HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION 6/25/2002 " =- v\V<Gr ]~ Southwest, Inc. June 25, 2002 Mr. Howard H. Wines, III City of Bakersfield Fire Department Environmental Services 1715 Chester Avenue, 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 SUBJECT: SITE ASSESSMENT WORK PLAN Former Texaco Station 2601 White Lane Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Wines, On behalf of Shell Oil Products US, WGR Southwest, Inc., is submitting the attached workplan for the above referenced site outlining proposed investigative activities. Should you have any questions, please contact me at (562) 799-8510 or Ed Paden, Project Coordinator, Shell Oil Products US at (310) 816-2075 Respectfully, WGR SoutbWest,. ~c1 ! ) (juJ!A David A.li~amS, Project Manager California Registered Geologist No. 4842 Enc. cc: Ed Paden, Shell Oil Products US Larry Turner, Shell Oil Products US Yogendra & Tatendra Solanki I 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 · Los Alamitos, CA 90720 · (562) 799-8510 · Fax (562) 799-8556 Los Alamitos, CA . Bothell, WA . Lodi, CA I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '~J SITE ASSESSMENT WORK PLAN At Former Texaco Service Station 2601 White Lane Bakersfield, California June 25,2002 for Shell Oil Products US Mr. Edward Paden Shell Oil Products US P.O. Box 7869 Burbank, CA 91510-7869 Prepared by: ~v (Gr]Rl Southwest, Inc. 11021 Wmners Circle, Suite 101 Lo. Alamitol, CA 90720 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SITE ASSESSMENT WORK PLAN At Former Texaco Service Station 2601 White Lane Bakersfield, California June 25, 2002 for Shell Oil Products US Mr. Edward Paden Shell Oil Products US P.O. Box 7869 Burbank, CA. 91510-7869 Prepared by: ~v (Gr]~ Southwest, Inc. 11021 Wmners Circle, Suite 101 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 I I I I I WGrR Southwestt lCnc TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 IN"TR 0 D U CTI 0 N ........................................._....................................................................................... 1 2.0 SITE SETTIN" G ....................................................................................._................................................. 1 3.0 SITE IDS TORY ....................................................................................................................................... 1 I 4.0 GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY .............................................................................2 5. 0 PROPOSED FIELD A CTIVITIES................................................................................................... 3 I I 5.1 SOIL BORING INSTALLATION. .................. ................. ..................... ................. .................. .... ................3 5.2 SOIL SAMPLING AND ANALYSES .......................................................................................................... 4 6.0 HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN .................................._........................................_.........................4 7.0 D~L SITE CLEARA.NCE .............................................................................................................. 4 I I 8.0 D ISPOSmO N OF D ~L CUTTIN' G8......................................................................................... S 9.0 ASSESSMENT REPORT .................................................................................................................... 5 I I TABLE 1: TABLE 1: I I I I I I I FIGURE 1: FIGURE 2: FIGURE 3: FIGURE 4: FIGURE 5: TABLES UST Removal Sample Analytical Summary Delineation Soil Sample Analytical Summary FIGURES Site Vicinity Map Site Plan UST Removal Soil Sample Locations Remedial Excavation Soil Sample Locations Proposed Boring Locations 419.EQL.00 June 25,2002 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WGJR Southwest, Ine SITE ASSESSMENT WORK PLAN FORMER TEXACO SERVICE STATION 2601 White Lane Bakersfield, California 1.0 INTRODUCTION On March 4, 2002, four 10,000 gallon underground storage tanks (UST's), four dispensers and associated piping were removed. Analysis of the soil samples taken during these activities showed that the soil in the vicinity of the fonner tank pit and dispenser areas was impacted with hydrocarbons. A remedial excavation was peJÍonned to remove impacted material. Subsequent sampling and analysis conducted during overexcavation activities indicated reduced concentrations, however the presence of some hydrocarbon impacted material stilI remains at the site. Upon review of the Tank Removal and Remedial Excavation Report, dated April 8, 2002, the Bakersfield City Fire Department outlined the need for additional assessment in a letter dated May 29, 2002. The following workplan outlines the proposed assessment activities to detennine the extent of the contamination plume associated with the # 1 Dispenser and #3 UST areas. This plan has been prepared to comply with Chapter 6.7 of the California Health and Safety Code and Chapter 16, Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations. All work will be perfonned under the supervision of a California-registered geologist. 2.0 SITE SETTING The site is a fonner Texaco service station located on the southwest comer of White Lane and EI Potrero Lane in the City of Bakersfield, California. The site is located in a commercial area of Bakersfield, California (Figure 1). The fonner station consisted offour 10,000 gallon underground storage tanks (UST's) and four dispenser islands (Figure 2). 3.0 SITE mSTORY In December 1999, Artemis conducted a Phase I ESA at the subject site to detennine whether any CUlTent or past uses of hazardous materials could result in impacts site soils and/or groundwater. 419.EQL.00 1 June 25, 2002 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WGr]R Southwestt ][nc According to the ESA report, a site assessment investigation was conducted at the site in 1985. IT Corporation drilled one soil boring and installed four monitoring wells on the site. Analytical results of soil samples indicated no detectable concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons were present. Based on a review of the project results, the County of Kern sent a letter to Texaco in December 1985 stating that no significant soil impact had resulted ftom fuel tank leakage and that the case was considered closed (Artemis, 1999). As part of the ESA, Artemis searched several databases containing infonnation regarding leaking tanks, Superfund sites, hazardous waste generation and handling, etc. Neither the subject site nor the surrounding properties were included in the databases with the exception of five sites with state- registered UST's and two sites identified as small quantity generators. No active Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) cases were identified. Activities related to a site divestment by Shell Oil Products US included the removal of the tanks, product lines and dispensers on March 4, 2002. Soil sampling was performed by WGR Southwest, Inc. beneath the inverts of each tank and beneath each dispenser island. Analysis of soil samples indicated the presence of hydrocarbon-impacted soil at various depths. A TPH-d concentration of 170 mg/kg and a TPH-g concentration of9.1 mg/kg were detected in sample D- 1 at 6 feet below surface grade (BSG). MTBE concentrations of 26 µg/kg and 13 µg/kg were detected in sample 3A at 15 feet and 19 feet, respectively. MTBE concentrations of68 µg/kg and 130 µg/kg were detected in sample 3B at 15 feet and 19 feet, respectively. A remedial excavation of the #3 UST area was performed and delineation sampling was conducted on March 11, 2002. Soil samples were collected at 23 feet BSG. An MTBE concentration of23 µg/kg was detected in sample 3BB collected at the bottom of the excavation. Analytical results of the tank removal compliance and delineation samples are summarized in Table 1 and Table 2. Soil sample locations are shown on Figures 3 and 4. 4.0 GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY The geologic conditions in the site vicinity are characterized by alluvial deposits underlain by marine and non-marine sedimenwy units, metamorphic rocks, and crystalline basement material. 419.EQL.00 2 June 25, 2002 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WGr]R Southwest, Ine Surface and near-swface soil is designated by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) as older alluvium, deposited in northwest-dipping alluvial fans resulting trom outwash trom the Sierra Nevada mountain range to the east. This alluvium is composed primarily of poorly-graded and unconsolidated sands, sandy gravels, and occasional discontinuous lenticular bodies of sandy clay and silt. Regionally, the swface of these old alluvial fans is undulatory, with a distinct dip toward the Kern River to the northwest of the site. The site itselfis located along one of the crests of the alluvial fan swface 'ripples', at an elevation of approximately 393 feet above mean sea level (MSL). The total thickness of the alluvial fan deposits is estimated to range trom approximately 600 feet west of the site to over 4,000 feet near the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The site lies within the Edison hydrogeologic sub-area of the Edison-Maricopa area. Uppennost groundwater within this area occurs within the old alluvial fan deposits. In the site vicinity, deeper aquifers of limited areal extent are present in the consolidated non-marine sedimentary units and within ftacture zones of the crystalline basement rock. According to the County of Kern Health Department, the depth to groundwater near the subject site is approximately 250 feet BSG with a local flow direction toward the northwest. The most prominent subswface features controlling the groundwater flow direction are the groundwater barriers fonned by the northwest-to-southeast trending Edison fault and subparallel splays of this fault, located south and north of the site, respectively. 5.0 PROPOSED FIELD ACTIVITIES 5.1 SOIL BORING INSTALLATION WGR Southwest, Inc. proposes to advance six soil borings on the subject property adjacent to areas of hydrocarbon impaction (borings B-S through B-IO). Proposed boring locations are shown in Figure 5. Borings B-5 through B-7, adjacent to the dispenser island, will be drilled vertically to depths of approximately 20 feet BSG. Borings B-8 through B-IO, located within or adjacent to the former UST area, will be drilled vertically to depths of approximately 40 feet BSG. The soil borings will be advanced vertically utilizing a limited access drilling rig equipped with 6-inch outer diameter (O.D.) hollow-stem augers. Pre-cleaned augers will be used throughout the drilling operation to prevent potential cross contamination. The soil borings will be backfilled using hydrated 419.EQL.00 3 June 25,2002 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I W Gr]R. Southwest, ]lnc bentonite from the total depth of each boring to approximately 1 foot BGS and the upper portion of each boring will be capped with concrete or asphalt to match the existing surface. The work will be peñormed under the supervision of a California Registered Geologist. 5.2 SOIL SAMPLING AND ANALYSES Undisturbed soil samples will be collected at 5-foot depth intervals for analyses in accordance with EPA SW-846 procedures using an I8-inch long split-spoon sampler lined with 2-inch O. D. by 6-inch long metal sample tubes. Following collection, each end of the brass tube will be sealed with Teflon and a plastic end cap. The samples will be labeled with all pertinent sampling information, and then preserved in a cooler for subsequent shipment to a California Department of Health Services ELAP- certified lOOoratOl)' for analyses. The soil in the remaining tubes will be screened for hydrocarbon vapors with a portable organic vapor analyzer (OVA), and described and logged by the field geologist in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). Sampling equipment will be decontaminated between sampling episodes utilizing a triple rinse method. Each of the samples will be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline and diesel (TPH-g and TPH-d) by EPA method 8015M and for benzene, toluene, ethyIbenzene, total xylenes (BTEX), MTBE, and other fuel oxygenates by EP A Method 8260B. 6.0 REALm AND SAFETY PLAN A site specific Health and Safety Plan detailing known or potential hazards and emergency response procedures will be prepared prior to field operations. All on-site personnel will review the plan and a "tailgate" safety meeting will be conducted prior to initiation offield activities. The plan will be maintained on-site throughout the duration of field activities. The plan will be modified if warranted due to on-site conditions. 7.0 DRILL SITE CLEARANCE Prior to the initiation of field operations, the drilling locations will be marked in white paint and Underground Service Alert (USA) will be contacted to identify any potential subsurface obstructions and/or conflicts. In order to further insure that no underground utilities or 419.EQL.OO 4 June 25,2002 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I W Gr]R. Southwest, ][nc obstructions exist at the proposed drilling locations, a geophysical survey will be conducted and the initial 5 feet of drilling will be conducted utilizing hand auger techniques. Adjustments to the proposed surface locations may be required based on the results of the USA survey, the geophysical survey, or hand auguring. 8.0 DISPOSmON OF DRn.L CUTTINGS Tbe drill cuttings generated during the drilling operation and the wastewater generated by decontamination procedures will be stored on site in 55-gallon DOT -approved steel drums pending waste characterization. Each drum will be labeled with the site name and address, generation date, and type and source of the material it contains. Within 60 days of the generation date, the drummed soil and water will be transported to an appropriate facility for disposal. 9.0 ASSESSMENT REPORT Upon completion of field activities, a report documenting the work will be submitted. The report will include a detailed description of the field activities, a summary of the analytical data, analytical reports with QNQC documentation, soil boring logs, investigation findings and conclusions. Respectfully submitted, WGR Southwest, IDe. Ryan ~ Staff Scientist Enc. /DAW 419.EQL.00 5 June 25, 2002 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I W(GrR Southwestt In.c REFERENCES WGR Southwest, Inc., Tank Removal and Remedial Excavation Report, Former Texaco Station, 2601 White Lane, Bakersfield, California, April 8, 2002. 419.EQL.00 June 25,2002 I W <Gr]R. I Southwestt ][nc I I I I I I I TABLES I I I I I I I I I 419 .EQL. 00 June 25, 2002 I ------------------- Table 1 UST REMOVAL SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL SUMMARY Texaco Service Station 2601 White Lane Bakersfield~ California 8015M EPA METHOD 8260B Ethyl Total Sample Depth TPH-d TPH-g Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes MTBE Number (Ft) Date (mg/kg) (mglkg) (µg/kg) (µglkg) (µglkg) (µglkg) (µgIkg) lA 15 3/4/02 NA ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<lO 8.1 19 3/4/02 NA ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 IB 15 3/4/02 NA ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 19 3/4/02 NA ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 2A 15 3/4/02 NA ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 6.5 19 3/4/02 NA ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 2B 15 3/4/02 NA ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 19 3/4/02 NA ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 3A 15 3/4/02 NA ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 26 19 3/4/02 NA ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 13 3B 15 3/4/02 NA ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 68 19 3/4/02 NA ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<lO 130 4A 15 3/4/02 ND<5.0 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 7.3 19 3/4/02 ND<5.0 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<lO ND<5.0 4B 15 3/4/02 ND<5.0 ND<O.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 19 3/4/02 ND<5.0 ND<O.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<lO 5.5 D-l 2 3/4/02 ND<5.0 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<lO ND<5.0 6 3/4/02 170 9.1 ND<lO ND<lO 24 460 ND<10 D-2 2 3/4/02 ND<5.0 ND<O.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<lO ND<5.0 6 3/4/02 ND<5.0 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<lO 6.9 D-3 2 3/4/02 ND<5.0 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<lO ND<5.0 6 3/4/02 ND<5.0 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<lO ND<5.0 D-4 2 3/4/02 ND<5.0 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 6 3/4/02 76 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<lO ND<5.0 NA - Not Analyzed ND - Not Detected - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -·1 Table 2 DELINIATION SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL SUMMARY Texaco Service Station 2601 White Lane Bakersfield, California 8015M EPA METHOD 8260B Ethyl Total Sample Depth TPH-g Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes MTBE Number (Ft) Date (mglkg) (µg!kg) (µglkg) (µglkg) (µg/kg) (µglkg) 3AA 23 3/11/02 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 3BB 23 3/11/02 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 23 NA - Not Analyzed ND - Not Detected I WGr]R I Southwest, ¡ene I I I I I I I FIGURES I I I I I I I I I 419.EQL.00 June 25,2002 I I I TOPOl map printed on 04108/02 from "CalifomI8,tpo" and "Untltled.tpg" 119°03,000' W 119°02.000' W WGS84 119°01.000' W I I I I I I I I a. . ~_'i. . ! ¡; I IIMa66 Z Z 0 0 0 0 0 ~ - 0 ø ~ '" ø M LJ) M :;.: 0 .. IIN351 .: p I I TNF . , I I 119°03,000' W 119°02.000' W o ~ ~1lE1 9_ 9!6 lœo/J£lERS __TOPOl OJOOO_~HoJdiIIøJ(\VWW.1OJ>O,cø I Q Site Location I Legend Source: TOPO 2000 CD-ROM v\V<Gr](l I Southwest, Ine. 11021 Winners Circle. Suite 101 Los Alarottos. CA 90720 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Q Legend 'WHITE LANE I I I I C ) fTl C ) r -u C ) 0 ;;0 c ) -I ;;0 fTl FORMER ;;0 TEXACO 0 STATION r J> Z fTl o I FEET 30 I WGR SHELL on.. PRODUCTS US SITE PLAN 2601 1I'hit.e Lane DATE PROJECT NUMBER 6/3/02 419.EQL.OO Southwest, Ine. "0lIl 1rbmaII a.cJe. Safte 101 ~ A1ami\oe, CA IlO72O Q I \JHITE LANE D-3 D-4 e LJ el_--. 1...__________, " " 2' AND 6' " " SAMPLES r-~-'----------.., I I D-2 D-l I I Ie LJ e LJ Ce4B 4Ae) I I fTl 1.-_________-1 I r I Ce3B 3Ae) I I I -0 I Ce2B 2Ae) I 0 I I I I AJ I Ce1B 1Ae) I - I I AJ I I fTl FORMER I 15' AND 19' I AJ TEXACO I SAMPLES I 0 STATION I I L_____________-' r J> z fTl o 30 I I I I I FEET WGR Soudl1l1 ut, Inc. 11021 1Ibm8n CIrcle, Sui... 101 ~ AIamitooI. CA IlO72O 'WHITE LANE I I r--------------, I I I I I I I I 23'~ 3BB 3AA' 23' FORMER TEXACO STATION I ( ): I I I I I L_____________..J T1 r -0 o AJ ~ AJ T1 AJ o r J> Z T1 Q o 30 I II ~ FEET WGR SHEIL OIL PRODUCTS US OVEREXCA V A nON (3/11/02) 2601 Wblte Lane DATE PROJECT NUMBER 6/3/02 -'19.EQL.OO Southweltt Inc. 11081 1IiIIIIeno CIrcle. SuIte 101 Lae AIamitaII. C4 80720 Q I \JHITE LANE I I B-5 B-6 . B-8 .J I I .c ) fTl . C B-9. ) r B-7 -u B~OC ) 0 AJ ( ) ..., AJ fTl FORMER AJ TEXACO 0 STATION r J> Z fTl o 30 I I I I I FEET BORING WGR SHELL on. PRODUCTS US