HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION FIRE CHIEF ,;;:;00i FRA,L= ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 852-2170 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 852-2170 PREVENTION SERVICES fiRE SAfETY SERVICES' ENVIRONMENTAl SERVICES 900 Truxtun Ave.. Suite 210 Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 852-2171 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 852-2172 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave, Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 ~-- -:. (;ðO ç,Tt;- September 30, 2004 Ms. Jenny Hannah, Director Facilities and Property Management Kern County Superintendent of Schools 1300 17th Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Completion of Heavy Metal Impacted Soil Removal 600 24th Street in Bakersfield, CA Dear Ms. Hannah, This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the disposal documentation and EPA ill profile associated with the contaminated soil removal. Based upon the information provided, this department has determined that appropriate response actions have been completed, that acceptable remediation practices were implemented, and that, at this time, no further investigation, remedial or removal action or monitoring is required at the above stated address. Nothing in this determination shall constitute or be construed as a satisfaction or release from liability for any conditions or claims arising as a result of past, current, or future operations at this location. Nothing in this determination is intended or shall be construed to limit the rights of any parties with respect to claims arising out of or relating to deposit or disposal at any other location of substances removed from the site. Nothing in this determination is intended 'or shall be construed to limit or precl ude the Regional Water Quality Control Board or any other agency from taking any further enforcement actions. This letter does not relieve the property owner of any responsibilities mandated under the California Health and Safety Code and California Water Code if existing, additional, or previously unidentified contamination at the site causes or threatens to cause pollution or nuisance or is found to pose a threat to public health or water quality. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (661) 326-3979. Sincerely, RALPH E. HUEY, Director of Prevention Services ~{U~-b- By: Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Registered Geologist No. 7239 Office of Environmental Services attachment: EP A ill Profile "()9;;/rIlÙ~r¡ tl/(/ YF~I-IJIlIIINldJf [ìPO'jI of/of(/ r;i/'I/(ul r:r;( ýf;/JltIlJ~1 " s Terry Tamminen Agency Secretary California Environmental Protection Agency Edwin F. Lowry, Director 1001 I Street, P.O, Box 806 Sacramento, California 95812-0806 Department of Toxic Substances Control Arnold Schwarzenegger Governor EPA ID PROFILE ID Number: CAR000064469 Name: KERN COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Status: INACTIVE KERN Inactive Date: 06/30/2002 Record Entered: 04/24/2000 SIC Last Updated: 10/08/2002 C NAICS OUnIv: : 6114 : Name Address City State Zip Code Phone Location KERN COUNTY 603 24TH ST BAKERSFIELD CA 933010000 SUPERINTENDENT OF o:::rl-lnnl 0::: 1300 17TH ST BAKERSFIELD Mailing CA 933014533 Owner KERN COUNTY 1300 17TH ST BAKERSFIELD CA 933090000. 6616364000 SUPERINDENT SCHOOL Operatorl JENNY HANNAH- 1300 17TH ST BAKERSFIELD CA 933090000 6616364700 Contact DIRECTOR Based ONLY upon ID Number CAR000064469 Calif. Manifests? Non Calif. Manifests? TransDorter Reaistration ? YES NO NO California and Non California Manifest Tonnage Total and Waste Code by Year Matrix by Entity Type (if available) are on the next page The Oepartmenl of Toxics Substances Conlml (OTSC) takes every precaution to ensure the accuracy of data in the Hazardous Waste Tracking System (HWTS), However, because of the large number of manifests handled. inaccuracies in Ihe submitted data. limitations of the manifest system and the technical limitations of the database, OTSC cannot guarantee that the data accurately reflect what was actually transported or produced, Report Generation Date: 09/29/2004 California Waste Code By Year Matrix ID Number: Calif. Code Description CAR000064469 GENERATOR Weight ( in Tons) Ship Years Entity Type: CONTAMINATED SOILS FROM SITE CLEAN-UP --.. --- __1____2o~~ ___~1~_-~003 --! I 2.4500 ! -- ----------1 I i I I I I I I 1-----; ¡ I ¡ 10._ "I 0.7500 ,--- i : 1181 I OTHER INORGANIC SOLID i WASTE ¡LJ 352 i OTHER ORGANIC SOLIDS 611 69.0000 Grand Total 72.2000 10.0000 - - _- ~ IElmN \C<CJ{ J j\I 1nf ${ J II"IEIÆDIM"IJ'IEIMIDJIEIM"IJ' lQ)1F $\CIX!lQ)lQ)1!.$ - Larry E: Reider, Superintendent 1300 17th Street _ CITY CENTRE, Bakersfield, CA 9330.1 -4533 JENNY HANNAH Director -Facilities and-Property Management Services SUPPORT SERVICES 1661) 636-4700 . FAX 1661) 636-4597 jehannah@kernorg http://www_kernorg (Ð . . . ~lIdI"Clté!l\tll!$ l1cu clhliDduen fiRE CHIEF ROi'J FR,Ä.ZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 852-2170 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 852-2170 PREVENTION SERVICES filE SAfETY SERVICES' ENVlIONMENTAl SERVICES 900 Truxtun Ave.. Suite 210 Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 852-2171 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 852-2172 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave, Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 September 30, 2004 Ms. Jenny Hannah, Director Facilities and Property Management Kern County Superintendent of Schools 1300 17th Street Bakersfield, CA 9330 I RE: Completion of Heavy Metal Impacted Soil Removal 603 24th Street in Bakersfield, CA Dear Ms. Hannah, This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the disposal documentation and EP A ill profile associated with the contaminated soil removal. Based upon the information provided, this department has determined that appropriate response actions have been completed, that acceptable remediation practices were implemented, and that, at this time, no further investigation, remedial or removal action or monitoring is required at the above stated address. Nothing in this determination shall constitute or be construed as a satisfaction or release from liability for any conditions or claims arising as a result of past, current, or future operations at this location. Nothing in this determination is intended or shall be construed to limit the rights of any parties with respect to claims arising out of or relating to deposit or disposal at any other location of substances removed from the site. Nothing in this determination is intended or shall be construed to limit or preclude the Regional Water Quality Control Board or any other agency from taking any further enforcement actions. This letter does not relieve the property owner of any responsibilities mandated under the California Health and Safety Code and California Water Code if existing, additional, or previously unidentified contamination at the site causes or threatens to cause pollution or nuisance or is found to pose a threat to public health or water quality. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (661) 326-3979. Sincerely, RALPH E. HUEY, Director of Prevention Services ~(<f;6U~~ By: Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Registered Geologist No. 7239 Office of Environmental Services attachment: EP A ill Profile {{cf1/,.~'IÙI/II//(J Yfr)'I/lIIIII,m.'ly (ì'-j'1(!)t nit) n' r'"1ha/l r¿ÇX'1 Y!?rhJlål /C}/ 1/ a Terry Tamminen Agency Secretary California Environmental Protection Agency Edwin F, Lowry, Director 1001 I Street, P.O. Box 806 Sacramento, California 95812-0806 Department of Toxic Substances Control Arnold Schwarzenegger Governor EPA ID PROFILE ID Number: CAR000064469 Name: KERN COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Status: INACTIVE KERN Inactive Date: 06/30/2002 Record Entered: 04/24/2000 Last Updated: 10/08/2002 C ountv: NAICS: 6114 SIC: Name Address City State Zip Code Phone Location KERN COUNTY 603 24TH ST BAKERSFIELD CA 933010000 SUPERINTENDENT OF C::~I-I(")("'\IC:: 1300 17TH ST BAKERSFIELD Mailing CA 933014533 Owner KERN COUNTY 1300 17TH ST BAKERSFIELD CA 933090000 6616364000 SUPERINDENT SCHOOL Operator/ JENNY HANNAH- 1300 17TH ST BAKERSFIELD CA 933090000 6616364700 Contact DIRECTOR Based ONLY upon ID Number CAR000064469 Calif. Manifests? Non Calif. Manifests? TransDorter Reaistration ? YES NO NO California and Non California Manifest Tonnage Total and Waste Code by Year Matrix by Entity Type (if available) are on the next page The Department of Toxics Substances Control (DTSC) takes every precaution to ensure the accuracy of data in the Hazardous Waste Tracking System (HWTS), However, because of the large number of manifests handled, inaccuracies in the submitted data, limitations of the manifest system and the technical limitations of the database, DTSC cannot guarantee that the data accurately reflect what was actually transported or produced, Report Generation Date: 09/29/2004 California Waste Code By Year Matrix Calif. CAR000064469 GENERATOR Weight ( in Tons) Ship Years ID Number: Entity Type: Code Description 2000 2003 181 OTHER INORGANIC SOLID 2,4500 WASTE 352 OTHER ORGANIC SOLIDS 0.7500 611 CONTAMINATED SOILS FROM 69.0000 10.0000 SITE CLEAN-UP Grand Total 72.2000 10.0000 MAYi~8-2003 11:50AM FROM-SOilS ENGINEERING - U~~~ ~~:~US ~ t¡ ;~~ i..,aM --,"~"'''O I 3. Gonorolor'. Nomo and Maili"1J Ad~. ..1 .-.L ~ r k.~\""A1 Co4.t"\ S"1.«'pe.'I,.i~61G{f"'" cr.....c::¿CðO\,j 11 c:J() ,:¡"'Tþt ~t, ("ft.t ~(c~ ,lit t:~~A',nd , C,+ 4. Gonero,or'sPñonor66/1 636-4'::f00 9$3"( 5, Transpartar 1 Coml!."")' No"", l"J.fJ 13lJí.l;~I'yS"(,~ L o '4" II) 1'-. N It') en o Q .~ ..... ð ..£ Ž a:: o ...... .=:ï < U z :ï: .... ~ G .~ E o N ~ E '<I' R ~ A g T 9 0 R 0.:: w .... Z w U ~ V') Z o ~ Ul UJ "'" 16, GeNERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I ~ rebt cleclare ff,al,he conl.nl. oJ rhi. ~OMl9nmen' oroll/lt)' ond occ,,"arolt de,cribed ob".., by prop.r .hiPr;n~ nOm. and ora cl.",,¡f¡.d. pock.d, marked. on<llabcl"¡, ond arc in oil ,e~c" in propor cand;lion lor lran.po,I br high",a, occordin\}10 oppl;cobl. inlernalionol onoJ "",:ono govor.",onl regulollon., ,/ III om a large tloonlil)' ~noraror. flily Ihol IlIovo a progro", in place 10 reduco III. vo~. ond ro.i~ity <>1 waslc gcn.ral..d 10 Ihe d.gr.... I have delerminod 10 b. cconomiccllr p'acrlcabl. and 'nal I hav.. .uleeled Ih racticabt.. m"lhod 01 I,oalmenl, storag., or d" 1;01 e"rron~)' a"ailOble 10 mO which minimile! Ih. pr.....nl and I.'.rc !hro,,' 10 human h.oilh and Ih.. ..nvironlll.nl, OR, if I am a sma quonlity (¡An.,o,or, I ha.. mad.. 0 (J~d r' .Flart Ia..mini",i;¡:o mt ...a!t. g.n..'alio~ and seledlh. be,! "0,10 ",gnagam..n' melh06 Ihol 11 avoilobla '0 me and Ihall (on ollord. \. '0 _ 6, US ¡¡PA ID NUlllber 7, Transport...:z Company Name 9, k~;ï~:;;itsfi:FeiÛI,1.J' ?~ZS"I ole( lk,,"'ltfLl!d.! k~tH(.A4", C';' 2 11, US DOT DaKription (includ;"'9 P,oper Shipping Nom... HOlotd çIa.., and ID Numb.,) D, NOIJ' ReF-A /fA. ~Æfé?[j t!Jr,lJ' V...lA-..s;-e... ""c. ,: L ~ ¡~..... ¡"l.f.é... ~!.. J ( t:(. b. C. d, :;¡; z o .... <C Z uJ :J: f- J, Addilional oasc,;ptõo7' lor Malerial~ lil..d Aba,,! (-it fÒ>.ô sri )~~ -99'II¡'n/~ð (if:/) (6 (IJIV4Z '/Ii-~'1 ~ô'" t 5, Spacial Hcndl,nlll""'u~I;Qn' cnd Additio Ilnlot'mol;O" f 1Ì1.£'; 'e ,;It¡1 k. Ii r: / i ,£8 j-.}/1 ß ¡'¡v '9 (7 I ~ I -' ..... « u -' .... ¡¡: \J) 0.: o >- u Z IoI.l Ö IX ~ UJ ~"i \ ..\ ~..-,: _......,~ ,,' e S. l':' ,~ f'..... 1 ¡, T,cn! or,cr 1 AaknD..I.d cmcnl 01 Re.~i r 01 MOI.,iol. p,:ntQd/T~pod Nc,"u :1,..', I' lle ! K A M $ r o R T ( R u... o µ.J VJ « u 6 f A C I l J T Y 19. D;screpancy 1I\<I;eol;"" Spoco 661-831-2111 T-978 P,002/002 F-294 i. nol ...q .ir..d b)' FHAr..! ¡a... ?2002651, It SlIM GtlMlrala<" 10 [I, TIQ"spo<1...·. phon. ~f I '3 9]¡(-/ E. Slale T,ar..part.lr'lltl ~,) 13, TorQI auanri~ 1.4, u"a WI/Vol I. Wosle Number 5'0'" 6' I¡PAlOth"r T Stale EPA/Olher SIDle fPA/Olher Slot.. EPA/Othor '\, \ K, Hondlin~ Çad.., lor Wa,"'s lhled Abooe a, b ð ~'") c, d / \. ~,..:..;....~ -...... "I'D~' ~ 00) T cc' 1:503 DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE. DTSÇ 80.2A 11/991 EPA 870Q-2<1 . ..... ':. , ' :.' ..... .:". ..?' . . i1, 1~ ~UUJ 11:2U FA~ 53~ J~~ ~lU~ ~ar jli~ ~~K\lL~ ~vv.) C 11 . m j, c .. ~ ~ $ ~. M ~ II. ~ g . m . II. C. I II. C/ l~." ?~i~~.d 0:!¡3!~3 c ¡ . E KAT 0 R . 5 W Ä S T E PRO' 1 L! 5 H ¡ ¡ T Profile IÞ !Hl U1W. 1 _I Check ~~C:: ~~~hi' f8 ;) R.c.rtification LCCAI'ICIr OF ORIQImL Iœ'r'1'IÐQN HILLS FACILITY' ~ rNf'ORM1\TICN Ccr.a:.al:.or Ifamq:. TŒRN Cctn4T't SotCOI. D!$TRIcr Geue:a~or ~PA rD: CAROOOO'44;9 Genera~o'J;' 4\ddru : 1j0J 24n1 S't B;i.lling Add:ess: U SiUII8 SOILS L'lGINS!IUNC nrc 4401) ~ WAY aAXARSPIstD CÄ 93301-410' I. Technic;)l Con~=~/l'hone: BOB 1UICXD. .. Al..~e=cc Conc;)cl:/phone: 651/931-S100 1WCSRS1"IELD CA '3313-2019 661/831-5100 Billing Con~acc/5'honc: ~OS BEClŒR 'RC?ZRI'IES AND COMPOSITICN ;. PrOC333 Gènerecing Haste: FORMER PCUNDRY SITS ;. Wute llðlllol SOIL c:0N'17IMIN'\'l"ED "IN ÞŒ'I'1.I. SLAC (1IICN ilCRA1 71\. Is this II USi:PA hazard.cuJ!! 'IIUU ItO en 1'11.%'1: 2611? Yes C) 1\10 (!.J B. Idc:]I~ ,fy l\LI. œ8PA li.st:.ed and characl:.6riseic vas~. t:o~ bt4Il :U'1:'3 (D.F.X.P,t1): Stat.c w..l:a Codes: 511 . L PhY!lical S-c..!:e iii 70F: A. Scl.i.d(!) Liquic!(_1 Bochl_1 &3(_1 D. Singl~ t=.~ (!) HUlcilayn I_I C. Frea lie¡. rang-e --'! ~c --'!t 3}\. pH: nange 5.0 ~o !>.O or Not. appliC.¡>b1.. '_'" B. Sewng Ode::- CI ¡dÐsc;ibe l~.Liquid Plaeh Point. < 7JF '_I 73-99F 1_) 100-~39? 1_) ~40-199F I_I >= 20CF (_I ~.A. (!I Closed CUp '!I Open Cup (_I 11. ~CAL COHPOSITIO~. C=as~it.uen-cs List. ALL cc=l:i~uellts (incl. b.:.1ogena.ced org,, 'I~=" PJ::!sent. in a..-r¡ cQt1cent:r:!.ld.on a::1d io::vard an¡¡lY3i~ Range Unit. Descripl:.icn AitS2YIC 9S t.o 99 \' to 1 t.o 5 % 0 ~o 1 t co 75 MG!XG to 57 K;!1{G S=e a~uch2 105.000000 son. m::3R.IS ME'i'AL SLAC MOISTtIRE ~ItJH TOTAL COMPOSITION (MUST BQt.J1<L OR XXC:ED lOO~J . 12. OT"..æR.: PCBs if yes, ccnce:nl:.radon _ ppm, PCds regulal:.ed by 40 CPR 7lil I_I. Pyrophoric CI 8x::Ilo3iv=: I R<ldio,..ctlve CI Scn:¡:o:nEI H yes, COT'c=~raÙon _ ppm. ms-,¡¡>,p (1!1 Shock Sen:¡iHv>: I_I ~¢izer cï Carcinogr.:n '-I Infecd0U3 '-I Ot.'\er 13. If ""st.. $ubjecc to 1:be bnd ban ¡. mec:-cs t:reat.lII6nc s~anda..~, check hE!::-e: .: , supply ;m;:I).yr.i~l re~ulc3 where applicable. SH¡PPTh"G INl"Clt."1i\I'IOtl 14. PACKÞßING, Bulk Solid {~ 'B\.Llk Liquid U Drum '_I IjIpe/Siz<:', 't'ONS Ocher 15. A.,'q!'Icr.....-:=;D ~ VOLtJM3: 10 t'nir.3' TeNS Shipping Fre~e.'lCY' ~ TDŒ SA."Ii'LI.~ DlFOR.JoO\TION 16~. Sample source (drum. lagoon. pend. t.ar~. vae, et:c.I' SaIÇle T:acking Nur.IOOr. 4.962053 [:..t:.. SAlllpled: SâB~ler'8 N:me/Ccœpany: 16b. Generac:or' s ~.,n~ Supervising Slitapl1.ng: 17. (_I ~o sampl~ rcquir~d (See L~crucI:.1cns. G~TCR' S CZII.'rIFICATION r I:Wreby ce=eify ~b.:.~ 611 in!cmNJt:ion subn:.tc:~d in ~~i.!: and all al:.l:.ached c!ccUØlèot1t.s con::aiI:s cruc :r,d A==4~e I!escrip~ior.B of chi" wa::~&!I. My umpl<:' :J\Ibmi~ted is rçoIr..::~tac:1vEl as doafin..d .iD. ""0 Cl"1t 3Õl - ~Pi)cndix I or by usir.g a..'1 equivalCJ\~ me!:.1\(:d. All relevanc info:maeiQn r=g~ kPown 0: suspececd ~Z4r~ in the p08S~3,iQn of I:.ne geQe~ac:cr has been di~cloGed. I authorize CXM C:O cbt~in a ðample f~om GnY wasce shi~m~~ tor pu-~oses of rec~l:irlcation. 9\~"~~ on or1Qinal Ðro!il. Bn751' Sign.;a!;;u:E'o 1WI1Ü'l' B.£:::Jæa JI( ~ ~ xc.sos !IIeme ar.d Ti~lq: ¡'Û16/02 Ðaceo ~'-. ~tn~.d 01/13/03 ( K1iF 5 lTE 5ER"~ 1 C1:; (' :l:1-l¡20lJJ 11:20 F.U 559 J3ô 6109 , ·~a REMICAt. cauosrrlOlf: L... ~i.cna~ conat:h\a~ ~ inDlude4 012. page :\ of W ...~. hDfUc :ona~1~ullAt:. . r ~ tr&ût: Ðacr1pt1on imCMI'CM HP.CMIUH :os.u.T ~i'PER :OPPI& ~ o!I5Ra:RY 'IOLYBDEVCM 'IC'!ŒL 'I CIŒ1.. 'AMDIt:K ~ IN'C . to nooo MJ/I<O to 0,11 telL TC co '40 HG/KO co 18000 MG/1<G to 3S w:öIL TC t.o 31 HG/~ to a.St K;/xtJ to Hoa MO/KC to 5]000 a«;/1(G t:.o '3 KilL TC to' 24, MG/ItG - 1:0 U a J«1!1CG ~vvu i'rot1J.e ,. l5!iIRWl . .' 1.' U . ;:Uli.3 l1::!O F:\,,"{ 559 3·':)6 tHO~ KHF SITE SEH'';¡;;f: '6!.1 uu I ( ( J3.':.d ¡>:~~t.d 2J.L"'3/0.~ ~5, ~~~ i. n Non~=~.vat.r. ~:Ue , æ !!ZW. ~g. If t~8 va.~e ~, šUbjacc co ar.y Ca11fo~la list ~.s~ict10na eDcar ~A letter from below (e1cher A or B.1) na~ ~o oac.'1 rascr1::c.ion clu.c !" .~ppU.c4bla: _ HOes. _ P::R1I. _ Ac:ic\. _ Met,d.., _ cyanide" ;:0, Ide:1~ify ALto CÞõ>....'1c~u'iac.lc &nd Listed USe?Ä M=..=~ vA.!:~. ~umb_s c.bAt &¡lply (as 4aJ:1neà 1)y ~o CPR 2'1.). Per ..ä "4JJ~.. nu"'¡"cr, i¿e.."\~il:y I:l:I.a subcatøs:¡ry 10:1'1 "pplic~lI!I. c.'1ac::lt :DOne, or vrica in the 4eacr1pt1óa from 40 c:l'lt :a58.41, :au.·n. u:d 269.131. . ¡;ö:S :::RIp¡:' I eN I Ie: APPL;rom.¡ 'l'QU'l142!n' I S'l'AmWIDS I I SPBCD'mD I PBRPOR.~- I 'l'BCRl'ICLCGY. I BARD: I It applicable I c::!1cck "'3 i:lPI?lic:l1:l1e I ent= the 4Q CFR 2U. 42 I I table 1 trea=ent code (al INCNEI:36B.4J.(a) 1158.431...1' 268.42 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -r- I I I 1 I I I I I I I f I I I I I I I I D. HOW MUST 1'Im1 WAS'1'B U I~? I IEnte: lette:r: r CrOl1l bel.", I I I A. US S?A I I I ~CUS I I REF I WA.S'l'S c::t:E ($) I I I I I # I I I I I I r I I I I I 1! I 21 I 31 I 41 t 51 ( 6 ¡ . S'CI3O\TSGOR'! ¡n~er ~A sUbcategory deao...iption. I~ net A¡::plie:l1:l1... ~imply check none I· 7 8 9 10 L I I~ I I ~~emen~ under che land disposó:ll .er.:=ie~i~: A. RES'I'RIC'1'ED wi\3·tBREQü1RES Ti.V.'IMEN1" B . J. RES'I'RIc:n:c IfASTIi '!'RE)\TF.C TO 263.4 0 S'!'~S B. J GeOD FAIT'.. AmLYl'rc:AL CERTIPICATION p~ INCINEAATEt) 01lßAN'tCS ¡ . 4 m¡:æ,"'lL-.cTERIZIID iÇ\S'l':! R.::CUIDS næ;>,'J:'IoIE:,'QT FOR tJHCS B.S RESn.:C'l'iD WAS'mS 'nSA,n;¡) TO AL'l'ERlIIA1B SOIL STANDAAD B.6 RESTiUCTitl WA.,<;'1:2S ~n:D TO AL'I'XR..v.n:: DEBRIS ~ C. R.EST1Ut"l'BD WAS'I'2 SCBJEcr TO A VA.'UAl'IC!: D. RSS'!'RIcn:D WAST!! CA.'! 98 LlIm) DISPOSED WI'I1!CtJT IiiJRTmm DSA'IM!011' E. NO!' ~y SCB~cr 1"0 LAND DIS~O$.AL T(OlSTRIC'UONS 2~. Ia ~~ .~~é S ao¡l or debris? ~o: '{03. son, ~ YC3, D<::b.i~, _ 22. Specific Gr~vi~y ~~e: _____ to _____ 23. I=dica~~ ~e r~é or each: Imica cyanides: None t::l cyan.id9S: lIIon9 1:" Sul!'idc$. Nnnt! co Option.lI::' Pher.ol.1.c9 : - N':1n9 co Type (Ere.e. ~ol:.s.l. ~m"'.n.'iblc. ..:0.1 Type (Ereé. ~o~:!l. amenàblc. e:=.) 'rype 24. ¡den~.1.!y ~~ VA~~~ color 5~ , DOT pÞy,ic~l ~~~~.. Solid ar.d phy8ical app<::~~~nc. SOI~ 11 U" 2003 11: 20 F.U 559 J36 6109 KHF SITE SER\1CE ~ """ ( ( Protile ø. - mum :2 ~~ced 01~13/03 25, CCHPIJr::Z ONLY 1'OR. WJ.STBS ~ 1'01' PU!:LS 01t INCDlUATlœI 24. Uc::t..N!ATIOlIf. J't/ZLS en' 'tNCINiMTIOlt 1'NWII"lUS (i'rov1d8 1t 1nto:'lll&dcn U ..--1b.bl.) Tcmu. 1WIGa Be:yllium 4:) 51.. ppm A. H.~~ Value I~~u/lb!: -- E'ocil33ium iI. ( ppII iii. Wil~erl sodium as ilia ppm C. Viacoa1ty 1~1: _a_v _ 100 P _ lSC 1! Bromine as 51= , D. 1\sh. , 0110rine \23 Cl t e, Settleable solids: 'I: 1"1uori:1e u P t P. vapor Pressu.:!I r¡ ST;> (_/iig]; , I I I I I I ---t- I I H. can ~is W~$~~ be ncaced to improve flow? Ye~ _ No _ sulfur as S G. Is this wut.. a V':mpAbl-.: liquid? Yes _ No _ I. !s this vaste soluble in. va~dr? Yes No .:J ,. panicle lizlII: Will thð aolJ.c! parclan of this va.st:e pl!l.G:r ~ . l/e inch screeD? y",= No . 7. 'mANSPORT;\TION DlJ?CRM1U'ICN A. Is this a DOT 'It,u:.udou4 "'.a~lIIria1? ~e8 ~ No B. ?r;?er Shippi~g ~~me. . . . . . . . . .. RO. ENVIRONMEN't'JIJ,L't HAZARDOUS stJBS'I'A..'lCES, SOLID. Ii .O.S :nd Addition~l Dcscription i~ r=quired: INICKELI [SOIL CONT~!lOATBD WI'I"d METAL SLAG) c. DOT f!.egulations: L"nited JIIations lia~ard Class, L- Mise.Hazardous Mat:'l I.D. ~ Packing Group: !!! o. CSRCLA Reportable Quandty IRQ) and unit:s (Lb. Kg): 100 Lb B. Non-E!Ulkcodi: ;U¿ Bulk code <!4C F. Spcciwl ~rcv~sion3!-- ~ N20 -- G. Labels &equir~d ~S 9 A. IS t:his a DOT Hazardous Material? 'tes No ð 11. Propè!r Shipping Name. . . . . . . . . .: NON R.C!I.J\ ~oc.c; WÄS'rE SOLID and Mdi~iQnal De!:c.:-ipt.ion it requi.red. (SOIL ~ WITH M.E:1'AL SLAG! C, DOT Regulat:ioDs: Uazard claas: .!!.2.- Ifon-R..!qulated lobe. I.O. packing G=p, _ D. CImc:tA &epo:r~.wle Qwi::.t:..i!:y (RQI 4..~.d. uni!:.,!; ILb. Kg): 2. bron-Bulk coda Bulk code P. Spec:i...l Prav;3;(m:ll _ ----- a. ~l: l RçquiT~ð )1/1~/2003 11:20 F.~ 559 336 61Q9 KHF SITE SERVICE ~v"... , ( ( Prc~il!! 3 SIt aw..a ~6~. Pr~cc.d 01/~3/0) 28. SPSCXJ't,; ~'tOLINO INrOJW.TIOR _ Macerial ~fecy Da~a Sheet. A~~achcð 29. 0'I1iD I1Q'OIQ4A1'XOtl ~TC1\ SC'PPLIr:tJ IIIOL'l!'nCAL ArrACHBD "/a002 THIS 1Ð\S"I1: IS A ¡œsm.T OF A ~ UP ACnOl'f AND ~IPI!S FOIl lU!tIOCSD C" BOil' 'l'AX. 30. aœMICAI. IQSTZ ~ CSRTIPXCU'!OII ,ø.-__ __ Chelúcal wùte Mana.~=~. Ice:. has all Ù1It nraCCSH'rY permit:$ and'l1C:ensu tor I:~ wasl:e thaI: bas been charac:t.erized azul idCT1ciUec! by t.hl:a approved profile. . 'w' 1.' U' 2UO,) 11: 20 F.H 559 J3ô 6109 ~ ~ c:œISTI'ItJ!:N'!'S In4ic:a~. It chi w..u c:ont:aina ar.y of c:ho fo1.lovi"l '. J , TC:LP In:!onlo2c:l.on. I Cbcc:1c nnly om: tor each con.c:1tucnc: tI. t 11 I'¡qu~l I or lIIuta Moro No . ;ð~. r=~~ccd el~3/0J J" I4Wl'ALS \ I I I I Arsenic as As I I narium as Sa [ I CaM1UD1 all cd I I I O:I..-omiUIII tot Cr I ' X I I ILeac! as Pb I X I I I Mercu:y 11." Rq I X I I $<:lo"i_ a::; So I X I ¡SilvçT OS Aq I X I I Nickel as Jfi I I 'nIa:loliwn as Tl I Ch=miwn il_ I Mdmonv I I iI=vllium I I Cop )cr I I Var.adiwn I Izinc I I I I I I I I I I I I I , i I t I ( La.. 'I'h~r1 x Jt X KHF SITE SERVICE ( TCLP ca~. I I I Calitornla Lilt , I I 12~1 ILeIl' 2aq\llated - or I Than I LIIWI I MOre I see mq/l I I I I '00 rrrq/1 I I Actu.:ll TeA or TO'rAL u.. uniUI ppIII. 1D J/1. mg/kg , RGaDç TCLP ktua1 500 _11 20 IMII 100 mer/l 134 .,/1 130 ~/l I 500 œq/l I -I I I r I I I I I , 1 1 I I I I I I ~UJ.U P:ozu. 4 Sit IWU. I l J I I I I I I I I I I 5.0 1IIqQ¡ . 1:)1)04 100.0 mcr/f .ccOS 1.0 mQ/l Dood 5.0 mq/l C007 5.0 mq/l Dooe I .2 1M/I I DC09 I 1.0 IMll 1 I DOlO I I 5.0 IMII I I DOll I l --- I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I~ I I I I , I I I I I I , 'P' l. ' u ;! u u .:. . ;. :.~_/ :l..~ 5 ,)~ J j ô ô 1 U :; 1-:''1. .j i n:: Sc.K \ 1 (, r. ~v.. y. ( P:01!U. t !!!t B21U. 1";'; i'r;'::'c:ed :).\/.~ '!.l! , ' !, ~ ~"'þoljS OOlSTITtr.N'l'S Imh.c::st. if çh. ,.U1:. con~.ur" my ot the ':ol!.oving. I T:::t.P :tn~0ØI&~1on: I ~~~a I TO OJ: 'rO'l'J\L I I ~~~ v ONZ to: uch cC)n l~11:\1en1: I IUs. units: ppm. mg/l or 'I I I~"li I 'tCLP iV'.alytlL'"d I ,I tAlss I Regula~ed I o~ 1 Wa.st:e I Tut: R..ul~s I I ':'han I Lavel IMere I No. I u.. units. ~ 0::' mer/l I I I I I I x I 0.5 mq/l , I DOli I I I I I x 0.5 mq/l I I DOU I I I I J( 0.03 mer/l I I 0040 I I I I X 100.0 IIICI/I I , DOn I I I I X '.0 mcr/l , I DO:l2 I I I I X 20:1 mq/l I ¡ D024 I I I I x 200.0 rrrq/l ) , D02] 1 I I I I x :zoo.o mer/l , I D025 I I I I I J x 200.0 rrr:r/I I I D02S I I I r- 1 I - X 10.0 mIl I D016 I I I I , X 7.S mq/l I DO~7 I I I I I X 0.5 m::r/I I D02!! 1 1 I I I X 0.7 mq/l I D02' I I I I I X 0.13 :W:;/l I D030 I I I I I X .:13 mq/I I Don I I I I I X 0.009 mer{1 I Don I I , 1 I )C 0,$ mt:r/1 I D033 I I I I 1 X 0.13 mer/I I DOJ2 I I I I I x 3.0 mq/l I 1)034 I I I I I ;( 0,4. trf:i/1 I DOU I , I / L I x 10.0 mq/l D011 I I I I X 200.0 mer/l DOJ5 , I I I x 2.0 mq(~ DOJ' I I I I X 100.0 rrq/I D037 I I I I X 5.0 rrr:r/l DOJa I I I I X 0.7 rrr:r/l D039 I I I I X n.; tIY1/1 DOl; I I I I X 1..0 mq/l 0017 I I I I x 0.5 mq/l DO-lO 1 I I I x ""00,0 111"1/1 D041 I I I I ¡( ].0 mq/l D042 I I I I X 0,2 rrq/l DO"] , 1 I I I I I , I , OP.aA.V: ::s e~z=.. Carbo~ T.~:ac~~:idc Chlo::'dn..,e Chl"~en2er.. O-":'orofor.n m-C::esol o-Cr=al o-Cra:!lol C':'esol 2.1-D \.4 Dichlorobenzene 1..Z-D~chloroet:hanc l.'-D~=alo:oe~~vlenc ~.4-Dir~~~o~~1~~c S;:drin He~tilchl..r. "RvcÞ:oxiðe ~=h1o:o-1.3 ~)~.~ene ~c~chlordb~~ene :!~~"'t.>i(..·;_.:..:...:._. .~ L;in&r.e Mc~'=>cycl1lc: MP.~hyl E~'wl 1Ce~on0 ~itrobC11Zc:n<I ?ent:achlorophe~1 Pv=:'c1i.""le Tccr~chlo::'O&thvlene 'I'oxatlhcne 2.o1.5-!'P S:'lvex Tricl1loroet~lcn.. 2.4.S-TrichÌcrophenol 2.&.~-'I'richloroohcnol vinYl Chlo=ide FIRE CHIEF ,~O~·I F~A¿E ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 852-2170 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 852-2170 PREVENTION SERVICES fll£ SAfETY SERVICES' ENVIIONMENTAl SERVICES 900 Truxtun Ave.. Suite 210 Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 852-2171 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 852-2172 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave, Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 July 7,2004 Mr. Bong Un Kang Kang's Arco 1102 34th St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Temporary Closure Extension Re~uest for Three (3) Underground Storage Tanks located at 1102 34t St. in Bakersfield Dear Mr. Kang, Your request for an extension on you temporary closure until November 30, 2004 is hereby granted. If you have any questions regarding this extension, please feel free to call me at (661) 326-3649. Sincerely, RALPH E. HUEY, Director of Prevention Services ¿WqJ~ ~ ( By: Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Registered Geologist No. 7239 Office of Environmental Services Ff~Jt./I';II~7 lite Yf~I'IINllfllltl;¡ r-:Þo.JI Q../(o''jIP 0'/lw'lI OÝ( ~/ftál/)bJf 1/