HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK-C-06/11/93 I .- (~- e '\ ( ~ N * IS I .' vv ~ q I!J ST. ¡' ~ôL v.a1ÎOh,. _...,--~-,._-~ ~-~ ,. ...~ '--~ "-" ~.-.--~"..:~-_. .:'~_.,- _J " J Ijy"' y , v a C:~y., ì 81,.\·\Lcl. .1" , -~,! : " I i I 11 ¿L.ey -_¥_'--~------ i '~ : I.,. // " . ~ " '.,! !-":~r~\"':·\\ \ \ .. ,c/ Jða' R~;v Pi' Pe>-.<.ev :¡:~...,~ ~:'" ~ (,1 ~ ~ '.-" .,_..,-~ '. ~ Ò" ~ ~ ,--- --'--- --:;:,...- .~ ." .' I 's ; J, ! 'Kf~ ~! -J! .-----.- ~ '~ ..().. ü .. ,~ ...~' ..~ ~ -4 iQ ~ r- ,.-~ -~ .~ .:::.:,' Se ' , ___ ym{)fA":S ....,...:. -~::J<.~ 1I. Depoí ,.6SCJ G."I.. .....'. ,~~.1,~t'_...,.., . ~ _......._'..'"~. ì ..-,--..-..,.--, \ '~:.:-.:......... ," :~'(ð' ':CJ o -0---- ..,:: ~--- ~. .'J~ 'l.'\ .~~...!.,¡:,~ t;r:T' ..~~,~~ :: , ' ...~~. ..:.. .-OJ' ,. ~.~;;;;~&~";~;~~~,,.>,,.,,'¡, ~~ticl~.;,~~¡;lk~~~~~~í:".c~¡~. -;~~---- "..,."""./ ---..-;.~ .~---_._-~- --.----.----- POOR ORIGINAL r~"- , --.--- .--..-.. -=-----~-'"".-"-..,_.._-- , <-; .ß ~., ~_ ___. _ . -.'0" .., ~--.. .. T eL~~____.__..:...._: .._____,____.._____..~ ~~-~~C.1Ty TrP._!J- ~,T~~,_,_,___ JCf3 fl. (:í.,___,__ .. '--1-' -.._~~____l__~\_-..--_. . ---.--- -._---- ------- O_IJ_.....r4.1 .,.. r\o~....._l · t()i7l1 ~ US! J. j- ~N(¿ ~) (~~' ,--J~ 10) e · -- CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT S, D, JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF June 11, 1993 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326,3911 City Transfer & Storage 115 Kentucky Street Bakersfield, Ca 93305 CLOSURE OF 1 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANKS LOCATED ' AT: 1931 "V" Street, IN BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. PERMIT # BP~0073 ' Dear Sir: This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the results for the preliminary assessment associated with the closure of the tanks located at the above stated address. Based upon laboratory data submitted, this office is satisfied with the assessment performed and requires no further action at this time. This letter does not relieve you of any liability for past, present, or future operations. In addition, any future changes in site use may require further assessment or mitigation. It is the property owners responsibility to notify this department of any changes in site usage. I f you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (805)-326-3979. ,", Sincerel~' . ,. ,J 4~ .~ ..-.....' £....,' . ~....'.. , ----"- -~ ....-......-- Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator Underground Tank Program REH/dlm -' .. WEGENER .. CONSTRUCTION .... JUNE 1, 1993 RECEIVED t4UN,ð 1993 RALPH HUEY BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 H,A.Z. M.4T. [)IV. -... ---- --....-- RE: PERMIT #BP-0073 __,_ CITY TRANSFER _AN]) S.T,ORAGE-. 1931 V STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. -- ~ - -. -- FIND ENCOLSED THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS FOR YOUR FILE. IF ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED PLEASE CONTACT ME. 1. COpy OF PERMIT 2. RINSATE MANIFEST 3. TANK DISPOSAL FORM 4. S.M.C. LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT & CHAIN OF CUSTODY s~~ DOUG WEGENER -- -'-- -=-......-.-..:- --.- - ---- ----- . ----- ---- -------- -- -- --- 1710 CALLOWAY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93312 (805) 589-5570 FAX (805) 589-1161 LIC. NO. 413913 ,e e CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT S. D. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF EAKERSFIELD FIRE· DEPARTMENT ~ARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION 2130 ~ Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 CERTIFICAT:ON STATEMENT OF TANK DECONTAMINATION I , ¿k-.e'IZ:-/ }~Cr;; name ¡:J¿tfré'J-1&' (b/.-/ )'( Contractinç Co. an authorized agent of 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 here by attest under penalty of /Cj5/ ' 1/ I, ~í'- Address perjury that the ta~k(s) located at being removed under ?ermi t#' ~~ tJtJl '5-- and has been cleaned/decontamina~ed properly and a LEL (lower explosive limit) reading of no greate= than 5% was measured immediately following the cleaning/decont~ination process. 7; 12 / 95 - Date Conformation by: of Bakersfield Stott: of Colitornlo--EnV1rOnmentol ProtKtion Agency . Form Appro...d OMB No, 2050-0039 (Expires 9,30-94) See Instructions on b~f page 6. Please print or type. Form desiQned lor use on elite (1 ) typewriter. .- 1, Generator's US EPA ID No, Manifest Document No, o II") II") "- Ñ II") CO 6 o ~ ~ -' -' < U <i OZ cnð OO~ (.OJ Nz N:i: ~~ J.') G Ñ E g N CO ..t E N R ¿ A o T ~ 0 R IX W t- Z W U w \I) z o Q. rJ) W IX -' < z o ~ < z w ::I: t- -' -' < U -' -' õ: \I) IX o ~ u z w C> IX W ~ W U. o w \I) < U ~ è¡1'{}{O 3. Generator's Name and Mailing Address !""':: {!, 1"'-'1 -re,4 Æ! S'",ce"¿:" 4 ðrOrr1~~ /15-ty6<lrUCKc..¡ .Jí-; ~¥,çr-JF/G...D 4. Generator's Phone /3tJS't 3z 5 - 5 I .;;¿... S. Transporter 1 Company Name UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST MP ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICESrINC. 7. Transporter 2 Company Name 9. Designated Facility Name and Site Address GIBSON OIL AND REFINING END OF COMMERCIAL DR BAKERSFIELDrCA 93308 Deportment of Toxic Svbstorn:es Cor' Sacramento. California I 2. Page 1 Information in the shaded areas is not required by Federal low. {) I of / A, State Manifest Document Number 04- 9~5ûS- 8, Slate Generator's ID 6, US EPA ID Number a. 11. US DOT Description (including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, and ID Number) I. Waste Number State NON RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE LIQUID b. c. d. J. Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed AbcMt OIL/WATER/DIESEL RINSATE RELE~SE # ItJ<?g,g 1 S. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information EPA/Other State EPA/Other State EPA/Other K. Handling Codes for Wastes tisted Above a. ð l b. c. d. GLOVES, GOGGLES AND PROTECTIVE CLOTHING EMERGENCY PHONE #800/458-3036 16. GENERA TOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that the contents of the consignment are fully and accurately described above by proper shipping name and are classified, packed, marked, and labeled. and are in all respects in proper condition for transport by highway according to applicable federal. state and international laws. If I am a large quantity generator. I certi!y thai I hove a progrom in place to reduce the volume and toxicity of waste generated to the degree I have determined to be economically practicable anå !hat I have selected the practicable method of treatment, storage. or disposal currently available to me which minimizes the present and future threat to human health and the environment: OR, if I am a small quantity generator, I have made a good faith effort to minimize my waste generation and ,elect the be,t waste mana ement method that is available to me and that I can afford. Print d/Typed Name Signature T · II. N S P o · T E · V"'\ 18. Trans orter 2 Acknowled ement of Recei t of Materials Printed/Typed Name 19, Discrepancy Indication Space F A C I l I T Y DTSC 8022A (12/91) EPA 8700-22 White: TSDF SENDS THIS COpy TO DTSC WITHIN 30 DAYS. To: P.O. Box 3000, Sacramento, CA 95812 -- GOLDEN STATE METALS, INC. P. O. Box 70158 . 2000 E. Brundage Lane Bakersfield, California 93387 Phone (805) 327-3559 . Fax (805) 327-5749 Scrap Metals, Processing & Recycling !'E i0483 'NK DISPOSAL FORM Date ,19 q Contractor's License No. Contractor's Phone No. AQDRESS: i JOB SITE: AD:DRESS: I DESTINATION: ¡ I HA~JLER: . LICENSE NO: LfFo I EH~D PERMIT NO: I COpNTY: TANKS RECEIVED QTY GALLONS SERIAL NO. NET TONS TOTAL SCRAP VALUE 250 .14 :::;::i:i;))~};~;::))~}::;::;::::~i:i:i:i:::i:i!i!i!:!i::!:iIi:i!:I:i!i!::::::i:i!i!i:i:i!:::;:~:;i::!:;);:;~";~;::;:)));:;;):;:::~:;~::;i;i!i!i!i;i:!::~~;;~r:':"-:",:'"" 550 .24 ::!!!!:;~¡:~':':';';');{!:!:!!¡:;:!:II::::::::::~W9.:n¡;~!::¡::~::!':;:;::::/;';}:'}):::::::(';):!!:!~!;!~;;:;:n:::I!::;~¥ 1000 - 6 ft .61 ¡::::~;:!;{{))'}'));:;:;':!:I:i:::::!:!!!:!!:!:!:!!iil~!:~¡::::::::~:::::¡:¡¡::~:¡¡¡:~;¡:¡:¡¡:::;)))':));;)};(:;;;:::n:¡¡¡:¡:::@i¡~::¡¡¡:;~:!!!¡:¡: 2000 .97 I:¡:::¡::;:;::}};:;'}}:::))!::::::::;:;::!:¡:!!!!i¡¡¡;;;¡§~@I:¡¡!!I::!¡!¡i:~:!!;!::::!:!!:!;H;;():')'};:;);i!:!!¡;:::::¡:;:!!!!!::!;:;;:1¡i,1,1:!!;;¡,~~~:!!!!! 3000 1.32 :::¡i¡i@:):~):mm?:~~::::mm~¡:¡i¡i¡i¡i!i!i¡i¡i~:!:!:!:!:!:m~:!!~i!:~:!:!:¡i!i:i~!:i¡i!i::~::i::~I¡::"?}(:H:(;t;{:~~!:!::::!:!!!!::¡¡¡!¡::!¡i:i¡~:\!1,¡,¡:¡::¡I:¡:¡Iii:: 5000 2.42 ¡::!:!;:¡\{{}};//::::;;{¡¡¡¡¡¡¡:::::;:~:;:::::~:~::::!f@i@I¡;¡::::;::¡¡¡:::::!:!:::;:!!¡::::::!:::i:i:::{}):ii:i::::;:i:::;::::!::::~::I¡¡!!iÆ~~L., 7500 3.28 :!¡I:t;::{':':;:;/;:::::;;"(::!:!:!!¡i¡:¡:¡:!:!~::~Ii!!:!AA9.:!!!I:;:::!:¡!¡!:::!!!!!:!:::!!!::::!:::}):;:)~;:;;:;}})i{!!I:;;i;ii:!:!!:I~;M!i::::' 9000 3.82 !i¡i¡::ii:;::::;:))~:~;;;;::i:};~;;;~;!!i!i¡i:~~~~:::':::;:::!i::!i!!!19@gi;;:::::i:i¡:::;::i!:;::::i;i::::~:!:::i}):()}})/:::iI:::i:~:i:i!'!i!IÆ~i!' 12000 4.93 ;I:iiii!tt)t::':"(~ti!i:i:êtiêi:i;;:;:¡::;:::;:;:;::!:;::;::!!¡!¡:::;:i;i!iii~i!i!i!i!I:~:;:(::::;::::t::ttti!l:ii!!i:::i;¡:::!!!!!!:!:I:::?::;t!?? . TANK I ECTION AN & DRY (ACCEPT), OR : RESIDUALS PRESENT (REJECT) ~ LEL READING I ~ OXYGEN CONTENT DISPOSAL FEE . OTHER __ -I ~ _ _ ,.-~_.... _~_ '='______,.,..- """"' _~_~'-', ~'_ TOTAL CHARGES $ TOTAL CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE I AII'fees incurred are per load unless specified. Terms are net: 30 days from receipt of tank. Contractor's signature represents acceptance of terms for payment, and confirms that tank removal complies with State laws. CERTIFICATE OF TANK DISPOSAL / DESTRUCTION CERTIFY THE RECE PTAND ACCEPTANCE OF THE TANK(S) AS SPECIFIED ABOVE. ALL MATERIAL SPECIFIED WILL BE COMPLETELY D S RAP A C CUNG PUAPOSES ONLY. ~ /q q ~ATE ~ WHITE - Contractor Co LLOW - File Copy . PINK - Permanent Copy I ¡ k: .. e 'e ~, , SMC Laboratory, Inc. Analytical Chemistry Client Name: Wegener Construction Address 1710 Calloway Bakersfield, CA 93312 Attention: Jerry Hale Date samples received Date analysis completed Date of Report 5-12-93 5-27-93 5-28-93 Project Name City Transfer Project Number: N/A RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: IO" '6 ID: 1 ug/g MDL,ug/g Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-X;.Tlene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 1.0 :; 1047 TD: 2 ug/g NDL,ug/g Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) ND ND ND ND ND ND :Œ ND 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 1.0 Matrix Type = Soil Method of Analysis for BTX/TPH (Gasoline): 5030/8020 (PID) MDL = Minimum Detection Level TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g = micrograms per gram (ppm) ND = None Detected ~~ St.an Comer Analytical Chemist 3157 Pegasus Drive P.O. Box 80835 · · Bakersfield, CA 93308 Bakersfield, CA 93380 · · (805) 393-3597 FAX (805) 393-3623 .-r.¡ ,~ e e Project Name City Transfer Project Number: N/A RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: 1048 ID: 3 ug/g l"!DL, ug/g Benzene ND 0.005 Toluene ND 0.005 Ethylbenzene ND 0.005 p-Xylene ND 0.005 m-Xylene ND 0.005 a-Xylene ND 0.005 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.005 TPH (Gasoline) ND 1.0 ;; 104-9 ID: ,1 ug/g , t>1DL,ug/g ..,. Benzene ND 0.005 Toluene ND 0.005 Ethylbenzene ND 0.005 p-X~dene ND 0.005 m-Xylene ND 0.005 a-Xylene ND 0.005 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.005 TPH (Gasoline) ND 1.0 ~~/} St.an Comer Analytical Chemist CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Location of Sampling Coll tor Name: ~ée. /U Company: ~ dfr Address: /~/O {';4-/ j¿)(LI~l/ ~¡/~D 933/~ Telephone : ( ) 5Øf S'S-1D 8M C Laboratory 3155 Pegasus Drive Bakersfieid, ÇA 93308 Name: Company: C /.,-, fÍ'r?1 ~rie Address: 11~1 /, ;J·e ~jt5~ 9~~r Telephone: ( )~Z5--" šiek Telephone: (805 ) 393-3597 FAX: (805) 393-3623 Laborator No. I e fPJI- 6 , '~/v-G' IO~ ~ -1Í-;ø, 11 tit fnf-6 qbT"¡~E 011 $~ I' fr¡l- b 13Ft! -E 101/ <¡ ft4 I' ~¡I-61 '/}t-G 0 ~ ? Relinquished Company: Company: S Company: IJ)~ Date: 5-/Z"'~ Date: 6-.'2.?. Date: tlelinquished Received By: Received By: Company: Date: Relinquished By: Received By: Company: Date: Company: Date: ~t " \. Sheet of , ,~~:\:;r:Y';·> ·:',:·~,:\:, ... , . -. ~ . '. .', , ' ~,., ' ;. :'., ,,"'~:'.; -e 'e ' .. ... lldco /J!J! ~--~ ;-.-; I I' ¿:~~~: ~. ~\~~::':,~~ ~{:;~;. ,INVOICE: 24 HR. PHONE: (805) 322-eoo1 CALIF. WATTS (800) 272~28 ORDER DESK FAX (805) 322~127 OFFICE FAX (805) 322-«100 COrI DRY ICE FIRE EQUIPMENT SAFETY EQUIPMENT HYDROSTATIC TESTING LICENSES STATE' 546 D.O,T. A 105 CHP CA 7948 101 TRUXTUN AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA 13301 CA. CORP, FED. I.D. NO. eS'25SKW 11 CONTRACTORS UC.'C·US· 0781 ,¡-" /. (111'''' 95009 NAME ADDRESS CITY P.O.' . ';~~.' STATE DATE ZIP ,/)-/2-F3. Cty. Description I DRY ICE BLOCKS 0' SOLID 0 CUT DRY ICE PROCESS CHARGES lbs. CO. BULK WEIGHT TICKET' lbs. co. CYLINDERS lbs. HELIUM CYLINDERS Cu. A. NITROGEN CYLINDERS Cu. A. CYlS. DELIVERED CYlS, RETURNED Amount /Ç, _~ 0 HYDROSTATIC TESTS ' 17 CASH C CHARGE THANK YOU /, "'/1 ' ILL CALL C DELIVER ;'-'c) S .I MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET REMIT TO' POBOX 1631 BAKERSFIELD" CA 83302 1831 AVAILABLE ON REQUEST . . . ',. !", TITLE TO ALL ABOVE ENUMERATED PERSONAL PROPERTY OR RENTALS SHALL REMAIN WHOLLY IN BRAND DRY ICE UNTIL FULLY PAID FOR AND VENDEE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SAME WHILE IN HIS POSSESSION AND WILL SURRENDER SAME UPON DEMAND IF IN DEFAULT. IT IS ALSO AGREED THAT. IF COLLECTION IS MADE BY SUIT OR OTHERWISE. IIWE AGREE TO PAY A FINANCE CHARQE OF 1.5~ PER MONTH. WHICH IS 1"' PER ANNUM. A;-ïER 30 DAYS. ALSO COLLECTION COSTS AND INCLUDING ATTORNEY'S FEES, AND WAIVE ALL RIGHTS TO ANY CLAIMS EXEMPTED UNDER STATE LAWS. MINIMUM INTEREST CHARGE $1,50, BASIS ON WHICH CYLINDERS ARE LOANED: PROVIDED THAT IF AN l T RETURNED WITHIN 30 DAYS FROM DATE OF SHIPMENT THE DISTRIBUTOR VES THE RIGHT TO MA A RENTAL CHARGE OF '4.00 PER CYLINDER PER MONTH FOR ALL TI ER 30 DAYS THAT SUCH CYLINDE IS AWAY FROM THE DISTRIBUTOR WHICH DEMURRAGE CHARG E CUSTOMER AGREES TO PAY ON DEM 0, THE CUSTOMER SHALL PAY PROMPTLY ON DEMAND TO T DISTRIBUTOR ESTABLISHED VALUATIONS A RATES FOR LOSS OF OR DAMAGE TO ANY OF SAID CYL ~R OR FITTINGS RESULTING FROM .:.NY C E AFTER, DElIVE"" THEREOF TO THE CUSTOMER AND UNT RET NED 0 THE DIST ~R. REFILLING OF CYLINDERS . So; IS PROHIBITED.' , "i ~ /.'. ,- . . ' :d.., C / /' -' , Receive By I ,.¡/ 'I ~ /) X 1';, '~':.';; :: !,~>f .~ ,...-. - \', - I I I I '-Se. - 0073 , 4IÞBAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTME~ 'HAZARDOUS, MATERIAL DIVISION 2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 TANK REMOVAL INSPECTION FORM FACILITYplt: tltl '-:JI ø 81ø~re rAD~RiSS /q31 V 5;f- OWNER CI;;~a~ ~~Q' PERMIT TO OPERATE# CONTRACTOR _ ~ _ ~ ' CONTACT PERSON LABORATORY _---'- # OF SAMPLES 2> . TEST METHCÐOLOGY -p; T fI -/ ffjPI:! r;: . . PRELIMANARY ASSESS)1E'NT CO. ~ tJ,40NTACT PERSON ' CO2 RECIEPT ~ LEL%· CJ ' O2% , PLOT PLAN NoNe ,. ~D% NUYl ~ ~-~, - J4 o ~ ~ CJ~ ~~' ;zo-c(. v - :s L- CONDITION JF TANKS f~ ~ ¿"-pM k~7c&J CONDITION OF PIPING .~ W ïM1-().Æ"l-' CONDITION OF SOIl, ~?7':- _ t«J ~J)/ _ _ COMMENTS :5A11L1J~ "~iÆ¡ ~/.{)..h'/rJ ~ ~. , n -- . ",-"- - ~ ""j ';g, IIUe/ ... .~ . INSPEc-r6RS NAME' - ~ e ~ CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT S, D, JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF April 8, 1993 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326·3911 Mr. Robert J. Maggiorini City Transfer & Storage 115 Kentucky Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Maggiorini: It has come to our attention that you currently own property located at 1931 "V" Street, Bakersfield, CA which contains one underground storage tank. Our records reveal that the tank has been out of service for more than ninety (90) days. Per 79.116(c) of the Uniform fire Code these tanks must be properly closed. Please make the necessary arrangements to properly close this tank by June 10, 1993. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely, A/') ->-- // - 2;~1 Z' ~,;~',../ '\, ,_/./", ..-----::::::-'-- ,alph E. 6:îuey- Hazardous Materials Coordinator Underground Tank Program , . ,- n , tlcfJ~e c.~~_·- '. ~.~ fèø-e>...A- ~ Þ{~ 11b- ~. (j3a - a - 9'3:::'0 I. tfO ~ i- k~ ¡;;j ------ ----------- . K~r~ çounty Health Oepartment,_- D1V1Slon of Environmental Hea 1700 Flower Street, Bakersfiel ., CA 93305 Permi t ~,-/ 1) 00 03 c:... Application. ~, , :)-.1> ¡ .;; . APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDE~RCXJND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILIT'i ~ of Application (check): ¡ DNew Facility D~ification of Facility I!JExistiD;J Facility DTransfer of OWnership I A. Emergency 24-Hour Contact (name, area code, ¡X1óne): Days (805) 323-3186 Nights (80S) 322-6'501 No." of Tanks 1 Statlon Other (describe) Hoving' &: storage Is Tank(s} Located on an Agricultural Farm? Dyes [lJNo Is Tank(s} Used Primarily for Agricultural Purposes? Dyes IB No Facility Address 1931 v. st. Nearest Cross St. 20th St. T R SEC (Rural Locations cnly) Owner Robert J. lu~giorini Contact. Person Robert J. Maggiorini Address 1931 v. st. Zip ~)J01 Tele¡ilone 323-3186 Operator Contact Person ." "'~;;'~Mdress . . . "'''''' L_ ,. - _u.'____,._ "'-'--- ,. Zip·--·'.. '--'--'<O-Tèlêpt1oi1e' - ___'_·U·__",__.,., 0,"', -- B. water to Facility Provided by Calif. Water Co. Depth to' GroW1dw4ter Unknown Soil Characteristics' at Pacility Unknown¡ Basis for Soil Type and Groundwater Depth Detenninations C. Contractor Address Proposed StartiD;J Date Worker's Compensation .Certification t None ~ CA Contractor's Ucense lib. Zip Telephone Proposed Camp¡etion Date Insurer D. If This Permit Is For Modification Of An EdstiD;J Facility, Briefly Describe Modifications Proposed None E. Tank(s) Store (check all that apply): Tank ! Waste Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded Regular pr.ium Diesel waste Fuel on D 0 e - 1 0 ~ .~ 8 0 D D D 0 D 0 0 0 B B ·8 8 0 0 0 F. Chanical Canposi don of Materials Stored (not necessary for motor vehicle fuels) Tank . Chemical Stored (non-coamercial name) CAS t (if known) Chemical préviously Stored (if ~lfferent) G. Transfer of Ownership Dtte of Transfer Previous Owner Previous Facility Name I, dobert J. Haggiorini accept fully all obligations of Permit te. issued to Ci ty 'rrf. & stg. I understand that the PennittiB] Authority may review and modify or terminate the transfer of the Permit to Operate this underground storage facility upon receiving this completed fonn. 'this form has been completed under penalty of perj ury and to the best of my knowledge is true arid correct. ¡ , Date J -4-85 Signature ,:£.d/;J 1»7'¿'~ Title üwner 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield. California 93305 Telephone (805) 861·3636 '-ERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMa HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION .. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard " ''''E'' ," -~~ ," . ~ " " .;),¡.,!?EF~M::J:T#:L 500030 -' .. "' '. r '1: :~-.:_<~ :.,~':~~.V '~·,;:~,ç~>-':'?~::~~'~~??i~-·/!::t~'·.-;'~ ::J: S; SUED: ,'i<i JuLy 1,'0''1986 E>tPI RES: .,:', JULY 1, 1989 .' " ,',' ,I NTER::J: M PERM::J: T '.". TO OPERATE: -i' UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES '.C, ";-:;:~:'î'-'~"'o;'~=:-:~STORAGE =F AC ILITY~'-""'=-'7'2",:::.'7=~~~'~:, '--...-.# , . .":';~,"¿¿;:C==NUM,BER~OF~~'~-ANKS=~;c~~:~~~?~~~t?~:T:~7c, ",-':~:FACILITY: "I OWNER: ",) ,.>+::A:.~,~:::;);_'~,';:,;:·.,,;;-::,,~·...",' ',' ~'.... ~_..- - , .' ~ :::L,:;:,~:' ";. . '" ..',. .', CITY)TRANSFER & STORAGE 1 ,MAGGIORI:NI, ROBERT 'J .~-'~:":·'>~":"_0: .. . .' .(__ ,.,' ;. f-:;' ._, -h.-.\. _ "'_:'" '~... ,,_.:r-... , 1931 "V" STREET I' 1931 "V" STREET'.,·,·'·,:·,;::"í',:-:,,·:;:,¡-,.:,:'."-~ ",' ,)/:~,.<:.:,' \ " ' '" ",' . . ,'..' , " '.' ".::~' ·';'''''[;:"·::';¡1t:'i·;t;.¿:~;''/':::;' ""'.':" ,...:,:r,BAKERSFIELD, CA "¡:',,' ,.'.,;: i;·' I,' BAKERSFI,ELD, CA .).J~3301Y-2·';'<':-:;fh'.·:,;..,··,~,·", '-'~i~~:~-;:::-:-:-~~;;t=¿;;3+'~~~;~~~;;~~1~£;;~1;¡::;f~:i~t~-,:c~:;:c-,-¡;¡:ij~i,' . .... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ..~ , ' . , NOTE: ALL INTERIM REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY THE PERMITTING...:,.,; , AUTHORITY MUST BE MET DURING THE TERM OF THIS PERM~T~~7?[ . . '" ' " ' ':!·>i:,;r)')t;t;<~<:.,·, ,:.;~ );,;':.!.. :,;"%'/;:' :,··~:<~y!~;~t:{;f~~~f~~~,;ir , ',.'.' '" NON-TRANSFERABLE/iDle DIe *:',>.POST:}~:'ON:<P~EM::J: SES~~ " -.' .' ....... ..). ·}'i~Yig;i,~.'i;:·~t'frL r I ,.... .. DATE PERMIT MAILED: JUL 1 6 1986 "': DATE PERMIT CHECK LIST RETURNED: , .. " . :;:r'; I· -- .. '" ",,::\ , , '." . I,..:.::...:.~,-:~"~~~..,.~:~,~-.._~~ ~=-..........~~,--~~~- -.,-~--=-~""-~~-_....=·'":-'-=--·-"-"'~-~T_'"---~~~·.-·"":';'-""-7-~--~ I I , i I ec e(~~ I I f'lLE ,':ONTI::NTS IN\I.-:;~'T()H'{ , &~:~~: ~ t~Qop~d;;fl 7}'~~ ~5-f::f OConstruction Permit' o Perm 1 t to abandon' [JAmended Permit Conditions lapermit Application Form, ,_~__[JApplJc~tlonto Abandon_ DAnnùal--'Aepor tForl\s " J~. . ; ,'I "1\ 1/" I ~ .f!r,.._ No. of Tanks Date Date Date J Tank Sheets, Plot PhnS ~ tanks( 5) Date ..----- v--/ .:. --::. ..:~.:.:::... -~~--'-:::-,----.~'-;-"' .-- --.- .¡ .. -~. [JCopy of Written Contract Between Owner' Operator [JInapectlon Reporta ~-- ~.JJ.ç~. r ,~,! __ ~!!.~!~C?~~__,::,~~__e~,~ ~~~d. ,O",.,.""-"""'~, ,_c~.,...7~._~~~~~~~,~",,,,,~,._,_~,,,, ""--"-0. t'e _ _",,,,,-,,,-~~____,,-_,,,;',-=-c.___ .. Da te o.te .... ' J'; , , []Cocreapondence - M.iled '\ Date Date Date " , . 8Unautho~laed R.l.... Report. Ab.ndon.ent/Cloaure Reporta e Sa.plinCj/Lab R.port. [JMVW C~pllanee Check (New Construction Checklist) [JSTD Coapliance Check (New Construction Checkli.t) [JMVF Plan Check (New Construction) [JSTD Plan Check (Nev Conatruction) []MVF Plan Check (lxlstinCj Facility) [JSTD Plan Check (Ixlstlnq Facility) ~' D· Inco.plete Appllc.tion- Fora CPeralt Application Checklist [JPermlt Inatructlons [JOIscarded C1'ltjhtne.. Teat Reaul ta Date' Date Date [JMonltorlng Well Construction Data/Permits -----------------------------~----------------------------------- [Jlnvironaental Senslt{Ylty Data; BGrOUndvater Drilling, Boring Logs Loc.tion of Water Wells [JSt.t..ent of Underground Conduits G!Plot Plan reaturlng All Environmentally Sensitive Data o Photos []Construct Ion Drawing s Locat Ion: OHalf sheet showing date received and tally of inspection time, ptc [JMi scellaneous ,-, -.-' ~"-q-.'..- "- _.~-_. e ~ ~ S $S( ~ \ I c-¿., ~ \.\-- - e ~_ r$tJ/}1JJ~ i$tó-za1JU '/Ö¡3~r 11 ¿~~ .' - .-.~---- ------ -_.~ ---.- ---"-- I ' I ~ -. - -~-- - -- ----------- --------- l ~Sl - ..: -:¡JO . þ!~~ 4~{i:: . N() ('ft'lf ~ 0-0.6.- c¡¡. ..--- .- , -~~Cm.aEJ ,~- -' - - -- --- ..- - . -.- - lity Name (~iTj/ llrf. :'~ ~t~. Permit TANK ~ e ( (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM _ C~H TANK) -FÕR EACH sEcTÏÕÑ,æEcK ALL APPRõPROOE--šõXEŠ-- -- J -,--" __ if. No . / :> C/O) Q ...s .c... H. 1. Tank is: OVaulted ONon-Vaulted OD:>uble-Wall DSingle-Wall 2. Tank Material _8 Carbon Steel 0 Stainless Steel D Polyvinyl Chloride Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic 0 Concrete 0 Allll1imm o Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) ,,:,Unknown. ' " 4. Tank Secondary Containment o Double-wall--r:J Synthetic Liner 0 Lined Vaul t DOther (describe): DMaterial 5. Tank Interior Lining --¡:jRubber DAlkyd DEpoxy DPhenolic DGlass DClay Olblined Ellbkno~ I . OOther (describe): ;--,...., ,-,-~-,6..-",..Tank Corrosion' Protection ..'n_"~""""""""'" -.. "n........n.n _...·c,...."..,... ....C- "....,,_...__~_.......-=-,~.,=,=_-"-,_~~__,_..,',_"",..=cc,.. -.:rGalvanized DF1berglass~lad OB>lyethylene Wrap DVinyl Wrapplrq DTar or Asphalt C!ltJnknown ONone OOther (describe): CathOdic Protection: ONone' DImpressed O1rrent System [JSacrlflclal Anode System- Describe System, Equipnent: Unknown 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception ~Tank: DVisual (vaultedtãnks only) LfGFoumwater Monitorin;i Well(s) o Vadose Zone Monitoring Well (s) 0 lJ-'l'ube Wi thout Liner DU-Tube with Compatible Liner Directi~ Flow to Monitoring wall(s)* o Vapor Detector* 0 Liquid Level Sensor 0 Conductivit~ Sensor* o Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank . ' o Liquid Retrieval , Inspection Fran U-Tube, Moni toriB} Well or Annular Space D Daily GaLÇiB} , Inventory Reconciliation 0 PeriOdic Tightness TestiBj o None m unknOW1 0 Other ' b. PipiB}: Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping- o Moni torirq SlIDp wi th RaceWilY '0 Sealed Concrete RaceWilY o Half-cut Canpatible Pipe Raceway 0 Synthetic Liner Raceway 0 None [! UnknoW1 0 Other *Describe Make , Model: Unknown 8. Tank Tightness Has 'I1us Tank Been Tightness Tested? ~te of Last Tightness Test Test Name 9. Tank Repair Tãñk Repaired? DYes DNa Dunknown Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs 10. Overfill Protection [Japerator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level DTape Float GaLÇe DFloat Vent Valves 0 Auto Shut- Off Controls BCapacitance Sensor o Sealed Fill Box o None I?i: lbknOW1 Other: . List Make , Model Por Above Devices (Unknown) DFiberglass-Clad Steel q Bronze E1 Unkoo~ Capaci ty (Gallons) Manufacturer ....-- -_.. .-."---.. Thickness (Inches) o Nane [ã tbknoW1 Manufacturer: Capacity (Gals'.) , I o Yes DNa [JIll1known Results of Test Testing Canpany 11. ,..~ ''''- ---.. _._~ Piping a. Underground Piping: DYes DNa [Z;IUnknown Material Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer DPressure DSUction DGravi ty - Approximate Le~th of Pipe RLn b. Underground Pipi~ Corrosion Protection,:.____.__ ".. , ' ,n .., , _,__ OGalvanized DFiberglass-Clad OImpressed CUrrent 'DSacrificial Anode DPolyethylene Wrap DElectrical Isolation o Vinyl Wrap DTar or AsP1alt Œ1Unknown o None DOther (describe): c. Undergroum Pipi~, Secondary Containnent: DDouble-wall 0 Synthetic Liner System DNone IãšJUnknoW1 DOther (describe): \' , \ PERMIT APPLICATION F~ REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORA~ TANK e 12.¡::J~ÔC\ ---¡ '.:) PER~ff1ro. 'I 1'0 .¡i: ~ Bakersfield Fire Dept. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PROGRAM APN CONTRACTOR I~FORMA TION COMPANY /l Eóéd'&c (/;,<./ ~í:' PHONE No. 5&/1 'S--S--?ù LICENSE No. ¢/?;? /=5 ADDRESS /rJ/~Î (l,at /~ CITY :?;þ!ç;:::;¿.?) ZIP CODE Ç/3":>'/.?_ INSURANCE CARRIER /;-' Á/ÁtC) WORKMENS COMP No. 545144- y~ PRElIMANARY ASSEMENT INFORMATION COMPANY ADDRESS INSURANCE CARRIER PHONE No, LICENSE No. CITY ZIP CODE WORKMENS COMP No, TANK CLEANING I~FORMATIONZ COMPANY µ/¿¿'é¡! bZ {J,-Iø-: ADDRESS / '71 () ¡ J I,-~ - WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFICAT ON NUMBER NAME OF RIN~TATE DISPOSAL FACILITY :I~ ",(" ADDRESS (Þ1!5S:-'Á/ S/-:- ' FACILITY INDENTIFICATION NUMBER C!/!Ì) PHONE No. '7Z3 9- s-.);/ZJ ZIP CQDE 9?5(Y9'} 1. 'is ZIP CODE TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATlo.N __ COMPANY ¿........!£6£d-é? c:~'¡./)r ADDRESS ¡'I I TANK DESTINATION¿(."'C( I~Cµ' II I ( LICENSE No. I / CITY ! l ZIP CODE J I S;-/9-~ A-il ~-K.-- 'J2f$'êr'ê L//~ (~~ PHONE No. TANK INFORMATION TANK No. AGE VOLUME ¡j /~) t/:E5 .9/[ 6~ , CHEMICAL , ' SJ0R.-ED /;ïr~0<../ AI' c DATES CHEMICAL STORED PREVIOUSLY STORED THE APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED. UNDERSTANDS. AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE ATTACHED CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER STATE. LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS, THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED Make checks payable to "City of Bakersfield" ... ~... e - CITY of BAKERSFIELD' "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT S, D, JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF April 8, 1993 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 f' Mr. Robert J. Maggiorini City Transfer & Storage 115 Kentucky Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Maggiorini: It has come to our attention that you currently own property located at 1931 "V" Street, Bakersfield, CA which contains one underground storage tank. Our records reveal that the tank has been out of service for more than ninety (90) days. (' ". Per 79.116(c) of the Uniform fire Code these tanks must be properly closed. Please make the necessary arrangements to properly close this tank by June 10, 1993. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. (' Ã~~/ ~a~~hE.~ Hazardous Materials Coordinator Underground Tank Program I'J,.- v0<::::tö &ýllðV~ I ..:.<-/t! '\'\/"~' 1C\~\ . ~ 1Jl~ ^ > D - l-f\ 612- u bíl0øß-'L 1 ~~ y)\G^ ùJJ y ~\ &1L uJJY 0;,- ~~~:G~~~'6 ~.RW'¡J-- (I J JV(5 ,f - ,0 ~ I uV"- Ý\ ,-,~ f\~V~~\J\j \j J I{ $ C$ 4þ I,v o~ ~/0 '$1) 1;' '.',,\ ' 1'.,..-, "'ï-} 4) , /' I ¡ 'I II j I i I I I I I I I I I I I (;> -.&!L.DtJ.!b- -\- ¡ e ! i, I I I I ¡ r.l .,.,.. , Lr,J" --- - n~. " __ -':, '''.'5;;: V-v ---r T, f' i L.¡/t;. ._ ' ¡ \ I I .Y ": ~ \ I I I , ' ¿..-.... " 6 í't- I , ',"1.-"..- G]¿I>$ -r;,¡.i~ e :¡ ~ Cß'I "1éf¡",~(e I Jroet"tÆ q=,J I' V 5-"-. I.;, ~ ,j /~ c¡ 5 ;¡; I __~ I.I\r '$-r- / ;2.0 ~ L..c;- - '=> .--., - íFr.?¿) I I I I I I ~ $."j"" J 1 t ·e - CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE DEPARTMENT ' 2101 H STREET S. D, JOHNSON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION BAKERSFIELD. 93301 FIRE CHIEF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK DIVISION 326·3911 CONDITIONS FOR ABANDONMENT OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS ** Contractors must have the following information on file in order to obtain a permit: 1. Copy of Contractors license 2. General liability policy 3. Workmans compensation policy 4. Site safety plan ** Site assessment/sample collection contractor must have a soil sampling and quality control/quality assurance protocol on file. GENERAL 1 . A permit application for an UST abandonment shall be filed and applicable fees paid 5 working days prior to the commencement of work. This permit shall remain on-site during the entire removal process. A. Permit is valid for 90 days. 2. Forty-eight hour advance notice shall be given to the Bakersfield City Fire Department Hazardous Materials Specialist to arrange an inspection appoir:!tment. 3. It is the responsibility of the Permittee to obtain any permit required by other regulatory agencies (i.e. Building department and Department of Public Works). 4. Tank Closure activities must follow the Uniform Fire Code and all Federal and Cal-Osha regulations. 5. It is the Contractors responsibility to know and adhere to all applicable laws and regulations regarding the handling, transportation or treatment of hazardous materials. 6. If any contractors other than those listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, prior approval must be granted by the Bakersfield City Fire Department Hazardous Materials Specialist. Deviation from the submitted application is not allowed. ,e e TANK EXCAVATION. REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL 1 . Abandonment of tanks in place wi! only be allowed if remov:1 would pose undue risk to an existing structure. Proof of risk'anc: a work plan/proposal shall be submitted to the Bakersfield City Fire Department HazardoUs Materials Division for rev:eN and approval prior to the commencement of any work acti~/. 2. Excavation of enough material to e::oose the top of the tank, rer:1oval of contents, high pressure rinsing, and inerting may be done ;;rior to the arrival of the ir.spector.TANKS MAY NOT BE REMOVED WITHOUT AN INSPECTOR PRESENT. ' 3. Job site safety and assuring aD CAL-OSHA regulations ere followed is the contractors responsibility . 4. Excavations, holes, pits, trenches :tc. shall be back filled immediately. Any excavations not . back filled shall be properly securEd ~ to ensure public safe:y (i.e. fenced off). . . . . 5. Any excavated material from the taïk pit, piping runs, etc. not ßed as back fill will be properly disposed of, or if left on 10cationVliil be either containerized a covered with suitable material to prevent the emission of hazardQ.lS, noxious or unpleasant v-::.pors and/or odors. In addition the material will be properly securEd as to ensure public safe::¡ (i.e. fenced off). 6. Tanks shall be either decontamina:ed or transported as haza;dous waste. 7. A Hazardous Waste manifest will æ::ompany either the rinsate or the tank and shall be present on site and presentable upon recr~est. 8. The interior of tanks being transpa:ed not as hazardous wast: (decontaminated) shall have a lower explosive limit (LEL) of nog:sater than 5% immediately following cleaning and prior to the introduction of CO2 A. The contractor shall œrtify on the inspection forr: that the cleaning process was properly conducted ::nd the LEL results did not ;xceed 5%. 9. The decontaminated tank shall be ¡nerted with the introducti01 of CO2, in the form of dry ice or from canisters. A. A rate of 20 pouncs of dry ice to 1000 galbns of tanks capacity, or the corresponding weigtI of Carbon Dioxide (COJ. B. If canisters are used '11ey shall be bonded to the tank(s). C. A receipt for the CO, shall remain on site and p:æentable upon request. 10. Prior to the removal of a decontarrinated tank the LEL level wit be no greater than 5% and the, oxygen level will be no greater thEn 12%. ,e e SOIL SAMPLING/PRELIMINARY'SITE ASSESSMENT 1. Soil samples shalÌ be obtained uncer the direction of a professional engineer, geologist, or authorized representative of a state-;:-pproved laboratory. 2. Samples shall be collected, at a minimum, from depths ot 2 and 6 teet below the tank bottom, dispensers, and product lines ahd :rom the following locations: A. Tanks less than 1000 gallons - from the center of the tank. B. Tanks 1000 - 10,000 çaìlons - 1/3 of the way in from each end. C. Tanks greater than 10,000 gallons - from the center and 1/4 of the way in the end ot the tank. D. Below all dispensers. E. Piping ':every 15 feet and/or at connections, joints, bends, etc. 3. ,Any area of obvious contamination or . likely areas of contamination may be required to be sampled. 4. All samples shall be analyzed by a ::tate certified laboratory. 5. Soil samples shall be analyzed for ail known and suspected substances to have been stored in the tank. 6. ' All samples will be accompanied by a Chain-at-Custody sheet. 7. A soil sample report/preliminary asæssment shall be submitted to the Hazardous Materials Division with five days after results nave been received and shall contain at a minimum the following information. A. Name and location of ",'mere the tanks were disposed of. B. Name and location of wnere the rinsate was disposed of. C. A signed copy of the razardous Waste Manifest. D. A tank disposal recei~! from the scraping facility. # E. Copies of all lab data sheets and Chain-Of-Custody documentation. F. A plot plan showing the locations of the buildings, tanks, piping runs, dispensers, and ALL SAMPLE LOCATIONS WITH CORRESPONDING 1.0. NUMBERS AND DEPTHS.