HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN -' /Î1J CO.~RECTION NOTIC.~: (0' BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT N~ 1840 LocatioJl t/IíiJ tJ'1tdJV\ fl1m; ~t"t- Sub Div. I)(J I cJVI.lO'1/\ JþJc. Blk. . Lot You are hereby required to make the following corrections at the above location: Cor. No ~ ft.~J eÙickkCL- fJ t IA!'/),5 eØ< r1cN: if 12t. ~ !CIlS£..., ffd«du fc1.5. ðJ~ CCCC.f(O;l Lt If (, '-" Completion Date for Corrections Date 3/t.f/97 Inspector 326-3951 ---;- .~ ',; ',. . ..~ ;~ SITE/FACILITY ~GRAM FORM 5 I!, ¢/:À. --.:'-::.; NORTH SCALE: US INESS NA'fE: e. ~ 1'\, 1t/ , FACILITY NAJ'fE: DATE: ¿....--- \ (CHECK ONE) SITE DIAGRA'[ FACILITY DIAGRAM '------ . It-dt~ . ~CAI~J(£-.I'-f BòJfK.J)¿{.Ð vi" !AJl6V DivE-I'( fA-NISI L '0 ~ J(IE D Ò DO P/£ D tJð;2.. c <' Jt~ w4\- t 1)~ M J(¡, -~..---- ----- ..~. tv E $ 14. . "A 1TieT, (InSpec~or'1 comm.entS) ;-OFFICrAL USE ONLY- ~/Va.s-: þ//í/// - ,/?7~~ /" ¿¡ / ¿:/ /Vd),J . #" 9ó/ S-::r#<Þ P - õA - ~, .-0._, . '\...... SITE DIAGRAM (R~ired Items) 1. Address: Identify the principle buildings by the Street numbers. 9. Lock (key) Box 10. MSDS Storage Box 2. Street(s), Alleys. DrIveways, and Parking Areas adjacent to the property. Include the street names, 11, RaIlroad Tracks 12. Fence or Barrier a. WIre b. Masonry 3. Storm Drains, Culverts. Yard Drains c. Wood 4. Drainage Canals. Ditches, Creeks. d. Gates 13. Powerlines J 5. Buildings a. Fra.me construction 14. Guard Station , .. \ b. Masonry constructIon 15. Storage Tanks: Identify the capacI ty In ga.l. a. Above ground c. Metal construction d. Access Door b. Underground 6, Utility Controls a. Gas f : b. Electricity 16. Diking or Berm c. Water 17. Evacuation Rout~ I 18. Evacuation Area: Identify the location where employees will lIIeet. ,- 7'1 Fire Suppression Systems: a. Fire Hydrants '1 b. ~ire Sprinkler Cònnections c. 'Firestándp\pe ,Connectións' 19. Outside Hazardous Waste Storage , \ , 20, ,Outside Hazardous Material Storage d. Water Control Valves for protection systems 21. Outside Hazardous MaterIal Use/Handling e. Fire PWlP 22. Type of Hazardous Material/l(aste Stored . or Used (See \.·B~lo"') 8. Fire Department Access TYPE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIAL F . Flammable E .. Explosive L . Liquid R .. Radiological C . Corrosive 0 ·-Oxidizer G .. Gas P . Poison W .. Water Reactive T .. Toxic S .. Solid H .. Cryogenic D .. Waste B· .. EtIological Example: Flammable Liquid" FL FACILITY DIAGRAM (Required items in addition to the above) 1- Risers tor Sprinklers 8. Fire Escapes 2. Partitions 9. Air Conditioning Units \ 3. Stairways: Indicate the 10. Windo",s levels served trom, highest to lowest. 11.' Inside Hazardous Waste \ Storage 4. Escalator: IndIcate the levels serve~ from 12. Inside Hazardous highest to lowest. MaterIals Storage 5. Elevator 13. Inside Hazardous ...,-~: ...~~;; Materials Use/Handling 6. Attic Access4IIÞ se"'.in " 14. Inlets ~. 7. Skylights - ,~ " ". \ ,. f~ Ie:> ø~ D~"T~ "Ic:>,J' C,--r--; t"'¡:æ:'\c:)!Z:~'" ,¡:::' ,......... ::¡:....-.;;f'~..,.\C>N 74 JoG I'"'O.~._.. ,_-e.X~, ~11e'e. \-IYD. ~... . ~~--:--. þ .:~ --.:,,/ ' _._ CC:".~T N!:.W c....¢~, ~e:.í, :"'----="'--0..:-'= ---:-r===!" . -','. " ...-----~ -G.w -n:::> C?I"TY '6o-rÞS:, \ Q 'I O· C - .~. ." ¡ ~ .",,:=- ./ '. ........... - .. . . . ..~ ]S; ~ /. i~ '> "./ _'--:-C.C:>N~T. W~· C~~ t:zA,....P o i'~' D u "I C. ..., -;/' ;,.~ /.' r-"'~~ C-\T.'t S-rc::>S '_ I ". , , ìto .,;b.:;'_ '. ',' ','''~ \ '-' ;. ~íÇQ"-I4~c.,;~@.Giu:tt L Ó''-'O-5I~N'" '; ',,",',, '.'. c::;,E.~f.¡UL Nme:;:" .,--,. _ , . 'CµtZr¡J ?E.E. A"TT~O "," ,:.). ", ' ~I"LI>C~ ~~Io/:(.N. _, ,,,-,~ \ ' .",.._, ,'" -:- ~ ' - j Ô C~ C.ICA<::I<E..P,~,W, , ,- C Ó-CX:vV'.,;:) ¿J "'. ,. _; . ~ \ c::) -::':.-.=-_ TIQ,," a, . íZA:. FIG._ 'Z, ' , .]0 .' . ð r.'" ' &.\.. ,~-_ t?,::"AIIJAt:lE ~...,w ' - þ. ,~ . ~-:J t J -;'. co " -.. _. ' _'" \!J ",.' 1\ ' ...~ ", -=:>,~..",~"". 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CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CLAIM VOUCHER I Vendor No, I certify that this claim is correct and valid. and is a proper charge against the City Agency and account indicated, CLAIMANT'S NAME AND ADDRESS: Union Ave Mini Mart (AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE OF CITY AGENCY) 1701 Union Ave Bakersfield, CA 93305 Date: 04-01-99 Initials of Preparer : CITY DEPARTMENT: FINANCE PLEASE PROVIDE SHORT EXPLANATION OF PAYME (Including Contract Number if Applicable) This customer made a duplicate payment on this years Haz Mat bill in the amount of $128.50. We have since made an adjustment to the California State surcharge in the amount of $8,50 leaving them with a credit of $137,00. Fund Dept. Base Ell Objt Project # Invoice # Amount Date of Invoice 11 0000 123 7900 $137.00 VOUCHER TOTAL $137.00 SECTION 72, PENAL CODE FINANCE DEPT, USE ONLY Section 72, Presenting False Claims. Every person who with intent to defraud, presents for allowance or for payment to any state board or officer, or any county, town, city district, ward or village board or officer, authorized to allow or pay the same if genuine, any false or fraudulent claim, bill, account, voucher, Examined & Approved for Payment Amount or writing, is guilty of a felony. :p," -:io tIÞ STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT 411 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 98801-5201 DATE: 4/01/99 TO: UNION AVE MIN HYON KIM 1701 UNION BAKERSFIEL" CUSTOMER NO: ES/ 26055 CHARGE DATE TOTAL AMOUNT ------ -------- -------------- 3/01/99 .00 2/11/99 128, 50-- 55001 3/31/99 8. 50-- FOR QUESTIONS YOUR ACCOUNT PLEASE CALL THE NUMBER AT THE TOP OF THIS STATEMENT. -------------- -------------- --------------- -------------- CURRENT OVER 30 OVER 60 OVER 90 -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- 8, 50- DUE DATE: 5/03/99 PAYMENT DUE: TOTAL DUE: 137,00-- $137.00-- - - - \ _A - CUSTTVFW'& NO. t::5 ~Jb03 I MISCELLANEOUS RECEIVABLES ADJUSTMENT ·It DATE 3- W -'Ð NEW ACCOUNT ! ADDRESS CHANGE CLOSE ACCT I . FINANCE CHARGE , OTHER ADJ i CUSTOMER NAME Ld Y\ \ C') îI Av e (Y\. ì (\.. "1.0c\' k \ fY\. ^ MAILING ADDRESS llO l l j ~i 0 (ì ~\J '( CllY ~ lee S~\ ~ \(ìÀ STATE r~.A-- Ma r t- ZIP CODE C1~3[)Ç SITE ADDRESS PARCEL NUMBER (IF APPUCABLE} ADJUSTMENT R~~~S: b~ ~Ó -sºrGho~~ sloJ\J\{~ APPROVED BY ~~ I ~" ."" ~ - e interoffice MEMORANDUM ~~. ~ )"66A to: ESTHER DURAN - ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE from: DREW SHARPLES - FINANCIAL INVESTIGATOR subject: ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ACCOUNTS date: November 13, 1998 ~~~ ~-- 3062-ES {p,lorb ~I UNION A V UNION MINI MAR[ { ~ This account is currently being billed to Harchand Gill. Mr. Gill filed a Chapter 7 Bank! uptcy on 3- I -96 and closed the business. Mr. Harkir~. in. gh has owned the business since 1-30-97\ Also, I believe Mr. Singh has heen the property nWI r all along. Please correct this account. \ <\/ <'2~6 ~. .,,--\ (ç ..\D Do / J LÀ.,S./ ~ ~J)ý ;; ~ ;1 ~~)1 ¿ fib vJ °7'- , ~\ ~ "V; ~.{! cZ~X \:. ~. -1\ e' RECEIVED II UNION AVE MINI MART (HOWARDS #8 SiteID: 215-000-000701 Manager : Location: 1701 UNION AVE City BAKERSFIELD BY: Bu Phone: 103 Grid: 29C (805) 327-1326 CommHaz : Low FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 02 EPA Numb: SIC Code:5541 DunnBrad: Emergency Contact / Title -Hldu(.u~-£IimII / OWNER ~~b -ö2.11 'Business Phone: (89]:;;) ~JG82~~ 24 -Hour Phone : ('2 of) 66I"' - L.."Z07x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Emergency Contact JOHN KIRLEY Business Phone: 24-Hour Phone : Pager Phone : / Title / JACO OIL (805) 393-7000x ( go~) 665"-- 2.2>°1 x ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: Fire Press ImmHlth DelHlth Contact: H'I0tJ KII<1 Ue.A0 ~\ t ~\lc::'(Y3 MailAddr: 1701 UNION AVE City : BAKERSFIELD Owner Address City J.T. COMPANY (JACO OIL) : PO BOX 1807 : BAKERSFIELD Phone: (¡oS) 636 - 1J7-11 x State: CA Zip : 93305 Phone: (805) 327-1326x State: CA Zip : 933031807 Period : Preparer: Certif'd: to TotalASTs: = TotalUSTs: = RSs: No Gal Gal Emergency Directives: One Unified List ì All Materials at Site ì f= Hazmat Inventory f== As Designated Order Hazmat Common Name,.. SpecHaz EPA Hazards DailyMax MCP 12000 GAL Mod 12000 GAL Mod 12000 GAL Mod 600 FT3 Min SUPER UNLEADED F IH DH L LEAD PLUS F IH DH L REGULAR UNLEADED F IH DH L CARBON DIOXIDE'f -¡1M Hy o;J F P IH G · ~ypeorprintnarne) Do hereby certify that I have reviewed the attached hazardous materials manage- ment plan for fMl/llJ HI-Rt.r- T and thaf it alo.. 'th (Name of Business) ,ng WI any COrrections constitute a complete and correct man- agement plan for my facility. if; . 11/10/1998 -----, i ": .. e - F UNION AVE MINI MART (HOWARDS #8) p= Inventory Item 0001 = COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME SUPER UNLEADÈD SiteID: 215-000-000701 1 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site 1 Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK Map: Grid: CAS # 8006-61-9 STATE - TYPE Liquid Pure PRESSURE Ambient TEMPERATURE Ambient CONTAINER TYPE UNDER GROUND TANK Largest Container 12000,00 GAL AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum 12000,00 GAL Daily Average .7000,00 GAL HAZ U E %Wt, RS CAS # 100,00 Gasoline No 8006619 ARDO S COMPON NTS HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F IH DH / / / Mod p= Inventory Item 0002 = COMMON NAME / CHEMI CAL NAME LEAD PLUS Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site 1 Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit UNDERGROUND Map: Grid: CAS # 8006-61-9 STATE - TYPE Liquid Pure PRESSURE Ambient TEMPERATURE Ambient CONTAINER TYPE UNDER GROUND TANK Largest Container 12000,00 GAL AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum 12000,00 GAL Daily Average 7000,00 GAL %Wt, RS CAS # 100.00 Gasoline No 8006619 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F IH DH / / / Mod -2- 11/10/1998 · . ~ e e f UNION AVE MINI MART (HOWARDS #8) f= Inventory Item 0003 = COMMON NAME / CHEMI CAL NAME REGULAR UNLEADED SiteID: 215-000-000701 ì Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ì Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit UST Map: Grid: CAS # 8006-61-9 STATE - TYPE Liquid Pure PRESSURE Ambient TEMPERATURE Ambient CONTAINER TYPE UNDER GROUND TANK Largest Container 12000,00 GAL AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum 12000,00 GAL Daily Average 7000,00 GAL %Wt, RS CAS # 100.00 Gasoline No 8006619 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F IH DH / / / Mod HAZARD ASSESSMENTS f= Inventory Item 0004 = COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME CARBON DIOXIDE Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site 1 Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit SODA FOUNTAIN Map: Grid: CAS # 128-38-9 - TYPE Pure PRESSURE ---- TEMPERATURE Above Ambient Ambient CONTAINER TYPE PORT, PRESS. CYLINDER Largest Container FT3 AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum 600,00 FT3 Daily Average 600.00 FT3 %Wt, RS CAS # 100,00 Carbon Dioxide No 124389 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F P IH / / / Min HAZARD ASSESSMENTS -3- 11/10/1998 1& e e F UNION AVE MINI MART (HOWARDS #8) I p= Notif,jEvacuationjMedical ~~:e::: Notification Employee Notif.jEvacuation SiteID: 215-000-000701 9 Fast Format ì Overall Site ì 01/30/1991 1 01/30/1991 EMPLOYEES, ONLY 1 OR 2 IN STORE, COULD BE CALLED BY VOICE AS STORE IS SMALL, Public Notif,/Evacuation 01/30/1991 ] 03/10/1998 VERBAL Emergency Medical plan MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - 2215 TRUXTUN AVE - 327-3371, -4- 11/10/1998 '. e e F UNION AVE MINI MART (ROWARDS #8) I p= Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt Release Prevention SiteID: 215-000-000701 l Fast Format l Overall Site l 01/30/1991 SIGNS ON GAS PUMPS, AUTOMATIC SHUT-OFF FOR GAS PUMPS, Release Containment 01/30/1991 CONTACT JACO OIL TO GET SRUT OFF PROCEDURES OR REPAIR, Clean Up 01/30/1991 PUT KITTY LITTER OVER SPILL AND CLEAN UP IN APPROVED CONTAINER, Other Resource Activation -5- 11/10/1998 .~ '. e e F UNION AVE MINI MART (HOWARDS #8) I f= Site Emergency Factors r== Special Hazards Utility Shut-Offs SiteID: 215-000-000701 ì Fast Format '1 Overall Site '1 I 03/10/1998 A) GAS - NONE B) ELECTRICAL - NE CORNER OF STORE C) WATER - NW CORNER IN ALLEY WAY D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO Fire Protec,/Avail. Water 03/10/1998 PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHER, FIRE HYDRANT - CORNER OF 17TH AND UNION 50FT FROM GAS PUMPS, Building Occupancy Level -6- 11/10/1998 ,t. ..... ~. e e F UNION AVE MINI MART (HOWARDS #8) I F Training Employee Training SiteID: 215-000-000701 ì Fast Format ì Overall Site ì 03/10/1998 WE HAVE 4 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY. WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE, BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: EMPLOYEES ARE TOLD WHAT TO DO IN CASE OF POSSIBLE HAZARD AND INSTRUCTIONS ARE ON HAND, Page 2 [ I I Held for Future Use Held for Future Use -7- 11/10/1998 ,. - -.,"¡ e - UNION AVE MINI MART SiteID: 215-000-000701 Manager : Location: City· BusPhone: Map : 103 Grid: 29C (805) 327-1326 CommHaz : Low FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: EPA Numb: SIC Code:5541 DunnBrad: Em rgency Contact ·lIARTJUMID cr:r:Db-- Business Phone: 24-Hour Phone : Pager Phone / Title / OWNER ~'~(l2 (805) ~?'7 lJ2~ (805) 8;;l2 y8~rx () x (Emergency Contact / Title ~~ ROßS / ACCOUNTANT Business Phone: (805) ~x 24-Hour Phone ( ) 31!.{~ ÎOC.p Pager Phone () x Hazmat Hazards: Fire Press ImmHlth DelHlth Emergency Directives: p= Hazmat Inventory One Unified List ì p== MCP+DailyMax Order All Materials at Site ì Hazmat Common Name,. . specHaz EPA Hazards Frm I DailyMax unitlMCP SUPER UNLEADED F IH DR L 12000 GAL Mod LEAD PLUS F IH DH L 12000 GAL Mod REGULAR UNLEADED F IR DR L 12000 GAL Mod CARBON DIOXIDE F P IH G 600 FT3 Min I, ¥-w.cJA.'fI ~~~0 Do hereby certify that I have (Type"'_ name) reviewed the attached hazatdous materials manage- ment plan for UA/'ç'vA/" A tJ--R-. and that it along with (Name of BuIInIU) any corrections constitute a complete and correct man- agement plan for nay faciHty. \L-WoI (\~ <;~!..,~ SiOnaIlft t\~..-- ~ J..-q <6 0. -1- 03/03/1998 ., ~ e F UNION AVE MINI MART (HOWARDS #8) p= Inventory Item 0001 = COMMON NAME / CHEMI CAL NAME SUPER UNLEADED - SiteID: 215-000-000701 ì Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ì Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK Map: Grid: CAS # 8006-61-9 STATE - TYPE Liquid Pure PRESSURE Ambient TEMPERATURE Ambient CONTAINER TYPE UNDER GROUND TANK Largest Container 12000,00 GAL AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum 12000.00 GAL Daily Average 7000.00 GAL %wt. I 100,00 Gasoline HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS CAS # I 8006619 ~ TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F IH DH / / / Mod HAZARD ASSESSMENTS p= Inventory Item 0002 = COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME LEAD PLUS Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ì Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit UNDERGROUND Map: Grid: CAS # 8006-61-9 STATE - TYPE Liquid Pure PRESSURE Ambient TEMPERATURE Ambient CONTAINER TYPE UNDER GROUND TANK Largest Container 12000,00 GAL AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum 12000.00 GAL Daily Average 7000.00 GAL %Wt, RS CAS # 100,00 Gasoline No 8006619 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F IH DH / / / Mod HAZARD ASSESSMENTS -2- 03/03/1998 · .. e e F UNION AVE MINI MART (HOWARDS #8) p= Inventory Item 0003 = COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME REGULAR UNLEADED SiteID: 215-000-000701 9 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site 9 Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit underground Map: Grid: CAS # 8006-61-9 STATE - TYPE Liquid Pure PRESSURE Ambient TEMPERATURE Ambient CONTAINER TYPE UNDER GROUND TANK Largest Container 12000,00 GAL AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum 12000,00 GAL Daily Average 7000,00 GAL %Wt, RS CAS # 100,00 Gasoline No 8006619 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS TSecret RS BioHaz Raµioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F IH DH / / / Mod HAZARD ASSESSMENTS Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site 1 p= Inventory Item 0004 F== COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME CARBON DIOXIDE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit SODA FOUNTAIN Map: Grid: CAS # 128~38-9 STATE - TYPE Gas Pure PRESSURE ---- TEMPERATURE Above Ambient Ambient CONTAINER TYPE PORT. PRESS, CYLINDER Largest Container FT3 AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum 600,00 FT3 Daily Average 600,00 FT3 %Wt, RS CAS # 100,00 Carbon Dioxide No 124389 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F P IH / / / Min HAZARD ASSESSMENTS -3- 03/03/1998 e e F UNION AVE MINI MART (HOWARDS #8) I f= Notif./Evacuation/Medical r=: Agency Notification LCALL 911 SiteID: 215-000-000701 9 Fast Format 9 Overall Site 9 01/30/1991 ] 01/30/1991 Employee Notif./Evacuation EMPLOYEES, ONLY 1 OR 2 IN STORE, COULD BE CALLED BY VOICE AS STORE IS SMALL, Public Notif./Evacuation 01/30/1991 ] 01/30/1991 1 VERBAL Emergency Medical Plan MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - 2215 TRUXTUN AV - 327-3371, -4- 03/03/1998 e F UNION AVE MINI MART (HOWARDS #8) I p= Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt Release Prevention e SiteID: 215-000-000701 ì Fast Format ì Overall Site 1 01/30/1991 NO SMOKING SIGNS ON GAS PUMPS. AUTOMATIC SHUT-OFF FOR GAS PUMPS, Release Containment 01/30/1991 CONTACT JACO OIL TO GET SHUT OFF PROCEDURES OR REPAIR, Clean Up 01/30/1991 PUT KITTY LITTER OVER SPILL AND CLEAN UP IN APPROVED CONTAINER, Other Resource Activation -5- 03/03/1998 ¡¡.. ~ ~ e e F UNION AVE MINI MART (HOWARDS #8) I f= Site Emergency Factors r== Special Hazards Utility Shut-otts SiteID: 215-000-000701 ì Fast Format =¡ Overall Site ì I 10/09/1990 A) GAS - NONE B) ELECTRICAL - NORTHEAST CORNER OF STORE C) WATER - NORTHWEST CORNER IN ALLEY WAY D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO Fire Protec,/Avail. Water 10/09/1990 PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHER FIRE HYDRANT - CORNER OF 17TH AND UNION 50FT FROM GAS PUMPS. Building Occupancy Level -6- 03/03/1998 // :iÌ' .~! ~ e e ( I , F UNION AVE MINI MART I F Training Employee Training (HOWARDS # 8 ) SiteID: 215-000-000701 ì Fast Format ì Overall Site ì 01/30/1991 WE HAVE 4 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: EMPLOYEES ARE TOLD WHAT TO DO IN CASE OF POSSIBLE HAZARD AND INSTRUCTIONS ARE ON HAND, Page 2 L I I Held for Future Use Held for Future Use -7- 03/03/1998 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INSPElJìÖN ake;rsfield Fire Dept. OFFI1!!'/t:PF..ËNVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ..t._}? . 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 ...... ~ Business Name: In {O~I . tt~.l~ thm: ma-rt Date Completed '--1/4/1 '7 Location: /70 I (Inti) v, A\I'C.... ,,......----.. Business Identification No. 215-000 70 { (Top of Business Plan) Inspector 5"\(0(. U~c(c('wd Station No. Arrival Time: ,J', '15 1"1'\ Shift Departure Time: Inspection Time: Address Visable Ade~te Inad6uate Emergency Procedures Posted Adeóuate Inad~te Correct Occupancy ~ g Containers Properly Labled [\Ý 0 Verification of Inventory Materials Comments: Verification of Quantities ~ 0 ~ Verification of Location ~ g Verification of Facility Diagram 0 Proper Segregation of Material Housekeeping 0 Fire Protection ~ 0 Comments: Electrical 0 cV Comments: Verification of MSDS Availablity 0 Number of Employees: ...1 UST Monitoring Program 0 D LlV Comments: Verification of Haz Mat Training D ~ Permits D Comments: Spill Control D Hold Open Device \Ý D Verification of c¡/ Hazardous Waste EPA No, Abbatement Supplies and Procedures D ~ Proper Waste Disposal D Comments: Secondary Containment D Security rtÝ D Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: Violations: f/.,..("(f &IUY-~S ~'4í'\, t" s ,k. g){ti..e¡ftl h. jý~Ct( (J,'ðC.¿lk.b tJos.ki. J-4 A~\Z" {2.-A'T ~1~GH I Business Owner/Manager PRINT NAME P,14fJ s . Na,J (;lkrful,'¡ lÕ ~ ~ ~ ~~ SIGNATURE ....... All Items O.K Correction Needed D D :> ( ) e:- N lO '" White-Haz Mat Div, Yellow-Station Copy Pink-Business Copy c u.. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANQPECTION . Bakersfield Fire Dept. "- Hazardous Materials Division Bakersfield, CA 93301 t hit ti ~\. lJu ft . /IlIM ( r Ù/'IIIH' AN_ BUSINESS I.D. No. 215-000 ~O I CITY A~..ç¿. ZIP CODE 13305 FACILITY NAME -=tf FACILITY ADDRESS FACILITY PHONE No. INSPECTION DATE TIME IN INSPECTION TYPE: ROUTINE V ¡¡¡!-l, 170 I hL- 13 ,)f.p ,~ 7 TIME OUT IDtI IDtI IDtI 3 I 7;: dN Inlll Date 1915 Size ¡ J Oð<J z... Product IJH~ PJtJ~ Inlll Date /9(5 Produçt f)t!.!l tf N. In&t~te IffJ/;- Size I J (Jot=' nla yes no if Size I", .(J()(') FOllOW-UP REQUIREMENTS nla nla yes no ..¡ V if II. II II ..¡ .11 ¡( V- ii V V V \I V \/ V V 1/ ,V V V V V 1/ 'I! J 'IJ 11/ yes no t/ v' Iv V V V 1/ 11 1/ If , V Forms A & B Submitted Form C Submitted Operating Fees Paid State Surcharge Paid Statement of Financial Responsibility Submitted Written Contract Exists between Owner & Operator to Operate UST Valid Operating Permit Approved Written Routine Monitoring Procedure Unauthorized Release Response Plan Tank Integrity Test in Last 12 Months Pressurized Piping Integrity Test in Last 12 Months Suction Piping Tightness Test in Last 3 Years Gravity Flow Piping Tightness Test in Last 2 Years Test Results Submitted Within 30 Days Daily Visual Monitoring of Suction Product Piping Manual Inventory Reconciliation Each Month Annual Inventory Reconciliation Statement Submitted Meters Calibrated Annually Weekly Manual Tank Gauging Records for Small Tanks Monthly Statistical Inventory Reconciliation Results I..)df"'"* Monthly Automatic Tank Gauging Results Ground Water Monitoring Vapor Monitoring Continuous interstitial Monitoring for Double-Walled Tanks Mechanical Line Leak Detectors Electronic Line Leak Detectors Continuous Piping Monitoring in Sumps Automatic Pump Shut-off Capability Annual Maintenance/Calibration of Leak Detection Equipment Leak Detection Equipment and Test Methods Listed in LG-113 Series Written Records Maintained on Site Reported Changes in Usage/Conditions to OperatingJMonitoring Procedures of UST System Within 30 Days Reported Unauthorized Release Within 24 Hours Approved UST System Repairs and Upgrades Records Showing Cathodic Protection Inspection Secured Monitoring Wells Drop Tube 1a. 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e. 1t, 28, 2b. 2c, 38. 3b, 3c, 3d. 3e. 3f. 48, 4b. 4c, 5. 6, 7. 8, 9. 10. 11. 12. 13, 14. 15, 16, 17, 18. v .\J , II 1/ v' Ii V II: V, V .¡ ,V \I V J vi v V v' V \i V V U \. II V V V "- II V V vi LI v V if v V V 1/ II V¡, V. V V vi: V V. V, V \1 ¡ V J if ..¡ V I II 1/ V '1/ 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. / ./ V RECEIVED BY: ~ ~. ~ OFFICE TELEPHONENo. 1.J.'3.2~ . ~ 7 í' 1/ "tl-s( c¡ 7 )1/1 . RE-INSPECTION DA~_ INSPECTOR: ,,11:: {] ..... FD 1669 $110.00 TOTAL DUE: STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301-0000 " , CUSTOMER NO 3062 , ' -~"-~:(tt, ----------- --------------~----- ("~-----nA.:t:.¡;;:_nJ:'_qc.R..tpJ~_ ~, : ,/¡;{~ ,;' ::J:-,~ <-'.- -, '--''''¡;'' ~ FINANCE DEPARTMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD P,O. BOX 2057 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93303 ¡¿JJ tÞV ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED U;;rø / ,It.!/F; G/LL, k AUTO 1/01/97 DATE ) 326:"3979 '0 ':.--:~~: 0\: ~',,<~:: ,';, :{; ~-::-_" ~_' 805 ( UNION AVE MINI 1701 UNION AVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93305 MART TO .~ I CUSTOMER TYPE: ES/ ------·-----------.---__00. ,];':...,.I\fUMR¡:ï~ nu :' IïA.T¡:;-, TOTAl _ÅMOUI\lT__ 3062 » ',~:~"::~"':¿;,~7c~-~~ i;S~~ ~ - ::J-=:': ,.<,~\~J"/~~;-;....~-- ~ 7ir-¡:(-liï,~rTl. /"." <::: :~., ~¡;'i v.,j .~';~.i"'" : h .." 7 ~ r: ,'? ~! : I " J G , I 9 ... i,; ,', · 'J ~ 0 "f. 1. \ i.:-,;:r;';;'i:J1 - ,( 'J _ : -'Ä / r ::I._¡~!.~~i : \~.. .-'- ~. I ') / .' .... ..¡ L__ CUJ ";"(n ~< ::::::-__.1 CU c/)t- U,HIJ cr 0:: a..- u.. .' 0.1/.10/97 1'," II..., .11..11..1',. .11." II,. .11..... .1111...11...11...1 GILL70.1 93305201.1 .1A96 RETURN TO SENDER GILL ~60ð MOUNT DIABLO CT BAKERSFIELD CA 9330~-6967 RETURN TO SENDER ~ - - . . õ ~((;~lll(vJ~~1 . i' 10/02/95 UNION AVE MINI MART (HOWARDS #8) 215-000-00 )1 pag 1 ~t NOV 1 3 1995 J Overall Site with 1 Fac. Unit General Information J By_ J '., .~ Location: 1701 UNION AV Map: 103 Haz:2 Type: 3 City . BAKERSFIELD Grid: 29C FlU: 1 AOV: 0.0 . -=-- Contact Name Title - Contact Name Title HARVHAND GILL / OWNER GARY ROSS / ACCOUNTANT Business Phone: (805) 327-1326x Business Phone: (805) 589-7831x 24-Hour Phone · (805) 872-9897x 24-Hour Phone · ( ) - x · · Pager Phone · ( ) - x Pager Phone · ( ) - x · · Administrative Data Mail Addrs: 1701 UNION AV D&B Number: City: BAKERSFIELD State: CA Zip: 93305- Corom Code: 215-002 BAKERSFIELD STATION 02 SIC Code: 5541 Owner: J.T. COMPANY (JACO OIL) Phone: (805) 327-1326 Address: P.O.BOX 1807 State: CA City: BAKERSFIELD Zip: 93303-1807 Summary c-e a.<;"~ bpS/vJ R,CA,!;¿ . o...r.£/J. -rk~ -t;' 1$ P þ.tl ~e ~~h. j , )OS~ e.t'.t. flte , ~{}..e. &þe. e "y:.' e 10/02/95 UNION AVE MINI MART (HOWARDS #8) 215-000-000701 Page 2 Hazmat Inventory List in MCP Order 02 - Fixed Containers on Site PIn-Ref Name/Hazards Form Max Qty MCP 02-001 SUPER UNLEADED Liquid 12000 Moderate ~ Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL 02-002 LEAD PLUS Liquid 12000 Moderate ~ Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL 02-003 REGULAR UNLEADED Liquid 12000 Moderate ~ Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL 02-004 CARBON DIOXIDE Gas 600 Minimal ~ Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 e ,~. e 10/02/95 UNION AVE MINI MART (HOWARDS #8) 215-000-000701 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Page 3 Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-001 SUPER UNLEADED ~ Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth Liquid 12000 Moderate GAL CAS #: 8006-61-9 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 12,000 I 7,000.00 I 30,000.00 Storage UNDER GROUND TANK r Press T Temp ~I Location Ambient AmbientlUNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK - Conc l 100.0% Gasoline Components r; MCP -,-Guide Moderate 27 02-002 LEAD PLUS ~ Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth Liquid 12000 Moderate GAL CAS #: 8006-61-9 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 12,000 I 7,000.00 I 30,000.00 Storage UNDER GROUND TANK r Press T Temp ~I Ambient Ambient UNDERGROUND Location - Conc l 100.0% Gasoline Components r; MCP -,-Guide Moderate 27 02-003 REGULAR UNLEADED ". ~ Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth Liquid 12000 Moderate GAL CAS #: 8006-61-9 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 12,000 I 7,000.00 I 30,000.00 Storage UNDER GROUND TANK r Press T Temp ~ Ambient Ambient underground Location - Conc l 100.0% Gasoline Components r; MCP -,-Guide Moderate \ 27 e e 10/02/95 UNION AVE MINI MART (HOWARDS #8) 215-000-000701 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Page 4 Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-004 CARBON DIOXIDE ~ Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 600 Minimal FT3 CAS #: 128-38-9 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: OTHER Daily Max FT3 ----r-- Daily Average FT3 --r-- Annual Amount FT3 -- 600 I 600.00 I 600.00 Storage r Press T Temp ":ì Location PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above Ambient SODA FOUNTAIN - Conc l 100.0% Carbon Dioxide Components ~ MCP -----rGuide Low I 21 e ~ e 10/02/95 UNION AVE MINI MART (HOWARDS #8) 215-000-000701 00 - Overall Site Page 5 <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical <1> Agency Notification CALL 911 <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation EMPLOYEES, ONLY 1 OR 2 IN STORE, COULD BE CALLED BY VOICE AS STORE IS SMALL. <3> Public Notif./Evacuation VERBAL <4> Emergency Medical Plan MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - 2215 TRUXTUN AV- 327-3371. e ,. e 10/02/95 UNION AVE MINI MART (HOWARDS #8) 215-000-000701 00 - Overall Site Page 6 <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt , <1> Release Prevention NO SMOKING SIGNS ON GAS PUMPS. AUTOMATIC SHUT-OFF FOR GAS PUMPS. <2> Release Containment CONTACT JACO OIL TO GET SHUT OFF PROCEDURES OR REPAIR. <3> Clean Up PUT KITTY LITTER OVER SPILL AND CLEAN UP IN APPROVED CONTAINER. ," <4> Other Resource Activation e ~~ e 10/02/95 UNION AVE MINI MART (HOWARDS #8) 215-000-000701 00 - Overall Site <F> Site Emergency Factors Page 7 <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - NONE B) ELECTRICAL - NORTHEAST CORNER OF STORE C) WATER - NORTHWEST CORNER IN ALLEY WAY D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHER FIRE HYDRANT - CORNER OF 17TH AND UNION 50FT FROM GAS PUMPS. <4> Building Occupancy Level c e p e 10/02/95 UNION AVE MINI MART (HOWARDS #8) 215-000-000701 00 - Overall Site Page 8 <G> Training <1> Employee Training WE HAVE 4 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: EMPLOYEES ARE TOLD WHAT TO DO IN CASE OF POSSIBLE HAZARD AND INSTRUCTIONS ARE ON HAND. <2> Page 2 <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use ~ r .' . e ~ e 10/02/95 UNION AVE MINI MART (HOWARDS #8) 215-000-000701 00 - Overall Site Page 9 <I> Underground Storage Tanks , <1> Leak Monitoring Methods 04/17/95 USTMAN SIR REPORT 3 TANKS 'TIGHT <2> Leak/Spill Response Plans <3> Modifications or Changes <4> Repairs,Test & Maintenance ~~ /o~,~:~"'" ";~~þ,, íÈ/'_ ...,~, ¡U" ~:...o.J.~ "'=', \ ;"~)··i \.,. ....... -" -;,¡" . \-. ,¡ ~ \,~""':<¡_'..' \..~ ",\ .-~" ~~ I ~/ . -- CITY of BAKERSFIELD "wE CA RE" /;)-5'Qò FiRE DEF...\RTiviE~JT o S :-iE::O"'"rvI F!~.E Ci-IEF .2:0~ j- S--.~==- 8AK::RSFiE,ë; -:'::::J' 326,39: ' Dear Business Owner: Enclosed please find Material Management necessary to reject checked below. a copy of your response to the Hazardous Plan (HMMP) request. We have found it your plan for the fOllowing reason( s) as D Illegible Management information) . Plan (please print or type Section(s) __ Inventory ~Sing or Diagram c==J of HMMP incomplete. c==J Incomplete. Missing or c==J Incomplete. This is to be corrected and resubmitted within 30 days to:' ~ 12.-.31-90 City of Bgkersfield, Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division 2130 G Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 If additional copies of any forms are needed they can be picked up from the Hazardous Matßrials Division at 2130 G Street in person. Sincerely yours, A~~~ ~h E. Huey . Hazardous Materials Coordinator ([) REH/ed l. ~ e BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 \ D~-dC{ ~ (2) :r~StP ~ ,\' " /r),\~·'·r·~~'~- \ -:\.. lI" '- -'\ At e -J-o u.J kR D s USINESS NAME OFFICIAL USE ONLY III IÑ Iv! I _ ID# -.J L\. O~l\' of HAZARDOUS MATERIALS BUSINESS PLAN' AS A WHOLE 000701 FORM 2A INSTRUCTIONS: ~ 1. To avoid further action, return this form by 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. as a whole. I· ! I SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA A. BUSINESS NAME: J-0 úfrl- ~ D ...S \IVt I }\,. B. LOCATION / STREET ADDRESS: I ') ð { 0 '\.J CITY: 13~ PI D (Þ I} ZIP: y?3 ð l \\A L(T . l) 11) tftJ/~ BUS. PHONE: (f5ð~) ~ '-7./3 2.,{, SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In case of an emergency involving the release or threatened release of a hazardous material, call 911 and 1-800-852-7550 or 1-916-427-4341. This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of Emergency Services as required by law, EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: ~~Mí~~D Ir}~~E ~ *' V Ph#J~I7~3BUS),lRS. þt J AFTER BUS. HRS. Ph# .31. 'f 5>0 2-( B. Ph# Ph# SECTION 3: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE A. NAT. GAS/PRO~~~ ~. ~~~T ~f:J>~ (Dr '~ ~: ~~~~~~~~L;~æð ];2J ~E~ OJ, E ~1£ ¿C ð ~ ~tV2 tV Pr-1I£ f- O. SPECIAL, ~ . E. LOCK BOX: YES It N IF YES, LOCATION: IF YES. DOES IT CONTAIN SITE PLANS? YES / NO MSDSS? YES / NO FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO - 2A - .,. e ,., e .,;.:-~ r"¡',.,.;': f, ,- ~ ~ 'I' SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEAM FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE NðIJe, SECTION,S,:, _LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE FOR YOUR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE ~~H;£/ & , ~t11r-~-!f:rk~ -fl-M 1J¿}/,4-¡V~£' ~PcJjJEb DN ßU1/CJVÌìDn/ -ßf)~Rj) SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINING EMPLOYERS A~E REQUIRED TO HAVE A PROGRAM WHICH PROVIDES EMPLOYEES WITH INITIAL AND REFRESHER TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS. CIRCLE YES OR NO A. METHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: . , ,', . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . , B. PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES:....,............,..,..... C, PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT:. '... . ,.."..,... . D. EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES: , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E. DO YOU MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS:,..., . . INITIAL REFRESHER' YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES & YES NO YES NO YES ~ YES (þI SECTION 7: HAZARDOUS MATERIAL CIRCLE YES OR NO DOES YOUR BUSINESS HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IN QUANTITIES LESS THAN 500 POUNDS~F SOLI~55 GALLONS OF A LIQUID. OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF A COMPRESSED GAS:".. ,. YES NO t I. t , . certify that the above information is accurate. I nderstand that this info mation will be used to fulfill my firm's obligations under the new California Health and Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. 20 Chapter 6.95 Sec. 25500 Et AI.) and that inaccurate information constitutes perjury, ·SIGNATURE WL'vtt l~ TITLE ~Jj tV ß I( DATE 7--~ f?7 - 2B - ~. ~u - -cl' e (¡.-tt" ~ BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2130 "G" STREET ' BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 owt\,J5-/L \( 04~ rrL USE ONLY. r ID# - - -' - - - BUSINESS NAME: , .. ~ , BUSINESS PLAN SINGLE FACILITY UNIT FORM 3A .' \ INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further action, this form must be returned by: 2. TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANSWERS IN ENGLISH, 3. Answer the questions below for THE FACILITY UNIT LISTED BELOW 4. Be as BRIEF and CONCISE as possible. ~~ FACILITY UNIT# ~ FACILITY UNI:!, NAME:· fJ-Dú) It- {¿ þ.<; J11, J1J, It( f(T' SECTION 1: MITIGATION, PREVENTION, ABATEMENT PROCEDURES tIRE Sy! ð;V 5ðtJln LUff)!" .P0 ,IV\. p's I' tv ð 5 M 0 t(j;/ ¡V b {).J A- T £ R.. f/ jr- J j/..£ Ó jV jJu I I þ, 'N G tr- ,. e h..£ M L£ rV T-- . 11 A- / J. f¡ 'f/Il (3 ù /14- IV ~ £ r?rl~ /) (!) tv W -It- II :ç F '2" j!J J- V .R. \"" ð (ð é':ð 0 /è 5 , S j¡ uT }JDW)tJ ß Jr G If <3 I S 1(; JUð ¡U ~tJ}I( P 5.; F ò ¡¿ t7-ð ~ .£:.. ·r·" . CJ F¡::::-M- 5 ftJ IJf 1> 5 ( Y J)RJt-lVl 6 ¡V {?ðJ(/1J£Z S-Ol F If oM It u Tó Jtly\-77~ ..' SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDL~ES AT THIS UNIT ONLY LuÆ-Tff(. of /1n~- G(\5 pUM H U/V/on/ p s ~ - 3A - ., ___~u . ...... - ",... ~'\ -~ f' ; ¡~, SECTION 3: . HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FOR THIS UNIT ONLY A. Dqes this Facility Unit contain Hazar,dous jvíaterials?,..., , YES NO If YES, see B, If NO, continue with SECTION 4. : " B. Are any of the hazardous ~aterials a bona fi~e Trade Secret YES NO If No, complete a separate hazardous materials inventory form marked: NON-TRADE SECRETS ONLY (white form #4A-l) If Yes, complete a hazardous materials inventory form marked: TRADE SECRETS ONLY (yellow form #4A-2) in addition to the non-trade secr~t' form. List only the trade secrets on form 4A~2. SECTION 4: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION , \ SECTION , . \' -- , 5: LOCATION OF WATER SUPPLY FOR USE BY EMERGENCY RESPONDERS \ SECTION 6: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS AT THIS UNIT ONLY. A. ~AT. GAS/PROPANE: \' B. ELECTRICAL: C. WATER: D. SPECIAL: E. LOCK BOX: YES / @ IF YES, LOCATION: IF YES, SITE PLANS? FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO . YES / :W ¡'fSDSs? KEYS? YES YES :-Jr, ,.... / \0 - 3B - NAME # 1í' ~BUSINESS ~~ADDRßSS : 'CITY: ZIP ~HONE #: D í' t'· I 3 ANNUAL AMOUNT . J...." j BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT , \ FORM 4A-3 page_ of_' j FARM & AGRICULTURE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY ~ 1111 H~ I J/ / OWNER NAME: Lvi/Ii í-I!d,¡. ~ ~. FACILITY UNIT .:~ ADDRESS: /?ð / '/ flI J' FACILITY UNIT NAME: . CITY. ZIP: 9-,¿ 3' ¡!) S~ PHONE #: "3 /' /:oS :2--(-. OFFICIAL USE CFIRS CODE ONLY. 4 15 6 7 8 9 10' CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS % BY HAZARD T CODE CODE FACILITV UNIT WT. CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME CODE .L.L SEE p,{c.T P), J!i# - ~ - ç'~ SIC TITLE 0..J1u~Æ . TITLE C) P £' .£-.A- () N .AJ,::)/'oI 4A-3 - CONTACT: BUSINESS 10/09/90 :., ,JJ'. HOWA& MINI MARKET #8 215-000.0701 Overall Site with 1 Fac. Unit RECEIVED OfC 04 1990'age 1 General Information H~'? MAT. ("t'V. Location: 1701 UNION AV Ident Number: 215-000-000701 Map: 103 Hazard: Low Grid: 29C Area of Vul: 0.0 ~ Contact Name '~~~t~~'~ :~~L Title rz; Business Phone OWN e~ I ~:;: ~ ~~; - t,~;~ ~. Administrative Data ~ 24 Hour Phone f£O:ï) 324 30-2-1 (9'oS) "87). - Cf11'1 I I Mail Addrs: 1701 UNION AV City: BAKERSFIELD Comm Code: 215-002 BAKERSFIELD STATION 02 D&B Numbet~: State: CA Zip: 93305- SIC Ce.de: I . - OWY'let~: WILLIS "1. RAY ril\~~"tJO ¿'/Ll Address: 1701 UNION AV City: BAKERSFIELD PhoY'fe: (~ò~)32.7 -13l'- State: CA Zip: 93305- SI.\mmary -- - - ~- 1,14 (.f-1? t./Hð1i !:> S",L6-l~ GI~O hereby certify that I have (Type or print name) reviewed the attaclir:'j h;¿~zmdous materials manage- - -". VHIÞf,! _M~_I<IJMIttlJl.b"'r, . ment plan/1or__.~,___~ .,. ._~:.md inát ít--along-with {~·!t¡i~.::;'~ . ~....:..!-t~~} any corrections co¡¡sEL'~9 a complete :ir;d correct man- agement plan for my faci1ity, ,¡}iij Þí1 II .2 ~. CJo Signature Date 10/09/ r:30 HOWARDS MINI MARKET #8 Hazmat Inventory List 215-000-000701 i r. MCP Ord et~ 02 - Fixed Containers on Site PIn-Ref Name/Hazards FClt~ro Ql..lar.tity Page 2 MCP MCldet~at e 02-001 GASOLINE Fire, Iroroed Hlth, Delay Hlth Liql_lid 48,000 GAL . .. . ~ 10/0'3/'30 -- HOWA& MINI 00 ''-'' MARKET #8 215-000'-0701 - Overall Site Page 3 <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical <1> Agency Notification ß~~f'£.LD f \ ~e. 1)£R4\Q:n\f.\JT ) ~~~~F\t. \..0 Çb\,..\c.£:. Di:.~T. _ ~ ~--' r__~=_~ .- _~_ _ __-0_ _, _r _ ^ - .-- - <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation ~ t\i>\.OVe.~S ) () f\JL.v oe. fWD OJ STOe.£) COClÚ) ðk. ct\LLE..O 6'1 1.>01 C E fr5 .5lbP-E. I.S (, t1~L.L. <3> Public Notif./Evacuation 5AME. -AS (2.) ~..- -- - '_ 0_'- -: _.....- ' ---- ----- <4> Emergency Medical Plan MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - 2215 TRUXTUN AV - 327-3371. 10/0'3/'30 HOWARDS MINI MARKET #8 215-000-000701 00 - Overall Site Page 4 <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt <1> Release Prevention NO SMOKING SIGNS ON GAS PUMPS. AUTOMATIC SHUT-OFF FOR GAS PUMPS. <2> Release Containment 1"'\tA,,\- <?\ vi L- ,. ,. OiL- ,,0 · ,. ~ , . ..J CD;.JTa:+GT' . ~Ac..o .01 \- TO CrE.. '\ .~ ~C), 0 F F '.. ,:tOG~OuA.6: 5. ð~ Q,G':;,f Ao, Q". ',.\ <3> Cleay, Up PlJ-r t<., l' 1'~ hi ft~ @\J~e. :; p U..~ ... c:..""~f\'tJVP , tJ t\-f'~aJatO c.QVTÞ\... rIV.E..Q. ~ <4> Other Resource Activation .... 4t 'Iâ . 10/0'3/'30 ., HOWA& MINI 00 '!' MARKET #8 215-000_0701 - Ovet~all Site Page 5 (F> Site Emergency Factors <1> Special Hazards - -- ~-,..,'----~ .,;;- --;-'- --"';0--- ~ ~ - ---' --:--- - =-- ..,. ~-_. ---.-.,..-.-.,.,--::::,:" ~ - - ---.- - ._- <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - NONE B) ELECTRICAL - NORTHEAST CORNER OF STORE C) WATER - NORTHWEST CORNER IN ALLEY WAY D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHER Fl'RE' HYDRANT=---~GGRNER: -OF 17-T:1:I ANI). W~.I ON-.; 5Q.fT _ F ßOriJ?AS, PUMPS. . - --- --- ---- ~··C··_'.:~ --.~=-:--~__.,..-.....-::. .~~-~- <4> Held for Future use 10/09/90 HOWARDS MINI MARKET #8 215-000-000701 00 - Overall Site Page 6 (G} Tt~a i n i Ylg (1) Page 1 WE HAVE ~ EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM r:.M~LC VQ-;;:s. A~~ TOL.O WHAT "FO PO ~e.J CoMe of, PO'5Jt U~~ HA¿,r\~-4) 1" ItJS T~c..' \o,",S ~~é-. 0"" H~,~O ... (2} Page 2 as needed (3} Held for Future Use ! (4} Held for Future Use . ~ - à \ '.-i~ HAZ. MAT. DIV. Page _In of 1. NAME OF THIS FACI L ITYò' UN 10 'oJ M ¡ NI - HtJ.r.,-' STANDARD IND, CLASS C DF:-'- , ___~l._ DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER'--.ss:Y,--~ - - CODE$ - - - - I CITY of BAKERSFIELD ~HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORyJM23 P NON-TRADE SECRETS ~LL AECBveO .!3.;;l6-- .$771 ;; )30 tJ- Æ- 1991 ness Standard Bus Fa U Mixture{çc~Donents ¡nstruc Ions GPI$OL'NEL.~Sé-UU\P. ~ ~OLß NSlles of See 3 , by Wt II Use Code ïc¡ 10 Cont Temp v 9 Cont Press I 8 Cont Type o 7 o~ ~He 3 Mu Allt .2/'100 2 TYQe Code H J 1 r ~n s Cooe ^ HUllber HUDlber C.A.S C.A.S Halle Nalle COllponent . mmediate COllponent .2 Hea I th Component t3 }ì'oo 661q )( Sùdden Release ; of Pressure I o De Jayed Health )1 ty th Halard apply) Reactiv o Phï~ ica I end Hea I Check a II that Hazard re lIeF HUllber! NUDlber~ NUllber C.A.S C.A.S C.A.S Halle . & N8IIe t2 Component d. COllponent IlIlIe late Health Component Number S C.A th Hafud apply Phï~icøl eod Hea I Check a II that o suddfn Re I ease . 0 Pressure o De Jared Hea th o ty v React o Hazard re F o & N&IIe t3 , i Number NUl1ber Number \ i C.A.S C.A.S C.A.S & Nalle Nalle N&IIe Component IlImediate Component .2 Health Component 13 o SUddfn Re lease '0 Pressure Number o De Jayed Health C.A.S o th Hatard a pp I y¡ Reactivity o 'nd Hea a I that re Hazard Phïsica ICheck o t NUllber Numbelr i i NUllber C.A.S C.A.S C.A.S & Hille & Nalle Nalle Component . 12 t3 IlImediate Component Health Component o suddfn Re lease o Pressure NUllber. o Delayed Hea Ith C.A.S o vity th Hatard apply! React o end Hea a 11 that re Hazard Phïsica ICheck o 'if?2-Q/:iY HlIfT!iõñf- p~~v iOvS. 0 VI¡JJ ¡;;,(¿. TItle - - Dm~fQr.g-- á1 fVG- STqñãt U r e 5. the 112 hYlB·x.·I~a-T Rãii, o nd a 11 leve that this I be $ubllitte~ in Information ~-7?3 i alIr "hone Certifjçatio" fReed and $ign afjßr cÇ>mp7eting ç¡11 sectiions) I certIfy under enall 0 la th t I have pe(sona 1\ examln Q 0 d II famil18( it the Info(1I8tlon attaçhed dQcu~en~sl an~ t at ~ase~ on DIY Inquiry 0 lho~e In,~lvI~U8'S responslb'e ~or obtaining the submitted Inforlatlon IS true. accurate, and cOllplete HAR.C.rtft \JD me ~rãõf'clal n v horlzed represents ~(;)$ S ~ R1 II EMERGENCY CONTACTS """"?~'-$':""·"~""~'t~~¥:rt';::'!~:::~~~'i.':;'T;;:;¡:~';Si~'·",3":;'~'i'=":£'i-,,,,;,,,. . _.... incineration. IlECTION VII. SPILL OR lEAk PAOC!DUA£S ........,...... Spreod obsorbent. S"eep up oOsorbent ond 0 r dry In "en nt"l1sted oreo. Lug epills _ mop up ond Store In sealed metal c tainer. ·""~"ÞGO Subject to "'-",øn""lt_ -,- Self-contained "rtnI¥IClO'oU s thetic ....~ '-Mc"",",-II'I oace les r~commended "'I't.wn!:.i".,.OI......ICII...A/IOJ'-" SECTION IX. $JlfCIAL PRECAUTIONS keep a....Ay ~rom Spark.s, open flðmes or high hea sources. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Occ:uþe'")r\ar s.'ery end H"'tf) Admini.tration .............- o...·.....·...·/ll)n MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET .-;,.. ._, USDl S"'" ... "00'11> ....,....... I~ S';p ._,'..., Sh1Þbuilding, Irtd Si'lipbr..lo.i", (29 CF"A 1915, 1816, 19171 . VARK PRODUCTS CO, INC. -.. 175 Route 208 Oaklan "~-..ou""-" Hot A Ucable SECTION I 7- 074 SECTION II. HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS - i ' J. .. - . .. - "'" - ..... 130-1 Aromatic &drocorbon 50 100 ...l647~2-95-6) P°.!I&!lsol· Ethers (10 1100 ..fJ07-98-ll.J.J4590-9~_ll. JQ..: /200 ·41.!JWstic !!z..drocarbons ..50 ~~ 7~2=!I8-lJ T9..de~ecr.tla W 1 I 1 SECTION III· PHYSICAL DATA -..,.,,.,~ InitJe1 313 Þft:IoIc_""'_tl , 0,850 ·-IIIUMt_... 680r J iItIQIIr,............,... l22... .......,.,,..I ~.5 1....._.." -1.n-bu_t, lo.J:eta te) -WL -.""...,. F.mulS.1on -..- rellow L.1quid. Petroleum Odor. .t_........__..... SECTION IV, FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA 1050y '!IX co t POWder, Foell ''''''DE' NAME' Treat 88 'petroteu.. lire. "^SIf V-120 IE'C110N \'. "tAlf" "AlAND DA'A t~.~,.... 150 Pi'll .-.na.."""",,*",, J nhalation-headaChe, dizziness, nausea. .Eye-stinging. Skfn-redncsn. itching, drJne~s .~-...,-~. Fresh 8ir.. Eye-flush ",ith large volumes oC "'ater. Sking_"osh with SOÐp end veter, apply hand cream. In serious cases cell Physician. SECTION \'J. AEACTMfY DATA 1IQMo'''rn -.- Strong. oXidizing materials ""- """'Ill..., ·#¡:~T;}~¡;~~~:D ..:.~ - -~,;:,;: :;:; ;.::.¿}- ;:'tl::1~;,'1);:, . ~~-."' . ~ " h ,.AOCEDUAEI =·;;;,.--;¡¡;¡-;;.'.....·=.....a Spre.d abaorbent, S.eep up abaorbe.t end o Ii;" to d, .el/ '."ilntod 1ro.. La~8e spills - mop up and .tore in aeBled ""tal COntol" .~'--- Aa .bo,e, bury or injection InClnerot/on. Subject to ]ocel ..nit" regulations. = ~1IIg"CI" -,- Self-contained SECTION VIII -SPECIAL PROTECTION IN~OR"A 'ION -- breathfnt? 8.R.P§..!.ä~ if TI V p~;ppdpd ,~ClC4tu...uu 'standard . . I~-. -, /.... r~' f"'''OOt1tt1Þ~ I 'safetv losses .::: ~""'kOOU rubber or S)'nthet ic :.OOICIIICT"'II"-'" ~ ~ID"I""·""'fO;II."'_5~ SECTION IX. SJIIECIAL JIIRfCAUTIO..S Keep 0\0'01 from sparks, open flames or high heat SOurce = U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR OCCUpationa' Slf'ty and H..'th Adminin'.tion "............0... 0... ,..... ' )o MA TERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ."Ui,.. Undo, USDl S"'" ... M..". .."".H... I., s.;. ~",.;,..., ShiPbuilding..nd ShiPbr'.'dng 129 CFA 1815. 19115. '9111 SECTION I 'TI'l>'!'Y-'.f7-J600 .. ..... Nœd~ ~~ ~ ~ ~'if~, ~ g ~f}íf~. =1 -- ð'~,/~~ I ....":' "..~ ~ .. - ( J.I-~_~ _ A " -----------= ~=------ "........·~"..UI 310 PPM --- ------ WK1··_IIII~ Eye-stinging. ~-, :~ '. .....""..,...---. Fresh oir. Eye-"ssh" "oter. Skin-"oSh "lth sOoo ond "oter, OPply cases call Physician. ;. I Ai&:j]p· MenoN.. HULt" HAUAO DATA +1000 PPH* Fcesh"alr. Eye: wash ....lth large quan ities of wash ..,ith soap and .'~atet:', aPP,ly hð.nd ream. in and in eyes, call,physician. ~ Contai S chromic, _".,n _.~.. -- .....,..111..... Î'lPSIO.,.1fit."COSI.."_G.IIOSf....-..(Þ HOp up. .00000........ftCIII BUCY or- sewer-. ~I(IIYMØJltl"', --.".., Self breath in ~O::"~I'-Stanðat:'d glasses SECTION IX. SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS. -. JÞØ1mI)¡·tI "'Aqueous solution causes marked incre:a~e in TLV. U.S. OEPAR1MEN1 OF lABOR Occupattonal Sef.tv and H..I'" Administration '.....,,-- 0". ...... ....1111)11 MATERIAL SAfETY DATA SHEET· Required under USDL $.""" tnd H.,lth R....I.1ion, 'or Ship RtP.iri... Sftiøbuilding. and Shipbr..king (29 CFR 1915. 1816. 19171 pa. eo 43 ,_.c:NØ'S..... Revised Nov. tq85 YARN PRQDUCTS CO., INC.· 175 Route 208 Oakla.nd NJ MIICIII.___ Not a licable WASH __,_" Not A licable licable , SEC110N II· HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS -- .' .. -- . .. .- .... .... .... 40- . Aromatic Sol vent 60 100 ( 108-88-31 .. Alinhatic ¿u- 500 [ 110-54-3) Sol vent 30 .. . ¿u- '[67-63·01 . AI<:oh~l 30 II:.JU .. ..~ . ~ " ., .. .. ~. SEcnON 1/1, PHYSICAL DATA ---I"" Initial '1502°;" ~""""'''''.' .. . '" ,~. .796 ..........,..'" .. .. .. ~"."'I"""";'" .., ,- ..- .. 56.5 100 '_"""'_., . ('IIIfICIIIOfDllIIII1I (n-bu·t.yi~c~t"ate ") .-- .43 .. 4.0 .--""...... . - .. -... .. .... '. '. .... ,.. 22-25\ .. ....p~~_..."'- -- . Clear Liquid. Petroleum odor..- ....,. ,,' ,.~ ... _... ."#0' .;' "'-j ~ ;. < ' ¡. ~;"""';:':-'" . ~~ì~5~i~; ?~-~'C::.~. ..:_v~ --- '..-~.,...--. .....-..-'-;----...... ..~._~"_..... . , .-=;:-";::~;::;:-,..~,.~~ '''''''-''. .'-'--- ~-.. ...--?-....-- ~ ~ ~-"- -:<-- - --...::........." ~""'IOOII~1/SOf Tee CO2 ··l'o'Jð;):- Fo.:..JU II~~S High volatile petroleum fire, .keep container cool. ~'lItl'I\O$<ooIIIAJ_ c.ð.n above l40h~~ boiling p~int. Could produce pressut"e rupture of SEC'tIONY·HEALTHHAZAROQA,U" ' 275 PPM fI,.C'tIOIM''''·-'-': Inhalation: dizzines3, hùadach'el nausea. Eye: stinging. Skin; cedness, ,itching, dr-yness. '''IIittIllt1·00'.U-'''''IJU_S fresh aiL Eye: flush \lith large volume of \o'ðter. Skin: 'Wa~h ToIith soap and 'oIat!r I apply han~ cream. In serious cases, cal1 phy.sician. ~,..". ,.,-......, CÞØIOISIDï:"¡¡'¡' Str:on oxidïzin' ma er:ial "'l'fQU, II(:J OWO$I!OO_ICTS M"."'" .......-.¡..OI SeCTION vir. SPILL OR lEA ( Pf!;OCEDUAES nf.,ìÖ·.~~;;;c.;;.1Î.;S.w.;::Ãi.riuD Spread absorbent. Sveep up absor:bent and air;" dry in a well ventilated areð. far-ge spills mop up' and store in sealed meta} can. Stay up-wind from spill. SfCTION VIII· SPECIAL PA01't;CttOM INFORMATION .-"IIIIO l CJ1ItllU1O -"""., , ' Sell contained t:'.!~.t~.in ,3ratus if TLV exceeded .... "",~.røo , s ar ro ~~- -. MO' synthetic 1,,_11n.. 9099 1 es 1M.1'JII 11t1M1~'" SECTION I~. SPECIAL PAEC""TI!?NS flames,- sparks or high heat ·sou['ces. U.s. OEPAR1MEN1 OF LABOR OccupatioN' SaI.fY I'MI Hulth Admintt1rltion 198~' ~....u_~ 1, ~. " , - ~ . ;Po1yg1ycol Ethers,·, (34 590-94-6! ) Organi.c:. Ac ids }norganl.c 1..ll:t~~o~nic ¡ ~.t:aðe .,secrets :,~,!-,"'J . -'---'" , ¡~~~YJ' ............. t ... .' ; -.....a.... 1fnltf... ....,.":'.. '¡:¡1I1A . &1........,....1 ...: ,!'..~::~-;..¥~=--- - ,. ..:..~-=-_~::::::;:;ø- --== ------- __~ 7_ .__