HomeMy WebLinkAboutUST-REPORT 8/29/2001~~ BARERSFIELD FIRE STATION ~~9 ~- ~ 7912 WESTWOLD. -- 2800146 ~ ~~ f ~~ y~/ 8 .~~ Operate Materials Storage Facility to Permit Underground Hazardous 024292 ......,.,.:.,::'::.:::,:.":.,.:,:,:.,.",.,.,,,,:.,.,:::,,':.:.:.,...... ......... ~ . .. . . . ......... ........ . . .... . . . .. ........ ....... . . ... . . , . . . ...... ........ '.. . . . . . . .. .. ........ ...... . . . . . .. . . . .. . ...... ......-. .. . .. ,- . . ... -. ...~... ...... .. . . .. . . . . . .. .. -, ..... ..,:;:::t)'i:}·;;;·/./:/;;:::::::::::::;:::::':::·::::;.::;;:::':::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::,;::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\,·,:,:::::..P e r m No. (~:ei'Affl~'~1~ERSE SIDE j;á:h~:):::::;:::::.::::::::::\ Pipin g h!.~9ll~:g:::::::·:'::t::: Type AFtT\·\\r:::::·:·:·...·· \...::'::.:\:. SWS . . . . . . .. -... . .... .. .... . .. .. :rJ~~ 8WS ~~, Issued To: 280 t . I :... D. No. I. State CONDITI ~ . . . . . . . .. . . . · .. . ........ · '" . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. ,.-. · . .. .. . . . · ',' . . .. .. .. '... .. ........ ',' . . ... .. . . ..... .. ....". ... '" .. . . . .. . .. ... . ..... .... . .. . . ". . . .. ... . .... .. ".. ",. .... . . .. .. . .. ..... ... .. .... . . . ,. ... . . . -... . . '.. ... ,,-. . . :\+:êQ!1qifl~ri~::::s9Qlecl·· . ... ...... .. ... .... .. . ...., . ...... . ... . . - . . . . . . . ... . . .. .. .... ...... . .. .... ............ ... . ..... ...... .. ... . ....... ... .... ...... ..... .. ..... ....... .. . . . ............... . . ....... ....... .. ....... ......... ......... ...... .. ......... .... ... .... ., .. ........- .... ... .... . ... ...... ... ... ...... .. ........ ..... ...- .... .... -'.,,-'" ",' . ','-',' ','-'-' . .. ... Piping Monitoring Piping Method .. Hazardous Substance LTT LTT SUCTION SUCTION , CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE STATION #9 7912 WESTWOLD DRIVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 .. : Bakersfield Fire Dept. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 12-22-98 to: 12-22-93 from: Valid Coordinator Ma terials Tank Number 01 02 Issued By: ~ . ? :::":: }::":. ' '.' ',..," '.' ." ...~: }. ': < ftim_~ ....._- .,~ .:..:;2 ~ Approved by .. .. ... .. UNLEADED DIESEL · NORTH - .:'5CALE: . ,II - '30' BI-OC-K. WAL.L \ I~ .J ..J -« u~DeRGROUND ,_ FUEL ~N~ I l3L.oc.K WALL WA.TER PARK ¡:Oq-L.) , -- COLD WAïGR. .PROPERTY LINE CURB '-4: WE~TWOL!) DR. R&CORDE~ ,.--- IN BOOIl "T ~AG" OFFICIAL R&CORDa OF KERN COUNTY. CALIFORNIA F\RE STATION. NO.9 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DATE 4- z--e6' DRAWN G CHI:CJŒD c '" 1t- t ] JOB # REQUESTED BY: I. ¡TORE # PHONE # '#'C¡ TECHNICIAN # T PO# OR INCIDENT# WAS JOB COMPLETED? EJ rKJ D CHARGE CODD MATERIAL CHARGES MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~.A ~~ __---.-----.-- , , V~.. _,," ----- ~""'--~~~;ç-l-/ J~YICE S~ATION NAME _ _ ,_~ ''-.'''' / i) ¡"" /.-' r . -. t í. ¡;! 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TOTAL MATERIAL SERIAL NUMBER PUMP NUMBER TOTALIZER READINGS MODEL NUMBER IpUMP #1 SERIAL # SALES TAX ON TOTAL MATERIAL D D D D TOTAL LABOR CHARGE READINGS AFTER TOTAL TRAVEL TIME TOTAL MILEAGE FAULT READINGS BEFORE ....... TOTALS ,Ai .,'" ARRIVA~ TIME AT SITE~) (} ...- t:'t (:'1 PM DEPARTURE TIME ® PM '( ---- ¡ : ('5 TOTAL TIME ON SITE CAUSE ( -Lò/..(ffC iI~ .!..,., ¿ t-¡ç' 2. 0 "') ~ ,-,..:>ë'Òð..ç ~; I ( r-, '-' , .-4,. j . "t,j") ,;) « C'.} , T " ACI r\.- "-n._ -~~- î (~-.. r REMARKS: .' i IHRS I SERVICE PERSON (PRINT NAME) .. I I. j'- ¿ , ,,- . (- f: " SÉ~VI~E·PERSO~'S ¢N~~U~E . " Aþ:t~.C:~I~ED P,?R:O:~S ~IGNATYRE 7).n . / ¿" /- ../-. /.'r' .,,- ~-~--. (7 2 C ) :/f / J _~.., /1~ ~ Y';:.~?,j>?_ ,. f~'" >1/J ¿t~ I J ,(- ( SALES AGREEMENT:lt is agréed that, if collection is made by suit or otherwise, I/we agree to pay a FINANCE CHARGE (NOT TO EXCEED THE MAXIMjJM LEGAL RATE) computed after 20 days from the due date on the previous balance after deducting current payment' and/or credits until fully paid, IIwe also agree to pay all collections costs and including attorneysïees as may be adjudged þý the court, and waive all rights at any claims exempted under Slate Laws, and will not remove property without prior written consent of BSSR, Inc, from original place of services provided/delivery/installation of parts, Merchandise not returnable unless approved by BSSR, Inc,(SELLER), ~ DATE IMIN I ... TOTAL ~--;.1 REMEDY AUTHORIZED PERSON (PRINT"NAME) ~~r t.;·~ (PRINT NAME) SERVICE PERSON'S SIGNATURE SERVICE PERSON "t '¿ , ,; ~ ----, .. lilli-Iii, ¡LiJIII",--·-~IUi¡j¡UI. rill. ,...i.".,..--IIII¡"¡JIII,j¡, i¡..IIIU"iJ II I 'I I I I I I I' I' I I I I I I I I I TANK REMOVAL FIRE STATION #9 7912 WESTWOLD DRIVE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Lutrel Trucking and Environmental Services, Inc. December, 1997 II II I I I I ,I 'I I I I I I I I I I I ,I Station # 9 Tank Removal I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS Sec I II III Description Pa2e INTR 0 D U CTI ON............................................. ...................... .... ................ ......... ...... 1 PURPOSE AND seo PE .................. .... ........... ............... ........ .................. ......... ..... ... 1 BACKG ROUND INFORMA TI ON ..........................................................................2 a) Project Location ....................................................... ................... ....... ....... 2 b) Site Description ........... ................................. ................... ........ .................. 2 IV V VI VII SITE GEOLOGY AND HyDROLOGy................................................................. 2 SITE HISTORY.. ............. ......... ........... ........... ......... ..................... .......... ....... ............ 3 PROJECT HISTORy................. ........... ......... ............. ................. .......... ......... ..... .... 3 L TI SITE CHARACTERIZATION FINDINGS .................................................... 4 a) Soil Profile ........................... ......... ........... ........................... ........... ....... ..... 4 b) Results of soil sample analysis ................................................................. 4 c) Extent of Soil Contamination................................................................... 4 VIII CONCLUSIONS ..... .................. ........... ....... ........... ........... .......... ........ ............. ... ....... 5 IX REMEDIAL ACTION AL TERN A TIVES .............................................................. 5 X LUTREL CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS.................................5 a) C onclusio ns ........ ........... ......... ............. ....... ............. ..................... ........ ......... ..... ... 5 b) Recommendations............ ........... ...................... ............................. ........... ..... ....... 6 C e rtifi ca ti 0 n .............................................................................................................................. ........ 7 APPENDIX A Lab Analysis Area Map Plot Plan Tank Diagram & Generalize Plot Plan Tank Decontamination Notice to Proceed Letter Purchase Orders Las Palm as Refinery Rinsate Recycling Map #1 Map #2 Figure #1 I I I I I I II ',1 I I I I I I I I I I I SITE TANK REMOVAL REPORT BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE STATION #9 7912 WESTWOLD DRIVE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA I. INTRODUCTION This report outlines the underground storage tank (UST) removal and results of Lutrel Trucking and Environmental Service, Inc. (LUTREL) operations on two (2) 550 gallon steel USTs at 7912 Westwold Drive in Bakersfield, California. The UST removals were authorized by Mr. Gerald G. Claasen, Construction Superintendent, City of Bakersfield on October 2, 1997. II. PURPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of the UST removals was to eliminate the possibility of an accidental release resulting in soil and/or groundwater contamination. Lutrel presented one scenario for removal, 1) Excavate, recycle and backfill. Scope of work for this remediation project involved the following: · Permits were obtained by Lutrel on October 8, 1997. · Excavation of the subject tanks began on October 20, 1997. The two USTs were rinsed, pumped and filled with 40 pounds of dry ice, loaded on flatbed trucks aild transported to a State-Certified landfill as a non-hazardous material. The rinsate from the USTs was transported to a local licensed recycler for processing. Samples were taken by having the excavator bucket excavate to the prescribed depth, two feet and six feet below the bottom of the tanks, grabbing the sample with a six inch brass tube from the bucket and capping both ends of the tube with Teflon® tape and plastic. The samples were labeled and transported in a cooler immediately to BC Labs for analysis. The samples were analyzed for TPH-g, TPH-d and BTEX. · Data from these analyses were evaluated to assure the City of Bakersfield and the Bakersfield City Fire Department that the excavation had contamination below action levels for this area from the USTs. Lutrel Trucking, Inc.. Station #9 Project Page 1 I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I , I II i , I I I . Mr. Steve Underwood of the City Fire Department was on site to witness the actual removal of the USTs and the sampling of the soil. III. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Information regarding the site location, site description, site geology and hydrogeology, and project history is presented in the following sections. a) Project Location: The project site is located at 7912 Westwold Drive in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, California. The site is north of Westwold Drive surrounded by residential homes. The area is composed of mainly single -family dwellings. (See Map #1) b) Site Description The site is a level, completely paved, cinder block-walled enclosed property. The garage station area is located directly southwest of the two USTs. California Water Service is the company in charge of domestic water service. All sewage is discharged into the sewage system operated by the City of Bakersfield. The two USTs were located northeast of the current fire station building (Map #2). They were approximately six feet in diameter with the tops approximately three feet below the surface. (see Figure #1). IV. SITE GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY The site is located within the San Joaquin Valley geomorphic province of California. Near-surface soils at the site consist of sand, sandy silt and silty clay which are Quaternary alluvial deposits of the Kern River, located approximately 7.0 miles northwest of the site. According to the Kern County Water Agency Water Report of, 1995, groundwater is approximately 200 feet below grade. This shallow unconfined aquifer recharges the deeper confined and semi-confined groundwater basin which provides the community and agricultural water supply for the southern valley. Average rainfall in the Bakersfield Lutrel Trucking, Inc.. Station #9 Project Page 2 I I. I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I area is approximately six inches per year and does not contribute to the groundwater recharge by surface infiltration. V. SITE HISTORY Information regarding the site history was obtained from the property owner, the City of Bakersfield and the Kern County Public Library. The Site was subdivided into residential single-family parcels during the middle 1980's. The site was developed by the present tenants, Bakersfield Fire Department. The USTs were used to store Diesel (1-550 gallon) and Gasoline (1-550 gallon). Prior use of the tanks were for fueling vehicles with diesel and gasoline. The tanks had been used over the past 10 years. There were no indications of leakage from either of the two (2) tanks as both looked to be in good shape with no holes when they were inspected after removal. VI. PROJECT HISTORY The Bakersfield Fire Department is concerned that USTs have the potential to degrade water quality of the unconfined aquifer which underlies the city. Because the tank commonly contains organic hydrocarbon compounds, the City Fire Department has required that owners of property known to be equipped with these types of systems demonstrate that the tanks are replaced with double walled tanks with leak detection systems and that the soil beneath the system components has not been impacted by organic constituents. Lutrel Trucking, Inc.. Station #9 Project Page 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table 1 Description TPH-d TPH-g Benzene Toluene Ethyl-Benzene Xylene mglkg mglkg mglkg mglkg mglkg mglkg Diesel @ 2' ND ND ND ND ND Diesel @ 6' ND ND ND ND 0.028 Gasoline @ 2' 4,600 1.9 34 40 470 Gasoline @ 6' 1,600 0.19 12 15 140 VII. LTI SITE CHARACTERIZATION FINDINGS a) Soil Profile Subsurface soils in the area of the investigation generally consist of silty sands underlain by interbedded layers of poorly graded sand and silty clay to a maximum depth of 14 feet. b) Results of soil sample analysis Laboratory results of the soil samples tested for Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl-Benzene and Xylene (BTEX), Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons-Diesel(TPH-d) and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon- Gasoline (TPH-g) are presented in Table 1. Laboratory documentation is provided in Appendix A. Samples tested for BTEX and TPH revealed detectable amounts of Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl- Benzene, Xylene, Gasoline were present in the subsurface soils at two feet below the but diesel remained below detectable limits. c) Extent of Soil Contamination Based on the results of the analytical testing of the soil samples, no soil was removed. Since the normal action limit is 100 mg/kg, the decision not to excavate under the Diesel Tank. was made. Although the action limit was exceeded at 2' and 6' beneath the gasoline tank., the concentration was decreasing with depth and the decision not to excavate any soil was made here as well. The entire area was backfilled and compacted back to the original surface elevation. Lutrel Trucking, Inc.. Station #9 Project Page 4 ,I I I :1 I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I VIII. CONCLUSIONS On the basis ofthe findings, the following are our conclusions: . Soil profile at the site consists of silty sand, poorly graded sand, silty clay and gravely sand to the maximum explored depth of 14 feet. . No groundwater was encountered. IX. REMEDIAL ACTION ALTERNATIVES The Bakersfield Fire Department requires that three (3) remediation options be evaluated if significant levels of contamination are found. They are: No Further Action, Excavation / Removal, and lnsitu Remediation. X. LUTREL CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS a) Conclusions The contamination located beneath the gasoline tank has been reported as above the action limit of 100 mg/kg resulting in "Further Action Required". These levels are documented by TPH-g and BTEX analyses from samples taken at the bottom of the excavation. Although the results of the sampling beneath the gasoline tank indicate that the levels are above the action limits, the level of contamination seems to be decreasing with depth and groundwater is not being threatened with this contamination. We, therefore feel that this area is a candidate for a Site Assessment to further delineate the contamination plume. Field observations, measurements, and laboratory analyses indicate that this site does not pose a present or reasonable threat to groundwater due to the contamination levels and depth to groundwater, however further investigation may be needed. Lutrel Trucking, Inc.. Station #9 Project Page 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I b) Recommendation As a result of the findings described in this report, we recommend that a site assessment be conducted by the Bakersfield Fire Department for the former gasoline UST site at 7912 Westwold Drive, Bakersfield, California. Lutrel Trucking, Inc.. Station #9 Project Page 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Certification I certify under penalty of law that this documentation and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the, information, I certify that the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true accurate and complete, I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations, William J. Rosica REA #875 Environmental Consultant Vice-President -Owner Lutrel Services, Inc. Lutrel Trucking, Inc.. Station #9 Project Page 7 I !\. II I !I I I I I I I I .. I II I I I I I ~ I » "U "'0 m z o X· » I. I LABORATORIES I I November 17, 1997 I I I I MARK LUTREL LUTREL SERVICES 6315 SNOW ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Subject: Laboratory Submission No.: Samples Received: 97-11405 10/22/97 I Dear Mr. Lutrel: I The samples(s) listed on the Chain of Custody report were received by BC Laboratories, Inc. on 10/22/97. I Enclosed please find the analytical data for the testing requested. If you have any questions regarding this report please contact me at (805)327-4911, ext. 204. I Any unused sample will be stored on our premises for a minimum of 30 days (excluding bacteriologicals) at which time they will be disposed unless otherwise requested at the time of sample receipt. A disposal fee of $5 per sample may apply for solid sample matrices. Please refer to, submission number 97-11405 when calling for assistance. I I s~~ Tina Green Client Services BC Laboratories, Inc. I I I I IAII results listed In this report ere for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratorlas; Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, seperatlon, detachment or third party Interpretation,' . 4100 Atlas Ct. . Bakersfield, CA 93308 . (805) 327-4911 . FAX (805) 327-1918 ~ a> '00- æ~ L- L- a> a> .at: E ëü :J.... Z§ o ~ f IB TI N c ~ .. >. .a '0 - 'Oa> o C/) a> E () Iii '0 .- . a> a>!- ~ Cf) ~oð L- >- a> C/) '0 C/) .... a> 0 =:cu a. (¡j ~O E:J a> cu 0 a: Cf) Analysis Requested a> 0> 1J :J U51fi Other: >- C o t- en :J o L1. o Z < :I: o ro-\ o ex)' ~W ~~ -~ ~~ ,~o -co ~- a>X ~« Æu. . . t"'" :JT"" 00'> 0"1 C/)I"- CUN ;:;(') «- OLO 00 ,....co ~- CI~l~ Da . I . _ ='n Date: Time: Date: Time: Date: Time: Date: Time: ..- -- Received by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) " ' Relinquished by: (Signature) Relinquished by: (Signature) Relinquished by: (Signature) Relinquished by: (Signature) Name: -C¡V1 I City Attention: VU1 or- , IVil-l~1 - - ...'-.:1 Com '.... ,.... E ..D." , mack, LJ WI .. :----- Time: Miles: P.O.# (j Z UJ w 0: o ~ 0: o rn ~ ~I Sample Disposal (] Disposal @ 5.00 ea, Return to client .. - 1 tBC LABORATORIES INC. SAMPLE RECEIPT FORM -Rev. No.3 4/10/97 LAB.!'JUMBE~,_ (y t£; I TIME RECEIVEDt;>l.:y 3(1t"-~TE RECEIVED: \ 0/;;;;;;)-14.1' ~CEIVED BV: cfV\~ J r SHIPPING SPECIFICATIONS SHIPPING CONTAINER Federal Express 0 UPS 0 Hand DeliVery~ Ice Chest 0 Box 0 ~c lab Field Se,viee 0 Other 0 ISpeeify)- None ~ Other 0 ISpeedy) SAMPLE CONDITION I foe Chest ID , Jrempereture loe Chest ID loe Cheat ID Ioe Cheat ID loe Cheat ID Ice Chest ID °C Temperature °c Temperature °c Temperature °c Temperature °c Temperature °C Emissivity ntainer \ Ice 0 Blue Ice 0 None~- Comments: Custody Seals: Ice Chest 0 Containers 0 None~ ¡;I samples received? vesr:ø.-- No 0 All samples intact? Ve~o 0 SAMPLE CONTAINERS Description match COC? V~ No 0 Sampla # 1 2 3 4 6 a 7 8 8 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 18 20 QT GENERAL MINERAU GENERAL PHYSICAL 'T PE UNPRESERVED ~ T INORGANIC CHEMICAL METALS 'T INORGANIC CHEMICAL METALS PT CYANIDE I h.NITROGEN FORMS 1 I:!.. TOTAL SULFIDE 20z. NITRATE / NITRITE OOml TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON TTOX 'T CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND 100ml PHENOUCS , tQ.ml VOA VIAL TRAVel BLANK ~ml VOA VIAL VOA SET (3 VIALS, 1TB) TEPA 413.1, 413.2, 418.1 T ODOR ADIOLOGICAL BACTERIOLOGICAL Ir.EPA 504 , J!. EPA 508/608/8080 QT EPA 515.1/8150 T EPA 525 T EPA 525 TRAVEL BLANK OOml EPA 547 100ml EPA 531.1 I-T EPA 548 t! EPA 549 QT EPA 632 TEPA 8015M T OA/QC T AMBER 8 OZ. JAR ~ OZ. JAR ~L SLEEVE PCB VIAL , STIC BAG ~ Æ-k'X , [Ments: ~ mp/eted by: óy\/, IF:IWP60IDAT AIDOCSISHElLAHIFORMSISAMREC .FRMJ -. I LABORATORIES I I- I I I I I I· I I I I I I ,I I Page 1 Purge able Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons LUTREL SERVICES 6315 SNOW ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 At tn : MARK LUTREL Date Reported: 11/12/97 Date Received: 10/22/97 Laboratory No.: 97-11405-1 399-0246 Sample Description: CITY FIRE STATION #9 (7912 WESTWOOD) 2' BELOW GAS TANK, SAMPLED BY BRYAN MCNABB Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Extracted-8015M(g) : Analyzed-8015M(g) : 10/20/97 11/03/97 11/03/97 11/03/97 11/03/97 @ 01:30PM Date Date Constituents Analysis Results Reporting Units Practical Quantitation Limit Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Total Xylenes Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) Surrogate % Recovery 1.9 34. 40. 470. mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg % 3000. 70-130 1. 20. 20. 30. 4600. 84. TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. Note: PQL's were raised due to high concentration of target analytes requiring sample dilution. Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor IAII results listed in this report ere for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, seperation, detachment or third party Interpretation. 4100 Atlas Ct. . Bakersfield, CA 93308 . (805) 327-4911 . FAX (805) 327-1918 I=m.- I LABORATORIES I I I I I I I .1 I I I I I I I I Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons LUTREL SERVICES 6315 SNOW ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Attn: MARK LUTREL 399-0246 Date Reported: 11/12/97 Date Received: 10/22/97 Laboratory No.: 97-11405-2 Sample Description: CITY FIRE STATION #9 (7912 WESTWOOD) 6' BELOW GAS TANK, SAMPLED BY BRYAN MCNABB Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Extracted-8015M(g) : Analyzed-8015M(g) : 10/20/97 11/03/97 11/03/97 11/03/97 11/03/97 @ 01:40PM Date Date Constituents Analysis Results Practical Quantitation Limit Reporting Units Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Total Xylenes Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) Surrogate ~ Recovery 0.19 12. 15. 140. mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg ~ 1000. 70-130 0.005 10. 10. 30. 1600. 80. TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. Note: PQL's were raised due to high concentration of target analytes requiring sample dilution. Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor I results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility lor report alteration, seperation, detachment or third party interpretation, 4100 Atlas Ct. . Bakersfield, CA 93308 . (805) 327-4911 . FAX (805) 327-1918 , Page 1 I Purgeab1e Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ;CJTREL SERVICES .5 SNOW ROAD IJERSFIELD, CA 93308 ~tn: MARK LUTREL 399-0246 Date Reported: 10/31/97 Date Received: 10/22/97 Laboratory No.: 97-11405-3 ;lp1e ,P1e Description: CITY FIRE STATION #9 (7912 WESTWOOD) 2' BELOW DIESEL TANK, SAMPLED BY BRYAN MCNABB Matrix: Soil Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Ana1yzed-8020: Extracted-8015M(d) : Ana1yzed-8015M(d) : 10/20/97 10/31/97 10/31/97 10/24/97 10/27/97 @ 01:50PM I Date Date tsti tuents ienzene 'Iuene , y1 Benzene , a1 Xy1enes ;urrogate % Recovery '(a1 Petroleum drocarbons (diesel) rogate % Recovery Analysis Results Reporting Units Practical Quantitation Limit None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected 86. mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg % 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 70-130 None Detected 101. mg/kg % 10. 64-128 IT METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. I I I I I 'iforni 'art G. Buttram artment Supervisor I in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party, BC Laboratories, Inc, assumes no responsibility for report alteration, seperation, detachment or third party Interpretation, 4100 Atlas Ct. . Bakersfield, CA 93308 . (805) 327-4911 . FAX (805) 327-1918 I=s- I LABORATORIES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Page 1 Purge able Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons LUTREL SERVICES 6315 SNOW ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Attn: MARK LUTREL 399-0246 Date Reported: 10/31/97 Date Received: 10/22/97 Laboratory No.: 97-11405-4 Sample Description: CITY FIRE STATION #9 (7912 WESTWOOD) 6' BELOW DIESEL TANK, SAMPLED BY BRYAN MCNABB Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(d) : Date Analyzed-8015M(d): 10/20/97 @ 02:00PM 10/31/97 10/31/97 10/24/97 10/27/97 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Total Xylenes 0.028 mg/kg 0.01 Surrogate ~ Recovery 82. ~ 70-130 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (diesel) None Detected mg/kg 10. Surrogate ~ Recovery 87. % 64-128 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor III results listed in this report ere for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc, assumes no responsibility lor report alteration, seperation, detachmant or third party intarpretatlon. I 4100AtlasCt.. Bakersfield,CA93308. (805)327-4911. FAX (805) 327-1918 o or o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I East Brundage Ave. t North I Fire Station #6 1,000 Gallon Diesel Tank 2,000 Gallon Gasoline Tank ~Dispensers November 1997 LUTREL TRUCKING, INC. Plot Plan of 127 East Brumm e I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Vent Line Fill Pipe ~ ~ Concrete Surface November 1997 L ,...r ~ ~ ¡ 1,000 Gallon Diesel Tank 2,000 Gallon Gasoline Tank ~ :':: .~ % ~ ~ ~ ,....." '" LUTREL TRUCKING, INC. Cross Section of 127 East Brunda eAve I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4 . - BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT lSOI TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93301 (80S) 326-3724 RAUL M. ROJAS, DIRECTOR· CITY ENGINEER October 2, 1997 LUTREL SERVICES, INC. 6315 SNOW ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 SUBJECT: Notice to Proceed This letter will serve as notice that you are authorized to proceed with the work in accordance with the Plans and specifications for: Removal of Underground Fuel Tanks at Fire Station Nos. 3, 6 and 9, and Installation of Above Ground Fuel Tanks at Fire Station Nos. 6, 9 and 13 If you have any questions regarding the above project, please call Gerald Claassen or Rodney Knight at 326-3049. Cordially. RAUL M. ROJAS Public Works Director -MJ1 C--c--- by GERALD G. CLAASSEN Construction Supt. GGC/adl LUTREL SERVICES INC 6315 SNOW ROAD BAKERSFIELD CA 93308-0000 ::i 1 :5't PAGE PURCHASE ORDER NO ACCOUNT NO. CITY AGENCY REO. NO. DATE 6/3C>/9ì SHOW PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER ON ALL CASES, PACKAGES AND INVOICES INVOICE IN DUPLICATE To: FINANCE DEPARTMENT 1 975659 SEE BELOW 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 CITY OF BAKEnS:= I:::LD ENGINEERING/2ND FL ANNEX 1501 TRUXTUN AVE. BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 C" ~ ;;"':;':: :¡::.~: ~".' . .,;;; ': '<. d'-' VV ",,' " .. 'B~, ";,..,:, .'~r={ , -:: .'. : -, ;', lb H I V He 0 I H I \ ð~., '.. 'cOG .'.', ", 0\;g.;p .,~".. uu ::,¡,',¡>..;,;r;'r.:\' .,. ';, 'i :.:< NOS,¡¡:,3':\'ó~ ,AND,¡9·:".AND.INSTALL·, ABOVE, GROUND FUEL., 'F: ":(:'(' ,...:.:'i ~"\::I'; . ¡,~,,",:!:,v:/ . I'~~':!'>~~"!~j:,::: - ':~~'\;::'[ÄNKS{A,"T~êFÍRè\?STAT'ION: NOS'::' /6,::9 W'13 AS PER '·BID,.:,·:'r:,· f6'T;~~';:,:';~~,-:,;:,,;: (l;b~~l.¡~. .;.~.:~ i95ÔO~'OO f~À' 'SÅME'~· ":' ,'., .F·;'J¡".~ c: i:U:;~;:.·'Z,' '. ':.::,,:' ·:;ì"('.';::>'" . . ' :~.¡ ',,': '. " \'Rc;;;':Ù~;i\ :ö-d¿O!jY~~~;~,)':, 19500.00 .'" H - - - . ¡ .' 'e.~¡.èÚ:·~T,~ }~?o~~y ,,3'!,JG "'~~'_' )~'" '~, þ t, " ': A f)V1 36 -':Jf:.,t. i:_: ËJ¡;.ì,3HT .,~.:: ítiL :::':"" ¡t~ ÀS!;RER,BID<' RESUt:TINGFRON: PUBLI SHED SPECIFI CATIONS ~2R3"A8 ,< T~l-j~H1 .~0350. 00 f,~,',;,J,:,~,~.~,,~,~~j,i,:,..... .V' :....... ~~~~Ât~~;.~"~~T~~~~~~;~~,E~~~~~~ PART¡~L t.·",:;~,~¡'::í';~:1;:·'l,~,~:~.k,:".;,1..P",.~,J~.:,1.,~ ~,"~ _ , ,P-f'i'lnENTS:,,'" -,..,.:~ . ..... ":'" ,."..." . . h ," '.', '.. ': L. ~,~:~:.~.- "..',' f~?..,.ò;ôooöôäo26 '6117/97,511405~,8~,4806Š 'Q7K014 7Õ850~'ÒO' ':,':~'" ". ", ,,\1:';+,.. 'S;;"'R'·A·'·'Y"'"·N"'O'·¿·i.",,,;·'f"'ì::'"À;.;\.J:;.",:..:,;....·,·-.';J·,¡' ;'::""; ,:.,..,c·, ,~:,'-:-:c.:::;'''',;, ,:,.,.'.' '., k,;<\;',)'¡::":-;';,~:I<:¡·'."" ¿¡;">';,:') 1';'.> \" ,?!¡,.Jk.., ,;,' ..-'~!,!I,h;",d,.¡..f':.I:~'.~,;"......,\I,\,.J....LJ..,..". ..j,.,....,'..,',...' ,'.. .,',... ".'....., "~IV~¥,.~..."...,_J..,.;;',~ ~,"!!;ë0",~,~..... ~:,II!'ì~~t&~¥~9;1~"~~~~~~;:~~:~~~"_ Q7:~_~_~I~iFc'".: ~~i·e f;~ft,~ft~;\yT . ., ... '. U ,.. . . . ~'~~;:Ci"". J5.~j; ,m :::,"-:'C;' ;'.,;' ~' ::?fJÞ.;·.A. .: J ~/\.~ ñ~ ~.. ;r:r-'~~y:.:5,~~§)-~T .:-"":-.t ~~if4 '.-:'_".'.; ."" '~:',: ;<~:..;~.- !/. . -; n, ~~;=)·Fi[)-i,d,iE-~,\(.j :'..¡ <:~/:\ ::,\(1~':' ,.,", ,..'~~\::~.~.~"'.. , f_-¡ 1", " . 1'..,. ,"" c ;~·~Di~;~~¿:r:; , !f',',hl"-'~8 'J '"'' ì~14i;Øt" . I~t]:'t~~~: ;.: .' . ....,. - . ~ ,. I" , ,;,' VG ".. /i,Ki. "Co, I··..," , , I I I ..-: ~~:)(),1'3'.i;~:'·~· ;:.\J\/1/\ :'J?!.J/\:~' .~ ~ ,~J:~!:,·,¡":·:~i ¡ ,;, ;', ':'1,' LUTREL SERVICES INC 6315 SNOW ROAD BAIŒRSF I ELD CA 93308-0000 IHANGE NO.: 1 Al[: 11/19/1997 I I DELIVER 1°: 5159 PAGE 1 PURCHASE ORDER NO. 975659 ACCOUNT NO. SEE BELOW CITY AGENCY REQ. NO. DATE 6/30/1997 SHOW PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER ON ALL CASES, PACKAGES AND INVOICES INVOICE IN DUPLICATE To: FINANCE DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ENGINEERING/2ND FL ANNEX 1501 ìRUXTUN AVE. BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 .: .. 'ERSF I ELD 1·~'~?§t;,},¡2 : ,'<. ,'..',. 'f, ",' , t!t\,~;, 1~~~;:NI!; :~I:;:'X!~{::": I': ~~,; _r:: .... '. - <, ~~~~.~.~.- '. I I . . ' NET ~~,': ,. ,.. ,'..' ;!¡:\.- 1'£:':', 'r;(( EA J~:1~ '~r \\(. . ..,z:;, ~~j'r.· ~i';' ~ i[;~~ J?"~:: I' fl." ~.~~~? - i~1;: t',;!,'", , 1~,7,:[,:.i' '!);; '., I.'.;:," ~~~i:~ ._ !'~~': ,',,',', ",',',' ',. ''\', i.... ~1/,·::. ' \~-:'::.' tJ;:: 6/30/199 KIM BERRIGAN ...-..!.. ð~NA;URE Jw- I ---------------------------------------------------------~~~~~~--- I I II i I ADDRESS: I ADDRESS: I HAULER: I EHSD PERMIT NO: I COUNTY: I I I I I I I I GOLDEN STATE METALS, INC. P. O. Box 70158 . 2000 E. Brundage Lane Bakersfield, California 93387 Phone (805) 327-3559 . Fax (805) 327-5749 Scrap Metals, Processing & Recycling Nt? 10818 TANK DISPOSAL FORM Date \ D Contractor' License No. Contractor's Phone No. ,19 v JOB SITE: DESTINATION: G. S. M. . 2000 E. BRUNDAGE LANE . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93387 LICENSE NO: TANKS RECEIVED WEIGHT CERT. NO: QTY GALLONS SERIAL NO. NET TONS TOTAL ~ ~K INSPECTION tj CLEAN & DRY (ACCEPT), OR o RESIDUALS PRESENT (REJECT) 250 .14 I:t::t~::::I:i::::::::::::\:\:\:II:::ÄI:::::::::::::I::::::::I::::I:::::::trri:rrrr::::;:;:::::::::::i:I:::\:::::::::\1~::\I::::I:i:\::, 550 .24 ::::::::::~;;~:;~;~;~;;:::~::;:::::,,:):(::::~:::~:::::::::::::i:::::~jWQ:/~i.~M:::i::~~~::~::?~rr))::~(rr~~~~~:~:~:~~::i;::~:~:~:~:::::]@I:::::~::~:ii:::::~:::: 1000·6 ft .61 :::::¡::::~t:::\~t\tttf::::::::¡:::::¡:¡:::::::::I:BAA9.i::~::::::::::::::::i::::::::::¡::::::::rrrr((~:::((:i:~:::::¡:¡::::::¡¡~:¡:::::::;¡fI:::::::::::::::~ 2000 .97 :::::::::mmr::::\t~r:(t:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~g::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::m:::::~ri((/i((~/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::j:iIl:::::::::::::::::: 3000 1,32 :¡¡¡:¡f¡¡:m:i::::::t~~~:ttmmt:f:f:::f:::f:::¡:¡:¡:¡:¡¡¡:j¡:I?:M:f:::f:¡¡::f:fij::::'¡:j:j:::::f:¡:i::(:i:i~~m\:~i::r(:{:~::f:::f:¡~::::::::::::f:::::1:;~M:f:¡:::::¡:::f:::::~ 5000 2,42 ¡:::::::::~t~~~~~~;:t~(~~~;~;~~;~~:~~t¡¡¡¡:::¡:¡:¡:::::::::::::::~mg:¡~:~:::~:~:~:::¡::::¡¡:::::::::¡:¡::::::~tt~((((:::(~:{:::¡::¡¡::::::I¡:::::¡i;M::¡:~~:~:;:~:~::~::::: 7500 3,28 ::::::::¡:::~::::::~~~~:~~~~~~::::::::~~:~i:i~::::::::::::~:::::::~:::::::::::m9.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::~::;~~::{r~:~(~r:~(::::::::i:::::::::::~:;:::::~;U::::::::::::::::::::::: 9000 3.82 :::::::¡:~r~t:::::rt~r:~r:::I::II::::I~::::Mlgg:::::II:I:::::::::I~:::~:(~:~~:rw:rr:rr;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::1;~M::~:~~::::~:~::::: 12000 4.93 :f:f:¡::¡¡:r:mmm:mtttmm:f:f:gri!!f:¡:::::~:::¡¡¡:¡:¡::¡:¡¡:~~~:::;~::::::::¡¡:¡:¡::f::::::¡:¡:::(::(rm::~::m::t::::::':;:::::::¡¡::j:¡:n::¡:::j:::::::::f:::j:f:f:f:f:::f:f:::::: ~ SERVICES RENDERED . COST LEL REAmNG OXYGEN CONTENT DISPOSAL FEE SCRAP VALUE OTHER TOTAL CHARGES $ " TOTAL ..-.-...'-....] :::::::::::,::::=:1 rl :;:));;:;1 ::::;:::<::::::::::'::::::::::::1 ·'·::::::i:i:i:: :i:::::i::::::::;:; :;::;; :;;;: ;:;:;:;:':::;:~ :~::r ::\: -:-:::::;;~;~~:;~::::::;;;;;;;;:;:;:;:~:~ ;::~:;;;, ~:::;? :~~~; ~~:~~\ ·¡:··Hi! '.:.'....... '...'.....".....'.......-.....,".......-........\ i.ir.,{i.·"...'......1.\ ...........:..:.j ..:. All fees Incurred are per load unless specified. Terms are net 30 days from receipt of tank. Contractor's signature represents acceptance of terms for payment, and confirms that tank removal complies with State laws. CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE I CERTIFICATE OF TANK DISPOSA TR ON THIS IS TO CER_T~~HE RECEIPT AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE TANK(S) AS SPECIFIED ABOVE. ALL MATERIAL SPECIFIED WILL BE COMPLETELY I DESTROYED G"'; ECY INO PURPOSES ONLY. / 0/ cSJ::) I- 9+ DATE HITF _ CnntrAr:tor C"':nnv . vç ("\w _ ~I... f'''''...." . PUdV 0....._........_.,.. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -..-----:",---:-+ . --~.- WEIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the following described commodity was weighed, measured, or counted by a weighmaster, whose signature is on this certificate, who is a recognized authority of accuracy, as prescribed by Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 12700) of Division 5 of the California Business and Professions Code, administered by the Division of Measurement Standards of the California Department of Food and Agriculture. <f12§~6 E * * * * METALS STATE GOLDEN CERTIFICATE l.oJE I GHMASTER TRUCK SCALE K A RCt7551 CA T N GOLDEN STATE METALS P.O. BOX .,^ BAKER SF IE I * ,vIsa * * * T62019 . . * TICKET From lUTTREl Purchased /'lARK 93387 RD EXT 00 B/L # RD CNT RD WGT o 0 Customer t Order PD WT 980 REASON ADJ Driver NET 930 t 09169 TARE 10440B .C GROSS 11420A t 31176375 .0 Veh t 3M76375 COMMODITY UNPREPARED 11 ~~::~\~ ---------r~~ o 0 \'L10 HMS - TORCH TOTALS TONS 4900 NET 10/20/97 15:09 10/20/97 15:22 Date In Tille In Date Out Tille Out K. CHAVEZ TARE WEIGHMASTER K CHAVEZ GROSS WEIGHMASTER CUSTOMER SIGNATURE NOT REFUNDABLE MORE THAN 90 DAYS FROM DATE ABOVE BILL OF SALE: I warrant that I am the owner (0' owner's representative) of the material described hereon and have the right to sell same, that it contains no hazarqous material as defined by Federal or State law and that for payment hereby received I sell and convey title to GOLDEN STATE METALS, M=I'IANUAL WEIGHT FOR SALVAGE VEHICLE' SALES: I hereby HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT: Seller will Indemnify and hold buyer certify, under penal:y of perjury, that any harmless from damages, demands and liabilities, including reasonable r"f!þíÇIp8 sQIR~EI¡I.%~ec¡, \çfdi~wap~\YR,J.. attorney's fees, resulting from the breach of any warranty hereunder and rw;lffih~ [j~j!ArtMeñ~ðfM5tHr tlé\\!cle~ Lþ driver agrees to be responsible for damaga to vehicle during unloading. D=SCALE 4 C=SCALE 3 B=SCALE 2 A=SCALE ALL ARE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KELLY ADMINISTRAtIVE SERVICES 2101 oW street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (80S) 32tÑ941 FAX (80S) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 oW street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (80S) 326-3941 FAX (80S) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (80S) 326-3951 FAX (80S) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAl SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (80S) 326-3979 FAX (80S) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor street Bakersfield. CA 93308 (80S) 399-4697 FAX (80S) 399-5763 . ~ . . ~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT March 26, 1998 Mr. Raul Rojas, Director Bakersfield Public Works Department 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Laboratory results from preliminary site assessment conducted at the Bakersfield Fire Station #9 at 7912 Westwold Drive. Permit #BR -0193. Dear Mr. Rojas: Upon review of the recently submitted laboratory results from your facility, this office has determined that the extent of the contamination plume, associated with the underground gasoline tank previously located on your property, has not been adequately defined. This office requires (in accordance with Chapter 6.7 of the California Health and Safety Code and Chapter 16, Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations) that further assessment be done to defme the vertical and horizontal extent of the contamination plume. Please submit a work plan for further assessment, to this office, within 30 days from receipt of this letter. The workplan should follow guidelines found in: Appendix A -Reports. Tri - Regional Board Staff Recommendations for Preliminary evaluation and Investigation of Underground Tank Sites; July 6, 1990. Additionally, be advised that oversight cost for this project will be billed to you at a rate of $75.00 per hour. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely, ~'=',LJ~ ~ Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist HHW /dlm '7~¿(;g, W~ ~ v#6on¿ ~ A W~ " - BJARSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT .. TNvIRONMEHTAL SERVICES ,., 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 TANK REMOVAL INSPECTION FORN FACILITY..Lf~c. :-\.II-LlI~ if 1 ADDRESS 71 fa UJr€fÍWII(/ OWNER ß'-. ~_ ~.t_ W~U PERMIT TO OPERATE' Bfl.-{J{1'/ CONTRACTOR I.. IH('~ ( CONTACT PERSON /k,ll r'\ /he- Nt/. h LABORATORY _~ ~ ~ # OF SAMPLES '-1 TEST METHODOLOGY 1ìP{+-~r,.... o,...~ rflpr¡. PRELIMANARY ASSESSMENT CO. ¡J J ( CONTACT PERSON t1Cll1t\ b1dva.6h CO2 RECIEPT {hll~(,l) LEL% "3 O2' /~ PLOT PLAN t 5 l' (1,&~((. .-,.(. C, ~lI +. þ" l ~..so'" ¡J..I.<...¡.,.... < ~ ~..~ ~..., ~"3;t''''' { I - -~- 1 'I- -= ~fIoIQ~cJ L~_J CONDITION OF TANKS Ç,((1t. ¡. /)1f;,.4,ûf ùc.r 1/'r1l1{,1('~llM CONDITION OF PIPING ~/()'d 1If- ~~ru.H(;1\ CONDITION OF SOIL ,"){JI/II. Y . cia y NCJ O(x,C<.:5 g/~].7 c·f 9/-d. lit t;, COMMENTS IC{Jc('7 DATE ---!k"<... (l,,!... f'W,¿ INSPECTORS HAIlE L IÍ1Jå"w¡;) - SIClNAT1IIE 09/29/97 10;35 '6'~OiÞ26 0576 BFD HAZ ~d:I:r D:~.. ~001 X~ß1 em" OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CbesterAve., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326-3979 APPLICATION TO INSTALL AND/OR REMOVE ABOVE GROUND STORAGE TANK(S) In confonnity with provisions of pertinent ordinances, codes andlor regulations, pennission is hereb granted to: .' çèG~~~ Name of Company 791 ~CtXU> Dl2t~ Address to display, store, install, use. operate, sell or handle materials or process involving or creating conditions deemed hazardous to life or property as follows: ~~~~~~~ subject to the provisions and/or limitations as provided. Violation of pertinent ordinances, codes and/or regulations shall void this permit. Issued Permit Denied Date ~~/U;~ ~ AppücantName(print) TIDS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED PERMIT APPLICATION FOfâiEMOVAL OF AN .:,~:..::: UNDERGROUNDSTORAG~ANK . ;~::w::*:::~:m:~::::::;;::::::::::::;:::::::(.::::::::::::::::::::::-;:-;::;:::::~~'::~~::.'*::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::¡;::::~::::x:-...:::r~::..~*,,--=:::::::::..,~:::;.~"::::::::.":::::::::::::::::::,.;:::::::::::::::;:::::::::;::::::::::::] j~ ., . PERMIT No. í3e aqt Bakersfield Fire Dept. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PROGRAM ~ PHONE No. ~-::l:f')lf~ LlGENSE No. (¡)7~$1 CITY~ZIPCOD~ ~ WORKMENS COMP No. GwAJ Of, 9? PHONE No. =::::/I9--:f)~ lIC.ENSE No. (cfT5'£;ØÎ CITY ~ ZIP ÇODij -3=~ WORKMENS COMP No. C-iWN I ~, 1 TANK CLEANING NFORM COMPANY LC ~ ADDRESS ~t WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFICATION NUMB R NAME OF RI~STATE 01 ,OSAL FACILJ1Y ADDRESS ')f ()f-, FACILITY INOENTIFICATION NUMBER PHQNE No. 3q9-0~ ' ZIP CODE ~ ZIP CODE PHONE No. ~~. LICENSE No. ý:;7~1 I _ZIPCODE~ c. TANK INFORMATION TANK No. AGE 7 ~ . VOLUME CHEMICAL ..~RED , ~t£l~ ( ?- _( ( l:CO '10.:0 DATES CHEMICAL i1i:J=T ED PREVIOUSLY STORED ~ . ~ THE APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED. UNDERSTANDS. AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE ATTACHED CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER STATE. LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY. AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOW IS TRUE AND CORRECT. THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED Make checks payable to "City of Bakersfield" ...... ~. - I B & C Tank TesUng ~~ fÞ BAKERSFIELD, CA 93302 805-326-0446 AES - SYSTEM II PRECISION TANK & LINE TEST RESULTS SUMMARY Invoice Address: BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. 1715 CHESTER STE. 300 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 Date: 11/18/96 Facility Phone#: Contact: Tank Tank Capacity Product 1 2 550 550 87UL DIESEL Additional Information: SITE LOG Set Up Equip: Bled Product Lines: Bled Vapor Lines: Bled Vent lines: Bled Turbine: Bled Suction Pump: Risers Installed: Tank Location: W.O.#: RW005 FIRE STATION #9 7912 WESTWOLD DR. BAKERSFIELD, CA. I.D. Number: STN. #9 Technician:BWH Tech. #:88142 Van#:2 Time Start: 12:45 End: 16:00 County: KE Groundwater Depth: 144"+ Blue Prints: N/A Date¡Time system was filled: 24 HRS.+ Tank Fill/Vent Vapor Lines Product Line Type Of Vapor Recovery Inches of Water/Tank Pump Type Tank Material PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PH-2 PH-1 0.0' 0.0- SUCT. SUCT. SWS SWS TIME 12:50 YES YES N/A N/A YES N/A a) ALL PRODUCT LINES WERE TESTED USING THE PLT-100R b) This system snd .method meets the criteria set forth in NFPA #329. c) Any failure listed above may require further action, check with all regulatory agencies. Copyright (c) 1994 by AES, Inc. BRUCE W HINSLEY California O.T.T.L. Number: 97-1069 Date : /1-1 Y-9'ö Certified Technician Signature :~~~~~ i' '. REDWINE ~STING SERVI~S INC. P.O. BOX ~~67~KæRSF~E~D. CA 933Ø2 eø~"'6-ø446 AES/System II Precision leak Test Graph (OverFill Lg-75K) Invoice No.: RW005 Date: 11/18/96 Technician: BWH Tank: 1 Volume(gal): 550 Grade Level(in): 85 Water Level On Tank(in): 0 Specific Gravity: .75 Calibration Value(ml): 400 Level Segment From: 1 To 275 Timé : 13:19:53 Tank Diameter(in): 45 Product Level(in): 82 Coefficient Of Expansion: 0.0006668 Channel: 1 Temp Segment From: 1 To 275 \'" I ",II'" 1"'1(' I 11""'1' 'II '" III 1111 , 1"'1"':1111 IIUI " III I III 1111 :i'!:i --. - - ~ -- /1 , " - - - - ~ '"-- I lIoam.-JhJII'1Iu_ß/.....ßlllMllllIu.IDoØ'I<II. Up·IJI.''1\D'.m...I\IIII\II- - IlL.. _ - .-- -- " L EI:'I'I u"I, E LI'II:' ,1,,,1 ", " TI:i E MI'II" P,Io,:¡ 1...1 11,11:'1'1 I "II 'I' " "I" '" 1111' '1111 :,'!:i (J 'I '" " II 1",1 "I" , II '11'1'11:::1"'" '" ¡"'II II'" ':::: I I '" III III 1"1 ,"I, I", " I 1111111 III Change In Calibration Zone = 35 Starting Temperature (F): 62.750 Surface Area(sq. in): 69.7 Calibration Unit(gal/unit) = 0.00302 Head Pressure(psi (Btm»: 2.22 Temp. Change(F/h) : 0.002 Level volume(gph): Temp. volume(gph): Net change(gph)· ..~: -0.02 0.00 . -0.02 Product Line(gph): SUCTION ---------- ,---------- Re-su.lt -->PASS Copyright (c) 1991, 1992 AES, P/L --> Bakersfield, California PASS ** Notes ** BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE STN. #9 7912 WESTWOLD DR. BAKERSFIELD, CA. THIS IS A 2HR. FULL SYSTEM TEST WITH A 400 ML. CALIBRATION. .' ,o¡" REDWINE ~STING SERVI~S INC. P.O. BOX ~e67~ERSF%ELC. CA 93302 a0e~6-0446 AES/System II Precision leak Test Graph (OverFill Lg-75K) Invoice No.: RW005 Date: Technician: BWH Tank: Volume(gal): 550 Grade Water Level On Tank(in): 0 Specific Gravity: .85 Calibration Value(ml): 499 Level Segment From: 1 To 275 11/18/96 2 Level (in): 85 Tim~ : 13:19:53 Tank Diameter(in): 45 Product Level(in): 83 Coefficient Of Expansion: 0.0004611 Channel: 2 Temp Segment From: 1 To 275 \:::11'" 1'''11'''1, ¡"",\, III III III 1111 I I'" '1'\"" '" \''''1 I II 11111 II In I I 11111111' IHI 1111 :il!:i - .- ,m. -- --- L [1:'1'1 I.} "I, E L1'11:' 111111 " ,,' TI:I E MI'II" P,I,,:I 1",1 I' ':'I'I I 1111 'I' " "I" '" I ' 1:::1 :i'!:i c:r 'I (I II II III ,,::, i"'/ ,tlllll "' "I" , II '11'1'11:::111111 It! (III Illn .:::: II "' III III 1111 Change In Calibration Zone = 24 Starting Temperature (F): 64.597 Surface Area(sq. in): 111.9 Calibration Unit(gal/unit) = 0.00549 Head Pressure(psi (Btm»: 2.55 Temp. Change(F/h) : 0.002 Level volume(gph): Temp. volume(gph): Net change (gph) , 0.00 0.00 0.00 Product Line(gph): SUCTION 1========== RE?E3ult --:>PASS Copyright (c) 1991, 1992 AES, P/L --:> Bakersfield, California PASS ** Notes ** BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE STN. #9 7912 WESTWOLD DR. BAKERSFIELD, CA. THIS IS A 2HR. FULL SYSTEM TEST WITH A 4Ø0 ML. CALIBRATION. i' e e " N .... . (RW ~ LQ_ Q ~ 87UL c=Œ:J 550 GAL, STATION #9 rn ~ DIESEL 00 550 GAL. j VENTS , 7912 WESTWOLD DR. Cl o '0 '< 'i 1-'- (Q ::r c+ ~ o ~ .... ø CP ø .. > P1 (1) .. W P> ~ f ) 'i m HI 1-'- f ) ...... 0- .. Cl P> ...... 1-'- HI o 'i ==' ..... P> CA BA~ERSFIELD FIRE STATION #9 For Si te Layout ..' ~~ e . \ r·-..·.,·..·..., ~ t..... , . , , i . ¡. ,J . \ i " i . '\ skr:\E..d , . .-.... ~_..-. ( ; i \ I ¡.' ~-"~, --~..' ..... .r,....._.._......~~~~_ .-......-~-.,- --._~~...~..\ f1\ LEJ . ~ . 1 '\ DC); n '1 1 ' t l /'! 31 . . w~Tr~'w'; ~_._...~_-_...-__._____.--.r-.-'\ L_-t) ~----ì -----l~-_.. .. --------i---~t i i \ . ¡,-. --"r r \ } -1-' \ \'''1 ..:;:- ' ip' "'.; ; I ¡! ¡:\"""", \ 'i- U (:. ''"'__ ! \ 1 1 i I j ~ ;....~ ¡~ C> ;.::..... ~IÎJ r D:i¡ ,\ !\ ) ( I I \ ! ¡ I I ¡ i r- ~ '\ .J J , . i ; I· I . ~ \ 1 ~ ~ 1 , , I ¡ I ¡ \ i I I I ¡ I ¡ V' ì i t I 1.' .. "'"1'-..,- --' F'~.l -=-- () r'-"-ì ~ . \ I ï _-......-......... T""'-- ¡ .h..._.._ d. ... u._..__._...... _u ..-..----..--.--. ..-~' ---_..,--_.----~~ ----.-- o. 1 í, ,~.-----.:-_.._-_...- . '-~-- ------ í --------------- '.~ -...-.--.- . '. N ,p...,... t '.~ i ì ) .. <:. " r '---' ADDRESS 171. ! ú' ¡:.}./ TECHNICIAN ~I (.cr..µ'/ /' nr,...~ 'REDf.INE ·l~l'.u«; SERVICES, INC. ~ -- e' BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION 2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 APPLICATION TO PERFORM A TIGHTNESS TEST C>T~ O~c:¡+ FACILITyfir~Statêðn "*' 't PERMIT TO OPERATE # 2.0& OPERATORS NAMEj'õnn a+b~^., NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED ~ OWNERS NAM . IS PIPING GOING TO BE TESTED~ TANK # .1. .2. VOLUME & !~,~n ~s TANK TESTING COMPANY ~C:>. Be- 15(,7 . ADDRESS~f¡~.,...cA q~~~ TEST METHOD A.E.S. S~sb JI NAME OF TESTE CERTIFICATION if .ßJ4I2. STATE REGISTRATION # Cf7 - , Dloq DATE & TIME TEST IS TO BE CONDUCTED~" l:oo P.M. 4~ ¡/-/J--f,6 DATE ~--;¿-ð~ ·2t'/,J~ aiGNATURE OF APPLICANT .. J..... , It - IBEX Precision Tank Test /1 BROCKWAY'S TANK TESTING Bakersfield, CA. USA (805) 324-1062 Performed for: Test Location: BFD Station #9 7912 Westwold Bakersfield, CA Test Identification Test Date Start Data Collection Ending Test Period Time Filled for Test BFD995-1 12-12-1995 15:51:55 17:53:47 + 4 hrs. Tank Data TANK !D. Volume Depth Bury Groundwater Tank Type Test Fluid : North :550 :48" :> 15 FT :1 Wall Steel : Unleaded CONTENTS Diameter Product level Pump Type Water in Tank Vapor Recovery : Unleaded :48" :70" : Suction :0 :Phase II ** Test Report ** Average Rate of Change is based on 238 Data Points Standard Deviation ............. .0011 Gallons - Volume change of Tank Contents - Net Volume * (60 min/Test Time) -.0411 Gal. * (60/ 61.33 min.) = -.0402 Gph. - Volume change due to Temperature - Avg. Temp. * Volume * Coef. of Expn. * (60 min./ Test Time) 0.0160 Deg.F * 550 Gal. * 0.00066 * 60/ 61.33 = 0.0057 Gph. Net change = Level Volume - Temperature Volume NET CHANGE -.0459 GPH. Based on the Information provided and the Data Collected This Tank & Flooded Lines Test has...... PASSED Certified Tester: Robert Brockman # 92-125;/~ This Test complies with U.S.EPA and NFPA requirements. No other warrantees are expressed or implied. Tank No. 1 No~th Tank P~oduct Unleaded Test Date 12-12-1995 Length (Min.) 61.33 Level P~ecision 9QQ3 TeMp P~ecision 99997 9.9957 Gph ...............-- - - . 'TeMp 1.-----------." WO.BFD995 9 h 9459~ . - - - -} CHANGE Level NET - Test Gph 9492 - - 'Le vel 25 gal .! ·---'"--"·~·········.I~lœ.III.II~'IIIII.IIIIIIIIIDII.11I..~IIII Q -- --.. .... '"'~ '\ Di aMe te~ 48 \) Liquid Level 79 GJt'ound Watel' 9 I l / p' .,. .-' ..- -. .--- - --- -- -'" -- .- ,- .1' l / 25 gal \ \ '. \0, .... ...- ._~-- CI1an ge Ga I ·------~··...'.~P·.~I"'II.II.llilllqIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Net 25 . Q n 61.3 Hi 01 gal Scale 1 : cal . I Ue~t 25 gal " · ~ e e IBEX Precision Tank Test BROCKWAY'S TANK TESTING BakersfIeld, CA. USA (805) 324-1062 Performed for: Test Location: BFD Station #9 7912 Westwo1d Bakersfield, CA Test Identification Test Date Start Data Collection Ending Test Period Time Filled for Test bfd995-2 12-12-1995 15:51:55 17:53:47 + 4 hrs. Tan.k Data TANK ID. Volume Depth Bury Groundwater Tank Type Test Fluid : SOUTH :550 :48 :> 15 FT :1 Wall Steel :Diesel CONTENTS Diameter Product level Pump Type Water in Tank Vapor Recovery :Diesel :48 :65 : Suction :0 :N/A ** Test Report ** Average Rate of Change is based on 238 Data Points Standard Deviation '. . . . . . . . . . . . . .0035 Gallons - Volume change of Tank Contents - Net Volume * (60 min/Test Time) -.0061 Gal. * (60/61.33 min.) = -.0059 Gph. - Volume change due to Temperature - Avg. Temp. * Volume * Coef. of Expn. * (60 min./ Test Time) 0.0276 Deg.F * 550 Gal. * 0.00045 * 60/ 61.33 = 0.0067 Gph. Net change = Level Volume - Temperature Volume NET CHANGE -.0126 GPH. Based on the Information provided and Data Collected This Tank & Flooded Lines Test has...... PASSED Certified Tester: Robert Brockman # 92-1251 ~~~. This Test complies with U.S.EPA and NFPA requirements. No other warrantees are expressed or implied. ---- ---- SOUTH TANK PÏ'oduct Diesel Test Date 12-12-1995 Length (Min.) 61.33 Level PÏ'ecision 99926 TeMP P~ecision 99994 . ............ 9.9967 Gph - - ................ TeMP WO.bfd995 9 h 9126 G - - CHANGE NET 9959 Gp}1 - - 'Le vel 25 gal 25- e }I( Level Test P'p"p.".po ...". ..-.-.,---.,..-, 9 --' .-- .... ~~ ~.. ..- -.. ~' " " '\ (/ Di aMe teÏ' 48 \) Liquid Level 65 GÏ'ound Wate~ 9 ~ I '\ .1/ ~ ~ ~ J ...~ ... -- .- --.. ..... ...-. ,'" C}1an ge Ga I ··~-·~····...ft"-~·__···__··~~,....,.......,...,...,..........~ et 25 gal 25_ e Q . n 61.3 Hi 91 gal Scale 1 : 25 ga~~lIt i cal . ~ ~ ,--. ". '. ."'.',' l . _;., .., . ~ .... :.' '. ....,. e e I ! Name: BfD Station " City: Bakersfield. CA. Location: 7912 W..two lð. .; .' I ,', . .. "'PLOT PL~~N , ~ '.' Work Order No. . .'. ..... . .+. '. North . . " . , P A R K SUCTION PUMPS .. .. / G.te Westwold Drive '. Brockway's 2014 S. Unoin Ave. Bakersfield, Ca. ,. '.' I Drawn By: Robert BrockMi!\ Date: 12 .q.'i~ Plot plan has not changed since date of drawing '. ~ - ~; .< " e . BÁ~ERSFIELD FIRE DE'ARTMer . '~~ . . . BUREAU OF FIRE' 'REVENTION· ,(. ,'f'. . ~ . . : -l; ".:. " . .~ 20 III' 1980 Date . \" . ..i~'~,. " ,.;:. Appllcátióñ. No. . ~;,.... '1'" APPLICATION· " . - . . .., ~. r _ . " . , '.... . '; \-.'- . In conformity with provisions of pertinent ordinances, codes-and/~r;·regulationsì·::appli.èatioíi7i·s:made· by:. ' . .{ ..' . . "'<~:'.';\':" :.~.~..,. Joel I.·.....' " -- .. " " 7912__14 .> .'- : . .~:, Name of Company Address' "::..... ...... . ,. ... to display, store, install, use, operate, sell or handle materials ~r processes involving':~~ cr~tirígicon- . dition~ deemed hazardous to life or propertvas follows: . . ' . . :·fedli..ioDto tutalt' two · 550 _1' uadu....... .....taaka. . êl:Wd.it~í.~ .' 1 clt...l tak.) .ftia viii be Iutal1e. 1a rue Statt.. H...... &: '¡:"":".". .. . Balph Waltoa. . ". __""",.._-1._ ._~::_ _____ --. - ~ - -- General Contractor STATE LICENSE NO. 285023 RALPH WALTON 4024 Thomas Avenue Construction Bakersfield, CA 93308 Representative (805) 327-3076 D- Oi~ - 7{::i(;HE7~ #7'73 5ë;e/~~ /':.., GJiJ"SOLJIO./€ ".. -"'- '5E t.. F ~r~N1iC/.ve~") s(.'(c7J~ ,Þtpy'" ~~ --- ,....,. - ~u~ ;JI ~b"'"Z- ~~,I:/~~'Ÿ P£c~ó!.::¿' .~;"¿ ;'?:J~":'" t-'-4~ ,-"~':~j!/oz':'¡$ h7?"''''t~'2.)-f2r8/) ;::7.' .G'£."'~;f.Ac·T I~,,;;;'- ~. ,/jI;",..~ .J_'~r:"_ p;JAJ ~ >~J'¿~'" ~ c /7j 0¡- I B/i X1=/l.f5-/ ;,,)¡ /::'/ /¿£ /K:J(?..n¿¡:i:.. 9 79/ Z. v..¡/= s rVvt:>~1) D ¡Zi¡/ð- Jo¿ L B jY}O 1'IJ)ðfZ..f- &¡;N. c.....¡Jínl9..··¡-;,~- :2 8~-r.."À.3 86 ~._- .J~ 7 - Jc?]k ·-.S "J " -, '; .) .g r. ~~ ~. 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BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION 1715 CHESTER AVE., BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 (805) 326-3979 ,bT-O·3~ APPLICATION TO PERFORM A TIGHTNESS TEST FACILITY Fire St~tion #9 PERMIT TO OPERATE j: 280014C ADDRESS 7912 Westwold OPERATORS NAME City of Bakersfield OWNERS NAME City of Bakersfield NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED 2 IS PIPING GOING TO BE TESTED~ion . . TANK # 1 2 VOLUME 550 Gallons 550 Gallons CONTENTS Di F>s{:d Unleaded TANK TESTING COMPANY Brockway I s ADDRESS 1015 Columbus~ suite 93305 151 TEST METHOD Ibex precision Tank Test (full system test) NAME OF TESTER~ert Brockman CERTIFICATION # 92-1251 STATE REGISTRATION # ~ ',' . . BY: will advise 48 hrs. Prior, tentative DATE & TIME TEST :r. S TO BE CONDUCTED for Dec. 12 or 13 ,;f2-k/1A· ~ SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT 113{)4~ DATE CfIY t BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARItENT FIRE SAFETY SERVICES & OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVE. . BAKERSFIELD. CA . 93301 . . ..' . .', . -': . -,.;':', , . SEP ~2':i1995 'FINAL.NOTICEIII " . ¡ ~.E.'HUEV '. I .;;' HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR " , (805) 326-3979 r .... < '." " 'R.B. tOBiAS. .. : fiRE MARSHAL " (805) 326-3951 , . REVOCATION OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK· PERMIT WILL FOLLOW IN 3o:.DAYS IF VIOLATION PERSISTS. .' "'.' .' , ~ ,¡; ':':" '," 'r;' " .... P........:..... that faIlUre to provide ....flnanc.......poia..blllty d~""Ìd to th..·~;wllhb.30:day.; Wao ......It In'' your Permit to Operate being Nvolr8cI (25285.1 (b) Callforn.. Health. ,Saf8ty Code). 2-15-=\ŽÚitØ::.:ØØ-028Ø------· ---.----- .-- ----------l BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE #9 7912 WESTWOLD DR I J BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: Our records indicate that your business does not have a Certification of Financial Responsibility on file with this office. Our records also indicate that you have been issued at least one waming letter prior to this notice. Please forward either a copy of your existing State approved mechanism to show financial responsibility or else complete the attached Certification for Financial Responsibility form and retum it to this office within 30 davs. An attached letter from the State Water Resources Control Board lists the approved financial responsibility mechanisms required to pay for corrective actions resulting from leaking underground fuel tanks. Remember, most tank owners only have to show financial responsibility for at least $10,000 of clean up liability. The Underground Storage Tank Clean Up Fund (USTCF) may be used as the mechanism to cover the remaining accidental release liability. The total amounts of financial responsibility required (check boxes from section A of form) are as follows: If you don't sell product from your tanKs, and you pump less than 10,000 gallons per month, check -$500,000 per occurrence". For owners of 101 or more petroleum underground storage tanks, check the 82 million dollar annual aggregate- box. All other need only check the "1 million dollars annual aggregate". If you have any questions, or would like help in completing the Certification of Financial Responsibility, please contact Howard Wines, Hazardous Materials Technician, at 326-3979. Sil1COl9ly, ~ ~U~~ Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/dlm attachments Scam Water Raourccs Control Board e CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBiliTY FOR UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS CONTAINING PETROLEUM (llIIInIcIiou OD reverse) Ir..~jjj! , 1.......... to.- n .. .......1 Jr 1 I" ]I" ia 1M ....... _...... ipeCÏÚIå ia SecûGa 280'7. Qapw 11. Diw. 3. Tide 23. CCR: . D!UO,CIDO......-- fIIIll1Ú1ØdoIIan.............. 01' AND 01' ~ aiIioa doBanper __ D 2miDioD doUan.....agøp&e 3. (1.I:-e C!..lr Y 61=- ßA/<C-RsH e<-P hereby certifies that it is in compliance with the requirements of Section 2807, . (N-.f1Inato.....OþnD') Article 3, Chapter 18, Division 3, Trtle 23, California Code of Regulations. Thè mechanisms ussd to demonstrate financial responsibility as required by Section 2807 are as follows: ;qP}MecNlriiSm§ 1:_~"AddresS:òtfssuet:,,:;::::::::::::::::::/:' :/}:))):}/:Mechanism: ..CÖ..·.. ,'.. :::;:::~!r~::;¡:::¡ ::Cöi'ti!iëtíVe JJiircfParty ::j'}'/,):'}?fv=œM##i R..... . . ':l~*1~~fi#t@i~~~~~~~¡r~ifj~~t¡~¡~J¡jf@1¡I~¡}I:¡~:;jtrmfmm .................-. ::::·:::::jj·:AffiðTI~¡;:j::i: ..... ....... ," .., . :}}i}i?/:::/fNumber:;: .... i/ti\êtîOñ:i:¡:: :::='Cómô~; S6-r-= ~f. -rf,-J oC ßAt<C'2.sM etJ) /A UP 'T 0 f?~ ¡J IN 50 ~-J::) ¡ S-o ( ¡aU ){ T u 1J AJ $ 606 .Jv.I "'VA l.1.. Y YEs y (75 , 0, íSAï<3t.ShEt...D , CA 93 SO , S -r J.~;n:; S , VJ . t2 - C- o .'~ U P 'TO c..LC~ c.; P ? 0 Box 4 44 2 2. ,.J /ð. C.OI'lTIN!J:JClS I y~s 'rJ(;;.. S F"JN D -1c¡ C:;ACQ(). i'\o< C-?J TI:> c..Þ. ,,4 2.44 o¡o ()oè) ( ,- ¡ I I - ¡ I Note: If you are using the State Fund as any part of your demonstration 'Of financial responsibHity, your execufjon and submission of this certification also certifies that ou are in compliance Mth all conditions for rticl tion in the Fund. i o. F..wtyN_. (sÂK0'LS c;. et. í) MVrVlU í:>A,- ..4 It?- P Ä.Æ.. ¡¿ F..wtyAddrca 2..ðCQ $.. UN IvAi A/_ I 1~1<é(2.s.r=;eL(> (D.ZfbR.A"TTcN YLYLO . ! 4tù l TRv)("VN I I I I F..wtyN_. F..wty Addrca ßA /&:..E(2.S r-=( é-Lr> ?01..1 ciS DCfT- I~DI Tfêv¡( ¡ut0 AJ FaàlityN_ F..w1J Ad*_ I 'ßAKC-Q.SFi Et..D hR-6"· Ç-;-4-Tr c!.~ '!t" ~ 3400 f' Al-M. sT I F..w1J N_. Feå1i1J Addrca I ßA«C-rLc;,í-='r is...~ ~~ SS"""'/)"'t7r!AJ -i:l;:. G I-¿ , Î5(2v¡J OAG-6 ,-tV Flålity~ Flålity Addrca ßA¡..(C-t2-sr:::; ~o ñ r<-6- S-tATTd/\.J #= ~ 7<1('2- L.0Es -rWo-L.O .;){Z.... I SI.-olT...O"'..Opon.- Date N_ _l1...olTlak o....r,.apon.. SipmnolWlID_"~ Dare N_olWl_,.Nowy CFlt(CWP%) fILE: Oripal - Local Af¡Ia<:y c..p¡.. - FIåliIJiSlIll(.) ¡PRRECTION NOilCE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT .: -":, I;: ~~). .; ~_j LocatioJ:1 ßF D 5', - / ...--f' )) Sub Div. . Blk. . Lot You are hereby required to make the following corrections at the above location: Cor. No /)1/ 0/1.. .i Completion Date for Corrections Date _~/3~'/;S~ ~4~---- ,f:.L-c:;2 nspector 326-3979 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANdÞsPECTION It Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division Bakersfield. CA 93301 FACILITY NAME g(D df"c¡ FACILITY ADDRESS 7<:; I:J... I;. feðwoU BUSINESS I.D. No. 215-000 CITY ~M ZIP CODE ~83&9 FACILITY PHONE No. II» 1. II» II» ~ INSPECTION DATE Product Il\~uct 1 Product TIME IN TIME OUT IlL ~../, ~ " ~.D Inll~, Inll ~~c.. Insl Dale INSPECTION TY/, 19 :4 Iq 'J. FOLLOW-UP Size Size Size ROUTINE ~'YD ,~~ REQUIREMENTS yes no nla yes no nla yes no nla 1a. Forms A & B Submitted ¡/ 1b. Form C Submitted #R ,/ 1c. Operating Fees Paid v 1d. State Surcharge Paid V 1e. Statement of Financial Responsibility Submitted V 1f. Written Contract Exists between Owner & Operator to Operate UST V 28. Valid Operating Permit V 2b. Approved Written Routine Monitoring Procedure ~ / 2c. Unauthorized Release Response Plan *- ¡./ 31. Tank Integrity Test in Last 12 Months II).·/Ò./,-., .,/ 3b. Pressurized Piping Integrity Test in Last 12 Months ,,/' 3c. Suction Piping Tightness Test in Last 3 Years .Q/ \ f 1 ( J>/ 'l-P/'-r- ./ 3d. Gravity Flow Piping Tightness Test in Last 2 Years V 3e. Test Results Submitted Within 30 Days ,,/' 3f. Dally Visual Monitoring of Suction Product Piping /~ 48. Manual Inventory Reconciliation Each Month r/' 4b. Annual Inventory Reconciliation Statement Submitted ,/ 4c. Meters Calibrated Annually \I-L 5. Weekly Manual Tank Gauging Records for Small Tanks ,/ 6. Monthly Statistical Inventory Reconciliation Results /' 7. Monthly Automatic Tank Gauging Results ,/ a. Ground Water Monitoring ¡/' 9. Vapor Monitoring t/ 10. Continuous Interstitial Monitoring for Double-Walled Tanks V 11. Mechanical line Leak Detectors ~ V 12. Electronic line Leak Detectors r/ 13. Continuous Piping Monitoring In Sumps ,~ 14. Automatic Pump Shut-off Capability ,/' 15. Annual Maintenance/Calibration of Leak Detection Equipment ~ ~ 16. Leak Detection Equipment and Test Methods Listed in LG-113 Series c/ 17. Written Records Maintained on Site V 18. Reported Changes in Usage/Conditions to OperatlngJMonitoring Procedures of UST System Within 30 Days V 19. Reported Unauthorized Release Within 24 Hours -'v 20. Approved UST System Repairs and Upgrades ¡,/ 21. Records Showing Cathodic Protection Inspection , ¡/ 22. Secured Monitoring Wells V 23. Drop Tube -k ,/ ~ RE-INSPECTION DATE ') J . RECEIVED BY: - r "ÐIÁn,,>:: I INSPECTOR: OFFICE TELEPHONE No. FD 1669 '--. -- --- I "WE CAREu -- -~ CITY of BAKERSFIELD January 30, 1995 FIRE DEPARTMENT M. R. KELLY FIRE CHIEF WARNING! 1715 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD. 93301 326-3911 CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REQUIRED ~~15-ØØØ-øøø28ø BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT STATION 9 7912 WESTWOLD DR BAKERSFIELD, CA 9331219 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: Our records indicate that your business does not have a Certification of Financial Responsibility on file with this office. Please forward either a copy of your existing State approved mechanism to show financial responsibility or else complete the attached Certification of Financial Responsibility form. An attached letter from the State Water Resources Control Board lists the approved financial responsibility mechanisms required to pay for corrective actions resulting from leaking underground fuel tanks. Remember, most tank owners only have to show financial responsibility for at least $10,000 of clean up liability. The Underground Storage Tank Clean Up Fund (USTCF) may be used as the mechanism to cover the remaining accidental release liability. The total amounts of financial responsibility required (check boxes from section A of form) are as follows: If you don't sell product from you tanks, and you pump less than 10,000 gallons per month, check "$500,000 per occurrence". Else, or if you are in the business of selling from your tanks, check "1 million dollars per occurrence". For owners of 101 or more petroleum underground storage tanks, check the "2 million dollar annual aggregate" box. All others need only check the "1 million dollars annual aggregate" box. Please be aware that failure to provide the financial responsibility document to this office within 30 days will result in your Permit to Operate being revoked. (25285.1 (b) Califomia Health & Safety Code). : If you have any questions, or would like help in completing the Certification of Financial Responsibility, please contact Howard Wines, Hazardous Materials Technician, at 326-3979. REH/dlm -', ~.. . ~ eø>«f/~ / IBEX Prec~s~on Tank Test BROCKWAY'S TANK TESTING Bakersfield, CA. USA (805) 834-1146 Performed for: Test Location: Bakersfield Fire Station #9 7912 Westwold Bakersfield, CA Test Identification Test Date Start Data Collection , Ending Test Period Time Filled for Test bfd9-1 12-09-1994 08:21:42 10:23:49 + 14 hrs. I}, IiI2Ct:I/lt:D fC 19 itA¡;» 1994- -. A1.q .,. . D,I/. Tank. Data TANK ID. :NORTH TANK CONTENTS : Unleaded Volume :550 Diameter :48 Depth Bury :48 Product level :79 Groundwater :> 15 FT Pump Type :Suction Tank Type :1 Wall Steel Water in Tank :0 Test Fluid : Unleaded Vapor Recovery :Phase II ** Test Report ** Average Rate of Change is based on 244 Data Points Standard Deviation ............. .0011 Gallons - Volume change of Tank Contents - Net Volume * (60 min/Test Time) -.0038 Gal. * (60/ 61.33 min.) = -.0037 Gph. - Volume change due to Temperature - Avg. Temp. * Volume * Coef. of Expn. * (60 min./ Test Time) 0.0486 Deg.F * 550 Gal. t 0.00062 * 60/ 61.33 = 0.0161 Gph. Net change = Level Volume - Temperature Volume NET CHANGE . . . -.0198 GPH. Based on the Information provided and the Dat This Tank & Flooded Lines Test has..... Certified Tester : Robert Brockman # 92-1251 This Test complies with U.S.EPA and NFPA requirements. No other warrantees are expressed or implied. \. ~ ~ Uertical gal Scale 1 - - 01 gal 61 3 Min. . .. ~ 2j ·--~~~-.~-W...----.~"......~..........~~~'~....'I..q~.I. gal Net Change Gal --- --- .- --...... / " I \ DiaMeter 48) Liquid Level 79 Ground Hater 0 \ J/ ....... .... ~ .... "'------ ----- o .~ e 'level - - -.0037 Gph. NET CHANGE Test Level } < - - 0198 Gph ~ gal . o J() ._---~_.~_..~._---~-_................................... .bld9 TeMP . - - 0.0161 Gph. NORTH TANK Product Unleaded Test Date 12-09-1994 Length (Min.) 61.33 Level Precision 00017 TeMp. Precision 80086 " e e IBEX Precision Tank Test BROCKWAY'S TANK TESTING BakersfIeld, CA. USA (805) 834-1146 Performed for: Test Location: . Bakersfield Fire Station #9 7912 Westwold Bakersfield, CA Test Identification Test Date Start Data Collection Ending Test Period Time Filled for Test bfd9-2 12-09-1994 08:21:42 10:23:49 + 14 hrs. Tank Data TANK ID. Volume Depth Bury Groundwater Tank Type Test Fluid : South :550 :48 :> 15 FT :1 Wall Steel :Diesel CONTENTS Diameter Product level Pump Type Water in Tank Vapor Recovery :Diesel :48 :82 : Suction :0 :N/A ** Test Report ** Average Ràte of Change is based on 244 Data Points Standard Deviation ............. .0013 Gallons - Volume change of Tank Contents - Net Volume * (60 min/Test Time) .0032 Gal. * (60/ 61.33 min.) = .0032 Gph. - Volume change due to Temperature - Avg. Temp. * Volume * Coef. of Expn. * (60 min./ Test Time) -.0220 Deg.F * 550 Gal. * 0.00047 * 60/ 61.33 = -.0056 Gph. Net change = Level Volume - Temperature Volume NET CHANGE 0.0088 G-PH. Based on the Information provided and Data Collected, This Tank & Flooded Lines Test has...... PASSED Certified Tester : Robert Brockman # 92-1251 ~' ~ This Test complies with U.S.EPA and NFPA requirements. -- WO.bfd9 TeMP : - 9956 Gph. South Tank P:roduct Diesel Test Date 12-99-1994 9 .·...----------~~..P----------.~------.~.---pp-~,....... Length (Min.) 61.33 Leve I P:rec i s i on . . 99958 TeMP.' Precision .99995 . 5 gal. 5 ,Level: 9.9932 Gph. NET CHANGE : 9.9988 G2h. -) - 9 -.------------------------------------------------------ Test Level _ J . 5 gal. --- --- .- -. ..- -. "..- .......... .25 Ne t C}1ange Gal. I \\ (DiaMete!' 48) Liquid Level 82 9 .....--------...~...-~~------~.~----~~.w.~-~..-......... Gl'ound Wate:r 9 ~\ I ..... .1'1 Ue:rtical Scale 1: 91 gal 61.3 Min. '-.. ...-' --. .-- 5 gal -----~- . '",' ." .. ....~ e e I'. ' P~LOT P:LAN Name: BFD Station" City: BalcersfielcL CA. Location: 7912 Woatwo ld I I,' ", I, ' Work Order No. !. + North P A R K SUCTION PUMPS /' G~t. Westwold Drive Drawn By: R.obert BrockM2!1, Date: 12. .q-'1'-1 Brockway " 2014 S. Unoin Ave. ,Bakersñeld, Ca. .. " f .. BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPAR~ HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION 1715 CHESTER AVE., BAKERSFIELD, CA . (805) 326-3979 93304, . . ,.' , APPLICATION TO PERFORM A TIGHTNESS TEST (j{-DJ0d FACILITY Fire Stat¡ion #9 PERMI'l' TO OPERATE t 280014C OPERATORS NAME City of Bakersfield OWNERS NAME City of Bakersfield ADDRESS 7912 .we..,LwÌ1.1ð"' W.{1?tlv~ltt NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED 2 IS PIPING GOING TO' BE TES'l'ED~ion . . TANK # 1 2 ' VOLUME 550 Gallons 550 Gallons CON'l'EN'l'S Diesel Unleaded TANK TESTING COMPANY Brockway I s TEST METHOD Ibex Tank Test NAME OF TESTER Roþert Brockman ADDRESS 2014 S. Union, Suite 103 .. CERTIFICATION # 92-1251 STATE REGISTRATION # DATE & TIME TEST IS TO BE CONDUCTED tentative first week in December ~~~i8-94 P E DME J~~ SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT .. ~- -----: . e FIRE STATION #3 3400 PALM ST DEC 8 - 8:00 FIRE STATION #6 127 BRUNDAGE LN DEC 8 - 12:00 FIRE STATION #9 7912 WESTWOLD DR DEC 9 - 8:00 CITY CORP YARD 4101 TRUXTUN AVE DEC 13 CITY P.D. 1601 TRUXTUN AVE DEC 14 e ~ i' - .. 09/08/93 13:30 ~805 326 0576 BFD HAZ MAT DIV BAKERSFIZLD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION 2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 APPLICATION TO PERFORM A TIGHTNESS TEST RECEIVED DEC 2 2 1993 HAZ; MAT. DIV. FACILITY fiAt! 6í/2 #9 . ADDRESS 79/~ é.ÙE6TWOL]) PERMIT TO OPERATE' *. . OPERATORS NAME CITÝ Of A.9XEl\.--jf'/~~ERS NAME ,~Am(Ç" Nt1MBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED ~ IS PIPING GOING TO' BE TESTED Ý E-i- . TANK * ·t VOLUME 5!5ð '- ~ 50 CONTENTS J).jL A1LJ L TANK TESTING COMPMIY II E.& 1oDDRESS?O ~XfjO~ '( .. IÎ' .' .' Jj,q;1e7) Ie¿D Ml?33Bo TEST .METHOD .ne 6- c6 YÓíEJYl '-rr. . . NAME OF TE~TER..ÓA/..lt£'· d/l-V~ fCERTIF~CATION *. 86// a STATE REGISTRATION * . 9/- 101 ø q /~~~/q3 . (hTA f ' (j)d¿Q/¡d SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT 08 ex) DATE & TIME TEST IS TO BE CONDUCTED' m~ -f~ /).ß'tI'Z~ APPROVED BY: ' DATE ..... o' .. .. . . . . . . .' .' ....:.....~... . - .. -.- ":.,,"~" ", .:. :. _.~....._¡"-.~. .... .', .:. - '." ",' --:-., -....:..' ..:~:,~~::>:~:y~:~,;;;:.;.£; .... ~~~...::..~~.:~.(~::.~;~:;.:'~:-:-.:\~~;( ':,:.'> . ._-...._...~ .,.~..~..". ..~--- .. ." .'..:" .I.:~~~.!':; :~·:.~:.~:;'\'··X:;·:.:·r7~ ..:-: /'j/~' . . ~. - .' ,,,.' .-;.. ',~. " . . . '. " r .. .' . ~II. - :. Ii . ".- Associated Environmental Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 80427 Bakersfield, CA 93380 (805) 393-2212 AES - SYSTEM II PRECISION TANK & LINE TEST RESULTS SUMMARY Invoice Address: Tank Location: w.O.#: 18639 CITY 0F BAKERSFIELD 4101 TRUXTUN AVE BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 FIRE STATION #9 7912 WESTWOLD ·BAKERSFIELD CA I. D. Number I #9 Technician:BWH Tech.#:B8142 Van#:0115 Date: 12-17-93 Time start: 08:00 Facility Phone#: 805-631-9204 Contact: JOHN PATTERSON End: 13:00 County: KE Groundwater Depth: 120' Blue Prints: N/A DatejTime system was filled: 12 HRS. + Tank Fill/Vent Product Type Of Vapor Inches of Pump Tank Tank Capacity Product Tank Vapor Lines Line Recovery Water/Tank Type Material 1 550 B7-U\L PASS PASS PASS II 0.0" SUCT SWS 2 550 DSL PASS pASS PASS I 0.0" SUCT SWS Additional Information: GROUNDWATER DEPTH WAS DETERMINED BY CITY WATER. SITE LOG TIME Set Up Equip: Bled Product Lines: Bled Vapor Lines: Bled Vent lines: Bled Turbine: Bled Suction Pump: Risers Installed: 08:30 08:25 08:27 N/A N/A 08:25 N/A a) ALL PRODUCT LINES WERE TESTED USING THE PLT-100R b) This system and method meets the criteria set forth in NFPA #329. c) Any failure listed above may t~equire further action, check with all regulatory agencies. Copyright (c) 1989 by AES, Inc. California Q.T.T.L. Number I 91-1069 BRUCE W HINSLEY Certified Technician Signature I ~-~~. Date I /2-/?-Ý'J ':~":~':':·::,_:7~·.".~':,-"~'-:'<:'·-·~'::::' ," . '...., ASS 0 C I ATE DEN V I RON MEN TAL S Y S T EMS ~ ~ 00 o e 00 VENTS :. 'e 87 - U IL 559 DSL 559 ~ STATION 19 WO.ft186J9 - 7912 WESTWOLD FIRE STATION 89 BAKERSFIELD, CA Å N Si te Layout F o:r - - .... r. e Systems, (a0~) 393-2212' Inc::-. Assoc::-~~~ed Env~~onment~1 P.o. 80K 604e7 8Ak~~.~~.1d. CA 93360 AES/System II Precision leak Test Graph (Overfill) Invoice No.: 18&3g Date: Technician: BWH Tank: Volume(gal): 550 Grade Water Level On Tank(in): 0 Specific Gravity: .74 Calibration Value(ml): 500 Level Segment From: 1 To 225 12/17/g3 1 Level ( in) ,: 8& Tim e : 0g: 53 : 1 g Tank Diameter(in): 47 Product Level(in): 84 Coefficient Of Expansion: 0.000&813 Chann e l: 1 Temp Segment From: 1 To 225 I..· I 1.11 "I Itt I .... II ..·1 1...11... ...11....1. ... ...., II I I I , I 1111. " I..H I" UI I fI' 1 IIn "I'" .1.:1 .--- "¡- L EI:·1· u..l. ·E L. 1'11:' .1.,,1 ..' .' TI:I E M 1'11" P·I..:I 1...1 h'II:'I'1 I' ..I. ·1' .. '1" ... I",' "II:' 'UII .1 III ()' :I. II C) ..1....11·'·1':::,....·\..·1(·'111·.. .:::. I.." "' III II'" al", "II .' I .lu.1I III Change In Calibration Zone: 18 Starting Temperature (F): &1.011 Surface Area(sq. in): 1&9.1 Calibration Unit(gal/unit) = 0.00722 Head Pressure(psi (Btm»: 2.24 Temp. Change(F/h) 0.044 Level volume(gph): Temp. volume (gph) : Net change(gph) I -0.03 0.01 -0.04 Product Líne(gph) I SUCT. ========== R.su1~ --)PASS P/L --) Copyright (c) 1989, AES, Bakersfield, California PASS ** Notes ** FIRE STATION #g 7g12 WESTWOLD BAKERSFIELD, CA. THIS IS A 2HR. HIGH LEVEL TEST WITH A 500 ML. CAL. ALL LINES ARE FLOODED AND INCLUDED.' . . ";,..... - -- ',~. -'," '., - ':~~:.. .::-:',:.;~'.' .-:...~.. ":"~-'..~~' .'.' " ." ~, :. ::-:,~:. . ::~ --. --'.- .... "' .:::.~-: ',:.; :·::.::2·;·:;':··..::::,-::.:·'.'·.:·;·:.. .::;.:-:::~:;7..·.·-:·:-_ ::;-:~:~:::::;::..,.~:~r:7~':"!":'.~;~8~'"":.~~:-:-·· Ass 0 c- i a. -t eo c:I ~V i Y'" ~ ~. r:: eo n -t a. 1 Þ.o. Ðox e04~7 Ыk_r.~~.1d. CA ~3380 ~ s-t eo'ro S, <søe'S) 3~3-~~1~ .J: n c- .;. ,', AES/System II Precision leak Test Graph (Overfill) Invoice No.: 18&39 Date: 12/17/93 Technician: BWH Tank: 2 Volume(gal): 550 Grade Level(in): 8& Water Level On Tank(in): 0 Specific Gravity: .84' Calibration Value(ml): 400 Level Segment From: 1 To 250 Time: 09:53:19 Tank Di~meter(in): 47 Product Level(in)1 84 1 Coefficient Of Expansion: 0.0004681 Channel: 2 Temp Segment From: 1 To 250 I..· I I'll III III """ ... ' 1...11...1...11....1. I... '·..·1 I... II,IU,IUII :i'!:i L [1:'1'1 l) ..I. E L:",:, .11111 TI:I E t1 PI'II:' .1...1 UwIIb . .' .' 1...1 II. ':' ' I ..I. 'I' .. ''I'' ... I",' 11'1" 111,1 ,1,:1 f" ...1 ., f"1 "n In ...., "' .' II J...II ... ..I'" II ·II·I· I:::,........ 1"'1111'" ':::: II "I I" III 1111 Change In Calibration Zone = 31 Starting Temperature (F): 64.487 Surface Area(sq. in): 69.2 Calibration Unit(gal/unit) = 0.00335 Head Pressure(psi (Btm»: 2.55 Temp. Change(F/h) : -0.034 Level volume(gph): Temp. vo 1 ume (gph) : Net change (gph) I -0.01 0.00 -0.01 Product Line(gph) I SUCT. ========== Resu1~ --)ÞASS Þ/L --) Copyright (c) 19a9, AES, Bakersfield, California r='ASS ** Notes ** FIRE STATION #9 7912 WEST WOLD BAKERSFIELD, CA. THIS IS A 2HR. HIGH LEVEL TEST WITH A 400 ML. CAL. ALL LINES ARE FLOODED AND INCLUDED. . . . '. : .~; . 09/08/93 13:30 ~805 326 0576 e e 14I00~ BFD HAZ MAT DIV BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATER1AL DIVISION 2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (80S) 326-3979 APPLICATION TO PERFORM A TIGHTNESS TEST FACILITY FiA€ ~í/2 #- 9 . ADDRESS 79/;{ 0E6rWOL.D PERMIT TO OPERATE t OPERATORS NAME (!/TÝ Q{ ¡)qXEl\df'/~¿Qý1NERS NAME ~~Jlm¿- . NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED C:<. IS PIPING GOING TO' BE TESTED ÝE.i- TANK # t. VOLUME !T!5ð '- "150 CONTENTS 7J.6L f3 71.j. L TANX TESTING COMPANY fi E ~ ADDRESS ?.o œ,t IJo!d. 7. . . J3,q¡<¿7l ,f!/E'Z-D C/7 lf3380 .TEST METHOD f1e 6- ~ Y~TDYl 7T . . 'NAME OF TESTER..Óp;U~ ¡...t/11/J; {CERTIFICATION * 83/ I éJ.. STATE REGISTRATION ;; q 1- /01 () q ~ BY: /2 -2-D -9'.3 DATE /~h7/q3 (!(li-A.( , (j)d.!Md SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT 080~ DATE & TIME TEST I S TO BE CONDUCTED ./.--....' . - . .:.. ~. .- , IBEx4tprecision Tank ~st '0' BROCKWAY'S 2014 S. UNION AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93307 ( 805) 834-1146 Performed for: Test Location: Bakersfield Fire Station #9 7912 Westwo/1d Bakersfield, CA Test Identification Test Date Start Data Collection Ending Test Period Time Filled for Test 1251-1 09-29-1992 09:28:53 11:31:31 6 PM-9/28/92 Tank Data TANK ID. :NORTH TANK - 1 CONTENTS : UNLEADED Volume :550 Diameter :48 Depth Bury :48 Product level :80 Groundwater :> 15 FT Pump Type : Suction Tank Type :1 Wall Steel Water in Tank :0 Test Fluid : UNLEADED Vapor Recovery :Phase II ** Test Report ** Average Rate of Change is based on 235 Data Points Standard Deviation ............. .0185 Gallons - Volume change of Tank Contents - Net Volume * (60 min/Test Time) -.0314 Gal. * (60/ 61.42 min.) = -.0306 Gph. - Volume change due to Temperature - Avg. Temp. * Volume * Coef. of Expn. * (60 min./ Test Time) -.0048 Deg.F * 550 Gal. * 0.00054 * 60/ 61.42 = -.0014 Gph. Net change = Level Volume - Temperature Volume NET CHANGE -.0292 GPH. Based on the Information provided and the Data Collected This TANK & SYSTEM LINES Test has...... PASSED Certified Tester: Robert Brockman # 92-1251 ~~____ This Test meets all U.S.EPA and NFPA requirements. NORTH TANH P~oduct UNLEADED Test Date 09-29-1992 Length (Min.) 61042 Level Precision 99193 TeMP P~eci5ion 90996 9914 Gp}1 ... ... TeMP 1251....1 25 gal WOu fa .... an .... }~{ 1 ~...... ........... ........... ............... .Ira ....... / '1."10. '\ I 0 (/ Di aMe teJt\ 48 \) Liquid Level 89 G]t\ound Wate~ 9 \ ! o Of \" / \.'1. "". ~ ~ '- ....-- alnø... r,mp".,/P UId--m....... _----- GPß 9292 CHANGE NET 9396 Gp}} .... ... 'Leue 1 25 e an Level Test .....~..m..ßmw..mœmnœ..m.mg'...'R.P~.U.I.I.llml.llm~~œIAft'1~..ml.IR. - .u"~mœmm~I..œ.œmn.m..ump'm.I'~n~mm~.œmDimm.~ml.lm~OOIPNœlfl~~~II.M.1 Ciban ge Ca 1 Net 25 gal 25 9 fa e n 4 Hi 61 91 gal Scale 1 : cal UeJt'ti 25 gal ,£ ,. · IBEx4tprecision Tank tþest 'ii BROCKWAY'S 2014 S. UNION AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93307 (805) 834-1146 Performed for: Test Location: Bakersfield Fire Station 9 7912 Westwo/ld Bakersfield, CA Test Identification Test Date Start Data Collection Ending Test Period Time Filled for Test 1251-2 09-29-1992 09:28:53 11:31:1 6 PM-9/28/92 Tank Data TANK ID. Volume Depth Bury Groundwater Tank Type Test Fluid :SOUTH TANK :550 :48 :> 15 FT :1 Wall Steel :DIESEL CONTENTS Diameter Product level Pump Type Water in Tank Vapor Recovery : DIESEL :48 :79 : Suction :0 :Phase I ** Test Report ** Average Rate of Change is based on 235 Data Points Standard Deviation ............. .0186 Gallons - Volume change of Tank Contents - Net Volume * (60 min/Test Time) -.0115 Gal. * (60/ 61.42 min.) = -.0112 Gph. - Volume change due to Temperature - Avg. Temp. * Volume * Coef. of Expn. * (60 min./ Test Time) -.0615 Deg.F * 550 Gal. * 0.00036 * 60/ 61.42 = -.0120 Gph. Net change = Level Volume - Temperature Volume NET CHANGE 0.0008 GPH. Certified This Test Based on the Information provided and Data Collected This Tank & System Lines Test has...... PASSED Tester: Robert Brockman # 92-125~·~L meets all U.S.EPA and NFPA requirements. " e 25 ga~e]lltical 9 25 gal 25_ Scale 1 : Net C}1an ge Ga 1 01 gal 61u4 Mi -. -.... n ..,,¡m"""--- ......-........... maP -.. ~ ~, ~ . l \ I . \ (l Di ë\Me te]t\ 48 ') Liquid Level 79 Gfound Watel' 9 I I \ / \ j , ' ~ ~~ u. ._ "Im_ ....- III........ ,..OJIÆrmf/ --.. ....-.... o ~~~œmœmœmemœœmœmœmDmDmDœmDmœmDmDmœDmDm e 25 gal 25 'Le vel .... .... 0112 Gp}} NET - lest CHANGE III Level .... .... .... }D( 9. 090~~h .... o WOo 1251.....2 pr~..m..·W·DA~mDœmDmDmœmœmDDmœmœmßmœmœ~m~~ eMp ... .... 9129 Gph SOUTH TANH Pj(boduct DIESEL Test Date 99....29...1992 Length (Mino) 61.42 Level P~ecision 00999 TeMP P~ecision 99094 " .. ~ " ...' - Name: -L Location: L e City: Bakersfield. CA. BFD Station 119 Work Order No. 1251 + N olth Westwold Drive Drawn By: Robert Brockman Date: 9129/1992 7912 Westwold P A R Ie. / Ga.te Brockway's 2014 S. Uoom Ave. Bakersfield, Ca. ·~ ).~ . Bakersfield Fire Dept4 þ ""R"AZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~ (805) 326-3970 . /}'6 ~' \\/\l(] UNDERGROUND TA~QUES IONNAIRE ~ :;L~ D ~, - ;'- ¡ r:¡.:" I. FACILITY/SITE No. OF TANKS 2 v ,~ DBA OR FACILITY NAME Bakersfield Fire Department Sta 9 J A7912 Westwd1d CITY NAME Bakersfield .I BOX TO INDICATE 0 CORPORATION NIIME OF OPERATOR \- ~EARE$T CRQ,SS STREET liosEora PARCEL No.(OPTlONAl) STATE ~Oa ZIP CODE 93309 OINDIVIDUAL OPARTNERSHIP QI LOCAL AGENCY DISTRICTS o COUNTY AGENCY o STATE AGENCY o FEDERAL AGENCY TYPE OF BUSINESS 01 GAS STATION 03 FARM 02 DISTRIBUTOR KERN COUNTY PERMIT 04 PROCESSOR liDs OTHER TO OPERATE No. 280014C ~ <}dq d- Patterson, John (805)833-1517 Todd, Chuck NIGHTS: NAME (LAST. FIRST) Todd, ,Chuck (805)631-9204 Patterson i ..John NIGHTS: NAME (LAST. FIRST) (805)631-9204 PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE (805)399-1340 II. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION (MUST BE COMPLETED) NAME CARE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION Bakersfield Fire Department 2101 H st MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS .I BOX o INDIVIDUAL KI LOCAL AGENCY o STATE AGENCY 2101 H st TO INDICATE o PARTNERSHIP o COUNTY AGENCY o FEDERAL AGENCY CITY NAME STATE I ZIP CODE I PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE Bakersfield Ca 93301 (805)326-3911 III. TANKOWNER INFORMATION (MUST BE COMPLETED) NAME CARE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION Bakersfield Eire Department 2101 H st MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS .I BOX o INDIVIDUAL ~ LOCAL AGENCY o STATE AGENCY 2101 H st TO INDICA TE o PARTNERSHIP o COUNTY AGENCY o FEDERAL AGENCY CITY NAME STA TE ZIP CODE PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE Bakersfield Ca (3301 (805)326-3911 OWNER'S TANK No. 1 2 DATE INSTALLED 7/01/84 7/01þ84 VOLUME PRODUCT STORED unleaded diesel IN SERVICE 550 550 (ÿJN @N V / N ' V/N V/N V/N DO YOU HAVE FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY? (j)N TYPE >~ -<4'-,,; , Fill one segment. for each tank, unless al~nks and piping are constructed of t sam~ materials, style and~pe, then only fill one segment out. please identify tanks by owner ID i. I. TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE ALL ITEMS" SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN '.'. A. OWNER'S TANK I. D. # . 1 B. MANUFACTURED BY: unknowen c. DATE INSTALLED (MOIDAYNEAR) 07/01/84 D. TANK CAPACI1Y IN GALLONS: 550 -. ---- .------ -- ---------.. III. TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN BOXES A. B. AND C. AND ALL THAT APPLIES IN BOX D A, TYPE OF ~1 DOUBLE WALL 0 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER 0 95 UNKNOWN SYSTEM D 2 SINGLE WALL 0 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTED TANK) 0 99 OTHER 0 1 BARE STEEL 0 2 STAINLESS STEEL ~ 3 FIBERGlASS 0 4 STEEL CLAD WI FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC B. TANK MATERiAl 0 5 CONCRETE 0 6 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE 07 ALUMINUM 0 8 1000/. METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP (Primary Tank) 0 9 BRONZE 0 10 GALVANIZED STEEL 0 95 UNKNOWN 0 99 OTHER 0' RUBBER LINED 0 2 ALKYD LlN ING [þJ 3 EPOXY LINING 0 4 PHENOLIC LINING C. INTERI~i 0 5 GLASS LINING 0 6 UNLINED [KJ 95 UNKNOWN 0 99 OT1-IER LINING IS LINiNG MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 100% METHANOL? YES _ NO_ ,D. ~~SION 01 POLYETHYLENE WRAP 0 2 COATING ....~ 0 3 VINYL WRAP . .0 4 FIBERGlASS REINFORCED PlASTIC PR ECTION 0 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION 0 91 NONE .. , 00-95 UNKNOWN ,,0 99 OTHER '-" IV. PIPING INFORMATION CIRCLE A IF ABOVE GROUND OR U IF UNDERGROUND. BOTH IF APPLICABLE A. SYSTEM TYPE A(ù) 1 SUCTION - A U 2 PRESSURE A U 3 GRAVI1Y A U 99 OTHER B. CONSTRUCTION A@ 1 SINGLE WALL A U 2 DOUBLE WALL A U 3 LINED TRENCH A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER C. MATERIAL AND A U 1 BARE STEEL A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) A @ 4 FIBERGlASS PIPE CORROSION A U 5 ALUMINUM A U 6 CONCRETE A U 7 STEEL WI COATING A U 8 1000/. METHANOL COMPATIBLEWiFRP PROTECTION A U 9 GALVANIZED STEEL A U 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION ~ 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER D. LEAK DETECTION D 1 AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR [}g 2 LINE TIGHTNESS TESTING D 3 INTERSilllAL D 99 OTHER MONITORING V. TANK LEAK DETECTION o , VISUAL CHECK [B.. 2 o 6 TANK TESTING 0 7 INVENTORY RECONCILIATION 0 3 VAPOR MONITORING 0 4 AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING 0 5 GROUND WATER MONITORING INTERSTITIAL MONITORING 0 91 NONE 0 95 UNKNOWN 0 99 OTHER I. TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE ALL ITEMS·· SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN A. OWNER'S TANK I. D. # 2 B. MANUFACTURED BY: unknowen C.. DATE INSTALLED (MO/DAYNEAR) 07/01/84 D. TANK CAPACI1Y IN GALLONS: 550 ---- III. TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN BOXES A. B. AND C. AND ALL THAT APPLIES IN BOX 0 A. TYPE OF lID' DOUBLE WALL 0 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER 0 95 UNKNOWN SYSTEM 0 2 SINGLE WALL 0 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTED TANK) 0 99 OTHER Is. 0 1 BARE STEEL 0 2 STAINLESS STEEL [j;l3 FIBERGLASS 0 4 STEEL CLAD WI FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PlASTIC TANK 0 0 6 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE o 7 ALUMINUM 0 8 100"1. METHANOL COMPATIBLE WiFRP MATERIAL 5 CONCRETE J (Primary Tank) 0 9 BRONZE 0 10 GALVANIZED STEEL 0 95 UNKNOWN 0 99 OTHER 0' RUBBER LINED 0 2 ALKYD LINING [þJ 3 EPOXY LINING 0 4 PHENOLIC LINING C. INTERIOR 0 5 GLASS LINING 0 6 UNLINED ÇKJ 95 UNKNOWN 0 99 OTHER LINING is LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 1000/. METHANOL? YES _ NO_ D 1 POLYETHYLENE WRAP 0 2 COATING o 3 VINYL WRAP 0 4 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC D. CORROSION PROTECTION 0 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION 0 91 NONE IE 95 UNKNOWN 0 99 OTHER IV. PIPING INFORMATION CIRCLE A IF ABOVE GROUND OR U IF UNDERGROUND. BOTH IF APPLICABLE A. SYSTEM TYPE A@)1 SUCTION A U 2 PRESSURE A U 3 GRAVI1Y A U 99 OTHER B. CONSTRUCTION A~} SINGLE WALL A U 2 DOUBLE WALL A U 3 LINED TRENCH A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER C. MATERIAL AND A U 1 BARE STEEL A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) A U 4 FIBERGlASS PIPE CORROSION A U 5 ALUMINUM A U 6 CONCRETE A U 7 STEEL WI COATING A U 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLE WIFRP PROTECTION A U 9 GALVANIZED STEEL A U 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION A@95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER D. LEAK DETECTION D 1 AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR M 2 LINE TIGHTNESS TESTING o 3 INTERSilllAL D 99 OTHER MONITORING V. TANK LEAK DETECTION I~ 1 VISUAL CHECK ~ 2 INVENTORY RECONCILIATION 0 3 VAPOR MONITORING D 4 AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING D 5 GROUND WATER MONITORING 1 6 TANK TESTING 0 7 INTERSTITIAL MONITORING 0 91 NONE 0 95 UNKNOWN D 99 OTHER \' Ate /ð/~/9L ""spection Time /0;0 'i? UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILITY e Permit # Environmental Sensitivity * INSPECTION REPORT * Facility Name ::1f1./t ðN No. of Tanks #( £v" Address 77 I L L--Ue.$~{..L/() {j¿ Is Information on Permit/Application Correct? Yes Complaint No Permit Posted? Yes No Type of Inspection: Comments: Routine Reinspection ITEM VIOLATIONS NOTED 1. Primary Containment Monitoring: a. Intercepting and Directing System \ b. Standard Inventory Control Monitorinv c. Modified Inventory Control Monitoring d. In-Tank Level Sensing Device e. Groundwater Monitoring f. Vadose Zone Monitoring 2. Secondary Containment .Monitoring: /tJ()Ý1 - ~(7/-c cA.-4- t/ $.L- '" J ~I a. liner b. Double-Walled Tank c. Vault 3. Piping Monitoring: a. Pressurized (b. S"uction) c. Gravity 4. Overfill Protection 5;:>/// ðt:le:-¿.~h 5. Tightness Testing y.¿5 6. New Construction/Modification ~ 7. Closure/ Abandonment -- 8. Unauthorized Release - 9. Maintenance, General Safety, and ~ Operating Condition of Facility Comments! Recommendations: ¡V~5 ýJ> f' ~¢/& S~-.r / Reinspection scheduled? _ Yes ~o 'N"'ECTOR '-ç~..~n/;~ H""h5~17017~7I - \ Approximate Reinspection Date REPORT RECEIVE 0 BY, IkPaHm.....~ r 1. 1...1..... J...J. .£. ~ 1 I,·' . ~~: nt';_;''l '(~IL: OUT SEPARATE FORM., EACH' ~:~) -FOR EÃÒt SEcTIõÑ, CHECK ALL APPRõPRÏÃTE BõXES- ;¿ 'J OO/'-JC- !! 'Ç~ H. 1. Tank is: 0 Vaul ted ~n-Vaulted O );)uble-Wall DSingle-wall 2. Tank Material -.£}carbon Steel 0 Stainless Steel 0 Polyvinyl CWoride 0 Fiberglass-Clad Steel [fFTBerglass.:-Re inforced plastic 0 Concrete O,A1l111inum 0 Bronze OUnkoown D Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer V'/t/j.{ ~/Ø{. .Ç-ç¿J 4-'"4ðé 4. Tank Secondary ContaInment o Double-Wall D Synthetic Liner D Lined Vaul t D None BHJnknown o Other (descr ibe) : Manufacturer: DMaterial Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) S. Tank Interior~ning GRubber D Alkyd OE{X)xy DPhenolic OGlass DClay Oll1lined .QU1kno~ DOther (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection -rTGalvanized DFiberglass-Clad D~lyethylene Wrap DVinyl Wrappirq DTar or Asphalt ~known DNone DOther (describe): ' Cathodic Protection: o None Drmpressed OJrrent System DSacrificlal 1tnode, System, Describe System & Equipment: 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception ~Tank: DVisual (vaulted tanks only) LIGrourrlwater Monitorirri Well (s) o Vadose Zone Moni toring ~ll (s) D U-'fube Wi thout Liner OU-Tube with Compatible Liner Directi~ Flow to Monitoring walles)· D Va{X)r Detector· D Liquid Level Sensor D Conductivit~ Sensor* o Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank . o Liquid Retrieval & Inspection Fran U-Tube, Mon! torin;I Well or Annular Space fiaDaily Gaogir~ & Inventory Reconciliation 0 Periodic Tightness Testirq o None 0 Unknown 0 other b. Piping: Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized PipingW o Moni tor ing SlI11p wi th Raceway D Sealed Concrete Raceway DUa1f-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway DSynthetic Liner Raceway DNone ~Unknown 0 other *Describe Make & Model: 8. i~nk~igh~n~sB s IS 8r een Tightness Tested? DYes Df'.b ,SlJnknown Date of Last Tightness Test Results of Test Test Name Testing Canpany 9. Tank Repair TãñK Repa! red? 0 Yes DNa ti:1unkno,wn Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs 10. OVerfill Protection ~ator Fills, Controls, & visually Monitors Level OTape Float Gaoge DFloat Vent Valves D Auto Shut- Off Controls BCapacitance Sensor DSealed Fill Box DNone DUnknown Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices "" 11. Piping , a. undergrolU1d Piping: ~es Df'.b DUnknown Material; .s;,.-'2e/ Thickness (inches) tilt//! Diameter. tI~t( Manufacturer ¿l,¡{,ÆC DPressure DSuction OGravity Approximate Length of pipe Rtr1 ' b. UndergrolU1dPPfpirg Corrosion Protection: DGalvanized DFiberglass-Clad DImpressed CUrrent DSacrific1al h10de []polyethylene Wrap []Electrical Isolation []Vinyl Wrap DTar or Asphalt [5!Junknown DNone Dother (describe):' c. Underground piping, Secondary Containment: ODouble-Wall DSynthetic Liner System ONane punknown DOther (descdbe): b:lclllLy NdJlle þ/1,4../.j::)íCI4 r....· pc..// ";1 Ie PeUl\lt No. T!\NK ~ f'ptj-tl:2 (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM FUt-{ EACH TANK) ~~OH EACH sEcTIõÑ,æECK ALL APPRõP"ROOE--šõXEŠ-- H. 1. Tank is: Dvaulted JQNon-vaulted Dl))uble-Wall DSingle-Wall 2. Tank Material ~bon ~eel~ [] Stainless Steel [] Polyvinyl Chloride 0 Fiberglass-Clad. Steel TI FibergTass"':Reinforced Plastic 0 Concrete [] Altltlinum [] Bronze []Unknown o Other (describe) , 3. Primary Contairunent Date Installed Thickne~ (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer 1//(//( tI///A S.Ç¿:;1 é/'/('4-é 4. Tank Secondary Containment o Double-Wall 0 Synthetic Liner 0 Lined Vaul t 0 None )ãtJnknown DOther (describe): Manufacturer: DMaterial Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) 5. Tank Interior Lining -rfRubber [] Alkyd DE¡x>xy DPhenollc DGlass DClay DLhlined BJDtknown []Other (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection -rTGalvanized DFiberglass-Clad D~lyethylene Wrap DVinyl Wrappirg DTar or Asphalt ~known DNone DOther (describe): . Cathodic Protection: o None DImpressed OJrrent System DSacriflclal Anode System Descril:2 System & Equipnent: 7. Leák Detection, Monitoring, and Interception ~Tank: DVisual (vaulted tanks only) LfGrouoowater Monitoril'Jj" Well(s) o Vadose Zone Moni toring Well (s) [] lJ-Jrube Wi thout Liner []U-Tube with Compatible Liner Directi~ Flow to Monitoring WOIl(s)* [] Vapor I2tector* [] Liquid Level Sensor 0 Conductivit;t Sensor* o Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank o Liquid Retrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space ~ily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation DPeriodic Tightness Testirg o None 0 unknown 0 Other b. Piping: Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for pressurized PipingW o Moni to ring SlI11p wi th Race'MIY 0 Sealed Concrete Race'MIY o Half-Cut Campatible pipe Raceway [] Synthetic Liner Raceway 0 None IJa;Unknown 0 Other *rk!scribe Make & Model: . 8. ;~nk~igh~n~sBe s is a en Tightness Tested? DYes DNa ,Ðunknown Date of Last Tightness Test Results of Test Test Name Testing Company 9. Tank Repair Tãñk Repaired? DYes DNa ~known Date (s) of Repair (s) Describe Repairs 10. OVerfill Protection ~Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level DTape Float Gauge DFloat Vent Valves 0 Auto Shut- Off Controls DCapacitance Sensor DSealed Fill Box DNone Dunknown DOther: List Make & Model For Above Devices J 3 O-òf ~è.. "" ,t J' 11. Piping , a. underground Piping: fii:Yes DNa DUnknown . Material ~/~~/ ThIckness ( inches) _f//t/k Diameter ~~Æ' Manufacturer /.#¿/¿(" OPressure DSuction OGrav i ty . Approximate LerY:Jth orpipe R1.n b. Underground pipirg Corrosion Protection : DGalvanized DFiberglass-Clad ODnpressed CUrrent DSacrificia1 Anode Dpolyethylene Wrap DElectrical'Isolation DVinyl Wrap DTar or As¡X1alt , ægnknown DNone DOther (describe): ' c. Underground piping, Secondary Containment: ' . ODoub1e-Wall OSynthetic Liner System DNone pmknown DOther (describe): ~. f,.t e . < ¡ F I L ~ ',:()N'fENTS INVENTORY Facility ·~aY.er~eld r:ì'r6 Dppt I8 permit to Operate ~ ~n()l<t- . OConstruction Permit # D~ermit to abandon~ OAmended Permit Conditions ;gpermit Application Form, o Appl ication to Abandon OAnnÜal Report Forms . .., __J ,/,\, \,', ~ No. of Tanks Date Date Date cZ Tank Sheets tanks(s) ,''Plo+- ~~Ia \'I,s,: V Date OCopy 'of Written Contract Between Owner & Operator OInspection Reports OCorrespondence - Received Date Date Date DCorrespondence - Mailed Date Date Date o Unauthori zed Release Reports DAbandonment/Closure Reports o Sampl ing/Lab Reports DMVF Compliance Check (New Construction DSTD Compliance Check (New Construction DMVF Plan Check (New Construction) OSTD Plan Check (New Construction) DMVF Plan Check (Existing Facility) DSTD Plan Check (Existing Facility) O"Incomplete Application" Form DPermit Application Checklist o Permit Instructions 'ODiscarded o Tightness Test Resul ts Checklist) Checklist) Date Date Date OMonitoring Well Construction Data/Permits --------------------------------------------------------------- "- OEnvironmental Sensitivity Data: DGroundwater Drilling, Boring Logs DLocation of Water Wells OStatement of Underground Conduits ŒJplot Plan Featuring All Environmentally Se,sitive Data o photos Construction Drawings Location o Hal f shee t showi ng da te rece \ 'led and ta 11 y of inspect ion tlme-~ etc o Mi scellaneous -- - ....~.."---- e ~~S Í'i\ (H'~ \ ()lI( ~/;). 7 /'6~ :ç I+-- ~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT PEkÞlll" ... 180009C c£) FUEL INVENTORY RECORDING ~ ION 3 MAY /88 TANK II 1 CAPACITY 550 Gill ~'Ra )UCT DIESEL -I::.. o 3 4 5 14 6 7 8 9 10 11 IZ 13 16 14 15 16 OPENING OPENING CLOSING INVENTORY CLOSING r.ETER DAiLY METER TOTAL ~¡ETER READING ~30RE AFTER DELIVERED WATER AMOUtff WEEK TOTALS WEEK TOTALS WEEK TOTALS ,: VARIATION TREND ANALYSIS GAUGING INVENTORY INVENTORY REDUCTION READINGS READINGS SALES ADJU-aHIEtH DELIVERY DELIVERY INVENTOHY GAUGUNG UVER OR SHORT lNV. REDUCTION METER THRfJUGHPUT OVER OR SHORT 1 18.5 0.0 150.0 -190.0 II &7'3~.5 &7'33.5 0.0 II 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 190.0 0 2 19.0 190.0 190.0 -8.0 II 68(19.7 6793.5 lE>.2 II 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 24.2 0 345.5 198.0 550.022.011 ó509.7 f,ii09.7 0.011 0.017<..0550.0374.0 -22.0 I 4 4ó. 0 550.0 550.0 0.0 II 6iiú9.7 &809.7 0.0 II 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 5 46.5 550.0 550.0 0.0 II &509.7 650':1.7 O. 0 II 0.0 O. 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 S 46.5 550.0 550.0 0.0 II óB44.4 6809. 7 ~of. 7 II 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.7 WEEK 1 WEEK I WEEK I WEEK 1 0 741.5 550.0 510.040.011 6644.4 6844.4 0.011 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -40.0 -136.0 50.9 186.9 367.19 1 9 40.8 5JO.0 503.0 7.0 II 6844.4 6844.4 0.0 II 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -7.0 1 9 40.8 503.0 503.0 0.0 II &552.5 &844.4 5. 1 I 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.1 ..a... o 40.3 503.0 498.0 5.0 II 6B52.5 6852.5 0.0 II 0:0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -5.0 . 1 40.0 i¡98.0 495.0 3.0 II f,87i¡.5 652.5 22.0 II 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 19.0 . 238.0 i¡95.0 473.022.011 &8R5 Œ74.5 0.011 0.0 0.0 v.O 0.0 -22.0 3 38.2 473.0 m.o -1.0 II &902.5, 6B74.5 2B.0 II 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 29.0 "'EEK 2 WEEK 2 WEEK 2 WEEK 2 0 4 35.5 m.o HI.O 33.0/1 6902.5 6902.5 0.0 II 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -33.0 69.0 58.1 -10.9 -18.76 I 5 35.5 441.0 441.0 0.0 II 6902.5 6902.5 0.0 II 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 6 35.5 4i¡1.0 4i¡1.0 0.0 II 69(02.5 &%2.5 0.(1 II 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 7 35.5 441. 0 441. 0 0.0 II &9{)2.5 6902.5 O. (I /I 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 8 35.5 441. 0 HI. 0 0.0 I 6925.8 69(02.5 23. 3 II 0.0 23.3 0 9 34.5 HI.O 429.0 12.0 &925.8 &925.8 0.0 II 0.0 -12.0 (I 34.3 429.0 425.0 i¡.0 6':J25.8 6925.8 0.0 II 0.0 -4.0 WEEK 3 WEEK 3 WEEK 3 WEEK 3 1 :1 34.0 425.0 422.0 3.0 6944.4 6925.8 J3.6 II 0.0 15.£> 19.0 41.9 22.9 54.&5 0 :2 32.5 422.0 401.0 21. 0 &944.4 &944.4 0.0 II ú. ú -21.0 1 :3 32.5 401.0 401.0 0.0 I 6944.4 &944.4 0.0 II 0.0 0.0 0 :4 32.5 401.0 401.0 0.0 I 6944.4 6944.4 0.0 II 0.0 0.0 0 ".:j 32.5 401.0 401.0 0.0 I 6944.4 6944.i¡ 0.0 II 0.0 0.0 £, 32.5 401.0 401.0 0.0 II 6'344.i¡ 6944.4 0.0 II V.O 0.0 :7 32,5 401. 0 i¡01.0 0.0 II &944.4 &944.4 0.0 II 0.0 0.0 WEEK 4 WEEK 4 lEEK 4 WEEK 4 0 :8' 32.5 401.0 401.0 0.0 II 6%7.4 6944.4 23.0/1 0.0 23.0 21.0 23.0 2.0 8.70 () '9 31.0 401.0 380.0 ':1.0 II 6967.4 6967.4 0.0 II 0.0 -21.0 1 ;0 31.0 380.0 ~80.() 0.0 II ~9~7.4 ~~~7.4 ,.0.0 II 0.0 0.0 . ,\ 31.0 380.0 ~80.0 0.0 II b9b7.4 b9~7.4 ,0u.0 II 0.0 20.0 .., MONTHLY TOTALS -6.0 MOtHHLY TOTALS 193.9 MOrnHlY TOTALS 374.0 TOTAL 1':í9.9 MONTft.Y TOTALS 411.78 TRENO ANALYSIS PERIOD 5 TOiAL MINUSES THIS PERIOD 10 E> 0 ~ CUIf.ULATIVE Þ1mUSES FRUI4 PREVIûU3 20 ç-<. I ~ IS THERE A REPORTABLE LOSS tJO PERIODS IN THIS C\'CLE ~ TOTAL MINUSES 30 S::?: ACTION NUÞtBER FROM THIS PEtilUD 85 ;S ? ~ -Y> ~ 0' ~ ~. ,... ~~ \/", ~ ~ - - e KERN COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT PERMIT TO OPERATE Number: 8129006 2700 "M" STREET. SUITE 275 BAKERSFIELD. CA, 93301 TELEPHONE: (805) 861-3682 PERMIT TO OPERATE IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT FIRE STATION #9 FOR EQUIPMENT LOCATED AT: 7912 Westwold, Bakersfield EQUIPMENT OR PROCESS DESCRIPTION: Gasoline Storage & Dispensing System OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS LISTED BELOW. THIS PERMIT BECOMES VOID UPON ANY CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP OR LOCATION, OR ANY ALTERATION. NOTE: The permittee may be required to provide adequate sampling and testing facilities. Equipment modification requires a new permit. REVOCABLE: This permit does not authorize the emission of air contaminants in excess of those allowed by the Rules and Regulations of the K.C.A.P.C.D. WILLIAM J. RODDY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL¡Ù~CER ~ ( t" .,....-\~ \ -d By: C· J · \ -.-J-f- .. ."....-.s For Period: 03-31-92 TO 03-31-93 CONDITIONAL APPROVAL: Compliance with all conditions of approval imposed by any applicable Authority to Construct is required for life of this equipment unless modified by application. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION: GASOLINE STORAGE & B.W. Balance including the following equipment: DISPENSING SYSTEM a. One 550 gallon Unleaded grade underground gasoline storage tank(s) each with a permanently affixed fill tube terminating no more than six inches from the bottom of the tank and provisions for the collection of gasoline vapors during filling. b. One EWA 3005 nozzle each with provisions for the collection of gasoline vapor during use. OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS: 1. California Air Resources Board certified vapor recovery efficiency must be attained when filling storage tanks and during the refueling of vehicles. (Rule 412 & 412.1) 2. All lines, fittings, adaptors, caps and connections shall be leak free. 3. Liquid spillage and drippage at disconnect shall be prevented. 4. Only California Air Resources "Certified" vapor control equipment shall be utilized. 5. Tanks on delivery vessels shall be leak free. 6. Tank ffÍling shall be accomplished only through a permanently affixed submerged fill device. 7. Illustrated instructions for use of nozzles shall be posted at each island. STATE OF CALIFORNIA AIR TOXICS HOT SPOTS REQUIREMENTS: Facility shall comply with California Health and Safety Code Sections 44300 through 44384. (Rule 208.1) · ,e I.' TANK FACILITY ANNUAL REPORT Facility Bakersfield Fire Sta. 9 Permit # 280014c Month/Yr. 1/89 1. I have not done any major modifications to this facility during the last 12 months. Signature Note: All major modification the Permitting Authority. a Permi t to Construct from 2. I have done major modifications for which I obtained Permit (s) to Construct from Permitting Authority Signature Permit to Construct # 3. Repair and Maintenance Summary Date Attach a summary of all: Routine and required maintenance done to this facility I stank. piping, and .monitoring equipment. Repair of submerged pumps or suction pumps. Replacement of flow-restricting leak detectors with same. Repair/replacement of dispensers, meters, or nozzles. Repair of electrorÚc leak detection components. or replacement with same. Installation of .ball float valves. Installation or repair of vapor recovery/vent lines. Include the date of each repair or maintenance activity. NOTE: All repairs or replacements in response to a leak require a Permit to Construct from the Permitting Authority as do all other modifications to tanks, piping or monitoring equipment not listed here. 4. Fuel Changes - Allowed for Motor Vehicle Fuel tanks Only. List all fuel storage changes in tanks, noting: Date(s), tank number(s), new fuel(s) stored. 5. Inventory control monitoring is required for this facility on the Permit to Operate, and I have not exceeded any reportable limits as listed in the appropriate inventory control monitoring handbook during the last twelve months (if not applicable, disregard). Signature 6. Trend Analysis Summary Please attach Annual Trend Analysis Summary for the last 12 periods. 7. Meter Calibration Check Form Please attach current, completed Meter Calibration Check ~orm a' WI e\ ANNUAL TREND ANALYSIS SUMMARY TANK # ~. TIME PERIOD: JAN U988 QUARTER 1 PERIOD 1: PERIOD 2: PERIOD 3: QUARTER 2 PERIOD 4: PERIOD 5: PERIOD 6: QUARTER 3 . PERIOD 7: PERIOD 8: PERIOD 9: TIME PERIOD: JAN 1 to Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) TIME PERIOD: APRIL 1 to Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) TIME PERIOD: JUL T 1 to Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period {Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) QUARTER 4 TIME PERIOD: OCT 1 to DEC PERIOD 10: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) PERIOD 11: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) PERIOD 12: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) I hereby certify this is a true and accurate report. Signature to J)EC 31 1988 r-1A R 31 o 20 o 37 o 54 / JUNE 30 o 69 11 85 14 101 /' SEPT 30 14 117 11 133 8 149 I 31 9 165 10 180 11 196 Date · e ANNUAL TREND ANA~YSIS SUMMARY TANK # "2 QUARTER 1 PERIOD 1: PERIOD 2: PERIOD 3: QUARTER 2 PERIOD 4: PERIOD 5: PERIOD 6: QUARTER 3 PERIOD 7: PERIOD 8: PERIOD 9: TIME PERIOD: JAN 1 1988 TIME PERIOD: JAN 1 to f~AR Total Minuses Thi~ Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this 'Period (Line 4) to DEC 31 1988 31 7 20 8 37 12 54 / Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) to JUNE 31 o 69 14 85 13 101 TIME PERIOD: APRIL 1 QUARTER 4 TIME PERIOD: OCT 1 to DEC 31 PERIOD 10: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) 14 Action Number' for this Period (Line 4) 165 PERIOD 11: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) 9 Action Number for this Period (Line 4) 180 PERIOD 12: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) 15 Action Number for this Period (Line 4) 196 TIME PERIOD: JULY 1 to SEPT Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) I hereby certify this is a true and accurate report. Signature / 30 15 117 15 133 13 149 Date t) . CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT D. S, NEEDHAM FIRE CHIEF 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD: 93301 326-3911 Bakersfield Fire Station # 9 Permit # 280014c 1/88 - 12/88 Repair and Maintenance Summary Tank 1 Tank tightness test preformed by Redwine-Manley Testing on 2/23/88. The tank tested tight. Tank 2 Tank tightness test preformed by Redwine-Manley Testing on 2/23/88. The tank tested tight. CA. vALLEY EQUIPMElft COMPANY Record of Computer or Meter Change 3.500 Gilmore AUB. . BiÙlersfield. CJlif 93]08 (80S) 327·9341 TOKHEIM DISTRIBUTORS LocatIon Station number Date Totalizer Readings -- Start (monev) ---- Produc t LAY\ Totalizer Rudi"llls Start Product eL, Pump Finioh (monev Totalizer Readi"lllS Start monev Product Make and Mode' Pump Finioh (monev) T ot.liz., Readings Start (monev) Product Make and Model Pump Finish (money) Totalizer Readi"llls Start (monev) Product Make and Moael ~ump F inioh (monev) Totalizer Raacli"llls Start (monev) Product Finish (g.lIons) Return to Storage (gallono Sero.1 NumÞer F inioh (gallono) Start (gallono) Return to Storage (gallonol Seroal Number Finish (gaUons) Start (gallono) Return to Storage (gallono) Serial Number F ¡nlSh (gallono) Start (gallonsl Return to Storage (gallons) o Meter Change o Computer Change o W/M Notified Taggea oRed Job Number II lq Tag. Calibration: Checked Slow Slow DNa Meter Sea e~ ß"í'eo 0 No Tag. Slow Checked -- Adjusted To Fast Slow Totali~led Meter S~ as 0 No e. DNa Tagged Tag. oRed oGreen oBlue Calibration: ast Slow Checked Adju.ted ast Slow To Totalizer Sealed Meter Sealed DYe. DNa DYe. DNa Tagged Tag.. oRed oGreen oBlue Calibration: Fast Slow Checked Adjusted Fast Slow To Totalizer Sealea Meter Sealed DYes DNa DYes DNa Tagged Tag . oRed OGreen oBlue Calibration: Fast Slow Checked Adjusted Fast Slow To Totalizer Sealed Meter Sealed DYes DNa DYes DNa Tagged Tag ., ORed oGreen oBlue Calibration: Faar Slow Checked Adjusted Fast Slow To T otalller Sealed Meter Sealed DYes DNa Kern County Health Departma- Division of Environmental" Jl 1700 Flower Street, Bakersfield, CA 93305 Permi~-. ;;. 300 I YC!. Applicatiorl'[llr te 2~ APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDE~ROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORPl.ìE FACILIT'l .!œ. of Application (checK): DNew Facility Oft'Ddification of Facility ~istin;¡ Facility DTransfer of Ownership A. Ðnergency 24-IJour Contact (name, area code, ¡X1one): Days~A¿V ç/J/".ç¿'¿¡f" h~..?2~-.?7tÇC;; Nights6?~^"Y c/A'/t~14'" ~8.r..i"-9.J~-('~ Faci1i ty Name ¡ýf!ée./.>:h).<.t::! Ç/.Le ,ee/X ~;;-/7:~ ~9' No. of Tanks fž Type of Business (check): ÔGasoline Station GiJ.Øther (describe) ¡:;,,;¿~ ~è/?: ,c¿e~r 4"~~ Is Tank(s) Located on an Agricultural Farm? Dyes IaNo . Is Tank(s) Used primarily for Agricultural Purposes? DYes ~ Facility Address ?f/2 u/e.š/-~d/ ~;1;hd/ Nearest éross St. /t~~/'ú/~/ ~ GaYfiJ-d T . R SEC Rural Locations O1ly) . Owner ....'7< ¿'J:F Mt'ée.,- ':h ð'/ Contact Person 6'~y .5/~4'K¿.--r ,p Address r¿ At.r¿ &1"1f'~ ý.?J~/ Tele¡:i1one ~..:r2tG-J?9~ Oper~tor "~"7' ~ /e. , Contact Person IG~Y .J/#4/6¿'~ Mdress r~¿//~,ø' A'-/~~ e;"d'.?e:?/ TeleP10ne /b.v..?z~.:??~? B. Water to FacUity Provided by Depth to' GroW1dwater Soil Characteristics' at Facility Basis for Soil Type and Groundwater Depth Detenninations . ' c. Contractor Mdress proposed Startin;¡ Date Worker's Compensation .Certification I CA Contractor's License No. Zip Telephone Proposed Completion Date Insurer D. If 'Ibis Permit Is For Modification Of An EXistirv;¡ Facility, Briefly Describe Þbdifications proposed " E. Tank(s) Store (check all that apply): ,.,~! Waste Product Motor Vehicle Unleaðeð Regular Premium Diesel "Waste Fuel on . ¡;¡jf- // 0 - - D lEI 0 8 § fi B ~ ' ¡:/JC¡~ tJ~ 0 0 g 0 0 0 B B B B 0 0 0 F. Chemical Gompo5~tion of Materials Stored (not necessary for motor vehicle fuels) Tank t Chemical Stored (non-conmercial name) CAS I (if known) Chemical Previously Stored (if different) ,,' G. Transfer of OWnership Date of Transfer Previous Facility Name I, Previous Owner accept fully all obligations of Pennit No. issued to ¡ . I understand that the Pennittirv;¡ Authority may review and modify or te~lnate the transfer of the Pe~it to Operate this underground storage facility upon receiving this completed fonn. 'Ihis form has been canpleted under penal ty of perj ucy and to the best of my knowledge is true and correct. Signature _+/ /::t~ Title ,45/// .f.&Ù¡Ý.' 5éQ".?: Date ..?-26-~- 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 - --- ~ERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTM'- HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION (,' DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard .' INTERIM PERMIT TO OPERATE: PERMI T#2 a OO:L 4'0 . ISSUED: JULY 1, 1986 EXPJ: RES: JULY 1, 1989 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY NUMBER OF TANKS= 2 -----------------------------------------------------------------~---- FACILITY: '" I - OWNER: "-' BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. STATION #91 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD -:7912. WESTWOLD ' I 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE. >,': ;:}':':.,,: - ,. - . I··,,",~::¿:~~~::~:~~~:-:~--~--~--------:-:-~~---~~~~~~~~:t1id~¡£Jj~~~iÉiji~{,i¡~ ';" r~:}~;~~E ~j2·'¡~·'jtr~~~{g; YRS! ,·,~,';~~]¡;jr;,~ .:O~i~;;!¡,'~;ilhiiil~:~~~ïlf~~~ ""., '- - . ~- , - Þ'. -".' . NOTE: ALL INTERIM REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY MUST BE MET DURING THE TERM OF THIS PERMIT . . '., -',". ,- .'~ NON-TRANSFERABLE *** POST ON PREMISES DATE PERMIT MAIlED: AUG 2 5 1986 DATE PERMIT CHECK LIST RETURNED: 2700 M Street Bakersfield, California Mailing Address: 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 861-3636 te- COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENTe ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION ;; ¿. ~L; '-1 (... HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard July 21, 1988 John Patterson 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Re: All Bakersfield City Fire Departments Dear Mr. Patterson, This letter is to advise you that all Bakersfield City Fire Departments will be granted a "provisional exemption" from the standard reporting described in your permit packet. As we discussed in our meeting, all facilities will follow low throughput report i ng requi r em en ts as s ta ted in the at tached .. Low Throughput Reporting Outline." This Department is currently undertaking a study of the inventory control problems of 10w-throQghput tanks. To facilitate this, a copy of reconciliation worksheets for tanks listed on the attached outline must be sent to this Department monthly so that we lDay add this information to our data base. P.lease send all submittals to my attention. Our preliminary information indicates that a change in reportable variations is necessary when the throughput of a tank is less than 2,000 gallons per· week and less than 10,000 gallons per month. The accompanying "Low Throughput Tank Reporting Outline" describes these changes. A revised action chart and an example of a changed summary sheet (on the back of inventory reconciliation worksheet) have also been enclosed for your convenience. Please make these changes on yo~r worksheets for weeks in which you have low throughput. r ~ICT OFFICES Delano . Lamont . Lake Isal . Mojave . Ridgecrest . Shatter · Taft . John Pattel'son July 21, 1988 Page 2 . Be advised that this provisional exemption is subject to change as fUl'thel' data becomes available to the Health Department. If, however, a listed tank at any time exceeds the detined low-throughput amounts, you must revert to compliance with the original reporting requirements. If you have any questions regarding this correspondence, I can be reached at (805) 861-3636 betwee 8 am - 9 am. MK/gb enclosures Sincerely, M~!!~S?fX- Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Progra~ - '. Lo~-Throu~hput Tank Reportin~ Outline These amended permit reqÜirements are only applicable to tank(s) indicated below when weekly throughput is less than 2000 ~allons and monthly throughput is less than 10,000 ~allons: Effective Date: Facility Permit # Tank # 1 Tank # 2 Tank # Tank # July 19, 1988 280Q14C 550 qallon diesel tank 550 qallon diesel tank Amended Permit Requirements: 1. Revised inventory reconciliation monitoring worksheets are to be submitted to the Health Department on a monthly basis. 2. Revised Action Chart is to be posted at facility 3. All variations exceeding the reported as described on page 16, followin~ amounts must be Part "2" of Handbook #UT-IO. DAILY WEEKLY MONTHLY TREND ANALYSIS - 75 gallons (i50 gall~ --ª-2.2.. g a I Ion s No change {7a4/ ÝÁ,~¡P¿,I/ X .0/ } +-- / > d ::.: #-t~ dg.. t.-él-~/~ (Form #HMMP-II0) · e TANK FACILITY ANNUAL REPORT Facility Bakersfield Fire Sta. 9 Permit # 280014C Month/Yr. 3/87 1. I have not done any major. modifications top this facility during last 12 months. ~ Signature .!L\..L A r..._ Note: All major modifications r quire a Permit to Construct the Permitting Authority. the from 2. I have done major modifications for which I obtained Permít(s) to Construct from Permitting Authority Signature ./ Permit to Construct # 3. Repair and Maintenance Summary Date Attach a summary of all: Routine and required maintenance done to this facility I stank, piping, and .monitoring equipment. Repair of submerged pumps or suction pumps. Replacement of flow-restricting leak detectors with same., Repair/replacement of dispensers, meters, or nozzles. Repair of electroriic leak detection componentS, or replacement with same. Installation of .ball float valves. Installation or repair of vapor recovery/vent lines. Include the date of each repair or maintenance activity. NOTE: All repairs or replacements in response to a leak require a Permi t to Construct from the Permi tUng Authority as do all other modifications to tanks, piping or monitoring equipment not listed here. 4. Fuel Changes - ~llowed for Motor Vehicle Fuel tanks Only. List all fuel storage changes in tanks, noting: Date(s), tank number(s), new fuel(s) stored. 5. Inventory control monitoring is required for this facility on the Permit to Operate, and I have not exceeded any reportable limits as listed in the appropriate inventory control monitoring handbook during the last twelve months (if not applicable. disregard). /;¡ Signature 6. Trend Analysis Summary Please attach Annual Trend Analysis Summary for the last 12 periods. 7. Meter Calibration Check Form Please attach current, completed Meter Calibration Check Form · "..~ - ,e CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT D, S, NEEDHAM FIRE CHIEF 2101 H STREET BAKERSFILED. 93301 326-3911 Bakersfield Fire Station # 9 Permit # 280014C 3/87 - 3/88 Repair ans Maintenance Summary No repairs or modifications were made to this facility (~ OH.r'l F CHECI~ Permit ÐH.A'L' I ON ~1 C .P~.L T f>·IE ".t' E H. r; Lit, Fac11"~hY.. may ieh h w year -ª # of twi ee - ---- d f.1easures n cn n a minimum ----. \~C igh ts an the calibratio .tbration checks e Depnrtment of n runs \~et d n t r 0 (\ IH p with bIe c d a gallons Note can e h t open Into to storage cal by th I calihrntio storage. L th nozzle wine and· return product wHh have lC ^1l meters must include ehecl<s do Before startin,~ :cturn product to R Jl 5 gallons N.I I che"s drawn, -I ¡ [) IS Ie d' n Note 1 product the volume g Sheet. volume m,ensured or below the repairman ( (~mber 11 tot' y em ve r lv,e he t' t s to of to 9 ° cubic by fI ß ) 1 at more t cnI ibt can is requires a 5-gnllon cali bra lion 5-gaIlon mark the me tel' n car(th the hcs above Btered device I t c lI1 Mte to Re If n c 2 3 a s n Note r.allo n ca returned column e h t into Dge is in t' nozzle one-hal f open return product to sto ne calihration check returned to storage the and for galla inches r all record 4 5 c g G e ----------- Hep<1irman !Jate of Used for Calibralio Calibrut!.~I~_ _ Slow FloN "Volume -R~t~~edfc;.ïibrati~ -rJevice on to Required? Yes-¡--Ño " S t_oraßQ........... Gal !Y!1S Draft -- Inches 5-Gal.1. Gal sTc~ Flow Draft Inches n - Fast 5-00110 Gal;1 Cu r Tank 'ltl Product On tc IT i ::-r!as e·-m:- Pump t y 10 ;t. 't 5 'lJ s , f., ~ ~ 7-~1 3 ~ x IS -~, Sl"nature~ 5 o~ b ;L Ù"t:be\ ~ : OO)l'\W1 e # n Heglstrot1o -...... ~ HEPqHT ^NNUM, I WIT FORH Op8rator Sip,nature >Y OF IS II T s or fILor ^ co Owner cali br T ml, s -.I 1..' U 1 U"l MEr~·ER CALI BRf "I UN CUELa, ~. " r· ~~ ',,-- may and and remember Inventory more than 6 cubic calibration by a cubic wldch gallons storage of the product and year, gallons is requires Note Permit! Note 1 All meters must have calibration checks a minimum of twice .!! include checks done by the Departmen~ of Weights and Measures. Defore starting calibration runs, wet the calibration can with return product to storage. Run 5 gallons wi th nozzle wide open into the con. Note inches drown, and return product to storage. Run 5 gallons with the nozzle one-half open into the can cubic inches drawn, and return p~oduct to storage. After all product for one calibration check is returned to record the volume returned to storage in column Recording Sheet., If the volume measured in a 5-gallon calibration can inches above or below the 5-gallon mark, the meter registered device repaIrman to 9 Facility 5 6 2 3 4 . Date/Time Hose or Tank '/ Fast Flow slow Flow Volume,Returned Calibration Device Repairman Date of Pump , Product 5-Gallon Draft 5-Gallon Draft to Storage Reauired? Used for Calibration Gals Cu. Inches Oals Cu. Inches Oallons Yes No Calibration i ,- I ( / U' i r.. !J ' \. t / \. /0 r'ì ..---, >' p' :rr :.,.- - i ) "';-) _0" , -J ~ ~- ,- l Yf.,..~ r r' . ~ y.. I.', J I"~, ¿'I / r" - ,/ \ :.í -- ~ /"" '", ") ~ ! , ~ -..,./ "'-" . ~ n -, Registration' Owner or Operator SIgnature Calibrator's Signature ____ SlmMJT ^ COpy OF TillS FORM WITH ANNUAL REPORT. · 1'. {jjIC- PERMIT CHECKLIST Facility ßc,.i..:...r?f4,,,_tJ (';·~_.I" r¡-::'/,-:-¿+ft- q I This checklist is provided to ensure that all and that the Permittee has obtained all necessary monitoring requirements. Permi t # ~ <t ()O I '-/ c.. necessary packet enclosures were received equipment to implement the first phase of Please complete this form and return to KCHD in the self-addressed envelope provided within 30 days of receipt. Check: Yes No 'f A. 'The packet I received contained: 1) Cover Letter, Permit Checklist, Interim Permit, Phase I Interim Permit Monitoring Requirements, Information Sheet (Agreement Between Owner and Operator), Chapter 15 (KCOC #G-3941), Explanation of Substance Codes, Equipment Lists and Return Envelope. 2) Standard Inventory Control Monitoring Handbook #UT-10. 3) The Following Forms: a) Inventory Recording Sheet b) Inventory Reconciliation Sheet with summary on reverse c) Trend Analysis Worksheet 4) An Action Chart (to post at facility) b L + -K. ..L B. I have examined the information on my Interim Permit, Phase I Monitoring Requirements. and Information Sheet (Agreement between Owner and Operator), and find owner t s name and address . facility name and address ,operator I s name and address, substance codes, and number of tanks to be accurately listed (if "no" is checked, note appropriate corrections on the back side of this sheet). C. I have the following required equipment (as described on page 6 of Handbook): -t; 1) Acceptable gauging instrument -à 2) "Striker plate(s)" in tank(s) ~ 3) Water-finding paste Y.D. I have read the information on the enclosed "Information Sheet" pertaining to Agreements between Owner and Operator and hereby state that the owner of this facility is the operator (if "no" is checked, attach a copy of agreement between owner and operator). ~ E. I have enclosed a copy of Calibration Charts for all tanks at this facility (if tanks are identical. one chart will suffice; label chart(s) with corresponding tank numbers listed on permit). ( We are unable at this time to obtain this chart. We are tring to locate the manufacture of these tanks.) +- F. As required on page 6 of Handbook #UT-10, all meters at this facility have had calibration checks within the last 30 days and were calibrated by a registered device repairman if out of tolerance (all meter calibrations must be. recorded on "Meter Calibration Check Form" found in the Appendix of Handbook). l)..) ,~A ~.,.. ""-, + (:) , 'M 0 v\. e.. i 'Ì- f) c... c...\; Ie r :...:S I:- {'f\ ~_:t f.., f ~ ___ G. Standard-Inventory Control Monitoring was started at this facility in accordance with procedures described in Handbook #UT-lO. Date Started 1-:;;"'1" ..... ß" Signa tUre of Person Camp] eting,C~ck] ist : faL:- {)O:ìtf.ô 1"1 ,~. Tit Ie: j r c..A:.e.... c.) tLs c.,; ,c,;{ é' V'-- 4- Date: c¡ ~ d..d--~b ~ 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 _ e- KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT G\ HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. };flø/ ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION CíìY f~;";·;:',Ci[F:'S O;:::ï-¡C::: DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard r--.' r::; t7::1 ~ :-1 <:\!7 ~ ¡----." C· I· I·'" ".....~J 'I! \,,1 .,;¡ ! ........ \ I'~ '\ -~ '~ L:; L 0 ~ l L) ~ ~ ~ >, t·: '1 <: r~~? Date: -L/L3/87 Re: Permit Checklist Facility Permit # ~00D/~t Dear Tank Owner or Operator: information JR.~~EHVJE 1Q) Control Permr~ N 1 G ¡387 ? This department has received the requested to return from your Standard Inventory Packet. The following required items were not included: o Lacking notation of having required equipment (see below) [] Gauging Instrument o Striker Plate [J Water-finding Paste If any of the above are checked an equipment supplier list will be enclosed with this letter Comments: . o Agreement between owner and operator (see attached if checked) Comments: rnLacking Tank Calibration Chart(s) Comments: -F\~,. \ ø e.~.J J:=c..6 +- + l G 5(_&.0.) + { c..~ ~ Lacking Meter Calibration Check(s) Lø-1-I}.,J.l"j Comments: (J...~i~ð..W I (-7 _ i C. b 7 Please submit the necessary information checked above within 1..4. da~, Another permit checklist has been included for your convenience. If you have any questions or are having a problem acquiring necessary equipment or services please call me at (805) 861- 3636. Sincerely, ¡~~ Joe Canas Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program HMMP - 500 DISTRICT OFFICES [)"I~n() Lamont La ke Is~ bell a Mojave Ridgecrest Shafter Taft -J- .,::\ "'!_ C ,~. p .,~. <C' :i -It; Y 1-"1 f= C .a Y' -~ 1-.. :..V -r C\ ..-. 1-<_ Be C:h .,.!,.,.t Ste-e-l .Custo:'met~ Y',arne: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD C .=. _ HORIZONTAL TANK-~-(RND)--- 45.5 IN. DIA. X 8121 IN. SHELL LENGTH HEAD DEPTH--- .75 IN. DEPTH (IN.) VOLUME (GAL.) DEPTH (IN.) VOLUME (GAL.) DEPTH (IN.) VOLUME (GAL. 0.25Ø 0.5ØØ 0.750 1.121121121 1.251Z1 1.5121121 1.75121 2. ø01Z1 2.250 2.500 2.750 3.ØØ0 3..250 3.5ØØ 3.751{) '+. 00121 4.25121 4.5øØ 4.75121 5.øØ0 5.250 5.5Ø0 5.75121 c. ,7117117, .- ø. ,+,tJ 1. 12 2.1215 3. 15 UI·. Q)"JiZI 1'~. 25iZ1 lL..5Øø l.l~. 750 15.0Ø0 15.250 15.51210 15.751Z1 16.Øøø 16.25121 16.5121121 16.75121 17.øØØ 17.25121 17.5121121 17.75121 1B.0ØQl 18.25tZ1 18.5ØØ lB.75iZ1 l'3.ØØø 1'3.25Ø 1'3.5121121 :l i~ ';). ':J 1 153.63 157.36 161.11 16'+.87 168.65 172.45 176.26 lSIZI.ø'3 183.'33 187.78 1 '31. 64 1'35.52 1'3'3.41 4.4tZ1 5.77 7.25 8.86 1121.55 12.33 1'+.21 15.16 18.1'3 21Z1.2'3 22.47 2 '+. 7 1 27.1211 2'3.38 31. 8 III 3L~" 28 36.82 3'3. '+ 1 42.1215 IJ.Ú. 7~ 203.31 21217.22 211. 14 215.07 21'3.01 222.'35 226.'31 230.87 23'+. 84 .,.... ....~.~ -._- -. ! 3Ø.50ø 3121.750 31.IZiIZiØ 31.25'0 31. 5ØØ 31. 75121 32.0121121 32.250 32.5Øø 32.750 33.000 33.250 33.5Øø 33.750 3'+. 0ØØ 3'+.250 3'+. 5ØØ 3'+. 75121 35.0Ø0 35.250 35.50Ø 35.75121 36.121121121 -,r. ~1t:":..L~ L.ø8.7'3 412.56 416.31 42121. øf. 423.75 427.45 431. 12 434.78 438. '+2 442.1213 4L.5.63 '+'+'3.2121 452.75 455.27 '.5'3.77 463.25 '.56. 70 47121.12 '+ 73.52 475.88 48Ø.22 it83. 53 486.81 A r:¡l7I_ lilk , i í I _rwana CIT'I OF /3Ax£fiSP¡£Lù "'DCrtl~" ~ ~/ð.-' 1"'A'U.x~ -.wY..rA".'" C4.Q& (80S) 834-6075 ...... I 'lIST ,n. /I /(SH NODUCr .!/!l; I -- 6()~ ....GRAYITY. -66 MœtJCr'l'œ'. . ~ .zL 1£ HORNER t:ASY TESTING METHOD .~ 3 .2:L Z~ ~Zi-~ WORk SHEET . pR/ßtdJ If 100D(0'û . t INC. REDWINE-MANLEY TESTING SERVIŒS. P . 0 ,. BOÀ L S 7 BAKERSFIELD, c.. 93302 01/ i:. CHART CAL . 0:;- ~ 2 ~ . . æfC12. W TDlPCAL.{)Z1Z)58 . 0.32?- rB) rj)¿j) 6"50 - - . CNNrrY 6'.1... I I , s A!3D¡I£" œaaAT0a5 t!MØ! AT..n - - J(;HAJ +1ttí£R ~ YWII tW 5YSTP.1 C.·....... 1Jsuc:T1OM UHGTM08' C~?nc;gr>sOFF!11;c\Jr." ......"'N Q.&AA OANlCa 4D" MQ ~OI'~Nm ¡fM;TAL. . .-. '/5.(( -0 r~y, TVF& IU' IIGOVIliAVaY!m!!:I! ~. èJMI.NCI[ D UD..IiI\CNf [J K!lN.&Y sana&.lW&8I TN!K ..e- . DlftNOI'~~TU ·tii~ !C)O ;,-, I ""/TIN& aTOItAØ& Þ$T&H I'IU.&D 8A\.& -.. 2.-2.'2-1: ··-:P.M, "*'0# TAH1C6 , -- M&GI1..... .', 'It :fIIIe PUIIQ, II' DlHUUtYt .......~ '!;: . TØtP. n-. GAIN. ·~·I ~ -~ IITACT ÐtD LCU- .1= It£StA.T ~T 'U'.r:1 c-- t¡: 35A .1/71 -484 - -t: 0/0 · .32-2. --;(7)32.2.- -: øS/~ C;:~ù .9$1 - ,973 --:- 011 · :32.1- - ~ (T()354 ~ ø~s* Jt) ; 0 ~ /113 -.?~o --.tJ/8 ..,.. · . 51-1- -~ tJ1)'fI! ~ tt)'J.ZIp /¿) ·1.0 . 9~O ... .?,:71--;...,ø/a.3Z.2.--~31.. .; ,j1JD(lA /¡) :.3:)' . .. . f5~. -.1Si·~~-d?J2- a,32.7-·-;¡Øl)(¿,4 '::~4 /O;~O .?57. -.tt,Ø--;tHJ3 x ,3#2- ·-:ØØ?~ + /' ;' -. ¿Jl)61 z. ./..O~ ./15¥ -. ?,~O · -:tJZJ,/ ..8'22- --;- ¿T{)lZ$ ~ II: 2..6 ~ tlZN z$ ~ ~ 1/:3.)1 .?~~.-.ff1 -;tllJ'l- · ,82-1- .-: ó1JOt,'f -, OZ>2~ CElmFIED TIGHT UAIt RATE Off'''''1OI .-' ~1...Dt"'MI fc-S ~ C:OU~ICIÐlT UNa. 'f:L .... := UVIII.. ....... ...- III!IUL-r _. - - - - . t?9 "'.- '13 - -I · . ¿1è)/I/t.. -;- ð7);f( 2- '13 '- ?3 - -ð- · . tTl)1'i'2- - -e- 93 - 91- - -I · .(Jl)192- ~~ ¢/t/'Z- ~ ~ --'8 .. ..~ z. · :l1l71f~-; ~~84 "-,-._- ..~._-_.+. . ~ , - --, ,"'-.-' ...-- - " 11 - 13 - --e- · .ðfJlf1- · -e-.' . 83· -11 - f" 3 · . tJDJfi 1- · :4z,.57~ .. --- fl '11 - -r;r- · . tflJl"12.. .-B- ¿¡I- - -.¡./ · .~, .~ POlf1. . ~ .;1/' "DI-mc.' Hælf 571Jíió;J '1 ..7'112.. . v)£.s1'AJoLJ>· '1"'" . ok {!,4 i _ ßAJ.(£R5~i5't-D· ~ I . ! M1E . 9.-.2.3 - 83 ~ ~ . . . I ~. . .; . I'll ::!"fofST""fÇIC)-t- ,I'F Aid i>4t..$$~ , I e e , - . ~ . . ":'"1.. ~_..... .:is.. .kJ.. ~ AI<£ASAé I../) HORNER ~SY TESTING METHOD ~ g. .:!.:. , ~ ~ ~ J(/o} .,." ..... 8.1JJ<F-A. ....- ~ .. : lNC. ~T.S . TESTING SEKV 9330': ¡ REDWHŒ-MANLE ì 1'.0. BOX lS~1 BAKERSFIELD. CA.. . ! t;~ j ..... . , ,'c, . ;'. ;;.; TYMCII'_ ~ I CI'''--- IÍ-- ¡' '; , LUG,," OIl CGI.CMI CIOG&OI'.....-:r ! ........ a.&IIIA ---. ,; 10·' MIa' ';::,~ ~CII'T" lIS ..... ' '~ ." ,I 1;{n c ....... Nt ' nNCII' ~aWftII CMLNIC'M C IIIDIItI:II&'I CNUI.&V ~ .~. TÞIII. OAtH . ::& ~~ PIn& ' -1 STAId' DD ' LOU- ..... ' .- :'.~61":. ~,:)--q · -: ð1J5 · :"to/- ---: (JO/'2.0 1...- ?:3~A ~ c'uZ-O 9 : ~'ì> ~~59 - .¡'S'Z- · -. tr07 ~. zA a~ (}"O/(p~ ~ (/01 '14- /0: ()~ . ~67- - .~47 a ~ tW5 · . .?-''¡ -: ~/~O ~OOV3~ /O;],.D .6<1-1 .. .631-· -.tJ1)f! · . '2.'/ -a -ß J?Z- ~ æ 1'1.0 /o:3! ~- . --. _.. .0'51/".63D --.tJ7J9 · .z,':¡ a-:Ç'OU~ ~~o /0; .so ~30 -.62/ · . t" -;(/2)1-/(:> -r- /1: 05 · -: tJl)f a ~o I pU7) . .~z.1 -.6/2 --:cro'Î · . zA -: (JZJ2-/~ ::¡J7JVtpO ¡j;ZO .6/b .-.bÓ7 - -. C/ê).5 · . z.../ -.-:.0/'20 or II " 5£ a, tm¿1þ " "J WORK SHEET . 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