MATTER BASIS COMMENTS: Oil & Grease: 32 rng/kg VOLATIL~ HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present eCl to C20) utilizing a Benzene Factor. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. Total volatile hydrocarbon values may be less than, equal to, or greater than any other constituent, or the combined total. TOTAL VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: constituents on this report. The sum total of all non-chlorinated By ___~~~___ /,-¡) / L 1?a. . -~~~~ Analyst ASIlit:UL,. e CHEIlICAL AIlALms LABORATORIES INC. J, J. EGLIN. lEG. CHEM. ENGI. PETROLEUII MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD. BAKERSFIELD. CA. 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) NATIONAL TANK TESTING 140 E. NORRIS ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 Date of REPORT:2-11-87 LAB No.: 2186 Sample Description: SAN JOAQUIN TRACTOR, UNION & CALIFORNIA TANK @6' DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 2-8-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 2-9-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 2-10-87 Constituent Reporting Units Analyses Results Minimum Reporting Level Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropyl Benzene Volatile Hydrocarbons f-Ig/g J-lg/g f-Ig/g f-Ig/g )-Ig/g f-Ig/g J-lg/g f-Ig/g Total Volatile Hydrocarbons J-lg/g none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.50 none detected 0.10 EPA 5020/8020: DRY MATTER BASIS COMMENTS: Oil & Grease: 26 mg/kg VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (Cl to C20) utilizing a Benzene Factor. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. Total volatile hydrocarbon values may be less than, equal to, or greater than any other constituent, or the combined total. TOTAL VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all non-chlorinated constituents on this report. By ___~~~___ ~tf?t~~_ Analyst 9330') .' ~rmit Nc=-.. A /52Q.-/ó Appl ication œ£: No. of Tanks: to be Abandoned , ~"!'" Ì\~¡:r;"Cùun t Y Division of 1700 F10\v'ar Hedlth ~partmellt , Environmental Heñl~4IÞ Street, Bakersfield, C~ ',:,1 " "t., .... (~j.i."t~:.I~~ç,.·.;'}lr..{.) : !::.-~ -. ",¡ ~ ~: ' :-"; : :.;'r- ~...;'.' ~j t) : .J , , . APPLICATI~ 'FOR PERMIT· FOR TEMPORARY,· OR·PERMANENT , ,ct.OStJRS/ABAN1'ØIMENT OF ,UNDERãRŒJND " .' HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES S'l'ORAGE FACILITY A. !ïE! of Application (Fill Out O~ Application DTemporaryClosure/^~ndonment. . project Contact (name, area code, phone): Days Facility Name San joaquin 'Tractor Facility Address 1201 Union Ave. - Bakersfie1t; CA Nearest Cross St. E.' Calif. T R SEe ' (Rural cations only) (Mner Louie A~netti ' Telephone (805) 324-4517 Address 1201 Union Ave. - Bakersfiled. CA Zip 93304 Operator Louie A~netti Telephone (805) 324-4')17 Addr.ess '101 TTn; nn A"\7~ _ R:;¡kpr~f; pl ri, (;A Zip 'Q1104 Per Facility) ~Permanent Closure/Abandonment Toney Fitterer Nights same Ave. C. Water to Facility Provided by Depth to Groundwater Soil Characteristics at Facility, Sandy Clay Basis for Soil Type and Groundwater Depth.Determinations , KeN SW/",II C'-Ihtlel $e,.,,¡(ts,;¡:H{. Tank Removal Contractor ... 1 .. I 1~, _. CA License No. 473011 Address 140 E. Norris Rd.-Bakersfield, CA Zip 93308 Telephone (805) 393-6730 Proposed S ta rt irr:J Date 2/4/87 Proposed Canpletion Da te 2/11 / 8 7 WOrker's Compensation Certification t 746007-86 Insurer State Fund 'Environmental Assessment Contractor NA CA License No. NA 'j Address NA Zlp NA Telephone NA Proposed Startirr:J Date NA Proposed Canpletion Date NA WOrker's Canpensation Certification-'--- NA Insurer NA , B. ~,_..._-_.- D. Chemical Canposition of Materials Stored -". Tank J Chemical Stored (non-commercial name) .. - . '-.,-- -~ - ..~.;"._.. Dates Stored , Chemical Previously Stored (if d ifferent) - -- Ol-¿;'~P / 1950 to 1987 to to to . same ''" E. Describe Method for Retrieving Samples hand auger in undistrubed soil to 2' and 6' e1e. directly below tank bottom w/sample containers Samples Will be Analyzed for hydro-carbons Laboratory That Will Perfonn Analyses of Samples B C Laboratories AddrFss 4100 Pierce Rd. - Bakersfield, CA Telephone (805) 327-4911 F. This application for: (]I removal or Dabandonment in place * · PLEASE PROVIDE INFORMATION REQUESTED CN REVERSE SIDE OF THIS SHEET BEFORE SUBMITTIOO PlPPLlCATION FOR REVIEW. 'Ì'~s form has been completed under penalty of perjury and to the best of my knowledge is true " and coee ___ .~ .. Title Director of 01}pr. Date 1/2R/R7 ",....., .. .~.I:. . .~ . . provide Description of r~ical'~yout of F~cility USi.~..... .. ~e Provided Below; Include All the FollowirlJ!ll'tnformation':,,, .-' Location I of 'Tank(s) , 'Pipihg~"'\Dispensec'(s)' ..... ",'",'. '';'',.1. Proposed SamplirY;J L?cations Indicatir¥J Approximate.,Depth of Samples :' .:; . '.'" ", .' . >; . ,.~.''::., ~;.·>i"~· .~};.'.. .., - Nearest Street 'or :Iñtërsec'tibn~¿~lL::;!:;ji.;:~¥t:ft..~torl¥~}f~'::~L..' .Ji.L Any Water Wells or Surfacê:waters~.~thin·<iòo'if~luS~öf . Facility' :.,.. .. ,.;:. ··<~I. ·;··~.~···,;~;:·~;t,~f::'i . ·1..·. '. .. .. t NORm ,:'- : ;:f i~~,;' .~ .~;; ~" 'J',:,:: '.-:~~'~::f!::'.:- '\ :'~ ~·.'~~~;f..:.,:;,"";¡ - . ~ . .....~ , ~: :.:-:~~:.: .,:: ~"!I 'M.~'-'_"'~'''_''·'''..,,;.o...,... . .,"'or:...~ ... . . . . ~ ~:.:. .:::.':..~:~::-~~:' -- ~.('.., .~~ ~'_"'~__4.. ._ . ¡. ~·;¡.;·f :', ".,. ,. .........~.\~..........",. , .., .........;~~;'~T~ ;::~: ~~.r::.;\: '; : .... ".-""'.' ........-... ....'.. ~".". ....~ ¿:":~~;;::~:~..~: ~;~~.; ::~~ f~'" .. ., .n....._. ..,;...",.......-:-..:.. '. ! ' #"...··v, '.' .,p ~.- ..-.............. ;~ ~~1~~¡i· ., , .. \,.1. :, . .......~..... ~ - ., , ... .\~.. ..... :)-. ,:,:,r; ~:.:"):~'!. oJ I. ~. '.' i :: ' ,-.¥". '. , . . ~... .,' .,.,...... . '. "''.: -:;'..~ .~... . . ,--, .~_. . .:. '},', ..~',: :: ~ ;·f.'. r~~~·r;:t:·;f :; t .~~··i ,'" ~. - ....... -.. .....;...,". j. '" I·(.! . '''', " ~ ..., ,. ","' ~ ~ .... .' ,"" ... . . ...·.1".'.... ..' . ~.. -'........-....._~...._~:--_. ".'.. ' ·1 '. . to. :~ . :...: ." 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"'._ ~'..h ....f...... .....-.-,-.. .. . .. :.,.' ,. . '-. ..,~.~. Ii .~ . '. . APProved By Scale .' '. .. \ '~/ . ..~' .:..,. .\ ~ .¡ -' I . t··,· ~ ,·V ., ¡- " ,r . .' \ . '-../ e e f'IL~: ,_'ûNTENTS INv,-;:~IT()H'{ Ii- aJ2~ fú r en . "ì ";-<: ./ ./)') r ~ aD \ ~ oaq \j u~ ŒJpecmit to Operdte . JS()(J/0 [JConstcuction Permit' [JPermit to abandon' [JAmended permit Conditions C!Permit Application Form, [JApplicatlon to Abandon [JAnnual Report rorms facility of Tanks Date Date Date No. ôJ... Tank Sheets, .tJo-+ Plans:; tanks(s) Date [JCopy of Written Contract Between Owner' Operator [Jlnap.ction R.porta [JCorr..pond.n~e - R.c.iv.d Dat. ,D.te Date .. [JCorre.pon4.nc. - Mailed .... Date Date Date , " . . 8unauthorlaeð R.l.... R.port. Abandon..nt/Clo.ure Reporta e S..pline)/Lab .eporta [JMVF Coapli.ne. Check (New Conatructlon [JSTO Caapltanc. Check (New Construction [JMVF Plan Ch.ck (New Construction) [JSTO Plan Check (New Con.truction) [JMVF Plan Check (Ixistine) Pacility) []STD Plan Ch.ck (Ixistlne) Facility) []-Inco.plete Application- rora [JPerMlt Applic.tion Checklist Spermit In.tructlon., DDtscarded TI9htne.. Te.t R..ult4 Checkll.t) Checkll.t) Date Date Date [JMonttoring Well Construction Data/Permlta ------------~---------------------------------------------------- [J Env t ro,.en tal Sena i t tv 1 tv Da ta & BGrOUnðwater Drilling, Boring Logs Location of Water Wells [JStat..ent of Underground Conduits C)Plot Plan Featuring All Environmentally Sensitive Data o Photos []Construct ion Drawing S Locat Ion: [JHalf sheet showing date received and tally of inspection tIme, ptc OMl scellaneous e ~~:> 8Ät /85'" ~~ e e Facility )GVr'-~' t~~ Permit to Aban&on # Permit to Construct # Permit to Operate ,_ XApplication to Abandon Application to Construct Application to Operate Amended Permit Conditions Annual Report Forms FILE CONTENTS INVENTORY /1'3 g()- / S of Tanks Date Date Date Date 1/.:l.~/S'7 . I Tank(s) Plot Plañ~' ---- Tank Sheets Copy of Written Contract Between Owner & Operator Inspection Reports Correspondence - Received Date Date Date Date Date Correspondence - Mailed !Jate Date Date Date Date Unauthorized Release Reports Abandonment/Closure Reports Sampling/Lab Reports MVF Compliance Check (New Construction STD Compliance Check (New Construction MVF Plan Check (New Construction) ST ) P lal1 Check (NeN COlIstnlction) ~IVF 1'1 a II Che(:k (Existing FacLUty) STD Plan Check (Existing' Facility) "Incumplete AppLication" Form Permit Application Checklist Permit Instructions Tightness Test Results Checklist) Checklist) Discarded ...._-- IJnte DaLe Dnte ---.-----..--- Monitoring ~veLl Construction Data/Permits - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - .- - - - - - - - - - - - - EnvironmentaJ Sensitivity Data: U,'ol1lldwater Dri.1ling, Bodng Logs LocaU on of \vater We.!.ls statement of Undcrground Conduits 1'.101. Plan Fc(\tlll'jnF~ ALL Environmentally SemLitJve Data Photos COilS truction Drawings LQ_cation: ~ti s ce 1 L aneous-yt,ì.. If ( C¿'( é ¡ 'Ie /lJï'f -fT~ll~ í}/") e e WESTERN AMERICA TANK TESTING, INC. **** CERTIFICATE OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK INTEGRITY **** PRECISION VOLUMETRIC QUANTITATIVE VOLUMETRI,C LEAK TEST ------------------------------------------------------ WESTERN AMERICA TANK TESTING, INC. has testedelOWing underground storage tank systems, and certifies the tight at the product height equal to the grade level. List of Tank Systems Tested: TANK CONTENTS STATION NUMBER TANK CAPACITY TANK NUMBER Unleaded 10,000 gal. Unleaded N/A ~"\ ..------ '" . ...// \, / }QÐð/1.o . / 93~05 ~/ ~// TANK LOCATION: SAN JOAQUIN TRACTOR CO. 1201 Union Avenue Bakersfield, California WESTERN AMERICA TANK TESTING, INC. is certify these tanks using the VPLT Tank manufacturer, NDE Technology, Inc. authorized to test and Testing System by the This certification meets or exceeds certification standards set by the State of California, Federal and the Local jurisdictional agency: County of Kern. WESTERN AMERICA TANK TESTING, INC. CERTIFICATION meets the -.---------------------------------------------------------------- requirements of California Administrative Code Title 23 Water ------------------------------------------------------------------ Resources Control Board, Subchapter 16 Underground Storage ----------------------------------------------------------------- Regulations, Part 2643. The leak test certifies the leak ------------------------------_._---------------------------------- resolution of instrumentation or allowable change is no more than .----------------------------------------------------------------- 0.05 gallons per hour as cited in Part 2643(b) on Page 4.14. ------------------------------------------------------------ Date Certification No. Certified Tester Recertification Date recommended: 12/21/1989 890918 Stephen Frasch 12/21/1990 -~.,-+.. .f. DEC 28 1989 .~.\ \ RECEIVED .~~ ,"( /'-, ,..,¡l"", / 'Y:-(~ 9 I.S:S--V ....t· WESTERN AMERICA TANK TESTING, INC., Bakersfield, CA (805) 322-9827 e e NDE'S VPLT COMPUTERIZED TANK TESTING SYSTEM Patent Pending PRECISION UNDERGROUND TANK TESTING RESULTS AND CERTIFICATION PAGE 1, GENERAL REPORT FORM - Copyright 1985 NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY 1. TEST DATE: 12/21/89 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Owner of storage tanks Company Representative Title Mailing address of owner Phone of owner STATION NUMBER Location and address of the tanks Phone number Regulatory Agency TANK DESIGNATION OR ID # Date each tank was tested 7. The name of the tes t method 8. Business name of tank testing company 9. Mai 1 ing address of tank testing company 10. Person conduct ing tes t and completing report 11. Station Operator or manager 12. Phone number 13. Owner name and title 14. Capacity of the tank 15. Present or past contents 16. Tank construction material 18. 17. Testing fluid *** (a) (b) SAN JOAQUIN TRACTOR CO. P.O. Box 70067 Bakersfield, CA. 93387 (805) 324-4517 N/A 1201 Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA. 93305 (805) 324-4517 County of Kern Unleaded 12/21/89 ---- // ''---- VPLT COMPUTERIZED TANK TESTING SYSTEM I//~ WESTERN AMERICA TANK TESTING, INC. 3131 FAIRHAVEN DRIVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Stephen Frasch (TECHNICIAN) Gene (805) 324-4517 SAN JOAQUIN TRACTOR CO. 10,000 gallons Unleaded Steel Unleaded THE UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SYSTEM CERTIFIED TIGHT AT PRODUCT HE IGHT EQUAL TO THE GRADE LEVEL. <_X~s. ' , ~ Allowable leak resolution of instrumE;ntation or allowable change per California Administrative Code Title 23 Waters, Chapter 3 Water Resources Control Board Subchapter 16 Underground Storage Regulations, Part 2643 (b), Page 4.14; 0.05 gallons per hour. MEASURED HOURLY CHANGE: LOSS (+) OR GAIN (-) GALLONS OR NUMERICAL LEAK RATE IS: +0.020 Gal/Hr. ------------------------------------------------------------------ This measurement is within the legal limits as defined in (b). NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY WATT INC. 3131 FAIRHAVEN DRIVE, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 (805) 322-9827 (c) e e CAPACITY 10000 g PRECISION TANK # Unleaded STAT # N/A TEST DATE: 12/21/89 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTING RESULTS Patent Pending PAGE 2 GENERAL REPORT FORM Copyright 1985 NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Capacity of the tank 10,000 Gallons Present or past contents Unleaded Tank construction material Steel Tank end deflection 0" Internal diameter of tank 95" Fill pipe internal diameter 4" Fill pipe length 44" Air vents 1 Type of fill pipe cap Cam Type of pumps associated with the appurtenant piping R. J. Turbine Coefficient of thermal expansion .0006363 volumetric coefficient of expansion/deg Specific gravity .751 Bulk modulus 188,000 Type of phase II vapor recovery system N/A Depth of groundwater from grade level BELOW BOTTOM OF TANK Date and Time storage tank system was filled for testing 12/21/89 Unknown Testing fluid Unleaded NOTES: None. NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY WATT INC. 3131 FAIRHAVEN DRIVE, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 (805) 322-9827 e e CAPACITY 10000 g PRECISION TANK # Unleaded STAT # N/A TEST DATE: 12/21/89 Individual steps taken UNDERGROUND TANK TESTING RESULTS Patent Pending PAGE 3 TEST PROCEDURES Copyright 1985 NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY as part of the test but not limited to: 1. Topping of the tanks 12/21/89 Unknown 2. Tank inclination 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees Temperature calibration Pressure calibration Level readings 0 (see reduced data plots & raw data part III) (see reduced data plots & raw data part III) (see reduced data plots & raw data part III) None 3. Log entries: 4. Other measurement or readings not included in the computer printout: None 5. Any special procedures other than NDE Computerized VPLT Tank Testing Procedures: None 6. Description of any repairs made to the storage tank prior to or during the test: None 7. Were tanks subject to sludge deposits during normal use properly cleaned prior to testing: Yes, to the best of our knowledge. NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY WATT INC. 3131 FAIRHAVEN DRIVE, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 (805) 322-9827 e e RESULTS Patent Pending CAPACITY 10000 g PRECISION TANK # Unleaded STAT # N/A TEST DATE: 12/21/89 1. (a) (b) UNDERGROUND TANK TESTING PAGE 4 TEST PROCEDURES Copyright 1985 NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY THE UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SY~C TIFIED TIGHT AT PRODUCT HEIGHT EQUAL TO THE GRADE LEVEL. Yes. Allowable leak resolution of ins mentation or allowable change per California Administrative Code Title 23 Waters, Chapter 3 Water Resources Control Board Subchapter 16 Underground Storage Regulations, Part 2643 (b), Pa~4.14; O~llons per hour. MEASURED HOURLY CHANGE:, ,/--:-tOSS J. (+) OR GAIN (-) GALLONS OR NUMERICAL LEAK RATE IS: t~~020 ~l/Hr. -------------------------~----~--------------------------------- This measurement is within~ legal limits as defined in (b). also computer plots or reduced data of leakage rate, Part III) **'* (c) (See Product level of the storage system at the time of testing: 2. Total product level 150" 3. Fill pipe height from bottom of tank 139" 4. Test pipe height from bottom of tank 169" 5. Grade level from bottom of tank 145" 6. Tank top height from bottom of tank excluding piping, or tank diameter 95" 7. Test conduction - total time Time leak rate calculated 2:07 Hours 8. Start 09:33 9. End 11:40 (See also computer plots or reduced data of leakage rate, Part III) (Calculated leak rate shall be based on data generated during the second hour of testing) Distance from grade level and/or location at which the test was conducted (tank top level, distance below grade level, distance above grade, etc.) 10. Distance from grade level to location test conducted: +5" 11. Fluid level where the test was conducted. Test Stand 12. Does the tank show the presence of vapor pockets? No If yes, was the owner informed of steps that must be taken to release all vapor pockets in order to complete testing? Owners of storage tanks are under a legal obligation to report any leaking tanks to the agency having jurisdiction of the tank test. NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY WATT INC. 3131 FAIRHAVEN DRIVE, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 (805) 322-9827 e CAPACITY 10000 g PRECISION TANK # Unleaded STAT # N/A TEST DATE: 12/21/89 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTING PAGE 5 TEST PROCEDURES Copyright 1985 NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY - RESULTS Patent Pending 1. Piping Pressure Test - N/A 2. Pneumatic Pressure Data Amount of pressure applied to system: 3. Amount of pressure drop if any: N/A N/A 4. Amount of time elapsed during the test N/A 5. Piping Pressure Test Leak Rate is N/A If computer is used see computer printout of leakage rate and all test parameters on Test Results, Part IV, Page 11, 12 Test results of storage systems that utilize pressurized piping systems will not be recognized unless the turbine pump is activated after the completion of a successful system test 6. Was turbine pump activated? N/A 7. Pressure piping systems shall be tested under actual operating pressures, and statement describing results must be included. See #1 Above 8. If applicable, has the isolation procedure in addition to the product line been completed? N/A NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY WATT INC. 3131 FAIRHAVEN DRIVE, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 (805) 322-9827 e e Patent Pending 10000 g PRECISION Unleaded # N/A DATE: 12/21/89 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTING RESULTS PAGE 6 TEST PROCEDURES Copyright 1985 NDE TECHNOLOGY, PRINTOUT OF DIGITAL LEAKAGE RATE CAPACITY TANK # STAT TEST COMPUTERIZED ;·.arf: Î.i\"nt:f ..................... "¡ it(d~ ¡Ju,"li~t:r ............. heð:JIWê¡'l,r.lit . 1:, lJ.,tu ~. 'fi!sl 1::¡.~I.·lfjS·j Tt.T.;,S oi T l1a.-,ur~"f'¡etl'~ ........... lè1n~; rC.\lp~r'.'1tul·e ........ ..... ~nl; t' ~c~·:;.u.-e .... ............ F..ð!...-=. L'II1J; ·.;,;1....;"10 ... ...... ..;.....1· re.r,¡.)~r.3t.L,re ("r"'e!,~ti.}.. .,.·",.,t. l'r~:¡::Il!r'f1 I:GI·I"'~:.~tl';n .,..._........ ·t;orT·dc·t~cJ Vl·lt.¡,"t~ .".....,...."'*... ~.' <:.t,...1tltlcU (~)rr<3-=T~·1 Ih¡!í.'¡i,ð ~.. fotðJ r;lUld ~~~~: .......... "'l'~~d fl~"'iI~u('i',; ;:'11 1.:H1f: H.-.~ rOPI Tolðl 'rC'U'1µef"~ture: l·h.Jn~e ..... :¡-c;.t.tl l.ð',,~l Cr.::.InQ~ ... . Le~l~ t'{i1t~ Ç8L~I.ldtl.)li ' 1('¡C..:. 1";e':: I'\c.;tr~ 8",,¡rt .. ...... Hðte (J''¡ 'ItijYlp~röiur:: Ghbllnf- ~.". Volu 'IIe" (hi,n'~~ ..,..........;.... E",p¿:t:1ed L~',:d \~!I.:Hlge·........" - '1ea~"h·,c.d' I.e...~l ï.tI..ír;l~ ."",t\..iort, ~ Pr J ~ ef·~' fÍppðr'erd Le:ak II It "......,. " f' "¡,J bf"y ·r.pp~rênt l..:tJ.k Ha't6 f.·." :..: ~tr~t Volu~~ (nanu~ '.'~~~..~it fd("~t f::':~ectc¡j L~..'~l Chur.u.~ n·. ~.'t,..,,, Ap(...¡ðr~nt t.C:å~ t."~."'."'~". :..: ~··tr·t\ A~II,a.(·~lIt Led~ Rete ..¡u.... Ii', ~J liða~t,red Lt"v,;. j ":na'.ut· ..... ".~,) UU!Uí'16 (tlar,ye ."........."" ~" """';j E.'\Pð~ tali Lt:'/~l I;há/l~jl.: ;.vl') tippar erlt l~:i~ ..".." ""~ hpp.'Went I.a.., j. F',itte " AVQ Stra1 V~lu~e t;haOQe .~v..., ., Avg Sió'it t <.pecte:d I.è...t-! t'hi:\rl~d t'\fJ Str'1t A;;íhir~nt l.e;al· AI,"~1 :;tr.it hQP:H't:f,1 I.eft~ f'ul t: ·i~·,t31 ~'::lc.;.µj~'1 ~t:~-.¡' I.lMJ:' INC. DATA PROPRIETARY 'if.N 1,;!jl'JN n¡,;(:luH !l1·1i.. 11 : 40: :~ï Eb.4SQ: · i ~,:~4 1J.·'jr·(Jet. F p.~ t . L.;l !',Jot. be'! t·~'n!l. (L~ lien:! . (1131 j\:'Iu,. (i.[ ",-,n~. J II: tit: j. 1<100,\. ":18 " :~:~ . ~I:: I · ~:lj.d 9',0 . 7Y,~ 3':·/'j.li:i_ì I t',ø. ~~. /:~O .~. '.jì'l:·;J · Fi~l Hl) .':l IÍ''::I'F(H~~' . · g[.'~u lll..;L(":~ . UI :.1J:4l\ .ØÜI¡ (;::dl<,¡):-.'Ii....r ¡,\.):j~):~ di;'1¡'t 6~ 1"·11.:'10'. .01-d (-..=tl U Il~. · !111 !;S lit; i";t~;'j. · 487~ì~' J n':~·.~~. .~'::;;5 bðl1r,n'.i. · 0>~ tjd 1 i,~,.~ / lil.:..~' · ~E~(' ('ft! I ~fI!t. .8': :: j J II':t,t;:I. "ø:~:).' I)':. i !c·,.s. .e:.:~! n.\llr'k;nL,J.H". .SCJIB lll,;f~t·;:.. .e'b.j{. C..-d lè-,,::.. · ~,L~tTi'} J 1I·:ra_... .0:'!:jt' ("',i L I "I'~ · ø.!¡J ('.11 j C'I,e 'fi:ul . · ØjjkW ("'cd L c.·r,~· . .ld3:ìS lll.:r',f:." .ø;:!':~O Gat :í..-r,5. .ø,"! (;ollicrd.-'h.;III' (1~:Uf):~~8 COMPUTERIZED PLOTS OF LEAKAGE RATE DATA ,.-- -"l ~~_:t:=~:-·-····_~------" ---....---.... --.-....-----. ·-------l ,1.. , I jl .1: ,1,' 1 1'·IiI:' , I .0::' I :f ""LJL___,..___________:c...--_______1 k I' . ""'~ '~.. ::~ I . IJ ;; I .0::: - ---- '~'.'-.. f ~__~..._+.J¡"'_i' ,-t-...t---iG.--t--1--··~ :';¡ -t-..·..t-·--+·..2t-,·-!·,-- ¡-.--t-.~_.+-+.-tJt-J~ @: I·' .n~ l:~ ¡~ :::,,~ '\ ~ 1·- .U'f I I f),=')rll--:.~'~~1~~:;'¡ :ü.·tiL~~:~:J:Ü.l;.:;ñ~C_====~_==__===_=__==:~===~====l NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY WATT INC. 3131 FAIRHAVEN DRIVE, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 (805) 322-9827 e e RESULTS Patent Pending CAPACITY 10000 g PRECISION TANK # Unleaded STAT # NIA TEST DATE: 12/21/89 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTING PAGE 7 TEST PROCEDURES Copyright 1985 NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. COMPUTERIZED PRINTOUT OF AVERAGE TEMPERATURE PROPRIETARY r--~8Æ;" I t I " I'" .11 ,~ t ~ i " I .:., ' ~..;~.~ 5;,;.14 / ! ~j ,.. ~ \ / f··· ~~.. . ,\.,~¡._ ,i".. ,~ '~I ,s! . <. :~: ~~: . k l_~-1\,/i·¡~:.~L l:;¡(_~,u.Ojl.rrE":~__''''_''__'~~'______'__'':___''___'...___~.~___._.~ ... ------'"----..--.-------- :-~ ' -....... .-' ... ..' .-' T 513.45 I I _....----~~.~.'t ---- ...--.... ,"-' " /' ¡ LEVEL DATA . ~;---~l-~·~ --.-_.. ------...----.--- - "...-..-.. -- -------..---.-..--.----.----.~ .11 ) -, .~.; - .-....- ~ 1 .~' ~ t ·'5.~'· .j . ~ I ~ t ~.4 I ~R t~ !.-; ,':~ ~- û.:. i _.~"_...... .II. ",' .', :'j .1. . 'tJ j :< I -. J. S.8 u. I J'I I L f'\ ..';+ .. .,-,. :~\ I" .r ¡t I .J I rt ¡."-....I,~~/./. '~;" . '~' :} . æ ~;" :~~. :;~ L.~__!·_..... \-<f~~.-~ti~lfg~:==:!=:=-.=::!:::=-~...__.!::~::~.=~.:.~=:::':::::=':.::=-~:=:=!:- :!' .- ... _.J .~. .-.-..--..-....-----.- ./" /" .' NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY WATT INC. 3131 FAIRHAVEN DRIVE, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 (805) 322-9827 e CAPACITY 10000 g PRECISION TANK # Unleaded STAT # N/A TEST DATE: 12/21/89 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTING PAGE 8 TEST PROCEDURES Copyright 1985 NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. 'PROPRIETARY - RESULTS Patent Pending PRESSURE DATA r ·-"-l·---~·-·---"--·------·---·------·----~-----···'--l' .".- .. . 'j . I ~ ~./ r" 1 .../.. I !' t ¡-, . -_..- . rJ'\ t I\. 4. "14 __.,.,..... I ,...---'. - [ ! I I f.~ I , ' I'~! .1> </ /" '0' g ~. >11 \... ,- I'J '-:t' Ii) 11-1 _ 'r"""I.... 1___ n_. J ~:::..-;f,n_J:Ir!E -_rj.rl!:!.r;~.L_____~____._.___~._.___.. .___._______ NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY WATT INC. 3131 FAIRHAVEN DRIVE, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 (805) 322-9827 KRAZAN ! .::; 0'-' . J -<.--1/ ASS 0 C I A' E S ',c~/JtN C . Construction Testing and Inspection Geotechnical Investigations Environmental Engineering Laboratory Soils Testing Monitoring Wells September 28, 1988 fD)~©~OW~IQ) Lrù OCT iJ ~ ¡gab Proj. No. E87-055 Environmenta ealth Div, Kem C!]!,!nt~1 ~{lRlth Ql San Joaquin Tractor Company Attn: Mr. Don Radon P.O. Box 4218 Bakersfield, California 93387 RE: Remedial Action Previous Underground Storage Tank Facility San Joaquin Tractor Company 1201 Union Avenue Bakersfield, California \- Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, we are pleased to submit this design for an impermeable layer to be placed over the vicinity of a removed underground storage tank facility at the above referenced project site. It is understood that a description of this cap was called for in a letter dated August 23, 1988, from Ms. Janis Lehman of the Kern County Environmental Health Department. The purpose of the impermeable layer would be to prevent or impede the leaching of any contamination present in the soil to groundwater. Additionally, it would 3110w for natural processes to affect the contamination present through by natural degradation over time. An asphaltic concrete cap of a minimum 2" thickness or greater would be place over the affected area and its vicinity. Asphalt is a hydrocarbon-based subst ance which includes sand and gravel as a filler material. Please see the attached drawing for delineation of the area to be paved. All cracks or chuck holes in the surrounding paved areas must be patched to avoid an area for leaching. The entire paved area (past and future) must be well maintained. It is understood that the specifications for this pavement were developed for the purpose of inhibiting the leaching of contaminants only. The property Main Office: Fresno/Clovis · 3860 N. Winery · Fresno, California 93726 · (209) 291·7337 Bakersfield (805) 393-2343 U Visalia (209) 625·8251 [J Merced (209) 383·3993 e -- Page No.2 Proj. No. E87-055 owner assumes all responsibilit y for meeting the codes and/or requirements for the structural integrity of this pavement section, especially where it may be affected by vehicular traffic. The recommendation in this letter was based on the results of field and laboratory investigations, interviews with San Joaquin Tractor personnel, and interpolation of subsurface conditions associated with our soil borings. Therefore, the data is accurate only to the degree implied by review of the , data obtained and professional interpretation. The map contained in this letter was compiled from available maps and by measurements from existing landmarks. The recommendations presented herewith were based on professional interpretation using state of the art methods and equipment and a degree of conservatism deemed proper as of this date. It understood that it is the sole responsibility of the property owner to conform with all applicable codes, laws, and/or regulations regarding the placement of this impermeable layer. If there are any questions or if we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Respect fully submit ted, KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES ~O~ Robert A. Martin Project Geologist Ð Q,cw- ~c-,..Ju-. Dean Alexander Geotechnical Engineer RCE /l00205l/RGE 1134274 RAM/DA/bk 3 c herewith 1 c Kern County Environmental Health Department Attn: Janis Lehman KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES KRAZAN , ASS 0 C I A fE S , INC. -r Soils Engineering Compaction Testing Engineered Septic Systems Construction Testing Geotechnical Investigations Augus t 21, 1987 PI'O j. No. E87 -OSS' San Joaquin Tractor P.O. Box 4218 Bakersfield, California 93387 Attention: Don Radon RE: Preliminary Site Characterization Investigation california and Union Avenues, Bakersfield, Ca. Gentlerœn, In accordance with your request, 'v'Æ! have caTlJleted a preliminary site characterization investigation at the above-referenced project site. The findings of that investigation are sumnarized in the attached report. If there are any questions or if 'v'Æ! can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Respectfully Submitted, KRAZA'J & AS:D:IATES Jeffrey S. Palmer Environmental Specialist 7J~ Mi chae I R. Erwi n Principal Engineer R:E 1118625 J SP /l'vP£.! j p 2 c herewith invoice Main Office: Fresno/Clovis . 3860 N. Winery · Fresno, California 93726 · (209) 291-7337 Bakersfield (805) 393·2343 ¡-l Visalia (209) 625-8251 [J Merced (209) 383-3993 e T ABLE OF CONTENTS PROJECT HISTORY PURPOSE OF INVESTIGA nON SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION METHODOLOGY SOIL PROFILE AND SUBSURF ACE CONDITIONS Soil Profile Regional Hydrologic Conditions Ground Water Conditions RESULTS OF CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Table 1 DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDA nONS Conclusions Recommendations LIMIT A TIONS SITE PLAN Logs of Borings Certified Analytical Reports KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES - Drawing No. 1 Appendix A Appendix B Proj. No. E87-055 Page 1 2 2 2 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 7 KRAZAN , ASS 0 C I A fE S , INC. .. Soils Engineering Compaction Testing Engineered Septic Systems Construction Testing Geotechnical Investigations August 26, 1907 Proj. No. E87-0SS San Joaquin Tractor P.O. Box 4218 Bakersfield, California 93387 Attention: Mr. Don Radon RE: Preliminary Site Characterization Investigation San Joaquin Tractor Facility, Product Line Removal Area California and Union Avenues, Bakersfield, California Gentlemen, In accordance with your request, we have completed preliminary site characterization investigation at the above-referenced project site. The investigation was requested by Mr. Don Radon of the San Joaquin Tractor Company as a result of a request made by the Kern County Environmental Health Department., PROJECT SITE HISTORY The project site was located near the corner of Union and California Avenues in Bakersfield, California. The site was developed as a retail tractor sales and repair business, which had an underground fuel storage tank on-site for fueling tractors. It was understood from information provided to this office that an underground gasoline fuel storage tank and product piping was removed from the project site on February 8, 1987. Soil samples were obtained at depths of 2 and 6 feet below the tank bottom and product dispenser lines for chemical analysis. The results of the chemical analysis conducted on those samples had shown no appreciable contamination below the underground storage tank location, and low levels of contamination present below the product lines at depths and locations tested. Main Office: Fresno/Clovis · 3860 N. Winery · Fresrro, California 93726 · (209) 291-7337 Bakersfield (805) 393·2343 rJ Visalia (209) 625-8251 0 Merced (209) 383-3993 e e Page No.2 Projò No. E87-055 Upon review of t.he result.s of t.he chemical analysis of ßamplos obt.ained form beneath the product lines, the Kern County Environmental Health Department issued a letter requesting that a site characterization investigation be conducted at the project site in the vicinity if the removed product lines. San Joaquin Tractor Company requested that Krazan & Associates, Inc. prepare a site characterization proposal for the subject property. A preliminary site characterization proposal was prepared and submitted to the Health Department for the project site, and was accepted and verbal authorization wa s given to proceed with the investigation by the Health Department. It was understood from conversations with the Health Department that a confirming letter of authorization to proceed would be forthcoming. The results of the preliminary site characterization are detailed in the report as follows. PURPOSE OF INVESTIGATION The purpose of the preliminary site characterization investigation was to determine if contamination was more extensive than what was not.ed at the time of the tank and product line removal. Addit.ionally, the intent of the preliminary investigation was to help identify the vertical and lateral extent of contamination noted at the project site, should the proposed scope of investigation allow for that adequate a definition. SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION The scope of the investigation was limited to the area in the immediate vicinity of the previous product line removal and dispenser island area. Soil borings were placed at locations designed to obtain data which would reflect subsurface conditions regarding the vertical and lateral extent of contamination in subsoils. METHODOLOGY Exploratory soil borings were advanced at locations within and adjacent. to the previous product line pathway to obtain soil samples for chemical analysis. Samples were analyzed to detect the presence and concent.rat.ion of pet.roleum constituents in subsoils. KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES .. - e Page No. 3 Proj. No. E87-055 In order to investigate those potentials, the following methods were employed: 1. A total of 2 exploratory soil borings were advanced at the project site at locations shown of the site map included at the end of the text. 2. Each soil boring was advanced to a maximum depth of 20 and 25 feet respecti vely below the existing grade. 3. The primary soil boring was placed within the product line removal trench area. The boring was utilized to help determine the presence and vertical extent of contamination in subsoils. 4. A second exploratory soil boring was placed adjacent to the product dispenser island area, about 4 feet to the east of the dispenser pump location. The boring was utilized to help determine the presence of and lateral movement of contamination, and the predominate direction of movement. 5. Soil borings were logged in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. 6. Soil borings were made by means of drilling with hollow stem auger. 7. Soil samples were obtained at five foot intervals for field screening, possible chemical analysis and to aid in the logging of the soil profile. 8. Samples were obtained by means of pushing stainless steel tubes. 9. Soil samples were maintained and transported under chain of custody protocol. KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES e . Page No.4 Proj. No. E87-055 10. Soil samples were field screened with a photoionization detector, capable of detecting low levels of volatile hydrocarbons as trace gas (as referenced to benzene). 11. Selected soil samples were transported to a state-approved laboratory for chemical analysis. Samples were selected based upon review of visual observation, review of boring logs and observation of field screenings. 12. Soil samples selected were analyzed to detect the presence and concentration of Benzene, Toluene, Xylenes, Total Volatile Hydrocarbons, Oil and Grease. 14. For more detailed information regarding subsoils encountered in our exploratory soil borings and results of chemical analysis, please refer to the Appendices of this report. SOIL PROFILE AND SUB SURF ACE CONDITIONS Soil Profile A total of two exploratory soil borings were advanced to a maximum depth of 25 feet below the existing site grade. The soil profile at the project site generally consisted of well graded silty sand with gravel from the surface to an approximate depth of 1 foot below the existing grade. Below the 1 foot horizon, a fine grained sand with thin interbedded lenses of silt was encountered to an approximate depth of 7 feet below the existing grade. From the 7 foot strata, a well graded sand was noted to extend to an approximate depth of 16 feet below the existing grade. From the 16 foot horizon, a fine to medium grained sand was noted to extend to the maximum depth of the soil borings, which were terminated at an approximate depth of 25 feet below the existing grade. F or more detailed information regarding the subsoils encountered in our exploratory soil borings, please refer to the logs of borings included in Appendix A of this report. KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES e e Page No. 5 Proj. No. EB7-055 F~eqional Hydroloqic Conditions The project site was located within the San Joaquin Basin Hydrologic Study Area, which includes roughly the southern two-thirds of the Great Central San Joaquin Valley. Within that area, 26 ground water basins and areas of potential ground water storage have been identified. The inventory covers nine ground water basins which have been identified as significant sources of ground water. The San Joaquin Basin covers approximately 13,500 square miles. The maximum thickness of the fresh water bearing deposits occurs at the southern end of the San Joaquin Valley, and is approximately 4,400 feet. The estimated storage capacity between the surface and 1,000 feet is about 570 million acre-feet, and estimated usable storage capacity exceeds BO million acre-feet. The major factors which limit development of ground water resources are water quality and pumping costs. Artificial recharge by man-made basins is the intentional method of recharge (ground water replenishment), however, natural stream beds allow surface waters to percolate into the ground water basin. Ground Water Conditions Ground water was not encountered in any of our soil borings at the depths and locations explored. Review of the Kern County Water Agency map tit.led "Depth to Ground Water, Unconfined and Equivalent Wells Used for Control, Spring, 1987" show the project site area was located between the 50 and 100 foot contours. That data would suggest that depth to ground water in the vicinity of the project site would be at least 50 feet below the existing grade. However, numerous factors influence the fluct.uation of ground water and evaluation of such factors is beyond the scope of this investigation. RESULTS OF CHEMICAL ANALYSIS A total of 4 soil samples were select.ed for chemical analysis at a state-approved laboratory. Samples were analyzed to detect. the concentrat.ion and presence of Benzene, Toluene, Xylenes, Total Volatile Hydrocarbons and Oil and Grease. The results of that. chemical analysis is summarized on t.he Table as follows: KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES - e Page No.6 Proj. No. E87-055 T ABLE I Concentration of Petroleum Constituents in Soil Sample 1.0. Benzene Toluene Xylenes T. V. H. Oil & Grease B-1 @J 5' N/D N/D N/D N/D <20.0 B-1 ® 10' N/D N/D N/D N/D <20.0 B-2 @ 10' N/D N/D N/D 12.0 <20.0 B-2 ® 15' N/D N/D N/D N/D <20.0 Legend: N/D-Non-Detected T.V.H.- Total Volatile Hydrocarbons < - Less than For more detailed information regarding analytical methods and results f chemical analysis, please refer to the certified analytical reports included in Appendix A of this report. DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS The results of the chemical analysis have shown non-detected levels of contamination in subsoils in the area investigated, with exception of 12 parts per million concentration of Total Volatile Hydrocarbons noted at. the 10 foot depth in boring No. B-2. Additionally, the B-2 boring location sample had shown no presence of Benzene, Toluene or Xylenes at detection limits of the analytical method used. The subsoils encountered at the project site at the dpeths and locations drilled consisted predominately of granular soils. Soils noted near surface (01 to 71 range) were noted to included thin lenses of silt. Field screening of samples obtained at the project site at the t.ime of the investigation had shown non-det.ected levels of volatile hydrocarbons present (as trace gas), with exception of the B-2 at 10 feet below grade sample. KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES e e Page No.7 Proj. No. E87-055 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDA nONS Conclusions The contamination noted at the project site was limited in both extent and concentration. Comparison of the data obtained during our field investigation and chemical analysis was compared to the results of chemical analysis from samples obtained during the initial product line removal sampling. The comparison suggests that the extent of contamination noted initially was rather low in concentration, and had shown attenuation from the 2 foot below pipe level to the 6 foot below pipe level. The concentration of 12 ppm total volatile hydrocarbons at the B-2 ~ 10 '\ J foot depth was the only presence of contamination noted at depths and locations investigat.ed. Based upon the review of the data obtained at the project site at the time of our investigation at depths and locations tested, coupled with informat.ion obtained from review of published ground water data, it is our opinion that. there would be no threat to ground water resources from minor levels of contamination not.ed at the project site. (- Recommendations Based upon review of the geotechnical and chemical analysis data obtained from our investigation, it is our opinion that no further action would be necessary at the project site and the limited area of low level contamination noted could be left in-place. LIMIT A nONS The data presented in this report was based upon exploratory drilling, field observation, results of chemical analysis and review of published dat.a. The findings presented this report were based upon the review of such data, professional interpretation and extrapolation of subsurface conditions noted between boring locations. The soil borings were located in the field by tape measurement from existing landmarks, as interpreted from available maps. Therefore, the locations KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES e e Page No.8 Proj. No. E87-055 of the soil borings should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the methods used to locate them. The geotechnical data, conclusions and recommendation presented in this report were based upon professional interpretation utilizing the "st.ate of the art" and a degree of conservatism deemed proper as of the report date. It is not warranted that such data cannot be superseded by future geotechnical or technological developments. If there are any questions or if we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Respectfully Submitted, ~~;~ Jeffrey S. Palmer Environmental Specialist m~~~\ Michael R. Erwin Principal Engineer RCE 1118625 JSP/MHE/jp 2 c herewith KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES e ~ ~ ¡ I ~ ~ rfoDJL.--î L,1 He..- I ~ 1~ wi".- ....------>..I" ~ ~~/------ /.', ~) .M'eD _\ 4f1 ') ,'~ / 'T~' / ......J ;f-*,ý / Z: ñJé.L- ì ~c.E- I~() ~ J ) + ~f'~-( t2~ ~--r 7- \\ 7- :J ~ 'i- .. ~ ¿bL.1 f?'¡2:µIb. .1':::JE:.-, ~ KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES ~ Merced Fresno Visalia Bakersfield / .. f' ¡ Project SAN JOAQUIN TRACTOR COMPANY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA DATE DRILLED: HOLE ELEV: ¡¡: ..: õ. Q a '0 ~:ß s..: 5 õ. 0 iñE "0 'gJ] 0 :J ::::> z ::c 5- - - 10- - - 15- - - 20 - 25- Proj. No. E87-055 August 3. 1987 TYPE OF BORING: -- -- GROUNDWATER LEVEL: SOIL DESCRIPTION Silty, well-graded gravelly SAND (SW+SM); t;:¡n nY'\! riríllc:·p;:¡c;v ......... Fine to medium SAND (SP); dark brown, minor silt, damp, drills easy With interbedded thin silt lenses, approximately 111 thicknesses Well-graded SAND (SW); light orange-tan, damp, drills easy Very fine medium SAND with minor coarse SAND (SP); light brown, damp, drills easy Well-graded SAND (SW); tan, BOTTOM OF BORING KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES · R = Refusal, greater than 100 blows/foot 1"'"'_____ ... \/:,......1:... _ 0....1...........1:....1.... 811 Auc¡er Q 'S- 5- _ c <J) Q 'õ ë :EO u >- ~·¡;¡ü a~Q. a Boring No. Q LOGGED BY: SC ~.~ .c :§ ~ 5_ C:~C:U) OQ.Q Q. ¡q¡ð5 :Ju c o ëñ - Q <J) .<::;Q. o U Q õ>c co <J) -.- Q ::.~ ! "'~C> cu.Q iD - 't:J _0 E . Sheet ~ of ~ Project SAN JOAQUIN TRACTOR COMPANY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA DATE DRillED: HOLE ELEV: ü: ¿ ã. '" c 'tI "'''' :::> ~~ ~ Z 1ñE 0 :I: 'g U'J -0 ::> 0 5- 10- - ~ 15- - 20- - 25 * R = Refusal, greater than 100 blows/foot Proj. No. E87-055 August 3, 1987 TYPE OF BORING: -- -- GROUNDWATER lEVEL: SOIL DESCRIPTION 3" Asphaltic Concrete" 4" Aggregate Base Fine to medium SILTY SAND (SM); dark brown, damp, drills easy Fine to medium SAND (SP); tan, damp, drills easy Sand becoming coarser with depth Fine SAND (SP); tannish white, damp, drills easy Well-graded SAND (SW); tannish white, drills easy Fine SILTY SAND (SM); brown. damp, dri 11 s easy Well-graded, fine gravelly SAND (SW); tannish-brown, damp, minor clayey silt flakes, drills easy Fine to medium SAND (SP); tannish-white, dry to damp, drills easy BOTTOM OF HI I~ I NI~ KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES c.................. ... "i.......li", . C""(,n..~finl'" Boring No. G] 8" Auger lOGGED BY: SC i,~ J: '" ",if. c õ>c >- co'" :;- ~.~- .§ ~ 5_ 0 c(0c:; ~ _c c: ~ c: (I) ëi) - "'''' cä¡& ",,,, (ijï:: OJ 'õ ë oa.cþQ. J:o. C u. '" ::EO c uE::: 0 å)- "0 Co(/) U U ::>u _0 E " Sheet ~ of ~ e BSI( & Associates, e Geotechnical Consultants, Inc. \. Krazan & Associates, Inc. 3860 North Winery Fresno, California 93726 (Project E87-055) Exam. No. Ch871607-1 Report Date: 8/20/87 Sample Type: Soil Date Sample Collected; 8/3/87 Sample Description: B-1 @ 51 Date Sample Received @ lab: 8/11/87 1535 hrs. Date of Analyses: 8/13/87 Constituent Units Results Detection li m its Benzene mg/Kg NO 0.02 Toluene mg/Kg NO 0.05 Total Xylene ¡ somers mg/Kg NO 0.05 Total Volatile Hydrocarbons mg/Kg NO Oil & Grease mg/Kg <20.0 N D=N one Detected Methods of Anal.rsc:s BTX by EPA 5020/8020 HeacJsp.Jce GC / P 10 TVH by EPA 5020/8015 I-Icadsp.Jce GC/FID '~=Q-4 ' ~v<Z-c"" . d ys l ¿~:= 7 þ~ J:./ Soil Engineering' Engineering Geology' Engineering Laboratories· Chemical Ulboratories ~ ~ o Fresno, Cal,iornia '13706 X Fresno, C.\lifornl,\ 'J37()b o Visalia, California 93278 o Bakersfield, California 9330~ o Pleasanlon, (.:difornla 9~S66 164S .. E" Street, Suite 1 OS T clcphone (209¡'¡1I~·12()O 1~14 St,¡nlSlauo; Stre,'t Telephone (20' ,11IC,·11110 3901 So. .\IQoney Blvd., PO. Box 3236 (209) 732·8I1S7 117 "V" Street Telephone (80S) 327·()b71 S729·G Sonoma Drive Telephone(41S) 462,4000 e BSI( & Associates, e Geotechnical Consultants, Inc. Krazan & Associates, Inc. 3860 North Winery Fresno, California 93726 (Project E87-055) Exam. No. Ch871607-2 Report Date: 8/20/87 Sample Type: Soil Date Sample Collected: 8/3/87 Sample Description: B-1 @ 101 Date Sample Received @ Lab: 8/11/87 1545 hrs. Date of Analyses: 8/13/87 Constituent Units Results Detection Limits Benzene mg /Kg NO 0.02 Toluene mg/Kg NO 0.05 Total Xylene I somers mg /Kg NO 0.05 Total Volatile Hydrocal"bons mg /Kg NO 1 Oil & Grease mg /Kg <'20.0 N D=None Detected Methods of A nc:ilyscs BTX by EPA 5020/8020 Hcadsp¿:¡cc GC/PID TVH by EPA 5020/8015 HcadspJcc GC/FID ~}J Å. kc \r,Z¿~o ~Iyst' ~ ["~/¿J~ ~ ,,,~ "",' 'Iy, <\!o ~,... '\:.~ Sod Engineering' Engineering Geology· Enginf~ering Laboratories· Chemical Laboratories [J Fresno, C~lliorni.¡ YJ70h O<ì fresno. C~litorni~ 937Gh o Vis.1li.1, California 93278 o Bakersfield. California 93304 o Plcas,JOlon. California 945hh 1 ¡'4S "E" Street, SUite 105 Telephone (my) 4I\S·_¡~OO 1414 StJni~I,lUs Street Telephone (209) 41\5'11:110 3901 So. Mooney Blvd.. P.O. ßox 323b (209) 732-81\57 117 "V" Slreet Telephone (805) 327-0b71 572<J·G Sonoma Drive Tcll'phone (415) 4h:?-4000 " e BSI( & Associates, e Geotechnical Consultants, Inc. Krazan & Associates, Inc. 3860 North Winery Fresno, California 93726 (Project E87-055) Exam. No. Ch871607-3 Report Date: 8/20/87 Sample Type: Soil Date Sample Collected: 8/3/87 Sample Description: B- 2 @ 10' Date Sample Received @ lab: 8/11/87 1705 hrs. Date of Analyses: 8/13/87 Constituent Units Results Detection Limits Benzene mg /Kg NO 0.02 Toluene mg/Kg NO 0.05 Total Xylene ( somers mg /Kg NO 0.05 Total Volòtife Hydrocòrbons mg/Kg 12 Oil & Grease mg /Kg ~20.0 N D=None Detected Methods of Analyses BTX by EPA 5020/8020 HCéJdsµJCC GC / P 10 TVH by ErA 5020/8015 HCòdspJCC GC/FID ~\~ k k \ÆU<o n:J ys l L"~¿- )J~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '<" Soil Engineering' Engineering Geology· Engineering L¡¡boratcries· Chemic¡¡1 L¡¡bor,llories I Î Freslln, (,11,10","1 'J_lìO!> ~ Fresno, (ollitarni" <J170() o Visalia, Caliiornia <)3278 o BaJ.ersiield, California <)3304 o Plcasanton, Caliiornia 94566 1(,45 "[" Street. Suite 1lJ5 1eleplio/H·(20·)).III'i-.1200 1414 Stanislaus Street Telephone (2U'J)·\II<¡·U310 3901 So. ."Iooney Blvd., PO. Box 3236 (209) 732-111157 117 "V" Street Telephone (805) 327 -0671 5729-G Sonoma Drive Telephone (415)462·4000 e BSI( & Associates, e Geotechnical Consultants. fne. Krazan & Associates, Inc. 3860 North Winery Fresno, California 93726 (Project E87-055) Exam. No. Ch871607-4 Report Date: 8/20/87 Sample Type: Soil 8/3/87 Date Sample Collected: Date Sample Received @ Lab: 8/11/87 Sample Desct~iption: B- 2 @ 1 51 1715 hrs. 8/13/87 Date of Analyses: Constituent Units Results Detection Limits Benzene Toluene Tota I Xylene I somers Total Volatile Hydrocarbons Oil & Grease mg/Kg mg/Kg mg /Kg mg/Kg mg /Kg ND ND ND ND <'20.0 0.02 0.05 0.05 N D=None Detected Methods of Analys2s B TX by EPA 5020/8020 Hcac!sp0cc GC / P 10 TV H lJ yEP ^ 5 020 / SOlS I-I c () d 5 P J C c G C / F I 0 d~ral~~- G1)Direclo/" ~o -A. k,~ra (/ì ~nJ ysl . ~ ~ '9 ~ ~ Soil Enginpering' Engineering Geology. Engicwering Laboriltories· Chemical Laboratories 1'1>4<; ., r" Slc""t, SUIII' Ill", I ('¡"phon" (llJt)) 411';- \200 1-1 14 St.H,,~lilu~ SI,,'et T I'lephorH' (lOt)) 41\",·11 \ 1 0 3901 So. ,\looney Blvd. PO. ßo~ 3216 (20<i) 732·111157 117 "V" Street Telephone (805) 327-0671 5729-G Sonoma Drive T el"phone (415) 462·40()O [j hesllo, Cdilorlli.. <, 170h X fresno, C.lliiornlil <).17Uh o Visalia, California <)327/1 o B.lkersfield. California 93304 '-' Pleas.lnton. California <J4566 KRAZAN & ASSOCIAT.ES, INC. s.o.t'1 E"':If ~'¡n9 ~·, on rrllln~ f"o~'r-:J ~rØIJC :),urm, ëCol'\U''I,I:loot\ IU"~~_ Gt'OlrcJ"'.""' 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I'I:'\E Ti~f\E ." 1 ?lln~o.O N~;¡"\. PfinUd Na:ile 1 ::.,-:, ~y I 1:,),'7\.=.)"..... . 1l..:J·..=JI"\V , OATE R:õC:õI\lEO SY Si;niil\ur. ITIME Prln,;1t'O name Cc:-;~car.'( OTIŒR I I I I I I I I I I I I I I- I I I '\ I I I I \ I I I P'-: ~u_ ~;..:r: IT¡:.~; CATE P.éC:ÕlVi:D SY \I.=or;no,y) 0;...."- Si':)nat\Jr~ TIt.\E P(ln:e~ r":~:TIt '-"-' -'.'- I....e. 0:: ~ L:J Z < I- Z o U u. o OSS~¡:¡V A TlO,~SI C:::.::.:ë NTS L:J o :: ::J Z I I I I I I I I I I I I I \TOTAL t:U~",3:õñ OF COt:, Alt:::RS METHOD Of S¡-¡¡?:.:;:r1T S?i:CIAL SHI?:.::õ::TiHMWL::::¡ OR STO¡:¡AGi: "i:QIJIR:I.:<.t:.5 e '.~ . . e . e E·ll.~: ,':ONTt::NTS IN\I,~~IT()H'{ . Fad 1 i ty ,jr1.D' ~~a 12;[1'1 Tr-l1c.+or Œ!Permit to· Operate . rJrJJ []Construction Permit' [] Perm 1 t to abandon' [JAmendcd Permit Conditions C!Permlt ~pp\lcation Form, OAppllcat Ion to Abandon [JAnnual Report Forms of Tanks ~. Date Date Date No. d.. Tank Sheets, '10-+ Plans",. tan k s ( 5) Da t e (]Copy of Written Contract Between Owner' Operator [JIn.pectlon Report. [Jcorre.ponden~~ - Rec.ived Date --:-D. te - Date ., - . . [JCorre.pond.nce - M.iled ~. Date Date Date ~ . . 8unauthortaed R.I.... Report. Ab.ndon.en&/Clo.ur. R.port. e Sa.pling/L.b R.port. [JMVr Compli.nee Check (N.w Con.tructlon [JSTD C~pli.nce Check (N.w Construction [JMVF Plan Check (N.w Construction) [JSTD Plan Ch.ck (Mew Construction) [JMVP Plan Ch.ck (Existing Facility) [JSTD Plan Check (Ixi.ting Facility) [J-lnco.plete Application- Fora [Jperatt Applic.tlon Checklist Sper.it In.tructions . . DDIscarded Tlqhtn.s. T..& Re.ults Checkll.t) Checkli.t) Date Date Date []Monltoring Well Construction Data/Permits ------------~--------~------------------------------------------- [J Env i rOMl.n tal Sena 1 t tv i ty Da ta : BGrOUndwater Drilling, Boring Logs Loc.tion of Water Wells (JState..nt ot Underground Conduits ~Plot Plan Peaturing All Environmentally Sensitive Data DPhotos DConstructlon Drawings Location: DHalf sheet showing date received and tally of inspection time, pte OMi scellaneous e ~ ~ 5 8/),1/85' ~~ . . ~/ Permit Questionnaire Normally, Owners live sent to the permits are sent to facility Owners outside Kern County, they may choose to Operators of th~ facility where they are but since many have the permi ts to be posted. Please fill in Permit #: and check one of the following before returning this form with payment: For PERMIT , ~1. /Ç"()Ó / ¿ c. Send all information to Owner at the address listed on invoice (if Owner is different than Operator, it will be Owner's responsibility to provide Operator with pertinent information) . 2. Send all information to following corrected address: Owner at the 3. Send al] information to Operator: Name: Address; (Operator can make copy of permIt for Owner) . 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305' Telephone (805) 861-3636 & COUNTY HEAlTH DEPARTMEN1 . ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. INTERIM PERM::I:T TO OPERATE: DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard PERMIT#:l.500:l.E5C ISSUED: EXPIRES: JULY 1, 1986 JULY 1, 1989 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES . _. STORAGE FACILITY NUMBER OF TANKS= 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FACILITY: SAN JOAQUIN TRACTOR COMPANY 1201 UNION AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA OWNER: CORPORATION P.O. BOX 4218 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93387 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ~- ~ ~- - -- TANK # 1 2 -. -- AGEe IN YRS) 36 6 ·SUBSTANCE---CODE MVF 3 MVF 3 . PRESSURIZED PIPING?'-'..c.- UNK UNK NOTE: ALL INTERIM REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY MUST BE MET DURING THE TERM OF THIS PERMIT NON-TRANSFERABLE *** POST ON PREMISES DATE PERMIT MAILED: JUL 2 1 1986 DATE PERMIT CHECK LIST RETURNED: - --- .~- ~... --~- --="---. - == -=-~ - --------~-- ----.' ',,-,,-- --~ Di\jlS~On O[ t::n'JJronmenc.al Hili\Jl 1700 Flo....er Street, BakersE.¡ ~A 91305 APPll C3 U on. c.p lJa ì'en - 2 f ,1 QRS - APPLICNrION FOR PERMIT TO OPERA'¡E UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STO~E FACILITY ~ of Application (check): o New Facility DM:::>dification of Facility ŒJExisti~ Facility DTransfer of <::>wnership ~ Emergency 24-Hour Contact (name, area A. code, phone): Days Donald A. Radon (305) 324-4517 Nights ûonald I'.. :{ùdOn ((juS) .39j-:J076 Facility NameSan Joaquin Tractor Co. No. of Tanks 2. " Type of Businešs (check) : (JGasoline Station ~Other (describe)Farm Eq. Dealership Is Tank(s) Located on an Agricultural Farm? Dyes DNa Is Tank(s) Used Primarily for Agricultural Purposes? Dyes ŒJ No Facility Address 1201 Union Ave. Nearest Cross St.California Ave. T R SEC (Rural Locations Q1ly) Owner Corporation Contact Person Donald A. Radon Address 1201 Union Ave. P.O.Box 4218 zip 93387 Telephone JL4-4t:J1! Operator Contact Person Address Zip Telephone --,-"-- - ---- B. Water to Facility Provided by California Water Service Depth to Groundwater Unknown Soil Characteristics at Facility Sandy Basis for Soil Type and Groundwater Depth Determinations Unknown CA Contractor's License No. Zip Telephone Proposed Completion Date . Insurer C. Contractor Address Proposed Starting Date Worker's Compensation Certification I D. If This Permit Is For Modification Of An Existing Facility, Briefly Describe Modifications Proposed E. Tank (s) Store (check all that apply) : Tank . Waste Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded Regular Premium Diesel Waste -- Fuel Oil #2 D 0 - (]I 1] 0 0 0 0 #l 0 0 ŒJ 0 0 0 [] 0 0 0 0 0 B 0 B B D 0 0 0 0 F. Chanical Composition of Materials Stored (not necessary for motor vehicle fuels) Tank J. Chemical Stored (non-coomerclal naine) CAS t (if known) Chemical previousl v Stored (if different) G. Transfer of OwÓership Date of Transfer Previous ONner Previous Facility Name I, accept fully all obligations of Permit No. issued to I understaoo that the Permitti~ Authority may review aoo modify or terminate the transfer of the Penmit to Operate this underground storage facility upon receiving this completed form. ~is form has been completed under penal ty of true and correct. /Î /Î , / / . \-,-), (/ ,/' 1/ ) Signature ':/tÎ/Y1f7 / ,,:.: ,/ 'I((?/íf,/;! / "9 I /./ \- / " perjury and, to the best of my knowledge is Title Office Mgr. Date 3/21/85 .. ~ ~ . ~ ,- H. __~~~:~~~c~~.u, ~v. '. Tl'\NK, ~_ _L.__.___ (PI L.!:: OUT ~;[PAHATl:: fORM ~OR w-\CH TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES ,~ . /,:; ;,.¡,~ /;Þ r;:: t-'!-= L1n 1 L -- -- Tank is: 0 Vaul ted DNon-Vaul ted OI:buble-Wall OSingle-Wall Tank Material gCarbon Steel 0 Stainless Steel 0 Polyvinyl Chloride 0 Fiberglass-Clad Steel Cl Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic 0 Concrete 0 Aluninum 0 Bronze Dunknown o Other (describe) Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) 1949 unknown Tank Secondary Containment o Double-Wall 0 Synthetic Liner DOther (describe): Dr-"aterial Tank Interior Lining DRubber D Alkyd DE¡:x>xy DPhenolic DGlass DClay @U1lined DU1knoWTl DOther (describe): 6. ,Tank Corrosion Protection . _ __ ..' .__ .___ ----- -rrGalvanized DFiberglass-Clad DPolyethylene Wrap DVinyl WrappiD;J DTar or Asphalt [gJUnknown DNone DOther (describe): Cathodic Protection: DNone Drrnpressed CUrrent System I:JSacrificial Anode System Describe System & Equipment: Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception . a. Tank: DVisual (vaulted tanks only) DGrouoowater Monitorirg Well (5) o Vadose Zone Moni torio;J Well (s) 0 U-Tube Wi thout Uner o U-Tube with Canpatible Liner Directi~ Flow to Monitorirg Well(s)· o Vapor Detector* 0 Liquid Level Sensor 0 Condoctivit~ Sensor· o Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank o Liquid Retrieval & Inspection Fran U-Tube, Moni toriD3 Well or Annular Space ]J Daily Ga~iD3 & Inventory Reconciliation 0 Periodic Tightness TestiDj o None D unknown 0 Other b. Piping: Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized PipingW o Moni toring Sump wi th Race'MIY D Sealed Concrete Raceway o Hal f-Cut Canpatible Pipe Raceway 0 Synthetic Liner Raceway 0 None ŒJ Unkno\oJl1 D Other *Describe Make & Model: Tank Tightness Has 'n1lS Tank Been Tightness Tested? Dyes Date of Last Tightness Test Test Name 9. Tank Repair Tank Repai red'? DYes fl]No DUnknown Date (s) of Repair (s) Describe Repairs OVerfill Protection ~Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level DTape FlOat Ga~e DFloat Vent Valves D Auto Shut- Off Controls DCapacitance Sensor DSealed Fill Box (]None OUnknown (JOther: List Make & Madel For Above Devices l. 2. 3. Capacity (Gallons) 1500 Manufacturer unknown 4. o Lined Vaul t [] None 0 Unknown Manufacturer: Capacity (Gals.) ,I Thickness (Inches) --- 5. 7. 8. (] l'b 0 Unknown Results of Test Testing Canpany 10. 11. Piping a. Underground PipiD3: [&]Yes DNa Dunkno\oJl1 Material Thickness (inches) unknown Diameter . Manufacturer DPressure DSuction DGravity Approximate Length of Pipe R1.I1 b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : K]Galvanized DFiberglass-Clad DImpressed Current D5acrificial Anode Opolyethylene Wrap DElectrical Isolation DVinyl Wrap DTar or Asphalt OUnkno\oJl1 DNone OOther (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: DDouble-WarI DSynthetic Liner 'System ~None ':JUnknown []Other (describe): H. "~-'i.~": u. . TANK. ~_ ___?___u_.__ (FIL.!::, OlJT ~}EPAF0T!:: FORM fOR ~.CH TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES ~-' ''': .. .; ~ ~ l.. - ,.u./ _...- _- ",.,,/ ~ _ ---- - -- Tank is: o Vaulted K1Non-Vaulted Orbuble-Wall DSingle-wall Tank Mater ial -xfCarbon Steel 0 Stainless Steel 0 Polyvinyl Ctùoride 0 Fiberglass~lad Steel [1 Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic 0 Concrete 0 AlLlt\inum 0 Bronze DUnknown o Other (describe) primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) ap~.1979 unknown Tank Secondary Containment o Double-Wall 0 Synthetic Liner DOther (describe): o M3 terial Tank Interior Lining DRubber DAlkyd DEfX)xy DPhenolic DGlass DClay [gLhlined Dl.)1known DOther (describe): Tank Corrosion proteètion -rrGalvanized DFiberglass-Clad D~lyethylene Wrap DVinyl Wrappi~ DTar or Asphalt filUnknown DNone. DOther (describe): Cathodic Protection: DNone DImpressed Current System DSacrifícial Anode System Describe System & Equipment: 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception . a. Tank: DVisual (vaulted tanks only) DGrourrlwater Monitori~ Well (5) o Vadose Zone Moni toring Well (5) 0 U-Tube wi thout Liner DU-Tube with Canpatible Liner Directin:¡ Flow to Monitori~ well (5) * D Vapor Detector* 0 Liquid Level Sensor 0 Condoctivit¥ Sensor* o Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank o Liquid Retrieval & Inspection Fran U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space I!)(Daily Gaugir~ & Inventory Reconciliation 0 Periodic Tightness Testi~ o None D Unknown 0 Other b. Pipi~: Flow-Restricti~ Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Pipi~· o Moni tor i~ SLlnp wi th Raceway 0 Sealed Concrete Race'MIY o Hal f-Cut Canpatible Pipe Raceway 0 Synthetic Liner Raceway 0 None !ZJt1nknown 0 Other *Describe Make & Model: Tank Tightness Has nus Tank Been Tightness Tested? Date of Last Tightness Test 1984 Test Name unknown Tank Repair Tank Repaired? DYes []No DUnknown Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs OVerfill Protection Qgoperator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level DTape Float Gauge DFloat Vent Valves 0 Auto Shut- Off Controls DCapacitance Sensor OSealed Fill Box ONone Ounknown OOther: List Make & Model For Above Devices l. 2. 3. Capacity (Gallons) 10,000 Manufacturer unknown 4. o Lined Vaul t Œl None 0 Unknown Manufacturer: Capacity (Gals.) -'- Thickness (Inches) 5. 6. 8. IXJYes ONe Dunknown Results of Test check alright Testing Canpany . ullkIIU,H! 9. 10. 11. Piping . a. underground Piping: DYes ONe Ounknown Material Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer DPressure DSuction OGravity Approximate Length of Pipe Rtn b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : DGalvanized DFiberglass-Clad OImpressed CUrrent DSacrificial Anode DPolyethylene Wrap OElectrical Isolation OVinyl Wrap [lTar or Asphalt OUnknown DNone DOther (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: ODouble-Wall DSynthetic Liner System mNone DUnknown OOther (describe): Facili ty ,- - -;,.;: PERMIT CHECKLIST /t" (7.' '-- /1 ¡- . /l v:.«;:{) "'. /'/(,<'7.'/ é ')1 '---:/Z1'Î 1",1/'-'1 (.;., ./ Permit # /S' CD /1.- (7, (j This checklist is provided to ensure that all and that the Permittee has obtained all necessary monitoring requirements. necessary packet enclosures were received equipment to implement the first phase of Please complete this form and return to K'CIlD in the self-addressed envelope provided within 30 days of receipt. Check: Yes L V JL L,../' ~ ~ ý" , f f No A. The packet I received contained: 1) Cover Letter ,vPermit Checklist r Interim permit:- Phas~ I Interim Permit Moni todng Requirements, v Information Sheet /(Agreement Between Owner anò Operator), Chapter 15 (KCOC #G-3941), Explanation of Substance Codes. Equipment Lists~nd Return Envelope.........' 2) Standard Inventory Control Monitoring Handbook #UT-10. 3) The Following Forms: a) Inventory Recordin~ Sheet b) Inventory Recording Sheet with summary on reverse c) Trend Analysis Worksheet 4) An Action Chart (to post at facility) ~ B. I have examined the information on my Interim Permit, Phase I Monitorin~ Requirements, and Information Sheet (Agreement between Owner and Operator), anl find owner's name and address, facili.ty name and address, operator's name ane address, substance codes, and number of tanks to be accurately listed (if "no" is checked, note appropriate corrections on the back side of this sheet). C. I have the following ~uired equipment (as described on page 6 of Handbook): _ (ti1) Acceptable gauging instrument c,de 2) "Striker plate(s)" in tank(s) 3) Water-finding paste D. I have read the information on the enclosed "Information Sheet" pertaining tG Agreements between Owner and Operator and hereby state that the owner of this facility is the operator (if "no" is checked, attach a copy of agreément between owner and operator). E. I have enclosed a copy of Calibration Charts for all tanks at this facility (if tanks are identical. one chart will suffice; label chart(s) with corresponding tank numbers listed on permit). F. As required on page 6 of Handbook #UT-10, all meters at this facility have hae calibration checks wi thin the .last 30 days and were cal ibrated by a .registerec devi.ce repairman if out of tolerance (all meter calibrations must be recorded or "Meter Calibration Check Form" found in the Appendix of Handbook). G. Standard Inventory Control Monitoring was started at this with procedures described in Handbook #UT-10. Date Started ~ l 'j / Signature at' Person CompletilJlJ Checklist: Y y) ,)'{J( /\ /,/ L'j -y¡! /',; Tit 1 e : ( Y -;' ¥-( ,rf ( } /7:_~ Iî " Ij ./ // /I ,. :.,.- v facility in accordanc, /7 / Þ /1 ¡ /;/ ¡J /1/71:_,,/ Date: 13 / ~ . i § \ 1 f, :" ",¿.c.J7-·1 ,.' /) / /,'1. /I // _/JO ,./ / .-y1 '::=/fl~ c- ""-" '-" ./c-::.v --<:.~_x_~\,¿.. ~[2'j J .¿'ì /Î/ ,( L!~¿~( Î {/ . ---. ~- . ------ , l % -~ -+-. . (!¿-'7- C'-1 CL4/t;-YU, "\ \ I ¡. íì .µ.. L: :.~~ .::..J F ~:_ :".~,; '..... _,; ',.. ~ í) .. '\.¿;.ë:J...¿->....¿ ¿(./,0 /- () . .-.~~.., -~', .:r':~;.;.... .,. \,_0J .-- '~_.' .;.::-1. -. . .-._-~.. ~. L . ~lé;~' tt.J TRACTORS·- AGRICUL TURAL TOOLS-- SPRAYERS -- INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT -- HARVESTERS P.O. BOX 4218 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93307 CALIFORNIA AVENUE AT UNION TELEPHONE 324-4517 August 25, 1986 Kern County Health Department 1700 Flower St. Bakersfield, Ca. 93305 Attention: John Harris Re: Underground Permit #150016C Dear Mr. Harris: As per our telephone conversation, please find enclosed our partially filled out permit checklist. As I stated we have ordered the equipment we need from RLW Equipment Co. but until they can get the parts in and do the work we cannot finish complying with the regulations. If you need to verify this please contact Mr. John Paxton with RLW Equipment in Bakersfield. . "- Also we have permit #430003C for our Wasco Store and permit #500004C for our Delano Store which we cannot comply with until we finally receive the requirements for tanks that are under 1,000 ga 11 ons. Yours truly, SAN JOAQUIN TRACTOR CO. ) /--ì ;' t'- / / /.-/ / rv-/ /-J- /./lA'/7/ J. Radon, Office Mgr "\ ! l , ì "'-/ I / í /' \ . /É, /.... Nancy I j , -_/' YOUR FRIENDLY ALLIS  Aü.t..04.oUM_A. CHALMERS DEALER " . WESTERN AMERICA TANK TESTING, INC. **** CERTIFICATE OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK INTEGRITY **** PRECISION VOLUMETRIC QUANTITATIVE VOLUMETRIC LEAK TEST ------------------------------------------------------ WESTERN AMERICA TANK TESTING, INC. has testedelOWing underground storage tank systems, and certifies the tight at the product h~ight equal to the grade level. List of Tank Systems Tested: TANK CONTENTS TANK CAPACITY TANK NUMBER STATION NUMBER Unleaded 10,000 gal. Unleaded N/A TANK LOCATION: SAN JOAQUIN TRACTOR CO. 1201 Union Avenue Bakersfield, California WESTERN AMERICA TANK TESTING, INC. is certify these tanks using the VPLT Tank manufacturer, NDE Technology, Inc. authorized to test and Testing System by the This certification meets or exceeds certification standards set b'y the State of California, Federal and the Local jurisdictional agency: County of Kern. WESTERN AMERICA TANK TESTING, INC. CERTIFICATION meets the -~---------------------------------------------------------------- requirements of California Administrative Code Title 23 Water ----------------------------------------------------------------- Resources Control Board, Subchapter 16 Underground Storage ----------------------------------------------------------------- Regulations, Part 2643. The leak test certifies the leak ------------------------------------------------------------------ resoluti~n of instrumentation or allowable change is no more than ------------------------------------------------------------------ 0.05 gallons per hour as cited in Part 2643(b) on Page 4.14. ------------------------------------------------------------ Date Certification No. Certified Tester Recertification Date recommended: 12/21/1989 890918 Stephen Frasch 12/21/1990 "í"~-" /~:Z\)-L.1.~. I /T .."')-..... "~y ~~.'~?" /.<>' . A ",,<~ , v '7' "è\ ,/!!t DEe 28 1989 \~~ RECf/VEa .:(' />.. '<--(8~t:;/ ~ (805) 322-9827 WESTERN AMERICA TANK TESTING, INC., Bakersfield, CA . --...... . NDE'S VPLT COMPUTERIZED TANK TESTING SYSTEM Patent Pending PRECISION UNDERGROUND TANK TESTING RESULTS AND CERTIFICATION PAGE 1, GENERAL REPORT FORM - Copyright 1985 NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY THE UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SY~ ~ERTIFIED TIGHT AT PRODUCT HEIGHT EQUAL TO THE GRADE LEVEL. ~ ~ ~ Allowable leak resolution of instrumentation or allowable change per California Administrative Code Title 23 Waters, Chapter 3 Water Resources Control Board Subchapter 16 Underground Storage Regulations, Part 2643 (b), Page 4.14; 0.05 gallons per hour. MEASURED HOURLY CHANGE: LOSS (+) OR GAIN (-) GALLONS OR NUMERICAL LEAK RATE IS: +0.020 Gal/Hr. TEST DATE: 12/21/89 SAN JOAQUIN TRACTOR CO. P.O. Box 70067 Bakersfield, CA. 93387 (805) 324-4517 N/A 1201 Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA. 93305 (805) 324-4517 County of Kern Unleaded ~ 12/21/89 VPLT COMPUTERIZED TANK TESTING SYSTEM v 1. ,Owner of storage tanks Company Representative Title WESTERN AMERICA TANK TESTING, INC. 3131 FAIRHAVEN DRIVE BAKERSFIELD, CA ~330Ø Stephen Frasch (TECHNICIAN) Gene (805) 324-4517 SAN JOAQUIN TRACTOR CO. -, (, /10,000" -) , -- "'---.---- Unleaded gallons 2. Mailing address of owner Steel Unleadèd (0 ----------------------------------------------------------------- This measurement is within the legal limits as defined in (b). NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY WATT INC. 3131 FAIRHAVEN DRIVE, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 (805) 322-9827 3. 4. Phone of owner STATION NUMBER Location and address of the tanks Phone number Regulatory 'Agency 5. 6. TANK DESIGNATION OR ID # Date each tank was tested 7. The name of the test method 8. Business name of tank testing company 9. Mai 1 ing address of tank testing company 10. Person conducting test and completing report 11. Station Operator or manager 12. Phone number 13. Owner name and title 14. Capacity of the tank 15. Present or past contents 16. Tank construction material 17. Testing fluid 18. (a) (b) *** (c) - CAPACITY 10000 g PRECISION TANK # Unleaded STAT # N/A TEST DATE: 12/21/89 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. (6. 17. 18. Capacity of the tank Present or past contents .' UNDERGROUND TANK TESTING RESULTS Patent Pending PAGE 2 GENERAL REPORT FORM Copyright 1985 NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY Tank end deflection Tank construction material Internal diameter of tank Fill pipe length Fill pipe internal diameter -" -._. -,- Air vents Type of fill pipe cap Type of pumps associated with the appurtenant piping Coefficient of thermal expansion .0006363 Specific gravity Bulk modulus Type of phase II vapor recovery system Depth of groundwater from grade level Date and Time storage tank system was filled for testing Testing fluid NOTES: 10,000 Gallons Unleaded Steel 0" 95" 4" , , - -. + - - -- - 44" 1 Cam R. J. Turbine volumetric coefficient of expansion/deg .751 188,000 N/A BELOW BOTTOM OF TANK 12/21/89 Unknown Unleaded None. NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY WATT INC. 3131 FAIRHAVEN DRIVE, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 (805) 322-9827 - - CAPACITY 10000 g PRECISION TANK # Unleaded STAT # N/A TEST DATE: 12/21/89 Individual steps taken UNDERGROUND TANK TESTING RESULTS Patent Pending PAGE 3 TEST PROCEDURES Copyright 1985 NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY as part of the test but not limited to: 1. Topping of the tanks 12/21/89 Unknown 2. Tank inclination 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees 0 Temperature calibration (see reduced data plots & raw data part III) Pressure calibration (see reduced data plots & raw data part III) Level readings (see reduced data plots & raw data part III) '3-.--- Log entries: None 4. Other measurement or readings not included in the computer printout: None 5. Any special procedures other than NDE Computerized VPLT Tank Testing Procedures: None 6. Description of any repairs made to the storage tank prior to or during the test: None 7. Were tanks subject to sludge deposits during normal use properly cleaned prior to testing: Yes, to the best of our knowledge. NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY WATT INC. 3131 FAIRHAVEN DRIVE, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 (805) 322-9827 " e , (a) (b) UNDERGROUND TANK TESTING RESULTS Patent Pending PAGE 4 TEST PROCEDURES Copyright 1985 NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY THE UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SYS C TIFIED TIGHT AT PRODUCT HEIGHT EQUAL TO THE GRADE LEVEl,. Y~s. Allowable leak resolution of ins mentation or allowable change per California Administrative Code Title 23 Waters, Chapter 3 Water Resources Control Board Subchapter 16 Underground Storage Regulations, Part 2643 (b), Pa .14; O~llons per hour. MEASURED HOURLY CHANGE: ~/ OSS (+) OR GAIN (-) GALLONS OR NUMERICAL LEAK RATE IS: G/.020 G l/Hr. CAPACITY 10000 g PRECISION TANK # Unleaded STAT # N/A TEST DATE: 12/21/89 1. **'* 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. (c) This measurement is within e legal limits as defined in (b). (See also computer plots or reduced data of leakage rate, Part III) Product level of the _s!_~:_~ge system at the150t~me of te~~_i_~g,: Total p~oduct le~el Fill pipe height from bottom of tank Test pipe height from bottom of tank Grade level from bottom of tank Tank top height from bottom of tank excluding piping, or tank diameter Test conduction - total time Time leak rate calculated Start End 139" 169" 145" 95" 2:07 Hours 09:33 11:40 (See also computer plots or reduced data of leakage rate, Part III) (Calculated leak rate shall be based on data generated during the second hour of testing) Distance from grade level and/or location at which the test was conducted (tank top level, distance below grade level, distance above grade, etc.) 10. Distance from grade level to location test conducted: +5" 11. Fluid level where the test was cond~ct2d. Test Stand 12. Does the tank show the presence of vapor pockets? No If yes, was the owner informed of steps that must be taken to release all vapor pockets in order to complete testing? Owners of storage tanks are under a legal obligation to report any leaking tanks to the agency having jurisdiction of the tank test. NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY WATT INC. 3131 FAIRHAVEN DRIVE, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 (805) 322-9827 " e CAPACITY 10000 g PRECISION TANK # Unleaded STAT # N/A TEST DATE: 12/21/89 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTING RESULTS Patent Pending PAGE 5 TEST PROCEDURES Copyright· 1985 NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY 1. Piping Pressure Test - N/A 2. Pneumatic Pressure Data Amount of pressure applied to system: N/A 3. Amount of pressure drop if any: N/A 4. Amount of time elapsed during the test N/A ·5.-- Piping Pressure Test -Leak Ratè is N/A If computer is used see computer printout of leakage rate and all test parameters on Test Results, Part IV, Page 11, 12 Test results of storage systems that utilize pressurized piping systems will not be recognized unless the turbine pump is activated after the completion of a successful system test 6. Was turbine pump activated? N/A 7. Pressure piping systems shall be tested under actual operating pressures, and statement describing results must be included. See #1 Above 8. If applicable, has the isolation procedure in addition to the product line been completed? N/A NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY WATT INC. 3131 FAIRHAVEN DRIVE, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 (805) 322-9827 . e Patent Pending CAPACITY TANK , STAT TEST 10000 g PRECISION Unleaded # N/A DATE: 12/21/89 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTING RESULTS PAGE 6 TEST PROCEDURES Copyright 1985 NDE TECHNOLOGYt PRINTOUT OF DIGITAL LEAKAGE RATE ---.--- - -. -. COMPUTERIZED ;',?irl" (jl"nf:( ......... _" . . ...... I ;.....d; ¡Ju;·;..;~:r ............. h~!I:¡LU'c,\,~ .t It 1:, Indu -,j '[1:51 12/.:1:1'15') Tl;r,-j 0; Mua.-,ur~,Ylë:nt ...........:.: 11:41):::: lèlt1,; re,'·tpô::r.-dw"e ........ ..... '- !:t..~~,'Ï:: J.!nl: h"t:,:;:,u.-e "" ............ .ì~·,:,4 ';f.l; 1.-I'ì\'H, rli.-l" 1 vii iIHi.. Sa!. ...':" [;'111:: ',I,,) 1'.J,"10 .... .."'.. ,......... re.r,)H:~rJ,t.L,rt. C,:Jrr-e,;l i.)n .'T~..'" f'rt:l:-¡ur'(t I:ljl·f"~:.~t~'~rt ,,&;,......... "COr-t'"dctt:cJ V{,l'""'h:~ If.......'.~....... .." ~.t(".1tltlf:.iJ 1,:~~rr~.:T-:-,i 1)(¡!¡.I¡"ó ~.. fQtdJ FluId :....e:·...::l ........... . ~l~Ld ff~dd5IJr~ ~11 r~nt ß~~tOM iolól 'rt'lt'1µel-~ture l't\.Jn~c ...... :ì~t.ll L~"til Ch..nqo ....:...:... n Le!ll~ I-U~tt"; ÇB ic,..l.:! t 1,)1"1 :r11,ìc.;. ~. ~ .-- Ge'::Mtotr~. BAnr1 ..............., ~~ ~ ~þ:..~ (.h:;:~~f"~ ~ ~~ ~ . I~I~;~'.I~~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ r:^p~c1 ed Le·¡;: i l;tkHig~·...,..... - ',eð~LlI·.t:r1' t. =.~ ~ 1 ï. tl.....';J·c: ...,....... 4 :..,¡ "'rJ'\fW~' ';PPð"~r,t Leak ,t""....... Vr"l.'itw·y ·ñpp.irè'~t t.~~I~ Rani f..... '-' ~tr~t Uolu~~ Change ....~~....~ JZ ~tr"¡t E::);~ectccJ L~·"'e1 C;'¡H.OS ..... ~.'tr'\ IÌpÿðr¿onl f t:d~ ...... ......... ;.J ~-,tr lt A JI..3(''3I1£ Led~ R6té ...It.... ri', ':J IIðB&I.,red Lt:V\:'l t:har'LI': ..... "" h'.>I) Orllul"le Ulðr,ye ..".. _ . . . . . .. ... ;'\1.;; E""Jð-: t åd Lt:'/cd Chá.ClÇju h\oQ Mflpè:u'er¡ t Led" ...... h"c, hprJ.::Il'en t L a.;" I. F.¡, ~e .,. tiv'J Str~,,1 'l<:-lul'ìc Cn...·1I1Qe ....."'..... u Avg Str'!t ~..pectf'd l.¿...t:ol t:t"IL1Il~d ""'IJ Stt"1t :;:.::n~r..::nt l.ð3t r\....')·Str.:1t hpç:H't:rlf Lea~ r'Q1ë:: ,,,... Ø0(1(.i.;; lí; -:~= , ~ :: I , ~,¡¡z..:1 9'i·n.:'4.'I 3':'/·J. 1!' i; I ~,t3. E;~' ~ ::O of. 'J'13;J · ~cl9ll INC. DATA PROPRIETARY tJ:'''JI·(':~¿ f: p.: l c.; it 'JO! . h.::d ! i.'n~, 03l iCn!. (¡Ij 1 j \:d1~. ¡;, l, wl1~. .1 ..,:llej, 1':1 1;'~1]1' (:~~, I . .a:'r.'~o ·\f ,.:Lc·~. l) I' .\;): 4l\ · ~¡Ü II (i.:d lcJIU /Ii ..,;.- 0t'jS:~ di;..,-t,e~ f-. Iktt!', .Ø:H.1 (-'::d tC,Il~. ,~II!;S 11!;r:t';;, · 49i~ì: .i n'_"·,[:~, ."~a5 bdt I,.n~. · e:::-j 6ø ll,'~':",' 11:.,~" .~i:Ø(\ t':1L!"(I~. · e-; :: j .. u:;t,(;:!. · ø~:}·.' · e: ,;;~ .:£31 fJ · e'nJ£' ..'.3::ù'j') · 0:~~Ü' .ø.:iJ .0,i'IU .E.dJ::.S · 0~ :~o .øu IJ~ l ~(·rI5. £:'.d lr'I.::.'Hu.;r'. ¡ 1I,;I:r;·, 6~ll¿"I'=-. - J .'·:1-,1.:-, l:~.i í I' 'I ''.: . ('.11 ie,,,:: '11.',,1 , Gó II c:r.~. . 1 JI..:r·.e;, , Gdl :i...f.5_ (Jd I. j Ç/.-;.,·h.;',II', COMPUTERIZED PLOTS OF LEAKAGE RATE DATA T:ïtal ElColpJd,j ':I~=,t rJM~ .. 0-: :tH1:3B r-I-~i~-----'-->---" -.-.------. -l . I " . r--· .1.. I ¡. 1 1.-. I .1" I i ~ \. iiJ';~ , .cr:'.' I I . \}I·: ........-._~ ~.. f . ..n J .Oi'. --.., '. i p'T:r----'----'~~~=-::--=-=J ~ t " .I~~;, ~:I "~~ 9. ~ . ~ ~~~ ~] :;¡ r-~~--t--"'¡.._--+ .-t--+-.;t¡._.t---t._.-+-'-'-i-t---:-...-+-~-,.- - t--t---1---r--+-!---;'--f-' :t 1-,01 <!: \ -.IE ~ I -,CI;: ~ I --.D.t I n<:or, I__=L!:~_-____..-·____·_ , _ rr~L.ILtlL_:.:...lillelrE::; _____.._. ,uI ..~___=t NDE· TECHNOLOGYt INC. PROPRIETARY WATT INC. 3131 FAIRHAVEN DRIVEt BAKERSFIELDt CA 93308 (805) 322-9827 " e COMPUTERIZED UNDERGROUND TANK TESTING RESULTS Patent Pending PAGE 7 TEST PROCEDURES Copyright 1985 NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY PRINTOUT OF AVERAGE TEMPERATURE CAPACITY 10000 g PRECISION TANK # Unleaded STAT # NIA TEST DATE: 12/21/89 LEVEL DATA . ---.... . , , , r--t~8 '.'IC-~---=--- I t I" T:'.'3 .-45 I .. ~~ i I ~ I /' .-....-..---,.....--'. I,: ; ." ,. .. '.. / I \j I ~ I··~· I .. I ¡ . L~ . ._---..__.~--_.~._----_._--..---..--- ;.:' ..... .' ... ~'---. -,._.._--~-;..~-- ~..-_.. . .~_. -.... .. ô¡;;~44 / , l' i / 1[\"\'/'// .. :~; '~ ::; . . :~~: :!@ . ~ . . "p:;." n.: '10 ~'t r iI!lyrr'o . . ,j 1__.1 .,-___. --.~----,-------_._-_.._---_.......----_.-----,.-J .-[~~- l . ¡ ,.::::, i. I ~ t 5.~ 1 t :).õ: I t ::~. I I J. '5.iI ------~--------¡ -" ~..----.. í ,.,. .' ,.--" .- .... ...... . ..........,..-- .~ :!I .- .E· -Þ _.1 ---~._.---,. LJ :; ~ U- ..../.. ::> L m .,' -- 'L8 ...;;- - .¡ .'" .,.<~/.. . . .:' -' ,~.' r- ¡ .......... _/~ CJ I::' 1::1 G (:1 I q ('.a -··'{"'7 ._ . .,.(IJ . ,._...~1- ,. I.z:~. . CI~ . ...... . ..: ;-~ , 1 r t::..ll 1 r 11E-..-.rh1t!fk..;'+--- ~-;:::::::;:.-4--j--t--,-"--...-+---I--!-~+---+.-=:::::=:!:. ~i .. Ci. NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY WATT INC. 3131 FAIRHAVEN DRIVE, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 (805) 322-9827 - e CAPACITY 10000 g PRECISION TANK # Unleaded STAT # N/A TEST DATE: 12/21/89' UNDERGROUND TANK TESTING RESULTS Patent Pending PAGE 8 TEST PROCEDURES Copyright 1985 NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY - ~'~-'-l'---~'-'~"-"-~'-'-'--------~'-'---'~-'--- t .... "rs I I , -l .14 I I ¡ I .k ". 1}/ g ~ I__...J -==~'~t: T TI nE . rj Wrrf. 3 PRESSURE DATA I i ~ I :r -'0 -----..o11 11! ç., b' ¥ ... ¡l. ~ s; 1-. ---.---.-----, - .,...."~---_. ...- ..' .,_...-~./'" ~.,~ ........ I I I I i I I I æ,,1 __...______.--J ..,........ __.1....· ..,..,---~-~ --- --" . -- .. .. .' r ,,/ .__J'. .-/' l'l' ii) Q ~I !~ ':(1 NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY WATT INC. 3131 FAIRHAVEN DRIVE, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 (805) 322-9827 " e 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861·3636 "...ÑN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMEN1 HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION . ~ c~e,.(ff~ (j"""" ~ /'" 0 \_( ---- ._ ~{¡ - - . '~J .--- ~ / ~~ February 27, 1987 DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard Lo~ . --/-sã'~ Joaquin Tr~ ~ Union Avenu~ Bakersfield, California 93304 Dear Mr. Agnetti: Upon review of the recently submitted laboratory results from you facili ty, we have determined that the extent of the contamination has not been adequately defined. The levels of contamination at or near the dispenser are significantly above our action levels. therefore you are required by the Kern County Underground Tank Ordinance, Chapter 5, Section 3912.5.03, to further define the vertical and horizontal extent of the contamination plume. We suggest that you contact your environmental assessment contractor and submit a plan for further assessment and mitigation of the contamination. If you have any further questions, please call me at (805) 861- 3636. Sincerely, ~ //. J - ~1/1.ð-J, ð' r /t~~_ í- Î Mark J. Pi shinsky Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program MJP:aa ('I" .. II ~., .of DISTRICT OFFICES Delano . Lamont . Lake Isabella . Mojave . Ridgecrest . Shatter . Taft 17')0 Flower Street Bakersfield. California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 --- - K.a...nN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMtl HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION INTERIM PERM):T TO OPERATE: DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard PERM I T#J.. 5oq:1 60' ISSUED: EXPIRES: JULY 1, 1986 JULY 1, 1989 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES _ªTORAGE FACILITY NUMBER OF TANKS= 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FACILITY: SAN JOAQUIN TRACTOR COMPANY 1201 UNION AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA OWNER: CORPORATION P.O. BOX 4218 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93381 -----------------------------------------------------------~---------- TANK # 1 2 AGE (IN YRS) 36 6 ---SUBSTANCE CODE MVF 3 MVF 3 PRESSURIZED-PIPING? UNK UNK NOTE: ALL INTERIM REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY MUST BE MET DURING THE TERM OF THIS PERMIT NON-TRANSFERABLE *** POST ON PREMISES DATE PERMIT MAILED: JUL 2 1 1986 DATE PERMIT CHECK LIST RETURNED: ___. _ ~ .__n__u . ---_.~ - -- ~~~~cò F~~~~--~~'~~-~~i,UÛ~~~~~sl~;t ~A 91305 .....~fJ i ....:J C .o,_ã Cè 5à~~r.n .-.- - ---- ---------- )1 ,i ü;,;,c; A. APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERA'l£ UNDERGROUND HAZAROOUS SUBSTANCES STORN;E FACILITY ~ of Application (check): o New Facility Or-'odification of Facility ŒlExisti~ Facility OTransfer of OomershiF Emergency 24-Hour Contact (name, area code, phone): Days Donald A. Radon (805) 324-4517 Nights Uonald fl.. ¡{¿}don (üu~) 39.:5-:)076 Facility NameSan Joaquin Tractor Co. No. of Tanks 2. Type of Business (check): (JGasoline Station ØJOther (describe)Farm Eq. Dealership Is Tank(s) Located on an Agricultur~l Farm? Dyes GNo_~ . - Is Tank(s) Used primarily for ~ricultural Purposes? DYes ŒJ No Facility Address 1201 Union Ave. Nearest Cross St.California Ave. T R SEC (Rural Locations Qlly) Owner Corporation Contact Person Donald A. Radon Address 1201 Union Ave. P.O.Box 4213 Zip 93387 Telephone J¿l .-4~1/ Operator' Contact Person Address Zip Telephone B. Water to Facility Provided by California Water Service Depth to Groundwater Unknown Soil Characteristics at Facility Sandy Basis for Soil Type and Groundwater Depth Determinations UnKnown ~~- ~------ ..~.-.,---~- --- --'- -- - CA Contractor's License No. Zip Telephone Proposed Completion Date Insurer C. Contractor Address proposed Starting Date Worker's Compensation Certification t D. If This Permit Is For Modification Of An Existing Facility, Briefly Describe Modifications Proposed E. Tank (s) Store (check all that apply): Tank t waste Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded Regular Premium Diesel Waste -- Fuel Oil #2 0 0 ŒI a B D 0 0 #1 0 0 ŒJ 0 § [] 0 0 0 0 B B B B D 0 0 F. Chemical Composition of Materials Stored (not necessary for motor vehicle fuels) Tank . Chemical Stored (non....coornercìal name) CAS t (i f knO'l«1) Chemical previousl v Stored (if different) G. Transfer of awñership Date of Transfer Previous Chmer Previous Facility Name I, accept fully all obligations of Peonit No. issued to I understand that the Pennitting Authority may review and modify or terminate the transfer of the Penmit to Operate this underground storage facility upon receiving this completed foon. This form has been completed under penal ty of true and correct." /'Î . /) \) (// I ) Signature ~ f7x'C I)! yt ()ð;/;{ . 't (J' '-- perjury and to the best of my knowledge is Title Office ~gr. Date 3/21/85 H. ----------e . TANK ~ 1 (FILL OUT ~ìEPARAn: FnRM FOR ~CH TANK) -'Fô'n -iÂ6i-'SECTION, CHEéK ALL APPROPR ÏATE BOXES- ...v -J"'; ,;",;.., ~/ b ~ ¡-'~;. ,.\ i.. L... --- -- Tank is: OVaultéd [iNon-Vaulted Olbuble-wall DSingle-Wall Tank Materia 1 gCârbon Steel 0 Stainless Steel 0 Polyvinyl Ctùoride 0 Fiberglass~lad Steel Cl Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic 0 Concrete 0 All.minum 0 Bronze DUnknown o Other (descr ibe) primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) 1949 unknown Tank Secondary Containment o Double-Wall U Synthetic Liner Dather (describe): DM3teria1 Tank Interior Lining DRubber D Alkyd DE¡:x>xy o Phenolic DG1ass DClay @U11ined DU1known Dather (describe): 6. . Tank Corrosion Protection _ ~Galvanized DFiberglass-Clad D~lyeihylene Wrap OVfnyl Wrappi~ OTar or Asphalt [&]Unknown DNone DOther (describe): Cathodic Protection: DNone OImpressed CUrrent System DSacrificial Anode System Descr its System & Equipnent: . 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception . a. Tank: OVisual (vaulted tanks only) LIGrouoowater Monitorirg Well (s) o Vadose Zone Moni torin:J Well( s) 0 U-Tube without Liner o U-Tube with Canpatible Liner Directi~ Flow to Monitorirg Well(s)· o Vapor Detector· 0 Liquid Level Sensor D Condoctivit~ Sensor· D Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double wall Tank o Liquid Retrieval , Inspection Fran U-Tube, Moni tori~ well or Annular Space ŒJ Daily GaLkJi~ & Inventory Reconciliation D Periodic Tightness Testi~ o None 0 Unknown 0 Other b. Piping: Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Pipi~· o Moni torin:J SLlnp wi th Race'MiY D Sealed Concrete Race'MiY . D Half-Cut Canpatible Pipe Raceway D Synthetic Liner Raceway 0 None [XI Unknown D Other *Describe Make , Model: Tank Tightness Has '1'1115 Tank Been Tightness Tested? Date of Last Tightness Test Test Name Tank Repdir Tank Repaired? DYes []No Ounknown Date (5) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs OVerfill Protection ~ator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level DTape Float GaLkJe OFloat Vent Valves 0 Auto Shut- 'Off Controls Deapacitance Sensor DSealed Fill Box ONane Dlbknown [Jather: List Make' Model For Above Devices l. 2. 3. Capacity (Gallons) 1500 Manufacturer unknown 4. 5. o Lined Vaul t [] None 0 Unknown Manufacturer: Capacity (Gals.) -.- Thickness (Inches) 8. DYes ŒIt<h Ounknown Results of Test Testing Canpany 9. 10. 11. Piping a. undergrol.U1d Pi ping: I&] Yes DNa DtJnknown Mater ial Thickness (inches) unknown Diameter Manufacturer DPressure DSuction ÓGravi ty Approximate Length of Pipe Rœ b. Undergrol.U1d Piping Corrosion Protection : K]Galvanized DFiberglass-Clad DImpressed Current DSacrific1al Anode OPolyethylene wrap DElectrical Isolation DVinyl Wrap DTar or Asphalt DUnknown DNone DOther (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: ODouble-wall []Synthetic Liner System ~fIk:>ne ':Junknown' [JOther (describe): H. 1- 2. 'TANK ~ tþ (FILL OUT'~;EPARATt:: FORM. .....CH TANK) -'F()R -'ËÄëH--'SECTION, CHECK ALiAPPROPRÎATE BOXES- --- 3. Tank is: DVaulted [JNon-Vaulted Drouble-Wall DSingle-Wall Tank Materia 1 --riCãrbon Steel 0 Stainless Steel 0 POlyvinyl Ctùoride 0 Fiberglass~lad Steel [l Fiberqlass-Reinforced plastic 0 Concrete 0 AlLrninum 0 Bronze OUnknown o Other (descr ibe) Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) ap~~~79 ,unknown Tank Secondary Contalnment o Double-Wall W Syntheti~ Liner OOther (describe): o M3. ter ial Tank Interior Lining DRubber 0 Alkyd DE~xy DPhenolic DGlass DClay ~lined DU1knoW1 DOther (describe): Tank Corrosion Protection -UGalvanizeð DFiberglass-CladDPolyethylene Wrap DVinyl Wrapping OTar or Asphalt fõ.Unknown ONone DOther (describe): Cathodic protection: DNone o Impressed CUrrent System C1Sacrificial Anode System Descriœ System & Equipnent: Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception . a. Tank: DVisual (vaulted tanks only) DGrourowater Monitoring Well (s) OVadose ~one Monitoring Well(s) OU-Tube Without Liner o U-Tube with Canpatible Liner Directi~ Flow to Monitoring well (s) * o Vapor Detector* 0 Liquid Level Sensor 0 Conductivit~ Sensor* o Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank o Liquid Retrieval , Inspection Fran U-Tube, Moni toring Well or Annular Space Ø1Daily Gauging' Inventory Reconciliation o Periodic Tightness Testing o None 0 unknown 0 Other b. Piping: Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping- o Moni toring SlDp wi th Race....ay 0 Sealed Concrete Race..ey o Hal f-Cut Canpatible Pipe Raceway 0 Synthetic Liner Raceway 0 None tA}:Onknown D other *Descr ibe Make & Model: Tank Tightness Has Tins Tank Been Tightness Tested? Date of Last Tightness Test 1984 Test Name unknown Tank Repair Tank Repai red? 0 Yes (]No Ounkno\lo/l1 Da te ( s) of Repa i r ( s) Describe Repairs Overfill Protection ogOperator Fills, Controls, & visually Monitors Level OTape Float Gau;¡e OFloat Vent Valves 0 Auto Shut- Off Controls OCapacitance Sensor DSealed Fill Box DNone DU1known OOther: List Make & Model For Above Devices Capacity (Gallons) 10,000 Manufacturer unknown 4. o Lined Vaul t ŒJ None 0 Unknown Manufacturer: Capacity (Gals.) -.- Thickness (Inches) 5. 6. 7. 8. [X]Yes Dt-b Ounknown Results of Test check alright Testing Canpany ullkllU'H! 9. 10. 11. Piping a. underground Piping: []yes ONe DunknoW'\ Material Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer OPressure OSuction OGravi ty Approximate Length of Pipe R1.I1 b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : OGalvanized OFiberglass-Clad OImpressed CUrrent DSacrificial Anode Dpolyethylene Wrap OElectrical Isolation DVinyl Wrap9Tar or Asphalt DUnknown DNone OOther (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: DDouble-Wall OSynthetic Liner System ~ne Dunknown OOther (describe): PLEASE PRINT Data C. for Tank System Tight~s Test. " ~~tro rM · TANK TESTER SCVJ (¡; 1. OWNER Property Q San Joaquin Tractor 1201 Union Ave. Louie Agnetti (805) 324-5417 [lg Name Address Representative Telephone Tank(s) -, - -- Name Address Representative Telephone 2. OPERATOR Name Address Teiephone 3. REASON FOR Test reauested TEST (Explain Fully) 4. WHO REOUESTED T.nt1Í p AO'11etti Owner TEST AND WHEN Name Title Company 01 Affiliation Date Address Telephone 5. WHO IS PAYING same FOR THIS TEST? Company. Agency or Indiyidual Person Authorizing Title Telephone Billing Address City State Zip Attention of: Order No. Other Instructions Identify by Direction Capacity Brand/Supplier Grade Approx. Age Steel/Fiberglass 6. TANK(S) INVOLVED 111 West 10,000 ARCO· Unleaded 25 yrs. Steel Location Cover Fills Vents Siphones Pumps 7. INSTALLATION N.w. Showrm. Asphalt 411 2" - Remote DATA Nonh inside driveway. Concrete. Black Too, Size, Titefill make. Drop Suction. Remote. Rear of station, etc. E8nh. etc. tubes. Remote Fills Size. Manifolded Which tanks? Make if known 8. UNDERGROUND Is the water over the tank? WATER Depth to the Water table -0- " o Ves o No Tanks to be filled _ hr. Date Arranged by 9. FILL·UP Name Telephone ARRANGEMENTS Extra product to "top off" and run TSTT. How and who to provide? Consider NO Lead. Terminal or other contact for notice or inquiry Company Name T-elephone 10. CONTRACTOR. N",r;n"",l 'T'","k MECHANICS. any other contractor involved 11. OTHER INFORMATION OR REMARKS Additional information on any items above. Officials or others to be advised when testing is in progress or completed. Visitors or observers present during test etc. Tests were made on the above tank systems in accordance with test procedures prescribed for ~tro J.lt~ 12. TEST RESULTS as detailed on attached test charts with results as follows: IANI\ TESHí<' Tank Identification Tight Leakage Indicated Date Tested - - J!l 1,1","'1- Yer::' -.018 GPH- 1/27/87 13. CERTIFICATION This is to certify that these tank systems were tested on the date(s) shown. Those indicated as "Tight" meet the criteria established by the National Fire Protection Asociation Pamphlet 329. .4?~~~ 6/26/86 Bob Earnshaw National Tank Testing Date Testing Contractor or ·Company. By: Signature 1563 140 E. Norris Rd. - Bakersfield, CA 93380 Senal No. of Thermal Technicians Address Sensor 11) 11. FIll-UP FOR TEST . SUck Water Bottom before FIII-uþ -0- to'" In. -0- Gallon, Inventory Stù;.k Readlll{ . L Gallons Tota' GaUons ... Reading 10,152 -0- +6 10.158 Fill up. STICK BEFORE AND AFTER EACH COMPARTMENT DROP OR EACH METERED DELIVERY QUANTITY Water Top off j)~:TJo ::;Opo ;~~b ~~><~ ,OO:Þ ¡:~'fc g~~~ . Om o '" o ... '" , '" '" Tank Diameter 96" Produd In full tank (up to fill pipe) 96" 18. SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND PROCEDURES TO TEST THIS TANK o High water table In tank excavation API Gravity Temperature Corrected API Gravity o Llne(.' being te.1ed with LVLLT 50.4 57° 50.7 VAPOR RECOVERY SYSTEM See manual sections applicable. Check below and record procedure in log (~e). o Water In tank o Stage I o Stage II -~--- 21- TEMPERATURE/VOlUME FACTOR (a) TO TEST THIS TANK 19. TANK MEASUREMENTS FOR Is TOday Warmer? \ J Colder?(J_Of Ptoduct in Tank _0 F Fill-up Product on Truck _0 F TSTT ASSEMBLY EKpecled Change ( f. or - ) Bottom of tank to Grade * . .."........ ... 143 " 22. 13481 63°/64° Therma"'Seneor r..ding _her clrtulatlon 'F Add 30" tor 4" L .. ...,.......... " CIIg¡ls Near"1 Add 24" for 3" l or atr sea' .... .. " 23. Digit. per of In range of expected change 324 Total tubing to assemble Approximate 162 " digits .... 20. EXTENSION HOSE SETTING 24. _10.158 x~j.4757 = ~~ill6...06 gallons Tank fOp 10 grade"... 47 " totel quantity In coefficient of expanlion for volume change In this tank lull lank (IS Of 17) 'nvolved product per of Extend hose on suction tube 6" or mOre below tanlt lop . 18 " 25. 5.56221606 324 .017167333 - + = This Is . If FiJI pipe eJl'lenðs sboye grade, us; top of fill, volume change per of (24) Digits pflr OF in te.t Volume c:hange per digit. test Renge (231 Compute to 4 decimal plac:es. factor fa) 26. 30. HYOROSIAnc 31. mUI/( IIWUI(MUJS m 34. IIMP/RAfUI( COIIP/'SA/W' 38. NH VOLUME 39. lOG OF TEST PAOCEDURES PAESSURE CHANGES ACCUMULATED CONIROL AnORO 10 .l1li1 GAL USE fltfOA III EACH READING CHANGE 27. 28. 29. Stlndllipllnlr 32. P,odlltlln Product 35. 36, 37. Ttmplrl1l1r. 11"l1li llf.1 tleor' DATE Record details of selting up Itlldlq ¡nlnc:h" Grlduala Rlpl.ud 1-) ChanDI Compu1a1ion Adlu'lm'ftl ToW b'D,II,c:tltn ~ and running lest (U.. lull . Tbll"'ll Hi,",r + ¡.) , I,) . \l{¡IumtMinus ". BIoinning l.nllo S.n,or low.r - bpln,¡on + Expansion (+) or A1lnl".lumput. TlM[ length .1 line if needed.) . " which 8.lor. AIlIt PrDdutl ""ding ,., ContrltlÏon - Contraction (-) Cha., ",r MOUI' I24hr.) Ruding Rutor.d Rudi"I' Rudi"I' Rtca"lr.d {+) #33(V)- #37(T 'lfNc:rltlrlJ) I -- -- f---- A FactG - .0172 - ~._.. -- - - -- p - - -p --.- . ---. -~--- .__.u -".-.-"--"- : 0645 Arri ved at locatio" 0700 Measured water on tank bÓttom. Mad all ,~hor e.as.urem >n~~ ,,___ tes.t-.- . 0715 Set uv test eQuivment with 42" mark at st nd vi e at 49 3 0725 Pumn nrimed and rl1nnino fOT .1 inn Q82L --.S.t.ar~ Hi oh 10"01 To,,~ 42 13481 0840 High Level Test Cont'd 1 42.0 42 .715 .715 .000 13482 +1 +.017 -.017 0855 " " 2 42.0 42 .715 .715 .000 13487 +5 +.086 -.086 0910 " II. 3 42.0 42 .715 .715 .000 13487 0 .000 .000 0925 " " 4 42.0 42 .715 .715 .000 13487 0 .000 .000 0940 " " , 5 42.1 42 .715 .720 +.005 13487 0 .000 .005 -- --- 0955 " " 6 42.0 42 .720 .720 .000 13494 +7 +.120 -.120 1010 " H: 7 42.1 42 .720 .725 +.005 13495 +1 +.017 -.012 1025 11 ",' 8 42.0 42 .725 .725 .000 13500 +5 +.086 -.086 1027 Drop to Low Level Test 12" mar 1303 Start Low Level Test 12 13504 1045 11 " 9 13.8 12 .220 .320 +.100 13509 +5 +.086 +.014 +.O_~ 1100 " 11 10 13.8 12 .320 .420 +.100 13515 +6 +.103 -.003 +.011 1115 11 " 11 13.5 12 .420 .500 +.080 13522 +7 +.120 -.040 -.029 1130 " " 12 13.5 12 .500 .580 +.080 13526 +4 +.069 +.011 -.018 - Tank T sted ight - 18 CPH Line T sted i"ht 1/27/8 : -- - -- ---- -- . - - - í i - ----- ----- ------ 0172