HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION (6) · , ./ .' - (t~6v(f i( \ , , " 'I .~) \;'t, I,. .J ~mcon \ ' \ .~. ASSOCIATES. ConsullanlS In Wastes : Managemenl and '. Environmental Conlrol . December 26, 1985 , Project: 773-01.01 '\ Robert L. Williams, Esq. Williams & Williams, Inc. 404 Haberfelde Building 1706 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Re: B.C. Chemicals Dear Mr. Williams: Following our meeting last week, I spent some time at the B.C. Chemicals site and some time with the staff of the Kern County Health Depart- ment. It is apparent that while final clean-up will take a lengthy period of time, there are some things that should be undertaken immediately to mitigate problems that might be exacerbated during the wet season. I have identified three areas that need to be addressed. [Note: these areas have been highlighted in yellow on the attached draft plot plan]. The areas of concern are: 1. Uncontroll ed storm water run-off at the sou~hwest corner of the site. This is causing an invnediate problem in that it tends to flood the arc welding shop on the neighboring lease (Phoenix & Sons). This situation clearly represents a real danger to welders work i ng with arc equi pment. In add iti on, there is the ri sk of further dispersion of contaminants, with consequent increased clean- up problems and costs. 2. There is a concrete sump on the south side of the property close to the warehouse. It is currently full of a greenish colored wdter, and there is off- si te contami nat i on of the nei ghbori ng 1 ease wi t~ green and yellowish-green stains. Heavy rainfall could causp further overflow of this sump and increased off-site contamination. 3. The site has three piles of dirt. tami nated is unknown. However, this material and, again, the increased. To what extent this dirt is con- ra i nfa 11 will erode and d; sperse area of contamination may be Robert L. Wi 11 i amse,s q. December 26, 1985 Page 2 e I suggest that the following interim mitigation steps should be taken as quickly as possible. 1. The sump should be emptied, its contents temporarily stored in one of: the on-site tanks, a chemical profile . developed, and final disposal arranged (presumably to a Class I facility). . 2. The dirt piles should be sampled and a chemical profile developed. Pending the laboratory results, the piles should be covered with heavy duty plastic to prevent erosion. Depending on the chemical analysis, a disposal mode should be implemented. 3. The southwest corner oJ the site should be diked and a continuous barrier erected to prevent flow into Phoenix's welding facility. Care must be taken to ensure that any regradi n9 does not merely redirect the storm water run-off and create a new problem. Informal discussion with the Kern County Health Department indicates that such interim measures would be acceptable to them, provided such operations were carried out under EMCON's supervision and in compliance with the approved Health and Safety Plan. National Resources, Inc. has quoted the following estimates for the above three tasks, assuming that they are carried out together~ 1. $ 500 2. $1,050 3. $I ,500 Sub Total $3,050 EMCON Supervision $1,500 (assuming 3 days of supervision) TOTAL $4,550 I know funds for this project are limited and subject to approval by the Court. However, this work is necessary and should be carried out as soon as possible in case we have a wet winter season. Very truly yours, EMCON Associates ~ø ~- ~ /./f/. , Henry Cruse, P.E. Regional Manager HC : j p cc: Richard Casagrande Kern County Health Department 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 e e KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson. M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard December 18, 1985 Mr. Robert L. Williams, Attorney at Law Williams and Williams, Inc. 1706 Chester Avenue, Suite 404 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Williams: This is to advise you that the Kern County Health Department has approved the Site Health and Safety plan for B.C. Chemicals prepared by EMCON Associates. Mr. Henry Cruse has stated that a Site Clean-up Plan will be submitted to this office by December 24,1935, and that EM CON Associates will be responsible for all aspects of that clean-up. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact John Harris of this office at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, /- ,/ ..,/,/ .-- .- .,/,-:. ...,/ ./ - .... ...\'l......L-- ~ /~~~...<:J:.-ð,,,.......,./ ..., -. __ Richard Casagyande, Program Manàg-e.J" Hazardous Substances Management Program RC:aa cc: Bruce Butterfie~d Howard Eddy Henry Cruse I EMCON e e\ WILLIAMS & WILLIAMS, INC. ROBERT L, WILLIAMS ROBERT S, WILLIAMS A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW HABERFELDE BUILDING 1706 CHESTER AVENUE, SUITE 404 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 18051 323·7933 December 12, 1985 Mr. Richard Casagrande Health Department, Kern County 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Re: B. C. Chemicals, Inc. Debtor #185-10809 Dear Mr. Casagrande: You were furnished a copy of the proposed Site Health and Safety Plan for B. C. Chemicals, Inc. prepared by EMCON Associates. It is my understanding that you have no problem with their plan. Would you please give me verification in writing that the Site Health and Safety Plan meets your approval. I had a further meeting on December 10, 1985 with EMCON and Henry Cruse tells me that they will have a remedial inventory plan prepared in about two weeks. We are preparing an inventory of material that we believe is saleable and expect to offer these assets for sale in Bankruptcy Court with delivery to buyers under the supervision of EMCON Associates. Your cooperation is very much appreciated. RLW:miw cc: Richard Eglin EMCON Associates Kuhs & Parker e e Dece~er 9, 1935 Hr. ~obert \'¡il1iams !..ttcrney at Law ~:ILLI..'~ì·~ S: H!LLIANS, I!~C. 404 ~3berfe1de Euilding 1706 C~lt'!ster Avenue TIekerafield, CA 93301 Dear l,:r. \7ill1ams: 'I'hsnk you for taking the time to speak to me on the! telephone t~¡e o~'-Jer day regarding t:~e ap;troaching: final proposal on t~e r~cycle by alternate tec~nolo~ to find buyers for the ~ateri~ls w~ich would othe~4ile be weste disposed creating a :ürther pollutant to the en\~roTh~ent. As I explained in your office, vIe p~=forrn t!-lis type of service on a da.ily basis and get ï.!2ny referrals t:"1rou¿,h the California ~:&lste ~xc:"ange ?ro0~a~ of peo?le w~o are looking for alternate tec~nology. As ! also ~~ntioned on the telep~one, we are of~en referred to accounts by the waste hauler ~ho has been asked to look at ~~e product for disposal and sees tha~ several of t~e items ·'\"ould be recyclable. Uh.at is generally done in t~lC=se cases is t:·lat the Muler is cQ:';Jpensë1ted for 'tJhat he ,,"'OUld no~..z.lly have rc~cived for the trans?ortation to the closest c~e~~~ ~aste lL\nclfill '{.¡~ic11 is acceptahle fer the !i'.Ateri&l. Otherwise. the ~~ülc~s ~~lld not contact o~ rirm since to do so w~~ld result in a lo~s of earnings. It is a general practice that the che~ical waste landfill is ?aid by the ~eneratcr; h~Aever, in Booe c~ses, t1,e hauler ?~Y8 the landfill fee a!1d is reinbursed frc~ his custo~er. There ,is no profit edded to t~e landfill fee t tt,c h~\11er only makes his profit O!1 the t=ansportatio:\ its~lf. ~a n"'G~~~\' l~. Robert Uill~"" \;ILLIAlG & HI"....LW~. nm. December 9. 1985 page 2 of 3 e I was introduced to the BC Che:rl.cal bankruptcy by National Resources who had been called in to ~~luate a waste hauling contract and I feel that it should be wcttked out between BC Chemical or the financially responsIble partie. as to the fee that they would feel comfortable in making to Uational Resources for thu large reduction in the cost of waste hauling and disposal. Hy proposal would be as follows: I W3uld have the rlght (if ~ proposal is accepted) to enter the property with. working crew who would teat and evalc.ate on site each of the items in my proposal so that there would be a clear undarstanding that any items removed from the premises would be on an "as is" baAls. non-returnable merchandise. I would also have the 'right, while on site evaluating materials loaded on ttuc:ka and taken from the premises. to ship only in DOT s'PProved containers. Should a container be deemed unsuitable for trans- portation em. the highways. and require either overpack or repack, that thie cost be incurred by 3C Chemical or other financially responsible parties. I would further ~equire that we be allowed 60 days for the total removal of the attached listed pròducts. During this 60 day period, thosecaterials which are in question with respect to testing (in S~ cases mare intricate testing is required that cannot be done on site), we reserve the right to take samples off the property for furt~cr testing. Please note that the following items, if deer:æd unacceptable prior to shit'ping within the allocated time period, would be conjidered no longer recyclable and would not be part of our proposal. As in your business, there exists a degree of confidentiality between o~ clients who receive these m&terlals. They do not wish for tåe general P'".1bli~ to be made aware that they ue using sub-standard or obsolete caterials in their busi~ess as it mig!:1t iC?4ir thett reputation for quality. Therefore, we w ill maintain a complete record of the cra.dle-to-grave disposition of all of t!:1ese oaterials in our files available only to the California Depar~~t of Health Services, Alternate Tec~nology Division, for their records should it becooe necessary after the coopletion of all deliveries to show . bill of lading with the exact arootmt of material picked up and received. (WCR\¡fUI ftÞ'l!liìB EM Ð e e ~···r '~!'".~........' r:r~11{f'-. ~.. . ...·wI·~'-'_.... \..1... _~..~ ~ ~r T ,..;:, ,.,~ ,. PIT T ï 1. ',"t! .,_-.,¡.;,.J_-..,;.... __ Ct L.~~,,_...J, De~e~er 9, 1985 '" ... - 3 ,{age .) o¡: .-~ ,""" .1._. oJ . ·"ote ..~,.,~ lab""linf'l O~ ...11 d......·~ h'" ~~"I ~~ ·eOf-s .~~ or ',""f, ._'L....._ J... ...'....... ç _ c::. - ~ ....\..J,...~ ...._.,__ 'i;t.a "'-_ L·.. .._1 ,c.::::.u~..S ~~st be placed withea~h bill of ladin~ and accc~pany the transportation of each item. ~'7eeX?:;:c~ Be Cheæical to pro·\tide t~1ese nu.-nbers: howe"Jer, we will attet:kpt also to search our lib=ary for any we nay have. Ple&se note that the quantities were taken by vis~l inspec~ion and o~ bid is to incl~de all of each of t~e cased c~eoica18 that we dee:n s~itable for recycliT1g. 7~le ~lantities listed ere only approximations. t'~e hereby offer the sum of $2~ 000. 00 for all of the attached 1te~. As per tbe terms stated above, this bid is to be based on tt1e entire list presented. In t!'.e event that any items are Oi11itted, our bid becomes invalid. As a s!de note not to be included as part of the a~ove bid, we observed 7-8 plastic round DOT tanks of approximately 600 gallons in size on the property plus a portable trailer which was used for tank ttans?Ortation. Additionally, we Obger1ed a l,OOO gallon mixing tank and a 1,000 gallon milk te.~!~. ~:e wcr..lld be pre?~ed to pay $1,00Q.00 for all of these i~ens on the provision that we would be able to rill each tank (~e at a tice) \ÿith the same water to check for lea!æ en the plastic tanks. '~1US, we would uti11za 600-700 gallons of w~ter on site for this purpose. We would also like to be able to tu--n on the mixer provided there is electrieity on site to establish that it works. I look ~ort-:ard to haz:<:ing frcr.n you soon. I?@~R or~~f,; . Sincerely, n ~ ~ R hayrnon~ ... ozen Vice ?resident f'.:f3! d Enclosu=es cc: Denartment of Health Ser~iceø. Alternative Technology nnd Policy Developrscnt Section 2.druos 7 dru.'!lS 42 drums 1 drum 1 drum 3 drums 1 drum 23 drums , 3S drums 1 drum 6 drums 30 drums 4 drums 2 drums 7 drums 1 drum 2 drums 1 drum Gly~ ~ther Acetate tþ Ucon Lubricent (rolyalkY'lene Glycol) Hexane (38 full, 4 partial) Toluene (Par~ial' !~erosene Diesel Perchloroethylenc (partial) 1,1,1 Scale Inhibitor (22 full, 1 partial) Ammonium Hydroxide Liquid (32 full, 3 partial) Caustic Soda 10% Caustic Soda Dry (2 with hole) Caustic Potash Dry (1 with hole) Caustic Soda Liquid Sulfuric Acid Hydrochloric Acid (3 full, 4 p~rtial) Inhibited Hydrochloric Acid Hydrogen Peroxide 50% (1 full, 1 partial) Soldium Silicate 4 drums Calcium Chloride 3 dru.'US Amcon1um Poly Sulfate 1 drum Phosphoric Acid 75% 19 drums Sodium Sulfide (Flake) (St~uffer) 1 drum Butyl Oxitol 1 drum Hexanol 33 drums Iso Butyl Albohol ~)~@~ OR~G~~~!L 3 drums Isopropanol (1 full, 2 partial) 200 boxes Fai_ )Ps (24 per box) ({=?Jt31) e 400-600 Empties or partials (ACT's II) bc1dst forcalde;ydc, etc. 2~ caustic, some partials, some 5~~ 50dium Silicate, Grade D Sodium Silicate, Grade 1~ Just Empties ACT's Steel Empties ISog: ea Anhydrous A!!COnium Cylinders Chloride Cylinderst 134~f ea, ú11 1017 RQ (I-ton cyli~der) Chloride Cylinders (Empty) lS~¡ each Chlorine (full) and 8 ~ty, 15~ each Chlorine (full and 24 full with some eopty) (10~~ each) ~~itcamide V2nwet 5x5 (10%) Biosoft 3-100 (Stepan Co.) Varsol Epal 20+ (Alcohol) No. 2 - }IDT 50(Buckman) D?-1'\D (Buc1œan) SASE (Buckman) SDi·r3T (Buckman) CAS!-4 CASI-773 Acry Sodium Xylene Sulfonate Dodecyl Benzene Sulfonic Acid Ortho Dichloro Benzene 150 drums 55 ea.ch S5 eech 400~SOO ! ' 500-600 5 4 40 5 3 1 dru:n 1 drum 1 drum 4 drums 3 druI!1s 2 drums 3 dru:~s 5 drums 1 drum 2 druu 1 dru:n 1 drum 1 drum 1 drum 6 drums 4 druT.s 2 d1.-U~ 2 d rtl."itS 1 drwn 3 dr.cs 2 drums 6 drums 1 drum 1 60 bags ~~sealed ~ray carbide dru.."'e Jowanol PH (Ace.tate) EPAL 20+ R.P. 5<T1. Glycol Ether (2 r~llt 1 partial) Propylene Glycol Tri Ethylene Glycol (4 full, 2 partials) Ethylene Glycol (Partial) 2,000 pound cylinder Sulfur ~ioxide \ .. ' \ \ 1~A3, (5~ each) " \ ALL U!.\USED A!:m tTh"!1.~&RIŒD 5-GALLOn !'!J¡.STIC PAIL.~ AS HELL AS A!N :·¡t~~D 5-GAL!..OU PAILS CON'TAniI!~~ S';~l:-CIL!HG OR E:,~~OSSED PRnrrn~G 7 drums 3 dru.r.tS I drum 4 drums 3 drums 1 drum I drum 15 drums 1 drum 5 drums 2 drums I drum 1 drum ldrum ldrum 2 drums 1 drum 4 drums 1 drum 4 drulns 1 drum 4 drums 4 drums 19 drums I drum 1 drum Methe 1 (4 full, 3 partial) e Tri-Hibitol (2 full, I partial) Hono Ethanol Amine (partial) Ethylene Di-amine (high purity) Tri Ethanol Amine (2 full, I partial) n-Mono Ethanol Amide (partial) Acetone Formaldehyde (5 full, 10 partial) Formic Acid (partial) Acetic Acid (2 full, 3 partial) Fatty Acid FA-I Chloroform, Alcohol inhibited Aointol (partial) Ueareide 250 (partial) Ucarcide 225 Formula 70 (Gen-Che~) Solvent G Solvent B. Plus (3 full, 1 partial) Solvent B Foaoer (2 full, 2 partial) Truck wash Ucon Lube Hy50 BC Degreaser (2 full, 2 partial) OS-100 CSF perchloroethylene (partial) 16 ~ ags 2 pallets 41 cases 2 pallets 6 ,,11ets 28 bags 72 bags S bags 24 bags 160 bags 24 bags 85 bags 15 bags 50 bags 25 bags 9 bags 1 drum 3 dru!:1s 11 cases 2 drJ..~s 11 dru.-ns 4 pallets 9 pallets 50 bags 2 pallets 100 CbYl, T.C.P., r~, ree (SQ.:; each) e Say t-B on side (plain bags) Acoco Selec Floc (2 pallets, 201 each) Sodium Sulfite An~ydrous (48 bags, 10~J eac~) (Stauffer Chem Sodium Bromide 25!~ each, lÇO total bags (caked, breaks up) (Great La~~s Che~ical COT.pany) Anhydrous Sodi~ Sulfate Tech. 997. (caked) (~err ~~Gee) Celite Diatomite (51~ each) (:577 (1~nvil1e Products Corp.) Ce1ite Diatomite ~575 (}~nv11le Products Corp.) Fibra Cel r~wik Seal (4264) (3~j each) (Rotary Drilling Services) Standard Super Ce1ite) TEP 682 Lot (Bemis Bag, Inc.) ~wik Seal (4~) (Rotary Drilling Ser\~ces) Opti-Seal 4Ûï1 (~!CCélbe-~:ooly and Co.) I Bemis D N (5Ofr) (Bemis Co~any) ICelzan XCD Polymer (25:1 each) ( l~elco Oil Field Gmup) Interox Amer1cco Albone 50 (Houry Chemical) ACT r S II A lbone 35 (VH&R) Hi Point 90 Hhitco (}t.E.K.P.) 4 xl' s A~~nium Persulfate (225t- each) regular grade (F~~) ElœTY, ACT II, HCL Inhibited (TIatrosol IŒC, 6 bags) Shrink-wrapped Con-Tone (48 bags per pallet) Ray ~ome 340, Green Bags (50 bags per pallet) (IT! Fores~) Ray !{rome 340, Bl~e bags (50 bags per pallet) Ray Krome 340, Blue bags (30 bags per pallet) Shrink wrap broker. 3-4 torn bags) Acid (Black type) ~~) 2 pallets 18 bags 6: 6 pallets 2 "llets 3 pallets 6 bags 30 bag. 1 0 bag. 1 bag 15 bags 11 bags 2 bags 2 pallets 6 "llets 1 pallet 18 bags 3 pallets 13 cases 11 pallets 1 pallet 11 pallets 1 pallet 24 uses 4 bags c~'J:-I, Good (::erC"..lles) e Diacel D (soft) Fibra Cel BH-I00 (20 bags ea) schrink wrapped Filter Cel Celite (soft), 10 bags each Loss Circ:u1a tion Y.ater!.als (5M' each) Benzoic Acid - Tech. chips (5~1 each)(Koloma) Hydro Gel Met80 beads 2048 (P. C. Corp.) Drillstar (Chem Star) Dlsodium Phosph&te, granular (10~~ each) Sodium Meta Bisulfite (Allied) (10~1 each) Driscose Hlg~ viscosity 46921 (36 bags eac'1 pallet) (Drilling Specialties) ~el/Chem Drilled DFlC-L (32 bags each) (Welchem Co.) Darco Activated Ch2rcoal, powdered 20009, Code 498-17 (Approximately 26 bags) (Chem Asso) Sodium Bichromate Sodium Chromate Tetra Hydrate (bard as rock) (Diamond Shamrock) Plastic Bottles - D scale (4 ea, 52 bottles 1 x 1/2) (Superior Equipment) LenAlk A Solubilized Thinner Emulsifier (50 ea) (Lignate) Al Envasar (12 bags approx.) (Garbanz:o de ~!exico) Tricalclum Phosphate (Approx. 12 bags) (Stauffer Chem.) 90-B (Approx. 70 bags) Amoco La-Sol Extender and Flocculant (Amoco Chemical Corp) Paraformaldehyde Flake 1 drum 4 drums 8 drtl:!!s 1 drum 2 drt1::1S 3 druos ldrum 500 bags 1Sbags 20 bags 30 bags 15 bags 20 bags 3 pallets 40 bags 1 pallet SO bags 25 bags 80 bags 3 pallets 20 (bags 20 bags 500 ea 200 bags 8 bags 24 bags Ethy.' cetate Ethyl Acetate - Solvent 450 (V\~&.~) Thinner (partial) Stoddard (1 full, 1 partial) Lacquer Thinner (2 :[-u11 , 1 partial) Tetra HydroFuran West Coast SAIT (35 begs) (t-iest Coest I·:illing) DiSodium Phosphate Granular (lO~~ each) (PH: Corp.) Loss Circulation Haterial (50;; each) (S C Enterprises) Benzoic Acid Chips (5~' each) (Ralama Chemical Co.) Hydro Gel (10og each) (Inyo-Ben, Inc.) Drilstar Pre-gelantinized for water loss (5~ each) (Chemical Products) Amoco Drilla1d PA 463 (24 bags per pallet) (Great Britain) Kwik Seal, Coarse (40~ each) (Rotary ~illing Slrvices) Diacel (24 bags, 10~ each) (Drilling Specialties) or~an A IT! Rayonier (Forest ~oducts) Diacel LWL (Drilling Specialties) Tetra Sodium, Gm n. FHC ''hard'' Pyrophosphate, Granular (caked) ~~iate of Potash (10~ each) Hard, breaks up (Rep Cheaical) Potassium Chloride, free flowing, water soluble 621. Spec-O-I, NTA ~tal. Celite Diatomite ?roduct, 51~ ea bag, (Johns ~~nville) Diacel D Dowflake 9 Calcium Chloride 801. (1000 ea) Caked, breaks up CSI '''~ ,;~ ¿/~ CHEM SOURCES, INC. e CORPORATE BACKGROUND AND QUAlIFICATIONS e Environmental Recovery Systems Division 11 S6S Laurel Canyon Boulevard Mission Hills, CA 91340 (818) 365-4534 e e INTRODUCTION Chern Sources Incorporated (CSI) is a chemical recycling company dedicated to the concept that many "excess" chemicals can be recycled. Founded in 1976 as Environmental Recovery Systems, the firm has grown steadily to it's present size and technical capability. We are currently ranked as one of the largest chemical recyclers in the United States. C5I provides comprehensive solid and hazardous waste management services to industry a~d government. Since its inception, our company has successfully participated in more than 30,000 chemical recycling projects, eliminating their placement in landfills. At Chem Sources, we sample and analyze chemicals, then, based on our findings, propose a recycling strategy, impose that strategy, accummulate or combine the chemicals as needed, vigorously market them and deliver them. The key to our success is that we take re- o . sponsiblity for the chemicals. CS1 currently employs personnel with expertise in many areas, including: Waste management, fractional distillation, manufacturing, engineering, plant design, synthesis techniques, organic intermediates for technical chemicals, polymeric chemistry (rubber, plastics, adhesives, paints, resins), oil production, rare earths, precious metal recovery, geology, pharmaceutical intermediates, veterinary chemistry, minerology, textile intermediates (including dyes), inorganics, sublimation, neutralization, gases, ethoxifi- cation and sulfonation. Our corporation headquarters are located in Mission Hills, California (Los Angeles Metropolitan area) with regional affiliates in San Francisco, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New England, Illinois, Connecticut, Texas, Louisiana and Canada (Montreal and Ontario). e e SITE EVAlUATIONS CS1 conducts in-plant surveys and has developed an evaluation program which is tailored to a client's specific needs and budget. Our facilities inspectors determine the regulatory agency responsible for insuring compli- ance with local, state and federal regulations. Evaluations are made on each product at the site and each by-product is isolated at its source, evaluated chemically and recommendation made as to the suitability of the stream for possible recovery and recycling. Specifics of each survey are, of course, kept confidential in the interest of the manufacturing firm. C51 is uniquely qualified to sample, chemically evaluate and recommend ultimate disposition of a broad variety of industrial chemicals and distressted commodities. CS1 works with numerous agencies and processing centers to determine useful applications for materials that have been designated unusable or obsolete. In addition, C5I functions as a materials broker for distressed products and raw materials. Our research team is able to find ready markets for all types of surplus and obsolete chemicals, and our nationwide network assists our customers with every possible avenue of recycling. e RECYCLING Ys. DISPOSAl e Recycling - it's just a matter of getting materials into the right hands. What is waste to one company may be raw materials to another. There are better alternatives to dumping, and at Chem Sources we have found them. In the past few years, the regulation of hazardous waste has evolved into a confusing, complex and ever-changing web of federal, state and local regulations. Underscoring the ever-changing nature of the laws in this area, there are currently in excess of 150 bills which address 13 major hazardous substance issues that are now pending before legislature. Many new and unused chemicals (as well as chemical streams) are being sent to dump sites daily. The thing to remember is that this is a problem area with simple, real solutions. One solution is taking responsibility and establishing patterns of re-use. Technology for the safe disposal of toxic waste does not exist, while methods for recycling are well established and widely applied. Within the past few years, several companies involved principally in the business of manufacturing or industrial plating have been prosecuted. Based on recent indications given by the district attorney's office, future enforce- ment target areas wi 11 include the di'sposal of salvage by dry cleaners, the disposal of infectious waste by hospitals, leaking underground storage tanks, violations by hazardous waste haulers and transporters, and industrial discharges into sewer systems. In addition, dozens of other types of businesses ranging from chemical to glass, textile, furniture, electronics, printing and plastics (to name just a few) are involved ,in the handling of hazardous waste and are also potential targets for enforcement. Penalties for violations are con- siderably more severe now than they were a year ago. e e WHY RECYCL I N& Recycling has long-term benefits for both industry and o~r environment. Recycling is economical. Dump fees as well as transportation continue to escalate. Five years ago, the disposal costs were tens of dollars per ton (or even less);now they are approximately $150 to $200 per ton. Prices have gone 'up dramatically-.i.n the last couple years and will continue to go up. Fuels as well as manpower are on the rise. Taxes should also bé considered as they are also imposed on hazardous waste. Hefty fines as well as lawsuits are now an everyday occurence. Regulations now require industry to pursue methods of recycling before disposal. Recycling is an alternative to dump sites and it has been estimated that 80~ of the chemical waste being sent to dumps could be recycled. In order to avoid major economic and environmental crises in the near future, industry and environmentalists alike must seek alternatives to dumping. The advantages of recycling are: Preventing future polution of soil, air and water; less liabilities to companies; lawsuits from surrounding neighbors. Recycling is money saving. Major cleanup of dump sites can haunt you in years to come. Recycling shews regulatory agencies your willingness to put forth an effort toward compliance. e",; e ...~~ /'-;Z-ç)~ ~' ~. /J~ -__~~ duJ~~~~/~~ _... d£ý/1-7~ 7 /, ¿~' þ~~ ~ -;/ A =-~~-Þd '''/) _ . /~r;Jp~ - ~~ß; . ø~~ // E/J1(!ðrJ / 1- £ift~ ¿--y' ~7- c..-.-ð~ß~ ~ ~ ~,'Æ-~ ~/ z> ~-#IJ~..Jr~~ðf~" ct, b-~/~ 'l;í - ¥~ v.' -, ;- ~.o /tÆ:~~ // //IIff ~ /P.kC-Ø;<- tU~r #~ / ,~# /A~j'ø1~'líP-.v-- ICe .~ x;?~ .¿?æp- ~~Î ,! ~/;?;~. ~;~¿J~ ~;~kY þJ~ ¿~/~ -7' /d-c--&' ~--<!:..~.-/ /' -, - " . .- // ' d/v-~f-ct:?z/7J'?fJ ~t¿~ J /~l~ ~" ',~~~-"~~ ß~ ¿:I'// 77;7" b0t+5 ~ // /. '_ W ;<Þc-£ 2IL=7°.J -- / ~þ ~zr~) '; _ .~ ' ¿J~G\{ @~~Gi~Ätt, /]/704,- {)[7P7?Î.p ~--, á7J~ ;i /d~?c-'é7f1T jI "7 y " V'/ /, 'o/~ o(}ß~~/ 1'a-~ ~ ~d~ ¡'~Q;" ~ !r.-)"J", ~l q þ~ ~~(~k~ ¡tf}, µ¡ di¡ /ftuz;zÞkd/ /~~ ~J ~ e e .~, /) ~'7A~7 -/ ~~;V~~~ ')..þb~~ .~ ~ - 3"/£- Jçfc- ;/;sÝ/f~ r~ /:)~-~/&d'~d.þ{N<-:Y ~, ß-dJ: ,dL /¡;~ : (-7 #~/ ~ ., ¡¿(1- ~/~~~~ v 1J~:þ;ðy~' '/~~~~ ~A / ?~/~t!~~rK~)Ø~~ ~/~ur4~~j ~~~ ~C . Øèð Ø4!ò ' /.- 5' 0~ t!.¿~-4J R(1· ð.-é7f ~ 7:'~~¿:::~p~/ ~; /)~~ ~ 7 5- ~r.J ¡Þ ¿~>7 ~;¡f¿:::;¡t'/~ 4 I,j I /J' /1,/.4 . . . £r ¡), Ž ' id.~ ;' / /thc/ ¿þ¡:c/z,/ d:7J.ua.- / - c: é/a~}' / /!~.J. /1(1 /' (ì (/J ;/ - // '/ /ß, /,0-" ' ') , ., /. "' /' -0!;~lJ /J~¿) a¿;;:7 ~:- é5iZ(!~ -- v ~¿;;íP?z¿J~;;o .d" 7.~ ,J4/~~ -'?/--/ ¿..J L A0~lt/ ~ ~ft<-"T ,d~~ ,.c.lu~ /y ftl-~ -~:9~'Y .,~ß-/a=v~/¿{U.dÞ~4/~ - ~~~ "''\7 . // ~. £ ~ / ii, ~ ,; .' ¡ft~ # ~ ""7';7 - )~/í:þ/ (? ~ ~ ,~~ ;/t£~ /~ ~>£. //¿';h~/ ;7 á/' /~ áJe :~~'kð- ~~7¿ÚÆ7 /~J-ú' i ~ ¿é~& --::?>;?~u¿f;.J /~--ð-~~~ c- '11: i L /," , / / /' I k 6,' ,/ ~' ~J t/ ..,¿-----:- " . or I ~" " c:., 11 ~, ;~/ / /~ /~ /!ß__l!~~ /f~v' u- ¿:</(j¿;--¡~7¿C¿~~~j «;1# If 6 ld/" ~~~. WOO~ OftIG!~b\D" ê?J /2Ø£t¿/ /~ /~c$~ /~;~ ~.,~~/)7~ - " . p'> /:¿, / ---;YP' /k d¿~a",o ¡'ð, d ¿r 7 ~ .f~, þ ß:2f-- //ó! ___ Q~rvJ~~) ~~?f' ¿'£i~¿~ /J2k~ //íJ~J~dï' 7 ~ß:¿~7 -/:J'l-iJ~.d~ 1 J" / /l) \ /' ~ /1 /J ~ _, ß/" .., J-j' _. ,/ ~ /, , ._ ___ /;),-¡ /'( -.LL /7" A e e .~þ Ä- .oF~ -:6.£ ¿hu~ ~b-- /1~ -LL- ~F/~ ¡f, afi¿J?/ /.-ß r~ '/êa :~M~~~~'=·*~~ ~[d-A~.~ / /oe~~ ~ . ·,~/~~~d/;fL,~ ~~ ~{)~/~~ ¿'fc-J-fI1~ /-(;1¡ /V( -- ~~þ d~(~ /~~ ~ ~¿z ¿0 ,ßG'/~/¡~ ,)~@~ OR!G~é\I1~fl 6J e e ¿2Ø~~~cZ<?~<bJ.~ ,-- --,--- ~~----------,----- ' ,__?'I_ !'1€ oS __ ~¡; . . .... ...L¿th.-I.. . _. . uu~';;;¡''l,j''6~~ ,....~~ "/~~. .t?~..' "-7~ ;g~ ~------·~-·_-~-------ti~· - .-' .--~'--'------ --..L ~4 ~ ~~- -- /~/ 6l-~+4.. 4) ~ ¥ ·æ ~ ~.. _~~r_~ t~ __ .... ---~-_~~/- ~-i-~:~----: _~~ ....../p~. jé'-c-~ ~~~~/ »((<f.~~ .mm_ .. V. ... _, u.. ... / ) -.-- --- -- ~.--._--_. __m --71..--.-- --. --- . ?~ V../.up ··{/~j?:~,d~--~4-/~~-- é v ~ð ?i$;-- , A~-··· ._.'--;-----___.---pv;n__--;--':.--- -.---,- ----.-----, ,---.-- n_, ,¿~_-~20~./J. ,--.--.~; --- ~---~~- /- __._._..___,_¿_~~~_~:I~~_'.t (v--:..14ð, ~ '/.< ' þ~ . ' JL _ I A.---.L ~ > ./J" .-/. .. /:;¡;7i~. - ( u ,~~-=:( &f:t'~ a4L~--;-=-a /p --c--;:-~ .. . .up x... _. ~ ~ .ff./ .~. . ~~~--^ . ,. ..- ----,--- .--------------.-.--.----~7_----.--- -----z7 ~..( é!uLrv£~ ~ ~, ftL//~~" / . 7~ .. ·jr~~--/"-~ &-'~..=Yp ..  ,--.--- ..-/ - . '4 ?V~~ ,I /I~ ~~'n___.. .~., " ----/-- --.--- -n--~~á-/_ / (;~ __~~_~~---u ~ "~... . d2 ~-' -- n'__._. -.-------,..,.,---.-'------'. ,.-... . "I d / - .....,.. J -" ~ _"n_ ~'.,' _, . ~¿ 'í&J ~ 1.. . _?ß~ ¿:Z~.5 , ~.. /unu~~-r .. ~(~a- .. -. ~~~--:;~:-~~.;;:;:.J- ,'ß '- ,- ' ~ -.- ". ..,. --,' - " _~a /j --. ------_._-_._---..-_.._-------~--_._-- . ----"-------- ~-------------..---- ð.// ~ /-'. ~:¿- ~Þ0~ ~~,~.;U.-/ /.-4 ~~ ~A~ :/ ~ .--,--,-.-- -- '--..-t7-,--~~r.:~----·--7-~~#..·~/~-· - ~ ~ -- -_. --\--.--- ..--- -'- -- - - , .- --, -,- ,..' ~ ; " 'J-- I ' \ '.",,, .\ r" \ ¡~. ~ . \ ¡ \ '. .\ . "; .J"" .¿.... ..^-~j,'. \ (1 ..1\ .-.--- - -- .-... --. . - JJ '.... . "."',..vl ~'lIftlfllIIIlllI \.VU" II e . ""I\n TO , Richard casagra!, Hazardous Materials DATI: EHS IV Manager nOM I Clari Binder, EHS II £}<#¿ October 11, 1985 Telephon.. No. 861-3636 SUBJBCT: Investigation of BC Chemicals 1511 South Union Ave., Bakersfield, CA. On September 5, 1985 members of this staff alo~g with other state and local agéncies conducted an inspection of BC Cher.icals, 1511 South Union Avenue, Bakersfield California. This inspection was the result of complaints received by this department regarding BC Chemicals and the possible illegal disposal of hazardous wastes by that company. The purpose of the inspection was to determine of BC Chemicals was indeed either intentionally or by negligence disposing or causing the disposal of hazardous chemicals on the property at 1511 South Union Avenue. Present durin! the ispection were staff from Kern County's Health, Fire, Sheriff's and District Attorny office, the California Department of Health Services (DOHS) and the California Highway Patrol. As representiative of the Kern County Health Department Hazardous Materials Xanagement Section, I was present and involved in the investigation while the drums and soil were being sampled. It was my responsibility to observe the samples being taken and log each sample in the field notebook belonging to Bruce Butterfield of the DOHS. The following is a copy of the information that was written in the DOHS sampling log on September 6, 1985: LiQuid SamDle Number Quantitv BAB tI167 (1) 55 gallon drum (taken from black drum labeled (stenciled) Isopropy alcohol) BAB fJl68 (1) 55 gallon dr~m (taken frem blue drum labeleò (stenciled) Triethylene Glycol) BAB #169 (1) 55 gallon dru~ (taken from blue drum labeled Corrosive) BAB ill 70 (1) SS gallon drum (taken from a blue and white Penwalt drum-stenciled "Gas odorant"-strong odor) BAB 111 i 1 (1) 55 gallon drum (taken from black drum with crystals around bung on pallet at west end of property) PAS 510 "51 ..5005 IR... '..., Discriptio:1 Colorless Liquid Red Orange cc_or~~ liquid Colorless Li~ui¿ Light Yellc~ Liq~:: The layer liquid. amber on top, g~e: middle and IOnic¿ thick bottom Investigation of BC Chemicals e ". Liquid Sample Number BAB tI172 S011 Sample ~umber BA! .' 111 7 3 BA! fl174 BAB 1117 5 BA! #176 BAB #177 BAB 4178 BAB #179 CB:re e Quantity Description (1) 55 gallon drum (taken from black labeled (stencil) Solvent B plus at center of property) Dark and Amber Liquid Discr1.ption Location White crusted soil from surface approximately 300 :: west of gate goi~g to storage area Dark black soil from surface to linch approximately 15 ft west of sample #173 Dark brown soil from surface approximately 20 ft south of shop and 40 ft north of IT Tank Dark brown soil from surface approxi~tely 5 ft south of sa~ple tl175 Black coal tar like clods approximately l5 :: east of the fire ext:nguisheé at Ne:: fence of ?rOper:7 Rust and black colored stained sludge Taken fr:-:: fro:":: or poly tan~ laJe~=, DUST G[.~~ at t~e nor~h west of F::;= in the ?o::: ta~:\. area wnite crusted soil Taken fr0:: tror.: of poly tank labeled FO~~ER a: the north west er:= of property in :~¿ poly tank area e e ·Notes and Summary Data for this report(EPA 8270/semivolat~lê compounds) B- Compounå was detected in the QC blar.k. J- Reporteå value is less than detection limit. u- Compound analyzed for but not detected.The reported value is the min~um attainable detection limit fer the sample. No Flag after reported value-Compound found in sample at value reported. :DDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD[D~DDDDDDDDJDDDDDDÐDDÐDDDDDDDDÐDD~ÐDDÐDDDDDÐDDDODÐ~DCûD' ...1 P å Q e! - - - - - .' .' .' CASE NO DOHS 3 SAS NO .' ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET - , - , SEHIVOLAIILE COHPOUNDS - - .' ~AgORATORr HC~FSSON L~B REPORTED 06/2C/8~ 17:08 !~ (: N T RAe T ;' 1 8 3 - Z S C!JSTÜMER DI)H$ - .' - - .. &DDDDDDDDODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐÐÐDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDD~' " " - .' ZDDDDDDDDODDDDDDDDDDDD[DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDùDDDDDDDDDE-DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD' .. $AM;~::: ~D l1E;:~-~~,UH TYPE 1181 ~ .-LA Ô ~~;. H P I D 1'1 E T H - 5 ~.fJ:!l'__ : LAS 'lC ID ~ THORIZE) BY : CDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDOÐÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDLDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDPfDD; ~ FILE NAME 10488 RECEIVED O~/IO/86 METHOD 8270 ; .... TUN E D F T P P E X T RAe TED 0" /1 0 /:; I;. F R A C TI (I N 8 N A . .~ $1 ANDARD _____ ANALYZED 06/12/8t, INSI HP .) .) BLANK VERIFIED ANALYST TB :; CDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD~DDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD[DD4 '. % M(!ISTIJRE pH LEVEL I1EDIUM .:: .~ l D EC MH ED) C L E MW P HAT R I X ~lQY.!.P .) -: :. IL ¡. A C T(I 2 1 ,~; IJ C EXTRACT MET H (I D :; 5 5 0 1I NITS 11 G H ¡; 3 ~ - SAMPLE: M.BLANk ~:8:-:S : !OML : 100UG/ML :C(l~,DI T IONS: .) - 10.1;;:8 ~DDfJDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDÐDE:DDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDÐDDÐÐfDDDD[DDDD]DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD~JDDiC) CU!':~:JUND r"·" o=~ ~ (i t~ C FLAGS ~ i ,80 U : .GO II . i , elo U :.C.O U 1 .ÙO ') 1. 00 u rP~~:1)",\ (r1)RIG~[f2¿~, 1. OC U . ,00 U - , ')0 u .::~ u 1 .00 U ::;'~I ~ ~ _ C to S .~ (I (;~~lO ~~l5 .C;:~:': C:~¡J c::s C::;4Q c:so f' - ~ .J ..) ~ '.: ; -' oJ .. ~ r' _. - " .; I ) ~~ 4 ; 0 (:~15 C420 C425 C4 3~, C440 C44S C450 (;460 (; 4 (" 5 C510 C51S C525 f"I~~" ......v..... .... ('Sail -<' - 7 5 -:. N - r 11 ~ ;. 0 ~ cd i me thy ! .:: m 1 n e : c ::: - : ~. - 2 F ~j eo í~ :: : ::!-34-4 tlsl2-Chioroethv11Ether :'5-57-3 2-~~¡:rophenol 5," : - 73 - 1 1,:- û : r h 1 c r oe, ~ n z ~ r: e lOb-46-7 1.4-Dlchlorobenzene ,~ 1) - 5 0 - 1 1. 2 - D i c h lor 0 tl e n zen e 306::;3-32-9 bi5(2-Chlorcl~OprDPyIIEthpr ~21-64-7 N-Nit~oso-Ði-n-FrO~Y!6m:rf 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane ~8-9S-3 Nitrc~enzene 78-59-1 Isopharone 88-75-5 2-Nl:rcphenol 10S-~7-9 2.~-C¡methylphencl 111-~1-1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)Hethane 120-83-2 2,~-~ichlornphenol 120-82-1 1 12.~-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 Naphthalene 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene ~0-5C-? 4-Chlcro-3-Hethy!phenol 77-47-4 Hexéchlorocyclopentadiene 88-06-2 2,~,6-T,·ichlo:·ophenol 91-58-7 2-Chloronaphthalene 131-11-3 Dime!hyl Phthalate :-' ~) :~ -~ ;., - ::: A r p r, :. ::J h t h v I e r, e : ,00 U i . ùO U l .OU U 1 .00 II i .00 U 2.00 U 1.00 U 1. 00 U 1.00 U ¡ .00 U 1. 00 U 1. 00 U 1 .00 II 1. 00 U . e ZDDDDDDDDDDDDD=DJDDDJDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDûDDDDDDÐÐDDDDDDJDDDÐDDDDDDDDDJDDDD=D7 ; pðge ~ - - , , - -' - -: -. J ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET - LAB SAMP ID METH-BLANK SAMPLE ID METH-BLANK , TYPE MBl CASE NO DOHS SAS NO - -' SEHIVOLATILE COHPOUNDS - -' - .' C CnH R ACT 7 1 ~: : - z s LA60RATORY MCKESSON L&S REPORTED 06/20/86 17:08 -' CUS r ù:1E P. [")HS ,.' - .J ~DDDDDDDCDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD: ., VI C' E CSSIJ C555 C560 C570 C57S C5~:O C5:;:S C590 C610 C6!5 Ct; 2 5 C¿'~O ;:.:.:;5 C~40 .... . ~ :_, ., '. .2- C þ:, 50 :~.::' '5.5 .... ~. ~ \.,. / 1 ~ C720 ,...,~ ~. '- I........ '''¿ , ...'-" r-'-c:: ..,. .....-J c ~ .:;~: <:;:::0 CA 5 ~. :. C (¡ H P (Ill t~ [, ___ T(PE3 __C:)~J: FCAGS 83-32-~ Acenaphthene 51-28-5 2.4-Dinitrophenol 100-02-7 4-Nitrophenol 121-14-2 2.4-Dinitrotoluene ~06-20-2 2,b-Dinitrotoluene 84-66-2 Diethylphthalate 7005-72-3 4-Chlorcphenyl-phenylethe~ ~:6-7:-::- Fluorene 5~4-52-¡ 4,¿-Dinitro-2-Methylphenol 86-3J-b N-Nitrosodiphenvlamine (1) ~Oi-55-: 4-Ercmophenvl-phenylether 218-74-! H~xachloroben!ene S7-8~-5 Pfnt3chlQfophenol 85-01-8 Fh~nanthrene 1~0-l2-? Anthracene 84-7~-2 Di-n-Rutvlchthalðte 206-aa-Q Flucranthene ::'?-OO-'J ?yrene 8S-~8-7 Butylbenzylphthalate ~i-~~-l 3,3'-Di~hlcrobenzid:ne 5~-S5-3 6enzoi¿IAnthracene ~2¡-81-7 b!s¡:-EthylhexylJPhthalate = : ;:; - ~: : -': C h ~. y s en e : 1 7 - .=" ~ - ~"': ~ 1 - fi - (I c t. "1' 1 Ph t. h a 1 d l 9 , ~n U . .. \,;\.1 :.00 U 2.00 U 1. 00 U 1. 00 U 1. 00 U 1. 00 U , .00 U ~ 2.00 U ¡ .00 li 2.00 ' :.J 3.00 ~! 5.00 iJ 2.DO '~ 2.JO IJ :? . C10 U .. ~J C' " · 'j .:. .00 U ¡ .00 u :0.00 u · .00 ~J · .00 IJ ,'"" r' U ¡ · .00 :J 2.00 U ~ 'in U ... . ...,u 1 .00 U 4.00 U <i.OO U .. '''1 í' " - . \... v , o C7bS :05-~~-2 Senzo(b)Fluoranthene C770 :07-08-9 Eenzc(k)Fluoranthene C775 ~O-32-S Benzo(a)Pyrene C ;- ::: 0 ::. 3 - 3 ,:¡ - 5 I n ,j e n 0 ( 1 , 2 , 3 - c ,j ) P VI' e n e C~G5 53-70-3 DiDenZ\a,h)Anthrarene ;: ::-:. Q 1 ,;¡ 1 - 2 4 - 2 Ben z c ( 9 I h , 1 ~ ~ (I f<.l e :: '? Notes ¿nd summary data for t~l~ r~port. (1) - c'¿;r,r:Jr :,e s~p,Hate·j f:oí1l dipherl7'l¿:¡j¡ine : ,)/' m r [fr)@@~ ©f.~0., :'~!, ~, ,e :DDDDDDDDDr.rDDDDDDDDDnD~DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDD' P'::~~ 1 - ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET - - -' SEHIYOlATILE COHPOUNDS - -' - -. - -' .,. CASE NO DOHS SAS NO LA60RATORr MCKESS0N LAB REPORTED O~/20/86 17:0~ CONTRACT 7~83-ZS C U 5 T (I ME? Dr) H S - -' -' - ... w .. -' ~DDDDDDDD~DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐÐDDDDDY :JDDDDDDD~DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDrDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDJ:DDDDDDDÐDDJDDDDDDDС2JDn~ - , - -' .7L A 5 SAM P I D 8 to 0 t, :; 7 - 0 1 .) 4/1 F L ~ I D B-2 ::' 0 - .7 lAB '';¡c ID ¡'£FE SAMPLE v. . -' ~ DATA LEASE' THOR!:~Ð Sy : CDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDODD DDDDDDD.DDDDDDDDDDDDD4 _, FILE ~AHE 10491) RECEIYED 06/10/% HETHOi) 8270 _I : TUNE DFTPP EXTRACTED 06110/:36 FRACTIOtl BNA ~, ~ STANDARD ANALYZED 06/12/86 INST HP ~ _, BL AtH V E R I FIE DAN A L '¡' S T T 8 .J CDDDDVDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDÐÐ4 - % H ('! S T U R E __ pH LEV E L HE DIU H ; - {DECANTED) __ CLEANUP HATRIX LIOUID ~ - i.': i L ~ to C T (J R 5 0 0 . GOO E X T RAe ï ME ï H (I r: u tH ï S ~ G h. J; J -' .' S~~~PLE: 860637-01 IG-]ÜML : 1:50 DIL:JTION ~, ...~c: Ü N D I :- I () r is: - -' 11.1 .1 ':q) - - - ~rÐDDDJDDD[::DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD[DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD[DDDDDDDDDDD~DDDDDûJ::[DDDI ~ !:i~:::: ,,\ I." ~ ~ ::! C ,) H P (1 U N Ð I Y P Ei C (1 flC ;:LAGS --~ ,:.¡,.:; .~ - . ..... 1:>'2- .... -'''; N-Nitrosodimerhyla~ine 5 [] Q . 8 L~ - ..) - '''; - ~ - . -:: . ~.:. -:':'_'") ? h 2 j': 0 1 ~OG.OC " _ ...J L' ..,J ~ ~ - : 1 : - .. .: - (1 b:s:2-Chloroerhyl¡Ether : :]ij . JC " . - ',- - ~ ':;::, _::::. '7 - ':; 2-Shlorophenoi SOO.OO L; .~..' "",:.J ..,J .... 10..' :_~ .: .; :1 541-73-1 ¡ .3-Dichlorobenze~e 500.00 !J Cj~O 106-·h,-ì ! .4-Dichlorobenzene ~IOO. 00 U :::350 0:' 5 - 5 0 - 1 1.2-Dichlorobenzene 500. !)O U ::: ~t-D .~ :;638-32-9 bis(2-ChloroiSQpropy!IE!her 500.00 \' Û ."\ . - " b2!-~4-7 N-Nitroso-Di-n-Propy¡~mln~ ~í)O.!)O . ~ .J - 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane SOD.OS IJ !~ ~ 1 C '? ::: - '! 5 - 3 Nitrobenzene :OU.OC U ': J ! 5 Î :~ - 5 '? - 1 Isophorone :.:")0 _ 00 U C~¿:) ;:: ::; - .~ 5 - 5 2-Nitrophenol 500.00 U C.:¡25 1 0 5 - ':' 7 - ':j 2.~-Dimethylphenol 500.00 U C435 111-91-1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)Hethane 500.00 U C440 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol 500.00 U C445 120<:2-1 1,2.4-Trichlorobenzene 1000.00 U C450 91-20-3 Naphthalene 5000.00 ¡rJ\\:9~1; . lfù~IG~~ ;. C4t·O :::7-~8-3 Hexachlorobutadiene 500.00 U - C~t..5 5:;¡-SO-7 4-Chloro-3-Methylphenol 500.00 U C~,lO 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 500.00 U (;515 88-06-2 2.4,6-Trichlorophenol 500.00 U CS25 91-5:;-7 2-Chloronaphthalene 500.00 U C535 131-11-3 Dimethyl Phthalate 500.00 U :""' c "'! '·1 '" 1',\ ':. _:::!. _ ,) ,', r ,...,...... "'... t;" 'I t I.J¡ r. Q c;nn nr: II e e - ..; :DDDDD~DDDDDDDDDDnD=DDÐDD'DDDDDD0D=DDD'DDDDDÐrDDDDDDDD=-DDDDÐDDDDDDÐDDDDD~ ~]D~:-:' ¡);;ge ~ - ~, - . .' - .' - .' ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET LAB SAMP ID 860637-01 SAMPLE ID 5-280 C~SE NO DOHS :) A S N (I SEHIVOLATILE COHPOUNDS LA60RATORY MCKESSON LAB REPORTED O~/20/86 17:09 C (IIH RAe í .' t :;: :3 < : c U S T I) HER 0 I) H S - .. .' ~ÐDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDÐÐnDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐ[C; - ~' C')DE í~S.sC C5SS C560 CS:!.1 CS7S (;580 C~~:5 C5'~0 ~:~, 1 0 U,15 C¿.2S , -:n ..' _ ....1... .'\ .- - ~ ..... ":' ...~ :. Ct'¡O Ct:.~ :' c'~ ::J ,', -:. ~ 5 -' I : ... - -' c~=::,; , . : ~. 1-' . ~ ~ .., ., - . ç.:,.; :: 7t, S C770 C77S C 7 ~ fJ C,::5 I I:','" _ c 6 s ~.; (: ;3 j - 3 2 - ;? ~ I _'" ':' _ c: . .;. I.' ..., lOQ-û2-7 121-14-2 606-20-2 ~:4-66-2 7005-72-3 ::; 6 '. 7 3 - 7 ~::;4-52-1 : :' - j 0 - I:> !Di-55-3 1.. ¡:; - ~ - .!. .:..' - ;:. t: - 5 : 5 -0 1 _ :?O-l2-ï ,'. ~ - ~ - ~ :' :~II:' - :; ~ - tj 2::>-00-0 ~ 5 - ~. S - ? . : : -'~ J - 1 =, -55-,) C f)H P ('UN D T" C ~.;: ~~:. ~ _~n~c FL.AGS - - - - ~ ~ ;~. - ¡J _ - '- ¡ - .:; 4 - Q ] ~ 5 - :j :? - 2 Z'J;; - ,~I ::: - '1 :':] -:;2 -:3 .:':;-39-5 53-ïO-3 l'?1-2"-2 A~:?naphthenE' 2.~-DinitroPhenol ~-Nit.rcphenol 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 2,Þ-Dinitrotoluene Diethylpht.halate q-Chlcrcphenyl-phenylether Fluorene 4,~-~inltro-2-~ethylphenol N-Nitroscdiphenylamine 11) 4-Sromcpheny!-phenyiether 2100.08 1500.00 U 1000.00 U 500.00 U 500.00 U 500.00 U 500.00 IJ 2'jOO.00 1000.00 U ~OO.GO U 1000.00 U 1500.00 U 2500.'.10 U ~)oc.co l~¡OO,OQ LI o Hex~chla~'ctlenz~~e Pe~ta(hlorcphenol p ;, -:- ;: <: rl t ~: r e n f ¡'rl t h r ë: c t: n e ) 1 - r, - S '. I Ý 1 ph t r: :: 1 ,j t 2 F ~';:)ré,,¡ :t:enE ,:::", 2ne S~~yl~enzyiphthaldre : ~:__.rhlcrot'2nZlai~e ?e~':IJl~;A~thr~cenE lCOO.OO U C:[)O OG U 500.00 U 500 DC U 5C:OO~C:] U 50C.OO l} : c: 'J :c: i.' ~ __ '2-E~~:ylhEyyl)P~~tl~!~te c: --: ~. v 5 e ~: to 5 'J 0 ;.~ IJ U :;:-;:-(ictyl Pht~"jl,Jte Senzo(blFlucranthene EfnzotkJFluoranthene Eenzo(a)Pyrene I ;: ,j e n 0 ( 1 , 2 I :; - ( ,j ) p y r en e Dlbenzla,h)Anthracene Benzo(g,h,~ \P~rvl~~e ~::~, =Jù U lUCG.00 U 10:0 ::0 U 500.00 U 2000.00 U 20nO ::0 U :: ;' G!} . C J U ~ ; !~ r ': -: .:: ;I.j 5 Ij m mar y d a t a f 0 t' UI 1 S r e p 0 r : . l~i - :=nnot ~e ~~Dar~:~j frc~ ~iphenylamine ' Form I - lP~~R O~Q~~~ß.¡· e e McKESSON ENVI RONMENT AL SERVICES 7183- ZS DOHS - '. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Tentative Identification of Non-Priority Pollutants Lab ~o. 860637-01 Sample I.D. 6-280. liquid Scan Number Compound Appr'oxima te Concentration, mg/kg 635 Methyl naphthalene 15,000 647 Methylnaphthalene 9,000 700 Ethyl naphthalene 8,500 707 Oimethylnaphthalene 16,000 717 Dimethylnaphthalene 28,000 730 Dimethylnaphthalene 12.000 766 Methylethylnaphthalene 14,000 779 Trimethylnaphthalene 14,000 782 Trimethylnaphthalene 11 ,000 793 Trimethylnaphthalene 13,000 802 Trimethylnaphthalene 14,000 854 Unknown, Alkane 5,000 881 Dimethyl bi phenyl 17,000 903 Unknown Alkane 5,000 950 Unknown 7,500 975 Methyl a~én~" 6,000 1037 Dimethylphenanthrene 12,000 Estimated concentration = ~::~ ~:~~~~~:~:: ~~~~ound ~ ~R~F=~)nc. x D.F. @(flJrà!l nPG~R~G p, p e e ¿DDDDDDDD)DDDDDD=DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDrDDDDDDr-DÐDDÐDDDrDCD:'DDD~ - page 1 .' - v - , .. v , v J ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SEHIVOLATILE COMPÚUNDS CASE NO DOHS. SAS N(f LABORATORy HCKESS0N LAe REPI)RTED 06/20f;;;" IJ: 10 ':(INïRACr 71~:3-:~.____ CUST(II'!EF. ü"'HS - .' ~DDDDDDDÐPDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDÐDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDfDDDDDDDDDDDtDDDD/ , - " :JDDDDDDDt.DDDDDDDDD2DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD::DDD- ':L AS ::M1 P I D :36063; -:) 1 f) , LAB IjC !D ~~A'HFLE ID TT'FE - ~ DATA R CDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDCDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD J FILE NAHE 10491 _____ RECEIVED 06/10/86 8270 ~ ; TUNE OFT?? EXT RACTED 06/10/86 SNA- J STANDARD .___ MjAL nED 06/12i!::6 HP. .' BLANií VERIFIED ANALYST 16 .' :DDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDD~DDDDDDrDnDDDDDDDDÐDDDDÐDDDDDDÐDÐDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDtDDDD~ ,_' :t H (I I S T U R E __ pH L E:¡ E L r~ E [\ I U H :; .' (DECANED: CLEAtWP MATRIX LIQUID .' .. D I L F A C;" ~ ~~ Q 0 . 001.1 En R A ÇT H ET ¡..¡ i) [: !J NITS ~ I~' f :; .' - - .' B-2::'O-f'UF' SAr~PLE SAMPLE: 860637-01 VUF : lG-iOHL : 1:50 DILUT!0N - -' .:c~) ~~ P 1 T! !) ri'~ : l04'~1 - 8 ~ - J .' - ~DDDDJDDDD~:~frDVDDDDDDDDD[DrDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDnDnD::DZ]C~]DDDt~DDDDDDDD)D£:]D2;: ::: (! D E c:~o ~, -: 1 c v.... _ .1 - -:: " c; "-'....~- t' -: ~I'I '.' _'... '..I C:35 C340 C3S0 C.: ~'O (;370 (, -: .., c; - ~ / ..., (;4l0 ('oilS C420 C425 C435 C440 C445 C45D C460 C465 C51D C51S CS25 CS35 C; .: ': \i ( _c ¡': ~ ~ (J u ~~ D - :- ';: ~ ;~ ': 2- ~ 5 -: ': - .~ ; r r 0 S c:j i met h y 1 \j :.: l fl e .. ~ : - :; 5 - = p~; ~:: 'J 1 :::-::-~ bisI2-Chl~roethyl)Ether :~-57-2 :-~hIGrc~hehcl 5Jl-7:-l ! .3-Dichlorobenzene lOb-46-7 1.~-DichlorobenzEne .: 5 - SO - 1 1, 2 - Die h i 0 r 0 tl e fl zen e ~ :; 6 3 ~. - 3 2 -.:. b i s ( 2 - ChI c r 0 i s r. pre :J" 1 .~ ~ thE' r' 62:-64-7 N-Nitroso-Di-~-Fro~~ia~¡n~ b7-72-1 Hexàchloro~thðne 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene 78-5~-1 Iscphorone :j;:: - 7 5 - S 2 - Nit r 0 p tl e no 1 105-b7-9 2.4-Dimethylphenol 111-91-1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)Hethane 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol 120-82-11.2.4-Trichlorobenzene ~1-20-3 Naphthalene 87-68-3 He~achlorobutadiene 51-50-7 4-Chloro-3-HethylphenoJ 77-47-4 Hexàchlorocyrlopentadiene 8~-06-2 2.4.6-Trichlorophenol ~1-58-7 2-Chloronaphthalene 1::;-11-3 Dimethyl Fhthãl.tte oi;¡r(QmJlW n~G~g~Ar ':(, N C F :... ;. s s 5C~~.OO ;1 ~;~:; . !J 0 !I c. ,;;"\ ¡"'1 J~ ....,.-.-. ........ "J SGC!. OJ .... 500.00 _ SOÛ.OO U 500.00 !J :. !) 0 . 0 0 :.; S '.~ i) . û C _ :;00.00 500.00 Li 5:.~O. 00 IJ 500.00 ,- 500.00 U 500.00 1I 500.00 U 1000.00 U HOD.OD 500.00 t! SOO.OO U 500.00 U 500.00 U 500.00 U 5QO.L1Q .. ~ .....'" ... ___ . I e e ZÐnD~ÐDDDDDDDDD~DDDDDD;~JDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD2DDDÐDDDDDDDDDDD~DDDÐDÐÐDDD- - .' - , page ;:: ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET ..; .' LAB SAMP ID 860637-01D S~LE ID B-280-ÐUP - .' .' ..' - .' - .' .' C^SE NO DOHS SAS N(I SEHIVOLATILE COHPúUNDS - LABORATORY MCKESSON LAB REPORTED 0~/20/8~ i7:10 S0~TRACT 7183-2S CUST(J/1E? %HS - , .' ~DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDnDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDODDDDDD; .' - ., L: ':' ¡::: ._. C ~ S ~ (J C551j CSS5 CSt-O CSìG CS75 CS:;:O C5:::S CS·jO Cl::>lO C¿-;lS C/;,25 C6:0 C.7. ~.) C ~I .: iJ !.~ :~.,~ 5 G~ ~a (:t, 5 5 C'/ 1 c, C'20 .~ "7 -. ::. :... / - ,.: ..... -..- - . " 4'-' - " \J. .'.' ¡-' ~ - ': 'j I'.'..., c;~·:tj 8775 ~780 .... - '" .. L. :~, s c . ~J t.:!~ ~ ~-: ~~ 3 - 3 2 - .:; 51-2~;-5 100-02-7 1 2 1 - 1 4 .- 2 606-20-2 :::4 -66-2 7005-72-3 :::6-73-7 5::;4-52-1 ~:: f.. - : 0 - t· 101-55-.3 11 ~: - 7 ~ - 1 ;:;7-:::':,-5 ::: 5 - U l - ~:; 120-1:-7 ~:; 4 - 7 ~ - 2 :2 L1 J:' - .1 ~ - 0 12'.:"-00-1] ::: 5 -I) S - ì '? ~ - '? &l - i :_-~~--: _" '.' ..J oJ ..J . - , - ,. . ~: : ::: - C ~ -' ~ -, .. "" ... - .:-.., -;,.; 2U:,- ~',:;-: ~ 0 ¡ - 0 ¡~ - '~ 5 0 - 3 2 - :3 1 .~:3 - :; '? - ~ 53-70-3 1'~:-24-2 , , , .I 6 "i :3 IJ m :i1 a r '! - C ~ r; rl ',j; :' e Cr)M?fIU~1D TvFE~ _ (:,',~ c FLAt;S Ar:enapr:tr:ene 2,4-Dinitrcphenol ~-/Ji trophencl 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 2,6-Dinitrotoluene Diethylphthalate 4-Chlorophenyl-phenylether Fluorene 4,6-Dinitro-2-Hethylphenol N-Nitrosodiphenylamine .(1) t-Bromophenvl-phenylether Hexathlorobenzene Pentachlorophenol F tl e n ant tl r e n e Ärl t h r ace r: e Di-n-euty!phth~l~te F lU:J r .:: nth e rl '= h ~. f' n e Sutvlbenzylphthalate :.:'-nirh!orobenzidine 3enzo(a)Anthrarene ~ls:2-~:hvlh~xul):ht~~~~:e C r: r y :3 e ,: e Ðl-n-0c:Yl Fhthaiate Sen:olblFluoranthene 5en¡oikJFlucranthene éenzo(a)PyrE'ne Indeno(1,2,::;-cdJPyrene Dibenz(a,h)Anthr¿cene Ben z 0 ( 9 , h , 1 \ r2:' " : '" r: e o 1 ': 00 . 00 l~OO.O¡J Li 1000.00 U SOO.OO U 500.00 U 500.00 U 500.00 U 3000.00 1000.00 U 500.00 U 1000.00 U :500.00 U 2500.00 U '~OOO. 00 : (I 0 0 . Q 0 U :000.00 II ~;OO. GO iJ 500.00 U 500.00 U sooo.ao u 500.00 U :00.00 U ,:- ¡~!:J _ ~: u :. ': J . ~ J I~ : ." Ci Û . J ù U :!JOO.CG U 500.00 U 2000.00 U ~iJQO.CO U .- ..., ~ C . C 0 ~! data far this 1~~8rr. separ~ted from ~lPh2~vl~mine F C! ~ ::1 ¡p~@~ Ü~U@~f~JL~\~ e e 2:rDD:'DDDDDD~DnDDDDDDDDDDDtDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDODDDDÐDDDDODDDDDDDDDCD2DDD:- ~\ p~~e 1 - , ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET - - , - ~, ,. SEHIVOLATILE COHPOUNDS - - .! - -' ~ C~SE NO DOHS S.AS Nr: L~SORATORY MCKESSON LAB REPORTED 06/21/86 08:52 C:')HTRACT 71;:::;-25 - , - -. CU S T(!HE R Di'IHS - - .) ~. ~DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDt:· '. :ÐDJDDDf:~DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD[-DDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDÐDDDD[:DDÐÐDDDDDDD['DDDDDDDDDDDD2~DD- - ~' FIt..: '¡LIME 10.1':;0 ::A!"é't..E 108-2':0 LE'iEL :~ËDIUM. :: - :- rFE ~'Ar1F:"'E LA5::Ar1F 1D :::1;,0637-01 MATRIx "LIQUID :: _. H4ST HP __ ANAUZ£D QU12/:3b UiI!TS ~G.t (G :; CÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDD~DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDnDDD~ ~. 2~~D FILE l04Ç1L-.__ ANAL YZED QU12/E:6 ; ..' -' ~DDDDÐDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDY c (¡ r. E '~ (> M ? (¡ tJ N D C4~: ~aphthalene C5~2 A~e~~chthpne C 5 ,:, ~.! ¡ 1 u ere rr e Ct.~O P~:~n3nth:·~r¡e T 'f F- Ese I) to, C 5000.00 2100.00 :::::NC REL ~ [Ii FF 2.0 4 I:; Ü C . 0 0 1';;00.00 10.8 ~~::;OO.. CJ ~üoo.oo -.:..-!- '~5GQ. QO ':'00( . DO ~ t' ..... "-!- ~Q!æs a~0 s:xmary j~t~ fer rnlS report. F ~."'! r :!; LJ~@~ @~~~~~~f6 e e ZDDDDDDD~DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD[DDDDDDDÐDCDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDÐnnDDDDDDDDDD[JDD~ - page: ' - ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET - - ~' - ~, - ~, SEMIVOLATILE COMPOUNDS - ~, ~, - ~I - .J CA$E NO DOHS. SAS NI) .J lA60RATORY MCKESSON L~S REPORTED 06/20/8f 14:33 CONTRACT ìI83-Z~ CUS iGH£p' DOH'3 s - ~, .:.' - ~, ~DÐDDDDDDbDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD9DDDDÐDDDDÐÐDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐD2DD/ :. , :DDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD~DDDrDDDDDDDDDtCDÐ~ - ...; -' ~LA5 SAHP ID ~ETH-aLANK2 ~-; LAS ¡jC ID ,. SAMPLE iD HETH-5LANK2 - ~, PrE MB2 .:.' ~, D A TAR ~~ E A SEA T H (J R IZ ED :,'( J CDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDùDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD4 ~ FILE NAME 10489 RECEIVED 06/10/86 METHOD 8270 ~ .:.' TUNE DFTPP EXTRACTED 9..!dJ..O/:~6 FRACTION SNA .:.' J STANDARD ANALYZED º6/12/86 INST H? ~ .:.' SLANK VERIFIED ANALYST T6 .:.' CDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDù;DDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDD~ .;, ¡ MOISTURE pH LEVEL MEDIUM .:.' ~' (D E c.un E :) ) C LEA!W F MAT R I X S I) I l. J : DIL FACTOR 1.000 EXTRACT METHOD 3550 UNITS MG/~G J , ~' .) ~ SAMPLE: ~.6VlANK 7183-25 : 10HL : 100UG/ML ;CONDITlliNS: ~j , -' ~ 04 :::'~ - , ~' - ~, ~DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD:]DDDJDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDY ~ '~: D E SAS CC~?('L!~iD ",:".,¡ ("I~C' C') ¡~ C :-~4GS - ,'" - . ...., .- . ~ -'~ N-N¡~roscdimethylaml~e , .00 " ~ - - ..' , - - . = - - - - .~ P ~t e :: 8 1 co ,. - -.,:. . , ~:25 ' , - a 4 _ ,1 ~isl:-C~loroethyl)Ether i . :lL, ~, - - . I: 3 ~O ., ~ .. - .. :> C ~: lor c:: hen 0 1 .00 u _..., _'" . - ".1 ..,J _, 1..' - C:;35 S~l-ï:-l 1 ,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 .00 U C:;.¡O IGt>.-4t--7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 .00 U '2350 .: 5 - 5 S - 1 1 ,Z-Dichlorobenzene 1 .00 Li ~ - ~ :;: < 8 - : :: - '? bis(~-ChlorciSODro~;~'E!her ii' II L..J~' :.J ,"" - ! r· 1:021-",.:.-7 N-Nitroso-D!-n-Frop~~~mine : . Ij Q " tU!0I1J}: Ii Û~:Giifb{_.. ~..). ~ ", '":" ï::' 67<2-1 Hexachloroethane (JQ ,~ ".,.1' " - C ~ : ~I 98 - ':. 5 - 3 Nitrobenzen~ .. .00 U c· , 1 c; ..,,:, _: :.: - 1 Iso p r: 0 r ;"; f: e . .00 1..' _"... .. oJ . . C~20 ::; ;:; - .75 - 5 2-Nitrophenol _OC :' - C425 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol 1. 00 U C43S 111-'11-1 bis(2-ChloroethoxYJM~thane ¡ .00 U C440 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol 1. 00 U C445 120-82-1 1 12,4-Trichlorobenzene 2.00 U C4S0 ';1-20-:; Naphthalene 1. 00 U C460 :;;7-6;;-3 Hexachlorobutadiene 1 _00 U C465 59-~0-7 4-Chlorc-3-Methylphenol 1. 00 U CSI0 77-..7-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene i .00 U 4 CS15 88-06-2 2,4.6-Trichlorophenol 1 .00 !' U Cs 5 '~1-5:::-7 2-Chloronaphthalene 1 .00 Ij C5 5 1~1-~1-3 DimethYl ¡:-hHlaiate ~ .00 !J e e - ZJDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDr~D~~:DDG[.nDDDDúDDDDDDDDDD~DDDDDÐDÐDDDDDDDDDDDÐCDDDDDDDDDDD2DD' ~, .. ~, ~, ~. .;., ~, ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET LAB SAMP 1D METH-BLANK2 SAMPLE 1D METH-BLÀNK2 SEHIVOLATILE COMPOUNDS D<: ,.:; e - ~, ~, - ~, ..' CONTRACT 7183-25 CUSTOMER DOHS - ~, .' ~DDDDDDDQDDDDDDDÐDDÐDDDDDÐC.DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDÐÐDODDDDDDDCDåDDDDDDODDDDDDDDDY ., .;.. cnDe: CSSIJ CS55 CS60 CS70 C57S C5:30 CS85 csqo C6!(1 ct,15 r .. '" c "" t·...,J (''; ~n ........1..,)- St;.:ïS C¿·.¡Q C6~5 C..,50 c:~ 5 5 cns S720 ~¡2S C730 :~:5 I' - ., 1"1 - L' ,~¡~, 0 ..... -.. c I.,.. : r:....¡ C7iO C7lS c;' ,~o ~':- ::' 5 ~!~ 0 CASE NO DOHS. SA$ NO LA5(IRATORY HCKESSùN ~Aa REPORTED 06/20/86 1':33 CAS ~;(I TYP::S C r) H P ( IJ N !) 8J-32-~ Acenaphthene 51-28-5 2.~-Dinitr~phencl 100-02-7 4-Nitrophenol 121-14-2 2.~-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2 2.6-Dinitrotoluene 84-6~-2 Diethylphthalate 7005-72-3 4-Chlorophenyl-phenylether 86-73-7 Fluorene 534-52-1 4.6-Dinitro-2-Methylphencl 8b-30-6 N-N!trosodiphenvlamine !l: 101-55-3 4-Sromophenyl-pnenylether 118-7~-1 HE(~[hloroben?en~ 87-8~-5 Pe~t~rn!crophenol :::5-0~-~: F:;enanthrene 120-~:-7 Anthracene 84-~~-2 ~!-~-5utylphth~ld!e o 20~ -4~-O F~~8:-Jr:th~ne !. 2? - G C <1 P ';' :. e :1 e ::: :, - ~ ;:, - 7 S il r y 1 t, e r: ~ yip h t h .:: 1 <; t e .~ !. - :, ~ - ~ :. ~ ' - : ~ : h ! c; ~. 'J t, e fI : i din e S~-~:-.~ Se~:~(~)4r:rh~'ace~~ -. -- ~:~!2-Ernylhexyi;?htha¡a~2 :::;-:2-'~ S~I·\·~pr'e 11~-~:-O D¡-n-û~!yl ~h~~alate 205-~:-2 Se~:0!b)Fluoranthene 207-08-9 Benzolk)Fluoranthene ~0-:2-8 Senzola)Pyrene I 93 - 3: - 5 In den 0 ( 1 ,2, :3 - c ,j ) P y r e ¡, e 53-70-3 Dibenz(a.h)Ant~r.::cene lQ¡-:'-2 Benzo(g,h,l JF2ry~e~e !~ct~s a;·j 5¡lm~a:·y ·~~r~ f~r thi~ ~·r~P01·t. II) - C.::n~o: be E~par3te~ frc~ dlphenylaæine CONC FLAGS 1.00 U 3.00 U 2.00 U 1.00 U 1.00 U 1.00 U 1.00 U 1.00 U 2.00 U 1. CC U 2.00 U j.OO !.J 5 . 00 ~J 2.00 U ::. L'C; U 2 . oJ [I ~! 1 M! U 1.00 U 1 . r.!J U 10.00 U 1 . CO U ~.QO ;,. /.... II ~: ¡ - - - 2.80 U 2.00 U 1. 00 U 4.00 U 4.00 U ~ . 00 1..1 Form I ¡P~@G« rF¡/' ~ ~JiNJ:\\,.., e e IDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDCDDDDDÐ~DDD~~~nDDDDDDDDDDDDDD~DnÐDDDD~DDDÐDDDDDÐD:~=~- ; P jgE 1 - ~I ,) - ~. ..' - ..J ... ~, ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET .' SEHIYOLATILE COHPOUNDS - , CASE NO DOHS. SAS NO LABORATOR1 MCKESSON LAS REPORTED 06/21/8~ 08:13 C I) N T R ACT 7 1 ::: j - ¿ S CUSTO/'!ER D(IH'~ - ~DDDDDDDDfDDÐÐDDDDDDnDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD¡'DDDDDDDDnDDDDDDDDCDDDDDDODDDDDDDDDDD2D2D:' '. .' - ~' ) :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD~ÐDDDDDDD:DDDDDr0DÐDf;Ð2D~ ~ t. ~! ~ LEI:' S - :? ~: 4 - - ~, JLAB SAMP ID 8606~7-02 .:.. LA& I:n:; r D TtrE SAMPLE ~. DA i A P. 'TH/)i-!I ZED S:' CDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDÐDD DDDDDDDDÐ[rD~~ ~I FILE !Ud1E 1050i RECEIVED OUIQj:::f, METHOD i~2ïO ~; .;.: TUNE DFTPP EXTF.ACTH Ot./10/:~6 FRACTiON 6HA ~) STANDARD At4ALf¿ED 06/14/:;:6 IHST HP .:.' .:.. BLANK V£?IfIE ANALYST is '.' CDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDD!'DDDtDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD[rDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDÐDflD[DD~~ ~ % MOISTURE p:.i LEVEL ~EDIIJH .:.' ~, r DEe MJT :: ;! ) C: LEA N ti F MAT R IX .:. i I I :.. 3 :. D ¡ L F ACT Ü R ---5. 000 E >:ï K':' C;T HE THO ~ ~ ~~ UN ITS % I K G ~) - ~' ~, lOG - l ',;!1 L : 1::· L' I L UTI (\ N .: S A f1 P l E: ~; 6 0 t. 3 ¡ - :J ~ ~7C (! N !) I T I IH~ S : - ~' - ~, ~I : 0;.07 ~~Df:DDDr:D~DDDDDDDD[:~UDDD~DDDù]tDDDrDDD:2:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD~D~D]DrDDDD::~D' .' .. ... .. - ,... - . .... c- ~ . '.1 ".'... - ..j J~': ~ 0 i...:;'S c:.:o Î' - : ¡; "-' - ." "-' ~.. : 0 ~' ; ~ ~J C~7~ C.: 1 !', C~!5 ~~~o C~:5 C~::ïS C4~0 C44S C4S0 c.:~o (;465 C510 CS15 C525 C535 C:A::~~ C ::1 ~ P !:! ~~ t~ [I ¡ ,= t:" c I.' :~, ~~ C ¡:~ A ~ s· ~ .CJO '-- - '''' " : . l: L. 5 . 'J:: s.oo L~ 5.00 II 5.00 U S.OCJ i ~ :: . ('0 " v c; r-';": 5.00 ~ 5. !) ¡} - 5.00 ij 5.00 I, '- 5.00 " ,-; 5.00 U 5.00 IJ lO.OO 'I '- 5.00 U 5.00 U 5.00 U 5.00 U 5.00 U 5.00 U 5.00 U ~ ...~. , ' , 'I i @R~~Þ", - t. :: - ,7 ~ - -:; ~ i - ~! i t r 0 S ~j ~ : :~ Z t r: y ~ d m i r: ~ - ~ ~': -: c - ' i' ~: 2,'; .= ~ .- l~l-~~-~ t:~~t2-C~lot'cerr yl)Ethe~ ~~-57-¿ ~-Ch18(8phenoi 541-73-1 1.3-Dichloro~enzene l06-~6-7 l,~-Dlçhlorobenzene ,:;'5 - S 0 - 1 1, 2 - ~ 1 C- hiD r ::: tl e n zen e :~b38-32-9 bis(2-Chlor8:50Dr~:yl:Ether 621-64-7 N-Nitrcso-D¡-~-Frcpy~~-:~e 67-72-1 Hexac-hloroP!~i~f 98-95-3 Nitrobenze~~ 78-5Q-l !sophorone 88-75-5 ~-Nitrophen:i 105-Þ7-~ 2.4-~imethylphenGl 111-91-1 ~is{2-Chloroethoxy)He:'ane 120-83-2 2.4-Dichlof0ohenol 120-82-1 i,2,4-Trichlorobenzen¿ 91-20-3 Naphthalene 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene 59-50-7 4-Ch!oro-3-Methylphen~: 77-47-4 HexachlororyclDPentad!~ne 88-06-2 2,4.6-Trichlorophenc! ~1-5S-7 2-Chloronaphthalene 131-11-3 ~imethvl Phth~la,2 e e ZDDDDDDDDDDDD~:~DDDDDDrDDDJDDDDDDDDDJDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD- - ~, ~. .:.' ~, - -' - ~ ~. .' p;:qe ;2 - ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET - LAB SAMP 1D 860637-02 SAMPLE 1D 8-284 SEMIVOLATILE COMPOUNDS - CASE NO DOHS SAS NO LABORATORY MCKESSON LAB REPORTED 06/21/86 08:13 ~0NTRACT 7183-25 CUSTOMER DI)HS - , - .' - J ~DDDDDDD~DDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDD£.DDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDr· ~. CllDE ;' c c " ¡"......,.. CS55 C56Ù C57G C575 C580 C5:;:5 C590 C610 C615 C62 .~ C630 C".') 5 Ct',4G CI;,4~, ;~!;.~. ::: C6~.5 ':;7¡5 c :::;;] L-. "7 '! c- ., "- ~. '::4 s !~II S (I M P (I U~.:) T'rPES :r:INC FLAGS 83-3¿-~ A(enacht~ene 51-28-5 2.4-Dinitrophenol 100-02-7 4-Nitrophencl 121-14-2 2.4-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2 2,6-Dinitrotoluene B4-66-2 Diethylphthalate 7005-72-j 4-Chloro;neny!-phenylether 8b-7j-7 Fluorene 534-52-1 4, 6-Din i tro<-!1e thy Iphenol 8~-30-6 N-Nitros:diphenvlamine (1) ¡Ol-5~-3 4-aro~op~enyl-ph~nylether : 1 ~: - 7.: - 1 He Xé: ( h 1 ~, ." 0 t: é!,' zen e 87-8t-5 Pent¿chiorophenol 85-0]-8 Fhenanth"ene 120-12-' Anthrace~e 8J-7:-2 Di-n-5utflpht~ðlðte 206-::-0 Fiuoran!nene : :: ,~ - 0 G - Q F y r e r: e ;:: 5 - 1;, ~. - 7 S 11 , \' 1 t, t:> r: Z yIp h ¡ h G 1 d t e . ~ - : , -: -:, 5 . - [) i c·¡ 1 C :. a (¡ e rl 7 1 .j 1 n e 5.00 'I v 15.00 U iO.OO IJ 5.00 U 5.00 U 5.00 U 5.00 U 5.00 U 10.00 U 5.00 U 10.L10 U 15.00 U 25.00 U 10.00 " ..., 10.00 U :Q.OO u S. L10 U 5.00 U 5.00 !J :0.00 U S.D:': U ~. . C 0- I' J c r. r. ,¡ .. . ~, "'" S.!JO Ii ~ ~O~OG ..1 10.00 " - 5.00 U :::0.00 U ~O . !.ìO :J 2U.00 U o C7~G ~~-::-~ ~~rl:c{~'l~tht'~~erle L' . _ ~ '- ". - - :. ~ ~ ' ~ - ~ : -. y 1 he:,: ':' 1 ) F h t r! a 1 :: ~ e ¡~ - .: ~.: c-: <~ ;" -; ~ ~ "..I- ".'..." C77J ('775 C7~:O C 7':: 5 .... .' : . ~ - ¡-, . - : ~: r; :" ~¡ ~ e f ~ - ... -- . 1 - -. - ~ : - r: - ':1 c :: 1 r::: -: a 1 ,j t e at:>nzolb)Flu8r~~thene 5enzo(k¡Fluorar:thene Benz::¡(ð)Pyrene ¡ildeno(~ .2,3-d) pyrene Dlbenz(~.h)Anthra(ene aenzo(g.h.i):eri~2~2 . - .-; t': .: _ ':. : _ : : J 7 -l:~; - :, :,0-:2<: 1 .~ ~ - ~ ': - ::. .. .....' "J S3-?C/-: 1'71-2.:-2 r ¡ (; t e s ,~ n d S IJ Mary d a t a f C' r t r, i ~ r e P:J r t . i ;; - l; .:: r: (; L' : C, e s e P .:s r a : o;? d f: ¡J .:J .j i ph e fJ y 1 d:n i ÍI e ~. ;J r l-n r0~@~ O~~~~~&à[J" e McKESSON ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES - 7183- ZS DOHS ANALYTICAL RESULTS Tentative Identification of Non-Priority Pollutants ~ Lab~ No. 860637-02 Sample I.D. B-284. Soil Scan Number Compound Approximate Concentration, mg/kc 393 Un known 170 699 Dìmethylheptadecane 190 720 Butyloctanol 300 774 Oimethylheptadecane 340 799 Oimethylheptadecane 450 828 Oimethylheptadecane 900 872 Oimethylheptadecane 400 8n Oimethylheptadecane 290 916 Oecahydroxalamine t60 959 Octacosane 270 999 Chloroctadecane 240 517 Un known 410 500-2500 Hydrocarbons (m/e 57) 1700 Estimated concentration = x O.F. ZDDDDDDDDDjDDDDDCD~DDD~DÐDÐDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐÐD:DDÐ~DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD' ; pag~ 1 - .' .' - .' .' .1 CASE tW OúHS oJ SAS NO J ùRGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET .' - ..J SEHIVOLATILE COHPÚUNDS - .' - .' LASùRATÚP.i MCKESSON ~AB REPORTED 06/20/:3~ 17: 12 CONTRACT 718:-Z5 CUSTOMER DOHS - ~, .' - .' ~DDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDD}, - '. !DDDDDDDácDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDJDDDDDDDDDC:DDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD~ - .' ~, .~l. A 8 S A H P I D :;; t, G ¿, 3 ? - 0 3 J LAB YC ¡ D ~AMFLE ID B-286 TYPE SAMPLE - .' cJ~. ~ DATA R LEASE UTHORIZED SY J CDDDDDDDDÐÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD4 :5 FILE NAME 1050:3 RECEIVED 06/10/86 MEïHùD 8270 J oJ TUNE OFTPP EXTRACTED 06/10/86 FRACTION BNA J J STANDARD ANALYZED 06/14/86 INST HP .:.' .j BLMIK VER IF lED ANAL YS T IB J CDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD4 J % MO I S T!J?E pH LEVEl MED I UM .:.' .' (DECANTE2) CLEANUP MATRIX gUDGE .1 J DIL FACT0R 5.000 EXTRACT METHOD 3550 UNITS HG/~G ~ - .' - .' 3 .' SAM P L :: n E: 6 (I 6 3 7 - 0 3 : 1 (1 G - 1 011 L : 1: 5 D I L U TI (I N J ;C r) N D I T r (,~; S : - ~, .' l05G::; - .' - .. ~DDDDDDDD~DDDDDnDDDDDDDf:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD:02D2D0D0DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD0;'DDDi C(1JL =~s r,! (, :: (! H D l! U N D 1 ~ ~ : :: ~:;:;~JC FUSS ;-,: l 0 :-2-75- : N-Nitrosodimethyla~l~e :,00 ! v ," - . r ~ 'J ; - ': 5 - : ? ~I E;I 0 ] c - (" -:: ":'I c:. -' :: 1 :: (2 -C:h lor 0 e thy 1 ) E t!': e~' S . 'J:; '.- ""...- - - . ... !J "I"; 0 . - .. -. . :.:: - c ~I lor 0 p hen 0 1 5.JO .. .... -... -. '-, - -.Ii '.\ C::35 ~;:-¡:-: l,:-Dichloroberrzene 5.JÛ i.J C:340 lG~-46-7 1,4-Dichloroberrzerre 5.00 u ¡;0l!0lþJi¡¡" ; -~IGI~~h~f~ C350 '~·s - 50 - 1 i ,2-Dicrdorotlerrzerle 5.00 U C360 ::~38-32-'? bis(2-ChloroisoproPYl)Ether 5.00 " v [,370 !)::-!;,~-7 N-Nitroso-Dl-~-PrCCy!~mlne 5.00 U C375 67-72-1 Hex a ch lor 0 e r h .': ,; e : . CO U r410 n-'~5-3 Ni trot1enzene S.OO :) C415 7;;'-59-1 Isophorone : _ 00 U C4~O ':: ;j - ì .5 - 5 2-Nl trophenol 5.00 U C425 lOS-f;l;-'? 2.~-Oimethylphenol 5.00 U C435 i 1 ¡ - .;; 1 - 1 bis(2-Chlofoethoxy)Methane 5.00 lJ C440 120 -:33 - 2 2.4-Dichlorophenol 5.00 lJ C445 120-82-1 1.2.4-Trichlorot,en¡:ene 10.00 U C450 91-20-3 Naph tha 1 ene 10.00 C460 ~:7-6~:-3 Hexarhlorobutadiene 5.00 U (;<165 59-50-7 4-Chloro-3-Methylpheno! 5.00 I' u C510 ':7-47-4 Hexachlorccyclopentadiene 5.00 U C515 ~i8 - 0 t· - 2 2.4,6-irichlorophenol 5.00 U C52S '?i-5:3-7 2-Chloronaphthalerre 5.00 U C535 13!-11-3 Dimethyl PhtJlalate 5.00 U I- c:;~ n '! n.~ _ oj ,;.; _ ~:: û. ( P'. ;:, r) r, ~ h v I "r, 0 S.OO II ZDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD~'DD~DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDJÐDDDD~ODDDDDÐDDDDODDDDDÐ:'DDC~ .' Pé:9~ 2 .. - ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET - , .' LAB SAMP ID 860637-03 SAMPLE ID B-286 -'. SEHIVOLATILE COMPOUNDS - .' - ,.' - ~ CASE NO DOHS 3AS NO .) LABORATORY MCKESSON LAB REPORTED 06/20/8b 17:12 CONTRACT 7183-25 . CUSTOHER DOHS '7 .' - .' ~DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDÐÐDDDDDDDDDDÐÐDDr ~ .. ~ CODE CAS ~IO COMPOUND :- 'r rES Cr)NC FUGS C5S0 ::: 3 - 32 - 9 AcenaphtheÍle 9.00 CS55 51-2~:-5 2,4-Dinitrophenoi 15.00 U C560 100-02-7 4-Nitrophenol 10.00 U C5iO 121-14-2 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 5.00 U C575 606-20-2 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 5.00 U e5S0 84-66-2 Diethvlphthalóte 5.00 U C5~:5 7005-72-3 4-Chlorophenyl-phenylether 5.00 U C590 ~:6-73-7 Fluorene 1'?i.00 CISlO 534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-2-Methylphenol 10.00 U Ci.15 86-30-6 N-NitrosCðiphenylamine ( 1 j 0 5.00 U C625 101-55-3 4-Sromophenyl-phenylether 10.00 U et.30 11:;;-74-1 Hexachlorcbenzene 15.00 U C635 :;; 7 -;::6 - 5 Pentachlorophenol 25.00 U C64Q ::: 5 - 0 1 - ::: Phenar:tr,rer:e 130.00 Ct.~ 5 120-12-7 Ar,thrac:ene 10.00 U C650 ::: 4 - 7 4 - ::' Di-n-Eutvlphthalate 10.00 U U,55 206-44-0 Flu c r G r: itJl2 :: e S·.OO U e7l5 12'::-00-0 pyrene 5.00 U (720 :~ 5 - 6 ::: - 7 Butylbenzylphthalate 5.00 U C7:'5 '~1-"4-1 3.3'-Dichloroben:idine 50.00 U S730 5::--55-3 Sen:c(ajAnthracene 5.00 U C i .1:-, 1:7-81-7 ~is(2-Ethy!hexyl)Phthal~t~ S.OO U '.' - ~ 0 :' : :~ - 0 J -~ ChrYse~le 5.00 U C' :::. (! l~-<.l-O D i - r: - 0 cry 1 ?hthëdóte 5.00 U ~: / t, 5 ~ :) .: - .~ ':' - 2 5enzo(b)Fluoranrhene 10.00 U r·' 7 (' 2 D ; - Q ::: - '?i 6enzo(k)Fluoranthene 10.00 !J I...,.', ~ ens 5 0 - :ï :' -::: 5enzola)Pyrene 5.00 U !0ó '~@ C 7~:0 1 '?3-3'j-5 Indeno(1.2.3-cd)Fyrene 20.00 U ~@& 0::;5 53-70-3 Dibenz(a,h)Ant~racene 20.00 U ."'~~ ~. 7 ,:;¡ 0 1 ,~ ~ - 2 4 - 2 Benzo(g,h, !!?erv!ene ~'~. 00 U '¡JII '~.i Note~ ðnd summary data for this report. (1) - Cannot be separated from diphenylamine Form I e e McKESSON ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 7183- ZS DOHS ANALYTICAL RESULTS Tentative Identification of Non-Priority Pollutants - Lab~No. 860637-03 Sample I.D. 8-286. SllJdgp Scan Number Compound Approximate Concentration, mg/kg 660 Tetradecane 660 667 Tetradecane 340 675 Tetradecane 200 774 Hexadecane 580 781 Tetradecanol 920 878 Tetradecanol 680 Estimated concentration = x D. F. e e IDDDDDDCÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDCDDDDDÐDDDVDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDD' ..' Page - ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET ,) ~1 ,. .:.' oJ SASE NO DOHS ,j SAS NO SEMIVOLATILE COMPOUNDS ~, LA60RATORY MCKESSON LAB REPORTED 06/20/86 17:13 C (r N T RAe T 7 1 :; : - Z 5_ CUSTOMER [)1)r,S - .' J -; ~DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDnDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDr' , :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD~DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD: - ,J ~, D A TAR E A S E U T H t) R IZ E D S 'r .; CDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDD DDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDCD4 3 FILE NAME 10528 RECEIVED 06/10/86 METHOD 8270 ,) J TUNE DFTPP EXTRACTED 06/16/86 FRACTION 6NA ~7 J 51 ANDARD ANAL YZED 06/16/86 INST HP - J BLANK VERIFIED ANALYST TB ~-; CDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD4 ~ % t"!O!STUP.E pH LEVEL HEDIUM :; ~1 (DECANTEr,) CLEANUP MATRIX SOLIQ oJ ~, D I L F A C ¡.:, P. 1 . ~1 0 a EX T RAe T M t T H (! D J 5 5-º-- UNIT 5 M GJ ¥. G ,) SAMPLE ID B-2~;:~: Ti FE SAt1PLE - v :LA6 SAMP ID 860637-0: ,j LAB IJC I['I oJ .' '.' SAMPLE: 860637-0: lOG-I0ML : 7183-ZS : 6-16-8~ - .J 3CONDI T I (itjS: - , .:' 1052:;: ~' ~DDDDDDDD~DDDù~DDDDDD~DDDDDDDDDtDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDt~D]2¡:: C(I~: ,'" . ,. ., .' ~ U'MP(lUND TYP~5 CONC FUSS c::;: ,~. ~ . ... -.... ~, - ~~ : : r 0 S C lji In e thy 1 a;,: 1 ;: e 1.00 1.1 , . (, -: '. : . . _ -: c. _ .', r '"I e ~ ~ 1 1 . IJ 0 II - '-' . - ''; !......;.... :; " :-.:.;-~ ~15:2-ChloroetMyl)Ether 1. GO !_~ ;. :¡:IIçÖ)ff\¡ Oft6~8~r .. . f· - -:- -.. :: _ c;"7 _ .:' 2-C~:loroPf:enol ' rn U ,.. .. JbJDo I.", ..) ...J l: -' ..., I ...' J. _ ..,: _ C:J:S S~L-Î3-1 l,3-0ichlorobenzene 1 .IJO U C340 lOé,-j~,-7 1.4-Dichlorobenzene 1. 00 U C3~· J :'5 - ':. 0 - 1 1.2-Dichlorobenzene 1. 00 U L~~J ~ :~=~-32-'i blSl2-Chlorol~aprupyl)Erher 1. 00 U r -: -,~ ~::-¿,~-7 N-Nltroso-Di-~-?r0pvl~ml~e 1. OC' '1 .1..,1.' V I; r - -., :.7-72-1 Hexachloroetha~e ' I"'n IJ ~ .! I :1 J.. 'wi".' C·ll 0 ':. 8 - 9 5 - 3 Nitrobenzene 1. 00 U C415 ':::- 5';'-1 Isophorone 1. 00 IJ C420 ;:,:j - 7 5 - ~ 2 - N 1 t r 0 p t, e n 0 1 1. 00 U C425 105-67-'~ 2,4-Dimethylphenol 1. 00 U C435 111 - '11 - 1 bis(2-Chloroetho~y)Methane 1. 00 IJ C440 120-E:3-2 2.4-Dichlorophe~ol 1. 00 U C445 120-n-l 1.2,4-Trichlorobenzene 2.00 U C450 ':-1-20-3 Naphthalene 1. 00 IJ C460 ;; 7 - 6 :;: - 3 Hexachlorobutadiene 1. 00 U C4t,5 59-50-7 4-Chloro-3-Methylphenol 1. 00 U C510 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 1. 00 U C51S ~:&--O6-2 2,4.6-Trichlcrophenol 1. 00 U C525 ':. 1 - 5 :;: - 7 2-Chloronaphthalene 1. 00 U C5::S ::~-1l-3 Di~ethyl Phthalate 1. 00 U , _ L ,. L .. , .~.. _ 1 Ill') 1: ZDÐDDDDDDDDDDÐDDÐDDDDD~DDDDrDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐÐ~DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD" ~. - - ,) LAB SAMP IO 860637-04 SAMPLE ID B-288 ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET - .' - ~, ~, J .' CASE NO DOHS SAS NO SEMIVÚLATILE COMPÚUNDS CONTRACT 7i83-Z5 , CUS TOME R DlIHS pa9~ 2 .' LAB (J P. A Tn P. 'f Me K E '5 '.3 ':; ~~ L A 6 REPORTED 06/20/86 17:13 - - , ~DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDÐDDDDDÐDDDOt ~I (;(1 D E C550 C5S5 C560 C570 C575 esso CS8S CS'?O C610 C615 Ct:.2S C-:30 C~.::; 5 Ct.lO C6~ 5 .,~ 50 C' /';> 5 5 C71 S C720 ,. .., 'J c:; \.¡ / ~ -" : 7 ::.c, - - .1 ,-, .. ..., ~ ,..... ..'..... "".... . - ....:" .,:.': ',:Iì _. . v ::775 C:' ¿;Q ,.... ~ ':. :. - I.' "'" , '. /- . CAS NO ßj-.32-I.j 51-2~:-5 100-02-7 121-14-2 606-20-2 84-66-2 7005-72-3 86-73-7 534-52-1 ;36-30-t, 101-55-3 11:3-74-1 :::7-:?,t.-S ~:S-Ol<: 120-12-7 ::;f¡-7,i-¿ ;::0/:,-4.1-0 1 :' ': - 0 0 - 0 :~ 5 - t> 8 - 7 : 2 - ';. ~ - ~ :' þ:. - 5 5 - j . - 1 l .' - ;:: ..:. - ï COMPOUND T~FES ::' j ,; - 0 1 - .: ll-:-8~-'J :.: 0 5 - .:. ::S - ~ ::' 0 ï - Û ::: - ,j 5 0 - 3 2 - ::: l'~ 3 - 3 9 - 5 53-70-3 191-24-2 Ac:t?naph therle 2,4-Dinitrophenol 4-Ni t.ropt:enol 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 2,6-Dinitrotoluene Diet.hylphthalate 4-Chlorophenyl-phenylether Fluorene 4,6-Dinitrc-2-Hetnyiphenol N-Nitrosod~phenylamine (1) 4-Eromopn@nyl-pheny!ether Hexarhloraben:ene Fentac:hloroohenol Fhenanthrene Ant;:racene Di-~-Butvlphthalate Fluorë::r:thene hrene 8utvlbenzvlphth~late :.~'-DichlorcGenzld:~e 2en:c(a)4nthract?ne :'ls(2-Ethylhe¡yl)Fh7~~1~~e C 1', r y 5 e n e Ji-~;-!)ctyl F~lthala!e Senzotb)Fluoranthe~e Ben:otk)Fluoranthene Senzo(a)Pyrene Indeno(l,2,3-cd)Pvrene Dlbenz(a,hJAnthracene a en z 0 ( 9 . h , i ) r e ; 'I 1 e :: e o ~¡otes Ïjnó summary data for this rp'por~. \ 1 ì - C a íl í: 0 t t"", s· e P d r d t e.j f:' 0 m d i¡:';i e íl y 1 ami n e r~r~ I :>JNC FLAGS 1.00 U 3.00 U 2.00 U 1.00 U 1. 00 U 1.00 U 1.00 U 1.00 U 2.00 U 1.00 U 2.00 U ::.00 U 5.00 U 2.00 U 2.00 U :2.00 U 1.00 !J 1.00 iJ 1. 00 U 10.00 U 1. 00 (J 1.00 I. ~.OO L! . .00 U :. 00 '~ 2.00 U 1.00 !J 4.00 U ~.¡)O L! :.00 !J rP~@m @f>n~~~§J! ZDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDD~Ú~DDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDÐDDDDDDDÐC-JÐ~DDDDDDr~DDDDDDDDDDÐDOD? ; I:'ilge 1 .) - ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET .j - , - ~, SEHIVOLATILE COMPOUNDS ~, - -' ~; ~, CASE NO DOHS SAS NO LABORATORY HCKESSON LAE Po E P 0 R TED 06/2 0 / :~ 6 1 7 : 1 5 CONTRACT 718:-25 CUSTOMER DOHS - ~, ~, - ~I - .) ~ yDDDDDDDOÐDODDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDÐDDDDDDDDDDÐ~DÐDDDDDDDDDDDDr - ZÐDDDDDûADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDfrDDDDDDDDDDDÐrJDDÐDDÐDDÐDDDDD~ ~, - JLAS 5AMP ID 860637-04D J LAS 'Jr 1D - 5AH?LE ID S-288-DUF TYPE SAM?LE - _I J LEASE A THORIZED &Y ~ CDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDtDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDJDDDDDD DDDDrJDDDDDDDDDDDDDD4 J FILE NAHE 1052? RECEIVED 06/10/86 METr.~D 8270 ~ ~, TUNE DFTF? EXTRACTED 06/16/86 FRACTION BNA J J STANDARD ANALYZED 06/16H:6 INST HP .:' ~) BLANK VERIFIED ANALYST TB ~, CDDDDDÐDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD4 .:' % MOISTURE pH LEEL HEDIUli .:' ~' (DECMHED) CLEANUP MAiFIX SOLID j ~ DIL FACTOR 1.000 EXTRACT METHOD 3550 !IN!7S HS/kG J. .:' S.!.HPLE: ;'::/;,0637-04 DUP: 1GG-IOHL(5XSURR) ;C(JNDliIONS: /;, - 1 : - :; 6 j J ~) ., ~' .) 1 r) 5 ;: ':. - .' - -. ~DDDDDDDDDDDDDUDDÐDDDDDDD~ÐDD[]DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD::]DDDD9DDDDf;JDDÐDDDnDDDDDDD~ cor:: ,..,e- ~~ (I COHPOUND TYP~: CONC "": \ rc, '....~. ...; . _ - \J.., r -, - .:-. 2 - .7 5 - ,~ ~-Nltro~odiœe:hyl~mi~e 1 .0 L) ...., .I . ..' ..... - . - : :~ ::; - .~ 5 - 2 :: ~: e :1 0 1 l .00 " \"J¡...J . _ ;.: c:~: ~ll-4'¡-4 bi~(2-Chl8roe:hyl:E!hef 1. 08 C-:-~ .; 5 - 5 7 - ':: ::: .. ChI 0 rap rl enol 1 _ 00 I: ,.... - -- :':l-ïj-l 1 .3-Dichloro~en~e~e 1. 00 U ~..)..;: C340 1%-46-7 1.4-Dichlorot,enzeÍle l .00 U ".... c '''\ '. oS - 5 0 - 1 l,;?-Dichlorot'enzene 1. 00 U L. .) "" ;.) c : l~ .J 3 ?b38-32-'~ bis(2-ChlorolSOprOpy!)E!her 1.00 l C-:-:'I"\ /:121-64-7 N-Nitrosc-Di-1-?rcpyiamlne 1 . Q C: ", " r--c 07-72-1 ~exdchloroethéÍie 1. 00 '-'.}.' - . C410 '18-95-3 Ni trobenzene 1.00 (;415 78-59-1 Isophorone 1 .00 " ~ C4;:'O ::; :::- 7 5 - 5 2-Ni tr'ophenol 1. 00 U C425 1 0 5 - 6 7 - ,~ 2.4-Dimethylphenol 1. 00 I' u C435 111-'.~1-1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)Hethane 1. 00 U ::!J~W @@6G,fg§ju' C440 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol 1. 00 U C4.15 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 2.00 U C4S0 91-20-3 Naphthalene 1. 00 U C460 :3 7 - 6 :.~ - 3 Hexachlorobutadiene 1. 00 U C465 5~-50-7 4-Chloro-3-Hethylphenol 1. 00 l! CSIO 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 1. 00 1I C515 88-06-2 2.4,6-Trichlorophenol 1. 00 U CS25 ~/1-S:::-7 2-Chloronaphthalene 1. 00 U C5:;S 131-11-3 Dimethyl Phthalate 1. 00 U CS.:Q :: Q :~ - '? ~, - :3 Acené:phthylen~ 1. 00 1\ ZDDDDDDDÐDDDDÐDDDDDDDtltJDDDDÙÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐD)DJD~DDDDDDDÐDDJDDDDDÐr'DDD~ .1 p ~ 9 e- 2 ...~ ~\ - ..J 3 ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET "7 LAB SAMP ID 860637-04D SAMP ID B-288-DUP - ~, ~, J CASE NO DOHS SAS NO - SEHIVOLATILE COMPOUNDS - . -' LABORATORY MCKESSON LAB REPORTED 06/20/86 lì:lS CONTRACT 7183-25 CUST(IHER DOHS - -' - -' J ~ ~DnDDDDDDPDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐÐDDDDCDDDDDDDDDY CODE csso csss CS60 C570 CS75 C580 CS85 CS90 C610 C615 C625 C630 Ce>35 C640 Co·15 U,50 CI;,5S r;71S C720 C725 C730 C7:S ,... .... '" Ii l.; ... "oJ C7e.(': C7<:>5 C770 cn5 cn:o C ; ::: 5 C 7'?O - . ; US NO 83-32-'.~ 51-2E:-S 100-02-7 121-14-2 606-20-2 84-66-2 701)5-72-3 86-73-7 534-52-1 ;::6-30-6 101-55-3 1 ~ ;; - 7 ~ - 1 ::. ï - :; ..:. - 5 :;5-01-':; 120-12-7 ::;4-74-2 2[:,:--.14-0 1 :'~ - 0 0 - 0 ~; 5 - ~ \3 - 7 '.:' ~ -::'; .: - 1 ':'7 -:::: -..j : ~ :' <, ~ - ::- "'\. .:. -n' - ,:" - ..' "-... ~ ~ -: - :: ~ - C :' C 5 - .:, .: - 2 2 ': ~ - i] :; - :~ 50-:2-8 F'3-39-5 53-70-3 1':l-24-2 C(IHPOUND TYFES C{)NC fLASS A~enaphthene 2,4-Dinitropheool 4-Nitrophenol 2;4-Dinitrotoluene 2,6-Dinitrotcluene Diethylphthëslëste 4-Chlorophenyl-phenylether Fluorene 4,6-Dinitro-2-Hethylphenol N-Nitrosodipheoylamine (1) 4-Bromophenyl-phenylether HexaçhlorobE~¡ene renrachlorop~enol o 1.00 U 3.00 U 2 .00 II 1.00 U 1.00 U 1.00 U 1.00 U 1.00 U 2.00 U _.00 U 2.00 U 3.00 U ~ .00 U P t: e í: a r: t. h r EnE 2.00 U :'.00 U 4ntr:r(:c:en'~ Di-r;-5utv loh:hõlate F II) era r: r h €I ,: e P '.' r e r: e 6I)tylbenzy!phthõl~te :'. DO ~ 1 .00 U 1.00 lJ 1 .00 U 10.00 U . . ~O Ij 1 .00 iJ 3.3'-D1c·hlor:benzi·jine Sen~o(~)Anthrace~e (I i 5 ( :: - E t h .~. 1 h ~ i Y 1 ; ~ h : t. :: ~ .j t e Shr~':"er:e Ol-~-('cty! F~r~¡alðte Senzo(b¡F!uoran~Me~e Senzo(kIFluorantner:e 8 e r: z 0 ( õ ) p}' r e ,: e Indeno(1,2,:-cd)Fyrene Dib~nz(õ,h)Anthracer:e Ben Z 0 ( 9 , ~I . . : = e f:' i e ': e _ . DO U 1 . 00 ~ ;::' . üQ iJ :.GO U 1.00 ij 4.00 U ~ .00 U - GG U Notes and sum~ary data for tr::s rePGr:. \ 1) - Co .: ,I fI (; t t, t? S E P éI :. õ t e ,j f;' C Iii ,j i Þ ~I e fl ì' 1 éI m 1 n e FP~@m¿ «vcwq@8fiY1/;:, ~ cr m .L I~" e. C.1"OfIl'~'1I1I ,,,e We"'" A,...cy I \) ..JA-"""'aItj.~b~9~ ~. . _ \RDOU PAIOAITY~ - , IE-plain) . , PART I: FIELD SECTION Coli...., ~~ R~-,~. Activity: 0 Enforœm.nt , 0 ASP , 0 H.W. Prop.rtY 0 Sup.r , LOCATION OF SAµPlING: . . Nama . ,') 01',,,,,,-", " lo4e"," Sol'"" HML No To '\-~~ o O~.r Tim.\~-\~ HOl -, I T.I.No Address ;. .:. - . I HML No. Collector's (Lab Only) Sample No. ~~~~r.'")\) (l ~l,~ v.~l ~ '~._~~~ ~f\~\\L. ~L<&~ ~~~\L~ ~ ¿,~b ~\=\V) \\~ .~~ ~\~ Analysis Requested: NumD" s".., city ~ Type Of Sample e. ~ <6-~ ~ ~ ~) FIELD INFORMATION " ""-- ~hain of Custody: ~ ~\ ~tu,. :2 4 ~~ _ ~ ~_~ ~_ Ç:A~~ I _ Inclul'''' O. II . .".... \t) 10-- "_ ,.¢-If·.f~ , _ / _ .¡,nclullvt CII.I (CreW-lOgic _ Inclullve CIIII Slgnltu,e rP~@~ O~~@~~QÄ~C U'I'" Oml Special Remarks Till. ('.1., Qupllcatt ump.. 91...n to company. IIC. PART II: LABORATORY SECTION ~~\ o SCBL 0 LBL ~~~~ . Received By Sample Allocation: o HMl Analysis Required Title ~\\G:fu Date Oat. ~-\-~ o Other ~l\n . -= . ~ .' : ';J.fi · . rJ,rp; ~H'Þ' Ge' ¡( v/. " .' ~ e e California Departaent ot Health SerTiees Hazardous likteri&ls taboratory mu.Jl2~ to .ß 29B LABORATORY REPORT Reference: t-\Ml- Mefuod..~ HML NO. COLLECTOR'S TYPE OF ( Lab only) SAMPLE NO. 'SAMPLE· B~=lrS- ß J=Hv; ß~=r1- ðc?~ iß~ rq i ß~gC ßa.81 ß zg2. -p~~ 'ß éJ.S4 6~~~ B~5~ _g ~8=r ß~ça~ DIL.FACTOR PH B.dO 5.<Òo II ~ 'J , q~ðO . ¿ tJ..zo 1é.2L/ ,,'30'2 " -1- ..<1Q , la.5' ' -- 7-1-C;¡ 1.'0 T.23 q.T~ 13. :)",- '- ..§.e ß t b 1- J:JjtJt D _BAß ~8.. J..IQUJD BR8 Ib9 J...1f)ÙI'þ B~ B 17-0 IvJ6(Ù/.!L ß I}- i5 /7-1 )...1 Q Ut.D ~ f+- 8 Jr"'L J.. ~¡)I 0 ytre 1TJ $01/ ~ ß ,q 8 I 1'1 So j J 'B~S ~ 50 I} ~Ae, 1% Svl' r;A~ tr=r ~o j I d _ßA6 I~ S Iv:~ BA-ß tl9 .so, I ß A Q> ,So Sid, 6 Note: < = Belov detection limit of instrument, (blank) = Not determined An~lystß' Signatures: . 1. CfurtJL, ß, &uitu q / If.?/aç- , date 2. date Chemist 912o/~ date /e e C~~IFa~~¡" D£PA"ï~E~7 ù~ M;ALi" S~~V:C;S HAZA~DC~~ ~AiE~I"~S LAaC~~TO~¥ ~~:7¡aN ¡;fl:L';'. . . . . . . . . . iC I-::?!i.." . . . . . . . . . . . LASORATùRV ~Er~"r rüR r07"L ~~TH~ AN~LYS:S CCLLECjQ~/S NI~E: BU7T;~~¡E~: 5"'Ì'ÍPL¿ LQC.HI¡j,~ : a c C¡;~;~¡~AL cù SHK::RS¡:¡e:i..~ C0LLECiCR'S SA~?L~ NO. S~B-17J ACTIÿITY : :~~~~:EMENT DMTE RECE¡:.I~D ~ e-;-8S ANALYT¡CAL FROC~:¡üR~ : SAMPLES HRE DIGEEiED W¡iH CJHC~~T~HTED NIj~!C AC:D cve:~ A HOT PLATE. THE ùIGE;TE~ SAMPLE; AÆE F¡LTE~ED AND ~Aü~ TO ~vù ~L W¡iH 5X NI7~IC AC:ü !~ ~I;7!LLED û::!JNIZ~~ ~~ï::~. ~E-~L AN~~Y=ZS O~ THE DI~E;r :s ¡y :C?~¡s. ~ESUL7a A~E R!?OR7~~ A~ ~G:·~~~M. Hi'lL NUI'i:Ei{ BZ27 COLLEC7 S¡:';~r iI: 6;'2-17= SHiíPLE !':'PE SOIL AG-:IL~ C:::1 " O. ':'Z AS-:=CRSEN!C < v.w.:; SA-~A":l.ipr¡ -- - .j L:..... eE-3;~'t'LLIUi'l , Ú.¡)l CD-CADMIUM " ,- __.v CQ-C:S':'Lr 1.9: /f CR-CH"~:"!!U~ ¡Oi CU-CC??E;~ : ¡ . :; ~C-I'iDi.. YE !i:::.J~'M o. !)S N I -:\i ! C~:::~ ,.. .... :.~... ?S-~EH::> . ~ - ~~.:: =e.-;'Ni: ;I:QN ,. \1 j" ...... S~-SE:"E:'iIU;O: , -0: . . 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S ~:.S - . : .. . ( I ::.:S ", .,....:.... , :;-iC:- a--· ..;.1:1" BAS-175 S~!L v.02 < ,) . ~ 3 " ~04 v.'::. (~ .:. 'I) ,. -. .:.:~ ~ëJ ~~Z (t, Ü€ iZ.4 --- ':_;1 'J . .:.. 0( t.J. ~ ~ . .- - -. .'" -- . f.'! "':~ " ....- 8:36 BAa-li:ï Si..UDGE 0.02 . -.... '.' . .;;¡,. 1~.7 v.v~ L4a 0.Z~ 3- - .,;.: 2.~è i). ',)5 ¡.47 - _3 .:...: () .';4 s.~~ . . - 4.':~ -- . ...-. ..... 0.23 :..::. I :.":.' : i~~Ej è ,{ : c.: /2/ ,J ( ß( ~ ~______ S~F~~V!E:~ ;¡~~~T~;~ . ., . -------- //;'¡~/¡;5 DH7~ ~ - ~- ..4 r0tJ@~ @œ<g@&~í§\f~ ¡ :al'" .: FtelD~JCTION D ~ /..'" ~. v /. C';I-_ t-. ~/- 1Ct0l A-.. 71c.. r.:' ."- I,.·... c...... r" -.... ~ Oat. Sampled L....1 ....~ 4:tlwitY: ~ Enforcamlftt" C A!$P 0 H.W. Property 0 Super 0 Other CJ RCRA ftttion: a PMS-SAC C NCS-SAC a NCS-FRESNO a 5CS-LA CJ NCCS-BERK LOCATION OF SAMPLING: Nlma JJ. '-C.t.·~_/~.& Ct" Address ~r/I £, to(.. .... _ ¿J~4~·"'r.,(.(. ~/ "'Wlno. .t,... ~.-/~ .f~ ,'/" ,f,." / .§',. , '/' .r.. ..1' .J:-¿./ ¡/J¡-' .J~~£.,-, ¡/O.f ~> ,eo(' .) . ~ ~ f· ',(... \ '. - ..../ ( f-./'" ( .. HML No. fllb Only t ~ Collector's Sampl. No. WL IJ4-A /~l ~ ôj;/!./J' 177 ~'J~ .ð1/t:J /?r ~ iJM /'Jt ~ :2 ~S" 11 ¿.4 I/) 7 ß.llL L! ~IJ ANlysis Requested: f , J Sf..... "". I Sll~tlue SllNlure pedal Rem¡rks (RT II: e . 'UU~ MATE R tAlS SAMPLE ANAL V' . 2~~ ~ DIeert---- .. .....,.,. ~. ~ HUL NaB) ~} T. '~~~L Jf5T ,~~. -<Ji .. Time' MOl.' OPT Cod. OJ Tel, No Œ(') r:) p. J.:!... -/ . f 0 -9' :J s OJ¡'- cay , Type Of Sampl, · FIELD INFORMATION ..rvL'J'i. c.¿'J' f Æ. ~ r - .t':, .II c:/. .. .;f .A A'r c /f VJ L~ /¿ ~:., /"' V'.1 à 4 . ~ Þk ~"L.~t' ~ Æ.. Co ¡If - C4-",;' //.4.«.. 4 c.,:4- If lot " 1~ pu , c..., I"C .- . --. ~ . '/¡¡M'! £ ~ Title J:)tbA~~T Title 'I k k.{'" , ~~ /R-') / I Il\c",.t... OAtM q , k!' I' IncI',.ï;, o.t.. Title '"Clusl.... Oat.. TIt.. Inclusive Oates II\Clull... 0.1" v-> , 7" L, . -:+:;(. c... LABORATORY::;ECTION ~~\ o HMl 0 SCBl !CCivC!d By mple Allocation: tllysis RequilWd ~~C o Other ~ C\-~-~- Date Date Title o lBl ~ \~3 ;i~hj@~ @~6.~~~Í!:l\~ ·1 - .L1II4..$'_ <tiafe whl.'ther s~mp ~ is sludge. soil. etc. :¡ "on~ ("tI~, - ,- ... -..-...-..---- . . O,iq.-Lab. Dup.-Fil. Trip.-Inspector ------~_..__...- .-- -_._--_. --.. - -- ,.z{Z'·.. - ~...- --;:. '0.. .$ MA T£RIALS ""'PLE_ ANAL yso. ,u.~.. r ~ ¿Þ....... ....._....r ~ 'L. ~ /, .!,~ I ~ ~ - - - ,~ III' ·,ART t: 'IElD_SeCTION CoIIecto,4. Ih , ,(. .: ,( / - A·.'I...~:'". Xc _../.: - 0...,-... MN"" ~.. ., HML No...ß':2~ ' . T. ~~'S8 . kt viry: JlJ Enforcement RaIIion: CJ PMS-SAC Lt)CA T10N OF SAMPLING: Nam- /1 (. , Co/: c' ,- j~.. /" CASP a NCS-SAC C H.W. Proøeny a NCS-FRESNO o.t. S.mpltd '/' -.r -J'.J - C Sup.r a Oth.r CJ RCRA CJ SCS-LA CJ NCCS-8ERK ,,~.,. - /./;,.1 Time Hours OPT Cod. OJ] Collector's ~mDl. No. /..f..41'''~.' Numllet . Type Of $ampl. · ¿;. Ll ð t-;.; r ¡; J~ c;~. Tel. N /F('.J-Y POl J.. -/ J' '=' «(.2 .", ? 11,., ? Clly ZID Address HML No. (Lab Only) ]r~~, - .ß-:1cg'8 /.1-,', \.r;. SI1MI /(,1111 >Ÿ ß /J./J /.f"O .1;. ,. / C"r~ h.4(: ~. FIELD INFORMATION "'£-A- ·C"oA.l"~/ ..r-~ ,~/ -ý'- ~/t..>i .<. 1<.("- Cn ...cr/'/, 7'"';1..... r 4f:../~~ - 4.... / ~ l' ",.IYlil Requested: t/ I? A- p~ " "'in of Custody: pecial Remark. [., ÅII. -s .£ 4 ¡'-Ig~ q/b/¿? L Till. 9./ ( I f{; f' Iftclus'''' 011_ (1"- ~ \17 TIU. ' I I"Cllnl... Olt" Tit.. Indus'"" Oltft Title InClIØ.I... 0.1_ I-r- Title InClWS'", o.tes 1.i..J . '7- L.. -t::- c..' ¡;. f', SI,nUur. S",....tu,.. SI,n.tuI. SlgNlllr. (..~. ø",pllUle ~mp.. ,.veft 10 .comø4lny. elc.! ART II: LABOR^TORY SECTION aafysiJ ReqUi~ o SCBl 'D Title~C ~, --' LJ lBL 0 Other o ~ \.~ ~ ~ DateC\-b-~ Oat. cceivcd By mpl. Allocation: -- '-~ o HMl J~\ . . f!!Jéf0@fW [JfR(ff@ý£»1¡I,,!' .~ °0 ~............. ......~- ~ - ~- - -. - - - - ---.~..... :" C~III \VI·.,~th(', $õ1lJ1ple is sludge :oil IIfC . . . Ori!J.-uh. ., III!":O (":;'-11 Dup.-Fil. Trip.-lnSllcctor .----..,... ---- - Ca 11.rn1 a ;:h:µ.:: rtment 0 f HazarG'~'lI~ H¿¡t~r'iaìs , e 1:~i\ltl: ServIces La uorat·.1ry ß ~ "7 ..!~_ t C' LABORATORY R~POR.T 'í HMl /I Q ':> ß ::?-,~ ,~ Date Received ,. 11 t I U ~ ~ . .... .1 b L b t - / . /. ~.I' \..0 ec 0(' s "am~~ _ o-Fl :....f! -~~4( y a era ory ~ 6 , \J~ . . .------cT'.--.- I ~ I Sampling Location-Ä.....L-L~:h"---~~., Collector's Sample # 1¿/:fS 16-:'0 . I -2..2.~< ,,;- c.1.. Ll?-J~ ~( /_, .zr?d ~ ~t~ j 1:.' 7 ßhß f;p' ð V ' Analyti cal:~ ?roce:dür'Es Used: -,':-..--.-.M¿ ~Ì; .t?~g..l~ç'" ~·-~tl,< -:;f;Y~~~dLJ~w·. ~-fflu_---J.J.b~~-;t.-...¡ ¿j tere°,. '-1-~- IJ- ~L-' o. s.~ 1_.2 £.2- J~J2_'~5¡"'-~~ , I ..., , , 1 ~ IJ '/ I ~ , i 7../,.....-=1.;4..¿"" ,J"v v/~,~ ÉlS-J::;<. /-~"'l<"<' )-C,' <".......t ,; "/.'_!~f' ,-<, $ ~. ~ ~. L /"J '" D ,", ~ -rl- /'I .¡. ~ 1-1 ,", . "". J ~'f ,,6cs.,-=¿:'.;'..t~_~'- /"~~-::r:~~!. ~J1b:.p c:...I"/~-t:... '!_~~~~.__!.:..!.~~~~ .I I '" . Rcfe'rer,ce: £"p~ r~Î.P1f'"c.~ IóJO S~II' H-( '- . ANALYSIS ~CS~L~S: f-{ t1 ,- ~. Ú>11~~.;t...v's .:J;:J.. ---- JI':J.. )." (- '07' I \ BA ß (¿, 7 . (? 7!~J::>ó : I " .'1 ¡~~-Y .~ !? ~ 7 ~. I,,~ JL ~ I!~,~ - }".,. . .,'. '-> .' (ì ". ' (~~""."t' : ~ ... ~/-~ I,.. .-; I ~ ¡Á ¡~ i /".-:,; ( ~.J . ~ .' (' / ,. . -.!.- <. N'(~ ='''' : ) ,:¡ 1 .. l-;.........,~: :..... ) -r ~.? ..) - I '4 /~')/~¡ .~ l7~;:. S ?~l?;>' 1 I I t ~ ~:.",<~c/¿,y ; An~"'(is' S:·-r·~""·'·"C" . ':Iv 'y ...,.11 \;.'. /' , .. "ÎI ,..,:.... :.- _ r . 1. ----.--k:,,:¿¡-~_d..;~__:...~j.-.-.- ..}¿-{. l"iI2~ 1'1 '.Idt~ i..' ~-' h'1~?¿..,c..¿/S -I--- .,. A ~L "'- .-'~~ . [,: (i ;7.. - frop':W-'--> ,"- ~--",j,/. . ,.v ,....,--.;...~..- - ".'./1'-," .,,() --- - r . <' (' -- --. . - ):..Æ.!\": ðc-t?R. .... . ,., ... ' f...·r:) rWt.." '.~ i/ f' ~<:"'-:~~;A- ~ - F'Ý,:'r--;. ( - "," /7 J 1(' . ,~' , 10 "."'-. ~~ 'f"'¡? 1_: <-<'j;C,,--z. \... ...... "~" ,) / ~"f' ¡L:i-.:.?.z.c,1Í..-. C.' I.J /' J] /' " .;. _ ~ II t.!. -U.:.r--......-.....') !9~@{Rl @~ß@~~b.~v.. S'ign,;tL':e c.f Su¡)er'. ~.;)ing Ch02;71~~,J.: I / . "r. ...If / .J,..: ,',('/ ~ 1.._'......... -:~~_~=-____ .~:-.::~ ~(!tl: "I l. . --... - "'--...-.. - - '--ddte---- 00:( !~.~ .t....~-:; - v'._"_.,l.'...:, ..;-,;,.....:- Célìi~[)!"n¡:J ~¿'[):.. L!12"t Co·':- ¡:'?3.1ii, ::r.:'';''¡'¡':"S - !:j:::"rd(;;i~ r~3t':"'i~;5 LóbC'"ëJtory - -.- 7 ..'V~r './ : r ¡'"'' .. I ~ ..._~ , ;.'..Ã_ .-:,: . . .) 4.-.:. . ,; .." / ) .¿<;........,.....""'...'-r::'! ,é....r/:...;........ u .. ,,:.......~ "', I":';)j ...,' ( .- > ·..-- ~~-.- .,.1 .. ~ Cali¡:·...iJ Departm~nt of Health Serv_... ,ardous Materials Laboratory '~ HML # (J ') '7.1- tJ ß ";¿8 go- lAßORATORY REPORT Co 11 ector I s Name e ::tti. {,doL Saii1pling Lû~ûtion ß C. ·ckno.c-ú~ Date Received by Laboratory Col1ettor's Sample # +-... ..'" Analytical Procedures Used: . Reference: --,., ANALYSIS RESULTS: J./I1L -# ~~": IÞ :l. 11 [l./jß /7/ Ú>T~S ~.::t;~ ~ 1'1." ~td.::,£.I¿ cloa;t;../<- ~~.::o..-i<-S o ~lfd¿y's '-# B.... ')07 . ~.~ 0 ')/1 ß 172 r{O/~ \ . ~ ..' } -¡: -!-r:- i:. ;~;"-.. ~ --" 1 =/~~ .~.. h~"""'_/>¿.¡£ ,.'. --' ' .., í"'O Iv'-,;I<---- r;.;'T - ~Cgé I~~ TY";~T ($£.-,~S -r£t(~?-G-të3e ~¿~~ ~ ~iI:..¡¡f.... .1, ) .... Á I1;;c/.'P - ( 1-1 ....'~ ~_L:_,_ú:_ fJ ~-.. p~{~-k.......e. ¡).: "H,..v(C...,- C .... ~ I j - d¡~ ~ 0"" I II.... "J.v-<'{,.:."J;¿. Si gniltae of Superví?i rig Cl1èmi st .- w~l~ r__~-/L ~ , _ _/_ 0 - /(J -- , F, ).. J(;.-'~! -: ". t~, 0' Ã.ð /0 11-~ - , Analysts' Signatures: 1. g .~ .' --t~' ¿-¿;~V- ' ~t:v-I Ç£ ¿:; ù te ~Ill~~_ di1 t i.~ ') 1... - da~e-- 'iJí!!J@~ Ø~B~R¡}q{~r . :aliforniJ Department of Health Services - Hazardou3 Materials LaGoratory ,~ t..ø x- <.L¿$·~::r;r~~( -r.:.~ ';'r~)X; ,,-Zk-IJ ~s-r ' ~;.fÞrl ~ 1- C _ )C.&/ /"-v....e {", I;:;f~"""· , .,. . . '$;:" \'''''''r'i c:....., Collector'sNe.me ...O'....,UVl ¡ ut:pu. unen¡;, 01 neal.tn :::¡erVlces Ha.-dous }.nterials La'bontory A . . LABORATORY REPORT ~ ~~. J Priori ty Pollu tan~s--Base-¡'¡eutre.ls Date Recei....ed 'by Laboratory Collector's Sample HMLI V';í; ~~ ~ .; ?r Se:pling Loc~tio~ (B.C..~·~) Analytical Procedure: .Jrl é 11,2 tYJ. ÞnlA.' ~ ~ q¡(,/fs It ~1?Ið It 1 ~,.r;ø / tf~. ~~ &e 7/..1) ... ~ 215'1 13:;2"1¡ 11.5:271 I i --' l Detectic:- æ!>!L u " Collector's Sam'Ole # I tJ.IHB ;(/7 ßf}ßJ?,,1 BAnI 7/ I . Lir.li t P.4 ;. /ff - , P):e:lol I ~is (2-chloro-ethvl) ethe:- - - I <=::::. .5 I 1.3-Dichlorobenzene - - ¿ c2 ! I 1.4~Dich1orobenzcD~ - - c:::::. :2. I 1,2-Dichlo!'obenzen~ - - - ...:::::::' a I Eis (2-chloro-íso'O!'o'OY11 ~ther - - -. ~ 6 I I ~~achlo!'oetha:le ~ - - -< :L ! ?i-Î;i trosod. ì-n-'Ol·o'Ovla.!!\i ne - I - ~ ,~- I I Ni"robcnzen~ - - - ~ <=::::: -~. i -- - - I 1 I I <::::: - , ~ rûn~ - I - :5 t i Bis(2-chloroethoxy)~ethane - - I <::: 5 \ - l,2,4-~rictlorobenze~e : - - <::.. ¿ : - ~¡z. ::::thale¡.e I - I - I· e::::::::. .;¿ ! - , I ;¿ 2-C~~orO~2~htha:e~e - - Ie::::: Þ..~ e:-.2;::h t ~:".rl e r:e I I 1<::: /) - - ~ Di..~et~vl 'O!1thal2. -: e -+ I I . 1< .::z i - - - . 2 6-Diuit:-otoluene I ~ I - ·1 I~ ~ \ --' , IAc~!'!:! 'Ohthe~e I - I <::::::.. .2.. , \ I \ I I-=:::. S , 2.4-Di~it~oto~uene - , - . , 1:-1'..lorene I I I ! I~ ,.., - =-'- Hex2chloro but-.adien~ >f. - I I 1<- ~ i , - I 4-Chloronhp.nyl -phe:wl ether - I - I <: 02 ; 4-BromoTlhenvl -ph'enyl ether i - - Ie::::::.. ;:¿ ! Ie;.c"chloro cyclopentadiene I - I - <:::.. c2 : I ri,)h ..RI"", - ! I - I '-2~11\' , ' 'O:u""'I#\l1- <:::.-.CZ I Hcxachlorobenzer.e - . ., ~Concentration Units: Solids: \J g / p. -:þ. , -" Liouids: /\J'g~ ' Note: (-) = Not d~tecteà (blank) = Not determincò ::* D¿i¿J:.:""" ~~cf ~ -hi, I.¡,..~ Ã..'CÞ- ~~ ~ 7?U-J?~ e:b+~ .bí óc./~/b ~).!hw~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~-h-..,G~~¿t, Contim:.cd on page - '/'" ,-, .:L' C¥)\..,-,r ~ ~ . (,;a.1.11'ornla pnrtJuent 01 Hea.Ltn ~eI"'Vlces HaZAIÞ'S tI.aterials L.1boratory e LABORATORY ?IPORT Priority Pollutants--Base-Neutrals pe.g e 2 . .." Concentration Units: Solid~: ~ fl./rz. ,Liouids: i Ufl..JJ.; ..-. -& tf. 7' 11S;l7f 1~.279~ "- ,- I Ht-«' /I !)~tection I ~/(,1 t Collector's Samnle /I Il.IIA/70 J1.A.13 Ii I L i.m i t,a.c; ¡; : Phena.nthrene - - ~ c2 1/ / ""I , Anthracene I - ..c:::: oZ i - Di-n-butvl~~~~alate - ~ <:::... oZ I 02- I Fluoranthene . - <: ,I .. Ie::::::: S Benzidine '- - I I~'rene c::::. 02 I T - - I Butvl benzyl nhthalate - ~ . ¿ c:2 I l,2-Benzanthracene ' ' "'- ~ ~ cZ -:¡ 3.3'-Dichlorobenzidine - - <:: S I~hrv~ene " " ---- ~ . <- 02 Bis( 2-eth-,1 h'?xvl )Pht hal2. te - I ~... X c:::::::.. -Z- I I Di-n-octyl "C'~thalate I' - - I I 1<- :¿ ! I Be~zc'( P. )"C'Y~'C?!je - ! ---.. , I - I ~ ¿ I Indenc(l,2,3-~,d)~yrene .-. - I 1<- /0 \ I I I , I Ie:::::. /0 , 1,2:5,6-~i~ë~~~~~~~rú~~~e - i ! I I - I l,,12-Ben7.o'Cë"~lene ' ' -' ~ I 1<: S i - , I ! I I I f 1 ! i I I ' I : - . ..",L I I . I I I i I I I I ~ I I I I 1 I I , ¡ I Note: (-) = Not detectèd (blaDk) = Not determined ~ DJL~ f.Un..:~ ~ -izv.- ~~ L:.-r +i-.-- ,~< ~ 1?wrÞ'14R- þ ¿~A 1_ C e / ¡c/ l::! ~...i.r/' If,~f/ I~ ~~~ ~~~ ~//V1S ~~~~ w~gcature orrSupervlsing Ch~ist f' Analyst's Signature ·~gr c / (~ r;;¡ v 7 /þ~ Date #~.J. O¡£~~ t¡i3~~ ( i)a te ; Collector's Name Haz~ Jous ~~teri&ls Laboratory e. LABORATORY REPORT e Priority Pollut&nts--B&se-Neut~als Date Received . by La bora tory Collector's Sample -# .2S''r Analytical Procedure: Gt! PID ". qÄ/~~ /I ~ Ie, 7 #,I}ß It tJ ~o - - tConcent:-ation Units: Solids: "Hl.! ~ LiQuids: ('\).;r,J.L.....J ~.27¡' "'!J.)17 I - HML If Detection Collector's Sam'Cle /I IJ¡;(J ïl/ f -g,¡;;e, /6 tf I . Li.I¡¡i),Æa iJ !Phenol ¿;1/ tais (2-chloro-ethyl) ether - I ~ c2,~ 1.3-Dichlorobenzene '. ~ / 1.4-Dichlorobenzene <. / l.2-Dichlorobenzene --. < / :Bis (2-chloro-iso'Cl'o'Dyl) ether . <: .;2.S- . Hey.acr~oroeth~~e <:: / I ìi-Ni trosod i-n-Dl'O'Dvlamir1e ' ' - ~ ~..ç I Nitrobenzen~ - <: .~.5': I. r. i i 1< ø2.S- I ~ sot> J.ron E: Bis(2-chlorocthoxv)~ethane -' -I I <: .2.ç- 1,2,4-Trichlorobe~zene -- . 1<- / . :Ia -åhtha2.ene ~ I . \< / I - 2-Chloro~~~hthale~e - < / I I I I 1<:. / t.ce~a 'Cbt~vleDe / , Di1:let:-,yl t;hth:.la~e I 1 ~ 1<:. / i --- - I 2,6-Dinitrot01uene I - < ~..j ¡ - I < / I Acèr:ô.':)hthene - \ I I , I I...c::::: .2.S 2,4-Dini~rotoluer:e - . , I 1<- / I Fluorene I Hexachlorc butadiene - I k / ¡ , 4-Chloro-nhenvl 'Phe~vl ether - 1<:: / q-Brol:!ophenvl phenyl ether <.::. / \ Jiexachloro cyclopentadiene I <.. / I , ~exachlorobenzène I <:::.. / I I Note: (-) = Not detected (blank) = Not àetermined Continued on page 2 '9 1f~@C« @[j5)F1~'i.' J :1 ,I" California ~partment of H!alth Services Hazse ts Materials l..1boratory e LABORATORY REPORT Priority Pollutants--Base-Neutrals pag! 2 .~'j/ ~,l- Concent~ation Units: Solid s: 'IH. / F. . Liouids: ~-. .,. 1J.2 7~ 11ß~771 I r-- / I Ht-fi. /I Detection Collector's Sample II IhM"J J tl ~/(,1 I Limit UL2 { Phenanthrene I ..c:::: / VI I Anthracene - <. / ., Di-n-butvl~htr.alate - ¿: / Fluoranthene .--- I I -< / ,. I I Benzidine - - <:: t2, S- . P:vrene I I < / . ·1 Butyl benzyl ~hthalate - <::: / 1.2-Benzanthrecene - ' . - I <: / 3.3'-Dichloro~!nzidine <- 2,5" Chrysene - . . . < / I Bi::;(2-ethvl r.~:<yl )Phthalate I -' <::. / Di-n-octvl Dh~halate ·1 I I < / Benzù(a)t>vrer:e . ! < / Inàeno(1.2,3-c,d)t>yrene I <.. ..z; I I .5' I 1,2;5,6-Di~êõ:û~~~~r~ce~c i .< I , l.l2-Benzot>er':lene I 1< c2,S , , - I I I I i - I i ! r I I I I - I I I I , i ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I Note: (-) = Not detected (black) = Not determined Analy~t's Signature Signature of Supervising Chemist ~ß:g Ç)~ l~~ U (1 fi ßwo--J s, oL__-¡' Date £ 434b (;;~teJ @~@I @~q@fi[):; I,.!u.uor; IJepartment Of Heal. th Se:-v1c:e!. ~-ìOUS ~~terials Labor~tory 4IÞ LABORATORY REPORT . Priori ty pollu tants--Base-Neutrals W ~ Date Received Collector's Name . ill . ~, by Laboratory Sampling Loc~ tion· . 0. 9!d rMþ. CA COllector's, Sample l~' t· ~~..c.4) If'll. I~' ~ , Analytical Procedure: I'/&, e& ¡1Ilt<'~./ 6ð ;P/..l) Rl-n:. I -tJ,2 7.F t 0 73~F¡ 9/r,/fS I ~ It, J 7.Ø~/~ð ~o . once!\ ra J.on nlwS: 0 1 s: J~.'£ Liouids: 1.1~, L HML H P3 ,.2 ?I 13 2. f t5L ~.213 -t3:z ¥ .s- -6:29'9 Detec:tic::l Collector's Sa.!!!'!) 1 e # '6Æ13 / 7~ tkt3/'l¥ ~/1t; ~/7? ~/"/J LÌl:li t .~ "Phenol (7/ , Bis (2-chloro-ethyl) ether - - . <::: $V 1.3-Dichlorobenzene 1 < 020 1.4-Dichlorobenzene - <: ::¿o . 1,2-Dichloroben:ene - <:::. e20 Bis (2-chloro-iso~ro~yl) ether - < 5V I Hexachloroetha~e - - <:::: ..20 I N-¡';i trosoùi-II-~ropvla:~i!\e , - <. StJ I Nitrobenzen~ - " - < 57J I I I 1< SO ¡ ¡so~hron~ - I Pis(2-chloroethoy.v)methane - - - .......:.. - <SO 1,2,4-Tric~loroD:nze~e < .20 I ~¡a :Jhthale:-.e A_ 1< do i . - 2-Ch:orona~~~ha:e~e I - 1< c::?o , I r I 1< .20 ¡ Ac ena 'Dht !¡':l ene , I 1~:2G , Di1:le'thvl ~htha.la ": e . , I I ·1 I<:)Z) : 2,6-Dinitrctoluene - I - lAc ena ~hthene - - <: ~() ¡ 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ! - - <: SO I 1F1uor~ne ~ - - <: ~ú Hexachlo~~ buta¿ienc I<~o ; - - _I <:: 2() 4-Chlo:-~nhenv·l p:oenvl et~er - - - 4-Bromo~h~nY'1 phenyl ether - - - <:. c2Ô I ¡qexachloro c20 I cyclopentadiene - - - <: ! ; Hexachlorobenzene - - <~O \ } 'C t t' U '. S l"d / / Ç¡- Kote: (-) ~ Not detected (Dl~~k) = Not determined Continued on page 2 '0(, rR\ . ; .!:¿¡,g; O¡ 0 . . . W. (Q)[p~@bt~Oj{?:\ib CalHornia :pnrt:nent of Health Services Ha. us ~.at~rinls Laboratory e LABORATORY REPORT Priority Pollutants--Base-Neutrals page 2 oncentration Units: 0 1 5: U IZ:.'¡:r: Licuids: UIZ: L '.' ~291 I .ø.21~ I ~£ ¡~ 1~.2¡-~~ ~ ,tð£ HML /I Detection Collector's Se.m'Cle # ~/7~ f}~ /1-'1 tJI;(J /?r fJAø /77 ~/gO Limi tb4.1c £. Phenanthrene - <. ,20 V'v - Anthracene . - <: 020 I .. .2ò ¡ Di-n-butyl'[)ht~ale.te - ..c::. ~ I Fluoranthene ~Ò I .. 5V I Benzidine <::. Pyrene --=:.. ,2() ! Bu.tyl benzyl 'Chtha.le.te . ..e:: 2,tJ I :20 . I l,2-Benzanthracene - < 3.3'-Dichlorobenzidine I ~ <. 9 I , ChrYsel~e ' . , < .2() I3is(2-ethvl h~x'rl b~tha':c:te .1 . . . . - <: c2.() I Di-n-o,=tvl 'Dhth=.J.e.te -, +-= - ~ .2.0 I Benz') (é-, )r,\'rer:e - <- c:!.O I !Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)~yrene -1-< /(7) I - r ,- I i I I lc:::. /er» ; J" -.5 t: -'':b~--' ""I''':' ..- "'~ - ! :!:.2.". ,V-JJ~ \,;;;...1_~_..¡.........l.,;.:.CC-...,,- . 1< ¡ 1,12-BenzoTIer¥lene I - I §7J . I , I . I ! I 1 I ì I : I I I I ¡ \ \ I , , . \ ·1 I ! I I , I I , I ! , i C S I'd I / Note: (-) = Not detected (blank) = Not åetermined Analyst's Signature Signature of Supervising Cheoist ~fLfr' 9fJ/ ~;i "1h¿.J~~. Ò~Ä ( Date) IPá"lj(ŒI (b¡t'ÐfJ0'> , . " . ~¿lrornin Deþ~rtment of H~nlth sIIÞ :es 4IÞ ~a~nrdous ~~terials ~boratory LABORATORY REPORT HMLJ!.J$ 21~ ~~ ,B29B Collector's ND.me ~ 3r>-MJ.a. Sampling Locati~n PC' æ l!.í+r~/t!.d... Co.) ~ ~sç~ e\A~ J C~-' Q330::t Analyti~al Procedures Used:.-?H Aòt:\L'4Sls Date Rec~ived / by La 'bora t.ory c¡ tø / g ç Collector's S4mplc# ~-AC3 1fc.1- ~:; "ßAß \ €,ù . . HML ~ Q;{ hod. s Reference: HML NO. COLLECTOR'S TYPE OF (Lab only) SPJ-!PLE NO. SAt·IPLE* OIL. FACTOR 8 -Z ~S' PH 8/.\13 161' 1.../ cpu, D &.20 ß J':J{p. 8Aß 1 "ß J..¡ Q VI!) 5.'60 ß~=r~ BAB Jb9 J..J Q () I ;) 11.l..J 8~* BA ß JtoO Ivl ~ Of,!) . q~co ß~"¥1 í ß A-B /7-1 À/ Q UIj) <·G....lO ~~SO .ß AS rl2. J...J ~¡)II) ro..2L/ ß~81 _BITe 173 $01/ , \ -7 .s- f 3 c:z ß 282.- ß A e J 1l.J So J J 1-..ýo -ß ;;tð ~ BA--B J 1Ç So ¡) 13cS" 'BaBl! _.ßA e, I '-1b SOl \ 7-,1;;/ ßd~S ßAß 1T-7 ~cl,d '2.. G. 0 B ;l~lø ~A61~ S (vc1je T#2"b _B ~ 8 =t- JA-B 1.19 SO] I q ::.¡.:) ß;t<t:?rs ß A e> .J.gp - Sð ( , d., 13.:> < = Beloy det~cti! .1 :1 imi t of instru;cent, (blank) = :iot d~termin~d 1. CPlIJ2!L, ß, ~. Sig~ glib/Be;: I L:/ , da t.e Chcmi :T. Annlyst~' Signntur~$: . 9/20//-j de. t c dn'l.c w~R O~~~R~¡ØP. e e CALIFC;~¡A O¡PA~T~ENi OF "fALT~ S~~V:CëS HAZARDCûS NMj~~IH~S LA3Q~~Taß1 5;CTION H~L'..........TO t-tHL'. . . . . . . . . . . LABORATORY R~FQRT FOR TOTAL METAL ANALYS:S COLLECjO~'S NAME: BUTTERF¡ELJ SAMPLE LOCATION B C CHE~!CAL ca BAKERSFIELD CQLLECTOR'S S~~PLE NO. B~8-173 ACTIVITY : ENrC~CEMENT DATE RECEIVED ; 9-5-85 ANMLYT¡C~L S~MPLES ~"~ D!G;5iED W!TH CaNC;NTRATED NITR!C AC¡~ ùV~R A HOT FROC=:Dü:;.~ PLfi TE. TME D ¡ üë:i7;t S~ì!"i?tES A~; F I L T~~~D AH) ~iH¡j:: TO : VI) ~:!.. WITH 5% NI7~¡C ACID IN DISTILLED DE!~NIZ~D ~~TER. ~E7AL AN~LY5IS OF T~E DIG~ST IS BY IC?HES. RESULTS ARë RëPOR7;D AS UG/GiAM. Hf'iL NiJlie.ER B2a7 COLLEC':' SAM;: *: BA8-17S 5.=tñPLE TYPE SOIL AG-SILVER ~ 0.02 A5-':'RS~N!C < 0.35 8A-g"~ : L:/,¡ ,8.3 BE -3:::1'''~LI iJì1 < 0.01 . CD-CADMIUIi 2.20 C!J-C~ë;'LT 1.82 CR-CHRQ;"\IUI'I 101 CU-CCP?EP. 11.3 f'iO-/"iùLY~D£¡";:.!H < 0.08 NI-N¡CK;:L 5.54 r~-LEAD 12.5 S2·-A¡.H; ?-:ONY < 0.34 S~ -SELE ~i I U1': 1. 75 iL - T~HL L. I ü;': < 1.9 V -I;H:~A D = wI': 13. S ZN-Z:NC 217 Y 2.61 NOTE: < = BELOW ú~TECjIGN LIMIT OF INSTRûM~NT (.++)=NOT .cPß.1M_gL~ W!hf" (2(,sI1- Mi.:cL:5¡:¡ ~¡úl Hil.i~; úfiTE Sû?~~·.JIS~~ ~:;.;..,.,,'J;:: DEïE~MINED BY IS? j/:;0//'5 -------- ;)AT~ ,'Ji3@~ @~a@B!;¥i&\[J" (Exp~.in) '/ ;,,\1,- tJ-1 _~-:... n ('-'" PART I: FIELD SECTION Collector ..e ....' "114." f:'~ i/- }>,........... ActivitY: }3 Enforcement 0 ASP Region: 0 PMS-SAC 0 NCS-SAC LOCATION OF SAMPLING: ß (.. C i..l) __ ~ -___.~ / C._ Address I? 0.. 11·- ~. r f ~ /..¡ -II 'J.: (..(....:._ Çollector's Sample No. Nam- HML No. (Lab Only) ~S" .Æð 16 '1 ~ ~ --ß)lL ~ Analysis Requested: AM I("f /146 /61 /1M I?O , I? 11-1.{. / 7 I /.1 ¿~ / /J. {/o,4 e \~~~ .-r To ---'ß~ ~ 'ð ~ r ~ ""' ..J.... o H. W. Property ? -J' rj- T· ./C:. J ~ ~ê.'" - H 1m.· ours OPT Code 0== Date Sampled o Super 0 Other 0 RCRA o SCS-LA 0 NCCS-BERK o NCS-FRESNO /ß.kc. .;ýJ~ NumÞ.r Type Of " Sample · Tel. No(Pl?j"j !'?¿ -/)60 ./ Cn.. ? J10 "7 StrMt City Zip FIELD INFORMATJON . S 0 ~., .;.~. ,. :... c¡, /("( h., / ( )) IN~ F~()Nt 61!iJM , II T . ? T'" ~ ~/ á ~ ~ ;/ I>, .. (" I J) INjo, ON Mil"!! i/.... ~ £.1....'-_ /c.-C'I·..·.·J,,,£ ;; INfo. (JN~ jq...J' t'~. (/Þ'ol _.: r- - 1'...r~c' '/ C' ~r;.-- ~ Ie. T .^- c.. ~I.-,( It~· cl . ". _./ ,.. -:;;;::::...., I , S~ /01 ;,_ r ß or' (--J . ¿~þ .~·c< l~ ,...f ¿. à .vo·r! ¿/; - / ..,_c. ¿. '7 ..c-"~I l,·~ _./ Al.·f.~ -da.J<"¡ ) ÞH- I J JlInL 81.7<6 u~ CIJIJ.T,O J/Nð'1..'Ov.~ ðDoR I Chain of Custody: ~./ 1.~ ¡ %~ 2. ~lb~-=- ~ '.$ ~e ~!LC\¡u.) Signature 3. tv/V ~ r 1 Title ~~J:)~~- Title qA-A., 9 J, J 'l ~ , , I neluSlve Cates ~;6ß-) I neluslve Cates 4. Signature Title I neluslve Colt., Inclusive DoItes 5 Signature TltI. Special Remarks SlgNlture .f" ,,; ¡'f If Title I neluslv. Cates /c..,L-r .;..(..-:~ ~... l~. J.'<íJM "1AN1J t~ > I (..11-. ØUPllcate wmple gl".n to company. et.J JI.I/"""UlA- ð "'f V',,-...,I/ON rellJ'f~I'J ðN Ú8¡JI PART II: LABORATORY SECTION -C-~'--\ o HML 0 \JG~ Received By Sample Allocation: Analysis Required OI-lS 8002 (9/84) Title 'Z\'\C ..k~, o LBL J 0 Other ç~- 0 '\~~~ " {., 'Ç:4 , SOi!, etc. O· I -b "9·-'" . Dup.-File Trip.-Inspec:tor , ~-...( PART I: FIELD SECTION Collector ~u 'trt., ¡,;,;;.;- ActivitY: ~ Enforcement Region: 0 PMS-SAC e r,.t...t.....r" Yft,.__~ o ASP o NCs-SAC L ~'t'~ " ~ . '}'- J- - .r.J' /t't (, - (fè " Time Hou's OPT Code n--; Dlte Slmpletl o SUPtf 0 Other 0 RCRA o SCS-lA 0 NCCS-BERK o H.W. Property o NCS-FRESNO LOCATION OF SAMPLING: Namlt ß. c.. (.lc.ü........rc-c.& c. Addreu /.. ("/ I S'..., tt ... : .... _ NumÞer HM l No. (Lab Only) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ßllL Analysis Requested: Tel. Not.Far) f J:2... -/. H~o ·cr :] :f o¡'- City . Zip ¿J CA.. ¡f~ ~ L·¡Ç ,,1./ 5 tr..t Collector's SamPle No. Type Of .. Sample · FIELD INFORMAT~ON Ii~ /~,? '¿'¡/J py L!,f1.J /'>J ß4-ð I"~ /J ¿.¡; I/) 7 LlM ..þJL~ C.V)tll\. 4 c - .!'~ II ,,/. · ,f .-fA. <~ ¿vb/"<. c"""_~-fÁ t! ~ 1 h ~"""-'''' ~" to If - c.o or I" ./..-£ JI' ~ J ?ý c..c. 4' 6~ r Co r - 4c..~ I pI.J .r¡, . -( f~.·/' Jet ,r' / S~I·/· (" -..,/ ..t;¿,/ ¡/)[- .J4..~;;:- t/ C) ~ ~ ~ 2. 3. Ú/M1£ Title ^- r;)fb Ih~ T Title q klf-;- 'V~~-) / I Inclusive Oltes q '~.t"" _ I' Inclusive Oltes Slgnlture Inc'uslve Oltes 4. SI~ture Title Slgtllture Title Inclusive Oltes 5 Signature Title Inclusive o.tes /~ ~f ~,¡-t.... ~ ,--,' ~~ (e.9.. c2upllc:.ite wmple given to company. etc.) Special Remarks J/ ;;~r- PART II: lABORATORY SECTION ~'--\ o HMl 0 SCBl Received By Sample Allocation: Analysis Required ~t\-C o Other \S: ~\- C(~-~ Title o LBL Date Date o~ '-~3 OHS a002 (9/84) -Indicate whether sample is sludge, soil. etc. Orig.-Lab. Dup.-Fill Trip.-Inspectof · ...-.... . --;.r- , (Exø1Iin) ~:JÇ.. "_,---.f /~-I PART I: FIELD SECTION Collecto.4 #t.. ¡; d,/ - fil'l-- .~ ~~~ .~ I...... ,." --~ - - I To R:>'88 y~~ Olte Sampleti ,.. -ra,f.J. ,u.øC" - /..1 è-n Time Hours OPT Code 5 Region: 0 PMS-SAC LOCATION OF SAMPLING: Nam- .IJ ( U('.4_ j~ /" Address 1..1 "II :.r:.. I..{. .., .~.. Number ,0 ASP o Nés-SAC o H.W. Property o NCS-FRESNO o Super 0 Other 0 RCRA o SCS-LA 0 NCCS-BERK ActivitY: jIJ Enforcement ~ Lfn 1t:".r~J,./ G£. Tel. N(.~"~) ~¡ ~ -/.J' 0 ?,11c.? ') City ZID HML No. (Lab Only) I eoJlector's Sample No. Str..t Type Of .. Sample - FIELD INFORMATION ~~~, - ~ ..B'1~~ 13M /irJ .s;. ~. / C"7f ft.¿(J ) ~ '- -it- 'C I"o.A.J r,./ ~.., //r"y ~ ~.(' .- "'/' SrI C' Q '"" J /'/c. h....h Analysis ReQuested: 1/1) f - "je-.' d ~ - ,¿(,.~ j t'.1 pu Chain of Custody: e:/~ 2 ...... '- QI It r J:À. ) Slgnlture !vM..~ .1 L TItle C~ C) ~1T Title q /r¡- / g-r 9/(J'cf' q/b /!-.t) Ineluslye Dltes I neluslye Dltes 3. Slgnlture Title Ine'uslye Dltes 4 Slgnlture Title Inclusive CItes 5 Slgnlture Title Ineluslye Dltes Special Remarks IT£.. PART II: LABORATORY SECTION Received By Sample Allocation: ~'~\ o HML 0 SCBL Title~ ~ -- o LeL 0 Oth.r Dateq-b~ Date Analysis Required D O~ '-..e ~ ~ -Indicate whether sample is sludge, soil, etc. Orig.-Llb. Dup.-Fil. Trip.-lnspectOr OfootS 8002 (9/84) RIORI'fY L..J ':xplain) ~ú - To e ~T'7~~if.TION ' ð(" () t, / ~ to :~!I::~~r \l;~:&~ ,,~~~. ~s~;;d \ctivity: 0 I:nforccment 0 ASP 0 H.W. Property 0 Super. o Other Tltne 'cr&-\~::~s OPT codei i ~ J l-')-~ ~I:gion: 0 PMS-SAC MPLlNG: CS-SAC ,.._.o.-Ne5=f!'RêSNU o SCS LA Zl~ ;~ NumÞflr Streit r's Type Of am~ ~ FIELD INFORMATION Silmµ!e No. ~2~l ~~?'\\9-' ~Ç), Anil!ysi~ R~c..¡l,;l:stcú: --- --.--.--..---..-... -..----- - C)"¡ai:) of C~stody: ......., ft-$ ;--'r"V . ~ _--L I /'''/'/&'-) ,) /...; :-.:......._.~ ¡/ Signature , J I /7 .7. l- ¿, ;t."",,- ~ Tltlo V ¿/~·).lfb I nel,,;sl\"e Da tes 2' 5ig~aturc Title Inclusive QZ:CI 3 --- Slgn.ture Title Inthaive DUt.5 4. Slgn.ture Tltlo IncJu:/ve Da:es 5 S/9n,turc Tltlo Intluslve DJtcl '-. Sp~tial Remar:Ù (e.g., duplicate umpl,: given 10 co:np.ny. elc.) f..6£H (I: LA80¡:;A TORY S¡;CTIOI.J '-- ~l.--\ o Rer:eived Bý Sample Allocation: o h'í\o1 l Title SeBl 0 lBL 0 Other ~f\- ~lO \hc~ D¡¡te Date ~-~-' Analysis Required rJqJ)@~ ~ '. , . ~Q~U~V¡A' ' ~.~~~~~~_~~~~~~~~~.¡~~~~~¡:~~~~W~~~j,~~~~~~~W~W~,JU~UUu~~u~~~uuuuuuuu~u~~~UUUUUUIJUU .' DATAe paQe 1 - e . . , - ORGANICS ANALYSIS .T - . , - - - . , SEMI VOLATILE COMPOUNDS - .' .' - .' .' .' CASE NO DOHS-4 LABORATORY MCKESSON LAB CONTRACT 718;J-ZS ,J .' SAS NO REPORTED o 7 / '2 2/ :36 15:44 CUSTOMER DOHS J , .' .' ~ÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDr ZDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDEDDDDDDDDODÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD~ .' .' - .' ~L~B SAM? ID 86061bb-Ol ; LAB ù€ I D SAMPLE !D S287-BAE17~ TYPE 3AMPL E - .' .' DATA R 'LEASE A HORIZED BY ; CDDDDDúDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDD~ J FILE NAME 10820 RECEIVED 06/27/86 METHOD 2270 J J TUNE DFTPP EXTRACTED 07/15/86 FRACTION BNA J J STANDARD 10817 ANALYZED 07/16/86 16:30 INST HP J .' BLANK 10645 VERIFIED ANALYST T8 ; CDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD4 .-' : MOISTURE pH LEVEL.) ~ (ÐECANTED) CLEANUP MATRIX j .~ DIL FACTOR 20.000 EXTRACT METHOD 3550 UNITS J _ J : SAMPLE: 8606166-01 lG-20NL 7-1t,-:36 16:30 TB 62:37-SAS179 J .::S (1 ~-ID IT J(1 N S : :; - .' 10820 - .J . - .J ~~DDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDÐDDDDDDÐDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDY' ;. ,",'" = CAS ~HI C(IH P(IU~JD TYPES CI)NC i='LAGS - .... ~ - . N-Nitrcso~i]ethyl~mlne ::JO.:JO ;J ... ... C'.:.: - / : _-oJ , ~ ~ 'J ::: - ':. 5 - 2 ~ ~I Eo rl C 1 :'0.80 U - :l:-.1':-': (, i s ( :2 - C h 10'" ~ e thy 1 ) E the r :O.GJ J - - - - ....--... ;: C _ c: -; _ ;) :' - C ~Il 0 r C p ~I en 0 1 20.00 U :.... - ~ '¥ ...; ...': '-' :::::5 504l-7:-1 1.3-Dichlorobenzene ~O.OO U C:.:O :Ot.-4t,-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 20.00 U I' -: ~ :1 95-50-1 l,¿-Dichlorobenzene 20.00 U I. ..._...... C :~'O :; ,:¡ 6 3 8 - :¡ 2 - ';') bis(2-Chloroi50prop~1)Ether :'0.00 U ,~ - -:- '1 621-64-7 N-Nitroso-Dl-n-Cropylamlne 20.00 U _ _ w >:::'5 67-72-1 HexachlorcEthane :0.00 U CJ:O '?8-'~5-3 Nitrot.enzene ':0.00 U C.:1S "'¿;-5'J-1 !50pr:orcne :0.00 U C.:~O :~ ::; - 7 5 - 5 2-Ni trophenol 20.00 U C.:25 105-/;>7-9 2.~-Dimethylphenol 20.00 U C.l35 111-91-1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)Methane 20.00 U CHO 120-83-2 2.4-Dichlorophenol 20.00 U C4015 120-82-1 l,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 20.00 U CJ50 91-20-3 Naphthalene 20.00 U [(){¡¿;(p)~,. , :J:f.?IGNf#1 C':"O ::;7-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene 20.00 U C.¡Þ5 59-50-7 4-Chloro-3-Methylphenol 20.00 U C510 7ì-47-~ Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 20.00 U CS15 8¿:-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 20.00 U C525 91-58-7 2-Chloranaphthalene 20.00 U C5~5 :3:-1:-3 Dim e nl y I Ph tJla l.:s t e :60.00 U ~ : ; I,] ~; '-I : - :'.. - ':. A r: .¿r: = P h r h y i E' rl e :0.00 ;J , ., PjgC? .~ .' .. .' e ORGANICS ANALYSIS D A T A.- c: T ,) .' LAB SAMP ID 8606166-01 SEMIVOLATILE COMPOUNDS - , .;.. SAMPLE ID B287BAB179 -' CASE NO DOHS-4 LABORATORY MCKESSON LAB CONTRACT 718:;-Z5 - oJ .' .j SAS NO REPORTED 07/22/~~f:, 15:44 CUSTOMER QOHS - . , J ~ ~DDDDDODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDnDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDOt' CODE CAS NO CON POUND TY PES CONC Fl AGS C550 ~~ :;J-32-~~ Acenaphthene 20.00 U C555 - 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol 100.00 U C560 100-02-7 4-Nitrophenol 20.00 U C570 121-14-2 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 20.00 U C575 606-20-2 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 20.00 U CS80 84-66-2 Diethylphthalate 20.00 U C585 7005-72-3 4-Chlorophenyl-phenylether 20.00 U C590 8t.-73-7 Fluorene 20.00 U C610 534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-2-Nethylphenol 20.00 U Ct.15 86-30-6 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine (1) 0 20.00 U C625 101-55-3 4-Bromophenyl-phenylether 20.00 U Ct,30 118-74-1 Hexachlorobe~:ene 20.00 U C635 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol 20.00 U Ct,40 ~:5-01-~: Phenanthrene 34.00 C645 120-12-7 Anthrë:cene 20.00 U c¿,50 ~::l-74-2 Di-n-Sutylphthalate 20.00 U Ct,SS 2 [: t· - ;j .:; - 0 Flucrë:nthenp. 20.00 U ('., , c 12'?-00-O Pyrene 20.00 U ,I .. ...J C720 ::: 5 -I) :~ - 7 2utylbenzylphthalate 20.00 U C.,"'C ~~-':'a-l J,3'-Dichlorcbenzidine 758.32 U ' ~ oJ C730 Së-SS-3 eenzo(a}Anthr~:ene 20.00 U ......~-c 1 l ~ - ::: 1 - 7 bis(2-Ethylhe1vl)Fhthalare L:O.OO U I",. I ..J ...J :~ ì J 0 2 l ':' - 0 1 - ,~ Chrysene ~O.OIJ U C760 II >:: .: -) :; ¡-r,-(Jc ty 1 Prl;'iabte ~':J. 00 Û C:'"S 2 Q ~ - .~:.-: Se~zo(b)Fluo~~nrhene .10.00 U :770 ,~ .¡ -: - ¡'"'I .:. - ,~ S~n!G(k)Fluo~~nthene .:0.00 li '-..... :775 5 0 - 3 :: - ;~ Benzo(a)Pyrene 20.00 U C7:~0 I '~J-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd}Pyrene 20.00 U C ;::;5 .53-70-3 Dibenz(a,h)An~~rdc~ne 20.00 U C:: ': 0 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h.i)=ervlene ':0.00 U t~ 0 res- and summary data for t r: ì S report. ( 1 ) - C d r: riot tie separated frOiil diphenylamIne Form r fØé!J@fR O~q@Br;IJJ.9A[L ilC~J~..~.-:Ivn .rat" ~nvn..rat' 11U..1 .JL1\.' .&.""....V e e DOHS ..... ANALYTICAL RESULTS Tentative Identification of Non-Priority Pollutants Lab No. 8606166-01 Sample I.D. B287-BAB17q I\n; 1 . Scan Number Compound Approximate Concentration, ~~/v~ 668 Tetr;;r!p('::!np =ïfln 676 Tetradecane 280 683 Tetr~dec::!np 180 790 Unknm.m Alkene ~?() 7qR Hexadecanol O?n 804 Hexaèec.ane 160 903 Hex2.:::ecano1 !."70 Estimated concentration = x O. F. - I {J pf)-~ £/1/ T - VE£Jf eIlJ¡70,f' /ß/7 T ~ ....---------- rri dalj} Oct-D be.y 4} Iq~S ThE.v2.E L.tJ ~ (( b£. A- \'1)££\\ IU (. A---t- --- -- -+hE:.. ·E ~ L tx pA-V\Y')ì C\'\ \' Y+ \" ~: ð 0 A, (n -k ~\ t. A~A-\~£"::'+ ~h~ tOES T£!2-\'\J - . C}.£xn \cAL C) y" IJ ~ ~S ~'nQ. s-l-, G0 c.. Y\ E.£J - ~OWG SL\.PPOI"-\- 40 ht>Jp ~4-op c1£_xn Ic.q I ~ - .Çrü ,'Y'I yYìO u i n~ {n y. 0 Li...(~ t'òo.. c. V ycu--d -y -\- ~ ';:) \.\ ~e \. \ .:I \'Y\ ÇJo v- -\-0..." -\- -l h ~ -\- '-\..0 l.\. f:+\t-~n_C\ ~~l~ Y1\E£\ ~ ~~ I \\tC\n~ Lto l{ COf2NE. \< Of VIQbì.NA Ç+ND MT VbR J\JON e e '\0" _. -=S:~c..k ~O~~ ''''~'''- I Ke~"Q¡~ ~:R-~> , \ßl\ \\'7l,y\. ~e,s.> ~\J'~ & -\\';)..~"'tU}(\.-oV\Â"&,3\):,"~ \0 r . \: (t> <:) ~x ~5"31 (' e.. s V\ <) ) c.t\.. ~"3 ì ~ \ ~A ~ 9 ~ '30~ ~~ f\o5-t-J~e~~J ~e,~ N~~~ Re-~o"fc;,.....s , ~C>, Box 4Ðø~ " r '-Þr c:¡ GC>S'"' \..J~f.~ \\ J . . tM..\o'ô.. J. \ ~ ~ ~ 1 J\-\-~ ~ 'r\ o~ <-... ...\. ,,¡..\À ~ ""'5 \ -Q.. \\~... ~ ~ "'\- -\ 0 ~ c... <:..." Q, \'Y\' c...¡¡,\:; ~<1:> \ \" \AI ¡ '" ~ \~ e. \ ~ '" 'i'<'<:' -\.i., <:'> ~ ~ ~ì\' £; \ \ '\ ~ S' , t\. \S~~~ ~ -\'n'ð\ ~~ <:.,:~ \)~~ O~ U"~h:J.~\. "-C>I\ ~ \~c...\ ì "'~ a\ ~\~} <'>0 r f<\Q.J. ì "J '" cl,~.L \-e. ~ ~O r ~ ~ CO ~ .. '" <:.':) c:.. \0 h~~ , \N \ \ \ 'h ~,,~ \..0 ~ ~ W\~ v e..d ~ 0 ~: Q)ß t I'\') <!) J"\ W ~!. Ì) ",~áb Y C) c.. \-0 b<e r d-. ) ,~~.&"', 'S~ N"~ ~.. r ~I\ ~ i "c:..~ V~Ì\ I< -\\\s, 'May ~~~.s~ f ~ l \ "'- ~"" Y oJ /' R ~ C-k~('4 c...S;¡ ::/iÞ....J___ (1)¡f ~~@~ @ ~~ 1f~~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 r:r It) 12 1\1 ILl 0 X 0 0 ( In := 0( 13 c:1:S 0( Z .J c: >- I- 0 14 ILl 0( ... :.:: ( J (/) >- 0( !¡ 0 0 z r.ñ 15 u a: 0 !¡ >- I- .J I- !¡ ILl 0( CI 16 :.:: z (/) 0( 0 It) I? u 0 .J 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2? 28 e e µ COSKEY, COSKEY & BOXER Attorneys at Law 11601 Wilshire Boulevard suite 1960 Los Angeles, California 90025-1781 ßD · ~c. (213) 473-4583 Attorneys for Official Creditors' Committee UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA IN RE ) CASE NO. 1 85 01809 ET ) B. C. CHEMICALS, INC. ) Chapter 7 ID# 95-28855385 ) ) NOTICE OF HEARING Debtor. ) ) Date: september 27, 1990 ) Time: 9:30 A.M. Place: Room 204 TO THE CREDITORS AND OTHER PARTIES IN INTEREST: . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a hearing in the above entitled matter will be held in Room 204, Federal Building, United States Bankruptcy Court, 800 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California 93301, on September 27, 1990, at 9:30 A.M., to consider and act upon the Application for Allowance of Compensation and Reimbursement of Disbursements to Counsel for Services Which Have Made a Substantial Contribution to the Estate and Have Conferred Benefit Upon the Estate, as well as additional Compensation and Reimbursement to Counsel for Official Creditors' Committee and for Order Paying Same. Fees requested for said period are in the amount of $71,000.00, and costs of $3,433.37. ,." 080790bhjBC.Ntc 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 II:: III 12 III LLJ 0 >< 0 0 0> ED ~ < 13 qs < Z .J a: >- I- 0 14 LLJ < I&. :.:: tI) ::i !J) >- < III U 0 z rñ 15 u a: 0 III >- I- .J I- III IIJ < CJ 16 :.:: z !J) < 0 en 17 u 0 .J 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 " 27 28 e e objections, if any, to the above should be made in writing and filed with the Court and served upon Coskey, Coskey & Boxer, attorneys for the Official Creditors' Committee, at least five (5) full business days before the hearing. Any objections not filed and served may be deemed waived. Hal L. Coskey HAL L. CaSKEY of CaSKEY, CaSKEY & BOXER, Attorneys for Official Creditors' Committee , , . :, 080790bh/BC.Ntc 'I." , ." -2- e e W)î~g¡!\\Y~j~1 il\\: AUG 20 1990 ill,! ";;.,,T KERN COUNTY HlA~ln ACCOUNTING ~'n >n.Ptd 1 scheduled for hearing concurrently with the hearing on this 2 Motion. The fees and expenses requested by Coskey will in 3 all respects be subject to review by this Court. 4 d. Coskey will dismiss the Appeals. Phoenix Trust, Coskey, and Movant will release 5 e. 6 one another from any and all claims, other than claims aris- 7 ing under the stipulation and any administrative claim of coskey for fees and expenses in such amounts as are awarded 8 9 by this Court. 13. Movant believes that the entry into and consumma- 10 11 tion of the Stipulation would be in the best interest of the es- 12 tate, and represents a sound exercise of Movant's business judg- 13 ment, for the following reasons: 14 The Court has already determined that the a. 15 estate should expend $350,000 in connection with the cleanup and removal of toxic waste from the surface of the Premises 16 17 in an order which has been affirmed by the District Court. 18 The ultimate liability of the estate to Phoenix Trust could 19 exceed this sum substantially, however, for a variety of 20 reasons. To begin with, the Phoenix Trust has represented to the Trustee that it has already expended $340,000 for surface cleanup and projects additional costs of surface cleanup of approximately $60,000. The Second Order and the District Court's order affirming same indicate that amounts expended 21 22 23 24 25 to remOVe hazardous property of the Debtor from the surface 26 would be treated as administrative claims. Moreover, the 27 prior orders addressed only the removal of various materials from the surface of the Premises, and not possible sub- 28 -7- 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 l2)'2'n Mot ion.P'd surface and ground water contamination. Phoenix Trust an- ticipates that there will be substantial additional costs in determining the extent of any sub-surface contamination (in- cluding any potential contamination of ground water) which could be in excess of $200,000. Moreover, Phoenix Trust has advised Movant that if soil remediation was necessary and groundwater contamination was found, additional costs which e could be in excess of $1 million might be incurred iri remedying such problems. Thus, by paying $395,000 to the Phoenix Trust, Movant would eliminate, not only an admin- istrative claim for the $400,000 that the Phoenix Trust has already expended or expects to expend in connection with the surface cleanup I but also a potential administrative or other claim respecting the cost of sub-surface examination and cleanup, which could range from $200,000 to over $1 million. b. In light of the rulings of the Bankruptcy Court and the District Court, there is a substantial risk that Phoenix Trust will have an administrative claim for at least the cost of removing the surface contamination I i.e., approximately $400,000. AdditionallYI absent the settleme the estate would have to incur substantial additional costs e in connection with a determination of the amount, validity, and priority of any claims of Phoenix Trust respecting the analysis and cleanup of potential sub-surface contamination. c. By eliminating the claims of Phoenix Trust against the estate once and for all in exchange for the pay- ment of a fixed sum, the proposed settlement will expedite the closing of this CaSd';\'4j~. :n.' has"been gel'lr'1<l ~since PV-, ,. ,~~ \,~ 11. . ., ., '10 ....., or' ~ ¡ il\\ô~UG 20 1990 ~' ,.. 1985) KERN éOUNTV "~A~i" ù~~T ACCOUNTING l23· 2~92 "at ion.P'd 1 nue in Bakersfield, california (hereinafter the "Premises"). B.C. 2 leased the Premises from Phoenix Trust. During the course of its 3 business operations, B.C. supplied a wide variety of chemicals to 4 commercial customers and B.C. accumulated numerous drums, barrels, 5 and other containers containing various types of chemicals on the 6 Premises. 7 2. On September 10, 1985, during the pendency of B.C.'s chapter 11 case, the Kern County Health Department (herein- after "Health Department") cited B.C. for numerous violations of 8 9 10 California law respecting the management I storage, and disposal of 11 hazardous wastes located on the Premises. Among the violations, 12 B.C. was cited for illegally disposing of hazardous waste. The 13 Health Department ordered B.C. to submit a site cleanup plan and, 14 upon approval of the plan by the state Department of Health Ser- 15 vices and the Health Department, to initiate the cleanup process 16 set forth in the plan. 17 On September 26, 1985, B.C. voluntarily converted 3. 18 its chapter 11 case to a proceeding under chapter 7 of the Bank- 19 ruptcy Code, and Movant was appointed as trustee. Thereafter, 20 Movant, with the approval of the Court, retained the services of 21 EMCON Associates to prepare the site cleanup plan. Subsequently, 22 the plan formulated by EMCON was approved by the Health Department 23 and the State Department of Health Services. 24 By order entered in November 1986, entitled "Order 4. 25 on Petition for Authority to Clean Up Premises" (the "First 26 Order"), the Court authorized Movant to expend up to $350,000 for 21 the cleanup of the Premises and that, if necessary, Movant would 28 return to the Court for further authorization for the expenditure -3- l23'2~n "otion.Pld 1 of funds to clean up any remaining toxic waste problems on the 2 Premises. Coskey appealed to the District Court from the First 3 order, and the District Court remanded the matter to the bankrupt- 4 cy court for further proceedings. 5 By order entered in October I 1987, entitled "Order 5. 6 Re Trustee's Application for Authorization to Clean Up Toxic Waste 1 Premises" (the "Second Order"), a copy of which is attached to , Stipulation as Exhibit "A", the Court authorized Movant to expen , without further order of the Court, up to $350,000 to remove vari- 8 9 10 ous drums I barrels, and other containers containing hazardous 11 chemicals from the surface of the Premises. Coskey appealed from 12 the Second Order. 13 By order entered in November, 1987, entitled "Order 6. 14 on Petition for Authorization of certificate of Deposit" (the 15 "Third Order") I a copy of which is attached to the Stipulation as 16 Exhibit "B" I the Court authorized Phoenix Trust to deposit 17 $350,000, in the form of a certificate of deposit I as collateral 18 pending the appeal of the Second Order by Coskey, so that if the 19 Second Order was ultimately reversed or modified, Movant was au- 20 thorized "to draw on said certificate of deposit up to'the amoue 21 by which money necessarily expended for cleanup of [the Premises) 22 exceeds the amount of expenditures for cleanup authorized by a 23 final order of the Court I not to exceed $350,000." Coskey ap- 24 pealed from the Third Order as well. 25 The Second Order was affirmed by a decision of the 1. 26 District Court dated April 24, 1989, a copy of which is attached 21 to the Stipulation as Exhibit "Cu. In that order I the District 28 Court determined, inter alia, t1a.t, "the Bankruptcy Court properl.y & AUG 2 0 1990 '~ Kt.KH ~UuiÚ" ;.,.. ACCOUNT INC State of California e - 'i' / I , , (I'" 7<' , I"~ ;" (. ¡'clÍ ( ,'" '- , ;--.'---" 1_, rl t ......-1 - - '--.' ' Department of Health Services To Memorandum Richard CasaGrande ~ Jerry Prine John Harris Bruce Butterfield Date : SEP 2 7 1985 From (}jY~ ~ ,v Leon Woods ~ Industrial Hygienist Northern California section Subject: B. C. Chemical Company-Chemical Exposure Results Laboratory Analysis results Vapor Monitors (#3500) used vapors while working at the Union Ave, Bakersfield, CA, have been received on the 3M-Organic to monitor your exposure to organic B.C. Chemical Company site, 1511 So. (805-832-1360), September 5, 1985. The laboratory results indicate that for the organic chemicals/solvents tested for no detectable levels were found at the detectable limits of the analysis procedure, i.e., 0.2ppm. The chemicals capable of being absorbed on the 3M-Organic Vapor Monitors and detectable by gas chromatography using NIOSH methods 127, are listed on the attached sheet of organic chemicals. Laboratory analysis of the organic vapor monitors was done by the Fireman's Fund Environmental Laboratory, Fireman's Fund Risk Management Services, Inc, 3700 Lakeville Hwy, Petaluma, CA 94952. If you require additional information, or have any questions concerning these findings, please contact Leon Woods, Industrial Hygienist, Department of Health Services, Toxic Substances Control Division, 4250 Power Inn Road Sacramento, CA, 95826, (916) 739-2825 or ATSS (8) 497-2825. LW:baw Attachment cc: Mark Pheatt, ATPD, Sacramento e v. List of Recommended Compounds for the #3500/3510 Organic Vapor Monitors A lisl of compoundS suitable for measure· ment by the monitor are fouod below, The complele compound guide nolebook can be oblained by completing Ihe card in each instruction booklet. For compounds not on this IiSI, consult OH&SP Technical Service 6121733-6234, · Acetone Acetonitrile Acrylonitrìle · Allyl AlCOhOl Allyl Chlo11oe Amyl. Acetale ¡50' Amyl Acetate n . Amyl Alcohol ¡so· Amyl Alcohol sec· Amyt AICOIlOI Benzene 8enzyl Chlorióe Brolnolorm · Butadiene Butyl Acetate ¡so· Bulyl Acetale sec· Butyl Acetate len . Buty' Acetale 8u'yl AlcOhOl ISO . Butyl AlcOhOl sec· BUlyl AlCOhOl ten· 8ulVl AlcohOl Bulyl Cellosolve 8ulyl Glycidyl Emer p . len . 8ulyl Toluene Camphor Caloon TetrachloriC1e CellosolY~ Cellosolve Acetate Chlorobenzene a . ChiorOSIYiene o . Ch orOIOlúene · Ct\lorobromomelnane ChlOtOlarm I . Chloro ' I . Nilro Propane Cttloroprene Cumene Cyclohexane Cyclohexanol Cyclohe.ll.anone Cyclonexene Cyclopenladlene Oiacetone Atcohol o . DichlorObenzene p . Dichlorobenzene Dichloroethyl Elner Dichloromelnane (MEdnyiene Chloride) Based on laboratory lesting ot over 70 or· ganic vapors with the 3500 monitor, and based on the similar chemical nature of organic vapors and their adsorbtion on charcoal, OH&SP recommends the 3500 lor use in monitoring the more Ihan 135 or- ganic vapors lisled in the NIOSH/OSHA Pockel Guide to Chemical Hazards (DHEW publication No. 78·210). D'ethyl Phlhalate Dlglycloyl Ether Diisobulyl Kelone (DIBK) Dimelhyl Fo,mam,óe (DMF) 0\O:ll.80e D,p,opylene Glvcol Methyl Elher Enllurane (2·Chloro-1,2,2- T,illuorOell1yl D,lIuo,ometnyl Ethe,) EpichlorohyeJrln · Ethyl .Þ.,¡;ela;e Ethyl Acrylale · Elhyl AlCOhOl Ethyllsec·Amy" Kelone Elhyl Benzene · Ethyl Bromioe Ethyl 8ulyl Ketone (3,Heplanonei · Elhyl Chto11óe Ethylene Chlorony(Jrin · EUlylene Dlbroffiloe (1,2-DiOromoclnane · Elhylene Dlchlouoe (1,2-0ichlofGe\t\anel , Ethyl Elher · Ethyl Formale 'F,eon 112 · Freon 113 · Flean 114 · Freon 115 · fleon 116 · Freon 1262 · Freon 13B1 Furlural Furluryl AlcOhOl Glyci¡jOI Halothane (2·Bromo-2-Chloro- - \,1, \ -TrHtuofOe\hane) Heptane hexane Hexachloroethane Isopnorone · Isopropyl Acetate Isopropyl AlcohOl · I~opropy\ Emer Isopropyl Glycíóyl Elher Mesuy! Oxiae Mesitylene · Methyl Acelale Melhvl Acrylate · Melhvlal (D,melhoxy Melhane) Methyt 8utyl Ketone (MilK) Melhyl Cellosol.e Meltlyl CeJlosolV'e Acetale · Melnyl ChlolOtorm (1,1, ¡.T11clJlo,oelhane) Melnyl Cyclohexane Methyl Cyclotl8xanoue MeU)y' Cyc'Ohex.anol Methylln'amyll Kelone Melhyl Elhyl Kelone IMEK) MelnyllSOlJulylcartJlnol MelhyllsotJulyl Kelone (MI8K) Methyl Methacrylate Melhyl Propyl Kelone alpha - Methyl Styrene Naptunalene n . DClane · Pentane Pelcnlaroelhylene Plumy I Eth'o!r Pllenyl Glycidyl Elher Propyl Acela'e PIOPVI Alconol · Isopropyl Acetale Isopropyl AlCOhol Isopropyl Ether Isopropyl Glvcióyl Ether Propylene Dichloride n - Propyiniuate Sloddar¡j Solvent Slyrene 1,1,2.2·TetraC:hloroelhane Tetranydroluran (THF) 1,2,4.- Trict\torobenlene Toluene 1,1,2·Trichlore1hane Trlchlol0elhylene 1.2,3- TI iChloropropane · Vinyl Cnloride · Vlny ¡dene COlariae VtOyl Toluene Xylene Because 01 tMir high vapor pressures (low boiling points), the starred (") compounds are besl sampled initIally willI the 3M "3520 Monilor Iwi\t1 Bac~up SeCIIOn) Subsequent sampling may be done with the 3M 350013510 Monllor il delerm'nea, by "3520 'e~ults, 111at contaminant concentrations are wllh,n the 350013510 capacity limils, e 7 "~I .' " wßctPÛ(DL:Jßlli: illí1Þ!>;æill@; ~~~ TIl;J@o e a~ÐDD V~®oTICDG)(D .f\cc0uvÜin9 & Cc>t't'~~lPc>nde.nce: T~l"minal AV\nex, Box 4006, L..,s Angele.s, CA 90051 " "" i September 16, 1985 riIr. Rich EaluY\d B C Chemic~l ~o. 1~11 30. Union Avenue Bakersfield, Ca 93305 This is tò confirm our representative rl1r. Rust picked up signed contract on 8 AM Saturday, September 14th at your office. In accordance with teþephone conversation last week with Health Department, we requested the favor of allowing us to sort out all empty containers in dru~ storage area to acertain total quantities of various categories to formulate a detailed clean- up plan and procedures for implematation of that site clean- up plan. The following is an inventory of the categories indicated: A Steel 55 Gal drums unusuable-stacked awaiting crushing on site later-to be shipped to class one landfill 164 B PVC 55 Gal drums unusable-stacked awqiting-banding on site shipped to class one landfill 55 Gal containers to be returned to chemical suppliers ~or l~ +00'" 0.. o,. '-.I.. -to be 121 rt \..J which de90sits have been made for 15-30.00 88 D Steel 55 Gal containers suitable for "reconditioning» and re- use 247 Total empty 55 Gal containers stacked In rows and identified properly-- 650 Additio~ally the following steeljpVC drums are sorted rrd stacked in followi'1g categories: Dru~s containing sodiu~ hydroxide{Caustic Soda) only 104 Drums c:mtai~ing glycols only-- ( Ethylene, Hexylene I 34 Dipropylene) Drums cont3.ining monoethancla~ine--only 18 A~d' finally, the solvents ~ave been sorted out 3.!1d thg following are stacked 4 dru~s per pallet(no leakers or deterioriated containers), fl~mmable solvents suitable for :&~XOQ,~~ recycling. 248 Drums F . 'I't' . 1329 Willow St. · Los Al1ge!es, CA 90013 -acl I Ie::::: 8655 So~th Mail1 St. · Los AI1ge1es, CA 90003 ~"1:::lßGjJTI®~fu~~lZ[;.l)I)ill~~c íJj;]@~" ,~ ' . '. a2JíJD D v;3(i)ojXDCDØ &' C d ' -reO ,"m¡nol .JI.. v\nex, Box 4006, L,:..s Angeles¡- C;A 90051 .t-\ccol.mting. o/",.espon ënce: L- T' ¡ ..,. .. ,'~ - Paue 2 - , 0., ~xmc~~~~,~~~ ~ '~~ Halgenated, such as 1,1,1, Trichloroethane, methylene chloride, perch1òuethylene, etc~ 20 drums These solvents are ideally suitable for "recycling" in Azusa by Oil and Solvents Processing Co. and Resource Recovered- National Resources can make necessar~ arrangements, supervise pumping from containers with vacaum truck at later ,date shen all such solvents on site have been identified and segregated. The poten~ial"hazardous wastes" were completely segregated in open area to be later checked, identified and· certified as hazard~us waste and solidified in DOT 17H drums suitable for disposal in class one landfill. Quantity-- 36 Total containers of all categories personally checked and se~re£ated amounted to-- 1,110 Dru~s /- Sincerely, , O..>~ "- J~: E. Rust Certification ~ð? It is her~by certified that the gates remained locked at all times during the sorting of drums, no one entered premises, we did not open any containers, The site was secured upon departure Sunday afternoon. J .,..., R~ust /,....¡... . ~~;~ . . . 1329 \-V¡!low St. · Los ÀY\ge.lèS, CT\ 90013 Facilities: 8655 SOL-lthMa;" St.· Los ÀY\gelcsJ C:;,-\ 90003 .T-\CCOL\~ti~9 & Co......espo~de~ce: .. . . ., "~-~f~~!f} .. a~TIÐ D- V~0oTI0®Ø'~~~~:;~:}::,; : . ~ . - ;::~~::::ftFt;>;t~-;~~'~;'~~~-;~'r Te...mi~al .f\~~eX, Bo~ 4006, L,:>s .f\~gerês,~:CA 9005.,:':,'"-';"';- ~. ~:~:;-;;:~'ç{~~~r~::;;.··~.: . .' ,." ~.-"~':~. c'" :.<.-; .~- ~ . GJß'ifU01,']ßTh illí]~æill@j]i0~ U1,']@o September 18~ 1985 ~-::'.~~-=... ". ". : . ~ ....... Mr. Rich Eglin B C Chemical Co~ 1511 South Union Bakersfield, CA . Ave. 93305 . r._·· The following is an inventory taken during our second inspection of Wednesday, September 18, 1985. ( Categoriesdndicated below are the same as the ones used' in our previous report of Sep. 16, 1985.) '",<. -. .' , ,.; Number A. Unusable 55 gallon steel drums-(For crushing and disposal at a class one landfill) B. Unusable 55 gallon PVC drums(empty)-(For disposal at class one landfill) C. 55 gallon containers to be returned to chemical s~pplièrs for which deposits have been made. D. 55 gallon steel containers suitable for "reconditioning" and reuse. Total empty 55 gallon drums stacked in rows and identified during our second inspection: · . . . . . . . . . . · . . . ." . . . . . . · . . . . . . . . . . · . . . . . . . . . . ** Additionally the following steel/PVC drums are sorted and stacked in the following categories: Drums containing sodium hydroxide(Caustic Soda) only Drums containing glycols only Drums containing monoethanolamine only iX3~~a~i.xsmixRRXsxsxixamiRxf~xiaæxxwxsXx%~~~~~ Ketones,àlcohols and chlorinated solvents suitable for recycling. Potential "hazardous waste" Total containers of all categories personally checked and segregated amounted to drums. · . . . . . . . . . . . · . . . . . . . . . . . · . . . . . . . . . . . · . . . . . . . . . . . · . . . . . . . . . . . · . . . . . . . . . . . Sincerely, J. E. Rust (It is hereby certified that the gates remained locked at all times during the sorting of drums, no one entered premises, we did not open any containers. The site was secured upon departure wednesday afternoon. ) J. E. Rust F ,"t' 1329 Willow St. · Los .Angeles, C.A 90013 -acl lIes: 5 '- . 5 A '-:'\ 90003 8655 OLlt", Mal'" t.· Los, nqeles, L-7'" r/ ~ . ~q ~~> N~\û,J R.~O-Uf'<'Q..5 '" ~ ~llJ r ~ MG~OMe."'7 '1;~r.. ~o(" t~r, S'cJ~tCI'+ <:.ot\~~~~r,~~J ~~\~* ~~\-~> - ~ c..... c..\."""", \,:.,,\.~ '~"1 ...oor\- 1>+"", ~ á.t.\$\$ , { \,?-.. 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'él'æ~~~- . 7JµAL£iT~d-0 'ac'y~rA~G-~~ I I I ~ - - -"- - - . .. . ..0.....--- __ _ _ ____~,. _ ".._ __._ _, _ . - ._._-~.~._........._,~......- ' e e , ~ - - ...., ,,- /".--- f- - ~ . - - , Q i--/-' ---- "u___I' , .- /J7@-:.{. ?Ó' - ,.- __=,_~~-~~~,-'~~~J=--'=-~~-- .~--==- -=-~-~ . i ---,- -" - ---.--. ,-. - ,--- ----,·-----~~2-r7T-' . - .. . ...... . -~-~¿-i-----------v=¡< . -- -, '7' ~ '- -,-:4:2 -- -:----------·'---7~~- -:-' . - ~~---- ....~./'-<::~~. ! ··'77d·-L~.---~~~j¿;¡~~ /.. ·Vd,,-~ ---- ~ ~--;7Y7 ~ . . .----. ~¿:?/,.. ...,p~~ , ~.... ¿ . J 1~~ ~/ , ~ ~, / ,.. .,., -~~;j~ú;£¿Þ'øT! ß ~ ? ~J:z:t¿ .;6 /! afJ ~ /}. . . , éé~~~ -.. % ;&?~ ~ qÆ~4- 7,~ ;;4~~ -' _ ~ ~(þcÞfZ~~~~T~¿ V~-~ ?:fj" þh þ ~ ~ . . ~. -::Mc~~~7Tft7 .~)~ , /b J)Çf/; ~h-~~ _, . &~A--- : --- ---- - -- - - .. . .-- -_. ;-0(¡j;@fÆ @~~@~~~[b .________ __ - .._ - ___.." 0_- _ _. ___. e e RICHARD CASAGRANDE 1. Background: (a) Employment (Kern County Health Department - Environmental Protection) (b) Job Description (c) Education and Training (Curriculum ?) (d) Experience (i) - with chemicals stored in drums similar to those at B.C.? (ii) - with respect to the toxic affects and health threat resulting from improperly stored chemicals (iii) - any experience with health problems resulting from similar exposures to that at B.C. 2. The Investigation: (a) what prompted it? (b) who participated in it? (c) what was the result of the investigation (introduce chemical analysis data)? 3. The Citation: (a) what prompted the citation? (b) describe the violations (c) discuss compliance with the order (if any) (d) when was witness last at site - are the conditions and violations still in existence as indicated in the citation? (Introduce citation) 4. Site Clean Up: (a) what action has County taken to enforce 3 e e citation? (b) has the County approved the EMCON remedial action plan? (any other governmental approval - i.e. State Department of Health Services) (c) (any other agencies investigating the site)? 5. Opinion: (a) does the situation constitute a dangerous or hazardous condition? (b) is the public health and safety being threatened? (c) is the threat imminent (define)? (d) does further delay in cleaning up the site excerbate the threat or pose additional risks? DOCUMENTS TO BE INTRODUCED WITH THIS WITNESS 1. September 10, 1985 Citation 2. Sample studies obtained during investigation 3. Letter to Eglin re drainage? 4 e e September 10, 1985 B.C. Chemicals 1511 So. Union Avenue Baker sf ield, CA Attn: Mr. Richard Eglin, and others having interest in the property at 1511 So. Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Eglin: An inspection of your facility, B.C. Chemicals, at 1511 South Union Avenue, was conducted on September 5, 1985. Available during the inspection and investigation were representatives from the State Department of Health Services, the Kern County District Attorney's office, the Kern County Fire, Health and Sheriffs Departments, and the California Highway patrol Motor Vehicle Inspection Unit. Samples were taken for analysis by the Department of Health Services under chain of custody and split with the company, said split samples left with company representative on site. The inspection was the result of complaints received by the Kern County Health Department which were concerned with the handling, management, and possible illegal disposal of chemicals on your property. The following violations were observed during the inspection: 1. Stained and contaminated soil resulting from chemical spillage. This constitutes an illegal ~isposal of a hazardous waste and is in violation of Section 25154, Division 20, California Health and Safety Code. 2. Drums of hazardous wastes were stored longer than 90 days and were not labeled. This is a violation of Section (,6508 (a), and (c), Title 22, of the California Administrative Code. e e - 2 - 3. Hazardous waste drums were observed in deteriorated condition. This is a violation of section 67241, Title 22, of the California Administrative Code. 4. Drums of incompatible wastes were stored next to each other. This is a violation of Section 67247 (c), Title ~2, of the California Administrative Code. 5. No containment for runoff or spillage has been provided in the drum storage area. This is in violation of Section 67245, Title 22, of the California Administrative Code. 6. Containers holding hazardous waste were stored open to the atmosphere which is a violation of Section 57243, Title 22, of the California Administrative Code. 7. Many deteriorated and leaking drums were observed on the premises which violates the requirement for weekly inspections of the storage area as found in Section 67244, Title 22, of the California Administrative Code. 8. Flammable wastes are stored near sources of ignition without warning signs. This is in violation of Section 67106, (a), Title 2~, of the California Administrative Code. 9. Failure to provide adequate isle space in drum area as required by Section S7124 of Title ~2, of the California Administrative Code. 10. There appears to be treatment of chemicals at this site. The site does not have treatment storage, or disposal permit from the State Department of Health Services. This is a violation of Section 66370 and Section 66371 of Title 22, of the California Administrative Code. Other violations may be included when other appropriate agencies have been notified of these findings. As the owner of B.C. Chemicals, you are the responsible party and are hereby notified that you must perform the following: Contact an independent qualified consulting firm acceptable to the Department of Health Services and the Kern County Health Department to design a site evaluation and testing plan in preparation for a site clean up. The site clean up shall include but not be limited to the following: e e - 3 - a. Removal of all deteriorated, leaking, and/or unusable drums and removal of drums containing retrograde or outdated materials. These must be transported by a licensed hazardous waste hauler to a State approved disposal site. b. Removal of all contaminated soil from premises. This shall be completed after the nature and extent of the soil contamination has been determined following the implementation of a soil sampling program. The soil sampling program shall include a site map showing: 1. 10cati0n and depths of all proposed soil sampl ing , 2. justification and rational for soil sample locations, depths, and contaminants to be anal yzed , 3. sampling equipment and procedures to be used. 4. analytical methods and quality control/quality assurance procedures to be followed. 5. an inventory study and sampling plan of the domestic and private drinking water wells potentially impacted by your site should also be included. Submit a copy of the site clean up plan to this office and the Department of Health Services, 5545 E. Shields, Fresno, California, 93727, within 14 days upon receipt of this notice. The site clean up plan must be approved within 7 days of submittal to the Department of Health Services and the Kern County Bealth Department, and be initiated within 7 days of agency approval. For further information regarding this matter please contact Clari Binder at (805) 861-363 or Jerry Prine or Bruce Butterfield at (209) 445-5938. Sincerely, Richard Casagrande, program Manager Hazardous substances Management program RC:aa cc: Jeri vogue/Boward Eddy, KC District Attorney Larry Frawley/Ron Cain, DOHS ~erry White/Bruce Butterfield DORS Katherine Davis/Steve Sage, KC Fire Department Mrs. Phoenix e e I /. A~ /0 ¡'f.--.3 0 _ 7'J :s-: "- ~ ~~ Æ~~~-¡¡~~ ,." 'ß& @/-~~ ~~ / /-r~ò...; S-~7-IYðØ C'/. þ'1/~~ i /l ~ - ~~, '7J¿aC(!.df/ A/þi~- . . ~úJ~_ ~ ~ràO*-c1ö ~ík ({¡¿; @J V~~"- /lfr'~ ~ r'J ~--V pvf ¿.ff'-..--/ , áhp~;/ 7Jr'V.u-rvð-xJ .. -¿) ~ ( !!~f/~~~7M /~ 77, - ~d - /7/ 'L ~~~a/ .- -y.7?d ß~~ / Ii aJZu ~~ ~ /pðO 9- /3' -;5 $-- c:k~ ø;,/?u-p ~Óðþ //3.¿r¡';~ L4 }i"<9ðb ~ R- ~¿Jc) J7 I ;2/3'-/Çd-'/CJ¿J~ ~~ e ~~ ~~ ~u,~ ~ ~¡f~ ~ -.---- ¡~J ~. .f} ~,'I - ~ // I, ;¿;AtIia/ ~ ~ iJ'l- ___ _ ~>/~M~ :J, ¥H~d~ , /' ðÞ~~~Æ~7f7i . 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Bob told me that over the last 5 or so years that he and other people who live in the area hadeither seen or heard of suspicious activities at BC Chemicals and on several occasions had talked with management at BCe about what was going on. He said that the people at Bee had been polite, but evasive about their questions, and while promising actions, never carried anything out. " " \~ Bob said that 5 or 6 years ago ~ of bulldozer ~ork was done in the back of the yard and he believed that drums o f c hem i c a 1 s had bee n bur i e d. iI e c:l.l., v to 1 d !II. ~ t hat d I t:1!11. ð 0 f e~eæi991Q k~d bðç~ b~FiedT He also told me that a Mr. Harry Phoenix seemed to know what was going on at Bee, and that a few months ago the Sheriff's Department had been on the site asking questions. Around noon of August 19, 1985, I drove around the BCC facility to determine what the situation was. From the railroad tracks on the west side of the yard I could see several thousand drums at the rear of the property. Some drums were stacked on top of each other, some stacked on their sides, and others laying around in a haphazard manner. Some of the drums were in obviously poor condition. Several areas of soil contamination were also apparent. In the afternoon of August 19, 1985, I received a call from a Mrs. Evelynn Brewer, 800 Lawson Road (833-0331). She identified herself as the head of the Neighborhood Watch in the Southgate Drive area and reiterated Bob's claims. It was my impression that she was repeating to me what "Bob" had told her. "Bob" called me again that afternoon (August 19, 1985) to give me more information about BeC. "Bob" told me that it was about 3 years ago that backhoes and bulldozers had dug several pits or sumps in the back of the yard, approximately 20 feet deep, and that several hundred barrels had been placed in these pits and then covered over. He also described an unlined well that was 100-150 feet deep into which chemicals had been poured. He also gave me the names and phone numbers of several ex-employees, who had some knowledge about the pits and/or other activities going on at Bee. The se name were: Jay Borten Rick Lemucci Greg Nagel Mike Krause Tom Tyack Harry & Ernie Phoenix Wendel Miller e e - 2 - 398-0337 324-1322 366-2841 no number 399-7756 (a backhoe operator) 871-3655 (owners of property) 831-2409 (supposed to have hauled off approximately 100 drums about 2 years ago) Don McElroy & John Hosely no number He also gave me the name of Sergeant Larry Congdon of the Kern County Sheriffs Office who had been on the site previously asking questions of an unknown nature. I contacted Sergeant Congdon and he informed me that he is involved in a criminal investigation of the business activities of BCC and that he had no information concerning possible illegal disposal of chemicals on the property. He had only been inside their offices. At approximately 6 p.m. on August 20, 1985, Bruce Butterfield of the Department of Health Services, Howard Eddy of the District Attorney's Office, and myself looked at BCe facility from outside the fence on the westside of the . property. We noted the lack of living vegetation in the railroad right-of-way between the fence and the railroad tracks, which appeared to be due to run off from BC Chemicals. In addition to the previously mentioned drum storage, we also observed several pallets of material in sacks whi~h were broken open and had spilled onto the ground. There were drums which were open to the atmosphere, drums with corroded sides and/or ends, and drums with signs of spillage running down th~ir sides and onto the soil. We alsc saw several large poly-tanks along the fence near the north end of the property. There were large areas around the base~ of some of the tanks which were moist looking, and a few small puddles of material were also observable. It had not rained for some time and there were no water hoses laying out. Based on these observations and the information obtained from "Bob", it was decided that a search warrant should be obtained to inspect the facility. e - 3 - e I received phone calls from "Bob" on August 21 and August 28, 1985 providing me with more information on things taking place at BCC. On August 21, 1985 gave me the names of Borton, Lemucci, and Nagel again. He said that they had the most knowledge about the buried drums. I asked "Bob" if he had contact with someone who was currently working at BCC. He said yes, buth that the person wanted to keep his identity secret because of threats made to employees by management about "finking". I asked "Bob" if he could draw a map for me locating the areas where the pits and well were located. He said he would draw one for me that night. On the 28th "Bob" told me that one of the pits on the map had been reported to the Department of Health Services by employees at Phoenix and Son. He said that the pit had been partially cleaned up, but not totally. "Bob" informed me that employees of Phoenix and Son had seen burying taking place. According to "Bob", since declaring bankruptcy BCC has been selling off company assets and removing large amounts of cash, which were distributed through family members. Bob also stated that sometime in the past some acid was thrown onto the car of an employee to discourage him from reporting violations to authorities. "Bob" called me again on September 4, 1985 to go over some things about the map and to tell me that approximately 100 55 gallon drums of unusable, contaminated product had been spread out among the other barrels on the property. He added that Mr. Ernie Phoenix had the most knowledge of the Phoenix and Son employees about the digging and disposal in the BCC yard. On September 5, 1985, the search warrant was served on BC Chemicals. Representatives from the Department of Health Services, the Kern County Health Department, the Kern County Fire Department, the Kern County Sheriffs Office, the Kern County District Attorney's Office, and the California Highway Patrol participated. A walk through of the yard by myself and others revealed numerous occurances of the violations mentioned previously in addition to others which could not be seen from outside the fence. I inspected the facility and assisted the sampling team during the inspection. These new violations included storage of incompatible wastes next to each other and the absence of warning signs near stored flammable materials and close-by sources of ignition. Split samples were taken from several of the drums at the rear of the facility. Samples were also taken from material that had spilled onto the ground from some of the barrels. Soil from the spillage ara near the poly-tanks was also collected. e e <D ):"'\lQ.S~\~~\~~'" ~~"'o{'\ ~ ~ ~ <:....~~M'\ds . --. ~ FIr Aßo-..JT (OD\:) AM Or-.} , ~ \\~ W\Gr"\~~ ~~ ~Q"à·~ I ~j"~\ \~I l~'!S-¡ ~ <'Q,~~~,,~á <.clì'/\J. ..~" ~Y\e~,'rt"I011¿L¿.~ ~\"ð\~\ ~~erv"\ ~ ~~~ ~ o.\\J '\ ~ob/: f:ll ~ \1) C,pe \' ~ I( \ 1 \\ ~&HO'" \ \ \ { r"C--- \-h~ ÑAr^G. ,\~o'b ~ <2.Q.<.. -\-\~ ~~('"t\'~rs ~~""~<'-ð\S ~~C\ \~~V\ b.\)r~~ò)~ \~ ~ .,\ I' \~~ \ \\~~c)\\\ ~\>~s.~ o~ I ~~l ~\S \~"'(Ù~~ ~~ ~~ ~ <:.. <::"~Q,h\" ~~. '~'" d. '" \- \ S \ \ So, \J" ì;,',~- ,~~: ~~ \: w~ 'le;{'1 eo", c.<tr -à ~\x,,* ¡ ~~~ \~c.~\)~(.. \-e.. "'~~ ~'a~ \.~\'k \-~~ ~~ c..c~~1'\~ ""~S ~o ~~~ \.~'\,n)~)1>"~ \~ 'N'1>: -:.~('~~à ~\ ~ c.... c.\....""',J~ '-teu\d ~J. IJi' ;, \- '$ '" ~e(':. \ \0>'\ S 1>" ~ \ 'U ~ ~ \"'~ ...A..... '" " ,\. "',,\. 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Jso ~\J ""... ~ $"4:..", b~ ~'OMð\-e \5 Oh~ G~~.q.... ~~~W\\J.s -\~~ 'NdS á~~tose.J ~ \~~ -\\"'... \ ~ r~ -\. ~ ~ \- à\J ~ "'''' \i- "- ~ 1'0 ~ \.'1' 0 \f þl1- , ~ ~ ~~\I\ \\.:~('f' S ~~S k- Locatlon_.-l S- \ 1 !:. Complaint IJ 11 '\ I:) " ( :ERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT( , e Division of Environmental Health .___ 9{ I(j I gS- CT No.__'35~ _ Assigned to: ( b~~ Che,\\"Cd~ City ~. Time: --V J, .3 ê) SERVICE AND COMPLAINT FORM o Service Request .. ---------.. ~ðl_ Dlrectlons__________ Reporting Person \:. ~~ \\ '" ~ ts r ~ W~ r ----r 1 ' Address <;?:oo L.:~w!..,,:tL___ Phoneß2 - C!) 3.3 ( O Address ------- '. ¡- Property wner ----------- --- ~ -~-~ -~-~~-\:- J ~ A- h c: ~', r'" W () ~ ~ c.. (' ~~-e ~ \ V'.~ ..Q2lL~1 " c, f\$o Reason for Request_ -e.. \ DI":> í C" _ ~ C ,_.h.__ --- ---"T - ~ ~-~--~¥~~- Phone_ \\, \, ~ b" ~ 10"" . 0 ------ ----------------------...-..-------------.~-~tïo-n------- Taken by RESULTS OF I NVESTI GA TI ON_ ----------------...- ------ -------------------------------------------------......-....-- ------------------------- ----------------..------....--------------------- ------------------;----------------------------------------------------- Complainant notified of results________________ :Investigated by__________ ----...------ ________ Date_------ KCHD 580 2760 372-EH (R.ll-80) ~ate._~1-9~ o Service Request þG Complaint , CT No.__3 _.a.._____ Assigned to:_ _________~______________ Locatlon__J~_11__~:?.2_~.j) n; (;¿A_l ~...C_"-s;.\\_!..l~~~1ì_ Clty__ Þ_ð h.:.-_____._ Division of Environmental Health ....' Time: /\J..:: C) 0 SERVICE AND COMPLAINT FORM Directions --------------------:-;---::;:---Ti¡--------- -------------------.- Reporting Person ,__1' \'i 0t" \...;; 0 b _______ Address___________________ Phone.. Property Owner ____________________________________.__ Address _____________ , '!, ' Reason for ReqUest__j")¡\ \"q~j.A~q,,?1_.d.;.~t~~-~<:.L-c '=-_ C~'~2::'l~s-2k_\¥\ \J Ò' r::L.1i2s..__b.:> >2.. n2ð'\ r"_r!...." h ~.\. \- \ :\-', . -.j --.) f -- - \ \ \ \ \ ¡i) \ \ \ ' ; \ ! .~ \ '--.; ~ : ~~~~_i~_L~!~_~~9~~~~_~__~~~t~~~\_~~~~~~~~~-~e~J-d ~~\ , ~- '1\C~,.\Glb~'1 ! \ I \ ----------- Phone_ ~"'..J I ------------------------------.....-.---...---..----------------~---_.._-------- Information Taken by ~ \\ . " -' <: -___, \ . .:;¡ Y _ r \,.J RESULTS OF '.:. e'j"" . I" ' \, \ ' I NV ESTI GA TI ON___~~~.:..'\ '-.::..:::.......:..~::.~;:.5L_::_:.:::.~~_..:_:~:. \.::.L.:.-.:..~~~_~___2:.~~'- -: \\.~~~_~__::___~~~: \, -..- J '.;" ~ ... _ _ ' " : ----..------ , ;. _~::..:.::.~.:.__:._.:~.:..:.;i._~~_t,\ \\;::_~2:2.~..d..~.:..~~.:.:.~~~..c_~~ (: " :-:.:~.:._:j:_L~~ ~,\, ('::.S~_~_~_.:._.:~.:..:.l.~_~.:_d_~_~.::;.:. ~.;.\ .,1' .-., , .....--.., . . .1 . .,' , '. ~ \-", 'l \ '-l\\" \ . , \ '\ '~"'~ '\ 10.;. .> ?'I-'~' , --..----....-----....-----..----------....---..-..--------------..--..---------------------------------- ~~gl O~~~~N~tl -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------..----------- Complainant notified of ~esults_____________""--- :Investlgated by ____________________ _._____________ Date_____________.___ KCHD 580 2760 372-EH (R.ll-80) . ---- .--- - .-. -- .~ -----. - .- --.-. ---. . ~.~ <:" ~A"·' :_~~l1A_!AlT'" A.N~ ~~'¡I,' _l"4CV .e t: :.:p~: ~ _ ..:. .~: ~.,~~ : =P ARTM¡~:'JT OF HEALTH SERVICES . :~ 'T.u ~ S~!!· ~:¡¡¡I,ME"'TO. C' 9511.6 ":6) 322-2.:37 August 1, 1985 Ha2.1rdous ~ast. Cenerators, Raulers, and TSD Facility Operators 'JC1: Tox: c Subat.ances Control Division Re: UNIFOR.t HAZARDOUS WASTE IUNIFEST GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION Pursuant tc 40 en parla 260, 262, 271, all regulated shipments ot hazardous waste c:ust be ·acc.';a:panied by the Unitorm Hazardous Waste Manitest publ1shed jointly by the U. S. Er vironmental Protection Agency and U. S. Department ot Transportation. The Federal~egister, Volume 50, Number 135, July 15; 1985, requires an additional atateC1ent et:ec1:ive September 1, 1985 t be included in the generator's certitlcation portion ot t!:, mani!est. Thereafter, all shipment8 ot hazardous waste must have the tollowing statement: "Unless I AlII a small quantity generator who has been exempted by statute or by regulation trom the duty to make a"waste IIÙlÛmization certUication under Section 3002(b) ot ROU, I also cert1!y that I have a program in place to reduce the volume and toxicity ot waste generated to the degree I have determined to be ~onomicallY' practicable and I have selected the method ot treat=ent, storage, or disposal currently available to me which minimizes the present and future threat to hucan health and the environment.- Currently, available torms do not have the certitication modification included in the man1tests.. In order tor the users to comply 1Ii th the tederal requirements, one or the following met.~ods to include the statement must 'be used on the back ot the white colored mani£est copy noted ~F sends this copy ~o DOHS within 30 days" as tollows: o Statement printed or typed on gummed labels and attached; or o Statement printed or typed on plain white paper and taped; or o Statement ink stamped; or o Statement handwri tt.en or typed directly; and included with one ot the above o The signature of the generator!!!!! the date ot shipment. No modifica ticn has been made to t.~e continuation sheet form. A.s betore, generators must supply their own continuation sheets (!PA form 8700-22a). Under California law, Section 2;189 of the Health and Safety Code, the Depart:ent c~n impose a tine ot up to $25,000 tor a violation at the requirement that a hazardous waste manifest be tully and accurately completed.· 7::.an.1( ycu tor your cooperation. ~\~ ::-ed Tu--:'1er P~ced.ures and Regulations Development Section e e . TITLE 22 ENVIRO~"M&'\'T.u. HEAL11I § 66190 Uh,l.- .. No. J-t-f1.tIl (p. 1783) 66l8O. Resource Recovery. "Resource ~~e;J." is the reuse or reclamation of any hazardous waste or any recyclable ous material (except those that are exempted by Section 2Sl2U of the Health and Safety Code). NOT!:: Authority cited: Sectioa 1:51:50. Health and Súety Code. Ref'e.......... Sectiou 2:117'0.5 and 2S1'7S. Health and Safety Code. HISTORY: L ",......doneut fDed 1-3-85; eftëcttve thirtieth day thereafter (Re¡i.It« as. No. 2). 661k Reuse.¡ NOTE: Authority cited: Sections ms. 21S1&> and ~l59, Health and Safety Code. Refer- ence: Sectiom 2:5~ and ~159, Health and Safety Code. HISTORY: L Repealer fìJed 1..3-&'5; e£fecttve thirt1eth day thereafter (Register as. So. 2). 66186. Run-OtI. \ '"Run-ofF" mean.! any rainwater, leachate or other liquid that drains over land &om any part of a Iacility. NOT!:: Autboaity cited: Sectioa ms. Hea1.tb and Safety Code. Re{e¡ea.ce: Seetioaa 2:5œ md 2S159.5, Health &ad Safety Code. HISTORY: L New IeCtiaa füed 1-3-æ; eft'ective thirtieth day tberealœr (Register as. No.1). 66187. Buo-Oa. '"RUD-OQ" means any rainwater, J~n!\t~ or other liquid that drains over land onto any part of a f3cility. )' NOTE: Authority cited: Sectiœ 2œ, Health and Safety Code. ReferoeDce: Sections 205œ &ad 2:515.5, Health &ad Safety Code. HJS'TORY: L New 3eC:tiaa £i1ed 1-3-æ: eEf'actlve thirtieth day thereafter (Register as, No. I). 66l8S. Salva" NOT!:: .\utbority cited: Sec:tIona m8. 2051&> and 25159, Health and SaFety Code. Refer- ence: SctXma 2:5~ and 2:51:59, Health and Safety Code. HJS'TORY: L Repealer Sled 1-3-85; efFective thirtieth day ther~ (Register as, No. 2). 66189. Saturated Zone. ~.) ""Saturated zone" or "zone of saturation" means that part of the earth's crust in which an voids are filled with water. NO'T'E:.~ cited: Sectioa 2D8, Health aDd Safety Code. Rekt~"'e: SectioDa 205œ md 2515.5, Health aDd Safety Code. HISTORY: L New JeCtiaG fDed 1-3-85; e£Fective thirtieth day thereIfter (Register as, No. i) . 6619Q, Semitrailer. '"Semitrailer" means a vehicle designed for carrying persons, property or waste, used in conjunction with a motor vehicle. and so-constructed tliat some part of its weight and that of its load rests upon, or is c:mied by, another vehicle. NOTE: A.utbarity dted: Sect:kma m8.1:51SO aDd 20516U. Hea1tb aDd Salety Code. Refer. eDCe: ~ 1:5183(d). 205168, 2:5168.2, 1:51M.3 IDd 2:51lJU.. Health and Safety Code. HISTORY: L New ~ fDed lQ.6.81 U III emergeacr. eØ'ecöve upoa 81fn¡ (Register 81, No. 41). A CenübIe 01 Comptiaoce must be t:rmsmitted to OAL witbiD 1M days or eme.f ~f language wi.U be repealed OD Z..J.8L j I. CctiBcaœ 01 Compliance transmitted to OAL 2-z.82 aød EiJed 3-8-82 (Register 82, No. 11). . ----..-.-------.. - . e § 66166 (p. 1782), 66166. PubUcly Owned Treatment Worb. "Publicly owned treatment works" or "POTW" means any device or system used in the treatment (including recycling and ret'1AmAtion) of municipal sew- age or industrial wastes of a Uquld nature which is owned by a state, municipal. ity. district, ~tion or other public body created by or pursuant to state law and having jurisdiction over dis¡)osaJ of sewage. This definition includes sewen, ~ or other conveyances only if they convey wastewater to a P01W provid- mg tn!atroerlt.. . NOTE: Authority cited: Sect:ioa 2œ. Health and Safety Code. Ref'ereDce: Sectioas ~lS aDd 2.'5L59..5. Health aDd Satety Code. I HISTORY: L New sect:ioD Iì1ed 1-3-&'5; efFective thirtieth day tbereafœr (Register as., No. 2). 66168. React:M. "Reactive" means having prop¢ies of explosivity or of chemical activity which can be a hazard to human health or the environment. NOTE: Authority cited: Seetiom 2œ. 2.'514l and 2.'51Sl, Health aDd SaFety Code. Refer. eoœ: Sectíoa ~141. He.1th aDd Safety Code. HISTORY: L New 3eCtioa ã1ed 9-21-84; e&ct:Mt thirtieth day thereafter (Register 84. No. 41). 66172. Recyclable Hazardous Waste. NOTE: Authority c:ited: Sectioat 3J8. 2.'5150 aDd 2.'5l:J9, Health aDd Satety Code. Refer. eoc:e Sectioaa 25lSJ aDd 25l5. Health aDd Safety Code. HISTORY: L New sectioD 51ed ~1~7'9; dfective thirtieth day tberesfter (Register 79, No. 19). ~ Repealer filed 1..3-&'5; eiFecttve thirtieth day tberesfter (Register as. No. 2). 66174. Recycle. NOTE: Authority cited: Sectioaa 2œ. 2:5lSJ and 2.'51~, Health aDd s.£ety Code. Refer. eDœ: Sect:IoaI 2:SlSJ md 2:SLS, Health aDd Safety Coda. HISTORY: L New JeC:tiOD ãJed ~1~7'9; .Æ~tn.e t!úrt1eth day tbereafter (Register 79, No. 19). ~ Repealer filed 1..3-&'5; ~t:ive thirtieth day tberesfter (Register as., No. 2). 66116. Belistered Haz.udous Waste Transporter. '1\~ hazardous waste ~rter" means a trmsporterregistered with t:6e Department to transport haZardous wastes. NOTE: Authority cited: Sec:tioa ø. Hesltb aDd Safety Code. Ref... eo..#. Sec:tiaaI 2.'515) aDd 2S163. Health and Safety Code. ' HISTORY: L "~t £iJed 1-3-815; e&ct:ive thirtieth day thereafter (Register as., No.1). 6611& Bepresentatin Sample. "~tative sample" means a sample of a univene or whole (e.g., waste pile, !.S.goon. ground water) which can be expected to exhibit the average properties of the universe or whole. NOTE: Autbority cited: Sec:tioo 208, Health and SAfety Code. R.4è._'« Sec:t:iom 2:5LS aDd 2.'51SU, Health aDd Safety Code. HISTORY: L New .c:tiaa Bled 1~ eØ'ective thirtieth day tbeI'eafter (Bepter 8IS, No.1). ENVIRONMÐo.'TAL REALm TITLE 22 (It....., .. No. a-1oua) ... .- -- - - ,; ) ,~ ') .I e e COMPANIES CURRENTlY USING CHEM SOURCES RECYCLING CAPABILITIES ARCO CHEMICAL J.T. BAKER & COMPANY BASF WYANDOTTE DELTA SOLVENTS DOW CHEMICAL EASTMAN CHEMICAL FERRO CORPORATION B.F. GOODRICH HENKEL CORPORATION HERCULES CORPORATION I.T. CORPORATION McKESSON CHEMICAL OCCIDENTAL CHEMICAL CORPORATION PITTSBURG PLATE & GLASS POLAROID CORPORATION PROCTOR & GAMBLE CORPORATION SHERWIN WILLIAMS STAUFFER CHEMICAL STAUFFER CHEMICAL STEPAN CHEMICAL UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION UNION OIL COMPANY VAN WATERS & ROGERS VIDAL SASSOON e e RECENT RECYCLING PROJECTS 3,250,000 pounds 2,000,000 pounds 3,000,000 pounds 500,000 pounds 150,000 pounds 750,000 pounds 100,000 pounds 1,000,000 pounds 500,000 pounds 250,000 pounds 1,000,000 pounds Sodium Hydroxide from Georgia Pacific Corporation Assorted chemicals located at a closed facility of Stauffer Chemical Corporation Ranging from Nerve Gas to Intermediate Chemical from U.S. Military Bases throughout the U.S. Intermediate chemical and by-products from Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Polymeric Chemicals from United Technology Corporation Tammerin Powder (exported to an explosive mfg.) from Merck Chemical Corporation Graphite from Pittsburg Plate & Glass Amines to Hydrocarbon Solvents from Union Carbide and Chemi ca 1 Phosphates and Glycerides from Lever Bros. Corporation Linear Alcohols from Proctor & Gamble Corporation Glycol by-product from BASF Wyandotte Corporation \\ \ .. .L~-,.._. \ l\ I \sl.' ~ \ ð '\-\-. < \\v t'.:. \.. ~'\Ü ì V'.~ ' ~í I',~:" <'-.,0" <:..r~..I\"L- c;\(}~ ~r Q...t..",-_ 'àc..\ à "\ ') ~~ . c:_~ ~ ~ 1'\ \\'\. 4-"\- ~ ·.....\\0 \\Í - ....------- ---,--~-- _.- ----.----_. ..___._______.___.__u __ ~'-> r\ 4\~r ~ '<1,5, ----,~-._- - - -.-. ---.---. _.!j\-~·i:t~~,:.J.J~ ~{.¿\~~ .~~~2:..~.;:.:'~:..~~·..-~--' _í;·.·' .~. ... -- ----.--.- .. ..- ___. .._...._ ___nu _.. - .__._----._----.--.--- ----- --. --.. _._--~-_. -- --------.. --------..-- --------- -.----- _._-.~~~------- -------------------------. -- .. .. _..----- .... .__ _._____________.'_______ 0.__. _._ ..----.---- ----_. --. ..----- ----"-- --------- -.-.--------..----.. -- . , - - - --.._._..0___. __'.__ _._____ , , , :. -.--~. -- -- -------- ____ - .__._.____..____._ _._ - _._ ._.._ ___._ ___h_. _____.._ .- ._"--- .--- .-----.-.-.-- -~_._---_. ___.__n_._ - . -. ---_.~.__.__._----.---~ .--------~----------- r· -.-..--.- -._- ---_..- - -_._--~.---- \¡\}~\ \ _ ---- .. -..-. --.-- .- ------ --_.~. -.--.-'---.. ,- . , .--.----------------- ..-----...---.--. -.----------.- ---------.-- --------------. e~--:-·- .------ ._-_._-~-----_...- ---. .--.----.--.---------------------.. -- .-_. _.___________.______._____n_......__.._ .0_______._. __. __._. ._---- -- -- ._- ---------- .----.-.-----.---.------ ~ -+- . .------- . . .-.----.------. -.. -_._~---- - --------.--. -----_.- .. ..._--------... ---- .-.-.--- -. - -..-------_..- -.--- --_.~ - ~---------_._..- --_.._~---.-- .._--------.---... .-.--.---. -----. --.-----.-- ---...--.------ - -.. . -----.-.----.--.. ~ ~~<:..~ __ ~___.~ .____n__ _+. __..___ ___.. n ~ ~~@fR? 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