HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION I ' a' a-- ~ ~- ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. DIRECTOR 2700 WMW Street. Suite 300 Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 FAX November 3, 1993 Mr. Raymond Elliott Environmental Manager P ACCAR Automotive, Inc. 7200 Edgewater Drive Oakland, CA 94261 SUBJECT: Former Grand Auto Supply Store located at 2100 Wible Road, Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Elliott: Per Mr. Bjorklund's (HARTCROWSER) request, this Department has reviewed documents submitted on your behalf, pertaining to the assessment and remediation of minor hydrocarbon contamination at said facility. With the provision that the information provided to this agency was accurate and representative of existing conditions, it is the position of this office that no further action is required. Please be advised that this letter does not relieve you of any liability under the California Health and Safety Code or Water Code for past, present, or future operations at the site. Further, it does not relieve you of the responsibility to clean up existing, additional, or previously unidentified conditions at the site which cause or threaten to cause pollution or nuisance or otherwise pose a threat to water quality or public health. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (805) 861-3636, Extension 580. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director ~"I- ~~ ~~~-- ~/ By: Brian Pitts Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program BP:cas ht,£, \pitts\grand - e WORK ORDER LOG SHEET /j ,') C ? Date: .L:..-/ -Z-./..z¿ rrackin~ :;: APN: Work Order ;:: WO Câ.te£Jory: WO Type: Reimo. : Y X RP Code: ¿¿';<1 / 7 Î EMO / 1:./' /.,¿,--<- Hazma¡;,s ..;r Æ.,-' L/ ~ WORK ORDER NAME: ~~/lV /'9t¿;-O RESPONSIBLE' 'J // PARTY (RP) NAME: 0ClYlI? ,L}¡./7lJh/o//¿/Æ .:z::;r/¿" oA ~~?/ ()CN/<&?~ --::> --:> / RP CONTACT: 'ð/2/4A/ ZS'Jð/CK¿¿¡/VZ) RP ADDRESS: <.5..:5-3 (._~C;2~/1E/[,/72J -=:553;1 <-ç/7/:£ //¿L,() RP crTY: ,.-s;.9/¿J J;2/?/(//Y5:ZJ STATE: C/9 ZIP: 7~/// + RP PHONE ~OS.: (1({)) (59 /- /~;;:ç (-) ~ ~~ INSPECTOR: .L5 _ .'/ /' //5 , -<.:r:-) Err . (5 /) ;¿, PROGRAM: ,--~-gMMP':É:-~~~~ HHHP-Permitting P I /r~?r ,/1'7 a/' - .'? DESCRI T ON: ,"'>"'/,/c-.' '- /1'" I. {b" (~ c.... /7'"%? r 'L/~<;'''5>E'5,"'S //'5>,-,// ff r ,b/~/",,_/ .,ch ¡7~ rJ /;"¡r'/>p ¿> A ;;::.~~ C~" të ¿ //';c.(./Y-; LOCATION: ,2/An ///'//-/;£ ..-:> ./ Á ¿t¿~,¿::> /' 0/7 K5/,,-?5h,-7 / ¿¡ / FACILITY NAME: £:::,.9//'-/j) L:J'-o [ "/.{, í ' COMMENTS: . ~ ". e e .. .. HNrTCROWSER 353 Sacramento Street, Suite 1140 San Francisco, California 94111 FAX 415.391,2216 415.391,1885 Earth and Environmental Technologies October 27,1993 Kern County Environmental Health Services Department Hazardous Materials Management Program 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 Attn: Mr. Brian Pitts Re: Request for Case Closure Former Grand Auto Supply Store 2100 Wible Road Bakersfield, Ca. Dear Brian: On behalf of our client, P ACCAR Automotive, Inc., we are submitting the enclosed Soil Boring/Hoist System Removal report for your review. As discussed in our conversation this morning, we request your participation in this review process at a rate of $80.00/hour. Our client is currently involved in the sale of this property, and is seeking a closure letter from your agency at your earliest convenience. Please feel free to call me or Eric Schniewind at (415) 391-1885 if there are any questions regarding this request. Sincerely, HART CROWS~R, IN . 6~c& Brian Bjorkl Sr. Staff Hydrogeologist BB/pr e e .. .. HlJRTCROWSER 353 Sacramento Street, Suite 1140 San Francisco, California 94111 FAX 415.391.2216 415.391,1885 Earth and Environmental Technologies /,' //"\' /~/~)' >,~, / ¿.>....// .(¿,:;":- .==~ , '.' ,;.....- ." '. -,' (,~ Ì' /~::~':Y' ", :'\~:'~~~2;!~,;;, '. ".,- ..~) 6\ ~. ..... July 20, 1993 "'-'~ ~, , .,') ....'5' Ms. Amy Green Kern County Environmental Health Services Department 2700 M Street Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 "", '-.. . '~,., .. '''-./ ..,.....- " . .' .'1 ". Reference: \-Vork Plan - Soil Borings Grand Auto Supply 2100 Wible Road Bakersfield, California T-6106 Dear Ms. Green: Hart Crowser, on behalf of P ACCAR Automotive, Inc. (P AI), is providing this work plan to complete soil borings at the above-referenced site. Included in this work plan is a site background, a proposed scope of work, health and safety issues, and the proposed project schedule. SITE BACKGROUND A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (PSA) was conducted at the facility in August 1992. The PSA consultant concluded that the onsite storage of hazardous materials, the site's close proximity to an unlined stormwater retention basin, and a nearby local paint store indicated the possibility of subsurface contamination from volatile and semi-volatile organics and pesticides. Soil borings were recommended to assess the potential impacts from onsite hazardous materials storage and potential contaminant migration from adjacent properties. .... ...'- ....... ___._ .........'_ _.1 ".. .'--_____ ,,_.-./__...1 ,..__ '-__.__:___ . _.._ "'___1... e e "Ms. Green, Kern County EHSD .. July 20, 1993 J-6106 Page 2 SCOPE OF WORK Based on our understanding of the work required, Hart Crowser has proposed a scope of work consisting of two tasks which are described in the following sections. Task 1- Soil Sampling Three shallow soil borings will be performed on the Grand Auto property. The purpose of these borings is to assess potential near surface contamination from onsite hazardous material storage, and to investigate potential onsite contaminant migration from the City of Bakersfield's stormwater retention ponds located adjacent to the site. The location of the borings will be determined in the field based on the known concerns stated above. The three borings will be advanced to a depth of approximately 20 feet below ground surface (BGS) using hollow stem auger equipment. Samples will be retrieved from each boring using a modified California split spoon sample. Samples will be obtained from near surface and every five feet to the maximum depth of each boring. A lithological log will be prepared for each boring. The shallow samples will be analyzed for volatile organics by EP A Method 8240. The deeper samples will be analyzed for volatile organics by Method 8240 and for semivolatile organics by EP A Method 8270. The pesticide analysis using EP A Method 8080 will be quantified as part of the Method 8270. Borings will be backfilled to the ground surface using neat grout. Drill cuttings will be placed in DOT-approved drums pending analyses. If analyses indicate that the material is contaminated, Hart Crowser will then aid PAl in profiling the waste for disposal. Task 2 - Summary Report The results of the field activities will be summarized in a report prepared for the facility. This report will present all field observations, field procedures and chemical analyses results. A limited assessment of the nature and extent of potential subsurface contamination will be made. The levels of chemicals found in site soils, if any, will be compared to existing regulatory, human health, and environmental standards to determine the potential requirements for cleanup. e e "Ms. Green, Kern County EHSD .. July 20,1993 J-6106 Page 3 The report will also contain limited recommendations for additional characterization and/ or remediation, if appropriate. HEALTH AND SAFETY All Hart Crowser project personnel that will be onsite have the required 40 hour health & safety training and have completed the 8 hour supervisor course. In addition, Hart Crowser personnel have current medical clearance as required in 8 CCR 5192(0. Field activities will be conducted under Level D protection. Hard hats and steel toe boots will be worn at all times when heavy equipment is present. Monitoring on the site will be with a photoionization detector (PID) meter. If PID meter readings in excess of 10 parts per million are sustained within the breathing zone for longer than 15 minutes, operations will be stopped, and the project manager will be contacted to approve an upgrade to Level C protection. SCHEDULE The following schedule is proposed. 1_---1"-~ TASK DESCRIPTION COMPLETION DATE 1 Work Plan Approval 7/28/93 2 Soil Sampling.! Analyses 8/18/93 3 Summary Report 9/8/93 Scheduled completion times for Tasks 1 and 2 are estimated, and are limited by third party response and availability. e e .wMs. Green, Kern County EHSD .. July 20, 1993 J-6106 Page 4 LIMITATIONS '-- Our services will be provided in accordance with generally accepted professional practices, related to the nature of the work accomplished, in the same or similar localities, at the time the services are performed. No other conditions, express or implied, should be understood. Sincerely, HART CROW ER, INC. () ~ -, / Eric Schniewind Project Hydrogeologist ~~7 Dharme Rathnayake, P.E. TechrücalManager ETS/DR:pr e e - .. IIIJRTCROWSER Earth and Environmental Technologies SOIL BORING/HOIST SYSTEM REMOVAL RESULTS Former Grand Auto Supply Store 2100 Wible Road Bakersfield, California J-6106 HART CROWSER, INC. October 26, 1993 353 Sacramento Street Suite 1140 San FranCIsco, California 94111 415.391.2216 FAX 415.391. 1885 e e .. .. SOIL BORINGIHOIST SYSTEM REMOVAL RESULTS Former Grand Auto Supply 2100 Wible Road Bakersfield, California J-6106 Prepared for: P ACCAR Automotive, Inc. 7200 Edgewater Drive Oakland, CA 94621 Prepared by: Hart Crowser, Inc. 353 Sacramento Street, Suite 1140 San Francisco, CA 94111 ~ Dharme Rathnayake, Ph.D., P.E. #C 45296 Technical Manager 6~ //~._._.,~ Brian BjOrklund?- . Senior Staff Geologist e e .. .. TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE INTROD VCTI ON .................................................................................................. 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARy......... .... ................ ...... ................ .......... ...... .............. ...... 1 o B JE CflVE .............................................................................................................. 2 SCOPE OF WORK. ..................... .... ...... .......... .............. .......... .......... ...... .................. 2 SITE DESCRIPTION ..................... .............. ...... ........................ ...... .... ........ .......... 3 FIELD ACTIVITIES .......... ................ ............ ........ ........ .......... .... ................ ...... ...... 4 Soil Boriltgs .......... ........ ........ .... .................. ...... ........ .... ........ ...... .... .......... .......... 4 Hoist System Removal ............. .................. ........ ............ .............. .... ........ .......... 5 Soil Disposal ...... .......... .............. .......... .................. .................... .... ...... ........ ........ 7 CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMEND A nONS ....................................................... 7 LIMIT A TI 0 NS ............. ................ ........................ .......... .... ............ ...... .................... 9 REFERENCES .. ...... .............. .................. .......... ........ .............. .................................. 9 TABLE 1. Sample Results FIGURES 1. Site Location Map 2. Site Vicinity Plan 3. Site Plan 4. Service Bay Details APPENDICES A. Boring Logs B. Lab Reports and Chain-of-Custody Records C. Oil Recycling and Hoist Disposal Certificates D. Soil Disposal Shipping Papers e e ... .. SOIL BORING /HOIST SYSTEM REMOVAL RESULTS FORMER GRAND AurO SUPPL Y STORE 2100 WIBLE ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of the recent soil boring and hoist removal activities performed by Hart Crowser at the above- referenced site (Figures 1 through 3) on behalf of P ACCAR Automotive, Inc. Hart Crowser completed three soil borings and provided oversight during the excavation and sampling of nine hydraulic hoist locations and their associated fluid reservoir ~ocations. Stokley Construction of Tracy, California completed the removal of hoists/reservoirs and soils within the . excavations. We performed this work according to our "Revised Proposal to Provide Environmental Oversight and Restoration Services," dated February 18, 1993. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Hart Crowser completed three soil borings and observed the removal of nine hydraulic hoist systems from the former Grand Auto facility. Soil samples were analyzed from each boring, hoist, and reservoir location to assess the presence and extent of potential onsite and offsite contaminants. Samples obtained from soil borings between the automotive service bay and the unlined stormwater basin contained no detectable traces of volatile organic compounds, semi-volatile organic compounds, or organochlorine pesticides. Laboratory results indicate that only one of the 13 soil samples obtained from the base of the hoist and reservoir locations after excavation and removal activities contained detectable traces of hydrocarbon residues. The bottom saII:\ple from hoist excavation H4 (Figure 4) contained a TPH-G concentration at the detection limit of 1 part-per-million (ppm). Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) constituents were reported as 0.016 ppm, 0.054 ppm, 0.019 ppm, and 0.077 ppm, respectively for this sample. These concentrations are below the State Water Resources Control Board's cleanup guidelines (LUFT, 1989). e e "PACCAR Automotive, Inc. .. October 26, 1993 J-6106 Page 2 We do not expect that additional soil or groundwater investigations or any future remedial actions at the site will be required. The following sections describe our objective, scope of work, site description, and field activities, including soil borings, hoist system removal, and soil disposal. OBJECTIVE The objective of our work at the site is to demonstrate that no known sources of petroleum hydrocarbons or pesticides on and in the vicinity of the property have resulted in significant subsurface releases. This work follows the recommendations made by Maness Environmental Services (MES) in their Phase I Property Site Assessment report (MES, 1992). The MES report identified potential petroleum hydrocarbons and pesticides sources, which include: · The former Grand Auto repair and service shop, which stored hazardous materials and operated hydraulic hoists; · The City of Bakersfield's unlined stormwater collection basin, which may contain household pesticides; and, · The Sherwin-Williams paint store, located to the south of the former PAl property, which is known to store solvents in bulk (Figure 2). SCOPE OF WORK The scope of work was developed to provide data to satisfy the objectives stated above. The basic work tasks are summarized below: · Auger and sample three soil borings along the eastern property line, adjacent to the unlined stormwater collection basin; · Remove all hydraulic hoists, reservoirs, and related subsurface piping; e e .. P ACCAR Automotive, Inc. .. October 26,1993 J-6106 Page 3 · Analyze selected soil samples for petroleum hydrocarbons and/ or pesticides; · Excavate and remove hydrocarbon or pestiåde impacted soils from the site; · Evaluate field and laboratory data and prepare a report of the assessment; and, · Obtain Kern County Health Department approval that source removal/site remediation is complete. SITE DESCRIPTION The former P AI faålity is located at 2100 Wible Road in the City of Bakersfield (Figures 1 through 3). The former retail and automotive service business occupied the approximately 13,300 square-foot building on the eastern portion of the site. An asphalt paved parking lot occupies the western portion of the property. A paved driveway also extends along the northern and eastern property boundaries, allowing access to the automotive service area. An approximate 160,000 square-foot unlined stormwater basin oWned by the City of Bakersfield occupies the adjacent pt;operty to the east (Figure 2). This basin serves as an infiltration area for urban storm runoff. The site is situated within Holocene river deposits in the San Joaquin Valley (USGS, 1986). This formation cuts and overlies a Pliocene to Holocene formation of continental rocks and deposits, which include a heterogeneous mix of poorly sorted clay, silt, sand, and gravel. The thickness of the younger alluvial. deposit was not determined during this scope of work. The older continental rocks and deposits extend to a depth of approximately 3,500 feet below sea level, where they overlie Tertiary marine rocks. This portion of the valley drains to the west through the Kern River, which is located approximately three miles to the north of the site. Previous regional aquifer studies (USGS, 1991) indicate e e .. P ACCAR Automotive, Inc. .. October 26,1993 J-6106 Page 4 that ground water in this area generally flows toward the west; however, there are no onsite ground water monitoring wells to verify this flow direction. Ground water was not encountered during the soil boring and hoist removal activities. A previous site study (MES, 1992) indicates that the first encountered ground water in the area is approximately 190 feet below ground surface (BGS). PAl operated the subject site as a retail and service faålity from May 1981 through December 1992. Nine hydraulic hoist systems (HI through H9) were functional at the time of store closing. Each lift mechanism contained an individual 35-45 gallon hydraulic fluid reservoir. There are no known underground tanks on the site; Grand Auto contained all wasle oils in above- ground 55-gallon drums prior to off-site recycling. FIELD ACTIVITIES The following sections present the methods, procedures, and analytical results of the soil boring and hoist system removal activities. Soil Borings Procedures Hart Crowser augered three onsite soil borings (B-1, B-2, and B-3) on August 3, 1993. The locations of these borings are shown on Figure 3. Each boring was drilled to approximately 20 feet below ground surface (BGS) using hollow stem auger equipment. All downhole equipment was steam cleaned before use and between boreholes to minimize the potential for cross-contamination. A detailed lithologic log of each boring was prepared by the Hart Crowser geologist onsite. These logs provide a record of subsurface materials encountered, hydrogeologic information, and results of field screening of soil samples for volatile hydrocarbon compounds. Boring logs are included in Appendix A of this report. e e "PACCAR Automotive, Inc. .. October 26, 1993 J-6106 Page 5 Discrete soil samples were collected at five-foot depth intervals using a California modified sampler with stainless steel liners. The deepest tube from each driven sample was immediately sealed with Teflon tape and tight fitting plastic caps, then stored in a cold ice chest. Strict chain-of-custody procedures were maintained throughout sample acquisition, storage, and transport. A copy of the chain-of-custody record is included in Appendix B of this report. A portion of the remaining soil sampled from each interval was screened for volatile hydrocarbon compounds in the field using an HNu photoionization detector (PID). No odors or PID detections were observed at the time of drilling. Analytical Results Soil samples obtained from borings B-1, B-2, and B-3 were transported by Hart Crowser to American Environmental Network, Inc., of Pleasant Hill, California. These samples were analyzed for volatile organic compounds by EP A Method 8240, semi-volatile organics by EP A Method 8270, and organochlorine pesticides by EP A Method 8080. Sampling results are presented in Table 1. Laboratory reports are included in Appendix B. Reports indicate that no detectable concentrations of the analytes discussed above were present in any of the three borings. Hoist System Removal Procedures On September 16 and 23, 1993, Hart Crowser observed the removal of nine hydraulic hoists (HI through H9) and their associated hydraulic fluid reservoirs (Rl through R9) (Figure 4). This was performed by saw-cutting the concrete floor and lifting the hoists/reservoirs with a fork-lift. All subsurface hoist system components (including hydraulic piping) were removed from the site. Oil from the hoist system was collected in drums for disposal at an oil recycling facility. Oil recycling and hoist disposal certificates are provided in Appendix C. e e .. P ACCAR Automotive, Inc. .. October 26, 1993 }-6106 Page 6 During the hoist/reservoir removal, soil staining and hydrocarbon odors were observed at the reservoir pair R7/RS location. Hoist H7 was not operable at the time of removal. All other hoists and reservoirs appeared in good condition with minimal amounts of corrosion. All hoists and reservoirs were wrapped with preservation tape and were located above the local groundwater table. Following the excavation of soils which surrounded each hoist on September 16 and 23, 1993, we obtained a soil sample from at least one foot below each former hoist location (HI through H9). A stainless steel soil sample tube was driven into soil from the base of the excavation, at depths ranging from approximately nine to eleven feet BGS. These samples were sealed with teflon tape and tight-fitting plastic caps, then placed in cold storage for transport to a certified laboratory. Soil samples were also taken from five excavations which formerly contained the nine hydraulic fluid reservoirs (R1 through R9). A single soil sample was collected from below the reservoirs which were paired together (e.g., R1/R2, R3/R4, etc.). We collected these samples by the methodology described above at depths ranging from approximately seven to nine feet BGS. Following the receipt of soil sample analytical results, Hart Crowser returned to the site on September 30, 1993, for additional excavation and verification soil sampling. Reservoir pair location R7/RS was over-excavated to approximately 12.5 feet BGS due to elevated TPH-Diesel concentrations. Analytical Results Soil samples obtained during the initial excavation work (September 16 and 23, 1993) from the base of each hoist and reservoir location were transported by Hart Crowser to Superior Precision Analytical, Inc., of San Francisco. These samples were analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) in the gasoline and diesel ranges by EP A Method 8015 (modified); benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and toluene (BTEX) by EP A Method 8020; and oil and grease by Standard Method 5520F. e e "P ACCAR Automotive, Inc. .. October 26,1993 J-6106 Page 7 Initial soil stockpile sample (SP-l (A-D» was analyzed for oil and grease by Standard Method 5520F; CCR 17 metals; reactivity, corrosivity, and ignitability (RCI), volatile organic compounds by EP A Method 8240, and semi-volatile organics by EP A Method 8270 for disposal profiling purposes. Following the over- excavation of the reservoir pair R7/R8 on September 30, 1993, an additional stockpile sample (SP-2 (A-D» was obtained. This sample was analyzed similar to the SP-l sample, but included analysis for TPH-G and TPH-D by EP A Method 8015 (modified). Sampling results are presented in Table 1. Laboratory reports are included in Appendix B. These results show that the bottom sample from hoist excavation H4 contained a TPH-G concentration at the detection limit of 1 part-per-million (ppm). BTEX constituents were reported as 0.016 ppm, 0.054 ppm, 0.019 ppm, and 0.077 ppm, respectively. An initial sample from the R7 /R810cation (R7/R8-9) contained a TPH-D concentration of 70 ppm. This material was over-excavated; the subsequent bottom sample (R7/R8-12.5) contained no detectable TPH-D concentrations. All other hoist and reservoir locations reported non-detectable concentrations of TPH-G/BTEX, TPH-D, and oil and grease residues. Soil Disposal Soils which appeared to be free of hydrocarbon contaminants were segregated into a stockpile (SP-l) and sampled for disposal purposes. Analytical results showed that this material was suitable for onsite backfill, and was subsequently replaced into the hoist/reservoir excavations. Soils which appeared to contain hydrocarbon residues (primarily from the R7/R8 excavation) were segregated into a separate stockpile (SP-2). Analytical results indicated that a TPH-D concentration of 1,100 ppm and an oil and grease concentration of 540 ppm were present in this material. Approximately thirty- five (35) tons of this soil was hauled on October 18, 1993 to Gibson Environmental, a local soil fixation facility. Soil shipping papers are provided in Appendix D. e e "P ACCAR Automotive, Inc. .. October 26,1993 J-6106 Page 8 CONCLUSIONSI RECOMMENDATIONS All known sources of petroleum based hydrocarbons have been removed from the service bay area. Samples obtained from soil borings between the automotive service bay and the unlined stormwater basin contained no detectable traces of volatile organic compounds, semi-volatile organic compounds, or organochlorine pesticides. Any trace levels of pesticides, which may be present in the adjacent stormwater basin, or any organic solvents, which may be present at the local paint store, have not impacted the shallow subsurface of the Grand Auto site in the areas investigated. Laboratory results indicate that one of the soil samples obtained from the base of a hoist location at the completion of restoration activities contains detectable traces of hydrocarbon residues. The bottom sample from hoist excavation H4 contained a TPH-G concentration of 1 part-per-million (ppm). The detection limit for this analysis is 1 ppm. BTEX constituents were reported as 0.016 ppm, 0.054 ppm, 0.019 ppm, and 0.077 ppm, respectively. The initial sample from the reservoir pair R7/R8 location (sample R7/R8-9) contained a TPH-D concentration of 70 ppm. This material was over-excavated; the subsequent bottom sample (R7/R8-12.5) contained no detectable TPH-D concentrations. Hydraulic lift tanks with a capacity of less than 110 gallons are specifically exempted from underground storage tank regulations under the California Code of Regulations, Title 23, Section 2621. However, it is desirable to clean up soils to the maximum extent practical to reduce any future risk. To this extent, the conservative cleanup guidelines for leaking underground fuel tanks (L UFT) were used as guidance for site restoration. These guidelines, set forth in the State Water Resources Control Board's LUFT field manual (LUFT, 1989), employ a leaching potential analysis using site-specific data regarding factors which may influence the downward migration of fuel constituents. These factors include: depth to water, precipitation, subsurface fractures, man-made conduits, and unique site features. e e .. P ACCAR Automotive, Inc. .. October 26,1993 J-6106 Page 9 The project site characteristics indicate that there exists a medium to low potential for leaching. Assuming the more conservative (medium leaching potential) approach, LUFf guidelines generally require the removal of soils which contain TPH-G concentrations greater than 100 ppm, TPH-D concentrations greater than 1,000 ppm, and BTEX concentrations greater than 0.3 ppm,0.3 ppm, 1 ppm, and 1 ppm, respectively. As the remaining soil concentrations at the H4 location are one to two orders of magnitude below these conservative guidelines, we do not expect that additional soil or groundwater investigations or any future remedial actions at the site will be required. We believe the Kern County Environmental Health Department will concur with this recommendation. LIMITATIONS The discussion and recommendations presented in this report are based on field work performed by Hart Crowser between August 3 and September 30, 1993. It is possible that variations in the soil and groundwater exist beyond the points explored in this assessment. Also, changes in groundwater conditions encountered may occur due to variations in rainfall, ambient temperature, regional or local water usage or other factors. Services performed by Hart Crowser have been in accordance with generally accepted professional practices for the nature and conditions of the work completed in the same or similar localities, at the time the work was performed. This report is not meant to represent a legal opinion. No other warranty, express or implied, is made. REFERENCES ~1aness Environmental Services, Inc., Plulse I Property Site Assessment, August 24, 1992. -State of California, State Water Resources Control Board, Leaking Underground Fuel Tank Field Manual, (LUFT manual, revised), October 1989. e e .. P ACCAR Automotive, Inc. .. October 26,1993 }-6106 Page 10 u.s. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 1401-C, Geology of the Fresh Ground-Water Basin of the Central Valley, California, with Texture Maps and Sections, USGPO, 1986. u.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 1401-A, Ground Water in the Central Valley, California - A Summary Report, USGPO, 1991. .~....- - _.~----.-~----..-~----:- - . , ..........<~ -"'\-.- -...---o;--¡---..- ~~--~'----'---__~ .: ~ .:~. r,,~i.{..,. ...... .,' ',' r-- i t;"::.: .~;I } , e' ;"'-.. f . loo;-- , ~ ", ffo, :\ L-- 7 ,~ ., -.' ,--. ", t ,\; ~-; ..,' Ç::',.",' ; '~ .' - " , , . , . ".-T.;.1BLE ,1;; . Sø,il'Samp¡[e::RtSults, ',;"~ ,~ ::: ...'. .. -:-- r...-'.",?:,',: , / '.; .~ ':~"'-')J Ç,¡\' ,'4 .- ',;' '.'\ (0".:"': ' "I'e . .", f,:~:1:;}?:: > ;,. 'T.' , ..,'~ , , ,/,!,. ' , ," ',"',," " ..../ . '. " . ~.~:t.~~.; , , , , .~<?I.~~ ,p. '\ .. . ' ;." >.j " ~ i ; .\ ,;.': ~!. I ,- ~ c,' " ..,' ~ ' r ~.: ,..,.; <1"-'.;' " I'., " . -'~ ~'. -~ ~, ' ',' .' ,": '.....~~.~ /;f.:· 1.... ~t:;::~ ", ~. " ' ,,., ~ ,., ".~ - :¡ .,1:", ," "'+ " " . ,,', ..... .\ . ,'. ,~/I . " " , . J t' ;; ", '.''' .. '.' ~\.~ ~__ _ _~~ ~4_ ._~___~ :'~~~_ __ _--.#_ ~ :', ___ I· 1 SOIL BORINGS SAMPLE # 81-4 81-20 ND ND 82-5 e 82-20 ND ND 83-5 83-20 ND ND HOIST LOCA TIONS TPH-GAS. 8enzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes TPH-DJeseJ OJJ&Grease SAMPLE # /K /K /K /K /K IK /K H1-9 ND<1 ND<0.003 ND<0.003 ND<O.003 ND<0.009 ND<10 ND<50 H2-11 ND<1 ND<0.003 ND<0.003 ND<0.003 ND<0.009 ND<10 ND<50 H3-11 ND<1 ND<0.003 ND<0.003 ND<O.003 ND<0.009 ND<10 ND<50 H4-9 1 0.016 0.054 0.019 0.077 ND<10 ND<50 H6-t1 ND<1 ND<0.003 ND<0.003 ND<0.003 ND<0.009 ND<10 ND<50 H7-9 ND<1 ND<0.003 ND<0.003 ND<0.003 ND<0.009 ND<10 ND<50 H8-11 ND<1 ND<0.003 ND<0.003 ND<0.003 ND<0.009 ND<10 ND<50 H9-9 ND<1 ND<0.003 ND<0.003 ND<0.003 ND<0.009 ND<10 ND<50 e RESERVOIR LOCA nONS TPH-GAS 8enzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes TPH·Dlesel OU&Grease SAMPLE # /K /K /K /K IK IK IK Rt1R2- 8 ND<1 ND<0.003 ND<0.003 ND<0.003 ND<0.009 ND<10 ND<50 R31R4· 7 ND<1 ND<0.003 ND<0.003 ND<0.003 ND<0.009 ND<10 ND<50 R51R6- 7 NDd ND<0.003 ND<0.003 ND<0.003 ND<0.009 ND<10 ND<50 R71R8- 9 ND<1 ND<0.003 ND<0.003 ND<0.003 ND<0.009 70 ND<50 ¡! R71R8- 12.5 ND<1 ND<0.003 ND<0.003 ND<0.003 ND<0.009 ND<10 ND<50 R9-] ND<1 ND<0.003 ND<0.003 ND<0.003 ND<0.009 ND<10 ND<50 I Notes: ND = No constituents detected; detection limits vary. See analytical reports for details. ND<1 = Not Detected at spaclfled Detection Limit of 1 ppm. mg/Kg = mlllgram per kilogram, equivalent to parts-par-million (ppm) J-6106 10/93. '::, ...-:\ e e I ¡ ~:': ~:-~,-, -:--. , .( '" ., " ) , ';f- '..) ~~~:: ' ' ~ ~~ ·T. ¡ .. '. L-c'- .'j '" ..' J91G~UBES ,; j'} ) -. - ~ .- o' , f~}," , ~. '. ~;i~':\i;,' )~·::\·~3·,,~~~:·"~ <. ,.,.-: , . ',' ~' ' ,.'¡ "., ¡ ~ ,"" . ' ~q " ',:-; \; -. . ~ > ·.r: I, ;>.-¡: . 4~ ' .< ,/ ....' . ',~, _. 'f";; ':,~'~ , .:~.> '.. .,: 0'. .;( ( . . ....- oS .. P' .' , :,'¡"\ ",'r- ':":~.·i. . .........ì - ',' " ~ :.'!,.. , :,~ ", , " " ¡ "'1 . "~ ' ., ' " .;:'., " ,'. , . , 0 ...' .~. ' ..¿ .~;: .- '. ..:,.... .. ~,-;, .~. ~ , ;f . ,..~: . ,,\ .' '..~ ' . ,. i~ :.', ;;;~: .' _ e ·~g8Eìv£O :~iL7, ".,'~ ' - ËI'VED OCT ., , Superior Precision Analytical, Inc. i ': í893 1555 Burke. Unit I · San Francisco. California 94 J 24 · (415) 64 7 -2081 / fax 14 J 5) 821-7123 ;1 ~~____.......yr,~_~;.!o-.:.~;.,:-:~,,·~,,;.:z:,:r···:.·"..--' C E R T I F I CAT E o FAN A L Y S I S LABORATORY NO.: 57152 CLIENT: Hartcrowser Inc. CLIENT PROJECT NO.: 6106 DATE RECEIVED: 10/01/93 DATE REPORTED: 10/07/93 -- FOllowing is a list of Cross referenced Lab Numbers and Sample I.D.'s for referring to the following reports. Superior Lab Number Subbed Lab Number Customer Sample Identification 57152-1' 93100.17-01 SP2-(A-D) Subbed to: Clayton Environmental Consultants. Certified Laboratories r/-- 23-05 N. 1/2 OF S.W 1/4 OF N.W. 1/4 OF SCHOOL DIST. @ SEC. 12 T 30 S. R.27 E. @ ~: j :,w, 1~ ::~ ~::"t~::ø ~~~¡;:~ ~:~ ~~ ~ ¡; ,.."." ,,#,.,.",.. '......:.,..",. "......,.:........:,""..........:......:....,,:::,'....,".. ,".".::,:,..:...".. ..,.."."'..:,:".:"",,:,,...,....,.......:.,~:~:..:';:;:-: 5 W v, .r N w,r' .r s~. tl . . : ¡ A, t <g CD ~ I '1/ P@ @4 ,,~I LYM-'-AKÇ~: .. , .. . 10.0 .., 50 J.O 110· 6J. -¡:.?, '" 6 Á ^ 2 I ~~ "I, @) ® l@ @ @ ~ IJ4 I "'t~ ® ~ ...., ~~ Q, i @ 1.36 AC. @ P. M. 5889 2 ¿ I I I I I ~ ,~ I ,-. ~~ , I ~ r Q2 2!j;()K @~@ 6 P. M, 1/255 2 , ~ 'J @ rra cf 2215 F,l,d Jvn, 25,/959 Kem County Assessor's Map Site Vicinity Map 2100 Wible Road Bakersfield, California 2.3-05 /-25 ""0 @ e I i @ e .10 I I ,. .. .. HiJRTCROWSER J·6106 Figure 2 - Valley Plaza Property e -- I I @ alley B3 I I I I I I I B2 I ... @ Q) ãi I I ~ I I Éc: alii Ci5Æ I I B1 I I @ I I Parking I I I ~ I I 0 a: I I Q) :is I ~ I I I I I ... Q) ~ I I Parking Éc: I a ïii I Ci5Æ I I '" !:2!.______~ J ! t 25 50 100 Scale, in Feet Site Plan Former Grand Auto Facility 2100 Wible Road Bakersfield, California .. .. IILIRrCROWSER J-ô106 10/93 Figure 3 Legend: B 1 @) Soil Boring Location e Alley Service Bay Entrance þH5 /~ / / / / RS/R6 œ/ ----~H6 H1 ~::;:::Þ8tt::,. ":':':':':':::::~':':" ~, " " " " " H2 #_____IaR1/R2 aI ... o {ñ ~,:.,.:'..".:,:" ':::::':':.":,,,::,:::::::,::. H7 ":::::::;:;:;:;' ";;:;:::::;::" ...... ........ ......, .,....., /':::;;:If :=:=:::' / ""::f':':'" / ' / / / / / :1·:::::::::1111:1:111·::;··:1..,.1..1 ~,,;;tI:::i:i:;;:;':" R7/R8 ,.Qw"""",,,,,,,. ",,",,""'" H8 /a:"=:;rrrrr;:::;:;:;:;:;:::: -- ':::::::K:nt::::" ~~D ~ (ij ãi II: >- õ.. a. ~ (J'J o S < -g as ... C) H3 ~.:::::::::gt:::::·· :;;;;::::;:::;:;:::::;:;;:',:':':'::':'" ":<Ir:" "- ' "- "- "- "- "- "- "- H4 ~---IJ R3IR4 /??v-? d >0- J!! 4{ ',..'.'.',',',',',',',.,......',' #" i¡?:;;?:;I¡:::::::¡;:i;: -----::i':?";';,:::t;;" H9 R9 ..Ct."""".. """.,3J.". .:.:,:.;,:.:.:.:,:.:,:.:,:.;-:.:, ,.;:;:;=;:;=;:;:;:;:;:;=;:;:;:::" .;.;,;.;.;.;.;,;,;-;.;.;,;,;,' ...,.,',.,'.',.,',',','.' Wooden Part'tion aI U c: as ... ë w >- as CD B ~ aI (J'J o 5 10 20 Scale, in Feet Legend: Itt{tttlf Excavation Location ---. Hydraulic Fluid Piping Hoist / Reservoir Excavation Locations Former Grand Auto Facility Bakersfield, California .. .. IIIJRrCROWSER J-6106 10/93 Figure 4 o H= Hoist; R- Reservoir 'f ;.~~,;:"::::--ç~;J ~:.:,,: ':I:'~ ~:~.~?::. ~::: :;.~ -_~.~. ',:.. ¡~,~,'_~.~..::._'~_~.'~..,'.~,~,;;.-'.,.:,:_:~-;.~,~.:,~. ~.:,,~'. '__;_'.:,;_.·.~,..~~~0:~·;~/~ ~':'~::~~:~~~'~~;:;*~-,,~.:~':=:..', _. ,-, ~;,~~;.:;~:·/~<··t·¡·:::\ :';;~;"~'~.:.: , .- _ _ .. ---~-"--'----------;-~-~.-~. -;-: -.~- -'-~ ' ~~,.., . ~'t~. '" #, ..: ~..:: r ~ 'f ',' ?.~~ , ' . " !._~"" r .tt.'. ~ ~ -I., " ,~ '.\~ --' " , ..,.... ?'". , . - . " " \ ~, . ')mllENØlX A,' " - ~ .. .'.- , \ ".- i " I ,- Key to Exploration "gs · Sample Descriptions Classification of soils in this report is based on visual field and laboratory observations which include density/consistency, moisture condition, grain size, and plasticity estimates. and should not be construed to imply field nor laboratory testing unless presented herein. VISUaI-manuaJ classification methods of ASTM D 2488 were used as an identification guide. Soil desaiptions consist of the following: MAJOR CONSTITUENTS, minor constituents, color, density, moisture, additional remarks. Density/Consistel1Cf Soil density/consistency in borings is related primarily to the SIandard Penetration Resis1ance. Soil density/consistency in test pits is estimated based on visual observation and is presented parenthetically on the test pit logs. Standard Penetration Resistance in Blows/Foot SAND and GRAVEL SILT or CLAY Standard Penetration Resistance in BlOY./S/Foot 0-2 2-4 4-8 8 - 15 15 - 30 >30 Deæitv DeæitY Very soft Soft Medium stiff Stiff Very Stiff Hard Very loose Loose Medium dense Dense Very Dense 0-4 4 - 10 10 - 30 30-50 >50 Approximate Sheer Strength inTSF <0.125 0.125 - 0.25 0.25 - 0.5 0.5 -1.0 1.0 - 2.0 >2.0 ~ Dry Uttle perceptible moisture. Minor Constituents Not identified in description Damp Some perceptible moisture, probably below optimum. Moist Probably near optimum moisture content. Wet Much perceptible moisture, probably above optimum. Slightly (clayey, silty, etc.) Clayey, silty, sandy, gravelly Very (clayey, silty, etc.) Estimated Percentaçe 0-5 5 -12 12 - 30 30 - 50 Legends Groundwater Observations Sampling BORING SYMBOLS ~ 2" Diameter Tubes. Pushed ISJ Shelby Tube IIIIII Cuttings IT] Core Run * No Sample Recovery P Tube Pushed, Not Driven Backfill material Depth to water, at time of drilling ATD .. .. H/J1fI'CROWSER Figure AI-1 - Boring Log B-1 e Geologic Log ¡!:-. 0.- wGl c~ Graphic Column SAMPLE N H-Nu o ASPHALT - 3 -4 Inches CNer 2 feet of sandy silt backfill. o 81-4 3 2 3 o ~ - Ught bIownItan, fine to medium grained. moderate sorting, loose, sllghdy moist, no odor. 5 5 2 81-10 3 0 ...: ~ 10 3 e 10 C) ë Q) E Q) u .c .'t= ;: 3 B œ 81-15 4 0 "t: ~ 15 5 (/) 15 .9 ~ is œ CD 3 81-20 4 0 20 5 20 Bottom of boring 20 feet eGS. Completed 813193. 25 o 1. Refer to Figure A-1 for explanation of descriptions and symbols. 2. Soil descriptions and stratum lines are interpretive and actual changes may be gradual. .. .. HlJRTCROWSER J-6106 9/93 Figure A-2 - Boring Log B-2 - Geologic Log ::x:: 1-..... a.- w( ) c~ ßraphlc Column SAMPLE N H-Nu o ASPHALT. 3 -4 Inches over 2 feet of sandy slit backfill. o or. -dark brCMlVlan, line grained. well sorted, loose, slightly moJst, no 82-5 2 1 2 o 5 5 grades slightly coarser and OIaIIge brown 2 1 0 ..: 82-10 ::3 10 2 e 10 C) 'E Q) E ( ) (J .t::. .1:: 3= grades ID gray brown 3 ~ 82-15 4 0 "t: ::3 15 6 <II 15 g ~ :g (\J CD 4 82-20 6 0 20 8 20 Bottom of boring 20 feel BGS. Completed 813193. 25 25 1. Refer to Figure A-1 for explanation of descriptions and symbols. 2. Soil descriptions and stratum lines are interpretive and actual changes may be gradual. .. .. 1IIJRr000WSER J-61 06 9/93 Figure A-3 4t Boring Log B-3 e Geologic Log :¡: ....-. Q.ãi WQI o:=. Graphic Column SAMPLE N H-Nu o ASPHALT - 3 -4 Inches CNet 2 feet of sandy silt with gravet backfill. o -medium brownItan, fine grained, wetl soned,loose, slightly moist, no 83-5 2 3 5 o 5 5 2 83-10 4 0 5 10 4 ~ 10 C) ë QI E QI 0 ~ .'t:: ~ 3 ~ 83-15 4 0 t ~ 15 5 (/ 15 g ~ :g I1S CD 2 83-20 3 0 20 4 20 Bottom of bortng 20 feet BGS. Completed 813193. 25 25 1. Refer to Figure A-1 for explanation of descriptions and symbols. 2. Soil descriptions and stratum lines are interpretive and actual changes may be gradual. .. .. IILJRTCROWSER J-6106 9/93 Figure A-4 :-"- ,.., 1 ~-:- ~ ~~ -~-",~~ ~ ~~-:--.- ~~'.~:; :': . -',' ..': ;';': '\ " . .. -:: ~r-:-:---;~-; --....- ... ~.... .' ~. .1 .;' ¡. " «.I. .'~-/~:': ~"!.~ <-~~,~~,-.~:; -- - --- ~-- - - -...... -_.' .---- - . ,. .' " J . - ' .:". ~'----'T-~ '" .·c < ." ·1 ',' 1_.' ~',~ ""' t: . '(-' 'P" t -..""' i'- 1_:' '.. i '> 1 " ! .' . -,.j ,',', ¡ I) <~~ { ~, '~ } ~~ ;-" . .. ;.. ., ~..: :~',:'" :~~. r... '. . .: : :;; ~.: ~'1 >,<. '~~ - .. ..' ~~\~'} . ':::.!-'.: ~ ,~..~ ~ i ... .. ~...;:., :if' ~ ~ {. .. APPENDIX B L4bo:ta.torg~Reports and \Ch~in~óf-Cusfody ~ecofd$ ....".'.. ':j' ;~ , ~ :~::,,;;(: '; ._. "/,/~\ ':.F:~ . ; ~ ~ ,': .~,[,::~~ '. " . ~.,,\. .,,' , '. ,"~ '{', 'c'; '" " \v - ~ ... . '.' .- " ,'o. ..... - "! . -' ~ . , ., .. ' ..,. i -: . ': }~:;j~~ '. .-.<' . . '" '~I " .. ' '. . '.'. ". ~ r' .. '..,..... 1,:.~ ; . ',::. " ~ ,. . . " .'.; .' ... . ~'. ' I... <. ":" ..' ,J r.: ' "~'ç~" . . ·.-.;~'..~f·< ....)_,' ';:":1. i- ',- ... . ~,'" ) ;' _. t j' ." .:., c ,." .-...... ... - _.:-- --~ ....::...:. ---.:._- - ...---- ---.----.:.-- ---""'"- _---:....:.._..:.....:.~_.- -:,.._... "): - : : , . .. , '-... ~ ',,:- ',i"~ ',__ \ Fonnerlv QUantèl1 L!DI)ratPri,:'· .·t~i'\'!jV:':j"~~¡~~t~~tñ:tT:'~éf~FC"i'ëç,:f"'... ..... . American EnvironmentalN etwork " .', ,<. '':.t ,'" , .. . . 'J', ",,,,,,,,,:,~,,:::-,,:,;~ ' , '. CertihcateoFAnalvSlS' .; :,':".'" '.' " : .:..,..:·,'·.·':.<...t,;:;'\:¡f,·::~(y ~", :/'.' '"J . . " ,.1 . .... '"~",~'''''''1' DOHS Certification: 1172 AIHA Accreditation: L)4523-()() ¡ PAGE 1 OF 30 HART CROWSER, INC. 353 SACRAMENTO STREET SUITE 1140 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111 ATTN: ERIC SCHNIEWIND CLIENT PROJ. 10: 6106 PROJ. NAME: PACCAR BAKERSFIELD REPORT DATE: 08/09/93 DATE SAMPLED: 08/03/93 DATE RECEIVED: 08/04/93 AEN JOB NO: ) 9308022 PROJECT SUMMARY: On August 4, 1993, this laboratory received twelve (12) soil sample. Per client request, six (6) samples were analyzed for organic parameters. Six (6) samples were placed on hold. Sample identification, methodologies, results and dates analyzed are summarized on the following pages. All laboratory quality control parameters were found to be within established limits. Batch QC data is included at the end of this report. If you have any questions, please contact Client Services at (510) 930-9090. ~ Larry Klein General Manager Results FAXed 08/06/93 3+1-0 Vincent Road· Pleasant Hill. C\ 94523 . (510) 930-9090. FAX (510) 930-0256 Ana!wica! Sl!/Tices fÒr r/¡£l E//\'iroll/Jlenr , , ~ 1= Iv ¡::- n;·, T~ '",' ;'.' }.¡99'"1. ''-- - '.I ,-L.J :....'../.,; ..... oJ AI.-iean Environmental Network. PAGE 2 OF 30 HART CROWSER, INC. SAMPLE 10: BI-20 CLIENT PROJ. 10: 6106 DATE SAMPLED: 08/03/93 DATE RECEIVED: 08/04/93 REPORT DATE: 08/09/93 AEN LAB NO: 9308022 -04A AEN JOB NO: 9308022 DATE EXTRACTED: 08/04/93 DATE ANALYZED: 08/05/93 INSTRUMENT: A EPA METHOD 8080 ORGANOCHLORINE PESTICIDES (SOIL MATRIX) REPORTING CONCENTRATION LIMIT COMPOUND CAS # (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Aldrin 309-00-2 NO 5 alpha-BHC 319-84-6 NO 5 beta-SHC 319-85-7 NO 5 delta-BHC 319-86-8 NO 5 ganma-BHC (Lindane) 58-89-9 NO 5 Chlordane 57-74-9 NO 50 4,4' -ODD 72-54-8 NO 10 2,4'-000 53-19-0 NO 10 4,4'-DDE 72-55-9 NO 10 2,4'-DDE 3424-82-6 NO 10 4,4'-DOT 50-29-3 NO 10 2,4'-DDT 789-02-6 NO 10 Dieldrin 60-57-1 NO 10 Endosulfan I 959-98-8 NO 5 Endosulfan II 33212-65-9 NO 10 Endosulfan sulfate 1031-07-8 NO 10 Endrin 72-20-8 NO 10 Endrin aldehyde 7421-93-4 NO 10 Heptachlor 76-44-8 NO 5 Heptachlor epoxide 1024-57-3 NO 5 Methoxychlor 72-43-5 NO 10 Toxaphene 8001-35-2 NO 50 NO = Not Detected ~. RECEIVED ¡.r..,.¡I.rJ AnlliíJ..'ic([J1 EJ1viroJ1melltaj NCnl'()rk _ - 0 1993 . PAGE 3 OF 30 HART CROWSER, INC. SAMPLE ID: B2-20 CLIENT PROJ. ID: 6106 DATE SAMPLED: 08/03/93 DATE RECEIVED: 08/04/93 REPORT DATE: 08/09/93 AEN LAB NO: 9308022-0BA AEN JOB NO: 9308022 DATE EXTRACTED: 08/04/93 DATE ANALYZED: 08/05/93 INSTRUMENT: A EPA MEltIOD 8080 ORGANOCHLORINE PESTICIDES (SOIL MATRIX) REPORTING CONCENTRATION LIMIT COMPOUND CAS # (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Aldrin 309-00-2 ND 5 alpha-BHC 319-84-6 ND 5 beta-BHC 319-85-7 ND 5 delta-BHC 319-86-8 ND 5 galTT11a-BHC (Lindane) 58-89-9 ND 5 Ch 1 ordane 57-74-9 ND 50 4,4' -DOO 72-54-8 ND 10 2,4'-DOO 53-19-0 ND 10 4,4'-00E 72 - 55-9 NO 10 2,4'-00E 3424-82-6 NO 10 4,4'-00T 50-29-3 NO 10 2,4'-00T 789-02-6 NO 10 Dieldrin 60-57-1 NO 10 Endosulfan I 959-98-8 NO 5 Endosulfan II 33212-65-9 NO 10 Endosulfan sulfate 1031-07-8 NO 10 Endrin 72-20-8 NO 10 Endrin aldehyde 7421-93-4 NO 10 Heptachlor 76-44-8 NO 5 Heptachlor epoxide 1024-57-3 NO 5 Methoxychlor 72-43-5 NO 10 Toxaphene 8001-35-2 NO 50 NO = Not Oetected e p;('Cj\/EO ~,';~' t . '- '-" "-- ( v 1-:'" U ,.] G 1S~r.icall Environmental Nc{work PAGE 4 OF 30 HART CROWSER, INC. SAMPLE 10: B3-20 CLIENT PROJ. 10: 6106 DATE SAMPLED: 08/03/93 DATE RECEIVED: 08/04/93 REPORT DATE: 08/09/93 AEN LAB NO: 9308022-12A AEN JOB NO: 9308022 DATE EXTRACTED: 08/04/93 DATE ANALYZED: 08/05/93 INSTRUMENT: A EPA METHOD 8080 ORGANOCHLORINE PESTICIDES (SOIL MATRIX) REPORTING CONCENTRATION LIMIT , COMPOUND CAS # (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Aldrin 309-00-2 NO 5 a 1 pha-SHC 319-84-6 NO 5 beta-BHC 319-85-7 NO 5 delta-SHC 319-86-8 NO 5 garrma-SHC (Lindane) 58-89-9 NO 5 Chlordane 57-74-9 NO 50 4,4' -ODD 72-54-8 NO 10 2,4'-000 53-19-0 NO 10 4,4'-00E 72-55-9 NO 10 2,4'-00E 3424-82-6 NO 10 4,4'-00T 50-29-3 NO 10 2,4' -OOT 789-02-6 NO 10 Dieldrin 60-57-1 NO 10 Endosulfan I 959-98-8 NO 5 Endosulfan II 33212-65-9 NO 10 Endosulfan sulfate 1031-07-8 NO 10 Endrin 72-20-8 NO 10 Endrin aldehyde 7421-93-4 NO 10 Heptachlor 76-44-8 NO 5 Heptachlor epoxide 1024-57-3 NO 5 Methoxychlor 72-43-5 NO 10 Toxaphene 8001-35-2 NO 50 NO = Not Oetected e RECEIVED .1\~jC ¡¡ûD',~A/~'ical1 Environmental :Yetwork Q !'.jV\J . PAGE 5 OF 30 HART CROWSER, INC. SAMPLE 10: Bl-4 CLIENT PROJ. 10: 6106 DATE SAMPLED: 08/03/93 DATE RECEIVED: 08/04/93 REPORT DATE: 08/09/93 AEN LAB NO: 9308022-01A AEN JOB NO: 9308022 DATE ANALYZED: ,08/05/93 INSTRUMENT: 12 EPA METHOD 8240 (SOIL MATRIX) , GC/MS VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS REPORTING CONCENTRATION LIMIT COMPOUND CAS # (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Acetone 67-64-1 NO 100 Benzene 71-43-2 NO 5 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 NO 5 Bromofonn 75-25-2 NO 5 Bromomethane 74-83-9 NO 10 2-Butanone 78-93-3 NO 100 Carbon Disulfide 75-15-0 NO 10 Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 NO 5 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 NO 5 Chloroethane 75-00-3 NO 10 2-Chloroethyl Vinyl Ether 110-75-8 NO 10 Ch 1 orofonn 67-66-3 NO 5 Chloromethane 74-87-3 NO 10 Oibromochloromethane 124-48-1 NO 5 1,1-0ichloroethane 75-34-3 NO 5 1,2-0ichloroethane 107-06-2 NO 5 1,I-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 NO 5 cis-l,2-0ichloroethene 156-59-2 NO 5 trans-1,2-0ichloroethene 156-60-5 NO 5 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 NO 5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 NO 5 trans-l,3-oichloropropene 10061-02-6 NO 5 Ethyl benzene 100-41-4 NO 5 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 NO 50 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 NO 5 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 NO 50 Styrene 100-42-5 NO 5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 NO 5 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 NO 5 Toluene 108-88-3 NO 5 1, 1, I-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 NO 5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 NO 5 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 NO 5 Vinyl Acetate 108-05-4 NO 50 Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 NO 10 Xylenes, total 1330-20-7 NO 10 NO = Not Detected la R'-C'-:\jr-n '0' ;.~ - r.:. t:.i t:.U !;:"U::; " A¡.-icCln Environmental Network o 1953 PAGE 6 OF 30 SAMPLE 10: Bl-20 CLIENT PROJ. 10: 6106 DATE SAMPLED: 08/03/93 DATE RECEIVED: 08/04/93 REPORT DATE: 08/09/93 HART CROWSER, INC. AEN LAB NO: 9308022-04A AEN JOB NO: 9308022 DATE ANALYZED: 08/05/93 INSTRUMENT: 12 EPA METHOD 8240 (SOIL MATRIX) GC/MS VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS REPORTING CONCENTRATION LIMIT COMPOUND CAS # (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Acetone 67-64-1 ND 100 Benzene 71-43-2 ND 5 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 ND 5 Bromofonn 75-25-2 ND 5 Bromomethane 74-83-9 ND 10 2-Butanone 78-93-3 ND 100 Carbon Disulfide 75-15-0 ND 10 Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 NO 5 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 ND 5 Chloroethane 75-00-3 NO 10 2-Chloroethyl Vinyl Ether 110-75-8 ND 10 Ch 1 orofonn 67-66-3 NO 5 Chloromethane 74-87-3 ND 10 Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 NO 5 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 NO 5 l,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 ND 5 l,l-0ichloroethene 75-35-4 NO 5 cis-1,2-0ichloroethene 156-59-2 ND 5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 NO 5 l,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 ND 5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 NO 5 trans-1,3-0ichloropropene 10061-02-6 ND 5 Ethyl benzene 100-41-4 NO 5 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 ND 50 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 NO 5 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 ND 50 Styrene 100-42-5 ND 5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 NO 5 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 ND 5 Toluene 108-88-3 ND 5 1,1, I-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 NO 5 l,l,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 NO 5 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 NO 5 Vinyl Acetate 108-05-4 ND 50 Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 ND 10 Xylenes, total 1330-20-7 NO 10 ND = Not Detected e AJ.·Ù·Gn EnvirOllmenral Nerwork 0' '-rr-I\{r-o ",':"" 1 :' ~QC¡<¡ r\ t~ '_.' t: ! \- t: I .'.....: ~ ~ : '.j !u\.Jv PAGE 7 OF 30 SAMPLE ID: B2 - 5 CLIENT PROJ. ID: 6106 DATE SAMPLED: 08/03/93 DATE RECEIVED: 08/04/93 REPORT DATE: 08/09/93 HART CROWSER, INC. AEN LAB NO: 9308022-05A AEN JOB NO: 9308022 DATE ANALYZED: 08/05/93 INSTRUMENT: 12 EPA METHOD 8240 (SOIL MATRIX) GC/MS VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS REPORTING COOCENTRATION LIMIT COMPOUND CAS # (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Acetone 67-64-1 ND 100 Benzene 71-43-2 ND 5 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 ND 5 Bromo fo nn 75-25-2 ND 5 Bromomethane 74-83-9 ND 10 2-Butanone 78-93-3 ND 100 Carbon Disulfide 75-15-0 ND 10 Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 ND 5 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 ND 5 Chloroethane 75-00-3 ND 10 2-Chloroethyl Vinyl Ether 110-75-8 NO 10 Ch 1 orofonn 67-66-3 NO 5 Ch 1 oromethane 74-87-3 NO 10 Oibromochloromethane 124-48-1 NO 5 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 NO 5 1,2-0ichloroethane 107-06-2 NO 5 1,1-0ichloroethene 75-35-4 NO 5 cis-1,2-0ichloroethene 156-59-2 NO 5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 NO 5 l,2-0ichloropropane 78-87-5 NO 5 cis-1,3-0ichloropropene 10061-01-5 NO 5 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 NO 5 Ethyl benzene 100-41-4 NO 5 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 NO 50 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 NO 5 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 NO 50 Styrene 100-42-5 NO 5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 NO 5 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 NO 5 Toluene 108-88-3 NO 5 1,1,I-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 NO 5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 NO 5 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 NO 5 Vinyl Acetate 108-05-4 NO 50 Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 NO 10 Xylenes, total 1330-20-7 NO 10 ND = Not Detected -R ..-1::' ("', r ¡\J't: U"~' t....1::. ¡' !.- , " ~ : ^.j ;'1 '~9' q3 ,-< -.1 ¡": I' V .... , 'J A,.-icCln Environmental Nen1'(JI"k PAGE 8 OF 30 SAMPLE ID: B2-20 CLIENT PROJ. ID: 6106 DATE SAMPLED: 08/03/93 DATE RECEIVED: 08/04/93 REPORT DATE: 08/09/93 HART CROWSER, INC. AEN LAB NO: 9308022-0BA AEN JOB NO: 9308022 DATE ANAL yiED: 08/05/93 INSTRUMENT: 12 EPA METHOD 8240 (SOIL MATRIX) GC/MS VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS REPORTING CONCENTRATION LIMIT COMPOUND CAS # (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Acetone 67-64-1 NO 100 Benzene 71-43-2 NO 5 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 NO 5 Bromofonn 75-25-2 ND 5 Bromomethane 74-83-9 NO 10 2-Butanone 78-93-3 NO 100 Carbon Disulfide 75-15-0 NO 10 Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 NO 5 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 ND 5 Chloroethane 75-00-3 ND 10 2-Chloroethyl Vinyl Ether 110-75-8 NO 10 Ch 1 orofonn 67-66-3 ND 5 Chloromethane 74-87-3 NO 10 Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 NO 5 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 ND 5 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 ND 5 1,I-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 ND 5 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 NO 5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 NO 5 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 NO 5 cis-l,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 ND 5 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 ND 5 Ethyl benzene 100-41-4 ND 5 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 NO 50 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 NO 5 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 ND 50 Styrene 100-42-5 ND 5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 NO 5 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 ND 5 Toluene 108-88-3 ND 5 1, 1, I-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 ND 5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 ND 5 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 ND 5 Vinyl Acetate 108-05-4 NO 50 Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 ND 10 Xylenes, total 1330-20-7 ND 10 ND = Not Detected e A.-iean Environmental AdH'ork R E C E 1VEO ;~,:..1:J ~ 0 1993 PAGE 9 OF 30 SAMPLE ID: B3-5 CLIENT PROJ. ID: 6106 DATE SAMPLED: 08/03/93 DATE RECEIVED: 08/04/93 REPORT DATE: 08/09/93 HART CROWSER, INC. AEN LAB NO: 9308022-09A AEN JOB NO: 9308022 DATE ANAL ViED: 08/05/93 INSTRUMENT: 12 EPA METHOD 8240 (SOIL MATRIX) GC/MS VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS REPORTING CONCENTRATION LIMIT COMPOUND CAS # (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Acetone 67-64-1 ND 100 Benzene 71-43-2 ND 5 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 ND 5 Bromoform 75-25-2 ND 5 Bromomethane 74-83-9 ND 10 2-Butanone 78-93-3 ND 100 Carbon Disulfide 75-15-0 ND 10 Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 ND 5 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 ND 5 Chloroethane 75-00-3 ND 10 2-Chloroethyl Vinyl Ether 110-75-8 ND 10 Ch 1 oroform 67-66-3 ND 5 Chloromethane 74-87-3 ND 10 Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 ND 5 1,I-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 ND 5 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 ND 5 1,I-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 ND 5 cis-l,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 ND 5 trans-l,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 ND 5 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 ND 5 cis-l,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 ND 5 trans-l,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 ND 5 Ethyl benzene 100-41-4 ND 5 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 ND 50 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 ND 5 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 ND 50 Styrene 100-42-5 ND 5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 ND 5 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 ND 5 Toluene 108-88-3 ND 5 1, 1, I-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 ND 5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 ND 5 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 ND 5 Vinyl Acetate 108-05-4 ND 50 Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 ND 10 Xylenes, total 1330-20-7 ND 10 ND = Not Detected e SAMPLE ID: B3-20 CLIENT PROJ. ID: 6106 DATE SAMPLED: 08/03/93 DATE RECEIVED: 08/04/93 REPORT DATE: 08/09/93 r~ ~=' ~~. ;.:: A.t.icon Environmental ¡VeTYt'ork :' ~_: :ì ...... ..J !'I. .... <~~q''. ·1",J ~ ' : .:"'.:.! ; PAGE 10 OF 30 HART CROWSER, INC. AEN LAB NO: 9308022-12A AEN JOB NO: 9308022 DATE ANAL ViED: 08/05/93 INSTRUMENT: 12 EPA METHOD 8240 (SOIL MATRIX) GC/MS VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS REPORTING CONCENTRATION LIMIT COMPOUND CAS # (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Acetone 67-64-1 ND 100 Benzene 71-43-2 ND 5 , Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 ND 5 Bromofonn 75-25-2 ND 5 Bromomethane 74-83-9 ND 10 2-Butanone 78-93-3 ND 100 Carbon Disulfide 75-15-0 ND 10 Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 ND 5 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 ND 5 Chloroethane 75-00-3 ND 10 2-Chloroethyl Vinyl Ether 110-75-8 ND 10 Ch 1 orofonn 67-66-3 ND 5 Chloromethane 74-87-3 ND 10 Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 ND 5 1,I-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 ND 5 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 ND 5 1,I-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 NO 5 cis-l,2-0ichloroethene 156-59-2 ND 5 trans-l,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 ND 5 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 ND 5 cis-1,3-0ichloropropene 10061-01-5 NO 5 trans-l,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 ND 5 Ethyl benzene 100-41-4 ND 5 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 ND 50 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 ND 5 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 ND 50 Styrene 100-42-5 ND 5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 ND 5 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 ND 5 Toluene 108-88-3 ND 5 1,1,I-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 ND 5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 ND 5 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 ND 5 Vinyl Acetate 108-05-4 ND 50 Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 NO 10 Xylenes, total 1330-20-7 ND 10 ND = Not Detected R.-.....c,\IEO -c.l. L-' J AI.iean Environmental Network .i G 1993 e ,,¡ I,", :. t j ~ '1 r·'.'oJ' '" PAGE 11 OF 30 HART CROWSER, INC. SAMPLE 10: BI-20 CLIENT PROJ. 10: 6106 DATE SAMPLED: 08/03/93 DATE RECEIVED: 08/04/93 REPORT DATE: 08/09/93 AEN LAB NO: 9308022-04A AEN JOB NO: 9308022 DATE EXTRACTED: 08/04/93 DATE ANALYZED: 08/05/93 INSTRUMENT: 11 EPA METHOD 8270 (SOIL MATRIX) GC/MS SEMI-VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS BASE/NEUTRAL EXTRACTABLES REPORTING COMPOUND CAS # CONCENTRATION LIMIT (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Acenaphthene 83-32-9 NO 330 Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 NO 330 Anthracene 120-12-7 NO 330 Benzidine 92-87-5 NO 1600 Benzoic Acid 65-85-0 NO 1600 Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 NO 330 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 NO 330 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 NO 330 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 191-24-2 NO 330 Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 NO 330 Benzyl Alcohol 100-51-6 NO 660 Bis(2-chloroethoxy) 111-91-1 NO 330 methane Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether 111-44-4 NO 330 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) 108-60-1 NO 330 ether Bis(2-ethylhexyl) 117-81-7 NO 330 phthalate 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 101-55-3 NO 330 Butyl benzyl phthalate 85-68-7 NO 330 4-Chloroanil ine 106-47-8 NO 660 2-Chloronaphthalene 91-58-7 NO 330 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl 7005-72-3 NO 330 ether Chrysene 218-01-9 NO 330 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 NO 330 Dibenzofuran 132-64-9 NO 330 Di-n-butylphthalate 84-74-2 NO 330 1,2-0ichlorobenzene 95-50-1 NO 330 NO = Not Detected e A.l,"iean Environmental NeTwork -: ¡-. .~ ' i ' _<. , '.._'.J ·/~S~.J . PAGE 12 OF 30 HART CROWSER, INC. SAMPLE 10: BI-20 CLIENT PROJ. 10: 6106 DATE SAMPLED: 08/03/93 DATE RECEIVED: 08/04/93 REPORT DATE: 08/09/93 AEN LAB NO: 9308022-04A AEN JOB NO: 9308022 DATE EXTRACTED: 08/04/93 DATE ANALYZED: 08/05/93 INSTRUMENT: 11 EPA METHOD 8270 BASE/NEUTRAL EXTRACTABLES (cont.) REPORTING COMPOUND CAS # CONCENTRATION LIMIT (ug/kg) (ug/kg) 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 NO 330 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 NO 330 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 91-94-1 NO 660 Diethylphthalate 84-66-2 NO 330 Dimethylphthalate 131-11-3 NO 330 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 NO 330 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2 NO 330 Di-n-octylphthalate 117 -84-0 NO 330 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 122-66-7 NO 330 Fluoranthene 206-44-0 NO 330 Fluorene 86-73-7 NO 330 Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 NO 330 Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 NO 330 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77 -47-4 NO 330 Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 NO 330 Indeno(l,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 NO 330 Isophorone 78-59-1 NO 330 2-Methylnaphthalene 91-57-6 NO 330 Naphthalene 91-20-3 NO 330 2-Nitroanil ine 88-74-4 NO 1600 3-Nitroanil ine 99-09-2 NO 1600 4-Nitroanil ine 100-01-6 NO 1600 Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 NO 330 N-Nitrosodimethylamine 62-75-9 NO 330 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 86-30-6 NO 330 N- Nit roso-d i - n- 621-64-7 NO 330 propyl amine Phenanthrene 85-01-8 NO 330 pyrene 129-00-0 NO 330 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 NO 330 NO = Not Detected e RECE:VED AJ!Jái."žcan Envžronmentaf Network '""\ .~\"'!"'J_' . ~ J ~j~rJ -;' ..... ,..... . PAGE 13 OF 30 HART CROWSER, INC. SAMPLE 10: BI-20 CLIENT PROJ. ID: 6106 DATE SAMPLED: 08/03/93 DATE RECEIVED: 08/04/93 REPORT DATE: 08/09/93 AEN LAB NO: 9308022-04A AEN JOB NO: 9308022 DATE EXTRACTED: 08/04/93 DATE ANALYZED: 08/05/93 INSTRUMENT: 11 EPA METHOD 8270 ACID EXTRACTABLES REPORTING COMPOUND CAS # CONCENTRATION LIMIT (ug/kg) (ug/kg) 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 59-50-7 NO 330 2-Chlorophenol 95-57-8 NO 330 2,4-0ichlorophenol 120-83-2 NO 330 2,4-0imethylphenol 105-67-9 NO 330 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 534-52-1 ND 1600 2,4-Dinitrophenol 51-28-5 ND 1600 2-Methylphenol 95-48-7 ND 330 4-Methylphenol 106-44-5 ND 330 2-Nitrophenol 88-75-5 ND 330 4-Nitrophenol 100-02-7 ND 1600 Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 ND 1600 Phenol 108-95-2 NO 330 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 NO 330 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 NO 330 ND = Not Detected e r\f::"'¿,'vE~ . _ , " Al_oican Environmental Netwo/"/\ ..... .~.....~~. c." .rl~'~\£ PAGE 14 OF 30 HART CROWSER, INC. SAMPLE 10: B2-20 CLIENT PROJ. ID: 6106 DATE SAMPLED: 08/03/93 DATE RECEIVED: 08/04/93 REPORT DATE: 08/09/93 AEN LAB NO: 9308022-08A AEN JOB NO: 9308022 DATE EXTRACTED: 08/04/93 DATE ANALYZED: 08/05/93 INSTRUMENT: 11 EPA METHOD 8270 (SOIL MATRIX) GC/MS SEMI-VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS BASE/NEUTRAL EXTRACTABLES REPORTING COMPOUND CAS # CONCENTRATION LIMIT (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Acenaphthene 83-32-9 NO 330 Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 NO 330 Anthracene 120-12-7 NO 330 Benzidine 92-87-5 NO 1600 Benzoic Acid 65-85-0 NO 1600 Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 NO 330 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 NO 330 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 NO 330 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 191-24-2 NO 330 Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 ND 330 Benzyl Alcohol 100-51-6 ND 660 Bis(2-chloroethoxy) 111-91-1 NO 330 methane Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether 111-44-4 NO 330 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) 108-60-1 NO 330 ether Bis(2-ethylhexyl) 117-81-7 NO 330 phthalate 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 101-55-3 NO 330 Butyl benzyl phthalate 85-68-7 NO 330 4-Chloroanil ine 106-47-8 NO 660 2-Chloronaphthalene 91-58-7 NO 330 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl 7005-72-3 NO 330 ether Chrysene 218-01-9 NO 330 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 NO 330 Dibenzofuran 132-64-9 ND 330 Oi-n-butylphthalate 84-74-2 NO 330 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 NO 330 NO = Not Detected e A'_'ican Environmental Network .-.....,.... .- '... PAGE 15 OF 30 HART CROWSER, INC. SAMPLE ID: B2-20 CLIENT PROJ. ID: 6106 DATE SAMPLED: 08/03/93 DATE RECEIVED: 08/04/93 REPORT DATE: 08/09/93 AEN LAB NO: 9308022-08A AEN JOB NO: 9308022 DATE EXTRACTED: 08/04/93 DATE ANALYZED: 08/05/93 INSTRUMENT: 11 EPA METHOD 8270 ' BASE/NEUTRAL EXTRACTABLES (cont.) REPORTING COMPOUND CAS # CONCENTRATION LIMIT (ug/kg) (ug/kg) 1,3-0ichlorobenzene 541-73-1 ND 330 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 ND 330 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 91-94-1 ND 660 Diethylphthalate 84-66-2 ND 330 Dimethylphthalate 131-11-3 ND 330 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 ND 330 2,6-0initrotoluene 606-20-2 ND 330 Di-n-octylphthalate 117 -84-0 ND 330 1,2-0iphenylhydrazine 122-66-7 ND 330 Fluoranthene 206-44-0 ND 330 Fluorene 86-73-7 ND 330 Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 ND 330 Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 NO 330 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77 -47-4 ND 330 Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 ND 330 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 ND 330 Isophorone 78-59-1 ND 330 2-Methylnaphthalene 91-57-6 NO 330 Naphthalene 91-20-3 ND 330 2-Nitroanil ine 88-74-4 NO 1600 3-Nitroanil ine 99-09-2 ND 1600 4-Nitroanil i ne 100-01-6 ND 1600 Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 ND 330 N-Nitrosodimethylamine 62-75-9 NO 330 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 86-30-6 NO 330 N-Nitroso-di-n- 621-64-7 ND 330 propyl amine Phenanthrene 85-01-8 NO 330 pyrene 129-00-0 ND 330 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 ND 330 ND = Not Detected e R-· .- - ¡ -- 1 \ 1 r- n i':~, ,.... , 't: :...; :::\....: :::'i.-' !"Ø\<; \'.' f' .¡c,{1Ij¡fi°ican Environmental NetH'ork û '\J~J" PAGE 16 OF 30 HART CROWSER, INC. SAMPLE ID: B2-20 CLIENT PROJ. ID: 6106 DATE SAMPLED: 08/03/93 DATE RECEIVED: 08/04/93 REPORT DATE: 08/09/93 AEN LAB NO: 9308022-08A AEN JOB NO: 9308022 DATE EXTRACTED: 08/04/93 DATE ANALYZED: 08/05/93 INSTRUMENT: 11 EPA METHOD 8270 ACID EXTRACTABLES REPORTING COMPOUND CAS # CONCENTRATION LIMIT (ug/kg) (ug/kg) 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 59-50-7 ND 330 2-Chlorophenol 95-57-8 ND 330 2,4-Dichlorophenol 120-83-2 ND 330 2,4-Dimethylphenol 105-67-9 ND 330 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 534-52-1 ND 1600 2,4-Dinitrophenol 51-28-5 ND 1600 2-Methylphenol 95-48-7 ND 330 4-Methylphenol 106-44-5 ND 330 2-Nitrophenol 88-75-5 ND 330 4-Nitrophenol 100-02-7 ND 1600 Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 ND 1600 Phenol 108-95-2 ND 330 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 ND 330 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 ND 330 ND = Not Detected - .. REC¡::¡\,'EO ;';:; .../....[ o 189~ A_"ican Environmental Nl!tH'ork. PAGE 17 OF 30 HART CROWSER, INC. SAMPLE 10: B3-20 CLIENT PROJ. 10: 6106 DATE SAMPLED: 08/03/93 DATE RECEIVED: 08/04/93 REPORT DATE: 08/09/93 AEN LAB NO: 9308022-12A AEN JOB NO: 9308022 DATE EXTRACTED: 08/04/93 DATE ANALYZED: 08/05/93 INSTRUMENT: 11 EPA METHOD 8270 (SOIL MATRIX) GC/MS SEMI-VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS .. BASE/NEUTRAL EXTRACTABLES REPORTING COMPOUND CAS # CONCENTRATION LIMIT (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Acenaphthene 83-32-9 NO 330 Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 NO 330 Anthracene 120-12-7 NO 330 Benzidine 92-87-5 NO 1600 Benzoic Acid 65-85-0 NO 1600 Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 NO 330 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 NO 330 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 NO 330 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 191-24-2 NO 330 Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 NO 330 Benzyl Alcohol 100-51-6 NO 660 Bis(2-chloroethoxy) 111-91-1 NO 330 methane Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether 111-44-4 NO 330 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) 108-60-1 NO 330 ether Bis(2-ethylhexyl) 117-81-7 NO 330 phthalate 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 101-55-3 NO 330 Butylbenzyl phthalate 85-68-7 NO 330 4-Chloroanil ine 106-47-8 NO 660 2-Chloronaphthalene 91-58-7 NO 330 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl 7005-72-3 NO 330 ether Chrysene 218-01-9 NO 330 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 NO 330 Dibenzofuran 132-64-9 NO 330 Oi-n-butylphthalate 84-74-2 NO 330 1,2-0ichlorobenzene 95-50-1 NO 330 NO = Not Detected e-·,- .' ;-\......, (=.í:" _ _ :-. AJ_'ican Environmental Network ·;'S9<..-:; PAGE 18 OF 30 HART CROWSER, INC. SAMPLE 10: B3-20 CLIENT PROJ. 10: 6106 DATE SAMPLED: 08/03/93 DATE RECEIVED: 08/04/93 REPORT DATE: 08/09/93 AEN LAB NO: 9308022-12A AEN JOB NO: 9308022 DATE EXTRACTED: 08/04/93 DATE ANALYZED: 08/05/93 INSTRUMENT: 11 EPA METHOD 8270 BASE/NEUTRAL EXTRACTABLES (cont.) REPORTI NG COMPOUND CAS # CONC ENTRA TI ON LIMIT (ug/kg) (ug/kg) 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 ND 330 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 ND 330 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 91-94-1 ND 660 Diethylphthalate 84-66-2 NO 330 Dimethylphthalate 131-11-3 NO 330 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 NO 330 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2 ND 330 Di-n-octylphthalate 117 -84-0 ND 330 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 122-66-7 NO 330 Fluoranthene 206-44-0 NO 330 Fluorene 86-73-7 NO 330 Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 NO 330 Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 NO 330 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77-47-4 NO 330 Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 NO 330 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 NO 330 Isophorone 78-59-1 NO 330 2-Methylnaphthalene 91-57-6 NO 330 Naphthalene 91-20-3 NO 330 2-Nitroanil ine 88-74-4 NO 1600 3-Nitroanil ine 99-09-2 NO 1600 4-Nitroanil ine 100-01-6 NO 1600 Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 NO 330 N-Nitrosodimethylamine 62-75-9 NO 330 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 86-30-6 NO 330 N-Nitroso-di -n- 621-64-7 NO 330 propyl amine Phenanthrene 85-01-8 NO 330 Pyrene 129-00-0 NO 330 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 NO 330 NO = Not Detected e An_iean Environmental Nenl'or/': RECEIVED {;:;" ,-,. ..1 ~ 199:1 PAGE 19 OF 30 HART CROWSER, INC. SAMPLE 10: B3-20 CLIENT PROJ. ID: 6106 DATE SAMPLED: 08/03/93 DATE RECEIVED: 08/04/93 REPORT DATE: 08/09/93 AEN LAB NO: 9308022-12A AEN JOB NO: 9308022 DATE EXTRACTED: 08/04/93 DATE ANALYZED: 08/05/93 INSTRUMENT: 11 EPA METHOD 8270 ACID EXTRACTABLES REPORTING COMPOUND CAS # CONCENTRATION LIMIT (ug/kg) (ug/kg) 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 59-50-7 NO 330 2-Chlorophenol 95-57-8 NO 330 2,4-Dichlorophenol 120-83-2 NO 330 2,4-Dimethylphenol 105-67-9 NO 330 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 534-52-1 NO 1600 2,4-Dinitrophenol 51-28-5 NO 1600 2-Methylphenol 95-48-7 NO 330 4-Methylphenol 106-44-5 NO 330 2-Nitrophenol 88-75-5 ND 330 4-Nitropheno 1 100-02-7 ND 1600 Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 NO 1600 Phenol 108-95-2 ND 330 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 ND 330 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 ND 330 ND = Not Detected e ?¿,:,,;::; J;;::w .:," ) ',.~ . ... AI_icon Environmental Nenvor/..: : (.;t;;; PAGE 20 OF 30 QUALITY CONTROL DATA INSTRUMENT: A AEN JOB NO: 9308022 AEN LAB NO: DAILY BLANK DATE EXTRACTED: 08/04/93 DATE ANALYZED: 08/05/93 CLIENT PROJ. ID: 6106 METHOD: EPA 8080 (SOIL MATRIX) ORGANOCHLORINE PESTICIDES AND PCBs REPORTING CONCENTRATION LIMIT COMPOUND CAS # (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Aldrin 309-00-2 NO 5 alpha-SHC 319-84-6 ND 5 beta-SHC 319-85-7 ND 5 delta-SHC 319-86-8 ND 5 gamma-SHC (Lindane) 58-89-9 ND 5 Chlordane 57-74-9 NO 50 4,4'-ODD 72-54-8 NO 10 2,4'-DDD 53-19-0 ND 10 4,4'-00E 72-55-9 NO 10 2,4'-DDE 3424-82-6 ND 10 4,4'-ODT 50-29-3 ND 10 2,4'-ODT 789-02-6 ND 10 Dieldrin 60-57-1 ND 10 Endosulfan I 959-98-8 ND 5 Endosulfan II 33212-65-9 ND 10 Endosulfan sul fate 1031-07-8 ND 10 Endrin 72-20-8 ND 10 Endrin aldehyde 7421-93-4 ND 10 Heptachlor 76-44-8 ND 5 Heptachlor epoxide 1024-57-3 ND 5 Methoxychlor 72-43-5 ND 10 Toxaphene 8001-35-2 ND 50 PCB-I016 12674-11-2 ND 50 PCB-1221 11104-28-2 ND 50 PCB-1232 11141-16-5 ND 50 PCB-1242 53469-21-9 ND 50 PCB-1248 12672-29-6 NO 50 PCB-1254 11097 -69-1 ND 50 PCB-1260 11096-82-5 NO 50 ND = Not Detected e AlII-jean Environmental Ncrwork t ~ ~ ~!~~J " ¡ . ¡...,t.~J PAGE 21 OF 30 QUALITY CONTROL DATA DATE EXTRACTED: 08/04/93 CLl ENT PROJ. ID: 6106 AEN JOB NO: 9308022 INSTRUMENT: A SURROGATE STANDARD RECOVERY SUMMARY METHOD: EPA 8080 (SOIL MATRIX) SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION Date Analyzed Sample Id. Lab Id. SURROGATE RECOVERY (PERCENT) 2,4,5,6-Tetrachloro-meta-xylene 08/05/93 08/05/93 08/05/93 08/05/93 81-20 B2-20 B3-20 04A 08A 12A 0804-BLANK 95 101 100 91 ANALYTE CURRENT QC LIMITS PERCENT RECOVERY 2,4,5,6-Tetrachloro-meta-xylene (59-115) 4ÞECr-;vr-n c. r:.u Þ.UG C 1993 A¡_-ican Environmental ¡Vc{work PAGE 22 OF 30 QUALITY CONTROL DATA DATE EXTRACTED: 08/05/93 DATE ANALYZED: 08/05/93 CLIENT PROJ. 10: 6106 AEN JOB NO: 9308022 SAMPLE SPIKED: 9308022-12A INSTRUMENT: A METHOD SPIKE RECOVERY SUMMARY METHOD: EPA 8080 (SOIL MATRIX) Spike S8q)le MS MSD Average Cone: . Result Result Result Percent ANALYTE (ugJkg) (ug/kg) (ugJltg) (ugJkg) Recovery RPD lindane 16.7 ND 18.6 18.9 112.3 1.6 Heptachlor 16.7 ND 18.4 18.6 110.8 1.1 Aldrin 16.7 ND 18.4 18.6 110.8 1.1 Dieldrin 41.7 ND 42.1 43.3 102.4 2.8 Endrin 41.7 ND 39.4 40.8 96.2 3.5 DDT 41.7 ND 42.4 44.4 104.1 4.6 CURRENT QC LIMITS (Revised 08/15/91) Analvte Percent Recoverv RPD Lindane Heptachlor Aldrin Dieldrin Endrin DDT (53-128) (63-122) (50-130) ( 50-131) (33-161) (24-149 ) 12 11 12 14 15 31 MS = Matrix Spike MSD = Matrix Spike Duplicate RPD = Relative Percent Difference ND = Not Detected FtfEìVEO INSTRUMENT: 12 CLIENT PROJ. 10: 6106 Î..: f-'. ..... '. :'1 '~9C~ u "'4 An.can Environmental Network PAGE 23. OF 30 AEN JOB NO: 9308022 AEN LAB NO: DAILY BLANK DATE ANALYZED: 08/05/93 EPA METHOD 8240 (SOIL MATRIX) VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS COMPOUND CAS # CONCENTRATION (ug/kg) REPORTING LIMIT (ug/kg) Acetone Benzene Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane 2-Butanone Carbon Disulfide Carbon Tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane 2-Chloroethyl Vinyl Ether Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 1,I-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,I-Dichloroethene cis-l,2-Dichloroethene trans-l,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane cis-l,3-Dichloropropene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Ethyl benzene 2-Hexanone Methylene Chloride 4-Methyl-2-pentanone Styrene 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene Toluene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Vinyl Acetate Vinyl Chloride Xylenes, total NO = Not Detected 67-64-1 71-43-2 75-27-4 75-25-2 74-83-9 78-93-3 75-15-0 56-23-5 108-90-7 75-00-3 110-75-8 67-66-3 74-87-3 124-48-1 75-34-3 107-06-2 75-35-4 156-59-2 156-60-5 78-87-5 10061-01-5 10061-02-6 100-41-4 591-78-6 75-09-2 108-10-1 100-42-5 79-34-5 127-18-4 108-88-3 71-55-6 79-00-5 79-01-6 108-05-4 75-01-4 1330-20-7 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NO ND ND NO ND NO ND ND ND ND NO ND ND ND NO ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 100 5 5 5 10 100 10 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 50 5 50 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 50 10 10 .::~:J AJ_ican En\"ironmental NetH'OIJ e R¡::-r~n ,¡-" "', .,' ."~' ~ c ~ --' '_ ~ '/ ~:.. ~ ....'.. , ' PAGE 24 OF 30 QUALITY CONTROL DATA INSTRUMENT: 12 AEN JOB NO: 9308022 CLIENT PROJ. ID: 6106 SURROGATE STANDARD RECOVERY SUMMARY METHOD: EPA 8240 (SOIL MATRIX) SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION Date Analyzed SéIq)le Id. lab Id. SURROGATE RECOVERY (PERCENT) 1.2-Dichloro- p-8romofluoro- ethane-~ Toluene-da benzene 08/05/93 08/05/93 08/05/93 08/05/93 08/05/93 08/05/93 08/05/93 81·4 81-20 82·5 82·20 83,5 B3·20 01A 04A OSA 08A 09A 12A 080S-BLANK 99.6 105.6 110.7 102.6 110.5 108.2 101. 7 98.5 108.3 102.9 104.6 98.4 96.8 98.0 97.3 100.8 105.7 106.7 98.8 94.2 97.2 CURRENT QC LIMITS (Revised 08/13/91) ANALYTE PERCENT RECOVERY 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Tol uene-d8 p-Bromofluorobenzene (80-135) (90-116) (82-114) . RECEIVED :'"¡ ! 1-- :: ~¡',~S3 AI.-iean Environmental NerH'ork . ......-.... PAGE 25 OF 30 QUALITY CONTROL DATA DATE ANALYZED: 08/03/93 SAMPLE SPIKED: 9308011-01A CLIENT PROJ. 10: 6106 AEN JOB NO: 9308022 INSTRUMENT: 12 METHOD SPIKE RECOVERY SUMMARY METHOD: EPA 8240 (SOIL MATRIX) Spilte 5aq)le MS MSD Average Cone . Result Result Result Percent ANAL YTE (ugJltg) (ug/ltg) (ugJltg) (ugJltg) Recovery RPD 1,1'Oichloroethene 50.0 NO 50.8 50.2 101.0 1.2 Trichloroethene 50.0 NO 52.7 49.6 102.3 6.1 Benzene 50.0 NO 51.3 51.9 103.2 1.2 Toluene 50.0 NO 52.7 52.2 104.9 6.0 Chlorobenzene 50.0 NO 52.7 52.0 104.7 1.3 CURRENT QC LIMITS (Revised 08/13/91) Analyte 1,I-Dichloroethene Trichloroethene Benzene Toluene Chlorobenzene Percent Recovery (61-143) (72-121) (82-123) (80-118) (82-113) RPD 15 12 10 12 10 MS = Matrix Spike MSD = Matrix Spike Duplicate RPD Relative Percent Difference NO = Not Detected - ...J.1 E"" ....1\1 ¡:- ~ . .....c,._.~ ,.. ! I -. J '1 1993 AI_-iean Environmental N(![}l'ork PAGE 26 OF 30 QUALITY CONTROL DATA INSTRUMENT: 11 AEN JOB NO: 9308022 AEN LAB NO: DAILY BLANK DATE EXTRACTED: 08/04/93 DATE ANALYZED: 08/05/93 CLIENT PROJ. 10: 6106 EPA METHOD 8270 (METHOD BLANK) GC/MS SEMI-VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS BASE/NEUTRAL EXTRACTABLES REPORTING CONC ENTRA TI ON LIMIT COMPOUND CAS # (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Acenaphthene 83-32-9 NO 330 Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 NO 330 Anthracene 120-12-7 NO 330 Benzidine 92-87-5 NO 1600 Benzo i c Ad d 65-85-0 NO 1600 Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 NO 330 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 NO 330 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 NO 330 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 191-24-2 NO 330 Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 NO 330 Benzyl Alcohol 100-51-6 NO 660 Bis(2-chloroethoxy) 111-91-1 NO 330 methane Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether 111-44-4 NO 330 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) 39638-32-9 NO 330 ether Bis(2-ethylhexyl) 117-81-7 NO 330 phthalate 4-Bromophenyl phenyl 101-55-3 NO 330 ether Butylbenzyl phthalate 85-68-7 NO 330 4-Chloroanil ine 106-47-8 NO 660 2-Chloronaphthalene 91-58-7 NO 330 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl 7005-72-3 NO 330 ether Chrysene 218-01-9 NO 330 Oibenzo(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 NO 330 Dibenzofuran 132-64-9 NO 330 Oi-n-butylphthalate 84-74-2 NO 330 1,2-0ichlorobenzene I 95-50-1 NO 330 NO = Not Detected e ¡'ï:::,:",~"::c, -,. . i-- __ ""'-. '¡. . '; , ;.... -- .:.....u~ ~ r'-'i~ ". ¡J '~(jj Ale-iean Environmental NetH'ork PAGE 27 OF 30 QUALITY CONTROL DATA INSTRUMENT: 11 AEN JOB NO: 9308022 AEN LAB NO: DAILY BLANK DATE EXTRACTED: 08/04/93 DATE ANALYZED: 08/05/93 CLIENT PROJ. ID: 6106 EPA METHOD 8270 (METHOD BLANK) BASE/NEUTRAL EXTRACTABLES (cont.) REPORTING I CONC ENTRA TI ON LIMIT COMPOUND CAS # (ug/kg) (ug/kg) 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 ND 330 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 ND 330 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 91-94-1 ND 660 Diethylphthalate 84-66-2 ND 330 Dimethylphthalate 131-11-3 ND 330 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 ND 330 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2 ND 330 Di-n-octylphthalate 117-84-0 ND 330 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 122-66-7 ND 330 Fluoranthene 206-44-0 ND 330 Fluorene 86-73-7 ND 330 Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 ND 330 Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 ND 330 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77-47-4 ND 330 Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 ND 330 Indeno(I,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 ND 330 Isophorone 78-59-1 ND 330 2-Methylnaphthalene 91-57-6 ND 330 Naphthalene 91-20-3 ND 330 2 -Nitroan il i ne 88-74-4 ND 1600 3-Nitroanil i ne 99-09-2 ND 1600 4-Nitroani 1 i ne 100-01-6 ND 1600 Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 ND 330 N-Nitrosodimethylamine 62-75-9 ND 330 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 86-30-6 ND 330 N-N it roso-d i - n- 621-64-7 ND 330 propyl amine Phenanthrene 85-01-8 ND 330 Pyrene 129-00-0 ND 330 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 ND 330 ND = Not Detected e - ',"-"; -" .-. . ."', ~' .-J ..' I ..; ..~-?I.·ican Environmental ¡\i!rwork PAGE 28 OF 30 QUALITY CONTROL DATA INSTRUMENT: 11 CLIENT PROJ. ID: 6106 AEN JOB NO: 9308022 AEN LAB NO: DAILY BLANK DATE EXTRACTED: 08/04/93 DATE ANALYZED: 08/05/93 EPA METHOD 8270 (METHOD BLANK) ACID EXTRACTABLES COMPOUND CAS # REPORTING CONCENTRATION LIMIT (ug/kg) (ug/kg) 4~Chloro-3-methylphenol 2-Chlorophenol 2,4-Dichlorophenol 2,4-Dimethylphenol 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 2,4-Dinitrophenol 2-Methylphenol 4-Methylphenol 2-Nitrophenol 4-Nitrophenol Pentachlorophenol Pheno 1 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND = Not Detected I 59-50-7 95-57-8 120-83-2 105-67-9 534-52-1 51-28-5 95-48-7 106-44-5 88-75-5 100-02-7 87-86-5 108-95-2 95-95-4 88-06-2 ND 330 ND 330 ND 330 ND 330 ND 1600 ND 1600 ND 330 ND 330 ND 330 ND 1600 ND 1600 ND 330 ND 330 ND 330 e ""r-'\ '~'jJ ¡:-, -"J~; \.-,-,::'-i· :....' " . 1-1'...., .j i '. .~:.:,f Al.-jean Ell1'jronmental Ne(\\'ork PAGE 29 OF 30 QUALITY CONTROL DATA DATE EXTRACTED: 08/04/93 CLIENT PROJ. 10: 6106 AEN JOB NO: 9308022 INSTRUMENT: 11 SURROGATE STANDARD RECOVERY SUMMARY METHOD: EPA 8270 (SOIL MATRIX) SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION Date Nitro- Analyzed Saq>le Id. lab Id. benzene-ds SUR R 0 GAT E 2-Fluoro- Terphenyl- biphenyl d14 R E C 0 V E R Y (PERCENT) 2-Fluoro· 2,4,6-Tribromo- Phenol-ds phenol phenol OB/05/93 08/05/93 OB/05/93 08/05/93 81-20 82·20 83·20 04A 42.5 OBA 52.9 12A 51.3 0804-BLANK 46.4 57.9 75.3 74.1 62.0 92.4 101. 7 97.0 106.9 50.3 52.6 52.9 62.9 47.2 55.2 51.2 56.B 63.5 61.6 65.9 66.2 CURRENT QC LIMITS (REVISED 01/08/92) ANALYTE PERCENT RECOVERY ! ' Nitrobenzene-d5 2-Fluorobiphenyl Terphenyl-d14 Phenol-d5 2-Fluorophenol 2, 4, 6-Tribromophenol (23-120) (30-115) (18-137) (24-113) (25-121) (19-122) !-=i¡:-c'['=-: .':'.:/. :. :..~, ---.-.' , .. ..-- . . . 4.... J ~ _ i. , , . -' ' .. '. ~ QUALITY CONTROL DATA DATE EXTRACTED: 08/03/93 DATE ANALYZED: 08/04/93 CLIENT fROJ. ID: 6106 AlllÍCCln EnvÍronmenw/ Nen 'ork. PAGE 30 OF 30 AEN JOB NO: 9308022 SAMPLE SPIKED: 9307294-02A INSTRUMENT: 11 MATRIX SPIKE RECOVERY SUMMARY METHOD: EPA 8270 (SOIL MATRIX) Spike ~le MS MSD Average Cone. Result Result Result Percent ANAL HE (ug/kg) (ug/kg) (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Recovery RPD Phenol 3570 ND 2190 2280 62.6 4.0 2-Chlorophenol 3450 ND 1520 1590 45.1 4.5 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 3070 ND 2070 2260 70.5 8.8 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 3270 ND 2240 2370 70.5 5.6 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 2950 ND 2030 2290 73.2 12.0 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 3570 ND 2670 2940 78.6 9.6 Acenaphthene 3020 ND 2500 2520 82.9 0.4 4-Nitrophenol 4830 ND 1660 2086 38.7 22.5 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 3050 ND 2210 2200 72.3 0.5 Pentachlorophenol 5370 ND 2150 2450 42.8 13.0 Pyrene 2880 ND 2840 2960 100.7 4.1 CURRENT QC LIMITS (Revised 01/08/92) Analyte Phenol 2-Chlorophenol 1,4-Dichlorobenzene N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol Acenaphthene 4-Nitrophenol 2,4-Dinitrotoluene Pentachlorophenol pyrene MS = MSD RPD = NO = Matrix Spike Matrix Spike Duplicate Relative Percent Difference Not Detected Percent Recovery (35- 81) (28- 88) (28- 81) (27- 83) (30- 82) (31-104) (30-101) ( 7-102) (26- 86) (11- 94) (23-128) RPD 33 26 9 20 22 28 17 32 24 41 23 \11- - -i: JOB NUMBER G/°Ct> LAB NUMBER ~o i TESTING ~ ~ ~ ~ U) &' re.. Ie. SC~NIe-W,rJ.D a: PROJECT MANAGER ~ t .~ w z PROJECT NAME p~ 1S for. K.~:sFiELD ~ ~ OBSERVATIONS ICOMMENTSI 0 d .., z p,- O COMPOSITING INSTRUCTIONS S; f'. 0 ~ ~ 0 LL SAMPLED BY: ¡J N 0 IS. ~~(:)~v..".J-Û- ~ ó tb ~ < C) z LAB NO. SAMPLE TIME STATION MATRIX J <;:¡4 nIP. 61-4 8-3-,.3 ....f'p." '- ~OIL v' .,¡¡A I Ob 10+ ~( tri' ~ . v 1 l-}DLþ ()';;).A 131 ~ l~ 'þ~c ~ ()~A (31- 15 l HDd:) ~ú~O ~.vd ~ (")4~ 13r 2û v ........... ra> ../ I ~ W~'f )( ()çA. ß"2.-5 v WI\. I t'. .. . J. f; b\,e;A '62 -/'D ( ...tbLþ ßI-~Q 'ð,,;L. ..20 ölA 32 - /5 ( \...Ü\ L D ~~ ~'3-~ o~ß. [>7--"2-0 V' V" qJ v' 1 v-tÆ o O¡ Þ-.. ts3- 5 v AA' I lOb.. 83- /0 I HDL-~ \ \" ~~-~ / ( HDl-D \~ í33-LO ,J v' ./ ¡pi 'v I \1/ _RELlNQUISHa)BY '7 ~ I.....A /.,A3RECr;W'¡Q.JJY /"? DATE TOTAL NUMBER METHOD OF SHIPMENT 0~-/~ J./ / I) Þ//V-V: ß- 3 /'I!t~ }(., ... OF CONTAINERS Co lAJèr~ ~ -v ",3 /I/I/'~ I ~'/ SIGNATURE ~ SIA/~r l- (, /k:ø ~ Icl ¿ 7Ç t fÆ;J b~)6.. \N{D SPECIAL SHIPMENT I HANDLING TIME TIME OR STORAGE REQUIREMENTS y8 II/!. -r,4-r- P~~~,zIL /I: 3ðA, PR NTÄN~~ II:~ COMPANY // COMPANY RELlN .r.. ..f_,,L BY d DATE RECEIVED BY DATE '~<~ 11,~ {}-. Ctx ,lOg ~\~ DISTRIBUTION: , é'~ rj'Zi:¡~ 1. PROVIDE WHITE AND YELLOW COPIES TO LABORATORY rSfGNAJtjE t t ¡(!t):/¿ \ëURE", "()/'" \ ~ II ~ A/tC.!! 'Ii ~, TIME D\ lA '^- "'\ 0....0 lQ...... TIME 2, RETURN PINK COpy TO PROJECT MANAGER P;;¡'EO NAME PR~E ~ - 3. LABORATORY TO FILL IN SAMPLE NUMBER AND SIGN FOR RECEIPT t:,'/t/ I :;{'t& ~-4--c1 ~ I 2-d:;; ~ ' 4. LABORATORY ro RETURN WHITE COPY TO HART CROWSER COMPANY COMPANY DATE ß- tf-~? PAG~ . .. Cz?:>o ð CJ'd a- Hart ClOwsel, Inc. U.ft9\. ""aOllllrCD 353 Saclamento Street. Suite 1140 ~U'l' ..." ..~, San Francisco. California 94111 Sample Custody Record I - OF I ~. iì¡¡'CEIVïO ,,-- r-. _ . . 1::' '_ ::',- ~ - íOQ" [Ell Superior Precision Analyt:ical Inc. . ooj ~ ~ 825 Arnold Drive, SUite 1 14 · Martinez. California 94553 · (5 J 0) 229-15 2/ fax (~! 0) ~3,?: ?26 HARTCROWSER Inc. Attn: BRIAN BJORKLUND Project 6106 Reported 09/24/93 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS Lab # Sample Identification Sampled Analyzed Matrix 90017- 1 H4-9 09/16/93 09/23/93 Soil Laboratory Number: RESULTS OF ANALYSIS 90017- 1 Gasoline: Benzene: Toluene: Ethyl Benzene: Total Xylenes: Diesel Range: Oil and Grease: 1 0.016 0.054 0.019 0.077 ND<10 ND<50 Concentration: mg/Kg Page 1 of 2 Certified Laboratories RECEiVED ~ ~- - Iii Superior ~eciSion Ana/ytica! ¡nc. ro ~ 825 Arnold Drive, Suite 114 · Martinez, California 94553 · 15 J OJ 229-1512 / faxJ~!.£L~~,:,:!,~,?~ '¡....,¡.J..; )\.I\J '.,; C E R T I F I CAT E o F A N A L Y S I S ANALYSIS FOR TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS Page 2 of 2 QA/QC INFORMATION SET: 90017 NA = ANALYSIS NOT REQUESTED ND = ANALYSIS NOT DETECTED ABOVE QUANTITATION LIMIT mg/kg = parts per million (ppm) OIL AND GREASE ANALYSIS By Standard Methods Method 5520F: Minimum Detection Limit in Soil: 50mg/kg Modified EPA SW-846 Method 8015 for Extractable Hydrocarbons: Minimum Quantitation Limit for Diesel in Soil: 10mg/kg EPA SW-846 Method 8015/5030 Total Purgable Petroleum Hydrocarbons: Minimum Quantitation Limit for Gasoline in Soil: 1mg/kg EPA SW-846 Method 8020/BTXE Minimum Quantitation Limit in Soil: 0.003mg/kg ANALYTE MS/MSD RECOVERY RPD CONTROL LIMIT --------------- --------------- ------------- Gasoline: 90/95 5% 70-130 Benzene: 97/102 5% 70-130 Toluene: 96/99 3% 70-130 Ethyl Benzene: 95/100 5% 70-130 Total Xylenes: 95/97 2% 70-130 Diesel Range: 116/110 5% 75-125 Oil and Grease: 63/62 2% 56-106 . -d7iL ~Ä1~ Senior Chemist Certified Laboratories , - -' 1- -' , Chain of Custody alld Analysis Request 'JODI? ' .. Section I page.Lot-L Consultant IM;?:I é~æ'D W ~ í:'..z... /.-0<:: Turn Around Time II SuperIor PrecisIon AnalytIcal, Inc. Address ,35'.3, 5AcÆ/~rt1 E/\.7'9ë) ~ 5'7£"'1 Jye, (circle one) C',Å 9,-/11 I Same oáy 72 Hrs P.O, Box 1545 S. 'F Martinez. California 94553 Phone No. 915 391·/8BS Fax No. -3~' I ~ '- 'L \ Co 24 Hrs 48 Hrs Martinez I (5101229-1512 Martinez 2 (5101229-0166 ~ -~ Project Manager &/~r--J /3 ~o.e K L loA ¡-J D ormal 5 Day ___ SanFrancisco (4151 647-2081 Alternate Contact G/l/c SC)-Ir--J , (;'l,AJ,N D Sampler: C7? jo"e K L IA,vr) Project No. wt DGJ P.O. No. Regulatory Agency: Section II: Analysis Request - Sampling Remarks f 0 D Bio-remediation c L. ! 6 ëi H L. X 1 Q;; '3 t D Underground storage tank ctB III ~ ~ ::»- ~ CD _CD CJ ED .a ~ ~ - 'õ~ I , . ió :x: Q) .!! >1 D Monitoring UJ u In In In ] ß: õ. 0- Õ Laboratory ~~ r r r ~ E E L. D Recent Contamination 0 0 0 ,... ió I co CD 11 Sample CXJ CXJ CXJ r r CJ UJ UJ 0 0 ~ ~ ; cD Æ ~ ~ E 1 "'8 "'8 r oc:r cð ~ D Unknown Compounds Identification Matrix 0 cu ct ~ r U ~ E¡ E CXJ CXJ U ~ "" 0 a. c ¡.: z 1 ¡.¡ t/ - cq ,) J j J ./ ~//~ I ,.J 2 3 4 5 6 7 . 8 9 10 11 / rJ '" 12 þ. // Relinquished by ~'r /'1 Datelf~, Received by Date/Time Lab please initial the following: Organization d/l tl"I C-¡u." 1C..fÇO( q:¡-/' ':), Organization Samples Stored in Ice ç /} . /"e"" Relinquished by , DBte/Time Received by Date/Time Appropriate Containers ""..(I Samples Pre6BMI8d f..J/], Organization Organizatio~ VOAs without HsodspoC8 IJ--/", ~ft" nyV.) Relinquished by Date/Time Received by ,'~ ·v~-~- ~?~me Comments I~ù/'/ '(,?~ Mí) -' Organization Organization ,) ¡" ~O· Gl-' {I,/' .J Superior !Ilecision Anaf.ytica' :";~~IVEO SEP 3 3 1993 825 Arnold Drive, Suite I J 4 · Martinez. California 94553 · (5 J 0) 229- J 5 J 2/ fax (5 J 0) 229- J 526 I ¡ :11 Ñ~;~~<-:':~·:·~~~~:·;·~:·;':·:':···:·'-:·'--···-···-'· --. HARTCROWSER Inc. Attn: BRIAN BJORKLUND Project 6106 Reported 09/28/93 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS Lab # Sample Identification Sampled Analyzed Matrix 90074- 1 Hl-9 09/23/93 09/27/93 Soil 90074- 2 H2-11 09/23/93 09/27/93 Soil 90074- 3 H3-11 09/23/93 09/27/93 Soil 90074- 4 HS-9 09/23/93 09/27/93 Soil 90074- 5 H6-11 09/23/93 09/27/93 Soil 90074- 6 H7-9 09/23/93 09/27/93 Soil 90074- 7 H8-11 09/23/93 09/27/93 Soil 90074- 8 H9-9 09/23/93 09/27/93 Soil 90074- 9 R1/R2-8 09/23/93 09/27/93 Soil 90074-10 R3/R4-7 09/23/93 09/27/93 Soil RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Laboratory Number: 90074- 1 90074- 2 90074- 3 90074- 4 90074- 5 Gasoline: ND<l ND<l ND<l ND<l ND<l '~nzene : ND<.OO3 ND<.OO3 ND<.OO3 ND<.OO3 ND<.003 ,..)luene: ND<.003 ND<.OO3 ND<.OO3 ND<.OO3 ND<.OO3 Ethyl Benzene: ND<.003 ND<.003 ND<.003 ND<.003 ND<.003 Total Xylenes: ND<.009 ND<.009 ND<.009 ND<.009 ND<.009 Diesel Range: ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 Jil and Grease: ND<50 ND<50 ND<50 ND<50 ND<SO Concentration: mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg Laboratory Number: 90074- 6 90074- 7 90074- 8 90074- 9 90074-10 Gasoline: ND<l ND<l ND<l ND<l ND<l Benzene: ND<.003 ND<.003 ND<.003 ND<.003 ND<.003 Toluene: ND<.003 ND<.OO3 ND<.003 ND<.003 ND<.003 Ethyl Benzene: ND<.003 ND<.OO3 ND<.003 ND<.003 ND<.003 Total Xylenes: ND<.009 ND<.OO9 ND<.OO9 ND<.009 ND<.009 Diesel Range: ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 Oil and Grease: ND<50 ND<50 ND<50 ND<50 ND<SO Concentration: mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg Page 1 of 3 Certified Laboratories :RECEIVED SU-3 j¡~~j Iii ~':s':n~::'~~U¡~~~~~!n~r:.li~:::-r:~~~!1 ~~~: ISI?~~~_ HARTCROWSER Inc. Project 6106 Attn: BRIAN BJORKLUND Reported 09/28/93 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS Lab # Sample Identification Sampled Analyzed Matrix 90074-11 R5/R6-7 09/23/93 09/27/93 Soil 90074-12 R7/RS-9 09/23/93 09/27/93 Soil r 90074-13 R9-7 09/23/93 09/27/93 Soil RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Laboratory Number: 90074-11 90074-12 90074-13 Gasoline: ND<l ND<l ND<l Benzene: ND<.003 ND<.003 ND<.003 Toluene: ND<.003 ND<.OO3 ND<.003 Ethyl Benzene: ND<.003 ND<.003 ND<.003 Total Xylenes: ND<.009 ND<.009 ND<.009 Diesel Range: ND<10 70 ND<10 Oil and Grease: ND<50 ND<50 ND<50 ìncentration: mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg Page 2 of 3 Certified Laboratories lil-{ ·E'\/,..... '- '-' I I ,- rr ,-,- ~ lEi I Superior "ecision AnaIytica' In;~ c,,;> 3 D 1993 ~ ~ 825 Arnold Drive, Suite I J 4 · Martinez, California 94553 · (5 J 0) 229- 1512 / fax (~I.gL,~~,::2x2~~ C E R T I F I CAT E o F A N A L Y S I S ANALYSIS FOR TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS Page 3 of 3 QA/QC INFORMATION SET: 90074 NA = ANALYSIS NOT REQUESTED ND = ANALYSIS NOT DETECTED ABOVE QUANTI TAT I ON LIMIT mg/kg = parts per million (ppm) / OIL AND GREASE ANALYSIS By Standard Methods Method 5520F: Minimum Detection Limit in Soil: 50mg/kg Modified EPA SW-S46 Method SOlS for Extractable Hydrocarbons: Minimum Quantitation Limit for Diesel in Soil: 10mg/kg EPA SW-846 Method 8015/5030 Total Purgable Petroleum Hydrocarbons: Minimum Quantitation Limit for Gasoline in Soil: 1mg/kg EPA SW-846 Method 8020/BTXE Minimum Quantitation Limit in Soil: 0.003mg/kg ANALYTE MS/MSD RECOVERY RPD CONTROL LIMIT --------------- --------------- ------------- Gasoline: 95/100 5% 70-130 Benzene: 97/98 1% 70-130 Toluene: 95/100 5% 70-130 Ethyl Benzene: 100/99 1% 70-130 Total Xylenes: 99/98 1% 70-130 Diesel Range: 108/109 1% 75-125 Oil and Grease: 75/82 9% 56-106 "- d ill- 1~Øh:?;" Senior Chemist Certified Laboratories ¡- .. - I' Sèction I Chain of Custody a..d Analysis Request ,,/OL J+ p8ge..!...at.1:. Consultant µ/f-¡Ø*í c¡eow 5ÐL /NC Turn Around Time B Superior Preclslon Analytical, Inc. Address '<>'3 5rt-c-~~ ~o :J\ S'n- I ¡yo (circle one) S.P. 9l.J ì I I Same gay 72 Hrs P.o. Box 1545 CA- Martinez. California 94553 Phone No. I{ (') :3 9 I 1885 Fax No. 9/ $ 391"2 '2. I ¡. 24-Hra C48 Hrs J Martinez I (510)229-1512 MartineZ 215101229-0166 Proiect Manager B/. 1,4,-...J 'BJð~JLL t.A/'-JO Normal 5 Day SanFrancisco (415) 647-2081 AJtemate Contact ER(C XJ-INIE W/~[) Sampler: ßJc.~( L VI r-I 0 Project No. (p, 0 b P.O. No. Regulatory Agency: Section II: Analysis Request - Sampling Remarks -. - f 0 D BiCH"emediaQon c '- .~ 5 ël " . '- x "I 9: 1\1 B ! o Underground storage tank ctS UJ ~ ~ >- \¡) 8 CD .Q \J\ "a _CD (!J m "a ·õ~ . I I ùi :I: GI .!II ·1 o Monitoring en a It) It) It) ] ~ ã. a.. 'õ Laboratory ~~ ~ ~ ~ GI E E ¡ D Recent Contamination I' I CD CD '- Sample 0 0 0 .... :E ùi en en .8 CD CD CD .... (!J 0 0 :E ~ ~ a:i Æ S ~ E "8 "8 "8 .... '17 cð f D Unknown Compounds Identification Matrix 0 (\ ct U .... U CD ~ E E E CD CD U .... ~ v 0 a. c ¡.:: Z a. 1 I-/I-q ~-5 .-- v v v q 71, i ,.J 2 1-/"2 - 1/ 5 .......... v I \...- I....... 3 )..-J 3 - JI 5 v .....,. v I v 4 J-I 5 - c::¡ $ ........-- ....- ...... v ( 5 H6- II S V' ~ V" v- I . 8 H7 - q ? v V >./ v ( 7 J-1f5-11 ') v '-'" v' v , . a 1--1 9- - 9 5 v ~ v v .. 1/ , V 9 / 10 / 11 / 12'" _L --ri -..... , Relinquished by ~" ~ .0)Jøl, ~ Da~me Received by DatelTime Labpleas8 initial the following: Organization ,¡..¡ /J-Æ-r CA> l..un- q -?tJ -93 o~ 20 Organization SamplesS_ in ~ Relinquished by Date/Time Received by DatelTime Appropriate Cont:ainers Organization Organizatio¡:o. .--'"'7 Samples Preserved VOAs without Headspace Relinquished by Date/Time Received by Á ,~) /' 9-r IÁ-., - J I .p,l1:p;ï¡me Comments ~ ~L/ " )'r~6 II-¡ Tt Organization OrganizatIOn ,~ 1.1) .<J., "-'-1 n ~' I I: 1 , - i, I , Chain of Custody a..d Analysis Request 00 Section I page 2ot~ Consultant /1M"!' C~ðw.s~ /-4::.. Turn Around Time R Superior Preclslon Analytical, Inc. Address 353- -sl'rc¡£ Jt-~ð ~( ?I£'fl!/D (circJe one) 9'-1 I I I Same Qáy 7~rs P.O. Box 1545 5(' CA Martinez. California 94553 ;. (4B HrS j Phone No."¡ 15"79 I /6e.5 ,Fax No. 'f¡£:.39t '( L I~ 24 -Hrs Martinez I (510)229-1512 Martinez 2 (510)229-0166 Project Manager fý(' I.~,,-..J BJu¡2¡¿ Lu.-0D Normal 5 Day SanFrancisco (415) 647-2081 AJternate Contact lFæ )c ~).//fJ) ~ úV),.JO Sampler: {bo~ L- VI .;oJ D Project No. CoI 0 tL:> P.O. No. Regulatory Agency: Section II: Analysis Request . Sampling Remarks - f 0 D Bio-remediaâon c e- ! ð ël fj . e- X 1 9: N 'ß 1: D Underground storage tank «1) III ~ i! >- ~ 8 CD _CD (!) CD ~ "t:I "tJ 'õ~ . , . ÏÅ ::I: CD .i .~ o Monitoring en u In In In ] ß: Q. Q. ã Laboratory ~~ ~ ~ ~ CD E E r.. ; o Recant Contamination 0 0 0 .... :::E ÏÅ . CD CD .! Sample CD CD CD .- .- C) en (I) 0 0 :::E -; &l "8 "8 "8 .- o::r ~ a:j tð 8 ~ E ! D Unknown Compounds Identification Matrix 0 C\J « g ~ u CD ::J E E E CD CD u :::E o::r 0 Q. 0 ¡: Z Q. 1 J2//R?. 'G 5 I,..- "" '-'" v th~~VJ I N 2 f<3/.i"¡ - ) ) l..- V ~ v , 31<5/1lt.-7 S \,..0'" v ../ v ( 4 R.7/~ß -q 5 ...... ....... ,./ v I 5 R..9-7 5 v V'" ......... V ,/ I l/ 6 7 . 8 9 10 11 12 Relinquished by ~...-z..--- t::!S ""¿ ..( ) Date~¡ Received by DatelTime Lab please initial the following: Organization .t.1/ÞZ f'\"" c~ ~En... 'Hq...:¡ Organization Sampl8& Stored in Ice 'l^' ð'l20 Relinquished by DatelTime Received by DatelTime Appropriate Contain~ Organization Organization Samples Preserved Relinquished by Date/Time ' . r:"~U../ I:. rrvv/. ' ~a~lJime VOAs without H~q~--.:J Reco/V,ed ~y S c1CJ IV r: 7- Comments Organization Organization - 1,-,'( /13. 2-þJy - , , -, 1-' - 7 :; I I' e' e liil Superior Precision Analytical, Inc. ~ ~ 1555 Burke, Unit I · San Francisco, California 94124 · (4 5) 647-2081 / fax (415 82 ~..::~,!'X~.~ p-~~' . ~ ' ::,"(~~J ..', . ~--' HARTCROWSER Inc Attn: Brian Bjorklund Project 6106 Reported 04-0ctober-1993 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS DIESEL BY EPA METHOD 8015M Chronology Laboratory Number 57151 Identification Sampled Received Extracted Analyzed Run # Lab # R7/R8-12.5 09/30/93 10/01/93 10/01/93 10/02/93 1 Page 1 of 3 Certified Laboratories e e lEI Superior Precision Analytical, Inc. ~ ~ ] 555 Burke, Unit I · San Francisco, California 94 24 · (4] 5) 647-2081 / fax (415) ,8~,~:Zu!../~~", HARTCROWSER Inc Attn: Brian Bjorklund Project 6106 Reported 04-0ctober-1993 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS DIESEL Laboratory Number Sample Identification Matrix 57151- 1 R7/R8-12.5 Soil Laboratory Number: RESULTS OF ANALYSIS 57151- 1 Diesel: ND<10 Concentration: mg/kg -- Surrogate Recoveries -- SURROGATE: NA Page 2 of 3 Certified Laboratories " _ e lill Superior Precision Analytical, Inc. ~ ~ 1555 Burke, Unit I · San Francisco, California 94 J 24 · (415) 647-208 / fax (4 J 51 ~,~ 1'~/?ÆL~,~x TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS DIESEL Quality Assurance and Control Data - Soil Laboratory Number 57151 ompound Method Blank (mg/kg) RL . (mg/kg) Average Spike Recovery (%) Limits (%) RPD (%) uiesel: ND<10 10 85% 75-125 16% Jefinitions: ~D = Not Detected RPD = Relative Percent Difference ~ = Reporting Limit ng/kg = Parts per million (ppm) QC File No. 57151 ~1 n NWo~ Senio Chemist Account Manager Page 3 of 3 Certified Laboratories e e rEI Superior Precision Analytical, Inc. ~ ~ 555 Burke, Unit I · San Francisco. California 94124 · (415) 647-208 / fax (415),~2_~~~L~~'N HARTCROWSER Inc Attn: Brian Bjorklund Project 6106 Reported 04-0ctober-1993 OIL AND GREASE BY STANDARD METHODS 5520F Chronology Laboratory Number 57151 Identification Sampled Received Extracted Analyzed Run # Lab # R7/R8-12.5 09/30/93 10/01/93 10/04/93 10/04/93 1 Pacæ 1 of . 3 Cerrrned Laoorawnes e e· iii Superior Precision Analytical, Inc. ~ ~ J 555 Burke, Unit I · San Francisco, California 94 24 · (4 5) 647-2081 / fax (4 J 5) ~!,:/~2,,~.~...... HARTCROWSER Inc Attn: Brian Bjorklund Project 6106 Reported 04-0ctober-1993 OIL AND GREASE BY STANDARD METHODS 5520F Laboratory Number Sample Identification Matrix 57151- 1 R7jR8-12.5 Soil Laboratory Number: RESULTS OF ANALYSIS 57151- 1 oil and Grease: ND<50 Concentration: mgjkg Page 2 of 3 Certified Laboratories e e liil Superior Precision Analy1:ical, Inc. ~ ~ J 555 Burke, Unit I · San Francisco, California 94 J 24 · 14 ¡ 5) 647-2081 / fax (415) 8,~~,:?~~~,~", OIL AND GREASE BY STANDARD METHODS 5520F Quality Assurance and Control Data - Soil Laboratory Number 57151 -ompound Method Blank (mg/kg) RL (mg/kg) Average Spike Recovery (%) Limits (%) RPD (%) il and Grease: ND<50 50 69% 47-97 14% lef ini tions : ~D = Not Detected RPD = Relative Percent Difference ~ = Reporting Limit Ig/kg = Parts per million (ppm) QC File No. 57151 ~/ -Æ-f'IWDF- Seni·r Chemist Account Manager Page 3 of 3 Certified Laboratories e e iii Superior Precision Analytical Inc. ~ ~ J 555 Burke, Unit I · San Francisco, California 94124 · (415) 647-2081 / fax (4 J ~l~~!/~?L~.~.,.... HARTCROWSER Inc Attn: Brian Bjorklund Project 6106 Reported 04-0ctober-1993 ANALYSIS FOR GASOLINE, BENZENE, TOLUENE, ETHYLBENZENE, AND XYLENES by EPA SW-846 Methods 5030/8015M/8020. Chronology Laboratory Number 57151 Identification Sampled Received Extracted Analyzed Run # Lab # R7/R8-12.5 09/30/93 10/01/93 / / 10/01/93 1 Paa..e 1 of ,3 Cerrrtied Laooratones e e Superior Precision Analytical, Inc. J 555 Burke, Unit I · San Francisco, California 94124 · (415) 647-208 J / fax (415) 821-7123 ¡':';.m'/UHHh~;':·;':-:-:':·:':·:·'··':·:,,······,·,,··, , HARTCROWSER Inc Attn: Brian Bjorklund Project 6106 Repo~ted 04-0ctober-1993 ANALYSIS FOR GASOLINE, BENZENE, TOLUENE, ETHYLBENZENE, AND XYLENES Laboratory Number Sample Identification Matrix 57151- 1 R7/R8-12.5 Soil Laboratory Number: RESULTS OF ANALYSIS 57151- 1 Gasoline: Benzene: Toluene: Ethyl Benzene: Xylenes: ND<l ND<.003 ND<.003 ND<.003 ND<.009 Concentration: mg/kg I - -- Surrogate Recoveries -- Surrogate Recovery: 77% Page 2 of 3 Certified Laboratories e e Iii Superior Precision Analytical, Inc. ~ ~ r 555 Burke, Unit I · San Francisco, California 94 24 · (4 J 5) 647-2081 / fax (4 J ~l!~"L:Z,,!,,~~,s ANALYSIS FOR GASOLINE, BENZENE, TOLUENE, ETHYLBENZENE, AND XYLENES Quality Assurance and Control Data - Soil ompound Laboratory Number 57151 Average Method Spike Blank RL Recovery Limits RPD (mgjkg) (mgjkg) (%) (%) (%) ND<l 1 89% 75-125 11% ND<.003 .003 106% 75-125 2% ND<.003 .003 107% 75-125 0% ND<.003 .003 107% 75-125 1% ND<.009 .009 106% 75-125 2% asoline: Benzene: -oluene: thyl Benzene: Xylenes: )ef ini tions : ~D = Not Detected RPD = Relative Percent Difference ~ = Reporting Limit ~gjkg = Parts per million (ppm) QC File No. 57151 ~2~~~~1?· tlN W?ð~ Se ' or Chemist Account Manager Page 3 of 3 Certified Laboratories e e Superior Precision Analytical, Inc. J 555 Burke, Unit I · San Francisco, California 94 J 24 · (4 ¡ 5) 647-208 J / fax (415) 821-7123 ù 0 b ~ UlIUIld.ry Re po L L :: mYn.......Hn/.,w..:-:~·;~~:·:·:·:·:·:,····-···· Date:10/04/93 Page: 1 Client:HARTCROWSER Inc Project: 6106 Job #:57151 Analysis Analyte Result units DIESEL Diesel ND<10 mg/kg SURROGATE % OG oil and Grease ND<50 mg/kg VPHBTXE Gasoline ND<1 mg/kg Benzene ND<.003 mg/kg Toluene ND<.003 mg/kg Ethyl Benzene ND<.003 mg/kg Xylenes ND<.009 mg/kg surrogate Recovery 77% j!, (I ,ab# Sam. ID - 1 R7/R8-12.5 1 R7/R8-12.5 1 R7/R8-12.5 Certified Laboratories - - - - Requ~st ' ' Chain of Custody and Analvsis I -Section I page !r:6 I Consultant;, , ¡..I/J((-r CR ð t..U5 E,r¿ /¡Jc Turn AJ'Ound lime B Superior PrecIsIon Analytical, Inc. : Address 353 :5/1C,e. 4./Vt..EyV,O ,",,',- ST¿- 11'Ii) (circle one1 ,J' ,. . P,Q. Box 1545 ~ -:5, F 9 LI I II ; Sarna De" 72 Hra ' . CA Martinez. California 94553 Phone No. t¡ 15 "391 J('¡!ls Fax No. 5-)/ 72 , {, i~® 48 HI-s ' Martinexl 5IOl229-1512 Martinez 215101229-0166 Projee& Manager 7?RIJ//'-J '3ja ¡R.JL L .... rJ.t::> í Nomtal5 Da¥ Sanfranc~o 4151647-2081 A1temate Contact. ell Ie .:s'c;.¡ AJ IE vJ I .--.Jf) Sampler= 'P,jtJ!-¡C. t-<A ,..JD " .' Project; Na. G/Db P.O. No. Regulatory, Agency: ; Section II~ Analysis Request · Sampling Remarks , - ~ C1 , D BÍCH"8media13on ~ e- f .! 5. :.t ~ .. e- X ~ · 11 ! D Underground storage tank 4¡ :r ~ ! E · cJ t!1 /D; , "t% "0; ='!~ . . . ~ J: I, .¡ .2 ,) : D Monitoring Laboratory to .. ID IØ' IØ If ¡: , E 'i 1¡ c:~ .- .- .- ,..... :I , I : 0 Recan1; Contamination. 0 0 0 i . tI , Sample CD (D en .- .- ct en. I 0 0' .~ S: &I I !! ( "& ~ "& .- ~ ex¡ ,cð '- , D Unknown Compounds .- Identification Matrix 0 at g .- f£ i' i E E E ex¡ œ 0 ~ c a ¡: : :1 R7/R8-12.5 S v v '"./ V jQ/li.> I ,..J 2 i : 3 i · · 4 I , 5 Ir )) I I .(~ ) II J i fWs· ! S U U\.: ~ ~ IJU U - , . 7 ¡ . 8, I ! , 9 I , 10 11 ; I 12 , ReJinquiøhed by /15. JJ - ..&..~ 'II ...) ~k Recei'lMd b¥ ~ ",~ ~IT- Lab please initial the ,Uowing: ;f "'"- Organization )../Mí C ~ t>¡.V51 ~ Organization "~'PI\ ~..,r- ~ IJï'lò · , '~':1t> Semp6ea Stored nice Reünquiøhed by IJatølTøne Received by DatelTune Appropriate Contai1era ./ Semples Preeerwd flU Omanizaticn Organization VOAa without H88d6p8C8 NIi Relinquished by Date/lime Received by Oate/lirne Comments o rg an izatiori Organizaaon - ".--.- , . Ii I 'I "- _ . RE.VED C~¡; i¡. 1983 llil Superior Precision Analytical, Inc. ~ ~ 825 Arnold Drive. Suite J 14 · Martinez. California 94553 · (5 J 0) 229- 5 J 2 / fax (5 J 0) 229- J 526 ··~-:-»¡';-V/"'H..,;.:,:,:,~;,:,:,;·:,:,:·:.:,:,:,:.:.:.:.:,:-,,-..,'....-. HARTCROWSER Inc. Attn: BRIAN BJORKLUND Project 6106 Reported 01-0ctober-1993 ANALYSIS FOR CAM 17 METALS California Administration Code Title 22, Paragraph 66700 & EPA Methods SW-846 6010 & 7000 series. Chronology Laboratory Number 90075 Identification Sampled Received Extracted Analyzed Run # Lab # SP1 (A-D) 09/23/93 09/24/93 09/29/93 09/30/93 1 Page 1 of 3 Certified Laboratories RECIED r:'~'~ A !. -'f"".' .. ,-,,-,, "j' ¡Jl<J ' _ '\..00 Iii Superior Precision Anaf.ytical, Inc. ~ ~ 825 Arnold Drive. Suite I J 4 · Martinez. California 94553 · (5 J 0) 229- J 512/ fax I~!?l,,~.~~:x~,,~~~ HARTCROWSER Inc. Attn: BRIAN BJORKLUND Project 6106 Reported 01-0ctober-1993 ANALYSIS FOR CAM 17 METALS Laboratory Number Sample Identification Matrix 90075- 1 SPl (A-D) Soil RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Laboratory Number: 90075- 1 Antimony (Sb) : ND<5 Arsenic (As) : ND<1 Barium (Ba) : 44 Beryllium (Be) : ND<0.5 Cadmium (Cd) : ND<0.5 Chromium (Cr) : 7 Cobalt (Co) : ND<5 Copper (Cu) : ND<5 Lead (Pb) : ND<5 Mercury (Hg) : ND<0.05 Molybdenum (Mo) : ND<5 Nickel (Ni) : ND<5 Selenium (Se) : ND<1 Silver (Ag) : ND<5 Thallium (Tl) : ND<5 Vanadium (V) : 22 Zinc (Zn) : 27 Concentration: mg/Kg Page 2 of 3 Certified Laboratories e RECiVEO OCT 1'¡ 1993 Superior Precision Analytical, Inc. 825 Arnold Drive, Suite 1 J 4 . Martinez, California 94553 · (510) 229-1512/ fax (5 J 0) 229-1526 11: ~...-*"~:w.:_.:-:<,:.;,;.>>>.>>:,:,~:,:,~:.;.;".."",.-. :ompound ANALYSIS FOR CAM 17 METALS Quality Assurance and Control Data - Soil Laboratory Number 90075 Average Method Spike Blank PQL Recovery Limits RPD (mg/Kg) (mg/Kg) (% ) (% ) (%) ND<5 5 93% 75-125 0% ND<l 1 94% 75-125 1% ND<5 5 98% 75-125 0% ND<0.5 0.5 93% 75-125 0% ND<0.5 0.5 94% 75-125 1% ND<5 5 92% 75-125 0% ND<5 5 96% 75-125 0% ND<5 5 96% 75-125 2% ND<5 5 93% 75-125 2% ND<0.05 0.05 106% 75-125 17% ND<5 5 92% 75-125 1% ND<5 5 96% 75-125 1% ND<l 1 100% 75-125 3% ND<5 5 94% 75-125 1% ND<5 5 100% 75-125 4% .( ND<5 5 91% 75-125 2% ND<5 5 95% 75-125 0% Antimony Z\rsenic 3arium .3eryllium Cadmium :hromium , :obal t Copper T...Jead '1ercury Molybdenum Nickel 3elenium 3ilver Thallium vanadium Zinc Definitions: (Sb) : (As) : (Ba) : (Be) : (Cd) : (Cr) : (Co) : (Cu) : (Pb) : (Hg) : (Mo) : (Ni) : (Se) : (Ag) : (Tl) : (V) : (Zn) : ND Not Detected PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit ~C File No. 90075 RPD nt Difference /()h /17 Senior Chemist Account Manager Page 3 of 3 Certified Laboratories e' 'RE.VED OCT 1 .Ii 1993 IEII Superior Precision Ana/yéical, Inc. ~ ~ 825 Arnold Drive. Suite I J 4 · Martinez. California 94553 · (5 ¡ 0) 229-1512/ fax (51 q!,~,~.:!,~~~,.. C E R T I F I CAT E o F A N A L Y S I S LABORATORY NO.: 90075 CLIENT: HARTCROWSER Inc. CLIENT JOB NO.: 6106 DATE RECEIVED: 09/24/93 DATE REPORTED: 10/01/93 ANALYSIS FOR TOTAL PETROLEUM OIL AND GREASE by Method 5520F (formerly 503E) LAB # Sample Identification Concentration (mg/Kg) Total Petroleum Oil & Grease --------------------- ------------------ 1 SP1 (A-D) ND mg/kg - parts per million (ppm) Minimum Detection Limit for Oil & Grease In Soil: 50mg/kg QAQC Summary: MS/MSD Average Recovery = 79% Duplicate RPD = 9% :i;tS¡]£:t) IDI/i3 Laboratory Director Certified Laboratories e fjECEIVEO GCT ~ /, 19°3 Superior Precision Analytical, Inc. '555 Burke. Unit I . San Francisco. California 94124 · 14151647-2081 / fax (4' 5)82 '-7 J 23 III ,;.o:<~»>c_~,«:.:--~,:>"::>:,-...~«<.>:,-O!-::,,..,.. HARTCROWSER Inc Attn: Brian Bjorklund Project 6106 Reported 06-0ctober-1993 EPA SW-846 METHOD 8270 SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS BY GC/MS -,\, Chronology Laboratory Number 90075 'Identification Sampled Received Extracted Analyzed Run # Lab # SP1(A-D) 09/23/93 09/24/93 10/05/93 10/06/93 1 Page 1 of 7 Certified Laboratories e RECEIVED neT e , 1993 Superior Precision Analytical, Inc. J 555 Burke. Unit I · San Francisco. California 94124 · (4' 5/ 6~!~,~08 'L!~~"I~,"<~},,~~'.~? 123 HARTCROWSER Inc Attn: Brian Bjorklund project 6106 Repo~ted 06-0ctober-1993 EPA SW-846 METHOD 8270 SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS BY GC/MS Laboratory Number Sample Identification Matrix 90075- 1 SP1(A-D) Soil Laboratory Number: RESULTS OF ANALYSIS 90075- 1 bis(2-chloroethyl)ethe:ND<330 aniline: ND<330 phenol: ND<330 2-chlorophenol: ND<330 1,3-dichlorobenzene: ND<330 1,4-dichlorobenzene: ND<330 1,2-dichlorobenzene: ND<330 benzyl alcohol: ND<330 bis-(2-chloroisopropyl:ND<330 2-methylphenol: ND<330 hexachloroethane: ND<330 n-nitroso-di-n-propyla:ND<330 4-methylphenol: ND<330 nitrobenzene: ND<330 isophorone: ND<330 2-nitrophenol: ND<330 2,4-dimethylphenol: ND<330 bis(2-chloroethoxy)met:ND<330 2,4-dichlorophenol: ND<330 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene:ND<330 naphthalene: ND<330 benzoic acid: ND<330 4-chloroaniline: ND<330 hexachlorobutadiene: ND<330 4-chloro-3-methylpheno:ND<330 2-methyl-naphthalene: ND<330 hexaclorocyclopentadie:ND<330 2,4,6-trichlorophenol: ND<330 2,4,5-trichlorophenol: ND<800 Concentration: ug/Kg Page 2 of 7 Certified Laboratories e R.IVEO QC r .I .: :í¡J6;1 Iii S~~~:,:.~~ r ~~:~!c~~~'::o~~'r:~~'=:,';o~ ~;~;~~1';2'~3 HARTCROWSER Inc Attn: Brian Bjorklund project 6106 Repo~ted 06-0ctober-1993 EPA SW-846 METHOD 8270 SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS BY GC/MS Laboratory Number Sample Identification Matrix 90075- 1 SP1 (A-D) Soil Laboratory Number: RESULTS OF ANALYSIS 90075- 1 2-chlbronaphthalene: ND<330 2-nitroaniline: ND<800 acenaphthylene: ND<330 dimethylphthlate: ND<330 2,6-dinitrotoluene: ND<330 acenaphthene: ND<330 3-nitroaniline: ND<800 2,4-dinitrophenol: ND<800 dibenzofuran: ND<330 2,4~dinitrotoluene: ND<330 4-nitrophenol: ND<800 fluorene: ND<330 4-chlorophenyl-phenyle:ND<330 diethylphthlate: ND<330 4-nitroaniline: ND<800 4,6-dinitro-2-methylph:ND<800 n-nitrosodiphenylamine:ND<330 4-bromo-phenyl-phenyle:ND<330 hexachlorobenzene: ND<330 pentachlorophenol: ND<800 phenanthrene: ND<330 anthracene: ND<330 di-n-butylphthlate: ND<330 fluoranthene: ND<330 benzidine: ND<1700 pyrene: ND<330 butylbenzylphthlate: ND<330 3.3'-dichlorobenzidine:ND<660 benzo[a]anthracene: ND<330 Concentration: ug/Kg Page 3 of 7 Certified Laboratories e RE_IVEO OCT .J I, ~a01 Superior Precision Analytical, Inc. J 555 Burke. Unit I . San Francisco. California 94124 · /415) 647-208 J / fax (415) 82 J -7123 111;:11 ,t~~: :"""»I«~«««.>:.:.' Z~': :':'~ë':"~':ë~ '~.:.:-:.:: . .. . . . HARTCROWSER Inc Attn: Brian Bjorklund Project 6106 Repo~ted 06-0ctober-1993 EPA SW-846 METHOD 8270 SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS BY GC/MS Laboratory Number Sample Identification Matrix 90075- 1 SP1(A-D) Soil Laboratory Number: RESULTS OF ANALYSIS 90075- 1 chrysene: ND<330 bis(2-ethylhexyl)phtha:ND<330 di-n-octylphthalate: ND<330 benzo(b,k)fluoranthene:ND<330 benzo[a]pyrene: ND<330 indeno[l,2,3-cd]pyrene:ND<330 dibenzo[a,h]anthracene:ND<330 benzo[g,h,i]perylene: ND<330 Concentration: ug/Kg -- surrogate Recoveries -- 2-fluorophenol: 82% phenol-d6: 77% nitrobenzene-d5: 74% 2-fluorobiphenyl: 88% 2,4,6-tribromophenol: 83% terphenyl-d14: 131% Page 4 of 7 Certified Laboratories · RE¡IVEO OCT 1 if 1993 EI S~f:s~::'~: r ~~~~~~:~::r~~;=:~~~~~_~~~~~?l~~l-!r 23 EPA SW-846 METHOD 8270 SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS BY GC/MS Quality Assurance and Control Data - Soil I - , ompound Laboratory Number 90075 Method Blank (ug/kg) RL (ug/kg) Average Spike Recovery (%) Limits (%) RPD (%) ,is (2 -chloroethyl) ethe: aniline: "'henol: -chlorophenol: ~,3~dichlorobenzene: 1,4-dichlorobenzene: I _ ,2-dichlorobenzene: lenzyl alcohol: bis-(2-chloroisopropyl: --methylphenol: .exachloroethane: n-nitroso-di-n-propyla: A-methylphenol: li trobenzene: ....sophorone: 2-nitrophenol: :,4-dimethylphenol: ¡is (2 -chloroethoxy) met: .2,4-dichlorophenol: ~,2,4-trichlorobenzene: laphthalene: JJenzoic acid: 4-chloroaniline: lexachlorobutadiene: !-chloro-3-methylpheno: 2-methyl-naphthalene: lexaclorocyclopentadie: !,4,6-trichlorophenol: 2,4,5-trichlorophenol: ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<800 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 800 85% 90% 26-90 27-123 93% 28-104 97% 41-126 90% 38-107 95% 26-103 Page 5 of 7 Certified Laboratories 1% 0% 0% 2% 1% 0% e ffECE1VED CCT Superior Precision Analytical,. Inc. 1555 Burke. Unit I · San Francisco. California 94 J 24 · (415) 647-~~~~~,~~L~},?L~.?IJI23 EPA SW-846 METHOD 8270 SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS Byc:;clMS Quality Assurance and control Data - Soil ompound Laboratory Number 90075 Method Blank (ug/kg) RL (ug/kg) Average Spike Recovery (%) Limits (%) .', 10G~ ,J RPD (%) _-chloronaphthalene: 2-nitroaniline: cenaphthylene: imethylphthlate: 2,6-dinitrotoluene: "'cenaphthene: , -nitroaniline: ¿,4-dinitrophenol: dibenzofuran: j4-dinitrotoluene: .-nitrophenol: fluorene: "-chlorophenyl-phenyle: liethylphthlate: 4-nitroaniline: .d,6-dinitro-2-methylph: l-nitrosodiphenylamine: ~-bromo-phenyl-phenyle: hexachlorobenzene: )entachlorophenol: )henanthrene: anthracene: 1i-n-butylphthlate: :luoranthene: benzidine: nyrene: )utylbenzylphthlate: J.31-dichlorobenzidine: benzo[a] anthracene: ND<330 ND<800 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<800 ND<800 ND<330 ND<330 ND<800 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<800 ND<800 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<800 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<1700 ND<330 ND<330 ND<660 ND<330 330 800 330 330 330 330 800 800 330 330 800 330 330 330 800 800 330 330 330 800 330 330 330 330 1700 330 330 660 330 84% 31-137 40% 78% 28-89 11-114 113% 17-109 105% 35-142 Page 6 of 7 Certified Laboratories 0% 18% 8% 2% 6% e .CEI\JEO OCT Î !~ 1993 Ell S~'::s~:::'~: I ~:~~:~:~'::m~:~~~~E~ ~~~;!?JB2.!!1 ~.3 ~~A SW-846 METHOD 8270 SEMIVOLATILE ORG ICS BY GC¡MS" Quality Assurance and Control Data - Soil --:ompound Laboratory Number 90075 Method Blank (ug¡kg) RL (ug¡kg) Average spike Recovery (%) RPD (%) Limits (%) :hrysene: bis(2-ethylhexyl)phtha: ~i-n-octylphthalate: lenzo(b,k)fluoranthene: oenzo[a]pyrene: indeno[l,2,3-cd]pyrene: , libenzo[a,h]anthracene: ~enzo[g,h,i]perylene: 2-fluorophenol: )henol-d6 : litrobenzene-d5 : 2-fluorobiphenyl: :,4,6-tribromophenol: :erphenyl-d14 : ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 72% 79% 78% 86% 86% 110% Definitions: ND = Not Detected RPD = Relative Percent Difference RL = Reporting Limit ug/kg = Parts per billion (ppb) QC File No. 90075 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 25-121 24-113 23-120 30-115 19-122 18-137 ~- +-t/vvorr- Seni Chemisto Account Manager Page 7 of 7 Certified Laboratories _ ~CEIVEO OCT L 1Qq3 ., . I 'Vv liil Superior Precision Analytical Inc. ~ ~ 1555 Burke. Unit I · San Francisco, California 94 J 24 · (4 J 5) 647-2081 / fax (4 ¡ 51 ~2!:L!}.~ , HARTCROWSER Inc Attn: Brian Bjorklund . Project 6106 Reported 01-0ctober-1993 .EPA SW-846 METHOD 8240 - VOLATILE ORGANICS by GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY - MASS SPECTROMETRY Chronology Laboratory Number 90075 Identification Sampled Received Extracted Analyzed Run # Lab # SP1(A-D) 09/23/93 09/24/93 / / 09/28/93 1 ¿>e~'{i1í~d L:Tboßtories5 e R_E!Vr-r: ('.-: " ~ '~C;j~ Superior Precision Analytical, Inc. ] 555 Burke, Unit I . San Francisco, California 94] 24 · (415) 647-2081 / fax (415) 82] -7 J 23 _&Y"'/H":{*»:'~:';':':{ HARTCROWSER Inc Attn: Brian Bjorklund Project 6106 Repor.ted 01-0ctober-1993 EPA SW-846 METHOD 8240 - VOLATILE ORGANICS Laboratory Number Sample Identification Matrix 90075- 1 SP1(A-D) Soil Laboratory Number: RESULTS OF ANALYSIS 90075- 1 Chloromethane: ND<50 Bromomethane: ND<50 vinyl Chloride: ND<50 Chloroethane: ND<50 Methylene Chloride: ND<50 Acetone: ND<50 Carbon Disulfide: ND<15 Trichlorofluoromethane:ND<15 1,1-Dichloroethene: ND<15 1,1-Dichloroethane: ND<15 t-1,2-Dichloroethene: ND<15 Chloroform: ND<15 1,2-Dichloroethane: ND<5 2-Butanone: ND<100 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane: ND<15 Carbon tetrachloride: ND<15 vinyl Acetate: ND<50 Bromodichloromethane: ND<15 1,2-Dichloropropane: ND<15 c-1,2-Dichloroethene: ND<15 c-1,3-Dichloropropene: ND<15 Trichloroethene: ND<15 Dibromochloromethane: ND<15 1,1,2-Trichloroethane: ND<15 Benzene: ND<5 t-1,3-Dichloropropene: ND<15 Bromoform: ND<15 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone: ND<50 2-Hexanone: ND<50 Concentration: ug/kg Page 2 of 5 Certified Laboratories , e . Ell Superior Precision Analytical:' Inc. ~ ~ ¡ 555 Burke, Unit I · San Francisco, California 94124 · (4 J 5) 647-2081 / fax (4 1,5) ~M~':~'!'~~ HARTCROWSER Inc Attn: Brian Bjorklund Project 6106 Repo~ted 01-0ctober-1993 EPA SW-846 METHOD 8240 - VOLATILE ORGANICS Laboratory Number Sample Identification Matrix 90075- 1 SP1 (A-D) Soil Laboratory Number: RESULTS OF ANALYSIS 90075- 1 Tetrachloroethene: ND<15 1, 1, 2,2-Tetracl-ethane:ND<15 Toluene: ND<15 Chlorobenzene: ND<15 Ethyl Benzene: ND<15 Styrene: ND<15 Xylenes: ND<15 1,3-Dichlorobenzene: ND<15 1,4-Dichlorobenzene: ND<15 1,2-Dichlorobenzene: ND<15 Concentration: ugjkg -- Surrogate Recoveries -- 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4: 99% Toluene-d8: 104% Bromofluorobenzene: 98% Page 3 of 5 Certified Laboratories · . 'RiE1VED OCT : · - I " IElI Superior Precision Analytical, Inc. ~ ~ 1555 Burke, Unit I · San Francisco, California 94 J 24 · (415) 647-2081 / fax (415) 82 ,~~~~u-~,~, EPA SW-846 METHOD 8240 - VOLATILE ORGANICS Quality Assurance and Control Data - Soil Laboratory Number 90075 Average Method Spike ompound Blank RL Recovery Limits RPD (ug/kg) (ug/kg) (%) (%) (%) hloromethane: ND<50 50 Bromomethane: ND<50 50 I 'ninyl Chloride: ND<50 50 hloroethane: ND<50 50 I Methylene Chloride: ND<50 50 Acetone: ND<50 50 arbon Disulfide: ND<15 15 .richlorofluoromethane: ND<15 15 1,1-Dichloroethene: ND<15 15 85% 59-172 2% ,1-Dichloroethane: ND<15 15 -1,2-Dichloroethene: ND<15 15 Chloroform: ND<15 15 1,2-Dichloroethane: ND<5 5 -Butanone: ND<100 100 i,l,l-Trichloroethane: ND<15 15 Carbon tetrachloride: ND<15 15 'inyl Acetate: ND<50 50 ~romodichloromethane: ND<15 15 1,2-Dichloropropane: ND<15 15 :-1,2-Dichloroethene: ND<15 15 :-1,3-Dichloropropene: ND<15 15 Trichloroethene: ND<15 15 88% 62-137 0% ~ibromochloromethane: ND<15 15 .,1,2-Trichloroethane: ND<15 15 denzene: ND<5 5 89% 66-142 2% t-1,3-Dichloropropene: ND<15 15 ~romoform: ND<15 15 ,-Methyl-2-Pentanone: ND<50 50 2-Hexanone: ND<50 50 Page 4 of 5 Certified Laboratories eRE.'VEO· OCT 1 ./ 1.993 Superior Precision Analytical, Inc. 1555 Burke, Unit I · San Francisco, California 94124 · (415) 647-2081 / fax (415) 82 J -7123 :_""_..._........../..:':~/..:.~:':.:.:.:...:....,.....,. EPA SW~846 METHOD 8240 - VOLATILE ORGANICS Quality Assurance and Control Data - Soil -ompound Laboratory Number 90075 Method Blank (ug/kg) RL (ug/kg) Average spike Recovery (%) RPD (%) Limits (%) etrachloroethene: 1, 1,2, 2-Tetracl-ethane: moluene: hlorobenzene: J:;thyl Benzene: styrene: I _ ylenes: _,3-Dichlorobenzene: 1,4-Dichlorobenzene: ,2-Dichlorobenzene: ,2-Dichloroethane-d4: Toluene-d8: ~romofluorobenzene: ND<15 ND<15 ND<15 ND<15 ND<15 ND<15 ND<15 ND<15 ND<15 ND<15 98% 103% 102% lefinitions: ..iD = Not Detected RPD = Relative Percent Difference :L = Reporting Limit 19/kg = Parts per billion (ppb) QC File No. 90075 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 59-139 60-133 0% 0% 91% 96% 70-121 81-117 74-121 9WVJ1! fr 7{(i;v0r Senior Chemist Account Manager Page 5 of 5 Certified Laboratories e R r- C t:r- i\le 'ï e' ., '-,~.J :~j :,-:4 , " ~CC;~ . ' '':;\J\J Superior Precision Analytical, Inc. 1555 Burke, Unit' . San Francis\J06a'ŠUntmât~4RepiJlJ5t~4~',~,~.~!"~~J~~~,?L~,~J~7123 :'ate:10/07/93 Page: 1 Client:HARTCROWSER Inc Project: 6106 Job #:90075 ~ab# Sam.ID Analysis Analyte Result units - 1 SP1 (A-D) 8240 Chloromethane ND<50 ug/kg Bromomethane ND<50 ug/kg Vinyl Chloride ND<50 ug/kg Chloroethane ND<50 ug/kg Methylene Chloride ND<50 ug/kg Acetone ND<50 ug/kg Carbon Disulfide ND<15 ugjkg Trichlorofluoromethane ND<15 ugjkg 1,1-Dichloroethene ND<15 ugjkg 1,1-Dichloroethane ND<15 ugjkg t-l,2-Dichloroethene ND<15 ugjkg Chloroform ND<15 ugjkg 1,2-Dichloroethane ND<5 ugjkg 2-Butanone ND<100 ugjkg 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane ND<15 ugjkg Carbon tetrachloride ND<15 ugjkg Vinyl Acetate ND<50 ugjkg Bromodichloromethane ND<15 ug/kg 1,2-Dichloropropane ND<15 ugjkg c-1,2-Dichloroethene ND<15 ug/kg c-l,3-Dichloropropene ND<15 ugjkg Trichloroethene ND<15 ugjkg Dibromochloromethane ND<15 ug/kg 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND<15 ugjkg Benzene ND<5 ugjkg t-l,3-Dichloropropene ND<15 ugjkg Bromoform ND<15 ugjkg 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone ND<50 ugjkg 2-Hexanone ND<50 ugjkg Tetrachloroethene ND<15 ugjkg 1,1,2,2-Tetracl-ethane ND<15 ugjkg Toluene ND<15 ugjkg Chlorobenzene ND<15 ugjkg Ethyl Benzene ND<15 ugjkg styrene ND<15 ugjkg Xylenes ND<15 ugjkg 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND<15 ugjkg 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND<15 ugjkg 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND<15 ugjkg 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 99% ~ 0 Toluene-d8 104% ~ 0 Bromofluorobenzene 98% ~ 0 Certified Laboratories J:(f=/"'\t:JI ,_ e _ - <.. , n If Ell Superior Precision AnalyÜcal, Inc. w (~ 1555 Burke, Unit I · San FrancisCJbff1li!ffirn\fu~W4R'e1Þ1:J~t64 7 -20~~~~"J~I,?L§? J -7123 ';::'"ate: 10/07/93 , ";"~J) Page: 2 Client:HARTCROWSER Inc Project: 6106 Job #:90075 Tab# Sam. ID Analysis Analyte Result Units - 1 SF1 (A-D) 8270 2-fluorophenol 82% % phenol-d5 77% % nitrobenzene-d5 74% % 2-fluorobiphenyl 88% % 2,4,6-tribromophenol 83% % terphenyl-d14 131% % bis(2-chloroethyl) ether ND<330 ug/Kg aniline ND<330 ug/Kg phenol ND<330 ug/Kg 2-chlorophenol ND<330 ug/Kg 1,3-dichlorobenzene ND<330 ug/Kg 1,4-dichlorobenzene ND<330 ug/Kg 1,2-dichlorobenzene ND<330 ug/Kg benzyl alcohol ND<330 ug/Kg bis-(2-chloroisopropyl)ethe ND<330 ug/Kg 2-methylphenol ND<330 ug/Kg hexachloroethane ND<330 ug/Kg n-nitroso-di-n-propylamine ND<330 ug/Kg 4-methylphenol ND<330 ug/Kg nitrobenzene ND<330 ug/Kg isophorone ND<330 ug/Kg 2-nitrophenol ND<330 ug/Kg 2,4-dimethylphenol ND<330 ug/Kg bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane ND<330 ug/Kg 2,4-dichlorophenol ND<330 ug/Kg 1, 2, 4-trichlorobenzene ND<330 ug/Kg naphthalene ND<330 ug/Kg benzoic acid ND<330 ug/Kg 4-chloroaniline ND<330 ug/Kg hexachlorobutadiene ND<330 ug/Kg 4-chloro-3-methylphenol ND<330 ug/Kg 2-methyl-naphthalene ND<330 ug/Kg hexaclorocyclopentadiene ND<330 ug/Kg 2,4,6-trichlorophenol ND<330 ug/Kg 2,4,S-trichlorophenol ND<800 ug/Kg 2-chloronaphthalene ND<330 ug/Kg 2-nitroaniline ND<800 ug/Kg acenaphthylene ND<330 ug/Kg dimethylphthlate ND<330 ug/Kg 2,6-dinitrotoluene ND<330 ug/Kg acenaphthene ND<330 ug/Kg 3-nitroaniline ND<800 ug/Kg 2,4-dinitrophenol ND<800 ug/Kg Certified Laboratories Ri~ ¡:::I'/~ ,.". ~-.., '- V I-! : -.......' I , i S~':s:::'~~~, ':~~~!c~~~~~'::~~~;08~~~I~L~217123 Date:10/07/93 e Client:HARTCROWSER Inc project: 6106 Job #:90075 Jab# Sam. ID Analysis Analyte - dibenzofuran 2,4-dinitrotoluene 4-nitrophenol fluorene 4-chlorophenyl-phenylether diethylphthlate 4-nitroaniline 4,6-dinitro-2-methylphenol n-nitrosodiphenylamine 4-bromo-phenyl-phenylether hexachlorobenzene pentachlorophenol phenanthrene anthracene di-n-butylphthlate fluoranthene benzidine pyrene butylbenzylphthlate 3.3'-dichlorobenzidine benzo[a] anthracene chrysene bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate di-n-octylphthalate benzo(b,k)fluoranthene benzo[a]pyrene indeno[l,2,3-cd]pyrene dibenzo[a,h]anthracene benzo[g,h,i]perylene Certified Laboratories '~"-:( " 4°9- ..,."J Page: 3 Result units ND<330 ND<330 ND<800 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<800 ND<800 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<800 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<1700 ND<330 ND<330 ND<660 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg 113/131/93 18:27 2: 4152291526 SUPERIOR L¡:¡BS P.ø4 e - Ii ~':,': >1::~C:~'j~r::~~:~~~Ii~~!r:~~~;-1 ~~~:J.5! 9J22?-., 026 C E ·R T 1 ~ 1 CAT E o F A N A L Y S I S LABORATORY 0.: ~0075 CLIENT: HAR CROWS£R Inc. CL1ENT JOD 0.: ~106 I DATE RECEIVED: 09/24/93 I DA'l'B RgPORTED: 10/01/931 i ANALYSIS FOR TOTAL PETROLEUM OIL AND GREASE by Method 5520F (formerly S03E) ------------------ Concent.ration (mg/Kg) ! Total Petroleum Oil , Gr~as I -----.------------ ¡ LAD # Sa pIe ¡dentification 1 SF (A-D) ND mg/kg - parrc; per million (ppm) Minimum Det ction Limit for oil & Grease JTl Soil: SOmg/kg QAQC Summar MS/MSD Average Recovery "- '/9~ Duplic tê R~D = 9\ ! , ! 10 ¡, Vf e eRECEfVt.D OCT ;, 19Hfi Precision Analytical laboratory, Inc. ~..:..';'. '.,::. _~ ';.""?.~~:~'Z'.,";:';<1::~~l~ä~,;;;::';;·::..:w:~: '.; :'-:·5;.::z:.~~~ì:0:5¡;j:..,,: _...:. ,:....::.~~..:;;;:,,;;1:.::.::. ';':.:.:./;' . ,. ,,~-r:~:D::;;:;;'"".i:,';, : < ~~:~~.;-,." ,·,~:.."::·)~~-:::~~,:_':;¿~~;¡,~:·f .>.-, , 4136 LAKESIDE DRIVE, RICHMOND, CA 94806 PHONE (510) 222·3002 FAX (510) 222·1251 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS STATE LICENSE NO. 1150 Attn: Roger Ames Superior Precision Analytical, Inc. 825 Arnold Drive, Suite 114 Martinez, CA 94553 Date Received: Date Reported: Job #: 09/24/93 09/30/93 75079 Project: #6106 Matrix: Soil corrosivity criteria Title 22, 66708 Client I.D. Lab I.D. 75079-1 SP1 (A-D) ill! 7.8 Ignitability criteria Title 22, 66702 Lab I.D. Client I.D. Iqnitabilitv 75079-1 SP1 (A-D) Non-flammable Reactivity criteria Title 22, 66705 Lab I.D. Client I.D. Cyanide Sulfide MDL 75079-1 SP1 (A-D) ND<1.0 ND< 1. 0 1.0 QA/QC: Spike Recovery for Cyanide: 91% , 4~ DirectorOUTSTANDING QUALITY AND SERVICE CALIFORNIA STATE CERTIFIED LABORATORY JC/dwc . - '- _-r--'- ~- -------. Section I Chain of Custody and Analysis Requ'est g D():¡'~~-Lot-.!.. Consultant Address 1-/ Aa., c::::.-,e~ v.>sÇ'iL )N t. 35"'] 5A-c¡Z~ rY" f..-vTè -ç'\ 'ST;:: J <J ~ SA,...J rrf!..A,...JCISC0 cA 941' Phone No. LJI"5 T9J Iß85 Fa" No. tflS ]91 'C '21 c;, Project Manager y Þ1r--1 '6jc~¿L-L"~Þ Alternate Contact EI!../c SC;/t'JIEW¡.A.JO Project No. 0/DCo P.O. No. Section II: Analysis Request Turn Around Time, (circle one) Same Qáy 72 Hrs ;. 24-Hrs 48 Hrs ~ormal 5 Day Sampler: 'BJo.f.'¿L-t--( r..J r,> Regulatory Agency: Ii,' Superior Precision Analytical, Inc. ECEIVEn nr~·O. Box 1545 '-'Maftírlez.l:aÓfoffl9894553 Martinez I (5101229-1512 Martinez 2(5101229-0166 SanFrancisco (41 S) 647-2081 . Sampling Remarks - f 0 D Sio-remediation c to J ! 6 Cì 0 . to X 1 g: C\j 's 1: D Underground storage tank ~~ UJ t!! i! > CD I.p ~ C) In .Q VI - " " 'õ3 , , , ûi :J: l-\ CD J! ·3 D Monitoring UJ ~ In In In ] ~ ,() ã. Q. 15 ~3 ~ ~ ~ CD E E CD o Recent Contamination c c c " ~ ûi . f' 1.../ CD CD .8 ; CD CD CD ~ ~ C!) en en c c ~ ~ ; aj Æ rJ , B ~ E "8 "8 "8 .... q- Cl:I 0L £ D Unknown Compounds Matrix c (\J <t tJ ~ tJ ~ CD ::J E E E CD (D tJ .... ~ q- c a. J c ¡:: z S v v V 'v V' q1z3Å¡ tf ¡V e".",fos ,')'€ i.V L'" ß. ( A - Ð ) Laboratory Sample Identification 1 ?'p I (4 - 1) ') 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Relinquished by Organization Relinquished by Organization Relinquished by Organization "' .-, A, J DJitajTi Received by Î/.n 1'1 <>-r IA1...,LJ. <'1!U /<¡ '3 /(J~ 10 Organization Sf,.('4' !'/Ti¡.. DatalÌïme Received by Organization DatalTime Recaived by Organization -r/J A./1"........ ,~ '].0, v l/Jæ 1 C~~5'C'õC . ~~~~3e Lab please initial th~ollowing: , .!Ii : t", 4... Samples Stored in Ice ª ' Date/lim. Appropri- Contain.... Sampl86 Pre6Brwd ' ' VOAs without Head6gae,. DatalTime Comments 5' e £6m ~ .I.:JO 03A/3J3tl Iii Superior Precision Analytical, Inc. ~ ~ 825 Arnold Drive, Suite 114 · Martinez, California 94553 · (5 0) 229-1512 I fax (~,L~L~>~.:<:,~~~~ HARTCROWSER Inc. Attn: BRIAN BJORKLUND Project 6106 Reported 06-0ctober-1993 ANALYSIS FOR CAM 17 METALS California Administration Code Title 22, Paragraph 66700 & EPA Methods SW-846 6010 & 7000 series. Chronology Laboratory Number 57152 Identification Sampled Received Extracted Analyzed Run # Lab # SP2- (A-D) 09/30/93 10/01/93 10/04/93 10/05/93 1 Page 1 of 3 Certified Laboratories e iECEIVEO CC:T 1 !~ 1993 Ell Superior Precision Analytical, Inc. ~ ~ 825 Arnold Drive. Suite 114 · Martinez, California 94553 · (510) 229-15 2 ~ ~ax r51,£L~"~,~<:,,~,.~.~.~.... HARTCROWSER Inc. Attn: BRIAN BJORKLUND Project 6106 Reported 06-0ctober-1993 ANALYSIS FOR CAM 17 METALS Laboratory Number Sample Identification Matrix 57152- 1 SP2- (A-D) Soil RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Laboratory Number: 57152- 1 Antimony (Sb) : ND<5 Arsenic (As) : 3 Barium (Ba) : 62 Beryllium (Be) : ND<O.5 Cadmium (Cd) : ND<0.5 Chromium (Cr) : 7 Cobalt (Co) : ND<5 Copper (Cu) : 6 Lead (Pb) : 6 Mercury (Hg) : ND<0.05 Molybdenum (Mo) : ND<5 Nickel (Ni) : ND<5 Selenium (Se) : ND<l Silver (Ag) : ND<5 Thallium (Tl) : ND<5 Vanadium (V) : 23 Zinc (Zn) : 41 Concentration: mg/Kg Page 2 of 3 Certified Laboratories e '.CE/\/E, ,r'ì, r,,~"'· \: _. , I' ,t .' of" ....ß1 U '-' I '; :J);¡;:j Ii Superior Precision Analytical, Inc. ~ ~ 825 Arnold Drive, Suite 114 · Martinez. California 94553 · (5 ¡ 0) 229-15 J 2/ fax (~!£L~~.~~,~ ?2,6 Compound ANALYSIS FOR CAM 17 METALS Quality Assurance and Control Data - Soil Laboratory Number 57152 Average Method Spike Blank PQL Recovery Limits RPD (mg/Kg) (mg/Kg) (% ) (%) (%) 00<5 5 94% 75-125 3% 00<1 1 104% 75-125 7% 00<5 5 100% 75-125 0% ND<0.5 0.5 98% 75-125 0% 00<0.5 0.5 98% 75-125 1% 00<5 5 99% 75-125 0% 00<5 5 102% 75-125 1% ND<5 5 99% 75-125 1% ND<5 5 98% 75-125 0% 00<0.05 0.05 116% 75-125 2% ND<5 5 98% 75-125 1% 00<5 5 98% 75-125 0% ND<l 1 96% 75-125 3% ND<5 5 96% 75-125 3% 00<5 5 99% 75-125 1% ND<5 5 102% 75-125 1% ND<5 5 97% 75-125 1% Antimony A.rsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Copper Lead Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium Vanadium Zinc Definitions: (Sb) : (As) : (Ba) : (Be) : (Cd) : (Cr) : (Co) : (Cu) : (Pb) : (Hg) : (Mo) : (Ni) : (Se) : (Ag) : (Tl) : (V) : (Zn) : ;- ND = Not Detected PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit RPD QC File No. 57152 rcen;~ ~7;~nce Senior Chemist Account Manager Page 3 of 3 Certified Laboratories e 'f1iEIVED :]C;- ;' { 1993 Superior Precision Analytical, Inc. J 555 Burke. Unit I · San Francisco. California 94124 · 1415/ 64 7:~~~,,~.:~.~.1~,,!~182 J -7123 HARTCROWSER Inc Attn: Brian Bjorklund Project 6106 Reported 06-0ctober-1993 EPA SW-846 METHOD 8240- VOLATILE ORGANICS by GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY - MASS SPECTROMETRY Chronology Laboratory Number 57152 Identification Sampled Received Extracted Analyzed Run # Lab # SP2-(A-D) 09/30/93 10/01/93 / / 10/03/93 1 Page 1 of 5 Certified Laboratories e jECE1VED DC; ^ " Superior Precision AnalyLical, Inc. 1555 Burke, Unit I · San Francisco, California 94124 · (415/ 647-2081 /~r,~,~!~"I,~L~,~}~7'23 1°C"" \.:",j HARTCROWSER Inc Attn: Brian Bjorklund Project 6106 Reported 06-0ctober-1993 EPA SW-846 METHOD 8240 - VOLATILE ORGANICS Laboratory Number Sample Identification Matrix 57152- 1 SP2-(A-D) Soil Laboratory Number: RESULTS OF ANALYSIS 57152- 1 Chloromethane: ND<50 Bromomethane: ND<50 Vinyl Chloride: ND<50 Chloroethane: ND<50 Methylene Chloride: ND<50 Acetone: ND<100 Carbon Disulfide: ND<15 Trichlorofluoromethane:ND<15 1,1-Dichloroethene: ND<15 1,1-Dichloroethane: ND<15 t-1,2-Dichloroethene: ND<15 Chloroform: ND<15 1,2-Dichloroethane: ND<5 2-Butanone: ND<100 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane: ND<15 Carbon tetrachloride: ND<15 Vinyl Acetate: ND<50 Bromodichloromethane: ND<15 1,2-Dichloropropane: ND<15 c-1,2-Dichloroethene: ND<15 c-1,3-Dichloropropene: ND<15 Trichloroethene: ND<15 Dibromochloromethane: ND<15 1,1,2-Trichloroethane: ND<15 Benzene: ND<5 t-1,3-Dichloropropene: ND<15 Bromoform: ND<15 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone: ND<50 2-Hexanone: ND<50 Concentration: ugjkg Page 2 of 5 Certified Laboratories , '~l,t:IVË O '-;,-.-,- U' A e e 'J I. If !.g~13 iii Superior Precision Analytical Inc. ~! ~ 1555 Burke, Unit I · San Francisco. California 94 24 · (4151 64 7 -20~~!a!J~,L~ ~,~I,:l,J2~ HARTCROWSER Inc Attn: Brian Bjorklund Project 6106 Reported 06-0ctober-1993 EPA SW-846 METHOD 8240 - VOLATILE ORGANICS Laboratory Number Sample Identification Matrix 57152- 1 SP2-(A-D) Soil Laboratory Number: RESULTS OF ANALYSIS 57152- 1 Tetrachloroethene: ND<15 1,1,2,2-Tetracl-ethane:ND<15 Toluene: ND<15 Chlorobenzene: ND<15 Ethyl Benzene: ND<15 styrene: ND<15 Xylenes: ND<15 1,3-Dichlorobenzene: ND<15 1,4-Dichlorobenzene: ND<15 1,2-Dichlorobenzene: ND<15 Concentration: ug/kg -- Surrogate Recoveries -- 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4: 100% Toluene-d8: 115% Bromofluorobenzene: 83% Page 3 of 5 Certified laboratories · RECEIVL-D' ,":.."': '0:: _ _ c: '-1011 ., ., j!~ IElI S~f:s~~~~~, ~~~~~~:C;:;:::'~'-::,~~~~o.~~~;.~3L~~!!123 EPA SW-846 METHOD 8240 - VOLATILE ORGANICS Quality Assurance and Control Data - Soil --:ompound Laboratory Number 57152 Method Blank (ug/kg) RL (ug/kg) Average Spike Recovery (%) Limits (%) 1993 RPD (%) :hloromethane: Bromomethane: "Tinyl Chloride: :hloroethane: Methylene Chloride: Acetone: :arbon Disulfide: '~richlorofluoromethane: 1,1-Dichloroethene: .,1-Dichloroethane: :-1,2-Dichloroethene: Chloroform: ~,2-Dichloroethane: :-Butanone: 1,1,1-Trichloroethane: Carbon tetrachloride: - -Tiny 1 Acetate: 3romodichloromethane: 1,2-Dichloropropane: ;-1,2-Dichloroethene: ;-1,3-Dichloropropene: Trichloroethene: ryibromochloromethane: L,1,2-Trichloroethane: denzene: t-1,3-Dichloropropene: 3romoform: I-Methyl-2-Pentanone: 2-Hexanone: ND<50 ND<50 ND<50 ND<50 ND<50 ND<100 ND<15 ND<15 ND<15 ND<15 ND<15 ND<15 ND<5 ND<100 ND<15 ND<15 ND<50 ND<15 ND<15 ND<15 ND<15 ND<15 ND<15 ND<15 ND<5 ND<15 ND<15 ND<50 ND<50 50 50 50 50 50 100 15 15 15 15 15 15 5 100 15 15 50 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 5 15 15 50 50 84% 59-172 90% 62-137 89% 66-142 Page 4 of 5 Certified Laboratories 1% 1% 1% HECEIVEO eCT .¡ iii Superior p!ciSion Analyticat,-'nc. ' ., ~!~ 1555 Burke. Unit I · San Francisco. California 94124 · (415)647-2081/ fax (415)821-7123 ___4 _~o!-!o:__~:-""""''''''Y' .::'...'.>..:... EPA SW-846 METHOD 8240 - VOLATILE ORGANICS Quality Assurance and control Data - Soil -ompound "oo';J "-v,'; Laboratory Number 57152 Method Blank (ugjkg) RL (ugjkg) Average Spike Recovery (%) RPD (%) Limits (%) etrachloroethene: 1, 1, 2, 2-Tetracl-ethane: moluene: hlorobenzene: 1!;thyl Benzene: styrene: ylenes: '_,3-Dichlorobenzene: l,4-Dichlorobenzene: ,2-Dichlorobenzene: ,2-Dichloroethane-d4: Toluene-d8: uromofluorobenzene: ND<15 ND<15 ND<15 ND<15 ND<15 ND<15 ND<15 ND<15 ND<15 ND<15 98% 104% 100% )ef ini tions : ~m = Not Detected RPD = Relative Percent Difference ~ = Reporting Limit Igjkg = Parts per billion (ppb) QC File No. 57152 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 59-139 60-133 1% 1% 89% 97% 70-121 81-117 74-121 ~~ -f{-1J w~ Se ior Chem:Ì! t Account Manager Page 5 of 5 Certified Laboratories Hf:::CEIVEO i::~i, / "d~:1 Iii S~':s~~~~:1 ~~~~:~~:r~;=:~~~~~~~~;:L~?I:n2J HARTCROWSER Inc Project 6106 Attn: Brian Bjorklund Reported 06-0ctober-1993 ,:....,-...; EPA SW-846 METHOD 8270 SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS BY GC/MS Chronology Laboratory Number 57152 Identification sampled Received Extracted Analyzed Run # Lab # SP2-{A-D) 09/30/93 10/01/93 10/05/93 10/06/93 1 Page 1 of 7 Certified Laboratories e ,e }jECElVEil C:'; .'~ Superior Precision Analytical, Inc. V/ J 555 Burke. Unit I · San Francisco. California 94 124 · (4 J 5) 647-2081 / fax (4 I 5) 821-7123 ¡~::~:!:~. "~~1-:"_:.¢' ~'-:'è"":':'{::""'~':"""';""" , r¡;~ "''-'v HARTCROWSER Inc Attn: Brian Bjorklund Project 6106 Repor~ed 06-0ctober-1993 EPA SW-846 METHOD 8270 SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS BY GC/MS Laboratory Number Sample Identification Matrix 57152- 1 SP2-(A-D) Soil Laboratory Number: RESULTS OF ANALYSIS 57152- 1 bis(2~chloroethyl)ethe:ND<330 aniline: ND<330 phenol: ND<330 2-chlorophenol: ND<330 1,3-dichlorobenzene: ND<330 1,4-dichlorobenzene: ND<330 1,2-dichlorobenzene: ND<330 benzyl alcohol: ND<330 bis-(2-chloroisopropyl:ND<330 2-methylphenol: ND<330 hexachloroethane: ND<330 n-nitroso-di-n-propyla:ND<330 4-methylphenol: ND<330 nitrobenzene: ND<330 isophorone: ND<330 2-nitrophenol: ND<330 2,4-dimethylphenol: ND<330 bis(2-chloroethoxy)met:ND<330 2,4-dichlorophenol: ND<330 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene:ND<330 naphthalene: ND<330 benzoic acid: ND<330 4-chloroaniline: ND<330 hexachlorobutadiene: ND<330 4-chloro-3-methylpheno:ND<330 2-methyl-naphthalene: ND<330 hexaclorocyclopentadie:ND<330 2,4,6-trichlorophenol: ND<330 2, 4, 5-trichlorophenol: ND<800 Concentration: ug/Kg Page 2 of 7 ' Certified Laboratories .. _. _ . _ . RECEIVED fC, , lEI Super/or PrecIsIon AnalytIcal, Inc. J.J ~ 1555 Burke. Unit I · San Francisco. California 94124 · (415) 647-2081 / 'fax (4 51 821-7123 --»>«-:_'---~:-;:<':"""-:::"""'~""::':'::".:".:-:.-"'- , ';ûq~ , ''.. ,-,.J HARTCROWSER Inc Attn: Brian Bjorklund Project 6106 Repo~ted 06-0ctober-1993 EPA SW-846 METHOD 8270 SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS BY GC/MS Laboratory Number Sample Identification Matrix 57152- 1 SP2-(A-D) Soil Laboratory Number: RESULTS OF ANALYSIS 57152- 1 2-chloronaphthalene: ND<330 2-nitroaniline: ND<800 acenaphthylene: ND<330 dimethylphthlate: ND<330 2,6-dinitrotoluene: ND<330 acenaphthene: ND<330 3-nitroaniline: ND<800 2,4-dinitrophenol: ND<800 dibenzofuran: ND<330 2,4-dinitrotoluene: ND<330 4-nitrophenol: ND<800 fluorene: ND<330 4-chlorophenyl-phenyle:ND<330 diethylphthlate: ND<330 4-nitroaniline: ND<800 4,6-dinitro-2-methylph:ND<800 n-nitrosodiphenylamine:ND<330 4-bromo-phenyl-phenyle:ND<330 hexachlorobenzene: ND<330 pentachlorophenol: ND<800 phenanthrene: ND<330 anthracene: ND<330 di-n-butylphthlate: ND<330 fluoranthene: ND<330 benzidine: ND<1700 pyrene: ND<330 butylbenzylphthlate: ND<330 3.3'-dichlorobenzidine:ND<660 benzo [a] anthracene: ND<330 Concentration: ug/Kg Page 3 of 7 Certified Laboratories ___ . .RECEivED GCT ii Superior ~cision Analytical:' Inc. ~J\~ 1555 Burke, Unit' · San Francisco, California 94' 24 · (415) 647-2081 / fax (415) 821-7 J 23 ,(_«'»':~·Y.>Yh~<~"':<'~.:<-,,: ~?',~: ',~:_~::< ..'....,. r;.,Ç~ l....oJ~ HARTCROWSER Inc Attn: Brian Bjorklund Project 6106 Repor~ed 06-0ctober-1993 EPA SW-846 METHOD 8270 SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS BY GC/MS Laboratory Number Sample Identification Matrix 57152- 1 SP2-(A-D) Soil Laboratory Number: RESULTS OF ANALYSIS 57152- 1 chrysene: ND<330 bis (2-ethylhexyl) phtha:ND<330 di-n-octylphthalate: ND<330 benzo(b,k)fluoranthene:ND<330 benzo[a]pyrene: ND<330 indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene:ND<330 dibenzo[a,h]anthracene:ND<330 benzo[g,h,i]perylene: ND<330 Concentration: ug/Kg -- Surrogate Recoveries -- 2-fluorophenol: 84% phenol-d6: 82% nitrobenzene-d5: 82% 2-fluorobiphenyl: 88% 2,4,6-tribromophenol: 108% terphenyl-d14: 100% Page 4 of 7 Certified Laboratories '-....,,1:./11"" , - v tv : .:f' 7" IIiI Superior P"äsion Ana.{ytica/'~nc. . ~. ~i f¡ 1555 Burke, Unit I · San Francisco. California 94 124 . (4 I 5) 64 7 -20,~,~.(m!~~J~,I,?)~?JJI?~ .. , __~_,__N'......_··· .,. <... EPA SW-846 METHOD 8270 SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS BY GC/MS Quality Assurance and Control Data - Soil ¡'Of) ') t)Vd Laboratory Number 57152 Average Method Spike "-)mpound Blank RL Recovery Limits RPD (ug/kg) (ug /kg) (%) (%) (%) is(2-chloroethyl)ethe: ND<330 330 aniline: ND<330 330 , n~enol: ND<330 330 85% 26-90 1% -chlorophenol: ND<330 330 90% 27-123 0% ~,3-dichlorobenzene: ND<330 330 1,4-dichlorobenzene: ND<330 330 93% 28-104 0% ,2-dichlorobenzene: ND<330 330 - enzyl alcohol: ND<330 330 bis-(2-chloroisopropyl: ND<330 330 --methylphenol: ND<330 330 exachloroethane: ND<330 330 n-nitroso-di-n-propyla: ND<330 330 97% 41-126 2% 4-methylphenol: ND<330 330 itrobenzene: ND<330 330 ~sophorone: ND<330 330 2-nitrophenol: ND<330 330 ,4-dimethylphenol: ND<330 330 is (2-chloroethoxy) met: ND<330 330 2,4-dichlorophenol: ND<330 330 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene: ND<330 330 90% 38-107 1% aphthalene: ND<330 330 .oenzoic acid: ND<330 330 4-chloroaniline: ND<330 330 exachlorobutadiene: ND<330 330 .-chloro-3-methylpheno: ND<330 330 95% 26-103 0% 2-methyl-naphthalene: ND<330 330 exaclorocyclopentadie: ND<330 330 ,4,6-trichlorophenol: ND<330 330 2, 4, 5-trichlorophenol: ND<800 800 Page 5 of 7 Certified Laboratories liil Superior Pltcision Ana/ytica!'IJii:~EIVEO C2f .¡ 1993 'r ~! h 1555 Burke. Unit I · San Francisco. California 94 124 · (4 I 5) 647-2081 / fax (4' 5) 82 J -7 J 23 : ..w.-~~~>>';<:·},MW'<:~N.~~"_';"·::":_:_"_:>;'::'::.:'::';_"": .,..,: EPA SW-846 METHOD 8270 SEMIV0LATILE ORGANICS BY GC/MS Quality Assurance and Control Data - Soil Laboratory Number 57152 Average Method Spike --ompound Blank RL Recovery Limits RPD (ug/kg) (ugjkg) (%) (%) (%) -chloronaphthalene: ND<330 330 2-nitroaniline: ND<800 800 "cenaphthylene: ND<330 330 imethylphthlate: ND<330 330 ¿,6-dinitrotoluene: ND<330 330 acenaphthene: ND<330 330 84% 31-137 0% -nitroaniline: ND<800 800 ",4-dinitrophenol: ND<800 800 dibenzofuran: ND<330 330 -,4-dinitrotoluene: ND<330 330 40% 28-89 18% -nitro phenol: ND<800 800 78% 11-114 8% fluorene: ND<330 330 4-chlorophenyl-phenyle: ND<330 330 iethylphthlate: ND<330 330 ....-nitroaniline: ND<800 800 4,6-dinitro-2-methylph: ND<800 800 '-nitrosodiphenylamine: ND<330 330 -bromo-phenyl-phenyle: ND<330 330 hexachlorobenzene: ND<330 330 -entachlorophenol: ND<800 800 113% 17-109 2% henanthrene: ND<330 330 anthracene: ND<330 330 di-n-butylphthlate: ND<330 330 luoranthene: ND<330 330 I ..Jenzidine: ND<1700 1700 pyrene: ND<330 330 105% 35-142 6% utylbenzylphthlate: ND<330 330 .3'-dichlorobenzidine: ND<660 660 benzo[a] anthracene: ND<330 330 Page 6 of 7 Certified Laboratories _ _~ËCE¡VEO /', -"t '. _ _ (JLI Ell Superior Precision Analyt"ical, Inc. r;¡ , 1555 Burke. Unit I · San Francisco. California 94/24 · (4 J 5/ 647·208! /.~~:.t!! 5/ 82 J -7123 EPA SW-846 METHOD 8270 SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS BY GC/MS Quality Assurance and Control Data - Soil -- ompound I ,":' - Laboratory Number 57152 Method Blank (ug/kg) RL (ug/kg) Average . Spike Recovery (%) RPD (%) Limits (%) _hrysene: bis(2-ethylhexyl)phtha: -i-n-octylphthalate: enzo(b,k)fluoranthene: benzo[a]pyrene: indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene: _ ibenzo[a,h]anthracene: JJenzo[g,h,i]perylene: 2-fluorophenol: henol-d6: .itrobenzene-d5 : 2-fluorobiphenyl: -,4,6-tribromophenol: ,erphenyl-d14 : ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 72% 79% 78% 86% 86% 110% )ef ini tions : ~D = Not Detected RPD = Relative Percent Difference {L = Reporting Limit ~g/kg = Parts per billion (ppb) QC File No. 57152 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 25-121 24-113 23-120 30-115 19-122 18-137 ~ =-¡{. :N~r S ior Chemi t Account Manager ... 0" ~ ... Page 7 of 7 Certified Laboratories S . ~ e .. A /'trf-· feZ RECEiVED Gr'T ,j' /""3 uperlor ¡-recIsion nar.y a.1ca, nc. './ : '" :;;; 1555 Burke, Unit I · San Francisco, California 94' 24 · (415) 647-~g,~~~~<~j~,!,?L~? I-? I Z3 HARTCROWSER Inc Project 6106 Attn: Brian Bjorklund Reported 06-0ctober-1993 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS DIESEL BY EPA 8015M Chronology Laboratory Number 57152 Identification Sampled Received Extracted Anàlyzed Run # Lab # SP2-(A-D) 09/30/93 10/01/93 10/01/93 10/02/93 1 Page 1 of 3 Certified Laboratories · . RECEI'VED Jr:.y Superior Precision Analytical, Inc. /S9"j' 1555 Burke. Unit' · San Francisco. California 94124 · (4151 647·2~~fa;.1~}.~L~?fJI23 HARTCROWSER Inc Attn: Brian Bjorklund project 6106 Repor~ed 06-0ctober-1993 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS DIESEL Laboratory Number Sample Identification Matrix 57152- 1 SP2-(A-D) Soil RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Laboratory Number: 57152- 1 Diesel: 1100* Concentration: mg/kg *DOES NOT MATCH TYPICAL DIESEL PATTERN Page 2 of 3 Certified Laboratories e e RtCË1VEO CCT ;"¡ Superior Precision Analytical, Inc. 1555 Burke, Unit I · San Francisco. California 94 J 24 · (4' 5) 647-2081 / fax (415) 821-7 J 23 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS 'D':rESEL~~,,",,",,,,·,,·,,·,q, Quality Assurance and Control Data - Soil ..~,-:'" ,.. iÙ0~:; Laboratory Number 57152 - -)mpound Method Blank RL (mgjkg) (mgjkg) Average Spike Recovery (%) Limits (%) RPD (%) iesel: ND<10 10 85% 75-125 16% nefinitions: 'D = Not Detected ~PD = Relative Percent Difference RL = Reporting Limit gjkg = Parts per million (ppm) _C File No. 57152 ~f-trV~ Se or Chem± t Account Manager Page 3 of 3 Certified Laboratories e _ 'Y'=CFillr:n (>~ê"" '. Ii S~'::s~::'~~~r ~~~~!c~:~:'~::~~~~~;:;~;!518217123 ..:-r;,.... "'i HARTCROWSER Inc Attn: Brian Bjorklund Project 6106 Repo~ted 06-0ctober-1993 OIL AND GREASE BY STANDARD METHODS 5520F Chronology Laboratory Number 57152 Identification Sampled Received Extracted Analyzed Run # Lab # SP2-(A-D) 09/30/93 10/01/93 10/04/93 10/04/93 1 I I - Page 1 of 3 Certified Laboratories e _ JrEC£fV'JL:D- ~, - - L..: u·....,.. ¿,,¡ llii Superior Precision Analytical, Inc. ~! ~ 1555 Burke. Unit I · San Francisco. California 94 124 · (415) 6£:,~,?,,~!_~}~:,uL~J~)~21.7 J 23 1 4 1993' HARTCROWSER Inc Attn: Brian Bjorklund Project 6106 Repo~ted 06-0ctober-1993 OIL AND GREASE BY STANDARD METHODS 5520F Laboratory Number Sample Identification Matrix 57152- 1 SP2-(A-D) Soil Laboratory Number: RESULTS OF ANALYSIS 57152- 1 oil and Grease: 540 Concentration: mgjkg Page 2 of 3 Certified Laboratories e e REC£IVËD OCT iiI S~'::s~::'~~~'~~~~:~:~::::~~~~~~:~~~~;I~182In23 I ,; OIL AND GREASE BY STANDARD METHODS 5520F '" ' Quality Assurance and Control Data - Soil í993 ompound Laboratory Number 57152 Average Method spike Blank RL Recovery Limits RPD (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (%) (%) (%) ND<50 50 69% 47-97 14% ",il and Grease: )ef ini tions : ND = Not Detected ~D = Relative Percent Difference ~L = Reporting Limit Jag/kg = Parts per million (ppm) QC File No. 57152 ~~r~T Account Manager Page 3 of 3 Certified Laboratories e e RECEIVED GCT lEi! Superior Precision Analytical, Inc. ~JI.:' J 555 Burke. Unit I . San Francisco, California 94 J 24 . /415} 647-208' / fax (415) 821-7 J 23 . '~--"""">"::'::':~':::"::"":'::-:"':.:-".:"..',::: 1 'I' í993 HARTCROWSER Inc Attn: Brian Bjorklund Project 6106 Reported 06-0ctober-1993 ANALYSIS FOR GASOLINE, BENZENE, TOLUENE, ETHYLBENZENE, AND XYLENES by EPA SW-846 Methods 5030/8015M/8020. Chronology Laboratory Number 57152 Identification sampled Received Extracted Analyzed Run # Lab # SP2-{A-D) 09/30/93 10/01/93 / / 10/04/93 1 Page 1 of 3 Certified Laboratories Frr=C£11¡, _ _ '£D ÛC¡I .r " . . I 'f íggg Superior Precision Ana/yt'ical, Inc. J 555 Burke. Unit I · San Francisco. California 94 124 · 14 J 5) 64 7.,~~9~,~Lr,~~J~'?I~?J -7123 HARTCROWSER Inc Attn: Brian Bjorklund project 6106 Repo~ted 06-0ctober-1993 ANALYSIS FOR GASOLINE, BENZENE, TOLUENE, ETHYLBENZENE, AND XYLENES Laboratory Number Sample Identification Matrix 57152- 1 SP2-(A-D) Soil Laboratory Number: RESULTS OF ANALYSIS 57152- 1 Gasoline: Benzene: Toluene: Ethyl Benzene: Xylenes: ND<l ND<.003 ND<.003 ND<.003 ND<.009 Concentration: mg/kg -- Surrogate Recoveries -- Surrogate Recovery: 66% Page 2 of 3 Certified Laboratories e e ,!f£CEIVEO OCT ~ :( iii S~'::s~::'~~~, ~~~~!c~!o~':o':::''::~~~~~?~~~ISL~21.7.'n ANALYSIS FOR GASOLINE, BENZENE, TOLUENE, ETHYLBENZENE, AND XYLENES Quality Assurance and Control Data - Soil (gSJ asoline: Benzene: ....oluene: thyl Benzene: Xylenes: Laboratory Number 57152 Average Method Spike Blank RL Recovery Limits RPD (mg jkg) (mgjkg) (%) (%) (%) ND<1 1 90% 75-125 15% ND<.003 .003 114% 75-125 16% ND<.003 .003 118% 75-125 6% ND<.003 .003 113% 75-125 3% ND<.009 .009 115% 75-125 0% ~ompound " )efinitions: ~D = Not Detected RPD = Relative Percent Difference RL = Reporting Limit ~gjkg = Parts per million (ppm) QC File No. 57152 ~~~' s ior Che st Account Manager Page 3 of 3 Certified Laboratories · . RECElflffJ OCT ' Ii S~'::s~::~~~, ~~~~!c~:~':o;:;:~~~~~';~r;~;!.~JB~'7' 23 C E R T I F I CAT E 0 F A N A L Y S I S LABORATORY NO.: 57152 CLIENT: HARTCROWSER INC CLIENT JOB NO.: 6106 DATE RECEIVED: 10/01/93 DATE REPORTED: 10/06/93 DATE ANALYZED: 10/06/93 ANALYSIS FOR FLASH POINT by EPA SW-846 Method 1010 # Sample Identification Flash Point (degree C) --------------------- ---------------------- 1 SP2-(A-D} >100 ~1' I- tJwe~, Senior hemist Account Manager Certified Laboratories 4 1993 e e RECEIVED OCT Superior Precision Analytical, Inc. 555 Burke. Unit I · San Francisco. California 94 24 . !4151647,~o~9~~,,~,,«~,~~~J~}? 821.7123 C E R T I F I CAT E 0 FAN A L Y S I S , í993 LABORATORY NO.: 57152 CLIENT: HARTCROWSER INC CLIENT JOB NO.: 6106 DATE RECEIVED: 10/01/93 DATE RE~ORTED: 10/06/93 DATE ANALYZED: 10/04/93 LAB # 1 ANALYSIS FOR pH by; EPA Method 9041 Sample Identification pH --------------------- --------- SP2-(A-D) 8.1 s'f-NvVer Senio' Chemist Account Manager Certified Laboratories e e RECEIVED (:-~' ) Superior Precision AnaJ.ytical Inc. .I" , 1555 Burke. Unit I · San Franci~8rP~~9ß~14~"Y2~ëp!:1rt1~47,:~"~~~~,"~,~~,~L~I,~J§21.7123 uate:10/06/93 .",'/' .. tY,,:; v..J Page: 1 Client:HARTCROWSER Inc project: 6106 Job #:57152 - ab# Sam.ID Analysis Analyte Result units - 1 SP2-{A-D) 8240 Chloromethane ND<50 ug/kg Bromomethane ND<50 ug/kg vinyl Chloride ND<50 ug/kg Chloroethane ND<50 ug/kg Methylene Chloride ND<50 ug/kg Acetone ND<100 ug/kg Carbon Disulfide ND<15 ug/kg Trichlorofluoromethane ND<15 ug/kg l,l-Dichloroethene ND<15 ug/kg l,l-Dichloroethane ND<15 ug/kg t-l,2-Dichloroethene ND<15 ug/kg Chloroform ND<15 ug/kg l,2-Dichloroethane ND<5 ug/kg 2-Butanone ND<100 ug/kg l,l,l-Trichloroethane ND<15 ug/kg Carbon tetrachloride ND<15 ug/kg vinyl Acetate ND<50 ug/kg Bromodichloromethane ND<15 ug/kg 1,2-Dichloropropane ND<15 ug/kg c-l,2-Dichloroethene ND<15 ugjkg c-l,3-Dichloropropene ND<15 ugjkg Trichloroethene ND<15 ug/kg Dibromochloromethane ND<15 ugjkg l,1,2-Trichloroethane ND<15 ugjkg Benzene ND<5 ug/kg t-l,3~Dichloropropene ND<15 ug/kg Bromoform ND<15 ug/kg 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone ND<50 ug/kg 2-Hexanone ND<50 ug/kg Tetrachloroethene ND<15 ug/kg l,l,2,2-Tetracl-ethane ND<15 ug/kg Toluene ND<15 ug/kg Chlorobenzene ND<15 ug/kg Ethyl Benzene ND<15 ug/kg styrene ND<15 ug/kg Xylenes ND<15 ug/kg l,3-Dichlorobenzene ND<15 ug/kg 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND<15 ug/kg l,2-Dichlorobenzene ND<15 ug/kg l,2-Dichloroethane-d4 100% % Toluene-d8 115% % Bromofluorobenzene 83% ~ 0 Certified Laboratories ¡¡-c- . e e ~i\~ .Juperlor Precision Ana(ytical, Inc. __, ' 555 Burke. UnIt' · San Franct¥6'bC~W 2*e'þ~t/647-2081 / fax (115/821-7/23 I ....a te: 10/ 06/93 ' " "'~--"'~=""~"~'"""''''.,'''''''''''''''' ,.... "CCt::.fV"""'" . , eLl " ,'j " Page: 2 Client:HARTCROWSER Inc Project: 6106 Job #:57152 T,ab# Sam. ID Analysis Analyte Result Units - 1 SP2-(A-D) 8270 2-fluorophenol 84% % phenol-d6 82% 9-- 0 nitrobenzene-d5 82% % 2-fluorobiphenyl 88% % 2,4,6-tribromophenol 108% % terphenyl-d14 100% % bis(2-chloroethyl) ether ND<330 ug/Kg aniline ND<330 ug/Kg phenol ND<330 ug/Kg 2-chlorophenol ND<330 ug/Kg 1,3-dichlorobenzene ND<330 ug/Kg 1,4-dichlorobenzene ND<330 ug/Kg 1,2-dichlorobenzene ND<330 ug/Kg benzyl alcohol ND<330 ug/Kg bis-(2-chloroisopropyl)ethe ND<330 ug/Kg 2-methylphenol ND<330 ug/Kg hexachloroethane ND<330 ug/Kg n-nitroso-di-n-propylamine ND<330 ug/Kg 4-methylphenol ND<330 ug/Kg nitrobenzene ND<330 ug/Kg isophorone ND<330 ug/Kg 2-nitrophenol ND<330 ug/Kg 2,4-dimethylphenol ND<330 ug/Kg bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane ND<330 ug/Kg 2,4-dichlorophenol ND<330 ug/Kg 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene ND<330 ug/Kg naphthalene ND<330 ug/Kg benzoic acid ND<330 ug/Kg 4-chloroaniline ND<330 ug/Kg hexachlorobutadiene ND<330 ug/Kg 4-chloro-3-methylphenol ND<330 ug/Kg 2-methyl-naphthalene ND<330 ug/Kg hexaclorocyclopentadiene ND<330 ug/Kg 2,4,6-trichlorophenol ND<330 ug/Kg 2,4,5-trichlorophenol ND<800 ug/Kg 2-chloronaphthalene ND<330 ug/Kg 2-nitroaniline ND<800 ug/Kg acenaphthylene ND<330 ug/Kg dimethylphthlate ND<330 ug/Kg 2,6-dinitrotoluene ND<330 ug/Kg acenaphthene ND<330 ug/Kg 3-nitroaniline ND<800 ug/Kg 2,4-dinitrophenol ND<800 ug/Kg Certified Lal)oratories e _ RECEiVED" ' iii Superior Precision Analytical, Inc. __ ;!~ 555 Burke. Unit I · San Franci.¥RhC~{1Vn~Î'V 2*e"Q~Ð 64:,:22~,~,< ~~,x(415) 821-7123 Date:10/06/93 Client:HARTCROWSER Inc Project: 6106 Job #:57152 ab# Sam.ID Analysis Analyte - dibenzofuran 2,4-dinitrotoluene 4-nitrophenol fluorene 4-chlorophenyl-phenylether diethylphthlate 4-nitroaniline 4,6-dinitro-2-methylphenol n-nitrosodiphenylamine 4-bromo-phenyl-phenylether hexachlorobenzene pentachlorophenol phenanthrene anthracene di-n-butylphthlate fluoranthene benzidine pyrene butylbenzylphthlate 3.3'-dichlorobenzidine benzo[a] anthracene chrysene bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate di-n-octylphthalate benzo(b,k)fluoranthene benzo[a]pyrene indeno[l,2,3-cd]pyrene dibenzo[a,h]anthracene benzo[g,h,i]perylene 1 SP2-(A-D) DIESEL Diesel SURROGATE 1 SP2-(A-D) FLASHPT FLASHPOINT FLASHPT 1 SP2-(A-D) SP2-(A-D) SP2-(A-D) OG oil and Grease 1 PH PH 1 VPHBTXE Gasoline Benzene Toluene Certified Lêlboratories .:- .~~~~~j -~'Jo.J Page: 3 Result Units ND<330 ND<330 ND<800 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<800 ND<800 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<800 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<1700 ND<330 ND<330 ND<660 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 ND<330 1100* >100 540 8.1 ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ugjKg ug/Kg ug/Kg ugjKg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg mg/kg % C mgjkg ND<l mg/kg ND<.003 mg/kg ND<.003 mg/kg RECEIVED :.,",7' e e '"vi Superior Precision Analytical, Inc. J 555 Burke. Unit I · San Franci1ffi>C~~àft' 2JteÞ~ 64 7-2~~.~,,~~;j~IS,!,~?'~7J 23 Gãte:10/06/93 .;, ~CQ, I ""'V'y' Page: 4 Client:HARTCROWSER Inc Project: 6106 Job #:57152 . lb# Sam. ID Analysis Analyte Result units - Ethyl Benzene Xylenes Surrogate Recovery ND<.003 mg/kg ND<.009 mg/kg 66% % Certified Laboratories Ã1J::l.,;ErV£[J ;:c,~_ e e1~¡ n Superior Precision Analytical, Inc. II J 555 Burke, Unit I · San ~ancJsco. Eal~ornia 94' 24 ~~~~i ~47_:~£~~",~r.~~J~,'?)~?':7,123 LU ec LUgLE::::Jö ,. ....... -.' ..-, --'.' .'... ,.,.... ..'. Date:l0/07/93 '~"j '....,.\,j Page: 1 Client:HARTCROWSER Inc. Project:6106 Job #:57152 ] lb# Sam. ID Analysis Analyte Result Units - - -- 1 SP2 - (A-D) CAM17 Antimony (Sb) ND<5 mg/Kg Arsenic (As) 3 mg /Kg, Barium (Ba) 62 mg/Kg Beryllium (Be) ND<O.5 mg/Kg Cadmium (Cd) ND<O.5 mg/Kg Chromium (Cr) 7 mg/Kg Cobalt (Co) ND<5 mg/Kg Copper (Cu) 6 mg/Kg Lead (Pb) 6 mg/Kg Mercury (Hg) ND<O.OS mg/Kg Molybdenum (Mo) ND<5 mg/Kg Nickel (Ni) ND<5 mg/Kg Selenium (Se) ND<l mg/Kg Silver (Ag) ND<5 mg/Kg Thallium (Tl) ND<5 mg/Kg Vanadium (V) 23 mg/Kg Zinc (Zn) 41 mg/Kg Certified Laboratories Rt:l..EI"V LU - .....,. - ,-., , -- '. Cl1ain I kequest , p--, .& 'I "1 '.1 '~.' i , af Custody and Ãnat~Sls j Section" ~ I at.J. , : , Cansuitant;. HAa-r- C£D ¡LJS~ I ,-.J c.. Tum ~unct lima 'ò Ii) Superior Predston Ana'ytlca'" Inc. : Address 35) 5.Ac. M ,/Ý\. ~'lí) :1', 'S1F I /Vi:: (~OM~ · f. 94 'I ( SamaDqC72I~ P,Q. Box I 545 ì 5, CA Martinez. California 94553 ~ Phone No. :1~ , Ie 7', s Fax No. 391 'Lì..lb 24 Hrs ~ 48 Hrs A ~ne:rl (510'229-1512 Martinez 2. (SIOI 229-0166- : Pro¡ød; MansQe¡- 8ó2 ) JJ ("-../ 3s D/2~I.-LJ.¡^Jþ ~ C~ali5d..i: SAP ~rancisco(+15 Ó+7-2081 , ; Alternate Contact: E12 \ c. SCJI ¡U I c I.rJ ,.v/~ Sampler: 8.j,,¡e¡L L-I.A rJ D f Project; Na. Û>rDC:. F.a. No.. ,Requtato&"y Agen~ t · Section II':, ~alysis Request: · · Sampling Remarks ; '- ~ : ~ · e c: ~ 0 EflO1"8mediatjort · 1 '- ! .! Is ¡ , ë : æ ~ · þ,- 'X' ~ æ I. [ 0 Underground stDraqe- tank := I!! , ¡ <¡ (!l CD ~ E ~'tr "0; c! - 'ð~ I . ,Î.åt J: . at ..2' ; 0 Manitormg : , . ~-æ. I æ ¡: IJ 'i '!S ' . taboi:'8tory CD.. IØ IØ IB "- IE , :~ .- - - 'r- i r'\. I : 0 R~ [;antaminatian. · a ,a a ,j . V CIa ¡ Samplæ em CD CD .- - ct ~ ell' œ i a a ~ S: &I .W ¡ ~! ,'8; ~ ''8 .- q" CD ca. fÆ . 0 Unkn~ C'ampounds ' fdentifi'catian Matröc . c; aa -c g .-' ~. L ' :~ .E ,E :E D CD a ~ a, a ,1= ., s?Z-!A-'J\) 1" L- ' ........ V V V V v ''/~ 0 'If Gc.m Pos )7£ )r-J L--A.ð ........ , 2 : ':) : ¡ I : 4. , ~ S · " 6 - I .. ,7 ! ! a . ¡ . s .. · , I " , 1Q · . ! 11' : i ~ 12 , I ~uMed by. ~. RI...... " .J eec./T'.... FW:m.i ~ \ -=-:~ ~~ ' Deca4- Lah please initial the fa(lawing: /G·) '~j/e}> ..--' " :1°/, q3 J-~ l' /rI U c..~ ¡¿ () v-JSE~ . Organizaàon ¿5i'"1'\ ~j - Drg8llÏZ8I:iID . &~O ,s.np¡. Stared it Jc:. /' , aec./T'me A4K .iwd bf DetaIT.... ,APIJI-. w.. ConcaNrs ../ ~by> Sernpee ~1,..Md ¡.¡-o . Organizøtåan Organizac:ion VQAa withouc H-i8pece I-IA- Relinquished by DaœlTlmIi ReceÎll8dby , Cace/Tame Co.,.._,ta Orqanizaaon Organizacion ..'.;r - - Western Operations e eECEIVED OCT :' ...,"') RECErVEO eCT i 4 1993 Clayton ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 1252 Quarry lane , P,o, Box 9019 Pleasanton, CA 94566 (510) 426-2600 Fax (510) 426-0106 October 7, 1993 Ms. Nicki Heath SUPERIOR ANALYTICAL LABORATORY 1555 Burke Street, Unit 1 San Francisco, CA 94124 Client Ref.: 57152 Clayton Project No.: 93100.17 Dear Ms. Heath: Attached is our analytical laboratory report for the samples received on October 4, 1993. A copy of the Chain-of-Custody form acknowledging receipt of these samples is attached. Please note that any unused portion of the samples will be disposed of after November 6, 1993, unless you have requested otherwise. We appreciate the opportunity to be of assistance to you. If you have any questions, please contact Suzanne Silvera, Client Services Supervisor, at (510) 426-2657. Sincerely, ·1klL(1btLO.}d¿ Harriotte A. Hurley, CIH Manager, Laboratory Services Western Operations HAHjtjb Attachments Clayton Environmental ConsultantS,lnc, . A r-¿,ars~ & "'~clennan ~ompany . Detroit . New York/Newark . Atlanta . San Francisco e 'RECEIVED C_ ,¡ :. 1993 Clayton ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS Page 3 of 5 Analytical Results for Superior Analytical Laboratory Client Reference: 57152 Clayton Project No. 93100.17 ~-mple Identification: METHOD BLANK Date Sampled: b Number: 9310017-02 Date Received: 10/04/93 Sample Matrix/Media: SOIL Limit of Date Date Prep Analysis Analyte Concentration Detection Units Prepared Analyzed Method Method J active Cyanide <1 1 mg/kg 10/07/93 EPA 9010 L_active Sulfide <10 10 mg/kg 10/07/93 SW ND: Not detected at or above limit of detection Information not available or not applicable ~sults are reported on a wet weight basis, as received e , e RECE1Vr-O ¡ ,i\'~' c: VVj Clayton ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS ..;. :'593 Page 2 of 5 Analytical Results for Superior Analytical Laboratory Client Reference: 57152 Clayton Project No. 93100.17 ~mple Identification: 57152-1 Date Sampled: b Number: 9310017~1 Date Received: 10/04/93 Sample Matrix/Media: SOIL Limit of Date Date Prep Analysis Analyte Concentration Detection Units Prepared Analyzed Method Method active Cyanide <1 1 mg/kg 10/07/93 EPA 90lD , active Sulfide <10 10 mg/kg 10/07/93 SW NO: Not detected at or above limit of detection --. Information not available or not applicable F suIts are reported on a wet weight basis, as received Clayton lab Number: ExL/Prep, Method: Dat e: Analyst: Std, Source: Sample Matrix/Media: 9310017·01A EPA9010 10/07193 TK MALL6881 SOIL Quality Assurance Results Summary for Clayton Project No, 93100.17 Analytical Method: Instrument 10: Oat e: Time: Analyst: Un Its: Paf- I. of " EPA9010 07487 10/07193 02:00 TK mg/kg Analyte Sampl e Result CYANIDE .... ND ' Spike Level 10,0 Matrix Spike Result MS Recovery (%) Matrix Spike Duplicate Result MSD Recovery (%) 116 Average Recovery (% R) LCL (% R) UCL (% R) S8 13S RPD (") UCL (%RPD) 117 0.9 LCS ; Laboratory Control Sample ND ; Not detecled at or above limit of detect Ion II. 7 117 11. 6 LCL ; Lower Control Limit UCL ; Upper Control Limit SOR; Spike out of range due to bigb sample concentration, 2S e ~ i fít~ li::J.1 .'....,.;. , .~..;. ) -,. ëJ) (..,. W Clayton Lab Number: Ext,/Prep. Method: Da t e: Anal yst; Std. Source: Sample Matrix/Media: 9310017-0IA' EPA7 3 4 2 10/07/93- IK KODAK ADA SOIL Quality Assurance Results Summary tor Clayton Project No. 9310il.17 Pé -, 5 o~ r Analytical Method: Instrument 10: Oat e: lime: Analyst: Unl t s: EPA7 3 4 2 -OÕOÕ~ 10/07/93 04: 00 TK mg/kg i 'I Analyte Sample Result REACTIVE SULFIDE NO I II II I· Spike Level 272 Matrix Spike Result 219 MS Recovery (") 81 Matrix Spike Duplicate Result 239 MSD Recovery (") 88 Average Recovery (" R) LCL (" R) UCL (" R) RPD UCL (") ("RPD) 8,7 LCS = Laboratory Control Sample NO = Not detected at or above limit of detection LCL Lower Control Limit 84 7S 12S UCL = Upper Control Limit SOR = Spike out of range due to high sample concentration, 2S -- ;ti m (') ~ m a .'-'J. ·t') u ·.....-1 -~~ '-D .::.0. 4J r~-~,r:;:Yj"-':~::;:Y;::': ~--~~."' - ",:--:---:-., !,_~t:'r - ",".;::;:" . ., :'a· .:,. . " J ~' " '. ·.·.',1 A~.nDJ::,·'l~Jn;'f'V C· L!1 ..-::r ~c.:.d .~~-, ' - ,.., 1\ ~<-¡ -'. .: ~ . , , .J I ....;.. - . " {.~-t...- -.----. ---.-.. c-r¿ COLE'S SERVICES ·P.O. Box 10764 Bakersfield. CA 93389 EPA NO. CAL931545554. (805) 322-8258 Waste 011 H_ul.r 13239 '~CUSTOMER ___C)M V /' ~ ADDRESS JJ 4 A-, x / ¿'J¿;!3 e e 45g7 CONTACT PERSON PHONE II ory. UNIT 43s GAt. a eÛLJ_.5TRUC:;~ 7P#i'~~ . . Jf1 ~ /£x P.O. # DES(;RIPTlON ,W~.sT¿'oIG ))/7 ¡ Z. 70 UNIT PRICE AMOUNT t 4 .:¡:;J.).I). LuE£. . ð I ¿ . trat:l~POr.t(i;:d i=Q; Glbsen Oil-&. RQtin~ Con/(,:<trt,;¡'~JI õf. Bak.,ry EPA -1'ÞCAD880883 1'77 PLEASE PA Y FROM Generator Signa~,-: Transporter Signature 7).¡E GENERA TOR 'S RESPONsIBLE FOR AlL DISPOsAL COSTS RESUlTING FRO&.I WATER OR. OTHER TOXICS FOUND N T~\'IASTE Oil. TOTAL J. ..... ..... ",- .. THIS IS TO CERTIFY thatlhe followi recognized authority 01 accuracy, a administered by tha Division 01 Meas ...- . , - - '. ..., --,.-.,. WEIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE ~ ~ described commodity was weJghed, measured. ôrCOunted by elghrn ter wh prescribed by Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 12700) 01 lion 01 'the. ement Standards 01 the Calilornla Department 01 FOOd and Agricul re . , I I~í. .. j~1 - , . . . .. -- - ._. U_ ". h _ _ .... __ d : - - - _.. __0 . _. .:,,\, r .:: ~ :1,-,-.-. _ . . ~ I':: I' . - ", .~ - -.. - --.. . - ~r -, \ I,', . \ ..~. ~ \ ~~'.~'~' 4-,," .! :' ,'.- , 1,.1."': .. ¡ ~ 1 ¡ ?: I . . I , . ¡ - '. - - - - - -.. - . ". ,- - .:.'. ~- . _.__~.. . _._0. - ,-:,: .L: ... - . ¡". :..... -- - -. .. r."'. ,n - - - -- ~~~~------------------------------ f~----------------------------- '·t', .' - ..., .', {- :. l ! ··Jii' . . ..,:.;/.: :"'~- À _i ....;.. ......'.:_..,...:...._ '.:.10'0._ .. . 'I'" , ";': , ~, ;\ I;\'. ;...... ':\",,--. _i.Ì i.i.....: , ,~-- ) " )1 ,'/) "t 111; ; ~ !o,iJ. ¡ }'! . ',~ ¡ I ).1' i' -i ¡." ) ff,· ..\,i /'1 J1 ·C. ....~; ~ ." òt. . ignature Is on this certifieat!', who is a ornia Businesa and Professions Code. G 058~è4 '" ;< :~ ::; 2 ~ :.;. 1 ¡.- - ...:. L. '.- .,¡, -. :":-;.~~; : .. . - -.. . :' .. - ., ,. . ,-.. ~ ~'..' - f~:::- i'.:" ~:' . . '\' , ',. '" .. ". j. TCr~s '":"'! --."' :'~. :.-:: ~~: ~ fFJOOR ORIGINAL ,~ . '--..1.- " . "'J ') i I.' e ') e -- ,- WEIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the loll owing described commodity WII weighed.. measured, or counted by a wei\lhmaster, whose signature Is on this certificate. who Is a':. recognized authority 01 accuracy, as prescribed by Chapter 7 (co",!menclng with SectJon 12700) 01 DIvIsion 5 01 the Calilornia Business and PrOlessions COde' administered by tha Division of Measurement Standards 01 the Call1orma Depertment 01 Food and Agriculture, . G 059603' GOLDEN STATE METALS, RC*3441 CASHIERS SYSTEM J *, * * CASH RECEIPT * * * .' \. RECEIPt D~ 1179 0 RECEIPT DATE:(10/01/93 ~ BOLDEN STATE METALS, RCI3441 ~ / y.' 2000 E. BRUNDA6E LANE i , BAKER SF I ELD, , CA 93387 J .) , V h I "DCfiNS I.D. I ,', Drder I \. I . I ~~;~~;-~~~~~~~~;----------------r. ----- ~;~~~---~~;-~-- ~;~----~~~ -J~~~~~------;~-~~ - ----;~~~;-~~-;~~~~; ~~~-----~~~-~_~~~;ji~~~~; ._ _, ". ~ _. ) J¡'j.O~UNP¡¡EPAI\Eß, - SH¡AR ' ,~- 14bQO..·-l~21) -2400.-__. 0". 2400 - 30 .OOOO&-- N't'-.......,T(f(J~ , ' ¡ T... ~ './. .. : f'- I ;.' '..~ ì .. ..:. '.; ;;\ II) ! .: .t .. \, " {' P chased Fro.: S OKLEY CONST.HALL C6607971' {' ) e l , '. " .l·: . \ ì . .)\:. , i . "!~ ~ .. ,Ii,: ~J e 1 \ .:: 1 -----:.:' ~~"_m_J__'~".~.. ...... 3 ,00 .. :~: . .' ....:¡ . ¡'J' I {; ~; NE~ . ;~~~ '} f») ¡ , ~~: ,'(!:. -. . I Q)@RORIGItW, f t{~.' 'i' t ! :f .... -, \, I . . . , I . .'. I f\ .Ll~IGHTS NOT ~PECI m:ARE IN/:UN~ _ \ ~\ -l'~ __ ~,- \ .-:~ J; 2400 T $ t" .; ·----"- r 0." - ---- ---~-----'"T"'--- ," -"'C. r-:). I ",' I ; "r--/" e è-- " '.'¡ \ : ) , - ,.; ,,-' APP:ENDIX 11 ·:$:()if~1JispøSÌlI·:S1tipPing'.Pape't$. ' " . , \ , J . It. \,:J~ ,I·' ~, ,{ . :'1, ..:~ '- (To Be Used For: NON-HAZARDOUS WASTES ONLY I GENERATOR' (GENERATOR MUST COMPLETE) NAME e... .~)--'II) .:.}JTO FIELD ADDRESS i).',;. ~.~, I rJ ( E CITY,STATE,ZIP / ..}jff¡''',.7; ._ { I . t .; PHONE :' If} ') 77 ~_ ,) ')1 (/ SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED AGENT Xc](::!-? ~~:J(l (oJ' 11-1Yd}!)/~.Ilj 1-;,'(1 í DATE:" / 0 /111 J (15 I ,I o M.P. VACUUM TRUCK SERVICE INC. THE GENERATOR CERTIFIES THAT THE WASTE AS DESCRIBED IS 100% NON-HAZARDOUS o M.P. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC. ) ,8689 WASTE TO BE DISPOSED TYPE ::-,,:J /..//") GENERATING LOCATION " I /.II) I, ' J .,,' (': ,...., ') SPECIAL HANDLING INSTRUCTIONS.vvA/{.:" D GLOVES D GOGGLES D OTHER . QUANTITY DSBLS./GLS.I/j IYARDS DTONS e DESIGNATED FACILITY NAME ¿'il)} ')11 ./ ~'.-jl",ir:>/'J,"r:,~/í ,,'1L ADDRESS (" I r) '.' F ( 01"17 In t- / ( , ~H, , ",-' CITY,STATE,ZIP d~U(t'/~ i':U-IJ) (.) PHONE (r (,)", ) ./)"7 - () (./) .~ , I I 'TRANSPORTER t (HAULER MUST COMPLETE) M.P. VACUUM TRUCK SERVICE INC. 3400 MANOR STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 ( 805) 393-1151 ~@OR OR~G~NA[l I DISPOSAL FACILITY' NAME ADDRESS CITY,STATE,ZIP PHONE SIGNATURE DATE DISP. TICKET # TICKET # //: 'F'I} PICKUP DATE /.... _. /;.1 ,- SIGNATURE ..-~"" I \'(~i j)" . UNIT NO. ',' TIME '.. DATE /¡': ..' ' , NOTE: THIS FORM TO BE IN LIEU OF THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST FOR NON-HAZARDOUS WASTES ONLY, . QUANTITY D ~ D RECEIVED BBLS.I GLS. ~ YARDS TONS TIME AM_ PM DISPOSAL METHOD: D SURFACE--IMPOUNDMENT o LANDFILL D INJECTION DOTHER RETURN COPY TO: GENERATOR UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED NOTE: IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO SEND COPY TO DOHS e REMARKS ( To Be Used For: NON-HAZARDOUS WASTES ONLY I GENERATOR ~ (GENERATOR MUST COMPLETE) NAME f:,'/Adl).C}vJ(} , FIELD ADDRESS~'.ú() L1j'u5l (- ',0.1,) CITY ,ST A TE,ZIP ,~:~¡< t. (", FIr (- /; . .,' /+ PHONE (0:-) I () ) ~,¡-l _ . ~)') ~/c. SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED AGENT X ,y (:: r ¡:; J \,.:) {( r l'ý I/) Y f)l(ft/¡) t { ( /r·T o M.P. VACUUM TRUCK SERVICE' INC. DATE: /0 II f/ f¡ ? I . THE GENERATOR CERTIFIES THAT THE WASTE AS DESCRIBED IS 100% NON-HAZARDOUS o M.P. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC. ) .85,33 WASTE TO BE DISPOSED TYPE <, fl·, .1/) ~ . GENERATING LOCATION '~/I1[J :ih¡;¡, {" 1'040 SPECIAL HANDLING INSTRUCTIONS'L(J/Vl.~ [2] GLOVES D GOGGLES D OTHER QUANTITY DBBLS./GLS.I' '; YARDS DrONSe DESIGNATED FACILITY . NAME (.; , I;· t".f II i ¿·':..Il/> r (J/tJ ¡ n ~ ~ ,1 q C ADDRESS é ,:;11) 0 F- l·(Jdl )?){- r ( IA t I...JY' CITY,STATE,ZIP ¡}/7u 1:(''.; '::1 f ( /) (4 PHONE ('()'~) :'~-> -jL1i3 , . I.~ . ..... ITRANSPORTER , (HAULER MUST COMPLETE) M.P. VACUUM TRUCK SERVICE INC. 3400 MANOR STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 (805) 393-1151 I DISPOSAL F ACIUTY ~ NAME ADDRESS CITY ,ST A TE,ZIP PHONE SIGNATURE , DATE DISP. TICKET # TICKET #,.'¡ , ì / ~~, PICKUP DATE :~:- ,. SIGNATURE.~~j >,.~ UNIT NO. / .í' / // .', TIME ,J, -¡ 1 / /~.~ "?,- DATE /..1 ' ",; I,; NOTE: THIS FORM TO BE IN LIEU OF THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST FOR NON-HAZARDOUS WASTES ONLY. ' e QUANTITY D D D RECEIVED BBLS./ GLS. YARDS TONS TIME AM PM DISPOSAL METHOD: D SURFACÈ' IMPOUNDMENT DLANDFILL D INJECTIÓN' DOTHER RETURN COpy TO: GENERATOR UNLES$ OTHERWISE SPECIFIED NOTE: IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO SEND COpy TO DOHS ' . REMARKS POO~'~!!~AL.,,,., ....__..~~_.._~._. n' . Wtl~HMASlt ( I.tRTlflI.AII: 4 10 ,.,,¡tv Ih. following described commodity was weighed, measured. or counted by Q weighmoster, whoM Ilgnolur. i. on this co,· ,~. who is 0 ftKogniled Qutha. fity 0' accuracy. 01 prescribed by Chopf., 7 (commencing with Se<.:tlon 12700) of Dlvllion 5 0' th. Coljfor· . .. ,10 Bu_in... and Proleuionl Code. administered by Ih. Civilian o' MeoIurement Standard. 0' Ih. California Department o' Food and Agriculture. J WEIGHED AT ONTARIO TRUCK STOP r1.. 4330 INLAND EMPIRE BLVD, L..rI§¡NTARIO, CA, , 201413 ~N TRUCK STOP 25 PIERCE RD, BAKERSfIElD, CA, DATE BEACON OIL COMPANY WEIGHMASTER ~ 30460 Lb 33 irò REMARKS .11 tRAll£R LICENSE NO ~ p ;)... ^-'d....o ~ --- EQIJIPWNI NO 7;)", <, < WEIGHT (lBS,) GROSS TARE NET - ;; is ~ ~ ~ - / :,~~~ OR1GI~£[l,