HomeMy WebLinkAboutUST-MONIT. SYSTEM 10/12/2004 -;;- , ....... i" ,1 \'7". '. .- \~ '\ ?'" \"" ( ,7 ~ ' MONITOR SYSTEM CERTIFICATION For Use By All Jurisdictions Within the State of California Authority Cited'.,Chapter 6,7, Health and Safety COde; Chapter 16, Division 3, Title 23, California COde of Regulations This form must be used to document testinQ and servicin¡¡ of monitorinQ equipment ¡>'.§§I1J![j~ǧ(ji!i,,ªI!OJ1...9Uj!J1Qr1Jn!ðLQo.JH~ _ for,each.monitorina svstem control ~ by. the technicien Who performs the wont A copy of this form'must be provi,ded, to the tank system owner/ciperåtor. The owner/operator must submit a copy of this form to the local agencY· regulating UST' systems within 30 ;~day~, of teai'date, .., - , . ,;,.. ' ,A. General Information j.. " Facility Name: Yoo'a 34th Street Mobil Site Addrass: 600 34th Street Facility Contael Peraon: Lena Make/Model of Monitorina SYltem: City Bldg. No, Bakersf,ald Contact Phone No. (661) Date of Teltin¡¡/Servicina: SIN 80747179805003 G,lbarco B. In"entory of Equipment T"tedlCertllled Check the a ro riate boxes to Indicate Tank ID: # 1 Pramium x In-Tank Gauging Probe. x Annular Space or Vault Sensor x Piping SumprTrench Sensor(s). Fill Sump Sensor(s) Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Electronic Line Leak Detector. Tank O"erlill/.High-Level Sensor. Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Shear Valve(s). Dispenser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). Other s c; ui ment t and mOdel in Section E on Pa Tenk 10: II 3 Unleaded R ular x In-Tank Gauging Probe. Model' x Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: x Piping SumprTrench Sansor(s). MOdel: Fill Sump Sensor(s), ' MOdel: Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model' Electronic Line Leak,Detector. Model: Tânk Overfill I High-Level Sensor. Model: OPW Dispensar Containment Sensor(s). MOdel: \ Sh~ar Va!ye(s) Dispenser ço~ta;nme!1t, Float(s) af'd Cl1a,n(s). Other "'. , .' ui ' ntt ., and mOdel In Section E on P ted/serviced: .. Zip: 93301 330-7686 10112/04 Tank 10 /I 2 Plus x In- Tank 'Gauging Proba Annuler Spttee 0( Vault Sensor Piping SumprTrench Sensor(s). Fin Sump Sensor(s). Mechanical Line Leak Deteelor. Electronic Line Leak Detector. Tank Overfill I High-Level Sensor, Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Shear Valve(s). Dispanser Containmant Float(s) and Chain(s). Other s ec; ui ment and model in Section E on Pa Tank 10· In- Tank Gaugi"\ Probe. Annular Space or Vault Sensor Piping SumprT rench Sensor( s) Fill Sump Sensor{s). Mechanicel Line Leak Delector. Electronic Line Leak Detector. Tank Overfill I H'gh-Level Sensor. Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Shear Valve(s). Dispenser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). Dthèr .. u, ment I and mOdel in Section E on Pa Model MOdel: Model' Model: MOdel: Model: Model: Model: Gllbareo Tri Stete Tri State OPW Gilbarco Tri Slate Tri State . ... .... .~," Model' Model Model: Gilbareo Tri Stete Tri State Mode!" Model: Model: Model: Model: OPW e2 Model' Model: Model' Model: Model' Model: Model: Model: e2 C. Certification - I certify that the equipment identified in this document was inspected/serviced in aCCOf'danœ with the manufacturer's gUidelines Ahached to this Certdicetion is informal ion (e.g. manufecturers' checklists) necessary to verify that this information is correct and a PIOI Plan showing the layout of monitoring equipment For any equipment capable of generating such reports, I have also ahached a copy of the raport; (check all thet apply) :' 0 System set-up o Alarm hi&tory report Technician Name (print): Michael Moore CertlLic. No. 562060899 Testing Company Name: Redwine Testing Services, Inc. Phone No (800) 582-6368 Pa~1~3 Signature: --1Y14ot~..t.U vM.~,,- -;; ¡ Monitor System Certlflc:ation Site Address: 800 34th Street. Bakersfield, CA 93301 D. Results of T Hting/SerYtcing Software Version Installed: Gilbarco SIN 80247179805003 Dale of Testing/Servicing: 10/12/04 Is the audible alarm ° rational? N/A Is Ihe visual alarm ° eralional? Were all $en~$ "i$UðttY...!Q~~J~nctio~~~_jLtl!~-,-~d coD!!!!T'ed o~_~_tj"9Q~!?..____ "__ ~. Were all sensors ,nstalled at lowest point 01 secondary containment and positioned so that othttr equlpmenl w,lI not interfere with their ro r 0 ration? No' If alarms are relayed 10 a remole monitoring slat'on. is all communlcalions equ'pment (e.g. modem) operational? N/A No' N/A -------. ----~ licable e. Comments; Category Form Serial/l Super Tri State Piping Sump Tn State Annular 0794380-208 0794390-409 247986 247018 Regular Tri State Piping Sump Tn State Annular 0794380-208 0794390-409 498759 424649 Plus Tri Stale Piping Sump T ri State Annular 0794380-208 0794390-409 248172 347016 Peve 2 01 3 03101 :" Monitoring System CertlflcIUon Sile AOdress: 600 34lh Slreel, BakerslielO, CA 93301 Dala 01 T estinQIS8Nk;;ng 10112104 F. In-Tlnk Gauging I SIR Equipment: o Check this box if tank gauging is used only lor inventory control. o Check this box if no tank gauging or SIR equipment is installed, Thla aection must be completed If in-tenk geuging equipment is used to perform leek detection monitoring. Complete the followlna checklist: x Yes No' Has all input wiring bOOn inspected for orooer ent" and termination. Including testing for ground faults? . Where visible x Yes No' Were all tank oauaina orObes vlsuall Insoected for damaoe and residue bUildup? x Yes No' Was accuracv of svstem pradud level readlno s tested? x Yes No' Was accuracv of svstam water level readinas lested? x Yes No' Were all orObes reinstalled orooerlv? x Yes No' Were all items on the eQuipment manufacturers maintenance Checklist completed? . In the SecUon H, below, describe how Ind when theM deficiencies we... or will be corrected, G. line Leak DelecloTtl (llD): fKJ Check this box if LLDs are not installed o NIA No' No' No' NIA No' For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if the LLD delects a leak? NIA No' NIA No' NIA No' NIA Yes No' Were all items on the ui ment manufacturers maintenance Checklist com leted? . In the Section H, below, deecribe hOw Ind when theM deficiencies were or will be correcled. po ormance For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shul off if any portion of the monitoring system is disabled or disconnected? F or electronic LLD~, or fails a test? For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically $hut off if any portion at the monitoring system malfunctions have all accessible wiring connections bOOn visually inspected? H. Comments: Page 3 of 3 03101 ~ UST Monitoring Site Plan '~:"TV'I '(<X>~ \N\o\}~ \~c.-~<vsF,~~ r ~ tA- ~13D\ ,~~"~,,, . , ~ , . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . -'1- .; """'1', . "'1", , , ~~~~: .~ ~ ---.--.- . " . , . ~... ,C(; . ' \: , '~. , " ;, . , ~~~l\ '~~\~H-' . .'. , I' '" . .~~' , . . . . r-;,. 1:- .'::::NtJ:¡iJ.? . , <>""':n-, . . . -0 , ; ': a.. '$,' ~,,', . . . ~ "'6'· '.,. . . , . . . ; I :!'1:'':~ f. \(: : -'Vfr~ : 0 : ~;' ~.. ~.. '~ \ ~~ :;':, , .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . [rI,¡\ ,,' . ~ ' , ~ ~.:'~ : :~:Cf.-'f.: ::0' , :vt: ~~\ ,:.~df ct' .ef1J~/çv ,. .,. ~"ì~, ", . :\ . .""? ' . . . . , '¡, '\{- , . 'O--'~ ' , · '0" , ~:;~. . \). . . '(' . , . , .. ., , ~ :~)"". (). ~ .Q ,'. . pLv,5 '.., . , ' . ? >-'(\. .... " , ...t::J...".........-: '," 0 / . ,~. .~. I : ~ {:...... . f' ~'. .~. ~'I~f!,'!' ,~""" ~~!, ' i~r,: InstnJdioas , 'I!~ ,'~ already b&~ . djagram that show. aU required information. you may intlude it, rather than this page. witb ':f :óor Monitoring System CertificaÜon, On your site plan., show the general layout of tanks and piJ)ÍnB, Clev1y '; :.,,'.., . locatioDJ of the foUowing cqwpment. if installed: monitoring system CoQt.rol pb.nels; ~SOrl moaitoring £Ifp)c annular space$. swnps, dispen.ter p&n.I, spilJ containers, or other secondary cont~t are.u~ medw.aical or ~ '~~nic tiDe I~ ,detectors; and in-tanJc IiqWd I~ probes (if use<! for leak detection), In the spa.ce provided. .~~ tbe date thiJ Srte Plan was prepared, ' u":,J" ' "~~~'''-'' ~ ::\~, ,'f:, ,. . ~':"í: ,'; ~'~;. '- -I :r.:.; . . ::'';\'''; t!"! I" ," .~..r...1'..,.; ·P4!1" , i~~:, .~ 0<\' :q ~ , r-------t' ,~, ...¡. . . N' . ....t;. .~. , .L-..1 t=t \r.,¡ . . . . ~~~~;~/ji/d, \~ .' . ...--..... --- ...... ..,. .~ . R"ightFax .- 10/7/2004 10:29 PAGE 001/001 Fax Server 10/87/2084 88:45 6618363177 RED.oIIt€ TESTING svæ PAGE e2/B2 .........,. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIR,ONMENTAL SERVICES 171S Chester A ve" Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-3979 APPLICA TION TO PERFORM FUEL MONITORING CERTIFICATION FACILITy _ Y lit} ts 3t1-.. ~ ~ mo hi / ADD~S-Jpo ~~ 3+Tw, ~~-\"'u~~Itl) r-A t.t3~ol OPERATORS ~AME ' Lf.ft&. OW'NBRS NAMB' M(" ¥blj NAMEOP MONITOR MANtJ'FAC'TURBR (;. }b&,.c~ DOES PACIL.rrV ~ VB DISPENSER PANS? ¥BS_ NO_ TANK , VOLUMB CONTBNTS I IO~ ,r¡ y,,,~ '-" .2 10"- ~~!a .3 s~ ~ NAMBOFTESTINOCOMPANY~II\L '~-6~ r~¡J&l'U, +I'\L. CONTRAcrORS UCENSB. .._~~~R1" A ~"%, NAME '" PHONE NUMBER OF CONTACT PERSON ~ J ~f'r (,l,~.34. ,q\:1 DATE & TIME TBST IS TO BE COND UCTED o· IØl ~ ,n; ()/J l}rt\ APPROVED BY 10-1"0 .¡ DATE ~7~ IONA n1R.B OF APPUCANT ../