HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION , -'.- .--'- ~ -- ~Pacific G~' ~d EleCtric (apany April 30, 1993 Page 2 -.~': the construction crew from Griffith Company, to insure that they had not done anything which would cause our explosive meters to reach elevated levels. I was informed that they noticed what they thought was a natural gas leak a week before we detected it and notified someone in a small, blue PG&E truck. The County Waste Management Department will continue to monitor the sewer line and operate the blower until we are released by the County Environmental Health Department. If the cause of the gas in the sewer system is determined to be from your system, this Department will seek reimbursement from PG&E for our costs. If your crews are certain that this leak, which was repaired, did not cause the buildup of gas within our sewer line, we request that you reinvestigate the possibility of an additional leak in the area. The County, as we are sure you are also, is very concerned about explosive levels of gas in the sewer system. If the gas buildup is not from your gas line, the County must talœ all steps to locate the source. From our testing of the manholes, it has been determined to originate within 300 feet of your repair. We look forward to your cooperation and assistance to eliminate any hazards at this location, or your assurance that a hazardous condition does not exist. Sincerely, DAPHNE H. WASHINGTON, Director '..'. ./! #1. ~r·~--/j '". ,;--' V, .- L y: ~ Ies Lacke Special Districts gineer DHW:CAL:nef LS.L20 cc: Steve McCalley, Environmental Health JH, RMA John Raggio, Kern Division Manager Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1918 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 April 30, 1 . ~ ç¿--£2, V. (_ESOURCE NA!:,.E;;- AGElcY;:!: JOEL HEINRICHS, AGENCY DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control Dlltrtct Engln-",g . SUlYey s.mce. Depllrtment Plennlng . Dnelopment &emcee D....rtment Tl'llne"ortetlon MelUltement Depllrtment Wate MelUltement Depllrtment Rp.ad ~ ~f)t¡''vfAJ' ¡J~!f Iv to"r Cf~ /:3(.~j S?SJ. \ :' viAS~E MANAGEMENT DEP(.MENT DAPHNE H. WASHINGTON, Director 2700 toM· STREET. SUITE 500 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Phone: (805) 861-2159 FAX: (805) 325-9882 Gentlemen: .' HAZARDOUS LEVEL GAS ¡,F.AK AT UNION AND TEXAS On April 29th, at approximately 10:30 a.m., our sewer crew was performing inspections of . sewer manholes along Union Avenue. They came to the manhole located on the east side of Union Avenue, at the intersection of Texas. Prior to removing the manhole cover, they tested the manhole for explosive gases. A high level of explosive gases were registered. The crew called this office and a different sampler was sent to the site, which also registered extremely high levels. Additional manholes were checJred in the area to verify that it was a l0Nl1;7.ed problem. When it was determined that it was 1lV".2H7.ed, an air blower was set up in the upstream manhole and vented to a downstream manhole. At that time your office was notified, along with the City's Hazardous Material Crews. Your crew came out and did not detect any gases; however, when the blower was turned off the level quickly increased to an excess of 100% LEL in the manhole. YoUr crew made a repair approximately 50 feet east of the manhole in which the high levels were detected. After the repair was made, the County's crew turned off the blower and the manhole was retested; explosive levels were still detected at that time. We were instructed by the County'.s Environmental Health Depamnent to continue the operation of the blower until the levels subsided to an acceptable level. The County crew continued operation of the blower and, at 7:30 a.m. on April 30th, the levels were at 16% LEL with the blower in operation. The blower was turned off and the levels reached 100% LEL in less than seven minutes. I contacted your office to inquire if your company wanted to have your crew operate a blower or if we should operate a blower and back charge PG&E. Mr. O'Hara, who was unaware of the problem, relayed information he gathered from a Charlie Vorhes (with your company) that the gas detected in the sewer was not from your leak. He further stated that the leak was very minor and was too far away from the manhole. I wish to inform you that we have a sewer line running parallel to your gas line in the area of the leak, approximately eight feet away. I further wish to notify you that yesterday I spoke with ./ PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER . . new procedure, and discovered the elevated gas fumes. They had contacted the PG&E staff person on scene, but he had told them that PG&E had done all that they could do, that the rest was up to them. Char les had' drafted a letter, and was planning to hand deliver it to the supervisor within the PG and E office. 30e Canas told him that he supported their efforts and would assist if needed. On Monday, May 10, 1993; Mike Chapman brought a copy of the letter that Charles Lackey had drafted which had been forwarded to Steve McCalley, to me. I summarized the activities of the previous week, and agreed to contact Charles Lackey to get details on what had happened. Charles Lackey told me that PG&E had repaired another gas line which was leaking into the sewer main. He stated that within 10 minutes of the repair they were able to vent the sewer line, reducing the flammable vapors to 10 percent or less. He stated that they were still monitoring periodically. · ~ ~ EMERGENCY RESPONSE NARRATION Work Order: None assigned/Env. Health did not respond to scene Date of Incident: April 29, 1993 Narration by: Amy E. Green~ Location: Sewer Manhole on Union near Texas St. Responders: Jiake..rJtf~~JÃ-.~t,y Fire Dept. P~JJl~~!§/Roads Maintenance Phone Contact made between: Amy Green, Kern County Environmental Hèalth Dickensheets, Bakersfield City Fire Dept. Contacts: Charles Lackey, Kern County Public Works Narration: On April 29, 1993; Amy E. Green received a call from Dickensheets òf the Bakersfield City Fire Dept. at approximately 6:00 pm. He stated that the Fire Dept. had responded to a gas leak at Union Ave. and Texas Street within the Sewer Pipe at 1:00 pm. He stated that PG&E had responded and sealed a leaking natural gas pipe which had been leaking within the sewer main for a long period of time. After PG&E left County Public Works had began venting the pipe. The fire department stated that they had been venting for at least 3 hours getting gas readings of 9 - 19 percent LEL, with the vent going, and 90 - 100% of the LEL after the vent had been turned off for a 15 minute period. Dickensheets stated that he was concerned about the explosion hazard and could not leave the scene, or call it safe unless the levels of explosive gas had been reduced. I told him that Environmental Health did not commonly respond to gas spills, and discussed an approach to evaluate the scene. We discussed the parties which would be responsible for monitoring and doing any needed repair or clean up and those parties would be Public Works and PG&E. I suggested that both PG&E and Public Works be advised that they would have to either vent, repair damaged lines, or clean up contaminated materials until they could reduce the flammable vapors to 10 percent or less of the LEL, and monitor the pipe line for one hour without the venting, demonstrating that the LEL would remain 10 percent or less. I talked to Charles Lackey the following morning. He stated that his crew had been venting the sewer line all night with no success. As soon as they would turn off the vent the level of flammabie gasses would elevate to 100 percent of theLEL. He came down to the office and discussed the problem with 30e Canas and Myself. Chuck Lackey stated that the Public Works dept had not been in the habit of checking their manways before this event. They had initiated a . ~ .. .7 , ..JAN-26-1996 09: 24 FP.! ~RI,FFITH COMPANY \ ~1/23/ge l7:00 ~B05 3~g 0576 JÀ~-23-96 TUE 16;S4 TO_ -(' BFD HAr. MAT DTV . ZAL.CQ_L.R:eS_lNC. 8625201 P.03 . ~003 "'.1212 ZALca LABORATORIES, INC. Analytical & Consulting Services' 4309 Armour A~a~ue .' . .. .' ., -" _ ." -·~1_:."·- ::,"::. '..--...... -. - ..:-~.:; -,-~ .:.~.;},.:...-~:~--,- (805) 39s.œ39 FAX (G05) 391S-306S Page l of 2 Laboratory No! 61491 Or9anic C~~$titue~~t ~ Pet~ø'êUm Hydrocarbons, mg/kg 75000 Tota1 Organic Halogens, C1. ~g/kg 57 MB1 sa 2.0 Method/RefQrenç~ Sonicator~ 418.1/2 Modified 9020/1 MRL · Minimum Reporting Leve' Method ReferénCes: 1. EPA SW-S45. 1986 3rd Edition 2. EPA 600/4·79~020 March J9S3 . . - "',' - ,-.., ,'. --. :.- .:~:~··...r·,· .. . ....-.,.. JEll b " , ,TOTAL P.03 ,¡ . '. .. ( ... J';.~-.26~199" ~? '..2::' FR,:!!, ~ ~F I TH COMPANY. TO ~ . . BFD ffA7. MAT PlY' ' _ 1_6:59, __ _~80_5 ':'2~ ;",~6 _.. _ __... _ __" _ _ _ . .. ,_ . . . :-q:·1/2.1/j!6 _ _ " " ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. Analytical & Consulting Servicee5 4309 Armour Avenue Sakers1!e1d, CalifomJa 93308 ..1 "P'L ~ ì 862521211 P.ø2 ,... - "" .I. @002 . .......- (805) 3S$QS3S FAX ceosJ 3S5..sOõS f' A- Page 1 of 2 l~borðtory No: 61491 Date Received: 1.18-$6 Date Repo~ted: 1.23R9õ Cfty of Sakersf1e1d 4101 T~uxtYn Ave"Ue Sakersfie1dJ CA 93309 Attgntion: Jerry Classen S~mple: Slack Sø1id (type i) Samp1e Description: Composite Samp1e From Site at 14th.. N streets Samp1ed by Londo Wilkins of Zal~o Laboratories on 1-18-96 CAM · Titte 22 Chapter 3D, Article 11 Total Extract~b1e CQncentration Concentration (TC) mg/kg WET, (EC) mg/l No Free liquid TTlC/STLC Antimony. Sb ~OO/25 Arsenie, As 500/5.0 8arfum. Sa 10000/]00 6ery11ium. Be 75/0.75 Cadmium, Cd 100/1.0 Chromium, Cr 2500/560 Chromium, (VI) 500/5.0 CQbalt, Co SOOO/80 Copper, Cu ZSOO/25 Lead, Pb 1000/5.0 Mercury, Hg 20/0.2 Mo1Ybdenym. Mo 3500/350 Nickel, Hi 2000/Z0 Selenfum, Se 100/1.0 Silver, Ag 500/5.0 Tha1'ium, T1 700/7.0 Vanadium. V Z400/24 Zinc, In 5000/250 < 10 1.6 120 < 0,5 0.5 12 6.0 13 9.9 ( 0,1 < $.0 3S ( O.2S .<: 1.0 < 10 43 61 MRl TC/EC 10/0.2 0.25/0.005 $ . 0;0 .1 0.5/0.01 0.5/0.01 Z.S/O.OS 0.05/0.05 5.0/0.1 2.5/0.05 Z.S/O.OS 0.10/0.002 5.0/0.1 2.5/0.05 0.25/0.005 1.0/0.02 10/0,2 5.0/0.1 2.5/0.05 iTlC · Tot¡l Threshold Lfmit Concentration. ms/kg STLC . Solub1e Threshold Limit Concentration, mg/1 in eÄtratt ~ET . W~$te Extraction Te$t; pH 5.0 Solution, 0.2 M Cittate SuFfer Oeionized water for Chromium (VI), MRl . Minim~m Reporting Level Method/ Reference 6010/1 7061/1 6010/1 "'- 6010/1 ""- 1130/1 ~"" 6010/1 ". 6010/1 6010/1 6010/J 6010/1 7471/1 6010/1 6010/1 7742/1 6010/1 6010/1 6010/1 6010/1 7671 ,') ,) ,) :'\.,. a ~ & ···~"~h."',_, RO CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326·3911 '¡:J: ',,'1 ,Iì. SITE CHARACTERIZATION FOR THE PROPOSED WATTS STREET EXTENSION PREPARED BY: RALPH E HUEY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS COORDINÀTOR f I { CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 2130 G STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 !1~ L E HUEY HAZ MAT COORDINATOR MARCH 15, 1989 ~~©~~W~[Q) MAR 2 4 1989 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH " .)" '. I,J ) :?;, - . , " '~" : ~"í : .-.. " Y' EXTENSION WATTS STREET . SITE CHARACTERIZATION " 'H ) " ) ) e - I:',' i, SITE CHARACTERIZATION ,. FOR THE PROPOSED WATTS STREET EXTENSION BACKGROUND: The full extent of the right of way for the proposed Watts Street Extension will be sixty (60) feet wide. It was decided to ~valuate a ninety (90) foot wide corridor, however, as the area of iriterest. This is intended to take in any possible area that may be utilized during the construction of this proposed roadway, and e~tends forty-five (45) feet on either side of the current property ~'i viding 1 in·e. Preliminary samples had previously been taken from the area and analyzed for heavy metals, oil and grease. These sample fesul ts have shown that on composi te samples of the oily spots visible on the property, some lead contamination was present. Tests were conducted at the surface, one foot and three foot levels. Contamination was found in several of the surface composite samples, but no indication of contamination was found at ~he one or three foot levels. 0. A visual examination of the property revealed ten (10) iignificant discolored oily spots in this area of interest. One tãrge area on the west side of the Morrison Property the other nine (9) spots showing significant discoloration but over much smaller areas. Although there are indications of other small oily spots o~ the property they appeared to be very insignificant and randomly l~cated throughout the entire facility. " " '~ As a result of the preliminary tests and visual observations ~~~eries of seventeen soil tests were obtained from the surface at -, -{~¡ t~is Site on October 3, 1988. ",1"- 'di ;~ 'r TESTING: PHASE I A large discolored area on the West side of the Morrison p'roperty was sampled in three areas. The remaining nine (9 ) ~uestionable areas were sampled on the surface, near the center of the discoloration. Five (5) additional samples were taken from the surface in relatively clear looking soil. The site map showing these sample locations is included as FIGURE I. Samples were obtained by and the analyses completed by B.C. Laboratories (4100 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, Ca. 93308). Samples were analyzed for heavy metais, Hexavalent Chromium and PCB's. The chain of custody, as well as, laboratory results are included as appendix 1. These tests showed five (5) of the discolored areas to contain residual heavy metals above the Total Threshold Limit Concentration (TTLC) regulations criteria. -) J ) - e PAGE 2 WATTS STREET· SITE CHARACTERIZATION The remainder of the surface tests fell below this level. in the five (5) remaining discolored areas as well as all of the clear areas tested. There was no PCB's found in any of the soils sampled. As a result of these tests, the five (5) areas found to exceed the regulatory criteria for heavy metals, as well as, area 8A, (a randomly selected discolored areas that tested below the regulatory criteria) were retested. This second series of tests were obtained on October 20, 1988 in order to define the extent of the heavy metal contamination. TESTING PHASE II The areas originally tested as lA, 8A, 9A, 13A, 14A and 15A were resampled at the edge of the discoloration and at between 12 and 20 inches deep near the original surface sample location. At location lA, the discoloration continued to a depth of 18 inches, the sample was then taken at 20 inches. The remaining five (5) locations were sampled at a depth of 12 inches. FIGURE 2 shows a composite site map showing both the original sample locations and the October 20, 1988 sample locations. These samples were tested for lead and zinc. Samples were obtained and analysis completed by BC Laboratories. Appendix 2 includes the chain of custody as well as the laboratory results for this series of tests. . Sample 11B, which was taken 6 feet west of the original sample 13A still showed lead and levels above the regulatory criteria. This sample was removed near the edge of the discolored area but still contained a considerable amount of discolored soil. Two addi tional samples identified as ID and 2D were subsequently removed 7 feet on either side North and South of the original 13A Sample. These two (2) results, as well as twelve (12) of the fourteen (14) tests removed on October 20, 1988 were below the (TTLC) regulatory criteria. CONCLUSIONS: The heavy metal contamination is fairly extensive in one area to the Northwest of the area of interest. This area was originally tested as 1A and tests 2B and 3A were within this discolored area. Samples lC, 20 inches below the surface, and samples 3B and 4B outside of the discolored area are below the regulatory criteria. This area, as well as the four (4) other oil stained areas originally tested as 9A, 13A, 14A and 15A have tested sufficiently to determine the extent of the heavy metal contamination. In area lA this contamination extends to a maximum depth of 20 inches and in all other areas the maximum depth is 12 inches. The extent of ,-_' 'I' ') J ) e e PAGE 3 WATTS STREET SITE CHARACTERIZATION the contamination appears to correspond directly wi th the dark discoloration in each area. Due to the excavation and soil work associated with the roadway construction we propose to remove the contam'inated soil and properly dispose of this material. The outline of each of the five areas will be marked prior to excavation. Area lA will be excavated to approximately 20 inches deep, the remaining areas of the excavation will be approximately 12 inches deep. During the excavation the color of the soil will be used as the final judge on sufficient soil removal. All oil ~tained (dark colored) soil associated with each of these areas will be disposed of. Excavation, soil removal and disposal will be accomplished t~~ough a qualified Hazardous Waste Handler. The current estimate of total soil to be removed is 150 cubic yards. ),\ " ,; "~I : ) '''''');, ··'t ) e FIGURE 1 e ,) J ) e FIGURE 2 - ,,-' . \....r' , . -=:;-5 r I o .. .. a" S lOR ~ . --.. ~ tA r1 ,-ill ~ .. u····· .. ø...., .,..,ra /' / ~~, I ~çlt S If A I~A 1'" f T'''''-1lCY UN c,. 61f IS A Orig. sample loc. Fig. 1 .~._." :'.~.; a r"~" r'" '. ':'~~''''''"''. -:...,.. . . I j. ..,' l' ..... . , .,. . ,... ::;.·t·\ 'fit $ , fj J6A , . ~A. ¡ ~ ¡GATE 'qA~' - S 17R . ..J - . c: :J -. g~ ø- .J!! .Bt. ~ ..._r ~ ~,~U.", _. I ' , I ~ 1 or ;..c....t . .."-. . ..- A:. ~ ..- ..- _. . " ~t ~ . -:;"'-~ (;;> ~ I \.-,. . . 8 ~, I U , .,. s I - S /1/1 I ~1A I , ....-.. I .~ I . $OIL De."..'ON r . - J- I Ui . ",~- -- ~ ~- -...; -'. - '..- 0"'( 3ol'On ,iI II lOe!. "-~pflll'CY IJllloz., · 4 Compos lie 0 f sample loc. .- . . .. . ....;. ........ Fi 9 ~ 2 - . !". - . 711 S .s GATE 51,! .,. 78 '" t ~,." ..::~~ .,,, . '. ---~- ~ , :.:_~-=: .:.. .. .~-.... I I ~t ~ ,.- , I ~~ I " I ..~' ¡ I I " J ~~ ~ e ,. ø. - o U.H. r Of- AI'''&' Of .... r': ~ ) J ) . ¡' , e : ;;'::~r:,¡:;~;-~~·:,:.-·,·.'-';,,-;;,.,:., APPENDIX 1 ..- Date Rec'd: \....,1, I 31 >i8" BC CHAIN ~;«' CUSTODY NO. L- O~J Client: - Sampler: Sample Type: Analysis Requested: ! Dd\h~ 'N, ~~~~ tn tn tn tn tn tg ." i tJ:1 tn Name' Cí~Q~ \~{(tSf¡~\J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (") ~ ." I Name: ß..( .laSQYt,IToY\{JS Water Other: > tJ:1 > "'- VI VI VI VI VI 0'\ ~ ' ~J 'r:,' :rn- Soil (specify) 0 0 0 S2 N N I A' · T A~ ~~~Î~\d) ca.\~\ Address:l1\O~ P\c¿Y(~ ~~.. !V w N ~ VI ,~ I Sludge .... .... ~ ~ ~ Õò 00 Õõ - ~ 0 ~ 0 t~t~1~\~) (f,\.. ~$3(f6 00 00 00 ,\~ E.. ~'JN Oil 0 S 0 tJ:1 ~ 0 ~ n 0 .... .... ð en 0 0 ~ n - \~qlcSo~Uni~ AVe_ 00 tJ:1 Lab I Description: . Other Tests 0 Q ~ : .: ' ' \l ~AL~, PC ~ (y-tb . '"Z~3' - I Þ- 1 I , r} / ,... / ~ , i L I S ~ . ," \ , " I 3 4 11 I \ I i 6 ç (' ), I 10 ~ ~ I - , , .. . , ï \ \ Clf ~ \ ) 't (..¡ , - 10 \ " A . -- I " \ I 2 f\ ( , I I ,I I;J ~-, Relinquished By: Date: Time: Received By: Date: Time: Comments: à -. i (\ A..IJJW.~ Kè-ß .. \O~ r'1·~\~ t.;Alv..I,....1: Þ;-'".I.1 'J..-.I..-..Jl lol3/Rð 4;1G" \)¿ ~Q'Ars \I.} " \T'" .. . . w Q .. t\, ~ ,0 h, I S()f ~~ -:zS" U\-'''J.c! f'.;,'nl. be.J.. .~, rt ,. IU:', . ,- White: Rewm 10 Customer wi1b Rcpon ..~~ Yellow: BC Lab Copy u Date Rec'd: ~ ~ 18~ . BC CHAIN UCUSTODY Sample Type: Client: Sampler: Ci1\¡ \)~ R4k~~\cA . ~~\/, ¡2rtTM\vJ~Sf Name: 1\-ro I~,". ~-t ~ Name: ~, C ..l4~CA"QV\~ ~ ~~S~"(V~'J)(~_qS1O\ AddreSS:~º{) p\~(~ ti2<.k . ,\:&, ph ~.. ~~'-'/ \t,ft"e)~ ~\cl) l" - ~~~Dg Lab # Description: \~'11 ' SO:":,^\I\\CJV\ l\Vt.. 7431-13 '-S I~ It¡ '1 ~\ 15 ls"·t\ Ib ~ t\ - ~ 17 I , ...-. IQ '\ 10 11 1,~~~,:t:y- 1, ~. -. 4' Water Soil "'- Sludge Oil Other: (specify) Other Tèsts 1\1-MftA1s PC.K Cvt6 , / ',. , .'. I Nf9 I~ :-. :. , . ".. ,,:'.: ;". :~' ..' :¡( t· ..- . , .. i , . I Relinnuished By: Date: Time: Received By: .., .-.,. ~W-mc&I_..'I(j-3~t~:\YDY White: Rewm 10 Cust.omeI' WÎIII Report YelJow: BC Lab Copy \ ~ " .. . . Date: Time: ';:Iti'I... '.' \ ,: . .~~ \ 1-' Comments: NO. L- 01J5 Analysis Requested: tntntntntntn"O"''''tn ~~~~~~g~;j~ UlUIUIUIUIO\ ~O\ OOOONN _0 ~w~~:Þ-~ ~~ --~tI1~oo 00 õoõoooCooN OHO OOO"'N..... I»~OO _N_~~O ~cno oOPoo n óõ '" - ~Q . ,J'" ..... - AGRICUl TURE LABORATORIES, Inc. J, J. EGLIN, REG, CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS ') PETROlEUM City of Bakersfield 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attn: Ralph Huey Date Reported: Date Received: Laboratory No.: e 10/18/88 10/3/88 7431- 1 TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (TTLC) (Title 22, Article II, California Administrative Code) Sample Description: 1897 So. Union Ave., #IA 10/3/88 sampled by D. Rittenhouse of B C Laboratories, Inc. Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium Chromium (Cr13 & crl6) . Cobalt Coppe r Lead Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium Vanadium Zinc Cyanides Phenols Sulfides Fluorides Hexavalent Chromium Organic Lead as Pb pH Pensky-MarteIts Flash Point PCB IS, ug/ g TOX, ug/g . Chloride Comment: All constituents reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. STLC Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration Consti tuents Sample Results mg/kg Method Ref. J 43.4 12.8 1480. (-) 1.0 117. 120. 24. I 762. 74~0. o 47 17.11 ~64. 8.611 (-) 1.0 (-) 211. 47.'J 461100. 6010 1 7061 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 7471 1 6010 1 6010 1 7741 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 9010, 1 9066 1 9030 1 340.2 2 7196 1 State Draft 9040 1 1010 1 8080 1 9 02 0 1 ( -) 1. .J Regulatory Criteria STLC TTLC 15 5.0 100 0.75 1.0 560 80 25 5 0.2 350 20 1.0 5. 7 24 250 None None None 180 5.0 None 500. 500. 10000. 75. 100. 2500. 8000. 2500. 1000. 20. 3500. 2000. 100. 500. 700. 2400. 5000. None None None 18000. 500. 13.0 2-12.5 None 5.0 None None 50.0 None (-) refers to "less than" Re f. (1 ) ( 2) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes", SW 846, Nov. 1986. "Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes", EPA-600, 14-79-020. BY ,fl· M~ J. 'J. Egcán e e AGRICUI TURE LABORATORIES, Inc. J, J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS ) PETROLEUM City of Bakersfie1d 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attn: Ralph Huey Date Reported: Date Received: Laboratory No.: 10/18/88 10/3/88 7431-2 TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (TTLC) (Title 22, Article II, California Administrative Code) Sample Description: 1897 So. Union Ave. #2A 10/3/88 sampled by D. Rittenhouse of B C Laboratories, Inc. Sample Results Regulatory Criteria Constituents mg/kg Method Ref. STLC TTLC Antimony (-) 7.0 6010 1 15 500. Arsenic 19.5 7061 1 5.0 500. B a ri um 434. 6010 1 100 10000. Beryllium (-) 0.5 6010 1 0.75 75. Cadmium (Cr 13 & Cr 1 6) 12. I 6010 1 1.0 100. Chromium 31).0 6010 1 560 2500. Cobalt 6.10 6010 1 80 8000. Coppe r 184. 6010 1 25 2500. J Lead 81)6. 6010 1 5 1000. , Mercury 0.24 7471 1 0.2 20. Molybdenum 3.08 6010 1 350 3500. Nickel 41.6 6010 1 20 2000. Selenium (-) 0.5 7741 1 1.0 100. Silver (-) 0.5 6010 1 5. 500. Thallium (-) I O. 6010 1 7 700. Vanadium 40.Q 6010 1 24 2400. Zinc 4740. 6010 I 250 5000. Cyanide s 9010 1 None None Phenols 9066 1 None None Sulfides 9030 1 None None Fluorides 34 0.2 2 180 18000. Hexavalent Chromium (-) I. 7196 1 5.0 500. Organic Lead as Pb State Draft None 13.0 pH 9040 1 2-12.5 Pensky-Martens Flash Point 1010 1 None None PCB's, ug/g 8080 1 5.0 50.0 TOX, ug/g 9020 1 None None Chloride Comment: All constituents reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. STLC Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC Total Threshold Limit Concentration (-) refers to "less than" ) Ref. "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes", SW 846, Nov. 1986. "Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes", EPA-600, 14-79-020. (1) ( 2) if /?..-. - á. - 'C;ý"(.t,'1J J. J. Egl'În BY e AGRICUl TURE e CHEMICAl ANAl YSIS ) 'ETROllUM City of Bakersfield 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attn: Ralph Huey LABORATORIES, Inc. J, J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD" BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Date Reported: 10/18/88 Date Received: 10/3/88 Laboratory No.: 7431-3 J ) TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (TTLC) (Title 22, Article II, California Administrative Code) Sample Description: 1897 S. Union Avenue #3A 10/3/88 sampled by D. Rittenhouse of B C Laboratories, Inc. Constituents Sample Results mg/kg 28.0 7.38 1960, (-) 0,5 46.8 7S.2 12.8 ~4~0. gOgo. \. 11 1).1)8 110. 0.S6 (-) O. S (-) II). 46.2 16100. (-) t. STLC TTLC Method Ref. 6010 1 7061 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 7471 1 6010 1 6010 1 7741 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 9010 1 9066 1 9030 1 340.2 2 7196 1 State Draft 9040 1 1010 1 8080 1 9020 1 Regulatory Criteria STLC TTLC 15 5.0 100 0.75 1.0 560 80 25 5 0.2 350 20 1.0 5. 7 24 250 None None None 180 5.0 None None 5.0 None 500. 500. 10000. 75. 100. 2500. 8000. 2500. 1000. 20. 3500. 2000. 100. 500. 700. 2400. 5000. None None None 18000. 500. 13.0 2-12.5 None 50.0 None (-) refers to "less than" Ref. (1) ( 2) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes", SW 846, Nov. 1986. "Method s for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes", EPA-600, 14-79-020.· BY t Ç1. ~ . Jti Egli Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium Chromium (Cr13 & Cr16) Cobalt Copper Lead Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium S i 1 ve r Thallium Vanadium Zinc Cyanides Phenols Sulfides Fluorides Hexavalent Chromium Organic Lead asPb pH Pensky-Martens Flash Point PCB's, ug/g TOX, ug/g Chloride Comment: All constituents reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration Total Threshold Limit Concentration e e AGRICUl TURE LABORATORIES, Inc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR, 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 P",ONE 327-4911 CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS I) PETROlEUM Date Reported: 10/18/88 Date Received: 10/3/88 Laboratory No.: 7431-4 City of Bakersfield 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attn: Ralph Huey TOTAL CONTAMINANTS ('rTLC) (Title 22, Article II, California Administrative Code) 1897 So. Union Avenue #4A 10/3/88 sampled by David Rittenhouse of B C Laboratories, Inc. Sample Description: Regulatory Criteria STLC ' TTLC Sample Results mg/kg Method Ref. Constituents (-) 10. 7.05 452. (-) 1.0 11. I 39. I 8.93 534. 552. .(-) 0.1 (-)5.0 27.1 (-) 0.5 (-) 1.0 (-) 10. 52.6 3630. 15 5.0 100 0.75 1.0 560 80 25 5 0.2 350 20 1.0 5. 7 24 250 None None None 180 5.0 None 500. 500. 10000. 75. 100. 2500. 8000. 2500. 1000. 20. 3500. 2000. 100. 500. 700. 2400. 5000. None None None 18000. 500. 13.0 6010 1 7061 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 7471 1 6010' 1 6010 1 7741 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 9010 1 9066 1 9030 1 340.2 2 7196 1 State Draft 9040 1 1010 1 8080 1 9020 1 Antimony Arsenic Barium Be ry lli um Cadmium Chromium (Cr13 & Cr'6) Cobalt Coppe r Lead Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium Vanadium Zinc Cyanides Phenols Sulfides Fluorides Hexavalent Chromium Organic Lead as Pb pH Pensky-Martens Flash Point PCB's, ug / g TOX, ug/g Chloride Comment: All constituents reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. STLC ~ Soluble Threshold Limit COncentration TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration => (-) 2-12.5 None 50.0 None None 5.0 None refers to "less than" (-) ) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes", SW 846, Nov. 1986. "Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes", EPA-600, 14-79-020. (1) ( 2) Ref. BY fi~l~ e AGRICUl TURl LABORATORIES, Inc. J, J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM, ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSfiELD, CALIfORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 ,.,.CHlMICAI ANAlYSIS , PETROlEUM J STLC TTLC .J Re f. City of Bakersfie1d 2130 "G" Street Bakersfie1d, CA 93301 Attn: Ra1ph Huey Date Reported: Date Received: Laboratory No.: e 10/18/88 10/3/88 7431-5 TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (TTLC) (Title 22, Article II, California Administrative Code) Sample Description: 1897 So. Union Avenue #5A 10/3/88 samp1ed by David Rittenhouse of B C laboratories, Inc. Consti tuents Sample Results mg/kg Me thod' Re f . (-) 5.0 5.48 1)4 L (-) o.t; 8.95 38.5 8.18 92.4 303. ( -) O. 1 (-) 2.5 18.3 0.63 (-) 0.5 (-) 10. 45.q ZbIO. 6010 1 7061 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 7471 1 6010 1 6010 1 7741 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 9010 1 9066 1 9030 1 34 0.2 2 7196 1 State Draft 9040 1 1010 1 8080 . 1 9020 1 l-) I. Regulatory Criteria STLC TTLC 15 5.0 100 0.75 1.0 560 80 25 5 0.2 350 20 1.0 5. 7 24 250 None None None 180 5.0 None None 5.0 None 500. 500. 10000. 75. 100. 2500. 8000. 2500. 1000. 20. 3500. 2000. 100. 500. 700. 2400. 5000. None None None 18000. 500. 13.0 2-12.5 None 50.0 None (-) refers to "less than" (1) (2) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes", SW 846, Nov. 1986. "Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes", EPA-600, 14-79-020. BY g. p. 4~~ VJ. ó'. Egl(2 Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium Chromium (Cr13 & Cr16) Cobalt Copper Lead Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium Vanadium Zinc Cyanides Phenols SUlfides Fluorides Hexavalent Chromium Organic Lead as Pb pH Pensky-Martens Flash Point PCB's, ug/g TOX, ug/g Chloride Comment: All constituents reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration = Total Threshold Limit Concentration AGRICUI TURE CHEMICAl ANAl rSIs ) PETROLEUM ~~ ) City of Bakersfield 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attn: Ralph Huey e e LABORATORIES, Inc. J, J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Date Reported: Date Received: Laboratory No.: 10/18/88 10/3/88 7431-6 TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (TTLC) (Title 22, Article II, California Administrative COde) Sample Description: 1897 So. Union Avenue #6A 10/3/88 sampled by David Rittenhouse of B C Laboratories, Inc. Consti tuents Sample Results mg/kg Method Ref. Regulatory Criteria STLC TTLC 15 5.0 100 0.75 1.0 560 80 25 5 0.2 350 20 1.0 5. 7 24 250 None None None 180 5.0 None None 5.0 None 500. 500. 10000. 75. 100. 2500. 8000. 2500. 1000. 20. 3500. 2000. 100. 500. 700. 2400. 5000. None None None 18000. 500. 13.0 2-12.5 None 50.0 None (-) refers to "less than" Ref. (1) ( 2) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes", SW 846, Nov. 1986. "Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes", EPA-600, 14-79-020. BY ,ii- ¿~W J. (J. Eg.1&n (-) ~.O .40 427. (-) 0.5 2.42 27. I 5.23 57.7 372. (-) 0.1 (-) 2.5 20.0 (-) 0.5 (-) 0.5 (-) 10. 38.1 650. 6010 1 7061 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 7471 1 6010 1 6010 1 7741 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 9010 1 9066 1 9030 1 340.2 2 7196 1 State Draft 9040 1 1010 1 8080 1 9020 1 Antimony Arsenic B a ri um Beryllium Cadmium Chromium (CrIJ & Cr16) CObalt COpper Lead Mercury Molybdenuin Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium Vanadium Zinc Cyanides Phenols Sulfides Fluorides Hexavalent Chromium Organic Lead as Pb . pH Pensky-Martens Flash Point PCB's, ug/g TOX, ug/g Chloride COmment: All constituents reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit COncentration TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration ( .;. ) I. AGRICUI TURf CHEMICAL ANALYSIS ) PETROLEUM ') , "~ " .J City of Bakersfield 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attn: Ralph Huey e e LABORATORIES. Inc. J, J, EGLIN, REG, CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Date Reported: Date Received: Laboratory No.: 10/18/88 10/3/88 7431-7 TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (TTLC) (Title 22, Article II, California Administrative Code) Sample Description: 1897 So. Union Avenue #7A 10/3/88 sampled by David Rittenhouse of B C Laboratories, Inc. Consti tuents Sample Results mg/kg Method Ref. Regulatory Criteria STLC TTLC 15 5.0 100 0.75 1.0 560 80 25 5 0.2 350 20 1.0 5. 7 24 250 None None None 180 5.0 None None 5.0 None 500. 500. 10000. 75. 100. 2500. 8000. 2500. 1000. 20. 3500. 2000. 100. 500. 700. 2400. 5000. None None None 18000. 500. 13.0 2-12.5 None 50.0 None (-) refers to "less than" Ref. (1) ( 2) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes", SW 846, Nov. 1986. "Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes", EPA-600, 14-79-020. BY I·t- ¿~J J. . Eg 14 Antimony Arsenic Ba ri um Beryllium Cad mi um Chromium (Cr13 & Cr16) Cobalt Copper' Lead Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium Vanadium Zinc Cyanides Phenols Sulfides Fluorides Hexavalent Chromium Organic Lead as Pb pH Pensky-Martens Flash Point PCB's, ug/g TOX, ug/g Chloride Comment: All constituents reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration (-) 5. 6. I 3 ~n. (-) O.S 5.90 27.7 6.66 42.4 140. (-) 0.\ (-) 2.5 15.4 (-) 0.5 (-) 0 . 5 (-) 10. 6~.6 'BOO. 6010 1 7061 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 7471 1 6010 1 6010 1 7741 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 9010 1 9066 1 9030 1 340.2 2 7196 1 State Draft 9040 1 1010 1 8080 1 9020 1 ( -) \. AGRICUl TURE CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS ) PETROLEUM City of Bakersfield 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attn: Ralph Huey ,J _J e e LABORATORIES. Inc. J. J, EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Date Reported: 10/18/88 Date Received: 10/3/8A Laboratory No.: 7431-8 TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (TTLC) (Title 22, Article II, California Administrative Code) Sample Description: 1897 So. Union Avenue U8A 10/3/88 sampled by David Rittenhouse of B C laboratories, Inc. Constituents Ref. (1) (2) Sample Results mg/kg Method Ref. Regulatory Criteria STLC TTLC 15 5.0 100 0.75 1.0 560 80 25 5 0.2 350 20 1.0 5. 7 24 250 None None None 180 5.0 None None 5.0 None (-) 500. 500. 10000. 75. 100. 2500. 8000. 2500. lOOO. 20. 3500. 2000. 100. 500. 700. 2400. 5000. None None None 18000. 500. 13.0 2-12.5 None 50.0 None refers to "less than" "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes", SW 846, Nov. 1986. "Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes", EPA-600, 14-79-020. BY ¡i~l¥~ (-) 5.0 6.30 204. (-) 0.5 6.91 20.6 3.98 162. 1190. 0.16 (-) 2.5 17.8 (-) 0.5 . (-) 0.5 (-) 10. 31.3 1230. 6010 1 7061 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 7471 1 6010 1 6010 1 7741 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 9010 1 9066 1 9030 1 34 O. 2 2 7196 1 State Draft 9040 1 1010 1 8080 1 9020 1 Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium Chromium (CrIJ & Cr16) Cobal t Copper Lead Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium S i 1 ve r Thallium Vanadium Zinc Cyanides Phenols Sulfides Fluorides Hexavalent Chromium Organic Lead as Pb pH Pensky-Martens Flash Point PCB's, ug/g TOX, ug/g Chloride Comment: All constituents reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TILC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration ( -) 1. AGRICUl TURl CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS ) PETROLEUM City of Bakersfield 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attn: Ralph Huey e e LABORATORIES, Inc. J. J, EGLIN, REG, CHEM, ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHØNE 327-4911 Date Reported: Date Received: Laboratory No.: 10/18/88 10/3/88 7431-9 TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (TILC) (Title 22, Article II, California Administrative Code) Sample Description: 1897 So. Union Avenue #9A 10/3/88 sampled by David Rittenhouse of B C Laboratories, Inc. Constituents )Ref. (1) (2) Sample Results mg/kg Method Ref. Regulatory Criteria STLC TILC 15 5.0 100 0.75 1.0 560 80 25 5 0.2 350 20 1.0 5. 7 24 250 None None None 180 5.0 None None 5.0 None (-) 500. 500. 10000. 75. 100. 2500. 8000. 2500. 1000. 20. 3500. 2000. 100. 500. 700. 2400. 5000. None None None 18000. 500. 13.0 2-12.5 None 50.0 None refers to "less than" "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes", SW 846, Nov. 1986. "Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes", EPA-600, 14-79-020. Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cad mi um Chromium (Cr13 & crl6) Cobal t Copper ,") ~:::ury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium Vanadium Zinc Cyanides Phenols Sulfides Fluorides Hexavalent Chromium Organic Lead as Pb pH Pensky-Martens Flash Point PCB's, ugJg TOX, ugJg Chloride Comment: All constituents reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TILC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration BY l: ¡~g¥J (-) r;.o 5 7R 20~. (-) o.r; ~.42 18.7 ~.88 In. ~780. 1-) 0.1 (-) 2.r; 18.2 (-) o.r; (-) o.r; (-) 5 n . '9 9 595 6010 1 7061 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 7471 1 6010 1 6010 1 7741 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 9010 1 9066 1 9030 1 340.2 2 7196 1 State Draft 9040 1 1010 1 8080 1 9020 1 ( -) I. e e AGRICUl TURE LABORATORIES. Inc. J. J, EGLIN, REG. CHEM, ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 CHEMICAL ANAL Y$I$ ) PETROLEUM City of Bakersfield 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attn: Ralph Huey Date Reported: 10/18/88 Date Received: 10/3/88 Laboratory No.: 7431-10 TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (TTLC) (Title 22, Article II, California Administrative Code) 1897 So. Union Avenue #IOA 10/3/88 sampled by David Rittenhouse of B C Laboratories, Inc. Sample Description: Sample Results mg/kg Regulatory Criteria STLC TTLC Constituents Me thod Ref. (-) 5.0 3.54 140. (-) 0.5 (-) 0.5 23.6 6.57 16. I 13.2 ( -) O. I 2.54 15.2 (-) 0.5 (-) 0.5 (-) 10. 57.2 103. Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmi um Chromium (Cr13 & Cr'6) Cobalt Copper Lead Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium Vanadium Zinc Cyanides Phenols Sulfides Fluorides Hexavalent Chromium Organic Lead as Pb pH Pensky-Martens Flash Point PCB's, ug/g TOX, ug/g Chlo ride Comment: All constituents reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration 6010 1 7061 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 60 1 0 1 7471 1 6010 1 6010 1 7741 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 9010 1 9066 1 9030 1 34 O. 2 2 7196 1 State Draft 9040 1 1010 1 8080 1 9020 1 15 5.0 100 0.75 1.0 560 80 25 5 0.2 350 20 1.0 5. 7 24 250 None None None 180 5.0 None 500. 500. 10000. 75. 100. 2500. 8000. 2500. 1000. 20. 3500. 2000. 100. 500. 700. 2400. 5000. None None None 18000. 500. 13.0 ) (-) 1. 2-12.5 None 5.0 None None 50.0 None (-) refers to "less than" ,) Re f . (I ) (2) BY /¡i -Eg¥~ "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes", SW 846, Nov. 1986. "Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes", EPA-600. 14-79-020. e e AGRICUl TURE LABORATORIES, Inc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR, 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 CHEMICAl ANAl rSls ) PETROlEUM Date Reported: 10/18/88 Date Received: 10/3/88 Laboratory No.: 7431-11 City of Bakersfield 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attn: Ralph H~ey TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (TTLC) (Title 22, Article II, California Administrative Code) 1897 So. Union Avenue #11A 10/3/88 sampled by David Rittenhouse of B C Laboratories, Inc. Sample Description: Sample Results mg/kg Regulatory Criteria STLC TTLC Constituents Method Ref. (-) 5.0 7.51 Iqq. 0.61 2.82 31.6 9. 15 47.8 1)1).0 (-) 0.1 7.1)6 20.7 (-) 0.1) (-) 0.1) (-) 10. 7q.l 116. 6010 1 7061 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 7471 1 6010 1 6010 1 7741 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 9010 1 9066 1 9030 1 340.2 2 7196 1 State Draft 9040 1 1010 1 8080 1 9020 1 Antimony Arsenic Bari um Beryllium Cadmium Chromium (Cr13 & Cr16) Cobalt Copper Lead Mercury Molybdenum Nickel . Selenium Silver Thallium Vanadium Zinc Cyanides Phenols Sulfides Fluorides Hexavalent Chromium Organic Lead as Pb pH Pensky-Martens Flash Point PCB's, ug/g TOX, ug/g Chloride Comment: All constituents reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC - Total Threshold Limit Concentration 15 5.0 100 0.75 1.0 560 80 25 5 0.2 350 20 1.0 5. 7 24 250 None None None 180 5.0 None 500. 500. 10000. 75. 100. 2500. 8000. 2500. 1000. 20. 3500. 2000. 100. 500. 700. 2400. 5000. None None None 18000. 500. 13.0 ~) (-) I. 2-12.5 None 5.0 None None 50.0 None (-) refers to "less than" ) (1) ( 2) I- 1- ¥'./ J. :J. EglIn Ref. "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes", SW 846, Nov. 1986. "Methods for Otemical Analysis of Water and Wastes", EPA-600, 14-79-020. BY e e AGRICUl TURE LABORATORIES, Inc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR, 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 CHEMICAL ANAL Y$I$ ') fETROLEUM City of Bakersfield 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attn: Ralph Huey Date Reported: 10/18/88 Date Received: 10/3/88 Laboratory No.: 7431-12 TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (TTLC) (Title 22, Article II, California Administrative Code) Sample Description: 1897 So. Union Avenue HI2A 10/3/88 sampled by David Rittenhouse of B C Laboratories, Inc. Sample Results Regulatory Criteria Constituents mg/kg Method Ref. STLC TTLC Antimony (-) 10. 6010 1 15 500. Arsenic 17.5 7061 1 5.0 500. Barium v;6. 6010 1 100 10000. Beryllium (-) I.~ 6010 1 0.75 75. Cadmium· 13 & Cr I 6) 2. 6 6010 1 1.0 100. Chromium (Cr 46.6 6010 1 560 2500. Cobalt 12.7 6010 1 80 8000. Copper 38. I 6010 1 25 2500. ) Lead 87.~ 6010 1 5 1000. " Mercury (-) O. I 7471 1 0.2 20. Molybdenum (-) I}.O 6010 1 350 3500. Nickel 2Q.8 6010 1 20 2000. Selenium (-) 0.1} 7741 1 1.0 100. Silver (-) I~:O 6010 1 5. 500. Thallium (-) 6010 1 7 700. Vanadium 115. 6010 1 24 2400. Zinc 512. 6010 1 250 5000. Cyanides 9010 1 None None Phenols 9066 1 None None Sulfides 9030 1 None None Fluorides 34 o. 2 2 180 18000. Hexavalent Chromium (-) I. 7196 1 5.0 500. Organic Lead as Pb State Draft None 13.0 pH 9040 1 2-12.5 Pensky-Martens Flash Point 1010 1 None None PCB's, ug/g 8080 1 5.0 50.0 TOX, ug/g 9020 1 None None Chlo ride Comment: All constituents reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration (-) refers to "less than" .J Re f . (1 ) (2) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes", SW 846, Nov. 1986. "Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes", EPA-600, 14-79-020. BY fl /J - .t;t:-,"v ~ J~, Eglirg/ e e AGRICUI TURf LABORATORIES. Inc. J. J. EGLIN, REG, CHEM. ENGR, 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 .),CHEMICAI ANAL YSIS .' 'ETROllUM City of Bakersfield 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attn: Ralph Huey Date Reported: 10/18/88 Date Received: 10/3/88 Laboratory No.: 7431-13 TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (TTLC) (Title 22, Article II, California Administrative Code) Sample Description: 1897 So. Union Avenue 813A 10/3/88 sampled by David Rittenhouse of B C Laboratories, Inc. Sample Results mg/kg Regulatory Criteria STLC TTLC Constituents Method Ref. (-) 7.0 8.37 602. (-) 0.5 20.4 47.8 8.34 373. 1100. (-) 0.1 9.09 126. 0.94 (-) 0.5 (-) II). 47. I IO~OO. Antimony Arsenic Bar! um Beryllium Cadmium Chromium (Cr13 & Cr16) Cobalt Copper Lead Mercury Molybdenum '. Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium Vanadium Zinc Cyanides Phenols Sulfides Fluorides Hexavalent Chromium Organic Lead as Pb pH Pensky-Martens Flash Point PCB's, ug/g TOX, ug/g Chloride Comment: All constituents reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration = Total Threshold Limit Concentration 6010 1 7061 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 7471 1 6010 1 6010 1 7741 1 6010 i 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 9010 1 9066 1 9030 1 34 0.2 2 7196 1 State Draft 9040 1 1010 1 8080 1 9020 1 15 5.0 100 0.75 1.0 560 80 25 5 0.2 350 20 1.0 5. 7 24 250 None None None 180 5.0 None 500. 500. 10000. 75. 100. 2500. 8000. 2500. 1000. 20. 3500. 2000. 100. 500. 700. 2400. 5000. None None None 18000. 500. 13.0 J (-) I. 2-12.5 None 5.0 None None 50.0 None STLC TTLC ) Re f. (-) refers to "less than" (1) (2) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes", SW 846, Nov. 1986. "Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes", EPA-600, 14-79-020. BY rf ~~1:Y~ AGRICUl TURE ~H[MICAI ANALYSIS } PETROLEUM ~) City of Bakersfield 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attn: Ralph Huey e e LABORATORIES, Inc. J. J, EGLIN, REG. CHEM, ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Date Reported: 10/18/88 Date Received: 10/3/88 Laboratory No.: 7431-14 TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (TTLC) (Title 22, Article II, California Administrative Code) Sample Description: 1897 $0. Union Avenue #14A 10/3/88 sampled by David Rittenhouse of B C Laboratories, Inc. Consti tuents STLC TTLC ) Ref. (1) (2) Sample Results mg/kg Method Ref. Regulatory Criteria STLC TTLC 15 5.0 100 0.75 1.0 560 80 25 5 0.2 350 20 1.0 5. 7 24 250 None None None 180 5.0 None None 5.0 None (-) 500. 500. 10000. 75. 100. 2500. 8000. 2500. 1000. . 20. 3500. 2000. 100. 500. 700. 2400. 5000. None None None 18000. 500. 13.0 2-12.5 None 50.0 None refers to "less than" "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes", SW 846, Nov. 1986. "Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes", EPA-600, 14-79-020. BY /71 t!/. ~ -.1 ~ ;{"ç;·C¿".,J t/J. (t. EgH'¿ Antimony Arsenic Bari um Beryllium Cadmium Chromium (Cr13 & cr'6) Cobalt Coppe r Lead Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium Vanadium Zinc Cyanides Phenols Sulfides Fluorides Hexavalent Chromium Organic Lead as Pb pH Pensky-Martens Flash Point PCB's, ug/ g TOX, ug/g Chloride Comment: All constituents reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as'sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration Total Threshold Limit Concentration (-) 15. 6.04 1310. (-) 1.0 28.2 72.6 12.7 601. 3980. 0.18 7.16 149. 1.42 (-) 1.0 (-) 15. 51.2 15800. 6010 1 7061 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 7471 1 6010 1 6010 1 7741 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 9010 1 9066 1 9030 1 34 O. 2 2 7196 1 State Draft 9040 1 1010 1 8080 1 9020 1 (-) 1. .) LABORATORIES. Inc. J, J, EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR, 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Date Reported: 10/18/88 Date Received: 10/3/88 Laboratory No.: 7431-15 e AGRICUI TURE CHEMICAL ANAL Y$IS ) PETROLEUM City of Bakersfield 2130 "G11 Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attn: Ralph Huey e TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (TTLC) (Title 22, Article II, California Administrative Code) Sample Description: 1897 So. Union Avenue #15A 10/3/88 sampled by David Rittenhouse of B C Laboratories, Inc. Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium Chromium (Cr'3 & Cr'6) Cobalt Coppe r Lead Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium Vanadium Zinc Cyanides Phenols Sulfides Fluorides Hexavalent Chromium Organic Lead as Ph pH Pensky-Martens Flash Point PCB's, ug/g TOX, ug/g Chloride Comment: All constituents reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit COncentration TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration Constituents Sample Results mg/kg Method Ref. ~) (-) 5.0 10.2 521. (-) 0.5 18.7 30.9 6.34 375. 2130. (-) 0.1 9.10 47.4 (-) 0.5 (-) 0.5 (-) 10. 41.6 1280. 6010 1 7061 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 7471 1 6010 1 6010 1 7741 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 9010 1 9066 1 9030 1 340.2 2 7196 1 State Draft 9040 1 1010 1 8080 1 9020 1 (-) 1. Re f. (1) ( 2) Regulatory Criteria STLC TTLC 15 5.0 100 0.75 1.0 560 80 25 5 0.2 350 20 1.0 5. 7 24 250 None None None 180 5.0 None 500. 500. 10000. 75. 100. 2500. 8000. 2500. 1000. 20. 3500. 2000. 100. 500. 700. 2400. 5000. None None None 18000. 500. 13.0 2-12.5 None 5.0 None None 50.0 None (-) refers to "less than" "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes", SW 846, Nov. 1986. "Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes", EPA-600, 14-79-020. BY 1-1-- q~~ J. . Egld AGRICUl TURf CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS (. ) PETROLEUM City of Bakersfield 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attn: Ralph Huey J ) e e LABORATORIES. Inc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Date Reported: 10/18/88 Date Received: 10/3/88 Laboratory No.: 7431-16 TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (TTLC) (Title 22, Article II, California Administrative Code) Sample Description: 1897 So. Union Avenue #16A 10/3/88 sampled by David Rittenhouse of B C Laboratories, Inc. Cons ti tuents Sample Results mg!kg Method Ref. Regulatory Criteria STLC TTLC 15 5.0 100 0.75 1.0 560 80 25 5 0.2 350 20 1.0 5. 7 24 250 None None None 180 5.0 None None 5.0 None 500. 500. 10000. 75. 100. 2500. 8000. 2500. 1000. 20. 3500. 2000. 100. 500. 700. 2400. 5000. None None None .. 18000. 500. 13.0 2-12.5 None 50.0 None (-) refers to "less than" Ref. (1) (2) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes", SW 846, Nov. 1986. "Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes", EPA-600, 14-79-020. BY ¡f- ~"./ { . ¡; Egl ~ . (-) 5.0 4. I 5 166. (-) 0.5 1.54 26.5 6.92 24.7 97. I (-) 0.1 (-) 2.5 13. 7 (-) 0.5 (-) 0.5 (-) 10. 56.2 2~4. 6010 1 7061 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 7471 . 1 6010 1 6010 1 7741 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 9010 1 9066 1 9030 1 340.2 2 7196 1 State Draft 9040 1 1010 1 8080 1 9020 1 Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium Chromium (crl3 & Cr16) Cobal t Cop pe r Lead Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium Vanadium Zinc Cyanides Phenols Sulfides Fluorides Hexavalent Chromium Organic Lead as Pb pH Pensky-Martens Flash Point PCB's, ug!g TOX, ug/g Chloride Comment: All constituents reported above are in mg!kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration (-) 1. e AGRICUl TURf LABORATORIES. Inc. J, J. EGLIN, REG, CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 . ~EMICAl ANALYSIS J PETROLEUM ) ) City of Bakersfield 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attn: Ralph Huey Date Reported: Date Received: Laboratory No.: e 10/18/88 10/3/88 7431-17 TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (TTLC) (Title 22, Article II, California Administrative Code) Sample Description: 1897 So. Union Avenue HI7A 10/3/88 sampled by David Rittenhouse of B C Laboratories, Inc. Constituents Sample Results mg/kg Method Ref. (-) 5.0 5.58 197. (-) 0.5 7.43 26.3 8.13 56.5 223. (-) 0.1 (-) 2.5 20.6 -) 0.5 0.5 10. 53.3 571. 6010 1 7061 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 7471 1 6010 1 6010 1 7741 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 6010 1 9010 1 9066 1 9030 1 340.2 2 7196 1 State Draft 9040 1 1010 1 8080 1 9020 1 (-) 1. Regulatory Criteria STLC TTLC 15 5.0 100 0.75 1.0 560 80 25 5 0.2 350 20 1.0 5. 7 24 250 None None None 180 5.0 None None 5.0 None 500. 500. 10000. 75. 100. 2500. 8000. 2500. 1000. 20. 3500. 2000. 100. 500. 700. 2400. 5000. None None None 18000. 500. 13.0 2-12.5 None 50.0 None (-) refers to "less than" Re f . (1) ( 2) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes" ~ SW 846, Nov. 1986. "Methods for O1.emical Analysis of Water and Wastes", EPA-600, 14-79-020. BY ß {l. ¿;~ I-J. J? EglLU Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium Chromium (Cr13 & Cr16) Cobalt Copper Lead Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium Vanadium Zinc Cyanides Phenols Sulfides Fluorides Hexavalent Chromium Organic Lead as Pb pH Pensky-Martens Flash Point PCB's, ug/g TOX, ug/g Chloride Comment: All constituents reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. STLC - Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration J e AGRICUI TURE LABORATORIES, Inc. J, J, EGLIN, REG, CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHÇ)NE 327-4911 ~EMICAI ANAL YSIS .J PETROLEUM Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) City of Bakersfield 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Sample Description: 1897 South Union Ave. lA e Date of Report: 10/17/88 Lab #: 7431-1 Test Method: Modified EPA Method 8080 Type of Sample: Soil Date Sample Collected: 10/03/88 Date Sample Received @ Lab: 10/05/88 Reporting Units Analysis Results PCB - 1016 . PCB - 1221 PCB - 1232 PCB - 1242 PCB - 1248 PCB - 1254 PCB - 1260 µgig µgig µgig µgig µgig µgig' µgig none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected Matrix Spike Lab #: 7522-2 98.5% % Recovery: Conments : ) By ----f / 1tf..;, . . E Date Analysis Completed : 10/14/88 Minißl.1JD Reporting Level 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ~~ e AGRICUl TURE LABORATORIES, Inc. J, J. EGLIN, REG, CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS ) PETROLEUM Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) City of Bakersfield 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Sample Description: 1897 South Union Ave. 2A Test Method: Modified EPA Method 8080 e Date of Report: 10/17/88 Lab it: 7431-2 Type of Sample: Soil Date Sample Collected: 10/03/88 Date Sample Reœi ved @ Lab: 10/05/88 Reporting Units Analysis Results '''.' J PCB - 1016 PCB - 1221 fCB - 1232 PCB - 1242 PCB - 1248 PCB - 1254 PCB - 1260 µgig µgIg µgIg µgig µgIg µgIg µgIg none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected . none detected none detected Matrix Spike Lab it: 7522-2 98.5% % Recovery: Corrments : ) ¡. ~.~4...~ .;Ø' Eg n By Date AnaJ:ysis Completed: 10/14/88 Minim..un Reporting Level 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 I~ I' Ana st e AGRICUI TURE LABORATORIES. Inc. J, J. EGLIN. REG, CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PH9NE 327-4911 .J" "CHEMICAl ANAL YSIS . J PETROLEUM e Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) City of Bakersfield 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date of Report: 10/17/88 Lab #: 7431-3 Sample Description: 1897 South Union Ave. 3A Test Method: Modified EPA Method 8080 Type of Sample: Soil Date Sample Collected : 10/03/88 Date Sample Received @ Lab: 10/05/88 Date Analysis Completed : 10/14/88 Reporting Units J PCB - 1016 PCB - 1221 PCB - 1232 PCB - 1242 PCB - 1248 PCB - 1254 PCB - 1260 µgig µgig µgIg µgig µgig µgig µgig Matrix Spike Lab #: 7522-2 98.5% % Recovery: Corrroents : ) By ¡?~/ Analysis Results Mini.rrum Reporting Level none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ~ /, Ana yst e e AGRICUI. TURf LABORATORIES, Inc. J. J. EGLIN, REG, CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 ~H[MICAl ANAl. YSIS :, PETROI.£UM Polychlorinated Biphenyls (æB) City of Bakersfield 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date of Report: 10/17/88 Lab #: 7431-4 Sample Description: 1897 South Union Ave. 4A Test Method: Modified EPA Method 8080 TYPe of Sample: Soil Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected : Received @ Lab: Completed : 10/03/88 10/05/88 10/14/88 Minirrurn Reporting Analysis Reporting Units Results Level J æB - 1016 µg/g none detected 1.0 PCB - 1221 µg/g none detected 1.0 æB - 1232 µg/g none detected 1.0 PCB - 1242 µg/g none detected 1.0 PCB - 1248 µ.g/g none detected 1.0 æB - 1254 µg/g none detected 1.0 PCB - 1260 µg/g none detected 1.0 Matrix Spike Lab #: 7522-2 % Recovery: 98.5% Comnents : ) By fltAfé4>~ a, . É in - ~./(J~ AnalÝst e AGRICUl TURE LABORATORIES, Inc. J, J, EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 ,).,CHEMICAl ANAL YSIS . PETROlEUM 'J Polychlorinated Biphe~ls (PCB) City of Bakersfield 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Sample Description: 1897 South Union Ave. 5A Test Method: Modified EPA Method 8080 Date Sample Collected : 10/03/88 Date Sample Received @ Lab: 10/05/88 Reporting Units PCB - 1016 PCB - 1221 PCB - 1232 PCB - 1242 PCB - 1248 PCB - 1254 PCB - 1260 µgig µgig µgig µgig µgig µ.g/g µgjg Matrix Spike Lab #: 7522-2 % Recovery: 98.5% Corrments : ) By (}Ntf~·/ J/. J in e Date of Report: 10/17/88 Lab #: 7431-5 Type of Sample: Soil Analysis Results none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected Date Analysis Completed : 10/14/88 Minirwm Reporting Level 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ~~ Anal~st _-7-- ~ AGRICUlrURE CHEMICAl ANAl YSIS , . ') PErROlEUM . . LABORATORIES. Inc. J, J. EGLIN, REG. tHEM, ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-49.11 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) City of Bakersfield 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Sample Description: 1897 South Union Ave. 6A Date of Report: 10/17/88 Lab #: 7431-6 Type of Sample: Soil Test Method: Modified EPA Method 8080 Date Sample Collected: 10/03/88 OJ PCB - 1016 PCB -" 1221 PCB - 1232 PCB - 1242 PCB - 1248 PCB - 1254 PCB - 1260 Matrix Spike Lab #: ---1522-2 % Recovery: Comnents : ) By c1.¡/.1tf~ JI:J~Eg Date Sample Received @ Lab: 10/05/88 Reporting Units Analysis Results µgig µgig µgig µgig µgig µgig µgig none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected 98.5% Date Analysis Completed : 10/14/88 MiniITlml Reporting Level 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 -ni:j~ AnalÝst e AGRICUl TURE LABORATORIES. Inc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327·4911 CHEMICAl ANAlYSIS - ') PETROLEUM e Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) City of Bakersfield 2130 G Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date of Repört: 10/20/88 Lab #: 7431-7 Sample Description: 1897 South Union Ave. 7A Test Method: Modified EPA Method 8080 Type of Sample: Soil Date Analysis Completed : 10/15/88 Date Sample Collected : 10/03/88 Date Sample Received @ Lab: 10/05/88 Reporting Units J PCB - 1016 PCB - 1221 PCB - 1232 PCB - 1242 PCB - 1248 PCB - 1254 PCB - 1260 µgig µgig µgig µgig µgig µgig µgig Matrix Spike Lab #: 7431-10 % Recovery: 101 .4% Corrments : ) tí'/~~ tã.. n By Analysis Results Minim..un Reporting Level none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 fk7! /¡.~Uò~ , Anal'Srst e e AGRICUl TURE LABORATORIES. Inc. J, J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 CHEMICAL ANAL rSIs ') PETROLEUM Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) City of Bakersfield 2130 G Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date of Re~ort: 10/20/88 Lab tt: 7431-8 Sample Description: 1897 South Union Ave, 8A Test Method: Modified EPA Method 8080 Type of Sample: Soil Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed : 10/03/88 10/05/88 10/15/88 Minim..un Reporting Analysis Reporting Units Results Level PCB - 1016 µgig none detected 1.0 PCB - 1221 µgIg none detected 1.0 J PCB - 1232 µgig 1.60 1.0 PCB - 1242 µgig none detected 1.0 PCB - 1248 µgig none detected 1.0 PCB - 1254 µgig none detected 1.0 PCB - 1260 µgIg none detected 1.0 Matrix Spike Lab #: 7431-10 % Recovery: 101 .4% ) Corrments : By f/~ .' , Eg ~,¡,f"~ ~lyst AGRICUl TURE LABORATORIES. Inc. J, J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM, ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 ~HEMICAl ANAl rSIs .1 PETROlEUM ~) ,) e Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) City of Bakersfield 2130 G Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Sample Description: 1897 South Union Ave. 9A e Date of Report: 10/20/88 Lab #: 7431-9 Type of Sample: Soil Test Method: Modified EPA Method 8080 Date Sample Collected : 10/03/88 PCB - 1016 PCB - 1221 PCB - 1232 PCB - 1242 PCB - 1248 PCB - 1254 PCB - 1260 Matrix Spike Lab #: 7431-10 % Recovery: 101 .4% Corrments : By -i (}.~~/ 'J..fI. Eg n Date Sample Received @ Lab: 10/05/88 Reporting Units Analysis Results µgig µgig µgig µgig µgig µgig µgig none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected Date Analysis Completed : 10/15/88 Minirwm Reporting Level 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 i/!{{d/,1u/PV ( Analyst AGRICUL TURE e e LABORATORIES. Inc. J. J. EGLIN. REG. CHEM. EN GR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 CHEMICAL ANAL Y$I$ ) PETROLEUM Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) City of Bakersfield 2130 G Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date of Report: 10/20/88 Lab #: 7431-10 Sample Description: 1897 South Union Ave, lOA Test Method: Modified EPA Method 8080 Type of Sample: Soil Date Sample Date Sample. Date Analysis Collected : Received @ Lab: Completed: 10/03/88 10/05/88 10/15/88 Min1mJm Reporting Analysis Reporting Units Results Level PCB - 1016 µgIg none detected 1.0 'J PCB - 1221 µgig none detected 1.0' PCB - 1232 µgig none detected 1.0 PCB - 1242 µgIg none detected 1.0 PCB - 1248 µgIg none detected 1.0 PCB - 1254 µgIg none detected 1.0 PCB - 1260 µgIg none detected 1.0 Matrix Spike Lab #: 7431-10 % Recovery: 101.4% Conroents : ) By r1. r2. ~/ cÍ'J .r E in au'll -1:!t1Mm-J t/ Analyst AGRICUl TURE CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS '} PETROLEUM e e LABORATORIES, Inc. J. J, EGLIN, REG. CHEM, ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327·4911 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) City of Bakersfield 2130 G Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Sample Description: 1897 South union Ave. i1A Test Method: Modified EPA Method 8080 Date Sample Collected: 10/03/88 J PCB - 1016 PCB - 1221 PCB - 1232 PCB - 1242 PCB - 1248 PCB - 1254 PCB - 1260 Matrix Spike Lab #: 7431-10 % Recovery: 101.4% Corrrnents : ) ~ ¡J.1j,¿~' ðJ$: E in By Date of Report: 10/20/88 Lab #: 7431-11 Type of Sample: Soil Date Sample Received @ Lab: 10/05/88 Reporting Units Analysis Results µgig µgig µgig µgig µgig µgig µgIg none detected none, detected none detected none detected none detected· none detected none detected Date Analysis Completed: 10/15/88 MiniIILUß Reporting Level 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 rfê~ I Ana yst AGRICUI TURE CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS . ) PETROllUM e e LABORATORIES, Inc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (æB) City of Bakersfield 2130 G Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Sample Description: 1897 South Union Ave. 12A Test Method: Modified EPA Method 8080 Date Sample Collected: 10/03/88 ~) æB - 1016 æB - 1221 æB - 1232 PCB - 1242 PCB - 1248 PCB - 1254 PCB - 1260 Matrix Spike Lab #: 7431-10 % Recovery: 101 .4% ColTlTJents : ) By h~~k¿ ..ffEg . Date of Report: 10/20/88 Lab #: 7431-12 Type of Sample: Soil Date Sample Received @ Lab: 10/05/88 Reporting Units Analysis Results µgig µgig µgig µgig µgig µgig µgig none detected none detected none detected none, detected none detected none detected none detected Date Analysis Completed : 10/15/88 Minim.un Reporting Level 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 j1(til/;Juar0 Analyst e e ASR/CUl TURl LABORATORIES, Inc. J, J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 -:fl.EMICAl ANAL YSIS 1 PETROLEUM Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) City of Bakersfield 2130 G Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date of Report: 10/20/88 Lab #: 7431-13 Sample Description: 1897 South Union Ave. 13A Test Method: Modified EPA Method 8080 Type of Sample: Soil Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received @ Lab: Completed : 10/03/88 10/05/88 10/15/88 Minirl1.ml Reporting Analysis Reporting Units Results Level ,) PCB - 1016 µgig none detected 1.0 PCB - 1221 µgig none detected 1.0 PCB - 1232 µgig none detected 1.0 PCB - 1242 µgig none detected 1.0 PCB - 1248 µgig none detected 1.0 PCB - 1254 µgIg none detected 1.0 PCB - 1260 . µgIg none detected 1.0 Matrix Spike Lab #: 7431-10 % Recovery: 101.4% Coßl1)l9nts : ) By (J/4r.~ ~J g 'n IþiJ ¡tfk~ (/ Analfst AGRICUI TURE CHEMICAL ANAL Y$I$ ) PETROlEUM e e LABORATORIES, Inc. J, J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 9330B PHONE 327-4911 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) City of Bakersfield 2130 G Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Sample Description: 1897 South Union Ave. 14A Date of Report: 10/20/88 Lab #: 7431-14 Type of Sample: Soil Test Method: Modified EPA Method 8080 Date Sample Collected : 10/03/88 J PCB - 1016 PCB - 1221 PCB - 1232 PCB - 1242 PCB - 1248 PCB - 1254 PCB - 1260 Matrix Spike Lab #: 7431-10 % Recovery: 101.4% Corrments : ) r1. It fI"~.) ð. J¿í" Egl . By Date Sample . Received @ Lab: 10/05/88 Reporting Units Analysis Results µgig µgig µgIg µgIg µgIg µgig µgig none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected Date Analysis Completed : 10/15/88 Minirrum Reporting Level 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 dJflif~ ,!t ~yst e e AGRICUl TURE LABORATORIES, Inc. J, J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS ) PETROLEUM Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) City of Bakersfield 2130 G Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date of Report: 10/20/88 Lab #: 7431-15 Sarr@le Description: 1897 South Union Ave, 15A Test Method: Modified EPA Method 8080 Type of SæQPle: Soil Date Sample Date Sarr@le Date Analysis Collected : Received. @ Lab: Completed : 10/03/88 10/05/88 10/15/88 Minirwm Reporting Analysis Reporting Units Results Level PCB - 1016 µgig none detectl3d 5.0 PCB - 1221 µgig none detected 5.0 ,) PCB - 1232 µgig none detected 5.0 PCB - 1242 µgig none detected 5.0 PCB - 1248 µgig none detectl3d 5.0 PCB - 1254 µgig none detected 5.0 PCB - 1260 µgig none detected 5.0 Matrix Spike Lab #: 7431-10 % Recovery: 101.4% Corrments : _J By t? æ ~/ ð':' J r:T Eg . j1~J~ Anëdyst AGRICUl TURE CHEMICAL ANAL rSls ') PETROLEUM e e LABORATORIES. Inc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. EN GR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) City of Bakersfield 2130 G Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Sample Description: 1897 South Union Ave. 16A Date of Report: 10/20/88 Lab #: 7431-16 TYPe of Sample: Soil Test Method: Modified EPA Method 8080 Date Sample Collected: 10/03/88 J' , PCB - 1016 PCB - 1221 PCB - 1232 PCB - 1242 PCB - 1248 PCB - 1254 PCB - 1260 Matrix Spike Lab if: 7431-10 % Recovery: 101.4% Corrments : ) By -:t ;1 ~/~-' J,Jf: Eg n Date Sample Received @ Lab: 10/05/88 Reporting Units Analysis Results µgig µgig µgig µgig µgig µgig µgig none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected Date Analysis Completed : 10/15/88 Minim.un Reporting Level 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 /' 1f2 I (11l.ttl .' ~~ / Ami. yst AGRICUI. TURf -f,f,MICAI ANAL YSIS ,1 P(1ROlEUM e e LABORATORIES, Inc. J, J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (FCB) City of Bakersfield 2130 G Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Sample Description: 1897 South Onion Ave. 17A Date of Rep:>rt: 10/20/88 Lab tf: 7431-17 Type of Sample: Soil Test Method: Modified EPA Method 8080 Date Sample Collected: 10/03/88 J FCB - 1016 FCB - 1221 PCB - 1232 FCB - 1242 FCB - 1248 FCB - 1254 PCB - 1260 Matrix Spike Lab tf: 7431-17 % Recovery: 97.6% Corrments : ) By f¡~ Date Sample Received @ Lab: 10/05/88 Reporting Units Analysis Results µg/g µg/g µg/g µgig ,µg/g µg/g µg/g none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected Date Analysis Completed : 10/15/88 Mininurn Reporting Level 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 jMvl J ~~¡-.-/ , Wlyst e ') ) ) e APPENDIX 2 Date Rec'd: I U 12/7/8 ,x BC CHAIN "- CUSTODY NO. L- 0 4 Client: Sampler: Sample Type: Analysis Requested: (\':t1 0 ~ ß3.~(¿~·\e'J \)~ ,,\d \J. f,s1\ ~ \f\\"9'ÞSe , tr1 tr1 tr1 tr1 tr1 tr1 "'0 i tD m ~ ~ ~ "'0 "'0 "'0 (') g "'0 Name: 1\)~ ,,~.I ~c:t\ Name: ~ ( . La~ovtm)nE'S Water Other: > > > tD > " U\ U\ U\ U\ U\ 0\ ~ Address=t~y\~'91'\Q,\~ c.(\~ ~3~~' Address: k\l 09 fal'UC e r~- . Soil (specify) 0 0 0 ~ N N æ !'J ~ N .þ. ~ 00 ~ludge - - ~ ~ ~ 00 Õõ Aun: ¡ ~~ \ f~ ~'^~. ß~~e'5i If{ (c ~ ...Cf, ~ I,,~g Õõ - N 0 0 0 00 00 -...J 00 Oil 0 0 0 tD N ~ .... 0 n 0 - N - ð .þ. In 0 0 Q 0 n - 00 tD Lab # Description: Other Tests 0 Q ,~ ¡c.¡1D, -I tc 20 \\ Pb ~z\~ ""1õ-ttl I -c2 7ß ç~yfq<..~ / -.3 ~ß Ç~vfA(e -L¡ y b s,\A YÆ C1C t1 \ -~ !; ß S\\V1'(A( f -~ hC 1.' - -1 lß S\,\ Y~·c.i ((" -t ~ C l' -c¡ 0 ß ç'A v,ç. '" Cl" -to \0 C '\.\ e -II l\~ Ç\\vf~lt -IJ.- \2e 1.' Reli~qu?4...ed By: Date: Time: Received By: Date: Time: Comments: ~. ~TJ'w r· L.... 6. .I\I\-2Qfß 1\.\ '·4Ç)~ .10 rVV\. ryý} /", a-L .// HZ Jrr \!\p\..\vs ~ J rWV&:l _ IV ' IIY:2tI)Ï ~;I/<;;Dh. ...... . U f '<.J . , While: Relum to Cuslomer wÏlh Report YeUow: BCLa~ ~ci'~ ,"'""" . Da~e Rec'd: I' (16/ B i BC CHAIN CUSTODY NO. L- 0 4 . , Client: Sampler: Sample Type: Analysis Requested: C\~ O~· ~y\Qr~{'è\d \)(k\li~ ~: ~t\\Q.h,\.,O~ tr1 tr1 tr1 tr1 tr1 tr1 ""0 tr:I tr:I tr1 ~ ""0 ""0 ~ ""0 ~ n --i g ""0 Name: \~)-.l(i1 U YC{ÍUV\ 'k .> Water Other: > > > tr:I ª > Name:! \:'0 'c," ?vtvt '" UI UI UI UI UI 0\ ~ AddreSS~\QO f1t'f(~~ Soil (specify) 0 0 0 0 N N æ Address: 'lu. ~ ~ - \ r !V w N ~ ~ ~ 00 Sludge ...- ...- ~ tr1 ~ ::t: Õõ Attn: t \t ) "-"'- Õõ - 0 N 0 0 0 ~~[ Î è\J) Ca.q ~ 00 00 00 -....I 00 \(~\~ ~'¿j. Oil 0 0 0 tr:I N ~ -. 0 ('I 0 ...- N ...- ð ~ en 0 0 ~ 0 ('I ...- 00 tr:I Lab # Description: Other Tests 0 Q ~ ì l.( 'Jrl-/~ \~ß S~Yf^cx Ph ~\ zN 7ó-I~ ( . ~ l.\ C. i\ \ ( -Id I ",., - Relinq~ishe~y: Date: Time: Received By: Date: Time: Comments: M)JIW~~rnJ~'n~ · \ O..2O-ß~ 4~4~ . 10, m1 /" /ki,. ~ l Lr-~ 1-/ .' 1I)4h Jr 11,'''( J' rY I 'U l "--..,..J I , WhÏle: Return 10 Customer wilh Repon Yellow: BC La~ .~~a0~ ,'......... \ e e AGRICUI TURE LABORATORIES. Inc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PI10NE 327-4911 .)\ CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS . PETROLEUM City of Bakersfield 2130 G Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Date Reported: 10/31/88 Date Received: 10/20/88 Laboratory No.:7922-1 Attention: Ralph Huey Submitted By: David Rittenhouse TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (TTLC) TITLE 22, ARTICLE II, CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Sample Description: IC 20" Constituents Sample Results mg/kg Method Ref. Regulatory Criteria STLC TTLC ,) Lead 454 6010 1 5 1000. Zinc 2360 6010 1 250 5000. Comment: All constituents reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration. (1) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solids Wastes", SW 846, July 1982. (-) refers to "less than". ) AGRICUI TURE e e LABORATORIES. Inc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM, EN GR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 CHEMICAL ANAL YSJS ') PETROLEUM City of Bakersfield 2130 G Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Date Reported: 10/31/88 Date Received: 18/20/88 Laboratory No.: 7922-2 ' Attention: Ralph Huey Submitted By: David Rittenhouse TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (TTLC) TITLE 22, ARTICLE II, CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Sample Description: 2B Surface Constituents Sample Results mg/kg Method Ref. Regulatory Criteria STLC TTLC ) Lead 1240 6010 1 5 1000. . Zinc 8010 6010 1 250 5000. Comment: All constituents reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. TILC a Total Threshold Limit Concentration. (1) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solids Wastes", SW 846, July 1982. (-) refers to "less than". B C LABORATORIES, INC. BY fI ~., '&¿~J {/ J .Jj. Egifn .J e e AGRICUI TURf LABORATORIES, Inc. J. J, EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS ") PETROlEUM City of Bakersfield 2130 G Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Date Reported: 10/31/88 Date Received: 10/20/88 Laboratory No.: 7922-3 Attention: Ralph Huey Submitted: David Rittenhouse TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (TTLC) TITLE 22, ARTICLE II, CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Sample Description: 3B Surface Constituents Sample Results mg/kg Method Ref. Regulatory Criteria SILC TTLC .,-) .....~ Lead 650 6010 1 5 1000. Zinc 1550 6010 1 250 5000. Comment: All constituents reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. TILC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration. (1) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solids Wastes", SW 846, July 1982. (-) refers to "less than". B C LABORATORIES, INC. /7/7 r/. BY :{. V.. Wft' (.."" (/J. t1. EgI . . ) e e AGRICU~ TURl LABORATORIES. Inc. J. J, EGLIN, REG. CHEM. EN GR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327.4911 CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS ') PETROLEUM City of Bakersfield 2130 G Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Date Reported: 10/31/88 Date Received: 10/20/88 Laboratory NO.:7922-4 Attention: Ralph Huey Submitted By: David Rittenhouse TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (TTLC) TITLE 22, ARTICLE II, CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Sample Description: 4B Surface Constituent~ Sample Results mg/kg Method Ref. Regulatory Criteria STLC TTLC ') Lead 18.3 6010 1 5 1000. Zinc 184 6010 1 250 5000. Comment: All constituents reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels: TILC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration. (1) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solids Wastes", SW 846, July 1982. (-) refers to "less than". B C LABORATORIES, INC. BY';; (J ~¿;J Jt1J. E n ) e e AGRICUl TURE LABORATORIES. Inc. J. J, EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS ) PETROLEUM City of Bakersfield 2131 G Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Date Reporte6: 10/31/88 Date Received: 10/20/88 Laboratory No. :7922-5 Attention: Ralph Huey Submitted By: David Rittenhouse TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (TILC) TITLE 22, ARTICLE II, CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Sample Description: 5B Surface Constituents Sample Results mg/kg Me thod Ref. Regulatory Criteria STLC TILC ~) Lead 696 6010 1 5 1000. Zinc 6.28 6010 1 250 5000. COmment: All constituents reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. TTLC = Total Threshold Limit COncentration. (1) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solids Wastes", SW 846, July 1982. (-) refers to "less than". BY ) e e AG/JICUI TURI LABORATORIES. Inc. J. J, EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 CHEMICAl ANAl YSIS )',"" " PETROlEUM City of Bakersfield 2130 G Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Date Reported: 10/31/88 Date Received: iO/20/88 Laboratory NO':7922-i Attention: Ralph Huey TOTAL OONTAMINA~¥§mtfft~)BY: David Rittenhouse TITLE 22, ARTICLE II, CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Sample Description: 6C I' Constituents Sample Results mg/kg Method Ref. Regulatory Criteria STLC TILC J Lead 51.3 6010 1 5 1000. Zinc 285 6010 1 250 5000. Comment: All constituents reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. 'TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration. (1) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solids Wastes", SW 846, July 1982. (-) refers to "less than". B C LABORATORIES, INC. BY --t:(j &4 J 'J .tJ. Eg}jín ' ) e e AGRICUl , 'tiRE LABORATORIES. Inc. J, J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS ) 'ETRDlEUM City of Bakersfield 2130 G Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Date Reported: 10/31/88 Date Received: 10/20/88 Laboratory No.:7922-7 Attention: Ralph Huey Submitted By: David Rittenhouse TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (TTLC) TITLE 22, ARTICLE II, CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Sample Description: 7B Surface ConsU tuents . . Sample Results mg/kg Method Ref. Regulatory Cd teda STLC TTLC ") Lead 793 6010 1 5 1000. Zinc 976 6010 1 250 5000. Comment: All constituents reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis~ Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. TTLC = Total Threshold Limit COncentration. (1) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solids Wastes", SW 846, July 1982. (-) refers to "less than". B C LABORATORIES, INC. BY ,e./. ". ~·."'~-·""t.:;... .) AGRICUI TURE e e PHONE 327-4911 . Attention: Ralph Huey Submitted By: David Rittenhouse TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (TTLC) TITLE 22. ARTICLE II. CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE J CHEMICAL ANALYSIS .}:.. ,. .:' PETROlEUM LABORATORIES, Inc. J, J, EGLIN, REG, CHEM. EN GR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 Date Reported: 10/31/88 Date Received: 10/20/88 Laboratory No. :7922-8 Sample Results mg/kg Method Ref. Regulatory Criteria STLC TTLC 1000. 5000. COmment: All constituents reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Ooncentration. ) City of Bakersfield 2130 G Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Sample Description: 8C l' Constituents Lead Zinc 23.7 6010 1 5 202. 6010 1 250 (1) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solids Wastes", SW 846, July 1982. (-) refers to "less than". B C LABORATORIES, INC. . t? BY '~ ,1.. rl'/,;.f:.,· ~ ð~:tl Eg;¿ ~...~V e e AGRICUl TURf LABORATORIES. Inc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PJ'fONE 327·4911 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS '} PETROlEUM City of Bakersfield 2130 G Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Date Reported: 10/31/88 Date Received: 10/20/88 Laboratory No. :7922-9 Attention: Ralph Huey Submitted By: David Rittenhouse TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (TTLC) TITLE 22, ARTICLE II, CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Sample Description: 9B Surface Constituents Sample Results mg/kg Me t hod Ref. Regulatory Criteria STLC TTLC 0) Lead 168 6010 1 5 1000. Zinc 588 6010 1 250 5000. Comment: All constituents reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (¡TLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration. (1) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solids Wastes", SW 846, July 1982. (-) refers to "less than". B C LABORATORIES, INC. ff. (1 ~ !!~ . ,I- , ... . BY ...' '(':',,"L'_"~1'./ (/ J ,¿.lJ. E~ln ) e e AGRICUl TURE LABORATORIES. Inc. J. J, EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS ") PETROLEUM City of Bakersfield 2130 G Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Date Reported: io!~~fb§ Date Received: lÚ!20!88 Laboratory No.:7922-10 Submitted By: David Rittenhouse Attention: Ralph Huey TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (TILC) TITLE 22, ARTICLE II, CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Sample Description: 10C I' Constituents Sample Results mg/kg Method Ref. Regulatory Criteria STLC TILC ) Lead 17.6 6010 1 5 10 00. Zinc 164 6010 1 250 5000. Comment: All constituents reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. TILC Q Total Threshold Limit Concentration. (1) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solids Wastes", SW 846, July 1982. (-) refers to "less than". BY B C LABORATORIES, INC. t).(l .&,¿;~ (J. j,t Egl1ði" -) e e AGRICUI TURE LABORATORIES, Inc. J, J. EGliN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD" BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327.4911 CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS ') PETROllUM City of Bakersfield 2130 G Street Bakersfield, Califo~ia 93301 Date Reported: 10(31/88 Date Received: 10/20/88 Laboratory No.:7922-11 Attention: Ralph Huey Submitted By: David Rittenhouse TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (TTLC) TITLE 22, ARTICLE II, CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Sample Description: lIB Surface Consti tuents Sample Results mg/kg Method Ref. Regulatory Criteria STLC TTLC J Lead 1990 6010 1 5 1000. Zinc 12100 6010 1 250 5000. Cbmment: All constituents reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration. (1) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solids Wastes", SW 846, July 1982. (-) refers to "less than". B C LABORATORIES, INC. i ~ ,'~/./ BY -, . - '(,ý·t.~v (, J. fÄ. EgJ&b ) · e A6RICUl TURE LABORATDR'IES, Inc. J. J, EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS ') PETROlEUM City of Bakersfield 2130 G Street Bakersfield, California 93301 10/31/88 Date Reported: Date Received: 10/20/88 Laboratory No.: 7922-12 Attention: Ralph Huey Submitted By: David Rittenhouse TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (TTLC) TITLE 22, ARTICLE II, CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Sample Description: 12C l' Cons ti tuents Sample Results mg/kg Method Ref. - Regulatory Cd teda STLC TTLC ~) Lead 797 6010 1 5 1000. Zinc 4920 6010 1 250 5000. Comment: All constituents reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. TILC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration. (I) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solids Wastes", SW 846, July 1982. (-) refers to "less than". B C LABORATORIES, INC. ~ /7 ,.e./. BY -.}.«, -<,'~~t,.[,.;../ JV J. Eg11n ,-) A'.. J .) . e AGRICUl TURE LABORATORIES, Inc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS )." , PETROLEUM City of Bakersfield 2130 G Street Bakersfield, California 9J301 Date Reported: 10/31/88 Date Received: 10/20/88 Laboratory No.: 7922-13 Attention: Ralph Huey Submitted By: David Rittenhouse TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (TTLC) TITLE 22, ARTICLE II, CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Sample Description: 13B Surface Cons ti tuen ts Sample Results mg/kg , Method Ref. Regulatory Criteria STLC TTLC Lead 6010 1 5 1000. 164 Zinc 6010 1 250 5000. 889 Comment: All constituents repörted above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. TTLC Total Threshold Limit Concentration. (1) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solids Wastes", SW 846, July 1982. (-) refers to "less than". B C LABORATORIES, INC. BY /) (7 ,t(/~. I (/ - }<". ·<..·',,,.'L,.·,,1-t. rJ J¡/ J. E~in · e AGRICUl TURf LABORATORIES, Inc. J. J. EGLIN, REG, CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 P~ONE 321-4911 CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS ") PlTROlEUM City of Bakersfield 2130 G Street Bakersfield, California_ 93301 Date Reported: 10/31/88 Date Received: 10/20/88 Laboratory No.:7922-14 Attention: Ralph Huey Submitted By: David Rittenhouse TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (TTLC) TITLE 22, ARTICLE II, CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Sample Description: 14C l' Constituents Sample Results mg/kg Method Ref. Regulatory Cri teria STLC TTLC ) Lead 27.6 6010 1 5 1000. Zinc 204 6010 1 250 5000. Comment: All constituents reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (~TLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration. (1) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solids Wastes", SW 846, July 1982. (-) refers to "less than". BY .)