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CUP, ; VARIANCE o P.D, PL,t'.N BY e ,~ tfe f /I D1\TE 9-J/-1+' ~7231-{f , , t I ! .-,y~ " j:l'~~ HECEIVED BY -1!...lV ___ DATE RECEIVED2~~_ BUILDING ACCESS D* ~LOOD ¿.yA U5eof Bldq '.., '[!-~~~:7'-~,r-'~~~~~'~'~"~~ , ,.~ ~, .. ··sb~ o7-fj !be ~H~. IIMltb .œ safety 0c:IIs. øc¡uLr:M tbat if you pl.a\ œ h...tU,.'. bI.~ MtKi&l in quantiti.. equal to ar gruter than (a) 500 pcuX1S'of a 1OlJ,4, (b) 55 ga.Ucna of . liquid, ar (c) 200 standard cubic f_t of a qaa at C'f em ~, you aJ8t eatabl.ilh and iIIpl.mt a 1:JusinH. plan far the ~ ~.. to a Rl... or thAaten8d Rl.... of a hazardaua IU.terial (Sectiœ 25503.5 Health m1 Safety Ccd4). 'n. Health and Safety Cede ..a forth further ~ta fœ pwpu:ation and review of bJai.ness plans. Section 25505 pI:'CW1du for reviw of tbese plans by tbe adainisterinq agency. In K8J:n County, tM Hazardcua Materials Bureau of the Kern COUnty Fire Department has been designated as the administering agency. If you are unsure If the material you w1ll be ~ 1 i nq 1.8 hazardous, the HazaJ:dou.s Materials Bureau can assist in ~t._i fth'i tbe statui. '1b8 Hazardcua Materials Bureau is located on the thiJ:d floor in the Public Servicu Buildinq in Bakersfield. If you desire their ua1ltaDce, the1r offices are located at 2700 -M- Street, Suite 300, Bakersfield, ~ephone (805) 861-2761. Examples of hazardous materials can include such CCIIIIIIOn items as bulk motor oil, fuel, batte.ty acid, and hydrocarbon-based solvents. Hazardous wastes are also considered to be hazardous materl.al. ;- SectJ.on 25534 allows the administering agency to require a risk management and prevention program if it is detemined that the handler's operation may present an acutely hazardous :na.terlals accident risk. After reading the foregoing and having any related questions answ-ere<l, ~s the apphcant or future building occupant far which the bullding peLml t 1'; beJ.I1g =equested subject to the applicable requirements of Sections 25505, 25533, or 25534 ~f thOe Health2~fety ~?O /J~: ~ ~;:f);ì ~";\,::;' res No lðI. t / ~Ov' ~-#.~ . ~ -, -~~ Signature of Appl ant Date :s the permit applicant or subsequent owner I operator I or occupant subject to the provlsions of Rules 201 (a) and 201 (b) of the Rules and Regulations of the Ke.rn County Air Pollution Control District? (If there are any questions, please contact the Kern County Air Pollution COntrol District at 2700 "Mn Street, Suite 275, Bakersfield, CA, 93301 - '1'ele~80S) -3682.) Yes 0 110 ~ ( - -' ,I l ~-\ -~~ Date .-.*** OFFICIAL USE QILY ****** Within 1,000 Feet of a School Yes 0 No 0 Signature Infaanatlon Packet Delivered/Sent 0 0 Yes No Signature FORM224.PDS (6/89) M\CROHlM I , fOUNDATI .......... I ......-r_ ...... f. (k0Uftdt PLACE NO CONCRETE fOR FLOOR UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED Floor JoiIb ,'- ........ Elec1nc" t Fir. ..... Syst.m ¡ Sho.- Pan rpr- fLOOR WAI L , 1400f- I AAMINO ... __7_'" , TUC'I',! "iASHH ..._II't;nw: '·WIN!, ,¡ ì f\í·f ¿, f... <,,¡\t,t , !:~'tlSAl '.'''4'., j!l;h'V :¡'.n ¡j,\ U~¡'H .'.0\11 S ..:\1MINI, qt' '___---;po .cp '.~...'~']'''''"".... . , .. ' : . - '. - --. ,- - - -~ , - ',. !:~'-- . ...-~;.. '.',.,,\Î:""N' 1ì,...,,,, "'. . . y-~.' ... .... ..... COV." NO WORK UNTIL AIMJVI HAl .UN SlONED 'lU~ ""In P/L '. ';'~ '1';.,,- i , ,..' ,;., ¡,t , If¡ I L nit ~ ~i~ ,',0"" .il'llTll ABOlJf HAS BEEN I ..~,,-----...-; ." !!..P.f!!UI\!,~_., L _'_"_ ~ lI;tl'J¡;,'f.l;I1~I!.!:! ---_.-t- ___± "(ii" ,1_'!!~~2lI' ~I-!'!.~_ ..11- ____ }I" :A.liI -~ ..--.~ _...- '··r . . ~j :1¡¡~~.i1::' 'r,jf__"~"'" u',.·!; iLVJfatI ìU - - '. ---~--- ,,~r h. VFI~:: :t~ur~ _ __ __~_~ __. _ ¡ :! ,; IIH !\h. Y Stnl:\:l; UNTIL AflO\f!' 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" , 'Ii" OFFICE MEMORANDUM - TO: Building Department FROM: SUßJECf: Final Inspection of Permit No.: F¡:::?5 -/39- c¡ / Address /400 5aulA. tlll¡'oJt¡City 3J::::5/~O ItA . Fire Prevention Bureau I I [ ] Fire department requirements have been satisfied as follows: Automatic Fire Protection 1\, ~Haz/Mat Business Plan Equipment I [] Risk Management I Prevention Plan I ' ' . .., I . ~o Req~iie~ents-Commereial' -I 'I ,;: [ '] No Requirements-Residential I ',l , I ", . ., . ' kJ~:Az¡{It:AU Whilc - Main Pcrmit Filc ' ' .';'" Canal)' ~ Job Card " , Pink - Û\"l1crjOftïcc C()pý " . '1=~-;:; -" ~', /~ Y:'., ;. Flammable Liquid Tank Installation , ,'" . '..~ .J , , '.. .' ,.' Fire 5S0 2~ 15 2+t (Rc\', 1/90) " ....\,:~~.:,:., ) r··" .( ': " .'.:. .;.',::, .:.:. ,'.' :' ::¡ .~. ..' ';-:!,:~ /...... '--,: .. " '-: .. ,. , , 1 I . ' , " , , . , _1. __..: _. .~:~___.~_...~_~",..._~..'.!..7;' -_.-............:.._-_-:.- :.:- .' '.' " I· .,..' I. I, : 1 : . . I . . '- '. . ' .- ~ ',.- .'>.,.. . '. -." . 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".j'., ! . . , Fire department, requirements have been satisfied as follows: .,Aut~;atic Fi~ i. irf,tikon I [] \~¥JMat Busine~ Plan Eqmpment I V I r J ' I "_~ , (' , '. ' I - r '''] Risk Management' Flammable Liquid I Prevention Plan Tank Installation I if' , I [~No Requirements~Commercial I I I I I I J "",,- ....' i ¡ \ . \ ; LPG Installation I. [ ] .~o Requirements-Residential "'- \ ~ ;_~ J '. \" . J 71.-'···' ". .¿:,~.·~··"1",:~·r~;' ". U . . ,'- ..' - " '. , SIGNED - HAZjMAT BUlþE~U ( ;.; .-, '. .- -'- .. . , . ~--~- "