HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I II '- ,- , / r , , ./ r ,. RESNA/GROUNDWATER RESOURCES, INC. Working to Restore Nature I':' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RESNA/GROUNDWATER RESOURCES, INC. »Vrking to Restore Nature 1500 SO. UNION AVE, BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93307 General Engineering Contractor Class NHaz License No. 520768 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR GROUNDWATER RESOURCES, INC. 1500 SO. UNION AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 DATED: JANUARY 1991 MAILING ADDRESS: p, O. BOX 9383. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 (805) 835-7700 FAX (805) 835-7717 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR GROUNDWATER RESOURCES, IHC. 1500 SO. UNIOH AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 This Hazardous Materials Management Plan and all related documents have been prepared by Groundwater Resources, Inc .It has been prepared to comply with all local, state and federal requirements relative to the "handling" of hazardous materials. Only those Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) of hazardous materials maintained in sufficient quantities to warrant reporting have been included in the body of this "Plan"; however, other MSDS documents are retained on site. Upon written request, GRI will attempt to supply any additional information or answer any pertinent questions regarding this "Plan." I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN (HMMP) A. FACILITY DESCRIPTION 1. Business Name: 2. Facility Address: 3. Mailing Address: 4. Business Activity: 5. SIC Code 6. Earthquake Faults: 7. Surrounding General GROUNDWATER RESOURCES, INC. 1500 So. Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93307 P.O Box 9383 Bakersfield, CA 93389 Environmental Engineering 8601 None Industrial type businesses in all directions B. CONTINGENCY PLAN See enclosed section "Emergency Response Plan." C. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY STATEMENT See enclosed Statement." section Materials Inventory "Hazardous D. GENERAL FACILITY/SITE PLAN See enclosed section "General Facility/Site Plan." E. EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT 1. Class AB fire extinguisher(s) are kept in various locations on the premises at all times and are inspected routinely. 2. Location of emergency equipment, exits, etc. are shown on attached facility site/floor plans. 3 . Absorbent materials are kept on hand to contain any spills. 4. Safety goggles, gloves, self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing are also kept on hand. 5. Addi tional emergency equipment will be obtained on an "as-needed basis." I ~ RESNA/GROUNDWATER ~ ~~!!S~;nÆ'¡c. 1500 SO. UNION AVE. BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93307 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I General Engineering Contractor Class NHaz License No. 520768 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN FOR GROUNDWATER RESOURCES, INC. (GRI) 1500 SO. UNION AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 DATED: JANUARY 1991 MAILING ADDRESS: P. O. BOX 9383, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 (805) 835-7700 FAX (805) 835-7717 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GROUNDWATER RESOURCES, INC. (GRI) EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN INTRODUCTION This Plan is designed to mJ.nJ.mJ.ze hazards to employees, public health or the environment from fires, explosions, or any unplanned sudden or non-sudden release of hazardous materials, hazardous waste or hazardous constituents to air, soil, surface water or groundwater. The Plan is designed to set procedures for reporting all releases or threatened releases of hazardous materials which pose a potential hazard to public health and/or to the environment. The local regulatory agency will be notified within thirty (30) days after a change to this Plan or change of inventory. The agency will be notified immediately on all reportable releases or threatened releases of hazardous materials. I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GROUNDWATER RESOURCES, INC. (GRI) EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES When a RELEASE is obsèrved or threatened, that poses a potential hazard to public health and/or the environment, the following steps will be taken: 1. THE FIRST STEP is to determine the existence, or potential existence of hazardous material. Where unidentified substances or vapors are involved in these incidents, it is always prudent to assume they are toxic or hazardous until determined otherwise. 2. IMMEDIATELY after ascertaining the location of any incident involving hazardous materials, contact the Safety Coordinator, who will determine appropriate personnel/equipment to be dispatched to the scene. 3. THE SAFETY COORDINATOR, or his designee, will contact 911 and the local regulatory agency will initiate the emergency response plan. When there is a potential for hazardous material of any type to enter drains or waterways, call 911 and give full particulars.. . they will make notification. 4. SCENE MANAGEMENT shall be' the responsibility of the Primary Contact/Safety Coordinator until the arrival of public safety response personnel. 5. PROTECTION ON SCENE It is imperati vet;o . protect responders and by-standers from minor ~nJury or contamination. Personnel first on the scene should immediately take steps to secure the area and establish perimeter control at a safe distance until such time that an agency, e.g. Police or Fire Personnel, arrives and assumes this responsibility. This would include, when applicable, attempt to contain any hazardous material spill, utilizing spill containment material available at the site. 6. EVACUATION - The Safety Coordinator must determine if there is any potential danger to individuals in the area and take appropriate steps to notify and evac~ate. Assistance will normally be furnished by law enforcement agencies. In major incidents, county and/or City Disaster Officials will be involved. In major incidents evacuation, reception and care will be followed as described in the County's Major Disaster Plan. II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 7. CLEAN-UP RESPONSIBILITY is determined by the cause of the incident. If caused by this Company, this Company has the responsibility to clean-up (either by Company personnel or approved contractor). If it is determined to not be this Company's responsibility, responsible party will be liable for clean-up. 8. DECONTAMINATION - Appropriate steps must be taken to decontaminate all victims and response personnel. Local hospitals have facilities to assist in this procedure. Care must be taken to avoid spread of contamination by response vehicles leaving the scene. 9. EMERGENCY MEDICAL RESPONSE - When needed, the Safety Coordinator or his designee should contact the nearest emergency hospital facility, ambulance service, and/or other medical services. If 911 is called, County Communications will be responsible for dispatching all necessary ambulances and coordinating reception of victims at appropriate hospitals. They will follow normal prescribed procedures and supplement with specif ic exchange of information if contamination is involved. 10. IDENTIFICATION - As requested, County Communications will relay information between the response units at the scene and certain other agencies. RELEASES TO BE REPORTED a. Upon discovery of any release or threatened release of a hazardous material that poses a hazard to public health and/or the environment, we will immediately report to the local agency, and to the Office of Emergency Services. We will provide all State, City, County, Fire or Public Heal th or Safety Personnel and Emergency Rescue Personnel with access to the facility. b. Release is defined as spilling, leaking, pumping, pour ing , emi tting , emptying, discharging, inj ecting , escaping, leaching, dumping, or disposing of any material which poses a potential hazard to public health and/or the environment, unless permitted or authorized by a regulatory agency. c. "Threatened Release" means a condition creating a substantial probability of harm, when the probability and potential extent of harm make it reasonably necessary to take immediate action to prevent, reduce, or mitigate damages to persons, property or the environment. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND EVACUATION PLAN (TO BE POSTED IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE) IN THE EVENT OF A FIRE OR DANGEROUS RELEASE OF A HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE, FOLLOW THESE STEPS IMMEDIATELY: 1. TURN OFF ALL MAIN UTILITY SWITCHES. 2. ANNOUNCE TO ALL PRESENT: "THERE IS A (FIRE) (DANGEROUS RELEASE OF A HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE), PLEASE LEAVE, THE AREA ON FOOT IMMEDIATELY! ASSEMBLE IN THE VACANT LOT ACROSS THE STREET FOR A "HEAD COUNT"!" 3. CALL FOR HELP BY DIALING 9-1-1 AND GIVING THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: "THERE IS A (FIRE) (DANGEROUS RELEASE OF A HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE) AT GROUNDWATER RESOURCES, INC., LOCATED AT 1500 SO. UNION AVENUE." IF ANYONE IS TRAPPED OR NEEDS MEDICAL ATTENTION, TELL THE ANSWERING DISPATCHER. STAY ON THE PHONE AND BE PREPARED TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE SITUATION. 4. LOOK AROUND TO ASSURE THAT ALL OTHERS HAVE LEFT THE SITE, PARTICULARLY THOSE WHO MAY NEED ASSISTANCE OR MAY NOT HAVE HEARD THE EMERGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT. ASSIST OR DIRECT ASSISTANCE TO ANYONE HAVING DIFFICULTY LEAVING THE AREA. 5. ATTEND ANY INJURED PERSONS AND DIRECT INCOMING ASSISTANCE TO THEM. 6. ATTEMPT TO EXTINGUISH ANY FIRE IF YOU CAN DO SO SAFELY. 7. REPORT TO ARRIVING EMERGENCY RESPONSE PERSONNEL TO PROVIDE THEM ANY INFORMATION OR ASSISTANCE THEY MAY NEED. 8. IN THE EVENT OF A MEDICAL OR POLICE EMERGENCY, DIAL 9-1-11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GROUNDWATER RESOURCES I INC. (GRI) EMERGENCY COORDINATORS AND RESPONSE PERSONNEL EMERGENCY COORDINATORS* Primary Contact: Safety Coordinator - Alternate Contacts: NAME Marvin Eastep Tony Ramirez Mark Crosby OTHER RESPONSE CONTACTS (BUSINESS) Hospital: Business Physician: AMBULANCE: BUSINESS TELEPHONE 24-HOUR TELEPHONE (805)835-7700 Same (805)835-7700 Same (805)835-7700 Same . ~ Memor1al Urgent Care 397-4004 (or Nearest Emergency Facility) Dr. Young (805)327-4954 Personal Physician or Emergency On- Call Physician. 9-1-1 city of Bakersfield Fire Department: Kern County Fire Department Hazardous materials Bureau: State Office of Emergency Services: Chemtrec - Emergency Response Information Service: Toxic Information Hotline: (805)326-3911 (800)861-2761 (800)852-7550 (800)424-9300 (800) 233-33,60 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I GROUNDWATER RESOURCES, INC. (GRI) EMERGENCY RESPONSE PERSONNEL RESPONSIBILITIES 1. PRIMARY CONTACT/SAFETY COORDINATOR The Haz-Mat ("Manager") is designated Primary contact/Safety Coordinator. It is the manager's responsibi1i ty to respond to all, hazardous Materials Incidents; make the necessary notifications to emergency response agencies; and manage the scene until relieved by agencies and/or other responsible personnel who have jurisdictional responsibility for coordination of the scene. The Safety Coordinator, or his designee, is responsible for inspecting each site for safety compliance ( i. e. ensuring that all safety, handling of hazardous materials, etc.) In addition, it is his responsibility to make all notifications to appropriate personnel, so that a determination can be made as to what equipment is necessary to respond to the emergency. At this time, a determination will also be made as to whether dispatching an outside contractor is necessary or whether it can be handled "in-house". Any , necessary reports of the incident will be completed by the Safety Coordinator, or his designee, and he will act as liaison with any and all agencies. 2. ALTERNATE CONTACT The Alternate Contact's responsibilities are the same as the Primary Contact's; however, he will be acting only in the absence of the Primary Contact or as the Primary Contact's designee. 3 . PERSONNEL It is the responsibility of all employees to conduct his/her job in a safe manner and in accordance with safety rules designated to protect employees, public health and/or the environment. Whenever there is an actual emergency situation, it is the responsibility of each employee to (1) immediately notify his/her supervisor or Safety Coordinator of the existence I I I I II I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I of such emergency; (2) obtain data concerning the nature and extent of the emergency; (3) assist in containing or implementing control measures to reduce or eliminate the release, fire or explosion if it can be done safely; and (4) assist in emergency shut-down procedures and evacuation of the area. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GROUNDWATER RESOURCES, INC. (GRI) EMPLOYEE INFORMATION AND TRAINING PROGRAM Training procedures wi th regard to safety established for all employees include, but are not limited to: a. Familiarization with Emergency Response Plan: b. Knowledge of procedures for safe handling of hazardous materials, procedures for emergency response coordination and use of emergency response equipment and materials. c. Awareness and comprehension of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) d. Familiarization with: Code of Safe Practices Accident Prevention Program Training and Reference Manual for excavating, Trenching. . . . . e. Field personnel receive 40 Hour Hazardous Materials Handling and Response training, OSHA 1910.120, with appropriate refresher courses. All employees are required to sign a certification that they have read and understand the Emergency Response Plan and that all questions have been answered satisfactorily. This is required of new employees at time of hire, as well as by tenured employees annually. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I GROUNDWATER RESOURCES, INC. (GRI) EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORD All NEW employees MUST read and understand the Emergency Response Plan and indicate such below. ALL employees must re-read and sign every year. I CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN. ALL QUESTIONS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED TO MY SATISFACTION. EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE DATE I I I I I I I I :1 I I I I ,I II I I I I I GROUNDWATER RESOURCES, INC. (GRI) HAZARD COMMUNICATION EMPLOYEE TRAINING PROGRAM EMPLOYER: GROUNDWATER RESOURCES, INC. DATE: JANUARY 1991 Our employee training program has been developed on the basis of groups (types) of hazardous substance (s ) used and the common hazards associated with them. For specific hazard information on each brand of material the MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS (MSDS) must be reviewed. We have written programs that outline how we will provide information and control exposure to hazardous substances. This plan is available for review during training and at the office of the Administrative Assistant for review during your working hours. LABELS A product label on both the original and secondary should be reviewed prior to working with the material. will have two important pieces of information you familiar with: containers Each label should be 1. The Identity of the Hazardous Substance 2. Hazard Warnings The label on the original container will also state the name and address of the manufacturer. The label should act as a visual reminder of the information we have presented in this training session and of the information found in more detail on the MSDS. It is essential for your safety that you read the Hazard Warning and only use the Hazardous Substance(s) within the guidelines prescribed on the label. Questions concerning the label should be directed to your supervisor or the Safety Coordinator. I MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS (MSDS): The MSDS is the primary' means we will use to convey the necessary information about the hazards of the substances we use. The manufacturers and importers are responsible for providing us with the MSDS. The Manufacturer must provide us with adequate information to use the substance safely. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GROUNDWATER RESOURCES, INC. (GRI) HAZARD COMMUNICATION PROGRAM Groundwater Resources, Inc. (GRI) has developed a Hazard Communication Program to enhance our employees' health and safety. As a company we intend to provide information about chemical hazards and other hazardous substances, and the control of hazards via our comprehensive Hazard Communication Program which includes container labeling, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and training. The following program outlines how we will accomplish this objective. 1. CONTAINER LABELING It is the policy of this company that no container of hazardous substances will be released for use until the following label information is verified: * containers are clearly labeled as to the contents. * Appropriate hazard warning are noted. * The name and address of the manufacturer are listed. This responsibility has been assigned to the Safety Coordinator or his designee. To further ensure that employees are aware of the hazards of materials used in their work areas,it is our policy to label all secondary containers. 2. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS (MSDS) Copies of MSDS for all hazardous substances to which employees of this company may be exposed are kept in the Haz-Mat office office and binders are clearly marked and easily accessible. The Haz-Mat office will be responsible for obtaining and maintaining the data sheet system for the company. The Haz-Mat office will review incoming data sheets for new and significant health/safety information. The Haz-Mat office will see that any new information is passed on to the affected employees. MSDS will be reviewed for completeness by the Haz-Mat office. If an MSDS is missing or obviously incomplete, a new MSDS will be requested from the manufacturer. Cal/OSHA will be notified if a complete MSDS is not received. I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MSDS are available to all employees for review during each work shift. If MSDS are not available or new hazardous substances ( s ) in use do not have MSDS, please contact the Administrative Assistant immediately. 3. EMPLOYEE INFORMATION AND TRAINING Employees are to attend a health and safety training meeting set up for information and training on the following: * An overview of the requirements contained in the Hazard Communication Regulation, including their rights under the Regulation. * Inform employees of any operations in their work area where hazardous substances are present. * Location and availabili ty of the wri tten hazard communication program. * Physical and health effects of the hazardous substances. * Methods and observation techniques used to determine the presence or release of hazardous substances in the work area. * How to lessen or prevent exposure to these hazardous substances through usage of engineering controls, work practices, and/or the use of personal protective equipment. * steps the company has taken to lessen or prevent exposure to these substances. * Emergency and first aid procedures to follow if employees are exposed to hazardous substance(s). * How to read labels and review MSDS to obtain appropriate hazard information. NOTE: It is critically important that all of our employees understand the training. If you have any additional questions, please contact the Safety Coordinator, or his designee. When new hazardous substances are introduced, GRI will review the above items as they are related to the new material in your work area safety meeting. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4. LIST OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES The following is a list of all known hazardous substances present at the office and shop area of GRI. Specific information on each noted hazardous substance (s) can be obtained by reviewing the Material Safety Data Sheet. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES WORK AREA Calcium hydroxide Sodium Carbonate Calcium Hypochlorite Sodium Hypochlorite Ethylolamine Diesel Fuel Oil No. 2-D Calcium Carbonate Compressed Air North of Warehouse North of Warehouse North of Warehouse North of Warehouse North of Warehouse North of Warehouse North of Warehouse Middle of Warehouse 5. INFORMING CONTRACTORS To ensure that outside contractors work safely in our plant, it is the responsibility of the Safety Coordinator or his designee to provide contractors the following information: * Hazardous substances to which they may be exposed while on the job site. * Precautions the employees possibility of exposure protective measures. lessen the appropriate may take by usage to of If anyone has questions about this plan contact the Safety Coordinator or his designee. Our plan will be monitored by the Haz-Mat office to ensure that the policies are carried out and that the plan is effective. DJI:office\hazmat I I I I I I I I I I I :1 I I I I I I I Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA. 93301 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN 3S(P INSTRUCTIONS: ' I~~-O~I\ 'J-S~ 1. To avoid further action. return this form within 30 days of receipt. 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer' the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA BUSINESS NAME: RESNA/GROUNDWATER RESOURCES INC. LOCATION: 1500 S. UNION AVENUE P.O. BOX 9383 MAILING ADDRESS: CITY: BAKERSFIELD STATE:~ZIP: 93389 PHONE: RO')/R1')-7700 "Ç~¿ Ttt'f I.D,~ 94-3112343 DUN 8( BRADSTREET NUMBER: 17-363-6457 SIC CODE: 8601 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING PRIMARY ACTIVITY: RESNA INDUSTRIES INC.~. OWNER: MAILING ADDRESS: 353 SACRAMENTO STREET, SUITE 1820 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111 SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION: CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 24 HR. PHO~E MARVIN R. EAS!EP, HAZ-MAT MGR. 805/835-7700 1. TONY RAMIÆZ FIELD SERVICES MGR. 805/835-7700 2. * NOTE: The 24 hour phone number is office phone... the answering service will know how to contact the above named. 1. FDI~' I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIA~ MANAGEMENT PLAN Facility Unit Name: GROUNDWATER RESOURCES INC. SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES: A. AGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: When a Releaseis observed or threatened that poses a potential hazard to public health and/or the environment, the hazardous materials manager or his designee, will call 911 and/or the appropriate regulatory agency(s). He/she will give full particulars. B. EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION: A summary of emergency response and evacuation procedures are posted in designated work areas ,(copy attached). C.' PUBLIC EVACUATION: If a determination is made that there is a potential for danger to individuals in the area, steps must be taken to notify appropriate agencies. After notifications have been made, GRI, will provide assistance to secure the area and establish perimeter control at a safe distance until such time that an agency, e.g. police or fire personnel arrives and assumes responsibility. D, EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: When needed, the hazardous materials manager, or his designee,s~ould contact the nearest emergency hospital facility, ambulance service, and/or other medical services. If 911 is called, county conununications will be responsible for dispatching all ambulance and coordinating reception of victims at appropriate medical facilities. 3, IOI(M ------- I I t N I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -- --- Other Businesses ~ c Q) ~ c .2 c ::> .c. S o (J) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,~,~,~,~,~,~,~,~,~,~ '~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~"pau1dng lot.~,~,~,~,~,~,~,~,~,~,~,~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Other Businesses ., RESNNGROUNDWATER RESODæFS, INC. Working to Restore Nature I I ~" nn n :-:-:.:-:-:.;. -:-:.:-:.:.:-: .':-:::::::::;::::::'; :.:-:::::;:;:;:;:;:;:;.;.;........" ::warehouse \:: ..... .:.:.:.:-;.;.:->;,:.;. ;-:.;.;::::>:;:::;:;:;:;:.:;..,......,...,.,.,.,.."". , RESNAlGROUNDWATER RESOURCES INC. 1500 So. Union Avenue' Bakersfield, California' SITE DIAGRAM ".... "n ""I '.',',','.', :-:';.>;.;. :.;.:-:-:-: '- ·t 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - - ,- - ..- _.- - -- ~---- - --- t I warehouse offices . upstairs offices .~ RESNA/GROUNDWATER RESODæES, INC. W Working to Restore Noture office office LEGEND Ei3 Stairs ŒJ Loading Dock RE5NAlGROUNDWATER RESOURCES INC. 1500 So. Union Avenue Bakersfield, California FACILITY DIAGRAM/OFFICE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D. Q) ::I c: Q) ~ c: .Q c: :J ~ ® .~ RESNA/GROUNDWATER RESODæES, INC. W Working to Restore Nature t I basement RESNAlGROUNDWATER RESOURCES INC. 1500 So. Union Avenue Bakersfield, California FACILITY DIAGRAM/OFFICE I I -I MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET e2iP NO. 39 GENIUM PUBLISHING CORPORATION CALCIUM HYDROXIDE 1145 CAT AL YN STREET SCHENECTADY, NY 12303·1636 USA Revision A (516) 377·6655 GtNIUM "U ~ $HING COIIP. DATE October 1984 SECTION I. MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION '6ð~f~ AlI; AME: CALCIUM IlYOIWXWg n, DESIGNATIONS: Hydratèd ~imeÅ High Calcium Hydrated Lime, Caustic Lime, Calcium 620 Hydrate, Slaked Lillll:, Ca(OH 2, S'l'M C259, C53, etc. CE Material )4ß3, CAS 0001 305 MANUFAC'l'UIŒR: Haterial available from many sources, including: Ash Crove Cement Co. Harshaw Che\l\ical Co. Warner Co 44 Ind. Mineral Div. P.O. Box 25900 1945 E. 97th Strzct P.O. Box 8 Overland Park, KS 66255 Cleveland, OH 4 106 Bellefonte, PA 16823 Tel: (913) 381-8901 Tel: (216) 721-8300 (Tel: (717) 355-/1761 SECTION II. INGREDIENTS AND HAZARDS % HAZARD DA T A ].:n:!..caLCompo~: 1< 3** Calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2 >90 8-hr TWA )mg/m Calcium carbonate, CaC03 <4 Magnesium oxide, MgO <3 Other oxides (Al203, Fe203, S102, etc.) <3 1<Conunercial material prepared by hydration of lime. Rat, Oral LD50 7.3 gm/kg **ACGlH (1984) TLV; no specific OSHA PEL established (minlmu~ control would be as a nuisance particulate). SECTION III. PHYSICAL DATA )t:¡;olllpu~itioH puint (-1120), --- 580 Specific gravity (H20" 1) -------- 2.3-2.4 Water solubility, g/100 sat. solution: ~H of saturated solution at 25 C - 12.5 at 0 C ----------------- 0.185 Molecular weight Ca(OH)2 -------- 74.1 at 25 C ---------------- 0.159 at 100 C --------------- 0.017 Appearance & Odor: Crystals or soft, white powder or granules. Odorless. SECTION IV. FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA lowör Uppör flo.h Point IInd M.'hod ÂUIOIQ,'Ülioll remp. flammability Llmll) 10 Ai, N/A N/A N/A - -- Extinguishing media: This material is not combustible. Use extinguishing med1a which 1s appropriate for the surrounding fire. When heated above 580 C, material can decompose to produce CaO. When this material 1s involved in a fire situation, firefighters should wear full protective clothing, and use eye protection and self-contained breathing apparatus. , SECTION V. REACTIVITY DATA 1'I11s 1s a stable ¡wIld il\ u sealed container at room tcmperatun¡. When exposea 1:0 I:nC i11.(, it will slowly absorb carbon dioxide to torm cálclum carbonate. When heated at tempera- tures above suO C, it loses water to form calcium oxide or lime. Calcium hydroxide is a strongly alkaline material which is incompatible with acidic materials. It forms salts with nitroparaff1ns in the presence of water which are explosive when dried. It can cause the explot>ive decomposition of maleic anhydride. lloiling elemental phosphorus in a calcium hydroxide solution can liberate spontaneously f lanunable phosphlno:s. It liberates NHJ from ammonium sales. ; I 1 I I I I I I I I ql _I __I __I _J I euJlrl'IIÞI \J '~.t ¿;CaII'lIUIt ..1I..U.w.... L....,.."..UfoHl 4ar &.u&MIAefCUI u.,. .'IItU,,1 pubuaa,,', ...cdllc ,.......... .. probUN'lt4. G£NIUM PUnU..ilIlNG I. I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NO 39 SECTION VI. HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION I TLV 5 mg/m 3 Thb mat~rial 1n the pr~s~nce of moisture, is a modenltcly caustic irritant and can be damaging to human tissue. Excessive skin contact will irritate the skin and produce dermatitis. Eye cOntact gives a burning sensation with seve re irritation and possible damage. Inhalation in particulate fonn is irritating and can be damaging to the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. Do not ingest. FIRST AID: Eye Contact: Promptly flush with plenty of running water, including under eyelids, for at least 15 minutes; then. get prompt medical attention. Skin Contact: Wash exposed skin with plenty of water. Remove contaminated clothing promptly. Get medical help if exposed ar~a is large or if irritation persists. Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. Contact physician immediately. II\Bestio~: Dilute by giving 2 glasses of water or milk to drink. followed by fruit juice or diluted vinegar to neutralize the alkali; then consult physician. SECTION VII. SPILL, LEAK, AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES IThose involved in clean up of spills should use protective equfpment (See Sect. VllI). Pick up spilled powder ~oidi~g dusting conditions and place in a clean steel cnnta1f\P,T for reclaim or disposal. S-ãTëty pëfŠ-onñël-Sl'Ü:fúT£rb"e involved when large spills occur. Traces of residue can be flushed to the sewer with much water dilution. DlSiïõsÃL: Consider the fOllowing methods of disposing of scrap material: Use tn np.utral1ze watne acid; spread on surfact: or ground in al\ isolated, protected area to react with CO2 from the air to form CaCO) (lim~stone); or disperse ,in water, neutralize with hydro- chloric ac1d. precipitate w1th soda ash and flush to sewer with much water to keep below 250 mg NaCl/liter. Follow Federal, State, and Local regulations. SECTION VIII. SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION 1'rovid\:! general ventilation and loeal exhaust ventilation for dust control (or mist con- trol if used as a water dispersion) to u~et TLV requirements. Vent dust to appropriate collector. Provide approved dust or Inist repirators or self-contained respirators for non-routine or emergency use above the 'l'LV. Wear rubber gloves, protective clothing. long sleeve shirt with buttoned collar, apron, safety glasses or goggles. face shield. etc. to prevent skin or eye contact with thh material as required for the conditions under which it is used. Use of protective crealll:i on areas of skin exposed to dust has been reconunended. An eyewash atation and safety fihower must be readily available where this material, or its water dispersions, are used. Remove severely contaminated clothing promptly and launder before reuse. SECTION IX. SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND COMMENTS $tore in a cool, dry area 1n tightly closed containers. Protect containers from phYI>1cal damage. Keep away from acidic materials and other incompatibles (See Sect. V). Prevent contact with clothing or with the body. or inhalation of dust or solution mht.¡ Use due caution in mixing with water and handling the alkaline water dispersions of this material (milk of lime). Follow good personAl hygiene practices. Wash thoroughly after handling. DATA SOURCE(S) CODE: 1,2,4-9,11,14,20,41 APPROVALS: MIS/CRD j). Jt¡t, /1' ~ J ~ .. to .... ~.. 01 dol......... "*-,, lOt p.uCðÞef·' PYfPONI ...e nee.......' ~ ptMU'...... .~w Ir....ø.. "'NNUlI I~ ~. n.a .....1 ......, III ... ."....IIIUII ut INDUST. HYGIENE/SAFETY V ;¡'¡ V'/'¡J./-by' . 1I.4U11II..........'. a...... p..,.,.....,y c........., ....... nu .....,.... "... no ................. .rtiJ .......,1_ IUI""'O'\IIIOI..W'..~...au;w....,QlIuAM*W'...~U..,.'I...I(Jf.eu. ~,........",,~.. ._~ P"'~.uMI ~ Ii.. w.......~ ..... ~ MEDICAL REVIEW; 27 September 1')84 GF:NIUM PUBIJSll1NG SECTION I. MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION MATERIAL NAME: SODIUM CARBONATE, ANHYDROUS. OTHER DESICNATIONS: Soda Ash, Na?C03' AS1M D458, CE Ma~erial 0405, CA~ 0000 49~ ~98 NANUFACTURER: Matcrial is avalla61e from seven 1 suppl1.erl>, including. Allied Ch~lIIical Corp., InduB trial Chemical!> IHv., Al>hland Chemical Co., BASi" Wyandotte Corp., Industrial Chemicals Croup, Stauffer Chemical Co. .Other forms are available: Monohydrate, Na2C03.HZO: Decahydrate, Na2C03·10H20, which is also called Sal Soda or Washing Soda. SECTION II. INGREDIENTS AND HAZARDS I I I MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET GENIUM PUBLISHING CORPORATION 1145 CATALYN STREET SCHENECTADY, NY 12303·1836 USA (51 f:I) 377·f:l655 I I ". II I Sodium Carbonate, Anhydrous <&P NO, 46 SODIUM CARBONATE, ANHYDROUS Revision A DATE December 1984 GtHIUM I'U.LI$HIHG COliI'. '0 ca 99 HAZARD DATA No TLV Established· *Control at least as a nuisance particulate: Current OSHA PEL values arc 15 mg/mJ (total dust) or 5 mg/m3 (respirable dust); ACCI" (1984) 10 mg/m3 (total dust) or 5 mg/m3 (respirable dust). **Stauffer Chemical Co. *uR1'ECS (1980) Rat, Oral LD50 ~4000 mg/kg** LDLo 4000 mg/kg*** Rabbit, Skin 500 mg/2411 Moderate Irritation Rabbit, Eye 100 mg/2/tll Severe Irritation I I I SECTION III. PHYSICAL DATA I Melting point, deg C ----------------- ß51 BOiling point ------------------ Decomposes Water solubility 8/100 011 "20: At 0 C -------- 7.1 At 100 C ------ 45.5 Specific gravity @ ó8F ------- Molecular weight ------------- pH @ 25 C, 1% aqueous soln. -- 10% aqueous I>oln. -- 2.53 106 11.3 11.6 I Appearance & Odor: White, hygroscopic powder or granular solid; odorless. Note: 'l'he decahydrate bcgins to lo:>e water at or below itl> melting point (34 C) and the -¡¡¡Onohy~1ó~te at abput 50 C. 110th will becoLue anhydrous sodium carbonate when heated ahove J () c. SECTION IV. fiRE AND eXPLOSION DATA Lower Uppör I flu.h Pam. and M.lhod Au.oo nl.ion l..mp, N/A N/A flommabolily limo.. in Air N/A - - 'I'lllti 1:;; a I\ol\combustiblc material. U:>e eKtinguitihing mcdia appropriate for the I>urrounû- ing fire. Involvement in a fire causes decomposition yielding carbon dioxide. No unusual fire or explosion hazards: no special firefighting procedures. Firefighters nluSt wear full protective gear and use self-contained breathing apparatus with a full facepeice when this material is involved in a fire. I -I SECTION V. REACTIVITY DATA -I --I tlli:> is a stable material In clo:>cd container:> at room temperature. It is rcported to begin to decompose as low as 400 C on heating to give carbon dioxide and NaD. It will react with fluorine gas at room temperature, generating incandescent temperatures. It can produce an explosion if it contacts red-hot aluminum metal. Hot cone. solution:;; are mildly corrosive to steel. It is an alkaline n~tcrial that is incompatible with strong acids. (Releases CO2 gas). In combination with calcium hydroxide it will yield caustic soda (NaOH). Reacts tilowly with moisture and CO2 to form sodium bicarbonate and various hydrate$. -I (;.,""...... IV ''i'. ~nu.... ..__bU.hUII, (;U'¡tul.UIj,IM AM, f.UUUDCI'a.. UN' wltåuV. ,..bUlb"', 'jKI:UJ..' pcra:a.a....vo II proJUbUcd. I G'£NIUM Pl/JJLlSJJJNG I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J ,I J I ,I NO 48 SECTION VI. HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION I TLV (See Sect II) ExpUäure tu ait"uorne dust ur lUi~t (from aolutions of this alkaline material) can cause irritation of eyea, skin and upper respiratory tract. Excessive contact is known to have caused "soda ulcers'" on hands and perforation of the nasal septum. Sensitivity reactions may occur from prolonged and repeated contact. Sl1~htly toxic by in~eation, but la~ amounts can be corrosive to the Cl tract producing abdominal paina, vomiting and tllalfrhea. Concentrated solutions in prolonged contact with skin or eyes can destroy tissue. FIRST AlO: Eve Contact: Promptly flush eyes with plenty of running water for 15 minutes or more -~fñë1Ui1Tng under eyelids. Consult a physician if irritation per81ats. Skin Contact: Wash affected area of skin well with aoap and water. Get medical help -rrillTtatlon persists. Remove contaminated clothing. Inhala tiun: ltemove to fresh air. Res tore and/or support breathing. Consult physician for ~bseiVãt10n and treatment. lnges~~~: If victún is conscious, give 2-3 glasses of milk or water to drink to dilute. Do I\ot induce vomiting. Contact physician promptly. If vomiting occurs, give more flules. SECTION VII. SPILL, LEAK, AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES Notify süfety )¡.:rsonnel for large l:ipill¡¡. Avoid producing duaty conditionti. Scoop up solid for recovery or disposal. Flush residues and liquid spills to holding area for neutra- li~ation before discharge. Those involved in clean-up need protection against skin contact or inhalation of dU$t or mist. Flu5h residue with copious amounts of water. ~SAL: After neutralization with, for example, dilute HC1, and further dilution, liquid waates can u$ually be flushed to drain with much water. Follow Federal, State, LInd Local regulatiol\a. - Solid $crap can be reserved for neutralization of acidic wastes. SECTION VIII. SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION UäC general and local cxhuu:>t ventilation to meet TLV for nuisance duat and to prevent irritating concentrations of dust or mist in the workplace. Ventilation requirements will depend on the process. An approved self-contained respirator with full facepeice is recolluuended for nonroutine or emergency conditions for inhalation protection. (OSHA üllows use of other approved reapirators as conditions warrant.) Use protective rubber gloves, boota, apron and other suitable clothing as needed to prevent $kin contact. Wear safety glal:ises with side ahields, aafety goggleti or a face shield. Provide an eyewash ::;tation near areas of uae; u safety shower 16 needed where large amounts of material (especially as sOlutions) are handled. If clothing becomes contaminated with this material, remove and launder before reuse. SECTION IX. SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND COMMENTS Store in tightly closed container in a clean, dry, well-ventilated area away from strong acid::;. Protect container from physical damage. Affinity for moisture and CO2 can cause lumping and reduction of alkalinity in storage. Avoid cOntact with skin and inhalatiòn of dust or mist. Do not ingest. Follow good ' hygienic practice. Wash thorou~hly after handling. Do not eat, drink. or store food in areas of handling or use. It is a primary skin irritant. DATA SOURCE(5j CODE: 1-12,14,37,48 Jwaymeotl .. 10 &he ilWQbtMtt' 01 1f'ItQf~&iOn ........1 kM pwCh.....·. PYfpoøe ... ~"" lAMioI....... I~.,. If........ ...~,. '............ .:.e.. net ..-.. ........ ., ... pf~....1 III MA;fl .......n....... £M¡.Ulft t'uUtllil-\oI ew....ao. .....1iUe nu ........... fI~ no IP.....~...,.. .....h....UI...,...,..'~. ........ ...cw.-.;., WI .......u.ha.. YI ~1""' "løn'" ..,..........-1Ilol.""..,-.... ........-u~.,...... UI Iuf ~~ ""- g ... UN APPROVALS: MIS/CRD _y.. JPt.~ ø. INDUST. HYGIENflSAfETf( W~ I)-eN')' MEDICAL REVIEW: Decemher l(JR/. GENIUM PUBLISJ/ING ,I I I NO. 68 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (§P CALCIUM HYPOCHLORITE GENIUM PUBLISHING CORPORATION (Dry ) 1145 CATAL YN STREET SCHENECTADY, NY 12303-1836 USA 15181371·8855 GfNIUM PUtlU$ItING CORP, Date July 1980 SECTI ON I . MATERIAL I DENTI FICA TI ON MATEIUAL NAME: CALCiUM HYPOCIILOIUTE (Dry) (Trade name) OTHER DESIGNATIONS: Calcium Oxychloride. Ca-(OCl)2, CAS U007 778 543, HTH MANUFACTURER: Available from several fiources, including: Canadian Indutltric::> Limited Olin Corporation Chcmicals 120 Lon~ Ridge Road Box 10 Stamfor CT 06904 Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3C 2R3 Phone: (~03) 356-2345 SECTION I I . INGREDIENTS AND HAZARDS x 11AZARD DATA Calcium Hypochlorite * No TLV Established *Concentration usually stated in terms of weiF.ht 7. of ava1 - able chlorine. (See ASTH D2022) HTH (l1iî,-teBt hypo- chloritt!) contain~ about 707. avalläùTe ell orine. Solid materials with less than 39% available chlorine Rat, Oral include chloride of lime and bleaching powder; these LD50 850 mg/kg contain Dluch chloride ion and water and possibly other impurities. for example: Ca(OCl)Cl.2H20. The presence of magnesium hypochlorite in material of high available chlorine level may reduce ita stability. SECTION I I I . PHYSICAL DATA , Boiling point. deg C -------------- N/A Specific gravity ---------------- 2.35 Vapor presl:ìure. IWJI Ug ------------- N/A Melting point. deg C -- decomposes @ 100 Solubility in water. 20 C. % by wt - 14 Molecular weight --------------- 142.98 Appearance and Odor: White non-hygroscopic granules or tablets haviog a strong chlorine odor. SECTI ON I V. FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA LowER UPPER Flash Point and MdhoJ I Autoi~nltioll Temp. I FlaØlDülbiUty Limits In Air N/A I N/A I N/A Use a wa~t!r ~pray to cool fire-exposed containers of th1s material and drench area with large ¿¡¡DOunts of water from a safe pOBition. When containera are heat~d in a fire Bituation. they are subject to violent rupture I Contamination or lllixing with fore1gn Dlaterials (combustibles, grease. clu:!micala. etc.) can cause fires of great 1ntemiity. Firefifhters need to use Belf-contained breathinf apparatuB and full protective clothing for iret; involving this material, especially n enclosed area~. , SECT! ON V. REACTIVITY DATA CulciulII hypochlorite 11> Btuble at roolll temperl1ture 1n Ituituble cloüed contuine rlt wlu:n kept dry and free from contamination. It does not polywerize. It is a powerful oxidizing agent which can readily ignitt! combustibles. Violent re- actions or explosions can occu'r, fot example with amines, carbon tetrachloride. char- coal. ethyl alcohO¡. metal oxides. mercaptans. organic sulfides. sulfur. turpentine. and Btrong reducing agents. A mixture with glycerine can ignite spontaneouüly. Ma- terial containing over 60X available chlorine will ignite on contact with lubricating oil (addition of about 20% or more of water will prevent this). In the absence of combustibles and other chemicals. when heated above 100 C. it çan unde ~~?~h~~if1è~~~~r.~s~ç~on, evolving oxygen. On contact with acida it forma hypochloroul go I I I I I, I I I 1 I I I J J I -I ""r..... I£ ._ ~_ ......iWUot c.............. '""'__'''01 _..._ ....-r'. ,,,,,,III< IOrmIttIua 10 pru/lJbllld, GEN1UM PUj$L1SH1NG I I I I I -I I J J J I J I -I _I 1 uJ _I I No. 68 SECTION Vi. HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION J TLV None Established All tis8ue contacted can be irritated and/or damaged by this 8trong oxidizing agent. tIll degree of injury depending on the dose, available chlorine level, and exposure time. Skin cOntact can produce vesicular eruptions and eczematoid dermatitis. Eye contact can result in severe eye damage. Inhalation of dust irritates the reapir<tto:ry tract ¿md may caU8e pulmonary edema. Ingestion irritates mouth, throat and stomach. and ~Q.8tric acid will lib"rate hypochlorous acid. Fatalities can rt.:6u,1tifrOIJ :l~v.ere coml)- 11(:at10£1s of locul inJury. shock, toxemia. hemorrhage, wall perror:at on Ii ObÞtrlJctlon FIRST AID: --~y-e ~ontact: Immediately flush with lots of running water for 15 minutes. Call physic~ Skin Contact: lœnediately remove contaminated clothing. Flu~h affected area with water. Gee medical help if contact area was large or if symptoms persist. .!nlwlation: Rculove to fresh air. Support bn:athing if needed. Cet medical help. 11\AèS_tioll: Prolnptly rinse mouth with water and tlum give large amounts of milk or water to drinkl followed by milk of magnesia. Contact physician or hospital. Do noc induce vonl" ting unless instructed by physician. SECTION VII. SPILLJ LEAKJ AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES No tity sat ety pe raonnel of spills. -Remove cowbus tIliIes allU Tglutron sources. "rllO¡¡e 10 valved in clean up need protection against contact with tiolld or inhalution of dutit. Prevent generation of dust. Prevent direct diacharge into ¡¡ewers or watcrway¡¡. Recover uncontmninated solid material in clean, dry containerti. Other spilled material is covered with weak reducing agent, slurried with water. and then flushed with water to a suitable holding (ank. Wash lipill site well with soap solution containing a weak reducing agent. DISPOSAL: Use reducing agents to destroy "available chlorine." Adjust p'H of reduced lIquid to neutral ana decant. Dilicharge neutrAl liquid, diluting with much water. Dispose of neutral sludge (if any) in a landfill. Follow Federal, State, and Local regulations. (Contact supplier for detailed procedures.) SECTION VIII. SPECiAL PROTECTION INFORMATION Suppliers indicate no ventilation requirements in handling this material, but do tiu&Ketil a dust In.ilsk be used for respiratory protection. It is recolUluended that sufficient ventilation be provided to prevent any irritation froD dust inhalation and to ditõpcrse .my hypochlorite decomposition products. An approved respirator with a dust fllter and cartridge or canister for chlorine absorption ¡¡houl, be available. .' Use neoprene rubber gloves, chemical goggles. and protective outer wear to prevent con- tact with the eyes. likin or clothing. Eyewash stations, safety showers and washing facilities should be available to handling and use areas. SECTION IX. SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND COMMENTS Store in closed containers in a cool. dry, well-ventilated low fire-risk area, away frop couiliustible and incoUlpatihle materials (Bee Sect. V). Prevent contamination of ma- terial. Protect containers from phyoical damage. Do not drop. roll. or ¡¡kid con- tainers. Thls material is a powerful oxidizing agent; use with caution I Mix only with water. I Water solutions are not stable, but undergo a slow decomposítion. Prevent contact with eyes. skin, mucous membranes. and clothing. Do not ingest.' DOT Classification (for over 39% available chlorine) - OXIDIZER \ APPROVALS: ~~~ Q,I'V\I ~ Industrial HY9iene (\ J . J and Safety ~J 7-.1 ~-Ri) MEDICAL REVIEW: ~ 5 August 1960 GENIUM PUBLISHING DATA SOURCE(S) CODE: 1.4- Juogmøu AI 10 .... IulitMblMv 01 II\IOfmaa.on ....,. tur p4ltcnaMl', putpoMl .... BIC:eIUI"t p"'".I..... .~. h_eIOI.. 1"'hOU~\ l-..uf~ t;.af_..... ,-, '-"-f' In U. Pflll*lMlun 01 ~ _tlUfn....un, ÛUfI&UflI P",u..wung Co,po...bon ..~ "" *~I"-'" n~ 110 ,.p'.........tQfl...-.ø ...,.."... nu t~t "~ u.. tk;c.ullil,;v Ut w.iüWj at """"" 4\ØtMWR toI ~ M) lJUIo u....·. .....u.û pu,I~ (II tor ~~~ uI.. ~... an. ",--' I I ,-,I MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET CiP NO. Jle; GENIUM PUBLISHING CORPORA nON SODI UÞI /I YPOCII LORI TE 1145 CATALYN STREET AQUEOUS SOLU'UON SCHENECTADY. NY 12303·1636 USA (5-1,2'1.) (518) 377·8855 GtNIUM I'UIILI5HING coal'. DA TE February IlJH) SECTION I. MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION MATERIAL NAME: .sODIuM HYPOCHLOHI'r£. AQUEOUS SOLU'l'lON ( 5-12't.) O'l'tII:;R DESIGNATIONS: Soda Bleach Liquor Bleach SOlution, /fypochlorite SOlutÐn. Na~ Solution, SUNNY SOL Bleach (Jones Chemicals), lIousehold Bleach (i.e. CLOROX . PURE ¡¡.) MANUFAC'!'URER: Available from many suppliers, including: Canadian Industries Limited ~8~cãu~~em~gïlsl 3nc. Chemt3dls Ca a on~K, NY r 4~3 (10)( Montreal, Quebec H3C 2R3 '1'e1 : (716) 53ti-231l ' SECTION II. INGREDIENTS AND HAZARDS % HAZARD DA T A Sodium hypochlorite (CAS 11007 6131 529) ra S-12 NO 'l'LV 1':s tablished Water. sodium chloride and sodium hydroxide (if present palémce in excess). (Excess NaOH will pose an increased alkalinity Ra t, Q!2.l hazard. ) (12'1. SOlucion) ~Solution concentration can also be stated in LD50 ca 12 mg/kg terms of "available chlorine" which is, about 95\ of NaOCl content by weight. *5\ soln is reportee co be ~ less coxic. SECTION III. PHYSICAL DATA uo.Î.1 ill(J point --- decomposes (see Sl.:ct VI Specific grdvity (20/tIC) : Vapor pressure. 20 C, IIUII Hg ------- 17.5 5.25\ ( Iousohold blèach) - 1.09 Water solubility -------------- complete 0.0"- --------------------- 1.15 pH ("neutral" solution) * ---------- 9-10 12.0'i. --------------------- 1.21 Molecular weight ------------------ 74.4 Freezing point, 12.0\, deg C - ca -25 Appearance & Odor: Clear, pale yellow or greenish liquid wi th a chlorine odor. .5Úllu;: proùuct:> may contain an excess of NaOH and have a higher pH. SECTION IV. FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA Lower Upper flo," rOlnl 0£l<1 MulhoLl AuIOltl'UIU,U1 1 ump. Hamllu.:abl'llv Lunlh In Ai, Nonflammable -- -- Use ex tin'Juishing '¡lIedict thdt is äppropridte for surroundin'J fire. U:;¡e wdtec sp¡:ûy from d safe distance to cool fire-exposed containers, to dilute liquid, and concrol'vapors. It is an oxidizing agent. Viqorous reactions can occur with oxidizable materials in a fire situation. It can be decomposed by heat. Chlorine liberated on contact with acid. If safe, remove containers from fire area to prevent pressure rupture. Firefighters should wear full protective clothing and self-contained breathing apparatus. (protection is needed against corrosive fumes and liquid if released. ) SECTION V. REACTIVITY DATA , , ~\lIhyùrou:;¡mdterLÜ i!:i ~t::;I.!Jle, but 1I1I;:~e water solutions call be sûti::>fdCLodly :;¡tåble foe months under proper storage conditions. Rate of decomposition increases with the concen- tracion and with the temperature. (12'10 NaOCl solucion decomposes slowly at 40 C to yield NaCl and NaC10 ). Exposure to sunlight accelerates decomposition. It is incompatibre with dcids (liberates chlorine). ammonia, urea, oxidizable lI~terials, and metals such as nickel, copper, tin, manganese and iron (which cause liberation of oxygen). , I I 1 I I I I I -I -I -I -I -I --I ~ c.:....,r\ IM ... __ IÁ_ ....101WoI<.. c.:..........1uot ..., ............'-1.... W\I_' ....1>1üI..r·. ,¡on"'" ......~ Is p<oI>IltI...., GENIUM PU1JLISJilNG I I- I I I I I I I I I I I I I J I J -I ,I NO, 115 SECTION VI. HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION , ox~c~ ty ue to ¿¡ 'a uu ty, püss~ c c ,or.lne generat~on, dn t e ox.l ¿mt propcrt.l~:>. Ingestion of a few ounces at 12'!. conc. can cause corrosion of mucous membranes, perfora- Li.on of e:>ophagus and stomach, and laryngeal edema; may lead to convulsion, COlna, dedth. Iflt r~ COOl' effe('tL~ ilft ~11f:f ]¡"IE géUnaË~nC].j Inhalapç>n of mist or fumes can cause bron- c ¡Ht ~rr.lto'tt~on, coug ì, .l: '.lcu rea .lng, stolllat.lt.ls, naust:a, and pulmonary ed<'!mil. Additional effects have included circulatory collapse and delirium. Liquid contact can produce irritation of the the eyes or sKin with blistering and ec~ema (especially at 12\) IftS'P AID: ~ Cõñtact: Irrigate eyes with running water for at least 15 minutes, including under eyelTiJŠ-:- Then contact physician at once (ophthalmologist preterred) . Skin Contact: Remove cont~ninated clothing. Flush affected areas with copious amounts of water,or sl~wer. If irritation persists or if large areaS of body are affected, contact physician. Treat burns a~ needed. Inhalation: Remove to fresh air and obtain medical help. Ingest~ Have physician contacted i~l~diately. Rinse mouth with water. Give large quantities of water or milk to drink. Induce vomiting. Repeat. Do not use acidic anti- dott:~ or sodium bicat'bonate. An ounce of 1Oj, sodiwn 'thiosulfate or milk of IlIagn~sia is helpful. SECTION VII. SPILL. LEAK, AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES ol:.ify ~,Ü~ty p~r~ollllcl of lI\i.ljur ~pill. Clean-up personnel n~ed prot.ection agàinst cont.act. with liquid and inhaiation of mists and fWlles. Contain spill and pick up when possibl~ for recov~ry or disposal. Keep concentrated hypochlorite solutions out of sewers and waterways. Do not use combustible absorbants (such as sawdust) to pick up hypochlorite solutions. mall spills and residues can usually be flushed to a suitable holding area, and then ~i_~hiq.h dil~ to the sewer. I5rOSAL: When necessary hypochlorite can be neutralized with weak reducing agents, and then the waste landf illed. ¡"ollow Federal, St.ate anù" Local regulations. :.PA (CWA) RQ is 100 lb. (40 CFR 117). /ly chlorite can be harmful to a uatic life. SECTION VIII. SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION '.-" 'rovide <jeneral ¿HId 10c<41 exhaust ventilation in t.he workp1.1ce to maintain fw¡¡es dnd mist.s at a minimwn. (Workers should not have irritation effects from exposure.) Respirat.ory devices should be available for use in non-routine or emergency situations. Use canister- type respirators suitable for chlorine (See MSDS 53) with mist filters. void eye contact by use of chemical safety goggles. Use rubber gloves, apron, and other protective clothing appropriat.e for the work situation to prevent skin contact. Clothing contaminated with liquid to be removed promptly and rinsed with water. Launder before reuse. 8yewash fountains, washing facilities and safety showers should be available in areas of hi:lndling and use. SECTION IX. SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND COMMENTS SLu/:c .In closel., ventI;! contaHlo.;r~ .ln iI coo, (: ow F. r'i. wt: -vent.L an:", LlW.,'I from direct sunlight, heat and incompatible materials (see Sect V). Keep separatil from acids and otganics. Use adequate ventilation. Protect containers from physical damage. Do not mix wi th acidic cleaning agents which can liberate chlorine gas.+ Avoid inhalation' of vapors, mist.s and fumes. Prevent eye and skin contact. DOT Classification: q~ Available Chlorine,· ORM-Ð I.D. No. NA 1791 Label: None (49 CPR 172.101 >7\. Available Chlorine, CORROSIVE. I.D. No UN 1791 Label: CORROSIVE e \ orine is about 7.35\ NaOC1. +lncompatible with bowl cleaners containing DATA SOURCE(S) CODE: 1,3-11,14,25,34,37,48,49 bisulfates. ...ua~lJlt:l1I\ ,,~ 10 l'la ~..tMll.. UI .Noun.u.on hltuhn hM pu Ch..~,·¡ 'kM'¡JO:ad1lo ttlU IWfCU:.ioahl)' ~ICB4:.ú1 ~ ht~~UIat., h>CI"IOta. .wu~h '..~"""* 'ililtt IWo~ "*t:I\ 'd"'ÖU IU ~H~ iJlct~"~1O'1 01 t.....c;h ttUOIn'4l."n. Gvt~h P~\lW~ C04put.,,(eOR OM-ukJ:.. ~ ..""",~:", mol"a~ 00 U:pt.~I"WO'~ iU'iJ o.I:tklOta:., 00 ":~I:a.u.w., it;. 10 11M;! .:c.:u tI(;r u. ~WlI..&..w/.lr 01 )iÄlI , QfIlWIIUU Ii." flA4J1...IIUU 10 ~WI' ,....)d,':. IfUdlkh:u ~IIMJW::' &oM JUt ~om'I:I.lUUn&:U. uI aI~ t.lMi'. APPROVALS: MIS/CRO INOUST. H'I'GIENE/SAFET'I' '-' MEOICAL REVIEW: 9 March GEN/UM PURL/SH/NG I I I I I I Material Safety Data Sheet No.418 e2iP MONOETHANOLAMI!\f£ From Genium's Reference Collection (Revision A) Geniu/O Publishing Corporaúon 1145 CatalYfl Street Issued: June 1979 Schenectady, NY 12303·1836 USA (S 1 R\ 177·RRSS GENlu/ol pUIIUSl1ING CORP. Revised: April 1986 SECTION 1. MATI\RIAL IDENTIFICATION ')1 MA1'FRIAL NAME: MONO£llIANOLAMINE ~ OTHER DESIGNATIONS: 2-Aminoethanol, beLa·Amin~thyl Alcohol, bCLa-Ethanolamine, Elllylolaminc, ~1.a-HydfOxyethylamine, 2-HydroxycÚ1ylamine, C2H7NO, CAS /10141-43-5. HM1S M A NUF ACTUR ERiSUPPL.lE R: Available from many suppliers, including: H: 2 Dow Chemica! USA, 2020 [)ow Center, Midland, MI 48640; Telcphone: (517) 636-1000 F: 2 R 1 Olin Corp" 120 Long Ridge Rd" Stamford, cr 06904; (203) 356-2000 R: 0 1 4 PPP S "\ .. ·See Sect. ~ K 2 SECTION 2. INGREDIENTS AND HAZARDS % HAZARD DATA MonocllliUlolaminc, CAS 110141-43-5 99 ¡¡·hr. TW A: 3 ppm or 8 Ing/m)· Rat, Oral, LD50: NH2 - CH2 CH2 OH 2100 lng/kg Rat, Skin, LD5O: 1500 mg/kg . Currenl (1985-86) ACGIH TLV and OSHA PEL Rabbit, Eye: 763 µg. Severe SECTION 3. PHYSICAL DATA joiling PojnL, I a1m ... ])I!'F (170'C) Vi~osil)' @ 25"('. ¡;PS .., 19 Vapor Pressure @ 20·C, mm I-Ig ..,0.4 Melling POiOl ... 5\"F (lOJ"C) Water SolubiliLy ... Miscible Pen:enl Volatile by Volume Y' ca 100 Vapor [)cnsilY (Air .. 1) ... 2,1 Molecular Weighl ... 61.1 Evaporalion Rate (BuAc .. I) ... <1 pH (I % aq. soln,) '" 11.5 Specific Gravity {H20.. I) ... 1.02 Appearance and odor: Colorless hygroscopic liquid willi a mild ammonialike odor. The odor recognition threshold for m>nocthanolamine is 2 LO 3 ppm. SECTION 4. rfI~E AND EXPLOSION DATA LOWER UPP~~R Fla.'ih Point and MCUlOd Autoigniùon Temp. Flammability Limil.~ in Air ----- 1436·F (7I!O·C) .----- II!5"F (8S·C) % by Volume 5.5 (calc.) 17 (cst) EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Carbon dioxid¡:, alcohol type of foam, dry chenúcaJ. Do not use a :;olid 51lealO of willer because Lhe SIlCilm will SCalier and spread 1I1I: fire. Use waler spray LO cool lire-exposed LankslconLaincrs, LO dilule liquid LO less l1ammable sOlulions, and LO l1ush spills from sensitive exposures. UNUSUAL FIRE/EXPLOSION HAZARDS: This OSHA cl~s 1I1B combuslible liquid is a m>dcrate fire ha:tard when cxposoo lO heat, sparks, or open name. !Ls vapor forms explosive mixtures with air. SPECIAL FIRE-FIGHTING PROCEDURES: Fire fighlCfS should wear self-conLainc<l brcathing apparatus wiUl faccpieces and fully ptolective cloLhing when lighting fires involving m>n~thanolal1Úne, SECTION 5. REACn VITY DATA , MonocUlaßo\amine is SLablc in closc:d conLó1iners at room lemperature under nonnal sLOrage and handling cundilions, It dues nOl undergo ha7.ardous polymcrÌí'.alion. 1ñis malA:rial is incompalible with sltong oxidizing agents and sU'Ong acids. It will allactc some forms of plastics, rubber, and coatings. Avoid contact with heat, spilfks, or open name. Thennal decomposition or burning may produce toxic vapors and gases such as carbon monoxide and oxides of niuugen. I I -I -I ·1 -I -I -I -I -I -I -I -I ('Ui,yri4h& 0 t '¡dO (k,uu," I"LiIUlUII, ('UlI..4&U,n ..\on) ,,",usna..aai..x... ''"I'lw''''liuü 1IIIiLI.....1 'i'C 1".ÞlDhC(1 pcnnua&œ .. pÛ\JÞì&cd. ·_ ~ xr~:':'~:~i~~~~\&~~~II~~~I~U:llt/;;=r:·:~~'~Þh.t..". ¡xnniNl'-l ill pœiiUcd. I I I I I I I I J J J J J J _I I No.418 4/86 MONOETHANOLAMINE SECTION 6. HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION MunOèUliUlU(amin¡: is nul I¡sled a.~ a can:inogcn by 1l1¡: NTP, IARC, or OSHA. Mono.:!hanolaminc vapors are irrilaÚl1g 10 !he eyes, nose, and upper respiralOry lracL Excessive exposure 10 !his vapor may cause irri~Lion of !he lungs and d¡:prcssion af !he cenlral nervous system. The unpleasant odor, however, makes exposurc of lhis nalure unlikely. The liquid is modera~ly irriUlLing 10 the skin and :lCverely irriUlLing 10 the eyes. Repealed amllor prolonged con~ct with !he skin may cause redness and swelling. Contact wi!h !he eyes ma)' cause bums. It may be absorbed through Ihe skin in IOxic amounts. Ingestion of monocthanolamine IJIjIY cause dalJljlge 10 the gasl1Oin\estinaJ lracL Chronic overexposure to mono¡:lhanolamine may cause skin irritation and lung. kidney, and liver injury. . fiRST AID: EYE CONTAC1': Immedialcly Hush eyes, including under lhc eyelids, wi!h running water for IU least IS minulcs, Get mcdicaJ hdp.· SKJN CONTACT: lnunediatc:ly flush skin with running water for at least 15 minULts while removing contaminalCd shoes and clo!hing. Wash exposcd area Ihoroughly wilh soap alld waler. Get medical help if irri~lion persists or if a large area has bl:Cn exposed.· INHALATION: Remove victim 10 fresh air. ReslOre and/or suppon breathing a.~ needed. Keep him warm and quíeL. Get medicaJ help.· INGE..'ì'll0N: Give victim water or milk: as quickly as possible, Do nol induce vomiting. ConUlcl a poison conlrOl cenLtr. Never give anything by roouth 10 a person who is unconscious or is convulsing. t GET MEDICAL ASSISrANCE .. In plant, paramedic, conununity. Gel medicaJ help for funher treatment, observation, and suppon aflcr firsl aid. SECflON 7. SPILL LEAK AND DISPOSAL PROCEDUI~ES NlILify S¡¡felY personnel of lar¡;c monoc!h¡¡nOliUnil\c spills or !cW. Remove aU sources of heat and igniúon. Pluviue maximum explosion-proof ventilaLion, Limit access to spill arCi& 10 nc:cessary personnel. Remove any leiling conlaÍners 10 a safe place, if f¡:asible. Cleanup personnel need protecLion against contact wilh liquid and inhalation of vapor (see sect. 8). Absorb small spills wilJt paper IOwel or venniculi\e. ConlaÍn large spills and colll:Ct !hem, if feasible, or abSOrb them on vermiculite, sanu, clay, or olJter absorbent matc:rial. Place waste solvenl or absorbent inlO closed conLainers for disposaJ (using nonspar!Ung 100 Is). Neulrali;¿e Iracc residues or small spills wiLh sodium bisulfite and l1ush them 10 a drain wilJt copious amounts of waLtr. DISPOSAL: Place monoelhanolamine waste in a suitablc conLainer for disposal by a licensed conlraclOr or mix it with a flammable solvent and bum it in an approved incin¡:rator equipped wilh an afterburner and a scrubber. Dispose af absorbent in a safe manner. Follow all Federal, stale, and 10caJ n:gulaUon:;. ·0---.'· SECTION H. SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION I'llIvi¡J¡: teneraJ ¡UI¡J I.x;al eJl.haust vcl\wlilliun 10 lIIe.:1 TLV rCl. uiIenlCl1lii. Ventilal.Ìoll fans il/1U oUII:r cll:ClricaJ servic¡: lIIusl be nonsparking and have an explusion-proof design. Exhaust hoods should have a face velocity of at least 100 Ifm (linear fcct per minulC). For emcr¡;ency or nonroutine exposures where the TLV may be exceeded, use an approprialC NIOSH-approvcd respirator wi!h a full facepiece. " Safety glasses or goggles should be worn in aU work areas. Impervious gloves, fa&e shield, apron, boots, body-<:overing suit, and o!h¡:r appropriat.: prolcetive clo!hing and equipment should be available and worn as necessary 10 prevent contact wi!h siUn, eyes, and I:lo!hing. Remove contaminaled clalJting inunedia\ely and do not wear it again until it has been properly laund¡:rcd. An eyewash stalion and safclY showers should be readily available in use or handling areas. Contacllenses pose a special hawd; sofllenses may absorb irritants and all lenses concenlrate Ihem. . lore mUIlOèLhalluJalllll¡¡: III clused ¡;OIlUIIIICrs 1/1 a coo, ry, wc 'VCJlU a' arciI, prc .:ra y at 10 roleCt conLain¡:rs from physicaJ damage. SlOre Ihis material away from oxidizing agents, acids, heat, spark.s, or open flaw:. The slOrage area must meet OSHA requirement for class IlIB combustible liquids. Use material only with adequate ventilation. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothing. Do not inhale or ingest it. Wash thoroughly after handling iL Ground and bond metal conlaÍIlers and equipment when making Iransfers 10 prevent SlAtic sparks. Do nol srooke in an:as where !his malCrial is handled or slOred. Follow good industrial hygiene practices when handling Ihis compound. Emptied containers reLain hazardous product residues;; handle them accordingly. ' IndividuaJs who work with monoethanolamine should be given preplacement and periodic mcdicaJ examinaLions, wilh emphasis on !he respiratory system and !Udney and liver functions. 00'1' Classification: lliUùmabl, Liqtl;d.co~":~"L- UN No, 2491 Data Source(s) Code: H2, 16, 18, 20, 23, 25, 34, 81. CR Judgern:n ¡ .. 10 Ihc ¡wliohililY of infonJ\iuon hen:in for pun:n-(I pwjIOIiCI "I\: '1C4:...."nly J"I'Cn..s.:(~ fC.1i(JOlJiiblIiIY.,lnc:n:fore, ¡¡Jlllw,h ,,,,,,"ol1<ll>lc ~n: It.. Þœn Iilk.t:n In 1Iu: prcp....;o¡..'n j( ~""h 1ß' jffilillwn. CÀ:lIIum I 'Iobla>lllng ( jrp. CAU:I\\!S II" WärTAIIIIc5.m..u.. n" \I:p~n¡¡¡uun:¡..fIlI ....Ull"'" nl> It>il",n:¡'blh.y .. lu Ule ¡,¡;;r;u¡¡,¡;y jr oU.lAl>;I"1 jr 0...:11 ;n "mWU j1l lor ilPI, j¡;;,uon l j 11Un:/I"':(I .nu:ndc.l ,wpu_ 0, fur 'Uß~""'ICCIò jf ilS UAC. '. Approvals ~ø/ Indust. Hygicne/Safety Medical Review Copyrighl (ô April I. 19HÓ----"¡ .. I I No. 470 I MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET GENIUM PUBLISHING CORPORATION 1145 CAT AL YN STREET SCHENECTADY, NY 12303,1836 USA (518) 377·Bti55 <51iP DIESEL FUEL OIL NO. 2-D I GtNIUM f'UIIL $HING CORP, Dat~ October 1981 I SECTION I. MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION MATERIAL N~: DIESEL fUEL OIL NO. l-D DESCRIPTION: Mixture of petroleum hydrocarbons; a distillate oil of low sulfur content OTHER DESIGNATIONS: ASTM D975, CAS n 068 476 346 MANUFACTUIŒR: Availabl~ froIU many suppliers I SECT ION I I. I NGRED I ENTS AND HAZARDS x 11A:.' ARD DA j A I I Diesel Fu~l Oil No. 2-0 Compl~x mixtur", l)f paraffinic, olefinic, naphthcnic and aromac.iI.: hyJroc~Lrbun::;** Sulfur ':Ol\t"'l1t Ih:nzcne* ** *Cwrrent OS~ stanJard and ACGIH (1981) TLV **Dies,d fuels tend i:ù be low in ürvmatics and high in paraffinics. A min. Cctan~ No. of 40 is required (ASTM ))613). ***A low benzenc levèJ reduccs care ino~lU\Íc risk. Fuel oil::; can b.: c:<empced ul\der the b~nzen.:~ standard ( ') 9 ' r r. ii' I Q I ) I ,y' H ) SECTION III, PHYSICAL DATA >95 ) oj-hr 'l'WA 5Iß¡,\/m ;, (mineral oil mi~t) I <0.5 <100 ppn I --- ...O.dú CLl 0 -I J.loiling puillt rangc, J..:g F, ------- Solubility in watcr --------------- Visco~ity at 40 C, cSt ----------- (;;1 Jt.U-075 n~gligi ble I. 9-/1 . 1 Spcdfic gravity (11')0-1) Clvud point (wax), aeg C ---- Appearanc~ and Odor: r.h~ar, bright liquid wiLh a mild petrolewn odor. J -I SECTION IV. FIRE AND EXPLOSION DArA LOwER vPPER J .-lJ._~l-'-..!:,)in_~-,!d ~tlfrhùd I Auroi¡!,nHi:'!.'l-.JenlO. I FL f ~n¿¡bili[y Limits In Air L25F min (PM) I >500F I ~~ by volume 0.6 7.5 Extinguishing M~dia: Dry chemical, carbon dioxid~, fuam, water ~prpy. Us~ a wat~r spray to cool fire exposed conta iner!>. U~e a smothl.!'ring technique for t!xtin¡!;uishing f ice of this combustible liquid. Do noc u~e a forced water stream directly 011 oil fire as this will only scatter the fire. Material is a OSKA Class II combustible liquid. Firefighters should wear self-contained breathing apparatus and full protectivt! cloth- ing. . ,J -I SECTION V. REACTIVITY DATA --I This is a stable material in closed containers at room temperature under normal storagt and handling conditions. It does not undergo hazardous polymerization. Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents; heating greatly increases fire hazard. Thermal -oxidative degradation may yield various hydrocarbons and hydrocarbon deriva- tives (part1~1 oxidation products), CO2 and CO and S02' -I _I C"l'It¥>1 ¡£) 1 \IIW (4........ ......1Io/Wt c........,......, .w, C...I......~IaI.... .........'....bIiII..'·. .....¡II.: .....,Iloo....... p'u/llbl..... GENIUM PUBLISHING I I I I I I I I I 'I .,1 -I J J -I -I -I -I ,-I NO. 470 SECTION VI. HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION I TL." j 011 5 m¡?,/m (;;;i ",., (See Sect II) Inhalation of excessive concentrations of vapor or mist cun be irritating to the respi- ratory passages and can cause the following symptoms: headache. dizziness. nausea. vOlniting, and 108s of coordination. Prolonged or repeated skin contact may cause irri- tation of the hair follicles and block the sebaceous glands. This produces a rash of acne pimples and spots, usually on the arms and legs. (Good personal hygiene will pre- vent this). Chemical pneumonitis may result when ingestion occurs and 011 is aspirated in the lungs. fIRST AID: ~e Contact: Flush thoroughly with running water for 15 min. including un<Ît:&: cyelids. Sk.in Contllct: Remove contaminated clothing. Wipe excess 011 off with a dry cloth. Wash affec~~~ Ilrea well with soap and water. Inhalation: Remove to. fresh air. Restore and/or 5upport breathing as required. Ingestion: Do noc induce vomiting. Seek medical assistance for further treatment. observation and support. SECTION VI I. SP ILL", LEAK", AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES Notify safety personnel of leaks or spills. Remove sources of heat or ignition. Provide adequate ventilation. Clean-up personnel to use protection against liquid contact and vapor or mist inhalation. Contain spill by diking. Small spills can be contained by using absorbants, such as rags, straw, po!yurethane foam, activated carbon, and sand. Clean up spills promptly to reduce fire or vapor hazards. DISPOSAL: May be disposed of by a licensed waste disposal company, or by controlled 1n- ci"~ration or bu~ial in an approved landfill. Follow Federal, State and Local regulations. Report large oil spills. SECTI ON V I II . SPECIAL PROTECTION I NFORMATlON Provide adequate ventilation where operat1n~ conditions (heating or spraying) may creat~ excessive vapors or mists. Use explosion-proof equipment. Provide approved respirator\ apparatus for noaroutine or emergency use. Use an approvedtilter &vapor respirator when vapor/mist concentrations are high. Wear protective rubber gloves and chemical safety glasses where contact with liquid or Q1gh mist cone. may occur. Additional suitable protective clothing may be required depending on working conditions. An .:ye· wash fountain and washing facilities to be readily available near handling and use areas. Launder soiled or contaminated clothing before reuse (at least weekly laundering of work. clothes is recoßunended) . SECTION IX. SPECIAL PRECAUTI ONS AND COMMENTS Store in closed containers in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area away -from sourceö ot open flame. heat, strong oxidizing agents. and ignition. Protect containers from physical damage. Use non sparking tools and expl06ion-p~00f electrical equipment. Prevent static electric sparks. I Avoid prolonged skin contact and breathing of vapors or mists. i No smoking in areas of use. Follow good hygienic practice in the use of this material. Do not wear oil contaminated clothing. Do not put oily rags into pockets. Wash ex- posed skin areas several times a dakBwith soap and warm water when working with this material DOT Classification: CO USTIBLE TniiTn' DATA SOURCElS) CODE: 1.6,7,12 MIS ~ ÎVl ' -L JwûtjnldOl\ ., 10 In. iI.Id.DtW,. of IOlo.m....on I\tf...... 101 putCI\4M1', Pwfpok$ .,. Ode.'MlII)' APPROVALS: CRO ' .~.ù..J: """""I.:.,,,, . ,.~:.pun~, ft.'ØfOl.. "'¡'IWUh '...IoùO.,¡Lok: (;011. h4\ ",""II 1.._." .n lOll prep....ilkN. 01 Industr1al ~Y91er.e~ )1t/1) ~,",n 'U'Uln"'IIÙn. LÌt:n.vA¡ P...&;¡ ¡~" C¡)fµQIáloOO ..t"I"-I~ nu ....fI.,\I..I.lJWtl.n no ..¡JItt:.cIIl..IIWII""'" ..~"...n~.. f~ 1.~\~\ÞPo" ..~ \~ U... ""wl.M:, ~ ~".\"I~~, ... awa;fllf)tOlm.IIUIlIWf .p~.,.un 10 pw and Safety J~-I,)-.fl c "II.~ , "...ml.û ~¡NWI" Of k)f .,;gu.,qu...c.. 01 .h ....... MEDICAL REVIEW: .;r21 October \98 \ .. GEN/VN/ PURL/SH/NG No. 1082 - MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET GliP GENIUM PUBLISHING CORPORATION PROTEXULATE 1145 CATAL YN STREET SCHENECTADY, NY 12303·1836 USA (518) 317·8855 GHUUM I'U'~I$HIHG COIIP. Date October 1977 SECT! ON I. MATERIAL 1 DENT! F I CAT I ON MATERIAL NAME: PROTEXULATE OTHER DESIGNATIONS: Calcium Carbonate, Whiting, Chalk, Calcite, Ca CO 3 CAS UOOl 317 653 MANUFACTURER: Plue:>s-Staufe r, Inc. One World Trade Center. Suite 2173 New York, NY 10048 ?hone: (212) 466-0550 SECTION II. INGREDIENTS AND HAZARDS x 11A~APD DAiA Calcium carbona[e Ca 100 TLV 10 Ing/m) Silica (quart:t) <I as nuisance particulat~ (ACCIH 1977) Manufacturer indicates this material contains no asbes[os or magnesium silicate. SECTION I I I . PHYSICAL DATA Thermal decompositiop, deg C ------------------------------------- >825 Solubility in water, 7- ------------------------------------------- 0.001-0.002 (Solub Ie in :lcids; reaction! ) Specific gravity (H::!O=l) ----------------------------------------- 2.7-2,95 Molecular wt ------------------------------------------------------ 100.09 Appearance & Odor: White powder which is odorless and tas teless . SECTION IV. FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA LOWER '..IPPER FLa,.11 '" lllr allo :'10:1 hOld , ¡\ut(lÜ~nlrion T~mp. I F'lallulI.lbilitv Limit!> 1n Air I I Subs cane t! is n non-comhustible solid which requires no spe~ial fire f igl\ting procedures. No fire \.Ir explosion hazards associated with this produc t. , SECTION v, REACTIVITY DATA This mat~,rial is .:.¡ stable solid (like lilDes tone), Hazardous polymt!rization will not occur. It is solubl~ in acids with the evolution of carbon dioxide. Heatin~ at high temperatures 825 C decomposes this material and liberates carbon dioxide. I I 'I I I I -I -I -I -I --I -I -I -I -I --I -I -I ,--I Cuprrl¡bl (( 19tH ....AI..... ....bllal1l"III.'ur...r..._ ""1 c......wrc a _ wll....ul puÞUobcr', ',,",ill< ...nnitoIcJA ¡ ..........bllcd. GENIUNI PUBLISHING I I I I I r I I I I I -I -I -I -I -I -I -I -I ,-,I NO. 1082 SECTION VI. HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION I TLV 10mg/m3 (8~r~ï~~fg~~) Material is not toxic. It is a common air contaminant - no toxic effects fro~ calcium carbonate are noticed wher~ air contains contaminate to excess. Person subjected to large amounts of this dust will be forced to leave area because of nuisance conditions. coughing. sneezing, nasal irritation from dust. FIRST AID: Contact: Wash areas of skin and and eyes with plenty of water. Get ~edical assistance where irritation persists. Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. This material is listed on FDA GRAS List. '-' SECTION VII. SPILL) LEAK) AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES Sweep or vacuum material from spillage into a waste container for disposal. dusting conditions. This material can be disposed of as inert solid in a fill or by other procedures which are acceptable under Federal, State and regulations. Avoid land- local SECTION VIII. SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION An approved dust respirator face mask can be used for respiratory protection when n.aeded. General and local exhaust ventilation should be employed to keep dust below TLV value of 10 mg/m3. Gloves or protective clothing are usually not necessary but may be desirable in specific work situations. Eye protection (goggles) may be needed to avoid particulate irritation of the eye. r ... SECTION IX. SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND COMMENTS Excessive particulate in workplace air must be'avpiåed even thQugh it is inert and non toxic. (Particulate can carry bacteria into the air passages and lunis, producing infection and bronchitis.) Be sure proper ventilation and resp~ratory and eye protection are used under dusting conditions. ! Material is supplied, in multi-ply paper bags for ease in handling. ~WOI~ AI 10 1M 1UaI~ 01 IRIOfmellOA her..,.. 101 PWÇhaMl', Pwlpoøa .... nec.uerq PWUIlaWt. . 'dpUOWNWW' ',.U4'4'IOI....,~ INkMWO!fI c... f~ tIcttøI\ ...... "" an. P'~"""'U Q1 ~h IOIUiln~. G.a.'~h f'~"" C J¡ pI)IálMM ..'INN.Ji no ..,141.... m...... 00 ..p'.MN...."".. ...... =~ ;:"==:':'0. tO~~~..:::~~ ~~~.OI ~~n Ifúurn.... tuf ~iIÞUf\ If) 1Nf' /k., íl,..lr- APPROVEO:C7 T WI.. ~ Industrial Hygienist,and Chemic~l Safety Coordinator. CE Electronics Laboratory Syracuse, NY 13201 GENIUM PUBUSIIING