HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION !" , - r -, K ERN C 0 U N T Y - - - - 0 F F ICE M E M 0 RAN D U TO : ACCOUNTING DATE: /13- 7·-z..... FROM 7' 6f2A~ r , , SUB~ECT: CLOSURE OF WORK ORDERS SIJ3 WORK ORDER NUMBER A c.. r/ (),/V TP"-v I ¡v S WORK ORDER NAME LAST DATE WORK ORDER WAS UTILIZED / I ') -$ -"L REASON FOR CLOSURE OF WORK ORDER /';:/~ C (¿5t") , PROGRAM MANAGER f.,J, I l - (' '; ( e DRAFT October 18, 1992 James Vernon Action Towing 1430 South Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93307 SUBJECT: HAZARDOUS WASTE STORAGE VIOLATIONS LOCATED AT 1430 S. UNION AVE., BAKERSFIELD CA. Dear Mr. Vernon: A notice was mailed to you on May 27, 1992, directing you to correct violations of hazardous waste regulations and statutes. The facility was cited for improper storage and labeling of hazardous wastes. Our records indicate that documentation of compliance has not been achieved. In order to avoid further legal action you must comply with the original order dated May 27, 1992 within fourteen (14) days of receipt of this letter. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (805) 861-3636, extension 582. Sincerely, Terry L. Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program ENVIRONrC:N~ AL HEALTH SERvf~E~ DEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY, R,E,H,S. DIRECTOR 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 FAX --_..-' - ---'--; rrmcf©ŒL '~i ~\ li\ ~ OCT 2 8 \992 \~ October 16, 1992 Action Towing 1430 South Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93307 Attention: Mr. James Vernon SUBJECT: HAZARDOUS WASTE STORAGE VIOLATIONS LOCATED AT 1430 S. UNION AVE., BAKERSFIELD CA Dear Mr. Vernon: A notice was mailed to you on May 27, 1992, directing you to correct violations of hazardous waste regulations and statutes. The facili ty was ci ted for improper storage and labeling of hazardous wastes. Our records indicate that documentation of compliance has not been obtained. In order to avoid further legal action you must comply with the original order dated May 27, 1992, within fourteen (14) days of receipt of this letter. If we may be of any further assistance to you, please contact this Department at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director ?' /- Af--.- By: Terry L. Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program TG: jg ~~QÀ ~ S""^1 ~ ~ ~O ..Q&KÕ l/-r,!.,.. wJi-- ~ ~ ð1^-U~1- Q-tV\. ~ ~ J tLJ, rl~ IX Ih-- ~ r ~ ^ ()LbJLQ- ~ '¥ ~wtoJ ~ _ ¡y--- ~' ()..;,ð <63 (-1 ( 0"3 ( ,e to e KERN CO~ ENVIRONMEN'l'AL HEAL1'H SERVICES DEPAR'l'MENT INVESTIGATION RECORD OWNER tJM71M l/.¿,{~ DBA~~' ADDRESS OF VIOLA;IO~ ASSESSORS' P~EL i 17ú-óJI/-<l~ -C/l; .,. ß" SPECIALIS~/'1'ECHNICIAH: r; I2A Y CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OF INVESTIGATION ". ADD1ŒSS /~,--qo "'~ ~~ttJ7 ' C~ ~ DATE - ¡1.J¿) f :)..ý ...,?.. · L (-e , (. RESOURCE MANAGEMENT A~NCY RANDALL L. ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE III ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Environmental Health Services Department STEVE McCALLEY, REHS, DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control District WILLIAM J. RODDY, APCO Planning & Development Services Department TED JAMES, AlCP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT May 27, 1992 James Vernon Action Towing 1430 South Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93307 SUBJECT: Hazardous Waste Storage Violations located at 1430 S. Union Ave., Bakersfield CA NOTICE OF VIOLATIONS Dear Mr, Vernon: On April 28, 1992, an inspection was conducted at the address noted above. As a result of that inspection, violations of hazardous waste regulations and statutes were identified. Specific violations are listed below, VIOLATIONS It has been determined that the facility is in violation of the following regulations and statutes cited below: 1. The facility is in violation of California Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.5, Section 25143.9. "Recyclable waste material must be labeled or marked clearly with the words EXCLUDED RECYCLABLE MATERIAL." The waste oil storage containers were not labeled or marked in accordance with the above requirements. 2700 <1M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805) 861-3429 e (' e James Vernon May 27, 1992 . Page 2 2. The facility is in violation of California Code of Regulations, Chapter 30, Title 22, Section 66262,34(t)(1)(2)(3)(A)(B)(C). "Generators who accumulate hazardous waste on site without a permit or grant of interim status shall comply with the following requirements: The date upon which each period of accumulation begins shall be clearly marked and visible for inspection on each container and portable tank,' the date the 90 day period begins, for purposes of Subsection (a) and (b) of this Section, shall be clearly marked and visible for inspection on each container and tank. All containers and portable ta,nks shall be labeled with the following information: The composition and physical·state of the wastes, statement or statements which call attention to the particular hazardous properties of the wastes (e.g, flammable, reactive, etc.) and the name of the person producing the wastes," It was determined during the inspection that none of the containers storing waste were labeled in accordance with the above requirements. 3. The facility is in violation of, California Code of Regulations, Chapter 30, Title 22, Section 66264,173, I~ container holding hazardous waste shall always be closed during transfer and storage, except when it is necessary to add or remove waste." It was observed during the inspection that containers storing waste oil were open. 4, The facility is in violation of California Code of Regulations, Chapter 16, Title 22, Section 66266,130 (c)(3). In accordance with subsection (a) of this section, used oil filters must meet the conditions of subsection (b) of this section and are managed and recycled in compliance with the following requirements shall not be managed as a hazardous waste." "The drained used oil filters must be accumulated, stored, and transfen-ed in a closed, rainproof container that is capable of containing any used oil that may separate from the filters placed inside. Containers shall be labeled as drained used oil filters and show initial date of accumulation or receipt on each container of filters. " It was determined during the inspection that none of the containers storing used oil filters were labeled in accordance with the above requirements. e r e James Vernon May 27, 1992 , Page 3 ORDER TO CORRECT Upon receipt of this letter, the facility owners or operator must correct all deficiencies noted in this Notice of Violation within thirty (30) days, and submit to the Department written documentation that all violations have been corrected. In accordance with Kern County Ordinance Code G-5541, Section 8.04.100 the Department is authorized to charge for inspections, review of reports, laboratory service costs and any other costs incurred in the process of obtaining ~ompliance with any violations noted. Be advised that you will be billed at the rate of $65òOO per hour for time spent to date as well as future oversight costs incurred during the abatement of these violations. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (805) 861-3636, extension 582. Sincerely, Terry L. Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program TLG:ch Certified Number: P 871 997775 cc: Department of Toxic Substances Control gray\action.let ,I~.\. <II; I' r .... ~ ( e ( e Hay 19, 1992 James Vernon Action Towing 1430 South Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93307 SUBJECT: HAZARDOUS WASTE STORAGE VIOLATIONS LOCATED AT 1430 S. UNION AVE" BAKERSFIELD CA, NOTICE OF VIOLATIONS Dear Mr. Vernon: On April 28, 1992 an inspection was conducted at the address noted above. As a result of that inspection, violations of hazardous waste regulations and statutes were identified, Specific violations are listed below. VIOLATIONS It has been determined that the facility is in violation of the following regulations and statutes cited below: 1. The facility is in violation of California Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.5, Section 25143.9. ./- '..:" - "Recyclable waste material must be labeled or marked clearl," with the words EXCLUDED RECYCLABLE MATERIAL" The waste oil storage containers were not labeled or marked in accordance with the above requirements. ;' ( \ e ( e 2. The facility is in violation Regulations, Chapter 30, 66262,34(f)(1)(2)(3)(A)(B)(C), of California Title 22, Code 0 f Section "Generators who a.ccumu1ate hazardous rvaste on si te without a permit or grant of interim status shall comp1,r wi th the following requirements: the date upon rvhich each period of accumulation begins shall be c1ear1,Y marked and 'Visible for inspection on each container and portable tank; the date the 90 day period begins, for purposes of Subsection (a) and (b) of this Section, shall be clearly marked and visible for inspection on each container and tank. All containers and portable tanks shall be labeled with the following information: The composition and physical state of the wastes, statement or statements which call attention to the particular hazardous properties of the wastes (e.g. flammable, reactiv-e, etc.) and the name of the person producing the wastes, I' It was determined during the inspection that none of the containers storing waste were labeled in accordance with the above requirements. 3 . The facility is in violation of California Code Regulations, Chapter 30, Title 22, Section 66264.173. of "A container holding hazardous waste shall always be closed during transfer and storage, except when it is necessary to add or remove waste." It was observed during the inspection that containers storing waste oil were open. 4. The facility is in violation of California Code of Regulations, Chapter 16, Title 22, Section 66266,130 (c)(3). In accordance with subsection (a) of this section, used oil filters must meet the conditions of subsection (b) of this section and are managed and recycled in compliance with the following requirements shall not be managed as a hazardous waste." "The drained used oil filters must be accumulated, stored, and transferred in a closed, rainproof container that is capable of containing any used oil that may separate from the filters placed inside. Containers shall be labeled as drained used oil filters and show initial date of accumulation or receipt on each container of fi1 ters. " It was determined during the inspection that none of the containers storing used oil filters were labeled in accordance with the above requirements. (' e ( e ORDER TO CORRECT Upon receipt of this letter, the facility owners or operator must correct all deficiencies noted in this Notice of Violation within thirty (30) days, and submit to the Department hTitten documentation that all violations have been corrected, In accordance with Kern County Ordinance Code G-5541, Section 8.04,100 the Department is authorized to charge for inspections, review of reports, laboratory service costs and any other costs incurred in the process of obtaining compliance with any violations noted. Be advised that you will be billed at the rate of $65,00 per hour for time spent to date as well as future oversight costs incurred during the abatement of these violations. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (805) 861-3636, extension 582. Sincerely, Terry L. Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program Certified Number: P 871 997 775 cc: Department of Toxic Substances Control 'IC Shallow Injectio(' Tele:hecklist .. 11/90 FACILITY NAME~c2.T/O'" Tú,-" 111:J DATE OF INSPECTION tI;).(¡/4;}.. . TIME: ~: /5pA^ INSPECTOR(S): - 1l?i'("Y ¡;; R ~y ADDITIONAL PARTICIPANTS: :TAMe, \/OI(U{)~ " x. General Xnfor.œation A. Introduce Yourself and All Others (Show credentials) B. Explain why yoú are there, go over the Notice of Inspection. Have them read and siqn it C." (Need ,Legal Info.) . OWner's Name: T£\MO \)e~fJ(),N Address: I Lf 3 ,)' . S' UfJl'f)t.J ~. Phone No. ß:()ç'- fr",- Iff<!) D. Operator's Name: Address: Phone No.: (SWAP BUSINESS CARDS, also ask for business license). E. Parent'companv:_ Address: Are they a subsidi~ry of a corporation? Are they incorporated in the State?: F. Contact Person: Phone #: xx. xnterview the operator\Nature of Business How Long in Business?: i 'I).. y~., Are they a Member of an Association?: Þl) Are they aware,of any Water Supply Well Location/Ownership: oJ I,) site History - Years of occupation, Previous Owners and Uses of the Facility: AAcClIS Avro O,'¡,MAN'tf,'"" I<'Y¡¿ ~ ' c Products or Services Offered?: roT/iN!:),. Auf'/; L)1.:sM.tW7h~ .A. B~ C. D. E. .. F. Brief Description of any Process, Operation, or Maintenance that Produces Waste: WClIl¡¿/N!J CIA) ()l.h) ïl2v<.J(S. . /1/:, M 1W't11"!,5 A v17JMohll~" , . ': ' ,.. , What Chemicals are stored on Site?: 0; J lJi/ílff@'¿2e ..i)/~ ( , / ",. G. Material Safety Data Sheets? :frZ) H. , " /., \ e ( e tmDERGROOND INJECTION CON'l'ROL PROGRAM INSPECTION REPORT Aqency k.en,) IJ.(). el'J. V¡V"o"'~ IIC!A/~L.. IDspec~or 7erry G~AY Facilitv Information Facility Name AG'T Itnl ~w /"'5 Parent Company Address ''I30.s. (}N¡C>~ Ci ty AAKersr-/eld Contact Name and Position ~A,v'\ð Descrip~ioD of was~e s~ream IAlA::.'1'C. 0/1.5 (M@a! dle..'\/?/ í-~J , . . Phone lU)S- 83/-//ð3 Ave.. state CA Zip 93307 I/er/VI)N - Ovv~r Descrip~ioD of iDjec~ioD well Nt) lM.jec.Hru.) ~/ Fõv/\JJ. Descrip~ioD of ac~ivi~y ~ba~ may eDdanqer qrouDd wa~er bu~ DO~ rela~ed ~o iDjec~ioD wells or ~aDks (e.q. pODds, spills) Inscection Information IDspec~ion Da~e '/J..1t/~ ~ :Humber of Wells 6..-. Well Type Auto Service Industrial Waste Agricultural Drainage ___ storm Water ___ other ___ S~a~us of Wells Active other~ IDjec~a~e Sampled(Y/N) Viola~ioD pound(Y/N) POllow-Up Needed(Y/N) RCRA pacili~y(Y/N) Commen~s tÞ- 7f~ Abandoned Under Construction tV N /II A/ 1/I/.eI¡l ¿,.,/~ ~~ t/ e (' e WORK ORDER LOG ~HIi:Kl' work Order I: 11'0 Cateqory: 11'0 Type: Reimb. : Y rJ.. RP Code: - DO S /3:3 ~zmats ~d N WOU ORDER DHE: CJ;;;t~ ~~ RESPONSIBLE PARTY (RP) HAHB: -d-/A/'(N..ð 11)..è.I\.JY1..A)./VL RP CONTACT: ~PL\ N.L.A. /VI.AJ'V"- RP ADDRESS: 1 c..¡ ~D <. N/YLIÆ'l.. RP CITY:I3f)k~ RP PHONE NOS.: (xc.;¡ f:fJ 'if 3/- / / D 3 (-) .-::--. INSPECTOR: /¡?/ZIZY f;12v....Y PROGRAK: C BHHP-EnfOrC8D1e~ DESCRIPTION: t¡ ~ (7--8' - éJ ;)-. lA)v&.. ~ ~~_ /I~~~1ÎY'ð 4///YL Þ-JJ~ ~.~bl. (l~~~ I'N~ ,;..¿( ~-'~. STATB: ClAAR.. . f7 4.. ZIP: 933ó~ + EXT. __< ff7- BHHP-permittinq LOCATION: FACILITY BAKE : REPORTING PERSON: PHONE NO. COKKBNTS: ,- ; I I. e (- e WORK ORDER LOG ~H ~:~:1· Work Order I: WO cateqory: WO 1'ype: Reimb.: y_ O Code: DO .sOD i.( () Hazmats ;::PA N )( WORK ORDER DHE: fi C. T " OAJ f>l/J ¡ N j RESPONSIBLB PARTY (0) HAJŒ: aAW\(lc.., \/p i'Alr>fV o CONTACT: ~A~S Vt.f'NON o ADDRESS: J y '='tD .s, UN/ON A\M2.. RP CITY: ß.ß.ker.sr-ielr9 STATE: CA ZIP: 93307 + o PHon NOS.: (50S) ~3 i -II b ~ (-) INSPECTOR: f'i"rry r; rr;-......y PROGRAH: ~-BD:fOrC~ DESCRIPTION: i.. .:J. ~-~ ~ BXT . .$' ð":2- moœ-permittinq u.:X '- ,. (IJ.s Ikl, c- ''Ii ON , LOCATION: FACILITY BAHE : REPORTING PERSON: PHONE NO. COJDIEBTS: / ( ~70-G10-43-00-8 Roll 1 F~LE BEING PREPARED 72 STATUS - Area Code 056-001 Name VERNON JAMES ,301 cd 'ìl351 SO 5 Use 37020 CV 91064 Notf 115 PRICE ST \TX BAKERSFIELD CA 93307 Cansus Bill 115 PRICE ST COOt"j BAKERSFIELD CA ~oning Site 1430 UNION AVE fROM L 70-0lO-23-00-0 LIS 1 B/TP SUPPLEMENTAL BILL(S) PRESENT *** VALUES *** Mineral Ma rket e ( e AC I ["if Deed 06440-0065 10;08190 ET AL DEED 06473-1510 93307 SOUTH BAKERSFIELD TR!RG P5636 Acres 5.74 CP 3--CD to, Land 107,100 Imprvmnts Other Imps 20,400 Pers,/P rap E)(emptions NET ASS E SSE 0 V A L U E 127,500 VALUES CHANGED 03/05/91 * SUPP-INFO * Entry 1 TRA Name VERNON JAMES Addr 115 PRICE ST BAKERSFIELD CA 93307 EVENT-DT TX-YR BILLED-DT 10/08/90 90 OS/22/91 DEED PRIOR -VALUES- MIN 101,386 LND 10,857 IMP OIM PPR EX 112,243 NAV NEW *** 056-001 *** Bill No 90-440642-00-5 TYPE 105,000 20,000 ENTRY-DT 03/09/91 125,000 Enter parcel number 170 010 43 00 8 File - P EVENT- 24-22 SA MW KS 1M II 31 KB '01 NvV. 1/4 OF SEC. 8 T 30S,R.23 E. SCHOOL DIST. 8 i.1...~~~;~þ...'.f~~~ .o/:,~;'::"~\"J' ~. ;..., .;. ":(,'1'~:'-';..~ ~,.....~.;.: :":~;~~"f~':,~~' -.: TN. _.... _. . --e. '::'~ ...,. It.. _ .. M -... _ .."..... t. ..... --. . ........., ... fw:?,;, 0, ...-........ ....,... ....!~., .'f:. . ";::;J~ ASSESSORS MAP;N" Qi>'.ttO;:'O -,- .............. COUNTY ÔÎ:'KERN ' , . .. ,:, .:,,' ~~;~":';'::;"'$..t'!'..','.~.':':':"~t . ....-... .~ ',,, ,~: " ......... -... ~. ~~ / t- ðM64 ~J¡J' t- ~;~~i @~ Ao,,0 ,Io I 2 ~~~ i t@ S.7JAC ----.- - -,: 2..¥k I ÆL 8.1 AC PM A 23 @MR ø ~ .. ! ~ I :t , 1~ ~ ~ ,Õ21 :: r @MR ........ ~~ ~ -<. -t,.- .L, J,o- ~ ~ ,. @MR :s I .t PM 5793 ®.wq - - -J- - - - ~ ---..-.., - - -J" - - - ; 30; - - î ; .... . . r ~ 9 10 '- @ ....,. , N-" ,::', .' . . '. \:~~.; :.. ';, ',,' (j.,~:;.~ .',\::.~):~\~;:;':~¡.t~~'~~~.~...~~.,i~i~~·;:~-ii~';~j.; /70- 0 I Il. ò5.J.' ~3.' I2ZJ CASA LDMA SCHOCt.. J J I I I .. ~ I I I ~. .. ,.'- " I ' I PAGE 860 .:....:'1. ..' .).....~.. ...vwt~"Jt~. :"It\.... ., ._¡Jt\ ..,,\9......:- c.... ..o It ~ '.- ".. - ...~ ,- '.' 371-2~~-07-00-.C RICHARDSON GERALD & ELIZABETH ... 6.33-12.8 .~ .,' ÒOI-025 ':".' 1 I:: ..r 25, 500 "J" ....' .,. "",,..,.,... 91251 ~ 2 .,~ " -. 65.790 ,..., .. ù1010 91037 .......... 1970 SHADY BROOK DR 09/20/90 ",. 10'. ,'. 156252.5600 THOUSAND OAKS CA 91362 .. - D'" .,. '"" FROM PARCEL .., 197Q SHADY BROOK DR ,. ". "'. ...·f 163-0;0-'ß-n{¡-8 THOUSAND OAKS CA 91362 ,. f';-' 91,290 91, 290 ,~, ..., ., ~. ~516 MILO AVE BAKERSFIELD " .., B--- ., 9 '" .,"" 3972B ,r ACïIVE 1 ......: 371-2~~-08-00-7C HARRINGTON KELLY L & TRACY L ". 6195-1667 .- ." ',. 001-025 .,. 1 '" 6195-1673·"" 21 , 22~ "',. ......." Of.,",,",", 89251 ,- 2 ....;. H - 60,1+88 - ... 0101(\ 89158 "".. ~520 MILO AVE 12/30/88 "'. to" .., 128;000000 BAKERSFIELD CA 93313 .. - n... ". .... Fí::OM PARCEL Þ:, 4520 MILO AVE t' ". "" '.'1 163-050-43-00-8 BAKERSFIELD CA 93313 ,. 'C" 81,712 81,712 ,.' ..'f " '\:" .520 MILO AVE BAKERSFIELD .. .... ---- 10 .~ '. eG 3972B " ACTIVE 1 è/ .~ 371-24~-Ú9-00-0C VERNON JAMES ... 6473-11)11 - .., 001-025 ';>" 1 '" 6381-2221+ ..n 20.808 tOh. -.... 1\1 ot~...ouI"" " 90251 '" 2 '..i " 6381-2224 -' 74.908 .... " 01010 90211+ ..c." 115 PRICE ST 01/02/91 "'. 00" ,', 5111+004250 BAKERSFIELD CA 93307 - .'00 .., NO FROM PARCEL .., 115 PRICE ST .. ,.. Gr. .." 163-050-1+3-00-8 BAKERSFIELD CA 93307 t. .O' 95.716 95.716 ,... ...., '" .... 1+;24 MILO AVE BAKERSFIELD TAX DEFAULTED 1991 to ... ---- ,. 11 .,. ..'" 3972B .. ACTI VE 0 .... 371-21+S-01-00-3C BROWNLOW ISAAC A & SHEILA W ... 59~3-0860 - .If · OQ1-{l21) .~. 1 ... .... 22.080 ""'__"'01._._· 92251f ":. 2 ,..., " .... 82.582 "'" · 01010 92007 ..,,, 1+529 HILO AVE 12;,02/86 <>- 00" ... 5625231800 BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 .. H 7000 ... .,... ." "'" FROM PARCEL ... 1+;29 MILO AVE .. t,. 7.000 «. ...~f 163-050-43-00-8 BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 .. .ç. 97.662 101+.662 .... ''''1 .. ~'I IfS29 MILO AVE BAKERSFIELD .' .., B--1 . 1 ... ~. "" 397213 " ACTI VE 1 õ.. 371-24S-02-00-6C EDDIE JOEL & SHELLY Of' 6575-1223·- ." '.' 001-025 --:.... 1 ". ¡.., 19, 483 .... ..... ,'...."""".. 88251 ,. 2 -I.' .. .... 50,872 >NO · 01010 88034 -e. IfS25 MILO AVE 10,'01/91 "'" ",,:.. ,'. 5625838400 BAKERSFIELD CA 93313 .' H ... Of"'t: 0\' ,.., FROM PARCEL ." 1+;25 HILO AVE " ... "'. ...If 163-050-43-00-8 BAKERSFIELD CA 93313 " :0' 70,355 70.35; ,... ...It ,. '" 1f52; MILO AVE BAKERSFIELD " ... B--1 " 2 .oo "".. 3972B ,< ACTIVE \ '" 371-245-03-00-9C BARTO ROBERT E ". 6158-1306 - :~. 001-025 1 ". .... 22,521 to'" ......,... .\':It;...().....,. 66251 2 ".: " -' 68.693 ''''' 01010 86094 ..'. 16609 VAN OWEN 11207 08/31/88 "'. 10:'".. 15211270360 VAN NU....S CA 91'+06 .. ... ;...,. ,,' ".1 FROM PARCEL .' 16609 VAN OWEN 11207 .. ,.. ·f.. ... 163-050-43-00-8 VAN NU'r'S CA 91lf06 .. .-" 91.214 91.211+,·.. ..... ,'. 4;21 MILO AVE BAKERSFIELD " . ---- 3 t·, '." 3972B ACTIVE 1 I' _BI0_ , e '"""\ e IiIiíIiIiIIIíII L:> ....... PAGE 390 ......,.. .. ..>,_.... .~ .. t.... . .' . .'''-'f, ..... .... 0', .. ." 170-010-~0-00-9C CASïLE 8- COOKE DEV CORP ." 6~6t)-0532 ..~ 001-(;03 1 ~LAND DEPï . , . 21,213 . ".', " ·.....,)01.. 862,1 5 ... " ., ,,,, 0)07(·0 88118 ..:" ~. 0 BOX 11165 12.'03/90 -. ". '. BAKERSFIELD CA 93389 .. - ;".: .,' .~ ... P 0 BOX 11165 .. .... '" ,."' BAKERSFIELD CA 93389 .. ... 21.213 21.213 .~ 't'! .. ,.' PïN LOï 12 SEC8 nos R28E EX(L OF MR ., t· ---- 00(\0 ." 000 . .. 00000 " 4.27 ACïIVE 1 ." 17(\-010-41-00-2C HEINS DON R 8- MARJe,;" ¡ E E M' 6280-0496 - ". 001-003 , ,. ..... 312,120 ."'- ........ ,,' '''....ovt..., 903S1 '. r; ·ta. .. -. 225,246 ,.." 31000 90164 .....-.. 3501 CHRISïMAS ïREE LN 08.'24/89 ",. ..;r. . , BAKERSFIELD CA 93306 ,. ... '"'' ...! :..:- . 3501 CHRISïMAS ïREE LN .. ". r·t.. h~' BAKERSFIELD CA 93306 .. 537,366 r;37,366 ,~. .... .. ," ïAX DEFAULïED 1990 ,. .., B--- , , P A '" ~. It!'. P262::: " 8,10 ACTIVE 1 .U 17û-01t)-~2-00-5C CASïLE 8- COOKE DEV CORP ..' 6460-0532 - '.' 001-1)03 . 1 ~LAND DEPï ,!. ,... 81 , ;06 00" w". '.' Of'....,..... 8B2S1 , S ... - ,.' "", .. 'j0800 88118 ....... P 0 BOX 11161) 12/03/90 """ 00" . . BAKERSFIELD CA 93389 " ... 0'" ..' .... .. p 0 BOX 11161) ,. ,.. 0.. i.', BAKERSFIELD CA 93389 t. '0' 81,1)06 81,1)06 ...' ·..·1 .. \;" * .. ... ---- B ." 1'-':. 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P5636 7.20 ACTIVE 1 ... 170-010-45-00-4C FRE'T'MILLER TRUCKING INC ,.. 6086-0930 .~ .. 0;6-1)01 1 8. EROSSARD ROBERï 8. NANCE .. s 117,87r; ..... .-" ,. ,..~'..,,' ~1360 ; 'O, N '., 265,302 "', 37050 91142 ". " 1400 UNION AVE SOUTH 01/20/88 .;.. It'>" BAKERSFIELD CA 93307 .. - .,"': .. ., FROM PARCEL .. 1400 UNION AVE SOUTH .. I··.. ... '" 1 70-010-32-00-6 BAKERSFIELD CA 933,)7 .. .... 383,177 383,177 "'. '" 315 CASA LOMA DR BAKERSFIELD E--- 3 . . " P5636 2.1)0 ACTIVE 1 ( _D5_ '" e! ~ \ e vL.n v ',",L.. MI'fV ,",VIVTr L.'"'II'f I r"Vr1IVI uate_.___'"';t'___.--:::::.!./.___L__~__.______ 1 "'.l1l;I;___...__...._____________ o Service ReQuest ~ Complaint . CT NO..._...~.::{.....__._. Asslgnod to:...Li.f.l-t þ.kZ...f.2.L5/g¿:!.:(.':L......___.................... I.ocat I on .....J..~/.J..(.¿.........5..:.....i../..,/.\¿.L~_.../;l.:.~................_......_......___........ 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