HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION - e 1Œ1W CCtm'l'Y ENVIRONMEN'I'AL HEAL':}! SERVICES DEPAB.'mEN'l' INVES~IGA~ICH RECORD OWNEB. t.J.p I L-t:::, I J <Ç ~ . DO. ADDRESS OF VIOLA'l'IOH: ASSESSORS' P~EL I SPEC~IS~/TECHHIC~: CHR.ONOLOGICAL ". ADD1ŒSS C'l' RECCR.D OP INVES~IGA~ION DATE 4-{'1..~7 )... ~IME (HR.1 NARRA~IVE , l 1"/J~.,.I.ø¿ C;VÞ''¿;..# I,h1'"/M.L. uC¡:J~) ¡J,.."d - (1,/./A,; /1?!,. ")/... ./t rf- t:;,¿.,¿.. I!~ Á (J:~ 4 (A .-p1 h1-:1..l r~ L Z;j ;' , - .ð L-A-- (If) / A /Ý c-,/ I' ^"~ -!.....J../"" ð .- -~ <t,;,/ /.4. ·1 ÐD">4'~J rA ù,/w I~" 'I/~+ ,f J J) V ':J.... .... ;//1 7/.; ,~ ~ I'L'(2-. /..iI -?na I L,...L A, . -1 A -r<: J) ¡;:. ~ In ~ /YY1 ~ ,.Jl/í/VI'" ~ /}'71 W~li L --- ~ ..fß)~ .....9 ~ ..., /. Þ ;; -i;;; n0.1w h Po-, ituíd g cvV» c,d 4' if /1;; A.J~ Y &_ IOA1Ý'A --;i:Þ 'arJ. o ~ -10 -'1 ').. ¿ .. I V -~ ?- e - e- KERN COUN'l'Y ENVIRONMEN'I'AL HEALTH SERVICES DEPAR1'MENT INVESTIGATION RECORD OWNER Lues -ref'IJ AvrD DBA U þ,' c.J< ( ) S A v.e . ADDRESS OF VIOLATION: ~S AMe. tt..S ASSESSORS' PARCEL i SPECIALIST/TECHNICIAN: ~ ~ CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD ¡feGYC~ ADDRESS ) 99 <:; ~OllQ... ..£. (/ AI /,,/1/ I ßKt=/i) 9.iJð7 CT OF INVESTIGATION ~¡ :;. .) I.... -" {}V . ¡ I , I ~ ! I/y",-,:"·r)l.-?J~ //! ,¡ I. .',/.....,..1 -- .. /" ¡ f;,V'~'0 "'^.~~ .......'v. - C.,i ; i/'/¡"""""£>' -~~ } /;/~ .....1 r,~ ~ ; ~, ",' I -', .......,. - :~- .' _ ",_,.1 .- -': .¿ / I . / ,J - ~-' ,,(/ ..vv'........ .-:;. .:....t~,... r'.V\..I1" ,/",,_/7. ",y¡ ~-:;;¿" I ~ '.,..) /.-<.L. /'"::..'11\"./) /, .' "';/;,O'~...- ,~V-~ ? /?} r..:' // Î __)/-"':/7- / -v :N:~~XJ.u/ jJcz.-WVb¿;~ ~~ ¿).0~~~ '7 {~) it... ùrn·~l /lJ'v,DtÝr1/>vp. 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InfDrmðtloll ill IIIe shaded Brelle ~ .. , Oocument No. WASTE MANIF.EST , 'I ,', \" I ;"11 ,', I t:l;\ I ..I '\ " I.: I ,; ,"~ft' X!'!...J 'I 01 1. Is not reQuired by Fede(allew, 3, QII"eultor's Name and Mailing Address A. $tale Manifeä 9c588 2mrrSl .~;~'? t., ""t'" ,r U 1~;:\Vi¡: \ t.....~·;r.~\,!'\. J ",'.t; ';, I,('¡'" 1""\,"[ B, $tale Generato"a to , . ,.:'.. (' ,\' ."..'1 ; ';' ,.,'\..., \, \)'" , .'" , .d,.:.,!"" ,\'. -I' f'. t··,:.r.'. \.;1 ).)._'~)J 4, Qen",r(\IOr's Phone ( I I I I I I I I , I I ¡ 5. Tranaporte( I, Company Name $, US EPA 10 Number C. Slate Trll.n$porter'a ID t¡ '.' !_~ r,; ., I ' t;U.{· r ,1".1. .~: \f) ~C~)U;' ,¡ ~.<.! :("i I.i,;.r:" t (I¡ II I'll ;¡ I ': 1 11 ;'! ';' !1 " O. TranaÞorter's Phoo" ~>: \~ (; ~:; 0,. r. 11,1 7. V908pOr!ar 2 Compan~ Name 8, US EPA ID Numbar E. State T(snsportlJ,'a ID I I 1 I I I 'I: I I I I , f'. Trana )(lrter:s Phon' 1 9. Designated Facility Name àn~ Site AdcrEtSll 10, US EPA ID Number G. State FaclliIY'. ID (..J / I,;l(). { '.jJt, r ,¡{:~; ~.") .; ~'i·;: X; : C I ^' I [) I () I ~ I!j: !!~ I <~ I:) II. I '/1 7 I ...... h,~<) (~~ .. ~:. I.,); .c..~ { ,; ~(; $, t, ¡ J I~;"~ 11. Facility'. PMne J.!;'j.,. ~ ",. :'. '¡'" n ;..'.: ~ ,,:': 1. ::.J ~:' ~ (" I, ! ~.; :.~\ ':' !:. ~ (~ I)' I: J( ,,' ,"; ,'\) G I ,< I ':, I L ¡ I ¡'I ( U)) \ ~W'l..·iY;11 " '. . !,~. , .,..... 1'.... , .... .' "," . ! ; ; 12, Container. 13, Total 14, I. II, US DOT De:,u;ription OnçlUdin\ Proper Shipping Name, Huard Claee, an<:llD Number) Quantity Unil WBlSte No, , No. Type W1rVol a, Stete J :i\/i~ ;'~.~.J(~~ j.;·,i "i..\:···i :.: .',.", ",," ~. .:(ì;:··~ {tï} :..,}...: . .. ::~i t~.~) (r..:',',' \) t,l( ;", ::, ;';\ \ ,l,;,:' ,'.;..:"" ..',,,.., '..- G EPAIOthol .. e (¡ ;:1 ] ¡, -, ¡)II~I ~J 1:/ 1" P f'~ ;'P i N '''-.. I ' .\. ~. \: ." .,:' E t), Stafe , n A EPA/OIher T : I I , I I I I I) i---; J R " Slate c, , , , , : EPAf01her I I I I I I I ,: d, Stale I EPAIQltler I I 1 I I I J, Additional Oe3úfipliona for Mi t ~,ials Listed Above K, HaMling CodeS lOr Wastes lIstad Above ; a. b, , ./..... Q, d , , I !(; S"e':i81 Han/l/i'lg Illstruction. ..na Addit;"n~IIMormatìon '/~ ....: :, ~: ;. ( . .'.... ) . . ..,'.. '~; I."r i ¡.~; ,~f/~;,\.;'.~· " L.A,.,::;:, i li' , " L~ ~.r'..· ,t ~_. ..\~, ....,), "''¡'.,:a...; , II I ,I ~ I 16. GENERATOA'S CEIHlFICATION: I/\Greby dec/¡mi< Inallhe ,-on/enta ot this c()"signment àre fully and ac<::u'i lety described abOVe by proper shipping name 'I ; "1\0 e.-e cla33ifil,oa, packed, ,,,,,'ked, and labeh,d, and are i,' all raspects in proper conditio" for tran3Porl by nl\Jhway Mc;oldlng to a¡>plicable Intern¡tlional and ; nation~lliovernment n~gulalions. ' III am s la.!}!! <¡u!lOlI!y gsn!>r,,!",., ¡ cenify th<lt I have a pr.,g.am In place to r..aucs the vQlume and toxir::i/y cl waste ¡¡eneraled to tM d"grlle I have detérrnlned ) I 10 be ucol1om:celly pri1Clicable and thaI I have SIi"ect",d tha pril<::liC="ble method DI tf"8tm~nt, $t<),aga, or di~po$,,1 currently Qv~ih.ble to me which minimizes the prssen' end fulure three' ,,) humsn health ßtla tl1s envir(Jnm<!M; OR, it I Qrn ¡ amall q\lanl;fy generator, have made 1\ gCOQ laith eff<;>rt !o minimize my waste I ~ ~ ' \Jer~rQtioll end seledlhe b~9t wa,-,I" m"n8\Jement method !hat ;'3 ovailable to me ;1IlJ tr,8t I c,an .,,'fOfd, " Pri....ed/Typed NQma ¡ Si~I\~t,~,re " " Month Dsy y.,sr .' f .' . ~ : ," ./ .::/.;,,:~' ./..,' : '.' .f· ,. .. ...., I ,/:-1 1,.1,''/ '( ? ..... - , , ,. , ,. " .....' T 17, Transport",r I Acknowl¡¡dgemenl of R",celpl of Ma!",rjals ' , ,. .'.-~ . ,:¡ I--i- ,- A Pfi,)tßdtType<:l Name IS,I~g;~,ture , .. Monlh Dsy Yesr N -, S : T " 1', , I " " " '~ ~'... " , Ih ·il ') I -, 1'"11 ,",i ., " "':",' ...:. ....~..~ ,.: ~·~.P.. ~,,:',,:-';':~:>. '1:.- f> .', , "'." ·,:..'....1 , 0 I~, "frsMP(u1,,( 2 Acknow'Qdgemenl of R"ce,pl of Me"'>rillls R Prin1ed ;Typed Name ! SigOQture Month Day Yes. T ~ I I I ! I , 19, Diacfepancy Indic..tion Space F A C ; , L I ~, FS,cility Owner or Op.,riotor Cenif",ilti:>,. 0/ receipt Of MZ8rdou~ mMedals covered tJy this manif( 8t excepl as .Ioled In Item I~, T Y PrintQd I l'yped Nania 1 Signature MoMh Osy Year I ' I f I I ! .¡; >D ~~ N !i) ~ § ..J ..J ,~ }'o< ..tŽ a: '0 "\L )~ )ü ); )~ ~ " o .:0 :c ... r <t 8 ;:, ...J -< z o ¡:;. -< z ',!¿ ¡: ..J ~ U ..J ¡r en 0; o >- o z w l~ a: \.Ii Æ Z .0:: lL o LU (j) <{ ü ~ O¡'¡S B022 ^ èt 188) Do Ni?t Write Below This Lil'e e S.MC Laboratory Client Name: U-Pick U-Save Address 1945 South Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93307 . Attention Mr. David McDanell Date Samples Received Date Analysis Completed: Date of Report 3-25-92 3-25-92 3-25-92 -' Analytical Chemistry ...", --. I ! ~f i~':? '-~fT70;::-:--- , -,---_,-~ '-! \,"7 m,/'ì;\ ; , '< I ;;,ì/1111 L_-------J!Y1 -------.J RESULTS OF ANALYSIS TOTAL ORGANIC HALIDES (TOX) , Sample # --11L uqm/qm MDL,uqm/gm 863 DEM 324 72. 10 Method of Analysis: EPA 9020 MDL = Minimum Detection Level ugm/gm = micrograms per gram ND = none detected 3155 Pegasus Drive P.O. Box 80835 · . Bakersfield, CA 93308 Bakersfield, CA 93380 · . (805) 393·3597 FAX (805) 393·3623 e e SMC Laboratory Analytical Chemistry Client Name: U-Pick U-Save Address: 1945 South Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93307 Date Samples Received 3-25-92 Date Analysis Completed: 3-30-92 Date of Report 3-30-92 Attention: Mr. David McDannell RESULTS OF ANALYSIS TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (TTLC) (Title 22, ArticleII, California Administrative Code) Sample #: 863 ID: DEM 324 Requlatory Criteria Constituents mq/kq MRL, mq/kq STLC TTLC Antimony * 20 15 500 Arsenic ND 20 5.0 500 Barium * 20 100 10,000 Beryllium * 4.0 0.75 75 Cadmium 1.9 1.0 1.0 100 Chromium 10. 4.0 560 2,500 Cobalt * 4.0 80 8,000 Copper * 2.0 25 2,500 Lead 250. 10 5.0 1,000 Mercury * 1.0 0.2 20 Molybdenum * 20 350 3,500 Nickel * 10 20 2,000 Selenium * 12 1.0 100 Silver * 14 5.0 500 Thallium * 10 7.0 700 Vanadium * 40 24 2,400 Zinc * 1.0 250 5,000 Method of Analysis: Title 22, Article 66700 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentrations TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentrations mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram ND = None Detected * = Analyte not requested to be analyzed t~"ß, ¡Jrv~ A ge a Horton' Analytical Chemist 3155 Pegasus Drive P.O, Box 80835 · . Bakersfield, CA 93308 Bakersfield, CA 93380 · . (805) 393,3597 FAX (805) 393,3623 e SM.C Laboratory - Analytical Chemistry Client Name: U-Pick U-Save Address: 1945 S. Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93307 Date Samples Received Date Analysis Completed: Date of Report 3-25-92 4-03-92 4-03-92 Attn: Mr. David McDannell RESULTS OF ANALYSIS TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (STLC) (Title 22, ArticleII, California Administrative Code) Sample # : 863 ID: DEM 324 Requlatory Criteria Constituents ~ MRL, mq/L STLC TTLC Antimony * 5.0 15 500 Arsenic * 3.0 5.0 500 Barium * 10 100 10,000 Beryllium * 0.5 0.75 75 Cadmium * 0.5 1.0 100 Chromium * 2.0 560 2,500 Cobalt * 2.0 80 8,000 Copper * 2.0 25 2,500 Lead 12. 3.0 5.0 1,000 Mercury * 0.2 0.2 20 MOlybdenum * 20 350 3,500 Nickel * 2.0 20 2,000 Selenium * 1.0 1.0 100 Silver * 1.0 5.0 500 Thallium * 5.0 7.0 700 Vanadium * 10 24 2,400 Zinc * 2.0 250 5,000 Matrix Type Soil Method of Analysis: Title 22, Article 66700 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentrations TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentrations mg/L = milligrams per liter ND = None Detected * = Analyte not requested to be analyzed A'Í::t~ ~~r¿:? ~ Analytical Chemist 3155 Pegasus Drive P.O. Box 80835 . . Bakersfield, CA 93308 Bakersfield, CA 93380 · · (805) 393·3597 FAX (805) 393-3623 APR~ 9-92 THU 15:36 SMC LABORATORY P _ ø 1 - SMC Laboralory e Analytical Chemistry *.*.. FAX COVER S ?BT .*.** DATE' 04/09/92 -----..---------- TO. .____~:E~_E~~~~r_!~~!!~~~=~~~!_~~~!~~_~~E!~____________. ATTN. ' Mr. Terry Gray -------------------------....-----'------- ------------------- FROM. SMC Laboratory -----------------------_._-------------------~-------- SUBJECT. Analysis Results - U-pick U-Save-David McDannel -------------------------------------------------- MESSAGE I Hard copy in the mail today. -----------------....----------..--- ---......---------------- -~----~------------------------------------------- --------~-------------~--------------------------- -----~-------~-----------------~------------------ . . . * . . . . * . . . . * * . * . * * . * * * * * * . . ~ * . * * * * . . * * * * * * * . * . * . . * * * . * . * . * we are transmi~ting ___!~___ page(s) to you in addition to this paq@. If your copy is unclear, please telephone us or send us back a me$sage on ou~ FAX Machine. Our FAX Machine number 1~: (D05) 393-3623 3155 Pegasus DrIve P.O. Box 00835 . · ßtJl<crsneld, CA 93308 Oakerslield, CA 93380 . · (B05) 393·3597 FAX (00.5) 393-3623 APR~ 9-92 THU 15:36 SMC LABORATORY P.02 e e S Me Laboratory Client Name: U-Pick U-Save Address: 1945 S. Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93307 Analytical Chemistry Date Samples Received Date Analysis Completed: Date of Report 3-25-92 4-03-92 4-03-92 Attn: Mr. David McDannell RESULTS OF ANALYSIS TOTAL CONTAMINANTS eSTLC) (Title 22, Article!!, California Administrative Code) Sample # : 863 ID: DEM 324 Requlatory Criteria Constituents ~ MRL, rng/t STLC TTLC Antimony * 5.0 15 500 Arsenic * 3.0 5.0 500 Barium * 10 100 10,000 Beryllium ." 0.5 0.75 75 Cadmium ." 0.5 1.0 100 Chromium * 2.0 560 2,500 Cobalt ." 2.0 80 8,000 Copper ." 2.0 25 2,500 Lead 12. 3.0 5.0 1,000 Mercury * 0.2 0.2 20 Molybdenum 20 350 3,500 Nickel ." 2.0 20 2,000 Selenium * 1.0 1.0 100 Silver ." 1.0 5.0 500 Thallium .,.. 5.0 7.C 700 Vanadium * 10 24 2,400 Zinc * 2.0 250 5,000 Matrix Type Soil Method of Analysis: Title 22, Article 66700 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level STLC ~ Soluble Threshold Limit Concentrations TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentrations mg/L ; milligrams per liter ND ; None Detected e * = Analyte not requested to be analyzed ~lh 4~~ A e~a Horton' - Analytical Chemist 3155 Pegasus Drive . Bakersfield, CA 93308 . (805) 393·3591 t>n ~v RnR~¡;; . R.;,k...r~r....lrI ("A Q':\1f\O . FAX fRO,!:)) 1Q~-~ñ',1 \ APR-< 9-92 THU, 15: 37 SMC LABORATORY e - e P.03 SMC Laboratory Analytical Chemistry Client Name: V-Pick U-Save Address 1945 South Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93307 . Attention Mr. David McDanel1 Date Samples Received Date Analysis Completed: Date of Report 3-25-92 3-25-92 3-25-92 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS TOTAL ORGANIC HALIDES (TOX) 863 -IlL DEM 324 uqrn/qm MDL,uqrn¿gm âm~l e # 72. 10 Method of Analysis: EPA 9020 MDL = Minimum Detection Level ugrn/gm ; micrograms per gram ND = none detected 3155 Pegasus Drive . Bakersfield, CA 93308 . (805) 393-3597 PC1 Rrl1c Rmn"1 . R~kpr~fiplrl, CA Q.'BBO . FAX C80S) 393-3623 APR- 9-92 THU 15:37 SMC LABORATORY P.04 ,. e SMC Laboratory e Analytical Chemistry Client Name: U-Pick U-Save Add~ess: 1945 South Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93307 Date Samples Received 3-25-92 Date Analysis Completed: 3-30-92 Date of Report 3-30-92 Attention: Mr. David McDannell RESULTS OF ANALYSIS TOTAL CONTAMrNAN'T'S (TTLC) (Title 22, ArticleII, Califerr \dministrative Code , Sample #: 863 ID: DEM 324 Regulatorx Criteria Constituents mq/kq ";~L mq/kq STLC .1:I1.Q Antimony * 20 15 500 Arsenic ND 20 5.0 500 Ba ri urn * 20 100 10,000 Beryllium * 4.0 0.75 75 Cadmium 1.9 1.0 1.0 100 Chromium 10. 4.0 560 2,500 Cobalt 11 4.0 80 8,000 Copper * 2.0 25 2,500 Lead 250. 10 5.0 1,000 Mercury * 1.0 0.2 20 MOlybdenum * 20 350 3,500 NicJtel * 10 20 2,000 Selenium * 12 1.0 100 Silver * 14 5.0 500 Thallium * 10 7.0 700 Vanadium * 40 24 2,400 Zinc * 1.0 250 5,000 Method of Analysis: Title 22, Article 66700 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentrations TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentrations mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram ND = None Detected * = Analyte not rèquested to be analyzed 4,{,A ¡J(h~ AGe a Horton Analytical Chemist 3 t 55 Pegðsus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 P.O. Box 80835 . Bakersfield. CA 93380 · . (B05) 393·3597 FAX (805) 393-3623 IŒ~URCE MANAGEMEN't" At¿NCY RANDALL L. ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE DI ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Environmental Health Services Department STEVE McCAU.EY, REHS, DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control District WlWAM J. RODDY, APCO Planning & Development Services Department TED JAMES. AlCP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT February 14, 1992 NOTICE OF VIOLATIONS David McDannel U Pick U Save P.O. Box 40086 Bakersfield, CA 93304 SUBJECf: U Pick U Save, Located at 1945 S. Union Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. McDannel: On January 16, 1992, an inspection was conducted at the address noted above. As a result of that inspection, violations of hazardous waste regulations and statutes were identified. Specific violations are listed below. VIOLATIONS It has been determined that the facility is in violation of the following regulations and statutes cited below: 1. The facility is in violation of California Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.5, Section 25250.5. "Disposal of used oil by deposit on land is prohibited" A waste oil-contaminated soil pile is located at the rear of the property ådjacent to the south fence. 2. The facility is in violation of California Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.5, Section 25143.9. "Recyclable waste material must be labeled or marked clearly with the words EXCLUDED RECYCLABLE MATERIAL" 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CAUFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 e e David McDannel February 14, 1992 Page 2 The waste oil storage tank and the initial accumulation drums for waste oil were not labeled or marked in accordance with the above requirements. 3. The facility is in violation of California Code of Regulations, Chapter 30, Title 22, Section 66262.11. ''A person who generates a waste, as defined in Section 66261.2, shall determine if that waste is a hazardous waste using the following method. The generator shall determine if the waste is listed as a hazardous waste in Article 4 or Chapter 11 or in Appendix X of Chapter 11 of this division. If the waste is listed in Appendix X and is not listed in Article 4 of this Chapter, the generator may determine that the waste from his particular facility or operation is not a hazardous waste by either (1) testing the waste according to the methods set forth in Article 3 of Chapter 11 of this division, or accordzizg to an equivalent method approved by the Department pursuant to Section 66260.21; or (2) applying knowledge of the hazardous characteristics of the waste in light of the materials or process used and the characteristics set forth in Article 3 of Chapter 11 of this division." It was determined during the inspection that none of the apparent waste-like substances had been analyzed or that anyone had knowledge of their hazardous properties. 4. The facility is in violation of California Code of Regulations, Chapter 30, Title 22, Section 66262.12(a). ''A generator shall not treat, store, dispose of, transport or offer for transportation, hazardous waste without having received an Identification Number. " It was determined that the facility operators never received an Identification Number for the disposal or storage of hazard waste. 5. The facility is in violation of California Code of Regulations, Chapter 30, Title 22, Section 66262.34(f)(1)(2)(3)(A)(B)(C). "Generators who accumulate hazardous waste on site without a permit or grant of imerim status shall comply with the following requirements: the date upon which each period of accumulation begins shall be clearly marked and visible for inspection on each container and portable tank; the date the 90 day period begins, for purposes of Subsection (a) and (b) of this Section, shall be clearly marked and visible for inspection Oil each container and tank All . , ". r _ _,_ _,,1. _ J_L _J_J ....:.,.. .,.."" .r',..,71"'...:..._ e e David McDannel February 14, 1992 Page 3 information: The composition and physical state of the wastes, statement or statements which call attention to the particular hazardous properties of the wastes (e.g. flammable, reactive, etc.) and the name of the person producing the wastes." It was determined during the inspection that none of the containers storing waste was labeled in accordance with the above requirements. 6. The facility is in violation of California Code of Regulations, Chapter 30, Title 22, Section 66264.173. I~ container holding hazardous waste shall always be closed during transfer and storage, except when it is necessary to add or remove waste." It was obseIVed during the inspection that containers storing waste oil were open. 7. The facility is in violation of California Code of Regulations, Chapter 30, Title 22, Section 66262.34( e )(l)(A)(B)(C)(D)(E). I~ generator may accumulate as much as 55 gallons of hazardous waste, at or near any point of generation, without a permit or grant of interim status, without complying with subsections (a), (b) and (c) of this section, if all of the following requirements are met with respect to this waste: The waste is accumulated in containers, other than tanks, at the initial accumulation point which is at or near the area where the wastes are generated and which is under the control of the operator of the process generating the waste; the generator does not hold the waste on site for more than one year from the initial date of accumulation, or 90 days from the date the quantity limitation specified in subsection (e) (1) of this section is reached, whichever occurs first; the initial date of waste accumulation is clearly marked and visible for inspection on each container used for accumulation 'of hazardous waste; the generator complies with sections 66265.171, 66265.172, and 66265.173(a) of this division; and the generator complies with subsections (e)(2),(e)(3), and (f)(3) of this section. It was determined during the inspection that none of the point of generation containers storing waste oil was labeled in accordance with the above requirements. ORDER TO CORRECT Upon receipt of this letter, the facility owners or operator must correct all deficiencies noted in this Notice of Violation within thirty (30) days, and submit to the Department written documentation that all violations have been corrected. e e David McDannel February 14, 1992 Page 4 To determine if the waste oil-contaminated soil, noted in violation number 1, will be classified as a hazardous waste, sampling and laboratory analyses must be completed. You must excavate all visibly contaminated soil, place the soil onto plastic sheeting, and cover it securely. A representative sample(s) must be collected and analyzed by a State Certified Hazardous Waste Laboratory for the following constituents: lead, arsenic, chromium, cadmium, and total halogens. If laboratory analyses results exceed State Hazardous Waste Criteria Limits, remediation must also take place within thirty (30) days of receipt of the results. You must acquire an EP A generator number to dispose of a hazardous waste. You may obtain an EP A identification number by contacting the Department of Toxic Substances Control at (916) 324-1781. Contact this office 48 hours prior to sampling. You must forward a copy of the laboratory results to this office for review within fifteen (15) days of analyses completion. As a result of this inspection and the violations noted, you will be billed at the rate of $65.00 per hour, as per Kern County Ordinance Code G-5541, Section 8.04.120, for oversight during abatement of violations. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (805) 861-3636, extension 582. Sincerely, ;Ø~ ~rry Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector I Hazardous Materials Management Program -- TG:cas cc: Western Auto Recycling K. J. Thayer Jr. Department of Toxic Substances Control Certified Number: P 767 336 411 \upick.let e e WORK ORDER LOG ~H 1(1('1' Work Order I: wo C&teqory: WO 'l'ype: Reiml::t. : Y RP Code: DO '5 DO) b Hazmats EPr:¡ NX WORK ORDER HAHE: U (JiCK- i) ,s t:J t~ RESPONSIBLE PARTY (RP) HAHE: WQ~/('Î,N AvIV at'! L yr I ¡'IIA, ( RP CONTACT: J) A l! I ,ì /Yl( ')/:¡N~! RP ADDRESS: 3'1V\ C ¡z r r I ' íb <., Þ ~. RP CITY: :.3C>l.J(f ,'<) 1-:" I ~ ,iJ STATE: C A ZIP: f(3 7:2 () + RP PHONE NOS.: (ðV'» 8'1/-/':'(00 (-) INSPECTOR: í€ ( Î '/ (.:, rc... v EXT. .50 2- --- HHHP-Permittinq PROGRAM: HHHP-Enforcement DESCRIPTION: c¡, }...) -'1 / (.) 2.. 2 - '2.. Ýu - OY-c,V<2. C LOCATION: /7 '15 _Ç- UA>,-,N /:J¿-e .,8///6/S/C/C/c./ CA FACILITY NAME : COMMENTS: e e UNDERGROUND INJECTION CONTROL PROGRAM INSPECTION REPORT Aqency J(efYJ tn. €flJoJJrð.AJ~/ 1.bJ1I.. ..sC'''v'L~5 Inspector 7é/'rt é~ f!.Gc..::ý Facilitv Information Facility Name v Pfc.¡.( tJ sAve. Phone Parent Company ~ref)J Aum ~C!..c.U( //,v.:J Address 3YL>" C erf"I'íb.,S A~ City 1-0.. AJA.ft/I¡:rD~ state ....!:& Contact Name and Position DAVIJ) /J'lLJ)AAlNtd / XøS- 83J-/8ð() Zip 907;1.0 mAN ~p", Description of waste stream fA) ALe;, 'Fe 0 ¡I, ~ -rfPre ~-Z~ G I1S 6/¡'~ ' / Description of injection well /J() , QI/ i,ÙC?,vre 0;;' A (.Jell PÓ¡)¡..Irl. Description of activity that may endanqer qround water but not related to injection wells or tanks (e.q. ponds, spills) Inspection Information Inspection Date I-/b-f~ Number of Wells tJ 0 IV€. fÙJ",l Well Type Auto Service Industrial Waste Agricultural Drainage ___ storm Water ___ other ___ Status of Wells Other Active Abandoned Under Construction Injectate Sampled(YjN) violation Found(YjN) ~ Follow-Up Needed(YjN) RCRA Facility(YjN) Comments FDo./~ IV'::> ev(i)Of.(:c Or A [,.Jell ú-r .s,re· e Shallow Inj ection W~ . e .:klist 0' f' 11/90 FACILITY NAME () P/CK U .S.AVE , DATE OF INSPECTION 1-/ ¡ - ý~ INSPECTOR(S) : ';/é~¿y G R. ftV TIME: ADDITIONAL PARTICIPANTS: D A vliJ Me Û /JI/I ~ /J -. . I. General Information Introduce Yourself and All Others (Show Credentials) B. Explain why you are there, go over the Notice of Inspection. Have them read and sign it C. (Need Legal Info.) / Owner's Name: k· ;-/}A 'Ie r Address: ~ / 9 '-15 c:; , U tJ 11/ f\J A tiE:.. fl, A¡.!erJ ':/(J/ J (11, 7.33 ð if / Phone No. Operator's Name: Address: I 9 ,tV ' 'AJ Phone No.: 'irvS - S<:31-II5Úú 1>.0·8ox '/ùv,>{£" '133Ò'/ (SWAP BUSINESS CARDS, also ask for business' license) Parent Company: L.\.Je..sT~r~ AvID R.c:cYd/~ Address: 1403 Cerf'lw.5 ft~ L(j<.., /1 I1.YI/ra.S CA. 7~')?O Are they a subsidiary of a éorporation? Are they incorporated in the State?: Y0 Contact Person: DA v ;' }) ¡V] ( I) f1¡Jrv^t'. / Phone #: S(u.<., - k~/-lk{¡G A. D. E. F. II. Interview the operator\Nature of Business A. B. C. Long in Business?: I YR. they a Member of an Association?:Nú they aware of any Water Supply Well Location/Ownership: How Are Are NÙ D. Site History - Years of Occupation, P~vious Owners and Uses of the Facility: Pf'€'ViVv:>LY npervvT('( V....\ I/A//(/Y AJTV . W.ru,KI,,¡~ hi (/ w ~ r - rise y ,) I ¡) I) AlA::. 4- ,{) r,/ t-vc 1/ /v'-e.)( J ,[)ú()R . E. Prôducts or Services Offered?: AU7V i)/..5/11fl1/r¿/~ F. Brief Description of any Process, Operation, or Mairttenance ~hat Produce~ Waste: v~ ASrc tJl- ,":n:-e. ...J G. What Chemicals are Stored on Site?: n!l<..C:"T'L/'-r"/ AÞ~"e H. Material safety Data Sheets?: 'e - ." ~ · · ~ <\usc...././ A-'r J . Solvent Hauler: 151-- Verification Receipts? K. Waste Hauler: l;C¡;;,S ~ Verification Receipts? How Often?: ù; L - -pR c~ - S0N~j /fl// CA. How Often?: Uf'prox. eVery ...:¡" ;£)4-7<; · . L. Ask for site Maps of Facility and As-Builts, Plumbing Plans for the disposal system: III. IDspect the Facility GENERAL SITE CONDITIONS(House cooperation): DO ease of entry, e~/' ŠURROUNDING LAND USE: ~¡v'iJV0 7r1Gt../ I\- r-t;,,-. /YJ A-/V y ~\ AI t/!)j..e ,ç.~<: /þ r¿ ~"""'c... A. General appearance of the well(s): B. C. susceptibility to Spills: Class V Welles) Status Yrs. of ODeration D. oil/Water Separator, or grease trap device used: E. Are the Wells Pumped out, if so How Often?: F. Do the Wells EVer get Plugged Up?: G. Construction Details - TD, Diameter, Casing, (Measure): H. Are the Injection Wells Regulatated by a State or Local Program?: I. Permit?: H. j How are S ills, or Accidents Ha · 7tR.. fr~ X'. VI.. '-.u . ,¿ . J. How are loors K. Where does the floor/lot drainage water go?: oA~er~uI Æ/ü · J") r A I IV..., GrV L....v7 ~ . L. Car Wash? If so, how is effluent disposed? Cleaners used?: How many autos are serviced daily?: DÓMhvrk rJ- ð CAr5 {Jcr·clt:0' , .. M. --------------------------------------------------------------- DOCUMENTS TO REQUEST 1. Map of Facility 2. As-built Diagrams, plumbing Plans 3. Drillers Logs 4. Monitoring Well Data 5. Flow Diagram of Processes, Waste Generation, and Disposal 6. Manifests - Waste Disposal 7. Material Safety Data Sheets e e WORK ORDER LOG ~HIi:Kl' work order #: Wo cat:eqory: WO Type: ReÏDI!J. : Y')( RP Code: DO ~o~ '-I Hazmat:s ~~ N WORR ORDER BAKE: U flCk I ) ~"\ A \t€.. RESPONSIBLE PARTY (RP) BAKE: fA) Lc:., Tef'!J A uro ReG Y-GI i ^'j RP CONTACT: DAviD .Me. l)AMlJI RP ADDRESS: J </ tJ 3 C e r.,.. hv..s A V'<.... RP CITY: Lu~ AI AM¡'íDS STATE: C A ZIP: 9()7 J 0 + RP PHONE NOS.: ( ) (~o c;) <:¡ ;, J - I ~{¡ u INSPECTOR: ---- 7erN G f<.-tit-ý HHMP-Enforcement: EX'!' . S ð''2 JIMMP-permit:t:inq PROGRAM: DESCRIPTION: c¡.;;..s,c¡ I 62.2. ~ y () - 61 -(.,{¿ ":;' c. ..Ç TZ> ,4., ~ e 1/ i D J c... n CKV .5 ¡C.J r lA.)A5 t<. d iL . .sf' J/4je C)J- lNA_S ~ Ol'¡ 1l-- 7&.' -3 r-owvd. LOCATION: J'ilf 'S ~. UN/uN At-e· Æ~r..5Fi(f;J CAr 733(,;'1 FACILITY NAKE: COMMENTS: 022-2 001-0 90260 01010 56252 '''"'' ."" '" .... ... 02e ;~?- 001 ; 91L, 0!a 5.8 '''"'' ."" '" .... .... - , 022-29 001 -00 00000 01010 .""" ."" '" .... -- 022-292 - 001-003 88251 010" . 56< " \ ...., ."" '" .... ... e_ on ?- 001"oJ3 " 00000 0101': 5111>,0')4 ...., ."" '" "" ... 022-2'12 - 'J01-IJ03 'HJO'J >] i) 1.] ...., ."" '" "" 3 , ..., 24-0 60-0 19-8 43-1 129392 .010694 91-018150-00-2 o ~ ...- 196 374 206 402 - 84 83 - .... .... .. 27 .- 40-6 36-7 76-9 05 41 30 78 """8 35b '" 49 1 206 ,. ... --- - -- - - ~ 6,759 6,439 3, 98 - 98 3, ACTI'H .- - - .., - - .- "" 5 ..-I.......ac: ... 4910-221 ... .. 08/31/75 I' I' PBAKERSF IELD KATHERINE C 4000 REDFORD CT BAKERSFIELD CA 3 4000 REDFORD CT BAKERSFIELD CA 93313 1925 UNION AVE SOUTH 7 ..... 30 "'"" 2 8 9331 & -.- ~ILLIAM CARROLL - """ .. _.~ 022 -240-03-00-9C 056-039 oou 1 00000 .. 5 37020 " "3~9)-3 293.89-3 163.93-8 317.88-1 129392 .010694 -018151-00-5 1 lD9 23.99 - .... :.. 91 '-39.96 - 2 94-8 90-9 28 47 15 -"'9 279 '" 56 1 122 ,. .. -- - -- - - .- .. 3,220 618 3,838 3,838 ACTIVE - - ... - - - "" ... 4974-0834 ... .. 08/31/76 I' I' PBAKERSF IELD '" SOUTH 93307 SOUTH 93307 JR 2015 UNION AVE. BAKERSFIELD CA 2015 UNION AVE. BAKERSFIELD CA 1945 UNION AV E 7 ..... 30 J THAYER K ... '" - """ .. ... ." 022-240-04-00-2C 056-039 oou 1 00000 5 37020 .. 78228 'I- 184.7'8-1 351. 78-2 194.25-7 378.53-2 129392 .010694 -018152-00-8 1 TI 75 - .... .... .. 6 26 67.53-8 ... ---"'-;'67.50-5 - 335.03-2 -- - "'127.53 - 1.20 - 206.30 .. 6,894 4,398 11,292 ,292 - ... - - - "" . ... .. 00/00/00 I' I' 'BAKERSFIELD '" 28 1900 TERRACE ~Y BAKERSFIELD CA 93304 1900 TERRACE '~Y BAKERSFIELD CA 93304 2005 UNION AVE SOUTH 7 ..... 30 _ ~ 8 "'"" E GENE FADDIN /"c - """ 022-240-05-00-SC 056-039 oou 1 00000 5 37020 .. 78228 14-5 07-6 12-0 26-1 1,245 2,377 1,255 2,500 9 9 113 129392 .010694 91-018153-00- 9 - .... .... .. 23 95 -~ 93-8 88-3 82 96 10 ... 31 _____nr~ _ I, 1.>1 __ 2,263 - - ,1 17,824 50,127 ACTIVE - - ... - - .- "" I>C THELMA. 4974-0834 ... .. 08/31176 & J YOUNG & J R K THAYER ... '" 022-240-06-aO-8C 056-039 oou 1 00000 5 37020 .. 79124 1:896 17 349 I' .. PB A K E R S FIE L D SOUTH 93307 SOUTH 93307 SOUTH "'"" 28 2015 UNION AVE. BAKEPSFIELD CA 2'115 UNION AVE. BAKERSFIELD CA 2015 UNION AVE 7 ".. 30 - - 67,951 67,951 ACTIVE .. 762.03-0 ,454.76-3 772.00-6 ,534.03-6 27 69 27 79 .129392 .010694 91-018154-00-4 1 - .... .... .. 76-6 73-3 49-2 89 30 30 692 --··~2 - ,385 -- - - .- .. 12,300 84,026 - - - - - .- "" 88 4946-0 ';087 10 287 96,326 96,326 ACTIVE /76 - '" .. .. .. BEG' 03/3 JR J KENNETH THA YER ... v. -DC 1 5 80024 022-240-07-0 056-039 oou 00000 .. 37020 2015 UNION AVE. SOUTH BAKERSFIELD CA 93307 2015 UNION AVE. SOUTH BAKERSFIELD CA 93307 1/2 INT IN PTN OF SE1/4 7 ".. 3 0 "'.. 2 8 - """ 66ß4-g ,278.20-0 679.52-3 349.')6-3 86 6:) 86 : 129392 .... .01 0694 .. 91 -018155-0)-7 1 7') 68-4 66-0 34-6 89 30 1 5 ... 608 --'''675'8 :. 1,217 - - .... 12,300 ~4,026 N ... 4914-0834-: ... - .. 08131/76 : 8FT 81 DAF .c JR K THAYER ... v 022-240-07-02-9C 056-039 1 00000 ::- 5 37020 80024 ';087 10 19 96,326 96,326 ACTIVE .- "" N 818FT u .. B E~' DAF SOUTH 93307 SOUTH 93307 S E 1/4 28 2015 UNION AVE. BAKERSFIELD CA 2015 UNION AVE. BAKERSFIELD CA 1/2 INT IN ?OR OF 7 ".. 3 0 ,.,.. """ """ . ,) 8 810 "" ... ., 810 SCHOOL DrST. R.28E. " ',~ ;',' .;,!,;~, SEC.7 5~ 1/4 OF '~,¿ i/4 U¡- '.. . . . - ~ "'-" , '" vC : ,.';. ~. ¡-: '-- -'"r ,CIj :~;~ -~(: . ;.. :-:-. ":l~' ~...; ;?,,,~ 1eI)1 ',' Þ)'"" ~:'l:!\~~~ . ," ( .' ;f,~~ ;. ........, (.19 ) "-~ IJ~ " RfI -5E4T£ IIWY- RT: -Nf):-99-- ~ -£ I,fI See. CO~ ti I IdW"'''' -rc - , ¡;;ny--- ¡J~ It: I. ,f6.tU .. ." ----- ASSESSORS MA~, ~. '~. , ." @ 2.J4 Nola: TI.le _"Ia fOI _.., __e 0<>1,. II Ie ftOC to k c........... oe _"."'" 'aoaf _.,...." ., .MaI.... of """ hw -....... ., ",'''''' ., .....'ltl... 1_ . ., @ ø ø IRa @ ® /.18.3 @ T~Z5 ø U4S . ' " .~ . 1~i:\51:~tt> :,{:;'~;\r::t.L;'·¡::J}~~~iPJ;~;;tJ0~:,';~ .~~~.A-:',.."Q;~r"~~'~ "'·~~h'l.!· ,,:~ '1'."j,1 ~..t.,.-.:...tì;.~. vJ....'.-·.~.." ~"'''.Lt....(...'. ~-~.I!.-" .:~ .:._,,~~:- .~~._,.:..' ...,,..,, . :~. .......~.....,........:'.,.~....~....'!.""~ I·.~" :: , .. Q) T4.ZS e e KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM COST RECOVERY WORKSHEET CASE NAME: () P /CI< () ~ Aif.f.' PERSONNEL: NAME TITLE # OF HRS RATE TOTAL ff'£¡<y GR Ay EQUIPMENT: TYPE DATE: /--/ 6 ~7::2- # USED t.s: ffi- RATE TOTAL £fct~v E~~I~~~=TAL H~~~TH r2~DEPAR~~O SO~CI -."'" ERVICE AND COMPI,..AINT FORM Date~./L.:_~5-9 / Time, o ' Se;~c:e Request ~'complalnt CT No.______~.__. AsSlgne~ to,_ 11)J2M.t.?...z:~#/ 1)/ ~ . .~~....:..... , "I-:ca!I~.;-f:9..#--~~--$..!.- 1..1 A.llO.~--:cç ~__.__-:- City ;.. ß &t j¿e;5 ~/ ~r ¡} "C'1s.~ 530-; DlreCtl~~s..J.,L_~f-!.1;;.¥.' tJ:...S..£l V«e.__..__.__.. ' ReportlngPersonD A l/ I'A) (' A NO Address_._. Phone &'3'1') ?~ Property owner_þ.B.~_______--.--____________. Address_____________~__:... " Phone. "'~"O'R'''~'~. ~f~~~f~,j);A;¡~~ . ------------ -.----........-----...------------. - ~----- ------ .' '-- ',-' "J,(t~:,;L f\ r-K-fV\'Ar./~5{ r:?f·;i:f,~.~f::::~on ~:~~f~~:.ON~~;:þ ~¿/ ~"rq£,L/~¡;~/ 4D~~".~~ fv~.·...'.~_;;¡:~#<{,~~~ o':',;':,e¿,~ ""c-:~/,~ ~.µ:~--fp ,r·v_ ,I ¡ t, ''''u'LZI......:::;;k."'..~dL~~-;~~- c--, /):j-nr:# ,/,'~~p_ Al.:.-~ ""~ . ..~~~~ ·{¡bitJjr"¡;":~"- éomp'BmBnt notified , , / V ~ "~. , .' '.' " , . -:' íJ; ';<, :,."þ.,t\J, 2" ~ of results._______..__.___~__ Investigated by.-4 d_ -:::---- _~__~.~..< ¡ ,'Date I, / /. :t:.. , -·f . .,' , .;:..,..,:,";~ ',,:.,.¡ :.. t,.",>.~ . .:",; '...:ic.,.' ,~...,;.,,~,: ~ .' ',:~":,:,,t, " ",,"',' ;,~,b,::,~ "'..,J,,,.,. ')~,!~lr,ónT,!n!al Health;,5!1,Ø;.4Jl~2~,l~evâ/1l9i _. ~ . - ... -.--- -.--..-- -- ... \ - ---+---- - ----------- _._-- ~-_._---~- -~----_.__.+- .---- -,------ - ---- ....- _..-------_._~--- ..-.- - --