HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN ~ " FEB-19-'91 09:13 I4IÞ R I BAK - ---., TEL t~CJ:80W771-7-.-~.. ~ .,_. ¡H18 P07 r-'\ groundwater resources, Inc. - WI.P' ' envioronmentallgeotechnical servIces City of Bakersfield/Fire Station No.8 2213 University Ave. Bakersfield. California PLATE LOCATION MAP 1 , I' , I ! FEB-19-'91 09:14 ra R r BAf< TEL rJD: 80_7717 .. 1:1118 F'08 ~ UNIVERSITY AVENUE - -- - .-.-. - - - -- ....=/''''''- CURB P;P;TY LINB --/ -..---- j 00 HOUSE ---~ / BLOCKWALL , r I I I I rg I Z I ~ I Z 0 I æ I ~ I , . E-t I ~ . I I I ~ I I I I I I J FIRE STATION NO.8 BX1STINO RADIO TOWER FORMER TANK SITE (asphalt cover) . ¡¡hlnd·by generator ALLaY ~GJ4:ND ~ soil boring location Approx..imato Scale HOUSE in Feet . power polcs , 20 40 0 siren post ~ I groundwater resources, Inc. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FffiE STATION NO.8 2213 University A venue B kersfi I . i environmental/geotechnical services I 2/18191 PLATE PLOT PLAN 2 r\ ~ 1 I , FEB-19-'91 09:09 I.F' I BAV TEL HCI:80Sa717 ¿ 1:111::3 P01 ...... 4 . RESNA/GlrtOLJNJDWA'fER , ~~~~S~~~U~~C. 150050. UNION AVE. BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 03X\'1' General EngineørioQ Contr acto! Class NHal License No. 520760 }?ACSIMILE COVER PAGE' /A TE: . zit c¡ ! q L PROJECT NUMBER: /66 0 ~ J ATIENTlON: lM r. ~A~~ ~-;n.. .. I COMPANY: ([hI of gC1Ü~YJ'¡/(?(¡;f JIf4? MAT /)iu/.sio,v oJ I FAX NUMBER:. 3 Cf5.::::... 13!d q_ FROM: Ro/~ ß e ct<.er Number of Pages (including cover page): URGENT ~ SAME DAY MEMO ~'-j 't ~~:-t f.i b' ¿¡'~f"'~ /40~ 1- ¡;,.. F-' ;..~: ;~r". I:t= ,C; '+- ~ ~ -r r WI ~ ,. ç:¡ 11 c1J.:-\ c.i V":e i~~~?~;~~~'1-,!;;ç~~r]}2~ri,a-6' GRI's Fax Number: (805) 835-7717 If the faxed document is unreadable or is missing any pages. please call (805) 835-7700; the receptionist will assist you. MAILING ADDRESS: P. O. BOX 9303, AAKERSFICLD, - FAX (BOS) 835·7717 (005) B?0nOO FEB-19-'91 09:09 I. R I BAf( TEL NO:805~717 1=1118 P02 i \ DRAFT 1111 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD !7"1r- ~ r 1.0 INTRODUCTIÙN This report presents the results of a site characterization perfonned to detennine the extent of soil contamination at Fire Station No.8. located at 2213 University St., in Bakersfield, California (see Plate 1). Groundwater Resources Inc. (ORl), a RESNA Indusuies company, conducted the investi- gation for the City of Bakersfield. Rccommendaúons and conclusions are presented. 2.0 BACKGROUND On June 12. 1990 the City of Bakersfield removed one 550 gallon underground diesel fuel tank from the above referenced site. Soil samples were taken from beneath the tank at depths of eight and ten feet below grade or approximately one and three feet below the tank. Analytical results showed Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) diesel concentrations of 3200 parts per million (ppm) at eight feet and 8300 ppm at ten feet. No benzene was detected in these samples, but minor concentrations of toluene, xylene and ethylbenzene were detected. The elevated TPH diesel concentrations detected beneath the tank waITanted an assessment of the soil contamination at this site. ORI prepared and submitted a workplan for this site assessment to the Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services (KCDEHS) on December 14. 1990. In accordance with this workplan ORI drilled three soil borings between January 22 and January 28, 1991. 3.0 PROCEDURES 3.1 Soil Borings and Sampling Three soil borings (B-l,,,2 and -3) were drilled to 30 to 39 feet beneath grade and were located as shown on the plot plan (plate 2). Boring B-1 was centered over the fonner diesel tank. Boring B-2 was drilled 7 feet southeast and boring B-3 was 6 feet northeast of boring B-1. The borings were drilled by RESNA Industries of Bakersfield, California, using eight-inch diameter continuous flight hollow stem augers. Soil cores were taken with a California split spoon sampler and described by a ORI geologist as they were collected. Logs for each boring are presented in Plates 3 through 5. All samples were immediately sealed. labeled, and placed on ice for transport to Applied Analytical of Irvine, California. A chain of custody document (Appendix A) was maintained from collection to delivery to the lab. All augers and downhole equipment were steam cleaned between borings and the sampling equipment was washed and double rinsed, to prevent cross contaminadon between each sample, in accordance with the sampling protocol in Appendix C. 3.2 Boring Abandonment Boring B-1 was f1.Iled with neat cement from total depth to the surface. Boring B- 2 and B-3 were backfilled with clean cuttings to within 5 feet oCthe surface and then filled with neat cement from 5 feet to the swface. FEBRUARY 15 . 1991/Page 1 OROUNDW A TER RESOURCES INC. II ' FEB-19-'91 09:10 I" R I BAK TEL r'10: 805:.717 J:l118 P03 DRAFT ILJ T 11 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD í 1 h I mil 4.0 FINDINGS I I 4.1 Laboratory Analysis of Soil Samples Soil samples were taken to Applied Analytical in Irvine. California to be analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (diesel and gasoline) and Benzene. Toluene, Xylenes, and Ethylbenzene (BTXE). Analytical results are presented in Table 1. See Appendix B for complete results. TABLE 1 AN ALYTICA~ ij.ESULTS IN PPM Sample Number TPH TPH B T X E Soil Sampl.e (gas) ~diesel) B-1-15' 770 2100 0.38 0.49 1.6 0.66 B~1~30' 1600 NA ND ND 2.2 0.30 B..1-35t ND NA ND 0.13 0.74 '0.23 B-1-391 ND 10 ND ND 0.76 0.26 B-2-1?' 39 9.0 ND 0.05 0.55 0.19 B-2-30' ND NA ND 0.05 0.53 0.19 B-3-13' ND ND ND ND ND ND B·3-30t ND NA ND ND ND ND TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, B = Benzene, T = Toluene, X::::; Total Xylenes, E = Ethylbenzene. ND = None Detected, PPM = Pans Per Million NA =:; Not Analyzed 4.2 Descriptions of Borings Soil Samples and cuttings examined at the site consisted of gravel, sand, and minor amounts of silt. In general. a coarse pebble gravel with intennittent sand was seen from surface to 15 feet. In this interval, cobble gravel as large as 5~inches in diameter were observed causing very difficult drilling conditions. From 15 feet to 30 feet a light brown. fine- to medium-grained sand was encountered. Occasional coarse pebble gravel and cobble gravel were encountered throughout this zone. At 30 feet a hard, semi-consolidated silt was encountered in B-1. A light brown, fine grained sand was predominant from 30 feet to 37 feet in boring ß-l. At 37 feet more gravel was encountered making drilling very rough. Boring B~ 1 was halted at 38 feet. Hydrocarbon odors were observed in boring B-1 from surface to 30 feet. Diesel odor was predominant until a depth of 15 feet. where a moderate to strong gasoline odor was first observed. Moderate gasoline odors continued until 30 feet and decreased to very slight at 35 and 39 feet. Photoionization detector (PID) readings FEBRUARY 15 . 1991/Page 2 GRQUNDW A TER RESOURCES INC. FEB-19-'91 09:11 I~R I BAk TEL t'-JO: 805.717 tll18 P04 DRAFT r u CITY OF BAKERSFIELD IT DJ r were 230 ppm at 30 feet in boring B-1 and decreased to 14 ppm at 35 feet. Borings B-2 and B-3 had no detectable hydrocarbon odors and had very minor PID readings. No ground water was encountered during this site assessment invesûgation. See Plates 3 through 5 for boring logs. 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Conclusions It is concluded in this investigation that the soil contamination observed in boring B-1 is limited to 30 feet in depth vertically and 5 feet laterally. Diesel contaminated soil was observed from the surface to 15 feet and gasoline contaminated soil was noticed from 15 to 30 feet. In conversations with some of the fIreman at the station, they noted that gasoline was probably kept in the underground storage tank between 1954 and 1969. After 1969 they had diesel engines and used diesel exclusively at this site up until the tank was removed. This explains the combination of both gasoline and diesel contamination coming from one underground storage tank. See Plate 6 for a Plume diagram. Using the LUFf Field Manual Table 2-1, the highest diesel concentrations from B- 1 are below the 10,000 ppm maximum allowable TPH diesel level that can be left in place. The 1600 ppm TPH gasoline concentration at 30 feet in boring B-1 is above the 1000 ppm TPH gasoline maximum allowable level (see Appendix C for LUff Field Manual Tables). Benzene concentrations detected in the soil are below the state action levels of 0.7 ppm. 5.2 Recommendations 5.2.1 No Action No action for this site is not an alternative due to the TPH gasoline concentrations being above the 1000 ppm maximum allowable level according to the LUFT Manual Table 2-1 (Appendix C). 5.2.2 Excavation The contaminatéd soil can be excavated to a depth of approximately l~ feet to remove approximately one-half of the contaminated soil at the site. Due to lack ofroom at this location and the type of soil encountered duri1!1\~ drilling, tlús would not be COSt effective and would still leave the highest concentration of contaminated soil in place between 15 and 30 feet. ORI does not recommend this alternative. 5.2.3 Vapor Extraction OR! recommends that the vadose plume beneath the fonner fuel tank be vapor extracted, Due to the small area of actual contamination, one vapor extraction well FEBRUARY 15 ,1991/Page 3 QROUNDW A TER RESOURCES INC. FEB-19-' 91 09: 12 III R I BRK TEL NO:805~717 1:1118 P05 1\ DRAfT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 'l~1 u should be adequate to remove the hydrocarbon vapors from this plume. This well would be drilled to a vertical depth of 35 feet using a hollow-stem auger drilling rig. Eight-inch diameter continuous flight augers will be used to drill this boring. PVC casing will be installed in the boring with the screen interval opposite the area of highest contamination as detennined. in the field. Vapor exttacûon plus high-pressure oxidation (internal combustion engine) is a proven method for the remediation of a gasoline contaminated vadose plume. Based on penneability of core samples the area of influence of a single vapor extraction well (VEW) will be calculated and a detennination on the need for additional wells will be made. This system will be observed, evaluated, and conclusions drawn as to it·s effecûveness. If more YEW's are needed after initial testing then they will be installed in locations to best facilitate the reduction of hydrocarbons in the soil. The cost of boring, sampling, installing, and completing one vapor extraction wells is estimated at $5,000. Equipment, start-up costs and maintenance of the system will be about $8,100 a month for the first three months. After about three months, (if contamination levels are low enough), a granulated, activated-carbon filtration system can be used, reducing the cost to about $3,400 per month. This system will be run until levels of contamination are low enough to pass county regulations and the soil will no longer be a threat to the groundwater. Estimated total cost for the vapor extraction system is about $391500 over the fIrst six months of operation. If vapor concentrations are low enough a carbon adsorption system can be used at the start of remediation, which would reduce the estimated total cost to $25,400 for six months of operation. 6.0 LIMITATIONS This report was prepared for the exclusive use of the City of Bakersfield as it relates to the property described. The discussion and conclusions presented in this report are based on: - The test borings perfonned at this site. .. The observations of IJ.eld personnel. .. The results of laboratory tests perfonned by Applied Analytical Environmen- tal Laboratories of Irvine, California .. Our understanding of the regulations of Kern County and the California Regional Water Quality Control Board. Possible variations in the soil or groundwater conditions which may exist beyond the points explored in this investigation might effect the validity of this report unless those variations or conditions come to our attention and are reviewed and assimilated into the conclusions and recommendations of this FEBRUARY 15 ,19911Page 4 GROUNDWATER RESOURCES INC. I ~ FEB-19-'91 09: 12 r. R r BRV TEL HO:80Sa717 1:1118 PC16 1 I I DRAFT ITI 1 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD L UUJIlIJ report. Also. changes in the hydrologic conditions found could occur with time due to variations in rainfall. temperature. regional water usage. or other factors. any of which could effect this report. The services perfom1ed by OR! have been conducted in a manner consistent with the l~vels of care and skill ordinarily exercised by professionals currently practicing under similar conditions in California. The absence of contamination on or beneath the property cannot be guaranteed by this report. ORl is not responsible fOf any contamination or hazardous material found on the property. No other warranty expressed or implied. is made. Respectfully submined, QRQUNDW A TER RESOURCES INC. (OR!) Raben I. Becker Project Geologist Rex. J. Young State Registered Geologist #720 RJB:tab:macseb FEBRUARY 15 ,1991/Page 5 GROUNDWATER RESOURCES INC. FEB-19-'91 09:15 I~R I BAK 1\ TEL HiJ:805a717 1=1118 F'09 - ANALYSES SAMPLE Lab Field !z e- if WELL Benzene Hnu ~ l ~ I SOIL DESCRIPTION COMPLETION TPH P.I.D. ~ ~ f u¡ ~ Q Gasoline UJ z ~ ~ Diesel ppm Q ppm .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...~..."" .. .. .. .. Triad to Sample @ 14'. POOH 10 Check on Bit, Bit OK .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ,. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ,. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. to .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ,. .. .. .. .. ,. .. .. .. .. .. .. ,. .. .. to .. .. .. .. .. .. Replace btt, Try to get back to bottom hole tight, POOH and abandon w~h COLlnl roval . Sf Sand, U bm, 11ne to ooarse grained. loose, dry, ".,~.~, ,', /,~~,'~:~ GP common Gravel to 2", grading to sandy Gravel, mod, GP gassy odor, Sand. as above, Interbedded with Gravel, mod odor. 9·1-39 SM Sand. It bm, 1n gr, sltty. tr Gravel, s II odor. dry loose, possible slough In eample from reamIng hole. B-1-10 Asphalt SUrface GP Backfill to 5 feel +, with lots at Gravel, slow drilling moderate diesel odor. OP Gravel, It gry, 1 to 2" diameter pIeces, subrounded to fractured, some dark bm Sltt, v ell diesel odor. Sand. n bm, tn to med gr, 000 Gravel, dry, loose 10 sll consolidated, mod to strong gassy odor. peagravel sIze grav4il1 In outtlngs .6M Sand, mad brn. tn gr, ~Jny, Ir Gravel. grading to ML sandy Silt, moist, moderate petrol odor, SP Sand. It bro, 1n gr. tr Slh, loose, moist, v 811 odor. LOGGED BV: RJB DIAMETER OF BORING: ß.lnch DATE DRILLED: 1/221S1 WATER ENCOUNTERED AT: NA TOTAL DEPTH: 39' SAMPLING METHOD: Hollow S1em Auger, DRILLING COMPANY; RESNA Industrle, Callfornl. Spilt Spoon GROUNDWA TER RESOURCES, INC. BORING LOCATION: Ov,r Fonner Fuel Tank PLATE (805)835-7700 environmental/geotechnical services PROJECT NAME: City of Bakersfield, Fire Station tUJ 3 PROJECT NUMBER: 1660-3 LOG OF BORING B-1 page , 01 1 15 27 50 0.38 80 50 770 2100 75 17 50 125 25 50 ND 230 25 1600 50 NA ND 14 23 ND 50 NA 50 ND 90 50 NO 10 B.1·15 8+20 I: B·'·25 6·1-30 e·, -35 I FEB-19-'91 09:15 I" R I BAV TEL NO:805~717 ¡a 18 P10 t " ANALYSES SAMPLE Lab Field !z - I f Boring :;) 1 ~ a: Benzene Hnu ~ w ! SOIL DESCRIPTION Abandonment TPH P.I.D. § ¡ vi i u Gasoline ~ ~ iii Dlasel ppm ŒI :j ppm " .. .. .. BF Concrete Sur1ace to .. .. .. .. .. Neat .. .. Bac;:kflll to 5 feet +, Sand with some ot Gravel, no .. " A"~" Cement odor. .. .. GP Gravel, n gry, 1 to 3-'ong pieces, subrounded to fractured, no odor. 6·2·10 SW Sand, dk bm, fn to coarse gr, tr sm, 100S8, moist, no odor. GP Gravel, very hard drilling. NoSpI ND 0 B·2-17 œ Gravel, It bm. loose, dry, grading to graveU.y Sand, 39 SP granitic origIn, no odor. 9 NoSpI 0 8·2·22 W~,~:(!·: SP Sand, It bm, fn to mad gr, 100&8. moist, no odor, ,;,:~;~t(~ Interbedded w~h occasional Gravel. '~~·~i~~¡t NoSpI GP Gravel, It gry, 6ubrounded, no odor, no sitmpla. NoSpI Very Hard Drilling @ 29', Gravel. ND 5 6-2-30 œ Slit, dk bm, fIrm to hard, dry, no odor, wnh ND 4 ML Gravol. Backfill with NA clean outtlngs LOGGED BY: RJB DIAMETER OF BORING: ß.lnçh DATE DRILLED: 1/23/91 WATER ENCOUNTERED AT: NA TOTAL DEPTH: 30' SAMPLlNQ METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger, DRILLING COMPANY: RESNA Indultrl.. Callfornl. Split Spoon GROUNDWA TER RESOURCES, INC. BORING LOCATION: 7 Ft. South..'t of 8-1 PLATE (805)835-7700 environmental/geotechnical services PROJEOT NAME: City of Bak....'I.ld, Flra Station #8 4 PROJECT NUMBER: 1660.3 LOG OF BORING 8..2 page 1 of , I I I r:;~ I BAK TEL NO:805~717 f FEB-19-'91 09:16 J:t118 P11 I~ ~ I ANALYSES SAMPLE Lab FJeld 2 î l'~ Boring ::¡ ~ I Benzene Hnu ~ - ~ ~ SOIL DESCRIPTION Abandonment TPH P.I.D, ~ ~ I · 9 ~ Gasoline z 41! Diesel ppm (Ø :::I ppm Co no rete Surface BF Cobbles In fl/'$t 2 Ft., then sandy Backf/JI. GP BaCkfill to 5 feet ....Sand whh &ortv 01 Gravel, no odor. GP Gravel, h gry, 1 to 3" long pieces, 6ubrounded 10 0 50 NoSpI fractured, common Sand, no odor. ND 0 29 8·3·13 Sand, dk bm, tn to coarse gr, Ir SIlt, 10088, moist, nQ ND 50 odor. ND 0 33 Gravel. tt bm, 10088, dry, grading to gravelly Sand, 50 granitic ongln, 1/2 to 3"/ong pieces, no odor. Backllll with clean cuttings ND ND NA o SP Sand, tt bm, tn to mad gr, loose, moist, no odor, Interbedded with occasional Gravel. ~~,~~;~Î~:;-;: ' ... , GP Gravel, It gry, 6ubrounded. no odor, no sample, Sin, dk bm, firm to hard, dry, no odor, with Sand and Gravel. o NoSpI 8-3·30 LOGOeD BY; RJ8 DIAMETER OF BORING: 80lnch OA TE DRILLED: 1/28191 WATER ENCOUNTERED AT: NA TO'rAL DEPTH: 30' SAMPLING ME'rHOD: Hollow atlm Auger, DRII.LlNG OOMPANY; RESNA Industrlea California Split Spoon GROUNDWA'rER RESOURCES,INC. BORING LOCATION: 6 Ft. Northeast of 8-1 PLATE (805)835-7700 environmental/geotechnical servlCGS PROJECT NAME: CIR'tf of Bakersfield, Fire Station #8 5 PROJECT NUMBER: 1660-3 lOG OF BORING B-3 page 1 of 1 ""D ,....,. r-'j n ,....,. ,....,. co co o Ul rrr C:J en -.J -,] ,....,. ~] o -j m I " M' Gl ,....,., -.J 1-'::::-1 .:I, 1..[1 ,....,. 'T] m rr1 T ,....,. t.D I -- ~ groundwater resources, inc. ~vironmenta!/geotechnical selVíœs LfGEi\ An ConcenlratJoM In parts per mJlIJon (ppm) 0.38 Benzene 770(G) TPH gasofine 16OO(D} TPI-I clesel NO None Deœd:ed NA Not Analyzed Boring Horizontal lab I pm Scale (Approx.) Analysis Reading It' o 2 4A. A" SOUTH B-2 6 r I Bori Projected into ~rajght Li1e City of Bakersfiekfl Fire Station No.8 2213 University Ave. Bakersfield) CaJifornia ection A-A' PLATE D E 10A. P T H B e'l E 2OR. l 0 W S U 3OR. R F A C E 40 A. B-1 A Surface NORTH "..... ." .' ~ . BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPART.T BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION APPLICATION k- 343 (, /~/9Ò Date Application Na. , ., In conformity with provisions of pertinent ordinances, codes and/or regulations, application is made by: '-Idt!t¿CeA ~. -PO &. /70 ofJ~ r¿{¿ , ) . ) Name of Company Address to display, store, install, use, operate, sell or handle materials or processes involving or creating con- ditions deemed hazardous to life or property a_s follows: /,Æ.(>~ (¡) 55ò -crt ~ ,h~ ~~ , f!wt.t. .J~ /{on.. 'l, 22J.t 1'k..~ a~. /<-~ '.,', permi~ .........~.4¿!9.Q.................... Date By. ..... .......~K..... .............................................-. -...... ( ~ ) Fire Marshal . ',"~ .. - , , ~:-'" ". ,. :: .._~ . . ..\~;.- . -'" '~,.._...., :~r. -:,.,........ '.,,~ - :':>;.'" ......-~.......~.. " -. 1121: 1219. JUN 1214 '9121 aARY .I. WIÇKS Agtney Olroetor (101) ..14502 STEV! MeOAI.1.EV QI rlCtOt RESOURCE OEPAR \ PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY - FACILITY NAMEI ADDRESS: Bakersfield Citv Fire Station #8· 2231 Univers1ty Avenue Bakersfieldt CA 93306 ERMIT FOR. CLOSURE OP .! T ANK(S) AT ABOVE LOCATION . ~4": :.-_.... " -~ '''l' n,.~ , ~\:.........,..: J¡' ~;...:~.,;:;.:..~ , r.:- ~""F!Mq"'~"~ ~ \..¡....'" ",., . ~ '--. ',i: :"'....!..,~.,.,;"~ s ,. !~.,,~>¿/>. .'.11";-;,,. _"(. It "- S ~~ t'~~~w~ÿ:7I':""::!?;;':.:; I: ... , . ,.,,~ .".}.;>;;: ·";'::i;'" I: ~- "·.I~~ 0 ......: ~ " ,..,~. ..'.....":.;;.. -.'-ò "-.;: "; -~. ...- .... ""r' .. . '"..~ _- _ ~~:~·.'.~L~~::,~ §..~t;(. ~.~ ~ .....-..~.... L'jl}.¡j '~J.~¡" - C,\ \ ~,¡¡!1'/ . ··~~i-??~,;;'H:li!j...- OWNER(S) NAME I ADDRESS: Bakersfield City Fire Deparµnent 2231 University Avenue Bakersfield. CA 93306 Phone: (80S) 326-3724 p.øa Ck:--;3 ....r~ 2700 M SIt.... SUilt 300 B.I(."II.ICf, CA 93301 TtI~/'Iont (806) "'.~3e Titlecoplet (806) 88'.3.a1 AGENCY PERMIT NUMBER A 1221-:: CONTRACTOR: Placer TraCtor Services P. o. BOJt 170 Loomis, CA 95650 License #(A) 440S91-A Phone: (916) 652·5535 PERMIT EXPIRES ~¡Jtember 1. 1990 ........ .........,......"...... ~ ........... ...........""" ......................" POST 0 N P REMIS~S." ..... ... ...... ..... ................................... .................... APPROVAL DATE APPROVED BY CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS; 1. It I. [he tcapoDlibüity ot the Permittee 10 obtain pe=rmlta which may be required by other re¡¡Walory l¡enc1es pliOI' to be¡innln¡ wor~ (I.e., C Fire and Building Depanmcl1t.). 2. Permittee lDust .!1!2!.!!Y tile Hazardous Matcrlal3 Management Program at (80.5) 861·3636 two working days Drior to tank removal or abanc1olu:: lu place 10 arrange for required U1apecUona(s). 3. Tank closure actMtiea inUit be per Kern County EnvironmeDtal Health aQd FI~ Departlneru approved metboda aa deacribed 111 Handbook UT 4. II ì. the contractor'. responsibility to know and adhere. to aU applicable law, rcgardiug the handling, traaapgrtalion or trcaUneut or banr:; muerlal!. S. The lank ~moval contractor must have II ~ualìfi=c:t company employee on aire aupervisil2g the tank removal, Thceøployee mUI( have Unk re.:::' expcrien<:e ptior to .,.,argus uDlupcrviled. ó. It any contractors other than tho$C lI$te(i on permit and permit application arc to be utlU%Cd, prior approvallDUSl be granted by the .peCI~ 1\..c<1 on the pennit. Deviation from the Il1bmiuC<l appliç~H¡on Ì$ not allowed. 1. SoU SampJlng: A. Tank size leu than or equal to 1,000 ¡alIons - 8 minimum ot two ¡amples must be retrieved from beneath the center of the taDIc al dc: of. approximately tWO teet and six feet. b. Tank .i%O pacer ChaA 1,000 to 10,000 ¡allClIU - a œ.Jn¡mu~ of four aampl0!8 muSt be retrieved one-third ci r!:le way In (rom the en.;; eaCh tlnk at deptb' Of approxiCSa1eiy two teet and six feet. c:. Tank!J.ze ¡re&tcr thaG 10,000 aallons - a minimum or six samples must be retrieved one·fourth 0{ the way In from the end. of each' a~d beneath the ce!1tC' ot eacb tank at dcpths oC approximately two feet 3ncl six feet. a. Soil SampUnl (plpt!!, area): . A 3Ùuityum oC two saœplcs mUll be retrieveå at depths of approximately two feet and six feet for evt:ry 15 Unear feet oC pipe run and undc: diapenacr area. "- " . . I ø; ,k'e ~tMe$ ~ @ ~\\ùn~.. ....\".,,:';~-;:':~~'?7¡~ 'Yj .,.-~.~ ~. -~. ~~l~<:"~" 0'1'__ -,., \. j/ -..- -....... ,; /~ ....,-.. -\; ';.'. ~/;;; --.. I Iff -.~.. ~.- '. ...'" . --- \ ~~-<c '\"/ ~ "¡lltr¡¡~ I;d~\ I Ù :; _)".-1"'- ',:)', ; . -:-' -,-../,,~, I \ -~}.._,¡ \. ~~. -.'t¡.:/ ··'>':~"Œ;h~'~~'.~'/ -,~ CITY of BAKERSFIELD .. HE C.-IRE" RECEiVED ¡. " ItYDe or print name) APR 1 U 1969 HAZ. MAT. OIV. Do herE: by cert i fy tha t I ha ,,-e re,-i E:í,-ed the .- attached Hazardous Materials business plan ;; for ()í~V ¡:::;;e slÞ (na e of business) ,. ~ and that it along with the attached additions ~. r ~ or corrections constitute a complete and correct " - Business Plan for my facility. ~ I ~ " all-?C/ àate 1 ~ I ~, ~J ~ W.," d. !.- " .. ~ . ¡ , ~: i I i ! i \ i I I I ! ! , ., .. BUSINESS NAME BAKERc"'LO CITY FIRE STATION #9 10 NldlaR 21$-000-00J164 LOCATION ZZI3 ûN~£RSITY AV 'H~ HAZARO RATING Z 1. OVERVIEW LAST CHANGE 01/03/89 BY VAL JURIS CODE 215-Ø08 JURIS BAKERSF'IElP STATION 08 MAP PAGE 103 GRID ISO FACILXTY UNITS 1 HAZARD RATING Z RESPONSE SUMMARY 2A SEC 4) ALL ËMPLOYEE'S ARE TRAINED "F~RST RESPONDERS" FOR HAZ MAl EMI;RGENCIES. STATION 11 HAZ MAT TEAM AVAILAÐLE FOR tMMEDIATE RESPONSE. EMERGENCY CONTACTS 4A SEe z> NONE LISTED UTILITY SHUTOFFS 2A SEe 3) A> G.AS ,. NW CORNER OF BlDG 8) ELECTRICAL - CENTER 5 SIDE OF SLOG Ç> WATER - IN FRONT YARD BY THt;: FLAGPOLE D) SPECIAL - ELECTRICAL SHUT OFF FOR FUEL PUMP INSIDE REAR ROLL-UP DOOR S WAlL E) LOCK BOX - NO 2. NOTIFICATION I PUBLIC EVACUATION LAST CHANGE I I BY < NO INFORMATION RECORDED FOR THIS SECTION> PAGE 1 ~1t8/89 08: It MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS. INC. (805) 648-6800 BUSINESS NAME BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE STATION #8 IDNUMBER 215-000-001164 LOCATION 2Z13 UNIVERSITY AV HIGH HAZARD RATING Z 3. HAZ MAT TRAINING SUMMARY LAST CHANGE I I BY < NO INFORMATION RECORDED FOR THIS SECTION > 4. LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL AsStSTANCE LAST CHANGE 01/03/89 BY VAL 2A SEC 5) ALL EMPLOYEES ARE EMT-I'S. AMBULANCE AVAXLABlE THROUGH THE FIRE DEPT ,COMN CENTER. HALL AMBULANCE IS CLOSEST RESPONDER WITH PARAMEDICS IF NECESSARY. Pf'GE Z 04/18/89 08: 11 MAT~RIAL SAFETY ,DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) 648-6800 r.;""' -- . eUSINESS NAME BAKER~LD CIiYFIRE STATION #8 10 NU~R 215-000-001164 LOCATION ZZt3 ~ERSlTY AV ~ HAZARD RATING 2 FACILITY UNIT 01 A. QVERALl HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY LAS1 CBA 'JGE 01/03/89 BY VAL ID TYPE NAME lOCATION CONTAINMENT MAX AMi UNIT HAZARD USE PURE DIESEL FUEL BACK YARD $W CORN~R UNDERGROUND TANKS 10 PERCENT COMPONENTS 1179.01 100.0 Diesel Fuel. No.2 500 GAL MODERATE FUEL HAZARD LIS1" LOW B. FIRE PROTECTION / WATER SlJPPLIES LAST CHANGE 01/03/89 BY VAL 3A SEC 4) Z4 HR PROFESSIONAL FIREFIGHTERS ON DUTY. FIRE ENGINE AND PATROL. 3Ft SEC 5} FIRE HYDRANT ON SW CORNER OF NT VERNON & UNIVËRSITY. PAGE 3 04/18/89 08:11 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS. INC (805) 648-680(1) BUSINESS NAME BAI<E~SFIELO CITY FIRE STATION #8 .ID NUMßER Z 15-000-001164 LOCATION' 2213 UNIVERSrTY AV HIGH HAZARD RATING Z O. ËMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION 1 EVACUATION LAST CHANGE 01/03/89 BY VAL 3A SEe Z> IMMtDIATE USE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS RESPONSE TEAM VIA EMERGENCY RADIO COMMUNICATIONS. NOFliICATION OF ALL EMPLOYEES USING EMERGENCY COMM CENTER COMMUNICATIONS. NOTIFICATION OF SURROUNDING RESIDENTS USING WORD OF MOUTH, PA SYSTEM, AND POLICE DEPT FOR POSSIBLE EVACUATI ON. E. MITIGATION I PREVENTION / ABATEMENT LAST CHANGE 01/03/B9 BY VAL ;3A SEe 1) PREVENTION,.. USE PROPER FUELING PROCEDURES. CONTAINME:NT OF SPILL USING DIRT DIKING OR SALVAGE COVERS UNTIL IT CAN BE RËMOVEO. I.T. CORP FOR CLEAN'-UP. ABATEMENT - USE RICE HULL ASH FOR MINOR FUEL SPILLS. PAGE 4 04/18/89 08=1 MATERIAL SAFETY dATA SYSTEMS, INC. <80S> 648~68Ø0 . . .. CIT}T of BAKERSFIELD Far'" and Aqriculturl' '---' ,...-, Standard Bus inl'S5 L-..: HAZARDOUS NON-TRADE (';~ D~ ~b5~ie\J ~~\ ~ 5\-á~~ " ,i~\ q~t'\\ ð'd.b- 3'\ \\ INS'rRUC1.'IOIfS rOR PROPIlR CODðS MATERIALS INVENTORY SECRETS Pagl' ____ of ____ BUSINESS NAME, ßf 0 E~~ ~~~~~I~~~, ~~rJ?;'~~ b' ~~~~:s PHONE #I: 3dt..<3C be¡ OWNER NAME: ADDRESS: CITY, ZIP: PHONE tI: urllR 1.'0 NAME OF TWis ~~JL~TY: STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER I Z 'ran. Tyol' (odp Codl' ] 'Iu AIIt . Averaq. AIIt 5 Annua I Est 6 llenure Units 1 . I Dvs Cont on Sit. Tyllt , 10 Cant Cont Prnl T.p " III. Cod. n locltion IIhtr. Stored In flclllty I] 'by 1ft U Na_ of IIhtur./C__tl Set Inltruct ionl L~~L.1=c¿ e.. ------------- P¡'V.iCII Ind Hn1th Hazard fr.hPck all that aooly) r/ r-, L _.J Firp Haurd L _.J Reactivity Co.ponll1t II II..., C.A.S. IIuMIer ,..~ ,..-, r-, L_.J Delayed L_.J Sudden RelelS. L_..I l-.dl,t. Mea Ith of Prnlure H"lth ----------...------------------------------ ------ ta.QDllII1t 12 ..., C.A.S. IIuabeto ---- ------ ------------------------ ------ to.ponent 13 ....., C. A. 5. IIuMIer --------- --- ------- ---- ---- I' Physical and Health Huard (C~k all that apply) C.A.S, "'-btr _______ Cœpanent II II..' C.A.S. IIuMIer ~.- ----- ------- ,...-, r-, r--, r--, r-, L_J FireH.zard L_..I Reactivity L_..I Oelaytd L_..I Sudden R.I..le L-..II-.dllt. H..lth of Prnlul't H"lth tc.øonent n ...., C.A.S. IIuIIbtr -- ---- to.ponent IJ ....., C. A .5. IMber --- ---- ---- .... --------- ------ Pt.v. i ca I IIId HII It h Hn I'd (ChPck all that aooly) c.a.5. IIuIIbtr Cœpanent II ...., C. A. 5. IIuMIer ---... ------------ ------ r-, r-, r-, r-, r--, L _.J Flrp Hazard L_..I Reactivity L_..I DelayPd L_..I Suddpn Rrlllse L_..I l-.dlate Ht!llth of Prnsure Hellth Cœpanent n 11_' C.A.S. "'-btr --------------------------------- - Co.øonent I] II...' C.A.5. bbtr - - -l-----l-----_______l_____________l__________J______L__-l__J__--L..__l___-1___ ---- - -------- Pt.v. ica I IIId HtI Ith Hlurd (Check all that aøøly) C.A.5. N\IIIber ______________________ CMponent II II..., C.A.5. IIUIIbtr r-., r-, r-, r-, L _.J Firl' Hazard L _..I Rractivity L - J DelayPd L _..I Suddpn Relelse Hral th of Prt!Ssure --------------------------------- ------ r-, L _..I l-.dlate Hea Ith COII )OIIIIIt 12 ._, C.A.S, .ù.btr ----------------------------------------------- ------... ta.ponent I] N..' C. A, S. Nu.ber n-~~-------- --- 12 I¡ii----------------------------- TTtl¡---------------------- 7t-"~-PIlðll.-------- C.nificotion (RelJd and sj~n af'tcr co.pl,.tJn~ all sections) I cprtHy undl'r OtI'Ialty of law that I have Otrsonal1y "o..inr\! and a. faliliar with the Inforllltlon 5Ubaitted~111 .n.ched docUMlltl. and that based on "y inquiry of those indlviduall rt!Sponsibl. for obtll ng the i orlNtion. I belie p tha the sUbllitted inforlNtion is true. accurate, Ind cMotet . '71- n- -~a!;(jff~--l¿¿~ fr j':fe.ú:.-7--- ~~ -~~ 'on------7-----r--'----r<=----a--------r-r--- S'---r-- --- - - ---- ------------------------------ D-r--S.---:~:~f!.------------------ ".... an 0 IC 11 t {r~r-o o,,"pr oDP~Wnrr o~pralor 5 au nor Ill' rroresrn a 1Vl' Iqna a l' Ignev "',"" , .. > , p y BA~ERSFIELD CITY FIRE DIARTMENT 2130 -G- STREET BAKERSFIELD. CA. 93301 (805) 326-3979 "-, BUSIN:SS NAMë I D # il ~ II ,I II ij !! II OFFICIAL USE ONLY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS BUSINESS PLAN AS A WHOLE FORM 3A INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further action, this form must be returned by: 2. TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for THE FACILITY UNIT LISTED BELOW 4. Be as BRIEF and CONCISE as possible FACILITY UNIT . FACILITY UNIT NAME: SECTION 1: MITIGATION. PREVENTION. ABATEMENT PROCEDURES ß~I./~'¡'/iJ..,) - IJse ¡:>r7}{!V'~/;:J fyoe èU},/,f ¡! lk-l-- - a.1/ .þ¡'À/,<?"",J- ð t 'fOl'tl ()S iAl) J:. I- o!/pty 17'1/ //- ð4-v be l'eM"J "7 11 eJ.,4-J-r Lt SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES AT THE UNIT ONLY ~ ./¡ leA ~í.,) ð I- 8/./Y11'I. r.f /)5/-:; f.¡/. -';YJ Ie J-, /Ú rht'út;.,; ð ¡ /é'.57c1e..,f.¡ psl-:/ þ~/Ae /?d 'ÝJ-kz,.. 4' ß p ~ . . J ;:: , :/ r ~ECTION 3: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FOR THIS UNIT ONLY A. Does this Facility Unit contain Hazardous Materials?..... @ NO If Yes, see B. If NO, continue with SECTION 4 B. ,Are any of the hazardous materials a bona fide Trade Secret? YES ~ If NO, complete a separate Hazardous materials inventory form marked: NON-TRADE SECRETS ONLY (white form #4A-1) If YES, complete a hazardous materials inventory form marked: TRADE SECRETS ONLY (Yellow form #4a-2) in addition to the non-trade secret form. List only the trade secrets on form 4A-2. SECTION 4: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION é..v3,'Ae ~ $" &I-~/ JY SECTION 5: LOCATION OF WATER SUPPLY FOR USE BY EMERGENCY RESPONDERS (Fire Hydrant) ØI !/eJ/vt/I)."./ ¡;- t/--1/Jí.lf/J/7 SECTION 6: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS AT THIS UNIT ONLY. A. NATURAL GAS/PROPANE: B. ELECTRICAL: C. WATER: D. SPECIAL: E. LOCK BOX: YES / NO IF YES, LOCATION: IF YES, SITE PLANS? YES / NO FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO MSDSs? KEYS? YES / NO YES / NO - 3B - ~ ""- # - .;. . . .y ... " BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD. CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 OFFICIAL USE ONLY ID# ~a c : \Tø2 Gr- ß HAZARDOUS MATERIALS BUSINESS~LAN ~ A WHOLE ~RM -=~ INSTRUCTIONS: 1. To avoid further action, return this form by 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA .jJ Î ' '# A. BUSINESS NAME, . ì:>.In:eí'r41o IJ (3/i H.--. SMí'A1 ? B. LOCATION / STREET ADDRESS: :72 J:5 Z.1..I;I./~"Jv.~,'¡v CITY: &.K-. ZIP: 9'33o,~ ~US.PHONE: (¥i>.s") '3;7' 39¿8' SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In case of an emergency involving the release or threatened release of a hazardous material, call 911 and 1-800-852-7550 or 1-916-427-4341. This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of Emergency Services as required by law. E~PLOYEES TO NOTIFY NAME AND TITLE A. E~ERGENCY: DURING BUS. HRS. AFTER BUS. HRS. Ph# Ph# B. Ph# Ph# SECTION A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE: ,4/:tV B. ELECTRICAL: C. WATER: D. SPECIAL: E. LOCK BOX: IF YES, DOES IT CONTAIN SITE PLANS? FLOOR PLANS? YES / ~O YES I NO MSDSS? YES.I ~O KEYS? YES / ~O - 2A - i . e ,.. ~ ..~ i;. ¡, - ; SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEA~ FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE If It .#/( ewtl)kýt2e!r A~ 1-". ;4/,Je! ñ,,~ ~$'''~~"J' ¿ ß,J!-~'¡'_,.. . AiÑ\ frv I I r =",e';tf>-vC'les ~rr~\ .5íAïION II t<ALMÞ.-C,l'£AIY\ A\JAI-LA(ß\& FOe?.. IM~(.4lE' ~$PoN.s€.. , SECTION 5: LOCAL EMERGENCY ~EDICAL ASSISTAN'CE FOR YOli'"R BUSINESS AS A WHOLE ;f II €/U( ¿,t'e!s Ræ ~¿~ce.. lfv¡JfnL /€- ~\ l~ A.LL At't\ßW4\Ncr.; IS ¿;:J11V"'-1 ' ~ f4Ì'{J1~ .p4 n:e Jyf Iohl",.t!e~. c.1-Os.~ RggPON[)¡./twn"t PA~A~Ðl~ .IFtJfZœ~s~R.'¡'\ SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINING E~PLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PROGRAM WHICH PROVIDES E~PLOYEES WITH I~ITIAL A~D REFRESHER TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS. CIRCLE YES OR ~O I~ITIAL A. ~ETHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS B. ~~~~~~~~~'FåR'ëååRÖÍÑÅTÍÑå'ÅëTÍVÍTÍÊŠ""""'" ~ NO WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES:.....~.................... ~ NO C. PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPME~T:................ . . E NO D. E~ERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES:...... ............, NO E. DO YOU MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS: .... ... S NO SECTION 7: HAZARDOUS MATERIAL REFRESHER @NO ¡NO .. NO NO ES NO CIRCLE YES ,.,.. NO - NONE DOES YOUR BUSINESS HANDLE HAZARDOUS ~~TERIAL I~ QUANTITIES LESS THAN 500 P~ A SOLID. 55 ALLONS OF A LIQUID. OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF A CO~PRESSED GAS:,... .~~ NO I. e . certify that the above information is accurate. I understand hat this information will be used to fulfill my firm's obligations under the new California Health and Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. 20 Chapter 6.95 Sec. 25500 Et AI.) and that inaccurate information constitutes perjury. "S!GNATURE~ TITLE ¥ - 28 - DA TE :2 -';--8 B "" . . -/~. " 7 t . SECTIO~ 3: HAZARDOUS ~ATERIALS FOR THIS ù:.1IT OXL Y A. Does this Facili ty Uni t contain Hazardous 'Iateria!s?... . .éji)xo If YES, see B. If NO, continue with SECTIO~ 4. B. Are any of the hazardous materials a bona fide Trade Secret YES ~ If No, complete a separate hazardous materials inventory form marked: ~O~-TRADE SECRETS OXLY (white form =4A-l) If Yes, complete a hazardous materials inventory form marked: TRADE SECRETS O~LY (yellow form :t4A-2) in addition to the non-trade secret form. List o~ly the trade secrets on form 4A-2. SECTION 4: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTIOX 24 l~O~ ~'?£$Slct-J'¡\'L- F\~ fJ~\.'\l:£~$ o~ ~\Ñ\j, r;~e. ~//..e sf: I fr~ 1 SECTION 5: LOCATION OF WATER SUPPLY FOR USE BY E~RGENCY RESPONDERS S /w t!.oý#D/' 11/1 ¡b...,."" ¢ UÙ"'-'J'7. e 11'1 \J.~ bAAm / roAI~ . SECTION 6: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS AT THIS UNIT,OXLY, A. XAT. GAS¡PRO?AXE~' * ðt>,.A/Dr dl btllV1 B. SLECTRICAL: , ~eÁ !:ovd SIt!.. "llovJj,,¿ C. WATER: r:.....J- yJ - ~ ~ /'1:; ¡ø./€- D. SPECIAL: c..--- }?/~. SJw./-..,o-Ø tr-h.f!!// f)l/tJ l'-v~/je.. reM- r()/I-cJ1' ~¡)/ S<J\.\,"'(t' WAkL, r· . r E. LOCK SO;':: YES ~T."F YES, LOCATIO:;: IF YES, SITE PLA~S? YES / ~O FLOOR P[A~S? YES ~o y!SDSs? ~EYS? 'n::s ~o YES / ~o - 38 - , -.,.../ -,' . .,~. ,I ··6 !:. . -¡ ",,-.: .' õ:' :~ ,y BAKERSFIED CITY FIRE DF.P,\RDEXT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD. CA 93301 OFFICIAL CSE OXLY BUSINESS XMŒ: 3SA\tf~FI£UJ fl~ ßff3r \ ID# ------ BUSINESS PLAN SINGLE FACILITY UNIT (frORM 3A~ INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further action. this form must be'returned by: 2. TYPE/PRINT YOGR ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for THE FACILrTlUXIT LISTED BELOW 4. Be as ~RrEF and CONCISE as possible. - - FACILITY UNIT:~ FACILITY UNIT NA.'fE: S'+-;3 SECTION 1: MITIGATION. PREVENTION. ABATEM~~ PROCEDt~ES f,.e £leA" AI - {þ1Z f r1"~ J;ej,y . troevc4y ... , . . c:..ðNlA.lNIV\£NT O¡:. 'SP\u- l>.~\"'<;'" ~l-P.:t {)\KI~," QR SAL\IA~e jI/ J J I rn9~R..5 ~\L \ÏlCJ\1J37ßB- RL'N\O~ I Ii Ù)f}f. FI:I(t. ~o...f. ~/1'f-eH1BvV·~ L/~e rIce- -f4v IJ //J'# Vvr /?1/tvo/ fvel ~/I¿ SECTION 2: ~OT!F!CATION A~u EVACGATICN PROCEDtKES AT THIS L~ITO\LY - j..JV\~\4-1:'b ~ ~ of ~~'-A~O"'9 Mtn~RlAlß ((j;::s~N'.s{; -rb~~ UlA £~~~ ~\)\~ ~t\'f\'o.~\~\\oNS, ~<)'\\ fU:',A"tlI:)Ñ Of ALL ErI\~\...01.{E~ W;lN~ E:~~~"{ e.ð\'J\. ~tJl'R.~t{\M.~L~\ON5\ }0\.)-r\~\Uc"t\ON (Jf ~\tcWVO\NÇ ~ICE;.N\S \Ä$\~Ç W~R.CI O-f ""~\JI.-T~ ÞP. ò'tÇT£ty\). / y A~~ ?oLl"è \)g~, t:'o R.. PO$:;:.t 8\..ß E\J A ~t tC)N" " , ,-; - ~ .. . . ' . .. ." ~ . 09>OOC2~ ~RM' 4A-' Pí1Ue ~ o [ L- NON-TRAu~ öECRETS IIAZARDOUS MATERI ALS' I NVENTORY ~ s S "^" r~r ð _ ~ -h [j'- OWNER NAME: ¿j.I-t/ n/. lfke-~£I/ f ^ C I I. I TV U NIT .: .8.__ __ - ,s: AIJURESSI 2.10 I W S1~~er FA C II. I TV UN IT NMIE: t=' p.,¡;: j)£ptL - - Z II' :.:2 (/"}~ ~ ~;> CITY,ZIPI 'BAloŒbof 1.e',..(1 , a : 3:21-39'£ J>- PIIONE . : 321\:0.- '3'11 t 'OFFICIAl. USE CFIRS cnIJr ----.-- ONLY ~.-_.. I ? :) -1 !i 0 7 0 9 I 0 I I'I^X ANN II A I. (;I)NT USE I. () CAT ION IN TillS , nv IIA7.^"1I II _ II T I W II In ~t~º!!!!L J!!!li c O!!_~_ C O!!~ fACILITY UNIT HT. CÓ:!l~L OJLfQ!!HON N~H6 CODE (~~!! !I !: . -- .. ------ $'00 ISÞO ~~f... ot -11- i?Aa YA.J:¡~ ~ \00 ',eL tiel 11'71.0 )_ Cm ~ \"\'13 -~- - -------... -- -- - , -- - ----- I --' -- .-- i I --- ._----- - .-.- --- -- - --. ----- --- ---- ---- - -- ---.--. .----- -.-.- .----- ------.. _u --_..- --- - ~- ----- - _ à.__ TITI.E: SIONATUREI DATE: rc yen IH M~ T : ~4 \.lOlN<. .D~\"'l TITI.EI ŒAfTAlÑ ~~- ....-'. PIIONE , "US IIOURS: - AFTER nus IIRS: If\' cIINTACT: 9U TITLEI PIIONE , nus IIOURS: I i '^ L IIIISINESS ^CTIVITY: ' PQa\!Ser LJ f£ <t PP.ßf€P::N ~M. PtP£ I EïQ.~ AFTER nus, IIRS: II^K 'It~rl~IU l;l Itl' IH:;I'¡\ltlHl Nl II . 1\ II S I III \IIIIIIE: II Y . IIIIIIJF ·1'1 . 1111: ^ ·Df_- Ie '- ill IlIi fl II f 11(- ' . ~ 103-\ tlt : flF.~(ìF.1 -- "" -, - ·,a . . .¡ ~ -<:::.. ïl ~ o Z <'1" 07 :i RTñ w ... SITS, . ~ , ,- ~ - .,... -.......... ~ -.- -- -...,-.-;. --- - ---- c -~C R~~ 's -)'-'¡¡~ ;~"·Ul1l v.v- ~" t 11&1- Ìii ðr SC~L:::; BUS I:-;ESS :;;':'!E: ßAlŒ~f'1eLlð çm.£ j)b~' / / F AC I LITY :¡;"\!E; Sï ~ ~\\\ it 8 .J "T L.2..J : "- c::::J{ , It-- U' ç.«( ~ð.( f. , ' '-.- ~tJ~~, - --¡ . -. -' ,./ .j (CHEC:-\ ONE) SITE OrAGRA..'I ~ , , 1-- -- .-.' , ~;qJ ~ , -' " E"!..CCR: 1 ,;F" L~I7 -. gF FACILITY OrAG~.~I V' P~eI !d RAtII P /1 ~~ð' i r:sVJ (rnspecto~'s Comments): , -Or:ICIAL GSE o~ty- \IN\VERSIT'{ AVË , , ,/ Roll-l..Ir \>oop-, , '- ~N ():j - 5A - . " ~OLl~U.~· \)CoR~ ¿~ - I. "ddr'·~~: ;dent~~""... .~ DrlnC~oie bul1Jl by che Street ~u~ ~, 9 ~vcx 1~1III.ra~ 10. ~SCS Sta'[.:1~!! 30x .~ 2. Street(s). Å!!evs. Dr1v~ftVs. and,Park1n~ A.~~as adjacent to the ~roøertv. Inciude the stt'_~ na.es. 1:. :ence or 9arr!er 4. Wlre 11. Railroad 7r:1CKS b. :-Iasonry J. Star. Drains. Culverts. YarU Drains c. \ifcloci 4. Oraina~e Canals. 01tches. Cr~Ks. å. Gates 5. BuUdlncs s. Fr~ constrUc~lon 13. Power Hnn a. GIIU'1i Station 1~. Storace ranics: Identi!? the c:aC\&cl tv in ~!. a. ~ Ø"Qllnå II. 11Iuier-aollJlli lIS. DJk1nc ~ S.n IT. baaae1011 Ro1Ica 18. Encmac.1aa .v-e.: rdeaC1t'1 the locac.1ol1 ___ -.iaywee .111 _c. b. ~.sonry construction c. !ifetal. canstructlon d. ..w:ca.. Dooe' 8. Qt11!ty Cgptrols a. G.aa b. ~hcU'!cit'! CI. wae_ T. P1rw SUo¡Jrn.ioa Sywt_: a. l1rw 87UnDU b. lIZ'll ~r1mcllll" CanII~1o_ a. OIIalde !!azuUaa "'at Stance CI. Pire StallliCliøe C4:1øaecc1o_ %D. OIIaid. Ila%arUlNII Jlaurw Stano d. wacar Omen! V'a.1vn Cor ~CecC1011 Syste.ll U. OIIuld. Ifazardoua :'Iatllt"1al aa./1!aDl&J.1AC a. PI" Puo 22. TnIe ot I!IIzardou8 Ifatar1a.UW..ta Stoná or aaM (S.. Be.i.aw, I. Plre D"ara.ac Accn. ~ 01 ~%.\RDOt1S ".A~Ur. ., · rluaal:Jle E · ltzvl.o:l1ve r. . u,qui:! C · cørra.1vw 0 · Ozid.1:er G ,. Gëã . · Wecer ~e.ce1v. r · !oxlc S . SaUd I . Raà1o.l.ac1cai It . !'<7i~~ I II . Cl'TOpnic D . Waste 8 . EtloJ.oclcaL Exaaoie: rlaawable ~lquld. rL FAC!tITT ~rAGRAH (Requ1reG Lte.s LA aad1t10a to the above' 1. IU:seMl for SprinKleMl S. r1rw Escapn :.t. Pare 1 t10as 9. Ail" Canå1t1oniac Unlts 3. StairwllYs: I ncilcaclt ebe 10. W1naow. LevI!! is serveci (:'12. h1Ø_t eo 1_st. U. Inside ¡¡&:anou. Weste Stance 4. £scaiator~ Inaicate ~ne l~v~J.:s Sl!!rveU (ro. 1%. Insid. !fa:ardous 111¡rnest eo La_st. MeteriaLa Storace S. Elevat.ol" 13. Iasid. ifazarùous ~ac~rl~.I.s Use,HanQlln~ 6. Att1c Accessi 14. S~I' :Jr:l1n rn!eCS 1. Sky 11e:ncs ... .:. ..... i :;j ~ ,~ .~