HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION 11/5/2004 -....,- i' ì:r¡ Ulframar Ultramar, Inc. 685 W. Third Street Hanford, CA 93230-5016 (559) 582-0241 Fax: 559-583-3282 Environmental 559-583-3256 Retail Administration 559-583-3330 Human Resource 559-583-3382 Maintenance November 5, 2004 State Water Resources Control Board Elizabeth Haven ELD Reconsideration 1001 I Street Sacramento, CA 94244 Dear Ms. Havens: Re: Beacon Truck Stop #3074 3225 Buck Owens Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Enclosed is the Request for Reconsideration Form for the above referenced location and a letter from Horizon Environmental. The Horizon Environmental investigation shows there are no public drinking water wells that service 25 or more people within 1000' of the above referenced site. I have enclosed a map for your reference. I request this site be reconsidered for ELD testing due to being over 1000' from the nearest water well location. Please review the maps and should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (559) 583-3298. Sincerely, ULTRAMAR INC Part of the Valero Family of Companies ,:5 eu<,aL'IJuv-- 5;này Huff U Operations and Environmental Specialist cc: Bakersfield City Fire Department A Member of the Ultramar Group of Companies BEACON #1 Quality And Service Request for Reconsideration Form I. FACILITY / SITE ~TOR.'L\TION . BUSfNESS NAME (FACILITY:-IAME) -à:- FACILITY ID# ..__BeA~.____I~~~~"!_~.~................_~J~__._.____._.-.---...- STREET ADDRESS PHONE .__~...z ~.2_j~.~_q,.\c"'..ºJ..Y~~~.J?~,--~Y~.~..._.__._.___.. __.._.c1.lelL~4..~_.~4:~l... ------..--___ CITY COUNTY . lIP CODE ~OJUrs.~'~'t\ \l..G.12.'" q~~C\ ß. NAME AND ADDRESS OF OWNERJOPER..\. TOR SUBl\1ITTING REQUEST NAME ¡ I! "l. OWNER ~L,.~~~_._l~g...___._____.____..._..._... ..... 9'2. OPERATOR TITLE OF APPLICANT PHONE _Qp_e.~~_:H~~~..!c.&N.V~~~.~~!f!~_~~!~~S.T~.~~~t)' 14t.tft.(~.. ~~.. - O~J___....__.......___ MAILfNG ADDRESS 0 (MAILING ADDRESS S;\¡\-IE AS FACILITY ADDRESS) ..__~.~~.....~.....~~__.~1ß~JªI..__......____..___.. ...._.____. CITY. \ H"A~¡:~ ,. _,,_,_,-"-..v_.·_.__.._.__~__"__---....~_,__~, ,_,... ._.... ·_··'_'=~'__~^_"'A_Å_·__ .....~_ STATE ~lA. lIP CODE q~Z3D Please check reason(s) why you believe that the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) notification is in error. If you are requesting reconsideration for reasons #2 through #4, documentarion is required. IF YOU DO NOT INCLIJDE REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION, YOUR REQUEST FOR RECO='lSIDERATION APPLICATION WILL BE CONSIDERED INCOMPLETE AND WILL BE RETURNED. L~CLll)E ALL Sùï>PORTING DOCUMENTATION YOU WISH THE SWRCB TO CONSIDER WHEN RE\'ìEWING YOITR REQILST. REQUESTS FOR RECONSIDERATION ARE SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION. 1. ( ) I am not the owner or operator of a UST system. Check applicable reason: ( ) Change of owner or operator. (Provide name and address of new o\....ner/operatcir, ifknown) ( ) No UST system(s) present. 2. ) UST system(s) is pennanently closed. (DOCUMENTATION IS REQllRED) 3. ( ) UST system(s) is exempt from regulation, according to Section 25281(x) (l)(A)-(D) of the Health and Safety Code, or Section 2621 of Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations. For example. certain farm tanks and heating oil tanks are exempt. (DOCUMENTATION IS REQUIRED) 4. (-"1 Closest component ofUST system(s) is greater than 1,000 feet from \\;:U head of any public drinking water well. Check applicable reason(s): If the request for reconsideration is based on evidence that the UST system in question is greater than 1,000 feet from a public drinking water well, include a demonstration that the well head is more than 1,000 feet from the closest component of the UST system. (DOCUMENTATION IS REQlHRED) ( ) UST facility incorrectly located in GeoTracker database ( ) Public Drinking Water Well(s) incorrectly located in GeoTracker datàbase 5. ) Other (explain) NOTE: SUB MITT AL INSTRUCTIONS ON RE' 'IRSE SIDE OF THIS FORJ.'\1 m. APPLICANT SIGNATIlÅ’ Certification - I certify that the information provided herein is true and accurate to the best of my kno..ltdge. Knowingly submitting a request for reconsideration based on false or misleading information may be considered a violation of Health and Safety Code, Section 25299, punishable b~' fine up to 55000. -----~.~~ --'~_._-,.~._-_¥-- ._--".,-~~-----,..-.-,~ -_._-----_...- ìljJ\~(~¡~%i(:·i&R§~~ì~'pß2~3· . ~i:':i':!;¡';U;;;'i,fii~.@Q{JE$.r.1)EN~p,\ 1~/04/2004 15:15 1 HORIZON PAGE 12 .f f' HORIZON ENVIRONMENTAL INC. Specialists In Site Assessment, Remedial Testing, Design ond Operation November. 4, 2004 Valero Corporation 685 West Third Street Hanford, California 93230 Subject: Well Search Letter Report Beacon Station No. 3074 3225 Buck Owens Boulevard, Bakersfield, California At the request of Valero Corporation (Valero), Horizon Environmental Inc. (Horizon) has prepared this letter report which $urnmarizes the findings of a public water well search within 1 ,OOO-foot radius of the subject site located in Kern County (Figure 1). Summary of Work Horizon obtained the names of the local water purveyors in the area and contacted them by phone. City of Bakersfield and California Water Service are the purveyors of public water in the search area. According to Steve Choate of the City of Bakersfield Public Works Department and to Matt Koelzer of California Water Services, there are no public water wens serving 25 or more people within. the 1,000-foot radius oftbe subject site. Please calJ Horizon at (916) 939-2170 if you have any que5tions regarding this report. Sin.cerely, HORIZON ENVIRONMENTAL INC. ~~ Emil D. Kruck A5sistant Project Geologist Rexford Smith Registered Geologist No. 5307 Attachments Figure 1: Site Location Map 5011 Golden Foothill Parkway, Suite 7 · EI Dorado Hills, CA 95762 . (916) 939-2170 . FAX (916) 939-2172 P.O. BOx 5283 · Bakersfield, CA 93388 . (661) 589-8389 . FAX (661) 589.1456 .. I' ,¡ ~ :J · ,"" I ~. . . Source: U.S.G.S. 7-1/2 Minute Topographic Map Oildale. Colifornia Photorevised 1968 .r Fr ! NORTH C\ 0 2,000 4,000 I I I Scale' In Feet "~ HORIZON ENVIRONMENTAL INC. ,... ~ SITE VICINITY MAP STATION 3074 3225 Buck Owens Boulevard Bakersfield. California 1 Project Number: 1 ~8a.ol p,.pared By. C. Sorlcer RMned By. Draw1'I By: O. Allton Oat.: 4/515 R..,¡.... Oat.: