HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION I '( ~ - -; 10/18/2004 10:21 6613920621 PAGE 02/09 MONITORING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION ., Fol' Use By All J'lirisdiclÎon.s Within the Státe of Californ;a ..·.11111101'11'>' CJ1ed: Ch"pteT 6.7, Heallh(md Safety Code; Chapter ]6.. D;virion J, Title 23. California Code ofRegll/mion.s ~'his foJ'lu \1)1,l.¡¡t b,e u:.Ied to document testing Ulå ser"ic~~ ofmonicoring equipment. A s~pal~tc certification Or report muSf be 9n:pàrcd lOr ~'I.;;h T\\o1J,ltoCLng system control panel by: the techmclan who performs the work. A copy oftbls form must be provided to the tlillk :.Iy~n:lll (lw¡),m'OpCnuoT, The owner/opera.tor must submit a copy of this tom1 to tbe local agency regulating UST systems within 30 J¡I~,~ ùf [-:':11 dt\u:, A. Gt:ß~rallnformation ,hldlhy N~l11è: Yl,m' e,., 4-1- __ /JeI$P lr¡-./1L Sir~ Address: !::/~~'- 4 Tilt :¡(T F,)c ¡lil) ContllCt Pel'son: ~}~ ' }"h\!(¢iModl.!l of Monjtoring System: ~~S - CA.Wl;(Jfj :a. Jnvè.lltory of Equipment Tested/Certified C:I,<,I:I( rl.., :\ ) ]ro JJ'Ílllè bo~e¡¡ ro icdíCRTt S t,1O~ e III meRllns e~ted/¡¡...r¥;"~( ' _ Bldg. No.: ____ City: ß"'ttJ~SF,F¿O,_~. Zip: '33ð J Contact Phone No.: ( ) F cr - ~ Date of Testing/Servicing: lfl.J ..1L1¿Þ~ Tanl. W: _...B~ L o ¡II-Tank Gllu~il\g PI'ob~, Modcl: \G Annular $pili:è OJ' Vauh Scnsor. Mod!:l: ~_ (lJlfÂITIf1(¡ b Piping Sump I Tl'CDCh Sensor(s), Model: ____ _. Q f'jlJ Sump Scnjorls), Model: o r\'kduu1ÏcIII.l..inc L.cak Deleetor, MOd~I: o n~'1J'(I!li¡; Line ~11k ~ttC[Or. Model: Ol\mk Ü\'<:I'11U / High-level SenllO!, ModeJ: _._. CJ ()thèr{~ )cd', 'ui oHmt I' e and model in Section E ool"a'e 2 , Tl\ul> lD: Û 111- .\'11,nK Gaï;'ging .Probe-, Model: __ o AUIlUhll' Sf>l1c~ iJr Vmllt Sensor. Model; o Piping Sum~) / T1'.::IIC'h S~l1S\)r(s). Model: o fJlJ :Swnp Sensø1'(!!). Mudel; o Ì\'l¡;,hilnical Line l.eak Del~cl0r, Model: (J EI~.:n'L)llic Line Lee.\: Dctcctor. lV!Qdcl: --'---__.__._ Q Tank OVdJ'lìU I High-Level Sl:Jlsor, MOdel:__ Q Ur!!,~I' t;; ~i!'v ~ \I l'\'1çnr! e and modl!J in Section E on J>a e? . Dis¡JcDser lJ): o D1~p;:ns.:r COl}[ailUllcnr 5':0501(5). Model; o ~h'::iI' VuJve{~), o Dis l~n~ðl' Cl)fi¡¡ljnmr:m FII>::l1 g and Chain s ' ,l.)ibpellsúl'lD: _ o Dispenscl' Çun¡ahunent S~n.sor(s). Model; o Sh~¡u' V¡¡lvc(s). Q ~)is êlb~I' Conl::iinmellt FillS! ~) Ib'Id Chaín 5 ' Dispell~cr .lo: _ ,'. ç:¡ l)~'¡I)<!l1s~r CQlltllinl\wnt S&!cnsor(s), Mod~I:__ o Sheai' V al\'o:!ls) , CJDi,¡ 1c:'nSc:'r CùnmjllJ'\1t!ß[ Float S OJ'Id Chain s). 'Jfrbc lilcj ÎI)' conriiins more 1¡U1ks Dr dispenser!!, ~Ùpy this fonn. Tank ID: ~f- __--___ o In·Tank Gauging ?r1)1>e. Model: ~ Annular Space or Vault Sensor, MOdel:~~~__, o Piping Sump I Trench Set1SOr(s). Model: Q Fill Sump Sen.~r(5). lvlQdcl: o Mechanical Line Leak Delcctor. Model: o Elecuonic Line Leak Detector. Model: a TáDk O\lertìll/,Hlgh~Level Sensor, Model: Q Other s eci 'c ui menr t e ~nd model in Seclion.1:: on PI! 'o:! 'J}. Tank ID; o In-Tank Glilugin¡ Probe. Model: o Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: Q Piping SU!TIP I TrenCh Sensor(s). Model: C Fill S~mp $cnsor(s). Model: o MechMjç~ll,ínc Leak. Detecror. Model: o Electronic Lil1ð Leak DC'tCttor. Model: Q Tonk. Oveltilll High-Level Sensor. Model: Q Otller s eci c ul mcnt , e and model in Section Eon Pa 0: 2), ...'---- Dispenser ID; _ i:I Di9penser COllUlinrnCnl Sensor(s). Model: ~. o Shesr Vnlvels), Q .Dis \'!nsè.r Conn inmenr .Float s and Chain s , Dispenser ID; , o Dispenser Containment Sellsor(s). Model; Q Shellf Valve{s). o Dís nser CO[l,tllinmenr Ploat $ IU1d ChaÎn 5 , Dispenser ID; o Dí£penser Containment Sensor(s). Model: Q Shear Valve(s). Q Dis cnser Conl8inment 'F,IOIl 9 and Chain !I . Include information for every tank nnd dispenser at the facility. ....---. C. Certít1cation. 1 tllrtify tb. lt the eq"ipOlent ideotU1~d in this dotuòlent was inspected/serviced In accordance with the aUlIBufactllrers' gúidelllles. Attlu:hed to this Cllrfltšcatíl)u is information (e.g. manul'actureñ' checklists) necessary fo nrif)' that thiJ information is ~orr~L:~ .md a Plot Ph~n ihQwing tbe layc)ü~ ot' RlouitOtiog equipment. For Dny equipmbot capable of generating sueh reports, J have also "œ,b'" " "PY" tho ".... ("'....It t'" ..pty), 0 ')'$.om ,...up ~~..... T¡;clmioll!Il Nam~ (priot):....J!.Y4t'V t""IAS(JJ\J Si¡nature: . Ç~r[iíkatioDNo,: fltJfß"~S"" ij7''T Licel1se.No.: 61/D40- #8..09850 'f ~S[Ü1~ Cùrnpall)' Name: RICH ENV IRONMENT AL Phone No.:~ 61 )~ - 86 a 7 She AddL'\~js: !/.J1)_J!:J..I.Jf ~T fJ+D gp /~ l, (), (;.ø1. 'J.J~ L Dare ofTestlllg1Sçrvicing~ -L!!! !LI ~ Page 1 or3 OJIQ 1 Mollltoring Systtm Certification . .' 10/18/2004 10:21 6613920621 PAGE 03/09 Sof!l\ 'jJ"= Ver~iO.n Ins(alled: o. R~slJhs of rfestiog/Servic:ing CÙ1il 'Icl'<:, dh~ folwwinO' checldist; ~ \'~ 0 No'" Is the audible alRrm 0 erationa.l? a y~.,; ~ 0 No· Is the visual alarm 0 . ra£iOl\(II'? \;~,; U No* Wel'e all sensors visl.lalJ ins ected, functionall teste IiInd confirn1ed 0 n.l:ional? jG Y.;:s 0 N¡)* Were all sensors installed at lowest point ofsecond:uy containment and positioned so that other equipment will nat interfere with their 1'0 )et' 0 eration? If ahu'ms are relayed to a remote ,monitoring !Jtation, is aU cornmunications equipment (e.,g. modE:m) operari0114l? Fat' pressurized piping SY$tems, does the t~lrbine al.lton'atically shut dowu it rhe piping secondary contain!\'l~n( n,onlroring system deœcts Ð leak, fuils to operate, or is eJeçtrically disconnec:ted? If yes: wh.ich senSOl'j injrit1r~ posÜive Shut-down? (Check all thaI QPply) Q Sump/Trench Sensors; Q Dispenser Containment Sensors, Did au confirm ., it,lve ghur~down due to leaks and sensor failure/disconnection? 0 Yes' 0 No, o Nû41 For tank systems that utilize the lnonÍtorÍI1g system. as the primary tank overti() warning. device (i.e. n() o N/A mecbli11ical overfill pl'cvemion vl1lve i9 mstalled), is the overfill warning alarm visible and audible fl[ me œnk fill oint(s} al\d Q eratin . )ro I 7 [f so, ar what ercent of tank en ací does the alarm tri . "'I'? lJ.'o Was any morllroring equipmon.t replaced? [fyes, identify s~ci'fic sensors, probes, £1'1' other equipment r~plac~d and list the OU1J1L1factuter m\n'¢ and model tòr aJJ re lacemenr am in Secrion E., below. Was liquid found inside any s.,condary conrWnnlenr systems designed as dry syStems? (Check 01/ that apply) 0 Product' a Water. I( es, describe causes in Section E, below. }I:I \{~:) 0 No'" Was monitorln s ~Hetn set-u reviewed [0 ensure ro e.r settjn s? Attach set u y~s a No· Is allmonitorÍ1'J e \.II melll 0 cratiolUll er n],¡il1~facturer's s ciñcations? '" In S;:ct!OI1 E below, describe how and when these deficieD.cies were 01' will be corrected. , 0 Yes o N(1* ,N/A a NQ· 1lP N/A UEf' \' ÇS ~'" L.I y ~;~ .YJ No o y è~· ëit No ,f.. Cõilluhmts: licable ....-..--., --.--. .. --...--...... . ....-.-...--..- ...--..... ,.---.. -.....-.- ---..--' ..... -.-..,' _.~ ._---- ...---..- -...... ....- ..-., ... -..-..-.....- ,.,' ....-....- ,..--.- ..--......... .--... .--.-"--"" .-...........--. . .-- .--............... ---..--.... .-.. . - ...--.... .-- ......·11-- ----.. --.-...- ..'--- .. .-----... --..........-. ,'.... ..._._- ---...,.'" ..-.-.. Pllle:2 of.3 03/01 - i ;'¡' 10/18/2004 10:21 6613920621 PAGE 04/09 F. Jo-T'}l1k Gnugiug I SIR Equipment: t! Check thist box. if tank 8B\.IgioS is ~IB"cI only for inventory control, o Check this box. if no tank g,augina or SIR equipment is it £~111ed, Thi:::; S¢~[iO!l L11.Ust be completed if in-tank ga.t¡ging equipment is used to perfom11eak detection monitoring. Culll ¡;,ll!to! th~ ròllowiol!: checklist: o '{<!s o NoJ· Ho.s till input wil'ing been inspected for propel' entry and termination, including testing for ground œults? ,.. ¡.-.,.", ,- U )'.;;; 0 No* Were all tank gauging probes visu!llly inspected for damage and residue buildup? -- o .....·I!S Ü No" Was accuracy of system product level readinp tested? --=- --.- CI ).';;-5 (J No· Was accuracy of ¡;Y$tem w!l.tèr lèvel readings tested? a y",.:! Q NolII Wel:e all probes reinstalled properly? --' Ü \',;$ Q No· Were. all Items on the equipment milnufaCt\.lfer' : )'I'IalnænMce c.bec.k!i$t completed'1 =--'" '0- ,.. 111 UI~ st:ccion H, below, describe how ¡"Iud when these deficieodes were or will be corrected. G, Lin~ Leal{ Detectors (LLD): gao Check this box ífLLDs are Jot installed. Cu[nlJl~t(' tb~ (0 OW'"!! checklist: a Yo;S o No· FOl' equipment start-up 01' ruulUal equipment certification, was a leak simulated to verify LLD perforn'l.!\nce? o N/A (Cherk all that appl)l) Simulated leak ratc; 03 g.p.h.: a 0.1 g.p,h; 1:1 0.2 ¡,p,h. o Y~'S a No· Were all LLDs confirmed operational and accurate withìn regulatory requircments? DYes o No· Was the testing apparar.us properly calibrated? o Y..:s o No· For mechanical LLDs, does dIe LLD resn-ict ,product flow jf it detects a leak? a N/A o Yo;S o No· For eJectronic LLDs, does the turblne automatically shut off if the LLD detects a leak? \ 0 N/A o '{~s D No· For elecn-onic LLDs, does tho turbine automatically shut off jf any portion of the monitor~ system is disabkd o N/A Ot' åisconnected? -~ Yes (J No· For electronic U.Ds, does th~ tLlrbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system maltùnctiol1S u D N/A 01' fails a test? 0 Yes o Nl~" for elecrronic LLDs, have all accessible wiring cOMections been visuaJly inspected? o N/A o Yr:s D No· Were aU items on the equipment manufacturer's maintenance checklist completed? '\I ;. In cb~ Section H, below, describe how 8Jtd when these d.etic:lenele$ were or will be corrè(:ted. H. Ü.HUments: _.___..__.M_...·.·· --- .---.... _.~--,_.. ---....... -..---.--.--. .... ...--......... .-...-....---.. _...~-- ____0_ ,....--.. --_. Page 3 ofJ 113/0 I 't ~- 10/18/2004 10:21 66139213621 PAGE 135/139 Mtl1\ito1"Ïng System Certification UST lVlonitoring Site Plan Si¡çA..idress:__'fJ-O_.--2'1rH .IT ~/~,¡ë~4?- c~ 9J..Y/ '~ . ( - . ~ . ¿"~ V· ;J' - r" ' . l... ò1 J ~. ~: [t:f : .~ '1' '5' ."'). rJl .' JÞ.1 f~:d-: 1 . -;-- Date map was drawn: _/1:2/ 1/ / d Instructions 1i )Üll a]rèi:1dy have a dingram that shows all required informacion, you may include it, rather than this page, with yom' Monilori.og Sy:.'tem Certification. 01' your site plan, show tl\e general layout of tanks and piping. Clearly identify h)~;lrio)ns of th~ following equipment. if installed: monitoring system control panels; senSOrs monitoring tAnk amnular sp~l\:es, sumps, dispenser pans, spill cOl1tainers, 01' other secondary containment areas; mechanical or electronic line !ea.k. deœ..:tQI'~; and in-mnk .Iiquid level probes (it used for leak detection), In the $pace provided, note the date thi.s Site Pl~J\ \-hlS prep¡ ' 'dd, Pag.e .....!f.... of ~ O5lU1t