HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION (2) I I I. I I, I I I I I I I I I I I· I I 'I ',-,y -- " ' I ~ Delta I/lJ ~~~~~~~:~~~~c. Solving environment-related business problems worldwide 911 South Primrose Avenue· Suite K Monrovia, California 91016 USA 626.256,6662 800.477.7411 Fax 626.256,6263 ·www.deltaenv.com June 11, 2004 DELTA Project PA2600W-D Mr, Anthony Palagyi Shell Oil Products US 2555 13th, Avenue SW Seattle, Washington 92134 Re: Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Report Shell Service Station .2600 White Lane - Bakersfield, California Dear:Mi. Palagyi: ¡ Delta Environmental Consultánts, lne, (DELTA), on behalf of Equilon Enterprises LLC dba Shell Oil Products US (SHELL), presents this Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Report. The purpose of this work was to identify baseline subsUrface conditions at the above referenced site. The scope of work included drilling and sampling I . ~. eight eXploràtory soil borings (B-1 through B-8), BACKGROU1\TO SITE.DESCRIPTION The subjèct site is a Shell service station located on' the northwest comer of the intersection ofEI Potrero Lane and \V'hite Lane in Bakersfield, California (Figure 1). . The service station consists of three gasoline undergTOund storage tanks (USTs), a waste oil UST, three dispensers, ~d aD. office builcling containill.g a store and storage. Figure 2 illustrates the approximate site layout and 'proposed boring locations for this assessment. A mt:mba- of: }(Inog çn:=talAllance I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -I 01 :7' June 11,2004 Page 2 PREVIOUS WORK On January 20, 2003, one exploratory soil boring (SB-) was drilled during the Groundwater Assessment Program (GRASP) activities, a voluntary initiative by SHELL to install groundwater monitoring wells at numerous retail service stations nationwide that do not have any active release cases but have been identified to be in close proximity to one or more public water supply wells, conducted by KHM Environmental Management, Inc. (KHM), Groundwater was not encountered and drilling was tenninated at 111 feet below ground surface (bgs) , Selective soil samples were taken during the drilling of this bóring and subsequently analyzed for chemical impacts. Total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g), benzene, ethyl-benzene, toluene, methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), tert-butyl alcohol (TBA), di-isopropyl ether (DIPE), ethyl tert-butyl ether (ETBE), tert-amyl methyl ether (TAME) or ethanol were not detected in any of the soil samples taken. SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION PREFIELD ACTIVITIES Prior to drilling, DELTA marked the boring locations, contacted Underground Services Alert 48 hours prior to drilling, arranged the drilling schedule, and mobilized drilling equipment and materials, In addition, the utility locator contractor Cruz Brothers Locators (CRUZ), performed a geophysical survey of the proposed boring locations and DELTA prepared a site-specific health and safety plan prior to initiating field activities. Notifications regarding the field activities were made in advance to the current station manager. DRILLING AND SAMPLE COLLECTION On May 26 and 27, 2004, BC2 Environmental (BC2), supervised by a DELTA geologist, cleared the drilling locations by use of air-knife equipment to a depth of approximately 8-feet below ground surface (bgs), On May 26, and 27, 2004, BC2, supervised, by aDELTA geologist, drilled e~ght exploratory soil borings (B-1 through B-8) [Figure 2]. Boring B-1, B-2, B-3, and B-4 were drilled to an approximate depth of 50 feet bgs. The remaining borings were drilled to approximately 35 feet bgs (Table 1), Soil samples were collected at 5-foot depth intervals, beginning at 10 feet bgs, using' a 2-inch diameter California modified split spoon sampler equipped with brass sample sleev:es, At each sampling interval, soil samples were field-screened for the presence of VOCs by headspace analysis using a Pill calibrated to 100 parts per million by volume (ppmv) of isobutylene, Pill readings are indicated on the boring logs included in Appendix B. At each sampling interval, the soil samples were logged and a 2-inch diameter brass sleeve was retained. The sleeve was sealed at each end with Teflon™ -lined plastic end caps and labeled in accordance with specified sampling procedures, The brass sleeves were stored on ice for transport with the appropriate chain-of-custody documentation to a state-certified analytical laboratory. All borings were logged by a DELTA geologist. The lithology and field observations are documented on the boring logs in Appendix B. \\SE,RVER\KHM_Data\aico.tsLSb~'--ShclI Shes\2\2600 'White Lanc\2004-06-11_PHASE II SAR\Phasc II RpL (2600)_doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I ~I ,/ June ii, 2004 Page 3 All explòratory soil borings were backfilled with bentonite grout to approximately one foot bgs and the remaining space was capped with concrete matched to the existing surface, DISPOSAL OF DRILL CUTTINGS AND RINSEATE Soil cuttings and rinseate generated during drilling activities were placed in Department of Transportation (DOT) approved 55-gallon drums and one roll off bin. The dnÍms were sealed and labeled in accordance with the appropriate protocols and each drum was identified on a waste inventory form. The drums and roll off bin were left temporarily on-site, pending transport and disposal by Belshire Environmental Services, Inc. (Belshire), Disposal of drill cuttings and rinseate at appropriate disposal or recycling facilities in Southern California was coordinated by SHELL. The waste inven~ory record sheet is included as Appendix C, ANALYTICAL PROGRAM ,-. Soil samples were submitted to Calscience Environmental Laboratories, Inc. (Calscience) a state-certified laboratory, in Garden Grove, California for analysis. Soil samples were analyzed for TPH-g and TPH-d using EPA Method 8015 Modified (M); benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX compounds), and fuel oxygenates including MTBE, TBA, TAME, DIPE, ETBE and ethanol using EPA Method 8260B. In addition, the soil sample collected from borings B-3 and B-8 were analyzed for total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons (TRPH) by EP A Meth~d 418.1. Soil analytical results are summarized in Table 2, and displayed within Figure 3, Certified analytical results and chain-of-custody documentation are presented as Appendix D. FINDINGS SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The site is generally underlain by silty sand, poorly graded sand to well graded sari.d, and clayey silt with sand to total depth explored of approximately 50 feet bgs. SOIL ANALYTICAL RESULTS Ethanol was initially detected in soil samples taken from Boring B-2 and B-4 to a total depth of 50 feet bgs at a maximum concentration of 0.44 mg/kg, However, the laboratory reported a possible ethanol contamination occurrence and the saÌnples with ethanol detections in Boring B-2 and B-4 were subsequently re-analyzed on June 3, 2004 by the laboratory, No analytes were detected above the detection limit.. TPH-g, BTEX compounds, fuel P oxygenates MTBE, TBA, DIPE, ETBE, and TAME, were not detected in any soil samples collected from borings B-1, B-3, and B-5 through B-8, Soil analytical results are summarized in Table 2 and displayed in a hydrocarbon concentration map on Figure 3. Certified analytical reports are presented in Appendix D. \\SERVER\KHM_Data\Clients'-ShcU'-Sbell Siles\2\2600 White Lanc\2004-06·11]HASE IT SAR\PhaseIJ RpL (2600),doc / I I lU.TI,ê 11, 2004 Page 4 SUMMARY I I Based on the results of this investigation, DELTA concludes the following: . . · The site is underlain by coarse-grained sand and gravel deposits witb. discontinuous lenses of fine-grained deposits of silt and clay to the total depth explored of 50 feet bgs. I . TPH-g, BTEX compounds and fuel oxygenate-impacts were not detected in any of the soil samples collected. ,I I I I I I I . . The recommendations contained in t.l.isreport represent DELTA'S professional opinions basedupon tb.e currently available information and are arrived at in accordance witb. ,currently acceptable professional standards. This report is based upon a specific scope of work requested by tb.e client. The Contract between DELTA and its client outlines the scope of work, and only tb.ose tasks specifically authorized by tb.at contract or outlined in this report were performed, This report is intended only for tb.è use of DELTA'S Client and anyone else specifically liSted on this report, DELTA will not and cannot be liable for unautb.orized reliance by any otb.er third party. Otb.er tb.an as contained in this paragraph, DELTA makes :p.o express or :implied warranty as to the contents of this report. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Brad Clark (DELTA) at (626) 256-6662, Sincerely, Delta Environmental Consultants, Inc k etchen Tagavilla roj ect Associate Bradley E. Clark, P.E. C55425 Senior Project Engineer I I I I I I I Attachments: Table 1 - WelllBoring/Probe Data Table 2 - Soil Analytical Data Figure 1 ~ Site Location Map Figurè 2 - Site Map. Figure 3 - Hydr;carbon Concentration in Soil Map Appendix A - Historical Soil Analytical Table .Appendix B - Exploratory Boring Logs Appenclix C - Waste Inventory Record Appenclix D - Certified Analytical Data Results andChain-of-Custody cc: Mr. Howard H. ìVines, Bakersfield Fire Department \\S3R\;'ER\KHM_ Data\CJi:o:ts\_Shcll~ Shcll Silcs\2\2600 wmtc Lanc\2004-06-1] _PF..ASE TI SAR\Pha.,,~ IT Rp~ (2600).cio~ . . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, 7 7 REFERENCES KHM Environmental Management, Ine, (KHM), GRASP Site Assessment Report, Shell Service Station, 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, California, April 25, 2003. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ r::f ..... ~ I1J I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I ' I I I I I TABLES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 1 of 1 Tabl~ 1 W~lI/ßoring/Prob~ Data 2600 Wliit~ Lane, Bakersfield, CA ::::DÌif~:-> ::::::: :4:~~¡:ti~; :: 1:Q~iÌj: :::: :S~¡I ~j¡ii1~i~:::: :::::::::::::: Fitst :(;~:: :: ~~r¢¢Ìi: 5~tÚ~:::: :DriÙedJ < ::::: ~urf; :Elev.:: '.....,. . : Iilcr.< <Dep'i~ : ........ . '::::iÚev;':: Diå:m'eter ::::::::: :~e~th~9::::.. >::Deptb :: : DeptJ) :: ::~~¡p~: :ty.p.~:::> :)ii~tj¡iI:e:d::: : ::::«(Ú\M~t): :: ::(ft): < : tit) ::.. :.. :(ft):: ::::(~Ü:: : (ft:A1Yi$L.): :::::(iii~j::: ::::: :Ti>p:::::: :ø.QttPro: : :çp:roro~iÜ{ B-1 Boring 5/26/2004 NA 50 5 10 through 50 - - - - - Air knifed to ~8' bgs B-2 Boring 5/27/2004 NA 50 5 10 through 50 - - - - - Air knifed to ~7' bgs B-3 Boring 5/27/2004 NA 50 5 10 through-50 - - - - - Air knifed to ~8' bgs B-4 Boring 5/27/2004 NA 50 5 10 through 50 - - - - - Air knifed to ~8' bgs B-5 Boring 5/26/2004 NA 35 5 10 through 35 - - - - - Air knifed to -7' bgs B-6 Boring 5/26/2004 NA 35 5 10 through 35 - - - - - Air knifed to ~7' bgs B-7 Boring 5/26/2004 ~NA 35 5 10 through 35 - - - - - Air knifed to ~9' bgs B-8 Boring 5/26/2004 NA 35 5 10 through 35 - - - - - Air knifed to ~8' bgs Notes: NA = not available - = not applicable K:\Clients\_Shell\.Shell Sites12\2600 White Lane\2004·05-XX]HASE II SARITable 1 (2600L Well Data ------------------- Table 2 Soil Analytical Data 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA i. !::::~~t~¢1 ::::~:Xr,.¡~:::~j: ~~#~~~,ii¡ir~~~~· t~~~~~~ :*~f.~~~$: 5/26/2004 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND .ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND B-2 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 B-3 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 .;.:.;,:,;.:.;,;.' , . ' . . ......,... . . . , . , . , . , ' , . , ' . ' . ' , . . """'" . . . .........,. '.' ' . . ........, .. . . . . . . . . . . . Nt!ßn) :~tùlf/ ))Wit:'/ Hittijjf ::: Ktm~/¡Yriœff.::/jttij~h~L 5/27/2004 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND \ \SER VER \KHM_Dala \ Clients \_Shell \_Shell Sites \2 \ 2600 White Lane \ 2004-06- ¡ I_PHASE II SAR \Table 2 (2600LSoil Anal Data 5/27/2004 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND , , ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Q,34/ND* ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Page I of 3 - - - - - - - - - -.- - - - - - - - - - Table 2 Soil Analytical Data 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA ::\þ~~~¢",:,;,~,:,AJW~~~:::~,::>:~,~~~~~H : ,:;:~~e: ::,r~~~~f(è " : X~r:~~$ ,;, :,:MråE. : :lliijÁ: :·::':':::riä~~¡::::::¡:¡~ili~~¡::,:,::t~~: ¡:::::ifu~JJ¡"';;':~~W~h~L! >H:Hrii>k::: ::>' . . . B-4 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 B-5 10 15 20 25 30 35 B-6 10 15 20 25 30 35 B-7 10 15 20 25 30 35 5/27/2004 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 5/26/2004 ND ND ND ND ND ND 5/26/2004 ND ND ND ND ND ND 5/26/2004 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND. ND ND ND ND ND ND. ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND -ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND' ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND \ \SERVER \KHM_Data\Client,\_Shell\_Shell Site,\2\2600 White La~e\2004-06.11_PHASE II S",R \Table 2 (2600)_Soil Anal Data ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.44/ND* 0.37/ND* O.37/ND* 0.40/ND* O.35/ND* 0.44/ND* O.32/ND* O.31/ND* O.31/ND* ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND ND Page 2 or 3 - - - - - - - - - - _.- - - - - - - - Table 2 Soil Analytical Data , 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA . :~:;þ,~1~::::::::i!:ir~~l~:,::!:':::'~~~~W~:I:::lrw~W~'lil:JfJ~~Wh~\··\ ¡*fr~#~$':'::::,~~~;:::::: :;b~Á.:·,' ::::ñirÊ: ..".,. ' ,. ,..... :::::::::;:;::i:i EJ.:6j::::::Yti'Mji.::::::nriwå ::::::ji.ùi~h~i: :; B-8 5/26/2004 10 ND ND ND ND 15 ND ND ND ND 20 ND ND ND ND 25 ND ND I ND ND 30 ND ND ND ND 35 ND ND ND ND Notes: ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 'ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND mglkg - milligrams per kilogram ND - Not detected, see CARS for method detection limits TPH-g . Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline MTBE - Methyl telt-butyl ether TBA - Tert-butyl alcohol . TPH- g analyzed using EPA Method 80l5M modified' MTBE & Fuel Oxygenates analyzed using ÈP A Method 8260B *Possible laboratory ethanol contamination OCCUlTence, ,Samples re-analyzed on 6/03/04, NA - not analyzed ETBE - Ethyl tert-butyt ether DIPE - Di·isopropyl ether TAME - Tert-amyl methyl ether BTEX Compounds, MTBE, TBA, DIPE, ETBE, TAME, and Ethanol analyzed using EP A Method 8260B \\SER VER \KHM_Data \ Clients \_Shell \_Shell Sites\2 \2600 White Lane\20Q4-06· CPHASE II SAR \ Table 2 (2600>-Soil Anal Data Page 3 or 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "!j .... ao. ~ ~ en I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FIGURES I I 0 5: 0 0 CD N I « 0.... f- \ ü ~ I UJ UJ -,m O:?: ~:::::> o..z I >- m 0 UJ > I 0 ~ 0.. 0.. c( I >- I, m 0 UJ ~ Ü UJ I Ü I I '" 0 ;::: >- '" m 0 z I ~ ~ 0 5 ...J I I I I I r:iT'~!)< !'(..;> I I N I ~ ì.:>f":)/.":'~~'<' '·N ~:.;.:,:-:.,:::::>:-:-:.:.:,:<;::::<,:,:.:,:.:,¿...:::::,.:·:-:·:·:·):::::>:.:.:.:,:,~::::::ì »;,:<. ~:.):.:".:,,:.>:.:;.((.G n.r: ~:: :.c.;.:,:-;.;: >::.:.:: :~$.:.:.::: ;.;.:.;.>:: :>:.:.}'(~ ~<: f:'/,'::; f'):.ottJ 8",« 10~j:.,: i;.;.-<j; «dôCl3:.'.hj.(v~",;,}:c Hv:'~:.~:r- ~V:''':-'-<.~p~ .:';.X'~ ÂA .................. lì.0..:):\~<:.<"V.1 DELTA ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS INC. SHEll Oil PRODUCTS US SHEll SERVICE STATION BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 1 SITE LOCATION MAP 2600 WHITE LANE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA - I- U ~ o '" <L >- CD o w > o '" <L <L '" >- CD o w '" u W I U Iñ z ~ '" '" O§ - - - - - - - - - - - - - o \ ~ o o CD N <{ (L SIGN UST (TYP) y /() a/, ~ 1b ~ ~ CLARIFIER WOT~ I DISPENSER ISLAND (TYP) '"O"ES~l II· \\ \\ AIR AND WATER SIGN l I CANOPY (TYP) PROPANE~' TANK I -I I I I I I I o POSSIBLE FUEL LINES WHITE LANE I\Server\khm_data\CIient5\...5hell\...5hell 5ite5\2\2600 White Lane\2004,OS,XX_PHA5E !l 5AR\Figure 2(2600LHYOROCARBON OlSTR1BUT10N 1N SOlL MAP(2).dwg, Model, 6/11/2004 l1,OB:13 AM - - - - - N w-QrE S LEGEND 5B-1. EXPLORATORY SOIL BORING LOCA 1l0N AND DESIGNATION (GRASP) B-1. SOIL BORING LOCATIONS (PHASE II) o 25 50 '- --- SCALE IN FEET it. Delta ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS INC, SHELL OIL PRODUCTS US SHELL SERVICE STATION BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 2 SITE MAP 2600 WHITE LANE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA - - - - - - - - - - - - - o I :;: o o ill N « Q.. B-1 (5/26/04) OEPTH T1'H-g BENZENE MTBE (It) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) 10 NO NO NO 15 NO NO NO 20 NO NO NO 25 NO NO NO SIGN 3D NO NO NO 35 NO NO NO 40 NO N NO 45 NO NO NO 50 NO NO ND B 2 (5/27/04) DEPTH TPH-g BENZENE MTBE (ft) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) 10 NO NO NO 15 NO NO NO 20 NO NO NO 25 NO NO NO 30 NO NO NO 35 NO NO NO 40 NO NO NO 45 NO NO NO 50 NO NO NO B 3 (5/27/D4) DEPTH TPH 9 BENZENE MTBE TRPH (It) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) 10 NO NO NO ND 15 NO NO NO NO 20 NO NO NO NO 25 NO NO NO NO 3D NO ND NO NO 35 NO ND NO NO 40 NO NO NO NO 45 NO ND NO NO r 50 NO NO NO NO I PHONES \\ PROPANE TANK B 5 (5/27/04) DEPTH TPH-g BENZENE MTBE (fl) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) 10 NO NO NO 15 N N N 0 ND N NO 25 ND NO NO 3D NO NO NO 35 NO NO NO AIR AND WATER B 6 5 26 04 DEPTH T1'H-g BENZENE MTBE (It) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) 10 NO NO NO 15 N N NO 20 0 NO N 25 NO NO NO 30 ND NO NO 35 NO NO NO ~~ (3::;; æ'" o-z >-- rn o w 6 æ 0- 0- « >-- rn o w '" u W J: U >-- rn z " « æ a~ WHITE LANE \\server\kh_m_data\ClientsLShell\....Shell Sltes\2\2600 White Lane\2004-0S·XX_PHASE II SAR\Figure 3(2600LHYDROCARBON CONCENTRA~ONS-IN SOlL MAP,dwg, Mode', 6/11/200411:53:52 AM - B 4 5 27 04 DEPTH TPH-g (ft) (mg/kg) 10 NO 15 NO 20 NO 25 NO 30 NO 35 NO ~O NO 45 NO 50 NO ENCLOSURE CLARIFIER DISPENSER ISLAND (TYP) -CANOPY (TYP) - BEN ZENE (mg/kg) NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO MTBE (mg/kg) NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO ? -0 o ...-\ ~ :D o ("' ~ í'Ï 8752604 DEPTH T1'H-g (ft) (mg/kg) 10 NO 15 NO o ND 25 NO 3D NO 35 NO B 8 (5/26/04) DEPTH TPH 9 (It) (mg/kg) 10 NO 15 NO o 25 ND 30 ND 35 NO - - - - w-&' s LEGEND SB-I. EXPLORATORY SOIL BORING LOCA TION AND DESIGNATION (GRASP) B-1. SOIL BORING LOCATIONS (PHASE II) TPH-g TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS 'AS GASOLINE MTBE METHYL TERT-BUTYL ETHER mg/kg MILLIGRAMS PER KILOGRAM TRPH· TOTAL RECOVERABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS ND NOT DETECTEO BEN ZENE (mg/kg) ND NO N NO NO NO MTBE (mg/kg) ND NO ND NO NO NO BENZENE (mg/kg) NO N NO NO ND ND TRPH (mg/kg) NO N ND NO ND NO MTBE (mg/kg) , NO N NO ND ND o 30 ------ SCALE IN FEET 60 Â.. Delta ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS \NC, SHELL OIL PRODUCTS US SHELL SERVICE STATION BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 3 HYDROCARBON CONCENTRATIONS IN SOIL MAP 2600 WHITE LANE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ 'd ~ = ~ > -- - - - - - - - - - - - - Table 1 Soil Analytical Data 2600 WlIÍte Lane, Bakersfield, California - - - - - - ND<O.25 ND<O.25 ND<O.25 ND<O,25 ND<O.25 ND<O.25 ND<O,OIO ND<O,OlO ND<O,OIO ND<O,010 ND<O.OlO ND<O.OlO ND<O,OlO ND<O,OlO ND<O.OlO ND<O.OlO ND<O,OIO ND<O,OlO ND<O,OlO ND<O.OlO ND<O,OlO ND<O,OlO ND<O.OIO ND<O,OlO ND<0.050 ND<O,050 ND<O,050 ND<O,050 ND<O,050 ND<O,050 ND<O.0050 ND<O.0050 ND<O,0050 ND<O,0050 ND<O,0050 ND<O,0050 ND<O.0050 ND<O,0050 ND<O,0050 ND<O,0050 ND<O.0050 ND<O,0050 ND<O,0050 ND<O.0050 ND<O.0050 ND<O,0050 ND<O,0050 NJ)<O,0050 ND<O,0050 ND<O,0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<O.0050 ND<O,0050 ND<O.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<O.0050 ND<O,0050 ND<0.0050 ND<O,0050 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 30 35' 40 45 50 of 1 Page DIPE - Di-isopropyl ether ETBE - Ethyl tert-butyl ether TAME - Tert-amyl methyl ether TRPH - Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons TPH- g and TPH- d quantified using EPA Method 8015M modified BTEX Compounds, MTBE, TBA, DlPE, ETBE, and TAME analyzed using EP A Method 8260B (2600LSoil Anal Data Report\ Table \\KhmserverLKHMServer\_Data\Clients\ßhell\_Shell GRASP,-GRASP Sltes\2600 White Lane\2003·04·xx_Slte Assessment limits Notes: mg/kg " milligrams per kilogram ND - Not detected, see CARS for method detection NA - Not analyzed TPH-g - Total pètroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline TPH-d - Totàl Petroleum Hydrocarbons as diesel MTBE - Methyl tert-butyl ether TBA - Tert-butvl alcohol' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ '0 ('þ = ~ ..... ~ t;C I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX B EXPLORATORY BORING LOGS I I I  PROJECT NO: PA2600W-D CUENT: Shell Oil Products I~ORING NO.: B-1 LOGGED BY: Michael Såuerwein LOCATION: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield PAGE 1 OF 3 DRILLER: BC2 Environmental DATE DRILLED: 5-26-04 LOCATION MAP DRILLING METHOD: HSA/LAR BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 8" DELTA SAMPUNG METHOD: SS Cal Mod BOREHOLE DEPTH 50' bgs See Site Map (Figure 2) for CASING TYPE NA WELL DIAMETER: NA boring location, ENVIR.oNMENT AL SLOT SIZE NA WELL DEPTH NA CONSULTANTS GRAVEL PACK: NA CASING STICKUP: NA !NCOR-PORA TED ELEVATION NORTHING. EASTING , NA NA NA Boring Completion g[> ::: ...... 'Z" Sample <1) <1) .. .:e ,,§ ~ <1) Water .... ::: â ~ p.. ~ <1) " ,,, '" >--. LITHOLOGY I DESCRIPTION' ~ .. <1) l:! := ~ ñ! ¡.... ::: 0:: p.. ..p ... Level 'õ 0 p.. ¡S. ...£ " > - ::E u Q '--' p.. :>- .... 'õ I u <1) ..0 <1) 0 <1) '" 5: ¡;l. '--' Q u .. (/) o:¡ " ..s ¡;ï: concrete cap Asphalt cap - 3" thick - - 1 - - Airknifed to 8' bgs on 5-26-04 2 - - 3 Well Graded SAND: brown, coarse to fine grained - Dry - 4 sand, trace silt, micaceous. - - 5 - - I 6 - - 7 I - - 8 - 9 ../ - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - .. 10 - Dry 0.9 22 11 SP Poorly-graded SAND: brownish gray, medium to fine- - - grained sand: 50% medium, 50% fine, micaceous, 12 medium dense. - 13 - 14 - 15 I - Dry 1,0 21 16 @15' bgs: same as above, medium-grained sand - increasing. 17 - 18 -- 19 - 20=- - Dry 0.5 23 21 Poorly-graded SAND: brownish gray, very coarse to % - coarse-grained sand, 60% very coarse, 40% coarse, 22 micaceous, medium dense. I " ~ I I liA DELTA ENVIR.oNMENT AL CONSULTANTS INCOR.PORA TED PROJECT NO: PA2600W-D LOGGED BY: Michael Sauerwein DRILLER: BC2 Environmental DRILLING METHOD: HSAlLAR SAMPLING METHOD: SS Cal Mod CASING TYPE: NA SLOT SIZE: NA GRAVEL PACK NA ELEVATION NA CLIENT: Shell Oil Products ¡BORING NO,: B-1 LOCATION: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield PAGE 2 OF 3 DATE DRILLED: 5-26-04 LOCATION MAP BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 8" BOREHOLE DEPTH 50' bgs WELL DIAMETER: NA WELL DEPTH NA CASING STICKUP: NA NORTHING EASTING NA NA I Boring Completion OJ) ::: /"""0, -¡;- Sample 0,) ..., ::: 0 ~ 0,) 0,) Water .... ::: :.e Ê '.¡: ....... 'ð 0... B 0,) ~ " on >-. ..., 0,) >-, - f- ~ on ::: c:G 0... l:J ~ t ... ~ Level 'õ 0 0... 0,) 0 " > "-" ::: > .... 'õ u ::E u Q 0,) 6 0,) 0 ß ~ ¡;: 0... 0 u C/) c:¡ " .s ..: 23 - 24 ~ - - - - - - L I ~~ - .--= - I -'- I - - - - - - - - I Dry 0.1 25- 26 SP 27 28 29 30~ 31 _ ~ 32 33 34 ::=jI 37 38 39 4011 41 42 16 Dry 0.1 26 Dry 0,1 24 Dry 0,1 22 43 44 See Site Map (Figure 2) for boring location. LITHOLOGY I DESCRIPTION Poorly-graded SAND: brown, coarse to medium-grained sand: 40% coarse, 55% medium, trace very coarse sand, micaceous, medium dense. Poorly-graded SAND: gray. coarse-grained sand, trace very coarse and medium sand. micaceous, medium dense, Poorly-graded SAND: brown, coarse to medium-grained sand: 60% coarse, 40% medium, micaceous, mediÜri1 dense. Poorly-graded SAND: gray, medium to fine-grained sand: 50% medium, 50% fine, micaceous, medium dense, .~------------------------------- ",'" , I . PROJECT NO: PA2600W-D CDENT: Shell Oil Products BORING NO,: B-1 LOGGED BY: Michael Sauerwein LOCATION: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield PAGE 3 OF 3 DRILLER: BC2 Environmental DATE DRILLED: 5-26-04 LOCATION MAP I DRILUNG METHOD: HSAlLAR BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 8" DELTA SAMPUNG METHOD: SS Cal Mod BOREHOLE DEPTH: 50'bgs See Site Map (Figure 2) for CASING TYPE: NA WELL DIAMETER: NA boring location. ENVIR.oNMENT AL SLOT SIZE: NA WELL DEPTH: NA CONSULTANTS GRAVEL PACK: NA CASING STICKUP: NA INCORPORATED ELEVATION NORTHING EASTING , NA NA NA Boring Completion b.() ¡:: .-... 'Z' Sample '" ...., ¡:: 0 d:: '" '" Water .... ¡:: .:a â '.p ........ <2 P.. .a .2:J '" '" '" '---' >- ?' LITHOLOGY I DESCRIPTION '" '" ,þ ~ <d ¡:: a: P.. -B ... ~ . Level 'õ 0 P.. '" 0 '" > ::Ë u Q '---' ¡:: - P.. > .... 'õ '" ..0 '" 0 '" is: 0-.'-' Q u ...., (/) '" ..E c:: 4~=iI 11--= Dry 0,1 21 46 ML Sandy SILT wI clay: brown, 75% silt, 15% fine grained sand, 10% clay, micaceous, low plasticity, medium dry I -= 47 strength, very stiff, . 48 ," ------------------------------- 49 5~~ I - Dry 0.1 25 51 SM Silty SAND: reddish brown, fine grained sand, 20% silt, - micaceous, medium dense, - I - 52 BOTTOM OF SAMPLING: 51.5' bgs - - 53 I - - 54 - - 55 I - - 56 - I - 57 . - - 58 I - - 59 - I - 60 - - 61 - n - 62 - - 63 II - - 64 - II - 65 - - 66 I ENVIR.ONMENT AL CONSULTANTS ¡NCOR.PORA. TED PROJECT NO: PA2600W-D LOGGED BY: Michael Sauerwein DRILLER: BC2 Environmental DRILLING METHOD: HSNLAR SAMPLING METHOD: SS Cal Mod CASING TYPE: NA SLOT SIZE: NA GRAVEL PACK: NA ELEVATION NA CLIENT: Shell Oil Products BORING NO,: B-2 LOCATION: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield PAGE I OF 3' DATE DRILLED: 5-27-04 LOCATION MAP BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 8" BOREHOLE DEPTH: 50' bgs WELL DIAMETER: NA WELL DEPTH: NA CASING STICKUP: NA NORTHING EASTING NA NA See Site Map (Figure 2) for boring location. I ..6 I 1#.. DELTA Boring Completion M :: ,-., -¡? Sample :: Q) Q) .¡..; .:a ·ß .:±: Q) Water ¡.., :: ã' ~ c.. ;:j Q) '" '" "- >-, LITHOLOGY / DESCRIPTION .¡..; .¡..; Q) b '" >--, ¡- V> :: c.. .... -;;¡ ~ Level 'õ p::; Q) :: -£ ., 0 c.. :: ..s > > '(3 ::E u a '-' c.. 0 ¡.., u Q) ~ Q) Q) '" 5: ¡;)..'-' a u .¡..; [/) o:¡ ., ..s "' concrete cap Asphalt cap - 3" thick r - - - I - - Airknifed to 7' bgs on 5-26-04 2 I - - Dry' 3 Well-graded SAND: brown, coarse to fine-grained - - 4- sand trace silt, micaceous. I - - . 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - 9 - 10 - Dry 0,1 20 11 SW Well-graded SAND: dark brown, very coarse to medium- - grained sand: 15% very coarse, 65% coarse, 20% 12 medium, micaceous, medium dense. I - . 13 ,/------------------------------- - 14- - 15- - Dry 0,1 19 16 SP Poorly-graded SAND: brownish gray, very coarse to - coarse-grained sand, 60% very coarse, 40% coarse, 17 micaceous, medium dense, - 18 ,/------------------------------- - ./' I 19 - 20=- - Dry 0,1 26 21 SW Well-graded SAND: gray, very coarse to medium-grained - sand: 10% very coarse, 70% coarse, 20% medium, 22 micaceous, medium dense. I I .£. PROJECT NO: PA2600W-D CLIENT: Shell Oil Products I BORING NO,: B-2 LOGGED BY: Michael Sauerwein LOCATION: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield PAGE 2 OF 3 DRILLER: BC2 Environmental DATE DRILLED: 5-27-04 LOCATION MAP DRILUNG METHOD:' HSNLAR BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 8" DELTA SAMPUNG M,ETHOD: 5S Cal Mod BOREHOLE DEPTH: 50'bgs See Site Map (Figure 2) for CASING TYPE: NA WELL DIAMETER: NA boring location. ENVIRONMENTAL SLOT SIZE: NA . WELL DEPTH NA I CONSULTANTS GRAVEL PACK: NA CASING STICKUP: NA INCORPORATED ELEVATION NORTHING EASTING NA NA NA I Boring Completion b¡) ¡;;: ....... -¡? Sample OJ ¡;;: OJ '-' .:¡:; .S2 ~ OJ Water ... ¡;;: ....... <ð 0... -ê OJ '" S '-' ....... >-, '" '" LITHOLOGY / DESCRIPTION :::: '-' OJ tJ ~ >-, '" f- ¡;;: 0:: 0... -B ... ~ Level "õ 0 ð OJ 0 " > 0... > ... 'õ :;s u a ¡;;: - 0 I '-' OJ ..0 OJ OJ '" õ: 0... '-" a '-' '-' [f) CQ " ..s ex: ~ 23 .....'''' ------------------------------- I - 24 - 2~=iI - Dry 0.1 23 26 SP Poorly-graded SAND: light brown, coarse to medium- - grained sand: 40% coarse, 60% medium, micaceous, 27 medium dense, - 28 - 29 - 3~=iI - Dry 0.1 18 31 Poorly-graded SAND: gray, very coarse to coarse-grained - sand: 40% very coarse, 60% coarse, micaceous, medium I--- 32 "- dense, - 33 ./",/ ------------------------------'- - 34 '- I 3~=iI - Dry 0.1 26 36' . SW Well-graded SAND: dark brown, very coarse to fine- grained sand: 15% very coarse, 20% coarse, 25% - - 37 medium, 40% fine, micaceous, medium dense, - 38 - 39 - ~=iI . - Dry 0.1 19 41 @40' bgs: same as above. I - 42 - 43 ./",'" ------------------------------- - 44 I I ÂA PROJECT NO; PA2600W-D CLIENT Shell Oil Products BORING NO,;. B-2 LOGGED BY: Michael Sauerwein LOCATION: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield PAGE 3 OF 3 DRILLER: BC2 Environmental DATE DRILLED: 5-27-04 LOCATION MAP I DRILLING METHOD: HSAlLAR BOREHOLE DIAMETER; 8" DELTA SAMPLING METHOD: SS Cal Mod BOREHOLE DEPTH: 50'bgs See Site Map (Figure 2) for CASING TYPE: NA WELL DIAMETER; NA boring location. I ENVIR.ONMENT AL SLOT SIZE: NA WELL DEPTH: NA CONSULTANTS GRAVEL PACK: NA CASING STICKUP: NA INCORPORATED ELEVATION NORTHING EASTING NA NA NA I Boring Completion OJ) ¡:: .-... .--. Sample .., ¡:: .... .., .... .:a ,g ~ .., Water .... ¡:: â ~ p... .a .., co co ...... >-, LITHOLOGY I DESCRIPTION .... .., ./:J '" >-, r- ~ '" ¡:: ~ p... .., ~ --B ... ~ Level 'õ 0 ð o,¡ > ¡:: ..s p... > .... 'õ I u :E u Q .., ~ .., 0 .., u .... r/J co ö: i:l.. '-"' Q o,¡ ..s c¡:¡ ~ 4~=- - Sandy SILT: brown, 70% silt, 15% fine grained sand, trace Dry 0.1 23 4-6' ML clay, micaceous, very stiff. - I 4-7 - 4-8 - 4-9 ,.... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'- - - - - - -- - , 50 Clayey SILT wI sand: brown, 75% silt, 15% clay, 10% fine I ML - Dry 0.1 27 51 grained sand, micaceous, very stiff. - - - j~, I I - 52 BOTTOM OF SAMPLING: 51.5' bgs - - 53 I - - 54- - - 55 I - - 56 - II - 57 - - 58 II - - 59 - II - 60 - - 61 - I - 62 - - 63 I - - 64- , - I - 65 - - 66 I I A PROJECT NO: PA2600W-D CUENT: Shell Oil Products I~ORING NO,: B-3 LOGGED BY: Michael Sauerwein LOCATION: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield PAGE I OF 3 DRILLER: BC2 Environmental DATE DRILLED: 5-27-04 LOCATION MAP DRILLING METHOD: HSAlLAR BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 8" I DELTA SAMPLING METHOD: SS Cal Mod BOREHOLE DEPTH: 50' bgs See, Site Map (Figure 2) for CASING TYPE: NA WELL DIAMETER: NA boring location. ENVIR.ONMENT AL SLOT SIZE: NA WELL DEPTH: NA I CONSULTANTS GRAVEL PACK: NA CASING STICKUP: NA INCOR.PORA TED ELEVATION NORTHING EASTING NA NA NA I Boring Completion I~ I ~ concrete cap _ Water Level 11.1 ..... ~ E 'õ § ¿; U M ¡:; ~ê ~ 0... að ¡:¡; ¡:; ........ .9 t±: ..... '- '" '" b ~ ~ ....9 11.1 ..c ¡:¡. '-'" -;;- 11.1 ~ Sample -¡S 0.- 11.1 a 11.1 0... ~ è' -;¡; f- " ;> > J,.., 'õ 8 ß VJ .:: ..s '- - - - - - - LITHOLOGY / DESCRIPTION Asphalt cap - 3" thick I I I 1 Airknifed to 8' bgs on 5-27-04 - 2 - - Dry 3 . ~- ~- 4 Well Graded SAND: brown, coarse to fine grained sand, trace silt, micaceous. 5 f---- - 6 7 - 8 - 9 ,,""'" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - 10 - Dry 0,1 21 11 SP Poorly-graded SAND: brownish gray, medium to fine- grained sand: 50% medium, 50% fine, micaceous, medium dense. - 12 - 13 - 14- - - Dry 0.1 23 15,=ils @15' bgs: same as above 16 S-P Poorly-gradédSANÕ:browñish graÿ,co-arsé-grãine'd- - -- 17 sand, trace very coarse and medium sand, micaceous, medium dense, - - 18 - 19 - - Dry 0,1 18 20'.' 21 22 Poorly-graded SAND: brownish gray, very coarse to coarse-grained sand, 60% very coarse, 40% coarse, micaceous, medium dense, - ÅA. PROJECT NO: PA260DW-D CLIENT: Shell Oil Products IBORING NO~ B-3 LOGGED BY: Michael Sauerwein LOCATION: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield PAGE 2 OF 3 DRILLER: BC2 Environmental . DATE DRILLED: 5-27-04 LOCATION MAP DRILLING METHOD: HSAlLAR BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 8" DELTA SAMPLING METHOD: SS Cal Mod BOREHOLE DEPTH: 50' bgs See Site Map (Figure 2) for CASING TYPE: NA WELL DIAMETER: NA boring location, ENVIRONMENTAL SLOT SIZE: NA WELL DEPTH: NA CONSULTANTS GRAVEL PACK: NA CASING STICKUP: NA INCOR.PORA TED ELEVATION NORTHING EASTING NA NA NA I Boring Completion ~ ~ ..-- .¡;- SampIe '" '" ..., .:a .g <±: '" Water .... ¡:: 8 b p... ;:: E '" '" ...... >-. LITHOLOGY I DESCRIPTION ~ (¡,) .b '" >-. '" ~ ~ ¡:: a:: p... '" :s: {J ... Level 'õ 0 p... OJ . :> - '-...' ~ ...S2 p... >- .... 'õ I u ::::s u 0 '" ..!:J '" 0 '" , '" õ: c... ---- 0 u ..., C/J ~ OJ ..5 0: 23 /...... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24 25,=jI Dry 0,1 25 26 SW Well-graded SAND: dark brown to tan, coarse to fine- - grained sand: 10% coarse, 70% medium, 20% fine, trace 27 very coarse sand, micaceous, medium dense, - 28 - 29 - ~ ~. 3~=iI - . Dry 0,1 16 31, @30' bgs: same as above, very coarse-grained sand I - increasing, medium and fine sand decreasing. 32 - 33 I] - 34 - I 35,=iI - Dry 0.1 28 36 . @35' bgs: same as above. I - 37 - - I 38 /...... ------------------------------- - 39 - 4O~ F Dry 0,1 19 41 SP Poorly-graded SAND: brown, cOarse to medium-grained sand: 40% coarse, 55% medium, trace fine sand, 42 micaceous, medium dense, - 43 ...... ------------------------------- - 44- . I I ÂIA PROJECT NO: PA2600W-D CUENT: Shell Oil Products I~ORING NO,: B-3 LOGGED BY: Michael Sauerwein LOCATION: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield PAGE 3 OF 3 DRILLER: BC2 Environmental DATE DRILLED: 5-27-04 LOCATION MAP I DRILLING METHOD: HSAlLAR BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 8" DEL T A SAMPLING METHOD: SS Cal Mod BOREHOLE DEPTH: 50'bgs See Site Map (Figure 2) for CASING TYPE: NA WELL DIAMETER: NA boring location. I ENVIRONMENTAL SLOT SIZE: NA WELL DEPTH: NA CONSULTANTS GRAVEL PACK: NA CASING STICKUP: NA INCOR.PORA TED ELEVATION NORTHING EASTING NA NA NA I Boring Completion OJ:) ¡:: ....... -¡:;- Sample ¡:: " " . .j .:e ..g<.±:: " Water ... ¡:: S ~ p.. -ê " '" '" ...... >-, . .j " l:J on >-. ~ ¡- LITHOLOGY I DESCRIPTION ~ ¡:: p.. -B ... Level 'õ 0 0::: ð " ~ '" > ::E u 0 ¡:: ,..g p.. > ... 'õ. u <1.) ..c <1.) 0 ~ u C/J '" 5: 0... ...... 0 '" ..5 c:o ¡:r; . +5 - Dry 0.1 29 +6 ML Sandy SILT: brown, 70% silt, 15% fine-grained sand, trace ~ clay, micaceous, very stiff, - - +7 - +8 - I ~~ +9 ,'- '- - - - - - - - - - - - - -.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- , 50 Clayey SILT wi sand: brown, 75% silt, 15% clay, 10% fine I - ML Dry 0.1 27 51 grained sand, micaceous, very stiff. - - II - 52 BOTTOM OF SAMPLING: 51.5' bgs - - 53 II - - 5+ - - 55 II - - 56 - II - 57 - - 58 II - - 59 - I - 60 - - 61 . - I - 62 ) - - 63 I - - 6+ - I - 65 - - 66 I I Â/Ä PROJECT NO: PA2600W-D CLIENT: Shell Oil Products BORING NO,: B-4 LOGGED BY: Michael Sauerwein LOCATION: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield PAGE I OF 3 DRILLER: BC2 Environmental DATE DRILLED: 5-27-04- LOCATION MAP I DRILUNG METHOD: LAR HSA BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 8" DELTA SAMPUNG METHOD: SS Cal Mod BOREHOLE DEPTH: 50'bgs See Site Map (Figure 2) for CASING TYPE: NA WEU DIAMETER: NA boring location, I ENVIR.oNMENT AL SLOT SIZE: NA WELL DEPTH: NA CONSULTANTS GRAVEL PACK: NA CASING STICKUP: NA INCOR.PORA TED ELEVATION NORTHING EASTING NA NA NA I Boring Completion OJ) § 'Z' -¡;- Sample 0) ..... ¡:: 0) 0) Water ... ¡:: .:a ,-... .~ :::: ~ 0... ª 0) '" S >-, LITHOLOGY I DESCRIPTION ..... 0) b '" >-, (Õ f- 3 ¡:: c:r:: 0... 0) ;;: -S .... Level 'õ 0 ç " ;>- :E u a ¡:: ...s 0... > ... 'õ I u 0) ~ 0) 0 0) '" ë: Cl.. --- a u .B (/J o:¡ " ¡:I: concrete cap Asphalt cap - 3" thick - - 1 - - Airknifed to 8' bgs on 5-27-04 2 - - - Dry 3 Well-graded SAND: brown, coarse to fine-grained - - 4- sand trace silt, micaceous. I - - - S - - - 6 - - . 7 - - - 8 - I 9 I - 10 - Dry Well~graded SAND: dark brown, coarse to fine-grained 0,5 22 11 SW - sand: 10% coarse, 70% medium, 20% fine, micaceous, - 12 medium dense. - 13 ",/ ------------------------------- - 14- - 1S ., - I Dry 1.7 24 16 SP Poorly-graded SAND: light brown, coarse-grained - sand, trace very coarse and medium sand, micaceous, 17 medium dense. - 18 - 19 - 20=- ~ - Dry 0,7 23 21 Poorly-graded SAND: gray, coarse to medium-grained ~ - sand: 40% coarse, 55% medium, trace very coarse sand, 22 micaceous, medium dense. I ÎA PROJECT NO: PA2600W-D CUENT: Shell Oil Products BORING NO~ B-4 LOGGED BY: Michael Sauerwein LOCATION: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield PAGE 2 OF 3 DRILLER: BC2 Environmental DATE DRILLED: 5-27-04 LOCATION MAP I DRILUNG METHOD: LAR HSA BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 8" 0 ELTA SAMPUNG METHOD: SS Cal Mod BOREHOLE DEPTH 50' bgs See Site Map (Figure 2) for' CASING TYPE: NA WELL DIAMITER: NA boring location, EN VIR.ONMENT AL SLOT SIZE: NA WELL DEPTH NA I I CONSULTANTS GRAVEL PACK: NA CASING STICKUP; NA IN COR.PORATED ELEVATION NORTHING EASTING NA NA NA I Borin g Completion OJ:) § 'Z' ...... Sample = .... OJ .... .:a OJ OJ Water ... = ...... ,- '- J:: 0... .... ..... B OJ '" E '" '" ......, >-, LITHOLOGY / DESCRIPTION .... OJ >-, r- '" = p:; 0... b ~ -£ ... ~ j2 Level 'õ 0 0... OJ 0 " > I ::E u [) ......, = - 0... > ... ' 'õ u OJ ,.J:¡ OJ C ~ u [/) '" 5: 0... ,""'" [) " c:o r:r; 23 ./- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I - ....." 24- , - I ",=II - Dry 3,2 26 SW Well-graded SAND: tan, very coarse to medium- 26 - grained sand: 15% very coarse, 65% coarse, 20% 27 medium, micaceous, medium dense, - 28 - , I--- 29 - I--- 30}l - Dry 11.8 24 31 ' @30' bgs: same as above, - 32 - 33 - 34- - - 3~=iI - Dry 5.7 28 @35' bgs: same as above. 36 - 37 - 38 - ~- 39 . . ~- 4O=jI Dry 1,9 29 @40' bgs: same as above, 4-1 .' - ~ 4-2 - . a 4-3 "........ ------------------------------- 4-4 I I Â. PROJECT NO: PA2600W-D CUENT: Shell Oil Products I~ORING NO,: B--{ LOGGED BY: Michael Sauerwein LOCATION: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield PAGE 3 OF 3 DRILLER: BC2 Environmental DATE DRILLED: 5-27-04 LOCATION MAP I DRILUNG METHOD: LAR HSA BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 8' DELTA SAMPUNG METHOD: 55 Cal Mod BOREHOLE DEPTH: 50'bgs ' See Site Map (Figure 2) for CASING TYPE: NA WELL DIAMETER: NA boring location, I ENVIR.oNMENT AL SLOT SIZE: NA WELL DEPTH: NA CONSULTANTS GRAVEL PACK: NA CASING STICKUP: NA INCOR-PORA TED ELEVATION NORTHING EASTING NA NA NA I Boring Completion M .: .-.. ~ Sample .., .., ¡:: ,52 t±:: .., .., Water ... ¡:: .::a â ~ 0... B .., '" -:;; "- '-' >-, LITHOLOGY / DESCRIPTION .., .., .Þ '" >-, ;;; f- ~ '" ¡:: cG 0... .., ~ ..p ... Level 'õ 0 ð " ~ ~ u a ~ 0 0... ~ ... (5 I ü OJ :õ .., 0 ] '" 0: p... '-' a u C/) ¡:Q " 0::: -= 4~=iI Dry 8.6 25 46 ML Sandy SILT wi clay: brown, 75% silt, 15% fine-grained sand, 10% clay, micaceous, low plasticity, medium dry - 47 strength, very stiff. - 4-8 - 4-9 .../ -------.--- - ----- - -- - -------------- .. - Clayey SILT wi sand: brown, 75% silt, 15% clay, 10% fine 50 I ML grained sand, micaceous, very stiff, - Dry 0,1 27 51 SM Silty SAND: reddish brown, fine grained sand, 20% silt, - micaceous, medium dense, - I - 52 BOTTOM OF SAMPLING: 51.5' bgs - - 53 II - - 54- - - 55 II - - 56 - II - 57 - .- 58 I - . - 59 .- . - '- 60 . I - - 61 - . I - 62 - " - 63 I - - 64- - I - ·'65 - - 66 . I I ÅÁ PROJECT NO: PA2600W-D CLIENT: Shell Oil Products I~ORING NO,: B-5 LOGGED BY: Michael Sauerwein LOCATION: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield PAGE 1 OF 2 DRILLER: BC2 Environmental DATE DRILLED: 5-26-04 LOCATION MAP I DRILLING METHOD: LAR HSA BOREHOLE DIAMETER:' 8" D,EL T A SAMPLING METHOD: SS Cal Mod BOREHOLE DEPTH: 35' bgs See Site Map (Figure 2) for CASING TYPE: NA WELL DIAMETER: NA boring location. I ENVIR.oNMENT AL SLOT SIZE: NA WELL DEPTH: NA CONSULTANTS GRAVEL PACK: NA CASING STICKUP: NA INCOR.PORA TED ELEVATION NORTHING EASTING NA NA NA I Boring Completion 0lJ ¡:: .-.. -¡:;- Sample IU .µ ¡:: .9 d:: IU IU Water .... ¡:: .:a â .µ "- ~ P... ~ IU .. .. '" '--' >-. LITHOLOGY / DESCRIPTION .µ IU b ~ >-. '" f- ~ ¡:: c:G P... ii ... Level 'õ c ð IU C IU > P... > ... 'õ t=:", ::2 u Q ¡:: - 0 IU ..!:J IU IU Iî P-. '--' Q u .µ en IU E ex: Concrete cap - 6" thick - - 1 Airknifed to 7' bgs on 5-26-04 - 2 - - 3 Well-graded SAND: dark brown, coarse to fine-grained - Dry - 4- sand trace silt, micaceous. - - 5 t - 6 - 7 8 - 9 ,/ f- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - , -c-- 10 - Poorly Graded SAND: dark brownish gray, medium to fine Dry 9,8 16 11 SP - grained sand: 50% medium, 50% fine, micaceous, 12 medium dense. - - 13 - - 14- - 15 - Dry 4,0 24 Poorly Graded SAND: brownish gray, very coarse to 16 - coarse grained sand: 45% very coarse, 50% coarse, trace - 17 medium sand, micaceous, medium dense. - 18 - 19 - I 20=- @20' bgs: same as above, Dry 2,9 18 21 -_- ------------------------------- . SP Poorly-graded SAND: dark brown, medium to fine-grained 22 sand: 45% medium, 45% fine, 10% silt, micaceous, I medium dense. I Îg4.. PROJECT NO: PA2600W-D CLIENT: Shell Oil Products I~ORING NO,: B-5 LOGGED BY: Michael Sauerwein LOCATION: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield PAGE 2 OF 2 DRILLER: BC2 Environmental DATE DRILLED: 5-26-04- LOCATION MAP I DRILLING METHOD: LAR HSA BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 8" DELTA SAMPLING METHOD: SS Cal Mod BOREHOLE DEPTH: 35' bgs See Site Map (Figure 2) for CASING TYPE: NA WELL DIAMETER: NA boring location. I ENVIRONMENTAL SLOT SIZE: NA WELL DEPTH: NA CONSULTANTS GRAVEL PACK: NA CASING STICKUP: NA INCOItPORA TED ELEV A TION NORTHING EASTING NA NA NA I Boring Completion Cl) ¡:: '"' Z" Sample v ..... ,5 ,9 t±: v v Water B 0::: .." â ..... ...... c1:: 0.- V '" '" '" ...... >, LITHOLOGY / DESCRIPTION ..... v ,.., !- ~ '" ¡:: ~ 0.- b ~ ..p ... .. Level '8 0 ..e,- . ~ .£ <I :> ::E u a 0.- > .... 'õ u .., ..0 .., 0 .., u {/) '" 5: 0... ...... a <I :s ¡:;Q ~ 23 ,....- ------------------------------- - - 24- - 25;~ - Dry 18.2 27 26 SW Well-graded SAND: tan; very coarse to fine-grained - sand: 15% very coarse, 20% coarse, 25% medium, 40% I 27 fine, micaceous, medium dense, - 28 ....,....- ----------------------.--~------ - 29 - ~ ~ 30 - . Poorly-graded SAND: tan, coarse to medium-grained % Dry 11,9 21 31 SP - sand: 70% coarse, 30% medium, micaceous, medium 32 dense. - 33 ....,....- ------------------------------- - -= 34- I 35~ - Well Graded SAND: dark brown, very coarse to fine Dry 19.0 21 36 SW grained sand: 15% very coarse, 20% coarse, 25% - medium, 40% fine, micaceous, medium dense, II - - 37 BOTTOM OF SAMPLING: 36.5' bgs - I - 38 - - 39 - . I - 4-0 - - 4-1 I - - 4-2 - I - 4-3 ~ - 44 I II Â/à DELTA I I Boring Completion Water Level ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS INCOR.PORA TED ~ I concr:e cap - - I - - - - - - - - - - I-- ~ - - - - - I-- I~ = ~--= I; CLIENT: Shell Oil Products I BORING NO~ B-6 LOCATION: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield PAGE I OF 2 DATE DRILLED: 5-26-04- LOCATION MAP BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 8" BOREHOLE DEPTH: 35' bgs WELL DIAMETER: NA WELL DEPTH: NA CASING STICKUP: NA NORTHING EASTING NA NA PROJECT NO: PA2600W-D LOGGED BY: Michael Sauerwein DRILLER: BC2 Environmental DRILUNG METHOD: LAR HSA SAMPLING METHOD: SS Cal Mod CASING TYPE: NA SLOT SIZE: NA GRAVEL PACK: NA ELEY A TION NA See Site Map (Figure 2) for boring location, bfj ¡:: ......... 'Z' Sample ¡:: <1) <1) µ .:e .9 c±: <1) .... ¡:: ......... µ '- ~ i:l-. ª B '" S '" '" '-' >, LITHOLOGY / DESCRIPTION <1) b ~ >-- '" f- '6 ¡:: ¡:r:; i:l-. -£ ... 0 -ð :!:! 0 <1) > :2 u ¡:¡ i:l-. > .... '6 ¡:; :D <1) 0 B ;:¡: 0...'-' ¡:¡ u C/) " ..s '" Concrete cap - 6" thick - 1 - Airknifed to 7' bgs on 5-26-04 2 - 3 Well-graded SAND: dark brown, coarse to fine-grained Dry - 4 sand trace silt, micaceous, - 5 - 6 - 7 8 9 " ------- - - --- - - ----- -------- ---- ---- .. .. 10 Dry 0.7 18 , SP Poorly-graded SAND: brownish gray, medium to fine- 11 grained sand: 50% medium, 50% fine, micaceous, 12 medium dense, '. 13 14 15 Dry 8,9 24 16 Poorly-graded SAND: orang ish brown, very coarse to coarse-grained sand: 80% very coarse, 20% coarse, 17 micaceous, medium dense. 18 19 Dry 16,1 20'. @20' bgs: same as above, 21 - - Põõrly-g¡'adedSANÕ:dãikbrown~ mediüm tOfiñe-g-raine"d- 22 sand: 45% medium, 45% fine, 10% silt, micaceous, medium dense. 23 I Â/Ã. PROJECT NO: PA2600W-D CLIENT: Shell Oil Products BORING NO,: B-6 LOGGED BY: Michael Sauerwein LOCATION: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield PAGE 2 OF 2 DRILLER: BC2 Environmental DATE DRILLED: 5-26-04- LOCATION MAP I DRILLING METHOD: LAR HSA BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 8" DELTA SAMPLING METHOD: S5 Cal Mod BOREHOLE DEPTH: 35'bgs See Site Map (Figure 2) for CASING TYPE: NA WELL DIAMETER: NA boring location. I ENVIR.oNMENT AL SLOT SIZE: NA WELL DEPTH: NA CONSULTANTS GRAVEL PACK: NA CASING STICKUP: NA INCOR-PORA TED ELEVATION NORTHING EASTING NA - . NA NA I Boring Completion blJ ¡:: --- .-¡;- Sample ¡:: '" '" ""' .:e ,ß ~ '" 0... Water .... ¡:: Ê ~ .B '" ... ... ...... ;.-., - ""' '" ./:I '" ...... >-, C;; ¡- LITHOLOGY I DESCRIPTION '" ¡:: 0::: 0... '" ~ -£ .... Level 'õ 0 ð <1) > - ¡:: ...s 0... > . ~ 'õ ~ u CI '" ..0 '" 0 <1) Vi 5: ~ ...... CI u ""' <1) ..s IX 23 ./,/ ------------------------------- - 24 - 25 - Well-graded SAND: tan-gray, very coarse to fine-grained Dry 1.7 17 26 SW - ., , sand: 10% very coarse, 20% coarse, 30% medium, 40% I 27 fine, micaceous, medium dense. - 28 - e--- 29 . - 30 - Well-graded SAND: tan-gray, coarse to fine-grained sand: Dry 10,0 25 31 I----- 10% coarse, 70% medium, 20% fine, micaceous, medium - 32 dense, - 33 ./,"'" ------------------------------- - 34- - I 3~=iI - Poorly-graded SAND: gray, coarse to medium-grained - Dry 0,8 26 36 'SP sand: 70% coarse, 30% medium, micaceous, medium - dense. II - - 37 BOTTOM OF SAMPLING: 36.5' bgs - II' - 38 - - 39 - II - 4-0 - - 4-1 II - - 4-2 - I - 4-3 - - 44- I II Â!i.. DELTA I I Boring Completion Water ENVIR.ONMENT AL CONSULTANTS INCOR.PORA TED I ] fI-= . - I - . Level - - - - ~ - - - - - I I~ I - - - - - - ~- - - - - - r PROJECT NO: PA2600W-D LOGGED BY: Michael Sauerwein DRILLER: BC2 Environmental DRlLUNG METHOD: H5A1LAR SAMPLING METHOD: 55 Cal Mod CASING TYPE: NA SLOT SIZE: NA GRAVEL PACK: NA ELEVATION NA CLIENT: Shell Oil Products IBOIÜNG NO,: B-7 LOCATION: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield PAGE I OF 2 DATE DRILLED: 5-26-04 LOCATION MAP BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 8" BOREHOLE DEPTH: 35' bgs WELL DIAMETER: NA WELL DEPTH: NA CASING STICKUP: NA NORTHING EASTING NA NA See Site Map (Figure 2) for boring location. Sample go I:: ..-. 'Z' <!J .µ 0 <±:: <!J "" I:: -'8 â ',¡:J --... <ð :g ~ '" '" '" <!J 1:J 0. 0:: 0.. ~ -B 'õ 0 ð <!J 0 ::E u Q 0. ~ 0.. <!J <!J 5: "'"' Q , 1 2 3 Dry 4- 5 6 7 8 9 Dry 0,1 Dry 0,1 Dry 0,1 18 16 16 <!J "'"' >-. è' '" f- '" > > ¡.., 'õ 8 E (/) ~ !: - - - Well-graded SAND: dark brown, coarse to fine-grained - sand trace silt, micaceous. - - - - - ......"'" - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- LITHOLOGY I DESCRIPTION Concrete cap - 6" thick Airknifed to 9' bgs on 5-26-04 10~Sp 11~ SW 12 Poorly-graded SAND: dark brown, medium to fine-grained sand: 50% medium, 25% fine, trace very coarse sand, trace coarse sand, trace silt, micaceous, medium dense, Well-graded SAND: gray, very coarse to fine-graíned sand: 20% very coarse, 40% coarse, 30% medium, 10% fine, micaceous, medium dense, 13 . 14 IS~ 16 -=tBIiI @15' bgs: same as above, 17 18 . 19 20'~¡, . 21 22 @20' bgs: same as above, very coarse and coarse-grained sand increasing, II ÎA DELTA I I Boring Completion Water ::::: '5 Level I j . - ENVIR.ONMENT AL CONSULTANTS INCORPORATED PROJECT NO: PA2600W-D LOGGED BY: Michael Sauerwein DRILLER: BC2Environmental DRILLING METHOD: HSAlLAR SAMPLING METHOD: SS Cal Mod CASING TYPE: NA SLOT SIZE: NA GRAVEL PACK: NA ELEV A TJON NA 01) ¡:: ,...., ~ ¡:: <1) ...., .::a 0 ct:: <1) .... ¡:: â '.g ...... ~ ª <1) '" V) '-' ...., <1) þ 'õ ¡:: c:G 0... ¡;; -5 0 ð <1) 0 ¿; u a ¡:: ¿ 0... <1) <1) 5: 0... a 23 24 I - Dry 0.1 22 - - .. - I. I - II I I I I - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - I Dry 0.1 20 Dry 0,2 24 CLIENT: Shell Oil Products BORING NO,: B-7 LOCATION: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield PAGE 2 OF 2 DATE DRILLED: 5-26-04 LOCATION MAP BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 8" BOREHOLE DEPTH: 35' bgs WELL DIAMETER: NA WELL DEPTH: NA CASING STICKUP: NA NORTHING EASTING NA NA See Site Map (Figure 2) for boring location, Sample <1) 0... >-. >-. ... ~- F- <1i > ... 'õ 0 ." u ...., (I) <1i ..5 a: LITHOLOGY / DESCRIPTION /------------------------------- ..,.' 25~ 26--=-, SP 27 Poorly-graded SAND: gray, very coarse to coarse-grained sand: 40% very coarse, 60% coarse, micaceous, medium dense. 28 - 29 30--=iiB 31---=- SW 32 Well Graded SAND: gray, very coarse to fine grained sand: 15% very coarse, 20% coarse, 25% medium, 40% fine, micaceous, medium dense, 33 34 ::=11 37 Well-graded SAND: tan-gray, very coarse to fine-grained . sand: 15% very coarse, 30% coarse, 40% medium, 15% fine, trace silt, micaceous, medium dense. BOTTOM OF SAMPLING: 36.5' bgs 38 39 40 41 42 43 .. 44 I ~ I 1#.. DELTA I I Boring Completion ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS INCOR.PORATED Water ~ Level to: œp - 11-= I ~--= I - - - - - - I'hl - f--- - f--- - - - - f--- - I-- - - - o///h-; - I-- - r-= CLIENT: Shell Oil Products IBORING NO,: B-8 LOCATION: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield PAGE 1 OF 2 DATE DRILLED: 5-26-04- LOCATION MAP BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 8" BOREHOLE DEPTH: 35' bgs WELL DIAMETER: NA WELL DEPTH: NA CASING STICKUP: NA NORTHING EASTING NA NA PROJECT NO: PA2600W-D LOGGED BY: Michael Sauerwein DRILLER: BC2 Environmental DRILLING METHOD: HSAlLAR SAMPLING METHOD: SS Cal Mod CASING TYPE: NA SLOT SIZE: NA GRAVEL PACK: NA ELEVATION NA (1) .µ ... ¡:: B (1) .~ ~ o 0 ::8 u ~ .:e '" S (1) 0... 0::: 0... 0'-' ö: Dry Dry 1.7 Dry 0.2 Dry 0.1 14 § z-. ,~ c.;., .µ ...... '" '" b :: (1) 0 c:: - (1) .£J 0... '-' 16 16 ~ (1) ~ --B 0... (1) CI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Sample (1) 0... >-, è --; F- ~ ?" ':'""'"o~ o ôJ u ..... VJ ~ E - - - - - - - - 20'. 21 SW 22 I See Site Map (Figure 2) for boring location. LITHOLOGY / DESCRIPTION Asphalt cap - 4" thick Airknifed to 8' bgs on 5-26-04 Well-graded SAND: dark brown, coarse to fine-grained sand trace silt, micaceous, ........1- - - - - - - - - -'- - - - - - - - - - -,- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- .. SP Poorly-graded SAND: dark brown, medium to fine-grained sand: 60% medium, 25% fine, 10% silt, micaceous~ medium dense. , @15' bgs: same as above, ....-' - --- --- - ---- - ------ --- .---- - ------ Well-graded SAND: gray-tan, very coarse to medium- grained sand: 10% very coarse, 70% coarse, 20% medium, micaceous, medium dense, I Â/Jt.. PROJECT NO: PA2600W-D CUENT: Shell Oil Products I~ORING NO,:B-8 LOGGED BY: Michael Sauerwein LOCATION: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield PAGE 2 OF 2 DRILLER: BC2 Environmental DATE DRILLED: 5-26-04 LOCATION MAP I DRILLING METHOD: HSAlLAR BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 8" DELTA SAMPUNG METHOD: SS Cal Mod BOREHOLE DEPTH: 35'bgs See Site Map (Figure 2) for CASING TYPE: NA WELL DIAMETER: NA boring location, I ENVIR.oNMENT AL SLOT SIZE: NA WELL DEPTH: NA CONSULTANTS GRAVEL PACK: NA CASING STICKUP: NA INCOR-PORA TED ELEVATION NORTHING EA.STING NA NA NA I Boring Completion ~ ¡:: ,..... ~ Sample OJ t: ¡:: ,,g d:: OJ OJ Water .... .:a S ~ 0... .8 ~ <IS <IS ....... >-- OJ ,þ '" >-> -;;; ¡..... LITHOLOGY I DESCRIPTION ~ '" c:c: 0... OJ i!: -£i .... Level 'õ <1) 0 0... ¡:: ..£ > > 'õ I ::Ë u a ---- 0... .... u OJ ..0 OJ C OJ <IS s: Cl.. ----. a u .... ' V) çQ <1) ..s ~ 23 - 24- - 25 SW @25' bgs: same as above. - Dry 0,1 17 26 SP Poorly-graded SAND: dark brown, medium to fine-grained - sand: 70% medium, 25% fine, trace silt, micaceous, 27 medium dense. - 28 --,,'/ ------------------------------- - - 29 - 30 - Well-graded SAND: gray, very' coarse to medium-grained Dry 0,1 19 31 SW - .' sand: 20% very coarse, 60% coarse, 20% medium, 32 micaceous, medium dense. 1-= 33 --,,'/ ------------------------------- -t 34- 3S I - Poorly-graded SAND: tan-gray, coarse to medium-grained Dry 0,9 25 SP sand: 70% medium, 30% fine, micaceous, medium dense. - 36 I : - - 37 BOTTOM OF SAMPLING: 36.5' bgs - II - 38 - - 39 - I - 4-0 - - 4-1 I - - - 4-2 - I - 4-3 - .. - 44 r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I ~ "d ~ = ~ .... ~ ð I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ApPENDIX C WASTE INVENTORY RECORD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WASTE INVENTORY RECORD Uoð LU~;k tt{~) g~~c/~J (J LocationfSS# . . M;c'-' ~ SCl~';' Page ) of 1 Enrv¡ro-.'m~:¡ ...... . Cti-:ttsuJ~i:S;, it:lc. V/rb&ðoW-ý) Project No. 5-z/; I 'b7-ClJ Date Generated 'hW>(( Client Field T~chnician Date Removed Well or ' Depth Type of Waste Date Drum & ID or Comments Boring ID (Interval) Waste Volume Generated Stock Pile and (wet,odor,chemical Designation constituents, etc.) * ' () -~ ç $"'1 I c..sif:'c 5 tJê eM 4- r:;-2b/~t-ó'1 ~f)-1 .J Vr.../ '5: c¡ kÅ ~-t- OJ . 0 . R-Ç (l,-b ~7 . ß-I o-ç-v R-i ß-I{ß . ß~3Å ~) ~) , - , . Sketch Locations of Waste ~Sl> I~o-Il l ~1~8' ll]]... .~~~. .~ ~ ~ Stock Pile on Site & Volume (þ .J ~ WJ Total Number of Drums at Site 1 t?on é> (t ~~ ~~~ Ce?¡) . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I > '0 '0 ~ = ~ t;:j I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - APPENDIX D . - CERTIFIED ANALYTICAL DATA AND CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY DOCUMENTATION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I s _a/science - gnvironmenta/ S aboratories,lnc. ,- June 11, 2004 Gretchen Tagavilla Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Ave" Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016 Re: Revised Analytical Results, Calscience 04-05-1606 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Dear Gretchen, Enclosed, please find the revised results for all the samples from the 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA project, under Calscience work order 04-05-1606. Samples'were re-analyzes to confirm original results. These pages are a direct replacement for the previously sent pages, Please discard the previously sent report with the one included. If there are any questions, or if I can be of further assistance, please call at 714-895-5494. Yours very truly, ~- Calscience Environmental Laboratories, Inc. Minh Nguyen Assistant Project Manager 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I l.~ a/science I = ~nviro;nmentál Analytical Report l!!5 aboratories, Inc. I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: OS/28/04 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 04-05-1606 I Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8260B Units: mg/kg Project: . . Page 1 of 7 I 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Date Date Client Sample Number Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0,050 1 I Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0,010 1 Toluene ND 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0,010 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0,010 1 o-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Ethanol 0,44 0.25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0,0050 1 Surroaates: REC (%) Control Qual Surroaates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 120 81-135 Toluene-d8 95 86-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 81 72-114 I Parameter . Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0,050 1 Ethylbenzene ND 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0,010 1 Toluene ND 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0,010 1 I p/m-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0,010 1 o-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Ethanol ND 0,25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0,0050 1 Surroaates: REC (%) Control Qual SurroGates: REC(%) Control Qual I Limits Limits Dibromofluôromethane 97 81-135 To¡"uene-d8 95 86-110 1 ,4-Bromofluorobenzene 96 72-114, I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 I Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 1 Oiisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0,010 1 Toluene ND 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0,010 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.010 1 o-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Ethanol 0.37 0,25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0,0050 1 SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual Surroaates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 121 81-135 Toluene-d8 93 86-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 82 72-114 I RL . Reporting Limit DF - Dilution Factor Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I i..~ a/science I = ~nvironmental Analytical Report ¡;., aboratories, Inc. I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: OS/28/04 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 04-05-1606 I Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8260B Units: mg/kg I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Page 2 of 7 Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0,050 1 I Ethylbenzene ND 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIP E) ND 0,010 1 Toluene ND 0.0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0,010 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0,010 1 o-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0,0050 1 Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual . Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Oibromofluoromethane 100 81-135 Toluene-d8 94 86-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 94 72-114 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) NO 0.050 1 Ethylbenzene ND 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 1 Toluene ND 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 1 I p/m-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0,010 1 o-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Ethanol 0,37 0,25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0,0050 1 Surroqates: REC (%) Control Qual Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual I Limits Limits Oibromofluoromethane 122 81-135, Toluene-d8 95 86-110 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene B1 72-114 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 I Ethylbenzene ND 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0,010 1 Toluene ND 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether. (ETBE) NO 0,010 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0,010 1 o-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Ethanol ND 0,25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0,0050 1 Surroqates: REC ('Yo) Control Qual Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Oibromofluoromethane 99 81-135 Toluene-dB 94 86-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 94 72-114 I 11,1 a I RL - Reporting Limit ~ 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 DF . Dilution Factor , Qual - Qualifiers I ~ alscie~ce I = ~nvironmental Analytical Report - aboratories, Inc. ::¡: I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: OS/28/04 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 04-05-1606 I Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8260B Units: mg/kg I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Page 3 of 7 Date Client Sample Number Matrix Prepared QC Batch 10 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Parameter Result RL OF Qual Benzene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) NO 0,050 1 I Ethylbenzene NO 0,0050 1 Oiisopropyl Ether (OIPE) NO 0,010 1 Toluene NO 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0,010 1 p/m-Xylene NO 0.0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0.010 1 o-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Ethanol 0.40 0.25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0.0050 1 SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual Surroaates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Oibromofluoromethane 123 81-135 T oluene-d8 96 86-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 81 72-114 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Parameter Result RL OF Qual Benzene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) NO 0,050 1 Ethylbenzehe NO 0.0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (OIPE) NO 0,010 1 Toluene NO 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0,010 1 I p/m-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0,010 1 o-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Ethanol NO 0,25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0,0050 1 Surroaates: REC(%) Control Qual SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual I Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 107 81-135 Toluene-d8 93 86-110 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 93 72-114 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Parameter Result RL OF Qual Benzene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) NO 0,050 1 I Ethylbenzene ND 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) NO 0,010 1 Toluene NO 0.0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0,010 1 p/m-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0.010 1 o-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Ethanol 0,35 0.25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0,0050 1 Surroaates: REC(%) Control Qual Surroaates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 124 81-135 Toluene-d8 97 86-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 81 72-114 I RL . Reporting Limit DF - Dilution Factor Qual· Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714)894-7501 I ~ a/science I = ~nvironmental Analytical Report ... aboratories, Inc. I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc, . Date Received: OS/28/04 911 S.outh Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 04-05-1606 I Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Preparation: EPA 50308 Method: EPA 82608 Units: mg/kg I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Page 4 of 7 Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch 10 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Parameter Result RL OF Qual Benzene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) NO 0.050 1 I Ethylbenzene NO 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0,010 1 Toluene NO 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0,010 1 p/m-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.010 1 o-Xylene ÑD 0.0050 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0,0050 1 Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 101 81-135 Toluene-d8 95 86-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 93 72-114 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL OF Qual Benzene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) NO 0,050 1 Ethylbenzene NO 0.0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) NO 0,010 1 Toluene ND 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0,010 1 I p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0,010 1 o-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Ethanol 0.44 0,25 . 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTEiE) ND 0,0050 1 Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual I Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 127 81-135 T oluene-d8 97 86-110 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 81 72-114 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0,050 1 I Ethylbenzene ND 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0,010 1 Toluene ND 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0,010 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0,010 1 o-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0050 1 Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 102 81-135 Toluene-d8 93 86-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 92 72-114 I RL - Reporting Limit OF . Dilution Factor Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I ~ a/science I· = ~nvironmental Analytical Report -. .. aboratori~s, Inc. :¡; I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: OS/28/04 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 04-05-1606 I Monrovia, CA 91016:..0000 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8260B Units: mg/kg I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Page 5 of 7 Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 I Ethylbenzene ND 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 1 Toluene ND 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0,010 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0,010 1 o-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Ethanol 0,32 0.25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0,0050 1 Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 129 81-135 Toluene-d8 98 86-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 81 72-114 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 1 Toluene ND 0.0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 1 I p/m-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.010 1 o-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Ethanol ND 0,25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0,0050 1 I Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Surroqates: . REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 104 81-135 Toluene-d8 96 86-110 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 92 72-114 1 Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0,050 1 I Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0,010 1 Toluene ND 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0,010 1 o-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Ethanol 0,31' 0,25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0,0050 1 Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 128 81-135 Toluene-d8 96 86-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 80 72-114 I I RL - Rèporting Limn DF· Dilution Factor Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I ~ a/science I ~ ~nvironmental Analytical Report ..... ... aboratories~ Inc. ~,. I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: OS/28/04 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 04-05-1606 I Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8260B Units: mg/kg I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfie"ld, CA Page 6 of 7 Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 I Ethylbenzene ND 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0,010 1 Toluene ND 0.0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0,010 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0,010 1 o-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Ethanol ND 0,25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0050 1 Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 105 81-135 Toluene-d8 96 86-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 92 72-114 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0,010 1 Toluene ND 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 1 I p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0,010 1 o-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Ethanol 0.31 0.25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0050 1 Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual I Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 129 81-135 Toluene-d8 96 86-110 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 82 72-114 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 I Ethylbenzene ND 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0,010 1 Toluene ND 0,0050 1 Ethyl"t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0,010 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0,010 1 o-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Ethanol ND 0,25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0,0050 1 Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 106 81-135 Toluene-d8 95 86-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 94 72-114 I RL . Reporting Limit DF - Dilution Factor Qual· Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I ~ a/science = ~nvironmental ¡¡¡., aboratories, Inc. Analytical Report ::r~ I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: Units: OS/28/04 04-05-1606 EPA 5030B EPA 8260B mg/kg Page 7 of 7 I I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Client Sample Number Lab Sample Number Date Collected Matrix Date Prepared QC Batch ID I I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0,050 1 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0,010 1 Toluene ND O,OQ50 1 Ethyl-t,Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0,010 1 a-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1, Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0,0050 1 Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 114 81-135 Toluene-d8 96 86-110 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 87 72-114 Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0,050 1 Ethylbenzene ND 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIP E) ND 0,010 1 Toluene ND 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0,010 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0,010 1 o-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Ethanol ND 0,25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0,0050 1 Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 103 81-135 . Toluene-dB 96 86-110 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 92 72-114 I I I I I I I I I I RL - Reporting Limit OF - Dilution Factor , Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 - TEL:(714) 895-5494- FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -=-~ a/science ~nvironmental Quality Control - Spike/Spike Duplicate ... aboratories, Inc. Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: OS/28/04 04-05-1606 EPA 5030B EPA 8260B Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Quality Control Sample ID Instrument Date Prepared Date Analyzed MS/MSD Batch Number Matrix Parameter MS %REC MSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers Benzene 99 105 77-113 6 0-9 Carbon Tetrachloride 92 102 57-141 10 0-14 Chlorobenzene 102 105 72-114 3 0-13 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 99 103 53-125 4 0-24 1,1-Dichloroethene 108 116 72-126 7 0-24 Toluene 99 103 72-114 4 0-11 Trichloroethene 100 104 80-116 4 0-14 Vinyl Chloride 92 98 64-130 7 0-13 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 96 102 60-126 6 0-13 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) 78 91 66-120 15 0-27 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) 106 116 67-121 9 0-17 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) 96 101 74-116 5 0-11 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) 96 99 73-115 3 0-9 Ethanol 91 105 28-148 15 0-55 RPD - Relative Percent Difference. CL . Control Limit ,7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 . TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I ·1 I I I I I I I I I I I' 'I I I I I ~ ~ a/science - ênvironmental Quality Control - LCS/LCS Duplicate ... aboratories, Inc. :r Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: N/A 04-05-1606 EPA 5030B EPA 8260B Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Quality Control Sample 10 Date Prepared LCS/LCSD Batch Number Matrix Instrument Date Analyzed Parameter LCS %REC LCSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers Benzene 103 102 82-112 0 0-10 Carbon Tetrachloride 98 99 71-131 1 0-12 Chlorobenzene 105 106 86-110 0 0-10 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 106 104 82-112 2 0-11 1,1-Dichloroethene 114 115 84-120 1 0-10 Toluene 102 103 81-111 1 0-10 Trichloroethene 103 105 84-114 2 0-10 Vinyl Chloride 94 96 75-123 2 0-11 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 97 96 82-118 0 0-13 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) 71 74 70-124 4 0-25 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) 110 110 73-121 0 0-14 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) 97 98 82-118 0 0-13 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) 97 96 81-117 1 0-8 Ethanol 85 80 22-154 6 0-21 RPD - Relative Percent Difference, CL - Control Limit 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 . TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I I I' 1 I, I I I I I I I I 1 I ~ alséíence ~nvíronmental Quality Control - Laboratory Control Sample .. aboratories, Inc. Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911' South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Man rovia, CA 91 016-0000 N/A 04-06-0346 EPA 50308 EPA 82608 Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: Project: 2718 Iowa Ave., Colton, CA Quality Control Sample 10 LCS Batch Number Instrument Matrix Date Analyzed Lab File 10 Parameter Cone Added Cone Recovered LCS %Rec %Rec CL Qualifiers Benzene 250 260 103 82-112 Carbon Tetrachloride 250 230 93 71-131 Chlorobenzene 250 240 96 86-110 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 250 230 91 82-112 1,1-Dichloroethene 250 270 109 84-120 Toluene 250 250 101 81-111 T richloroethene 250 260 103 84-114 Vinyl Chloride 250 250 100 75-123 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 250 240 97 82-118 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) 1300 1100 85 70-124 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) 250 260 104 73-121 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) 250 250 99 82-118 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) 250 240 97 81-117 Ethanol 2500 2700 108 22-154 II~II I RPD . Relative Percent Difference, CL - Control Limit ~ 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 . TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 - CALSCIE:NCE ENVIRONMENTAL Shell A L^BORATO~IES. INC, Oil Products US Chain Of Custody Reçord Equlva Project Manager to be invoiced: 7440 Lincoln Way, [W~~~¡(~&~M@J INCIOENT NUMBER (SIIoE ONL VI - , Garden Grove, CA 92B'I1!1432 tg~~:~= 9 11 1 4.1 11 9 5 5 OATE:_~ 0512'04 (714) IIY5·5494 (714) 894-7501 fq~ J ~I\Y Pøtagyi PL SAP or CRMf NUMBER (TSICRMT) PAGE: ;jjnf -;-1 &NlW'Utrn C~p"lh! RIPH 11 J5080 '" ~5061 51 \'oøç~: 1. 3 0 6 8 DELTA Environmental Coolultlnts "Tr: AD,",U$ (It~~' "n4 Cfty,: ACDAU It: KHMM 2600 White Lana, Bakersfield' CLOII.4I.tQhI>,; , ,. 911 5, pilmfo.1i AVe,. Monrovia CA CA IpendinQ (Of OElMW\!lLI! Tn 'N~ P~tr..On~ fffO'-: He.; .1oW.: - POUltCl ,o""crt_"tOr_..,: t ''''''''-T''''' ..",.orHo., Grøtl:hen T¡ g~..III. Brilnev Gunderson 626·25B-AA62 b!lur'ldcrsonl1!J<1ella nv.r...m "Q.EptlOtfE~ S~mpler: I.b.L Ni~ PA25üUW·l) 82&.256,6662 II''''' E~~\.: LAS USfONLY 626-258·8283 a laa alii ria tœ1deltaenv [X !I! f.A.(.....~ ~---.:.. 1U/lNA!\O\JNQ'1IMIO ( jUSINESS OAYS): tJl.f er. /6ð6' o 10 O~\'5 0 5 DAYS 0 ;2 HOURS 0 ., HQ\/RS 0,21 HOUII5 o ~ESS ThAN 21 HOURS o LA· RWQC8 RfPOIIT FORMATO UST AGEK(:Y, REQUESTED ANALYSIS GCll49 tofreE CPNFIRM,t,l1ON' HIGHfSr . ,. ~ - HIG,¡JEST p.' OORING ALL .. ... ~ i Ê i SPI'.CIA~ INSTRUCTIONS OR NOTES: .. ~ ~ cHECK sox If" rCD 19 mu NEEOED 0- ~ :ñ' '" z . FIELD NOTES: u ~ a i I :J :; ¡jj" g ~ II! ð ~ :E ., Please f!lx to Gretcne!, Tag:lVllla ASAP a: 0 E t;. I- ~ Conl~ nQt/P rescrvatfvQ It '" ¡¡; ~ D l- · .. ... ! :l III ~ t '0' PID R..dil\gl ~ D &: i ~ " ~ ~ ... NSL , 0. C - ::; .. t SITE "- .", ,>. N '" ." ~. .., OJ .. 0(. L~bo.,..lory Hotrs I!' '" d ... ~ ~ r: III ? .:s : - ~ ,. §: íii (j ~ Iii I- 1 ~ ~ ... '111 <II '" " In (!¡ . fi .. ~ ,\Ø 0 .. $. \) ~ ~ , .. ~ ... '" ~ " /j 1 ~ j LAB ~ Q '" 0 .; :J; · CJ ~ ~ ;; ~~ ~ 0 õ · õ a D- · use FiC!ld Sample Identification 5AIf1PLING . )( III III 0- '" :z: > .... ii:: } Õ 0....'1' NO. or- '" Ii . ... VI a ~, !!. M~1I\1)I :r OJ aJ Q t % Š. a pA.Te TIME COHf. ~ Iii .... !Ë ~ :!i « u A- D , .. TEH,PERATURf. ON RECEIPT C' l,-4 e1 (0 ,,_. ..... :E 0 iii 0.. 0 at D- o. ';; :t: I! w ~ IIJ ;:- ~ ~ -> ~ ~ ~ u.. 1- .. :! .' 1\·'1...... ! 1l1li1 '- Mil )( X X X x : y1.... " , S- .. ... I 1>-1 1/) ~. l IJ.Czj ~-'(. , 7~ 11.01. f{ -.. -" "~ ·~D 10-\1 I -I-- 1--- II ",Vf )ç (O~-f ,.. ~ ~ : .Jf '1Ò ' - "". 10 ~ ., , 'r~, ¡( rO"4' . I' -ffd50 .. "~ " ...... J O't-r -oc; ~II 11h ,¡-. ~ I 'C It 11þ ... ~.,,""laþ.,þY TOI:In""'J . . '. ~ M1J 1,. ""..""" b: : (Þ ~"".... ¡;; Olt.: ,¡, -- Time: iJ RdIJl tÆ/1Þf. try; (&gn.tUteJ ~. . 5 -2, J-() 'f ;! ~ft;IIiw,~by.(SIgfl'M~1 . 01": . Tim.: ~ k'""'IIÍlh~(SI!ln. ¡Il~fu ',Ç" ,. R......d!>t: (ßlQIOI".\ ~ 5 7 ~ -.... Dall: Tim~: D)3TR'e\.fDON:~. "'Ull\r1ðt ft .Ut1¡Ç'..n 10 fn., Vdf:IIN And FI~II: '0 ca_ ~I. ..... ,,>-:~ .- & Ý ~,'C?Ò - D . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -; o -; D r -0 IS) ..0 - - - y C Z J IS) ,...,. I N IS) IS) ~ ,...,. ~ t-> --J D o .. -0 IS) ..0 "- (SJ ..0 1 Or't I/fHJ R.....kln I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _~ a/science - =nvironmental Laboratories, Inc. Glossary of Terms and Qualifiers Work Order Number: 04-05-1606 Qualifier Definition * 1 2 3 4 5 A B C o E H J N NO Q U X Z See applicable analysis comment. Surrogate compound recovery was out of control due to a required sample dilution, therefore, the sample data was reported without further clarification. Surrogate compound recovery was out of control due to matrix interference. The associated method blank surrogate spike compound was in control and, therefore, the sample data was reported without further clarification. Recovery of the Matrix Spike or Matrix Spike Duplicate compound was out of control due to matrix interference. The associated LCS and/or LCSO was in control and, therefore, the sample data was reported without further clarification. The MS/MSD RPD was out of control due to matrix interference. The LCS/LCSD RPD was in contrql and, therefore, the sample data was reported without further clarification. The PDS/PDSD associated with this batch of samples was out of control due to a matrix interference effect. The associated batch LCS/LCSD was in control and, hence, the associated sample data was reported with no further corrective action required. Result is the average of all dilutions, as defined by the method. Analyte was present in the associated method blank. Analyte presence was not confirmed on primary column. The analyte concentration was reported from analysis of the diluted sample. Concentration exceeds the calibration range. Sample analyzed past recommended holding time. Analyte was detected at a concentration below the reporting limit and above the laboratory method detection limit. Reported value is estimated.' Nontarget Analyte, Parameter not detected at the indicated reporting limit. Spike recovery and RPO control limits do not apply resulting from the parameter concentration in the sample exceeding the spike concentration by a factor of four or greater. Undetected at the laboratory method detection limit. % Recovery and/or RPD out-of-range. Analyte presence was not confirmed by second column or GC/MS analysis. 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I 'i£::.M'~':':'" . ...z:=............................................... , ,'. " , I . .. .. ... . ...'. ... Inc. I WORK ORDER #: 04 -~[2j - [[][f]@J~ Cooler I of SAMPLE RECEIPT FORM k~ H.M. DATE: ð~ TEMPERATURE - SAMPLES RECEIVED BY: CALSCIENCE COURIER: Chilled, cooler with temperature blank provided. Chilled, cooler without temperature blank. Chilled and placed in cooler with wet ice. Ambient and placed in cooler with wet ice, Ambient temperature. LABORATORY (Other than Calscience Courier): o C Temperature blank. ~-ð 0 C IR thermometer. Ambient temperature. o C Temperature blank. Initial: {~ CUSTODY SEAL INTACT: Cooler: No (Not Intact) : N~t Applicable (N/A): Initial: {/ -- (t-/ SAMPLE CONDITION: Chain-Of-Custody document(s) received with samples..,..... .......... _...... Sample container làbel( s) consistent with custody papers,.., '" .,. ,., ,., . " '. Sample container( s) intact and good condition.... ." ... ... .., ,. , ", .., , ., '" ,.. , Correct containers for analyses requested.,.... .,....... '" ,.. ... ", ... ......' .,., Proper preservation noted on sample label(s):....... .............. ............... VOA vial(s) free of headspace. ,., ... '" .., ,., _" '" '" ... ... ". ....' .,. ... .,. ",'. '" Tedlar bag(s) free of condensation..: ... ... ." .., ... ... ... ..' ,.. ... ,,, ... ... .., '" '," Yes No N/A ;t/ ,...... . V 1/ ¿/ t.,/ .. .-.. .... /' (/ ----- Initial: ("-- COMMENTS: I I I I - - - - -. - ..... CAlSCIENCE ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. IL 7440 Lincoln Way Garden Grove, CA 92B41l1432 I (714) 895·5494' (714) B94-7501 r¡¡ S^"ÞUff¡:a eOMPA~ DELTA Environmental Consultants AODR~S: &: - - LO!) coo,: KHMM 911 S. primrosli Ave., Monrovia CA PROJECT cOrn-ACT l_ '" por n.oøt '-I' Gretchen TagRlrlllÌl l'El.EPHDNE: . I ''''' 626 ·256·6662 626'-258-8283 ìUflNAROUNDìlME (BUSINESS DAYS): o 10 DAYS 0 S.DAYS 0 72 HOURS 0 48 HOURS 0,21 HOURS o U\ - RWQCB RfPORTfORMAT 0 USTAGEtlÇI'\ .,....,~ tltaa aVlllatéî!dellaenv, com o LESS 11iAN 21 HOURS - - - - - - - - Shell Oil Products US Chain Of Custody Record ... . . GCIMS MTBE CO~FIRM"'TION: HIGHEST _ HIGHI:ST p.r BORING _ ALL_ SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS OR NOTES: CHECK BOX IF EDD IS !!QINI:WEO U Please fax to Gretchen Tagavllla ASAP NSL SITE o o C\J CTJ' f- W 'ì ~ W tJ) a: -I. Cl. ::r: lAB US!! Finld Samplø Identification ONLY '.,-4 J 10 v~ \ I ç })-" 1..a -'(, 7.1:" ":"'-/1 ~D -'" 1 ~'f c ~ S" ~..l(¡ '1Ò ~'i 'f( 1',,-4dSo E. a: v o:t' CD o o o C\J - R.inqul.hBd by: (~n.tur.) . . 'JYl() 11. .ft RQJlrK I.J~h8d by; ~rg,.,.tureJ a¡ C\J >- a: E f<"Rnqu.tr~d by: ISlgnaluf.) O!9TRIeUTJON, WhIle ~Ih fin'" report, Or.." '0 File, Yellow Ind "'nk to CDønl. , R..ceíW!d by; (SJ.aT16ll1r.) (, \_ '7 V\..~ --- ,- Equlva Project Manager to be invoiced: I'PM¡'~$h~M%t(g.Mffi \tjffi~~\~,k~y!Y.¢~~¡m Tony palagyí ¡:Þ!&~t®,~f~M¡h:m¡J SAMPLING PATE TIME MATRIJ( I~·"l.~ "''' IIfÞ I f. Mil . i/o'l'4 lo1J '01ft JO\I 'o~ of /0 l' (0'1 .. 10'(1' 'Ii .. :is IE e> 6- ri r:J , NO. Df J: coNT, f':: 1. X ~b ,,1-: I , ~ R...lved , (Slgnalurt) Reç..iv.d by. (Signature) PL . . INCIDENT NUMBER (5&1:: ONLY) 9171'1 411915 5 . SAP .or CRMl NUMBER (TSICRMT) RIPR iI 35060 & 35061 .SlTE ADDRE.. I."....nd Cltyl: 1. 3r 5 0 6 8 GL.D8AL JD NO,; oendinç¡ ll-ilWL: 2600 White Lana, Bakersfield CA EOf DElIVEMIU.£ TO (RMpVI"IIIbMi ~t)I arV"Ig",D~ rHON£ Nn.: Britnev Gunders(Jn_ IS26.256-ß662 Sampler. ~i!l ~t~ fIt..~L.~' Sa~~ ~~. - DATE: 0512J104 . ''"~-I I PAGE, ~Of ~.. " ) C~SUlrAÑT F'/tOJ&C-T ,.,O.~ b~lIndcrsonr1l>dellaenv,com . PA280UW.P LÁIIIJSEONLY tJ~-e;7-/~ðÓ REQUESTED ANAL YSIB ~ ¡¡¡ - " N ~ .. Ê i GI ~ t <ot ii ¡j¡' Ø> ... .!! " ~ E ! 1\ .g :¡:I \II :IE III ::; íiì '" Ê E t:. I- GI ¿ .¡¡ [f Q ã! .g 0 I- '" u ,}¡. i 0 '" :;¡ òî ~ 'II .Q '" .( ~ . .Q 8: e. g " - ::¡ ... E "" N 0 :;; 1;\' .., :g ~ Æ 0.. '" '" e. ., $ :; ~ ¡ ~ on <> J>, " Iñ .. §: iii' ð ~ '" u, ~ .'" iJ '" " 0 'W III 0 " "" ä ,", ,. 0\ .... ,lJ <'j 'i .. N 1 " ... IU .. .s ~ ,.; x i5 ; <> I!. Õ ~ 10 'i o. 0 a.. )( ª- ~ ~ õ ,., :c > > f-- ü: ~ is " " 011 '" ... ... '-' '- ~ 1M w ~ ~ " '" II! J: 8. 8. 0. 0 . w ~ tj CD ~ u a.. "- c... ! :J: S Iii - ð i\J 61 0 0: :!: .. .. ~ C1. ;e :E ;e 111 > I- > ::> - X X X X " .. ¡þ, f7 D,.t.; 5 - 2;r-() 'i Oal_; - .. Date: ~~'-é!Jý . FIELD NOTES: CanlalnerlP resenratfve ·or PIO R..dlngo or L.boratory Notes TEMPERATURE ON RECEIPT G' Time: lima: 11?t? ~ '7" ð '0:- . 10/1ð1DO Reyj&,lon - ... . I I I R ~ 8J ~.. t:::. ~ .c; 8 ~ (J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I s _ a/science - jffnvironmental '- aboratories, Inc. ,C June 11, 2004 Gretchen Tagavilla Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Ave., Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016 Re: Revised Analytical Results, Calscience 04-05-1588 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Dear Gretchen, Enclosed, please find the revised results for all the samples from the 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA project, under Calscience work order 04-05-1588. Samples were re-analyzes to confirm original results. These pages are a direct replacement for the previously sent pages. Please discard the previously sent report with the one included. If there are any questions, or if I can be of further assistance, please call at 714-895-5494. Yours very truly, \ %~ . Calscience Environmental Laboratories, Inc. Minh Nguyen Assistant Project Manager 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I L~ a/science I = ~nvironmental Analytical Report ¡¡., aboratories, Inc. :¡; I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: OS/27/04 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 04-05-1588 I Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Preparation: EPA 50308 Method: EPA 82608 Units: mg/kg I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Page 1 of 8 Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch 10 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Parameter Result RL OF Qual Benzene NO 0.0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) NO 0,050 1 I Ethylbenzene NO 0,0050 1 Oiisopropyl Ether (OIPE) NO 0.010 1 Toluene NO 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0.010 1 pfm-Xylene NO 0,0050 I 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0,010 1 o-Xylene NO 0.0050 1 Ethanol NO 0.25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0,0050 1 Surroaates: REC(%) Control Qual Surroaates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Oibromofluoromethane 109 81-135 Toluene-d8 98 86-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 84 72-114 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Parameter Result RL OF Qual Benzene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) NO 0.050 1 Ethylbehzene NO 0.0050 1 Oiisopropyl Ether (OIPE) NO 0,010 1 Toluene NO 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0,010 1 I pfm-Xylene NO 0.0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0.010 1 o-Xylene NO 0.0050 1 Ethanol NO 0,25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0,0050 . 1 Surroaates: REC(%) Control Qual SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual I Limits Limits Oibromofluoromethane 110 81-135 Toluene-d8 96 86-110 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 88 72-114 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Parameter Result RL OF Qual Benzene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) NO 0,050 1 I Ethylbenzene NO 0,0050 1 Oiisopropyl Ether (OIPE) NO 0,010 1 Toluene NO 0.0050 1 . Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0.010 1 p/m-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0,010 1 o-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Ethanol NO 0,25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0,0050 1 Surroqates: REC (%) Control Qual Surroaates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Oibromofluoromethane 109 81-135 Toluene-d8 96 86-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 84 72-114 I I RL - Reporting Limit OF - Dilution Factor Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I ~ a/science I = ênvironmental Analytical Report .. aboratories, Inc. I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: OS/27/04 911 SoUth Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 04-05-1588 I Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 82608 Units: mg/kg I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Page 2 of 8 Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 I Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 1 Toluene ND 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0,010 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0,010 1 o-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0,0050 1 Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 115 81-135 Toluene-d8 98 86-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 86 72-114 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0,050 1 Ethylbenzene ND 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0,010 1 Toluene ~ ND 0.0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 1 I p/m-Xylene NO 0.0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0.010 1 a-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Ethanol NO 0,25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0,0050 1 Surroqates: REC (%) Control Qual Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual I Limits Limits Oibromofluoromethane 113 81-135 Toluenecd8 98 86-110 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 83 72-114 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Parameter Result RL OF Qual Benzene NO" 0.0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) NO 0,050 1 I Ethylbenzene ND 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) NO 0.010 1 Toluene NO 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0,010 1 p/m-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0,010 1 a-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Ethanol NO 0,25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0.0050 1 Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits . Dibromofluoromethane 118 81-135 Toluene-d8 98 86-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 84 72-114 I I RL - Reporting Limit DF . Dilution Factor Qual· Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I , a/science I = §nVironmental Analytical Report .. aboratories, Inc. ,""" ::r.: I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: OS/27/04 911 So~th Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 04-c05-1588 I Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Preparation: EPA 50308 Method: EPA 82608 Units: mg/kg I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Page 3 of 8 Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch 10 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene NO 0.0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) NO 0,050 1 I Ethylbenzene ND 0,0050 1 Oiisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 1 Toluene NO 0.0050 1 EthylA-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0,010 1 p/m-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0.010 1 o-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Ethanol NO 0.25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0050 1 Surrooates: REC(%) Control Qual Surrooates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Oibromofluoromethane 120 81-135 Toluene-d8 99 86-110 I 1 ,4-Bromofluorobenzene 85 72-114 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) NO 0.050 1 Ethylbenzene ND 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) NO 0,010 1 Tolùene ND 0.0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0,010 1 I p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0,010 1 o-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Ethanol NO 0,25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0,0050 1 I Surrooates: REC(%) Control Qual Surrooates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Oibromofluoromethane 96 81-135 Toluene-d8 95 86-110 1 ,4-Bromofluorobenzene 87 72-114 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene NO 0.0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) NO 0,050 1 I Ethylbenzene NO 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DWE) NO 0,010 1 Toluene NO 0.0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0,010 1 p/m-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0,010 1 o-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Ethanol 0,34 0,25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0,0050 1 Surrooates: REC(%) Control Qual Surrooates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Oibromofluoromethane 89 81-135 Toluene-d8 103 86-110 I 1 ,4-Bromofluorobenzene 83 72-114 I RL - Reporting Limit DF - Dilution Factor , Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I i..~ a/science = §nvironmental I. aboratories, Inc. I I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 I I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Client Sample Number Analytical Report Lab Sample Number Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: Units: Date Collected Matrix Date - Prepared Date Analyzed ,-i ::: OS/27104 04-05-1588 EPA 5030B EPA 8260B mg/kg Page 4 of 8 QC Batch 10 I Parameter Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene p/m-Xylene o-Xylene Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Surroqates: Result NO NO NO NO NO NO REC(%) I I I Oibromofluoromethane 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 99 98 I Result NO NO NO NO NO NO REC (%) I Parameter Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene p/m-Xylene o-Xylene Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Surroqates: I Oibromofluoromethane 1 ,4-Bromofluorobenzene 99 85 1 Parameter Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene p/m-Xylene o-Xylene Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Surroqates: Result NO NO NO NO NO NO REC(%) I 1 I Oibromofluoromethane 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 95 96 I RL 0,0050 0.0050 0,0050 0,0050 0.0050 0,0050 Control Limits 81-135 72-114 RL 0,0050 0,0050 0.0050 0,0050 0.0050 0,0050 Control Limits 81-135 72-114 RL 0,0050 0,0050 0.0050 0.0050 0,0050 0,0050 Control Limits 81-135 72-114 OF 1 1 1 1 1 1 Qual Parameter Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) Oiisopropyl Ether (OIPE) Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) Ethanol Surroqates: Toluene-d8 Parameter Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) Oiis.opropyl Ether (OIPE) Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) Ethanol Surroqates: Toluene-d8 Parameter Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) Oiisopropyl Ether (OIPE) Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) Ethanol Surroqates: T oluene-d8 Result NO NO NO NO NO REC(%) 96 Result NO NO NO NO NO REC(%) 96 Result NO NO NO NO NO REC(%) 96 RL 0.050 0.010 0,010 0.010 0.25 Control Limits 86-110 RL 0.050 0,010 0,010 0,010 0,25 Control Limits 86-110 RL 0,050 0.010 0.010 0.010 0,25 Control Limits 86-110 OF Qual 1 1 1 1 1 Qual OF Qual 1 1 1 1 1 Qual OF Qual 1 1 1 1 1 Qual 11.1 a I RL . Reporting Limit ~ 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 Qual OF 1 1 1 1 1 1 Qual DF - Dilution Factor Qual OF 1 1 1 1 1 1 Qual Qual Qual· Qualifiers I ~ a/science I = §nvironmental Analytical Report .. aboratories, Inc. ...".~ ~,,~ I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc, Date Received: OS/27/04 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 04-05-1588 I . Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Preparation: EP A 5030B Method: EPA 8260B Units: mg/kg I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Page 5 of 8 Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Parameter Result RL OF Qual Benzene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) NO 0,050 1 I Ethylbenzene NO 0,0050 1 Oiisopropyl Ether (DIPE) NO 0,010 1 Toluene NO 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0,010 1 p/m-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0,010 1 o-Xylene NO 0.0050 1 Ethanol NO 0,25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0.0050 1 SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 95 81-135 Toluene-d8 95 86-110 I 1 ,4-Bromofluorobenzene 94 72-114 I Parameter Result RL ' OF Qual Parameter Result RL OF Qual Benzene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) NO 0,050 1 Ethylbenzene NO 0,0050 1 Oiisopropyl Ether (DIPE) NO 0,010 1 Toluene NO 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0,010 1 I p/m-Xylene NO 0.0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0,010 1 o-Xylene NO 0.0050 1 Ethanol NO 0.25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0,0050 1 I Surrooates: REC(%) Control Qual SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 98 81-135 Toluene-d8 96 86-110 1 ,4-Bromofluorobenzene 94 72-114 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Paramèter Result RL OF Qual Benzene NO 0.0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) NO 0,050 1 I Ethylbenzene NO 0,0050 1 Oiisopropyl Ether (DIPE) NO 0.010 1 Tolùene NO 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0.010 1 p/m-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0,010 1. o-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Ethanol NO 0,25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0,0050 1 Surrooates: REC(%) Control Qual SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 96 81-135 Toluene-d8 95 86-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 94 72-114 I RL . Reporting Limit DF - Dilution Factor Qual· Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 . TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I L~ a/science I = gnvironinental Analytical Report .. aboratories, Inc. ...; -^ I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: OS/27/04 9.11 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 04-05-1588 I Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Preparation: EPA 50308 Method: EPA 82608 Units: mg/kg I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Page 6 of 8 Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch 10 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Parameter Result RL OF Qual Benzene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) NO 0,050 1 I Ethylbenzene NO 0.0050 1 Oiisopropyl Ether (OIPE) NO 0.010 1 Toluene NO 0.0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0.010 1 p/m-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0,010 1 I o-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Ethanol NO 0,25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0,0050 1 Surroaates: . REC(%) Control Qual Surroaates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Oibromofluoromethane 99 81-135 Toluene-d8 97 86-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 99 72-114 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Parameter Result RL OF Qual Benzene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) NO 0.050 1 Ethylbenzene NO 0,0050 1 Oiisopropyl Ether (OIPE) NO 0.010 1 Toluene NO 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0.010 1 I p/m-Xylene NO 0.0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0,010 1 o-Xylene NO 0.0050 1 Ethanol NO 0,25 1 Methyl-t,Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0,0050 1 I Surroaates: REC(%) Control Qual Surroaates: REC (O/~) Control Qual Limits Limits Oibromofluoromethane 100 81-135 Toluene-d8 96 86-110 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 99 72-114 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Parameter Result RL OF Qual Benzene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) NO 0,050 1 I Ethylbenzene NO 0.0050 1 Oiisopropyl Ether (OIPE) NO 0,010 1 Toluene NO 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0,010 1 p/m-Xylene NO 0.0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0,010 1 o-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Ethanol NO 0,25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0.0050 1 Surroaates: REC(%) Control Qual Surroaates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Oibromofluoromethane 99 81-135 Toluene-d8 96 86-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 99 72-114 I RL ^ Reporting Limit DF c Dilution Factor Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I ~ a/science I = §nvironmental . Analytical Report ;., aboratories, Inc. I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: OS/27/04 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 04-05-1588 I Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8260B Units: mg/kg I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Page 7 of 8 Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch 10 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Parameter Result RL OF Qual Benzene NO 0,0050 . 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) NO 0,050 1 I Ethylbenzene NO 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) NO 0,010 1 Toluene NO 0.0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0.010 1 p/m-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0,010 1 o-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Ethanol NO 0,25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0.0050 1 Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Surroqates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 100 81-135 Toluene-d8 97 86-110 I 1 ,4-Bromofluorobenzene 101 72-114 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Parameter Result RL OF Qual Benzene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) NO 0,050 1 Ethylbenzene NO 0.0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) NO 0,010 1 Toluene NO 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0,010 1 I p/m-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 T ert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0,010 1 o-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Ethanol NO 0,25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0.0050 1 Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual I Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 113 81-135 Toluene-d8 96 86-110 1 ,4-Bromofluorobenzene 86 72-114 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) NO 0,050 1 I Ethylbenzene NO 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) NO 0,010 1 Toluene NO 0.0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0.010 1 p/m-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 T ert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0.010 1 o-Xylene NO 0.0050 1 Ethanol NO 0,25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTSE) NO 0,0050 1 Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 99 81-135 Toluene-d8 96 86-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 85 72-114 I RL - Reporting Limit DF - Dilution Factor Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 . TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I . i..~ a/science I = §nvironmental Analytical Report .. ·aboratories, Inc. - I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: OS/27/04 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 04-05-1588 'I Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8260B Units: mg/kg I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Page 8 of 8 Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0,050 1 I Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0,010 1 Toluene ND 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0,010 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.010 1 I o-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0,0050 1 SurroGates: REC(%) Control Qual SurroGates: REC (%) Control Qual, Limits Limits Dibromof1uoromethane 99 81-135 Toluene-d8 94 86-110 I 1,4-Bromof1uorobenzene 92 72-114 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 Ethylbenzene ND 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0,010 1 Toluene ND 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0,010 1 I p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0,010 1 o-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0050 1 SurroGates: REC(%) Control Qual SurroGates: REC(%) Control Qual I Limits Limits Dibromof1uoromethane 104 81-135 Toluene-d8 97 86-110 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 97 72-114 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 I Ethylbenzene ND 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0,010 1 Toluene ND 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0,010 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0,010 1 o-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Ethanol ND 0,25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0,0050 1 SurroGates: REC(%) Control Qual SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 103 81-135 Toluene-d8 96 86-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 92 72-114 I RL - Reporting Limit OF - Dilution Factor Qual· Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 . TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 Shell Oil Products US Chain Of Custody Record INCIDENT NUMBER (S&E ONLY) 9 71 1 4 1 9 5 5 . - - - - - - - - CALSGtENCE ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES,INC, 7440 Lincoln Way Garden Grove, CA 92841~1432 Equiva Project Manager to be invoiced: [j}I*.d~~t~:~~¡;~8 i~t.~~J@\ 19+~Ó~@ª~j~~yjii~F] Tony Palagyi [Qørit;¡~iJ~mð,~i,2J (714) 895-5494 ('114) 894·7501 fa) 5-^M¡? !NO CüM(·'^NY: I.I,X7CODf.: - - DEL TA Environmental Consultants ~3:--- - SITE ADDRess (Strep.1 nnd CUYI: RIPR tI 35060 & 35061 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA :'~::~'::^:FUT~::~:':';P""~ v..·,~, ~~;6.G6G2 Sampïer: I ~ it <;'. '::3""QIJ fl1,'tW ~~~ ~ _."'_._-c--~~l!;---)~:-- ::~";'r:"(:I.::'::'ln Mfl~~ f!mN.dl~("f.mlh"o) c-'~7/7:' P"I"9_~ -f- D~ J?~J)IIIJ',í$'ICd b)': (~lçll;' lU!fJ) ~"--'-'-------- ~R~;~;~ ï bY(5k,noíUr'~~---- __~_..ww -=::;;> ~ _. ......-..,-.._-~-_.....~.~--- WÕ;í~'-'····-_· -------- J;"";;l¡¡jy 'hrQiÃ---'-""--'-r8--;e--- 11>7 / 'OJfñf( 'II~t;...jt.¡O/J . ,..// .. KHMM 911 S, Primrose Ave" MOl1Tovia CA ... f"I"H~JE:Cr coÑT^Cr (f Ilrnh::oPf o:"I)I.W 1~'I'f'O'II~J: Gretchen Tagavilla ~ì:i;~j~-- -~- -r MI\ ~ 626,256·6662 -1626'256'~2:--lq;~q:,y.Œ~@delta¡;D,Y.&Qf!] 'rURNAROUNO TIM!" (6USIN!"SS DAYS): [1 100AYS fJ 5 DAYS lJ 7Z 1 lOURS 0 4B !IOURS 1"2J 24 HO\JR5 0 LESS TIIMi N HOURS -."...........-. .r] I.A· R~~~:'~OR'1AT g.\lsr AGENCY:___.,~----=_.._--==..,...._ GCIM$ M rQE CONflr~MATI()N: HIGH~ST _, __. ___ I-!'GHF.ST per OORING 'n__ A1.L _.. .__ SPECIAL INS-rRUCTlONS OR NOTES: CHEcK BOX IF ED ) IS!jQ! MEWED 1....1 Please lax 10 Grelchen Tagavilla ASAP a> :Q '" a> E' " a. ,;- '" o NSL SITE "A~ S^MPLlNG "$F. Field Sample Identification ----- --:::c·-·· MATRIX ~~':; it O'!':!... __"'___'" . ____,__ "'yATE,__ ~. .... ,~-2_d1cL_____,__2~~~;~ OìlL -~'-~1. .l:1.~L.lí_..____ __ ~_ 5211L._,.. f-- l¡)~----""_c--." b1ß. - -"- "'-~-l-z.-5-.._. . 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E I- a> é 2' ~ I- ID VJ :õ .g ~ e :;; ~ .~ I c ..: . ~ '" IS ~ '" 'õ x ...J " " N .S! </I - £ ~ u ~ IU Õ ::E IV .. ç '" .... f- </I >< « ~ t: m u. U) '" <II \U 0 U x ., ~ (!J 0 u ~ '" ~ " a "" c. -.; iû \U 0 ~ U I ., ~ " ~ ~ ." 0 0 Q. " Õ ., 0 I :!.. ::- ::- ... ü: ~ 6 ~ '0 III :J: ~ ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 w OJ « u Q. c. c.. a. a. ~ I g! 0 Q, 0 a: " '" '" '" .. Q. ul w > .... > > > > .... f- :; FIELD NOTES: C ontai r1er/Pre servative or PIO RRading!; Dr LaOoralory Noles "'l~MÞf;H^ 1 URF- ()N Hf.Cf:.!PT Çð ..-. -- ---, -- ___·..w·_..........·__..__~· '--.-.... _._' --,-- n..,,_~.. "'~ø ",-",- ........-.----, .- ~._. .., -- -~~.. ....--,---.-.--- ,,- ., . --.".- _ __n_ ,_._._ -.. ..~.. .._ ._. ..........~~ "---.......__..._...._...n..····~_'-_~_......·_......~____ ~.. -- hW_,H ~ _.__" ...~~....... --.. ...,....--_.. ,..,.-......-..- ..~~-_...- ..--..,.., -_._~ n_... , .. -. -..... .,-~ ~ ~ f.~ ~ :1i _(6'~~__ : " -5. '" (:5 (1 .., C! ..... -J Tllr,,·: Tjllu~: ìJ Shell Oil Products US Chain Of Custody Record Equíva Project Manager to be invoiced: [QJ~@S~"-It]¡&~g~~ !Q!œçiiliW~d@B111Gill "Tony Palagyi [Q,èM;Eêillw~tŒ.;n:;)·.1 KHMM 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield CA ---------,--.- §õfõi'lIVEM"m¡¡¡¡¡¡;-,;;;;¡;" """" Ooo;~"'J' . ~6'206i:¡-_E2w50'6:__666"2 _ --------- Britney Gunderson _I~- .___,____ Sampler: ~"Iti- f'-I'~' 'uh\On Se;¡~";"" - - - - - - - - - - - CALSCIENCE ENVIRONMENTAL lABORATORIES,1NC_ 7440 Lincoln Way Gardell Grove, CA 9284\·'1432 (714) 895·5484 (714) (\94-7501 fa S1\N,PlmG COMPA~I'l': r,IPR # 35060 & 35061 1..013 000£:: SITE AI.HJRESS ~Irr.P.t ?lId city}: DEL TA Environmental Consultants ....ì\~š;:---w~_.._.."--_._-~-- 911 S, Primrose Ave" Monrovia CA -PRõJEC! CõmAëfï¡~; ijjF I'hporl ~T' Graichen Tagavi\la ,."~-,._...~ fAX: G·M.tJL; 626·256·6662 626-256.6263 TUI1NAROUNO TIME (BUSINF.:SS DAYS): CJ 10 DAYS [J 5 DAY5 0 n t-IÚU~5 IJ ~B ~IOURS 91i!9i!Y.UL<!@Q§ltaeDy.,com 0. H HOURS IJ LESS THAN H HOURS ~--'~ f.J t^· RWQCB R£ro~T FOR~AT Ll U~~2~:==---===:--=_"_-:-:::--==- G(:IMS MTßF.: (:ONFlr¡MATION: HIGHEST _._. ·IIGI·IEST pOI OORING ___ ALl....._ SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS OR NOTES: CHf.CK BOX If EOfJ IS NOT NEWEO J :) ;, :; iD õ ;;> :J II: 0 ãì ~ II: -" '" ,g '" .0. Q. ~ 0 c '" "- Q. £ ,g "- "1 >. '" 0 n tí , ~ íD <t ~ ID en 0 0 ;( [ '" '" 0 N 2! N <-1. w 0 '" !2- Õ '" ~ ~ õ c:: .., ~ 0 W IU 0\ :; " '" en ~ -" Q) <t I- >- -" Q; x Q 0., :;; :õ 0 u:; ~ \.LI u X X X ~-.~-~.." Please f¡¡x ID Gre\ctmn l~gaviJla ASAI' .. '!; " " ~ ~ a. .,¡ '" l:) NO. or: X :T. IU caNT. n. f- f- ro NSL SITE' I,,~~ Field Sample Identífication_S.1.',~PUN~___ MAr"IX hO~~~ ß~.lJ,LI2__...=~=~~~-·- 5-~::-~ ~:~:~ -'~oL 1,_ ~ _~_ _h_"_ ß.::..1JJS___. I itA. _..~= Itiç ....-,..- ..,.. -- ¡I,lL__ -!.?--_,________ .,_ .lß.."l ....__~sL3~-... lß( ___. --~~~ -=;~- -=--~~~'1S ~------ l'1r ....----ß- SU-=~:==..." IIt~ -~. .,..~~.~ ---- ~ ,... -...~--......'~ ~_._.__ ~ ._.h_ -t o -t ]) r -U '~~::"'~::~I:.:".=,~~:O~._~. Hf!riml'II:~hN' lJy: (SiOlllll lc) '.' '~,~,V~_"'H__ '~ëë7J v(!{ bY:{Š¡ŸÏi~"----'-'~----'--" fl.ct:-t.'Ívc(f by: (S1uII~ll'rc.) "R~i;;';'í~;Îsii~JT;<s¡i; \""líu} .. ....... OJ I.m;-rr<IBUTION: Whili! VlJII fillil! I~r( " r;;rP.f~n lu rUe, Yellow ~IK.I Pink tv C';onL -'---' - - - - INCIOENT NUMBEH {S&E ONLY} ,~Gl~[11~~Ii PL SAP or CRMT NUMBER (TSICRMT) pending L:·MAJI.: 8 - - - DATE:__,_05/2~4_. PAGE: 2 Of,~..__ CON~II.TAN·r'~ojl;cr NO.: byunderSDll@QQjtaer\v,colll PA2600W-D . r="z):-/;-~-- , REQUESTED ANALYSIS iiì <õ N '" Ê ~ 0 ò ..,. õ ~ '" '" z t:. '" ;; .g ~ ó ~ ò ~ ~ '" w .:¡; U) E ro t:. Ê \- .. é :: 1- <0 If) I :¡; .2 2: ;;; ~ ~ Q) '" ~ <t 'ò x :::¡ ... 13 2: II) .:; :J w :; .. .. 1: '" ~, 1,- II) " en "- If) '" II) 0 c:: t:J 0 pi U .. ~ 0\ " " ~ "- :i ! 0 ~ U u r " .. 0 0 0.. x Õ .!!! :T. :!. ;;> > 1- u: ~ a ~ '" :r <; ~ ~ ~ w U D.. 0 0 0 Q. g. ~' ~ '" :x: ~ 0 ct '" .. := > 1- ;;> > ;;> ;;> \- ~ .._x. ~---~-_.~ --- ---.-. -.., ~~- .--,- -- ..~. - _.- ~.... ......- --" ---,~.- ----.-,- -.~~~_." ~..._~.. .__..-,,_....~. . .._, "-'-' - -,~"- Dille: . ~~:ç(] 1) If_._ 01\10:: FIELD NOTES: Con ta i I erfPres orv:), ti v l! or PIP Headings or LaboratQry Not~s Tf.MI'QRi\TlJRE ON m,CEIPT G' - .~-.",,".----.-..~.~.-~. ~_.__.,- .._---~_. _~___..___..... ('oJ () " ". -. ~g ::~',£...~_._,--_..., ., Time: i- , ._~_._--"w~~...,~.______..,__. ---~.~---~- "-'~ ....-.----. _.__....~-------'..__._,..~...._----_.-. '_.""_"___'~___V_'W·~ R..__..._____~_,..__V. -11¡;-;;' " ~0·-------·-·- G../ - 10tlG¡OI)Hl:"v¡sJ\~n - L.¡ C Z I IS) ..~ I rv IS) IS) .(::.. ....... W V1 V1 v ,.. " ~ ~' -U (~') ....... <J "' CD () I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I~ ~~ a/science - ~nVironmental ... aboratories, Inc. Glossary of Terms and Qualifiers Work Order Number: 04-05-1588 Qualifier Definition * 1 2 3 4 5 A B C o E H J N NO Q U X Z See applicable analysis comment. Surrogate compound recovery was out of control due to a required sample dilution, therefore, the sample data was reported without further clarification. Surrogate compound recovery was out of control due to matrix interference. The associated method blank surrogate spike compound was in control and, therefore, the sample data was reported without further clarification, Recovery of the Matrix Spike or Matrix Spike Duplicate compound was out of control due to matrix interference. The associated LCS and/or LCSD was in control and, therefore, the sample data was reported without further clarification. The MS/MSD RPD was out of control due to matrix interference. The LCS/LCSD RPD was in control and, therefore, the sample data was reported without further clarification, The PDS/PDSD associated with this batch of samples was out of control due to a matrix interference effect. The associated batch LCS/LCSD was in control and, hence, the associated sample data was reported with no further corrective action required. Result is the average of all dilutions, as defined by the method, Analyte was present in the associated method blank. Analyte presence was not confirmed on primary column. The analyte concentration was reported from analysis of the diluted sample. Concentration exceeds the calibration range, Sample analyzed past recommended holding time, Analyte was detected at a concentration below the reporting limit and above the laboratory method detection limit. Reported value is estimated. Nontarget Analyte. Parameter not detected at the indicated reporting limit. Spike recovery and RPD control limits do not apply resulting from the parameter concentration in the sample exceeding the spike concentration by a factor of four or greater. Undetected at the laboratory method detection limit. % Recovery and/or RPD out-of-range. Analyte presence was not confirmed by second column or GC/MS analysis. 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I '&::'1 , ..... z:..~. =,.m..~ ~ I WORK ORDER #: 04 .~~ .DJœœ-[t1 r of / Cooler \4 . SAMPLE RECEIPT FORM \ 0i!t- . DATE: TEMPERATURE - SAMPLES RECEIVED BY: CALSCIENCE COURIER: Chilled, cooler with temperature blank provided. ~ Chilled, cooler without temperature blank.. L-- Chilled and placed in cooler with wet ice, Ambient and placed in cooler with wet ice. Ambient temperature. a£ 0 C Temperature blank. ,. 12-7 LABORAtORY (Other than Calscience Courier): DC Temperature blank. DC IR thermometer. Ambient temperature. CUSTODY SEAL INTACT: Cooler: No (Not Intact) : SAMPLE CONDITION: Chain-Of-Custody document(s) received with samples...,........... .,. .,..... Sample container label( s) consistent with custody papers.....,. ... ". " , . .. .. Sample container(s) intact and good condition.............................,..... Correct containers for analyses requested...... ..' ..'.....,.,. .,. .,. .,. ,....., ",. Proper preservation noted on sample Jabel(s ):.... ... ...... ......... ... ,.. ,.. ,.. .. VOA vial(s) free of headspace. ... .,. .., ." '" .",'. ,..,'. ",......., ".,., "".".>., Tedlar bag(s) free of condensation...... ...,.. ......... ......,....,... '..... ..,...... OMMENTS: I I I Initial:~ , NC?t Applicable (N/A): r- Initia~ o¿A Yes ~. '" '... ~ ..,.... ,...-- or - .. No N/A ,...... . ~ /" / Initia~~ - - - - -- GALSCIENGE ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, lNG, 7440 Lincoln Way Garden Grove, CA 9284111432 (714) 895-5494 (714) 894-7501 fax SAMPLING COMPANY: DELTA Environmental Consultants ADDRESS' 911 S, Primrose Ave., Monrovia CA PROJECT, CONTACT (Hardcopy or POF Report to): Gretchen Tagavilla TElENIONE: 626-256:6662 16~~,256'6263 TURNAROUND TIME (BUSINESS DAYS): o 10 DAYS 0 S DAYS 0 72 HOURS 0 48 HOURS o LA· RWQCB REPORT FORMAT 0 UST AGENCY: GCIMS MTBE CONFIRMATION: HIGHEST SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS OR NOTES: Please fax to Gretchen Tagavilla ASAP NSL SITE LA8 ~:LEy Field Sample Identification ~,-2 olIO r;-'l.J I)" ß ~ ¡J 70 f!,-1& ~c::: ~~lt' 30 g,-L: sç rß .2c \.( () ß-'";LD ~S 'ß - J..c ç c) R.linquished by: (Si9n,,\",.) JJZlI/¿, Relinquished by: (Signature) . Relinquished by: (Signalure) -------- Shell Oil Products US Chain Of Custody Record Equiva Project Manager to be invoiced: [å~i8~~~~~~:~~;0f¡: fEjffi@@þ#@. Tony Palagyi - - INCIDENT NUMBER (S&E ONLY) 91 71 1 41 11 91 5 I 5 PL SAP or CRMT NUMBER (TS/CRMT) 1 31 51 01 6/ 8 KHMM RIPR # 35060 & 35061 .SITE ADDRESS (Street and City): 12600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA EDF DELIVERABLE -r:O (Responsible Party or Designee): PHoNE NO.: Ipendinq E MAil: lOG CODE: . GLOBAL ID NO.: E-MAil: Britnev Gunderson Sampler: 111;:'1 ro, g""~Q tl1,~W Se,~~ bounderson@dellaenv.com LAB USE ONL Y 05,'-- l $W otao avilla@'deltaenv.com 0. 24 HOURS 0 LESS THAN 24 HOURS HIGHEST per BORING ALL CHECK BOX IF EDD IS NOT NEEDED 0 SAMPLING DATE TIME '" :ë "' '" e' " a. .,; "' 19 NO.OF :I: X w CaNT. a. f- f- ro 1 X X 1\ I MATRIX S-l-':J-fN öìt' ðttc:¡ (iJ'i1., C..,'W O"Hv 0'7'17 bnG 6'?\", " Ò 'jst, soil iD ~ I\~ Received by: (Signature) . Received by: (Signature) ( ------... n A/ ..-.. // .~/""~ DrSrR!BUTrON: While wilh final report, Green to File, Yellow and Pink to Client. - Received by: (Signature) :J ::¡ éD a:: 0 a:: .0 '" N .0 a. ~ a. a. a. '" ,., ",' 0 .0' §: éD ro ro 0 T" 0 '" '" N '" '" N 0 N ñ ~ ~ ~ c: Õ W W '" c: ro ro OJ "' ,., f- f- X .c: :;;; :;;; 0 w X X X } 626·256-6662 REQUESTED ANALYSIS - ro ~ T" rii '" N E '~ ~ 0 ¿, '" ~ rii '" '" "' t:. 0 z ¥ 0 ø Õ W ¿, ~ ø > '" ::;; U) .2 E ro t:. E f- '" ¿ éD f- 0 ::;; ~ '" U) :¡; ,e 0 c: % '" :¡: :os cD '" 16 '" :::i '" Ü N ~ " X .., '" E ~ '" W ::;; '" ~ ~ "' <t " 1ií f- :; f- .'" ìii X ~ u ~ c: ro LL U) "' '" W 0 X '" :os 19 0 () 0 W OJ '" '" " a. m íñ ~ 0 '" U U :I: '" '" '" '" 0 0 õ '" '" .., ~ a. X '" '" ~ 0 :I: > > f- ü: ~ Õ ~ '" '" :I: 5 5 ~ 5 .E (D « u a. 0 ~ UJ 0 a. 0 a:: a. a. a. a. '" :I: rJJ "' "' "' '" W W > f- > > > > '" a. l- f- f- :;¡ ~ h:t , ~/Z )~ J;]' 2/ / ~I-- Dale: _ / Ç) '..,. ~ '} l)"'t.f 11 _. Date: . /I /1 I ~ /I/I//r\ J7J¡ D~ ? ~ /.d. //1/ crAM 17 r:;¿ 7/4 ;V 117 / Time: Time: Time; - - - - DATE: 05/~04 PAGE: t of 2- I CONSULTANT PROJECT NO.: PA2600W·D - FIELD NOTES: Co nta i n e riP res erva Ii ve or PID Readings or Laboratory Notes . TEMPERATURE ON RECEIPT C' , 8 :;; ro i!J ~ r::. {h~ (8 !-i- " E 0. '" ð o oó o 10/16/00 Revision - - - - ._. - - - Shell Oil Products US Chain Of Custody Record Equiva Project Manager to be invoiced: IØi~Þì~@~Ä~@W@Ri@1 l6.~~~~t~:~~~\;t~:1 Tony Palagyi - - - -- CALSCIENCE ENVIRONMENTAL LASo.RAT()RIES, INC. 7440 Lincoln Way Garden Gro~e, CA 92841J1432 (714) 895-54~4' (714) 894-7501 fa> SN,APlING COMPANY: DELTA Environmental Consultants ADDRESS: 911 S, Primrose Ave., Monrovia CA PROJECT CONTACT (Hardcopy or PDF Report to): Gretchen Tagavilla TELEPHONE~ LOG CODE: KHMM . 626-256·6662 l6F~"256-6263 TURNAROUNo'TIME (BUSINESS DAYS): o 10 DAYS 0 S DAYS 0 Ti HOURS 0 48 HOURS [1].24 HOURS o LA - RWQCB REPORT FORMAT D. UST AGENÇY: GClMS MTBE CONFIRMATION: HIGHEST SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS OR NOTES: Please fax to Gretchen Tagavilla ASAP NSL SITE LAB USE ONLY Field Sampletd¡mtification ;-1..J[ð 11-'1,JIÇ' ~-7,(A 70 -1.:,,, ~ç ~'-~cð ~D k ~l~ '2, t; ~ *~J. \of ó ~, ~ (J \.1 S P, -1,JSu E-MAIL: - - q taQavilla@'dellaenv.com .0 LESS THAN 24 HOURS HIGHEST pe' BORING . ALL CHECK BOX IF Eoo IS NDT NEEDED-Ð SAMPLING DATE 'TIME MATRIX NO.OF CaNT, soil 1- \ c;- ¿"\..A \J IIll" \IV! lint 1111.,\i I )1, X- 1141 II\. ~ '111'1 r ~ 11)'l.- "Relinquished by: (SI9,,"I\I[e) M It... RolinqlllsfJec/ by: (Signalufe) ,J Relinquished by: (Si9nalure)( '~~/~, D STRIBUTIOI": White with final report. Green to FUe, Yellow and PÎnk to Client . -- b· Receil/ed by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Received by: {Signalure) .INCIDENT NUMBER (S&E ONLY) 91 71 1 4~ 1191 5 P L 5 SAP or CRMT NUMBER (TS/CRMT) 1 31 51 01 6 8 RIPR # 35060 & 35061 .SITE AODRESS {Street and City): 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA EDF DELIVERABLE TO (Responsible Party or Designee): PHONE NO,: GLOBAL ID NO.: pendinq E-MAIL: I' Britney Gunderson Sampler: ~ 1":--,-II~r 1~'"t!.On ~Ì[;LJ S~w,~~ , 626-256-6662 bqund erson @.deltaenv,com LAB USE ONL Y REQUESTED ANALYSIS íD -. N U1 ¡¡;- u Ê ~ ~ '" ò "" õ ~ iñ '" '" 10 t::- o z ¥ ~ '" ~ ::J íD g lU 0 !õ:. ~ ItI '2 U) ::J oc '" ... E CD t:. Ê I- '" ¿- 0:: <0 m I- '" .c N .g 0 :;: ... <0 u¡ I :ã .:! :ã .a a. !õ:. '" c ~ u ::;: ~ [I] j3 -;u ItI a. a. <0 X ::; "" .", >- N ..2 'õ <1 U E " 0. !õ:. u ~ g 0> U1 ci .c u E lU :; 2 '" ro ¿ 5 §: íD <t ~ ItI l- I- u t: C co u. u¡ ItI u X 0 0- [I] [I] '" l) '" t!J 0 lU U ~ '" u .<.0 Jj - ~ vi' N <.0 E N 0 0> u u '0 a. 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June 01, 2004 Gretchen Tagavi/la Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Subject: Calscience Work Order No.: Client Reference: 04-05-1587 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Dear Client: Enclosed is an analytical report for the above-referenced project. The samples included in this report were received 5/27/2004 and analyzed in accordance with the attached chain-of-custody. Unless otherwise noted, all analytical testing was accomplished in accordance with the guidelines established in our Quality Assurance Program Manual, applicable standard operating procedures, and other related documentation, The original report of any subcontracted analysis is provided herein, and follows the standard Calscience data package. The results in this analytical report are limited to the samples tested and any reproduction thereof must be made in its entirety. If you have any questions regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Michael J. Cr sostomo Quality Assurance Manager CA-ELAP 10: 1230· NELAP 10: 03220CA · CSOLAC 10: 10109 · SCAQMO 10: 93LA0830 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I =:.-~ alscience I . Environmental Analytical Report ¡,. aboratories, Inc. 1 I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc, Date Received: OS/27/04 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 04-05-1587 I Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Preparation: Extraction Method: EPA418,1M I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Page 1 of 2 Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch 10 I Parameter . Result RL OF Qual Units I TRPH NO 10 mg/kg I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Units I TRPH NO 10 mg/kg I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Units TRPH NO 10 mg/kg I I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Units TRPH NO 10 mg/kg I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Units I TRPH NO 10 mg/kg I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Units I TRPH NO 10 mg/kg I RL - Reporting Limit, OF· Dilution Factor, Qual- Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L~ alscience gnvironmental I.. aboratories, Inc. Analytical Report Delta Environmental Consultants Inc, 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: OS/27/04 04-05-1587 Extraction EPA418.1M Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Page 2 of 2 r Client Sample Number Lab Sample Date Number Collected Matrix Date Prepared Date Analyzed QC Batch ID TRPH ND RL 10 DF Qual Units Parameter Result mg/kg RL - Reporting Limit. DF - Dilution Factor . Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I L~ a/science \~ ACe "-",.'0 ' .'\,' I J1vironmenta/ Analytical Report ,<;J "" «:- 0 æ aboratories, Inc. () ....; <: ..<.. I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc, Date Received: OS/27/04 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 04-05-1587 I ' Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: DHS LUFT I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Page 1 of 9 Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units I TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 mg/kg Surroqates: REC (%) Control Qual I Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 81 39-129 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units I TPH as Gasoline ND 0,50 mg/kg Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 84 39-129 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units TPH as Gasoline NO 0,50 mg/kg I Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 83 39-129 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units I TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 mg/kg Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual I Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 82 39-129 I RL . Reporting Limit, DF - Dilution Factor, Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way,.Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I L~ alscience I J1vironmental . Analytical Report . ª aboratories, Inc. .-1 .".. I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: OS/27/04 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 04-05-1587 I Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: DHS LUFT I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Page 2 of 9 Lab Sample Oate Oate Oate Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch 10 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Units I TPH as Gasoline NO 0,50 mg/kg Surroqates: REC (%) Control Qual I Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 83 39-129 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Units I TPH as Gasoline NO 0.50 mg/kg Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits I 1 ,4-Bromofluorobenzene 81 39-129 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Units TPH as Gasoline NO 0,50 mg/kg I Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 82 39-129 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Units I TPH as Gasoline NO 0.50 mg/kg Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual I Limits 1 ,4-Bromofluorobenzene 80 39-129 I RL . Reporting Limit , DF . Dilution Factor. Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I ~~ a/science I = fj¥nvironmenta/ Analytical Report I.. aboratories, Inc. I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: OS/27/04 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 04-05-1587 I Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: DHS LUFT I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Page 3 of 9 Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyz~d QC Batch ID I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Units I TPH as Gasoline NO 0,50 mg/kg Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual I Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 81 39-129 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Units I TPH as Gasoline NO 0.50 mg/kg Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits I 1 ,4-Bromofluorobenzene 80 39-129 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Units TPH as Gasoline NO 0,50 mg/kg I Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 84 39-129 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units I TPH as Gasoline ND 0,50 mg/kg Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual I Limits 1 ,4-Bromofluorobenzene 83 39-129 I RL - Reporting limit, DF - Dilution Factor, Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I -=-~ alscience I . anvironmental Analytical Report g aboratories, Inc. I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: OS/27/04 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 04-05-1587 I Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: DHS LUFT I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Page 4 of 9 Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units I TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 mg/kg Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual I Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 81 39-129 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units I TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 mg/kg Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 84 39-129 I I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units TPH as Gasoline ND 0,50 mg/kg I Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits 1 ,4-Bromofluorobenzene 86 39-129 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units I TPH as Gasoline ND 0,50 mg/kg Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual I Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 83 39-129 I RL . Reporting Limit, DF . Dilution Factor, Qual· Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I =:.: a/science I =-- §nVironmenta/ Analytical Report ..-¡ z.. aboratories, Inc. .~ I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: OS/27/04 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 04-05-1587 I . Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Preparation: EPA 50308 Method: DHS LUFT I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Page 5 of 9 . Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units I TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 mg/kg Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual I Limits 1 ,4-Bromofluorobenzene 82 39-129 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units I TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 mg/kg SurroQates: REC ('Yo) Control Qual Limits I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 83 39-129 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units TPH as Gasoline ND 0,50 mg/kg I Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 83 39-129 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units I TPH as Gasoline ND 0,50 mg/kg Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual I Limits 1 ,4-Bromofluorobenzene 82 39-129 RL· Reporting Limit, OF· Dilution Factor, Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I L~ a/science I - ænvironmental Analytical Report :.. aboratories, Inc. "'" .~^ I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: OS/27/04 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 04-05-1587 I Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: DHS LUFT I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Page 6 of 9 Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units I TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 mgfkg Surroaates: REC(%) Control Qual I Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 81 39-129 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units I TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 mg/kg Surroaates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits ^ I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 80 39-129 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units TPH as Gasoline ND 0,50 mg/kg I Surroaates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 83 39-129 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units I TPH as Gasoline ND 0,50 mg/kg Surroaates: REC(%) Control Qual I Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 84 39-129 Rl - Reporting limit OF - Oilùtion Factor, Qual- Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Výay, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 1 ... ~ a/science I /,vironmenta/ Analytical Report '- aboratories, Inc. I' Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: OS/27/04 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 04-05-1587 I Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: DHS LUFT I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Page 7 of 9 Lab Sample Date Date Date Client'Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch 10 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units I TPH as Gasoline ND 0,50 mg/kg Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual I Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 83 39-129 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Units I TPH as Gasoline ND 0,50 mg/kg Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 84 39-129 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 mg/kg I Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 83 39-129 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units I TPH as Gasoline NO 0.50 mg/kg Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual I Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 85 39-129 I RL . Reporting Limit. DF - Dilution Factor. Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way. Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I _~ a/science I - gnvironmenta/ Analytical Report -i ~ aboratories, Inc. :t I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: '05/27/04 911 South Primrose Avenue; Unit K Work Order No: 04-05-1587 I Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: DHS LUFT I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Page 8 of 9 Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units I TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 mg/kg Surrooates: REC(%) Control Qual I Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 85 39-129 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units I TPH as Gasoline ND 0,50 mg/kg Surrooates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 85 39-129 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 mg/kg I Surrooates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 83 39-129 I I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 mg/kg I Surrooates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 84 39-129 RL . Reporting Limit , OF . Dilution Factor, Qual· Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I ~~ a/science gnvironmenta/ ~ aboratories Inc. Analytical Report ~~1 ACC0 µ~ « '\) , ~ "1" ;.--.. "'. ,'V Q;! o o < --I ~ I I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: OS/27/04 04-05-1587 EPA 5030B / DHS L!UFT I I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Lab Sample Oate Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Units I TPH as Gasoline NO 0,50 mg/kg SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual I Limits 1,4-Í3romofluorobenzene 84 39-129 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Units I TPH as Gasoline NO 0.50 mg/kg SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits I .1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 81 39-129 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Units TPH as Gasoline NO 0,50 mg/kg I SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 83 39-129 I I I Page 9 of 9 Date Date Prepared Analyzed QC Batch 10 I I RL - Reporting Limit , , OF - Dilution Factor , Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I ~ a/science = /,vironmenta/ ª aboratories, Inc. I I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc, 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 I I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Client Sample Number Analytical Report Lab Sample Number Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: Units: Date Collected Matrix Date Prepared Date Analyzed ..-; :.t: OS/27/04 04-05-1587 EPA 5030B EPA 8260B mg/kg Page 1 of 13 QC Batch ID I I Parameter Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene p/m-Xylene o-Xylene Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Surroqates: Result ND ND ND ND ND ND REC(%) I I Dibromofluoromethane 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 126 85 I Parameter Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene p/m-Xylene o-Xylene Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Surroqates: Result ND ND ND ND ND ND REC(%) I I Dibromofluoromethane 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 120 85 I Parameter Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene p/m-Xylene c.-Xylene Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Surroqates: Result ND ND ND ND ND ND REC(%) I I I Dibromofluoromethane 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 121 82 I RL 0.0050 0,0050 0,0050 0,0050 0,0050 0,0050 Control Limits 81-135 72-114 RL 0,0050 0,0050 0,0050 0,0050 0,0050 0,0050 Control Limits 81-135 72-114 RL 0.0050 0.0050 0,0050 0,0050 0.0050 0,0050 Control Limits 81-135 72-114 DF 1 1 1 1 1 1 Qual Parameter Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) Ethyl-t-Butyl.Ether (ETBE) Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) Ethanol Surroqates: Toluene-d8 Parameter Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) Ethanol Surroqates: Toluene-d8 Parameter Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) Ethanol Surroqates: Toluene-d8 Result ND ND ND ND ND REC(%) 100 Result ND ND ND ND ND REC(%) 98 Result ND ND ND ND ND REC(%) 98 RL 0.050 0,010 0,010 0,010 0,25 Control Limits 86-110 RL 0,050 0,010 0,010 0.010 0.25 Control Limits 86-110 RL 0,050 0,010 0,010 0,010 0,25 Control Limits 86-110 DF Qual 1 1 1 1 1 Qual DF Qual 1 1 1 1 1 Qual DF Qual 1 1 1 1 1 Qual 11.1. . I RC- R'port'"9 um" ~ 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 DF - Dilution Factor Qual DF 1 1 1 1 1 1 Qual Qual DF 1 1 1 1 1 1 Qual Qual Qual - Qualifiers I ~~ alscience I = ~nvironmental Analytical Report .. aboratories, Inc. I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc, Date Receivéd: OS/27/04 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 04-05-1587 I Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8260B Units: mg/kg I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Page 2 of 13 Låb Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch 10 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Parameter Result RL OF Qual I Benzene NO 0.0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) NO 0,050 ì Ethylbenzene NO 0.0050 1 Oiisopropyl Ether (OIPE) NO 0,010 1 Toluene NO 0.0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0,010 1 p/m-Xylene NÒ 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0,010 1 I o-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Ethanol NO 0,25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0,0050 1 SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits I Oibromofluoromethane 119 81-135 Toluene-d8 99 86-110 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 83 72-114 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Parameter Result RL OF Qual Benzene NO 0.0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) NO 0,050 1 Ethylbenzene NO . 0.0050 1 Oiisopropyl Ether (OIPE) NO 0,010 1 Toluene NO 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0,010 1 I p/m-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0,010 1 o-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Ethanol NO 0,25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0,0050 1 I Surroaates: REC(%) Control Qual SurroQates: REC(%) Control' Qual Limits Limits Oibromofluoromethane 124 81-135 Toluene-d8 100 86-110 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 83 72-114 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Parameter Result RL OF Qual Benzene NO 0.0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) NO 0.050 1 I Ethylbenzene NO 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (OIPE) NO 0,010 1 Toluene NO 0.0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0,010 1 p/m-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0.010 1 o-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Ethanol NO 0.25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0,0050 1 Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Oibromofluoromethane 125 81-135 Toluene-d8 100 86-110 I· 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 81 72-114 I RL- Reporting Limit OF - Dilution Factor Qual· Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I L~ a/science I = ¡¡nvironmental Analytical Report &. aboratories~ Inc. I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc, Date Received: OS/27/04 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 04-05-1587 I Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8260B Units: mg/kg I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Page 3 of 13 Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 I Ethylbenzene ND 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0,010 1 Toluene ND 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) .ND 0,010 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0,010 1 I o-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Ethanol ND 0,25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0,0050 1 SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual SurroQates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 122 81-135 Toluene-d8 100 86-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 83 72-114 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 Ethylbenzene ND 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0,010 1 Toluene ND 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 1 I p/m-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0,010 1 o-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Ethanol ND 0,25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0,0050 1 I SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 123 81-135 Toluene-d8 99 86-110 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 80 72-114 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 I Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0,010 1 Toluene ND 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0,010 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0,010 1 o-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0050 1 SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 122 81-135 Toluene-d8 98 86-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 81 72-114 RL - Reporting Limit. DF - Dilution Factor. Qual- Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I ~ a/science I = gffnvironmental Analytical Report ª aboratories, Inc. ~, :¡: I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: OS/27/04 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 04-05-1587 I Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Preparation: EPA 50308 Method: EPA 82608 Units: mg/kg' I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Page 4 of 13 Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch 10 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Parameter Result RL OF Qual Benzene NO 0.0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) NO 0.050 1 I Ethylbenzene NO 0,0050 1 Oiisopropyl Ether (OIPE) NO 0.010 1 Toluene NO 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0.010 1 p/m-Xylene NO 0.0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0.010 1 I o-Xylene NO 0.0050 1 Ethanol NO 0.25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0,0050 1 SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Oibromofluoromethane 123 B1-135 Toluene-dB 100 B6-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene¡ B3 72-114 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Parameter Result RL OF Qual Benzene NO 0.0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) NO 0,050 1 Ethylbenzene NO 0.0050 l' Oiisopropyl Ether (DIP E) NO 0,010 1 Toluene NO 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0,010 1 I p/m-Xylene NO 0.0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0,010 1 o-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Ethanol NO 0,25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0.0050 1 I Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Oibromofluoromethane 124 B1-135 Toluene-d8 99 86-110 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 80 72-114 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Parameter Result RL OF Qual Benzene NO' 0.0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) NO 0,050 1 I Ethylbenzene ND 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (OIPE) NO 0,010 1 Toluene NO 0.0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0,010 1 p/m-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0,010 1 o-Xylene NO 0.0050 1 Ethanol NO 0,25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0,0050 1 SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Oibromofluoromethane 123 81-135 Toluene-d8 99 86-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 82 72-114 I RL . Reporting Limit OF - Diiution Factor Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I ~~ a/science I = . §nvironmental Analytical Report i.. abóratories, Inc. .....,.. ::;, I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc, Date Received: OS/27/04 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 04-05-1587 I Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Preparation: EPA 50308 Method: EPA 8260B Units: mg/kg I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Page 5 of 13 Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID I Result RL DF Qual Result Parameter Parameter RL DF Qual Benzene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0,050 1 I Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0,010 1 Toluene ND 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0,010 1 I o-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0,0050 1 SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 126 81-135 Toluene-d8 101 86-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 82 72-114 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0,050 1 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 1 Toluene ND 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 1 I p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.010 1 o-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0050 1 I SurroQates: REC (%) Control Qual SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 127 81-135 Toluene-d8 101 86-119 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 81 72-114 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0,050 1 I Ethylbenzene ND 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 1 Toluene ND 0.0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0,010 1 a-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Ethanol ND 0,25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0050 1 SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 124 81-135 Toluene-d8 100 86-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 83 72-114 I RL - Reporting Limit DF - Dilution Factor Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I i..~ a/science I - ~nVironmental Analytical Report ª aboratories, Inc. I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc, Date Received: OS/27/04 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 04-05-1587 I Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Preparation: EPA 50308 Method: EPA 82608 Units: mg/kg I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Page 6 of 13 Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number 'Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID I Result RL DF Result Parameter Qual Parameter RL DF Qual Benzene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 I Ethylbenzene NO 0,0050 1 Oiisopropyl Ether (OIPE) NO 0.010 1 Toluene NO 0.0050 . 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0,010 1 p/m-Xylene NO 0.0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0.010 1 I a-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0.0050 1 Surrooates: . REC(%) Control Qual Surrooates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 100 81-135 Toluene-d8 95 86-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 92 72-114 I Parameter Result . RL OF Qual Parameter Result RL OF Qual Benzene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) NO 0.050 1 Ethylbenzene ND 0,0050 1 Oiisopropyl Ether (OIPE) NO 0,010 1 Toluene NO 0.0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0,010 1 I· p/m-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0,010 1 o-Xylene NO 0.0050 1 Ethanol NO 0.25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0.0050 1 I Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 101 81-135 Toluene-d8 96 86-110 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 84 72-114 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Parameter Result RL OF Qual Benzene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) NO 0.050 1 I Ethylbenzene NO 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0,010 1 Toluene ND 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0,010 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0,010 1 a-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Ethanol ND 0,25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0,0050 1 Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 100 81-135 Toluene-d8 97 86-110 I 1.4-Bromofluorobenzene 82 72-114 I RL - Reporting Limit OF - Dilution Factor Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I i~ a/science I = ~nvironmental Analytical Report jig aboratories, Inc. I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: OS/27/04 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 04-05-1587 I Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Preparation: EPA 50308 Method: EPA 8260B Units: mg/kg I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Page 7 of 13 Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID I Parameter Result DF RL Qual Parameter' Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 I Ethylbenzene ND 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0,010 1 Toluene ND 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0,010 1 I o-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Ethanol ND 0,25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0,0050 1 SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 108 81-135 Toluene-d8 96 86-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 83 72-114 , I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0,050 1 Ethylbenzene ND 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0,010 1 Toluene ND 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0,010 1 I p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.010 1 o-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Ethanol ND 0,25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0050 1 I Surroqates; REC(%) Control Qual Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 105 81-135 Toluene-d8 96 86-110 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 83 72-114 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 I Ethylbenzene ND 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0,010 1 Toluene ND 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0,010 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0,010 1 o-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Ethanol ND 0,25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0,0050 1 Surroqates: REC(%) Control ,Qual 'Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 103 81-135 Toluene-d8 98 86-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 85 72-114 I RL - Reporting Limit OF· Dilution Factor Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I i..~ a/science I = ¡gnvironmental . Analytical Report .. aboratories, Inc. I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc, Date Received: OS/27/04 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 04-05-1587 I Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8260B Units: mg/kg I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Page 8 of 13 Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 I 1 Ethylbenzene ND 0,0050 1 Oiisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 1 Toluene ND 0.0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0,010 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.010 1 I o-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0,0050 1 Surroaates: REC(%) Control Qual SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 106 81-135 Toluene-d8 97 86-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 83 72-114 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene NO 0.0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0,050 1 Ethylbenzene NO 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) NO 0.010 1 Toluene ND 0.0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0,010 1 I p/m-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0,010 1 o-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Ethanol NO 0,25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0,0050 1 I Surroaates: REC (%) Control Qual Surroaates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 105 81-135 Toluene-d8 97 86-110 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 82 72-114 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene NO 0.0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 I Ethylbenzene NO 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) NO 0,010 1 Toluene ND 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 1 p/m-Xylene NO 0.0050 1 T ert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0,010 1 o-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Ethanol NO 0,25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0,0050 1 Surroaates: REC (%) Control Qual Surroaates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 110 81-135 Toluene-d8 96 86-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 81 72-114 I RL - Reporting Limit OF· Dilution Factor Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I ~ a/science \~ AGCo;;- , J/) 4/, ~.-; I = gffnvironmenta/ Analytical Report ~{':-\ £. aboratories, Inc. I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc, Date Received: OS/27/04 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 04:.05-1587 I Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8260B Units: mg/kg I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Page 9 of 13 Date Date Client Sample Number Matrix Prepared . Analyzed QC Batch ID I RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result Benzene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 I Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0,010 1 Toluene ND 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.010 1 I o-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0050 1 Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 98 81-135 Toluene-d8 95 86-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 92 72-114 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL OF Qual Benzene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) NO 0.050 1 Ethylbenzene ND 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0,010 1 Toluene ND 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0,010 1 I p/m-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0,010 1 o-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Ethanol NO 0,25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0,0050 1 I Surroqates: REC (%) Control Qual Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Oibromofluoromethane 97 81-135 Toluene-d8 96 86-110 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 94 72-114 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) NO 0,050 1 I Ethylbenzene ND 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) NO 0,010 1 Toluene NO 0.0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0,010 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.010 1 o-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0,0050 1 Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 101 81-135 Toluene-dB 95 86-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 92 72-114 I RL - Reporting Limit DF - Dilution Factor Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I L~ a/science I = ~nVironmental Analytical Report -" ª aboratories, Inc. ..... ::r: I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc, Date Received: OS/27/04 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 04-05-1587 I Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Preparation: EPA 50308 Method: EPA 82608 Units: mg/kg I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Page 10 of 13 Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0,050 1 I Ethylbenzene ND 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0,010 1 Toluene ND 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0,010 1 p/m-Xylene . ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.010 1 I o-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0050 1 Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Oibromofluoromethane 100 81-135 Toluene-d8 96 86-110 I 1 ,4-~romofluorobenzene 93 72-114 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL OF Qual Benzene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0,050 1 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 1 Toluene ND 0.0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 1 I p/m-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0,010 1 o-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0050 1 I Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Oibromofluoromethane 100 81-135 Toluene-d8 97 86-110 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 91 72-114 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL OF Qual Benzene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0,050 1 I Ethylbenzene ND 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 1 Toluene ND 0.0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0,010 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0,010 1 a-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0,0050 1 Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 99 81-135 Toluene-d8 96 86-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 92 72-114 I I RL - Reporting Limit OF - Dilution Factor Qual· Qualifiers 7440 Lincqln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I ~~ a/science I = gnvironmental Analytical Report ª aboratories, Inc. -' ~ I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: OS/27/04 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 04-05-1587 I Monrovia, CA 910f6-0000 Preparation: EPA 50308 Method: EPA 8260B Units: mg/kg I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Page 11 of 13 , Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch 10 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Parameter Result RL OF Qual Benzene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) NO 0.050 1 I Ethylbenzene NO 0,0050 1 Oiisopropyl Ether (OIPE) NO 0,010 1 Toluene NO 0.0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0.010 1 p/m-Xylene NO 0.0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0,010 1 o-Xylene NO 0.0050 1 Ethanol NO 0,25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0,0050 1 Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Oibromofluoromethane 101 81-135 Toluene-d8 94 86-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 91 72-114 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Parameter Result RL OF Qual Benzene NO 0.0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) NO 0,050 1 Ethylbenzene NO 0.0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (OIPE) NO 0,010 1 Toluene NO 0.0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0.010 1 I p/m-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0.010 1 o-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Ethanol NO 0.25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0,0050 1 I Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dìbromofluoromethane 105 81-135 Toluene-d8 97 86-110 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 91 72-114 I Parameter Result RL OF Qual Parameter Result RL OF Qual Benzene NO 0.0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) NO 0,050 1 I Ethylbenzene NO 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (OIPE) NO 0.010 1 Toluene NO O,005Ò 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0,010 1 p/m-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0,010 1 o-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Ethanol NO 0,25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0,0050 1 Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Surroqates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 107 81-135 Toluene-d8 97 86-110 I 1 ,4-Bromofluorobenzene 89 72-114 I RL - Reporting Limit DF - Dilution Factor Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I ~ a/science I = ~nVironmental' Analytical Report ª aboratories, Inc. I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: OS/27/04 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 04-05-1587 I Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Preparation: EPA 50308 Method: EPA 82608 Units: mg/kg I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Page 12 of 13 Client Sample Number Matrix QC Batch ID I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 I ~ Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 1 Toluene ND 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0,010 1 o-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0,0050 1 SurroQates: REC (%) Control Qual SurroGates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 113 B1-135 Toluene-dB 96 B6-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene B6 72-114 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 Ethylbenzene ND 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 1 Toluene ND 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0,010 1 I p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0,010 1 o-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Ethanol ND 0,25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0,0050 1 SurroGates: REC(%) Control Qual SurroGates: REC(%) Control Qual I Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 99 81-135 Toluene-dB 96 86-110 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 85 72-114 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL OF Qual Benzene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0,050 1 I Ethylbenzene ND 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 1 Toluene ND 0.0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0,010 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0,010 1 a-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0,0050 1 SurroGates: REC(%) Control Qual SurroGates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 99 81-135 Toluene-dB 94 86-110 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 92 72-114 I RL - Reporting Limit OF - Dilution Factor Qual· Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I ~~ a/science = ~nvironmental ª aboratories, Inc. Analytical Report ::¡: I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: Units: OS/27/04 04-05-1587 EPA 50308 EPA 82608 mg/kg Page 13 of 13 I I Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Client Sample Number Lab Sample Number Date Collected Matrix Date Prepared Date Analyzed QC Batch ID I I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) NO 0,050 1 Ethylbenzene ND 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) NO 0,010 1 Toluene NO 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0,010 1 p/m-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) NO 0.010 1 o-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0,0050 1 SurroQates: REC (%) Control Qual SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dìbromofluoromethane 114 81-135 Toluene-d8 97 . 86-110 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 84 72-114 Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 Ethylbenzene NO 0,0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) NO 0,010 1 Toluene ND 0,0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) NO 0.010 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0,0050 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.010 1 o-Xylene NO 0,0050 1 Ethanol ND 0,25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0,0050 1 SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual SurroQates: REC(%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 105 81-135 Toluene-d8 97 86-110 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 88 72-114 I I I I I I I I I RL - Reporting Limit , OF . Dilution Factor, Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ii _ a/science - j1vironmental ¡;., aboratories, Inc. Quality Control ~ Spike/Spike Duplicate .¡;-- ,..', ....' Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Date Received: Work Order No.: Preparation: Method: OS/27/04 04-05-1587 Extraction EPA 418.1M Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Parameter MS %REC MSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifier TRPH 94 94 55-135 o 0-30 * 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -!Ii _a/science - fjfnvironmental .. aboratories, Inc. Quality Control - Laboratory Control Sample --- Delta Environmental Consultants Inc, 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Date Received: Work Order No.: Preparation: Method: N/A 04-05-1587 Extraction EPA418.1M Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Parameter Cone Added Cone Recovered %Ree %Ree CL Qualifier TRPH 100 99 99 70-130 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I, =i.~ alscïence §nvironmental Quality Control - Spike/Spike Duplicate .. aboratories, Inc. - m Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: OS/27/04 04-05-1587 EPA 5030B DHS LUFT Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Quality Control Sample 10 Date Prepared Date MS/MSD Batch Analyzed Number Matrix Instrument Parameter MS %REC MSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers TPH as Gasoline 2 0-18 95 96 66-108 1.1. I RPD - é"'.H~ P,=", D"~œ . CL - Co""OI Urn' I~ 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 . TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . =-- ~ a/science §n vironm en tal Quality Control - Spike/Spike Duplicate ª aboratories, Inc. Delta Environmental Consultants Inc, 911 'South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: OS/27/04 04-05-1587 EPA 5030B DHS LUFT Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Quality Control Sample 10 Date Prepared Date MS/MSD Batch Analyzed Number Matrix Instrument Parameter MS %REC MSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers TPH as Gasolirie 92 66-108 0-18 2 94 RPD . Relative Percent Difference. CL - Control Limit 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 . TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~~ alscience - iffnvironmental Quality Control - LCS/LCS Duplicate ;." aboratories, Inc. ~. Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: N/A 04-05-1587 EPA 5030B DHS LUFT Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Quality Control Sample ID Matrix Instrument Date Prepared Date Analyzed LCS/LCSD Batch Number LCS %REC LCSD %REC %REC CL TPH as Gasoline 90 92 70-118 RPD 3 RPD CL 0-28 Qualifiers Parameter RPD - Relative Percent Difference , CL - Control Limit 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 . TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ...~ alscience ¡,vironm~ntal Quality Control - LCS/LCS Duplicate Ii. aboratories, Inc. _. Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: N/A 04-05-1587 EPA 50308 DHS LUFT Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Quality Control Sample I D Date Prepared LCS/LCSD Batch Number Matrix Instrument Date Analyzed Parameter LCS %REC Qualifiers LCSD %REC %REC CL RPD TPH as Gasoline 90 70-118 RPD CL 0-28 89 RPD - Relative Percent Difference, CL - Control Limit 7440 Lincoln Way, GardenGrove, CA 92841-1427 . TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _~ a/science gnVironmental Quality Control - Spike/Spike Duplicate ;". aboratories, Inc. Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000. Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: OS/27/04 04-05-1587 EPA 50308 EPA 82608 Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Quality Control Sample 10 Matrix ' Date Prepared Date Analyzed MS/MSD Batch Number Instrument Parameter MS %REC MSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers Benzene 95 99 77-113 4 0-9 Carbon Tetrachloride 91 97 57-141 6 0-14 Chlorobenzene 97 99 72-114 2 0-13 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 98 103 53-125 5 0-24 1,1-Dichloroethene 88 92 72-126 4 0-24 Toluene 98 100 72-114 3 0-11 Trichloroethene 98 100 80-116 2 0-14 Vinyl Chloride 86 91 64-130 5 0-13 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 90 94 60-126 4 0-13 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) 78 87 66-120 12 0-27 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) 85 88 67-121 4 0-17 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) 89 94 74-116 6 0-11 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) 92 98 73-115 6 0-9 Ethanol 81 89 28-148 8 0-55 ._1. I RPD-R"";~P,~W;ff~~. eL-e<mImIUmll I~ 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 . TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _~ alscience . snvironmental Quality Control - Spike/Spike Duplicate i- aboratories, Inc. ....N ;\(,'CO¡.... . 0'!) 41f~, t<' Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: OS/27/04 04-05-1587 EPA 5030B EPA 8260B Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Quality Control Sample ID Date Prepared Date Analyzed MS/MSD Batch Number Matrix Instrument Parameter MS %REC MSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers Benzene 96 98 77-113 2 0-9 Carbon Tetrachloride 77 82 57-141 6 0-14 Chlorobenzene 91 92 72-114 2 0-13 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 86 88 53-125 2 0-24 1,1-Dichloroethene 101 105 72-126 4 0-24 Toluene 93 96 72-114 3 0-11 Trichloroethene 92 91 80-116 2 0-14 Vinyl Chloride 85 88 64-130 4 0-13 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 97 101 60-126 5 0-13 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) 67 73 66-120 10 0-27 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) 115 118 67-121 2 0-17 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) 97 101 74-116 4 0-11 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) 102 104 73-115 2 0-9 Ethanol 98 99 28-148 1 0-55 RPD - Relative Percent Difference . CL . Control Limit 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 . TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I ~ a/science ~nvironmenta/ Quality Control - Spike/Spike Duplicate .. aboratories, Inc. .- I I I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: OS/27/04 04-05-1587 EPA 5030B EPA 8260B Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Quality Control Sample ID Matrix Date Prepared Date Analyzed MS/MSD Batch Number I I I I I I I I I I I Instrument Parameter MS %REC MSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Benzene 98 99 77-113 1 0-9 Carbon Tetrachloride 87 89 57-141 2 0-14 Chlorobenzene 103 103 72-114 0 0-13 1.2-Dichlorobenzene 101 103 53-125 2 0-24 1.1-Dichloroethene 104 104 72-126 1 0-24 Toluene 99 99 72-114 0 0-11 Trichloroethene 97 96 80-116 2 0-14 Vinyl Chloride 103 103 64-130 1 0-13 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 94 92 60-126 2 0-13 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) 76 65 66-120 15 0-27 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) 90 90 67-121 0 0-17 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) 90 90 74-116 1 0-11 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) 93 92 73-115 1 0-9 Ethanol 83 79 28-148 4 0-55 1.1. I RPD . R""~ Pe=", DOfere"œ , CL· COO"", Urn" I~ 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 . Qualifiers 3 TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I .; alscience j'vironmental Quality Control- Spike/Spike Duplicate ª aboratories Inc. ~ x Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: OS/27/04 04-05-1587 EPA 50308 EPA 82608 Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Quality Control Sample ID Matrix Date Prepared Date Analyzed MS/MSD Batch Number Instrument Parameter MS %REC MSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers Benzene 102 101 77-113 0 0-9 Carbon Tetrachloride 83 86 57-141 3 0-14 Chlorobenzene 97 95 72-114 2 0-13 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 89 87 53-125 1 0-24 1 ,1-Dichloroethene 105 103 72-126 2 0-24 Toluene 99 98 72-114 0 0-11 Trichloroethene 97 99 80-116 2 0-14 Vinyl Chloride 90 91 64-130 0 0-13 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 98 101 60-126 3 0-13 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) 70 76 66-120 8 0-27 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) 121 121 67-121 0 0-17 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) 101 103 74-116 2 0-11 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) 105 106 73-115 1 0-9 Ethanol 102 103 28-148 1 0-55 1.1. I RPD . ReI,tN, p,=" D'"",oœ , CL . C"'ml Umil I~ 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 . TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -::....:~ a/science - gnvironmenta/ Quality Control - LCS/LCS Duplicate ¡., aboratories, Inc. -" Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-:-0000 Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: N/A 04-05-1587 EPA 50308 EPA 82608 Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Quality Control Sample ID Date Prepared Date Analyzed LCS/LCSD Batch Number Matrix Instrument Parameter LCS %REC LCSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers Benzene 96 97. 82-112 0 0-10 Carbon Tetrachloride 101 99 71-131 3 0-12 Chlorobenzene 96 97 86-110 1 0-10 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 104 104 82-112 0 0-11 1 ,1-Dichloroethene 94 94 84-120 1 0-10 Toluene 98 99 81-111 1 0-10 Trichloroethene 97 96 84-114 0 0-10 Vinyl Chloride 97 93 75-123 5 0-11 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 97 96 82-118 1 0-13 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) 84 86 70-124 3 0-25 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) 92 90 73-121 3 0-14 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) 96 96 82-118 1 0-13 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) 94 97 81-117- 3 0-8 Ethanol 87 85 22-154 3 0-21 1.1. I RPD - R","~ p,=", Dm"ooœ , CL - Coo"" Urnil I~ 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA92841-1427 . TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I I I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I :.... ~ a/~cience = §nvironmental Quality Control - LCS/LCS Duplicate .. aboratories, Inc. c., o ~ .... Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: N/A 04-05-1587 EPA 5030B EPA 8260B Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Quality Control Sample 10 Date Prepared Date Analyzed LCS/LCSD Batch Number Matrix Instrument Parameter LCS %REC LCSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers Benzene 99 101 82-112 2 0-10 Carbon Tetrachloride 82 80 71-131 3 0-12 Chlorobenzene 94 94 86-110 1 0-10 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 88 90 82-112 2 0-11 1 ,1-Dichloroethene 106 106 84-120 0 0-10 Toluene 97 98 81-111 2 0-10 Trichloroethene 96 97 84-114 1 0-10 Vinyl Chloride 89 91 75-123 2 0-11 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 99 99 82-118 1 0-13 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) 75 70 70-124 7 0-25 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) 120 120 73-121 0 0-14 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) 101 100 82-118 1 0-13 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) 103 104 81-117 1 0-8 Ethanol 105 95 22-154 10 0-21 1.1. I RPD - Ro'""'o P~"Wi",,"œ . CL - C""""im' I~ 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 . TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L~ alscience gnVironmental Quality Control - LCS/LCS Duplicate .. aboratories, Inc. ...... ::r. Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Date Received:. Work Order No: Preparation: Method: N/A 04-05-1587 EPA 5030B EPA 82608 Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Quality Control Sample ID Date Prepared LCS/LCSD Batch Number Matrix Instrument Parameter LCS %REC LCSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers Benzene 101 100 82-112 1 0-10 Carbon Tetrachloride 92 91 71-131 1 0-12 Chlorobenzene 104 104 86-110 0 0-10 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 105 105 82-112 0 0-11 1,1-Dichloroethene 102 104 84-120 2 0-10 Toluene 101 100 81-111 0 0-10 Trichloroethene 97 97 84-114 1 0-10 Vinyl Chloride 102 101 75-123 1 0-11 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 98 97 82-118 1 0-13 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) 76 77 70-124 1 0-25 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) 94 93 73-121 2 0-14 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) 96 95 82-118 1 0-13 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) 98 97 81-117 1 0-8 Ethanol 80 84 22-154 5 0-21 1.1. I RPD . R,',"', P'=o' D;"',"~ . CL . Co"'O< Urn" I~ 7440 LincolnWay, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 . TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _~ al~cience . ªnvironmental Quality Control - LCS/LCS Duplicate ~ aboratories,lnc. Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: N/A 04-05-1587 EPA 5030B EPA 8260B Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Quality Control Sample 10 Date Prepared Date Analyzed LCS/LCSO Batch Number Matrix Instrument Parameter LCS %REC LCSO %REC %REC CL RPO RPO CL Qualifiers Benzene 101 103 82-112 2 0-10 Carbon Tetrachloride 90 92 71-131 2 0-12 Chlorobenzene 104 103 86-110 1 0-10 1,2-0ichlorobenzene 101 102 82-112 2 0-11 1,1-Dichloroethene 106 108 84-120 2 0-10 Toluene 101 101 81-111 0 0-10 Trichloroethene 100 101 84c114 0 0-10 Vinyl Chloride 105 106 75-123 1 0-11 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 94 95 82-118 1 0-13 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) 71 70 70-124 2 0-25 Diisopropyl Ether (OIPE) 94 94 73-121 0 0-14 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) 91 92 82-118 1 0-13 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) 92 94 81-117 2 0-8 Ethanol 86 88 22-154 3 0-21 RPD - Relative Percent Difference , CL . Control Limit 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427·. TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~~ a/science gnvironmental Quality Control - LCS/LCS Duplicate ... aboratories, Inc. ::;: Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Date Received: ,Work Order No: Preparation: Method: N/A 04-05-1587 EPA 5030B EPA 8260B Project: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Quality Control Sample ID - Matrix Date Prepared Date Analyzed LCS/LCSD Batch Number Instrument Parameter LCS %REC LCSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers Benzene 103 100 82-112 4 0-10 Carbon Tetrachloride 83 85 71-131 1 0-12 Chlorobenzene 98 97 86-110 1 0-10 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 90 91 82-112 1 0-11 1,1-Dichloroethene 105 103 84-120 2 0-10 Toluene 100 97 81-111 3 0-10 Trichloroethene 103 99 84-114 4 0-10 Vinyl Chloride . 87 87 75-123 0 0-11 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 100 99 82-118 1 0-13 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) 75 79 70-124 6 0-25 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) 121 120 73-121 1 0-14 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) 102 102 82-118 0 0-13 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) 108 106 81-117 1 0-8 Ethanol 107 108 22-154 1 0-21 RPD - Relative Percent Difference. CL . Control Limit 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 . TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I :~ _~ alscience . §n~ironmental ª aboratories, Inc. Glossary of Terms and Qualifiers ':) <~ .-\ "& Work Order Number: 04-05-1587 Qualifier Definition * 1 2 3 4 5 A B C D E H J N ND Q u X Z See applicable analysis comment. Surrogate compound recovery was out of control due to a required sample dilution, therefore, the sample data was reported without further clarification. Surrogate compound recovery was out of control due to matrix interference. The associated method blank surrogate spike compound was in control and, therefore, the sample data was reported without further clarification. Recovery of the Matrix Spike or Matrix Spike Duplicate compound was out of control due to matrix interference. The associated LCS and/or LCSD was in control and, therefore, the sample data was reported without further clarification. The MS/MSD RPD was out of control due to matrix interference. The LCS/LCSD RPD was in control and, therefore, the sample data was reported withoutfurther clarification. The PDS/PDSD associated with this batch of samples was out of control due to a matrix interference effect. The associated batch LCS/LCSD was in control and, hence, the associated sample data was reported with no further corrective action required, Result is the average of all dilutions, as defined by the method. Analyte was present in the associated method blank. Analyte presence was not confirmed on primary column. The analyte concentration was reported from analysis of the diluted sample. Concentration exceeds the calibration range. Sample analyzed past recommended holding time. Analyte was detected at a concentration below the reporting limit and above the laboratory method detection limit. Reported value is estimated. Nontarget Analyte. Parameter not detected at the indicated reporting limit. Spike recovery and RPD control limits do not apply resulting from the parameter concentration in the sample exceeding the spike concentration by a factor of four or greater. Undetected at the laboratory method detection limit. % Recovery and/or RPD out-of-range, Analyte presence was not confirmed by second column or GC/MS analysis. 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I '£::. . , . .'" N.'" ",,,"",'- .... . -' " . , - .. .: ~am···:··:·· ......, ···..·····..·..···.·....enliïI··..·.·:·:· ..... I ~_/nc.. I WORK ORDER #: 04 -~[B - [][][][D I of J Cooler _ c-x' . /I ^ SAMPLE RECEIPT FORM CLIENT: ~ . DATE: TEMPERATURE - SAMPLES RECEIVED BY: S--P7Á_ LABORATORY (Other than Calscience Courier): ° C Temperature blank, . 0 C IR thermometer, Ambient temperature, CALSCIENCE COURIER: Chilled, cooler with temperature blank provided. Chilled, cooler without temperature blank. / Chilled and placed in cooler with wet ice, . . Ambient and placed in cooler with wet ice, i Ambient temperature. ~ t () °c Temperature blank. CUSTODY SEAL INTACT: Cooler: No (Not Intact) : SAMPLE CONDLTION: Initial~ Not Applicable (N/A): ____ . ~ Initial:~ ~ Yes Chain-Of-Custody document(s) received with samples,.,..... ........., .., ..,. ~ .'..... Sample' container label( s) consistent with custody papers".. ". '" .. , " . ." .. ~.. . . . ., , , Sample container(s) intact and good condition,....., '" ... ... ...... .., ...... .... .,.-- Correct containers for analyses requested......... '" '" '" ,'. ." .., ........" .,., ~... ... . Proper preservation noted on sample label(s):.... ...'.. .....,........'..,........ OA vial(s) free of heads pace. .........,......................' ..... ......,.. ....,... Tedlar bag(s) free of condensation......................,..:,... ......... .., '..... ,.. . OMMENTS: I I I I No N/A ......, . ~ ~ ...- Initial~-d"Y - - - - - CALSCIENCE ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. 7440 Lincoln Way Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 (714) 895-5494 (714) 894·7501 fa SAMPLING COMPANY: DELTA Environmental Consultants ADDRESS 911 S. Primrose Ave., Monrovia CA PROJECT CONTACT (Hardcopy or PDF Report to)' Gretchen Tagavilla ¡ELEPHaNE: ¡ FAX: 626·256·6662 1626.256.6263 TURNAROUND TIME (BUSINESS DAYS): o 10 DAYS 0 5 DAYS 0 72 HOURS 0 ~8 HOURS o LA· RWQCB REPORT FORMAT 0 UST AGENCY: GCIMS MTBE CONFIRMATION'. HIGHEST SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS OR NOTES: Please fax to Gretchen Tagavilla ASAP NSL SITE lAB USE ONLY Field Sample Identification -fS' J 10 ~- ~ r. l ~ ß'-~J 2ù l~~~~d v;- '~~I) 3D rJ'-' '& s~ f;)·- t·J ID ~,-+J I) {,-7-J'lJ) V"')....l-J:J...S" Relinquished by: (Signature) ~c-r:1 J /lk/vl1á~-'11J~ Relinquished by: (Signature) - - - - - - - - - - - Shell Oil Products US Chain Of Custody Record Equiva Project Manager to be invoiced: l~šS@è~Ä#@jNé~~¡@1 IdTIç8N¡(jW$~RYI¿M>1 Tony Palagyi ¡.t::Jþ@tHcM#90·.·.·.·······..··...., INCIDENT NUMBER (S&E ONLY) 97 1 4 1 9 5 5 PL SAP or CRMT NUMBER (TSICRMT) 1 3 5 0 6 8 GLOBAL 10 NO.: Ipendinq E-MAIL RIPR # 35060 & 35061 LOG CODE' SiTE ADDRESS (Street and City): KHMM 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA - - - - DATE: 05126/04 PAGE: f of '-r E-MAIL: Britney Gunderson Sampler: b.tti ill ,.",1._8R M\¥~~el~~~ I CONSULTANT PROJECT NO: baundersontâ>deltaenv.com I PA2600W-D LAB USE ONL. Y[' ì D)~ l?~r EDF DEUVERABLE TO (Résponsible Party or Designee)' PHONE NO.: 626-256-6662 qtaQavilla@deltaenv.com o 2~ HOURS 0 LESS THAN 2~ HOURS REQUESTED ANALYSIS ¡¡¡ ~ iñ (/ N "" <õ Ê " 2! '" Ó ... õ ~ iñ '" '" Z ~ t:- O ~ ¥ ~ '" ~ õ Ul 6 ž ~ '" :::J W > '" r ::J 0:: '" ... E w t:- I- " ¿ ¡¡¡- 0 l- V) :ë :8 a: .c <D .E 2 ~ ::f. r:iJ '" '" ~ ~ $ .c Q. ~ '" " - (/ ... '" :E Q. <D 'õ :::; M ... U ª '" Q. '" ,.. '" ~ >< (/ ~ ~ " Q. ~ " Ul :;; " 01 '" ci .c ¡¡¡ u ... I- :; l- II) <õ X c 5 <C ~ " oJ u. ~ '" II) Ul 0 !!!. (!) 0 (J [l. W W '" U X " Q. ~ '" II) <D 0 01 II) II) '0 W îiì ,,; '" <D $ '" N, Ul 0 oÓ u U :r: " II) '" g '" '" '" '" ~ õ '" <õ ~ 0 0 [l. >< is " (!) ~ ~ " õ ~ '" J: > > l- ii: "- is N " '" ~ >< Ul Ul " " '" oð '" II) J: 5 5 (; (; .E :r: Ul w W 01 '" ¡S oJ <C U [l. +' W l- I- I- ~ ,¡;; " 0 0 a:: Q. Q. Q. Q. (/ :r: In [l. jjJ [l. '" '" '" '" " [l. l- I- oJ 2 :2: 0 2 IJ.I IJ.I > ¡- > > > > l- I- :;¡ X X X X X l< I ~ ( .. 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Q- 10/16/00 Revision ------- Shell Oil Products US Chain Of Custody Record Equiva Project Manager to be invoiced: ¡.§.~:t~~~~~~~~1~~t~~: U:::)@%iHM'#.@'HI Tony Palagyi RIPR # 35060 & 3'5061 SITE ADDRESS (Street and City): - - - - - -- CALSCIENCE ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES,INC, 7440 Lincoln Way Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 (714) 895-5494 (714) 894-7501 fa SAMPUNG COMPANY: DELTA Environmental Consultants ^OORESS: 911 S, Primrose Ave" Monrovia CA PROJECT CONTACT (Hardcopy or PDF Report 10): Gretchen Tagavilla TELEPHONE: F GZG·Z5G-GGGZ 16~.Z56'6263 TURNAROUND TIME (BUSINESS DAYS): o 10 DAYS 0 5 DAYS 0 72 HOURS 0 48 HOURS o LA· RWQCB REPORT FORMAT 0 UST AGENCY: GCIMS MTBE CONFIRMATION: HIGHEST SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS OR NOTES: Please fax 10 Grelchen Tagavilla ASAP' NSL SITE lAB USE Field Sample Identification ONLY ß- 7- J¡ '~O ($- t-~ l..)" ß--' cJ to \4'~5 <7\ ¡Ç' ß-c;'J QO ß ,-,)J :( \" lIS ~"'J s ò I_JL-S-J S)" ß- þ~ ID- ß '-B-d' l)" Relinquished by: (Signature) 1A/~ j A IIA t (k])~.w¡;w.. Relinquished by: (Signa/we) Ralinquished by: (Signa lure) . , ( .~ #... . À... DISTRIBUTION: White wilh final report, Green to File, Yell~ink to Client Received by: (Signature) lOG CODE' KHMM E-MAil: qtaq avilla(â¿d ellaenv, com o 24 HOURS 0 LESS THAN 24 HOURS HIGHEST per BORiNG ALL CHECK BOX IF EDD IS NOT NEEDED 0 SAMPLING DATE TIME MATRIX s -U -u\.l Ib1jJ. 10\") 1I't I.? \I'I~ lI~t "I"'ín llð, "lihb soil ,.2:tu ~ \2,1~' '\ Received by: (Signature) " Received by: (S1gnature) - INCIDENT NUMBER (S&E ONLY) 91 7\ 1 41 11 91 5 PL 5 SAP or CRMT NUMBER (TS/CRMT) 1 31 51 01 6 8 GlOBAllD NO,: 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA EOF OELlVERABlE TO (ReslxmsibIß Party Of ~i9nee}: PHONE NO.: pendìng E·MAIL' Britney Gunderson Sampler: l.'liî ("::a~~sln lOLl- (uLè\l1~ ~C¡I~h 626·256-6662 bqunderson(â¿deltaenv.com . LAB USE ONL Y NO.OF CONT, REQUESTED ANALYSIS I iÍÌ ~ N ¡¡¡- ¡¡;-. '" ~ Ê ~ 2 0 Ò " õ :¡:¡ ~ t:. ¡¡;- '" '" z '" u 0 0 ~ :J' iÍÌ õ :¡:¡ w Ò ~ ~ > '" ::;;; en :J' oc 0 ~ E ID t:. 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'Y -if 'T' 1'/iJ D't;;/:L74 , /' /' 1)lu-7 Æ Dale: ,.. / . / "'" .,~'V 'V Date: - - - - DATE: OS/26/04 PAGE: 1- If of 1 CONSULTANT PROJËCT NO.: PA2600W·D (~",-15 ~ 1- FIELD NOTES: Co nta i n e riP res e rva tlve or PID Readings or Laboratory Notes TEMPERATURE ON RECEIPT C' Time: Ib~ N o ::;; J, - 0> '" ~ ,~ Time; " '.g 1'! (9 a ... a Time: tes=:- 10/16100 Revision - _.. _. -. - - .- - - Shell Oil Products US Chain Of Custody Record I Equiva Project Manager to be invoiced: tgif!::! '"yP",,,1 - - - -- CALSCIENCE ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. - - _. - - INCIDENT NUMBER (S&E ONLY) 91 71 1 41 11 91 5 7440 Lincoln Way Garden Grove. CA 92841-1432 (7i4) 895-5494 (7i4) 894~7501 fax ßI\MPUNG COMPf.>,IW:· PL 5 SAP or CRMT NUMBER (TSICRMT) 1f31 51 01 6 .8 of . qtaQavilla<.Cù.deltaenv,com RIPR # 35060 & 35061 SITE ADDRESS (Street and City): 2600 White Lane, Bakersfield CA <DF DELIVERABLE 10 IR"'PDO"~' ~"'Y" 0""0"): ' rHONE NO.: Britnev Gunderson 1626-256-6662 Sampler: ~¡, i8 OI,col,;,¡I~ I1lt ~~ S~\)I0"~I\'" pending E-MAIL: lOG CODE: GLOBAL fa NO.: DELTA Environmental Consultants ADDRESS' 911 S. Primrose Ave" Monrovia CA PROJECt CONTACT (Hardcopy or POF Re¡x¡rt to); Gretchen Tagavilla TELEPHONE: ¡ 626-256-6662 16F~_256'6263 TURNAROUND TIME (BUSINESS DAYS): o 10 DAYS 0 S DAYS 0 72 HOURS 0 48 HOURS KHMM DATE: 05126104 PAGE: ~ 'f I CONSUlTANT~ROJECTNO,: IPA2600W.D E-MAIL: bq un d erson ía)deltaenv, com LAB USE ONL Y ðÇ-15~t- \;7 \J '\ 15'ïtlí' /4, N / i2 '" C~//£ Date: ì C ~t{- Time: \6 3-:f ffi 5 <X) " tõ. - Date; Time: u ,., /) I .'" g (/Æl~/h'/ Date: _ /' /. Time: ~ i5 B (C> G fin ..7 /'4" '" . '//V'-'I/"fV/ "- G PI' "/ 10/16/00 Revision o 24 HOURS 0 LESS THAN 24 HOURS REQUESTED ANALYSIS o LA - RWQCB REPORT FORMAT 0 UST AGENCY: GC/MS MTBE CONFIRMATION: HIGHEST SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS OR NOTES: HIGHEST per BORING ALL CHECK BOX IF EDD IS NOT NEEDED U OJ ~ '" N W ~ 0 ¿, " ~ "' en .. U t;.. ~ 0 ::J W Õ ~ w Ó > '" :;; ::J a:: 0 ... E CD t:. E f- '" a:: ,.Q <D OJ .8 0 f- <D V) N :;; ~ :ã .c 0- ~ 0 " '"' - '" ~ ~ 0- <D '" 0- '" N .g 'õ x :::; '" '" 0- '" ~ '" i:' '" ci ,.Q u ,:>¡ W :if :;; '" iD <t '" f- f- Ii) " §: ~ " CD LI. 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'" 0 ~ Z 0 ~ ~ " en '" ~. :c; 0 13 " u ê ~ <;: x ~ w 0 u Q; iD '" g " Õ N ~ J: w OJ CL f- f- 2 TEMPERATURE ON RECEIPT C' FIELD NOTES: tb '" Co ntai n erlP re se rva live or PID Readings or Laboratory Notes - -¡¡; "' o 0- '" Õ .g ~ II) " f-