HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN ".;~'{I::: .,,:,'>7':~t:'·¡:··~;'Ÿ'::,:0f:~i4tF¡~~X:~:-:ø')~\'é,::V :,\<, ' .:,~ ::>.i:,/~J~;,?" '~'1t··, ,:,;~"::,,,:5r~~~.: ... "" 0, ',' ',. pe."..., "e' ';, ! ',..- .... i:,:',_, : ,: " ' '.', :' ,'>~ ~ f;' .' :> . . . . . .'~ ." . , . , . " . . . . . Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit Hazardous . . Per ,.;Tt . . - .- CONDITIONS ~F-PERI\II,I.T.ONH'R:EYERSE SIDE .. '.;", -." ;. . iii Hazardous Materials Plan o Underground Storage of Hazardous Materials D·RiskManagement Program o Hazardous Waste On-$ite Treatment Permit 10 #: 015-000-000339 ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 LOCATION: 6901 WHITE IN TANK 015-000-000339-0001 015-000-000339-0002 ~~I I I Issue Date Approved by: Expiration Date: Bakersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 Issued by: ! ' I' I":"""",-~';-""'--"""'-'--"":;':'" " I ,..'"~,,; / ' .. ,'" ""', I. ~;. . ,~-::.(, .': ,': ,:~i; ~\;,~~,~ \; ~ :', ";' :'. '~.. ~:.'" ~ '" --- ., ':';", t:,.,,·· . " ", ,~~. II 1M DOU~ ~~'O;:~Y ~MT" -. '°:u.O 8PEctrlCATJONS 01-: "IMOI .DI.C.a"lJtcln~"·nrD'--- --- -- ,. ,:lnott nr. DRAWINO'. HE,.'H"LL.'UIMIT.A. VJII1T'&H.' :.' ' . _,,':¡JR AH InUI'RI'TATION' OR; A" COIUIICTIOW"11toror" 'RIOR ;,:,,~? HIS 11.0 PaxCltfOR.THIt,!:~~~¡~~:'t",,';'J;;,-:,,'Ú::':,'" . :~¡AADIHO aHALL CONfORM WITHCHAI'TrJl',.,o:O,'THIUHlrORH :.olNe COOl:, AHO aTAHOAItOa PERTAINING TIIIJlITO. ' , OEStC" EMGtHllR ".HALL axrRci.'. '~~Ü¡'~I(,IIM1' "i~~nvl.oRY raOL DURINe GRADING AHD CONSTRUCTION ,TO,.IM'UU COIIPLIAJlCI K TilE P~S, IPECIPICIATIOHS:AIIO.COOI.wtTttIN"II. PlRVIrW." " 't,. . .~. .. . v -' . '.~ """. ,... ;.: ."Y '~~.'}./',~~ ·1~'\.'1·~ ....1.~,..'¡... ~. .!:~,p._ (,.f.:,...4) ...... UCtllTECT" , DETA1 L, SIl!:£1'("OR;"DnAn:a:~:WO'I'~'"OWII :ON"~'IIU "" tor. , . , "~"." 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SysteM Type .-t, Fo.n Power d Cooling Efftclenc:y , R d Cooling Co.po.C:lty ',t"li.", Ro.ted Heo.tlng E.fflclency: : Ro. ted Heo. tlng,.Co.po.Clty "; "'~'~ Ec:onOMlzer Coó\lngi " ;';: ~r CF -lX Atta.c:heèf?' .'1 ."' ";';~ . - ! HEAT I ,44 8,5 24.0" ê:a \1 êt\.t) , YES"~ ' -'°fo O,H, , _..~-I '.~,.' I' .~. ' NEW 3/4 "CW, MIN 24" BELOW FIN. GRADE,. VERIFY LOC. OF NEW WATER METER VAULT WITH CIVIL DWCS. ì TELCO ENTRY CAB. I ELECTRIC METER ~L"~~V ICE. DISC. !/!""""'tot. ,,¡¡ -''I ~~~t,/¿ ~1 "4 ~.~ .J..'~; ;¡~~œ· r!\ n~ 11~ t~~ ~~ ¡'. ,,} '0' " ': g ~~ -1...'.<-1' . ;f1!\~ ~II , ,~\ ,~I ~'" ~,.. .\'\.~ )l;',ò; '". ,."~ '}1 .' ,"~T.>'- ~ CONNECT NEW 4" S. S. TO EXIST S.S., VERIFY EXACT LOCATION WITH CIVIL ENGINEER r '14 " ::: 11 SAND/OlL INTERCEPTOR . -'I SEE DETAIL SHEET P-2 I , 4" œ ~ '!ÞOO GA'-. \)~ùÞ " ~.,e:. 0\\- ""!Ae-.)K ~ ~ ~ ,0 :.... . ~CTS : -;-;' : '.r ," - ' .......,.. , '. " '·~ITE ~5" . -' " P.LAN SCALE: 1" .- 20' - 0 ." .....'..>.." ,"; . ,-, ',',j ". ". - ' :'?::: - ,...-;, ,. .,å...ùtl1r.'*L....·M_,""""'....-L'....,¡,....·_o.J:;..~.",...tt:"~I.·.~, ,:;.:..~~....~....:;~-~...,.,.. ::;, .-..... ¥ '.' . . " ~., '. . '..-~, -' '., . ' ··EiJ "':""'~-~';~'!!I' - :--:.:.. -- ('[ ;..;'; ! ", .).. . ,: , - . e e ':.'.~;; " i' Econo Ll,!be Nt Tune #216 6901 White Lane I Bakersfield. 'CA 93301 N + Site Map I , ð E Fire Hydrant W I D--¡ 750 Gallon SandI ß G~ease Interceptor ~ire Extinguisher Future Building Pad I ? I ú ~ ~ Detector Tune-Bay Fire Extinguisher Lube Bay . /7 Oil Storage (750 gal.) The above site map is for our Econo Lube N' Tune Store #216 located at 6901 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA 93301. If there are any questions in regards to this site map, please call Mike Vincent at (714) 852-6630. White Lane :':':"'''"':-':'''''' .', .....;c._::;.,;~,':::..,:"~::~,','.;~:~"~~,~, '''f'~~'':;'-,:·.'~:~:?'':'''':':.':":,,, :''''',~-'::;:':':'' .~::-":.:' - ~ .. , , ,., ", ' ,>~::,:-.-:....,::;..,:, .:~::': "~~"""'A_;~"~rs:?:;:,'~·~:::,'.:;:~'~':';",,:·~~~":'";~f:-:;:-7:;7-:~,-:~-'-:;:::~'-;:;'~: '. (Lu~·~d~';'~~~.;ý/¿3.'''''H ~....'.!..:..-' ~, .', '~' : ~~~~_~~~'M_f~~!~"'~.~..h..r"í~"""'''''~-~~W:~I :', ,~o , ' '/~ '. ,e _ . . ,;'\ ,,,iF ECO~~~1uº~~;!!T~:~:216 ',:¿:: Bakersfield. CA 93301 ¡i'r I:'{~ 1'"9. i";'~~ I" ...~. I'" I: N ~ ,I Facility Diagram E W ð. Fire Hydrant '.. D .. L , " , , Econo Lube N' Tune #216 Future Building Pad Midas Muffler I,' ~ I' I, White Lane !,", 1 I I, ~\~ .~~ "'''~..:rt .~ý,., " t,,~. ,. .¡ ~ '.~: WA."'~ III b ,...',1. : ___ ... .·.r ,.,' ~,~,~~ ,'~,~/ ,v ~~-:'7' )g ;r.':l ; !. ~ \tJ,~ A~ ~ I I t , ,,"f :,ð"-C'" ft·,~ ~~ ~J....~~ff ;,,0 , ,~II ¡''' 'ò~1 '6 c, : ""t "'i I ,'t::"'AOL:. sÌO<Ïi:iÏ<- / ~ (f . t~(f' /tJ" I~ .f' ".\0 \) ;) I , ,. ., I ~ 'fe, " , lot'> ::;,.r. . "_ _.-'" Þ" ,.."fJ _- 4, , ",:.;~fv - . , . J~(.~ L ,.,,,~ '.0:- : '=-'c.;,.. ~ I ~~ ~~ ..(") . ;:t, I e../ t . 1)'1- þ....../~~i., . '-. It( '~...... ~ " J,. _ 0-.~....- , ."'''~1' iI~'- '\..".-' ./~' , ,'(,,! ,~ ' ,; þ~ . .,~ . 'i\:¢.·7.....,.C ·I-;;;¡,-.:Ø--- . t t :\ <4:1: ... ,.. --:--- :. -- fW·' I, I I I I II I I· I I r+-':"~~- + ,,:-.~.::p-,-.-:-:;-. ": : ',. ';~:" '::':""'-";~'~:"';';"~'~~'~~-"-:.. . . -.-- -- ...:~ ;' ~~ .ø @4f , ' ... . ' 1"'.40 t='LEV Gß ð "', ", , . ", '-, " " ."¡;"/f. ,..' ". " ", :"ð.4 ........... . ~J.~i ' " ,.üI~ ' ." .It f(. 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'_ ::... :~"ð.~' (~!.?l, ".- .. -J..#!!...{3L' ... ...... ~~ . . ,þWHITE ~.A.NE _. .. , . ¿ ..y.., ." .__..... ......-....:.................-...:..v.. ,.......~..~...,....,.........~_.._............. .-<....'.... S~rL f(ÂJJ - - .- '~n . '-', .. -~ ". "I , , ' "f:-" ",1 \" ' . ,:, :l¡,~~~~ I I .¡ ì l-1.~ '1- 0: J'è~~~. ~ð'~¡ I I. " .," .., .:-;. ,I (t.ø .011";;1 }.~ : I :~\"" . !lGf ,~¡ ~ ' . ~ I - " I """,1 . ,," ;¡.I, ..' ". . . - ' ¡it-" 6","/,f,(I ....-..--.. ~"t~W\ . . OÞHþ,) ~~"'O"'E. ( f"toou2 1'tAN -- ~, i' + ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 ============================== SiteID: 015-021-000339 + '1\ Manager : Location: 6901 WHITE LN City BAKERSFIELD BusPhone: Map : 123 Grid: 16D (661) 831-4371 CommHaz : Low FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 09 SIC Code:7538 EPA Numb: DunnBrad: :: :::::::::::::::: ::::::: :::::::::::::::::: ~~~:C#:: =:à'l!~I!~:: :::~~:-:J]~ :::: Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title KENT PILLARS / OWNER MARK !!!l..JW-Ü'(.S / OPá:1(7\TIOlJ8 l\IG'Et Business Phone: (661) 831-4371x Business Phone: (661) QJ] 4371x 24-Hour Phone : (661) 588-6797x 24-Hour Phone : (661) ~8~-~~o6x Pager Phone : () x Pager Phone : () X +--------'-------------------------------+------------~-------------------------+ I Hazmat Hazards: Fire DelHlth I +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Contact : Phone: (661) 831-4371x MailAddr: 6901 WHITE LN State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD Zip : 93309 ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Owner KENT PILLARS Phone: (661) 588-6797x Address: 6901 WHITE LN State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD Zip : 93309 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Period to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparer: TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: No ParcelNo: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Emergency Directives: I, ~ Pc'lloff Do hereby certify that I have (Type or pnnt name) reviewed the attached hazardous materials manage- ment plan for ËG.>rw Lvþ( (¡)l 7V"I/2f'/d ~h8f i~ a¡on~ c ~I~rh (Name of Business) . ~ any corrections constitute a completE; twQ correct m¿.,¡¡n- agement plan for my facility. /~fJ/~ S!O!:3:tJre 1- , -0'1 ~:Þí19 D¿.te +==============================================================================+ -1- 03/01/2004 ·~ + ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 ============================== SiteID: 015-021-000339 + ." +==================== STORAGE CONTAINER DATA (UST FORM A) =====================+ . 0 I Last Action Type: I +------------------------- FACILITY/SITE INFORMATION --------------------------+ Business Name: ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 Cross Street : Business Type: Total Tanks 1 IndnRes/Trust: No +------------------------- PROPERTY OWNER Name MARK PILLARS Address: City Type +--------------------------- TANK OWNER INFORMATION ---------------------------+ Name MARK PILLARS Phone: (661) 831-4371x Address: City Type +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ BOE UST Fee# : UNKNOWN Financ'l Resp: Legal Notif +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Date: Phone: () x Name: Ttl: State UST # 1998 Upg Cert#: +==============================================================================+ Org Type: PA Contact: INFORMATION -------------------------+ Phone: (661) 831-4371x State: Zip: State: Zip: -2- 03/01/2004 ~ + ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 ============================== SiteID: 015-021-000339 + += Hazmat Inventory ========================================= By Facility Unit + +== MCP+DailyMax Order ============================== Fixed Containers on Site + +--------------------------------+-------+-----------+-----+----------+----+---+ I Hazmat Common Name... ISpecHazlEPA Hazards Frm I DailyMax Unit MCP +--------------------------------+-------+-----------+-----+----------+----+---+ WASTE OIL F DH L 500.00 GAL Low TRANSMISSION FLUID F DH L 110.00 GAL Low WASTE ANTIFREEZE F DH L 110.00 GAL Low MOTOR OIL F DH L 1425.00 GAL Min +==============================================================================+ -3- 03/01/2004 ? ~ + ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 ============================== SiteID: 015-021-000339 + += Inventory Item 0002 =============== Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site + +== COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ==============================+================+ WASTE OIL I Days On Site I 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: +----------------+ I CAS# I 221 +=============================================================+================+ += STATE =+= TYPE ===+== PRESSURE ===+ TEMPERATURE ==+==== CONTAINER TYPE =====+ I Liquid I Waste I Ambient I Ambient I UNDER GROUND TANK I +=========+==========+===============+===============+=========================+ +==========================+ AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION =========================+ I Largest Container I Daily Maximum I Daily Average I 500.00 GAL 500.00 GAL 350.00 GAL +==========================+=========================+=========================+ +=======+============== HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS ==============+===+===============+ I %Wt. I I RSI CAS # I 100.00 Waste Oil, Petroleum Based No 0 +=======+==================================================+===+===============+ +=======+===+======+=========== HAZARD ASSESSMENTS ===+=========+========+=====+ I TSecretI RSI BioHazI, Radioactive/Amount I EPA Hazards I NFPA I USDOT# I MCP I No No No No/ Curies F DH / / / Low +=======+===+======+====================+=============+=========+========+=====+ +========================== MISC. LOCAL AGENCY DATA ===========================+ Ag.Defined1: Ag.Defined2: Ag.Defined3: Ag.Defined4: Ag.Defined5: Ag.Defined6: Ag.Defined7: Ag.Defined8: Ag.Defined9: Ag.DefinelO: +- Ag.Define11 ----------------------------------------------------------------+ +==============================================================================+ -4- 03/01/2004 ~ ~ + ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 ============================== SiteID: 015-021-000339 + += Inventory Item 0002 =============== Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site + +==================+=========+====== WASTE DATA ===========+===================+ I Treated On Site I CA Code I US Code I GAL Generated/Mo. I GAL Generated/Yr. I No 5200.00 +------------------+---------++--------+-------------------+-------------------+ I Treatment UnitID: I Unit Type: I +-----------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ Agency-Defined Text Label +==============================================================================+ -5- 03/01/2004 ,,.. + ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216.============================== SiteID: 015-021-000339 + += Inventory Item 0002 =============== Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site + +===== STORAGE CONTAINER DATA (UST FORM B and AGENCY-DEFINED) Page 1 of 2 =====+ I Last Action Type: /. Location In Site: +------------------------------ TANK DESCRIPTION Tank ID#: 1 Mfr: UNKNOWN Installed: 06/1990 Capacity: 500 Gals Additional Info: +-------------------------------- I Tank Use: OIL Matl Name:WASTE OIL +----------------------------- TANK CONSTRUCTION Type : DOUBLE WALL Material(p): STEEL CLAD W/FIBERGLASS R. P. Material(s): STEEL CLAD W/FIBERGLASS R. P. Lining UNLINED Corr Prot: FIBERGLASS REINFORCED Spill Cnt 1990 Drop Tube : 1990 Striker Plate: +---------------------------- TANK Sgl Wall: ------------------------------+ Compart Tank: N No. Of Comparts: TANK CONTENTS -------------------------------+ Petrol Type: OTHER-DESCRIBE Cas #: 221 ------------------------------+ PLASTIC Alarm Ball Float Fill Tube S/O: 1990 LEAK DETECTION -----------------------------+ Dbl Wall: INTERSTITIAL MONITORING Installed: Installed: Exempt: No TANK CLOSURE INFORMATION/PERMANENT CLOSURE IN PLACE Last Used: Qty Remaining: Was Fìlled: No +==============================================================================+ -6- 03/01/2004 ~ + ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 ============================== SiteID: 015-021-000339 + += Inventory Item 0002 =============== Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site + +===== STORAGE CONTAINER DATA (UST FORM B and AGENCY-DEFINED) Page 2 of 2 =====+ +----------------------------- PIPING CONSTRUCTION ----------------------------+ UnderGround Piping AboveGround Piping GRAVITY DOUBLE WALL Type : Const: Mfgr ,Mtl & Corr Prot FIBERGLASS +---------~----------------- PIPING LEAK DETECTION ----------------------------+ UnderGround Piping AboveGround Piping AUTOMATIC LEAK DETECTORS +--------------------------- DISPENSER CONTAINMENT ------------~---------------+ I Installed: Type: NONE I +-------------------------- OWNER/OPERATOR SIGNATURE --------------------------+ Date: 12/05/1996 Name:BOB UPPAL Ttl:PRESIDENT Prmt Number: 0339 Approved: Yes Expiration Date: 06/30/2006 +------------------------------- AGENCY DEFINED -------------------------------+ TANK/LINE TEST : CP CERT. MANWAY INSP. : UST MONIT. CERT:12/10/2002 +==============================================================================+ -7- 03/01/2004 + ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 ============================== SiteID: 015-021-000339 + += Inventory Item 0003 =============== Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site + +== COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ==============================+================+ TRANSMISSION FLUID I Days On Site I 365 +----------------+ I CAS# 0 I Location within this Facility Unit SE OF LUBE PIT Mç: ' Grid: +=============================================================+================+ += STATE =+= TYPE ===+== PRESSURE ===+ TEMPERATURE ==+==== CONTAINER TYPE =====+ I Liquid I Pure I Ambient I Ambient I ABOVE GROUND TANK I +=========+==========+===============+===============+=========================+ +==========================+ AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION =========================+ I Largest Container I Daily Maximum I Daily Average I 110.00 GAL 110.00 GAL 75.00 GAL +==========================+=========================+=========================+ +=======+============== HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS ==============+===+===============+ I %Wt. I I RSI CAS # I 100.00 Transmission Fluid (Petroleum-Based) No 0 +=======+==================================================+===+===============+ +=======+===+======+=========== HAZARD ASSESSMENTS ===+=========+========+=====+ Tsecret RS BioHazI Radioactive/Amount I EPA Hazards I NFPA I USDOT# I MCP No No No No/ Curies F DH / / / Low +=======+===+======+====================+=============+=========+========+=====+ +========================== MISC. LOCAL AGENCY DATA ===========================+ Ag.Defined1: Ag.Defined2: Ag.Defined3: Ag.Defined4: Ag.Defined5: Ag.Defined6: Ag.Defined9: Ag.Defined7: Ag.Define10: Ag.Defined8: +- Ag.Define11 ----------------------------------------------------------------+ +==============================================================================+ -8- 03/01/2004 + ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 ============================== SiteID: 015-021-000339 + += Inventory Item 0004 =============== Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site + +-- COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ------------------------------+----------------+ -- ------------------------------ ---------------- WASTE ANTIFREEZE I Days On Site I 365 +----------------+ I CAS# I 107-21-1 Location within this Facility Unit SWING Map: Grid: +=============================================================+================+ += STATE =+= TYPE ===+== PRESSURE ===+ TEMPERATURE ==+==== CONTAINER TYPE =====+ I Liquid I Waste I Ambient I Ambient I DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL I +=========+==========+===============+===============+=========================+ +==========================+ AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION =========================+ I Largest Container I Daily Maximum I Daily Average I 55.00 GAL 110.00 GAL 55.00 GAL +==========================+=========================+=========================+ +=======+============== HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS ==============+===+===============+ I %Wt . I IRS I CAS# I 100.00 Ethylene Glycol No 107211 +=======+==================================================+===+===============+ +=======+===+======+=========== HAZARD ASSESSMENTS ===+=========+========+=====+ Tsecretl RS BioHazl Radioactive/Amount I EPA Hazards I NFPA I USDOT# I MCP I No No No No/ Curies F DH / / / Low +=======+===+======+====================+=============+=========+========+=====+ +========================== MISC. LOCAL AGENCY DATA ===========================+ Ag.Defined1: Ag.Defined2: Ag.Defined3: Ag.Defined4: Ag.Defined5: Ag.Defined6: Ag.Defined7: Ag.Defined8: Ag.Defined9: Ag.Define10: +- Ag.Define11 ----------------------------------------------------------------+ +==============================================================================+ -9- 03/01/2004 + ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 ============================== SiteID: 015-021-000339 + += Inventory Item 0004 =============== Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site + +==================+=========+====== WASTE DATA ===========+===================+ I Treated On Site I CA Code I US Code I GAL Generated/Mo. I GAL Generated/Yr., No . 110.00 +------------------+---------++--------+-------------------+-------------------+ I Treatment UnitID: I Unit Type: I +-----------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ Agency-Defined Text Label +==============================================================================+ -10- 03/01/2004 + ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 ============================== SiteID: 015-021-000339 + += Inventory Item 0001 =============== Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site + +== COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ==============================+================+ MOTÓR OIL I Days On Site I 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: +----------------+ W AND E SIDE OF LUBE PITS I CAS # I ** Note customer has (4) AST (2)480 gal. (1)240 gal. (1) 110 8020835 +=============================================================+================+ += STATE =+= TYPE ===+== PRESSURE ==~+ TEMPERATURE ==+==== CONTAINER TYPE =====+ I Liquid I Pure I Ambient I Ambient I ABOVE GROUND TANK I +=========+==========+===============+===============+=========================+ +==========================+ AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION =========================+ I Largest Container I Daily Maximum I Daily Average I 480.00 GAL 1425.00 GAL 850.00 GAL +==========================+=========================+=========================+ +=======+============== HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS ==============+===+===============+ I %Wt. I I RSI CAS# I 100.00 Motor Oil, Petroleum Based No 8020835 +=======+==================================================+===+===============+ +=======+===+======+=========== HAZARD ASSESSMENTS ===+=========+========+=====+ Tsecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount I EPA Hazards I NFPA I USDOT# I MCP I No No No No/ Curies F DH / / / Min +=======+===+======+====================+=============+=========+========+=====+ +========================== MISC. LOCAL AGENCY DATA ===========================+ Ag.Defined1: Ag.Defined2: Ag.Defined3: Ag.Defined4: Ag.Defined5: Ag.Defined6: Ag.Defined?: Ag.Defined8: Ag.Defined9: Ag.Define10: +- Ag.Define11 ----------------------------------------------------------------+ +==============================================================================+ -11- 03/01/2004 + ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 ============================== SiteID: 015-021-000339 + += Inventory Item 0001 =============== Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site + +===== STORAGE CONTAINER DATA (UST FORM B and AGENCY-DEFINED) Page 1 of 2 =====+ I Last Action Type: I Location In Site: W AND E SIDE OF LUBE PITS +------------------------------ TANK DESCRIPTION Tank ID#: Mfr: Installed: 0/ 0 Capacity: Additional Info: +-------------------------------- I Tank Use: MatI Name:MOTOR OIL +----------------------------- Type Material(p) : Material(s) : Lining Corr Prot: Spill Cnt Drop Tube Striker Plate: +---------------------------- TANK Sgl Wall: Gals ------------------------------+ Compart Tank: N No. Of Comparts: TANK CONTENTS -------------------------------+ Petrol Type: I Cas #: 8020835 TANK CONSTRUCTION ------------------------------+ o Alarm Ball Float Fill Tube S/O: 0 LEAK DETECTION -----------------------------+ Dbl Wall: Installed: Installed: Exempt: No TANK CLOSURE INFORMATION/PERMANENT CLOSURE IN PLACE Last Used: Qty Remaining: Was Filled: No +==============================================================================+ -12- 03/01/2004 + ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 ============================== SiteID: 015-021-000339 + += Inventory Item 0001 =============== Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site + +===== STORAGE CONTAINER DATA (UST FORM B and AGENCY-DEFINED) Page 2 of 2 =====+ +----------------------------- PIPING CONSTRUCTION ----------------------------+ UnderGround Piping AboveGround Piping Type : Const: Mfgr Mtl & Corr Prot +--------------------------- PIPING LEAK DETECTION ----------------------------+ UnderGround Piping AboveGround Piping +--------------------------- DISPENSER CONTAINMENT ----------------------------+ I Installed: Type: I +-------------------------- OWNER/OPERATOR SIGNATURE --------------------------+ Date: Name: Ttl: Prmt Number: Approved: No Expiration Date: +------------------------------- AGENCY DEFINED -------------------------------+ TANK/LINE TEST : CP CERT. :04/17/1997 ANNUAL MAINTENANCE MANWAY INSP. UST MONIT. CERT: +==============================================================================+ -13- 03/01/2004 + ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 ============================== SiteID: 015-021-000339 + +================================================================~ Fast Format + += Notif./Evacuation/Medical ==================================== Overall Site + +== Agency Notification =========================================== 11/21/1995 + NOTIFY FRED WAECHTER ECONO LUBE N TUNE INC. AT (714) 851-2259. APPROPRIATE AGENCY AS REQUIRED. NOFITY +==============================================================================+ +--- Employee Notl'f /Evacuatl'on ----------------------------------- 05/15/2001 + --- . ----------------------------------- MANAGER OR OWNER NOTIFIES EMPLOYEES BY SHOUTING OUT A WARNING TO LEAVE THE BLDG. (NOTE: OUR BLDG IS A DRIVE THROUGH) . +==============================================================================+ +---- Publl'C Notl'f /Evacuatl'on ------------------------------------ 11/21/1995 + ---- . ------------------------------------ PUBLIC NOTIFICATION IS DONE BY THE MANAGER OR OWNER IN THE WAITING ROOM. +==============================================================================+ +----- Emergency Medl'cal Plan ------------------------------------- 11/21/1995 + ----- ------------------------------------- IF A MEDICAL EMERGENCY OCCURES (DETERMINED BY MANAGER OR OWNER) THE INJURED PERSON IS TAKEN TO MEMORIAL URGENT CARE CENTER (ASHE AT MING) . +==============================================================================+ -14- 03/01/2004 ~ + ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 ============================== SiteID: 015-021-000339 + +================================================================= Fast Format + += Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt =================================== Overall Site + +== Release Prevention ============================================ 10/23/1991 + OILS AND SOLVENTS ARE STORED IN APPROVED CONTAINERS. EQUIPPED WITH A SPILL PROTECTION MANHOLE. USED OIL TANK IS +==============================================================================+ +--- Release Conta;nment ------------------------------------------ 10/23/1991 + --- ~ ------------------------------------------ UNDERGROUND WASTE TANK IS DOUBLE WALL PLASTIC COMPOSITE CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPPED WITH VAPOR AND LIQUID DETECTION EQUIPMENT. +==============================================================================+ +---- Clean Up ---------------------------------------------------- 10/23/1991 + ---- ---------------------------------------------------- FOR SHOP SPILLS, OIL ABSORBENT IS USED. MINOR DRIPS ARE WIPED UP WITH RAGS WHICH ARE THEN STORED IN METAL CONTAINERS. +==============================================================================+ +===== Other Resource Activation ==============================================+ I I +==============================================================================+ -15- 03/01/2004 ~ ~ + ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 ============================== SiteID: 015-021-000339 + +==================;============================================== Fast Format + += Site Emergency Factors ======================================= Overall Site + +== Special Hazards ===========================================================+ I I +==============================================================================+ +=== Utility Shut-O~fs ============================================ 05/15/2001 + A) GAS - NONE B) ELECTRICAL - NE CORNER C) WATER - 12FT N OF NE CORNER D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO +==============================================================================+ +---- Fl're Protec /Aval'l Water ----------------------------------- 05/15/2001 + ---- .. -----------~----------------------- PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS LOCATED ON PROPERTY. FIRE HYDRANT - 500FT W OF SW CORNER OF THIS BLDG. +==============================================================================+ +===== Building Occupancy Level ===============================================+ I I +==============================================================================+ -16- 03/01/2004 ~ + ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 ============================== SiteID: 015-021-000339 + +================================================================= Fast Format + += Training ========~============================================ Overall Site + +== Employee Training ============================================= 12/23/1993 + WE HAVE 4 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY. WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE. WE HAVE A COMPREHENSIVE ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING MANUAL WHICH INCLUDES TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS: 1) HAZARDOUS WASTE REGULATIONS 2) PROPER DISPOSAL OF ENGINE OILS AND ANTI-FREEZE 3) THE EMPLOYEES RIGHT TO KNOW 4) PRODUCT LABELS AND MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS 5) HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 6) AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR SHOP HAZARDS 7) CLEAN-UP OF SPILLS AND DISPOSAL 8) EXPOSURE AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES 9) FIRE AND EXPLOSION 10) SOTRAGE AND MIXING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS +==============================================================================+ +=== Page 2 ===================================================================+ I I +==============================================================================+ +==== Held for Future Use =====================================================+ I I +==============================================================================+ +===== Held for Future Use ====================================================+ I I +==============================================================================+ -17- 03/01/2004 ,.. ,i ; ,- - ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 / ./ SiteID: 015-021-000339 Manager : Location: 6901 WHITE LN City BAKERSFIELD BusPhone: Map : 123 Grid: 16D (805) 831-4371 CommHaz : Low FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 09 EPA Numb: SIC Code:7538 DunnBrad: Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title nn1\f E"t.TM.J!!j ~ Aï/Qr:s / STORE W1NA~R(;VA'V - Mi3RLE BVMW.fttovk {J,'j/q/j OPERATIONS MANA Business Phone: (805) 831-4371x Business Phone: (800) '':}9 ì24JJf- 24-Hour Phone : ( 661 ) ~ -~17? x 24-Hour Phone : (66 f ) .:S-.¡"') -?5tb x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: Fire DelHlth Contact : Phone: ( ) - x MailAddr: 6901 WHITE LN State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD Zip : 93309 Owner BeONO LtrnE N T1JNE K.~+ Pi I {Ctrf Phone: (714) 8:;1 225:9x Address : pg. DOX 2470 6901 wt.:4 Lr. State: CA M,I rJI-Y 17/ City : NEWPORT DEACII &'t.er./,;tlJ ('JT q ~~,,! Zip : ~ Period : to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparer: TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: No Emergency Directives: ¡J(&'\t {/", {qr! Do hereby certiiy that' have , ('fyp3 or print naIM) :t . als maoage- reviewed the attached hazarooU$ ma en . ~ L.Jh p' T I/I/t.. and that it a\oog wIth ment plan for (~~OI~sineSS) any corrections constitute a complete and correct man- agement plan for my facility. úc;:ÆI~ -' g-H-OI_ ()ate " -1- 05/14/2001 7 e e F ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 SiteID: 015-021-000339 1 STORAGE CONTAINER DATA (UST FORM A) Last Action Type: FACILITY/SITE INFORMATION Business Name: ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 Cross Street : Business Type: Org Type: Total Tanks : 1 IndnRes/Trust: No PA Contact: PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION Name : MERLE EVANS Phone: (800) 759-7243x Address: City : State: Zip: Type : TANK OWNER INFORMATION Name : MERLE EVANS Phone: (800) 759-7243x Address: City : State: Zip: Type : BOE UST Fee# : UNKNOWN Financ'l Resp: Legal Notif : Date: Phone: ( ) - x Name: Ttl: State UST # : 1998 Upg Cert#: One Unified List 1 All Materials at Site 1 SpecHaz EPA Hazards DailyMax MCP F DH L 1425.00 GAL Min F DH L 110.00 GAL Low F DH L 110.00 GAL Low F DH L 500.00 GAL Low p= Hazmat Inventory p== Alphabetical Order Hazmat Common Name... MOTOR OIL TRANSMISSION FLUID WASTE ANTIFREEZE WASTE OIL -2- 05/14/2001 '. e e F ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 p= Inventory Item 0001 = COMMON NAME / CHEMI CAL NAME MOTOR OIL SiteID: 015-021-000339 1 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site 1 Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit WEST AND EAST SIDE OF LUBE PITS Map: Grid: CAS # 8020835 [ ~TA'~E I TYPE ~ P~ESSURE -¡ TEM~ERATURE ---:, =Llquld __pure ~mblent ---1 Amblent , ~ AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum 1425.00 GAL CONTAINER TYPE ABOVE GROUND TANK Largest Container GAL Daily Average 850.00 GAL %Wt. RS CAS # 100.00 Motor Oil, Petroleum Based No 8020835 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F DH / / / Min HAZARD ASSESSMENTS p= Inventory Item 0003 F== COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME TRANSMISSION FLUID Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site 1 Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit SE OF LUBE PIT Map: Grid: CAS # o STATE - TYPE Liquid Pure PRESSURE Ambient TEMPERATURE Ambient CONTAINER TYPE ABOVE GROUND TANK Largest Container GAL AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum 110.00 GAL Daily Average 75.00 GAL %Wt. RS CAS # 100.00 Transmission Fluid (Petroleum-Based) No 0 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCÞ No No No No/ Curies F DH / / / Low HAZARD ASSESSMENTS -3- 05/14/2001 ,. e e F ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 p= Inventory Item 0004 F= COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME WASTE ANTIFREEZE SiteID: 015-021-000339 ì Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ì Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit SOUTH WING Map: Grid: CAS # 107-21-1 STATE - TYPE Liquid Waste PRESSURE Ambient TEMPERATURE Ambient CONTAINER TYPE DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL Largest Container GAL AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum 110.00 GAL Daily Average 55.00 GAL , %Wt. RS CAS # 100.00 Ethylene Glycol No 107211 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F DH / / / Low HAZARD ASSESSMENTS p= Inventory Item 0002 F= COMMON NAME / CHEMI CAL NAME WASTE OIL Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ì Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: CAS # 221 STATE - TYPE Liquid Waste PRESSURE Ambient TEMPERATURE Ambient CONTAINER TYPE UNDER GROUND TANK Largest Container GAL AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum \ 500.00 GAL Daily Average 350.00 GAL %Wt. RS CAS # 100.00 Waste Oil, Petroleum Based No 0 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F DH / / / Low HAZARD ASSESSMENTS -4- 05/14/2001 e e F ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 I p= Notif./Evacuation/Medical Agency Notification SiteID: 015-021-000339 9 Fast Format ì Overall Site ì 11/21/1995 NOTIFY FRED WAECHTER ECONO LUBE N TUNE INC. AT (714) 851-2259. APPROPRIATE AGENCY AS REQUIRED. NOFITY Employee Notif./Evacuation 11/21/1995 MANAGER OR OWNER NOTIFIES EMPLOYEES BY SHOUTING OUT A WARNING TO LEAVE THE BLDG. (NOTE: OUT BLDG IS A DRIVE THROUGH) . Public Notif./Evacuation 11/21/1995 PUBLIC NOTIFICATION IS DONE BY THE MANAGER OR OWNER IN THE WAITING ROOM. Emergency Medical Plan 11/21/1995 IF A MEDICAL EMERGENCY OCCURES (DETERMINED BY MANAGER OR OWNER) THE INJURED PERSON IS TAKEN TO MEMORIAL URGENT CARE CENTER (ASHE AT MING) . -5- 05/14/2001 e e í ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë SiteID: 015-021-000339 i íëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë Fast Format i íë Mitigation/Preventl Abatemt ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë .overall Site j íëë Release Prevention ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë 10/23/1991 j o 0 o OILS AND SOLVENTS ARE STORED IN APPROVED CONTAINERS. USED OIL TANK IS o EQUIPPED WITH A SPILL PROTECTION MANHOLE. 0 o 0 o åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëf íëëë Release Containment ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë 10/23/1991 j o 0 o UNDERGROUND WASTE TANK IS DOUBLE WALL PLASTIC COMPOSITE CONSTRUCTION ÀND 0 o EQUIPPED WITH VAPOR AND LIQUID DETECTION EQUIPMENT. 0 o 0 åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëf íëëëë Clean Up ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë 10/23/1991 ¡ o 0 o FOR SHOP SPILLS, OIL ABSORBENT IS USED. MINOR DRIPS ARE WIPED UP WITH RAGS 0 o WHICH ARE THEN STORED IN METAL CONTAINERS. 0 o o åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëf íëëëëë Other Resource Activation ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë¡ o 0 o o åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëf -6- e e 05/14/2001 '. e e í ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë SiteID: 015-021-000339 i íëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë Fast Forrnat j íë Site Emergency Factors ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë Overall Site i íëë Special IIazards ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëj o 0 o o åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëf íëëë Utility Shut-Offs ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë 10/23/1991 j o 0 o A) GAS - NONE o B) ELECTRICAL - NORTII EAST CORNER o C) WATER - 12FT NORTII OF NORTIIEAST CORNER o D) SPECIAL - NONE o E) LOCK BOX - NO o 0 o o o o o åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëf íëëëë Fire Protec.lAvail. Water ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë 10/23/1991 i o 0 o PRIV A TE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISIIERS LOCATED ON PROPERTY. o o o o o FIRE IIYDRANT - 500FT WEST OF SOUTIIWEST CORNER OF TIllS BLDG. o o åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëf íëëëëë Building Occupancy Level ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëj o 0 o o åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëf o o · -7- e e 05/14/2001 ... 'j ~ ¡.. e e í ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë SiteID: 015-021-000339 j íëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë Fast Forrnat j íë Training ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë Overall Site i íëë Employee Training ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë 12/23/1993 j o 0 o WE HAVE 4 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY. o o o o WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE. o o o o WE HAVE A COMPREHENSIVE ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING MANUAL WHICH INCLUDES o TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS: 0 o o o o 1) HAZARDOUS WASTE REGULATIONS o 2) PROPER DISPOSAL OF ENGINE OILS AND ANTI-FREEZE o 3) THE EMPLOYEES RIGHT TO KNOW o 4) PRODUCT LABELS AND MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS 05) HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 06) AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR SHOP HAZARDS 07) CLEAN-UP OF SPILLS AND DISPOSAL o 8) EXPOSURE AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES o 9) FIRE AND EXPLOSION o 10) SOTRAGE AND MIXING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS o 0 o o o o o o o o o o åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëf íëëë Page 2 ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëj o '0 o o åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëf íëëëë Held for Future U se ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë j o 0 o o åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëf íëëëëë Held for Future U se ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë j o 0 o o åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë~ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëf -8- 05/14/2001 ... - '-... it \ ' - I CUSrME&NO. E5 - 3%9 - MISCELLANEOUS RECEIVABLES ADJUSTMENT DATE3-/~ -Ð NEW ACCOUNT 1 ADDRESS CHANGE CLOSE ACCT I :ANANCECHARGEI JI ' OTHER ADJ ! ,X ' / CUSTOMER NAME &0(\0 ~be- W T U~-e ( MAILING ADDRESS (d::¡ 6 l L0 h; -t ~ ~. - \ CITY' ~ctlf:.(?.\'; del STATE c..:A ZI~'c9DE Q-SY51 .....,- SITE ADDRESS PARCEL NUMBER (IF APPUCASLE) ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT AMOUNT I R~;S:b;:-; ~Ó ~ùrc.ha~~ ~tOJ\J\f~ APPAOVEDBY ~~./- .. î -- -- ~' ~ 1 ., ~~ «;;~à'ì#~'"' - ~' 1106/95 -- ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 215-000-0003 NOV 211995 -I~ e Overall Site with 1 Fac. Unit General Information ::J R\I ~--..~ Location: 6901 WHITE LN Map:123 Haz:2 Type: 3 City . BAKERSFIELD Grid: 16D FlU: 1 AOV: 0.0 . --- Contact Name Title - Contact Name Title ~ DAN EVANS I STORE MANAGER MERLE EVANS I OPERATIONS MANA Business Phone: (805) 831-4371x Business Phone: (' , - x 24-Hour Phone · ( ) - x 24-Hour Phone · ( ) -. x · · Pager Phone · ( ) - x Pager Phone · (goo ) 7.s-c¡ - ?.:l<lj X.;r.g31/.34 · · Administrative Data Mail Addrs: 6901 WHITE LN D&B Number: City: BAKERSFIELD State: CA Zip: 93309- Comm Code: 215-009 BAKERSFIELD STATION 09 SIC Code: 7538 Owner: ECONO LUBE N TUNE Phone: (714) 851-2259 Address: P.O. BOX 2470 State: CA City: NEWPORT BEACH Zip: 92658- Summary 24 HOUR PHONE 1-800-759-7243 #2837132 (PAGER) 1 I F.R. ú.Ja.e.cJ..f-er Do hereby certify that I have , (Type or print name) reviewed the atte.ct¡ed hazarÔou~~ materials manage- ment ptan forLL.Afr:.:#:.c2l¿' and that it along with (Name of Buslnsss) any corrections constitute a complete and correct manØ agement plan for my facility. SJgnature F. R. WAECHtER œ-CONO rul8J~ i\{U 1'UNlËp !NC~ . 4911 BiRCH STREET NEWPORT BEACH, CA 9266() (714) 851-2259 I 111S7CfS- I Daté e e 11/06/95 ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 215-000-000339 Page 2 Hazmat Inventory List in MCP Order 02 - Fixed Containers on Site PIn-Ref Name/Hazards Form Max Qty MCP 02-002 WASTE OIL Liquid 500 Low ~ Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 02-003 TRANSMISSION FLUID Liquid 110 Low ~ Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 02-004 WASTE ANTIFREEZE Liquid 110 Low ~ Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 02-001 MOTOR OIL Liquid 1425 Minimal ~ Fire, Delay Hlth GAL ,'; e . 11'/06/95 ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 215-000-000339 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Page 3 Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-002 WASTE OIL ~ Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 500 Low GAL CAS #: 221 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Waste' Days: 365 Use: WASTE Daily Max GAL 500 --r Daily Average GAL 350.00 T Annual Amount GAL -- 5,200.00 Storage UNDER GROUND TANK r Press T Temp ~ Ambient Ambient Location - Conc l Components 100.0% Waste Oil, Petroleum Based r:.- MCP -,-Guide I Low I 27 02-003 TRANSMISSION FLUID ~ Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 110 Low GAL CAS #: o Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 110 I 75.00 I 2,200.00 Storage ABOVE GROUND TANK r Press T Temp ~ Location Ambient AmbientlSE OF LUBE PIT - Conc l Components ~ MCP ¡Uide 100.0% Transmission Fluid (Petroleum-Based) Low 27 02-004 WASTE ANTIFREEZE Liquid 110 Low ~ Fire, Delay Hlth ':'... GAL CAS #: 107-21-1 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Waste Days: 365 Use: WASTE - Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 110 I 55.00 110.00 Storage r Press T Temp -:-, DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL Ambient AmbientlSOUTH WING Location - Conc l 100.0% Ethylene Glycol Components r:- MCP ---rGuide Low I 27 e e 11"/06/95 ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 215-000-000339 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Page 4 Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-001 MOTOR OIL ~ Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 1425 Minimal GAL CAS #: 8020835 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 1,425 I 850.00 I 7,200.00 Storage ABOVE GROUND TANK r Press T Temp -:ì Location Ambient Ambient WEST AND EAST SIDE OF LUBE PITS - Conc l Components 100.0% Motor Oil, Petroleum Based r; MCP -¡Guide Minimal I 27 ':'~ e e 11"/06/95 ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 215-000-000339 00 - Overall Site Page 5 <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical <1> Agency Notification ---NOTIFY .JOSEPII -k"',,"ERY JR, OWNER IF lIE 15 NOT ON SITE. NOTIFY FRED WAECHTER ECONO LUBE N TUNE INC. NOFITY APPROPRIATE AGENCY AS REQUIRED. 11+ l?'''') g~., -;l~ <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation MANAGER OR OWNER NOTIFIES EMPLOYEES BY SHOUTING OUT A WARNING TO LEAVE THE BLDG. (NOTE: OUT BLDG IS A DRIVE THROUGH). <3> Public Notif./Evacuation PUBLIC NOTIFICATION IS DONE BY THE MANAGER OR OWNER IN THE WAITING ROOM. <4> Emergency Medical Plan IF A MEDICAL EMERGENCY OCCURES (DETERMINED BY MANAGER OR OWNER) THE INJURED PERSON IS TAKEN TO MEMORIAL URGENT CARE CENTER (ASHE AT MING). I ' e - 1f/06/95 ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 215-000-000339 00 - Overall Site Page 6 <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt , <1> Release Prevention OILS AND SOLVENTS ARE STORED IN APPROVED CONTAINERS. USED OIL TANK IS EQUIPPED WITH A SPILL PROTECTION MANHOLE. <2> Release Containment UNDERGROUND WASTE TANK IS DOUBLE WALL PLASTIC COMPOSITE CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPPED WITH VAPOR AND LIQUID DETECTION EQUIPMENT. <3> Clean Up FOR SHOP SPILLS, OIL ABSORBENT IS USED. MINOR DRIPS ARE WIPED UP WITH RAGS WHICH ARE THEN STORED IN METAL CONTAINERS. <4> Other Resource Activation e e 1í/06/95 ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 215-000-000339 00 - Overall Site Page 7 <F> Site Emergency Factors <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - NONE B) ELECTRICAL - NORTH EAST CORNER C) WATER - 12FT NORTH OF NORTHEAST CORNER D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS LOCATED ON PROPERTY. FIRE HYDRANT - 500FT WEST OF SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THIS BLDG. <4> Building Occupancy Level " e e . ." ~ 11/06/95 ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 215-000-000339 00 - Overall Site Page 8 <G> Training <1> Employee Training WE HAVE 4 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY. WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE. WE HAVE A COMPREHENSIVE ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING MANUAL WHICH INCLUDES TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS: 1) HAZARDOUS WASTE REGULATIONS 2) PROPER DISPOSAL OF ENGINE OILS AND ANTI-FREEZE 3) THE EMPLOYEES RIGHT TO KNOW 4) PRODUCT LABELS AND MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS 5) HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 6) AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR SHOP HAZARDS 7) CLEAN-UP OF SPILLS AND DISPOSAL. 8) EXPOSURE AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES 9) FIRE AND EXPLOSION 10) SOTRAGE AND MIXING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS <2> Page 2 <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use " e e \ ,.... Co 11/06/95 ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 215-000-000339 00 - Overall Site Page 9 <G> Training <4> Held for Future Use (Continued) ':...... .:..... \ ,~ 1"":' .,.. ~ r' ~F /' .~. BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN INSTRUCTIONS: 1. To avoid fUítheíaction. return this form within 30 days of receipt. 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS !N ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be brief and concise as possible. SECTION ì: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA LOCATION: ECo~o Lvß~ JJ\ TlJ~E. '*f Z(~ JAl<lR.$ f( È,<"'D BUSINESS NAME: MAlllNG ADDRESS: b90" - l.öL4ìT~ LA~E.. CITY: 1SA~~estte.L..]) STATE: CJr ZIP: Q330(1 PHONE: (8oS)i3/- 4371 DUN & BRADSTREET NUMBER: SIC CODE: 7549 MAILING ADDRESS: Auro HOT; tiE SEQ. \litE.. ~ Lu-g £. IJ' TOAjf. Ioc. . 'P.D.$oJC :f:Z47o ~EWPoR" ~EAC.~ CÆ qZ."58 / PRIMARY ACTIV1TY: OWNER: SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION: CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 24 HR. PHONE F.1<. W~í~ 5\~L HC:r~. . (80S) 83/- 4571 , ()ß. ~ 1- Boo -7 59 - 72.43 ( PAl:fe) SA~e:.. ., 2837 132- pþr"f + ,J....t:rl/ r v· p. (7i4) 85Z.-,,,q~ 1. _ :ÞA~ E.vlrlJS, 2. H£el~' £\lAJJS .1. --. . . .Bakersfield Fire Dept. .." .ardous Màterials Division - HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN ~\' " - ""'" ~ .\' \' SECTION 3: TRAIN1NG: NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 4/' MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE.: 'Its BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: Wi. ",~l. ~ c.o~t'R£.\t·¡'lJsì\Jf.. EJJ"ìb{oOk£AJr~ n2Ä1)Ji)J~ .(AtlJlJAt... Lt)¿ .c'c,t.t- ÎAJCW3£S ï~.\J<r ìf..) 'i~ +ot.U)w,ìJG- AevA&: ..) \t"~Äe:tnJS, WA:Sí1t. 'Rtl.-vtÞrf¡'ouS z..) 'Yeot'!.e ~'5?osA-L.. of' E~-{\)£ otL.;' I At.Jít - tit£t..~, AuI:> CLI£MJ )Jfc- .sow~AJr:s 3.) 'It\t ~t'LO"i££S 1(1~í íõ f<JJOtû 4} 'P~t' lÅßt:L-~ A .J1) HA-TUt~ $6cf'£f't' ;p~ $u.bETS s.) ~'þL )JG.- o.:f ItA1}tATS ') AoTbkoTìJ{. 'RtPÞ.I'R, .sl-tof> tf A ê Ævz"Þ S 7) afAIJ - LW o:F Sfiì...t. S M.\þ J),:S'PoSA-L 8) fXPoSOce£ Au!> fi'esr A"I:> Rtoc£W/f£S ii) :k\tt + @:.X.PLO&0Þ.1 /o}, S'fòtA~'t Of J+Al:-kAíS . SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST: I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THA r MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE REPORTfNG REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6.95 OF THE IICALlFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODEII FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: WE DO NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. WE DO HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, BUT THE QUANT[T!ES AT NO T\MEEXCEED THE MINIMUM REPORTtNG QUANTITIES. OTHER (SPECIFY REASON) SECTION 5: CERTIFICATION: I. F. R. WAECHTER CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFOR- MATION IS ACCURATE. ! UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBlIGAT10NS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIV. 2a-CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND THÄ T INACCURATE INF ATlON-CONSTlTUTESPERJURY. SIGNA TURE F. R. WAECHTER TITLE DATE . '~".-- 2. FOtS90 . - ...._._:.~...::.-:.~'.:-.._~ :-::.:':~':'~:';~--'-~' - ....... ~-:~::-~ --.... ";'---<~-;"~ '" - ".~ ,. , t,. ,,1 e Bakersfield Fire DepW Hazardous Materials Division " HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Facmty Unit Name: Econo Lube H' Tune #216 SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES: A. AGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: Notification procedures will be the responsibility of the store manager, store owner, or emergency coordinater. The agencies to be notified will be the local EPA agencies, the fire dept., the Water Resources Control Board if necessary, and the state and federal EPA agencies if necessary. These phone numbers will be posted by the telephone in the office for quic,k access. B. EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION: All employees and customers will be notified to evacuate by shouting. Employees and customers will exit through the nearest exterior door and meet at the staging areas as designated on the site map. The emergency coordinatet will be available at the staging area to assist emergency responders. C. PUBLIC EVACUATION: In the event that the surrounding buildings need to be evacuated, the following procedure will be followed: 1) Those buildings in a close proximity will be notified by a messenger which will be one of the desig- nated mechanics of the store. 2) Th.ose buildings slighly removed from the above mentioned store will be notified by telephone. D. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: In regards to the handling of a medical emergency, store personnel haye been instructed to use the emergency response number 911. So as to more quickly identify.which'agency would be best suited to handle a s~ecific emergency. 3. ~ I I FOI~' '/ " .. e ;'è .c.- BakersfieldFire Dept.. Hazardous Materials Division -......,. .. HAZARDO'US MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 7: MITIGATION, PREVENTION AND ABATEMENT PLAN: A. RELEASE PREVENTION STEPS: OilS AtJD SoL\Ji!.~ ÀI{¿'£ ßr~£D lk1 q.1'?!toI1£b ~r""ju£,¡¿~. USE!> oil. i~ ~\Ji?Pt!) l.\)ìí~ Âc S1>.t.L ?RÐí£cí¡'öAJ HMHk)Ll.. S. RELEASE·CONTAINMENT AND/OR MINIMIZATION: lJtJDI£r2.Ct~~D toA&TE fAUI( is ~Jg(.f, 'tuA-u.. ~ìí~ PlAS-Tlt ðOrst!>£. (ot}tri* +O~ Cotl2.oSt'o"; P.eor£c'flbAJ. £QUt\pP~ win+- vA-poe AAJÞ Ll~~ì'D 'J)tiŒLrl'oI..\ÆQ01~fH ~IJI. C. CLEAN-UP PROCEDURES: tß~ S~ sYì u,. ~ I OìL ~ ì~~'t> 0 r ",hi ~ RAbS Lo~1Ai~:œ..S. A:&so~&u't fs, ()$'i.I:>. klÌJo~ ~I'PS J\~£... lôJh'clf At£. írt£6.J &fbt2£o f'A.J kE.r4L SECTION 8: UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY): NATURAL GAS/PROPANE: AlOAJl. ELECTRICAL: N.L.. c.o¡e1J£tL W ATE R : l 2.. f[. lJo..erl-t of AJoent fAS ï û)¡¿'o ~R. SPEC¡AL:~1l.... LOCK BOX: YES/NO ~o IF YES, LOCATION: ,', SECTION 9: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER A V AlLABILITY: A. PRIVATE FIREPROTECTlON: ft'.ef.... v-riU4U15H£t2S L()~r~ C)IJ ~ftïY. lUAf€t. ~~[. WATER AVAILABILlTY (FIRE HYDRANT): 500 tï LùlST o:¡: S.to. COlek.llt Of TW-ìS ßu><;-. 4. '. . B. .;;. 4ÞBakersfi~ld Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division - "" " ·~i ... . --.:;. ~ HAZARDO Us. MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Facility Unit Name: SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND EV ACUATION PROCEDURES: A. AGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: B. EMPLOYEE NOTIFfCAnON AND EVACUATION: C. PUBLIC EV ACUA nON: "'7" D. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: ,,'.. 3. rols;. " e e ~, ' 11/15;{93 " ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 215-000-000339 Overall Site with l' Fac. Unit Page 1 General Information 09 Map: 123 Hazard: Low Grid: 16D FlU: 1 AOV: 0.0 .. .. Administrative Data 24-Hour Phone ("88S) 398 3164 ~905) 936 lOt}¡ ~ Title J Business Phone S~~ ~. (805) 831-4371 x MANAGER O'P$. kC:-VL. I ~ 89s) 831 43'71 ^ Mail Addrs: 6901 WHITE LN City: BAKERSFIELD Comm Code: 215-009 BAKERSFIELD STATION 09 D&B Number: State: CA Zip: SIC Code: Owner: .JeSBPII AVERY JR... ~ Lf.)8£. AJ' fOlJt:. IfJC.. J Address: ..seQ4 NAIRN COURT "P.O. 'io)C 2-470 City: SAKERSFIELß N~poltr J£ItCit' CA- q2~sB Summary ~, F. R. WAECHïER lDo hereby ce~i~tharl ~ lÌ'dav~ (Type or print name) reviewed the attached haæardoos materials manag~ men~ plan ~Oli' and toot 'ij ~orn@ wi~~ (Name of BusÏl13ea) MY OOfIí'~åoo~ OOIiìl$~¡tu~~ ~ oom¡plat(j m©l OOIi'Ii'®å man-- agemeM plaVD IDV' my ~~cmiy'. ,~:/' ~ j/;:;' .,..-:-",...."> ,,// '217/~3 ECO~O L':;::;:: i'~' T"";ðE, I~ , 4911 BiRCH STRE[T NEWPORT BEACH, CA 9266.10 (14) 851-2.25~ I e e ~ 11/15·/93 . ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 215-000-000339 Pag,e 2 Hazmat Inventory List in MCP Order 02 - Fixed Containers on Site PIn-Ref Name/Hazards Form Max Qty MCP 02-002 WASTE OIL Liquid 500 Low ~ Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 02-003 TRANSMISSION FLUID Liquid 110 Low ~ Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 02-004 WASTE ANTIFREEZE Liquid 110 Low ~ Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 02-001 MOTOR OIL Liquid 1425 Minimal ~ Fire, Delay Hlth GAL e e ~ 11/15/93 ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 215-000-000339 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Page 3 Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-002 WASTE OIL ~ Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 500 Low GAL CAS #: 221 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Waste Days: 365 Use: WASTE Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 500 I 350.00 'I 5,200.00 Storage UNDER GROUND TANK r Press T Temp ~I Ambient Ambient Location - Cone l Components 100.0% Waste Oil, Petroleum Based ~ MCP --,-Guide Low I 27 02-003 TRANSMISSION FLUID ~ Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 110 Low GAL CAS #: o Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL --r-- Annua,l Amount GAL -- 110 I 75.00 I 2,200.00 Storage ABOVE GROUND TANK r Press T Temp ~I Location Ambient Ambient SE OF LUBE PIT - Cone l Components 100.0% Transmission Fluid (Petroleum-Based) ~ MCP --,-Guide Low I 27 02-004 WASTE ANTIFREEZE ~ Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 110 Low GAL CAS #: 107-21-1 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Waste Days: 365 Use: WASTE Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 110 I 55.00 I 110.00 Storage r Press T Temp ~ DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL Ambient Ambient I SOUTH WING Location - Cone l 100.0% Ethylene Glycol Components ~ MCP ----re;uide Low I 27 e, e 11/15/93 . ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 215-000-000339 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Page 4 Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-001 MOTOR OIL ~ Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 1425 Minimal GAL CAS #: 8020835 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 1,425 I 850.00 I 7,200.00 Storage ABOVE GROUND TANK r Press T Temp ~ Location Ambient Ambient WEST AND EAST SIDE OF LUBE PITS - Conc l Components 100.0% Motor Oil, Petroleum Based r; MCP --rGuide Minimal I 27 e e 11/15/93 ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 215-000-000339 00 - Overall Site Page 5 <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical /7 / <1> Agency Notification ,/' NOTIFY JOSEPH AVERY JR, OWNER IF HE IS NOT ON SITE. NOTIFY FRED WAECHTER ECONO LUBE N TUNE INC. NOFITY APPROPRIATE AGENCY AS REQUIRED. <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation MANAGER OR OWNER NOTIFIES EMPLOYEES BY SHOUTING OUT A WARNING TO LEAVE T~E BLDG. (NOTE: OUT BLDG IS A DRIVE THROUGH). <3> Public Notif./Evacuation PUBLIC NOTIFICATION IS DONE BY THE MANAGER OR OWNER IN THE WAITING ROOM. <4> Emergency Medical Plan IF A MEDICAL EMERGENCY OCCURES (DETERMINED BY MANAGER OR OWNER) THE INJURED PERSON IS TAKEN TO MEMORIAL URGENT CARE CENTER (ASHE AT MING). e e 11/15/93 ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 215-000-000339. 00 - Overall Site Page 6 ':~ <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt <1> Release Prevention OILS AND SOLVENTS ARE STORED IN APPROVED CONTAINERS. USED OIL TANK IS EQUIPPED WITH A SPILL PROTECTION MANHOLE. <2> Release Containment UNDERGROUND WASTE TANK IS DOUBLE WALL PLASTIC COMPOSITE CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPPED WITH VAPOR AND LIQUID DETECTION EQUIPMENT. <3> Clean Up FOR SHOP SPILLS, OIL ABSORBENT IS USED. MINOR DRIPS ARE WIPED UP WITH RAGS WHICH ARE THEN STORED IN METAL CONTAINERS. <4> Other Resource Activation J e 11/15/93 . e ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 215-000-000339 00 - Overall Site <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs <F> Site Emergency Factors A) GAS - NONE B) ELECTRICAL - NORTH EAST CORNER C) WATER - 12FT NORTH OF NORTHEAST CORNER D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water Page 7 PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS LOCATED ON PROPERTY. FIRE HYDRANT - 500FT WEST OF SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THIS BLDG. <4> Building Occupancy Level e e 11/15/93 " ECONO LUBE N TUNE *216 215-000-000339 00 - Overall Site <G> Training <1> Page 1 WE HAVE 7 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY. WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE. WE HAVE A COMPREHENSIVE ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING MANUAL WHICH INCLUDES TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS: 1) HAZARDOUS WASTE REGULATIONS 2) PROPER DISPOSAL OF ENGINE OILS AND ANTI-FREEZE) 3) THE EMPLOYEES RIGHT TO KNOW 4) PRODUCT LABELS AND MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS 5) HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 6) AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR SHOP HAZARDS 7) CLEAN-UP OF SPILLS AND DISPOSAL 8) EXPOSURE AND FIRST AID PROCEDURÉS 9) FIRE AND EXPLOSION 10) SOTRAGE AND MIXING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS I <2> Page 2 as needed <3> Held for Future Use '::.. <4> Held for Future Use , I Page' 8 < e e 11/1'5/9'3 .. ECONO LUBE N TUNÉ' #216 215-000-000339 00 - Overall Site Page 9 '. <G> Training <4> Held for Future Use (Continued) -¡.. 1.'. . . 'i 11/1'5/93 ii ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 215-000-000339 00 - Overall Site Page 10 " <H> RMPP DATA <1> Release Containment <2> Offsite Consequences <3> In House Capabilities <4> Plant Shutdown Instruction ., ';.;'i:-·\' ..-.'" ....' _u, "_,~_,,.,_,.~,,;;,,. . . " . .:.....'~.< ">'''; "".~',~ ....,.. ;'~"'" .·'h( ;-.ê ~ "..,.-."'...... . '~'~- . ",. . .. -------.------ -'.-..~".'.,..~ '....,,;'. ;,·,....·..;t:t·¡.~:',. ....·,.·....,' ..·~I<..;;~:.;o:·.h :_::~..!:'."¡:';"!"'." , ...'. . e e -':~_')("!:"\"'~:'" I; ,'.... .,....""..,.u.¡:...:t)1I" td.....}.....,~ I ~ \, MARK ONLY 'ONE ITEM D 1 NEW PERMIT D 2 INTERIM PERMIT COMPLETE THIS FORM FOR EACH FACILITY/SITE D 3 RENEWAL PERMIT ~ 5 CHANGE OF INFORMATION D 7 PERMANENTLY CLOSED SITE o 4 AMENDED PERMIT D 6 TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE " c ~ ;:1 ~' STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION· FORM A í: I. FACILITY/SITE INFOR~ATION & ADDRESS· (MUST BE COMPLETED) DBA OR FACILITY NAME . _ .lot.--. NAME OF OPERATOR v e.Co~\:) L0~ N I '1'"\J~ .::::-Ih -Pe.~ê ADDRESS NEAREST CROSS STREET _œ1ol W L.\ tiE. L~N~ CITY NAME ~~S ('-\ e. c::,O~M.~Ñ PARCEL _ (OPTIONAL) STATE CA ZIP CODE q~~ 0'9. SITE PHONE # WITH AREA CODE ~O~- 5~\... 4~Î TYPE OF BUSINESS 0 1 GAS STATION 0 2 DISTRIBUTOR D 3 FARM 0 4 PROCESSOR o LOCAL·AGENCY 0 COUNTY,AGENCY 0 STATE·AGENCY 0 FEDERAL·AGENCY DISTRICTS D ./ IF INDIAN # OF TANKS AT SITE E. P. A. I. D. # (oplional) RESERVATION J OR TRUST LANDS o CORPORATION 0 INDIVIDUAL 0 PARTNERSHIP EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (PRIMARY) DAYS: ~AME (LAST, FIRST) PHONE # WITH AREA CODE S L""~~ «õo6.... ~~'....~1 NIGHTS: NAME (LAST, FIRST) PHONE # WITH AREA CODE h~~ ~ C 114·~2=-~Q, EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (SECONDARY)· optional DAYS: NAME (LAST, FIRST) PHONELWlIH.ABEA.COD NIGHTS: NAME (LAST, FIRST) II. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION· MUST BE COMPLETED NAME'lJ, ,.. \ O'\\)(\o....... '? ~(L '\ \!\.> '0\..$ MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS ~O I ""\ Q...\J 'X"Í\)V CITY NAME "B~ ~S ~ ?L- III. TANK OWNER INFORMATION· (MUST BE COMPLETED) NAME OF OWNER ::: c..o tV"Q L-v~"G.. "-II -(V "-1\.3: MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS ./ box toindicale 0 INDIVIDUAL 0 LOCAL·AGENCY 0 STATE.AGENCY 4--, ;\. 12-C ~ ~ EÐ-CORPORATION 0 PARTNERSHIP 0 COUNTY,AGENCY 0 FEDERAL·AGENCY CITY NAME S{ÃTE ZIP CODE PHONE # WITH AREA CODE 'N v..> ? b¢ ~..¿:~ c.p. ~ ')...(. bO I \ 4.. ß~ l ... L.. ~ IV. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION UST STORAGE FEE ACCOUNT NUMBER· Call (916) 323-9555 if questions arise. TY(TK) HQ ~-cr:=ITrn Å \J E. ~ (~'1:> INDIVIDUAL o CORPORATION 0 PARTNERSHIP STATE ZIP CODE C Do. C:\,~ ~ \'::) ¿y~eL o LOCAL·AGENCY 0 STATE·AGENCY o COUNTY,AGENCY 0 FEDERAL·AGENCY PHONE # WITH AREA CODE ~~S"- ~4. .... t>s4 CARE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION V. PETROLEUM UST FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY· (MUST BE COMPLETED) -IDENTIFY THE METHOD(S) USED ./ box 10 indicate o 1 SELF,INSURED o 5 LETTER OF CREDIT o 2 GUARANTEE o 6 EXEMPTION "E/J 3 INSURANCE ø 99 OTHER o 4 SURETY BOND VI. LEGAL NOTIFICATION AND BILLING ADDRESS Legal notification and billing will be sent to the tank owner unless box I or 1/ is checked. . CHECK ONE BOX INDICATING WHICH ABOVE ADDRESS SHOULD BE USED FOR LEGAL NOTIFICATIONS AND BILLING: I,D 11·0 III. THIS FORMHAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENAL TY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, /S TRUE AND CORRECT c (:)...;:F;;; M.bl>..- A TU~E) APPLICANT'S TITLE COUNTY # CD JURISDICTION # ŒIJ FACILITY # cr:=ITrn LOCATION CODE· OPTIONAL ¡CENSUS TRACT # . OPTIONAL. I SUPVISOR· DISTRICT CODE - OPTIONAL THIS FOAM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY,AT LEAST (1) OR MORE PERMIT APPLICATION· FORM B, UNLESS THIS IS A CHANGE OF SITE INFORMATION ONLY. FORM A (5-91) FOROO33A,5 Slandard Inslructions 2700 M $1'"1, Sull. 300 e.'.r.field, CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861·3631 T.~c::opl.r (805) 861-3-421 ../f}.:~"-'""ê-\".. : '\ENT ~MENTAL ·s GA.RY J, WICKS Agenc, Director (805) 161·3502 ..~ No. 310089 Primary and secondary containment of both tank(s) and underground piping must nol be subject 10 physical or chemical delerioralion due 10 Ihe substance(s) slored in them. Documentation from lank, piping, and seal manufacturers of compatibility with these substance(s) must be submined to Permitting Authority prior to conslIuction. Spark tesling (35,000 volls) required at site prior to installation of tank(s). Test(s) must be certified by Ihe manufaclurer, and a copy of test certification supplied 10 Ihç Permining AUlhority. Tank shall be located a minimum of 10 feel from all buildings. Perml 8. 9. DATE: S--/7-.í_ o. ACCEPTED By{2 AGENCY PERMIT NUMBER 310089 RESOURCE .~ .~: ~ ~.,.' PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT UNDERGROUND,,"Sy~:t,i'" STEVE McCALLEY Director CONTRACTOR: Doehrman Company, Inc, 1432 E. Van Buren Phoenix, AZ 85006 LlceDse # 589300 PhoDe No. (80S) 324-4006 OWNER(S) NAMEI ADDRESS: Motor Partners 5601 Truxtun Ave., #190 Bakersfield, CA 93309 STORAGE FACILITY FACILITY NAMEI ADDRESS: Econo Lube & Tune 6901 White Lane Bakersfield, CA LF:cd funk\310089,ptc 1991 14 Ma PERMIT EXPIRES APPROVAL DATE APPROVED BY NEW BUSINESS CHANGE OWNERSHIP RENEWAL MODIFICATION OTHER -!.. :Ii. " " : , , ' Specialist OST ON PBEMISES. e CONDITIONS AS FOLLOW: Standard Instructions All construction 10 be as per this department Permitting Authority. All equipment and materials in this construction must be installed in accordance with all manufacturers specifications, Permittee must contact Permitting Authority for on-site inspection(s) with 48 hour advance notice. Backfill material for piping and tanks to be as per manufacturers' specifications. Float vent valves are required on vent/vapor lines of underground tanks to prevent overfillings. Construction inspection record card is included with permit given to Permittee. This card must be posted at job site prior to initial inspection. Permittee must contact Permining Authority and arrange for each group of required inspections numbered as per instructions on card, Generally, inspections will be made of: inspection by by and verified approved by facility plans 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, 6. :j a. Tank and backfill b, Piping system with secondary containment leak inlerceplion/raceway c, Overfill protection and leak detection/monitoring d, Any other inspeclion deemed necessary by Permining Authority. All underground metal connections (e,g, piping, fitting, fill pipes) to tank(s) must be electrically isolated, and wrapped to a minimum 20 mil thickness wilh corrosion-preventive, gasoline-resistant tape or otherwise protecled from corrosion. 7, it r' (1 e e . ~ 4 ECONO LUBE N' TUNE, INC. RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (IIPP) \ '-" I ~ ' I I ! . HAZARDS "YOUR RIG.HTTO KNOW" i \ ' '---..- EMPLOYEE SAFETY TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE 12 e e , ECONO LUBE N' TUNE, INC. RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (IIPP) I I' , The United States Occupational Health and Safety Administration has been charged by Congress to administer the Hazard Communication Regulations adopted In August, 1987. The regulations state that every employee of every business has the right to know what hazardous materials they may come in contact with during the course of their employment. Employees must be made aware of the types of hazardous materials, where they are located, what type of safety equipment to wear. and how to use and properly dispose of the hazardous materials. ,. The "Hazard Communication Standard" has been developed to provide a framework for communicating this information to employees in a consistent manner. This training program accomplishes that goal. *y ou have the right to know about hazards you may come in contact with while performing your assigned tasks. *You may not be discriminated against, disciplined or fired for asking about hazards or hazardous materials in the workplace. *y ou must receive instruction concerning your level of exposure to hazardous materials on the job and how to protect yourself. Such ,Instruction must be provided free of charge by your employer. *Your employer must make available required information to your doctor or your authorized represen tative. The above Items oudine your basic rights under the Federal law. There are. however, obligations that both you . and your employer have to each other In order to ensure that this program accomplishes Its primary goal. and that \, . . Is to keep you healthy and safe. Your responsibilities are as follows: ~/ *Report any unsafe condition that you may observe. *Ask questions about hazardous materials and their proper handling If for any reason you have not received information about them. *Read warning labels on all containers. *Do not use containers which do not have adequate warning labels or Identification. *Immediately report accidents to your employer. *Use personal protective equipment when required. *Use appropriate caution when working with hazardous materials or using equipment which may cause injury. As an employee, YOU must take part In this program to ensure that it is successful. You must be responsible for your own actions. Your employer can provide safety equipment, but if you do not use it you may be injured. Your employer will provide training. but If you do not pay attention and follow the training. you may be injured. This Is a partnership program. Feel free at any time to ask questions about the work environment. \ ',-,/ EMPLOYEE SAFETY TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE 13 I~ I: \; e e ECONO LUBE N' TUNE, INC. RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (IIPP) '\ . . Your employer has responsibilities in addition to those outlined in the first part of this section. It must: i' *Train employees on how to tell if material is hazardous and to tell when employees have been exposed to hazardous material. I, *Train employees how to read container labels. *Train employees in the proper use of personal protective equipment. *Discuss the written Hazard Communication Program, what the program consists of, where the writ- ten document is located and that it is available for review by employees. *Employees must be made aware of any physical hazards in the workplace including, but not limited to, hazardous materials, machinery, equipment, etc. SUMMARY It is the responsibility of your employer'to inform you about hazards in the workplace. It is your responsibility to stay informed, to stay alert on the job and to ask questions. Training programs and other instructional activities will ensure that you are informed of your rights and of your responsibilities. "~'-.....--., " ~-, EMPLOYEE SAFETY TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE 14 e e ECQ~O.LUBE N' TUNE, INC. RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (IIPP) . HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, .~. WHAT THEY ARE AND HOW TO HANDLE THEM -, EMPLOYEE SAFETY TRAINING PROGRAM PAGElS e e ECONO LUBE N' TUNE, INC. RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (IIPP) I; ! ' -,. ,~ \C-/'It is important that employees understand what hazardous materials are and how to properly handle them in order to avoid exposure. A hazardous material is defined by' the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Occupational Health and Safety Administration as a substance which could cause injury or death to a human being or potentially damage or pollute the environment. Most individuals come in contact with hazardous materials on a daily basis, not only at work but at home as well. Many kitchen chemicals are considered by the EPA to be hazardous. Keep in mind during this training that although we are emphasizing safety and health on the job, your employer is equally interested in your safety at home. As each of these sections is discussed, attempt to relate the information we provide to your living environment as well. LABELS - HOW TO READ THEM Warning labels are placed on products for your protection. It is a Federal Law that commercial products must have labels. Some States also have labeling laws. A product is hazardous when it is either - flammable Corrosive Reactive Toxic ! Warning labels which include any of the four categories above will contain additional explanation providing proper \ handling. These categories are explained as - '---...-' fLAMMABLE - The product may easily become ignited or explode. CORROSIVE - This product can dissolve metals and can severely burn skin and eyes. REACTIVE - This product could burn. give off toxic vapors, and/or explode if it is mixed with other materials which could include water or air. TOXIC - This material could cause illness or death if it comes in contact with your skin, is- swallowed or inhaled. More about warning labels - The section above explained how to determine if a product is hazardous. In addition to the label reflecting any of the four categories which may be applicable for a specific product, there are additional warning statements which will appear on products when appropriate. These are - I. CAUTION - This is the least hazardous type of material for which a warning indication is given. WARNING- This is a more dangerous type of material. DANGEROUS - This is the most hazardous type of material. This product can vary from very hazardous to extremely hazardous. ~ ""'-" EMPLOYEE SAFETY TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE 16 \; \1 e e ECQNO LUBE N' TUNE, INC. RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (IIPP) !\,~) Read the entire label of the container when you note any of the three statements - CAUTION, WARNING or DANGER - indicated. In addition to the label, the Federal Government has required manufacturers of hazardous materials to produce a document entitled "Material Safety Data Sheet". This document must be made available for your review. ',' The Materials Safety Data Sheet or "MSDS" is provided by the manufacturer to the distributor, through the channel of distribution to your business. There is a specific manner in which this form is organized. Manufacturers. however. can print their own form using a variety of graphic techniques. The form may be as short as one page or as long as five or six pages, depending upon the amount of information which must be conveyed to the' end user. The Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) will contain the following categories - ~. * Product Description - This section will describe the product using its product code, CAS code. trade name or any other name by which the product may be known. - * Ingredients - This section will list the active ingredients used in the product, particularly those ingredients which are considered hazardous. * Warnings - This section will indicate if the product is flammable. the flash point and any specific handling instructions. * First Aid - In the event you come in contact with the material, this section will provide basic first aid Information which Is also helpful to medical personnel. * Fire - In the event of a fire. this section will explain to fire fighting personnel how to extinguish the fire safely. * Storage and Handling - This section explains how to properly store the product and handle It to avoid injury. * Safety Equipment - This section explains the type of safety equipment which must be used in order to prevent illness or Injury from use of the product. * Spill Clean-up - This section explains how to clean a spill to avoid reaction with other materials. * Proper Disposal- This section will explain the type of disposal. however. these documents usually fall short of explaining exactly how to dispose of the product. If you need further information about this area. you can call the telephone number usually indicated on the first page. An example of a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is inserted as the next page. EMPLOYEE SAFETY TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE 17 e e ECONO LUBE N' TUNE, INC. RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (IIPP) ~. (.;\ "\;' ,.; .. ':'" . PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (7,., ;" .' " , EMPLOYEE SAFETY TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE 18 e e ECONO LUBE N' TUNE, INC. RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (IIPP) I\~"" 'It is Important that you know what type of personal protective equipment you need to prevent illness or Injury AND you must know how to use it. The Material Safety Data Sheet explains the type of personal protective equipment you should use for the hazardous material you are handling. This section explains various types of personal protective equipment that you may be required to use and the typical uses. EYE PROTECTION Device - Safety Glasses Safety glasses are generally made of plastic material but may be constructed of a variety of composites. Prescription safety glasses, whether or not provided by your employer, can be acquired. Purpose - To protect your eyes. Device - Face Shield Purpose - To protect your face and eyes from foreign objects and hazardous materials. May be used as a substitute for safety glasses for those who wear contact or prescription lenses. Device - Goggles / /', í\. >", Purpose - To be used when welding or when complete eye area protection is required due to gasses or other hazardous materials. These goggles must be properly tinted to be used for welding. , As with all safety-related equipment, your employer must provide the items listed above to you at no charge. The employer is, however, not required to provide Individual or prescription equipment. If you desire your own equipment for sanitary or other reasons, you mustacqulre thatequipmentatyour own expense unless your employer chooses to provide it to you. EAR PROTECTION If you must shout to be heard over noise In your work area, there is a good possibility that the noise level may exceed Federal and State standards. In this case, you should wear appropriate ear protection to reduce the noise level. Device - Ear Plugs Purpose - To reduce the amount of noise to a safe level. Device - Head Set Purpose - This Item covers the entire ear and Is often worn when noise is consistently above safe levels or comes from many directions. SKIN PROTECTION One of the leading causes of illness and Injury on the job is failure of employees to protect their skin. Wearing skin r·· í . ,..>rotective equipment should be second nature to those who handle hazardous materials. Some hazardous materials "~åre absorbed through the skin and continue to accumulate in the body. This is one method of prevention. EMPLOYEE SAFETY TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE 19 e e ECONO LUBE N' TUNE, INC. RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (JlPP) ..~-.¡, \.:' .,.,: Device - Safety Gloves Purpose - To protect your hands from hazardous materials. The type of safety glove is very important. Each safety glove is designed to handle a specific category of hazardous materials, such as solvents. Using the wrong safety glove will defeat the purpose. Device - Safety Shoes Purpose - You should wear safety shoes or boots with non-slip soles on any floor or other surface that is slippery. Safety shoes will also protect you If the hazardous material is corrosive or has properties which might damage regular shoes. Device - Safety Apron Purpose - To protect your clothing and your skin from materials which are acidic or could pass through clothing onto your skin. BREATHING PROTECTION It is Important that you use the proper breathing protective equipment when you work In areas where airborne hazardous materials exist. These materials exist in the form of gasses, vapors, fibers and particles. Each type of breathing equipment is made for a specific use. If you use the wrong equipment you could die. It is important that ""the equipment be NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) approved. Read the instructions ,..:..: 'carefully on the type of breath.lng equipment you are using to ensure that It is appropriate for the purpose. Device - Respirator Purpose - To filter out hazardous materials. As stated above, there are many types of respirators. It Is very Important that you use the appropriate one. Some respirators use oxygen bottles, others are as simple as a one-micron mask. Be absolutely sure you are using the appropriate breathing equipment. Some fibers are so small that they can pass through the wrong equipment. . i (-::-". ... " ,.",..,.. \" .,; -. " EMPLOYEE SAFETY TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE 20 .ECONO LUBE N' TUNE, INC. e e RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (IIPP) (~.. r:-' [:', ~ ~'" , -., ,~ '·FIRST AID EMPLOYEE SAFETY TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE 11 e e ECONO LUBE N' TUNE, INC. RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (IIPP) CY:'fhlS section explains what we mean by exposure to hazardous material and how to respond Immediately In the event anyone Is exposed to hazardous materials. For purposes of this section. we define exposure as actually coming in contact with a hazardous material which has apparently caused an injury or illness. SHORT-TERM EXPOSURE - When you feel immediate affects from contact with a hazardous material such as toxic gas. you are feeling the short-term effects. Short-term can also mean a few hours after the initial exposure. LONG-TERM EXPOSURE - Effects of your exposure to a hazardous substance can, take weeks. months or even years to manifest themselves. For example. exposure to asbestos particles could take up to 14 years before symptoms develop. METHODS OF CONTACT You -can come in contact with hazardous materials in the following ways: INHALATION - You can breathe in a substance which can cause damage to the respiratory system or enter the blood stream and cau~e damage to other parts of the body. SWALLOWING· Ingestion of a hazardous material by swallowing can cause Internal organ damage or even death. EYE CONTACT· Flying debris, acid. etc. can come in contact with your eyes and damage them or even cause blindness. .., SKIN CONTACT· The most common way Individuals contact hazardous materials is by touching them. Your skin can be burned or the material can simply pass through your skin and be absorbed Into your body and enter your blood stream. Exposure to many hazardous materials which are commonplace where you work can cause long-term damage to internal organs such as kidneys and lungs. ~'. r)<· . EMPLOYEE SAFETY TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE 22 e e ECONO LUBE N' TUNE, INC. RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (IIPP) «'~" ( . ,.. , EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND CLEAN-UP PLAN ( " OVERVIEW The Emergency Response and Clean Up Plan has been designed to inform all employees how to respond to spills should they occur. The previous section, if implemented properly with repeat training, should prevent spills from occurring. If in the event a spill does occur, this section of the plan will help employees become prepared to avoid contamination of soil, ground water or poisoning of the environment. NOTIFICATION In the event of a spill, it is the responsibility of all employees to notify their respective .Ma,nager. ,It is also the responsibility of employees who spotted the spill, to take all reasonable measures necessary to mitigate the spill. These measures are indicated in sections to follow. If the spill leaves the property. it is the responsibility of the Manager to contact the Local Administering Authority and report the incident. The Administering Agency will notify the Supervisor If the spill Is serious enough to report to the State Emergency Response Center. DO NOT CONTACT THE HAZMA T TEAM if the clean up can be accomplished on the premises with our employees. If the employees need assistance In removing materials which have spilled, the Manager will contact the 24 hour emergency vacuum service. C·:' ',"1AjOR SPILLS '~ ' . . If the hazardous material has leaked into the outside environment, and it is necessary to contact the local Administering Agency, the following procedures should be implemented. A. Use the Emergency Response Form located in the Hazardous Materials Business Plan or In the back of this plan. B. Indicate the time you called the local Administering Agency and who you spoke with. C. Take notes about your conversation and any comments made to you. D. log the time the Emergency Response vehicles arrived. This is very important. E. log carefully the time the Emergency Response vehicles leave (particularly the Hazmat Team). F. If the spill Is large and cannot be cleaned up by available personnel, immediately contact the Vacuum Service just after you call the Administering Agency. " J ( G. Do your best with the employees and the/vacuum service to clean up this spill. AVOID USING HAZMAT PERSONNEL TO CLEAN UP. I'': , , ~: " (,-:,. - ~ "'" " <", H. It Is Important that the Hazmat Team leave the premises as quickly as possible. Do not detain the Hazmat personnel for any reason. You can contact them later if you have further questions. '1 I·, :~ 'A '. EMPLOYEE SAFETY TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE J I .:1 :t ~ ~ e e ECONO LUBE N' TUNE, INC. RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (IIPP) 0-:"; {, " I. Cooperate fully with the authorities in the clean-up. Provide necessary information about how the spill occurred. J. Ensure that you have completed the Emergency Response Form properly and provide a copy to the corporate office. K. Anytime an outside agency has been contacted for a spill, take photographs of the area and all relevant Items which may help reduce exposure. L. Contact Econo Lube N' Tune, Inc. Corporate Office. F. R. Waechter, Telephone (714) 851-2259. SPILL CONTAINMENT EQUIPMENT In the Clean-up Materials section, above, is a list of equipment which may be utilized for spill clean-up and containment. These items include booms and absorbent pads. Ensure that employees use gloves where required. In the event non-recyclable absorbent materials (such as kitty litter) must be used, make sure that this material is used sparingly since it must be disposed of as a hazardous material once it has been used to absorb a hazardous material. All employees should understand how the absorbent material works and how to use the absorbents sparingly and efflciendy. Employees should avoid using rags and other items as absorbents unless absolutely necessary. .,.,---...'. /, , ('.'SPILLED MATERIAL " ~¡ If the spills of hazardous liquids are very small, the sponge-like absorbent material can be rung out into the appropriate waste container and the job will be complete. If the spill is large, and the amount of absorbed material cannot be placed in the waste containers, then the responsible Manager must contact the Vacuum Service to remove the spilled material. A Hazardous Waste Manifest must be supplied from the transporter for any material being transported off the premises. MEDICAL EMERGENCY In the eventan individual is injured from a release of any hazardous material, he/she should be taken to the Emergency facility indicated in the Business Emergency Plan. All employees must be instructed as to the location of the Emergency facility. In the event of a serious injury, the responsible Manager or Employees should dial 911 and contact Emergency Services. DRAINS I SUMPS I SEWERS If the spilled material may travel toward drains, sewers, streets or in any way leave the premises onto adjacent property, immediate action must be taken to block that direction of flow. The Manager and employees should already be aware of the probable direction In which the matefjal will flow. If a spill of hazardous materials Is moving In the ~.dlrection of a drain, sump or sewer, it must be sealed off immediately. If a spill of hazardous material is flowing toward (,:: l street, employees must line up the absorbant booms and materials ahead of the flow to ensure that it does not "-.. reach the street. EMPLOYEE SAFETY TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE 3'2 ...' e . ECONO LUBE N' TUNE, INC. RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (IIPP) h" C ,':::. SOIL I: It Is absolutely Imperative that liquids do not leave any paved area and travel into soil. If hazardous liquids enter an area of soil, remediation expense could be very high. The first area of concern when a spill occurs Is to make sure that the liquid does not enter an area of soil. This also Includes large potholes in the pavement where soil may be exposed. The object is to contain the hazardous spill on a pavement area where clean-up Is easier and contamination is not an issue. If hazardous materials do spill over onto soil, ,the facility's Senior Management must be notified immediately. Remediation may be required. TRAINING . All employees must be trained In effective methods of containing spills. Each employee should be aware of the types of abosorbent materials, their correct use and their locations. Employees must be shown possible flow routes that hazardous liquids may take and they must be told about the priorities e.g. soil, drains, etc. (~:-;. ß' \.::~ . EMPLOYEE SAFETY TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE 33 - ~-- --::-'~---=-- -~~~'-~- ~- - .....>---'-=-J . . ECONO LUBE N'TUNE 491J BIRCH ST. STE 100 P.O. BOX 2470 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF. 92660 714-851-2259 RECEiVED OEC\ 9 1993_ LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL date: rj)£.C!E.t-\ßt ~ '1 l \ qg '3 project: ~2'" U\tf,es~ ì.t:D . regarding: ""I\-t-HA-r '!OOI')J~ 'P1AtJ , Hþ-r "'¡''''' n¡v .. 1\(1 <;.l~ 1 . ,~, ~ ... "t \ .-~ to: ~I\K~es11ìLD e.~ 1l~~ t>~ÇJ~fi1ru, address: 2-1 30 p. G 'i S1l'¿£tf.\, city. ':BAk~~'f,t.1-\) CAr 93 301 attention: l-ffll H A-'r 1> N ì S to L.J (~ AL '?~ ~. U \) ~( via: 0 messenger o blueprinter ~iI o federal express o pick-up o we are sending you: o attached o under separate cover o tracings o prints o specifications o ~st!) ?l~i. ~\)~ ~UM\''t:!) ÄfJ~ . OP1>Ar1£.D tiA-2HM ß:&\)~ 1'~ &Kli2..S fim . ~ ttoJJO lulß1. tJ ~ WU £. S~L iF Zi~ ~ wt.. ""A\I£ ÂtiÄC.t\1-.:Þ Co\'iF_~ of ~ UA~~ Coa.-tKlHJiOO'ðU - fž~~wc\( ~S£ _1\.IfA8{' L£, H'f. ~ ~ç Wí- C4-fJ ßf- ~~C~.. j q>~ "< R~ Th (:wOCò ~ Pt/tt.J , ozc: tAJ'( «fde..rrvL these are: o for your approval 0 per your request o for review and comment Xfor use on job o for your files o remarks :J'I eop.¡ of Tl-I-i:S H"!ko: :J)NJ ~".4iJs <;.' Hat.t: ~\tI\fJ'$ í 1ZWtìttJ 'R9t'X> A-ttMttf!> "~ð-HAr 11AtJ ' 1Ã1Œ. f({fQJ>. ACn'(!}u5 ~ 'ÇlLL 'P~ .., I ~ At, CotJJ;t\J(t. 0 t 1>l4CL ÎlJ of"+tt£.., if enclosures listed abOve are not received, notify at once c.c. 1>AtJ 1f.\I'1WS l S\~vti£, Hl,~, JIt:.¿(b O)(ory very truly yours, H £t2iL £-\fA1JS f O~. ~R., (() Corr ~. OVft2.l9!lJ£Sí tee) DiJPt,· C!of'''f : £. .? At, ~Lf:.- æ CbR1' <; .... i',i; --'-___c ,.- e e // ~ 07/15/93 ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 215-000-000339 Overall Site with 1 Fac. Unit Pagef 1 ^ General Information Location: 6901 WHITE LN Map: 123 Hazard: Low Community: BAKERSFIELD STATION 09 Grid: 16D FlU: 1 AOV: 0.0 - Contact Name Title Business'Phone - 24-Hour Phone JOSEPH AVERY JR OWNER (805) 831-4371 x (805) 398-3164 MESFIN KEBEDE MANAGER (805)'831-4371 x (805) 836-1008 , Administrative Data Mail Addrs: 6901 WHITE LN D&B Number: City: BAKERSFIELD State: CA Zip: 93309- , Comm Code: 215-009 BAKERSFIELD STATION 09 SIC Code: 7538 Owner: JOSEPH AVERY JR. NfI.;-¡;./'I C~./ Phone: (805) 398-3164 Address :r 9999 WIII':PE LN S- goo c.¡ State: CA City: BAKERSFIELD Zip: 93309- Summary RECEIVED AUG 1 0 1993 HAZ. MAT. DIV. ()~' I, J;;~k ,4.vefi.f J& Do hereby certify that I have (Type or print 00"19) reviewed the attached hazardous materials manage- r L ~' 1(;¡Vt¿ #~/0 ment plan for~!'IO vbe, and that it along with {Name 01 Bur,ir¡eGð) any corrections constitute a complete and correct man- agement plan for my facility. Ç~Æ ture , ~/i/t. J f! Î" e e 07/15/93 ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 215-000-000339 Page 2 Hazmat Inventory List in MCP Order 02 - Fixed Containers on Site PIn-Ref Name/Hazards Form Max Qty MCP 02-002 WASTE OIL Liquid 500 Low ~ Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 02-003 TRANSMISSION FLUID Liquid 110 Low ~ Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 02-004 WASTE ANTIFREEZE Liquid 110 Low ~ Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 02-001 MOTOR OIL Liquid 1425 Minimal ~ Fire, Delay Hlth GAL . . e e 07/15/93 ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 215-000-000339 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Page 3 Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-002 WASTE OIL Liquid 500 Low .,. Fire, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 221 Trade Secret: No "" Form: Liquid Type: Waste Days: 365 Use: WASTE Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 500 I' 350.00 I 5,200.00 Storage UNDER GROUND TANK r Press T Temp ~ Ambient Ambient Location - Cone l Components 100.0% Waste Oil, Petroleum Based I~ 'MCP ----rGuide . Low I " 27 02-003 TRANSMISSION FLUID ., Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 110 Low GAL CAS #: o Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 110 I 75.00 I 2,200.00 Storage 'ABOVE GROUND TANK r Press T Temp ~I Location Ambient Ambient SE OF LUBE PIT - Cone -, ~omponents 100.0% Transmission Fluid (petroleum-Based) I~ MCP ----rGuide Low I 27 02-004 WASTE ANTIFREEZE ., Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 110 Low GAL CAS #: 107-21-1 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Waste Days: 365 Use: WASTE Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 110 I 55.00 I 110.00 Storage DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL r Press T Temp -:ì Ambient AmbientlSOUTH WING Location - Cone -I 100.0% Ethylene Glycol Components ~ MCP ----rGuide Low I 27 " i, e e 07/15/93 ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 215-000-000339 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Page 4 Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-001 MOTOR OIL ~ Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 1425 Minimal GAL CAS #: 8020835 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 1,425 I 850.00 I 7,200.00 Storage ABOVE GROUND TANK r Press T Temp ~ Location Ambient Ambient WEST AND EAST SIDE OF LUBE PITS - Conc l Components 100.0% Motor Oil, Petroleum Based r; MCP ---yGuide Minimal I 27 " ~ ,e e 07/15/93 ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 215-000-000339 00 - Overall Site Page 5 <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical <1> Agency Notification ) NOTIFY JOSEPH AVERY JR, OWNER IF HE IS NOT ON SITE. NOTIFY FRED WAECHTER ECONO LUBE N TUNE INC. NOFITY APPROPRIATE AGENCY AS REQUIRED. <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation MANAGER OR OWNER NOTIFIES EMPLOYEES BY SHOUTING OUT A WARNING TO LEAVE THE BLDG. (NOTE: OUT BLDG IS A DRIVE THROUGH). <3> Public Notif./Evacuation PUBLIC NOTIFICATION IS DONE BY THE MANAGER OR OWNER IN THE WAITING ROOM. <4> Emergency Medical Plan IF A MEDICAL EMERGENCY OCCURES (DETERMINED BY MANAGER ,OR OWNER) THE INJURED PERSON IS TAKEN TO MEMORIAL URGENT CARE CENTER (ASHE AT MING). e e 07/15/93 ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 215-000-000339 00 - Overall Site Page 6 <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt <1> Release Prevention OILS AND SOLVENTS ARE STORED IN APPROVED CONTAINERS. USED OIL TANK IS EQUIPPED WITH A SPILL PROTECTION MANHOLE. <2> Release Containment ,- UNDERGROUND WASTE TANK IS DOUBLE WALL PLASTIC COMPOSITE CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPPED WITH VAPOR AND LIQUID DETECTION EQUIPMENT. <3> Clean Up FOR SHOP SPILLS, OIL ABSORBENT IS USED. MINOR DRIPS ARE WIPED UP WITH RAGS WHICH ARE THEN STORED IN METAL CONTAINERS. <4> Other Resource Activation ~ - ~ e - 07/15/93 ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 215-000-000339 00 - Overall Site Page 7 <F> ,Site Emergency Factors <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - NONE B) ELECTRICAL - NORTH EAST CORNER C) WATER - 12FT NORTH OF NORTHEAST CORNER D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS LOCATED ON PROPERTY. FIRE HYDRANT - 500FT WEST OF SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THIS BLDG. <4> Building Occupancy Level ~ . "\ ~t".. e e '¡ 07/15/93 ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 215-000-000339 00 - Overall Site Page 8 <G> Training <1> Page 1 WE HAVE 7 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY. WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE. WE HAVE A COMPREHENSIVE ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING MANUAL WHICH INCLUDES TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS: 1) HAZARDOUS WASTE REGULATIONS 2) PROPER DISPOSAL OF ENGINE OILS AND ANTI-FREEZE 3) THE EMPLOYEES RIGHT TO KNOW' 4) PRODUCT LABELS AND MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS 5) HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 6) AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR SHOP HAZARDS 7) CLEAN-UP OF SPILLS AND DISPOSAL 8) EXPOSURE AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES 9) FIRE AND EXPLOSION 10) SOTRAGE AND MIXING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS I <2> Page 2 as needed <3> Held for Future Use .J l <4> Held for Future Use &;'c' ' , .' '. 'tJ.1'" e e 07/15/93 ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 215-000-000339 00 - Overall Site Page 9 <G> Training <4> Held for Future Use (Continued) ~ T ~ . -.. 07/29./92 e e ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 215-000-000339 Overall Site with 1 Fac. Unit Page 1 General Information Location: 6901 WHITE LN Community: BAKERSFIELD STATION 09 Map: 123 Hazard: Low Grid: 16D FlU: 1 AOV: 0.0 Title Business Phone (805) 831-4371 x ( 805) ~'i=4 4 3 7 1 x 24-Hour Phone (805) 398-3164 ( OWNER MANAGER Mail Addrs: 6901 WHITE LN City: BAKERSFIELD Corom Code: 215-009 BAKERSFIELD STATION 09 D&B Number: State: CA Zip: 93309- SIC Code: 7538 Owner: JOSEPH AVERY JR. Address: 6600 WHITE LN 5 City: BAKERSFIELD Phone: (805) 398-3164 State: CA Zip: 93309- Summary RECEIVED AUG , 0 1992 HAZ. MAT. O,v. I. ~se¡h /weAr 11{· Do hereby certify~hait ~ ha&@ (Type or print MI'II&) reviewed thG att~hoo hazardous mat~fials manage- _ ~:¡IG Mt9nt pi~n fOi'Ec.o.vo lube. III' (¡)~nd that D~ aIÖij'¡~J'with (N&ma olSusirnlss) MY oomwtions oonstltui@ a cömþlsts an~ OO!i'r~Ci m~nQ ~ement plan for my facility. ~~L ' Slplura f ~ -<J -7J.- Date ... e e '. 07/29/92 ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 215-000-000339 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Page 2 Hazmat Inventory Detail in Reference Number Order 02-001 MOTOR OIL , ~Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 750 Minimal GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL ,--r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 750 I 500.00 I 5,200.00 Storage ABOVE GROUND TANK r Press T Temp ~I Ambient Ambient Location - Conc _I Components 100.0% Motor Oil, Petroleum Based r; MCP :-rList 1 Minimal I 02-002 WASTE OIL ~ Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 500 Low GAL CAS #: 221 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Waste Days: 365 Use: WASTE Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL ~ Annual Amount GAL -- 500 I 350.00 ' I 5,200.00 Storage UNDER GROUND TANK r Press T Temp ~I Ambient Ambient Location - Conc l Components 100.0% Waste Oil, Petroleum Based I~ MCP ---yList Low I 02-003 TRANSMISSION FLUID ~ Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 110 Low GAL CAS #: o Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GAL ----r-- Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 110 I 75.00 I 2,200.00 Storage ABOVE GROUND TANK r Press T Temp ~ Location Ambient AmbientlSE OF LUBE PIT - tonc l Components 100.0%' Transmission Fluid (Petroleum-Based) ~ MCP ---yList Low , " e e 07/29/92 ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 215-000-000339 02 - Fixed Containers on Site' Page 3 Hazmat Inventory Detail in Reference Number Order 02-004 WASTE ANTIFREEZE ~ Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 110 Low GAL CAS #: 107-21-1 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Waste Days: 365 Use: WASTE Daily Max GAL ~ Daily Average GAL --r-- Annual Amount GAL -- 110 I 55.00 I 110.00 Storage DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL r Press T Temp ~ Ambient AmbientlSOUTH WING Location - Conc l 100.0% Ethylene Glycol Components 1-:- MCP -¡List I Low I \ ~ e e . 07/29/92 ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 215-000-000339 00 - Overall Site Page 4 <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical <1> Agency Notification NOTIFY JOSEPH AVERY JR,OWNER IF HE IS NOT ON SITE. NOTIFY FRED WAECHTER ECONO LUBE N TUNE INC. NOFITY APPROPRIATE AGENCY AS REQUIRED. <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation MANAGER OR OWNER NOTIFIES EMPLOYEES BY SHOUTING OUT A WARNING TO LEAVE THE BLDG. (NOTE: OUT BLDG IS A DRIVE THROUGH). <3> Public Notif./Evacuation PUBLIC NOTIFICATION IS DONE BY THE MANAGER OR OWNER IN THE WAITING ROOM. <4> Emergency Medical Plan IF A MEDICAL EMERGENCY OCCURES (DETERMINED BY MANAGER OR OWNER) THE INJURED PERSON IS TAKEN TO MEMORIAL URGENT CARE CENTER (ASHE AT MING). e e o . 07/29/92 ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 215-000-000339 00 - Overall Site Page 5 <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt <¡> Release Prevention OILS AND SOLVENTS ARE STORED IN APPROVED CONTAINERS. USED OIL TANK IS EQUIPPED WITH A SPILL PROTECTION MANHOLE. # <2> Release Containment UNDERGROUND WASTE TANK IS DOUBLE WALL PLASTIC COMPOSITE CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPPED WITH VAPOR AND LIQUID DETECTION EQUIPMENT. <3> Clean Up FOR SHOP SPILLS, OIL ABSORBENT IS USED. MINOR DRIPS ARE WIPED UP WITH RAGS WHICH ARE THEN STORED IN METAL CONTAINERS. <4> Other Resource Activation e e . 07/29/92 ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 215-000-000339 00 - Overall Site Page 6 <F> Site Emergency Factors <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - NONE B) ELECTRICAL - NORTH EAST CORNER C) WATER- 12FT NORTH OF NORTHEAST CORNER D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO I <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS LOCATED ON PROPERTY. FIRE HYDRANT - 500FT WEST OF SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THIS BLDG. <4> Building Occupancy Level e e <t '" . 07/29/92 ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 215-000-000339 00 - Overall Site Page 7 <G> Training <1> Page 1 WE HAVE 7 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY. WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE. WE HAVE A COMPREHENSIVE ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING MANUAL WHICH INCLUDES TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS: 1) HAZARDOUS WASTE REGULATIONS 2) PROPER DISPOSAL OF ENGINE OILS AND ANTI-FREEZE 3)' THE EMPLOYEES RIGHT TO KNOW 4) PRODUCT LABELS AND MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS 5) HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 6) AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR SHOP HAZARDS 7) CLEAN-UP OF SPILLS AND DISPOSAL 8) EXPOSURE AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES 9) FIRE AND EXPLOSION 10) SOTRAGE AND MIXING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS <2> Page 2 as needed <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use - . e e ¡;, þ 07/29/92 ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 215-000-000339 00 - Overall Site Page 8 <G> Training <4> Held for Future Use (Continued) \, pageLof''\/ '~ " inquiry of those ~- 8--f:J- DATE SIGNED NAME OF THIS FACILITY: STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: DUN AND. BRADSTREET l~UMBER -- E 11-1l~.p-.L.L,gJ lIlY based on and that Number & C.A.S. Number Number Number Number & C.A.S. Number & C.A.S. Number Name & C.A.S. Number Number Number Number Number Component # 2 Name & C.A.S. S. & C.A.S & C.A.S & C.A.S & C.A.S & C.A.S & C.A.S Certification (READ AND SIGN AFTER COMPLETING ALL SECTIONS) I certify under peanlty of law that I haver personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this and all ~ndividuals responsible for obtaining the information. I believe that the submitted information is true curate, and I ' - h A ~ TITL: & C.A OF BAKERSFIELD MATERIALS 1 Naroe Component # 1 Name 1 Name Naroe Naroe Component # 1 Naroe II 2 Naroe Naroe Naroe # 3 Name INVENTORY II 3 Component # 3 Component II 2 II 3 # 2 II II Component Component Component Component Component Component Component TRADE SECRET ,.-../ oS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE NON - OWNER NAME: ADDRESS: ~ CITY, ZIP: PHONE .1: Delayed Health Delayed Health Delayed Health Delayed Health 9 Cont Press 7 CITY HAZARDOUS REFER TO o ~ B Cont Type 'V:l. o o Immediate Health Immediate Health Immediate Health Immediate Health 7 ECONO LUBE N' TUNE #216 O{'standard Business # o C.A.S. Number Number Number Number o o [] Reactivity Reactivity Reactivity Reactivity 6 C.A.S C.A.S C.A.S o o o o Sudden Release of Pressure Sudden Release of Pressure Sudden Release of Pressure Sudden Release of Pressure #1 and Agriculture 4 EMERGENCY CONTACTS Physical and Health Hazard (Check all that apply) o Physical and Health Hazard (Check all that apply) ph,al and Health Hazard ck all that apply) Fire Hazard c:J and Health Hazard all that apply) o o NAME Fire Hazard Fire Hazard Fire Hazard BUSINESS LOCATION: CITY, ZIP: PHONE 1 Farm Physical (Check '0 .,a ''W o o 1 o · Bakersfield Fire Dept. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION - -- l..- (/ b L h; t~ ~ h"\ Business Name: (' 0"\ (j Location: 6'901 ) Date Completed ~ - 7- 93-- -,I[ ;<, ( \ ~(Ç¡C;:~'W;g Business Identification No. 215-000 0 003 J, [To~~y Station No. 01 Shift C Inspector ~ Verification of Inventory Materials Verification of Quantities Verification of Location Proper Segregation of Materjal Comments: ~.,..~.....,.~- Adequate Inadequate I¿j D U¿ D ~ D ~ D o Verification of MSDS Availablity Number of Employees Lf- Verification of Haz Mat Training Comments: ur ~ o o Verification of Abatement Supplies & Procedures Comments: ar Emergency Procedures Posted Containers Properly Labeled Comments: B'" ~ o D D Verification of Facility Diagram Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: ~ Vieldlil:JlI:r. K e \,.~ J)-e.... A ~c.l",~J No {<ot", ""'~-C '\ ~ 93 6 '- I 00 ¥ .... ~ p IC\C' e j OJ \0"'-\ Q. '" Cl J "'- FD 1652 ( All Items O.K. B' Correction Needed 0 :0--. -~ White-Haz Mat Div. Yellow-Station Copy Pink-Business Copy CI·.J..lI~~ UE" BAKERSFIELD -'\, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY {, o Fadand Agriculture 0 standard Business RECF 'V~O page-l-0fX NON - TRADE SECRET r L -<" OCT 2 8 '991 " ." -' BUSINESS N~ C; "''''. ~b... N / ru....t It J(h OWNER NAME. ..J~ /)veIl..y J"(.. NAME OF THIS FACILITY. (¡;I '~:" T~ LOCATION: 0 ( \.û l-\- -L /.Mr¿' ADDRESS: i " " l S.....MP. un>.... CLASS CODE: 7 S )l CITY, ZIP: 4k..iA~ C.~'¿L ::i. 9310r CITY, ZIP: ~&- ~~~tl ~,§fnf DUN AÑÏ)·BRN'STREj:T,-NUMBER/~DERAL 10 PHONE': C~~S) ~J{- 'f37f PHONE': (JD))3?S--;"'1 '1:.~-D~º-LL~1 13 t .n: ~ : Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number /Yr \l'+vR.« Component' lL}Nama Ii C.A.S. Number t (Check all that apply) /)'\.\~ T,j·.....-t . 0 co~onent . 2 N~C.A.S. Number , , ,Fire Hazard 0 Sudden Release Reactivity 0 Immediate ~ De"1ayed r Roo P'" Go 'f of Pressure Health Health Component' 3 Name Ii C.A.S. Number · ~P~I e.~AA.¥ . :]þIilJ flð I ÇS- I I/O I G-4L I JÍf)' IMIIJ If ~ $8 W/~ ' Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number Ml )C~It-e. c07one~ . 1 Nama Ii C.A.S. Number (Check all that apply) ð { - ::z..t - ( ~ Component' 2 Name Ii C.A.S. Number I ~+~ C ø L 1..!0 Fire Hazard 0 Sudden Release 0 Reactivity 0 Immediate CiiY;;"elaYed " / - ¥ \ø 0# ~ of Pressure Health Health Component I 3 Nama Ii C.A.S. Number . 11~ 2 -/~ -)" S4-L.: ::=c:=J I I I I 1==c=J CJ Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number Component' 1 Nama Ii C.A.S. Number (Check all that apply) Q Component . 2 Name Ii C.A.S. Number o Fire Hazard 0 Sudden Release Reactivity 0 Immediate 0 Delayed of Pressure Health Health Component #I 3 Name Ii C.A.S. Number ~ I I 111==c=JCJ Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number Component' 1 Name Ii C.A.S. Number (Check all that apply) ~. Component I 2 Name Ii C.A.S. Number o Fire Hazard 0 Sudden Release U Reactivity 0 Immediate 0 Delayed of Pressure Health Health Component #I 3 Name Ii C.A.S. Number EMERGENCY CONTACTS #1 Title Certification (READ AND SIGN AFTER COMPLETING ALL SECTIONS) I certify under peanlty of law that I haver personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this and al and that based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information. I believe that the submitted information is true, ,¡ urate, and c, --'" ~ Ow N eft... 'R OR OWNER/OPERATOR'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE , ¡. ~ . I J . .~ () \á¡· ß~'N , \7 \:, ,'\ I" " HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA. 93301 RECEIVED' OCT 1 7 1991 ADS'd. -.......~... INSTRUCTIONS: 1. To avoid further action, return this form within 30 days of receipt. 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA BUSINESS NAME: ¡Çc'<:JNO b c¡ ð/ WhL'fe LubE IV' ~Al6 .:# 2... /0 Í-/Þve- , - LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: CffY: eA-K-el¿S('( ~d. STATE: c,;1- zIP;¿;9'3$Ð9 PHQNE:g 31,... J 1- . ~~ lò-~~-ql DUN & BRADSTREET NUMBER:17-():Jb~ ~ SIC CODE: 7 38 PRIMARY ACTIVITY: A LA-o M 0 +,'cI-e- beR..0è..e.,. OWNER: :Joseph Av-e,,e r ,R. MAILING ADDRESS: t; &¿D 0 w~ ~ ~t, J-A,.rt, -# 5" ) g~'(.-ft"')t('¿t.tJ 61-. 1J 30' SECTION 2:' EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION: CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 24 HR. PHONE 1. J:5>fL/JA It vULt ::J£ - , DuJlI/vt i (3 r ...'(311 I 31 r -- 3/~ '( 2. ~ (~À /Vð!4V ) /J1An/t+ie,( I g"$ 1-1f31 ( í '3 '1 t - '1t? Y 1 . FD 1590 · e /. ¡ J J ~ '-";' ',~ j :, ' r' . " Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN , ¡J¡"t ' ."d.¿. ) SECTION 3:; TRAINING: NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 7 Yðs " IAI MAJERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: c..- 'v Ot+(~ -e.. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: Ir '" [;e..ðp.fO Lvb-e.. VI TvN-t- #' ~{(., "'5~5 /-li-€- SÆ{-efy KL~{!A/ V~ ( c L -{ MA{AI+-~..vANC¿ ~f4P.4-{r~ ~ l-z.ofJ 1-I/f-ù¥{dovS /J1A-le;f( ~L.f YA./t(·A//~ 't{0ÎI{~. IN A- !-!¡ .f-(d'V i . . we. hÆ-.... e.. 4- r/~ I -r~ ~ SrU'\Ç-.,t.. {( 5Af~~1 4 He.-+Lt~ f£...°t~~, ~ SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST: I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6.95 OF THE IICALlFORNIAHEALTH & SAFETY CODE" FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: WE DO NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. WE DO HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO JIMEEXCEEDTHE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTITIES. , , OTHER (SPECIFY REASON) SECTION 5: CERTIFICATION: I, ~ S~p~ fjv~R~ d~" CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFOR- MATION IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS(DIV. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES PERJURY. &J( 2. '" /1 I '. ,e Bakersfield Fire Dept. · Hazardous Materials Division '~ '\ ,~. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Facility Unit Name: £'(.01\/0 ) tJ..bE /VI ;;A/-L .¡f:2./ (p SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES: A. AGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: ' , I) ~ o.\.~ -\ '( J;',~ t.p~' Av ~ y :iP-. / DIP w..A , ;.ç he tS I/'J f- bN S J..L , . :2..) /Jß ~~..{'( F~~~ W~E~ h+u~.. ,éC6N6 l~'b~ III' Tv~~ I (~ J) . .,µo+:'( t y Aff~of""~+-L A-7~IVc.r ~ ~'LGvu~.ecL B. EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION: ¡it þl/A--¡eJL \ ø ~ Ð (J./N' e/( µ o{ , f' ~ s ~ "'1' Í-d t~ ~ s b r. ~l"o ~\ '''',? 0 U+-. ff. w,ol{'II'W~ -1;; ~ .~ , ~It~ 10 '" t' L ~ t -7 . III 0 f--L, . [11A- t C)';(') /l... Í:>u l L J. r"'J ~ . J>~\.~""l"'f'OV7~ C. PUBLIC EVACUATION: I f\}~I.-,·~ /VO ¡,~, t.!\-4 I ~ ~ s . J~ by /Yl¡-Z. t)'tt. OÒ3N-t ) J ~~.z \J.J-A.t4. (/VÎ ' RDO /V\ . D D. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: . ¡.ç Á Y\.<I.J : loA L £. M,U"1. a.N G r D c..c. ,,.^' -e.. ~ (bt.-W 11\ / III t. ~ W\At< ^î ~5 II.. I>W "" (.. R-) I .\. \.. E'- 1>.). /1,"-.l (41'- s " ,.¡ . \~ \..Pt\'-~ov \-.0 ~€-P"vO~\..... ÙRi~ CÆ-'l~ C~ ( A-ç~ ~ A-+- IÎ]t:' ~ ). 3, fDlo' . e, ~- --1-,; . ..,~~ Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division "" HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 7: MITIGATION, PREVENTION AND ABATEMENT PLAN: A. RELEASE PREVENTION STEPS: o ( L S ~ ~"L \/e~ rf-(l.. L o I'l~ f.4Nk : ~ £~oj\> f£d , 5~".!.d. I;'" Æf'I'AO v.¿i. C~/-A.I"I/2rl, V :s~J.. -' O_io...t-<,<:.~ø,"V /I1.,4f\/hðl...~. \P t+h A Sf! ¡,L ,.-" " B. RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR.MINIMIZATION: u¡Jk7R-.tJ\Jtv'Å- "'hA.&\.L ~M\.<" \~ ,~o~bL~ -WA,LL PLJt-~~L C-oÞ\.fo <'::dl \--e CoN.s-\-/(vc..-\- '-0'\1 1.q.1I.l- ..e- «Iv \pp-e- d- \¡ÙJ.: ~ V ItfoP.... ¢ !.19~\ J. l)C2,~~, ~\J\f1'\~~' C. CLEAN-UP PROCEDURES: ~ F'ðtt. 5h~f £p/L<.~ ' Ò,L ~bso,(b~AI+- ;'S L;li~á.. . I)fI#O/{, 1Y<.(¡J $ 4/t€- w\'f¿ -Jf tU~+tt P..Af$ CI\)~~t;~ ~ +~e..v s {..~ r~," (~ M.~.\-4L ~.4NM,S' . SECTION 8: UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY): NATURAL' GAS/PROPANE: #1 It- ELECTRICAL: Ilðlt~.. £~ ~.ð/V.JeA.. ~ATER: rtf!f(ö'f. I }-.I Dl~ed-L-í ¡vio~ ~ ð f.- 'fhe /Vt CoI/.Ale/1.... 'wt ..\..~-e.., ~,,~Ltk:v, SPECIAL: ~ ð'1-I(~SSt,!. 4Jt: c£k~,(\~L .Çbvt- -\:)f..Ç-, LocA4-e.l fI/~f- .J-.. ~l0'f~f"t LOCK BOX:~~ IF YES. LOCATION: . SECTION 9: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER A V AILABILlTY: A. PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION: F"¡Z.e... (2~T.. L6t1r\-eJ ðÞ/ fl{~~J,.'f B. WATER AVAILABILITY (FIRE HYDRANT): ¿oc:kcl Aff~K '6o~' WQ..5-t- 4 4-~Q... S \,\J L~~tA _+ -\-h\.\ ~ \ Lð-l~ 4. FDI59n ,,_ ¡to, e - ';' ¡1 Econo Lube N' Tune #216 6901 White Lane Bakersfield. CA 93301 N + Site Map 6 E Fire Hydrant W I D----, 750 Gallon SandI ß G~ease Interceptor ~ire Extinguisher Future Building Pad I ~ I A ìlt C9>MfR.~s.~ól\. ~ B Lea'í Detector Tune-Bay Fire Extinguisher Lube Bay . /7 Oil Storage (750 gal.) The above site map is for our Econo Lube N' Tune Store #216 located at 6901 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA 933ð¡. If there are any questions in regards to this site map, please call Milte Vil'1eoRt at (714) aS2 0030. :r~$ep~ 4ve.t..r ~~. (f6()5) g3l...t.(311 White Lane ;; ~._ r.-;;. :M' . ~ E W e N + D Econo Lube N' Tune # 21 6 L - Econo Lube N' Tune #216 6901 White Lane Bakersfield. CA 93301 Facility Diagram .6 Fire Hydrant Future Building Pad Midas Muffler White Lane 7 _ -.--. ..... e e 10/17/91 ECONO LUBE N TUNE #216 215-000-000339 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Page 1 Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-002 WASTE OIL . Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 500 Low GAL CAS #: 221 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Waste Days: 365 Use: WASTE Daily Max GAL 500 I I Daily Average GAL 350.00 I I Annual Amount GAL 5,200.00 Storage UNDER GROUND TANK r Press T Temp ~ Ambient Ambient Location - Conc _I 100.0% Waste Oil Components r:::- MCP -¡List ¡Low 02-001 MOTOR OIL . Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 750 Minimal GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form·: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GAL 750 I I Daily Average GAL I I 500.00 Annual Amount GAL 5,200.00 Storage ABOVE GROUND TANK r Press T Temp ~ Ambient Ambient Location - Conc l 100~0% Motor Oil Components r; MCP :-rList Minimal I, Do hereby certify that I have (type or print name) reviewed the atf~c11t1d hazardous materials manage- ment plan for and that It along with -.:.: ":')'!"'~';"'-":;';;) an>' correctic 0S (';)1 :;~:itute a complete and correct man- agementplan tar ;'ny facility. 10 1L7/9 ( ( .' f - -- - ~?~ Bakersfield Fire Dept. . HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION Business Name: E CO", II h \) ~'Cl - N- \)J k " t't Location: 69 Of h., Date Completed ¡Jill 'f v é{---13-4~ RECEIVED Al16 1 5 1991 Ans'd. ........... Station No. , o 00 '3 '3 C1 (Top of Business Plan) C-. Inspector Hoof "" ~ V": v 1< ç. /()' V; Business Identification No. 215-000 Shift Verification of Inventory Materials Verification of Quantities Proper Segregation of Material ~c<Uo...o; ):.CO"'H...·,SS;c" PL,~j -,_ Verification of MSDS Availablity --------- Number of Employees Verification of Haz Mat Training Comments: Adequate D G 8 1 UÖ «;v {ky' Inadequate GY D " '- ~t> \loJ\ ~ D A", L ,p\ Hli lvli,) ~e D D Verification of Abatement Supplies & Procedures Comments: ~ Emergency Procedures Posted Containers Properly Labeled Comments: m Q/ D D o Verification of Facility Diagram Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: Vielatiens: \1\0 Q/ All Items O.K. 0 Correction Needed ~ FD 1652 (Rev. 1-90) White-Haz Mat Div. Yellow-Station Copy Pink-Business Copy e Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 \'C)3- ~lD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGE~ENT PLAN , . C\'.þ/ INSTRUCTIONS: . . -tbMe& ~G- t, 1. To avoid further action, return this form within 30 days of receipt. 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA BUSINESS NAME: Econo Lube' N ~" Tune #216 LOCATION: 6901 White Lane. Bakersfield. r.A Q1301 MAILING ADDRESS: H~nnn Sk.}' Jñrk r.i rrl p. Trvi np. r.A Qnl.1 CITY: Bakersfield STATE: ~ ZIP: 93301 PHONE: (714) 852-6636 DUN & BRADSTREET NUMBER: SIC CODE: 7539 PRIMARY ACTIVITY: Automotive Service and t':inor Repairs OWNER: Econo Lube N' Tune, Inc ¡ MAILING ADDRESS: 18006 Skypark Circle, Irvine, CA 92714 SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION: CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 24 HR. PHONE 1. Mike Vincent Director of Training (714 ) 852-6636 (619) 746-3705 2. Larry Bell Construction Manager (714 ) 851-2259 ( 714) 851-2259 1. FDIS: Bakersfield Fire Dept. ~ e Hazardous Materials Division- HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 3: TRAINING: NUMBER OF EMPLOYESS: 6 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: Yes - (engine oil, brake cleaner) BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: We have a comprehensive environmental' training manual which includes training in the following areas: 1) Hazardous Waste Regulations 2) Proper Disposal of Engine Oils and Anti-freeze 3) The IIEmployees Right to KnO\'I" 4) Product Labels and Material Safety Data Sheets 5) Handling of Hazardous Materials 6) Automotive Repair Shop Hazards 7) Clean-Up of Spills and Disposal 8) Exposure and First Aid Procedures 9) Fire and Explosion 10) Storage and Mixing of Hazardous Materials SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST: I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6.95 OF THE IICALlFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE" FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: WE DO NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. WE DO HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO TlMEEXCEED THE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTITIES. OTHER (SPECIFY REASON) SECTION 5: CERTIFICATION:, I, Mi ke Vincent CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFOR- MATION IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE IICALlFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODEII ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIV. 20 CHAPTER 6.95"SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES PERJURY. -m~~ \. J~,,~, ~ SIGNA TURE Director of Training \. ,') 1-9-90 TITLE DATE 2. F01590 e Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Facility Unit Name: .Econo Lube N' Tune #216 SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES: A. AGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: Notification procedures will be the responsibility of the store manager, store owner, or emergency coordinater. The agencies to be notified will be the local EPA agencies, the fire dept., the Water Resources Control Board if necessary, and the state and federal EPA agencies if necessary. These phone numbers will be posted by the telephone in the office for quick acces's. B. EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION: All employees and customers will be notified to evacuate by shouting. Employees and customers will exit through the nearest exterior door. and meet at the staging areas as designated on the site map. The emergency coordinatet will be available at the staging area to assist emergency responders. C. PUBLIC EVACUATION: In the event that the surrounding buildings need to be evacuated, the following procedure will be followed: 1) Those buildings in a close proximity will be notified by a messenger which will be one of the desig- nated mechanics of the store~ 2) Those þuildings slighly removed from the above mentioned store will be notified by telephone. D. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: In regards to the handling of a medical emergency, store personnel have been instructed to use the emergency response number 911. So as to more quickly identify which"agency would be best suited to handle a specific emergency. 3. FOltA: DaA~r::;ll~lU r lr~ Ut::;1JL. . Hazardous Materials Divisio. .---= HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN " SECTION 7: MITIGATION, PREVENTION AND ABATEMENT PLAN: A. RELEASE PREVENTION STEPS: All of our stores are equipped with 30 gallon drain barrells. When these barrells are full, a quick hose connect with a hose gravity drain drains the oil into an underground oil storage tank. If the ',underground storage tank was full - the oil simply would not drain. B. RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR MINIMIZATION: In the event of an oil spill, we keep 10/50 lb.,bðgs of oil absorbent at each of our locations to contain any spillage. All of our waste materials would then be picked up by a state licensed hazardous waste ' hauler. C. CLEAN-UP PROCEDURES: Sma 11 Spi 11: Oi 1 wi 11 be pi cked up vJÎ th absorbent materi a 1 s by employees using proper protective clothing and safety equipment. Waste will then be placed in a 1 abe 1 ed wðste drum. vJaste wi 11 then be removed from the premises by a state licensed waste hauler. Large Spill: Employees will notify the local fire dept. Trained employees using proper safety equipment will attempt to prevent the spill from enter- ing the storm drain or running off-site. Licensed waste hauler will then haul off,the SECTION 8: UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY): waste. NATURAL GAS/PROPANE: ELECTRICAL: South end of building located on the outside of the building. VVATER: South end of building located inside the building SPECIAL: LOCK BOX: YESf!j) IF YES. LOCATION: SECTION 9: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER A V AILABILITY: A. PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION: Fire Extinguishers, Water Hose ,8. VV A TER AVAILABILITY (FIRE HYDRANT): Located at the southwest corner of the 1 at. 4. FDI: TV of DHAZARDOUS MATERIAL INVENTORY NON-TRADE SECRETS HAKEH~FIELU S - CI L -------- -.--.-'-'-'- of .-1.-_, Page NAME OF THIS FACILITY: STANDARD IND. CLASS COOE:----ï5~o DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER--'--T--~-' - - CODES ness Standard Bus o ture Farm and Agt icu 3 , by lit ,12 loc~tlon Where Stored In Fac 111 ty 11 USQ Code 10 Cont Temp 9 Cont Press 8 Cont Type 7 , Dys on SIte 3 Max Allt 2 Tyae Code 1 Tr~ns Code Pe 26 4 1 02 365 Mixture 750 M N Number Number Number C,A.S C.A.S C.A.S Name Name & Name Component . Immediate Component .2 Health Component .3 o Sudd~n Release of Pressure (1) Number o Delared Hea th C.A.S o vity th Ha¡ard apply React o and Hea all that pn~~~~ 36.5. Mixture GAL Number Number Number C.A.S C.A.S C.A.S Name & Name Name Component . Immediate Component .2 Health Component .3 Number C.A,S th Ha¡ard applY¡ and Hea a" that P~~~~~f o Sudd~n Release of Pressure o De Jared Hea th o React hity o re Hazard o Number Number Number C.A.S C.A.S C.A,S Name Name Name . Immediate Component .2 Health Component 13 Component o Mixture Sudd~n Release of Pressure Number o De Jared Hea th C.A.S o ty and Health Ha~ard a" that apply Reactiv o re Hazard Physica (Check o NUllber NUllber Number C.A.S C.A.S C.A.S Nallle Nane & Name Component . .2 .3 Immediate Component Health Component o Sudd~n Release of Pressure NUllber o De Jared Hea th C.A.S o th Ha¡ard apply I React i ~ ity o Physical and Hea (check all that Fire Hazard o 714) 852-6636"2 Larry Bell-Cónstruct Zf1Irnõñe- Rãmë 851-2259 Zn{fTñõñe /- 7,70 UH!-S rq¡¡ë~'- 714 r~anager ~ ..A...II'-~,5L.\ ion Ttt o nd a" leve that the -{'(\ STgñãture this J be $ubllitte~ in InformatIon ng Certifjçatio" (Ret:d and $ign af1ør cpmp7t;?ting, ¡:Ill se.ct;ions) J cer If under enalt 0 la th t I have pe(sona Iw examln Q 0 d II familIar it the Info(matlon attaç~edYdQCUllen[s. an~ t at ~ase~ on IIY InQuiry 0 lhose Inålvl~ua's responslbfe ~or obtaInIng the submItted Inforllatlon IS true. accurate. and co~plete. Mike Vincent-Operations & Training Dept. Ra~~ï5riëTir-t1 tor UR ownëf7õP!fãtor's authorIzed repftšëñtlttve i rector of Traln Ttt i D ncent i ke V tt 1 Mi R! EMERGENCY CONTACTS PHONE NO. TELEPHONED CALLED TO SEE YOU WANTS TO SEE YOU PLEASE CALL WILL CALL AGAIN RUSH RETURNED YOUR CALL MESSAGE _ íf7a - 577 () SIGNED ASSOCIATED L1,A2334 -::; 'iIe.~ iI e Bake:::sileld Fire DW' Hazaràous Materials DivisIon TO: BUILDING DEPT, BUSINESS NAME ê (i /Yrl/) Ld~ IV //Á~ _ LOCATION f, ~o I I~)U Lv,. STATUS OF HAZ MAT REGULATIONS I. 0 Required to complete a Hazardous Materials Business Plan o Hazardous Materials Business Plan Complete - - H '", II. 0 Risk Management & Prevention Program Required o Risk Management & Prevention Program Requirements are being met - OK to issue permit o Risk Management and Prevention Program has been approved. OK to issue Certificate of Occupancy. III. o No Hazardous Material Requirements. ~azardaus Materials Reporting Requirements Complete. IV. Comments: - ~~~. H ardous Mat~on / - ;¿.j-=- 9'0 . Date FD 1 655 Rev 1 /90 -;if' ,......- ~.:~r j-10-1 ~·~C r:;: ~¡: .i{c,,:,,¡ < ::L:_,E;:::~:·· ~ ~" ,.. - ~ -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -e- -, Hazardous Materials D1\ J.OIl ~ '::"_:--: _ _ _ ._.......,:-,...... ï . ,_"-':" RECE:VEO S::P 2 G 1Sô9 l~;~~ .' ....:..~' Mr.r.FI\!EO HAZARDOUS MATERIALS COMPLIANCE STATEMENT (To bê cOn'\pleted by Buik1irog F'elmi1 AppliCont or\d/or ':\ê Plcr\ Rev~w APPlica.~A N 2 3 1990 8USINESS NAME ecc:>/'.....t:) LU86 ¡vI 7ûJJE Ans·d............ Jgj )zí Þ<t o 0 LOCATION ~rO/ tuH Ire (.....4tU5 J I3AJ::.f!3tk<?SAec..o PLEASE READ All OF THE INFORMATON CAREFULLY, FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGULATIONS MAY RESULT IN CIVIL LIABILITIES OF UP TO $200:),00 FOR EACH DAY IN WHICH THE VIOLATION OCCUI<S. WUI the Applicant or future building occupont be lequited to complefe a HazordOUS MoteliOI$ Business Pion? YES '¢ (NOTE) 11 you hondle. store. use or dispose of. reportable quantities of any hazordous substance. you ore requifed by California Law to complete a Hazordous Matl':"fiOI~ P.\J~inl':"~ Pion. Forms con be obtained from thQ Bak',Qf1f\e1d Fire Deportment. Hazardous Materials Division. 2130 G Street. Typical every day hazardous materiels you may find In your focilltles moyincludé, but not limited 10: compres~ed gases; fue~ . 01 types; solvents: oils (new and woste); thinners; caustic or corrosive materials; poisonous or toxic materialS; and radioactive materials. Win the applicant or futUle building occupant be requÎled to complete 0 Risk. Monoge· ment one] Prevention Program? . yes o (NOTE) It you haMIe. store, use or dispose of reportable quonttties of any extremely hazardous substance yOu must devGlop 0 RIsJ( MonogemGnt and Prevention Program. THIS PLAN MUST 8E APPROVED BY THE lOCAL AOMINISTERlNG AGENCY SEFORE YOU COMMENCE OPERATIONS AT THIS FACIlI1Y. The list ofreguloted chemicols is contained In Appendix A of port 3S5 01 Subchapter J of ChOp1al I Of Tit .¡) 40 01 ""Ie CQd8 of FedfJro) ~egulo'IoN. This list ot chemicols isavailoble at the Sokerstield FIre Deportment, Ha20rdous Materiols Division. 2130 G Street. Will the applicant or furture buìlding occupant be required to obtoin a permit from the .Kern County Air Polution ContrOl Oi$trict? YES o locotion within 1 ,(XX) teet of outer boundry ot the tolewing: YES School -(any school. public or private used tor the porpo$ØS of &ducotion of ch~dren K~dergortèn or any ot grade 1 to 12. nclu$ive) o o o Hospital - Long Term Care Facility - Signed: Date: c¡ - (cg- re1 tOwer. Pllnlple or OniCer 0 Executive Vice President Lube Nt Tune, Inc. c.,::. ,) ...... V\.v~ - A.c..-r.\W.. ~t\.A... ftA.)~Se.-- ~rVett. ~\(E:C"1U~E G::> 7-D f\l'v0.J I ö,.) A.. V E . , S\À Î ¿- 2..OD NO D ~ NO ~ NO FD 1654 \~~ i . . £l'7/90 Dote BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION APPLICATION x - ~)9 3 Application Na. In conformity with provisions of pertinent ordinances, codes and/or regulations, application is rnade by: /~-i~~ j~3"J C1 V~ /~ v--. <-þ';L--ê'1!-r,: {l~ ~~~~ /) g .- ú-;lo U to display, store, install, use, operate, sell or handle materials or processes involving or creating ~on- ditions deemed hazardous to life or property as follows: "~ ~-1: /J KLt- .t. ~ n ¡1 :z.;t'-tL-t..--<- J ~ t-f./I.-J.A---AJ2,--?( ·.!2J-Á~ ~i-L ~. ( StJ"1)- ". &Ll\ Ö-:¿ ¿~4z~- , , / _ Authorized Repre;!:I;;Þlltative Perm it C~ .....cL:l.!9..o...................... By:..... ......~Jf;.K... ,.................. ............. "" ........._, _ ...... Date (£l-IfJ Fire Marshal {(v l~V~~ ..- ~\uJ~r .~.~~. -~~ ct'. ~ '.nIY J{ sr:P ..~ ""W ~. r\g)cr \ V ~-~- - - --- - - -- -- -~- - ---~-- ~---~ . I ! e . v'- lCi:;¡, /'-. ,- ~ --J- ,~ o¡ GARY J, WICKS Agency Director (805) 861·3502 STEVE McCALLEY Director DEPART' 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861-3636 Telecopier (805) 861·3429 RESOURCE AGENCY PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT UNDERGROUND PERMIT NUMBER 310089 STORAGE FACILITY ....... FACILITY NAME/ ADDRESS: Econo Lube & Tune 6901 White Lane Bakersfield, CA OWNER(S) NAME/ ADDRESS: Motor Partners 5601 Truxtun Ave., #190 Bakersfield, CA 93309 \ " (')Y CONTRACTOR: ,( Doehrman Company, Inc. 1432 E. Van Buren Phoenix, AZ 85006 License # 589300 Phone No. (80S) 324-4006 X NEW BUSINESS CHANGE OWNERSHIP RENEWAL MODIFICATION OTHER PERMIT EXPIRES May 14, 1991 APPROVAL DATE May 14, 1990 APPROVED BY d~~ Laurel Funk Hazardous Materials Specialist ..... .... ........................ ................. ........... ......... ...... ...... POST 0 N PREM ISES................ .............. ...... ................ ......... ........ CONDITIONS AS FOLLOW: Standard Instructions 1. All construction to be as per facility plans approved by this department and verified by inspection by Permitting Authority. 2. All equipment and materials in this construction must be installed in accordance with all manufacturers' specifications. 3. Permittee must contact Permitting Authority for on-site inspection(s) with 48 hour advance notice. 4. Backfill material for piping and tanks to be as per manufacturers' specifications. 5. Float vent valves are required on vent/vapor lines of underground tanks to prevent overfillings. 6. Construction inspection record card is included with permit given to Permittee. This card must be posted at job site prior to initial inspection. Permittee must contact Permitting Authority and arrange for each group of required inspections numbered as per instructions on card. Generally, inspections will be made of: a. Tank and backfill b. Piping system with secondary containment leak interception/raceway c. Overfill protection and leak detection/monitoring d. Any other inspection deemed necessary by Permitting Authority. 7. All underground metal connections (e.g. piping, fitting, fill pipes) to tank(s) must be electrically isolated, and wrapped to a minimum 20 mil thickness with corrosion-preventive, gasoline-resistant tape or otherwise protected from corrosion. .. -',. . e .- '.. Standard Instructions Permit No. 310089 8. Primary and secondary containment of both tank(s) and underground piping must not be sub ject to physical ¡ or chemical deterioration due to the substance(s) stored in them. Documentation from tank, piping, and seal manufacturers of compatibility with these substance(s) must be submitted to Permitting Authorily prior to construction. 9. Spark testing (35,000 volts) required at site prior to installation of tank(s). Test(s) must be certified by the manufacturer, and a copy of test certification supplied to the Permitting Authority. 10. Tank shall be located a minimum of 10 feet from all buildings. ACCEPTEDBy~'d~ DATE: 0- /7-7Ò LF:cd funk\310089.ptc I