HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION 4/19/2002 \ v\V(Gr ]~ Southwest, lIme. ~Î~- I\tZ.e.e{t ~ A - C~-" h i I: \S --"'." ~~fj;";..~~4.J I fì ~<t. ,¿ì"<c,,""t. 1:('\ v..e,..·'A' Lr Cì t April 19, 2002 D""q {;t. \",).,. ~eB Bakersfield Fire Department Environmental Services 1715 Chester Avenue, 3n1 Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attn: Inspector Steve Underwood -----_-F SUBJECT: Tank Removal and Remedial Excavation Report Fonner Texaco Station 2601 White Lane Bakersfield, California Dear Inspector Underwood: WGR Southwest, Inc. is forwarding the attached copy of the Tank: Removal and Remedial Excavation Report for the above referenced site. Should you have any questions or require any additional infonnation, please contact me at (562) 799-8510 or Ed Paden, Project Coordinator, Shell Oil Products US at (310) 816-2075. Enc. cc: Ed Paden, Shell Oil Products US Marvin Katz, Shell Oil Products US Lany Turner, Shell Oil Products US Y ogendra & Yatendra Solanki 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 · Los Alamitos, CA 90720 · (562) 799-8510 · Fax (562) 799-8556 Los Alamitos, CA · Bothell, WA · Lodi, CA "1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -- , Tank Removal and Remedial Excavation Report at u Fonner Texaco Station - , 2601 White Lane B~rstield, CA " April 8, 2002 for , Mr. Ray Alyeshmemi Shell Oil Products P.O'-Box 7869 Burbank, CA 91510-7869 prepared by: - V\V (Gr]R.. , Somthwest:r Inc. 11021 Wmners Circle, .Suite 101 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 - - .' / I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Tank Removal and Remedial Excavation Report at Former Texaco Station 2601 White Lane Bakenfield, CA April 8, 2002 for Mr. Ray Alyeshmemi Shell Oil Products P.O. Box 7869 Burbank, CA 91510-7869 prepared by: ~v {Gr]Rl SOUJIthwest, Inc. 11021 Wmners Circle, Suite 101 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WGr]R. Southwest, IDe TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION SITE mSTORY ÇEOWGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN TANK REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL 1 1 2 2 2 SOn. SAMPLE COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS 3 ANALYTICAL RESULTS OF SOn. SAMPLES STOCKPILING AND DISPOSAL SOURCE REMOVAL - SOn. EXCAVATION AND STOCKPn.ING DELINIATION SAMPLING ANALYTICAL RESULTS OF DELINIATION SOIL SAMPLES EXCAVATION BACKFD..L AND COMPACTION 4 4 4 5 5 6 SUMMARY 6 FIGURES FIGURE I: FIGURE 2: FIGURE 3: FIGURE 4: Site Vicinity Map Soil Sample Locations Remedial Excavation Areas Delineation Sample Locations Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C APPENDICES UST Disposal Documentation Soil Disposal Documentation Laboratory Analytical Report Chain of Custody Record 419.EQL.00 April 8, 2002 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I W <GrJR,. Southwest, Ine Tank Removal and Remedial Excavation Report Former Texaco Station 2601 White Lane at EI Potrero Lane Bakersfield, California INTRODUCTION The site is a fonner Texaco retail service station located at 2601 White Lane in a commercial area of Bakersfield, California (Figure 1). The site is situated in the southwest corner of the intersection of White Lane and EI Potrero, approximately!l.t of a mile east of the Highway 99. Four 10,000 gallon, double-walled fiberglass underground fuel storage tanks (UST's) were removed from the site on March 4, 2002. In addition, four dispenser islands and associated product piping were removed during the field operations. A remedial excavation was petfonned from March 11, 2002 to remove the hydrocarbon impacted soil. The excavation and removal of the tanks was petfonned by L. C. Services. This report docwnents the tank removal operation, discusses the methods of the associated environmental work, and presents the environmental data generated during the field investigation. SITE HISTORY In December 1999, Artemis conducted a Phase I ESA at the subject site to detennine whether any current or past uses hazardous materials resulted in impacted site soils and/or groundwater. According to the ESA report, a site assessment investigation was conducted at the site in 1985. IT Corporation drilled one soil boring and installed four monitoring wells on the site. Aanalytical results of soil samples indicated no detectable concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons were found. Based on a review of the project results, The County of Kern sent a letter to Texaco in December 1985 stating that no significant soil impact had resuhed from fuel tank leakage and that the case was considered closed (Artemis, 1999). As part of the ESA, Artemis searched several databases containing infonnation regarding leaking tanks, Superfund sites, hazardous waste generation and handling, etc. Neither the subject site nor the surrounding properties were included in the databases with the exception of five sites with state-registered USTs and two sites identified as small quantity generators. No active Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) cases were identified. 419.EQL.00 1 April 8, 2002 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WGr]R. Southwest, ][nc GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY The geologic conditions in the site vicinity are characterized by alluvial deposits underlain by marine and non-marine sedimentary units, metamorphic rocks, and crystalline basement material. Surface and near-swface soil is designated by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) as older alluvium, deposited in northwest-dipping alluvial fans resulting ffom outwash ffom the Sierra Nevada mountain range to the east. This alluvium is composed primarily of poorly-graded and unconsolidated sands, sandy gravels, and occasional discontinuous lenticular bodies of sandy clay and silt. Regionally, the surface of these old alluvial fans is undulatory, with a distinct dip toward the Kern River to the northwest of the site. The site itself is located along one of the crests of the alluvial fan surface 'ripples', at an elevation of approximately 393 feet above mean sea level (MSL). The total thickness of the alluvial fan deposits is estimated to range ffom approximately 600 feet west of the site to over 4,000 feet near the Sierra Nevada Mountains (IT, 2oo1a). The site lies within the Edison hydrogeologic sub-area of the Edison-Maricopa area. Uppermost groundwater within this area occurs within the old alluvial fan deposits. In the site vicinity, deeper aquifers of limited areal extent are present in the consolidated non-marine sedimentary units and within fracture zones of the crystalline basement rock (IT, 2oolb). According to the County of Kern Health Department, the depth to ground water near the subject site is approximately 250 feet below land swface with a local flow direction toward the northwest (IT, 2000). The most prominent subswface features controlling the groundwater flow direction are the groundwater barriers fonned by the northwest -to-southeast trending Edison fault and subparallel splays of this fault, located south and north of the site, respectively (IT,2oo1b). HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN A site specific Health and Safety Plan detailing known or potential hazards and emergency response procedures was prepared prior to field operations. On-site personnel reviewed the plan and a "tailgate" safety meeting was conducted prior to initiation of field activities. The plan was maintained on-site throughout the duration of field activities. A copy of the Health and Safety Plan utilized during the assessment activities is available upon request. 419.EQL.00 2 April 8, 2002 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WGJR Southwest, Jfnc TANK REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL On March 4,2002, three 10,000 gallon gasoline and one 10,000 gallon diese~ double-walled fiberglass underground fuel storage tanks (UST's) were removed ftom the site. Four product dispenser islands and associated product piping were also removed (Figure 2). To render the fuel USTs inert prior to removal the tanks were triple rinsed and degassed prior to removal. After an acceptable LEL level was reached, the tanks were removed ftom the excavation. The tanks appeared to be intact with no observed holes. The removed tanks were transported by Ecology Control Inc., to their facility for disposal. Copies of the Unifonn Hazardous Waste Manifests for the tank rinsate and the tank disposal fonns will be forwarded upon receipt and included in Appendix A. SOIL SAMPLE COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS Immediately following the tank removal, soil samples were collected below each end the USTs at depths of 15 and 19 feet below surface grade (BSG) (samples designated IA-15', IA-19', IB-15', IB-19', 2A-15', 2A-19', 2B-15', 2B-19', 3A-15', 3A-19', 3B-15', 3B-19, 4A-15', 4A-19', 4B-15', and 4B-19') under the direction of Mr. Steve Underwood of the City of Bakersfield Fire Department. Additionally two soil samples were collected ftom below each of the four fuel dispensers at depths of2 feet and 6 feet BSG(samples designated D-I-2', D-l-6', D-2-2', D-2-6', D-3-2', D-3-6', D-4-2' and D-4-6'). The sample locations are indicated on Figure 2. Stockpile samples were also collected in order to characterize the excavated material. The UST and dispenser soil samples were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g) by the CA DOHS approved method 8015M and for Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylene (BTEX), and Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) by EPA Method 8260B. Dispenser samples and tank 4 samples were also analyzed for TPH as diesel by the CA DOHS approved method 8015M. The samples were collected in laboratory supplied Core-PaklM glass jars with Teflon coated lids or 2-inch diameter by 6-inch long brass sample tubes. Following collection each end of the brass sample tube was sealed with Teflon and a plastic end cap. All samples were labeled with all pertinent sampling infonnation, and then placed immediately on ice and chilled to 4 °C for storage and subsequent delivery to the analyzing laboratory. All field operations were conducted under the supervision of a California Registered Geologist. 419.EQL.00 3 April 8, 2002 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WGr]R,. Southwest, ][ne ANALYTICAL RESULTS OF SOIL SAMPLES Underground Storage Tanks A total of 16 samples were collected ITom the UST excavation immediately following the tank removal. No TPH-g or BTEX concentrations were reported in any of the tank excavation samples. TPH-d was not detected in any of the samples collected beneath tank 4. MTBE was detected in eight of the 16 samples with concentrations ranging ftom 5.5 µglkg (4B-19') to 130 µg/kg (3B-19'). Dispenser Samples A total of eight samples were collected ftom below the fuel dispensers. A TPH-g concentration of 9.1 mglkg was detected in sample D-l-6'. Two samples contained detectable TPH-d: sample D-1-6' with 170 mglkg and sample D-4-6' with 76 mglkg. None of the samples contained detectable benzene or toluene concentrations. Sample D-1-6 contained a detectable ethyl benzene concentration of 24 µglkg and a total xylene concentration of 460 µglkg. Only one of the dispenser samples contained a detectable MTBE concentration; sample D-2-6' with 6.9 µg/kg. Table 1, included in the Attachments section of this report, summarizes the compliance soil sample analyses. STOCKPILING AND DISPOSAL Five soil samples (designated SP-I, SP-2A, SP-2B, SP-3A and SP-3B) were collected ftom the stockpile material ftom the uncovering of the tanks and product lines to characterize the material excavated. None of the samples contained any detectable concentrations ofTPH-g or BTEX. MfBE was reported in one sample, SP-1, at a concentration of 41 uglkg. The impacted stockpile material was separated and stockpiled separately. The clean stockpile material (approximately 150 cubic yards) as determined by the sample analysis was used as backfill. Table 2 summarizes the analytical results of the stockpile samples. SOURCE REMOVAL - SOIL EXCAVATION & STOCKPILING Due to the presence of detectable hydrocarbon concentrations in the compliance samples collected ftom below the storage tanks, removal of the impacted material was deemed appropriate. 419.EQL.00 4 April 8, 2002 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WGr]R. Southwestt Jfnc Since the tank pit area was open, the remedial efforts consisted of removing material from below the storage tanks. The impacted soil in the tank pit was removed to a total depth of 23 feet BSG. Once completed, delineation soil samples were collected to verifY removal of the impacted material. Figure 3 depicts the aerial extent of the remedial excavations. A track-mounted excavator was utilized to remove overburden and the impacted material. A rubber tired front-end loader was utilized to assist with soil handling. South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule 1166 mOIÚtoring was conducted by WGR Southwest, Inc. personnel during all soil handing activities. Once the impacted material was excavated from the tank pit and surrounding area, the impacted material was temporarily stockpiled on the east side of the property for characterization and subsequent off-site disposal. Copies of the soil disposal documentation are attached as Appendix B. DELINEATION SAMPLING Once impacted material was removed, soil samples were collected from the bottom of the excavated area under the inverts of the former UST's in order to confirm the removal of hydrocarbon impacted material. Soil samples 3AA and 3BB were collected at 23 feet BSG in the UST pit. The samples were collected in laboratory supplied Core-PakTM glass jars with Teflon coated lids. The samples were labeled with pertinent infonnation and then placed immediately on ice and chilled to 4°C for storage and subsequent delivery to the analyzing laboratory. All field operations were conducted under the supervision of a California Registered Geologist. The locations of the delineation soil samples are shown on Figure 4. Soil samples were analyzed for TPH-g by the CA DOHS approved method 8015M and for Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylene (BTEX), and Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) by EP A Method 8260B. ANALYTICAL RESULTS OF DELINEATION SOIL SAMPLES A total of two tank pit and three dispenser delineation soil samples were collected to verifY successful removal of impacted material. There were no TPH-g or BTEX concentrations detected in soil samples 3AA or 3BB. MTBE was not detected in sample 3M An MTBE 419.EQL.00 5 April 8, 2002 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WGJR. Southwest, Inc concentration of23 µgIkg was detected in sample 3BB. Table 3 summarizes the delineation soil samples analytical results. The analytical results of all the soil samples are summarized in Tables 1, 2, and 3 of tlùs report. Copies of the laboratory reports and chain-of-custody records for the soil samples are included in Appendix C. EXCAVATION BACKFILL AND COMPACTION Upon removal of impacted material, the excavation pit was backfilled with imported material. The imported material that was used as backfill contained no debris or rocks greater than 3" diameter. The surface was left in a smooth graded condition with ground swface at its original elevation. All backfill procedures were confumed tested for compaction compliance by a geotechnical consultant. SUMMARY · Three 10,000 gallon gasoline and one 10,000 gallon diese~ double-walled fiberglass underground fuel storage tanks (UST' s), four product dispensers and associated product piping were removed during the field operations conducted on March 4, 2002. · Immediately subsequent to tank removal, soil samples were collected from below the UST inverts, dispensers, product lines and stockpiled material. · Detectable hydrocarbon concentrations were reported in eight of the sixteen UST samples and in three of the eight dispenser samples. · A remedial excavation was conducted from March II, 2002 to remove the hydrocarbon impacted soil from beneath the UST's. Results of delineation samples indicated the maximum MTBE concentration remaining in the soil were 23 µglkg at a depth of 23 feet BSG. · Approximately 522.25 tons of impacted material was removed from the site as a result of the UST removal and remedial excavation. The impacted soil was transported under 419.EQL.00 6 April 8, 2002 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I W(]r](t Southwest, ]{nc manifest to the TPS Technologies Inc. disposal facility in Adelanto, CA. WGR Southwest, IDe. Prepared by: Approved by: Ryan~~Scienrim 419.EQL.00 7 April 8, 2002 I WGr]R. I Southwest:, Hnc I I I I I I I ATTACHMENTS FIGURES I TABLES I I I I I I I I I 419.EQL.00 April 8, 2002 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TOPO! map printed on 04/06/02 from "callfumla.tpo" and "Untitled.tpg" 119°03.000' W 119°02.000' W WGS84 119°01 000' W ~ '\ I) ~._:,.! L. \.1 ¡ ¡- . ~i'-'~_ ;' I t:I ,. ~ ~,..J ~ ~ ~fj~- I~.:::--~I I."~; iN I- + ch . ..'~ ~ ~ 1~:¡¡~ 'v. -l'~.-- .. j ~,,'~'. (~ [l ~ 1<A -" ~ ~ r¡"'1 . ~ ~ . "¡>it... "I) ~'fo' ,... ........ =~ I -¡;; }:O'" Ii ft¡ b r "":,¡"H',' ,......- _I 1 I ..,~ '. I.L... .:1. It) ~_:I ~ ~-,'~L:." . ~ .. -: ,_ ,J f\~~1 1 F _ ~~ \' ~~. ~:. ~ .-4.~. ,,' ' . ~,..J,. . . 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LJ C.4B 4A.) : ~---------~ I : C.3B 3Ae) : I I : C.2B 2A~ : : C.IB lA.) : I I I IS' AND 19' I I SAMPLES I I I L_____________-' FORMER TEXACO STATION fTl r -U o ;;0 -I ;;0 fTl ;;0 o r J> Z fTl Q o 30 I I I I I FEET I SHELL OIL PRODUCTS US TANK REMOVAL (3/4/02) 2601 1fhite Lane DATE PROJECT NUMBER 4/8/02 419.EQL.OO WGR \v'HITE LANE r-------------.., I I I I I I ( ) FORMER TEXACO STATION I : ( ) I I I I I L_____________..J r'l r -0 o ;:u -i ;:u r'l ;:u o r ]> z r'l Q o 30 I I ¡ I I FEET WGR SHELL on. PRODUCTS US OVEREXCA V AnON (3/11/02) 2601 1fhite Lane DATE PROJECT NUMBER 4/8/02 419.EQL.OO South'WeStt Ine. 11021 1IIImen QnIe, SuIte J01 * ~ CA IlO72O \v'HITE LANE r-------------.., I I I I I I 23'~ 3BB 3AA' 23' FORMER TEXACO ST A TION I ( ): I I I I I L_____________..-I 1'1 r lJ o ;;U -f ;;U 1'1 ;;U o r J> Z 1'1 Q o 30 I I I I FEET SHELL OIL PRODUCTS US OVEREXCAVATION (3/11/02) 2601 1fbite Lane DATE PROJECT NUMBER 4/8/02 419.EQL.OO WGR ------------------- Table 1 UST REMOVAL SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL SUMMARY Texaco Service Station 2601 White Lane Bakersfield, California 8015M EPA METHOD 8260B Ethyl Total Sample Depth TPH-d TPH-g Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes MTBE Number (Ft) Date (mg/kg) (mglkg) (µg/kg) (µgIkg) (µgIkg) ( µg/kg) (µg/kg) IA 15 3/4/02 NA ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND< 1 0 8.1 19 3/4/02 NA ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 IB 15 3/4/02 NA ND<O.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 19 3/4/02 NA ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<lO ND<5.0 2A 15 3/4/02 NA ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 6.5 19 3/4/02 NA ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND< 1 0 ND<5.0 2B 15 3/4/02 NA ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 19 3/4/02 NA ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 3A 15 3/4/02 NA ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND< 10 26 19 3/4/02 NA ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 13 3B 15 3/4/02 NA ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 68 19 3/4/02 NA ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 130 4A 15 3/4/02 ND<5.0 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND< 1 0 7.3 19 3/4/02 ND<5.0 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 4B 15 3/4/02 ND<5.0 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND< 1 0 ND<5.0 19 3/4/02 ND<5.0 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND< 1 0 5.5 D-I 2 3/4/02 ND<5.0 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 6 3/4/02 170 9.1 ND<10 ND<10 24 460 ND<10 D-2 2 3/4/02 ND<5.0 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 6 3/4/02 ND<5.0 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 6.9 D-3 2 3/4/02 ND<5.0 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 6 3/4/02 ND<5.0 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND< 1 0 ND<5.0 D-4 2 3/4/02 ND<5.0 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 6 3/4/02 76 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 NA - Not Analyzed ND - Not Detected ------------------- Table 2 STOCKPILE SAMPLE ANAL YTICAL SUMMARY Texaco Service Station 2601 White Lane Bakersifield, California 8015M EPA METHOD 8260B Ethyl Total Sample TPH-g Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes MTBE Number Date (mg/kg) (µglkg) (µg/kg) (µg/kg) (µglkg) (µg/kg) SP-l 3/4/02 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND< 1 0 41 SP-2A 3/4/02 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<lO ND<5.0 SP-2B 3/4/02 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 SP-3A 3/4/02 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<lO ND<5.0 SP-3B 3/4/02 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<lO ND<5.0 NA - Not Analyzed ND - Not Detected ------------------- Table 3 DELINIA TION SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL SUMMARY Texaco Service Station 2601 White Lane Bakersfield, California 8015M EPA METHOD 8260B Ethyl Total Sample Depth TPH-g Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes MTBE Number (Ft) Date (mglkg) (µg/kg) (µglkg) (µglkg) (µglkg) (µglkg) 3AA 23 3/11/02 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND< 1 0 ND<5.0 3BB 23 3/11/02 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<lO 23 NA - Not Analyzed ND - Not Detected I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WGr]R Southwest, ][nc APPENDIX A TANK RINSATE AND UST DISPOSAL MANIFESTS 419.EQL.00 April 8, 2002 j~~~{:' .. ~I ~ pnnt at' I ipe; . . . I . , . '. ,~.... ' . IJN.~aM jfAtAADOUS WAST! ·MAMr.!ST i sP ~1 ..." ~[ ~I. ói æ¡i ~~ .:J ( I·.....·' . ~~ I. " I ~i í3i ,S¡ -.' I :¡¡¡' IV; ~: Q. RQ WASTE F\AMHAia...E LIWm N..U..8.. t; . . ~I (aIff1'AINS èASOl.INE), 3~ UN1m. I., (0001)~ 3;'0 ,,\ E . :.~¡ ~ b. RECEll/Ee- "S, ~ ö:t .£: 0 A~ R ~! t....d ~( ut . ~ 't1\ ~;. ~'¡ ",è Q~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3. wnera/o( "fa"", and Maíli~g Addr... . . .~). ,',,'. .: '<~~/):/"7\.~~::ifB~:~:~~t··~ .;': .'. .~:: :" Sc~lnat¡'Jcfjè"ri~:¡ß:Jii~~:~rÞ'cì8¡¡ ð. .0;,,""....".... éTQ~ic Sub.I,,""" Cantr.1 , . '. ,'.. .: ," ::;i,··~' .....:.' ':: ":."" .. . . 5acramtl"h,. eul;Fomld Manil.r"1)acuiienl'Na. . '. PaV' \ Inf.:mna¡¡;:; ¡... "'" '*'c~.,¿ Q:'.,'" . \ '. .' ~ h. not rec¡::irClld by Fed.rcd J(:j\o.. d,:;> 0 I· . .... . f ~ c. I <' '.::,1. ;·4'· 86 4 0 1 '. SluILON' ~íÆuME~~";':' . . . ,~(t!.~~,M~n ~!~u~~'t NIJ~"'2:i18 908 9· . M1N. T:~ TW19.S7 . :~f.-.." ..... '.' . ...,~.. ". "', .~iOM~~~~~';·;:·;><;.è'·:~r;i(f~t¡'~r: 1'\" . ¡ I··~I ': 67 US lõPA'iD ~"';~r. .. . "" ~~j~~. lo~',ia \~~~·]c . I'T . Tra!'oponer'. """".$:';~!3s-139~ ¡ , '. ... .=1 I ..... ~. CanerOIer'. Ph"". \ 713V2411::"Q673 .S. ("'"",,,,I..- 1 c.....p<lr'y·N~ ECOlOOY CONTROl. IH»USTRIES ~¡ ~; ~¡ A!' ~: . ~J ::::1 ,..q ~': -' -, ëï::. v., " g; >Í. 1..:1' ~¡; T C.JI, · 01:' · lJ: ' ::1"' · u¡t~ $ , ~¡, a a ~:j I ~. v. I.:¡ ~ ~~1 A. '1 c I :., L ';1 T I y 7. T__pot.:,:2 c..mpan~ Nam. 9. Dui ¡!><IIod Foéility N.m. ROMIC ENUIRt:ØIÐlTAL 2081MYRQAD sa. Add,-... J..... ¡':,,,I'· ¡: ".", . ':..:~//.;..~'¡ . ....:1: 1 i. US OOT Qesa1pliQ( .~dinQ Prap~ Sl)lppI~9 NaIn.. Howrd Clau, 0IId ID 'Nonbarl <. ., ~., ..,.". -. ~!J) l~.. f ·.d. '0:.' J. AOdll¡() Io;l DMtrlpUdn. lar Mo....'.I. ü~:À¡",.. 4~.RiHsATE· .! . ;. .. ":.;. " '. ;t.¡.· d. ;," . . ~... 1 S. Spo<i./ ",,"di;n8In.'~tj_ and Ac/diu..,aI '~f4'"'tll",n " 24 tIJUR E.~'t PtO£ Nl.1MBf'.R (goo> 421-9300 PlQ="IL(M 013425 . 56 , t. GeNeRATe.', almflC.ATIOH; .hiraby ~d.,. ,hot I¡" contents øí '~i. _oi~nm""a'. klly (lnd aa:u,.,¡¡1,~~rjba:i abo." by pl'C )Ø( .hl~a",!, anct,O~. d...ili.d. po<k.~. ...wtd, ""0 Ia....t.d. and a~ in.U r...po"" in ¡:>n:¡per (t¡ndiUQ' 10< """.port by hIS"""I' IX09'!i:!!9 ",i"""r"""'", inhlt...""onQl and na"on¡,r ~,,",.M"'r:~ lotiM'. . '~'" . . f~ili!y:: '. · . SERUIŒ,5TAUOH .~ILl.1~ 933O+-OQOO . '. '. .;. ! I 1 ~ I a.. a lars. q..."¡;1y 9"..ia...., I cartlly ¡hall 110"" " program ift pkt.. Ie roGue. I~. v411J111. and lalddty 01 "g.1I: B"""",t..i 10 *'" dos- I h..... deI./..¡nad /0 b. .co.",.",,,lIy 1 practlcabl. ond that I haY. .eI.ded I~, p""'lcabfe methòd of rto_. .Io~. Qf dl.pasal CV""A~r """,IabI. to mot .....¡.., mi'I..'.... tho pr.....1I ""d ~ '/1 11>,....' '0 bUØlCn 'ealth ~ 0",", rII. .nvorOllmcnl¡ 011, If I am 0 ..."U ,"""nfUy 9.....raI<Ir, ¡ he.. ..ode Q gilad ¡"¡Ih ~ to rRinimå:o ttry \irQ"" gonorallan and ..IlKS ,"'" ba.I ~.. .¡,-..,..~..'aBcm.nt .,.ihod ,h st·,. ._. "Y<Silablo 10 m. ""d rhat , eon allofd, ; . _ {II BEHAlF OF joI.""~1 o"y v"" EWILOM i:HT. êt3J.QI:-ilóI2¡ ,11.;"'''' :><:~ (oar. I . I, 310 ~ tf):T2.j 1, ~":mtll Day 'fear. l '\.1Lh.JCID iZ-r ''''''!' .. I , '.-., ,/ Men,í"". rot'<;( Car,jf~ation of 'f($Î I of ha;Z:Qr¿o~,u I"/U'lfnCIII, co".r.d .i" tl\ani sf' eJlCê J a, nat~: Si"r.atur. _ ! ~.?... ·0-· DO NOT WlITE BeLOW THIS LINE. 1 Ii 0..._ '" b f'ri~j»IJm. 7/'10.0 0)00,.' "~,":h Doy Y 00' I I O~!£L-' i TSDF SEND~ THIS COP" 70 GENERA70~ WITHi'': 3C. DAYS fc;cne(~tor' who 'lJþr.'\it "~ardc..,t ""'Osfv tor !o'(H,,,,"ort QuH~~f-~ttlte-. proó"c~ ~mF¡f I .d ç~y c~ ",Ij. c::py and i&nd J~ .~3C within 30 dO:'1-) 9649 YðIIOW: I. i:;~ ðOUA (1/99) i",,4 9700-2:2 it I I i¡ '!~,.: J ~¡ ~l ,J ("H tf'\~ i~ ..f. ~i . ~[ ~f ~k .9r ~. 1.4' Zi' ~[ .....f ~G .J E ~N ~. E ~. R "". . ~ .A ôi T g 0 ..:.! R ~~ Z, ~' ~~ O~ ~~ ~t ~! j::j: ~;: uli !C\ I-: , ~f' iJi ::;j\ S[ ~' ai d!. ZL $d ,... A ~ ~ . , ~ ~ . 1 a I ~. i ·C I !: L J " T " Y I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ¡!.~. : S~~to. ~c:.~~~n'lronm"'IaI'~'O'*'lon Þ.gon<1 fe.,m .' O/ooti No. 2~~9 IE.oq>i,... \>.:10·99, I'b'~ print or 1)'1'" FomI "silln.'" fót II,.·"" .Ur. (/Z'pi""'l typ""IIIr. , 1. G.,rn!r<JIor'. US EPA III No. ""''''~' Seè Instructions on back of page 6. DGpartri::nl of ToJti.: 5ubstol"lI:es Control :~ocr...enIo, (.Momi. ,nlo""ot";,,, in tho .haded area'7" i, nof rèQ'. irld by I'Rdo!noIlaw. :¡ UNifORM ttAZAIDOUS WASTE MANIFEST 3. l.ÕÒò""rat,,,', Naoo.. OM Mol/i"9 A.ddr~ 1 E:OUIU1N P1PaIHE CQMPMY ATTN. T... DAZEY. TSP19V P'. o. BOX 2~ HOUBTm 1)( 6. \.IS EPA O·Numb.r ~ 8. 5,,",0 Ga"o.o'O,'; ID t. Getwolor. Ph""" i -, " Tron,porte. 1 Cooñpany No_ i-un 2648 '.' ECfUIiY. CC»ffRQ... INÐUSTRIES T. Tranlport!r 2 COVI X ny Nome ~1i.o-2.'35-1393 E. S_.TtOIUpo<1.,...IO ,~....rwd·1 9. OUivno.... ç.,QUI < No_ and 5ho Addr.... ECŒ..œY aJNTROl tNIlUfITRIES 2:j5·PMR) ~YD.. :5~0-235-1393' a.. ~ HAZItRInJS IM8TE OOLID STEElIFIBERGlA8S PRODUT PIPIH6 .I'. WaliR Numbe.- . Slale :512 p EPA/ O!I\cor b. 51"", c. frAJOtber /:(.. 1J¡£D 4PR 18 !) Slate ,. . " E:PA/OIt.:.- \" ' cI. Sk1i... E:PA/OtI.... ....r: !:.Addiljatd oesiriplions fo.; ~~ià.I..ü.1Rd A~¡' .' . .. . ~....·..~i.·:-?·:~t~ ....~.....~r;~:~.~~ .\ :4!I~A1t-J)·~·d/'j··O/r? . '.}-r~ .:,,"', '.' " . ..··'(.;::~~'..·:.:.¡?:,:.\..7: ~ ';:... ': (1:.,:,',): :,: ." .'¥ ,j9¿.y~ '. . !:. ~écld Hándllng InIIIrllcrtQ"' and Addi/Ÿonollnlórmol:.~ . ~4 tQØ( ÐtERIÐfCY PHDHE N.JMBER {SOO) 424--9'.soo Facility. . ' SERVICE STÂn~ 2601 Iit1ITE U!9£ MlŒRSf'IELD.· CA 93304-0000 .: 16. GliNIRArO.·~ CUTIfICAnON: h....by d.dCl'. tho! the <.Vnt~nl' of ,hi. :.n.ia.....n! Qr. NlIy....;¡·o..."'loIl da.~'b..d ",b..vo by P'''P-' .1.:,.pt"9 .0..... and·"'·~ do..ôfi.od. packed. ",,,,'acI. Gnd Itt.beI.d, and ~. in DII .upe.QI. ¡~ P'0p",candi!j"" ¡".. I~.~rt ~y bighwoy acc,,,di~!I .. applicable In"""a1io(",[ and na,ional 1IO:<om..ont "'II';loli""". . .. . ..". If I "'" 0 lareo quanHty lI_roror, f :...ily tho' I ba..... Q pr"!!r.... in plve.to ,..Iv"'¡" veJu... and to~l\:ôty ø/ower... e....raIed la t~o dog,... I loa.. d.t",'·,imòä 10 b. Qcanomf~oIIy "",,,,;':<>101. Clnd "'.., !.We ...boded !he pradic.OIa methad of tteallN~t, "".ag., ", djspot( C~~ .....nabt. to m. whi<h minim;:... ¡¡", I'""onl and Fu",,·. ,h....,,~ ~."Ion h...¡,¡, eM rhl environ"'....,; ~. if I am g """It· quontôly 9."'D"", I ~av. ....xl.. 0 gOod fauh olbt 10 ...¡.¡...¡zo "'y was" genera';". end "'¡1Ct ,h. be" wo,1f ....; ~OQ......nl .....thod t!u.t i. O¥viloW4 10 .... God that I con au"rd. . ~ DE:HAlF .OF f.D IL(J.I DlT. t "f Material, -.: '9. Oi"""P<""'Y Indication Spooe '\'knth Day Year' O;31/1~ 1.;<.1 rator C....if)OOt1Qn (If tees i ~ " 9650 I ¡j':SC BOnA t: 1V9) ~I!A 8700-22 . TSDI' SENDS THIS COpy íO GENERATOR W\TH'~: ,:Iú DAYS. (Ganer::Jtol'l, who tubmi' hcxcr-dtlv) wo,t(¡I fQf Irarl1\;t:'1"t Ô .JI·¢f...t\QN.~ p,Qdv<c c;;'rnple,.d ,"!'r d th;. <ow and ,ond I" 6T$( ....,'hin 30 doY'.) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . ,. . . S~,J;. 01 ~crliFornø-erMronmantal Prol..dion Aq.ncy .Fof,. "'~/OOed 0""'& /'1<). 10~~f f~pi~s ~-'O·;>9 ~1" pno' or 'YPa. Fo,," de.ienaJ (0' Cia on cli/r: I r2'pilch) trPawritor, oJ : ~ ¡: ,. ,: . ,,: ',: :.' '.' Yr~?::~:~jt:' . Depart..,.., of T olOe .5ubMOne., :Co~j¡:';¡: '. ii' ;';QcrQl1l'~IO, ç,;¡tfQrolc . ·.ì; , l,vonnQti(,p'~ in h ~ftoded OrAOS : (,tj i. 001 rI.q., 'i1d by federal law, . .... .<;".it~·"-:>'~:f ',. :,~S~ei~atr~~tiQ¡,.:·~~·:~ck~ page 6. . . , .. ~, UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WA$T~ M"NlnST ','" ;¡. c;."a,oJar'. No"", œ>d.Moiling AddrllU ( '1 EUUIUJN PIPELINE ~. ATT'h T.. J)t.l£Y, ~19S7 P. o. IOX~'" . HCJJ5TON TX 77252-2648 6. us EPA ID NClm¡"r II, Sta'" venot¢or'; 10 ¡ ~I' ~I: ':'1: '0; :. ~i' g¡ ~!! -I :j ¡: <I: V:~ " :sT ~¡~ .Qj: 5: z. ê ~ ;ü .g ,~. ~. :f ~. ¡R .. :A . :1 , ~ ,~¡ ~ I ~ ~ :z ~ w g,: .4. Go."to"'·, pho.... ~ 71:SV241-ii673 $. T"",.porIr I Com""nr No"," D. TrQn.lptJtkrls Ph¡)r'lt ECOl.OOV (DIfROL INOOSfRIES 51 cr-~-ß93 . . I 7, T....n.po.,.., 2 c"",POO ' No... E. SIa. Tmn,po<Ie.:, ID ~. F, Tn:a:nipørtcrl s Phone G, Slato Foc¡~I)'" ID 9. DaiVnalc:d Facility Nom. a,id Sil'll- Address ECOLOGY ct:JMrnDL IMWSTRIES 255 PARR BLVD. RI CA 94801 ~1 ~2m-1393 1 J. TotoI G..anHI)< 1"', Unif WI/V." 11. OS DOT Dox'I~fI_. ¡.cl..d¡"9 P...,..r SIIippini ....... Ha...rcI CI""., and 10 Num"', ". '1'10." NU I\tHir: 13m1ð . 512 , . . t~~AIOther . I'· ... \. ' .,.. ~ 'HAlAR:DOU8 WMTE 8(l..ID ewTV ~. STf'JRAßE TANK'(S) p b. . ;'3/t1h1. ::~A/Othc.- c, . 'State 'II' AI a.h.. <I. : Slat. S' AlOth... J. J..d< ;fiOl qj o..crip'tiaM· /i,r Mà.."... ;.U.¡,j,d ·AJi¡.....e. '. .'. . .'.' . '" ·...··~·'~/~~~A1:J~i9'~3·'· a. 'fCj c, d. ~ Q I- -< Z UI ~.. .. . . 5. Sp.cõ.ol ¡'¡...dli"!l I...',"<fi..... ond Addili.....t 1""-lIon j Fuilit.y;; . SERVICE STAITJH 2601 WHITE LAiiE 9HŒRSF1a.O. :~ . . ~--OOOO: ---I 6. CINERATOR'S CrlTJI1CAT1ON: I ho,'¡'y dtfd".... ,¡,'" tho ct>n_h .f 1iI¡. """.igntMIIl ",.Iv'?- and ",curately cIomibed ob"...1>y "'O l4lr 'þipping ncme one! ori ~jo..¡fl..j, ·p.t~od, I· oIOoriltd, Qnd label.d. and are in 011 ro~ tn p'oper condition for ',ron..,art by hil ¡"""r ...-.-:1;"9 I¢ :,,!,plicøblco ¡...mcsMnol and "..'i...... goyommon' "'eo'.~!¡ON. .. If' ."' . Iorgo '_Hty (IOl\8(o<or, , cUr1i~ ilia, I hove II pfÓOrarn In plllc, to '''''¡UCII m. valume and i9><k:lty 01';0$'. Y""uroted 10 ,be do¡ ,.. I haY' do..,,, .;..; 10.1>0 ca;momi<aO, ! practlc:obl. and ",,at, haW ...JuI..d 1M proc~coOl.·"...¡,..c¡·of 1r_1, .........; ... '¡¡.po~1 ..rrWllly "...;1.1.1. 10 .... which ",¡nimi,,", ,¡,.¡ """"", end hri...,. ""oat to """,an h.altl> and Iho anvi""","..I; OR, '.J I <JIll 0 ,..all qu",,'iIy genotcb'. I kG'/" f!lá I/. ~ 101m .lIart Ie mlRI",lzg my wOOl. g....""lon gnd ",J..<, ¡he bur WO". m.;.....n' maihc, "'at;. i <MIll.,¡, " to m' and. ''''''I çan afiord. . . . .~ I OM BEHALF {F Mo: Ih I><>J Yo"r ßlUILOM EMT. D .~ D 4 Q I~ I . Mo,'h D...y y"", I ·':tJ D !~ I ð2- j Modh . 0.." I ~""I 2-4 ~,atERGEHèY PHONE NlIGER <800> 424-9300 ,~?:" . .' ' ~.. 'i. '* "- '" ðI: o fj %, ~ "i. w m :'A ~ iN ....:ø LL : ø o ;. . T W ,r ð ~R Z_.f,· , A: c . I 'L : J T LIY <>I Maleri"l. ....ial. 19. Oiscr. )O"~ .fldjcati"" S~ 20. ~iJ' 0-.- or 0 eloklr Cartificatioll of r"'¡ t ~ haz.a,dous matcll;o C~ rr.nhdlT,pocI Nome S1g"""" ' Moi;lh Doy ~~L 9647 . . . TSDF 3fNDS THIS cory TO GENER^TO~ ....'11rlIN :J0 DAYS {Gc.......at-ot. ~o J\lbrrj, hczan:lO\J8 .....ca..... tor trcnlF' rjrt QVt-.of·~totv. produce campi_led cO")l of ,h" copy and ..rd ló 1:.r~C ,.,¡th;" 30 d~Y'.) rellow' I . o~~ 8022A 11/991 'E"~ 8JOO-22 :~~ii'" 1~;;:;..-:-:. ' I .' .! ~ I I i 1 ! ~ . '. "I I I -i i ¡ Yea' . ....... . s,:'~ ~ <:q~¡....ni~f.."..."",1 p,.,,'«H..n AQ..cy r!:rfl\ ~p~ OMII NQ. 20~(HJQJ9 ¡~J<P ",. 9-Je}'p9 ~~~.. p'¡nl Dr Iypa. FiHm J..igncJ (." "'" <Nt ell'" 112·plr<lt/Iyp4...,rll,,,, 11n j ¡ UNIFORM HAZARDOUS 1. Gen.'olor', US 8'A 10 No. I ~ 1:~ WASIl MANIFEST II r 3, Gen.rQ1Dr·, "'0"'" and MaUlnll Adóre" I 141. . '0' ~: f':1~ ...... ~; S! ~\ -: ~. l:;:j: t -<t LJ. I . ~ $: z! . I¥', ¡@¡ '51 " ,1 2' =F~ '5; ~¡G 'ë~ .f In! N en' £ i!j! R "Ot'! A g'¡ T r;o 0 j~ Il ~ï· . ~I· . ¡Û' w ~r- o "-' VI .~ -i <; ZI ~' z: I I I I I I I I I ...J ::t1 .~. -.d ð < .... ~ ~~ I I ~ I D, z: ~ ¡ ~ A LLI : uJ 0 qll ~ I , F ¡;¡fA I C : 1 : i l ; ~ ' . :~ r t Y :/ ì: :: I I 'I I .~ In~trucHo"; on bock of pGge 6. Doparti""nt of To.ie Suh.lon~.. (Ã"..oI 1 . 5otraml!ÐI<>, r::allfomlc; ",10,.",01: 'In in tI,,, ,hacl.d 0«;01 i, ""I ...,,"i~ by F6d.r9J lOw. 4. Gencrcrtor', !'haM ( 715112"1-86~ 5.. Troftlopðrtw 1 C!olnpony NØI"IID 1 ElJUILf»f PlPEUI'EQwMY ATTN. T.. ~ t TIPtw;¡ p" D. BtJX 2ti48 . KUITDN TIC 77252~~. r l I 1:>1 ~ ·1 ! 6. US EPA ID NumbA, , ;. ECOlOOY CONTRa. IHJ)USTRII;S Iq·lI ·Ðt9 ~~~~q 11 8. US EPA ID Nu..ber . e, Slofel,."n,port.", 10 !.&aacwt. D. TrQll1porso"..Phano . . 5,1~235-1395 7. T raQ''''''''' 2. C""'f'dny N"",,, . 9. Dos/gnoroci l'ódlrry ""'''1'1 aid SII8 Add,..., . £aJ..œr ÇQHTRO.. lHDUBTRŒS ZSS~·AARIt: 8l.VD.. F. Tranopori.:r',·P ,on. . G. Slat" Fao;;Ii'Y' I ID . . I· .c:~lðiQ/O F1 l'II'bY" ~ H. Focll,ly. Phon. . . i " G- IIJH-oRCRA HAZNcI)(!US CIJAS1'E fD..ID EMP'1Y ltlDERßROllÐ) S1'ORAEiE 1ANK(s) 14. Un!> ,I. " WIIVol ! I. 'No.'" Humber elo'. m P " fPA/Other' ./1~1e I : ¡ frAt Othor- b j .. . . - . ç, CE \V EO APR 1 8 280~ EPA/Othar s,_ d. . :1 Sf""'. .' ·E;>AJ~ ,. :J::~~ifio:'f;';7;~;;;:Ü~..··;1ii.~~:f:ìt!~~:··.··. . a. qq ,If \' ,~ i' ',' , . ~' .. . . Fàlcil£t I · : SERVI STATEttf 2601 IlE U* BAlŒRSFIELD,· CA 93304-0000 .' 1 ð. OfIlEIlATOR'$ CU'!'lfIeA'IION: '.horeby .loci",. thaI tf.e c:onIenl, o¡ tt.'u""oI""",,,,, an fully on~ ac...rolel~ ,1..Ùibod "~,, by p....p.r .hi :>pÕn¡ no"" "..e1'o!.' ~,,;f1ed. po.ked. ,"",*ed, and 1ab.1ad. and are '" all """"':h In p'0p9r ~QndtJlc'" for rransporl by. hlghll'Gy occ:ordlng '" applicab'" mtar....¡'"",,' .¡;.d national 9"Vommenl r.~'..I~,,,,~. 24 1Ò.R ~y PHØ4E ~R (800) 424-9300 ','IìI¡ . i'F" " am 0 ~ < úONÏ1)/ ganor""". I cartily Ihal ¡,""" " P"OCI'''"' in place fa reduce the voIum. find IC\I(lçl1)' of waOII! ~ruhI<! /Q rIM o.g'.. I h",. dd';'-~. {nod 10 bA """"",,,,;eaSy praafasblo ana lhall hCMI ,.Ie<:tod th" ~"><ficQbl. mol""" of 1<0.""..'1, '10'09". Dr dilf"!"'" CUlTan/Iy _(lObi. I<> mO which minimi... tNi p.....nt ."d !ub ~ thr.at 16 húlllCn """rh "". "'0 _iron...nt; OR, if om 0 ...01 q.""li!y ¡eneraoar, I have moóe 0 vòod Ioil!l.fforl '" mlnimi:AI ..y wo,lII gtntrClttGn and select me be.>! 'l'GU¡ ....;'.ogc<1Icnl "",Ihad th\J~ i. ... ,",ollobl. 10 ... ..~ ...... r .an offo,d. . , , ' t»f BaW.f~~~ ERJILON Ð,ff. 0: :¿ IU"I~ of R~.i al Me~oh cI Me...."'I. ~l~ M,..~,n Doy :~ Veta, I I I IÓYC¡Z 1 19. Dimep<oncy hdl...~"" 5paco .!'adj¡ Owner or O@erolOl" GAtrtifir;:gtion af f1:t:cn I of MaQrdcu,. ma....al" C()~ b :r;::~-W 'j(Q.x St . 9647 M>,itb Day Oi~l¿' Yelle>w: l'$Df SENDS THIS COPY TO OE'~ERATC>~ WI·HIN 30 DAYS. (Gcn.ratou ""'0 ,vomit h::lra,-do,"" ""O,t, ~Qf trCl~J. ; þrt ovr.:,$-J¡to.., pte>duce tompl,,19d "'F)' oIthi. cop~ and .onti ,,,:OTSC wIthin 30 days.) ,. .1 ~rþc 8022.0. (1/"1 el'~ ~700-2'2 ': '!" '. "I "E-, ;~f::i!. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I " ,. I' ". /11" . s~~ l;allfotðlo-en,I,anrr.onoa! PrahicHan AII_Y. f "µ'oi/'PPp"'.od OMJ. fila. 2050-0039 (e.cpi....~·30-991 CI~;'II pr!", ()( typ4>. fØ(fJ> do..'gIlilifFor·""" on 0/1.. i , 2'r>ll<hj ryp....rj~r. ':í¡ I· UNIfORM HAZARDOUS 1. Generalot', Jš'EPAiõ~ .,,+ WAST! MANifEST [I: ~. a....loklt'! Nhn.. a1d Mailing Adclra'" e>l I ;gr I~, GtnorQ1Dr', I'/tone ( 713V241-8673 ~¡:;. ~~. Tf"Qmpart::r 1 CcI"RfJGny Nçr;¡c . . \n;:~ I ce.':;: ¡ ~::: t :. ~," -;:" ~~. V:¡ .~~.; Z¡i Q!: . 0;" ..,..n ¡::; Vi; See In$fructiona on back·.of· Xli- 6.. . '. OQparmirtnt cJ Toxic ~ubsfOl'lCes Cf'lnfl"d '. ';~c"''''en1o. Oo ;f<)l i(i InIM.alk·.' in'"' ,hodiod ar"". I' nOf '.~,¡"od by Fodroll...... 7. T'.I\!p<>t'Mr ~ <:"IIII""Y Nam. 1 EQUIL.œ PIPEllf£ COMPANY ATUh T.. Dt\2£Y, TSP1937 P. O. BOX 264a HOUSTON TX 772::i2-2MB 6. U& EPA. ID I'«Jmb... ~. D. T I'tII\op>rt...·. pt,,,,,. ECO..ooV ŒI'frROl. XHDUGTRlES 5: o-235-1S93 s. s"'~ T,o)n'par"''', ID ! à,..",..d. I· I f. 1,an'PO~~:1 ¡.¡,.;~o G. :itat. Ñ>cJ ''Y', 10 9. [)ø;¡t\œ.d Fo.:¡¡ity NCJmo ond Site Add,o.. Eco...œv·ÐfWfmJL IMJUSTRIES ~ PARR tLlJtf. ¡ I I I I I I 1 D. U~ ~A 10 Numb... I ..------- .i& I ={J9 ¡.;? I .,..:'. ~¡[G ë-i' ( f. ~¡;N fID ~: £ ~; . ...¡A Ò:· T g::;O ,..:..:: t [6; ; Z; , Wi: V!" u.J", ~¡¡ D.. i ¡ In' , wi: Q!¡.r " . c, d. I:: r;;~·;;;£~~ '800> ~_ =i:~i . ~:,I . 9~··. ~l :;! ;;.i, 16. QfNeAATO~'$ œnfICATICN: I hmeby dodOlc thal~. cant.n!:; af "", ~on'¡en1l!Irt or. Fvly ""d a«v1'oMly <l.o<,¡bed ab::,.. by ~. ,"ipPing n..... and a,;,;cia,'.;¡iod, packed. . V:I~ I -~.,4. an'; "'baled. Qod aI. I. .11 "upocI' in _, <ondlHM for II'CInI-' by hiGhway according ID appliccble lnIe,no1ional and 'Q~onol go..m..,nf '"g,' olion,. -,...¡; I . ...,. ~:I; If f Om a 10lBo q""~.'11y ~nlro"". I <arlily 11-011 ~ C> p'ot,a." in plo:ao te "¿~C4 1ft, ."¡uN' and loJri.íl l 01 01.'" g"",,,,"~ to ihe deg. l'1li1 haw do!ie<,,,¡Ìt.o ..... bè ~""""'ic~g IY ",:i" ~oab14 and "'at I I..,.. oakd",.! fl., p'nW1CaÞIe melhOd 01 fflIQl!1Itnl. 511:1'agl. or disposal Q¡".,.dy "",,¡labI. to J1\j ~I¿' I"j"¡mi:c. tho pl--' ond "'jul/lhrlG! 10 hvooon hoaIliI ". ond "'. "";.....,1Mnt; O~, ;F am a ."",11 qwn'ty ,......"'a.. 1 ..... mad. . \I~ Fe,'" .fJDr! to ..inifn¡zs "'II"".'''' 1I."",atiai1 òndl.,I..".,. Þesl wa,1e mO"Q~"",n' ",ÐII1od tbaH. ~ ':. 0v.0llobl. ID "'" ~ 1/10' I """ """rd : . )00'[' ¡ Prlntad{rxPod NaJn. ~ (II WlALFtIF ~:,~ ~ r_ ~!! !c,HKÙ;/V/S~ ~~/~ ERJ1LONDfi"I~¡¡"'IO 1612.1 ~jl:¡ï1'7. T"'n'~ 1 .ru:kno""¡~t oHI_i tal MaIoo';a\' . . :::\;. : tp;¡;,IId/Typed Nam. . Mt'f¡h Ccy 'f_ ifi:: ¡ . . C).Lid i_t..¡ C .:l u.... ~ ~ ,. . 0;; , ¡;;¡:,,~ w" i 1 . ~I' - . .. I.JI,· :, ... ,g, pjKn:FG1U:Y In :<11.;1'41'1 Spec. t ?::; A .If{. ¡ r ' . . I ;,; ~~ i T¡3 iO IS" ¡Q K I 4. ~ HA'l.ARDOJS tlMSTi SILl» Dff'TY UHDERGROUHÐ STæAGE TI!Mt:(S) b. ~. APR 1 S 2002 d. EPAiOtha, '., ¡;' A44lfl~t tw..<.rip!\1ins.lor Mal1lllah _h'od Âbu.. . . . '·...i-·;" ~1Y~" Q. qq. .,' 9647 - f: Ò;lt"~ B022A 11/99; Ei'" 8700"':".2 Yen_: TSm SENDS THIS COP'( TO GEN¡:~ArOR Vý'THII\: ~O DAY5. IGene(cnora ...nCl submíl hotordolJ)c WQ~te fto, tfOI";~f,~'Ut C:h..t·o~-~talc prod~(1 ,_pi.t.d <opr of th:, «py on<! ;one! '0 I)TSC wìlh;"~(: <Ic>y' ) '·'~,t.: I ,. . '( S!¡... of Ca5Ìomi......E".;tellme,w,;¡.P(9Ioo=t;on Ag."<y I F~.;.... "PP.......~ OMB No. :ZC5.CHI039 !~>If';r... 9-3C·99) , P!"".. print or /YIP'" Fonn áo,iøn-!.lør u,. on 01;", {l2.piido¡ ~¡"'r. -.¡ ,¡ . . :! UNlfO~ HAZARDOUS 1. Gen.rator, U3 ~A ID No, :; ¡ W4STE MANIFEST ;¡ . " " ., I I ~i t-.:. N! \<11 ~: ¡,'1 ª¡ "f . :f ð¡ ~I [2 3· I I I z:. E - ~Ilo ~.I:.~ co:· ~ ~,~ '" ~" R ~: A. ¿, r :i:: 0 ...:..: It. k:: ~i! d;¡ ; U'i ~;: ~'i O!~ Q,.I " ~i¡' <II. Z: ¡ 0"'. ~~: <it Zi, w!i J:' , >-! i ....;. .t; u¡1 ..i - ¿¡:! Ll')j 0<:' 0: >-j ~: ú.J, ø' 1 ~: A ~: " w' S I P ô¡ , ~i ( <: ~ U'" ~. F i;¡: A :' C . I l I T 'f I I I I I I I I I I I I I '$.111 InitructiOI1$ on back of pClg' 6. Q"""rtn:int of T ..k 3.bSt._ c.;.;rroi s.co<:rco",..to. c:-oJif,¡m¡a Informal;.:,;, In tho ~adocl ataa. i~ not fr-'f,i,.c.d by Federall0t'. 1. Gclnerc:far"s Na~ and Mailw.g A~'.II ., 1 EQUILON PWEt.tNE CtH'fWY ATTNs T.. DAZEY, TSPIß7 p. 0.. BOX. 26-48 Øf TX 77252-2tt4S 6. U3 fPA 10 "'umbO( I, Il+:'l B, Slaj.~_r_r·, IC ¿. Ge..(otor·, Phoncl t 1~"1-B&n 5. T'Qn.lp_ 1 C~r Name -:g EroLOOY f.:;OfTROl INDUS7RIES r. Tran"",_ Z Cornpcny No"", O. T,an.po.........J>Ioo.,o ·5:].9'-~1393 E. SlOt. T,""."".....,·. ID lta","""'. · ,. ðeo'S"· Foci/I,., N."" 'N(! Si~ ...ddr.... UOUBY C(Jt(T1ítJ.. INDlJ8~IES 25S·PARft BlVD.. 1 ¡ 4. Unil WIN~ T l. _Wa~. NJmber ß'III 512 P i , Er.oJOtI.... ~ 11- liS oar o...criplio.lind"'¡¡~q Pr~r ~hipp¡ng No...., Ha.zard Cia.., and D Numb....) a. tOf-ftCM HAZARÐOUS tIASTE sct.II) EMPTY ~ 81'~ fANk<S) IlfCE ¡\lED APR 1 8 2il02 Ì>. I Sto~ EPA/Other ) c, EPA!OIh·.,. .' 4. ¡ SI<IIe. : ! e~A/O!M 11:. t1a~cilng Caðo. for Wœle.lI,¡ed Ab;;", . I" lb. J.-.'~di~,D~>.<ñp~..".fo'Mðhi'ìoIsL¡,19~Abc... .... . ., ..:'. ~' .' ", ", .... r"' /.',. ,:' .~. '.' " ,.'", "". " ',' '. _ . " ·',.':~(;:.;T~ ~. aPt'( . 0HDEI'ØdJUNI) T!lf\ JitJ. "1Ad'~:";; '>':1<>.':.:/: " . ". ...... . ..... .., . ·ii.· '., .' r .... 'd.'; "Fr. < ¡ c. .~ ,. "1 .J;<: ..',t·,. .'. ......:..... ..:) . .. ... . .. ..../ 15. SpolCic.1 HandhQ lrurruclla., Add lonallnforlnQ~on F~1l1t>,= SERVI~ STA11tfl 2601 IIil TE u,t£ ~IE1.D, t:f\ 9~: 24 tI1JR ~ PfD£ ~ C'YV'.(~~ tv"f ('~·"""\c,('T ~ (, ) ,~ .r <SOO) 42+-93OQ. 16. GINI.RATORrs. CØTlFH:ATlOH: I hereby dec)~¡$lhal tM ""nlenlS of !his cèm.Ï9....enl.... fuay'l,UId a<cur'!'lllydos<rlbed a~ ~YP''''''"( .hipping nl1fflC .aR\! o.;"dauiHad. ",,&ed. . ....I~. ~ 14~, and are in Q! ""pact> in _.... _d;~Ð<I ~r Irancport II)' hiS~_Y ø<cording to ...,p'I«>bJe Mo,neti¡"",! and na~.nøllJ'W..n""'nt r~,·1a6olU. ,) ç: ~..~:.: " . . . + If I ö#.1 Q"'g..qucn,~ lIeno",lor. I certify tl.oll h<rv. 0 pr"!J"am in "I.cs to ...due. tl.o TVIv... on" "'.icily 01 wa.t.. g.........." 1o rho ~,_ I ....... do/''''·.':nod Iv be .._;colly . ¡ra~cobIe and thai I hIM> ,.¡IIKI;d I.. p'Iac~<ablo "",thød all....I~. &tar09'. or ~j.posol ~~r OYGilablt to "'. whic~ minimi:e. Ibe pI.>II\1 and fulU,,~i,t¡'Oat Ia b.lnGn Mal'" œd'lh~ iIowIrðftm."r,¡OII. If I ern a ....oJ qlJanrtty gellO,"",r,1 """" mad. . ai>od Fo,I!. .ffort '" ""nl"'!r.e my"""" eoncrolioM ....d .eI.,'tiM boot _.... m."~. samon' ",elMd ,¡,g, IS .:;. IWOiIaIíf. to me Q/J¡j Hlell ...n ..lford. . ..' ,~ . è1lR'!;WJ'5e 17. TMe 'fer' I Ack.....t.dg....enl oIR~i , cI ~Q~J"\ ~. 1 S T,a. """ :1 Ac"""'¡ Pllnted/TyPOd No.... ... ¿d~~. ...... ~'<:~(:..-...... t9. Dt>crepanq i;;dic."'n Spa,. " I. 20. FacW ""'"or or P,iri",, /fy,..,d N"... :JQ I'll p5 9647 Year .rotar <=.mf;t.Clli~ of rt(.¡ I ôf hazardous --r¡;;;;.¡~ Dol 0:3 \ð ~ \6 ~ j Yell..., TSDF SENDS THIS çopy TO GENHA;OR WITHIN' 30 DAYS (Gen.fcwn .....,...0 ""bmjt hn%:r.lrdooJi .....a\t. fOf tronS;;~rt out·Of~5tDle. prod~ce (ompltllKl (0!OY 01 !hi. <"9Y ~r¿ ;9!\d 1o .'>TSC within 30 "'..~'.I .' O!-;;C 8022A /1/Y9! fi- ~ 61DO-Z'Z ------ -------- I WGr]R I Southwest:, Ifnc I I I I I I I APPENDIX B SOIL DISPOSAL I MANIFESTS I I I I I I I I I 419.EQL.00 April 8, 2002 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . _. UjD.Þ/o~ diL. 15;54 FAX 1:141:1 450 1177 A{; ~1 ~~94501 177 B.E.S.,I. -H" WGR. .._._-~_., .. ~002 .......,..,. .__0:- . ~,,_. ·c:, -._ SoU Muter (~) TPS '·rdmolo~". Inc. Customer Job Report Gr0S3 & T~ Weight ("~: Mi:::Mamw1; S~&ßJe; T=Trk. File. JClb Nlllllbcr NI,mc SiteAdtlreø SfteCit y State ~IICO. A07·- 1I1O:¡81'EXACO N61O-S800-14()(, RIPR#I002' SAP#12lO17 rNCDNT#9714BAK.ERSPI¡¿L..U CA ~:i30'" Loa4 1# Date k Tirt1è Out 'Tr.U1~portC"'· # Truck & TTlliler Nlurlber OlOSt! TaT\,: N~t Nrt Wt (Jb) (ib) (Ib) (\.tJ1H') 2. 04/01/0209: Hi 7000193 12<) - 02 SO, I ~OM 31,9~OM 48. 2()C I 24.111 , 1)4/01 102 01]: 17 7000l!)) 127··02 79,R40M J2,OOOM 11,~40 ¡J.92 3 04/0 I¡()2 09:34 7000193 2 74,660M J 1.220M 43,4411 21.72 4 04/0110209:35 7000193 )3W al,16OM .:¡.~,7g()M 47,,;80 2~.69 5 (14/0l102 09: 55 7110m 93 129M 80,440M 21f,420M 52,020 26.01 6 04/0U02n9:sg 7000193 . 77,420M 32,ClZOM 4j,40() 22.70 7 04/01/0210:11 700œ 93 111 -219 83,420M 21C,S8ùM S4,K4() 27.42 9 04/01/0210:39 7000193 W9 RO,tif,aM 27,l40M 53,.520 2ó.7f: 8 ()4/011U210:4() 7000 }I)'3 '7 - ~ l.600M ~1,420M ~O, I~{\ 25.09 10 04/01102 I 1:23 7000193 3U 76,200M 31,360M 44.I4U 22.42 14 11410110212:09 70001 !)J 7ClO 77,1$2UM ~I,9~M 4~.MO 22.92 11 04/0 I /02 12: 11 700019] ¥O 76,7401\1 32,880M 43.860 21.93 12 04/01/0212:34 1000193 51 79,SSOM 33,KlCOM 4~,70( 22.8~ 13 04/OI/U212:36 7000] 93 38 77,300M 31,340M 45.960 22,'J! 15 04101102 I S:30 7000193 129 - U2 79,~OOM J2.K20M 46,680 23.34 16 0410110215::.13 '7000 193 127 - 02 M.040M 32,OOOM 4K,( 4Q 24.m 17 04101/021(,:5& 7000193 2 !iI, 800M 30,gOOM Sl,OOO 25.50 21 04101/0211:09 7000193 111- 219 109,760M 28,240M 81,520 4O.7fi 20 lt4lo11ò217: 14 10001\/3 4 1?,34GM :i 1,S<'.oM 41,780 2.3. g.) IS n4101/(l211:1Il 70001 93 L2~ $ 79,300M 27,940M ~ 1.360 2:'1J>8 19 04/01/0217:24 70()OJ93 -'300 1!2,600M :n,500M 4~,JOn 24.~' Completed Load. MlIA1futs .R~.cclved Cœapleted Wef¡:bt E~tim.ted W4:frht TOTAL Net Wt: :'i2.$OYo 21 200,90% _ 260.oo(tOO5) _,~22,2S~!L.. l SM-RJ'T9 J 41 5/D2 v../io/U;;:UiU 15:54 FAX 949 450 1177 B.E.S. !. -T', I I TranflDOt"'ter (;\·,,,,1111...,'. "'111m." "n" SilhllA AdclN"": EQUILON ONE SHEl.L PLAZA ROOM ~l04(lI A P. o. aox 26/.8 PiL"IMtn .. , Ct'tnt.ct: JIM l'IIARnN "AXil: (713) 241-æsae I I HCllISTON TX 772S?-2e.40 USA ('""wuilJ\l\(. t'IkImc 'I.N11Iillil\l1, A,1c1moo: c:"",,"-Utul\f. Phone of; Ptir¡\(ln tt') (,,;ut\~tu:t: I ,.. - PAXI/o I (,."',M,nti... Site (l1:~""T'.,..t ",""I: f I~"1t {.twlJ",,,,¡ lï::X¡:¡CCI ++610-~S00-140Þ ::;it,,· l~bUIK.· I: 1"~jCHI h. C:t.ttiJct RIPFHU0Ø2:5 SAP++lí21017 INCDIIJT#C:)71".1 4111'11 MARTIN ~¡;'01 I.JH IrE L~NE FIIX~: ¡:,qKERSF IEL.D, CA 9330". USA I o....i¡[!\o,tc-d F;J< Holy (T'anlþ<1ft II'~ (UQ'"t." «"tI>!'WI TÞS TECHNQLOGIES INC. Flldliry I'hen<' R: 800·-B6í::-·a00 I. p",~, IIl\ l'cnli1<:t: DEU..ENf.L ßENT ON FAX., 7f.Ø"-2.f+5~B0Ø4 r"rulpor~'¡; M\,,",' I/: I ~ <34'3) 4'5e-'1010 I 123P-e HIBISCUS AVE. .... r:',t,o CR 92301 Ir "'" 'Nllm.. .nd MnIJJT1¡c ....<ld"""', e. E'.S. I. 254~r:: TRABUC:O RD. "'lØ~,~~e.9 USA I 'I'''''!<>t, \0 Cml1lrt: L(~RRY MOOTHART I III\>=,U: FL TO~O~ CA 92Q~0 USA ('fJ/,9) '+50-11 71 Oucri¡mon 01 SolI IAòIltth Çontem Cantlfnlnetecl bJ: ~. Qty: OIKripUon at DeIIwry ('w\I'1 Q D*el U ou.... :I C;iI& Q nle.1 Q Other U I U·1~ a In·2{I'I\. i"I 20'!(. - .....e. ';j /1-11)')(. a 1!).:2O"A. Q 2m. - m'..· U ü"" IIf'1 ,._~inn 'tt) ilWUr.. bt~...-.t "lvwn. - ~no Q "') :¡ Uru:",\I.' I.J Oth.r I, rt.o1'~ .:J c.oy :J U'1lA'~' 0 (lth... I, I ,,"-+'WGR -.. " . U~Mj . ¡¡I 00;; i"'sge 3~2 18038 ,"_·AIor'. us 1"'.0. IrJ N", C"tloU1<'t ,I\"""unl Nunw.:r wl~¡' T1"s: 1014'2/..18 . .. CuafXJm<1: ",:",unl NUI\\l:>ct wl~ TI·~. If ' ;).' r ,'~lrtlù. '!l'H 1Av..1. AVe.:, IJ·"",J,.. fadlit.V [-',m·j,t ~""i", " 'I~..,.]~ort. ', lIS ~:1-1~ "' Nu.: CAl)':1ß3561.~f.,B 1. '1'r.-I\"fu')ttv'.. DC1T Nu.: 45121647 <:\IJII''CnI.'r !I"" l\ïÑ~",,'T will, l'f"t, ·/000193 I GtIIIII WeI,ht Tant W.\pt .71r¿t1ð J'.4Jt I I (;C,:¡'nl/çr'., rlRr//tn <'Of ~lIlf~l\f, t:..rtift'ill/"11I 1/Wt (',.,.Hfy /JlIJl t~ ÞW refi:l'el!uJ TIt!,/!bl i1I ~J1 m/irr/y fra,,, t/W$<! soilJ dl'scrib!:d in thi >011 D/¡tl/ She,., fCl"'I'¡"W 1/71d 1::P.I'l!iìtd b.v lfIeI!l~ jÎ7f l~ Ge,rertd:ÜlH Sib: IhDwn ab1.Of. tmti noMi1la 111<6 be.'?! Ilditd or dD~ III ~u.:h so" II..t ltJ!)illd altor it in 'my twy, I M<'A'IJ\ I u..y I , Trs1llspurt".~ç t:J.'ftlfifiltWn: f/Wt acl1rarllletlgt rI!~~!il' cf tile ~(ri1lÛ11crlbtd I1ÞøI¥ rmtI certify tlutt su.:h soil {. being dt:/i¡K.Y'I.'¡ in txuctl.II tile llantt tondltfl.'l'I ~ !!II1t.1I ",,,,wed, I/Wr .fu.,.,/ur artify thlll thfl loil Î6 ""ing dirr:crly lrQn' 1I1rleIt.frmn tirt Crnt7rlli/"1 SJI~ tl1 the PC¡;/~ ~W f",dl'lY I"jl/I.JI/I off-lattliNg. addioW 10, slIbtrøcti1!g frwI1 0' /:n any wgy delaying dt/ Iltry tl! ~wcJt s¡~. !Ii,.......... "'¡',j,.¡ I C0001Ll""" tit.- .<It¡¡l\O"""«lKI,_ I I I'... '\~rl41\dn. I /(fc.~di"g Fa,'i/1/y errlifiE,. th,' 'I'lri¡>l çf fl..· 1iIlI" ctJr1«,ed "1( lI'b mani/et<1 uct'pf tl~ 1101,'<1 SlbwJr: ?~;.w (V Type N&lr..:· , ..' S4MNtw. ~111Al'l C_BENTON/J.PHOUANSRL I TPS FACILITY COpy I I ..HJib"j;';UH, 15:5ë FAX 949 450 1177 B.E.S.~. ......'.. WGR ' c...y.:..arM. . - I;1.¡ 004 t:'sge 2 f').2 I I I I I I "æ ~ :0 I ã I I ., .. ~ J I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I TPS Techno'OfJes Soli Recyclln. Noa.-lMønløl.as Soils v·Ulb/02 THU 15;58 FAX 949 450 1177 B.E.S.1. '+..... WGR . -....""'11.1.1 I I I I I I -e .. ~ I ¡ A i I I I j í I ì I I I I I ¡ I I I i ) I ¡ I I I I I I TPS TechnOI....s Soil Recycling Non-HllArdo~1i SoUl "np"ul¡'w for h lW'l<onl: T\"&T1Sport.r (;c'1\<rlll'''', ~~.....r.d )UII,,~ ",Ii".- EGlUIL.ON ONE SHELL PLAZA ROD~ ~14Ø A P. LJ. BOX 2648 ~~.. 18032 G..,.,,"Lor·. U!:i lil'^ 111 ~). (\"T.~)f, k. c:'nntal..-':: JIM '1AR'TIN I'AX': <713> 241-i2~@ CCI'\'lIltIIrIt'. I'h."", ~ to "",.o,,..r Acc.....'ot N,øl'lbttr with "I ".Ÿ 1002416 !-¡ClUSTON T)( 7725a-'2&48 (:t~,~,.ll'l\l'. N&,,,,, and ! 1\1.,,~ MdNI\II: USA : 11CTro'C'\ ~') ('~ml"L;l: F...)C':..···~- (~t'\':l"atUN\ Sit.:: ~1\"O.'foptK't I"MU1: (rWrtlt 6t ...ddt'a~\j TEXACO 1*610-3800-1'+1216 5ilf l'honc It. !!"I"£X ,,,....r.1,, l'r-nt(ln b. CunL4.:t~ 1~·1 i ;.r!Vf!'" RI¡;'R4tlIZJ0~5 SAPlt1i:!1017 INCDNT#971~1 4111'1 MRRTIN i~E.01 WH I TE L.ANE FMII: BAKERSFIELD CA 93304 USA "~VI~. tAvek o.,.i l,l1&1N l''lCility (1"",~rll"1; Ilhll1lt' 6'øddllM) 'TPS TECHNOLOGIES INC. Ftlt:I1U)' MHlJ\M'~ r~cility I\:rmit N\.1",b~. ! 8Ø0-~62-a001 ~. . . I'anw tu (un I.": D~.l;-.!.ENA BENTON I'MtR: '7 ö0···246~8004 12328 HIBISCUS AUlli. RdeLantc. CA 92301 USA l"Mf'<'IUI NAmc' .",1 M.,ilil\l; Addr..,,;; 8.E.S.I. 2~~¿e TRRBUCQ RD. ~10~-26~ TI'IINf""I1\"'M I'll.",. "': , (';'.9> 450-10H') -r,'lIIlIOpor\l;'1'" l;~¡ 1,)',4 ID Nv.: CA09S3S84681 '''I~NI tl"'("1'nUlc,t~ I..AR~V MOLHHART FAX( ' USA (~4~ 450~1177 CofttImInIIId by: Appm. QIy! o..:n. ef Dedvery , Tr4lUpt..r....·' Ix)r N<t.: 450G47 - -.-- ("'\,,1"~1"'\~ A,,,,~u¡\r Number ....II!. 'iT'!': 712100193 TI,.~ EL TORO, CA 9~630 Dtlcrlpllon of Soil MDlst\lf! CtØtnf 0·'10% U 10-20% U 20~ - oYcr U o.....c U 0 - 10% U 0&"" I,. !C - :ll"'" :.J ,I X"'" ~C)\("r Q Wt '^~ f'lt..""I'inn rn INN lbhc:61 ."'wer ,:a. u ow.J U 011_ Q C... Q [11.....1 U (~r 0 !oIulù \oJ QOIY 0 ("&>N<.~ (.~'IIIr't" ;:) ~..,\\i U ll~! U TPS FACILITY COPY " ""fl1 005 ~Bge 4T22 I uV ,1&i 0;;: THU 15:58 FAX. 949 450 un B.E.S.~. ~- ...... II'GR &,..'I.,o1'r~J - 1l.1006 t-'sge :5 "-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \J4/lð(( ;: THU 16:01 FAX 949 450 1177 B.E.S.!. ...,... -...."... -+~!~~~~;:.., :: :'_~~ge"B~~07 I R£L)¡d;N,~ Flldlity a:rli¡;~s the ru~ipf '-'1'/11<: ~jJ c:nl1&·rrJ 'ylhll ,,,nl1ifr9/ e:r«f't IUi nIxed .bow; fJrint (If ·r~ ~"".: . t:ii.~...I\Jtt' <1M d.tIt: C.9ENTON/J.PROUANSAL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TPS FACIUTY COPY I I I U4 ¡ 1&/íJ2 THLJ 1t): 03 FAX 949 450 1177 B.E.S.1" ~.. ........... WGR '."'r~j . r;1.¡C08 I-'ege 7 ~2 I cc..pu".lbl. Cor P.,mm1: Tri\nspo\"ter ¡-,..,,>'t.W,t·', Num'..,"\ Rillin!\ Addn",,' EI2UILC)N ONE SHELL PLÁ2A P.O. BOX 2648 TPS Tech......... Sol. Recycling NOR-HUUdou. SOU. 'InDPIIC'tef 'INk:;' f If .ç. t{ I C.."...IOc'. ¡.IS 11T'A ID N<> I ROO'"" 2140 A t '(oT".Jl1 1:0 c.ontact J I Í'I MRRTI N f,o,Xt, l.:\lJtonwT "...<nun' Num\~ Wl\h TPS: 1002418 I HOUSTON "r x Tla5~-~E.48 USR ::vl1'..dt.'nr'I"I NllitTll cUld Dil1i1'1.1 ^tJd~~I'·. P"t'K'T'I In t~n"tacc I '"x.: (,:'ll1lt ,nlf1Y ACf.'OLU\1 NlJmb,."f'" ~ iit, i'[~: I !':t'l\t1tali~')" S1,t.c nr~rtl\l'url f1'''m)~ !.1t1mr! (.f 11.frlrrø TEXACO #610-580Ø·..J.406 !'ill.. Pho...,,'" BTI!X l.....,I. I P.rll<Jll It) Cun~.d: RIPRft100e5 9APt+121017 INCDNT#9-/1'+1 4 ._11" MARn~.., a601 WH X TE L ANE r^X~: D USA 11'H (,.""t.. ",Ie 1A\'Ù llcr:iW:>i>t"J ¡:¡ot.lily rrrnn.p.lr~ ,..): ( Qnu 6- .¡//1'II1iI.¡ TPS TECHNOLOGIES INC. P4dl1ry l'lwn., .: eøø--862--S001 P.¡-.on III C.Ont~ rt: F4H:ilHy PCI1..lt :-.;,.,,,,I,.,r. I 32328 HfBISCIJS AVE. DELLeN~ ~ENTON FAXN: . .'.'? Trï::n"p'.II1...! N..hN .:",,-1 M"tHns: ."cJJt~: I 8. E:. S. 1. 254c:~ T~ABU[;O liD. t!<105-2&9 I I I I I I I TPS FACIUTY COPY I I ";T./lv/U~ itiG lö:04 rAX 949 450 1177 B.E.S.~. .......·WGR ,.,,.... ru-,ú~' .i/:.;;""""~i fl¡oas f'age 8/22 I I TP$ 'lKhnO'OtJles 5011 Recycling NCID~Huardou. SoUø 1II_,_er 1n..-~ II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J«.(.wr.li"K FIi~:i1i~." ar/ifi~ th.' r<!''l'I,,, I?f /1,., ""il ,wtrM 1:11 /hi!; "'Mt1ifrl' t'XcYpt "" '1V1.ti I/b<w<'; ~.. and <I...: '·C.··'BtfÑ-rÔNI J. PROVANSAI... I I I I -.l4tH/I);¿ Tfíu 16;06 FAX 949 450 1177 B.E.S.~. ..++ WGR nr' . ...-tJl; ~,"'.::rlV!j . ~010 .1"~ge1 ([/22 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .q / i ð I Q;¿ THi... 16: Uti FA;;;" ~49 450 U77 B.E.S.!. -,..... ~ .u-u~:. .......... WGR "";...o:rMi '..,'.": ., ·,'@(J1.1 . . :'. flags '9/22 I TPI n.ctIno'ogles Sol' Recycfing Non-HuaMou Sòi111 'nJÙu;pOIter tn.ck .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,,4iloIO~ Tfil3 16:10 r.~X 949 450 1177 B.E.S.~. . ~,.... "'-H WGR ~ . ...~r-~; . 'peg~'1 ~~12 I TPS Tec:hftOlogles Soil Reqrcliftl Ncm-Haunious Soils 'IRllaqICI"'" Thoœ *' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I R."C!lr~n8 I'.'ÒÌ!I.V nrlifi~ I/¡~ rrcfi¡,t ,,! flu' .ot/ (O!~./'I!d Þy t/,,_ ,,-!{tIIl ucept Q. nut!./ ~W1JC; I TPS FACIUTY COpy I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 04/16/0l ............. L.fJ" 11"'-' TJll1 16:29 FAX 949 450 1177 B.E.S.I, (QU "40 tfUU4; ~..,.~' WGR AP"'-'Ø·02 ':2:49PM; p.a~e ";'2~~Ol TPS Technalogi.. Soil lIecycllrtig Non-H~cnl. SoUø '[quparttr~ " <":cncrillOt'" N.~_ .1'I<1l.UI;:T>K I\<I,S"""" EQUILON ONE SHELl. PLAZA ROOM ~1~0 Pi P.o, BOX 2648 <"""''''I'DI<Ø''' tJS El'AID N". £'enan Ib Caatact: JIM MARTIN II'AX': (713) 241-1,.8 c:....IOI}\.. Ac.:aun¡ N'unb... with 'n'S; H~02418 HOUSTON TX 77252-2648 USA (:"......II.."t'. N""II~ ...\.1 tllllll\1o\ A"rtr~t; (",')O....lIa.,('. Phone II. -'-"~'.."...'.._" !'~to<m ¡., (; <ltltðCt: "^ x.: Cu,tom.."f Ar(O¡.lIiu'\' NuH.....r ~~·uh TI1tt! (;~na'~tlon SlIr ('I\';m~p<.1Tt iflo"): (~IJ"'" ¡;lIlIfa'~ui TEXACO #610-~B0Ø-14Ø~ I M~ Ph(U1~ II: ¡ tI'ff:.)( l.eWelll 'ff1H L<i'h:11I r"HUIII trt CUll~ti: RIÞR_10Ø~5 SAP~~21mlì ïNCDNT.97141 4S1M MARTIN ZG01 t.lH I T~ LANE FAX" BAKEASFIELD CA 93304 USA ._...... ."0 AVG , L.l'Vt"lr t '"""~tl~~J rðd1Hy (TYWW):'l"lrt tu)" ~'U..nrh'l~ ,.Jdt'l:~": Tþg TECHNOLOGIES INC. 1I.'j IL}' r"hCI\e #, B0(þ··S6.Z-S01r!11 "..lIlty I"t!nYllI NumÌ>l.'''' 12328 "UBISCUS AVE. Porrsol. ID t'o>ntMt DELLEN~ ßENTON FAXf: USA I 76Ø·-;::....6-8004 Adelanto CA 92301 1'taNpoth.T Npr,,,· lI(uJ I\.hiHllt' A.~'IiS.: B. E. S. I. ~~422 TRADUCO RD. *105-269 '1\'"",1" 11"1""'. Mil,,'" .: I (949) 450-1010 ·11".......<>'1..'·. \JS ErA 1[') ~o. CAD983584681 -" l....n"f'I'""'....~ r.x.)T NI>,: 45061t7 EL TORO. CA 9~G30 Døcriptlon øf IaI MoIItu.. eom.~ rlT!lllØ'_ ~1 C. unbsl"f; L¡:;¡¡RRY MOOTHART /lAX/I, USA (~4~) 450-1177 CarlblmlMled tar- Af>praJ, Qty: DescriptlDft ot DelIYIry c:...tQ/t1<f A....ount N",~""" ...111, Tf':;: 7001ð1'33 Groll WtIg Jt 11"'-" £b lil% iJ 1~- Z1~ I:;a :W'!b 'It......,. iJ o..}U' I . a la-'!!/' (, Q 2tr:1. ! bll'1.1r C) L...M Mod)' HC~"" In iœnc h-..t oÙJovl.'" GIw lj D1l~ u l-'Ihc-r a GM U Cln<:1 U t..1thm U !;.,.,.¡ U ..."ity CI Urauo:u (-'" !'.mo :.! ...Ioy ... ~í:I athor CI Gr'Jtr/ltI)f',~ and/or CtlJ/Bllltunt'~ c"'/fiC/11/0Tl: lIW. ('~tifi.l'Jud tM ,oil røfrrtn«J hn.1i" is Mice'," mliI'!Ily from "n,se 5(ojJ~ t4J,¡¡:riMJ ilf th, Suil þPtfl Sh«i t/lmpktt:r/411¡1 cf!rliJletf by IrtelUlJ ('or lite Q:~r/ftÙ1n Site ¡J,mv" .~ J1rvi I ()!hillg hRR bee" fldslaf ØT fkme Iii 31/c '<Jillhlt wOl/la Q/te, it itl Øty ew,."I\'OAI a SIp-.... oM del" '&rydN'g facility r.,.,.tift"" ¡iI~ M:eipl tlf the "o)jl ..._"d 10.'1 Iili~ m.mÏf*1lIICt&IpI U~ >IDIoM abot"., l'rö:'àfÑTõNI J. ~ROV~N9AL - __MdÒ..... TPS FACILITY COpy I U4/18/02 TilL: 16: 31 FAX 949 450 1177 B.E.S. I. ;:>en'- ::IY; I"''', reo 245 8004; ...... WGR Apr-1S-022:44PU¡ flj002 .P!Sge '13/22 I TPS Teellno...... So" Recyc..... N...1Iaz:a1Iuu Søiliì I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Rrql,'¡ing l"øcillty r.miJi'''' j/~ «<ti/,! CJf the 111){1 CI1fI(.r'" by/hit 1fIInijf:sl utqf M l/01M øbmr: 1'riJ.. 11,1'1',.... ¡.,¡;,."'. !iI d4~ D.~ENTON/J.PROUANSA~ I TPS FACIUTV COPY I I I ,14/16/02 1'!fU 1ö;;)2 FA.>1 94& 450 1177 B.E.S.I. -.- -~'--I ->->-> WGR "'~I-- I a- U~ L. :4:::'I"Mj @003 .Page 14/22 I R.à.·ydm$ tJ¡,¡I/!)f r.<rtifìtj 1/1(> rfIC:tlJ>t (If t"""u;! CIlI.1t'I'SI bJf tJa , IJItIni/i'll o.\"qj ~ lIOted Dl!m>c: pyih'.... TJI'OI N.... 5I¡ noohu< ood <141<> D.B~NTON/j.PROV~NSAL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TPS FACILITY COP"t'" I I I ù4/1Ó/O~ THU 16:33 FAX 949 450 1177 B.E.S.I. --- ------J "~I'- 10- U;'::, ......... WGR ;(:44PMj . @004 Pege12f22 I ~r1f:li"li Fødlll!( ,o.ertiji"" 11Ir: ff1."t!1p1 r.of tlrr MJ¡I ú1IIf.," by tbi.1tfIlni/ø1 ~;n:eplltS 1101" /ÛIOfJe; PMI '" Tœ: __ Mf!U- ""d <.Ie,., D.B~NTON/J.PRovANS~L I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TPS FACilITY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 04/18/02 THU 16:34 fAX 949 450 1177 B.E.S.I. -.- -"'~"""I -...... WGR ~pr-Ia·u~ 2:4~PM; , . '. - flj005 Pegs·.1·S122 Rfcycll1t¡/ ¡:aality ,·,."tifit~ 1/" "",¡pt "I the $OÌ/ ~Ml by 1Jr1.. nl:I"¡f~1 u«pl 0$ 1101..1 uhlNt/; D'.B~~~~äN/J. PROV~NSAL !5ì&N-''-~: -rPS FACIUTY COP"( I J4/1b/02 THL 16; 35 FAX 949 450 1177 B.E.S. I. -..,.- ....'W'U"'TJ . ~-+~, WGR MfJr - I a- u<! '. é! ;4est',1I¡ . ~ú06 . J:'age'1B/22 I 1?S Technalogies SoO Recycling NuÞ-Ibr.;udoua SOU. 1i...opottu 'lftdt II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1PS FA.ÇILlTV COPY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 04!Hi/02. THU 16:36 FAX 949 450 1177 B.E.S.1. ,........, ovu....., -+....... WGR· "'pr-la'UiI! ·.;¿:4tst>Mi. .P~~~17 J~g07 TPI Technologle. Soil Recycltltg Non-Haaaftlou !koiIJI nlllllp~Rlrlllr.Ø: (:a,~·'atnt·,., N:I..... wltJ Hidilt5 ^t.hJ~: EQUILON ONE SHELL PL~Z~ ROOM 2140 A P.O. BOX 2:648 '·........n Lo c&¡'11...:l; JIM MARTIN PAX"; (713) 241-~5.8 ConouJtnnt' > ¡'lAv: I/; HOUSTON T X 77~5-:;'-'a648 USA ('(\'~d,.1"t'1IIti: N:ttn:,' ~J'fd '¿¡t1iny, A41.1n",,": *"<:1~~t(\c.:n"('...d:: PAX" (~"....,...l;'." Sila (J\:..""purt tr1Jm), f~,'_ /fI... J~~) TEXACO #610-5800-140& Sltc:,('hon. II: fJl1nlOU b"J l~(..\...'t: RI~ R4U002!5 SAP,,"1211Z117 INCDNT~7141 411M MARTIN 2601 WHITE LANE Wet, ..-.---.-..... BAKE~8~IELD CA 93304 USA I Hoot \,,,,Wi Foo'loty (Tnansport t1.'): I 'W'~' ,.. .,1.1."",) 'TP6 TECHNOLaGI~S INC. htlllty 1"1...", H: BIZ'0-~e-e001 1'4.1"'111 ".1 (»It.-"l: 12326 HIBISCUS AVE. DEI.I..:-.~NA BENTON FAXt! ~/e.Ø'~2.ltb-a004 ~delðn_o CR ~2301 1'nm"fM"~" N.tau ,..,.) M..iÜtl¡!, Ad"r....: Bw E. s. I. ¿~4e2 TRABUCO RÚ. *105-259 USA " ',nt'ulpnr+u,'...T"hur... tI; (949) 4:50-1010 ,llr'I'15U'n It, Cuc\t-.i&..(: L~~RY MOOT~ARr fAX': EL TORO, c¡::¡ 9~630 USA (9l.'3) 430~'1177 DDser\pIiD" of Sail ! MaItUe ~ CClrltUtltl8\ld ~I Aw", Qty: Qeecr pl\on " ~'1weIy ~..."" ~I:) """'J< :J <_ .I t) - 11m. Q 111 - 21)!¡' Q 2(N. -,,,,,,,0 Q . \0% 0 10 - 4I7'X. Q 2fI' (,- oYcr ~ C. I.J L)j~ IJ l1!hl,. Q u... 0 (~ :J I:JIhet ~ 5011<1 1.1 CIoIy "' t,,¡¡..nlr 0 \.~I ..... I.,i"t _y .-c....'tUtor~ "=' i~ IIIIIIIfId ¡Dq....: c"'...._ 0 ~..N ûobo: r'ri"tœT".... Nin,¡; ...1cnvwleJ.'t~ yW!ipt of 11/# sc>il dftiCrlÞ?d "bCnJ. "lid fMyJ.1ltJf Clfrlift¡ thøt Uti, ,Pit /ø Þr:ing dirrd/y tfo ~ Þtrilding from or i.n flny way skløyirsg rI(.l~ 1(1 ¡;¡ra-- - liÞ"~: /jr<:ydlrtg F:JCiIil!l ,mifja the ":,,;.rs" uf ¡h, ...ti.I c.,wc,'tIi by t1ri~ rfUtlifr:rrl trcqtt «8 ntñd4 ~: J'nnt'" '1'""" Nola"" !ii.......... <le16' t>,6ENTON/J.PRQV~NS~1. TPS FACIL c.:nC'1Alcf" US Ð'A II' ~". .~~..' ·n....... '~... C:,"'t.·omtr A.:.'<>Unl NUI1'¡;'u w,t/¡ TP5: 100Z41ß 1- i~ (.~11...t.&"ntU ALUJUnl ""'I.UJ1l1QI ~ilh T¡t~. UTI!)( I.t.'''u).., -¡'PH Lev,,¡» ,we;. lA"d, 1:",.;I¡¡yr"..niiN...,,¡,.,... 1111~'''~'''. I'" 'J;'PA It! No.: ~~Dga35e46Bl T""....utl~ ·. OOT Nn' 4521547 CWltamL'lAn.......n' Nu"....' ..m, Irsc 71l11lJ0193 GroeIWtI_ 1Inw.1gIIt NltWei¡tll I U4/16/0~ 01.;:11 '- O'y. IrQ, TIiU 16:37 FAX 949 450 1177 B.E.S.I. fCU :i!4t5 8004; -+-+.. WGR Apr-18-022:4BPLfj ,. ,. @O()8 .Þ~ge 20/22 I TP$ Techno .I'e. Sol' Recycling Noa·Uar.arclo~. Sollll .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TF'S FACllIN COPV I I ".-l¡J8/0_2, TifU 16:a8 FAX 949 450 1177 B.E.S.l. tau ,"U) auU4 ï -+-+-+ WGR Apr'1~-02 .~:49PMj . . llIoo9 P.sge 21/22 I TPS 'lKhno'ogles Soli Recycling NanftHuctdoua Soils 1i 1k\1clr. .. û-~Od I I l.M:fM\,r'", ~u.... .ìlnØ DUU1'1, ·\,',1,",,",. EQUIL.ON ONE SHELL PLAZA ROOM 2140 ~ P.O. BOX 264a Ccn....,Mr·. \16 El'A m "'n. I HQUSTON, TX 77252-2648 ¡,~_,,, i<>CMta<:t: JIM MARTIN FAX.: USA (113) 211-fS4B CUO¡OQ1(.'r Ao.'\.'."'1I1 Nl.U>lbcJ wit!> ~ 1002't1B Ú","ulr."f. :>j"m".n.:! Dil1i"j\ Ad, "...: COCItIItftn,'f\ rhmw .: ,....._____,ø I t'C't'\iotlf1tou':uIILIiU.:l. FÁß: ÇWltccnt~ Ac;l't....ni NuUI~i WUh 1"t~~ I C :'·T'U'f.,ti:", FMte m'6Mp4.\rt <lnl"'): ("R"'l'iT filltb,..."., TF.XACO "610-58100-1.406 ~n' f'hUf1(~': J"'~If\ f\J ~nn~cr: Jn11J1' l.ov4b lI"H I ."..,¡, I RIPA~1Ø0~5 SAP*121017 INCDNT~91141 41IM MARTIN ~6Ø 1 WH I TE LANE '-AXIl: BRKERSFIELD CA 93304 USA AIk.~. '-"vel. r~.",ign.ale. FNi:ìlitv (1"''''f'''"'1 ¡\I): /11'0" ö·",IJMt1) TPS TECHNOLOGIES INC. I'fl"IiI,. 11",,,,, II: 800-6ßë?'~a001 l'edliry I"'ronk "'''"IW'' I l"'"""" \o.'(\~,la.L' 123~8 HIBISCUS ØVE. DELLEN~ ]ENTON FAX., USA 7GIZI-246·-aø\ð" ~~~lanto, CA ~a3øl I "r"n.~rtL'r NI'"." .m! M.I n~ hcldn'Ol': B. E"S. 1. ~4E:e··TRA8t11::0'""'RD. 1t: 1 (1)5"-26'9 1'r~_.plWf.w~. l'haIt.. It (949) 451i1--1010 'J\'.""r.....".·" U" iP"'I )!\.io; t.:AD983:564GE!1 IJ.........ft. t... Cab'Ll....., LARRV MOOTHART ..?\o.a""p...t:....... DOT~:' ,. 4506.47 I FA;':', EL TORC, CA 9i2E.31lJ USA (9't':3> 450"~1177 ø.~crn of W 1IcIIu. eonllnt ContIninåld by. AIIprar. Qty: DesuIpIon /If DeIIvIIy O ~"\lnIIr Aco:mnr I\iIH"bo!~ with TI'!I; -¡ijJ00193 GtaII-." Tart ~ Net WIIgI\t I n. 10'Jb U 10 ·lD') , Q ~-OY"" '-I 0- !crt. '.J 10- ¡( ' Co Q 211'11o,"v~ Q w..t ."1 ..,«,.eI.... In ...... r....., &bow, !O.,~ ::. t.:1oo)' i"I ~I, ...... I; r... u Dtøiel Q 0Ihcr :,J G.. a 1"-" Q 0t1'tf'I Q S:Iftd OJ (by o;¡ (1'!JO"" :J ~r,;J I I Gt<!1I1,¡lIø,', rmd/w cONuJfllt1t's c;~tificatilm: t/We œrtify thai 'he ,øil rtfgp"C~¡I )1III\!i1f is IlIan ",Hrdy from thœi! ~!U~ dl!SCrlW in tilt SoU Data Shøt (v1/(p(cI~ IInJ ~"J in( IIII!/US far tilt. GfItl!1I1~iø" Siú r;h JGJft,Il~ /lrJ4 ""thirt8 '- hem ~ .". dOM It, ~Ilclt fOil thllt TlJVf,I./d al''''' rt iN ''"I 'UIIIY, ,.........,..... ... ~.... ..,. <Woo: I I I I I I U4l1b/O~ ,;::,t:J I... öY'; I ro j THU 16:39 FAX 949 450 1177 B.E.S.I. feu ó!4a "004; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TPS FACILfl" COPY ........ WGR API"'-1S-022:48PUj ·1~/Id:iOlO Þage .. ~ I U~/lb/û2 Sent !3y: TPS; ThL It!:4U FAX 949 450 1177 B.E.S.l. 780 248 8004¡ ......... WGR Apr-1S-022:47PM; Cp~gl8 ~8!2~Oll I TPS Techno...I., So,. RecyCling NCI1I.-Huudou. Soil, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Jlq:/ur,'{ ¡;"¡irdity t:c,'/fII!s 11M receipt ¡if tlr~ IIOiI COC1tmIlI Þ¡¡ tII s '''''''ift::;t '~L:q' ~~ t I,lr;at ,,/Jove: 'iD~""NÑ·fõN/J. PROVr:lNSAI.. ............."""...Ir. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I W<GrJR Southwest, ][nc APPENDIX C LABORATORY REPORTS AND CHAIN-OF-CDSTODY RECORD 419 .EQL. 00 April 8, 2002 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c: a/science I:Environmental '- aboratories, Inc. March 07, 2002 Dave Williams WGR Southwest, Inc. 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 Subject: Calscience Work Order No.: Client Reference: Dear Client: f ! ¡ 02-03-0130 2601 White Ln, Bakersfield Enclosed is an analytical report for the above-referenced project. The samples included in this report were received 3/5/02 and analyzed in accordance with the attached chain-of-custody. Unless otherwise noted, all analytical testing was accomplished in accordance with the guidelines established in our Quality Assurance Program Manual, applicable standard operating procedures, and other related documentation. The results in this analytical report are limited to the samples tested and any reproduction thereof must be made in its entirety. If you have any questions regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. C Is Ie c nvironmental Laboratories, Inc. Larry Lem Project Manager i ¡ , I ( Michael,J. risostomo Quality As urance Manager 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I WGR Southwest, Inc. 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 os Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 '"-= a/science ß:~nVironmenta/ Laboratories, Inc. . . ANALYTICAL REPORT roject: 2601 White Ln, Bakersfield lient Sample Number 4A 15' Parameter IPH as Diesel SurrOQates: IecachlorobiPhenYI Parameter IPH as Diesel SurroQates: ecachlorobiphenyl 4815' I Parameter TPH as Diesel I Surrogates: ecachlorobiphenyl B 19' Parameter IH as Diesel Surrogates: IcachlorobiPhenYI I :\j. Result ND REC(%) 92 Result ND REC (%) 93 Result ND REC(%) 88 Result ND REC (%) 90 Lab Sample Number : 02-03-0130-13 RL 5.0 Control Limits 45-149 DF 02-03-0130-14 RL 5.0 Control Limits 45-149 DF 02-03-0130-15 RL 5.0 Control Limits 45-149 DF 02-03.0130-16 RL DF 5.0 Control Limits 45-149 RL - Reporting Limit, DF - Dilution Factor, Qual - Qualifiers Matrix Solid Qual Units mg/kg Qual Solid Qual Units mglkg Qual Solid Qual Units mg/kg Qual Solid Qual Units mg/kg Qual Date Reœived: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: 03/05/02 02-03-0130 Ext. + 0/1 . EPA8015M Page 1 of 4 Date Date Date Collected Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID 03104102 03/05102 03105102 02030503s8 , 03/04102 03105/02 03/05102 02030503sa 03/04102, 03/05102 03/05102' 02030503sa 03/04/02 03/05102 03/05102 02030503sa f \ 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I ~= a/science I ANAL YTICAL REPORT I:§nvironmenta/ I Laboratories, Inc. WGR Southwest, Inc. Date Received: 03/05/02 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 Work Order No: 02-03-0130 os Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 Preparation: Ext. + DII Method: EPA 8015M Iroject: 2601 White Ln, Bakersfield Page 2 of 4 Lab Sample Date Date Date lient Sample Number Number Matrix Collected Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID 0-12' ·'·s· 02-G3-G13o.:.17 Solid 03/04102 03/05102 , 03105102 02030503sa I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units PH as Diesel ND 5.0 mglkg SurrOQates: REC(%) Control Qual lecachlorobiPhenYI Limits 88 45-149 0-16' . ,02-G3-G130-18 Solid 03/04102 03105102 03/05102 02030503sa Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units IPH as Diesel 170 5 mg/kg REC(%) Control Qual SurroQates: Limits ecachlorobiphenyl 91 45-149 D-22' 02.:03.:0130-19 Solid 03/04102 03/05102 03/05/02 ' 02030503sa'· I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units TPH as Diesel ND 5.0 mglkg I SurroQates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits Decachlorobiphenyl 77 45-149 D-26' 02-G3-0130-20 Solid 03/04102 03/05/02 03/05/02 02030503sa Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units JH as Diesel ND 5.0 mg/kg SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual JcachlorobiPhenYI Limits 90 45-149 RL - Reporting Limit. DF - Dilution Factor, Qual- Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I ' , . . =alscience I ANALYTICAL REPORT I/!;snvironmental I Laboratories, Inc. WGR Southwest, Inc. Date Received: 03/05/02 111021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 Work Order No: 02-03-0130 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 Preparation: Ext. + 0/1 Method: EPA 8015M Iproject: 2601 White Ln, Bakersfield Page 3 of 4 Lab Sample Date Date Date lient Sample Number Number Matrix Collected ' Prepared Analyzed, QC Batch ID . 02-03-0130-21 Solid 03104102 '03105102 '. 03106102 ' , 0203050~", 'L Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units PH as Diesel ND 5.0 mglkg SurroQates: REC (%) Control Qual IcecachlorobiPhenYI Limits 77 45-149 D-36' 02-03-0130-22 Solid 03104102 03105102 03106102 ' 02030503sa Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units rPH as Diesel ND 5.0 mg/kg REC(%) Control Qual SurrOQates: Limits ecachlorobiphenyl 85 45-149 D-42' 02-03-0130-23 Solid 03/04102 03/05102 03/06/02 02030503sa I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units TPH as Diesel NO 5.0 mg/kg I SurroQates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits Decachlorobiphenyl 90 45-149 D-46' 02-03-0130-24 Solid 03104/02 03/05/02 03106/02 02030503sa Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units IPH as Diesel 76 5 mg/kg Surrogates: REC(%) Control Qual lecachlorobiPhenYI Limits 87 45-149 I RL - Reporting Limit. DF - Dilution Factor. Qual- Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~= a/science I:;g¡gnvironmenta/ '- aboratories, Inc. ANALYTICAL REPORT' . . WGR Southwest, Inc. 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 Project: 2601 White Ln, Bakersfield Date Received: WorkÚrder No: Preparation: Method: 03/05/02 02-03-0130 Ext. + D/I EPA 8015M Page 4 of 4 Client Sample Number . Method Blank Parameter Result TPH as Diesel ND SurrOQates: REC (%) Decachlorobiphenyl 77 Lab Sample Number < '098-O3"()()2-1 ,689 Matrix Date Collected '. "N/A Solid RL 5.0 DF Qual Units mg/kg Control Limits 45-149 Qual RL - Reporting Limit. DF - Dilution Factor, Qual- Qualifiers Date Prepared 03/05102 Date Analyzed QC Batch JD 03/06/02 ' ; <. 02030503sa 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I C a/science I ANALYTICAL REPORT 6!;gnvironmenta/ I '- aboratories, Inc. WGR Southwest, Inc. Date Reœived: 03/05/02 I 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 Work Order No: 02-03-0130 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8015M I Project: 2601 White Ln, Bakersfield Page 1 of 7 lab Sample Date Date Date I Client Sample Number Number Matrix Collected Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID "* ',. 1A is' . ,02~3~13O-1' Solid ' '03104102 ' NJA 03/05102 02030501 sa I Parameter Result Rl DF Qual Units TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 mglkg Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual I limits 1 ,4-Bromofluorobenzene 91 21-159 I 1A 19' " 02~3~130-2 Solid 03104102 N/A 03/05102 ' 02030S01sa Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units I TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 mglkg SurrOQates: REC (%) Control Qual limits I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 68 21-159 1815' 02~3-o130-3 Solid 03104/02 N/A 03105102 02030501 sa I Parameter Result Rl DF Qual Units TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 mg/kg I Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual limits 1 ,4-Bromofluorobenzene 86 21-159 I 1B 19' 02-03-0130-4 Solid 03/04102 N/A 03105/02 02030501sa Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units I TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 mglkg Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual I limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 86 21-159 I I RL - Reporting Limit DF - Dilution Factor Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 . TEL: (714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I ( = a/science I ANALYTICAL REPORT I:; nvironmenta/ I Laboratories, Inc. WGR Southwest, Inc. Date Received: 03/05/02 I 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 Work Order No: 02-03-0130 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8015M I Project: 2601 White Ln, Bakersfield Page 2 of 7 Lab Sample Date Date Date I Client Sample Number Number Matrix Collected Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID '2A1S' 02-o3-Ó13G-S . ". Solid ·,.,03/04102 WA 03105102 ." '02030S01sa I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 mglkg I Surrogates: REC(%) Control Qual limits 1 ,4-Bromofluorobenzene 89 21-159 I 2A19' .. . 02-03-0130-6 ,Solid 03104102 WA 03/05102 02030501 sa Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units I TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 mglkg SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual limits I 1 ,4-Bromofluorobenzene 93 21-159 2B 15' : 02-03-0130-7 Solid 03/04102 N/A 03105102 . 02030501 sa I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Units TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 1 mglkg I Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual limits 1 ,4-Bromofluorobenzene 85 21-159 I 2B19' 02-03-0130-8 Solid 03/04102 N/A 03105102 02030501 sa I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Units TPH as Gasoline NO 0.50 mglkg . Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual I Limits 1 ,4-Bromofluorobenzene 52 21-159 I I RL - Reporting limit . DF - Dilution Factor. Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I . = a/science I ANALYTICAL REPORT I!;gnvironmenta/ I Laboratories, Inc. WGR Southwest, Inc. Date Received: 03/05/02 I 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 Work Order No: 02-03-0130 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8015M I Project: 2601 White Ln, Bakersfield Page 3 of 7 Lab Sample Date Date Date I Client Sample Number Number Matrix Collected Prepared Analyzed _ QC Batch ID 3A1S' ' 02-03-0130-9 'Solid .'. 03104102 NlA' 03/06/02' . 02030501 sa I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 mglk.g I Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 76 21-159 I 3A 19' 02~3-o130-1.0 Solid 03104102 NIA 03/06/02 " 02030S01sa Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units I TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 mglk.g SurroQates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 78 21-159 3B 1S' , 02-03-0130-11 Solid 03/04102 " N/A , 03/06/02 02030S015a I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 mg/kg I SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 83 21-159 I 3B 19' 02-03-0130-12 Solid 03/04/02 N/A 03/06/02 02030S015a I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 mg/kg . SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual I Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 80 21-159 I I RL - Reporting Limit DF - Dilution Factor Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove. CA 92841-1432 . TEL: (714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I C a/science I ANALYTICAL REPORT l::j1vironmenta/ I LaboratOries, Inc. WGR Southwest, Inc. Date Received: . 03/05/02 I 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 Work Order No: 02-03-0130 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8015M I Project: 2601 White Ln, Bakersfield Page 4 of 7 Lab Sample Date Date Date I Client Sample Number Number Matrix Collected Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID 4A1S' '. (j2,,()3.o130~13 Solid 03104102 NJA 03106102 ' 02030501 sa' I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 mg/kg I SurroQates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits 1 ,4-Bromofluorobenzene 88 21-159 I 4A19' 02..()3..()130-14 Solid ,03/04102 ' NJA 03/06102 . .020305015a Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units I TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 mg/kg SurrOQates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 87 21-159 4B is' .. 02"()3..()130-1S Solid ' 03Ì04/02 'N/A' . 03/06/02 02030501 sa I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 mg/kg I SurroQates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 92 21-159 I 4B 19' 02"()3-0130-16 Solid 03/04102 N/A 03/06/02 02030S01sa I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 mg/kg Surrogates: REC(%) Control Qual I Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 90 21-159 I I RL - Reporting Limit DF - Dilution Factor Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 . TEL: (714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I . = a/science I/; nvironmental I.. aboratories, Inc. I I ANALYTICAL REPORT WGR Southwest, Inc. 111021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 I Project: 2601 White Ln, Bakersfield Date Received:' Work Order No: Preparation: Method: 03/05/02 02-03-0130 EPA 5030B EPA 8015M Lab Sample Number , : 02-03-0130-17' Page 5 of 7 Date Date Date Matrix Collected Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID Solid ' 03104102·: NIA 03106/02 02030501 sa -The sample chromatographic pattem for TPH does not match the chromatographic pattem of the specified standard. Quantitation of the unknown hydrocarbon(s) in the sample was based upon the specified standard. Result RL DF Qual Units I Client Sample Number D-12' I Parameter TPH as Gasoline I Surrogates: 1 ,4-Bromofluorobenzene Result ND REC (%) 77 I D-16' Comment(s): Parameter I TPH as Gasoline Surrogates: 11,4-Bromofluorobenzene 9.1 REC(%) 85 D-22' I Parameter Result I TPH as Gasoline Surrogates: ND REC(%) 1 ,4-Bromofluorobenzene I D-2 6' 77 RL 0.50 DF Qual Units mg/kg Qual Control Limits 21-159 02-03-0130-18 , Solid NIA 03104102 03106102 02030501 sa 0.5 mglkg Control Limits 21-159 Qual , 02-o3~130-19 Solid 03/04/02 N/A . 03/06/02 02030501 sa RL DF 0.50 Qual Units mglkg Control Limits 21-159 Qual 02-03-0130-20 Solid 03/04/02 02030501 sa N/A 03/06/02 Result Qual Units I Parameter TPH as Gasoline ND I Surrogates: 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene REC (%) 74 RL - Reporting limit . RL 0.50 DF mglkg Control Limits 21-159 Qual DF - Dilution Factor. Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I .... '.. I t...= a/science ANALYTICAL REPORT ~ nvironmenta/ I '- aboratories, Inc. WGR Southwest, Inc. Date Received: 03/05/02 I 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 Work Order No: 02-03-0130 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8015M I Project: 2601 White Ln, Bakersfield Page 6 of 7 Lab Sample Date Date Date I Client Sample Number Number Matrix Collected Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID "D-32' ^ '02-03-0130-21 Solid 03104102 ',NIA 03/05102 02030401 sa I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 mglkg I SUIToQates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits 1 ,4-Bromofluorobenzene 89 21-159 I D-36' 02-03-0130-22 Solid' . 03/04102 N/A " 03105102 02030401 sa Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units I TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 mglkg Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 93 21-159 1>-42' 02-03-0130-23 Solid 03/04102 N/A 03/05/02 02030401 sa 1 Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 mg/kg I Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 81 21-159 I 1>-46' 02-03-0130-24 Solid 03104102 N/A 03/05102 02030401 sa Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units I TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 mg/kg , SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual 11 ,4-Bromofluorobenzene Limits 88 21-159 RL - Reporting Limit, DF - Dilution Factor, Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~=alscience ß!;ggnVironmental Laboratories, Inc. ANALYTICAL REPORT WGR Southwest, Inc. 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 Project: 2601 White Ln, Bakersfield Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: 03/05/02 02-03-0130 EPA 5030B EPA 8015M Page 7 of 7 Client Sample Number Method Blank '. -".'. '> ~ < , ,098-03-00,8-1;881 Lab Sample Number Parameter Result TPH as Gasoline ND SurroQates: REC (%) 87 1 ,4-Bromofluorobenzene ";Method Blank Parameter Result TPH as Gasoline ND SurroQates: REC(%) 77 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene RL 0.50 Control Limits 21-159 DF 09/J-03-o08-1,883 RL 0.50 Control Limits 21-159 DF RL· Reporting Limit, DF· Dilution Factor, Qual· Qualifiers Matrix Date Collected 'N/A Date Date Prepared Analyzed .'.. ,N/A "03/04102 NJA NlA 03105102 QC Batch ID ,,02030401.Sa 02030501 sa 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 Solid Qual Units mg/kg Qual Solid, Qual Units mg/kg Qual I · - a/science I:; nvironmenta/ Laboratories, Inc. I I WGR Southwest, Inc. 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 I Los Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 ANALYTICAL REPORT Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: I Project: 2601 White Ln, Bakersfield Lab Sample Number 'Ô2~3~13o.;1X< '.>, Matrix Date Date Prepared Anal ed QC Batch ID 'I I Parameter Benzene Ethylbenzene I Toluene SurroQates: Dibromofluoromethane I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene Parameter I Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene I SurroQates: Dibromofluoromethane 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene I Parameter I Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene I SurroQates: Dibromofluoromethane 1 ,4-Bromofluorobenzene I 1819' Parameter I Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene SurroQates: Dibromofluoromethane 1.4-Bromofluorobenzene ..., \NiÂ;< . ».03/Q5t02"{Q30@2AS.. .'.... ,"' .:.'. >~- . .";.\ .",/ ,:- :: ····:SolidF< 03/05/02 02-03-0130 N/A EPA 8260B Page 1 of 7 Result RL DF Qual Units Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units ND 5.0 uglkg p/m-Xylene ND 5.0 ug/kg ND 5.0 uglkg o-Xylene ND 5.0 ug/kg ND 5.0 uglkg Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 8.1 5.0 ug/kg REC(%) Control Qual Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits Limits 105 80-120 Toluene-d8 109 81-117 92 74-121 Result ND NO ND REC(%) 107 92 Result NO ND ND REC (%) 108 92 . .-:-::<,/." "'.. ~. 'c;C)~::03-9130':2' . .. . >·C)3/Ø4l02~·. ·<.':···.:::$òlid:-...···' :,,:·-;'·<:~F-NJÁ:: RL DF Qual Units Parameter Result 5.0 ug/kg p/m-Xylene NO 5.0 ug/kg o-Xylene ND 5.0 ug/kg Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND Control Qual Surroç¡ates: REC(%) Limits 80-120 Toluene-d8 108 74-121 P2-o3.,o130-3 03/04/02 Solid RL OF Qual Units Parameter Result 5.0 uglkg p/m-Xylene ND 5.0 uglkg o-Xylene ND 5.0 ug/kg Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND Control Qual SurroQates: REC (%) Limits 80-120 Toluene-d8 107 74-121 02-03-0130-4 03/04/02 >'Solid NJA Result RL DF Qual Units Parameter Result ND 5.0 ug/kg p/m-Xylene ND ND 5.0 uglkg o-Xylene ND ND 5.0 uglkg Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND REC(%) Control Qual Surrogates: REC(%) Limits 109 80-120 Toluene-d8 107 91 74-121 RL - Reporting Limit. DF - Dilution Factor. Qual - Qualifiers ·[<03l.ÒŠ/Ó~ <0305021.5 RL DF Qual Units 5.0 uglkg 5.0 ug/kg 5.0 ug/kg Control Qual Limits 81-117 03/05/02. . '. 030502AS RL DF Qual Units 5.0 uglkg 5.0 ug/kg 5.0 uglkg Control Qual Limits 81-117 03/05102 030502AS RL DF Qual Units 5.0 ug/kg 5.0 uglkg 5.0 ug/kg Control Qual Limits 81-117 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I E -a/science I:ænvironmental Laboratories, Inc. ANALYTICAL REPORT I WGR Southwest, Inc. 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 I Los Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: 03/05/02 02-03-0130 N/A EPA 8260B I Project: 2601 White Ln, Bakersfield Page 2 of 7 I Client Sample Number Date Collected Matrix 03/04/02 <Solid Date Prepared ~,;:;:,?N/Å' . Date Analyzed QC Batch ID . ..... ....,. .....- ,."?, ,". ;03105102';' )'030502AS' I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units Benzene ND 5.0 uglkg p/m-Xylene ND 5.0 uglkg Ethylbenzene ND 5.0 uglkg o-Xylene ND 5.0 ug/kg I Toluene ND 5.0 uglkg Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 6.5 5.0 uglkg Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 112 80-120 Toluene-d8 108 81-117 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 89 74-121 I «'Solid} . NlA . .. >'0~/05l02 .... <Ò305Ø2A.S ..... . ~,;, /",<..,' I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units Benzene NO 5.0 uglkg p/m-Xylene ND 5.0 ug/kg Ethylbenzene NO 5.0 uglkg o-Xylene ND 5.0 ug/kg Toluene ND 5.0 ug/kg Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 5.0 ug/kg I Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual Surrogates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 112 80-120 Toluene-d8 107 81-117 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 90 74-121 I }···..·....·.02:'O3.,()130-7. ) Solid ............ ....;NIA.··... . '..03/05102 '. :030502AS Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units I Benzene ND 5.0 ug/kg p/m-Xylene NO 5.0 ug/kg Ethylbenzene ND 5.0 uglkg o-Xylene ND 5.0 ug/kg Toluene ND 5.0 uglkg Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 5.0 ug/kg I SurroQates: REC (%) Control Qual Surrogates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 113 80-120 Toluene-d8 106 81-117 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 91 74-121 I 2B 19' 02:,03:,0130-8 03/04/02 'N/A 03/05102 030S02AS Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units Benzene NO 5.0 ug/kg pIm-Xylene ND 5.0 uglkg Ethylbenzene ND 5.0 ug/kg o-Xylene ND 5.0 ug/kg Toluene ND 5.0 uglkg Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 5.0 ug/kg SurroQates: REC (%) Control Qual SurroQates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits Limits Oibromofluoromethane 119 80-120 Toluene-d8 101 81-117 1,4-BromofJuorobenzene 95 74-121 RL - Reporting Limit, OF - Dilution Factor. Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I . =alscience I/:, nvironmental LaboratOries, Inc. I I WGR Southwest, Inc. 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 I Los Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 ANALYTICAL REPORT I Project: 2601 White Ln, Bakersfield Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units Benzene ND 5.0 uglkg p/m-Xylene ND 5.0 ug/kg Ethylbenzene ND 5.0 uglkg o-Xylene ND 5.0 ug/kg Toluene ND 5.0 uglkg Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 26 5. uglkg Surrogates: REC(%) Control Qual Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 117 80-120 T oluene-d8 108 81-117 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 90 74-121 I I I 13A 19' ......,..,.;·.c,' . . '-"":";'::':"';';,:"'::" Parameter I Result Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene I Surrogates: ND NO ND REC (%) 117 95 Dibromofluoromethane 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene I Parameter Result I Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene I Surrogates: ND ND ND REC(%) 112 99 Oibromofluoromethane 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene I 3819' Parameter Result I Benzene ND Ethylbenzene ND Toluene ND Surrogates: REC(%) Dibromofluoromethane 118 1,4-Bromotluorobenzene 90 RL - Reporting Limit , ',"," . > ":::." ,~::.':/--'::/.' Lab Sample Number j{\,p21J3~j~~~\: Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: 03/05/02 02-03-0130 N/A EPA 8260B .,,::.<~<>, .. :-. -.'.-:-: ::-/.-.:':.:'-.,.. ,< . ..,.-..-.....- . ,. :::iþ2..()~130:-10/ Page 3 of 7 Date Collected Matrix ;'·03/04102 ·;<~ôlid·.· Date Date Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID ?;}' .. NiA'L )~:;O~/o5iô~::6ò3~502AS' . ""<";'-,;''; DF Qual Units RL 5.0 5.0 5.0 Control Limits 80-120 74-121 ······:··/<.02:;ij3-Ò130-11 uglkg uglkg uglkg Qual . ". . . 03104102; :.: .·:Sol.l~ .:'.' )~/AC,; 93/05lô2': 030502AS '-'"," . .. Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units p/m-Xylene NO 5.0 ug/kg o-Xylene ND 5.0 ug/kg Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 13 5 ug/kg Surrogates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Toluene-d8 108 81-117 03/04102 .' ····;;Solid '-' " , . . . ·'()3/07J02.>,,030702As ··,··,·':NlA RL DF Qual Units Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units 5.0 uglkg p/m-Xylene NO 5.0 ug/kg 5.0 uglkg o-Xylene NO 5.0 ug/kg 5.0 uglkg Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 68 5 ug/kg Control Qual Surrogates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits 80-120 Toluene-d8 99 81-117 74-121 . . ...... >.02"03"013G-12 03105102 030502AS RL DF Qual Units Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units 5.0 uglkg p/m-Xylene NO 5.0 ug/kg 5.0 uglkg o-Xylene ND 5.0 ug/kg 5.0 ug/kg Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 130 5 ug/kg Control Qual Surrogates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits 80-120 Toluene-d8 94 81-117 74-121 DF - Dilution Factor. Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I : " I . = a/science '=g¡nvironmenta/ I. aboratories, Inc. ANALYTICAL REPORT I WGR Southwest, Inc. 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 I Los Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: 03/05/02 02-03-0130 N/A EPA 8260B I Project: 2601 White Ln, Bakersfield Page 4 of7 I Lab Sample Number Date Collected Date Matrix Prepared pSOIl«Í<.i/.'NJA Date Analyzed QC Batch ID ò3Í0~Ò2>.:0305()2AS . . >, -~: '. :\\·02~3.:oÚO~13/ .... .... ." 03/04102. I Parameter Parameter I Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene I SurroQates: Dibromofluoromethane 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene I 4B 19' Parameter I Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene SurroQates: I Oibromofluoromethane 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene Result RL OF Qual Units Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units ND 5.0 ug/kg p/m-Xylene ND 5.0 uglkg ND 5.0 uglkg o-Xylene ND 5.0 ug/kg ND 5.0 uglkg Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 7.3 5.0 uglkg REC (%) Control Qual Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits Limits 117 80-120 Toluene-d8 108 81-117 85 74-121 '":;",'; . ,.,. . . . ., . . ,.. . .. .. ;'02~~130~14 .............. .03/04/02 03!OS/Q2" "03ÓS02As .,... Result RL DF Qual Units Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units ND 5.0 ug/kg p/m-Xylene ND 5.0 ug/kg ND 5.0 uglkg o-Xylene ND 5.0 ug/kg ND 5.0 ug/kg Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 5.0 ug/kg REC (%) Control Qual Surrogates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits 120 BO-120 Toluene-dB 107 B1-117 86 74-121 ·02~3~130-1S· ; 030502AS .' ~ ~' .. Result RL DF Qual Units Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units ND 5.0 ug/kg p/m-Xylene NO 5.0 uglkg ND 5.0 ug/kg o-Xylene NO 5.0 ug/kg ND 5.0 ug/kg Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 5.0 uglkg REC(%) Control Qual Surrogates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits 96 80-120 Toluene-d8 95 81-117 95 74-121 02-03'-0130-16 03/04/02 Solid N/A 03/0S/02 030502AS Result RL DF Qual Units Parameter Result RL OF Qual Units ND 5.0 uglkg p/m-Xylene ND 5.0 ug/kg ND 5.0 uglkg o-Xylene ND 5.0 ug/kg ND 5.0 ug/kg Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 5.5 5.0 ug/kg REC (%) Control Qual SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits 94 80-120 Toluene-d8 87 81-117 96 74-121 Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene I Surrogates: Dibromofluoromethane 11.4-BromOflUOrObenzene Parameter I Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene I Surrogates: I Dibromofluoromethane 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene RL - Reporting Limit . DF - Dilution Factor. Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove. CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I · =a/science I:¡¡;gnvironmental '- aboratories, Inc. I ANALYTICAL REPORT I WGR Southwest, Inc. 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 I Los Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 I Project: 2601 White Ln, Bakersfield I Lab Sample Number '02~3~1àO:-:~i /. I I I 'D-1 6' ".: ., .. i:,;02~~13ô-18 <t> .,.,.::::.:...:.:':,.-.,........-. ,".", -"-".",';,:<",:. ," .. Parameter I Result RL DF Qual Units ND 10 2 ug/kg 24 10 2 uglkg ND 10 2 ug/kg REC(%) Control Qual Limits 97 80-120 97 74-121 Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene I Surrogates: Dibromofluoromethane 1 ,4-Bromofluorobenzene I ",' ~/ ..;< .<~-~.. ;,-." . {:;02.:o3~13Ô:19 <,. . Parameter I Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene I SurroQates: Dibromofluoromethane 1 ,4-Bromofluorobenzene I D-26' Parameter I Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene I Surroqates: Dibromofluoromethane 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene I Result RL DF Qual Units ND 5.0 uglkg ND 5.0 uglkg ND 5.0 uglkg REC (%) Control Qual Limits 97 8Q..120 92 74-121 : 02-03-0130-20 Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: 03/05/02 02-03-0130 N/A EPA 8260B Page 5 of 7 Date Collected 03104102 Date Date Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC. Batch ID . Solid i,;) ,;::NíÁ(;:,'~{0~()~å2;r:03Q50~S .' ,;.,'<:". ;'·.":03/04102, $olid .. N/A ,. '.' "";' 03/o§i02/,ó~Ôs02AS: Parameter Result Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units Benzene ND 5.0 uglkg p/m-Xylene ND 5.0 uglkg Ethylbenzene ND 5.0 uglkg o-Xylene ND 5.0 uglkg Toluene ND 5.0 uglkg Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 5.0 ug/kg Surroqates: REC (%) Control Qual SurroQates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 96 8Q..120 Toluene-d8 85 81-117 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 94 74-121 p/m-Xylene o-Xylene Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) SurroQates: 180 280 ND REC (%) Toluene-d8 102 Parameter Result p/m-Xylene o-Xylene Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Surrogates: ND ND ND REC(%) Toluene-d8 97 03/04102 Solid NIA Result RL DF Qual Units Parameter Result ND 5.0 ug/kg p/m-Xylene ND ND 5.0 ug/kg o-Xylene ND ND 5.0 uglkg Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 6.9 REC (%) Control Qual Surrogates: REC(%) Limits 97 8Q..120 Toluene-d8 88 94 74-121 RL - Reporting Limit, DF - Dilution Factor, Qual - Qualifiers I RL DF Qual Units 10 2 ug/kg 10 2 ug/kg 10 2 ug/kg Control Qual Limits 81-117 '. "03/05102. .··.·Ó30502AS RL DF Qual Units 5.0 ug/kg 5.0 ug/kg 5.0 ug/kg Control Qual Limits 81-117 03/05/02 030502AS RL DF Qual Units 5.0 ug/kg 5.0 ug/kg 5.0 ug/kg Control Qual Limits 81-117 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I (.= a/science I:ggnVironmental '- aboratories, Inc. I I WGR Southwest, Inc. 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 I Los Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 1 Project: 2601 White Ln, Bakersfield I :';:>~ :.< .... . ,'-' ...-, :. . ;:.<:>'('!:: «~>~: " ~ .'- " r~' '. ANALYTICAL REPORT Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: 03/05/02 02-03-0130 N/A EPA 8260B Page 6 of 7 ;.::f:~i'-;::::-:·:' ;. .,..y,....,....., Lab Sample Number .:)i:Ö2;:03f(),3G,;21.·. Date Collected Matrix Date Date Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID ''';';«>N1Â:j'ò;eio3/Ô5l02 :·5>Ô30Sò2AS ' 'i.:.~ :-;-:~~!{} '03/04102 '. :1'; '·.:;;$ö'~d;·: .;:.:>:,:~~;.::) Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene I Surrogates: Result RL DF Qual Units Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units ND 5.0 ug/kg p/m-Xylene ND 5.0 ug/kg ND 5.0 ug/kg o-Xylene ND 5.0 ug/kg NO 5.0 uglkg Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 5.0 uglkg REC (%) Control Qual Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits Limits 97 80-120 Toluene-d8 103 81-117 92 74-121 I Parameter Dibromofluoromethane 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene I : '..';~::::'" ::v,:. ~'>"~< '::,~~ ... Parameter I " -{->.-.;.;--, . . . " . ·Ó2-oj.;o1.30~22>S,)03l04l02,' . '.' 'Solid .,' //<,,:; N/A<,:;;C)3/psíoî( : 030502AS "', " ".:'y.,:.~ Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene I Surrogates: Result RL DF Qual Units Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units NO 5.0 ug/kg p/m-Xylene ND 5.0 ug/kg NO 5.0 uglkg o-Xylene ND 5.0 ug/kg ND 5.0 ug/kg Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 5.0 uglkg REC(%) Control Qual Surrogates: REC{%) Control Qual Limits Limits 97 80-120 Toluene-d8 85 81-117 89 74-121 Dibromofluoromethane 1 ,4-Bromofluorobenzene 1 Parameter Result I Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene 1 Surrogates: ND ND NO REC (%) Oibromofluoromethane 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 98 88 I D-46' Parameter 1 Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene Surroqates: 'I Díbromofluoromethane 1,4-BromofJuorobenzene Result ND ND NO REC (%) 97 91 RL - Reporting Limit , , 0 03l04/02S¡)Ud:. "NIA _ o;03/oSio2-;030502AS RL DF Qual Units Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units 5.0 uglkg p/m-Xylene NO 5.0 ug/kg 5.0 ug/kg o-Xylene NO 5.0 ug/kg 5.0 ug/kg Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 5.0 ug/kg Control Qual Surrogates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits 80-120 Toluene-d8 104 81-117 74-121 ,< 02-03,.0130-24 NfA 03f05l02 . 030502AS RL DF Qual Units Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units 5.0 ug/kg p/m-Xylene ND 5.0 ug/kg 5.0 ug/kg o-Xylene ND 5.0 ug/kg 5.0 ug/kg Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 5.0 ug/kg Control Qual Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits Limits 80-120 Toluene-d8 86 81-117 74-121 7440 Lincoln Way. Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 DF - Dilution Factor , Qual - Qualifiers I I . =alscience I:æn vironmen tal Laboratories, Inc. ANALYTICAL REPORT I WGR Southwest, Inc. 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 I Los Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 Date Received: Work Order. No: Preparation: Method: 03/05/02 02-03-0130 N/A EPA 8260B I Project: 2601 White Ln, Bakersfield Page 7 of 7 I Client Sample Number Method Blank',: '<!'/< '-'.'<- .'-,'"","" ,"<.:"/',.:.:- lab Sample Number ". ····.+L.)('i)g~~1~Ôf2.~69··.. Date Collected Date Date Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID ····,Sòlid·.··;',;;'ÜiJÁ·..····.· ·{>\;C)3I05l02·.,:·'030s02ÄS··· ,"," I Parameter Result Rl DF Qual Units Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units Benzene ND 5.0 ug/kg p/m-Xylene ND 5.0 uglkg Ethylbenzene ND 5.0 uglkg o-Xylene ND 5.0 ug/kg I Toluene ND 5.0 uglkg Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 5.0 uglkg Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual Surrogates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 90 80-120 Toluene-d8 101 81-117 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 94 74-121 I . Method Blank ..Solid." MIA? ", .-.03/05102 . . ",.,<. . .. I Parameter Result Rl DF Qual Units Parameter Result Rl DF Qual Units Benzene ND 5.0 uglkg p/m-Xylene ND 5.0 uglkg Ethylbenzene ND 5.0 uglkg o-Xylene ND 5.0 ug/kg Toluene ND 5.0 uglkg Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 5.0 uglkg I Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual limits limits Dibromofluoromethane 103 80-120 Toluene-d8 108 81-117 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 93 74-121 I ,"-;...,' .:', .. '.,',' -. -.' -. ,...,...... ',",.. . .. ··'.Soiid>.· . .. .. Method Blank·' . ~ '"',"' ; ::.::" ~.':,. ," ';':-'-(:. :"":{::;, " "999~10..o()s..2,680.é ........ .'. MIA , >NJA> ' .~:: , ' 03/07/02 030702AS :..<:'" f.': :''';:-, ',' Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units ND 5.0 uglkg p/m-Xylene ND 5.0 ug/kg ND 5.0 ug/kg o-Xylene ND 5.0 ug/kg ND 5.0 uglkg Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 5.0 ug/kg REC (%) Control Qual Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual limits limits 109 80-120 T oluene-d8 103 81-117 97 74-121 I Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene I Surrogates: Dibromofluoromethane 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene I I I I RL - Reporting limit , DF - Dilution Factor, Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . = a/science I/!; nvironmenta/ I.. aboratories, Inc. Quality Control - Spike/Spike Duplicate WGR Southwest, Inc. 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: 03/05/02 02-03-0130 EPA 5030B EPA 8015M Project: 2601 White Ln, Bakersfield Quality Control Sample ID I02~3-o11~¿1""" ""'.i Date Date MSIMSD Batch Prepared Analyzed Number ;;NJÀ . '", '/03/0002' v(02~~Ó1~sl , Matrix Instrument ':'~Iià"" <GC 5' Parameter MS %REC MSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers TPH as Gasoline 87 83 75-125 4 0-29 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4' =alscience I:!;§nvironmental '- aboratories, Inc. Quality Control - Spike/Spike Duplicate WGR Southwest, Inc. 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: Project: 2601 White Ln, Bakersfield 03/05/02 02-03-0130 EPA 5030B EPA 8015M .... .. ·.···GC5 .... ..... '. '. ···tiJA,·'/,« '.j»3/ô5/02 .... ·;Ò263Ò5Óf~s" Quality Control Sample ID .àÂ19.>;q ., ,. i. . .., . Date Prepared Date Analyzed Matrix Instrument < -:. ','.",/ ,< <: , .",", {/,,:., ''-'",', . /. '--""';"","'.>'<:> ' ····$Olid.··c)...... Parameter MS %REC MSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL TPH as Gasoline 91 75-125 2 93 MSIMSD Batch Number Qualifiers 0-29 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '"-= a/science I/;~nvironmenta/ Laboratories, Inc. Quality Control - LCS/LCS Duplicate WGR Southwest, Inc. 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 Project: 2601 White Ln, Bakersfield Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: 03/05/02 02-03-0130 EPA 50308 EPA 8015M Quality Control Sample ID '. o~8~~-ooá~1,å8r/' . "." Date Prepared Date LCS/LCSD Batch Analyzed Number . ':03lc)4l02' ....... .....: '02c)3ÎJ401$a'»\} .. Matrix Instrument , , ,." ,. . .". ':'., '-. ':~',. -," -. ,",. ,<...·$()lid ...... ..... .·t:;ês·.·· ". . Parameter TPH as Gasoline LCS %REC 97 ,'. . ,. ..-'- . <.N/A·· (¡f·:,..-<···· LCSD %REC 97 %REC CL 79-124 RPD RPD CL Qualifiers 0-21 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~=a/science I::, nvironmental Laboratories, Inc. Quality Control - LCS/LCSDuplicate WGR Southwest, Inc. 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: Project: 2601 White Ln, Bakersfield 03/05/02 02-03-0130 EPA 5030B EPA 8015M Quality Control Sample ID ..·098-ó3:-008?ì.ts~á' :,-:/,-,' , ., r':-:,"·.;", , Parameter TPH as Gasoline (>;" ~', ,:- ::...::-: . .' \'~ Matrix Date Date Prepared Analyzed .·.····./NiÁ··...·£¡¿(·étÕ3l~5!Ô2..· LCS/LCSD Batch Number . "v.··· . ,0203ØSô1$å:'",.1h; RPD CL Qualifiers 0-21 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 Instrument :'>Š-à!ìd:O}.;U; ,,' '. ·'.'~C5 LCS %REC 97 LCSD %REC 96 %REC CL 79-124 RPD o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~= a/science = I!:sn vironmen tal '- aboratories, Inc. Quality Control - Spike/Spike Duplicate '.(,., WGR Southwest, Inc. 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: Project: 2601 White Ln, Bakersfield 03/05/02 02-03-0130 Ext. + 011 EPA 8015M Quality Control Sample ID Date Prepared ······':'03íó5102"/ Matrix Instrument Parameter MS %REC MSD %REC %REC CL TPH as Diesel 83 78 49-139 Date Analyzed MSIMSD Batch Number .-.'- '. ..- ." ',-' '. ....... -',.---'. ."-'-', > ..Ó3J()6/02··:(·:s02030503~s RPD RPD CL Qualifiers 0-28 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~= a/science I:jlVironmental Quality Control - Laboratory Control Sample '- aboratories, Inc. WGR Southwest, Inc. 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 Project: 2601 White Ln, Bakersfield Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: 03/05/02 02-03-0130 Ext. + DII EPA 8015M Quality Control Sample ID Matrix LCS Batch Number .. . ," . . ...,_. '.', ," . .' ()9s.:93.()()2~1.689 .. ..... Parameter TPH as Diesel Instrument Date Analyzed Lab File ID .. "024F0201:< %Rec 77 %Rec CL 65-124 ".:-".-:.,...,': .·iiÔ2~~~5.Öª~>.·.·.;;.·. . ·····/···03106102>\ .' . ." . Cone Added 400 Cone Recovered 310 ~ 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~= a/science l:;¿gnVironmenta/ Laboratories, Inc. Quality Control - Spike/SpikeDuplicate WGR Southwest, Inc. 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: Project: 2601 White Ln, Bakersfield 03/05/02 02-03-0130 N/A EPA 8260B MS %REC MSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers 108 106 72-127 1 0-25 101 100 70-130. 1 0-25 96 95 72-131 1 0-25 105 105 70-130 0 0-25 83 85 69-127 2 0-25 107 105 75-124 2 0-25 104 104 60-137 0 0-25 91 92 70-130 1 0-25 90 93 80-120 4 0-25 Quality Control Sample ID Date Prepared Date Analyzed Matrix Instrument .' ...... ··..vGCNlŠÔ':···\/;·.NIA../·\······ .. ...-:-::<','>:: ···03/c)S/Ò2. Parameter Benzene Carbon Tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,1-Dichloroethene Toluene Trichloroethene Vinyl Chloride Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) MSIMSD Batch Number ... , :~: ::~ ':: /:)~:: <~-,:,~~,i/:~:' :,;:":: /.-. :.: '0203013001' .... 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 1 I I· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L=alscience I!f;§nvironmental '- aboratories, Inc. .. Quality Control - Spike/Spike Duplicðte WGR Southwest, Inc. 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 Project: 2601 White Ln, Bakersfield Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: 03/05/02 02-03-0130 N/A EPA 82608 Quality Control Sample ID Matrix Parameter MS %REC MSD %REC Benzene Carbon Tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,1-Dichloroethene Toluene Trichloroethene Vinyl Chloride Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 80 83 84 84 81 88 90 80 89 Instrument Date Prepared Date Analyzed MSIMSD Batch Number '. ...... ",-.,'. .", .., ,'.- "GC/MSS ;,.>('., .~ -: / '. ····ò3Îò5ío2 "<':'0'20'3013015 %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers 72-127 11 0-25 70-130 . 5 0-25 72-131 3 0-25 70-130 2 0-25 69-127 0 0-25 75-124 14 0-25 60-137 1 0-25 70-130 2 0-25 80-120 1 0-25 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 72 87 87 86 81 77 92 82 89 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ =alscience Cgnvironmental I.. aboratories, Inc. Quality Control - Spike/Spike Duplicate WGR Southwest, Inc. 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: Project: 2601 White Ln, Bakersfield 03/05/02 02-03-0130 N/A EPA 8260B MS %REC MSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers 102 99 72-127 3 0-25 104 103 70-130 ' 2 0-25 100 100 72-131 0 0-25 99 103 70-130 3 0-25 107 107 69-127 0 0-25 102 98 75-124 4 0-25 101 99 60-137 2 0-25 102 103 70-130 1 0-25 107 105 80-120 1 0-25 Quality Control Sample ID 02.-03lo1~0~1' ','>' .'.. ' Date Prepared Date Analyzed Matrix Instrument "/N/A '" .'...:/',:." ':03/07/02 Parameter Benzene Carbon Tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 1.2-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,1-Dichloroethene Toluene Trichloroethene Vinyl Chloride Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) MSIMSD Batch Number ,. . '. '<o:iÖ;~;'; )1<: 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~=alscience 6/;ggnVironmental Laboratories, Inc. Quality Control - LCS/LCS Duplicate WGR Southwest, Inc. 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: Project: 2601 White Ln, Bakersfield 03/05/02 02-03-0130 N/A EPA 8260B Quality Control Sample ID Ó~-10.:oÖs;.2,6'73 ....... ...../.... Date Prepared /.:fµþ,;..... Date Analyzed ,"i i"03l0$!02···· LCS/LCSD Batch Number .. ········..·:Ôªo~iAS.:;;i·fiI:0;8·;::): Matrix . . ···<,>::t~~lld >;/M Instrument <;CIMSQ . ."; Parameter LCS %REC LCSD %REC %REC CL RPD Benzene 104 105 72-127 1 Carbon Tetrachloride 97 99 70-130 1 Chlorobenzene 93 94 72-131 0 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 105 103 70-130 2 1,1-Dichloroethene 83 83 69-127 . 0 Ethanol 97 98 60-140 1 Toluene 105 105 75-124 0 Trichloroethene 103 103 60-137 1 Vinyl Chloride 87 88 79-118 2 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 87 89 80-120 2 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) 96 97 60-140 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) 93 95 60-140 2 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) 103 106 60-140 3 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) 111 113 60-140 2 RPD CL 0-25 0-25 0-25 0-25 0-25 0-25 0-25 0-25 0-25 0-25 0-25 0-25 0-25 0-25 Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~= a/science I:: nvironmental '- aboratories, Inc. Quality Control - LCS/LCS Duplicate WGR Southwest, Inc. 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 Los Alamitos. CA 90720-0000 Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: Project: 2601 White Ln, Bakersfield 03/05/02 02-03-0130 N/A EPA 8260B Quality Control Sample ID 099-10'()O~2,669""" , Date Date Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed . ....;; / '.:¿<.:;Ø~~jì~·.;Æ.j; "'}W>GBíMs'S"<;Y:/N/þ.>i.:iiid :;;'ij3íifØ/Ò2 . ...... ...... lCS/lCSD Batch Number '·Q3ò~~4;~t;¡.;::j . . Parameter LCS %REC LCSD %REC %REC Cl RPD RPD CL Qualifiers Benzene 82 72 72-127 14 0-25 Carbon Tetrachloride 95 91 70-130 3 0-25 Chlorobenzene 93 92 72-131 1 0-25 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 101 96 70-130 5 0-25 1,1-Dichloroethene 86 81 69-127. 6 0-25 Ethanol 81 75 60-140 8 0-25 Toluene 93 80 75-124 15 0-25 Trichloroethene 98 100 60-137 2 0-25 Vinyl Chloride 83 80 79-118 4 0-25 Methyt-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 85 81 80-120 4 0-25 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) 80 76 60-140 6 0-25 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) 86 80 60-140 8 0-25 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) 82 76 60-140 7 0-25 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) 90 80 60-140 12 0-25 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I ,,-= a/science I/:,gg nvironmenta/ Laboratories, Inc. Quality Control - LCS/LCS Duplicate WGR Southwest, Inc. 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: Project: 2601 White Ln, Bakersfield 03/05/02 02-03-0130 N/A EPA 8260B Quality Control Sample ID Date Prepared '·,;tNlA;t: " , Date Analyzed ôiiôl/oi7 "/;.- . LCSILCSD Batch Number ·~3~!Ó~.»¡?;/,(fi'; /Y. Matrix Instrument $âlidi{!}/ ',GClMSO , :099~10,,()OS.2,680 ..' ,"', '. . ;, ...:,;:-;¡;:.:;<'-::':;:'~';.: ::-: .~ -»> ,':;...., ;:-.,,</<. '/-::::~;~:::~:;i\;::~:<:><- Parameter LCS %REC LCSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers Benzene 102 99 72-127 3 0-25 Carbon Tetrachloride 101 102 70-130 0 0-25 Chlorobenzene 100 98 72-131 2 0-25 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 100 100 70-130 0 0-25 1,1-Dichloroethene 104 105 69-127 . 1 0-25 Ethanol 106 103 60-140 3 0-25 Toluene 100 100 75-124 1 0-25 Trichloroethene 100 100 60-137 1 0-25 Vinyl Chloride 101 103 79-118 2 0-25 Methyl-I-Butyl Elher (MTBE) 102 104 80-120 2 0-25 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) 100 102 60-140 3 0-25 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) 110 100 60-140 10 0-25 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) 101 103 60-140 1 0-25 Tert-Amyl-Melhyl Elher (TAME) 99 100 60-140 0 0-25 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I -..-, ¡¡= ..a/science GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND QUALIFIERS I:;fEnvironmenta/ . Laboratories, Inc. Work Order Number: 02-03-0130 Qualifier Definition ND Not detected at indicated reporting limit. 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I I CLlENT:JJJ C, R_ I . TEMPERATURE - SAMPLES RECEIVED BY: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '~~/sc¡onc;o 1'N/jj$;;.' .E, nvironmon'ta I "'I Ls.bOyatorles. Inc. / Cooler --L of SAMPLE RECEIPT FORM WORK ORDER #: 02.[0 ŒJ· [g[J[1J [g ) DATE: ~ Chilled, cooler with temperature blank provided. Chilled, cooler without temperature blank. Chilled and placed in cooler with wet ice. Ambient and placed in cooler with wet ice. Ambient temperature. LABORATORY (Other than Calscience Courier): o C Temperature blank. 3. 0 C IR thermometer. Ambient temperature. CALSCIENCE COURIER: o C Temperature blank. Initial:~. CUSTODY SEAL INTACT: /.., Sample(s): Cooler: No (Not Intact) : Not Applicable (N/A): ·Initial:~ SAMPLE CONDITION: Chain-Of-Custody document( s) received with samples......................... Sample container label(s) consistent with custody papers..................... Sample container( s) intact and good condition...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... Correct containers for analyses requested, . .,. .. . . . . ... .. . . . .. . . .... . . ...... . .. . .. Proper preservation noted on sample label( s).... .. .... .. ..... .. .... .... .. .. .. .... VOA vial(s) free of headspace. ....................................................... Tedlar bag(s) free of condensation.. ... ............................. .... ............. Yes ---- ~...... /" No N/A /'" ./ - ~ /' r{ Initial: COMMENTS: ~LS"EE"'m~"'L - ._. ,- E!!ftV~rv. L~Ch"" O~st-- RMrd- - - .,. LABORATORIES, INC. oay 7440 Lincoln Way Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 Equiva Project Manager to be invoiced: r'*~""""""""""1 :~N~:~:~ ~="""""""I .' : . . . . . 'œ:SiiRiiiœS,:::;:: ....................... . ....... .. .. .. .... ....... :'. . . ··flOOSrori...::··::<:··::· . ........... ..... . . '. .. ·dNCIDENY'NUMBER($JE .ONLY) N~L ............. ........ .'. ..... ~ ~~I\-'l ~ :::. U~~881T:~\:~~ ~ &~ .fS~~j LA- OLOIALIO~.: ...~~n._......._ _.~, X", i ~,_._~,~. ~w;¡l(~, S1ø'-~5'3Qo ~~~~ -~-:: M.-" ,- Q. ~.. )~~·{Ò '. l....J J 7/5/0z., . / of 3 (714) 895-5494 (714) 894-7501 fax s.<MPUNO COf þÞHf: \")6fL~L\~e....~ 'I:..t ld~Q.A- AOORU&: . \10/....\ l.l~ì,^""" r<r .J\rk CXu~..l.ø 1:\ 1 ~ A-J A j - S PROJECT COKTACT _opo¡ Of POF R_ !o): I . f\LLtte L. \ r, v1 t 0..-.--',> ~Î1~~ÇJ(J I a 2-7"7'<) <g~ ;~~l~~u3 TURNAROUND TIME (BUSINESS DAYS)\...,¿. u [J 10 DAYS [] 5 DAYS [] 72 HOURS ~8 HOURS [] 24 HOURS [] LfSS THAN 24 HOURS LOG CODE: REQUESTED ANALYSIS [J IA . Rv.QCII REPORTR:JRMAT . [] lIST AŒNCf: åi' Ii' ,; i .... Ii' Ê ~ Ó G'i III FIELD NOTES: GCIMS MTBE CONFIRMATION: HIGHEST HIGHEST per BORING ALL ¡ t:. Ii' C i z u Ó ! SPECIAl. INSTRUCTIONS OR NOTES: TEMPERATURE ON RECEIPT co ~ åi' ~ ¡ w Ê :Ii! ContalnerlPreserveUve § III t:. ~ . ë ~ I .. ~ ... ~ :ã 0 or PID Readings Cù£LT E=bi) .!! .a åi' .2 i :Ii! ;Š .. ~ ~ 1: t. Do S c ... ~ !! or Laboratory Notes .a Do 0 tj R 9J S6~:s j) '" Do III >- ~ ~ ¡! - ~ ~ CI IØ 0 .a l ø E' . I Œ ( ~ ~ '" Ii; ~ '" :s c 0 8. III III CI II. .... I i 8' .... .. .. ) 1 I .. ! cD ~ ~ % .. '" õ ~ ¡;¡ .. ~ is 0 c Õ c .. ~ % :!. ¡¡: .. is . ~ w w CI c '" .., .. % i .. .. .. .2 . LAB SAMPLING NO. OF III III ~ III i g 8. 0 8. t; w UST REPORTING REQUIRED Field Sample Identification MATRIX % III < II. Q. X II) uu CONT. II. I- ~ ~ )( :S 0 Ih II: to '" to to CI a. ... ONLY; DATE TIME ~ III :Ii! :Ii! 0 w ~ W I- > > > > l- I- E IA- 151 2,J¡ L·, Soì 1 t "X '( X III J , )f1- '01 ¡ I \ YK X tß çf Vi j \~ ql "J. Ii. K zA-1 lÇ/ )( Ii '^ Îk (c.¡1 '^''X X ?t J.çl \ rv \ i .,~~: U I~I I~ ) vi ";Pr (S-( Ix X 1)( ~ 3A )C} I " " I'l " i.- . i R~¿(S~:~r RoceIwd by. (SlgnatlA) Dat.: T1mo: ~ ~ ) Ji ¡;, RoIncµshod o/(SlIJIIIIft) I R.._ by. (8Ignahn) Date: T1IIIo: t A ¿ A A I! . C) RoInqúlhod by. (81~) R.._ by. (Slgnat....) /Pl¡//ik¡ j'¡(lð 2-. T1mo: o9ð'~ 0 ~ DiSTRIBUTION: WNt... fInoJ r.po,\. Gr_ to File. YoIow.nd ""* to Clm. //tJ I r 10116100 R....lÌon "LS"EE")NM"'L - - - E~VA.rv. L~Ch""O~st- R3!erd- - - - LABORATORIES, INC. oay Equiva Project Manager to be invoiced: r~~"""""""""'1 ;~~~;~;~~ ~""""""""'I : .:. '.' '~sëRVictS::<:: ........................ 1·0........··..·..·......·1 . èRMtflOOSr.QÑ .' .'. .'. .' (714)895-5494 (714)894-7501fax:·..··· ................ w~i~~,\~*-..~ LOOCOW~M 1.0011£&8:' , ')O?J ")1" r< [¡Crt, \...:L> 1r'\1 (^<" A-Lo.... .'-I-n S PROJECTCOHTACT~OIPO'R_..): , 'C) tW e..... W ~ l \\ D-1v'- <; ~71'7~5'/' I;;") ?1c1,~~ ~;¡~~~~ TURNAROUND TIME (BUSINESS DAYS): oJ [J 10 DAYS' [J 5 DAYS C n HOU~)í~8 HOURS [J 24 HOURS [J lESS THAN 24 HOURS fJ s '- ····)NÇ.IDEf:NT·t,ly.f~l~§·R(~~Ol)I~'I') ~ F\{'1Q~":, ~ ::. ã;;RE8¡j(~rt;::~ ~A ~t\1 ~JJ1 CA- OLOBAlIO>O).: EO' OELIVERA8LETO(~..'II""_ Pwt(OIO·IfWIo·): stt ~ ~~ìO :1;.~; 11{£L.+.~e_ONSUI.TAHT PROJECT NO.: \)tW~ W'( t \ \' (J..-vv-." Waf-~, W"W' SAMPL'. .......(5) ("""'I: v .!!..;.-;'.!'.,..ç.... ....... ~ ~ tJl.A..'~ .J> ~" .,':;"':1:;;.'". /':;;;;16 .... '-' .J I/Þ,£/L £~. r "lJ' ~.t7 ' / 7440 Lincoln Way Garden Grove, CA 92841·1432 [J LA· RWQCB REPORT FORMAT . [J UST AŒ.NCf: GCIMS MTBE CONFIRMATION: HIGHEST = ¡ ~ iD ... ~ ~ - t: ~ ~ N. ~ :; $ III < o CL w w HIGHEST per BORING ALL SPECIAl INSTRUCTIONS OR NOTES: TEMPERATURE ON RECEIPT co ~ ~ iD .!! .a I .a J: .a A. III .t ~ GI d Š . , !!: iD IØ I s CL i i =- ~ 1 C) c Õ ~ w W GI c: III NO. OF :z: III III ~ co oS CONT. CL l- I- I- )( æ .. I- m ~ ~ 0 ~ 1 Xi- '/. ) x'f..- X- I X X. X- I X X ~ I 'Xx. x.. I Y--.I\ X- I ~X X I 'iX- X I 'Xx. "I I XI-- 'f.-. CrJ&T B-Op pJSGDt:- D t.AB USE. OÌ4Oi SAMPLING DATE TIME cJ,f.f " -IIOj Field Sample Identification MATRIX R ~~ '2;ß 4A- 4A- y~ 4& D-r ,~,- \ \r~ 2J C-7........ /../ _by,T) c::;7 . (8I,,*,") I " . Roc_by: (8Ignelln) 151 /¿y ,. 1c9' I t) I 15' I'i' ( 7.1 ~í ;à\ " "- "oc_ by, (8IgrioItn) R RIllr'4iIhod by, (8Ignelln) Roc_ by, (8Ignell...) DISTRIBUTION: wtit. ~ nnoJ _. Gr..., Ie FIll. YoIow .nd P\niI te CI.... 3/~ lJ7.- 2-of :3 REQUESTED ANALYSIS iã ¡jj ... f Ê I i ~ IØ ¡jj c i ¡ ... ! w ~ ~ E III l CI f ~ :a t ~ ... :$.. .¿ J .. ~ . m ~ i - '5 i 'Ii Yo ! ß - C) &. ... .. § 1 f ( 0; ~ :z: .. ¡;¡ ~ I!: ã :z: it ... ã .. :z: 8. 8. 8. 8. 2 w g Q. 1ií :z: CD II:: co III .. .. .. Q. ... > I- > > > > l- I- :E FIELD NOTES: ConlalnerlPr...rvatlv. or PIO Readings or Labol1ltory Notes UST REPORTING REQUIRED x X A X 'i X X X ~ i DII.: TIme: ~ &. Doto: TIme: t I! . CJ o ~ A . DII.· -?/r/cßL I ( TIme: éJ frO 10/111.00 R"';s!cn ~LScIJIIEE_N~L - - - E~VA~rvices L~Cham O~st~y Rec~rd- - LABORATORIES, INC Equlva Project Manager to be invoiced: . \ r ¡ "INÇID~t)lT'f1IYM~¡¡¡R{~1i:.9t:!I~y) 7440 U"""" W., ¡~"''''''''''''I f\J ,?v ... OAT<, ~f€;:~;;:: ~ ~=;i ~i~~;l~:~ð'rAO.o CÆ-7 ,~~L I PAGE 1h~ l¡)1Ik. ~ c;. ~CL ,Su~~ I f\ I L..". A-l~ EDF;:ERAajLETo(!~,~;~«D.s9w. · ~7<1~ g" I" :t:':.;¡I~""""4l1 ~'_~M"~. . PROJECT CONTACT ()Iordcopy«POFR_..): I'r LA.\. e.... L.V¡ U l ~~ ~~. ~ f),{ ,J<; W \ \\\' ~5 __...R..-.\"I(I'MI : ~» .'. ~T1<7 ~'<')o I~Î_~<; cq~ r~\\~~§.~1V'- h~,J.. :..Go- ...... 8S';;':~:~:¡¡:;1() TURNAROUND TIME (BUSINESS DAYS): A./' U [J 10 DAYS IJ S DAYS IJ n HOURS ~ 48 HOURS IJ 24 HOURS IJ LESS THAN 24 HOURS '-/ J REQUESTED ANALYSIS [J LA . RWQC8 REPORT FORMAT IJ usr AGENCY: íiì ii' i W" Ê t ~ ~ :; Ið GCIMS MTBE CONFIRMATION: HIGHEST HIGHEST per BORING ALL ¡ íiì Q ... z u ~ I. ! SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS OR NOTES: TEMPERATURE ON RECEIPT co ~ íiì ~ ¡ w Ê ::E E III ! " ë ~ I íiì 2 I- cø :ii i .ø 0 :E U ... , 8D[3Lt'8f)Þ .v8-8-t) 8--Y J! .ø A- I g i - :I ;'t I .ø A- .t ~ i III .t >. ~ i! - § ~ Ò .ø íiì æ I . , ~. ! III !:!!. c III ! " l III III I j ... i i ... III III 1 1 I :3 i õ ~ ~ g g f is ... III :!. > I- it .. ã " c Õ c :z: LAB ~ W W 41 C III Ið 51 III J: èi èi èi .. ~ w SAMPLING NO. OF III III '" III ~ m 0 0 1ií VSE Field Sample Identification MATRIX J: ~ I- >. ~ c( Go a. a. a. a. J: ID CONT. Go I- )( 0 Go 0 ~ III III III III 41 Go t- OHLY DATE TIME I- m ::E 0 ::E w w > I- > > > > l- I- 2: D~~ z! JA{lv2 (ill 1 K'J.., 'X X tJ-~ ~( \ )(x Y.. X. TJ~ ?J 1 X'f.-. Y 'Å f)-4 c..,r 1.. \ , Xi... 'l '1\ / : , R~ril~) R~~(SI~) R_ by. (Slgnohn) Doto: r:7 ) R_ by. (SlgnoIIn) Doto: /1 J tfð~ 1(// Dj.Jç/r; 2 R~1hod by. (Slgno~) Roc_ by. (Slgnohn) DISTRIBUTION:....,... ""'" ftMI_. Gr_ to FIle. Y_ end PInIc 10 ca.... - - 5!9Dr¿, '3 of J FIELD NOTES: Contalner/Preserv.tive or PID Readings or Laboratory Notes UST REPORTING REQUIRED . T\mo: ~ i Ii' ~. .Ii J CI § T\mo: T\mo: __ ðV/{) 1011 s.oo R "'lÍon I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ( -a/science I:;§nvironmenta/ Laboratories, Inc. March 14,2002 Dave Williams, WGR Southwest, Inc. 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 Subject: Calscience Work Order No.: Client Reference: 02-03-0487 2601 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Dear Client: Enclosed is an analytical report for the above-referenced project. The samples included in this report were received 3/12/02 and analyzed in accordance with the attached chain-of-custody. Unless otherwise noted, all analytical testing was accomplished in accordance with the guidelines established in our Quality Assurance Program Manual, applicable standard operating procedures, and other related documentation. The results in this analytical report are limited to the samples tested and any reproduction thereof must be made in its entirety. If you have any questions regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Mich21::::: Quality Assurance Manager 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ -a/science I!!;ggnVironmenta/ Laboratories, Inc. ANALYTICAL REPORT WGR Southwest, Inc. 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 Date Received: . Work Order No: Preparation: Method: 03/12/02 02-03-0487 EPA 5030B EPA 8015M Project: 2601 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Page 1 of 1 Client Sample Number Lab Sample Date Date Date Number Matrix Collected Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID '>"{~';1,\?(;1Q,~~~~~i:1,;;j¡::~':';S ;{\;; !)i~li~ . '<::';~Í11(Ô2\!);\J;'\N,JÂ: Ii,:'.', 03112102. i;~';:;~203~ 201~ . Parameter Surrogates: Result RL OF Qual Units ND 0.50 mg/kg REC (%) Control Qual limits 26 21-159 TPH as Gasoline 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene .3BB. ;;:'~:~;~~j>~~'1'~2;;j\~} >,X:,,_ ._ ~)~:t> ;~_.'-.:~.' ..,s'ónti;:; ';:~~/11~Ò2;;:'..;1;L · .~t}¡1-; 03/12102'oìó31201Sa' '. Parameter SurrOQates: Result RL DF Qual Units ND 0.50 mglkg REC(%) Control Qual limits 87 21-159 TPH as Gasoline 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene Method Blank ,<¡),Ò9íÌ4032óoS;1;903 ...·.......·..i...~...',;.: ".'. :.....,.. ..... ' .,_' >.,_._ - ." ,~_<,.: '.: ',' ,'>0_-.:-" :':::',_,~ /'> ... -" _. -. " "\(". i1·s>N'~.. ,;." >N/A , :'~. ,,' , - ~~y' Parameter Surrogates: Result RL DF Qual Units ND 0.50 mglkg REC (%) Control Qual limits 95 21-159 TPH as Gasoline 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene Rl - Reporting limit. DF - Dilution Factor, Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I Ii -a/science I::. nvironmenta/ Laboratories, Inc. ANALYTICAL REPORT I I WGR Southwest, Inc. 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 I Los Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: I Project: 2601 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA I 03/12/02 02-03-0487 N/A EPA 8260B Page 1 of 1 Matrix Date Date Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID Result RL DF Qual Units Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units ND 5.0 uglkg p/m-Xylene ND 5.0 uglkg ND 5.0 uglkg o-Xylene ND 5.0 uglkg ND 5.0 uglkg Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 5.0 uglkg REC(%) Control Qual Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits Limits 102 80-120 Toluene-d8 105 81-117 84 74-121 I Parameter Benzene Ethylbenzene I Toluene Surrogates: Dibromofluoromethane I 1.4-Bromofluorobenzene Parameter I Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene I Surrogates: Dibromofluoromethane 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene Result DF Qual Units Parameter Result RL ND ND ND REC(%) p/m-Xylene o-Xylene Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Surrogates: ND ND 23 REC (%) 5.0 5.0 5.0 Control Limits 80-120 74-121 ;~i';\¡;0:i;lt,~';:I'¡AiI¡';'ó99¿1º~º~~;11i1¡:.¡'/;::i'.;.NÎ$.·.···, uglkg uglkg uglkg Qual 108 82 Toluene-d8 102 RL DF Qual Units 5.0 ug/kg 5.0 uglkg 5 uglkg Control Qual Limits 81-117 '"'" ""',~§Iid:, ':.> NiÀL<:}; \..O~/'I2iº~';:l;;¡ð3i2Q~'·. I .~ .. d.. e~ëtl:iÔd Bliirik :~;)l,i'ê'-)'; -:: ;1;; :~~¡t!~(~i~~~i:;' :;;:.?:i- Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units Parameter Result ND 5.0 uglkg p/m-Xylene ND ND 5.0 uglkg o-Xylene ND ND 5.0 uglkg Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND REC(%) Control Qual Surrogates: REC(%) Limits 98 80-120 Toluene-d8 86 81 74-121 I Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene I SurroQates: Dibromofluoromethane 1 ,4-Bromofluorobenzene I I I I RL - Reporting Limit . DF - Dilution Factor, Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I RL DF Qual Units 5.0 uglkg 5.0 ug/kg 5.0 uglkg Control Qual Limits 81-117 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (...= alscience l1!;¡¡gnvironmental Laboratories, Inc. Quality Control - Spike/Spike Duplicate WGR Southwest, Inc. 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: Project: 2601 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA 03/12/02 02-03-0487 EPA 5030B EPA 8015M Quality Control Sample ID Date Prepared Date Analyzed Matrix Instrument Parameter MS %REC MSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL TPH as Gasoline 75-125 62 68 9 MSIMSD Batch Number Qualifiers 0-29 3 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. = a/science I:gn vironmen tal Laboratories, Inc. Quality Control - LCS/LCS Duplicate . WGR Southwest, Inc. 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: 03/12/02 02-03-0487 EPA 5030B EPA 8015M Project: 2601 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Quality Control Sample ID Parameter LCSD %REC 93 LCS %REC 92 %REC CL 79-124 RPD RPD CL Qualifiers 0-21 TPH as Gasoline 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t... =alscience C§nVironmental '- aboratories, Inc. Quality Control - Spike/SpikeDuplic;ate WGR Southwest, Inc. 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: Project: 2601 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA 03/12/02 02-03-0487 N/A EPA 8260B Quality Control Sample ID Date Prepared Date Analyzed Matrix Instrument MSIMSD Batch Number Parameter MS %REC MSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers Benzene 106 98 72-127 7 0-25 Carbon Tetrachloride 96 99 70-130· 3 0-25 Chlorobenzene 97 94 72-131 3 0-25 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 90 89 70-130 1 0-25 1,1-Dichloroethene 101 102 69-127 1 0-25 Toluene 103 97 75-124 6 0-25 Trichloroethene 94 93 60-137 1 0-25 Vinyl Chloride 100 105 70-130 5 0-25 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 111 109 80-120 2 0-25 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I S - a/science I:;Eiff nvironmental Laboratories, Inc. Quality Control - LCS/LCSDuplicate WGR Southwest, Inc. 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-0000 Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: Project: 2601 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA 03/12/02 02-03-0487 N/A EPA 8260B Date Prepared LCS/LCSD Batch Number Parameter LCS %REC LCSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers Benzene 115 96 72-127 18 0-25 Carbon Tetrachloride 103 101 70-130 3 0-25 Chlorobenzene 103 103 72-131 1 0-25 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 99 99 70-130 0 0-25 1,1-Dichloroethene 107 105 69-127 . 2 0-25 Toluene 115 96 75-124 18 0-25 Trichloroethene 105 90 60-137 16 0-25 Vinyl Chloride 109 106 79-118 3 0-25 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 103 100 80-120 3 0-25 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) 109 125 60-140 14 0-25 Diísopropyl Ether (DIPE) 100 103 60-140 2 0-25 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) 99 96 60-140 4 0-25 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) 101 92 60-140 9 0-25 Ethanol 103 96 60-140 7 0-25 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (,,;alscience GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND QUALIFIERS 6::,gggnVironmental Laboratories, Inc. Work Order Number: 02-03-0487 Qualifier Definition 3 Spike or Spike Duplicate compound was ouiof'control due to matrix interference. The associated LCS and/or LCSD was in control and, therefore, the sample data was reported without further clarification. Not detected at indicated reporting limit. ND 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I '-'. . . :, " .,,~~~w~, K.:alscienco . ' ~~nvirc>nmOO't:C'1J Laboratorles. Inc. / I I WÓRK ORDER #: 02.[QJ [3]. [g[±] ~ŒJ Cooler -L oft SAMPLE RECEIPT FORM LlENT: WG,(Z DATE: 3)2/0'2- , EMPERATURE - SAMPLES RECEIVED BY: IfALSCIENCE COURIER: , ____ ChIlled, cooler with temperature blank provided. I' Chilled, cooler without temperature blank. 1== Chilled and placed in cooler with wet ice. I Ambient and placed in cooler with wet ice. 'I Ambient temperature. , o C Temperature blank. LABORATORY (Other than Calscience Courier): o C Temperature blank. 3 0 C IR thermometer. Ambient temperature. Initial: IVL- ---. USTODY SEAL INTACT: , --- No (Not Intact) : Not Applicable (N/A): ~ _. Initial: I'vé- Cooler: AMPLE CONDITION: ~llain-Of-CustodY document(s), receiV~d with samples.. ........ ............ ... ~ample container label( s) consistent with custody papers..................... Sample container(s) intact and good condition........................... '" .. ... / . . . . .. orrect containers for analyses requested......................................... - /....,.. Proper preservation noted on sample label(s)..................................... VOA vial(s) free of headspace. ....................................................... edlar bag(s) free of condensation..... ......... ..,.............. ...... .............. Yes /..... / No N/A -- -- --- / --- ~ Initial: ¡JC --_. ------- COMMENTS: - - - ----- CALSCIENCE ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES. INC. ----------- EQUIV A Services LLC Chain Of Custody Record NY---- ¡i!J:i;I~'R~~;rN~~~~,(!!~:~,I..)'):'i'", --:~ u cA Ol~"NO. "';;71'19'1" ¡';ilì,""",@~ Equlva Project Manager to be Invoiced: 7440 UncoIn Way l]¡(sci£HCii~:EjijGiN£ERi~ Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432()i¢:íHîéN;s~> (714) 895-5494 (714) 894-7501 fax I[jCiiMr::~~>.. .'. ,1 11021 Wlnnerl Circle, Suite 101, LOI Alamlto., CA PAOÆC1 CONT-'C1 _.. _ "- to): '\)¿t \!'t.. W"\ \ \ ~.> SAMPLER NAME(S) (1'...): (;-8510 1(;2)199-8566 r:·\l\\~s~r-WA'" ~\ Gtv\" J()." TURNAROUND 11ME (BUSINESS DAYS): J o 10 DAYS 0 S DAYS 0 72 HOURS ]a{ ~ HOORS [J 24 HOURS [J LESS THAN 24 HOURS o LA - RWQC8 REPORT FORMAT [J UST AGENCY: ...-.m cow_, LOO COQE: W/:,Jl-A- WGR Southwelt, Inc. >COM", GClMS t.lTBE CONF1f\MÞ.i1ON: HIGHEST HIGHEST per BORING _ALI._ TEMPERATURE ON RECEIPT CO SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS OR NOTES: CoEL "T t.- OJ) AJ~~6D L.M "" ONLY SAMPLING MAT~IX DATE TIME 3)1\/,,£ lOlq 5o~ I '?/\IJ~'¿.. ll22 SO, Field Sample Identlncatlon ~PrA 1; 3.g~ .... ReI_Z9/[ RoI__ bMS."oIIro) R_by:(9_> .C? I R_ by: (Slgno\\n) -- ----"- ReI__ by: (Slgno\\n) R_ by: (Slptu'e) ')1S1t\\BLmON. "Hrt.1Io 'W!\h tk.\ t'II()OI\, ar..r. \o~. V'*"' aM P\tio.. \c Ct,ðtt EdP~ V:~RE;:jï::: ~. ¿tt L -n mf' œLtWM8lE TO<fto_ P.....~\: D~0L w\ l \\d--W'-S .OA -, NO. Of CONT. Iii' t i J · i ( Ii! I Ii: ( I ~ ! I i i Ë ~ ~ j I i m ~ ~ ~ 'L~ X x.. X >( \ ( ¡¡¡fILU I?f ' '7'IJ¿jo-z-. I of I REQUESTED ANALYStS .... Iii' I I I ~ Iñ' FIELD NOTES: ~ i ! ContIIIMI'IPrøerntI.,. ~ ~ f I * :I I or PID Readings I or Laboratory Notes Ë l ~ J J ~ ~ ~ J ! I I i i i i ¡ . 1\1 f > > > > ... ã . , o.te: I TIme: 't'. ~' Dete: 11me: J g Ï/I!/ô¿ "me: ðÇ10 1011M)Q RII"JI.IOf'I