HomeMy WebLinkAboutUST PACIFIC BELL I ' I ~' .1 ~ 11.1 ~ A Member of The ITGnJup I . II I 1- 'I I I , -I ' I II 1:1 I ' :1 :1 ,I ·1 I ii' , ¡ I "I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 01 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REMOVAL REPORT PACIFIC BELL FACILITY 11101 WHITE LANE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Prepared for: Pacific Bell P,O, Box 5095, Room 3EOOO San Ramon, California 94583 Prepared by: IT Corporation 4005 Port Chicago Highway Concord, California 94520 IT Project No. 822463.87 March 2002 CONCD\03-28-02\O:SHARE\UST:02-0025,doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·1 Table of Contents List of Figures.,..,...........,...,.,............",.,.,...,.,. ,'...,.,.,.......,.,.,..........,.....,................,..,...............,....... i List of Appendices...............,................................ ..,...................,.................................................... i 1.0 Introduction............................................................., ,................... ....................,..........,........." 1 1.1 Site Description....... ..............,.. '.............. ..................,............,.......................... '............ 1 1.2 Permits ........................ ................. ............ ........ .......... ,.................................................... 1 2.0 Field Activities......................................................................... ............................................... 2 2.1 UST Removal.......,............................,............................,........................,...,...,........ ,..... 2 2.2 Soil Sampling..........................,.,.......................................................................,............ 2 2,3 Sample Analyses................................................. .................................,............,..........,. 3 2.4 Sample Analytical Results...".......................................................,................................. 3 3.0 Site Restoration.................................... ,......................................................."................,........ 3 4.0 Conclusions...... ,. ,...... ,....... '......... ,. ,. ,.............. ,. ,.......... ,..... ,...... ..... ,. ,.....",.,..... ,.....,......... ,. ,..... 4 4.1 Reporting Requirements............ ,....... '..............,.... ,.................,........,.........,.....,..........." 4 5.0 Signatures......... ....... ,.....,....... '. ,.... ,. ,.,....... ,...... .... ,. ,..,... ,... ,....... ,.............................,...... ,., ,.. ,.,. 5 CONCD\03-28-02\O: SHARE\UST:02-0025 ,doc I I I I I I I : I I I I II I I I I I I I I List of Figures Figure 1 2 Tif/e Site Location Map Site Map with Soil Sample Locations List of Appendices Appendix A B C D Tif/e Tank Removal Pennit Unifonn Hazardous Waste Manifest for Tank Rinsate Tank Certification Letter and Certificate of Destruction Laboratory Analytical Report and Chain-of-Custody Record CONCD\03-28-02\O:SHARE\UST:02-0025,doc 11 II I I I I , I : I I I I II I I II I I I I I I I 1.0 Introduction On behalf of Pacific Bell, IT Corporation (IT) was contracted to provide environmental consulting services for the removal of one 1,000-gallon, diesel fuel underground storage tank (UST) at 11101 White Lane in Bakersfield, California (Figure 1). Pacific Bell contracted Balch Petroleum (Balch) to provide and operate equipment and obtain the necessary permits to perform the UST removal. UST removal activities discussed in this report were completed in compliance with local and state regulatory requirements in January 2002. 1.1 Site Description The Pacific Bell facility is located approximately 200 feet east of the intersection of White Lane and Buena Vista Road in the City of Bakersfield (Figures 1 and 2). The area surrounding the facility consists of residential neighborhoods to the east and south, Stockdale High School to the north on the opposite side of White Lane, and a vacant lot to the west. The site consists of the Pacific Bell facility building and a fenced, paved parking lot. A 1,000-gallon diesel tank was located on the northwest comer of the site and used to supply fuel to the emergency backup generator. As a new 2,000-gallon diesel aboveground storage tank for the backup generator had previously been installed at the site, the 1 ,ODD-gallon UST was to be removed. Subsurface soils encountered in the tank excavation consisted of a sand with silt and silty sand to the total depth of the tank excavation at approximately 8 feet below ground surface (bgs). Groundwater was not encountered during tank removal activities. The closest surface water to the site is the James Levee Canal, located approximately 0.5 miles north of the site. 1.2 Permits A permit for tank removal was obtained by Balch from the Bakersfield City Fire Department- Office of Environmental Services (BCFD-OES). Upon receipt of the permit, a representative of the BCFD-OES was scheduled to witness field activities. A copy of the tank removal permit is presented in Appendix A. CONCD\03-28-02\0:SHARE\UST:02-0025,doc 1 I I I II I I I I I I II I I I I ¡ I I. I I 2.0 Field Activities The following sections describe the UST cleaning, tank removal, soil sampling, and backfilling activities for the subject site. 2.1 UST Removal On January 31, 2002, the tank was triple rinsed by Excell Excavating Inc. using a fresh water/detergent mixture and a hot water pressure washer. Visual inspection of the tank did not indicate any residual sludge or liquid on the visible portions of the interior of the tank. Approximately 100 gallons of rinsate was removed from the tank using a vacuum truck, with the tank certified clean by a marine chemist. The rinsate was then transported for recycling under manifest number 21342168 to Demenno Kerdoon in Compton, California. A copy of the manifest for the rinsate is included in Appendix B. Following rinsing activities, Balch began excavation activities by removing native soil from around the tank. The soil was excavated and stockpiled on site. The stockpiled soil removed from above and around the diesel UST produced no photoionization detector (PI D) readings that exceeded 0.0 parts per million by volume (ppmv). The internal atmosphere ofthe tank was then inerted with approximately 50 pounds of dry ice. Time was allowed for the dry ice to displace residual vapors from the tank before measuring the percent of the lower explosive limit and percent oxygen within the tank. Under the authorization ofInspector Steve Underwood of the BCFD-OES, the tank was removed from the excavation. Upon removal, the tank was scraped of exterior soil and inspected for signs of deterioration, holes, or leakage. No holes, cracks, or other indications of leakage were observed on the tank. Following inspection, the tank was crushed onsite by Balch personnel and loaded into an Excell end-dump truck for transport off site. The tank was transported to Kern County Landfill in Arvin, California for disposal. A copy of the certificate of destruction for the tank is included in Appendix C. 2.2 Soil Sampling The UST was underlain by a concrete slab spanning the length and width of the excavation. A backhoe was used to excavate soil from the top of the slab for inspection. The concrete was unbroken, and exhibited no signs of staining. Furthermore, there was no evidence of staining or CON CD\03-28-02\0:SHARE\UST:02-0025 ,doc 2 I I I II II ,I I II I II I I II I I I I I I I I I odor in the soil surrounding the slab. As a result, Inspector Underwood informed IT personnel that in situ excavation soil sampling was not warranted. Groundwater was not encountered in the excavation. Four soil samples (SP-I through SP-4) were collected from the soil stockpile to characterize the soil for disposal or re-use as backfill. The stockpile samples were each collected by tightly packing a four ounce, laboratory-cleaned jar with soil, which was then sealed and placed on ice pending transport to a State-certified laboratory. The soil had no odor or visual evidence of contamination. After collection and labeling, the samples were transported to American Scientific Laboratories, LLC (ASL), a State-certified laboratory. Chain-of-custody documentation accompanied the samples from the time of collection to delivery at the laboratory. Copies of the chain-of-custody records for the samples are included in Appendix D. 2.3 Sample Analyses The soil samples were delivered to ASL in Los Angeles, California by IT personnel. The samples were combined into one composite sample at the laboratory and analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-G) and diesel (TPH~D) using EPA Method 8015 (modified). The sample was also analyzed for benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and total xylenes (BTEX) and methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE) using EPA Method 8021B. 2.4 Sample Analytical Results No analytes were encountered in the laboratory analysis of the composite stockpile sample. A copy of the laboratory report is included in Appendix D. 3.0 Site Restoration Upon, completion of the tank removal activities, the tank. excavation was backfilled by Balch on February 2,2002. The excavation was backfilled using soils from the overburden stockpile and then compacted using the backhoe, Site restoration activities were completed independent of IT oversite. CONCD\03-28-02\0:SHARE\UST:02-0025,doc 3 'I I I I I I I I I I II I I I II I il I I I 4.0 Conclusions Based on the field observations and laboratory analytical data presented in this report, IT concludes the following: · On January 31, 2002, the 1,000-gallon diesel UST was removed from the site. · No evidence of impacted soils were encountered during excavation activities of the UST. · Due to an underlying concrete slab, soil samples were not collected at the direction of the BCFD-OCS. · Groundwater was not encountered during excavation activities, · No analytes were encountered in the analysis of the composite soil sample collected from the overburden stockpile. · No further action is warranted for this site. 4.1 Report Requirements Following approval from Pacific Bell, a copy of this report will be forwarded to: · Bakersfield City Fire Department Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Avenue, 3 rd Floor Bakersfield, California 93301 (661) 326-3979 CONCD\03-28-02\O: SHARE\UST:02-0025 ,doc 4 I I I I I I I I I I II II I I I I I I '-I I 5.0 Signatures The interpretations and conclusions contained in this report represent our professional opinions, These opinions are based on currently accepted engineering practices at this time and for this specific site. No additional warranty is implied or intended. Report prepared by: d~~~ ~ Eytc' son Staff Geologist IT Corporation Report reviewed by: ~ ~7 ..--'_\~'~"- ~ -~ . .~ ~ey~ Project Manager, QAlQC Officer IT Corporation CONCD\03-28-02\O: SHARE\UST:02-0025 ,doc 5 I I I I " G5 ' C ::D m II en I :1 II I !I I II I I I I I I I : I I 905-9,91 ,'I II II I I I ':1 I I I I I I I I I I I I II FIGURES I I I I I' I I II I I I ~I I 'I 'I :1 'I 'I I 'I I- n CD ~ N N OJ I-cr:: Uw wm 02 cr::::> CLZ ~ >--;;;. me:> o w ~ U w :r:"" U~ '" ~ ~8 Z õ;': <{ cr:: o~ ~ ,/: ~;../";/' 6 I . .:'!~~/( ." ,. '-'''':'-~' ,~<' , ~,?;,j?~ "Iill<'¡::'j,~ ,.-./ r '--~, / '~'tf - )---.L,:'/ / ! ..... ,'" I <. .' '" " , ;:::'/'~' ,- .~_.-/ C I:; ....,;;;:: 'I ÌI ,..:;~'U' r;.._~,~" ~; : ..",.,,?"';.-..,' :: . ",,,"',? ¡ ,.~' T -r .~ -... /' '- ¡.¡ i·,A '- -' -·-1---. ~ .//:j~:t::::::~:.~: /~:,;; ,,;, ''':~'.,' '1\,','.; --"'" (>, ,! /, ;...~,"·"8~·~~"at~' T2nk .. r..' , ..'!" ,..::-:,._--.:..; . 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I,">", / / REFERENCE: DelORME 3-D TopoQuads CALIFORNIA SOUTH, COPYRIGHT 1999 o I 1/2 0 2000 Feet t SCALE m If CGIPCIRIIIDI PACIFIC BEll FACILITY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Mile FIGURE 1 SITE LOCATION MAP 11101 WHITE LANE BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA / N:\CAD\DWG\B22463\822463SLM,dwg Mon. 11/Mor/02 11:41om kkistinger --1 I I I I I' I I I I I !I ; I i I I :1 I I I I APPENDIX A TANK REMOVAL PERMIT }),. I I II I , I I I I I I I I I I, I I I 'I ;1 I I 1^-N1\. .t"IV. I'lUI: VULU.M.t: :i1'U1U:J) S"lU¡œU f ßYIl(' I DØO &M.... b, tS.~ ~JQ~'::--L.fr PREVIOUSL Y STORED (h6--s1U- 1° Åpj.J.¡(:~hÖNDki ~ ~ . . , . ' -;-: .. . ',' . , :: _r~. .:: "'.7,' ForOfficia1 Use Only ..' .... . :J'ACILvY°'N"O: ... .. ,NO:OF:t~ " , F.EE S.:.......;..;.. .. ' THE APPLICANT HAS R.EcEIvED, UNDERSTANDS. AND WJU. COMPLY WITH l1Œ A ITA-CHED CONDITIONS OF -nUS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER. STA.TE. LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGUlATIONS. _.-"' rnrs FORM H'.;lS BEEN COMPLErED UNDER PENALTY Of PEIUU'RY. A.ND TO ~ BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IS ~UE ° ""'\ ~ ( fiHI-£:BE,¡6r,.J6t~ 1Ni;. ) (AE¡P....rrFêl2-~F'''-'3EU-J . . S~TT 7Ã#...lW=JJIU" ~~ ,~ APP . BY' APPUCA.~NAM::(PRINT) APPLICANT SIGNATURE THIS APPUCATION \"ILL BECOME APERMrr WHEN APPROVED 03/26/02 TUE 14:13 [TX/RX NO 5748] 1lJ002 I I l I ~ I I I I ,I I I I II I I :1 I !I I :1 , ' II II I II I I » "'( "'( mm 21 ~ I 916-2-99 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX B UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST FOR TANK RINSATE I 'I I I I I I I I I I. :. !I I I I I I··~ = .,,~ "¡V ,{ .{ .,,2: "" ';'0 .... .., =ï ~-< ,,v ,;z " :E ... ~ G N E o N : E ..;, R ~ A o T ~ 0 R ... w Z w u ~ z 2 11) w GI: ... -< 2: o ;::: ~ z w ¡; - ;( u oJ oJ ii: 01) ð >- ~ .., C) lit ~ .... ... o IU V) -< u 3; ¡ c , L I t y - "'" ~-"'I'.Ii_'·'_IKÞI rTOIttC'tUlt ""!JC.,tcy ~ J\pr"und 0Mft "'... 2CI!.O-OO39 It"!,.,.. 9.:10-991 PI~o... print or ',po. 'orl~ d"i~~: ~~"" .1~o"1'ui""IIIytAwr;¡"" 1. 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'-I.... .a:.n Y AnvnlY.LI!.l., 1.i't.L 03~~ I.LI!.03 1715 Chester A ve.~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 ~~!;., ,- ~ UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS CLOSURE CERTIFICATION I. FACILITY IDENTIFICATION -'-'-'''--.--_..__~. 'u __.' ._'____.__ 3 ! PERMIT# :! I, :,: 1 I I; I ::. j: I : 1 ß.R - OJ. "J 8 ¡.i -j-.--.~_,-_l n-____L_'-_L_~ 74( :'-eusïNESS 'ÑÃME(same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) ----_. Page _ of _ '--.-.. ~.' -~ ._~-- .--.-. flalM.<JlJ\ 741 ----------------- -~-,----- 742 ¡ STATE liA 743 ZIP CÕDE ---7;; q£{Çf3 Tank ID # (Attach BtItIIIionsI copès of /his page for lIIOI8 !Iran fIII8e Ian/rs.) II. TANK CLOSURE INFORMATION i 745 ; : Concentration of Flammable Vapor Top Center i Bottom , , 746a I 746b ' ¡ , ~! Concentration of Oxygen Top Center Bottom 747ã- 747b 747c j ':lïL:':cÊfi1j~.QÅTI()N ,ft :.' .', :~..~~,:,.'::..'.:'.:,..,; }::~:_;" .:\\;:. '. .:: '. .n:.~.- I _,._ ;, . .,:._,: :"....', ~'.: ,", . ..' . . . _ ~ :" , . . On examination of the tank, I certify the tank Is visuaUy free from product, sludge, scale (lhin, flaky residual of lank contents), rinseate and debris. I further certify that e information provided herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowtedge. SIGNAT OF CE IFI STATUS OR AFFILIATION OF CERTIFYING PERSON Certifier is a representative of the CUPA, authorized agency, or LIA: 760 t/ Yes D No Name of CUPA. authorized agency. or UA: I PHONE (661) 326-3979 ! -DATE 759 -CeRTIFICATION TIME 'I ~Ð~ ':30 I TANK EV/ USL Y HELD FlAMMABLE OR COMB STlBLE MATERIALS Jlf ~~, the tsnk interior Btmosphere shan be re-checlced with a œmbuslible gas indicator prior to Mri being conducted on the tank.) I I CERTIFIER'S TANK MANAGEMENT INSTRUCTIONS FOR SCRAP DEALER, DISPOSAL FACILITY, ETC: I . 1 2 I' il 'I I ,I II 3 751 I I -::.\.-;: < '., "':'~' . .-~.. :.. " -, " :,····.,~.\~K~~~~,~i\:·rj;:/ - <.;' . 754 i 755/ 1 758/ .1:hc;p- ~~ 1715 Chester Ave. CITY Bakersfield. CA 93301 757 758 'I I i j 746c ' ~ '].ç ;J.Ç" QQ"" 75011 750c 753& 7S3b I 753c 749b : 749c 7528 ¡ 752b ~ 752c , . :.; "" .,'. ':, i~~~~:~>;- 761 C", of Bakersfield Fire )epamnent - Offlce of Environmental Services If certifier is other than CUPA I LIA check approprla/e box below: o a. Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) o b. Certified Safety Professional (CSP) o c. Certified Marine Chemist (CMC) D d. Registered Environmental Health Specialist (REHS) o e. Professional Engineer (PE) o f. Class 1/ Registered Environmental Assessor o g. Contractors' State license Boan:Ilicensed contractor (with hazardous substance removal certification) 7&2 "ilf Yes DNo 763 764 I A copy of this certificate shall accompany /he lank to the recycling I disposal facißty ãnd be provided to the CUPA. If there Is no CUPA, I cop~es shall be submitled 10 the LIA and authorized agency; owner I operator of the lank system;_~val contractor; and the recycling I dJsposal facility. I ~n_, ""'~'''''''_''Q", I II I' I I I I I I I I :1 I II I !I ~ - = u : ð Z ~ 1&1 2 c I ¡I !I I .,.;;- -- ......... ......_... '--~c ,.. ,"., O-.q. ;'¡". ., - J _.~ ,.... ',' ." '. . , .:. .:,. ':.' "~'.. . .' . '. r'J~ 1521 NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE DATA FORM a: o ... ~ au Z 1&1 " >- m ø III t; ~ a. :E o U 1&1 m o .. Si-/-<.. /Ji)~ - fMIF¡(1/ Ç<=L~ Pß-L.a!1.t6<.f&'e~. AOOR¡" r.o, Box- 5025 &vI}') 3EûOOtllclwh/~ k.?,A,e"o,o¿J.,31 J 1~0a5.?1 Crrt.STAtE.ZlP S-A-IU /(Ah!o¡¡), (!,4. '?t¡..:uP.3 JIJA/t:ElLs¡=:eY 1'HOH1iN). â'16 97'7- '77?'1 CONTAINERS, NO (I) va.uu¡.a {OOC GAL WØ»ffnoeFí ßE/{G.I..J.>¡SC; -r/fAl/L.. o<6{ O /)UUP 'TRuCK 'TYPE: o DAUuS 0 CAA1"I:*S . 0 OTHl!!A WASTE DESCRIPTION A /5£ R.. ~Ii.ç. c; --~(7 '¡fiNk,- -;r-;:wvk:...... PPWOK CWlillAnNQ PROCEsS:: R. ðtI'M t)V£ l> - C06APOH&H?II OP Wo\Sft ......... 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II II I II I APPENDIX D LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS AND CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY FORM I A~~ i "', . - ~ I · _ .J.~.. 1.1 II _ -.-.-.-J .ill1l1lli - ~~............................................~ AMERICAN SCIENTIFIC LABORATORIES, LLC Environmental Testing Services 2520 N. San Fernando Rd., Los Angeles, CA 90065 Tel: (323) 223-9700 Fax: (323) 223.9500 I I Ordered By :IT-EMCON 3452 E;Poothi11B1vd Suite ~OO Pasadena, CA 91107-3159 'NwDber,ofiPagès Date Rece:iv,ed '.' . :Date Reported '",~ "~ \Y:.H.,1>-;'-' I :3'.. ' .' . ' .oìl~i/2()Ò2' .;.:ë~~t:~i~~~>· -.~ " '- - -' . ',_ :'..,~'t', '< ~. "Y>;:o..' ';. '02/01/2 002, .<~ ·':;.'>'¡:·~;:;i,,( " ",'" ,-'-,,-.,-. I Telephone Attn (626)304-1500 Rob De1nagro 'Job 'NwDber 13025 ..qrdered 01/31/2002 , Client" EMCON I I il Project :ID: Project Name: Site: 822463 Pacific Bell, Bakersfield 11101 White Lane Bakersfield, CA , II :1 I :1 Enclosed are the results of analyses on 1 sample analyzed as specified on attached chain of custody. !I II '(Ij~ , 1 Wendy Lu Organics Supervisor Rojert G, Araghi Laboratory Director il il 'I I I American Scientific Laboratories. lie (ASL) accepts sample marerials from clients for analysis with the aSsumption that all of the infonmtionprovided.to ASL verba,lI'y,orjn writing by our clients (and/or their agents). regarding samples being submitted toASL. is complete and accurare, ASL accepts all samples subjectto the following ,conditions: I)ASL is not responsible for verifYing any client-provided infonmtion regarding any samples submitted to the laboratory. " , 2) ASL is not responsible for any consequences resulting from any inaccuracies. omissions. or misrepresentations contained in client-provided inronnation regaiwng . samples submitted to the laboratory. '. ".::>.; . . I I h~~i "". . - -.." . , .J.~.. 1111 , ......~.",.,JIII'J!II.lil1..l1.lli.- :.P'............4IP"...........................~ AMERICAN SCIENTIFIC LABORATORIES, LLC Environmental Testing Services 2520 N. San Fernando Rd., Los Angeles, CA 90065 Tel: (323) 223-9700 Fax: (323) 223-9500 ANALYTICAL RESULTS [I I II II I Ordered By IT-EMCON 3452 E. FoothillBlvd Suite 900 Pasadena, CA 91107.;3159 Telephone: (626)304-1500 Attn: Rob Delnagro Site n 10 1 White Lane Bakersfield, CA Page: 2 il Project ill: 822463 ,Job Number Order Date >, 'èlient .' Project Name: Pacific Bell, Bakersfield 13025 01/31/2002 EMCON I ,I I, I II il I 1 I I I 1 ,I Method: 8015M/DHSLUFT, TPH DRO AND ORO Batch No: 013102-01 Our Lab I.D. . 80266 I. ,. Sample ill SP-I,2,3,4 Date Sampled 01/31/2002 Date Extracted 01/31/2002 Preparation Method Date Analyzed 01/31/2002 Matrix Soil Units mg/kg Detection Limit Multiplier I Analytes PQL Results . , TPH DRO (C13-C22) 10 ND TPH ORa (C22+) 50 ND Our Lab I.D. 80266 .' . . '. . .. Surrogates Con. Limit % Ree. . . Surrogate Percent Recovery --:;-~ . Chlorobenzene 70-120 89 QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Bateh No: 013102-01 MS MS DUP RPD MS/MSD MS RPD "" Analytes %REC %REC % % Limit % Limit . .. .' Diesel 90 89 1.1 75-120 15 ~---.-- , ::1 I I!I I h~~ i """'. . , ...., . , ..J...~.. IIII . , ~ ~~ ~~ .l.lill1illt , ...,......"....."....."....,...."....,...."....,~ AMERICAN SCIENTIFIC LABORATORIES, LLC Environmental Testing Services 2520 N. San Fernando Rd., Los Angeles, CA 90065 Tel: (323) 223-9700 Fax: (323) 223-9500 ANALYTICAL RESULTS II 'I II Ordered By IT-EMCON 3452 E. Foothill Blvd Suite 900 Pasadena, CA 91107-3159 Telephone: (626)304-1500 Attn: Rob Delnagro Site 11101 White Lane Bakersfield,'CA· Page: 3 Project ill: 822463 ,.Job . Number. · Order Date. , Client I Project Name: Pacific Bell, Bakersfield 13025 01/31/2002 EMCON I II Method: 8021B, Aromatic Volatiles and MTBE Batch No: 013102-02 il ,I II I !I !I 1- :1 I I I I I I II Our Lab I:D. .,. 80266 - - ..... . .- . "- Sample ill SP-I,2,3,4 Date Sampled 01/31/2002 Date Extracted 02/01/2002 Preparation Method Date Analyzed 02/01/2002 Matrix Soil Units uglkg Detection Limit Multiplier I Analytes PQL Results .' ..>..,-.:. , . Benzene 5 ND Ethylbenzene 5 ND Toluene (Methyl benzene) 5 ND Xylenes, total 10 ND MTBE 20 ND Our Lab I.D. 80266 ' ',. .....,. . Surrogates Con. Limit % Rec. . ..' . " .:' Surrogate' Percent Recovery . Bromofluorobenzene 70-120 120 QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Batch No: 013102-02 MS MS DUP RPD MS/MSD MSRPD Analytes %REC %REC % % Limit % Limit Benzene 88 84 4,7 75-120 ' 15 Toluene (Methyl benzene) 87 82 5.9 75-120 15 '- _ 'ÍIIIIIÎI ... .. '~ _ _ _ ,_.._ AMERICAN SCIENTIFIC LABORATORIES, LLC Environmental Testing Services 3225 San Fernando Road, LA, CA 90065 Tel: (323) 254-7700 · Fax: (323) 254-7799 -~ - Page ASL J08# Company: ....,',,' -.=, , C'\ f' I! .... ._.. ,_.P- _ ,..'~- t ;j \ r.\ [j t<.,I._ f <J:'I--> Address:.:; ,,' r .I' f, _ I,,' ). ",'r" i 'I. ~. ^ '" ¡·'I.." t:.'fÛ{..) _.} ! ...? t \.... \- I C t."'-'\".J) V\I -'( (,. /) j r J n ;. ~. ) ! '(1 JQ..g'o¡; . ..,,"'\ ' ANAL YS'S REQUESTED Time/tJ :§íl TÀT . Time. It'· ',1 J.. 0 Normé /,$'>7 ,~ RŽ:~ (.\r'J ,(:' ?; '("¡:;~ I' (,~ i\~ F!f.Qject "lam~;", t6...c \ (. ¡ r... t~.;;:..11 Site Address: (\ (C) ( uJî-t.{·{-e, ReþQ.rt To: ' 'Rob tkd,vv-t.;,> '\ c.) ~__ Address: U ,,( '-,<7 I ;."j7, / ,{...! --- ", { ~ ~..,,_.\ '-4'- r ',ï t 1'.1 t,' J: '( (, ¡fIt «, U ,.;. ~-'1' ¿ ,1 ,;b-~ It:.; ;('; ~ M l: Address: Á J) ct '\) 0 ':..~ \, .., \ f}.; \) ... \. ~~ $ r)J¿ . II!-: r-t<,)' f' Telephone: ("J Z 5') 2 7:r8 - -¿1l.t:OS Fax: Special Instruction: _ ,_ Project 10: {I _ (ßi'1 P t"I"S I Tê- flu "5 A ,,1 fLt ,$ ·=;I;.2 2J 19$ 1./:1 (Sf:"; 'fïvC1w~cfl SP~'-)) :;;~~~er: Kol:J DelV\,o..'-~fO U SAMPLE DESCRIPTION" Container(s) P.O,#: Matrix Preservatiofì Sample ID Date . Time # Type I..: .. i )L·I : Qf¡ I I ( . <Sói( II ¡ I <sr- { 1/--> , t. ()l .1c).-(' , ..~...--'" \ I I .'~){/Q -z. / I . ) / I ( i <:)('-2 ;f ( I ( --..- : I í I L:) 'P - 3> \ "'J I ) ) II , - ", Sr-Lf (¡ ), q¿¡ I t ~ ( . \ ; \1 kl ..,.;-"" ~\ 1WN IÐ'~~ .. ,.;':" 'v -I" CollectedBY:'?:-.U..~......- t.-t1."fcf;:ß;1...-/ Datel/~!/(J l- Time/,!: so , Relinquished By: I Date . Time ,J ~o ~R or · ,"~' 1A~ I Relinquished Bi-K, r K ~~ÍrJ~2øate :/.1 ¡/tì2. . /' t.. Received -:¡e-s?' --,"" D t '/0// ) For LaboratorYv....~.J,-,;}i.:/;:>/ a e, )t/ D .-. (...-- Condition of Sample: . White· Report. Yellow· Laboratory, Pink - C'ient . :,;.;~,,:;';';¥~1:'~~,>.:~.:' -- t I. cOf ----L- C'" /"\ ..- -) ,'I ¡" "'" ,I L. I ..' ,/ (!r-~,. j- Remar~ .