HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION .. , - ~- .! ..... ...HAZ~OUS MA1ERIALS ra:ISION TIME CHARGED BUSlNESS/DEAPRTMENT NAME: N1M..t(~ <S)(. P!<9;s ADDRESS: 2..$190 WI ßL£: ~ . PROJECT DESCRIPTION: í¡yV<. ~~ ~ u ?óJW)E, VI sPC..v ~C:..Il-s. PROJECT NUMBER: Ç"o3 DATE: NAME: V'81 (,,(04 cÞ'W i/,~þ4- .' ,. u~?JW -4 1v.- @ 1¿4. TIME CHGD: A~ 4- 1> .. ~ 416 PRomCf COMPLETION: .) ?-~'\C(\ . J''\ 'l, \ COMMENTS: Re.v,~ t<.S ~ J ¡ S<;ot. /"tVð!.,L od.ru- DATE: ~r¡;J~ ,--- .. ~ ~ .. -" , ~iit.:j(l"". ' , ~~, fi! t.5.,;.=" \ - May 5, 2004 ironm.ental " Enviro t Consultant Mr. Abdul Aziz 5004 Greenville Court Bakersfield, California 93313 TANK CLOSURE REPORT FOR THE MARKET EXPRESS NUMBER 2 2500 WIBLE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA (BFDESD PTA #BR-0314) Dear Mr. Aziz: Central Sierra Environmental, LLC (CSE) was contracted by BC Enterprises, on behalf of Mr. Abdul Aziz, to conduct soil sampling and laboratory analysis associated' with fueling facility upgrade activities at the above,.referenced site. The tank rèmoval activities were performed under Permit to Abandon (PT A) . # BR-0314 with the Bakersfield' Fire Department Environmental Services Division (BFDESD) in association with replacement of the fueling systems at the site (see Attachment 1 for a copy of the BFDESD PT A). SITE DESCRIPTION "~ . .. "'; The subject site is located at 2500 Wible Road, Bakersfield, Kern County, California (see Figure 1 - Site L~Cation Map). The site is at an elevation of approximately 380 feet above MSL, and the topography is .,.re~àtively flat with a slight slope to the south-southwest. The property is located within the southeast , '.' " " quálter of the northeast quarter of Section 11, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, MDBM. The site is 10catE¡!d anhe southeast comer of the intersection of Wilson and Wible roads in the City of Bakersfield, The.~it~·is an operating gasoline service station and convenience store. Located at the site were two 12,dOO-gallon gasoline UST (designated herein as Tank Nos. 1 and 2), one 12,OOO-gallon diesel UST (designated herein as Tank No.3), three gasoline multiple product dispensers (MPDs) on three dispenser islands, three diesel single product dispensers (SPDs) on the three dispenser islands, product lines, and vapor lines (see Figure 2 - Plot Plan). The UST cluster and piping runs were lined with a 60-milliliter plastic liner. All of these fueling facilities were removed in February 2004 and replaced by new fiberglass-clad, double-walled USTs, MPDs, and product and vapor lines, ;,1 ;.:¿;.... The property owner is Mr. Abdul Aziz, 2500 Wible Road, Bakersfield, California, 93304, (661) 831-9561. The general contractor contact is Mr. Robert Underwood, BC Enterprises, 7104 Elkhorn Street, . Bakersfield, California, 93313, (661) 203-5184. The environmental consultant is Mr. Mark Magargee, Central Sierra Environmental, LLC, 1400 Easton Drive,. Building E, Suite 132, Bakersfield, California, 1400 Easton Drive, Suite 132, Bakersfield, California 93309 (661) 325-4862 - Fax (661) 325-5126, censenv@ao1.com - ~ ':,~ "'r, ---.~ ~, ;r-~~ >ç Mr. Abdul Aziz Market Express May 5,2004 - Page 2 . 93309, (661) 325-4862. The regulatory agency contact is Mr. Steve Underwood, Bakersfield Fire Department Environmental Services Department, 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300, Bakersfield, California 93301, (661) 326-3979, SITE BACKGROUND GEOLOGY The site is located at an elevation of approximately 380 feet above MSL, and the topography slopes slightly to the south-southwest (see Figure 1). The site is located in the southern portion of the Great Valley geomorphic province. T"e Great Valley is a north-south-trending valley approximately 400 miles long by 50 miles wide. the southern portion of which is referred to as the San Joaquin Valley. The surface of the San joaquin Valley is underlain by unconsolidated, Quaternary alluvial sediments. The alluvial sediments are underlain by older, predominantly lake bed deposits. These deposits lie unconformably on Miocene-Pliocene marine sediments, which extend to a èrystalline basement at a depth of approximately 30,000 fbg (California Division of Mines and Geology, 1965, Geologic Map of California, Bakersfield Sheet). The Quaternary deposits form a homocline dipping gently to the north-northwest. The alluvium consists of silty sands and fine-grained. to coarse-grained sands, with intervals of finer grained sandy silts and clay. The deposits are alluvium consisting of poorly indurated and dissected fan and lake bottom deposits. Surface soils are classified by the Soils Conservation Services as Kimberlina - Urban Land - Cajon Complex and are characterized as 35 percent Kimberlina fine, sandy loam with moderate permeability; 30 percent Urban land with impervious surfaces and altered fills; and 20 percent Cajon loamy sand with high permeability, HYDROGEOLOGY Surface water and groundwater in the San Joaquin Valley are derived predominantly from the Sierra Nevada to the east and are transported by five major rivers, the southernmost being the Kern River, The subject site is located approximately 3 miles south of the Kern River. The depth to the regional unconfined aquifer is estimated to be in excess of 150 fbg at the site, - and the groundwater gradient is anticipated to be to the south-southwest, toward· the ancient Kern lake bed (Kern County Water Agency (KCWA), 2002, 2001 Report on Water Conditions, Improvement District No.4, February 1, 2002). Perched groundwater at depths as shallow as 20 feet is known to be present 2 miles to the east of the site, along the abandoned course of the Kern River, but is not known to extend to the site (KCWA, 2002,M2001 Water Supply Report, January 2002). . ,~ ~ ~ .,~ Mr. Abdul Aziz . Market Express May 5,2004 - Page 3 PROJECT HISTORY The service stâtion was constructed in 1977 by Sun Valley Oil Company as a Texaco-branded service station, The original station building, dispenser islands, and canopy remain at the site. However, the original single-walled steel USTs were located to the west of the station building (see Figure 2 for the former UST cluster location). On April 30, 1987, Meyers Backhoe Service removed the two 10,OOQ-gallon gasoline USTs, one 8,000-gallon gasoline UST, and one 5,000-gallon gasoline UST under Permit #290004 with the Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services (KCDEHS). Soil samples were collected by IT Corporation from two and six feet beneath the inverts at the north and south ends of the two 10,OOO-gallon gasoline USTs and one 8,000 gasoline UST, and from two and six feet beneath the invert at the center of the 5,000-gallon gasoline UST. TPH as gasoline, BTEX, and . isopropyl benzene were not detected in the soil samples (see Table 1 -Summary of Soil Sample Analytical Results). There are no records that soil samples were collected from beneath the former product piping or dispensers during the 1987 fueling facility upgrades. Based upon the laboratory analytical results, the KCDEHS issued a No Further Action determination fro the site. Sun Valley Oil Company subsequently installed the USTs and product piping which were removed during the first quarter of 2004. I I . I FUELING FACILITY REMOVAL SOIL SAMPLING RESULTS In February through March 2004, the existing gasoline and diesel USTs, MPDs, and product and vapor lines were removed and replaced by new fiberglass-clad, double-walled USTs, MPDs, and product lines (see Attachment 2 for Photographic Log of the fueling facility upgrade activities). CSE was contracted to collect soil samples at the direction of Mr. Steve Underwood with the BFDESD. On February 9,2004, soil samples WGD-1-2, WGD-1-6, and WGD-1-10 were collected from 2,6, and 10 feet beneath the northern gasoline MPD on the western dispenser island, soil sample CGD-3-2 was collected from 2 feet beneath the northern gasoline MPD on the central dispenser island, soil samples EGD-5-2 and EGD-5-6 were collected from 2 and 6 feet beneath the northern gasoline MPD on the eastern dispenser island, and soil samples WDD-2-2, CDD-4-2, and EDD-6-2 were collected from 2 feet beneath the southern diesel SPDs on the western, central, and eastern dispenser islands, respectively: On March 3, 2004, soil samples TK1W-15 and TK1W-19, TK1C-15 and TK-1C-19, and TK1E-15 and TK1E-19; and TK2W-15 and TK2W-19, TK-2C-15 and TK2C-19, and TK2E-15 and TK2E-19 were collected from 2 and 6 feet beneath the inverts at the western (turbine), center, and eastern (fill) ends of the northern and central 12,000-gallon gasoline USTs (designated as Tank Nos. 1 and 2), respectively, and soil samples TK3W-15 and TK3W-19, TK3C-15 and TK3C-19, and TK3E-15 and TK3E-19 were collected from 2 and 6 feet beneath the invert at the western (turbine) and eastern (fill) ends of the southern 12,000-gallon diesel UST (designated as Tank No.3). In additional soil sample SP-1 was ~.y ~ ~~ Mr. Abdul Aziz Market Express May 5, 2004 - Page 4 collected from a stockpile of soil removed in vicinity of the fill ends of the USTs, which exhibited hydrocarbon odors and gray discoloration (see Figure 2 for the soil sample locations). All sampling equipment was washed with a n~:m-phosphate cleanser, pre-rinsed with tap water, and finally rinsed with deionized water prior to sampling. The soil samples collected from beneath the USTs were collected from the backhoe bucket immediately following excavation and the soil samples collected from beneath the dispensers were collected using a hand auger and slide hammer equipped with a spoon sampler. The soil samples were stored in 1-inch-diameter brass tubes, sealed with TeflonTM liners and end caps, labeled, placed in an ice chest at a temperature of less than 40C, and transported to a California State-certified laboratory for analysis. Sample identification and chain-of-custody procedures were followed for the samples to ensure sample integrity and to document sample possession from the time of collection to the ultimate destination. The sample labels identified the job number, sampler, date and time of collection, and a sample number unique to each sample. The soil samples collected from beneath the gasoline USTs' and dispensers' were analyzed for TPH as gasoline using EPA Method 8015 (M) and BTEX and MTSE using EPA Method 8021 with MTBE confirmed and quantified using EPA Method 8260.. The soil samples collected beneath the diesel UST and dispensers were analyzed for TPH as diesel usingEPA Method 8105 (M) and BTEX and MTBE using EPA Method 8021 with MTBE confirmed and quantified using EPA Method 8260. TPH as gasoline, TPH as diesel, and BTEX were not detected in the soil samples collected from beneath the gasoline and diesel USTs. However, TPH as gasoline, BTEX, and MTBE were detected in the soil samples collected from 2, 6, and 10 feet beneath the northern gasoline MPD on the western dispenser island and in the soil sample collected from 2 feet beneath the northern gasoline MPD on the eastern dispenser island, MTBE was detected in soil samples collected from beneath all three USTs, and TPH as gasoline, TPH as diesel, BTEX, and MTBE were detected in the sample collected from the s~ockpile of soil removed in vicinity of the fill ends of the USTs which had exhibited hydrocarbon odors and gray discoloration (see Figure 2 for the soil sample locations, Table 1, and Attachment 3 for the Laboratory Report), Prior to tank removal, the USTs were triple rinsed. The rinsate was transported by Coles Services, Inc., to Demenno . Kerdoon's disposal facility in Compton, Califomia, under Non RCRA-Hazardous Waste Manifests (see Attachment 4 for the Non-RCRA Hazardous Waste Manifests for Liquids). An LEL meter was utilized to verify that the hydrocarbon vapor concentrations were less than 5 percent of the LEL. Subsequently 20 pounds of dry ice per 1,000 gallons of tank capacity was introduced into the USTs, and oxygen metering was conducted to verify that the level of oxygen within the USTs was less than 12 percent. With the approval of the BFDESD, the storage tanks were removed, placed on flatbed trucks, and transported to Golden State Metal's BakerSfield facility for destruction (see Attachment 5 for the Tank Disposal Forms). On March 26. 2004,384 tons of hydrocarbon--containing soils stockpiled at the site were transported by Coles Services, Inc.. to the USA Waste facility in McKittrick, California, under ~ ?~ Mr. AbdulAziz Market Express May 5,2004 - Page 5 Non RCRA-Hazardous Waste Manifests (see Attachment 6 for the Non-RCRA Hazardous Waste Manifests for Soils). CONCLUSIONS Based on the soil sampling and laboratory analytical results, TPH as gasoline, BTEX, and MTBE were found at 2,6, and 10 feet below the gasoline MPD on the western dispenser island and 2 feet below the gasoline MPD on the eastern dispenser island, and MTBE was found in soil samples collected from beneath all three USTs. The BFDESD may require additional site investigation and mitigation activities prior to considering the site for closure. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Mr. Abdul Aziz as it pertains to the referenced property located in Bakersfield, California. The services performed by Central Sierra Environmental, LLC were conducted in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of its profession currently practicing under similar conditions in the State of California. No other warranty is . expressed or implied, Central Sierra Environmental; LLC, trusts that you will find this Tank Removal Report to your satisfaction. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Mr. Mark R. Magargee at (661) 325-4862 or at e-mail address censenv@aoLcom. Respectfully submitted, Mark R. Magargee, CHG, Consulting Hydrogeologist Central Sierra Environmental, LLC MRM:jlt Enclosures: Figure 1 - Site Location Map , Figure 2 - Plot Plan Table 1 - Summary of Soil Sample Analytical Results Attachment 1 - BFDESD PTA Attachment 2 - Photographic Log Attachment 3 - Laboratory Report Attachment 4 - Non-RCRA Hazardous Waste Manifests for Liquids Attachment 5 - Tank Disposal Forms Attachment 6 - Non-RCRA Hazardous Waste Manifests for Soils cc: Mr. Steve Underwood, BFDESD Mr. Robert Underwood, BC Enterprises ~ ~ :~~~¡: ....~I: II :}~~:,\~ .~ :'~,~ :,~~ i t;==J ¡I:' . !.F' ~"'I~~\ '~~':.~~.~~- ~ --:,)'-... '\ :.~-=- _ . -~--::~i~} '~~ o \..... --.u.~':::~.._..... ,......~-- LEGEND MR ABDUL AZIZ 0 0,5 I ¡....-.-. 1---1 - 1----1 0 1.000 2,000 3,000 t-i 1-1 H I I 0 0.5 1 KILOMETER I ~ ~ ~ ~ 1--1 ~ MILE t I IN) USGS GOSFORD 7,5 MINUTE SERIES QUADRANGLE J ( ~ MARKET EXPRESS 2500 WllBlE ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 1 - SITE lOCATION MAP CENTRAL SIERRA ENVIRONMENTAL, llC 'i: ,- ~ -ì ~ 3: w > æ: o ~ ~ TRASH WILSON ROAD DRIVEWAY ~ÐEW:J DRIVEWAY , FORMER UST MARKET EXPRESS ~(,(l\) b~~ ~ (,\,0 <v~ PARKING LOT SCALE IN FEET I o 10 20 LEGEND EGD - --~ EDD I I I I l I I L_ SIDEWALK PLANTER PREMIUM GASOLINE -TK1W -TKlC ~lE REGULAR GASOLINE --TK2W ~.,( d TK-l TK-2 DIESEL TANK --TK3W ~C - TK3E TK-3 FORMER 10,ooo-GALLON DIESEL USTs DRIVEWAY MR. ABDUL AZIZ MARKET EXPRESS 2500 WIBLE ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 2 - PLOT PLAN CENTRAL SIERRA ENVIRONMENTAL, LLC - SAMPLE LOCATION ~ ~/ TABLE 1. SUMMARY OF SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS MARKET EXPRESS, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ~. DATE TPH AS TPH AS ETHYL- TOTAL ISOPROPYL- SAMPLE SOURCE SAMPLED DEPTH SAMPLE ID GASOLINE DIESEL BENZENE TOLUENE BENZENE XYLENES BENZENE MTBE MTBE REF (fba) (ma/ka) (ma/ka) (maIko) (maIko) (ma/ka) (ma/kQ) (mQ/kQ) . (maIko) (maIko) EPA ANALYTICAL METHOD 8015 (M) 8021 8260 N/A REPORTING LIMIT 1 10 0,005 0,005 0,005 0,005 0.005 0,05 0,001 N/A South End of 4-30-87 14 T1-2S ND -- ND ND ND ND ND -- -- A Western Gasoline UST 4-30-87 18 T1-6S ND -- ND ND ND ND ND -- -- A North End of 4-30-87 14 T1-2N ND -- ND ND ND ND ND -- -- A Western Gasoline UST 4-30-87 18 T1-6N ND -- ND ND ND ND ND -- -- A South End of 4-30-87 14 T2-2S ND -- ND ND ND ND ND -- -- A Center Gasoline UST 4-30-87 18 T2-6S ND -- ND ND ND ND ND -- -- A North End of 4-30-87 14 T2-2N ND -- ND ND ND ND ND -- -- A Center Gasoline UST 4-30-87 18 T2-6N ND -- ND ND ND ND ND -- -- A South End of 4-30-87 14 T3-2S ND -- ND ND ND ND ND -- -- A Eastem Gasoline UST 4-30-87 18 T3-6S ND -- ND ND ND ND ND -- -- A North End of 4-30-87 14 T3-2N ND -- ND ND ND ND ND -- -- A Eastem Gasoline UST 4-30-87 18 T3-6N ND -- ND ND ND ND ND -- -- A Center of 5,OOO-Gallon 4-30-87 12 T4-01 ND -- ND ND ND ND ND -- -- A Gasoline UST 4-30-87 16 T4-02 ND -- ND ND ND ND ND -- -- A West End of 3-3-04 15 TK1W-15 ND -- ND ND ND ND -- 0,051 0,03 B Northern Gasoline UST 3-3-04 19 TK1W-19 ND -- ND ND ND ND -- ND 0.023 8 Center of 3-3-04 15 TK 1 C-15 ND -- ND ND ND ND -- ND -- B Northern Gasoline UST 3-3-04 19 TK1C-19 ND -- ND ND ND ND -- ND -- B East End of 3-3-04 15 TK1E-15 ND -- ND ND ND ND -- 0.26 0,33 B Northern Gasoline UST 3-3-04 19 TK1E-19 ND -- ND ND ND ND -- 0,12 0.12 B West End of 3-3-04 15 TK2W-15 ND -- ND ND ND ND -- ND -- B Central Gasoline UST 3-3-04 19 TK2W-19 ND -- ND ND ND ND -- ND -- B Center of 3-3-04 15 TK2C-15 ND -- ND ND ND ND -- ND -- B Central Gasoline UST 3-3-04 19 TK2C-19 ND -- ND ND ND ND -- 0,055 0,034 B East End of 3-3-04 15 TK2E-15 ND -- ND ND ND ND -- 0,68 ??? B Central Gasoline UST 3-3-04 19 TK2E-19 ND -- ND ND ND ND -- 0.5 0,57 B West End of 3-3-04 15 TK3W-15 -- ND ND ND ND ND -- ND -- B Southern Diesel UST 3-3-04 19 TK3W-19 -- ND ND ND ND ND -- ND -- B Center of 3-3-04 15 TK3C-15 -- ND ND ND ND ND -- ND -- 8 Southern Diesel UST 3-3-04 19 TK3C-19 -- ND ND ND ND ' ND -- ND -- B East End of 3-3-04 15 TK3E-15 -- ND ND ND ND ND -- 0,064 0.024 8 Southern Diesel UST 3-3-04 19 TK3E-19 -- NO ND ND NO NO -- 0,19 0,13 8 ·~ ~ TABLE 1. SUMMARY OF SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS MARKET EXPRESS, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ~ DATE TPH AS TPH AS ETHYL- TOTAL ISOPROPYL- SAMPLE SOURCE SAMPLED DEPTH SAMPLE ID GASOLINE DIESEL BENZENE TOLUENE BENZENE XYLENES BENZENE MTBE MTBE REF (fba) (mç¡/kç¡) (ma/ka) (ma/ka) Ima/ka\ Ima/kç¡) (mç¡/kç¡) (mç¡/kç¡) (ma/ka\ Ima/ka) EPA ANALYTICAL METHOD 8015 (M) 8021 8260 N/A REPORTING LIMIT 1 10 0.005 0,005 0,005 0,005 0,005 0,05 0,001 N/A North Gasoline Dispenser 2-9-04 4 WGD-1-2 4,700 -- ND «0,5) 24 23 290 -- ND «5) -- B on Westem Island 2-9-04 8 WGD-1-6 22,000 . -- ND «50) 610 330 3,000 -- ND «500) u S 2-9-04 12 WGD-1-10 2,200 -- ND «0,5) 19 15 140 -- ND «5) -- B South Diesel Dispenser on Westem Island 2-9-04 4 WDD-2-2 -- ND ND 0.02 0.D1 0.033 -- ND -- B North Gasoline Dispenser on Central Island 2-9-04 4 CGD-3-2 ND -- ND ND ND ND u ND -- S South Diesel Dispenser on Central Island 2-9-04 4 CDD-4-2 -- 15 0,005 0,2 0,054 0,54 -- ND -- S North Gasoline Dispenser 2-9-04 4 EGD-5-2 1.4 -- 0,013 0.D16 0,005 0,056 -- ND -- S on Eastern Island 2-9-04 8 EGD-5-6 2 -- 0,009 0,15 0,05 0,34 -- ND -- S South Diesel Dispenser . on Eastern Island 2-9-04 4 EDD-6-2 -- 31 ND 0,006 ND 0,02 -- ND -- S Soil Stockpile 3-3-04 N/A SP-1 22 120 ND ND 0,043 0,086 -- 0.44 0.47 S REF = Report reference, N/A = Not applicable. ND = Not detected. -- = Not analyzed. A = Meyers Backhoe Service's April 30, 1987 soil sampling, B = Central Sierra Environmental LLC's current report, "" \;Ï. ATTACHMENT 1. BFDESD PTA ~ () /' / ,c.;-~ ~c.--' 77 Permit No. i2f2--03 f CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-3979 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE-,fANK '- SITE INFORMATION· SITE ÞJ11Mke...Í ~ßi,.J;" .--ADDRESS 2:~RL' w. hL P. fi'd ZIP CODEq!.;¡£,~ APN FACILITY NAME _,f . _~_ k À ¡)Á' C' j.> CROSS STREET LV, '/.5 to A/ '- - , T ANK OWNER/OPERATOR PHONE NO. MAILING ADDRESS 2,"oow,'hLe.. ~d, CITY ßjr'¡:iP~j ell. ZIP 9~.fi'' . ~"'. ' PHONE NO. t.(,j -7<1.5- Z UCENSE NO·iÍl.~"/f .z.¡;--It /J .., CITY lJ/(fif)r ~,.,.. ZIP ¿ ? - /3 WORKMEN'S CO"Mf,NO. -7/3 c~p ~/.3 ''-&'~ CONTRA COMPANY ADDRESS ( .Jí INSURANCE CARRIER .s Iìt Tc- F1f fl,) d PRELIMINARY ~T INFO~TION COMPANY ("~AJ "It/? ,("j '/. PHONENO.3¿5'--Yßl2 LICENSE NO. çµ ¡::,£¿ ADDRESS l"tp.n a-T;:J¡vbIJ _1:J:. 13~ CITYð.HÑ.~ ~J'I.. ZIP~~~éJq INSURANCE CARRIER o;lJ /-, to e- WORKMEN'S C NO. rU:./ p, J. ~ TANK CLEANING INFORMATION. êPJ. e... oS eA" , '"C..e.~ - el'l J..t)~;!.~B ~¡.Z . . COMPANY It IEA/T~fIJ:: I-:J'~ ./ PHONE NO. -ff. t.~ - ~~ -::z... ADDRESS 4 ~J. AA/ f/ . CITY ÆJ¿P.LlJ<; ~ A . . ZIP 9'33'/~ WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER lle;."epA/Ô'/ k4 Di'>&'AJ 3Z.~ t.J (~,. 93 J.;""~J~'~ ¿.... NAME OF RINSA TE DISPOSAL FACILIlY e ~4/.. 0 Ã.I ADDRESS ¡. v CITY t,.ç",f:) /4.-" ~ FACILITY IDENflFICATIONNUMBER ('A-r () gC'p 133S"2 . TANKT~FO~T~ COM. PANY 1.t.;1< -~ ¿ PHONENO..193 -¿J79r LICENSE NO. ADDRESS _--'-- _-L_ _ CITY 1J.I1)¡r'd!.~ ~..,.. L b ZIP 9:-7..j'~8 TANK DESTINATION CpI..De.A:J S'1JJ.rc:.. rÞrr!...//1- t. TANK INFORMATION AGE VOLUME ¡2-,bPI? . 12yrPO J 2. r-¿JP . CHEMICAL STORED (;''n.:S DATES STORED CHEMICAL PREVIOUSL Y STORED TANK NO. J 2 ~-f i , " APPLICATION DATE. For Oftkial Use On ~':';"Å~~8.Q:.i::';:':::~~:œ:,:};:t~;f}i~$j;'iÎ::t_. .... ." ···.·.ß.ES,' )~:"~ )': ,r ~,i..;,-_~: ' THE APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED, UNDERST ANDS, AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE A IT ACHED CONDIT IONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER ST ATE. LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGULAT IONS. THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMP LETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY. AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IS TRUE AND CORRECT. APPROVED BY: Bcb JiJJd¿J(uJdJd APPLICANT NAME (PRINT) &f~... APPLICANT SIGNI\Tt1RE THIS APPLICATION WILL BECOME A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED ~ .~. I I ATTACHMENT 2. PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG ~ ~ CENTRAL SIERRA ENVIRONMENTAL, LLC. PHOTOGRAPHS OF SITE WORK PROJECT: Market Express Bakersfield, California Photograph showing the subject site, Wilson Road at left, and Wible Road at right (view looking southeast). Photograph showing the Photograph showing the subject site with the dispenser islands at center and gasoline and diesel USTs at left, Wible Road at right, and Wilson Road in lower foreground (view looking south), ~O@R ORIGINAl, Page 1 of2 ~ ~ CENTRAL SIERRA ENVIRONMENTAL, LLC. PHOTOGRAPHS OF SITE WORK PROJECT: Market Express Bakersfield, California ",. >" ~ Photograph showing the Photograph showing the subject site with the gasoline and diesel USTs at center and dispenser islands at right, Larson Drive at left, and Wilson Road in lower foreground (view looking south), Photograph showing the Photograph showing the subject site with the gasoline and diesel USTs at center and dispenser islands in background, and Larson Drive in lower foreground (view looking west). 'O@ffi QRIGINA,¡ ,,':- Page 2 of2 y.... ~-. AlTACHMENT'3. LABORATORY REPORT "" 'Ij' .rWf~'~~ ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY' ENVIRONMENTAL SERVJces GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES . SAMPLING SSMCES CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION & MATERIALS TEsnNG ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY DIVISION PROJECT COVER SHEET REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID ATTENTION CLIENT : February 27,2004 : 704-0856.1-9 INVOICE # 70400856 : Mr. Mark Magargee CSE 1400 Easton Drive, Bldg E, 8te. 132 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Please find enclosed the analytical results of yoursamples. In accordance with your instructions, the samples were analyzed for the components specified. The Twining Laboratories is accredited by the State of California Department of Health Services for the analysis of Drinking Water, Wastewater and Hazardous Waste under Certificate No. 1371. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments regarding the analyses or results. Thank you for allowing us to serve your analytical needs. elw THE TWINING LABORATORIESJ INC. ~ Ronald J.~ Director of Analytical Chemisttý Rev,..L 0003 jau (COVER) CORPORATE 252'7 Fresno Street Fremo, CA 9372]-]804 (559) Z68-70Zl Fu 168-0740 MODESTO 5%53 J'erusa1em Court. Suite £ Modesto, CA 95356-9322 (209) 341-1061 Fax 579-1480 VISALIA 130 Nortll ~y Street, ffl6 V1u1Ia, CA ~3Z91-9000 (SS9) 651-11:Z80 Fax 651-8288 BAKERSFIELD 3651 Pe :JIsus Drift, #117 Bakersl"Jeld, CA 933OS-6843 (661) 393-5088 Fax 393-4643 MOi"ITEREY 501 OrmA~1UI Sad City, CA 93955-3553 (B31) 35n-l0S6 Fax 168-7126 SACRAMEJ\'O 5675 P_er ,... Road, Suitt: C SaeramCJlto, CA 9SB:2~JJ (91 ó) 381-9477 Fax 38]-9478 .~ ~ REPORT DATE lABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECENED CLIENT ANAl VZED BY REVIEWED BY : February 27, 2004 : 704-0856.1 : 02109/04 at 0910 by Mark Magargee : 02111/04 at 1600 from Gary Wheeler :CSE : E. Scott, F. Baguinguito : J. Urena THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 1 of9 DATE PREPARED : 02120/04 DATE ANALYZED : 02120/04 CLIENT SAMPLE ID : WGD-1-2 , SAMPLE TYPE : Soil UNITS: mgikg: Milligrams per kilogram (ppm) CONSTITUENT RESULTS DLR METHOD (mglkg) (mg/kg) Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 5.0 8021 Benz;ene ND 0.5 8021 Toluene 24 5.0 8021 Ethylbenzene 23 5.0 8021 Xylenes 290 5.0 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range 4700 1000 8015 SURROGATE* BTEXlMTBE TPH-GAS I % RECOVERY 107 105 ·1 ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70-130% 70-130% Preparation (BTEX. MTBE & TPH-GASOUNE) : 5030 NO: None Detected DLR: Detection Umit for Reporting purposes *4-Bromofluorobenzene , Rev...L &S6 (BTEXWAT) :.,' ~ REPORT DATE LABORATORYID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANAL VZED BY REVIEWED BY : February 27, 2004 : 704-08562 : 02109/04 at 0920 by Mark Magargee : 02111/04 at 1600 from Gary Wheeler :CSE THÈ TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 2 of9 : E. Scott, F, Baguinguito : J. Ureno DATE PREPARED : o 212 W04 DATE ANAL VZED : 02120/04 CLIENT SAMPLE ID : WGD-1-6 SAMPLE TYPE : Soil UNITS: mglkg: Milligrams per kilogram (ppm) CONSTITUENT RESULTS DLR METHOD (mg/kg) (mglkg) Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 500 8021 Benzene ND 50 8021 Toluene 810 , 50 8021 Ethylbenzene 330 50 8021 Xylenes 3000 50 8021 I Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range 22000 10000 8015 SURROGATE'" I % RECOVERY BTEXlMTBE 107 TPH-GAS 107 ¡ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70-130% 70-130% Preparation (BTEX. MTBE & TPH-GASOUNE) : 5030 NO: None Detected DLR: Detection Umltfor Reporting purposes * 4-Brornofluorobenzene Rev...!.. 5/915 (ll'TEXWAT) ,., ~' REPORT DATE lABORATORY 10 DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY : February 27,2004 : 704-0856.3 : 02109/04 at 1030 by Mark Magargee : 02111/04 at 1600 from Gary Wheeler :CSE THE 1WINING LABORATORIES, JNC. PAGE 3 of9 : E. Scott, F. Baguinguito : J. Urena DATE PREPARED : 02120/04 DATE ANALYZED : 02120/04 CLIENT SAMPLE ID : WGD-1-10 SAMPLE TYPE : Soil UNITS: mg/kg: Milligrams per kilogram (ppm) CONSTITUENT RESULTS DLR METHOD (mglkg) (mglkg) . Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 5.0 8021 Benzene ND 0.5 8021 Toluene 19 5.0 8021 , ' Ethylbenzene 15 5.0 8021 Xylenes 140 5.0 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range 2200 1000 8015 SURROGA TE* BTEX/MTBE TPH-GAS I % RECOVERY 107 110 I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LlM ITS 70-130% 70-130% Preparation (BTEX. MTBE & TPH-GASOUNE) ; 5030 ND: None Detected DLR: Detection Umitfor Reporting purposes *4-Bromofluorobenzene RaY...1.. 5196 (BTEXWAT) ~., ''II, ~ REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED OA TE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED : February 27, 2004 : 704-0856.4 : 02109/04 at 0940 by Mark Magargee : 02111/04 at 1600 from Gary Wheeler :CSE THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 4 of9 : E. Scott, F. Baguinguito : J. Urena : 02/20f04 : 02120/04 SAMPLE TYPE : Soil UNITS: mg/kg: Milligrams per kilogram (ppm) CLIENT SAMPLE ID : CGD-3-2 CONSTITUENT RESULTS OLR METHOD (mg/kg) (mglkg) Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.05 8021 Benzene ND 0.005 8021 T o(uene ND 0.005 8021 Ethylbenzene ND 0.005 8021 Xylenes ND 0.005 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarboñs"- Gasoline Range NO 1.0 8015 SURROGATE· BTEXlMTBE TPH~GAS I % RECOVERY 101 94.0 I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70-130% 70-130% Preparation (BTE)(, MTBE & TPH-GASOLlNE} : 5030 ' . ND: None Detected DLR: Detection Umit for Reporting purposes · 4-Bromofl uorobenzene Rev. 2.. SiBS ceTEXWAT) ,J" ~ '~ REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID . DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY : February 27, 2004 : 704-0856.5 : 02109/04 at 1000 by Mark Magargee : 02111/04 at 1600 from Gary Wheeler :CSE : E. Scott, F. Baguinguito : J. Urena ' THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 5 of9 DATE PREPARED : 02120/04 DATE ANALYZED :02l2~04 CLIENT SAMPLE ID : EGD-5-2 SAMPLE TYPE : Soil UNITS: mg/kg: Milligrams per kilogram (ppm) CONSTITUENT RESULTS DLR' METHOD (mglkg) (mg/kg) Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.05 8021 Benzene 0.013 0.005 8021 Toluene 0.018 0.005 8021 'Ethyl benzene 0,005 0.005 8021 Xylenes 0.056 0.005 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range 1.4 1,0 8015 SURROGATE'" BTEXlMTBE TPH-GAS I % RECOVERY 95.0 97.9 I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 7()....130% 70-130% Preparation {BTEX, MTBE & TPH-GASOLlN~ : 5030 ND: NQne Detected DLR: Detection Umit for Reporting purposes * 4~Bfomoftuorobenzene Rev,..L SI96 (BTEXWAT) "",. 'i:~ REPORT DATE LABORATORY [0 DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANAL VZED BY REVIEWED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANAL VZED : February 27,2004 : 704-0856.6 : 02/09/04 at 1005 by Mark Magargee : 02/11/04 at 1600 from Gary Wheeler :CSE THE TMNING lABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 6 of9 : E. Scott, F, Baguinguito : J. Ureno : 02/20/04 ; 02/20/04 SAMPLE TYPE : Soil UNITS: mglkg: Milligrams per kilogram (ppm) CLIENT SAMPLE 10 : EGD~5~6 CONSTITUENT RESULTS DLR METHOD (mglkg) (mglkg) Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 2.5 8021 Benzene 0.009 0.5 8021 . Toluene 0.15 0.5 8021 Ethylbenzene 0.050 0.5 8021 Xyienes 0.34 0.5 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range 2.0 1.0 8015 .\ ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS SURROGATE* I % RECOVERY BTEXlMTBE 105 TPH-GAS 98.7 .. 70-130% 70-130% Preparation (BTEX, MTBE & TPH-GASOLlNE) : 5030 ND: None Detected DLR: Detectfon Umltfor Reporting purposes .. 4-Bromofluorobenzene Rev...L 5196 (BTEXWAT) ~ '~ REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY : February 27,2004 : 704-0856.7 : 02/09/04 at 0930 by Mark Magargee : 02/11/04 at 1600 from Gary Wheeler :CSE THE TWJNrNG LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE Tof 9 : E. Scott, F. Baguinguito : J. Urena DATE PREPARED : 02/13/04 through 02120/04- DATE ANAL VZED : 02/13/04 through 02/20/04- CLIENT SAMPLE ID : WDD-2-2 SAMPLE TYPE : Soil UNITS: mg/kg: Milligrams per kilogram (ppm) CONSTITUENT RESULTS DLR METHOD (mg/kg)·· . (mg/kg) Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.05 8021 Benzene ND 0.005 8021 Toluene 0.020 0.005 8021 Ethylbenzene 0.010 0.005 8021 Xylenes 0.033 0.005 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Diesel Range ND 10 8015M SURROGATE· I % RECOVERY BTEXlMTBE 100 I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70-130% Preparation (BTEX & MTBE): 5030 Preparation (TPH-OrESEL): 3510C ND: None Detected DLR: Detection Umit for Reporting purposes "4-Bromofluorobenzene Rev. ..!.. 5196 (BTEXWAT) ~ ~ REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY : February 27. 2004 : 704-0856,8 : 02109/04 at 0950 by Mark Magargee : 02111/04 at 1600 from Gary Wheeler :CSE THE TWINING LABORATORIES. INC. PAGE8of9 : EScott, F. Baguinguito : J, Ureno DATE PREPARED : 02113/04 through 02120/04 DATE ANALYZED : 02/13/04 through 02120104 CLIENT SAMPLE ID : CDD-4-2 SAMPLE TYPE : Soil UNITS: mglkg: Milligrams per kilogram (ppm) I..'''· CONSTITUENT RESULTS DLR METHOD (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.05 8021 Benzene 0.005 0.005 8021 Toluene 020 0.005 8021 Ethylbenzene 0.054 0.005 8021 Xylenes 0.54 0.005 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Diesel Range 15..... 10 8015M SURROGATE* I % RECOVERY BTEXlMTBE 97.8 I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70-130% Preparation (BTEX & MTBE): 5030 Preparation (TPH-DIESEL): 3510C ND: None Detected DLR: Detection Limit for Reporting purposes "4-BromofIuorobenzene -Atypical Pattern Røv,...l.. 51!:16 (BTEXWAT) ~, ~' REPORT DATE lABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT : February 27, 2004 : 704-0856.9 : 02109/04 at 1010 by Mark Magargee : 02111/04 at 1600 from Gary Wheeler :CSE THE 1WJNING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE90f9 I I I I . ANALYZED BY : E. Scott, F. Baguinguito REVIEWED BY : J. Ureno DATE PREPARED : 02/13/04 through 02/20/04 DATE ANALYZED : 02/13/04 through 02/20/04 CLIENT SAMPLE ID : EDD-6-2 SAMPLE TYPE : Soil UNITS: mg/kg: Milligrams per kilogram (ppm) CONSTITUENT RESULTS DLR METHOD (mg/kg) (mglkg) Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.05 8021 Benzene , ND 0.005 8021 Toluene 0.008 0.005 8021 Ethylbenzene ND 0.005 8021 Xylenes 0.020 0.005 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Diesel Range 31- 10 8015M SURROGATE· BTEXlMTBE I % RECOVERY 103 I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70-130% Preparation (BTEX & MTBE): 5030 Preparation (TPH-DIESEL): 3510C NO: None Detected DLR: Detection Limit for Reporting purposes · 4-Bromofluorobenzene **Atypical Pattern Rev...2.. 5196 (8TEXWAT) ~ 1: .î"'~!~tj rR[Sllo/lloODESTO/VI~IJJA/BJ,'I.[RsrJ[\D/SIJJNAS EPA 8021 (MTBE/BTEX) & EPA 8015M (TPH-Gasoline) LABORATORY CONTROL SPIKE QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Reviewed By: J. Ureno Date of AnalysIs :02/08104 Sample Matrix: SOIL Analyzed By: Eric Scott Date of Extraction: 02108104 Twining Laboratories, Inc. Batch ID Number: TL08020804 Spike ID: W8-1000 . Constituent Method Blank Laboratory Laborlltory Laboratory Acceptable Laboratory Laboratory Relative Concentration Control Spike Control Spikc Control Pcrœnt Control Spike Control Spike Percent (mglkg) Cooecntration Recovery Spike Recovery Range Percent Duplicate DIfference Level (mglkg) Duplicate (0/0) Recovery Percent (0/0) (mWkk) Recovery Low High (0/0) Recovery (mgkg) ('Yo) MTßEJßTEX Surrogate (4-Bromofluorobenzene) 0 0,0625 0.0618, 0.0628 80% 120% 98.9 100 1.61 Methyl TcrtilU)' Butyl Ether 0 0.250 0,222 0,225 80% 120% 88.8 90.0 1.34 Benzene . 0 0.0500 0,0480 0.0480 80% 120% 96.0 96.0 0 Toluene 0 0,0500 0,0510 0.0500 80% 120% 102 100 1.98 nUlylbcnzcne 0 0.0500 0.0520 0,0530 80% 120% 104 106 1.90 Xylenes 0 0.150 0.156 0.158 80% 120% 104 \05 1.27 TPH Gasoline Surrogate (4-Bromofluorobenzene) 0 0.0625 0.0590 0.0583 80% 120010 94,4 93,3 1.19 TPH-Gasoline 0 2.50 2,26 2.26 80% 120010 90.4 90.4 0,09 EXPLANATIONS: ND Non-Detectable; the targetanalyte was not found above the delectable limit for reporting purposes (DLR). mglkg milligrams per kilo&rllID, parts per million (pprn) concentration units. Method Blank: The method blank is used to detennine if meUlOd.analytes or other inlerferences are present in the laboratory environment, the reagents or equplmeol Laboratory Control Spike: A laboratory conlrol spike is generated by adding the target analyte(s) inlO a relatively inert matrix (sodium sulfate or distilkd water), 111c labol'Btory control sample Is 8Jl3IYled exactly like a sample, and its purpose is to detennine whethcr the methodology is controlled and the laberatory is CB[1IIblc of making precise and accurate measurements. ~ .THF: E.. ~~f~~ FRtSHO/MODESTolv~UA/BAKERSF~lD/SAUHAS Analyzed By: Dara P Vongkhampha/Fernando Bagulnguito Date of Extraction: 02/13/04 Twining Laboratories, inc. Run ID Number: TL02021304 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBON: DIESEL {j EPA METHOD 8015 LABORATORY CONTROL SPIKE QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Reviewed By: J. Ureno Date of Analysis: 02/13/04 Sample Matrix: Clean Sand Spike ID: WS 2003 I Constituent Method Blank Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory Acceptable LaboratOlY Laboratory Relative Concentration Control Spike Control Spike Control Spike Percent Control Spike Control Spike Percent (mglkg) Concentration Recovery Duplicate Recovery Percent Duplicate Differencc Level (mg/kg) Recovery Range Recovery Percent (%) (mglkg) (mglkg) (%) (%) Recovery Low High (%) TPH: DieseL 0.0 25.0 18.8 19.5 60% 140% 75.2 78.0 3.66 . EXPLANATIONS: ND Non-Detectable; the target analyte \Vas not found above the detectable limit for reporting purposes (DLR). mg/kg milligrams per kHograms, parts per milJion (ppm) concentration units. Method Blank: The method blank is used to determine if method lUJalytes or other interferences are present in tbe laboratOlY environment, the reagents or equpiment. Labomtory Control Spike: A laboratory control spike is genel1ltedþy adding the targetanalyte(s) into a rclatively inel1 malrix (sodium sulfate or distilled water). Tbe laboratOlY control sample is analyzed exactly like a sample, and its purpose is to determine whether the methodology is controlled and the laboratory is capable ofmnking precise and accurate measurements. I I '\ ~ THE f CHAIN OF CUSTODY/ANALYSIS REQUEST ICoc# 704 CJo2sG .' 2527 FRESNO STREET· FRESNO, CA 93721 . (559) 268-7021 FAX: (559) 268-{)740 I ~~-J;J SEND INVO~ ~~ e. ~ ~ tll ADDRe~ '-' AITENTION: PH ( ) FAX ( ) CONTRACT' OR P.o. BACTERIOLOGICAL SAMPLE SOURCE o PUBUC SYSTEM o PRIVATE WELL o SURFACE WATER o CONSTRUCTION' 0 OTHER SAMPLE STATUS o ROUTINE o REPEAT o OTHER SUBMITTER INFORMATION: (7) ~r:!Jo,:.~/<~- ",J,..~ ~ , 1£ 'Vry.... ';+'ttht1.¿IJ~ [¿V,ltJ ;;IUG ~ S",:'¡'p /'š'Z. ~- oJ 4¡'~r/~ ¡'7...Aq~9 ATT~~...",,¿..¿ -A ~¡-r:..'- PH (6"¿1> '".:<, "zh-- if<;z h-j! FAX (6;~/) ..s~ç -1:;¿ 7~ SAMPLE INFORMATION: SAMPLE BY (P~<'"7 ~/è ~ ~ .-..._ 1____ SIGNATURE: _...;. /" .I Æ /~./ 4_ ~-__ . ~OUTlNE ANALYSIS ¿7 (/ o RUSH ANALYSIS, RESULTS NEEDED BY: KEY FOR CHEMICAL ANALYSIS SAMPLE TYPE SL-SoillSo!id ST - Storm Water WW - Waste Water I\. \ I\. IO'¡'" I '\ f\ 1/ / / ....1.-0' 'J~ I COMMENTS: C<sA..¡~j;-,yJ <::JJIC-Jdrvt./~I1:J/'/f-.vM-rA.J:./ F7"'~;.i-Ý1)'Q,~ ~Yblv} f>.v~/~ , ¥ p" / BS - Bioso1ids DW - Drinking Wa.ter L A B u s e SAMPLE ID J /I~I"'- /'J __/_/ :} U/ú /) -I - L" I~ tUb/) -I-¿~ 7 -' n. A_~ .... "'2. 1 CG.I)-~- 2.. ~ C¿)¿)--q-~ ~ .I!=.. (;,,1;)- S- -~ C. . ¡I: r::J)--5-C Of .,&:' LJ/') - ¡::; - '> REUNQUISHED BY ??'2. 47 ~ ':b4V , GW - Ground Water SF - Surface Water SAMPLE DATI; TIME TYPE '). tf /Olf ¿ -'- or¡, - lI' S L UxOì'eif~~ ) ~Jð) I'll ~ . ~ 'J' r--,.o .~ -" ro.;r1' ~'- vr_ , - '., ,oo~ ,,? h'J/ð ;5 L. ./-, RESUL?d,.~Z;..I ~-'5 OJ ADDRESS: ATIENTION; PH ( ) FAX ( ) . REPORTS FOR: COUN1Y: o FRESNO 0 IGNGS 0 MADERA 0 MERCED 0 TULARE o STATE DE?T. OF HEALTH SERVICES 0 OTHER: PROJECT: SITE: "".ø41.~k;e., -t ß~ ¡-e75 5 PROJECT #: PROJECTMANAGER:/Jþ r-I< ,/J1d1dJ7~ ~ \... ;¡?AlYSIS R~UESTED . ~~ ~~ ~ ; ~1 ~{J ~ ~, ~J )(, y- x.~ V 'X' ~ o .}(,~ lr I)(J \?- ~ IS¿,~ ~~ \ ,. ~ r-.\ ~D '\V \ x . <::::.:,:£. ~ DATE TIMe RECEIVED BY ..; Þo"f /1:00 /'2 ¿;JZ 7. ~ .. J- olf lk 00 COMPANY COMPANY ... ~~ liTHE ... rwf~"~(f ANALYT1CAL CHEMISTRY' ENVIRONMeNTAl. SERVICES GEOTECHN[CAL SERVICES . SAMPLING SERVICES CONSTRUCTION ~SPECnON & MATER~S TESTING ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY DIVISION PROJECT COVER SHEET REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID ATTENTION CLIENT : March 26, 2004 : 704-1351.1-9 INVOICE # 70401351 : Mr, Mark Magargee CSE 1400 Easton Drive Building E., Ste. 132 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Please find enclosed the analytical results of your samples. In accordance with your instructions, the samples were analyzed for the components specified. . The Twining Laboratories is accredited by the State of California Department of . Health Services for the analysis of Drinking Water, Wastewater and Hazardous Waste under Certificate No. 1371. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments regarding the analyses or results. Thank you for allowing us to serve your analytical needs. elw THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. Rev. ..!.. 0&'03 au (C()\/æ] CORPORATE 2527 FretlncI Street FresJ1D, CA 937%1-1804 (559) 168-102.1 Fax US..Q74Q MODESTO S2.S3 Jerusalem CO\D't, s..Ite e Modesto, CA 95356-9321 (2.09) 34%-%061 Fa S7!1-1480 VISALIA 130 Nortll Kelley Street, IIB6 Vlsall... CA 93191-9000 (S5!1) 651-8180 Fax 6S1.a188 BAKERSFIELD 3651 Pqasas DrIve, #1]7 B2lœrsfielCI, CA 93308-{i84J (661) 393-5088 Fax 39J..4643 MONTEREY 501 Ortiz A.......... BuDd Cil)', CA 93955-3553 (831) 392·1056 Fax 168-1176 SACRAME:\¡O 5675 Power ¡.... ~0õId, 5l1irc C SacramODto, CA 958%4-2313 (9t6) 381-9477 Fax 381-9478 .,\ ;Z)' REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECENED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED : March 26. 2004 : 704-1351.1 : 03/03/04 at 1215 by Mark Magargee : 03/05/04 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler :csk THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 1 of 14 : E. Scott. F. Baguinguito : J. Urena . : 03/16/04 : 03116/04 through 03/17/04 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil UNITS: mglkg: Mitligrams per kilogram (ppm) CLIENT SAMPLE ID : SP-1 CONSTITUENT RESULTS DlR METHOD Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 0.44 0,20' . 8021 Benzene NO 0,02 8021 Toluene ND 0.02 8021 Ethylbenzene -. 0.043 0.02 8021 Xylenes 0.086 0.02 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons.; Gasoline Range 22 20 8015 TotaJ Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Diesel Range 120- 10 8015M SURROGATE" .\ % RECOVERY BTEXlMTBE' 111 TPH-GAS I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70-130% 70-130% 96.0 Preparation (BTEX, MTBE & TPH-GASOLlNE): 5030 Preparation (TPH-DlESEL): 3510 ND: None Detected DLR: Detection Umit for Reporting purposes .. 4-Bromofluorobenzene ....Atypical Pattern Rev....A.. 5I9S (8TEXWAT) ~-' '~ \)'. REPORT DATE LABORATORY]D DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANAL yzeo : March 26, 2004 : 704-1351.2 : 03/03/04 at 1355 by Mark Magargee : 03/05/04 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler :CSE : E. Scott : J. Ureno THE TWINING LABORATORIES. INC. PAGE 2 of 14 : 03/16/04 : 03/16/04 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil UNITS: mg!kg: MilJigrams per kilogram (ppm) CLIENT SAMPLE ID : TK1W-15 " CONSTITUENT RESULTS DLR METHOD Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 0,051 0.05 8021 Benzene NO 0.005 8021 Toluene ND 0.005 8021 Ethylbenzene NO 0.005 8021 Xylenes NO 0.005 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range NO 1.0 8015 SURROGATE· BTEXlMTBE TPH-GAS I % RECOVERY 96.3 88.5 I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70-130% 70-130% Preparation (BTEX, MTBE & TPH-GASOlINE) : 5030 ND: None Detected DLR: Detection Umitfor Reporting purposes "4aBromofluorobenzene Rev...l.. 5/98 {BTEXWAT) '~, ~' REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY : March 26, 2004 : 704-1351.3 . : 03/03/04 at 1400 by Mark Magargee : 03/05/04 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler :CSE : E. Scott : J. Ureno THE lWlNING LABORATORIES¡INC. - PAGE 3 of 14 DATE PREPARED : 03/16/04 DATE ANAL VZEO : 03/16/04 CLIENT SAMPLE ID : KW1W-19 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil UNITS: mg/kg: Milligrams per kilogram (ppm) CONSTITUENT RESULTS DLR METHOD Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.05 8021 Benzene ND 0.005 8021 Toluene ND 0.005 8021 Ethylbenzene NO 0.005 8021 Xylenes ND 0.005 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range NO 1.0 8015 SURROGATE*' BTEXlMTBE TPH-GAS I % RECOVERY 98.0 88.7 I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70-130% 70-130% Preparation (BTEX, MTBE & TPH-GASOUNE) : 5030 NO: None Detected OLR: Detection Umit for Reporting purposes * 4-Bromofluorobenzene Rev.2,.S/95 (BTEXWAT , .~ '{\' REPORT DATE LABORATORY 10 DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLI ENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED : March 26. 2004 : 704-1351.4 : 03/03/04 at 1345 by Mark Magargee : 03/05/04 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler· :CSE : E. Scott : J. Urena THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 4 of 14 : 03/16/04 : 03/16/04 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil UNITS: mg/kg: Milligrams per kilogram (ppm} RESULTS DLR METHOD NO 0.05 8021 NO 0.005 8021 ND 0.005 8021 ND 0.005 8021 ND 0.005 8021 ND 1.0 8015 I I I CLIENT SAMPLE ID : TK1G-15 I CONS,TITUENT Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range SURROGATE'" I % RECOVERY BTEXfMTBE 99.3 TPH-GAS 88.8 I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70-130% 70-130% Preparation (BTEX. MTBE & TPH-GASOLlNE) : 5030 ND: None Detected DLR: Detection Limit for Reporting purposes "4-Bromof[uorobenzene Rev. 2,,5196 (BTEXWAl) ~'i. ~, REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANAL YZEO BY REVIEWED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED : March 26, 2004 : 704-1351.5 : 03/03/04 at 1350 by Mark Magargee : 03/05/04 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler :CSE : E. Scott : J. Ureno THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 5 of 14 : 03/16/04 : 03/16/04 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil UNITS: mglkg: Milligrams per kilogram (ppm) CLIENT SAMPLE ID : TK1C-19 I CONSTITUENT . RESULTS DlR METHOD Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0.05 8021 Benzene NO 0.005 8021 Toluene ND 0.005 8021 Ethylbenzene ND 0.005 8021 Xylenes ND 0.005 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range ND 1.0 8015 SURROGATE"" BTEXlMTBE TPH-GAS 1% RECOVERY 98.0 88.0 I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70-130% 70-130% Preparation (BTEX, MTBE & TPH-GASOLlNE) ; 5030 ND: None Detected DLR: Detection Umit for Reporting purposes *4-Bromofluorobenzene Rev. ..2. SI96 (8TEXWA 1') ,'1~- ---- .~ :~, REPORT DATE LABORATORY 10 OA TE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY : March 26, 2004 : 704-1351.6 : 03/03/04 at 1335 by Mark Magargee : 03/05/04 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler :CSE : E. Scott : J. Urena THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 6 of 14 DATE PREPARED : 03/16/04 OA TE ANAL VZEO : 03/16/04 CLIENT SAMPLE 10 : TK1E-15 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil UNITS: mg/kg: Milligrams per kilogram (ppm) CONSTITUENT RESULTS DLR METHOD Methyl tertMButyl Ether (MTBE) 0.26 0.05 8021 Benzene NO 0.005 8021 Toluene NO 0.005 8021 Ethylbenzene ND 0.005 8021 Xylenes NO 0.005 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range ND 1.0 8015 SURROGATE'" BTEX/MTBE TPH-GAS I % RECOVERY 98.9 88.8 I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 7()...130% 70-130% Preparation (BTEX, MTBE & TPH-GASOLINE) : 5030 NO: None Detected DLR: Detection Umitfor Reporting purposes .. 4-Bromofluorobenzene Rev. 2... 5196 (aTExWAT) \ ~, '-. REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY : March 26, 2004 : 704-1351.7 : 03/03/04 at 1340 by Mark Magargee : 03/05/04 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler :CSE THE TWINING lABORATORIES. INC. PAGE 7 of 14 : E. Scott : J. Ureno DATE PREPARED : 03/16/04 DATE ANALYZED : 03/16/04 CLIENT SAMPLEJO : TK1E-19 . SAMPLE TYPE: Soil UNITS: mglkg: Milligrams per kilogram (ppm) CONSTITUENT RESULTS DLR METHOD Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 0.12 0.05 8021 Benzene NO 0,005 8021 Toluene NO 0.005 8021 Ethylbenzene NO 0.005 8021 XyJenes NO 0.005 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range ND 1.0 8015 SURROGATE* BTEXlMTBE TPH-GAS I % RECOVERY 99.9 90.8 I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70-130% 70-130% Prepar.;¡tion {BTEX, MTBE & TPH-GASOUNE} : 5030 ND: None Detected DLR: Detection Limit for Reporting purposes · 4-Bromofluorobenzene Rev...2. 51!16 (BTEXWAT) ." .~ ~ REPORT DATE LABORATORY 10 DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED ~-~;--.', : March 26, 2004 : 704-1351.8 : 03/03/04 at 1315 by Mark Magargee : 03/05/04 at 1500 from Gary WheeJer :CSE THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 8 of 14 : E. Scott : J. Urena : 03/16/04 : 03/16/04 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil UNITS: mg/kg: Milligrams per kilogram {ppm} RESULTS DLR METHOD NO 0.05 8021 NO 0.005 8021 NO 0.005 8021 ND 0.005 8021 NO 0.005 8021 NO 1.0 8015 CLIENT SAMPLE ID : TK2W-15 I CONSTITUE~T Methyl tert-ButyI Ether (MTBE) Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range SURROGATE· I % RECOVERY BTEXlMTBE 98.8 TPH-GAS 88.9 I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70-130% 70-130% Preparation (BTEX, MTBE & TPH-GASOUNE) : 5030 ND: None Detected DLR: Detection Limit for Reporting purposes ·4-Bromofluoroben~ene Rev..2. 5196 (BTEXWAT) .~ t\~ REPORT DATE LABORATORY 10 DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANAL YZEO BY , REVIEWED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED : March 26, 2004 : 704-1351.9 : 03/03/04 at 1320 by Mark Magargee : 03/05/04 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler :CSE : E. Scott : J, Ureno , THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 9 of 14 : 03/16/04 : 03/16/04 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil UNITS: mQ/kg: Milligrams per kHogram (ppm) CLIENT SAMPLE ID : TK2W-19 CONSTITUENT RESULTS DLR METHOD Methyl tart-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0.05 8021 Benzene NO 0.005 8021 Toluene NO 0.005 8021 Ethylbenzene . NO 0.005 '. . 8021 Xylenes NO 0.005 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range ND 1.0 8015 TPH-GAS 89.0 I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70-130% 70-130% SURROGATE" I % RECOVERY BTEXlMTBE 98.7 Preparation (BTEX, MTBE & 1PH-GASOLlNE) : 5030 NO: None Detected DLR: Detection Limit for Reporting purposes *4-Bromofluorobenzene Rev,...!.. 5196 (8TEXWAl1 ~. {~ REPORT DATE. : March 26, 2004 LABORATORY 10 : 704-1351.1 DATE SAMPLED : 03/03/04 at 1215 by Mark Magargee DATE RECEIVED : 03/05/04 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler CLIENT :CSE ANALYZED BY : C. Fammatre I DATE PREPARED : 03/16/04 DATE ANAL )'ZED : 03/16/04 CLIENT SAMPLE 10 : SP-1 THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 10 of 14 REVIEWED BY: J. Ureno SAMPLE TYPE: Soil METHOD: EPA 8260 UNITS: mg/kg Constituent 11 Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) s Results DLR 0.47 0,001 11 I I Un'ogates 0/0 ecoverv Acceptable Recovery Umits Dibromofluoromethane 121 86-118% Toluene da 102 88-110% Bromofluorobenzene 122 86-115% R DLR: Detection Umit for Reporting purposes mgIKg: Milligrams per kilogram ( ppm) Rev, ...!... 07/99 (8260) -..' i{}. I REPORT DATE : March 26, 2004 LABORATORY ID : 704-1351.2 DATE SAMPLED : 03103/04 at 1355 by Mark Magargee DATE RECEIVED : 03/05/04 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler CLIENT :CSE ANALYZED BY : C. Fammatre DATE PREPARED : 03/16/04 DATE ANALYZED : 03116/04 CLIENT SAMPLE ID : TK1W-15 THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 11 of 14 REVIEWED BY: J. Ureno SAMPLE TYPE: Soil METHOD: EPA 8260 UNITS: mg/kg Constituent II Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) Surrogates Results DLR 0.030 0.001 II Dibromofluoromethane 107 86-118% Toluene do 86.2 88-110% 8romofluorobenzene 121 86-115% % Recovery Acceptable Recovery Umits DLR: Detection Limit for Reporting purposes mglKg; Milligrams per kilogram (ppm) Rev...L 07/99 (8'26t!) ~~.-._- ~ '~. REPORT DATE LABORATORY JD DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED ~~T ~~-- : March 26. 2004 : 704-1351.3 : 03/03/04 at 1400 I:>Y Mark Magargee : 03/05/04 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler :CSE , THE TWINING LABORATORIES. INC, PAGE 12 of 14 : Co Fammatre REVIEWED BY: J. Ureno : 03/16/04 : 03116104 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil CLIENT SAMPLE ID : TK1W-19 METHOD: EPA 8260 UNITS: mg/kg Results DLR 0.001 II Constituent '\1 Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 0.023 Surrogates % Recovery Acceptable Recovery Umits Dìbromofluoromethane 110 86~118% Toluene de 102 88-110% Bromofluorobenzene 111 86-115% DLR: Detection Umit for Reporting purposes mg/Kg: Milligrams per kilogram ( ppm) Re.. ~ 07199 (8260) --~- . ~õ ~~ REPORT DATE LABORATORY 10 DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLI ENT ANALYZED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED : March 26, 2004 : 704-1351.6 THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 13 of 14 : 03/03/04 at 1335 by Mark Magargee : 03/05/04 at 1500 from. Gary Wheeler :CSE : C. Fammatre REVIEWED BY: J. Urena : 03/16/04 : 03/16/04 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil CLIENT SAMPLE 10 : TK1 E-15 METHOD: EPA 8260 UNITS: mg/kg Constituent Results Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 0.33 DLR 0.001 Surrogates % Recoverv AcœDtable Recovery Umìfs Dibromofluoromethane 101 86-118% Toluene de 92,8 88-110% 8romofluorobenzene . . 111 86-115% DLR: Detection Umit for Reporting purposes· mgIKg: Milligrams per kilogram ( ppm) Rev. ....!.... 07/99 (8260) · '.i :~~, REPORT DATE LABORATORY 10 DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED : March 26, 2004 : 704-1351.7 : 03/03/04 at 1340 by Mark Magargee : 03/05/04 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler :CSE THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 14 of 14 : C. Fammatre REVIEWED BY: J. Ureno : 03/16/04 : 03/16/04 SAMPLE 1YPE: Soil CLIENT SAMPLE 10 : TK1E-19 METHOD: EPA 8260 UNITS: mg/kg 0.12 DLR 0.001 II Constituent II Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) Surrogates Results Dibromofluoromethane 110 86-118% Toluene da 90.8 88-110% BromofJuorobenzene 111 86-115% % Recovery Acceptable Rec3very Limits DLR: Detection Umit for Reporting pUrposes mgIKg: MiUigrams per kilogram (ppm) Rev.....!.. 07/99 (82601 ~r~ .t,'!fl~!~~ FRESIIO !MODCSTO/VISAUA!OÞ KC/1Sr¡tLD!SALI liAS Analyzed By: Dara P Vongkhampha/Fernando Bagulngulto Date of Extraction: 03/16104 Twining Laboratories, Inc. Run ID Number: TL02031704 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBON: DIESEL EPA METHOD 8015 LABORATORY CONTROL SPIKE QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Reviewed By: J. Ureno Date of Analysis: 03/17{04 Sample Matrix: Soil Spike ID: WS 2003 .~ Constituent Method Blank Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory Acceptable Laboratory Laboratory Relative Concentration Control Spike Control Spike Control Spike Percent Control Spike Control Spike P ercen t (mg/kg) ConcentralÌon Recovery Duplicate Recovery Percent Duplicate Difference Level (mg/kg) Recovery Range Recovery Percent (%) (mglkg) (mg/kg) (%) (%) Recovery Low High (%) TPH: Diesel 0,0 25.0 19.5 19.4 60% 140% 77,8 77.7 0.15 -c- EXPLANATIONS: ND Non-Delectable; the target analyte was not found above the detectable limit for reporting putposes (DLR), mg/kg milJigr8ms per kilograms, parts per million (ppm) concentration units. Method Blank: The method blank is used to detel111ine if method analytes or other interferences are present in the laboratOlY environment, the reagents or eqllpimenl. Lc,boratory Conb'()l Spike: A laboratory control spike is genemted by adding the target 8nalyte(s) into a relatively inert matrix (sodium sulfate or distilled water). The laboratory control sample iS811alyzed exactly like a sample, and its PUl1)ose is to dctcnnine whethcr the methodology is cOlltroJled und the InbomtOlY is capable of making precise and accurate measmements. ,-~..- ~ ~ .TH£ , . n ~'r!f~!.~~ FRUNOj\lOD [Sro~uA/8.lKEII$F ElD/SAUtlAS EPA 8021 (MTBE/BTEX) & EPA 8015M (TPH·Gasollne) LABORATORY CONTROL SPIKE QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Reviewed By: J. Ureno Date of Analysis :03/16/04 Sample Matrix: SOIL Analyzed By: Eric Scott Date of Extraction: 03116104 TwinIng Laboratories, Inc. Batch ID ~umber: TL08031604 Spike ID: WS-1000 Constituent Metbod Blank Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory Acceptable laboratory Laboratory Relative Concentration Control Spike Control Spike Control Percent Control Spike Control Spike Percent (mgßcg) Concentration Recovery Spike' Rccovery Range Percent Duplicate Difference Level (mgßcg) Duplicate (%) Recovery Percent (%) (mg!kg) Rerovery . lAw High Co/..) Recovery ( mglkg) (%) MTBElBTEX Surrogate (4-Bromoßuorobcnzene) 0 0.0625 0.0591 . 0.0602 80% 120% 94.6 96,3 1.84 Methyl TcrtilU')' Butyl Ether 0 0.500 0,489 0.489 80% 120% 97,8 97.8 0.00 Benzene 0 0.0500 0.0510 0.0490 80% 120% 102 98.0 4.00 Toluene 0 0.0500 0.0520 0.0520 80% 120% 104 104 0.00 ßtl1ylbenzene 0 0.0500 0.0530 0.0520 80% 120% 106 104 1.90 ~ylenes 0 0.150 0,159 0.159 80% 120% 106 106 0.00 1:PH_Gasoline Surrogate (4-Bromofluorobenzene) 0 0.0625 0.0641 0.0627 80% 120% 103 100 2,21 'rPH-Gasoline 0 2.50 2.25 2.29 80% 120% 89.9 91.8 2.07 EXJ>LANATIONS: ND Non-Detectable; the target BnBlytc was not found above the detectable limit for reporting purposes (DLR). mglkg milligrams per kilogram, parts per million (ppm)conccotration units. Method Blank: The method blank is used to detemJine ¡fmethod IIJ1l1lytes or other interferences are present in the laboratory environment, the reagents or cqupiment. Laboratory ConlrolSpike: A laboratory control spike is generated by adding the target wJalyte(s) into a relatively inert mRtrix (sodium sulCate or distilled water). The laboratory control sample is analyzed exactly like a snmple, and its purpose is to determíne whether the mctl1odglogy is controlled and the laboratory is capable oCmaldng precisc and accurate measurements. ~ I I -~~' .$ ."ª!tf.~~ rR£slIo/~O£STO/'íISAUA/Øþ (tllS' [~O/$AUI!A5 EPA METHOD 8260 LABORATORY CONTROL SPIKE QUALITY CONTROL REPORT .' Reviewed By: Joseph Ureno Date of AnalysIs: 03/16/2004 Sample Matrix: SOIL Analyzed By: Chris Fammatre Date of Extraction: 03/16/2004 Twining Laboratories, Ine, Batch ID Number: TL07031604 S Ik 10 WS 166 iPI ø : Cooslitucnt Method Blank Labomtory Laboratory Laboralory Acceptable Laboratory Laboratory Relative Concentration Control Spike Control Spike Control Percent Control Spike Control Spike Percent (ugIKg) Concenlnltion Recovery Spike Recovcry Range Percent Duplicate Dilferencç Level (u¡ifKg) Duplicale (%) Recovery Percent (%) ( ug/Kg) Recovery Low High (%) RecovC!}' (uglKg) (%) l,t-Dlchloroethene 0.00 50.0 36.5 38,2 70% 130% 73.0 16.4 4.55 Benzene 0.00 50.0 45.1 42,6 70% ]30% 90,2 85.2 5.70 Trichloroethcne 0.00 50.0 44.9 40.8 70% 130% 89,8 81.6 9.57 Toluene 0.00 50.0 45.9 44.1 70% 130% 91.8 88.2 4.00 Chlorobenzenc 0,00 50.0 43.7 44,6 70% 130% 87.4 89.2 2.04 SutTOgate: Dlbromofluo!1uethane 0.00 50,0 45.0 49.6 86% 118% 90,0 99.2 9.73 SlUTogate: Toluene-d8 0.00 50,0 S1.8 .49.1 86% 110% 104 98.2 5.35 SUlTOgate: Bromofluourobenzene 0,00 50.0 50.2 50.3 86% 115% 100 98.2 0.199 . EXPLANATIONS: ND Non-Delectable; the target 8nIlIYle WIIS not found above the detectable limit for reporting purposes (DLR). U&'Kg micrograms per Kilogram,' paris per billion (ppb) conccntralion units. Method Blank: TIle method bhUlk is used to determine if method analytcs or other il1terfercnecs are prescnt in the laboratory environment, the reagents or equpiment. Laboratory Control Spike: A laboratory control spike is generated by adding the terget onalytc(s) into n relatively inert matrhc (sodium sulfate or distilled water). The laboratory control sample is lIllalYLcd cxactly like a slUDple, and ilS purpose is to determine whelhe the methodology Is controlled and the laboratory is capable of making precise and accurale measurements, i i. I , ~.: ''-) THe f '"'''' CHAIN OF CUSTODY/ANALYSIS REQUEST ¡coc# . r\)40 ( ~ 51 , )__~ 2527 FRESNO STREET' FRESNO, CA 93721 . (559) 268-7021 FAX: (559) 268-0740 SUBMITTER INFORMAllON: f7 /) __ ~&~ft:UI5..~....,J.-"" i:1 II. . _n ¿. I,END INVOICE TO:.<Ç.. . /fA V cV7f1 / ) ,.~~~ r. .::.L ~. ..1,-;VQ; ADDRESS: .. ~ 14'.// 'if-. - E - S.t.J~Q ßL ~ /j~r.¡)'.J,.~' ~'fa}d? r:J~ I??U l. I~Fµ j¿, ~ ~. -.4'~e;p A.TTENTION: PH f/£ j) .:: ~ €;- --:.lþfJ'6 ~ F~~/) ~V_< - Ç'/7. é' ~ LABORATORIES. INC. - PH ( ) FAX ( ) CONTRACT ~ OR P.O. SAMPLE STATUS o ROUllNE o REPEAT o OTHER .. BACTERIOLOGICAL SAMPLE SOURCE o ?UBUC SYSTEM o PRIVATE WEll o SURFACE WATER o CONSTRUCTION 0 OTHER SAMPLE INFORM.o.TION: SAMPLE BY !P~ 4-,/ h~ ~-AJ ~ - ...-...ð . SIGNATURe::. _ -' A _ ---z J . /1'... .I" s? IJ ~ ~ÒU1lNEANALYS[S~ . t7 7/ o RUSH ANALYSIS, RESULTS NEEDED BY: KEY FOR CHEMICAL ANALYSIS SAMPLE TYPe SL _ Soil/Solid ST - Storm Water WW . Waste Water BS . Biosolids DW - Drinking Water GW . Ground Water SF - Surface Water SAMPLE DATE TIME TYPE ~,~~ J'l..I51<L rl ;~\ '1135"5 J':-" '1/"00 ' I ',,<I{~ V~5D . .;;..,., ,. ·;.J7 I(.3Yc II 1 ~~/.c. \ 11 ~ ¿" ;~?,ð~1 , - RESVI.TS RE:~~~eJ O/Ç (/ ) AOORESS: --- I ATTENTION: PH ( ) FAX ( ) REPORTS FOR: COUN1Y: 0 FRESNO 0 KINGS 0 MADERA 0 MERCED 0 TULARE o STATE DEPT. OF HEAlTH SERVICES 0 OTHER: PROJECT: SIT!:; ~(JJJ/12 if ãyJ-'P~,55 PROJECT It: PRC>.JEcrMANAG~g ~<V2rç»\, I . ~ ~ iNALYSIS REQUOSTED W~rð ~ ~ . ~,.~ ~' y ")G Y.,. 1\1.. 1)(" ~,., Xi- rx::. ..- ~,... x:, ,... x:- x: ':1é )é V y ..- ''X ...- 'V_ y- \ \ ~\ ;.. .-ru j iT / / J':'\ Vv' L A B U S E SAMPLE ID :}"" /1-- / ""/A,: lw-7< .,-i<' J lu-J9' -7 K I·c - I :r:: fl··/I c - / <:, ~ j'¿ j -j::. -i! I.',... ...,.. lit' J ~ - / <? 7"/'("'2 oj - ,.( fl<7../l/ -/9 COMMENTS: /~ ...7; r..A4 J L ./e'JJL JCúd,,/-Á..v /7l .R'/ " ..... / V - .~ Åz....r - Ii,' I-v Z'z¿(O /../1' \ 1=. 1\11;1 II. IL, lJ REUNQUrSHED BY .~.~,~" ~"ð DATE TIME RECElJ{ED B'!. COMPANY ~ --S-d' II?: ~ ~ ..JC-. . ~ t:. J ~ /. --' . -S~} 3cdC! /~ / I/V COMPANY ~,,-~ r~:A: ...,.-,;~~~¡.:; -'¡",~~<'" "'",....:. .'~... , ~' LABORATORIES,IHC. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY' ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES . SAMPLING SERVICES CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION & MATERIALS TESTING ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY DIVISION PROJECT COVER SHEET . REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID ATTENTION CLIENT : March 30, 2004 : 704-1350,1-10 INVOICE # 70401350 : Mr. Mark Magargee CSE 1400 Easton Drive Bldg. E., Ste. 132 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Please find enclosed the analytical results of your samples. In accordance with your instructions, the samples were analyzed for the components specified. The Twining Làboratories is accredited by the State of California Department of Health Services for the analysis of Drinking Water, Wastewater and Hazardous Waste under Certiflcate No. 1371. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments regarding the analyses or results. Thank you for allowing us to serve your analytical. needs. elw THE 1WINING LABORATORIES, INC. ~~ Ronald J. B Sf: Director of Ânalytical Chemistry Rev...i.. 06ID3 ~u (COVER) CORPORATE 2SZ7 Fresno S1Tœt Premo. CA 93nI-l804 (5S9) 168-70:::1 F3X1~40 MODESTO S1S3 Jerusalem Co..rt, Suite E Modesta, CA 95356-'13:1% (209) 342-:1061 F= 579-1480 VISALIA 130 North Kelsey Slreet, #H6 VbaUa, CA 93%91-9Oí1O (Ssg) 651-8280 F;¡;,c 65:1-æ118 BAKERSFIELD J651 Pc:ø'1IS Drive. #117 Bal<:er5rtdd., CA ~ <(61) 393-5088 Fax 393-'1ó43 MONTEREV SOl Ortiz A"m"" SõUId City, CA 9395S-~3 1331) 392-10S6 Fax %ó8-71Z6 SACRAMENTO S67S Power Inn Rœd. Suit~ C S:u:ramcato, CA 95SZ4-2313 (916) 381.9477 Fax 38t-9478 ~..41# ',~_ .J. ~"'.'; éJ'- , ~" , '.,' REPORT DATE LABORATORY 10 . DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANAL '{ZED BY REVIEWED BY : March 30, 2004 : 704-13óO.1 : 03103/04 at 1250 by Mark Magargee : 03f05/04 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler :CSE : E. Scott : J. Ureno THE TWINING lABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 1 of 17 DATE PREPARED : 03/16104 DATEANAlVZED : 03116/04 CLIENT SAMPLE ID : TK2C-15 SAMPLE TYPE: S01l UNITS; mglL: Milligrams per liter (ppm) CONSTITUENT RESULTS DLR METHOD Methyl tart-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.05 8021 Benzene ND 0.005 8021 Toluene ND 0.005 8021 Ethylbenzene ND 0.005 8021 Xylenes ND 0.005 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range ND 1.0 8015 SURROGATE* I % RECOVERY BTEX/MTBE 972 TPH-GAS 88.9 I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70-130% 70-130% . Preparation (8TEX, MTBE & TPH-GASOLlNE) : 5030 NO: None Detected .... DLR; Detection Umitfor Reporting purposes ~4-8rornofluorobenzene Rev..,L 5196 (BTEXWAT) Q '" ~, ~1 . REPORï DATE LABORATORY 10 DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY DATE PREPARED . DATE ANALYZED : March 3D, 2004 : 704-1350.2 : 03/03/04 at 1255 by Mark Magargee : 03/05/04 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler :CSE : E. Scott : J. Urena THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 2 of 17 : 03/16J04 : 03116104 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil UNITS: mg/L: Mmigrams per liter (ppm) CLIENT SAMPLE 10 : TK2C-19 CONSTITUENT RESULTS DLR METHOD Methyl tart-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 0.055 0.05 8021 Benzene ND 0.005 8021 Toluene NO 0.005 8021 Ethylbenzene ND 0.005 8021 Xylenes ND 0.005 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range ND 1.0 8015 SURROGATE" I % RECOVERY BTEXlMTBE 97.6 TPH-GAS I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS . 70-130% 70-130% 89.6 Preparation (BTEX, MTBE & TPH-GASOLlNE) : 5030 ND: None Detected DLR: Detection limit for Reporting purposes -4-Bromo1luorobenzene ,. , Rev..A,.5196 (BTEXWAT) -,-'~~",~-j- ;~.(r. i), REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED : March 30, 2004 : 704-1350.2 : 03/03/04 at 1255 by Mark Magargee : 03/05/04 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler :CSE THE TWINING lABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 11 of17 : C. Fammatre REVIEWED BY: J. Ureno : 03/16/04 : 03/16/04 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil CLIENT SAMPLE ID : TK2C-19 METHOD: EPA 8260 UNITS: mg/kg . .' Constituent II Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) Results DLR Ó.001 II .0.034 Surrogates . ecovery cœptable ecovery mlts Dibromofluoromethane 99.0 86-118% T o!uene de 96.1 88-110% Bromofluorobenzene 112 86-115% "ÆR A R Li DLR: Detection Umit for Reporting purposes mglKg: Milligrams per kilogram ( ppm) RIIV, ..i.. m/99 (8260) "'-:"~~''''''7;;O-''''''''''''-;-:-. '~. ~~' REPORT DATE LABORATORY 10 DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANAL VZED BY REVIEWED BY : March 30, 2004 : 704~1350.3 : 03103/04 at 1300 by Mark Magargee : 03105/04 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler :CSE : E. Scott : J. Ureno THE TWJNING LABORATORIES, INC. , PAGE 3 of 17 DATE PREPARED : 03/16/04 DATE ANALYZED : 03f16/04 CLIENT SAMPLE ID : TK2E-15 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil UNITS: mg/L: Milligrams per liter (ppm) CONSTITUENT RESULTS DLR METHOD Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 0.68 0.05 8021 Benzene ND 0.005 8021 Toluene ND 0.005 8021 Ethylbenzene ND 0.005 8021 Xylenes NO 0.005 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range ND 1.0 8015 SURROGATE" I %.RECOVERY BTEXJMTBE 94.8 TPH-GAS 90.7 I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70-130% 70-130% Preparation (BTE){, MTBE & TPH-GASOLlNE) ; 5030 ND: None Detected DLR: Detection Limit for Reporting purposes .. 4-Bromofluorobenzene Rev. -ª- 5/96 (STEXWA"T) ~, ~' REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANAL VZED BY REVIEWED BY : March 30. 2004 : 704-1350.4 : 03/03/04 at 1305 by Mark Magargee : 03105104 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler :CSE : E. Scott : J. Ureno THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 4 of 17 DATE PREPARED : 03/16/04 DATEANALYZEO : 03116/04 CLIENT SAMPLE 10 : TI<2E-19 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil UNITS: mgIL: MiIligrams per liter (ppm) CONSTITUENT RESULTS DLR METHOD Methy! tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 0.50 0.05 8021 Benzene NO 0.005 8021 Toluene NO 0.005 8021 EthyJbenzene ND 0.005 8021 Xylenes ND 0.005 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range ND 1.0 8015 I SURROGATE* BTEXlMTBE TPH-GA$ I % RECOVERY 99.7 91.6 I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70-130% . 70-130% Preparation {BTEX. MTBE' & TPH-GASOLlNE) : 5030 NO; None Detected DLR: Detection Umit for Reporting purposes "4-Bromoffuorobenzene Rev. 2- SISG (BTEXWAT) '~. *.~' REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANAlYZED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANAl VZED : March 30, 2004 : 704-1350.4 : 03103/04 at 1305 by Mark Magargee : 03/05104 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler :CSE THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC, PAGE 12 of 17 : C. Fammatre REVIEWED BY: J. Urena : 03/16104 : 03/16/04 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil CLIENT SAMPLE ID : TK2E-19 METHOD: EPA 8260 UNITS: mglkg Constituent II Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) Results 0.57 DLR 0.00111 Surrooates % Recoverv Acceptable Recovery Umits Dibromofluoromethane 106 86-118% Toluene d8 97.3 88-110% Bromofluorobenzene 114 86-115% D LR: Detection Umit for Reporting purposes mglKg: Milligrams per kilogram ( ppm) Rev, ~ 07/99 ($260) ~-i , ~' REPORT DATE LABORATORY 10 DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLI ENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY I I : March 3D, 2004 : 704-1350.5 : 03/03/04 at 1445 by Mark Magargee : 03105/04 at 1500 from GaryWheeler :CSE THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. . PAGE 5 of 17 : E. Scott, F. Baguinguito : J, Ureno DATE PREPARED : 03/16/04 through 03/17/04 DATE ANALYZED : 03116/04 through 03122/04 CLIENT SAMPLE ID : TK3W-15 SAMPLE TYPE: SoH UNITS: mgfL: Milligrams per liter (ppm) CONSTITUENT RESULTS DLR METHOD Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.05 8021 Benzene ND O.OOS 8021 Toluene ND 0.005 8021 Ethylbenzene ND 0.005 8021 Xylenes ND 0.005 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Diesel Range NO 10 8015M I· ! I SURROGA TE* 8TEX1MTBE I % RECOVERY 98.6 I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70-130% Preparation (BTEX, MTBE) : 5030 . Preparation (TPH-DIESEL) : 3510 NO: None Detected DLR: Detection Umit for Reporting purposes e4-Bromofluorobenzene Rev, ..L 5I9G (BTEXWA1) !I~. "'Y REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANAL VZEO BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED : March 30, 2004 : 704-1350.5 : 03103104 at 1445 by Mark Magargee : 03105104 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler :CSE THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 13 of 17 : C. Fammatre REVIEVVEO BY: J. Ureno : 03/16104 : 03/16104 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil CLIENT SAMPLE 10 : TK3W-15 Constituent METHOD: EPA8260 UNITS: mglkg Results OLR 0,012 s tes Methy! tert-butyl ether (MTBE) % Recovery urroga Acceptlble Recovery Umits Dibromofluoromethane 106 86-118% Toluene de 92.2 88-110% Bromofluorobenzene 111 86-115% DLR: Detection ümit for Reporting purposes mglKg: Milligrams per kilogram (ppm) RI!Y, ~ D7J9!1 (!I:!5IJ) ~. ~ REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED : March 30, 2004 ' : 704-1350.6 : 03f03/04 at 1450 by Mark Magargee : 03/05/04 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler :CSE THE TWINING lABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 6 of 17 I : E. Scott, F. Baguinguito :,J. Ureno : 03116/04 through 03117/04 : 03/16/04 through 03/22/04 SAMPLE TYPE: SoH UNITS: mgfL: MiIligrams per liter (ppm) CLIENT SAMPLE ID : TK3W-19 CONSTITUENT RESULTS OLR METHOD Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0.05 8021 Benzene ND 0.005 8021 Toluene ND 0.005 8021 Ethylbenzene ND 0.005 8021 Xylenes NO 0.005 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Diesel Range NO 10 . 8015M I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70-130% SURROGATE" I %RECOVERY BTEXlMTBE 101 Preparation (BTEX, MTBE) : 5030 'Preparation (TPH-DIESEL): 3510 NO: None Detee1ed DLR: Detection Limit for Reporting purposes "4-8romofluorobenzene Rev...L ~6 (Br:XWAT) ~, .,~ REPORT DATE LABORATORY 10 DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANAL VZED BY REVIEWED BY : March 30, 2004 : 704-1350.7 : 03/03/04 at 1420 by Mark Magargee ,: 03105104 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler :CSE THE TWINING LABORATORIES, tNC. PAGE 7 of 17 .: E. Scott,F, Baguinguito : J. Urena DATE PREPARED : 03/16104 through 03/17/04 DATE ANAL VZED : 03/16/04 through 03122104 CLIENT SAMPLE ID : TK3C-15 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil UNITS: mgJL: Milligrams per liter (ppm) CONSTITUENT RESULTS DLR METHOD Methyl tert-ButyI Ether (MTBE) ND 0.05 8021 Benzene NO 0.005 8021 Toluene NO 0.005 8021 Ethylbenzene NO 0.005 8021 - Xylenes NO 0.005 8021 Talal Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Diesel Range NO 10 8015M SURROGATE· I % RECOVERY BTEXlMTBE 97.B I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70-130% Preparation (BTEX, MTBE): 5030 Preparation (TPH-DIESEL) : 3510 ND: None Detected DLR: Detection Limit fur Reporting purposes *4-Bromofluorobenzene . Rev....;!.. 5196 (BTCXWAT) "~. .~ REPORT DATE LABORATORY 10 DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANAL VZED : March 30, 2004 ; 704-1350.7 : 03/03/04 at 1420 by Mark Magargee ; 03105104 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler :CSE THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 14 of 17 : C. Fammatre REVIEWED BY: J, Ureno : 03f16/04 : 03/16/04 SAMPLE TYPE; Soil CLIENT SAfv1PLE ID : TK3C-15 METHOD: EPA 8260 UNITS: mg/kg Constituent II Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) Results DLR 0.001 II . 0.0053 Surrooales % Recovery Acceplable Recovery Umits Dibromofluoromethane 100 86-118% Toluene dij 93.1 88-110% Bromofluorobenzene 111 86-115% DLR: Detection Umit for Reporting purposes m:gJKg: Milligrams per !<ilogram ( ppm) Rev.....i.. 07/00 (8260) 't~ ~. REPORT DATE : March 3D, 2004 THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. LABORATORY 10 : 704-1350.8 PAGE 8 of 17 DATE SAMPLED : 03103104 at 1430 by Mark Magargee I DATE RECEIVED : 03105104 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler CLIENT :CSE ¡ ANALYZED BY : E. Scott, F. Baguinguito' I REVIEWED BY : J. Ureno DATE PREPARED : 03116/04 through 03f17/04 DATE ANALYZED : 03116104 through 03122104 SAMPLE TYPE : Soil CLIENT SAMPLE 10 : TK3G-19 UNITS: mg!L: Milligrams per liter, (ppm) CONSTITUENT. RESULTS OLR METHOD Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 0.05 8021 Benzene NO 0.005 8021 Toluene NO 0.005 8021 E1hylbenzene NO 0.005 8021 Xylenes ND 0.005 8021 TotaJ Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Diesel Range NO 10 6015M SURROGATE" I % RECOVERY BTEX/MTBE 105 I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70-130% Preparation (BTEX. MTBE): 5030 Preparation (TPH-DlESEL): 3510 ND: None Detected DLR: Oetectlon Umft for Reporting purposes *4-Bromofluorobenzene Re>t. ..l... SI96 {BTEXWAn ~. ~ REPORT DATE LABORATORY JD DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANAL VZED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED : March 3D, 2004 : 704-1350.8 : 03/03/04 at 1430 by Mark Magargee : 03/05104 at 1500 from GaryWheeler :CSE : C, Fammatre : 03/16104 : 03/16/04 THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 15 of 17 REVIEWED BY: J. Ureno SAMPLE TYPE: Soil CLIENT SAMPLE 10 : TK3~19 METHOD: EPA8260 UNITS: mglkg Results DLR 0.001 ~ Constituen1 ~ Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 0.011 Surrogates % Recoverv AcœDI:ab!e Recovp..1V Umits Dibromofluoromethane 109 86-118% Toluene de 92.5 88-110% Sromofluorobenzene . .' 117 86-115% DLR: Detection LImit for ReportIng purposes mglKg: MiJligrams per kilogram ( ppm} Rsv...i.. 1f1!9f (8260) J'\ì'~ ~. REPORT DATE LABORATORY 10 DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY : March 30,2004 : 704-1350.9 : 03/03/04 at 1405 by Mark Magargee : 03/05/04 at 1500 fi"om Gary Wheeler :CSE THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 9 of 17 : E. Scott, F. Baguinguito : J. Urena . DATE PREPARED : 03116/04 through 03117/04 DATE ANALYZED : 03116104 through 03/22104 CLIENT SAMPLE 10 : TK3E~15 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil UNITS: mgIL: Milligrams per liter (ppm) CONSTITUENT RESULTS OLR METHOD Methyl tart-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 0.064 0.05 8021 Benzene ND 0.005 8021 Toluene ND 0.005 8021 Ethylbenzene NO 0,005 8021 Xylenes ND 0.005 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Diesel Range NO 10 8015M SURROGATE'" I % RECOVERY BTEXlMTBE 101 I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70-130% Preparation (BTE)(, MTBE) : 5030 Preparation (TPH-DlESEL): 3510 ND: None Detected DLR: Detection Umit for Reporting purposes ·4-Bromoftuorobenzene ReI, ..L 5IS6 (BTEXWAT) ~\J.'. ~, REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANAlYZED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANAL VZED : March 3D, 2004 : 704-1350.9 : 03/03104 at 1405 by Mark Magargee : 03/05104 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler :CSE THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 16 of 17 : C. Fammatre REVIEWED BY: J. Urena : 03/16104 : 03/16/04 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil CLIENT SAMPLE ID : TK3E-15 Constituent METHOD: EPA8260 UNITS: mg/kg Results DLR 0.001 Methyl tert~butyl ether (MTBE) 0.024 Surrogates % Recovery Acœotable Recoverv Umrts Dibromofluoromethane 110 86-118% Toluene do 93.4 88-110% Bromofluorobenzene . 112 86-115% DLR: Detecfjon Umit for Reporting purposes mgIKg: MíIligrams per kilogram ( ppm) Rev. ...i. D7199 (82GO} --:-!~- ,~, -~ {~ ",: REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEWED CLIENT ANAL VZED BY REVJEWED BY : Mard130. 2004 . : 704-1350.10 : 03l03f04 at 1410 by Mark Magargee : 03/05/04 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler :CSE THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 10 of 17 : E. Scott, F. Baguinguito : J. Ureno DATE PREPARED : 03/16/04 through 03/17/04 DATE ANALYZED : 03/16/04 through 03/22104 CLIENT SAMPLE ID : TK3E-19 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil UNITS: mg/L: Milligrams per liter (ppm) CONSTITUENT RESULTS DLR METHOD Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 0.19 0.05 8021 Benzene ND 0.005 6021 Toluene ND 0.005 8021 Ethylbenzene NO 0.005 8021 Xylenes ND 0.005 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Diesel Range ND 10 8015M SURROGATE* I % RECOVERY BT~MTBE 962 I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 7()"'130% Preparation (BTEX, MTBE); 5030 Prepøon (TPH-OIESEL) : 3510 ND: None Detected DLR: Detection Umit for Reporting purposes "'4-Bromofluorobenzene RfN...L SI96 (MEXWAT) "\"" cr:,.., '"J. ~.. REPORT DATE LABORATORY JD DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANAL VZED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED : March 30, 2004 : 704-1350,10 : 03103/04 at 1410 by Mark Magargee : 03/05/04 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler :CSE THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC, PAGE 17 of 17 : C. Fammatre REVIEWED BY: J. Urena : 03/16/04 : 03116104 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil f, CLIENT SAMPLE ID : TK3E-19 Constituent METHOD: EPA 8260 UNITS: mg/kg Results 0.13 DLR 0.001 s rrogates Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) %R u ecovery Acœp1able Recovery Umits Dibromofluoromethane 103 86-118% Toluene d8 95.0 88-110% Bromofluorobenzene 109 86-115% DLR: Detection Limit fur Reporting purposes mglKg: Milligrams per kilogram ( ppm) ReIo,...1.. 01199 (8260) " ~~ .f."~~!~(!: rl![SN a/MODESTO^, lSA UA/SAKWSnCI.O/5Aut/4S Analyzed By: Dara P VongkhamphaJFemandoBagulngulto Date of Extraction: 03/17/04 Twining Laboratories, Inc. Run ID Number: TL02032204 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBON: DIESEL EPA METHOD 8015 LABORATORY CONTROL SPIKE QUALITY CONTROL REPORT .-R Constituent Method Blank Laboratory Laboratory LnboralOlY Acceptable Laboratory Laboratory Relative Concentration COI1t1'ol Spike Control Spike Control Spike Percent Control Spike Control Spike Percent (mgJkg) Concentl-ntion RecovelY DuplicRte Recovery Percellt Duplicate Difference Level (mg/kg) Recovery Range Recovery Percent (%) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) ('Yo) (%) Recovery Low High (%) TPH: Diesel 0.0 25.0 20.6 20,9 60% 140% 82.2 83.6 1.61 EXPLANATIONS: ND Non~Detectable; the targel analyte was nol found above the detectnble limit for reporting purposcS (DLR). mg/kg milligrams per kilograms, parts per million (ppm) conccnlratiol1units. Method Blank: Tile method blank is used to determine jf method analytcs or olher interfercnces are present in lite laboratOlY environment, the reagents or equ]>imcnt. Labo11ltory Control Spike: A laboratory conlrol spike is generutcd by adding the turget analyte(s) into a relativeJy inel'tmutl'Ìx (sodium suJf¡¡lc or distilled water), The laborRtOJY control ~ampJe is amt!yzcd cxaclly like a sumplc, and its pUIJ)OSC js 10 delennjne whether Ihe methodology is cOl1lrolled and the laboratory is capable of making precise und accurate measurcmcnts. Reviewed By: J. Ureno Date of Analysis: 03/22/04 Sample Matrix: Soli Spike ID: WS 2003 --a ~ .t"J~!t!~ fll[$/IO 1J.10DESTOlVISAUAJBÁr.[RS"~lD/S4l1UAS TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBON: DIESEL EPA METHOD 8015 MATRIX SPIKE QUALITY CONTROL REPORT ~ Analyzed By: Dara P Vongkhampha/Fernando Bagulngulto Date of Extraction: 03/17/04 Twining laboratories, Inc. Run ID Number: TL02032204 . Reviewed By: J, Ureno Date of Analysis: 03122/04 Sample Matrix: Soli Sample 7040-1350.5 Spike ID: WS 2003 Constituent Matrix Sample Matrix Spike Matrix Spike Matrix Spike Acceptable Matrix Spiko Malrix Spike Relative Concentration Concentration Recover)' Duplicßte Percent Percent Dup\ic<\\e Pcrcen\ (mg/kg) Level (mg/kg) Recovery Recovery RecovelY Pcrcent Difference (mglkg) (mg/kg) Range (%) RecovelY (%) (%) (%) Low High TPH: Diesel 0.0 25.0 19.9 t 9.3 60% 140% 79.4 77.1 3.00 , EXPLANA nONS: ND Non-Detectable: the target analyle was not found above the detectable limit for reporting pUlposes (DLR). mg/kg milligrams per kilogram. parIs per miJ1ion (ppm) conceJltration units, Matrix Sample: The matrix sample is the Rample chosen for 1I.~c in the matrix Kpiko analyses, Matrix Spike: ^ matrix ~pikc is generated by adding the target nnalytc(s) into the tlumple noted above, The matrix spike sample jg analyzed exnctly like R regular sample, and its purpose is to determine whether the sample matrix has a measurable effect 011 prccise and accurate 811nlyte detection and quantification. :~. ~~. ~ .7Ht . ~t~!.~~ F.E$) Q/~DD[$TO/VI$~u~Je~KERSfl ilOJUUNA$ EPA METHOD 8260 LABORA TORY CONTROL SPIKE QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Reviewed By: Joseph Urena Date of Analysle: 03/16/2004 Sample MatrIx: SOIL Analyzed By: Chris Fammatra Dat9 of Extraction: 03/16/2004 Twining laboratortes, Inc. Batch ID Number: TL07031604 SpIke ID: W8166 -_. Constituent Method Blank Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory Acceptable Laboratory La bomlory Relaûve Concenlration Conlrol Spike Control Spike Control Percenl Control Spike Contro! Spike Percent (ugIKg) Concentration Recovery Spike Recovery Range Percent Duplicale Difference Level (ug.IKg) Duplicate (%) Recovery l'ercent (%) (lIglKg) Recovery Lcw High (%) Recovery (ugIKg) (%) 1,] .Dlchloroothene 0,00 50.0 36.5 38.2 70% 130% 73.0 76.4 4.55 Benzene 0,00 50.0 45.1 42.6 70% 130010 90.2 85.2 5,70 Trichloroethene 0.00 50.0 44,9 40.8 70% 130% 89.8 81.6 9.57 Toluene 0.00 50.0 45.9 44.1 70% 13.0% 91.8 88.2 4.00 Chlorobenzene 0.00 50.0 43.7 44.6 70% 130% 87,4 89.2 2.04 Surrogate: Dibromotluonnelhanc 0.00 50.0 45.0 49,6 86% 118% 90.0 99.2 9,73 Surrogate: ToIucno-d8 0.00 50,0 51.8 49,1 86% 110% 104 98.2 5,35 Surrogate: Bromofiuourobenzene 0.00 50.0 50.2 50.3 86% 115% 100 98.2 0.199 EXPLANATIONS: ND Non-Detectable; the largelanalyte was nol found above the detectabl¡:; limit for reporting purposes (DLR), ugIKg micrograms per Kilogram. parts per billion (ppb) concentration un I~. Method Blank: The method blank Is uscd to detennine if method nnalytcs or other Interferences Rre preW1t in the laboralory environment, the reagents or equpimcJlI. Laboratory Control Spike: A IlIboratory eonlrol spiko is generated by adding tho target analyte(s) into II relatively inert matrix (sodium sulfate or distiJIed waler). The laboratory control sample is analyzed exactly like a 511JIlp!e, and ils purpose is Ie dctennine whether tbe methodolegy is controlled and the laboratory is capabte efmaking precise and accurate measurcmenls, 'ifi1:~. ,f' .TH£ '!.rfª'M~~ rRt$HO^,ODn'O/VIS~U.vB.lXElISn[ID/S.wHJ$ EPA 8021 (MTBE/BTEX) & EPA 8015M (TPH·Gasoline) LABORATORY CONTROL SPIKE QUALITY CONTROL REPORT . I Anal~ed By: Eric Scott Date of Extraction: 03116/04 Twining I.aboratorles, Inc. Batch ID Number: TL08031604 RevIewed By: J. Ureno Date of Analysis :03116/04 Sample Matrix: SOIL Spike ID: WS·1000 Consli tlleßt Method Blank Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory Acceptable Laboratory Laboratory Rehrtivc Concentration Control Spike Control SpikB Control Pcrœnl Control Spike Control Spike Percent (mg/kg) Conccntration Reeovery Spike Recovery Range Percent Duplicate Difference Level (mglk¡) Duplicate (%) Recovery Percent (%) (mglkg) Recovery Low High (%) Recovery (Inglk¡) (%) MTßWBTEX Surrogate (4.Bromofluorobcnzcno) 0 0.0625 0.0591 0.0602 80% 120% 94.6 96.3 1.84 Methyl Tertiary Butyl BIller 0 0,500 0.489 0.489 80% 120% 97,8 97.8 0.00 Benzene 0 0.0500 0.0510 0.0490 80% 120% 102 98.0 4.00 Toluene 0 0.0500 0.0520 0.0520 80% 120% 104 104 0.00 l3thylbenzene 0 0.0500 0.0530 0.0520 80% 120% 106 104 1.90 Xylenes 0 0.150 0.159 0.159 80% L20% 106 106 0,00 TPH_Gosoline Surrogate (4·Bromofluorobcxuene) 0 0.0625 0.0641 0.0627 80% 120% 103 100 2.21 TPH·Gasollne 0 2.50 2.25 2.29 80% 120% 89.9 91.8 2.07 EX PLANA TIONS: ND Non-Detectable; tbe larget analyle WIIS not found above the detectable limit for reporting purposes (DLR). mglkg milligrams per kilogram, parts per million (ppm) ooßccntraûon units, Melhod Blank: The method blank is used to detennine ifmelhod analytes or other Interferences are present in the laboratory environment, the rengents or equpjment. Laboratory Control Spike: A laboratory control spike is generated by adding the target onalyle(s) into a rela1Ïvely inert. matrix (sodium sulfate Or distilled water). The laboratory control sample is analyzed exactly like a Ban1ple, and its purpose is 10 determine whether the methodology is controlled and the laboratory is capable of making precise and accurale mell$Ul'Cmenls, I j , ..~¡ "; '~'" THEi r ' CHAIN Of CUSTODY/ANALYSIS REQUEST \C~c: l/o (3.~o .) 2527 FRESNO STREET· FRESNO, CA 93721 . (559) 268-7021 FAX: (SSg) 268-074D - SUBMrríER INFORMAï1ON: /'i ) - Re¡ORTTO: "- . I' /. ~.~, l~~If'M) ceTg;..... _ ~."'" - //~ r 0...... 7/ ,""'1£ G.;AI--J-aJ ~q;,,~4P----<::::U~ './ "D~~ ~, ê: ":'.:J.J.. ~ . /1 J-;' J{) -' ÄðOi'\e5S: ~~/I/ < _~ ß: ~u~~l'2;"Z .Ai! ~.ð 7/-.... .IJJCn-¡; ~d "., ?'A!?- .µþ ~ ,,., I ATTENTION: PH}' f jJ 2>. < _(j~;{;Q FAX J! ~/} '7-.... r _ ·~/?L - PH ( ) FAX ( } . CO/lr!1'lAC1' It OR P.O, SAMPLE STATUS o ROUTINE o REPEAT o OTIiER BACTERIOLOGICAL SAMPLE SOURce o PUBUC SYSTEM . o PRIVATE waL o SURFACE WATER o CONSTRUCTION a OTHER SAMPLE INFORMATION: _ SAM?LEBY(PAINt~~ A/¿-f' . ///.A ~. .- -G'... SIGN~AE: ~ J.& ~ ~""-::.I ~ í/D (';Þ ~ )z!(ROUTfNEANALYSIS - t7 I' o RUSH ANALYSIS, RESULTS NEEDED BY: KEY FOR CHEMICAL ANALYSIS SAMPLE TYPE SL _ Soil/Solid as - Biosolids GW - Ground Water ST . ~orm Water OW - Drinking Water SF - Surlaœ Water WW· Waste Water SAMPLE ID -rl<. .2... C. - / ~ Tk 2.<::' .- J¿' 1 ï< ?.~ - J ~ -"1'1< Â~- t q -1'"k~~uJ-J r Y'k?J f1}-»1 cO' f/;('7Jc - J ç - e.; -1i-r'3c.-·j·9 ' ~ d~~ l-j- / 3 ~ -IS ,/ l4Ió5 ,1 II r¿-/ 3.i='_-/9 ~ ;LÜO 5L COMMENTS~ ..A".. L~·j-A.Â~' ..-17~, -- L A EI V S E \ ;), II.: t SAMPl.E DATE TIME TYPE . .. f2.Sø _~ -, 1'2.55,," . 1/,:¡ct!J 1/:-3~ ,;~/,'" I 11./ 1.11--- I~- ---- RESULTS~~...,.') GUS//) ADDRESS; ~ ATIEN1lON: PH ( ) FAX ( ) REPORTS FOR: COUNTY: 0 FRESNO a KINGS a MAOERA 0 MERCED 0 TULARE [J STATE DEPT. OF HEALTH SERVICES 0 ornER: PROJECT: ./"'fi sræ ///n#Etll~,¥tþ-,55 PROJECT #: PROJECTMÞWß~P~> . ~rB!l~ (ALY51S REQUESTED .¡,V~~ IIØ~ y IV )( ")( )C X XX \t.~ ít' ~ )("y XX" X'V X )(' II I . /". fi '/7 AJ:=. /b"", ~T.. ,^,JÞ '/ v ILAB USE - SOiTLES} \, \ \ ¿:;~ \" $í IDf / / / / , ,; -,. IJ. . t L· . I I" I ß . COMPANY RELINQUISHED BY --........,." A COMPANY . .0....J /~ SrJ::: - OATE TIME RECEIVED BY ~~IJ21'~ ~~¿d... ,~ ~<1\) / d :J' '-:j: '~, A IT ACHMENT 4. NON-RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFESTS FOR LIQUIDS St~te of.C.1ifornia-'Er~().:',.01Cn'()1 Protc~tjon Agency Form Approi'd OMB No~.,-0.50-00J9 (Expire. 9·3Q·99) , Pleo,e print or type. F.orm c/osigned for u.e on ..lite I' 2'J'itch) typewriter, 1. Generator'. US EPA ID ~o. o \l') \l') ..... N \l') ex> 6 o ex> X>..:.. :\J::: jj "1')- <, 1>z "t')Õ :'J~ ... 1«' . ""U z :ï: t- ~ ,,' N o ex> ex> ,.q. N ''1' o ,0 '? 0.: w .... Z w U w en Z o 0- en W c.: <- Z o ~ z w ::I: ..... ~ <- U ...j .~ ã: en c.: o >- u z w <:> 0.: w ::E w u.. o w V) « u F ~. A C I l I T Y See Instructions on back of page 6. Departmenf of Toxic Subs.tanees Control Sacramento, Calif.ornia t I, Manifest Document No. In/ormation in the ,haded area. i. not required by Federal law, 2. Page 1 UNIFORM. HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFESJ (l L/ (, 0/ I A; Slate Manife.! Document Number 2 2 3 9 3 0 2 8 Generator's N.,nnc and Moiling Address B, State Generalor'. tD 4,Generotor', Phone i "" I ) d 03 . S'¡ 'F: II , ! . 5. Tran.porter 1 r Company Name _..,' I '),' (, ( C (, 12.''S -' C ;' \./ I ( $' e" _, ,'J r , ~ j ~ 7. T ran'porter 2 Company Name 11 ~ 1..Q1Ð"'2n~W\{0~Ytfb"'e a~~A~r~o j I J:: 00 II/.'" "")fl S1. 1 C(,"~""/T{'''-'») r;-,\ 'l rz,"Z Z ~ 'I' 11. US DOT ~:"~;::~:n (ineluding Proper S~ipping Nome, Hazard Clan, and ID Numberl ij . a, WA -e:;Të- 1', ¡.q t'Y1 n--' ~1. t f f 6/.....1....'1) (0i' " I \) ..) \ '--\'~ì ~, })~ 711 !,Q, ("):X:'~ t ) ~ I (' (';- A:::'í Ì\/ A I U'/t) E ; Ni E . R A T O' R 6.. .US EPA ID Number c. . d, ~'i~C l 16.· /j r_ t) r} r:/)'~ /] A'~ ë POOR ORIGINâl GENERA TÓR',S CERTIFICATION:· I h r b deela"" that the contents 01 this consil¡ nme.t are lully and accurately described above by proper .hipFing name and are elou¡lied, pocked, marked, 0".1 labeled; and are in all respects in proper condition Ior.tran.port by highway according Ia applicable international and natiana government regulations, ¡- III am a large quantity generator, I certify that ì 'have a program in place to reduce' the volume and toxicity 01 wa.le generated to the degree I have determined to be economically practicable and that I. have .elected the practica~1e method of treatment, storage, or dispa... currently available to me which minimize. the present and future threat to human health and Ihe environment; OR, if I am a small quanti!)' generalar, I have made agOaP faith effort Ia minimize my wa.te generation and .elect the be.t wa.te management method that i. available to me and that I can allard, . T R A N S P o R T E R /~ (r;'l~' r·,,,..· 1,9. Discrepancy Indication Space 20, Facili Owner or 0 erator Certification 01 recei t of hazardau. material. covered this manifest exce to. noted in Item 19, Printed/Typed Nome Signature ." DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE. DTSC 8022A (1/99) EPA 87!>O-n Yellow: GENERATOR RETAINS ~:r::,: ~ -State of Co\iFornia.2.Environmenlal Protection Agency Form App~oved OMB I'!!?; 2ü50-0039 (Expire. 9·30·99~ . , Pleo,e prinl~ type." ~ dc.signed for use on'elite 112'pitch) typ~wri'er. .It! I 11 ~II .~ I ~= I :>. ~..", t') u, n<1 z I 1')", o IJ.... \J~ U z :ï: ..... 3 N o CO CO -.t 'N "'<t 6 o ~ ..... .~ ·V .....' ..... ë: <n See Instructions on back of page 6. Department of Toxic Substances Control Sacramento, California Inlormatian in the ,haded area, is not required by Federal law. UN!FORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST 1. Generator'. US EPA ID No. 2. Page I Manile't Document No. 3. Generator's Nome rÚ,d Mailing Addre55 c( 01 ~ A Slate Manifest Document Number 22 3 9 3.0 3 9 B. 4, Generator', phone ( 5. Transporter I Company Nome 6, US EPA ID Number Co\e . ::.:. 'SJ?. \' \J; C f?'::. X'-:r'C 7, Tran~porler ~)({)mpony Na~~ .' ...:\ . . ~ D.C'. ig,noled FOC.i,lityl"pme and. Site,' Address 1.--,e,(VI€' r ,"'CO I r~, f.., 1.:\( C\'" 2(;õC r'f((-(,,\c"c., ~\ (Q(-tt/-,¡t'(:,1 I ,( t4.· 'Y C? r:Z, C 1"1 111. US DOT De'cr~pHon lincludingProper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, and ID Number). ¡-:---~':--':''7"'::;:':-K;H;F . (\. ,..... ..., . f "C- , ~ t' \ C. . ( , ''>' ,. ,¡, I . Þ-.d ,I....." 10 I G..':: _J~ ' J 0: i" ( ,'~ (" ""~ . '." c·; I..:" .0\. \..;,-)t....\ "r , b. .' . I I I I I ,. c. .~ d. .,.".- I 16. I I I T R A H S P 0 R T E R "7 (/ /,~ - ,~~~, ~( ~ f t1I '/ Il (~{f ¡. .s 1./.> . /,_-(~.'(, GENERA TOR'S CERTIFICATION: .Ihereby declare that the contents ahlsi. can.ignm..nt ~'fully and accurately described above by proper shipFing"ñàme and are classified, paå~, marked, and labeled. and are in all respects in prapercanditian far. transport by, highway according to applicable international and nationa government regulations, . , , , , -"- " . , ' ", :: ~ If I am a ¡"'9" <¡"""'ily generator, I certily'that I have a program in place to'redoce Ihevalume and toxicity of waste generated to the degree I have determined to be economically practicable ( Cd that I hav. selected the practicable method of trealment, slarage, ar disposal currently avail9ble ta me which minimizes the present and future threat to human health and 'he env,ronment; OR, if I am a small quantitygeneralar, I have made a good IQith effort 10. minimize my waste generation and ,elect the 'best wa.te management method that i. available to me and that I can afford, .<. j LL o w <n < U ~ 1/,\ '''-/,,_1 1-.1""'.' '; rl.. l~t/J,lÏïtí ( ~I ;'~ i F A C h L ., I T y 19. Di,ei'èponcy Indication Space 20. Facili Owner or 0 eratar Certification of reeeit of hazardous material. covered b this manifest exce t as noted in Item 19, Printed/Typed Name Signature DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE. DTSC 8022A (1/991 EPA 8700-22 Yellow: GENERATOR RETAINS -,,~~:~~2' ~'i: ~ ATTACHMENT 5. TANK DISPOSAL FORMS N! 11012 TANK DISPOSAL FORM () ---- --- - GOLDEN ST ATE METALS, INC. p, o. Box 70158 . 2000 E, Brundage Lane Bakersfield. California 93387 Phone (805) 327-3559' Fax (805) 327-5749 Scrap Metals, Processing & Recycling Date 0 Contractor's License No. Contractor's Phone No. ,19 ADDRESS: JOB SITE: ADDRESS: DESTINATION: G. S. M. . 2000 E. BRUNDA,GE LANE . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93387 LICENSE NO: ~'~ HAULER: WEIGHT CERT. NO: TANKS RECEIVED SERIAL NO, NET TONS QTY GALLONS , /_ T~K INSPECTION ~ CLEAN & DRY (ACCEPT), OR o RESIDUALS PRESENT (REJECT) 250 .14 :j:[:¡}:rttt:::)::?'t:::¡:I:II}:¡:¡:::::JI::t:::Itj::::}=II::[:=j:=:":::ff'=:":=::fi=\:::j:j:[\:::::::.:I::\11:':':':::=:: 550 .24 1:lf:::t::t:r'??=r':::I:t::::::::::IIH~]:1i.:'f::::mt:::::=::=::::r{?:=r}rI:II::t::::::::;~~::H ... 1000 - 6 It .61 i::@:i':/:}}}::::=/?::@\I:::::::::@iI::::jj9.it::I::mI::::::I:::I}:t===t'::::::::tI:::=:.:\,t'I:@i::i:::) 2000 ,97 ::::::::::r:t:::::=t::::::rr:{:I;::ŒIIttE::II:It::::=\.::::::,[:!}f:::::::::=:=:=:::/:::r:::::::::::::i;1:~r· 3000 1.32 I:II:::::=tmr/::/:://:¡:¡:;¡;¡HHi:¡;¡&j:j:j:::[:I\:[:¡:\:::::[:[:::::¡::¡:::::fttt::::ff={[:::[=::::::::::[:[:[:::::i;~1.:::=:,:::::. 5000 2.42 ::II::/t?:}f:?::::=::{:IlfItIM'9.AA:II\\ffII\:\fI\\::\f':\::::::{\I:\IJ::':J:~;M:::: ..... 7500 3.28 :@:::::=:::t?::::H:::::::=:::tm::i::::nm::E:::r:t::::::=m::I:l::I:r::=:::r::rrr::::=}:I::t::::::=:I~;11=:i@=Ii 9000 3.82 :¡::::t:ttt:::f::::rm:@\::;¡I:::::;::¡::mR:::rf::::::::::mII:}:I:"tt:::t(::::\'\::::::I·I:::\\::~ä~:::: ::\:¡:¡::::rm':=::m:::~=::¡:lft@j~:I:I::::¡::::::::t::/::::/:r:t::::r::::::t::::::j::::.:::::;:"·j:f::::\, LEL READING OXYGEN CONTENT DISPOSAL FEE SCRAP VALUE OTHER TOTAL CHARGES $ TOTAL All fees Incurred are per load unless specified. Terms are net 30 days from receipt of tank. Contractor's signature represents acceptance of terms for payment, and confirms that tank removal complies with State laws. TOTAL ~ þ I I CERTIFICATE OF TANK DISPOSAL r DESTRUCTION THIS IS TO CERTIFY THE RECEIPT AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE TANK(S) AS SPECIFIED ABOVE. ALL MATERIAL SPECIFIED WILL BE COMPLETEL DESTROY0:~PE~~SONLY. íLf ()}1I . / '- ~(aID . AUTHORIZED REP. DATE WtlTE _ Conlractor Copy . YELLOW - File Copy . PINK - Pømanenl Copy __L_~l_----~--~----~-----~----~------ GOLDEN STATE METALS, INC. P. O. Box 70156 . 2000 E. Brundage Lane Bakersfield. California 93367 phone (805) 327-3559 . Fax (805) 327-5749 Scrap Melals. Processing & Recycling ,N! 11013 POSALFORM C~- ~ Date Contractor's License No. Contractor's Phone 'No. CONTRACTOR: 1'r.,¡ C"I. () "C ~ {,' EN~~' .~\)~~ ADDRESS: ADDRESS: f\')(\\(a 2. ~.'"j;j 7- \-- \ , . '-'" 'hi)¡ '( Gi?sf' \:;;l....,O JOB SITE: DESTINATION: G. S. M. . 2000 E. BRUNDAGE LANE . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93387 HAULER: WEIGHT CERT. NO: TOTAL EHSD PERMIT NO: ,..,...,......,--......... .....--,...-....... ....... :)99ø.i:j~tì.tt 1000-6ft ....'....,-.........,_., . . ............ .......... ..-.... . ....-..... ..... o ..."..,.,...., ,..,....,..-.-_.............. .,.,'., ' ........... ........ ,,,_. :,','//:,':}··')~44::. ,<'o' . .61 _ T~K INSPECTION B CLEAN & DRY (ACCEPT), OR o RESIDUALS PRESENT (REJECT) 2000 ,97 LEL RF.~DING j J i SCRAP VALUE 7500 3:28 ...'..... 'I,',"',' ...',..... ..--........'. -, -. :t::}::::::{?{:::::}{.tt;:I;:;;::t(~9t>::::t :.::'.::,:.:..:.:.'.....:.:.,:.:.:....' .,·,.,,:t44?'.: :." 9000 3.82 ::::.:.:.,..."....:tt:1'Q96ô<: '.' .. . . ·th'.-:: .:., \ ,....:.:...::~:. .............4;93 ....... ..... ........ ':....~,)!I'I~··.··.·.··.·.······· .....:..:.::...........:=::::::::::::,:.:.:,:"..:.:.:".... r . '\" - OXYGEN CONTENT DISPOSAL,FEE TOTAL CHARGES $ TOTAL OTHER All fees Incurred are per load unless specified. Terms are net 30 days from receipt of tank. Contractor's signature represents acceptance of terms for payment, and confirms that tank removal complies with State laws. I~~__.¿· CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE /""> ~ ;) DATE WHITE _ Conlractor Copy . YELLOW - File Copy . PINK - Permanent Copy ..--------' -----_.--'--- ~~ '~ I. ATTACHMENT 6. NON-RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFESTS FOR SOILS . :r ,A." , NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST (Form designed for use on elite (12 pitch) typewriter) NON-HAZARDOUS 1. Generalo~s us EPA ID No, WASTE MANIFEST A Manifest oocumSW-TOq l _ ~ 2, Page 1 of I 3"Generato~s Name and Mailing Address ~:L.r:<:>?t t....·~,(:=SS " ./,' -y..... I i.. 1.A.. "0 --- L-]>-.-L ~/ '1.Æ...d...A. / 4. Generato~s Phone ( ) ,1 '>1 EL1{,;:'fT: '3t E:,1k':r:.fi~~j.~ .::_~ :?,~31~. 5. Transporter 1 Company Name C'u M W\ I,V¿ <. 7. Transporter 2 Company Name --' fA A V "), 6. US EPA ID Number 0" A, Stale Transporte~s ID B. TransPorter 1 Phone C, State Transporte~s.IO D. Transporter 2 Phone E. State Facility's ID 8, US EPA 10 Number 9. ¡j",~ FaCI~ dnd Ü%ddress 16~O E. Bmr.H!dgê Lr. BJ.k~Ì::fidd, CA 93307 10. US.EPA ID Number NA F, Facility's Phone. ......., !;i¡: <, ~2 ';:-..i ~1.) 11. WASTE DESCRIPTION ,:V,'¡illl\I(.n:rvrìn:?, S01id::) 12. Containers 13. 14. Total Unit No. Type Quantity WtNoI, 0\ -çrr J8 I a. 1--1''''""'0 H'<7~.·..,1 "U", 'i',>t.:> ...-~.·_·.tl!·"'¡ ~:~. c.;...::..>:..u u~ _, ~',,, ~....,- _ lJ. G E N E R A T o R b. c, d. w .... ( ) <*: 3= '( ) :::» o c a: <*: N <*: :I: . Z o .z G. Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above a, I'¡('fde #0304·0C4-S ¿-. /, /..' ./. "', ...J""'-/ ~>~,"'.'\ /. :? S L>O, -1v't.--¿--&' ...¡¿./- . I;;;;~~~-þ-¿;./ r:. ;- ) H, Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information -J@R ORIGØfM~!l Year ð<t PrintedlTyped Name Year 19, Discrepancy Indication Space 20. ~ 0wner or ()peMtor, Cer1i~ of receipt of the waste rnaIeriaIs covered by this manifest, excepl as noted in item 19, c.. 0,( e- S· .JE/1Vt <t:- ç J;VC'.. //", . PrintedlTyped Name / Signature I i / . -ç>/1 ¡7 f'l OI'J 5:; A /'v ;('~ ' A/~..-y; \ I F·1402Ó02 F A C I L I T Y / -- Date Month ~ f! ;e:¡ ~. (800) 821-6808 www.IaÞeImastw.com ð' ~ PAMmONA(C'/Q.f PAI'ÐI ~ W USINOSO'tIIEANI« I~. Rev, 3/95 I ..,.;<;.....-' ~ .~ , NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST (FQrm designed for use on elite (12 pitch) typewriter) NON-HAZARDOUS 1. Generato(s US EPA ID No, WASTE MANIFEST N 1\ Manifest Document No... I _ .., 51"-1 <... 2. Page 1 at , 3. Generato(s Name and Mailing Address , ~/t:rk~ E;:pr.:-"::;, ¡II.' '"t c £,:,.....:\.. 4: Generato(s Phone ( 71('0..1. r::k.:yn :::: :; .. ..-...--:. -~..; ,-" /. .... ',-.'" ...... 6. US EPA ID Number 9, Designated Facility Name and Site Address Cole's Servires Iue 1620.E. B! IJßd<1ge Ln 10. US EPA ID Number A, State Transporte(s ID B. Transporter 1 Phone ¿; t. C, State Transporte(s ID D, Transporter 2 Phone E, State Facility's ID - / ¡..... L.)"'-:- 8. IJ¡., US EPA ID Number NA F. Facility's Phone No, Type ~: :~ t _ ~ -~ ) _ .:: " ;; _~ 13. Total Quantity 14, Unit Wt.Nol. 12, Containers () \ VI .29 I G E N E R A T o R .i1;:; _':;;..L~, t LJ.,~. .~ c, d, W t- en ,« 3: en :J o C a: « N « :J: . Z o .Z G, Additional Descriptions tor Materials Listed Above ~ Proft!~ :-:iD3C¡,-t·ÛC"~-S ~.~ t,,¿. ,>~&I,:LL-d.j : J /. " /;- '7 SF 0 -ÎV~'4~~ . _-! , f, r . ~I..;L~-"L L jF _ .! C . /- ~ I H, Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15, Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information ~ýo~ ORIGIiV1~l ~yped Name. . V~ N h"'" N E-. (-I.. {., 18. Transporter 2 Acknowtedgement of Receipt of Materials PrintedIT yped Name Manrh Day Year 19. Discrepancy Indication Space F A C I L I T y 20, Facility Owner or Operator; Certification of receipt of the waste materials covered by this man~est. except as noted in itern.19, ~ :: <- 'jt3I2\/I'ce <; -1-µc - / . PrintedlTyped Name ~ .-, A ,1. ¡t Co ¡...; ...../7 ." ~ K ~ Date Monrh Day Year 2 :;c, c?L/ F·1402002 ~.(IIOOJ62Hi808 _,labeImastef.com ~.~ONRECYCLEDPAI'ER ~ W ~SOV1IENIIII l~, Rev. 3195 W I- C/) <t 3= C/) :J o c a: <t N <t :I: . Z o Z ~ 'e .....' " NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST (Form designed for use on elite (12 pitch) typewriter) NON-HAZARDOUS 1. Generalor's US EPA ID No, WASTE MANIFEST t-J A 3. Generator's Name and Mailing Address ~I~-:{¿{ E:~-pre'j~ C-/Ci t:..C c ~i , 2. Page 1 of '7'1:>: ::-lk;:"ft-n St E:.J!.:.3~.:ii¿.1:.:. ~~..i. 9 jj ~ 3 4. Generator's Phone { 5, T,,,,,sporter t Company Name (\ v~"~1- US EPA ID Number A: State Transporter's ID B, Transporter t Phone (- ¿, C, State Transporter's ID D, Transporter 2 Phone E, State Facility's ID 6. -' )J¡'), ~~ 8. US EPA ID Number 9, Dal!klnaIed'~4CIIiIv,1\I;prre all~,S'~dress \,)UL~ ;j ~C[ \: It.,,,-o.: _ill. 10, ·US EPA ID Number 1620 E B!Und<:~ge L1I. BQ..k;~l::fie!d. CA 93307 11. WASTE DESCRIPTION NA F, Facility's Phone :: :: i . : ~ 2 . ì ~ ~;, 13, Total Quantity 12. Containers 14, Unit WtNol. No, Type Noo Ha:!at{k,U~ W J.::te Sohd ('l~>:,, ~'.·f"')1 ~.-i"(T",'¡i..j..: )8 o I \Jí G E N E R A T o R b. c, d. G, Additional Descriptions for Malerials Listed Above I ;",e.(;¿. L-:L?,.{,t.i2-;.-.j .. - . :i ...-,. ('> c -; //_',Lc.-<. :/ :... . 7/' I "... ;: _ -,-~, I i - (/ f' '___,;-é__ /L.1/\-4-/---CR,.. _,C; Ii ) H, Handling Codes tor Wastes Listed Above a. Prl)fi!t:;(ì3o..~-Oi)~-S µ./ . . // (; - /_. f C, 15. Special Handling Instructions and Additionallntormation [fd~@R ORIG~~8àl PrintedlTyped Name /0~µ f"l,--}./ ~ i'c L 18, Transporter 2 Acknowfedgement of Receipt of Materials PrintedfTyped Name Signature Monfh Day Year F A C I L I T y 19, Discrepancy Indication Space 20, Facility Owner or Operator; Certification of receipt of the waste ~aIs covered by this manifest, except as noted in item t9, r;. L ~ r 5 S--e.12 vir.: t- S J IV <' . /' PrintedfTyped Name ,....--.. ~... I> /> / ~ /\ . ~ 0.-::"\ J.-/" r ,,,,C.-:'Ì"~ ., ,....... ,/-- , Date F· 402002 ~.(800)62 -6808 _.labeImasl8r,com ~ PlWlTEDON ÆC'IQ£1 pN'£A ~ . . W USlNGSO'/IIENU. I~, Rev. 3/95 ",,' ,', ~ NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST (Form designed for use on elite (12 pitch) typewriter) NON-HAZARDOUS 1. Generator's us EPA 10 No, WASTE MANIFEST N A ('In ,'..... LIH:{.i':t E;':'Jr ,';;' I (.. \...A- Manifest O¡umen\ No. S- I '-1 1- ~ 3, Generator's Name and Mailing Address (\, <:.... .I. ' ~ 'r-/f.:' .. .~ 1 ;)4 Eü..;.:n·: St 4. Generator's Phone ( 3';l(..;-r:.rl.;:l¿ C.". 9~::; ~: 6. us EPA 10 Number tJ-¡\ 10. us EPA 10 Number A, State Transporter's 10 B, Transporter 1 Phone I. ~. _ C, State Transporter's 10 0, Transporter 2 Phone E, State Facility's 10 - {7} Go -. (¡t"tV5 8, US EPA 10 Number NA 12. Containers F, Facility·s Phone ~;! ':;~... :;.) 13. Total Quantity 14, Unit Wt.No!. No, Type Ol '"VT ?~ -r G E N E R A T o R b, c, d, W t- en c( :: en ::;) o Q a: c( N c( :I: I Z o .Z G. Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above if /"/ ill/ 0- , '¿:;' .1. h.)f!!>: ;'-030~-O(q-S ..-' Á LiZ' j'_.-( .~~~~-;t-;~ í;: _. '. ", ".' ..Y./_ .' ~...r/ ..-",-,-(./L.-' I '. , -'-¿~Lt?-e_f:;~ / ;, J . H, Handling Codes for Wastes Usted Above 15. SpeCial Handling Instructions and Additional Information ~ypedName . V£'IJ I~ r µE:..I LL 18, Transporter 2 Acknowtedgement of Receipt of Materials PrintedlTyped Name Month Day ""3 2<-- 0« Date Month Day Year 19, Discrepancy Indication Space F A C I L I T Y 20, Facility Owner or Operator; Certification of receipt of the waste materials covered by this man~est. except as noted in item 19. ,-') , ~- . --- (Oll.2 ';;' 6Â1Ces JAlC . Date Pri~yped Name I Í\ ¡( f!e-' µ ...-1-, A ,-./ J1<'..: . / Signature! .' .}, /~.-.- ,- ~ ( Month 3 F-14 0 2002 L.AIIE1AASTEJt. (800) 621-6808 _.IabeImaster.cam ~ ~ONAEC'/Q.EI)PAÆA ~ W USlNGSO'IIIENIN(· l~, Rev. 3/95 .... , '~;' .0 '*'" ., NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST (Form designed for use on elite (12 pitch) typewriter) 1. Generato(s US EPA 10 No, 3. Generato(s Name and Mailing Address LL-i!k.¿,~ ~:Tr 2<,: tv .\ ("ju ';.:.:. C Manifest Document ~ ) _ f C-- -, 5 2, Page 1 of (. t. tJ-¡ ':: 1 )~ EU.-:::'!:-~ 5::. 4, Generato(s Phone ( 5, Transporter 1 Company Name ('v;')\ ~n I :v (,c) 7, Transporter 2 Company Name E-~~~~·~.£ï~~d. ',:~..\ 'i3.j"1 ~~ . . 9, Dt~i~ät~~l\a~~ ~tddress 1;520 E. Bn.mJ~ge Ln Bak~ì':;fie1tL CA 93307 10. US EPA 10 Number A. State Transporte(s 10 B, Transporter 1 Phone / C. State Transporte(s 10 0, Transporter 2 Phone E. State Facility's \0 6, US EPA 10 Number ¡-'1.. A".... <='... 8, US EPA 10 Number NA F. Facility's Pho~."... .,. ." c'. '..~.J ¡ ~;. ~ ~ - ,) ... _' -j NC'n Haz~n!(\u:: Waste S.~l!d (Well M01Üh~iÜw S,Jl1d::) 12, Containers 13, 14. Total Unit No, Type Quantity Wt.Nol. (J I Uí ;JB I 11, WASTE DESCRIPTION a. G E N E R A T o R b. c, d. W t- en « 3= en :) o c a: « N « J: . Z o Z G. Additionat Descriptions for Materials listed Above d. Pr0f!1? H{ì3o..~-004-S ~~--'-j £: rh,·ì)·l ~ /~/~' /J~ ...., s c 0 11./ ~~ . H/, ..-::: I ./.., If/' ~?1,..¿/,......... /'--'1.--£...é., 'c.. -,- p'" /. '/ 7 H. Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15, Special Handling Instructions and Additional Infoonation ~yped Name 1 j j .. t-::'::'CIJ /1' C (VE: I I. <.... 18, Transporter 2 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materiats PrtntedfTyped Name Month Day Year '"7 1¿, c;<'f -' Date Month Day Year 19, Discrepancy Indication Space ~@o~ ORIGH~~!1., F A C I ,3SI-faciuty Owner or OperalDr,. Certification of receipt of the w~teñals covered by this manifest, except as noted in item 19. ~ ( Ó l t.,;. . S- :;;.. ¡t. ./1 C e S J.-"J C' .-, /: T PrtntedfT yped Name r--> Signatt/8 ...- V -¡-y.t ~ Il c ^' ....) 7 n/t../ ¡,/ e ,/' /...~ Month >. ---' Date Day ~? Year CJ£¡ F-14 02002 ~. (1100) 621-6808 www,labeImaster.cam ~ PAIfTB)~REC'/t:WlP_ ~1SõŸ~ ...~ ~ USHISO'I1IEANNI l~ INK , Rev, 3/95 o~~-- ~~;-.-~, ",. -~. .'~ " NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST (Form designed for use on elite (12 pitch) typewriter) NON-HAZARDOUS 1. Generato(s us EPA 10 No. WASTE MANIFEST þ Manilest Document No.. I I ')1 <1 -(, 2. Page 1 of I 3. Generato(s Name and Mailing Address Ì',Jirk;.t E::pr?>::. -Ie 7--(' t_ I..f-. 71;~'':;' E1~a(n ·St. 4. Generato(s Phone ( 5, Transporter 1 Company Name 'ì (VVh'V\' (,"- 7. Transporter 2 Company Name E.;.~~'=1·;;:.::1 \-:. .: ..J... .;i.,:?:"~ 3 6, us EPA 10 Number 9, De€~~ 'F3'c~B(I<!;S~Mc;lress 1620 £. Bmnd~e in_ Bakenfíeld, CA 9331)7 10. us EPA 10 Number A. State Transporte(s 10 B. Transporter 1 Phone C, State Transporte(s 10 D. Transporter 2 Phone E. State Facility's 10 _. , {1 A J..J<: , 8, US EPA 10 Number NA F. Facility's Phone S~~-3~~-3~S,~ 11. WASTE DESCRIPTION }h'!1 Hazardt,)u:; \V a~te So Ed (Well M\.'nit0tl11? Solid.:;) 12. Containers 13, 14, Total Unit No. Type Quantity WtNo!. [) t 1)7 1.9 I a, G E N E R A T o R b, c, .d, I I I W t- en « 3: en ::> o c a:: « N « :x: . z o z G. Additional Descriptions for Materials Usted Above ,~1:-~t: ?P,IE::~~: H. Handling Codes for Wastes listed Above d.. Pt0!11e if-û]04-0~\.~-S 7S'OO f.¡J.\3<....¿- ,<\). -;;::. f\ K C" .;1 S 1-' I ¿ ¿ p / .' . I"J .15, Special Handling Instructions and Additionallnlormalion ~yped Na"", 1 J j . , \~J::. foJ rt n tv E r l- '- 18, Transporter 2 Acknowledgement 01 Receipt of Materials PrintedfTyped Name "";rth -.:;; Signature '00' OP'~a[M r . Date Month Day Yea, 19, Discrepancy Indicaöon Space F A C I L I T Y 20. Facility Owner pr Operator; CertificatiO :1 of receipl of the waste materials covered by this mannes1. except as noted in item 19, (~(.¿ ') ·~A.V\ ('ê5 INC.. . ~lI!IfTyped Name ~ Signature / / j/A" ¡'t Co.v Jl.q IV K <:, Y/é~ Date . ¡,', Month 2 ./ Day Zt.. Yea, D~ F-14 0 2002 ~. (800) 62Hi808 www.labeImas1er.com ~PMrTmONAECYCl£DPAÆR ~ W USlNGSOYtIEANNI l~, Rev. 3195 ""'.--,.'._'-;-:~~-.-~~-- .--..¡ 'f ~'- , NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST (Form designed for use on elite (12 pitch) typewriter) 1. Generator's US EPA ID No, N'A Manifest Docur~I'C' I :.c ì 2. Page 1 I of 3. Generator's Name and Mailing Address 'Market E:t:pr~>::.. ,.,/ .. I () -lc t:: U-~ 4, Generator's Phone ( 5, Transporter 1 Company Name '71 i~4 EE~crn 5t ~ ',~, --:;:",.1"¡ .~ ....,¡ ':-1 '--- I (I. t\ tJ<7 . 6. US EPA ID Number 9. Designated Facility Name and Site Addr8SŠ Cü it· :;Ser.'i(t>s Inl:, 10, US EPA ID Number A. State Transporter's I D B. Transporter 1 Phone ' C. State Transporter's ID D. Transporter 2 Phone E. State Facility's ID . 7 c¡tr - 17 '(. 8, US EPA ID Númber 1620 E. Br'J!ìdage Ln. ',,\ NA F. Facility's Phone ,i ;.' ~ ,-. -' .- No. Type ---13',·-- Total Quantity 14, Unit WtNot. 12. Containers () -oi 7 <;- .-'- ' G E N E R A T o R l.' All :.... c. d, W t- en « == en :;:) o c a: « N « J: I Z o ·Z G, Additional Descriptions for Materials listed Above a, PL'file :"0JO~-004-S -::",,' L ¡-)-;:> p¡t Ì:: ~'5 r. -.- ~. , ,.-) v...., " '''?'' C l:=" r(v ,,/ J v<.- .' /" . ·-~<--fi~'w--:¿ú.j::-./ / ,~~ i.) H. Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above i 5. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information Date Month Day Year ~ OFI T Date R A PrintedlTyped Name ~~ Day Year N "--;7 t:: N ." AlE I '- L 2G {)c./ s -' p 0 18, Transporter 2 Acknowfedgement of Receipt of Materials Date R PrintedlTyped Name T Month Day Year E R 19, Discrepancy Indication Space , F A C I L I T V 20, ~~ility Owner or }>PØrator;.~on of re<:eipt of the waste ~als covered by this manifest, except as noted in item 19, ( 61 <::. -) '''-:'''6; j( 0./ I C <::- 5" -'- IV C . PrintedIT Name ~':--' . ..)7 "I 1\/ J.<' Month ~ Year ~ ,I ~ Date F-1402002 ~.(800)621-ð808 www.IabeIm_.con\ ~ PAMB)ONREC'/QEDPAPER ~ W USlNGSO'/1IEANNC l~, Rev. 3/95 ~ ~' ~ 't NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST (Form designed for use on elite (12 pitch) typewriter) NON-HAZARDOUS 1. Generato(s US EPA 10 No, WASTE MANIFEST r'-J ~ 3, Generato(s Name and Mailing Address I 1"~~Tk:t E..~"-?::~ C D -¿'C C. ù , . Manifest Documen5-0'/ q, _ ¿; 2, Page 1 01 I 71(·4 E.}j{cr:·~ Sr.. 4. Generato(s Phone ( E·1k.~'52E·t,::~ ..~ J:: -.; 1 ~; .. - ... . - -- ~- 6, US EPA 10 Number 9. 0eegef11~ l':~~~~~d:;Sh.~ress 1620 E. Brundage Ln, DJ.k.:-r:;:fl~id. CA 93307 11. WASTE DESCRIPTION 10, US EPA 10 Number A, Stale Transporte(s 10 B, Transporter 1 Phone C, State Transporte(s 10 0, Transporter 2 Phone E. State Facility's 10 _ 7<¡fc, - /7 ð' AIV£) 8, US EPA 10 Number NA F, Facility's Phone !::~ : " j' ., ~ :~~ ... .c;; :~ ~ _ _~ "... 4 _ Ì'ivll Hazatck·u:; Wask SolId CT s..... ¡ i .1:; ) 12. Containers 13. 14, Tolal Unit No. Type Quantity WtNo!. Ð ( ur 79 T G E N E R A T o R b, c. d, W I- en « 3= en :J o C a: « N « :I: . Z o Z G. Additional Descriptions for Materials Usted Above ;1 Pr0tìle r-030..Lûr)'+·S ,.j r-; ¿ f v P/¿ E, 5"5 ~" -' ;:' ::." eCl w,,~/;/~ ./11 -', I ,,/ ( (~~,):--Vt-~..":-.(:.:c:.r c-. ... J H. Handling Codes lor Wastes Listed Above 15. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information Prin~edlTyped Name,y\ ' .. ~/ ~ ,.' )JE.IL.!... 18, Transporter 2 Acknowledgement 01 Receipt of Materials PrintedlTyped Name 19. Discrepancy Indication Space '~\":fJ¡/f! or"f,g~~ijLlr: Month Day Year F A C I L I T Y 20, Façìlity Owner or Operator; Certification 01 receipt 01 the waste materials covered by this manilest, except as noted in item 19. " ) . r~ - - . <.. 0 L è';"5 I~ \/ t C c: S -L IV C '; ,.--- ~í:A NKC ,/.",.J-- Date -- Year PrintedlTyped Name í A ít¡ro~ ;t.::' , /". ........ /:.. , X d-?-'""-'~ Month F-14 0 2002 ~. (800 621-æD8 www.labeImaster.com ~ PANTED ON RECVa£O PAI'ER W USING SO'tII£N II( Rev, 3/95 ...¡¡ ~q ~ ') NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST (Form designed lor use on elite (12 pitch) typewriter) 1. Generator's US EPA ID No. },!.;¡.:<~ ~7'r t":::;:; N~ C/D Manilest Document N , , '5 '- Cf 2. Page 1 01 3. Generator's Name and Mailing Address -~~ c. L tJ < -; ~:)4 El~aT. S:.. 4, Generator's Phone ( 5, T~ansr'rter 1 Company Name ( V.......W)}N{:. 7. Transporter 2 Company Name F:'_<~~7t"~{t~ìd. !:;_~ ;~(3~. 3 9,. D~igf]atÐ\l F~lity Name and ~ite Address Cole :.: ~erY1C~S Inc. 10, US EPA ID Number A, State Transporter's ID B, Transporter 1 Phone C, State Transporter's ID D. Transporter 2 Phone E. State Facility's ID 6, US EPA ID Number 7 P AfJ'], 8. US EPA ID Number 1620 E. Bnmdæe Ln -' \ r,A 'H3ÍJr };A. F. Facility's Phone '5(} ·L;·2,153 Non Hazan1...iu:; \V a,A~ Solid "\~ .f,~.. .__.;,,~ ~ ,.,,\' ,Ie, \ 12, Containers 13, 14. Total Unit No. Type Quantity WI-No!. 0 I uf dO I b, ""_.. u G E N E R A T o R c, d, W I- U) « ;: en :J o C a: « N « :r: . z o z G, Additional Descriptions lor Materials Listed Above :1. Pr...,tìle #û304-004-S -.,., I \ C. r.1-~ ',,-.:; /2 '=:. ~ -.>. '" , i I ,) .1-' ". S ¿ 0 'ì":/v6--C-t- 1'-- .- :::.::: ./(.. A ~ » ! () í I C'~............ ........-. ,...-_.l:..,.,.'~.. ~ -' I / I H. Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information PrintedfTyped Name Month Day Year 19, Discrepancy Indication Space 20. F"cility Owner oJ Operator, Cer1ification of r'!""ipt of the was!Lmaterials covered by this manifest, except as noted in item 19, ( 0 {. <::" ç .E A V, c c- <7 .J.v c . ,/' r-:- Signature ./, ..-J7,q -,vY C'· .x'~.~~--, ....... Date Month ~ :, Day ?e, Year o~ F·1402002 ~.(800)621~ www.IabeIm_.com 11\ PAllTtDON REC'tQB) PAI'ÐI ~. ...~ W USING SOV8fN HI l~ INK. Áev,3Í95 ...... '~' ~ . NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST . Please print or type W t- en « 3= (/) :J o c a: « N « :r; I Z o Z (Form designed for use on elite (12 pitch) typewriter) NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST ¡¡\ 2, Page 1 ot I 1. Generato(s US EPA ID No. Manilest DT~ït ~'I tvA ~,L,.rk¿ot 2'Pr~'ú C I (," 7~c JU 3. Generato(s Name and Mailing Address c,.s\ 71,),+ EìkaTl St. 4, Generato(s Phone ( 5. Transporter 1 Company Name BJi{¿>t~i12!.:! S..~ :;_~.2.¡] US EPA ID Number 6. A, State Transporte(s ID B, Transporter 1 Phone (.¿, _ C, State Transporte(s ID D, Transporter 2 Phone E, State Facility's ID ---" I AA~.s ¡\ W' 1 IV <:- ( B, US EPA ID Number 9. D~!~f\!' 5aS!~~ ~~~dress 1620 E Brundage lù. . :..0 . Bak~n1ìdd, CA 93101 to. US EPA ID Number ?-fA F, Facitity's Phone ,~t:: ! .~, : : -1 j:~:i 11. WASTE DESCRIPTION 12, Containers 13, Total Quantity 14, Unit WtNoI, No. Type Nljn Hazard0U:; WaS'te 5;)11d (\Veil ~I0n¡tvrin!! 5(1!:(1::) ....- J '7 G' - I j) 01 G E N E R A T o R b. c, d. G, Additional Descriptions tor Materials Listed Above ¿ ;\ -v v/'-, t-C: ;:::>', ,; t·... A " I.. I' / "" < ,,^ /'1/ .-<.....1" I-'CL,,· :;-." / . . ~ v....... F ~ ....... .'...', , /t ." j '. // /- (..-... ,," . . . .,·,¿,ÞVt../ol..- -Æ.,' A.,4" ""- .-" 4.;4''l / t". -- I H, Handling Codes tor Wastes Listed Above ~, a. Pt d!h~ #03(4 ·í)~}..j.·S 15. Special Handling Instructions and Additionallntormation .' 18, Transporter 2 Acknowledgement of Receipt 01 Materials PrintedlTyped Name Month Day Year F A C I L I T Y 19. Discrepancy Indication Space iðI'" 20, F~~lity Owner or,Operator~cation of receipt of the waste~rials covered by this manifest, exce~t as notea in' e ( 0 «(;: s 't:=. tl V I C C" S -'- ~ , ' PrintedlTyped Name . ~ Signature / / -V/I, /Î/ì ,0 ^-' - 7 1'1 Vt/ ~ Y ~ ,/' " Date // /'. ,-!,,¿/ (/ c.z::z:-,., A::::-' . Month '3 F-1402002 ~.(800)62Hj8OB www.laÞelm8Sl8t.com ~ .-mIONRECVCl.EDPAPEA ~..,,~ W USIOGsO_.....OC l~ INK. Rev, 3195 w .... en « 3: en :::) o c a: « N « :J: . Z o .Z .... -'i r· " -. NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST Please print or type (Form designed for use on elite (12 pitch) typewriter) NON-HAZARDOUS 1. Generator's us EPAIDNo, WASTE MANIFEST ¡<\ Manifest Docu,ent No, , I _ S 1'-1 I \ 2. Page 1 of I 3. Generator's Name and Mailing Address c(u --6(' ¿ tJ\ MJr~et S;c;T':::';'. '~1;)+ E¡kcr-:-~ St 4. Generator's Phone ( 5, T~orter 1 Company Name l. V yY\ ..." '.V (... <:., 7 , Transporter 2 Company Name P., k-..~-"'fi ~1..! ("'::, .J ~ -.. ~ ~ 6, US EPA 10 Number N^ A, State Transporter's 10 B, Transporter 1 Phone Ú./ ' 7 C, State Transporter's 10 0, Transporter 2 Phone E. State Facility's 10 í' /) /1 ¡\J :; 8, US EPA 10 Number 9, Design'4ted.Fal;iüty Name and s¡te Address l.Û!~ :; ~etVl::~:: lllC". 1610 E. Brundage In. Rtket:;tie1d C (,Inn! 11. WASTE DESCRIPTION 10, US EPA 10 Number ""'~ ;~ 1'. , F, Facitity's Phone .) -.,.; 13. Total Quantity 12, Containers 14. Unit WtJVo!, No, Type a, N.)tl Hazan .)u::: W:l:';!e S(did 6 ( de ~ï I '-":;! ., '. . . - . .f.__ .......... . ,.i. .\.,-. .;...¿ , .. -. . ~ "'... =~ a-# ~- ...,¡ ~..._ .! G E N E R A T o R b, c, d. G. Additional Descriptions for Materials Usted Above a. PI (,file #O!O-i--004-S 1 ,_.. ...._, _ . _. r''': ;1 î, V,/ ~. :>.:>. ) /j ì - C' ... /r~ \ / '..{. CJ' . J.Lt/ r"""'::> ..' t,......-J . \....- -<"'i~ -;' ¡ - ¡ _i.. . _..) I j '. : ¿/ . /' (,.- ~A·ILCA., 1- ~-¿-;(' , c;. I' H, Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15. Special Handling Instructions and Addihonallnformation r> ~yped Name I / ' ,..~£ IV IY)r N E. J '-L 1.8, Transporter 2 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials PrintedfTyped Name Month Day Year /' 2D dj '"../ Date Month Day Year Signature F A C , L , T Y 19, Discrepancy Indication Space P@OR ORIGI~M\~: . 20.. Facility Owner or Operator" Certification of receipt of the waste materials covered by this manifest, except as noted in item 1 g, í' , r . . _ r D L C::. S . é:' t'1- V c (5 .-L N C, , fË'!edfTyped Name r> VA I\Ilf}v A,....1 AI /<::::"\ Date Day ¿Ú SignatUre . V' .' /._.' a.-.s.~ Month 3> Year C'<./ 0' F·14 02002 ~. (800) 621-ð808 www.Iabelmasf8r.com . n\~OHAEC'tWOP_~ W .USlNGsOY1lENUIC I~. Rev. 3/95 v . 'to , A-;. NON-HAZARDOUS W ASTEMANIFEST NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST (Form designed for use on elite (12 pitch) typewriter) 1. Generator's US EPA ID No. Nt\. c ó -i':'::' c Manifest Document No, I ,,'':'' J _ IS -, 3, GeneratMs Name and Mailing Address ~··rJrk¿t E;:;··r "~'''''"j': E:-: ).J , ? ~ ~>.;. Elk.:xrl S,: £'Jli:".'-::,::-,¿.i.'i. C.., y:..:, ì 3 4, Generator's Phone ( 5, Transporter 1 Company Name .- '""" ...--.' c. v vY' m I IV C. "'> I {'I. A ,'0'-:::: 7, Transporter 2 Company Name 9, Designated Facility Name and Site Address Cole \: Ser'¡lC~:> I1E 16~O E. Bmüd.J.ge L11. 10, US EPA ID Number A, State Transporter's ID B, Transporter 1 Phone ¿. (,../ . 7,' 0-1 c, State Transporter's ID D. Transporter 2 Phone E. State Facility's ID 6. US EPA ID Number ,U 1\ US EPA ID Number 8. N:\ ;., .. \. F, Facility's Phone -, No. Type ';~'''~~-·''i3.-· ; Totat Quantity 14. Unit WtNo!, 12, Containers o \)T ;3u { G E N E R A T o R "¡.:,,. ! c. è d, W t- en « == en ::J o C a: «. N « :I: I Z o Z G, Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above ./ ,-, c. a, Pi0fi!~ ¡i;Û304-'.)Ü4-S -¡ ," ( '0 ~.v, T_t ,::: r'- - "'- ,-;-:.,"--,<\, :/ ¿ 11 -:; ¡:~, ë.. ,..; v-v,¿ 1=0 '::. '5 -:. ., ¡') 0- Lþ H, Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above ~. /1 15. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information .~- -3 Monlh Day Year Date Month Day Year 19, Discrepancy Indication Space F A C I L I T y 2Of.a¡:ility Owner or Operator, GQrtification of receipt of the waste materials covered by this man~esl. except as noted in item 19, ( ) , . c -, . , - 'S ·'.:¡;}t.Jt/·c7 r / ~~yped Name~. Signature/ ;,' I-~' /' 1./ -1 /l. ,1 c,u .--7 ..\ IV .(' C' i ¿>~ ,// ( ~-A::.:' Date ~th Year f·14 02002 . . ~ e. (800) 621-6808 _,IabeImas18r,com ~ ~ON AEC'/ClEOPAI'ER ~''''a W U51NGSOYIIEM.. l~ INK, Rev. 3/95 W t- oo « 3= 00 :J o c a: « N « 7: I Z o .Z -.). ., ~'"". NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST Please print or type (Form designed for use on elite (12 pitch) typewriter) NON-HAZARDOUS 1. Generators us EPA ID No. WASTE MANIFEST f,.b ~~: Exc:>[:,c;, (, I ',-) ,_ 3, Generator's Name and Mailing Address -7~ ':4 3:tk\-:,{~·~ ~:.::: Manifest Document No. I j f c:.) 1- 2. Page 1 of ~ , E~~~:¿r:l'ïeld, ::}." 93311 4. Generators Phone ( 5, Transporter 1 Company Name (' V ~"l \ '" \ tv 7, Transporter 2 Company Na~ 6, us EPA ID Number A, State Transporters ID B, Transporter 1 Phone ¿'C- _ 7 (I c.-. - I C. State Transporters ID D. Transporter 2 Phone E, State Facility's ID i1.. ,,\ IV '5 NA 8, US EPA ID Number 10. US EPA ID Number '" .\ J. ~i '!'- 1ó20 E. Bmndaze in, 'u~ Bak~t'sf!"'!d, CA 9330ì F, Facility's Phone ,5 c:; : .~. ~ _ . .: ~: -:; 11. WASTE DESCRIPTION 12, Containers 13, Total Quantity 14, Unit WtNol. No. Type f·i('!:i Ha1~d(11S \Va::=te S.)!id (\V eli ~J!"nit,\¡ i~L:~ S~"'l.ìd:::) () \ !)7 ;?ù - 1 G E N E R A T o R b. c. d, G. Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above d. Pt0fil~ ¥03Ü.f-C:O-~ s ," '-: ¿ ¡\-;;:T/) i:- ::.-;:' ': ..-;' ç (/0 '/;/,v?&. ¡¿þ "-""', I, ;://( ~ ~ r_,jVVJ-F £ J ,. H. Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15, Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information -:Pij(R{ QR'G~~~¡z, Date T A A . PrintedlTyped Name N -I: }J S,..jC u 'e. , L L p o 18, Transporter 2 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials R T PrintedlTyped Name E R Month Day Year .7 ?C 0'-1 -' Date Monfh Day Year F A C , L , T Y 19. Discrepancy Indication Space 20, Facility Owner or Operator: Certification of receipt of the waste materials Covered by this manifest. except as noted in ilem 19. (") I ____ ' D( ~ S ()v"(~5-r.vc PrintedlTyped Name r- -r"-'  ~ /l ('.' ^-/' --' 7 ..:1 µ' J,/ ,.r / ~.., Date ..-Y. .. ¿c,', . /''/1 ( /'. { . -} l':"Æ--"-~' Month Day > ~ Yèar F-I4-02002 ~.(800)621-5B08 WWW.Iabølmas18r.com ~ .-mJOtIAEC'IQ.E1)PAPEA ~ W USlNGSOY8fAHNC l~, Rev, 3195 0, i ~. ~ NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST (Form designed for use on elite (12 pitch) typewriter) NON-HAZARDOUS 1. Generator's us EPA 10 No, WASTE MANIFEST N (\ 3. Generator's Name and Mailing Address 1:-.;jn,.;tE:·:;:(~',,: C (I..) _·:~C L ¡..J' - ~ ~ .~~ Elkcrrl St. Manilest Docr~t ï°::.:~ I _ / '7 2. Page 1 of '4, Generator's Phone ( 5, Transporter 1 Company N!I(T1e C V ýY'\ 1'Y1 IN r;. <; 7, Transporter 2 Company Name E<:~(~'~~1:.:·i:i, ;:;;.., );:~,.:,: 6, us EPA 10 Number fJ /1 9, Designated Facility Name and Site Address Ü:+:-':"J S~t'\'JC~:: 11lC 16~O E. BnJnd~2 in, 10, US EPA 10 Number A, State Transporter's to B, Transporter 1 Phone ¿.? I· 7 V c.. - C, State Transporter's ID 0, Transporter 2 Phone E. State Facility's 10 5G I (tAfo.,J<: 8. US EPA 10 Number "" .' j,"j}'"\ F, Facility's Phone 11, WÃSfE'ÐE~Rlf" \w·... _ ..., _~ _ .... : 12, Containers No, Type 'J i) , . . . 13::' - " ., Total Quantity 14, Unit WtNoI. a, G b, E N E R c. A T o R d. S'::"ll H<lZ2.!d('!JJ V,' 2.Ste S,}!!d (\Veli :\I,.mjh'~1H~ ":'~rl'd::; o ( -"D ï 30 , a h~,filr: ~03~·OC4-~. 7- ,;." C 0 -::-::.. A ,/ é. r1 A \')v r¿ ~:;;-; L--/, ~ l ia'=: H, Handling Codes for Wastes Usted Above G. Additional Descriptions for Malerials Usted Above <- ~ t-\- t h - -- )!- ./ r=-.'·D /\ 15. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information L.~ Date Month Day Year .5 T R A .,.f~n~yped Name.. I '-)jE::¡ Month N " V LL "'7 5 /t::0 ...; p 0 18. Transporter 2 Acknowl~gement of Receipt of Materials Date R T PrinledlTyped Name Month Day Year E R 19, Discrepancy Indication Space F A C I L I T Y 20, !:,\Cility Owner or Opera~ertification of r"",eipt of the was~rials covered by this manifest, except as noted in item 19. ( ð ¿ c: <; . '. ¿ /) V I (" ~ 5 .' .-1 ..v c , " ¡'l ¡t t::'A/ ~7 .-:1tV'K¿· / ',.'~ / /,r.17 /<.. . /f(-~"""I:C-<-- . I " Date Prin!~ pad Name / ,....-~ Month 3 Year F-14 0 2002 .. . 1.AIIE1.RAsTa. (800) 62h'i808 _.labeImøster.com ~ .-reD ON REcra£DPAPÐI ~. ..r~ W USlNGSOYIIfNO.. l~ INK. Rev. 3/95 -.,M¡ .r~ti... .... ".. NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST (Form designed for use on elite (12 pitch) typewriter) NON-HAZARDOUS 1. GeneratOr's us EPA 10 No. WASTE MANIFEST f-J t\ Manifest Document No_ 1'51.::.;1- .,..., .) 2. Page 1 of 3, Generator's Name a~d Mailing Address ~-4I.:ir~.(. ~t ~ :~~. t .. , . '- "-- ~, 1 tv \ 71,:>:1. E,:f:_~-:.:. ::'~ L- .i!:.--:~--;f,::1.~~: '_,_0-. 4. Generator's Phone ( 5. Tr~sporter 1 Company Name <. V/}; ,Y' ,NC ";. 7, Transporter 2 Company Name 6. US EPA 10 Number 9, Designated Facility Name and Site Address C'~ 1.;- ':,: S;~n'iCt:3 111 <: 10. US EPA 10 Number A. State Transporter's 10 B, Transporter 1 Phone ¿~, I, I (í (. - I 7:5 [> C. State Transporter's ID D. Transporter 2 Phone E. State Facility's ID AA rvS 8. ¡.J ,'\ US EPA ID Number i\_~ F. Facility's Phone No. Type - - -13, - . . Total Quantity 14. Unit Wt.Nol. 12_ Containers N0ll H:J.Z?:id,~,u::".\'¿'rt S,!!,..: Oi ~ V I ~7(j ----¡-' I G E N E R A T o R b, c. d, w ~ en < 3= en :J o C a: < N < :I: , Z o Z G, Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above , L ;-).-;- (j 1-' i=:::' '5 H. Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above a. fit t) 11 ! ~ tfC.?'\J. - 0 (..1 ,5:, . . '" 1. 'C' (.J...j' i, ( 1.-- ,j> !/'" i. -::. i '0:: I i<--y . /' D :/1 ',. 15, Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information À. ~fì}(õ)~ ºRfG'~Al, . T R A ~lJ1,edlTyped Name ' _ ~ Vt:= 1--" f{Î (" ) G... J L. L p o 18. Transporter 2 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials R T PrintedlTyped Name E R Date Monfh Day Year -, ...< '.'. ç,. Date MQ(lth Day Year ..- )¿ {/(¡ --- Date Month Day Year 19. DiscrQpancy Indication Space F A C I L I T y æ, Facility Owner or Operator. Certification of receipt of the waste materials covered by this manifest. except as noted in item 19, .-, ".--- -' / . -S'. c:: /1. V I ( ë S ..1 ,,(.I c , ......... Date Month Day Year ~ 2 {~, /'L¡ PrintedIT yped Name Y1f!(lc"-,, ,...- ../7 J1 tv K c- /' Signature , , i J..-:_.. -~::-Z-'f.~ ;'>¿a--r. . / / - (,.'4- ./ F·1402002 ~.(BOO)621-6B08 www.labelmastør.com ~ PIONTED ON RECYClED PAPÐI W USING SOY8EAN '* Rev, 3/95 w ... en ~ 3= en ~ o c a: <C N ~ :I: . Z o Z \. ii, ~ 1 NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST 4; , .' Please pri'nl or type (Form designed tor use on elite (12 pitch) typewnler) 1. Generator's US EPA 10 No. 2. Page 1 at 3. Generator's Name and Mailing Address , .' t ¡...J I NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST Manifest Document No_ \ ... ' -./ ~j (. . .. 'í i r ;:'- _ .,"'_ -.. ~: ~ ..:..... ¡ - f:.~~~--)\.;-: :' 4. Generator's Phone ( 5. Tr~sporter 1 Company Name \ V"'...." vY-', . ft.) (~ ~ 7. Transporter 2 Company Name 6. US EPA 10 Number AJIÎ A, State Transporter's 10 B. Transporter 1 Phone .1" (, / -¡ '-I C. State Transporter'slD D . Transporter 2 Phone E. State Facility's 10 /J. .~. IV':::' - ¡ 7ð~ 8. US EPA 10 Number 9. De~~g~~ F~c~~~~~Jif',~ress L ,~~Ü .E. B!Ui1J~i: In, r.c:.keT :.-1ì~LL. CA, 9:1(1 10. US EPA ID Number ~ ~ A, F. Facility's Phone .-' .'~' -. - ... . , 11. WASTE DESCRIPTION 12. Containers 13, Total Quantity 14. Unit Wt.Nol. No. Type a, Nc'n Haz:)rdi)U':; \'.¡'J.:.h~ S.-,~!d (\'\: ~î1 ",,~,~t! ;r,·t'W· '<·,lie!:· -c.·~~·1 --; . .r' C/ / 0, G E N E R A T o R b. c. d, G. Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above j. J y T) t~ L. :-.: ':~ H. Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above - ; t' "oJ.. Pr<~r!le _c~):O··~_·o.C·_~.S ;' ":. (, C !/'",,- -'""" -' , , ·//.....·o:-:·CC .J /.' í'~v .' I..":---<.-¡,,': ~ /.:/---. , ,,r (;'-/( ...( _ ".......-t..........: 15. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 6" ,i'J(f\~N'>I JJ\UliJ\r OP'G'~M,n 16. GENERATOR'S CERTlACATlON: I hereby certify that the contents of this shipment are fully and accurately described and are in all respects in proper condition for transport, The materials described on this manifest are not subject 10 federal hazardous waste regulalions. ,I.J OtJ Date Month Day Year '<, -~ -:,:.(.. /<:, Dale Month Day Year )C ,,:XI Date Month Day Year ~ 17 . Transporter 1 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials A N S t-.. ki G: . L L p o 18, Transporter 2 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials R T PrinledfT yped Name E R F A C i L I T y t 9. Discrepancy Indication Space 20,_ Facility Owner or Operatof_Certification of receipt of the waste materials covered by this manifest, except as noted in ilem 19. ( ) ',r- <. r.' -\. . , () l... to,.) c ,'1 V I ( ~. ç --.J,.. tv C " Prin~yp~ Name Signature i /,1 () ~'^./ ............., 1\ A... V -.;~ \,.:~.~,~lo-~...., Date <r>r.. /~~, ,. .. , .4: -r-- -r-<- . '--' Month > Year F·14C2002 . .' ~. (800) 621-5808 www.labeImaster.com ~ PRINTED ON RECYa.£D PAPER r '''''(0 WI1M W USlNGSOV!IEANH( l~ SOVINK . Rev. 3/95 03/24/2004 21:53 661-.5126 JOHN R WILS~IL PAGE 01 . 1400 Easton Dr., Suite 132 - Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 325-4862 ~ Fax (661) 325-5126 Central Sierra Environmental Fax To: ~~úJ~ Fax: ?S-:l.. - :>-17 ?- Phone: From: ~~~ Pages: including Cover page .3 Date: '3 ..l-~' C> "I Re:þ~ . Comments: ~:6! 7)P[~~ ~ ¿¡)~ PSv"b t£,p~~ ~. 3/z-šlù4 :I"' GOt ?(fc;,. rJ'ow/ ~ vJltA'l Do '¡1+{:-¥ W'fVJ't -m Dc ? .f 03/24/2004 21:53 /ì .. 661.5126 JOHN R WILS~IL PAGE 02 lIœl!'~ ANALY'!1C.AL CJiEMTSTRY· 5~AL 8ë'R111C1!à Gr!OTECliNICAl 8EKVICES . IMIPUNQ 8elMCàI CONsTRuC'nON INSPEC'noN &, MATëRIA1.$ TE5T1NG ANAL YI1CAL CHEMISTRY DIVISION Tel (559) 268 -7021 · (559) 268-0740 Fax Fax To: Company: Fax: Re: Mark Magargee CSE (661) 325-5126 Market Express From: Ron Boqui~ Director Pages: Date: 1 March 17, 2004 For concerns regarding this fax; pJease contact liS at the Dnmber above. Mar~ Here are the results for sample "SP-l It TPH-Diesel TPH-Gasoline MTBE Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Xylanes 120 mglkg >15 (likely <100) mg/kg 0.45 mglkg, 8260 confirmation 0.47mg1kg ND ND 0.05 mg/kg 0.34 mglkg Final report will follow. Please call me if you have any questions. Tha.nkyo~ ~ Dkector of Ana1yticaJ CMmistry CORPORAn :Is1'7 ~ Stn:ot f'Naa. CA.~ ~"7QJl lID :¡1I&o7.&Ø )fODESro ~ "........ c....rt,...... MooI-' CA~» Ø09}~cIl }lai $'J'.II.14IO SAœAMENTo 1f75 P_1JNa Rooad, $Id4oa C Søo:nIIDIIIda" C'.A HÐ4-U 13 ("'6) 31M04T7 ..312.,.78 VJ8ALlA :uo NmII K"IIM1 SùM. Ed VINAl, c.t. NuMOClO (5m Ø1oIUO p"" _..l21li 1WaRSPn:1J) :Jm~Uñw,1117 Balillt1liald. CA mœ.aa ((Q,) m-6V8I I',",,~ MONIERBv 5010t111:A_ SoW CIQ-. CA. nHWIØ (est) an.lœ6 I'ax W-'7t26 I 03/24/20à4 21:53 661.5126 l' .. TNIi TWINING JOHN R WILS~IL PAGE 03 LABORATORIES,INC, CHAIN OF CUSTODY/ANALYSIS REQUEST eC' 2527 FRESNO STR£ET . FRESNO. CA 93721 . (559) 268-7021 FAX: (S59) 268-0740 J --- SUBMITTER INFORMATION: (';I' J __ ~¡Z~.Jt:JJIS:;PJÞ~)':.~II)IO~ aEND NIIOIÇET~ IAA."J <LI~¡1/) V"':r"G< .i::::-.~ .J . ~I_ 'CJ..J ADI;IAESS: -.....:.,...... ~/ '/-'.. ' - ¿;;. (~~D J /3..2' 1",¿~·u~rJD~L....-.4'&:. ~, ':A 7"56( '1. I~µk A2" - '~e;{: I\TTE/o¡TION: PH ~j) =3¿Ç--~g-6~ FÀX~ì)~<_ ~'/7,L ....... PH ( ) FA)( ( ) COO/TRACT. OR P.O. BACTERIOLOGICAL SAMPLE SOURce Q PUBLIC SYSTEM o PRIVATE WI;L.L Q SURFACE WATER o CONSTRUCTION Q OTHER SAMPLE INFORMATION: SAMPLe 6Y (PRINT~ . f~, ./ yo /. ~_71 ~ ---~ /. '7 ''-f''£.. '" '" Ri ,.,. SiGNA-TURD''''' ~ ~ ......-¿!.y....... .I ~ ~ fl ¡) ... ~OUTINE ANAI.Y5IS' ~ t7 l/ a RUSH ANALYSIS, RESULTS Ne;eDED BY: KEY FOR CHEMICAL ANALYSIS SAMPLE TYPE SL _ Soil/$Qlid ST . Storm Water Ww . Waste Water SAM~L~ STATUS o ROUTINE Q REPEAT o OTHER 85 . BiO$Olids DW . Drinking Warer ow . Ground Water SF - Surface Water L A 8 U s E SAMPLE DATE TIME tyPE ~ I. /', J"l..I51< L ".11\ ' ~355 Ir-.. ~ ÝO() . J?'5 I:J SO I~"')r ~J "'..3 Yo t..'J /~/I;. \V ~ / ';=120 ~/ SAMPLE ID ~. ~ - I '7Þ-é JW-/< ,1<. I tu-¿ 9 'Í'J<' I C - J < '"ÍJY'IC-/9 r J.( I .IE - L .( -r 1<,7 F.-' 9' 7/'("2 aJ - /< ~/<2. tV -/ '7 ~ RESUl.tSRf:~~~éV o./c r/) ADOFlE5S: _ Al ENTION: P~ ( ) FA,)( ( ) REPORTS FOR: COUNTY: (;) FRESNO 0 KINGS 0 MADERA 0 MERCED 0 TULARE Q STATE OEPT. OF H~lTH SERVICES 0 OTHER: .... PROJECT: SITE: ~/~¢·~~rfJ¡.S5' PROJECT" ~ ~ _ PAOJECTMANAGE' fJ.-',k.: A cu~~ ~ <AJ iNALJ"'s REQUESTa¡ ~7~~ ~ ~ J ~~ -~/ '! ~ ~~~ xxx y )( ~ X X 'L x:- k:'" X. 'x )é V 'X ')( V ~ ((A8I1Sf, somES, , I ::OMMENTS: ~ II ~;r-A1 ..J._ Z/eI:J..¿~d¿ '.,1(", r/TA;sJl;/r..... - ;/. " .<: _,¿ ., ..l'L. <2'? L (j ... ...,...., 1(/ , U;LINQUISHE,D BY -A '~ ... COMPANY ~ ~ ..d- E __ .JO. DATE // TIME ReCEIVED BY COMPANY FIRE CHIEF -<ON :=~.>¿E ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 852-2170 SUPPRESSION SERVICES. 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 852·2170 PREVENTION SERVICES fiRE SAfETY SERVICES' ENVIRONMENTAl SERVICES 900 Truxtun Ave.. Suite 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661)326-3979 FAX (661) 852-2171 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 852-2172 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 AU!t 6, 2004 . Mr. Abdul Aziz Market Express 5004 Greenville Ct. Bakersfield, CA 93313 RE: Laboratory results from preliminary site assessment conducted at the Market Express, 2500 Wible Road in Bakersfield Permit # BR-0314 Dear Mr. Aziz, Upon review of the recently submitted laboratory results from your facility, this office has determined that the extent of the contamination plume, associated with the North gasoline dispenser on the Western Island previously located on your property, has not been adequately defined. This office requires (in accordance with Chapter 6.7 of the California Health and Safety Code and Chapter 16, Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations) that further assessment be done to define the vertical and horizontal extent of the contamination plume. Please submit a work plan for further assessment, to this,office, within 30 days from receipt of this letter. The workplan should follow guidelines found in: Appendix A -Reports. Tri - Regional Board Staff Recommendations for Preliminary evaluation and Investigation of Underground Tank Sites; July ,6, 1990. Additionally, be advised that oversight cost for this project will be billed to you at a rate of $104.00 per hour, If you have any questions, please call me at (661) 326-3979. Sincerely, ~¥l0-::-~ Howard H, Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Registered Geologist No. 7239 Office of Environmental Services HHW/dlm Cc: J. Whiting, RWQCB M. Magargee, CSE -I {¡"nY//)I.'IJÙ~7 (he Yf;"IIIIIIIIIU~f n'-þfN' 'J lion' r'(//I(I./I 0C( Yi;'/l.ÛN/1/ " UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK) I CONT AMINA TION SITE REPORT EMERGENCY HAS STATE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES FÖRIÖCAI';AGENCy\JSEÒNLY·) D [Ø"ÑÓ REPORT BEEN FILED? D D }HÊ~EªYç$@Fn~ATiBA\'§p(§f8(B9TE[)fmSI~~óRMAllþNAC¢óRÞ(NGtofHE YES YES NO REPORT DATE o~4J CASE. ....DIS_THE.WS1'ROC1ION·.SHEET.ONTIiE.BACK.PAGE.OfTHIS¡;o¡:¡l,t..}.......>. OM Å-M1 Od 6~ ~~~~~~~~·····>~?~T~H ._.._.................. ,.... ... __._ ..d.........",......., .,.... ... ...._ _ .....__, NAME OF INDIVIDUAL FILING REPORT I PHONE I SIGNATURE >- ~WAtt.D vJ,,../ß ( '(Pi ) 32h-3641 cNtJ~ co 0 REPRESENTING D OWNERIOPERATOR D REGIONAL BOARD COMPANY OR AGENCY NAME w I- ~1(BZ..s,c:::; i3t.D cr: ~CX:AL AGENCY D OTHER ~~ 'öEf>T . rr w ADDRESS cr: .w ßA~~~ c¡ 3~OI If ,~ C.He-$TC~ $TE ~ CA STREET CITY STATE ZIP w NAME CONTACT PERSON PHONE -' AßPÙL A7..I?- AßDVL ~l~ (~( ~27-~'( co D ) ¡¡; ~ UNKNOWN z a: 0 « ADDRESS a.. a.. q3313 U) ~ 004- (;a..:éENVI LL€' GT- ßÄ.KS'¿SFI e...D <::-A w a: STREET CITY STATE 71P FACILITY NAME (IF APPLICABLE) OPERATOR PHONE z I11ARl.(¿;, I:xf¥¿E'SS AßOù L. A2. f~ (~( ) 831- '1S-61 0 ¡::: ADDRESS Q3304 « SLE RD 8.AI(æ.s~' €i-D K~I\J () ~~O Wl 9 w STREET CITY COUNTY ZIP I- CROSS STREET ¡¡; W l LSðN R.D CJ LOCAL AGENCY AGENCY NAME CONTACT PERSON PHONE z U) 8At:L~r=(et.D Ho~ WfN'GS "( ) 3'2(; -364<1 ¡::: w Fì R£ DGP" ( z Õ w ::;; z REGIONAL BOARD PHONE w w -' CJ a.. « ( ) "ª U) (1) NAME QUANTITY LOST (GALLONS) w 0 GASðz../Nt: [Ø () w UNKNOWN z > ~ -' 0 U) > (2) co ~ ::> U) D UNKNOWN I- DATE DISCOVERED 4J HOW DISCOVERED 0 INVENTORY CONTROL 0 SUBSURFACE MONITORING 0 NUISANCE CONDITIONS z w °MI -z... MI 'Z..DI °DI °v 0 0 ~ 'Di S p(..-vSC-'« U P&R.AI>(5 ::i' TANK TEST TANK REMOVAL OTHER w !;;: DATE DISCHARGE BEGAN METHOD USED TO STOP DISCHARGE (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) co « o REMOVE CONTENTS D CLOSE TANK & REMOVE ~REPAIR PIPING >= MI MI DI DI vi vi D UNKNOWN cr: w > HAS DISCHARGE BEEN STOPPED? o REPAIR TANK D CLOSE TANK & FILL IN PLACE D CHANGE PROCEDURE 0 () 0MI L.. MI "Z...DIO Ovl~v U) ~ YES D NO IF YES, DATE o REPLACE TANK D OTHER Õ D ÙI SOURCE OF DISCHARGE CAUSE(S) w () U) D TANK LEAK D UNKNOWN D OVERFILL D RUPTURE/FAILURE D SPILL cr: ::> ::> « 0 () g[ D D J8!' D U) PIPING LEAK OTHER CORROSION UNKNOWN OTHER w w CHECK ONE ONLY U) a.. « ~ D ~ 0 0 () UNDETERMINED SOIL ONLY GROUNDWATER DRINKING WATER - (CHECK ONLY IF WATER WELLS HAVE ACTUALLY BEEN AFFECTED) CHECK ONE DNL Y I- U) D NO ACTION TAKEN D PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT WORKPLAN SUBMllTED D POLLUTION CHARACTERIZATION z w ~ cr: D ~ D cr: « LEAK BEING CONFIRMED PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT UNDERWAY POST CLEANUP MONITORING IN PROGRESS I- ::> U) () 0 D CASE CLOSED (CLEANUP COMPLETED OR UNNECESSARY) 0 CLEANUP UNDERWAY REMEDIATION PLAN CHECK APPROPRIATE ACTIONeS) D EXCAVATE & DISPOSE (ED) D REMOVE FREE PRODUCT (FP) D ENHANCED BIO DEGRADATION (IT) -' (SEE BACK F<JR DEfALS « z D CAP SITE (CD) 0 EXCAVATE & TREAT (ET) 0 PUMP & TREAT GROUNDWATER (GT) D REPLACE SUPPLY (RS) Õ 0 w ¡::: 0 ::i' () 0 CONTAINMENT BARRIER (CB) D NO ACTION REQUIRED (NA) 0 TREATMENT AT HOOKUP (HU) VENT SOIL (VS) w « cr: D D VACUUM EXTRACT (VE) OTHER (OT) ~ z w ::i' ::i' 0 () HSC os (8190) .",'", "''''~-~'''Y;fh;~;lr-- 0" .. -~'... '.~ ., - UNDERGROUND STORAG ANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK) I CONT AMINA TION SITE REPORT .. EMERGENCY HAS STATE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES ¡1Ii:;r_~lIil¡1_JII¡I]jl!j D ØO REPORT BEEN FILED? D D YES ~ YES NO REPORT DATE J CASE. OM Å-M1 Od 6~ o~4v " SIGNED"''''''',·,·,,····· . ., ·."':"·DATE·."""'··· NAME OF INDIVIDUAL FILING REPORT I PHONE I SIGNATURE >- ~~ W,NGE$., ( ,,,, ) 1U,· 3641 ~ tD 0 REPRESENTING D OWNER/OPERATOR D REGIONAL BOARD COMPANY OR AGENCY NAME w I- "ßAl(qZ..)~c:<.O cr: ~OCAL AGENCY D OTHER bl'G ðé?'f' . 0 0.. w ADDRESS cr: ~l(ø.~E1.O CA q 3,:$,01 ."1 9:;' <':f-(é'STC~ ^V SrE 3:?0 STREET CITY STATE ZIP w NAME CONTACT PERSON PHONE ...J Äß¡OUL A"ZY"J- Ai3. Dvt.. AJ. r:z. ('61 'i27~ '9411 tD D ) ø¡: UNKNOWN Zcr: 0< ADDRESS ¡);o.. S"'OO4- ($ a:(;:fif'Jv t L ~C CT· ßA K~Sf: /(:f(.~ ~.A <:¡33f.S' w cr: STREET CITY STATE 7,p FACILITY NAME (IF APPLICABLE) OPERATOR PHONE Z MAl<KG"T GxPRE~ Aß,I)cJL A2 f:2- (", ) 1131... '~61 0 ¡::: ADDRESS Q3304 < Wi !Lé RO BAICGeSÇ',Ec...() KGJ2N 0 ,.. '£""00 9 w STREET CITY COUNTY ZIP I- CROSS STREET , ;¡; tv Vl...SòI'J R.O <-' LOCAL AGENCY AGENCY NAME CONTACT PERSON PHONE . ~en BA t(C4S,f!', C-r...ð F'. ItE H~ W'NES ( frÆI )3:l6·3649 I-w ~GP 1'. z- wO ::¡;z REGIONAL BOARD PHONE Ww ...J<-' 0..< ( ) ~ en (1) NAME· QUANTITY LOST (GALLONS) wo GA ....j0t-,ME. 00 UNKNOWN OW z> <...J 1-0 (2) en> tDz ::>- D en UNKNOWN I- DATE DISCOVERED . J HOW DISCOVERED 0 INVENTORY CONTROL D SUBSURFACE MONITORING 0 NUISANCE CONDITIONS z w °MI 1... MI 'Zol 0 0vl 4 v 0 TANK TEST 0 ~: D, -; P(\I<;.C..t(. U P&R.Af)E ::¡; 01 TANK REMOVAL OTHER w !;¡: DATE DISCHARGE BEGAN METHOD USED TO STOP DISCHARGE (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) tD < D REMOVE CONTENTS D CLOSE TANK & REMOVE ~REPAIR PIPING .;>: MI MI 61 01 vi vi D UNKNOWN cr: w > HAS DISCHARGE BEEN STOPPED ? o REPAIR TANK D CLOSE TANK & FILL IN PLACE D CHANGE PROCEDURE 0 0 °MILMI 'Z..olO I OVl4 en ŒJ YES D NO IF YES, DATE o REPLACE TANK D OTHER Õ v Ww SOURCE OF DISCHARGE CAUSE(S) °en 0 TANK LEAK 0 UNKNOWN 0 OVERFILL 0 RUPTURE/FAILURE 0 SPILL cr:::> ::>< 5JO [8[ PIPING LEAK 0 OTHER 0 CORROSION \81' UNKNOWN 0 OTHER Ww CHECK ONE ONLY en 0.. (3¡: 0 UNDETERMINED ~ SOIL ONLY 0 GROUNDWATER 0 DRINKING WATER - (CHECK ONLY IF WATER WELLS HAVE ACTUALLY BEEN AFFECTED) CHECK ONE ONLY I-en 0 NO ACTION TAKEN 0 PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT WORKPLAN SUBMITTED D POLLUTION CHARACTERIZATION æ¡:! cr:< 0 LEAK BEING CONFIRMED ~ PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT UNDERWAY D POST CLEANUP MONITORING IN PROGRESS cr:1- aen 0 REMEDIATION PLAN 0 CASE CLOSED (CLEANUP COMPLETED OR UNNECESSARY) D CLEANUP UNDERWAY CHECK APPROPRIATE ACTION(S) 0 EXCAVATE & DISPOSE (ED) 0 REMOVE FREE PRODUCT (FP) 0 ENHANCED BIO DEGRADATION (IT) ...J ISEE BACK FOR DETALSJ ~z 0 CAP SITE (CD) 0 EXCAVATE & TREAT (ET) 0 PUMP & TREAT GROUNDWATER (GT) 0 REPLACE SUPPLY (RS) 00 ~t; 0 CONTAINMENT BARRIER (CB) 0 NO ACTION REQUIRED (NA) D TREATMENT AT HOOKUP (HU) D VENT SOIL (VS) ~< 0 VACUUM EXTRACT (VE) 0 OTHER (OT) en I- lf9tb@ffl z OR'G'N~~ w ::¡; ::¡; 0 0 . HSC 05 (8190) ~ - - - ,- ~ -- . - -; -- r , -- .- .. . - -. cWILSQN .ROAD -- - - , . . . .. ---" ~-- ~ DRIVEWAY' DRIVEWAY .. . - .. . . SP-1 _J- . DIESEL PIPING, .-- - , - I -I~ ~ Ce.-Ç, t".) e.-:> ,/ ...~- .-:-3:. w > æ ,0 t'::.sv-. ~ )ti> · - I 1:' 1- ~ ~ MARKET EXPRESS TRASH PARKING LOT - J, _ , -0 1 0 20 FEET ,LEGEND -- . SAMPLE LOCATION - !.:- .. - _. SIDEWALK EGO - --~ EOO I I I I L I I L_ PLANTER PREMIUM GASOLINE ·TK1W ·TK1C · TK-l . TK-2 DIESEL TANK ......... '.. . -TK3W TK3C TK3E MR. ABDUL AZIZ MARKET EXPRESS 2500 WIBLE ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA , FIGURE 1 PLOT PLAN TK-3 DRIVEWAY -~ -- . ' CENTR¡1.L SIERRA ENVIRONMENTAL, LLC - . .. . - .~_:-.: .-. . . ?- ~ --- . -- --. - .- - - _.THE . rwff!'~Ç ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY' ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES GEO-r=CHNICAL SERVICES . SAMPLING SERVICES CONSiRUCTION INSPECTION & MATERIALS TESTING I~ fuJUl ~. £,'7 ~O~ ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY DIVISION PROJECT COVER SHEET REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID ATTENTION CLIENT : February 27, 2004 : 704-0856.1-9 INVOICE # 70400856 : Mr. Mark Magargee CSE 1400 Easton Drive, Bldg E, Ste. 132 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Please find enclosed the analytical results of your samples. In accordance with your instructions, the samples were analyzed for the components specified. The Twining Laboratories is accredited by the State of California Department of Health SeMces for the analysis of Drinking Water, Wastewater and Hazardous Waste under Certificate No. 1371. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments regarding the analyses or results. Thank you for allowing us to serve your analytical needs. elw THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. R~$fsf Director of Analytical Chemistry Rev,...£ 060'03 Jay (COVER) . CORPORATE 2517 Frl$DO Street Fres..o, CA 93711-1804 (559) 268-7011 Fax 268-0740 MODESTO 5253 Jerusalem Court, Suite E Modesto, CA 9535'6-93U (209) 342-%061 Fa ( 579-1480 VJSALIA 130 North Kelley Stro:ct, #H6 VlsaUn. CA '32'1-9000 (559) 651-8Z80 Fax 651-8ZS8 BAKERSFIELD 3651 Peg:uus Drive, 11117 Bakenfield, CA 93308-6843 (661) 393~088 Fax 393-4643 MONTEREY 501 Ortiz AveDue Salld Ci~, CA 93955·3553 (831) 391.-1056 Fax 268-7126 SACRAME\liTO 5675 Power fila Road, Suit\: C Sacr;mentu. CA 95824-2313 (916) 381-9477 Fnx 381·9478 REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED . DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANAL VZED BY REVIEWED BY . . : February 27, 2004 : 704-0856.1 : 02/09/04 at 091 0 by Mark Magargee : 02/11/04 at 1600 from Gary Wheeler :CSE THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 1 of9 : E. Scott, F. Baguinguito : J, Ureno DATE PREPARED : 02/20/04 DATE ANALYZED ; 02/20/04 CLIENT SAMPLE ID : WGD-1-2 SAMPLE TYPE : Soil UNITS: mg/kg: Milligrams per kilogram (ppm) CONSTITUENT RESULTS DLR METHOD (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) - ND 5,0 8021 Benzene ND 0,5 8021 Toluene 24 5.0 8021 Ethyl benzene 23 5.0 8021 Xylenes 290 5.0 8021 Total Petro!eum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range 4700 1000 8015 SURROGATE* BTEXlMTBE TPH-GAS I % RECOVERY 107 105 I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70-130% 70-130% Preparation (BTEX, MTBE & TPH-GASOLINE) : 5030 ND: None Detected DLR: Detection Limit for Reporting purposes *4-Bromofluorobenzene Rev. -!.. 51S8 (BTEXWAT) . . REPORT DATE. LABORATORY ID . DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANAL VZED BY REVIEWED BY : February 27. 2004 : 704-0856.2 . : 02/09/04 at 0920 by Mark Magargee : 02111/04 at 1600 from Gary Wheeler :CSE THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 2 of9 : E. Scott. F. Baguinguito : J. Ureno DATE PREPARED :02/20ro4 DATE ANALYZED : 02120/04 CLIENT SAMPLE ID : WGD-1'~6 SAMPLE TYPE : Soil UNITS: mglkg: Milligrams per kilogram (ppm) CONSTITUENT RESUL T8 DLR METHOD (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 500 8021 Benzene ND 50 8021 Toluene 810 50 8021 Ethylbenzene 330 50 8021 XyJenes 3000 50 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range 22000 10000 8015 TPH-GAS 107 r ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70-130% 70-130% SURROGATE* I % RECOVERY BTEXlMTBE 107 Preparation (BTEX, MTBE & TPH-GASOLlN~ : 5030 . ND: None Detected DLR: Detection Limit for Reporting purposes *4-Bromofluorobenzene Rev. -A... 5196 (BTEXWAT) REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY . . : February 27,2004 : 704-0856.3 : 02/09/04 at 1030 by Mark Magargee : 02/11/04 at 1600 from Gary Wheeler :CSE THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 3 of 9 : E. Scott, F. Baguinguito : J. Ureno DATE PREPARED : 02120/04 DATE ANALYZED : 02120/04 CLIENT SAMPLE 10 : WGO-1-10 SAMPLE TYPE : Soil UNITS: mg/kg: Milligrams per kilogram (ppm) CONSTITUENT RESULTS OLR METHOD (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Methyl tert~Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 5.0 8021 Benzene ND 0.5 8021 Toluene 19 5.0 8021 Ethylbenzene 15 5,0 8021 Xylenes 140 5.0 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons~ Gasoline Range 2200 1000 8015 SURROGATE+ BTEXlMTBE TPH-GAS I % RECOVERY 107 110 I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70-130% 70~130% Preparation (BTEX. MTBE & TPH-GASOLlNE) : 5030 ND: None Detected DLR: DetectIOn Limitfor Reporting purposes * 4-Bromofluorobenzene Rev. 2.. 5196 (BTeXWAT) . . REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY : February 27, 2004 : 704-0856,7 : 02109/04 at 0930 by Mark Magargee : 02111/04 at 1600 from Gary Wheeler :CSE THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 7of9 : E. SCott, F. Baguinguita : J. Urena DATE PREPARED : 02113/04 through 02120/04 DATE ANALYZED : 02113/04 through 02120/04 CLIENT SAMPLE 10 : WOO-2-2 SAMPLE TYPE : Soil UNITS: mglkg: Milligrams per kilogram (ppm) CONSTITUENT RESULTS DLR METHOD (mg/kg) (mgfkg) Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.05 8021 Benzene ND 0.005 8021 Toluene 0,020 0.005 8021 Ethylbenzene 0,010 0.005 8021 Xyrenes 0,033 0.005 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Diesel Range NO 10 8015M SURROGA TE* I % RECOVERY BTEX/MTBE 100 I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70-130% Preparation (BTEX & MTBE): 5030 Preparation [TPH-DJESEL): 3510C ND: None Detected DLR: Detection Limit fur Reporting purposes .. 4-Bromofluorobenzene Rev...i... 5/99 (BTEXWAT) . . REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY : February 27, 2004 : 704-0856.4 : 02109/04 at 0940 by Mark Magargee : 02111/04 at 1600 from Gary Wheeler :CSE THE TWlN[NG LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 4 of9 : E. Scott, F. Baguinguito : J. Ureno DATE PREPARED : 02/20/04 DATE ANALYZED : 02120/04 CLIENT SAMPLE [D : CGD-3-2 SAMPLE TYPE : Soil UNITS: mg/kg: Milligrams per kilogram (ppm) CONSTITUENT RESULTS DLR METHOD (mglkg) (mglkg) Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.05 8021 Benzene ND 0.005 8021 Toluene ND 0,005 8021 Ethylbenzene ND 0.005 8021 Xylenes ND 0.005 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range ND 1.0 8015 TPH-GAS 94.0 I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70-130% 70-130% SURROGATE* I % RECOVERY BTEX/MTBE 101 Preparation (BTEX, MTBE & TPH-GASOLlNE) : 5030 ND: None Detected DLR: Detection Limit for Reporting purposes · 4-Bromofluorobenzene Rev. ;L S1!16 (8TEXWAT) .. . REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANAL VZED BY REVIEWED BY : February 27, 2004 : 704-0856.8 : 02109/04 at 0950 by Mark Magargee : 02111/04 at 1600 from Gary Wheeler :CSE : E. Scott. F. Baguinguito : J. Ureno THE TWINING lABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 8 of9 OA TE PREPARED : 02113/04 through 02/20/04 OA TE ANALYZED : 02113/04 through 02/20/04 CLIENT SAMPLE 10 : CDD-4-2 SAMPLE TYPE : Soil UNITS: mg/kg: Milligrams per kilogram (ppm) CONSTITUENT RESULTS DLR METHOD (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.05 8021 Benzene 0.005 0.005 8021 Toluene 0,20 0.005 8021 Ethylbenzene 0.054 0.005 8021 Xylenes 0.54 0.005 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Diesel Range 15** 10 . 8015M SURROGATE" I % RECOVERY I ACCEPT ABLE RECOVERY LIMITS BTEXlMTBE 97.8 70-130% Preparation (BTEX & MTSE): 5030 Preparation (TPH-DIESEL): 3510C ND: None Detected DlR: Detection Limit for Reporting purposes .. 4-Bromofluorobenzene -Atypical Pattern J;ev,..!. SI96 (BTEXWAT) REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED . . : February 27,2004 : 704-0856.5 : 02109/04 at 1000 by Mark Magargee : 02/11/04 at 1600 from Gary Wheeler :CSE . THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. . PAGE 50f 9 : E. Scott, F. Baguinguito : J, Ureno : 02/20/04 : 02120/04 SAMPLE TYPE : Soil UNITS: mg/kg: Milligrams per kilogram (ppm) . CLIENT SAMPLE ID : EGD-5-2 CONSTITUENT RESULTS DLR METHOD (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.05 8021 Benzene 0.013 0.005 8021 Toluene 0.Q18 0.005 8021 Ethylbenzene 0.005 0.005 8021 Xylenes 0.056 0.005 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range 1.4 1.0 8015 ~ SURROGATE'" I % RECOVERY BTEXlMTBE 95.0 TPH-GAS I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70-130% 70-130% 97.9 Preparation (BTEX. MTBE & TPH-GASOUNE) : 5030 NO: None Detected DLR: Detection Limit for Reporting purposes . ~Bromofluorobenzene Rev, ..!.. 5IS8 (STEXWAT) . . REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY : February 27, 2004 : 704-0856,6 : 02/09/04 at 1005 by Mark Magargee : 02/11/04 at 1600 from Gary Wheeler :CSE THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 6 of 9 : E. Scott, F. Baguinguito : J. Urena DATE PREPARED : 02120/04 DATE ANALYZED : 02/20/04 CLI ENT SAMPLE ID : EGD-5-6 SAMPLE TYPE : Soli UNITS: mglkg: Milligrams per kilogram (ppm) CONSTITUENT RESULTS DLR METHOD (mg/kg) . (mgJkg) Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 2.5 8021 Benzene 0.009 0,5 8021 Toluene 0.15 0,5 8021 Ethylbenzene 0.050 0.5 8021 Xylenes 0,34 0.5 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range 2.0 1.0 8015 SURROGATE'" I % RECOVERY I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS BTEXlMTBE 105 70-130% TPH-GAS 98.7 70-130% Preparation (BTEX. MTBE & TPH-GASOLlNE) : 5030 ND: None Detected DLR: Detection Umit for Reporting purposes '" 4-Bromofluorobenzene Rev,..L 5186 (B1EXWAT) . . REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY : February 27,2004 : 704-0856.9 THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 9 of9 : 02/09/04 at 1010 by Mark Magargee : 02/11/04 at 1600 from Gary Wheeler :CSE : E. Scott, F. Baguinguito : J. Ureno DATE PREPARED : 02/13/04 through 02120/04 DATE ANALYZED : 02/13/04 through 02120/04 CLIENT SAMPLE ID : EDD-6-2 SAMPLE TYPE : Soil UNITS: mglkg: Milligrams per kilogram (ppm) CONSTITUENT RESULTS DLR METHOD (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Methyl tert-Butyj Ether (MTBE) ND 0.05 8021 Benzene ND 0.005 8021 Toluene 0.008 0.005 8021 Ethylbenzene ND 0.005 8021 Xylenes 0.020 0.005 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Diesel Range 31.... 10 8015M SURROGATE· I % RECOVERY BTEXlMTBE 103 I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70-130% Preparation (BTEX & MTBE): 5030 Preparation (TPH-DIESEL) : 3510C ND: None Detected DLR: Detection Limit for Reporting purposes w4-Bromofluorobenzene ....Atypical Pattern Rev. ..l.. 51S16 (BTEXWA T) I I .îr!!~f.~ FR[$I(O/llOO[STO/YISAUA/9~IŒRSn[LO/s'w I4S EPA 8021 (MTBElBTEX) & EPA 8015M (TPH-Gasoline) LABORATORYCONTROLS~KE QUALITY CONTROL REPORT RevIewed By: J. Ureno Date of AnalysIs :02108104 Sample Matrix: SOIL . Analyzed By: Eric Scott Date of Extract/on: 02/08/04 TwinIng Laboratories, Inc. Batch ID Number: TL08020804 S 'k ID WS 1000 ¡PI e : . Constituent Method Dlanlc Labomtory Laboratory Laboratory Acœptable Laboratory Laboratory Relative Concentration Control Spike Control Spike Control Percent Control Spike Control Spike Percent (mglkg) ConcenlralÏÐn Recovery Spike Recovery Range Percent Duplicate Difference Level (mflkg) Duplicate (%) Recovery Percenl ("Æ.) (mglkg) Recovery Low High (%) Recovery (mglkg) (%) MTBElBTEX Surrogale (4-Bromofluorobenzene) 0 0.0625 0.0618 0.0628 80% 120% 98.9 100 1.61 Mclhyl Tertiary DUlyl Elher 0 0.250 0.222 0.225 80% 120% 88.8 90.0 1.34 BOO2:ene 0 0.0500 0;0480 0.0480 80% 120% 96.0 96.0 0 Toluene 0 0.0500 0.0510 0.0500 80% 120% 102 100 1.98 Elhylbenzene 0 0.0500 0.0520 0.0530 80% 120010 104 106 1.90 Xylenes 0 0.150 0.156 0.158 80% 120% 104 105 1.27 TPH_Gasoline Surrogate (4-Bromoßuorobenzene) 0 0.0625 0.0590 0.0583 80% 120% 94.4 93.3 1.19 TPH-Gasolino . 0 2.50 2.26 2.26 80% 120% 90.4 90.4 0.09 EXPLANATIONS: ND Non-Detectable; the target analyte was not found above the delectable limit for reporting purposes (DLR), mglkg milligrams per kilogrIIITI. parts per million (ppm) concentration units. Method Blank: The method blank is used to detennir¡e if method analytes or other interferences are present in the laboratory environment, the reagents or equplmenL Laboratory ConlIol Spike: A laboratory cOnlrol spike is generated by adding the target analyte(s) illto a rolatively inert matrix (sodium sulCate or distilled \Valet). The laboratory control sample is analyzed exactly like a swnplc, ønd its purpose is to determine whether tile methodology is controlled and the laboratory is capable of making precise and accurate measurements. . i I I .t'!f!~!~ rREsllo/MoD£sTo /VISAUAJaA (ERSFlELD/SAtlt~"S Analyzed By: DaraP Vongkhampha/Fernando Baguinguito Date of Extraction:' 02113/04 Twining Laboratories, Inc. Run ID Number: Tl02021304 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBON: DIESEL· EPA METHOD 8015 LABORATORY CONTROL SPIKE QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Constituent Method Blank: Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory Acceptable Laboratory Laboratory Relative Concentralion Control Spike Contml Spike Control Spike Percent Control Spike Control Spike Percent (mglkg) Concentration Recovery Duplicate Recovery Percent Duplicate Difference Level (mg/kg) Recovery Range Recovery Percent (%) (mg/kg) (mglkg) (%) (%) Recovery Low High (%) TPH: Diesel 0.0 25.0 18.8 19.5 60% 140% 75.2 78.0 3.66 :ExPLANATIONS: ND Non-Detectable; the targetanalyle was not found above the detectable limit for reporting purposes (DLR). mglkg milligrams pel' kilograms, pal1s per million (ppm) concentration units. Method Blank: The method blank is used to detenninc if method analytes or other interferences are present in the laboratory environment, the reagents or equpiment. Laboratory Control Spike; A laboratory control spike is generated by adding tlte target analyte(s) into a relatively inert matrix (sodium sulfate or distilled water), The laboratory control sample is analyzed exactly like a sample, and its purpose is to determine whether the methodology is controJled and the laboratory is capable of making precise and accurate measuremcnts. Reviewed By: J. Uréno Date of Analysis: 02/13104 Sample Matrix: Clean sand. Spike ID: WS 200 'rHE ,,,,,,,.. . . CHAIN Of CUSTODY/ANALYSIS REQUEST ICOC# 704 00 g~f; .} 2527 FRESNO STREET' FRESNO, CA 93721 . (559) 268-7021 FAX: (559) 268-0740 SUBMITTER INFORMATION: I7J ~lül<'- ..J.._ Þ"'.~' J... / SENDINVO~~Ao'!o e.. ~c:; t7 ~ ~ ::::J._ JJ1IJ¡-julD AOORESS: -- ~~ /J./. . ~....-- l: Sù :..¿.r::Þ 1šZ. I~ /_L'.~J ~J1'.;.",..c;o9' ~'~,J;¿~ -A _ ~ _ ATTENTION: PH "6" ':<>~,¿::- r'rz ~~ PH ( ) FAX~j) ~z,~ -:Ç j Zr6 FAX ( ) CONTRACT. OR p,o. BACTERIOLOGICAl. SAMPLE SOURCE Q PUBLIC SYSTEM o PRIVATE WELL o SURFACE WATER o CONSTRUCTION 0 OTHER SAMPlE INFORMATION: SAMPLEBY(PR~~ .jL-~~ $IGNÞ.TURE:"'--=' .A.J ~ ./ i:'b.or", '-' ,~~OUTlNE ANALYSIS o RUSH ANALYSIS, RESULTS NEEDED BY: KEY FOR CHEMICAL ANALYSIS SAMPLE TYPE ()t¡~ !. .. I ""oot;; '7 ,/_~ . ItJ/ð ~ L ~ 'J'\o1:) COMMENTS: ~71.A~ II-A'? ~~"O&(/t::l.J~....{-...; ~vrF~ ~J:= J,r2" -5'.:...k~ ho,Ç Oh Át } ðV~?~ I ¥ p'" / LABORATORIES. INC. as - Biosolids DW - Drinking Water L A a u S E SAMPLE 10 ,.~"r_'" .../_/ ~ wG/)-/-.c 13 tVGI/ -/-",f'""'j 7 /. /11 j ....~ ..... "'z ~.-::7/)-~- 2. c.tJ t)--,q- 'r C; ~ (':..A-5" _:? C:. ..~ r:::./J _ ~ -c q ;c- /:J~/'J -.<-> SAMPLE STATUS o ROUTINE . 0 REPEAT o OTHER .A~ .-~-- . ~ './ 4__ ~- ~ #' V GW - Ground Water SF - Surface Water SL - Soil/Solid ST - Storm Water WW . Waste Water SAMPLE DATe; TIME ").1'1 1lJl1 I~.L. ""}", I -- Ir Q'.k{\I'I*¡': fJq'ð 11'l'1 ~ TYPE SL Jt\ t,,- .-. "'l'7 "'It: l AESULTS~~~,gj ,., .1$ (7) ADDRESS: ATTENTION: PH ( ) FAX ( ) REPORTS FOR: COUNTY: 0 FRESNO 0 KINGS 0 MADERA 0 MERCED 0 TULARE o STATE DEPT, OF HEALTI-I SERVICES 0 OTHER: PROJECT: SITE: ~QJf-l6e..:-t Þ..»/J r'e.15 5 PROJECT #: PROJECTMANAGER:/1'þ r-¡~ ,øc:z~e., ~' ~-'NALYS[S REQUESTED ~ ~ty. ø: X', rv '}{, IV x.~ V XJlI" '0 .~11r ~. ~ S(',~ ,~ >ð I I x \ 1\ \. r\ 1'0'" f "\ 1\ I",) / / Ir, _\ (,D ,\V\ )( RELINQUISHED BY COMPANY ~..c.h 'w'2. - ~ S ~ , h/tf/ CATE TIME REC~VEC I3Y COMPANY .. ·1/.0'1 /I: 00 /2 4J £ /. . .; -IJ-o"l 1./<00 r . . THE . . rwf~"~Ç ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY . ENVIRONMENTAl.. SERVICES GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES . SAMPLING SERVICES CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION & MATERIALS TESTING ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY DIVISION PROJECT COVER SHEET REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID ATTENTION CLIENT : March 26, 2004 : 704-1351,1-9 INVOICE # 70401351 : Mr. Mark Magargee CSE 1400 Easton Drive Building E, Ste. 132 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Please find enclosed the analytical results of your samples. In accordance with your instructions, the samples were analyzed for the components specified. . The Twining Laboratories is accredited by the State of California Department of . Health Services for the analysis of Drinking Water, Wastewater and Hazardous Waste under Certificate No. 1371. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments regarding the analyses or results. Thank you for allowing us to serve your analytical needs. elw THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. Rev....i. 06/tI3 Jail (COVER) \ CORPORATE 2527 Fre~no Street Fresno, CA 93721-1804 (559) 268-7021 Fax 268-0740 MODESTO SZ53 Jerusalem Court, Suite Ii'. Modesto, CA 95356-9321 (2(9) 342-2061 Fa>: 579-1480 YISALIA 130 Nortll Kellley Street, IIH6 VI."IIa, CA 93291-9000 (559) 651-8280 Fax 651-8288 BAKERSFIELD 3651 Peg..... DTjve, #117 Bakersfield, CA 93308-6843 {(j(jl) 393-5088 Fax 393-4643 MONTEREY 501 Ortiz Avenue Band City, CA 9395.>3553 (831) 392-1056 Fax 268-7126 SACRAME]'I¡"TO 5675 Power Inn Road, Salre C SneramODto, CA 9SS24-2313 (916) 381-9477 Fax 381.9418 REPORT DATE LABORATORY 10 DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY . . : March 26, 2004 : 704-1351.1 : 03/03/04 at 1215 by Mark Magargee : 03/05/04 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler :CSE : E. Scott, F. Baguinguito : J. Ureno THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 1 of 14 DATE PREPARED : 03/16/04 DATE ANAL VZEO : 03116/04 through 03/17/04 CLIENT SAMPLE 10 : SP-1 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil UNITS: mg/kg: Milligrams per kilogram (ppm) I CONSTITUENT RESULTS DLR METHOD Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 0.44 0.20 8021 Benzene ND 0.02 8021 Toluene ND 0.02 8021 Ethylbenzene 0.043 0,02 8021 Xytenes 0,086 0.02 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range 22 20 8015 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Diesel Range 120** 10 8015M TPH-GAS 96.0 I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70·130% 70-130% SURROGATE· I % RECOVERY BTEXlMTBE 111 Preparation (BTEX, MTBE & TPH-GASOLlNE): 5030 Preparation (TPH-DIESEL): 3510 ND: None Detected DLR: Detection Limit for Reporting purposes "4-Bromofluorobenzene . ""Atypical Pattern Rev, ..L 5/95 (6TEXWAT) REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED . . : March 26, 2004 : 704-1351.1 : 03/03/04 at 1215 by Mark Magargee : 03/05/04 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler :CSE THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 10 of 14 : C. Fammatre REVIEWED BY: J. Ureno : 03/16/04 : 03/16/04 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil CLIENT SAMPLE ID : SP-1 METHOD: EPA 8260 UNITS: mg/kg Resu Its DLR 0.001 11 Constituent II Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) s 0.47 urrogates % Recoverv Acceptable Recovery limIts Dibromofluoromethane 121 86-118% Toluene de 102 88-110% Bromof1uorobenzene 122 86-115% DLR: Detection Limit for Reporting purposes mg/Kg: Milligrams per kilogram (ppm) Rev.....!... 07¡ge (8260) REPORT DATE LABORATORY]D DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANAL VZED BY REVIEWED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED . . : March 26, 2004 : 704-1351.2 : 03/03/04 at 1355 by Mark Magargee : 03/05/04 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler :CSE : E. Scott : J. Ureno THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 2 of 14 : 03/16/04 : 03/16/04 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil UNITS: mg/kg: Milligrams per kilogram (ppm) RE8UL T8 DLR METHOD 0.051 0.05 8021 ND 0.005 8021 ND 0.005 8021 ND 0.005 8021 ND 0.005 8021 ND 1.0 8015 CLIENT SAMPLE ID : TK1W-15 1 CONSTITUENT Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Tota! Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range SURROGATE* BTEXlMTBE TPH-GAS I % RECOVERY 96.3 88.5 I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70-130% 70-130% Preparation (BTEX, MTBE & TPH-GASOLlNE) : 5030 ND: None Detected DLR: Detection Umitfor Reporting purposes *4-Bromofluorobenzene Rev, ...!.. 5/96 (BTEXWAT) REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANAL VZED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED . e : March 26, 2004 : 704-1351.2 : 03/03/04 at 1355 by Mark Magargee : 03/05/04 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler :CSE THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 11 of 14 : C. Fammatre REVIEWED BY: J. Ureno : 03/16/04 : 03/16/04 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil CLIENT SAMPLE ID : TK1W-15 Constituent II Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) S METHOD: EPA 8260 UNITS: mg/kg Results DLR 0.030 0.001 II °A R b Re urrogates ° ecovery Accepts Ie cowry Limits Dibromofluoromethane 107 86-118% Toluene dB 86.2 88-110% 8romofluorobenzene 121 86-115% DLR: Detection Limit for Reporting purposes Rev. ...i.. 07198 (8260) mg/Kg: Milligrams per kilogram ( ppm) REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED . e : March 26. 2004 : 704-1351.3 : 03J03J04 at 1400 by Mark Magargee : 03J05J04 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler :CSE : E. Scott : J. Ureno THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 3 of 14 : 03J16J04 : 03/16/04 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil UNITS: mg/kg: Milligrams per kilogram (ppm) CLIENT SAMPLE ID : KW1W-19 CONSTITUENT RESULTS DLR METHOD Methyl tart-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.05 8021 Benzene ND 0.005 8021 Toluene ND 0.005 8021 Ethylbenzene ND 0.005 8021 Xylenes ND 0.005 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range ND 1.0 8015 SURROGATE'" BTEXlMTBE TPH-GAS I % RECOVERY 98.0 88.7 I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70-130% 70-130% Preparation (BTEX, MTBE & TPH-GASOUNE) : 5030 ND: None Detected DLR: Detection LimIt for Reporting purposes "4-Bromofluorobenzene Rev. -ª- SI9S(BTexwAT) REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED . e : March 26. 2004 : 704-1351.3 : 03/03/04 at 1400 by Mark Magargee : 03/05/04 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler :CSE THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC, PAGE 12 of 14 : C. Fammatre REVIEWED BY: J, Ureno : 03/16/04 : 03/16/04 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil CLIENT SAMPLE 10 : TK1W-19 Constituent METHOD: EPA 8260 UNITS: mg/kg Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) Results 0.023 DLR 0,001 Surrooates % Recovery Acceptable Recovery Limits Dibromofluoromethane 110 86-118% Toluene ds 102 88-110% Bromofluorobenzene 111 86-115% DLR: Detection Limit for Reporting purposes mg/Kg: Milligrams per kilogram ( ppm) Rev. ...!... 07199 (8260) REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED . . : March 26, 2004 : 704-1351.4 : 03/03/04 at 1345 by Mark Magargee : 03/05/04 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler· :CSE : E, Scott : J. Urena THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 4 of 14 : 03/16/04 : 03/16/04 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil UNITS: mg/kg: Milligrams per kilogram (ppm) RESUL TS DLR METHOD ND 0,05 8021 ND 0.005 8021 ND 0.005 8021 ND 0.005 8021 ND 0.005 8021 ND 1.0 8015 CLIENT SAMPLE 10 : TK1 C-15 I CONSTITUENT. Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Benzene T oJuene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range SURROGATE'" BTEXlMTBE TPH-GAS I % RECOVERY 99,3 88.8 I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70-130% 70-130% Preparation (BTEX, MTBE & TPH-GASOLlNE) : 5030 ND: None Detected DLR: Detection Limit for Reporting purposes *4-Bromofluorobenzene Ray. -ª- 5/86 (BTEXWA 1) REPORT DATE LABORATORY 10 OA TE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED . . : March 26, 2004 : 704-1351.5 : 03/03/04 at 1350 by Mark Magargee : 03/05/04 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler :CSE : E. Scott : J. Urena THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 5 of 14 : 03/16/04 : 03/16/04 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil UNITS: mg/kg: Milligrams per kilogram (ppm) CLIENT SAMPLE ID : TK1 C-19 CONSTITUENT RESULTS DLR METHOD Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.05 8021 Benzene NO 0.005 8021 Toluene ND 0.005 8021 Ethylbenzene ND 0.005 8021 Xylenes ND 0.005 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range ND 1.0 8015 SURROGATE· BTEXlMTBE TPH-GAS I % RECOVERY 98.0 88.0 I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70-130% 70-130% Preparation (BTEX, MTBE & TPH-GASOLlNE) : 5030 ND: None Detected DLR: Detection Limit for Reporting purposes *4-Bromofluorobenzene Rev,..2. 5196 (BTEXWAT) REPORT DATE LABORATORY 10 DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANAL VZED . . : March 26, 2004 : 704-1351.6 : 03/03104 at 1335 by Mark Magargee : 03/05/04 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler :CSE : E. Scott : J. Urena THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 6 of 14 : 03/16/04 : 03/16/04 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil UNITS: mg/kg: Milligrams per kilogram (ppm) CLIENT SAMPLE ID : TK1E-15 I CONSTITUENT RESULTS DLR METHOD Methy} tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 0.26 0.05 8021 Benzene ND 0.005 8021 Toluene ND 0.005 8021 Ethylbenzene ND 0.005 8021 Xylenes ND 0.005 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range ND 1,0 8015 SURROGATE* I % RECOVERY BTEXlMTBE 98.9 TPH-GAS 88.8 I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70-130% 70-130% Preparation (STEX, MTSE & TPH-GASOLlNE) : 5030 ND: None Detected DLR: Detection Limit for Reporting purposes *4-Bromofluorobenzene Rev. .L 5/96 (BTøcWAT) REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED . . : March 26, 2004 : 704-1351.6 : 03/03/04 at 1335 by Mark Magargee : 03/05/04 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler :CSE THE TWINING LABORAT0RIES, INC. PAGE 13 of 14 : C. Fammatre REVIEWED BY: J, Urena : 03/16/04 : 03/16/04 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil CLIENT SAMPLE ID : TK1 E-15 Constituent METHOD: EPA 8260 UNITS: mg/kg Results DLR 0.001 $ tes ethyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 0.33 urroga % Recovery Acceptable Recoverv Umits Dibromofluoromethane 101 86~118% Toluene de 92.8 88-110% 8romofluorobenzene 111 86-115% DLR: Detection Umit for Reporting purposes mgfKg: Milligrams per kilogram ( ppm) Rev.....i.. 07/99 (8260) . . REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED I DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY : March 26, 2004 : 704-1351.7 : 03/03/04 at 1340 by Mark Magargee : 03/05104 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler :CSE : E. Scott : J. Ureno THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 7 of 14 DATE PREPARED : 03/16/04 DATE ANAL VZED : 03/16/04 CLIENT SAMPLE ID : TK1E-19 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil UNITS: mg/kg: Milligrams per kilogram (ppm) CONSTITUENT RESULTS DLR METHOD Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 0.12 0.05 8021 Benzene ND 0.005 8021 Toluene ND 0.005 8021 Ethylbenzene ND 0.005 8021 Xylenes ND 0.005 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range ND 1.0 8015 SURROGATE* I % RECOVERY BTEX/MTBE 99.9 TPH-GAS 90.8 I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70-130% 70-130% Preparation (BTEX, MTBE & TPH-GASOLlNE) : 5030 ND: None Detected DLR: Detection Limit for Reporting purposes ·4·8romofluorobenzene Rev, -ª- 5/96 (BTEXWAT) (' . . REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED : March 26, 2004 : 704-1351.7 : 03/03/04 at 1340 by Mark Magargee : 03/05/04 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler :CSE THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 14 of 14 : C, Fammatre REVIEWED BY: J. Ureno : 03/16/04 : 03/16/04 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil CLIENT SAMPLE ID : TK1E-19 METHOD: EPA 8260 UNITS: mg/kg Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 0.12 DLR 0.001 Constituent Results Surrogates % Recovery Acceptable Recovery Limits Dibromofluoromethane 110 86-118% Toluene da 90.8 88-110% BromofJuorobenzene 111 86-115% DLR: Detection Limit for Reporting purposes mg/Kg: Milligrams per idiogram ( ppm) Rev. ..i... D7199 (S26D¡ REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANAL VZED BY REVIEWED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED . . : March 26, 2004 : 704-1351.8 : 03/03/04 at 1315 by Mark Magargee : 03/05/04 at 1500 from Gary WheeJer :CSE THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 8 of 14 : E. Scott : J. Ureno : 03/16/04 : 03f16f04 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil UNITS: mg/kg: Milligrams per kilogram (ppm) RESULTS DLR METHOD ND 0.05 8021 ND 0.005 8021 ND 0.005 8021 ND 0,005 8021 ND 0.005 8021 ND 1.0 8015 CLIENT SAMPLE ID : TK2W-15 I CONSTITUENT Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range SURROGATE* I % RECOVERY BTEX/MTBE 98.8 TPH-GAS 88.9 I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70~130% 70-130% Preparation (BTEX. MT8E & TPH-GASQUNE) : 5030 ND: None Detected DLR: Detection Limit for Reporting purposes *4-Bromofluorobenzene Rev,.l.... 5/96 (BTEXWAT) . . REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY : March 26, 2004 : 704-1351.9 : 03/03/04 at 1320 by Mark Magargee : 03/05/04 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler :CSE THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. . PAGE 9 of 14 ; E. Scott : J, Urena DATE PREPARED : 03/16/04 DATE ANALYZED : 03/16/04 CLIENT SAMPLE ID : TK2W-19 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil UNITS: mg/l<g: Milligrams per kilogram (ppm) CONSTITUENT RESULTS DLR METHOD Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.05 8021 Benzene ND 0.005 8021 Toluene ND 0.005 8021 Ethylbenzene ND 0.005 8021 Xylenes ND 0.005 8021 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Ránge ND 1.0 8015 SURROGATE* I % RECOVERY BTEX/MTBE 98.7 TPH-GAS 89.0 I ACCEPTABLE RECOVERY LIMITS 70~ 130% 70-130% Preparation (BTEX, MTBE & TPH-GASOLlNE) : 5030 ND: None Detected DLR: Detection Limit for Reporting purposes *4-Bromofluorobenzene Rev, ..!.. 5/96 (8TEXW AT) . THE ' "'-,... ~~t~~ TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBON: DIESEL EPA METHOD 8015 LABORATORY CONTROL SPIKE QUALITY CONTROL REPORT rRESIIO /MODESTO!VISAUA/OÞ r.msrIELDjS......IUAS Analyzed By: Dara P Vongkhampha/Fernando Baguînguito Date of Extraction: 03/16104 Twining Laboratories, Inc. Run ID Number: TL02031704 Reviewed By: J. Urena Date of Analysis: 03/17/04 Sample Matrix: SO.iI Spike ID: WS 200 I: I I " I I, Constiluenl Method Blank Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory Acceptable Laboratory Labol'atory Relative Concentration Control Spike Control Spike Control Spike Percent Control Spike Control Spike Percent (mg/kg) Concentration Recovery Duplicate Recovery Percent Duplicate Difference Level (mg/kg) Recovery Range Recovery Percent (%) (mglkg) (mglkg) (%) (%) Recovery Low High (%) rrPH: Diesel 0.0 25,0 19.5 19.4 60% 140% 77,8 77.7 0,15 EXPLANATIONS: ~ Non-Delectable; tile target analyte was not found above tbe detectable limit for rep011ing purposes (DLR), mg/kg miIligrauls per kilograms, parIs per million (ppm) concentration units. Method Blank: The method blank is used to detennine if method analytes or other interferences are present ill the laboratory envirollment, the reagents or eqllpilllent. Laboratory ContJUt Spike: A laboratory control spike is generated by adding the target al1olyte(s) into a relatively inert matrix (sodium sulfate or distilled water). The laboratory control sample is analyzed exactly like a sample, and its purpose is to dctenninc whether the methodology is controlled and the labomt01Y is capable of making precise and accurate measurements, 1 I: . mE: '~."D ~~f.~~ rR(S o/llOD(STO~UA/IW((RSFJ(lD/SAUIIAS EPA 8021 (MTBE/BTEX) & EPA 8015M (TPH-Gasollne) LABORATORY CONTROL SPIKE QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Reviewed By: J. Ureno Date of Analysis :03116/04 Sample Matrix: SOIL . Analyzed By: Eric Scott Date of Extraction: 03116104 TwlnTng Laboratories, Inc. Batch ID Number: TLOB031604 Spike ID: WS-1000 Ii , . ! Conslituent Method Blank Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory Acceptable Laboratory Laboratory Relmive Concentration Control Spike Control Spike Control Percent Conlrol Spike Control Spi/œ Percent (mglkg) Concenlration Recovery Spike Recovery Range Percent Duplicate Difference Level (mg/kg) Duplicate (%) Recovery Percent (%) (mglkg) Recovery ,Low High ("A.) Recovery (rnglkg) (%) !MTBEJBTEX Surrogate (4-Bromoßuorobenzene) 0 0.0625 0.0591 0.0602 80% 120% 94.6 96.3 1.84 Methyl Tertiary Butyt Ether 0 0.500 0.489 0.489 80% 120% 97.8 97.8 0.00 Benzene 0 0.0500 0.0510 0.0490 80% 120% 102 98.0 4.00 Toluene 0 0.0500 0.0520 0.0520 80% 120% 104 104 0.00 Ethylbenzene 0 0.0500 0.0530 0.0520 80% 120% 106 104 1.90 Xylenes 0 0.150 0.159 0.159 80% 120% 106 106 0.00 'PH_Gasoline SUlTOgate (4-8romofluorobenzeoe) 0 0.0625 0.0641 0.0627 80% 120% 103 100 2.21 PH-Gasoline 0 2.50 2.25 2.29 80% 120% 89.9 91.8 2.07 EXPLANATIONS: ND Non-Detectable; the target analyte WIIS not found above the detectable limit for reporting purposes (DLR). mgfkg milligrams per kilogram, parts per million (ppm) concentration units, Method Blank: The method blank is used to detem1ine if method 8nalytes or otller interferences are present in the laboratory environment, the reagents or cqupiment. Laboratory Control Spike: A labol"lltory control spike is generated by adding the target al1a1ytc(s) into a relatively inert matrix (sodium sulfate or distilled waler). The laboratory control sample is analyzed exactly like a sample, and its purpose is to determine whether the methodqlogy is conlrolled and the laboratory is capable of making precise and accurate measurements. . .~!!!.~fi fRESNO/Mf)IJ[$TO/V"5AUÞ-/ØÞJ.ERSFIEU)/SJ.UIlAS EPA METHOD 8260 LA B ORA TORY CONTROL SPIKE. QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Reviewed By: Joseph Ureno . Date of Analysis: 03/16/2004 Sample Matrix: SOIL . Analyzed By: Chris Fammatre Date of Extraction: 03/16/2004 Twining laboratories, Inc. Batch ID Number: TL07031604 SpIke ID: WS 166 Conslitucnt Melhod Bialik Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory Acceptable Laboratory Laboratory Relative Concentration Control Spike ConlrDl Spike Control Percenl Control Spike Control Spike Percent (ugIKg) Concentration Recovery Spike Recovery Range Percent Duplicate Difference . Level (ugIKg) Duplicate (%) Recovery Percent (%) (uglKg) Recovery Low High (%) Recovery (uglKg) (%) 1.I-Dichloroethene 0.00 50.0 36.5 38.2 70010 130% 73.0 76.4 4.55 Benzene 0.00 50.0 45.1 42.6 70% 130% 90.2 85,2 5.70 ITrichIoroethene 0.00 50.0 44.9 40.8 70% 130% 89,8 81.6 9.57 Toluene 0.00 50.0 45.9 44.1 70% 130% 91.8 88.2 4.00 ¡Chlorobenzenc 0.00 50.0 43.7 . 44.6 70% 130% 87.4 89.2 2,04 Sunogate: Dibromofluonncthane 0.00 50.0 45.0 49.6 86% 118% 90,0 99.2 9.73 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 0.00 50.0 51.8 49.1 86% 110% 104 98.2 5.35 SUIrOgate: Bromofluourobenzene 0.00 50.0 50.2 50,3 86% 115% 100 98.2 0.199 I!;XPLANA TIONS: ND Non-Detectable; the target analyte was not found above the detectable limit Cor reporting purposes (DLR). ug/Kg micrograms per Kilogram, parts per billion (ppb) concentration units. Method Blank: 111e method blank is used 10 determine if metJlod analytcs or other interferences are present ill the laboratol)' enviroMlent, the reagents or equpiment. Laboratory Control Spike: A laboratol)' control spike is generated by adding the target analytc(s) into D relatively inert matrix (sodium sulfate or dislilled water). The laboratory control sample is analYLed exactly like a sample, aud ils purpose is to detennine whetllel tile methodology Is controlled and the laboratol)' is capable of making precise and accurate measurements. II . . . CHAIN OF CUSTODY/ANALYSIS REQUEST rcoc# I ""71)40 ( -:5 ;; I , )-~ ~7 FRESNO STREET' FRESNO, CA 93721 . (559) 268-7021 FAX: (559) 268-0740 SUBMITTER INFORMATION: r,,) .-.. Z::§.,.~}q)¡ ;1}iO'''' '''' t:.A.II.' ..ft~ }lEND INVOICE TOS" .. AAV c:V7/1 / ) 'J-l..f'CÁ r. ~ ,A,-;VQ.; ADDRESS: ~ :;;¿ 'lL·. E. :>VÂO -ß/ - L..... ,.i. ~_', .-.L'&,.Lf). - A ~ ~ ~/F IC.-' .J7T P" . ~ ïf~µk. ;~ - -~/~e.>ç ATTENTION: PH (¡; j) ~~ç:'-HØ'6 2 FAX J¿("/) ~ ./ - ~. /'7, L' .... ~ ··'WI.'.' LABORATORIES. NC. PH ( ) FAX ( ) CONTRACT 4 OR P,O, SAMPLE STATUS o ROUTINE o REPEAT o OTHER BACTERIOLOGICAL SAMPLE SOURCE o PUBLIC SYSTEM o PRIVATE WELL o SURFACE WATER o CONSTRUCTION 1:1 OTHER SAMPLE INFORMATION: - SAMPLE BY (PAINT~ . -I"..... -.7 P'J- .......L -. .... ~/ //'71>-/""- /""'/("'1 r:>~./LR- '.IQ'~ iY/ SIGNATURE"::: ..þ . A Jt6 j ~ -:7 II' ".I" (? IJ --' ~ÖUT1NEANALVSli' - (/ 7/ o RUSH ANAlYSIS, RESULTS NEEDED BY: KEY FOR CHEMICAL ANALYSIS SAMPLE TYPE SL - Soil/Solid BS _ Bioso1ids GW - Ground Water ST - Storm Water DW _ Drinking Water SF " Surface Water WW - Waste Water L A B u SAMPLE s E SAMPLE ID DATE TIME TYPE I '!;>"" ,;C ~ / ~1~lA.; i'l../5 KL ~~I "'/k ¡W~/< ''Â\ -. ,3'S 1- \"y 1'"1< I IA/-J9' ' 1"00 ~ "'fK I c - / J;' ,...11.1: -,~ .". ?,..; I c - / '<, I.~ 5t> "..0,.( / é -t ,(~ ~"J-r" U ';}~') I~:¡'" 1'" J< , ç.- / (,. ~8'10 :¡ .:r it( '2. ,,,) .:. I ~-" '" ...."".r \7 ,...¡" ~ -=r/< 2. ill - /9 .. / 'V;¡~oSt -,- - - RESU1.TS RE!:~~~e; a/~ (/ ) AOORESS: --- ATTENTION: i>H{ ) FAX ( ) REPORTS FOR: COUNTY: 0 FRESNO 0 KINGS 0 MADERA 0 MERCED 0 TULARE o STATE DEPT. OF HEALTH SERVICES 0 OTHER: PROJECT: SIT~ .d(YV~ if i:Jy/"'PJ,55 PROJECT #: PROJECTMANAG~Þ¿ ~<V1q)~) ~ ¡"ALYSlS REQUESTED \fl.! (~ ~~~~ ~/"~Ø' . v X Y""" 1\,;..... )l' ~..... x- . '<.. '>t' ~ 5<, - 'X:" x..- . ':£ )("'. V ~......- ~~...... V _ ;c....... ... \ \ ")l _. ~ I J ...-0 V v / I / / COMMENTS: ~ .AJ)r.Æ ~ LTf!'tùJ~Ä ~',; ./?)~A''''/^"""r;/' "...- , A.I~~,\ 1\J ~ZLtj " ..... / --r::..T /./ -; RELINQUISHED BY ~Ã7It-~ ^ DATE TIME RECEIVED B'( COMPANY :. ~~Q"'I I?'~~ -"IG-.. \.. \ J ¿ , ~ ~~-S-ot) 3CclQ /~ / I/' COMPANY - --' ~--,... /" _. -,c - .