HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK #2 .<~ Peter M. Rooney Secretary for Environmental Protection State _ater Resources Cont. Board John P. Caffrey, Chairman Division of Clean Water Programs ¡.,> I' /' / ;.;.. /I I' , "-' 2014 T Street, Suite 130' Sacramento, California 95814' (916) 227-4411 F~X(9}f5) 227,,45J0f.....:..~ Mailing Address: P.O. Box 944212' Sacramento, California' 94244"2120 - - ,,":? U'ì Ì': _ . 'I '/ ..., l" Internet Address: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/-cwphorne/ustcf/fundlíórne.htrn¡. ~~. -~ '//11' I,"": ^ ~ \ ~ <"°'/998 ... .................. ~ , .......,' '" Pete Wilson Governor November 18, 1998 r~.~ [,;: ~, : ~2; -~:~: [J) Ron Schwab Unocal Corp. 376 Valencia Ave S #A-l13 Brea, CA 92823-6345 r>~.." 0 ~ ~Ol'\~ ! GJ ' I !/)")i '. ~ 1/1:1' , J l. ..' ~ :'-~' ~_~~'tJ~r;~~,:? UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK CLEANUP FUND PROGRAM, NOTICE OF ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATION: CLAIM NUMBER 13505; FOR SITE ADDRESS: 2518 WHITE LN, BAKERSFIELD Your claim has been accepted for placement on the Priority List in Priority Class "D" with a deductible of$10,000. Compliance Review: After adoption of the Priority List, staff will review, verify, and process applications based on their priority and rank within a priority class. During this Compliance Review, staff may request additional information needed to verify eligibility, Once review of the application is complete and the claim is determined to be valid, a Letter of Commitment will be issued obligating funds toward the cleanup. After the compliance review, your claim may be rejected if Division staff determine that you have not complied with regulations governing site cleanup, you have not supplied necessary information or documentation, or your claim application contains a material error. In such event, you will be issued a Notice ofIntended Removal rrom the Priority List, informed ofthe basis for the proposed removal of your claim, and provided an opportunity to correct the condition that is the basis for the proposed removal. Your claim will be barred from further pantcipation in the Fund, however, if the claim application contains a material error resulting from fraud or intentional or negligent misrepresentation. Record keeping: During your cleanup project you should keep complete and well organized records of all corrective action activity and payment transactions. If you are eventually issued a Letter of Commitment, you will be required to submit: (1) copies of detailed invoices for all corrective action activity performed (including subcontractor invoices), (2) copies of cançeled checks used to pay for work shown on the invoices, (3) copies of technical documents (bids, narrative work description, reports), and (4) evidence that the claimant paid for the work performed (not paid by another party). These documents are necessary for reimbursement and failure to submit them could impact the amount of reimbursement made by the Fund. It is not necessary to submit these documents at this time; however, they will definitely be required prior to reimbursement. Compliance with Corrective Action Requirements: In order to be reimbursed for your eligible costs of cleanup incurred after December 2, 1991, you must have complied with corrective action requirements of Articl.e 11, Chapter 16, Division 3, Title 23, California Code of Regulations. Article 11 categorized the corrective action process into phases, In addition, Article 11 requires the responsible party to submit an investigative work plan/Corrective Action Plan (CAP) before performing any work. This phasing process and the workplan/CAP requirements were intended to: 1. help the responsible party undertake the necessary corrective action in a cost-effective, efficient and timely manner; California Environmental Protection Agency Ÿ Recycled Paper II ~ - e . Unocal Corp. -2- November 18, 1998 2. enable the regulatory agency to review and approve the proposed cost-effective corrective action alternative before any corrective action work was performed; and 3, ensure the Fund will only reimburse the most cost-effective corrective action alternative required by the regulatory agency to achieve the minimum cleanup necessary to protect human health, safety and the environment. In some limited situations interim cleanup will be necessary to mitigate a demonstrated immediate hazard to public health, or the environment. Program regulations allow the responsible party to undertake interim remedial action after: (1) notifying the regulatory agency ofthe proposed action, and; (2) complying with any requirements that the regulatory agency may set. Interim remedial action should only be proposed when necessary to mitigate an immediate demonstrated hazard. Implemelltillg illterim remedial actioll does IlOt elimillate the requirement for a CAP alld all evaluatioll of the most cost- effective corrective action alternative. Three bids and Cost Preapproval: Only corrective action costs required by the regulatory agency to protect human health, safety and the environment can be claimed for reimbursement. You must comply with all regulatory agency time schedules and requirements and you must obtain three bids for any required corrective action. Unless waived in writing, you are required to obtain preapprova1 of costs for all future corrective action work. If you do not obtaill three bids alld cost preapproval, reimbursemellt is IlOt assured alld costs may be rejected as ineligible. If you have any questions, please contact me at (916) 227-4411, Sincerely, ~~ Sandy Gill Claim Review Unit Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund cc: Mr. Ray Bruun RWQCB, Reg, 5 - Fresno 3614 E. Ashlan Ave. Fresno, CA 93726 Mr. Joe Canlas Kern County EHD 2700 M Street, Ste. 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 California Ellvirollmelltal Protectioll Agellcy o Recycled Paper \ I '. a State 'ater Resources Contr'Board John P. Caffrey, Chairman Division of Clean Water Programs 2014 T Street, Suite 130' Sacramento, California 95814' (916) 227-2784 FAX (916) 227-4530 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 944212 . Sacramento, California' 94244-2120 Internet Address: http://www.swrcb,ca.goy/-cwphome/ustcf/fundhome.hlm Pete Wilson Governor Peter M. Rooney Secretary for Environmental Protection September 30, 1998 Ron Schwab Unocal Corp. 376 Valencia Ave S #A-I13 Brea, CA 92823-6345 ------ ~ UNDERGR01JNDSTORAGE TANK CLEANllP_FUNDPROGRAM, REQUEST FOR FURTHER DOCUMENTATION DURING INITIAL REVIEW: CLAIM NUMBER 13505; FOR SITE ADDRESS: 2518 WHITE LN, BAKERSFIELD After reviewing your claim application to the Cleanup Fund, we find that the following additional information is needed to determine your eligibility for placement on the Priority List: A copy of the permit to own or operate the UST from the local implementing agency dated between January 1, 1984 and January 1, 1990 (pursuant to Chapter 6.7 of the Health and Safety Code). You submit the permit to construct, not the permit to operate the underground storage tanks. Please provide the operating permit issued on or before January 1, 1990. If you were not subject to the permit requirement, submit documentation to confirm this claim. Situations where the pennit was not required by January 1, 1990, can include: a) you removed all USTs prior to January 1, 1990; and not replaced; b) you decommissioned all USTs pursuant to the direction of the regulatory agency prior to January 1, 1984; c) you sold the property and tanks by January 1, 1990. If you were subject to the pennit requirement but failed to comply by January 1, 1990, you can request the StateBoardJo..F~iye_Jhe_req\!ir.em~l1tas-ª_condi1i9Q.Jor eligiþility, To request a waiver, complete the enclosed "Permit Waiver Request" form and return with any additional information requested below. NOTE: Failure to respond to this request within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of this letter may result in an ineligibility determination of your claim. If you have any questions, please contact me at (916) 227-2784. ~ely, 0 /ì...., Jt'\ ,/ ) :t/!ýli t /A" .~>~ /1 - !, // \ 'Cr. ¡ \1' / ,\\. ,. VV'II '- .'" ~ \ ~ , - , Pamela Rarick Claim Review Unit Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund California Environmemal Protection Agency Ÿ Recycled Paper i I, . Unocal Corp. Enclosure cc: Mr. Ray Bruun R WQCB, Reg. 5 - Fresno 3614 E. Ashlan Ave. Fresno, CA 93726 --~--- ~ . -2- Mr. Joe Can'as Kern County EHD 2700 M Street, Ste. 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 --- --,-------_.- - -- --. --- -- - -~----------- ~-- - California Environmental Protection Agency o Recycled Paper September 30, 1998 --= I · . State Water Resources Control Board. Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund PERMIT WAIVER REQUEST FORM I CLAIM NO.: 13505 CLAIMANT NAME: UNOCAL CORP, SITE ADDRESS: 2518 WHITE LN, BAKERSFIELD Claimants who were subject to the permit requirement but failed to comply by January 1, 1990, can request the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) to waive the requirement as a condition for eligibility if the four requirements listed below have been met. Where the SWRCB grants the waiver, the level of required deductible is twice the amount otherwise required. In this case, the above- named claimant will be responsible for the fIrst $10,000 of eligible corrective action costs before Fund coverage begins. I, UNOCAL CORP., HEREBY REQUEST THE SWRCB TO GRANT A PERMIT WAIVER. TO QUALIFY FOR THIS WAIVER, I AM SUBMITIING DOCUMENTATION SHOWING THAT THE FOLLOWING FOUR PERMIT WAIVER REQUIREMENTS HA VB BEEN MET: 1. The claimant was unaware of the permit requirement prior to January 1, 1990, and did not intend to avoid the permit requirement or the associated fees. DOCUMENTATION: Provide a brief history of the UST(s) and an explanation as to why the UST(s) were not permitted by January 1, 1990. Explain when and how you became aware of the law requiring a permit to own or operate the UST(s), (Attach additional sheets as necessary.) 2. Prior to fIling a claim, the claimant has complied with the fmancial responsibility requirements of Section 25299.31 of the Health & Safety Code (H&SC). DOCUMENTATION: Attach a copy of the CertifIcate of Financial Responsibility that is on fIle with the local regulatory agency. 3. The claimant has obtained and paid for all currently required permits. DOCUMENTATION: If you owned or operated the UST(s) at the time of submitting the claim application, attach a copy of the permit to own or-operate the UST( s )or a copy_of the_application to ß1eJoçal agency for a permit indicating that you are diligently pursuing the acquisition of a permit. If the UST( s) were removed prior to submitting your claim application, attach evidence that the UST(s) were removed, and the local regulatory agency notifIed, and a copy of the removal permit. 4. The claimant has paid all current UST fees imposed by Section 25299.41 of the H&SC, and all prior fees due on and after January 1, 1991. DOCUMENT A TION: If any of the USTs owned or operated had product placed in them on or after January 1, 1991, attach the most recent copy of the UST Fee Return Form fIled with the State Board of Equalization with proof of payment. CLAIMANT SIGNA TORE: PRINT SIGNA TORE DATE: Note: Mail completed "Permit Waiver Request" and documentation to the address on the cover letter. California Environmental Protection Agency ð Recycled Paper a California R£1!ional Water Quality ~ontrol Board W , Central Valley Region '(II Peter M. Rooney Secretary for Environmental Protection Fresno Branch Office Internet Address: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/-rwqcb5/home.html 3614 East Ashlan Avenue. Fresno, California 93726 Phone (209) 445-5116· FAX (209) 445-5910 Ed J. Schnabel Chair Mr. Cleatous Simmons Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, P.A. 215 N. Eola Drive Orlando, FL 32801 9 September 1998 REQUEST FOR CONCURRENCE - CASE CLOSURE FOR UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK LEAK AT UNOCAL # 7048,2518 WHITE LANE, BAKERSFIELD, KERN COUNTY In your letter, dated 3 September 1998, you requested that we comment on Bakersfield Fire Department's closure of the subject site, which was documented in an 28 February 1998 letter from the Fire Department to Mr. Ed Ralston. We reviewed the Case Review Form submitted by the Fire Department. Based on the information provided, we agree with the Fire Department's closure determination. No further action is required at the site. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Ms. Yi Pan of this office at (209) 445-5558. OHN M. NOONAN Senior Engineer RCE No. C035206 YPlUnocal #7048.let cc: Mr. Howard Wines, Bakersfield Fire Department, Bakersfield Mr. Ed Ralston, Unocal Environmental Remediation Services, San Ramon California Environmental Protection Agency o Recycled Paper FIRE CHIEF MICHAel R. KELLY ADMINISTRAßVE SERVICES 2101 ·W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 ·w Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PRMNTlON SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DNISION 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield. CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 - ~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT . . ~ July 27, 1998 CNL American Property Fund or Assignee 400 East South Street Orlando, Florida 32801-2878 Attn: Dan Hunter RE: Property located at 2518 White Lane in Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Hunter: Pursuant to your inquiry, this office has reviewed the proposed change in site use for construction of a restaurant facility at the above referenced address. Based on the Site Remediation Closure Report for the former Unocal Service Station No. 7048, previously located on the subject property, this office is satisfied that the proposed change in use is acceptable. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to call me at (805) 326-3979. a p . ue, Director Office of Environmental Services cc: H. Wines File 'Y~de W~ ~¿ uØ6OP6 ~ A W~ " FIRE CHIEF MICHAEl R. KEllY ADMINISTRAnVE SERVICES 2101 'w Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'w Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENnON SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield. CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 ~ . . - BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT February 28, 1997 Ed Ralston Unocal Environmental Remediation Services 2000 Crow Canyon Place, Suite 400 San Ramon, CA 94583 RE: Unocal Service Station #7048, Q5r8-Wl1ite-.tane:a Dear Mr. Ralston: This is to infonn you that this department has reviewed the result of the closure report dated January 2, 1997 associated with the underground tank removal. Based upon the information provided, this department has determined that appropriate response actions have been completed, that acceptable remediation practices were implemented, and that, at this time, no further investigation, remedial or removal action or monitoring is required at the above stated address. Nothing in this determination shall constitute or be construed as a satisfaction or release from liability for any conditions or claims arising as a result of past, current, or future operations at this location, Nothing in this determination is intended or shall be construed to limit the rights of any parties with respect to claims arising out of or relating to deposit or disposal at any other location of substances removed from the site. Nothing in this determination is intended or shall be construed to limit or preclude the Regional Water Quality Control Board or any other agency from taking any further enforcement actions. This letter does not relieve the tank owner of any responsibilities mandated under the California Health and Safety Code and California Water Code if existing, additional, or previously unidentified contamination at the site causes or threatens to cause pollution or nuisance or is found to pose a threat to public health or water quality. Changes in land use many require further assessment and mitigation. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely, .. / /.2/' at&..~/4-ð-v-- ~ Howard H Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician cc: Ralph Huey Kathy Gill, RWQCB Lynne Baumgras 'Y'~~ W~~~OPe~.A W~ II -.......--~ Sr... '" C........ r.Rn,......uI Pntcctioa ·"t~ Attachment I . Underground Storage Tank Cleanup .d CASE REVIEW FOR1\'1 SUI. w.... R........ c....... ",d f:'f_I~'1 ~.~ Daœ:l/28/97 I LUSTIS File No.: 5Tl5000668 I Oversight Agency: City of Bakersfield Site NamelAddn:ss: Responsible Parties: Address:2000 Crowp!~n~~60 Telephone No.: Unocal Service Station 117048 Unocal Environmental 2518 White Lane Remediation Services San Ramon, CA 94583 510-277-2311 ' ! I I. CASE INFOR'fATION (N/A - :'IIot Appliuble) Tank No. Size in Gallons CODtaltl CI05Cd In-PlaccIRcmcmd? DaJe 1 6,000 Diesel Removed 1~-lo"~L 2 Island Diesel Piping removed 9-1H-9:,¿ .. Island Gasoline Piping Removed 9-1H-9:,¿ ~ II. SITE CHARACTERIZATION INFORMATION (GW - groundwater) GW Basin:T 1 L k (51) ) I Beneficial Uses: Mun Depth to Drinking Water Aquifer: 175 FT u are a e Distance to Ncamt Municipal Supply Well: Di~c:e Between Known Shallow GW Con~atiol\ t Aquifer: * mile to NW of site N A No Shallow GW impacte , S01 imuacted,to 30 ft. GW Highcst Depth: N/A I GW Lowest Depth: N/A Well Screen Interval: N/A I Flow Direction: N/A Soil Type: Silty sand, Sandy silt Maximum Depth Sampled: 50 ft." III. MAXIMtlM DOCU~fENTED CONTAMINANT CQI'::::ENTRA TIONS . laitial and Latest -.. Not Reported, ND - Non-Detect - Contaminant Soil (mg/kg) ';J :ter (ugtL) Contaminant Soil (mg¡1cg) Water (ug/L) InilÍ~qear) Ut1 f,Year) Initial (Year) Utes! (Year) Initiatj3car) ~car) Initial (Year) UteS! (Year) TPH (Gas) 5,400 1.4 N/A N/A Ethyl benzene - 28 0.038 N/A N/A TPH (Diesel) 12,000 4,900 N/A N/A Xylenes 780 0.2 N/A N/A Benzene 1.9 0.016 N/A N/A MTBE -- -- -- -- Toluene 150 N/D N/A N/A Other N/A N/A N/A N/A rv. SOIL REMEDIATION Duration of Remediation: 9 months and V. GROUNDWATER REMEDIATION I Method: N / A VI. FREE PRODUCT I Duration of Remediation: N/A Was Free Produc:t Enc:ounlered? YES 0 NO [!j I Has Free Produc:t Been Totally Rec:overed? YES 0 N/AN0D When Was Free Produc:t Recovery Project Completed? N/A VII. RECOMMENDED ACTION Soil Closure Only? YES B NO 0 I Case Closure? YES /KJ Additional AC:lion Required (i.e.. addilionaJ site assessmenl. remedialion. moniloring): Closure of vapor extraction wells and removal of VIII. .JUSTIfiCATION FOR RECOMMENDED ACTION NO 0 Solvenl Case? YES 0 NO~ conveyance piping. Residual impacted soils at the concentrations of hydrocarbons remaining' on site' do not present adverse environment or health impacts due to depth to GW, asphalt cover presenting infiltration of percipítation and presumed continuation of natural attention of remaining diesel contaminated soil. FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KElLY ADMINlSTRAnVE SERVICES 2101 'W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENßON SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-û576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield. CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 ~ . . - BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT October 25, 1996 Michael A. Smith, Project Manager PSI - GeoResearch Division 410 West Fellbrook Avenue, Suite 105 Fresno, Ca 93711 RE: Unocal Station No 7048 at 2Þ_t8.::.wnite-[anø in Bakersfield Dear Mr. Smith: This is to notify you that the workplan for the above stated address is satisfactory. Please give this office 5 working days notice prior to the commencement of work. As we discussed during our phone conversation of October 17, 1996, this office is also requesting MTBE analysis from all sampling at known gasoline release sites. Please be advised that any work done that is not performed under direct oversight by this office will not be accepted, unless previously approved. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979, Sincerely, '/, G1A-l # \ .- ~ ~----- Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician """" HHW/dlm cc: Ed Raison, UNOCAL ':9~õfe W~~.A~~ A W~ II · - P TO LLL)tl(~ H F"\~ ~ê rf\~tn ~ OF 7~J- E M E S S A G E lð~3D .¿¡' TIME { : 0 1 :~ AREA CODE tJ 1 NO, EXT. diP 1- ~v <"Suo o.r= vtec>JE OJ'! <::€>........p L C -1"C-D r ~ ()A Y ~ ~ W\O.5 ~ ~ STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT4IÞ. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTiJN AVE BAKERSFIELDI CA 93301-0000 ---p4( s cJlC../.) I <r cN'A~ þ..ß Sò~-y:.,o 'ßY o.fi?Z-<i ~r' (yJ IO~7/9' ~ ( 805) . 32~-39~9 < TO: UNOCAL CORPORA:TIQN 911 WILSHIRE BLVD LOS ANGELES. 'c..A, 9001T DATE: 8/15/96 CUSTOMER NO: 997 FDJ 997 -----------------~~~~-~~~--~-~--~~~~~~-~------------~----~'~~---------------- .... ~,;" , ;,.; > :- ' '" -"', '¡ ~" -.-, -1" ' , ' . ^- ^ -'l ' ; . '" ~ ¡ CHARGE DATE DF;SCR,lPTI ON' . :'R~F ':"'NUMBER .DUEDATE TOTAL AMOUNT ______ ________ __::.:.;...___.o;.;;;..__..:.'":;...___.;;...__...;.......:;;;._w....._,. '_":"'~''''''''';''~_'oò....-__ ....---....:.....:::-...:- -------------- '-....,; , ,'! ~_'/,.,' I> < "\_ ~ I, ,'" ":.., ',.: 7/15/96 BEG.INNIN~ 124. 00-- FOR GUESTIOÑS OR CHANGES TO YOUR ACCOUNT PLEASE CALL THE NUMBER AT THE TOP OF THIS STATEMENT. -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- CURRENT OVER 30 OVER 60 OVER 90 -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- DUE DATE: 8/15/96 PAVMENT DUE: TOTAL DUE: 124. 00-- $124.00-- ¡;'. - --- v t·!1:1~ ,DBI Geotechn~cal _ìiiií-. ConstructIon Consulting · Engineering · Testing . GeoResearch Division October 11, 1996 Mr. Howard Wines Bakersfield City Fire Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, Ca 93301 RE: Workplan for Verification Sampling and Site Closure Reporting Former Unocal Service Station No. 7048 2518 White Lane, Bakersfield, California PSI Project No. 574-6K004 Dear Mr. Wines On behalf of Unocal Environmental Remediation Services (Unocal), Professional Service Industries, Inc. (PSI) is pleased to present this workplan to conduct verification sampling and complete site closure reporting for the above-referenced site. The site is located within the City of Bakersfield, California, in the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 13 of Township 30 South and Range 27 East, MDBM (Figure 1). The site is identified by the Kern County Assessor Parcel Number 338-101-07. This work has been prepared to fulfill the requirements of the City of Bakersfield Fire Department (BFD). Approval of this workplan is required prior to implementation BACKGROUND The former service station was decommissioned in early 1992 and the underground fuel storage tanks (USTs), product lines, and dispensers were removed in September 1992 (GeoResearch, 1993a). A Phase II site investigation was conducted at the site in August 1993 (GeoResearch, 1993b). The purpose of the investigation was to determine the vertical and lateral extent of petroleum hydrocarbons that were identified at the site when the USTs and product lines were removed. In August 1995 a soil vapor extraction system (SVES) was installed at the site which consisted of four vapor wells, one bioventing well and one background well. SOIL REMEDIATION SYSTEM SUMMARY Operation of the SVES began in October 1995 and continued through June 1996, at which time the system was permanently shut down. The concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in site soils have appeared to reach an asymptotic l1~formation To Build 011 PSI- 410 West FallbrookAvenue, Suite 105 - Fresno. CA 93711 - Phone 209/261·0444 - Fax 209/261·0488 . . " '. ~ ~ -. - - ~ - . ;ft0tU-ø! w~ ct ~ r ~ Ir~ I £,,_,cI, (~o<~tj LMO jy7~~,1~_»>t /rtceed V/'j'L ¡-¡"~ LM"'r-¡¿·_-~ jÙ_ €v- e:I c;F Ck--!vÙr. J.:¡: 1-- lltU2cf acid h~J I~¡;~~ /pfetlS~ . call Ute.. 184?- .~ '.,'):.;:~~4 i' . e Mr. Howard Wines PSI Project No. 574-6K004 October 11, 1996 Page 2 concentration (relatively constant concentrations over time, following a period of progressive reduction in concentration; see attached VOC Mass Graph). The site is presently fenced and unoccupied. All vapor extraction equipment has been removed with the exception of the vapor wells and conveyance piping. GEOLOGVHYDROGEOLOGY Soils beneath the site consist of alluvial material from the Sierra Nevada to the east and the Tehachapi mountains to the south. This heterogeneous section of Pleistocene and Pliocene alluvium is on the order of 5,000 feet thick in the Bakersfield area and is composed of unconsolidated sand, gravel, silt, clayey sand and sand. Pliocene- Pleistocene continental clastic deposits overlie the Tertiary basement. The Tertiary basement, composed of granitic and metamorphic rocks, underlies the clastic section at a depth on the order of 15,000 feet below ground surface. In the Bakersfield area, groundwater occurs primarily under unconfined and semi- confined conditions. Review of the Kern County Water Agency (KCWA) map entitled "Groundwater Surface Elevation Map, January 1993", shows a groundwater elevation contour at 200 feet above mean sea level in the vicinity of the site. Review of the 7.5 minute Gosford topographic map, photorevised 1974, indicates an elevation of approximately 375 feet near the site. Comparison of the two elevations indicates that groundwater in the vicinity of the site should occur approximately 175 feet below existing grade with a southwesterly flow direction. SCOPE OF WORK PSI proposes the following scope of work in accordance with the approved Workplan for Soil Remediation (GeoResearch, 1994). This scope of work will be conducted in three phases which include: PHASE 1 - VERIFICATION SAMPLING AND WELL ABANDONMENT 1. Three soil borings will be advanced for the collection of conformation soil samples. One soil boring will be drilled to an approximate depth of 25 feet beneath dispenser island #3 and two soil borings will be drilled to approximately 45 feet beneath dispenser island #1 (Figure 2). The soil borings will be within and around areas that have shown in previous investigations to contain high concentrations of hydrocarbons (GeoResearch, 1993b) to determine the effectiveness of vapor extraction and bioremediation in these areas. Soil samples will be collected at 5-foot intervals and e e Mr. Howard Wines PSI Project No. 574-6K004 October 11, 1996 Page 3 submitted to BC Laboratories, Inc. of Bakersfield, California. Representative samples collected will be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-G) according to California Department of Health Services (DOHS) method; benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene and total xylenes (BTEX) according to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 8020 (island 1); and total petroleum hydrocarbons as diesel (TPH-D) according to DOHS method (island 3). The borings will be completed in accordance with standard PSI procedures (Attachment 1) under the direction of a State of California-Registered Geologist. The work will be completed in accordance with a site-specific health and safety plan. 2. Six wells (two dual-completed soil vapor extraction wells, one bioventing well and one background vapor well) will be abandoned. Well abandonment methods will include removing the well casing to a depth of approximately 5 feet below ground surface and filling each well with a bentonite sand/slurry mixture. All aboveground vapor conveyance piping will be removed. PHASE 2 - CLOSURE REPORTING A final soil remediation report will be prepared and submitted to the BFD. The report will include graphs, tables and figures summarizing the results of remedial system operation and a discussion of the soil confirmation sampling results. It is anticipated that a request for formal closure of the site be presented at that time. In the event that modification to the proposed scope of work may be necessary based on field observations, every effort will be made to contact the BFD. If you have questions or would like to discuss this workplan further, please contact Mr. Ed Ralston (Unocal) at (510) 277-2311 or me at (209) 261-0444. Sincerely, Profession {Service Industries, Inc. EA #5621 cc: Mr. Ed Ralston, Unocal JððD C ( ~¿~~~ e e Mr. Howard Wines PSI Project No. 574-6K004 October 11, 1996 Page 4 Figure 1 Figure 2 Site Location Map Site Map Table/Graph VOC Mass Removal Graph Attachment 1 PSI Procedures References: GeoReseach, 1993a, Tank Closure Report for Unocal Service Station No. 7048, 2518 White Lane, Bakersfield, California, February 22, 1993, GeoResearch Project Number 937000700. GeoResearch, 1993b, Report of Subsurface Site Investigation, Unocal Service Station No. 7048, 2518 White Lane, Bakersfield, California, October 28, 1993, GeoResearch Project Number 937000701. GeoResearch, 1994, Workplan for Soil Remediation, Former Unocal Service Station No. 7048, 2518 White Lane, Bakersfield, California, December 13, 1994, GeoResearch Project Number 937000703 " . \. P}ill!l .... ! S('h'·~. -- .ø~ -" --- .__.~~---~ l~ ~? :·~::~d ::::::i:: .. .. " " ..'" ..: ~ : .. ~ ~-~ ";:: "0 :.;;:'Ë.." .. 14. oP [þ. (,~\ , I .. ... .~ ':"'I~ WiLle Orchlnl 1"\ L~NE ' .: 0 ~=~~~~:~~::~r Ii II n I! ,II II I i¡ i: Ii, I' "'()~'" :, ,-~:', :: .... - ''--, , li-':::-':I-- i' I I , ì-"·,,~ ...,..,. '....' ..'. " ,..- ....., ,...--.-..-.- i I C' , ' \< . I'd " " '. \" \. I: -\:. -... --.-.- -.----.----. ---.----.- -.----. --- c ) '.' .;j ;L,. . . .,. ._~ ,. .'. .. .: ,.~ j ....:~I / ' ii!':'~",",I,',','" r-. ~ . : '. R.Oi1 < ;!·.·.:lIlï..;,~" III:. .I!· Ili¡.:t: ~.'!i .. .[)r¡l¡';'·lri r h~~.dl.'r , ....... ....... 3/0 ······..;1········ . .. " . . " .._~ ~ " "_!I_O "_" ~ "." .. ..... ..¡i........ .... ..?¡~..... 81'<1366 ' 366 Fairview Sch (A/JU,,'d) .... 19 _ "Oc ..,..,..,....,.... .. ., . . ~ NORTH o 1/2 MILE SCALE ~ I IPgi¡ GeoResearch Division REFERENCE: U.S.G.S 1956 PHOTOREVISED 1974 GOSFORD, CALIFORNIA QUADRANGLE SITE LOCATION UNOCAL SERVICE STATION 7048 2518 WHITE LANE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA PROJECT NUMBER: 575-6K004 DATE: 09/24/96 CKf!J'1Y: ..' FIGURE NO: FILE NO: 6K001-1 ~ DRAWN BY: 1 M, SMITH LEGEND SINGLE-COMPLETION VAPOR EXTRACTION VE3 0 WELL LOCA TION AND DESIGNATION CBI· CONFIRMATION BORING VVEE22SD rg-> DOUBLE-COMPLETION VAPOR EXTRACTION \ _ _ 'W WELL LOCA TION AND DESIGN A TION ONE STORY SHELL SERVICE ST A TION ) ONE STORY TEXACO SERVICE STATION o f'l í -0 o .-\ ?J f'l ?J o í 1" -z. f'l ONE STORY~ J'S PANCAKE HOUSE RESTAURANT -------------- ------- \ \ \ \ FORMER UST LOCATIONS r~, I II II II II i I II II II II I I II II II II I I II II II II I : :L_.JL_.JI II I I II I I I I II I :: L_J L_.J L_..J í EASEMENT LINE \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , ISLAND 'VE4 , 0 POWER & UTILITY _ _ ~POLE LOCATION \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , , \ \ \ CARBON \ ~CANISTERS \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ I FORMER 550-GALLON WASTE-OIL TANK -^J ( , "v~) VE2S VE2D --------- , i_____L__ WHITE LANE ONE STORY CHEVRON SERVICE STATION VAPOR EXTRACTION BLOWER PROPERTY LINE ~ I I I \ ___________J VEIS VElD SIDEWALK c: ~ ~ n ~ r- "2 -<. e c: z. C z. 'ó n ~ r- e ~ NORTH 0 10 25 50 , , SCALE iN FEET I"'~;' ENVIRONMENTAL ,,~...,. ! c~~~T{¡¡C:J'i¡W CONSUL TING -ENGINEERING - TESTING ONE STORY LIQUOR STORE SITE MAP UNOCAL SERVICE STATION 7048 2518 WHITE LANE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA PROJECT NUMBER: 574-6K004 DA TE: 09 24 96 CKO FIGURE NO.: 2 FILE NO: 6KOQ4 2 DRAWN BY: LKOCHIAN e Mass . PSI Project No. 574-6K001 09/24/96 YES MONITORING UNOCAL 7048 - White Lane Average Influent Influent Average Time of TPH'g Cumulative Flow Rate Flow Rate Adsorber 1 Adsorber 1 Influent Operation Removed Màss Date & Time Inspector (cfm) (cfm) (ppm) (ppmv) (ppmv) (days) (Ibs) (Ibs) Comments 10/27/9509:00 RA 172,0 172.0 180,0 990.0 990,0 0.00 0,0 0.0 System Startup 11/03/95 11 :20 LK 157,0 164,5 155,0 852.5 921.3 7,10 420.0 420.0 SO, Knockout full, drain & restart 11/09/9512:05 LK 152.0 154,5 82.0 451.0 651.8 6.03 237.1 657.1 GAC Spent, Shut Down System 11/27/95 14:35 MS 137,5 144,8 80.0 440.0 440.0 0.00 0,0 657.2 Change GAC & Flow / Restart 12/06/95 09:50 MS 142.0 139,8 56.0 308.0 374.0 8.80 179,6 836.8 Open VE·2D, VE-3& 4 @ 0.05" H2O 12/12/95 10:40 LK 206,0 174.0 58.0 319,0 313.5 6.03 128,5 965.3 running 12/21/9516:00 MS 196,0 201.0 48.0 264,0 291.5 9.22 211,0 1176.3 System Down, restarted 12/29/95 12:50 MS 128.0 162,0 68,0 374,0 319.0 7.87 158.8 1335.1 Drain Excessive H2O 01/05/9607:55 LK 137,5 132.8 32,0 176,0 275,0 6.80 96,9 1432.0 running 01/15/96 15:30 MS 103,0 120.3 31.0 170,5 173.3 10.32 83,9 1515.9 Shut down, Primary GAC Spent 02/01/9616:15 MS 142.0 122.5 33.0 181.5 181,5 0,00 0.0 1515,9 GAC Replaced, Restarted 02/08/96 15:30 MS 137.0 139.5 21.5 118.3 149,9 6,97 56.9 1572,8 running 02/15/96 16:00 MS 137.0 137.0 26,0 143.0 130.6 7,02 49.1 1621,8 running 02/22/96 16: 15 MS 143.0 140,0 72.0 396,0 269,5 7.01 103.3 1725,1 Lowered vac, - 4,5, 1st GAC spent 02/29/96 09:30 MS 162.0 152,5 36.0 198.0 297,0 6,72 118.8 1844,0 runnung 03/07/9614:00 MS 162.0 162,0 32.0 176,0 187.0 7.19 85.0 1929.0 Shut down, 1 &2 GAC change-out 03/19/96 17:00 MS 137.0 149,5 20.0 110,0 143,0 0.00 0.0 1929,0 Restarted, minor blower repair 03/29/96 10:40 MS 137.0 137,0 31,0 170.5 140.3 9,74 73.0 2002.0 reduced air inlet valve 04/16/96 10:00 MS 167,0 152,0 36,6 201.3 185.9 17,97 198,3 2200.3 running well 04/30/9609:14 MS 171,0 169.0 18.4 101,2 151.3 13,97 139.4 2339.7 running well 05/07/96 14:15 MS 132,0 151.5 18,5 101.8 101.5 7,21 43,3 2383.0 shut down, change out #1 GAC 06/04/96 11 :30 MS 118.0 125,0 22,0 121.0 111.4 2383.0 #1 GAC changed, restarted 06/11/9613:30 MS 93.0 105.5 36,0 198.0 159,5 7.08 46.5 2429.6 Operating 06/20/96 12:00 MS 125,0 109.0 22.0 121,0 159,5 8.94 60,7 2490.2 Operating 06/27/9615:15 MS 206,0 165.5 23,0 126,5 123.8 7.14 57,1 2547.3 vac to high for 2nd GAC sample 07/04/9609:00 System down, could not restart 07/22/9600:00 SVES complete, removed GAC UNOCAL 7048 YES White Lane, Bakersfield 01/20/96 02/19/96 03/20/96 DATE 04/19/96 05/19/96 1000 900 BOO 700 î "- So 600 c 0 500 i c " u c 0 400 0 ë " ::I 300 IC .E 200 100 0 07/18/96 2600 2400 2200 ~ 2000 'ûì ª 1800 " " 1600· > 0 E " 1400 a: en en .. 1200 :;¡ " .!: 1000 10 :; E 800 ::I 0 600 400· 200 0, 10/22/95 '" ~ I ~ _____ TPH-g Mass . . . . . TPH-g Cone, c ~ ." "5 -5i E "* >. en ~.. ,.J.. \ .~ . , . . .... .. : ~ , : . ........ ..' ". .... ....,. ...'. ...... .." ... ~. . '. . : '. . ....,..... ........ ... 11/21/95 12/21/95 06/18/96 IUNOCALIVES·7048.XLS Mass 09/24/96 I' e ATTACHMENT 1 PSI PROCEDURES . · e e PSI PROCEDURES FOR COMPLETING SOIL BORINGS The following paragraphs describe PSI procedures for completion of soil borings. 1. Soil borings are advanced with a hollow-stem, continuous-flight auger. The size of the auger's outside diameter (00) is determined by the purpose of the boring. For soil sample collection or well installation, usually 8- or 1 Q-inch 00 augers are used. 2. The boring, if vertical, is advanced to a specified depth below ground surface. If the boring is slanted from vertical, the auger is placed at the specified angle to vertical and then advanced to a specified depth. 3. During drilling, a continuous log of the sediments is made by a hydrogeologist in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. 4. The auger lengths are steam-cleaned before advancing each boring to prevent intercontamination of borings. The rinsate resulting from cleaning will be stored on site in DOT-approved, 55-gallon drums. f:\public\document\fieldpro\soilborg,pro021 0941 L ""';; '" ,.; e e PSI PROCEDURES FOR SOIL SAMPLING DURING DRILLING The following paragraphs describe the PSI procedures for soil sampling during drilling, using hollow-stem, continuous-flight augers. 1. Soil samples are collected using a 2.0- to 2.5-inch inside-diameter, modified California split-spoon sampler. The sampler is lined with two to three 6-inch long, 2.0- to 2.5-inch diameter brass (or stainless steel) tubes for containment of the soil samples. 2. To avoid cross-contamination of samples, the sampler and rings are washed before each use with nonphosphate detergent and double rinsed with distilled water. 3. At the prescribed sampling interval of 5 feet, the sampler is attached to the drive rod and driven 18 inches into undisturbed soil below the lead auger with a 140-pound hammer that is repeatedly dropped from a 30-inch height. The number of drops is recorded during each 6-inch increment and used as a qualitative determination of soil consistency and density. 4. The lead, or deepest, tube is recovered from the sampler, sealed by taping aluminum foil or Teflon and plastic end caps on both ends, labeled, placed in a plastic sealable bag, and placed on ice or equivalent medium sufficient to maintain a sample temperature of less than 4 degrees centigrade until the samples are received by a certified hazardous waste laboratory. 5. The sample is recorded on a chain-of-custody form to document trackability of the sample. 6. The sampled interval is classified using the remaining tubes and described on a log of soil boring form, following the Unified Soil Classification System. f:\public\document\fieldpro\soilborg. pro021 0941 L .' . " é; e e PSI PROCEDURES FOR FIELD DOCUMENTATION OF SAMPLING ACTIVITIES The following paragraphs describe PSI procedures for proper sampling documentation. 1. Sampling procedures shall be documented in a field notebook that will contain the following information: · Sample collection procedures, · Date and time of collection, · Date of shipping, · Sample collection location, · Sample identification number(s), · Intended analysis, · Quality control samples, · Sample preservation, · Name of collector, · Any pertinent observations. 2. Samples shall be labeled with the following information: · Sample number, · Well number, · Date and time sample was collected, · Name of collector, and · Sample preservatives (if required). 3. Handling of the samples shall be recorded on a chain-of-custody form that will include the following information: · Site name, · Signature of collector, · Date and time of collection, · Sample identification number, · Number of containers in sample set, · Description of sample and container, · Names and signatures of persons, and the companies or agencies they represent, who are involved in the chain of possession, · Inclusive dates and times of possession, and · Analyses to be completed. f:\public\document\fieldpro\soilborg.pro021 0941 L ")1 TII1y 191\1 Date -. II ' BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPART~~T BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION ÂPPLlCA TION X 92 ApplicotiQn No. In conformity with provisions of pertinent ordinances, codes and/or regulations, application is made by: ~I'ifty 011 2nd F _~i. i~nn~t"Tnr.tfon Col!1f)8ny Name of Company 2518 tThlte T.ane(a_ßl~trero Address to display, store, install, use, operate, sell or hondle materials or processes involving or creating con- ditions deemed hazardous to life or property as follows: Pa¡;¡;a1~dOR tQ iR,cr,ll 1 - 1c:.~(\nn [::'-'11 ""~"'~:rnt!l'1t-l ~~n1fnp ~t.nTA6(", rspk.. ' lR£:t2112t10Q Qf p.,.nrhlt"t" Hn..~ and vapor 't'pcovex:y lines from theta~~to the ,.J!£'p9A(;'or" To~~tloQ.."'''' ~t- a 'Y'hrf4=ty ':t3~fnn_ PPTmtt:pp is Frpd i-iac~~j.. -----..--.. ", ("~"issued ,. ,.::<:. \..;A r,; ( ~ '") Q i . .. ) ~ . ...)y -. \..J Permit enled ......2.:ò-:'.... \..~~t;..6............... -~-~~~-------~---- Aut:rri:z'8d Representative \.0..~ I oQ.fu Y j By ..... ß.~h2..~~:... ':.. .~...VJJ..J1l\f\..:.:.. ...... .... - -...... Fire Marshal -D ¡" c\~ "-- ~/ . -.... ~~ .~ -~>~~-- '-'-~-' ------------~ ,~,_~.~.n '~r-----.-A- V~ , I. . ,~l' ¡ . ::. ¡ -...- ~ :J,.. J' ) . <I . ~. .... ;.,_..,~'.;-~, ::' ¡ ..eft::·,;. '.: . 1.,.. 1914 .BAKERSFIELD FIRE DE'~RTMENT , ',~ BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION -~, Date APPLICATION Apptication, Nè:>. . ... .. ''I' In conformity with provisions of pertinent ordinances, codes and/or, regulations,'opplicotionJs mode by: '. " ", tklftr,GtliQl '~ 1)1] /[ .1 '2518 ... ... .' Nome of Company. Address ,-to display, store, Instan, use, operate, self or handle materials or processes involvi;,g or creoti;,g con- 'ditions deemed hozai'dousto life .or property os' foJio~; . .-~1bØØ" .(1) ';1%.".* ~.. ~ujíj~tIlI,' ,...0. ...... ..... '~ 'I I ..1.- :[ ti f 'I " ~~(.~', :\"f,:~; ~~;~ .. ' " ·.Caft~~ .<~åraa~~'" WI å. ............. ~.' .." ,- . ,', __*""t,.... 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I'''':~Ï\ b J-..J ,. , . -r~ FROM UNØCH~ SAN RRMûri 12. 2.19'n 17:5) P. 4' i- e ,. ~ Bakersfield Fire re>tW AZARDOÙS MATERIALS DI .~ION 2130 Q Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 328-3970 Lo.s .4 N ~L£:5 III, TANKOWNER INPORMA nON (MUST BE COMPLETED) Nil"" ~ II I. FACILITY/SITE 0.... O."ACILIT'f /MMI çlTf' NA"" ", to ( TO INDICATE IVI'e ~ IUIIN" £ AS".zz: MAIllNIi QM .IAm At/ORe., I;ITV HAM" OWNER" TANK No. ~NDERQROUND TANK QUESTIONNAIRE No. OF TANKS o MIN6.. AA~IL ....,(QII'nOMAL) OINeV OIIfalOft QCOUH1V AGCHC:V QITATlIIIJCH¢Y O~Wl Aor~ ICIIIN CO\INTV ptAMl1 .......-:: '10 OHM" .... :J 7 6 7 I 5'/I?I¡, eMERGeNCY CONTACT PERSON SECONOAR QIIVt; NAM. (1A1f, ,. PMON' No, Wtf!4 I\A'" coo, ., UNOcA¿.. ~E~VICE I\Jr1¡JK add -7z,$.. -7toOL) N..Hft; NAM' (V.st,1'IIII1) ....ON..... WI'II-I AIt.... coal · UNDCA $èJ<.vlc£ N wI< gOO-7¿5·7~o INFORMATION (MUST BE COMPLErEO) CAllI ot- AOOA'*t IHPOIIMÂnoN £""'1//7<. CofJ.,'PL.· Coo~. ", lOX H01VIOUAl Q ~O~A~ AlJeNC;Y Q ITA re AOINCY EL..v'Þ Su ¡"("IF /0/0 'IOINOICATI Q,..'NIUHIP QCOUHTV AOIHçV O'IOEAA~ AOe~y If A 'II ZIr Coot CA 900/7 lIMON. He. W'1M AftSA <:00. 21':5 - 977 - 6252 "'IOX TO INO~" Q I"01ýIOUA~ Q '''''''""I,HI' QLOCI\L AIJIHC:V 0"''''' AêCNC:V oeOUN!'\' A<HHc:Y OfiølM~ Ag"fC:Y I1'A1I ZI,C;QO' ~I No, WITH AalA COOl DATI INSTALLeD VOLUMI ..IODUCT STORED IN SERVICE V/N V/N V/N V/N Y/N V/N 00 YOU HAVE FINANCIAL ~ESPONSlaIL TY? V/N TYpe FROM 415-277-2309 12-02-91 0::-: ? ).! ~~,' _.~~.. ;= ROM UN e c ~ I.. S ~ N R HMO N 1 2. 2. 1 9 9 1 1 7 : 5 1 ---~-5---- 1" lJ.J. Oné seqm.."o~t tor each tank, un.l.ess..A.1.J. _t.anks and pipin9 a~e constructed o~~same materials, 8tyle"'~o, then only fill one segment out. please identify tanKø by o~~ ID t. I. TANK DESCRIPTION II. MANUF~'NII\I!O BY; ¿/NKN&¿;JN Q. TANI( cN>ACITV IN GAlLON': ?""s;-O '", TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ITeM ONLY IN 8OX6S A, 8, AHOC, AND AI.\, ~AT AflF'LltiS IN BOX 0 ,." OWNcn's TANK I. 0,' A. TYPE OF 0 I DOUBLE! WM.I. 0 a SlNGlli W~ WITH SXTI;AIOA liNER 0 III UNKNOWN SYSTEM s;a 2 SINðlS WALl. 0 4 SlCO",OAAv CONT.INMS~ tVAUL T'BO TÞ.NI() 0 . Q"T}.¡EiR ~ ' IiAREi STlEl 0 Z STAINLESS STlEI. 0 S FI8&RòI.AS. 0 4 lTaI. CI.AO W/I"IB&RalÃS8 REiINI'OIlCEO I'LAST1C B. TANK MATERIAL 0 6 CONGAET! 0 II 1'01. YVINYI. CHlOR1D5 0 T N.UhlINIJM 0 I ,~ Me'!'\ol4NOl COMF'Þ.T1BLS W/FR~ (IIrilllaryTllliLj LJ ¡ 8RONz ¡ L] 10 QALVAHIZI!C STUL U 115 UNKNOWN 0 a8 OT104iR 0' RusaeFl LINED 0 Z ALXYO LINING D S ~OXY LINIHCI o 4 flHl!N01.1Ç I.ININQ C. INTERIOR 0 5 CJL.AN liNING g . UNlIHlO 0 III uNI<I«)WH o a8 oHA UNING II &.tNING MATI!AIAL OðMPÞ.TIALI WlfI.I ,~ JoIImIANCL 1 'I'G8 _ NO_ O. CORROSION o ' F'OI.V!.nM.I!NB WIW' W I OQATINQ [:::J , VlN'l'L wRAP 0 4 FlldACII.AIs IIIIINFOACI!D III..UTIC PROT!CTION o II CATHODIC PRQTQCTION 2S3 I. NONe Lj . UNIO«)WN 0 II O"...R IV. PIPING INFORMATION ClRCI.£ A IFA80VI5QROUNDOR U IFUNOIiRQRQUNO.scrn~FAPPI.ICAIII.Ei A. SVSTEM TVP! A U 1 BUCTION A U ~ PReSSURe AðV 3 GRAVITY AU. O~eR B. CONSTRUCTION 'WI alNOl.S WA~I. A U 2 OOUII.I WAI.\, A U 0 I.INIO TRlNCt~ , U M UNt<HOWN , U .. O'""6A C. MATERIAL AND ' u . OAnE STa¡1. A U I 81' AlNlCSD D1'1õCl. , U o I'O~ YVINYI. ClII.OAIO¡; (F'VÇ , @)4 r-IQCnaLAGO PIP!! CORROSION ' U S ALUMINUM A U II OONOn;-n;: A U 1 9TE:I!L WJ COA TINa AU. 100. JoII'nWiIOl COM lA TISI.i WII'HP PROTECTION AU' OALVAHm:o S~[¡l A U '0 CATl-tOOtC I'1IOT'lCTION A U If UNKNOWN ,U .. ~A D. LEAK DETECTION ·'¿?>1 AUTOMATIC I.IN€ LliAK OETiCTOR o 2 I.INe Tr.¡lfI~'SS TilTING o 3 IIONlTOAIIIO D" OKR V. TANK LeAK DETECTION - HCfí IN U<;t o 1 VISUAL OHECK 0 2 INViNTO~Y REiCONCI\.IATION rï 6 'l'Þ.NK TESTINQ 0 T IN~Kam1ALJoIUNUORINO o :J vAPOR MUNITOAINQ0 . AUTOM"TiÇTAN (~I.IGINQ 0 . GROUNL)WATëFlMONITORINQ o 11 NONIi 0 " IJNKNOWH 0 " Q"T}.¡iH I. TANK DESCRIPTION COMI"I.ØTI! ALL ITDlS - 'I'!CII'Y II' UNKNOWN ~, OWNF.~'~ '!'ANt< I. 0, . 70LfB - e:, e. w.NUI'AC'T\JRIIQ ev: U t>,U::.t\{Ol.A..JN UNKNðWN -,--- C, OATil INf TALL[¡D IMOIOAYiYEAA) O. TÞ.NI( CNlACI'T'V IN GAl.l.ONI: c.;; o C::7Ú 111 TAN K ¿ONSTRUCT10N ",,.1\1< ONII'IIM ONI. v IN IIOIC1!S A, II. AND C, ~ Þ.I.I. Tl-iAUPI'I.III IN IO ( 0 A. TYpe OF 0 1 OO\JII,8 WAU. 0 ~ I!NOL! WAI.I. WITH þTIIAIOA i.lNllfII 0 II UNKNOWN SYSTEM ~ 2 SINOLI WALL W 4 _CONCAIn' CONTAJNMINf (VÞ.UI.T1ID TANI() 0 · OTMIII ,-' ,- ~ ' ""AIi STHL 0 I STAlNLE3S STlEI. 0 3 1'IIIIFiIGlAOO 0 · STQõL cl.AO WI "IOGI\Ql.A08 nCINI'ORCEC PLAS'I'IC 8, TANK MATERIAL 0 S COHCRllTII D I POLYVINYL CIo4LOIl1D11 0 ' I\I.UJoIINV", 0 ' 101M ~I. CCMPA nsl.i W/FRP (IIrllllary TAnk) 0 I iAONZIr 0 '0 QALVAHIZIiO STti:1iI. D a IJNIOIIOW o 0 Q8 ON" -. D1 HutiiA llN&D D I AUC'I'O LINING 0 3 GPOXY LINING 0 · f'lIUNOI.IC LININO O. INTERIOR 0 I 0I.A8t LINING Ga · UNLMD 0 II UNICNOWN 0 II OTl'lll" UNING 'I LININO ".ATIIAIAL COMPAlIlJUi WITH ,QOIII. ME'ßW' OL 7 ..... _ NO_ D, CORROSION o ' POL,,,T104YlINI WHAP D 2 COAT1N1.1 o ) V\IIM. WIII~ o · I'IIIMLAlI "IINPQAeIC fll.Al1:c PROTECTION o ' ~THOOIC JlI'OTICTION [?Sj .. ~ D 01 UNICNOWN o II~. I IV. PIPING INFOAMA TIQN CIACUI A I" ".Ove GfllOUf!lO 011 U II' UNDlfllaIlOUND,IIO'TW II' UIILICAka A, $YSrEM TYpe A U 1 SUCTION ,. "fllusuRl . U 3 ISlUovnv A U II On.4RA a. CONSTRUCTION A 1 SINaLi WALL 'U I OOUIl.I! WAlL A U S LlN ¡ ) TAGHCII . U II UNWHOW., A U II Ofl.!\lA A U 1 IlARlaT'llI. . U . ITÞ.lNU%U em!1. AU' F'OLWIINL CIILORIOIi (I'velA ríl!cnows Pipe A u 5 ALUMINUM "U , CONCR&TI A U 1 8T!1L WJ COÞ.T1NG AU. ,~ MITHAIoIOI. COMPATlill.e WI.RI' " U Q aAlVANIzt:O ~TSEL. A U '0 CATHOOIC F'IIOTleTION AU" UNKNOWN , U a8 OTlolIA ~, AUTOMATIC loiN¡ LEAK OI!T!CTOA 2 LINliTlQHìNEiSS TESTING 0 MQIIITOIIIiG 0 811 OTlol'R C, MATERIAL AND CoAROSION PROTeCTION D, LEAK DETECTION V, TANK LEAK DETECTION , VISUAL C,.ECI( ~ ~ TIN,. 'l'fflNa 2 INVENTORY RI!CO~ILIATION "':J ! VAI'OIHoIUNITORINU C 4 AU 1 OM,. 1 \0 '''NI( UAUUINU C ' QI'IOUNO wue" "'ONI~OR:..,a ,NT~=,H r'4\ ....11O/1101'l1IllQ ~I NONIl FR0M 415-277-2~09 ,Q~ ,mKNnWlO/ " òT1I"~ 12-02-9 ~ !J:,:)2 ?).! FRúM UNaC~L 5~N RAMúN I;;:. 2. C',hl-- l(::¡ I ro. ;) _.~ ~·1J.J. one se<Jm&to,~t tor each tank, unJ..es~J.J. tanks ðnd piping ðre COnstructed ~~Jsame materials, style~~o, then only fill one segment out. please identify tankø ëy ~er tD t. /. rANK DESCFlIPTION COhtPl.IiTE A~~ I riMS - speCIFY ItI UNKNOWN A. OWN!:n'! TANK I. 0, . 7ð4 ~ - I II. MANUF~'NII\I!C 8Y; UlVl:;.owlÝ o. O^~ INSTALUiO (MOIOAYlVeAA' 1/ #/(/1( tJ..tI ¡ý I). TANI< oN'ACI'N IN OALLOHI: I~J OOC) . ._. .. . .. III. TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ITIõMONLY IN 8OX6S A. I,ANOC, N-ÐAI.I. THAT APPlliiS IN80)! 0 A, TYPE OF 0 I OOUIILE! WALL 0 ~ SlNGI.E W4U, WITH lòXTtRtCA LINER 0 II UNKNOWN SYSTEM lB 2 SINaLI WALl. 0 ' 9!COl'lQÅAY CONTAlNt.llNT II/AUI. TED TANÞC) 0 III ~IiR ~ ' 8ARS $TlE1. 0 2 STAINLess aTEE1. 0 :t FI8&RóLASI 0 ' STaI. ~I.AO WI F'18&ROI.ASS RlilNfOACEO '"LAS T1C B. TANK MATERIAL 0 6 CONCRETE 0 . f'UL VVINY~ CHLOII\IOIi 0 1 ALUMINVM 0 . 'DO'!Io ....TWoNOI. COIiIPATlBLS W/FRI' (Primary TIIIII LJ ¡ 8RONlf Lj 10 QALI/ANIZED STI!iL CJ 81 UNKNCIWN 0 ae OTHiR 0 ' flUBaeA UNEO 0 2 ALX'YO LININQ 0 :t IfJfCXY LINIHCI 0 ' PHlNOI.IÇ 1.ININQ O. INT~AIOR 0 6 QLA8IiI ~iHH) ~ . UNlIHID 0 81 uNIO«)WN 0 ae 01l4A UNINQ II UNIN<J MA'I!AIAL OðMPA'IU WI1'\.¡ ,CIO'IIt MR'n-IAHOL' ¥Ø_ NO_ D. CORROSION o ' POLYI'n'M.I!!NI WIW' D I OOA fl!«l W ' VM'L wRAP 0 ' "tlIiI\ClLMS I'lIINFOACI!D I'I.A8TIC 'ROT!CTION o II CATHOCIO PROTecTION ~ I' NONE Lj 81 UNM;NOWN 0 " OTHliR IV. PIPING INFORMATION CIReLli A IF AIOI/Ii QAOlJND OR U IF UHCEI'IQRQI, NO. eo~ IF APPLiCAlM.1i A. SYSTEM Ty,e A U , SUCTION ..(ú) a PAeael,lAE A U a QAAI/ITV AU. OTHIiR a. CONSTRUCTION ..@, slNQlJ! WA~L A II a DOUII.I WALL A U a ~INEC TNNCli .. U M UNt<NOWN .. U It O'Tl1E~ C. MATERIAL AND .. u , o...nE STall. A U II STAIN~CIIO oTIãCL .. U ~ I'OI.VVINYI. ClII.OAlOI; (I"VCIA@' r.IQC~ P1PE CORROSION .. U 5 AlUMINUM A U I OONOnET; A U 7 SUitt WI COA TINO AU. 100'lIo MITHANOI. COMPAflBl.e WII'HP PROTECTION II. U . OAL I/ANIZ!:D !J'Tt:[¡L .. U '0 QJ.Tl-tOOIC t'IIOTlCTtCN II. U It UNKNOWN .. U .. O'T\o!t!A D. LEAK DETECTION ~ t AUTOMATIC LiNe LEAK CIiTiCT1JA ß a I.INIi TGH'lTllliSS TilTING o 3 IoION/fOAI1fCJ 0" OTHliR .. V. TANK LeAK DETECTION o 1 VISUAL CHECK (EI CE) é TANK TESTING 0 a INI/ENT1JFlY RliCONCI1.1ATION 0 :I vAPOR MI,)NITORINQ 0 . Al,¡TOM"TIC TAN ( 1àI\W~ 0 II QRQUNO WATI!A MONITORINQ T INl1ifqTl11ALMUNHOl'ltNCI 0.1 NONIi 0 II VNI(NOWH 0 " OTHiH I. TANK DESCRIPTION COM!tU!'r. ALL 111IMS - SPI!CII'Y" UNKNOWN ., OWNF.~'l\ TANI< I. O. . ø. IAAIIII,IPAQ'I\ FlIIQ IY: U )1)!('NOiVN C, QATE IN:lTALLGO IMOIDAYIVEAA) C, TANI( CN'ACI'TV IN OALL.ONI: 111 T ANI< ¿ONSTRUCTlON MA~ ONI ''''M ONLY IN IQ)(1!S "'II.AND C. ~ Au. THAUPfI1.ll"N IO ( Q A. TYpe OF 0 ' OOUIUl WAlL 0 ' IMLI WALL WITH !J(TIIAIOA LINIIA 0 81 UNKNOWN SYSTEM ~ 2 $INOI,' WALL W 4 IlECONONff CONTAlNNaNf (VAUL.T1ID TANIQ 0 II OTI«" ,-'-' ,- lB ' IlAAIi STUL D I STAINLESS 'TIS\. 0 ' PIII~ 0 ' sttcl. 0'-'0 WI I'IQlt\QL.AOU n[¡INrORCIm PLUT1ç 8. TANK 0 D I POL'f\tINVI. CIoILC"'OI 0 ' Al.YhlINUM o . 101M ~I. COhlPATIBLiW¡FAP MATERIAL 5 CCHCAi11l (PrImary TIIIIII 0 ' iAONZI 0 '0 QALI/ANIZIiO S'f1¡1i!. 0 H UNKNOWN OaeOM" --. 01 14ualMlA 1.1..0 o I AIJ(VO LININQ 0 ' GPOXV LINING o 4 f'I tllNOI.IC LINING C. INT~RIOR 0 II aLA8t I.INIHG ~.UNl.MD c:J II UHIINOWN o II O'MIft UNING II 1.If~INO MATIIAIAL CQMPAIIIJUi WI"\"W '.. MIi'nWOIOL 7 'fl' _ NO_ D. CORROSION o ' POLYlTHYLI!Na WI4AP D 2 COATlNQ o 3 \IINY\, W,,~ o ' I'llIfIIOLAI8 liltIHPO,,"CI ~af:c PROTECTION o ' ~THOOIC ".-oTECTION ø " ,..". D 01 UNKNOWN o II ~' I IV. PIPING INPOAMA TION CII'IC:UI A II' AIIOVl C3"OUNO 0" U II' UNDI!AaI'lCUNO. ao'n04'" .....LICAIILe A, aVSTEM TYpe A U t SUCTION A(ú) . .."usuAC A. U , ðAAvl1Y AUIIOfl-jRA 8. CONSTRUCTION A@)I SINaLe WALL .. U I OðUAlII WALl.. A U ~ L¡teI) TMNCII A U II UNI<NOWN A U " O~FI " , POLWINVL OHLOnlOI! (t'VCIA@ , ríllcnaws PIP!! C. MATERIAL AND .. u 1 BAAEI 8m~ A U . ITAlNU!U 8T1EI. A. U CORROSION A u 5 ALUMINUM .. U . CONCRlTI A II 1 STeIL WI COATINQ AU. 100'1' MII1HANOL. COMPAfl81.e WIFRI' PROTECTION II. U a aALI/ANIZkD :¡TeEL A U 10 eATHaOIO P"OTECTION AU" \,INI<NQWN .. U ell OTlolEIII 0, LEAK DETECTION ~ 1 AUTOMA T1C LINII \,EAK OIT!CTOR ~ a LINETIQHTNliSSTE9T1NO o S 1oIQIIIT0II1NG o ell OTlol'" V, rANK LEAK OeïECTION , VISUAl. c;.¡eCK I:iI 2 INVIlNTOFlV RiCO~I~IATION -:J 3 VM'OR t,I()NITORINU 0 ' 1\U10MAIIC IANI(U,,"UUINU C ' (1~UNO WÁT!õA ...o"wo~:·,a ,....T¡:~'H r,., "'t~>J110"INQ '~~I ,-.¡ON¡ - Q~ c¡>¡KNnW>J .- ~~ 0""'" I FROM ~15-117-2309 12-02-91 C521 F~ ßJ TAIi"- 7ESTIN6" FROM UN8CRL SRN RHMON 1 .2. L. 1 ':iTC --1 7: :;, 1 ¡'. ~ '. t"l.l.l one seqmii..t o~t tor each tank, u.nJ.es~.lJ. tanks ðnd pipin9 are oonstructed ~tII·same materials, style~~o, then only fill one seqment out.' please identify tanks by ~r ID f. I. rANK DESCRIPTION CQhlPl.eTE A~I.IT&MS - SP~CIFV If! UNKNOWN \ ." .... oWNcn's TANt< L 0, . 70 II. MANUFfoG'NI'I!!C BY; O. oM' INSTALLED (Io401OAVIVEARI C. TAN ( oN'IICITV IN OAU.ONI: III. TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ITEMONl.V IN80JC¡S 4.1, ANOC, ANDA\.I, ~AT APPlI!!S IN80 ( C A, TYPE OF 0 I DOUIILS WAU. 0 :s SINQ~¡; WALL WITH I!ml'llOFI LINER 0 III UNKNOWN SYSTEM ~ 2 SINaL& WAI.l. 0 " 9ICOlllOAAV CONTAiNMS"'- l"AUL TIIO TANI<) 0 lit O~EiR ~ ' liARS $TlE~ 0 2 STAINLESS STlEI. 0 3 FI8&AóU.SII 0 " STa~ ~ WI FIB&RQL.ASS REilNfOllCEO '"LAS TlC B. TANK MATERIAL. 0 6 CONCA!TI 0 . I'QI. YVINVI. ÇHLORIOIi 0 r ALUM IN",.. 0 ' 1CO'11o IQ!'TWINO~ COMF'ATlBLi W/"R~ lPrtlllaryTrij LJ II 8AONlS L1 10 QA\.VANIZEO STEel. 0 115 UNKNOwN 0 '" Q1104iR 0 ' AUallEA UNiO 0 2 AlJ(YC LININCI 0 3 PCXY LININO 0 " I"HlNO~~ UNINQ C. INTERIOR 0 5 CJI..AN ~¡NINC) ~ . UNlINIiD 0 III u~WN 0 III 0......" UNINQ II UNINO WA?tAIAI.. OOMPATIIII.I WI1\-! 100'!1. WmI-tANOl1 .,._ NO_ D. CORROSION D 1 POLft'nM.IINB WfWI W I OOA TII«I L:] , VINYL WAAP 0 ' PIII1Ac1LA1S I'IIINFOACI!D II\.MTIC 'ROTeCTION D II CATHOCIO PROTecTION ~ It NONE r:J. UNlCNQWN 0 " O'MiR IV. PIPING INFORMATION CIRCLE A IFA80VIiQROUNDOR U IFUHceRQROUNO.i01104''APP~ICAØI.' A. SVSTeM TV,e A U , SUCTION A ~ a PRESSURE " U , QAAVI'TV A U 00 011-lER B. CONSTRUCTION '&7, slNQlJl W¡A~I. It U a OOUII.£ WAU. A U , ~ NIQ TAlNCli A U at UNKNOWN , U .. O~R C. MATERIAL AND A U 1 QAnE STaC!1. A U I tn'AIN~CBO ol'1iCl. A U , I'OI.YVINYI. Ç¡¡I.ORIC¡; (F'VÇ A~" r.1g¡:nov.os P1F'1! CORROSION A U S ALUMINUM A U 8 OONOnl:T£ A U 1 !lUIIL WI COATING AU. ~ Io\I1WANOI. COM lA"tISI.i WII'"" PROTECTION AU' OiALVANIlC1) !I'T'\:CL A U '0 QATHOOtC "IIO'I'ICTION AU" IJNKNOWH AU" O~A O. LEAK OETECTION § 1 AUTOMATIC LINti LEAl< CIiTECTOR [8J a LINE TIGHTNESS TESTING o J ..oNll'OAI1IO o II 011-lEiR V. TANK LeAK DETECTION CJ ' V19UAL CHECK ~ a INIliNTORY REiCONCILIATION 0 3 vAPOAMUNITORINO0 ' AYTOMATIÇTANKtM\\ G NQ 0 II QROVNQWATERt.IONlTCRINO ~ é TANK TESTING 0 r INr6MTIT1AI.MONIfOAINO 0.1 NOfoIê 0 .. ",NKNOWN 0 " O~eH I. TANK C ESCRI PTION C:OM~TW ¡ALL ITDlS - S~I!CIJlY" UNKNOWN ", O.....N!il'l':\ TANI< I. 0.. (o<¡8 C, O...T£ INGTAL.l.GO IMOIDAYiYE.uI) S. I.W\ UPAC'T1JRIC SV: O. TANI( CN'ACITV IN QAU,ONI: ..- --- III TAN K CONSTRUCTION MA~ OHII'IIM ONLY IN IOX1!S 4. B. AND O. ~ AI.!. TtiAUPII1.I11 IN 10)( 0 A. TYPE OF 0 1 OOUI", WALL 0 \I .~~£ W~ WITH ~I'IIOA I.INI¡I'I 0 " UNKNOWN SYSTEM ~ 2 SlNQ~' WALL W ' SliCONC.Ur!' CONTAlMo1INT (VAUL.MD TANIQ 0 . OTt«JII --'-. ,~ ð] 1 IlARIi STYL D I ITAlNL!aG 'TlEI. o ' P1II1F1C11..AOO 0 .. sml. cl.AO WI "IOGAQL.AOS "CINrORCIro PL.üT1C 8, TAN I< 0 0 . POLYVINYl. CMLOI'I'OI o ' Al.UMIN"'.. 0 ' 1~ Mii1-WIOI. COMPATlau;¡ W/FRP MATERIAL S CONCAllTI (Prllll"" Tlllk) 0 II iAONZI 0 '0 QAl,VANIZIiO STEIiL o III "'NICNOWN 0 '" ON" -_. o ' GPOX'I' LINING D1 HU8I1iA I.INID D & AUM) LININCI 0 " '" IllNOI.IO ~ININQ O. INTERIOR 0 ' <II.Mt I.'HING ~.UNLMD o II "'"~ 0 II O'f1«" LINING t' LININO IoIATI!AIAI.. COMI'AlIlJ1. ¡¡ WITH ,oow. ME11UNOl? ..,0_ NO_ D, CORROSION o 1 PO''~1104VLINI WHAP D 2 COAT1NQ o ~ VIHYI. WJII~ o .. JlIIIM&.AeI IqIHPOAClO II1.Alf:c PROTECTION o S CATHCðIð I"OTICTION!8 .t NONII D lit UNICNOWN o . ð1H." IV. PIPING INFORMATION CIAÇUI A l"AIIOveO.-ouNOOI'I U IJlUNC8"C1I'1OUND,IIOTHIfIAflPLICMU! A, :iYSTEM TYpe . u 1 SYCTlON A~I ""usuAl A U \I CSllU.vl1Y A U II On.4I:A 8. CONSTRUCTION A@I SINaLI WALL A U I OOUILI: WALL A U \I LINm TRGNCII AU" UNICNOWH A U l1li 01'l-lEA .' . ([) 1 BAI'IS STaI. , IICLWINV~ OHLCnlOI! (I'veIA U , ríllcncws PIP@ C. MATERIAL AND A U . ITAlNU!1I STIISI. A U CORROSION A u 5 ALUMINUM A U , CONCASTI! A U 1 8T!1LWlCOAT1NG A U . 100'lIo MIITw.NOI. COM"A T181.! WIFRP PROTECTION A U Q QALVANIzt:D \In;EI. . U 10 eA'kOOte F'''OTlCTION AU" UNKNOWN A U .. 01\041" 0, LEAK DETECTION ~ 1 AUTCMA TIC LINE LEAK OI1'!CTOR 12J a I.INI TIGHTNESS TE9TING o ¡ MONITORING 0" 01\o4t;R V. TANK LEAK DeTECTION ~ ~ .-,. ~ , VISUAL c,.ecl( Io::;;¡t Z INVENTORY RICONl,)I~IATION .....,j 3 I/Af'OA ".I,)NITORINU I~ .. AUI!JMAIIC lANK UAUOINU ~-= ~ a,.gUNC WU'!A o,iONI~OI\:',a \ 121 -z,f.>8:. ~b ,NT!:=,H L41 ....'''''fO~INQ , ~I i>¡ONE Q!\ lJ~ (NOW'" " (.)T1I"~ I FROM 415-277-2~09 12-02-9i ,JS:J2 ?~! UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK) I CONTAMINATION SITE REPORT EMERGENCY HAS STATE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT BEEN FILED? 0 P.ZI DYES . NO YES 'q;t:1 NO REPORT DATE J CASE' OM .s;:.,O d f 01 q ~ ~y I ( ~O NAME OF I~DIVIDUAL FILING REPORT >- LI.-. t~D W,NES m @ REPRESENTING D OWNERIOPERATOR 0 I- ~ ~ LOCAL AGENCY D OTHER M! ADDRESS _1.I~ì'~Bäfi~lJ\.i f~j??f?t~{:~:~::~r ff\\::\(Y .. -:.:.;,:.;.:-:.;.:,:-:.;.:-!.:.;.;-;.:.:::. .... ::::::::::;:::::::::::;:;;::::::::::::::::::::::;:;:;:;:::::;:;.;.::;:;:::::::::;:::::;:;:;:::;:::::::;:;:;:;:;:::::;:::;:::::;:: : ,;:::::;:::;:::::::::::::; :::::;:;::: .'. . .....................: .;.',;.:.: .;,:.;. :.:;:::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::: :::::::: :';,; .....:.'.... ".' ;:::::::::::::: ::~::::.::::~~~~:~: :::: :~~~~::::::::::::\:~:: :~::::::::::::::::: :::::::: :::::: ::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::: ':',SJGH ;n):« ;;:::,',"',;"';;';';' ";,,,',',','" """";';""';',,':'>;,:':':','DATE::::<:';,;:':;;;;.,'," , \ PHONE I SIGNATU..Rl ~ ) _, (~ ) 3,7..6 -30,79 ~ J::L.... REGIONAL BOARD COM~ OR AGENCY NAME "6AK~ét..Ç) h R.6 W ...J m ëii~ za:: 0< ¡}¡n. w a:: STREET CITY STATE ZIP NAME CONTACT PERSON PHONE (jNoCAL. CORP o UNKNOWN Eo R.ALSío,J ( ) ADDRESS g.N ~AMo¡J tLA q4~& '5 '2000 C~ðt.J CANYO,J PL :Ø==- 40 () STREET CITY STATE 71p FACILITY NAME (IF APPLICABLE) OPERATOR PHONE (jAJOCAL-. ¢ 704~ ( ) ADDRESS tAJr{-,IE. /SAKC-('¿S'¡::'6D .¡<~ CJ :s 304 ?oS- (<ß LI\J STREET CITY COUNTY ZIP Z o ~ o 9 ~ CROSS STREET fOTRé<2-D C) LOCAL AGENCY AGENCY NAME ~ (I) ~c= A: ßOf£., ffið :::¡¡ ffi REGIONAL BOARD ~C) ~ < C6,J~ I\Jkt-c-EV CONTACT PERSON PHONE ( ) PHONE ( ) (I) (1) ~fiI ~~ t; g (2) g¡~ U) NAME QUANTITY LOST (GALLONS) o UNKNOWN GA'~¡,..)~ D/és~L o UNKNOWN .... DATE DISCOVERED I HOW DISCOVERED ~ 0MI9MI 101601 qyl ~I 0 TANK TEST ~ DATE DISCHARGE BEGAN m < > a:: w > 8 U) õ o INVENTORY CONTROL 0 SUBSURFACE MONITORING 0 NUISANCE CONDITIONS ~ TANK REMOVAL 0 OTHER METHOD USED TO STOP DISCHARGE (CHECK ALL '!HAT APPLY) o REMOVE CONTENTS ~ CLOSE TANK & REMOVE 0 REPAIR PIPING o REPAIR TANK 0 CLOSE TANK & FILL IN PLACE 0 CHANGE PROCEDURE o REPLACE TANK 0 OTHER _ UNKNOWN Ùlw 0(1) a::~ ~< go ..I MI nI 01 yl vi HAS DISCHARGE BEEN STOPPED ? g YES 0 NO IFYES,DATE ~I <1 J 'I 016 I SOURCE OF DISCHARGE c¡ yl 2..y CAUSE(S) o OVERFILL D CORROSION RUPTURElFAILURE UNKNOWN o D o ~ ~ o SPILL OTHER o TANK LEAK o PIPING LEAK UNKNOWN OTHER Ww ~~ CHECK ONE ONLY o UNDETERMINED . SOIL ONLY CHECK ONE ONLY D NO ACTION TAKEN D LEAK BEING CONFIRMED D REMEDIATION PLAN CHECK APPROPRIATE ACTION(S) ISEE """" fQI DETAIJI) o CAP'SITE (CD) o CONTAINMENT BARRIER (CB) .. VACUUM EXTRACT (VE) EXCAVATE & DISPOSE (ED) EXCAVATE & TREAT(E'I) NO ACTION REQUIRED (NA) OTHER (0'1) D GROUNDWATER 0 DRINKING WATER· (CHECK ONLY IF WATER WELLS HAVE ACTUALLY BEEN AFFECTED) o o ~ ....(1) ~~ a::': a (I) o D o POLLUTION CHARACTERIZATION POST CLEANUP MONITORING IN PROGRESS CLEANUP UNDERWAY PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT WORKPLAN SUBMITTED PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT UNDERWAY CASE CLOSED (ClEANUP COMPLETED OR UNNECESSARY) REMOVE FREE PRODUCT (FP) ~ PUMP & TREAT GROUNDWATER (G'I) 0 TREATMENT AT HOOKUP (HU) 0 o o o ENHANCED BIO DEGRADATION (IT) REPLACE SUPPLY (RS) VENT SOIL (VS) ~Z 00 ~t M!< o o D D ~ Z w :::¡¡ ::I! 8 'B/ö J&JT,rJG- 'f3GG-lrJ IYlAV ~ \I APòfL Ic,q~ G>crfl-.A(;'(í óN APPl2òv6D ~ HSC os (8190) INSTRUCTIONS ~ REPORTED BY ,..., Enter your name, telephone number, and address. " 'represent and provide company or agency name. Indicate which party you Leak Bein~ Confirmed - Leak suspected at site, but has not been confirmed. Preliminary Site Assess~ent Workplan Submitted - ~or~pl~~¡proposal requested of/submitted ~y responsible party to deter~ine ~hether ground water has been, or wil~ bS7 i~acted as a result of ~he rêlease. Preliminary Site Assessme~t Underwav - implementatio4 of wcrkplan. Pollution Characterizaticn - responsib:,e party is iD tte process of fully defining the extent :of cC1lt.amination ':r soil and g,1:oün¿ ¡qater gnd assessing impacts on surface anrl/ar ground water, Remediation Plan - raæediatioD plan s~è~itted evaluating lor~ term remediation options, rrcposal and imp~ementatiaTI 3~t2èule for appropriate remediation options a1sJ s~hmiLted. Cleanuo Underway - impl~a~tation of rc"ediation ôlan, Post Cleanup Monitoring ~'" ?r"gress - 1 eriodic bra!.:..."']¿ '.;<;;;"r or other monitoring at site, as ~ecessary, to v~rify and/or ev~l~ate effectiveness of remedial activities. Case Closed - regional heard ~d local agency in c~ncurrance that no further work is necessa~J et ~he site. EMERGENCY Indicate whether emergency response person.~el <L~d equipment were involved at any time. If so, a Hazardous Material Incident Report should be filed with the State Office of Emergency Services (OES) at 2800 Meadowview Road, Sacramento, CA 95832, Copies of the OES repar~ form may be obtained at your local underground storage tar~ permitLing agency, Indicate whether the OES report has been filed as of the date of this report. LOCAL AGENCY ONLY To avoid duplicate notification pursuant to Health and Safety code Section 25180,5, a government employee should sign and date the form in this block. A signature here does not mean that the leak has been determined to pose a significant threat to human health or safety, cnly that notification procedures have been followed if required. RESPONSIBLE PARTY Enter name, telephone number, contact person, and address of the party responsible for the leak, The responsible party would normally be the tar~ owner, IMPORTANT: THE INFORMATIm¡ FRGVIDED ON THiS FORM IS LiTE¡;¡:;D FOR GENERAL STATISTICAL PURI'OSES ONLY AiID :::S lliIT TO BE :ONSTRUED :~ ?,EJ?33SZNTIi'iG THE OFFICIAL POSITION OF ANY GG~~~~AL AGENCY SITE LOCATION Enter ~nformation regarding the tank facility. ~t a minimum, you must provide the facility name and full address. REMEDIJI.t ACTION Indicate which action have been used to cleanup or remediate the leak. Descriptions of 0ptions fOLl~w: SUBSTANCES INVOLVED Enter the name and quantity lost of the hazardous substance involved. Room is provided for information on two substances if appropriate, If more than two substances leaked, list the two of most concern for cleanup, Cap Site - install horizoDtal imperrneatle layer to reduce rainfall infiltration. Containment Barrier - install vertical dike to block horizontal movement of contaminant, Excavate and Dispose - r5T.~e contaminated soil and dispose in approved site, Excavate and Treat - remove contaminated soil and treat (includes spreading or land farming), Remove Free Product - re:nnve floating product frco ria':;er table. Pump and Treat Groundwater - generally employed to r~,cve dissolved contaminants. Enhanced Biode....radation- use of any available tec!mology to prcmote bacterial decomposition of contaminan~s, Replace Supply - provide alternative water supply to affected parties, Treatment at Hookuµ - install water tr,atment devices at each dwelling or other place of use, Vacuum Extract - use ~s or blowers to draw air through soil. Vent Soil - bore holes in soil to allc" volatiliza;;icn of contaminants. No Action Required - incident is minor, re~Jiring no remedial action. IMPLEMENTING AGENCIES' Enter names of the local agency and Regional Water Quality Control Board involved. DISCOVERY/ABATEMENT Provide information regarding the discovery and abatement of the lew,. ~SOURCE/CAUSE ~,Indicate source(s) of leak. Check box(es) indicating cause of leak. CASE TYPE Indicate the case type category for this leak. Check one box only. Case type is based on the most sensitive resource affected. For example, if both soil and ground water have been affected, case type will be "Ground Water" . Indicate "Drinking Water" only if one or more municipal or domestic water wells have actually been affected. A "Ground Water" designation does not imply that the affected water cannot be, or is not, used for drir~ing water, but only that water wells have not yet been affected, It is understood that case type may change upon further investigation. COMMENTS - Use this space to elaborate on ~~y aspects vf ;;1:Ie incident, SIGNATURE - Sign the form in ~e space provided, No Action Taken - No action has been taken by responsible part.y beyond ini tial report. of leak. DISTRIBUTION If the form is completed by the ~ank owner or his agent, retain the last copy and forward the remaining copies intact to your local tank permitting agency for distribution, 1. Original - Local Tank Permitting Agency 2. State Water Resources Control Board, D~vision of Clean Water Programs, Underground Storage Tank Program, P.O. Box 944212, Sacramento, CA 94244- 2120 3. Regional Water Quality Control Board 4. Local Health Officer and County Board of SuperJisors or their designee to receive Proposition 65 notifications. 5. CNmer/responsible party. CURRENT STATUS Indicate the category which best describes the current status of the case. Check one box only. The response should be relative to the case type. "or example, if case type is "Ground Water", then "Current Status" should refer to the status of the ground water investigation or c~eanup as opposed to that of soil, Descriptions of options follow: . . CITY of BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE SAFETY CONTROL & HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISIONS 1715 CHESTER AVE, . BAKERSFIELD, CA . 99301 March 6, 1995 R.E. HUEY HAl-MAT COORDINATOR (805) 326-3979 R.B, TOBIAS. FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3951 Mr. Ed Ralston Unocal Corporation 2000 Crow Canyon Road Place, Suite 400 San Ramon, CA 94583 RE: CU.aDcaLNo._Z:OÃ8_aL25t8_W5ite_[ane_~D Dear Mr. Ralston, I have reviewed the workplan for soil remediation submitted December 16, 1994 by GeoResearch in conjunction with your letter of January 19, 1995. As referenced in the workplan, the remediation shall proceed until routine monitoring indicates that the remediation technology has exhausted it's effectiveness. In the event confirmation sampling indicates that the technology has not been successful in reducing hydrocarbon concentrations, below state guideline levels other remediation alternatives shall be employed in order to accomplish the reductions to that secondary technology's maximum effectiveness (e.g. soil excavation and disposal). Therefore, this office will continue to require that each remediation technology be utilized to its maximum effectiveness IN ADDITION TO reducing hydrocarbon concentrations below the maximum allowable levels referenced in the LUFT manual. Please give this office 5 working days notice before work is actually scheduled to begin at this site. Sincerely, ~j¿f¿J~ 'V'.... - Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm cc: Warren Gross, GeoResearch - .'''' Unocal Corporation -"';- 2000 Crow Canyon Pia ite 400 San Ramon, California 9 Telephone (510) 867·0760 Facsimile (510) 277·2309 o ~CC[EüW~ I _ ~ --. -~- UNOCAL~ January 19, 1995 North Region Corporate Environmental Remediation & Technology Mr. Howard Wines, III Bakersfield Fire Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93302 Unocal Service Station No. 7048 2518 White Lane Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Wines: In accordance with your request, Unocal is pleased to submit a schedule for the implementation of the workplan for soil remediation prepared by our consultant, GeoResearch, dated December 13, 1994 and approved by you in your letter dated December 29, 1994. Unocal has a soil vapor extraction system which is currently operating at a site in Nevada and is expected to be available for installation at the subject site in April, 1995. Work will be initiated this month to permit this unit for use at the subject property through the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District (APCD). Please note that the time required for permitting through the APCD can only be approximated and is out of our control. The tentative system start-up date is May 1, 1995. Your letter also mentions petroleum hydrocarbons in the soil exceed limits allowable by state guidelines. Please clarify what guidelines are referenced and what acceptable cleanup levels are required for both the gasoline and diesel plumes at the site. Should you have any question or further comments, please feel free to contact me at (510) 277-2311. Sincerely, ~C.Q Edward C. Ralston Senior Environmental Geologist cc: Warren Gross, GeoResearch _ e CITY of BAKERSFIELD HWE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT M, R. KELLY FIRE CHIEF December 29, 1994 1715 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD. 93301 326-3911 Mr. Ed Ralston Unocal - CERT 2000 Crow Canyon Place, Suite 400 San Ramon, CA 94583 RE: Results of site characterization of the property located at 2518 White Lane, Bakersfield, California. Dear Mr. Ralston: This office has reviewed the site characterization report, addendum, and subsequent remediation work plan submitted by you for the property located at the above stated address. Laboratory results reveal petroleum hydrocarbons are present in the soil at levels exceeding limits allowable by state guidelines. The Unocal Corporate Environmental Remediation and Technology Division is hereby notified that mitigation of the contamination plume to acceptable levels is required by this office. This office accepts the options listed in the remediation work plan, vapor extraction and bioventing, as the most practical method for accomplishing a reduction in the hydrocarbon levels detected at the site. However, if you, or your consultant have an alternate method you wish to employ you may submit a request to this office for review and approval. Please respond within twenty (20) working days from receipt of this letter as to your intention regarding this matter and a time table for carrying them out. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely, ~4 W-:.-, _~ Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm cc: R. Huey -- -. ~~ .:= ~ ~~ . , rr--'n",,",-,_ :/u,.., 'J r~ «~~f~-\!7~~ Ii' '--' ~ LJ \'/ /.Sln11 (' DEe 2 0 19~4 VI 18v I ' -' -'--~ ~'-':':"~ ~----~ GeoResearch 1713 Tulare, Suite 113 Fresno, California 93721 (209) 264-0444 Fax: (209) 264·9800 December 16, 1994 Mr. Howard Wines Bakersfield Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 RE: Workplan for Unocal Service Station No. 7048, 2518 White Lane, Bakersfield, California. GeoResearch Project Number 937000703 Dear Mr. Wines: On behalf of Unocal Corporate Environmental Remediation and Technology, one copy of the workplan for the remediation of the above-referenced site is enclosed. If you have specific questions regarding the workplan, please contact the undersigned at (209) 264-0444. If you have any other inquires, please contact Mr. Ed Ralston at (510) 277-2311. Sincerely, ø~~~ Warren Gross, CEG 1528 Associate Geologist cc: Ed Ralston C:\UNOCAL\7048WKPN,DFT121394L 13 GeoResearch is a division of GEOSERVICES, a California corporation