HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN '-....-~ I N jl-Oj II II i ~- ~~~\ ~ ~ ~ .- ~ C"'- -,J ~ ,-, =).-- -- RP~RTMENTS:. , Rt1tRICHN 14\1£ , , PRDP£RT'i LOCATION of UiRSONS 'FCOb ~iOI<E. , '-ANt) SER\I SELF G.¡:¡S S1IHION lIAO? ,\/QlHPLL¡::¡ Dr:? BI~Kf.rkrtF.L'D CPLl1=. .' ,'''pt<OPEW'I UN£. - - - ...: -- 1---- ----,,.....,- - ~ ~I I ~El>\' ~E.LF GQS 'ÞT(:lìl~"I\'O 2.., I V I I :.~ ) I 1:'0.1 . HJ~NS I I ~ oj FooD ~i~E: ! I :'~ I I I I I I I I _ __, _ _ _" ~ -1____...__..__.___~---'---- ~RLE. 1"::: 50' . . -, , ,.:. . , .- \'. :j I I I I I \ ¡ '!: I I ! , I ! I ) i i I r--- rlil<? lI,,'~H Ow Qonn - GAS TA~,KS I I I .L_____ _ S tø e ~lLP'¡ ,. --.{!,.,.' , ) .1:'· . '.:. /\;'~\~.' ;;>: _~'~"""_-:-'__'_.--:"" ~._....... _ .~R_' .__. .___. "_ .. -o~._...~. .·~_R·__'" _....__ .-;. .:: ' -. ex p D a: .-J .-J-- a I .....J n- :> OH]C.E. 'ßiiíL.~N(;' , . -, COMMEJU(:Ql BUILDIN& -. II ~. " ' ¡ ¡ . , ,/- --- ~ I t~; -( -- ~r ;§. - AMERICA.NAVE. ,', N ~. .SAM.PLE. ··LOCATIONS , 5 TO RE AS35-'..2 A S 3 5... 2 - " . '[I C A 5 .3 S - .3 -2 ' ~ I A 5 J 5 -4 -6 -.J .....,J "( ~Il , ::t:: A5J5-5-2 , 1ft " -J A S J 5- -,6 - 6 ~ . . 1 I 1 i" A·S 35-7-2' I ' , it I AS 35-8- 6" J j · L...JL~ L_J -:-AL L E YWA Y_ LARSONS FOOD STORE /600 VALHALLA SCALE I"::. 20J I· v....-.., ,/, .. .... ~ j 1~,::" . '. " ;0:. . . a SITE/FACILITY DI~GRAM FORM 5 NORTH SCALE: .- BUS I NESS NA.\fE: ,. FLOOR: i O'=' . , ,.... See Larson's Food:Stores #2 ' 1 '* Ma DATE: 6 .I 15/87 FACILITY ~A..\fE: ~qrßon's F09d Stores UNIT .1:1 OF I , (CHECK ONE) SITE DIAGRA.\f FACILITY DIAGRA.\f XX '" . 5:i' 'X')( X)( ,,)( )/ )( :t()( Fen ce~ SCowge a £.f.c;t 1\1 i ¡ . I ct ~~"'~X)<~~)QV(-·)(.'I(~ )(...}("->{-)(-)(,-)<-)t.~~-~ ¡¡'-.51 Wolle. I,.. CoLd ßoy., ~ 5- :::> <{ F S~ØIl.V- CD ~ I Sloea~e. Oìspla~ E: .@ A tt.ea I Shll+OW- f¡) e.J I ..u 1.\tI'1H ,::$ IHl'i.U I c <FL~Q. > ~ . It-l~) . "I .'\) W c..M~Q. '.. ~! . \ I ...c ¡ I DO ' \..) )t y. ~ ~ 1- .>(, * x .~ ~ (: X k)( x~ Parb;V'\~ ~ .)(. ~ ~ Q) 4~' c c ~¡ -' ~ ~ f ~ . ('~ I ' ,_" I E'" , \1.__ ____._ -----'----- ^ " ... . .. . . . . . . . " .'. -.- . . .. . .. ¡ ~ Tt\t II i.s (øl'\OpiJ ; ~O' « ... . . . . . .- .. for k '''3 Fþ (Inspector's Comments): Iffi I ~ ooo &,/.¡- . OHMS [N] lO,oàO Gal. ern LO, DcJo Go /. t~ I. FG s:, 00 OCO l..r -OFFICIAL USE. ONLY- - 5A - ~- , , l' :.;.. ,~ ~TE/FACILITY DI~R~ FORM 5 * SCALE: BUSINESS N~~E: 111 = 50' Larson's Food Stores #2 - DATE: 6 {S /87 FACILITY SAME: Larson's Food Stores NORTH (CHECK ONE), SITE DIAGRA~ XX ~- I o f~{ c..:s.. '. '1 C C.I 1 ~,; l Dff,,,~,, -t I p~'nti~~ . ' 1- E-- Sbalun V£Ctit') s- . .... (Inspector's Comments): ~ ~ S :) '« c;: ~ 3 v ~ c:v f < ='-- FLOOR: . OF 1 1 UNIT #:1 OFî FACILITY DIAGRA!'t i ," to V o- :J)JI' ~ v -K :(f IY v OonC\.lot IS Pa,.b.;", t y SixI'")' Jo~"1w,'" Tn ~e.2.lð~r c: :s <;; v ;:) <t: V~Cd~~+- ~Ì) -~ 2:= .~_. " - ( Ct e.. Waf¡ fï- -,' ¿. _I- .' 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I I_~,~.~.~ .n Þ1CøU' ffDft"L. {ru:1T un~ N,OOAJALO WAY t-1~ r' 'I ~ 1 _' r3.,w'" I 1--1 I 1 ...... . .....--...... ,..----f '"' .~ C ~ f ...- ~ ,C c.. < ~('~Íat; 4t1f 0nr~ ~" DG>t\ctl,: 1 ~¡ I ,I " .J) .... ¡ ~] '3 j !rRnO ',' If ~ U 1- ?fj, <0;. iI è(, "O::~J) V D· )'-'Ij:~lj FiþJ (- - - - -~ ~ F' " 60 c . t:::J ^ · ,,-- -. ·4 --' 'fð v~ ha It"", O"'~Q.. . I ...... ~ [ Ó¡5"., I ¡ 1 ~ ... ~ ~ ~ l- --J- · , ,)Q'I "0"'1.,',;,;'1; 1'1+cr'o~/ J ~ :1 ~Ù ¡ .!: I i « ~ V'" (1\ AI.,. LOT" . . ... _-4 -.. 11!-(~4c.- -(.",,,£..1 I('tø. )-j¡.-';;¡;-'-" ..... ·-t W F..r[l "n:GH foorGAL.Lr fI ELV .r jl ~r' · ,~ " ~ I r,-·---·- .~ ' .¡ . o . '') 4J:. . , ___-:-__..,_'__+..k....~..r.... ··..·"~~~~r I I (o.,do~ (In~pector'8 Comments): -OFFICIAL USE, ONLY- .. t.· - 5A - , ...... . , ~ . 1(.. . " -, ./; ,-;"" 2800 lARSON lANE BAKERSFIELD, CALIF, 93304 Ralph Huey Bakersfield Fire Department 2101 H Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Huey PHONE 831-1166 January 13, 1989 RF.CEIVFrJ JA~¡ f 7 1989 Ans'd........... . On or around January 18, Larson's Food Stores will no longer be the owner/operator of the store located at 1600 Valhalla Drive. The new owner/opera 1 be Rick Ewens. All materials pertaining to ~ e Business Plan and Hazardous Ma~~rials Inventory Sheets will be given to him. Also the information sent to us last week by your office will be given to him. ... \ T~ you JJ ()~ ?lÎ- ~v'\ Gary !1-. Larson r '.". ,,¡, / ~ .~;.. ". :+;-/ J. V :~ ... ÂÝJY e e BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD. CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 I ';).3 -o;.¿ (; (2) .::rÆf5P7 OFFICIAL USE ONLY ID# G)·J D I aUSINESS NAME HAZARDOUS MATERIALS BUSXNESS PLAN AS A WHOLE FORM 2A 000383 INSTRUCTIONS: 1. To avoid further action, return this form by 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3, Answer the questions below for the businesa 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. as a whole. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA A. BUSINESS NAME: Larson's Food Stores #2 B. LOCATION / STREET ADDRESS: 1600 Valhalla Drive CITY: Bakersfield ZIP: 93309 BUS.PHONE: (805 ) 832-5887 SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS /' In case of an emergency involving the releas~ or threatened releas~of a hazardous material. call 911 and 1-800-852-7550 or 1-916-427-4341. This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of Emergency Services as required by law. EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: NAME AND TITLE DURING BUS. HRS. AFTER BCS. HRS. A. Judy Parks--Manaqer Ph# 832-5887 Ph# R'il-óR?ó B. Gary Larson--Sales Manaqer Ph# 831-1166 Ph# 325-RRql . SECTION 3: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE: Outside S.E. Back of Store B. ELECTRICAL: In Restroom S.B. Corner of Store C. WATER: Outside Back Door S.B. Corner of Store D. SPECIAL: ' E. LOCK BOX: YES / @Y IF YES. LOCATION; '" IF YES, DOES IT CONTAIN SITE PLANS? YES / NO FLOOR PLANS? YES / ~O MSDSS? YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO - ~.\ - -) e e 1 '>1 ( .t~~ _Î '-. . .i ."... ... " , SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEAM FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE NA SECTION 5: LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE FOR YOUR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE Call 9-1-1 4". () ,-. O· ( r-. {, C' ~.~ ;J b SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINING EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PROGRA~ WHICH PROVIDES EMPLOYEES WITH INITIAL AND REFRESHER TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS. CIRCLE YES OR NO A. METHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . B. PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES:.....,...,..,.,......,.... C. PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT:,.............,... D. EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES:...,.......... ... E. 00 YOU MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS:....... I~ITIAL REFRESHER @ ~O i ~~ @ NO i· NO . NO E. NO E NO SECTION 7: HAZARDOUS MATERIAL CIRCLE YES OR NO DOES YOUR BUSINESS HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IN QUANTITIES LESS THAN 500 POUNDS OF A SOLID, 55 GALLONS OF A LIQUID, OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF A COMPRESSED GAS:...... YES ~ I, , certify that the above information is accurate. I under~tand that this information will be used to fulfill my firm's obligations under the new California Health and Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. 20 Chapter 6.95 Sec. 25500 Et AI.) and that inaccurate information constitutes perjury. SIGNATURE . ~ ~ ~~ TITLE , J:lr fr lÑ"tr' f t -(.... DATE tAi/11) I I - 2B - ~~ . e e BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 OFFICIAL LSE O~LY ID# BUSINESS N~~E: ------ BUSINESS PLAN SINGLE-FACILITY UNIT FORM 3A INS~UCTIONS 1: To avoid further action. this form must be returned by: 2. TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANSWERS IN ENGLISH, 3. Answer the questions bp.low for THE FACILITY üXIT LISTED BELOW 4. Be as BRIEF and CONCISE as poss1ble. PACILITY UNIT. 2 PACILITY UNIT NAME: Larson's Food Stores SECTION 1: MITIGATION. PREVENTION. ABATEME~ï PROCEDURES 1. Gasoline Dispensers and Tanks a. Tanks monitored daily b. Emergency Shut-Off in Store for each Hose and for whole system c. Safety Impact Shut-Off Valve(~) at each Gas Dispenser d. Automatic Shut-Off of Gas Nozzle when vehicle tank is full ~. Clean-Up Procedures developed for small spillage of Gasoline f. Emergency and Evacuation Procedures developed for large spillage of Gasoline 2. CO2 Tanks a. Tanks always secured to wall with strapes in upright position b. Only authorized personnel change Tanks c. Emergency and Evacuation Procedures for leaking CO2 Tank 3. Consumer Products--Motor Oil and Charcoal Starter a. Nev~rstaçk more than two high . b. AVOId facIng too close to front edge and sides of shelve c. Clean-Up Procedures developed for spill or leak SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDL~ES AT THIS L~IT ONLY 1. Large Spillage of Gasoline a. Close off the area b. Call EMERGENCY NUMBER 9-1-1 c. Call Judy Parks or Gary Larson d. Evacuate employees and customers--procedures developed for evacuation Leaking CO Tank a.· Evacua~e employees and customers--procedures developed for evacuation b. Call EMERGENCY NUMBER 9-1-1 c. Call Judy Parks or Gary Larson 2. - 3A - e e ~ , SECTION 3: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FOR TH\~ UNIT ONLY A. Does this Facility Unit contain Hazardous Materials?..... YES NO If YES. see B. . If NO. continue with SECTION 4. B. Are any ot the hazardous materials a bona fide Trade Secret YES NO · If No. complete a separate hazardous materials inventory form marked: NON-TRADE SECRETS ONLY (white form *4A-l) It Yes. complete a hazardous materials inventory form marked: TRADE SECRETS ONLY (yellow form #4A-2) in addition to the non-trade se~ret form. List only the trade secrets on form 4A-2. SECTION 4: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION '. SECTION ð: LOCATION OF WATER SUPPLY FOR USE BY EMERGENCY RESPONDERS 'SEC'TION 6: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS AT THIS UNIT ONLY, A, XAT. GAS/PROPANE: B. ELECTRICAL: C. WATER: D. SPECIAL: E. LOCK BOX: YES / ~O IF YES, LOCATIO~: IF YES. SITE PLANS? FLOOR PLA~S? YES / NO YES / XO MSDSs':' !\EYS ') YES YES ~O xo - 38 - J.D. . fORM 4A-l' NON-TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY -Page 1 of L BUSINESS NAME: Larson's Food Stores (Lessee) ADDRESS: 1600 Valhalla Drive CITY. ZJ P: BakersfIeld, CA 93309 PHONE ,: (805) 832-5887 1 TVPE CODE I) p t ~r p SJM M ~M 2 MAX AMOUNT 10.000 10 000 5.000 12.000 90 15 120 3 ANNUAL AMOUNT 456 CONT USE UNIT CODE CODE 115.000 GAL 01 19 275.000 GAL 01 1q 50 000 GAL 01 19 21 500 GAL 01 19 600 GAL 11 n 1 ~ ?F. 250 13 GAL 22 5200 Mix LBS 04 - OWNER NAME: 'Larson' Lea,siriq I.,1J,.S.... ADDRESS: 2800 Larson Ln CITV,ZIP: ~'~ip1ñ r.A n~~"A PHONE .: (805) 831-1166 FACILITY UNIT ,: 2 FACILITY UNIT NAME: T,;::¡ro::;nn'o::; ¡:;'rV\r'! ~ 'OFFICIAL USE CFIRS CODE . ONLY 7 LOCATION IN THIS FACILITY UNIT West of Store--in front Wp~r of Store--in front WèRt of Store--in front WPo::;t- of St.ore--in front Inside Store-~By Front Door Inside Store--NW Corner InsideStore--SW Corner 8 ~ BY 1fT. 100 9 10 HAZARD CODE FLGS 0.0.1 GUIDE CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME Unleaded Regular Gasoline II~~ \\~à 11~::l FLGS 100 Leaded Rem]lar Gasoline FLGS 100 Premium Unleaded Gasoline Diesel #2 117q uO I Motor Oil - Ots d t.t 0'1> FLLO 100 FLGS .' Charcoal Liahter - pts & Ots Carbon bioxideLiquified CMLO NF Liqu d 33-1/: Carbon 66-2/2 Oxygen {"d.S I d,3S~ /J '" (hi.. / //J. -;.Jm.. t<A ' 0 ATE: ) PHONE , BUS HOURS: 832-5887 AFTER BUS HRS: 833-6826 PHONE 'BUS HOURS:S31-1166 AFTER BUS HRS: 325-8891 , - TITLE: Srllp<;¡ .l--fanag'i?r SIGNA TURE : TITLE: Manaqer t /¡'i/f-I) T NAME: r,;::¡ry Larsnn EMERGENCY CONTACT: ,Tun}! 'Prlrko::; . . ~\:MERGENCY CONTACT: Gary Larson PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: .., .^J TIT L E: Sales Manager Convenience Store with GaR ~]mpo::; - 41\-1 - 'Ô' "",,- , e HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TRAINING PROGRAM FOR lARSON'S FOOD STORES PERSONNEL e As an employee of Larson's Food Stores, you could be potentially exposed to hazardous materials. Under California State Laws governing hazardous materials, we are required to inforrn'you of any hazardous materials which are located on the working premise. Also we are required to inform you o( clean-up and emergency procedures for any spill or leak of hazardous materials. Awareness of hazardous materials, and procedures to follow for any spill or leak is a continuous process. This awareness docs not end with the initial orientation. On an annual basis, you will review the inventory of hazardous materials, and clean-up and emergency procedures to use for any spill or leak. Also it is important for your safety and the safety of the other employees that you continually review the inventory and procedures on your own. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ON HAND 1. Underground Gas Tanks (4) containing Regular, Unleaded, Premium, and Diesel 2. CO2 Tanks 3. Consumer Products such as Motor Oil and Charcoal Starter HANDLIr-K; OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 1. 'CO Tanks 2 a. Only authorized personnel change tanks b. Tanks always secured to wall with strapes in upright position Consumer Products a. Never stack roore than two high b. Avoid facing too close to front edge and side of shelve 2. CLEAN-UP AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 1. Small Spillage of Gasoline at Gas Dispensers a. Close off the area b. Put sawdust on spill to absorb the material c. Sweep the area ,d. Place the material in a trash bag before disposing ***e. Avoid prolonged or repeated skin contaét and/or breathing of vapor. Avoid eye çontact. Do not swallow - 2. . Major Sp1l1age of Gasoline a. Close off the area and do not attempt to clean up b. Call Ð-ŒRGENCY NUMBER 9-1-1 C. call Judy Parks or Ga,ry Lar.son (nwnbers list.ed bv wa.11 phone) d. ~culate all personnel and customers from store (See Map) 3. Leaklng CO2 Tank a. Evac~ate all employees and customers from store (See Map) b. Call EMERGENCY NUMBER 9-1-1 (Use Outside Phone) c. Call Judy Parks or Gary Larson (Use Outside Phone) ***d. Avoid prolonged or repeated skin contact and/or breathing of vapor. Avoid eye contact · ...; At - . Page 2 Larson I s Fc4IÞ Stores ~ - 4. Spill of Consumer Product a. Use Rubber Gloves b. Close off the area . c. Wash area with soap and water d. Wipe area with towels e. Place towels in plastic bag before disposing ***f. Avoid prolonged or repeated skin contact and/or breathing of vapor. Avoid eye contact. Do not swallow ***MEDICAL ASSISTANCE a. If you make skin contact with the material, wash the area immediately with soap and water. Make eye contact, flush area with water b. If you feel ill, contact Dr. Christiansen (Office Number 327-9616); or on weekends and after office hours, go to the Emergency Room at MeIoorial Hospital c. Call Judy Parks or Gary Larson (numbers 1i9ted by wall phoI)e) . d. If swallowed, call 9-1-1 and consult contalner label for flrst ald instructions. REMINDER TO ALL EMPLOYEES--NEVER ASSUME IT IS Nor A PROBLEM. WE RATHER BE EXTRA CAREFUL, THEN BE SORRY FOR Nor DOING ANYTHING. YOUR SAFETY AND THE EMPLOYEES' SAFETY COMES FIRST! Employee and Date EVACUATION MAP ~ C' t, ,:) -« .- -,- - - - - - - - - - - - -- -1 I I I I I I OJ ~f''''f A rc:.ø. E I I I I I I I ~r " :J II c ~ ~ 'X.- -- o~t~ - -J 1600 Valhalla Drive - .. .I E « ( 6C4 t ) VIA J h.t1 /1(.1 Dpl'vl' PROCEDURES 1. All personnel and customers go to the area marked "X" 2. Shift Supervisor should check that all personnel and customers have evacuated the store. 3. Remain at designated area until cleared by Emergency Crew