HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN ..' ,,- 4.~_~6X6í1\PT.· - 1375- -- f"t:C:<j Ý·p OJ 9 CITY Of BAKERSFIELD \ P.O. BOX 20~7 I BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93303-2057 ¡ 1 I ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED DO NOT FORWARD j ¡ , ¡ , ! , , " ~ íj ~f ,~ \)\ J..fr I')" \,0 f \ " fì¡~ i' ,~, , . " I, " 1: " I ¡, ' , I;, I' 1(....("· ty...:'" Ema ,HU:I::>«j.7 ~?::I.~~8LAf.a F.:TN TO BENDEF~ :RUIZ'S COMP TUNE ~?20 0 E CALTFDRNIA AVENUE ¡ E:A~Œ:¡:;:SF:Œ:LD CA ('13:;U) 7, '\, F':[:J~lgt'! =TJ). ~fif:l!pq-L-c- _C'~~-~~·- - .1 I RU.!l"S COMPTUNE 1217 WASHI NGTON BAKERSFIELD, CA 93305 HH461601 .3:Jét;- 101 7 /' (0(1 ^J ~ , '1hi1fl,n"'n'n~ntì11;1ü~hlii , ilIA 1_ I , ~ March 5, 1990 TO: Nina Mayer, Accounts Receivable FROM: Ralph E. Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinator SUBJECT: Ruiz's Cdmp Tune Nina, account #461601 has moved to the county. This business should be rebilled with a prorated bill xor July and August and then the account should be closed. Thanks, Valerie '-', ~/ , 0_ KERN COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT rQ) æ A re ø t'\n rÐ rm 5642 VICTOR STREET ~ æ ~ œ w æ ~ BAKERSFIELD. CA 9~308 (805) 861::-27()1 ß AUG 11187 R E CE I V ED ( o3-~'- ;;;1!0S p J-KCFD HMCU MAR 1 8 1988 . Î " -;:; OFFICIAL USE ONLY ........ ... ¿ ~ I..) ¡ .¿ ) S ( ,Om P-¡-¡::; r\)f . BUSINESS :-\AME ID# f)OD8Ltk.. 001224 INSTRUCTIONS: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS BUSINESS PLAN AS A WHOLE FORM 2A )0 3-?;;~ ß , ..3 ~ ~. ~Gr::L-' , 1. To avoid further action, return this form byJ,Ul ß~ AUG 07 1987 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4, Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA B. LOCATION / STREET ADDRESS: CITY: ßd/~últl &1~'h~ /P? / 1¿JtlrÁ¡''Y~ Y ZIP: tl3-3ð :r BUS. PHONE: ( ) ¿Jd);;). - ..It; 7'7 o. ' ' A. BUSINESS NAME: nj./ I z,j'" SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In case of an emergency involving the release or threatened release of a hazardous material, call 911 and 1-800-852-7550 or 1-916-427-4341. This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of Emergency Services as required by law. EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY INCASE OF NAME ~D !ITL% K ~ ~ A . d ø .5 tf"Jð 1'<. . ¿,4. f Z- M I ,¿ r B. .' 0FÞle,- f( f./...tþ EMERGENCY: ~G BUS. HRS.. ~TE~BUS. H~ _ PhL~ :?~:2It1 ?Jph ~r &"7/ ,,9 / Ph{r?ob~7//1'f/Ph# <:?:?/ 7s~6 SECTION 3: A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE: B, ELECTRICAL: t7. I C. WA TER: ¿1/~... /tfl D. SPECIAL: E. LOCK BOX: YES IF YES, DO~S IT CONTAIN SITE PLANS? YES / NO MSDSS? YES / NO FLOOR PLANS? YES! NO KEYS? YES / NO -Over- HMCU-4 - ....,.."1 ,5\ 'W" Ii m ~;I.'\ m I'm , f }, hi 10', 1.1 ~ <:ì'>' ¡¡J,I l"" ø,\ r ~ iw ..."J , -- ~ .( ...... "'-~-.~ i D """'... '. iii. " 0, . ." "". .......... SECTION 4: P,RI_ ~¡S~6~E TEAM FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE . _fA 11,' I c/~nd' ~e5p~~~ . : .' .owtíer Çí~fI-.. r"~".Æffvt1~ýe-e. ~ d2$:5 e,$ eHlev~ft~ / . dcc4Ørd~7AJ'''..m I / ¡ ~ ''\ ~ 'r . "..J I. " SEC..':-ION 5: LOCAL. EMERGENCY 'M~DH~A~ A~SISTANCE FOR _Y,..UR BUSINESS AS ~ A WHOL~...,£ €" v:/ :¡¿, 'jØe- c:?(¡~F¡ 1-',p /J6) ~ .,k-P(j 1,0;( reI' "£ 'lh>¿ sevef'/7 hr,? ~('q' Þ( t/ b ¿~ æ¿(7~/Jt(;fct"l'¡J ~ VPt::-. Kat;? t'r p %el" eCo¡~Þ('e~~ 1M hts d¡f.>enc~, ..IA~7::.e r ~V5}(~L 5~ X//! M ý/ 6 c. ./e.e ¡..¡- ¿'/ /7f( /M -~.Ædr· ~ fJ r~ V¿,í ,'f- /"i '- 4. /~ I ~ ø il?1fi cr' ~h pc -¡-; ~- - . . ...-r.. '-/. . C CpI ~ . ' r.> CJ' / /Pf/'/ # t;/ <S?- ¿lZ? &£ f:)¡;'; d?Ý5C- by :Z'1 rite..., Cer f~ t7/ ¿:;c vC'"r~ / J a I /e /, . I' Cp.se b ð5'¡SJI." ! C· L~//, r"/ .-J é'v1T¿ r (CJClj¿-Y S - relf j'1 µ,q~, (C~t -- SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINING EMPLOYÈRS ARÈ REQUIRED TO HAVE A PROGRAM WHICH PROVIDES EMPLOYEES WITH INITIAL AND REFRESHER TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS. CIRCLE YES OR NO INITIAL A. METHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS.: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . ó. . . . . ; . . . 0 . . . . . .. @ 'NO B. PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES . . WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES:...........,..,........... IES NO C. PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT: . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . ° NO D. EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES:.....".......... . 'NO E..-DO-'r'OUMAIN'rAIN~-EMBLOYEE TRAINING_.RECORDS :_._._.._... '_'_ YES_@_ REFRESHER @NO, ~ ~g' ~. . JjQ IJ J.-.-. .1/. - .,.~- k.'eftt¿"f ,YES W~(L f k/fI/(/tI. . , ~ '/Ii ;feà r #i:t tI('é':;- u, - I, ~~ , certify that the above information is accurate. I unders nd that this information wiÏl be used to fulfill my firm's obligations under the new California Health and Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. 20 Chapter 6.95 See. 25500 Et AI.) and that inaccurate information constitutes. p,er jury. SJGNATU~#¿ ¿5. TITLE~~~r' DATE /~/-8'7 ~/4 HMCU-4 -,.--.:-:~ ~ , -- , 'i BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTIIE:\T 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD. CA 93301 r-~ ., OFFICIAL CSE O:\LY ID# BUSINESS i:\AME: ------ BUSINESS PLAN SINGLE FACILITY UNIT FORM SA INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further action. this form must be returned bY:/~-~/~í'. 2. TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for THE FACILITY UNIT LISTED BELOW 4. Be as BRIEF and CONCISE as possible. FACILITY UNIT~ FACILITY UNIT NA.'Œ: . ¡:¿ ¡J (75 C~ ;1/1,/J -¡;;'l ~, I SECTION 1: MITIGATION, P~EVENTION. ABATEME~-r PROCEDL~ES ß i' l' ~ r ' t9f/ 5J) d/ -:5 un// j, '" C/e-?"e./ b(" -?'"f!1 vJ"It""ff 1J",,,e..t:1f 0/ I' ft Vn¿?~ r :ç /A/ ec.(/J ¡- V-.5 LI. d !f17-¿;,f //A¿;>-:,e#ð/;¡ /ð /--15 ¡.-!-æ N vi k / ÇJ r fftt 115lJ tP r:j:~ 4 or r 0' n 7' f? ,vi ¿ 'f;"YI ¡f! U: (j) ¡ / ;5 kél;l- /H fg. r ,elf -Ý' A rf7&'f I;Y <-Mr''-> j0 f-k eft/ ð-h ¡-/1 {)f..f j t'1/' d ØrcE' 1¡/~>0e ci,,,,;, e/ PJt~ ¡;" (I SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION A~~ EVACUATIQN PROCEDLKESAT THIS L~IT O\LY £vC/c U ,,-fr~~~ ~~" l(be- &cP~<P! S:k1 a~ IC'!5:: '. /¡J l/æ ¿>&ýA,t1Þ:è U f ¡;, f4/é5 +- Þ YI fV<inc<!:. ,;> f- .;o¡',"!)l7tt1 1(;; ~¡; cd-h~0 - 3..\ - - fI' ·...;:=_v..~___..._ .;> "", '-',> SECTIO~ 3: HAZARDOGS ~ATERrALS FOR THIS æ~rT OXLY A. Does this Facility Unit con~ain Haz~rdous ~ateriJ!s?",.,. VES XO If YES, see B. If NO, continu~ with SECTIOX 4. B. Are any of the hazardous materials a bona fide Tr~de Secret YES XO If No, complete a separate hazardous materials inventory form marked: NON-TRADE SECRETS OXLY (white form =4A-l) If Yes, complete a hazardous materials inventory form marked: TRADE SECRETS O~LY (yellow for~ #4A-2) in addition to the non-trade secr~t for~. List only the trade secrets on form 4A-2. SECTIO:-r 4: PRIVATI: FIRE PROTECTTO~ / I . c . / /r, _ (}í'; e ~ r .J:::::' '7-' f ",' r_Á fi( _?, 7- e¢(::;I"I c-'(/c;lJ Ý' I F) C /qc;;{Ukj ¿;.(;ß-l ¡-- If G /~ 'T-- r7- l.,d 1..;> ~e -' ....- ./ . r ¿: tK· ,.... -j¿ - ., ' Þ<7<Øÿ .- ____' ~·...,.6 .. p,:,j (67rJ11':'Y' . r;< _Þ-. -;r::; "eI /.:-. '"I-r d 1'7 c- è ;S d <:/.- q.. .. ~ .7 .. . / ' _/-. ./ .t. -""<.P' d / ¿? U . /'. C" ,- t- . U d (,QiJ /100'"" ---- ;-l- (ja ;;&r7 .- . '..-..-.--..---.-..-.-- ... SECTION 5: LOCATION OF WATER Su~~LY FO~ USE BY ~G£NCY RES!O~~S ~ ~~~...¡ \ ú/ ¿ 5' -Ç-J7 Ii'" F1 e t/ #:.f/ I r- .P /"'.2 {/ 7" ¿? Q-l tA/ d.:? 1 ',~_1 /.9 PI.:5 ' ¡--,r.¿ fýJYdV11- SECTIO~ 6: LOCATIO~ OF ~~ILITY SHLi-OFFS AT THIS üXTT ONLY, A. ;;; ~l (~s :;:~~:tf B. ELECTRICAL: / /r /I, J:¡ ¡'.Ii" J ¿: --I / C Ý u // d 1,7'/7¿;,' V or""¡/! t/vc;:; /-LtPrnc.J/-"'" ð"'::J~ vu7's~ck C. ~'lATER: -(' __ . _~. ú/¿:? :? ~ ¿/. ~ Pi""/) II!' (7 -þJY .---- ~ . ë.- Je?; -Ie b (.L -¡- d/ ü 7:'/:;;' 11 't" ;/ 7 /0 .1:::- Pí' / r« In ¿ . D, SPEC~AL: E. LOCK B(1X: yr::-S 'e I~ YES, LOc.\TIO:~: r r- YES SiTf: P ~..\\'S ') t,rr- \~() ~ c..') ~ ~, 0 0 R ~r..\\,s:' 'YES m :'v!SGS:-;0 ::r:','S ,., "'l~ ') ~...:; ','"'r:'f""" l. '. .) \:0 - 33 - , NON-TRADE SECRETS . HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVE~TORV BUSINESS NAME: 'fU(-z:.$'Cóvní!J-j;;ÎI'~·. O~NER 'NAME:' Js.:;¡ed ¿ -~/:~:, FACILITY UNIT #: ADDRESS: /;; j7 ,U/d't:;:J,.,¡........ 7ÐTA / __-r,. ADDRESS: "9~ø ~ /..ß~:~cK~./ FAC I L ITY UN IT NAM,E: CITY. ZIP: .J I> K,r<r-.ç,.él'#', /C.e /".-£ Q 3 ':š tflS- : CITY. ZIP: ." 2 --:i.s.f-,,'è/þ C;,,//;J.; 9';§~tJG -, PHONE #: /~G,ç-) ,:"?':'1'".'//~77 -r :f.:Jb-/t!'J?S PHONE #: r96J~)P7/ /b?Y· .OFFICIAL -USE CFIRS ~ . ONLY I D # ~ 12345 6 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT US& CODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE ì),,\;/ I ¿,>;¡~ I/¡:~¡¡~II ß b1.. ,f) /;. ~ ;: -"!JÐfJ ~~ ¡:-r} 'otr 4Ä ~ f1I1 ,2 () 0 Ò 7 tJð J Ýf3{) If . 'f j¿ '- . .. , ";' . - KERN COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT FORM 4A-l page-L ofL I,,' CODE L .7 LOCATION IN ·THIS FACILITY UNiT S:o~o.M'J:øsf c"rnef..Bv.í fJl.~J1 . "rØ ~u'hfArlf:? {JiPl1,fqbk V,;1;ri¡u..$ (J//M5 f tP v>-/-q b Ie ~V(~VÇYk5 8 9 % B'v WT. CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME /cor ~q;~tfP 10/ /'591; ./' ~Xy qet/1 ;;)3:50 . A~;;-I¡k ,,¿ I;)(/-' ¡ " 10 HAZARD .CODE çj~~ £'Kfk £- p/¿; D.O. T . GUIDE , *?/~ - ._- - 'i ~ ...,,~ NAME: r7¿,~~ cR, rK',Úz. TITLE: t)cP~€Y.//I4IU:tr,_ SIGNATURE: .A'<~.L/_ _r . D~E :~:LL- EMERGENCY lONTACT: t/o.çA/!.£ R.. <Reitz:. Tr'TLE: hone,-h....,.,v; .J /', PHONE #..ffiJs HOURS:C~Ð.s.· .?~~/()77 ,j "..r ,/' AFTER BUS HRS: ('S()(=-.... ~?/ /¿,?:?, " EMERG~NCY CONTACT: #c¡ner/' ot/"/Z- TITLE: Orø6feýf Æi71ie,,- 'PHON'Eo # BUS HOURS :I''W!J~} 9'7) /fr~6 ,.' PRINC1'PAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: ,4: C:e,¡¡<>r~/· AFTER BU-S HRS: . c'ir?/ )£f/,£h ~~' '~ / .- -:. - .. " .c' , HMCU-9 CONTAINER CODES ·tÞ . CODES·' 01. Underground Tank 02. Aboveground Tank 03. Fixed Pressurized Tank 04. Portable Pressurized Cylinders 05. Insulated Tank (Includes Cryogenics) 06. Drums ~r.~arrels - Metallic' 07. Drums or B~rrels~- Non-Metallic 08.' Carboy (s) 09. Glass Container(s) 10. Plastic Container(s) 11. Box(es) . 12. Bag ( s ) . 13. Metal Containers (Not prums) 14. In Machinery or processing equipment 15. Bin(s) 99. OTHER - Specify on separate sheet . . ~ - -. ---.--- -. -.--,---.-- USE CODES 01. Additive 02.. Adhesive 03: Aerosol 04. Anesthetic 05. Bactericide 06, Blasting 07. Catalyst 08. Cleaning 09. Coolant 10. Cooling 11. Drilling 12, Drying, 13. Emulsifier/Demulsifier 14. Etching -' 15. Experimental 16. Fabrication 17, FertH i zer 18. Formulation 19. Fuel 20.. Fungicide -, ----2=1. 'Gri'n~ing-- 22. Heaqng HAZARD CODES EXPL Explosive CMLQ Combustible Liquid CMSL - Combustible Solid CRMT - Corrosive Material FLGS - Flammable Gas FLLQ - Flammable Liquid . FLSI. -, Flammable So] id NFLG - ~on-Flammable Gas .OG~X - Organic Peroxide OXD - Oxidizer ~CRYO - Cryogenics 23. Herbicide 24. Insecticide 25, Instructional 26. Lubricant 27. Medical Aid or Process 28. Neutralizer 29. Painting 30. Pesticide 31. Plating 32. Preservative 33. Refining 34. Sealer 35. Spraying 36. Sterilizer 37. Storage 38. Stripper 39. Washing , 40. Waste· 41. Water Treatment 42. Welding Soldering . ,43', ~Well-Injection'- 44. Oil Treatment 99. OTHER-Specify on ORMA ~ Anesthetic, irritant ORME Hazardous Waste ORMS - Other regulated Material B,C,and D PSNA - Poison 'A (Gas) PSNB - Poison B (Liquid or Solid) RAQI - Radioactive WATR - Water Reactive ETIO - Etiological Agent PYRO - Pyrophoric, Hypergolic or spontaneously combustible P M -. Pure Mixtures of pure substances W = Wastes (Also add appropriate waste' code) UNIT CODES - ---.. --,~ - LBS TON = GAL = BBL = Ft3 = CUR -= Pounds Tons (2,000 lbs) . Gallons Barrels (42 gals) Cubic Feet ,Curies - --, ,'__ _ _' ", .-- :---- . "'""'. ~ ~ '~~-""'" .f! . .~ .' ~.--J,- -+ ¡ I ! ,,-- I I I : I ¡ I I I i -¡- I I 1 ' I \ \ ~'\ ij"". -~~~~- - ... ''>h' , . . . ,~I ! '\l ,~ :l=' ' -ÎT~~; I: ii' y' ~. ¡.+¥""~ ..e-..k , ' ' +-~ ¡ ] ~ ~¡t~ 1 æ: i ]1 I ! ~'II 11 ~_ '_, ícr<HJi-f+4--it-4-';::T: i ' ! 'ni:':i1 riy~!-_l, I~· I I, I: I I ' ~_:_ ~~~~~_L I, I I! 1 T 1-1--11 II,! 1 r : ¡ I I It ·,1 L I '-\ \ t--..\! I ~! I' L i ,I I I I I ' . ,I! t+-f I ~ IL'i\-~¡ , I I I i I ---¡-I' I I I ¡ " ' ¡. j II!! I ! , __ ~I I I j 1 T ' I I ' 'I 1 j , , ,,' _~µ, I ilTi-·· I , ,I I I ¡ , T....:ù ,,'~ ~ I ' ' .' ' I" ' H- -f.! -J -K! ''js' t+ II I i il·! [ ,jl I ! I ! I I J;' " k=l=~~1 1 I I 1 :-+ '..2 .~ ~ i'o....L- I I r¡--¡-' i , i : : ,I ' 1_' _ I I ~ II', _I 1- H++-+-' ¡ -j-,-j--~ 1 I T- I' ",_:1(. Ii" I I' , ' I-HI , ,¡, ,"'i:-TI I I' J Ii' 'r-! 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I' . , I I ., " ,\.,' I i -LLU ",' P¡'TJ -L~ I I-- I : TiT ,!'\: ,,' 11.1 I I r. I :i.\r;¡~ _~~1 I I I JO I I I'¡' 1~' 1/.1. T' I I ~I: =±~ ~ j I ~~! i.IJ,e9Ji~' , I'! i 7,_+:tf<t 11 ~) i .~ . '§. i m ~-t~fL I I ', "I ,1-fI,1-T-J,.-v_'t1-no tii'C!<,1 /1; ¿¡~, u.... I ( I' IIJ)~ :rt. l' I 1 #;,LIL I ! 1 T 11--1-1 j I I' 1 / 1b'1 I ~ ' I :, .,~~ ' I""¡Jll i--+-+' " I I,' I. A.'f' -+-~~11-',-c1 " ~~, I I! I Ii: ¡ I' I I~~" I ¡ I. ~(I" ,¡§'\ I If' I I \ j' 'I !:..JI' I~,w'" fI~lIl( '1 ~1:' .~~~ L', ¡ i i I ¡,'f! ,~ 71 ,,11, I: 1 j'! I I RT~: ~l5-i~¥ r1ttlV"! I I -L-i', I' 'n" I ' I I'I ' ' 1 I I '1 I I I ,-C-¡- ,!, I 1 r "i" , ' . l' I I I I; i I I 1 'I'!' , !', I I I ii' I ,-\, t! I' I I : I J'j \ _I I 1 ' I j I ¡ __I ¡' I I I I 1 I !~1.. I : I ., '" - . \ '1' -'>';1 f---.rr- L ; I i--) I' 1 ¡ r-:~1\ ~,'~I'~ t-' , If, l-j---j---1 - '. " .\ ¡. '-\ 'It,' ,~I'·''-'': \. \ j'b--+-'. t--,,', , I 1, ,1 ! \ ,~ ¡ILl ,-1 'I t ' I \ - --L í 'rD,"" ! ,G ð,Vf1 Í/r¡' _I I ' cíç ú~;~.-t#' ,., b - I j" í4-3f4# 1,'IÆ1' ' I f I - i i ï It )' I ì -' ' I !..t ~~ I '. TI -U~~ ¡'I' J~, ,~ ~l:f-( ~ r.,-I~C/ -Cï7}: I' ~ J' I-----r- j /; ,_l o ~ ~ ~L- I \ "Yi ~+tl Ll J- --r,' -r: ,,[ I : \T 1 , , I I ~' ~( -1.-J \ p 1(-1 ti (.; \ I I , I I I ! 1 I I _~f~~u I -t ÇY1w ¡ , I I I' i Ii, ! I): 'e,. f ' ërrJ.; Ø¡f..'4i~~J v~f'¡ . 1 ~ 'J,,'~ I , I ¡ II , I ,I ' I .1 I I , 1 ~ . - /1 f I I .1 --11 ¡, I -Y' \' 1 I _ ~ t ~ _ } L . /~/7 V~'i J.J- . /2..2 ¥' - DI AGRAM ~". 1" /l) ç /.2.. ;,.~ i' '~---.-..!.-____4-_ " :¡. ..r- -r- .~ g,ITE/FACILITY FORM 5 NORTH BUSINESS NAME: 1áf/e- FLOOR: I OF I UNIT #: ¡ OF I FACILITY NAME: r.J. /2-5 C P'K 'A / SCALE: DATE: / / (CHECK ONE) SITE DIAGRAM FACILITY DIAGRAM ",,---=--,.. C«-t'ft1Jr.nÍÍfl A' ve . -/- -~ ~~::I '. ~) fRe~rÙ;l' :--.1 - ---- -~~~=l--" -1~' -:ij~~--\ ì 51 "t,. 'J¡, '.c;;;'~ I j Kt9t;;:tIt ~ i.. ~, \ , j ~~I¡, t t. n..'~] I,. ~~~ ,() . Ii ;t. ~ ."!' ~ /I \1 I, , -- ~ , - I I "î·;: .~ l ~ f\..è- (ßi(!,£ -þ..' -'~.'"", {""'lJ~t ¡J"féUÚ? ~ ¡It ,~ C 9 f11 ,/~ C~· l' .~ eM ect"'dJ~lttf I l' ~. ~~~ , ~; ~ I ~ .J ~ l, : ~ l , I J ~ e~Jr-1 ~ ~\. , ~ .'- ~~ i.~~~ .filS" Å~ tt~~ ( ! I r j ! ,I ,I - -_._--~ I r~<2~iotMa! -..............:;""""--.....~-- :{ 8:si'$'&"1 ~........"..~- r~-". . I, AI] . J ~ ! ~ $id~tte(tJ: i' ~ ~------ --- '- ~~, -- I ? ¡uß¡~~Ø L? " 'i I' l , ,,~ ! ~ t\ \. r. ';,'-' ,~\ i (VB ...} ð . ,- ~; ~ r, 16 ~ ,~ ~~ ~ \ò It "- fj V (Inspector's Comments): -OFFICIAL USE ONLY- HMCU-13 \, , KERN COUNTY FI RE DEPARTMENT ::# J'-<I¿ ~r¿ . <- - ALSO SERVING THE- CITIeS OF Arvin , Maricopa McFarland RIdgecrm 1'ahacf1apl Wasco Thomas P. McCarthy Chief Hazardous Materials Control Unit _ 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield, California 93308 Telephone (805) 861-2761 Dear Business Owner: The b~siness plan you filed with the Kern County Fire Department is returned to you for ihe following reasons. Box for Official Gse Only written in on Form Form 5: being I I ! I I i + Form /7 Form No signature on Form 2A not returned 2A not complete ~tt. ~~ Facility Diagram _ Missing _ Incomplete Site Diagram A Missing _ Incomplete )( Form 3A - Small facility AtDs~VG ~ needs to fill out Sections 1-5 Form 3Ä - Large facility needs to fill out Sections 1-6 Other . : --' Inventory Sheet (Form 4A-l,2,3) not returned (Form 4A-l,2,3) not complete Please retur~ this form with the corrected business plan and resubmit within 30 days ( f-3D - ct 7 . Very truly yours. THOMAS p, McCARTHY. CHIEf Georf h:ilford. Cäpti1,in Hazal'dous :.fat(~t'ials Contl'ul :'-tlL:' La,: j I) Protecting The Golden Empire State of Callfçrnla-Healt h and Welfare Agency . e I Department of Health Services Toxic Substances Control Division HAZARDOUS WASTE NOTIFICATION STATEMENT , This form is not a substitute for the Federal notification required by U. S. Environmental Protection Agency pursuant to subsection (a) of Section 6930 of Title 42 of the U. S. Code. Any person generating hazardous waste, or owning or operating a facility for the treatment, storage, or disposal of hazardous waste, shall file this notification. If you have an EPA identification number you are not required to submit this notification. A. Business Name: ~ ; ¡ 0.17- ~ Bus I ness Address /" /-7 e ~/?1 E. Business ActIV'jY: 4- fA./ 70 , ~ . ~ ~Oð/rr7 ¡- ZIP Code '3>.JCJS- Equalization Tax Account Number: 8. .. - o No. Complete Item J and return Telephone Number: IIGlfle.- 87 b '77 ( ffð Gî ¡}"û;;;I;i~-s s "., '" / 0 '-7 ZIP Code :5 Y ð-b I. Waste Being Handled: Using the list below indicate type and amount of waste handled for the period January- December 1986. A conversion chart for figuring the amount of waste is on the reverse side. . TYPE OF WASTE ANNUAL AMOUNT ø Less than 1-10 More than 1 Ton Tons 10 Tons Corrosive Example: acid, sodium hydroxide Reactive Example: phosphorus, cyanide ..--: ( &/( V Ignitable (flammable) Vn;T It/! _Example.:-waste..sol.v.e.nts,..gasoline .. . . Toxic Example: pesticides, lead, zinc Explosive 54 c,e/e 1ø1 ¿ ~. . J. I am aware that, if I knowingly submit false information to the Department, I am subject to a civil penalty of not less than $2,000 and not more than $20,000 for ~ach day that the false information goes uncorrected. I declare under penalty of perjury that t~e above information is true and correct. /1 Dated this //1-. day of ¿7¿c ¿,¿f-vt.j pi"" 19.ß:Z, at t9 q ke /':..("}-Î; J.ß h¡¡¿~ Signature {) CUl) C r ~flllq r: T!t1e /.../ , California. ,. I 2..0 I Temp. 1091 (6/87) I ., un . _ _ HAZARStWASTE NOTIFICATION STATEMENT IN.CTIONS Use these instructions to complete the statement. Ensure al/ information is complete and accurate. If you have more than one facility, a form must be completed for each facility. Item A: List your t?usiness namè and address. Item B: Enter the county wheì;e.business is located. Item C:, Using the list below, indicate the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code that best explains the process used to generate waste. (Example: type of business could be SIC 24, waste oil could be generated from vehicle maintenance, and the process would thenbe SIC 3710.) Item D: Indicate your Board of Equalization Tax Account Number. Item F: Indicate whether y()ur business generates a hazardous waste. Item E: Indicate the type of business and primary function .O.e., Metal Plating, Automotive Service Station). Item G.: List a person knowledgeable and available to respond in emergencies and give a 24-hour telephone number. Item H: Enter owner or operator of business and address. Item I: Indicate the type of waste handled and amount using the conversion chart below. Item J: Owner or operator should print their name and title, and sign and date the form. KEEP A COpy OF THE COMPLETED STA TEMENT FOR YOUR RECORDS. Sign and return this statement by January 1,1988 to Depa'rtment of Health Services Toxic Substances Control Division Program Monitoring and Personnel Section . P.O. Box 942732 . Sacramento, CA 94234-7320 Unit Conversion to Ton(s) G K Gallon Kilogram 0.004170 ton 0.001102 ton L M Liter 0.001102 ton Cubic Meter = 1.102000 tons Formula: Example: Amount of Waste x 27 G x 1,000 K x . Unit Conversion 0.004170 0.001102 Tonnage ,11 (less than 1 ton) 1.10 (1-10 tons) Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Codes N P Y Metric Ton Pound Cubic Yard 1. 102000 tons 0.000500 ton 0.842800 tons Standard Industrial Classification is a nationally standard system for coding establishments by their industrial activity. AGRICUL TURE 07 Agricultural Services MINING 10 Metal Mining 13 Oil and Gas Exploration CONSTRUCTION 16 Construction MANUFACTURING 20 Food and Kindred Products 24 Lumber and Wood Products 25 Furniture and Fixtures 26 Paper and Allied Products 27 Printing and Publishing 2711 Newspapers 28 Chemicals and Allied Products 2810 Chemicals, industrial inorganic 2820 Plastic materials and synthetics 2830 Drugs 2840 Soaps, cleaners, and toile.t goods 2851 PaiiÙ and allied products 2860 Chemicals, industrial inorganic 2870 Chemicals, agricultural 2890 Chemical produc:m, miscellaneous 29 Petroleum Refining and Related Industries 2911 Petroleum refining 2950 Paving and roofing 30 Rubber and Miscellaneous Plastic Products 31 . Leather Tanning ànd Finishing 32 Stone, Clay, and Glass Products 3210 Glass and glassware 3270 Concrete, gypsum, and plaster products 33 Primary, Metal Industries 3320 Foundries, iron and steel 3330 Nonferrous metals 34 Fabricated Metal Products 3410 Cans and shipping containers 3430 Plumbing and heating 3460 Forging and stamping 3470 Metal services 35 Machinery,except electrical 36 Electrical and Electronic Machinery 3674 Semiconductor and related devices 37 Transportation 3710 Motor vehicle 3720 Aircraft and parts 3730 Ships and boats 3760 Guided missiles and space vehicles 38 Instrumentes and Related Measuring Devices 39 Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries TRANSPORTATION 40 Rail Transportation 42 Trucking 49 Electric, Gas, and Sanitary Services WHOLESALE/RETAIL SALES 51 Wholesale Trade 59 Retail Trade MISCELLANEOUS 73 Business Services 75 Automotive'Repairs 95 Governmental Agency Except Military 97 Governmental Agency, Military 99 Not Otherwise Specified