HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 FMC Results ,. MONITORING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION For U$e By All Jurisdictions Wj¡hin the Stale of California Awhol'iry Cired: Chi/prer 6.7, Health and Safety Code; Chapter 16, Division 3, Title 23, Calijòrnic¡ Code of RegulaTions ;t TlÜs lonn müs\: be used lO document testing and servicing of monitoring equipment. A separate certification or repon must be prep~1red Îùr d.::Ìl moniwl'ing sysrel11 comrol panet by. the technician who performs the work. A copy of this form must be provided to the tank SYSlèlll owœrloperaror. The owner/operator must submit a copy of this form to the local agency regulating UST systems within 30 lbys (If lcSt diHè. A. Gefiêralluformation Llcilily Name: C'J-1...i ;t) ('7 tJ SiI~' .--\.ddrè:ss: .)(,JÔ / t<./H~T.G ¿ ~ bcilil) Comacr Person: ~At JI-~Æ--IZ. l'vL'lkçiModd of Monitoring System: J~Ò - 36"0 Bldg. No.: City: C4XF I?ÆPI.[itJ {) Zip: Contact Phone No.: ( ) Date of TestinglServ icing: -'CJJ ZL/ ~ ß. iJilvellto.'y of Equipment Tested/Certified o Ç¡,,,,.!~ _fh" ."2J~rù rià¡~ bo~~s 10 indicatc s ecitic c IIi melH ills )cct~d/serviccd; 11- T¡¡nk lD: _-.Jl.AJ L % 7 I'j In-bnk Gauging Probè. Model; ~ ,\.nnul.\!· Spacè or Vaulr Sensor. Modèl: 'c..¡')..O I Piping Sump í Tl'ènch Seosor(s). Model: 'ð-O f{ ~ Fill Slimp SeI1S01'(s), . Model: )-O~ o i\kê\uulical Line Leak Detector, Modèl: o E!wl"ùllic Line Lèak De[eClOr, Model: o LUll.;, Ol'èr!ìl1l High-Level Sensor. Model: O_º¡h~'r lS è:cil\' è:C ui mènt t' e and model in Section E on Pae 2 , rLwk ill: o In-Tank Gauging Probe, Modèl: o A.iìnular Spaœ or Vault Sensor, Model: o Piping Sump ¡ Trench Sel1sor(s), Model: o FilJ Srunp SèJ1sorls). Model: o l\ièch,U1ic,Ü Line Leak Detector. Model: o Ek..:rrollÎc Linè Leak Detecror, Model: o T,U1k OVër!ìJJ ¡ High-Level SèIlSOr. Model: o Orl2èfvp.èCifYè( ui mèm ry e and mod,;] in Section E on Pae 2 . Dispenser ID: ~ DispèllSCr Comainme1lt Sensor(s), Model: jA. Sj¡çM Valvè:ls), _ÇJ !)}_?l!.CJ1Sè:f C~)J1(aj¡lmènr Float(s) and Chain(s), Disp':J1ser In: I}{ ~ìspèn~er Comainment Sensor(s). Model: J-O' &- ~ ~hear \- ülve(s), q L)isjJèn~,.:r COl1lainmenr FIO;;l[(s) and Chain(s), Disµèilsèr ID: o DispèJbèr Conrainmenr Sensor(s), Model: o She,Il'Va]vè(S), ODi~pèI1sèr Çonrainmel1l F]oat(s) and Chain(s), 'lfrhè f¡¡ci]iry comains more tanks or dispènsers, copy this form, t1.JO Tank lD: PUM.. ø¡ / )4 In-Tank Gauging Probè. Modd: YJ~ / o Annular Space or Vault Sènsor. Model: )iI Piping Sump / Trench Sensor(s), Model: ~ Fill Sump Sènsor(s). Modd: o Mechanical Line Leak Detector, Model: o Electronic Line Leak Detecror. Model: o Tank Overfill / High-Level Sensor, Model: o Other (s eci' e ui ment t e and model in Section E on Pae 1), Tank ID: o In-Tank Gauging Probe, Model: o Annular Space or Vault Sensor, Model: o Piping Sump / Trench Sensor(s). Model: o Fill Sump Sensor(s), Model: o Mechanical Line Leak Derec1:Or. Model: o Electronic Line Leak Detec1:Or. Model: o Tank OveríìJl / High-Level Sensor. Model: o Other (s ecify e ui ment e and model in Section Eon Pa e 2), Dispenser ID: . 51 ¡;r Dispensèr Containment Sensor(s), Modèl: ðOf '8 Shear Valve(s), o Dis enser Containme¡H FJoar(s) and Chain(s), Dispenser ID: ~Dìspenser Containment Sènsor(s), Model: Jjì: Shear Valve(s). o Dis enser Containmenr Flom(s and Chain(s), Dispenser ill: o Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: o Shear Valve(s). o Dis enser Containment Float(s and Chain(s , Include information for every tank and dispenser at the faciliry, ~~ C. Certification -I certify that the equipment identiíied in this document was inspected/serviced in accordance with the manufacturers' guiù,,(jnes. Anached to this Certitication is information (e.g. manufacturers' checklists) necessary to verify that this information is ':OITecc ànd a Plot Plan showing the layout ot' mOllÌtoring equipment, For any equipment capable ot' generating such reports, 1 have also _. . ,H~ach"d a .:opy o~' the re~3r& SfhJ;!'jk 1l1l1l11l~ryl!~Y)j ¡a system. ~et-up ~ ~' I'm history report 1 edlJllWUl Name (pnm): ~V t"1~JV' SlgnatLlfe: __ ~ CèrciÙcmion No,: 00&' O...ç-· 1')"" License. No.: 1/D40- #v~'p9850 Tör.ingCompanyName: RICH ENVIRONMENTAL Phone No,:(661 ) 392-8687 Sile: Address: ~ð} t..c..J f} I J£ L.AJ ¡/"'H~P-I&,L,tJ r4- Date of TestinglSerYicing: --..hi -.lL/~X. Page 1 of3 03/01 Moü.iwfing SY$£t:m Certiíïcation ~ 'i .{). lL:sults of Testing/Servicing SüÌf\\ 'If': Version Installed: \ ð) ,ð Ò Ci)Ü¡ )11:'(1:; (he followil1o checklist: \ ~ \' èS 0 No" Is me audible alarm 0 erational? ,- ,\~ U No'" Is d1e visual alarm 0 erariol1nl? ~ y~:s 0 No'" Were all sensors visual! ins ected, functional] tested, and confinned 0 erarional? -e \'èS 0 No" Were all sensors instal1ed at lowest point of secondary comairunent and positioned so that other equipment wilJ nor imerfere with their ro )<:1' 0 eraÜon? If alarms are relayed to a remote monitoring station, is all communications equipment (e.g.. modem) operational? For pressurized piping systems, does ¢e turbiœ automatically shut down if the piping secondary comainmènr moniroring system detects a leak, faits to operate, or is elecfrically disconnected? If yes: which sensors iniriarè posirive shur-dow11? (Check all that apply) ~ Sump/Trench Sensors; 'ijI. Dispenser Containmenr Sensors, Did 'OU confirm ositive shm-down due to leaks and sensor failure/disconnection? Yes; 0 No, For rank systems that urilize the monitoring system as the primary tank overfilJ warning device (i.e. no mechanjcal overtìlJ prevention valve is installed), is the overfill warning alarm visible and audible at the rank fill oim(s) and 0 eratino ro erly? If so, at what ereent of tank: ca aei does the a]arm rrí(roer? ~'¡) Was any monitoring equipment replaced? If yes, identify specific sensors, probes, or other equipment replaceJ and list the manufacturer name and model for all re lacement arts in Section E, below, Was liquid fOlUld inside any secondary containment systems designed as dry systems? (Check allrhCll apply) 0 Producr; 0 Water. If es, describe causes in Secrion E, below. YèS 0 No* Was monitorin s stem set-u reviewed to ensure ro er settinas? Attach set u 't' èS 0 No* Is all monítorina e ui mem 0 erational er manufacturer's s ecifieations? " in Si;'CCiOll E below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or wilJ be corrected. ~y,; (YCC I ,I II U \\::s :\ ! o No" ~N/A o No'" o N/A o \èS,j< o No" .~ N/A I t 1. No U YèS* JtNo E. CüÜï.lllerus: - .'._---_..-~._---_.. _.,"-,-, --,.---.-..----.-- ---.._~ ..,,_., -.---,- ¡¡cable --- - ..-.~~. -- -. -- -.' -- ~, .....,_. ---.---- ._----. ----,- ~-- _.._----~_._- . ,_,~,~ u.+.<.___ .-------- --.-._--.-,-_. ---' --------- - ,-----....---...---. _ .....-... .-------- _._----,__,__.0· -------,--' 03/01 ------ .--..... --- Page 2 of' 3 F. lû-rCmk Gauging J SIR Equipment: ~ Check th~s box ~ftank gaLlging is used only for inventory control. o Check dus box If no tank: gauging or SIR equipment is installed, This sècLÌon lT1USI be completed if in~tank gauging equipment is used to perform leak detection monitoring. Clj¡'ì..0dè rllè followino checklìst' ..... 0 Yd 0 No" Has all input wiring been inspected for proper entry and termination, including testing for ground faults? 1--- 0 \' è~ 0 No" Were all tank gauging probes visually io.spected for damage and residue buildup? U \'.,,$ 0 No* Was accuracy of sysrem product level readings tested? LJ Yes \ 0 No" Was accuracy of system water level readings rested? 0 Yl'S 0 No* Were all probes reinsralled properly? ~_YèS 0 No" Were aH irems on rhe equipment manufacrurer's maintenance checklist completed? " ill tile Stction H, below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. G. Lint Le~tk ûetectors (LLD): rp- Check. this box if LLDs are not installed, c 'lL hk.l't 0Ill\)klt (he to owmg c ec' is : U YeS o No* For equipment start-up or annual equipment certification, was a leak simulated to verify LLD performance? o N/A (Check all ¡hm apply) Simulated leak rate: 03 g.p.h,; 00,1 g.p,h; 00.2 g.p,h, o YèS 0 No* Were all LLDs confirmed operational and accurare within regulatory requirements? O\'èS I 0 No* Was me testing apparatus properly calibrated? 0 Yc.'S o No'" For mechanical LLDs, does the LLD restrict product flow jf it detects a leak? o N/A U YeS o No* For eJèctronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if me LLD detects a leak? o N/A 0 'y'èS 0 No'" For eleen-onic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system is disabled 0 N/A or discormected? 1--' Ús 0 No* For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if any p0l1ion of me monitoring system malfunctions u 0 N/A or fails a rest? 0 Yè$ 0 No" For elecrronic LLDs, have all accessible wiring connections been visllaJ\y inspected? 0 N/A U Yè~ 0 No" Were all items on me equipment manufacturer's maintenance checldist completed? '" In ell!: Section H, below, describe bow and when these deticiencies were or will be corrected. H. Cû:uunen'Cs: - -_.._---_._,---, ---------- >-"---- ---- .--..- ._----,-- Page 301'3 03/01 lvioniw,.ing Sysrem Ceni1ìcatioll '.~ . , Si[è AL1drèSS: ,ðú0 UST lVlonitoring Site Plan W ij-~ L~. ß~t<.£a-~F)ÞLt1 r4 :~ÐUß: l&J ~~~~~C? ~~~ . FILL. . . . . 0' -r¡)(t;f): @ tl¿L : ¿j '-I' 1 c:J: ,ð . . . . 1V~' ,7, t:J . .~. ~--, .~' , 1..--1 . 'v' // f r J:' 'L' Dare map was drawn: 10 /.-!L/!!..:;t. Instructions If )ùL! alrc:ady have a diagram that shows all required information, you may include it, rather than this page, with your .tvlonÜorÜlg SysTem Cen:itìcation, On your site plan, show the general layout of tanks and piping, Clearly identify locmions of The following equipment, if installed: monitoring system control panels; sensors monitoring tank annular SpiJCèS, sumps, dispenser pans, spill containers, or other secondary containment areas; mechanical or electronic line leak dè'lècrors; and in-tank liquid level probes (if used for leak detection), In the space provided, note the date this Site Plan \.\ ,LS; prep:lred, Page -LOf~ 05/00 ,¡ MONITOR CERT. FAILURE REPORT ADDRESS: 4J SITE NAME: (7 A-~ ~ b Q CITY: SIGNATURE: SITE CONTACT: 13 ~ (j~ THE FOLLOWING COMPONENTS WERE RJi:PLACED/REPAIRED TO COMPLETE THE MONITOR CERTIFICATION TESTING. LIST OF PARTS REPLACED/REPAIRED: REPAIRS: .AJ(}vE: LABOR: - /!JO~ J}:a PARTS INSTALLED: V()V~ SOFTWARE REVISION LEVEL VERB I ON 123,02 SOFTWARE~ 346f?3~100-C CREATED - NO SOFTWARE MODULE SYBTEI"! FEATUREB: PERIODIC IN-TANK TESTS ANNUAL IN-TANK TESTS SYSTEI"l SETUP 1_- ____ OCT 11, 2004 1: 59 PI"1 BVBTEI"1 UN ITB U.S. SVSTEr"1 LANGUAGE ENGLISH SYSTEt'l DATE/TIt"IE FORt"IAT MON DD YYYY HH:MM:BS xM GAS-N-GO 2601 WH ITE LN , BACKERSF I ELD, CA 1-661-833-8553 SHIFT TII"lE 1 SHIFT TII"l£ 2 SHIFT 1'11"1£ 3 SHIFT TIt"1E 4 DISABLED DISABLED DIBABLED DISABLED TANK PER TST NEEDED \¡JRN DISABLED TANK ANN TST NEEDED WRNi DISABLED LINE RE-ENABLE METHOD PASS LINE TEST LINE PER TST NEEDED WRN DISABLED LINE ANN TST NEEDED WRN DISABLED PRINT TC VOLUMES ENABLED TEt"IP COI"IPENSAT I ON VALUE (DEG F): 60,0 STICK HEIGHT OFFSET DISABLED DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME DISABLED BVBTEr"! SECUR I TV CODE : 000000 CUSTOM· ALARM LABELS DISABLED IN-TANK SETUP ------ T 1 :PREt'l PRODUCT CODE THERMAL COEFF TANK DIAMETER TANK PROFILE FULL VOL . 2' : .0007001 114.00 1 PT 8000 FLOAT SIZE: 4.0 IN. WATER WARNING : 2.0 HIGH WATER LIMIT: 2.5 MAX OR LABEL VOL: 8000 OVERFILL LIMIT 90% 7200 HIGH PRODUCT 89% 7120 DELIVERY LIMIT 10% 800 LOW PRODUCT : 1500 LEAK ALARM LIt"lIT: 99 SUDDEN LOSS LIMIT: 99, TANK TILT 0.001 PROBE OFFSET 0 . 001 I SIPHON MANIFOLDED TANKS I T~: NONE ! LINE MANIFOLDED TANKS T~: NONE LEAK MIN PERIODIC: LEAK !"tIN ANNUAL PERIODIC TEST TYPE STANDARD ANNUAL TEST FAIL ALAR'"! DISABLED PERIODIC TEST FAIL ALAR!"1 D I Sf;\BLED GROSS TEST FAIL ALARt"1 DISABLED ANN TEST AVERAGING: OFF! PER TEST AVERAGING: OFF i TANK TEST NOTI FY : OFF! TNK TST SIPHON BREAK:OFF' DELIVERY DELAY 1 MIN PUt"1P THRESHOLD 1 0 . 00% \ T 2:UNLEADED PRODUCT CODE THERMAL COEFF TANK DIAMETER TANK PROFILE FULL VOL : 1 : .000700 114 . 00 1 PT 12000 FLOAT SIZE: 4.0 IN. WATER WARNING : 2.0 HIGH WATER LIMIT: 2.5 !"IAX OR LABEL VOL: OVERFILL LIMIT : HIGH PRODUCT DELI VERY L H1 IT 12000 90% 10800 89% 10680 15% 1800 3000 99 99 0.00 0.001 LOW PRODUCT : LEAK ALARM LIMIT: SUDDEN LOSS LIMIT: TANK TILT PROBE OFFSET SIPHON MANIFOLDED TANKS T~: NONE LINE MANIFOLDED TANKS T~:' NONE I I O~~ O¡ 0% o LEAK !"tIN PERIODIC: LEAK tH.,N ANN~k :-_ _ 0% '''' 0 PERIODIC TEST TYPE STANDARD LEAK TEST METHOD - - - - - - TEST WEEKLY : ALL TANK SUN START TII"1E TEST RATE DURATION - - - - : 12: 00 AI"I :0.20 GAL/HR : 2 HOURS TST EARLY STOP:DISABLED LEAK TEST REPORT FORMAT NOR/"!AL LIQUID ~ENSOR SETUP - - - - - - - - - - L 1 :91TRUSINE TRI-STATE (SINGLE FLOAT) CATEGORY : STP SUMP L 2:91FILL TRI-STATE (SINGLE FLOAT) CATEGORY : PIPING SUMP 0% o L 3: 87TRUBI NE TRI-STATE (SINGLE FLOAT) CATEGORY : aTP SUMP L 4:87 FILL TRI -STATE (SINGLE FLOAT> CATEGORY : PIPING SUMP ANNUAL TEST FAIL ALAR!"1 DISABLED PERIODIC TEST FAIL ALARM DISABLED GROSS TEST FAIL ALARtv1 DISABLED ANN TEST AVERAGING: OFF PER TEST AVERAGING: OFF TANK TEST NOTIFY: OFF ~T BR 'K OFF L 7:DISP 5~6 TNK T~ SIPHON EA: : TRI-STATE (SINGLE FLOAT) DELIVERY DELAY 1 MIN CATEGORY: DISPENSER PAN PUMP THRESHOLD 10.00~ L 5:DISP 1~2 TRI-STATE (SINGLE FLOAT) CATEGORY : DISPENSER PAN L 6:DISP 3*4 TRI-STATE (SINGLE FLOAT) CATEGORY : DISPENSER PAN L, 8:DISP 7*8 TRI-STATE (SINGLE FLOAT) CATEGORY ; DISPENSER PAN L 9: ANNULAR TRI-STATE (SINGLE FLOAT) CATEGORY : ANNULAR SPACE OUTPUT RELAY SETUP ----- - - - - :.... R I:UNLEADED SHUT-DOWN TYPE: STANDARD NORtvlALLY CLOSED LIQUID SENSOR ALr"1S ALL: FUEL ALARI"I ALL:SENSOR OUT ALARM R 2 :PREr"l SHUT-DOWN TYPE: STANDARD NOR¡"1ALL Y CLOSED LIQUID SENSOR ALMS ALL: FUEL ALARI"I ALL:SENSOR OUT ALARM RECONCILIATION SETUP - - - - ------ AUTor"lATIC DAILY CLOSI NG T It"IE: 2: 00 AI"1 \ PERIODIC RECONCILIATION r"10DE: 'v10NTHL Y TEMP COMPENSATl ON STANDARD , BUS SLOT FUEL IvIET~R _ T~N~ - - - - - - -- TANK ¡vIAP E\vIPTY ALARM HISTORY REPORT ----- SYSTEM ALARM ----. PAPER OUT , JUN 22, 2004 11: 44, Alv1 PRINTER ERROR JUN 22, 2004 3:23 PM BATTERY IS OFF. . JAN 1. 1996 8.00 1'111 SYS SECURITY WARNING OCT 10, 2003 2:43 PM ~ ~ ~ ~ * END ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;' ALARI1 HI STOR" REPORT \ ---- IN-TANK ALARM --~ T 1 :PREf1 LOW PRODUCT ALARM OCT 3. 2004 8:29 AM APR 10. 2004 11-~35 AM . FEB 24. 2004 10:34 P~ INVALID FUEL LEVEL · SEP 9. 2004 4:30 PM AUG 10, 2004 5:42 PM' JUL 20. 2004 7:54 PM ,..,'!' PROBE OUT OCT 13. 2003 9:19 AM OCT 10, 2003 3:02 PM ALARM HISTORY REPORT ---- IN-TANK ALARM T 2:UNLEADED LOW PRODUCT ALARM OCT 3. 2004 6: 48 PI"! SEP 19. 2004 8:30 AM SEP 6. 2004 1:51 PM INVALID FUEL LEVEL SEP 2. 2004 6: 13 Alvl AUG 25, 2004 6: 08 Plvl AUG 2. 2004 1:51 PM PROBE OUT OCT 13. 2003 9:18 AM OCT 10. 2003 3:03 PM DELIVERY NEEDED ! DELIVERY NEEDED SEP 18. 2004 6: 04 A(1 OCT 6, 2004 12: 37 PI'" SEP 8. 2004 4:44 PM i SEP 21. 2004 6:46 PM AUG 18, 2004 8:45 PM SEP 9. 2004 5:31 PM LOW TEMP WARNING OCT 10. 2003 3:22 PM * * * * ~ END ~ * ~ * ALARM HISTORY REPORT ----- SENSOR ALARM --~ L 1:91TRUBINE ( STP SUMP FUEL ALARM JAN 15. 2004 10:03 AM FUEL ALAR,.! OCT 3, 2003 g: 20 AI"! . SETUP DATA LJARN I NG .. SEP 80, 2003 5:47 PM LOW TEMP WARNING OCT 18, 2003 12:07 PM * ~ ~ * ~ END * ~ ~ ~ ~ ALARM HISTORY REPORT ----- SENSOR ALARM L 1 :91TRUBINE STP SUMP FUEL ALAR!"1 JAN 15, 2004 10:03 AM FUEL ALARM OCT 3. 2003 9: 20 Alvl SETUP DATA WARNING SEP 30. 2003 5:47 PM ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ END ~ ~ ~ ~i * ~ * ~ * END ~ * ~ * * ! . , \ : ii : ALARM H I STORY REP?RT ' ) ----- SENSOR A~AR~\ '. ,..~--- L 2:91FILL . \'!' PIPING SUMP SETUP DATA WARNINQ SEP 80. 2008 5:47 PM "\1'1 \,;' ¡ f ! ~ ~ " ~ \ \ ¡ ¡, ì. Y /, I I ~ * ~ * ~ END * ~. \~ *' ~ ALARM HISTORY REPORT ----- SENSOR ALARM L 3:87TRUBINE STP SUMP ; FUEL ALARM OCT 3. 2003 9:21 AM SETUP DATA WA~NING SEP 80. 2003 5'-;-4-1!...P11 ~ ~ ~ * * END * * ~ * * ALARM HISTORY REPORT ----- SENSOR ALARM ----- L 4:87 FILL ; PIP I NG SUMP ' SETUP DATA WARNING SEP 30. 2003 5:47 PM ~ * * * ~ END - * ~ ~ * ALARM HISTORY REPORT ----- SENSOR ALARM L 5:DISP 1",2 DISPENSER PAN FUEL ALAR!"1 OCT 3. 2003 9:23 AM FUEL ALAR!"1 OCT 3. 2003 9:23 AM SETUP DATA WARNING SEP 30. 2003 5:47 PM ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ END ~ '" '" '" ALARM HISTORY REPORT ----- SENSOR ALARM L 6:DISP 3*4 DISPENSER PAN FUEL ALARM OCT 3. 2003 9:22 AM .. .u___~___. ....... --1-....'..'.....'.-. -. ~-""-~_.- :. , - ,- :,_:~;--.:_,_2_~ -'-., ----... ALARM HISTORY REPORT ----- SENSOR ALARM L 8:DISP 7¡,E8. DISPENSER PAN FUEL ALARM OCT 3. 2003 9:25 AM FUEL ALARM OCT 3. 2003 9:24 AM SETUP DATA WARNING SEP 30. 2003 5:47 PM '" ~ ~ ~ ¡,¡ END", '" '" ~: ALARM HISTORY REPORT ----- SENSOR ALARM L 9:ANNULAR ANNULAR SPACE FUEL ALARM OCT 3. 2003 9:35 AM FUEL ALAR!"l OCT 3. 2003 9: 21 ArYl SETUP DATA WARNI NG SEP 30. 2003 5:49 PM ALARM HISTORY REPORT ----- SENSOR ALARM 9 1: OTHER SENSORS '" ~ ¡,¡ ¡,¡ ¡,E END '" ¡,¡ ¡,E ¡,E ¡,E ALARM HISTORY REPORT ---- PRODUCT ALARM F .1 :PREM ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ END ~ ~ ~ ¡,¡ ~ ----1 ----- SENSOR ALARM L 1 :91TRUBINE STP SUMP FUEL ALARM OCT 11. 2004 2:16 P~ ----- SENSOR ALARM --t-- L 2:91FILL PIPI NG SUI"IP FUEL ALARM OCT 11. 2004 ,2:16 PMi ----- SENSOR ALARM L 3:87TRUBINE STP SUMP FUEL ALARM OCT 11. 2004 2:16 PM SETUP DATA L~ARNI NG SEP 30. 2003 5:47 PM ----- SENSOR ALARM L 4:87 FILL PIPING SUMP FUEL ALARM OCT 11. 2004 2:17 PM ~ ¡,¡ ¡,¡ '" '" END W ¡,¡ W '" ALARM HISTORY REPORT ----- SENSOR ALARM L 7:DISP 5",,6 DISPENSER PAN FUEL ALAR!"! OCT 3. 2003 9:24 AM FUEL ALAR!"! OCT 3. 2003 9:23 AM SETUP DATA WARNING SEP 30. 2003 5:47 PM ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ END ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ì' i: , I ~ !, .. , ';:'~. ft:~- ' :", ,-,-"",~..... SENSOR ALARr"! L 9:ANNULAR ANNULAR SPACE FUEL ALARM OCT 11.2004 2:18 PM ----- SENSOR ALARM L 6:DISP 8JoE4 DISPENSERP¡f\N FUEL ALARM OCT 11. 2004 2:19 PM "d :.'! ----- SENSOR ALARM L 5:DISP'lìE2 DISPENSER PAN FUEL ALARM OCT 11. 2004 2:21 PM ----- SENSOR:ALARM L 8:DISP,?ìE8 DISPENSER PAN FUEL ALARM . OCT 11. 2004: 2:23 PM '. ! ;... l }'.ì ¡', ':1 ----- SENß9R ~LARM L 7: D I SP ~6 ¡ D I SPENSER AN'I : ,FUEL ALAR ';':' ,Ii OCT 11. 2q~~t: ~24 p/,, ·.··ì;R,ßi r:: , \ .'1\...., ,-' -Ji '100'" S ,V KL.D, anuary,,- ..!. Page -L of d..,.. Secondary Containment Testing Report Form TJ'¡jsjÒrm is imendedfor Jlse by contractors performing psriodic testing of UST sflcondt:U')J containment systems. USfl thi4 upprdprime pages of this form to report I'esultsfor all components tested. The completedform, written teat procedures, and pJ'i)'Jw¡¡¡sfrom tests (if applicable), should be provided to thefaciJity owner/operator for subm~ttal to the local reguJato1')J agency. 1. FACILITY INFORMATION t,:~~ac~11;Y N~~~:~ . \If~~~_~~}' Address: ' L-~ II Facili'lY Concact: ¡l___, 1\ [):m: Local Agency Was Notified of Testing : .~-"'¡i:ìr:::.e of Local Agency Ins ector (ifpreaent during teatin. i¡r~_r IT I (~ 1,,-:, ":: ,t I - 1-'- ~ -----~-- ... 9!11pany Name: RICH ENVIRON¥ echnician Co~ductÍL1g'Test: eYA'tJ r1 ~o.v - red.:mials: ¡g CSLB Licensed Contractor o SWRCB Licensed TaIÙC Tester .- I License Number: ¡cease Type. C611D40 809850 ~~~\7~;"·'·:·'~:l.'ti~~,:!~~::z.~~.~ Ma'J~fJ1r~r 1;'raining Manutàcturer . COl:nnollent(s) Date Trainí.ng Expires -_. 8/04 INCON INCON 'I'S-STS .,_.._--~ - -~-_.- - -,---, - .. 2. TESTING CONTRACTOR INFORMATION' 3. SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS r~ Component Pass Fail Not Repairs Component Pass Fail Not Repairs Tested Made Tested Made 1------ - f)}1 I J..h "7 f:/Ll døx 0 0 0 0 0 d 0 I/-~~--. '.Œf 0 0 0 0 0 1#£"" 91 ¡: , 11_ B.~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 ----------- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -----~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 r------'----' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r-'----' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IJ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ------.-.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ._-.--- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --~._-~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --.- _. 0 0 0 0 0 0 [} 0 - ,+ - . - if hydrostatic testing was per~Q.l.111ed, d~críbe what:was done with the water after completion aftests: RECYCLE AND REUSED.. .------,---. C¡':RTlFICATION OF TECHNICIAN l\ESPONSmLE FOR CONDUCTING THiS TESTING 1~} tite best ùfmy knowledge, ti,e facts slated in dais documant aTe accurate and infuU COmplilllU:8 wtth IøgøJ rflqulre4JUmis T éc¡'ucian'5 Signature: lrr- H ~ Dare: JO - JJ -0 Y ~, ¡ :'-;ŸdZ.CB, January 2002 Page ~ of -d... 9. SPILL/OVERFILL CONTAINMENT BOXES ."~- . -.. l~f~::1t.:ility is Not Equipped With Spill/Overfill Containment Boxes 0 L~pilJ/~?,':::..'::'l:tj!~.contaiD.ment Boxes are Present, 'but were Not Tested 0 T(;SL Method D\.weloped By: 0 Spill Bucket Manufacturer o Other {SpecifY} o Pressure o Other (Specifjl) INCON TS-STS ßa Industry Standard o Professíonal Bn¡incer -- -"-'- ---------.-- Tc:SL Method. Used: o Vacuum \HI Hydrostatic - ._--~_. ---.. ment Resolution: . 0001 n . T':;:Sl EqlÚpment Used: r·~'·:·":":7"'~':··, \r:' ßl;~'kèr Diameter: Ij~~~:.(. Dep~~_ Waie time betwe,en applying I prÖ~Ll.re/vacuurn/water and !' smrclll,¿ test: ---~-,_._.~ l'esl Stan Time: Spill Box # Spill ox ;; lnil:.iaJ Reading (Rj): Test End Time: Final Reading, (Rio): Test Duration: I êllangè in Reading (R¡:-R¡): Pass/Fail Threshold or Criteria: ]'eslt Resu.lt: JCJ .-1 <J ô()o. .aJJJ"'" lX' Pass .OOJ,I,J Pass OFa.U o Pass 0 Fail o Pass o Fail __ç{m.u](lení~ - (include information on repairs made prior to testing, and recommendedfolluw-up for failed tests) .~_._---~"---,- -"-"'--'~------ -.- '~'-'-------' ..'-----~~_.. -------- -..-.-..-....---- ------ ..:~ -----...'--- ---,,--~- ...---~---- 1'--... ~ SB989 ! , i I \ . TE S'1';J:N¡Q FAILURE REPORT I (70 ~ ¿A.J CITY: SIGNATURE: TECHNICIAN: : \ . THE FOLLOWING COMPONENTS WEJŒ UE':uAOW/REPAIRED TO COMPLETE THE SB989 TESTING. LIST OF PARTS REPLACED/REPAIRED: .. .' REPAIRS: - -<J()J F" LABOR: A../(j.lj F PARTS INSTALLED: -1JeJ /(.)~ RightFax 10/11/2004 8:33 PAGE 001/001 Fax Server ;;-... "\.,.. ... 16/ÐG/2ee4 14:38 GG13~2e621 PAGE 01/61 " ·COPY REQDESTEn PLaASE FAX(061)392-0621 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES -t: OO ~n ~. -~¥<~rÆ"..Cl> I UI ~X(<ø.{oO~~~.,-Q)\"" . APPLICATION TO PERFORM FUEL MONITORING CERTIFICATION FACJI..lTY &~~ ~ 60 ADDRESS ..:J tD 0 \ \Å.~ I T'E. l :A-'V) £.¡ OPERATOlU NAME ~~t-+AA~ OWNERS NAME ß'P6~ NAME OF MONITOR MANUFAC'J."tJRBR VE- ~ ~i:L ~oo... DOBS FACILITY HA VB DISPBNSBR PANS? YBS..L NO_ TANK j \ -2.. VOLUME J~I ODO fS J {)(') 0 CON'IENI'S Uf')L- 'f1Î {J/'L£¥Y}- , I , , , i , , L i '. ; NAME OFTBSTING COMPANY~ RICH EN'VIRDNME~1~L CONßÄCTQ~UCBNSB# 90-1072 NAME &: PHONB NUMBER. OP CONTAcr PERSON :JAMBS aICH DATa ~ 'I1ME TBST IS TO BE CONDtJCTBp~ £~ ¡ " I APPROVED :sy iO/OIJJ/6'1- , Dim., ' . (661)39~-'~87 1:~' ~ ~~ ~. I I ~1 WCc· i NATURE OF APPUCANT! ! '-,