HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK 1 e o ,'\ Tc; ",)e- I.}J Q s í'C U¿-/· Ç'e '-VI ,-eo S '"/'417i' 0 '" ~ -J ~ /,- pç i? ~ l- -s: 3 s !,- >r B S \ ¿) e WQ!!c-- vu ,'b It... RlL ß(~J- S'ooO d ~f . , %QC)0J Q. ( goco J~ I qrrro)(. .rc~)~ _.- --- ---- If /I ...J. ::..~D 'i, - FILE CONTE~TS SUMMARY e- FACILITY: /'l COAJstl'UC t/o"ù Co. I.vc... / AbAAJJO» eJ St.4+ioJJ { ADDRESS: tJ h t'fe Lv + (),. bf e. PERMIT #: 3/oo7~ ENV. SENSITIVITY: Activity Date Comments # Of Tanks Aoa ~ 5/111'1/k ~.sult.t f P~h.5 OJ;. /~ If~ r 0,/ /!?!5 / ....3 AJo <5"~9 CoAJ-I: e/· \ e( f~ 1700 Flower Str..et Bakar.fleid. Call1ornla 93305 Telephone (805' 861-3836 KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEAL TH OFFICER LltOn M HeÞwtaon, M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL Hi DIVISIO.... DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, Vernon S. Relc:t\ard ", ~~. . ' May 1, 1985 . r .. "',' .....;... . '.- I ' I' '-' . -' -~.. ", .... .' . .~ .~' -~.... :~ /;.:¡~~ . ..... '. '\~. -.' .~-~-l':~t:: . .~.~. '(,"~~~.~:J""~,(~, .. . . . ";'.t'·,. '~'f~.i:.' -. ' ~, '. - ., -; , .t ", . f ,.' :~: ", 4M Investments P.O. Box 3289 Bakersfield, CA. " .. 93385 Attn: Joe Licastro :;.'¡. Gentlemen: 'c" , " This is to advise you that this department hat revie\,¡ed the report on the investigation of subsurface cont~ination from '.. '. beneath a removed waste oil tank at the corner of White Lane and Wible Road, Bakersfield, California. '. Based upon the results of the investigation, including both 'visual inspection and analytical testing, and data on depth to , groundwater as obtained from the Kern County Water Agency, we, 'concur that there has not been· significant' soils contamination as a result of tank leakage at this site. " . Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, J/;t/}/l )Jæ ¿~_ Ann Boyce, R.S. , . Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Substances Management '- ,.i . ... ;.1., ~ .':~ ,(, "~' II Section' ;', AB:re ,",' . 340 INDUSTRIAL. ST. BAKERSFJEL.D. CAL.JF. 93307 (805) 324·1760 · "ARTHMOVINC, · GRADING · EXCAVATING · !'AVING · AS!'HALT SEALING · DEMOLITION · RR CONSTRUCTION ,"- , , :CO.RA~ \·1 W I, '--' ~ CONSTRUCTION CO., Ie:. SINCE 1964 4/4/85 Ann Boice Kern County Health Dept. 1700 Flower St. 8akersfield~ Calif. 93305-4198 PROPOSED ACTION PLAN for WHITE LN & .WIBLE ROAD STATION Owner: 4 M Investments P.O. Bo:·: 3289 Bakersfield~ Calif. 93385 contact: John McMurtrey 322-5011 Architect: Joeseph Licastro 325-4512 PERMANENT CLOSURE The three existing 8000 gal. fuel storage tanks have been filled with drilling mud at some time in the past. We have beeh unable to find any record of their abandonment after checking with the city fire department (Chief Kollenborn & Capt. Goatcher). Howeyér the city's records only date back to 1973. Conversations with Lóng time service stati on owners in Bakersf i el d date the closure arolfÎ1d 1971 to 1973. (Ray Rall~ local Exxon owner from 1968 to date) Attempts to find records from Exxon or others have so far proved ~ruitless. We are therefore assuming the tanks were legally abandoned years ago. It is our intention to leave the fuel tanks in place after removing the risers and plugging the resulting holes. The tanks are in the parking area of the future auto parts store. The top of the tanks will then be ~reater than 3 feet below finished elevation. The existing waste oil tank is empty and shall be removed. The tank will be excavated around~ removed and hauled to 340 Industrial St. It will be placed for sale as an above ground storage tank for fuel or oil. Prior to removal the fire department will be contacted and a permit obtained. Any flammable vapors will be purged by the use of dry ice per the city's requirements. After removal Tom Bayne of Soils Engineering Inc. will be called in for soils tests under the tank. It is his intention to test 2 feet below the bottom of the tank in 1 or 2 locations as he deems necessary. (This tank being removed is only 5 feet long) This testing will coincide with visual inspection of fhe existing ground. Further testing will be done to determine the extent of contamination if any exists. Test results will be submitted along with his recommendations to your department prior to backfilling of the hole. Sincere~ - rl- , . e e--- ( ~. ." . 0. . 0.:: '.:" SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. \\ April 16, 1985 File No. 85-4363 Attention: Joe licastro ¿{;jf. 1f;~\ Oil and Grease Analyses UT ~o~ Beneath the Removed Waste Oil Tank at the corner of White lane and Wible Rd., Bakersfield, CA. 4-M Investments P.O. Box 3289 Bakersfield, CA. 93385 Subject: Gentlemen: According to authorization from Mr. Jim Mitchell of M Construc- tion, we have initiated an investigation regarding the soils beneath the removed waste oil tank at the southeast corner of White lane and Wible Road station. On April 11, 1985, a visual inspection was performed by our Project Engineer. The inspection consisted of examining the soils beneath the waste oil tank that was removed. Based on a visual classification of the soils, the soils consisted of brown to light brown silty sand. No visual contamination or odors were encountered during our investigation. Two samples were taken at approximately two (2.0) feet below the previously existing oil tank bottom, ;approximate1y three (3.0) feet on centers and transported to the laboratory for oil and grease analysis. Soil sampling procedures were in substantial accordance with E.P.A. Standards of Soil Sampling. The following are the results of the analysis of the retrieved samples: Sample 1: Sample 2: 0.038 % oil and grease 0.017 % oil and grease 2901 H STREET . BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93301 . PHONE (805) 327-7065 e ~ Oil and Greas~ Analyses of Soils Beneath the Removed Waste Oil Tank White Lane and Wible Rd., Bakersfield e ò:)ùILS ENGINEERING, INC. File No. 85-4363 April 16, 1985 Page 2 If you have any questions regarding our report, please feel free to contact us. Respectfully submitted, SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. ~; .~ Tony Fr~ Project E gi·~eer ~a#.~ R.C.E. 26106 TF:LTB:hk " j e ..~- 1700 Flower Street Bakeflfleid, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTM~NT HEAL TH OFFICER Leon M Hebert.on, M.D. ENVIRONMENT AL HEALTH DIVISION DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Relçh.rd PrDoq April 8,1985 M. Construction Co., Inc. 340 Industrial Street Bakersfield, CA 93307 Gentlemen: This is to acknowledge receipt of your notification of intent to remove one waste oil tank and leave three existing 8,000 gallon tanks in place at the station located at White Lane and Wible Road in Bakersfield, CA. Since you describe the three existing tanks as having been filled with drilling mud sometime prior to' 1973, we are in agreement with your assumption that the tanks were legally abandoned at that time and no further action is necessary beyond the removal of risers you describe i~ your proposal. Removal of the waste oil tank may be inittated as soon as a permit is acquired from the City of Bakersfield Fire Department. This letter will enable you to obtain this permit. Actual removal of the tank must be in accordance with all Fire Department requirements. The preliminary assessment you describe- in your proposal which is to be ..performed by Tom Bayne of Soils Engineering, Inc., meets with our approval as long as actual soil sample retrieval is per EPA methods. Samples taken from under the waste oil tank should be analyzed for oil and grease. If you have any further questions on our requirements, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, 7lfZ~.Ø&¿~ . Environmental Heal~ spe~ist II Hazardous Materials Manage~ent Program AB:jp cc: 4 M Investments OISTRICT <)FFICES .. e e f'ETROllUII ( LABORA1 ùRIES INC . A"lCUi TIME .. CHt~Ai rSls J fGUN, IfG (MfM fNGI MAIN OHICE 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD CA 93101 PHONE 327-4911 Soils Engineering 2901 "H" Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Date Reported: 4/15/85 Date Received: 4/11/85 Laboratory No.: 5406, 5407. . Sample Descriptions: #1 Sample #1 4363 #2 - Sample #2 4363 #1 #2 Oil & Grease 0.038% 0.017% J Comment: 9il and grease reported on an as received sample basis. Oil and grease were extracted from sample using Freon (Environmental Protection Agency for water modified for soil). Freon evaporated and residue weighed. B C LABORATORIES, INC. By-i;!; ¿~~ J. . Eg"#n