HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION 7/2/1998 ~ r~r:2'0:'=r,';\r;"" 11 u~~·!.Ç.~U 'V ~[CJ FLUOR DANIEL G'I ..JUt 2 7 1998 T?'O'r"nA. Ic","'.; ,'c, r¡'" '1 f.'\~""'," "'P'te"> ,...;..¡¡.. w UJ..,=-.; :,;; ~j,t'~r&~ &t;L~ù TO: Mr. Howard Wines Bakersfield City Fire Department Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 326-3979 fx (805) 326-0576 We are sending via: 0 AIRBORNE DATE: FROM: RE: 07/22/98 JOB NO. David Bean Southland Store No. 22150 4012 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA ~MAIL o FAX ORIGINALS COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 06130/98 Underground Storage Tank Removal Report And Request For Site Closure(Store 22150 Transmitted as checked: ~ For Approval !K:J For Comment o ForYourUse o For Resubmittal ~ As You Requested !K:J For Your Records Remarks: Dear Mr. Wines: Per our conversation, the following includes the above referenced report for the subject site. Please call with questions. !YOU , ~~4-~" avid Bean BCTRNS,WK4 757 Arnold Drive, Suite D / Martinez, CA 94553 USA (510) 370-3990 FAX (510) 370-3991 o ~ FLUOR DANIEL G'I UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REMOVAL REPORT AND REQUEST FOR SITE CLOSURE SOUTHLAND STORE # 22150 4012 WHITE LANE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Fluor Daniel GTI Project 105019 June 30, 1998 Prepared for: Mr. Bob DeNinno The Southland Corporation 10220 S.W. Greenberg Road, Suite 470 Portland, Oregon 97233 Fluor Daniel GTI, Inc. Submitted by: Fluor Daniel GTI, Inc. Approved by: :7k~~ Shelby Lathrop Project Manager /' ~bhA-- David Bean Staff Geologist ¿ 22150ustrpt 757 Arnold Drive, Suite D / Martinez, CA 94553 USA (510) 370-3990 FAX (510) 370-3991 Underground Storage Tank Removal Report and Request for Closure The Southland Corporation, Store #22150, 4012 White Lane, Bakersfield, California Ii June 30, 1998 CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION.....,...,.............,....,......,..",..........,.....,...... 1 2,0 PERMITTING/SITE-SPECIFIC HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . , . . . . 1 3.0 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REMOVAL. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . , . . . , . . . , . . 1 3.1 Soil Sample Collection '......................,..............,.....,......... 2 3.2 Results of Soil Sample Analysis. . , . . , . . . . . . . , , , , . , , . . . . . . . . , , . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . 2 4,0 WASTE DISPOSAL . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5.0 BACKFILL AND COMPACTION .............,..............",..........,....,..... 3 6.0 CONCLUSION AND REQUEST FOR CLOSURE ....................,................ 3 Figures 1. Site Location Map 2. Site Plan Tables 1. Results of Soil Sample Analysis Appendices A, Field Notes B. Tank Removal Permit C. Tank Rinsate Disposal Documentation D. Tank Disposal Certificate C. Laboratory Reports and Chain-of-Custody E. Soil Transportation Manifests F. Soil Compaction Test Results 22150ustrpt FLUOR DANIEL GTI ~ Underground Storage Tank Removal Report and Request for Closure The Southland Corporation, Store #22150, 4012 White Lane, Bakersfield, California 1 June 30, 1998 1.0 INTRODUCTION Fluor Daniel GTI, Inc. has prepared this report summarizing underground storage tank (UST) removal activities conducted at the Southland Store No. 22150 located at 4012 White Lane in Bakersfield, California (Figures 1 and 2). The scope of work included: 1) Excavation, removal and offsite disposal ofthree USTs, associated product piping and tank rinsate. 2) Collection and analysis of soil samples from the UST excavation and points underlying the former fuel dispensers (Table 1), 3) Removal and disposal of hydrocarbon-impacted soil generated during the UST excavation. 4) Backfill and compaction of the UST excavation. The soil sampling was conducted in accordance with the Tri-Regional Guidelines and under the direction and observation of Mr. Steve UndelWood of the Bakersfield City Fire Department (BCFD). Flour Daniel GTI subcontracted Excell Excavating, Inc. of Laguna Nigel, California to remove the USTs and backfill and compact the UST excavation. Field notes are included as Appendix A. 2.0 PERMITTING/SITE-5PECIFIC HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN Fluor Daniel GTI conducted a technical review of all relevant information prior to proceeding with soil sampling and UST removal. Applications for permits to remove the USTs were filed by Excell Excavating and approved by the BCFD (Appendix B). Following a complete review of site conditions, Fluor Daniel GTI prepared a site-specific Health and Safety Plan as required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Standard "Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response" guidelines (29 CFR 1910.120). The document was reviewed and signed by all Fluor Daniel GTI personnel prior to commencement of work at the site, 3.0 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REMOVAL On May 5, 1998, Nieto and Sons Trucking, Inc. of La Brea, California triple rinsed the three 10,000- gallon single-walled steel USTs at the site. The tank rinse water was pumped from the three USTs using a vacuum truck and transported to DeMenno Kerdoon in Compton, California to be recycled 22150ustrpt FLUOR DANIEL GTI ~ Underground Storage Tank Removal Report and Request for Closure The Southland Corporation, Store #22150,4012 White Lane, Bakersfield, California 2 June 30,1998 (Appendix C). Approximately 200 cubic yards of tank overburden, generated during the excavation of the USTs, was stockpiled on site pending characterization and disposal. On May 5, 1998, Excell Excavating coordinated the removal and disposal of the three USTs. Mr. Steve Underwood of the BCFD was on site to witness the UST removal. The USTs were removed from the excavation by Turner Crane of Bakersfield, California, All three USTs were in good condition with no visual holes or pits, The three tanks were loaded onto a trailer and transported from the site by Cal Lowbed Services of Bakersfield, California to Golden State Metals, Inc. in Bakersfield, California for disposal (Appendix D). 3.1 Sample Collection On May 12,1998, Fluor Daniel GTI personnel collected twelve soil samples from the floor ofthe UST excavation. Soil samples were collected at depths of 15 and 19 feet below ground surface (bgs) or 2 feet and 6 feet beneath each end of the three USTs. In addition, two soil samples were collected at each of the two locations beneath the fuel dispenser island at 4 feet and 8 feet bgs (Figure 2). Groundwater was not observed in the tank excavation. All soil sampling was conducted at the direction and observation of Mr. Steve Underwood of the BCFD, Soil samples were collected in 2-inch-diameter by 6-inch-long brass tubes directly from a backhoe bucket. Soil beneath the former USTs and dispenser island consisted of a fine sand with some interbedded silt and silty sand to a depth of 15 feet bgs followed by fine to medium sand to 19 feet bgs. The sample tubes were sealed with teflon pads, plastic caps and tape; labeled, placed on ice in an insulated container, and submitted for analyses under chain-of-custody manifest to state-certified West Analytical Laboratory (WEST) in Davis, CA. A total of sixteen samples collected from the floor of the UST excavation and beneath the dispenser island were analyzed for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, total xylenes (BTEX), methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), and total petroleum hydrocarbons-as-gasoline (TPH-G) by EPA methods 8020/8015 modified. In addition, eight discrete soil samples were collected from the approximately 200 cubic yards of soil generated during the excavation of the USTs (Figure 2). The samples were combined into four samples and analyzed for BTEX, MTBE, and TPH-G. 3.2 Results the Soil Sample Analysis Laboratory analytical results of soil samples collected May 5, 1998 are summarized in Table 1, and copies of the analytical data are included in Appendix E. 22150ustrpt FLUOR DÅNIEL GTI ~ Underground Storage Tank Removal Report and Request for Closure The Southland Corporation, Store #22150, 4012 White Lane, Bakersfield, California 3 June 30, 1998 Benzene, MTBE, and TPH-G were not detected in any of the samples collected beneath the USTs or fuel dispenser island. Soil analytical results for the samples collected from the soil stockpile are included in Table 1. Benzene was not detected in any of the samples collected from the soil stockpile, Maximum TPH-G and MTBE concentrations in the soil stockpile samples were reported at 270 mg/kg and 2.4 mg/kg, respectively. 4.0 WASTE DISPOSAL On May 7 and 8, 1998, the 200 cubic yards of soil stockpiled at the site was loaded onto trucks and transported to TPS Technologies, Inc. in Adelanto, California for treatment and disposal. Soil transportation manifests are included in Appendix F. 5.0 BACKFILL AND COMPACTION The tank excavation was backfilled with imported fill material. The fill material was compacted in the excavation to a depth of approximately six inches bgs. Krazan and Associates, Inc, performed compaction tests on the backfilled tank excavation. Preliminary results of the tests are included in Appendix G. 6.0 CONCLUSION AND REQUEST FOR CLOSURE On May 5, 1998, three 10,OOO-gallon USTs and associated fuel dispensers were removed from the site. A total of 16 soil samples were submitted for laboratory analysis to characterize soil conditions from the tank excavation and beneath the former fuel dispensers, A total of 8 soil samples (4 composite samples) were collected to characterize the approximately 200 cubic yards of soil overburden generated during removal of the USTs and fuel dispensers. The soil stockpile was removed from the site by Excell Excavating and transported to TPS Technologies, Inc. for treatment and disposal. BTEX, MTBE, and TPH-G were not detected in any of the soil samples collected from the tank excavation and beneath the former fuel dispenser island. Since the soil samples collected beneath the former USTs and fuel dispenser island at the site on May 5, 1998 contained no detectable hydrocarbon concentrations, Fluor Daniel GTI, on behalf of The Southland Corporation, proposes no further action at this site. 22150ustrpt FLUOR DA'NIEL Grl ~ Figures 1. Site Location Map 2. Site Plan 22150ust.rpt FLUOR DANIEL GTI ~ ) . ".".,- Veñola .-"',:::>" . .-",,,,,,,,, """""""",,,,,,,,.. "',,"" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, " . 37Q .'" '. '. of':/! USGS GOSFORD QUADRANGLE, CALIFORNIA - KERN COUNTY. 7.5 MINUTE SERIES, 1954, PHOTOREVISED, 1968 AND 1973. ~ FLUOR DANIEL GTI 221S0SL EXPLANA TION -$ SITE LOCATION t N . o 2000 ~--- 4000 I APPROX. SCALE IN FEET THE SOUTHLAND CORPORA nON 7·ELEVEN FACILITY NO. 22150 4012 WHITE LANE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 103999 DRAWN BY: D, BEAN DATE: 05-13-98 DRAFTED BY: DEN HOLMES DATE: 05-20-98 CHECKED BY: DATE: sITe LOCATION FIGURE 1 EXPLANATION LOCATION SAMPLE STOCKPILE SOIL o SAMPLE LOCA nON SOIL o FORMER CANOPY BOUNDARY APPROXIMATE LIMIT OF STOCKPILED SOIL (APRROX. 200 CUBIC YARDS) APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY OF FORMER UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SIERRA SAFETY TRAINING CENTER 7-ELEVEN FACILITY NO. 22150 PLANTER APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY OF TANK PIT EXCAVATION -; - ~ --' <t: :;: w o üï \ TC-1-15 TC-1-19 I ¡--~~~- ~-Jtl TE-1- I II II I TE - 1 - II II iil II - II II I I 1 II :: I TC-2- I II II I TC-2- I II I I II II I I II I I I ~ II ".........-J..-.-î TE - 2- I ill _. ++- .~ ~ TE-2- L_.J~ L__-1 ~-.:iJ1 \ - \ 0 €I SP-8 J CONCRETE WALKWAY -- -- ........... /' ® SP- PLANTER , N ¡ I (- 5 9 5 9 5 9 o SP-2 5' 9' 5 9 TW-1-1 TW-1-1 TW-2- TW-2- / €I SP-3 €I / I { I I SP-4 0 I I SP-5 I I ~ :;: w > ëï: o 40 20 o I ,! I: , FORMER DISPENSER ISLAND DE-6' DE-8' o o SP-6 o SP-7 FEET SOUTHLAND CORPORATION 7-ELEVEN FACILITY NO. 22150 N SCALE APPROX THk PLANTER PLANTER 4012 WHITE LANE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 103999 DRAWN BY: D. BEAN DATE: 05-13-98 DRAFTED BY: DE~MES DATE: 05-20-98 CHECKED BY: DATE: t-1.4-<iéi SITE PLAN FIGURE 2 ~L I SIDEWALK DRIVEWAY SIDEWALK ~ FLUOR DANIEL GT. 22150SP Table 1. Soil Analytical Results 22150ustrpt FLUOR DANIEL GTI ~ TABLE 1 Soli Sample Analytical Results Southland Store #22150 4012 White Lane Bakersfield, California þispenser Soil Samples DW-4' 05/05/98 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0,005 <1.0 <0.050 DW-8' 05/05/98 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <1.0 <0.050 DE-6' 05/05/98 <0,005 <0.005 <0,005 <0,005 <1,0 <0.050 DE-8' 05/05/98 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0,005 <1.0 <0.050 UST Pit Samples TW-1-15' 05/05/98 <0.005 <0.005 <0,005 <0.005 <1 <0,050 TW-1-19' 05/05/98 <0,005 <0,005 <0.005 <0.005 <1 <0.050 TC-1-15' 05/05/98 <0.005 <0.005 <0,005 <0.005 <1 <0,050 TC-1-19' 05/05/98 <0,005 <0.005 <0.005 <0,005 <1 <0.050 TE-1-15' 05/05/98 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <1 <0.050 TE-1-19' 05/05/98 <0.005 <0,005 <0.005 <0.005 <1 <0,050 TW-2-15' 05/05/98 <0.005 <0,005 <0.005 <0.005 <1 <0.050 TW-2-19' 05/05/98 <0.005 <0,005 <0,005 <0,005 <1 <0.050 TC-2-15' 05/05/98 <0,005 <0.005 <0,005 <0,005 <1 <0.050 TC-2-19' 05/05/98 <0,005 <0,005 <0.005 <0,005 <1 <0.050 TE-2-15' 05/05/98 <0.005 <0.005 <0,005 <0,005 <1 <0,050 TE-2-19' 05/05/98 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <1 <0.050 Stockpile Soil Samples SP-1,2 05/05/98 <0.50 1.6 1.3 29 270 <5 SP-3,4 05/05/98 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 1.3 2.4 SP-5,6 05/05/98 <0.005 <0.005 <0,005 <0.005 <1 0.5 SP-7,8 05/05/98 <0,005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <1 0.22 Explanation mg/kg = milligrams pef kilogram or parts pef million - = Not analyzed/Not available (1,2) = Two composite soil sample TPH-G = Total petroleum hydrocarbons-as-gasoline MTBE = Methyl tert-butyl ether File:2215otb1.wk4· Table updated: 06/11/98 FLUOR DANIEL GII ~ Appendix A Field Notes 22150ust rpt FLUOR DANIEL GTI ~ S",vd-!oL.. 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PERj\¡IIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK \ITE I ~ FOK\I\lIO".; ~IIT '-7)7--Š~7õI2-¿;- .'. .,\[)DRl:SS o/'O/.?l-M¡rE4?AI6ZIPcoDE -- APN - FACILITY NAÎ\'IL u7:(Z~~iCC!~~~___.___ CROSS STREET --Aþ:.fÇf<S-----!!J:f-E CQ~¿) T 'V\J~ ()\V"-iER(J/'I:I< ,<\T{!R _~IJT1t_.~':!Nt¿ 4-0 ~,~ PHOr\E ~o .f¿Q __~?p - 3 99º tvlJ\II.I\i(j ;\l.)lJRf.:.SS 55~ _!:i..!._~ \J~AJ Vf¡("~A6E='" ({TY _,Kl:/viölJ wIJ..-51f. ZJP9.~().s:s ~v ,TE 700tAGE:. eOI'd I< ,\("I()I< Ii'<FOR:\J.-\TlON COM p-\ ~ Y é=lÍçt:¿~~§XC:flvt1-72~1 AJt!. PHOSE NO,{¡IC¡) -z..t.fq -2;22.$ LICENSE NO _!è?"9~..?~ __ ,\IJDHLSS fQ!.Boi( ~(1" Ø5 ...___ crj-y ~...uA- N!..~§:;'=__,eÆzrp 9~60 7 INSURA\;('F C,\Rf{jEf{ ~rð:Iç rC.llvÞ7G..QLDc/íJ WORK1v1ENS COMP NO. ~/'7 07.3 I &¡(;.¿,¿:Ç ¡"ìU:UI\IINAH\ .\,-;'ìf:SSI\I ["<IT INFOI<MA TION - AJ./A- .\ cOrvIPANYf:'-:UOP-j)F\t\!Ls'-- ,_Ç?,r:z=~__. PHOï(ÉNO.~Jú)570-39qQLlCENSE NO, 0oN:5iuLT'tAil..J \DDRLSS 7S7M~þ'_J)g,\y'~_. 5u/TE""' b _. 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J9- QQQ.- CHEMICAL DATES SlOKtV STOREú -.§>I\>- __ ? ~!1? ___m,_ ':? ? G If S __ ._3___.___._____ ~ CHEMICAL PREV10USL Y STORE) ? . ? '? .._----------._~. _._- u_.___-_ ,---- ---.-.. ..- ..------ ---...,-.--..-.-, For OHic,nl ( 'sc (1,,1\, I .\PPLl(,~ no;~;~~~~-- .~·,~I-~ FACILITY NO. .. . --- NO,OFTANKS ~ FEES~~..OD j; Ii \1'1'1 1(,\1" ¡ I i\", ¡\II II VI 11. I iNI¡!Î<ST/d\])S, ,·\N ) WILL CO:V1rr.y VvTrIl Tln~ ¡\T'L\C[/f]) CONDI'! IONS OF TillS 1'1 Id.11 i \'Jj).\ ¡,¡", " ¡ i í !i< S 1..\ II. \.f!l AI. t\1\f) IFDJ:\W, REGULATIONS. !I!!;; Ill.li;-'III...'.''-:' :I!: /-;\ ".'i';IIII TII)L.'.JI)[¡( i)FN..\ITYO¡'; PE.I.VtJR.¥. .AN¡)r(JTIIl.~IJ('SI(.} MY."-N()WI.lI)(ì.L.I~STRl¡.F ,','" """I' I 'ill?-Ic-íE'1I1 LErè,J ~¿ , ,1'1)/«1 I~' .-- ..- .- ~J 'f.(C'\IÜ N'\\1Î~~¡';¡ÙN:¡:)- -..---.------. APPLlC^NT ;Ú<ì - ^TÚi<Ë- TillS AI'I)UC\TlO\ o ECO,\'J[ A P£K:\1IT WlilN :~PPI.(OV£D Attachment C Tank Rinse Transportation Documentation 22150uslrpt FLUOR DANIEL GTI ~ t )((~\\ See Instructions on back of page 6. ., . Stote õl Calilornia-'fnvironmental Protectian Agency _ F......~pprov.d OMS No, 2050-0039 (Expire. 9'30-991 Please print ar typ' Form designed for use on el¡'e (' 2-pitchJ typewriter, . o II') II') "- N II') CO 6 o ~ - -' -' -< (:J:; u.. CC:$ ('~ Ln~ C' ::;( q-U r-~ O')!::: 3 G N E o N ~ E ...¢ R ~ A 6 T ~ 0 R '" W t- Z W V w I/) Z o "- I/) w '" -' -< Z o ¡::: -< Z w J: t- Department of Toxic Substances Control Sacramento, California Information in the shaded areas is nat required by Federal law. UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST o 00 LA N C c:.ç.r f (¡ r t\. t iol"l 55.)' S. y~ '^~ 1'\ ,'t:/' I(p¡~<e. f'/. 5íe:.1 f~ +0","1' WO;¡,,~~-h.r'\;. "1ioS-,s-- "'-\ 4, Generator's Phone 6. US EPA 10 Number 5, Transporter 1 Company Name Ni~to and Sone Trucking, Inc. 7. Transparter 2 Company Name 2.. Designated Fq,c;ility NJlme and Site Address 1}i?lRennO lI.eraoon 2000 N. Ala.eda Street Coapt on, CA 90222 11. a, NON RCRA HhZARDOUS'WA5TE LI~UID b. c. d, 15, Special Handling Instructions and Additianallnlormatian NO S"OKING Alternate Disposal Sit~: 24 Hour Emergency Phone Number : 714-990-6655 Wear Appropriate Prot~tive Clothing C¡'osby & Overton 1630 W. 17th Street (310) 432-5445 Long Beach, CA 90813CAD028409019 ::! 16, GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that the contents 01 this consignment are fully and accurately described above by proper shipping name and areclassilied, packed, V marked, and labeled, and are in all respects in proper condition lor tronspart by highwoy according to applicable international and national government regulations, -,' -' Q: I/) C<: o >- U Z w C) '" w ~ w .... o w I/) -< U ~ II I am a large quantity generotor, I certify that I have a program in place to reduce the volume and toxicity 01 waste generated to the degree I have determined to be economically practicable and thot I have selected the practicable method 01 treatment, storage, or di.pasal currently available to me which minimizes the present and lutur,e threat to human health and the environment; OR, il I am a small quantity generator, I have made a gOod faith effort to minimize my waste generation and select the best waste ""'ragement method that is available to me and that I can afford, I . .... -.. / .- Monlh T R A . S P o R T E R 1/ i ( t 01 Material. I' F A C I l 'I T .y 19, Discrepancy Indication Space 20, Facili Owner or 0 rotor Certification of recei t of hazardous materials covered b this manifest ex e t 01 noted in Item 19. Printed/Typed Name Signature ,..---'. .J~ "R~Y\0t'\ <. . \' , DTSC 8022A (4/97) 'PA 8700-22 \...--- Green: TRANSPORTER RETAINS , . . -------'----- --------'--------.---'----.--- -"'- - ------ Appendix D Tank Disposal Certificate 22150ustrpt FLUOR DANIEL GTI ~ -----------------------~------------------------------------------ GOLDEN STATE METALS, INC. P. 0, Box 70158 . 2000 E. Brundage Lane Bakersfield, California 93387 Phone (805) 327-3559 . Fax (805) 327-5749 Scrap Metals, Processing & Recycling N·! 10855 TANK DISPOSAL FORM Date ,19 q Contractor's License No. Contractor's Phone No. ADDRESS: JOB SITE: DESTINATION: G. S. M. . 2000 E. BRUNDAGE LANE . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93387 LICENSE NO: HAULER: TANKS RECEIVED QTY GALLONS SERIAL NO. NET TONS TOTAL DISPOSAL FEE 250 ,14 :::::¡¡::::::?:):?:))),:,:,,'::::¡:¡:¡:¡:¡:¡[:::[¡::[:::¡¡:~[:':[:¡:¡:¡:¡:¡[¡[¡::::::[::::':':¡[::[:[¡::)))))):?::):¡:::::::::::':¡:'[¡:¡::[:::::;î1':::':¡:::[':::¡:¡:¡:¡::, 550 .24 :::::¡:::¡",:::::::))::::)}:,:",,::::::::::::::::::::::::¡::¡a~MJî.:ff.¡¡::':::::::::::¡:¡)}}}}i??)('¡'¡:¡¡:¡:¡:¡¡:::::",¡::,:;~~¡¡:¡¡:::::::!,¡¡,¡:: 1000 - 6 ft ,61 :::::':':'::':))))))):::::¡¡¡¡::¡:::¡¡¡¡¡::¡:::¡::¡d§M:m:::rr¡mr:i:i::)))))::,:})/¡::¡¡:¡:::¡:¡::t/Jti:¡::U:)i:i:u: 2000 .97 '¡:¡¡¡¡¡¡¡:??):::,:,:??'::):':':¡:¡¡¡¡¡¡¡:¡¡¡¡¡¡:¡:¡:'¡::'¡¡¡I~@::¡'::::¡::¡¡¡¡¡:¡¡¡:::¡¡'¡¡¡¡¡¡'¡U::?:::::):(:::i??::,¡¡:¡¡::¡¡:::::,¡:¡:¡¡¡':::,:¡j¡;j~¡::¡¡::::::::!::::: 3000 1,32 :::::::::::::::::::::}:{//:m:::::::[:[:[:[:::::t:¡;::;;::M2.::::::::::::[:¡:¡:¡:::::::::¡:¡:¡:¡:¡::",,(:t:::::::::::':::':':{:::::¡'¡:¡I:::::::::::::¡:¡:¡:1'l~1::[:::¡:¡:I::::::::: 5000 2,42 ::¡::::}:::::::::::::::::rr:::::::::::¡¡¡¡¡¡¡:¡¡::¡¡¡:¡¡¡::::::::¡¡¡:B¡:¡¡¡:¡¡¡:¡¡¡¡¡¡::::¡:¡:¡¡¡:¡¡¡¡¡:¡¡¡¡¡:::/:,r::r::,:::::,::,::r:,:¡¡¡:¡:::::¡:n:::¡¡¡¡:¡¡¡:~;~~:¡¡::::¡:::¡¡¡¡::::¡::: 7500 3.28 :::::::}t:::::::::::t::t:::::::t:f:I:::::::::::::::::::æ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::I:::::::t::::t::)::::::::)::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::@\1:::::::::::::::::::: 9000 3,82 ¡::::lKØ}::::::¡:¡:¡:¡:::::¡::::::[:[:::¡:¡::~lgg¡:¡:¡:::::::::::::[:¡:¡:¡::¡:::¡:::}?::,::):,::::::::::::::::::/:::'::':::::[:[::::::¡¡:::::~;~M:¡:::¡:¡:¡::::¡[: 12000 4,93 ;j:j[;::I::::::::::::m::::::::::mtIêIMlIJ:::::::::::::::¡::j:J::::::j:::j:j:j¡j¡[:[:j:j¡j:¡:://mttl::tttj¡j;::j:j:¡¡j¡j¡j¡j¡::[:::::j:j:¡¡¡::¡:::¡¡:j¡:¡j:¡::::[[::¡ ~K INS ECTION EAN & DRY (ACCEPT), OR o RESIDUALS PRESENT (REJECT) LEL READING OXYGEN CONTENT SCRAP VALUE OTHER TOTAL CHARGES $ . TOTAL CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE All fees Incurred are per load unless specified. Terms are net 30 days from receipt of tank. Contractor's signature represents acceptance of terms for payment, and confirms that tank removal complies with State laws. CERTIFICATE OF TANK DISPOSAL I DESTRUCTION / THIS IS 0 ERTIFY THE RECEIPT AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE TANK(S) AS SPECIFIED ABOVE, ALL MATERIAL SPECIFIED WILL BE COMPLETEL Y Y D RAP CYCLING PURPOSES ONLY. ~)PJJqPJ , I DATE WHITE - Contractor Copy . YELLOW - File Copy . PINK - Permanent Copy Appendix E Laboratory Analytical Results 22150ust rpt FLU~R DANIEL GTI ~ ~~~/ Sample Log 18450 May 12,1998 Shelby Lathrop Fluor Daniel GTI 757 Arnold Drive Suite D Martinez, CA 94553 Subject: Project Name: Project Number: 20 Soil samples Southland/#22150 Bakersfield Location : 4012 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Dear Ms. Lathrop, Chemical analysis on the samples referenced above has been completed. Summaries of the data are contained on the following pages. Sample(s) were received under documented chain-of-custody. USEPA protocols for sample storage and preservation were followed. WEST Laboratory is certified by the State of California (# 1346). If you have any questions regarding procedures or results, please call me at 530-757-0920. Sincerely, pfv,ú~ Stewart Podolsky I 1046 Olive Drive, Suite 2 · Davis, CA 95616 · (530) 757-0920 · Fax (530) 753-6091 ~~~/ May 11, 1998 Sample Log 18450 MTBE (Methyl-t-butyl ether) By EPA Method 8020/602 From : Southland/#22150 Bakersfield sampled : 05/05/98 Received : 05/06/98 Matrix : Soil SAMPLE Date Analyzed (MRL) mq/k9 Measured Value "'lIke;, ------------------------------------------------------------ TW-1-15' 05/07/98 ( .050) <.050 TW-1-19' 05/07/98 (.050) <.050 TC-1-15' 05/07/98 ( .050) <.050 TC-1-19' 05/07/98 ( .050 ) <.050 TE-1-15' 05/08/98 (.050) <.050 TE-1-19' 05/08/98 ( .050) <.050 TW-2-15' 05/08/98 (.050) <.050 TW-2-19' 05/08/98 (.050) <.050 TC-2-15' 05/08/98 (.050) <.050 TC-2-19' 05/08/98 (.050) <.050 TE-2-15' 05/08/98 ( .050) <.050 TE-2-19 05/08/98 (.050) <.050 DW-4' 05/08/98 ( .050) <.050 DW-8' 05/11/98 (.050) <.050 DE-6' 05/08/98 (.050) <.050 DE-8' 05/08/98 (.050) <.050 SP-1,2 05/06/98 (5.0) <5.0 Approved By: Stewart pOdolsk91P Senior Chemist 1046 Olive Drive, Suite 2 . Davis, CA 95616 · (530) 757-0920 · Fax (530) 753-6091 .4'~~/ SAMPLE May 11, 1998 Sample Log 18450 MTBE (Methyl-t-butyl ether) By EPA Method 8020/602 From : Southland/#22150 Bakersfield Sampled : 05/05/98 Received : 05/06/98 Matrix : Soil Date Analyzed Measured Value IIIg/k9 -----------------------~-------------------------~---------- ( MRL) BIg/kg SP-3,4 SP-5,6 SP-7,8 05/06/98 05/06/98 05/06/98 (.050) ( .050) (.050) .22 2.4 .50 Approved By: stewart POd~Sk.Y Senior Chemist 1046 Olive Drive, Suite 2 · Davis, CA 95616 . (530) 757-0920 · Fax (530) 753-6091 .I~~/ Sample Log 18450 18450-01 Sample: TW-1-15' From : Southland/#22150 Bakersfield Sampled : 05/05/98 Dilution: 1:1 Run Log : 2171D Matrix : Soil Parameter (MRL) ..<¡/k<¡ Measured Value ..<¡/kg ------------------------------------------------------------ Benzene (.0050) <.0050 Toluene (.0050) <.0050 Ethylbenzene (.0050) <.0050 Total Xylenes (.0050) <.0050 TPH as Gasoline (1.0) <1.0 Surrogate Recovery 102 % (') ... !2 (') (') 000) ti~ in seconds .§ . 0) ~ 00 0....(') N 10 10 I'.t\.I'. " .~~ ::> 6~ e ....~ 10 00 .... õoo á:g: w ~ CI< .: ~ <1 ~CÞ ~ ~ 5 CÞ .... CÞ5 CÞ :J ~~ C (/) ... Cx X Æ {!. ~t:6 :J'.. ,Ca. +' w (') ~ ... 10 '0 C 0 ... ~ 'Ë ::> 0 e ... IS) CÞ~ .... ~ß 1:2 .: c1 .... fJ(J :J .... (/) D~te Anðlyzed: 05-07-9a Steyart Podolsl:y Column : 0.53mm X 6nm Restek Rtx-1301 Senior Chemist 1046 Olive Drive, Suite 2 · Davis, CA 95616 · (530) 757-0920 . Fax (530) 753-6091 .I~~/ Sample Log 18450 18450-02 Sample: TW-1-19' From : Southland/#22150 Bakersfield Sampled : 05/05/98 Dilution: 1:1 Run Log Matrix : Soil 2171D Parameter ( MRL) l19/kg Measured Value 1Dg/kg ------------------------------------------------------------ Benzene (.0050) <.0050 Toluene (.0050) <.0050 Ethylbenzene (.0050) <.0050 Total Xylenes (.0050) <.0050 TPH as Gasoline (1.0) <1.0 Surrogate Recovery 98 ~ 0 c . .... \0 ~ 't'- ......(1) time in seconds ~ ... 0-(') 0 It) It) .................. ... ~N ·...0 6~ ::> & ...~ IS) ~~ 't'- o .cc a. a. oJ oJ .: ~ <1 ~~ ~ !! L GI GIGI . J: ::I ::I ... ~s (/) M 0 1:xx l- I I sx:. 0 .ca. .:í (') ~ 6 ... ... IV N '... C ~ 0 ... ~~ ~ ï:~ .: ~ L ~ :J (/) Dðte Analyzed: 05-07-98 Steuart Podols\:y Column : 0.63maI X 60111 Restel: Rtx-1301 Senior Chemist 1046 Olive Drive, Suite 2 · Davis, CA 95616 · (530) 757-0920 · Fax (530) 753-6091 ..ø¿:::::,~/ Sample Log 18450 18450-03 Sample: TC-1-15' From : Southland/#22150 Bakersfield sampled : 05/05/98 Dilution: 1:1 Run Log Matrix : Soil 2171D Parameter (MRL) mg/kq Measured Val ue mq/kg ------------------------------------------------------------ Benzene (.0050) <.0050 Toluene (.0050) <.0050 Ethylbenzene (.0050) <.0050 Total Xylenes (.0050) <.0050 TPH as Gasoline (1.0) <1.0 Surrogate Recovery 101 % c . (') In ('I) (') 89~ 1ime in seconds CD ìØ 00 0 N In "-110.. .... ... 'II NN ::> ....0 1:'1) S 0, In "'0 o~ ..... ÕOO ..c:q; Q.a. !.II !.II ,,: ~ a! H~ en .... ~ !; ... G/G/ x: N:;. :;. 'õ cxx .... ~6 ~.. ..c:a. .. !.II ('I) Ñ .... In '() C 0 .... .. " N 1~ ::> 0 e .... In G/!2 ..... ~g ¡:~ .: ~ ... :> n.ç (I) Date Analf.jed: 05-07-98 Stewart Podolslcy ColUlln I .53mm X 60m Restel:: Rtx-1301 Seni or Chemist 1046 Olive Drive, Suite 2 · Davis, CA 95616 · (530) 757-0920 · Fax (530) 753-6091 .4'~~/ Sample Log 18450 184$0-04 Sample: TC-1-19' From : Southland/#22150 Bakersfield sampled : 05/05/98 Dilution: 1:1 Run Log Matrix : Soil 21710 Parameter ( MRL) lag/kq Measured Value "q/kg ------------------------------------------------------------ Benzene (.0050) <.0050 Toluene (.0050) <.0050 Ethylbenzene (.0050) <.0050 Total Xylenes (.0050) <.0050 TPH as Gasoline (1.0) <1.0 Surrogate Recovery 101 % c . S? .... U) .". .". õS8? time in seconds ~ ... co 0 N I$') Ie .................. .... ~N ,...0 C>o ::> 0, e "'0 o~ Ie "'co .". .8;¡: Oof:¡ ~ II .: ~ <1 ~II II C II ~ Go ... ..~ ~ :c H ::J N........ C 'ô ¡::!':J.I /11 xx III ... .0 I I ....:co ::!'.. .co. ... ~ W M .... II) >0 C .2 ... ~ § ~ I ... II) I~ ¡g .". .... !...-g :c . <1 ... ... ~ :1 .... en Date AnalM.zed: 05-07-98 Steuart Podolslcy Column: 53mm X 60M Restek Rtx-1301 Senior Chetaist 1046 Olive Drive, Suite 2 · Davis, CA 95616 · (530) 757-0920 · Fax (530) 753-6091 ,~~/ Sample Log 18450 18450-05 Sample: TE-1-15' From : Southland/#22150 Bakersfield Sampled : 05/05/98 Dilution: 1:1 Run Log: 2171D Matrix : Soil Parameter ( MRL) BIg/kg Measured Value ",g/kg ------------------------------------------------------------ Benzene (.0050) <.0050 Toluene (.0050) <:.0050 Ethylbenzene (.0050) <.0050 Total Xylenes (.0050) <.0050 TPH as Gasoline (1.0) <1.0 Surrogate Recovery 100 % c . ~ ..,. M M 8~ time in seconds .... 00 0 N g g """" .... ~ NN -0 ::> C>o e 0, ....0 I$) ON ..,. .,~ .2<1: D.f¡ 101 ~ II 00 ~~ ~ Æ ~ ...: 1111 j ........ ë! ~~ .... I I X:O rt ~ .... ~ c 0 - 1V N § ::> ~~ e ~ Iij~ ~"8 x: .: <1 ~ .... NJ Date Analyzedl 05-08-98 Steuart Podolsky Column I o.5311Uh X 60m Restel: Rtx-1301 Senior CheMist 1046 Olive Drive, Suite 2 · Davis, CA 95616 · (530) 757-0920 · Fax (530) 753-6091 4'~~/ Sample Log 18450 18450-06 Sample: TE-1-19' From : Southland/#22150 Bakersfield Sampled : 05/05/98 Dilution: 1:1 Run Log Matrix : Soil 2171D Parameter ( MRL) Wig/kg Measured Value aq/kg ------------------------------------------------------------ Benzene (.0050) <.0050 Toluene (.0050) <.0050 Ethylbenzene (.0050) <.0050 Total Xylenes (.0050) <.0050 TPH as Gasoline (1.0) <1.0 Surrogate Recovery 101 % 5 . N ~ N N .... ~~ time in seconds CD ¡¡) (0 N .... N IS) 'Q '01'-"- .... ~~ ::> 5~ E -0 10 ON ..,. 'óß ~Æ \of ~ 2! .: 4J <1 2!~ !! 4J ~ 5i - 4J Q¡ ~ ~ :3 ~'3> ( ) .... c)( )( 0 1: I I 01 .... 1~0 .... w 0 N C 0 .... 1ii N "E ::> .2 e 4J~ IS) =ß ..,. .... Lo..'t ~ .: ~ .. rw ~ Date Anal:f!edl 05-08-98 Steuart Podolsk~ Column I 53MM X ðO. Re5tek Rtx-1301 Senior CheMist 1046 Olive Drive, Suite 2 . Davis, CA 95616 . (530) 757-0920 · Fax (530) 753-6091 4'~~/ Sample Log 18450 18450-07 Sample: TW-2-15' From : Southland/#22150 Bakersfield Sampled : 05/05/98 Dilution: 1:1 Run Log Matrix : Soil 21710 Parameter ( MRL) IRg/kg Measured Value JIg/kg --------------------------------------------------------~--- Benzene (.0050) <.0050 Toluene (.0050) <.0050 Ethylbenzene (.0050) <.0050 Total Xylenes (.0050) <.0050 TPH as Gasoline (1.0) <1.0 Surrogate Recovery 98 % ð . (') ~ (') (') - .-IN Q) time in seconds ( ) ... æ N 0-(') ... N ..... 10 'Ø "-"-"- 1ií NN ,...0 ¡ ~>O -d 10 2ª .... l~ t! ~ .: i <1 ~~ i l- II ~ ... .... 1: N :¡ ~~ ~ ( ) ~ ij>¡< II) .. 0 ¡'0:- w 2! ~ '0 c ,2 ~ .~ :> e ... 10 GI~ .... i~ í:'8 1: .: <1 ... ~ ... !ì(> Date Analted; 05-08-98 Steyart Podolsky Column; 5311111\ X 60lIl !:teste" Rtx-1301 Senior Chemist 1046 Olive Drive, Suite 2 · Davis, CA 95616 · (530) 757-0920 · Fax (530) 753-6091 ..I~~/ Sample Log 18450 18450-08 Sample: TW-2-19' From : Southland/#22150 Bakersfield Sampled : 05/05/98 Dilution: 1:1 Run Log Matrix : Soil 2171D Parameter ( MRL) mq/kq Measured Value mq/kg --------------------------~--------------------------------- Benzene (.0050) <.0050 Toluene (.0050) <.0050 Ethylbenzene (.0050) <.0050 Total Xylenes (.0050) <.0050 TPH as Gasoline (1.0) <1.0 Surrogate Recovery 99 % ~ . ~ (') &! OO( ) Üme ìn seconds: ... 0...(') ... In In .....!\...... .. " N~ ::> "2 e 0, In ....0 ~~ "" £«; a.~ ~ .: to <1 ~~ 2! ~ ~ ... .... N"3- "3- 'Ö Cx x .... &6 Zct .. w (') ... ... (\ 'oj) .§ $ N '2 ¡ 0 ... ¡~ In "" ...fi: I...'t ~ .: ~ 5 Þ{) 00 Date Analr¡ed: 05-08-98 Steuart Podolsky Column: 531M1 X 60m Restelc Rtx-1301 Senior Chemist 1046 Olive Drive, Suite 2 · Davis, CA 95616 . (530) 757-0920 · Fax (530) 753-6091 I'~JI:'/ Sample Log 18450 18450-09 Sample: TC-2-15' From : Southland/#22150 Bakersfield Sampled : 05/05/98 Dilution: 1:1 Run Log Matrix : Soil 21710 Parameter ( MRL) Ilq/kq Measured Value Ilq/kq ------------------------------------------------------------ Benzene ( .0050) <.0050 Toluene (.0050) <.0050 Ethylbenzene (.0050) <.0050 Total Xylenes (.0050) <.0050 TPH as Gasoline (1.0) <1.0 Surrogate Recovery 100 ~ 0 c . I') ¿;) ". ". N OO~ dme in seconds m ... ( ) N 0- 0 N ". Ie Ie IV\.. ... i NN ì:!€ ::> 0, e "'0 o~ Ie ö( ) ". ð:ß ~ ~ .: GI ~ ~! ~ c 4> !3 q¡ "'" " J:: N :; N...... Æ (/) ... i~~ 0 I- ,Q' I 'Sox;, 0 .co. ~ I') ~ ,~ ~ Ii ... 5 ¡ ... i~ Ie ;- ~~ "--0 0 J:: .: <1 ... ~ .... ()f2 Datlt Anal~%ed: 05-08-98 Steuart Podo Sky ColU1Rn I .53mM X Q)m Restelc Ruc-1301 Senior Chemist 1046 Olive Drive, Suite 2 . Davis, CA 95616 · (530) 757-0920 · Fax (530) 753-6091 .I'~4Il:"/ Sample Log 18450 18450-10 Sample: TC-2-19' From : Southland/#22150 Bakersfield Samplèd : 05/05/98 Dilution : 1:1 Run Log : 2171D Matrix : Soil Parameter (MRL) "'9/)<9 Measured Value 119/k9 ------------------------------------------------------------ Benzene (.0050) <.0050 Toluene (.0050) <.0050 Ethylbenzene (.0050) <.0050 Total Xylenes (.0050) <.0050 TPH as Gasoline (1.0) <1.0 Surrogate Recovery 102 % c . ~ (' ¡ N õ2~ time in seconds 0 N Ki 1'..1'..1'.. ... " HN ...0 ~ C>o 0, "'0 ~ o~ õQ:) J::.<t:. D.ß ~ ..: ~ <1 GI GI GI ¡C C ~ ~ ... GlGI N....- 'Õ c:3'::J' .zx )( l- I I ...z:o .Eo:" ... w (' Ñ ... ID 'II C 0 '... 7ií N '2 ::> 0 e ... GIlD ') e.... 't" ~i L..'D 0 E: .: <1 ... :J ... ^O (II , , Dat~ Analyz~d: 05-08-98 Steuart Podolsl:y Column : o.53M111 )( 60m Re$tel: Rtx-l3Ql Senior Chembt 1046 Olive Drive, Suite 2 . Davis, CA 95616 · (530) 757-0920 · Fax (530) 753-6091 4r~~/ Sample Log 18450 18450-11 Sample: TE-2-15' From : Southland/#22150 Bakersfield Sampled : 05/05/98 Dilution: 1:1 Run Log Matrix : Soil 2171D Parameter ( MRL) ID9/k9 Measured Value -9/1<9 ----------------------------------------------------------~- Benzene (.0050) <.0050 Toluene (.0050) <.0050 Ethylbenzene ( .0050) <.0050 Total Xylenes (.0050) <.0050 TPH as Gasoline (1.0) <1.0 Surrogate Recovery 100 9, 0 c . (') ~ « m .... O)( ) Hm~ in sec;onds 0) .... « OM 0 N I$) \0 ............ '.. 10 NN '''0 ::> 5~ e "'0 ~ ON õ~ 6:<t: f¡ ~ GI .: ~ ~ !~ ~ i ~ GIGI J: '3-3- (I) ~ )()( !II !b rt .... Cl c .2 ... \ N ... ::> c 0 E ... ~ I~ ... 1<.1: J: .: ~ ~ f (I) Da1e Analyzed: 05-08-88 Steuart Podols y Column: 0.53111111 X i!l0m Restek Rtx-1301 Senior Chemist 1046 Olive Drive, Suite 2 · Davis, CA 95616 · (530) 757-0920 · Fax (530) 753-6091 ..ø~~/ Sample Log 18450 18450-12 Sample: TE-2-19 From : Southland/#22150 Bakersfield Sampled : 05/05/98 Dilution: 1:1 Run Log Matrix ; Soil 2171D Parameter ( MRL) '"9/kq Measured Value ..q/kq ----------------------------------------------------------~- Benzene (.0050) <.0050 Toluene (.0050) <.0050 Ethylbenzene (.0050) <.0050 Total Xylenes (.0050) <.0050 TPH as Gasoline (1.0) <1.0 Surrogate Recovery. 102 % c . I') g N I') .... 00 ti Me in 5ec:onds (7) .... 00 It: I') 0 N 1- In In ..... - ... " Nt'! '''0 ¡ 6~ -0 In o~ .... Õ ~<r; 0- W ~ ~ .: ~ ~ ~ ~ a. ;, ... Æ (I) 'ö ~ l- e!> .... It: 6 ... 5 '6 ~ i~ In 1- ... 4."0 ~ .: ~ .. np ::J (I) Date Ana1;tZed: 05-08-98 -, Steyart Podolsky Column I 53mm X 60m Restek Rtx-1301 Senior Chemist 1046 Olive Drive, Suite 2 . Davis, CA 95616 · (530) 757-0920 · Fax (530) 753-6091 ~~~/ ~ample Log 18450 18450-13 sample: DW-4' From : Southland/#22150 Bakersfield Sampled : 05/05/98 Dilution: 1:1 Run Log Matrix : Soil 2171E Parameter (MRL) 109/kg M.easured Value 109/kg ------------------------------------------------------------ Benzene (.0050) <.0050 Toluene ( .0050) <.0050 Ethylbenzene (.0050) <.0050 Total Xylenes (.0050) <.0050 TPH as Gasoline (1.0) <1.0 Surrogate Recovery 102 ~ 0 c: . N ~ N ... g¡Oj(X) Hme in seconds ( ) ... N OM .2 N "" In '0 \01\.1\. ... :SN ....0 ~ c:'O 0' ....0 ~ 2g 0 .1:«:; D.o. W ~ ~ ~ <ñ ~~ ~ ~ ... .... GI GI 41 ;:) R3 c (f) Q¡ XX ID ~6 .l:D. w ... N '() C 0 .... 1ií N '~ ::> e .... Q ~ In "" 165! ï:'O 0 J: ~ ~ & fiJ Date Anall,lZed: 05-08-S8 Steuart Podolsl:y Column : 0.153mm X 60m R4IS1ltl: Rtx-1301 Senior Chemist 1046 Olive Drive, Suite 2 · Davis, CA 95616 · (530) 757-0920 · Fax (530) 753-6091 I'~~/ sample Log 18450 18450-14 Sample: DW-a' From : Southland/#22150 Bakersfield Sampled : 05/05/98 Dilution: 1:1 Run Log Matrix : Soil 2171F Parameter (MRL) IIIq/kq Measured Value IIIq/kq ------------------------------------------------------------ Benzene (.0050) <.0050 Toluene (.0050) <.0050 Ethylbenzene (.0050) <.0050 Total Xylenes ( .0050) <.0050 TPH as Gasoline (1.0) <1.0 surrogate Recovery 97 % c . Ö3 (i¡ .... .... Ö3Ï'. time in seconds N .... IE N 0(") 0 't" ID 'I) 1\.1\. ... ... 10 NN '''0 ::> C'l) e 0, MO I$) 2S 't" ,goo ~Æ ~ .: OIl t1 ~~ c Q¡ ~ ~ . ... 4/. Q¡" N ....... C (I .... ¡t.R OIl o· m I- to .. ~ 0 C ) .... 'I) c 0 ... ... OJ N .... Õ ¡ M Q¡!2 I$) EO 't" "00 ... 1&.'8 :¡: .: ~ ~ n(J Date Anal~1 05"'11-98 Steuart PodOlsl:y Column I 53mm X. 60m Restak. Rtx~13a1 Santor Chamist 1046 Olive Drive, Suite 2 . Davis, CA 95616 . (530) 757-0920 · Fax (530) 753-6091 .4?~~ Sample Log 18450 18450-15 sample: DE-6' From : Southland/#22150 Bakersfield Sampled : 05/05/98 Dilution: 1:1 Run Log Matrix : Soil 2171E Parameter ( MRL) ltg/kg Measured Val ue ltg/kg ------------------------------------------------------------ Benzene (.0050) <.0050 Toluene (.0050) <.0050 Ethylbenzene (.0050) <.0050 Total Xylenes (.0050) <.0050 TPH as Gasoline (1.0) <1.0 Surrogate Recovery 101 % c . N 0 (0) (OJ ... g~~ time in seconds ( ') (') ... co N 0 N .... In In >0 1\.t>.1\. '.. .. " NN ·"0 ::> C>o 0, e -0 I$) ON õ~ .... .cq: Q,Q, w W Go ~ I <1 ~~.~ m ~ ... ~ ... Go Go 41 :E: :J t+;'3- ¡ (I) "õ Cxx m ... 'x'b ~~ I\. W N ~ § '... 'i8 N .§ ::> ... Ii ~~ I$) .... ,,~ t:"" ~ ~ <1 ~ - ,%J (I) Date Analyzed: 05-08-98 Steuart Podolsky Column Q.53tftm X 60m R9atel: Rtx-I301 Senior Chemist 1046 Olive Drive, Suite 2 · Davis, CA 95616 · (530) 757-0920 . Fax (530) 753-6091 .I~~/ Sample Log 18450 18450-16 Sample: DE-8' From : Southland/#22150 Bakersfield Sampled : 05/05/98 Dilution: 1:1 Run Log Matrix : Soil 2171E Parameter ( MRL) ..<¡/kg Measured Val ue "g/kg -----------------------~------------------------------------ Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes TPH as Gasoline (.0050) (.0050) (.0050) (.0050) (1.0) <.0050 <.0050 <.0050 <.0050 <1.0 Surrogate Recovery 100 ~ o 6 . N ~ (') (') ... ööO) time in seconds ( ) ... 00 N 0...(") ... N ". In In 'Ø I'.C>.I\. 1õ ~~ ::> 1;;>0 0' S ~å If) ". 1)00 J:c: DoDo w ~ Q¡ .: ~ <1 ~~ ~ c ~ ~ ~ !¡ ... 41 41 N...... C (J) "õ c:l':I' Q¡ 1:)( )( IX! l- I I ~o .. w (') ... ... ~ 6 ... .. <II N ·6 ~ i~ If) ". ... 1&.-0 0 x:: .: 00 5 ....: ¡yJ II) DatI!' Analyzedc 05-09-S9 Stel.li rt Podolsky Column I 0.53mm X 60m Ri'stek Rtx-1301 Senior Ch4Imist 1046 Olive Drive, Suite 2 · Davis, CA 95616 · (530) 757-0920 · Fax (530) 753-6091 4I'~~/ Sample Log 18450 18450-17 Sample: SP-l,2 From : Southland/#22150 Bakersfield Sampled : 05/05/98 Dilution: 1:100 Run Log: 2171A Matrix : Soil Parameter (MRL) IIq/kq Measured Value mq/kq ------------------------------------------------------------ Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes TPH as Gasoline ( .50) (.50) ( .50) ( .50) (100) <.50 1.6 1.3 29 270 Surrogate Recovery *** Diluted Out c . ... N (") ~ IØ ON- time in seconds OJ (") ... N 0...... 0 N ... IØ IØ >0 r...r...r... ... .. IV NN '~~ 0, ::> ....0 ~~ E IØ 0(1) ... €,c ~ ~ ~ ..: ~ 00 r- ~ ~ III ..... t t x: :J c~~ ¡ (J 'õ III.}; "f co I- :9 0 :J'.. ,Co. W (") N ì$j N '0 C 0 - 1ó N .~ .... III~ ¡ I EO "a¡ .... ~ 1&."8 x: ..: ... /þ ;:) (J Date Analyzed: 05-()6-98 St~t Podolsky Column I O.53mm X tSOIII Restek Rtx-1301 Senior Chemist 1046 Olive Drive, Suite 2 · Davis, CA 95616 · (530) 757-0920 · Fax (530) 753-6091 .I~~/ Sample Log 18450 18450-18 Sample: SP-3,4 From : Southland/#22150 Bakersfield Sampled : 05/05/98 Dilution: 1:1 Run Log: 2171A Matrix : Soil Parameter (MRL) ",<¡/k<¡ Measured Value ..<¡/kg --~---------------------------------------~----------------- . Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes TPH as Gasoline ( .0050) (.0050) (.0050) (.0050) (1.0) <.0050 <.0050 <.0050 <.0050 1.3 surrogate Recovery 84 % 5 . N IS) ('I) ('I) -000 Hme 1n seconds (IJ .... 00 N R....(IJ ... -r IS) IS) 'I) "'''' ... /0 NN "'0 5~ ...~ ~&! ::> I ~~ e IS) w ~ It! III . P! <1 ~IIIGI C ... ~ ~ ~ III ... ari ~ ::I N:¡. '3> ... ~:o< GI 0 III I- '~.b .fa:- +' w CO) ... ... N IS) '0 C 0 ... ... <II N :> ~ e &! ar~ .... ~o ~: 0 :E: '?f Da1e Analf¡edl 05-06-98 Steuart Podolsky Column: 53mtn X 60m Res;1ek Rtx-1301 Senior CheRIi st 1046 Olive Drive, Suite 2 . Davis, CA 95616 · (530) 757-0920 · Fax (530) 753-6091 ~~JIIII::/ Sample Log 18450 18450-19 sample: SP-5,6 From : Southland/#22150 Bakersfield Sampled : 05/05/98 Dilution: 1:1 Run Log Matrix : soil 2171A Parameter ( MRL) ..<¡/kg Measured Value JIg/kg ------------------------------------------------------------ Benzene (.0050) <.0050 Toluene (.0050) <.0050 Ethylbenzene (.0050) <.0050 Total Xylenes (.0050) <.0050 TPH as Gasoline (1.0) <1.0 Surrogate Recovery 102 % c . ~ ... In Co') ~~ tilDe in seconds M ... œ 0 N 'f' to to '.. ... " ,~~ ::> e .2d If) ON 'f' 'ó~ &~ II! .. .: ~ CIS ~i i ~ ~ ~ . N - N" "3- c II) 'õ Z¥>f Æ I- ]:~o . a. W Co') ~ ... to 6 ... ... " N ... 6 ; I - I~ " ...."0 ~ .: CIS ~ .... Steuart ~kY II) Dat. Anal:f.ied: 05-06-98 Column: .631110\)( 60IA Rlistilk Rtx-1301 S.l'\iOl" Chemist 1046 Olive Drive, Suite 2 . Davis, CA 95616 · (530) 757-0920 · Fax (530) 753-6091 .I'~~/ Sample Log 18450 18450-20 Sample: SP-7,8 From : Southland/#22150 Bakersfield Sampled : 05/05/98 Dilution: 1:1 Run Log Matrix : Soil 2171A Parameter ( MRL) m9/k9 Measured Value mq/kq ------------------------------------------------------------ Benzene ( .0050) <.0050 Toluene (.0050) <.0050 Ethylbenzene (.0050) <.0050 Total Xylenes (.0050) <.0050 TPH as Gasoline (1.0) <1.0 surrogate Recovery 92 ~ 0 6 . IS) N IØ (') (') 89~ time in seconds 0) ('I) ... 0) N N "" In In >0 .....t-...... ... :¡¡ ::> NN e c:!~ to 0' "" ;~ 0 .cc Q.f¡ I&l ~ .: " <1 "~ " ~ c c: C N !5 ~ - ~; ~ (J) -a &)( )( m ... .Q I I _1:0 .la:- w (') ¡:;¡ ... In >0 .§ .. IV ::> N '.. & c: In 0 - "" ,,~ ijg¡ r:-c ~ .: ~ !; Steuart Podo'(y (J) Date Analyzed: 05-06-98 COlUMn I O.53t'A1'R )( 60m Reste\( Rtx-1301 Senior Chemist 1046 Olive Drive, Suite 2 · Davis, CA 95616 . (530) 757-0920 · Fax (530) 753-6091 ~¿:::'~/ May 8, 1998 Sample Log 18450 QC Report for EPA 8020 & Modified EPA 8015 Run Log : 2171B From : southland/#22150 Bakersfield Sample(s) Received : 05/06/98 Parameter Matrix Spike % Recovery Matrix Spike Duplicate % Recovery RPD * Benzene Ethylbenzene TPH as Gasoline 105 103 108 103 103 108 1 o 1 * RPD = Relative Percent Difference Parameter Laboratory Control Sample % Recovery Benzene Ethylbenzene Gasoline 105 103 109 Parameter Method Blank TPH as Gasoline <0.005 mg/Kg <0.005 mg/Kg <0.005 mg/Kg <0.005 mg/Kg <1.0 mg/kg Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes St.ewart. Podolsky senior Chelllist. f11J 1046 Olive Drive, Suite 2 . Davis, CA 95616 . (530) 757-0920 . Fax (530) 753-6091 ~~~/ May 11, 1998 Sample Log 18450 QC Report for EPA 8020 & Modified EPA 8015 Run Log : 2171E From : Southland/#22150 Bakersfield Sample(s) Received : 05/06/98 Parameter Matrix spike % Recovery Matrix Spike Duplicate % Recovery RPD * Benzene Ethylbenzene TPH as Gasoline 101 101 104 104 102 105 3 1 1 * RPD = Relative Percent Difference Parameter Laboratory Control Sample % Recovery Benzene Ethylbenzene Gasoline 105 104 106 Parameter Method Blank TPH as Gasoline <0.005 mg/Kg <0.005 mg/Kg <0.005 mg/Kg <0.005 mg/Kg <1.0 mg/kg Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes stewart P0401sky Senior ChðJlist fJ() 1046 Olive Drive, Suite 2 · Davis, CA 95616 . (530) 757-0920 · Fax (530) 753-6091 .I~~/ May 6, 1998 Sample Log 18450 QC Report for EPA 8020 & Modified EPA 8015 Run Log : 2170X From : Southland/#22150 Bakersfield Sample(s) Received : 05/06/98 Parameter Matrix Spike % Recovery Matrix Spike Duplicate % Recovery RPD * Benzene Ethylbenzene TPH as Gasoline 108 108 112 105 104 111 3 4 1 * RPD = Relative Percent Difference Parameter Laboratory Control sample % Recovery Benzene Ethylbenzene Gasoline 102 102 105 Parameter Method Blank TPH as Gasoline <0.005 mg/Kg <0.005 mg/Kg <0.005 mg/Kg <0.005 mg/Kg <1.0 mg/kg Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes stewart ÞodoJ.aky Senior Chè10iat -L2f2 / 1046 Olive Drive, Suite 2 · Davis, CA 95616 · (530) 757-0920 · Fax (530) 753-6091 .I~~/ May 6, 1998 Sample Log 18450 QC Report for EPA 8020 & Modified EPA 8015 Run Log : 2170Z (Methanol Extracts) From : Southland/#22150 Bakersfield Sample(s) Received : 05/06/98 Laboratory Control Spike Duplicate Parameter % Recovery % Recovery RPD * Benzene 105 104 1 Ethylbenzene 105 104 1 TPH as Gasoline 167 158 6 Parameter Method Blank TPH as Gasoline <o.lOmg/Kg <O.lomg/Kg <O.lOmg/Kg <o.lomg/Kg < 20mg/Kg Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes S~....art Podo1.s.ky Senior Cbe..ist 17 1046 Olive Drive, Suite 2 · Davis, CA 95616 · (530) 757-0920 · Fax (530) 753-6091 PhF~~=~ ~~t~~t~gg~ ~HAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD AND ANALYSIS REQUEST Sample Receiving#: 916-757-0920 ...t:Æ Phone #: ~. (72J } 370-1 ,~/? ~ C~l~~d~~~ . C-<r<t:1 FÃX#: (!2r)17tJ-J'19:! ~~ 7'J7~V A~ Sk_/\ ~¡'¡,.¿'2. CA o/ýJT~ ~ Project Number: PO.#: ' i:i2Z') /..;. .2L¡.rt> &ks t.d / i Project Location: Sampler SighatuID- ~ ~ ~ ~ N Lf{)I¿~k/J" ~ ¡ç~i.v.s.ç.L~CA /íd~/r'b- ~~~ i~ ~ L. h ô:G:::æ:·- a..a.. (/ ;::z Sampling Container Met od Matrix ~ C> ::: ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 0 ~ ~ c: (Type/Amount) Preserved co VI ~ 0 ...... co co '<f' ...... Q) t:: N ~ (I cPÕOOONN:::æ:O _ N J: ,- co co co co co ........a ØÜ æ ~a..Q:::æ:~øø~~"""oa.. en ¡:: ('t) W LU ~t::- (/ (/ OOONN......W - <t. ø 0 Z I-..J Xx III III co cow coco '5ü ...J ~ - UJ «- wWJ:J:c(c(c(c(c(;¡¡c(_ ø~ UZUO ~g I-I-a..a..a..a..a..a..a..~w~ ~~ II_Z mml-l-wwwwwü..Jü T"" 1Al'~' Western Environmental Science & Technology 1046 Olive Drive, Suite 2 Davis, CA 95616 p(l~afler:~¿J Sample 10 DATE w TIME (§ tl1 >...J (/) ) T:w- I - t S, ' , T /"t(-, - I 9: '" , T:L-f- JJ".' , Tc.,,-,t -,f r,' , T:£-l-ts:1 , T£- ( - I,'T,' , T.w- ). - IS: , ( T:lt<'- ~ - {1, , T:c,-l,- I~' , TL~ 2._1'7,' , í,£- 2 _,IS',' ~;l~ Relinquished by: sIt/r;? '\ /6s'!:.~ fGUé I G lr¿¡ 16 :'13 It :y/ /Clf! li:J7 t '7 >(7) (7~()¿ (7¿Q (7./'1 ~Y' Relinquished by: Date Time sit¡ ~I 23/1 "._b-Date Time o/5A"'ð /-. ( ÞF I I Date Time I ANALYSIS REQUEST W.E.T. (v' I I OTAL (v' IK \ / ~ , '7 , '/ R~cred by: /J.I ~..... £_ ¿_ ð y~._ _II ,l.FU'rL í ./ - Received by: Remarks: RI/~ 'f c0'-ft()~/'k I L L...f/' --rft T Received by Laboratory: Bill To: ~ CI ~ (j~) ~ .... ~ o L: IX) "" £~kS ~ I- For Lab Use ONLY -- ~ o L: "" N i ... " ... Q) J:I E (J~ \J)~ I- ~f/) DC~ -- -- ... ::I o .r:. N .... x ""'0, O~ (Y~ -úc.j -oS -o~ -o-::¡. -og> -o~ -/0 ,- II I( 0'-. 1¿:4Y 1046 Olive Drive, Suite 2 PhF~~=~ ~~ ~=~~t~6g~ CHAI N-OF-CUSTODY RECORD AND ANALYSIS REQUEST Western Environmental Davis, CA 95616 Sample Receiving#: 916-757-0920 l... Science & Technology ~ Project Manager: P~e #: .~ ~ swtv ~ ( (LJJ ß70 ~~'7~tJ ~ C(p/Ea¡)!'A~d!.~~I ~' FAA#: C:t .LãJ 170- J 'J1( J 7Ji.n;:¿ -J./ Ar. 5k fJ J .//- .I.~.t:. ~ 1'tJ:r3 ß Project Number: P .0.#: ~"JlJd¡"22../ SO e,.t.,¿c. [Q ; . ~;~o:z:£ ~, ~..f. ,~.M' S:;ler Si~~~ ~ ¡ ~ i 1 § i ~(/):::i:.- a..a.. (I)....z Container Method Matrix ~ Æ ~ <2 0 ~ ~ 0 0 ]i ~ c (Type/Amount) Preserved ~ g¡ (I) .s 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ã N N J: .!!! 0 co co co co co ~ °a..°:::i:;::ã3ã3;;:ìõ"-oa.. ~~ (I) (l)OOONN....(O . 111 111(0(0(0(0(0 I ~~ ~ W J: J:e( e( e( e( e( :::i:e( ~ ü. I-I-a..a..a..a..a..a..a.. Lú'C IDIDI-I-WWWWWÜ..JÜ ANALYSIS REQUEST Sampling Sample ID w (/) .!,2 > (/) I- TIME « w :5 ~ o w C> Q. > ëð ;::! ...J ..... (') W _owz uZuO II_Z 0::: w..J ~- ~g 'V x X x x >\ DATE IT.£ -,2 - ( ,e¡, Iþ,~-,¿( IDUI.-,g,' ID, 1!, -,6 ' ,/),£ -,f. ( , Sf-,I ~f-,¿ I(Ç~-,~, l.s f. -,Ll, I~f,-,~ &17-." ~;.y Relinquished by: -DTh.p "\ x /7J/) X 17>l.) 17f¿ì 17¡3( /7:31 ( 7~ 3Þ 171 !;;. J7: 3'1 17 ut t 7 ~ be ~.... 17~t-/Cl 0 Date Time . ReC;Jed by: I j /- S;~y~3 If / -rJ~Þ1 (,.¿Þ~/lA.AA~ Date I Time \~::ved by: Date Time Received by Laboratory: , , , , , .. #'>. 1 >< >< L r Xl') i X( 'X Remarks: I It - Relinquished by: Bill To: I tJv·E.T. (~ 11 ~ N ¡h ~ '\J ~ ~ \J I ~ ~ J "..J OTAL (~ - .... :3 ..... ,g ~~ 1/ ~ '...I X X ^ >< X / o ( ~ I~.i. Þ'-L S ...... A X Sf - II; , ;·1 /X - /.t (...~~ ~A.IJ~LA. [., So f- ~; y I / ~ / ~A /x 7t IL- ;~~ ItO~ 5» -rJ7 A~ l- e( I- For Lab Use ONLY - .... :3 o s:: .q- N ãi ..c \) ~ ~~ C>ca~ """ -I;), -r~ "'Jtf. 'JS -I~ -/~ ITb ß~ ~ IZb I~c¡ . I'J h I¿:C'/ 1046 Olive Drive, Suite 2 Phone#: 916-753-9500 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD AND ANALYSIS REQUEST Fax#: 916-753-6091 Western Environmental Davis, CA 95616 Sample Receiving#: 916-757-0920 ,,~ Science & Technology prã:Æ:~ Phone #: ~ I-- For (7LJ).s70-~~Cjo ANAL YSIS REQUEST « Lab ~ I-- Use COm~anYl ~~esy~ I FAX #: - L&J 2;-) 37t) - :S1'91 '~J. W,E.T. (v' ~ ONLY F (/(lÞ" ~ L.,.¡ ~(/L ~ // /_~? C/)?", t-:r-? LO II 7J7~·.v L Au- /) .... OTAL (v' ~ 0 IX) Project Number: P.O.#: , ç~~: ~ N - 22./ jtJ &L$ ¡;';'6 ~ / ~ II ~ ~ VI .... Project Location: tit, Sampler 5ignat~ 0 íÕ CD - Qj !£. íÕ .... "C N 3 ..c ~ ~ L«i-..¿ ða l.øvç .(;Jk, í CA .1A.. 0 () VI E Lfol¿ CD IX) 0) 0 PI .£ .... +> ëc .c :J 0 ~ VI ('t) ~ õ IX) CD Ü C:! ~ z . , , ô VI ~ a. a. Z ..c Container Method II! Õ VI .... - II! Sampling Matrix N C) I I S N 3 -I 0 Qj .... 0 0 0 0 0 '<t c: (Type/Amount) Preserved IX) VI VI 0 .... IX) IX) '<t ,... CD t::: N 0 ~ I-- ë\i II! CD - 0 0 0 N N ::!: 0 .c fI) 0 .£i Sample ID J: is co co co co co .... .., ~ 0 ::!: - - - - - ,... (~ w C/) º c:: !£. a. 0 co co '<t 10 .... 0 a. > C/) I-- ('t) W W-I ~ VI VI 0 0 N N (D ..: ('II ('II (D (D (D (D (D I 0 DATE TIME « w ::5 5 - 0 Z !;:- >< « « « « « ::!: ü 0 w C) 0 Z w 0 w W J: J: « ~ -ë .c 0 s:g I-- I-- a. a. a. a. a. a. a. ~ > ....J ...J a. J: J: Z CD CD I-- I-- W W W W W Ü -I Ü CJ) .... ...J .... (, f. - "7. s-frh.p /7!Y¿ )( / ~ x L . L ~ ,K ~~ , I,. I ..'" "" 1 c \....ft.. ", ç.f~ - 8, .r7rhP (7 J'-It¡ ~ , v )< .) /' .s f 7 tp lOb , ~ , , , , , I I I I I I I , , , , I I , ~ . uished by: s~k ;~~ R;2:: l~- Remarks: \L~¡t ~.. ,,( ~ " ..... ......... t ~te Relinquished by: Time Received by: I Relinquished by: Date Time Received by Laboratory: Bill To: I Appendix F Soil Transportation Manifests 22150ustrpt FLUOR DANIEL GTI ~ TPS Technologies Sôil ReCycling Non-Hazardous Soils Transporter Truck #: Facility #: A07 10583 Consultant Generator's Name and Billin~Address: SOUTHLAND CORP 555 S RENTON VILLAGE PLACE Generator's Phone #: Generator's US EPA 10 No, Person to Contact: RENTON, WA 98005 USA FAX#: Customer Account Number with TPS: 7S0UTLA Consultant's Name and Billing Address: EX CELL EXCAVATING, INC. P.O. BOX 6176 Consultant's Phone #: (714) 249-2225 Pçt;sQ11JQ .CoUW;j:: l'lAKK TI:d1PLETON LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92607-6176 USA FAX#: (714) 249-2265 Customer Account Number with TPS: 1000428 Generation Site (Transport from): (name & address) SOUTHLAND CORP EXCEL 4012 WHITELMIS Site Phone #: BTEX Levels Person to Contact: TPH Levels FAX#: AVG. Levels BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 USA Designated Facility (Transport to): (name & address) TPS TECHNOLOGIES INC. 12328 HIBISCUS AVE. Facili ty Phone #: aøø-B62-BØ01 PW~'ìt~~~WctR. BARTLE T Facility Permit Numbers Adelanto. CA 92301 USA FAX#: . 760-246-8004 TraI1sp'~rter Name and Mailing A.q.~ress: LU1 REL TRUCK.L ¡\it.:: 631:;) ::mow RD. Tra"3'0rter's Phone #: (B0S> 399-0246 Tran2Porter's us EPA 10 No,: CADØ83ØØ3699 Person to Contact: Transporter's DOT No.: RANDY SMITH/TOM cIM~S6734 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 UßA F~X#: CU~F.'tJJ'rR'et.Number with TPS: Description of Soil Moisture Content Sand 0 Organic 0 o - 10% 0 10 - 20% 0 Clay 0 Other 0 20% - over 0 Sand 0 Organic 0 0-10% 0 10·20% 0 Clay 0 Other 0 20% - over 0 Contaminated by: Approx. Qty: Description of Delivery Gross Weight Tare Weight List any exception to items listed above: Gas 0 Diesel 0 Other 0 Gas 0 Diesel 0 Other 0 \ 1"1 S1) 0 2to Generator's and/or consultant's certification: I/We certify that the soil referenced herein is taken entirely from those soils described in the Soil Data Sheet completed and certified by me/us for the Generation Site shown above and nothing has been added or done to such soil that would alter it in any way, Consultant 0 Signature and date: Recycling Facility certifies the receipt of the soil covered by this manifest excq,t as~otedilbov~: PD~orT~¡nt:lett/Ï). BENTON Signa" TPS INVOICING COPY TPS Technologies. S i Non-Hazardous Soils 555 S RENTON VILLAGE PLACE RENTON, WA 9e.ØØ5 Consultant's Name and Billing Address: EX CELL EXCAVATING, INC. P.O. BOX. 6176 LAGUNA MIGUEL, CA 926Ø7-6176 USA Generation Site (Transport from): (name & address) SOUTHLAND CORP 4012 WHITELANE EXCEL Facility #: A07 Generator's US EPA 10 No, Person to Contact: FAX#: Customer Account Number with TPS: BAKERSFIELD CA <3330<::' USA Designated Facility (Transport to): (name & address) TPS TECHNOLOGIES ¡HC. 12328 HIBISCUS AVE. Ad€:o1 anto CA 92:3Øl Consultant's Phone #: (714) 249-2225 Person to Contact: 11ARK TEMPLETON FAX#: Customer Account Number with TPS: Transporter Name and Mailing Address: LUTREL TRUCKING 6315 SNOW RD. \1 o\\~V\ . k \i JL' j" \;' . Person to Contact: TPH Levels BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Description of Soil FAX#: AVe. Levels UGA Facility Phone #: Facility Permit Numbers Person to Contact: DARREN R. BARTLE T FAX#: USA 760"246-8004 Transporter's Phone #: Transporter's US EPA 10 No,: (.305) 399-0246 Person to Contact: CAD083ØØ3699 Transporter's DOT No,: . , USA FAX#: ( ) Customer Account Number with TPS: 7LUTREL Gross Weight Tare Weight Net Weight Moisture Content Contaminated by: Approx. Qty: Description of Delivery Print or TypJ'..,Name: .J I .. J\ . .) f \-..-- Consultant Q Sand Q Clay Q o - 10% 0 10-20% 0 20% - over 0 Gas 0 .Di~sel 0 other 0 Gas 0 Diesel 0 Other 0 ~ Z-í{ÌtJ2o ~ l? 1, r/JÇD Generator's and/or consultant's certification: I/We certify that the soil referenced herein is taken entirely from those soils described in the Soil Data Sheet completed and certified by me/us for the Generation Site shown above and nothing has been added or done to such soil that would alter it in any way. Organic Q Other Q O· 10% 0 10 - 20% 0 20% . over 0 List any exception to items listed above: Sand Q Clay Q Organic Q Other Q Signature and date, TPS INVOICING COPY TPS Technologies sðil R' Non-Hazardous Soils Generator's Name and Billing Address: SOUTHLAND CORP 555 S RENTON VILLAGE PLACE RENTON, WA 98005 Consultant's Name and Billing Address: EXCELL EXCAVATING, INC. P.O. BOX 6176 LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92607-6176 Generation Site (Transport from): (name & address) SOUTHLMW COR? 4012 WHITELAlŒ EXCF':L BAEERSFIELD CA '=1330'3 Designated Facility (Transport to): (¡lame & address) TPS TECHNOLOGIES INC. 12328 HIBISCUS AVE. Transporter Name and Mailing Address: BAKERSFIELD~ Description of Soil \ ^ ' 1'f- \l,l;;" \ ~L ,.;r-A ~y CA93308 LUTREL TRUCKING 6315 SNOW RD. Generator's Phone #: Person to Contact: FAX#: USA Consultant's Phone #: USA (714) 249-2225 Person to Contact: MARK TEMPLETON FAX#: ('114) 249-22E>5 Site Phone #: Person to Contact: FAX#: USA Facili ty Phone #: 800-862 '-8001 Person to Contact: DARREN R. BARTLE' FAX#: itS RA .¡ . Y SM TTH/TOM FAX#: USA Moisture Content Contaminated by: Approx. Qty: 0-10% 0 10-20% 0 20% - over 0 0-10% 0 10 - 20% CJ 20% - over 0 List any exception to items listed above: Cas, 0 ,~~ o CJ o Sand 0 Organic 0 Clay 0 Other 0 Sand 0 Organic a Clay 0 Other 0 Gas Diesel Other Consultant a Description of Delivery 2. Signature and date: om or in any way delaying delivery to such site, Signature and date: r" , \ Recycling Facility certifies the receipt of the soil covered by this manifest excePt a Print or TY.F" Name: D. l:Is)"t.let tJ[). TPS INVOICING COPY 10583 Generator's us EPA 10 No, Customer Account Number with TPS; 7S0UTLA Cùstomer Account Number with TPS: 1000428 BTEX Levels TPH Levels AVG, Levels Facility Permit Numbers Gross Weight Tare Weight 173<¿\) ~qftÒ TPS Technolo.gie5 S6il R" Non-Hazardous Soils Transportèr Truck #: ú~l( SOUTHLAND CORP 555 S RENTON VILLAGE PLACE RENTON, WA 98005 Consultant's Name and Billing Address: EXCELL EXCAVATING, INC. P.O. BOX 6176 LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92607-6175 Generation Site (Transport from): (name & address) SOUTHLAND CORP 4012 WHITELANE EXCEL Adelanto, CA 92301 Transporter Name and Mailing Address: LUTfŒL TRUCKING \ \.t J \ 6315 SNOW HD. J r \.. ,v, j¡" ~\./\ ,~('v~ , I' t' \ V...) BAKERSFIELD, CA 9330a V USA BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 Designated Facility (Transport to): (name & address) TPS TECHNOLOGIES INC. 12328 HIBISCUS AVE. Description of Soil A07 10583 Generator's Phone #: Generator's US EPA ID No, Person to Contact: FAX#: Customer Account Number with TPS: USA 7S0\JTLA Consultant's Phone #: (71) 49-2225 Person to Contact: MARK TEMPLETON USA FAX#: (714) 249-2265 Site Phone #: Customer Account Number with TPS: 10ØØ42ß BTEX Levels Person to Contact: TPH Levels FAX#: AVG, Levels USA Facility Phone #: 800,·852·,·8001 Person to Contact: Facility Permit Numbers USA DARREN R. BARTLE T FAX#: 760-246-8004 Transporter's Phone #: (d0S) ~'99-·Ø246 Person to Contact: Transporter's US EPA ID No,: CAD083003699 Transporter's DOT No,: \) Description of Delivery Customer Account Number with TPS: 7L\JTREL Moisture Content Contaminated by: Approx. Qty: Gross Weight Tare Weight 0- 10% 0 10-20% 0 20% . over 0 0- 10% 0 10-20% 0 20% - over 0 List any exception to items listed above: ,Gas 0 . Di.esel 0 Othèr 0 Gas 0 Diesel 0 Other 0 Q:¡""1(vO Generator's and/or consultant's certification: [/We certify that the soil referençed herein is taken entirely from those soils described in the Soil Data Sheet completed and certified by me/us for the Generation Site shown above and nothing has been added or done to such soil that would alter it in any way, Sand Q Organic Q Clay Q Other Q Sand Q Organic Q Clay 0 Other 0 Print or Type Name: _ l/~j\/') .' J . Ge¡jérator . ¡!ìJ f; -~_·Zj/ Consultant Q Signature and date: Transporter's certification: [/life' acknowledge receipt of the soil described above and certify that such soil is being delivered in exactly the same condition as when received, [)We further certify that this soil is being directly transported from the Generation Site to the Designated Facility without off-loading, adding to, subtracting from or in any way delaying delivery to such site. \ Recycling Facility certifies the receipt of the soil covered by this manifest except, Print or Type Name: Sign. D. Bartlett/D. BENTON TPS INVOICING COpy SOUTHLAND CORP 555 S RENTON VILLAGE PLACE TPS TechnologieíSðil Rftycling Non-Hazar4ous Soils A07 10583 Generator's Phone #: Generalor's US EPA 10 No, Person 10 Contact: FAX#: Customer Account Number with TPS: RENTON, WA 98005 USA 7S0UTLA Consullant's Name and Billing Address: EXCELL EXCAVATING, INC. P.O. BOX 6176 Consullant's Phone #: (714) 249-2225 Person 10 Contact: tiARK TEMPLETON FAX#: Customer Accounl Number with TPS: LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92607-6176 USA Generation Site (Transport from): (name & address) Site Phone #: BTEX Levels SOUTHLAND CORP EXCEL Person to Conlact: TPH Levels 4012 WHITELANE FAX#: AVG, Levels 'A~~RRFTE n Q33ØS Designated Facility (Transport to): (name & address) t !~:jr' Facility Phone #: &ØØ'''ßhc~'''ßØØI Person to Conlact: Facility Permit Numbers TPE¡lï:::CHNDUJU I ES 1 r,;c. j ¿3;:::8 H:t B 1 SCUS (..¡l}E, DARREN R. BARTLF'fT FAX#: 7f.Ø-·';:)1~b·-f\Ø?I' Adplanto CA (~'i?:~;Øj Transporter Name and Mailing Address: UE¡t::¡ Transporter's Phone #: (f.\I/I~j:' TjS,..ør:46 Person to Conlact: Transporter's US EPA ID No.: Cf:mø8:~; i~Ø369Y Transporler's DOT No,: LUrPEl. THUCVJNC (',:.::: .l :~i f3NUi-J rw. ..77 \ (í.þk \ \ u/\ \ \}.)/ '0..,"" ; ~.. --)j' r.:¡ 33ØB - usn BA¡<F.H~3F 1: ELD, en Description of Soil Moisture Content Contaminated by: Approx. Qty: Description of Delivery SandO Clay 0 o - 10% 0 10·20% 0 20% - over 0 Gas. 0 DïeSëI 0 ôti1éro Gas 0 Diesel 0 Other 0 Organic 0 Other 0 0-10% 0 10-20% 0 20% - over 0 List any exception to items listed above: Sand 0 Clay 0 Organic 0 Other 0 1- 'l: 0)" 1- Generator's and/or consultant's certification: [/We certify that the soil referenced herein is taken entirely from those soils described in the Soil Data Sheet completed and certified by me/us for the Generation Site shown above and nothing has been added or done to such soil that would alter it in any way, Print or Tm;.~ Consultant 0 Signature and date: Transporter's certificatio :, [/We acknowledge receipt of the soil described above and certify that such soil is being delivered in exactly the same condition as when receiv , I/We further certify that this soil is being directly transported from the Generation Site to the Designated Facility uJ4!:zout off-loading, adding to, subtracting from or in any way delaying dl?/ivery to such site. PrintÌ'~·r:-ra~~:, ' { (\ \ ,.x"t.,t '...L-t_..-J \ Discrepancies: Recycling Facility certifies the receipt of the soil covered by this manifest except, ~.!!.bove: Print or 1YJ'e Name: SignahÍre and date:\ (' I D. Bi¡¡-r"l:lett/D, BEI\jTUN (L)".~~') ~"-"-.--'IC~Q. ':.....,;>< Y) f 1 [) ,. TPS INVOICING COpy '.:--J ,- .,' {c., Person to Contact; TPS Technologie~ Sðil R Non-Hazardous Soils SOUTHLAND cor~p 555 S RENTON VJLI.AGE PLACE FAX#; Customer Account Number with TPS; RENTON, WA '38005 USA 7SDI '-r Consultant's Name and Billing Address; Consultant's Phone #; EXCELL EXCAVATING, INC. P.O. BOX 617b _-=-.:>-J~ Person to Contact: MAf~K TEI'1PLETDN FAX#: Customer Account Number with TPS: LAf.3l1l'~j:~ NH3UEL '} CA 9':::(,Ø7-·6176 Generation Site (Transport from): (name & address) UBn ( ._, :! ,¡i ' Site Phone #: 1 BTEX Levels SOLrìHL.m..¡o CUnl:' i'tØl;::': (..jH:LTELf-!I'JE F)( C'EL Person to Contact: TPH Levels FAX#: AVG. Levels BAKERSFIELD. CA 9330Y Designated Facility (Transport to): (name & address) usn 1;.::: ~~:~ ~=::~ t:\ }...! I PI J ~:~ ž ~:t.J ~~} {1 V r:: r< Facility Phone #: 6ØØ·..,BÚi:;' --BØØj Person to Contact: DARREN R. BAPtL.E1T Facility Permit Numbers TPU TEi:t--í¡"I¡JLUU I FLò ~ l,jC" FAX#: . Ad P. J Ö'.n t: (J" LJ..~ C)i:'3Ø J Transporter Name and Mailing Address: LUT HEL T' F~UC!«( i\!'3 f<;; 1 0::. ~:;I\ (..J¡..j FW" US{i 76 Ø·-i:~'.4t.' --f3Øø¿.:¡, Transporter's Phone #; (aø:i) 39 '~;; ·,IZtE:¿,; 6 Person to Contact: Transporter's US EPA 10 No,: C¡::¡DØB,3Øl7.i3t)(~j(' Transporter's DOT No,: flt=II<EREF::ELD, C:~~ 9330B USA RANDY SMITH/10M :IMNSb'734 FAX#: Customer Account Number with TPS: () 7LUTREL. '"\. . i "';'- ,,,~,, Description of Soil Moisture Content Contaminated by: Approx. Qty: Description of Delivery Gross Weight Tare Weight Sand 0 Clay 0 Organic 0 Other 0 o - 10% 0 10-20% 0 20% - over 0 0- 10% 0 10-20% 0 20% . over 0 G.as. 0, .Dii$el 0 'Ó"ther 0 o o o Gas Diesel Other (:,0' 00 2 ~o 113òÙ ~1-.1 Sand 0 Clay 0 Organic 0 Other 0 List any exception to items listed above: !)t;b Generator's and/or consultant's certification: [/We certify that the soil referenced herein is taken entirely from those soils described in the Soil Data Sheet completed and certified by me/us for the Generation Site shown above and nothing has been added or done to such soil that would alter it in any way, Print or Type Nn 0 <..) ')'1 { () Transporter's certification~ e acknowledge receipt of the soil described above and certify that such soil is being delivered in exactly the same condition as when receive} [/We further certify that this soil is being directly transported from the Generation Site to the Designated Facility without off-loading, adding to, subtracting from or in any way delaying delivery to such site, Consultant 0 Signature and date: Print or Type Name: Discrepancies: Recycling Facility certifies the receipt of the soil covered by this manifest ~cept as noted above: Si1" lure and d e: ........-..., /- " .' ,,--.y:) I . '. ".-: Print or Type Name, D. Ba....·tlett/D.. BEN TOI', TPS INVOICING COPY Sand 0 Clay 0 Organic 0 Other 0 0-10% 0 10 - 20% 0 20% . over 0 o - 10% 0 10-20% 0 20% - over 0 Gas 0 [)i.esiilO ôffiiir: 0 Gàs 0 Diesel 0 Other 0 Person to Contact: TPS Technologie~ Sðil RcÆycling Non-Hazardous So' . SOU-fHLAND COPP 555 s RENfm~ V I LIJ:H3E PLACE FAX#: Customer Account Number with TPS: HB·ITOhl, WA 980Ø5 w;n 7S0UTLt, ·Consultant's Name and Billing Address: EXCELL EXCAVATING, INC. P. O. BOX 617f:, Consultant's Phone #: u:~nUNA NT GUFL, CA 9~:::E.~Ø7-'+, 17b (714) 2L¡9-·j?i~P5 Person to Contact: fYI(4RK TEI\1PLETON FAX#: i. ï t it) i:::4~i'-';='::;:::6 5 Site Phone #: Customer Account Number with TPS: usn i ØØØ·4;~::B BTEX Levels Generation Site (Transport from): (name & address) SOUnfL.¡::~t\ÍJ) cm~p ;+121 1 i:::: L.JH I TELnNE r:: \ eEL Person to Contact: TPH Levels FAX#: AVe. Levels BAKERSFIELD. cn 0~~Ø9 Designated Facility (Transport to): (name & address) U~3P 12328 HIBISCUS AVE. Facility Phone #: E\ibØ'-ßt.'~::::h'B~)(111 Person to Contact: DARREN R. BARllETT FAX#: Facility Permit Numbers TPS TECHNOLOGI~S INC. '~A C¡¡<3Ø l IIBi: 76ili-;?i (; "'B ?HZ¡L¡ Transporter's Phone #: i ~J¡""; ì ';'qq... ;,¡.:;,.' ., Person to Contact: Transporter's US EPA 10 No,: B¡::Ú<E RSF 1 ELD, Description of Soil f \' \ \¡\ \ \0' \ Y :. ,I I' t-, ~~. . ~V:y c"- (" ~"'ØR \J '",H '1 ~>') ,., L.iSÇ~1 } Description of Delivery LU fT':E:L. TF!UD\ ,U',¡C t.3 J ~i ~3NDI"" fW r Moisture Content Contaminated by: Approx. Qty: :2 t.fO z w<¡ 0 Sand 0 Clay 0 Organic 0 Other 0 List any exception to items listed above: Generator's and/or consultant's certification: [/We certify that the soil referenced herein is taken entirely from those soils described in the Soil Data Sheet completed and certified by me/us for the Generation Site shown above and nothing has been added or done to such soil that would alter it in any way, Print or Type~me: Gen<¡,()tor 0 Consultant 0 Signature and date: ( )ð--î Transporter's certificatio : í [/We acknowledge receipt of the soil described above and certify that such soil is being delivered in exactly the same condition as when recei e , [/We further certify that this soil is being directly transported from the Generation Site to the Designated Facility without off-loading, adding to, subtracting from or in any way delaying delivery to such site, ,- \ Recycling Facility certifies the receipt of the soil covered by this manifest excè¡n·as noted above: " Print or TYJ?" Name: . Signa d date: D, ei'n~tlet,t/n. BENTON TPS INVOICING COPY --- ~: TPS TechnologièS oil Recycling Non-Hazardous' Soils Transporter Truck #: Facility #: Afìl7 G~erator's Phone #: Generator's US EPA ID No. SOUTHLAND CORP :555 S RF::I'~T Uj\J \):t L.U":¡:3E í='L.nCl:: Person to Contact: FAX#: Customer Account Number with TPS: f~Ef'nCJH" !¡~¡:.) <::)Oøø::¡ Consultant's Name and Billing Address: E:KCEl.,l, EXC{..)Wn INì::;~ H~C. P. O. BU;{ 6176 U !:; ç:\ 7SCiUTLt-i Consultant's Phone #: ("71. ~) 21.+9 -'·;::~ï:""::ì~~::~ Person to Contact: !1nnl-( TFt'il)I,..ETiJN FAX#: Customer Account Number with TPS: LnGUNf:i NT FHJEL" en C);~::(:,:ZI7-+, t '/t' Generation Site (Transport from): (name & address) \JU~~ ( -./ ~ l;) ;::. .(...'~:~ ., ;7".,1 ~":::I (I !:;:~ 1 î.]¡flli?¡I~;:"j p BTEX Levels Site Phone #: 3mnHLr-ìl\iD LI.'¡:~;:·' 'tø J. ::: \,o.,iH 1 1'F::\(1'\/':::: r:.)í LI::\. Person to Contact: TPH Levels FAX#: AVG. Levels ¡:\A¡q::::¡E~!:'lEL.D., c:n :):~;:~:ø':j Designated Facility (Transport to): (¡¡nme & address) UH~ì Facility Phone #: Facility Permit Numbers fr\:J TLCHNC:¡,(!i;Tr:'::· [NC E3 i¡~¡ f~" u e, b ;? ,~~ ,~,:~:? !~:t J Person to Contact: 1 ~:~ ;:~~ -.:::: ft, ;...; T P, :: '>_:; (~:~. ~ ~'.~ r~ \,) F: , ¡jfìHFóEN p" FAX#: I<Tt FT tleI!~ :; ;:~ if t. L: ^ JJ:¡ () E: '::I/::,.¡ Transporter Name and Mailing Address: L.LJT~:;t~L ·TF~~LI¡,:::j·< .t},,~C; tJ~>/~i )' t.. C¡ ~,.. I::' L} t:\ "". E.\ ~¿i ~~J .~:~ Transporter's Phone #: BAI<ERSFIEl_I)~ C~A 93308 í.JE":¡:::¡ !~~H!\1DY FAX#: { fjìri J TH/fD!YÎ Transporter's US EPA ID No,: C: ~..~ Li (?f f:' ::.~~ Cf 1,?1 ~...~: (:' .:., Î-:) Transporter's DOT No.: ~~ :l !"ÎPi!Sb'7 :'/1 Customer Account Number with TPS: 7t_{j'f ¡~tE·L. i: \ ' l \ -ti~ij f U....~''\",· t-, ( p, (?~ ~.; ~; '-:.~ r::, '.:.', - (") ):;:~ (. b (~,è~ j :'~; hhf\Jl"j (;D. Person to Contact: ., J Description of Soil Moisture Content Contaminated by: Approx. Qty: Description of Delivery Gross Weight Tare Weight Sand 0 Clay 0 Organic 0 Other 0 0-10% 0 10-20% 0 20% - over 0 O· 10% 0 10-20% 0 20% - over 0 Gas 0 Diesel 0 Otií:êr 0 Gas 0 Diesel 0 Other 0 6ft'õ 32. ok¡Q Sand 0 Clay 0 Organic 0 Other 0 List any exception to items listed above: 1- lf3 Generator's and/or consultant's certification: I/We certify that the soil referenced herein is taken entirely from those soils described in the Soil Data Sheet completed and certified by me/us for the Generation Site shown above and nothing has been added or done to such soil that would alter it in any way, Print or Type Name: ,Jo. Consultant 0 Signature and date: I' \ \ Recycling Facility certifies the receipt of the soil covered by this manifest except as ~d bove: (' Print or Type Name: Signature d lte: D. Bartle~t/D. BENTON , . . ~~/ TPS INVOICING COPY TPS Technologi. S&iI R Non-Hazardous Soils Generator's US EPA 1D No, ~8gTeLA~~T82RÇILLAGE PLACE Person to Contact: FAX#: Customer Account Number with TPS: HEN1"0!\1, !"'¡f:i cH3ØØS US(4 Consultant's Phone #: Consultant's Name and Billing Address: EXCELL EXCAVATING, INC. P.O. BOX (\176 (,714) 249-"'22.:::~-:i Person to Contact: WH~k TEMPLETON FAX#: Customer Account Number with TPS: U¡GUNn N J GUFL., CH 9é:f:.Ø7--b176 LJDn < 7 1 -4'> é~ 4 t) -,-.~? .~~ (;.. ~j 1 1!1I7H711t ;=:: ß BTEX Levels Generation Site (Transport from): (name & address) Site Phone #: SDUTHLAt·.!D Clll~P .'¡.Ii) 1 ¡:::: Wi J ·rELJ-"lI'..¡r:: EXCEL Person to Contact: TPH Levels FAX#: AVe. Levels f:\íW,E F!:::';F J 1:::1.,1)" en 93::S12i9 Designated Facility (Transport to): (name & address) usn Facility Permit Numbers Facili ty Phone #: nøø--ßb2-ßi!'!Qll Person to Contact: DARR~~ R. BAR'fLET'[ TP:3 TEC!il'~OL_UG I EE 1 ¡-,¡C. 12328 HIBISCUS AVE. FAX#: Transporter's US EPA 1D No,: CADv.\f\~::;(¡¡(¿.I3f. (:../~ Transporter's DOT No,: UJTHFL. TmJCI< I !\IF! R!ll"-,) .';'3 '"3 '''Ø;::::4(:~ Person to Contact: 631:.':. f:ìt"JD~-J RD. Customer Account Number with TPS: 7UJTREL BAKERSFIELD, CA 9330e USA Description of Soil Moisture Content Contaminated by: Approx. Qty: ) Description of Delivery Gross Weight Tare Weight Net Weight o - 10% Q 10-20% Q 20% . over Q O· 10% 0 10-20% q 20% - over Q List any exception to items listed above: Gas Q Di~l Q 'CAA~t 0 o IJ Q Sand 0 Organic 0 Clay 0 Other IJ Sand IJ Organic IJ Clay IJ Other IJ 1 ~)ð6 31 ~¡..(;) Gas Diesel Other 2'svÇ I Generator's and/or consultant's certification: I/We certify that the soil referenced herein is talœn entirely from those soils described in the Soil Data Sheet completed and certified 1:iy me/us for the Generation Site shown above and nothing has been added or done to such soil that would alter it in any way, Print or Type NaÒ)"ì Transporter's certificatio~) I/We acknowledge receipt of the soil described above and certify that such soil is being delivered in exactly the same condition as when received, I/We further certify that this soil is being directly tran~ported from the Generation' Site to the Designated Facility without off-loading, adding to, subtracting from or in any way delaying delivery to such site, Consultant IJ Signature and date: ß f\ {)1-<.5 Recycling Facility certifies the receipt of the soil covered by this manifest except as . Print or Type Name: D. Bar'tlett/D. BENTON TPS INVOICING COpy TPS Technologie¡s Sòil Recycling Non-Hazardous Soils Transportèr Truck #: Consultant SOUTHLAND CORP 555 S RENTON VILLAGE PLACE RENTON1 I-JA 9 8ØØ~. Consultant's Name and Billing Address: , EX CELL EXCAVATING, INC. P.O. BOX £>17E:. Lf.:\ßUI-.. Ç¡ NIGUEI." CA ':'j2t,Ø7--6176 Generation Site (Transport from): (name & address) SOLJTHLOND CDRP 40 l2 ~"¡H I TEd4 '''E EjCCt.. usr.:¡ USA USA US(::¡ us¡::¡ -za... A07 10583 BA~<E RSF 1: ELI! Cq ~J 3:309 Generator's us EPA ID No, Person to Contact: FAX#: Customer Account Number with TPS: Designated Facility (Transport to): (name & address) TPS TECHNOL.OGIES INC. ,[ ~::::3í='ß H Il~ 1 :,:ìCUt') ÇWF, ~':\del¿;,nlD" en 9~:::3(iH Transporter Name and Mailing Address: UJTHt;~L TF1UCF, I NG t',<~ i:"i ~¡¡·J[it.J FW, BÇI!-(ERSFIELD, Description of Soil ¡--.'''. 1_...~i , 330Ei Moisture Content Contaminated by: Approx. Qty: Sand 0 Clay 0 0-10% 0 10· 20% 0 20% - over 0 .Gas. 0 ..~~~ Gàs 0 Diesel 0 Other 0 Consultant's Phone #: Organic 0 Other 0 o - 10% 0 10-20% 0 20% - over 0 List any exception to items listed above: Sand 0 Clay 0 Organic 0 Other 0 (714) 249 -¡?225 Person to Contact: MAHI~ TEtifPL.ETON FAX#: (7 Site Phone #: Customer Account Number with TPS: Person to Contact: TPH Levels FAX#: AVG. Levels Facility Phone #: ßl7.lil.I..,Bb;:::--BØØ 1 Person to Contact: DARREN R. BqRTL~'rT Facility Permit Numbers FAX#: 7t-,Ø'-L:~(+b ---SØØ4 Transporter's Phone #: U3fZ15) 3Sg'-Ø;?4b Person to Contact: Transporter's US EPA 10 No,: Lt:~DØtj3ØØ36'-3g Transporter's DOT No.: Ri4NDY ':3PlITH/TCì!\1 ~: :íÌ"lti11Sb"~·'· FAX#: Customer Account Number with TPS: 7LUTRi;:L Description of Delivery Gross Weight Tare Weight ~~04{) s-tf¿õ 2-8bßS Generator's and/or consultant's certification: [/We certify thilt the soil referenced herein is taken entirely from those soils described in the Soil Data Sheet completed and certified by me/us for the Generation Site shown above and nothing hils been added or done to such soil thilt would alter it in any way, Consultant 0 Signature and date: "- TPS INVOICING COPY Sand 0 Clay 0 Organic 0 Other 0 0·10% 0 10-20% 0 20% - over 0 Gas. 0 &~g Gas 0 Diesel 0 Other 0 TPS Technologi . ß Rli:ycling Non-Hazar' ous Soils Transporter Tru~k #: Facility #: A07 Generator's US EPA ID No, SOUTHLAND CORP 555 S RENTON VILLAGE PLACE Person to Contact FAX#: Customer Account Number with TPS: Consultant's Name and Billing Address: Consultant's Phone #: EX CELL EXCAVATING, INC. P. O. BDX Ed 76 Person to Contact: I>1Ç)R~< TEMPI.EHij; FAX#: Customer Account Number with TPS: U::¡(3\.JNf\ N! 13UEL, C~{ ':;2t:.tt.:\I"b.1'/6 Generation Site (Transport from): (name & address) Lur, 'r .(~.) .:) 4 Ct .._ '::~ ':-.) ;", r::~ Site Phone #: BTEX Levels SO!,:I·HLPNU COF<P ftet J (:~ WH:; TE.LJiNE F}~CFL Person to Contact: TPH Levels FAX#: Ave, Levels DfJ}!,FF<!:.;F I ELD. C:H 933ØS Designated Facility (Transport to): (name & address) US(~\ TPG TECliNCH,UF' I F.5 I ¡,It J.;:? 3~~::8 HIP- J ~:;C;j~) ¡':W E.. Facility Phone #: 8ØØ·P·f<~ '--aøø 1- Person to Contact: DHnREN R.. BAPTLE11 FAX#: . Facility Permit Numbers 1. .:'¡ .,!:; IJ Transporter Name and Mailing Address: Ilc-Ç LUT nFl. r i~UC!'( J \,1':"; b.:'; J ~~,) '3I'KH·J rm" (f::~Ø~5} 3{~! 1';) -··el~:=~·4,6 Person to Contact: BAV-.ERSF J ELlJ, C(-) 9~~;3Ø8 us¡:.¡ Description of Soil Moisture Content Contaminated by: Approx. Qty: Description of Delivery 0-10% 0 10-20% 0 20% - over 0 List any exception to items listed above: Sand 0 Clay 0 Organic 0 Other 0 ó9lJJ 1-9¡y. l4.51 2tlor Generator's and/or consultant's certification: [/We certify that the soil referenced herein is taken entirely from those soils described in the Soil Data Sheet completed and certified by me/us for the Generation Site shown above and nothing has been added or done to such soil that would alter it in any way, Print or Type Name: Generator 0 Signature and date: ·t\'j I.'} , Transporter's certification: [/We acknowledge receipt of th condition as when received. [/We further certify that this il is being directly transported from the Generation Site to the Designated Facility without off-loading, adding to, subtracting from or in any way delaying delivery to such site, ~ Recycling Facility certifies the receipt of the soil covered by this manifest except as ed above: Print or Type Name: D. f.lë\r-'t.::¡ et.t /0. BENTON TPS INVOICING COpy Appendix G Soil Compaction Test Results 22150uslrpt FLUOR DANIEL Gfl ~ -. (jiKrazarl& ASSOCIATES, I NC --- G£O'fJ::CHNICAL ENGINEERING. ENVIRONMENTAl. ENGINEERING CONSTR.UCTlON TESTING & N5ìf>~CTION May 13. J998 Project No. 026-98158 Permit No. BR02 T 5 EXCEL EXCAVATING, INC. Attn: Mark Templeton P,Q, Box 6) 76 Laguna Niguel, Calitbrnia 92607 R.E: Compaction Tt;:sting . Tank Backfill \'¡'hite Lane 7-11 4012 White Lane Bakerstield, California Gentlemen, In accordance with your authorization, we have performed compaction testing at the above-referenced project. T<:sts were performed by our engineering technician. The results of the tests taken within the ta11k backtìll were 90% or above the maximum density. The limits of our testing were dctÌned by the Contractor. This testing does not preclude the possibility that the soil or fill may be loosened by future construction activiti~s. Re¡.:ults of tht! test:; repre:;ent the compactiøn Ilt tho locations whc!'c thc tests werc performed. Tho en8il'ð'~a'j¡)8 evaluatjøn oftbe structural integrity of the entire backfill is be):ond the scope of this work. The maximum depth of tïl1 tested was t\.\'elve inches. Neither continuous nor part-time grading observations were performed for this proj~ct. Our firm does not guarantee earthwork construction, nor docs our work relieve the contractor of his responsibility to conform with the approved project plans and specifications. The tables on the following pages present the results of the density tests taken at the project site. The depths ¡,:.it~d are measured from rough grade, Tèst numbers that are followed by an 'Rt indicate retests. If you have any questions or if we may be of further assistance, please do nQt hesitate to contact our office at (805) 633-2200. . Wa.lker Region Manager Testing & Inspection Division Dean Alexander Geotechnical Engineer ROE No. 002051 GÜWfDA.:ak Offices Serving The Western United States 42.1 1 r O$(er A vçnuc . Bakcrsfield CA 93308. (805) 633-2200 . (888) 633.2200 . pax: (80S) 633-3930 [¡ACKFILL