HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN ~ i:l () -:z _ ~ \ ~'tI\ ..It ,U t· f¿ ~ .sJ \ -. Sm: DIAGRAM , Bulin.. Name' Business ~dre~: r/J1hVTSSoo{. ~ Floral SUpply. 5 I ref 0. I ~'6q 4751 While Lane .-......-¡, ( Bakersfield. CA 9SWCILITY DIAG t " 'JcfJrJ..~ \ ~'P 6TB/f2.S ~;::::It--' Ð~ - -- \ " ~ ,\~ ~ w If P=t; #çfJ£-E ~ ~ i ,.:'.~ (þ......~ ~~!. ~~ø. ~::r"" ·oi õ - ... ....-r-e!, ~~( ) (.o)<DC o '0 co '0 õ< :J. 1- (; ':> 112Qofi1 5 fðCi /'+i IS fú /II ;4liíõíU,flìc-??,fNt/R 5¡S/êt1 ~ 'S!: {)J ft12l: }bit" ~ ! " biïfl).o~· r{~ f \tl¡') £1 {t'>\f/ . 19 ~ ~~ )-- .::þ. ~ ~ I }~ }' ''),' (y -- -' . '; 1 , ~r ~ a ~ I ! I , I I i , \ ! ( , í ( , I ¡ I , ¡ S~ DIA~RAM t f Busaneas Name: _ I Business Address: I I ¡ , I I F~cart . +- I \ ¡ ", I '¡ ¡ I \ I' I II ¡ I I 1, I' I. \ I \ ¡ \ , I ¡ ¡ j DIAGRAM r i I ì \ I I \ I ( ( \ I I I I ¡ I I Per it Operüte to Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit ~ C,ONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE This permit Is Issued for the following: : It! Hazardous Materials Plan o Underground Storage of Hazardous Materials o Risk Management Program o Hazardous Waste On-Site Treabnent Permit ID #:: 015-000-001389 Issued by: , " :.:,\' , , Bakersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES· 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Approved by: Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 Expiration Date: Issue Date . .June 3JJ, 2003 .. ,- BAKERSFIELD FLORAL supJIp CommCode: EPA Numb: 1'Y\ ð \J ¿q Ie;> 18 (~0t~{1 BAKERSFIELD STATION 13 . JBl14M1 "', / SiteID: 015-021~001389 Manager : ALAN WIENER Location: 4751 WHITE LN City BAKERSFIELD BusPhone: Map : 103 Grid: 30C (661) 327-4841 CommHaz : Minimal FacUnits: 1 AOV: SIC Code:5999 DunnBrad: Emergency Contact ALAN WIENER Business Phone: 24 -Hour Phone' : Pager Phone / Title / OWNER (661) 327-4841x (661) 832-1376x () x Period Preparer: Certif'd: parcelNo: to Emergency Contact / Title ILA MARTIN / MANAGER Business Phone: (661) 327-4841x 24~Hour Phone (661) 663-9256x Pager Phone ( ) x Fire Press Phone: (661) 327-4841x State: CA Zip 93309 Phone: (661) 327-4841x State: CA Zip 93309 TotalASTs: = Gal TotalUSTs: = Gal RSs: No Hazmat Hazards: Contact : MailAddr: 4751 WHITE LN City BAKERSFIELD Owner Address City ALAN WIENER 1410 LA PUENTE DR BAKERSFIELD Emergency Directives: FORMERLY AT 1100 18TH ST CLOSED 5-1-98. " Do hereby certify that I have (Type or print name) W t-- ~ N~ reviewed the attached hazardous malerials manage- )# __ /, , ment plan for and that it along with // t tI loA-' (Name 01 Business) 1l¡J-/J~ i AA /J~nY_correct~:sconstitu~~ a complete and~ct ma~_____ .. - -. 71.:- t) --.lf7-f¥JLf~ement plan for my facility. ~t:; b--/~o3 ItS - #AL ~I/ /1 /ðJ uJ;~N ¿> f' -7-03 DatI! -1- 07/02/2003 FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H· Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H· Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 - -- May 3,2001 Mr, Alan Wiener Bakersfield Floral Supply 4751 White Lane Bakersfield, CA 93309 Dear Mr. Wiener: Enclosed, please find the Site and Facility Diagram Instructions packet. When your Hazardous Materials Management Plan and Inventory were submitted it was lacking the diagram portion. Please draw and submit the diagram( s) of your facility by June 8, 2001. The diagram should include the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) name of your business; business address; indicate which direction is North; the cross streets neighboring business addresses (within 300 feet) entrances and exits location of utility shut-offs; location of the nearest fire hydrant; portions of the building protected by automatic sprinkler system; and most importantly the location of the hazardous material(s), 9) If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (661) 326-3658. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, RALPH E, HUEY, DIRECTOR OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ßß ( V\ Esther Duran, Accounting Clerk II Office of Environmental Services ED\db Enclosures ~~ C/' J/' (/' -~ j/ -'"7'» // (f';.! ~~ .JO~tN:/I?· #1(' (jonl//lN/tÚ'?, '%'/~ ,-/i/b(J/~e .%tr/'-' .JCJ (i/é/z/N/,,,? .~. 1t \ - BAKERSFIELD FLORAL SUPPLY SiteID: 015-021-001389 CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION EPA Numb: F¡/ _ ", E/ CEIV~IJ .'. &;;. BusPhone : / ,;,::'; iì rj Map : 103 / .} ê: 2000 Grid: 30C ENVl!1CW .~,., 13 ' , . It:RVICES SIC Code: 5999 DunnBrad: (805) 327-4841 CommHaz : Minimal FacUnits: 1 AOV: Manager : ALAN WIENER Location: 4751 WHITE LN City BAKERSFIELD Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title ALAN WIENER / OWNER lLA MARTIN / MANAGER Business Phone: (805) 327-4841x Business Phone: (805) 327-4841x 24-Hour Phone : (805) 832-1376x 24-Hour Phone : (805) 663-9256x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: Fire Press - - Contact : Phone: ( 8 0 5) 327-4841x MailAddr: 4751 WHITE LN State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD Zip : 93309 Owner ALAN WIENER Phone: (805) 327-4841x Address : 1410 LA PUENTE DR State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD Zip : 93309 : Period : to TotalASTs: = Gal Pre parer: TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: No Emergency Directives: FORMERLY AT 1100 18TH ST CLOSED 5-1-98. One Unified List 1 All Materials at Site ì f= Hazmat Inventory f== As Designated Order Hazmat Common Name... SpecHaz EPA Hazards DailyMax HELIUM F P G .244.00 ~r:r3 Min I, 11 '-11 tV LrJ j I U'\-€~ Do hereby certify that I have (fype or print name) . 'J'.' ~ ,-': '~" . . ~ - . reviewed the attached hazardous materials manage- ment plan forDI1Kefs.f7êfc! R(mJand that it along with (Name of Business) any correctiolls constitute a completeand.correcí man- '_ . agement plan for my facility. - .. ~!jY_J - signa;;': It3ó-oô Ie 10/24/2000 ... :; e RECEIVED JUN 2 3 1998 e F BAKERSFIELD FLORAL SUPPLY .l}Ltt-IJ fA} ¡' eA't{L Ltl"Sl w~-tLk.. 11QQ 18TH O'P BAKERSFIELD SiteID: 215-000-001389 CommCode: EPA Numb: BY: q 3361 BAKERSFIELD STATION 01 BusPhone: Map : 103 Grid: 30C (805) 327-4841 CommHaz : Minimal FacUnits: 1 AOV: Manager : Location: City SIC Code:5999 DunnBrad: Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact /. Title/Y1It/IJaGl:?1i ALAN WIENER / ~-- HiI]!n.~H ;¡:11t f111tf!.íIlJ - Business Phone: (805) 327-4841x Business Phone: (805) 327-4841x 24-Hour Phone : (805) 832-1376x 24-Hour Phone : (805) 1- - .. ..lit: ¡;tð t!t ~ Pager Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - X I Hazmat Hazards: Fire Press Contact : PrI-AU LV ì €.A t.l(.. w/¡(-{-f¿ ~ Phone: (1tG> 3d? - YTYlx MailAddr: llßû .........~u ST Cf7 sl State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD ý'33ðf Zip : ~a~ 133)'1 Owner ALAN WIENER Phone: (805) 327-4841x Address : 1410 LA PUENTE DR State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD Zip : 93309 Period : to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparer: TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: No Emergency Directives: MOVED 5-1-98 TO 4751 WHITE LN, BUSINESS PLAN TO BE UPDATED, SENT 6-11-98. One Unified List ì All Materials at Site ì f= Hazmat Inventory f== As Designated Order Hazmat Common Name... SpecHaz EPA Hazards DailyMax MCP HELIUM ii, F P ~p vtLA,j W e.-r¡ ef.- Do hereby certifv thai i have (T\1~ 01' print rmme) :y i'@?:¡1i®w®d th(2) ~~ached hazardous mat®ú'ials manag\9- M®!îR p~á1~ ~©r f¿/J~~:[¡ ¡~¿:ffcf ~íta1 it alcng wi~h any C@i'l1'~¡©filS OOfi1Smute ~ complets ~nd correct m~m- agøme&"ù~ p!®Wù ~@f my facili~. G 244 FT3 Min (,. -/8fr -1- 06/11/1998 .. i e e F BAKERSFIELD FLORAL SUPPLY I p= Notif./Evacuation/Medical r=: Agency Notification I CALL 911 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY r=:: Employee Notif./Evacuation LIT FRONT DOOR / ~!¿'t.. ç: rz€ -:£:bo r- Public Notif./Evacuation SiteID: 215-000-001389 ì Fast Format ì Overall Site ì 03/02/19921 ] 1 03/02/1992 03/02/1992 VERBAL Emergency Medical Plan 03/02/1992 MERCY HOSPITAL 2215 TRUXTUN AV BAKERSFIELD, CA. (805) 327-3371 -2- 06/11/1998 " e e F BAKERSFIELD FLORAL SUPPLY I p= Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt r=: Release Prevention I HELIUM TANK HAS SHUT OFF VALVE, TO FILL BALLOONS ~ Release Containment ~PROVED PRESSURIZED CYLINDER SiteID: 215-000-001389 l Fast Format ì Overall Site l 03/02/1992 ] ] ] I 03/02/1992 Clean Up 03/02/1992 HELIUM IS A GAS - NO CLEAN UP REQUIRED - Other Resource Activation -3- 06/11/1998 <-. e e í BAKERSFIELD FLORAL SUPPLY êêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêê SiteID: 215-000-001389 ¡ íêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêëêêêêêêëëêêêêêêêëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë Fast Format ¡ íë Site Emergency Factors ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë Overall Site ¡ íêê Special Hazards ëëëëêêêëëëëëëêêêëëëëëëêêêêëëëëëëêêêëëëëëêêêêëëëëêêêêëëëëëêê¡ o 0 o o åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëêêëëëëëëêêêëëëëëëêêj íëëë Utility Shut-Offs ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëêëëëëëë 01/07/1990 ¡ o 0 o A) GAS - ALLEY ( n 0 o B) ELECTRICAL - iU~JMt '-'J. ":>.LI;;)K~ fbuJtfl 'S~~ fu.c.k ð.ç.. 6t.A...nc?-o" ð 0 o C) WATER - ALLEY I 0 o D) SPECIAL - NßNE 0 o E) LOCK BOX - NO 0 o ~ 0 åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëj íëëëë Fire protec./Avail. Water ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë 01/07/1990 i o 0 o FIRE PROTECTION - WATER - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS o FIRE HYDRANT - ,1L - In o o o o o o o o åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëj íëëëëë Building Occupancy Level ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë¡ o 0 o o åëëëêëëëëëëëêëëëëëëëêëëëëëëêëêëëëëëëêêëëêëëëëëêëëëëëëêêêëëëëëêêêëëëëëëêêêêëëëêëj J í- ;-, ,.' ... e e -4- 06/11/1998 ~, .,. é e e í BAKERSFIELD FLORAL SUPPLY ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë SiteID: 215-000-001389 íëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë Fast Format íë Training ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë Overall Site íëë Employee Training ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë 11/18/1991 ¡ o 0 o WE HAVE ~EMPLOYEES G) 0 o 0 o WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE o o o o EMPLOYEES READ MATERIAL, UNDERSTAND MATERIALS AND SAFETY REGULATIONS o o o åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëf íëëë Page 2 ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë¡ o 0 o o åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëf íëëëë Held for Future Use ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë¡ 0 0 o o åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëf íëëëëë Held for Future Use ëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëë¡ o 0 o o åëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëëf -5- 06/11/1998