HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK#2-C-06/21/04 fiRE CHIEF ~Ol'j ~R,·\LE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 852·2170 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 852·2170 PREVENTION SERVICES fiRE SAFETY SERVICES' ENVIRONMENTAl SERVICES 900 Truxtun Ave.. Suite 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 852·2171 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 852-2172 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661 399·4697 FAX (6611 399·5763 . June 21,2004 Mr. Roy Saunders JACO Oil Company P.O. Box 82515 Bakersfield, CA 93380-2515 . CLOSURE OF 3 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANK(S) LOCATED AT 1701 UNION AVENUE PERMIT # BR-0316 Dear Mr. Saunders: This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the results for the preliminary assessment associated with the closure of the tanks located at the above stated address. Based upon laboratory data submitted, this office is satisfied with the assessment performed and requires no further action at this time. Accordingly, no unauthorized release reporting is necessary for this closure. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (661) 326-3979. HHW/dlc cc: J. Whiting, RWQCB Sincerely, ~. (dt-¡ U-:- ~ Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Registered Geologist No. 7239 Office of Environmental Services {{0Y¡;rtJÙ~;¡ (h(,YF~}'¡)IlJl{IIU~Y (ì'-jto.¡r 'J l(oj((' nj'/w'lI (1(( y¡,;)wÞIß;Y .') R 66~172 RAM ENVIRON~L A. . A ~ fNVIRONMENTAL ~ ~Bß_~CINHRINC , PAGE 131 __ø~/1.11.2øø~ 12: 135 '~6~~Ò } Tt\.\~ \ ~ TO:~ b\\lLt ~ (~l,.. {2L Ù ,WJ ADDRESS: ~ \.... ,,\ ~ ú)l ~(Ù~..s 0 FROM: -!an yIJ- COMMENTS: (~\J \ h rI\A' f\~t'Y\^ ') ~.e...1 H~t\\~ [EET COMPANY/AG] ~O: 8'5"..;z. - ;J. J fJ 2_ -h~~ g..~e.n~ ~(~ SENT: .:z¡{, ~ ~yw TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES, INCLUDING COVER PAGE: .:I ~ ORGINAL: WILL WILL NOT FOLLOW BY: 'IliE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS fACSIMILE IS CONFJDENTJAL ^ND MAY ALSO BB PRJVILEGBD. THE JNFORMA TION IS INTENDED ONLY paR THE USE OF 11iE INDIVIDUAL OR. ENTITY 1'0 WHiCH IT IS ADDRESSED. IF YOU ARE NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, OR THE EMPLOYEE OR AGENT RESPONSIBLE TO DELIVER IT TO THE INTENDED RECIPIENT. YOU ARE HEREBY NOT1PIED THAT ANY USE, DISSEMINATION, DISTRJBUTION, OR COPYING OF TIUS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECBIVED THIS FACSIMILE TN ERROR. PLEASE NOTIfY US IMMEDIATELY BY TELEPHONE, AND RBTlJRN THE ORJOTNAL MESSAGE TO US A l' "mE ADDRESS BELOW VIA 'IliE U.S. POSTAL SERVICES. THANK YOU. 2103 20th street . Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 324·6152 · FAX (661) 324-6172 ~ !g 'f ..... - I\) Y Is. _ Is. .... ~ ~ ,.... ~ I~ ;t11 ... ~ (TI ~ ~ roo.·, ;. , .. .... --.J I\) -- ..-...-. ...-.-..-" L( 1JoTtltories, Inc RAM EtlVlRQHMENlAL ENGINEERING 21032Cl'H ST. B.~ERSflElD. CA 93301 Ann: KEVIN UAL.A~ ;u þ ~ ;; ~ - < !::: H - ;u æ ~ . ~ .1 ~ 'U ~ ... -.. . ::'-0 -þ G) 111 Is. I\) Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons cae MlmlHw - . .. - - -----",. ..... -.-----.- --- - ..-... - .- ~---_... - - ~~~a.r _.__ ~~_ _--_____..__ isnqd~ lOCl.Un HAlRSlJACO _ iñiPï~ PoÎñt·_- 1·~ TANK 1-~- ,..___. ..._.___.___ .. ..___u_~__ _.. ----- Œ KEVIN_IotA - · .. . "T. .. ~.... _ ~ _ ... _ . . · . . . .... .. '. . .., ..... - ...... . . . . .... . - ". . ..- '" . .:'.. .: ;..u.;. "." .~ · . . . ... .. ~. ::=..-.J Beme.œ <POL Ni? ~.509. -- ..-...·-·-··----1----· . . - Ii: ØI2,OO3.$C !oMme._______..___ __<POL--+-~ I 1I.ÐII6o O.DIMO .~!~. ~ ~...!!.:.59 HK~~~ -2...... ?O?1004,31. .. .ND....'. _!_ .. f ! I ~~~ ~J.~r'~________ <POL 1.1'-' Q.ootl ~t!.~. ~ .11:'bO HICII i GC-\III 1 ~.~~~ _.N?.-4-.!.,,- . aœ,SOt.S1 ~...tu~~.~._n_ ____ .. _~_._....L-~ OCll OÐl1056 ðÐt1B G'MIII84 ~ ..:.7.:.:[8 HICS ac-\I& 1 ".,.31 _ ..~. _ . !. ._._ I J I d~~ !~~.. ..._....... _...~~__...._~_, ...~~ _ 0._ 8œ1B 02A:JIII IM 0MIIIIG4 :17:59 toC~_...~Vð 2.... 3Ol-~31 NO _.L_ _.ecr:J,SO GasoInt R8nge Q'QIIII'a c POI. 1 1.016 8)1!iM œAM4 HKS GC-'" 1 B-1Ø0431 PO , .' :". '.::=,.::.;. ." .:. :......',' ':':~¡:>. .:"; ¡', . ~'::'. .~>: c :'. ..:". :-¡,¡,,;,,;.¡.-~.:~~. ,:: ··.de: .:' ;:..-. .ùii':. W 'V1a:ri.M~ .n.'='I!!!~.' : -1Ii!!fIi.': ::0' ~-. :: .......: ~:iI1: . . .. .... ......:...-:D ..,._....~ .~Tf~11Ef' t 51 I" 70-'1:» NUB .~. .~~tnl.!V ~~c.Y6! ' ..~1!D'!31 ___ _.~__ a.a.a-1TIIIuoIotoJIEN 6D1rÞ I I 1 Sur~. «ill _ 700130 801. WJOIIIIM 02aIfØ4 17.59 I tflC$ 1 GC-Vð . 1 13Q2·18iM3t S09 04·01326-1 ., . "'u................... ................ .ft..........., 8C'u.""-!,,, _....~iWIIJ.. epodaka_ ~~_... ...1IinI...,,..,....,q .¡ot A1Ibo.. c 1I.""'IWJol (Á !Ij]Øl. C66I)Jn..e1 .. fAX ~J>]:n-If ' · __ IoWIi _ 1":B2':l~ TENTATNE Pti1fed 02'1012004 c 1:"'1't I VC 1'\1""_' TW)NI . --- ..- (S) I\) Labonllories, life "- "" I~ . ~ ! I;:; C> (S) Purgeable Aromatics and :. (S) .. .þ. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ~ I~ .. I\) .... DeecrlpUon 1200136. HARRIStJACO, '·2 TANK' it ~ M. 02Jœl.2004 G 10:11. KEVIN MlU.ANtIA 1 - '~ "" - ~ E i., .... ..." I\) ;u þ ~ - ;;~ -<: ;:H ....;0 =~ . r ... -..--.. I~ ~--_. ..uou - -----.-.---.- . ----- .--.-. .____~ ___....oA._._. __ ._: ~ - ---- i~_... _ _.~ ~~ Isnolai,*nthe con1rollmlt6, -- .--..--..------.. ----.. -... --...--- ~ '003 r~ spike recovery Is ~ wlf"fn!'!e GOnff~~. ... --...-.-..... . ...---..- _._- - . . --- ..--- --.. --. ..--... '-- .... ~ 50t . ?eSUltís__,!,,,*,1Mguanll81m~O'tv.e~\Md_ _.._____..________ ___.-___ .____.... .____::: ._---- .. . - ~ IUf~ ~ on the sømpIe for tnåI œmpound .. no! wItNn the œnIroIlmi\&. S09 ,. .. =" J> G) Cllifarnle DOHS c.JIf__.~_fo> 1'00......._ ...... ............,. JIC 11"--1.... __'....11, ..........'01\................... ...... Mjr....,...,... rrJ '(tllll ~~·IItI\mMI.r.. n. 'fMQ~U· JJ12 11161)\».19"· _VJdI._ (S) TENTATJVE 04-0\32&-1 w Prm1~ 02/1012004 1~;32:204 i . -" I -- (S) 1/1,) I, . '..... ... .... ;. , - /I,) ø (S) ¿ (S) . ~ - ~ ~ .... /I,) - .. (S) UI .... ij (11 "'(11 .. ..... -.J /I,) .... .... -,.- .........' .....,"11' Laboratories, In~ RAM ENVtRONMENTAl ENGtNEERING 210S201HST. BN<EFlSFlElD, CA 93301 Afln: KEVIN MAl.MtMA - .,. - c:. .... ... ,. I . - "'-0 J> G) 111 CSI ~ -"---"~--~---'-' . .....------ __.. .__ ...______r_ _. .....__ --------~ .-----------"--. .....---..-.--.-.- 04-01326-: QJIIomiø DOHS ~[j"'\1IIIi..-..... ~cI:ooNt_.................... .C...J_....IIIC .._ _~b,...,.,.*-\..........~ .IbiI IIIØIJ-....... "'A.~ ~'WI. ømnr.1II, ColI 1IJJaI· ....)In-4... lAX ",I) »).19.. · _"*_ Pti1led02l1MOOC 1<4;3%::33 TENTATIVE I ! _Ig ~..... . .1\) 4¡> ;~ ~ .þ. ;; p = ~ IS) (1' ... I~ . p ..... I\) -..- A II V1:. ,. 111"'1 CiCII ntIpUI ~ it.. lAboratories, IRe RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGtNEERING 2103 20TH $1. BN<ERSF'ELD, CA 53301 Attn~ KEVIN MALAMMA . ~-- " :e ... - ~ .. - . .. :"0 þ G) TJ IS) (1' 326- 1)1-01 ;II·.......IMoI;. --."P"'P...... &KIoaIi....c .àl.......poooy IIC.............. _" ............". ...,..--...,................ fhII,..,,-.,.&-.' ".UoI<-" ~.'" ...·~I}m....l· JIUI....JVJ-'...·_..kM05_ PmtM02/101'20041~:32:38 TENTATI~ IS) tV "- 'WI .... - .... or "- _ tV o IS) .:. IS) _ J:>, ~ ~ _ tV - .. IS) U1 ... I ~ it I-' -.J tV ::u ~ ;~ =< ;';::1-1 .", ::u ~~ t ,..&... ~...,...... . ~ ........." Ltlborator;l!St llW Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ,---- 200136. ~CO. 7·2 THIIK 1 C 2' M. 02J011/2OO4 &I 10:20. K£VlN MAlAMMA on _.____.r_ -- T . :-0 þ G) fTl IS) (TI .... j. - ~---- "V - S ... ._~----_._-_., ....--..---... -------...-- __ _..,_~-sp~..2!.ØQ~ts.noh!'l"lncne~~:.-- _.-~----_.-.--.-. ~.._ ._. !Male. spike ~ '111!' ,.aI"1ft ~.~tÐI-~:------------.- SO!,. _~.~~!' no! ~1*11he~~hfionmnme øft1e methoO. _ .____ ---' S09 ;The t~ recøwery on 1118 b"~ we. mlwittWt 1he ccn1rollinlls. 04·01a26-~ CØlIkmiII DOttS CIltiR d__ ,øt6llonlllt _ lIItø.a-c_er............, 8C La:nll!dt1.1-'-" ~.rlGllI IØI.,--.......-. drIK........fI"I> ÏòÄ.,........ -4.11 ""'" CÀIIt!" JWt"'Y, CII «)"'" t"'l) »J.eI I . J ¡UI (Øt. 12'1-1'" · - "'MI_ Printed 02l1Ol2OO4 14 32:38 T£NTATtVE cg /I,) "- ... .-- - .-- 'f "- - /I,) !~ . .þ. ~ ~ .. /I,) - .. cg U1 - ì~ .-- . ~ ..... /I,) I$:I'I ""I.~ ...,.,_, .~'" IAbo'tltories~ 1M RAM ENVIROHMENTAL ENGINEERING 2t03 20TH ST. BAf<ERSF lElD, CA 00301 .l\1In: KEVIN MALAMMA ...-----.----...... --.----.---.---- - ...-. ..-. ------. - ., '9 ..conIlOI....... 0 ___-.._0 _.______.__..._____.0_..._.._ .-..._-______ _'. ___. _-. the canlrollmils. ~ - ---_...------_._.-_.-...._---~------ -...--.... .,...101.. DDNf.. no( wiIfìn .. canWallmlts. ------ -- .... J.. - --u þ (i) fT1 cg 04·0t326- ...¡ .-...- - C8IlfomI. DOHS ~_.fIII-- ,.......... - arh............1 II(' ~.... .__,.......,....,...........,.........................-~ "'MKc-·lW~ CA ......1)1ß4IIJ "JUr")J:rM.a.~_ PfIf1leØ0211OQOQ414:32.52 T£NTATIVE CS) I\J "- :: .... .... .... .!. "- co I\J t CS) : CS) ... - .. .... _ I\J CS) lJ1 ... ij C11 ij -__,-J 5 Cft It\tI_C I'VNI'1"'ØI J\f; NI't Ltl6ørtltories, JIIC RAM ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERNG 2tœ2O'TH S'T. BH<ERSf'IELD, CA 93301 Ann: ICEYIH MAtAMMA 7 .. ... !I!a-...... ~1I"1on!._. ____._.__. .____._..__,...._._____. _u.__.__._._...,_ _ __ _. __ .~ ._" ... I. .__...!MiX¥."pt'~iB!å~~~Iim~m .___ ___.__.__._. ____ .__. _... ._._ __ ~ ~_u ~~~~l~i&not~...~JoIJImk,.."___.__________.__.._.__ ___ '__"_" __ ___:: S01 HlSUf1 ÍB _ WIIIin 1I1e ~ ....1 or the møIhød. _ __ . . = -1] þ ~ CS) 00 04-0t326-! CIIlfc mlllDOHSC_J.....~."......-..'I _.... ...........-:. J ( Lt"-ift._ _..*JIIMI"WIIrJ....... ._-.~.........~..... UI':t 4.111..........· ....~( ~ !ßJCII.I"I ~I . .lI11......nt9Jt. _............ Pt~02I10Q01)4 1"':32.5'7 ~N1ATIVE (S) 10.) ..... -n .... - .... or..... -10.) !~ ....0. !!'~ .10.) -.. (S) U1 .... I~ . .... ...,¡ 10.) ;u Þ 3: - ;~ ~c:: CÞH -;U 1!l:~ . r -",. U:N 11\t 1"1: N-.yl.... ~I Løbø1'tltÐ";f!S~ lnc RAM EtMRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2103 201t1 ST, BAKERSFIELD. CA 93301 AIIn: KEYfIi MALAMMA t" .... .... , co - .... .... .... "WI . .. CI -"[ g T (S) ~ ._--~ ....-...-. --"_._~'-----"- -"- -.---. --.- -------..- .'-. .-----.. --- -- --- ..._- -- .--- -.- . .-..!'l~,~~_...__ _.__._ _ ___ __.____. MI!t!1x sp~F..!dI~b noI_~~~~oI ~!~. .. __.__. ~"sfr!x ~ke feel Is nIIf wnf*1 the conIroI imils. .-----. ~-01~fì CIIIIIonIia DOffS c.r--,þ ~C...... for........... _If.. ........~. I1C ~,.h "!_N.~'tJar..."""'.......... ....... "' llllYiIIIII]IIúdII .1OO....c.-.· ~("" 9J:IO'4fM1)m'-1" foU"')U'·I9I"__~_ PtiI*MIØ2/10flOD4 1";33:00 1£N1ATIVE (S) I\) ..... "WI ~ . .... T' ..... - I\) co (S) J. (S) ~ .s:>. - I-' 4:. I\) -4 .. (S) UI ... .. !!I ( "\ . ( "\ ~ I-' . I-' --.I I\) -~- tV ; ,.. '''''1iIII """'1111 tt:N I I'll LAbo,..,or;es, Inc RAM ENVfRONMENTAl ENGINE~1NG 2103 20TH ST. 8AKERSFIEL D, CA 93301 Atfn~ 1ŒW4 MALAMMA 13.1!J --.- ----. ~ !1-.20_ ._u __h -~._.._. .- -.-...---. , .. '-, lJiÞ . .:..:..::'·~..1 _ II) ..,.~.S01I__ -~---,.~.~~ f:~:~SGI . _ .= LJ _'!L. t·f"~ ~!..,.:..~..~. ~.:S .. .:...., .~:. _..~- I Purgeable Aromatics a Total Petroleum Hrdroca! 1 "U Þ G) rrr I-' (S) 04-01326-'1 Celdl:lmil DOffS c...~........ ,.....K...w..f.. ~....) IJ(' ~ _ ._..~/I I'f..,.. ...........".......... ......._~ .,IOA1Jao.l· JMus.III,(:~ "-"JIf' 1101] :!l:lJo.4t'/I ·""X_IUU-I9II· _1IcMo_ Pñnted Olf10fl0D11 ~~:15 TENTATfIÆ CSI I\J ...... ... ~ - ~ or ...... ..!. I\J CI CSI · CSI ~ ~ ... o-> .~ I\J - .. CSI U1 .... i ~ . ~ ..,,¡ I\J < -- t.N J ,,, IV!:. NlB'IynœI tc.port LIIbolVltoria, lnc RAM ENVIRONMENTAl.. ENGINEERING 2103 20TH ST. IW<£RSflElD. CA 93301 A1tM: KEVIN UALAMMA -- -- -. -"_.--- -.- ....-... .-- --- L - .- . -- .-- ~ - --" --....-... .~ _.. r_ __._ _. ._ ... r .. -"1:/ J> (i) fT1 ~ o-> [M·Ot32&-1 ClWlomI. DOttS ~ C,"",-, _ *" .......... _fII.... .~....,. !Ie Iåano_t. he _cJIIpaIIIIW,.....,..... .......................... _ Aim.... ........... OØII~..c-·JW\....u.c.. _.I84)~R' .'AJl:taI)Jn.I.... .......âbJ_ P1Í"lled O2'10J2004 14:33:24 TENTAT1V£ ~ "-J , ....... - .... "f' -"-J o~ ~~ -,¡:,. -.... "'''-J .. .. ~ U1 .,. i~ n.... . .... .... "-J ":01- .t:N IA IIVt Nt.,...., "'41011 LIIIÞolYltories, Jnc RAM ENVlROfeÆtfrAl. ENØMERtNG 21032D'TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 AIIn: K£"" WlLAMNA 1. .... -----.--, . ~5 ~ =-='~~i~ ~_tÐn'!_~~ ~~ conboI~Š.-~:~~.=-=~==~.-·-·- '--'-~.. --~~-=~.~.~~ =~-~~ ---~ ~ 0D3 Malrù. ~ J~ is not wìlIW11he confrollmlfs. . . _.._ ..._. __ ~ -.----- -------... ._---- ----..-..----....--....-----. '--- -. - &01 &e1'Øll1e reI~ 15 noIwilht1 tile al8lUl8tb1 of the method. 'Y --- --' I ,. - 0-0 Þ G) 111 .... "-J --..- 04t-01326-! CeII.n. DOHS CMlllIlfIJ J ...... - far.. ........ - ..~.....~ ~............ .._ _ ~tI:I........ .......................ø- . ftooII.... .A.,<MIII\DII 4t1!t~~. w-r.M. CA 9JØ' ....)J2~u· HU¡ II6I)JZ1.J'''· ,..........._ ~inIeCI 02/101'20CM 1.4:33:34 . TENtATIVE IS) I\) '- .", .... ..... or' .!.I\) _IS) · IS) ~~ _ t-' ..I\) c:> '. IS) (J ." . L . "'''''' IVI: NN:J¥ÐM n1IfJDI1 I~N A lAbo,lIto,ies, rile RAM EtNlRONMEf\JTAl ENGlNEfRING 210320TH S1. BAKERSFIELD, CA 9330t ^ffn: KEVfN MALAMMA ... ;en . t-' ..... I\) ._._, 15 32 - ._~- -- -- . .._.~ -_. ..-.-. ._- -" .... t. -----. ~ ~~~~~~-- -------.---.., ---.--------------. ---~ ;;: . .--..- ~~-- -. ._--, ~ _. . _lIIrlJt ~~~.EO' ~_~!1Ihe~ot.lInRi. __ ... .. - ,,- . . ~----- - .---- - ---. ..--- --..-- .,- -. ...--- '003 111m' ... reawe is not wilJlin the c:anlrølllml5. - .. }. -'1] oJ> G) C¡i Iøm/ø DOHS c.r~ .- ......,- bflw e......._ GIf..........~ IIC ~.I.. _ -...,...,.rlOl........_..........~.-...1.."'..,....... T ..103 AdI\c.. · ~ Cf, ""...~} D1"" . 'AX 'till) tn-1M. . .....1IcW._ .... w PMùd021101200414:33:4I2 TENTATIVE 1)4.01326-11 ~ to.) ...... .... .... .... - ...... !' to.) c:. ~ I ~ ~ . :>. ; .... ¡;, to.) o .. ~ (]1 .... ;¡;; ~ ~ ~ .... ..... to.) .-- -- --- - _.. -~.__. .-- ., ... ..- If:.. 4AUYI: fW18I)'IlC81 ~I LIlbørlltÐries, 1 fie RAM E~RONMENTA1 ENGINEERING 2t03 20TH S1. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Altn: ICl:VIN MAlAMMA -- -:v -t: ... ... ... ~ -lJ -1> !i) T .... . :>. ExpIInItkms - ~__ j~'; ~~ .~ñi.ë-œn1fot~~~~~=--=·=--==.=-~~ --: ~==. ._. ___ .~= '-'~~-~.' .--=--=- _.___M~~~.~ry_is.nalwilhinthec:GldlOl-'~mllll.__.. . _ ______..__ __ .____ be SLt,,~te .' œ Itte fDr 1t116 WK not wIIhfn the conkel kmiIs. 04-01326-1 Cattarma DOHS CIIII¡[l~~. .......- "" 1IIt--......_... ~tuIJ IIC~......... _ ....~_.................... ........AWJIOIIJ\-..- .1«1 AlaI 0.. " ø..........£... ft....~\J'J.4III. 'AX 16M)>>''''''' ......IIdIeI_ PM1ed 02110000. 1l ~33:51 lEffTATIVE a¡ oJ "- ........ tt - oJ -a¡ Ia¡ 1:~ 01 .... !!!':1 a¡ U1 11 i~ ë\ ..... ...,¡ oJ , ... ....... tt:N'..-UVI: NHyIIEB ""1M' Ltlbol'Øtories, lnc RAM EHVIROHMem¡lJ, EftGltEERING 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 9334)1 Mn~ (EVJN MALAMMA 1. ~ -......-------....-.-.,. .-------...- .....----.... -_. -- -'-- ~--- ----.,.. ¡weàIIDn Ii! æI _111\111" conIroIlmtI. - ___ .____.... ......._________________._.. __.._._ .. ._. .. r__._ _.....___. _ _ _-"'-" __ ~~nufwJt!!!'_~COfI!~oISImIIø. ___.. _ ______.____._.. __.__.__... ____. ___ _:: on U'w for hi c:ompadhd was NII"- ihe 1Øtkd'" I --u -J> G) IT1 .... U1 -... ---..-... "þ --_.. .....~ -.......-- --.......--- 04-01326- ,; CBllIomiB DOttS ~""'''''''- r. "'I~ ..,.........PeIOt ac ~I,lw __......1".............. ............... ....PIIY~~........ ~)ØQ AWe-" ~CJ\ Ð1CJa·.6AI)JjP~lt ~ tø ~m·.,n· _.~ Ptirlled02I10J20D4 1":34'(1) TENTATIVE IS) "" ..... ....... . .... .... ..... ,!."" _IS) J.IS) -.I:> - .... -"" ... .. IS) U1 " ... . ..... ~t:aI ~ ttN.""Vt:. LøbortlÛJria,IIIe RAM ENV~OHMENTAL £NGfNEERING 2.03 20TH 51'. BAKERSFIELD. CA 93301 Att": KEVIN MAt.Aa.eAA 'YO , (11 :;~ . -..J "" -- . .. ¿-u -1> ~ .... (11 04..01326-1 Cøilfol"iB DOHS eMil' ", INIIIi-_ r.....><I__.............1IId) Be~... .,_.......-eiI"'ÍGI..,....................___.ìIoiof~ I. ......_ .. AdM (_. HIlt.... C" WJIIO t'6J )1"'''11 · fAX (.f)j2J.IJ'.II._kw"... flñrrI8d 02/1012004 1"~:10 'TENTAl'1VE (S) I\) , ....~ . ~ -, .!.I\) ... (S) .l.(S) .~ - ~ .1\) ... .. (S) (]1 .... i~ . ~ --.J I\) , ... . .... I t..... A11vt: ~ 1'tØJDl L.Ilborlltoriu, Inc RAU ENVIRONMENTAL ENG1lIIEERING 21m 2aTH 87. BAKERSfIELO. CA 93301 Ntn: KEVIN MALAMM" --. --. ---... -- ,. ---- ..-- ---..---- S ..----. -_._- -.... - ---- -.-... ---.- -...-.-.---.....--.------ ... ---- .. ,-.--- . ----- wlhJ11h8 CiOfØ'oIlim.... ,. . :."U -1> G) T ~ --.J o.·01326-1~ ClJIom.DOttS ~l7"iarr *UIi-.. ..!Ior____ ................"J. K ).Aor.IDIio,'II< ..1......-...-.."'J'f"'II....._....._~....,..,~.j&I -t r .. _..ea.' .....rNt, CII 9)IlOl .(N)I)RJ.tP I- .uI tM)):In)Pd. _11:11........ Ptned02l1MOO414'34:19 TENTATIVE CSI "-J ..... ~ ;::~ IT ..... .!."-J YCSI c:oCSl ~.¡:. - -~ ø"-J ~ .. CSI U1 ,. l~ if "" IV , ." . ...,.. 1 ~N A I IV!: IV11qtIC8I fCepor1 ÚllÞo1'llwries, Inc RAM EM/fRONMENTAt ENGIN££RItIG 2103 20TH ST. BAKERSfIELD. CA 93301 A1tn: KEVIN MAtAMMA 1 - ,. - S - ~ L :"U J> G) T ~ 00 --- 3:15 "<40 . ------..........--. fM._ ._._~~ . _.__" .___... ._ _______..._._._ __._. ._____ __._ .__ ~____. _ ~~ J!Tec~~.!1.Oi WII~.1he ~""":.______.__ __.__ __ ..___._ ._..__ ____. __ _ ~_....___~!,IIrOc~.~,~.!WII~~~ImiUl·____,___.___u.. _____, .___ he lCmogete ~ en the for i'''. Ad was not ~ 'be contIOIIImI... 04·01326-1 ! CeIIoIrria DOHS CdIfiIiMIIJLT J1II8I"".. ...1IIt _.....4 - fIlh.......... Ø('......_ r-: "'_110 IIII¡.~ Iorlll' lll'l ...... ...... dtttdIoIIr.. ftt C1....~ ........-..... ...GuAlbfO""· MftoI\QlCA t!SGI·....)1»-Ctn ·fAX~)17.MI· ......IK..'k_ f'IIn18d 0211 0J2ÐCM 1.11:34.28 TENtA1M CS) N ...... .... - .... - ...... ! N o CS) · CS) : þ. - QII .... ä. N .. .. CS) Ul .,., i ~ n .... .-. i -., N ) _w ttftl ol,llVtM~~ LldKntltories, /11£ RAM EfMROHMEN'TAL ENGINEERING 210320TH ST. B.AKERSfIELÐ. CA 933IÞ1 IUfn: KEVIN MALAMMA PI Total .----.-. ;0 "=-. ~~=- "--' .-. ~ ---" -.- --..--.. --.--..---..- ..--.----.....---- ....--.- -,--_.~--_.. ~.noI ~tm t!:!tœnlr~ fmKø. _________ _____.____..._ _._______.. _'!~'_~~thin.,8~~ ... ___..__...__ on lie b Ø1i8 rtd WØI no! willtin the c:cn1fDIllmrts, " .:. ... --u þ G) T .... U) 04·0132t;.1f CelIIOMIe DOffS ~,......-,. ..ucM""_.r........,~ lie ~.I. __, ...........,...,. .IRIII!.................... .....JIftIiII............ (IOU AIII~t::IId· 1Þa1tIII.~ CA QJOI·(eIIl)J1).4! " ".u 41161}:l2HIII.· _~(.. Pllr'lled a2l101201Þ41A:34,Mj TENTATIVE ,I CSI IV ..... ....~ ..~ ........ ..!.IV cCSI ~CSI ..~ - ...~ ä.1V .... CSI (J1 " i~ n~ . . 3 ~ IV --~-- .- -...--- --- -. . v, . . u""" It:.N ,Pi I I\'t M8I)'I1C81 t'HIpor1 Lsborøtorú!s, Inc RAM EHVJROHMENTAL ENGINEERING 21D3i 2(J'JH ST. BAKERSFIELD. CA 93301 Hm: IŒVfN MAI..AfA1A 15 - 'ElrJII....11øns ._---.. -------.---..- .----..-----..--.--.--.----......-- --.... "..-- .._--- '"Q ~. ._____.MBI'juphe_precisJon~nDh..'!~t,.conIrolHn*&. .________.u___...__.. ___ ._ .. _.__ '._ ~ ~__.. -iMabi~~.~_!.!~'-wilhint~_~r~~~._.___._._______..__.__.__.... ____.._ __. ___. _.__ ~ te &III on 1he 10r ttlia d was nohwllhiUhe con1fV1 Jimb. ... . .. :-u þ (i) rrl IV CSI 04-01326- ,~ CeIifGmiB OQHSCerliiœIbn"1B6 All ........_...._ ..._~.~_ "'* ~..." lie 1m .1>4...... _ ..111......,1.,................,..-.....180........., .,.,...... 41DOÅ..("_·~,c" 103GJ' (li6t)g~ ·fAAI66I)3n-"... _......... Pti1l8d02l10f20041~:34:4S 1ENTA11VE CS! IV ..... -.... . .... .,...... _IV ~ CS! J,CS! .-J:> - .... .IV - .. CS! 111 " - , ..... ~ . A UV!: N1BI)IIICØ I«!PØ1 Løboratories, Inc RAM Erf\'IROHMENrAL ENGINEERING 210320lH ST. BAfŒßSFŒlD. CA &3301 AtIn: KEVIN MAtAMMA ~ ~~ ....H -;;0 æ~ . i - :'0 - S ... I =~ G) T IV .... ___40. ._... ______ -.. . -------.-.. -.-.---- - -- --- -- _.~ -~.~~_.,.._-_._--- --"'- )02 . ... _, ~~~ P!.4!S:~1 ,Ia_nof ~In the CiOrdroIlimlSs. MInI f4 is not wfthn 'be œnlrGlliTIIIs. 04-01326-11 c:.a.niI DOHS Cat~'1186 . -1If'¡¡;¡¡¡¡iìii.ì.1aiI . lGfln"''' -__. -'II" ~"..1tJ Be~" ._........,... ........... ~....._.. ..........) -'-111_ .. Allrt c... lWon6.fo .C~ ~_ .""") sn.".. foAJI (WI) 1:1 J.,... . _ Ie""'_ Ptinlm0211012004-14'S4:55 -r£NTA1lVE CSI oJ ...... I-' .... ... t ...... - oJ - CSI · CSI ~ .¡:. - I-' ;. oJ -.I .. CSI (]1 ... ij ~ ~ ~ r-. i I-' .... oJ 1 ç Ii! 101 f"EIge TfmAl~ AnliYftC81 H8pCn LflboTlllories, l~ RAM ENVIRONMENTAL fNGfNEERING 2103 20TH ST. EWŒRSFŒlD. CA 93301 At'n: KEV1N MAI.AMMA ... J. ... _79 - - ...- ;:; ... .... . .... =1J J> G) rrJ oJ oJ -.-.--- --. ~--- ---- A_____ Aromatics and roleum Hyd' PU' Total - -- -------- .. .~ ---- ---- -- ..-...._-_._~ - _. _..' ._~~~.!.._.. -- --..--------,...-.-------.. .__.. _~~8P~prec:isånis'!!'_.tiJ(heoontrDlllrnil!. __.___.._,,__ _.___ _.. IMBIr~_~ KIfAM!1'Y is ~~~ lhe c:onRIlImìI&~ ____ ___ ___ ______ . be IUrmgate, _ttle b tN& ~ ... ftCI'I vMdn the =-1OII1Iinb. ()C..01326· t! C.11om1a DOHS ~I\IIi.,- ......'*'..... _.,.. .~,.., IIC 1.8--.,... __I~. '. M) ...,-......... .................OI~fIN')-...-- 41I111M.1cC:-' u.-r..W.t"A 1tt"'"t)~""'It' JAX[aI)31J.t9J1' ......~ PrhledC2MDI2OO414:3S:Ø4 TENTATIVE . . GOI..DEN STATE METALS, INC. P. O. Box 70158 . 2000 e. Bl\Jndoge Laoo Bakersfiold. Califomia 9338" Phono (805) 327-3559 . Fax (805) 327-.5749 Scrap Melals. Proœssing & Rocycling NO: IlUUa TANK DISPOSAL FORM Date 2. 2- 6 at Contraetor's License No. Contractor's Phone No. CONTRACTOR: c:5ì ADDRESS: JOB SJl'E: s ADDRESS: DESTINATION: HAULER: tv\. G. S. M. . 2000 E. BRUNDAGE LANE . BAKERSFlELÞ, CA 9~87 UCENSE NO: t-l 858'6 TANKS RECEIVED EHSD PERMIT NO: QTV GALLONS SERIAL NO. NET TONS 2$ .'4 ¡~W~~:~~¡::2~iri;'lf$l1~1~~~~~jj;~~;~~;¡i;'~;<\~{~~~;:::~~~;'~~;:.:::~~ TOTAL _ T~ INSPECTION ð{ rs;y6LEAN 41 DRY (ACCEPT), OR ~ o RESIOUALS PRESENT (Rf..JEC1) LEL Rf'ADlNG ~ 24 ,: ~¡~~~f~f~~~~=~~~~~~!:~~~;=i!~~;~;=~~~$~~~~r ;~~·~~~·~~...;-x~:WP-,~l:.;.~t:X.:-,:::;:;;:~·-r-~':'+'-- ,.......:~:~~;i:t.~\t~;_·~=1'Þ~i~ 1000 . 6 tt .61 ~~~:~d~j:~~:ª¡g~~a~~~i~ª§¡~~~~~âlt;:~~~;r~Æj~¡~ii.~ï;~fii~~ ..J SERVICES RENDERED COST ~ .9'1 ·ª;:~~;;~i~f.~Ë~~~~~!~a~~~:;:~~S::~f:i~~;~it:;Ilt~~$),;{15.~~~~~r OXYGEN CONTENT OISPOSAL FEE SCRAP VALVE 3000 1.3~ ~~"",~~~~~~,¿"""",!!:,,,,;:¡;:¡¡¡;-,~,¡;J¡"~~-!= _,!!~~j~~~~,'£¡'$s.¡~;:::«i¡y¡;.;·"';~~~!~W~;r" SOóO 2,42 :~~I~¡~~~;~;Øj~tli~~~æ¡g~~;;~:f~;~i:r¡¿!~~iá~.~i1êiª~~ær~g~~~ 7~ 128 ='=''i'¡'" ~'-'U\~~~~f!i'i:""-~~_"_""<"'---:::;~"'I;Ç;;,··:·"Y···« ~;tc1::':-R::tl:;~~~~{~';'~~~~~=~m~1~¡~~~o\'I~·~:~~~:'.~~1~~llix~~i"w1;::;;},~~::;~:;' eooo 3.02 '~ih\~' ~®:;Ko¡ff@)~~=--7)m;'1i1t~~:;""'-'-"~~~:;;~::~jj~"'~. '" ;è~~k~~~':c~~;œ~~:")':~~:~:~=::~~~~~:~~;:~~'~~' 12000 4.\13 !&_~~~~i~~\~~~Š*;~a~~Ii~¡~~!~Þ~~1!tjr.~~1~~~~~~Ú~~ OTHER All fees Incurred are per load ul'Il9$$ specified. Terms are nqt 30 days from receIpt of tank. Contractor's slgnaturo r&prøsentsacceptanceof terlT\S for payment, and confIrms thilt tank rømoval complies with State laws. TOTAL YOTAL CHARGES $ ~4.~NATU'E RTlFICATE OF TANK DISPOSAL I DESTRUCTION o CCEPTANCE OF THË T A,NI«S) AS SPECIFIEO A80VE. ALL MATERIAL SP PUR S ONLY '2- IFIËO WILL BË COMPlETELY 2-/8/ DATJ; py . YELLOW - A.. eeøy . ~_ - ___... Copy E+d 69SD-96E-t99 suo~ssas sso~ dvD:vD vD 22 ~e~ v'd . . CO IDF('( ICE FIR€ COUIPMt!NT SAFETyeOUIPMENT HYDROSTATIC TESTING UCENSES STATE 1546 0.0.1'. A 105 CHP CA 7948 NAME __ AQORESS CITY P.OJl__ ß!:;!B!!.Çg INVOice 24 HR. PI'IONe: (001) 322-6001 RaNL STORE: :001 P STREET CA..,', WATTS: (800) 27206326 WAflEHOU$e:: 101 Yf{UXTUN AVENuE ORDER CESK FAX: (661) 322-0'27 ÐAJ(I!J¡SF1E~o. CA 9:.301 OFFICE FAX: (6&" ~·oooo 183629 ~.zc::>/Vs_, . ' Oty. I Ptico :I~"- .-.-.--- Amount -- Desctiption DRV Ice ßLOCI(S 0 $Ouo 0 CUT [jpfÚ£T OIW ICE PROCESS CHAAGES co BUllC WEIGH'!' TlCKfT # CO CYUNDE~S HE!JUM CYI.INOERS NITROGEN CYL.INDERS CVt.S. DELIVERED Lb$. lbs. lbs. Cu. FI, Cy.Ft, CVLS. RE'fURN!;O HYDROSTATIC TESTS -..---- GOVERNMENT REQULATORY COMPLIANCE FE!; o CA..~ 0 CHARGE CHARGE CARD o..wrLl CALI. OOELIVCR 0 SHIP THANK YOU TAX TOTAL PoIATEAIAL SAFETY OA"tA SHEET REMIT"I"(); p.o. BOX 1631 9AI(6JfSl'IE~O, CA 93302 AVAILABLE ON AI!OUE$"r CORP. FED.t.O. NO. 91);-2599411 1'IT1£ TO All ABDVr: ENUMERATSJ P{RSONA\. PROPERTY OR RfNTÞUSflALL RF.MAINWROu.VIN 8RAND øs¡VICE DBA BRANOCO UNT11. RJU.V PAlO FOR NolO 'ÆND£ESHAIlBE RESI'01'r.¡I61( FOR SA~ WHl.EINHIS PO~ION ANOWIU. SURRENDeR SAME UPON DEMAND If IN DFFAUlT. IT IS ALSO AGREED THA~. IF COllECTION IS MAOf 6Y SUIT OR OTJoIfHWIsr..1,t\o\I[ AGH(~ 'TO PAY A FlNAPiCECHAAGE OF 1.S~ PeR MONTII, WHIGI1IS 1"- PER AImUM, Al'YlR 30 OAYS. AlSO COI.LfCUON COS ~ANO INCWOING ATrO~NlY'S FEES. AND WAN( AlL RIGHTS TO ANY ClAIMS EX~M1'T~D UNOt:fI STATE LAWS. MWIMUM INTEResT CHARGe $1.50. BA$I$ ON WHICH CYlINOER$AR£ LOÞJoIEO: l'ROVIoeomAT IF AJIlYLDANEDC'iUNOEfl NOT !(TURNEOWl'rnlN 3OMvs. FROM DAT(Of SICIPMFNTTHE D~n RIBtlTOR RESF.RVf:S M RIGHT TO MAIŒ A RI,NTAL CHARGE/) suo PM CYUNOtH PElf MONTH FOk AU lIME OVER 3\) OA~ THAT IiUCH r.'Vt,IHOER 1$ AWAY FROM TH~ I)ISTRIBUlOfl, WI1ICt1 DEMURRAGE CHAß(j[ 11tE CUSTOMI:'R AGREI:$ TO PAY ON Ut"MAND. TIf( CUSTOMUlSIfA1L PAY I'IIOMPTlY ON DEMAND TO THI: ~'TRI8UTOR ESTABLlSlim CAlCULATIONS AND RATES FOR lOSS 01- OR DAMAGE TO ANY Of SAID CVlJM)ERS OR FlmNGS Al;StJLTING FROM ANYCAI,ISf AfnR OEt!VERYTHEREOF TO 'nf1; CUSTOMER AND UIIITIL REI'URNED TO THE ~ï UBUYOR. REFIlLING OF CYlINDeRs IS PROHI8ITED. R~( IvO(l Oy -"t\l'lOtizeó SIgnBt\lrð S9S0-9se-t99 suo' :ssas SSo~ dSO:vO va 22 ~ew . . co lORY Ice FIRË £aUIPM&NT , SAFETY EQUIPMENT H'tDROSTA'I1C TESTING LICENSES S'Y'ATE#5MI 0.0:1'. A 105 cm> CA 79.48 NAME ADDRESS CITY 8!J!1J![ç!l INVOICE A£I' AIL S"I'OJteI 2301 P STAelET WAAeMOUSE: 101 TRUXT\JIII A.VENI,t£ 8AIŒ~FJEI.O. CA 9$301 24 "'R. PHONE: (661) 322-ðOO1 CALIF. WA'TTS: (COO) 272·~ ORC>£R DESI'( FAX: (661) ~-<l127 OFFICE FAX: (661) ~ 183632 ~~~ STI\TC DATE = . ZIP ~"/~ /i DRY ICE &'OCI<$ (¡ .eoUD C'J CU"r ~LLET DRV ICE PROCESS CHARGES lb". CO 8UU< WEICHT TlCI((;T , Lbs. Co CVUNDERS LbB. HELIuM CYLlNOEI'\S Cu. Ft IIIITROGEN CYLINOERS C.... Fl CVLS. DELlWAED CVLS, RETURNCO " ,'"N' ...... ,,', '" "~ HVOROSTAT1 TESTs .. GOVERNMENT RCGULATOAY COMPUA . Fc;E o C~H 0 CHAAGE CHARGE CARD ~I..LCALL 0 DEI..IVER 0 SHIP THANK YOU TAX TOTAL ~ M,,'I'ERr,u, SAF£'1'Y DATA $MEET REMITTOõ p.O. BOX 1G301 BAKERSfiELD. CA 033/n AVA,".ABLE ON REQUEST CORP, FI!!D.I.O. NO. 95-2599411 ì1Tl( TO AI.lA8OVE ~RATF.U PÐlSONAI. PRðPÐl1VO!I IIf":NTAlS SHAU. REMA,lN WHOI.lV IN BRANO OAYIŒDOA BRANOCO 00111. loULlY PAlO fOR ANO'MmEf: SliAll BERt~U:fOR SAMEINHllF.IN HIS ~SSIOH AND'NII.l SUllAENnfIl S,l\Mi;tIPONI>EMAIro IF IN MAUlT. IT IS ALSO AGI!~ED THAt IF cot.~llON IS MAŒ8YSUIT OR OTHERWISf. IlWeAGRa: TO PAY A FINANŒ CHARG£ Of 1.5% PER MON'l'H.IMIICH IS 14'!1.PI!R MlNUM. A.FTER 30 OAYS.AI.SO COU£C11ON COSTS AND INClUDING ATTORNeY'S fEES. A~D WAl\lEA1l RIGHTS m Am'ClAIMS ÐŒMrnotJNtlÐ! STAn I.AWS. M/MMUM ~j CHAAG~ $1.50, 8AS1S 0ItI'MIICII tnlNDEIIS AJŒI.OANED:PR(MDEDTHATIF ~I.OANEJ)~IJER NOt RETIIRNro WITHIN 300AYS FIIOM DAT£Of SHIPMlNTTIit OIS'THI8UYOl( II!:SERVt:S THE RIGHT TO MAIŒ A REtll'ALCHAAGt OF S$.GO PEJI CYlfNDER Pf.II MONTH FOil AlL TIMf OVER 30 MYS mAT SUCH CYUNœR IS AWAVfROM THE DlmllBUTOR. WHICH DEMUIlI\AGE ctlAIIGEl) E CUSTOMER AGRæS TO PAYON DEMAND. 11ÆCUSTOMERSltAU.PAY PHOMPTlYONOeMND TOM DlSTRlBtmJR ESTAÐUSHEO CAlCUlATIONS AND RA~ FOIl LOSS OF 0It DAMAŒTO ANY OF SAIOCVUNOERS OR R11'INGS REStJLt1NG fROM ÞNt CAUSE A,FYER DE\.MK'{nŒREO~ TO THE ClJSTOMER AND UNTItRrnJR/I ED TO TH( DlSTRlBUl'Olt RE~IWNG Of CYL~ IS Pf OIiIØI'Ja). RO<:èÍYeQ 8y Aulhori:toø SI9nIlI\,lI'O ~ s·d ssso-sse-tss suo~ssas sso~ dSO:vO VO 22 ~ew . . CO. /DRY Ice FIRE EQUIPMENT SAFETY EOUIPMr.NT HVOROSTATIC TESTING LlCENSIZS ~"T^TE" 546 D.O.T. ^ tO~ CI'IP CA 1MB lJ!J!nt!..rt! INVOice .. NAME RnAl... STORE: 2301 P S~J;ET WAREHOUSE: '01 TRUXTUN AVENUE DAI(\;RS ;IELD. CA 93301 (7 d ¡'-;-1?SS/o4J~ 24 HR. PHONE: (66t) 32J.!·eoo, CALIF. WATTS: (800) 272-6326 ORDER DES ( FAX: (661) 322·01 V OFFice r:AX: (661)322·6000 183631 ADDF\ES$ SYATE . DA 11i ~~ errv p,O,l .. DRV ICE BLOCKS DSOl1D 0 CUT ORV ICE PROCESS CHARGES co BULK WEIGt1T TICKET If co CYLINDERS HELIUM eVl.lNDERS N1TFlOGCN CVLlNDERS CVlS. DELlVEAeo D!!scription ." Price Amount Qty. I iii :. .~ Lb9. Lb... Cu. A. Cu. Fl. CVLS.RETURNED ',,' HYDROSTATIC 'rEST 'tHANK YOU TAX TOTAL MATERIAL S"FETY DATA SHee" RE...rt'l'O: P.O. BOX 1631 OAKERSFIELO. CA 00302 AVAILABLE ON REQUEST CORP. FED.I.D. NO. 95-M99411 11TLE TO AU.A8O\IE ENUMERATEtlP8ISONALPROPER1VOR Ra<lfALS SHAll REMAlNIMiDllV IN BRANO ORY K:E OBA8RANt1CO UNTIl F\JIJ.YPAID FOR AND\ÆNŒE SHAll BE IIE5I'ONSIBt£ FOR SAMfWHlt.E IN HIS POSS£SSlONAMJWUSUliRENDffi SAMEUI'ON DEMAN!) , IF IN OCFAUlT. rr IS AlSO AGREEO-rnAT.1F COllecTlO~ IS MADE BY SUIT OR Im1t'RWISE.11WE AGREE TO PAY A fiNANCE CHARG!! OJ: 1,$% PER MONTIf~1CH IS''''' PEfII "NNUM. Amlf JOOAYS. ALSO COlllCYION CœT~AND INCtuOIN(ì ATTQRNEYS !fES, AND WÞNf.AIl RlGIffS IU ANY C\AlMS EXEMfFT~O IJlllDeR STATE LAws' MINIMUM INTI:II~st CHAHGE$l.50. BAStS O,.WIIICH CYUNOERS AIlE tDANEO: PRO'VIOfO'mAT IF ANY LOANEO ~R NOT RETURNaJWI'I1UN 30 DAYS FROM DATE Of 8H1PMENTTHE f)tS'TRI8IJTOR RESERVES lHE R1fJIfT1OMA~ A RENTALCHARGEOF S8.00 Pl'RCYLJNDæ PER MON11f FOR AllTIMt:(I\'" , 30 OAVS THAT SUCH CYUNOr.R IS AWAY FROM THE DlSTRIBlJTUl!. 'MdCH OEMURRAGI: CHARGE TI-!F. CUS'tOMERAGREf8 ~ I DrMAND. 'OIf CUSTOMI:R SI1Al~ PAY PROMPTLY ON O(MAfIID TO THf. O~1'R18UTOR fSTA8LISHlO ('.AlCUlATIONS ANO RJI'- , OF OR DAMAGE TO Am OF SA1UCYUNDaIS OR Fn11NGS ftEStJt.TING ~ROM ÞHr CAUSI:AFTER DLlMIIV THEREDF ,.. ~D UNTIL RET1JRNI1> TOTWE OI$TR~. RfFlLlING OF CYUNOERS IS PROHIÐITEO. --- " Rocoövod By .__..---------.....-~ AlJlhOrlzo~ S·d S9S0-9SE-t99 suo' :ssas sso~ dSO:vO VO 22 ~~W . . GOLDEN STATE METALSt INC. P. O. Box 701SS . 2000 E. BrunCIRge \.JlnO 8akol'$fleJd. California 93387 Phone (805) 327-3559 . Fax (805) 327-5749 Scrap MetAls. PrOQOS$i/'IQ & RQÇ)'Çling N~ 11006 TANK DISPOSAL FORM ~te "2- lD ~ ContractQr's Ueene.e NO. COntractor's Phonê No. JOB sire: AOCJ\ESS: . DESTINA110N: HAULER: WEIGI-IT CêRT, NO: G. S. M. . 2000 e. BRUNDAGE LANE . BAKeRSFIELD, CA 93387 UCENSE NO: . TANKS RECEIVED EH$O PERMIT NO: 'f:-Je.. () 3 \ COUNTY: N OTV . QAU.ONS SERIAL NO. NET TONS ~;~£.r(if~;%f~~{il~1Z1."t;(ª~;~::~:';?<<.':~~~·';~~iXr;;i?Jif;~~'~:.~: TOTAL TANK INSPECTION ¡g'ël.EAN & DRY (ACCEPT), OR o RESIDUALS PRESENT (REJECT) LEt.. RF.AOfNG OXYGEN CONTENT 550 .24 ;~~f.~~~~~_U?:~mËg¿~~tl~~;:~¡~~:§!!~~~S~f£E':~ ~%~ik¡~~:~::~~w;:¡¡:'ê;@~:~¡$.r~~~r.~¡;;:~~*i:¡;:¡g~~~¡r:;.:i;';,i1: 2000 .97 ~~:~;~:~';;~~~1~~;~~~ã~~~~5f~~~ti~~~:·~~·~~·:·:,:~;'.~~:~': ,·,:~(];;]tl~~)ji~;~:;~~~:~~ ~ '.~2 ·;~·~<:::::'~8:"<:~~~¡,w,>¡;:¡:¡¡,i><'. ":-"''''''~::i!;-;~'n~~'\~ r~~~~~~~~jt!:;;~~¡~,.~I:i+A~:~~~~~~~~;~)¡S:~: 600(1 2.42 ~~~:=::~~~E~ii?£~ir;~Zf2:=~:f$;;~;:$ª~4~~~i;~i 7600 3.28 OISPOSA.l FEE ~1~~~~~~;~~Ëf!~~êlfª~¡~:;r~~1;:·:~:~~~~,~~~~~@t~~~;:;;7::~: SCRAP VALUE OTHER 9000 3.n '~.,.....," ·;\ti=~~~~1~¡¡m1tí~~·~~~;~~D'~'~ .....œi:=~~~!ë:~=~:~ ~ ',... ,.~'(~¡~~~;;~~;~~~I~~!~;~: , 2OQC) 4.~3 EAfã~ffá~*1$~~~~~~~~{å1;~~~i~~~~~~~*~:¡~,f,! TOTAL CHARGES $ TOTAL All fees Incurred are per load unless sp.cIßod. Torms are net 30 d<tys from receipt of tank. COntractor's slgr'a1lture represents ðcceptanoe of torms for payment, and con firms that tank moval ~mplies with Stato laws. ~ CONTRACTOlts SIGNAtuRE RTIFICATE OF TANK DISPOSAL I D~STRUCTlON tRTlFV THE AECEIPT A ACCEPTANCE OF THE TANK($) AS SPECIFIED ABOVE. ALL MATERIAL SPECIFIEO WILL BE COMPlET~L V G PURPOSES ON\. V. 2 ~',o¿/ ~ DATE WK"f'!:-C......-C..,.., . VEl.LOW-~C....., . PINK_...,...-.tç~. l.·d S9S0-9se-t99 suo~ssas sso~ dSO:ŸO ŸO 22 Jew . . CO IOAY IC= FII'I'Ii eOUIPMEr..rr· 5AFETY EQUIPMEr..rr HVOROST ^ TIC TESTlNQ I.ICENS£;$ STATE' # 546 O.O.T. A 105 CHP CA 7f ,f,(f'j) NAMe ~<;'r AI)ORESS CITY P.O.# Jk:l~t!C!g INVOICE 24 WR. PWQNE: (661) ~6001 Rf;TAI" STORE: 230, P S'l"At,;;~'r CAl.IF. WA TIS: (800) 272'G:3:ó!(i WAREHOUSE: 101 ~UXTUN AVENUE OAOEA DESK FAX: (6e1) 322-0127 BAl(E :tS i IiLO, CA 93301 OFFICE FAX: (661) 3.22-61)00 ~.., '~-'" w,.. .')" (J,·t f 183649 STATE DATE ;7 -;~ -09' ZIP DRY ICE BLOCKS 0 0 CUT ~T CRV ICE PROCESS CHAf:!Or.s 00 eul.K WEIGHT TICKET # CO CVLINOE!RS HELIUM CVUNOEAS NITROGEN CYLINDERS CVlS. OElIVER£O ___1- 1Jx¡, I.~ ~ Co.Ft. Cu. Ft. CVlS. RC"fURNED , .. ,.., " ....., ¡ "",' r. 1"." '~.' .... , ".., ..~. ...., '""" : HVtIFIOSTATIC TESTS g... o CHA~E o WILL CALL 0 OCUVlitR o CHARGE CA~O o SHIP '¡"HANK YOU TAX TOTAL 7~~ I '3 . ~O I?s- ·';;0 MATERIAL $AFETY OA'I'A SHeET REMIT TO: ft.o. BOX 1631 BAI(I'¡f\SFIE,LO, CA 93302 AVAILAt!LE ON REQUEST CORP. FED.I.D. NO. 95-2599411 YI ru:'tO All ABOVE ENUMfRATF.O PfR$ONAll'ROPt:R'N OR RENTAlS SHAll R(MAIfII WHOt.lY IN ßßAND OOYICt DBA BRAMJCO IINTu, ''UlLYPAlDfCRANO~OEtsHALLrru IIUWUN$I!!lE FOR SAME WHIU: IN HIS PosstS£IONAND'MlLstJRREIIIDeR SM1f UPON Of MANU IF IN DEFAUlT. IT IS ALSO AGIŒED THAT, IF COllECTION IS MArJi: flY SlIT DR 0THaIWISE. tllNEAGReETOI'AY A FlNANC£C1IARÇE:OF 1.!I')ó1lfR MONTH, WHICH IS 18% PER AlltcuM. AFTER 3D DAY$. AlSO COLlECTION COSTS AND INClUDING ATTORNEYS FEES, ANO WAM ALL RIGHTS 'to ANYClAIMS 6ŒMPTIDUNOrR STAT[ LAW$. MINIMUM ~CHARGUI.~D. . BASIS ONWHICtt CVUNDÐlSAIŒ LOANffi: PRO\/IORHJiATIF AN't'lOANEDCYUII/DaI NOT RET1JRfÆOWlTIIIN 30 OAY'S FROM OArE O~ SHIPM!:NT THE œTJII8UTOR RESERVESTKE R1GHTTO MAIŒARENTAl CHARGE OF$&.OOPfA CVUNl)EH ÆR MONnI fOR All TIIIo1E OWl 30 DAYS mAT SUCH C'YI.JNœR IS AWAYFRDM me DISTRIBUTOR, wttICK DEMURRAGECHARI¡E TIll;CUSTOMfR AGRee> TO PAY ON DfMAND. THEClßlt)MERSIW.L PAYPItOMPrlYON DEMAND TO nu;: DlSTRI8IJTOR ESTABUSHmCA!.OOtAT1ONS ANDRAT'ESFOR lOSS DF OR OAMA.Gt.:TO ~ 01' SAID cYuNDERS OR FITTING!> RFSU~mIG :IIOM ANY CAUSE AFTER OOIVERYTHF.ReDF TO THE CVSTOMaI ANI) UNTil RETURNED TO THE DlSTRIOllTOR.llfI'IlUNG or: CYlINŒIIS IS PIIOHIBITEJ). Reœived By A....hOr~oØ $/gnftturQ ....J Sod S9S0-9SE-t99 suo-¡:ssag sso~ d90:~O ~O 22 ~e~ - _ BADRsFIELD FIRE DBPAR'l'JI:QT.>... ,., ENVIROHIIIIfl'AL SDVICZtl 1713 Che.ter Ave., . Sakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 TANK RBIfOVAL INSPECTION PORII FACILI'1'YJårlìl~ OWNER COlft'RAC'l'OR LABORATORY , TEST ME'l'HODOLO . PRELIMANARY µSESSMENT CO. CO2 RECIEPT ~o.\,dco ?J(){) ~ ADDRESS-D!l.( t),^IO~ ~~:¡~ ~E:~~~~!{~ t OF SAMPLEsJ.8J CONTACT PERSON LEL'.e-- 02'~' IJ'J PLOT PLAN 1l . 1 'J\ó tL -- . r ;.-, I iY- [ ::} ,! I~ ..L ""I- -I ~~ O\~(1(\'\~c.(' -¡.SlCLvJ. OÙl(" -hl\\\.S ï~--r rcT (¥- l.Y l ~ I ~ 'J$ ~I- r :i. r [01 :::> ~ l)t ..J LF r .J ~ ct i 9 :$ J 'f.::' ~(t~"'t) CONDITION OF TANKS ~oo-t Nb e;l.h c.~t4l l:L...('tA~ CONDITION OF PIPING ~w5 \.lH+~ ~rJtL~'Y CONDITION OF \ SOIL c,tt kA\./ , COMMENTS· JT~~ tl ~ ~b \. tEL ~~\,\ "'It~. '.MI'1~\-~ \ \"'f--J'~;J.. I" +6-LL\ V\9\Cl \n K.., , ~ ð:fQ¥ ~LlIL ¡-\:\~r(JImf ~ttl;'ly¡Ç) DATE INlPECTOIII ~ IIGM1'1III ,~ ~ . PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK Bakersfield Fire Dept. Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel: (661 )326-3979 ,,-: Page 1 of 1 I Permit No i3 e - Ò:3 I b ~~F:~k':':"-; COMPANY ADDRESS ~ INSURANCECARRI~ " ,,:;", ;0. ~tO JANK ÎRANSÞÔ.RTÊR I Nf:'ÖRMATIÕNfh·····.....·.·, . >,' .;',-:---':-,-',; </-~:/.-':":~. ''i·""".,_:tc£,:_~- , ':"_"'''':'..:'::/::--, ,:i·«/'::;:>, «~:: ':':_' -, <--:;,' '::." >:,.: :,:--:::.-~:,_"'t. /':~'.~<, PHONE No. ./: . . '1·;··~;:¡t¡18~~INF~tRMA¡t¡IÕN ,."_.,-," 'v, ;;."" : .:' "; '~""'c' <·<L' .:.:-.....,. ~.r:.'~ ,:. TANK No. AGE VOLUME CHEMICAL STORED DATES STORED CHEMICAL PREVIOUSLY STORED I' For Official Use Only THE APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED, UNDERSTANDS, AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE ATTACHED CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER STATE, LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IS TRUE AND CO ECT. APPLICANT NAME (PRINT) THIS APPLICATION WILL BECOME A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED ... 1Çc:; Y)()Úc£ EXIS.TINb LLRDiUJD T1rJNb U; INtLúC£ 1=tDDLlLì, lIfH:y,~ t VENT l.'NES. 'RtrrJOV¿; £JtJ~""^,b D'~PD'l5E1?b D D DO JlEArr l.J^fIRI!M[)IIE.) ~- o o o (Y)Ae.~r:::"t' ~ o o o o "1 I 1':1,ODD GAL Iß.T [ . ~ ~ [ 1" I~OOOGAL ~T .......... [(" 1<E:fr1DU£ lJ¡.¡CJE:II.6RO~D ~TO~A~E. TI:IN~ [3 [ '~,ooo 6AL Lß T [~ 1/;.;/1/11/ /lll¿-, 1<EP1bV~L OF E<~TI"'b Gns ~TA71O^, J:ÃCJLJ TY,' NA~el.$ mAteKET J70/ UNIDN ~11£ g~K£.ßFIB-D ( CA. ~ 1(I:;MliÚ( EXlf. TIIIlt:, ~RlJLMJD 1irJN& 10 INtWc£ ~DDLlLT, Vfl~~ t VE.NT l.'NES. Î<£f710V£ £Xl~'7'/^,b D'~P£tl5E.l?b o O· o 0 ilEAl..,. 11.R~MtJ(/£;) ~- o o o (Y)~e.Ks:.:r t o o o o ~ I '~/ODD ~F\L Iß..¡ [~ ~ I f'. 1:),000 GAL lli.T .......... [(" 'l<t:fr1DVE LJ¡.¡DEII6«O~D ~TO~Ab~ 1Q/'J(S. [3 ¡ '~,ooo 6AL us T [~ J/¡.¡/p¡./ 1Î1/¿-. 'REMb"~l.. OF fj(g,TINb GR.S ~TATION f:Ãc.IJ_J TY.' N~R~I.s yY)A~KET 1701 UNIDN ~VE gAK€Ji?SFJÐwD f Cn . ., 1«(;;MOÚ£ £ilf. ill\lb ULRDUND ŸirJt.Jl:, 10 lNtLLlc£ ~DDæì, v'ARJ~ t VENT 1.,tJES. 1>£mov~ Ðcl.!::.)',III6 D'~PD'i5E.f?b o D DO VEAIT 11111.JRf!MDII£) ~. o o o (Y)~exl~:r D D o D "1 I '~,ODD bAL. Ili..T [~ ~ I 1:),000 ~AL ~T ........... [< '&;mDUE. tltlDE:llb¡Ø~D ~TO~Abe. TI:JÑ'-S. [3 ¡ '~,ooo 6AL US T [~ !AI/PM /ll/¿-. ~E(f1bV~l.. bF Ec~T,,"¡b Gns STATIO^' f:ÃClL.1 TV,' NA~e'5 mAteKET 1701 UNIDN ~ÚE g~K£esFIB..D ( CA . 'i' e CITY OF BAKERSFIELÐ4t OFFICE OF ENVIRON~IENT AL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 (Ð NoPE OF ~CTI0N I Ct1ðCk one Item only) UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS - UST FACILITY ¿NeE OF INFORMATION (Spec1ly Cll8nge . o ,. NEW SITE PERMIT o J. RENEWAL PERMIT o 4. AMENDED PERMIT local use Only) o 8. TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE Page _ 01 o 1 PERMANENTLy CLOSED SITE o 8. r ~NK REMOVED 400. () o 3. FARM 0 5. COMMERCIAL o 4. PROCESSOR 0 8. OTHER 403. Is raCility on Indian Reservation Of "If owner 01 UST a pubk agency: name 01 superviSor 01 tNsIIands? d\Iision. section Of oIIIœ whictl operales the UST. (This ia !he c:onlxt person ror tile tank recordS.) U \A ,n c? V1. ~GAS STATION o 2. DISTRIBUTOR TOTAL NUMBER OF TANKS REMAINING AT SIT::7 BUSINESS TYPE Dyes ~ 404. o 1. CORPORATION IlI'2.ìNOMDUAL D 3. PARTNERSHIP I. FACILITY I SITE INFORMATION 3 FACILITY 10 " - o 4. LOCAl. AGENCYIOISTRICT' o 5. COUNTY AGENCV- o 6. STATE AGENCV- o 7. FEDERAL AGENCV- 402. 40\. A\IL. 405, II. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION 410. 406. 407. 409. o 4. LOCAL AGENCY I DISTRICT o 5. COUNTY AGENCY 408. ZIP CODE 9'3::30/ 412. o 6. STATE AGENCY D 7. FEDERAL AGENCY 413. TANK OWNER TYPE o 2, INDIVIDUAL æ'î'PARTNERSHIP o 1. CORPORATION III. TANK OWNER INFORMATION 417. o 4. LOCAL AGENCY I OISTRJCT o 5. COUNTY AGENCY TY (TK) HQ IV. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION UST STORAGE FEE ACCOUNT "UMBER Call (916) 322·9669 if questions arise V. PETROLEUM UST FINANCIAL RESPONSIBIUTY .' 414. ~/) ð,&- ~él¿) 415. 418. ZIPCOb390 419. o 6. STATE AGENCY D 7. FEDERAL AGENCY 420. 42\. INDICATE METHOD(S) y¿r1.$ELF.INSURED o 2. GUARANTEE o 3. INSURANCE o 4. SURETY BONO o 5. LETTER OF CREDIT o 6. EXEMPTION o 7. STATE FUND !if! 8. STATE FUND & CFO LETTER 09.STATEFUND&CO o 10. LOCAL GOV'T MECHANISM o 99. OTHER: 422. VI. LEGAL NOTIFICATION AND MAILING ADDRESS Checl< one box 10 indicate whiCII address sIIould be used ror legal noIincatlons and mailing. Legal nolincations and mailings wiU be sent to the tank owner unless boX 1 or 2 is Checked. o 1. FACILITY o 2. PROPERTY OWNER ~K OWNER 423. VII. APPLICANT SIGNATURE C",liftcaUon: I cer1ily thai t/1e information p,ovided herein IS true and acoJ,ale 10 the beal 01 my knowtedge. i SIGNATURE OF " CANT 1)0 NAME OF "PPlI ( or Ioc4I use only) UPCF (7/99) 426. ~éÇ 428. 1998U II 425. PHONE 3 q 3-7 c9c9 427. ( Of 1«.1 u~e only) 429, S:\CUPAFORMS\swrcb-a.wpd ,-·~t ~........ -" -- '-' CITY Of BAKERSfIELD OFF. OF ENVIRONMENTAL Se\lICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakerslleld, CA 93JO 1 (661) 326-3979 UNDERGROUND STORAGE T~NKS . TANK PAGE 1 , It. fJI ""I>O!:" 'C-:'>OH 0 I. "«W SIT! Pl!l'MT 0 4. AMeNOeO PeRMIT ';,'ec. J,.. _ ~J ~,. C~ QtlINfOR~noN) o S. r!MfIOAAAY SIT! Cl.O~ o 1 PEAMAA(HT\, Y Cl.OSl!O 0.. !rTe o s. r AH< "-MO\IEO o 1. ~N«WA&. ~ (~_..w_""~J ~lJ$INI!'3.'W4 Is-... ~4ClUTV No\MI at 08A. 0-0........ Aal 6. {' 'Î " ~ m 0 ý' t~ t- ~OCA nOH v.ffl11N SITI (QNJIMeI 17 / it V) \'0 V\ A/,<I(' . ,)A I -/?~5 AOOfTIO.w. CJESCMITIOH (F« JoceI_ 0IIIy I I I ($øeCq eNI'9' . /fN - .... ~J L TANK OI!SCRIPTtOH _. COWAAnEHTAUŒO TAH< 0 Y.. 'Q:.No- "-v.... corn lele CIne øeve fa MdI ~ .Q.V'V\ ./.- .. I. TANK CCN1INTI TN« «* .. ~ I. WOTOft Vl!HlCl.lIIUIL (If iN'**'- ___ ~ 7)NJ o 2.·NOH$\JEL P8TROU!UM o 3. CI1EMIC.AA. PAOOUCT o 4. HAZAAOOUS WAST'! (Trtd&IdN UM4 OI I : 095. UN<NOWN I ¡ ; T'YPE OF r IoN/( : (CIt«Jt _ ...." od11 ..,,- . ~T'tPt! IfØ ,~ MOU.NIIH.IAœD 0 Z. l.ÞOED a,... "...,.. \HÆN:IEO 0 3. 0ESa o 'Co ~ 1.H.fAŒO 0 4. GASOttOl coaM)H....... ctIMt HuMIbuI ~ ~ ¡»gt) a 1. .....WMJ. a 2. 00I&I WMJ. . T ANI( ~ TERIAL . ØftNtY .... ';'þ 1. IWt2 STUL (CIt«Jt - .... od11 is 2. STAH.US STEEL rANl(~~'~**a 1.1IAAISTœ. (CIt«Jt .- ...." od11 CJ 2. 1TAM.Ua rrœ. T,I.HJ( IHTVUOR LNNO t OR COlI T1NQ (CIt«Jt _ .... 0tIM o THat COAAOSIOH I PROT!:CTIOH . AI'fIUCA8U! (C/I«I< _ ..,. od11 SPIlt. ANO OV!Rf'1U. C 1. N.IIIIeR LND C 2. AIJM) LIINCJ (C/I.cll .. tfI4/IIJPIrJ UTllMTrO OATlI..4IT UNO ~Y) PCF (1m) Os. MWW. TAHKGAUG4N<J(r.fT'GI o .. VAOOSI! ZOHI! 07. OAOtJN)WATEA o .. TN« TUTINO 0... o~ V. TAHIC a.OIUfUllH'OftMATIOH I P."MANIHT a.oIUJlt11H PlACI UTlMTIO QUNfflTY r:# SU8lTAHCIIWoWHNI 4H TAM< ~o wmt IHIIAT 1M~1 ...... 0 Y.. 0 No - .. o S. ÆT fUEL EJ .. A'MTIOH fUEL o tt. one CAS' (!IÐm HuMfO J ~ ~P9) ~&cJ(þ - 6/-'1 .. 44' 6 Q ,cA II' V\ e. .. TANK CONSTIIUCT1ON ~ IINOUWMJ. WITH ~ IoÐØWELNR 04. SlNQU!WAU.INAVAIA,T a s. SINGU! WAU. WITH IH1"EMAL III.ACOeR S'tST'EW o IS. UNCNO'Ittf o ft. <mER o 5. CONC:ÆTE o !lIS. I..INCHC:MN o .. FR$> COWATI8LE W100"4 METMANOI. 0.. OTHER oK o 3. F18EROtASS I PlASTIC J( 4. STEEl. CUD VlWIBÐtGtASS .' R£N'OAœO PlASTIC (I'RP) .' ',FIIIEROlASS J PlASTIC b -~ STEEl. CUD 't'o1FeERGWS REHOAœD PlASTIC (FRI') o s. CONCRI!11! o 3. !JIOXY L-...o 0 So GIAIS LNNCJ o !lIS. UN<NOWN o 4. PHI!NOUC LM«3 raí:' UNJNI!D 0.. cmER o 3. ~ ~ P\AST1C 0 IS. UNCNO'Ittf .... o 4. &IPAeSSEO CVMÐlr 0.. OTHER ~ o .. FR$> COM>AT18U! W100"4 METMANOI. o .. FR$> NON-CORAOoIIIU! JAO<ET o 10. COATED STEEL OIS.~ 0.. OTHER ~ ... DATI! INSTAU.£O 447 p:.o, I«:M _ ~ DATE INSTAUfO 449 (For JoeaI_ ody 451 0VEAF1lL PROTECTION EOOIPMEHT: YEAA INSTALlED /,?ý"tJ 452 r:r;: AlARM /lf8 0 3. FILL TUBE SHUT OfF VA1.vr:/i'22 6 BALL FI.OAT /f'l'ð 0 .. ÐCE10APT ~t: ~~~·f~.~··~~::·~<~· "'. .. ..::".. ;~f!·:,:'i:..!If¡~· .,~ y .:.:,~."..:'~~~;r~ ~ . 00U8UI WALl. TAMe 0" TAHtC v..nt 1UOCI«R(~OM,.",fJt'/( : 464 a 1. VI$UA(. (SHJLa WAlL IH VAU\. TON. V) o 2. CONTINUOUS lHTeASTITIA1. WONITORINQ o 3.. t.W«JA£. MOHrTOAINO -¡¡1 S:\CUPAPORM~cB-8·wPC -[ , , - .. L CITY 0' BAKERSFIELD A ()tI1'IC. OfIINVIROHMENTA1. SERVICES A Ws Chin.... AYe., ..k.....fleld. CA tJJ01 (M1) 3~19 - ~ UiIT. T~ ~AQ - " -- uNOtl~NO PIIIIHQ VI. 'IPtIICI CONlmUCTlOH (a.. III ..., ~ - I i",sr~M r'f~ 0 0 I ~USUAe l. SUCTION 3. ~1I1TV ~ 0 I ~ESSUAE -:ONST~lJcr!ON/' "'NCL.! WALL ~ 3. UNI!D TReNOt 0 ft. O~ 4ðO, 0 I. SlNCLI! WALL WNIJF4Crl.;AEAIO 2. OOU81.1! WALL á~. uÞIICHOWN , ( 0 2. OOUBLE 'HALL . /oWojIJF"'CT\JAe.. v\'\ e t L I '" \ 11 4411 MAMiF"'CT\JRER . 0 I. BAN! STUL 0 .. FAP COW4Ta1! WI 100. ~I. 0 1. &viE mEL 1M reRIAl.S"'NO 0 2. STAIN.!SS STEeL 0 7, ~VAHIZ!D ma 0 2. STAINLESS STEeL CORROSION PROTeCTION .0 3. PlASTIC COW4T11U! wm4 COHTEHT1 0 M. lJNICNO'Mi 0 3. PlASTIC COMP4T18Le WITH CONTeNTS : 0 .. FleeRO&.ASS 0 .. N!XIILI (tcft) 0.. OnEA 0 4. FIWIGLASS S. STEEL WI.COAnNQ 0 I. CA~ PAOTKT1OH .... 0 S. STEEL 'Nt COATING VI. PIlING L!AK DeTECTION (Ch«Il III,.., WJyJ .' .....;...;~.!( DISPENSER CONTAJNf.ENT 0 1. F\.OAT MECHANISM THAT SMlT'SOfJI StEAR VALVI! 0... TE INSTALLED 4ða 0 2. ~ 0ISPÐISeA PAN SI!NIOR. AUOI8U! AAO VISUAl AlAAMS o 3. CONTINUOUS ~ PAN S8IIÖRmntÞUrO SHUT OFF FOR DISPENSER . AUOI8LE AND VISUAL ALAAMS DC. OWNERIOPI!RA TOR SIGNA T\JR! I 0If'Ij/y III" ~ o/\IcmIaIIOn ØI'O\IIded /let." 18 INe -'II __ 10 IN MIl allff/ 1rtIc:MMdge. SIGNA TURE OF QWNER.<>f'EAA TOR ~ ~PIPtNO PRESSURIZED PIPING (CII«:J¡ øI/IIM ¥t1I1): '¡is I. ElfCTROHlC UN! L!N< DET!CTOR 10 OPH TEST mDS AUTO ......1t«JT' OFF FOR UW<. SYSTaoI FAILURe. AM) SYSTÐfDllOOr..CT1OH . A&.C)aI ÞMO VIIlW. AI.MMS ~ 2. MOHnf,.y U QPH T'EST q¡ 3. ~ INT'!<WTY T'EST (0.1 OPH) CONVEHT1OHAI. SUCTION SVSTaIS: o S. OAJI. Y VISUAl ~ OF ~ SYSTaI. TRI!NML fIIIN) NTEGftITY TEST (0.1 GPH) . SAFe SUCT10N SYSTEMS (NG VALVU IN IIELOW GAOUND PI'N)): ¡ 0 7. SSLF IoIONr1'QfUNG GRAVITY FlOW: o I, BIÐHAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 OPH) UCONDMILY CONTAINID.....a PRESSURIZED P1PØ) (ChtIdc øI 111M IItJtIIy : 10. COHTINUOUS TtJR8N! SUWP SÐcSOA mnt AUOI8U! AN) VISUH. ALARMS NÐ (Chedc one) o L AUTO PUY' SHIJT OFF 'MEN A lEAl< occtJRS o D. AUTO PUY' SHUT OFF FOR I.ÆNCS. SYSTaI FAILIJRI! AN) SYST'EM OISCONhECTION : } 0 c:. NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF . ~ . AUTOMATIC I.M! lEAK DETECTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) ïdDf FtJ:NI--.n' OFÍ= OR : RESTRICTION , , I Z. AlHJAL.INTEGRITY TEST (0. f GPH) SUCTIOHlGAAV1TY SYSTEJé o 13. CONTNJOUS SUW SEN80R . AUDeLeAM) VlS\W.ÞU1W8 !IIMO!NCY QINUtATOM 0fC, Y (CItect". wt . 0 14. COHT1H.JOUS sur..> seNSOR wrTHOUT AUTO PUW SttJT 0fJI. AU08.I! AKJ VISUAl. ALNIMS o 15. AUTOMATIC LINE LEAl< DETECTOR (3.0 QPH TEST) ïdItIœa FtJ:NI SHUT OFF OR RESTRICTION o , S. Þ.NNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 17. OAlL Y VISUAl. CHECK "8OVI!OAQUNO PIPING o 2. SUCTION o 9$. UNKNOWN o 9I.'OT"EA O - 3. ORA...".., o I. FRPCOW4T18U!.....I~~ o 7. (òALvAHIZEO S'TE£L o I. FlÐOIILE (HOP£) 0 II. o~ o 9. CATHOOICPAOTECTIOH o 9$. UNI<NOWN .' ':1.--:::. A80VEGROUND PIPING . PRESSURIZED PIPING (CMcllII ,.., ¥t1I1).' o 1. EUCTAOHIC UN! U!N< DET!CTOA 3.0 QPH TEST ïdDfAUTO ~ SHUT OFF FOR ~ S\'mM FAl.UfU!. 4N) SYSTÐ.t OISCOtN!CT1OH . ~ 4N) WIUAL ALARMS o 2. WCHMY U 0f'H TesT o 3. NNJAL M1GAf1'Y TesT (0.1 OPH) o 4. DAILY VISUAL QEC ( CONVEHT1OHAL SUCTION SYSTEMS (Chedr øI III« ¥PlY): o s. OAI. y VISUAL MOHrTORING OF PIPING AAO PUfoIPING SYSTaoI o I.· TRIENNW. INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GAt) SAFE SUCTIOH SYSTEMS (NO VAlVES IN sa.ow GROUND P1PIHG): o 7. saF~ GRAVITY FIJ:Nt (Ch«IlII IItet ¥PlY): o .. OAI. y VISUAL WONrT'OAING o II. 8EIHAI. HTEGRIN TEST (0.1 GAt) II!COtaARSL Y COHTAltŒD ..... PRESSURIZED PIPING (ChtIdc II flit 1/PPI1): 10. CONTINUOUS 1\JA8IN! SlAF SENSOR mn1 AUDt8lE NlO VISUAl. AlAAMS NÐ (CI1eCk one: o .. AUTO PUY' SHVT OFF WHEN A lEAK OCCURS o b. AUTO PWP SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS. SYSTEM FAILIJRI! NlO SYSTEM 0ISC0fH:CT10N o c:. NO AUTO ...... SHVT OFF o 11. AIJ'TOMA TIC LEN< œTeCTOR o 12. N/HJÞL IHTEGRtTY TEST (0.1 GPH) ~V1TYSYSTÐt o 13. COHTNJOUS St.u» SENSOR . AUDI8LE N«J VISUAl ALNIMS IlEWJIHCY O!NI!RATOftt OHl. Y (Chect" lilt ~ o 14. COH11NIJOUS SUIo4P SENSOR ~ AUTO PUY' StIlT OFF. AIJOIBU! NlO VISUAL AlMMS o 15. AUTOMATIC LINE LEAl< DETECTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) o IS. Þ.NNlJAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 17. OAIlYVlSUALCHECX ., ·...I..anrvT'.; .t;¡;,-..... ~.. _.. ~~~..~I\;\·U,~·fo~· 471 4741 PwmIl~...(FofIDØl-OIi)'J 4~ S:\CUPAFORMS\SWRCs-ø.wPD DAn! 410 411 PWllltI ~_(FotIOUlIIM ody) .. 73 I PwmII AøIItcMcI (I"Ot 1iIcIII... 0IIf)IJ JPCF (7/99) '. Gi~t .......... ...... - . .... .-. 4NK' . JA, : - //'¿?5 . AOOITIOHAL OUCRPT'ION (FfN" _ ~ I . I , CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFIjï: Of ENVIRONMENTAL S.VICES 1115 Chest'1r Ave., Bakersf1eld, CA 9330 1 ~61) 326-3979 UNDERGROUND STORAG! T~HKS . TANK PAGE 1 . ... 11# ""00: :" 'C-:''(JH 0 '. 1CW 1!TI! ~T 0 t. ~D "!""'T ~'- CJo4NtGe 01' ¡N'OAMIIo noN) .';."'.ct J'" ...~) T 'I Q J. ~NCWAL pt UMT (~....." . ..,.. 'IIC4/ 11M ~J (~~ ...,.. oeM.... ~J :II,; SI~U.~ Is-.. "A~TV ~ at 06A . 00f09 ___ All C\ (,V'¡'-5 m 0 v" t.e. t- ..OCA rlCN ~IN SITI ~ 17,1 Ü. v^) \'0 V\ o .. r'!!~fW'y SlTI! o.o~ o , PEIU,wlfHT1. y a.o~o ON SlTI! o ,. rANI( IU!MOVED L TANK OI!SCRIPT1OH /'v1 c)n ./2. v'V\ CO~AAn.EHTAUZEOTANI( Q v. ~Ng- . "'.'. com IeC. orIe øeve (<< UCI'I ~ ~. 4. I. TAM( CON1INT'I TANe UII ... ~ I. WOTOR 't'8«U AJI!L (If,...,..." ~~7) NJ o 2. NQH.FUEL ÆT'IO.eUM o J. 016IICAL PAOOUCT o .. HAZAAOOUS WAST! (h:IWN UMI OI 0905. uNOOMf NPE Of' r AI« 'CJ>.dt _ ..., 0I'Iy . P'IT'IQAI,I'M'I! a fa. II!OUM I.IUAœD 0 2. L!AŒD a '" ......... \N.IAOEO 0 3. oea ~YDQfW)IIH.!AœD 0 ~ GASOHOl COYoIOH IWoI! /IIMI HIIM*Iw....,. ~ JNgeJ (ó Q.4") " V\ e. . .. TANK CONIT1WCT1ON ~ IINCIU! WAll 'MTM I!XT'!RIOft ~ LN:R o ... SINal! WAll .. A VAlU a t. .... WAU. a 2. 00I.aI WAU. CJ>.dt _ ,...., 0I'Iy r AJ« M-' TERIAL . """*y .... - 1. IAAI! STUL a 2. STAH.!SS STEI!L 'AJ« M-' rotIAI.. -*'Y ** 0 t. IAAI! STœ. :Mdt - ..... 0I'Iy a 2. 1TAH.Ø1 ST!!L ~ IHTVtIOR I.MG A COATNJ a t. N.-eR I.ND a 2. AUC'tD LNNQ :h«Jr _ .... oNy n1ER COAAOSIOH ~TECTJOH . AI'PUCAILI :JI«k _ ... oNy >ILL AAIO O~RFU. "«k 'IIN'~} ITIM-' rlo OArt ~ UIIO (YMoIOIQAY) o S. a.w.\JAL TNII< QAUQINO (urOI o .. VAOOIe ZOHe 07. OAOUN)WATEA a .. TANK T'!ST1HO o II. one V. TANK CLOIUIUIIN'OftMAT1OH I '."IIAHIHT CLOIU". IN PUCI II'TWTIO QUAHTITY 01 suar ANCI ~...a 46t TAM< ,Il.I.IO 'MTH INeRT i4' T!AIAL ., ... "- o So ÆT FI.EL EJ .. AVIATION FtJÐ. 098. one CAS . (/him HaøtIIoIø ........ ~ ¡»gel !Jð06 - 6/-cr .. 441 o So F1IEROlASS PlASTIC ~ .. STæ. CtAD W/F18ÐtOtASS . REHOAœO PlASnC (FAP) . ~/PlASnC o ... STEEL CtAD 'NF1IERGtASS REWOACED PlASnC (fNI) o 5. COHCN!TI! a 3. Ð'OXY LINNO o 4. PHÐQJC I.MG o s. SNXJ! WAlL 'MTH IHT!ANAL IUOOEJt S'I'S1"EM o IS. IJNCHC)Y,tf o It. cmtER o 5. CCNC:N:TE a M. \JNIOIOYoW o .. FRP COWAT18le ","00"4 METtW.oI. 0.. 011ER ~ 4t.: o .. FRP COWAT18U! "'"00"4 METtW.oI. o .. FRP~JACIœT o 10. COATm STEEL a 115. UNICHOWN o 110. 011ER ~ .... DATI! HSfAIUD ,,7 o 50 OI.MI UNNCJ rzrL tH.N!D 0.. IJNO()WN a It. OTHER (Ftx bt»I_ oNy DATE HSfAlJS) ..9 o 3. FeEAOLASa IWNfOfICI!D P\AITIC 0 115. IJNCHC)Y,tf o .. I.4PR£S8E.D a.M!HT 0 It. OTJfER 441 (For lOcal 101M orIy) t61 OVERFIlL PROTECTJOH EOtJIPf.EHT: Y!!AA iNSTAUfO /9'f'tJ 452 r:r;: AlAAM ./lfg 0 J. FlU. TUBESHVTOFFVALve/~ 6 8ALL. F\.OAT $ð 0 ~. I!X£W1' . . . .,~: ~~A;f~.~·~t~·~< ~. '. .' .:,'", :;~f~: .Y..'!l:~· .,~ .;. . :.:..:."..:..:~;t¿ 4P .DOUaIWAU.TAHlCO nAHK'MTH~(ChecIr_""'~ ~ o 1. ~(SINOUWAU.IHVAlA.TON.Y o 2. CONTINUOUS INTVlSTITIA1. WOHfTOAJHQ o 3. MAMJAL ~OAINO ---¡¡T '*" o v. 0 No S:\CUPAPOAM~cs..ø·wPC :F(7,w) L em 0' IAKeA~FIELO _ Of'fI1Cl CW IHVIAOHMeHTAL. SEAVICeS.....a .C....... Aft., .."....lIeld. CA t.}JOt (Mt) J~t - ~ UIT . T,,- PAl¡ - " - UhQlltOAOUHO ,..,..NO w. ,... CCNI'mUCT1ON (CItWI tI..., --'YI - iY~~~M r"f~ . I IOAUSU"! 0 Z. SUCTIOH 0 J. ~""" ." I 0 I PAESSURE '':CNsrqlJcr'o~' I "NGU WAU. ~J. wHeO TRI!~ 0.. O~ 4ðO, 0 I. SINGlE -,o¡A~~ I.4,,4Nl;F"'CTt,¡RER,O 2. OOIJIU WALL 0 tIS. uHfOIOWN 0 2. OOUlIle 'NAL~ . ~"4CT\JRI!" v.\ e " L ¡ '" ¡' 11 .., .IoW«JF4CT\JReR o I. ~ STUL 0 .. AAPCOWATaI.....IOCnU.THANOL 0 L &ARE mEL I.4,,4reRIALSAf<OO Z. STAINL!SSST1!!I. 0 7, ~VNlZZDSTt!1. 02. STAINI.ESSSTEeL CORROSION ØAOreCTlON 0]. PlASTICCOWAT18LewmfCOHT!HTS 0.. UNCNOWN 0 J. PlASTrcCO...."TI8U!'MTHCONTE~S : 0 .. FI~ 0 .. n!XIIL! (to'!) 0.. O'OER 0 .. FI8f,IICV.SS S. STEI!L YW.COA TlNO 0 t. CA nQ)IC PIIOT!CTION .... 0 5. mEL 'oW COA TING WoI9IIIG UAK DeT!CTIOH (C1Iedr tI '* I/IIØIY) '. . d ,; .:v;.. !': IISP£NSER CO~AJN.EHT 0 1. FlOAT M!CHAHSM THAT SHUTS "" steNt VAl-V!! OA TE INST ALlEO "' 0 2. COHTINUOUS 0ISf'!HII!It PNt SÐe:)R . AUOI8U! AND V1SUAlALAR/olS o :J. CONTINUOUS ~ PNt..,o,. mntAUTO SIitIT OFF FOR OISPENSER . AUOUIU! AND VISUAl. AUAMS DC. OWNeRlOP!AATOR SIONAT\JRI! I OItIIty tII.. IIIe oNQrmMlOn ~ IW__ 18 INe Md ecanMllO lie MIl rllff1~. "GNA TURf OF NOPeAA TOR ~ ~PIPINO ¡ ØAeSSURIZEO PlPINO {CItecIr .. ".., 1tIItJ/y}: '~ 1. eLfC'TROHlC UNI! L!AIC oeT'I!GTOR 10 QPH TEST mDS AUI'O I'\oUI SI«JT OFF FOR LfN(. S't'S'T'EW FAl..UAe. AND S'tST'BIOISCO ..CTIOH. AUDaII N#D WIt.W. AlAAWS ~ 2. MOHTK.Y U QPH TUT qJ- 3. ~ HT!QfIfTY TUT ('0.1 0fItf) CONV£NT1OHAl SCJCTIOH SYSTÐ4: o 5. OAJI.. 'f YISUAlIotONTOfUNO OF JIUUtINO SYSTÐI . T'RIINML JIIINa NrEOAnY TeST (0.1 OPH) SoAFE SUCTIOH SYSTEMS (NO VAl. V1!S .. 8ELOW GAOUND I'I'IG): o 7. SELF 1oIONfT0RIHG QRAvrTY FlOW: o t, BIÐHAL M'EGRrTY TEST (0.1 0fItf) II!CONDMLY CONTAINID,..., PRESSURIZED f'I>NJ (a.ør .. "'" I/IIt1IyJ: 10. CONT1MJOUS T\JR8N! SUWP SENSOR:tdIl1 AUOIIl! NI) -...w. ALARMS AND (CNdt: one) o a. AUTO PU.... SHJT OFF WHEN A LEN( OCCURS o ~. AUTO P\J".. SHUT OFF FOR LÆAKS. SYST'EM FAII.URI! NÐ S't'ST'EM OISiCONCCTION o c. NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF . o 1,. AUTOaAAT1C LH! LEN( DETECTOR 1'.0 QPH TUT) ïd]Jf F1.JNI SMJT OFF OR R£STRICT1OH o 12. ANNUAL M'EGAITY TEST (0.1 0fItf) SUCTIOH/'GRAvrrY S'fS'TEM: :J 13. COHTNJOUS SUY" SEN8OR. AUCeLI NÐ ~1UtIIIIa !IWtO!NCY OI!NØATOa ONLY (OIIct""''' :J 1.. COHT1H.JOUS suioP sa.soR WITHOUT AUTO I'UM' SHUT ~ . AUOIIU! NÐ VISUAl. AI.AAMS :J 5. AUTOaAA TIC ~INE LEAl< DETECTOR 1'.0 OPH T'UT) ~ A.ÞN SHVr OFF OR RESTRICTION :J 18. ANNUAl. INTEGRITY TEST (0. t GPH) ] 17. OAJL'f VISUAl. CHeCK .:..~:;r.~ ~r-''t. ',' . .:-. ~,;'-'.'.J .' . .. ..:...-'_~._.~ ,~I. __ _....)_. . "... A80\lI!GI'OIJNO PIPING o 2. SUCTION O~. uNlCNOVIf 099. OTHER O -- J. 0AA1nT'r o I. FRPCOM'AT18L!.....,~~ o 7. GAlYNØO STUL o .. Fl.£XJILE (HOPE) 0.. O'nEJ:t o 9. CA 1'HOOIC PROT£CT1OH o 9S. UN<H()W <¡.:7.. A80II1!GROUND PIPING 4 PR£SSURIZ£O """NO (C/IecIt II rn.t WIt): o 1. a..ECTAOHIC lM! IJ!N( CET!CTOft U QPH TEST mns AUTO ....... SHUT OFF FOR LE» S't"ST!W FAl.UAa!. /IH) SYST£M OI8OOfH!CTIOH . A&.CB.! NÐ VISUAL ALNIt.IS a 2. IotOImLY O~ 0f'H TaT' o 3. NlMJÞL HTIORn'Y TaT (0. t 0fItf) o 4. DoU.Y VISUAL OEQC CON\IÐIT1OHAt. SIJCTIOH SYSTÐC8lC1** .. ..., WIt): o 5. DoU. Y VISUAl WONTORING OF PIPING NI) fItJIM'ING SYSTat o I. TRIENNW. M'EGAITY TEST (0.1 GPH) SAFE SUCT10H SYSTaIS (NO VAlves IN BELOW GROUND PIPING): o 7. SElJ' IoC)N'T'()AJNQ GAAvrTY FlOW (C1Iedr II""~): o .. DoU. Y VISUAl MONrTORINQ o .. IIÐHAL IHTEGRfTY TEST (0. t GPH) RCONIWaL Y CONTAINeD I9IHCJ PR£SSURIZED PFING (Ch«It ....., 1tIItJ/y): 10. COHT1NUOUS T\JR8N! ~ SENSOR mw AUOC8l.E NÐ VISUAl ALARMS NI) (dIeCi: one.' a .. AIITO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN A LEAl< OCCURS a II. AIITO PlAlPSHUTOFF FOR LEAKS. S'fSTEMFAI.URI!NÐ SYSTEM OISCOt.M:CT1ON a c. NO AIITO PIAtP SHUT OFF a 11. ~TIC LEAl( OETECTOR o 12. NNJAL WT£GIVTY TEST (0. t GPH) SUCTIOHIORAVTTY SYSTEM: o 13. COHTNJOUS su.p SENSOR . AVDIIIUI /IH) VISUAl N.NOIttJ IIIIRG!NCY O!NII!RATOa OHl. Y (CMdt1l1llM ~ a 14. COHTNJOUS SOIoP SENSOR:tdIt!Q!,lI AVTO PU".. SM1T OFF. AUOIBl.E NI) VISUAL ALAAMS a I'. AUTO""'TIC UNE Lf.A ( DETECTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) a 11. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH o 17. OAJI,VVtSUAlCHECK , ~." ..f1:.,...... ..""., "'t... : r . ~.- .," ~,. ,. ,..1\; ..t1.. ~ .71 4741 PWrnUJllnllcl CIIe(F«AøCMuøøtW)'1 4:] S:\CUPAFORMS\S'NRCs-B·wPO ,dO 471 fIwIII ~ {For"" - Ody ''''''''' ~_IFot oeM.... only} 'CF (7/99) ~' j... .....- f· . '';. "., A.' ........... ..... -' -- .-. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFI. Of ENVIRONMENTAL S.VICES 1115 ChesiJr Ave., Bakersfield, CA 9JJOllõ61) 326-3919 UNDERGROUND STORAGe T~NKS. TANK PAGE 1 , ~!. C~ cw ;"OA~noNI ~. o S. r!~~v SITe o.O~ o , PEAA.WIeHT1. v o.OSl!O ON SlTI! o S. TAN ( ~MOVEO III ....~ =1" 'C~1()H 0 I. ~ "T! ~T 0 '. ~o P!A"'T .,;....c, J"" .... ~ o S. /Itf~A4. ~ (~....... . ~ 'OeM .... ~J ~u $JNeSS .~ s-. . ""ClUT'I HAAI8 or 08A . 0a0IIt ~ Aal C" (' V' " ,Ç¿ fÌ1 0 v" t.e. t- ~OC4 nOH WfT!11H SITI ~ 17/ Lt Y) "0 V\ 4NI(: . ;)A : -/?#5 . ADOITIONAI. 0UCRPT10N (F1N òtIW _ ody I ¡ , (Sø«q~'~-""~J L T.AHK D!SCRIPT1ON COaM'AAnEHTAUZ£O TAHK 0 v. ~No- If "Y.', com_. (!lie HQe (or Ud'I ~ - ') , ..Q V' Ii\. .. TN« UII QI '¡5l1. MOTOR 'f1!HICU AJIL (IftNrlIiId. ~~ 7)peJ o 2. NOH..cv6. ~ o J. OiEJolCA&. PAOCUCT o .. HAZ.AIUX>US WASTI! (1ItcMIN u..., 011 o 95. uN<NOWN NPEOF TNIC .. TAMe canmrr'I ~'M'I a I.. RrC:J&AM UfiUAœD 0 2. LfAOB) ~ ".... \H.fAOEO 0 3. 0IES8. o Ie. ~ \H.!AOED 0 4. G4SOHOC. COfoM)N NNoI! /lamHuMlbw ~ ~~J . o So JET FUEL EJ .. AVlATIOH FUEL ON. OnER 441 CAS'(ItÐm~""""'~~J 4- !JðOtÞ - 6/-cr <f. ' V\ -e. a t. IN3U WAU. a 2. ocx.a.I WAU. 'Clt«Jt OM ..... O/II)' r AI« W. TERW. . pñMry..... - I. INa! STEI!L CMcIlOM ..., 0df1 0 2. STAH.ISS STEI!L 'AI« W. TERW. . --*y 1M! 0 t. BAAl STœ. :It«k - .... O/II)' 0 Z. ITAM.ØI rrœ. .vf( IHTVUOR L...a R COA T'IHO :Mc.t _ ,.,. "' ~ COMOSIOH WT1:CT1OH F APPUCAIL! o t. ...... LN!Ð o Z. ALK'tO LNG :JI.ur .,.,. .,. onIyJ "Lt. ANO O~RFU. ,,«~ .. INI IppIyJ ., SINOLI WAU. TANK (CItøIr "..., Wf1 .' J I, VISUAL(IXJIOIID~ON.Y) ] 2. AUTOMATIC TAM< QAU<JIHQ (ATO) !k J. COHT1HUOUt" TO ] '. ST" TISTICA&. tNWHrORY RlCOfCIUA TICIH (SIR) . 511!NNW. TNIC 1'In1HQ ITIMATlO CArt I..48T UMO ~Y) :F(7,w1 o So MAHUAL TAHKOAUGINO(UT<1\ o .. VADOSI! ZOM! 07. QAOCH)WAreR 0.. TNIC TUTINO o It. OntrA V. TAHIC CLOIUM lH'OftMATIOH I PIIUIAHIHT ClOIU'" IN ~C8 IITM\T1D QUAHT'rTV ~ stJeIT AHCI MMANIQ 4M TAHK 'u.lO wm11NMT MA T!l\W,.1 411 .. TANK CONITRUCT'ICN ~ SNUWALL ~ !XT!AIOft MÐoefWE LMR o 4. SINOU! WALL" A VAtA.T o 50 SINOU! WALL ~ IHT'ERNAL IUCOØ SVST'EW OIlS. UNOIOWN o It. OTHER o 5. CONCÆTE! 0 15. t.INCNCI'Mf o .. FftI> COYtATI8U! W100161.E1'JWO. 0.. OTHER 44.: o ). FeEROI.ASS I P\AST1C ~ 4. STEEL Ct-'D W/F8!ROlASS .' RÐN'OACEO PlAST1C (fI'RP) . FeEROLus I P\AST1C o 4" STEEL Ct-'D Wf'IIERGtASS REN'OAœD PlASTIC (FN') o S. 00NC:M11! a ). !JIOXY UNNQ 0 So OI.AIS L.NNQ 0... I.JN<HO¥Itf o 4" PH!M)UC L...a rzrL UN.N!D 0 It. OTHER o ). I"ISEAOLASI ~ P\AST'IC 0 M. UN<HOYotI 441 o .. U'A2S8EO CUM!HT 0 It. OTHeR ..... o .. FftI> COYtAT18l.! W10016 J.EnW«X. o .. FftI> HOH-<:OAAooeu! JACKET' o 10. C04TED STEEL o 15. t.INCNCI'Mf 0.. OTHER ~ ... M'Æ NSTAU.ED 4'1 IF<<òtIW _ 0tWI MTE NSTA&.I.S) 4'9 (For /oeM 11M odyJ 451 ~1lL PROTECTION EOUAEHT: Y!:AA iNSTAUEO /9'?'tJ 452 r¥7". AI.AAM /lfg 0 J. FIll. nJ8/HPillTOFF VAJ"ve/.£1!'2 6 BALL FlOAT /99'ð 0 4. exaFT ":.;: 1:~.".~·,~·~··~t:·~·~~· -', -::.. :;~f'!'::?·:.~"!I!:~· ,"; ,:" .:.:..:.....:..:~;r¿ . oou.u WALL TAHIC 0" TAHK ~ ~ (Ch«Ir _ "'" 0d(1: ~ a I. V1$UAL (SIHCIla WAJJ.. IN VAU\. TOM. Y) a 2. COHTIHUOUS IHT!ASTI1'IAL YONlTOAJNQ a J, MAHUAL MONITOAJNQ ~ ..... o v. a No S;\CUPAPORMS\SV'f'Rcs-B·wPC c em 0' IAKeRSFIELO CWI'1C. ~ INVIRONMeHTAI. SERVICes _, e C...... Ave" "'''."hld. CA 13JO' (N') J.' - "-Ie un. T,,- "AQ - ~ VI. ,... CClNITRUC'nCN (CItMII III..., ."", uhC)t~ PIPING iY~ r!õM r'>'ØE . I PRUSURI 0 1. SUCTIOH 0 3. 01\4""'" .~ I 0 I PRESSURE ,':CNsrQUcr,cÞ4/' I 'INCl.! WAU, ~). uHl!O I'It!I04 0 Ie. O~ 4ðO, 0 I. SlNCl.E 'NALL WlNlJF~crtJRERIO 1. OOUIIU wALt. á~. U~ 0 1. OOU8I..e 'NAlL WlNUF"'CT\J"I!" ~,e .! L i v, í 11 4411 MAMiF"'CT1.JRER o t. SAAI! STUt. 0 .. RV" CQWATaI WI 100. ~t. 0 I. &ARe mEt. WlreRLAlS"'HOO 1. STAIM.!SSST1!1!L 07. Oi'LVAHIZ!OST!a 01. STAlNleSSSTeet. CORROSION PROTeCTION 0). I'USTIC COWAT18L8 wrTH COHT!HI"S a II. UNCNOWN 0 3. Plw\STIC CO.....T18U! WITH CONTeHTS : 0 .. FI8POL.ASS . 0.. ADJIU! (ÞCft) 0.. OntEA 0 .. FI8ERCLASS s. STUt. 'ftf.COA TlNQ 0 I. CA Tfo ()()IC PIIOTECT1ON 4ð4 0 s. meL....., COA T1HG W. ..-..0 LIAK DeT!CT1OH (CItedr III IIM.,pIy) ....:.-:~.!~ IISPENSER COHTAINfoEHT 0 1. FlOAT a.ECHANISM THAT SHUT'S0fII SHeAR VALVE 4ð8 a 1. COHT1f«JOUS 0ISfIÐIIM p~ SINIOR. AUOIIIU! þJ () VlSVAL ALAIWS o 3. COHTINUOUS 0I8I'!NSI!J' p~ __ mIt1 ÞUTO SHtIT OFF FOR DISPENSER . AlJD«8lÆ 1M) VISUAl. AI.AAMS DC. OWN!RIOPI!RATOR SIONAT\JR! I C*Utv trial l1l4I MmiAllOn ~ ,*eIn 18 true IfId ~ 10 IN MIl III my~, SICN/'< TUR! Of OWNE PeAA TOR :;t- ~PIPINO : PRESSURIZED PIPING (CIt«:Ir II..., WIt}: ;~ I. eLECTROHIC UHI! LfNC œT'!C1'OR 10 0fIH TEST mns AUrO ~ SHUT OFF FOR LEN<. SYS'T'EM FA&.UN. AHO SVSTÐIOIIOCr JÆCT1CH.~ AHO VIIt.W. ALAAMS ~ 1. MOHnC,y U QPH TUT qJ- 3. NHJAL HfEQItI'TY TUT (Q. t ~ COHVEHTIOHAI. SUCTION SYSTÐoIS: o S. OM. Y VISUAl. r..()MTOfUNO OF JIUU"N] SYSTEM. TRIÐIIAL PfIN) N1"EGfVI'Y TeST (0.1 OPH) Sl<FE SUCT10N SYSTEMS (NO VAL VI!S IN eaow GROUND PfIN¡); o 7. S¡:LF MOfofTOAIHG GRAVITY FlOW: o 9. 8IÐHAI.IHTEGMY TUT (0.1 ~ II!COtD1IIt1L Y CONTAIN&) .....a PRESSURIŒO PI'N) (CMdr II /Nt WIf : 10. COHTlM.JOUS T\JRSIN! sua.P SÐØ)R:tdJ1i AUDI8U! NG VISI.W. AlAIWS AHO (CNdII2'e) o a. AUTO PU.... SJiUT OFF WttI!N A LEN< ocaJRS o ~. AUTO PU.... SHUT OFF FOR I.EAKS, SYS1'Ðt FAIUJRI! AI«) SYSTEM OISCONNECT1ON o Co NO AUTO PUf,F SHUT OFF . o 11. AUTOMA nc UHI! LE.AI< DETECTOR (3.0 QPH TUT) ïdDf FI.tJW SHUT OFF OR RESTRICTIOH o 12. AHNUAL IHTEGIVTY TUT (0.1 ~ SUCT1ONlGAAV1TY sYSTÐot :J , 3. COHTH.lOUS SlUt SENIOR . AUDeU NÐ VllUALN.N1118 !MI!ItO!HCY OBEllATOfII ON&. Y (CI»c*""''' :J 14. COHT'1MJOUS sut.4P ~ WITHOUT AUTO PUIoI' SItJT~.AUDeIJ! AHO IllSUAI.~ ] '5, AUTOMA nc LINE LEAl< DETECTOR (3.0 QPH TUT) mnga AJ:1W SHUT OFF OR ReSTRICTION ] 18. ANNUAl INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) ] 17. OAlL Y VISUAl CHECK . ·:"~::r\l!!lf':;tr·"· ',' .:. ~¡",'-'.';.J .' .' .. .....;..~~~.....~ ,~I . ......._10...;..... .... o..TE INSTALLfO ~ OF 0YwM!M ..ao\l!GItOUNO PlPIHO - o 1. OAA\IrT<r- o 1. StJCTION a~. uNKNOVM o it. OTHER a s. fRl'CO"..TI8L!.....,~~ o 7. GALvANIZED ma. o .. FlEXJa.I! (HCÆ) 0.. OTtER a I. CATHOOIC PAOTECTIOH a~. uHKNO'ht' ...~~. A80III!GROOND PIPING 4 PReSSURIZED PIPING (CItecJ¡ " rn.t WIf): o I. EU!CTROHIC UNI! L8K OET!CTOR 3.0 GPH TEST ïdDf AUTO pt,Ut SHUT OFF FQR LW SYSTEM FAl.UAE. AKJ SYS'TEM CCSCCNIECTIOH . ~ NG VISUAl. ALAAf4 o 2. IoIOHTK.Y 0.2 QPH TUT o 1 NHJÞL M1GAf'NT!ST (0.1 ~ o ... DAILY VISUAL QEO( COH\IEHT'IOHAL SUCTION SYSTÐG (CItecIr II Itet 1/PPI'r): o 5. DAILY IIISUAL MOHrT'OAINO OF PIPING þJ () PUW'INO SYSTEM o S. TRIENNIAl. INTEGMY TEST (0. t GPH) SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALVES IN BS.OW GROUND PIPING): o 7. SElF MOHrT'OAIHQ GAAVITY RJ:)W p** "...,~): o .. CAlLY VISUAL MONTORINO a t. 8IeMIAI. HT'EGRrTY TI!ST (0. t GPH) HCONDARII.Y COHTAlNI!Ð PI'INI) PAfSSUAlZEO PIPING (Ch«IlII..., WIT): , o. COHTINUOUS T\JR8INI! su..o SENSOR ~ AUOI8U! AKJ VISUAl. ALARMS NlO (dIedt one" o a. At1TO PUI.fI SHUT OFF 'MiEN A ~ OCCURS o Þ. At1TO PWP SHUT OfF FOR LEAKS. SYSTEM FAI.IJRI! NÐ SYST'EM OISCONECTION o Co NO AUTO ~ SHUT OFF o 11. AUT'OM4 nc LEAK 0f:TECT0R o 11. AINJAL/f/TEGRfTY TEST (0.1 GPH) stJC'T1ONIIGAAV1TY SYSTEM: o 11 OOHTN.IOUS St.Ut SEN90R . AUDI8U! ÞKJ \nSUAI. AlNUS IlMØQI!NCY O!NI!RATOM ON&. Y (ChId II,.., ~ o 14. COH'TNJOUS sow SENSOR:t&'II!Q5l[ AI1TO PU.... SItJT on:. AIJOIIU: NG IIISUAL AI.ARMS o 15. AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) o 18. ANNUAl INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 17. QAIlYIIISUAlCliECK , . AIHII.!H'(·;;" r..;:-.... .".",. ~r. .. ..:r.!\;:'..~.a;.f¡ ~. "~j~<i' o 4. DAIL YVISUAI. CHl!CIC )g S. TRENCH LHR I UOf«TOftIHG OI.NONI! 4ðO 471 ~7~ [ ~~c.e{ForIøe*-ØtI)'1 ~:J S;\CUPAFORMS\SWRCØ-S. '//PO .70 .11 ~ ~ f'OtlOtlel... onIt1 'WllloC ~_IFot ccM UN only} 'CF (7/99) .;, ~ ... r.. .,.,-- ,<. e .~». KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT UNDERGROUND STORAGE FACILITY PERMIT ~220009B FACILITY NAME AND ADDRESS: OWNER(S) NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS: Jaco Hill Company 1701 Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA Jaco Hill Company P.O. Box 1807 Bakersfield, CA 93303 I xxI 1-' 1-' I-I 1=1 NEW BUSINESS CHANGE OWNERSHIP RENEWAL MODIFICATIO'J OTHER PERMIT EXPIRES August 9, 1986 APPROVED BY August 9, 1985 -;rfa~ Joe Canas APPROVAL DATE POST THIS PERMIT ON PREMISES CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Note: All pertinent equipment and materials used in this construction are subject to identification and approval by the Permitting Authority prior to construction. This permit is issued çontingent upon guaranteed compliance with the guidelines as determined by the Permitting Authority. 2. All construction to be as per facility plans approved by this department and verified by inspection by Permitting Authority. 3. Permittee must contact Permitting Authority for on-site inspection(s) with 48 hours advance notice. 4. All underground metal product piping, fittings and connections must be wrapped to a minimum 20-mil thickness with corrosion-preventive, gasoline-resistant tape or otherwise protected from corrosion. 5. Construction inspection record is included with permit given to Permittee. This card must be posted at jobsite prior to initial inspection. Permittee must contact Permitting Authority and arrange for each group of required inspections numbered as per instructions on card. Generally, inspections will be made of: a. Tanks and backfill b. Piping system with secondary containment c. Overfill protection and leak detection/monitoring d. Any other inspection deemed necessary by Permitting Authority 6. Spark testing (35,000 volts) required at site prior to installation of tank(s). Test(s) must be certified by the manufacturer, and a copy of test certifications supplied to the Permitting Authority. 7. All equipment and materials in this construction must be installed in accordance with all manufacturers' specifications. 8. Liner shall be installed by a trained experienced liner contractor and installation at site approved by Permitting Authority prior to backfilling. 9. No product shall be stored in tank(s) until approval is granted by Permitting Authority 10. Monitoring requirements for this facility will be described on final "Permit to Operate". ACCEPTED BY ~?~Ju- - DATE 'is IS; gs-- " :'i' ~!) I ( ,"-"'. - ,ìe TRACER TIGHT® TEST RESULTS Prepared for: Shirley Environmental LLC 1928 Tyler Avenue, Suite K South El Monte, CA 91733 Testers St Lie. No: N/A 7/17/2002 Job No: 860008 Jaeo #259 Harris Market 1701 Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 SYSTEM STATUS SYSTEM # PRODUCT 1 Unleaded 2 Plus 3 Super Soil permeability is greater than 41.6 dareys. SIZE 12,000 12,000 12,000 TRACER A W R TRACER DETECTED? NO NO NO GROUND WATER INFO SYSTEM # DEPTH / GROUND WATER (Inch) >140 >140 >140 Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 DEPTH / TOP OF TANK (Inch) 42 40 40 DEPTH / BOTTOM OF TANK (Inch) 138 136 136 SITE COMMENTS Back fill in tank pit consists of Y4 to Y:inch pea gravel. Backfill in piping excavation zone is packed sand. Ground cover over tanks and piping trench consists of concrete and fractured asphalt. TEST EVENTS INSTALLATION 61 I 0/02 INOCULATION 6/10102 SAMPLING 6120102 ANAL YSIS 6/24/02 FILL RISER - SPILL BUCKET TEST TANK # Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 P ASS/F AIL PASS PÁSS PASS Submitted by: O~M' ge' ~~l ~escarch Corporation 'i "ye .' ':' ~\.. ie TEST COMMENTS General Tanks are single walled fiberglass. Product distribution piping is single walled FRP in open top "Fiber Trench", Vent and vapor recovery piping are single walled FRP. Tanks 1 Through 3 No detectable Tracer's in the tank excavation zone. There were light detections ofTVHC (Total Volatile Hydrocarbons) in the tank excavation zone. Product Distribution Lines, Stage 1 and 2 Vapor Recovery Lines and Tank Vent lines No detectable Tracer in piping excavation zone. There were light detections ofTVHC (Total Volatile Hydrocarbons) in the piping excavation zones. Conclusion Tank and piping components are Enhanced Tracer Tight® at the time oftesting Submitted by: Jimmy Humphries Tracer Research Corporation · 1 ~ ~ ·')e -:~1e Tracer Research Job No. 860008 Page 3 of 4 Sample Date: 06/24/02 CONDENSED DATA 001 001 001 001 Compound Concentration( mg/L) A 0.00000 R 0.00000 W 0.00000 TVHC 2.12600 A 0.00000 R 0.00000 W 0.00000 TVHC 6.18500 A 0.00000 R 0.00000 W 0.00000 TVHC 7.69300 A 0.00000 R 0.00000 W 0.00000 TVHC 8.83300 A 0.00000 R 0.00000 W 0.00000 TVHC 5.50000 A 0.00000 R 0.00000 W 0.00000 TVHC 38.02300 A 0.00000 R 0.00000 W 0.00000 TVHC 18.49800 A 0.00000 R 0.00000 W 0.00000 TVHC 10.11600 Location 002 002 002 002 003 003 003 003 004 004 004 004 005 005 005 005 006 006 006 006 007 007 007 007 008 008 008 008 TVHC (Total Volatile Hydrocarbons) values reported in milligramslliter (mgIL). Tracer values reported in milligramslliter (mgIL). 0.0000 =: Not Detected -999999.9999 =: No sample I " " ¡ . . ~ \ ¡e ,Ie Tracer Research Job No. 860008 Page 4 of 4 Sample Date: 06/24/02 CONDENSED DATA Location Compound Concentration( mg/L) 009 A 0.00000 009 R 0.00000 009 W 0.00000 009 TVHC 3.66300 010 A 0,00000 010 R 0.00000 010 W 0.00000 010 TVHC 0.44200 011 A 0.00000 011 R 0.00000 011 W 0.00000 011 TVHC 1.62500 012 A 0.00000 012 R 0.00000 012 W 0.00000 012 TVHC 0.05600 TVHC (Total Volatile Hydrocarbons) values reported in milligrams¡1iter (mgIL). Tracer values reported in miIIigrams/Iiter (mgIL). 0.0000 = Not Detected -999999.9999 = No sample ., " .,f1:1 Tr ace r Re sea r c h Co [ p 0 r a m E x P L ANA T I 0 N Sampling Probe Location --- Approximate Pipeline Location " FTM Fiber Trench Monitor ¡ ---~. e t N ., , .I 0 5 10 . I I f e e t 860008 Jaco #259 Harris Market 1. ., 0 1- U N 1. 0 N A V B N U r:; n A K E R S F T R I. n C" 1\ {. 1 FOR N 1 1\ - -- -- - _._.-------..- .. __n" __.'u." ~.; A M l' I~ 1 N C L <.1 C A U N ~ - F 9 u r e 1 2 Concrete 00 o Fill" Vapor Recovery o o Pump Tank 3 12,000 gal Super Tracer [W] 3 Tank 12.000 Plus Tracer o o o Fi &. Vapor Recovery D 6 01-;T~- - - - c-- D Pump 2 9'· R 5 B DO Fi 11 & - - Vapor I Recove ry I I I I I I I :0 I I I Dolq] __1_____ o Pump Tank 12.000 1 gal Unleaded Tracer [A]: Asphalt 00 o Building St:ore , , -" , , , -" , , . , , , , , , ......-------- 10 spetISC1--S :i )f·nsrn: - - -- 9 . 7 1 fJ 11 , . ' 000 , , , , , :> --- II / ,- FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661)326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SERVICES' ENWIOIIIIENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326·0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 . e December 12, 2003 CERTIFIED MAIL Hanis Market 1701 Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93305 RE: Propane Exchange Program Dear Owner/Operator: The purpose of this letter is to advise you of current code requirements for propane exchange systems, such as "Blue Rhino" or "Amerigas." This does not apply to large propane tanks, only propane exchange systems. Over the past two years this office has noted a dramatic increase in the propane exchange system in the city of Bakersfield. It has also been noted, with great concern, that many of these installations are a clear violation of the UFC (Uniform Fire Code) and represent a danger to public health and safety. Accordingly, procedures for storage of propane cylinders awaiting use, resale or exchange, have been adopted through BMC (Bakersfield Municipal Code) and adoption of the 2001 UFC. The procedures are as follows: Storage outside of building for propane cylinders (1,000 pounds or less) awaiting use, re-sale, or part of a cylinder exchange point shall be located at least 10 feet from any doorways or openings in a building frequented by the public, or property line that can be built upon, and 20 feet from any automotive service station fuel dispenser. (Note distance from doorways increases when cylinders are over 1,000 pounds cumulatively.) Cylinders in storage shall be located in a manner which minimizes exposure to excessive temperature rise, physical damage or tampering (Section 8212, California Fire Code, 2001 Edition). When exposed to probable vehicular damage due to proximity to aHeys, driveways or parking areas, protective crash posts wiIJ be required as follows (Section 8001.11.3 and 8210, California Fire Code, 2001 Edition): 1) Constructed of steel, not less than 4 inches in diameter, and concrete filJed. 2) Spaced not more than 4 feet between posts, on center. .\0 . y;;,q,,#~? d~ ?5N/l.nU~/U(y .::/Ì"/t '0 /Ißo/¥, .<yz,//I/ '--, +6 r;;YlÚ/~r '1'1 . e t? · Complete items·1, 2, and 3. Also. complete item 4 if. Restricted Delivery is desi...md. · Print your name and addrœson fh1lreverse so tlia.t we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Harris Market 1701 Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93305 3. Service Type J$J. Certified Mall 0 Express Mall o Registered 0 Retum ReCeipt for Merchandise o Insured Mall 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes 7003 2260 0004 7652 3065 Domestic Retum Receipt ::t' '0 :0 o o ..D N IN 'm '0 t:J ,["- :postage $ C"rtlfled Fee postmark Here Return Reclept Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsel1\ent Required) '\ Total Postagl Harris Market 1701 Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93305 --- I .t _.., ~ ~ ~ Lette.o: Owner/Operators of Propane Exchange sttns Re: Propane Exchange Program . Dated: December 12.2003 Page 20f2 ? 3) Set not less than 3 feet deep in a concrete footing of not less than a 15 inch diameter. 4) Set wi th the top of the posts not less than 3 feet aboveground. 5) Located not less than 5 feet from the cylinder storage area. Exceptions: Cylinders storage areas located on a sidewalk which is elevated not less than 6 inches above the alley, driveway or parking area, with not less than 10 feet of separation between the curb and the cylinder storage area. "No Smoking" signs shall be posted and clearly visible (Section 8208, California Fire Code, 2001 Edition). Resale and exchange facilities must be under pennit to verify compliance. All existing facilities will be checked and when compliance is confinned, a pennit will be issued. All new propane exchange systems must be pennitted prior to installation. You will have 90 days (March 4, 2004) to comply with the procedures outlined. Once compliance has been confinned, each exchange system will be issued a pennit, which will be placed on the exchange system. Sites not confonning to current code, will be "red tagged" and must be taken out of service immediately. You should contact your Blue Rhino representative, Mr. Taylor Noland, or your local Amerigas representative. They are aware of current code requirements. If you do not have a propane exchange system, please disregard this letter. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (661) 326-3190. Sincerely, , tttkc..·· . ~../. .. ../ Steve Underwood Fire InspectorlPetroleuml Environmental Code Enforcement Officer FiRE CHIEF ~C·i'J ;:;ALE: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 MH" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (561) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 I PREVENTION 'SERVICES FIRE SAFm SERVICES. EH;:.ÌIOIlllEHTAL SERVICES 1715 CheSjer Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Avè. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX(661)326~576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX(661)326~576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399·5763 . U.Sr r:t-~tal SerViCeTM CE.-__ .FIED MAIL,., RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) I"- ru co .::r- Postage $ FFICIAL IJ} CO [ "" [ "" USE October 15, 2003 .::r- CJ CJ Retum RøcIept Fee CJ (Endorsement Required) CJ Restrfcted Delivery Fee IJ} (Endorsement Required) ,..:¡ T Total Postage & Fees Certified Fee Postmark Here Mr. Dave Palmer Jaco Oil P. O. Box 1807 Bakersfield, CA 93308 ru CJ CJ I"'- REMINDER NOTICE Re: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirements December 31,2003 For - Fastrip's @ 4201 Bell Terràce, 8001 & 1200 Cofee Road, 805 34th Street, 3701 Ming Ave., and 1L1Ö21JmotÜ~.v~rIue Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner/Operator: A review of our files, indicate that you have not completed the retrofit of your underground storage tank system. Current code requires that you install under dispenser containment pans prior to December 31,2003. Further file review, indicates that you have been receiving Reminder Notices since April of 2002. With time growing short (2.5 months) this office is very concerned that insufficient time is left for you to hire a licensed contractor and complete the necessary retrofit. Currently, contractors are scheduling 8-10 weeks out. I strongly urge you to complete the repairs as soon as possible. Failure to comply with the state requirement could result in revocation of your permit to operate your underground storage tank system. If I can be of any further assistance, please feel free to contact me at 661-326-3190. S i ncerel y.., yours, jL ~tf¡) Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBV/db ~.. .%uÚl? a;,. ?;'NN//lN/l~ ~p ._/(xY~r .'%U/l- v"'6 c¡f;-A/N/Y"" ~ . UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST SECTION 1 Business Plan and Inventory Program Bakersfield Fire Dept. Enironmental Services 1715 Chester Ave Bakersfield. CA 93301 Tel: (661)326-3979 FACILITY NAME . il ' lutt - __.__tt~ttl~._________________.__________________._________----.- -----.------------.-..--- ---.---.- .----- ADDRESS ______J)~_~__-AltL_______.___h_____________________..____. ------------- FACILlTYCONTACT INSPECTION DATE INSPECTION TIME o ..( 3 . 1'\ J PHONE- No~----CL-- ,:.¡¡:;:-OiEm¡;ïoyees------ ~llt~)L__ -- .2---------- Business 10 Number 15-021- C] Routine ]§ Combined C] Joint Agency C] Multi-Agency Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program c V ~ ( C=Compliance ) V=Violation OPERATION ApPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND -_.__._._----_._----_._---_._-_.---.__._---_._--~~--.-_.' _.,-~----_.--_.__.__.._.__._--_.- - ... ....-.- -.-.--.-- ---.. ~ BUSINESS PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE ~---~~SIBLE AD~~~SS-_-----m-------- -- ------------------.- .------------ --~~.' CORRECT-OC~~~~:~~------------------------ ...------ --- ~~--- VERI;;~ION-~~-~N~~:~~RY ~~TE;IAL~----··------------- -7'¿-n VERI~~~~~ON OF a:NTI~;~~--------··..---------------------·---n-- -- h _~~_-__~~~~~~~N--~~~~~~~~_~=_~~.~~~_~.~~~~~~~_~_~__.~-. ----_~====_--_..--~~ r:f C] PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL 7~-~E~;~~~;ON ~~-~-~~~ AV~;:~~~I~-~ --------------------- ____h_________. --~_----V~~;I~~T¡~N ·O~~~~-M~~~~~~~-__.~-_::==-__--_~·.·~:::__.·--~-:·.·.·:--~ --=_____~~-_:~:- dUD VERIFICATION OF ABATEMENT SUPPLIES AND PROCEDURES 7~-- E~~RGENC~-;;CED~~~--~DE~~~~~-----------m------m----------- .-.- ---./-------------------.--------- --- ..--.---.--------. --..-----..--..-------..---.--- -..----------.. ----..~-_.-----._---- ..-- ----.. a C] CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED I ______/_______._______ _______. _____ _____ _·___h_______..__ _ ______ __._____.___ ___~...-.--- _________..___ ~~:;s:::~~~~~nnn-~---_n-.' __n '-1-----.----- -.-----;. -cr--D...-SI~~DI~~~--AMA~~~~~~~--&--O~---H~~-~-------- ------------ -------------- ~ i , ... ._....----_.._--_._-_.._~ .---.---....--------.. - . ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE?: ~o C] YES EXPLAIN: QUESZION EGARD~NG HI r¡ / -- -- -~--- Inspector SPECTION? PLEASE CALL US AT (661) 326-3979 a Complaint C] Re-inspection HI-\RR I S [VlI-\RKET 1701 UN I ON Av'E'; BAKERSFIELD CA. 661 636-0271 OCT 13. 2003 9:33 AM S'YSTEr"l STATUS REPORT - - - - -- - - - - - - - ALL FUNCT IONS NORI'lAL INVENTOR'Y REPORT T 1: PRErvl, VOLUI'1E ULLAGE 90~'~ ULLAGE= TC VOLUl"lE HEIGHT WATER VOL WATER TH1P T 2:PLUS \/OLUI"1E ULLAGE 90:~;. ULLAGE= TC \JOLUlvlE HEIGHT WATER VOL ~JATER TErvlP T 3:UNL. VOLUlv1E ULLAGE 9 W. ULLAGE = TC VOLUME HEIGHT WATER \/OL WATER TEI"1P 3138 8862 7662 3066 29.56 o 0.00 92.7 4630 7370 6170 4527 39.35 o 0.00 91.6 /)- Gtj GALS GALS GALS INCHES GALS INCHES DEG F -..--.--.------.-.- GALS GALS GALS GALS INCHES GALS INCHES DEG F ---.. _.-".-.-.".- --- ---"-"" "-..,-.--..-- .".a .____...__..._. - -".,.---"----..----- , ) ~ 7163 GALS 4837 GALS 3637 GALS 7003 GALS 55.34 INCHES 15 GALS o . 80 III CHES 91 . 8 DEG F ..... ...--.-..-----... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ EI~D ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ --1- t-,-- I e Responsible paJt Badge No., L( ---_.__._--~--,--------- -------..------- White -- Environmenlal SeNices Yellow -- Slelion Copy -- e CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave.~ 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME-1fô. t('( ~ M'4' INSPECTION DATE 10· ( '5 . () ) Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program o Routine ~ Combined 0 Joint Agency Type of Tank )(,l)R '> Type of Monitoring ----ÂTG, o Multi-Agency 0 Complaint Number of Tanks ') Type of Piping "PT ORe-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on tile t... / Proper owner/operator data on tile L / Pennit fees current / V Certification of Financial Responsibility V / c,.. , Monitoring record adequate and current Maintenance records adequate and current ... V Failure to correct prior UST violations / Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No l ./ - Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program AGGREGA TE CAPACITY Number of Tanks TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank OPERA TION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on tile with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? If yes, Does tank have overtill/overspill protection? White - Fnv_ Svcs. Pink - AlIsiness Copy C=Compliance Y=Yes N=NO Inspector: Office of Environmental Services (661) 3 . - FPDr-1 '=;UI·J::3ET r'IECHHr"¡ ¡ CAL F'H!JHE lEI. ~= ¡=, 1 :::::"? 1 :I. 7:::::::; n,_.l :~. r:Y;;, .~:'CHj.::~ Co2: -Ll !~r'l F'.-:;; \ .,..a::.c_;¡.~ ,{,. '~"~' !,f. ~ ;11- ,; 't'J.D f~;-",. !~~ S.\" ...", '.lJ ....." §lc;;'" I ' '(.?';"~~ r§~r,{ J¡~.. . :'I,~/~ Ó\~, ~,...,~~ "') at (11~~:~ S~ ' '1. '. ·~\~iiJ ~.. .,,, ~./ 'Ìþ -.r ~ ¡J1 ~..,,,ß C,"'r.>". , 'iIGII,.,...;'~,; I1lllW "1-r~·''I\.1 (), l,-; n .\ 1/ Ifi' 'if I, Çq"(H }(¡- )fr~ ii./J! .fa J iT l.¡¡'h.~,\jl:",j¡:~,,:H: lU\¡ D.,H' (, J-"{';'!4" 1L' 0 Ie' 1C'1\1'(!,¡[lr~ .(-" 1\" ll'L..-T'l\d'T' ,t 'K ~1'f"r.1. -, rJ:{ ')C"~: ) ~ J!..'I '~__I.~ At ..(:..·11í 'r A. Jf\.. "'.t'1.~~ll¡Jf~_.~-,l."'tJ! _,,_ l-·J..l~... LJ JL!"~*t¡". I '" ."...j¡[!~.~~1 1715 CI1lf;..st(~r Ave" 1fl~kersf¡ieRd" CA (660 32fj<,979 APPLICATION TO IÞERFOJl1vI 11"'11' 1'1""1' 1II1'ONì!1'f)RTNG rI1P])rrY{Y"[f' \ r·n1f (')1\.1 1~ ~_,·l¡, I .1 .L~n .It _ _ '<. _ . "', L T ~~, ¡{~..JJ:iI.. JL JLC: __.IL 111.li...1 ~ 1~.f~ C:IL.Tl"'Y _ _~~__¿i::,if~?;::';:i.__~.~ _~~?:¿lfQ!~::A~;~~-"?~_..___...~ .___ __ __~_~...~~.m,__,,~~~._,__._,~ _ _",. ADDPE8 S_-L'! ':"7 ¿':¿~-L-:::¿~;á2.::k:....,_.,¿:'j;:~:e;;~ '-._,-.----_'________.. ________ . -_.-- - - - ---~--, -. --- ... _,._·._~_·"...."...__~',._~M_... __. _ ____ ()J~E·RA'·l·'O·RS NA IY1f:. . ,.::::::;¡;.},....§.) ,..~' ,'. (''i~. - j i ·~~~~:::!J~j~U''J"l=!'~~m...,.....~;J-~'''....,¡.-...''!'<"...a::.~.,-'"''"~,.....--''',.-...._"'....~""'.~ _--...1't,_'.a·III)'~ ~:u.~,iJ'!':'i,(~~ . ""'-- '''1 /-1 OWNERS NA!vffi-,c::~;&¿:2._.L~<¿;¿::';:-'_...I:,...ø_~_._.-- ______, w.___, ._ _ .............._........_.__........ .f' ~...I". NAME OF MO~'TTO R 1\1ANUFACTORf':R.___~~~~'.{;g16?;e...--¿~::;,2[:"-¿ _._.. ._..,_.._~ DOES F.~\CIUTY }{AVEDISPENS.ER PANS'? 'rE~·: ~_..___ NO_K' .._. T:\Nf\ If ... '{--ìLf [i\ ,rp Y'M ,,¡ fl.!..: i, :(,Ì.ì~~'·-r-r~ r~fr,(:; I _...._L~__.. ......, ,::wi / ') "");'1 .,~ ._.L~,~llU!)__.____, ."....., _..,,-,_,_..'2"1:_~~::, ______ ~,~.........._. ...__..,~ .~'~.... /."è)~ /t-7!) ~"",,-.__"'_n1."f...':::"-"'r ~ ::_-..;I~__""'o..,.,,~._~.--___. _______ "'~.~~... '''.1¡-i;~~;:~;:~:~ !-__ __ _~__ .-,~__""'~ ~') -~~,-- _-__~i:::2·.1::~~2._.____....._____,_... ___. .____~~:·ii::.\,::;.;~W___'L~~_._._ ----- _._..._,.~-_._........._._~---"'...---.-.,.... .'---'-"' ..._,_.._--,-_.---.-~.......~_."~. -~--'---'--'- _~..____r""" -.,.,._ __·______u·_.__~~_ ___.__..____..~_ ·~___·.,,_..~,.*~_u.____..__...____... _ N' l. \ n.-_'. {')'."_ 'I'ç:,·nr.[,]-t. I.' {C'.!, ("(·-'1"n-.J~;.}1\1,-,I.·\r_.-.:_'-'<"-"";":~""" ..',-:...,-.,:_..~._,-~;:-.:..____. 1'---¡-·?'. "! _ ra.1Vli r -..;::. j_~ r _J 1\.! - .-:~ -'- ~~-~_~.."tl: ~_.~~::,,-:,..,::' _ ,~"l~~.:~~;;~Ç"4~~·~~~:,":~'':':~·::l~~~~:::'',._~_~~ -.- ,--. _. ,-...~._.... -- .--. CONTRAcrORS LlCEN;'Œ #__..~':{~~"Z,"''S::Z_~:;.~_, __ ___ __________ .--------..-. --. ..-..-,-,-...... ----_.._'.-~. ,-_.""'.'" N/\.lvæ & PHONE NU1vLBER OF CONTACT f'ER~:;()N~~~:;S72t:J&~':d{~:~?::!.:;>i:'.:i:::.:._._ "~fc;;)~~:c?_;.,(:;:~ DATE & TlWiE TEST lS Tl) 5j:: COhT)UClITiD,::;,~~_~~1;k.-:":;;L...,f2::;>____¿;'::'..:::~t:':,,~iJ,,::?2~_.____""___ ~~- APPROVEDEY ....~-_.... f .<,:t .' ".__ 1 .-' '-- ....~J .-' i"-- .~_... .... -..-- _<&-:..~.-::-e.J,_::·~-.:~!::i;''''';:;'~;_",_...:-:.:-:,;:~<$,:;~~~~~:_.;c~~;,,~ IJ"Ù".(T1~. ,S ÜJ=).t\~- .~~~'1· LJ-i:~~T·.I: ()r' 1:\ ,¡':,I FALJC:. \..>.J1~ ~ ._r......._ -._ .. SYSTEt'1 SET UP AUG 12. 2003 10:06 AM SYSTEI"1 UN I TS U.S. SYSTEI"1 LANGUAGE ENGLISH SYSTEI"1 DATE/T I t'1E FORt'lAT I"ION DD YVYY HH: l"U"1 : SS:.::M HARR I S t'lARKET 1701 UNION AVE. BAKERSFIELD CA. 661 636-0271 SHIFT TIt"lE 1 SHIFT TIt"IE 2 SHIFT TIME 3 SHIFT TIt'1E 4 DISABLED DISABLED DISABLED DISABLED PERIODIC TEST LJARNINGS DISABLED ANNUAL TEST WARNINGS DISABLED PR I NT TC VOLUt'1ES ENABLED TEt'lP COI"lPENSAT I ON VALUE (DEG F >: 60.0 H-PROTOCOL DATA FORt1AT HE IGHT RE-DIRECT LOCAL PRINTOUT DISABLED SYSTEM SECURITY CODE : 000000 . -~" ...--/ " -'~- ~"'--.- " , '-' ~ cor"lMUN I CAT I ONS SETUP - - - - - - - - - - PORT SETTINGS: COI"n"l BOARD BAUD RATE PAR I T'i STOP BIT : DATA LENGTH: 1 (RS-232) 9600 NONE 1 STOP 8 DATA AUTO TRANS!"! I T SETT I NGS : AUTO LEAK ALARM LIt"lIT DISABLED AUTO HIGH WATER LIMIT DISABLED AUTO OVERFILL LIMIT DISABLED AUTO LOW PRODUCT DISABLED AUTO THEFT LIMIT DISABLED AUTO DELIVERY START DISABLED AUTO DELIVERY END DISABLED AUTO EXTERNAL INPUT ON DISABLED AUTO EXTERNAL INPUT OFF DISABLED AUTO SENSOR FUEL ALARM DISABLED AUTO SENSOR WATER ALARM DISABLED AUTO SENSOR OUT ALARM DISABLED RS-232 SECURITY CODE : 000000 RS-232 END OF MESSAGE nrSABLED '~- ~- '- ~ IN-TANK SETUP - - - - - ~ - -+- - , T 1 :PREI"l. PRODUc.T- CODE 1 - ., TRERt1AI: TOEFF'-·- ':.000700 --j TANK DIAMETER : 96.00 TANK PROFILE ~ 1 PT FULL vo\ 1 2000 FLOAT SIZE: 4.0 I~. 8496 WATER WARNING : HIGH WATER LIMIT: MAX OR LABEL VOL: OVERF I LL LI 1"1 I T HIGH PRODUCT DELI VERY LI 1"11 T 2.0 3.0 LOW PRODUCT : LEAK ALARM LIMIT: SUDDEN LOSS LIMIT: TANK TILT t"lANIFOLDED TANKS Tit: NONE 12000 90~~ 10800 95% 11400 1 ~~ 120 500 99 99 0.00 LEAK MIN PERIODIC: 1% 120 LEAK MIN ANNUAL 1% 120 PERIODIC TEST TYPE STANDARD ANNUAL TEST FAIL ALARt'l DISABLED PERIODIC TEST FAIL 1 ALARM DISABLED " GROSS TEST FAIL ALARM DISABLED ANN TEST AVERAGING: OFF PER TEST AVERAGING: OFF TANK TEST NOTIFY: OFF TNK TST SIPHON BREAK:OFF DEL I \/ERY DELA'¡ : 15 1"11 N 'I' ---~ --_._~. -------.-- T 3: UNL. PRODUCT CODE· THERf"lAL COEFF TANK D I At"1ETER TANK PROFILE FULL VOL , ~', .. 3 : .000700 96.00 1 PT 12000 FLOAT SIZE: 4.0 IN. 8496 WATER WARNING : HIGH WATER LIMIT: MAX OR LABEL VOL: OVERF I LL LI M IT HIGH PRODUCT DELI VERY LI t"1 IT LOW PRODUCT : LEAK ALARM LII'1IT: SUDDEN LOSS LIMIT: TANK TILT MANIFOLDED TANKS Ti*: NONE LEAK MIN PERIODIC: LEAK !"1 I N ANNUAL 2.0 3.0 12000 90% 10800 95~i 11400 1% 120 500 99 99 5.00 œ,~ o 0% o PERIODIC TEST TYPE STANDARD ANNUAL TEST FAIL ALARlv! DISABLED PERIODIC TEST FAIL ALARI'1 DISABLED GROSS TEST FAIL ALARM DISABLED ANN TEST AVERAGING: OFF PER TEST AVERAGING: OFF TANK TEST NOTIFY: OFF TNK TST SIPHON BREAK:OFF DELIVERY DELAY : 15 MIN -,~_.- ~--------"" -.-.. ........,..-/ . 2:PLUS PRODUCT CODE THERMAL COEFF TANK DIA!"1ETER TANK PROFILE FULL VOL . ------ /-'~ -- ~-./.-- --,_.:.......-...\. ,~.-.--~ ,-' 2 : .000700 96.00 1 PT 12000 LEAK TEST METHOD ------ - - - - TEST MONTHLY : ALL TANK WEEK 1 SUN START TIME: 2:00 AM TEST RATE :0.20 GAL/HR DURATION : 2 HOURS FLOAT SIZE: 4.0 IN. 8496 WATER LJARN I NG : HIGH WATER LIMIT: MAX OR LABEL VOL: OVERF I LL LI!"1 IT HIGH PRODUCT DELI VERY LI!"l IT LOW PRODUCT : LEAK ALARM LIMIT: SUDDEN LOSS LIMIT: TANK TILT MANIFOLDED TANKS Ti*: NONE LEAK MI N FEF~IODIC: LEAK Ivl I N ANNUAL 2.0 3.0 12000 9œ~ 10800 95~. 11400 1% 120 500 99 99 0.00 LEAK TEST REPORT FOR!"IAT NORr1AL 1% 120 p~ 120 PERIODIC TEST TYPE STANDARD ANNUAL TEST FAIL ALARr'1 DISABLED PERIODIC TEST FAIL ALAR!"l DISABLED GROSS TEST FAIL ALARM DISABLED ANN TEST AVERAGING: OFF PER TEST AVERAGING: OFF TANK TEST NOTIFY: OFF TNK TST SIPHON BREAK:OFF DELIVERY DELAY : 15 MIN WPLLD LINE LEAK SETUP ------ WI: PRE!"1. PIPE TYPE: STEEL LINE LENGTH: 90 FEET 0.20 GPH TEST: ENABLED SHUTDOWN RATE: 3.0 GPH O. 10 GPH TEST !"lI'1/DD DATE : JAN 4 T 1: PRE!"!. DISPENSE rvl0DE: STANDARD ~ , - ---~-- -- ;:.:.;.-:--~---- _~_"-.:...,___ ---.e__..~._..__,_._-" ~.. W 2 :PLUS PIPE TYPE: ¡¡ STEEL' LINE LENGTH: 90 FEET 0.20 GPH TEST: ENABLED SHUTDOWN RATE: 3.0 GPH O. 10 GPH TEST 11f"l/DD DATE : JAN 4 T 2:PLUS DISPENSE MODE: STANDARD ~-,~ ---- -~ . ,~~-- _.~".~~-""-~ W 3:UNL. PIPE TYPE: STEEL LINE LENGTH: 90 FEET 0.20 GPH TEST: ENABLED SHUTDOWN RATE: 3.0 GPH O. 10 GPH TEST t'l11/DD DATE : JAN 4 T 3:UNL. DISPENSE f"lODE: STANDARD '-- .~ " '- WPLLD LINE DISABLE SETUP - - - - - - - - - W 1 :PREr'1. - NO ALAR!'l ASS I GNf"1ENTS - W 2 :PLUS - NO ALARt1 ASS I GNJ'1ENTS - I,.) 3:UNL. - NO ALARr"l ASS I GNt'lENTS - . ~---- - ," - ~ "- ~..----~~,........ WPLLD LINE LEAK DIAG AUG 12, 2003 10:10 AM WI: PREr1 . ----- - ---- DISPENSING ENABLED TESTING 0.20 GAL/HR PEND I NG pur'lP OFF HANDLE OFF CRC:182 PARITY:16 0.10 GPH: IDLE 3.0 GPH PI :31.742 P2:27.520 PSI 0.20 GPH Pl:39.852 P2:39.880 PSI f"lID TEST PI :23.448 P2:24.844 PSI ,._~ _ Fõ_...-_ ...- ~- ........-...---- ---.' ...-" W 2:PLUS f-- --- -- - - -' _ _ _ _ _ ~____~_ _ ~ DISPENSING ENABLED TESTING 0.20 GAL/HR PENDING PUI"1P OFF HANDLE OFF CRC:244 PARITY:16 o . 1 0 GPH: IDLE 3.0 GPH PI :23.026 P2:23.238 PSI 0.20 GPH PI :29.266 P2:29.290 PSI !"lID TEST PI :23.354 P2:23.350 PSI W 3: UNL. - - - - - - - - - - DISPENSING ENABLED TESTING 0.20 GAL/HR PENDING PU!"IP OFF HANDLE OFF CRC:l073 PARITY:l 0.10 GPH: IDLE 3.0 GPH PI :23.436 ... P2:23.508 PSI 0.20 GPH PI :27.984 »2:27.,996 PSI t", I D TEST PI :23.204 P2:23.086 PSI .t:e~ -- -,~ -----'-- -. ALAR!"! H I STORY REPORT ----- SYSTEM ALARM PAPER OUT MAY 22. 2003 7:22 PM PRINTER ERROR MAY 22. 2003 7:22 PM BATTERY IS OFF JAN 1. 1996 8:00 AM ALARM HISTORY REPORT ---- IN-TANK ALARM ----- T 1: PREI"I. OVERF I LL ALAR!"! OCT 1. 2001 9:35 AM LOW PRODUCT ALARr"! JUN 15. 2001 6:43 AM SUDDEN LOSS ALAR!"' DEC 31. 2002 9:52 AM OCT 1. 2001 9: 32 AI"1 JUN 15. 2001 5:51 AM HIGH PRODUCT ALARr"l AUG 7. 2002 9:04 AM OCT 1. 2001 9:35 AM INVALID FUEL LEVEL MAR 31. 2003 4:47 PM DEC 31. 2002 9:54 AM JUN 14. 2002 3:23 PM PROBE OUT MAR 31. 2003 DEC 31. 2002 OCT 1. 2001 4:43 PM 9:52 A!"! 9:37 AM ¡1AX PRODUCT ALAR!"! AUG 7. 2002 9: 04 AI"' , .--.- - ALARM HISTORY REPORT ---- IN-TANK ALARr1 T 2:PLUS ~ OVERFILL ALARM __ oCf-r: -2ÖÕ'( -9: 5f At"i SUDDEN LOSS ALAR[1 MAR 31. 2003 4:30 PM OCT 1. 2001 9:48 AM DEC 21. 2000 11:36 AM HIGH PRODUCT ALAR!"! AUG 7. 2002 9:04 AM OCT 1. 2001 9:50 AM INVALID FUEL LEVEL MAR 31. 2003 4:40 PM PROBE OUT MAR 31. 2003 OCT 1. 2001 OCT 1. 2001 4:31 PM 9:51 A~1 9:48 AM MA>< PRODUCT ALARM AUG 7. 2002 9:04 AM ---';" .....-,,' ---- '-, ......"......-....... '--,- ALARM HISTORY REPORT ---- IN-TANK ALARM ----- T 3: UNL. OVERF I LL ALARt"l AUG 4, 2003 12:11 PM MAY 2, 2003 2:15 AM NOV 26, 2002 11 :29 PM LOI,J PRODUCT ALARM MAR 10, 2002 8:01 PM OCT 28, 2001 4:47 PM SUDDEN LOSS ALARM MAR 31, 2003 2:40 PM DEC 31, 2002 10:01 AM OCT 1, 2001 9:52 AM HIGH PRODUCT ALARM AUG 7, 2002 9:04 AM MAR 18, 2002 3:49 AM FEB 3, 2002 9:25 AM "- INVALID FUEL MAR 10, 2002 OCT 28, 2001 OCT 1, 2001 LEVEL 7: 13 Pt"1 4:21 PM 9:56 AM PROBE OUT MAR 31, 2003 4:26 PM DEC 31, 2002 9:59 AM FEB 6, 2002 12:11 PM MAX PRODUCT ALARM AUG 7, 2002 9:04 AM MAR 18, 2002 3:51 AM LOW TEMP WARNING MAR 31, 2003 4:37 PM /. c: -'~' -', ¡~ ALARM HISTORY REPORT ... , ----- SENSOR ALARM ----- \- ,-" "--9----1-:- - --"'~-'.." - 1 [~"1:_\...J """"-"'~~J,--, OTHER SENSORS ALARI"! HISTORY REPORT ----- SENSOR ALARM ----- W 1 :PREM. ANNUAL LI NE FAIL JUN 2, 2003 10:46 AM ANNUAL LINE FAIL MAY 23, 2003 6:42 PM ANNUAL LINE FAIL DEC 30, 2002 4:18 PM ALARI"! HISTORY REPORT ----- SENSOR ALARr"1 --'--- L~ 2:PLUS WPLLD SHUTDOLJN AU"! AUG 7, 2002 9:04 AM WPLLD SHUTDOI,JN AU"1 OCT 1, 2001 9:15 AM GROSS LI NE FA I L OCT 1,- 2001 9: 15 At"1 ,;' ~--':"-. '"';..--..." ---"'--""""'J ----- ..,--. ~-------- ----------- ,. ALARM HISTORY REPORT ----- SENSOR ALARM ----- W 3: UNL. WPLLD SHUTDOWN ALM MAY 25, 2003 12:08 PM GROSS LI NE FA I L r"lAY 25, 2003 12: 08 Pt"l vJPLLD SHUTDOWN AU"1 MAY 25, 2003 11 :55 AM ALARM HISTORY REPORT - - - - - SYSTEr"! ALARI<'1 PAPER OUT I<'1AY 22, 2003 7:22 PI<'1 PRINTER ERROR I<'1AY 22, 2003 7:22 PI<'1 BATTERY IS OFF JAN 1, 1996 8: 00 At"1 . ¡,jPLLD LINE LEAK D I AG AUG 12, 2003 10:06 AM WI: PRErv1. ------ - - - - DISPENSING ENABLED TEST! NG 0.20 GAL/HR PENDING PUt"lP OFF HANDLE OFF CRC:182 PARITY:16 0.10 GPH: IDLE 3.0 GPH PI :31 .742 P2:27.520 PSI 0.20 GPH PI :39.852 P2:39.880 PSI l"lID TEST PI :23.448 P2:24.844 PSI ".. ~P~LD LINE LEAK DIAG "Ul.. 12. 2003 10: 06 AI" W 3:UNL. DISPENSING ENABLED TESTING 0.20 GAL/HR PENDING ' PUt"IP OFF HANDLE OFF CRC:I073 PARITY:1 0.10 GPH: IDLE 3.0 GPH PI : ;"3. 4 "b' - v P2:23.508 PSI 0.20 GPH r PI: 27 . 0°4 C'I.J P2:27.996 PSI MID TEST PI: 23.204' P2:23.086 PSI ... - - ----- ._~ .,. WPLLD LINE LEAK DIAG AUG 12, 2003 10:06 AM lJ 2:PLUS ------ - - - - DISPENSING ENABLED TESTING 0.20 GAL/HR PENDI NG . PUt"IP OFF ~HA'N[JI:;E OFF~' ~-- - '~~- -~ CRC:244 PARITY:16 o . 1 0 GPH: IDLE 3.0 GPH PI: 23 . 026 P2:23.238 PSI 0.20 GPH PI :29.266 P2:29.290 PSI r1ID TEST PI :23.354 P2:23.350 PSI ~...,..--.r-r' o g'/ 2 8/1) 1 'ð'661~ 05ï6 0'7:45 BFD HAZ MAT DI\'. @002 MONITORING SYSTE~I CERTIFICATION For Use Bv AI! Jllrisdic/llJIlS Within ¡lit' SIlI¡e oi (,¡¡Iifomla Awhuri¡y C¡tltel: Che/pla 6,7, Hcal/h ami SaJ~¡Y Cuel/!: Ci/(.lf'ler II). Divi.ç¡(m 3. Title 23. G/llfàmia Code of ReglllatiuII. This form must be used to document testing and servicing of monitoring equipment. A separate certitication or report muSt be prepared for each monitorin~ system control .P.P.l~ by the technici:¡n who pertorms the work. A copy of this form must be providc:d to the tank systc:m ownc:r/operator. The owner/operator must submit a çopy or this rom to the local agency regulating UST systems within 30 days of (eSI dare. A. G~neral [~~on facilicyNamc:: ~~~'<:;7 BIde. No.: S",Add",,, /:z:o./~~ Ci'Y'~.o 'Zip, 9~ó/ F;¡ci jt}' Contacr Person: Conmcr Phone No : (~/ )~.. .7ðôo Makc:IModel of Monitoring System: ?LY?>' _..:z::?$. :'L<-...-:> Date of Testing/Servicing: ¿.. //e:;J /t::J,3 B. Inventory of Equipment TestedJCertified Check the a ro rlate boxes to indicate s ecil1c e uJ ment ins ectecIJs.rvic.tI: Tank ID:"77 :ie~"""'b;91 _ B"Ín- Tank Gauging Probe. Model:..ø~ / '::J Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: o Piping Sump / Trench Sensor(s), Model: I 0 FiJi Sump Sensor(s). Model: :::J Mechanical Line Leak DeteclOr. Model: ':B"'Électronic Line leak Detector. Model: ~?..¿..{ £) ::J Tank Overfill i High·Level Sensor. Model: .._ o Other (s ecif e ui mem t e and model in Section E on Page 2), Tank ID: ¡('In-Tank Gauging Probe, Model: ~~ ./ o Annular Space or Vault Se·nsor. ¡""fodel: ::J Piping. Sump / Trench Sensor(s). Madej: :I Fill Sump Sensor(s). Model: ._____ o ~IechanicaJ Line Leak Detector. Model: I3""EJec!fonic Line Leak Detector. ModeJ: .~,.¿¿¿¡C) o Ta(lk Overfill! High·Level Sc:nsor. Mode!: o Ocher (s drve ui ment t c: and model in Section E on Pa e 2). Dispenser ID: / ...______ o Di$penser Containment Sensor(s). Model: ; æ-1hear VaJve(sì. :I Dis er.ser Containment float(s) and Chain(s). Dispenser ID: ,:) ¥ a Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: ~hear V;¡lveís). o Dis enser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). Dispenser ID: ...s _________ a Dispenser Containment Sensor(5). Model: tð"Shear Valve(s). . ::J:)isnenser COn!ajnmeni Float(s) and Chain(s). wlf the f~ciliry contains more tanks or dispensers. copy this form, ; Tank 1D: .""/3 ¿/~~~~ rð"Ín-Tank Gauging Probe. - Model: ~ ./ o Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: Q Piping Sump / Trench Sensor(s). Model: CJ Fill Sump Sen!.or(si. . Model: Q Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model:' 6"'€lecrronic Line Leai: Detector. Model: ¿¿).p~ Q Tank OvertiJI / High-Level Sensor. Model: Q Otr.u (s cif e ui mem t e tu1d model in Section E on Pa c: 2). Tank ill: (J In·Tank Gauging Probe. Modcl: CJ Annular Space or Vault Sen.or. Model: o Piping Sump / Trench Sensor(s). ModeJ: a Fill Sump Sensor(s). Model: Q ~lechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: CJ Electronic Line Leak Detector. ModeJ; CJ Tank OvertilJ / High.Leve! Sensor. Model: Q Other (. ecify e ui ment t c and model in Section E on p¡,ae 2). Dispenser 1D: S- :J Dispenser Containmc:nt Sensor(s). Mode]: ~ear Valve(s). u Dis cnser Containmenc float(s) and Chain(s). I Dispenser ID: ¡ 0 Dispenser Containment Sens:)r(s). Model: . ~hear Valve(s). U Dh enser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). Dispenser JD: _ o Dispenser Containment Sensor(sJ. Model: ~I~ar Valve(s). CI Dispenser C\)ncainment Flaat(s and Chain(s), Include infomlatJon for every tDl1k and dispenser at the facility. C. Certification· I certify that the equipment ldentilied in this document was Inspected/servIced in accordance with the manufacturers' guidelines. Attached to this Certification Is information (e.g, manufacturers' checkJlsts) necessary to yerify that this Infomtation is correct and a Plot Plan showing the I¡¡yout of monitoring eqtúpment. For any equi !'it capable of generating such reports. I have also aUa.ched a copy of the report; (chl!c 1/ that apply): ji"System .set.up :\Ia m h~~t Technician Name (print): Slgnatu ~: ~ Certitication No.: L?A<X9' Licen~e, No.: .589..s./':7 Testing Company Nam~-...'-<~€"'>- ~..R-".N~.cæ~___ Phont: N(),:(~J :2 L')-~6 Site AddreS5:38R ~...o ~ Date of Testing/Servjcing: ã:..~/C1.3 Monitoring System Certilication Pall~ I of 3 03/01 UI//21:1/01 07:46 '5'.66.26 0576 BFD HAZ MAT D* @003 omDI ete l e 0 owing c ec' st: (}[ Yes '0 No'" Is the audible utal111 operational? i DYes I»" No" Is the visual al31111 operational? DYes If No· Were all sensors visually inspected, functionally tested, and confirmed operational? :J Yes ~ No* Were ail sensors installed at lowest point of secondary containment and positioned so thar other equìpmenr will nOI interfere with their proper operation? (J Yes Q No" If alarms are relayed to a remote monitoring stalion. is all communications equipment (e.g. moåem) 12' N/A operational? !!I Yes a No'" For pressurized piping systems, does the turbine automatically shut down if the piping secondary containment a N/A I monitoring system detects a leak. fails to operate, or is elect.ricaJlY disconnected? If yes: which sensors initiate I positive shut-down? (Check all that apply! a Sump/Trench Sensors; Q Dispenser Containment Sensors. Did you confirm positive shut·down due 10 leaks and sensor failure/disconnection? ¥Yes; 0 No. o Yes o No* For tank system~ that utilize the monitoring system as the primary tank overfill warning device (i.e. no ~ NiA mechanical overfill prevention valve is ins[alled), is the overfill warning alarm visible and audible at [he tank fill point(s) and operating properly'~ If so, at what percent of tank capacity does the alarm trigger? 9......, % a Yes* f1 No Was any monitoring equipment replaced? If yes. identify specific sensors, probes. or other equipment replaced and list the manufacturer name and model forall replacement parts in Section E. below. D Yes· ~ No Was liquid found inside any secondary containment systems de~igned as dry systems? (Check allrhat apply) 0 Product; a Water. If yes, describe causes in Section E, below. œ Yes 0 No* Was monitorin,g system set-up reviewed to ensure proper settin5ts? Attach set up reports, if applicable œ' Yes 0 No" Is all monitoring equipment operational per manufacturer's specifications? .f ,~ D. Results of Testing/Servicing Software Vcr.~ion [nstalled: ~ O~ E. Commcnts:~.h?~ d ~. ~ ~~,s'<e' MV6' -<'~47'/¿>..v, ~~ /'7/LVJ//70/""":-LJ ~ 4'.-J~~ ~"""'''c«/''/~L) -/~, J~~ ~.7~.>'~~. c hell h kIf .,. In Section E below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. --....--....-....-.--.-- ¡ ---..-......------.---------------- .....__.__...-.~---_...._--._--_.__.__._---_.__. --..---------......-----.--- ..-.--....---.---.-. ----~- ...-.-.............. ----.----.- -----" Page 2 or J 03/01 09/28/01 07:47 '. ~ ~6W26 0576 BFD HAZ MAT D4IÞ @004 F.Io-Tank Gauging / SIR Equipment: 'Jl' Check this b~)( if tank gauging is used only for inyc:mory comroL 01 Check this box if no tank gauging or SIR equipment is installed. This section must be completed if in-tank gauging equipment is used to perform leak detection monitoring. C h f 11 h kr omplete t e 0 owmg c ec· 1St: 11 g Yes a No* Has aJl input wiring been inspc:cted for proper entry and termination, including testing for ground faults? I QrYes Q No* Were all tank gauging probes visuafJy inspected for damage and residue buildup? {l Yes 0 No* Was accuracy of system product level readings tested'? ~Yes 0 No" Was accuracy of s)'stem water level re¡¡dingstested? Q( Yes 0 No'" Were all probes reinstalled properly'? ~ Yes 0 No" Were all items on the equipment manuìacturer's maintenance checklist compJeted? .. In the Section H, below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or wlll be corrected, C G. Line Leak Detectors (LLD): h tì 1l a Check ¡his box if LLDs are not installed. ompJete t e 0 ow ng c ec 1St: -. . tW Yes o No" For equipment start-up or ¡mnual equipment certification, was a leak simulated to verify LLD performance? o N/A (Checkal/ ¡hat apply) Simulated leak rate: W'3 g.p.h.: a 0.1 g.p.h; 00.2 g.p.h. ,. I} " Yes a No* Were all LLDs contimled operational and accurate within regulatory requirements? ISr Yes 0 No* Was the testing apparatu~ properly calibrated? DYes . CJ No" For mechanical LLDs. does the LLD restrict product flow if it de.tects a leak? '¥N/A ;Y Yes o No* For electronic lLOs, does the turbine automatically shut off if the LLO detects a leak? o N/A ~ Yes o No· For eJectronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system is disabled o N/A or disconnccted? ¡x:¡ Yes íJ No* For electronic LLDs. does the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system malfunctions o N/A or fails a test? \if Yes 0 No* For electronic LLDs. have all ucccssible wiring connections been visunll)' inspected? :J N/A r:, Yes 0 No" Were all items on the equipment manufacturer's maintenance checklist completed? .- h k!' .. In the Section H. below, describe how and when. these det1ciencies were or will be corrected. H. Conunents: -- " ----..--..-- .-------.- .-..---------. page.3 of3 03/01 -of; ........ e e " Monitoring System Certification Site Address: / 7 (J/ UST Monitoring Site Plan ~¿'.A/ AvoS. . .' . . .,' :$07: ~Oi :~TOfJt : .' . . . . .,:. . .- " . ... .,' .. .. . . ... " .' . . '. O:~: . , O~: , . ·o~ , 0',: " . J7bß' . . .' '. . , .' " .. . ·.d....· .. '. ....... " .. . :?l? . '.$' . , . . ... :~D' :.:·:o:,.t~:·::·, ::~:: .' VI. O· ~. '{ ;-. ,-, .~ ." ~ .. . . '.-: . .... ... .. ..- . . .' ~ . ..:::' '. . ., '. '. " . . . . , . , . . '. , .... Date map was drawn: ..E!:../&:2.!CJ3 Instructions . ..' ...... . If yo~. a~ready þ'~Y~.,.a .~i~gr~~..$it:sho\Vs :a~~~~g~}r.~,~)I}fO~~~i9:~!.Y~~.~m~(.;i.~~!~4~.HJ· ~!h,~i...~¡~~~~~?~g;'J ,Y',Î,tþ y~ur Momtonng Sys~em .ç~rt1flcation.':Qn your sltepl;µlJshow thegeneraJ Jgyoyt. ,oft¡,mksaIld.,plplpg. >:C.Ie¡IIlYldentlfy locations of ¢ë fótloW¡ng. equipment, if instal1ed:'?!:mônitoring'systeni.,ç9~W9(panêl$r'·sêÎis~is·ñ1ÖÍÎÎiofirig"tåIik annular spaces, sumps, dispenser pans; spill containers,. or other sècondary c'()ntåim:µe.~ntãréas;mechaÍ1ical or'èleétrônic line leak detectors; and in-tank liquid level probes (if used for leak dete~tion), . in th.e Space provided, note the date this Site Plan wa!¡ prepared. '. ..... .' . .. . ,..:........ ,.. ',:' .' :.. ',' .....1"··1 " . . ..~. oJ. ···~~:2~:;·}~·:·'· ....,:...1...,.........: "'v>::':':;'" . '~." . '. P1~1.~~i;5;rJ~~él~~~S:, ..... 05100 .... . . ....-.. . .... ~.. -~: .1 .......:;';:.;. ".' ¡" ,IRE CHIEF Rml FRAZE: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 oW Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 oW Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 PREVENTION SERVICES . FIRE SAFETY SERVICES· ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399·5763 .. e May 7,2003 Harris Market 1701 Union Ave Bakersfield CA 93305 REMINDER NOTICE RE: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirements December 31,2003 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: A Review of our files indicate that you have been receiving quarterly reminder notices since April of 2002. Effective January 2003, you can expect them monthly. The purpose of this letter is to remind you of the necessary retrofit of your fueling system. Current code requires that you install dispenser pans prior to December 31,2003. You will not be allowed to remain open after December 31,2003 unless you have completed the upgrade requirement. Contractors are already scheduling work 6-8 weeks out. I urge you to start planning to retrofit your facility as soon as possible. Sin~CerelY' d££ <.. ..' . , ,/',.' ¡,'./ i" Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc ~. .%o~, de W~ .%p v#;o/"ß .r~ v7Ó ~~" FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SERVICES. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326H0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326H0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 e e April 10, 2003 Harris Market 1701 Union Ave Bakersfield CA 93305 REMINDER NOTICE RE: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirements December 31, 2003 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: A Review of our files indicate that you have been receiving quarterly reminder notices since April of 2002. Effective January 2003, you can expect them monthly. The purpose of this letter is to remind you of the necessary retrofit of your fueling system. Current code requires that you install dispenser pans prior to December 31,2003. You will not be allowed to remain open after December 31, 2003 unless you have completed the upgrade requirement. Contractors are already scheduling work 6-8 weeks out. I urge you to start planning to retrofit your facility as soon as possible. Sincerely, JtM£ Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc ""9~ de WonlHU'~ ~.A~ .r~ A W~" f' a .~ (~~' '(/ e e .;) . /) #/" ~5~&C eorp? TRACER TIGHT® TEST RESULTS Prepared for: Shirley Environmental LLC 1928 Tyler A venue, Suite K South EI Monte, CA 91733 Testers St Lie. No; N/A 7/17/2002 Job No: 860008 Jaco #259 Harris Market 1701 Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 SYSTEM STATUS SYSTEM # PRODUCT 1 Unleaded 2 Plus 3 Super Soil permeability is greater than 41.6 darcys. SIZE 12,000 12,000 12,000 TRACER A W R TRACER DETECTED? NO NO NO GROUND WATER INFO SYSTEM # DEPTH / GROUND WATER (Inch) >140 >140 >140 Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 DEPTH / TOP OF TANK (Inch) 42 40 40 DEPTH / BOTTOM OF TANK (Inch) 138 136 136 SITE COMMENTS Back fill in tank pit consists of 14 to Y:inch pea gravel. Backfill in piping excavation zone is packed sand. Ground cover over tanks and piping trench consists of concrete and fractured asphalt. TEST EVENTS INSTALLATION 6/10/02 INOCULA nON 6/1 0/02 SAMPLING 6/20/02 ANAL YSIS 6/24/02 FILL RISER - SPILL BUCKET TEST TANK # Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 PASSIFAIL PASS PASS PASS Subnlitted by: L? í'racer Research Corporation ,. t e e TEST COMMENTS General Tanks are single walled fiberglass. Product distribution piping is single walled FRP in open top "Fiber Trench". Vent and vapor recovery piping are single walled FRP. Tanks 1 Through 3 No detectable Tracer's in the tank excavation zone. There were light detections ofTVHC (Total Volatile Hydrocarbons) in the tank excavation zone. Product Distribution Lines, Stage 1 and 2 Vapor Recovery Lines and Tank Vent lines No detectable Tracer in piping excavation zone. There were Jight detections ofTVHC (Total Volatile Hydrocarbons) in the piping excavation zones. Conclusion Tank and piping components are Enhanced Tracer Tight® at the time of testing Submitted by: Jimmy Humphries Tracer Research Corporation .... e e Tracer Research Job No. 860008 Page 3 of 4 Sample Date: 06/24/02 CONDENSED DATA Location Compound Concentration( mgIL) 001 A 0.00000 001 R 0.00000 001 W 0,00000 001 TVHC 2.12600 002 A 0.00000 002 R 0.00000 002 W 0.00000 002 TVHC 6.18500 003 A 0.00000 003 R 0.00000 003 W 0.00000 003 TVHC 7.69300 004 A 0.00000 004 R 0.00000 004 W 0.00000 004 TVHC 8.83300 005 A 0.00000 005 R 0.00000 005 W 0.00000 005 TVHC 5.50000 006 A 0.00000 006 R 0.00000 006 W 0.00000 006 TVHC 38.02300 007 A 0.00000 007 R 0.00000 007 W 0.00000 007 TYHC 18.49800 008 A 0.00000 008 R 0.00000 008 W 0,00000 008 TVHC 10.11600 TVHC (Total Volatile Hydrocarbons) values reported in miIIigrams/Iiter (mgIL). Tracer values reported in miIIigrams/Iiter (mg!L). 0.0000 = Not Detected -999999.9999 = No sample 1;' , .~ T.' e e Tracer Research Job No. 860008 Page 4of4 Sample Date: 06/24/02 CONDENSED DATA . Location Compound Concentration( mgIL) 009 A 0.00000 009 R 0.00000 009 W 0.00000 009 TYHC 3.66300 010 A 0.00000 010 R 0.00000 010 W 0.00000 010 TYHC 0.44200 011 A 0.00000 011 R 0.00000 011 W 0.00000 011 TVHC 1.62500 012 A 0.00000 012 R 0.00000 012 W 0.00000 012 TVHC 0.05600 TVHC (Total Volatile Hydrocarbons) values reported in milligrams/liter (mgIL). Tracer values reported in milligrams/liter (mg/L). 0,0000 = Not Detected -999999.9999 = No sample '" i'J e e Tr à C e r Re s rch Co r p 0 r en m E X P LANA T I 0 N Sampling Probe Location -- - Approximate Pipeline Location " FTM Fiber Trench Monitor t N 0 5 10 I , f e e t B6000B Jaco #259 - Harris Market 1 7 0 1. IJ N 1. 0 N A V b: N U 1=: BA.KERSf'TF.t.n C' 1\ 1. T F' 0 R N 1 '^ -- _.~_...~ !-; ^ M P 1. I N C LOt.' A L'I N ~; - - F 9 e Concrete Tank 2 2,000 <Jal Plus Tracer [R] - 0 0 00 5 0 4 0 1 Pi 11 &. Fill & Vapo1-- V.:tpor y Recovery Recovery 0 0 . 6 ---------- -- --- " F1'M 0 '!~p I" Pump Tank 3 12,000 gal Super Tracer rw Asphalt 00 o Pi & Vapor " ""---------- --I o I Recover 10 I I I I I I I :0 I I , -m __1._____ 9 l . 0 7 Pump - rj'ank 1 12,000 gal LJnlea.deo Tracer fA rJi ~l-'0naert; 8 " " - . " " 11 " D 0 DO - --- ,. Building Score " " " " " 00 " " " " " " , " " " ,11 H H"pilOtl FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SERVICES. ENVIRONMENTAL SEIMCES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester AvÈl. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVES'T1GA'T10N 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-Q576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399·5763 e e March 5, 2003 Hams Market 1701 Union Ave Bakersfield CA 93305 REMINDER NOTICE RE: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirements December 31,2003 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: A Review of our files indicate that you have been receiving quarterly reminder notices since April of 2002. Effective January 2003, you can expect them monthly. The purpose of this letter is to remind you of the necessary retrofit of your fueling system. Current code requires that you install dispenser pans prior to December 31,2003. You will not be allowed to remain open after December 31, 2003 unless you have completed the upgrade requirement. Contractors are already scheduling work 6-8 weeks out. I urge you to start planning to retrofit your facility as soon as possible. Sincerely, A~ Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc ~~.7'~ /Æe W~ ~~ uØ60Pe Y:'~ A W~" FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 MW Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 MH" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SERVICES' ENVIRONMENTAl SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3979 FAX (661) 326-G576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-G576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399·5763 ~--;.---:---. - tI February 3,2003 Harris Market 1701 Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93305 REMINDER NOTICE RE: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirements December 31,2003 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: A Review of our files indicate that you have been receiving quarterly reminder notices since April of 2002. Effective January 2003, you can expect them monthly. ,-f The purpose of this letter is to remind you of the necessary retrofit of your fueling system. Current code requires that you install dispenser pans prior to December 31,2003. You will not be allowed to remain open after December 31, 2003 unless you have completed the upgrade requirement. Contractors are already scheduling work 6-8 weeks out. I urge you to start planning to retrofit your facility as soon as possible. Sincerely, Jt~ Steve Underwood Fire Inspector/Environmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc ~"Y~ de W~.¥o;e uØßOP6 .~ .A W~~?'I'I FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFm SERVICES' EIMROIIIlENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chesler Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Avè. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-œ76 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 .. . January 22, 2003 Harris Market 1701 Union Ave Bakersfield CA 93305 RE: Upgrade Certificate & Fill Tags Dear Owner/Operator: Effective January 1,2003 Assembly Bill 2481 went into effect. This Bill deletes the requirement for an upgrade certificate of compliance (the blue sticker in your window) and the blue fill tag on your fill. You may, if you wish, have them posted or remove them. Fuel vendors have been notified of this change and will not deny fuel delivery for missing tags or certificates. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 661- 326-3190. Sin;¡ Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc ""9~ ~ W~ ~OP ~0P6.r~ ./6 W~" FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 oW Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 °H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFm SERVICES· EHVIRONIŒIIT~ SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326H0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 ChesterAvè. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326H0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326'()576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399·5763 e - January 13,2003 Harris Market 1701 Union Ave Bakersfield CA 93305 RE: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirements December 31, 2003 REMINDER NOTICE Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: A review of our files indicates that you have been receiving quarterly reminder notices since April of 2002. The purpose of this letter, is to remind you of the necessary retrofit of your fueling system. CUITent code requires that you install dispenser pans prior to December 31, 2003. I urge you to start planning to retrofit your facility as soon as possible. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661- 326-3190. Si¡ tMmo Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc ""7~ ~ W~ ~ ~0Pe ffbt../6 W~" - ("\ HARR 1 S !"IARKET 1701 UNION A\!E. BAKERSFIELD CA. 661 636-0271 OCT 1 4, 2002 10: 36 AI1 S';'STEI"1 STATUS REPORT - -- - - - - - - - - - - ALL FUNCT IONS NORI1AL ! - , 1 iJTOR\' REPORT T 1 :PREI"I. \/OLU\"IE ULLAGE 90% ULLAGE=' TC VOLUt"iE HEIGHT WATER VOL WATER TEI"IP T 2:PLUS VOLUt"IE ULLAGE 90% ULLAGE=' TC VOLU\"IE HE lGHT WATER VOL wr'~~R TU T 3: UNL . VOLUI"1E ULLAGE 90% ULLAGE=' TC \!OLUt"IE HEIGHT WATER VOL WATER TEt"IP 1041 GALS 10959 GALS 9759 GALS 1017 GALS 13.62 INCHES 21 GALS 1 .01 INCHES 92.8 DEG F 2490 GALS 9510 GALS 8310 GALS 2437 GALS 25.04 INCHES o GALS 0.00 INCHES 90.0 DEG F 6541 GALS 5459 GALS 4259 GALS 6390 GALS 51.40 INCHES 18 GALS 0.90 INCHES 92.9 DEG F '"' '"' '"' '"' '"' END'"' '"' "'. '"' '"' e e CITY OF BAKERSFIEl..D FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd f<'loor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 INSPECTION DATE (0 ... (t( -() ""'L.,. PHONE NO. Ç¡ ~ -0 l. 7 ( BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210- NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES -z.-. FACILITY NAME }fJuLb ~t ADDRESS ()O , l1l ;Alft- FACILITY CONTACT_ INSPECTION TIME Section I: Business Plan and Inventory Program o Routine ~mbined o Joint Agency o Multi-Agency a Complaint ORe-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Appropriate penn it on hand \ V Business plan contact infonnation accurate v 1/ Visible address 1./ Correct occupancy c.. / / Veri fication of inventory materials ./ Verification of quantities V- I ./ Verification of location ./ j Proper segregation of material c/ / Verification of MSDS availability c/ Veri fication of Haz Mat training / v Verification of abatement supplies and procedures / / Emergency procedures adequate (" J Containers properly labeled /' '" Housekeeping ~ / Fire Protection / " Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand / C=Compliance V=Violation Pink· Business Copy Any hazardous waste on site?: Explain: DYes ÓlÑo Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (661) 326-3979 While· Env. Svcs. Yellow· Station Copy Inspector: e e CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield. CA 93301 FACILITY NAME tft1rl'~ t, IW1- INSPECTION DATE i 0 -I q . Ç) è Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program o Routine !D'tombined 0 Joint Agency Type of Tank ,5¿ù Fe !3J Type of Monitoring -----.AT G o Multi-Agency' 0 Complaint Number of Tanks ~ Type of Piping Á , ORe-inspection OPERA nON C v COMMENTS Proper tank data on tile \..... / Proper owner/operator data on file c./ / Penn it fees current V / Certification of Financial Responsibility / Monitoring record adequate and current V' / Maintenance records adequate and current '..,I Failure to correct prior UST violations l.. /' Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No /" Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank AGGREGATE CAPACITY Number of Tanks OPERA nON y N COMMENTS SPCC available spec on tiJe with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? If yes, Does tank have overfill/overspill protection? Pink· Business Copy c~COmPIi"n':i:~ViOI"li~n y ~y" In,p"lo" . ~ Office of Environmental Services (805) 326-3979 White· Env. Svcs. N=NO ¡ FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SERVICES. ENVIRONIlENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Avè. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 IÞ . September 30, 2002 Harris Market 1701 Union Ave Bakersfield CA 93305 RE: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirement December 31, 2003 REMINDER NOTICE Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: You will be receiving updates from this office with regard to Senate Bill 989 which went into effect January 1,2002. This bill requires dispenser pans under fuel pump dispensers. On December 31, 2003 which is the deadline for compliance, this office will be forced to revoke your Pennit to Operate, for failure to comply with the regulations. It is the hope of this office that we do not have to pursue such action, which is why this office plans to update you. I urge you to start planning to retro-fit your facilities. If your facility has been upgraded already, please disregard this notice. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661-326- 3190. Sin:¡erel¡ , ,. I/J /) r--. . ()(uJJøifU Steve Underwood Fire Inspector/ Environmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc -"Y~ ~ W~ ~&e V#;QP6 y~ .A W~" ~~J .~ 11' o fJi 2 8 / 0 1 07:45 ~66L_ 0576 BFD HA,Z MAT Dne @ 002 MONITORING SYSTE~1 CERTIFICATION f'or U:¡e Bv All jtlri,\'uiUlfl/1J WillI/II (/¡e Sraœ of Càliíomia A ¡¡Ihuritv Cited: Chapll;'r Ô.? Health mitÍ SaJi:t.'; Code: ChU{'I¿'r 16. Divisirm J, Titfe 23, C"lijiJr/¡ia Code of Reglllariulls This form must be used to document testing ~nd servicing ot monitoring equipment. A sep~rate certitication or report must be prepared for__e~clu:Dº_nitorin2: svstem control p¡)j1el by the technici~n who performs the work. A çopy of this form must be provided to the tank 3ystem owner/operator. The oW!1t'r/operaror must submit a wpy or [his form co the loea] agency regulating UST systems within 30 days oì teSl date. A. General Information _ ¡:t::, Facility Name: d-A:M--{..5 /Yl/O cASe:¡ Site Address: /70/ L:0Aá/l/ /1~ Facility Contact perso'~~ /!f't-OIv ~ ...-:-'/ '/ <' 3.~-""" Make/Modej of Monitoring System: <-¿) _ J <./ _ Bldg, No.; City; -'24~h·c. rJ.. Zip: .____ Conwct Phone N·o.; ( (;6() ~",?;-O ~1/ Date of Testing/Servicing: ~ 11-1 0"2- B. Inventory of EquipJ!lent Tested/Certified Check the a ro rlate boxes to indicate s ecifíc e ui ment ins ected!serviceú: Tank ill: T I. ({ I.;;t'v\ h. i '~'ank ID: 'ï~ 0¡...) L.- ß'Ín.Tank Gauging Probe. ' Model: /;~ L-__ ~. r.a1n-Tank Gauging Probe. Model:' ,/j1Aci:. / CJ :~_nnulas Space or Vault Sensor. Model: '. I 0 Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: o Piping Sump j Trench Sensor(s.). Model: ___._.__ ¡I 0 Piping Sump I Trench Sensor(s). Model: o FilJ Sump Sensor(s), Model: CJ fill Sump Sen~,or(s). Model: _. :J 'dechanica! Line Leak De1<:cLOr. Model: . a Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Mode!;' 2r"Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: _~1/þ'('~t--D I Ø'E1ecrronic Line Leak Detector. Model: L...v'¿)l i..-O ,. :J Tank Overfill i High-Level Sensor. Model: ' a Tank OvertW I High-Level Sensor, Model: o Other (s. eCif. e ui ment t e and model in Section E on Page 2). ï~' a Otr.er (specify eqUjpm~e and model in Section E on Page 2). Tal)k ~: \ ~ e L \./-> ~ 1:ank ID; _ 01n. fank GaugIng Probe. Mode1: /}?4.¿;; / í. 0 In-Tank Gauging Probe. Modcl: o Allnular Space or Vuu!t Sensor. Model: 1" 0 Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model; o Piping Sump! Trench Sensor(s). Madel: .. 0 Piping Sump I Trt:nch Sensor(s), Model: o Fill Sump Sensor(s). Mode1: ._______ CJ Fill Sump Sensor(s), Madej: ~. Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model; I~ a ~!echaniçal Line Leak Derector. Mode]: rz:¡. Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: . t~d.p CJ EleCtronic Line Leak Detector, ModeJ; o Tu\)k Overtìll! High·Level Sensor. . Mode!: CJ TankOvertìll1 High·Level Sensor, Model: o Orher (s cifve ui ment t e and model in Section E an Pal':e 2). a Other (5 ecifve ui ment t e and mode! in Section Eon Paae 2). I '. . Dispenser ID; ~_.___.____.__~_______ , Dispenser ID; o "pispenserContainment Sensor(s), Model: ::J pispenser Containment Sensor(s), Mode.!: czrShear VaJl'e(s). ~Shear Vahe(;). ':J Dis eoser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s), U Dis enser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). Dispenser ID: -z-. I DispenserTD: ~ ?ispenser Containment Sensor(s). 1\.·fodel: , :J ].).ispenser Contajnment Sensor(s). ModeJ: efShear V~l\'e(s). ::::íShear Valve(s). o Dis enser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). 0 Dis enser COrJtainmen Ploat(s) and Chain(s). Dispenser ID: _ ~._--_._----- I Dispenser ID: a ~penser Contuin ,en( Sensor(s). Modd: .' _ _ I Oß-spenser Contajn em Sensor(s), Model: ::1' Shear V3I\'e(>J. ~ Shear Valve(s). :J::>is enser Co,ltai!îment F\Qat(s) and Chain(s). , 0 Disoenser C0nta.inment float(s) and Chain(s). <If the Faciliry contains more tanks or dispensers, copy this form, (nclude infom1iltJon for every rank and dispenser at rhe fac¡liey: ,I ~~ -I Ii ~. ¡ d ~ :¡ ! j i f C. Certification, I certify that the e{juipment identì1ied in trus docurnent was inspected/serviced in accordance with the manufacturers' guidelines. Attached to this Certification is inJonnation (e,g,' manufacturers' checklists) necessary to verify that this infomlation is correct and a Plot Plan showing the layout of morùtoring eq~t. For any equi~t capable of generating such reports, I have also att:1ched a copy of the repo~(check all that appLy): uSystem set-up c:r Ala~istop~t TechniCian Name (print): ,:\.vN ....&:;¿.::f?'1;:S. St8natur~: __~ .r~ .__ Certiticauon No,: 2.73.~ Li<:enôe, No.; j~-¿--y :5/ '7 Testing Company Name:__.__._~~0-rJ5'EJ ~ M~Ltt__..____ Phol1¡: Nü.:(-'6.LJ '32"2- - 0b00 Site Address: qbf) I K¡,¿ .~v Date ofTestìng/Servicing: _? Cl_/CYL Page ¡ of J 03101 Monitoring System Certitication , 09/28/01 07:46 'Õ'661fJ6 0576 BFD HAZ MAT DI\4IÞ 14J003 D. Results of Testing/Servicing Software Version Instal!ed: /(, ðØ Com lete the followin checklist: Yes 0 No" ! Is the audible ¡¡Iann 0 erationaP Yes Q No" Is the visual alann operational? Yes No" Were all sensors visually inspected, runctionall~sted. and confirmed operational? Yes No* Were ail sensors installed at lowest point of secondary containment and positioned so that other equipment will nOI interfere \vith their ro er operation') If alarms are relayed 10 a remote monitoring station. is a1l communications equipment (e.g. modem) operalional0 For pressurized piping syste.ms, does the turbine automatically shut down if the piping secondary containment monitoring system detects a lI.:ak. fails to operate, or is eJectricaJly disconnected? If yes: which sensors initiate positive shut-down? (Check all that apply) 0 SumpITrench Sensors; 0 Dispenser Containment Sensors. Did ou_ confirm positjve shut·down due to ieaks mill sensor failure/disconnection? 0 Yes; 0 No. CJ No* For tank system~ that utilize the monitoring system as the primary tank overfill warning device (¡,e. no r;( N/A mechanical overfilJ prevention valve is insralled). is the overfiJl warning; aJarm visible and audible at the tank fill oint(s) and ~ating properlY': If so, at what percent of ~ank ca adt does the alarm tri er? % Was any monitoring equipment replaced? If yes. identify specific sensors, probes, or other equipment replaced and Jist the manufacturer name and mode! for all re lacement arts in Section E, below. Was liquid found inside any secondary containment systems de~igned as dry systems? (Check all chat apply) 0 Product; a Water. If 'es, describe causes in Section E, below. es 0 No'" Was monitoring s stem sel-u reviewed to ensure 1'0 er setcin s? Attach set u Yes 0 No* Is all monitorin e !.Ii ment 0 erational er manufacturer's s ecifications? 'I< In Section E beJow, describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. Q Yes o No* ~"iI,A. Q No* r4 Nt A Q Yes DYes o Yes* CJ Yes* E. Comments: h,J~ ~ ;::5/H6L¿5 ~L-L- ~.ks be--fe~~ I.JS~-oL ¿.vt71l ú#'¿?-L> s ~---_._.._--,-~._..~. ..--.-.'- ~."..._--._--",..'-----_.'.._'~-._----'.__._-----'-_. -----~-~._~_._-_._------------- ---------------_...._._--...__..._~--_.__.__..._.__._-.--.--'-' ..----..---- ._-~'---~ _..._~_.~..._..._._._._-_._--_._-- ----.. ---.....-..--. Pagé 2 of 3 03/01 '¡; 09/28/01 07:47 ~661.6 0576 BFD H.E JIAT DI\e @ 004 F. In-Tank Gauging / SIR Equipment: ¡;:(Check this box if tank gauging is used only for inventory control. o Ch~ck this box if no tank gauging or SIR equipment is installed, This section must be completed if in-tank gauging equipment is used to perform leak detection monitoring, COlJ1plete the following checklist: r:::1~Yes 0 No" Has ail input wiring been inspect~d for proper entry and terITÙnation, including tescíng for ground faults? ø 'yes 0 No'" Were all tank gauging probes visuaI1y inspected for damage and residue buildup? ø' J es 0 No* I Was accuracy of system product level readings tested') I Q( Yes 0 No" I Was accuracy of s)'stem water level readings tested? r:zf /Y es 0 No* Were all probes reinstalled properly') e:¡ Yes 0 No* Were all items on the equipment manufacturer's maintenance checklist completed? * In the Section H, below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. G. Line Leak Detectors (LLD): o Check this box. it' LLDs are not installed. Col11P!ete the following checklist: -, ca' Yes 0 No* F~: eq,uipment sta~~up ~r a~nual e:uip~e~ifica.tion, was a I~ak sj~ulated to verify LLD performance? 0 N/A (<-neck alllhat app(.) SlmtJlated leak fate, 3 ",.p,h.. 0 0, I g.p.h, 0 Q,,,,g.p,h, . ./ Ø' ..>' es 0 ---- No* Were all LLDs contìm1ed operational and accura¡e within reguJatory requirements? e1 Ye5 0 No"' Was the testing apparatus properly calibrated? o Yes ,0 No* For mechanical LLDs, does the LLD restrict product flow if it de,tecrs a leak? /' SY'N/A IZf Yes 0 No* For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if the LLD detects a leak? /' CJ NIA 2f Yes 0 No* For e1ectronic LLDs, does the turbine automaùca])y shut off if' any portion of the monitoring system is dìsab1ed ---- 0 N/A or disconnected? [J Yes 0 Noil< For electronic LLDs, does the turbine autOmatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system malfunctions ./ 0 N/A Of fails a test'i ca Yes - - 0 No* For e]ectIonic LLDs, have a]1 ucccssible wiring connections been visua!1y inspected') ~ :J N/A ø Yes CJ No* Were all items on the equipment manufacturer's maintenance checklist completed? - - -.- >I< In the Section H, below, d~scribe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. H. Conmlents: ~._~---_. --- ---.---~.-.._- ---~_. --..------.-- , _.....~---------- _..-- Page J of3 03/01 " Monitoring System Certification ¡ e e UST Monitoring Site Plan Site Address: \ 7 D I L) íì \: 0 í) A V Q.. 15", ¡"u .<;-(, e lLi, C ~1 Of '3:s. 0 I / ~.. 'to 0 . ~~O . . . . ~ !=:),. 0 'J "- ~lS1 ~ . . L;J ~ ~J ~ ~ .f\l : ~- o:f]' · .\..~. 0_' . 'XJG/' .. O\-b · . \:". : / O' · . .' .' . . .' . . . . . . '~':ê..' .:)ft>r. . " N~ , . 0···· ..\:: : O(ç~\\) : . . / o :~oni+o¡" : .' ";1 ., .. If you. already h.:ave.adiagram,tJy~.tshows all re.Clu!re.dinfonnatio!11Y()U)1'Úly~hç!u4e.,. it,' ratþèr~a~..fui~pªge, y.jth your Monitoring System .Certificatlôn:'·On your sitè ·plan,. show thégenerål' J~Yoû(oft~kSaÌid.plpiíîg:-:CieâJ:lYidentify locations of tþe following equipment, if installed:'/mônitoring' systerriçóritr~i' pårièis;"'sênsorsmon'ïtöilIjg ~ annular spaces, sumps, dispenser pans, spill containers, or other secondary containrn(:I1t areas; mechariical or'é1ectr6nic line leak detectors; and in-tank liquid level probes (if used for leak detection). In the space provided, note the date this Site Plan was prepared.' -.. '. ....... . ..... .. .. .. . .' . . .. .' . 0 Date map was drawn: 8" I..:LIO Z Instructions :-.,.,.,...... " ::.".'~'_:-r.;/ .' . ." :,",::- ,.,~;. . 05100 .'·c· T 2 :PLUS PRODUCT CODE THERt"IAL COEFF TANK D I AI"1ETER TANK PROFILE . FULL VOL 2 : .000700 96.00 1 PT 12000 FLOAT SIZE: 4.0 IN. 8495 WATER WARNING : HIGH WATER LIMIT: MAX OR LABEL VOL: OVERF I LL LI r"lIT HIGH PRODtJCT DELI VERY LI t"IIT LOt.) PRODUCT : LEAK ALARM LIMIT: SUDDEN LOSS LIMIT: TANK TILT MANIFOLDED TANKS TIt: NONE LEAK MIN PERIODIC: LEAK 1"1 I N ANNUAL 2.0 3.0 12000 90% 10800 95% 11400 1% 120 500 99 99 0.00 PERIODIC TEST TYPE STANDARD ANNUAL TEST FAIL ALARM DISABLED PERIODIC TEST FAIL ALARl"1 DISABLED GROSS TEST FAIL ALARt"1 DISABLED ANN TEST AVERAGING: OFF - PER TEST AVERAGING: OFF TANK TEST NOTIFY: OFF TNK TST SIPHON BREAK:OFF DELIVERY DELAY : 15 MIN 1 ~. 120 p~ 120 e IN-TANK SETUP ------ - T 1: PREt"1. PRODUCT CODE THERMAL COEFF TANK D I At"1ETER TANK PROFILE FULL VOL : : .000700 : ·95.00 1 PT 12000 FLOAT SIZE: 4.0 IN. 8496 WATER WARNING HIGH WATER LIMIT: MAX OR LABEL VOL; OVERFILL LIMIT : HIGH PRODUCT DELIVERY LIMIT LOW PRODUCT LEAK ALARM LIMIT: SUDDEN LOSS LIMIT: TANK TILT : MANIFOLDED TANKS T~: NONE LEAK MIN PERIODIC: LEAK t"l I N ANNUAL 2.0 3.0 12000 90% 10800 95% 11400 120 500 99 99 0.00 1% 120 1% 120 PERIODIC TEST TYPE STANDARD ANNUAL TEST FAIL ALARM DISABLED PERIODIC TEST FAIL . ALARr"1 DISABLED GROSS TEST FAIL ALARr"l DISABLED ANN TEST AVERAGING: OFF PER TEST AVERAGING: OFF TANK TEST NOTIFY: OFF TNK TST SIPHON BREAK:OFF DELI VERY DELAY : 15 1"11 N a ~Y~T~r"'l_ S~T~P _ _ _ _ _ _ .~ AUG 7. 2002 8:41 AM SYSTEr"1 UN I TS U.S. SYSTEr"l LANGUAGE ENGLISH SYSTEt"1 DATE/T I 1"1E FORt"IAT 110N DD YVYV HH :I"U"1 :SS xI"I HARR I S I1ARKET 1701 UNION AVE. BAKERSFIELD CA. 661 636-0271 1·~ '. SH I FT T !r"1E 1 SHIFT TIt"1E 2 SHIFT TIt"1E 3 SHIFT TIME 4 DISABLED DISABLED DISABLED DISABLED PERIODIC TEST WARNINGS DISABLED ANNUAL TEST t,.,JARN I NGS DISABLED PR I NT TC VOLUI"1ES ENABLED TEMP COt"1PENSAT I QN VALUE (DEG,F): 60.0 SYSTEM SECURITY CODE : 000000 COt"It"IUN I CAT I ONS SETUP ------ - PORT SETTINGS: NONE FOUND RS-232 SECURITY CODE : 000000 RS-232 END OF MESSAGE DISABLED '. ". W 2 : PLUS PIPE TYPE: STEEL LINE LENGTH: 90 FEET O. 20GPH TEST: ENABLED . SHUTDOWN RATE: 3.0 GPH 0.10 GPH TEST ¡vtrvt/DD DATE : JAN 4 T 2 :PLUS, DISPENSE MODE: STANDARD. W 3:UNL. PIPE TYPE: STEEL LINE LENGTH: 90 FEET 0.20 GPH TEST: ENABLED SHUTDOWN RATE: 3.0 GPH o . 1 0 GPH TEST r1rvl/DD DATE : JAN 4 T 3:UNL. DISPENSE t"10DE: STANDARD - LEAK TEST METHOD - - - - - - - - - - - - TEST MONTHLY : ALL TANK WEEK 1 SUN START TIME: 2:00 AM TEST RATE' :0.20 GAL/HR DURATION : 2 ~OURS LEAK TEST REPORT FORMAT NO RrvlAL WPLLD LINE LEAK SETUP - - - - - - - - - - - - WI: PRErvl . PIPE TYPE: STEEL LINE LENGTH: 90 FEET 0.20 GPH TEST: ENABLED SHUTDOWN RATE: 3.0 GPH o . 1 0 GPH TEST Ivtr1/DD DATE : JAN 4 T 1: PREt"1. DISPENSE MODE: STANDARD .~ 3:UNL. PRODUCT CODE THERt1AL COEFF TANK DIAMETER TANK PROFILE FULL \/OL : 3 : .000700 96.00 1 PT 12000 FLOAT SIZE: 4~0 IN. 8496 WATER WARNING 2.0 HIGH WATER LIMIT: 3.0 ¡vIAX OR LABEL VOL: OVERFILL lIMIT HIGH PRODUCT DELIVERY LIf"1IT 12000 90% 10800 95% 11400 1% 120 LOW PRODUCT : LEAK ALARM LIMIT: SUDDEN LOSS LIMIT: TANK TILT MANIFOLDED TANKS Tit: NONE 500 99 99 0.00 LEAK t"lIN PERIODIC: o~. o LEAK tv' I N ANNUAL 0% o " PERIODIC TEST TYPE STANDARD ANNUAL TEST FAIL ALARlv) DISABLED PERIODIC TEST FAIL ALARM DISABLED GROSS TEST FAIL ALARM DISABLED ANN TEST AVERAGING: OFF PER TEST AVERAGING: OFF TANK TEST NOTIFY: OFF TNK TST SIPHON BREAK:OFF DELIVERY DELAY : 15 MIN J~ ' i· ALARM HISTORY REPORT W-ï;PR~~NSOR ALARrvf WPLLD SHU' T AUG? DOWN AU'! ,2002 9: 04 A/'! ANNUAL LINE FAIL JUN 14, 2002 8:58 AM ANNUAL LINE FAIL JUN 12, 2002 11 :52 AM ALAR/'! H I STORY REPORT W-2~PL~~t~SOR ALAR/"! --___ ~EaLD SHUTDOWN~ AU' 7, 2002 9:04 AM ~~fLD 1 SHUTD01,JN AU'! .' . 2001 9: 1 5 AM g~oss LI NE FA I L CT 1, 2001 9:15 AM . ALARM HI STORV REPORT ----- SENSOR W 3:UNL. ALARM ~EaLD 7 SH.~TD£WN ALrv! '.o.QO;¿ 9: 04 Arvl ~~fLD SH~T~OWN ALI' 1, .o.Oul 9: 19 Al1 GROSS LINE FAIL OCT 1. 2001 9: 1 9 Arv! -- I N-TANK DIAGNOSTIC - - - - - - - - - PROBE D I AGNOSTI Cq T 2: PROBE TVPE t1AG 1 ¡;;¡¡;:m AJ.. Þlldr 1l5:E:R'~.J¡!1,9,8.!å8 ID CHAN = OxCOOO' . GRADIENT =' 350.0600 NUM SAr1PLES 20 COO 1343.3 COl 7200.4 CO2 7200.3 C03 7200.3 C04 7200.3 C05 7200.5 C06 7200.5 C07 7200.5 C08 7200. 1 C09 7200.3 Cl0 7200.0 Cl1 44267.9 CI2 5649.8 C13 7076.4 C14 7623.6 C15 8038.3 C16 8502.4 C17 9984.7 C18 44268.0 SAMPLES REÁD =58519673 SAMPLES USED =58518356 -- IN-'FANK--D-I-AGNOSTIC - - - - - - - - - PROBE DIAGNOSTICS T 3: PROBE TYPE MAGI SERIAL NU~1BER 176865 ID CHAN = OxCOOO GRADIENT = 353.2700 NUM SAMPLES 20 COO 1439.0 COl 16362.3 CO2 16362.8 C03 16362.8 C04 16362.5 C05 16362.8 C06 16362.7 C07 16362.5 C08 16362.8 C09 16362..2 Cl0 16362.3 C 11 43041.4 C12 5911.0 C13 6806.6 C14 7191.0 C15 7891.6 C16 8484.0 C17 9263.2 C18 43042.6 SArv1PLES READ =58505232 SAMPLES USED =58503472 _PLLD LINE DISABLE SETUP - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~\J I: P R Er''1. - NO ALARf' ASS I GNf'lENTS - W 2:PLUS - NO ALARM ASSIGNMENTS W 3:UNL. - NO ALARt'l ASSIGNf'1ENTS SOFTWARE REVISION LEVEL VERSION 14:01 SOFTWARE~ 346014-100-8 CREATED - S-MODULEA 330160-060-A SYSTEt'l FEATURES: PERIODIC IN-TANK TESTS ANNUAL IN-TANK TESTS PRECISION PLLD 0.20 GAL/HR PLLD IN-TANK DIAGNOSTIC ------ PROBE DIAGNOSTICS T 1: PROBE TYPE MAGI SERIAL NUMBER 177830 ID CHAN = OxCOOO GRADIENT = 351.1900 NUM SAMPLES 20 COO 1463.0 COl 7905.0 C02 7905.0 C03 7905.1 C04 7905.0 C05 7905.0 C06 7905.0 C07 7905.0 C08 7905.0 C09 7904.8 Cl0 7905.0 CII 43300.3 C12 5761.9 C13 7147.5 CI4 7551.0 C15 8115.1 C16 8665.8 C17 9927.6 C1843301.9 SAMPLES READ =58516401 SAMPLES USED =58514723 {7~ ,0;i ~,' ! "'- e I, 'i ~ . TRACER TIGHT® TEST RESULTS Prepared for: Shirley Environmental LLC 1928 Tyler Avenue, Suite K South El Monte, CA 91733 Testers St Lie. No: N/A SYSTEM STATUS SYSTEM # PRODUCT 1 Unleaded 2 Plus 3 Super Soil penneability is greater than 41.6 dareys. SIZE 12,000 12,000 12,000 GROUND WATER INFO SYSTEM # DEPTH / GROUND WATER (Inch) >140 >140 >140 Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 7/17/2002 Job No: 860008 Jaeo #259 Harris Market 1701 Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 TRACER A W R TRACER DETECTED? NO NO NO DEPTH / TOP OF TANK (Inch) 42 40 40 DEPTH / BOTTOM OF TANK (Inch) 138 136 136 SITE COMMENTS Back fill in tank pit consists of Y4 to Y:inch pea gravel. Backfill in piping excavation zone is packed sand. Ground cover over tanks and piping trench consists of concrete and fractUl;ed asphalt. TEST EVENTS INSTALLATION 6/1 0102 INOCULATION 6/1 0102 FILL RISER - SPILL BUCKET TEST TANK # Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Submitted by: SAMPLING 6/20102 ANALYSIS 6/24/02 P ASS/F AIL PASS PASS PASS -' If' '. e e ¡ TEST COMMENTS General Tanks are single walled fiberglass. Product distribution piping is single walled FRP in open top "Fiber Trench". Vent and vapor recovery piping are single walled FRP. Tanks 1 Through 3 No detectable Tracer's in the tank excavation zone. There were light detections ofTVHC (Total Volatile Hydrocarbons) in the tank excavation zone. Product Distribution Lines, Stage 1 and 2 Vapor Recovery Lines and Tank Vent lines No detectable Tracer in piping excavation zone. There were light detections ofTVHC (Total Volatile Hydrocarbons) in the piping excavation zones, Conclusion Tank and piping components are Enhanced Tracer Tight® at the time of testing Submitted by: Jimmy Humphries Tracer Research Corporation ;\ ~, e e Tracer Research Job No. 860008 Page 3 of 4 Sample Date: 06/24/02 CONDENSED DATA Location Compound Concentration(mgIL) 001 A 0.00000 001 R 0.00000 001 W 0.00000 001 TVHC 2.12600 002 A 0.00000 002 R 0.00000 002 W 0.00000 002 TVHC 6.18500 003 A 0.00000 003 R 0.00000 003 W 0.00000 003 TVHC 7.69300 004 A 0.00000 004 R 0.00000 004 W 0.00000 004 TVHC 8.83300 005 A 0.00000 005 R 0.00000 005 W 0.00000 005 TVHC 5.50000 006 A 0.00000 006 R 0.00000 006 W 0.00000 006 TVHC 38.02300 007 A 0.00000 007 R 0.00000 007 W 0.00000 007 TVHC 18.49800 008 A 0.00000 008 R 0.00000 008 W 0.00000 008 TVHC 10.11600 TVHC (Total Volatile Hydrocarbons) values reported in milligrams/liter (mgIL). Tracer values reported in milligrams/liter (mgIL). 0.0000 = Not Detected -999999.9999 = No sample ~\ .r~ " e '" e v Tracer Research Job No. 860008 Page 4 of 4 Sample Date: 06/24/02 CONDENSED DATA Location Compound Concentration(mgIL) 009 A 0.00000 009 R 0.00000 009 W 0.00000 009 TVHC 3.66300 010 A 0.00000 010 R 0.00000 010 W 0.00000 010 TVHC 0.44200 011 A 0.00000 011 R 0.00000 011 W 0.00000 011 TVHC 1.62500 012 A 0.00000 012 R 0.00000 012 W 0.00000 012 TVHC 0.05600 TVHC (Total Volatile Hydrocarbons) values reported in milligrams/liter (mgIL). Tracer values reported in milligramslliter (mgIL). 0.0000 = Not Detected -999999.9999 = No sample ~" .. .~, Tr ace r Re sea r c h Co r p 0 rat j 0 n m E X P LANA T I 0 N '1 Sampling Probe Location ------ Approximate Pipeline Location " FTM Fiber Trench Monitor e t N 0 5 10 e¡ I f e e t 860008 Jaco #259 - Harris Market 1 7 0 1 U N ION A V E N U E B A K E R S FIE L D C A L I FOR N I A I SAM P L I N G L 0 CAT ION S I - Fig u r e 1 1 9] r - - L - h -1; _;T~h - - h~ h -- D D 0130 '02 Pump Pump Pump o Concrete Fill & Vapor Recovery o 00 o 4 Tank 2 12,000 gal Plus Tracer [R] Fill & Vapor Recovery o o o o 5 o Asphalt ¡oo ~ill & Vapor Recovery D DDb 10 Dispensers [OJ] ---- 0 9 0 7 000 " Vents " " " " " , 0' " , " " " " " " " , , ....." Dispensers " [- 0" " - " " " " " '--- ------ o 8 11 Building Sèore 12 Tank 3 12,000 gal Super Tracer [W] Tank 1 12,000 gal Unleaded Tracer [A] Size,A Date,07-1B-02 Arc:8€iOOOB-1 FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3951 FAX (661) 326·0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3979 FAX (661) 326·0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399·4697 FAX (661) 399·5763 e . August 30, 2002 Harris Market 1701 Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93305 RE: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirement December 31, 2003 REMINDER NOTICE Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: You will be receiving updates from this offices with regard to Senate Bill 989 which went into effect January 1, 2002. This bill requires dispenser pans under fuel pump dispensers. On December 31, 2003 which is the deadline for compliance, this office will be forced to revoke your Pennit to Operate, for failure to comply with the regulations. It is the hope of this office that we do not have to pursue such action, which is why this office plans to update you. I urge you to start planning to retro-fit your facilities. If your facility has been upgraded already, please disregard this notice. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661- 326-3190. sm::l~ Steve Underwood Fire Inspector/ Environmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBUIkr ""Y~ ~ Wonl/~ Yo,re v#ß~, .~ ...Æ W~?.,., · - July 31. 2002 FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE David Palmer Jaco Oil Co. P.O. Box 1807 Bakersfield, CA 93380 CERTIFIED MAIL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 RE: Annual Maintenance on Leak Monitoring Systems REMINDER SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H' Streel Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 Dear Mr. Palmer: This letter is to advise you that the following Jaco Oil sites are coming due for annual maintenance on their leak monitoring systems. They are as follows: TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 Howards Mini Mart Mt. Vernon Fastrip Fastrip #622 Fastrip #641 Chris' Liquors Fastrip #6 Ming & Real Fastrip Fastrip #19 Fastrip #640 Wholesale Fuels Fastrip #621 Fastrip #26 Harris Market Howards #6 Farrells Fastrip Howard's #4 Fastrip #633 3300 Planz Road 3501 Mt. Vernon 4013 S. "H" St 1200 Coffee Rd 2732 Brundage Ln 1640 S. Chester 3701 Ming Ave 4901 S. Union 8001 White Lane 2200 E. Brundage 805 34dt Street 2698 Oswell 1701 Union Ave 4201 Belle Terrace 6401 White Ln #112 3200 Panama Ln 6401 S. H Street Due 08-17-02 Due 09-04-02 Due 09-06-02 Due 09-07-02 Due 09-07-02 Due 09-07-02 Due 09-07-02 Due -0-07-02 Due 09-19-02 Due 09-27-02 Due 10-01-02 Due 10-01-02 Due 10-01-02 Due 10-15-02 Due 10-15-02 Due 10-15-02 Due 11-01-02 PREVENTION SERVICES Filii! SAfETY SERVICES· e..-IIENTAI. SERVICES 1715 Chesler Ave. BakersfleJd, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester AYè. Bakersfleld, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfleld, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 As a courtesy, this reminder has been sent to you. No further reminders will be sent, and formal "Notices of Violation" will be sent 10 days after the due date, unless documentation of testing has been received. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 661-326-3190. ''-- S¡.~ Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SB U/dc ""..9'~ ~ W~ STOP.A~ g"'~ ..Æ W~" It e CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-3979 APPLICA TION TO PERFORM FUEL MONITORING CERTIFICATION FACILITY ADDRESS Ha~~ið ~a~ket #259 (Site Ii) #701) 1701 Union Avenue OPERA TORS NAME OWNERS NAME Jaco Oif Company Jaco-Hiff NAME OF MONITOR MANUFACTURER Veede~-Root DOES FACILITY HAVE DISPENSER PANS? YES_ NO~ TANK # VOLUME CONTENTS 1 12000 ~Vl 2 12000 ~Vl 3 12000 ~Vl NAME OF TESTING COMPANY SUNSET ~ECHANICAL CONTRACTORS LICENSE # CA 5 8 9 5 1 7 NAME & PHONE NUMBER OF CONTACT PERSON ~a~k Bfack{{u~n 322-0660 DATE & TIME TEST IS TO BE CONDUCTED 08/07/02 9: 15A~-1 0: 45A~ <J¡ dA~ . ~~{~O L APPROVED BY DATE SIGNATURE OF APPUCANT FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street 8akerstield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 SUPPRESSION SERVtCES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SERVICES. ENWlONIlENTAl SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 . e July 31, 2002 Hams Market 1701 Union Ave Bakersfield CA 93305 RE: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirement December 31,2003 REMINDER NOTICE Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: You will be receiving updates from this office with regard to Senate Bill 989 which went into effect January 1,2002. This bill requires dispenser pans under fuel pump dispensers. On December 31,2003, which is the deadline for compliance, this office will be forced to revoke your Pennit to Operate, for failure to comply with the regulations. It is the hope of this office that we do not have to purse such action, which is why this office plans to update you. I urge you to start planning to retro-fit your facilities. If your facility has been upgraded already, please disregard this notice. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661- 326-3190. Sin:l ~ Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc ""7~S~~'O~L~~SP~N~~~" FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661)395'1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3951 FAX (661) 326·0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3979 FAX (661) 326·0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 - - May 30, 2002 Hanis Market 1701 Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93305 RE: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirement December 31,2003 on Underground Storage Tank(s) located at 1701 Union Avenue, Bakersfield. Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: You will be receiving updates from this office with regard to Senate Bill 989 which went into effect January 1,2000. This bill requires dispenser pans under fuel pump dispensers. On December 31,2003, which is the deadline for compliance, this office will be forced to revoke your Permit to Operate, for failure to comply with the regulations. It is the hope of this office, that we do not have to pursue such action, which is why this office plans to update you. I urge you to start planning to retro-fit your facilities. If your facility has been upgraded already, please disregard this notice. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (661)326- 3190. Si2'~ Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SB U/kr --~~ ~ W~ ~ vØton?.r~ A W~" /\7' u ./ \ \ -- . ~~ D?2,? " r L ¡:# /:JÞ3iJ CITY OF BÂIŒItS"~J":I.n OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-397' APPLICATION TO PERFORM A TANK -TIGHTNESS TESTI SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TESTING FACJUrY~rlQ.'S WA~E1 :r¡~ :tF'J.S9' ADDRESS_116I U IJlOJU Au~ l5/Jk'~El..P PERMIT TO OPERATE # 31( ð -¡" <8' OPERATORS NAME H VttJI-' 1011(1 OWNERS NAME :.Jþ eo ð J L. r c> NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TFSfE[) '3 IS PIPING GOING TO BE TESTED TANK # VOLUME CONŒNTS ('". 12, rJOfJ ~ 7 UJJLQJP , '2 J 21 (;ðÐ ~q UlJL.GjO :3 I :z. (')ðÐ q I (J AJt eJJO I TANK TPSTING COMPANY 'Yfllll.tEi IEÁJ lJJ JfI;JJ.J m t5l.lrIJI- MAlUNGADDRESS I~z'~ IYL~ ST. _~trG K. ELf)Jo~rt c¡, q¡7j3 NAME & PHONE NUMBER OF CONTAcrPERSON GAJ2v £E'l¿-I' . TEST METHOD ~At:.~K. EAJI-IAf.JCE"D NAMBOFTESTERORSPEcw"INSPBCTOR TAM~S (JlJUIS CERTIFICATION' q7-/579 DATE &: TIME msr IS TO BE CONDUC'ŒD U ~ :2 1 .. 2 t.( /J SjÆ" / rÉtVøJ#;O APPROVED BY DA1E ~'';)<l-o L. FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661)395·1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3979 FAX (661) 326·0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399·4697 FAX (661) 399·5763 - -- April 12, 2002 HARRIS MARKET 1701 UNION AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93305 Re: Enhanced Leak Detection Requirements REMINDER NOTICE Dear Ownerl Operator, The purpose of this letter is to remind you about the new provision in California law requiring periodic testing of the secondary containment of underground storage tanks. Your facility has been identified as not having secondary containment on at least one of your underground storage tank components and as such falls under section 2637.(1) of the California Code of Regulations, Title 23, Division 3, Chapter 16; As an alternative, the owner or operator may submit a proposal ahd workplan for enhanced leak detection to the local agency, by July 1, 2002; complete the program of enhanced leak detection by December 31, 2002; and replace the secondary containment system with a system that can be tested in accordance with this section by July 1,2005. The local agency shall review the proposed program of enhanced leak detection within 45 days of submittal or re-submittal." Please be advised that there are only a few qualified testers available to perform "Enhanced Leak Testing". All testing must be under-permit through this office. For your convenience, I am enclosing a copy of the code as a reference. Should you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel ftee to call me at (661)326-3190. Sincerely, Ralph Huey Director of Prevention Services by: fl.. /' ¡; í r"'\ ßÆu~ Steve Underwood Fire InspectorlEnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SUIkr Enclosures ~~y~ ~ W~ ~ ~0Pe y~ .A W~" -- FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 21 01 °Ho Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 °Ho Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3979 FAX (661) 326·0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 . FAX (661) 399-5763 - - , February 11,2002 John Kerley JACO Oil POBox 1807 Bakersfield CA 93303 RE: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirement December 31, 2003 for the Following Locations: Chris' Liquor, 2732 Brundage Lane, Fastrip, 8001 White Lane, Fastrip 1200 Coffee, Fastrip, 4901 S. Union Ave., Fastrip, 805 34th St., Fastrip, 4013 S. "H" St., Wholesale Fuels, 2200 E Brundage Ln., Howard's Mini Mkt., 3200 Panama Ln., Howard's Mini Mkt., 4201 Belle Terrace, Howard's Mini Mkt., 3300 Planz Rd., Ming & Real Fastrip, 3701 Ming Ave., Mt. Vernon Fastrip, 3501 Mt. Vernon Ave., Harris Mkt., 1701 Union Ave. REMINDER NOTICE Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: You will be receiving updates from this office with regard to Senate Bill 989 which went into effect January 1, 2000. This bill requires dispenser pans under fuel pump dispensers. On December 31, 2003, which is the deadline for compliance, this office will be forced to revoke your Pennit to Operate, for failure to comply with the regulations. It is the hope of this office, that we do not have to pursue such action, which is why this office plans to update you. I urge you to start planning to retro-fit your facilities. If your facility has been upgraded already, please disregard this notice. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661-326-3190. Si0:i &¿ Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dm "".7~ de ~~.¥'OP.A~ y~ A W~" It ., í~- - -.-~._-_._--- --.-._---~- - .~_. ( --::..,. ''J HARF: 1 ::::: r"tAF:I<ET 1 701 I.H.JI ON A'v'E. BAKERSFIELD CA. 661 6:36-0271 OCT 5. 2001 10:49 AM SYSTEM STATUS REPORT , ----, _.-~.-- I N\/Ef'HOR-r' RH¡)F:T ALL FUNCTIONS NORMAL T 1: PREr"1. \1(:'LUI"lE LI L T", ,,';[ 910.ILUii~;E= TC ",OUJI"I£ = HE I C;HT í~hJf"¡T;~ -\:iC'J::- L'cI!;TER TI,J"1P, U T 2: PLu:=; \/OLUI"lE ULLAGE 90% ULLi:"Cf= TC IJOLlJr"n::: HEIGHT lhJA TER \I'X, ("JATER TEr"1P T 3:UrJL. \/OLUI"l£ ULLAGE 90\: ULLAGE= TC \/OUJr"lE HEIGHT l.JATER \/OL ("JATER TEf'''I) ~ :3767 GAL~3 82:3:=: GALt:; 70:3:3 ':;ALS 3680 GAL:3 3:3.7f, I NCHE~3 ---;2-4-8ALS 1 .09 ¡ I'~':;HES ':J2 . ::: DEG f :,2256 GAL~3 9744 CALS 854,1 C,.::;LS ~:2IY' GALS ~~:3 . 3,1 J NCHE::::: o 1~;ALS D . 00 [ ,JCHE:ë:; 9:3.2 DEG F :=:980 l=~{1LS 3020 GAU3 1820 GALS 8770 GALE~ 6? . ;::'t, 11"JCHe3 1 7 GHL~3 o .:37 I NCHÐ3 '3:3. :=: DEC; F ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ EN[) ~ ~ x ~ * x~~,:' ....",.:.:...,_0~29-_2ØØ~,44PM FROM JACO_OIL_COMPANY 6613938738 ~ X (l"': 1bI1Jø =-= II MONITORING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION _ tII" ... ~ ogy For Use By All Jurisdictions Within the State of C8/ifomi8 . Ar;t"orlty Cited: Ch8pter 6.7, Health and S8fety Code; Chapter 16. Division 3 Title 23. C8lifomi8 Code of Regulations P.10 A. Generallnforrnation Facillry Name: JACO OIL COMPANY #2259 Site Address: UNION MINI MART 1701 UNION AVENUE Facility Contact Pel'$On: MANAGER Make/Model of Monitori 'lg System: TLS-350 B. Inventory of Equipment Te$ted/Certifi@d Check the appropriate boxes to indicate $pecific equipment inspected/serviced City: BAKERSFIELD' Contad Phone No: 327-1326 CA lip: 93301 Date of Testing/Service: 10/01/2001 Work Order Number: 3118962 Tank ID: 1 TanklD: 2 ffeC'ln:>nic line leak DetectOf. Mod~l: WPLLD Tank Ovorf,U/Hlgtl·level Sena:>r. Model: MAG·1 Other (speçify equipment type and modGI in Se<::Iion E on page 2). an In·r<lrtk ~u9in9 Probe. Annul3r space or Vau~ Sensor. Piping SurnptTr$nch $ensol(~). Fill Sump 5ensor(s). Mechanlç"llIne Leak Detector. In-Tank Gauging Probe. Annular SpiICe or V;1I.I1I Sensor. Piping SumpITrench Sensor($), Fill Sump Sensor(s). Mechanic:àll.ine Le¡¡¡k Detector. Model: MAG·1 Model: Mod",!: Modtl: Model: Model: MAG-1 Model: Model: Model: Model: X Electronic line leak Oetector. Model: WPLLD X Tank OvertiIVHigh·Le\'el Sensor. Model: MAG·1 Other (specify equiprn.:nt t)'P!;! :¡nd model in Seclion E on page 2). In-Tank Gaus!ng Probe. Model; MAG-1 Annular space or Vau~ Sensor. Model: Piping SumplTr"'nctl Sensor(s). Model: Fill Sump Sen5or(s). Model: Mec/lanlcal Une leak Detector. Model: Electronic Une Leak Dataclor. Model: WPLLD Tank Owrl1JVHigh.lellel Sensor. Model: MAG-1 other (5p8cify equipment type and model in Section e 01'1 page 2). In.Tank Gauging Probe, ~nnular Space or Vaun Sen$Or. Piping Surnp/Trench Sensor(s). Fill Sump S~n!;lor(!¡). Mechanical Line Leak Oeteclor. Model: Model: . Model: Model: . Model: Electronic line Leal< Oetector. Model: Tank OvertilllHigh·Level Sensor. Model: Ottler (specify equipment type and model in Section E on page 2). o Dispenser Conlainroont Sel'l$Or(s) Model: NONE I::J Shear Va!\I9(s), o Cispenser Containment FIQ(jlt(s) and Ctlain(s), ,spenser Ispenser Di5penser Containment Sensor(s) Model: NONE Dispenser Containment Sen$Or(s)_ Model: NONE ShearValvé(s). StlearVellle(s). DI$pen8ef Containment Float(s) artd Ctlain(s). Dispe>n$er Cðl'ltillnment Floal(s) and Chain(s). Dispenser 10: NONE Dispenser ID: I'JON!õ Di~pCnser Containment Sensor($) Model: NONE Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: NONE Stlear VaIVè($). Shear Vall/e(s). o Dispenser Containment Ftoat(s) and Ctlain(a). Di:;penser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). . If the facility contains more tanks or dispensel'$. copy this form. Include information for every tank and dispenser at the facility. C. Ceníflcation I Cèrtify that the equipment identified In this document was in$pected/ssrviced in accordance with the manufadurers' guidelines, Attached to this certification is information (e.g manufacturers' checklists) necessary to verify that this Information is correc;t, and a Site Plan showing the layout of monitoring equipment For any equipment capable of generating $uch reports, I have also attached a copy of the (Check all that apply): System set.up report; ~ A.larm history report ~ PRINTED NAME;RICHMONO PHILLIPS COMPANY; Tanlo;noJogy /) .". ~. ~'<;':':<:~:<" ,. .;~;;:~¿:;~{.. SIGNATURE: PHONE NO: page 1 of 3 (800) 800-4633 Based on CA form dated 03/01 10-29-2001 2:45PM .. f FROMtlÞACO_OIL_COMPANY 6613938738 Monitoring System Certification P.11 e Site Address: UNION MINI MART 1701 UNION AVENUE Date of Testing/Service: 10/01/2001 SoftWare Version Installed: D. Results of Testing/Servicing Complete the following checklist: ~ Ye$ ONo' c:J Yes oNo" o YE15 ONo' o Ves ONo' DYes D No" In N/A On;; ONo' ONIÁ I:J Y EI5 ONO' DNfA D Ye$" ~No Dyes' DNo I:J Yes ONO" [] Yes ONo· Is the audible alarm operational? Is the visual alarm operational? Were all sensors visually inspected, functionally tested, and confirmed operationat? Were aU sensors InstaJled at lowest point of secondary containment and positioned so that other equipment will not interfere with their proper operation? ' If alarms are relayed to a remote monitoring station, is all communications equipment (e.9. modem) oþerational? For pressurized piping systems. does the turbine automatically shut down if the piping secondary containment monitoring system detects a leak, fails to oþerate, or is electrically disconnected? If yes; which sen50rs initiate pO$itive shut-<:town? (check all that apply) 0 $ump/Trench Sensors; 0 Dispenser Containment Sensors. Cid you confirm positive shut-down Que to leaks ¡¡nd sensor tailun!/disconnection? 0 Yes 0 No For rank systems that utilize the monitoring system as ttle primary tank ov@rlill warning device (i.e.: no mechanical overfill prevention valve is Installed), is the overfill warning alarm visible and audible at the tank fill points(s) and operating properlY? If $0, at what percent of tank capacity does the alarm trigger? 90 % Was any monitoring equipment replaced? It yes, Identify specific sensors. probes. or ather equipment replaced al'\d list the manufacturer name and model tor all replacement parts in Section E. below. Was liquid found inside any secondary containment systems designed as dry systems? (check all that apply) 0 product; o Water. If yes, describe causes in Section e, below. was monitoring system set-up reviewed to ensure proper :;;eltings'? Attach set-up reports, if applicable. 1$ a~' monitoring equipment operational per manufacturers' specifications? " In Section e below. describe how and when these deflclences were or will be corrected, E. Comments: pE\ge 2 of 3 " " FROMtlÞACO_OIL_COMPANY 5513938738 Monitoring System Certification P.12 10-29-2001 2:45PM Ó! e t Site Address: UNION MINI MART 1701 UNION AVENUE Date of Testing/Servièe: 10/01/2001 F. 'n- Tank Gauging I SIR Equipment o Check this box if tank gauging is used onJy rer inventory contrer. D Check this box if no tank gauging or SIR equipment is installed, This section mus,t be completed if in-tank gauging equipment is used to perform leak detection monitoring. Complete the following checklist: o Ves DNo" Has all input wiring been inspected for proper entry and termination, including testing for ground faUlts? [:] Yea DNo· Were all tank gaugjng probes I/ísuany inspected for damage and residue buildup? DYe$ ~No· Was accuraçy or system product level readings tested? DYe& ~No· Was accuracy of system water levef readings tested? !~Yes DNo· Were alf probes reinstalled prop@rly? DYes ON<>· Were all items on the equipment manufàéturers' maintenance c;;heckli$t completed? · In the Sectlcn H. below, descrIbe how and when these deficIenCIes were or will be corrected. G. Line Leak Detectors (LlD) : o Check thi$ box if llDs are not installed. Complete the following checklist: DYes DNo· DN'A For equipment start.up or annuill equipment certification, Was a leak 5imulated 10 verify LLO performance? (Check all that apply) Simulated leak rate: 0 3 g,p.h 0 0,1 g.p,h 00.29.p.n ~Yœ oNO" Were all LLD$ confirmed operational and accurate within regulatory requirements? DYes DNo" Was the testing apparatus properly calibrated? DYes DNo· DN/A For mechanical LLDs, does the LLD restrict product now if it detects a I@ak? f!) Yes DNo· DN/A ~or electronic LlDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if the l.LD detèct5 a leak? r:J Y 98 DNo· ON/A For electl'Onjç LlDs. does the turPine automatically shut off jf any portion of the monitoring sy$tem is disabled or djGConnected? Dves oNo· ~N/A For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the moMoring system malfunctions or fails a test? DYes DNo· (:] N/A For elèc;lronic LlDs, have all acc:eGSible wiring connections been visually inspected? DYes DNo· Were all items on the equipment manufacturers' maintenance c;;hecklísl completed? · In the ection H bèlow, describe how and when the$e deficiencies were or win, be corrected. H. Comments: wplld lids. page 3 of3 10-29-2001 2:40PM .~ FROM JACO_OIL_COMPANY 6613938738 e P.4 -, CERTIFICATE OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SYSTEM TESTING ~~ 71!InknoIOgy 8900 SHOAL CREEK, BUILDING :ZOO AUSTIN, TEXAS 78757 (512) 451-6334 FAX (512) 459·1459 TEST RESULT SITE SUMMARY REPORT JOIm lŒlU.EY (805)393-7000 PURPOSE: COMPLIANCE ~WORK'9,Bt>. ,.r SITE: JACO OIL COMPANY #2259 UNION MINI MART 1701 UNION AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 MANAGEa (805)327-1326 TEST TYPE: TLD-l TEsT DATE: 10/01/01 CUSTOMER PO: CLIENT: JACO OIL CO. 3101 STATE ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 The followÙlg tcst(s) waè conducted at the site above in accordance with Line and Leak Detector Tests Y Y Tanknology appoNciatc$ t~e opponuníty to servè you, óII!(! lçoks forward to working witb you in tbe future. PI"use <:-/111 ¡)ny time, day or night. wh<:n YQu need us. Tanknology representative: IŒN MINTON Services conducted by: RICHMOND PHILLIPS j¿ -f( ~ ·ï ..... .:;»;'<;~;;/":,<~/>~;:" .~ .... / /~""..' -,.,.~ Reviewed: Technician Certification Number: 9].-].071 Prioted 10/031200112:57 KOHLMEYER \ 10-29-2001 2:41PM '1' ' FROM JACO_OIL_COMPANY 6613938738 e P.5 e INDIVIDUAL TANK INFORMATION AND TEST RESULTS -. 'DInIo1oIogy 5900 SHOAL CREEK. 6UILDING 200 AUSTIN. TeXAS 78757 (512) 451-6334 TE$T DATE~10/Ol/01 CLIENT: JACO OIL CO. WORK ORDER NUMBER31l8962 SITE:JACO OIL COMPANY 4t2259 TanklD: 12k 1 Product PREMIUM Capacity in gallons; 12 I 000 Diameter in inches: 96.00 Length in inches: 387 Material: DW $'1'EEL COMMENTS Tank manifolded: NO Vent manifolded: YES Vapor recovery manifolded: NO Overfill protection: YES Overspill protection: YES Installed: ATG CP installed on: / / Bottom to top fill in inches: 8ottom to grade in inches: Fill pipe length În inches: Fill pipe diameter in inches: Stage I vapor recovery: Stage II vapor recovery: 148.0 153.0 52.0 4.0 DUAL BALANCE . ~ ) ,·U.·::,(I.\ I ..:I:~ ,; ,:, ,:,:.tl,:,I,I:,.. i~:":~II' 1\:',':'" .::w. ,....::::, Diþped Water Level: Dipped Product Level: Probe Water Level: Ingress Detected: Water Test time: Inclinometer reading: VacuTect Test Type: VacuT ect Probe Ent/)' Point: Pressure Set Point: Tank water level in inches: Water table depth in inches: Determined by (methòd): Result: COMMENTS ":~i~: . "....:',¿.... ~'~." t.,',. :;i;, ~:"I' "I'I 1,1,1,1,"'1':'" '1'::-" I.','.' :~~.: New/paS5@d FaiJeCf/replaced New/pas$ect Failed/replaced L.D. #1 LD. #1 L.D. #2 l.D, #2 Bubble Make: Model: SIN: Open time in see: Holding psi: Resiliency cc: Test leak rate mVm: Metering psi: Calìb. leak in gph: Results: ~.ASS Ullage VEEDERROO'l' WP;£..LD ,,/.. NOT n:Sn:D NOT TESTED COMMENTS Material: Diameter (in): Length (ft): Test psi: Bleedback cc: Testtime (min): Stàrt time: End time: Final gph: Result Pump type: Pump make: COMMENTS STEEL 2.0 40.0 NOT 'rESTED NOT 'l'ESTED NOT TESTED NOT 'IESTED PRESSURE RED JACKET Impact Valves Operational: UNXNOiiN Printed 10/0312001 12:57 10-29-2001 2:41PM FROM JACO_OIL_COMPANY 6613938738 e P.6 e INDIVIDUAL TANK INFORMATION AND TEST RESULTS -" 1ånknOIogy 8900 SHOAL CREEK. 8UIlD1NG 200 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78751 (512) 451·6334 TeST DATE:10/0J./Ol CLIENT: JACO OIL CO. WORK ORDER NUMBER3118962 5ITE:JACO OIL COMPANY *2259 TanklD: 12k 2 Product PLUS Capacity in gallons: J.2 ,000 Diameter in inches: 96.00 Length in inches: 387 Material: DW STEEL COMMENTS Tank manifolded: NO Vent manifolded: YES Vapor recovery manifolded: NO Overtill protection: YES Overspil1 protection: n:s Installed: ATG CP installed on: / I Bottom to toþ fill in inches: Bottom to grade in inches: Fill pipe length in inches: Fill pipe diameter in inches: Stage I vapor recovery: Stage II vapor recovery: 148.0 153.0 52.0 4.0 DUAL BALANCE Faill!'d/replaced L.D.#1 Dípped Water Level: Dipped Product Level: Probe Water Level: Ingress Detected: Water BUbble Ullage Test time: Inclinometer reading: VacuTect Test Type: NOT VacuTect Probe Entry Point: 'r]!;STED Pressure Set Point: Tank water level In inches: Water table depth ín inches: Determined by (method): Result: COMMENTS Make: WZÞZAAOOT Model: 1¡þu:.D SIN: nil> Open time in see: Holding psi: Resiliency cc: Test leak rate mllm: Metering psi: Ca!ib. leak in 9ph: Results: PASS NOT T2STEP COMMENTS Material: Diameter (in): Length (1t): Test psi: Bleedback cc: Test time (JTlin): Start time: End time: Final gpn: Result. Pump type; Pump make: COMMENTS ST.U:L 2.0 40.0 NOT TESTED NOT TES1':ED NOT TESTED NOT 'rESTED PIŒSStJ1tE 1UU) JACtæT Impact Valves Operational: umcNOWN Printed 10/03/2001 12:57 10-29-2001 2:42PM ,1.' FROM JACO_OIL_COMPANY 6613938738 P. 7 e INDIVIDUAL TANK INFORMATION AND TEST RESULTS . ~~ 71anknoIogy 8900 SHOAL CREEK, BUILDING 200 AUSTIN. TEXAS 78757 (512) 451-63~ TEST DATE:I0/01/01 CLIENT: JACO OIL CO. WORK ORDER NUMBER3U8962 SITE:JACO OIL COMPANY '2259 Tank 10: 12k 3 Product UNLEADED C<1jpé!lcity in gallons: 12 , 000 Diameter in inches: 96. 00 Length in inches: 381 Material: DW STEEL COMMENTS Té!lnk manifolded: NO Vent manifolded; YES Vapor recovery mat'lifolded: NO Overfill protection: YES OIIerspill protection: YES Installed: ATG CP installed on: I / Bottom to top fill in inches: Bottom to grade in inches: Fill pipe length in inches: Fill pipe diameter in inches: Stage I vapor recovery: Stage II vapor recovery: 149.0 154.0 53.0 4.0 DUA!. JaAIANCE Dipped Water Level: Dipped Product Level: Probe Water Level: Ingress Deteç1ed: Water Test time: Inclinometer reading: VacuTect Test Type: VacuTecl Probe Entry Point: Pressure Set Point: Tank water level in inches: Water table depth in inches: Determined by (method): Result; COMMENTS Bubble Ullage New/passed Failed/replaced L.D. #1 L.D. #1 Make: VE:eDBMOO'X' Model: WPLLD SIN: n/a Open time in see; Holding psi: Resiliency co: Test leak rate mJ/m: Metering psi: Calìb. leak in gph: Results; PAsS NOT TESTED NO'! TES'l'ED COMMENTS Material: Diameter (in): Length (ft): Test psi: Bleedback cc: Test time (min): Start time: End time: Final gph: Result: PIJmp type: Pump make: COMMENTS STEEL 2.0 40.0 NOT TESTED NOT TESTED NOT TESTED NO'r TESTED i'RESSURE NONE Impact Valves Operational: UNKNO~ Pril'\ted 10103/2001 12:57 10-29-2001 2:43PM FROM JACO_OIL_COMPANY 6613938738 e e .~~71anknology 8900 SHOAL CREEK, BUILDING 200 AUSTIN. TEXAS 78757 (512) 451-6334 FAX (512) 459-1459 P.8 TEST DATE:l0/01/01 CLIENT: JACO OIL CO. WORK ORDER NUM6ER)118962 SITe:JACO OU. COMi'ANY #2259 COMMENTS Noti.fied ome:rp of Jac:o o£ problems w.i th moni tor PARTS REPLACED HELIUM PINPOINT TEST RESULTS (IF APPLICABLE) Printed 10/0312001 12:57 KOHLMEYER 10-29-2001 2:44PM FROM JACO_OIL_COMPANY 6613938738 - P.9 SITE DIAGRAM Jf~ TánknoIogy e 8900 SHOAL CREEK, BUILDING 200 AUSTIN. TEXAS 78757 (512) 451-6334 FAX (512) 459-1459 TEST DATE: 10/01/01 CL.IENT:JACO OIL CO. WORK ORDER NUMBER3118962 SITE: JACO OIL cO!dPANY #2259 <0>- --0> § .- '-. ! C-STORE ~ ~ ( IIST~-':~~K~"0- ® ~ E~J PLUS 0 C£)G :D 12K __.,__ _~,,_ .,'.." ,,\.,...__.........__. ,..J. E~ PREM 0 (F) 0ß 12K Printed 10/0312001 12:57 KOHLMEYER 10/29/2001 15:55 5513930453 JACO OIL COMPANY PAGE 04/04 CERTIFICATE OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SYSTEM TESTtNG ,r~ 'Dfnknology 6900 SHOAL CREEK. BUILDING 200 AUSTIN, TEXAS 767fil (512) 451-6334 FAX (512) 459-1459 TEST RESULT SITE SUMMARY REPORT TEST DATE: 10/01/01 TEST TYPE: 'l'LD-1 CUSTOMER PO: PURPOSE: COMPL~ANCE WORK ORDER NUMBER: 3118962 JOHN lŒRLEY (805)393-7000 SITE: JACO 01:L COMPANY #2259 UNION KINI MART 1101 UNION AVENUE BAKERSFIELO, CA 9330l MANAGER (805)327-1326 CLIENT: JACO OIL CO. 31Q1 STA'l'E ROAD BAKERSr~ZLD, CA 93308 The followmg tcst(s) were conducted at The site above in accordance with all applicable portions of Federal, NFP A and locllI œguIations Line and Leak Detector Tests 12k 12k 12k 1 P!ŒMIUM 2 PLUS 3 tJNLEADED y y y p ,p p Tankno ogy apprèdatcs the opportunity to ~crvc you, and looks forwnrd tQ workins with you in thc future, Please ca.1I ;UJY tim~, day or )jght. when you need U$, Tan knology representative: 1CEN MINTON Services conducted by; RICHMOND PHILLIPS /L -11 .~ 4æ>~1iL Reviewed: Technician Certification Number: 01 _" ^",.. 1121/29/21211211 15:55 551393121453 JACO OIL COMPANY \ 4i.1ÞiJlaJoIogy e Invoice Date 10/03/01 I.oice I' ~., Ta_nk~olo9Y-NDE International, Inc ., S900 Shoal Creek, Bldg 200 I Austin, TX 78757 Uhìted states Telephone: 512/451-6334 Fax: 5121380-7195 PAGE 1213/1214 454327 ¡, BillTo: JACO all co. DEBBIE MCMASTER PO sox 82515 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93380-2515 Remit To: Tanknofogy/NDE Corporation P.O. Box 297446 Houston, TX 77297-0446 Wire Transfer or ACH Instructions: Bank One, Texas, N.A., Houston, Texas ABA: 111000614 Acc:ount name: Tanknology/NDE Corporation Account No. 1820 765 129 Federal TaJ; ID# 76.Q356438 Site Where Work Was Peñormed: JACO OIL COMPANY #:2259 UNION MINI MART 1701 UNION AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 . Customer I I Terms JAC01 Q ! I DUE UPON RECEIPT Work Order Number I Customer Contact Test Dat@ T Purchase Order Number 3118962 T SC 10/01/01 I ,: Qty Ordered Qty Shipped Item Number I Unit of Measure Unit Price Back Ordered Item Description Oisc:ount % ,. Tax Extended PrÎèe 1 1 TEST-MON-C EA 275.00000 275,00 0 TESTING· MONITORING CERTIFICATION N I , . " Nontaxable Subtotal 275.00 Taxable Subtotal 0,00 I: Tax (7.750%) 0.00 I , Total Invoice 215.00 Customer Original Page 1 10/29/2001 15:5b FIRE CHIEF ~ON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES a101 "H' Street 6akersfield, CA 93301 VOice (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 SUPPRESSION SERVices 2101 "H' Street aakersfieJd, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERViCes 1715 Chl!eler Ave. Bakerefield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661)326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) :926-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION $1342 VictDr AVe. Bakers/ield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399·4697 FAX (661) 399·5763 bb13930453 e JACO OIL COMPANY e PAGE 02/04 -# æ:5? September 27, 2001 r;" :. "I,:, I/:;'~'~; ~ John Kerley J aco Oil POBox 82515 Bakersfield Ca 93380 ,r~ ':..1,,' ß'il .~, Certified Mail {", \ 1" v J 1'" 'l 0,0 i) /v/' y'~rj 1'~1~ .fJ ¡ ;..j' ':...;1 NOTICE OF VIOLATION & SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE RE: Failure to Submit/Perform Annual Maintenance on Leak Detection S:;·ster.r at}I;¡¡'¡"isM<u kct, ¡ 70} Union ,,">.vi::, BakoL'sfidd Dear Mr, Kerley Our records indicate that your am1ual maintenance certification ou your leak detection system is past due. Septemb¢r 30,2001. You are currently in violation of Section 2641(1) of the California Code of Regulations, "Equipment and devices used to monitor undergro~d storage taoks shall be 1ostalled, calibrated, operated and maintained in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, including routine maintenance and service checks at least once p~ calendar year for operability and running condition." " Yau are hereby notified that you have thirty (30) days, October 27, 2001, to either per:fot1D. or submit your annual certification to this office. Failure to comply will result in revocation of your permit to operate your underground storage system, Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661~326-3190. Sincerely, Ralph Huey Director of Prevention Services bYjk ~ Steve Underwood Fire Inspector/Environmental Code Enforcement Officer Oftìoe of Environmental Services cc; Walt Porr, Assistant 'City Attorney ~~ c/..) . .LÞ' Q:/ . (12"' /Z~ (J -,p'/). (/:...' . ,., ..7¿;r~/q~?, Ow u~wvP.//./l4"?' .7'0/" t..,Ø(.?o/"e ..ry;,Q.n.~ . ./(-') DU';.Ú/-,:?' 10/29/2001 15:55 5513930453 e JACO OIL COMPANY . PAGE Ø1/04 FAX SHEET JACO OIL COMPANY PO BOX 82515 BAKERSFIELD. CA 93380-2515 DATE: /O-Z~C/ NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER SHEET: £..5 TO:b ~~ rs%~ - _n .- /éÒ; FROM: JA~ò () rL ~. ' - _ (~vy1e.rò _(~fl;;r;J0 PHONE: . FAX PHONE: ·cc: PHONE: (661) 393·7000 FAX: (661) 393..04$3 ,JRGENT_ FOR YOUR REVIEW~RePlY ASAP_PLEASE COMMENT_ ,IREMARKS: ~A J! kr )/l '3 Ce..cIJ .l3é'_~ /¡tJ..s)'&'>-, l- I -~ ~¿:¿'79 ða.<r.r;/., A-j7n-.rtf~/ /';!n,/;0.¿(t'J,A.) .-'toe. #31/6 hB¿/O f$()9 -3Y~ s.fr~e--J-- , "3-9'7 ~<:L7 cZ6'f>'ð' 0,~w/~ &~ ... ""' Thank you......Omero Garcia e CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME ¡far rt~ ~r- INSPECTION DATE IfJWnf Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program o Routine [Sf Combined 0 Joint Agency Type of Tank 5 t1J Fe s Type of Monitoring -----.A-T' o Multi-Agency 0 Complaint Number of Tanks :3 Type of Piping J.. pr ORe-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on tile \.... / Proper owner/operator data on tile ../ PellTlit fees current v' / Certification of Financial Responsibility oJ Monitoring record adequate and current V Maintenance records adequate and current J / Failure to correct prior UST violations vi Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes NOL/ Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank AGGREGATE CAPACITY Number of Tanks OPERA TION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on tile with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? [fyes, Does tank have overfill/overspill protection? :~~e::];"~J: V;¡2Q~Y<' Office of Environmental Services (805) 326-3979 White· Env. Svcs. N=NO Pink· Business Copy . - CITY OF BAKERSFIEtD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd f'loor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME ~Nb, t1tlt ADDRESS---1ìO' (~\1\\Q" }lA- FACILITY CONTACT INSPECTION TIME INSPECTION DA TE--LDls)OI PHONE NO. ~ t" &I L (I BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210- NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES ~ Section I: Business Plan and Inventory Program o Routine ~ Combined o Joint Agency o Multi-Agency o Complaint ORe-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Appropriate peonit on hand ~ / Business plan contact infoonation accurate V Visible address V Correct occupancy \.I. Veri fication of inventory materials V Verification of quantities L/ Verification of location V Proper segregation of material V Verification of MSDS availability \.. Veri fication of Haz Mat training V Verification of abatement supplies and procedures v Emergency procedures adequate vj Containers properly labeled "" I Housekeeping \.. J . Fire Protection ./ Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand V C=Compliance V=Violation Pink· Business Copy Any hazardous waste on site?: Explain: DYes r::(No Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (661) 326-3979 White· Env. Svcs. Yellow· Station Copy Inspector: FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3951 FAX (661) 326·0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3979 FAX (661) 326·0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399·4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 ~~ '. , ;., ~ ~. September 27,2001 " John Kerley Jaco Oil POBox 82515 Bakersfield Ca 93380 Certified Mail NOTICE OF VIOLATION & SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE RE: Failure to Submit/Perfonn Annual Maintenance on Leak Detection System at Harris Market, 1701 Union Ave, Bakersfield Dear Mr. Kerley Our records indicate that your annual maintenance certification on your leak detection system is past due. September 30,2001. You are currently in violation of Section 2641(J) of the California Code of Regulations. "Equipment and devices used to monitor underground storage tanks shall be installed, calibrated, operated and maintained in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, including routine maintenance and service checks at least once per calendar year for operability and running condition." You are hereby notified that you have thirty (30) days, October 27,2001, to either perfonn or submit your annual certification to this office. Failure to comply will result in revocation of your permit to operate your underground storage system. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661-326-3190. Sincerely, Ralph Huey Director of Prevention Services bY~~ Steve Underwood Fire Inspector/Environmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services cc: Walt Porr, Assistant City Attorney .10 .9$,uú~?, U:;" ?;;Wl/;u~/uZ?, ,%p .j#¿~/~e· .!YÆ;,/b ./6 ts~/l/"/'r'"'' . . ., ~~ 4'_ ~ ;'"~ .p ( plete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete ifun{ 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: John Ker1~y Jaco Oil POBox 82515 'r Bakersfield CA 93380 3. Service Type ~ Certified Mail o Registered o Insured Mail o Express Mail o Return Receipt for Merchandise o C.O,D. Re: Harris Market 1701 Union AVe 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) tJ Yes 2. Article Number (Copy from service label) "'--"00 0520 0021 9610 8155 PS FW 3811, July 1 Q?9 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-99-M_1789 -----~~- - _, ___ _____.........---J '0 '.-:I , ..D .a- .-:I n.J ~ t:J - t:J o 'n.J LJ'1 :0 _0 o '0 . r- Postage $ !34 ~ Certified Fee 2.10 t:;: Return ReceIpt Fee PosImaIk' (Endorsement Required) 1.50 Here Restricted DellveIY Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Posf¡ ge & Fees $ 3.94 ReCIpIent's Name (P/eese PrInt Clearly) (To be completed by mailer) John Kerley. ',' , štñiëi:Ä¡,t:Ñô:¡õ;ï;öË1õj¡Ñõ.····_··-··_-······_·~_···_···_--.............. POBox 82515 ëiiY.·l~fl~~f~~ï~·-~~····93·38Õ-.._·_.._-_·_..__.. PS Form 3800, February 2000 See Reverse for InstructIons FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3951 FAX(661)326~576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3979 FAX(661)326~576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399·5763 . . August 3, 2001 Harris Market 1701 Union Ave Bakersfield Ca 93305 RE: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirement December 31, 2003 REMINDER NOTICE Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: You will be receiving updates from this office with regard to Senate Bill 989 which went into effect January 1, 2000. This bill requires dispenser pans under fuel pump dispensers. On December 31, 2003, which is the deadline for compliance, this office will be forced to revoke your Pennit to Operate, for failure to comply with the regulations. It is the hope of this office, that we do not have to pursue such action, which is why this office plans to update you. I urge you to start planning to retro-fit your facilities. If your facility has been upgraded already, please disregard this notice. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661-326- 3190. Sincerely, j¿J££J Steve Underwood Fire Inspector/Environmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dm ~~ C/? 1// (/'- /þ/- 77' ,j c/-, ." .]e,~'Út?' úUÞ 6~WI/;lN/ld·(/· /Y:o/~ ..../'þ(;.¡OPB .'::Y/Ú~/I.' v/Ò vÍ?/lá'/r FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661)395·1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chesler Ave, Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326·0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3979 FAX (661) 326·0576 . TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399·4697 FAX (661) 399·5763 . . CERTIFIED MAIL The following Jaco sites are currently due/past due on annual monitoring certification. These sites are as follows: Due Date 9-04-01 9-05-01 9-05-01 9-12-01 9-12-01 9-20-01 9-22-01 9-22-01 9-23-01 9-27-01 9-27-01 9-28-01 9-28-01 9-28-01 9-30-01 10-2-01 Failure to perfonn or submit monitoring certification within 30 days of due date will result in revocation of your Pennit to Operate. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661-326-3190. ¡of, C'f? . ~ß (/) __.'l: (j'L 44 f1"'nl ./.1 (L/,_/_ " Je.PUV,:?, UI..e (:;JO/'';I/;U~,~?, ..TOP JÇ/(:J(YPe J/UU'b ./D 6~'ld~~? September 10, 2001 John Kerley Jaco Oil Company P.O. Box 1807 Bakersfield, Ca 93380 NOTICE OF EXPIRATION ON MONITORING CERTIFICATION Dear Mr. Kerley: Site Address 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8·. 9. 10. II. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Farrells Fastrip, 6401 White Lane Chris Liquors, 2732 Brundage Lane Fastrip #640,8001 White Lane Wholesale Fuels, 2200, Brundage Fastrip #19, 4901 S. Union Fastrip #621,805 34th Fastrip #6, 1640 S. Chester Fastrip, #26, 2698 Oswell Street Howards #4, 3200 Panama Lane Fastrip #622, 4013 UH" Street Ming & Real Fastrip, 3701 Ming Ave Fastrip #641,1200 Coffee Road Howard's #6, 4201 Belle Terrace Howard's, 3300 Planz Road Harris Market, 170 I Union Ave Mt. Vernon Fastrip, 3501 Mt. Vernon S1'~ Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Office Office of Environmental Services SBU/dm FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3951 FAX (661) 326·0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3979 FAX (661) 326·0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399·4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 . .-.-. . - January 22,2001 Harris Market 1701 Union Ave Bakersfield Ca 93305 RE: Dispenser Pan Requirement December 31, 2003 Underground Storage Tank Dispenser Pan Update Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: You will be receiving updates from this office now, and in the future with regard to the Senate Bill 989, which went into effect January 1,2000. This bill requires dispenser pans under fuel pump dispensers. On December 31, 2003, which is the deadline for compliance, this office will be forced to revoke your permit to operate, effectively shutting down your fueling operation. It is the hope of this office, that we do not have to pursue such action, which is why this office plans to update you. I urge you to start planning now to retro-fit your facilities. If your facility has upgraded already, please disregard this notice. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661-326-3190. Sincerely, Jk~ Steve Underwood, Inspector Office of Environmental Services SBU/dm "7~ de W~ ~ vØ60Pe.r~ ..Æ W~" . - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 INSPECTION DATE IOWOV PHONE NO. (Ì,3~- ~J.1 ( BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210- NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES ':1 F ACILITY NAME---.tktt'l~ '"~+ ADDRESS ')0' Ù(./\\O" FACILITY CONTACT INSPECTION TIME Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program D Routine ~mbined D Joint Agency D Multi-Agency D Complaint D Re-inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS Appropriate penn it on hand L- V V Business plan contact infonnation accurate ./ /' Visible address V Correct occupancy / V II Verification of inventory materials t/ Verification of quantities v 1I / . II Verification of location V Proper segregation of material v 1I Verification of MSDS availability Iv Verification of Haz Mat training V V / Verification of abatement supplies and procedures VII Emergency procedures adequate t..- V j Containers properly labeled vi II Housekeeping V ,. Fire Protection ./ / Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand ./ C=Compliance V=Violation Any hazardous waste on site?: Explain: DYes ~ White - Env. Svcs. Yellow· Station Copy Pink - Business Copy ness ~espo~sible Party Inspector: t~~ Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (661) 326-3979 \ _---...~""'~""""~"::~"""~"~""'~"'",' .-"".,- _"'è'~"-:_=-_.""V?~C'__;~; -0' --~- ....."" " ~ >-~~~ :.\ :--~'~:~~;::---:---- e-~-~--·--~-_.., -.--- - - . Hi-~¡;C:F: 1 E, !"IFiF:I:ET 1701 UNl()['~ H\/E. \3Fi¡: ER~:~F (ELÜ CFi. 6t,1 t,:3t,--O:::'71 v OCT :]. 2CIUO 1 1 : 08 !~r"l , ¡ ~;",'::;T¡:J'1 f.iT!-,-rUf.:: ¡;::EPORT - ".. -~ ... - - I'1LL FUNCT 1 UN:=:: NOF:I"l~\L HAi;:F: 1 ::; l'IARIEr 170 I Uf'H C'I, (,\/[. BAiŒF:EiF J ELD C¡;. 661 t,:::;!:, --Ci~'71 r " \t_ ? '--'" OCT :3 - 20uel l I : 0:::: AI"1 .- .- -. -. -- ;3i::),¡TI"j ;"_:lhll.,C kLi 1:'1' '_ I,tL~~ t'W'K,'11i::l~:=;;__Jl~'¡~UrJr I N",/EI" TOF:\' ¡;::EP(:'ET T 1 :PF:Dl. \/OLUI"ìE ULLAI::;F. 90\, ULU'1GE> TC \/OLUr"lE HEIGHT t.IATEP. \/OL l¡,JATEF: TEr"lP T ~': FLU:3 \/0 L LJlv1E ULLAGE 9CY; ULUiGI:> TC \/OLUI"'lE HEIGHT WATEF: \IOL WATER TEI"lP T 3: ut'~L. I./OLUI"1E ULLAGE 90~;; ULIJ,'::£= TC \/0 L UI"IE HEIGHT ~JATER \IOL ("lATER TEt"IP 26:.:::; ':<347 814'7 2!:i135 26.19 18 0.89 91.1 2497 9503 8 :] [(j 2444 ~!5 . 09 o D.OO 90.2 4855 7145 5945 L~?E~ 1 40.'78 16 CJ.84 90.6 GAL~~; C~ìU:;' GP[;'~ G( ~ II\JS GFiL~3 INCHES DEG F GALS GALS GALS Cf'1LS I NC HES GALS INCHES DEG F GALS GALS C¡:::'l,S I~ ì lHiD3 GALS 1 NCHE:3 DEG F M ~ M ~ ~ END M M M M M · CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 F ACILITY NAME~{,flS Atld- INSPECTION DATE In/3/()n , Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program o Routine ~ombined 0 Joint Agency Type of Tank ~u)Fc.6 Type of Monitoring ftT{D o Multi-Agency 0 Complaint Number of Tanks .3 Type of Piping j.1'T ORe-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on tìle V V Proper owner/operator data on file V Penn it fees current V I - Certification of Financial Responsibility V Monitoring record adequate and current ,r V Maintenance records adequate and current V / Failure to correct prior UST violations V Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No v/ Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank AGGREGATE CAPACITY Number of Tanks OPERATION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on file with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? If yes, Does tank have overfill/overspill protection? Pink· Business Copy :~:::Ii'":t v(~y" Oftìce of Environmental Services (805) 326-3979 White· Env. Svcs. N==NO