HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK , . ~;.:~ ~,.~.~' ''';-:<1 -;;,,- '-. ~- , " . " -.... . . ';;':~:~'l:~~;~~~~I~~~ ~:,.. ... ':. . ~ {'. . . ::k,~ . -....i. .1--'.": ..,.- '", '.. _.~..:-._, ·'~;~g~~~~~t4!~¿~ .................... -.-..... ..... ............... .......... ... ...... ... ..... ..~:<~~~~~.~,: BY.....~~~-.~~~r,'~':,..._.::..-.. " . '.. ·".~~1:~JŠ~1J¡ii¡';€<~A'Ø " . ". . , ."..¡.- -" ~. issued Permit døIR ¡7Ä" _// - ~¢. ~.~ ........:::::::/..fÇ?:........L.2_........ .. ,'~, , Date,.. .' .' /¡r??4 1()-~O~<J.s~%·_·:~"··· ¡írßI'I1/lfì(}/I éCl~$í;n Vlf ,,<- wi/h ¿v'rreh.t(~c(}rJmI- Jd-/ð-951 ! ---.., @ijOR OR'GINii. . . I I I ~ I I ~ I I I I I' I I I I I I I'·· I r-'\ groundwater resources, Inc. . ~ntaVgeotechnical~Servic" ~~~~~-~ PLATE City of Bakersfield/Fire Station No.8 2213 University Ave. Bakersfield, California -t- I LOCATION MAP I I î ---~-.::-:----- ~ ,. I 1 I I ¡ I .! I --~.~---- . e .~ " "c', ',.. _..~".-.._.._.,---- ····--r-·---·~,·· ",C"·.",·-c. I I I I I I ---I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I £ UNIVERSITY AVENUE - -- ---~ - - .=/- CURB ···,_·_~o'=--~.,="7='=--=·-=~-·'~="'PROPERTY LINE ,,~., ..-~ _.. . -.--_.-. -.. .'-'-' - "0 ".__.. ____ . --......--. .~->-'. =- --- HOUSE FIRE STATION NO.8 Cross-Section Line 0 EXISTING RADIO concrete parking TOWER ~a FORMER TANK SITE (asphalt cover) r BLOCKWALL . I I . stand-by generator ALLEY LEGEND CD soil boring location Approximate Scale in Feet . power poles 0 20 40 0 siren post I ~ I HOUSE I II I I CITY OF BAKEItSFIELD FIRE STATION NO.8 '_""." ..__.2213. -UniversityAvenue_.__..~ Bakerstield- California r\ ...._. ._.._ ._-.-JJrQl.ln~w~ter resources, inc. ~ . . .-. --_. ..-.---.«....--.. .. environmental! geotechnical services I 2/18/91 PLOT PLAN . 1 ~ r£I t:) Z ~ z o ~ g; . ~ ~ ~ PLATE I __._. _.____.__ __.,.- __,~ "W' _. _ __. 'n_··__ _.. --~ '-'_.-'-'.--. ._- ., 2 ...._.-~- ~ ....l. HAZARDA.JS MATE,RI ALS~ANAGEMENT PER~ITTING AND I PECTIONS ,ACTIVITY SHEET .! ...' .¡ .. ~, ~ DATE ACTIVITY INITIALS TIME .. ~ :r 1'" i \p~OR ORIGIMAt. .. ;"~ , , .- ~ t_·, " 'j .' ,"-.,". ¡ J I-·-,-·_,..··-··~-- . ""_~"._ r.~ ..._...~~ß.."O..~."""..,. ~-~ -"""'--~...,.....-..,..,.". ~ ~ """'---"'--=--~p -~~......<..,...-.=-~.-..,..- -<.=- ..-,.......~~-- ! ! j ;'1 <of i J ... .¡ . I. I .' '-....." , \ " ..~ -....---/1 KERN ,COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT . SER\HéE~ANO COMPLAINT FORM ""..__.2.:L~_9..Q T<m"fÝ!J-B~' ¿ ';"'UR.o,." If? com,..,., CT NO:.o ~~OO:?", ..",.."..-AJ{l~e7£iiå¡LL--_~ -9¿' l_ocatlon_.ßg.~±~LC'l--b {?£'_~±QMú=F.t~_ð--..-- City _.._._._......._.._a.J~~.~ld..._........_._._ Directions._..____?~..~L_ Q-P--l-~rz ~L~.__.~._._...__.....__..__.__._______.___._..___..._.._..-----..-----.-----------.-.-....----- » i;"~ I ., - .,.-·-ReporHrÏg-Þersoïï~------------' ·'c~· --.--.--..- -- .-- . -Address. _ _________._ _._ __... Phone --_...._--_....._----_...._.._..__.._---=---..-=--_..~-~"'-=:-.~::-:~~.~:....- :..... Property Owner ..-~_....------":"-------~..00ëïl). ..--...... ... . Adr.S·..n--·-----r:--- -------..--.-.--..- Phone. : " .' ~~ uL il .' Reason for Request___...____ _____._ _ _ ___._....._ J..___..!......._L__.. ..-..y-."--....~----~...---.----..:....._--.----......... :.:?'" . ~ -------....------------..----.....---...----------- ":"""~", ..' '>,·~'X.· ..,.,.,~;.,.,~".;'·L,.. c. _.. ..;;;\----"'----~-'-.~.,--..c:--.~~o.~'&ç:. ...... .~~~::~~._ 'RESULTS OF ':P ..' /¿J·7 '.c,.'·,"-..,..'. -.-," ..;.t:/~ ..>:/-.",..»..">p,...."",.,",. INVESTIGATION ~..Ä..:~E()' E -r.-:~3,¿? ¿'?':;.'>:.;~;;~:: . '.. ..'" i,\':).·' ,..;.'¡',~ " ,~' .\.i ". ':'. '~" 1 ~ ',," .~ .... ,.- ".' ----- ---- I ------ . ., ,\ '\ \ ---- >', .,,;/~,," '; :_,:<~ '. ~, I I Complainant notified of results_____..______ Investigated by .'.' ",1.'. - ' Date. ,:"".;,:~':, 'Environmental Health 58041132029 (Rev..9/IS9) . ~. . ~ :" ' ~_.;: .,.. ,.';',' - ~;...,,;.:..,;;::../<- ~. '. ' : ",<.,' ... : - .:.,~-~~"'~~,--'~:~:.~~.f,;:~~:~ ~.' ~,::,~~<~~~"~~,~~~.',~~~':;~~;;~' .~ ...~.:". :"i ~.;~,-,J.:';'~'.:_: ....?/--.::.-:::.~ .,....:...... . ....-... '. -:;::--..... :,. ":"!':-:;'-.;'~~:~:-~; -~""'''''·~':'I,~ P,.". . '~¡Æ~'9~ :::~:~.~- .:j'. Permit # Employee # -.:? Employee Signature ~, Site Name or AddreSt{ Æ- " .rt:// _ ¡'. Funding (Local. State, of Federal) C9NI'RACT 9Pf.LON~ FOR LEAKING TANKS S~te Spec~f~c T~e Accounting Sheet Sit~,~cific Status Changes: æ... Date Category Activity Hours Code Code Description (lOths) a. ~rh .;:¿ ò7 ,-,,/!;A¿' ~L1 ¿~"-/)J_ ~~//_,,~,/ d, S--' Notes: ~þ:'-~"A ¿.;.,~7/f;'· /"" /~ ~ L£ /' f!:~ J . . ¿}. .ð-? , // / -. . - ....... . Data-Entèred By: Date: Permit # . . CONI'RAcr OPI'IONS FOR LEAKING .A Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Site Specific Status Changes: \ I I: I: Ii " j! 1\ \ ,.. I¡__"H Date Category Activity Code Code Description Hours (laths) ., . Notes: .." - ¡ 'í :: Ii Ii Data Entered By: . ,Date: . ,. .."_'" ' I' ' . 1,;...-0 £;D_~<a::s = c;;;:::r _...:a .-gCl::ac;:;._ _ _~ ~ _ cg~.c= eeca c:=:a ~ -= -=--=-__ ~ ~_c:DCZSC:l ~c:&Ic:c'c:t""GDc:I-=c=:I~ _ae.IIC:t_c=t.ec:rocrc=-=-=:c=c::a_caC!:1_ac._c:II-=·$-c=.____ II;;; Ii ~ i Permit # f)~ Employee # 2 ç Employee Signature Site Name or AddresE(', k , \,., Funding (Local, State, of ~/ eraì CONI'RAcr OPI'IONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Site Specific Status Changes: Category Activity Code Code Description 1< ~ Date Hours (laths) l,O Notes: ;~ -~_.- "- ... . -- -- "."-" --.........--,...,~.._--....--~_...~--_.=----'"---_._--- <-.-~~.,. --..,........-.---,..,....,....- 7.="".<.-·....,"'" -=--.. -..._.~.~,.,.,_~.._. ·~.....-_~_'u _ '-~. Data Entered By: Date: Env_ Health 580 4113137 (Rev_ 5/89) Permit # ~ ~~\~C t'i '- Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # ~S" w Employee Signature \v1.,J. )~ ili~ '\ Site Name or Addres~_\ '~"\l R \\..h ~~I -.þ~. ~ _ , ''- Funding (Local. State, of FeQeral) .'--J . . , CONI'RACT omaNS FOR LEAKING ,£ Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet .. ., . Date Category Activity Code Code Description .~ . '-~ ~J Notes: 02... Ie Hours (-iOths) 310 -' ~-~ ~,._. ---.-' I I I .,:,,' I ¡ ~ I i",,- i : Data Entered By: Date: ':!.. .... ..-. ---- .-.--- ---.-... -.......... ....1 -...·_-_c=.'C_~-___,_...___·.........-____---..-:_tac::t... -......,c:J_~~...-.........-a:r.c:::. I: Permit # CBOOOz. Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # c;Qcs-- Employee Signature ~~~. \ -' ~ Site Name or Addres~ì~, ,\;'h~_Sk~.t\f\ w?1--. Funding (Local, State, of Federal) I CONI'RACT OPI'IONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet I Date 1:nA, Notes: Category Activity Code Code Description 0" la Hours (lOths) 5,5"' I: ··f~···· ... ... .~.".".~.._,~ -~.¡~.- r~ .;"\" \~1\¡.Jj~,\.A,~:", ...., \ ~·:vij...) '., ' \ '~ri~",W-1~ '~\L . --.,.-.._,-. ,. - Data Entered By: Date: Env. Health 580 4113137 (Rev. 5/89) · " e CONI'RACI' omONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # () -.J~ûì- Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # d "::::. Employee Signature Site Name or Address, =H- Funding (Local. State. of Federal) Date Notes: '--~._--~-. , -.. Category Activity Code Code Description Hours (lOths) .n ;§ Data Entered By: Date: .-~--~----------------------------_.._..__._-~------------~--'---------_._----- CONI'RACI' OPI'IONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Or 0"2-. Site Specific Status Changes: 2~ Employee Signature N\ ' \ ~ Site Name or Addres....c .0t1.. ,.:1t h Funding (Local, State, of Federal) ?errnit # Employee # Category Activity Code Code Description Hours (lOths) Z, <fY2.. r .'",~ ~Ç! \.- ' \ f Date: Data Entered By: Env. Healtn 580 4113137 (Rev. 5/89) Permit # Employee # Employee Signature Site Name or Address Funding (Local. State, of F~l) __ I . .. CONI'RACT OPI'IONS FOR LEAKING TBks Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Site Specific Status Changes: 'Î I I I ¡ ! i , I I I II i~ t""-"~··· --0' I I I I I I ! ... I . , ! Date Category Activity· Code Code Description 6' Hours (lOths) ~ Notes: ;. ., :;Q:;:- -... --------...-------------------------------~~---------- - - - _ _ _ _.__ __....._ __._ 0.".'__ I . . Pennit # Employee # Employee Signature Site Name or Address \ CONI'RACT OPl'IONS FoR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet ~ Site Specific Status Changes: Funding (Local, State, Date -r..-c, I Notes: Category Activity Code Code Description Hours (lOths) _''''-. ,"0..____"--'--- t\L IS- Data Entered By: Date: Env. Health 580 4113137 (Rev. 5(89) ;:':;.: ¿ ::=:, ..1.:". ¡._..J ¡~;;: ~".=~ 2:: ,',.': '~'" ,'.,; ,.,:~. +,_.J j_=~ ,'t': '.':'. . '.' .~;;: ~ (--~~ .:: ,-= r"",\/ .,.,..... ~.~ 1 c:::. a .:;' ....;.~, T ,"_.-._.\1 ._._i\I.."'I.-__ '-"_. .".......¡. SUITE 300, aAKE~SF!E~:. :A.93301 (805)851-3535 .:~,j"",,1 ,j 2700 "W·. STREE:, ,= ,=~,:',""i ;=:,,::~~ '~~~Ni,::'.;~,':-' '-... '.j _ ."\.....1 1~<.L .¡, ..... ~ ~i\ , UND€RGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE FAC!LITY * INSPECTION REPORT * . . TIME I Ng..~.:..."!!... TIME :) U T ,?~.~?....... ;\j U iV18 E R OF TAN K S =................................. .'Y E S ..~.m............... NO .............mm....... ! ì~-j ::: ;; =: ~: -: I C ~J D A. T E : ..,."...._................m............m..... R 0 UTI N E.............................. REI N S PEe T ION ......................... CO rl\ P 1_ A I NT.............................. ,.; ~'? P'ERMI T· ::)E:~MIT TYPE OF I~SPECTION: ..........---..0.....................,-.................-....................................-.,.. .- . -- - . ----.- _ ~_~ __.~__~ __ ___ _ _-::.___::::..-=-.~_ _.::.-.:;:.;---::-. -.-......:._-:-:-:---. -----.:--.-~. ':-":-...:.:.:;;....:-:_::.-;~--..-':-.,~---..-:-.. --::-::'_'-.-,,";,:,","-: ----::.- __ __':;:....:' . .,;;:._._.n_:......_~____ _ .. ..--_.:_.:._;.;;.;:__";.::::::;..-..:: -::_-..;c-¿:'::;-'.:_-:'~":".~:::_---:::- :::---;::---~__:__:_-::;-:--.:;::::-::.- := A C I LIT Y N AM E : .êA.!Sg;.B.§.fJ"~.~-º.m.E.J.B.~.....Q.~.E~.I..:,,....§.I:.~.I.I-º.tLJ:tª..".."""..........."".........,........."."......""".."............................."................ F Þ:C I L I TY A D DR E S S : ,??.J.}..".\-L~J.Y.~.B.§.I.I.Y......~Y.ê.~.µ.ê,.................."...."......""......""..""..............""........."".."""................"...........................".."... BAKERSFIELD, CA OWN E R S N AM 1;.: ,Ç.I.TJ:..."Q,C...".ê.A.0..êB.§.EJ..ê.b:.º.....""".,,._............................."".._.................."....."".........."......".._...."........""................"........".".."..".." OPE RAT 0 R S,tJ AM E : .ê.6.!S.~.8.§.E.J.ê.b:J2....£J...8.ê.....ºg.£.~BJJ~.~li.I.."...................""........."........................._....._...._..........................".........."............. , CO.MMENTS~___~_ _____~~.~~----..,.~_...-...--~--~._---~--~.~-~.~. " , ',. ,...,. -. I ... It ' ,.' . , :. ,... On _, _ -.~:..~~~..::~_:-::-:~_M.___::·~~:--.- _. ~.. .:" _ __ ' m~~7::::::' _ _." , .. ..~ .~:~..... .. . ...m:..:~.~~~_~=:~~~~==.:~:=~.=---:.====.:~~::-~~;:~~ ~.;..:_ ::'-d~~~~~_ .n~.........~_....nu_...~..~_....~~~..~..~_.~......~_......~...~~~~........~_~~....~__._~~_~..u.._....~~.._...~...~.._.....___...._~_...._....._........~....~..~~...._~~..~..··~~-~~,.,.......~~-~.~~.~.~,~"...,.~~........~...~-~...._...._......~~.-~~.~-.~~~....~.~,~~.~.......,'_..-,..,.,',...~",."..,- ITEM~ ,VIOLATIONS/OBSERVATIONS 1'. PRIMARY,CONTAI ENl"MONITORING: a. Intercepting n directing system b. Standard Invent~, 1/ CootiO 1 c. Modified Inventory v trol d. In-tank Level Sensing" . e. Groundwater Monitoring t., Vadose Zone Monitoring 2~ SECCNCARY ~:NTAIN~E~T' ~CN:;~RI~G: a. Llne!" b. Dcubie-Wa1:ed tanK c. . Vault 3. PIPING ~ONITORING: ,~ . ;ressur"izea Suc:~on ~. ,.. Gravity ~. OVERFILL 9ROTECTION: J. T!GHTNESS TESING , 5. ~EW CONS:,~UCrrON/MODrF:CAT:ONS ¡ CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT· 8. UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE 9. MAINTENANCE . GENERAL SAFETY. AND OPERATI'JG CONDITION OF FAC:UTY COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS _' _, _.........'.-..- '-""þ.1:-.~' -:,,:""""'''''''1'' .~' , ,..,-." - .....~............n"'~.."..~'~n~'._..._.........,......,...."..~..._,_...,..,......,.......................,.................,....,~,......................~.._,.......,_.._.....~......,....-~_.,....,........~...........'....._,-~ .. ...........,,,.............. .......................,... ... ...'h......~~..._...................,.....,......_....~..._..._,...........,....~...,_,....,.............~...........h.._............_.....h........_......'h.u".,..".... ..._.."..'....'_.h.~....'~.....~...._,..,..._...,_,_....~..,~,~...., ".'...'h..........,.,..... . _ .-- --=,,-- .~-."'---'--'-~~-""~-,..-~-=--...-"'".-~-~--=-"~_......='~-~....---...-.--."....,.... .~._."'....,~~~.-~-..,._ _ -" 00-' _._._..~~....__ _.,____ _._'-='.-."'" .- .--- -.-,.._- -- _._,,-'''''.....,--=-_.---~- . -.~- ""~-;.- ......,.......- ,. .U"... '._'~"~n_"" ... .n'~~""'''''''''''''''''''''~'U''''''.'.' .... ...... ........."........,.........,.'..~~...._,... "...~~."."........".".........,.........~.... ...'.......,..,...... .... ." .... '. "~"'''''''''''''~'''''''''''''''·'''.n~''~'''''''·''_'''''''''''''~'''' ,.. .,.. ..,.,....... ~~~i~i~~~f~~~c~¡=~~~~~~~~-iis:I:~~~;~.~~;~~~~Ê~~:[~i~:~~:~.::.::~:.:_~ ".- ~ . . RESNA/GROUNDWATER RESOURCES, INC. Worki~g to Restore Nature e . 1500 SO. UNION AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93307 General Engineering Contractor Class NHaz License No. 520768 _February 20,.:199L..-_ .__ , --- --------.. .r::~ .--::,----.-::-:.. ,,- -- '; ¡'\, ~::. - ,~. -, ¡ ":\ ..---- ----_.._~-- ---._--. ------ .----- Mr. Michael Driggs County of Kern 'Department of Environmental Health Services '." .. _ 2700 M Street, Suite 300. Bakersfield, California 93301 ,.-- .--.. . 'ì I i \ L· e' :¡ Ii' ì FEB 2 1 199' ", ¡! ¡, , .} l' !; I . '! ¡/ ~' : ¡\.;,~~___~_.Jl./ ì . --~. -~--~. -.-~ _ ,__. ____h~_.__..,_ __.. ..' - - - Re: Site Characterization Report City of Bakersfield 2213 University Street Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Driggs, Enclosed please find the Site Characterization Report for the above referenced site for your review and approval. ' IT you have any questions or require further infonnation, please don't hesitate to contact me at our main office at (805) 835-7700. Very truly yours, ;lof~), Wecl---- Robert J. Becker Project Geologist RJB:tab:macpvt Enclosure cc: Mr. Ralph Huey, City of Bakersfield - ----..._,--- . --,_,..0,._ __~ ~=-.-- - ...- - - - -.. ..,-'" --.-- - ,,------ ..- ...~~--'_.._. -.- MAILING ADDRESS: p, 0, BOX 9383, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 (80S) 835-7700 FAX (80S) 835·7717 ... . e _y__oou"_.-,,,,"""". _ ____..... ',. _ -:l-~..'··.,·".....",-..ru,.;.A£..~_i"'..;. --~---_._-- - ~·_~7_~_~_... _._. e ~~---- -------.---- .---- . ----,- - _._---~- ---..-.....--.---..--. - . ~-- . .---' -. -- _. '.. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD n______ -'-·'-2213 Uriìveridty Street Bakersfield, California '__n _.. ~___ ....__~_~.....:-.- _._ _~. , SITE CHARACTERIZATION REPORT February 15, 1991 , . '"~.~w._' - / ---_._----~ . --- -,..+ . RESNA/GROUNDWATER RESOURCES, INC. UVrking to Restore Nature - --..,----'- . .~'-. ". ---~-- "'" - - -_..,.~. ..--_..,~~ ..""----~.----~ , I , I .~, ",",~--_..,-_._- - --- -., . ---- - .. -. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 2213 University Street . u_ c__.·__." ~,~akersfi~ld,J~ªI!fºrniª_, _un. ._-----~ --- . ----- ._-.. - -~----~_._-,._.,- ~ - ----_._-~--- - -.- - - . - ,...·__·_.__..e_ '-~--'-- . . SITE CHARACTERIZATION REPORT February 15, 1991 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCfION ..... c_ 2.0 BACKGROUND 3.0 PROCEDURES 3.1 Soil Borings and Sampling 3.2 Boring Abandonment 4.0 FINDINGS 4.1 Laboratory Analysis of Soil Samples 4.2 Descriptions of Borings 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Conclusions' 5.2 Recommendations 6.0 LIMITATIONS ILLUSTRATIONS Plate 1 Plate 2 Plate 3-5 Plate 6 Location Map Plot Plan Logs of Borings Cross-Section A-A' APPENDICES Appendix A Sampling Protocol Appendix B Chain of Custody and Laboratory Analyses AppendiX C LUFf Table _n_ .,- -., --..-. '. -- II ill III ~.~".._._-~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1.0 INTRODUCTION _ _._ __n . .__~_ .. . ----.. -, This reQort presents the results of a site characterization perfonned to detennine the extent of soil -co~~m:~rio~ ãt Fil-e,7Starloii-Nò~-cg~--iocaiediic22f3 U ni~ersity Sre~tin Bake~field, CalifornÚ1Csee Plate 1). Groundwater Resources Inc. (GR!), a RESNA company, conducted the investigation for the City of Bakersfield. Recommendations and conclusions are presented. 2.0 BACKGROUND ".----"..-. _.~. --,- -.,,-.-- -. ..- ~-- - ~'-. .,_..._." __0_ .u. ....~._·.h_ On June 12, 1990 the City of Bakersfield removed one 550 gallon underground diesel fuel tank from the above referenced site. Soil samples were taken from beneath the tank at depths of eight and ten feet below grade or approximately one and three feet below the tank. Analytical results showed Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) diesel concentrations of 3200 parts per million (ppm) at eight feet and 8300 ppm at ten feet No benzene was detected in these samples, but minor concentrations of toluene, xylene and ethylbenzene were detected. The elevated TPH diesel concentrations detected beneath the tank warranted an assessment of the soil contamination at this site. GR! prepared and submitted a workplan for this site assessment to the Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services (KCDEHS) on December 14, 1990, In accordance with this workplan GR! drilled three soil borings between January 22 and January 28, 1991. 3.0 PROCEDURES I I 3.1 Soil Borings and Sampling Three soil borings (B-1,-2 and -3) were drilled to 30 to 39 feet beneath grade and were located as shown on the plot plan (plate 2). Boring B-1 was centered over the fonner diesel tank. Boring B-2 was drilled 7 feet southeast and boring B-3 was 6 feet northeast of boring B-1. The borings were drilled by RESNA Industries of Bakersfield, California, using eight-inch diameter continuous flight hollow stem augers. Soil cores were taken with a California split spoon sampler and described by a GR! geologist as they were collected. Logs for each boring are preseIlted in Plates 3 through 5. All samples were immediately sealed, labeled, and placed on ice for transport to Applied Analytical of Irvine, California. A chain of custody document (Appendix A) was maintained from collection to delivery to the lab. All augers and downhole equipment were steam cleaned between borings and the sampling equipment was washed and double rinsed, to prevent cross contamination between each sample, in accordance with the· sampling protocol in Appendix C. I I 3.2 Boring Abandonment . '.H·Boring B-1 was, filled with neat cement from total depth to the surface. Boring B- 2 and B- 3 were backfilled with clean cuttings to within 5 feet of the surface and then filled with neat cement from 5 feet to the surface. FEBRUARY 15, 1991/Page 1 GROUNDWATER RESOURCES INC. j¡,"'!::&1~~~~_~.,.""lT.:~~~=-~JI>~:=~>=~'crL~~1"~~~~, e . -<. - I I '. 4.1 1-·--:·---:·--·' .--.7.~:"·~:·· .. .~ ~ " CITY OF BAKERSFIELD f. ". 4.0 FINDINGS f ~ i ~ I I I I I ~ .... LaboratoryAnalysis otSoil.Samples-- ------. . .~---- _ __ _,. _ 7'~- ..:.:--c-',.~- Soil samples were taken to Applied Analytical in Irvine, California to be analyzed ~ for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (diesel and gasoline) and Benzene, Toluene, : . Xylenes, and Ethylbenzene (BTXE). Analytical results are presented in Table 1. " 1· See Appendix B for complete results. ¡. I f ;. (, \:.: ~ ! ~ ~ < . 1; " f,. L " i~ 8 ~ ~~ > '~ I: r, I :~ ~~' 4.2 Descriptions of Borings Soil Samples and cuttings examined at the site consisted of gravel, sand, and minor amounts of silt. In general, a coarse pebble gravel with intennittent sand was seen from surface to 15 feet. In this interval, cobble gravel as large as 5-inches in diameter were observed causing very difficult drilling conditions. From 15 feet to 30 feet a light brown, fine- to medium-grained sand was encountered. Occasional coarse pebble gravel and cobble gravel were encountered throughout this zone. At 30 feet a hard, semi-consolidated silt was encountered in B-1. A light brown, fine .. grained sand was predominant from 30 feet to 37 feet in boring B-1. At 37 feet , more gravel was encountered making drilling very rough. Boring B-1 was halted at 38 feet. H ,j' ;1; m', , ' fI :f ~ ¡¡¡ lij '~ 1~ :.¡ '~ , ri ;¡. 'f.' j¡ :11 ~r.¡ ¡ I i ,..-- Hydrocarbon odors were observedirt boring ß:.. t from surface to 30 feet.: Diesel- odor was predominant until a depth of 15 feet, where a moderate to strong gasoline odor was fIrst observed. Moderate' gasoline odors continued until 30 feet and - -- --"'-'---""--.--........ ¡: ,f '. Of FEBRUARY 15, 1991/Page 2 GROUNDWATER RESOURCES INC. ,: e e - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD decreased to very slight at 35 and 39 feet. Photoionization detector (Pill) readings were 230 ppm at 30 feet in boring B-1 and decreased to 14 ppm at 35 feet. Borings B-2 and B-3 had no detectable hydrocarbon odors and had very minor Pill readings. _.~ - ~'----_. - -- .-- ------..:--=--~ --~--~-=- -~-- -.-- 7_::-__:-._·;:-·----·---';:;;-_-~_.:...:.--_·:-----_ ,'--'-¡- - "-~.--._-. __n -...,.....-"-----.. .--:-~---~_. ~'I No ground water was encountered during this site assessment investigation. See Plates 3 through 5 for boring logs. 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1 I" , ! - ... .. 5.1 -- Conclusions It is concluded in this investigation that the soil contamination observed in boring B-1 is limited to 30 ~tin depth vertically and 5 feet laterally. Diesel contaminated soil was observed from the surface to 15 feet and gasoline contaminated soil was noticed from 15 to 30 feet In conversations with some of the fIreman at the station, they noted that gasoline was probably kept in the underground storage tank between 1954 and 1969. Aft.e:' 1969 they had diesel engines and used diesel exclusively at this site up until the tank was removed. This explains the combination of both gasoline and diesel contamination coming from one underground storage tank. See Plate 6 for a Plume diagram. Using the LUFf Field Manual Table 2-1, the highest diesel concentrations from B- 1 are below the 10,OCO ppm maximum allowable TPH diesel level that can be left in place. The 1600 ppm TPH gasoline concenttation at 30 feet in boring B-1 is above the 1000 ppm :FHgasoline maximum allowable level (see Appendix C for LUFf Field Manual Tables). Benzene concenttations detected in the soil are below the state action level¡ of 0.7 ppm. 5.2 Recommendations 5.2.1 No Action No action for:fris site is not a recommended alternative due to the TPH gasoline COnc:u:rations detected at 30 feet, in boring B-1, being above 1000 ppm anê may present a threat to the groundwater (reported to be . at least 250 = beneath the surface). i . 5.2.2 Excavåtion The contamimred soil can be excavated to a depth of approximately 15 feet to remov: approximately one-half of the contaminated soil at the site. Due to lICk of room at this location and the type of soil encountered during drillin;,- this would not be cost effective and would s~llleave th~ - highest c·onœ:tranon of contaminated soil in·place between 15 and 30 feet. OR! dœ;. not recommend this alternative. FEBRUARY 15, 1991/Page 3 GROUNDWATER RESOURCES INC. - .... -, i I I I I I Ii ¡I -"~'.".-"-"'-- --.- ! I e e CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ,< 5.2.3 Vapor Extraction GRI recommends that the vadose plume beneath the former fuel tank be vapor extracted. Due to the small area of actual contamination, one vapor extraction well should be adequate to remov~__the ~y~<?c;~~on ,.",""..'-~=,-,-- --cc:---c------.--~'''~----__vaporsfrom·this·plume. -This well woiïld be drilled to a vertical depth-- --- --- of 35 feet using a hollow-stem auger drilling rig. Eight-inch diameter continuous flight augers will be used to drill this boring. PVC casing will be installed in the boring with the screen interval opposite the area of highest contamination as determined in the field. - -~~--- -..-"---..- - -. Vapor extraction plus high-pressure oxidation (internal combustion . èngme) is Ii proven method for the remediation of a gasoline contami- nated vadose plume. Based on permeability of core samples the area of influence of a single vapor extraction well (YEW) will be calculated and a determination on the need for additional wells will be made. This system will be observed, evaluated, and conclusions drawn as to it's effectiveness. If more YEW's are needed after initial testing then they will be installed in locations to best facilitate the reduction of hydrocar- bons in the soil. I- I The cost of boring, sampling, installing, and completing one vapor extraction wells is estimated at $5,000. Equipment, start-up costs and maintenance of the system will be about $8,100 a month for the first three months. Mter about three months, (if contamination levels are low enough), a granulated, activated-carbon filtration system can be used, reducing the cost to about $3,400 per month. This system will be run until levels of contamination are low enough to pass county regulations and the soil will no longer be a threat to the groundwater. Estimated total cost for the vapor extraction system is about $39,500 over the first six months of operation. If vapor concentrations are low enough a carbon adsorption system can be used at the start of remediation, which would reduce the estimated total cost to $25,400 for six months of operation. 6.0 LIMITATIONS This report was prepared for the exclusive use of the City of Bakersfield as it relates to the property described. . The discussion and conclusions presented in this report are based on: ~:,"'fhe Jestbprings perfonn~d at this site.._ - The observations of field personnel. ~--~--~--- ,-_. _.n"_ _____.__._ __ .._ FEBRUARY 15, 1991/Page 4 GROUNDWATER RESOURCES INC. ---. .,~....,. - ':.¿ r~~.i.-:¡¡,:;:r~""·'¡'··Æ''':!c:''';;'''''-'.~-- . . ,~--~ - -'-- I . II II C , e - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD - - ---~- . - The results of laboratory tests perfonned by Applied Analytical Environmental Laboratories of Irvine, California - Our understanding of the regulations of Kern County and the California Regional ·""-'~Water· Q, uality·eontrol-Bo" ·ar· d:~-"~·_~--c,~c~------_. . -~---._-~-. -'¡"---~----.,----. ---. .' ..- .-.- - - -- -.-~---~-_. Possible variations in the soil or groundwater conditions which may exist beyond the points explored in this investigation might effect the validity of this report unless those variations or conditions come to our attention and are reviewed and assimilated into the conclusions and recommendations of this report. Also, changes in the hydrologic conditions found could occur with time due to variations in rainfall, teIDP~~~e,x:e~oIl~ ~a.ter_':lsage, or other factor~, anY ()f\Vhich could effect this report. ,The services perfonned by GRI have been conducted in a manner consistent with the levels of care and skill ordinarily exercised by professionals cwrently practicing under similar conditions in California. The absence of contamination on or beneath the property cannot be guaranteed by this report. GRI is not responsible for any contamination or hazardous material found on the property. No other warranty expressed or implied, is made. Respectfully submitted, GROUNDWATER RESOURCES INC. Very truly yours, fÍrC~{ J' rJ€~~ Robert 1. Becker Project Geologist 4 (9-'?~ Rex J. Young Registered Geologist #720 RJB:tab:macseb cc: Ralph Heuy, City of Bakersfield _ .. ..~",.___"'_~~~__ .____._.".___ _--'- ._" <,'."_._' ''''''='",''''_'___~.''___~O--~~''_''_____-____"___''~___''.~___,"'_. ._ ____.__... ."__ ~_ _~. _. _ "-=_ ~~_____.Co '__~"'.''''.___o~ .-'0'"'=-- FEBRUARY 15, 1991/Page 5 GROUNDWATER RESOURCES INC. ik:~^~,~.m·fc..:-~~~~ ---- e ANALYSES Lab Field ~ z î WELL ::J ..J Hnu 0 c( Benzene ~ :c > COMPLETION TPH P.I.D. :I: a: ~ w Gasoline 9 a.. ~ w ~ Diesel ppm CD C ppm LOGGED BY: RJB DIAMETER OF BORING: 8-lnch DATE DRILLED: 1/22/91 WATER ENCOUNTERED AT: NA TOTAL DEPTH: 39' SAMPLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger, DRILLING COMPANY: RESNA Industries California Spilt Spoon GROUNDWATER RESOURCES, INC. BORING LOCATION: Over Fonner Fuel Tank PLATE (805)835-7700 environmental/geotechnical services -~-~-- -.-..,-p ,~--.,-,.~, .- ..'~~.~ .~-..--. -----.- -- _.-.- ~'~. ._d_ -_,~ . --"3--· PROJECT NAME: City of Bakersfield,' Fire Station #8 PROJECT NUMBER: 1660-3 LOG OF BORING B-1 page 1 of 1 .. .. .. .. ... ... .. .. ... .. ... ... .. .. .. .. ... .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Tried to Sample @ 14', POOH to Check on Bit, Bit OK .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ... ... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. ... ... .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Replace bit, Try to get back to bottom hole tight, POOH and abandon with Coun a roval I I I 15 0.38 80 50 770 2100 75 17 50 125 25 50 ND 230 25 1600 50 NA ND 14 23 ND 50 NA 50 ND 90 50 ND 10 SAMPLE B-1-10-' . B-1·15 B-1-20 B-1-25 B-1-30 B-1-35 B-1-39 Æ'''' e a: w CD ::E ::J Z o éI .D (ñ E ( ) ~ '9 >. en ~ u o en ~ ~ r if SOIL DESCRIPTION , ,L I i í Asphalt Surface GP Backfill to 5 feet +, with lots of Gravel, slow drilling moderate diesel odor. GP Gravel, It gry, 1 to 2" diameter pieces, subrounded· to fractured, soma dark bm Silt, v sli diesel odor. ¡ li Sf Sand, It bm, fine to coarse grained, loose, dry, GP common Gravel to 2". grading to sandy Gravel, mod, GP gassy odor. Sand. as above, Interbedded with Gravel, mod odor. Sand. It bm, fn to mad gr. oce Gravel, dry, loose to sli consolidated, mod to strong gassy odor. Pea gravel size gravel In cuttings ~ Sand, mad bm, fn gr, silty, tr Gravel, grading to ML sandy Silt. moist, moderate petrol odor. i i . SP Sand, It bm, fn gr, tr Silt, loose, moist, v slf odor. Sand, It bm, fn gr, silty, trGravel, sll odor, dry loose, possible slough in sample from reaming hole. I I' I' I' !' ¡- i ~ If , . ANALYSES .Lab Field I- z î Boring :J ....J Hnu 0 < Benzene ~ to > Abandonment TPH P.I.D. t a: w Gasoline 9 I- w ~ Diesel ppm cc 0 ppm I 'II . -- I I I I I , , I I I Backfill with clean cuttings ND 39 9 ',ND No NA o 0'.1.,. o 5 4 LOGGED BY: RJB DATE DRILLED: 1/23/91 TOTAL DEPTH: 30' DRILLING COMPANY: RESNA Industries - ",...,...,.-""--~. - -....- - .~~ SAMPLE ""'~~"~1;~'~~~. - õ r::» JJ a: E Ijj w >. Q) cc en '9 SOIL DESCRIPTION ::E >. ui :J g> 0 z õ ui ~ :;j = "-"-.-... BF Concrete Surface Backfill to 5 feet +, Sand with some of Gravel, no odor. GP Gravel, n gry, 1 to 3-long pieces, subrouncJed to fractured, no odor. B-2-10 " tttt SW Sand, dk bm; fn to coarse gr, tr Slit, foose, moist; no ~:~:~::::::::::: odor. GP Gravel. very hard drilling, NoSpI B-2-17 NoSpI B-2-22 NoSpI NoSpI B~2-30 ~ Gravel, It bm, loose, dry, grading to gravelly Sand, SP granitic origin, no odor. . SP Sand, ft bm, fn to mad gr, loose. moist, no odor, Interbedded with occasional Gravel. GP Gravel, It gry, subrounded, no odor, no sample. Very Hard Drilling @ 29', Gravel. '.'. ~ Silt, dk bm, firm to hard. dry, no odor. with ML Gravel. 7 Ft. Southeast of B-1 i I I I ! I I I! II DIAMETER OF BORING: 8-lnch WATER ENCOUNTERED AT: NA SAMPLING MElHOD: Hollow Stem Auger, California Split Spoon GROUNDWATER RESOURCES, INC. BORING LOCATION: (805)835-7700 environmental/geotechnical, services·---_ PROJECT NAME:- . PROJECT NUMBER: 1660-3 PLATE City of Bakersfleld~ Fi~~ St~ti~~ lis 0__' . - .. ·-4- LOG OF BORING B-2 . page 1 of 1 ",' ...-, ;;::?- . ANALYSES SAMPLE Lab Field !z î õ èI Boring ::> ~ a: -g ëñ Hnu 0 <C W >- Q) Benzene () :=.. > cc <I) "9 Abandonment TPH P.I.D. 3: J: a: ::E >- en I- w ::> ~ d Gasoline g a. I- z õ en w ~ cc 0 .I::. ~ Diesel ppm = ppm - No'SpI' - . ·0"- 50 ND 0 29 ND 50 ND 0 33 50 B-3-13 B-3-18 o B-3-23 · · . ~ II · Ii · ¡ III· II ~ o NoSpI B-3-30 Backfill with clean cuttings ND ND NA . SOIL DESCRIPTION - -.-------- ----,--- ._r_--_~-~,.,._...._- Concrete Surface BF Cobbles in first 2 Ft., then sandy Backfill. GP Backfill to 5 feet +,Sand with some of Gravel, no odor, GP Gravel, It gry, 1 to 3w long pieces. subrounded to . . fractured, common Sand. no odor. .: Sand, dk bm, fn to coarse gr, tr Silt, loose, moist, no odor, Gravel, It bm, loose, dry, grading to gravelly Sand, granitic origin, 1/2 to 3w long pieces, no odor. Sand, It bm, fn to mad gr, loose, moist, no odor, Interbedded with occasional Gravel. ' Gravel, It gry, subrounded, no odor, no sample. ML Silt, dk bm, firm to hard, dry. no odor, with Sand and Gravel. LOGGED BY: RJB DIAMETER OF BORING: 8-lnch DATE DRILLED: 1/28/91 WATER ENCOUNTERED AT: NA TOTAL DEPTH: 30' SAMPLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger, DRILLING COMPANY: RESNA Industries California Spilt Spoon GROUNDWATER RESOURCES, INC. BORING LOCATION: 6 Ft. Northeast of B-1 PLATE . .(805)835~.vQº .___ environmental/geöfechnical services ...----~ . ..-- _..-~----~,.-~--. ._._------~_. _.._~._-~-_.~-- ~-.._- ··5 PROJECT NAME: City of Bakersfield, Fire Stàtlon#8 .. .. PROJECT NUMBER: 1660-3 LOG 0'= BORING B-3 page 1 of 1 :. aA í.~ r.· . .~.. .--~.- .--'-.~ ~~~~--.----. ... III " i i NORTH " , j I D! Ei p! T~ H 11 E L o W , S' U R' F A c: E! PLATE 6 A I) i A'¡ SOUTH ,I I B-1 B-2 " Surface \, 10 Ft. I " I ¡ il e 20 Ft. " ,\ i Ii I 1\ 30 Ft. ¡i il 40 Ft. e Borings Projected into a Straight Line LEGEND All ConcentratlQns In parts per million (ppm) 0.38 Benzene 770(G) TPH gasoline 1600(0) TPH diesel NO None Detected NA Not Analyzed B . ; onng I Horizontal ,i lab PIO Scale (Approxb Analysis Reading I I;j I ) F o 2;1 4 t. City of Bakersfield/ Fire Station No.8 2213 University Ave. Bakersfield, California Cross-Section A-A' r-\ !\ groundwater resources, ,inc. Ii ~" 11 environmental/geotechnical services . I: !: I -..' <', 7' . ~ RESNA/GROUNDWATER, ~ ~~~S¥§aiu~C. - 1500 SO. UNION AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CALlFORN'IA 93307 General Engineering Contractor Class NHaz License No. 520768 Ii II I; ¡: _:0 .:C".:-::,..- c.·:'-o:-·"=:':-~...,:-c-- -:-c:~:.-:-=.,.==-=_'==",-o ,= C",,=.-,= .=,""o-,.;.c_-~ =:==-:=.:::==-~.:::.=- .:....:.._....-==-==c== ~:--~=:cc-=:o===.,.-===:.- .,. :=c., I I I ! ,-" u___.. _, u ,,: - '.- ~-,- SAMPLING PROTOCOL GROUNDWATER RESOURCES"'ïNC.:-------------.--.,·--' 1500 So. Union A venue Bakersfield, California (80S) 835-7700 A RESNA Company ¡ , : i , ~ ¡ I I ::\ j ! I I I. o..,_.~,.._.,.~__."._..,_. ,-. .'._~_.' _.~._.._~____.__ ~ I ;¡ ti " _. ~~~..__n._'_ _p__ _._.. _. _n___'~"_ "__'0-"."'__ -~.~----...,....,........-~--"~--,......,--~~.-.--.~----,.. -~-~------,- .._. _o__~,-~ ~_......~ ~__ MAILING ADDRESS: P. 0, BOX 9383, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 (805) 835-7700 FAX (805) 835-7717 ~~~~~-,"""-~~~---~,-,~- --".. ." , . .a!'<!J¡~~~_ 4IÐ-~..~ ...- ~ k. T~", . SAMPLING PROTOCOL TEST BORING PROCEDURES L Soil Sampling Protocol ~'~.=- _,nn..cCCC-c='-''-C7-=-,Th~following. procedures are following during· soiLsampling ,operations_utilizing :tl1eJlollow,",=-~,--,cc,"-'''- , ' stem auger drilling technique. A. Hollow Stem Auger 1. Soil borings drilled by the hollow stem auger utilize continuous flight hollow stem augers. O<___~__.._~""" ~'_'__'_~_"_"~' ... 2.. Augers, samplers and all downhole equipment are steam cleaned prior, to use. In the field steam cleaning is done between borings to minimize the potential for cross-contamination. 3. A G.R.I. geologist observes the work, visually logs the soils, and collects samples at appropriate intervals. ' 4. The Unified Soils Classification System is utilized to classify soils encountered. Additional geological observations are noted as appropriate. 5. Soil samples destined for laboratory analysis are collected by a modified California Split Spoon. This sampler uses three, six inch long, by two and one-half inch diameter (o.d.) tubes. Various tubes can be utilized to accommodate the type of analysis necessary: Brass All organics and general analyses (not to be used for ,copper or zinc analysis) Stainless Steel All organics and metals analyses for Steel copper and zinc (not to be used for chrome or nickel analyses) Plastic All metals analyses (not to be Used for organics) 6. The tubes are cleaned and prepared in the G.R.!. laboratory. Tubes are scrubbed, inside and outside, with a brush and TSP. rinsed, dryed, and packed in clean containers with seals. Tubes are delivered to the drilling site in these closed containers to preserve the state of cleanliness.' , 0 7. Mter the ~ample(s) have been removed from the sampler, the sampler is completely disassembled and scrubbed in TSP and tap water. It is then rinsed in clean tap water and reassembled with three clean tubes. 8. Dirty tubes are field washed in TSP solution, rinsed with water, and reused. 9. The sampler is driven by a 140 pound hammer with a 30 inch free fall. Blow counts are recorded as number of blows per inch of drive. - ----.=..~",....-,---~.- -'-- - ,-,-~_._-.,.__....... ="-~_..,...,..~_.____. . ~ ._ _ L ......... _ _- ~-= =-,,"=~,--_.:- -==--~ '""" ~- ...- - ..,.._.--~=-~~~~ _._~=-~-- -...-~ _--.~.~_~_ ..__ _ ___ _ _~. ~.' _'--"~'~".">'"_ 10. The sampler is driven 18 inches at each sampling interval. The first (or lowest) tube is generally retained as the sample for analysis. The other two tubes are retained for back-up or split samples. PAGE 1 GROUNDWATER RESOURCES. INC. r-='~="&L- - e -- SAMPLING PROTOCOL TEST BORING PROCEDURES (continued) 11. - ___'0' _ __ ._.~ ."__" h..~ .___ A sand catcher is used in the sampler where loose soils are anticipated. This . =_·will. prevent.·the. soil...from"fallin~out-of= th6-.sampler-'-='_='7-"-===~..-c.=,,==:c===.="'=,~~~· Mter retrieval, the sample is visually logged and immediately sealed with alußÙnum foil lined caps, labeled, and chilled. Clean ice chests and chemical ice ("blue ice") are used to keep the samples cold until delivered to the chemical laboratory. Teflon seals are also available for field samples. 13. Samples are delivered to the laboratory the same day they are taken, if ... --physically possible. . If the samples must be held until the next day, they are kept chilled in a secure location at the G.Rl facility. 12. -:'-----------------.------..-.. ~-------_.- ---. --.- -.. -_._----_._--~~._-._--_._----- 14. Sample control is maintained by a Chain of Custody fonn which accompanies the sample. The fonn documents the time, date, and responsible person during each step in the transportation process. MONITORING WELL SAMPLING PROTOCOL n. Groundwater Sampling A. All equipment that is used in a monitoring well for purging, sampling, or depth measurement is decontaminated by steam cleaning or a TSP wash and rinse procedure prior to use and before re-using when more than one sample is collected. B. Purge Volume Determination . The following procedure is followed to determine the appropriate purging volume prior to well sampling. 1. The depth-to-water is measured by a clean, electric level indicator. Measurement datum is the top of well protector. 2. Depth to the bottom of the well is measured by a clean tape and plumb bob. If possible, this is compared to the well construction log to detennine inconsistencies, Le. damaged casing, sediment in casing, etc.- 3. Water volume is calculated by using the total water depth and the inside diameter of the casing. C. Well Purging and Sampling 1. Prior to sampling, a minimum of three to five well volumes are purged from each well to ensure that water sampled is representative of the groundwater . within the formation. '-~-------.;--.-...~~...._.~=-.......-,...-~~--~ . ."--'.' ---- -.=-<-="-.-~....,,=-,-=~..-----=--._,....,..."'~ .---.--......,...,."'-.................,~.~-,-,.,--~.__~....-o--- ..__~~~_,~~.,_.__._~__ _ _~ __~ ~ _ __ . -----. ~_.~ ~~....r~~~_ .- ÎìI I II 2. Measurements of ~, conductivity and temperature are taken at frequent intervals during the purge. Stabilization of these values indicates that representative formation fluids are being removed from the well. GROUNDWATER RESOURCES, INC. PAGE 2 e e SAMPLING PROTOCOL MONITORING WELL SAMPLING PROTOCOL (continued) 3. In the event that the well is pumped dry, and alternate procedure will be ___followed.u_ Qnce a well i.ªcpumped.dry~the-waterthat enters.thewellduring:"==.:-.:::c=== --._. --recovery is, by defmition, representative formation water. The well will. therefore, be pumped dry and allowed to recover to 80% or more of the original water level. _u .____~~_~_____ _."_ _~____ u._______,_ ~__ - - ---. ---.------- "-- -' 4. _ ._T ~. _.~____ ._~... Purge water is pumped directly into barrels on site until the proper method of disposal is determined. ' 5. "__." Samples are pumped or poured from a bailer into sampling bottles prepared . by a state certified laboratory contracted for the particular job and placed in refrigerated coolers for ttansport to the laboratory. . . -, - ~-- - ¡; 6. Samples are delivered by courier. directly to the lab on the same day of sampling. whenever practical. If next day delivery is necessary, the samples are kept refrigerated at 4 degrees C overnight and delivered to the laboratory the following morning. 7. Samples are accompanied by a Chain of Custody form which documents the time. date and responsible person during each step of the transponation process. 8. The G.R.I. coded sample numbering system allows identification of sample and client to G.R.I.. while not revealing the client to anyone else. 'þ ; ~ ~ y f: ': ¡ 'I i ~ i' n ;j , " I ~ II F: ~ I I. ., __._~.__..__"'~.~.__e.__,"_..__~_.~_..,."....~__...~~.~~__~.__.._"'____._._'__._'.""_.__-'.-_ _~__._ ,____.,," _ ..___ __~~__._._ ____~,,___ _._.__ I I ,- -~- - . -.~~~~- - - PAGE 3 GROUNDWATER RESOURCES. INC. -- - ....... ---,. ---. ----, ---, i i :/ P.O Box 9383 ' Bakersfield, California J~ephone: (805)83~7700 Ii Tele-Fax: (805) 83~7717 GROUNDWATER RESOURCES INC. I A RESNA ComPany CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD (' !.AB DESTINATION: PROJECT NUMBER: /¡{60 - '3 " I :i , 'I A pjJlif tfJb'1~/jtf¿ ti ( P.O. NUMBER: )60)( 6- zt PROJECT CONTACT: -- !:o¿ .&~c Ii t'" r- i:' SAMPLER(S): (Signature) 0- ¡ Í;'n· A,/ ;;¡;'-t:v:t -w COUNTY: dJed- t::o ow za: LAB SAMPLE Oz ANALYSIS : SAMPLE CONTAINER NUMBER NUMBER DATE TIME SAMPLE LOCATION °0 REQUESTED i TYPE TYPE , 8-1- / S- Ih2ill /.1,-IS O~T2 FtJ';' h'~,- f1..~ t.. 7 A'l./It TfJH((-AJ f-/);f'Jrc. Jt-I?TA'£ jJ'.,,/L [r4fJ' ) ; R-j-so 2 .~2 S- f, " , , 7¡)/iI'¡;Ad!t- F.T%!; I I 'I C-I-7,.r- I '1 J ]:/0 I, , I , , , , , I I , , , I :! i 8-/-.11 I it/Sù ' , /. . . , , r j) H ( "A J ( () ;{' ft· ( j 'f 1?7 x E 'I ! , I \ : 'I i f?-7-lf 1/?119/ ) F () -f l?- / T7/'1t (,./'J ~ l);rj('{ h ilr.YE I' I,' OS- 7:;1- F r I 8-7·70 112JIC¡1 f:OS- II , . , I , , 7¡.}fI!t-AS) Ý í?7 xE 'I I ;) ¡ í ,i i .. ,¡ : I iI , : I :, i :/ I I :\ ¡ " e e SPECIAL IN~RUCTIONS: U 5F. /)ðfl ) A ~I)r(¡v~/ / /l~ lJy/ f 1. Relinquisheð by: 1. Relinquishecf by: 1. Relinquished by: "}'. ,/.., f ,') . Jt~/_ / " DatelTime: ~/z 'I/e¡ I Received by: DatelTime:Received by: DatelTime: Received by: ¡¡. ii 'I ~ 1 ,I " Ii , POSSIBLE SAMPLE HAZARDS: u_______.___n_._. I; r Datemme: ¡: Datemme: ¡, Datemme¡', !\ ;j YEtl.OW: SAMPLE TRIP , 11 ii :I ;: ¡I II . . . ___ ~\n ~ -~_.- CCR (Rev 7/90) WHITE: lABoRATORY PINK: JOB ALE -... -- ~---_.- - ..~ I . -- _._ II fll . .._I Jli.. ~ ~ . rill' '.._-- r.-··_-'JI' "II" . .. ~. GROUNDWATER RESOURCES INC. 1 A RESNA Cómpany CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD í! ii, P.O Box 9383 I Bakersfield, California " : ¡Telephone: (805) 835-7700 ( , ii, Tele-Fax: (805) 835-7717 , ; tAB DESTINATION: PROJECT NUMBER: 1660-3 'I '<' 'i Afpl;~tþ \..c. :¡ ÆJ1tí1'Y t;('&1 L P.O. NUMBER: ç b L -:¡-Ú- zt PROJECT CONTACT: gob ~c::tl Ør- ' :1 SAMPLER{S,: (Signature) ;;tf ----r ;)þ-- ~ 0- o t kpr¡n.J ~ : -w COUNTY: :, 1::0 i! ,I ow ~ ; I za: ., lAB SAMPLE Oz ANAL YSIS i SAMPLE CONTAINER NUMBER NUMBER DATE TIME SAMPLE LOCATION 00 REQUESTED ! TYPE TYÆ 8-{-1-'5 1/28hJ 1/: So ¡; r1, Ñt:Jí/h pf /?-/ 7111ß/ú 'f- /) Îl'1c> t) 1'lr.x£ SoiL Pr1ff g-<-,?o J7ZSf:t I I : ZS- \ , I , , TPH/6-AS) ; f-l/r.xE. ì I' . / I . . : , , i I I i : I I I o- j ! , I e ( e SPECIAl INsTRuCTIONS: I' POSSIBLE SAMPLE HAZARDS: 1. Relinquish~bY: ~~!)J~ 1. Relinquishecj by: ,I 1. Relinqu~ by: úJ& /) Iff Â7¡'rn.dJ /tee ()-rz(Jf JlÍì:Ñ) Received by: , Received by: Received by: 'I I. Ii II " Datemm~i: /--31- /1 / 2. ? ~- Datemme: Datemme: " Datemm~: ¡i Datemme~ :/ VELLOW: SAMPlE1RIP !I II i! 'I CCR (ReY719O~ ~ I I~ WHITE: LABORATORY PINK: JOB ALE I . e e APPLIED ANALYTICAL Environmental Laboratories 13844 Alton Pkwy.-Suite 140 Irvine, CA 92718 (714) 472-1020 ANALYSIS REPORT ~...:c'.=.==.Attention:--=.ccBob..Becher. c:'~,."c:c='c-. c==-....=--c=:c.:c :,,=:=c=~=cc:==,.cc.'~.=o=-cc~ate·,Sampled:'.-c._.:~:Ol-22:9.h=,. Groundwater Resources. Inc. Date Received: 01-2A-91 P.O. Box 9383 Date Analyzed:' 01-29-91 Bakersfield. CA 93313 Date Reported: 01-31-91 II Detection limit (mg/kg) Project: .,,-~-~-'."'-.- ..'.-, ~ ~ ...-._- 1660-3 Matrix: Soil Benzene 0.005 Toluene 0.005 Ethyl- benzene 0.005 TPH 1.0 Total Xvlenes 0.007 Sample description B-1-30 2-101-257* B-1- 35 2-101-258* B-l-:39 2-101-259* B-2-17 2-101-260* B-2-30 2-101-261* ~nl <0.005 <0.005 0.30 2.2 1,600 o <0.005 0.13 0.23 0.74 <1.0 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.26 0.76 <1.0 < 0.005 0.05 0.19 0.55 39 < 0.005 0.05 0.19 0.53 <1.0 TPH - Total Petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline. mg/kg - Milligrams per kilogram - ppm - parts per million. · - Laboratory identification number. ANALY11CAL PROCEDURES BTEX- Benzene, toluene. ethylbenzene and total xylene isomen¡ are analyzed in accordance with EPA Method 5030 (low level). followed by analysis using EPA Method 8020. TPH- Total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline are analyzed in accordance with EP A Method 5030 (low level), followed by modifiedEP A Method 8015. _~. ~ __ ~..__ __,___~"""_.-".""",.._,,,,_.~. n,.' ,_._. '_,_._<. _ _ '...'~-.. _ --~--. _...~-- - ,--.,.~- -. n>_-_·_.~ _'__~.-""_ ...__ -....-=-- _._--~.........-~.=...........~.,-.--...~' "'~--,=-~-""=.-~--._-- ---~---.....--_------------ .- ...·.~T·~~--~~<.---'~-_____c ~_____~_ _ <'-L_~ ""''''.''''5;<''''- 'i .!Ic4loíJ.Y ';'0\_ ~~- .......01IIIIII::II -~- ;¡~-.""ii~_-'--- ( ~ I I I '.==CCC"~.. AtféIíhón:'--Bob Bechè¡· C-·___==-==C=7.".-=...",=~-=..j==c"-~c mD~~CC"s~pî~d;--m~£9i--"==-cc="_c-=-~ ..= I Groundwater Resources. Inc. Date Received: 01-24-91 P.O. Box 9383 Date Analyzed: 01-m1 I Bakersfield. CA 93313 Date Reported: 01-31-91 I I I I r I i I I I e . APPLIED ANALYTICAL Environmental Laboratories 13844 Alton Pkwy.-Suite 140 Irvine, CA 9271'8 (714) 472-1020 ANALYSIS REPORT Project: 1660-3 Matrix: Soil . - ~ - -~ - _...--~--- --~ .,~_._. T -_~... .~____.__ .-- ~--~ .. ~ -. . ---. . Detection limit (mg/kg) Benzene 0.005 Toluene 0.005 EthyJ- benzene 0.005 - Total Xvlenes 0.007 TPH 1.0 Sample description B-1-15 2-101-256* 0.38 0.49 0.66 1.6 770 TPH - Total Petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline. mg/kg - Milligrams per kilogram - ppm - parts per million. · - Laboratory identification number. ANALYI1CAL PROCFDURB BTEX- Benzene, toluene. ethylbenzene and total xylene isomers are analyzed in acco,w;nce with EPA Method S030 (low level ). followed by analysis Using EPA Method S020. TPH- Total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline are analyzed in accordance with EP A Method 5030 (low level). followed by modified EP A Method SOlS. . -..:"_...r~ ~ ~_,_. -- ~ _n-,"___ ---- ----~_ --~ ~__~__ _~~ ~__ _._-____-- ~~...._c___~~=...~__~.~_.___...... -....-~= - ~ ""-~ . ~~·P~_7_·''''~:'"'''''''_·.-------'-='''~_~___ .. -----.--,.--..-. .., e e APPLIED ANALYTICAL Environmental Laboratories 13844 Alton Pkwy.-Suite 140 Irvine, CA 92718 (714) 472-1020' ANALYSIS REPORT ,,-::-'~ -~-. Afienfioii: ------.-- -~..=:=::--.:.;".:....----:-_. . =~ob cBécherc"-.~-'=C7',c.~-'=~~m- ."," .,." Groundwater Resources, Inc. P.O. Box 9383 Bakersfield, CA 93313 -:---:-- ::;---- ."-_. --=---~--~--~.=::=_._-~ ::-_·::::=_-:----7_~-.:-_- :--:-.:::.::...:.:...~:::=:.;.:~=__-;:::::-:_= Date Sampled: Date Received: Date Analyzed: Date Reported: 01-22-91 01-24-91 01-29-91 01-31-91 .-> .~ Project: 1660-3 Matrix: Soil . I I I I ,I .-'-~ Analysis: , . - -- ~ ....... - ---~ .<.",.....~- Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Diesel #2 Detection limit (mg/kg) 5,0 Jj 1 Sam DIe descr1Dtion B-1-15 2-101-256* 2,100 B-1-39 2-101-257* 10 I I I I I I I I B-2-17 2-101-258* 9.0 ii mg/kg - Miligrams per kilogram - ppm - parts per million. · - Laboralory idenlilicalion number. ANALYTICAL PROCEDU~ - ..~---.~-: This analysis was performed in accordance with EPA.Method 3550, followed by modifi~d ··EPA··Method 8015'; ""~~'_.'..._··.n·~~n__·_'·""··__'~_~·~··~·___"_·__·___._...~_..._..,...........,_._..----,.,._._._---_..:..,,--. ,....'" .. .-'. .-. ..... ~ . I . e e APPLIED ANALYTICAL Environmental Laboratories 13844 Alton Pkwy.-Suite 140 Irvine, CA 92718 (714) 472-1020 ANALYSIS REPORT ~!!e.Ilfi~~.:._ .__c.::cBob...Becher_"c-~-==::cc"o'~=._c.""c-:'·:~,="o'7:~'._.. .,_c,~:=,=.:c=.._._ - .,__u_ Groundwater Resources.. Inc. P.O. Box 9383 Bakersfield, CA 93307 .. ..,: o-~-".Date:Sampled::, ·'·~-01-28-91 Date Received: 01-31-91 Date Analyzed: 02-0)-91 Date Reported: 02-07-91 --_._.._-~~--~~- _ _h _. ._.__ ._. -" Project: 1660-3 Matrix: Soil Detection limit (mg/kg) Benzene 0.005 Toluene 0.005 Ethyl- benzene 0.005 Total . Xyfenes 0.007 TPH LO ~ --- . Samole descriotion B-3-13 2-101-344* <0.005 < 0.005 <0.005 < 0.007 <1.0 B-3-30 2-101-345* <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.007 <1.0 - TPH - total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline. mg/kg - Milligrams per kilogram - ppm - parts per million. · - Laboratory identification number. ANALYI1CAL PR.OCFJ)URFS BTEX- Benzene, toluene. ethylbenzene and total xylene isomers are analyzed in accordance with EPA Method S030 (low level ),followed. by analysis using EPA Method 8020. TPH- Total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline are analyzed in accordance with EP A 5030 (low level), followed by modified EP A Method 8015. _.~ -,'-""-.-'- ----- "",._~___....,-___--'-___~ ,----,,~~~~_'_~~o__-=-_· ~.-,--~--,,~--=---....~ -----~. -"'~-'--'--'---''''--'-'' .~--~"'"---- .~,-.-.-..~- . _4~'___'__~'- Cv ~ ~ . . ~ e e APPLIED ANALYTICAL Environmental Laboratories 13844 Alton Pkwy.-Suite 140 Irvine. CA 92718 (714) 472-1020 ANALYSIS REPORT ~:,=c~,-Attention:··,=-p·.·Bob ·Becher _·.,:'C-:-:-.7='.-c=.=C-:.='.7C.==_7='~:'.,===,·,,-~·==_·,.,c:,·""-.7-:.--:: Groundwater Resources. Inc. P.O. Box 9383 Bakersfield. CA 93313 I II --з ate··Sampled~--···_··-Ol-'W..l\l -.p..-.. ._,. _._0. . . --"-; ~ ~_..- -.----- _.._._---~..,- Date Received: 01-31-91 Date Analyzed: 02-œ-91 Date Reported: 02-{J7-91 .,). Project: 1660-3 Matrix: Soil . ··Analysis: . - . Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as diesel #2 Detection limit (mg/kg) TPHd 5.0 Sample description B- 3-13 2-101-344* <5.0 TPHd - Total petroleum hydrocarbons as diesel #2. mg/kg - Miliograms per kilogram - ppm - parts per million. · - Laboratory identification number. ANALYI1CAL PROCEDURES TPHd- Total petroleum hydrocarbons as diesel #2 are measured by extraction in accordance with EP A Method 3550. followed by modified EP A Method 8015. ~_.- ",___","~~__,_",~.._" -õ'__ _ ___~~.._ _____~_________.~__~~_____ .............~~__,.,,_....~,__, __~..~. .- .-. .--=..'~~~--','~' ," .".---- ~- --~--_._=. -"--'-'-"_--~-,~-_.-,. - -^~- -.,-.",,,,.,"- - , < Thè: following table was designed to Permit estimating the ,,'concentrations of TPH and BTX&~ ,that can be left in place without ¡: ~" threatening ground water. Thrèe levels of TPH and BTX&E 'concentrations were derived (from modeling) for sites which fall intoj. ~i:,}; categori7s of low, medi~m or high, leaching potential. To use the 1 " ,i1",-~,-~-:-~abl e I__t .1,.nd . the _a pproprJ.ate .descrJ. ption .-f or. "each, _9 f....the ._features __ .=-= =.::::-_ 7:C=='.=.=-~ . Scoreèa.ch·'-featüre Usiñg the weighting system shown at the top of ,. each column. Sum the points for each column and total them. Match I . the total points to the allowable BTX&E and TPH levels. ¡ I \1 If depth is greater than 5 ft. and less than 25 ft., score 0 " points. If depth is 5 ft. or less, this table should not be used. \& If precipitation is over 40 inches, score 0 points. \1 Levels for BTX&E are not applicable at a TPH concentration of .,·-'-----·-.----.·lOppm·-·(gasoline)~ ·or 100ppni'·(â.iesëTr'~(For·'-èxpIanation see' step 6, page 27.) e e Table 2-1 Leaching Potential Analysis for Gasoline and Diesel Using Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons(TPH) and B~nzène, Toluene, Xylene and Ethylbenzene (BTX&E) -" S SCORE S SCORE S SCORE "\ SITE C 10 PTS C 9 PTS C 5 PTS 0 IF CON- 0 IF CON- 0 IF CON- , , , ' FEATURE R, DITION R DITION R DITION _."... _ ~r_ _ ," .. . .~- , -IS MET - <, '~;'"~:";-~--'~'.~' E . IS MET E IS MET E Minimu~ Depth to >100 51-100 25-50\1 Ground Water from the It) t/ Soil Sample (feet) 2ZtJ " Fractures in subsurface None Unknown Present (applies to foothills /0 ./ or mountain areas) Average Annual <10 10-25 26-40\& Precipitation (inches) JD ./ Man-made conduits which None Unknown Present increase vertical 10 ¡/, migration of leachate Unique site features: None q At least More recharge area, coarse one than one soil, nearby wells, etc ~ I COLUMN TOTALS-+TOTAL PTS I 40 + ;9 + 0 = I[W RANGE OF TOTAL POINTS -4'9pts or more ) 41 -048 pts 40pts or less MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE 1/50/50/50 .3/ . 3/1/1 ·NA\1 B/T/X/E LEVELS (PPM) .' MAXIMUM GASOLINE lOOO 100 10 ALLOWABLE TPH LEVELS (PPM) DIESEL 10000i 1000 100,· 29 e! A( RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ~ENCY RANDALL L. ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE III ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Environmental Health Services Department STEVE McCALLEY, REHS, DIRECTOR Air PoUution Control District WlWAM J. RODDY. APCO Planning & Development Services Department TED JAMES. AlCP, DIRECTOR -- ---_.--------.--- -..------.- ---,._~.~---- - -. ---- ----..,...... .-'- ---" --.,..'----- ,- ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT March 22, 1991 -~ ~~. ~ .. ~ ~--.' Mr. Ralph E. Huey City of Bakersfield . 2101 H Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~_. . - -.- -~ ..'. - -- ..-, ,--.- . .-----..- -.-" ..... ..._-~. -~. "--_..-~... Known As Permit # 2213 University Avenue Bakersfield, California Bakersfield City Fire Station #8 080002 SUBJECT: Location Dear Mr. Huey: This letter confirms the completion of site investigation and remedial action at the above site. With the provision that the information provided to this agency was accurate and representative of existing conditions, it is the position of this office that no further action is required at this time. Please be advise~ that this letter does not relieve you of any liability under the California Health and Safety Code or Water Code for past, present, or future operations at the site. Nor does it relieve you of the responsibility to clean up existing, additional, or previously unidentified conditions at the site which cause or threaten to cause pollution or nuisance or otherwise pose a threat to water quality or public health. Additionally, be advised that changes i~ the present or proposed use of the site may require further site characterization and mitigation activity. It is the property owner's responsibility to notify this agency of any changes in report content, future contamination findings, or site usage. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Michael Driggs at (805) 861-3636, Extension 566. hns Burger, R.E. .S. ªazardous Materials Specialist IV Hazardous Materials Management Program - _ - -.'---,,-'-0'- .-'- MD:jrw (hazmat\driggs\080002.b) PRINITD ON RECYCLED PAPER (80S) 861-3636 FAX: (805) 861-3429 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 e e WATER RESOURES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY UST CLEANUP PROGRAM SITE SPECIFIC QVARTERLY REPORT - -- ---CONTRACTOR ·NO:· --15000 . -- S0FRCE OF·FGNDS ~_·'-------S1:.;:i3sTANe-E:··/eX'.o.:r-~.,---- SITE NO: {)g'OOO:2. FEDERAL EXEMPT: N PETROLEUM: Y '"'~,,- .. ~~,. -'-'= - -. SITE NA!o-1E: 4;fÆ~¡-.s¡;'~/j ¡:;,.~ ST~Î. .#:g ADDRESS: ,;z~ 1..3 tlAJltN/S/'1'y A1/1!' ·-·CiTY / ZIP: ßI9,l~r-.s-h't'·/~ C.A '3.a'tJ.S DATE REPORTED: 06/~O/~L - - - ...~~--~-~-- DATE CONFIRMED: O~/~/9c MeLTÌÞLE--R~-P "5--;,;AJ· --. SITE STATeS CASE TYPE: ..s CO~TRACT STATëS:9 - EHERGENCY RESPONSE: RE~ED1AL ACTION: DATE U!'iDER'~A Y : tP~ /,ZO / 90 DATE COHPLETED: tPt/.:<O /9c DATE UNDERWAY: ~b/ /Pl / 9ð DATE CmlPLETED: ð3/ /3 / ~:_ DATE UNDERWAY: OJ'/ /5/'10 DATE COMPLETED: () 31';:¿;¿/~ DATE UNDERKAY: / / DATE COMPLETED: / / DATE U!'\DERTwA Y: / / DATE COMPLETED: TYPE: DATE TAKEN: RP SEARCH: ~ PRELI~1I;-;ARY ASSESS~1EXT: c.. RE~1ED 1AL INVESTIGATION: L. POST RE~1EDIAL ACTIO~ ~ONITORING: E~FORCE~ENT ACTION TA1\:E:\: LVFT FIELD ~lANUAL CONSIDERATION ..?, ~ $.1 C...... A. (CATEGORY 1, 2, 3, PLUS H, S, C, A, R, W, G, OR 0 AS APPLICABLE) CASE CLOSED: Y - D.-\ TE CLOSED: ~..?/.;?.;)j '7 DATE EXCAVATION STARTED: REMEDIAL ACTIONS TAKEN: RESPONSIBLE PARTY COHPANY NAHE; RIt If' h Hu ey C,'-ty of' ¥31t keÎ,s fi e / j I 5 0 I . T r~)l t't.{"j /¡ ¡) e . t3ltkf!("~{,'t!)J CA '73 '3DJ / SPECIALIST: ;;$ SENSITI\~ITY: /fJE-5 CONTACT NAME: ADDRESS: ABANDONMENT #: A / ;;Z;Z 1- é) 8' CIT'{ / ST.';' TE: DATE OF REPORT: OJ/~5191 PHO~Œ Ii: ( LEAK. REPORT: Y \ \ ~ \\ \~~\ ":~'>". ~~~".__/'/ \, FIRE DEPARTMENT . /' ....--~ D S, NEEDHAM '. / / - ./// - - FIRE·CHIEF- -" _ ~-: 7-- -.,-;~- _ _ . ,.~ _.r-- e CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" March 18, 1991 -~-- ---- - ~ -- ~- - - - --- -- -- -- 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 ""·cc-::-·--·---- 326'391-1·-c-.~~~.._...,: ::: ::~.. . , Michael Driggs Hazardous Materials Specialist Kern County Environmental Health Department 2700 M Street Bakers£ield, Ca. 93301 _____.."U_'·_ . --.' -_.~-~.~ .-- ._~.. .. . - - - ._.-......-.... .'~ ._-. -.._"~- -'þ '~--'- -'- -. _..~ .' -. - .,-~_. SUBJECT: Bakers£ield City Fire Station #8; 2213 Univers:lty Ave. ; Bakers£:leld, Ca. Based upon the results o£ the s:lte character:lzat:lon submitted by Groundwater Resources Incorporated £or the above s:lte, as well as Kern County Environmental Health Serv:lces Departments evaluat:lon that th:ls s:lte would not pose a threat to groundwater, the C:lty o£ Bakers£:leld would recommend a wHo Action" alternat:lve £or th:ls site be applied. We do plan to ma:lntain the property in its present land use £unction as a Fire Station, and the integrity 0:£ the asphalt/concrete cap will be mainta:lned. A con£ormat:lon clean closure letter £or th:ls site would be appreciated. REH:vp -.. - -. --.. -._- _I e . RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGt:.NCY RANDALL L.. ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE III ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Environmental Health Services Department STEVE McCALLEY, REHS, DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control District WlWAM J. RODDY, APCO Planning & Development Services Department TED JAMES. AlCP. DIRECTOR ---- ~-,- -..-. _.~ --.-.-.---. ._.___..__.~__._ '.___~ _._ __',_'__ __u_~. ___ . ,-. --.- -- . . - .--.----- ---"---~~- -- --.---.. ,. "------- ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT March 1, 1991 n __._. _. _ _¥" .,_..~ __._______ <,____ _~_~~7..~___._ "." ~ .~__~._.__. b_ ~ ,. ~~_ ,'-" .- .. ~".-'- -.. ,- - -. ~-- ----- Mr. Ralph Huey City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 SUBJECT: Location: Known As: Permit #: 2213 University Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Bakersfield Fire Station #8 080002 Dear Mr. Huey: This Department has reviewed the Site Characterization Report and Mitigation Recommendations submitted by Groundwater Resources, Inc., for the above-mentioned site. It is not felt by this Department that the levels of gasoline/diesel concentrations detected would be a threat to the groundwater at the site and its continued function as Bakersfield Fire Station #8. The vapor extraction recommendation is approved but the Department would consider a "no action" recommendation. Please advise as to whichever decision is made. any questions, please do not hesi tate to call me extension 566. If there are at 861-3636 ~~y~ Michael Driggs Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program MD: jg .. -,-'--~~ .'- .-'--.-,-,_- '0'--" n..~ _ ."._ .~.__.,.__. _ .._.~"'_ 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861·3636 FAX: (805) 861-3429 e I' . RESuURCE MANAGEMENT l:;ENCY [ RANDALL L. ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE III ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Environmental Health Services Department STEVE McCAU.EY. REHS. DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control District WIWAM J. RODDY, APCO Planning & Development Services Department "ŒD JAMES, AlCP, DIRECTOR --,.._--.------. - -.--. - . -... .-- "___. n. _._. - _._______.. .n - ~ ~ __--,-_ n'__' ____......,...___...__ ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT December 20, 1990 1- ·..'..·_._n.._.... ~. - . - .-. . _._- '._~. ,. .,~. -- - - -"- ,-_.- .-._---,----~ -- .___..~._. _ _ __ _. _._....______.7~__~~~__ ~'" Mr. Ralph Huey City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Subject: Location Known As Permit # 2213 University Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Bakersfield Fire Station #8 080002 Dear Mr. Huey: This Department has reviewed the workplan addendum submitted by Groundwater Resources, Inc. for the above-named facility. The workplan is acceptable for investigation of contamination at this former underground tank site. Please notify this Department 24 to 48 hours prior to soil sampling, After completion of sampling and analyses, a complete report describing the extent of contamination, remedial alternatives, and professional recommendations must be submitted to this Department. for evaluation within 60 days. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (805) 861-3636 extension 566. Sincerely, ~^~~ S I '~Chae1 Driggs Ú' Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Material Management Program MD:cas ·~·-~ct:·-"Groui:ìdwàtef Resources, Inc. --.. ·__"~~n__~~_._.._ ... 080002-h.m41 .---____--"o-..___~_'___ ._" __ __.n .__ 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861·3636 FAX: (805) 861-3429 . RESNAlG&l'IDWATER RESOURCES, INC. Workin? to Restore Nature . 1500 SO. UNION AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93307 General Engineering Contractor Class NHaz License No. 520768 ,,:, ¡{~~~ ¡~~ ~L.~LJ~~~-' :! ."-- . - --- ~--"- .--~.--=. .--- .--------~~ December 14, 1990 ~'-"~- ..----------. --------------~------~-- -.- '1-....." 7 1990 ., i I I Mr. Michael Driggs County of Kern Resource Management Division Department of Environmental-Health'Services 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield; California. 93301 ~"..-..._-- ~ -~.~- -- -- - '--- --- ~..- ~'-'-~- -'-- - - ·~';"__·M ,_ -- -~"'-"-Re: ,. Site Characterization Work PÍan City of Bakersfield Fire Station No.8 2213 University Avenue Bakersfield, California -- ~,~.~.~.-_..._-~---.,...._- .-< . Dear Mr. Driggs, Groundwater Resources Inc. (GRI), a RESNA company, has been retained to carry out a site characterization for the City Bakersfield at the Fire Station No.8 facility at 2213 University A venue in Bakersfield. The following Work Plan is submitted for your approval. BACKGROUND On June 12, 1990 the City of Bakersfield removed one (1) 550 gallon underground diesel fuel tank, from Fire Station No.8 at 2213 University Avenue in Bakersfield (plate 1). No fuel losses were noted from the inventory reconciliation. Soil was sampled at a depth of eight (8) and ten (10) feet below grade or approximately one foot and three feet, respectively, beneath the tank bottom center (Plate 2). No samples where taken beneath the dispenser due to its close proximity to the tank. All samples were analyzed by Alpha Analytical Laboratories in Ukiah,CA. They where tested for BTXE and TPH (Diesel). The results of laboratory analysis are summarized below: TPH (Diesel) Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes ND - None Detected Center at 8' 3200 ppm ND 0.98 ppm ND 1.10 ppm Center at 10' 8300 ppm ND 2.60 ppm 0.35 ppm 3.10 ppm ····~·_~,·-~'"·the-compiëre·-iaboratõry····anaIyse-;·are-··åttãcne(f iiš·'ÄppenwX--A.'· The elevated TPH (diesel) . concentrations reported in both the 8 and 10 foot soil samples has warranted a site assessment of . --~._--.'"'"='-- MAILING ADDRESS: p, 0, BOX 9383. BAKERSFIELD. CA 93389 (805) 835-7700 FAX (805) 835-7717 Mr. Michael Driggs -- County of Kern Resource Management Division December 14, 1990 Page 2 - the contamination per guidelines established in Handbook UT-35 prepared by the Kern County ....c .,.=~~,-____~epar:tmentof EnvironmentalHealthS.eI}'iç~s~___.__ __________.' ..- -'-c----,·----·-·---_.~_.c _ _ ~u .~_~__~ GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY I The· site lies on the east side of the San Joaquin Valley bordering the Sierra Nevada Mountains where Pleistocene continental fan deposits, composed of coarse alluvium derived from erosion of surrounding highlands by the Kern River, comprise the Dissected Uplands Alluvium. These . ." _ .____.___. ...,. _ .___ _coalescing fans tilt westward with an average slope of about 80 feet per mile., The Kern River has cut a through the upper 260 feet of these tilted deposits approximately one-half mile to the north of this site. ~----. "__ "r.__~_ The sediments underlying Fire Station No. 8 will be predominantly poorly sorted gravels with some silts and poorly sorted sands commonly containing pebbles and cobbles. Kern County Water Agency reported depth to the unconfined groundwater in May of 1990 to be greater than 250 feet below ground level at this site location. The primary source of natural recharge to the groundwater basin is the Kern River, which flows from the Sierra Nevada Mountains into the valley. The groundwater gradient reflects this movement of water from the Kern River recharge area and is fairly steep displaying a southeasterly flow direction. PROPOSED BORINGS Approximately four (4) borings are proposed to complete ,the characterization of this site (plate 2). Boring, #1 will be located within the backfilled fonner tank site, It will either be advanced to a depth of 35 feet, or ten feet deeper than the last diesel contamination as indicated in the field by odors and readings recorded by a organic vapor analyzer (OVA). Boring #1 will detennine the vertical extent of the diesel contamination plume. Borings #2, 3, and if needed, 4 will be strategically placed to define the lateral. extent of the contamination plume. They will be drilled 10 feet beyond the last diesel contamination. Because of the localized origin of the leak and because of the porous nature of the underlying soils, it is anticipated that the lateral spread of the contamination will be limited. Each boring shall be drilled utilizing an approximate 12 foot offset to intersect the outer margins of the plume detected in Boring # 1. Should high levels of hydrocarbons in the second and third borings indicate the lateral extent of contamination is greater than anticipated, a fourth boring will be made. In the event groundwater is encountered provisions will be made to construct a monitoring well (this possibility is discussed mOJ:e fully in the following section). PROCEDURES ___~_ _~_.-__-~.J'he borjngª Will þe made ~ith a~~J.!o.\V ~_te!ß_~~gerdrillingrig. Samples wUl be obtained every__ _.u_.___. five feet with a California split-spoon sampler. A OR! geologist will describe the samples, screen them with an OV A detector and seal them in brass sleeves with teflon lined caps. The samples Mr. Michael DriggS_I County of Kern Resource Management Division December 14, 1990 Page? .¡ will be labeled and chilled on ice and then taken to SMC Laboratory, 3155 Pegasus Drive, .'-._~c_'~~~c__~akersfi~~d? for analysis under a chain of .~\l.s_t~Y~~!J.!!lÇ!)Jn(~~<?_.~ppel!c:lix B). Selected samples . . will be analyzed fõiB~TPIr(diës-èl). '. ,-"- --....: If shallow perched groundwater is present beneath the site, it is likely to be encountered while drilling the initial Boring B-1 which will investigate the vertical depth of the contamination. In that eventuality a monitoring well will be constructed, but subsequent borings will be halted short of the water table. The primary purpose of this investigation will be to delineate contamination in the unsaturated zone. If groundwater is found to be involved, the problem should be addressed .. ,_,,, separately. ---- '.-. -~~ <~.-- -~-'~-~"- -;'- -_._----~-_. ,...".~ø. ~_u_ _ _.~. _" .,"'J' ---"-- ~-.~-.-.. -.- -~-.--,,>~-,-~~-~~;;--.. . -._ ~..~~"'. . ___~__....__ ~d'~__.~.________ Should a water monitoring well be necessary, it will be installed in accordance with Kern County Handbook UT -50. Operations will be suspended and pennits obtained from the Kern County Department of Health Services before construction of the well begins. The well will be completed using four-inch PVC casing, with a 15-foot screen at the bottom placed with five feet of the open interval above the water table and ten feet below. A sand filter pack will be emplaced from total depth to two feet above the perforations, followed by three feet of bentonite seal. The hole will then be cemented to the surface. The wellhead will be fitted with a lockable cap and protected with a traffic box set in a cement slab continuous with the annular cement seal. The traffic box will be placed slightly above grade to prevent drainage towards the well. Augers will be steam cleaned between holes to prevent cross- contamination. Contaminated soil brought to the surface by the drilling operations will be place on plastic sheeting and covered or containerized in drums for later disposal at a proper facility. Holes in which contamination is found will be abandoned by filling them with cement slurry by the tremie method. If no contamination is indicated, the borings will be backfilled with clean soil brought to the surface during the drilling operation. Mter field operations are completed and samples analyzed, a report will be prepared for your office with all results, interpretations and recommendations for remedial action if required. HEALTH AND SAFETY All OR! employees have received the Health and Safety training required by OSHA for hazardous waste site operations (29 CFR 1910.120). While conducting the borings, personnel will be equipped with an OV A detector and LEL-oxygenmeter with which to monitor the air for organic vapors and combustible gases. Personnel are also issued air-purifying respirators (APR) with organic vapor canisters which can be donned if conditions warrant. One self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) is also available on location, Diesel fuel constituents are the identified hazardous substances at this site. The more volatile components, especially benzene, pose the greatest health hazard. The pennissible exposure limit for benzene is 10 ppm, which was slightly exceeded in some of the soil samples. Because of the outdoor location and the intermittent nature of drilling operations, it is not considered likely that personnel will be exposed to elevated levels of hydrocarbon vapors for any length of time. Under ''''_'_.._''_ ._...._ _.theseconditions personnel will work under "Class D"protection. If odors and elevated readings are noted·ori ill· monitoring equipment, APRs· will be put on and operations suspended· till site safety is evaluated. Colorimeter tubes can be used to detennine the concenttations of specific contaminants in the air. Mr. Michael Driggs e, County of Kern Resource Management Division December 14, 1990 Page 4 It(' A "tailgate" safety meeting will be held at the site prior to commencing operations at which all site hazards and procedures to~follow in event of an accident will be reviewed (see Appendix C). REFERENCES 1. Dale, R.H., French, James J. and Gordon, G.V., June 20, 1966. Ground-water Geology and Hydrology of the Kern River Alluvial-Fan Area, California: U.S.G.S. Open-File Report 66-21. ~- , _.----...~ -~ --. ...~- -.---- ---- ." . _.___~, .__._ .__ __.___ ~,~ 'n . . . -. -,_.-, ~-. "---- ..... ~, --"- . -'."- _.~-~ .~,-- "- _.~ .'-..~-- -~..,. .-- -_.-~ - - - - ~---- ...-- --~....--- .-. -- _.~ .... i I, I 2. Geologic Map of California, Bakersfield Sheet, 1965. Division of Mines and Geology, Ferry Building, San Francisco. 3. Pyle, Stuart T., Clark, Thomas N. and Ribble, George E., May 1990. Kern County Water Agency Water Supply Report 1989. 4. Pyle, Stuart T., and Ribble, George E, May 1988. Kern County Water Agency Water Supply Report 1987. ., If you have any questions or require further infonnation, please call me at 805-835-7700. Very truly yours, D ak..- a..;). ~o., - Dale A. Johnson, R.G #4864 Director of Technical Services DAJ :tab:macpvt cc: Mr. Ralph E, Huey, City of Bakersfield Attachments: Plate 1 - Location Plot Plan Plate 2 - Plot Plan Appendix A - Preliminary Sample Analysis Appendix B - GRI Sampling Protocol Appendix C - GRI Health and Safety Plan '. ---=---~--'~--=-'--",,""=--~-,,--_. - --~- ~.'. --~-",,........-------.~.---....,.---.~ ,," '. ---~'~~-~-----="'---"-"'-"""'~-"""':"."~-'-"----=-"~---'-"'~-'-=--"''''"--''-'''=-=-'''-'~~-.-~,",".,.,...",=--",-~~~----_.=.,--,._-.., e - ---=-._--~-~ v_~..""_'_.._.._.. r-\ groundwater resources, inc. WJV envioronmentéi.!(~eot~~E!ic~1 servic~s__._~,,~_ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE STATION NO.8 2213 University Avenue Bakersfield, California ·LOCATIONuMAP PLATE _1 -- - , ~-~.-._--.,~~_. - '. ",,,--' .¡ , ~ £. UNIVERSITY AVENUE ---_._~- CURB P~P;TY LINE ---./ --~ -- ~--,--_._-'-_..- --_...-- - ,---.-- -~~. .--_._-~~-_. - ._---~-- -- ---. -'----- , HOUSE· . <_, _.._,__·.___o_~__"_~.,,,,_~_,._~_.~ ~__..__ _. .. -- -' FIRE STATION NO.8 o EXISTING RADIO TOWER concrete parking area . I I FORMER TANK SITE (asphalt cover) r BLOCKWALL . stand-by generator ALLEY LEGEND I tÞ proposed soil borings HOUSE I . power poles 0 siren post NOT TO SCALE r-\ ~ 1 [M I I I I I I I ~ ,. __.._...__..D ." Z ~ Z o ~ g: - _.,.....-- ___----,.__w-".___ . E-i ~ ~ PLATE groundwater resources, inc. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE STATION NO.8 2213 University Avenue Bakersfield. California ,,_ ____,,~~,___ ..,~n .~_ __ ~ .--"=,".,...,.... ____ . .-.-- - enviÌ-OñmeiÍial/geotechnical services PLOT PLAN 2 .~ jr 4 NO , 04 ~E , TI~E , å , ã , " ", t ~'t "'?' I , Lt 2- I~~~I¥I I , / I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, , ~,) -:, .....J ::...J ., e I I I I I e R....nQ""'h.d by: 1$.,...",.., ... . A'I,nQ..,,~id by: 1$,,...,..,., CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD ',: t1=Ü:=B :¡ . . HO 01 REMARKS CO", T AIHI III nA"O" \.DCATlOH . œ.~O-1 90-0¿'~O- I· I, I I : I ~ ACI:C""C'~ Dy. IS.,...11".' t.,.-;:x). '~"*".'I '" , ~\ ~\.. lÞ.~ "",u.~, . , Oil' IT .m. I liler,wld by. 1S.,...n-,., . R.ltnQu'lh,d by, II.,A.'...., Oil. I T.m. R.cr...d by: fj.,...",..' Ou./t.m, Fhm"I.. Oil' I Tunc R.t,..,d '01 L'Do,uor, by: ,s.f-...".., I ~ !I - -¡r "9" , o ~ Ql ~. ~ . eí ,...;~ eC ,::J! ~: "~ -- , " .... . '-. . ; i; . ';. 860 Waugh Lane, H-l, Uklah, Cahíorma 95482 (ïOì) 468·0401 CHEMICAL EXAMINATION REPORT . Pac ,':" Date Sampled: Time Sampled: Sampled By: Date Received: Sample Type: ,.. '-0"06 ¡ 12/9-Ö 15:11 Lori Thomas 06/20/90 10:00 Soil .- '''u_u_· ... c: . --- '-'-c"-"~è:ItyofU Bakersffëld' Engineering 4101 Truxtun Avenue Bakerfields, CA 93309 Attn: Paul Allen "ethod Results Units HDL .. _..__.Batch 90-.0620·018 consisted of7.~~les ~ 3.' ,T_!s..~~__._...._,___. .,_,,,,_, .~ .",>-" ._- ~~ . - - -... ..... . - --" - ~~~.,.--",-,.~_., ~. '---'---'''~'---- ~- ..:_--;;:.:.;:;~~.~,~ Sample 6 Bakersfield Fire Station # 8 University Street - Tank # 1 - Center 8' TPH - Diesel Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes LUFT EPA 8020 EPA 8020 EPA 8020 EPA 8020 3200 ND .98 ND 1.1 ug/g ug/g ug/g uqlq uqlq 1 .- HDL - "'ininun Detection Lillit ND . None Detected NOTES:-.. BTX &._E_.de.tection limits are 7._times...h1g.~er... than. usuaJ,. ,dµe__to. .tl}e dilution needed to bring all peaks within the linear range of the detector. h~u¡ltQ..1r Bruce L. Cove Laboratory Director '-~~~ C~ Date Printed: ~/06/90 <..:S ~. . ,) . . e e( \\ '.... ~ !; . ,~.; 'j!il CJ1 """ c ,i"': ..,.1 ~. r'~::':'''H:i.i1 860 Waugh Lane. H·t, Ukiah. California 95482 (707) 468·0401 CHEMICAL EXAMINATION REPORT . .' Date Sampled-: Time Sampled: Sampled By: Date Received: Sample Type: 06/.12/90- 15:23 Lori Thomas 06/20/90 10:00 Soil pag .. 6 I 'c~~--~·t:íty --of Bakersfield- Engineering- 4101 Truxtun Avenue Bakerfields, CA 93309 Attn: Paul Allen Method Resul ts Uni ts MOL Batch 90-0620·018 consisted of 7 Samples and 31 Tests ~~,,~--' ....... .-- ~ -._-~- ."'"_ '-_-~'^,h ._.~, _ "" -._.~~---'-- -~- .._~._.r____~~ . . -- '-"'-'. ___7__' ~~~O_ ~.1'_,~_.-__:-..~~-=..----:.._.,..__ -- Sample 7 Bakersfield Fire station # 8 University Street - Tank # 1 - Center 10' TPH - Diesel LUFT 8300 ugjg 1 Benzene EPA 8020 ND ugjg .J Toluene EPA 8020 2.6 ugjg ., . - Ethylbenzene EPA 8020 .35· ugjg .J Xylenes EPA 8020 3:1 ugjg ., . - MOL - Minimum Detection Limit NO . - None Detected NOTES: BTX & E detection limits are 7 times .higher_~~at1. u!õual due to the dilution needed to b~~~g-all peiks~ithin the line~i range of the d~tec~or.-· rï!j ~ Ie e..::rrr Bruce L. Cove Laboratory Director _ fSr..ur 'J c-~",'.LL DDte Printed: O~06/90 . (.:::r.F.) ~ RESNA/G~Ll®WATER RESOURCES, INC. Working to RéStore Nature e( 150050. UNION AVE. BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93307 General Engineering Contractor Class AlHaz License No. 520768 - .-.---- - . ~-.--~~_._-- - - -_._~ - ._--~-- - ~-~ ,- , "~- -=----.--.-.-. -~~-_._- ----,.. - .-. --- __ ___ __ 0'·'-- '..A.__-;..._____._ _,___.._,_.~, ~,_. .~.__,...,.._ __,~_..~.,...'.' SAMPLING PROTOCOL GROUNDW'A'TER RESOURCES INC ..:-----~ ----~--........:-;;:....:-:-.....~.--~--~........,~~----..-~--.-.~.... ....-.-'"-,-'- ft ... 1500 So. Union A venue Bakersfield, California (80S) 835-7700 A RESNA Company - -- _.~- ------~- "'-. ---- --- ---~---~.----.,. ~--'-...__._-" ---"~="--'-~-"~ 7_"'.~ '..~__~. =_._.". '.~. _~ ._~ _ __ ~_ ., MAILING ADDRESS: P. 0, BOX 9383, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 (805) 835.7700, FAX (805) 835-7717 e e SAMPLING PROTOCOL TEST BORING PROCEDURES >n,__ _____ . L Soil Sampling Protocol The following procedures are following during soil sampling operations utilizing the hollow stem auger drilling technjque. _ ~_ __. __ ,~ . ._. . . ~_~ _ '~_ ,,~___ A. Hollow Stem Auger 1. Soil borings drilled by the hollow stem auger utilize continuous flight hollow stem augers. 2. Augers, samplers and all downhole equipment are steam cleaned prior to . _ ,_." ,,___~ ,."use~ In the field s,tt?am cleaning is Øone º~tween borings to minimize the.----, "___ potential for cross-contamination. >"_" "._.-:..__~__.~_~_____~~_ ___.___~,_ _~~_T__~ ~ 3. A G.R.I. geologist observes the work, visually logs the soils, and collects samples at appropriate intervals. 4. The Unified Soils Classification System is utilized to classify soils encountered. Additional geological observations are noted as appropriate. 5. Soil sample~ destined for laboratory analysis are collected by a modified California Split Spoon. This sampler uses three, six inch long, by two and one-half inch diameter (o.d.) tubes. Various tubes can be utilized to accommodate the type of analysis necessary: Brass All organics and general analyses (not to be used for copper or zinc analysis) Stainless Steel All organics and metals analyses for Steel copper and zinc (not to be used for chrome or nickel analyses) Plastic All metals analyses (not to be used for organics) 6. The tubes are cleaned and prepared in the G.R.I. laboratory. Tubes are scrubbed, inside and outside, with a brush and TSP, rinsed, dryed, and packed in clean containers with seals. Tubes are delivered to the drilling site in these closed containers to preserve the state of cleanliness. 7. After the sample(s) have been removed from the sampler, the sampler is completely disassembled and scrubbed in TSP and tap water. It is then rinsed in clean tap water and reassembled with three clean tubes. PAGE 1 8. Dirty tubes are field washed in TSP solution, rinsed with water, and reused. 9. The sampler is driven by a 140 pound hammer with a 30 inch free fall. Blow counts are recorded as number of blows per inch of drive. 10. ._.,~1Þ~~ampler is driven 18 inchesA.t._~ac:h sampling interval. The .first (or lowest) tube is generally retained as the sample for analysis. The other two tubes are retained for back-up or split samples. GROUNDWATER RESOURCES, INC. e( .: SAMPLING PROTOCOL TEST BORING PROCEDURES (continued) 11. A sand catcher is used in the sampler where loose soils are anticipated. This will prevent the soil fr0rn.!~~~ ~ut ~f the _samp!~~._ . C ___ __ __.___ __;::"':::~_=-_-:-._~U::--__--:-_::.:-. :_"::=:-__- =--.~ __ __._~______ __.___________~_"' ...- ---~----'._-- 13. 12. After retrieval, the sample is visually logged and immediately sealed with aluminum foil lined caps, labeled, and chilled. Clean ice chests and chemical ice ("blue ice") are used to keep the samples cold until delivered to the chemical laboratory . Teflon seals are also available for field samples. Samples are delivered to the laboratory the same day they are taken, if physically possible. If the samples must be held until the next day, they are " kept chilled in a secure location'·at the G.R.t facility.- . ,--' '--~·_~-:-'-~-'--'C--'~"''''':'''..~", _..---- -.- .-. ~."- . ._~... _ n ____ .--> _._~_.-~.__.~-~---- -- .----~ 14. Sample control is maintained by a Chain of Custody form which accompanies the sample. The fonn documents the time, date, and responsible person during each step in the ttansponation process. MONITORING WELL SAMPLING PROTOCOL n. Groundwater Sampling A. All equipment that is used in, a monitoring well for purging, sampling, or depth measurement is decontaminated by steam cleaning or a TSP wash and rinse procedure prior to µse and before re-using when more than one sample is collected. B. Purge Volume Determination The following procedure is followed to determine the appropriate purging volume prior to well sampling. 1. The depth-to-water is measured by a clean, electric level indicator. Measurement datum is the top of well protector. 2. Depth to the bottom of the well is measured by a clean tape and plumb bob. If possible, this is compared to the well consttDction log to determine inconsistencies, Le. damaged casing, sediment in casing. etc. 3. Water volume is calculated by using the total water depth and the inside diameter of the casing. C. Well Purging and Sampling 1. Prior to sampling, a minimum of three to five well volumes are purged from each well to ensure that water sampled is representative of the groundwater within the formation. n . ~--- -2. -~"-, Measurements of ~, conductivity and temperature 'are· taken at frequënt intervals during tlie purge. Stabilization of these values indicates that representative formation fluids are being removed from the well. PAGE 2 GROUNDWATER RESOURCES. INC. e! e( SAMPLING PROTOCOL MONITORING WELL SAMPLING PROTOCOL (continued) 3. . "-- :-~ --- --'--. -.--:~_._--_... ,--- In . the event that the well is pumped dry, and alternate procedure will be followed. Once a well is pumped dry, the water that enters the well during . recovery is, .by defmition, representative formation water. . The well will, therefore, be pumped dry and allowed to recover to 80% or more of the original water level. 4. Purge water is pumped directly into barrels on site until the proper method of disposal is determined. ~'~~~.__._-.,---,.,...~----......_~.. --'->'-'.- -- -- -. 5. Samples are pumped or poured from a bailer into sampling bottles prepared ... ____by a state certified laboratory contracted for the particular job and placed in,.- ..., __..'--.. _ refrigerated coolers for transport to the laboratory. 6. Samples are delivered by courier, directly to the lab on the same day of sampling, whenever practical. If next day delivery is necessary, the samples are kept refrigerated at 4 degrees C overnight and delivered to the laboratory the following morning. 7. Samples are accompanied by a Chain of Custody form which documents the time, date and responsible person during each step of the transponation process. 8. The G.R.I. coded sample numbering system allows identification of sample and client to G.R.I., while not revealing the client to anyone else. .--.~, -- ," ".-' ~""'- --,-..... "-'~'~.-' -.--'-"<.-- PAGE 3 GROUNDWATER RESOURCES, INC. ~ RESNA/G&l..¡J)WATER ~~~~~a:U~c. e( 1500 SO. UNION AVE. BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93307 I, General Engineering Contractor Class AlHaz License No. 520768 f--, I I - -. -- .---'-- - -." -- --- ~- ----- "---- ---. -~-------- --.,:-.--::"'-:-:::::::::" -~....:::: .. .-- .- ~ - ._-- - .-- -,-- - . -- .. HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN . GROUNDWATER RESOURCES INC. ,..,._.__..___,,__._' 1500 So. Union A venue Bakersfield, California (805)835-7700 b ¡. - ....--_.~ __. h~._..__ I, ; -~ ..--...- I I A RESNA Company -----. - - ------------ _" ___ .0_---_- . ___ ~__..___ P_ _r _ . .________ _ MAILING ADDRESS: p, O. BOX 9383, BAKERSFIELD. CA 93389 (805) 835-7700 FAX (805) 835-7717 er e( HEAL TH AND SAFETY PLAN 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this Plan is to assign responsibilities, establish personnel protection standards and mandatory safety procedures, and provide for contingencies that may arise while operations are being conducted at the site. -- -~._- -. --- --- --.-,----. ,. . .. . -. ---- .-- .-- ---.--- --. -- -. ~---.--- . ---..-... -- '-, _. -'- - 2.0 APPLICABILITY The provisions of the" Plan are mandatory for all on-site Groundwater Resources Inc. (GRI) employees and subcontractors engaged in hazardous material management activities including, but not limited to, initial site reconnaissance, preliminary field investigation, mobilization, project operations, and demobilization. --- _.---,,-,-~..,.,-~--._---." ~. ~-~.'" ~ ~ .-._.-- -:..- ."- ..~. -'-.-.-' .-- - .....--.........-,., - =._,~- --~--,-_.~ ....... ~.- - - - --- - - - . . ~'~".. ~ -~.~..-._-~-. ....¥_~-- ..~ -.-~... Subconttactors shall provide a Health and Safety Plan for their employees covering any exposure to hazardous materials and shall complete all work in accordance with that plan. The sub- conttactor may choose to use the GR! Health and Safety Plan as a guide in developing its own plan or may chose to adopt GRI's plan. In either case, the subcontractor shall hold GR! harmless from, and indemnüy it against, all liabilities in the case of any injury. GR! reserves the right to review and approve the subcontractor's plan at any time. Grossly inadequate Health and Safety practices on the part of the subconttactor or the belief that the subconttactor's personnel are or may be exposed to an immediate health hazard, shall be cause for GRI to suspend the subconttactors site work and ask the subcontractor's personnel to evacuate the hazard area. The subconttactor shall provide its own safety equipment in accordance with Health and Safety Plan requirements. The sub- conttactor shall comply with all regulations including OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 (Respiratory Protection). 3.0 RESPONSmILITIES 3.1 Safety Coordinator The Safety Coordinator (SC) generally shall not be involved directly in onsite activities. However, ilie SC shall provide the following functions in suppon of the field activities: 1. Maintain an adequate inventory of equipment in good working order. 2. Maintain all necessary files and records. 3. Ensure that all monitoring equipment is calibrated on a regular basis and that the results are properly recorded and filed. 4. Ensure monitoring equipment is operating correctly and provide for maintenance if it is not. 5. Be available for consultation by the Project Manager or Safety ·-~-Officer. .-- .... .-.--.....~<_,.__._ ...._'".~_~.-_ __.------ _ PAGE 1 GROUNDWATER RESOURCES, INC. e -- HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN 3.2 Project Manager The Project Manager (PM) shall direct on-site investigation operational effons. At the site the PM, assisted by the Safety Officer (SO), shall have the primary responsibility for: --.-- --------- ----. -- '"--.- . ".- ---" - - "---. - - ... ·.n _.. 1. Ensuring that appropriate personal protective equipment is available and properly utilized by allan-site personnel. __ _ no _.~ ____.__ _ - -"..---- 2. Ensuring that personnel are aware of the provisions of this plan, are instructed in the work practices necessary to insure safety, and in planned procedures for dealing with emergencies. ..3. '-' _ Ensuring that personnel are aware of the potential hazards associated with on-site operations. 4. Monitoring the safety perfonnance of all personnel to ensure that the required work practices are employed. 5. COITecting any work practices or conditions that may result in injury or exposure to hazardous substances. 3.3 Safety Offiçer The· Safety Officer (SO) shall: 1. Implement project Health and Safety Plans, and repon any deviations from the anticipated conditions described in the plan. 2. Ensure that all on-site personnel have a minimum of 24 hours safety ttaining. ' 3. Ensure that all monitoring equipment is recently calibrated. 4. Ensure monitoring equipment is operating cOITectly (repon to Safety Coordinator if it is not.) 5. Be responsible for identifying all site personnel with special medical problems. 6. Preparing any accident/incident repon. 7. Assume any other duties as directed by the PM. 3.4 Project Personnel Project personnel involved in on-site operations shall be responsible for: 1. Taking all reasonable precautions to prevent injury to themselves and to their fellow employees. -.. 2..., Performing only those tasks that they believe can be done safely ,___ .._._ PAGE 2 GROUNDWATER RESOURCES, INC. er e( HEAL TH AND SAFETY PLAN and immediately reporting any .accidents and'Dr unsafe conditions to the SO or PM. . . -- -~-~---~-- -- '.- - . . - --..- - 3. Implementing the procedures set forth in the Health and Safety Plan, .,. c~-;o..c~'·'=o~_c~d reporting any deviations from the procedures described in the Plan to the SO or PM for action. 4.0 BACKGROUND All personnel shall be knowledgeable concerning the following topics on a site specific basis including, but not limited to: . ,> ~ ~__._. ,_,<,.__. n __ ----~--- --.-,....,..~_.- -~--- ~'-.~' __ .fi___~·~ ''''_'.'___'''''' __~,_. . -- .---.-.- .... .~-- --" . -~ ____ __~ ·.._õ_____, ___. ~ _.. _'__." . __. ~___ ,- .-..~.,-_.~....-~.-. _.- I Site History Prior Acq. vity Suspected Hazards 5.0 EMERGENCY CONTACTS AND PROCEDURES 5.1 Contacts Should any situation or unplanned OCCUITence require outside or support services, the appropriate contact from the following list should be made: Agency Police Fire Ambulance Hospital Contact Person Kern Medical Center 1830 Flower Street Telephone 911 911 911 (805) 326-2000 Project Manager Safety Coordinator Safety Officer Client Contact Rex Younq Mal:vinEastep Tonv Ramirez Ralph Huev (805) 835-7700 " " (805) 326-3979 5.2 Procedures In the event that an emergency develops on site, the procedures described below are to be immediately followed. Emergency conditions are considered to exist if: Any of the project personnel are involved in an accident or experiences any adverse effects or symptoms of exposure while on site; or A condition is discovered that suggests the existence of a situation more hazardous than anticipated. I I. ~ ~ .~ - - -- .' --.. - -_.- ._--~.,.~~- '.'--"-"- -.- PAGE 3 GROUNDWATER RESOURCES, INC. e( e( HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN The following emergency procedures shall be followed: -"".- ~---~- l~cc- ... Personnefonsite shaIl'llsethe·"briddy" systerii (pairs):"'-Personnel ... .co",.. shall pre-mange hand signals or other means of emergency signals for communication in case of lack of radios or radio breakdown. The following hand signals are suggested: Hand gripping throat: out of air, can't breathe - ,Grip partner's wrist or place both hands around own waist: ..._..u.... .-.-- -. --/ëave area immediately' . ,......-'.-..-- ._"_.~-"--.._'_._.__._-"..__.._-"~... -- -- --~ - .--- I I..' .-.. ..._.,~ ". .'--. ..""",,,-..-- . -.___._"..___ _~__h___ ,0..._ _._o..~..._ Hands on top of head: need assistance Thumbs up: OK, I'm all right, I understand - Thumbs down: No, negative 2. The Safety Officer shall establish emergency evacuation routes and shall make all project personnel aware of these routes prior to the fIrst onsite activities. In the event of an emergency, selection of the escape route shall be based on the nature of the emergency and wind direction. 3. Visual contact shall be maintained between on-site personnel. Suppon personnel shall remain in close proximity in order to assist in case of emergencies. 4. In the event that any of the personnel experiences any adverse effects or symptoms of exposure while on site all personnel shall immediately halt work and act according to the instructions provided by the Safety Officer. S. Wind indicators, visible to all on-site personnel, shall be provided by the Safety Officer to indicate possible routes for upwind escape. I 6. The discovery of any condition that would suggest the existence-of a situation more hazardous than anticipated shall result in the evacuation of the on-site personnel and re-evaluation of the hazard and the level of protection required. 7. In the event that an accident occurs, the SO shall complete an Accident Repon Fonn for submittal to the Safety Coordinator (sq. The SC shall initiate action to correct the situation that caused the accident. - ~ ..... - . , ~. ..~._._.~..~---._.-. - - -.--- - .- PAGE 4 GROUNDWATER RESOURCES, INC. e( .( HEAL TH AND SAFETY PLAN 6.0 HAZARD CHARACTER.STICS, MONITORING METHODS AND PROTEC- TION REQUffiED - _.~,-........~~-,,-~ .--_.--" All personnel shall be knowledgeable concerning the following topics on ·a site specific basis including, butnot.limited to:- .._._____u... _ Exposure Limits Recognizable Characteristics Symptoms of Overexposure Potential Chronic Effects First Aid Treatment Monitoring Methods 'q. Action Levels._._.___,_ Protection Measures - ___ __. __.>__ .. '~'_~·h__. --' - ~- --..- ~ -_.~-- ~.- .' -- - ~-' ~ - - . -- '~,"-~-- ---~ 7.0 STANDARD SAFE WORK PRACTICES 7.1 General 1. Eating, drinking, chewing gum or tobacco, and smoking shall be prohibited in the contaminated or potentially contaminated area or where the possibility for the transfer of contamination exists. 2. A void contact with potentially contaminated substances. Do not walk through puddles, pools, mud, etc. A void, whenever possible, kneeling on the ground, leaning or sitting on equipment or ground. Do not place monitoring equipment on potentially contaminated surface (i.e., ground, etc.). 3. All field personnel shall make use of all their senses to alert them to potentially dangerous situations which they should avoid (Le. presence of strong, irritating or nauseating odors). 4. Prevent spillages to the extent possible. In the event that a spillage occurs, contain liquid immediately. S. Prevent splashing of the contaminated materials. 6. Field personnel shall be familiar with the physical characteristics of the investigation site, including: Wind direction Accessibility to associates, equipment, vehicles Communications Hot zone (areas of known or suspected contamination) Site access Nearest clean water sources . --~ "~~--~-.-..=~~--, PAGE 5 GROUNDWATER RESOURCES, INC. , \ I . e HEAL TH AND SAFETY PLAN .. 7. The number of personnel and equipment in the contaminated area shall be minimized, but only to the extent consistent with workforce requirements of safe site operations. ,. '-0- ,__u_ - ___8.. _ .--~_A!l wastes generated during on-site actiyjties &hall be disposed of in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. . ------- . -".- - q 7.2 'Excavation and Well Installation Practices For all excavation and well installation activities, the following standard safety procedures shall be employed: 1. _ All equipment shall be cleaned before proceeding to sitet and after . . the excavation and/or well installation has been completed. 2. Only the minimum number of personnel necessary to achieve the objectives shall be within 25 feet of the excavation and/or drilling activity. 3. If the emergency and backup subcontracted personnel are at the site, they shall remain 25 feet from the excavation and/or drilling activity, where practical. "-- - ,,-,~-,..-_.-. ------ .- 4. Exclusion zones shall be established with designated hot lines. Delineation of a hot line shall reflect the interface between areas at and below a predetennined threshold contaminant concenttation based on available data. This determination shall be made by the Safety Officer. 5. All unauthorized personnel shall remain outside exclusion zones at all tiIÏ1es. 8.0 SITE SAFETY PLAN The personnel on site will be equipped with a draeger P A-80 air pack, gastech D-ll vapor testor or an equivalentt a photoionization metert fire extinguishers and any additionally required equipment for health and safety considerations. .................. \. .. . - -- -- -- --..- - - .-- ,~....~- ----- .. ---.~~ - ------ "- -~--"""'"----...- ...-,--".--'---' --.--. PAGE 6 GROUNDWATER RESOURCES, INC. RANDAlll. ABBOTT Agency Director (805) 861-3502 ' e(· e¡ 2700 M Street. Suite 300 Bakersfield. CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861·3636 Telecopier (805) B61-3429 STEVE Mc CALLEY Director RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES .-- --.. - .-- -- - .-.----- .. ------- - - ..-..... -------~-~- -I - - - _...- .--- -- ._~._ _.u__. .__ ____.._ October 4, 1990 .. .-~... ~..._ Ralph. Huey-.,oo.-.'...'-h.. City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 . -_.~._. - -~., ..._~ --~~, - ,~- -- SUBJECT: Location: Known As: PERMIT #: 2213 University, Bakersfield, CA 93305 Bakersfield Fire Station #8 080002 Dear Mr. Huey: The intent of this letter is to inform you of the necessary deadlines for work required at the property described above. As a responsible party for a· leaking underground storage tank, you have previously received a letter from this Department notifying you of the required work necessary to identify the extent of the contamination. We are now requesting that this work, outlined in UT-35, be done in a timely manner, In accordance with California Health and Safety Code Chapter 6.7 and Kern County Ordinance Code Chapter 8.48, the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department requires a determination of the threat to· the environment. Accordingly, you must select an environmental contractor and submit a site characterization workplan proposal to this office November 5, 1990. The workplan must be approved by this Department before any work is started. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me immediately at (805) 861-3636, extension 566. M~~~1 . Michael Driggs Hazardous Mater a s Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program MD:cas . \080002-h,m121 -_._~ - -~ - ---- ... " r' .. . _ _~ ,..... ..' - ',' -"'-'-.--.. ."~-',.-. ... _ ·_._u.. ___ _ _ .. -,-- ;...,......:-_" ~._----~.- . ,..... -~...." - , '-"-"'- .~._-,. '-'-, . . ~~..... -,-.~ -, ,~. '"- .... ·c ...J _ ___<_.._c..., :Eo ..JJ OW :r w 5~ IT'" -~:;_ LLa..-JQ ¡::~~~ U1 a:~~ Q ru W ~~ ij ..JJ U8f¡¡a a:~~ Q C 'O:¿a:~ u.g;~.... ::r "'.... Lr I-~~ '.;.!!:~-"- a.. ~ ;:L~ "-> e ". . , . ...., o . -·--0- --(f) ., .'. "'.'- ~ (f) i þJ . en 'v> !-fþJ 1i:!:>< fI><o ' a:: > þJ:Z: .. , ~oo :>t<E-i~ i rZUQ :< þJ I æ~~:;: i o E-i fI>.__l..__ ':Z:: . a:: i ' ø. >0 ...., I':rJ .: W ~E-iO~ Ig> <!-fIO< 1ñ a::O....,1Xl æ .- - .. ,. . ~>.. .~., . 'ÞoZ: .", . -. "- ," --- -- .. YO . ...._ v> ~ ~, : I \0 ¡ l.~- I, ~ ) ,: j~ '" o a.. É o .c:>. ~(¡j o,~ -Qj g'o ~õ 0", .c", "'w ã:c '--0-. ~<t: W-o ere e'" :;Qi ã)(ij era .----~-- ... -0 W (¡j Q) Q).~ Q) .5ãj a¡ Ii. ~o u.. ~ ~ Q) ~ ~ U)êij W = õ.0 '-ij)-- ~'ä'_~ ~___. ~-g ~ Q) "'C Q) ct3 'C 0 21 erE Q) .'ª ~ co € ~ (¡¡ ã"i ~'~. £ £9 VI W W u.. -0 e '" W Q) . ,'" ' 1ñ o a.. ...J <t: I- o I- .. ., .~ J f ,¡ S96~ aunr '008£ WJo;:i Sd 1 SSS-tt¡:'686~ 'ocnrs'n '.1 " ·-·-.......·":-·-..--~·~---."...__._..n~.-=>... ..0.. ~~., ,--~,.~.~._~~J: ." ". .::" i· ' t·.... RALPH HUEY CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301, I,· I"'· C .! ..,. .,·,1 , ;¡ " " '... .~~~~-~. ._--.-----.-~ --- 6. Signature - Address X 6; Slgn8tUre 19ent ,¿ If ~:., , X ,~ 7. Date of ,D I . I. f .i} * u.s.G.P.O. 1988-212-885 DOMESTIC. RETURN· RECEIPT '0:'. .ò_;,...· . n ", ..:.-:..~-..... ..:..~ ..., -..~........:-t ....:._4,·.:...-..' r- .,.....""'..r."" ~..,<..,. ........",,,, ""_""'_"':~"""T ._~.",.~_, , ~. .. __ ,~---'.~r. ,¿_. 4'_'"_'_"_~~' --____.h ~.__ RANDALlL. ABBOTT Agency Director (805) 861-3502 -' - . é·' e 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield. CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861.3636 Telecopier (805) 861.3429 STEVE Mc CALLEY Director ..:;- ~i'it;f~;." ""'.' }~,...-~, .,.;.: RES 0 U R C E M~\~::::~ G.~.~~E N T -: . .,,~. . ':". ~:~r:'" "' .: t·..j·· DEPARTMENT OF E'NVIRONMENTAL HEALTH'$,~R\(IÇE5 , ;;:Ù:'¡f¿~'~;" AGENCY " . ou____. ___.. r __..._._ _._ .-.y----.- ---,-~~ ,- ---- --~ --~--~- August IS, 1990 .1 -" ". ,-.. ~~.",. , , Ralph Huey City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxfun Ave.' ,_.u,- Bakersfield, CA 93301 . . . ~. ---~ - ~- ~_. .....-. ,..-~....._- -. -~._,,_. -..- ".- -. - ._._-~. - --..-' --- ... .." ~~. "~-'" ".. --,. ~--~ - SUBJECT: Location: 2213 University Bakersfield, CA 93305 Bakersfield Fire Station #8 080002 Known As: PERM,IT #: Dear Mr. Huey: This letter is an official notice to inform you th~t the property described above has been determined by Kern County Environmental Health Services Department to be the site of an unauthorized release of hazardous materials from an underground storage tank. This notice is sent to you because our records indicate that you are a responsible party for this property. As a responsible party, you must provide for all studies and work relating to the above-described property and the cost for oversight of these activities. California Health and Safety Code I Chapter 6.7, and Kerr. County Ordinance Code, Chapter 8.48, require a determination of the threat to the environment as a result of this release. THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY SHALL, ON A TIMELY BASIS, DEVELOP A SITE CHARACTER I ZA TI ON, FEAS I B I L ITY STUDY AND REMED I AL AClI ON PLAN FOR KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT'S REVIEW AND APPROVAL BEFORE THE WORK IS INITIATED. Enclosed you will find Attachment "A", Handbook UT-35, which state~ the minimum required site work plan activities, the necessary requirements for selecting environmental contractors qualified to perform this work, a glossary of terms, example illustrations, and a section discussing the answers to commonly asked questions. ... _ _ ", ~.. The cost incurred by Kêrn County Environmental Health Services Department Tor the oversight of the work for the site characterization, feasibility study, remediation action plan, site remediation, and ongoing monitoring is not covered by any fees or permits~ These costs are recovered by Kern County Environmental Health Services Department in one of the two methods described below. It is your responsibility to select the method of overs i ght cost recovery under the terms of (A) State contract or (B) County of Kern Local Agreement Option. These options pertain only to costs associated with oversight. -." --.~. ------------ -"-----_.--.......- ""\ ~--- -.~~ --"- - ---_._----+------ B-/7-9D e e Ralph H uey August 15, 19?O Page 2 (M STATE CONTRACT ---------- .-- .. - - - . - . The State Leaking Underground Storage Tank Pilot Program provides a mechanism for the State to reimburse the County for County oversight. The County will conduct the necessary oversight and bill the State Water Resources Control Board under this State contract. The State wi 11 then charge you, a res pons i b 1 e party, for the cost~ incurred by both the County and the State, pertaining to your site, under the State terms explained below: ·'·--~__.r';"_.. ~~_.._- ". .".~ "--Wherèas the Legislature· has appröîiiiate·d Iunds·-frcim the Califorñi¡~Haz·a-:-rdõ\;~-'---'·-·"'~'·· Substance Clean-up Fund to pay the local and state agency administrative and oversight costs associated with the cleanup of releases from underground storage tanks; and Whereas the direct and indirect costs of overseeing removal or remedial action at the above site are funded, in whole or in part, from the Hazardous Substance Cleanup Fund; and Whereas the above indivi- dual(s) or entity(ies) have been identified as the party or parties responsible for investigation and cleanup of the above site; YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that pursuant to Section 25360 of the Health and Safety Code, the Above Responsible Party or Parties shall reimburse the State Water Resources Control Board for all direct and indirect costs incurred by any and all state and local agencies while overseeing the cleanup of the above underground storage tank site, and the above Responsible Party or Parties shall make full payment of such costs within 30 days of receipt of a detailed invoice, from the State Water Resources Control Board. (B) COUNTY OF KERN LOCAL AGREEMENT OPTION Kern County Environmental Health Services Department is providing this option for those who prefer to pay the Coúnty directly and avoid the addition of State costs. Prior to the County's performance of services~ this option requires your deposit of $1,000.00 (one thousand dollars) with the County to be held in the Local Option Trust Account. Charges for County oversight, are made against this account, In this option, a responsible party must enter into a County agreement, Attachment IIBII, The environmental sensitivity (Attachment IICII) of this site has been reviewed by Environmental Health Services Department to determine the potential threat for groundwater contami nat i on. On 1 y sites determi ned to be non-envi ronmenta 11y sensitive may enroll in the Local Option Agreement. The site described above is not in an environmentally sensitive area and may be enrolled in the Local Agreement Opt ion; however, the County of Kern reserves the ri ght to cancel any Loca 1 Agreement Opti on shou 1 d 'it be di scovered that groundwater contami nati on or a unique, complex hydrogeological condition exists. In such cases, Environmental Health will utilize the State contract to pay for County oversight activities. The County of Kern reserves this right for any site even when the site is loeated in a non-environmentally sensitive area. It. i~ necessar~ for YQu to respo~d, in writing, withi~ ten (10) calendar day~ of . recelpt of thlS letter to adv1se Kern County Envlronmenta1 Health Servlces Department of your choice: either the State contract or the County·s Local ~greement Option. If you select the County's Local Agreement, please complete and e' \ . Ralph Buey August 15, 1990 Page 3 ..,:- sign the Loca 1 Agreement --( Attachment B) ,and return·it with '-your check ·-for-.--:---~-.. $1,000.00 (one thousand dollars) made payable to the County of Kern, addressed to Kern County Environmental Health Services Department, 2700 M Street, Suite 300, Bakersfield, CA 93301, Attention: Accounting - Local Agreement Option. If you select the State contract, please indicate, in writing, that you have made this selection and that you have read the above official notification. ~ Failure to respond within ten (10) calendar days to this notice will automatically __....resultin oversight cost recovery.foryoursUe{s) to be placed under the terms of ."".-.. the State contract for Leaking Underground Storage Tanks. If you should have any questions regarding this m~tter, please contact Susan Gonzales at (805) 861-3636, Extension 510. 9 S eve McCalley, Director Environmental Health Servic SMC:ch Attachments co It \080002. a . - -----" - _ ......__ _~ ,'",- __ .______~.c =",___," - ~._-'~-~-'--"--"'-'-'----'- -- -.-""" - . -~- - - -- -- -.. ",- -.- 0-0-0- -_~_-______=_~_________ e e FILE CONTE~TS SUMMARY F ACILITÝ: C, í-ì¡ h'îé:. 11:p:I- 9.rbt+:¡ Q V\ -* \? ADDRESS: ó<c2')3 UV:l\le.r~~ PERMIT #: 0 ~ððc:b2. ENV. SENSITIVITY: N E- S . '__n ~_'.~".__ --_.. p- - '-~-'-'----'--- - -----.--~ -----~----~----..._ "_u,__ ----..... ----_. Activity Comments Date # Of Tanks ~ ì ~QJ..f()r1 '. .. () R ()()O~6 o ()pl { 'f' £)./-, (j ý) , A ~/-ðg' LZh ll&.JoJÆ A~1~i \ ." '. ...~-,."\ ,.,.,', ,.,",' \ \ \ c:}/ó?h/k'Š- ..h·1///~ , , 5//7/90 6/1~/9'iJ I . 7/1I/~ 0 ?/R;lf() f?j/S/70 / ·'I'" / I òœra~ , . "'() oe'ra~-"c,,- . , 11 ba i?ch r1 ~~ ~.'~ .-. ..;~.. ~-fþr~d k ~Y7fJ-Î(ìP'Ý'AON-IJ- . - ----~. _.~--- . .....-"-.- ~.~- I- Z w ~ ~ < en ~ ?;: ~ 0 ~ Õ Ùlw ~3 =>< ~o ww enC1. ,H: I-en rn~ ~¡5 ðen ~z õQ wI- ~~ a: I' ~ z w ~ ~ 8 L e( er . UNDERGROUND ST<?f1AGE TANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK) I CONTAMINATION SITE REPORT· HAS STATE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT BEEN FILED? .0 ~ YES L:J NO ìii o . . ~ a: o C1. w a: w (!M ffi - ¡¡;~ \ Za: 2 ~ ADDRESS ' ~ F: :( 50 l ".....- ". .~- . ~ ~ § ~ en _. " en ~o ZW ¡5~ g¡ ~ (2) ið- QUANTITY lOST (GAllONS) /1::rúNKÑOWN HOW DISCOVERED o TANK TEST . 0 UNKNOWN o INVENTORY CONTROL 0 SUBSURFACE MONITORING D MJISANCE CONDITIONS ~ANK REMOVAL D OTHER METHOD USED TO STOP DISCHARGE (CHECK All THA T APPlY) o REMOVE CONTENTS 0 REPlACE TANK ~OSE TANK o REPAIR TANK 0 REPAIR PIPING D' ~GE PROCEDURE o OTHER DATE DISCHARGE BEGAN M MOD Y HAS DISCHARGE BEEN STOPPED ? ~S 0 NO IFYES,DATE SOURCE OF DISCHARGE o TANK LEAK o PIPING LEAK ~KNOWN CAUSE(S) o OVERFill o CORROSION ~KNOWN o OTHER o RUPTURElFAILURE ~KNOWN o SPill D On£R CHEO< ONE ONLY ~ETERMINEÓ 0 CHECK ONE ONLY D NO ACTION TAKEN D LEAK BEING CONFIRMED o REMEDIATION PLAN SOil ONLY D GROUNDWATER 0 DRINKING WATER . (CHECK ONLY IF WATER WELlS HAVE ACTUAllY BEEN AFFECTED) D PReliMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT WORKPLAN SUBMITTED ~RElIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT UNDERWAY D CASE ClOSED (CLEANUP COMPLETED OR UNNECESSARY) D POLWTION'CHARACTERIZATION o POST ClEANUP MONITORING IN PROGRESS o ClEANUP UNDERWAY ENHANCED BIO DEGRADATION (Il) REPlACE SUPPLY (RS) VENT SOil (VS) CHECK APPROPRIATE ACTION(S) D lEE BACKFCFtŒTAI.Ba o CAP SITE (CO) .. 0 D CONTAINMENT BARRIER (CB) D D V~~UM EXTRACT (VEJ . .. . .0 \UQÑc¿:) ~ ~ ~..\ÇJ,L:\: ~~\~~1-\~~ ~ ~ U\\.;~ EXCAVATE & DISPOSE (ED) EXCAVATE & TREAT (El) NO ACTION REQUIRED (NA) OTHER (Ol) D o o REMOVE FREE PRODUCT (FP) D PUMP & TREAT GROUNDWATER (Gl) 0 TREAtMENT AT HOOKUP (HU) D e.,~ HSC 05 (H/89I 860 Waugh Lane, H·1, Ukiah, California 95482 (707) 468-0401 CHEMICAL EXAMINATION REPORT .., c, e( e :1 . ., """. ¡ !f. ....:.- ------. -~-~..--_.,---~----._~_.._- ------------ ~-._----~--- . . . -.--. --:-:;---:-. ---...,-.-------:-- --- --:---~~----.-- --.-- ..~ ----.-.,-- County of Kern 2700 "M" street, suite 300 Bakerfields, CA 93301 Attn: ~Michael Driggs Date Sampled: Time Sampled: Sampled By: Date Received: Sample Type: 06/12/90 15:11 Lori Thomas 06/20/90 10:00 Soil ---.--------- --- Page 5 Method MDL Batch 90-0620-018 consisted of 7 Samples and 31 Tests Sample 6 Bakersfield Fire station # 8 University street - Tank # 1 - Center 8' TPH - Diesel Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes LUFT EPA 8020 EPA 8020 EPA 8020 EPA 8020 HDL - Minimum Detection Limit ND - None Detected Resul ts Units 3200 ND .98 ND l.l ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g NOTES: BTX & E detection limits are 7 times higher than usual due to the dilution needed to bring all peaks within the linear range of the detector. Bruce L. Gove Laboratory Director rf)/U..VC'~, ~\J.J<L. Date Printed: ~/06/90 l~~'J 1 .35 .35 .35 .35 e( e( 860 Waugh Lane, H-1, Ukiah, California 95482 (707) 468·0401 CHEMICAL EXAMINATION REPORT . - --~ --:--~-----,...,-~~.. ,.:---,--------....:- -- '-.'- ..- -, -, ,~~ -- . ~ : - - -: :'.-.- -~:-- -----:-:. -'. .;--~- ::---::::::;;:""---:-;"":""-~'':.-~'::-:-::~-''''''<"-:::'''¿. '':~--7-- -~._------_. .-- . County of Kern 2700 "M" street, suite 300 Bakerfields, CA 93301 Attn:Michael Driggs Date Sampled: Time Sampled: Sampled By: Date Received: Sample Type: Page 06/12/90 6 15:23 Lori Thomas 06/20/90 10:00 Soil Method Results Units MOL Batch 90-0620-018 consisted of 7 Samples and 31 Tests Sample 7 Bakersfield Fire station # 8 University Street - Tank # 1 - Center 10' TPH - Diesel LUFT 8300 ug/g 1 Benzene EPA 8020 .-~ ND ug/g .35 Toluene EPA 8020 2.6 ug/g .35 Ethylbenzene EPA 8020 .35 ug/g .35 Xylenes EPA 8020 3.1 ug/g .35 MOL - Minimum Detection Limit ND - None Detected NOTES: BTX & E detection limits are 7 times higher than usual due to the dilution needed to bring all peaks within the linear range of the detector. Bruce L. Gove Laboratory Director _~J.J..ro ~\)JL Date Printed: 07/06/90 l::s:~) j PAOJ NO. " I CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD , t1 ±be> Q NO OF .; i REMAR,¿S CON, T AIHERS STATION LOCATION I t) ~ c;¿,;:zO - I "10-01oP-O-/ I I I I I I I ! ! i1'1'".'1tI1Y1 i 'D¡le I T ,me ' R.c,'.ed b/IS.'n......<W I {5,v"·''''.' R.I,nQu"hrd by. IS.,n.,,,..1 Due I T,me Rec....d by'; IS.,..........I R.'.n~u"h.ø by: (S'"...,,,,.., OAIr I Time R.c.,..d 'or lADor¡lory by: I~.,.". . Rem.rk, D... IT,mlt i. !1' " !;. >\ð¿. '~~ o e ~. -, e -~ --\'(111 Aµp¡~·.t~U \.)Mb r~,· .:'..;:.;u ·-vLì.)~-1 (!:.~II~S "' .JL...:,:, p _l:¡"u. ,;'·,_.:1 .;1 r1t:'-i.lr. :'\::rvICt.: T ',.I....c SuQ!)laflCOS Conlr') Dll/iSIO' ex: w ~ z w U W (/) Z o Q. (/) W ex: ...J <{ Z o ¡:: <{ Z w ~ ...J ...J <{ U l~al::ie PrHlt or Iype (Form aeslgnèü 101 use' e' "&JlfCf1 lypewrtuy) ---. ---Mä;~_( Sacramento. Galiforn!é \ ..- --··'[1;··---------- ' , UNIFORM HAZARDO enerator',Ij us EPA 10 No 2. Pa e 1 ' J ... I Document No. Q Inform8110n In Ih~ snaded areas , WASTE MANIFEST ¡ C I ì~ .!J 1'0 I 8 I I] 4 i iJ I-j , !¡..J18 4141~11315 1 oil's nOI requlfed by Fea~ral law 3 Generator's Name and Mailing Address A, State Manlfaat Documenl Number 8974 1 9 ", I..~ I Dept. of Public Worksr City of Bake c,;: f i <0' lei ;) .) 1501 TruxtuÍ1 Avenue, Bakersfield, Ci'l '.) ])IJ 1 B, Stata Ganerator's 10 I 4, Generator's Phone (805 j 326-3724 I 11 I I I , I I I 5. Transporter t Company Name 6. US EPA 10 Number C, State Tranaporter's 10 Pl <'1C'pr T Service KiA LD 19 I 8 I 'J I 0 I 4.0 10 ( 0, Transporter'a Phone 7, Transporter 2 Company Name 6, US EPA 10 Number E. Stste Tranaporter's 10 I I I i I I I I ! 1 I F, Tranaporter's Phone 9, DesIgnated Facility Name and Site Address _10, - .- _..-US··EPA·IO Number· -----. . ., - . G, ·StateFacill,y'SIO - ~-< -. .-.--- ..- -- -.- ·"-Evergreen EnvirohmentaI ServIÒis I , 1 I 1 j I I J j 6880 Smith Avenue H, Facillty'a Phone Newark, CA 94560 ,CIA,!),::! 1°1°1619,5 716,1 800-972-5284 12. Containers 13, TOISI 14 I, 11. US OOT Description (Including Proper Shipping Name. Hszsrd Class. and 10 Number) Quantity Unit Weale No, . No. Typa WI/Vol s, Slate Petroleum Fuel Oilsa 241 G EPA/Other E o ,0,,1 T'IT- -·~-I---I-" I -I- '- -(;-- ----NONE ...----. N ...--. ~ ,-." ,,-.~.- -_.,~..... -·-'E~- b, State R A EPA/Other T 0 1 I I I I I R c, Stale EPA/Oth.r I J I J j I ~ d, Stal. EPA/Other I I I I I I I J. Addilionel Deacrip,iona '0' Ma,e"ala lisled Above K. Handling Code a lor Waltea ll'ted Above a, b. Rinseate ; Water; Petroleu Fuel Oils OR-l c, d. 15, Special Hanaling Instruclions and Ada'lionallnlormal'on Wear Gloves 'Site: Fire Station its 16, GENERA TOR'S CERTIFICA TION: ·1 nereoy aSclars rnat '''9 COntents 01 Inl~ conSIgnment are tully' Cine accurately descnbe(j above cy proper snipping name I and sre class,'ied, packed, marked, snd labeled, and are 'n ail respects ,n proper condit,on for transpon by highway according 10 applicable internalional and national government regulaliona, It I am S large quantity general or, I cert,'y thst I nave a program ,n PlsC& 10 reouce tne volume ana tox,c,ty 01 wasle generetea to the aegree I have determined to be aconOmically prscticsble and Ihat I have selected the pract,cable metnoa 01 trealment, storage, or disposal currently availabla to me which minimizes the present snd IUlure threat 10 human health and the environment: OR. " I am a smsil quantify generator. I have made s good laith altort 10 minimize my waat. generation and seleCI the besl waste management methoa tnal is ava"able to ma and tnal I can allord Printed/Typed Name ¡ Signa lure Man/II Day Yfla, ~ ,. ! , I I I I I I T 17. Trensponer , Acknowledgement 01 Receipt Of MSle"sls R A ,Printed / TYPed Nsme : Signs t ule MOn//1 Day' Yfla, N 5 I I ~ I I I P 18, Transporter 2 Acknowledgement 01 Receipt 01 Mster'als 0 R Printed I Typed Name Signalure Mon//1 Day Yee, T ,;,; I ~ , I I j j .1 J 19, Discrepancy Indicslion Spsce F 'I A C I : L I I 20. Fecility Owner or Opera lor Cen,'icalion 01 rece'pt 01 nazardous mate"als covered by th,s manilesl e.cep' as noted in Item 19, - ..~.J.. I y Printed / Typed Name I Signature Montll Dey Yaa, ! I I I I j o I/) I/) ,.. c\, I/) co 6 o ~ nu --'::"::í-- ...J <{ U <{ Z a: o u. ::¡ <{ U Z ~ .. -~.,~~, ¿.¡ 2 co ..¡. N i ...J ~ ö: (/) ex: o >- :.> z w '-' ex: UJ ~ W Z <{ ~ o ...., 'J) <{ U ~ OHS 6022 A (1/88) EPA 6700-22 (Rev. 9'66) Previous aditions are obsolete. Do Nor Write B",low Th,s Line ..,.")1: ~ ' r '~it ; ;. ~) ~ :¿ ..jj . 6880 SMITH AVE., NEWARK, CA 94560 (800) 972-5284 EPA ID# CAD980695761 EVERGREEN .\ ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES . A DIVISION OF CALIFORNIA OIL RECYCLERS, INC INVOICE 16 222 0 c-- u S T o M E R JOB LOCATION BILLING INFORMATION .. ,. .c. -..--.-'." NAME··,·,·=·,·,==-..··;- CÞ ADDRESS STATE (tf UrJ/ U CO CITY STATE ZIP , " _." .__ ,l- _ ~~~ ~~ _, _'~_""-' ._._'_._'_.~:.~, _.,_ PLEASE PAY FROM THIS INVOICE PRODUCT WASTE PETROLEUM OILS COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID NA1270 WASTE ANTIFREEZE NONCOMBUSTIBLE LIQUID UN1132 HAZARDOUS WASTE LIQUID ORM-E UN9189 WASTE OIL WITH > 1000 PPM HALOGENS OTHER: TSDF EVERGREEN OIL, INC. (415) 795-4400 6880 Smith Ave EPA ID # CAD980887418 Newark, CA DRIVER DG-Rr " --- -- ./ . _. -_.,--~-- - ··T,__," __~_c___~__' .. --.- .-~---~---- "-'--'-'--'--~ ·,--~---_·_--"______u. "__ _ . -- --' .-- . -- ~-_._- . ." -~'- ,-~"""",,",~.....,=--_' ,,~_.~~~~~ry.- / \" . .~?:':::' f-" "~·.C"· . r KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ",. '.',., .1"'~"i4-, . . '. .;:._~~~.-:. ......... ~i . ,..; .' *"--~ .. .. "". -~ .. ~~f~~-:·.,-:' ,- :/:~k:J~ - ·~~t~ · ,'>', (i,:it;~~ '.~n·J%~/'~t., " t ~:;¡~i>( SècÜón''3 c0-. To "';be ·f~:;;~:~ "~~l;t~~~Tment::f{"C ~Ji:,'" acUity Name '?j\,' ~~è~'~;:~\'Åd,d~~~i~;~w: -~ '.",.::>£;;, ,',Date TañkSðßh' ~~1ve' "i:..',;2"'>' ~:ri:~:::,::";¡, ';'';;/.c;':, 1 ".', . . fj' .f' ':;\~";¡~N(J¡!' '" ' , ";;.'\:' : .:":\'~:;:'~\,!,Slgnature· " ,Æ""":,, ""TJ tIe :"::~;:::'~ ')\\~(:it~;'\,j~:~';~¡;';'" , (A ~ tÌ1~'~'J~:a'îRep1~'si~~"t'~ti ~e}:.:2>~:"[,~~:.;~[;!,L'; :~. "':;~;~;; ,::.,'''' . ·':':'1~~· .' ::.-"----~-~_·~:""-~;·T¡;~~ ~':!::'~.~7.;;:,'..;/;" "," ,"-;.> ,. ,,, -"..<:: . . . . . ,.:.' . . ,·i'; .:-Ú::~~}~\, :~;,";~}?~';~ ~:.,. INSTRUCTIONS:" ";'" Fold "In ~,ha1t ,Ii¡ .!,. "., -, to"·- ;:.~é:i1;fê~:~:~;;ti:;~.j:~~~~. " .-::,.¥"t.'';'''::- . --'" ~ '.' : . "'. '. it *:i'JAILING '~,:~~:\ c,J .;, ~öOR ORIGINAi.. ". r.·. .... ~.~~..;\ . ~ .. '. .. ,.. .-'" , . iI,,'· and 'staple. '\'i .:.'.' ". -f. 1;:.+, ,. 'l;.~ : (Form :}{'{\fP:-150) ,~ , _ . _., _,,,_J~'>_ ,.'., n-._......, ,.,-_,__-....,~_____,-_.=--.... .----- . .1 . G;:~. WICKS Agency Director (805) 861-3502 STEVE McCALLEY Dlrec'or c! I i , ' ,- \ e c...·· . , . ~,'"'' -:. _. .. ", ,- ., .tJ!t~ : - ,,,,", ': ". n .:: '..'~_:~ ~:"'" ' ,. ,~ERMIT ..JOILJJJi:.t~1ANENT f~.,<?~URE . ,.;..." . . , .. ,OF 'UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS -~ -. ': '~". ";;:¿. -." ".:':::SUBSTANCES STORÀGE FÀCILÍTY " ,.' t- "ERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF . , 1. ~ANK(S) AT ABOVE " ;~" {,," . ,.!' LOCATION .................. ................ ......... ..................................... P OS TON P RE MISES.....~;~·:~~~~.:2::~E::~;~}~~f?5:~~~.. . . CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: " " 1. It is the responsibility of the Permittee to obtain permits which may be required by other regulatory agencies pr: Fire and Building Departments). c>:~::::è}f;"~_':g:~7":~i:.jI,:;·'; 2. Permitt!% must notüv the Hazardous Materials Management Program at (805) 861-3636 two working days Drior H in place to arrange for required inspections(s). ,..,;;/'::::' :ti~:,:;'::·>:',}:>:;i,.';i\~Y',:'\yf;;\~1.·::;! 3. Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Environmental Health and Fire Department approved' methods as 4. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and adhere, to all applicable laws regarding the handling, transport2 materials. ,.." ',' "", ,:':' ": ,.. S. The tank removal contractor must have a qualified company employee on site supervising the tank removal. The e::: experience prior to working unsupervised. ...._, - ..' -.' ,. 6. If any contractors other than those listed on permit and permit application are to "be utilized, prior approval in listed on the permit. Deviation from the submitted application is not allowed. "';:;';':'¡":,:,;,;::".':':;, "':"''':''':'';,h 7. Soil Sampling: " ," :'i4'j.;p'c;~';~{'$.i~~:i!f:g~~~U\1:~"~~ a. Tank size less than or equal to 1,000 gallons - a minimum of two samples must be 'retrieved froÌ1¡'¡x:neath of approximately two feet and six feet. b. Tank size greater than 1,000 to 10,000 gallons - a minimum of (our samples must be retrieved one-thir each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. :,.' , ',.' ,'.,.<,' .:;;... '.. c. Tank size greater than 10,000 gallons - a minimum of six samples must be retrieved one-fourth of the w , and beneath the center of each tank at depths of approximately two (eet and six (eet. .' "·~·-'-·~~8; ~Soil"Sampling(piping'area): '-"~".'" :......... _._."...·,...·,.,,,,,.,,c.." .,.~.._._.~,_., ...._,-~_.-~.....-.....~._-~~_..._,-. A minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approximately two feet and six feet for every 15 line:: dispenser area. . .. . r- ( . (, ¡\ ~ PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE PERMIT NUMBER A 1221-08 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS ADDENDUM " ':':::P:::'~ FACIL1TYdjjï;;t~:(G~ð~¡~lj~r:' , ,,\,';f~¡\~:lfi;i':;\~. ' " "', ,.' " , " ,', : ';a.": '.." All soil samples retrieved from beneath ga~oline (Jeaded/unÍeaded) tanks and appurtenances must be anàlyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene, ;~. _:: ';:and total petroleum hydrocarbons (for gasoline). :"Lf".~"~ .. ,'; ", b. . '::~ ~',' All soil samples retrieved from beneath diesel 'tanks"and appurtenances must be analyzed for. total petroleum hydrocarbons (for diesel) .'. .. ".". ,':~..'::;t,::;·)nd benzene... ,., . .' ," ',W\"i,:;·i.:"/i'::.!..:';·~':::;:''' ".::,.::¡,,;{<'~';'. . .~;'i¢';::'è''';::''':~~';::'(, .. ':,:' .'.,." ",';.,\":' ~', ~"':' :~.;::;':;c~;>;,c."~C':;:-""(Allso¡rsallÍlili:sietrieŸe(HrOm beneato·waste·oiltanks andappurtenancescmúsrbëanalÿzëd"for"fõial 'Oiganïclîalides;·lèadj oil and grease;. - ", ;i":¡,D"':J:;~t·,d.r~;.: I soil samples retrieved from beneath crude oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for oil and grease. ";':"';:è' .,,,' ",:::'y:(,~¡,\;,~,~"> ".!;<::':¡;·~~~lf./l;Je. ;'kr~..,,;~$;;AlI soil samples retrieved from beneath tanks and appurtenances that contain unknown substances must be analyzed for a full range 0( ""ì:,L:i,~:,:',,¿;;?~';~V,,;;;,~!ii'''' ubstances that may have been stored within the tank. \ ';'i2;;f;,;~;t;:~:' ,:< :.,·",:'¡~~~;~~i;:01:f: ;~;.~',~;,:::; '.,',-,., ,,;~:.::c~';,.:'; ::_~",':~:"::¡¡<~;'¡r;:~'1.,." I soli samples retrieved from beneatbtanks and appurtenancestbatcontained furfuryl alc()hol resin must be analyzed for pbenols, >,:;:::'y::fi.f";j;{;~::f,'ri§r¡~~~~!ormaldehyde and furfuryl alcohol.,;~¡,~i?~~~~i,$;3~~!\<>Jf" ., .. ':'" ,\:.9" " "'., ,:,' . :L"',i~¡;~:;i¡:)" :;¡¡"it~ ' ;:i;':¡'be foll~' 'ng timetable lists pre-".an~ ~~:-tank removal requireme ' '. . '; V~¡;f'0"'{, ;::~::~~.~-:~ ;J~~~'~~J.;;:::" . ,_.. . :¡'1:(' . , . mpleie permi{ application sub d'~fio Hazardous Materials Managem '~$J~~t~\~~~~~'4rr~J1!~1%~~}~;¥;~~':::~~L, '. ' '.' '. n~to inspèètor listed on d tiIÎ1e 'åfèiosure and soil sampling ,':; ';, ',' ',..' c,' ,. Þ~1§¥q:~~X~Jß0:~¡;~:~~,~\{tiD,~1(.:;::~,(::i¡;:;;r.;.lt~!@; ;.~,. ", ,"!::;:;;~;i,;rTransportation and tracking forms sent to Hazardous ",;,'<'?;;¡¡l\i:)¡i-:~?~~:;:'~1Materials Management Program. All hazardous waste ;.,. 'ií¡)nanifests must be signed by the ~v~ !'l the . ~~~~~~i¥~*~~hi¡~:~~~11;~~:~%:~~;Zt~2{ :-\\~'iSampiè anålYsis,iò Hazárdous Materials M~någemént '\<~,t~:E~!!:d;.w.::"i,:-;r~~!:~9]~';\C:\!i;; ,',,:,';i< " , ". , ", ':'~:'W>':';a;i.:/D,;Liquid sbaU be pumped from tank prior to purging such that less than 8 gallons 0( liquid remain in tank. '(CSH&SC 417~),;~;,:!({;).~,~ ',. ~~'2r :,; '.b.¡~J¡,,;iö.:':;.).,Tank shall be purged through vent pipe discharging at least 10 feet above ground level. (CSH&SC 417.00). ,:~ '~sk:\;'j\·:,:.':,:"é;~¡~i~:,~?::'j~: ',¿ '~i';~':.~'\'J(c. "il;~>î!>,No emission shall result in odors detectable at or beyond property line. (Rule 419),:;:~~i:">,~J,~~:.;,'<:,::;,,;:/;\;}:';')f)' t."_~,,.l., :~!_('1 " "'''',;.'1',' ".n"''-'_~''':;'' ¡..,~-. ,:.,;;};'/d. ;i't::;'"No emission shall endanger the health, safety, comfort or repose 0( any person. (CSH&SC 41700) :";:>{/(;'.. ,';/:. ,I,'L '. ,Î . >,,~~) :,: <,:' ';'.....e. "f·"·,Vent lines shaD remain attached to tank until the inspector arrives to authorize removal. .'.',," ;";', ,¡.,' ':;:.:.' ,. ' :,C,;,i:~." ,,~,' ., , ' ,~.,:. - '."~ ..¡ ./."" . " '. ___,", ¡,:,RECO~~~~~S~.?umFL~S ~O,~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~,~;~TO~GE TANKS,)t~, :1."t.rlt;,,', :t~:;,,:::¡ .' ,:.,:~t~;,t:;: ;' ~;;:":<~!j~: This departùi~n~ is '~~l1Sible for è.dor~i~gtb·e Kern Co~nty Ordin~~ Code, Division 8 and state regulaÜons~aining:to undergro~Dd sto¡."agë't~Dks. ..,::':<,i:'¡Representatives from this depanment respond to job sites during tank removals to ensure that tbe tanks are safe to remove/close and that the overall . 'job performance is consistent with permit requirements, applicable laws and safety standards. Tbe following guidelines are offered to clarify the interests ..¡">"~ ~~d, ~~~tations fO~,~,~,~ depanment. ,:,'¡';:;:id~;f:~¿i;~,~;i;,"~t~;;i;;:,~~~.~~.#~~, ,'::>~/~{tJ¡tf~¿X':·', ;': ,;, .", " ,¡··,.~;t;jt;.·<· ".'}:;',;::':}; '; ,Job site safety is one 0( our primary concerns.' Excavations are inberently dangerous. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and abide by .i '~:"'¡:CAL-OSHA regulations. The job foreman is responsible for the crew and any subcontractors on tbe job. AT. a general rule, workers are not ,'. permitted in improperly sloped excavations or when unsafe conditions exist in the hole. Tools and equipment are to be used only for their designed . '·;'''.'~function. For example, backhoe buckets are neveuubstituted for ladders. ~', . ,':.< ':-."'. ' . ,; '. "',f' . ~ " , ¡~l..... .;; _c.. ", ¡:" ,', :. ,,-. . ,~; ... .~~,> .- 2. '" Properly licensed contractors are assumed to understand the requirements of the permit issued. The job foreman is responsible for knowing and ::;,~biding by tbe c?nditions of the ~t. . Deviati~~~~,t~~ ~it ,conditionsDlay result in a stop,~w.~~k ?rder. . '" ,,;,,~ >~;':,,::< : '~y,":::. ":..., ..':.'..' ' .. ',' :,«.:,.;,;.;",::;.,,;:.. .1,<;.':': .." '.. ,::,~",.;,,: ..,.0:'.'. . "",':';',:;:". '".... ". ,,··,,·:;,',.:"·..".;i,:' '.::,',.:,,:. , .' ',ii:"::> 3. ,"Individual contractors wiU be beld responsible for tbeir post-'removalpaperwork. Tracking forms,'hazardous waste manifests and analyses . ',' , ',' ,At,,' documentation are necessary for each site in order to close a case me or move it into mitigation. "When contractors do not follow through on ,,':'~~~:¿ ~P'_"~ unÄ':Ie;-;::gt::n7~7:~ =w... If tbU '""U'"O, 7~,., ;ng Ume ~ enJ:W9ingonew closures will , ~~.\.. ,.,..~IL.. _.:-, ¡~I , ' )CI:'D' ~ .. t ,:tt1:" ,-,,' ~. \;/ L..¡'~ .-~--""cceoted"Bv~~~'- ~ ~,~þ -~~~ " . '_..:....._~._~~__~~_....:.~ob -~- .,,- ~~ nl _ _. _____ -'----"'.....,.,. ______- __ """"'""". -e __ 7---~ -- - - OWNER OR AGENT DATE DS:cas \aI221-08.ptc ·r e( :.- KE~ COJNTY RESOJRCE MÅJ'IIAGEMENT ACENCY ENVIRCNMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT 2700 MM" STREET. SUITE 300 8AKERSFIELDÅ CA 93301 (805)861-36.j6 (FILL OUT ONE APPLICATION PER FACILITY) APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR PERMANENT --- ..-. ·_·CLOSURE/ ABAN[;(X\Jto1ENT OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILITY THIS APPLICATION IS FOR lCJC R8t'OVAL, OR [] ABAN~MENT IN PLACE A: F~ILITY I~TICN ~ - INTERNAL USE ONLY: ! APPL I CA T ION DATE: _~)f ~ PT A: 1J.L~J_:t¿¿ t* OF TANKS TO ABAN~: _J___ I PI~lNG FT. TO ABANc:a-J:_____ PTO: of3{JOO~C . ----------- ~--_. -.... -- - ~ PlnJECT IXNT.ACT: Cathy Thomas I FH:NE I: 916-652-553~ T/PISEC (RJAAlI.OCATlOO): F~ILlTY twf: Fire Station No. B AWSS:2231 University Ave. N£AAEST em STrnT: I ,~E 1:805-326-3724 'CITY: Bakersfield ZIP: 93301' -, Mt.Vernon Ave. , ()NER: Same as above' AOCæ»: STATE: PIœE I: CITY: ZIP: I 8: CQ{T'IOCTæ INfœtlATICN TN« IDOIAl COORÞCTæ: ~: P 0 BOX 170 STATE: CA AŒ I: 916-652~~)ŠR TRACTOR, SERVICE CITY: Loömis, ZIP:95650 Prœ:&D STAAT ~TE: 'S ~o CAl..I~IA Uœ,se TYPE & 1:440591-A IœŒR'S ~TI~ I: Bp 23214B CQffRtCTæ ~RIEVII«3 Sit'fUS: Alpha Lab ~: 680 Waugh Land STATE: CA AŒ I: 707-468-0401 CITY: Ukiah ZlP:95482 IOìI<fR'S ~TIŒ I: BP 232l4B 1N9JRER: Calif. Indemnity Laoo~m"'" ni4T WlLl NW.YlE SIH'I..fS: Same as above~: STATE: IHJ£ I: CITY: ZIP: c: OØlCAL ~TICJI a-iEMICAL C(tY1POSTI~ OF MATERIALS STORED: TANK # VOLUME CHEMICAL STORED' _UnJsno~IL__.5..5..Q___ Diesel _____ , ----------- DATES STORED UnknownTO ...,------rO-- ----rO-- --:rO__ I ~~~~ F:~:::~STORE:I ------------- --------------------- D: aNIlWØTAl ~TICN *TER TO FÞCILlTY PIDflœD BY: Unknown lis GI{W!:W,TER WITHIN 50 FErn Y æ N Unknown NEAREST KUER IfLl~IVE DISTNa IF WITHIN 500 FEET: None 9JIL TYPE AT FÞCILlTY: Unknown BASIS Fæ 9JIL TYPE N() GrnN~TER CUTH Œ1mlNATICH: Unknown TOTAl. ttM1ER Cf ~ TO BE Nœ.YlED: 2 I ~ TO BE NW.YIED Fæ: TPH & BPX&E E: OISPC&L ~TICN CEO:HTN4INATIŒ PI{Œ(JJRf: TriDle rinse & iced with 20#of dry ice œ::cmAAINATIŒ coorocTæ: PLACER TRACTOR SERVICE Dlfi~rR~~ ~RONMENTAL, NEWARK. R(Œ I: 916-652-5535 DI SRIìAL. IETI(() Fæ T NIX( 5) : Cut UD for scrap Ol~ I.OCATI~ Fæ TNð\(S): AMR, ,Newark ·OJ~ ~nanarPIPlhG: --~ Same'as' abve ---- DIs.cœAL I.OCATI(J Fæ PIPIt«): AMR, NEWARK \ ....- - ---- - **PLEASE CO'iPlETE THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS APPlICATIŒ4 BefORE SlÆ3MITTING FOR REVIEW** THIS FO~ HAS~B EN C(tY1... PLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY AND TO THE B. . EST OF MY KN~LEOOE. IS TRUE AND CORRE . _. 17.. 1d.. _ . 11. ..> ;\_ . ~I . SIC?NATURE: Cl/~ í~ TITLE ~/¿,<.ð- ',__ DATEo//r/9 . ( ( -( ( - - <t UNIVERSITY A'lENUE ---------------~------------, CURB ~ ~ \ ¡ I I I I I , ,. ,..1, I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I 1 PROPERTY LINE i I I ,I i I i I I I i I I ¡ I HOUSE EXISTING RADIO TOWER ® PUMP & TANK (550 GALLON STEEL TANK, DIESEL FUEL) TII-dK J FIRE STATION NO.8 BLOCf<W.A.LL ALLEY ,............ ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. ............... .............. ............ ............. .......... ~ .,:. ....". -.... . ....... . .- '" ,.-...,. ·~..',r·...---.......... _ ". C{~?/{~ 1:< -3 J- 613 213 UNIVERSITY AVE TANK REMOVAL SHEET 9 OF 11 " '- ~ HOUSE FIRE STATION NO. 8 " , 1 I ~I . ~ ~ Z .,.---. ~ ,. >' < Z o Z ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ...- - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CÞ.'R! 12 10 89 CALIFORNIA CMWN R,L.T. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CH:OŒD J, T. L. £.~Oy'.LQL_Q.B.~\"(I NG_O.' '3 I (:---'~A Yg,~H__gf._rAC Il,._lT_:· ._~.i~_.::.PAÇ,E PROV I OED BELO~ ALL OF THE FOLL'ÓWING INFORMATION ,~.\J.,$..I...,ª.s INCLUDED IN ORDER FOR THE APPLICATION TO BE PROCESSED: ___1__ TANK(S), PIPING & DISPENSER(S), INCLUDING LENGTHS & DHr'ENSIONS, -__~J~~PROPOSEO_SAMPLlNG LOCATIONS DESIGNATED BY THIS -SYMBOL "8 I NEAREST STREET OR I NTERSECT I ON ---~- ANY WATER WELLS OF SURFACE WATERS WITHIN 100' RADIUS OF ----J- FAC I L I TY ------- NORTH ARROW _ ._-.....," ~.--~_:~ .~-_..,.,,~....-~, --~ ,-_.:.- ---- "'----""- --. --...-... ·_~__·C~..H·___ "...- .'._. ,. ~_'__.___.__ _. ,.T -.-., -.- .-. . ... ..~ ._'......... _..._C·o".'___ ,___ - -'-"~'-~" - _.. ..-. -- ~ , '- -- - - -- ..-- - - --- -- -. -.. - .( _I ù , --- ----;-- R E C E I P T _. _n __.____ __ -__._PAGE ---.-- ------- -------- --- - -- --- ---- --- -----'---- - -- --- --- --------------------.---- I OS/21/90 Invoice Nbr. 34208 I 4:23 pm KERN COUNTY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT I 2700 'M' Street -" I, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Type of Order W I , I (805) 861-2615 I 1______--...:.,------------------------------------------__________________________ I I .----. -."'..-~-.- --,---,._~. I ' - __ ._. - -'- . --'-." . .~. __··'_·w._.",__ _ ·c__·~..~...,;._.._~_~..___. _._~. I, CASH REGISTER PLACER TRACTOR SERVICE I I I I I I I 1______-----------------------------------------------------------------------1 ¡Customer P.O.# I Wtn By IOrder Date I Ship Date I Via I Terms I IH0521907 I RAR I OS/21/90 I OS/21/90 I I NT I 1______---______1________1___________1___________1___-____________1___________1 Line Description Quantity Price Unit Disc Total 1 TANK PLAN CHECK 1 100_00 E 100_00 170A Order Total 100.00 Amount Due 100.00 Payment Made ~y Check 100.00 THANK YOU! -..<._.,","._.. .'-~~___-OC-'-~_.~ -'C.- _'" .._'._".' r.",_, ~'C\ ~/ j 4£)0 ! I I \ I ,j i L--~.. _u I ,..- -,. I I I I I , , .,.\ ----------- --- -.-.- ",~"R--Ec,,,C·IE ·I'P T .:'~':',---~.=-. -"-- ---~--- ---~ ----- --. -~----_._. _..- PAGE ..._,=~.=b_~.:c.=_ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------~ OS/21/90 Invoice Nbr. 1 34208 j 4:23 pm KERN COUNTY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT I.. /~' 2700 'M' Street'" I .. Jj;~ Bakersfield. CA 93301, Type of Order ..,:W . :1. '. J 7=~'-::_:::::--.-,--.'-.·.'.- _..... ...~"..':.-. __......-.. _:...._ _ _... ~~~~:...-~~~=~ ~}~_~L....:---..------ - __i-::L.:'-~l.;;-~-L:,~~I.:. ~:;.i::~,~~, f ", .....,. ',' ,.' . .,..... ., .,...__._c._.,..,·__o_,....,.'· .""..'c-- -.-_........~-,._.. "'-~..".-..' .-. '·'--0·.' :.::..:.:......~.':-;.," .:::·I~:.~·..~,;~ I 'CASH REGISTER 'PLACER TRACTOR SERVICE· .. .. ',.,.:;J, :."' '. I ': ' " , ' ,,) ':~::~,~Î~,'~J;~~itr.,· \. I . ". .. .' ' .' .".,J ! : __-=-_...______=_____________________ ____~____~_~~__________n~___.:~~__~_:.____~~~?l ,. ¡ I I Customer P.O. # I Wtn By IOrder Date I, Shi p Date I Vi a I Terms I ' IHO&21907. I RAR 1.0&/21/90 I 0&/21/90 I . < I N~.:,:/Fl< 'I I _______________ I ________ I ___________ 1----------- I ________________ 1----..;.-.----- I I Line Description .,.. Quantity Price Unit Disc", :,':Tot..~T> ,.. \ 1 TANK PLAN CHECK 1 100.00 'E ,,"':100~00 \ . Ii I I 170A Order Total 100.00 .-' Amount Due " 100.00 Payment Made By Check 100.00 THANK YOU! ø __ _"' =~_ ~-------e..-=- ~= - __ ...._---.,.-...."...=-=>-~ .,.j"-",,,~~""""""'''~-=-''''------=--''' .- _" ~"_"._~,_.,..~_ __"0_ --~-==-.. -~-,~~"'-- "---,--~- .-~.~"_....." .'-.-- -- -~.-------~-~-- -- - ...,. ~ -.....r -==-- . .~~ --." -_.=-_._~=~-="~ .......--=----._--.,,--~-~-''-<' "-- - e TANK, FACILITY ANNUAL REPORT Facili ty Bakersfield Fire Sta. 8 Permit # 080002c Month/Yr. 1/89 1. I have not done any major modifications to this facility during the last 12 months. ==A () Signature ~ Y<:k.~ ~ I ~ 1':>..._ Note: .. All- . major-· modifications ·require a Permit. to Construct from"·" . the Permitting Authority. 2. I have done major modifications for which I obtained Permit (s) to Construct from Permitting Authority Signature J Permit to Construct # - --------.. ~.. . ·--3. Repair and Maintenance Summary,. , Date ,. . -..~_. -. ~.-. -"-..- "_..-- - --"---_.~. ,Attach a summary of all: Routine and required maintenance done to this facility I stank. piping, and _monitoring equipment, Repair of submerged pumps or suction pumps, Replacement of flow~restricting leak detectors with same. Repair/replacement of dispensers, meters, or nozzles. Repair of electron'ic leak detection components, or replacement with same. Installation of .ball float valves. Installation or repair of vapor recovery/vent lines. Include the date of each repair or maintenance activity. NOTE: All repairs or replacements in response to a léak require a Permi t to Construct from the Permitting Authority as do all other modifications to tanks. piping or moni toring equip~ent not listed here. 4. Fuel Changes - Allowed for Motor Vehicle Fuel tanks Only. List all fuel storage changes in tanks. noting: Date(s), tank number(s), new fuel(s) stored. 5. Inventory control monitoring is required for this facility on the Permit to Operate. and I have not exceeded any reportable limits as listed in the appropriate inventory control monitoring handbook during the last twelve months (if not applicable. disregard). Signature 6. Trend Analysis Summary Please attach Annual Trend Analysis Summary for the last 12 periods. ,___~,. "-'._ -.C-- 7, . Meter..CalibrationCheckj'orm _. Please attach current, completed Meter Calibration Check Form e e ANNUAL TREND ANALYSIS SUMMARY TANK # 1 TIME PERIOD: JAN 1 1988 to DEC 31 1988 ,to r~AR 31 9 QUARTER 1 TIME PERIOD: JAN 1 PERIOD 1: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) ·7·------- - - -·--J\ëtion Number' for this Periö(CH~Ine- 4·) ·-20- 11 37 11 54 to JUNE 30 1 69 11 85 11 101 __ _ _·H__' ¡ PERIOD 2: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) PERIOD 3: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) ; Action Number for this Period (Line 4) " ~.. .".-.... - -.,-..~.~. -_._.._,......~- -'~ .~ ,~- - ..,. ....~ .- QUARTER 2 PERIOD 4: TIME PERIOD: APRIL 1 Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) PERIOD 5: Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) PERIOD 6: ./ - - - -....- _.~-.. ---~-.--. / QUARTER 3 TIME PERIOD: JULY 1 to SEPT 30 PERIOD 7: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) 12 Action Number for this Period (Line 4) 117 PERIOD 8: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) 12 Action Number for this Period (Line 4) 133 PERIOD 9: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) 15 7'. Action Number for this Period (Line 4) 149 QUARTER 4 TIME PERIOD: OCT 1 to PERIOD 10: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) PERIOD 11: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) PERIOD 12: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) ~~--- ------ --·-·i- h;;~bY cerÜt;y~-thfs rs-~l-true-an·d ·aècurat~ report. . . Signature DEC 31 14 165 12 180 12 196 / ·"'c-__ ~__~..___.. - ._ _~-__ ___ _"_" ~,_....'-_".h .---_ Date e e ( CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" - "...j FIRE DEPARTMENT D. S NEEDHAM .".un-.----uFIREcCHIEF ~~ .. .- -~,-_. .. . Bakersfield Fire Station # 8 .. - ~ ~-.... & "-" -... . ... ~. - .- -.. - --' ¥ ~~~~~~'-, .-..----- -+'-~-.- . Permit # 080002c 1/88 - 12/88 Repair and Maintenance Summary Tank tightness test preformed by Redwine-Manley Testing ( 2/25/88. The tank tested tight. . "'. ....,,,~.~ .~._--, -~.,-- ,,---- . _.~---~--.~,- - ---~ -~.- .". '.- .-..-----.. ,-." TOKHEIM DISTRIBUTORS L.ocallon ~'L-V ALLEY EQUIPMIfv f COMPANY Record of Computer or Meter Change 1500 Gilmore Aw. . &kenfield, ûlif 91108 (80S) 127·9141 Station number /i- 0 .-7-- ^ I JÖ;;Q o Meter Change o Computer Change o W/M Notified Job Number 1/6q) Make and MOdel PumP.1.1i1K lq~,~( - -- .~-_.-_._-' ._- - _~.~_n_l_sh__t ~«?~~v_'. __ -_.~-."-~ .- / n L 1· 1Q'" - /q A ')Q Finish {gallons. - n-·_(j(1I^~l.~· Start (gallonsl O(')/åIJ ,I-{ Return to Storage (gallonsl 1(), ---. ~Cahbrulon:.... Checked F+ (....'..----- - _511- If Fa.. Slow -1 +1 ~--_.~_.. .-..-.....- Serlat Numoer Taggea ORad OGreen OBlue Tag _ .. . .. ..-- ~-- Totalizer Readings Start (money) Adjusted To . Product rIp'; ,pl. Total izer Sealed ~s ONo Meter Sealed ~ DNa Màke ana Moael Serial Number ._--~ - Tagged ORed OGreen Calibration: Fast Tag _ . Pump OBtue ., ~. '- ~------, .Finish(moneyl ,- Finish (gallonsl - ..._-~.".~- ..'~._' , .$Iow - -'-,--. .. .-'-'- -' ._, r._· Totalizer Readings Start (moneyl Checked Start (gallonsl Adjusted To Fast Slow PrOduct Return to Storage (gallonal Total i zer Sealed Meter Sealed DYes ONo o Yea ONo T aggea Tag _ ORed OGreen OBlue Calibration: ! "ast Slow " Checked ,. Adjusted I Fast Slow To Totalizer Sealed Meter Sealed DYes ONo DYes ONo Tagged Tag. o Red OGreen OBtue Calibration: Fast Slow Checked Adjusted Fast Slow To Total izer Sealed Meter Sealed DYes ONo DYes ONo Tagged Tag. ORed OGreen OBlue Calibration: Fast Slow Checked Adjusted Fast Slow To Totalizer Sealed Meter Sealed DYes ONo o Yea ONo Tagged Tag _ ORed OGreen OBlue Calibration: Fast Slow Checked Adjusted Fast Slow To Make and Moael Se..al Numoer Pump Finish (money I Finish (gallonal Totalizer Rudings Start (money I Start{gailona' Product Return to Storage (gallonal Make and Mode' Serial Number Pump Finish (money I Finish (gallonsl Totalizer Rudinvs Seart (moneYI Start (gallons' Product Aeturn to Storage (gallonsl Make and Model Se"al Number Pump Finish (money) FinISh (gallonsl Totalizer Rudings Start (moneyl Start .(g8110nsl Product Return to Stor8ge (gallonsl Make and Moael Se"al Number Pump Finish (money) Finish (gallonal Totalizer RellClings Seare (money I Start (gallons) Product Return to Storage (gallonal Totalizer Sealed --- te~ers )9:V \j,,) , ~ \ DYes DNa Meter Sealed DYes ONo .. - I~)c~ ~a~sy9natur'~_k ~((l1 ). . Dist"bution: cf,iginal (white) 'ì;;vë;ice Copy ~licate (canary) File Copy Triplicate (pink) OeaJer Copy .. 1700 Flower Street I Bakersfield, Call1ornla 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 eKC~'I\j COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMtIr(. HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. ~. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION .' .. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard · ~t': PERMIT#OaOOO;.2C I, IS SUED : JULY 1; '1986 . . . '& EXP I R. ES: JULY 1, 19.8.9. " UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES ~ -=c·_~~""o.-~.~~c;c~c;STORAGE:-:FACILI-TY'-,;.~~-: ,'C~~, .__.:,. NUMBER OF 'l'ANKS- 1:--- .,~.,~ . ~-------------_:_----------------------~_:~~~---_:::.-___~_~__~_:~_~i~ ;~B~ .' ..FACILITY: .': I·, OWNER: ".;:', '.:"'> '(';;¡:,_ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. ,STATION #81 " CITY OF BAKERSFIELD . ...... , :.,:,~,221~"'UNIVERSITY AVENUE, ""'~·:·:::I,:_.;'!~1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE '~'é""~' ,-:(',:;'<;~/T" ,; .'; ..;?\~~'~BAKERSFIELD, CA., :\i{:¡I: ,,:<::',:::' BAKERSFIELD, CA -. 93301 ..;:i.;:,~t~:'::r~~¡?;~,;, ", :¡t·;t:(~~~f~~~t~~Z;;'fž;:j;~}~'-;;~0j~~z::q~iq¡:;0t¥';~S=~-=-~~§;t.i~~4~F~¡~2'-,"","3 . ',.. "c.<A:,..TANK # ..:::':1.<.:, AGE (IN YRS )0;,..." " SUBSTANCE CODE PRESSURIZED PIPING?, ~."Ó;;&;~ii~~~l~~·; ,'~{~U~~I~~S~1[;~W5~~~f~i(r 3 . .;~~T~~~Ífð~1~~i?:11:".;;ii~:~¡ INTERIM PERMIT TO ,OPERATE: ~:.::: ..:.'....:. ~,', ~ ':::,:, ;.' . . ~~OTE: ALL INTERIM REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY THE PERMIT~ING ,\ <,~:';:(i, ,.',. ,c:'AUTHORITY MUST BE MET DUR N THE TERM OF THIS PERMIT - ';'f·" ,,;,\- ':::~;:';~'."",~ .....':.~,',;::';.:..:.,':).,:;:; ,:' I G ". ,... ,. ",::;, ',':,)\,1;;,', ',':,'\", ";;, .:':/;1'\~,:;";~'?<:;. ~;~~~i~:;::i. ',.-.:,t:. . ::.'.- .. . " ·'ff.; "::;.'.-~~ . ~'f,.. , ~ t' /.,' ".- .~¡:./:': +.'~,~ .' .~. ,,", '~. ,~_ "'. >', ': ' <;'-':~~~~~,r.¡~ ;">~'"~i"~~·:~:.,i::~::":"~~;<~/~~T;·" . ;:~ ~ ^::~~, :,/~t~;:;:""', ~:~~:G:~~: ~~:, . 'NON~TRANSFERABLE * * *','POST'>O'N ,.;'.PREMI'SES .^ , , , . :. .-. ~'-' - ..'¥ .1·' .' , ." DATE PERMIT MAILED: AUG 2 5 1986 .~ .. .. : DATE PERMIT CHECK LIST RETURNED: .. (-., .: . ' ~ . , . " , . '. ., '.¥ ~._--- .,~----=...,,,.=~--~.. --------'=---, ---.- ._=-=--==---~'''''"'~-~- ",.-,.---....=--,-.._"..."....~_"'-'-.....-:~-_'...e.."...~~~__-=.,~~=-=-~......--._<-...,_ ___.......~~_"_ ~-..-------=,...,.___,._----===-_---,¥,-_~.. _.__=-,_""'.__......"""'":-'. -==-;o.--".=--.."".....--..,.-..--,-..._...,..,,.,.==-_u.----...--._ e .~( PERMIT CHECKLIST Facility gcJ.i-e..X.5~"e..Sá·· C.·~ [-,1::- .5+4-L\ðV\ <{ Permi t # 0 «¡ (] () n ~ c..... This checklist is provided to ensure that all necessary packet enclosures were received and that the Permittee has obtained all necessary equipment to implement the first phase of monitoring requirements. Please complete this form and return to KCHD wi thin 30 daysof__r.eceip.t..----..--u~-,--.~"". Check: Yes No / -- ~--.~- ~- --.- -- --- L_ ~- ./ L C. + i 'J.. L D. in the self-addressed envelope provided _..~---_.- ~~ ~ -- -.=-- -~-- -- -- -.- ::---~ A,~ The packet I received contained: 1) Cover Letter. Permit Checklist, Interim Permit, Phase I Interim Permit ,.....Moni toring .Requirements,.,. Information . Sheet. JAgreement...Between . OWner. -and Operator). Chapter 15 (KCOC #G-3941). Explanation of Substance Codes, Equipment Lists and Return Envelope, 2) Standard Inventory Control Monitoring Handbook #UT-IO. 3) The Following Forms: a) Inventory Recording Sheet b) Inventory Reconciliation Sheet with summary on reverse c) Trend Analysis Worksheet 4) An Action Chart (to post at facility) B. I have examined the information on my Interim Permit. Phase I Monitoring Requirements, and Information Sheet (Agreement between Owner and Operator), and find owner's name and address, facility name and address, operator's name and address, substance codes, and number of tanks to be accurately listed (if "no" is checked, note appropriate corrections on the back side of this sheet). I have the following required equipment (as described on page 6 of Handbook): 1) Acceptable gauging instrument 2) "Striker plate(s)" in tank(s) -*tJ b~ pÙfc..~~..¿A 3) Water-finding paste I have read the information on the enclosed "Information Sheet", pertaining to Agreements between Owner and Operator and hereby state that the owner of this facility is the operator (if "no" is checked, attach a copy of agreement between owner and operator). ~ E. I have enclosed a copy of Calibration Charts for all tanks at this facility (if tanks are identical, one chart will suffice; label chart(s) with corresponding tank numbers listed on permit), L F. As required on page 6 of Handbook #UT-IO, aU meters at this facility have had calibration checks within the last 30 days and were calibrated by a registered be recorded on ~- -- .._,~-,._-- Signature device repairman if out of tolerance (all meter calibrations must "Meter Calibration Check Form" found in the Appendix of Handbook). W~à-~"'-'. *-01 M6~1 .\ro c..o-\:,~(o....\.~ "'^"~t...I'- G. Standar~Inventory Control Monitoring was started at this facility with procedures described in Handbook #UT-IO. _ ··.·Date··Started--~u-, 'm."~ c¡'--;:;.{!) - p;-J:, . , .. .. .... of Person COIIIPletin~eCklist: & ~\¡MO--- Ti tle: i f'í-_ r\ J h 4 _ ~~ \-".. q - d-:J. - q; b in accordance Date: e ~þ e ',,-,,' ~ -,- «=:\ 1'~. I·t'. C ë:i\ J:> .:,m, ~ :t -~ v 1"'1 c:::=- C:a. 1....... -t; h .~, -r a 1~'. I·t'.. '8.-.- ,I ..... 0; ~e.\1 DEPTH (IN.) VOLUME! I' ' , ' c;: t-.. c;"' ....... .t;;: S 1:;: EH? J. II I I i' \ ; i I c.=. _ CIty OF BRKERSFIELD Bill IN. SHELL LENGTH HERD DEPTH--- .75 IN. (Gi~L.) DEPTH (IN.) Cl.Istc'r'let~ ria rile: ¡ HORIZONTR~ TANK-~-(RND)--- 45.5 IN. DIA. X I ¡ i ¡ ø. ;:::51/.'1 I I 0. Çiøø , 0. 75Ø ; 1. øøø , 1 . 251£'1 1 . 500 1.750 ;?. Ø0121 ,- 0. ¡.ø 1. 12 2.05 3. 15 4.~0 '5.77 7.25 B.ßG 10.55 12.~3 1'...21 15. 16 18. 1 '3 c~. f~5'Zt ;:::. Søø 2.75121 3. 0tZ1IZI : 3.250 : 2'21. 29 22. J~7 2'... (' 1 27.01 2'3.38 31. e0 31.: 28 36.B2 3'3. i..l 42.05 '..1.. 75 '.7 . f.8 5121. ~:7 ~ 53. 10 5~5. 98 ' 58.89 Gl.(35 64.85 67.8'3' 70.96 7i.. Ø7 ' 77. 22 ' BØ. )~ø , 83. 61 : 8E...86 '3Ø.13¡ '33. i..'t '36.78 100. 15 1tZt3.55 1Ø6. ;37 110.'.~~ 113.89 117~39 , ~':) 1 í~ .øøø 120. ;:710_ . li=:.,:25Jl!~~__ 1;:::4. '.7 _, 12.~00 128.04· 1'::' 17<:'J'ìI 131. 63 , 1._. ,,,- .... lìlllØ 135. ê:5 " 1,::,. ¡It. '- 1 J. ,i~50 13. i51Z1Ø 13.75Ø \ 3. 5ØØ ; 3.75Ø 't. øøø 4. 250 ' 't. 50Ø '.. 750 5.IZ1Ø0 5.250 5.5ØØ I 5.75Ø 5. !Ztøø 5.251Z1 6.5Ø0 6.75Ø 1 7. ,2tØ0 7.251{) 7.5ØØ 7.750 8.Ø00 8.251£'1 B.5ØØ 8.75121 9.ØØØ 9.25Ø '3.5ØØ 9.150 10.~ØØ 'I 1Ø.~5Ø 1 11Z1.µØØ 1Ø.[75fl1 11 . ØØ0 11.25Ø 11 . !5øØ 11. ¡75Ø 138.8'3 142.54 , 11.6. 2;:::: ~ j (: 1 ! ~ ! \ !! " 1.1 " Ii i' ,\ n 1':.. 1{,1IiltlI 11.. ;:::~;ø 11..5Ø0 1'..750 15.øØ0 15. .:::50 15. ~)Ø0 15.75121 15.12100 15. .:::50 16.5ØØ 16.750 17.00Ø 17.250 17.5ØØ 1 '7. 750 18.ØØ0 18. 2~)Ø IB.5tZ1tZ1 IB.751l1 19. øel0 1 '3.25121 1'3.5tZ1Ø 1'3.75Ø c:ø. øøø c:IlI.25ø 2tZ1.5ØØ 2Ø.75Ø 21.ØØØ 21.. i.~5Ø 21. 50Ø 21. '750 22.000 f:;,~. c~5Ø ;=:;=:. 50Ø c~~~. 75111 23.IZIØ0 c~3. ¡=:51Z1 ê~3. 5ØØ ê~:3. 75Ø 2'+. tZlø1i) 2'...25tZ1 2'..5IZtØ é:'..751ì.) 25. tlllZIIZ! 2~3. ;;~~5Ø ;:::s. ~øø é:5. 75111 2G.ØØØ -- ~2E;;i::5Ø 2G.5ØØ 2G.750 f:7. øøø 2'7. 250 27.5øØ 27. 75Q1· 2B.ØØØ 28.250 2ß.5tZ11Z1 2ß.751l1 2'3.ØØØ 2'3.25tZt i?'3. 5ØØ 2'3."75121 3121.ØØØ -:;:.71, ::)RI¡' ·1 1 VOLUME (GnL.) DEPTH (IN.) VOLUME ( GAL~, ,I :l i. ';;j. ';;ï.1 153.53 157.36 151.11 16't.87 15B.G5 172.115 176.25 IBQ.I.0'3 183.93 187.78 ! 1 '31. 54 1'35.52 . 1 '3'3. '.. 1 3rZ1.500 30.751Z1 31.ØØØ '.0B.79 412.55 idf,;.31 'I' 421£'. øl. '.23. 75 427.45 431. 12 434.78 '.38. 't2 '..'..2.1£'3 4'15.63 't'..'3.20 1.52. 75 456.27 '.59.77 453.25 '.65. 70 i.7Ø.12 ·31.25'ZI 31.5Ø0 31. 750 32.ØØ0 3i.~. 251L1 32.5ØØ 3.~. 751/.1 33.0Ø0 33.250 33. 5tZ10 3:3. 750 3'... øøø 203.31 I 207.22 21 L 14 i:::15.07 21'3.01 3'.. 2SØ 3'...5Il1Ø 3'... 750 35.0ØØ 1..73.52 I . i ',7b.88 I 48121. ;;:2 ' '.83. 53 ! t ' I 485.8J, '.'30. tli5 ··1 '..93. i?7 :1 '.96.45 't99.60 502.71 505.78 51218.82 511.81 .,*"..,., ...,.." 520.58 I 523. '..0 526. 18 528.92 531. b 1 53'..25 536. S'. 53'3.38 5'tl . 85 5",...2'3 546.65 5/..S.96 551. 2111 2i.~2. '35 35.250 225.'31 35.500 230.87 35.750 234.84 35.0017.1 238.81 36.250 242.80 36.5ØØ 246.78 35.750 250.77 37.0017.1 254.77 3'7.250 258.77 37.50121 262.77 37.750 866.78 38.000 270.79 ! 3Ð.SSØ œ7~.ÐØ ! ~è.$~. 278.81 3B.75Q1 282.02 3'3.0ØØ 286.83 3'3.250 290.05 39.50121 2'34.85 39.75121 298.87 40.0ØØ ~ 88 40.250 30<.;.. 306.89 40.500 310.9Ø 4Ø.750 314.90 41.012117.1 318.'317.1 41.2517.1 322.89 41.5Ø0 326.88 41.75Ø --- 87 42.tliØ0 ,,~.:Jtl.l. 334.85 42.250 33B.83 42.500 4':) 7t:'·'" _ 3A-2.8Ø~~~~~.~. ;,H,' 346.76 ' 43.000 35Ø.71 43.250 354.66 43.500 358.60 43.75Ø 362.53 44.0ØØ -~~ 4~ 44.250 ~DO. .:J 370.36 44.500 374.26 44.750 378.15 45.000 l.5. 25Ø '15.50Ø 553.37 382. ø;~ 555.49 557.51 559. '.5 5ëd-. -33- 553. 12 554.81 555.41 567.B9 55'3.27 57Ø.51 571. 51 572.55 573.27 573.67 385.8'3 38'3.7'. 3'33. 5ß, 3'37. l.1 401. 22 4fïl~, qJ 1 Total Volume -- 573.67 Gal '- e METER CALIBRf ~ION I '-':' C;~~J'e- .S't'I'6 ; Facili ty: CHECK FORM Permit! o (30m ~ ('- Note: 1. All meters must have calibration checks a minimum of twice .!! year. which may include checks done by the Departmen~ of Weights and Measures. 2. Before starting calibration runs, wet the calibration can with product and return produçt to storage. 3. Run 5 gallons with nozzle wide open into the can. Note gallons and cubic inches drawn! and return product to storage. 4. Run 5 galloU;s with the nozzle one-half open into the can. Note gallons am! cubic inchesidrawn, and return product to storage. After all product for one calibration check is returned to storage, remember to record ~he volume returned to storage in column 9 of the Inventory Recording Sheet. If the volu~e measured in a 5-gallon calibration can is more than 6 cubic inches above,' or below the 5-gallon mark, the meter requires calibration by a registered device repairman. , , , I q. I I, I I 6. ì: r: Ii ¡: Fast Flow 5-GalHm Draft Gals Cu. Inches .5 ~;Z7 Slow Flow 5-0allon Draft Gals Cu. Inches / lIose or Tank 1/ Date/Time Pump , Product e 5 -q pwner or Operato,r Signature 'þalibrator's Sigþature L 'I L.I I " , ~ I. ! Volume Returned Calibration to stora e Re uired? Gallons Yes No Device Repairman Used for CaUbrat!on Date of Calibration / ") f. é./,- 1/ 0 ~ ''''S.¿\ ,'...:;e..\ iI 3-0 F· ~ Regist;ration t i SUBMIT A COpy OF TillS FORM WITH ANNUAL REPORT. I !. '~"';; Kern County Health Departme,A¡ Division of Envirorunental He~ 1700 Flower Street, Bakersfield, CA 93305 Permit No. ()~;- OOo;¿ G APPlicatione <.: 'APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROOND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORÞ£JE FACILITY ~ of Application (check): o New Facility Dr-tJdification of Facility ~ÐtistiD;) Facility OTransfer of CMnership A. Elnergency 24-llour Contact (name, area code, phone): DaYS&~¿V S/'/I-/A!5t/,£' ,(b.s-:'..?26'-j?,ç:'6 . Nights 6#¡¿Y S/~~ u"" ~g.$7-'7~O f-c_-o-~_...cF~cilitY.J:~ame M~fÍ'~ ,Þ/:C"tt ø~ ~ '»~cU"d6' No..~~ _!~~~c___ .. .. I ; 'l)'pe of Business chec: Gaso ne Stat on er-- descrlbé) r:./¿ ;.ø.,./~¡C¿é'~/'-4r~c Is Tank(s) Located on an Agricultural Farm? Dyes El'No Is Tank(s) Used Primarily for hjricultural Purposes? Dyes J8:No Facility Address 1:;U2 1//!//¡/~/.>~7-r /1¿/¿ &f&~fr~Nearest Cross St. /Þe.~¿'V'3~~-y '1' AT.~ T ' R SEC (Rural Locations 011y) Owner t!. 5-- ¿If ¡P#..'L/ -.h ~ Contact Person 6".#£V .s/~~¿.e Mdress /~ ü/.? ñr/ð .ð/~¡;" P q..?.7¿J/ Tele¡i1one ~.;?z..t:;;-...J~?ç;.~ I" --..._~.. Operator /J/*,e7~:h' ~ ~. RC'/,.0 Contact Person 6/,""'...cY .!í7$p6¿.£"' I Address ¥/¿J/ TA..."C/k///# þ~ Z P q'J:.>~1' ··'Tele¡i1one ~..7~""(:;;.....r-?9¡-;:; I B. Water to Facility Provided by Depth to' Growdwater Soil Characteristics' at Facility Basis for Soil Type and Groundwater Depth Detenninations c. Contractor Address Proposed Startil'¥1 Date WO~ker's Compensation ~ertification I CA Contractor's License No. Zip Telephone proposed Completion Date Insurer D. If This Permit Is For Modification Of An EKistiD;) FacUity, Briefly Describe Modifications Proposed " E. Tank(s) Store (check all that apply): ~! Waste Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded Regular premium Diesel 'Waste Fuel Oil , P/}-£3¡} D - - 0 ~ 0 B ~ H .1," B I 0 0 0 0 0 0 B 8 ,8 8 0 0 0 F. Ch8'l\ical Cœ\PJ5~ tion of Materials Stored (not necessary for motor vehicle fuels) Tank I Chemical Stored (non-conmercial name) CAS t (if known) Chemical previously stored . (if different) G. Transfer of Ownership Date of Transfer Previous Facility Name I, previous Owner accept fully all obligations of Permit No. issued to . I understand that the PennittiD;) Authority may review and i modify or terminate the transfer of the Permit to Operate this underground storage _, .___~~~~çi!1~y,_µponreceiv!l1gJ;:þiscomple~ed form. . _ --------. This form has been completed under penalty of perjury and to the best of my knowledge 1s true and correct. Signature .dr¿ ~~ Tltle#fff ~:W/-,f~:-Date f-2':;-&- 1. Tank is:D Vaul ted IS<hJon-Vaulted DI»uble-Wall DSingle-Wall 2. Tank Material '--.- ~arbon Steel 0 stainless, Steel D Polyvinyl Clùoride 0 Fiberglass-Clad Steel 'tl Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic D Concrete [] Alll11inum D Bronze DUnknown D Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment ~~;-4'J;1(~~1_ed. _.111iil/:l (Inch,es) _ '._ ~~¡>acl ~~a~l_O~~!_.~-"-,_., ~~~~~¿¿er 4. Tank Secondary Coñtãìnment ODouble-Wall tJ Synthetic DOther (describe): OMaterial 5. . Tank Interior Lining -rfRubber 0 Alkyd OE¡x>xy OPhenolic OGlass Oèlay Dl111ined ßl11knOW'l DOther (describe): "-··6'.--Tank Corrosionprotactlon '-' .' ,....".-.,...-.-..,... . - ." "......-.- --rJGalvanized []Flberglass-Clad []Polyethylene Wrap []Vinyl wrapping DTar or Asphalt IEtJnknown []None DOther (describe): . Cathodic ProtectionrONone []Impressed CUrrent System D Sacrificial Anode System Descriœ System & Equ!pnent: . ' 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception ~Tank: DVisual (vaulted tanks only) LfGrouoowater Monitorin.i We11(s) o Vadose Zone Moni toriD;J Well (s) 0 U-Tube Wi thout Liner . . * OU-Tube with Canpatible Liner Directi~ Flow to MonitoriD1 Wo11(8) [] Vapor Detector* 0 Liquid Level Sensor 0 Conductivit¥ Sensor* [] Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank [] Liquid Retrieval & Inspection Fran U-Tube, Mon! toril'¥J Well or Annular Space ts Daily Ga~iD;J & Inventory Reconciliation [] periodic Tightness Testing , o None 0 Unknown 0 Other b. PipiD;J: Flow-Restric,tiD;J Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Pipil'¥J" o Moni toring SlI11p wi th RaceWlY '0 Sealed Concrete Raceway o Hal f-Cut Canpatible pipe Raceway 0 Synthetic Liner Raceway 0 None ~nknown D other *Descr ibe Make & Model: 8. Tank Tightness Has 'I111S Tank Been Tightness Tested? Date of Last Tightness Test Test Name 9. Tank Repair Tãñk Repai red? DYes []No ~known Da te ( s) of Repa i r ( s) Describe Repairs 10. OVerfill Protection ~ator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level DTape Float Ga~e DFloat Vent Valves 0 Auto Shut- Off Controls BCapacitance Sensor DSealed Fill Box DNone DUnknown Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices 11. Piping . a. Underground pi piD;J : ~Yes DNo DUnknoWl1 Material 5"/c.e/ Thickness (inches) ,ti/tØ Diameter I/g/j( Manufacturer I/#,z DPressure OSuctlon DGravity Approximate Length of Pipe RLI1 ..- ~,,--- -,"-.-., b'. ~ Underground Plpin;) Corrosion, Protect ion. :._-.:.---- _.n.__ - ·--~-_.u ".. . DGalvanized ,DFlberglass-Clad DIrnpressed CUrrent Osacrificial Anode Dpolyethylene Wrap []Electrical Isolation []Vinyl Wrap []Tar or Asphalt ~UnknoWl1 DNone, o Other (describe):: ' c. Underground pipin;), Secondary Containment: DDouble-Wall DSynthetic Liner System ONone ..rounknown Dather (describe): rdcA.llLy H. t~ t;.'. ¿:./ l;t::lllllL. "me .ì¡7"<-:;>-,::~ ;-;,t:'~/~~ILL OUT SEPARATE FORM FA,æ TANK) -FOR EACH SEcTIõÑ, æECK ALL APPROPROOE BõXES- L -4;,) . c......./ .) ,-,,' 1__/ Î../ v ..-' Liner D Lined Vaul t D None ßt1nknown Manufacturer: Capacity (Gals.) Thickness (Inches) P-" "_., ~_.,'_'" DYes DNo -ØUnknown Results of Test Testing Canpany 2700 M Street Bakersfield, California Mailing Address: 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 861-3636 e N COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMEN_ ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION ~/................. '..... ,."- HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. ,. "---_.~-----._----- .-...- DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard ~- -~--' ---'- ---.---'--- -.-----_..._- -----~-- - . - July 21, 1988 . .-._~..~-- þ'-~ -----,~ ~.-. . "'-~, .-~. - '--~-'-- - ~- '.--_.. . ¥ _ ,_, _.____~._.~__ __ ~_ "u_,___, ___ ,'-_._~ ~, John Patterson 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. California 93301 Re: All Bakersfield City Fire Departments Dear Mr. Patterson. This letter is to advise you that all Bakersfield City Fire Departmen ts will be granted a "prov i s i ona 1 exemption" from the standard reporting described in your permit packet. As we discussed in our meeting. all facilities will follow low throughput reporting requirements as stated in the attached "Low Throughput Reporting Outline." This Department is currently undertaking a study of the inventory control problems of low-~hroughput tanks. To facilitate this, a copy of reconciliation worksheets for tanks listed on the attached outline must be sent to this Department monthly so that we May add this information to our data base. Please send all submittals to my attention, Our preliminary information indicates that a change in reportab I e var i a t ions is neces sary when the throughpu t of a tank is less than 2.000 ~allons per week and less than 10.OGO ~allons per month. The accompanying "Low Throughput Tank Reporting Outline" describes these changes. A revised action chart and an example of· a changed summary sheet' (on the back of inventory reconciliation worksheet) have also been enclosed. for your convenience. Please make these changes on your worksheets for weeks in which you have low throughput. .'~~- ~_._. '. ""'+ .-·__"__c·____ .__ - ,--..--- --- r '1ICT OFFICES Delano . Lamont . Lake Isat . Mojave . Ridgecrest . Shatter · Taft e e John Patterson July 21, 1988 Page 2 .. ,________ n__~_._ __.._ .,______._.,_-'"--~.'n___.____ . .. .----- -- Be advised that this provisional exemption is subject to change as further data becomes available to the Health Dep,artment, If. however. a listed tank at any time exceeds the defined low-throughput amounts. you must revert to compliance with the original reporting requirements. If you have any questions , ---regard i ngt,his. co~_res pondence. I can be reached a t( 8()5) 861-3636 betwee 8 am - 9 am. .... '---~---", ..~ ........ Sincerely, M~!!~S~ Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program MK/gb enclosures - -,-- -., ""-~ . ---- .,'- ""'--~,"".- - ..--- .- _-____.._~T ____, _.. ~, ---~~--~-. _ . _._,___ _ u_ " - .~._-_.--.-- -~..- I ,. I :: I' : I I I I I ' . I I", , .' '., ,", _. '.i --'.--..--..---. ..-------~- _'::=-~=::___=__-.-~-..~ ;.·7_:.::::--~-_:: ---:-:- -.- -::.' -.~ .--.---------:-------------:-----::-:- -,- - ., ..... ---- .- ---~~---~--- ~. .... -.--.-.--. --~ .._~-_. ~ +..- e __ Lo~-Throughput Tank Reportin~ Outline ..,- -'-.-~""""~ -. ~- _'__.n '._ . These amended permit requirements are only applicable to tank(s) indicated below when weekly throughput is less than 2000 E_allons and monthly throughput is less than 10,000 gallons: , -~-~.~ ---~-. ,-~, ·E f f e c ti ve ,Da t e·:,----'--July . -19., 1988 080002C _......~~-,~~~_.-- -- -----. Facility Permit # Tank # 1 Tank # Tank # Tank # ..' 550 qa1lon diesel tank Amended Permit Requirements: 1. Revised inventory reconciliation monitoring worksheets are to be submitted to the Health Department on a monthly basis, 2. Revised Action Chart is to be posted at facility 3. All variations exceedin~ the reported as described on page 16, followin~ amounts must be Part "2" of Handbook 'UT-IO, ----"'~...--.._-- .-. -----~-"-~-- (Form #HMMP-II0) DAILY WEEKLY MONTHLY TREND ANALYSIS - 75 gallons 150 gallons 200 gallons No change .. . ~ _ '.'~'-_'_' __.u .-,",,--e-_"_'_"_~__~"'~_'-'-'-'-~____ ,,---,... -.--<. · -- TANK FACILITY ANNUAL REPORT Facility Bakersfield Fire Sta. 8 Permit # 080002C Month/Yr. 3/87 /' 1. I have not done any major modifications last 12 months. ttJthiS facility·during the à Permi tnto Construct from ' Signature --~--"..c~-c·,~-c__·~c_c~ No te:" Al1-·Iiia.'jor- -íiicidTf fëä-t iOns .. the Permitting Authority. 2. I have done major modifications for which I obtained Permit (s) to Construct from Permitting Authority Signature ," Permit to Construct # ,. , ..----··-'-'··'3: "Repair and· Maintenance "Summary Date ~-.....- -~~--- ~...,- ~ -- -, ~--. -- --~~... -.-.- .,'-=-__ .....,__.___.._.N_·_____'_"-· "--"--"--~'._~- Attach a summary of all: Routine and required maintenance done to this facility I s tank, piping, and ,monitoring equipment. Repair of submerged pumps or suction pumps, Replacement of flow-restricting leak detectors with same, Repair/replacement of dispensers, meters', or nozzles, Repair of electronic leak detection components, or replacement with same.. Installation of .ball float valves. Installation or repair of vapor recovery/vent lines. Include the date of each repair or maintenance activity. NOTE: All repairs or replacements in response to a leak require a Permi t to Construct from the Permitting Authority as do all other modifications to tanks, piping or monitoring equipment not listed here. 4. Fuel Changes - Allowed for Motor Vehicle Fuel tanks Only. List all fuel storage changes in tanks, noting: Date(s), tank number(s). new fuel(s) stored. 5. Inventory control monitoring is required fOr this facility on the Permit to Operate. and I have not exceeded any reportable limits as listed in the appropriate inventory control monitoring handbook during the last twelve months (if not applicable. disregard). Signature 6. Trend Analysis Summary Please attach Annual Trend Analysis Summary for the last 12 periods. 7. Meter Calibration Check Form- ·,0 - ~---.. n___'"~_L.~··· -_ ___ Please attach current, completed Meter Calibration Check Form e e CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT D, S,NEEDHAM ._,~,._." . ·····FIREo.CHIEF· -c-~~,.,-~-~~,,---~._-~.~.~-,_, '--·-"'7.O-·,,,·.,-...~c. -'''-_~'·~:c· ._~-'-C" ..on ---~_.,-~-~~--- ._--:--:----- Bakersfield Fire Station '# a--- Permit # 080002C 3/87 - 3/88 ._~ ~_.-~.' - -.' Repair and Maintenance Summary R.L.W. Equipment installed a new Tokheim fuel pump with interlock and hose retractor. .~. -- -~- .. _un . _.~ .___ _._._. 2101 H STREET BAKERSFILED, 93301 ··0·'..' '326'3911'="·-C-,'-=-- .o.~· ~ ~.._-~..~ -~.- ._-- ---~ ...-...,--'-~._--.- e I r'U~TEH, ~n- Ii n ]j~.i.UtY..: I, I, Ii ~otc: i:· AJ 1 m[!ters must have crtHbration checks a mllumulI! of bodce -ª year. ¡"Idch m'1Y ~ illclude checks done by the Department ~f Weights and Measures. 2. nefore starting calibration runs, !"et the calibration can with product and return produtt to storage. 3. nUll [) gol.1o~u~ NJtIl nozzle wide open into the can. j IIchcs drown; and, retll1'n product to s torege. HUll (5 gallons wi th the nozzle one-hal f open into the can. Note gallons and cubic inches:dl'awn, and return· product to storage. l\ftcr 011 product for one calibration check is returned to storaJ~c, rememb(~r to record the volume returned to storage in column 9 of the Inventol'Y H(~cording Sheet. If the volume measured in a 5-gallon. calibration can is more thon £) cubic inches above i or below the 5-gallon mark, the meter requires calibration by a registered d~vice repairman, CALI Bl~ATI ON CIIECI< FOH.M. Ci, ~i H.¡-e,.. .5"- Þr+~t)'1\ ~ i Permit # OßO~C- r Nóte gallons and cubi c I: t· Qi. i I: G¡. I \: :1 r I' Vnte/Time lIose or tonic :/ Fast! Flow Pump # Product 5-Gallon Draft 5 " Cu,; Inches I' Gnls Ga -'.b-~i , r , .1 5 ¡ Q\~ -- 6 10.'0 þw. ¡ i I Ií " Ii ! ~i I " I ¡ ì I r i'" t I ¡ I, I, ¡: í ,I' 'i. ;~ ~. Ii , e oJ,"er or Operator ,slgnatnre-?LPilii^~ I, . C~!ibrntorls Signature , SIJ¡pMIT ^ COPY OF T¡IIIS FORM WITH ANNUAL REPQRT. Ii ! ! I '3 - Slow Flot\' Volume Returned Cali bra allon Draft to Storal!c Rcquir Cu, Inches Gallons Yes +'1 10 ~ tlon ed? No Device Repairman Used for Cl1librnt.:Ipn [ Unte of I' ;cnli bra t1 011 -H Is 5 Registration f: I: ~' EDWlNE-MANLEY TESTING SERVICES. 't í: l . : .0. BOX 1567 )'. ,AKE, RSFIELD CA., 93302 ¡¡ 'I (I ~I : ~\ :~I¡ J i' Ii n , , ·'1, '., '", . . '~·',',~r :.. {,: ':<::~¡J(1l11 f):~" 0 BODO;þ(J IRC., 'J .'" r':'~~"" 11". . . ~,t'~~\l~ :"\: ":. '. .,. . '" - ',' '. - ",. ~ J .: .&. ~, ..l:L ~ .D- .s3. 'I)' ~ ',. HORNER EASY TESTING METHOD .5(0 , . ~ WORK SHEET (805) 834-6075 J . :1 ~ ,1.+,'1 r j '~~. ,.:: ·o '..r1(r.i'ol'J,I·, '(':" l'."i"! t!l'" , .'..,/ L I ',:-, '¡¡1 .' CNN:lfY ..5."5'Ô~ ~TCAL .O:z-S' .¡ .33 ,,- .'.æv1~W . 0,2'1; (5) TANK No. I TESTLEVEL '11/6# Pøooucr .DIE6EL II ¡: PRODUCT1ÐIP L?7f~ ." !. ,. TaMP. TOIl\, GAlli_ := TIV4,.. PIHJO.\. TIM!! START PID LOa - RESUl.T II£SIA.T -.$pl · -I- tIl) " ~ _ z41-.+æJIZO ~a7J4~ S:{:{ A. .?dI , ~ ?~OO .$/t!- -. ! Ir · -; ¡}l)~ .....- ~ ØJ¥5 9: IS · .211/ - .tJt}/Z-O . f/9 - ·S20 -.2.41 of- 't -:C!Ø"g 9:3.0 .~æ;¡'" - .cJØ'I · .1.-1¡- - -:æøf'ó - 1,' .¡.{ .J2£> - . 822- · +; ðG;:t- ~aø~g .. '" " " . . :' m ~ .122 .-e- ·.2.tfl · . -&- · -é9-- It);" QD . '- ..... " , ãii-·:7i2. ...e- x .2-1/1 · -e- · -G-- ". It): /~ " , ' , :·S;.'}, -: ø~ · -I: (Jt) I a.2fl .-:'"~Z-+ --: ¡Øz- 4- /,,:30 .9t3_-'12rø a .t4t -.Qov12... + /():'/S ..,.. ð"ð:3 -. æÐD3 TEIIP CAL rlffY/.? c¡ IlEASURED GRAVITY 30 CIOEfflQENT ,5'0.7 .. -S.50 uva. GAIN_ IIND ~- , ¡' .- .51 D +:~ I 57 , 58 .. +) - " ;¡ 68 - 53 ..-& ~ ! i ,5'"1 .....:51 .. D'~ := UYEL a&SULT · t7W7.s·+ ¡. - . ot>l:> 7';> a ~""$'.-r-, _ . vvv,' .tJlIl>7.::> -.t!?m7~fIÌ ,~ .-'-X .QlIij7$:~i:~ ;' .-.',. . !¡ : ',';:'. '~:, ;-,.\:~·,11,.'::: i:.¡:.~::t'!'1 :'~'\~"t; :J .~;~:ott-'~!:..,.~. hl!. 7S;.,,:::~. :i.~ . ¡ I , '\. ' l I.. .5"7.' -;b~: '~;"',:+" .. .tæ7~,;.a~r··'~ " _:. ..,... . '.; j' ::" :.:",f.:"f..,,' '-. '. ~ -1..:.," . .'" . . ',: .,~, _ '., \ ..sa '_. c...-f/ , ..,...., 11 . . .. ' ".;,·r~1 r¡- ~!" ..~~..-::~,,".I;I~,.:1 ~ ...t",~:;ð7RJ7~(>~~~ : . ...... :~.;; 4'.~ . ;'.. _ ~'. 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'~1', _.........11 . .~,~..,',~..~~r'~~.f,'8 'tt . ;.(1 'i';ß;~,.~~,{~~, .~¡~.. .. ';. , . ~ , .' ,.~ I: ' ·1 ¡ 1 I: Ii I; I <1-' ~.. ',¡. t t ...._ana I ! , I II ., '~~ ÇlTV·'TATr¡;·~ÇQQ& , ¡ E:.. ðJ c.v....,,·. ¡ t¡WCTIOH '--TM OF cou)G1 Ç<;: ~~ 01' PROOIJCT ...... PIN 8 () ,1 CYAa Am ou.w.a . . DWlØ&ROf'TANK l a MET~ - .if S " · ,'" " ..~ C I'IUAQLAS$ TVNOI ~aaY ava-rw .ÏJiWÑièâ C Uò.lÁcKEr []t1SAI.EV WATER L&VE&.IN~ .¡ ,~" " -i -þ- DSPIHW 8RGUNDWATU (1P NeOWH) .. " .M&OP.... " '. n.uao.. DInUUIT THAN -~.. --~ 1 .. lo' '~1 \ - . <.~'.'!:~ ~} ";:. .' {" ~ ~<{" l. ~ ~\< . ~ - ~ '. "Ii ',¡;:t ~, " " , t, 'iI.. }{, ';1'" t ..... ." ,.. .l . '. ~- \ .. 'I' " ~üOR ORIGINii. ,;; :,., h ~L~ !;: i ' -__"_r_ _~_~ . . - - - . . , . -."... Ius ~ I ,. I~ - -.... ".. --"-- .. NORT\+ II' _ ..,.,1 --.-- --_.~.~- RECORDEI" IN BOO'" AT PAO" OP'P'ICIAL RECORD. OP' KERN COUNTY. CALll'ORNIA ( t ,-- . -_._._-;<-~-'- m . .._._ .- '~I ~I 'J- '~ ~ ~ I ~ l_ .-- - . --·:U·O'·'-'C:· . . -..I1! 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