HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN 3/10/2004 e UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST SECTION 1 Business Plan and Inventory Program Bakersfield Fire Dept. Enironmental Services 1715 Chester Ave Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel: (661)326-3979 FACILITY NAME L u.-c..Il-' 7 INSPECTION DATE INSPECTION TIME 3jLôæ~ ---~-------" ----.--------------.---.--- No. of Employees ADDRESS Whtk L~6 PHONE No. z-r;o 1 3'17~37Z'2 2- ------_.- ------------ FACILlTYCONTACT Business 10 Number 15-021- .--'-, - " ; Se.ction1: Business Plan and Inventory Program .', - D Routine ,( Combined D Joint Agency D Multi-Agency D Complaint ORe-inspection C V ( C=Compliance ) V=Violation OPERATION COMMENTS ä,D ~ D ~ 0 VISIBLE ADDRESS .á" 0 CORRECT OCCUPANCY ----------- ~ D VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS r.( D VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES ApPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND .----.---------------------,- --------------------------------------'---------~-----..------,------ BUSINESS PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE -------__.__.0______----.--- _____.___.___.___ .____._________._._.__.______~___________,_._._...______" -._------ -------------------------- ,,--- -.--------------------,----------------".--------------------,-------,--- --------f---------------------'---------------.----------'------------------ uo___________ ._------ -- ----.--- --- ------. -..- --_._.~- ---------_._~_._--------------------,---- ---'''-..'--"--.--'--- ______________________,___________,_____"~~_________________________uo______________,_,_____,______,________,__..,..,____ ~ D VERIFICATION OF LOCATION ~--------- 1------------------------'---------------------------- ~D PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL , ---- ----------------------- ----------------------- --,-------------- ------------------------ ,it D VERIFICATIONOFMSDSAVAILABILlTYE ~'Fc1V£. t'Vl5 9.5 7f~)NI ~ ---------------------------,----------------- -----,--.--------,-------------------------------- .. 0 VERIFICATION OF H~AT TRAINING ---------------,---1-----------,--------,-----------,-------------------,---------------- ~ 0 VERIFICATION OF ABATEMENT SUPPLIES AND PROCEDURES ,åf D EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE ------------------------------------,--- --------------------,----------------,----------------,------------,------ ~ D CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED { ~. :~:S:':::EaUAIT & ON ~-=>î~~A~~i7~~~:~-~~:r ~- -~---_._~--_.__.__._--- -------_._-_.__.__.._----_._-_._---~-_.,---------------.-- ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE?: DYES ~NO EXPLAIN: ð White -- Environmental Services Yellow .. Station Copy Pink - Business Copy .peril.te to It Unified Permit Prevention Services SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS OF PERMIT THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED FOR THE FOllOWING: _""'''r;~",;,f':1'j::'''~r' . Hazardous Materials Plan .'.;; - ,'. i . '. ¡e,~' if'" ;' .;',::'!~.)..,:..,<-._...-..." . . Underground Storage of Hazardous Materials _:('t" : j)\.-i,~'" "ff.~ ,~~.:,'.'~ :;::-;<.<; 0 California Accidental Release Program. .- . .,- . .,,~.'o 'JY~. -, ,\,..~. ,.' "I '" ,..f"; :.,,": "'f(" t¡':}-ð¡;1{"~,Ú 'i'. \:'. 0 Hazardous Waste Generator and/or Treatment /": " " ~J:"~:""?';~'t.\., . ....-;-".::.~.. .;' :.'. " ',. 0 Above ground Storage Storage of Petroleum ,i~';"li" :;Í!'.;'I ':" ':.' .:.'....1.¡. ~,.;n·;t, . 0 Paint Spray Booth ¡,f1.... ·X>:. ,:./-". ; . /, , . ,." 0 Industrial Hood Suppression System i~.:'/~\~;'f':" . ..ðÎft(.?~;' r~. . . ".<.,~"~:,,~,~, f' /.(, ,. .' ~'~f'¡;' !', "'~'\'')'';;' " WHITE LANEJ""ii~~ .;./ .'~:."" ·~~tJŒRSFIELD \?~\?~_93304 .,. '. 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S P I .'L "11. .' . ".I*Allr..llr :'~.~.:.,:( '".-:." .ierote .- t .,.', - '0" it ~ Materials/Hazardous'."a~teU nified . Permit CONDITIONS OF .PERMIT ON ~ RE Hazardous. - . . - ; .- ..' .. 'tERSE SIDE ..' 621 Hazardous Materials Plan o Underground Storage of Hazardous Materials o Risk Manage~t Program o Hazardous Waste On-Slte Treatment ONITORING Permit 10 #:: 015-000-000083 LUCKY 7 STORE #11 LOCATION: 2501 WHITE LN A TANK 015-000-000083-0001 015-000-000083-0002 015-000-000083-0003 \' Issue Date Approved by: Expiration Date Bakersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 Issued by: Operate to Per... it Waste Unified Permit Materials/Hazardous Hazardous CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE This ermit is issued for the followin rdous Materials Plan round Storage of Hazardous Materials agement Program Waste PIPING PIPING METHOD MONITOR - PRESSURE ALD PRESSURE ALD PRESSURE ALD PIPING TYPE DWF DWF DWF :1' ~Nö~, ¥Q~tTOR ¡/~t:~; PERMIT ID # 015-021-000083 LUCKY 7 STORE #11 2501 HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE Regular Gasoline Unleaded Gasoline Premium Unleaded Gasoline LOCATION TANK Approved by: Expiration Date: Bakersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (80S) 326·3979 FAX (80S) 326-0576 Issued by: Operil.te Waste Unified Permit it to Materials/Hazardous Per Hazardous CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE This ""it is issued for the followin ~:~~~rdous Materials Plan ...."".., round Storage of Hazardous Materials lQ~gement Program .........,.. W t 1 as e PIPING ONITOR PIPING METHOD PRESSURE ALD PRESSURE ALD PRESSURE ALD F F F CAPAdITY\ ~! ;;;,. "'.1 ""; ;:; . -~. 'i ·~i.~"M':·:·' _;, 10,OOO.QQG,AL 1 O,OOO.OG,G~L 1 0,000.00 i'~Ä~' WHITE PERMIT ID# 01S-021.()00083 LUCKY 7 STORE #11 TAN HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE - 0001 REGULAR GASOLINE 0002 UNLEADED GASOLINE 0003 PREMIUM UNLEADED GASO 2501 LOCATION Approved by: Bakersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield. CA 93301 Voice (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 June 30_2000 --- - --- - . - --- ~ Expiration Date: Issued by: - -- - -- . -- CA Cert. No. 00705 1 City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave., Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 326-3979 An upgrade compliance certificate has been issued in connection with the operating permit for the facility indicated below. The certificate number on this facsimile matches the number on the certificate displayed at the facility. Instructions to the issuing agency: Use the space below to enter the following information in the format of your choice: name of owner; name of operator; name of facility; street address, city, and zip code of facility; facility identification number (from Fonn A); name of issuing agency; and date of issue. Other identifying infonnation may be added as deemed necessary by the local agency. This permit is issued on this 2nd day of November, 1998 to: LUCKY 7 STORE #11 Permit #015-021-000083 2501 White Ln A Bakersfield, California 93304 ·. . - _ _ ,~}¿) ì ~O( wt.-.:fe. Lf\ cr/S- /'7~"v<!., 1-;1 s,·j,¿ I J"VL'2..+ ðÚJreR- .::T e>'P/ICJ¡ Y \j,~(þ</-jc'ð~.:5 i ,del~ue~ CoR..~\D" AJ:f,'c:r¿ ~ i',^+6, /)1, JufJ<.... I' / ß-:=rr '\ . tt . LIA..c.~ 7 b\5Ð l ~~~~ L"" C:,/;t7/'1~ Vt>~~øi .s~~~. ~ ,1~~§r w~ R.e.c~ ~,,~~ sik h~ ~ ·kit~J~L~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~:+, S~ .~~~L~~~>..sfe4..)¿ E(::/L~k ~lt ,¡~ DÐM~vv¡~'dn ,w~ d~iq..-; TAey St401 Ô'fé~~eR. ~W~ '-Ik ,-.mA" ~ ~ ,4~ &'V\ 'fÍ.ve- ~Jl <'/l ~ . ,~~M ~ -J.k Vk-~~~.(¡v~ 4V\.1- ~s ., ? :Ill Cð~Y-tC¡c'f /V7¡e~, /ll / ue-k- 8I3ð/~ " I cl'tl~ ik s'tcRe¡ CDf}1~IA~C~ ~-é~", wfL:5 d~«:'c'v..lJ. ¡,........¡-.+ wAS ( (0 .jè V<:'.V' -fhe., ph:1£. ~.ç 5iè!le- £ l:è5-R,'VI / !3,<}~e- 4rlcLIIJ I 8/30/7'.5 _,7 (]~{Iec1 ~/S~Þ1 \h/ley. (.pI M'f-e ¡,~ C/€2--J, ;/~..-,Iofc.( ~ce - .t.f~4 (Y1()Þ:-¡ 0f&<fr'kJ'fi.e ð'4£-e f1ðt.U, lie. D!>M~~ ~ .~V~ © ~ gC1,Y/AC- ðCvrA~ fLe.p~~ fJCAd YW I..$;,n/_:: 6feat:J-~ ,¥.:Z if 0AfV ~IL ~~ ~ MI",,/l.{,1 ,~~/, - ~ I~ (''75 S'1evt!:- E. CA ((~. fie Ol.v V\.-~ ~~ rf2-6f~7 -btv +- 0: {t ~ .r--0 P L<>-<\5ees rr.e5f<>~. ',I..: I;~ to ~'f- ""/ ~"".w...~ ~~~ ~Qy.C71 ~U~R.¿VJ,.evvY:s / wl~ he..- ð,q-t-J- (I..~[::ks :Þ~'\\Í\-U.~fW\~A~~~~ f:I MÐV\.:~.e¿"0 b~v+ .þ~ 4~ i'A {¡\.k~, ¡tA... (lJ'f::.lc- 8/3//1S I ! v,s,'kd s/1e. ;;'Y1~ ~,º-' rvtJ 't' TYJ'{)nl'bQ~ ~. .:siA-~ j,¡w. ~ J.. ~ T me+ ~~ wee.e -fh.ðe-e . GJ11M~¡"'J<'<:'JCt ~¿~A ¿uJl1:S .~~ ~ut-I ~fh/~Bd 'fhJt}-'f- ~/ ¡1Æe- ~ ~P1~;'Ir¿ . ; ~~es , :Lókued ~ ~<L le146e "€5~<evv~ y:¡.~ . _ .ej.¡l4t~ed ~ /~n(V~~~ ~u/~em.e4 ~ Wen-t. afJ<.inl1-k- I; I T ¿,c/ A Y h4f/e ~~::r.brt ~cC.e..-1 &+fÁ.~ Öf4('èf i4c£ . frI~.'µ 9:..4{&. -L -!öt/ ~.Jjf R-~~ ,I:,. Cw"e.- C4.?eR.i< +-; . r11, - /ùfd<. FIRE CHIEF Rmj FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Slreel Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 21 01 ~H" Slreet Bakersfie~. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 1 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SERVlCES~ ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chesler Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE.(661) 326-3979 FAX (~1) 326-0576 .. PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chesler Ave. '-~ Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAJ«661)326-o576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 . . -- September 26, 2003 CERTIFIED MAIL Gina Ham Lucky 7 2501 White Lane Bakersfield, CA 93304 NOTICE OF VIOLATION & SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE Dear Ms. Ham: Our records indicate that your annual maintenance certification on your leak detection system was past due 09-20-03. You are currently in violation of Section 2641(1) of the California Code of Regulations. "Equipment and devices used to monitor underground storage tanks shall be installed, calibrated, operated and maintained in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, including routine maintenance and service checks at least once per calendar year for operability and running condition." You are hereby notified that you have thirty (30) days, September 8, 2003, to either perfonn or submit your annual certification to this office. Failure to comply will result in revocation of your pennit to operate your underground storage system. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661-326-3190. Sincerely yours, Ralph E. Huey Director of Prevention Services By: ~L~ Steve Underwood Fire Inspector/Environmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/db ~~ YeflU~ de ~/N//lU~ .%ft .AO/~e .§%o/b A W~?" -. , SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION \ . COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY x o Agent o Addressee B:ß!" e~elved by ( Printed Name) C. Date 0, f,.D, ellvery 0n a ~ ~'\ . D.: Is':dellvery address different from Item M! ~Yes If YES, enter delivery address~: '" 0 No · Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. · Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on t~e front If space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: " '\ ',,- GINA HAM LUCKY 7 2501 WHITE LANE BAKÈRSFIELD CA 93304 : , 3. Service Type ~ Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mall 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes 2. Article Number (Transfer from service label) PS Form 3811, August 2001 Domestic Return Receipt 7002 3150 0004 9985 4643 102595-02-M-1540 - ------------- 0 O' . 0 0 0 -, , 0 . I OFFICIAL USE I ¡- Postage $ ~rtified Fee Return Reclept Fee Postmark (~orsement Required) Here Restricted DerlVery Fee (Endorsement Required) :rota! P ~ , LI1 . I:Q IT' IT' , .::r- ,C] C] C] 'C] . LI1 ñ .m ru 'C] nt 0 C] I"- ~AP£j orP08oxA , GINA HAM LUCKY 7 2501 WHITE LANE BAKERSFIELD CA 93304 ëitÿ.šiåiè;~ " FOR D;TE c¡ - 7 TIMF)~- M OF MES SIGNED , - I, ... ~' . . "~"'.' ," r. " "---J LUCK'! 7 2501 iJJH lTE LN BAKERSFIELD CA.93304 ~ 661-:397-:3722 MAR 10. 2004 10:29 AM PAPER OUT S\/f3TEM STATUE; FŒPORf PRINTEr; ERROR --.---- T 1: O\lEF:F [LL ALARr"1 I N\/ENTOR'l F:EPORT T 1: UNLEADED \lOLUr"lE ULLAGE 9W. ULLAGE= TC \/OLUr"lE HEIGHT .. vJA'Ï1::R --VOL I,JATER TH'lP \..-- :3217 GALS 678:3 GAL~3 578:3 GAL~3 :3215 GAL~3 34. ::::? I NCHE::':; =--- - (Fi:;AŒ; o . 00 I N(:HEE; 65.6 DEG F T 2:BUPER VOLUME ULLAGE 9W. ULLAGE= TC \lOLLit"1E HEIGHT I,JATER \JOL iJJA TEF. TEf'W T 3 :t,PECIAL \lOLUr"1E ULLAGE 90% ULLAI;E~ TC \/OLUr"1E HEIGHT iJJATER \IOL ~'JATER TEf'W :3247 675~: !:i75:3 3244 34.60 o 0.00 68. .:'1 r' , Gi ¡' GÀd GAL~3 GALt; INCHES GALS I NC HE::; DEG F 26b6 GAU3 7:3:34 GAU3 t,:]:34 GALB ~'66:3 GALS 2'3. '37 INCHES o GALS 0.00 INCHEB 71.8 DEG F ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ END ~ ~ ~ ~ "'. .-...".. . · - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave.~ 3'11 Floor~ Bakersfield~ CA 93301 FACILITY NAME_l~ACJL'I 7 INSPECTION DATE 3> µO/V4- Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program o Routine ~Combined 0 Joint Agency Type of Tank P/AJ F Type of Monitoring Œ. l-VV\ o Multi-Agency 0 Complaint Number of Tanks .3 Type of Piping Þ\-\) F ORe-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on tile :;< Proper owner/operator data Oil tile )( Penn it fees current )( Certification of Financial Responsibility >( Monitoring record adequate and current X Maintenance records adequate and current i-. Failure to correct prior UST violations 'A Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No \c( Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program AGGREGATE CAPACITY Number of Tanks TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank OPERA nON Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on tile with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? ¡fyes, Does tank have overfill/overspill protection? C=Compliance V=Violation Y=Yes N=NO 'I-~LJ ~ . ì/ "- Business Site Responsible Party Pink - AlIsincss Copy -.... -,' - Cj"........'-. . . " . . Postage $ ::T Certified Fee D D Return Reclept Fee D (Endorsement Required) D Restricted Delivery Fee .J] (Endorsement Required) ru ru Total Post, Postrnar1< Here In Sent To ::3 _ ___mnm Lucky 7 . ['- Street, Apt. I 2501 White Lane or PO BoxN ëi6':-siãiã;z Bakersfield, CA 93304 :11 -~ - . sèe Re-çer;~ i~r Instructions r ......., SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION . . . . . · Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. · Print your ne:lne and address on the reve~e so that we can return the card tó you. · Attaclfthis card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: o Agent o Addressee C. Date of Delivery "i\',,~ D. Is delivery address different from Item 1? rt Yès If YES, enter delivery address below;" é~'D No Lucky 7 2501 White Lane Bakersfield, CA 93304 3. Service Type '09 Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Retum Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes 2. Article Number (Transfer from service label) PS Form 3811, August 2001 7003 2260 0004 7652 3164 Domestic Return Receipt 1 02595-02-M~ 1540 \... FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Slreel Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SERVICES. EHYIIONIoENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. '" Bakersfield, CA 93301 .,' VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326'{)576 ..,1 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326'{)576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 . . December 12,2003 CERTIFIED MAIL Lucky 7 2501 White Lane Bakersfield, CA 93304 RE: Propane Exchange Program Dear Owner/Operator: The purpose of this letter is to advise you of current code requirements for propane exchange systems, such as "Blue Rhino" or "Amerigas." This does not apply to large propane tanks, only propane exchange systems. Over the past two years this office has noted a dramatic increase in the propane exchange system in the city of Bakersfield. It has also been noted, with great concern, that many of these installations are a clear violation of the UFC (Unifonn Fire Code) and represent a danger to public health and safety. Accordingly, procedures for storage of propane cylinders awaiting use, resale or exchange, have been adopted through BMC (Bakersfield Municipal Code) and adoption of the 2001 UFC. The procedures are as follows: Storage outside of building for propane cylinders (1,000 pounds or less) awaiting use, re-sale, or part of a cylinder exchange point shall be located at least 10 feet from any doorWays or openings in a building frequented by the public, or property line that can be built upon, and 20 feet from any automotive service station fuel dispenser. (Note distance from doorways increases when cylinders are over 1,000 pounds cumulatively.) Cylinders in storage shall be located in a manner which minimizes exposure to excessive temperature rise, physical damage or tampering (Section 8212, California Fire Code, 2001 Edition). When exposed to probable vehicular damage due to proximity to alleys, driveways or parking areas, protective crash posts will be required as follows (Section 8001.11.3 and 8210, California Fire Code, 2001 Edition): 1) Constructed of steel, not less than 4 inches in diameter, and concrete filled. 2) Spaced not more than 4 feet between posts, on center. .....y;;,q'Ú~? & V'/N/NH/l/?~ .hy~ . /6t:Y¥! .~/l' ~,-¿ '(;;YIÚ//3/ ~~ " . e Letter to To: Owner/Operators of Propane Exchange Systems Re: Propane Exchange Program Dated: December l2.2003 Page 20f2 .- 3) Set not less than 3 feet deep in a concrete footing of not less than a 15 inch diameter. 4) Set with the top of the posts not less than 3 feet aboveground. 5) Located not less than 5 feet from the cylinder storage area. Exceptions: Cylinders storage areas located on a sidewalk which is elevated not less than 6 inches above the alley, driveway or parking area, with not less than 10 feet of separation between the curb and the cylinder storage area. "No Smoking" signs shall be posted and clearly visible (Section 8208, California Fire Code, 2001 Edition). Resale and exchange facilities must be under permit to verify compliance. All existing facilities will be checked and when compliance is confirmed, a permit will be issued. All new propane exchange systems must be permitted prior to installation. You will have 90 days (March 4,2004) to comply with the procedures outlined. Once compliance has been confirmed, each exchange system will be issued a permit, which will be placed on the exchange system. Sites not conforming to current code, will be "red tagged" and must be taken out of service immediately. You should contact your Blue Rhino representative, Mr. Taylor Noland, or your local Amerigas representative. They are aware of current code requirements. If you do not have a propane exchange system, please disregard this letter. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (661) 326-3190. Sincerely, (1 , ~JL Œk£. Steve Underwood Fire InspectorlPetroleuml Environmental Code Enforcement Officer I ~. e Lil'¡:'/ '? ~":;I=I 1 i.·.ill 1 n·~ f , E:rir.EF:~:;F J CLI' ':'ii. 'r':::I],! f.~,t.:'1 J _:~i'~ii/ _-:..::"/:~,~, (~,,- T ] ':j. :,'ljl I:: "':] C: ¡.,;["I -~~ :~:/::::n:J'1 :·":T¡..;TU:~:: kEP,;)F:T -. -- ,,- - - - i~LL F'IJr'K:T I <)rK::: r·K;.j'':'f'IHL 11·,j'.",'Dfl'.:)F:'/ F:'fT";)F·:l T ]: U['JLErWED '",,::;,L.UI"IE IIL1..I"\'.;[ 91.):.: IJLL.AI:;L~ TC ,,"':A.UI-I!· HE I (; ril' 1.',I!i·[·EF: \':':;.L ¡.,_IA·rEF: T[r''IF T ::: :::::U1E:¡..: "i('LUIIF iJLL.fc,,:;[ '30>, IJL.L;.;,;t> '1'('; \,·\;,L.UI··1[ HEICHT i..,IHIEF: '·/C'L. 1..I'iTEF: TEI"IF' T :'::: :':::[>[1: I HL. \/(:,!..III"!E I .ii, L.ii I,: E '::11):.. Ul..l.;';I:X- TC "iC,Uill!: HEli:;iIT 1..-IATEr:'iC'!.. - 1,lf~fEF' TD'If ;::2':1.~ t.._~i~L:':; 1,~:i--ìL:=:: ~:', 71'!Î~¡ 1=1 r? 1,_',1 t.' I ~~t-~' . ".".,-, .~I":. ()¡-:' I_"t~ r~:::: - :Jd. '~j::~: (I I:I.I-ID ::: t. . 1 G~ll_~:':~ 11'JC~Hr:::::.: DE(; F ¿:e:I:,:: ':;tiU':~ '? I :::2 ':;,-i L:'::; I':, I :-~j~.' I~¡h[ ,;::i ~!::-Ji:,~_' 1~~f1LF:; :::! .I",U II'J':'1-1E:::: CI Cr\L~~~ IJ. flfl I r'JCI-IE:::~ Ie:;:, . 'I [if:(; F ::::: I CI 1:;;-ìl.E: c l'-jl~1 1=~riL~~:: ~~I I ',:~ c¡ (:~H' :3:::0~:~ Gt:::i~J :: :=: _ 'e; '7 [I',J':' HE:::; I-j I-~HL;':) U.I.iU I [··J'-'I-Œ:'::: :=,,:, '0, 111::>3 r .< -<c ~'<.' ,- fJ'J II ~.' . .... . ~, .~ " - ;:;¡::¡"k~';)F: f-iU,F:r" L I: E: '/ -::rn:' ;3TP ::;Uf"I!) FUEL ALARr"l C{.:T 15, ~:::ClD:::: '3: 20 fili._ ';'" . . - -- :::L r'J:::C, F' L :.;: ':i I - :::':'[1' :':::TP ~:::t.ll'IF FUEL f\U\F:r"1 c·,::·r 1 5. ::>11.1:: flU ,kl'l ~ 'e; : :.'1-1 lil"l ;.:UJ;c;')> L :;:: :"::':.1 ~3Tr- :=;-[1' ;:::UI']!> FUEL. filJiE'I'] COC'T J ,~,. ~:'Cli I:: 'i1.;.;!·:I·· '-" ':1 : :::' 1 ;·\1" / // . "/:<Uf:::::'F' I~Li\J·:f"l r. to ::::'j-r~IH'JI!UiF' i:r'Jr~¡ULAF' ::C:h-,'-,!'; ¡.: J 11::.1. riL.¡..;E'!·1 ('::;01.:1' I':;. 2111 (: ':-1: ~.-':,:: hl' r:, CJ :;lcJt_:.;.·¡·: i-iLl,I:I"1 L I:,: ') J ·hl,n'jil!.iiF:' i\fJl"JLlU\J< :::['h' ¡-' Ii iFL ,iLriF:I"] . . ',,'1 ] ~. ::'UII:C: 'cJ: '.-" ¡'il _ :c:Ut:"'f: /-',1_,';1-:1'1 1.. ·1: :';'/ -h I JI'.J 1 11 riF: 1¡1··Jf'.JULi-;j,: ::f',"¡I f' H_IE1. rll.hFl· .. (:OCT J:3. _,'I:IU:::: 'el : :ë:::=: {'if"] ~' ~. CITY OF BA~SFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVIC$$_.~ 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-3979 f r Facility Address City, Zip Phone No. INSTRUCTIONS: Please call for an inspector only when each group of inspections with the same number are ready. They will run in consecutive order beginning with number I. ~ cover work for any numbered group until all items in that group are signed otTby the Permitting Authority. Following these instructions will reduce the number of required inspection visits and therefore prevent assessment of additional fees. TANKS AND BACKFILL INSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR Backfill ofTank(s) Spark Test Certification or Manufactures Method Cathodic Protection of Tank(s) - "J. ' lJ3 Piping & Raceway w/Collection Sump PIPING SYSTEM Corrosion Protection of Piping, Joints, Fill Pipe , . ( Electrical Isolation of Piping From Tank(s) Cathodic Protection System-Piping Dispenser Pan Liner Installation - Tank(s) Liner Installation - Piping Vault With Product Compatible Sealer Level Gauges or Sensors. Float Vent Valves Product Compatible Fill Box(es) Product Line Leak Detector(s) Leak Detector(s) for Annual Space-D.W. Tank(s) f) Monitoring Well(s)/Sump(s) . H20 Test "'" ~ it ..Lr ~ \- If) ~ f~ Q ~ u..J1 Leak Detection Device(s) for Vadose/Groundwater fI Spill Prevention Boxes t() . ~ ^ 10 ~ \\'111' ~ FINAL Monitoring Wells. Caps & Locks Fill Box Lock Monitoring Requirements Type T L S - .JS'O l't<'lA~ LICENSE # ( Authorization for Fuel Drop CONTRACTOR--..ß~.s R. CONTACT____Btf1t PHONE # 1188 r~)ì ì . . ,!" '~'., ""1..- ® kf( C:;(ccttl4.( <;(4.(·ð.(.{~ U1.\l'~\- ~L porti prIor -/.0 () ~ ((,\1"1 ~ (?(t"",fö,oOð {or s wor~'^1 dlAy +0 .l:vt ß-\cd ( "( ~~ ~ sY() /1 r,f .. e42 .NC. P. 10 1 JUH- 6-10:3 FRX FROM B.S.S.R. . ," .'" · J. f::;L}:?' . '''r..t'~},~ ¡ .0.6 2003 7; 39 " j.. .~i<$Fï_:h . FIRe; t !, .~: , PEltMIT AJltUCATION TO CONS1'RUCTIMODDY VNDERGROt,TNU SfOBAGE TANK .:'~¡i ::~.: ..' ~ Qf ~~'L10~ ~CHECI(). . . ''':·1,",Jd.:: : ,H. "1;~W F~CJLrtY . ( )M;(>pli:=~TJON OP FACILttv [JNSW l'ANK lNS1'^u..A'flON AT EXlSTtNO PACILITY i'¡; t ;. ·····.f;:·S(A~11Na.~r . € ,..,03.. P¡tOPOSEDCOMPI.bïJONOATS c-~_ '. . ~~JJ~~a' s "2~'/¿' ': ~~G~~PE~ITNO. z¡p~6~"'""L-: "t'lPS OP BUSiNESs 'l MA . A~IN ,. '3è'" .:.- fJ\Nf(OWNBR-'4.tc.,t<. -F"'n,,,....."'tQ,A _....~'"o.T1¡¡';- PHONf.NO·M__}7--:'f11-Y_ ., ,..nDRF.R~L_ ..~ . . .T(" [ftl . . _( mr' '111. . . .,.. ~e..._~. ~ ~ì~ . .J: .. .~:¡::pqNT.R.f.,CI" 0 . 0 .;S$ -. . ('.... _ .~ _ CA Lf~SENO.. ..~~. ..I!.",..,~~,:AI;)I,)~ . (:I~.¿ . ;;a CIT'V'_J:!'~t.O JJ.. ZIP CODE _ ~·:';:~"1'(·;¡"~;·'''~'l·.·.P~NE. . t-.o ;. 'V _ BAJŒ'JtSflELDcrrYÐUsnŒSSUCENS~NO. .:.' ". >:Ri=~':~~W9RKTOB:iOONS~~~~~c1j?,S::. ~ t:A:-& - i1"r-;t.¡!~ àf~ o'&J'" ~¡,' ~:~¡~ :;: . :~f ; ;'~ . . m'fLi~,,:U¡\,~, ;".....;).;.".J., \',' ";":1': ,:i ',:: : .. ",.j " .r.,,'I I :;.~. ': '~!. , ~.{ . .~ . '; ~ Por.1t NQ. _-9:?Ð.L- CITY OF BAKERSFIELD . OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 C-hester Ave_. Bakers.field, CA (661) 326-3979~L.' .. . :) .. ~Q . I.· '?""'" ð.. -1 \.J'~ ~.lr'·o·- ,/)~ ' \ ~ t \ . ! '.;, . . :.i . r~::' f, ¡'. : ....~j:.~:~< ':. ~;..:·;fr· ';=(.1'\ t~ .;1" ' PRËVEHT I QN (6611ßS2-el?2 . .':.., . . ,I .'. .- WATEa.TOF/.CIU.TYPIlOV:lOt;QflY~ ~ . - . D.EP1'B 1'OOItOUNp W A,'J"E((.. __ sou. T'a'B 6XPBCTIID AT SITS. , __ ;f ¡,!iQ~ Of 1'1\NKS TO B1HI.~·$1'ALt-m· ARE TREY FOR. MarOlt fUEL __YES ~o "~1'$,rµ.~Ila~QNCOH'f~A1'fOCOON.TERMB.-\S\lRßSPLANONf1L£__. . VES , 10«> FJCTION fQ~ ~()T9~ FJ.1~ l'ANK¡NOo' k.. Vo¡,~,B (~<- ...... l~e.I) i..£OU~ Ple.sBL PREMIUM ... v AV1AT[ON +- -- -- --- .. ------- Ø~.ON ~B. ~Q~MOTO' PV~~ß~ TANK. NO, VOLlr.MJ! CHBMICAt. STOR.ED (NO .RA'ND NAMJ3) (:AS NO. ClœMlCAL Pll~IOUSLY STOJUUJ (IF KNOWN) ,J ,............1 .. :'1~'-- - ...... ( ~.-- ~ "- -- ---...........""" '. FOR OPf'JC1A.L US:F. ONLY I ~'tD.T~~, ' '. >.: :~::F~.~:·" ·~':"':,:.~:~:·~OFVANX8~~ ~,..s'~.. ,": ~ ... r ... -4>. _ 1J!8.AP'~ HAS UCØfV~ UN~~S. AHJ) WlLt.COMPL ywrm THS ATIACHED COWDJTlO1'lSOF ~.~~~~,f~rr AND,.\NY OI'REk $TATS. .LQ¢AL AND PÊDEiRAL R£GULATlONS. . ,.~T~ISt;: HAS. COMPLõTQHJNÞ~PENALTYO'PElU'UltY,ANPTOT( aBsTOF M KNOWLEOOI!.tS . ··~'nu~.' D." ~" . . \ ' ...--:-- . '/f e. :J6{L~ PLtCANT N (PRINT) nus APP'µÇ4TlO;NQCOMES À nRMn' WH£N APPR.OVED . . ." " ., L .;.., . ~''":'.'::~'.. ;.~~ .:;. :.. - _...:... :~............ . .. . .. .. .. .. .... . .. . . .. ., - .. - - .. - .'- .... . .,' ~..; P.J .y I , ..~ O· f . ' II :."! 1 .f ! . { !. /\ 't e . ARCO #06356 SiteID: 015-021-001880 Manager : MARIA RAMOS Location: 2301 F ST City BAKERSFIELD BusPhone: Map : 102 Grid: 25B (661) 863-0528 CommHaz : UnRated FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 01 EPA Numb: SIC Code:5541 DunnBrad:51-012-0713 Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title STEPHANIE CRUMPACKE / MANAGER ARCO MISSION CONTRO / Business Phone: (661) 863-0528x Business Phone: (800) 272-6349x 24-Hour Phone : (661) 397-7375x 24-Hour Phone : (800) 272-6349x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: Fire Press ImmHlth DelHlth Contact : MICHAEL D. WILSON Phone: (714) 670-5321x MailAddr: PO BOX 6038 State: CA City : ARTESIA Zip : 90702 Owner BP WEST COST PRODUCTS LLC Phone: (714) 670-5321x Address : PO BOX 6038 State: CA City : ARTESIA Zip : 90702 Period : to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparer: TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: No ParcelNo: Emergency Directives: -1- 06/04/2003 ·r . . F ARCO #06356 SiteID: 015-021-001880 9 STORAGE CONTAINER DATA (UST FORM A) Last Action Type: FACILITY/SITE INFORMATION Business Name: ARCO #06356 Cross Street : Business Type: Org Type: Total Tanks : 3 IndnRes/Trust: No PA Contact: PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION Name : ARCO MISSION CONTRO Phone: (800) 272-6349x Address: City : State: Zip: Type : TANK OWNER INFORMATION Name : ARCO MISSION CONTRO Phone: (800) 272-6349x Address: City : , State: Zip: Type : BOE UST Fee# : 000506 Financ'l Resp: SELF INSURED Legal Notif : Tank Owner Mailing Address Date:12/26/2001 Phone: (714) 670-5321x Name:MICAHEL WILSON Ttl:ENVIRONMENTAL ADMIN. State UST # : 1998 Upg Cert#: 00870 -2- 06/04/2003 .-. iJt' , ,f To: 6613260576 06/04a03 -1buøJ i~ld. .~ -f~~ A~ 16:32 P.l/1 "Watch Out! Behind Your Back They'll Rob You Blind. . ." I still have trouble beJieving how much l was being Qvercharged. And to thinlt, this time Ia¡)t year I was so convinced I had such a great deal. "1 should have been paying clO$er attontiQn to their sneaky price increases." "Do you ~now why insurance companies 'stick you' with such high prices'!" "It's because they know you're lazy." "They l"l10W the bottom line is most busy people buy Ii policy, throw 11 in a drawer and forget about it." "And since you're too busy fl.> review your coverag~ you've probably never noticed bow they've 'jacked-up' your prices as you got older.' "No wonder wily tbey make suth a killing!" In fact, when I stopped to think about h, 1 W4$ ourious to know if 1 had faJlen into the same n'ap by not reviewing my own c:ov~rage. But Instead of being stubbQf1}¡ J dug out my policy and W~ shockeo to find my prices had started to ~kyrocket "Wow! Was 1 being ripped ofi1" "At last, an easy way out!" I read al1 article in I!. rmancial magazine about some guy who cut his insurance cost In haif, Being curious, called the 800# to receive a copy of the free report IJlcntioned in 1he 0111c1e. When the report came. . ."1 finally understood what I, (and everyone else) was doing wrongl" In fact, I found out after reading it that 1 had been getting robbed for years. "If1 only would have Itnown their dirty little sec;rets sooner." I ~uças the t\gent who sold me my policy WII$ more concerned libou~ making a big, fat commission than doing what was best for me. Little did 1 kDOW tbat there are oYer 1,893 companies who sell Í!\Sun.u.lce, bot on)y a handful do it co .\: effec.tively. FortUnately, this report identifie-~ those companic& that do sp~c:iaJjze in offering cost effective coverage and gives you a COI1\pari¡,¡ol1 of l:Iom~ top policies $0 that you can make your own decision. "If you're not sure if you al'e being overcharged for your lite ins\.IttU\oe, i advise you to call the "umbel' below. Get a copy of this eye-opening report for youHlclf." "After all, wouldn't yuu like to know if you're bt\wi ripped off?" "To get your free copy of this report Just call toU Cr(!e, 1-800-618·9721,24 hours, for a free recorded message. lñere is no cmargc for this service. And most importantly there is 110 one 011 tbl: telephone to ha$sle you." The preceding story ¡.r a dramati- zation of eve,.y day fru.~lrati()n.y .:xpIJ!'¡(mcp.d by many consum~r$. . IOrh Annual 'lbu, Dø .lSta 'AI Congre~ willi T WASHm<.'T01.'V_ ThÓí1 ' cflíXJt m idll knoUY, W:: {I(IntnMillM!~~' ~n\_1"I1aada" < ~ ,,~ flnet UÛ.If!.I· .' .I()-.~nlian. )iii. "f~.""". h U\tI r.l).o (.';' ~ "iRE CHIEF ;~'~',N =¡:U\ZE: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 oW Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 °H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIIIE SAFm SERVICES. ENVIROHMENTAl SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 32SH0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661)326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 e . June 5, 2003 Lucky 7 2501 White Lane Bakersfield CA 93304 REMINDER NOTICE RE: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirements December 31, 2003 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: A review of our files indicate that you have been receiving quarterly reminder notices since April of 2002. Effective January 2003, you can expect them monthly. The purpose of this letter is to remind you of the necessary retrofit of your fueling system. Current code requires that you install dispenser pans prior to December 31, 2003. You will not be allowed to remain open after December 31,2003 unless you have completed the upgrade requirement. Contractors are already scheduling work 6-8 weeks out. I urge you to start planning to retrofit your facility as soon as possible. Sincerely, Jtrt£v Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Services Office of Environmental Services SBU/rs ""Y~ de 7?CY/~ ~~ vØ60Pe .~ .A ~~~.,., :=iRE CHIEF ;:;,GN ,:CRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFm SERVICES. ENVlRONIlENTAl SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX(661)32s-D576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 32s-D576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326~576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 e e \ M~ 8, 2003 -~ '"" Gi na Ham Lucky 7 2501 White Lane Bakersfield, CA 93307 CERTIFIED MAIL RE: Failure to Complete SB 989 Secondary Containment Repairs & Retest FINAL REMINDER NOTICE Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner & Operator: Since January 1,2003, this office has sent you monthly reminders advising you of a failed SB 989 test. In that letter, this office also requested an update with regard to repairs of your system. This office further explained that repairs of your system are a condition of your permit to operate. Please be advised that you must have your system repaired and retested by June 15,2003. Failure to comply may result in further enforcement action up to, and including revocation of your permit to operate. This office has extended every courtesy with regard to sending contractor information as well as one on one visit's Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 661-326- 3190. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey Director of Prevention Services byßt~ Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc '-- c-£J . .I¿J CL? 'nuYN. (J'2;: ffi? t'J/'Zl ~ <2? ~ ,,__ " .7e/V~ Ute ú£Y';l.nu..,~ Lro/e ./~'(:)o/~e J/íU/b .J(!) (:;Je,uu~ e . J. ... -:.. ..,.... .. OFFIC~~I USE Postage $ ';:r , CJ . CJ Return Reclept Fee CJ (Endorsement Required) CJ Restricted Delivery Fee 'LIl (Endorsement Required) '...=I . m Tola Certified Fee Postmark Here ru 'CJ CJ '1'- GINA HAM nt1 LUCKY 7 ~ 2501 WHITE LANE 07 ~:..::!_~ BAKERSFIELD CA 933 City. St PS Form 3800, June 2002 See Reverse for Instructions SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION · Complete items 1. 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. · Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the maílpiece. or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: eMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY o Agent o Addressee C. Dat%f¡þèìiÌtery DYes DNo GINA HAM LUCKY 7 2501 WHITE LANE BAKERSFIELD CA 93307 '3. Service Type o Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes '--- ,-~- -~'----- - - ----~---, -- --- .---__ u___ __ _J . ?--"A...... J ... - PS Form 3811. August 2001 7002 3150 0004 9985 4032 Domestic Return Receipt 2ACPRI-03·Z-0985 - --- - - --~----. FIRE CHIEF ::::'ON FRÞ2E ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SERVICES· ENVIRONMENTAl SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 e e May 7,2003 Lucky 7 2501 White Lane Bakersfield CA 93304 REMINDER NOTICE RE: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirements December 31, 2003 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: A Review of our files indicate that you have been receiving quarterly reminder notices since April of 2002. Effective January 2003, you can expect them monthly. The purpose of this letter is to remind you of the necessary retrofit of your fueling system. Current code requires that you install dispenser pans prior to December 31,2003. You will not be allowed to remain open after December 31,2003 unless you have completed the upgrade requirement. Contractors are already scheduling work 6-8 weeks out. I urge you to start planning to retrofit your facility as soon as possible. Sincerely, ~/ d1u£/, " . - ,'. . _ J. . í : G ,.. Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc (,¡,.%~ ~ W~nnuuu?? .%"e ,-~0Pe !Y~ .Æ We.nbu~" FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFm SERVICES' EHWIOHIlEHTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 PUBUC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Avè. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 . . April 10, 2003 Lucky 7 2501 White Lane Bakersfield CA 93304 REMINDER NOTICE RE: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirements December 31, 2003 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: A Review of our files indicate that you have been receiving quarterly , reminder notices since April of 2002. Effective January 2003, you can expect them monthly. The purpose of this letter is to remind you of the necessary retrofit of your fueling system. Current code requires that you install dispenser pans prior to December 31,2003. You will not be allowed to remain open after December 31, 2003 unless you have completed the upgrade requirement. Contractors are already scheduling work 6-8 weeks out. I urge you to start planning to retrofit your facility as soon as possible. Sincerely, it.:'· ,I ¡ , Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc ""Y~ de W~ S7eve ~OPß .9'"'~ A W~" FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "HO Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 'i-:: ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. 'JI Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 e . j? "- '. -i( .. April 11, 2003 Lucky 7 2501 White Lane Bakersfield CA 93307 CERTIFIED MAIL RE: Recent SB 989 Secondary Containment Testing REMINDER NOTICE Dear Owner/Operator: Our records indicate that you completed your secondary containment testing on December 16, 2002. Our records further show a failed test. Therefore you are required to have your system repaired and re-tested as soon as possible. This office requests an update with regard to repairs of your system. Please be advised that repairs involving the replacing of components must be under pennit from this office. The repairs of your system are a condition of your pennit to operate. Failure to repair and re-test will result in the revocation of your pennit to operate. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661- 326-3190. Sincereg_ /' / I ' JI!!L~ Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc ~~~~ de W~ ~ Jl'b0Pe .r-~ .A W~" . . .: . .. ., ..... " .. "., OFFICIAL USE Postage $ , .:::r- Certified Fee , £:] ,£:]~. Retum Reciept Fee £:] (Endorsement Required) ,£:] Restricted Delivery Fee Lr) (Endorsement Required) .-:I IT\ Total , ru £:] , £:] £'- .- ¿;; :; Postmark Here SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION , . Complete items 1 , 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to th"e- back of the mail piece, or oJ{ the front if space permits. , 1. Article Addressed to: COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY .- '-; A. Signature \...0.. o Agent ŒI Addressee B. ¡:(eœlved by ( Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery HA-I'Y ¿(- } $'-6) D. Is delivery address differentfrom item 1? 0 Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: 0 No x f , LUCKY 7 2501 WHITE LANE . BAKERSFIELD CA 93307 \ 3. Service Type o Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes ---------__J 7002 3150 0004 9985 3202 PS Form 3811, August 2001 Domestic Return Receipt 2ACPRI-03-Z-0985 ;; It ...I E D 1 -5 : 0 0 FROM B.S.S.R. . INC. P.0:2 (\-.7 à R - :2 6 - 0 :3 '<ì· , I .: ,: . . SECONDARY SYSTEM CER.1'1.F1C~TION FORJ."I I '. :ÐAT~I?---I' -t>?;- ~, _ FAcILITY m ~y"'''l - P-,øð, I , ,·FA~TY~I>.~ ~~ ,W'±"i'Th 0.. UST ADDuJar Space <17 of ~ ' .. T~k1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 ~tIu't Time l, :J(S"I/M ~ PP\ 12. I:>Þ, , . IS'/I v,,~ I~- q Y'..t c.. ..of ,Jnitf,al Pressure I) Vtt ~ 2;4')'1'P1 . ,E~ TIDae 1:.;0 /"...., J :cø;'''''' "xaaJ Pr~re /~" V"I'f <:... I~- · r.v,.,. <.. ~tI~tJon ø;:~ . , (Si"'~) ,~ : :,', f'r'1~J ¡J,,~.J S~Ddary PipiDg , , ~1 Une2 Une3 Line 4 , s~ TIme ¿ n·"., :-/~() , . ï lnI,tJaJ ~re En4 Tbne , . F,iqaI Pressure CerUftcatlon ~1 4:/ !b,,,,, V J>';r? ($ ture) ~ ~ 6")~ , r,,:'( F,.,.:"( ~ø ß odT J 6>" L: '" (5 ;.-1 '5v~~) , h·'^Co'¡- 7£:JT ~:¡'''/ <Þ.(l jo...l,.......r5' ' .. . . Page 1 of_ ().to ,f$5IE"f~~ /k""J~) -¡ MAR-26-e3 WED 1':101 FROM B_S.S.R. tlNC. p.e3 . f " :. stcOl'U)~y SYSTEM CERTIFICATION FORM ., . . . f . . , .. ., '.' " ',.DAU/"'-16-ø'1- ~. . ,I ~~ :"F&~~ l~. 7- .n7øtJ~'-1 . "'AcønY ~JJ ., . "':1S-~1 w~~ L A/- , t .' " " T~~uippI .... ., Sump ~ Sump 3 S..,4 .':: ~1 , start Time , . " . . . .' .' . . : 1~ JülaÞt .,Water Time \Y~ ."&ht nme W...~t. time W~ Jlelaht ~tIoD (S~) j~fJ ¿'4'/~~crr, ¢'~r , . .;&~ .:. ~:-' j '¡~~'; '... /j,,~ , ", F. --- , , 'B OvQfJU 2 Overfill 3 0feIfIU 4 ,; . .,. .' , . . Start ThDe II ~ IØ 11':,3 I/~/O ,.- ," . ~I JIeIpt orWa. 5-" '1 "I. S" {,. ( , , :-" Time :/ /hJ /J.-, , " Water HeIght >6"1'-( 4. '5" , Tm. jr 'r co 11:(6 > Wa~ Øellht S:''9'-! Lf~tÇ6'- . ! , . . 1?7" ' Jh1,~ ¡,e ;'1 " : ~ ' Cå1Iftea~ ç.U ~.. '; . (S....tu~) ItS5 PAS 5 ., Pase 2 of_ .~ i: . MAR-26-0:.5 WED . .. e 15:01 e B. S. S. R. :INC. FROM P..04 " . , " , , . . .' :. SEcONJ)Á~Y SYSTEM CEB.TIFICATlON FORM . II It . , of...·" . "," I ." ·.DATB/~"'/6 -t:>?- .:., :~., ·FAåLITYID_~~~~. "2-øo ~od, ( :!: ·rÁciUrf~øsŠ."~, ¢..A+t~l.tV· .:1 . , .. ., .... $amP 1 Su.mp 2 Swnp 3 S~p4".,· ...... . : ,'.,: ,,., " . " .' , : ; .1', ':;. . ~~ n- , .", " , , IDIdatl HeIght .- " ./"'~ Of Water . 'x. /,/ . ,', ~ / .' .::-!r .. Time . ; '. . " ,Water BeilIU X ' . .... ./ '" " ~ · , Wa. JfeJ&Iat V ì\. '. ':' ',' . / '" ..' ' ;:::; T.me .. " .. ( "',' ' .. .,"..,.;.' w~~t " .. ' " ~ - . . .' ,':, .. ...... .. . , ' ~ " " Turbine SuìppS ':: " " .. . .. I,; , . , " , ,. ... :~ I"..~. 'i ~~ " ",'t 1? OveifiD 2 f ~; ; Start ..,. ~tIaI Båpt ofWatcr . Time Wa. Belpt ..... .)V..~t . . ~ (Slpature) ~diî4<ji: . . .' .' . ! . OvedlJl3 //;3 0VerØU 1 :. I· ..... · ' ,:. :. .~ . .. '::::. ': ,L" . . '" . )¡~/C " . , .... -'. (,.t>e-f )ta ,. c>,OtJ 11:16 (, ,~Q 7 , . I-¡~' )""3' '4..3 9¡ c¡ 1/ ~ '10 " 4.,,-, " P(:~ ~ ' P~c\ ~C>:2 .'J .. ',' ~.- " " ..' .. :1" ':'.:: · .. ;". . " ~ .:: :~ 2;:~, 4..Þ3Q /1;'10 L¡.tJJ( h1. ~ 14> xnC.. Pago2of_ .:." . ,:. . -.;".:.. ':~., :;:...;: ~ . ..' .:..; ';" ".:t" " .:.,.¡. ... ': ... :" - . ' . ~ .' ,; '¡ro-' ; ": ·1~. :-'.b ',[' !,:.: :.:::,::. :;:.';; ·.';i , ~,! .' . þ. . MAR-26-0=3 e 15:02 WED , . '.u~~Y $(V~N ~O~]~ , SSSR TE$iER 2.~IÎU 'MHI i1:~ :..~.. BAKERSFIELD Cl't. ~1-:S97"~722 12/1612002 11:25 AM ." ~¡.I? \.(:111( n:fì'T ~f.PORT 67FII. itST ~TARr!::í.I l ¡: 10 AM TEST S""RTED lV16~2 ar.GIN LEUE~ 3.al~9 XN END TIME 11:25 AM F)ro ~AT~ 12;16;2802 END LEVEL 3.3b~2 IN I..~~I( TH~e::$KO:".I) EI.002 XN TEST RESULT ~%LED I J a;JJ~p TEST STI~TED 11=lØ AM It~T ~TART(~ 12/16~øe2 SEOUl Le:UE.\. 6.0076 IN E;J>l1) TXME: 11: 25 AM tHO PATE: 12,;"16-'2002 00 1..I!Vf.L G.I3\376 IN LEAK THRE~~OL~ 9.902 IN Tí:sr 1õ'E:$UL T Pi-I$SED 91FIL. r!:ST ST¡c RTEO l~: 10 AM TEST STARTED 12/16~ØØ2 P}~GIN I..I:.'V£I.. i.560a IH END TIME 11:2~ ~M ~~ ~ATt 12/16/2002 END L£UE~ 4.5619 IN l£Ai< TtiRESI10L.l) 0. 0~2 IN T£$T RESULT PASSED FROM B 4t . $. $. R. INC. P.05 . '"" 'I)'" .~!!,' . " . """ . I ~ ",f ¡.; 1 . BSS~ TE$il:: . ... "i':'~ ;..JkJ'rE ;.N. ~AKERSFIELJ) CA. ,~(,: -~9?""3722 l',~" ! b/7.00~' 11 '~9 AM . ,:1, ':~p . fll(' "-qrr ~E~R'I' 910AP ~1~34 AI4 12/16/20m2 4.~F,?? n¡ 11:49 API 1.2/\6.f2002 3. 7..S'SG X Ii B.ßa2 IN FAILEO : ".:"" "'. 't' i;,~.,.t1) Tf:'i>.'T ~rA~Tto . ~F: r. ~;~ I ¡ 1.:1:.1. ENt" ,'1M£' ..~~ ) i~iIIT:~ ~:NJ' LE:l.IfL .t:r-- ;'~~!RfSHOLD TF;~T RE:$UL. T . " 'i'.'~lI~f' n:~r SiAf<!'('(J) 1 1: 3'\ 1'11'1 "T"'~ '~1'~R'n"') !4'/16/2002 ßE(H'" LEVEL 4.e275 IN ~ !<Ir,' "'~101~ 11 f 49 AM (NP DATE 12/1~/2e02 . Hi', '! .W·:L 4. Ø~49 IN L.EA\( iHRESHOLD 0.002 IN 'n~\~:~ ~F;$'ll'- T INC;~t.A$F.:P 89FIL. "'''1 ,,~'i")iÖ'TED 11134 AM TË~T S"(AR-iEO 12,116/2002 ¡:" "',Ttl \J:IJ~L 5.1)944 IN £ND TIME 11~49 AM \:.\0\0 ;~~í¡;:: 12/16/2002 ENÞ LEVEL 5.6949 1M U:AI< THRI::SHOLP 0.0Ø:2 I'" TEST RESULT PAgS[O . " -~- «/~ta ~. -~\ ,º .......-- . __ __ 0,,"-- CITY OF BAKERSFIELD .FFICE OF ENVIRONlVIEN1& SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 (Ð,~. . ~ -. ... UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS - UST FACILITY TYPE OF ACTION I Check one Item only) o I, NEW SITE PERMIT o 3. RENEWAL PERMIT 'f!J. 4. AMENDED PERMIT '$ 5, CHANGE OF INFORMATION (Specify change - local use only) o 6, TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE Page _ ot _ o 7. PERMANENTLY CLOSED SITE o 8, TANK REMOVED 400, BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) I. FACILITY / SITE INFORMATION 3 FACILITY 10 /I 401. FACILITY OWNER TYPE o 1. CORPORATION 'ßt2. INDIVIDUAL o 3, PARTNERSHIP o 4, LOCAL AGENCY/DISTRICT" o 5, COUNTY AGENCY' o 6. STATE AGENCY' o 7. FEDERAL AGENCY' 402. BUSINESS ! 1, GAS STATION TYPE 2. DISTRIBUTOR TOTAL NUMBER OF TANKS ! REMAINING AT SITE o 3. FARM 0 5, COMMERCIAL o 4. PROCESSOR 0 6. OTHER 403, Is facility on Indian Reservation or trustlands? 3 404. o Yes '~o 'If owner of UST a public agency: name of supervisor of division. section or office which operates the UST. (This is the contact person for the tank records.) 405. 406, II. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION 407, PHONE g3lJ-(.løl¿ 408. p! 409, CITY PROPERTY~~~PE ' '¢ 1. CORPORATION 410. 412. o 2. INDIVIDUAL o 3. PARTNERSHIP o 4. LOCAL AGENCY / DISTRICT o 5. COUNTY AGENCY o 6. STATE AGENCY o 7. FEDERAL AGENCY 413. III. TANK OWNER INFORMATION ¡CITY ~ 1. CORPORATION o 2, INDIVtDUAL o 3. PARTNERSHIP 414, PHONE 415. f6 3c{ ,. Co~ 32 416. 417. STATE 418. ZIP CODE 419. ~Jt- C?330 o 4. LOCAL AGENCY / DISTRICT o 6. STATE AGENCY 420, o 5. COUNTY AGENCY o 7. FEDERAL AGENCY IV. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION UST STORAGE FEE ACCOUNT NUMBER TY (TK) HQ Call (916) 322-9669 if questions arise 421. V. PETROLEUM UST FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY INDICATE METHOD(S) o 1. SELF-INSURED o 2. GUARANTEE o 3, INSURANCE o 4. SURETY BOND o 5. LETTER OF CREDIT o 6. EXEMPTION o 7. STATE FUND o 8. STATE FUND & CFO LETTER o 9. STATE FUND & CD o 10. LOCAL GOVI MECHANISM o 99. OTHER: 422. VI. LEGAL NOTIFICATION AND MAILING ADDRESS Check one box 10 indicate which address should be used for legal notifications and mailing. L"9al notifications and mailings will be sent to the tank owner unless box 1 or 2 is checked. ''fi. 1. FACILITY o 2. PROPERTY OWNER o 3. TANK OWNER 423. VII. APPLICANT SIGNATURE Certification: I certify thai the information provided herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, SIGNAIURe:. OF ~7J,P LlCANT I ~/{/ &H .:;J.-.,- I NAME OF APPLICANT (print) ~~, I'\~ ttt\ W) 426. DATE ?:> --.)..4'- 03 TITLE OF APPLICANT 424. I PHONE 66/- 425, 61ç- C¡~10 427. () La.. H'\ ~ ý' STATE UST FACILITY NUMBER (For local use only) 428. 429. UPCF (7/99) S:ICU P AF ORMSlswrcb-a. wpd °t1t . . "., A.' --- ----. -. -- .-. CITY Of BAKERSfIELD .-.. _FICE OF ENVIRONMENT_SERVICES 1115 èhester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 9jfO 1 (661) 326-3979 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS· TANK PAGE 1 Œ "'~ 'J" 'C1'1QH at, ~ SIT! PeIUoIIT êf e. ~D Pl!!fI"'T ';.'ec. J"._ aI'i/'f a 1. "INeWAL PI!!IUMT PIge o s. reMPORAAv SIT! ~OSllRI! o 1 PEfltoWIeHT\. 1 ~OSlD ON SITe o s. r N« ItOIOVED ) I FAQJTY C) · -= III o ,. CMNIGe Ot' ''''0'''"' noN) (~-- . ItN _.... aNf (~CNI9f . ItN -.... aNfJ ~USINf!SS,~ Is-.. ""OUTV NAAII Of D8A . 0aII'I *-....) _r, ù( k\l ì ~OCA rICH wm.... SITI ~ JSC i toJ\,Je LN ~lh+<- A ANt<' . L T AHK OI!SCRIPT1ON COMPAAnENTAUZ£D TANK 0 v.. No /I -V.', CQmOIeIe _ øeve'or MØI ~ C. t''l( ~ ú'L ~f"" 4: , TN«USI _ , ..¿ ,. MOTOR Y&lCUlIIUa . ;r-- nvnr.d. ~,....... 1)pe : 0 2. NOH-I'1JØ. F'ÐROU!\Ae o 1. O1E101CAL PAOOUCT ,De. HAZNICOUS WAITt! (1Iw:IIIdu UMd Of) i 0 95. uN<NO'fo1II I ; M'EOFTN« ¡ (CMcIr__~ , T ANI< AM TEIUAL . pI1rMIy ** , (CMcIr__~ .. TANK CON1INTI fIIT'IQ.!UM T'tN 'tiÎ,.. MCUNI \H.ØœD 0 2. WDED tJ'IL I'RØIUU UM.fAÐEO 0 3. OIESEL a Ie:. YOQRAOI UtUACED 0 4. GASOttOL CDfoM)H NAAI! I'- HI--.. ....... *-tIIII)' pege 4. o So .JET FUEL EJ .. AVIATION F\ÆL Oft, one CAS' (I\'Ðm HaøIœuI &IINMItI ~ peøeJ 44' 4-< [J t. 1NlLlWAU. ".. 2. 00I&I WALL .. TANK CONS11tUC1'IQN a J. INJU! WALL wnH ~~"'LH!R a 4. SNaU! WALL If A VAlU 44J [J So SINOU! WALL wnH IN1"ERNAL ~ S'tSTÐI a IS. UNCNOWN [J It. OTHER o s. CONCÆTE a 15. UNICNOWN o I. FAP COMPAT18l.E W100110 METHANOL a.. OTHER o t. IARI! STa!L o 2. STAlNLUSSTEa 'Ø J. FIIIEROI.ASS I PlASTIC o 4. STEEL ~ WlFIØÐtOI.ASS AÐNf'ORCS) PlASTIC (FRP) ~J. FI8EROlASS I PlASTIC Ó4.STEEL~~ AEJNFOAœD PlASTIC (fNI) o So c::oNCNTI! o S. IPOXY LN«) 0 So GI.AII UNNO [J IS. UNCNOWN o 4. PHeNOlIC UNN3 'fill. UtC.N!D [J.. OTHER 'F J. NEAOI.ASI fI!NOfICID P\AITIC a N. lINCNOVttf 448 o 4. M'Al!S8EO CURMHT 0 It. OTHER w o 15. UNICNOWN 0.. OTHER : TANI< AMnRW.· -*y 1M! 0 ,. IARI! ST!& j (CMdt - -~ [J 2. ITANJ!II sræ. I : , (C/lecll ~, 1N,.wy) I o I. FAP COMPAT18U! W100110 a.tmW«X. o .. FAP HOH-COAAOOIIILe JACKET o to. COATED STEEL 4oC5 441 D4Te HrfAU.ED 447 [J t. ......I.ND [J z. AIJM) LNG 1ot»I... DATE HrfALL.EO 449 [J t. MNU'AC1\IN!D CA1HOCIIC PAOTECTION o 2. SACAI'ICIAl. AHODI YEAR IfSTAW!D 1J I. SI'IU. COHTANEHT J18 ~ ~ 2. DACIP TU8I! 11 ~ ~ a J. STRIICM fUTe .J 1~ f( 450 TYPE (~/OeM .... only} (~Iot»I_ ody 451 OVERFIlL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT: YEAR INSTALL£D 452 o I. ALARM 03. FIlL TUBE SHVT OFF VALVE _ fiI 2. &AU. Ft.OAT 19 g g 0 4. exaPT .,:/ ~~~.~.f..~~~::'~"::' ':. .' :.:...... ·;~f"?~.:i:~~~!¡l.· .,~ y .:.:,:.....~··~~~ft:.b 4A . DOUeUI WALl. TANK 0" TANK NTH III..ADDM (Ch«Ir _ ,.","id1J: 464 o I. VIaUAL(SINOLIWALLINVAUlTON.Y) V 2. CONTINUOUS INWISTITIAI. MONlTOAINO Ó 3. MANUAl. MOHITOAfNO 4N o So MAHUAI. TANe CJAUQINO (MfO) o .. VADOse ZONe o 7. OAOUHDWAT!R o .. TN« TI!STINO a... OTHM V. TANK CLOIUItIIH'ORIlATIOH' PlllllANlNT CI.OIUJIIIH PLAC8 IITIMTIO QUAHT'fTV Of' SUllTANCI ~1HIfQ .... TANe ~ WITH INIIn'MATMIAI.? --¡;r UTIMA reo 0AT11.A11' '*0 ('tMotOIDAY) UPCF (7¡fi) IIIIIcwII o v. 0 No S:\cUPAFORMS\SVf'Rcø-8·wPO ,- [,. ~, CITY 0' BAKERSFIELD ... OfIJllCI OIIINVIROHMENTAL SER~ W' 1115 C,..._ Ave., "".,.fhlld, CA 13301 (.,ze..1t1t ..... "" . rAMIe PAGe III UNDII'OAOUfIIO PlP!fIIO VI. ..... CONITRUCTION (CIt«IIt6 ..., II/IIIY .aovEOAOUfIIO PIPING .;-- sYsreM i"I'PE , ""'USUAl! 0 Z. SUCTIOH 0 J. ~""" 4SI 10 , PRESSURE CONS TAUCTI0Nl' 0 , sINGLe WALL 0 J. uHeD TR!H()t 0 II. OTHeR 4ðO 0 I, SINGlE WALL w.NUI'''Cn;AEAI~z. OOUIU WALL 0 t6. uNl<HO'lttf 0 Z. OOUBlE WAlL , ~F4CTIJAI!R "I ~I'ACTlJRER ,0 t. IWtI! STUL 0 .. FAP COW4"" WlI~ M!THANOI. 0,. SARE mEL , 11M TEAIALS AHO '0 2. STAIHU!SS STEIL 0 T. cw.VAHIZID STfa 0 2. STAINlESS STEEL CORROSION , PROTECTION 0 J. PI.AST1C c:o..AT1IU! WITH CONT!N1'S 0 II. UNCNOWN 0 J. PlASTIC COMPATI8l.E WITM CONTENTS ~4. FINRGL.4SS 0 .. FU!XIIU! (HOPe) 0.. OTHER 0 4. I"1ERGL4SS o 5. ST1!EL "" COA TlNO 0 t. CATHOOIC PADT1!CT1ON 464 0 5. STeEL WJ COATING VI. PIP-.cJ LeAl( DeTECTION (CIt«IIt6 fIIt~) ..:····:·...;..·;~!r 'OISPENSERCONTANoENT 0 1. FLOATa.lECHANIIWTHATStM'S()FffSHI!ARVALW 04 TE INSTALL£D .. 0 2. CONrNJOU8 DISfII!t4IR PM SI!NIOR . AUOIIIU! AND VISUAl. AtAAMS o 3. COHTNJOUI DI8PI!H8Ø PAN SI!NIOR mItlNJrO SHUT OFF FOR DISPENSER . AUOI8t.E ANO VISUAL ALARMS DC. OWNI!AIOPI!RATOR SIOHATVRI! I c»ttIIV III" !/Ie Normdon ØIO\IIdecIIIereIn 18 flUe IIId __to lilt NIt d mr ~ 'f:"TUAE O~O'M/E Þn TO~ ! NAMe O.!~~Pl!AATOR (ptlnl qr- ¿.¿¿ UNDI!AGAOUfC) PIPI'«J PRESSURIZED PtP1NO (CI1edIt6_ WIt): o 1. ELECT'ROHIC UHI! I.!N< œre:TOR 3.0 OPH T1!ST mIlS AUTO "-UI SHUT OFF FOR LEN<. SYSTaf FAII..UN!. NIO SVSTBtDllOCINECTION . AUDaI NIO VIMW. ALARMS o 2. MQHMY U QPH TIST' o 3. ANNUALINT!GRfTY TIST' (0, 1 0fIH) j CON\lEHTlOHAL SUCTION SYSTÐ&I: ! 0 5. DAJL Y VISUAL MONTOAINO OF PUWING SVS'ÆM. TMNIM. PI'INØ NTEGAm' TEST (0.1 GPH) : SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALVES IN IIELOWOROUND Pf'ING): ¡ 0 1. SELF MONrTOAING GR4VITY Flow. o t. BIEIHAL IHI'EGRfTY TI!ST (0.1 0fIH) I IIICONDMILY COIf1'MB IIfIINQ PReSSURIZED PIPING (CIt«It .. "'" IIIIIJIy): , 10. CONTNJOUS T1JA8INI! sua. SENSOR mD:f AUOI8U! AND VISUM. AI.AAMS NIO (CNdIcne) '6n a. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF WEN A L.fNC OCCURS b Þ. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LÆNCS. SYSTDI FAIWRI! AND SYS'TEM OISCONNECT1ON ¡ 0 c. NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF ¡'Of 11. AUTOMATIC UHI! U!AIC DETECTOR (3.0 OPH TEST) mIlt FLOW SMn' OFF OR IT" RESTRICTIOH . ¡ 0 12. ANNUAL INTEGAnY T1!ST (0.1 0fIH) , SUCTIONl'GRAVITY S'tSTÐt o 13. coNTNJOUSSUWSENllOR.AUDaIIAHDWlUALMNIMI ¡ I' ÞIØODICY GINIRATOM OM. Y (Øtec* 16"''''''' o 14. CONTIMJOUS stJY> SENSOR WITHQt/I' AUTO PUW SIIII'()Fff · AUDeU NIO VISUAL AI.AAMS I 0 15. AUTO",TIC LINE U!AIC DETECTOR (3.0 QIIH TEST) X1'InQSLIFLOWSHUTOFF OR i AESTRICTION ! 0 18. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 11. OAlL Y VISUAL CHECK . ..~.......s:o; ;1\,.~,., ' .-.. ,.-~ ". . ."~~-~;~~~ (:.j '" . ...j~~;.:.,".','..' o J. ORA..",.., o Z. 9UCTION o 95. uNKNOWN o iI. OTHER ... o 8. FAI' COW4T111U! WlI~ ~ o T. GALvAHIZEO STEEL o .. FLEXI8U! (HDÆ) 0 II. 01)Q o t. CA THOOIC PROTeCTION o 95. uNICHOWN 4E <;~::. A80VEGROUND PlP!NO 46 PRESSURIZED PtP1NO (CI1edI"lIIel WIt}: a 1. aJ!CTAOHIC UHI! U!AIC DETECTOR 3.0 GPH T1!ST mIlt AUTO A.U" SHUT on FOR LEAl<. SYSTÐI FALUA!!. AND SYS'TEM DISCONECTIOH . AUDØ.E AND VISUAL A&.NtMS a 2. UOHTHL Y 0.2 OPH TI!ST o 3. ANNUAL N1'!CR1'Y TIST' (0,1 QfIH) o .. DALY VISUAL CHECK CONVEHT1ONAL SUCTION SYSTEMS (ChecIr""'" WIt}: o S. DALY VISUAL MOHITORINO OF PIPING AND PUWING SYSTEM a .. TRIÐHAL IHTEGRrTY TEST (0. 1 GPH) SAFE SUCT10N SYSTEMS (NO VALVES IN øa.ow GROUND PIPING): a 7. SElF MONT'OAINO GRAVITY FlOW (CIIedc ...... I/t1I1IY): a .. DALY VISUAL a.tONITORINO a t. IJIÐNAL INTEGRITY TI!ST (0.1 GPH) IfCONDARILY CONTAINED JIIIINCJ PRESSUAIZED PIPING (CIt«Ir 16..., WIt): 10. CONTINUOUS TUR8N! SUa.IP SENSOR mI!1AUDI8LE AND VISUAL A&.NtMS AND (dIeCk_> o .. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN A LEAK OCCURS o II. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR tÆAI<S. SYSTEM FALURe AND SYSTEM DISCCØI£CTION o Co NO AUTO A.U" SHUT OFF o 11. AU'T'OMo'TIC U!AIC DETECTOR a 12. ANNUALINT!GRfTYT1!ST(0.1 GPH) SUC'TIOHGRAVITY S'tSTÐt o 13. CONTN.Q S SUW II!NSOR . AIJDI8U! NIO VISUAL AIAMe Dll!RGDICY GI!NI!RATOM ON&. Y {CII«k...... ¥ØM o 14. CONTINJOUS sow SENSOR WITHQt/I' AUTO PUMP SHUT on. AUDIBU! AND VISUAL ALAIIMS o 15. AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) o 18. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 11. OAI\.YVlSUALCHECK NWI'.&...unrr';:'~},.r.::~;;.o:: .' ~~.:~.~. .':t,.; "C:~..~~ . o .. DALYWSUAL CHECK o S. TRENCH LINER I MONr1'OAJNO ~ .. NON! ... DATE 410 411 3-.2.ç.L- TITU! OF OWNEAIOPEAA TOR OWh-er 472 o::!3 PemtII ~ (Fot IOUI 11M oNy) 473 I PwIIIII~(I"Ot..,..OIII)I 4741 PwIIIIII!III*IIIOnDIII(Fot..,.",øwI)'1 4~ jPCF (1199) S:\CUPAFORMS\SWRC8-Ø.wPC t1r . ~ '",.. A.r. "'""""- --. -. L .-' CITY OF BAKERSFIELD _FICE OF ENVIRONMENT. SERVICES 1115 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93!O 1 (661) 326-3919 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS· TANK PAGE 1 E "eve o S. r!MfIOfW'Y SIT!! Ct.OSIJRI! o 1 PER~HT\. y Ct.oseo ON SITe (SÞeU'f~' O"'JCl/ h"ONy 0 S. TAllKIU!AoIQ'.IED FAOUTY ~ . fill ,"f~ 'J" 'CT>OH C.'"" ,,,._ ~ o I, ~ "TI! II!MIIT a .. ~o PERMIT a ,. CHNiOe D' IN'OAMA noNI o J. Ita!HeWAL I'tIUMT (~__. 1fN1OCIIII.... 0Ny ~\JSINE5S,~ Is-... F4CJL T't NAMe t1I 08A . 0aII'V...... "-I ~l~~~~ ::) Ç"o \ h )\\\.\c L"I ANK' . J I {}~J é-4- L TANK O!SCRIPT1ON No ~ q,?3fJ~ ~Ul {l A COMPARTMENTALIZED TANI< 0 y.. . "Y.... _.. one IIII/! e rOlIlidl t 4.: , TAN< U8I _ , ~ I. MOTOR V8tICU flUB. , (T~~~J)peJ : 0 2. NOH-I'UE1.~ 'OJ. O1EMICAL PAOOUCT . 0 .. HAZAAOOUS WAIT1! ~ u_ OIJ I i 0 95. uNOlOWN , TYPE Of' TAM( I ¡ (C/IWl_ AIm ody , , TANK MATERIAL· IIM\Ify ... : (C/IWl_'" ody .. TANK CCNTINTI NTROLIUMTVN Jî t.. IEUMUtUAOED 0 2. WDED C t... ........ \ØfAÐED 0 3. OIESI!L o Ier. ~ IJN..I!AŒ.D 0 4. GASOHOl. COI6ICIH NAIII!~""""''''''''' ~~) C t. ..... WALL .. Z. OCULI WALL o t. INtI!! STEEL o Z. STAIfIUSS STEEL : TANK MATERIAL· ~... 0 t. INtI!! STIlL i (C/IWl_ AIm ody 0 Z. ITAN.UI STIlL i (C/I.cJt _ A'iMI 011/)'1 i SPIll AND OVI!RA.L I (Clted,~' tNl.wy} I C t. .....LND C z. AUM) LIINCI , o So JET FUEL EJ .. AVIATION F\.EL 0.. one 44t CAS' (fIotn HIøIœuI &IItaMIII ~ PIIIfe) ... .. TANK CCNI1'ItUC'I1ON C I. IN1U! WALL \W1H EXfÐbOA ".".~ LH:R o 4. SINQU! WALL If A VAtA.T o So SINGlE WALL WI1M ~ 8tADOI!R S't'STBI CJ II. UNICNOWN ell. cmtER o 5. CONC:ÆTE CIS. UN<NOYttf o .. FRP OOY'ATI8U! ""'~ METHANO\. C.. OTHER 4C ~I. F1IIEAQ&ASS I PLASTIC o 4. STEEL a.AD WlFIB!RO&ASS ÆN'ORŒD PlASTIC (flAP) '¢ I. FIIEROlASS I PLASTIC C 4. ST1!EL a.AD WFIIERGI.ASS ÆN'ORŒD PlAST1C(FAP) C 5. CONCAI!TE C I. !POX'I UNIIQ C .. G&AII LM«J CIS. UNCNOWN CJ 4. PfeC)UC......o '9f .. UN.H!D ell. O'M!R \!itl. F18EAOI.AS8 ~ PI.AITIC eN. UNCNOWN 441 á ~ 4. M'ReSSED CUMEHT C.. OTHER ..... C IS. UN<NOYttf 0.. OTHER o .. FRP OOY'ATIIIU! ""'~ a.£nW«)l o .. FRP~JAQCET o ,0. COATED STEEL ~ .... DATI! Nn'AUED 447 1ot:1II_ DATI! INSTALLEO 449 C t. MNUtAC1\ND CATHOOIC PAOTECTIOH C Z. SACN'ICIAL AHOCe 't!AA INSTALLED o t. SPIlL COHTAIMNT --J f~ <g C Z. DROP TUII! .J f ~ ~ (] ,. ,TAlCI'UUTI .J t¡~ 1'< ISTIMATIDOo\TI~UIIØ(\'MotOIDAY) , ... (F<w 1øcrII..... ødy) 45t 0VEIU"1lL PROTECTION EQUIPfoEHT: Y!AA INSTALLEO 452 o t. ALARM -¡;;¡;¡r 03. FlLL,TUBESHVTOfFVALYe_ o Z. IW.L FlOAT ...L.:L.Th 0 4. I!XEWT' 450 TYPE (F<w JocM .... ody CJ So MANUAL TAN<QAUOINO(MI'OI o .. VADOse ZONe CJ 7. QAOUM)WATEA CJ .. TAN< TUTINO o II. OT)4!R V. TANK Cl.OIUUIN'OftMATIOH I "UANIHT C&.OIUU IN PLACI UTlMTID QUNmTV 01 SUllTAHCI ~ ... TAN<'ILLID WI1M IHIIAT MATIIUAL? ';'¡:' ":~~,~.i-.~,:~::'. " ::....;~~'?;..:;~~. ,.; " .:~.:....:':~~ft~ 4A . .oOu.uwAü.TAHlCOUAHICv.mf~(~_",õIiM: 464 (] t. VISUAL(SINOLIWALLINVAUlTOta.Y) ~ 2. CONTINUOUS INT!RSTITIAl MOHlTOAINO (] 3. MAHUAL ~ORINO - 467 IIIION Ov. C]No - UPCF (119G) S;\CUPAFORMS\SWAcs-ø·wPO [ !!' CITY 0' 8AKERSFIElD a OfIII1CI OfIINVIRONMEHT AL SERVJíIiIl3 ., 1715 C,,"_ Ave., ....,....Id. CA '3301 ("28-3179 - "IT. T_ 'AQ! ... - ,,-=1 VI. ,... CCNI1RUCT1ON (C/I«II " ..., WIY1 u~HO PIPINO sv'HEM r'fPE 'I PRESSURe 0 1. SUCTIOH 0 J. ~""" 451 0 I PRESSURE CONSTRUCTION!'O I SINGI.I! WAU. 0 J. uHf 0 TRI!fOf 0.. O~ 440 0 I. SINGlE 'HAl~ IMNU"A,CTURER111, OOUkl! WALL 0 M. uHIOIOWN 0 2. OOU8LE 'HALL , ~F4CT\JReR 4t' MANV"4CT\JRER . 0 1. 8AAJ! STUL 0 .. FRP co..4r..1! WI ,~ ~L 0 1. BARE mEL , I\MTERIALS AND '0 1. STAINLeSS STEEL 0 7. cw.vAHIZIDSTHL 0 z. STAIHI.êSS STEEL CORROSION . PROTECTION 0 J. I'tASTIC COW"T1IU! WITH CON11HTS 0 II. tJNCNQ\<W. 0 J. PlASTIC COMPAT18LE WITH CONTeNTS ~ 4. F'1IeAG&.ASS 0 .. FU!XIILI (HCfII!) 0.. On4I!R 0 4. "18ERGL4SS o 5. STEa.... COA nNO 0 I. CATHOOIC PAOTECT1OH 4ð4 0 5. STEEL WI COA nNG VI. fIllING U!AK Dl!TECT1ON (C/I«IItI...,.-,) . .' ....:..: -6~; o 1. FLOAT MECHANISM THAT SHUTS 0FJI1tEAR VALve OA TI! INSTAllED ... 0 2. COHTNJOUI 0ISPI!HII!It PM SI!NIOR · AUDIIU!.AHD VISUAL ALARMS o 3. CONTINUOUS OIIIPI!NI!R PAN I!HIOR mntAUT'O SHUT OFF FOR OISPENSER · AUOI8U! AND VISUAl. AI.AAMS DC. OWN!RIOP!RATOR SIGNATURI! I CllltJfy III. !/Ie oIIIcrm8llan I'O\IIded ".,.." '- INe 8IICI 8CICIUfIIe 10 1M ..... 01 "" ~. SlGNAT RI!OFQWNE PeAATOR_ I r AN1~ NAMe OF OWNl!M)!>EAA TOR (/Hfllt) L:..a UNOÞGItOUND PIPING I PRESSUAIZED PIPING (ChKII" "..,.-,): o ,. ELECTAOHIC UNI! L!AIC œTICTOR 3.0 OAt TEST mIlSAUrO JItMt SHUT OFF FOR L.EAI<. SYSTEM FALUAI!. AN) SYSTBIDIIOCI N!CTION. ~ AN) VIIUAL AL.NWS o 2. -..oHM. y u OAt TIlT o J. NHJAL,1HTEGAf1'V TIlT ('0.1 OPH) I coHl/EHTlOHAL SUCTION SVST!MS: ! 0 5. OAIL '( VISUAL UONTORI\IO Of# fIUYIINO SYSTEM.1JWNML fIllING ~ TEST (0.' GPH) : SAFE SUCTIOH SYSTEMS (NO VALVES IN ea.ow GAOUND PfIINO): i 0 7. SELF 1oIONrT'0AING I GRAVITY FlOW: o I. BIENNIAL INTEGAITY TEST (0.1 OPH) IeCONIMIILY CONI'AINID .... PRESSURIZED PIPING (CItec* .. "., I/IIt1IyJ: '0. CONTlMJOUS T\JR8INI! SUIoP SENSOR mItI AUOIIU! AND \IISUAL AlARMS AN) ~-) rp a. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN" LEAK OCCURS o I). AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LENCS. SYSTDI FAIWAI! AND SYSTÐot OISCONIECT1ON o Co NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF . o 1'. AUTOMATIC UNI! LEAl< DET1!CTOA (3.0 OAt TEST) mIlS AJ1II SHUT OFF OR RESTRICTION o ,2. ANNUAL INTEGRfTY TEST (0.1 QfIH) SUCTlON/GAAVI1Y SYSTEM: o 13. CONl'NJOUS SlAP SEHIOR +AUOeU!NÐVlSUAl.MAM8 I!ItIIRGÐICY GINMATOM OM. Y (Ottc*"......, o '4. COHT1NUOUS SUMP SENSOR wmIOUI' AUTO PUMP SHUTOIF.AUDØ.I! AN) VISUAL ALAAMS I 0 , 5. AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR (3.0 OAt TEST) mnaa FLOW SHUT OFF OR i RESTRICTIOH ! 0 18. ANNUAl. INTEGRITY TEST (0. I GPH) ,0 11. OAlL'(V1S\W.CHECK . ·.,<~::r~~r~l"'. 'f' ...- ':fi;'''r~~:' '. .. .:..1t,~.......~~ ,~:"I '. ....... _~_.' . ..... ! OISPENSER CONTAINMENT i i WI jPCF (1199) A80VEGROUHO PIPING o 1. SUCTION O~. uNKHO'<'N o 91. OTHER o J. 0RAvrr, . ! ., o 8. "APco..ATI8U!wt'~~ o 7. QALvAHIZ20 STEEL o .. FU!XI8LE (HOP£) 0.. OTtER 0,. CAntOOICPAOTECTIOH D~. UNKNOWN 4€ .. :!{.¡:;. A80VI!GROUNO PIPING W. 46 PRESSURIZED PIPING (a..c. .. IN, I/PÞIf : o I. ELECTAOHIC UNI! LEAl< DE1'ECTOA 3.0 OPH TEST mIlS AUTO fIUYt SHUT 0f'F FOR LEAK. SYST£M FALUAE. NIlJ SYSTÐot DISCONNECTION . AUOØ.E NIlJ VISUAL ALNtMS o 2. WCHTHL y 0.2 OAt 11!ST o 3. NHJÞL NT!GAßV TIlT (0.1 QfIH) o 4. DALY VISUAL CHEQC CONVENT1OHAI. SUCTION S'I'STÐaI ~"""'-'}: o 5. OAIL '( VISUAL MOHITOAINO Of# PPINO AND PUMPING SYSTBt o .. TRJaoNAI. INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) SAFe SUC'T1ON SYSTEMS (NO VALVES IN BELOW GROUND PIPING): o 7. SELF MONrTOAINO GAAvrTY FlOW {CII«;k .. /11M .-,}: o .. DALY VISUAL MONITOAINO o .. 81EfHA1./NTEGAnY TEST (0.1 GPH) IB:ONIWIILY CONTAINED I'I'INO PRESSUAIZEO PIPING (C1NcIt.... WIt): '0. CONTINUOUS TtJA8INE suu> SENSOR mItt AUDI8LE NIlJ VISUAL ALNtMS NIlJ (dIIck_) o a. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN" LEAl< OCCURS o II. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LÆN<S. SYSTEM FALURE NIlJ SYSTEM ocsc:oNEC11ON o c:. NO AUTO PUIoF SHUT OFF o 11. AUTOMATIC LEN< OETEC'TOR o 12. NHJÞL M'EGAITY TEST (0.1 GPH) SUCTIOtWRAVI1Y SYSTEM: o 13. CONTNJOUS SlAPIENSOR .AuDaIu!NÐ VlSUALAi.AMe IllØGÐICY CJDDATOM ONLY {Chet:*..IIIet~ o 14. COHTINUOUS SUa.P SENSOR 'MTHOUT AUTO PUMP SHUT 0f'F. AUDI8lE NIlJ VISUAL ALARMS o 15. AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) O' '8. ANNUAl. INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 17. OAILYV1SUAlCHECK ~.&I"....n'·~~:\~'~""'::: .' ~.!~.~~_. ~:fo;..,,:, . :,..~;:.,., o 4. QALYVIIUAL OECI< ÇJ S. TRI!NCH LINER I MOHrTOfUNG ~ .. NONe - DATE .10 471 3-2~ TITU! OF QWNERIOPERA TOR OWU\-eí, ó:3J .12 uti S:\CUPAFORMS\SWACS-Ø.wPD a~' "-r£. ___. .r . ". , !..'! -. -- .-' CITY OF BAKERSFIELD .FICE OF ENVIRONMENTcAsERVICES 111S Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 9.i!OI (661) 326-3919 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS· TANK PAGE 1 Œ ,""~ ,J~ 4C1'I()H 0 " 1>CW SIT!! PeMlT $ t. ~D Pl!RIMT ';.'«' ,,,. ,- ""'1'1 o " ow.œ ~ I,*ORIAA TION) It. o I. r!MPORAAY SIT!! Cl.O"-'RI! o 1 PEfU,W4!NT'\. 'f Cl.OSfD ON SITe o I. TAl« ReMOVED J I FAQJfY 10 · III o J. Itl!fo fWA&, PI!IUMT (~-- . oW _.... Ott/'fl (~-"oW__Ott/'fJ -= ~WSINf!'S,~ Is-.. F4ClUTY ~ 01 08A . 0IwIe e.- "-I -J~~1~1~ r~ço '-1..&1J\\ \ L l-N 5v ¡ ~ A- L TANK OeSCRIPT1ON 3 b COMPAAnEHTALIZ£D TANI< 0 'f. /I -v.., com lel. _ ØIge 'or MCI'I No ~ ....NI<' . OA I r ç' ; ADOfTIOHAL 0UGRPn0N I I , I I , TN«'" .- , he I. MOTOR V8tICLI PUlL , ;r;~ ___~ J)peJ , 0 2. N()H.I'UB. PeTROI..EUM , 0 J. 0461CA1. PAOOUCT · 0 .. HAZAAOOUS WAIT8 (1ItØIIdN U.-4 OIJ I ¡ 0 95. uNCHO\fltf . TVPEOFTN« I ¡ (C1tWt _ ....,.." ~ .. TANK CCIfI'IIITI N1"AOUUI rtPt! C '" MCUM UN.!ADB) 0 Z. LIfADED cG... ......~ 0 3. OIESIL 6 ;4 ~ t.tUAOED 0 4. 0AS0fQ. QOIoM N HAM! /lamHløll:lbw ___ *-*'Y~I , o S. JET' FUEL EJ L A'MT1ON R.EL 0.. OntER CAS' (tirItn HuMIoI4....... ~~ 40 ¡ 441 C 1. .....WM.L F' z. OOUIIUI WM.L .. TANIC CONI'TIIUCI1ON o s. INJLI WM.L MTH I!J(T'I!JII()A MÐØWE LN!R o 4.. DIOI.EWAU...AVAtA.T C s. SINaL! WALL wmt IHTERNALIIt.AODER SYSTEM CJ lIS. UNICNOWN CJ II. 0'ntEA o S. c::oNCÆTE 0 IS. UNICNOYM o L FAPCXIM>AT18U!WtcnAETHANOL 0.. OTHER 4&:i , TANK AM TERIAL . ØñMIY !IN . (C1tWt _ ...., .." C 1. BAAl! srœ. C Z. STAH.US STEEL þ[s. FI8ERO&ASS I P\ASTIC b ... STEEL aAO W/F8ERGLASS AÐNFORœO P\ASTIC (FRPJ '1J S. FIIERGlASS I P\ASTIC o 4.. STEEL aAO WF1IEAGtA8S AEIf*OAŒD P\ASTIC (fNI) o S. COHCN!TE o So epoxy LMG C S. GIMI LMG elL UNCNOYtN CJ .... PH!NOUC &..-.ca ~ L UfUII!D CJ... OTHER ~ S. FIIEAGLASI R!HOACI!D P\AITIC CJ lIS. UNICNOWN ..... fJ ... UAeSSED CUMEH1' CJ... OTHER "" : TANK AMTERIAL· -*y!IN C 1. BAAl! STI& j (C1tWt - ...",.." 0 Z. ITAH.ØI STfB. i o L FAP CXlM>AT18U! Wtcn AETHANOL o .. FAP HQH.CC)AA()f)ØJ JACICET CJ 10. COATED STEEL o lIS. UNCHOYtt4 a.. OTHER ~ , " SIHOLI WALL TAMe (CItedr" lilt....,.. 'i 0 1. VISUAL (UPOIID POfmON ON.Y) ,! 0 2. AUTOMATlCTANCCMUOINQ(ATO) o J. CONTIHUOUlATO o t. STATISTlCALIMIIHfORVAlCOHOUATIOH(SIA). SleHHW. TN« 1'UTIHQ C t. ......... [J 2. NJM) &..-.ca ..... Do\T2INSTALLED ....7 1Ot»I_ Do\TE INSTALLED ....9 (For IOt»I 1M ødyl 441 OYEAFIU. PROTECTION EQUIPMENT: YEAA IHSTAllfO o 1. AlARM 77¡;¡;i' 03. F1LLTU8ESHUTOFFVALve_ &.2. 8AU. FlOAT .LZ..l.L a 4. exEWT (ChecJt_IWm"" I ¡ SPILL AND OV!IU'U. : (CII..: ¡ ~, INIIPIJIY I 4SO TYPE (I'« bUI UN .." 4$2 ISTIIAA TIO OATI wr UIIO (\'M¡IOIDAY) Os. MANUAL TANCQAUOINO(MTO) o L VADON ZONe a 7. OAOUHDWATI!R o .. TANe TUTINO 0... OTHeR V. TANK CLOIUUIN'ORIlATIOH' PlIUlANINT CLOIUIUIIH PLACI unMTIO QUNmTV 01 SUllTANCI ~1NI.o .... TANe ~ WITH IHIAT ""'T!AIAL? _7 4U ........ a v. 0 No UPCF (1m) S;\cUPAFORMS\SWRCB-8·wPC r' '.. ,{. - 'I' - CITY 0' IAKERSFIELO a OfIfI1C. ~ INVIRONMENT AL seR~_ .;, 1715 C"'_ Ave.. ..k.......ld. CA 13301 ("W2e-.1t7t ,.... UIT. TAllIe ~AGI! - 01 ---- '. uNOa~NO PIP/NO ~ ,... CCN8mUCT1ON {C/INII II ..., II/fIIY - SV'3r"M r'YP!!: '5 I PRUS\JRI 0 l. SUCTION 0 :S. ~\tfTV .sa 0 I PRESSURE CONSTAlJcr!ONl'O I SINCL! WALL 0 :S. uNl!D TR!N()f 0.. one 4eO 0 I. SINClE WAl~ w.NUFACrlJRERI~l. OOUIIU WALL 0.. uNlOlOWN 0 2. OOU8LE WAlL , ~F"'CT\JRI!A 411 MANUFACTURER o I. IWU! STU\. a .. FAP COMPATaI'M IOO~Utl!ncANOl. 0 I. BAAE STEEL ,MATERIAlSAAOO 2. STAINUSSSTl!I!L 07. QALVANlZ!DSTUL 02. STAIHlESSSTEEL CORROSION PROTECTION O:s. PI.AST1C COWAT1IU! WITH COHTÐIY1 a II. UNCNOWN O:s. PlASTIC COa,pATI8I.E WITH CONTEHTS r~ 4. FIeeAC3&.ASS a .. FU!XIIL! (teR) a.. OnEA 0 4. FløeAGtASS fJ S. STEEL 'oW COA nNO a I. CATHOOIC PADTECnON 4114 0 S. STEEL"" co... nNQ VI......o LIAK DeTECT10H (CIIec* II ~.-,) !lll!JtG1NCY O.-aA1'OIII OM.Y fCh«*" JIll'" o 14. COHTNJOUS sua,p SEHSOR WITHOUf AUTO PUW StIIT~.AUOBJ!! NÐ VISUAL ALNIMS o 15. AUTO""nc UHE LEAK oerecTOA (3.0 GPH TUT) mDIIII ADN SHUT OFF OR RESTRICTION o 18. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) ,0 17. OAJLYVlSUALCHECK ,......;..;~!'': , DISPENSER CONTAINMENT a t. FLOAT MECHAHIIM THAT SHUl'SOFP SHeAR VALW 0... TE INSTAU.£D ... 0 2. COHT1NUOU8 DISP!HII!R PM SINIDR . AUOIIIU! AHO VISUAL ~ o :So COHTINUOUS DI8PINSeR PM II!MIOR mutAUTO SHUT OFF FOR DISPENSER · AUDI8I.I! AND VISUAl. AI.AAMS DC. OWNI!RJOPI!RATOR SIONATURI! I <*II'" III" /lie dam....", ørcMded IWeIn 18 INe 1114 ICCUIIIe 10 l1liII1II d III1I111cM1edge. IONA TURE OF , R.()PEAA~R/ r .~ NAMI! OF O~PeAATOR (ptItItJ '(" e I\C\. tft/\ vYì UNDeAGAOUND PIPING PRESSURIZED PIPINO (C1tecIr " lilt WIt): o 1. EL£CTROHIC UNI! ~ œT!CTOR 10 OPH TESTmDSNIfO ~ SHUT OFF FOR L.EM. SYSTEJ.t FAlLUAI!. NÐ SVST'ÐofCJllCX '.ÆCTIOH· ALCIaI NfD "*"'L ALAAWS a 2. MDHIK.Y cu QPH 1UT o :S. ANNUAL HI'EOAfT'Y 1UT (Q. t GPH) ! COM/EHTlOHAL SUCTION SYST!MS: : 0 5. OAII. Y VISUAL MONrTORINO OF f'UYÞING SYSTEM · TRII!NIAL PI'INØ NTEGRn'Y TEST (0. I GPH) : SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALVES IN eaow GROUND fIIIIQ: ¡ 0 7. SELF ~OAING , I GRAVITY Flow. 10 · ---........ lec:oNDo1INLY CONrAINID...... I PReSSURIZED PftG (CIIedt""" ¥I/If}: '0. CONTNJOUS T\JR8INI! .... seNSOR mDi AUDa! NGVISUM, ALARMS NfO (C/ledlaMl 'ßf a. AUTO poa,p SHUT OFF 'MEN A LEAK OCCURS b II. AUTO poa,p SHUT OFF FOR I.ENCS. SYSTÐoI FAII.IJAI! AND S'tSTEM 0fSI:X)t0MCTJC)N ¡ 0 c. NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF ! 0 ". AUTO~nc UNI! U!NC DETECTOR (3.0 QfIH TUT) mIIIADN SMn' OFF OR I At:STRICT1ON j ~ 12. ANNUAL IHTEGRI'I'Y TEST (0. t GPH) SUCTION/GAAVITY SYSTeM: o 1:S. COHTNIOUS "-'II SENIOR +AUOaIINGVllUALAL.We . ..~r\'~';t~"~l" h ....,.....~"J.i. . . ,...::",,,-~~~;~~~.~ ~"~I ~. . '. <j~.~;.:#~ .,'..' .. A80VEOAOuNO PIPING o l. SUCTION o 95. u~WN o 9!1. on"EA o :S. 0AAYn"t . - .. o 8. FRP COMPATIIU! WI 10ft ~ - o T. QA&.vAHlZEO ma a .. Fl£XJ8U! (NOPE) a.. OTtER o I. CAntOOICPROTECTIOH 0.. uNKHOWN 4€ .:.:'~:-:;. ABOVEGROUNO PIPING 46 PR£SSURIZEO PIPING (CIIeck " rIM IIJII/1 : o 1. afCTfIOHIC UNI! LEAK DETt!CT'OR:s.o GPH TEST mIll AUTO PUY" SHUT OFF FOR LEAK. SYSTEJ.t FAILURE. AHO S'tSTEM DISCONNECTION . AU Ø,£ AHO VISUAL ALARMS o 2. MOHTK. y o.z QPH TaT a 1 NHJN. MlGAßYTaT (O.t GPH) o ... DAILY VISUAl. CHECK CONV£HT1ONAL SUCTION SYSTEMS (CIIetå...., 1IppIy): o 5. OAII. Y VISUAL MOHITOAINO OF PIPING NIO PUMPING SYSTEM a .. TRÐHAL INTEGRITY TEST (0. t GPH) SAÆ SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALVES IN BELOW GROUND PIPING): a 7. SELF MOHrTOAJNO GAAVITY FlC1N (OIedt"'" WIt): o .. DAILY VISUAL MONTOAINO o e. 8IÐØAL INTEGRI1'Y TEST (0.1 GPH) RCONDARILY CONTAlNED......o PRfSSUAlZEO PIPING (CIIedt" .... WIt}: 10. CONTINUOUS T\JR8INE SUIotP SEHSOR mI11AU0111t.£ NlO VISI.W. AlARMS AHO (dIeCk aM) o .. AUTO PUIM" SHUT OFF WHEN A LEAK OCCURS o b. AUTO PUIM" SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS. SYSTEM FAILUR£ NlO S'tSTEM 0ISC0NNEC11DN o Co NO AUTO PUW SHUT OFF a t 1. AUTOw. TIC LEN< DETECTOR o t2. NHJN.INTEGRfTYTEST(o.t GPH) SUCT1C)fWRAVITY SYSTeM: (] 11 CONTHIOUS SUW SENSOR. AUDIIU! NG VlSUALALNIMS DIØOINCY OI!NlltATOM ON&. Y (Chect..",.,.."., (] 14. CONT1NUOUS SUW SENSOR WITHOUt AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF. AUDI8LE AHO VISUAL ALARMS o IS. AIJTO""T1C UNf! LEAK DETECTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) o , 8. ANNIJAlINTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) o IT. OAILYVlSUALCHECK l'nYT"IUUftI'I"{.,. ,\r.ï.;:;....:: " ~T....~~.··:\;..":...-J!~ . 471 CATE 3 --.2- i.j.- () 3> TITlS OF OWNERIOPERA TOR Olv~-eí 410 412 ... S:\CUPAFORMS\SWRcø.s·wPD D. E. F. G. \\ttcrrEN MONITORING P.CEDURES UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING PROGRAM Tb.iIlDOaitoriJl, proønm IIIUII be kept II tba UST 1000000a II aU cimcs. Tho iDtbnaatioa oa thÎllll()llitGriq prosram are coadåaoal 01 tho opcrIIÌIII permiL The permit hoJdcr IIWII DOåty tba OdIce at EaYironn......_1 ScrYica within 30 days 01 my ~luIl' r to tba moaitoria, procedUJa. uøJcII required CO obCaia ~~ bdcn 1ft.ll1ri", the chaDp. Required by Secåoas 2632(d) aød 2641(h) CCR. Facility Name _h~t~\r ì Facility Address 0 r ~AJ~, \t LN l 5uJt- 11 B~+A - ((It q] 3(J r¡ A Describe the ftequency of perfonning the monitoring: Tank ~()V\-\.I~l)t) ~ Piping (L l ( B. What methods and equipment, ideøâ1ied by name and model, will be used for peafoaúøa the monitoring: Tank _1-. Ch l' f Piping T; n L I c. Describe the location(s) where the monitoring will be performed (fiIciJity plot plan should be attached): . Nt",f {C\ ~1.t.L ¿¡c)I\'hl (l«("" List the name(s) and title(s) of the people responsible for performing the monitoring and/or maintainiDg d1e equipm~t; ~dv. i;'¡"AIÆ . Reporting Fonnat for monitoring: I Tank ~¡ 4A Piping ; I M.. Describe the preventive maintenance schedule for the monitoring equipment. Note: Maintenance mutt be in accordance with the manufacturer's maiateaance schedule but not less tbaa every 12 month.. ð"I.J 'fltu-k¡ I Des~rib~ the tr~8 necessary for th~perat~on1fJl~T system, including piping, and the morutonng eqwpment: Ð(t ~ it: , ~iH J ll.u-\ I e . EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING PROGRAM This monitoring program must be kept at the UST location at aU times. The information on this monitoring program are conditions of the operating pennit. The permit holder must notify the Office of Environmental Services within 30 days of any changes to the monitoring procedures. unless required to obtain approval before making the change. Required by Sections 2632(d) and 2641(h) CCR Facility Name -ljJ,{ '" jJ.1 Facility Address ~ S-ö I {I H\\\c LN I ßtfd éA «s.JOC¡ 1. If an unauthorized release occurs, how \11111 the hazardous substance be cleaned up? Note: If released hazardous substances reach the environment, increase the fire or explosion hazard, are not cleaned up fÌ'om the secondary containment within 8 hours, or deteriorate the secondary containment, then the Office of Environmental Services must be notified within 24 hours. 'l.l\\'{ Ir..~\c.~ ~Oï t;n\n.({ 9>fcl(e,r "'0.-"'5'( tol( -41f 2. Describe the proposed methods and equipment to be us~d for removing and prterr disposin~ of any hazardous substance. \Llt\~ ~... (( ù~({f ¢- -5 ({ ~~ . , ' 3. Describe the location and availability of the required cleanup equipment in item 2 above. l) fh C C<f)~\~((À r '''' (¡,ð-dt to.. +- ';--\t1k- 4. Describe the main~enance schedule for the cleanup equipment: cJ"\CLk t.l l.)ð...d~ S. List the name(s) and title(s) of the person(s) responsible for authorizing any work necessary under the response plan: ~{\tL f!.t¡ L¡;\. FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFm SERVICES' ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 ChesterAvè. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 e . March 5, 2003 Lucky 7 2501 White Lane Bakersfield CA 93304 REMINDER NOTICE RE: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirements December 31,2003 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: A Review of our files indicate that you have been receiving quarterly reminder notices since April of 2002. Effective January 2003, you can expect them monthly. The purpose of this letter is to remind you of the necessary retrofit of your fueling system. Current code requires that you install dispenser pans prior to December 31,2003. You will not be allowed to remain open after December 31, 2003 unless you have completed the upgrade requirement. Contractors are already scheduling work 6-8 weeks out. I urge you to start planning to retrofit your facility as soon as possible. Sincerely, ~~ Steve Underwood Fire InspectorlEnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc ~~ ~~ áe r?~~ .¥'OP ~0Pe .9T~ A r?~" FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAfETY SëRVICES' ENVIRONIlEHTAl SëRVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 32€H0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Avè. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 " - . February 3, 2003 Lucky 7 2501 Whtie Lane Bakersfield CA 93304 REMINDER NOTICE RE: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirements December 31, 2003 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: " A Review of our files indicate that you have been receiving quarterly reminder notices since April of 2002. Effective January-2003, you can expect them monthly. The purpose of this letter is to remind you of the necessary retrofit of your fueling system. Current code requires that you install dispenser pans prior to December 31,2003. You will not be allowed to remain open after December 31, 2003 unless you have completed the upgrade requirement. Contractors are already scheduling work 6-8 weeks out. I urge you to start planning to retrofit your facility as soon as possible. Sincerely, Ii' ~jl7 n j/lLv ~/' Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc ""!7~ de W~ ~ .~oPe .o/~ A W~~" FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 oW Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 oW Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFm SERVICES. EIIVIROHIlEHTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 32€H0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Avè. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX(661)326~76 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 . . January 22, 2003 Lucky 7 2501 White Lane Bakersfield CA 93304 RE: Upgrade Certificate & Fill Tags Dear Owner/Operator: Effective January 1,2003 Assembly Bill 2481 went into effect. This Bill deletes the requirement for an upgrade certificate of compliance (the blue sticker in your window) and the blue fill tag on your fill. You may, if you wish, have them posted or remove them. Fuel vendors have been notified of this change and will not deny fuel delivery for missing tags or certificates. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 661- 326-3190. Sincerel~, ' J%~ Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc ""Y~ de W~ ~ ~0Pð ykz, A Wedt:uy" FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 21 01 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 e . June 30, 2002 Lucky 7 2501 White Lane Bakersfield, CA 93304 REMINDER NOTICE RE: Necessary Secondary Containment Testing Requirement by December 31, 2002 of Underground Storage Tank located at 2501 White Lane. Dear Tank Owner / Operator: The purpose of this letter is to inform you about the new provisions in California Law requiring periodic testing of the secondary containment of underground storage tank systems. Senate Bill 989 became effective January 1, 2002, section 25284.1 (California Health & Safety Code) of the new law mandates testing of secondary containment components upon installation and periodically thereafter, to eQsure that the systems are capable of containing releases from the primary containment until they are detected and removed. Secondary containment systems installed on or after January 1,2001 will be tested upon installation, six months after installation, and every 36 months thereafter. Secondary containment systems installed prior to January 1, 2001 will be tested by January 1,2003 and every 36 months thereafter. REMEMBER! Any component that is "double-wall" in your tank system must be tested. Secondary containment testing shall require a permit issued thru this office and shall be perfonned by either a licensed tank tester or licensed tank installer. Please be advised that there are only a few contractors who specialize and have the proper certifications to perform this necessary testing. For your convenience, I am enclosing a copy of the code for you to refer to. Once again, all testing must be done under a permit issued by this office. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (661)326-3190. Since'l ~ S~de~~d . Fire Inspector/ Environmental'Code Enforcement Officer Environmental Services \ SUIkr ~~.7'~ de W~ ~ vØ60Pß .r~ .A W~" FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 . . July 1,2002 Lucky 7 2501 White Lane Bakersfield, CA, 93304 RE: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirement December 31,2003 for Site Location at 2501 White Lane, Bakersfield. REMINDER NOTICE Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner, You will be receiving updates from this office with regard to Senate Bill 989 which went into effect January 1,2000. This bill requires dispenser pans under fuel pump dispensers. On December 31,2003, which is the deadline for compliance, this office will be forced to revoke your Pennit to Operate, for failure to comply with the regulations. It is the hope of this office, that we do not have to pursue such action, which is why this office plans to update you. I urge you to start planning to retro-fit your facilities. If your facility has been upgraded already, please disregard this notice. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (661)326- 3190. Si=;l {"v Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services "Y~ de W~ ~ ~onÞ.r~ ..Æ W~" ¡ . " / UNIFIED PROGRAM I.PECTION CHECKLIST - SECTION 1 Business Plan and Inventory Program Bakersfield Fire Dept. Enironmental Services 1715 Chester Ave Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel: (661)326-3979 Lt{ ------,-_._-~---- INSPECTION DATE INSPECTION TIME i =-~~Q3 ______________ PHONE No. No. of Employees ~ì'lè Business 10 Number - ----------------- 15-021- r..2 ADDRESS . _ ,I ~SaL~l-k FACILlTYCONTACT ._---~-~---_._--_.._----_.~--------_._,._----,--- - - ,,' o Routine, Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program ",- . o Combined tJ Joint Agency 0 Multi-Agency 0 Complaint ORe-inspection C V ( c=comPliance) V=Violation OPERATION COMMENTS ~ 0 ApPROPRIATE P~RMIT ON HAND ------,---------------------------- -,,----------- ~ 0 BUSINESS PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE tD,./o VISIBLE ADDRESS -~ O· CORRECT OCCUPANCY --- g/' 0 VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS -~ 0 VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES -----------------------..-------------------------------..-,---- ------------..---------------.--- -----.---.----.--- ------_._---_._..__._.._-------_..~..~---_._----_._._------...---------- ----------..-------.--"-....-... - -.. --..--------------.-----.-------..-------.-----..-.--------.--------- .....------. --- ------------- -------_..._--~-------,-"--------"----------~---------------------- -- -- ------ ------ -----------~--_._-- ----------... ---------~~ .-..-------.----.--.--------------------. ...n .____ _._.___ -- -------- . --------,---------- ------------------------~------------------'------------'- ----..--- --------- ~ - ~:::~::~~:A~:::N MATE~--- ---- --- ..---. ------ --- ---- --------------_..~._---_. .._--~---_.._-----~----- -_.._._------.__._----------~ ---------.---....-..---- 0/'0 VERIFICATION OF MSDS AVAILABILlTYE a/ 0 VERIFICATION OF HAT MAT TRAINING -~D VERIFICATION OF ABATEMENT SUP~~;~-~N;;~OCE~~;~---------------------------------------------.-- --------------- ~' --------------------------------- ----------------------,------.-----------------------------------, o 0 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE -----¡tL --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Ef .0 CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED ~----------------------------,------------------, --------------------------------------------------------------------- o 0 HOUSEKEEPING ~ -~~, ----------------------------,------ ---------------------------------------------_..---- ÓD FIRE PROTECTION --~-----,-----,---------------- ---------------_:_-------,-------------------,----,-------- if 0 SITE DIAGRAM ADEQUATE & ON HAND ---_._--~_._---_._---_.. - _.~------ ---~---~.__._------._- -.---------------------.------.-------.--- ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE?: o YES ~/ EXPLAIN: c--- Badge No. ~ ------- -.------------- Busin s Site Responsible Party LEASE CALL US AT (661) 326-3979 White - Environmental Services Yellow - Station Copy Pink - Business Copy e CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME h (teJcy 7 INSPECTION DATE (. J 3- () '.7 Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program o Routine 0 Combined 0 Joint Agency Type of Tank f)OJF Type of Monitoring C. LW\. o Multi-Agency 0 Complaint Number of Tanks 3 Type of Piping .f)l1.tF ORe-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on tile V Proper owner/operator data on tile V /' Penn it fees current J Certification of Financial Responsibility J Monitoring record adequate and current V / / Maintenance records adequate and current ./ / Failure to correct prior UST violations / Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No\..../" Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program AGGREGATE CAPACITY Number of Tanks TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank OPERATION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on file with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? If yes, Does tank have overfill/overspill protection? C=Compliance N=NO Inspector: Oftìce of Environmental Services (805) 326-3979 White - Env. Svcs. Pink - Business Copy FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVtCES 2101 "W Street Bakerslleld, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H. Street Bakerslleld. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFEn SEIMCES . ENVIRONIIEHTAL SEIMCES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakerslleld, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 e - January 13, 2003 Lucky 7 2501 Whtie Lane Bakersfield CA 93304 RE: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirements December 31, 2003 REMINDER NOTICE Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: A review of our files indicates that you have been receiving quarterly reminder notices since April of 2002. The purpose of this letter is to remind you of the necessary retrofit of your fueling system. Current code requires that you install dispenser pans prior to December 31,2003. I urge you to start planning to retrofit your facility as soon as possible. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661- 326-3190. Si2~ Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc ""7~ ~ ~~ 37'0P ~QPe §"~ .A W~" DEC-30-02 MaN 8 : 4 1 FROM e B.S.S.R. INC. P.06 .. e - . ~aIe HW)'# B Bakersfield. CalifornIa 93308 Phone: 6B1 588 2T17 Ft'ÐC 661 6&8 ~786 BSSR, Inc . '. ".. 'M' ,', ... . . . I.. To: t ~t7~ Vi:. t.<J.1 O~R ~D () Frorm rJV--Æ - 13 :;..~It.. -::P'1 c. - Fax:· . ~ :2- ~ .. 0;51- 7 ~ Da&:~ :1- - ~ 0 - 0 <1- Phctnë:. .5" ~~1 7 ? paao.!:....._.£. -- Re; .$!J'!1 CL5eC-6P.1 Ovl""" ''1ê~:?C~:. ¿V<;.~ 'l 7 - 1!2!t~t3 r I o urgent ~O..I.tGYI8W [J ....e Comment 0 P108$8 Repl, 0 Ploaae ~de .Commenta: ; :r '1 -. ,¡ e DEC-~0-02 MON 8:42 FROM e B. S. S. R. INC. P.07 ,,' . SE~ONDARY SYSTEM CER'l'IF1C~ rlON FO&\1 I' DATEp....¡, ..C)?- I.' 'f~CILITYm l~yl"7- - /11,,8:-1 ,.:,FAcu..rrY ADDRESS !).~ W~.C~ LN- ,,',' ,. ' . , . ,U$T Annular Space g7 9. .... TfAIlk 1 Tank 2 Tank :5 Tank 4 , " : $,~ Time ~: Jf S' IIIf.1 :!2, P 1'\ I~ /I; .niqat Press~ /S,/I V,?c- IS- 't Y't1 c.. -", !> v'"" 2: '{~ ¡Jp, . End Tbne ,I :cX;111A-\ J' QÒI'''' ,f'inal Pressure I;: (f'V't1 c. I!:'r V'rl ~ /,ç ~(V..f <:. , Certification "'~.I'~ '. ' (siina~) \ 1''')'.1 r .-?-~,.¡ r'IfJ.) St:condaI')' Piping , Lbïe 1 U~e2, Line 3 Line 4 S¥ Tbø.e ¿ H~#1 . ,;-I€C) Iu.~ Pressure , ".,. E:n~ TIme ~aI Pressure CerUflc:ation ý(J1 U !}-'n /Y ~., (Signature) ~ .ç... ~~ r" -; ( F~T( F'+ f ( ., 00 ß"'" J &>..::' ¿;" f) ; '" :;.... .....¡> j ) a,,^O:T" 'f£'J ~iÞp,7A/.s>¿ $v.......,J-} . , Page 1 of _ (N'> .()~$Ili3"fU. /,Nr<f) .¡ T ¡ C ... e 8:42 FROM e B. S. S. R. INC. DEC-5Ø-Ø2 MaN f ¡ . ',' '. SECONDARY SYSTEM CERTIFICATION FORM ". '. . . , . . , It , '. . J :: ·..DATE/'--16"'~<J- ~. _ . :FAåLITY m l¿..ifl' 7- - /NcOl ï , .~FÁCILrrV ~~ I.?; s-~ I tv (.I(;r:£: L ;V" . .' . .' . 'I I. Turb1øe ~uippS ".. 'i' ':' ~1 '9 Sump 2 Sump 3 . Start TIme " . IattW BeiPt ofW~. ' TUne Water Bel¡ht 11me W_~aht ~ w.. Jlelaht CertifIcation (S'raturé> ð?ßn~ ¢;-r Sump 4 P.08 :)V I?J fl(~1: ,3ò~ Overt1112 Overfill 3 OV'erI1ll4 " SW;1 Tbne 1/:1';' 1/-:.3 '-¡ //-/0 InItial Height ~ of Water 5·t1L( ./.1. 'S''I. ( Time //';03 II: I J Water HeIght >t.:fJV 4_ 5' l, Time /J~Yc 11~/6 .Water~t ):l.q'i 4· <t;' 6 'l.. . tn . ~ 7;~' f£' ~ CertUkatloJl ~U (SIpa~I'e) A-S$ PAj, Page20f_ DEC-30-02 MON e 8:....3 FROM e :8. S. S. R. INC. P.09 .. r" 0 . .~ :, . . SECONDÂRY SYSTEM CERTIFICATION FORM J . .' .... " I , ~: '"DATE I~)h "&>.'À~. . . ( " .'.. I ·FACn..rrVm l~'-".. 7...- ,-,.cd, .. ',~CIL1TV ~D , . _~2:-,.-c. ( é../H·''-.1?E'ß IJL- . . '. T~1De ~ìpps . .... ~1 Swnp 2 Sump 3 Sump 4 . .. . S~Ti$e ....tial Helgb~ ,'" " , "'. ,'. .1, ,.-" ~W~ter X .// "" / ' - Time . . Water SelFt X 'rime ./ '" ,- V ì\ W~ 1,W¡bt . . '. TiøIe . / ""- W.B~t ( " 'ced1fIeat1o.n '-" . ~ipfu.e) ,... 1? Ovfriilll OvediU Z Overtm 3 OverQll4 . S~ Time //',(0 1/ ;3 //;3 ~ Helpt .. ofWaw " .¢c/g Jr.. 0 2 £(,$' , Time 101 Jpl Water ,ø~gIa~ ,. <>.£>~ ~.J ~ <¡ ~ 1/;/6 Ii; '10 II ~ c.¡o . W~ter,~eI¡bt "0°7 Lf./ ";l , . .. '''1 - ~i ' Cer1Ifkatlou (Slpat~II'e) ¡4( \ ... ~-. " ~ ... DEC-30-02 .. e MaN 8:44 FROM ·.l.\~I<Y aEl.I~H iv(Q~l~. aSSR Tf:STER 2f"Æl '...I!-IlïF.: :"N. SAKERSFI£:l.l> CA. 1)61"3'97-:-<722 12116/2062 11=25 AM SU~p ~(~~ T~~T ~F.PORT S,F I I.. II 1~ AI1 12/1 ól"",¿Øß2 3.8139 IN 11:2S AI'! 1Z1lG/2002 3.3592 11'1 0. eø2 114 FAILED TEST ST¡:¡¡<TlW TEST STARlEt> BEGIN I,.Eut:1,. EN\) 11 ME F'..ND 1')(\ T~ EN ) LEVEL L.E:f¡t( THRE $¡.tC/L'o TEST RESUI.T a?I.I~p YEST STARTED l1t10 AM i~;T mAAT~t) 12;1612002 &(311'1 LEVEL 6.0076 1\1i. ENO T!ME 11:25 ~~ ~ND DATE 12/16/2002 ENO I.~)F:L 6.13076 1M LEAK THRESHOLD e.S02 IN rEsr L'\'E:mJ!.. T PASSED ,1Ftl.. TeST ~TARre:o 1~:10 AM TEST STARTED 12/16/20(12 &OIH Ui:OCi.. 4.5608 Iii END TIME 11::26 AM CHO O~T~ 12/16120e2 EHO LEUEl 4.~619 IN LE:r-iK 1'HRF.:$I~OL.[) 0. (?~2 IN TEST RESULT PASSEl'> e :8. $. $. R. J:NC. P. 10 . :' 'y' ./~ I.)VH 1IJB) I 8SS~ TESTER .. :'~.(1' ;'¡HJTë, ~N. !~flKERSFlEI. ) C.A. :~.,,: -~9"-~722 \ :~ll(1/2ØI1~ 111 ':'t-9 AM , ;t '!'I:-' t'l-( n;$T ~PORY 91 UFIP ï.~ "0" ': YPI~~rSD t ~ :. ~ AM TE'lH STARTE:Q 12/16/20B2 '!m'l~ :,f,!JCL 4.5F.77 1101 (HI) TI ME' 11 : 49 (\/'1 ':Nr) I)AT!:: ),2/16/200'1 ENO I..E:VE:f. 3.7393 IN '})~J( '!'l-Ir~F~gHOLO 0.B02 IN rf.~" RCSU~T F¡~ED . ' . ·..:'¡II.IAP Tf';~H SW~RrI::1> 1 p 34 Ar1 .,,.:"'. ":¡TAAT~'()t 2/ \ 6/20~2 ßE.OIN I..E:UEL. 4.0275 IH ¡~~Ir' ..! /'I]:' U ~ 49 AM f.ND DATE 12/16/2002 :. :-/1) :. ¡ :UF.t_ 4.0T>40 IN L.E:AK THRESHOU> 0.0a2 nl ,,;,r'~:T t;:¡:;~.\.IL. T I NCRE,ASFJ) 8<JFll. TI'~.:: ".Ti~I'~TEt> 11= 34 AM TEST STARTED lY1~02 ï<I:(\Y:J l.!:utL. ~,¡;C)44 Iii END TIM~ 11~49 AM ~:}II) '~II\Tr 12/161'),002 tNI'> LEVEL 5.6949 IN 1..\:f~1C. ~·~ ':(L'5HDU> 13.002 IN TEST f~ESU\. T PA'ÖSED . . FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 21 01 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SERVICES' ENYlROHUEHTAI. SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326H0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Avè. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326H0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-Q576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 - e .. ~ # ~ .~ December 1, 2002 Lucky 7 2501 White Lane Bakersfield CA 93304 CERTIFIED MAIL FINAL REMINDER NOTICE JANUARY 1, 2003 DEADLINE Dear Tank Owner/Operator: You will be receiving this letter on or about December 1, 2002. One month from today, January 1,2003, your current underground storage tank(s) will become illegal to operate. Current law would require that your pennit be revoked for failure to perfonn the necessary Secondary Containment testing. In reviewing your file, I see that you have received "Reminder Notices" since April of this year. This is your last chance to comply with code requirements for Secondary Containment testing prior to January 1, 2003. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661- 326-3190. Sincerely, )£&4, Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc ~~y~ de W~ j7eve.AOPe ykz- A W~" e -- .,-T" ~ ~ ""- LI') T\ ,C::J ,LI') 'M I ::r .J] ,M 'c::J c::J , c::J ,c::J 'c::J '.J] cO c::J , ""." U.S. Postal Service . CER.D MAIL RECEIPT , . (Dam Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage provIded) Postage $ ,Certified Fee Postmark Here Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Posta' '\ ru c::J c::J Sent To £'- LUCKY 7 2501 WHITE LANE širëëi;Ãpi"^ BAKERSFIELD CA 93304 or PO Box N, ëiiŸ,·šišië,;iI :.. I. It ~ - . - .. . . · Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. · Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery add ss different from item~ Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: 0 No r " LUCKY 7 2501 WHITE LANE I BAKERSFIELD CA 93304 "-0,,- -.-=-0--- _ 3. Service Type o Certified Mail o Registered o Insured Mail o Express Mail o Return Receipt for Merchandise o C.O.D. --- ,/ 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes 7002 0860 0000 1641 5035 PS Form 3811, August 2001 Domestic Return Receipt -, 102595-02-M-0835 ----~---------------~---- - --------~ . . ~-bul? , 7úu~ ..J I ~ CITY. OF BA~RSFIELD . OFFICE OF EN\TIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1\'15 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326·3979 ,: j APPLICATION TO PERFORM A TANK TIGHTNESS TESTI :~..., SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TESTING'. FACILlTY Lu.ószy7 ' ~. ~- . -- ADDREss 7-50 r - -UJk{{e- ¿rJ- -. -- . --- PERMlTTO OPERATE # OPERATORS NAME s(u..{.\a:& po(~ OWNERS NAME 51 1.A/1£.-f; f~ ~ NUMBBROFTANKSTOBBTESTBD 3 TANK # VOLUME ( (o/~ ¡. tole' , 3 (út,- IS PIPING GOING TO BE TESTED L.(Ct5 CONTENTS () Al!. PillS Ptù21/v¡ TANK TESTING COMPANY 7555 ft... I/V¿ MAD.lNG ADDRESS ~6!¿) _3()~~Qf~i£ (f~ . -j( 1$ NAME &. PHONENmmBR OF CONTACT PERSON ~ Sl?<r- "'2--'777 TEST METHOD ...tNer.>N NAME OF TESTER OR SPECIAL INSPECTOR 1M (/~ 6Ñ~h CERTIFICATION # '20 &"""'V 1 0 « APPROVED BY {Vi" (01/ DATE qArvt {¿-It· oV ~ç.b ( DATE & TIME TEST IS TO BE CONDUCfED ,I: (dkJ(;;L . SIGNATURE OF APPUCANT . e 41 I i' ". CITY OF BAKERSFIELD . OFFICE OF ENvmONMENTAL SERVICES i.715 Chester Ave., Bakerst1e1d, CA(661) 326-3979 ,.. ~ J .' .... 'j APPLICATION TO PERFORM A TANK TIGHTNESS TI ""!"'SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TESTING'. -~- - ---~ FACll.lTY , .::s.~'L _Q~-;SkSf?l.,D._---- --- ADDRESS 3/6/ PERMIT TO OPERATE' OPERATORS NAME AJI~ í:?~~r:tD OWNERS N " NuMBER OF TANKS TO BB TESTED ( TANK' VOLtJMB ( I ò I ------ ~ ING OOING TO BE T.BSTBD CONTENTS G~s TANK TEsTING COMPANY "7355((., J:[\J _ MAU.JNO ADDRESS - -f<.():,eDAle-- . NAME &. PHONE TEST METHOD NAME OF CBRTIPJJ DATE 2- -/3-úv APPROVED BY DATE ~f. òo fA 10 CL~ 9/6v t " ! ( (-/3. Ó v ( I f ;1 / {,'\ FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakerslleld, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES ARE SAfm Sl:RVlCES . EIIVIAOIIIIENTAI. SElMCES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 32eH0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Avè. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 32eH0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 . - J~'" October 31, 2002 Lucky 7 2501 White Lane Bakersfield CA 93304 CERTIFIED MAIL REMINDER NOTICE RE: Necessary secondary containment testing requirements by December 31, 2002 of underground storage tank (s) located at the above stated address. Dear Tank Owner I Operator, If you are receiving this letter, you have not yet completed the necessary secondary containment testing required for all secondary containment components for your underground storage tank (s). Senate Bill 989 became effective January 1,2002, section 25284.1 (California Health & Safety Code) of the new law mandates testing of secondary containment components upon installation and periodically thereafter, to insure that the systems are capable of containing releases from the primary containment until they are detected and removed. Of great concern is the current failure rate of these systems that have been tested to date. Currently the average failure rate is 84%. These have been due to the penetration boots leaking in the turbine sump area. For the last six months, this office has continued to send you monthly reminders of this necessary testing. This is a very specialized test and very few contractors are licensed to perfonn this test. Contractors conducting this test are scheduling approximately 6-7 weeks out. The purpose ofthis letter is to advise you that under code, failure to perform this test. bv the necessary deadline. December 31.2002. will result in the revocation of your permit to operate. This office does not want to be forced to take such action, which is why we continue to send monthly reminders. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (661) 326-3190. Si~~ Steve Underwood Fire Inspectorl Environmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services ""9~ de W~ S7OP.A~.Ç7~ ./6 W~'I'I ~ e . .,.. . ¡ -- .,. " . ~ ,,-, ~ U.S. Postal Service '~ CERt¡ED MAIL RECEIPT : {'- (Dom Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) I ...a .M 3' .J] 'M ,0 o '0 o I C I~Ä Postage $ Certified Fee o Return Receipt Fee .J] (Endorsement Required) CO Restricted Delivery Fee o (Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees $ Postmark Here ru o '0 Sent To .{'- LUCKY 7 šiñ;ëi;Äiii.ïJö:;-····················.....···················................................ or P9 Box No. 2501 WHITE LANE ëitŸ.·siái;,·zlÍ·+~.MŒ;:SF;;~···~~·····93·3Ö4···...·--··--··········.... PS Form 3800, April 2002 See Reverse for Instructions SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION 0 o COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY Signatu1t ~' o Agent X t.-- ' 0 AdÇ r~ssee C. Da~ Ó(;~livery :--\ D. Is ivery address different from itê~ 1 ? DYes If YES, enter delivery address below: D No · Complete Items 1. 2. and 3. AI,so complete item 4 if Restricted Qelivery is desired. · Print your name and address on the reverse , so that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: LUCKY 7 2501 WHITE LANE BAKERSFIELD CA 93304 3. Service Type [J Certified Mail o Registered D Insured Mail D Express Mail D Return Receipt for Merchandise DC.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes 7002 0860 DODD 1641 6735 PS Form 3811, August 2001 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-0835 ~~~--- .' FIRE CHIEF KON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SERVICES' EIIVIROIIIlENTAl SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX(661)32~576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester AvÈl. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX(661)32~576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326'{)576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakersfleld, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 e . September 30, 2002 Lucky 7 2501 White Lane Bakersfield CA 93304 REMINDER NOTICE RE: Necessary secondary containment testing requirements by December 31, 2002 of underground storage tank (s) located at the above stated address. Dear Tank Owner / Operator, If you are receiving this letter, you have not yet completed the necessary secondary containment testing required for all secondary containment components for your underground storage tank (s). Senate Bill 989 became effective January 1,2002, section 25284.1 (California Health & Safety Code) of the new law mandates testing of secondary containment components upon installation and periodically thereafter, to insure that the systems are capable of containing releases from the primary containment until they are detected and removed. Of great concern is the current failure rate of these systems that have been tested to date. Currently the average failure rate is 84%. These have been due to the penetration boots leaking in the turbine sump area. For the last five months, this office has continued to send you monthly reminders of this necessary testing. This is a very specialized test and very few contractors are licensed to perform this test. Contractors conducting this test are scheduling approximately 6-7 weeks out. The purpose of this letter is to advise you that under code, failure to perform this test, by the necessary deadline, December 31, 2002, will result in the revocation of your permit to operate. This office does not want to be forced to take such action, which is why we continue to send monthly reminders. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (661) 326-3190. S eve Underwood Fire Inspector/ Environmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services ""~~ æ, W~.¥~ ~0Pe ff~ ./6 W~" FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFEn SERVICES· ENVIROIIIlEHTAI. SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 ChesterAvè. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-Q576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 e e September 30, 2002 Lucky 7 2501 White Lane Bakersfield CA 93304 RE: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirement December 31, 2003 REMINDER NOTICE Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: You will be receiving updates from this office with regard to Senate Bill 989 which went into effect January 1,2002. This bill requires dispenser pans under fuel pump dispensers. On December 31, 2003 which is the deadline for compliance, this office will be forced to revoke your Permit to Operate, for failure to comply with the regulations. It is the hope of this office that we do not have to pursue such action, which is why this office plans to update you. I urge you to start planning to retro-fit your facilities. If your facility has been upgraded already, please disregard this notice. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661-326- 3190. Sin:1erel, ~: " , -j. . .,. (,. Steve Underwood Fire Inspectorl Environmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc ""Y~ õfe W~ ~ vØb0P6 .7~ .A W~" '/\ ' '( ~ S E P -"2 ,,- "2 FRI - 1 1 : 1 1 FROM e B. S. S. R. INC. P. ø 1 ~~:i'á"" ""." \~ .~"~. y, ,,' '. " .' BSSR, Inc. ..6639 Roseda.le Hwy., # 13, Bakersfield, CA 93308 Phone (661) 588..2777 fax (661) 588-2786 .. .J MONITçÞRING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION fr- ,', " .::~. I ';. I' . TþifJMiJ m~st be us;cd. ,~o. doc~cnt. testing and !;içrviciD8 of monitoring equIpment. å §e,J! K!lte!:I!!'tUkftçj9.U. 9.I report mU$~ ~ Iit~~~~"~.f eáC~ m.onlto~l~g.~..µtr(' 1 panel by the technici~n who perfortl'J$ the work. A cop)' 9.t thi.~(orm m~~~ ~~p:ovide.~. ~o . th~..!~~~s:Y~I()m ownerfope:~toJ:. The 9wneJ'/op~1'at()r must submIt a copy of this fonn to the local agency regulating' UST systems '·!.v.H~!~;30ß~:Ys ottest d~te. . ¡, . ¡'. .,~. òG~~n~r~~ IDform~tjo11 '. "; ;¡¡Ë~~p!ifLfamD:: LùCï<. ~ Ll.Q.VQß mOßLL ..____n.... Bldg. No.: .. :·~i.to:"ð..4.4!:~ss:._~O ~ r~\~:r:E L.,N ..._ City: ...ßal< ~ R ~.:£.LE'~\..D.. Zip: ~ '30 ,':;' ,¡~a~;~~~~* COJ¡tact Pers~n: ~Ò.h~ ____....." _ C011tact Phone No.: c..bbL> ~9M'1 ~ 7 ~l-z ':'. >;M,¡~~!&1~~e;l,()fMOn1tO~~~s.y~tem~ .!~"I{IR. ~..~ I $l~'c) Date ofTestinglSorvicÙJg: :::iJ~ O~, .¡:~~'j~~ ~~;~f0rY oJE~'i~ip~ê,Dt \T.~~~t,d/Certified . :J~f¡<lI1 ( th;( I ro rlate boxe. to ladleàte s' ccme . ul mellt 1M cetedl,ervleed: r"~.':"''';'''.;T.''':''¥ . ."~.." .... ~~.~Jr;t"....;;.;-~~ ~·1~~~.m:.·:: ~(!Pt=2 :\ ),...}LEADE.J)· TàDkID: RE.'r;~!! ß(l ~~Ef\D'F J) .;:. . [ '.~ }t!::J~I!~ G.a~.g "g PI:Q~" "~' i;.' I MQØ~I:. GI-1ñ- Tank Oauging Probe. Mocttl: ~. .:~G(.4.N;~If\~.s.Pac~.o~ Yault S~,pr.. ~odcl; 25qO \ 'i'" oo.CL... UA.ru;.ular Spacc or Vault Sensor. Model: 1,5qÒ:i:~ ~OÖ~~ i,. .·l~;!f;~IO.g,.~~.u:np'/.~~çh Sen~r($). . MOd~lr _ _ _ 0 PIping Sump I Trench Sensor(s). Mo~çJ: . · ;;~.r,~~~~~P.:~~~or(s): '-STf Mqd~l': O·::¡<:fir3.~:ß GVWI Su~p Scnsor($).'S~p , Model:Õ::19 '( ~ 8<:>... iriß ; ,q, ~~ì.\';}I¡.1\1)c J..I, Lu:\e I,..eak 1;)e,te.c.tor. . Mçdcl: . 0 Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Mo4cl: ~I>- . .' . .,. \ ~ .. ~,,~,h~~I~~¡ro~¡~:Linf~~ak D~.I~êt~~. .lv1Qd~l: _ 0 Electronic line L~ak Dete<.'tor. Mo~cl:_"" ,¡ 1'.P;):¡¡Ø.~;9~ÇI;~ .llH.I~.~~r:-~,v~I,.S.~s9r~ fv1o,d~}: , CTank Ovmïlll Hlgh-Levcl Sensor., Mo~.cl:. .... ¡~. ;.f1.~ lli.:r s eClf C UI ment t and model In $ec;l1On B on Pa e 2 . t;!,.9.ther $ eci ui ment e and rnooelln.$echoh Bon Pa e L'" i f ':'~~~¢ð~;gi~i proþe.· ,...... ., M~d~l: _.. . . ~i\~~_:k Qaus¡ns Probe. ·-ModeJ: ; , . ;'. .... {~ .~.~;,·~~ql~:.Spaçe or Vau1t Sensor. Mf;JdcJ: .2.59.01 ~ '-100 CL- Q Annu1ar Spnce or Vault Sensor. Model: \ "" :::!þ'~PApIl1gSump/TrenchSensor($).Model: Q PipingsumplTrenchSensor(s). Model: . ;¡.: , .. ~ ¡:~~~.~IJ,Il1P Sensor(s). ':S'''('f' Model:t:\l~4~Bo - :::2.~: 0 Fill Sump Scnsor(s). Model: · .JrM~~~;~i;caJ ~ine Leak Detector. Modtl:~"tEr f'ý...1lL 0 Mcch:In¡~l!.1 ~ine Leak Detector. Malic!: . ., ! Eïç~((onle Llnc Leak D«te<:tor. ModeJ: ' 0 ElectrOnic Line Leak Detector. M.od~¡: · : '~þ. t¥ik.·Ycrfli¡ I High.Le....el Sens9r.. MQde): CJ Tank Overfill I High·Lcv(!J Sensor. Model: _ .. ~ :Ò"ótii¿¡; r cd . c Iii ment' . ¢ and modeJ In Section E on P c 2 . 0 Other s çjf c ui ment e end model in Sc:ctjon B on P ;11 :~*ì¡~,4~~riJi: ';' t Jo P DlspenSI)!' ID; ? ¿. , ;..' è'~ . . .:~~;~).t~ì!lþ~Ì'Ì* ~~nl¡¡inment Scn'~or(s). Modd: a Dlspcnser Containment Sensor(s), Modol: j : J~ì:,,~h.ci~r YIJI~e'(s). . '. ~~car Valve(s), . '. ~: '~::~If~~~scr ContaInment Float $ and Cham s . ~g pL$~CnSCr COnlllillnlell1 F1~at(sl ~~d q.~~$2· ;; ;:~~¥v.:<~.$éi·m:: · :... . '. '. DIsp~nser 10:, ~............... .f·, )~(QI$ii.~n*Contain~¢nt S~or(s). Mode): _ [J Dispenser Contamment Sensor(s). Model: ,:) )¡J; sh~o/,'y~I,~cXS). 0 Shear Valve(s). . . ':~: ):r~' _~ìs ,: ~$.cr Containme:nt float s anò Chain $ . O. DI$ cnser ContaLnm~t Float s and Cham 5 . .' ,':Qi~1)~i)$èi'ID;"', '. DIspenser ID:. ~_ ~: :~:~cij~W~~91; ¢ontainmcnl Sensor(s). Mode): 0 Dispenser Containment Sensor{s). Model: · ; i ¡:~~.~1~~qr; Vallic",S).. . " 0 S~CIII Valve(s). . . -.: !£!PJgP.S.~~f;- C( ~.¡~nmcnt Float~$~ IInd C:ha n(.$~. __. Q D.s, cnser Contamment P ¡)~I $ an~. Cb:lJn ¡¡ " , . ·:~(fdì~. faç¡/jty'cc)ntains rno~c eanks or displ;nkt'$, copy this form. Include! Information for C:VClTy tank ond dl$penser at the facIlity. · .... "1':: "~: " . ,:C.:Cçr9Q~li\ti()D .. I certifY that th~ equlpmeQt Identified ID t¡¡is doc\llU/:ut W3S lnspededlsçrvlèèd 10 accord.a..I~~e wltb .P¡.~' .. ·"~i~~~i~.f~š~~l'cr$ guidelines. Att;u:bt~,to thl$ Certification Is Information (e.g. manufacturers' d1eçk118t$) necç.çsa.ry to v~r1fy that ~bIS. !'i . ;¡'" .' ~I~r,rmation is c;orrect and a Plot i"la~ showing the laYO\It of rnolkltorJl1g equlplnent. For au)' equll)meut capable of acnoratfng suth · ; .~. 1i:~·p'öá~. ï h.."e also attached a ¡:opy of'tbe report; (dlt#:k ØIJ.t/ 41 apply): a Sy~~ 0 AJarm hlstørJ report 'Te¢p~i*.ial) N~mt (prine): "'F 1't"\F.: I ÇF\t?12 \ Ll.ó-=-_ Signature: _ ' ....J:...Oj 9 h. Ufi) Cßrt~jtì¢ationNo.: IOO':2..t.L__ . License. No.: ..__._._~b.32B I d-. __:' Testing Company Namé: -.ß"S"S~ç . .___..__.._.. Phone No.:Cüb \ ) DJ28" ~3:î3_ ¡~itt.:AddroS5: __&6.3 O-:.-RO'"5 E ,t\A t E" t·I~'i. t::Þ f<"1 ,. Date ofTest~ßI'Scrvicing: !ELI .2Q/ ~ T .~ ", .' :::: :~?~; Pa¡:c I of J 03/01 MmW9rl~.g..S~stcm CCrtiß<:a tion ¡H:·F; . .' . e ~ FRT 11·.1' ~ FROM B.S.S.R. :INC. SEP~20-02... ~ P.02 " - - " F. ,~1}·Tanl< Gauging I SIR Equipment: j o Check this bo" f hmk glluging is used ollly for invcntory control. o Check Ihis box if no lank gauging or SIR eCluipmcnt is installed. .. Th.i~;s,ection must be completed if M:tank gauging equipment i/ \ used to perform Jeak detection monitorjng. .~~mE! h f< kJ O::y~ ëT'"w . ~~~~ ; r~~ÿ~ : . "'r.\:;:,:;';&; : -tWx·~ :. . ....\.~.: "-'- . Ç!.:~ ;t:' I:,~~~~-l".J;: ": \Ii:,(ñ :tij~,§~cUo~ JI, ,Þe'ow, dt.$Uibe how and when th~c dcßdcndcs were or wdl be corroctcd. ~te .t e OIlOwini!': chec 1st: , 'S'" q 'No" ' "..~ ....1i:~¡g:~:-...-_·~~..~.ñ.M........ _~~., Has aU input wl.dng ~een ~nspccted for proper enuy and termination, ineJudÌ11g testing for ground faults? ,~ o No'" Were an tank gau~ing probes visually inspected for damnge and residue buildup? ~~ .C· Noill Was acco.racy ofsystcm product level readings tested? ,:~ ",,' .' , Q 1'1:0* Was accuracy ()fsyst~m. water level readings tested? ..,..-.- -4.- -.- ~.~ ~\ .;q No' Were aU probc$ re4l$taUed properly? ~ r:..;O No·. Wc;re aU 'items 011. th~equ.ipment manuracttu;:r's maintc:nancc checklist completed? Uo" ~ . ~ ~:a£II16~_~· I '-~~:z:::::¡:::¡m:a..__"~~"\Ip"'~~~~ . " " . 9~,qR~.J;..~ak D.e.~ctors (LLD): . .' . ~tfï:'· '; ': .' .'1 I . . """ . till J h kUt o Check this box if LLP$ are not instaJJed. O'~Ye ~ ~~ " e 0 ow nil! c ec s: .._. --...___'_.., n:""~~'''''~~'''''''''''-''''''''''~_.'_ ---;-,,~.~_.-...: ¢~~' '; Q.,;NQ', ,For cquipme.o.t start-up or annuaJ' equipment Ctl'tifica.tion. was a leak simulated to verify IJ..D pcrfo~aoce? ::,' 'CJ N/A (Check alJ that apply) Simulated leak rab;: ~ g.p.h.; q 0,1 g,p-h; 0 0.2 g.p,h. .. .....-t'... '0 No' Were all LLDs conrm~cd operational and ae.cm-ate withÙ1 regulatory reqUÙ'eIllents? es; ...... .~~~ . ÇJ No· Was the testing appap,tu$ p~perly calibrated? ~.~~~ 7~,: ,Q,NQ~' f'"r ~chanical LLDs. dotS the LLD restrict product flow if it detects a leAk? .: 1~;J .0 -N/A . ..., .$.~<~; .'Q 'Not For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut ot'f it the LLD detects a leak? -Ai' .,r.a 'N/A . $" :Q No' For elecuonic LLDs, does the turbil1e automatically shut off if any pornon of the 111onitoring S)lsteJ:n is disabled .:. , OJI ,N/A or di$cO~étcd? s' ~' "Q No· For electronic UDs, does the cw'binc automaticlIlly shut off if any portion of the monitoring system Iæ N/ A m.:tlfunctions or fails a test? ...... o No.' For electtonic LLDs, have aU accessible witU)8 connections been višUaJ1)' inspected? $ , ,181 N/A Were aU itçms,on tl'¡e.equip~cnt nuwufaCÞ.lrer~~~~~~~~~~~? 'S')~O No' " ~:i:"~~ ~.~# . ~ " .. ~ . I.;:4-Yr:s ,,",,·..i~!-f. t%t~i~;~tit'j<iD ~, below, de$cribe how and when these de!1clcndes were or wlU be COJ I cctcd. ~ .' , '. . .. . , . . J¡J(; Co.~~n~ts: ..~.- . . .. -----...-., ...'!---,.,.....,_...--~.#,...... --....., ...... ---....-.. ~-,........................ . -.-...--.-- -_......_..~_.......--. ........ "'.---...-- ...:...--.....-...-........ ._-~_..._---- -............-....- ---._-~,.. --. -...-._- .....;------ -.......----....-..- _,r-..'.........~..-':"'""'''':~... ..---- i" --~·~""-7.~··· ~ --.--- -..I__........-._.......:~ ... ......-...--.-....-...- ft l'ilge 3 of 3 03101 e ~ IISii: ~,...:2 113 - ~:2 t=' _ '" :L "'"' F" FõôI: c::JI ....... e ~_ &J:_ &:1_ FõõI:_ X.....c::_ ~ - ...,. =--= p.; ~.<,:;;"....'.t.. o.rT..sCing/Servj<:h1'~ .'" .;~ ra't~o Clonal? ~---=-_... -"""........-- .j . ~ -.----.---..------ i"ik" .i... r', ': i~' . . -.-.-¡--,,-,.- --...-+--~.- . . "'---'-T'~:~~;1:~ ;,~', -4----·i~(~~...··P '; I;', .. :; i~~r;; ¡·~~-;;;!'~T ;... ¡ .r.",¡:': ::'~":'¡H > .. ~;;<-.. )~.. ~~~H.~i~~J~;~,ffa¡J~ri ëcrtlricàtton' -----.- . . -.~ ":"" .~\ . . . :'''';..: .;',[ !.o:. ,: , ¡ ..¡' ~ 'I " . . .. ,'------- ---.. Pace::a o,~ 0:'"'' .~ -" -' ¡!:"'~f.,1;';~r:; , ¡. '. - ,..!.... ./.. ,.. . ·;;'~!f ..~'.1": +~ :'.. :r;! :;i~V;; UST !\-Touif;orlng Sit:e PI~n ;¡ -.---------.---- . . $: '. ~...... . ... ..... .. .. ... ..... . . . .. . ' .. . . : : . .. .. : ..:;.-;. . . . . . ._~. :~...::::: . "" .. .. .. .. .... .. .. . ... .. -, "" .. 'w ..... '...... '.. .~.. .. .. .. .... '"'-...... :! !~r' . ". . ~~. :Q: À~'~ : .~. ~,""",.e.. "0:' :.:;::¡; Tò R:E. ~- . ;~ ::: ~ t i~ ; "-r¡: ;~,¡ ..;ih:.~·' .'......~:', ". I '1,.1.. ..::.{..~.....,:..;:..t....:.-.:. !:;::~'é :. ,,¡, .~. Q: : ...'.,.~: :'¡'"," ?Q"'~: :0:·:::'''+ . .. 4" .. . . . :. :¿'<l'"";' : ;..... ~,. . . ¡."'~ . ~- '. . .. ..... 4. ::O-'~O; .. ... .. .. .. . 4 .... .... . . .. ;:l'/ .'.j ;.:. "'; :~. ~¡::I~: · ''; ,. "'~rf~~::·~¡ if ~: ~ : .' : ZO· . . : ;...... . ,A. .. ~. . - .. - . . . .. .. ,.ø .. . .. .. .. .. :Dat.. .....p _.... dnavvn: -S-/..aQ/ ~ Ins~..µctlo"A .¡ . ..>. . .,; I:' . a. i n au Q"lay inolude it. rather tban this page. 'VVJth >,ou.r 'If' .' ·,..~''''''''d·' 1\01;.-... ~ dJagra,na Uµs1:. ..bQ-..v.. all s:equ>.red in~Q","";"'O . y ",..al layout af' tanka an4 piping. Cle....ly IdentifY ;: Y~Ü""'~'~·"·:' ~ ate'~' C~J.(J9"~Qn; . .~. YÇ>ur $'I'te plan. IJ.o", Ben Janel.. .cnsora monitori.ns tank annula'l" . ~o~'r ':r·1:'e~.toil:øWi......iif ..qü:l~crit. ·IC ¡........talled: n'10nl~rh·"J .:vste.nta~=t ~rc.... -meohanical or olectrol'Úo lino lciik $OC:p "'hips. À¡"p~""'~.~SPIU 4ò~~f(,,:,::r..._~r ~trhcrIe-':_ccd~~..<>~o)~n1n the spac.. pr::'vtded. no_ the da.e \'hIe SI..o Plan .,". . d i~;:'Ronlc; Uq,Uld lçoveX ph;>-,....... b u.~ ~a ~ -. . :~ii '~r:.;:·",·~I..':<.:... .....~.........; i ' r...ø- _oC_ ..."'0 FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SERVICES. EIMROHIIEHTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX(661)32~576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Avè. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326.{)S76 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 e - September 13, 2002 Ms. Ann Choung GMAC Stroope Realtors 4800 Easton Drive, Suite F Bakersfield, CA 93309 RE: Lucky 7 #11, 2501 White Lane in Bakersfield Dear Ms. Choung: In response to your inquiry into the type and status of the underground storage tank (UST) system at the above referenced site, our records show the following: The UST's are double wall fiberglass, installed in 1988. The piping is double wall fiberglass, installed in 1989. The monitoring system had its annual certification on March 13,2002. There are no dispenser pans, dispenser pans must be installed prior to December 31, 2003 ~ Secondary containment testing (SB 989) has not been performed. SB 989 secondary containment testing must be performed prior to December 31, 2002. If you have any questions, please call me at 326-3979. Sincerely, dLt4{-tJ~~ Howard H. Wines, rn Hazardous Materials Specialist Registered Geologist No. 7239 Office of Environmental Services HHW/dc ~~7~ de W~ ~OP .A0Pe .o/"'~ A W~" , \ FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661)395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 - . August 30, 2002 Lucky 7 2501 White Lane Bakersfield, CA 93304 RE: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirement December 31, 2003 I I REMINDER NOTICE Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: You will be receiving updates from this offices with regard to Senate Bill 989 which went into effect January 1, 2002. This bill requires dispenser pans under fuel pump dispensers. On December 31, 2003 which is the deadline for compliance, this office will be forced to revoke your Pennit to Operate, for failure to comply with the regulations. It is the hope of this office that we do not have to pursue such action, which is why this office plans to update you. I urge you to start planning to retro-fit your facilities. I If your facility has been upgraded already, please disregard this notice. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661- 326-3190. sin;t drko Steve Underwood Fire Inspector/ Environmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBUIkr "" y~ de W(;yR/~? .¥'OP .A0Pe .r~ A We/lÚu?" FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 e e- D August 30, 2002 Lucky 7 2501 White Lane Bakersfield, CA 93304 REMINDER NOTICE RE: Necessary secondary containment testing requirements by December 31,2002 of underground storage tank (s) located at the above stated address. Dear Tank Owner / Operator, If you are receiving this letter, you have not yet completed the necessary secondary containment testing required for all secondary containment components for your underground storage tank (s). Senate Bill 989 became effective January 1, 2002, section 25284.1 (California Health & Safety Code) of the new law mandates testing of secondary containment components upon installation and periodically thereafter, to insure that the systems are capable of containing releases fÌ'om the primary containment until they are detected and removed. Of great concern is the current failure rate of these systems that have been tested to date. Currently the average failure rate is 84%. These have been due to the penetration boots leaking in the turbine sump area. For the last four months, this office has continued to send you monthly reminders of this necessary testing. This is a very specialized test and very few contractors are licensed to perfonn this test. Contractors conducting this test are scheduling approximately 6-7 weeks out. The purpose of this letter is to advise you that under code, failure to perform this test, by the necessary deadline, December 31, 2002, will result in the revocation of your permit to operate. This office does not want to be forced to take such action, which is why we continue to send monthly reminders. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (661) 326-3190. Si2~ Steve Underwood Fire Inspector/ Environmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services ""Y~ de Y5b/;~ .%.,e ~0P6 .r~ A W~" FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SERVICES' ENVIROHUEHTAl SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 32e.D576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 ChesterAvè. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 32e.D576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 . .. July 31, 2002 Lucky 7 2501 White Lane Bakersfield CA 93304 RE: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirement December 31, 2003 REMINDER NOTICE Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: You will be receiving updates from this office with regard to Senate Bill 989 which went into effect January 1,2002. This bill requires dispenser pans under fuel pump dispensers. On December 31,2003, which is the deadline for compliance, this office will be forced to revoke your Pennit to Operate, for failure to comply with the regulations. It is the hope of this office that we do not have to purse such action, which is why this office plans to update you. I urge you to start planning to retro-fit your facilities. If your facility has been upgraded already, please disregard this notice. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661- 326-3190. Sin:¡ ~ Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc ""Y'~ ~R~-O~&9L~JÆSP~N...)W~~" FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 21 01 "W Streel Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Slreel Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SERVICES. EIIVIROHIIEHTAI. SERVICES 1715 Chesler Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chesler Avè. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVlstON 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 - . July 30, 2002 Lucky 7 2501 White Lane Bakersfield CA 93304 REMINDER NOTICE RE: Necessary Secondary Containment Testing Requirements by December 31,2002 of Underground Storage Tank (s) Located at the Above Stated Address. Dear Tank Owner I Operator: If you are receiving this letter, you have not vet completed the necessary secondary containment testing required for all secondary containment components for your underground storage tank (s). Senate Bill 989 became effective January 1,2002, section 25284.1 (California Health & Safety Code) of the new law mandates testing of secondary containment components upon installation and periodically thereafter, to insure that the systems are capable of containing releases from the primary containment until they are detected and removed. Of great concern is the current failure rate of these systems that have been tested to date. Currently the average failure rate is 84%. These have been due to the penetration boots leaking in the turbine sump area. For the last four months, this office has continued to send you monthly reminders of this necessary testing. This is a very specialized test and very few contractors are licensed to perform this test. Contractors conducting this test are scheduling approximately 6-7 weeks out. The purpose of this letter is to advise you that under code, failure to perform this test, by the necessary deadline, December 31, 2002, will result in the revocation of your permit to operate. This office does not want to be forced to take such action, which is why we continue to send monthly reminders. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (661) 326-3190. Sin:;¿ ~ Steve Underwood Fire Inspector Environmental Code Enforcement Officer --y~ de W~ §'eve JØb~ .o/~ A W~" FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Viclor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 c. . May 30, 2002 Lucky 7 2501 White Lane Bakersfield, CA 93304 RE: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirement December 31, 2003 on Underground Storage Tank(s) located at 2501 White Lane, Bakersfield. Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: You will be receiving updates from this office with regard to Senate Bill 989 which went into effect January 1,2000. This bill requires dispenser pans under fuel pump dispensers. On December 31, 2003, which is the deadline for compliance, this office will be forced to revoke your Pennit to Operate, for failure to comply with the regulations. It is the hope of this office, that we do not have to pursue such action, which is why this office plans to update you. I urge you to start planning to retro-fit your facilities. If your facility has been upgraded already, please disregard this notice. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (661)326- 3190. Si:l ~ Steve Underwood Fire Inspector/Environmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/kr ~~9~ ~ W~ S7eve ~~ y~ .A W~" (-' u y"\ ' ~\ 1>1\ () 1...-- . BSSR, Inc. I ¡ , ì 6630 Roseda1e Hwy., # ~akersfield, CA 93308 Phone (661) 588- 7 Fax (661) 588-2786 ~~ 1· 'i- ./' MONITORING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION /' This form must be used to document testing and servicing of monitoring equipmet).t.A separ~te certification or report must be prepared for each monitoring system. control panel by the technician who performs the wõrk.. A coþy ofthisJoI:m must be provided to the tank system owner/operator. The owner/operator must submit a copy of this form to the lo4a1 agency regulating UST systems within 30 days of test date. : A. General Information Facility Name: l \.J C (.. " 'i M Ô Cð I L Site Address: ~:sO t iN H ,-n::: I 1\.) facility Contact Person: '5C) N N "If Make/Model of Monitoring System: TAÑI{ maN l To R"3, \ .... .... -PPl02"t1~ IOOOC)O B. Inventory of EqUIpment Tested/Certü,ie4. Check the a ro rlate boxes to Indicate 5 eeiOe uJ meat IDS eetedtservleed: City: ~~E t<' Sf' \ e;: L \") Contact Phone No.; ( 661 ) , Date ofT~g/Servicing: Bldg. No.: Zip: G ~ 309 l/ßJ£Ja- TanklD: ~ùpER. ,. TanklD: UN~~ AðEð Gt1'n- Tank Gauging Probe. Model: '. NI r'\ '. - ......... ._ GM'ri- Tank Gauging Prc>J?e. ¡ Model: ,..J I ~ ü0\'nnuJarSpace or Vault Scqsor.. ¥odel: Çï.f9Y ?JqO - '-10-=1 ~ularSpace or Vault Sensor. Model:ó;C¡~ ~cro - L(OT Q Piping Sump I Trench Senso'ì=(sl' ·Model:bf.9'Ì~C\O - ::log· Q PipingSump/TrenchSensor(s). Model: ~SumpSensor(s). S-rP Model:" ~'SumpSensor(s).C¡;ifp ì Model:nTq"~GO"'?ot\ (I}"I\1echanical Line Leak Detector. Model: R.f D J"AC tl.e-,... Ci)..-Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: \'2£ D - .I ACILE í Q Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: . ;,0 Electronic Line Leak Detectorl Model: o Tank Overfil1 I High-Level Sensor. Model: . . ..,,/;,., a Tank Overfil1 ( High-Level Sehsor. Model: o Other s ecif e ui ment e and model in Section E on Pa e 2 . (] Other eci ui ment . eland model in 'Section Eon Pa e 2 . Tank ID: ~ P (;."C tAL Tank ID: GVtn-Tank Gauging Probe. Model: t...J I" a [it-Tank Gauging Probe. i Model: w.-Knnular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: o"1Q 'I ~ q 0 -<.¡ Q -:¡ a Annular Space or Vault Senso~. Model: a Piping Sump I Trench Sensor(s). Model: a Piping Sump I Trench Sensor(*). Model: ~ Sump Sensor(s). ~-r t' Model: . Q FiJI Sump Sensor(s). I Mode]: lJt1VÍechanical Line Leak Detector.~deJ: 0 --=rq... ~q 0 -.2 oR (] Mechanical Line Leak Detectot. Model: Q Electronic Line Leak Detector. Mo. RE \\ ~ .h~ C It.fl" Q Electronic Line Leak Detector J Model: Q Tank OverfilH High-Level Sensor. Model: - Q Tank Qv~rfin ( H;igh-Level seå¡ sor. Model: a Other s eçif' ui ment e and model in Section E on P e 2 . (] Other s if' ui ment and mödel in Section E on P Dispenser ID: . ì··~ Dispenser ID: '"3-'f I Q Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: (] DispenserContainment Sensot;(s). Model: I»"'S'hear Valve(s}. ID"'S'hear Valve(s). I (] Dis nser Containment Float s and Chain s . (] Dis nser Containment Float ~ and Chain s . Dispenser ID: Dispenser ID: , o Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: a Dispenser Containment Senso~(s}. Model: a Shear Valve(s}. (] Shear Valve(s). o Di enser Containment Float s and Chain s . 0 Dis ser Containment Float s and Chain s . Dispenser ID: Dispenser ID: o Dispenser Containment Sensor(s}. Model: (] Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: Q Shear Valve(s). a Shear Valve(s}. . ODis enser Containment Float 5 and Chain s . a Dis enser Containment Float s and Chain s . .rfrhe facility contains more tanks or dispensers, copy this fonn. Include information for every tank and dispenser at the facility. C. Certification - I certify that the equipment identified in this document was inspected/serviced in accordance with the manufacturers' guidelines. Attached to this Certification is information (e.g. manufacturers' checklists) necessary to verifY that this Information is correct and a Piot Plan showing the layout of monitoring equipment. For any equipment capable of generating such reports, I have alB? attached a copy of the report; (cheek øll that apply): a System set-uR . a Alarm history report Technician Name (priht)~ fd'~} £ L C ~ RF' \... l () Signature: -=4"^& X. C 0. ~~ Certification No.: 100 "3. L) License. No.: i> "1 :t ~ \. ~ Testing Company Name: j3SSR 1,..,)(".. ' PhoneNo.:{ b6l ) 58€S-~T7-::J Site Address: I") 6'30 RO'SE D A t ~ ~ I >.J ~ it: 5 Date of Testing/Servicing: _::2/ì~/ ~ Monitoring System Certification Page 1 of if 03/0 t \. ,,0. Resplts of TestinglServicing Software Version Installed: Com Jete the foUowin checkJJst: a No· Is the audible alarm 0 erational? a No· Is the visual alann 0 erational? Q No. Were al1 sensors visuall ins ected functionall tested and confnmed 0 erational? (J No'" Were all sensors installed at lowest point of secondary containment and positioned so that other equipment will not interfere with their ro r 0 eration? If alarms are relayed to a remote monitoring station, is al1 communications equipment (e.g. modem) operational? For pressurized piping systems, does the turbine automatically shut down if the piping secondary containment monitoring system detects a leak, fails to· operate, or is electrically disconnected? If yes: which sensors initiate positive shut-down? (Check all that apply)' I:SI-'Súmplfrench Sensors; (J Dispenser Containment Sensors. Did ou confmn sitive shut-down due to leaks d sensor failure/disconnection? [J Yes' [J No. [J No· For tan)t systems that utilize the monitoring system as the primary tank overfill warning device (i.e. no a NI A mechanical overfill prevention valve is installed), is the overfill warning alann visible and audible at the tank fill in s and 0 ratin 1'0 rl? If so at what ercent of tank ca aei does the alarm tri er? % Was any monitoring equipment replaced? If yes, identify specÌfic sensors, probes, or other equipment replaçed ànd list the manufacturer name and model for all c' lacement arts in Section E below. Was liquid found inside any secondary containment systems designed as dry systems? (Check all that apply) a Product: a Water. If descnõc causes in Section E below. a No· Was monito' s em set-u reviewed to ensure ro er settin s1 Attach set u es Q No· Is all monitorin ui ment erationa1 er manufacturer's ecifications? * In Section E below, deseribe how and when these deficiencies were or win be corrected. a Yes Q No· N/A [J No· Q N/A [J Yes· Gl No a Yes* œ No E. Comments: e . ~f: Page 2 of ~ 03101 .. CJ Check this box if ~ging is used only for inventory ~ a Check this box if no tank gauging or SIR equipment is installed. .. F.. .I~- Taak Gauging I SIR EquiI4Þnt: , '" This,section must be completed if in-tank gauging equipment is used to perform leak detection monitoring. ." C fi U J ompJete the 0 ow nr: checklist: ~es Q No· Has all input wiring been inspected for proper entry and termination,' including testing for ground faults? CiVY es a No· Were all tànk gauging probes visually inspected for d~age and residue buildup? ûVYes a No'" Was accuracy of system product level readings tested? úVYes [J No· Was accuracy of system water level readings tested? I3VY es [J No· Were aU probes reinstaUed.propèrly? 6r'Yes a No'" Were an items on the equipment manufacturer's maintenance checklist completed? * In the Section H, below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. G. Line Leak Detectors (LLD): a Check this box ifLLDs are not installed. ComPJete the followin2 checklist: ut'Yes a No· For equipment start-up or annual equipment certification. was a leak simulated to verify LLD perfonnance? a N/A (Check all that apply) Simulated leak rate: Gtf g.p.h.; a 0.1 g.p.h; a 0.2 g.p.h. CYYes Gt'Yes . QYY es a Yes a Yes [J Yes o Yes 0"' __ _. ./" CIVYes Were all LLDs confirmed operational and accUrate within regulatory requirements? Was the testing apparatus properly calibrated? ' For mechanical LLDs, does the LLD restrict product flow if it detects a leak? Q No'" a No'" [J No'" o N/A [J No'" For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if the LLD detects a leak? Iia N/A . [J No'" For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automaticaUy shut off if any portion of the monitoring system is disabled ß}- N/A or disconnected? ' Q No'" For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system Œt N/~ malfunctions or fails a test? ~ ~7~ - Fo!.£.Lectr~~c LLps, !tav~ ~l ~cce~ible ~g co~~:~~~ ~en ~~!~ ~e~~? ._ [J No· Were all items.on the equipment manufacturer's maintenance checklist completed? I , -I - * In the Section H, below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. H. Comments: page30r* 03Ì8 I ------ " . e e ~ ... Monitoring System Certification UST Monitoring Site Plan ¡ Site Address: :l 50 i lA)J-H íE t-N . . . (\. . . .... .ù..... . . . ¡ . . . .. .... ...... .,. /.. .. .. '" .. to . .. .. - /1" . .. ..~. .. . .. . .. . . 1'1 . . w. . . .r; :('o:v~,.~~ .. .. .. .. .. '~...'." .. .... .............. .. .. .. .... ...... .. .. .. .. .. .... ...... : : : ð.cÞ¡(: : : . : ~..¡. 0: 'f1J' . S''!vV' r . 0·········· .., ·0" , .... .. .. ....... .. ...... .. .. .... . . S'1t '''1'11'.. 'f-'CV' S'Clf'lC.p . ~ ~æi .. .. .. .. - r- v-..J . . . .' .. í'" , .' . .. .. .. .. .. - -,. ----~- - ,.....-- , . CJ . . . . .-"~. q~~: : 0'" .·'ll" .~.,. . 0············ .... ._ - . ~f\.f'~.~_._._. _.__._._._._._. _. a" . .. .. .. ... .. . 4q !"\~(... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0... ",,oi'-' _ . .. .. .. .. -. .. ~: Lj. .~:~. o. .. .q'to 1;.'1.: ·8' · . . · . · .. . · j -.d.. . 0 . .(JI~~ 0: /I NIV. 0: .A~'" .' Date map was drawn: 1I \ ~ / 0 ~ Instructions -~I If you already have a diagram that. shows all required information, you may include it, rather than this page, with your Monitoring System Certification. On your site plan, show the general layout of tanks and piping. Clearly ideritify locations of the following equipment, if installed: monitoring system control panels; sensors monitoring tank annular spaces, sumps. dispenser pans, spill containers, or other s~dary containment areas; mechanical or electronic line leak detectors; and in~tank liquid level probes (ifused for leak detection). In the space provided, note the date this Site Plan was prepared. Page ~ofi 05100 '·'.II~':'- - e e ... ;-.. ,;:' ~ -. c~ I L_ E: A ~: :~:: C¡ T H t'i r:~ PI 1J ¡'i I TOR ..... t·~ t::: i F: E F: ij r'~ L_ f= A I~ ~ I~ ----- ------- of' ' I t,~ ':l ~M c! F~ :/ ........... ...... ~'::'I:;':::= C; P L L ¡:i t·i::; r-I 1:- = r j_!t..L ~~E~:)CI~~T :=¡F,~ - - - / ':) n~ ,_, = r_1 :_: I=; H L ~=; !J L LAG E 'E]:: 2 t:æ ¿~~j[12 I t'~CHE~3 F!JEL ~.:.I~cl RPi I f'~ C: HE::; ~:J ATE ~: 1 :: [1 7[1:: :3 I]EGF~EE::; F H ¡'i r=:, l IJ P E F: !J t,~ L_ E~ AD::: I~ t·n::: 2 .:~ :~: 4- ~::: 5E:5ê~ 48:-ï;- :~~ ~ t ~/t¡ t L Ä :~ ~ L :ÑCqLS;-~Ü[[- I r'~ C: ~i E ::; ¡.J ATE ~~ IJE:Gr-;:EE~3 F ... -. -. --- ! ! ;-.:! ~ (': !!!. !! =_.: : -: =- :.._ :-'1 .L1 =- .=-: Cj ~J L A f: t~ A L ~_ ¡) t·~ ::; Fïj E L .'1.' .' , :.+r:r: ! C~ A L ~=; ij L L i~i C~ E 5:3:3:3 ~3:: 8 ¡:' .-: ..j ,_1;:1 =-t:.;- I t·~ C: ~-i E ::; F ~j E L E:'3:: :::: (1:: 0 I r'~ C: HE::; ~:~ ATE~: (' ë::]. I) E c~ F: E E ::; F ! t,~ t< :~: : t:.. Pll ] 4:;::t¥ T, ......~. f,' ._',. 't!:~..~.: I L_ E: A F: C: Ci .. tiC¡f'~ I TiJ~: ,-', LJ r'~ LEA II E II C~A LL Clt·~::; F LiEL C~AL~:; tiLL A CiE 5E,4~) - - - - - - 1: r'~C:HE::; F~jEL I t·~ C: H E ~:; ~I~ ATE ~~ IIEGF:EE::; F . I "= .' .. -. - : :' ~'Î _ ~·1 if:F;:¿j~~PORT t:'3:: :3 - ~. ~- - - - - - .', e . CITY OF BAKERSFIEIJD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd F'loor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 INSPECTION DATE alai 101-- PHONE NO. :~q ~... ,'3 ì;J J.. BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210- NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES ::L F ACILlTY NAME /.lJl.l!J.¡ )i ADDRESS .!)'Ç()' ~( c... lu FACILITY CONTACT INSPECTION TIME Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program o Routine ~mbined D Joint Agency 0 Multi-Agency o Complaint D Re-inspection OPERA TlON C V COMMENTS Appropriate pennit on hand .\. /' \,. / Business plan contact infonnation accurate Visible address \ / Correct occupancy \. V Verification of inventory materials \..- V , V Verification of quantities V V Verification of location V Proper segregation of material rvV Verification of MSDS availability G '¡- Verification of Haz Mat training L V Verification of abatement supplies and procedures I \..IV Emergency procedures adequate L- V Containers properly labeled t... V Housekeeping Iv Fire Protection l'v 1/ , Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand 1"-' C=Compliance V=Violation White - Env. Svcs. YeHow - Station Copy Pink - Business Copy Any hazardous waste on site?: Explain: DYes ~No Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (661) 326-3919 e CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME "v-c1'f ì INSPECTION DATE--1l(a.. erG L Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program o Routine ~ombined 0 Joint Agency 0 Multi-Agency 0 Complaint Type of Tank ---.V\wP Number of Tanks ~ Type of Monitoring A,,, Type of Piping IOu t r ORe-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on tile Proper owner/operator data on tile Penn it fees current Certification of Financial Responsibility Monitoring record adequate and current Maintenance records adequate and current Failure to correct prior UST violations Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No I ./ - Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank AGGREGA TE CAPACITY Number of Tanks OPERA TION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on file with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? [fyes, Does tank have overfill/overspill protection? C=Compliance N=NO Inspector: Oftìce of Environmental Services (805) 326-3979 White - Env. Sves. Pink - Business Copy 'te Responsible Party FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 . - February 11, 2002 Lucky 7 2501 White Lane Bakersfield CA 93304 RE: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirement December 31, 2003 REMINDER NOTICE Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: You will be receiving updates from this office with regard to Senate Bill 989 which went into effect January 1, 2000. This bill requires dispenser pans under fuel pump dispensers. On December 31,2003, which is the deadline for compliance, this office will beforëed to revoke your Pennit to Operate, for failure to comply with the regulations. It is the hope of this office, that we do not have to pursue such action, which is why this office plans to update you. I urge you to start planning to retro-fit your facilities. If your facility has been upgraded already, please disregard this notice. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661-326- 3190. sincerel' " j! /J " ~~ Steve Underwood Fire Inspector/Environmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dm ~~7~ de ~~ ~ U#;fY6.r~ A W~" /:f. . ,<, .. "ì ~ ' . BSSR, IDe. . 6630 RosedaJe Hwy., ~BakersfieJd, CA 93308 Phone (661) 58 77 FÆiX (661) 588~2786 .. . .' MONITORING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION· This form must be used to document testing and servicing of moÌútoring equipment A se'p~~·.c~J.1ifi~tion or ~port must' be .pr~aredfor each ÓlOnitpring sy tem. control panel by the technician who pcrfo1'D18"th~ work., A copy of this form must be providéd to 'the tank system owner/operator... The owner/operator must submit a copy of this form to the local agencyregu1ating UST sySten1S.· within 30µays of~t date.' .' í ./ A. General Information Facility Nam.e: b/t::R"r 7 ~ ., Bldg. No.: . SiœA~: "pJ.S-O/, dlØ~ LA.). , City: ~eZZJ Zip: 1§80'j F~ci1iìy'Çp~~ct p~: '5c)/tIAJy " ' '. ' ' ; Contact PhOne No.: .( ø~l) 391.:?J7;?Z- MakeIModel OfMonito~ Sy~ ~W'~~ 3', I Date ofTestinglServicing: LfJ-L! 01 B.., Inventot:'Y of,Equlp~~nt TestÇ.dlCe~ Cbeck the. "date ~ea iO 'Dellcate de"'" meat' " servIced: Tank ID: . , . Tank ID: ¡In.Tank (h¡uging"PTobe. ,Model: Þ In-Tank Gauging Probe. Model: . Annular spàce or vault Sensor. Model: II Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: Piping Sump I Trench SensOr(s). Model: 0 Piping SuDlp I Trench Sensor{s). Model: ! FiJI Sump Sensòi'(s). Model: ~ \8> Fill Sump Sensor(s). MM'~eell:.'. ð 73'tL!N/}~ZOR ' Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Mode!: ~;¡j ;.;¡.¡Jt:Kitr- pœ Mechanical, Line Leak Detector. uu ~- Electronic'Line'Leak Detector. Model: CJ BlectronicLineLeak Detector. Model: (J Tank Overfill I High.Level Sensor. Model: 0 Tank Ove~n I High-Level Sènsor.Model:· Q Other' . ïnent and model in Section Eon P e. C Other i ' ui - t ancl'modelin 'Section B onPa e 2 . Tank ID: Tink ID: Of In-Tank Gauging Probe. C IÌt- Tank Gauging Probe. Model: " Annular Space or Vault Sensor. a Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: b Piping Sump I Trench Sensor(s). a Piping Sump I Trench Sensor(s). Model: ~ Fill Sump Sensor(s). 0 Fill Sump Sensor{s). Model: Mechanical Line Leak Detector. C Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: 0 Blectronic Line Leak Detector. Model: Q Tank Overfill I High-Level Sensor. Model: 0 Tànk ~Overfil1-1 High-Level Sensor~ Model:' a Othèr ui ent e and model in SeCtion B on P e 2 . 0 Other ecl ui t and model in Section B on Pa e 2 . DIsp~ser ID: Dispenser ID: o Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: 0 Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). ModeJ: CilCShear Valve(s). Q Shear Valve(s). Ó - Dis ser Containment Floa s and Chain s . 0 Di nser Containment Floa s and Chain s . Dispenser ID: DIspenser ID: Q Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: a Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: pÐ Shear Valve(s). 0 Shear Valve(s). o D' ser Containment Floa s and Chain s . 0 Di ser Containment PIo s and Chain s . Dispenser ID: Dispenser ID: a Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: 0 Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: a Shear Valve(s). 0 Shear Valve(s). ODis nser Containment Float s and Chain s . CJ Dis enser Containment Ploat s and Chain s . ..((the facility contains more tanks or dispensers, <:opy this form. Include infonnation for every tank and dispenser at the tàcility. C. CertificatioD . I certify that the eqalpmeqt identified In tIds dotwQent was InspecteØl~lced In accordance with the manufacturers' guidelines. A.ehed to tills Certification is information (eog. manufacturers' dleekII$ts) necessary to verif,y that this information Is correct and a Plot Plan alaowJng tlÍe layout of monltorlDg equipment. For any equipment capable of generating sudJ reports, lhave also attached a copy -of the report; (cheek øIl tIuJt IIppl)'): . - a Sys!em set--up. a Alarm history report Technician Name (print): '£ tb r;: L C.AR~ "LL(') Signature: ~ Co.. ~0 t. -.. Certification No.: \ 00 ~ L{ , ..' License. No.: _b ~ :2 ~ , :L TestingcompanyNam~~' . PhoneNo.:{Jolo( )5~"'L.."l~ Site Address: lolo'?f(~ iå:'ß, <~ f ~& Date of Testing/Servicing: 1,1J 1-/61- Page 1of3 03/01 Monitoring System Certification ,Ð1 Res'tJlts of TestinglSei'vicinge -¡ SòÍtWare VersiOD Installed: Com Jete the followln ehecklJst: Yes (J No· Is the audible aIann tiona1? Yes (J No· Is the visual alarm 0 erationat? 'Yes a No. Wère al1 sensors visuall ins ec f\1Q.ctionall tea and coDÍmned 0 erational? Yes (J No· Were aU sensors installed at lowest point of secondary containment and positioned so that other equipment will not interfere with their fO eration? ','" If ahµms are relayed to a remote monitoring station. is all coimnunìcations equipment (e.g. modem) operational? For pressurized piping. systems, does the turbine automatically shut down if the piping secoD:darY containment monitoring system detects a leak., fai1s to opera~, or is etecJrica11y disconnected? If yes: whiCh sensoÌ'S initiatë positive shut-down? (Checlc all that apply) (J ~lI'rench Sensors;' (J Dispenser Contamment Sensors. Did ou confirm sitive shut-down due tò lèaks 'sensor failure/disconnection? a Yes' CJ No. For ~ systems that utilize the monitoring system as thep~ tank overfill warning device (í.~', no, mechanical overfill prev~tion valve is installed). is the overfitl waloing 81arin Visiblè and~,aùdiblë at the taùk fill in s and 0 ra' '. ro I? If so at what cent of tank ca i does the tri'· % Was any monitoring equipment replaced? If yes, identify,specificse~ piobes, or o~er'equiPmenf reptaçed' and list the manufacturer name and model for aU r 1acement arts in'Section below: No Was liquid found inside any secondary containment systems ~gned as dry systems? (Check all th,at apply) , IJ Product (J Water. If es descnõe caUSes in Section' J),elow~, '. Was monito . stem set- reviewed to ensure ro settin s? Attach set u Yes IJ No·, Is all monito . . mento erational er manufacturer's ifications? In Section E below, desêr1be how and when these defiefeneies were or will be corrected. (J Yes (J No· N/A C No· IJ NlA o Yes IJ No· ~N/A }DNo IJ Yes· E. Comments: e . . \ : ;i~ " ,.... " ;";-" ,~:. if!~' " . ;.1_.>.. . ' ,'t' . ¡ -r ',' ~ ' . .' ... , Page 2 of3 03101 F.. I~- Tank Gauging I SIR Equi_nt: ... 1!!. ~heck this box if weuging is used only for inventory control. tJ Check this box if no tank gauging or SIR equipme~t is instaned. -- .,.. ;:;,. . This section must be completed if in-tank gaqmng ~uipment is used to pð(form leak detection monitoring. C thtiU in omp ete e 0 ow 12 eheeklist: . ' ; ! , , ., Yes (J No· Hasan input wiring beenm,pectédfor proper'entry and termination, including testing for ground faults? WVeS (J No· Were aU tànk giluging probèå visUâlly inspected for ~age and residue buildup? . Q) Yes o No· Was accuracy of system product level readings tested? ::I' Yes a No· Was accuracy ofsysœm water level readings tested? ~Yes o No· Were all probes reinstalled.propér!,? ~Yes a No. " Were a1J ï~ on the equipment manufacturer's rmúntenance checklist completed? In ,the SeeUon B, below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or wm be eorreeted. G. Line Leak Detectors (LLD): C J te th Uowi eh Q Checlc this box if LIDs are not installed. ompJe efo DR' eckUst: arYes (J No· For equipment start-up or annual equipment ~catioD, was a leak sim.U1ated to verify LLD perfonnance? o N/A (Check all that apply) Simulated leak rate: 3 g.p.h.; 0 O. t g.p.h; 0 0.2 g.p.h. il'"yes o No· Were all LLDs confirmed operational and I1CC1U8te within regulatory requirements? IB"'"Yes' o No· Was the testing apparatus property ca1ibrated? 6iV9'es o No· For mechanical LLDs, does the UD reStrict product flow if it detects a leak? a N/A a Yes a No· For electronic LIDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if the LLD detects a leak? liI N/A , a Yès a No· For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system is disabled CI NIA or disconnected? a Yes a No· . For elec1roWc LIDs, does the turbine automatic81ly shut off if any portion of the monitoring system 51 N/A ma1functiOliSor fiù1S' a test? a-Yes' a No·' För êlectronic LLDs, -hive all accessiþle wiring connectioos'beenvisually-inSpected?-- -, --- ,; Gi NIA ti"'Yes a No· Were all items.on the equipment manufacturer's main~ce checklist completed? * In the Seetion H, below, describe how and when theSe deficiencies were òr wiD be corrected. B. Comments: .!< Page 3 of3 03/01 · , · . ~ M~orfng System Certification ¡~ . e e UST Monitoring Site Plan ¡JIJÞ\ f Site Address: . . . . . .. .. .' . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . .... ......... .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . . .. . .. . .' . " .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . ',' .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. : S· :ifÄ jJ:L: : : : : .. . ·1·V.(f.~'Ç· . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . . . . .. ".f .. . .. .. .. . - - .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . . . ~.. . .. . .. .. . . . . .. .. : : . : ~ ;sj. if.~ 4. : : : : : : : : :: : : : : :: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ! : /': . ,: .f.. :'. . ~ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : .: : : : : .~~ 1 . .. ":' .. . .. .. . .. . . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. .. . ./ . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. ............. .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ........ .. ............... . : : : : 6¡9P#i.n: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . . . I' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. .. .. . .. · .. .. .. .. . .. ................... :~.: : ~: ': ~ : ,:A ~/~~ .: : : : : : : : ..f,é&.. 'Il$1f'.........~.. . . .. .. . .. .. . . . .. .. . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. ..,..'~. - .. -.. :---;---;--~-=--;-' -. -. ...--.--., -,.':.-..- .......... ........... · . : : : . . : : . . : i ø~ i i : ~qp: . : . . :~D : : · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . · . ··f:.¡flI· . . . . . ."""~ ' · . . . . . . . . . . , . Ií?!'\-\ . " ,'J¡:J1j. , . . ,r;;¡. . . . , . . @.,.. : : : : : : : : : : : : : 1)]JIjJ~: : : : :'Q(): : : : : : . ,. : : . : ................,...".......... .~~. . .. - . .. . .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. - - .. .. .. .. .. ..".., .."..... .. .. .. . .. .. · . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . , . . . . . I'I!' . · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ff u. . . · .' ..' . . . . . . . i:ñ;lJmAJ,' "." ~ . I /#' . . . '¡Jf;"r:). . '_'~:"'~':'~_~_'-':;~~' .'. .. . y'L,/. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ". ...-."".. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. " .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. Date map was drawn: J.LI LI ð t . Instructions If you already have a diagram ~t shows all required information, you may include it, rather than this page, with your Monitoring System Certification. 0n your site plan, show the general layout of tanks and piping. Clearly identify locations of the following equipment, if installed: monitoring system control panels; sensors monitoring tank annular spaces, sumps, dispenser pans, spill containers, or other s~ndary containment areas; mechanical or electronic line leak detectors; and in~tank liquid level probes (ifused for leak detection). In the space províded,.note the date this Site Plan was prepared. Page _of_ 05/00 FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 - l' e ~ "J ,. ""'... October 19, 2001 Surjit Singh Lucky 7 # 11 2501 White Lane Bakersfield Ca 93304 CERTIFIED MAIL NOTICE OF VIOLATION & SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE RE: Failure to Submit/Perfonn Annual Maintenance on Leak Detection System Dear Mr. Singh: Our records indicate that your annual maintenance certification on your leak detection system is due. October 24, 2001. You are currently in violation of Section 2641(J) of the California Code of Regulations. "Equipment and devices used to monitor underground storage tanks shall be installed, calibrated, operated and maintained in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, including routine maintenance and service checks at least once per calendar year for operability and running condition." You are hereby notified that you have thirty (30) days, November 19,2001, to either perfonn or submit your annual certification to this office. Failure to comply will result in revocation of your pennit to operate your underground storage system. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661-326-3190. Sincerely, Ralph Huey Director of Prevention Services bYjL ~ Steve Underwood Fire Inspector/Environmental 'Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services cc: Walt Porr, Assistant City Attorney ~~7~ de W~.%p ~0P6 .o/~ A W~?" ,p ¡~.~ ............ -Z\¡ . .' Postage $ .34 Certified Fee 2.10 Return Receipt Fee 1.50 Postmark (Endorsement Required) Here Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees $ 3.94 .JJ U') .:r- IT! .JJ I:J I:J I:J I:J IT! U') Sent To n Surjit Singh l:Jši;ëëi;Ä¡,·t:·Ñõ:¡-õ;Îiöãõx·Ñõ:············-···········.....-.-.........---....---....-.. I:J 2501 White Lane ~ ëi¡~~~~~~+l¡~î·~··~~·..-·9·;;Õ4··..·····-·-·-····-···-··........-........ PS Form 3800, May 2000 See ':teverse,for Instructions '::' SEND R: COMPLETE THIS SECTION · Cviete items 1, 2..and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. · Print your name and 'address on the reverse so that we can returp the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: x D. Is delivery a dress different from item 1? If YES, enter delivery address below: Surjit Singh :Lucky 7 1111 2501 White Lane \ Bakersfield CA 93304 3. Service Type jg{Certified Mail o Registered o Insured Mail o Express Mail o Return Receipt for Merchandise DC.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 2. Article,Number (Copy from service labeQ ~)O 1530 0006 3456 3034 PS Form 3811, July 1999 Domestic Return Receipt " -~-- o Agent o Addressee DYes o No DYes 102595·00·M·0952 .... FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 e e August 3, 2001 Lucky 7 2501 White Lane Bakersfield CA 93304 RE: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirement December 31, 2003 REMINDER NOTICE Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: You will be receiving updates from this office with regard to Senate Bill 989 which went into effect January 1,2000. This bill requires dispenser pans under fuel pump dispensers. On December 31, 2003, which is the deadline for compliance, this office will be forced to revoke your Pennit to Operate, for failure to comply with the regulations. It is the hope of this office, that we do not have to pursue such action, which is why this office plans to update you. I urge you to start planning to retro-fit your facilities. If your facility has been upgraded already, please disregard this notice. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661-326- 3190. IJ Sincerely, iu~ Steve Underwood Fire Inspector/Environmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dm \ 1010 C/-' . ¿/' C/':' , . (:;-:-' j/ (j"7þJ /.} (/:. " .]e./"'-'UI?· úUJ. fJOHVflN./lU?, .cy;o~~ .'/C(:;OPtJ .7/U'Ub ._A;; ve/lÚ~~r lete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete it '1 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: '·í~R ~ Lucky 7 Market Surj it Singh. ~. 2501 White Lane Bakersfield CA Ste A 93387 x o Agent o Addressee I DYes o No D. Is delivery address different from item 1? . If YES, enter delivery address below: 3. Service Type 1Q Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes 2. Article Number (Copy from service label) 00 0520 0021 9625 4876 3811, July 1999 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-99-M-1789 , address,]õ~~ ; BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES f ~ 7'1 5 Chesier Avenus, Suite 300 [:j~kersfield, CA 93301 i :: ... OJ fI,I""II" ,11,11",,, ,11,1. "'" ,I . 1111,..".11,1.1,1111 I .". e U.S. Postal Service CER1:Jf.IED MAIL RECEIPT (Dom, \, Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) . ..D /"'-' to !.;:t" I LrI lru j..D 0- i~ CJ :CJ ICJ ,ru 'LrI 'CJ I ICJ 1:5 , /"'- Postage $ .34 Certified Fee 2110 Retum Receipt Fee 1.50 Postmark (Endorsement Required) Here RèStricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total PostIige & Fees $ 3.94 Recipient's Name (Please PrInt Clearly) (To be completed by mailer) ..__~!!..~~Y..J_.~~E~.:'!~.____._._....;.;.___._..__.._..___..~_......_. Stree~ Apt. No.; or PO Box No. ,- 2J01 White Lane Ste A ...........-.....................-............-....------------..--..------..--....-- ~~~~~~~~\eld CA 93387 ' . .. III .... ".. .. .. . Certified Mail Provides: · A mailing receipt · A unique identifier for your mailpiece · A signature upon delivery · A record of delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years , Important Reminders: · Certified Mail may ONLY be combined with First-Class Mail or Priority Mall. · Certified Mail is not available for any class of international mail. · NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with Certified Mail. For valuables, please consider Insured or Registered Mail. · For an additional fee, a'Return Receipt may be requested to provide proof of delivery. To obtain Return Receipt service, please complete and attach a Return Receipt (PS Form 3811) to the article and add applicable postage to cover the fee. Endorse mailpiece "Return Receipt Requested". To receive a fee waiver for a duplicate return receipt, a USPS postmark on your Certified Mail receipt is required. · For an additional fee, delivery may be restricted to the addressee or addressee's authorized agent. Advise the clerk .or mark the mailpiece with the endorsement "Restricted Delivery". .. ~ · If a postmark on the Certified Mail réœïpt is desired, please present the arti- cle at the post office for postmarking. If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is ~ded, detach and affix label with postage and mail. IMPORTAN,.,e this receipt and present it when making an inquiry_ PS Form 3800, February 2000 (Reverse) 102595-00·M-1489 FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 °Ho Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 oW Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-DS76 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 e . ~,l , . .. .¡>..~ August 1,2001 Lucky 7 Market Surjit Singh 2501 White Ln., Ste A Bakersfield, CA 93387 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL Subject: Revocation of Lucky 7 Market: Permit to Operate Dear Mr. Singh: Your "Permit to Operate" at 2501 White Ln., Suite A, known as Lucky 7 Market is being revoked effective Monday, August 13,2001, at 5:00 p.m. This "Permit to Operate" is being revoked due to failure to pay current as well as past due fees. This action can be avoided by bringing your account current prior to that time. If you have any questions, please call me at (661) 326-3979. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey, Director Office of Environmental Services RH\db cc: Walter Porr, Jr., City Attorneys Office Steve Underwood, Environmental Services Esther Duran, Environmental Services Drew Sharples, Treasury ""9~ d~ ?J'&~ .¥OP v¡60Pe .o/~ .A ~~u:?.,., MR4~OI01 .. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD . Mllbellaneous Receivables In ry 8/01/01 16:48:53 .. Customer 10 . . . : Last statement . . Last invoice Current balance . . Pending . . . . . . Previous balance Deposit balance . Type options, press Enter. l=Select Opt Code Description HM005 HAZ MAT HANDLING FEE E HM017 HAZ MAT ANNUAL INSPECTION SS001 CA STATE SURCHARGE SS002 UST STATE SURCHARGE UT001 UNDERGROUND TANK ANNUAL 2822 6/30/01 0/00/00 1,162.00 .00 1,162.00 .00 Open Activity Name: LUCKY 7 MARKET Addr: 2501 WHITE LN STE A BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 A ACTIVE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Current .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Overdue 336.00 103.00 30.00 72.00 621. 00 Total due 336.00 103.00 30.00 72.00 621. 00 Bottom F3=Exit FIO=Combined detail F14=Deposit detail F7=pending activity F8=Charge hsty Fll=Invoice inquiry F12=Cancel F21=Other tasks F9=payment hsty F13=Auto charges e e CITY OF BAKERSFIEl.,D FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAl., SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Ji'loor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITYNAME~vJ~ ì ADDRESS .QÇ'O' FACILITY CONTACT_ INSPECTION TIME INSPECTION DATE ~- ~--() ( PHONE NO. 3fl' ~ ì rl. ') BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210- NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES ?J Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program o Routine ríCombined o Joint Agency o Multi-Agency o Complaint ORe-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Appropriate permit on hand L ./ Business plan contact information accurate L... ./ Visible address V / Correct occupancy L- / Verification of inventory materials '*" 1I Verification of quantities L- V Verification of location '-" V Proper segregation of material L V Verification of MSDS availability Iv V Verification of Haz Mat training L V Verification of abatement supplies and procedures Iv V Emergency procedures adequate v V Containers properly labeled Iv V , Housekeeping 1,/ Fire Protection 1/ 1/ Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand If"" C=Compliance V=Violation Pink - Business Copy Any hazardous waste on site?: Explain: DYes DNo Questions regarding this inspecûon? Please call us at (661) 326-3979 White - Env. Svcs. Yellow - Station Copy Inspector: · CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME ~d('1"f '7 INSPECTION DATE Ç~9'-ol Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program o Routine at Combined Type of Tank I~ Type of Monitoring o Joint Agency JhJP A- TCD o Multi-Agency Number of Tanks Type of Piping o Complaint 3 ,QuP ORe-inspection OPERA nON C v COMMENTS Proper tank data on tile V Iv Proper owner/operator data on tile v Iv Permit fees current V V Certification of Financial Responsibility V V Monitoring record adequate and current V V Maintenance records adequate and current V ~ Failure to correct prior UST violations IJ Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No V Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program AGGREGATE CAPACITY Number of Tanks TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank OPERA TION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on file with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? If yes, Does tank have overfill/overspill protection? Pink - Business Copy :~:,:~:'Ii,n~~V{Jf1;;" Office of Environmental Services (805) 326-3979 White - Env. Svcs. N=NO .- . - ~~ -' . ..-....:. : :.;.- ..... ..... . ,:\~O"'':5;t)?5 "......... '~'- I '\ \' . .,")";, .' . ". I 1"'f",I..: ~: ~,\ .;;: '~~ .~tt, \.:.f:H~Þ,t t"j ¡' ¡ :¡ ì \, t~:11!~\\::~ii~; f. :. POOR ORIGINAL I f" ______. _:. ..) 'r H r'~ ¡.::: ï:: .. '." -. . ., .' . .... '. . . .~_ _.i ..::"_ ;-'1 ;'.. " ;' :'-01 ,.- :":::~:::~i4 ¡:;:3;: 1 [1 :~:.: :-,; I.'; I.'; --:'1-" --:" .., T A r-~ ~::: :::: i-I ïl ¡- j'.; , I i r.O¡ !- r:. Co 11 1 !_! Ii " . I.... II C: :::: ,_I :7 .:~ '? a:i i 57;:55 Ci :: ~:1 ," I " : . I _ : - --- ¡ H ¡'i r::. ,.. - - - ... -, .._-. '- - - -. 1 r'1 \;1 !:.. t'i ! ~J r:~ \' : ::.:: :-.....::.::: ~._; ;'1 ~;:.:-; i,.i i:.. l..; ~:~ ¡~ L L !] t'i ~~3 F !J ¿ ~.~HL::; iJL LA C;;~ I f'~C:HE::; F¡JE~ I ¡"~ C: HE::; ~;~ AT:: :DEGREE~3 F ... -, _. --- ¡J ¡'i L t. H 11 t..U (~ ~i L L C¡ t·~ ~:; F ij E [ -- '. - ..,. . -- ",--.1 I' II I ....." '...:ï H L .:. I_I L L H :..:; C. I i-'~C:HE~:; FijEL I t·~ C: H E ~:; ~:j ATE F ... "-~ - - - - - '1: 1·1 II L I' r . ~ì.¥~~¡..:¡ r:. c.. L .:: r~ T: .~::::::: j;1 ,-. ,-! ...... .:. '-- .:....: ::'. "-' "-' ., --.. - - -- [:1 iJ ¡wi 1 ! L! r:~ _ ------- !':i A:/ 13 ~ ;= ¡J ~.:11 ~I F F: ¡-I FI T . -_. -. - . t=1 ~a Atl; - ., .... "_. . . "." " ¡ ¡:..:¡ t-.¡ ¡-:: 1 . . ". "'" - . I _"1' II I . -1:-+:- -;: ~:; iJ F' E: F: !j t"4 LEA II E Ii " - --- .' 1_. ,''I ::. I: : - - -- "'." ,... I ...::: _ F! .-: - - - - - , , . 75;: ::: - A t-4 ~::: 2 -- " . . -."- : ".-... I . .1.11· :..:¡ ¡~ L. L. ¡_I i·; .:1 (~ ¡~ L ~:; ij L L A c~ E I r-~ C: H E ~:; F ij E ;_ I t"~ C: H E ~:; i:~ AT;:: ~~ I II E C~ F:~ E E ~:; F _, :- :,1 ~:EC~iJLA~: tjr·~ LEA Ii E II 77~7 G¡~LLONS FU~L 2293 GALS ULLAGE 69:~ [r'~CHE::; FUE'_ ~ I~~CHES WAT¿R 7 :=: - '7 :D E~ (~ ~~ E E ~:; F At·~~::: :::: ~~ E i":i I ij t:; tl¡:::~!::: :'::(4ê 57::55 ~1 _ ~71 -, .-. ..., ; ". - : L!t·~ LEA Ii E Ii c~ ALL C! t·4 ~:; F ij ~:: L i~ A L ~:; ij L L A I:; E I t·~ C: H E ~:; F Li E L I t·~ C: H E ~:; ~ ~ ATE F: DEGk~EE::; F ~~v/ y~ .~ e CAL~ALLEY EQUIPMENT _ 3500 GILMORE AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 661-327·9341 FAX # 661-325·2529 CONT. LlC. #784170 TANK MONITOR INSPECTION 10- 24-00 SITE: LIAc-k ~:¡.. ~o¿ STo R.1ê:' (J\..HtJJ·r¿ ~"'''' ct- ~4he,:r.. ( ø..nP ß,Q~;z.,sF1¿tA CA. q~~OY DATE: dSO I MAKE: (¿" I ha r( j;:) MODEL: J;N¡¿ IV\OY'\ ,40R.. .3 SOFTWARE VER. SN: '3~5d(P CONDITION OF UNIT: Pr\ \ k.L^c.\10N~ Y'\r)~mAl TANK PROBES: QTY. 3 TYPE C.AP - ..L.. LINE SENSORS: QTY. TYPE SUMP SENSORS: QTY. 3 TYPE L Q~'D ANNULAR SENSORS: QTY. 3 TYPE L'&UID OTHER SENSORS: QTY TYPE PROGRAMMING ACCURACY & COMPLIANCE: (1) READS ACCURATE TO TANK CHART? YES NO (2) POSITIVE SHUTDOWN? YES X NO .¡,·d SI~9-~~E-199-1 dO~:'¡'O 00 9~ ~oo ---- ~ ---_.~ ,,- .;-..r 1 e . .. COMMENTS: (3) TANK PROGRAMMING MEET COMPLIANCE? YES ^ NO PROGRAM INFORMATION: TANK DATA: MANUFACTURER OF TANKS? OWeNS t.DR.l'. ((\î b ou..b I~ W A- ( .;- be.rC) I a..oo SIZE }D,oDO SIZE iO,DOO PRODUCT Ke'9u.lOwR U I\JI~dM c1 PRODUCT ~~~R lANLtAoed PRODUCT_U~ ¡~~ed Plus PRODUCT SIZE 10/000 . SIZE COMMENTS: A:tûi-lLO,111I:) D<-lllrrn ð"h t-A-I\It: /'r\(.ìt\l4ür vJdl ~hv.:t- dO/A'..j P. \ \ P" () r\ü d"s INSPECTED BY: ~ &~~ DATE: J 0 -7."\'-00 S·d SI~S-~~E-lSS-l dO~:to-O 00 S~ ';¡.::>o SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION · Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. · Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: SURJIT SINGH LUCKY 7 STORE III 2501 WHITE LANE BAKERSFIELD CA 93304 3. ~ice Type t:f"Certified Mail o Registered o Insured Mail o Agent o Addressee DYes o No " " o Express Mail o Return Receipt for Merchandise o C,O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 2. Article Number (Copy from service label) Z 410 28b 934 PS Form 3811, July 1999 Domestic Return Receipt DYes - 102595-99-M-1789 .D STATES POSTAL SERVICE """""'" « \EL Q:- S (I /" P' f ' «.J ,¡I, ) "'= c· ,--1 1'.' · Sender: Please print you~a~e~.Ladd;,ess, and Z~IP~4 in-th'i~ box · . ...-..- '-. '\.: .~~~, First-Class 1I19iL..... I - ~e-&l::ees Páía --.. _I --- ,. "'t1$P$" ... ····Permit No. G-10 ¡ I \ I I I I I I ! I lie L._._.._.. . _.~. ~'.._. p.':"':.'_'l ~!,,~,:.,:::, .:. '_I I BAKIERSFHELD ARE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 ·1\1111111111111." 1.111 U 11.1'1 \I 111'1111,11.1,111,11111111 It "11111111.1,,1,1,1 Z 41286 ~4,~ us Postal ice Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. It) en en .- Do not use for International Mail (See reverse) Sent to SURJIT SINGH Street & Number 2501 WHITE LANE Pif~~'till}c~~ 93304 Postage $ .32 Certified Fee 1.10 Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to 1.10 Whom & Date Delivered Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, & Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage & Fees $ 2.52 Postmark or Date o§. « o o CO CO) E o LL (f) a. Stick postage stamps to article to cover First-Class postage, certified mail fee, and charges for any selected optional services (See front), 1. If you want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address leaving the receipt attached, and present the article at a post office service window or hand it to your rural carrier (no extra charge). ~ 2. If you do not want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address of the article, date, detach, and retain the receipt, and mail the article. Q) e! .~ Q) \~ It) 0) 0) ..... 3. If you want a return receipt, write the certified mail number and your name and address on a return receipt card, Form 3811, and attach it to the front of the article by means of the , gummed ends if space permits. Otherwise, affix to back of article. Endorse fronf of article RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED adjacent to the number. 4. If you want delivery restricted to the addressee, or to an authorized agent of the addressee, endorse RESTRICTED DELIVERY on the front of the article. 5. Enter fees for the services requested in the appropriate spaces on the front of this receipt. If return receipt is requested, check the applicable blocks in item 1 of Form 3811. C. « 6, Save this receipt and present it if you make an inquiry. 1 02S9S-9S-M-OS4S ('I) E .£ (J) c.. FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3951 FAX (661) 326·0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 \ - . " ..--.....-~'). ~ ';('- ... "' '... October 3, 2000 Surjit Singh Lucky 7 Store # 11 2501 White Lane Bakersfield, Ca 9304 CERTIFIED MAIL RE: Failure to Perform Repairs on Leak Monitoring System Notice of Violation Schedule for Compliance Dear Mr. Singh: A compliance inspection was performed on August 22, 2000. The purpose oftrus inspection is to verify compliance with the UFC, H&S Code and Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations. During my inspection, it was noted that your leak monitoring system was in alarm and had not been serviced since its installation which was December 23, 1998. Accordingly, you are in violation of Section 2641 (J), Title 23, Division 3 Chapter 16 of the California Code of Regulations: "Equipment and devices used to monitor underground storage tanks shall be installed, calibrated, operated, and maintained in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, including routine maintenance and service checks at least once per calendar year for operability or running condition." --7~~ W~ ~.A~..r~ A W~'I'I -- . ; :'J i You must make the necessary repairs within thirty (30) days, November 3, 2000. Failure to comply will result in revocation of your permit to operate. Should you have any questions, please feel tree to contact me at 661-326- 3190. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey, Director Office of Environmental Services bY); ~ Steve Underwood, Inspector Office of Environmental Services SBU/dm cc: Steve Ekegren, Barber Honda ::¡~ ~.:rt'f Hn'--- ~"-'----- c~ I L.:B A ~~ C: Ci i ~! r'i i<. r:i Ci t·~ I T Ci ~: :~: - - - - - - - - I t·~ \:i E i··~ T Ci F: :'( f: E F' Ci F: 1· AijC; 2:~::: c~[I~:1(1 -e ... ::.. ......... ,. . .... -' ::: : T A t·~ ~< i ~:; u _ 2 U t·~ ~ Ä t e 6 ~~ ::; FiJE,L 244::: c~ A L ~:; ij L L A C~ E. I t·~ C: HE::; F ~j E L t; 7 = ::: 2 . , . : :": I t'~C:HE~:; ~:~ATE,~:' ::: 7 : ~:! II E C:i~: E E ::; T A t·~ ~::: 2 ;:;:, .'. F :.-.....: i._i, i,_, .'.........'. ....,_...'. '" II I .. III II _ i_~¡·iL.~AL!~Li '-1 .¡ .-, '-1 -... -" ~iCC ~RLLUNS FUEL i-.'_-. ~.__-', :-,..' .,__-', . .. I . I' I .. I . , . !~ A L. .:; ~_! L L H I:; r: .._:'., .._:', = ..~_'-, -',:1 I .. I I . I I I' I I I' . 1 ¡'1 =:: ri ë: .:; r !_$ r.: L.. ~=~ INCHES WATER 'j~~l:: :~: r'ECiF:EE::; F . T A t·~ ~::: :~: FI~: E r:i I ~j r;i ti t·~ LEA Ii E Ii ,'_=..' _.!_7~.. .;::"_" .'_:,1 I. . I I I I" I I· I I'" I :~ A L. L. i:i 1'1 .:: r æ._~ t.. L 1947 GALS ULLAGE 72:07 INCHES FUEL. 0:0 INCHES WATER /;J .::: 7 :: ::: II E C:i f: E E ::; F "'1" POOJt ORIGINAl r=i A t·~ I F Ci L Ii E Ii T A t'4 ~< ~:; I t·~ i=/ E t·~ 1- (i F: \: T (I TAL ~:; pF.:eJCT ..... r1 C:i A, L L Ci t·~ ::; F ~j E, L e -_.__.- ---.. - i~ I L E: A~: C: Ci i R ¡"i i<. [:; C! t·~ I T C; ~: _ --'--'-- - - - ". I t·~ \:i E t·~ 'r Ci ~: =-¡-: ~: E F' (I ~: ·r A ij C; 2:3 ~ 2 ~:1 ~:1 ~:1 ::: : 2 ~3 ~i [:i .' r A t·~ t< i ~:; ~j FI E F-:~ ~j r'~ LEA Ii E Ii .'a.- .... I 1-' ..... i i .-. L i .-. ¡- ¡ i í~' i !...:¡H L L i_a ¡'; .:: .:: ~:~: GAL::; ULLAGE '_'~ ._. I t'~CHE~:; FUEL , 1:0 INCHES WAT(:R ::: 7 :: _~)_ II Ej~J~:_E E~:; _F - - _J _._J _ · .... . I ; r-a .- · ." . · ... - ~: E Cj ij L AF:: ..... -. --- 11..11 . .... II' II : ii·':! r H ii: ii -"--"--- . 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CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 INSPECTION DATE fó/mOO PHONE NO. ~q 7 ~ 3').:1 ').. BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210- NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 3 FACILITY NAME)lkv~~~ ~ ADDRESS .,!1'\O A} \ ka.w FACILITY CONTACT INSPECTION TIME Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program o Routine ~ombined 0 Joint Agency 0 Multi-Agency o Complaint o Re- inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS \.) v Appropriate penn it on hand Business plan contact infonnation accurate Iv Visible address V Correct occupancy V r Verification of inventory materials IV /' Verification of quantities IV ,... Verification of location t/ Proper segregation of material V Verification of MSDS availability V ¡r Verification of Haz Mat training 'V Verification of abatement supplies and procedures 'V Emergency procedures adequate ,V Containers properly labeled V Housekeeping Iv' Fire Protection Iv Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand Iv / C=Compliance V=Violation Any hazardous waste on site?: Explain: DYes DNo ¿¡Site '¡) Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (661) 326-3979 White - Env. Svcs. Yellow - Station Copy Pink - Business Copy Inspector: · e CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME ~ \}Gbf 7 INSPECTION DATE ~/JJ (QO Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program o Routine [J..-éombined 0 Joint Agency Type of Tank l).dP Type of Monitoring ,qTíñ o Multi-Agency 0 Complaint Number of Tanks .3 Type of Piping ß..rJ ¡- ORe-inspection OPERA nON C v COMMENTS Proper owner/operator data on tile Proper tank data on tile Permit fees current Certification of Financial Responsibility Monitoring record adequate and current Maintenance records adequate and current Failure to correct prior UST violations Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program AGGREGA TE CAPACITY Number of Tanks TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank OPERATION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on file with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? If yes, Does tank have overfiIl/overspiIl protection? C=CompJiance V=VioJation Y=Yes N=NO In,p"to" . MI:.., c/ãtÎnili1() Office of Environmental Services (805) 326-3979 White - Env. Svcs. Pink - Business Copy . CITY OF BAKERSFlELD~ FlCE OF ENVIRONMENT~ERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS - UST FACILITY e TYPE OF ACTION (Check one Item only) o ,. NEW SITE PERMIT Q/ RENEWAL PERMIT o 4. AMENDED PERMIT o 5. CHANGE OF INFORMATION (Spec/Iy chlJnge . /ou/llle only) o 8. TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE Page _ of _ o 7. PERMANENTLY CLOSED SITE o 8. TANK REMOVED 400. I. FACIUTY I SITE INFORMATION .. . 401. FACILITY OWNER TYPE o 1. CORPORATION ~ 2. INDIVIDUAL o 3. PARTNERSHIP o 4. LOCAL AGENCYIDISTRICT" o 5. COUNTY AGENCY" o 8. STATE AGENCY" o 7. FEDERAL AGENCY" BUSINESS NAME (s.me . FACILITY NAME or DBA . DoIng BuIIr*I As) 3 FACILITY ID" BUSINESS TYPE o 3. FARM 0 5. COt.M:RCIAL o 4. PROCESSOR 0 8. OTHER 403. Is f8d11ty on IndIn ~ or ·If _ dUST a pubØc agency: name of supervisor of lJuSIIands? dMaIon. sec:tIon or oIIIce which cperaIeS the UST. (ThIs is the c:ontad person for the tank 1'IICOI'ds.) 402. 1. GAS STATION o 2. DISTRIBUTOR TOTAL NUMBER OF TANKS REMAINING AT SITE 405. 406. ..~ . ,..' .. . .... .'. IL PROPERtY,OWNER !Nt=0RA!ATI()ff:: '.. I 410. STATE t:.A 411. 412. CITY o 4. LOCAL AGENCY I DISTRICT o 5. COUNTY AGENCY 08. STATE AGENCY o 7. FEDERAL AGENCY 413. CITY 417. STATE 418. ZIP CODE 419. o ,. CORPORATION 2. INDMDUAL o 3. PARTNERSHIP o 4. LOCAL AGENCY I DISTRICT o 5. COUNTY AGENCY o 8. STATE AGENCY o 7. FEDERAL AGENCY 420. TANK OWNER TYPE :.,.~:::~Þ.~,9~~qy~~:¡,~~~~,,~i~:~~~..~.~':~9ÇAAtrr:;~~!~~~::.j~i':; Call (916) 322-9669 If questions arise -. ...._j.:-... .-,.... ," -.. '. ".,,-. .... ,---, .-... ". . "... ........ .. .. .·n. " .. ~:..._ "_.:, ,": :.~'..,. .......::.,."'..- -' ..........-.. --.. 421. o 1. SELF-INSURED o 2. GUARANTEE o 3. INSURANCE i'.,'ii....... :.v,::.r~()LE~Mij8T,FI~C~LïŒSPQN~IB.Jµn. o 4. SURETY BOND o 5. LETTER OF CREDIT o 8. EXEt.f>TION ..'.:'" ...."....... ..,. .., ...,....... .., .,,'.""'--. -'"',,...,,' ., :'.:'~", ';' ".:' ,:.: ,..."-,-_...."".... .. ... . . , ,- , '. . ........" ...... . 7. STATE FUND 8. STATE FUND & CFO LETTER 09. STATEFUND&CO o 10. LOCAL GOVT MECHANISM o 99. OTHER: 422.. 01. FACILITY Check one bale to lndIc:aIe which IIdcIr-. shOuld be UMd for legal noIIIIc:IItIona and mailing. Legal noIIIiaItIons and malllngl will be tent 10 the lank owner un-. bale 1 or 2 is c:hec:keCI. . ,...,.,,',". ,... . .'".... ,. ,.,'.". .. .". ...... .... ·······VI.LEGAL NOTlFïqATlONAND MAlUNGADD~ESS . ..: '..;' . .".. "". ," . ¡.>~,;:!·:r, ,,'" .... '" . .. . V";API'UCÄNTSIGNATURE ..' .... .. .. .-.',.,. .,'" ,.. ..."'.. ... CertlflcaUon: I CIIIIIIy that the InformaIIon ptOIIIcIed herein II true ønd accur81e to the bell of my knowtedge. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE 424. PHONE 425. NAME OF APPLICANT (print) 428. TITLE OF APPLICANT 4XI. I STATE UST FACILITY NUMBER (For /ouJ uø only) UPCF (7/99) 428., ,. UPGRADE CERTIFICATE NUMBER (Forlocaluø only) 429'1 S:\CUPAFORMS\swrcb-a.wpd . . Complete the UST . Facility page for all new permits, permit changes or any facility information changes. This page must be submitted within 30 days of permit or facility information changes, unless approval is required before making any changes. Submit one UST . Facility page per facility, regardless of the number of tanks located at the site. This form is completed by either the permit applicant or the local agency underground tank inspector. As part of the application, the tank owner must submit a scaled facility plot plan to the local agency showing the location of the USTs with respect to buildings and landmarks [23 CCR )2711 (a)(8»), a description of the tank and piping leak detection monitoring program [23 CCR )2711 (a)(9»), and, for tanks containing petroleum, documentation showing compliance with state financial responsibility requirements [23 CCR )2711 (a)(11 »). Refer to 23 CCR )2711 for state UST information and permit application requirements. (Note: the numbering of the instructions follows the data element numbers that are on the UPCF pages. These data element numbers are used for electronic submission and are the same as the numbering used in 27 CCR, Appendix C, the Business Section of the Unified Program Data Dictionary.) Please number all pages of your submittal. This helps your CUPA or local agency identify whether the submittal is complete and if any pages are separated. 1. FACILITY ID NUMBER - Leave this blank. This number is assigned by the CUPA. This is the unique number which identifies your facility. 3. BUSINESS NAME - Enter the full legal name of the business. 400. TYPE OF ACTION - Check the reason the page is being completed. CHECK ONE ITEM ONLY. 401. NEAREST CROSS STREET - Enter the name of the cross street nearest to the site of the tank. 402. FACILITY OWNER TYPE - Check the type of business ownership. 403. BUSINESS TYPE - Check the type of business. 404. TOTAL NUMBER OF TANKS REMAINING AT SITE -Indicate the number of tanks remaining on the site after the requested action. 405. INDIAN OR TRUST LAND - Check whether or not the facility is located on an Indian reservation or other trust lands. 406. PUBLIC AGENCY SUPERVISOR NAME - If the facility owner is a public agency, enter the name of the supervisor for the division, section or office which operates the UST. This person must have access to the tank records. 407. PROPERTY OWNER NAME - Complete items 407- 412 for the property owner, unless all items aJ'Q 408. PROPERTY OWNER PHONE the same as the Owner Information (items 111-116) on the BusinesS 409. PROPERTY OWNER MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS Owner/Operator Identification page (OES Form 2730). If the same, 410. PROPERTY OWNER CITY write "SAME AS SITE" in this section. 411. PROPERTY OWNER STATE 412. PROPERTY OWNER ZIP CODE 413. PROPERTY OWNER TYPE - Check the type of property ownership. 414. TANK OWNER NAME - Complete items 414-419 for the tank owner" unless all items are the 415. TANK OWNER PHONE same as the Owner Information (items 111-116) on the Business 416. TANK OWNER MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS Owner/Operator Identification page (OES Form 2730). If the same, 417 . TANK OWNER CITY write "SAME AS SITE" in this section. 418. TANK OWNER STATE 419. TANK OWNER ZIP CODE 420. TANK OWNER TYPE - Check the type of tank ownership. 421. BOE NUMBER - Enter your Board of Equalization (BOE) UST storage fee account number. This fee applies to regulated USTs . storing petroleum products. This is required before your permit application can be processed. If you do not have an account number with the BOE or if you have any questions regarding the fee or exemptions, please call the BOE at (916) 322-9669 or write to the BOE at: Board of Equalization, Fuel Taxes Division, P.O. Box 942879, Sacramento, CA 9427~030. 422. PETROLEUM UST FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY CODE - Check the method(s) used by the owner and/or operator in meeting the Federal and State financial responsibility requirements. CHECK ALL THAT APPLY. If the method is not listed, check Aother:æ and enter the method(s). USTs owned by any Federal or State agency and non-petroleum USTs are exempt from this requirement. 423. LEGAL NOTIFICATION AND MAILING ADDRESS -Indicate the address to which legal notifications and mailings should be sent. The legal notifications and mailings will be sent to the tank owner unless the facility (box 1) or the property owner (box 2) is checked. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT - The business owner/operator of the tank facility, or officially designated representative of the owner/operator, shall sign in the space provided. This signature certifies that the signer believes that all the information submitted is accurate and complete. 424. DATE CERTIFIED - Enter the date that the page was signed. 425. APPLICANT PHONE - Enter the phone number of the applicant (person certifying). 426. APPLICANT NAME - Enter the full printed name of the person signing the page. 427. APPLICANT TITLE - Enter the tlUe of the person signing the page. 428. STATE UST FACILITY NUMBER - Leave this blank. This number is assigned by the CUPA as follows: the number is composed of the two digit county number, the three digit jurisdiction number, and a six digit facility number. The facility number must be the same as shown in item 1. 429. 1998 UPGRADE CERTIFICATE NUMBER - Leave this blank. This number is assigned by the CUPA. '. e March 29, 2000 Lucky 7 2501 White Lane Bakersfield, CA 93304 Dear Underground Tank Owner: Your permit to operate the above mentioned fueling facility will expire on June 30, 2000. However, in order for this office to reneW your permit, updated forms A, B & C must be filled out and returned prior to the issuance of a new permit. . Please make arrangements to have the new forms A, B & C completed and returned to this office by May 15,2000. For your convenience, I am enclosing all three forms which you may make copies of. Remember, forms B & C need to be filled out for each tank at your facility. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (661) 326-3979. Sincerely, Steve Underwood, Inspector Office of Environmental Services SU/dlm Enclosure FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 ·W Street Bak8lSfield. CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVEN110N SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 E~RONMENTALSERVlCES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 _ VOICE (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DMSION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 It e February 9, 1999 Lucky 7 Store # 11 250 I White Lane Bakersfield, Ca 93304 RE: Compliance Inspection Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: The city will start compliance inspections on all fueling stations within the city limits. This inspection will include business plans, underground storage tanks and monitoring systems, and hazardous materials inspection. To assist you in preparing for this inspection, this office is enclosing a checklist for your convenience. Please take time to read this list, and verify that your facility has met all the necessary requirements to be in compliance. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 805-326-3979. Sincerely, ~~ Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector Office of Environmental Services SBU/dm enclosure "'7~ de W~ ~.A~ ~~ A We.nú.o-p" ~( "n ' ! - . 't\ PetroWest 5592648946 PETROWESTFRESNO e 152 P01/02 DEC 23 '98 09:59 e INTf(.RATOR.I¡ Of !If>VANCEl> fIJfL/NC, .sYSTEMS AND PRIORITY .ÇfRVKf FAX TRANSMISSION DATE: /;./,.~ hr , , PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO: NAME: Jo '-- COMPANY: FAX NUMBER: it) .. MESSAGE: 1)(Jf~ ~~ , ~ IAlÁI-~/, ;/1 (J!~ 'f .~ 1111-0. IAJ~+< ~~~.A!J -In.. Lf1..7<..t .&./1.-.: L ~~ Jb4 FAX FROM: Joe Colvin Sales Assistant This transmission consists of (!J page (8) including this cover sheet. If you do not receive all of the pages or ¡fthe transmission is illegible, PLEASE CALL (209) 264-9016. THANK YOU 227M S[[eel Fresno, CA 93721 (209) 264·9016 I Fax (209) 264-8946 5592648946 PETROWESTFRESNO e 152 P02/02 DEC 23 '98 09:59 . 'I" 'tI. ,. , F' age: . 1 , I J_"'J '0. I:: SACRAMENTO· SAN LEANDRO· FRESNO· BURØANK ARROYO GRANDE· LAS VEGAS · FEDERAL WAY· VANCOUVER Remit to: . ' ¡ ¡ . , ¡ ç¡ i ì) T (:1 . ,~ . 'STU~RTS P~TROLEUM 11 E ·1 TH STREET eA.Œ:¡:;~Sr I ELD Ship To: STUARTS PETROLEUM MIKE SHORT TO DELIVER I nva i ,:e 135832 CA 93307 Date 11/25/'36 I !::'.:dCust No Order No Customer PO .. Tel" Sh~# 1/0000002289 10438/00 008 301 DW# 41124H Ship Via MIKE SHORT Terms NET 30 DAYS Ref~ ;Pay Type ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE/CHARGE , , _......"'o"w_ --------~_________ -....-~--------------..____....................~....._.....~___:_"---------------,.I"f---__......____ ¡Item Number/Description U/M Ordered Shipped Sell Price Tota.l ;-------------~---~~~----------------~--~~---~-~~~~~~~~~-~---------------------~---- DPW....61S0-C400 '5' X 8' OVERrILL PREVENTION VALVE, CARB APPROVED i*********************.HAPPY HOLI~AYS!*********~******~******* " ¡MIKE SHORT DELIVERED TO PAUL . . '.' f EA 3.000.. . , 3.000 ,,' ...,: . .301.00000 EA. ~Ô3 . 00 ,.. , ..... I . ~: ,,' , . " ::., .. " ; . . ..' ~'.' A r I NANCE CHARG~ WILL. BE A~'RÊR~~Þ , AL,L;; '~AST"~{D~~:: '~êcp6~r~~~i:', .: /: .' ,"'\'. r:: ¡'. ,'~í :'. ':.' ALl; OR"ERS SUBJECT TO °ESTO~¡;·"1Jr.> r:"'EESi" :", ,"., ,:' .....~;,",t, .... '..",.' . (. '. ... u ~ '~"'!~;~1~1J; "~., ..t.::~,{:€.;;'~":", ·:~"·~,'~~tl,f~~~I.'..{~'':'!'" ·I:"·,..!~ .~~~.' ,..t.... I, t'/ REM I T TO: Pe t r oWes t PO Box;' :3~Øt;, ARROVÇJ) GRA~DS ~" ~A~<{', 9 .. :'~03'!4~" :{?~:,' ,j;:; ; " ,~: r . , I "'~fit}/;" ,·t··..,..,!) ,. r.~"..·~...~...I).&\,IL·, ~1~11"'....¡:~~ ~, .·.1.1:),-.......,,1 ",,(I\L If:;·..... )'N ,''J ~ t~ J,'''1'' ''t];, i \" ,M ", ~\ . '-"11'-·'1 "r,:~" ,~ K- .,) ,. ""~"I -"1\''''' .' " - ...1 '.;,'\ ~' ., -' , I," ¡'/~" ':L ~ ··r , ',d 'Ii ,,.,., 1'" I'JJ ' ''I.,' ~-¡ ,: ,~~, ~'I , ,~ , , '.~ I,:' \~,...~" M'.:,l'- .' '~. "'~:.I~~f~\~~'t .,~:.' 'I"" ;", ;,'. " . .:I~·.I,' :', ~.' '¡:,~ " , 4· ,.J} .ft..,II~~·t.~~~'/;".'.,h"i~~~~\. ,.:,,;~.~,~:uf. ~I.'¡~,\"~:~..·..:~~f,'~· d:t-r:1-'6"k'¡·~'!...l, .~,J' ..r·O' ~~::;'~":~: \i;'~.J.d·.f"-J~,;!,~ ., , . q, ,>;,<":.hì¡:f'~'¡' .-~': '\:ì'~, :/~ [O''''''ì.:l~ .',¡J,!ç, " liç.~~. \''t'~'. ~"~" ;/Iy_; "j." ,,;;;.;~¡z,.r '~~"r('~'{;:''f';'J <'.1i :1 ':. ,. : ' . :':"¡.""';::;~"~' '.' IN~Ii)IC£~ 1:>1.1 ."'12',2 ~·~;·~i1::~f¡t·(> ~''::''l~);'\~~;' ~ : /"'-'.~ . J ,": -~",:.:~(, '<'J\. . ,:';¡:' :.''''.,.::\d '·:~;;:~~f,\¡U~~,!~:/:-;\);·~"'·~:'::::":~ ,.r .>'. ,,~~:", SUBTOTAL SALES TAX TOTAL; DEP.OStT: AMi' DUE I I 903.(1 69.9 972. '3 972.91 FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KELLY ADMINISTRAßVE SERVICES 2101 ow Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 32&-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 ow Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 32&-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENßON SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 32&-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (BOS) 32&-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield. CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 ~ . . - BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT Surjit Singh Lucky 7 Stores # 11 2501 White Lane Bakersfield, CA 93304 August 4, 1998 RE: Upgrade Requirements Dear Mr. Singh: This will confirm our conversation on Monday, August 3, 1998 regarding upgrade requirements for 1998. Although your new monitor system takes the place of annual precision testing, you are still required to upgrade the following: 1. You need to install dispenser containment boxes under both dispensers. 2. You will need to install overfill drop tubes for each tank. You have until December 22, 1998 to make these upgrade requirements. Failure to make these upgrades will result in revoking your permit to operate, effectively shutting down your fueling operation. Again, I want to stre~s, that you have until December 22, 1998 to make these required upgrades. If I can be of any further assistance, please call me at 326-3979. SBU/dm cc: Steve Ekegren Sincerely, It c~eO .,. Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector Office of Environmental Services IY~~ W~ çop~OPe~ A W~" \ ~ ¡ ¡ I ¡ I , 'f ~.~ t··t t::: .~ . ~:; ti F' E~ F: ~:! 1 ~-: ::.: ::i- ;::: :' .,~~. =4 ;::~ :~ ;:: oj .." '-1 .' :"'. .... t ._. .., . _.' : ~_. 0.- C;~:.::L.~:~ .. ~~~~E I ~~, ~ C: ~i ;~: ..::; F! j E L ~3 :~; ;: :~~i ~J ~~ C~ f: E E ~:~ .~ ;"{ C: H E ':.'~ r:j A 1- E !~: 8;··.·.i.; , ~ ~_: '.' e. I r"~ i) E. :"~ T ¡. ' ¡ ': i~ i) i.; . : ":' 7-:: ~ ~?: :~~ ç.:¡ n 'r ~~ !"~ t::: J. F~: E: C~ tJ ~.~ {: ::.~ .' ; ..; ..' ..:.... _.. r:;: (:, '..~ ~~>: ',_: :_: .: .... '8' '-' . ':"', ... 'r A ¡..j ~;:: ._ F'F::t·:::·¡.: ;.,~..; ~:~ ;.:~ ::: 'j :::i .~ ::; ~. 4 ~:: ~ 2:: f:; ~3:: 2¡ ;..,.; ;.-' , - . ..,,...,.-.;;... .-:. ' : ¡.-:! '-' ::; ~j; .~: ~5 12! f~ 5 ;::~'3'?5 4 ~::: = (:3 ~J ~ 1::.1 .:. .-) :::. :_= '-= :: '-' e ,.:;:: ;..; ..::: ~.; ;.~' . . . : , ',-' ..... T ·r·;:~" ~~- .. ~~:: [8:: F:' () r'~: 'r :', .-, ..' ...... :"~ ~',:; t.. 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H :-.} ,~_ ;--', ,; ¡- ',"; :.... :.~.LL. ~.~ (:~ ~~ ~.? . , ": ¡ ~OOR _'N~l " ~' '.. :.. ',~' ..' .. ::.1. '-,1 ,. ~ : .. ., e ... ....! ¡'-ï :~, : : - '. e ~-- " ;-~ . ;:" ; ··1.'K'-- . -. :..- ., .... ~ :- -, ..-: 1, :..1;::..L. .' ; ~ , ~ . , _:..... ~ ~~ -[ E~ 'q - ""- ------ . CITY OF BAKERStELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326-3979 Facility L rNSPEcnON RECORD POST CARD AT JOB SITE awn. AddreII City, Zip .o\ddresI City, Zip Phone No. Permic " I~STRUcrIONS: Pleue call for ID ÏDIpIC&Or oaIy wIMII eICå p'OUp otimpec:åaal with the samollUlllbar are n8dy. Tboy wiU IUD ill ~ ani.- ~IJ willi ~ I. 00 NOT COya' worit for any IIUIIIbcnd ørouP IIIIIiI aU itemI ill that øroup 11'0 aped oØ'by the PuIWttiøø AuIbarity. FoUowm, tbeIe ÌDllluaioaI will ,... die IIIIIIIbIr ot required impectioa visi1a UId tbenforo prewar m - - ot ~~I feel. T ANICS AND BACKFILL rNSPEcnON DATE INSPECTOR 8IdáiU ofTank(I) Sparlt Tal CcrUficaûoa or M-...f".....qa McdIod Ca1bodic Procec:tion ofTank(I) PIPING SYSTEM Piping &: Raceway wJCAIICdÍoa Sump Corrosion Procec:tiaa of Pipiøf. JoinIs. Fin Pipe Electrical Isolation ofPipiDg From Tank(I) Cathodic Protection System-Piping Dispenser Pan . 0 . . , Liner Installation· Tank(s) ! Liner Installation - Piping Vault With Product CompaIible Sealer Level Gauges or Sensors. F1oa1 Veru Valves Product Compatible FiIJ Box(es) Product Line Leak Detectorts) Leak Detector(s) for AnauW Space-D. W. Tank(s) Monitoring Well(s)lSWI1p\s)· H20 Tm Leak Iktection Device(s) for VadoseiGroundwater Spill Prevention Boxa ~} /) I J A I ;( FIN.u/ /7~ 12JZ-~/~ 7TM ~~~ LßLr. \L7judli-/ 1iÆf~5/ ~ Monitoring Wells, Caps &: Loeb , Fill Box Lock ¡, r::,r Il1crrn g, ( ;1- <3 - 9 57 71/ Monitoring Requiremems Type ~" Þf ~p....A Á,I;.INI1 (1');- ,"AI'A' rJ. (}....." 4..,,,,-- ..J" tA.#I-r ~ '{1 .. ( i1. o. r r , " , , SECONDARY CONTAlN~E~ï OVERFILL PR0TECI10N LEAK DETEcrION ! CONTRACTOR ~ .('. e .,~ UCENSE" PHONE' 5' S~-~b3~ CONTACT FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KELlY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 ow Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (8()5) 326-3941 FAX (8()5) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 oW Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (8()5) 32f>-3941 FAX (8()5) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (8()5) 32f>-3951 FAX (8()5) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (8()5) 32f>-3979 FAX (8()5) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield. CA 93308 (8()5) 399-4697 FAX (8()5) 399-5763 . ~ . . ~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT June 30, 1998 Surjit Singh Lucky 7 Store # 11 2501 White Lane Bakersfield, CA 93304 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UPDATE Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: The City of Bakersfield and Kern County Environmental Health will hold a Underground Storage Tank Workshop. This will be the final opportunity, before the December 22, 1998 deadline, to ask questions regarding upgrade, removals, financing, and other related requirements. The workshop will be held on Friday, July 17, 1998, from 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon. The location will be the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department, 2700 "M" Street, First Floor Conference Room. Enclosed is a registration form. Please fill out and mail or fax before the registration deadline, July 17, 1998. I look forward to seeing you there. Si¡~ Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector Office of Environmental Services SBU/dm enclosure cc: Ralph Huey, Director, Office of Environmental Services '7~~~~~~ORJ-~ A W~" FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KELLY ADMINISTRAJIVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 32b-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERYICES 2101 ·W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 32~941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENOON SERVICES 1715 Chesler Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 32ó-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERYICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 32~979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Street Bakersfield. CA 93308 (805) 399-4t1/7 FAX (805) 399-5763 . ~ . . - BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT June 25, 1998 Mr. Surjit Singh Lucky 7 Store # 11 2501 White Lane Bakersfield, Ca 93304 RE: Revoking of Permit to Operate Underground Storage Tanks at Lucky 7, 2501 White Lane Dear Mr. Singh: We have received a copy ofa agreement for I.C.E.S. of Bakersfield to install a monitoring system at your facility. This office will waive the precision testing of your tanks and lines, provided the new monitoring system is installed by July 23, 1998. If not installed by July 23, 1998, this office will require the precision'· testing of both lines and tanks. This office will re&ain fÌ"om any enforcement action for a period of thirty (30) days, July 23, 1998. Should you have any questions, please feel &ee to call me at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey, Director Office of Environmental Services by: - ~~ Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector SBU/dm cc: Steve Ekegren Britt Beal, I.C.E.S. Walt Porr, Assistant City Attorney 'y:'~~ g;'~ ~ ~fH'6 ~ ~ g;'~ " . . cJOq - '74 ð - éf I (p ( -. ._----- ----~ ------ -----.. tua~ JUN-23-98 08:20 AM ICE S 8055899513 P.01 '>, . . I : )' A Industrial Contamination 'V Extr~ction Service Inc. 0 "Fluid Recycling Specialists" 7401 ROSEDALE HWY., BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 (80S) 589-9039 (80S) 589..9513 FAX " FAXF AXF AXF AXF AXF AXFAXF AXFAXF ~FAXF AXF AXF AXF AXF ðXF AXFAX -DATE: ,.~ -,j3 -IfSJ TO: S;r;;I/F IJ~NI?Ø~ TIME: 8/~~ If//? COMPANY: :Ed-)$. ¿,/Ty F. O· FAX #: ..:1 J. {:. - (/5?6 FROM: :r ¿ 6" 5 (C!hvdz ') '.' NUMBER OF PAGES; ;;... MESSAGE: WG t?~{Ç 9t'/~ 7P -li·n,>); lip fílkl¿o ð/{ Jvd.y '7 /J'T d.S~1 ¿¿)h/-p;. 1íJ~~ - S~#f 1I>,k..-ø~ M -/#x YðCJ d~y 01 /JI1J<G6/llEJI'T, uJ/t¿ bE' P'ð)IYf: ~'$ í ¿/ " :/ rU<: " C!'~~ . ;¡¡ß REPLY YES NO ~.' JUH-23-98 08:20 AM ICE S 8055899513 P.02 '\. t -- . - < ca.Dc.UI\A·nml-1'011 BAKERSFtELD CA. 93301 USA ....SYlIII C,.TIMIUnOI EXTRACTIOII SERVICd IIIC. /"bànc (80.5).519.9039 FIx (10.5).5I9·9Ot' June t I, 1998 CONTRACTING AGREEMENT LUCKY 7 LOCATED AT 2501 WHITE LANE, BAKERSFIELD CA.. and INDUSTIlIAL CONT AMINA TlON EXTRACTION SERVICES INC. (tCES), ref'erred to as CON'I'RACTOR. agree as ronows: CONTRACTOR ¡haJ1 pedorm the rollowing scrvices tor OWNER: PURCHASE AND INST ALL O~ RE-CONDmONEO GILBARCO MONITOR. AND THREE PROBES INTO EXISTING CONDUIT AND SENSORS WITH REQUIRED \VIRlNO AND FIRE-UP. for the folto"inS pric:c: $5700.00 Contra~\or 5hall be responsible for the following in addiûon tø the Workman like performance of the work SUited above: The materials U50d for constNction shatt mcc:t all manufactun:r$ guidc:linc:s and .11 agencies that oversee these: operations. Pto'1sion ofwor1c.er', compensation insurance, general liability insurance in a DÜnimum amount 0($1,000,000.00 ( onç million &. no/loo dollars). The stipulated contract price shall be paid as follows: AT THE COMPLETION OF EACH FRIDAY AS WORK IS COMPLEreD AND AS OrnER en..LlNO IS SUBMITI'ED FOR REPAYMENT. The OWt1er aekoowlcd,gC$ an exprc$S mechanic's lien on the above described real csta\¢ to secure the payment of the amounts contr.!eled herein. An)' disputes arising out of or related to tNS agrocment shall be arbiuatçd under tbo rules of tile American AJbítr.uíon Associaûon bcfoR1 a sin¡le BIbiter. Contractor is not responsible Cor delays caused by the following: a)bona fide wcather disturbanc:e; b)striktS; c)Shonagcs of material; d)sub contractor delays not caused by the general c:ontractor; e)govcrnmcntal delays c.~œpl those Q!usa:! by the fault of c;onttactor or sutx;l:)ntractor, ~b;iSC I and 2 sitC,1 ass.c:.s&mc;:nt5 8)an)' soil contaminmion or liabilities In any disputes rclalod to litis agreement, the alfjudication bocIy may 8$SCSS reasonable counsel fees tò the =~~.g pa"y. Thi, ;, !h, ,nIIn: 11&=...., be,......... parties and thi, ag=" may bc ~ "7 I. OWNE~ JC~-f/ ,.... ~ .DER: Iii oplete items 1 and/or 2 for additional services. CD plete items 3, and 4a & b. !!! . Print your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can CD return this card to you. ã'; . Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space .. does not permit. ~ . Write "Return Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the article number. +- . The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date delivered. I also wish to receive the following services (for an extra fee): 1. 0 Addressee's Address 2. 0 Restricted Delivery Consult postmaster for fee. 4a. Article Number P 024 368 426 S~IT SINGH LUCKY 7 2501 WHITE LANE BRKERSFIELD CA 93304 4b. Service Type o Registered !XI Certified o Express Mail 7. 8. ",u.s. GPO: 1993-352-714 c o "C 3. Article Addressed to: CD ... Q Q. E o u en en w a: C C ~ ~ 5. Si ::J I- w ~ 6.gnature ( ~ PS Form 38 1/1 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE 111111 ~ Official Business PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYMENT OF POSTAGE. $300 - U.S. MAil , Print your name, address and ZIP Code here . CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT . OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVENUE SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 is 11,1" ,,/I, "II, /I"" "11,1,1,,,1,111,' 111"",,11,',1. II .111 e P 024 368 426 e ~ Rece;pt fQr Certified l\1iail '" No Insurance Coverage Provided .lc'!mf'sWIS Do not use for International Mail (See Reversel ... en en S~'d'iuIT SINGH St~'!5(fî N'WHITE LANE P.O., State and ZIP Code BAKERSFIELD CA 93304 Postage $ .32 Certified Fee 1.10 Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered 1.10 Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, and Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage $ & Fees 2.52 Postmark or Date GI c: ::J ..., Ò C) ~ E ~ I&. ~ STICK POSTAGE STAMPS TO ARTICLE TO COVER FIRST CLASS POSTAGE. CERTIFIED MAIL FEE. AND CHARGES FOR ANV SELECTED OPTIONAL SERVICES (888 front). 1. If you want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address laaving tha receipt attacll1ld and presant tha articla at a post office service window or hand it to your rural carrier Ino extra charge). Qì ~ ~ Q) ~ 2. If you do not want this receipt postmarked, stick tha gummed stub to the right of the retl:l'n address of the article, date, detach and retain the receipt. and mail tha articla. -'", ... en en ... 5. fntar faas for tha sarvicas requested in the ap lropriate spacas on tha front of this racaipt. If return raceipt is requested, check the applicable blocks in item 1 of Form 3811. G I: ~ "") ¿ O. 00 ('I) E o ~ en a.. 3. If you want a return recaipt, write the certified mail numbar and your name and address on !!¡ return raceipt card, Form 3811, and attach it to the front of the article by means of the gumme'i ends if space permits. Otherwise, affix to back of article. Endorse front of article RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED adjacent to tha number. 4. If you want delivery restricted to the addressee, or to an authorized agent of the addressae, endorse RESTRICTED DELIVERY on the front of the article. 6. Sava this receipt and presant it if you make inquiry. 102595-93-Z-047_ , " ~ FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KEllY ADMlNISTRA1M SEIVICES 2101 . W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 3~1 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 ·w Street BakelSfleld. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PRMNTION SERVICES 1715 Che$ter Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) J26.œ76 ENVIRONMENTAl. SEIVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) J26.œ76 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Street Bakersfield. CA 93308 (805) 399-4tR7 FAX (805) 399-5763 M . e æ',~ ... " ~ -- BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT Mr. Steve Ekegren Barber Group 4500 Wible Road Bakersfield, CA 93313 June 18, 1998 CERTIFIED MAIL RE: Revoking of Permit to Operate Underground Storage Tanks at Lucky 7, 2501 White Lane Dear Mr. Ekegren: We regret to inform you that effective June 24, 1998, we find it necessary to revoke your Permit to Operate the underground storage tanks located at 2501 White Lane. We have continually contacted you with regard to the requirements for performance or precision tank and piping testing on these tanks. Our most recent Notice of Violation, dated April 23, 1998, stated that if testing was not completed by May 16, 1998, your Permit to Operate would be revoked. You have failed to take any action with regard to these notices. Your tanks will not be re-permitted until precision tank and piping testing is performed. If you have any questions, please call this office at 326-3979. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey, Director Office of Environmental Services by: Ad££] Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector cc: Surjit Singh Walt Porr, Assistant City Attorney Kirk Blair, Assistant Chief, Bakersfield Fire Department ~~~¿¿W~~~~~AW~" f'. ~ INDER: ïii mplete iterns 1 and/or 2 for additional services. G) mplete items 3, and 4a & b. f! . Print your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can G) return this card to you. ¡; . Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space .. does not permit. ~ . Write "Return Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the article number. .. . The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date delivered. I also wish to receive the following services (for an extra fee): 1. 0 Addressee's Address ~I '>1 :PI f1J "'U.s. GPO: 1993-352-714 .. Q. ãi u G) a: EI ~I £\ o Insured cJ o COD ...~j o Return Receipt for ... Merchandise 7. De' e~ S¡ ~ Ad ressee's Address (Only if reqUested! and fee is paid) 16\ .cl 1-1 I DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT I 2. 0 Restricted Delivery Consult postmaster for fee. 4a. Article Number P 024 368 429 c: o ~ 3,: Article Addressed to: G) .. G) Co E o u f1J f1J w a: Q Q <t Z a: 5. :) I- w a: ... ;:, o > PS Form 3811, December 1991 ~ STEVE EKEGREN 1JARBER GROUP 4500 WIBLE ROAD BAKERSFIELD CA 93313 4b. Service Type o Registered (] Certified o Express Mail UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE ~()~ 1«- ) ¡\/¡ \:' i .~:: '-:J Official Business 'r~ ::.1 ~....N 1...<1.}1 "~ <.J'1b / -+,.......-=-..- I ---=--'" --- PENAl-TV FOR PRIVA.T.E-- USE TO AVOID PAYMENT . OF1"OSTAGE', $3()O- . ',' Print your name, address and ZIP Code here · CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT · OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVENUE SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 ~~ 11.1 11111111111 .11,11".1111,111,111,1111111111111111 1,111111 e P 024 368 429 e ~ Reœipt ,{or CertifieJ Mail ,. No Insurance Coverage Provided ~=a Do not use for International Mail (See Reverse) ... 0) 0) ... ID r:: ~ ""'I Sent to STEVE EKEGREN Street and No. 4500 WIBLE RD P.O" State and ZIP Code BAKERSFIELD CA 93313 Postage $ .32 Certified Fee 1.10 Special Delivery Fee Restricted Dalivery Fee Return Receipt Showing 1.10 to Whom & Date Dalivered Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, and Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage $ 2.52 & Fees Postmark or Date . ' § (W) ê o u. Ie STICK POSTAGE STAMPS TO ARTICLE TO COVER FIRST CLASS POSTAGE. CERTIFIED MAIL FEE. AND CHARGES FOR ANV SELECTED OPTIONAL SERVICES lsee frOOII. 1. If you want this receipt postmarked. stick the gummed stub to the right of the return addre" leaving the receipt attaclRrd and present the article at a post office service window or hend it to your rura' cerrier Ino extra charge). 2. If you do not want this receipt postmarked. stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address of the article. date. detach and retain the receipt. end maa the article. 3. If you want a return receipt. write the certified mail number and your name and address on a return raceipt card. Form 3811. and attach it to the front of the article by means of the gummed ends if space permits. Otherwise. affix to back of article. Endorse front of article RETURN RECEIPTf REQUESTED adjacent to the number. 4. If you want delivery restricted to the addre"ee. or to an authorized agent of the addressee. endorse RESTRICTED DELIVERY on the front of the article. 5. Enter fees for the services requested in the appropriate spaces on the front of this receipt. If return receipt is requested. check the applicable blocks in item 1 of Form 3811. 6. Seve this receipt end present it if you meke inquiry. 102595.93.Z-047_ I + ~} Qì t! ~ !i! '" ... en en ... (þ c: ::I '"") g I ê o u.. (I) Q. FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KELLY ADMINlSTRAnVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield. CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 ~ "'....... - .' ., . ~ .. ~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT Mr. Steve Ekegren Barber Group 4500 Wible Road Bakersfield, CA 93313 June 18, 1998 CERTIFIED MAIL RE: Revoking of Permit to Operate Underground Storage Tanks at Lucky 7, 2501 White Lane Dear Mr. Ekegren: We regret to inform you that effective June 24, 1998, we find it necessary to revoke your Permit to Operate the underground storage tanks located at 2501 White Lane. We have continually contacted you with regard to the requirements for performance or precision tank and piping testing on these tanks. Our most recent Notice of Violation, dated April 23, 1998, stated that if testing was not completed by May 16, 1998, your Permit to Operate would be revoked. You have failed to take any action with regard to these notices. Your tanks will not be re-permitted until precision tank and piping testing is performed. If you have ány questions, please call this office at 326-3979. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey, Director Office of Environmental Services by: Ad££] Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector cc: Surjit Singh Walt Porr, Assistant City Attorney Kirk Blair, Assistant Chief, Bakersfield Fire Department tY~deW~~~~~AW~" FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KELLY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'w Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'w Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PRMNnON SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield. CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 It ~ . e· - BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT June 18, 1998 Mr. Steve Ekegren Barber Group 4500 Wible Road Bakersfield, CA 93313 CERTIFIED MAIL RE: Revoking of Penn it to Operate Underground Storage Tanks at Lucky 7, 2501 White Lane Dear Mr. Ekegren: We regret to infonn you that effective June 24, 1998, we find it necessary to revoke your Pennit to Operate the underground storage tanks located at 2501 White Lane. We have continually contacted you with regard to the requirements for perfonnance or precision tank and piping testing on these tanks. Our most recent Notice of Violation, dated April 23, 1998, stated that if testing was not completed by May 16, 1991, your Pennit to Operate would be revoked. You have failed to take any action with regard to these notices. Your tanks will not be re-pennitted until precision tank and piping testing is perfonned. If you have any questions, please call this office at 326-3979. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey, Director Office of Environmental Services by: /L~ Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector cc: Surjit Singh Walt Porr, Assistant City Attorney Kirk Blair, Assistant Chief, Bakersfield Fire Department '7~~W~~.A~~AW~" .~ . . - BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. · Bakersfield, CA 93301 Business Phone (805) 326-3979 · FAX (805) 326-0576 FAX Transmittal TO: I ~~cv(,.. &~rttre~ COMPANY: I ~tÀ,~tF' Ótøvþ FROM: I ~i-tvc.. U",dc\wGfJJ I FAX No. Lrg,31'" ð q<"T COMMENTS: FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KELLY ADMlNISTRAJIVE SERVICES 2101 ·w Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (B05) 326-3941 FAX (806) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 ·w Street Baketsfleld. CA 93301 (B05) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-()576 ENVIRONMENTAL SEJMCES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION S642 VIctor Street Bakersileld. CA 93308 (805) 399-4$7 FAX (805) 399-5763 >h . . - BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT June 18, 1998 Mr. Steve Ekegren Barber Group 4500 Wible Road Bakersfield, CA 93313 CERTIFIED MAIL RE: Revoking of Permit to Operate Underground Storage Tanks at Lucky 7, 2501 White Lane Dear Mr. Ekegren: We regret to inform you that effective June 24, 1998, we find it necessary to revoke your Permit to Operate the underground storage tanks located at 2501 White Lane. ' We have continually contacted you with regard to the requirements for performance or precision tank and piping testing on these tanks. OUf most recent Notice of Violation, dated April 23, 1998, stated that if testing was not completed by May 16, 1999, your Permit to Operate would be revoked. You have failed to take any action with regard to these notices. Your tanks will not be re-permitted until precision tank and piping testing is perfonned. If you have any questions, please call this office at 326-3979. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey, Director Office of Environmental Services by: ./i~ Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector cc: Surjit Singh Walt Porr, Assistant City Attorney Kirk Blair, Assistant Chief, Bakersfield Fire Department 'y;'~dø W~ §"o;ø ~N¥Þ ~ A W~ II 06/18/98 12:40 '5'805 326 0576 BFD HAZ MAT DIV @001 . TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO. CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID START TIME USAGE TIME PAGES RESULT e *************************** *** ACTIVITY REPORT *** *************************** 7277 8370969 06/18 12:38 01'08 2 OK May-11-98 10:lSA BARBER PONTIAC CO <- 805 837 09696 . P.Ol JPAX 1'1RANSMIT1' A1L COVER SHEET Total pages including cover sheet 3 Date:~ II m---- Addressee:_ -3-{e.u e- ~ d er IAJ OOC\ ____.,____. .____.__ Addressee's Company Location: ~~'e\6 C\fj b{f ~ Addressee's FAX No.: 5~ 10-0'5-7 to Sender: Stephen Ekegren or Debbie Wallace Our Phone Number: (805) 396-3112 (steve) or 396-3113 (debbie) OUf FAX Number: (805) 837-0969 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 45001, Bakersfield, Ca. 93384-5001 Physical Address: 4600 Wible Road, Bakersfield, Ca. 93313 v· -t(. I . c ~ 1'x:k"Ð.¡ (' ~ CLLktc~. _ Message: The information contained in this facsimile is confidential and may also be attorney- client privileged. This information is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient or the agent or employee responsible for delivery to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this facsimile in error, please notify us immediately by telephone and return the original message to us at the letterhead address via the U.S. Postal Service. Thank you. May-11-98 10:lsA.BARBER PONTIAC CO e 805 837 09696 . P.02 ~~§I 011" Œ Kf1*o' t!AoC/ÇMOl Sr:RV!CI: INC Febuary 10, 1998 KES Proposal No. 98-5180B Debbie Wallace Barber Automotive Group 4500 Wible Road Bakersfield, CA 93384-5001 RE: INSTALLATION OF TANK MONITORING SYSTEM AND CATCH BASIN UNDER DISPENSER Dear Ms. Wallace Pursuant to our conversation and my visit to the job site, KES understands you are soliciting proposals for the installation of a new tank monitoring system on your tank and a catch basin under your dispenser. SCOPE OF WORK: Obtain the necessary permits to install the new Monitoring systems. Excavate top of tank to gain access to openings in tank -Install probe in annular space in the tank for leak detection -Install probe in tank for inventory control -Trench to building for new conduit for control panel, 220 feet -Install catch basin under your dispenser as required. -Provide electrician to connect electrical panel. -Install 5 gallon over spill container. -Backfill and compact excavation. -Replace asphalt area of 220 sq. feet. -Load and transport removed asphalt to recycler for disposal. KES COST: $21,156.00 If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (805) 589-5220. Thank you, KERN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE \k~Ç;j Šk~ ~n ~ Project Manager SO/sib Post Offtce Box 5337, Bakersfield, California 93388 · (805) 589-5220 I (800) 332-5376 · FAX (80S) 589-7143 May-11-98 10:16A.BARBER PONTIAC CO e 805 837 09696 . P.03 The tenns and conditions of Kern Environmental Service Proposal Number 98- 5180B, dated Febuary 10,1998 are acceptable to Barber Automotive Group as evidenced by the following executed authorization. Each of the individuals signing this agreement warrants that he or she possesses authority to bind the party for which he or she purports to act. The following Client agreement signatory (or authorized designee(s» is an authorized representative of the Client for the execution of this agreement and may act in a capacity to approve changes or additions to the Scope of Work, and authorize payment for the services provided. In witness whereof, the parties have caused this agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives, as follows: CLIENT: Barber Group, Inc. SIGNATURE: CONTRACTOR: KERN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE SIGN"TURE: TYPED NAME: Steve Ekegren TITLE: Vice President DATE OF SIGNATURE: May 11. 1998 TYPED NAME: TITLE: CATE OF SIGNATURE: PHONE NUMBER: 396-3112 FAX NUMBER: 837-0969 PHONE NUMBER: {SOS}589·5220 FAX NUMBER: (8OSJS89· 7143 . ,.... .:.... .:.','" ,:·::'·::·.::·.'·,>·,i: ,. ::.:': ," BILLING ADDRESS: :' ::,.ADPITIONAL.CLJENTINFORMATION Client Authorized Designee(s) To Negotiate Contractual Changes And Authorize Payment 1. ~teve Ekeiren NAME: Barber Group, Inc. P.O. Box 45001 "'DIJt!~s:;;: 2. Debbie Wallace Bakersfield. CA 93384-5004 OI'fI:::iI""\:IL'P: ~~~-310S PHO 0.: 95198 p,o, or \,;UN I H.Al,;1 NO.: 834-3825 ,.AX NO.: 3. Regina Clarke ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/REMARKS: Verified Bid Amount of $21.156.00 is ~ood throu~h authorization(per Skip Dean) date of May II, 1998. C :\WP51 \FORMSKES\FORMS\AUTHZA TN.FRM FIRE CHIEF MICHAEl R. KELLY ADMINISTRAJIVE SERVICES 2101 oW Street Bakersfleld. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 oW Street Bakersfleld. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENnON SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfleld. CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield. CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 . ~ . e - BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT Surjit Singh Lucky 7 Store # 11 2501 White Lane Bakersfield, CA 93304 May 3 1, 1998 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UPDATE Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: The City of Bakersfield wishes to congratulate those tank owners who have upgraded, removed or replaced their tanks in the first quarter of 1998. This office is expecting an even bigger second quarter result. This commitment, has helped this office achieve a 75% compliance average for the underground storage tanks within the City. This is a very "good start". For the benefit of those who have not yet upgraded, the City of Bakersfield and Kern County Environmental Health, will conduct a Underground Storage Tank Workshop scheduled for Friday, July 17, 1998, from 8:00 a.m. - 12 noon. Look for our June letter for more details. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 326-3979. SBU/dm cc: Ralph Huey, Director Sincerely, .~~ Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector "Y~de~~~~~~A~~ fiRE CHIEf MICHAEL R. KELLY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 oW Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 oW Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PRMNTlON SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield. CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 ~ . e -- BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT Surjit Singh Lucky 7 Store # 11 2501 White Lane Bakersfield, CA 93304 April 23, 1998 RE: Failure to Perform Precision Tank and Piping Test SECOND NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE Dear Mr. Singh: Our records reveal that no precision tank testing has been performed on your three (3) tanks located at 2501 White Lane. Section 26432(a) of Article 4; Title 23, Div.3, Chapter 16, CCR requires that all underground tanks that do not utilize automated leak detection shall have a precision tank test annually. Additionally pressurized piping shall be tested annually. This is your second notice, you must comply by May 16, 1998. Failure to comply will result in revoking your permit to operate. Should you have any questions you may contact me at 326-3979. SBU/dm cc: Steve Ekegren Sincerely, ~~ Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector Office of Environmental Services 'Y~~ W~.9fve vØ6~ ~.A W~ " BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT N~ 664 ' - - - --- - - CO'ifECTION NO TIC. LocationJ'\\fd(\{ 7 Sub Div. 9t;O f Wh., ~ MI . Blk. . Lot gV7~ '1'771 You are hereby required to make the following corrections at the above location: Cor. No 6> ik" ~rð('t'~/1't (I fI( f. Tf+l_ ?] C!( e. d- k ~"', tkdl (loP{~E. ~ YØV( (J. t t" $-Iorc.. f115t1s 4lt.ci €J cI4.-t Completion Date for Correction Date 'ì(lb/1ß Inspector 326-3979 · e CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME~l 7 6'\()tc... INSPECTION DATE 3/ICø{'lS Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program ¡y'Routine 0 Combined Type of Tank ,OwP Type of Monitoring o Joint Agency 0 Multi-Agency 0 Complaint Number of Tanks 3 Type of Piping huJF ORe-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on tile V Proper owner/operator data on file V Pennit fees current V Certification of Financial Responsibility V , Monitoring record adequate and current ..; NfJ C}O\ +.cc.t/C1 I\. ' Ð't '4G\1£ ~ PI (l1"'f -h-.øJ n". "t't1.~,.r NIl I. .If. Nt.r, - ""tiLt, Maintenance records, adequate and current J "'10 ftc~ --k.ølí.., Failure to correct prior UST violations '\/ Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No H(J (.,ttY Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program AGGREGA TE CAPACITY Number of Tanks TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank OPERA TION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on tile with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? If yes, Does tank have overfill/overspill protection? C=Compliance V=Violation Y=Yes cl d£~ N=NO Inspector: Office of Environmental Services (805) 326-3979 White - F.nv, Svcs. ~ 111 PIf.¡¿ SìN&Þ7 Business Site Responsible Party Pink - Business Copy - e . CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 INSPECTION DATE-4((,lf~ PHONE NO. 3r7~ j72 'L BUSINESS 10 NO. 15-210- NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 3 FACILITY NAMEJlIc..N ì S-\otL ADDRESS ~6'c I tl)k\~f, FACILITY CONTACT INSPECTION TIME Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program [lY'Routine D Combined D Joint Agency o Multi-Agency D Complaint D Re-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Appropriate permit on hand { Business plan contact information accurate if" Visible address V Correct occupancy if Veritication of inventory materials \I Veritication of quantities V Veritication of location V Proper segregation of material .¡ Verification of MSDS availability V ('If) t"'O S prl:o\Jcec Verification of Haz Mat training J tlo tto..lf\ III f fc('(t(è S Dr 1h'.HI\..h( 5 Veritication of abatement supplies and procedures - Emergency procedures adequate \/ ('C(9 P rc c«hJt"L 7(J&"ffð Containers properly laheled J Housekeeping V Fire Protection J Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand V C=Compliance V=Violation Any hazardous waste on site?: Explain: DYes ~No ..s A1 fA-k. .s.)I'(GJ1 Business Site sponsible Party Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (805) 326-3979 White - En\', Svcs. Yellow - Station Copy Pink - Business Copy Inspector: RRE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KElLY ADMlNIS1IA1IVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street BakelSfield. CA 9330 I (805) 32~941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street BakelSfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakemleld. CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Street BakelSfield. CA 93308 (805) 399-4á97 FAX (805) 399-5763 . ~ . . -- BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT Lucky 7 Store #11 2501 White Lane Bakersfield, CA 93304 February 13, 1998 RE: "Hold Open Devices" on Fuel Dispensers Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: The Bakersfield City Fire Department will commence with our annual Underground Storage Tank Inspection Program within the next 2 weeks. The Bakersfield City Fire Department recently changed its City Ordinance concerning "hold open devices" on fuel dispensers. The Bakersfield City Fire Department now requires that "hold open devices" be installed on all fuel dispensers. The new ordinance conforms to the State of California guidelines. The Bakersfield Fire Department apologies for any inconvenience this may cause you. Should you have any questions, please feel ftee to contact me at 326-3979. cc: Ralph Huey Sincerely, j! ttll1iiÐ Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector I~~~ W~ ~~0Pe ~.A W~" ~ APR-30-97 WED ,.., ;#Þ \ - 7:48 AM STUARTS. PETROLEUM -- FAX NO. 805 325 8481 e P. ! Stuarts' Petroleum 11 EAST 4TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 (805) 325-6320 FAX (805) 325-8481 Toll Free (800) 977·FUEL Fax Cover Sheet TO: Company Name ;Óavp;p.~-F./e~.2::> hÆ!.!£ '":ð.-!'::FP~' A ttn: ;;J:"~U.l;:" L/A/h,e:r>tuoð? Fax # .~zt - o57~ Phone # FROM: Name -"--.. /~OA./ --~£)'r.A~.J Date: -¥.~o )q/, I Time: Pages to follow / Message: This message Is intended for the use of the individual or entity to which It Is addressed, and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the Intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by telephone and return the original message to us at the above address via the US postal service without making a copy. Thank you for your cooperation. APR-30-97 WED 7:49 AM 04130/97 06:58 STUARTS, PETROLEUM "8'e326 0576 FAX NO, 805_ 325 8481 BFD HAZ MAT DIV. p, 2 raJ 002 " 4' (, '~ EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING PROGRAM ThU monitoria, program must be kept al the UST location at all times. The information on this monitoring program are QOnditions of the operating permit The permit holder must notify the Office of EnvtfonmenlaJ Services withia 30 days of any changes to the monitoring procedures, unless required to obtain approval before making the ebange. Required by Sections 2632(d) and 2641(h) CCR. Facility Name Facility Address .4J~' J.- Ý "7 25"0/ 4V'E//r~ /....4AJ,'-:- 1. If an unauthorized release occurs, how will the hazardous substance be cleaned up? Note: If released hazardous substances reach the environment, increase the fire or explosion hazard, are not cleaned up ûom the secondary containment within 8 hours, or deteriorate the secondary containment, then the Office of Environmental Services must be notified within 24 hours. A/1":)77,FL 5,=>/,L.L., &VE~ /./h77-F ~TT7 //T7FP~ -'LET /T ,/:7~CL?.R~. .-rUlpF'/'; Cl£,/=;Ç'¡A/ ..-?...vy- ~;!,:V'ðA:? ;5'¿I;>h-L. Alð7'.....".r~.... -r-~-,=" (J;Tý rN?.p '''"/')~p;r . a;z¿" - ~97~ 2. Describe the proposed methods and equipment to be used for removing and properly disposing of any hazardous substance. )Jvs:r P.4A/ c; I ..ð~~-, /.-7L/lr1' ..... /A/ ÞL~~r.....r_ .849 'z; ~ Þ"/"'-Þ"-L5.Þ ¿/,= ~f"' ~ z 'Z'.,4~2>CJC.Jð· sk./p.5;;r~ ~/sPtO~ ¿..- 3. Describe the location and availability of the required cleanup equipment in item 2 above. A 7' ST/>P'¡;: 4. Describe the maintenance schedule (or the cleanup equipment: ANy ./'I./.A.lð...e ¿j'.P.I.LL L.c./~ //.<'~ ~~7Z~/,;r=^ ~:z:.ZA..e'ð"o¿1J;, W~6r"L:- b/.~.P~.s.AL ta:Y?7~AJc7'S' 5. List the name(s) and title(s) of the person(s) responsible for authorizing any work necessary under the response plan: ~ð.<./Ãl7" <:5/A/<fr .1-/ ----- - - - - - C<¥RECTION NOT liE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT N~ 583 ' Location ^ ¡JelLy 7 Sub Div.JÇ'O ( Wk,~ *f . Blk. . Lot You are hereby required to make the fOlpiJlOWin : c~rectiors r at the above location: /\~ _ _~ cl 30/ c¡ 7 t-\:t ft1 1-, ' <.... (II) {(r § ..ftc U'\ ..(Jel +t.!A- '"11t It Ie. ~r tt1.~J f)("la~!ÞL 11~,ÞOhlc I CUr" Th!Je.. to f tcd'''h -' 11d..V<- 1- s-~ '1'S' . 10 I..J I' dlc' V\ f>J~(/~L ~O 1M.. .5 Completion Date for Corrections Date :?J//2/ c¡'7 Inspector 326·3979 --". - -- 'tPRRECTION NOjCE ~-I BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT N~ 0537 LocatioJ1 1. t..<'"~ ~ 7 - I Sub Div. ~ ( t.J(;<k,/ /1-'\ . Elk. . Lot You are hereby required to make the following corrections at the above location: Cor. No t'h1J n-"~¿..ed Pe~ f ~t () ~ s ~ V\ tI^ ~ 5 V\()"I~i? Completion Date for Correction, ~ Date 0/~?~S- ~ d~ª- Inspector 326·3979 '--",-- .' . \, \ -' e St-t.:J l {.. "S r'~~ 3')? ~ J 7 ¿<. 32S". 7 ¡"ið ~ &~ ~ vi. ~,\"C. 5'3 Lf '" 3400 £' Í<e:!/~ I k lvi \ '- \ /I'-()b" l 6ofl~/ ! , , e ----, C¡PRRECTION N0iCE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT \~ð : J~~ @531 . '~ Loca tiO)1 11..u""J¡t... , 7 , I Sub Div. ~5D ( tJt..~Ý<e- IY\ . Blk. . Lot l~~~.~ ,~4~ ..':",:~ {,,^ ~.~ t,>,t:..l414 I~.'~· (.. ~ J~~. ft You are hereby required tomak-e the following corrections at the above location: Cor. No ~(~ ,-;{/' ,,' / tP /, f" I .e .,' .j :i ð-?' /10101--''-1 /¡j/ re. 'e n .'-!-o.e-<pc( So'¡' A- ý¡ /,K1 (:. (\ '~.J.. . < ,{! < ". f'!.X'e ) \ ('J ß., <~ I " fA . A I '<; f/lt)¡,CCl ,..j . , OWV'\ ~.e.. t t/) ~ ,', ' ~ ',~ Completion Date for Corrections _~~- '~ Date ~/a. ?/9s- Æ~ · .' .--!L~ Inspector , ',I tr~j 1 326·3979 ce:>RRECTION N0iCE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT \:~, (." (-... <) ,,:; , Locatioll .2lAt-'>k, 7 I Sub Div. 9-5 D I CJt.. ~ ~ig I fA. . Blk. . Lot .~, ?, ,..... ~'(~, ~ ,. ~ ," You are hereby required to make the following corrections at the above location: Cor. No "''') I . V Ý (.¡ (( ( \ f ,/ I <;; [/I ¡Ç I;, I-<?,¿ ç , , .-r ""/1 DI1, ¡OK IOI~ ...¡Á(2 dn . ~{; - L...J,q !f.@("'>( 'In/.(¿ rf 1,-"...,.¡<?,,-;-..5CJ DI eJ<'! r:,",~ ',¡ ';/ (--:-~~. - , '-, .1/ .1 /J J.. j, . f 't-(¡(f- rt' rIT'o:ç (,I' (, ¡ I ~', .5Si?/.>1c'":'1 0'./) -II\€ ~'Ç'f 16 /t-lt?£ ð..f) /flOr /f 4 )/ ,J'ç.J( 1.// ~eL;DI1C,lffoIT(OfJ o;€ .;f!ô~ c..":>711rf?Æ:? ) ~e Ye.l?l k<; '.f I ,ye 111f}r7 ¡Ch;'-4"'c'" fJf'-'lf!:..... , _ç'/ A 1~ / r,1 C I t'L. " l"t! (fL.' ':; ~-.~ :''''-]. :)\l :"L- \ '.'\. . ~ (-~, i' ~:. ".~\." -~ . \ \ . I ,J ¡ .....') ~ !,,'. . ~ ,'.. ~ t ~ ,} , . \ , . 1 h Ii: . \..'\" ;¡~' \ ,.. ti . , 'I' '. ." ~R ORtGINA~" Completion Date for Corrections '"/Á 7~Ç- . ~Zjl ¿~ 1.'- Date h/~'7 As- //k{/t.J'.?- /I''''a..... .·-<IL/-. .ç:,~ Inspector 326-3979 "- HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INSPE ON Business Name: Á l1c}v ì Location: ,!jf:jO I II) hk Mt Business Identification No. 215-000 Station No. Shift Arrival Time: .akersfield Fire Dept. OF. OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date Completed -2;2/ 'Î'" ~ 3 (Top of Business Plan) Inspector 5+("'ÙL Ut1Jc~ Departure Time: InsfYection Time: Address Visable Correct Occupancy Verification of Inventory Materials Verification of Quantities Verification of Location Proper Segregation of Material Comments: Ade~e Inad6uate ~ 0 ~ g tIt 0 ciJI' 0 Verification of MSDS Availablity Number of Employees: Verification of Haz Mat Training Comments: ~5 å\tv.kt' Verification of Abbatement Supplies and Procedures Comments: rnI , do- r!I' ~ ~ o Adeqljlte Inade~ate Emergency Procedures Posted æf ø Containers Properly Labled I\Ý 0 Comments: Verification of Facility Diagram rrI Housekeeping 0 Fire Protection 0 0 Electrical 0 ~D Comments: (fit) '). ~t\~ IV~ -M {r:Ic.. d\CJ.lt,!(( crÍ o ri' UST Monitoring Program o Comments: Permits ~ 0 Spill Control 0 Hold Open Device 0 ra/ Hazardous Waste EPA No. Proper Waste Disposal í 0 Secondary Containment 0 Security á 0 Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: l \. d I" I Violations: p t'45c. rC~ðiJ-t.. I1-cI 0 ~t\ ~~Utc.c.~ d.t'nul'llkt""~~ 40 n", !;{/ f··:Yi'1 S ín 6'1 Business Owner/Manager PRINT NAME {OO#\. ~'\.\fD<S I ,[(t,d I(À tk (ll ~y I Pftlk ¡kalct w I r J!:Jl' . White-Haz Mat Div. rn ~ ... ... All Items O.K 0/ Correction Needed rrt :> <II es. N LO <t:! ... Yellow-Station Copy Pink-Business Copy o u.. 4 \ ---PERMIf( 'STATEMENT UST/ASTPERMlT ~~ 011-52080 STATE SURCHARG 811-26115 TANK TESTING e? 011-56068 89 011-56010 ( +Chl-<Á-~-/ \ I \ \ ., FD 1595 , , \ Y\ {/Ì/'I (" ÇÞ.. 7_ / Bakersfield Fit D.ept. 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 " ' , AMOUNT 011-52280 011-52090 OTHER ". TOTAL DUE 7 lo8.ö3 ;t.: e \ . \ , : ~ ;. . , , -' ,r \ ',j j .:' \ ! /) .'"""- .f " ~ I -- - -- --- ",-.-..-.." . ,..,.-/ Ciiy of Bakersfield *** CUSTOFlER RECEIPT !j¡H! DATE: 9/27/95 Ø1 RECEIPT G: ØØØ7l¡48 MAPlE AMOUNT TP FR \JNDERGRN TANK $10,08 82 CK FR STATE SURCHAR ~157.92 86 CK TItlE: 14gL¡2:33 j' TOTAL r.HECK ,- - -y~_.-~-- ~.._- ,- (; 168. 09 --,---...- , . ' , . ¡ ./', Î. _....... . i . \ " ') á', . -.. ;., . , , ~~ -,; RE, HUEY HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR (805) 326-3979 e e CITY of BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE SAFETY SERVICES & OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVE. . BAKERSFIELD, CA . 93301 R,B. TOBIAS, FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3951 September 15, 1995 LUCKY 7 STORE #11 2501 WHITE LN A BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 Dèar BusinešsOwner: NOTICE OF VIOLATION STATE REGISTRATION REQUIREMENT Failure to renew your state registration is a violation of Section 25287, California Health and Safety Code, and will result in your Permit to Operate the underground tank(s) being revoked. Owners of underground storage'tanks must register those underground storage tanks with the State of California 'V'Jater Resources Control Board and renew that registration every five years. Our records indicate five years have passed since your last State registration pursuant to Section 25287 of the California Health and Safety Code. This means that for state registration renewal you must submit a state surcharge of $56.00 for each tank. Please make your check payable to the City of Bakersfield. You have 30 days from the date of this letter to return the state surcharge to 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, Ca. 93301.ìf you have any questions or if we can be of any _ _further assistance please don't hesitate_ to caIL326-3919.. D REH/ed Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator v ,vÎ 11 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TAN~SPECTION - Bakersfield Fire Dept. Office of Environmental Services Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME ~I}d'l 7 FACILITY ADDRESS :Jq"(J I w'\\k t.N BUSINESS 1.0. No. 215-000 ,<g:3 CITY f*:~ ZIP CODE 9 ~ '}() t( FACILITY PHONE No. 3 77 ~ ~7) ¿ 10# 10# 10# , ~/H(17 I 'L .3 INSPECTION DATE jhoduct Product 7¿~ct ¡Jill TIME IN TIME OUT n:'M tJN 1lIJ~' dM Inst Date Inst Date Inst Date INSPECTION TYP/ I~ f« 1t1~~ I?f~ FOLLOW-UP Size Size Size ROUTINE l M NlA /(J ,Mt'J /ð, aD!) REQUIREMENTS yes no n/a yes no nIa yes no nIa 1a. Forms A & B Submitted if 1b. Form C Submitted if 1c. Operating Fees Paid ./ 1d. State Surcharge Paid \/ 1e. Statement of Financial Responsibility Submitted 1/ 1f. Written Contract Exists between Owner & Operator to Operate UST j 2a. Valid Operating Permit :/ 2b. Approved Written Routine Monitoring Procedure (' -k ,/ 2c. Unauthorized Release Response Plan . ri." ì ~J :::'" 1/ 3a. Tank Integrity Test in Last 12 Months ^'" 1../ 3b. Pressurized Piping Integrity Test in Last 12 Months 3c. Suction Piping Tightness Test in Last 3 Years V 3d. Gravity Flow Piping Tightness Test in Last 2 Years ./ - 3e. Test Results Submitted Within 30 Days ,I ~ 3f. Daily Visual Monitoring of Suction Product Piping ;/ 01 '^ 4a. Manual Inventory Reconciliation Each Month i/ r C[ 4b. Annual Inventory Reconciliation Statement Submitted ¡/ ; , 4c. Meters Calibrated Annually ,/ ~ 5. Weekly Manual Tank Gauging Records for Small Tanks V .£ ...., 6. Monthly Statistical Inventory Reconciliation Results \/ ".( 7. Monthly Automatic Tank Gauging Results '" 8. Ground Water Monitoring ../ 9. Vapor Monitoring ..; 10. Continuous Interstitial Monitoring for Double-Walled Tanks :K- J 11. Mechanical Line Leak Detectors - v' 12. Electronic Line Leak Detectors ,/ 13. Continuous Piping Monitoring in Sumps / '>r' J 14. Automatic Pump Shut-off Capability if 15. Annual Maintenance/Calibration of Leak Detection Equipment \/ 16. Leak Detection Equipment and Test Methods Listed in LG-113 Series ~"/ 17. Written Records Maintained on Site 18. Reported Changes in Usage/Conditions to Operating/Monitoring Procedures of UST System Within 30 Days 19. Reported Unauthorized Release Within 24 Hours j 20. Approved UST System Repairs and Upgrades j 21. Records Showing Cathodic Protection Inspection ..¡ 22. Secured Monitoring Wells 11 23. Drop Tube V ..-- --- ) 'tt (" ~~ RE-INSPECTION DA RECEIVED BY: ~ INSPECTOR: OFFICE LEPHON~ ~ /t ~ FD 1669 (rev. 9/95) CCWRECIION NOTlíf BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT .,,(~ . ,= ()r-'ì':'" ,,-, ~) (, :) Locatiol1 t Y' ~'7 7 Sub Div. ~SD\ ~A )l~ie LV\ . Elk. . Lot You are hereby required to make the following corrections at the above location: '. Cor. No t..>"I/ne M 4 k'lÁO(.2,fZ-d 70 <0 c. P- 00c'-'2- /~ .~~~ ~¿Pletion Date for Corrections lo/,.,/5.s- Date o/S/9~ 7Z~ ~c::t~~ Inspector 326-3979 ;< , " ¡" " ( / ' f -..¡' ( ¡. I ~·.-:~:-"-r"".-'·:--<;-"-->: -'-r,...-,..~)-~_:_" \) .-.....- -~. U,NDI;RGRÒUND' STORAGE TANK_PECTION ; , ¡;.hiBakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division Bakersfield, CA 93301 " t: \¡ ¡ . ì ¡ , I i 1 I I I i I I I " ..'>.. BUSINESS I.D. No. 215-000 F(:5 CITY g./<M ZIP CODE 9~ if' t/ ~ECEIVED BY: -~fb OFFICE TELEPHONE No. , ~ - :5J79 ~¿7 ()... Ç'o r ¿oj, .../~ ¿" $A? - 37g.~ q/.š- ~S- TIME OUT II» I ~~ffi lJL In&l, g~.R Size I 0., t)Q ") FACILITY NAME .1" FACILITY ADDRESS /' FACILITY PHONE No. .- INSPECTION DATE TIME IN INSPECTION TYPE: ROUTINE V' ß -¡ RE-INSPECTION DATE Ii C ~~i INSPECTOR: -:?P~fi/2.AA~~;jj~ FOLLOW-UP REQUIREMENTS yes no r/' I' f\ vi \ V t/'". "/. ,/' Forms A & B Submitted Form C Submitted Operating Fees Paid State Surcharge Paid Statement of Financial Responsibility Submitted Written Contract Exists between OWner & Operator to Operate UST Valid Operating Permit Approved Written Routine Monitoring Procedure Unauthorized Release Response Plan Tank Integrity Test in Last 12 Months Pressurized Piping Integrity Test in last 12 Months Suction Piping Tightness Test in Last 3 Years Gravity Flow Piping Tightness Test in Last 2 Years Test Results Submitted Within 30 Days Dally Visual Monitoring of Suction Product Piping Manual Inventory Reconciliation Each Month Annual Inventory Reconciliation Statement Submitted Meters Calibrated Annually Weekly Manual Tank Gauging Records for Small Tanks <, Monthly Statistical Inventory Reconciliation Results Monthly Automatic Tank Gauging Results . Ground Water Monitoring " 9~ Vapor Monitoring '. Continuous Interstitial Monitoring for Double-Walled Tanks (\1(> (o"D'" '.~ 0 I:;... '* Mechanical Line Leak Detectors Electronic Line Leak Detectors Continuous Piping Monitoring In Sumps Automatic Pump Shut-offCapabllity Annual Maintenance/Calibration of Leak Detection Equipment Leak Detection Equiprtiënt-élnd Test Methods Listed in lG-113 Series Written Records Maintained'~ite Reported Chang's in UsagelCondÌtions to Operating/Monitoring Procedur!~.ofUST System Within 30 Days Reported Unauthorized Release Within 24 Hours Approved UST System Repair~ and Upgrades Records Showing Cat,hcSaið\Prot,ection Inspection Secured Monitoring WIIIS'/ /\ Drop Tube U_ 1.. 1b. 1c. 1d. 1e. 1f. 21. 2b. 2c. 3a. 3b. 3c. 3d. 3e. 31. 4a. 4b. 4c. 5. 6. 7. 8. '1 k '.\ r/ v "I " t/ 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. v " ¡/ Þ"""'" v' ~ '/#'6 1../ ~/ V'" ./ ..... 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. . -4' ? / - ....... - - , i II» ~ Product 0 /)/. rt ,,^,.r;, Inst~t·gca Size /1.. t:>C1t nla yes t/ ¡/'" v' þ;¡;;'\ {/ \ ¡ (' \ V' v V ,....... "" r/ "" V V V ...... ,/ r/ v" ,/' v- I/' no ~ ".- r/ &II" V" or ¥'" c/ r/ V 11""4 ,\. J Y V ./' .....- II» ..3 Product t JI- ~~Ú;1é!. In6t~e /988 Size /0 êXØ nla yes V" v ~ ...- .........-- I" vi" /"'\ /' V" V ý ...- V' ,/ V t/ 1/ V r/'" II""" .r Ý I /v / / Iv ý I; no nla v ~ --- t;/ .v- I'- i-" - -- v V V ~ V"""" \~ r- V- , , e/" V' V' ¡/' ~ ~ Vj',...-øV µ e/' ~ ~ .......- " FD 1669 ~ ,:-.... ""'~ ~ AUG-30-'95 10:39 T-BARBER=GRP BKFD -- e 1:1569-01 ..,~~ ,," ,> JPAXTRANSMITTAlL COVBR SHBBT v Total pages including cover sheet: Date: ~.ç , Addressee: ~ 1A,A(Z.K. "it.... pa<., Bm>. ReE 1Ør- Addressee's Company Location: Addressee's F~o.: _ ~Z(.. - O~~c. Sender: __.:-__~_~~ , .....................--..... Our Phone Number: (805) 834-3400 ex. 112 Our FAX Number: (805) 837-0969 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 45001, Bakersfield, Ca- 93384-5001 Physical Address: 4600 Wible Road, Bakersfield, Ca. 93313 Message: L.c.~ 1 ,., . I~ p~ '1 ~ ~r1JPk. The information contained in this facsimile is confidential ánd may also be attorney- client privileged. This information is intended only lor the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient or the agent or employee responsible for delivery to the intended reàpient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. JI you have received this lacsimile in error, please notify U8immediately by telephone and return the original message to us at the letterhead address via the U.S. Postal Service. Thank you. ' ¡:, " /" I ;: , I , ,,"'~ 1- AUG-30-'95 10:40 T-BARBER=GRP B~FD - ' 1:*569-02 . 21. ,Underground Tanks on premise5.. Lessee hereby acknowledges and agrees that there are three underground . gas01 ine tanks under the Premises. Lessor hereby represents and warrants, to the best of its knowledge but without \ indepenqent investigation or due diligence inquir~, that there is \. no leakage from such tank and that such tank conta1ns no hazardous substances or hazardous wastes. Lessor shall provide Lessee with a copy of the gas tank fitness report which was recently performed on the Premises.~Lessee sha.ll install new gas pump dispensers, :mQnitors and related equipment,- ~and shall be solely responsible \for~ and shall indemnify Lessor against and hold it harmless from~ any claim, loss, damage or expense, including any reasonable attorneys. fees, asserted against or suffered by Lessor relating to such tank, including~,without limitation, all 'foreseeable and all unforeseea.ble consequential damages, ~~rectly orl indirectly arising out of. the presence, use, generation, manufacture, storage, release, threatened release, leakage, or disposal of hazardous substances or hazardous wastes on, under or about the Premises, by any individual or entity, including the èost of any required or necessary repair, cleanup, demolition, detoxification, removal or disposal, ,and the preparation of any closure or oth~~ required plans, relating to such tank. 22. Right of First Refusal. In the event that Lessor decides to sell, convey, exchange or otherwise to dispose of the Premises or any portion thereof, at any time during the term of this Lease, Lessor shall give Lessee the first right to purchase the Premises on the same terms and conditions or to convey~ exchange or otherwise enter into an agreement of disposition on the same terms and conditions as set forth in a bona fide written agreement entered into between Lessor and a third person.6rentity ("Offer"). Upon the receipt of the Offer, Lessor shall immediately give notice to Lessee of the Offer and deliver to Lessee a photostatic copy of the Offer. If Lessee, within five days after receipt of the Offer, indicates in writing its decision to enter into a contract with Lessor upon the same terms and conditions, as set forth in the Offer, then Lessee shall immediately enter into a ,written contract with Lessor on the same terms and conditions as set forth in the Offer. If Lessee decides not to enter into a contract with Lessor within such five-day period, Lessor, within 60 days following expiration of the prior five-day period, shall have the right to sell, convey, exchange or otherwise dispose of the Premises under and pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in the Offer. If the Offer shall not be consummated for any cause whatsoever within such 60-day period, then any further transaction shall be deemed a new and different proposal and the. provisions of this Paragraph 22 shall be applicablé. 9 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TAN.PECTION . Baker'sfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME L..,.""~"7: , FACILITY ADDRESS ~r í ~(~ -i)~,~~ L", BUSINESS I.D. No. 215-000 ~ CITY ~~ ZIP CODE ct3'$()::.{: FACILITY PHONE No. IDI 101 101 l Cl. 3 INSPECTION DATE ?:~~/ ,,^ III Product Product TIME IN TIME OUT I jl ,9/...,<." II JL. .Jl... +AWR ~~ k,.,. bC2ð'\ 'e.Q ~v.ø.c( Inat/~B fA Inat Dal~~ Insl 0JIdi_ INSPECTION TY? ,q lq.ß~ FOLLOW-UP Size Size Size ROUTINE If\,..,~ \ O,,...,-,f") U~,ð~ REQUIREMENTS yes no nla yes no nla yes no nla 1a. Forms A & B Submitted ./ ,/ y / 1b. Form C Submitted ,/ ¡/ L/ 1c. Operating Fees Paid ",- V I/" 1d. State Surcharge Paid y- v /' ,/ 1e. Statement of Financial Responsibility Submitted v V' '" ,.....- 1f. Written Contract Exists between OWner & Operator to Operate UST ó¥- ",r ý "..., 2a. Valid Operating Permit 0/ ".. 0./ / 2b. Approved Written Routine Monitoring Procedure -It ,,/ c/ v 2c. Unauthorized Release Response Plan ~ ~ V ¡/ 38. Tank Integrity Test in Last 12 Months V IA ,,/ ../ 3b. Pressurized Piping Integrity Test in Last 12 Months ,/ /' ,/ 3c. Suction Piping Tightness Test in Last 3 Years v ¡./" ./' 3d. Gravity Flow Piping Tightness Test in Last 2 Years ,/' 0/ .......-" 38. Test Results Submitted Within 30 Days ~¡/" v .../ 3f. Daily Visual Monitoring of Suction Product Piping ,/ V t./ 48. Manual Inventory Reconciliation Each Month t/ ---- ¿.../ 4b. Annual Inventory Reconciliation Statement Submitted ¡/ V' / 4c. Meters Calibrated Annually ,/ v" ............ 5. Weekly Manual Tank Gauging Records for Small Tanks ,/ ¿./ ..-/ 6. Monthly Statistical Inventory Reconciliation Results ¡/ v - 7. Monthly Automatic Tank Gauging Results 0./ y" ~ 8. Ground Water Monitoring ¡/ V ....,/' 9. Vapor Monitoring .--V "./ ~' 10. Continuous Interstitial Monitoring for Double-Walled Tanka I~ ,/ fI.f " , ,/ 11. Mechanical Line Leak Detectors ,/ .".- ...-/' 12. Electronic Line Leak Detectors v< ,/ ,/ 13. Continuous Piping Monitoring in Sumps ~ V . V' V' 14. Automatic Pump Shut-off Capability / /" ...-/ 15. Annual Maintenance/Calibration of Leak Detection Equipment -H< V v ¡/" 16. Leak Detection Equipment and Test Methods Listed in LG-113 Series . ~ /' t/ /' ,;v 17. Written Records Maintained on Site ~ V /' v 18. Reported Changes in Usage/Conditions to OperatinglMonitoring ./ 0/ ¡' ............. Procedures of UST System Within 30 Days 19. Reported Unauthorized Release Within 24 Hours .,/ ,/ t,.../ 20. Approved UST System Repairs and Upgrades ,./ ,/ ........-' 21. Records Showing Cathodic Protection Inspection v ....-" ../ 22. Secured Monitoring Wells .,/ V' -- 23. Drop Tube ,,/ ,/ ~ RE-INSPECTIO~ RECEIVED BY: INSPECTOR:' ~~:::~);~ OFFICE TELEPHONE No. ~ ~q:;'?f FD 1669 "J'~- 0""0;:, --~~_ e., ~-:::-~ ~ --~ ,. ,~.F -..""!-.:~-..> ..,~~...-. . , ,è " \ . ~~~ ~ .j. U.Np~RGROUND STORAGE TAN'.PÊCTION 'Y' I: _/ . ..........' .~ ' . . 7"" . ."Bakersfield Fire Dept. , Hazardous Materials Divisibn .Bakersfield, CA 93301 '. r j:l , FACILITY NAME >.L,(2J~..z: 7 ' FACILITY ADDRESS %Df (.~?{" :+-'€. L", BUSINESS' I.D. No. 215-000 R3 CITY ~~JMÛ-J~l ZIP CODE Cf3'3tJ:.f , FACILITY PHONE No. II» II» II» I I") ~ INSPECTION DATE I ?:.: ~ I..A III Product Product TIME IN TIME OUT 1)/ ,91.. L' I JL- ð, .......01,\ "' . . Inat Da!e~~ Inst~ INSPECTION TY~ -f¥u" "'ß"';~~~.1Þ b~ ~Q ..-.o....ac( Inat ~~ 0. ,q . Iq.ß~ FOLLOW-UP Size Size Size ROUTINE /1\ h¡::"r\ \ O."",.·,F) 10, ð~D REQUIREMENTS yes no nla yes no nla yes no nla 1a. Forms A & B Submitted ¡/' V' y 1b. Form C Submitted ¡/. v f,;' 1c. Operating Fees Paid V V "'" 1d. State Surcharge Paid V l/ -;::- ¿../ 1e. Statement of Financial Responsibility Submitted v- b? ~ 1f. Written Contract Exists between OWner & Operator to Operate UST 4 r/' v" ...... 2a. Valid Operating Permit v 7 v .,/ 2b. Approved Written Routine Monitoring Procedure ~ t/' V V 2c. Unauthorized Release Response Plan :JI(" t/' , ,/ ¡/ 3a. Tank Integrity Test in Last 12 Months 7 M v t./ 3b. Pressurized Piping Integrity Test in Last 12 Months ../ ,,/ v 3c. Suction Piping Tightness Test in Last 3 Years v v c./ 3d. Gravity Flow Piping Tightness Test in Last 2 Years ./ v -' 3e. Test Results Submitted Within 30 Days V Ý .....- 3f. Daily Visual Monitoring of Suction Product Piping ¡/' ¡./ l./ 48. Manual Inventory Reconciliation Each Month V ¡./ 4-/ 4b. Annual Inventory Reconciliation Statement Submitted (/ V' Y" 4c. Meters Calibrated Annually ¡/ .......... ,........ 5. Weekly Manual Tank Gauging Records for Small Tanks ./' v .....- 6. Monthly Statistical Inventory Reconciliation Results ¡/' V' - 7. Monthly Automatic Tank Gauging Results ,./ ¡/ ---- 8. Ground Water Monitoring ,/ V ---- 9. Vapor Monitoring .., ./ - 10. Continuous Interstitial Monitoring for Double-Walled Tanks ~ r/ !Nt ,/ , ./ 11. Mechanical Line Leak Detectors ./ ". ........ 12. Electronic Line Leak Detectors v ,/ ~ 13. Continuous Piping Monitoring In Sumps ØIVl rY'" & V ..,..., 14. Automatic Pump Shut-off Capability '. ¡/ ./ --- 15. Annual MaintenancelCalibratiof.'l of Leak Detection Equipment ".,~ V y 'c' t/' , 16. Leak Detection EquipmentandlTest Methods Listed in LG-113 Series . 1.ft"l; ~ ".. t/ /' -,/ 17. Written Records Maintaln~ on Site ~ ...... V V v 18. Reported Changes in UsagëJConditions to OperatingJMonitoring Procedures of UST Syste"Ì,1Within 30 Days ,/' v ....... 19. Reported Unauthorized Release Within 24 Hours ./ ;;-. .... " t../ 20. Approved UST System Repairs and Upgrades v I/' 1./" 21. Records Showing Cathodic Protection Inspection v ......... c./' 22. Secured Monitoring Wells ,~ ,,;' Y" - 23. DropJube , ,/' ~ --' "{¢¡,' {\' -tf'! , .' RE-INSPECTION DA!7 -79 . " ' RECEIVED BY: INSPECTOR: --;¡~ é~~~~~. OFFICE TELEPHONE No. ~.- q:;?f FD 1669 .. ';1 '._.':.-- 'lIT of BAKERSFIEL~ "WE CARE" January 30, 1995 FIRE DEPARTMENT M. R. KELLY FIRE CHIEF WARNING! 1715 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD. 93301 328-3911 CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REQUIRED .::: 1 5--Ø00-0000B3 LUCKY 7 STORE #11 2501 (,.jHITE LN A BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: Our records indicate that your business does not have a Certification of Financial Responsibility on file with this office. Please forward either a copy of your existing State approved mechanism to show financial responsibility or else complete the attached Certification of Financial Responsibility form. An attached letter from the State Water Resources Control Board lists the approved financial responsibility mechanisms required to pay for corrective actions resulting from leaking underground fuel tanks. Remember, most tank owners only have to show financial responsibility for at least $10,000 of clean up liability. The Underground Storage Tank Clean Up Fund (USTCF) may be used as the mechanism to cover the remaining accidental release liability. The total amounts of financial responsibility required (check boxes from section A of form) are as follows: If you don't sell product from you tanks, and you pump less than 10,000 gallons per month, check "$500,000 per occurrence". Else, or if you are in the business of selling from your tanks, check "1 million dollars per occurrence", For owners of 101 or more petroleum underground storage tanks, check the -2 million dollar annual aggregate" box. All others need only check the "1 million dollars annual aggregate" box. . Please be aware that failure to provide the financial responsibility document to this office within 30 days will result in your Permit to Operate being revoked. (25285.1 (b) California Health & Safety Code). If you have any questions, or would like help in completing the Certification of Financial Responsibility, please contact Howard Wines, Hazardous Materials Technician, at 326-3979. Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/dlm e .~ CITY of BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE SAFETY SERVICES & OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVE. . BAKERSFIELD, CA . 93301 R,E, HUEY HAl-MAT COORDINATOR (805) 326-3979 R,B. TOBIAS, FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3951 September 15, 1995 LUCKY 7 STORE #11 2501 WHITE LN A BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 Dear Business Owner: NOTICE OF VIOLATION STATE REGISTRATION REQUIREMENT Failure to renew your state registration is a violation of Section 25287, California Health and Safety Code, and will result in your Permit to Operate the underground tank(s) being revoked. Owners of underground storage tanks must register those underground storage tanks with the State of California Water Resources Control Board and renew that registration every five years. Our records indicate five years have passed since your last State registration pursuant to Section 25287 of the California Health and Safety Code. This means that for state registration renewal you must submit a state surcharge of $56.00 for each tank. Please make your check payable to the City of Bakersfield. You have 30 days from the date of this letter to return the state surcharge to 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, Ca. 93301. If you have any questions or if we can be of any further assistance please don't hesitate to call 326-3979. Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/ed 15;,L Ope Materials Storage Facility rate to Permit U Ilderground Hazardous ?J16ðG~^ ~:rm \ ¡':;:::!:'/RE v ER SE SID E ,{~~~jjf\j~;~~~::i::;~::::::,: '~:::\:::. . . .. . ......... . ..... ... Y ........:::\::::::.. ·T·' '·;::'::::k::::··;;\::··::·:·::\·· P· . ear...... . an .... ...... Iplng nsl~fìi:~:": ..iit~~,~~~:~;;:~.:::·?·::\: T y P e ........... ~...... .....,.... 29··:······ '.. . . :.:. ....!þ ... . . . - . .. . '.', '9r···· .... .... vJ r ..::;;::::·~::::;::::::..·;!:;¡::t:\ '=: :¡ :::::;;.:;.:: '::(.::::':::: t:.::·:...·...·.·.·.·:·::::.;:::::;:·.::..:::~:..:.:::::;;'::;.;.;: J.k··:·:····· ;1'..:'.::\;::: (:: t*m ... . . .~. . ... ) No. it No. D. I. . State Piping Monitoring .¡1Cf) 1\ ) ( Piping Method pre$~~ ( \ ) J' ( .. CONDIT "N,)'} f(....s UIL tJ / L.. Hazardous Substance ¡J 1\..... f2 e.f}·.J ~ r ? re..t'\.1 \)'" J -<c..  ~.~ð4 C' -"v CJ ~ + ~'V!J ~ 7 S.-'oFe W ~ ,~e- L."ro.e. .svrj. l u ~ I:: \1 / '2 '~0 ( Bakersfield Fire Dept. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 r (~ ., ..., /, I c1 from: Valid Ralph E. Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinator Tank Number f , Z ~ ~ Issued By: ~ :»~.' ".. :: . . . ~ Approved by: ------ --=---~ ~ ,I r- State of California __ State Water Resources ~l Board (Instructions on revene ) . CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBiliTY FOR UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS CONTAINING PETROLEUM A. I am required to cIomOll.llrale F"UWICiaI Reapouibility in the required amounts as specified in Section 2807. Ch_pler 18, Div. 3. Tide 23. CCR: Øsoo.ooo doUan per occunenœ 0 1 minion doUars _DDual .grell_te or AND or D 1 minion doUars per occurreDœ D 2 miDion dollars .DDual_grellate B. M::rr3 Å15IXL Þfjf;;5 hereby certifies that it is in compliance with the requirements of Section 2807, (NII/Zle ofTuJc 010'II.... or 0penlDr) Article 3, Chapter 18, Division 3, Title 23, California Code of Regulations. Thè mechanisms used to demonstrate financial responsibility as required by Section 2807 are as follows: ¡~~¡:'!:!¡:~jð~':;:::::::' ·:::·:::i::¡:::I:;::S;¡;·~~~ili:j:ij:;1:f:.:':W:;0··...···...:'..: :·:::::::::·::....::..:~~~g~2..:·::·:· .. :¡·:.¡:¡i.~lm~~.¡.:¡..¡::.:¡.~~~~~:.:.··.·... ·.B'A~rid~r·. .~gg~f0Y ~~)p--~ ~_~~1= _,~~~__ ~e¡S ~ Ii LOI~ -- --- -- ---- - -- --- ---- J I ! Note: l!J'ouare L'Sing the State Fund as any part of your demonstration of financial responsibility, your execution and submission of this certification also certifies that au are in com ¡¡ance with all conditions for rtici tion in the Fund. . FlålityNlIDe L~ ~ Sîbné ~ It Flålity Addr... ZS'"V I \M~~ 1£ L/I\ -:tJ ir 6Jd'J. FlålityName Flålity Addreu Flålity Name Faålity Addr... Flålity Name Faålity Addr... Faålity Name Faålity Addreu Dare ~ þt. 4~ ~ fc(2.. OOß ~t£t~ Dare NlIDe aDd 11de ofTaak 0-.. orOponsar ~ ~1r«S ~. NameofWlIll_orNo1:lt)' CFR(1W92) FILE: Orip.¡aI - Loca1 Apf:'J Copies - FlålitylSite(l) =- --- . . INSTRUCTIONS ~IFI~ION OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILI~ FORM Please type or print clearly all information on Certification of Financial Responsibility form. ' All UST facilities and/or sites owned or operated may be listed on one form; therefore a separate certificate is not required for each site. DOCUMENT INFORMATION A. Mlxnt R~i red - Check the appropriate boxes.' B. N~ of Tank OWner - FulL name of either the tank owner or the operator. or ~tor C. Meehanisa Type - N¡1IIe of I SStRr - Meehanisa NUllber - Coverage AImwIt - Coverage Peri od - Corrective Action - Third Party - CCIIIpenSati on D. Facility- I nfo....ti on E. Signature Block - Indicate which State approved mechanism(s) are being used to show financial responsibiLity either as contained in the federal regulations, 40 CFR, Part 280, Subpart H, Sections 280.90 through 280.103 (See FinanciaL Rponsibility Guide, for more information), or Section 2802.1, Chapter 18, Division 3, Title 23, CCR. L~st aLL names and addresses of companies and/or individuals issuing coverage. List identifYing' number for each mechanism used. or file number as indicated on bond or docunent. (State Fund) Leave bLank.) Example: insurance poLicy number (If using State CLeanup Fund Indicate amount of coverage for each type of mechanism(s). If more than one mechanism is indicated, total must equaL 100% of financial responsibiLity for each facH ity. Indicate the effective date(s) of all financiaL mechanism(s). (State Fund coverage wouLd be continuous as Long as you maintain compliance and remain eLigible to continue participation in the Fund.) Indicate yes or no. Does the specified financial mechanism provide coverage for corrective action? (If using State Fund, indicate "yes".) Indicate yes or no. Does the specified financial mechanism provide coverage for third party c~ation? (If using State Fund, indicate "yes".) Provide all facility and/or site names and addresses. Provide signature and date signed by tank owner or operator; printed or typed name and title of tank owner or operator; signature of witness or notary and date signed; and printed or typed name of witness or notary (if notary signs as witness, please pLace notary seaL next to notary's signature). Where to Mai l certification: P_!~~~~ s~,d ·~~!::f"al t.o y~-~~-l-~c~t ~ge~~~y- (3gç.;~CY ~'hc' ~~~~es ·ycur l!!:T--permitg·~. ~(.~ep--2-·COpy- nf· the certification at each facility or site Listed on the form. Questions: If you have questions on financial responsibiLity requirements or on the Certification of Financial Responsibil ity Form, please contact the State UST Cleanup Fund at (916) 739-2475. Note: Penal ties for Failure to CoaDly with Financial Resøonsibil itv Reca¡i.--nts: Failure to comply may resuLt in: (1) jeopardizing claimant eligibiLity for the State UST CLeanup Fund, and (2) liability for civil penaLties of up to $10,000 doLlars per day, per underground storage tank, for each day of violation as stated in Article 7, Section 25299.76(a) of the California Health and Safety Code. ..-;.- l t " .. ,..---~ I ~ ...,-- . - BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS STORAGE FACILITY Permit No.: 310069C State ID No.: 310069 Issued to: LUCKY 7 STORE Location: 2501-A WHITE LN BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 Owner: ' SURjIT SINGH 2501-A WHITE LN BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 Operator: LUCKY 7 STORE 2501-A WHITE LN BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 I Facility Profile: Tank No. 1 2 3 Substance GASOLINE GASOLINE GASOLINE Capacity 10,000 GAL 10,000 GAL 10,000 GAL Year Installed 1988 1988 1988 Is Piping Ihs!uiøl YES YES YES This permit is granted subject to the conditions listed on the attached summary of conditions and may be revoked for failure to adhere to the stated conditions and/or violations of any other State or Federal regulations. Issue Date: JULY 1, 1991 :;;¡;b;7¿~ Title: Hazardous Materials Coordinator Expiration Date: JULY 1, 1994 POST ON PREMISES NONTRANSFERABLE . . BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS STORAGE FACILITY Permit No.: 310069C State ID No.: 310069 Issued to: LUCKY 7 STORE Location: 2501-A WHITE LN BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 Owner: ' SURjIT SINGH 2501-A WHITE LN BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 Operator: LUCKY 7 STORE 2501-A WHITE LN BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 Facility Profile: Tank No. 1 2 j Substance GASOLINE GASOLINE GASOLINE Capacity 10,000 GAL 10,000 GAL 10,000 GAL Year Installed 1988 1988 1988 Is Piping I\eHDøl YES YES YES This permit is granted subject to the conditions listed on the attached summary of conditions and may be revoked for failure to adhere to the stated conditions and/or violations of any other State or Federal regulations. Issued by: Ralph E. Huey Issue Date: JULY 1, 1991 Title: Hazardous Materials Coordinator Expiration Date: JULy 1,1994 POST ON PREMISES NONTRANSFERABLE .;., . . f' PERMIT NUMBER J /éJð(óFj-- C TYPE OF INSTALLATION , (A" 1. In-Tank Level Sensor (~ 2. Leak Detector c.f~C.é K. S7f)¡{e:- tCm? ø?SQJ WHrrE' Ú/fllt=, ¿A-ŒRJ'P£vJ I Jm Ak- ¡1{;w ~Ðf..- ( ) 3. Fill Box FACILITY NAME FACILITY ADDRESS CONTACT PERSON 1. IN TANK LEVEL SENSORS Number of Tanks 3 List By Tank ID (,.(1'1)(, (I 1.(:.70 . ~:t /I Name of System Manufacturer & Model Number Contractor/Installer ~-l 2. LEAK DETECTORS Number of Tanks ~ ~ List By Tank ID £é0- ~t Lf!!: ~CEìLT ~Q¡)t-L ~ - C--({;Þ ,-CO J f<f - .-< S-J ~ ~O l'~ 't {1 ¡fj K -.... 1/ " Name of System Manufacturer & Model Number Contractor/Installer 3. FILL BOXES Number of Tanks List By Tank ID Name of System Manufacturer & Model Number Contractor/Installer ---::.:::-;c :;'r::~("C ~ _~ '--=='--_. ~_ L ,"-_ (! /~Clé ( {I&¡£IU&llé~C¡:- fiodt:;; he ~ OWNER/OPERATOR [JAN: It '199~ D"ATE - ,.. .-~~ rñl~~QêJdJ~M llli ( H3W1na "èJ )LQj PERMITi'~ .............. .. ....,..................................... FACILITY N.E: ....................................................... ENV. SENSITIVITY... ...... NUMBER ÓF TANKS AT THE SITE: ...................... ...................-.. EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON(PRIMARY): N AM E : .....:................................................................................................................................................................................................ PHONE NUMBER: ..........................................................n...............····.....·..·.··....···.·..·..·.·.-..........h·..·..............................n....... EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON(SECONDARY): NAME: "5 ¡Dc) 6Cf ( .............-.......................................................... ". .................................................... ···········....··......·...........................n " PHONE NUMBER: '................................................................ .........................................................................-........................ TANK OWNER INFORMATION: NAME: ......._...................................................................................................n................................._................._.....____..__...._.......... ADDRESS: ......................-........... ............................ ................ ................... .......................................... ...............-..-.....-.. ..............-...- PHONE NO.: TANK CONTENTS: ·....·...........__..n........................... ... ................................... ......-..................................-.............-.................................- I' TANK # I MANUFACTURER YEAR INSTALLED CAPACITY CONTENTS , . I II TANK CONSTRUCTION: TANK ~ -TYPE(dw, sw, sec.cant. ) MATERIAL INT. LINING CORROSION PROTo I - I I ....-..-.............. GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLS .......................................... U - TUB E S WIT H L I N E R S VAPOR DETECTOR LIQUID SENSORS LEAK DETECTION: TANKS: VISUAL ...-..-........ VADOSE ZONE MONITORING WELLS U-TUBES WITHOUT LINERS ..............:.¡.......... ......................... CONDUCT I V I TY SENSORS ........_...................... PRESSU RE SENSORS IN ANNULAR SPACE .._..................._ L I QU I D RET R I EV AL SYSTEMS IN U-TUB ES, MON I TOR I NG WELLS, OR ANNU LAR ........._............ NON E ....................9 N K NOW N .............................. 0 THE R ................................................................................................................. .........-.-................ PIPING INFORMATION: TANK ~ SYSTEM TYPE (SUC. PRES. ,GRAV. ) CONSTRUCTION (SW.DW,LINED TR) MATERIAL 1 £)E/0SDR ç -ç1Ù 1 S"-{~'Y1,d S A/~/Y) ~ A 'ð,:..:L~ ''¡--Ai<. / . , / ' LEAK DETECTION: PIPING: FLOW RESTRICTING LEAK DETECTORS FOR PRESSURIZED PIPING ............................ MONITORING SUMP WITH RACEWAY SEALED CONCRETE RACEWAY HALFCUT COMPATIBLE PIPE RACEWAY --................. SYNTHETIC'LINER RACEWAY NONE UNKNOWN CTHE.ï;: MONEY PUMP GALLONS MONEY PUMP GALLONS tV'q0/U - II)N JUJ III 1/Æ.1<¡¡ &9. æ#::~:~~~~ g-;:. ~...v? 0 rrrnr~~ MONEY DIESEL eðlYl¡1: jj;.. c..J ¡ vL-'lv' I 7ímtg) Slore No Shift Daily Gasoline Report -11/ Date 19_ Day PUMP REGULAR GALLONS GASOLINE METER READINGS UNLEADED PREMIUM UNLEADED MONEY PUMP GALLONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ~~~: 10 ~ ~11 12 13 14 15 . , TOTAL CLOSe OPEN ¡. 1~:{~~' (,;-~;, -.:,';'::,' ,r;I" :' , I' . .. . ,;'-V '.:. ,,' , , SALES ...... ~7":i,~'i) ; ¡:;, ,,::-,..: -,~~ \.." '. ) ) ,) )( ,) - I~"'" > LESS PUMP TEST NET SALES SALES PRice i):)~~'''.·,; ~. '. "':'..',", . , .'''1....; '". í:j· ~ . ",'.: I , .. , AMOUNT RETAIL CLOSING TANK INVENTORY GASOLINE INVENTORY CONTROL - GALLONS ¡J~ 16 /0 C; 18 Z. 19 '/I~ ~ - WATER INVENTORY '. 33 Inches: II~Ches: Inches: Premium Ree ular Unleaded Unleaded Diesel Inches Gallons InChes Gallons Inches Gallons Inches Gallons M 21 fill~:'~B ;t"~:'e~'~~~'~¡r'~~?lm Last Report 22 Plue DtlIYerIeI )", -..;u;: T7T . 23 Bill of lading. );. . 24 Bill of lIdlng' , ) , 25 Bill of lading", 26 L.. CIotlng Stick (Line 20) 27 Equals Stick Reading Sales Regular Unleaded Premium Unleaded Diesel .. , , 17 ..', ,-, , : " Inches: Price Changes: 28 Meter Sales (Line 13) 29 Less Slick Reading Sales (Line 27) 30 Over (-I Short (-) (Daily) 31 Plus Yesterday's MTD Over/Short 32 MTD oYer/Shott (30 + 31) On Ihe lirst day 01 EACH month Line 31 will be zero II lone 28 is greater than line 29. line 30 is over (-). illine 28 is less than line 29. then lone 30 is short (-), Notes Competitor Prices: \, Slick Readings By, (1) REG UNL PNL DSL OTHER . MeIer Readings By Manager's Signature: (2) REG UNL PNL DSL OTHER . (3) REG UNL PNL DSL OTHER (4) REG UNL PNL DSL OTHER CK291 (Rev 3/88) I . __-1 ..~..' , Nay ::'5, 1990 To Whom It Kay Concern: For all ma::::e:-s involving environmental compliance (be it violations, gasoline tank permits, testing, etc.) of the Circle K Co:-poration Stores in the State of California, please send yo~r correspondence to our California Environ- mental Di:-ecto:-, Michael D. Karvelot, at the following address: Circle K District Office 6101 N. Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 92335 Cordially, /) /J ,! I ,ý _II .tj F{/ß,¡J.!..L i!::!V\ -..If ('-' Ruth H.Bulmer Environmental Coordinatòr /' " or:' , . '. / / />.(\/~/ , '::ll 3/ ()J(¿;; 7 , /./ THE :iRCLE K CORPORP:r¡ON 6 1 0 1 N. S I ERR A A V E N U E . F 0 N TAN A, C A 9 2 3 3 6 · (7 l' 4) 8 2 3 - 0 6 9 1 l ~. '. ,. . . ..'. ,: .'~ '.=1: I t::'}!L: l1/~<~'i·""1'~'!~ :~~1··t·~~4f;'~' ~';'~ .;::. " :.,''', ,. ,:",t",·",;·, " "'.1' '.~:: ! 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'-:3. ci-L 1M.. ~ -r~ U/a..¿J ....... --.t[t-_:L;:;Hi~ Al¡::::;-~~:~ ',1 ~¡CL,-l ~a:fIU-/ : (ß~~ J¡ ð -y;- ~~.L,. . ,.La-r ,ÅJ2.a.'ti~,-- ~ ~~ d~~ ."'- ~ ' ,,{¿.. ~C!...~icAA a.t" ~~. ' · '. FILE CONTESTS SUMMARY FACILITY: C \ r~\e k ADDRESS: W~Y\e PERMIT # :-3-100 to Cf ENV. SENSITIVITY: Activity Date # Of Tanks Comments Qpp)¡W¡'Or1 llç27/R~ ~-:S ne /J ) (!ð ns-/'/Ú("-/' . 3 /ðlJ t:; 9 ?//5'/¡~ 3 I t 2700 M STREET MAILING ADDRESS 1415 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 . . KERf\¡ ~OUNTY HEALTH DE PAR IIv1ENT HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT UNDERGROUND STORAGE FACILITY DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard PERMIT NUMBER #3100698 FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: Circle K White Lane Bakersfield. CA The Circle K Corporation 17781 Cowan Street Irvine, CA 92714 EST I Construction P.O. Box 10941 Bakersfield. CA 93389 License #526048 Phone # (805) 325-8276 XX! I_I I_I ,--.J I NEW BUSINESS CHANGE OWNERSHIP RENEWAL MODIFICATION OTHER PERMIT EXPIRES July 15. 1989 ~ APPROVAL DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APPROVED BY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .POST ON PREMISES CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. All construction to be as per facility plans approved by this department and verified by inspection by Permitting Authority. 2. All equipment and materials in this construction must be installed in accordance with all manufacturers' specifications. 3. Permittee must contact Permitting Authority for on-site inspection(s) with 48 hour advance notice. 4. Backfill material for piping and tanks to be as per manufacturers I specifications. 5. Float vent valves are required on vent/vapor lines of underground tanks to prevent overf~llings. 6. Construction inspection record card is included with permit given to Permittee. This card must be posted at jobsite prior to initial inspection. Permittee must contact Permitting Authority and arrange for each group of required inspectioins numbered as per instructions on card Generally, inspections will be made of: a. Tank and backfill b. Piping system with secondary containment c. Overfill protection and leak detection/monitoring d. Any other inspection deemed necessary by Permitting Authority DISTRICT OFFICES Delano . Lamont . Lake Isabella . Mojave . Ridqecrest . Shalter . Taft . e PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT UNDERGROUND STORAGE FACILITY PERMIT NUMBER .310069B ADDENDUM 7. All unàergrounà metal conneC{:lons (e.g. piping, fittings. fill pipes) to tank(s) must be electrically isolateà, and wrapped to a minimum 20 mil thickness with corrosion-preventive, gasoline-resistant tape or otherwise protected from corrosion. 8. No product shall be stored in tank(s) until approval is granted by the Permitting Authority. 9. Contractor must be certified by tank manufacturer for installation of fiberglass tank(s) or tank manufacturer's representative must be present at site d~ring installation. 10. Monitoring requirements for this facility will be described on final "Permit to Operate." ACCEPTED BY¿~ DATE , 7/~5/çð . I Kern County Health Depr m. Divjsion of Environmen:, Health 1700 Flower Street, Bakersfield, CA 93305 (805} 861-3636 . Pormit No-.3t~~-f3 Application Date -- ( A. APPLICATION FOR PERHlT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILI1Y TYP~ Of Application (check): ~New Facility Oftlodification Of Facility OExisting Facility OTransfer Of Ownership Émergency 24-Hour Contact (name, area code, phone): Days 'DUG:{ \.\OL.ONéN t81'ß)EA -~{¡;. Nights" ,1 (ßI~)~-~'? Facility Name c.,ec.l.,E.· t<:::. No. Of Tanks '? Type Of Business (check): ~Gaso] ine Station Œ Other (describe) fooD M Þ-t<."T Is Tank(s} Located On An Agricultural Farm? []Ves []No Is Tank(s) Used Primarily For Agricultural Purposes? []Yes DNo Facil ity Address WI.\\í~ L,þ."""- ~b.'t-~ 26FiiU>, c...b.. Nearest Cross St .µLJ~tH'::-S A.V'E:.. T R SEC (Rural Locations Only) OW-her ..2- L2~ :-:-;:>C.... Con~ct Person Address 0-- Zi P . 0'--\ Telephone Operator í\+E:. c-n2t.t...e. " c.ol2f'Og&í\o~ CUlltact Person Dh.~¡<\1£L SíoeW~A.¡.JD Address 1"7181 c,oWAN ~ií IRV N~. t..-þ.. Zip q1..ï.I4- Telephone é7J'8 4ì4 - ~14-"'3 B. Depth to Grounch·,¡ater ~ Water To Facility Provided By CA. WÞ.'Í~¡e: .ex12:vl~~ Soil Characteristics At FacilHy oft-t+o lJ¡;2~ L.b.J..JO Basis For Soil Type and Groundwater Depth Deternd nations HoOelZAíF-t.:r' ~w f'E'eH Eh.ðlbJ..1'::(: C. Contractor ~ H? . Address Proposed Starting Date 6:>/ I/g.g Worker1s Compensation Certification No. CA Contractor's'Liccnsc No. Zip Telephone Proposed Complel i.on DatI? g /I/ß'ß . Insurer D. If This Permit Is Modifications Proposed For Hodification NfÞr. Of Existing .Faci] i ty , Briefly Describ An E. TBnk(s) Store (check all that apply) : Tank # Waste Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded Hcgular fl:..emium !)i~s(~ 1 í~ :l ~~ t e Fuel Oil I 0 [1] !11 ~ 0 0 0 0 2- 0 ill 31 [J ~ 0 0 CJ "b 0 [¡] 0 0 ŒJ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F. Chemical Composition Of ~laterials Stured (nol neces~;ary for motor vehicJ(~ [u~~]s) Tank # Chemical Stored (non-commercial name) CAS # (if knOl'ln) Chemi c-ª_U.re.'{i9.l~~)Y_.5_~~oXc._(! (if di ffcrent) t-Jltx. G. Transfer Of pwnership Date Of Transfer N /j>r Previous Facility Name Previous Owner I, accept fully all obligéJtions of Permit No. issued t I understand that the Permitting Authority may revie\'l an modify or tel'minate the transfer of the Permit to Operate tJl is undeq.;round storar facility upon receiving this completed form. - - - ------ - - - -" ------- - - - - ------ ----- This form has been completed under pennlty of perjury and to the best of my knuwle(l~e is true and correct. Sigl1atuT'p. Åuws ~ ~~ Title 'Pgoj~í Mb.I-.IAtqE::e I);: Lp ? /ZÎ/ B"b . , . \ JH EAC!.! (\;LI.L UUI ~jl'.I"\l\, .~ It:. 1 1'''1\ ("",.. ....... iH';~JJ!)N, Ci-!'~Ü~-'1iL:L-l :ÜPitΡ\'rli UÜXËš ~\'6CJ\o..~ 'B T^NK I ...-.--( I. I, TUIIß .is: O·VulIll.ud 0 NOII-'\!íIUll:l:d Œ] f)ollhl(:-\v¡¡ J 0 :>,ill ~Le-Wílll 2, Tl1!.!.!s. ~lu~.~~riill o Cill'\)!)1\ ~'¡'l:(!(·d 0 St¡¡.inlr!HS SI'f~t:1 C¡ Polyv.illyl Ghlol'.ide 0 FilJel'I\.I.¡¡:.;s-(;taú SI: ~ Fl\lr~q:Jass- {,:.il\rliL'(;etl l'li1sl:ic [J C( IICI'!!!.I: [J ^lum.il1um [J !.I I'UI1Z!.: [] IJllkll( \\'1I Cl fJllwl' (rle:.;t;¡'.i IH!): :3. e..dmu 1'Y..~:~!!!..~;tl~!~!!~. \Jute lll:>lalll!d ThiL:l<JIess (.IIIc!\I:¡';) Cal'¡¡c;il:y (Gulloll::;) ~la¡¡lIruc;tlln:l' Ju~6 ~o ß~ \00 000 ~E: e ~es 4, l'ill!!s. ~'?~l..E~IJ.~~!!!.~:Y.. l:( !!..U..LU!!'!~~!.1.~. o )ollldu'-\vaJJ 0 S~I tlI1!Lj(; I..ilw!' f.J 1.;111:11 Voull [J NOIH! 0 Ullkllown [J Ut:llel' (rleser'ill(!): Þlollllfoc\;l1ret': '\ I· ' 1¡:Ie.e~(:r~" '['I' I ( l I ) C il (0 1 )/ l'éI.(!I',Ií1IR~¡::O~c.eo PlJohí," IlG(\leSS IIC (~H apélC:: Y él S, o~ ~, Iill!~ l!!.I:!~!.:.iul' l1..!U.!U~ (j.~-P.) o HIlIJIH~l' 1:1 ^Ilq'¡ 0 Epoxy [J Phellol it: f.J IjJass 0 Clay !XI Unlilwd 0 U\1!u f:J OLher (desc::dlJeJ: 6, Tan/< ~.!.!n'..2s.i~!~t .D.:~L~£!¿~J~l! c¡ (;nlvHlIl7.ed [K¡ FiIJen;.!ass-C.lnd {.J I'lIlyethyl(!/I(~ IVi'UP 0 Vinyl \~rappint' [.1 Tal' III' ^spl1illL 0 IJnkllu\~1I 0 NOIl(~ 0 Uthel' (descl'ibe): (,;a~hu(U_!~ )~ILecU.!!l!: 0 NOlie 0 LmlJl'ess(~d l.:ul"l'ent System 0 Sacrificial ^Ilvde Sy~ IjJ UesGl'ihe SysL(~11\ & gquipmül1t: H/Á - (F.e.p. ..,-,b.I4K.) 7. ..1.t!l!I< lJu lue LI 011, MIJl!.lJJ1J:.l1œ, Dlld 111 leL:f.f::.lLU!2..!! <1. Tí.1~¡ c [J ViSl1í¡[ (víl\¡/Lr~d tanks (Jl1ly) Cj (;r·olllldt.¡nl:ei' r'!( lIltoi'll1~~ \velJ(s) rJ V¡¡¡ ( SI: ï.111l(: MOil i tOl' i III: \Ú~Jl (s) C] ¡¡-Tullf: \vl!./¡uul I. illel' 1-:11J.-TIl\w \vilh ¡:ompí1l'ihll~ I.j!II!!' Uil"!:I:\il1l~ Fln\.; To ~1( l1jlol'il1[~ Well(s)* [J Va!>!)I' Ih! LI!I; \'0)' * fXJ . i t \J i II L(!v(!J ~CI\S( 1' * 0 CUlIlluG I..i v j Ly Sensur"* [] Pr'essUl'e Sellsor 111 ^lIlIlIli:II' Space Of Douhle' \vall '!'éJIÙ< * LJ Liquid [{el.t'lev¡¡J ,)c 1l1specl:fon Fnllll \J-TlIbe, ~1ullltOl:illl! IVldl Or Allnular' Spa !.] lJé\lly Uùll¡!;~l\g & lnventot"Y Hecom:llialiulI 0 Pee'ludic Tl[!!1tncss Tust:illl~ o NOlie 0 UllknoNn 0 Ut!1el' . I). ,-Pi/dllf!: 0 FJ()\~-Hestr'icl:il.lg Leôl< Delector(s) Fur Press\Il'izerl Piµing* IJ ~lol\i tUl'illf~ Slimp \vi LIt {acCI~íJ~1 0 Scaled GOllcr'cle {ûcel~é1Y U !laif-CIII: CUlI1pütible Pipe Hacewûy 0 Synthetic Liner HacewûY 0 None LI IInkl\o\vl\ [] \)1:l1£~t' * IJI!sc;l"ibe Make & Model: PDl..L.\,)l_e~í -c.oNí~'- LlN\í" FD lo~. pl<oe~-'210 ~A. 8, ~l'allkILr~t~J~~ess Ilns This Tani< Uel~1I Tightness Tested? CJ Yes 0 No ŒI Unknown /Jnt!'! (]f Lnst Ti(!f¡lrlt~ss Test .N./p., /{eslllts (}f Test tJ.//:. TI!sl: Nalll(! 'l'l!sLll\l~ CUIl1¡JUIlY 9, lanl~ H.!W,il.Lr Tflllk ¡{(¡{iii i t'cd? [J Yes 0 No [J tJld<lIIJ\'¡11 lJC1te(s) uf i{epair(s) NIP.. )p.scrilw I~c{lnil'!': 10, !!verfLU. .!)I'ote£..ti~.!! U IJ lt!I'UI:UI' Fjl.Js, Cunt1'ol:;, & Visllillly ~t()l¡jt()I'S Levcl o Tape Float Gí.lU[~P. ŒJ Float Vent Va.lVI~S [J ^Ilto Sh\lt-O[[ Controls o CapacItance Sensor 0 Sealf!d FlU Box [.1 None 0 UnLwown o Other': List Make & Model Fot" Above De\. 11. l'i plug a,a;:::? IJlldeI'¡~rolll (1 I'ipilll~: hl Yes 0 No I 0 Ullkl\U\vn Material \=3e,J::;t:c?C:rw.. Thicklless (lllches) 0.01 l)iéllueLI~r' 12' Mû.nll[(]ctul'eI-A,O.6MITH {jcQ Pressure 0 SlIcL.ioll C¡ (ìr'ò\' i l.y I\PPl'o:dmate Length of Pipe ¡{UIl j:(ë,c IJ. Ullúerf~rOIlI1U Pipinp: COI'!'()sioll Pt'ul:~¡;L.iul\: [J nalvalli7.(~ll ŒJ F.i¡'(~r¡~lí\ss-Cl; (1 IJ LU:PI'(!ssed (,;IIITcnl 0 Sücl'ificial , [J Polyethylene \v['n ) [.J Eler;lI'Îr;¡1l lsolnl:ioll 0 Vinyl \vraµ 0 Tar or As o UllkllOWII 0 NOlie 0 Ot:ll(~r' (cll!scl'ilJe): c . U lid e rr,rollnd I'.i P i IIg, S e co !Ida ['y , Co 111:;1 i IIIItC II t : !iJ LJolIlJ](~-\vüJl 0 SVI\tllp.tir: Lillel' Sysl:em 0 NOlie 0 UIII<!lo\~1I (, t· 1, Go~' I,ì DC r"" ; .,: r"J I : · - T^NI< i '2. (.!:J...hh L.!.~.!. ;'I':'~~: )li. E,\¡;¡¡ .;;n·;q'l~'N, !~.m~Q( 1lk1 :Ù l'lJJ\ 1 '('\.11\ (...1\\...." ..h....· ~l~¡¡ï/~1'E DÕXES ~\O\2Nl~ "B I, TUII.!s is: O·Vaull.t:.:d 0 NOII"Villll!:!:d [~ IJlluhll:-\vaJJ 2. 'l'í1!!.1.s. N!:!.~.!:..!Jl!1 o [~ o () II W I' (Ii m; I ~ I' .i I (! ) : 3. eyimul'y"(,:~!!U~~tilllllt:!~~_ Datu InsLalled Thicklll~SS (.lIIt:lH~S) J\>NI::. ";0 ~~ 4. lulI.!s. §l!(~u.~~h!.!:Y.. i;Olll~L1.i Il!!!.'ln\:. o lI( ulde-l~ajJ 0 Synthetic L.illcr r.:J Lill(:d Vûult 0 rJ othel' (c\~scr-lbc): 'I t' , 1 F'Je.e,:z"L.'\'~'" '1'1 . I ( t I ) pH :UI'I¡1. fé:'~I!œ!2ß..c.eo p¡.A61'IG. IICOless II(: les 5, li!.n!s. J!!~:!;!.:.i U l' L j IU,!W GF, F2 ,Po) , . -Cl ({ulllwl' {.J ^llqrd 0 f':(JlJxy 0 {'hellO il: [J (jJass 0 CIa)' KJ Unlill(:d 0 UI1I<1l o Utllel' (desc!'ihe): 6, Iill!l£ ~}2.!:r.Q~1(I!l E.!:~¿le(¿U~!l~ CI (;alvHul7.f?d [~¡ FjlH!n~.lilss-¡;l¡ld IJ !'( lyntl]Y[(:IH! \~l'ap 0 VJnyl \~rappjn{~ CJ Tal' 01' ^splHlIL 0 1)1110101"''' 0 NOli!: 0 Utllel' (descI'il>e): C¿!.thu!LL!2 !'rol.c(:L,i.!!.!l: 0 NOli£: 0 IlJlpl"(~ssncJ GIJ}Tellt Sy~tC J 0 Sacrj[ldü.l Anuue Sy::; 12Ç U e s c L'Ì be S y s L (~ J & E q II i pille II t: N I A , C P. ~ ,f· -r .AN I'. ) '7, ..1.u u Ie fJ u l !! 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I~i ll1,l:olllpal ¡\¡Ip l.ill(~I' lJi r'(:cl: illl~ FI()\~ To t>lol¡j Lu['ill!~ Well (s)* LJ Vapol' Ih!LI:I:l.ol· *[}q I.iquid I.l!vej ~;I~IISIII' * [J CUIIlIIlc:I..iviLy Sell~ul'* [I Pl'cssl\L'e Sellsor 1 II ^lllllllal' Spar.;c 1)[ DOli\¡ l e \Ví.\ 11 Tall({ * [J Liqllit.l HeLL"iev¡¡j & 1I1specl:!ol1 FI'OIll \}·-TIIl>e. ~lul1j L01·.ìll!~ I~(:] l Ur ^lIlIlIl;u' Spat [.1 Daily Ut.\II¡;ill(~ & lnvenLoI'Y Hccollr.;illaliul1 0 Pel'iut.lie Til~htllcsS Testil\l!: [J Nu lie 0 UlIl<lIOIm 0 LJ l:hP.1' 1)ipillf~: 0 Fl()\~-Heslr'lcl'.illg Lenl< Del.t:cl:ül'(s) [~(Jr Presslldzed Piping* U ~1(]1\ilü1'jll[~ SlIm[1 WiLh H¡¡cc\..¡a~r 0 SeuleJ Conc¡'cLe I{ûcelmy o Half-cut Cüll1lJí1lible Pipe HacewûY 0 Synthetic Liner Racèway [] 111l!<IHII"¡1I [] () l:11!! r *lJe!>cl'lhc Mul<e & Model: J'QI.-LLJLe::IZf-CoNT-..oL ut-1lï-FClc"3¡ -'2.10 ~A. U, I~lk .·I~gl~_~·:~~~ss 11 il S T his Tall k U e t~ n T i gilt n e s s T est e ù? IJute? of Last 'rightness Test 'NIl>, T!:s t N¡JIIII~ 9, Ianls. g_Cl!!'Q..Lr Tnuk He¡Jé/ ì t'ed? [J Yes 0 No l)é3te(s) Uf Hepait'(s) NIp... IJp.scrilJe HepalrR 10, gver'flJJ. .!) 'utec;l:i.\:,,!! U ( ¡J!!l'Ut:O]' Fllls, CUIIl'.l'()!S, & ViSlli¡]I~' ~I()lIjLol'~ o Tape Float Uau¡~e 129 Float Vellt V¡.dves [J o Gê1 iaci tance SC!I~Ol' 0 Seal p.d F i lJ Uux. [.J o uthet": o :;,illl~le-~~;¡ll C:; 'hol\ ~i!:{:{d 0 S[:¡I.il1lr!s~; St' ~I~1 Flhr~q~las~-¡¡,~i IIl'ol'ced I' lasl:i t: [J CI I'll I Y\' i IIY 1 COIIt:I'I~ \.1: [..1 t:hlul'ide ^ \'\llIIj 111110 o' FìlH~I'I~JH:-;s-l;I¡.ld Sl:' [J III'UII" e [J lJ 11\, llOl\'1I t:ap¡\(;i I:y \0 0.00 . (Gallulls) ~Iallll r i.l r.; l: II n:t' )le~ )(. 1::5 Nom: 0 Unknolo.Jll t>11l1l1l file tllt"C l': GöþJêlcily (Gals, )lOcO' ...--- IJ, o None CJ Yes o No !ZJ UnknowII UCSIlI ts {)f Tes t N/Þ-, T(~s Li lit: CUIII¡JaIlY I~J lJ r (/<11 ( 1...11 Level ^ \I to S II ul-U r r Co II t l' 0 1 s Nune 0 Unknown List Make & Model Fot" Above Dev 11, 1) i pI !lr~ a, \J1\llel'¡~rOllllll I' i pi nl~: ~ YP.S 0 No 0 Uulqwwn ~1u ter ial 1=1 "E',eGrL.6.~ TII.ir.;lwess (illclles) 0.01/ l)í¡¡lIIeL(~I' ..z" þlë1nufaetul'eI' A.o, ~t-'\Iíl-l r~ I'reSS\1l'(! 0 Suction Ci l;¡'j1\' ¡ \.Y J\ppnn<lmale Lcngth Uf Pipe HUll ~ U, Unuer¡~l'ollnú I'ipin~~ (:O!'!'(tsiol1 I'I'o\.p¡;l.ion: o C;a.!vilnizl:ù DF.il)()rglass-C.l¡1l1 [J lm(tl'essecl CIItTr.llt 0 SUGI'iL'iclal A [J Polyethylene Ivnl( 0 l~lr.r:ll'i(;id Isolation 0 Vinyl Wrap 0 Tar.or Asp o lJnknuwn 0 None 0 Otll(!!' (rlr~st:l'lbe): c, Underf,l'oun¡j Piplng, Seconcla!")r Conl:;lilllllcllt: [59 DotJb1~-\'Ìé1Jl 0 SVlltllr.tir: Liller SysLem 0 None 0 UI1I<IJOI..¡n · -"3 _ ~u. e :L6l!li (fLLL UUI ~j ·.I·I\I\, ,-- I'\}I\I'I ('\11\ ¡,,,,,.. ....... EJ\CU ~H·;Qli.'N. ¡;i!~~!~-'~iLL 1\( 2pï{Ï/~rE oõXËS 3\\)O\OQ. 'B 10. 1. Tallß i~: 0 Vaull.ed 0 NOl\o,Vilull:¡:d ¡~I ¡¡lIlIh I ,~-\va.l j 2. 'l'ü!lk ~lü~.Srlill o (::11'11011 ~iI:(!(-:I. 0 SÙl.ÏlllnsH SI'I.~I.!! CJ }'nlyvillyJ Chlol'ide [:29 Fil (~q:las~- {I:illl·( l·t:ed I'l<\stic I:J COIICI·I:I.¡: [J ^LIIIII.illllln f.J IHI (: ' (r (!scl".iIJl:): 3, e..L' imal'y.(,~~!!!...\:.~lÍ~~!~~. !Jate IllsLal.le¡J Tlljt;J< (~SS (.lI\l:lIn~) JU\oJ'e 0:;0 ê~ 4. lunk .§(H~U~~Ü!.!:Y.. l:IILI La.i !!!1.!.~!Ü. o lJuulde-\vull 0 SYI111I(~LlG Lill(!I' 0 Li,wel Vau.ll [J Utllel' (dûg~I'lI)e): ~1í1l:I:I'.1 a.1 ~~~~o ¡::L~~11c::. Till c:1<III:!!:>S (ll\l:hes) ~. TUI}!s. l!!U~!:.iuL' LiIÜ!W C.f,~·~) [J H\lh ¡(!l' 1.:1 ^ II<yel CJ Epoxy [J I'hello I i ¡: CJ I; J (I!:>!:> 0 Clay ŒJ Unlllwd 0 Uni<lll CJ utllc!' (dl~Scl'i¡le): u, lallk .!dQ_!'.r..2si~!.~L r.!:.!.J..l~:.U~lL CI r; n I v <\I Ii 7. e d rg¡ F :UH;! n;! ass - (: .1 iI d [] !' (I I y I: thy .I c: J Ie I~ 1'<.1 P 0 V j n y 1 I~ l' Ü P pin l~ CI Tal' III' ^spilall 0 1J111<I\LI\'IIt 0 NOlll! 0 Utllel' (dl~sc;ribe): Call1u(~:L~ll'r{ l.e(:l.i( IL: 0 NOII(~ 0 llllllL'eSsnd CIlI'l'ellt Sy!:>telll 0 Sacrificlal ^l1ude Sy!:> ~ U e s G l"Ì be S y s l (! 11\ & E" Il i p nil: 1\ l : J...l / þ. (r I I? ,p. -r A ¡., ~7 .> 7. .1.u u I< (J e l u ~ l I ( /I, M (J nJl.!.!1:ll!g, (J J cl .1J 1 L e ! :.f.!::ULL:h!2.!.l él. Tanl<: 0 V1SII¡¡[ (V¡lllllr.d t.i1111<s uIIly) 0 (~['n\ll (lt~¡llel' ~llJllitoriIlE~ I~[dl(s) CI Vad( s(~ Znl (~ Ir!IJllit:o('illt: \~nJI(::;) 0 I)-Tube \~iLJ¡uIlL r.[lIel· ¡-:¡ II·-TIII,,! (~i'¡1I ¡;( lIIpi1libl(~ I.j( (~!' tJil'!~(:I:illl~ FI()\~ To r.lol¡jLul'iJ\¡~ Wel1(s)* [J Vëlpl)I' }eL'~¡:I.( I' *~] I.iquid l.nv(d ~l:1\sur * 0 CUlIllllC\.lviLy Sensul'* ~ [, J p!' û S SilL' e SPoil S 0 r 111 ^ l1l1111 ( r Spa c c U [ Do u b l e Iv ü 11 '1' a It 1< * !.J ['iquio Hl'!l.l'il!val l~ Ills H:cl: oll F!'rllll !I--Tlt!Je. [l1lJlliLol:JJ\/~ \'¡(~.11 ()r Allnlllill' Spac L] DaLly Uallgi1\!! & Invel1tot'Y l{ecollcil1aliuII 0 Pecludic Ti¡~htl1cSS Testil1l! fJ NUlle 0 Ullkl10WII 0 uthP.I' ril1jlll~: 0 Fl()\'i-Bestrlct:in~ Lenk fJeLectuL'(s) Fur Presslll'lzed Plping* U {YIold to!' j I1f~ Sump \\' j Ll1 HaCel'ia~1 0 Seul eù COl1cre Le H<1ce\.¡ay U Half -Cn l: Compa tJ b 1 e Pipe Hacel'i<1 y 0 S yn l:he ti c L i net' Racew<1Y [I 11111<11 0\'11\ [] lJ I:! (: L' * IJE!SCl' i be ~!ül<e & Þ!()d(! 1: ~DLLULes.¡2'í -c.oNí~o\- Ú"~\í - Fb 10"3 . p~o~r:: -"2./0 r;2. 1;. 8, IaltkI..lrdU~~~~ 11 a s Tit i S T a 111< LJ e (~II '[' i g It t1\ e s s T e s l u Ù 7 /JlIt~ Of t.ast Ti[~lttrl(~S5 Test: N/A 'I't: S t N <111\ (! 9, I<.1I11~ ß~l!.£..L!' TFlIlI< Hepél i L'ed? 0 Yes Dnte(s) Uf Hepuir(s) 'N/þ., . IJp.ser i b(~ Hcp¡¡j rs .Qver' f Lt!. .\)1'0 l:e~t i.~.!! U O\H!rut:OJ' FjIls, CUll troIs. & ViSII¡llly ~!()lIjt()t'S o T í1 P e F 1 0 é1 l: U a II ¡: e rB F 1 0 ¡ l: Veil l Va ,l v l! S [] o CapHcltance Setl::;OL' 0 Seulc:¡J FIll Bux. [J o Uther: o :;.i 11 t~ 1 e - W ¡¡ 1 I o Fihcn:.l¡¡:.¡s-ClaJ 'Stt-; [J 1.I¡'UII"e [] tJIII~II()\\'11 C¡l\¡¡Il; i l:y \0 000 ~ (Gullolls) Þlalltl {'a<.: tun:r ')(.I::.Je ~E:~ o NOlw 0 UIIJ<IIO\'iII Þ\ 0 1111 f Q C l: 11 t' e t' : Capaclly (Gals.) (oc¡oç r--- u, o None [] Yes o No 0 Unknown UesllJts ()f Test ~-/þ. T(~s lillg CUfII¡JilllY o ND I~J tJ II k II () \~ II Level ^nto SlIul-Off COlltrols NOlie 0 Utlkllown List Make & Model For Above Devl 11. l)iplllr~ a, \Jlldel'[~rotlt\ll I'ipilll~: ~ Yp.s 0 No 0 UlIl<l1O\m Muterial r=lee.~4LA~~ 'J'1I1<.:l<lIess (illches) 0.011/ IJíalll~l'~I' -z,1\ Þ\anu[ûctu¡'et' þ-.o. 'Mlíl-l 119 Pl'esslIl'c 0 Suc L,ioll CI (;I',1\' i ly J\I'Pl'oxlmu te Length Uf I'lpe Run -± ~o. 1J. UIIJer'f~r()lInJ Pi.pinr. CO('['osjoll Pt'ol:l~cLiUII: o ()u.lvalllz[!u ŒI fll)()t'I~Ié1~s-Cl¡ d !]llllpressed CUI'rcnt 0 Suc['iL'ícíal A¡ [J Polyethylene lVi'ap [J Elr:ctl'[cill lsol<.tlioll 0 Vlnyl \~rap 0 Tar or Aspl [J Unknowl1 0 None 0 UtJlP.I' (III:scdlJe): c . U 1111 e 1'[; l' 0 tin c\ I'.i p i 1\ g. See 011 d a [' )' COli I:;¡ i 1111\ (! 11 t : m l)o\l1J1~-\vaJl 0 SVl1tllcLir: Lllle¡' System 0 NOlie 0 U1\l<llO\~11 '-. I\t.KN L:UutHY HëALTH DEPAH..NT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH D~VISION HAZAR1)OUS SYBSTANCES t .;TION - 17UO fLUWJ::K ~IKt.~I BAKERSFIELD. CA 93305 (-' :i 0 N E (805) 86 1 - 3636 \, ( ~INSPECTION RECORD ,}·i;·;"j~·~· '.~ ,POST 'CARD 'AT JOBS ITE OWNER ADDRESS ,c"'';'','',,,., CITY -, ..' , \;'.~;,ðiL:''tt:;,>:'·n'{~~;:~ ," , . "'. ..:/,,:"~~:. ':··i-";:¡~;·:-':~ . -'~_~:' ¡;:"~'¡'" .-' ~;. ". ... ~~" :¥¢-:1i~~i'i€~~~*'1 ,j~ff:~i:~_~~~~~t~~i~:j{~~:~~:<:f-~~:~~¡.~>~- ." . '.- ".'- Y~~~~~;'~~~,~1~~:~i~ .~ ~¿":f;¿¡~~~ .~., '.~" ¥~. . J; 5;-:·~ -' easeFcaI 1·. .~;::àn'f·nspector-ònl y wben eacb ~roup 'of inspect1~nå 'be~<~are.:;:~ê-adj/:-": .Tbé,·'· ,.1.11'" run 1n co~séèut1ve order'. beg~nn1ng .M:'.~,!.Q.I." cove.r~~:~.ork.." for " any ., Author1 ty. .' Following '>. these inspection visits and therefore ~~j~t<!¡'::;Ü~~~i~:.~,·~~.~;.:i::~;~;~{?r~c: '-~~S & BACKPILL ,:~~~~ø::;;r·i,~'j;:1.'f~·< INSPECTION . ,'" DATE I Back! 111""ot: Tank Is} " Snark Test Certification Cathodic Protection of Tank(s) " . .. . .~ F,'~; .,~~~::-: ;.;r".. INSPECTOR , .. Pining & Racewav w/Collection SoaD , ..J .;2 Corrosion Protection of Pining Joints. Fill PiDe ,. :J Electrical Isolation of Pining Fro. Tankls\ CathodiC:.. Protection Svste.-P1Dinv - PIPING SYSTEM - - SECONDARY CONTAINMENT OVERPILL PROTECTION LEAK DETECTION - . Liner Installation - Tank{s) Liner Installation - PiDing Vault With Product Coanat1ble Sealer 1- L .-, '. Float Vent Valves I": Product Coanatible P1l1 Boxles} I~ Product Line Leak Detector(s) '" .3 Leak Detector{s} tor Annular Snace-D.W. Tank(s\ ,~ Monitoring Well(s\/Soan(s} Leak Detection Device{s} Por Vadose/Groundwater I .1 ~ Moni torinll Wells Cans & Locks ~ P 111 Box Lock Monitoring Reauireaents - ?- - - PINAL - CONTRACT~ E S 1/ CONTACT . J LICENSE' 6;;< (IJ tJe/ ~ PH' ~~. f - g.;¡ ï ~ ·e - ~ \.: Facility: ~ : ~~~ .. . ( ( \ Standard COMPliance Check K CT ..11 Equip~ent to be installed: ~ Tank(s). ~ Ft. of Req'd Approved v' :sc.. / .sc...-- []Suction _Pressurized []Gravi ty. Piping Proof of Contractor's License - License t Type of License Worker's Co.pensation Insurance Proof of Contractor's Pri.ary Containment GrFiberglass (FRP) []Fiberglass-clad steel [JUncoated steel [JOther: Comment: lQo()orfl Y€NX:~~ Make &: Make &: Make &: Make & Model Model Model Model )/\0+ t:t.nJQ"/" it.. 7 Ad,diti~ona~.: G~:~^ ~':.41' ('(a~rL- ~ -L~ tÍ""t1..1~~ IvVt ~_ _-_. Inspection: Secondary Containment of Tank(s) U2f Do u b 1 e - wall e d tan k ( s ) M a k e & Mod e 1 ;! P.%YIJ .s [JSynthetic liner Make & Model []Lined concrete vault(s) Sealer used [JOther Type Make & Model Comment: Additional: Inspection: Secondary Containment Volume at Least 100% of Primary Tank Volume(s) Comment: Additional: Inspection: Secondary Containment Volume for Contains 150% of Volume of Largest 10% of Aggregate Primary Volume, Comment: Addi tional More Than One Tank Primary Containment or Whichever is Greater Inspection: - 1 - p'~q I d, ./ A / ./ ",/ / Approved 3~ "50 :£- £t -Sê.. ~/ . . Secondary Containment Open to Rainfall Must AccomModate 24 Hour Rainfall Total Volume Comaent: Additional: Inspection: Secondary Containment Product 1'1 V F" Comment: Additional: Inspection: is Product-Co.patible Documentation (15 F,¡L, Annular Space Liquid is Compatible with Product Product Annular liquid COllment: Additional: Inspectìon: Primary Containment of Piping GJFiberglass piping []Coated steel piping [JUncoated steel piping OOther Comment: Additional: Size & Make ;;),1 A.D 5wv:~ Size & Make Size Inspection: Secondary Containment of Piping ~Double-walled pipe []synthetic liner in trench [JOther Comment: Addi tional: Size & Make 311 tLQ S(t/U.-:f[ Size & Make Inspection: Corrosion Protecti~n l [dTank (s) f", \1::. oA/Ç; ,L':;S GJp i ping & fit t i ng;s ç,' ~..QA'.:5!G "c; Œ}Electrical isolation Comment: Additional: Inspection: Manufactur~r-APprovrd Backfill for Tanks & Piping Type till ~,¡'~_ Comment: - 2 - 'J R~q'd sC-- / v J' Approved /. ~~ ~G . . Additional: Inspection: Tank(s) Located no Closer than 10 Feet to Building(s) Comment: Additional: Inspection: Complete Monitoring System Monitoring device within secondary containment: [JLiquid level indicator(s) . [JLiquid used [JThermal conductivity sensor(s) [Jpressure sensor(s) [JVacuum gauge . §sump(s) Gas or vapor detector (s) h.LI\.I.. ~ ~ f]) /03 Manual inspection & saMpling BVisual inspection Other Comment: "RrDb. - ;;21D Additional: Inspection: Other Monitoring [JPeriodic tightness testing Method [g'Pressure-reducing line leak detector(s) ~e'J.,¿G...(' !?o+ [JOther Comment: Additional: Inspection: Overfill Protection [JTape float gauge(s) GrF loa t vent val ve (s) 0 PLJ :J~~ k,¡./.r"'¿~ 5' ,':2; v M floG<..;;~ [JCapacitance sensor(s) [JHigh level alar.(s) [JAutomatic shut-off control(s) [;}Fill box(es) with 1 ft. 3 volume Bo'\<.ut'> III.... e [J0perator controls with visual level monitoring Other Comment: - 3 - Rep' \ '- '. Approved _I . Additional: Inspection: Monitoring Requirements Additional Comments Inspection: Inspector -;_~__~~~______~________ Date _2i~~~__ / . IL / - 4 - '. e . ¡¡ ( ( Extra Inspections/Reinspections/Consultations Date: Purpose: Co..ent: ' Date: Purpose: Comment: Date: Purpose: COllllent: Date: Purpose: COllment: Invoice Date: Inspector - 5 - Time Utilized ~ Time Utilized Time Utilized Time Utilized Total Time: Date: ,~ . ~ ,,..-' \. ( ( THE CIRCLE K CORPORATION 'July 21, 1988 Joe Canas Kern County Health Dept. 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 RE: Address Change Dear Mr. Canas Ui ( ~37~t¡¿1 ~,'......,~~..... , ." ! ? I> Please be advised that as of August 5, 1988, we will be relocating to our new offices. For your information and records, our address will be as follows: CIRCLE K CORPORATION ENVIRONl'1ENTAL DEPARn-1ENT 3437 MYRrLE AVENUE SUITE 440 NORTH HIGHLANDS CA 95660 Also note a change of phone numbers: (916) 331-2540. Sincerely I Pd W--¿-~ Pat Wright Environmental Director PW:ls h I\J\ Cur'(ti·rvdti- --- y rU f~ J,~~)CD\ 0 (, /3 00 I<¿¡ (. J 3 J. oOO3C, jj5 ex) ;)30 /h,(:r\('¡)!/ / )070001 j II 0003 J 4400lI j 4400{(~ /0)/00/7 / JOe, on I ¡) JIJOOD! Js ~l 0:';' I, _H( ')OU) V 0- ' /,. \ : . :.{ ,.¡ !', ¡ " l-" /, b Ob '38 ,oroo/3 VZ~ðOI4 j~o 000'3 ¡S5 0014 vS' (>003 ../58 GOð I I C"'C r- !\n I. !'1 \~