HomeMy WebLinkAboutHAZMAT MATERIALS 3/9/2004 f~ GILBARCO ~~ VEEDER-ROOT f( ßILBARCO VEEDER ROOT F\...el Management Services 7300 W, Friendly Avem.!e Post Office Box 22087 Greensboro, NC. 27420-2087 (800) 997-7725 (860) 651-2842 Fax WRITTEN FOLLOW-UP REPORT CERTIFIED MAIL ¡ City of Bakersfield Certified Unified Program Agency I . Environmental Health Services - Hazardous Materials Management Division 1715 Chester Ave, Third Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 3/912004 ,(l Dear Sandy: / j/ In accordance with California rejrru¡f'~h~e following follow-up infonnation regarding the spill rep éãíit Safeway service stat-ion 2512,iÌìBakersfield, CA on , J March 8,2004. ~ RELEASE NOTIFICATION Safewav # 2512 21 00 White Lane. Bakersfield. CA 93304 Facility Address: Substance Released: Source: Estimated Quantity: Time: Duration: Media: Health Risk: Action Taken: Precautions Required: Additional Measures: Mobil Contact Persòn: 2100 White Lane, Baker~eA 93304 . GasOITne Component Dispensér---" ,- . I gallon 4: 15pm 2 minutes Concrete No immediate threat to human health or the envorinment. Spill Cleaned up Dispenser was turned off Case closed no additional actions planned. Compliance Issues: Marcella Gelman 626-821-5608 Remediation Issues: Scott Miller 626-821-7781 Agency Notification(s): City of Bakersfield OES Contact Ralph Huey Joanne Phillips Time 4:20pm 4:20pm Notification # Caller Glosson Glosson 04-1311 If you have any questions regarding this report, please call me (336) 315-2831. ~C~y,~~ Ian A. Ellis Gilbarco Veeder-Root Fuel Management Services n. ACT~SDECLARATION NOTE: If you check YES to any part of this list, please submit the Business Owner/Operator Identification page (OES Form 2730). Does our facili , . , If Yes, lease com lete these a es of the UPCF". , A. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS - -,"'" - # ..~. ~. . . ¡,.......: UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM BUSINESS ACTIVITIES FACILITY ID # DISCOUNT RADIATOR CENTER Have on site (for any purpose) hazardous materials at or above 55 gallons for liquids, 500 pounds for solids, or 200 cubic feet for compressed gases (include liquids in ASTs and USTs); or the applicable Federal threshold r8J YES 0 NO 4 ... .- - - -quantity-for-an extremely -hazardous substance'specified·in 40-CFR-Part-355;=- --" -- -<_. - ~. - -; Appendix A or B; or handle radiological materials in quantities for which an emer en Ian is re uired ursuant to 10 CFR Parts 30, 40 or 70? B. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS (USTs) 1. Own or operate underground storage tanks? 2, Intend to upgrade existing or install new USTs? D YES r8J NO 5 D YES r8J NO 6 3. Need to report closing a UST? C. ABOVE GROUND PETROLEUM STORAGE TANKS (ASTs) Own or operate ASTs above these thresholds: ---any tank capacity is greater than 660 gallons, or ---the total capacity for the facility is greater than 1,320 gallons? D, HAZARDOUS WASTE 1. Generate hazardous waste? D YES r8J NO 7 D YES r8J NO 8 r8J YES D NO 9 2, Recycle more than 100 kg/month of excluded or exempted recyclable materials (per HSC 25143.2)? 3. Treat hazardous waste on site? D YES r8J NO 10 D YES r8J NO 11 I I-- I i 4, Treatment subject to financial assurance requirements (for Permit by Rule-and Conditional-Authorization)? - 5, Consolidate hazardous waste generated at a remote site? D_YES r8J NO ,- 12 DYES r8J NO 13 DYES r8J NO 14 6, Need to report the closure/removal of a tank that was classified as hazardous waste and cleaned onsite? E, LOCALREOUffiEMENTS (You may also be required to provide additional infonnation by your CUP A or local agency,) TTPrF (l/QQì ? FACILITY INFORMATION Pel of 2 EPA ID # (Hazardous Waste Only) -" \ \ , "..-..¡ "",,\f J i, It t: c \ , " I \, .Lo-------..- .- HAZARDOUS MA1ERlALS INVENTORY - C~~C~ DE~CRIPTIO~ (OES_ ~731) -;-- UST F ACILTIY (Formerly SWRCB Fonn A) UST TANK (one page per tank) (Formerly Form B) UST FACILITY UST TANK (one per tank) UST INSTALLATION - CERTIFICA1E OF COMPLIANCE (one page per tank) (Fonnerly Form C) UST TANK (closlR portion -one page per tank) NO FORM REQUIRED TO CUPAs EP A ID NUMBER - provide at the top of this page RECYCLABLE MA1ERlALS REPORT (one per recycler) ONSTIE HAZARDOUS W AS1E .. TREATMENT - FACILITY (Formel\yDTSC Forms 1772) ONSI1E HAZARDOUS W AS1E TREATMENT - UNIT (one page perunil) (Formerly DTSC Forms 1772 A,B,C,D and L) CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL ASSURANCE (Formerly DTSC ¡i.;;m!232) REM01E W AS1E / CONSOLIDATION SITE ANNUAL NOTIFICATION (Formerly DTSC Form 1196) HAZARDOUS W AS1E TANK CLOSURE CERTIFICATION (Fonneñy DTSC Form 1249) IS '-"'~--e";,...~_ h'~ e· ! ; " ~----"':~f,~--:--- , I; ) , 1. ," ¡jJ d~J C7~ A ' ¿- ~ ¡ð-1;kJ~ S-3-ß\ f~, ~_ ~--~..- --"""-:--r-:-- 1.r:"'f-~~ ,.::-::.:...;..'~->~-r-.::"" " " " - . _.1 < ,', -\ \,/ - -"'"":!'-.,.¡:, . ~. " './ " ' , , " , ' ,I. . ,) , '. / I~ 313 D ..5- f k ; .. . \ ., / . , D PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FO ( ( FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS OWNER/OPERA TOR IDENTIFICATION ..,,;.... ( FACILITY ID# I. IDENTIFICATION 1 BEGINNING DA1E 20010215 100 ENDING DA1E Page 2of2 101 102 103 105 107 108 110 -, I 112 113 116 / BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) Discount Radiator Center BUSINESS SI1E ADDRESS 2101 White Lane CITY Bakersfield DUN & BRADS1REET 104 CA ZIP CODE 93304 106 SIC CODE (4 digit #) 7539 COUNTY Kern BUSINESS OPERATOR NAME Randy-Bloomfield~ - - ~--- 109 BUSINESS OPERATOR PHONE ~-------- - --~- --=.,;. -~--661-';835:;8991-- --..=--- II. BUSINESS OWNER 1-- OWNER NAME Keith Korsgaden OWNER MAILING ADDRESS 1119E, Main CITY Visalia 111 OWNER PHONE 559-732-9217 CONTACT NAME Randy Bloomfield CONTACT MAILING ADDRESS 2101 White Lane CITY Bakersfield 114 STA1E CA DI. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT 117 CONTACT PHONE 661-835-8991 lIS ZIP CODE 93292 118 119 . ~.- - .-. -- -- ------..----- 120 STA1E CA IV. EMERGENCY CONTACTS 123 NAME Keith Korsgaden 124 TITLE Owner _ ._. __ 12S j3USINESS PHONE 661-835-8991 IU 24-HOURPHONE 559-739-8057 127 PAGER # 121 ZIP CODE 93304 -SECONDARY - 122 -PRIMARY- NAME Randy Bloomfield TITLE Operator BUSINESS PHONE 1- -6ôt:835-8991 24-HOUR PHONE 661-827-9825 PAGER # 128 129 .. 130-- 131 132 ADDITIONAL LOCALL Y COLLEC1ED INFORMATION: 133 Certification: Based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information, I certifY under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the infonnation submitted and believe the infonnation is true, accurate, and complete, 136 NAME OF DOCUMENT PREPARER 135 California Em 10 er's Svs 255-2452 NAME 137 .--- T TP(,F ( l/QQ n"vi¡:pr!ì 4 OF~ FORM ?7~f) (1 /QQì I ~ cDl .21 jl .ë-I 81 ÆI c\ al 40b·R, S,erl(ice Type 0 Insured Æ\ egisiered C)l [JX:e;tìfléd' 0 COD .sl 6Ê~~rets Mail 0 Return Receipt for ~ I , Merchandise "'1 7. Dat~of Delivery .E // 51 , . > 8: Addressee's Address (Only if requested,:o:l and fee is paid) ¡i .c\ 1-1 ". ~ SENDER: .¡¡; ~Plete items 1 and/or 2 for additional services, Q plete items 3. and 4a & b, !!!. t your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can Q return this card to you, ¡; . Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space ... does not permit. 1 . Write "Return Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the article number. ... . The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date delivered, 3, Article Addressed to: c o 'C Q ... Q is. E o I,) en en w ex: o o « z ex: 5, :;) I- ~ 6, ... :s o >p ~ MR SUNG HO LEE COORS RECYCLING 24803 LAUREL CREST LANE N 91381 Signature (Agent) rm 3811, December 1991 I als.o wish t.o receive the following services (for an extra fee): 1. 0 Addressee's Address 2. 0 Restricted Delivery Consult postmaster for fee, 4a, Article Number P 024 368 489 -A-U,S, GPO: 1993-352-714 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Official Business ~ PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYMENT OF POSTAGE, $300 - U,S. MAIL Print your name, address and ZIP Code here · CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT · OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVENUE SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 '\.~ 111111111\, 1111,1111111111,1,11111.11 11111111111111, L I,lL III e - P 024 368 489 ~ Receipt for Certified Mail ,.. No Insurance Coverage Provided ¡¡;;¡ Do not use for International Mail ISee Reverse) ... Ø) Ø) ... Sent to MR SUNG HO LEE Street and No. 24803 LAUREL CRESt; LANE P,O" State and ZIP Coda NEWHALL CA 91381 Postage $ .32 . Certified Fee --'I. ,0 -~1.1 Special Delivery Fee - "";. , Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing l.H to Whom & Dete Delivered Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date. and Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage $ 2.5~ & Fees Postmark or Date , . G> c: :::I , Ò () CD fI) E ~ u.. Ie "- STICK POSTAGE STAMPS TO ARTICLE TO COVER FIRST CLASS POSTAGE, CERTIFIED MAil FEE, AID CHARGES FOR AllY SELECTED OPTIONAL SERVICES 1_ front!. 1. If you want this racaipt postmarkad, stick !~, gummad stub to tha right of tha return address leaving the receipt attac/$d and present the artiçm;.at a post office servica window or hand it to your rural carrier (no extra charge). ........ ~ ~ ~ ~ '!II ~ 2. If you do not want this receipt postmerked, stick the gummed stub to the right of the return addrass of the article, date, detech and retain the receipt. and mail tha artitla. ... (I) (I) ,'" G) c: :3 '"") Ò o ~ E Õ La. ~ 3. (f you want a return receipt, writa the certified mail number and your nama and addrau on a return raceipt card, Form 3811, end attach it to the front of the article by means of the gummed ends if space parmits. Otherwise, affix to back of article. Endøl1a front of article RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED adjacent to the number. 4. If you 1I'Iant delivery restricted to the addressee, or to an authorized agent of the addressee, endorse RESTRICTED DELIVERY on the front of the article. 5. Enter fees for the services requestad in the appropriata spaces on tha front of this receipt. If return raceipt is requasted, check the 8 lplitable blocks in item 1 of Form 3811. 6, Save this racaipt and present it if you make inquiry, 102595-93-Z-0478 .J. ~ FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENnONSERVlCES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 . e November 13,1998 ~~ Mr. Sung Ho Lee Coors Recycling 24803 Laurel Crest Lane Newhall, CA 91381 CERTIFIED MAIL ORDER FOR CORRECTIVE ACTION SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE AND NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING RE: 2101 White Lane in Bakersfield Dear Mr. Lee: Our records indicate that a hazardous waste, specifically unlabeled drums of unknown hazardous substances, has been illegally stored, treated or disposed of upon the above: referenced property. YOU ARE HEREBY ORDERED, prior to December 9, 1998 to take corrective action with respect to hazardous waste, including the cleanup of the hazardous waste, abatement of the effects thereof, and any , other necessary remedial action. Be advised that all corrective action shall be performed under direct oversight by this office, unless previously approved. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that you have the right to a hearing before the Environmental Services Direct~Jr for the Bakersfield Fire Department on Thursday, November 19, 1998 to show cause, if any you have, why this order should not be complied with as scheduled. Sincerely, 4-/~¿J_~ Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Office of Environmental Services "".7~ de Won~ ~.A0P6 .rbt- .A W~p"" CORRECTION NOTICE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT N~ 0101 2 (Ot WHIlE L^-.J Locatiofl Sub Div. . Blk. . Lot You are hereby required to make the following corrections at the above location: Cor. No ?LGA56 ~\!£ WASfE OC'2.ùM5 ~OVGO V .A. L. <CC-'CéÞ (. WASTE (-fAuLC--t.2.. P(2i)VIO~ Ouf2. OFFiCE. W(17-{ A Pl-blòcofV c>F TUE: Wl sPðsAc...... 'í<C-GE,p-r ~ í7+ItNIC YóJ Completion Date for Corrections p&:/5v'Þ/Sé(¿ .~, 1'198 Date lllCJ /éJ)Š . -tbw-NJ.D W,Jé; Inspector 326-3979 CORRECTION NOTICE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT N~ 0101 2(Ot WHIle L^-.l Locatio[l Sub Div. . Blk. . Lot You are hereby required to make the following corrections at the above location: Cor. No ?LGAS6 *V£ WAt':{íE D~UM5 ~OVGO V .A '- cCC-'CéÞ (. .p<2ðVfOC OuR. ~C£ £...{)(n{ A Pfi:1îòco~ ð 11-<E'" ÙI.sPðSAC- 'fl.C--G£,P¡- ~ í1+1t1lJ Ie:. YdJ Completion Date for Corrections PEcJ5v-,&5/2... .~, 1198 Date 1(/'1/e:;~· ~AI2D W,JE;' ( . Inspector 326·3979 .- II e II , I I I: ; j j <f i I ------1+- ¡I I10wtl t ¿ J I 1[ I l GeJ 5 ýet I. ~tû ~~!\ ~ (ð T- I ¡ w3~k ijt Ú {()(j~\~ Øi fr ~Oø ¡ ,I ¡ ¡ w~k-ß~J\~ ~}e.~lJf.~" #-iL ~Jf£__ : I ~5.-h~ kd~1-'-~d-HU'_& ce i ¡ ~ \'~.J_t8...t ~ dt.\l'L !Hf.A·' flA.~ I' uj· ~ 4',~{) ~M I, dL Ý' 8 ¡ ~-ftil-t.~l ~f I rtÅ t 5tr... -,Þ $ . ! --- __ ¡ 1 ~.,_Ü t.P (>-ù(d I' I, ~1f(~!1>.1t¡'(1r Tö iLIH_~ ~pMÆÆ~ -I ¡ I - i _____lL___ I :i , I' I I' I; II I: I , I ~ - --4) ~ß~~-~?71 .. 2- 4- (S- CD ~~~ S-~_<5J__&JCS-k 0; ( f\JuJ Cr~r !- f2-u :>S_J2-C.Mð S Cf-C (C\ ') '2...°7, '2- ì ~ 6QO ( '1 ' ¡j ,Jeo-1...p¿5 '- .ÇL....,..&.S·L~L -~ -(fJ~1 (Ò(e..r NU)tte.. h_~_ ~¿dd '-- _~ '~rq \( 3. 2.~____ f '6(}O ~ D:e:sd ~ fNCS~ ------- ,--------- ------- ------- -------- - ..1...-------------------- ---~ "'1 v ~. .:¡ ~ . e - i~C! ~ cc ~ I] \4~ ~.I Ii II: r' AUG 5 1997 ~i By I I BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 326-3724 RAUL M, ROJAS, DIRECTOR. CITY ENGINEER August 4, 1997 Mr. Randy Bloomfield Discount Radiator Center 2101 White Ln. Bakersfield, CA 93304 Re: Summary of Recent Inspection at 2101 White Ln.; Radiator Shop Zero Discharge Certificate Dear Mr. Bloomfield: An unscheduled inspection of your facility was conducted by City staff on July 30, 1997. For your information, a copy of the Inspection Report is enclosed. In order to ensure that your facility is in compliance with all rules and regulations regarding hazardous waste treatment and disposal, we recommend that you contact the City of Bakersfield, Office of Environmental Services at (805) 326-3979. Please note that your Zero Discharge Certificate (ZDC) will expire on 12/31/97. Prior to the expiration date, you will be mailed a new ZDC to complete and return for reissuance. If you have any questions, please call Lara Kimm at (805) 326-3249. Very truly yours, RAUL M. ROJAS Public Works Director ~. ¡/£-9 By V' I Wen-Shi Cheung Wastewater Supervisor II LK Enclosure cc: Howard Wines, City of Bakersfield, Office of Environmental Services Howard Morris, City of Bakersfield, Solid Waste Division C:593\Rl\DIS971SP.LTR e 1-+ [ ftOW4el) I ~ 8)o4!Q7 !1+tM1It¿,-- roe. nÆ l'ufò YDtJ F4YetJ. rT'S ,4 WI Ìb {)I&£~I. P U::;4&~ œr- t48 ~t-J ïJÆ Oc.Ji'LÆJlLt ~ ():" YùJt P1)J{)ltJ~, ~ 1 ~G - .. -1 .. , .. e I Inspection Report e I Discharger: Location: Contact/Title: Inspected By: Inspection Date: Discount Radiator Center (Discount) 2101 White Ln. Mr. Randy Bloomfield/Manager Lara Kimm and Job Katipunan July 30, 1997 Observations: History This business was originally located at 7001 White Ln. in the City Wastewater Treatment Plant 3 service area. At the request of the City, Discount submitted an Industrial Waste Discharge SUlvey for Vehicle Services in March 1993. Discount was identified as a radiator shop, and an initial inspection was conducted on 6/30/93. As a result of the inspection, City staff documented the following: 1) Discount was a wholesale distributor, 2) they only installed new radiators, 3) there were no floor drains, and 4) all spilled antifreeze was collected and sent to the Visalia shop. Based on the information provided in the Industrial Waste Discharge Survey, and from the initial facility inspection, City staff determined that an Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit was not required. Hence, a Zero Discharge Certification (ZDC) was issued in August 1993. Because a ZDC is only valid for a period of two years, a subsequent ZDC was issued in February 1995. Seven months later, City staff conducted an unannounced facility inspection at 7001 White Ln. The inspection revealed that Discount modified its business to become a full service radiator repair shop. In 1996, Discount expanded its business and moved to 2101 White Ln. which is located in the City Wastewater Treatment Plant 2 service area. General Since the last inspection was almost two years ago, and the ZDC will expire at the end of this year, the purpose of this inspection was to verify zero discharge so that we may reissue a ZDC at the end of the year. We arrived at this facility around 2:00 p.m. to conduct an unscheduled inspection. We were escorted through this full service radiator shop by Mr. Bloomfield. This facility also houses Go Dan Industries (GDI) which is the wholesale parts aspect of this business. GDI supplies many of the other local radiator shops with parts. GDI maintains two service vehicles for pick up and delivery of these parts. These vehicles are not serviced on site. C:593\Rl\DIS797.ISP ,;¡~ " e e Discount Radiator Inspection Report August 4, 1997 Page 2 Repair Process Radiators are either brought in or removed from vehicles at this site. Most radiators are repaired by first dipping them into the hot tank for cleaning, followed by a rinse in the spray booth. Second, a pressure test is conducted in one of four test tanks to identify any leaks. Mter leaks are repaired, the radiators are rinsed in the spray booth, bead blasted, painted and dried before they are reinstalled. Recycle System Wastewater Discount operates a typical closed loop recycle system. All wastewater is pumped into a 500 gallon tank for coagulation and flocculation of suspended solids. A precipitate is formed in the bottom of the tank and the treated water flows by gravity to an adjacent recycle tank to be used as make up water. Lead Dross Lead dross is collected from the test tanks and melted on a heated rectangular pan for reuse. The associated sludge is scraped to the side of the pan. This lead recycling process is done twice before the dross is collected and hauled away. This process allows Discount to recycle lead, reduce the quantity of lead dross to be hauled, and reduce their need to purchase new lead solder. A small pile of dross was seen on the floor nJext to a full, 5-gallon collection bucket. Antifreeze Spent antifreeze is collected in a 55-gallon drum for regeneration. To regenerate the spent antifreeze, it is first pumped through a series of filters. Mter filtration, the pH is checked and inhibitors are added. The regenerated antifreeze is collected into a separate 55-gallon drum for reuse. Waste Disposal Sludge The sludge from the recycled water tank is routinely collected using a cotton sheet as a filter and subsequent drying bed. The dried sludge is collected into a 55-gallon drum for hazardous waste disposal. Bead Blast Glass beads are used to blast old paint off of a repaired radiator. According to Mr. Bloomfield, paint residue from bead blasting is collected and disposed of with the dried sludge. To date, the glass beads have not been replaced. Spent Antifreeze Antifreeze which can not be regenerated is collected in a 55-gallon waste drum for pick up. The filters associated with the regeneration process of the spent antifreeze are currently disposed of in solid waste. Hot Tank Supply services the hot tank on a monthly basis. No caustics are stored on site. C:S93\Rl \DIS797.ISP >.;¡ -::; ,,' e e Discount Radiator Inspection Report August 4, 1997 Page 3 Comments: The treatment of spent antifreeze and lead solder dross mayor may not be exempt under the hazardous waste treatment regulations. Also, the disposal of spent filters used in the antifreeze regeneration process is questionable due to the fact that they may contain high concentrations of heavy metals such as copper, lead, and zinc. In addition, when the replacement of the glass beads in the bead blaster is warranted, Discount should dispose of them in accordance with all state and federal regulations. In regard to the above items, I recommend that Discount contact the City of Bakersfield, Office of Environmental Services for direction on treatment and disposal of such waste. I also recommend that Discount collect all lead solder dross into a collection bucket(s), and not on the floor. In regard to all other aspects, this facility appears to practice good housekeeping techniques and maintains a zero discharge operation. The waste manifest file was reviewed and appeared to be in order. Based on the fact that Discount does not discharge industrial waste to the City sewer system, I recommend that we reissue a Zero Discharge Certificate prior to the end of 1997. August 4. 1997 Date ~vv. ~ Ú/'Y'lA,., . Lara K. Kimm Industrial Waste Inspector Reviewed by: Date Ir?-I~ £/'1/97 8/~/f7 ~I C:593\Rl \DIS797.ISP " ,¡ . . i RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location: 'Z-{Ol W L-t :J-~ ID#_ (wi c.Qjýts Business Name: D ('5Cc.ú'..1-r RAÞI 1KlD<l....- Contact Name: f(.o..V'Jý ßtvrt'J.~{J Business Phone: FAX: Inspector's Name: Time of Call: Date: Time: # Min: Type of Call: Incoming [ ] Outgoing [ ] Returned [ ] Content of Call: ww t lA-~feJ-cJ 7!"50/Q7 , Actions Required: '1' L,.)';vl (è.J,M (~ 2( r~5 Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: il.· .~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT . - e FAX Transmittal TO: /..-A?-A KI MI'V'- COMPANY: l..)w FAX No: 2sS- - ðq I L FROM: ~~ Office of Environmental Services 7 PA§E5 FAX No. (805) 326-0576 · Bus No. (805) 326-3979 1715 Chester Ave. · Bakersfield, CA 93301 / /£ - . ( COMMENTS: "",<:f;:::¥~ec¿"",""'",~~,9,P¿¿"".,"'~"""',..".,.,"".."""",.",'""""",....""""",..""'....,,,""",...."""....."..",..,....""" 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If YES, then IS IT BEING TREATED (66260.10) AND NOT ONE OF THE SPECIFlC EXCLUSIONS IN 66270.1? If YES, then DOES IT QUALIFY FOR THE RECYCLING EXEMPI'ION (25143.2)? (If Yes, notify local agency) If NO, then IS THE TREATMENT EXEMPI' FROM RCRA PERMIT REQUIREMENT? (40 CFR 261.4,261.5,261.7,264.1, and 270.1) (If No, needs RCRA permit) If YES, then IS THE TREATMENT LIMITED TO W ASI'ES GENERATED ONSITE AND THAT ARE NOT EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS OR REACTIVE AND IN TANKS AND/OR CONTAINERS? (66260.10)? (If No, not eligible for PBRlCAlCE) ".. -- If YES, then - IS THE W ASI'ESI'REAM ON EITHER THE PBR LIST (67450.11) AND IS THE WASTE HAZARDOUS ONLY DUE TO CONSTITUENTS LISI'ED IN 67450.11 OR SPECIFICALLY LISI'ED IN AS 1772 FOR CA OR CE? (HSC 25200.3(8) AND 25201.S(c»? (If No, then not eligible for PBRlCAlCE) ..... ::~ ...... . If YES, then IS THE TREATMENT PROCESS LISI'ED IN 67450.11 or AS 1772 FOR THE WASTESrREAM AND IS THE TREATMENT ONLY TO TREAT THE ELIGŒLE CONSI'ITUENTS? (If No, then not eligible for PBRlCAlCE ~ but may be UDder MM 89-8) If YES, then THE OPERATION (FTUfITU) IS ELIGŒLE FOR PBRlCAlCE!! Notes: Altematives to opeøtiDg under one of the Onsite Hazardous Waste Treatment Tiers: apply for a full permit or variance, operate illegally (and be subject to state and/or local enforcement action), change operùÍons to only generate wastes and ship offsite for treatment, use a 'ITU, or implement waste reduction/material substitution. But note that the AB 1m faeility fee amnesty for prior yt:M operation is only available to those that nocify UDder one of the three Onsite Hazardous Waste Treatment Tiers. II ., Onsite ~t' of hazardous wastestreams and treatment processes DOt listed can continue to operate under DepartmeDt of Toxic Substances Control ManageDle.Dt Memos #92-HWM 15 and 89-8 by complying with geaerator staDdards aud openIÎDg in . safe mmncr. Contact the DTSC Regioaal Office for more information. - DepartmeDt of Toxic Substmœs Control JIIUIIr)' 12, 1993