HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION 7/13/2001 ~jJ:::I:~I!.] ~':l.:a.:a.:tl:..:f:(".[e].' · Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. · Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you, · Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1, Article Addressed to: r ABDUL AZIZ FASTBREAK 4800 WHITE LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 ~----~--- -~------------ ~ent o Addressee Bþ~l. by (~rinted Name) c'é;e ~ rt? D, Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: 0 No x 3, Service Type .k1 Certified Mail o Registered o J 0 Insured Mail o Express Mail o Return Receipt for Merchandise o C,Q,D, 4, Restricted Delivery? 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FAX (661) 326-0576 TO: COMPANY: 6tø(~ ('~i íi~ FROM: .6øy w~~ FAX NO.: 3;;3 - 90o!, COMMENTS: / / - /f./ ,0/ /;;2-IC¡ ,61 /-/0-2 . .3/u.ð ¡(¿t/~:I ~4(/t/Á- ~ CÁæt¿-~tJ;"; ~ 3ÁM ~.U/àUJ + ~~apt:a41~ M/£ kr:l d/'M-æ ~~ b;;lfd ;);ótl1d. /IL~: ~ 21vtð h'uW r a~ /lL/71tJ (/æ,f 1~ 6' JÚJ - e ~¿1. po .:=- i tyO. ,ro 1/rwcw/ . . ~ ~Ø-J wA C/þAZy a~ t~ ~ a- M ;)-.)-J'-OJ- ~~Á tf2)~ ¿ydM..-/J~ ¡; C vo. G J ~ ~ ~ /Íað ~ ~tft1~ Yt7U ~~ k tðlJ>- £uÞ? f/L-i' _1Þ- -dI.Y9?-..3?~ 3 /~ ~ ~. r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~I ~... . . ..... '.' ~:-..'.:: ~- '.:- '. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT & RISK ASSESSMENT COUNTRY CLUB CLEANERS 4800 WHITE LANE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Prepared For: WHITE & STINE PARTNERS 4450 California Avenue, Suite K-303 Bakersfield, CA. 93309 File No. 01-9597 Prepared By: Soils Engineering, Inc. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA. 93313 July 13, 2001 4400 YEAGER WAY · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 · PHONE (661) 831-5100 · FAX: (661) 831-2111 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I ~... ... ". '.' - .: ....:=. '.:~.. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. July 13, 2001 File No. 01-9597 Mr. Brad Barbeau White & Stine Partners 4450 California Ave. Suite K-303 Bakersfield, CA. 93309 Subject: Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Report & Risk Assessment For Country Club Cleaners 4800 White Lane Bakersfield, California Mr. Barbeau: This Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Report and Risk Assessment has been prepared by Soils Engineering, Inc. (SEI) following the completion of field work and the receipt of soil sample analytical results at the Country Club Cleaners located at 4800 White Lane in Bakersfield, CA. (site). This report includes a description of the fieldwork conducted, soil boring locations, soil sample analytical results, a discussion of results, a risk assessment and recommendations for the site. BACKGROUND Country Club Cleaners has occupied this site since the early 1980's conducting dry cleaning services to the public. Prior to the early 1980's the site was vacant land or agricultural related. To assess the depth and lateral extent of chlorinated solvents in the soil in the area of the dry cleaning machine and other potential source areas, SEI advanced a total of 10 soil borings to a depth of 5' bgs. at the site. PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT Field Work Assessment of Soil Conditions (10 Soil Borings to depth of 5') SEI advanced 7 soil borings (Bl to B7) within the building area to a depth of 5' below ground surface (bgs.) on April 20,2001 and an additional 3 soil borings (B-8 to B-I0) on June 11,2001 at locations shown on the attached Plot Plan (Plate 2). Borings B 1 to B4 were placed within 2' of the dry cleaning machine on all 4 sides. Boring B5 was placed near the back door, boring B-6 was adjacent to a floor drain and the boiler and B7 was adjacent to an old Tetrachloroethene (PCE) filtering machine within the boiler room. Boring B-8 was located 10' west of boring B-2, boring B-9 was located approximately 6' northeast of boring Bl, and boring B-I0 was located approximately 5' south of boring B-3 to better define the PCE plume in these areas. Soil 4400YEAGERWAY · BAKERSFIELO,CALlFORNIA93313 · PHONE(661)831-5100 · FAX: (661) 831-2111 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Phase II Site Assessment Report Country Club Cleaners 4800 White Lane. Bakersfield. CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File No. 01-9597 July 13, 2001 Paee 2 samples were collected at depths of 1', 3' and 5' bgs. at each boring location utilizing a hand auger and a core sampler. A 5' bgs. soil sample was not possible at boring B-9 due to an obstruction at approximately 3' bgs.. The borings were advanced with a hand auger after the removal of a small portion of concrete (4" -diameter hole) at the surface. Soil samples were collected with a core sampler containing a 2.5" diameter brass sleeve at depths of 1', 3' and 5' after the hand auger had been removed from the borehole at the sampling depths. The cort;; sampler was advanced approximately 6-inches into the undisturbed soil to collect the soil sample by hand auguring. After retrieval the soil sample was sealed with Teflon-lined Caps, labeled and placed into an iced cooler. The soil type was documented along with any staining, hydrocarbon vapor readings and odor on a boring log. The hand auger and core sampler were decontaminated (washing and rinsing) between each sampling event to prevent cross-contamination. Soil cuttings were placed back into the borehole and capped with concrete to match existing grade. Analytical Testing of Soil Samples Selected soil samples (total of 29) were analyzed for halogenated volatile organics by EP A Method 802lB at Positive Lab Service in Los Angeles, CA. a State certified analytical laboratory. The soil samples were transported in a sealed cooler with blue ice and completed chain of custody documents by overnight courier. FINDINGS Description of Soil Type A California registered geologist (RG) described the soil types in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) as the borings were advanced. In general the top 2' of each soil boring was predominately silty sand (SM) which was dark yellowish brown, soft, moist, with no staining or odor. The soil from 2' to 4' bgs. generally consisted of clayey silt (ML), which was underlain by poorly to well graded sands (SP or SW), which were medium yellowish brown, very fine to coarse grained, medium dense, damp, with no staining or odor. Clay (CL) was encountered in the bottom of borings Bl, B3, and B4. Hydrocarbon vapors were detected in the soil samples ranging from 75 ppm to 150 ppm with the highest reading in the 3' bgs. samples of borings B3 and B4. Slight odor and possible staining was noticed in the 3' bgs. samples from borings B8 and B9. See attached boring logs B 1 to B 1 0 for more detail in Appendix B. Analytical Results of Soil Samples A total of 29 soil samples were analyzed for halogenated volatile organics by EP A Method 802lB at Positive Lab Services in Los Angeles, CA.. The analytical results indicate significant concentrations of the dry cleaning solvent Tetrachloroethene, also known as PCE, in the top 4 feet at the site in the vicinity of the dry cleaning machine (borings B 1 to B4 and B9). No significant PCE concentrations were reported in any of the soil samples from borings B5 to B7. The highest PCE concentration reported in this investigation was 7600 ppb at boring B9 at a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Phase II Site Assessment Report Country Club Cleaners 4800 White Lane. Bakersfield. CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File No. 01-9597 July 13, 2001 Page 3 depth of l' bgs.. Other soil samples with PCE concentrations reported above 100 ppb were; B I- l' (1100 ppb), Bl-3' (6900 ppb), B2-3' (1700 ppb), B3-l' (350 ppb), B3-3' (1300 ppb), B4-l' (120 ppb), B4-3' (3900 ppb), B8-3' (160 ppb), B9-3' (7500 ppb), and BlO-3' (310 ppb). No other chlorinated solvents were reported in any of the soil samples, except for Trichloroethene (TCE) at 25 ppb in soil sample B8-3'. Reported constituents are presented on Table 1 and complete analytical reports are attached as Appendix A. RISK ASSESSMENT A Risk Assessment is presented below which suggests remedial cleanup levels for the site and evaluates current and potential risk and hazards to workers and the environment at the site. A risk assessment was performed by SEI utílizing the program Risk Based Corrective Action (RBCA) Tool Kit for Chemical Releases by GSI. The 95% Upper Confidence Level (VCL) of the reported concentration of PCE above 100 ppb in the soil (4500 ppb) was inputted along with the worst case soil type (sand), current depth to groundwater (170 feet), and other pertinent site- specific information to determine an appropriate cleanup level for this site. The calculated RBCA cleanup level concentration for PCE in soil is lower than what is currently in-place at the site. The cleanup level for PCE in soil at a commercial site is 1.9 parts per million (ppm) and the 95% UCL at the site is 4.5 ppm. The exposure pathways that come close to exceeding the target risk (1 x 10-5) or hazard (1.0) for a commercial site is the indoor air pathway, which has a cumulative risk of 1.9 x 10-6 and the soil exposure pathway which has a cumulative risk of 2.4 x 10-6. No pathways come close to exceeding the hazard index of 1.0 for the site. According to the attached risk calculations groundwater does not appear to be threatened by this release of PCE at a current depth of 170 feet beneath the site. Since this is a commercial site it appears that the risk and hazard to the occupants/workers and to the groundwater beneath the site is acceptable, if the soil is left: in-place. See attached RBCA Tables and calculations attached as Appendix C for more detail. CONCLUSIONS Based on the results of field observations and analytical results SEI presents the following conclusions for this site: 1) In general, the top 2' of each soil boring was predominately silty sand (SM), which is underlain by clayey silt (ML) from 2' to 4' and then poorly to well graded sands (SP or SW) to a depth of 5' bgs.. Clay (CL) was encountered at 5' bgs. in 4 of the 10 borings. No significant staining or odor was noticed in the soil samples upon collection. Only minor odor and possible staining was noticed in soil samples B8-3' and B9-3'. Hydrocarbon vapors were detected highest in the 3' bgs. soil samples from borings B3 and B4 at 150 ppm. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Phase II Site Assessment Report Country Club Cleaners 4800 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File No. 01-9597 July 13, 2001 Pa2e 4 2) Concentrations of the dry cleaning solvent PCE above 100 ppb have been reported at soil boring locations Bl, B2, B3, B4, B8, B9 and BlO at the site. The highest PCE concentration reported in any of the soil samples analyzed was 7600 ppb at a depth of 1 ' at boring B9. Other significant PCE concentrations reported were 7500 ppb (B9-3'), 6900 ppb (BI-3') and 3900 ppb (B4-3'). None of the 5' deep soil samples had any PCE concentrations reported above 100 ppb, indicating that the dry cleaning solvents are restricted to the top 4' (within the silty zone) in the general area of the dry cleaning machine. The highest PCE concentrations appear to be on the north side of the dry cleaning machine in the areas of borings B 1 and B9 where previous PCE releases may have occurred. 3) No significant PCE concentrations were reported at soil boring locations B5, B6 or B7. A significant decrease in PCE concentrations were reported in borings B8 and BI0, which were step-outs for borings B2 and B3, respectively. 4) The dry cleaning machine, along with buckets or drums containing PCE are the likely source of the PCE Plume. Periodic spills or leaks of PCE on the concrete surface would account for the PCE plume discovered beneath the site in the soil. The estimated solvent plume with concentrations of PCE greater than 100 ppb is approximately 120 cubic yards with a vertical depth of 4' bgs. and a lateral extent of approximately 32' by 25'. The lateral extent has not been established to the north-northeast, but appears to be less than 12' radius from the dry cleaning machine to the west, east and south. The plume appears to continue off-site to the north-northeast beneath the adjoining tenant. See Plate 3 for the approximate PCE plume in the soil beneath the site. 5) A risk based corrective action assessment indicates that the current concentrations of chlorinated solvents in the soil are above the acceptable cleanup levels (1.9 ppm PCE) for a commercial site, although the EP A's Preliminary Remediation Goals (PRG's) for PCE in soil at an industrial site is 19 ppm. The maximum PCE concentration in soil detected at the site was 7.6 ppm, which is less than the EPA's PRG. Based on the risk assessment calculations the cumulative indoor air risk (1.9 x 10-6) and soil exposure risk (2.4 x 10-6) are both within acceptable limits (1 x 10-5) for a commercial site. The risk to the groundwater appears to be acceptable at a current depth of 170' bgs.. RECOMMENDATIONS 1) SEI recommends that the suspected source(s) of the PCE leaks or spills be prevented by installing secondary containment beneath the dry cleaning machine and any buckets or drums ofPCE liquid at the site. 2) Resealing the concrete surface area beneath and adjacent to the dry cleaning machine with an impregnable material is also recommended to resist future infiltration of PCE beneath the concrete and to limit indoor volatilization from the current PCE plume in I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Phase II Site Assessment Report Country Club Cleaners 4800 White Lane. Bakersfield. CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File No. 01-9597 July 13, 2001 Paf!e 5 the soil. LIMITATIONS This report was prepared for the exclusive use of White & Stine Partners as it relates to the property described. The discussion and conclusions presented in this report are based on: - The soil sampling performed at this site. - The observations of field personnel. - The results of laboratory tests performed by Positive Lab Service of Los Angeles, California. - Our understanding of the regulations of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, the DTSC and the EP A. Possible variations in the soil or groundwater conditions which may exist beyond the points explored in this investigation might effect the validity of this report unless those variations or conditions come to our attention and are reviewed and assimilated into the conclusions and recommendations of this report. Also, changes in the hydrologic conditions found could occur with time due to variations in rainfall, temperature, regional water usage, or other factors, any of which could affect this report. The services performed by SEI have been conducted in a manner consistent with the levels of care and skill ordinarily exercised by professionals currently practicing under similar conditions in California. The absence of contamination on or beneath the property cannot be guaranteed by this report. SEI is not responsible for any contamination or hazardous material found on the property. No other warranty expressed or implied is made. Ifthere are any questions concerning this Report please contact SEI at (661) 831-5100. Sincerely, SOILS ENGINEERING INC. 'ltvt// Robert 1. Becker, R.G., REA II 20074 Environmental Division Manager .-" " Enclosures: Table 1, Analytical Results of Soil Samples Plate 1, Location Map Plate 2, Plot Plan ' Plate 3, PCE Plume in Soil at 3' bgs. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Phase II Site Assessment Report Country Club Cleaners 4800 White Lane. Bakersfield. CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File No. 01·9597 July 13, 2001 Paf!e 6 Appendix A, Analytical Reports Appendix B, Boring Logs Appendix C, RBCA Calculations and Tables I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE 1 SOIL SAMPLE ANAL YTICAL RESUL TS COUNTRY CLUB CLEANERS 4800 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA. Results in Parts Per Billion (ppb) Sample No. Date EP A Method 8260 B1-11 4/20/2001 PCE = 1100 All Other NO B1-3' 4/20/2001 PCE = 6900 All Other NO B1-51 4/20/2001 PCE = 51 All Other NO B2-1' 4/20/2001 PCE = 57 All Other NO B2-31 4/20/2001 PCE = 1700 All Other NO B2-5' 4/20/2001 PCE = 6.5 All Other NO B3-1' 4/20/2001 PCE = 350 All Other NO B3-3' 4/20/2001 PCE = 1300 All Other NO B3-5' 4/20/2001 PCE = 9.8 All Other NO B4-1' 4/20/2001 PCE = 120 All Other NO B4-3' 4/20/2001 PCE = 3900 All Other NO B4-51 4/20/2001 PCE = 20 All Other NO B5-1' 4/20/2001 PCE = 7.1 All Other NO B5-3' 4/20/2001 PCE = 8.4 All Other NO B5-5' 4/20/2001 PCE = 14 All Other NO B6-1' 4/20/2001 PCE = 21 All Other NO B6-3' 4/20/2001 PCE = 11 All Other NO B6-5' 4/20/2001 PCE = 25 All Other NO B7-1' 4/20/2001 PCE = 42 All Other NO B7-3' 4/20/2001 PCE = 66 All Other NO B7-5' 4/20/2001 PCE = 34 All Other NO B8-1' 6/11/2001 PCE = 28 All Other NO B8-3' 6/11/2001 PCE = 160,TCE = 25 All Other NO B8-5' 6/11/2001 PCE = 34 All Other NO B9-1' 6/11/2001 PCE = 7600 All Other NO B9-3' 6/11/2001 PCE = 7500 All Other NO B 1 0-1 ' 6/11/2001 PCE = 50 All Other NO B 10-3' 6/11/2001 PCE = 310 All Other NO B 10-51 6/11/2001 PCE = 16 All Other NO Note: PCE = Tetrachloroethene, TCE = Trichloroethene, ppb = parts per billion (ug/kg), ND = None Detected I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I Location Map Country Club Cleaners 4800 White Lane. Bakersfield. Califomia File No. 01-9597 I ~< e Ž ~ - CD "'JÕHN'S Ho.."a Wlš~;:' ò' g,.",," ...' "" -.... ......- I", I ~~ I~I ~ ~~~;IH...A - :o::Ogj\ -II E !t ~rdlcSchOr. '& ci ¡WOOd"i ~ Wood Ln.I·~ L:J,::J1 ¡¡ ; Elle" Jlrunner Or - -I ., lIis 3 ,.. I·~... PI'kWOOd~ ~~o ~ 0 11~ttP_~e_~~Temp'e(J c:c Q) Mafle . II' ã . wEST ¡¡ ,g ar woodCt . a: Squire Ln c( c: Marie r Rose I ..~I ,/.~ ~ ~ sc/1b'b~ I ~ Z Ct. Park: Cork CURRA,.....---.. 0 ~ SC¥:~'SE La Fa:n e Or.. . - '", e 8 ~ W ¡ > No,..~an Ci~E"n Ct. J,H,$'L3\erne Ave, a: c SCH >I~' R d' I.:J rñ¡,~- !lad,an"" W' :J .. u t'90/r . a' Z i~ 51 Clr r.: ,.:. I lü . ..... 0 e en a la c (I o I- :J Sunn't Palms at _ FOard .. r . r ..,r nada ~ Ave. I~ Klng~r:~ lit ~ ~ .1.. I "~C) j~'."t'9c~ . 11« t:: t; -:£ VI LIb,.. 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LAtiE--... .. r--~ ~""" Woodlon A...",- ä: :; ;; ~~ ",,,",,on ....~~",., H.F..V.,"_IIr.1 Z I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 PLA TE 1 'I N t Location Map Country Club Cleaners 4800 White Lane Bakersfield, California Parking Lot Lobby Pressing Area Country Club Cleaners LEGEND o Soil Boring B Location o 5' la' I I I rox. Scale SOILS ENGINEERING INC. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA. 93313 Project No.: 01-9597 Date: 7/5/01 Commercial Tenants PCE Filter Zero Wash Air Compr~ssor N t Boiler Dry B90 I D~'"'''''' Cleaning B 1 0 l.B 7 . Machine 0 B Drc:iin B8 B4 o ~ ~~ I I room F I Dryers ormer Drain ~ _____Back B 100 U'" Q Door Commercial Tenants Waste Drums PLOT PLAN PLATE Country Club Cleaners 4800 White Lane 2 Bakersfield, CA I I I I I I I I Parking Lot I I I I I I I I I I I Commercial Tenants 100 ppb PCE 5000 ppb PCE ;' . -?- . ..I ;' .... Lobby Dry I Cleanin , Machine, ·B8 Pressing , 0 ÑeQ It, ..... Country Club Cleaners 'P , . Waste Drums '"' LEGEND ( _. 100 ppb PCE Boundary l) 1000 ppb PCE Boundary (-.} 5000 ppb PCE Boundary ..... o Soil Boring Analytical Results B Location in ug/kg ppb) o 5' 10' PCE l' I I I PCE 3' Approx. Scale PCE 5' SOILS ENGINEERING INC. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA. 93313 Project No.: 01-9597 Date: 7/5/01 PCE PLUME IN SOIL 3' Country Club Cleaners 4800 White Lane Bakersfield, CA PLATE N t Boiler ashers & Dryers Back Door 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I » "tI "tI m z c >< ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I :1 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. APPENDIX A ANALYTICAL REPORTS & CHAIN OF CUSTODY DOCUMENTS I ....n POSITIVE I III". LAB SERVICE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Soils Engineering Inc. File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661)831-5100 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-637~ CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 93313 Prj.No.9597 Country Club Cleaners 04/27/01 Sample#: 20010847-001 Received: 04/24/2001 Type: Soil 1.0.: Bl-l' . )~it-r:~<m~.t~I:((.. »»~. «((. Dichlorodifluoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl chloride Bromomethane Chloroethane Trichlorofluoromethane l,l-Dichloroethene Methylene chloride trans-l,2-dichloroethene l,l-Dichloroethane Chloroform 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Carbon tetrachloride 1,2-Dichloroethane Trichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane Bromodichloromethane 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether trans-l,3-dichloropropene cis-l,3-Dichloropropene 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene Dibromochloromethane Chlorobenzene Bromoform 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane l,3-Dichlorobenzene Fax: (661) 831-2111 Collector: Client Sampling Date/Time: Method: Via: Fed-Ex 04/20/2001 2:20:00 PM - ».~r~plJ>~~,~>~~h9~J,» »» ..R~µ'~. ««.. »> Y.O¡~..,,» . «P'Q~>. Prep Date: 04/25/2001 Analysis Date: 04/25/2001 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO EPA 5030B EPA 80218 NO EPA 50306 EPA 8021B NO EPA 50306 EPA 80216 NO EPA 50306 EPA 80216 NO EPA 50306 EPA 8021B ND EPA 50306 EPA 80216 NO EPA 50306 EPA 80216 NO EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND EPA 5030B EPA 80216 NO EPA 5030B EPA 80216 NO EPA 5030B EPA 80216 NO EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO EPA 50306 EPA 80216 1100 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 20 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 6 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 63 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 2 ug/kg 2 ug/kg 2 ug/kg 4 20010847-001 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~rJ POSITIVE .".. LAB SERVICE Soils Engineering Inc. File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-5100 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 04/27/01 Prj. No. 9597 Country Club Cleaners Fax: (661) 831-2111 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B * EPA 50308 EPA 80218 63 Percent EPA 50308 EPA 80218 75 Percent EPA 50308 EPA 8021B 69 Percent Collector: Client Method: Via: Fed-Ex Sampling Date/Time: 04/20/2001 2:30:00 PM l,4-Dichlorobenzene l,2-Dichlorobenzene cis-l,2-Dichloroethene Surrogates 8romochloromethane 4-Bromofluorobenzene 4-Bromochlorobenzene Sample#: 20010847-002 Received: 04/24/2001 Type: Soil I.D.: Bl-3' . ,P.~W~JXl~t~L>........, ,,,. Dichlorodifluoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl chloride Bromomethane Chloroethane Trichlorofluoromethane l,l-Dichloroethene Methylene chloride trans-l,2-dichloroethene l,l-Dichloroethane Chloroform 1,1,1- Trichloroethane Carbon tetrachloride l,2-Dichloroethane Trichloroethene l,2-Dichloropropane Bromodichloromethane 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether trans-l,3-dichloropropene cis-l,3-Dichloropropene ,..ereøl1e$t,~,~~hº~L, ......R~µ't,...».. ..Jloi~...... ...P'Q~.. Prep Date: 04/25/2001 Analysis Date: 04/25/2001 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 20 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 6 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 2 20010847-002 I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 ·1 ~f) POSITIVE III"". LAB SERVICE Soils Engineering Inc. File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661)831-5100 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene Dibromochloromethane Chlorobenzene Bromoform 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene cis-l,2-Dichloroethene Surrogates Bromochloromethane 4-Bromofluorobenzene 4-Bromochlorobenzene Sample#: 20010847-003 Received: 04/24/2001 Type: Soil I.D.: Bl-5' x ,P.ªr,~m~t~L,........ m. x Dichlorodifluoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl chloride Bromomethane Chloroethane Trichlorofluoromel:t1ane 1,1-Dichloroethene Methylene chloride trans-l,2-dichloroethene 1,1-Dichloroethane Chloroform 1,1,1'Trichloroethane Carbon tetrachloride 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 04/27/01 93313 Prj. No. 9597 Country Club Cleaners Fax: (661) 831-2111 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 6900 ug/kg -:. 250 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 2 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 NO ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 8021B * EPA 5030B EPA 80218 80 Percent EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 77 Percent EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 72 Percent Collector: Client Method: Via: Fed-Ex Sampling Date/Time: 04/20/2001 2:35:00 PM ,..er~p.IJ,~~~x~,~,th~", cU4uR§~'~~)1'U44HI)~O¡~AA<4iC .)'~º~c. Prep Date: 04/25/2001 Analysis Date: 04/25/2001 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO ug/kg 2 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 NO ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 NO ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 20 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 NO ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 NO ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 NO ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 NO ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 3 20010847-003 I AIIID POSITIVE I lID ~ LAB SERVICE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ç I 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Soils Engineering Inc. File# 13443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661)831-5100 04/27/01 93313 Prj.No.9591 Country Club Cleaners Fax: (661) 831-2111 l,2-Dichloroethane Trichloroethene l,2-Dichloropropane Bromodichloromethane 2-Chloroethylvinyt ether trans-l,3-dichloropropene cis-l,3-Dichloropropene l,l,2-Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene Dibromochloromethane Chlorobenzene Bromoform 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene cis-l,2-Dichloroethene Surrogates Bromochloromethane 4-Bromofluorobenzene 4-Bromochlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg - 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 :.,¡ EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 6 EPA 50 JOB EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50 JOB EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 51 ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 2 EPA 50 JOB EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 2 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 2 EPA 50308 EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 * EPA 5030B EPA 80218 61 Percent EPA 50308 EPA 8021B 55 Percent EPA 5030B EPA 80218 69 Percent Collector: Client Method: Via: FecI-Ex Sampling Date/Time: 04/20/2001 2:40:00 PM Sample#: 20010847-004 Received: 04/24/2001 Type: Soil I.D.: B2-1' . <~;:1r~m~t~r»»J(x««.. »).x ...er~plJ~~~M.~~h9s1,., H«t+Rg§"Jt~UHU<«J J,'¡~"X((« .»~Q~<. Dichlorodifluoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl chloride Bromomethane Chloroethane Trichlorofluoromethane Prep Date: 04/25/2001 Analysis Date: 04/25/2001 EPA 50308 EPA 8021B ND EPA 50308 EPA 8021B ND EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND EPA 50308 EPA 8021B ND EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND EPA 50 JOB EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 2 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 20010847-004 4 I ~n POSITIVE I II". LAB SERVICE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Soils Engineering Inc. File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661)831-5100 CA 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 04/27/01 93313 Prj.No.9597 Country Club Cleaners Fax: (661) 831-2111 1/1-Dichloroethene Methylene chloride trans-l,2-dichloroethene 1,1-Dichloroethane Chloroform 1,1/1-Trichloroethane Carbon tetrachloride 1,2-Dichloroethane Trichloroethene 1/2-Dichloropropane 6romodichloromethane 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether trans-l,3-dichloropropene cis-l/3-Dichloropropene 1,1,2- Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene Dibromochloromethane Chlorobenzene 6romoform 1,1,2/2-Tetrachloroethane 1/3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene cis-l/2-Dichloroethene Surrogates 6romochloromethane 4-6romofluorobenzene 4-6romochlorobenzene EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg ':.20 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ugfkg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 6 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 57 ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 2 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 2 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 2 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 * EPA 50306 EPA 80216 57 Percent EPA 50306 EPA 80216 63 Percent EPA 50306 EPA 80216 51 Percent 5 20010847-004 I ...f1 POSITIVE I .",. LAB SERVICE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Soils Engineering Inc. File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661)831-5100 CA 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 93313 Prj.No.9597 Country Club Cleaners 04/27/01 Sample#: 20010847-005 Received: 04/24/2001 Type: Soil 1.0.: B2-3' . )f!~r'<m~t~r:«(..) »»)lX «( (. Dichlorodifluoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl chloride Bromomethane Chloroethane Trichlorofluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethene Methylene chloride trans-l,2-dichloroethene l,l-Dichloroethane Chloroform 1,1,1- Trichloroethane Carbon tetrachloride l,2-Dichloroethane Trichloroethene l,2-Dichloropropane Bromodichloromethane 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether trans-l,3-dichloropropene cis-l,3-Dichloropropene l,l,2-Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene Dibromochloromethane Chlorobenzene Bromoform 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane l,3-Dichlorobenzene Fax: (661) 831-2111 Collector: aient Sampling Date/Time: Method: Via: Fed-Ex 04/20/2001 2:45:00 PM ",P,[~pll~~~,~,~~hº~", »».)!R~Mlt)!«uu»»V~ni~u»» X«~Q~). Prep Date: 04/25/2001 Analysis Date: 04/25/2001 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ND EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 50306 EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 80216 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 50306 EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 80216 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 50306 EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 80216 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 50306 EPA 8021B 6 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 1700 ND ND ND ND ND ug/kg 2 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 20 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg . 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 6 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 240 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 2 ug/kg 2 ug/kg 2 ug/kg 4 20010847-005 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~I ~Ð POSITIVE ." LAB SERVICE Soils Engineering Inc. File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-5100 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 04/27/01 PIj.No.9597 Country Club Cleaners Fax: (661) 831-2111 EPA 5030B EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80216 ND ug/kg ::. 4 EPA 5030B EPA 89216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80216 * EPA 50308 EPA 8021B 61 Percent EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 63 Percent EPA 5030B EPA 80218 55 Percent Collector: Client Method: Via: Fed-Ex Sampling Date/Time: 04/20/2001 2:55:00 PM 1,+Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene cis-l,2-Dichloroethene Surrogates Bromochloromethane +8romofluorobenzene +8romochlorobenzene Sample#: 20010847-006 Received: 04/24/2001 Type: Soil I.D.: 82-5' . ,P.~r,a.,m~t~r............ ,»" Dichlorodifluoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl chloride 6romomethane Chloroethane Trichlorofluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethene Methylene chloride trans-l,2-dichloroethene 1,1-Dichloroethane Chloroform 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Carbon tetrachloride 1,2-Dichloroethane Trichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane 8romodichloromethane 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether trans-l,3-dichloropropene cis-l,3-Dichloropropene , ..P,r~plJ~~~..~,~th9~L ..«>.R~§~'~»»m..Jloi~,..... ...P'Q~" Prep Date: 04/25/2001 Analysis Date: 04/25/2001 EPA 5030B EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 2 EPA 50306 EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND U9/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 20 EPA 50308 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 6 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 7 20010847-006 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ç I ~Ð POSITIVE .~ LAB SERVICE Soils Engineering Inc. File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661)831-5100 1,1,2- Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene Dibromochloromethane Chlorobenzene 8romoform 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene cis-l,2-Dichloroethene Surrogates 8romochloromethane 4-8romofluorobenzene 4-8romochlorobenzene Sample#: 20010847-007 Received: 04/24/2001 Type: Soil I.D.: 83-1' Ä (f!~r:i;tJX\~t~r:~)) ~~ ««.~) ))~ ~ Dichlorodifluoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl chloride 8romomethane Chloroethane Trichlorofluoromethane l,l-Dichloroethene Methylene chloride trans-1,2-dichloroethene l,1-Dichloroethane Chloroform 1, 1, I-Trichloroethane Carbon tetrachloride 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 04/27/01 93313 Prj.No.9597 Country Club Cleaners Fax: (661) 831-2111 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 6.5 ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 2 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 2 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 2 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 * EPA 50308 EPA 80218 54 Percent EPA 50308 EPA 80218 64 Percent EPA 50308 EPA 80218 59 Percent Collector: Client Method: Via: Fed-Ex Sampling Date/Time: 04/20/2001 3:05:00 PM , ..~r,~plJ,~:;~_~,~,~hºsJ", « « uR~~"J~. )) KK ««lloi~ÁA «« .» ~Qb(. Prep Date: 04/25/2001 Analysis Date: 04/25/2001 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 2 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 . ND ug/kg 20 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 8 20010847-007 I ~n POSITIVE I II", LAB SERVICE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Soils Engineering Inc. File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661)831-5100 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 04/27/01 93313 Prj.No.9597 Country Club Cleaners Fax: (661) 831-2111 1,2-Dichloroethane Trichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane Bromodichloromethane 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether trans-l,3-dichloropropene cis-l,3-Dichloropropene 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene Dibromochloromethane Chlorobenzene Bromoform 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene cis-l,2-Dichloroethene Surrogates Bromochloromethane 4-Bromof1uorobenzene 4-8romochlorobenzene EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 . i " EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 6 EPA 50308 EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 350 ug/kg 53 EPA 50308 EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug!kg 2 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 * EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 76 Percent EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 68 Percent EPA 50308 EPA 80218 65 Percent Collector: Client Method: Via: Fed-Ex Sampling Date/Time: 04/20/2001 3:10:00 PM Sample#: 20010847-008 Received: 04/24/2001 Type: Soil I.D.: B3-3' II <~~r;,~..m~t~r:,.),. xx c<" c u,,),.)ox Dichlorodif1uoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl chloride Bromomethane Chloroethane Trichlorof1uoromethane . .,~r,~plJ.~~~,,~,~~hºsJ.., ««(uR~§M'J;..»)):>occ«.v.ni~,(:««( .)~g~(. Prep Date: 04/27/2001 Analysis Date: 04/27/2001 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 20010847-008 9 I ~Ð POSITIVE I .". LAB SERVICE 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-637) I CERTIFICATE OF ANAL YSIS I Soils Engineering Inc. 04/27/01 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Prj.No.9597 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Country Club Cleaners I Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-5100 Fax: (661) 831-2111 .1 1,l-Dichloroethene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 Methylene chloride EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 20 I trans-l,2-dichloroethene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 1,l-Dichloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 Chloroform EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 I 1,1,1- Trichloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 Carbon tetrachloride EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 1,2-Dichloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 I Trichloroethene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 1,2-Dichloropropane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 Bromodichloromethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 I 2-Chloroethylvinyt ether EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 6 trans-l,3-dichloropropene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 I cis-l,3-Dichloropropene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 1,I,2-Trichloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 Tetrachloroethene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 1300 ug/kg 240 I Dibromochloromethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 Chlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 Bromoform EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 I 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 1,3-Dichlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 I 1,4-Dichlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 1,2-Dichlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 cis-l,2-Dichloroethene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 I Surrogates EPA 5030B EPA 8021B * Bromoch!oromethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 67 Percent 4-Bromofluorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 91 Percent I 4-Bromochlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 108 Percent I I 10 20010847-008 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 'I ~[1 POSITIVE 1m". LAB SERVICE 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-637.2 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Soils Engineering Inc. File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-5100 Fax: (661) 831-2111 04/27/01 Prj.No.9597 Country Club Cleaners Sample#: 20010847-009 Received: 04/24/2001 Type: Soil I.D.: 83-5' Collector: Client Method: Via: Fed-Ex Sampling Date/Time: 04/20/2001 3:25:00 PM . ,P,ªr<~Jl\~t.~L <..',,,.. «". , "er<~pll~$J:.,~,~,t.hQ~", "" "R~~I~"w,.. "Jl'1i~.."" ,«p.º~" Prep Date: 04/25/2001 Analysis Date: 04/25/2001 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 2 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 20 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 6 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 9.8 ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 2 . EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 2 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 2 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 11 20010847-009 Dichlorodif1uoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl chloride 8romomethane Chloroethane Trichlorof1uoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethene Methylene chloride trans-l,2-dichloroethene 1,1-Dichloroethane Chloroform 1, 1, I-Trichloroethane Carbon tetrachloride l,2-Dichloroethane Trichloroethene l,2-Dichloropropane 8romodichloromethane 2-Chloroethylvinyf ether trans-l,3-dichloropropene cis-l,3-Dichloropropene l,l,2-Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene Dibromochloromethane Chlorobenzene Bromoform 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane l,3-Dichlorobenzene I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~Ð POSITIVE II". LAB SERVICE 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Soils Engineering Inc. File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-5100 Fax: (661) 831-2111 04/27/01 Prj.No.9597 Country Club Cleaners 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene cis-l,2-0ichloroethene Surrogates 6romochloromethane 4-6romofluorobenzene 4-6romochlorobenzene Sample#: 20010847-010 Received: 04/24/2001 Type: Soil I.D.: 64-1' EPA 80216 EPA 80216 EPA 80216 EPA 80216 EPA 80216 EPA 80216 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 NO ug/kg 4 NO ug/kg 4 . , * 61 Percent 78 Percent 73 Percent EPA 50306 EPA 50306 EPA 50306 EPA 50306 EPA 50306 EPA 50306 EPA 50306 ~'~~.y Collector: Client Sampling Date/Time: Method: Via: Fed-Ex 04/20/2001 3:35:00 PM 1\ <P~r~~m,~~!;r»» H « « U»» x < ..f,r.~plJ~,~~,~,~~tIº~«< H«U~f.;~~J~U»)u««llni~uH« U)rQ~u Prep Date: 04/26/2001 Analysis Date: 04/26/2001 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 2 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80216 NO ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 NO ug/kg 20 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 NO ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 NO ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80218 NO ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80218 NO ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 NO ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80216 NO ug/kg 6 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 NO ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 NO ug/kg 4 12 20010847-010 Dichlorodifluoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl chloride 6romomethane Chloroethane Trichlorofluoromethane 1,1-0ichloroethene Methylene chloride trans-l,2-dichloroethene l,l-0ichloroethane Chloroform 1, 1, I-Trichloroethane Carbon tetrachloride l,2-0ichloroethane Trichloroethene l,2-Dichloropropane 6romodichloromethane 2-Chloroethytvinyt ether trans-l,3-dichloropropene cis-l,3-Dichloropropene I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~(] POSITIVE IIr LAB SERVICE 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-637,2 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Soils Engineering Inc. File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661)831-5100 04/27/01 93313 Prj.No.9597 Country Club Cleaners Fax: (661) 831-2111 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 120 ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 2 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 2 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 * EPA 50308 EPA 80218 56 Percent EPA 5030B EPA 80218 55 Percent EPA 5030B EPA 80218 61 Percent Collector: Client Method: Via: Fed·Ex Sampling Date/Time: 04/20/2001 1,1,2- Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene Dibromochloromethane Chlorobenzene 8romoform 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane l,3-Dichlorobenzene l,4-Dichlorobenzene l,2-Dichlorobenzene cis-l,2-Dichloroethene Surrogates 8romochloromethane 4-8romofluorobenzene 4-8romochlorobenzene Sample#: 20010847-011 Received: 04/24/2001 Type: Soil I.D.: B4-3' < ..P'r,~plT.~,~~.~,~,thº~L< ,«(..R~~~'~~,~"u««t,J.n¡~~x«« .,>~Q~<. Prep Date: 04/27/2001 Analysis Date: 04/27/2001 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg . 2 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 20 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 13 20010847-011 x <eftr:'J)l~tf#J:,,) AÆ ««.. ,») x Dichlorodifluoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl chloride 8romomethane Chloroethane Trichlorofluoromethane l,l-Dichloroethene Methylene chloride trans-1,2-dichloroethene l,l-Dichloroethane Chloroform 1,I,l-Trichloroethane Carbon tetrachloride I ~[1 POSITIVE I II JI"" LAB SERVICE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Soils Engineering Inc. File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661)831-5100 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 04/27/01 93313 Prj. No. 9597 Country Club Cleaners Fax: (661) 831-2111 l,2-Dichloroethane Trichloroethene l,2-Dichloropropane Bromodichloromethane 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether trans-l,3-dichloropropene cis-l,3-Dichloropropene 1,1,2- Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene Dibromochloromethane Chlorobenzene Bromoform 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane l,3-Dichlorobenzene l,4-Dichlorobenzene l,2-Dichlorobenzene cis-l,2-Dichloroethene Surrogates Bromochloromethane 4-Bromofluorobenzene 4-Bromochlorobenzene Sample#: 20010847-012 Received: 04/24/2001 Type: Soil I.D.: B4-5' x (~flr~ro.;~~~r))). ¡(:( «« H»))) x Dichlorodifluoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl chloride Bromomethane Chloroethane Trichlorofluoromethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 6 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 3900 ug/kg 240 EPA 5030B . EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 2 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 2 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 * EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 76 Percent EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 81 Percent EPA 5030B EPA 80218 89 Percent Collector: Client Method: Via: Fed-Ex Sampling Date/Time: 04/20/2001 . ,,~r,~,pJI~~tr~<~~hp~.., ccccttR~§~'tt»)»¡c:«<c(lln¡t¡(«c t»~º~Ct Prcp Date: 04/26/2001 Analysis Datc: 04/26/2001 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND EPA 50308 EPA 8021B ND EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND EPA 50308 EPA 8021B ND ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg 2 4 4 4 4 4 14 20010847-012 I ~() POSITIVE I II". LAB SERVICE 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213)745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 I CERTIFICATE OF ANAL YSIS I Soils Engineering Inc. 04/27/01 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Prj.No.9597 I Bakersfield, CA 93313 Country Club Cleaners Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-5100 Fax: (661) 831-2111 I l,l-Dichloroethene EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 Methylene chloride EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 20 I trans-l,2-dichloroethene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 , , l,l-Dlchloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 Chloroform EPA 50308 EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 I 1,1,1- Trichloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 Carbon tetrachloride EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 l,2-Dichloroethane EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 I Trichloroethene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 l,2-Dichloropropane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 I Bromodichloromethane EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 6 trans-l,3-dichloropropene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 I cis-l,3-Dichloropropene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 1,1,2- Trichloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 Tetrachloroethene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 20 ug/kg 4 I Dibromochloromethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 Chlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 I Bromoform EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 1,3-Dichlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 I l,4-Dichlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 l,2-Dichlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 cis-l,2-Dichloroethene EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 I Surrogates EPA 5030B EPA 8021B * Bromochloromethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 63 Percent I 4-8romofluorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 82 Percent 4-Bromochlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 81 Percent I I 15 20010847-012 ·,-1 "". I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 'I ~[1 POSITIVE II".. LAB SERVICE 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-637,2 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Soils Engineering Inc. File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-5100 Fax: (661) 831-2111 04/27/01 Prj.No.9597 Cóuntry Club Cleaners Sample#: 20010847-013 Received: 04/24/2001 Type: Soil I.D.: 85-1' Collector: Client Sampling Date/Time: Method: Via: Fed-Ex 04/20/2001 . ~f!~,r:~Ja~t~r:~« u »» ~w« «. , ,.~[~pL:n~~J;,.~,~.~hqa", »~>xY.R~§~J~'~««H»»qoi~u»» X«~º~)W Pre» Date: 04/26/2001 Analysis Date: 04/26/2001 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 2 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 20 EPA 50306 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 6 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 7.1 ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ûg/kg 2 . EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 2 EPA 50308 EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 EPA 50308 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 16 20010847-013 Dichlorodifluoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl chloride Bromomethane Chloroethane Trichlorofluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethene Methylene chloride trans-l,2-dichloroethene l,l-Dichloroethane Chloroform 1,1, I-Trichloroethane Carbon tetrachloride l,2-Dichloroethane Trichloroethene l,2-Dichloropropane 6romodichloromethane 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether trans-l,3-dichloropropene cis-l,3-Dichloropropene l,l,2-Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene Dibromochloromethane Chlorobenzene Bromoform 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane l,3-Dichlorobenzene I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I -I ~f) POSITIVE 1m". LAB SERVICE 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-637:2 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Soils Engineering Inc. File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-5100 Fax: (661) 831-2111 04/27/01 Prj.No.9597 Country Club Cleaners 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene cis-l,2-Dichloroethene Surrogates Bromochloromethane 4-Bromofluorobenzene 4-Bromochlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 8021B EPA 8021B EPA 8021B EPA 8021B EPA 8021B EPA 8021B ~'~'''''''''~'N'~'''''~' Sample#: 20010847-014 Received: 04/24/2001 Type: Soil I.D.: 85-3' ND ug/kg 4 ND ug/kg 4 ND ug/kg 4 ". * 69 Percent 69 Percent 82 Percent _".-........'Ño"_""'""_._u"..........'N.-_u~~_......__~ Collector: Client Method: Via: Fed-Ex Sampling Date/Time: 04/20/2001 , ..~r~plJ.~~"t:1,~,th9~... H«HR~~~J~U~HH~«'Qol~u'H' u>~Q~u Prep Date: 04/26/2001 Analysis Date: 04/26/2001 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 20 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 6 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 17 20010847-014 . ,P.~r;;',lx'-~t~rm............. Dichlorodif1uoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl chloride Bromomethane Chloroethane Trichlorofluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethene Methylene chloride trans-l,2-dichloroethene 1,1-Dichloroethane Chloroform 1,1, I-Trichloroethane Carbon tetrachloride 1,2·Dichloroethane Trichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane Bromodichloromethane 2-Ch/oroethylvinyl ether trans-l,3-dichloropropene cis-l,3-Dichloropropene I ~n POSITIVE I .~ LAB SERVICE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~I Soils Engineering Inc. File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-5100 CA 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 04/27/01 93313 Prj. No. 9597 Country Club Cleaners 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Fax: (661) 831-2111 Tetrachloroethene Dibromochloromethane Chlorobenzene Bromoform 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene cis-l,2-Dichloroethene Surrogates Bromochloromethane 4-Bromofluorobenzene 4-Bromochlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 8.4 ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 " EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 * EPA 50308 EPA 80218 68 Percent EPA 50308 EPA 80218 67 Percent EPA 50308 EPA 80218 72 Percent Collector: Client Method: Via: Fed-Ex Sampling Date/Time: 04/20/2001 Sample#: 20010847-015 Received: 04/24/2001 Type: Soil I.D.: 85-5' 1<J·~~r~¡;I,m~t~r~H)UH« U>H>" Dichlorodifluoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl chloride 8romomethane Chloroethane Trichlorofluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethene Methylene chloride trans-l,2-dichloroethene 1,1-Dichloroethane Chloroform 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane Carbon tetrachloride < .,f!r~p.1J.~~~J:1<~~hºsJ,« "" ..R~~Hdt....... <" Moi~.."" . "P'Q~,. Prep Date: 04/26/2001 Analysis Date: 04/26/2001 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 2 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 20 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 ug/kg 4 20010847-015 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND 18 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ··1 ~f) POSITIVE II", LAB SERVICE 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Soils Engineering Inc. 04/27/01 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Prj. No. 9597 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Country Club Cleaners Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661)831-5100 Fax: (661) 831-2111 l,2-Dichloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 Trichloroethene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 l,2-Dichloropropane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 Bromodichloromethane EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ug/kg 4 ' ' ND 2-Chloroethylviny1 ether EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 6 trans-l,3-dichloropropene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 cis-l,3-Dichloropropene EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 l,l,2-Trichloroethane EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 Tetrachloroethene EPA 50308 EPA 80218 14 ug/kg 4 Dibromochloromethane EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 Chlorobenzene EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 2 Bromoform EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 1,3-Dichlorobenzene EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 1,4-Dichlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 1,2-Dichlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 Surrogates EPA 5030B EPA 8021B * Bromochloromethane EPA 5030B EPA 80218 67 Percent 4-8romofluorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 80218 67 Percent 4-Bromochlorobenzene EPA 50308 EPA 80218 62 Percent Sample#: 20010847-016 Collector: Client Method: Via: Fed-Ex Received: 04/24/2001 Sampling Date/Time: 04/20/2001 Type: Soil I.D.: B6-1' x .cf~ftr)~JJ)..:~tf:;r:»,. ~j( ~««.~ »>,. ( ,,,f,r,~pll~;~~>~,~~hº~. .. c«<HR~MJ~.,.,.>,.:o:«<.vJ1.i~.(xH« .,.>~Qt,(. Prep Date: 04/26/2001 Analysis Date: 04/26/2001 Dichlorodifluoromethane EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 2 Chloromethane EPA 50308 EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 Vinyl chloride EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND llg/kg 4 Bromomethane EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 Chloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 Trichlorofluoromethane EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 19 20010847-016 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~Ð POSITIVE .", LAB SERVICE 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Soils Engineering Inc. 04/27/01 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way PIj.No.9597 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Country Club Cleaners Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661)831-5100 Fax: (661) 831-2111 1,1-Dichloroethene EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 Methylene chloride EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg - 20 trans-l,2-dichloroethene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 1,1-Dichloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 Chloroform EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 1,1,1-Trichloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 Carbon tetrachloride EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 1,2-Dichloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 Trichloroethene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 1,2-Dichloropropane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 Bromodichloromethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 2-Chloroethy1viny1 ether EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 6 trans-l,3-dichloropropene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 cis-l,3-Dichloropropene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 1,1,2- Trichloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 Tetrachloroethene EPA 50306 EPA 80216 21 ug/kg 4 Dibromochloromethane EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 Chlorobenzene EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 2 Bromoform EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 2 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane EPA 50308 EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 1,3-Dichlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 1,4-Dichlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 1,2-Dichlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 cis-l,2-Dichloroethene EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 Surrogates EPA 5030B EPA 8021B * 8romochloromethane EPA 50308 EPA 80218 53 Percent 4-Bromofluorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 55 Percent 4-Bromochlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 55 Percent 20 20010847-016 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I' "I ~Ð POSITIVE III", LAB SERVICE 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-637.2 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Soils Engineering Inc. File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-5100' Fax: (661) 831-2111 Sample#: 20010847-017 Received: 04/24/2001 Type: Soil I.D.: 86-3' . >~~r:éJJl\~t~J:( (.. »» ~~ ««. Oichlorodifluoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl chloride 8romomethane Chloroethane Trichlorofluoromethane l,l-0ichloroethene Methylene chloride trans-l,2-dichloroethene l,l-0ichloroethane Chloroform l,l,l-Trichloroethane Carbon tetrachloride l,2-0ichloroethane Trichloroethene l,2-0ichloropropane 8romodichloromethane 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether trans-l,3-dichloropropene cis-l,3-0ichloropropene l,l,2-Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene Oibromochloromethane Chlorobenzene Bromoform 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane l,3-0ichlorobenzene Prj.No.9597 Country Club Cleaners ..............,...... ............ Collector: Client Sampling Date/Time: 04/27/01 Method: Via: Fed-Ex 04/20/2001 ,J~r~pll~t~,e.~h9~", " ""J~~µ,!t. ""..""V,oi~.."" . "P'Qb,. EPA 50308 EPA 50308 EPA 8021B EPA 80218 NO NO Prep Date: 04/26/2001 Analysis Date: 04/26/2001 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO EPA 50308 EPA 8021B NO EPA 50308 EPA 8021B NO EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO EPA 50308 EPA 80218 11 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO 21 ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg 20010847-017 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 20 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 4 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I ,I ~Ð POSITIVE II JIll"'" LAB SERVICE 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Soils Engineering Inc. File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-5100 Fax: (661) 831-2111 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene cis-l,2-Dichloroethene Surrogates 6romochloromethane 4-6romof1uorobenzene 4-6romochlorobenzene Sample#: 20010847-018 Received: 04/24/2001 Type: Soil I.D.: B6-5' EPA 50306 EPA 50306 EPA 50306 EPA 50306 EPA 50306 EPA 50306 EPA 50306 04/27/01 Prj.No.9597 Country Club Cleaners EPA 80216 EPA 80216 EPA 80218 EPA 80216 EPA 80216 EPA 80216 EPA 80216 Collector: Client Sampling Date/Time: ND ND ND * 65 94 99 ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg 4 4 4 " Percent Percent Percent Method: Via: Fed-Ex 04/20/2001 Prep Date: 04/26/2001 Analysis Date: 04/26/2001 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ,.e~r:~,m~~~r:,,,.. ...w 'm. . ..~r:~plJ~<~~^~,~~hºa,., ..«..R~~"'!~..."u«Jlo¡~^".« ...P.º'-'.. Dichlorodif1uoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl chloride Bromomethane Chloroethane EPA 50308 EPA 50306 EPA 50306 EPA 50306 EPA 50306 EPA 50308 EPA 50308 EPA 50306 EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 50306 EPA 5030B EPA 50306 EPA 5030B EPA 50306 EPA 50306 EPA 50306 Trichlorof1uoromethane l,l-Dichloroethene Methylene chloride trans-l,2-dichloroethene l,l-Dichloroethane Chloroform 1,1,1- Trichloroethane Carbon tetrachloride 1,2-Dichloroethane Trichloroethene l,2-Dichloropropane Bromodichloromethane 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether trans-l,3-dichloropropene cis-l,3-Dichloropropene EPA 80216 EPA 8021B EPA 8021B EPA 80218 EPA 80218 EPA 80218 EPA 80216 EPA 80218 EPA 80218 EPA 8021B EPA 80218 EPA 80218 EPA 80218 EPA 80216 EPA 80218 EPA 80218 EPA 80218 EPA 8021B 22 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 20 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 4 20010847-018 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~'I ~[1 POSITIVE .",.. LAB SERVICE Soils Engineering Inc. File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661)831-5100 1,1,2- Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene Oibromochloromethane Chlorobenzene Bromoform 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane 1,3-0ichlorobenzene 1,4-0ichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene cis-l,2-Dichloroethene Surrogates Bromochloromethane +6romonuorobenzene +Bromochlorobenzene Sample#: 20010847-019 Received: 04/24/2001 Type: Soil I.D.: B7-1' ~ <~~.r~~JX\~t~r:»> ~~« «.. »» x Dichlorodinuoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl chloride Bromomethane Chloroethane Trichloronuoromethane l,l-Dichloroethene Methylene chloride trans-l,2-dichloroethene 1,1-Dichloroethane Chloroform 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane Carbon tetrachloride 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-637~ CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 04/27/01 93313 Prj.No.9597 Country Club Cleaners Fax: (661) 831-2111 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 25 ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 2 EPA 5030B EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 * EPA 5030B EPA 80216 76 Percent EPA 50306 EPA 80216 87 Percent EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 60 Percent Collector: Client Method: Via: Fed-Ex Sampling Date/Time: 04/20/2001 , ..f!r~pll~,~~.f:oJ,~~hºsL, ",...R~~"!t.m>"<"'UO¡~,,«« "J~~U~u Prep Date: 04/26/2001 Analysis Date: 04/26/2001 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 2 EPA 5030B EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80216 NO ug/kg 20 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 NO ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80216 NO ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 23 20010847-019 I I I I I ,I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I ;1 ~[1 POSITIVE 111",. LAB SERVICE Soils Engineering Inc. File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661)831-5100 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-637.2 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 04/27/01 93313 Prj.No.9597 Country Club Cleaners Fax: (661) 831-2111 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 6 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 42 ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B * EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 68 Percent EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 67 Percent EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 56 Percent N Collector: Client Method: Via: Fed-Ex Sampling Date/Time: 04/20/2001 l,2-Dichloroethane Trichloroethene l,2-Dichloropropane Bromodichloromethane 2-Chloroethylvinyf ether trans-1,3-dichloropropene cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1,1,2- Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene Dibromochloromethane Chlorobenzene Bromoform 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane l,3-Dichlorobenzene l,+Dichlorobenzene l,2-Dichlorobenzene cis-l,2-Dichloroethene Surrogates Bromochloromethane +Bromofluorobenzene +Bromochlorobenzene Sample#: 20010847-020 Received: 04/24/2001 Type: Soil I.D.: B7-3' x <~~-r:~:.m~t~r»:.> ( ( H 0; < H)>)o x Dichlorodifluoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl chloride Bromomethane Chloroethane Trichforofluoromethane ,,,P,r,~plJ.~~,~,~.~hº~, « H«HR~§M'tU))HHH<(lni~~X«H u)J?Qbu Prep Date: 04/2612001 Analysis Date: 04/26/2001 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 24 20010847-020 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~Ð POSITIVE II". LAB SERVICE 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-637.2 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Soils Engineering Inc. 04/27/01 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Prj.No.9597 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Country Club Cleaners Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-5100 Fax: (661) 831-2111 1,1-Dichloroethene EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 Methylene chloride EPA 50308 EPA 8021B ND ug/kg - 20 trans-l,2-dichloroethene EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 1,l-Dichloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 Chloroform EPA 50 JOB EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 1, 1, I-Trichloroethane EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 Carbon tetrachloride EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 1,2-Dichloroethane EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 Trichloroethene EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 1,2-Dichloropropane EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 Bromodichloromethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 6 trans-l,3-dichloropropene EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 cis-l,3-Dichloropropene EPA 50308 EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 1,1,2- Trichloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 Tetrachloroethene EPA 50308 EPA 80218 66 ug/kg 4 Dibromochloromethane EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 Chlorobenzene EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 2 Bromoform EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 2 1,I,2,2-Tetrachloroethane EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 2 l,3-Dichlorobenzene EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 1,4-Dichlorobenzene EPA 50308 EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 1,2-Dichlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 cis-l,2-Dichloroethene EPA 50308 EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 Surrogates EPA 5030B EPA 80218 * Bromochloromethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 64 Percent 4-Bromofluorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 73 Percent 4-Bromochlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 60 Percent 25 20010847-020 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~Ð POSITIVE OJ".. LAB SERVICE 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-637,2 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Soils Engineering Inc. File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-5100 Fax: (661) 831-2111 _~'''''''''~~''''''"A.".'''"'''-..-.o........ Sample#: 20010847-021 Received: 04/24/2001 Type: Soil I.D.: B7-5' . ~~~r(C)(m~.t~J: ~ ~~ H »» ~~. c.c. Prj.No.9597 Country Club Cleaners Collector: Client Sampling Date/Time: 04/27/01 Method: Via: Fed-Ex 04/20/2001 , ",P'[~,plJ,~,~~.~,~th9a,,, """,R~§~'~«<<<.."Jloit",,, .«p.º~" Dichlorodif1uoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl chloride Bromomethane Chloroethane Prep Date: 04/26/2001 Analysis Date: 04/26/2001 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND Trichlorof1uoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethene Methylene chloride trans-1,2-dichloroethene 1,1-Dichloroethane Chloroform 1, 1, I-Trichloroethane Carbon tetrachloride 1,2-Dichloroethane Trichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane Bromodichloromethane 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether trans-l,3-dichloropropene cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene Dibromochloromethane Chlorobenzene Bromoform 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane 1,3-Dichlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 8021B EPA 8021B EPA 8021B EPA 8021B EPA 8021B EPA 8021B EPA 8021B EPA 8021B EPA 8021B EPA 8021B EPA 8021B EPA 8021B EPA 8021B EPA 8021B EPA 8021B EPA 8021B EPA 8021B EPA 8021B EPA 8021B EPA 8021B EPA 8021B 26 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 34 ND ND ND ND ND ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg 20010847-021 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 20 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~I ~[1 POSITIVE 111". LAB SERVICE Soils Engineering Inc. File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-5100 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 04/27/01 Prj. No. 9597 Country Club Cleaners Fax: (661) 831-2111 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 " EPA 50308 EPA 80218 * EPA 50308 EPA 80218 71 Percent EPA 50308 EPA 80218 79 Percent EPA 50308 EPA 80218 77 Percent Collector: Method: Sampling Date/Time: 1,4-Dichlorobenzene l,2-Dichlorobenzene cis-l,2-Dichloroethene Surrogates 8romochloromethane 4-8romofluorobenzene 4-8romochlorobenzene Sample#: 20010847-022 Received: 04/24/2001 Type: Soil I.D.: Method 81ank ¡C J:~~.r,~~m.~~~.r,,» H ~<H U»» It Dichlorodifluoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl chloride 8romomethane Chloroethane Trichlorofluoromethane l,l-Dichloroethene Methylene chloride trans-l,2-dichloroethene l,l-Dichloroethane Chloroform l,l,l-Trichloroethane Carbon tetrachloride l,2-Dichloroethane Trichloroethene l,2-Dichloropropane 8romodichloromethane 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether trans-l,3-dichloropropene cis-l,3-Dichloropropene <J~r~plJ~$.~,~<~~hQ~«< ......R~~~!~,,"><,,<J!oi~...... ."p',Q~.. Prep Date: 04/25/2001 Analysis Date: 04/25/2001 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg .4 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 20 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 6 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 27 20010847-022 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~D POSITIVE II",. LAB SERVICE 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Soils Engineering Inc. 04/27/01 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Prj.No.9597 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Country Club Cleaners Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-5100 Fax: (661) 831-2111 1,1,2-Trichloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ugjkg 4 Tetrachloroethene EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 Dibromochloromethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 Chlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 Bromoform EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane EPA 50 JOB EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 1,3-Dichlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 1,4-Dichlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 1,2-Dichlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 cis-l,2-Dichloroethene EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 Surrogates EPA 5030B EPA 8021B * Bromochloromethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 62 Percent 4-Bromofluorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 75 Percent 4-Bromochlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 85 Percent ND = Not Detected NA = Not Applicable PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program Certificate No. 1131, LACSD No, 101 8 Any remaining sample(s) for testing will be disposed of30 days from receipt date unless notified, 28 20010847-022 I I I ~Ð POSITIVE ."" LAB SERVICE 4/27/01 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-637.2 QUALITY CONTROL DATA CLIENT: I REPORT NO: MATRIX: METHOD: Soils Engineering Inc. 20010847 Soil EPA80218 SA TCH No: DATE EXTRACTED: DATE ANALYZED: QC SAMPLE: 11158021 04/25/01 04/26/01 20010847-006 I SAMPLE AMT AMT SPK REC ,I RESULTS SPIKED REC. % ACCEPT PARAMETER UG/KG UG/KG UG/KG REC RANGE (%) RPD - 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE S 0 20 22.3 112% I DS 0 20 22.6 113% 72-144 1% LCS 20 22.9 115% 61-152 I 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE S 0 20 19.9 100% DS 0 20 21.6 108% 78-130 8% I LCS 20 21.7 109% 73-135 TRICHLOROETHENE S 0 20 19.2 96% I OS 0 20 20.9 105% 77 -131 8% LCS 20 17.9 90% 71-125 I TETRACHLOROETHENE S 6.5 20 24.7 91% OS 6.5 20 27.0 103% 72-137 12% LCS 20 23.5 118% 65-133 I 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE S 0 20 20.1 101% OS 0 20 21.4 107% 72-138 6% I LCS 20 21.4 107% 75-135 CHLOROFORM S 0 20 17.9 90% I OS 0 20 20.4 102% 72-138 13% LCS 20 16.3 82% 80-123 I BROMOCHLOROMETHANE S 0 100 77.9 78% OS 0 100 78.7 79% 72-138 1% I LCS 100 83.4 83% 78-120 I I I S OS LCS LCSD RPD NO = Spike = Duplicate Spike = Laboratory Control Sample = Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate = Relative Percent Difference = None Detected ~ _;~, :..~'~;~'_ ,'>_, '." _:;~tr::::;~'·~·::{;:::':;·?r;.~':<;';;"::": 7, '~':'.';';:':"';";~" _;;..': '. ,.t....':;.,,;);. " ' _., ... .- ¡.-...... - - .;, .... ".... - - ...., , I i i : I I I i I I. I - . .:,~[J POSITIVE CHAIN OF CUSTODY AND 781 East Washington Blvd., ANALYSIS REQUEST .·IJ~ I..òs Angeles, CA 90021 I/,,.. , 'DATE: If ,17 (;)1 PAGE J OF~: ./ LAB'SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-637~ LOG BOOK NO. ki ,1,1"1 FILE NO, ~ LAB NO. 11/\,. \ l'"'\'; 11'4'" CLIENT NAME: . < '. . Jr f3¡'l;:; .... I ANALYSES REQUESTED: AlRBlll NO:'~' . I 1 , '/: ~ COOLER TEMP:.42ð;', .. - I . ~ f :1 ".., . p'ROJECT NAME: /!.,;,i/o/ I?l~> /?! \PROJECT NO. t7r- ':;'"7 P.O.NO. /, I (..0 , PRESERVED: ',./ ....../ "'1 ,.... ,'-" \.1 , ,. ~. , -0 - , , 'ÀDDRESS: tit/Oil 0J¡/.;. ... , IA/~,I QCREPORT ' , , P'ROJECT MANAGER: Jl,!.2' . ¡¿S~ ¡ ;, FAX NO:::',{Ir.;,:'1 I LEVEL: . , I.. ''I PHONE NO:~l'(' ç..,u ru..r. '7/1 , .~.~~~ ... ..,'. . , , REMARKS: SAMPLER NAME: , '')/..,rt1ì '" ,/ '. ~I,L P'VI /' . ' (Printed) ~". (Signature) - - .' r '... V" ,,'/ .~. TÀT (Analytical Turn Around Time o . Same Day; '1 . 24 Hour; 2· 48 Hour; ¡Etc.) N = NORMAL " () - : CÒNTAINER TYPES: B .. Brass, G .. Glass, P c Plastic, V = VOA Vial, 0 = Other: Q MATRIX CONTAINER or:: SAMPLE CONDITION! SAMPLE DATE TIME SAMPLE,DESCRIPTION TAT COMMENTS: . ,', NO. SAMPLED SAMPLED WATER SOIL SLUDGE OTHER . TYPE . .' l/- J.n~.m ,1: ).() ~I- J/ X AI I ~ Y I . / I '/ " 17\ - 2. ... . 'J' '2. () ( .... --' I ( ¡ 1: 5~ fJ..J - r; / .' ;. \ \ ) . 1'4tJ ß2- I' \ . ' " R1-2,' / ) ~ '. 2:'-1,; .- .. 2.'~~ P)l - .ç / .:>J p}'1, - } ,/ , " ~'D< . ' P")?) - ~.... .' ~:JD s:2$' g ~:i',~ r; , " ,', I , i. I ' Pi-l-I/ .. \ .'Z' 3~ ". I " ...). ~ "'" Relinquished By Ijna ure ~~~.pn~:e/ ~ame! ' . Received By: (Signature and Printed Name) Date: Time: " SAMPLE DISPOSITION: " ;;. <4/ "'_"7. ,,1 ¿ ',?,.. 1. Samples returned to client? YES ð " /í-ì~.~, ¡' .))", '/f),L a. ,1/ _ .......:..: //."/;,< " Relinquished By; IS'9';'i" ure ~:p;ln.ted Name) -.... ~ - - /., /" '~ece!~ed::!!Y (;~ighattJre andPr ~~e<J 4!tt I ..' . .r;te:, \ Time: ..,.~ ,'/'Ili :)If O·/'f).'\IA 2, Samples will not be stored over 30 days, unless '''-. A,..AI ,(Ã" / , /./.,L:U.."":;":;.:::/..,,,-,~...,,,,--r-- ..'I ,;I I.f);, , ,,) ..Þ additional storage time. is requested. .... . , . - " "-.;.;/~;' R~éé viiãBÿ: (Signå~~~d Printed Na!l,è~; ~. , \ {~ ...- 'tJáte:\"" . 'Time:' ·v" ~~h(l~hèd By;I S,gnature and'Pnnted Name) 3. Storage time, requested: --Z (') days J . SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: '.. By Date : . ~ , \ .~. ~.' I, i I I lit.".' f l".i r: j' " ,. I ! i I ) ~ I I I I : , , ' CLIENT COPY '" _" IIIIÍ -m'" _ ' ,: 1ÌIiÍI· ..._ - -'-""- -'-,'- I i I I \ ¡' I, , I' ". l' :. I \ I I "~fJ POSITIVE '11~ ',LAB SERVICE , . CLIENT NAME: --. - ~.,., I... J-. ~ .~. ._ -r-:., P'ROJECT NAME: ~. ,~~, ~ í ¡¡¡' ;;/þl" r ~~OJECT NO. 14< q -;' P,O. NO. ,'., ~"""'I .,,,,...... ,-,,,,,,,,,,... T I I ADDRESS: tl4/J/J v,~~, .., 1.1.. " ' :' '. PROJECT MANAGER:"ìiø 1/ V"Ll PHONE NO~{j,:lJ.:..'¿ /I." FAX No:æ-I </t..I-" Ii J 'V:"- ~ - ?AMPLER NAME: ' T"'>' ','; r-. :1' , . . . ..J.<. /1 I~ _ /"'. (P.!tntedl (Signatura) f ~ "~ v TAT IAnalyticål Turn Around Time) 0 . Same Day; 1 - 24 Hour; 2 -48 Hour; IEtc.) N = NORMAL 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, 'CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 - .-". -,-"... I . CHAIN OF CUSTODY AND ANAL YSIS REQUEST PAGE 2.. OF 2. : LAB NO. /1 1-: ¡ , \ t':~ I .....:r,' AlRšíU:oo: I . COOLER TEMP: (116'r::~,' ~-r.f·'·- PRESERVED: QC REPORT LEVEL: ,,:r,! i _.1 '''::;r; '''1 '1 --....'¡ v DATE: LOG BOOK NO. \(/').."'1-1 FILE NO, ANALYSES REQUESTED: 11".. "~;J4,:1:}J~ "'/~., .. "'~ '~ ~ ~ CONTAINER " .:, I f , l ~i \ I: . ~ .. , CONTAINER TYPES: B - Brass, G - Glass, P .. Plastic, V = VOA Vial, 0= Other: . SAMPLE DATE TIME '. NO. SAMPLED SAMPLED TYPE MATRIX SAMPLE DESCRIPTION TAT WATER aOIL" aLUOOE OTHER . . 'i I \ Al '~ )( J ( ("{ ( \ \ )' } I I ÍJ- ?/I.ltl . / ..' \, RL/...2' n.LI _ c. / ..- . Ph -- I"" ~/ f), t:: - "} ~L;';.. t; / . 'r ., " .. , . '. .. ., . . \ \. . ) '. PJ" - 1/ '.fJJ" - 1."" . (i.¡/)... t; '" .. , . ", ", '. .i.,. , ~ I " ..: ,'. "I... ':>:: . ....~'; ': ". ';;.. '- '.~ -,' :¡:'; ':;:~J-~:tf .#. . . . , ',' . " ." ¡.;;:,),,¡: f' . ,", . . , , . , ' I ~7- )" ß7-3' a...,. ,..-, Rehn;~}jed B: ISIg;:l~:.~ and ¡PTlnled Name ..... \ I...... I ReceIved BY.: ~~naIU9'.. and frin1o:Sf Na~e t··//P.--f...... /11". _ '1.1../ 1",,(, ,//._ <-.....-~"'>,/~?/" RekllÍ!~\~tej)~: IS,gm,tdfe arid Þnñtèd Name} /-::.;. ....: .':." :;¡¿,..-,/...,~~~Ived By: ~~Ie~~~r;" ed Name} . I· ',' '"/ß.--' ';-f:þ' ,,: ,( /~~-:·h-:·/;.::,'/~·-:-;t::':,: ,J- ;'/:11./1(11 ltl _. ~e,l0p6u'shedB(ISlgnat((,e'andPllmedNamel""'''Y:.·\' .,' /': " Receivéd'8Y':ISi!¡l'ålureand'Priolled\-¡~me~I"~ '" X / .~" I ¡ I" , . 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File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (663) 332-5806 Fax: (661) 831-2111 06/18/01 No. 9597 Country Club Cleaners ..............,.,....._.,._.........,.,..._~. ._...._._".,.,~._.._.,.........._...........................................................................-...................-.........-.-...............................,.,........................-.....-.....................................................................................................,.........,..........................................-...........-.....-.....-.................................-................... Sample#: 20011184-001 Received: 06/13/2001 Type: Soil I.D.: B8-1' Collector: Client Sampling Date/Time: Method: Via: Fed-Ex 06/11/2001 1:50:00 AM ".eªr~m"~t~r",,,," '.,."'".."",, ""~r~p,II~,$,t,,,~,~,tl.1g~" " ,,,,,,,R~~H It.",..""",,,,.,,µ,nil,,,,, ""PQk, Prep Date: 06/14/2001 Analysis Date: 06/14/2001 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 2 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 NO ug/kg 6 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 8 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 6 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 NO ug/kg 6 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 28 ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 NO ug/kg 2 . EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO ug/kg 2 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO ug/kg 2 20011184-001 Oichlorodifluoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl chloride Bromomethane Chloroethane Trichlorofluoromethane l,l-0ichlOroethene Methylene chloride trans-1,2-dichloroethene l,l-0ichloroethane Chloroform 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Carbon tetrachloride l,2-Dichloroethane Trichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane Bromodichloromethane 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether trans-l,3-dichloropropene cis-1,3-0ichloropropene 1,1,2- Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene Oibromochloromethane Chlorobenzene Bromoform 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~I ~[J POSITIVE .". LAB SERVICE Soils Engineering Inc. File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (663) 332-5806 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-637.2 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 06/18/01 93313 No. 9597 Country Club Cleaners Fax: (661) 831-2111 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene Surrogates 8romochloromethane 4-8romofluorobenzene 4-8romochlorobenzene EPA 50308 EPA 50308 EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 50308 EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 80218 EPA 8021B EPA 8021B EPÀ 80218 EPA 80218 EPA 80218 EPA 80218 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 ND ug/kg 6 ND ug/kg 4 ND ug/kg 4 * 64 Percent 65 Percent 81 Percent ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Sample#: 20011184-002 Received: 06/13/2001 Type: Soil I.D.: 88-3' ,J~ªr<.t,m.~t~L." "",,,,,,.,,,,-, Dichlorodifluoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl chloride 8romomethane Chloroethane Trichlorofluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethene Methylene chloride trans-1,2·dichloroethene 1,1-Dichloroethane Chloroform 1,1, I-Trichloroethane Carbon tetrachloride 1,2-Dichloroethane Trichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane 8romodichloromethane 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether Collector: Client Method: Via: Fed-Ex Sampling Date/Time: 06/11/2001 2:00:00 PM , ".Pr.~.p.1J~,~tMg~hg~t,,, "..;" J!~~Y!t.",..;..,,<ò'.' ,J)};,.it,..",,< '; ".,P9k..... Prep Date: 06/15/2001 Analysis Date: 06/15/2001 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 2 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 6 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 8 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 25 ug/kg 6 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 6 2 20011184-002 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,~ I ~n POSITIVE .~ LAB SERVICE Soils Engineering Inc. File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (663) 332-5806 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-637.2 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 06/18/01 No. 9597 Country Club Cleaners Fax: (661) 831-2111 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B trans-1,3-dichloropropene cis-1,3-0ichloropropene 1,1,2- Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene Oibromochloromethane Chlorobenzene Bromoform 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane 1,3-0ichlorobenzene 1,4-0ichlorobenzene 1,2-0ichlorobenzene cis-1,2-0ichloroethene Surrogates 8romochloromethane 4-Bromofluorobenzene 4-8romochlorobenzene NO ug/kg 4 NO ug/kg 4 NO ug/kg 4 160 ug/kg 12 .. NO ug/kg 4 NO ug/kg 2 NO ug/kg 2 NO ug/kg 2 ND ug/kg 4 ND ug/kg 6 NO ug/kg 4 NO ug/kg 4 * 63 Percent 79 Percent 107 Percent ...................................................................-.................................................................."'........................................................................................"'.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Via: Fed-Ex 2:15:00 PM Sample#: 20011184-003 Received: 06/13/2001 Type: Soil I.D.: B8-5' ".P~rªr1),E;!,t~r."..,,' ".', "',",' .,., <;'" Oichlorodifluoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl chloride Bromomethane Chloroethane Trièhlorofluoromethane 1,1-0ichloroethene Methylene chloride trans-1,2-dichloroethene l,l-0ichloroethane Collector: Client Sampling Date/Time: Method: 06/11/2001 "J~.r~º.lJ.~~U1,~thq~ Ü', ., .", <;,13:~~, 4.!.t..,""", <;,", J1.,o. !,t, <;,<;, ":'.' P-Q,h,;. < Prep Date: 06/14/2001 Analysis Date: 06/14/2001 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 6 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 NO ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 8 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 3 20011184-003 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I +1 ~f) POSITIVE II". LAB SERVICE 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Soils Engineering Inc. 06/18/01 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way No. 9597 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Country Club Cleaners Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (663)332-5806 Fax: (661) 831-2111 Chloroform EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 1,1,1-Trichloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 Carbon tetrachloride EPA 5030B EPA8021B ND ug/kg 4 1,2-Dichloroethane " EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 Trichloroethene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 6 1,2-Dichloropropane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 Bromodichloromethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 6 trans-1,3-dichloropropene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 1,1,2- Trichloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 Tetrachloroethene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 34 ug/kg 4 Dibromochloromethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 Chlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 Bromoform EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 1,3-Dichlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 1,4-Dichlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 6 1,2-Dichlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 Surrogates EPA 5030B EPA 8021B * Bromochloromethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 64 Percent 4-Bromofluorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 57 Percent 4-Bromochlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 68 Percent ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................-.-.......................................................................'.............................................................'...............................................................'.........................................'......... Sample#: 20011184-004 Received: 06/13/2001 Type: Soil I.D.: B9-1' Collector: Client Method: Via: Fed-Ex Sampling Date/Time: 06/11/2001 2:30:00 PM "P,ª-r~,m,~,t~r.."..;, :",>ü".·"" , >,~r.f}.P.1J..~,~~"M,~~hgs:J;,,:, "',' ;,,:R~~,~It.,,>,,:,';"':,,;,,µ,n!t,. ,,:;..; < ....,P,Q~..., Dichlorodifluoromethane Chloromethane Prep Date: 06/15/2001 Analysis Date: 06/15/2001 .' EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 2 ug/kg 6 4 20011184-004 I ~[J POSITIVE I ."" LAB SERVICE 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-637.2 I CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Soils Engineering Inc. 06/18/01 I File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way No. 9597 Ba kersfield, CA 93313 Country Club Cleaners I Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (663) 332-5806 Fax: (661) 831-2111 I Vinyl chloride EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 8romomethane EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 Chloroethane EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 I Trichlorofluoromethane EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 1,1-0ichloroethene EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO ug/kg 4 Methylene chloride EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 8 I trans-l,2-dichloroethene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 1,1-Dichloroethane EPA 50308 EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 I Chloroform EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 1, 1, I-Trichloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 Carbon tetrachloride EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 I l,2-Dichloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 Trichloroethene EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 6 1,2-Dichloropropane EPA 50308 EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 I Bromodichloromethane EPA 50308 - EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 6 trans-l,3-dichloropropene EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 I cis-l,3-0ichloropropene EPA 50308 EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 1,1,2- Trichloroethane EPA 50308 EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 I Tetrachloroethene EPA 50308 EPA 80218 7600 ug/kg 150 Dibromochloromethane EPA 50308 EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 Chlorobenzene EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 2 I Bromoform EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 2 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 2 1,3-Dichlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 I 1,4-0ichlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 6 1,2-0ichlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 I cis-1,2-Dichloroethene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 Surrogates EPA 5030B EPA 8021B * Bromochloromethane EPA 5030B EPA 80218 60 Percent I 4-Bromofluorobenzene EPA 50308 EPA 80218 82 Percent 4-Bromochlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 80218 51 Percent I 5 20011184-004 .- I I ....n POSITIVE I II ~ LAB SERVICE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-637.2 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Soils Engineering Inc. File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (663) 332-5806 Fax: (661) 831-2111 06/18/01 No. 9597 Country Club Cleaners .....................................................................-.........................................................................................................v.·.vo·.v.....·.·.....·.·.·.·.·.....·.·.·.·.·.·.....·.·.....·.·.·...·.....................................................-.........................................................................·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·...·.·.·.·...·h·.·.·.·...·.·.·.................................................................... Sample#: 20011184-005 Received: 06/13/2001 Type: Soil I.D.: 69-3' Collector: Client Sampling Date/Time: Method: 06/11/2001 Via: Fed-Ex 2:45:00 PM ,J~~r~,I:1)~t~L..,."".,"''''' ,',',' , J~r~pJ:rg~~"~"~,~h9ç!"" ,', ,J\g§H!.~"" ,,,,,,,,,,J),~Jt, '''''', ""PQk" Prep Date: 06/15/2001 Analysis Date: 06/15/2001 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 2 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 6 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 8 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 6 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 6 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 7500 ug/kg 250 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 2 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 2 EPA 50306 EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 2 6 20011184-005 Dichlorodifluoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl chloride 6romomethane Chloroethane Trichlorofluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethene Methylene chloride trans-l,2-dichloroethene 1,1-Dichloroethane Chloroform 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Carbon tetrachloride 1,2-Dichloroethane Trichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane 6romodichloromethane 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether trans-l,3-dichloropropene cis-l,3-Dichloropropene 1,1,2- Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene Dibromochloromethane Chlorobenzene 6romoform 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane I I I I I ~[1 POSITIVE .".. LAB SERVICE 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Soils Engineering Inc. File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (663) 332-5806 Fax: (661) 831-2111 06/18/01 No. 9597 Country Club Cleaners I I I 1,3-Dichlorobenzene l,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene cis-l,2-Dichloroethene Surrogates Bromochloromethane 4-Bromofluorobenzene 4-Bromochlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 8021B EPA. 8021B EPA 8021B EPA 8021B EPA 8021B EPA 8021B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 ND ug/kg 6 ND ug/kg 4 ND ug/kg 4 * 50 Percent 78 Percent 69 Percent ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... I I I I I I I I I I I Sample#: 20011184-006 Received: 06/13/2001 Type: Soil I.D.: B10-1' Collector: Client Method: Via: Fed-Ex Sampling Date/Time: 06/11/2001 2:55:00 PM "',.Pr.~,p.ll~,~~"M,~,~hgçJ",,' """,R~~~!t,"""""",V.nit,"',.., ",~,Qk", Prep Datc: 06/15/2001 Analysis Datc: 06/15/2001 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 6 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 8 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 6 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 6 7 20011184-006 ,J~ªr~m,~~~L".. ",..",.", '.' ".", Dichlorodifluoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl chloride Bromomethane Chloroethane Trichlorofluoromethane l,l-Dichloroethene Methylene chloride trans-1,2-dichloroethene l,l-Dichloroethane Chloroform 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Carbon tetrachloride l,2-Dichloroethane Trichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane Bromodichloromethane 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether I I I I I I I I I I I I ~f) POSITIVE .". LAB SERVICE 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Soils Engineering Inc. File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (663) 332-5806 93313 Fax: (661) 831-2111 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 06/18/01 No. 9597 Country Club Cleaners NO ug/kg 4 NO ug/kg -- 4 NO ug/kg 4 50 ug/kg 4 NO ug/kg 4 NO ug/kg 2 NO ug/kg 2 NO ug/kg 2 NO ug/kg 4 NO ug/kg 6 NO ug/kg 4 NO ug/kg 4 * 63 Percent 57 Percent 71 Percent '.............................-.-.........................................-..................................................................""....................,......."...........,..................................................................................................................................".1'..........................................................................^..............................·.·.·.·.·...·...·.·.......·.·.·...·...·.v.........·...·.·.....·.....·.·.·.v.· I I I I I I I tranS-1,3-dichloropropene cis-l,3-0ichloropropene 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene Oibromochloromethane Chlorobenzene Bromoform 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane 1,3-0ichlorobenzene 1,4-0ichlorobenzene l,2-0ichlorobenzene cis-l,2-0ichloroethene Surrogates Bromochloromethane 4-Bromof1uorobenzene 4-Bromochlorobenzene Sample#: 20011184-007 Received: 06/13/2001 Type: Soil I.D.: B10-3' Collector: Client Method: Sampling Date/Time: 06/11/2001 .; J~~rª}!l~~~L,.;" ;'. ;"";;.",' ,;" , "r.r~.pl1~;~t~;~~hp~,,, Via: Fed-Ex 3:10:00 PM ";,;"R~$.~!t,;,, ,,,,,,.;;,J),ni.t,., "" ,,;, P;Qk" Prep Date: 06/15/2001 Analysis Date: 06/15/2001 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 2 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 6 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 8 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO ug/kg 4 8 20011184-007 Oichlorodif1uoromethane Chloromethane Vinyl chloride Bromomethane Chloroethane Trichlorof1uoromethane 1,1-0ichloroethene Methylene chloride trans-l,2·dichloroethene 1,1-0ichloroethane I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~Ð POSITIVE .~ LAB SERVICE 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Soils Engineering Inc. File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (663)332-5806 Fax: (661) 831-2111 Chloroform EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B Carbon tetrachloride EPA 5030B EPA.8021B 1,2-Dichloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B Trichloroethene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B l,2-Dichloropropane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B Bromodichloromethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether EPA 5030B EPA 8021B trans-1,3-dichloropropene EPA 5030B EPA 80218 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 1,1,2-Trichloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B Tetrachloroethene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B Dibromochloromethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B Chlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B Bromoform EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 1,3-Dichlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 1,4-Dichlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 1,2-Dichlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B cis-1,2-Dichloroethene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B Surrogates EPA 5030B EPA 8021B Bromochloromethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 4-Bromofluorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 4-Bromochlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 06/18/01 No. 9597' Country Club Cleaners NO ug/kg 4 NO ug/kg 4 NO ug/kg 4 NO ug/kg 4 NO ug/kg 6 NO ug/kg 4 NO ug/kg 4 NO ug/kg 6 NO ug/kg 4 NO ug/kg 4 NO ug/kg 4 310 ug/kg 150 NO ug/kg 4 NO ug/kg 2 ND ug/kg 2 ND ug/kg 2 NO ug/kg 4 ND ug/kg 6 NO ug/kg 4 ND ug/kg 4 * 51 Percent 65 Percent 70 Percent .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................'. I I I Collector: Client Method: Via: Fed-Ex Sampling Date/Time: 06/11/2001 3:25:00 PM Sample#: 20011184-008 Received: 06/13/2001 Type: Soil I.D.: B10-5' ,;,p.ªr.~,m~~~r....,; ,; ',;""'·""'H;' , ;..;Pr.~.P.1T~,!?tM:,~,~hg~L, "" ",R~§M!t.:" ";;..;,.;J,J.,nit,, ,,,..; ".,P.9J.:,.;, Dichlorodifluoromethane Chloromethane Prep Date: 06/15/2001 Analysis Date: 06/15/2001 , EPA 5030B EPA 8021B NO EPA 5030B EPA 80216 ND 2 6 ug/kg ug/kg 9 20011184-008 I ~Ð POSITIVE I II ~ LAB SERVICE 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 fAX (213) 745-6372 I CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Soils Engineering Inc. 06/18/01 I File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way No. 9597 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Country Club Cleaners I Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (663)332-5806 Fax: (661)831-2111 I Vinyl chloride EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 Bromomethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg : 4 Chloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 I Trichlorofluoromethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 1,1-Dichloroethene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 Methylene chloride EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 8 I trans-1,2-dichloroethene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 l,l-Dichloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 Chloroform EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 I 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 Carbon tetrachloride EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 I l,2-Dichloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 Trichloroethene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 6 l,2-Dichloropropane EPA 5030B EPA 80216 ND ug/kg 4 I Bromodichloromethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 6 trans-1,3-dichloropropene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 I cis-1,3-Dichloropropene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 l,l,2-Trichloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 I Tetrachloroethene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 16 ug/kg 4 Dibromochloromethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 Chlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 I Bromoform EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 2 l,3-Dichlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 I l,4-Dichlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 6 l,2-Dichlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 I Surrogates EPA 5030B EPA 8021B * Bromochloromethane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 58 Percent I 4-Bromofluorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 54 Percent 4-Bromochlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 61 Percent I 10 20011184-008 I I ~[1 POSITIVE I 111". LAB SERVICE CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 Soils Engineering Inc. File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Ba kersfield, CA 93313 Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (663) 332-5806 Fax: (661) 831-2111 06/18/01 No. 9597 Country Club Cleaners ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................I'o.....................¿O...................v.................................................................................................................... Sample#: 20011184-009 Collector: Method: Received: 06/13/2001 Sampling Date/Time: ':. Type: Soil I.D.: Method 81ank ",P~rë:lrl),~t~r:,.,..,. ''''''',''''.' ',,", , ,J~r.~,p.!.T~~t~,~,~hq~", ,.", "Rg~~!t", """,,,JJ.!1i.t ,","" "'.' P,Qk", PI·el) Date: 06/14/2001 Analysis Date: 06/14/2001 Oichlorodifl uoromethane EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO ug/kg 2 Chloromethane EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 6 Vinyl chloride EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 8romomethane EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO ug/kg 4 Chloroethane EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO ug/kg 4 Trichlorofluoromethane EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO ug/kg 4 1,1-Dichloroethene EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 Methylene chloride EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 8 trans-l,2·dichloroethene EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO ug/kg 4 1,1-Dichloroethane EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 Chloroform EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 l,l,l-Trichloroethane EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 Carbon tetrachloride EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO ug/kg 4 l,2-0ichloroethane EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO ug/kg 4 Trichloroethene EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO ug/kg 6 1,2-0ichloropropane EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 4 8romodichloromethane EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 2-Chloroethy!viny! ether EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 6 tranS-l,3-dichloropropene EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO ug/kg 4 cis-l,3-0ichloropropene EPA 5030B EPA 80218 NO ug/kg 4 1,1,2- Trichloroethane EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO ug/kg 4 Tetrachloroethene EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 Oibromochloromethane EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO ug/kg 4 Chlorobenzene EPA 50308 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 2 Bromoform EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO ug/kg 2 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane EPA 50308 EPA 80218 NO ug/kg 2 11 20011184-009 1 ~Ð POSITIVE .".. LAB SERVICE 1 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 I CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Soils Engineering Inc. File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (663) 332-5806 Fax: (661) 831-2111 1 1 06/18/01 No. 9597 Country Club Cleaners 1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene Surrogates 8romochloromethane 4-8romofluorobenzene 4-8romochlorobenzene EPA 50308 EPA 50308 EPA 50308 EPA 50308 EPA 50308 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 EPA 50308 EPA 80216 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 I I I 1 ND = Not Detected NA = Not Applicable PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit 'I EPA 80216 EPA 80218 EPA 80218 EPA 80216 EPA 80218 ND ug/kg 4 ND ug/kg -- 6 ND ug/kg 4 ND ug/kg 4 * 82 Percent 102 Percent 113 Percent Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program Certificate No. 1131, LACSD No, 101 8 Any remaining sample(s) for testing will be disposed of30 days from receipt date unless notified, I I I I 1 I 1 ~ I 12 20011184-009 1 1 1 CLIENT: ~EPORT NO: þATRIX: METHOD: ~D POSITIVE II~ LAB SERVICE 6/25/01 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Soils Engineering Inc. 20011184 Soil EPA 8021 B SA TCH No: DATE EXTRACTED: DA TE ANALYZED: QC SAMPLE: 11658021 06/14-15/01 06/14-15/01 20011184-008 It SAMPLE AMT AMT SPK REC RESULTS SPIKED REC. % ACCEPT I ÞARAMETER UG/KG UG/KG UG/KG REC RANGE <%> RPD S 0 20 22.4 112% ,1-DICHLOROETHANE II DS 0 20 20.4 102% 72-144 9% LCS 20 15.1 76% 61-152 ,,1,1- TRICHLOROETHANE S 0 20 22.5 113% DS 0 20 19.6 98% 78-130 14% LCS 20 15.2 76% 73-135 ~ICHLOROETHENE S 0 20 23.0 115% DS 0 20 24.7 124% 77-131 7% ~ETRACHLOROETHENE LCS 20 15.6 78% 71-125 S 16 20 33.6 88% l DS 16 20 28.4 62% 72-137 35% LCS 20 14.4 72% 65-133 i,2-DICHLOROETHANE S 0 20 22.6 113% DS 0 20 20.1 101% 72-138 12% LCS 20 15.6 78% 75-135 IHLOROFORM S 0 20 21.6 108% DS 0 20 18.3 92% 72-138 17% tROMOCHLOROMETHANE LCS 20 23.7 119% 80-123 S 0 30 36.9 123% I DS 0 30 34.3 114% 72-138 7% LCS 30 28.6 95% 78-120 * * Low level contamination in sample. Data is valid based on LCS. 1 I 1 'I S DS LCS LCSD RPD ND = Spike = Duplicate Spike = Laboratory Control Sample = Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate = Relative Percent Difference = None Detected ~~.. .--- :;.-..::;. ~ ..~." .,.........,.:". ·Y"6. ;. .t..... '. - .- - - . ........~. -,,-~~-:,----;- .:'.->I--:.:;'~'f";':'~'- .:. r ~. ' .·,';',:·,,""\r:-" .;. - -- .~?;:~:~'-~T~-~~;~- ~~.. '.,..... ~::~..-.:.;:-þ.... . t..·--;~---:-~ ':-~-~"Io-,~.f ¥ I:_:.;..·~ .'~. 1- . "-;~ .' ...'...... '<'.ßf 6"''' .. ~ ..- V·· oi ,,----.- .;:: :,:. '.:"..... -:"..:~ _ _ _,'ÎIII _ ... _ _ - - - - - ;::..4f) POSITIVE ':',11"" LAB SERVICE L:.¡:::T ~ ~ROJECTNAME: (\ J _ 1'1. I /"" PROJECT NO. C¡,;::-qï P.O. NO. (,ïr.:: CI '7 .' ..., I ( ..... ,.,,/ \..... ·...t ." '" ¡ .,.' ~DDRESS: 'I'IIYJ ~at'"u _ Íiktd PJ't.. ~Ç'/J 41 (}z.z I::;>, PROJECT MANAGER: 'd~/>YD( j/'" 'PHCm{ NO:f.f.¿;:1./_~ }AI'. FAX NOr#'(<;? , _1111 .If! J' c" , CLIENT NAME: \ I: ! i I ! I ¡ ¡ i I ! ¡ I f , ... 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 ,. - , SAMPLER NAME:, . I /J .A' ./1 . . /lL" ,,(1/1 r yo ~ < ¡r,rinptdJ.. _ . / J~~el / ~ " /, , - ,",.' (..,F'" V ... .- TAT (Analytical Turn Around Time) 0" Same Day; 1 .. 24 Hour; 2 .. 48 Hour; (Etc.) N = NORMAL '. CONTAINER TYPES: B.. Brass, G .. Glass, P .. Plastic, V = VOA Vial, 0 = Other: SAMPLE DATE TIME ; NO. SAMPLED SAMPLED .. . . , t.- It .. f.J1 . r:(1 , 1'0(\ 1:/C, . :l :7,6 '1'L/~ . , " .,~".t- . '. " ~'<5 .. ~·.IO .'. " ~'1.¡; ,~ MATRIX SAMPLE. DESCRIPTION SOIL SLUDGE OTHER . WATER p,~- } / P') <;: _ 7.., / ~~-5 ,,' - R.Cì- I' "P....c¡ "Z /' 12J /) - I ,;' RI f) - 7..,'- - RIO -ì:: /' y ¡' , i i , \ \ \ ,\ \ Reh~qu'sþ,ed By· ISlgnalure and P'tnled Name) . ,/1/' /7... ~ pl. /fl. /1. ~.,...., I R~linQU Shed8Y:tŠlgna~~reandP~¥"4.ndPtl ,. ell'.r"" /' . . . ; :,/í/./ /'("/ Rehnqulshed By: (Signature àñd1'>nnted Name) /.. Received By: (Si90~IUrel~n,d Prinled,~ame). ?' :. / ß/ ' //~//''''I/ ... ___ RecelVE'~..aY:,¡Si9;Jí'lure·and P(,nled Ñame)· , ¡r \.,.. /P7~Y/.:'''',_,/..,,¿:...-:<,...-- -7t'.../,!" \ (:i III Rec7('~Y:1Sigtl'a(lJ,è !inii Pí~led Name) ,., I ~l \;' I ." . SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: ; ~. .' CLIENT COpy I p, y .. ¡ '( , I I / J I f ¡ , \ I . \ I ¡ \ i \ ! I 1 I CONTAINER TAT . Al r¡ i , I I i \ \ I Dale: J I".., '" Date: I" \";;1)/ 'bate: . LOG BOOK NOY'" 11 \ \) CHAIN OF CUSTODY AND --ANALYSIS REQUEST DATE: 61 , 1. FILE NO, ANALYSES REQUESTED: (" ' PAG~Tï-f-0F LAB NO, if ILì . . '1 I AlRBILl NO? '-1 . . COOLER TEMP:~~ : ' I ", PRESERVED: . QCREPORl LEVEL: REMARKS: . . .~ o Ç() ., SAMPLE CONDITION! .' COMMENTS: TYPE , '. -' .·õ . ,. Time: SAMPLE DISPOSITION: G" ">/" gÞ# 1. Samples returned to cHEmt? YES NO Time·..-t ' . ,~ \ '1 " VI í\ / 2, Samples -;"'ill not be stored over 30 days, unless , ' . , I r additi0i1~1 storage time is requested. , Time. ., ,.' . 3. Storage time requested: . .. . . days ... '.. By , , Date . . .'. . . . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I :Þ 'tI 'tI m z c >< m I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. APPENDIX B BORING LOGS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ANALYSES SAMPLE Boring ~ Lab Field Z ,....., ë5 .~ .. .c ;:J ~ ~ Abandonment ~ e '" 0 OJ SOIL DESCRIPTION CM '-' ~ » 't: U ~ NUMBER '" PCE ~ ::c ~ v5 TCE Ppm ~ ~ Q U 0 ~ ~ ë5 v5 ~ ~ .c Z ... (ppb) = ~ '"'" ~ ;;i 0 Concrete Surface 1100 100 8M Silty Sand, med yelsh brn, vfn - fu gr, damp, med ND dense, no odor or staining. 6900 125 ML Silt, dk bro, soft, moist, no odor or staining. ND 51 90 Clay, dk yelsh bro, v moist, medstiff, no odor or ND staining. Date Drilled: 4-20-01 Total Depth: 5' Depth To Water: NA Logged By: RJ Becker, R.G. Drilling Method: Hand Auger Contractor: SEI SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 PROJECT NAME: Country Club Cleaners SITE NAME: 4800 White Lane, Bakersfield, California PLATE Project Number: 01-9597 DATE: 7-13-01 BORING LOCATION: l' North ofDry Cleaning Machine B-1 BORING LOG . 10f 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ANALYSES SAMPLE E-o Boring Lab Field Z C' Õ ~ ~ ~ .c Abandonment ~ ....;¡ 5 .;;¡ 0 ~ .. SOIL DESCRIPTION ....., >. "0 U ~ NUMBER '" PCE ~ =: ~ v:i TCE E-o ~ Q U 0 ~ E-o Õ v:i (ppb) ....;¡ r..:¡ .c: Z ... = ~ I-; ;,J ;;;j 0 Concrete Surface 57 80 B2-t' SM Silty Sand, dk yelsh bm, vfu - fu gr, damp, med ND dense, no odor or staining. 1700 95 B2-3' SM Silty Sand - As Above ND 6.5 95 B2-5' SP Sand, med yelsh bm, fu - med gr, damp, med ND dense, no odor or staining. Date Drilled: 4-20-01 Total Depth: 5' Depth To Water: NA Logged By: RJ Becker, R.G. Drilling Method: Hand Auger Contractor: SEI SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 PROJECT NAME: Country Club Cleaners SITE NAME: 4800 White Lane, Bakersfield, California PLATE Project Number: 01-9597 DATE: 7-13-01 BORING LOCA nON: I' West of Dry Cleaning Machine B-2 BORING LOG . 10f 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I " I ANALYSES SAMPLE Eo; Boring Lab Field Z ~ Õ I)Ï¡ ~ ~ .c Abandonment ~ 5 .¡;; 0 ~ :< ~ SOIL DESCRIPTION CM '-' .... '0 U ~ NUMBER '" PCE ~ =: ~ v5 TCE Ppm Eo; ~ Q U 0 ~ Eo; õ v5 ~ ~ ..c: (ppb) Z .... C'I Q .... ;.:s ~ Concrete Surface 350 95 Silty Sand, med yelsh bm, vfn gr, damp, med CUTTINGS ND dense, no odor or staining. 1300 150 ML Sandy Silt, dk bro, soft, moist, no odor or ND staining. 9.8 85 SP Sand, med yelsh brn, fn - med gr, damp, med ND _ ____ CL dense, no odor or staining. Clay at base õf sample Date Drilled: 4-20-01 Total Depth: 5' Depth To Water: NA Logged By: RJ Becker, R.G. Drilling Method: Hand Auger Contractor: SEI SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 PROJECT NAME: Country Club Cleaners SITE NAME: 4800 White Lane, Bakersfield, California PLATE BORING LOCATION: l' South of Dry Cleaning Machine Project Number: 01-9597 DATE: 7-13-01 B-3 BORING LOG . lof 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ANALYSES SAMPLE E-t Boring Lab Field Z ,-.. õ ci> .... ..Q Abandonment ~ ~ ~ e "¡;; 0 ~ :< 01 SOIL DESCRIPTION Ch4 '-' » '0 U ~ NUMBER '" PCE ~ := ~ rJ3 TCE Ppm E-t ~ <:) u 0 ~ Eo- õ (ppb) ~ ~ .c rJ3 Z .... = ~ ~ ~ ;;j Concrete Surface 120 75 SM Silty Sand, med yelsh bm, vfu - fn gr, damp, med ND dense, no odor or staining. 3900 150 ND 20 100 SP Sand, med yelsh brn, fu - med gr, damp, med ND CL dense, no odor or staining. Clay at base of sample Date Drilled: 4-20-01 Total Depth: 5' Depth To Water: NA Logged By: RJ Becker, R.G. Drilling Method: Hand Auger Contractor: SEI SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 PROJECT NAME: Country Club Cleaners SITE NAME: 4800 White Lane, Bakersfield, California PLATE Project Number: 01-9597 DATE: 7-13-01 BORING LOCATION: }' East of Dry Cleaning Machine B-4 BORING LOG . lof I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ANALYSES SAMPLE ~ Boring Lab Field Z - õ .2P .... ,Q ~ ~ ~ Abandonment ~ ë '" 0 :< .. SOIL DESCRIPTION CM - '" '0 U ~ NUMBER '" PCE ~ =: ~ vi TCE Ppm ~ ~ <:> U 0 ~ ~ õ vi ~ ~ .c: (Ppb) Z ... = Q ~ ::3 ;;;i Concrete Surface 7.1 80 B5-1' Silty Sand, med yelsh bm, vfu gr, damp, med ND dense, no odor or !Jtaining. 8.4 80 B5-3' Silty Sand, As Above ND 14 90 B5-5' _~~ Sand, med yelsh brn, fu - med gr, damp, med ND CL dense, no odor or staining. Clay at base 6f sample Date Drilled: 4-20-01 Total Depth: 5' Depth To Water: NA Logged By: RJ Becker, R.G. Drilling Method: Hand Auger Contractor: SEI SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 PROJECT NAME: Country Club Cleaners SITE NAME: 4800 White Lane, Bakersfield, California PLATE BORING LOCATION: Near back Door, Drum Area B-5 BORING LOG Project Number: 01-9597 DATE: 7-13-01 . lof 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ANALYSES SAMPLE Eo< Boring Lab Field Z C' Õ ÞÌi ;:J ~ .Q Abandonment ~ e .¡;; 0 ~ 4.1 SOIL DESCRIPTION Ch4 '-' ..... '0 U ~ NUMBER '" PCE ~ =:: tiJ ¡¡) TCE Ppm Eo< ~ Q U 0 C-4 Eo< Õ ¡¡) ..:¡ ~ -= (Ppb) ~ ... ;;S = ~ ;::3 Concrete Surface 21 80 B6-1' SM Silty Sand, med yelsh bro, vfu gr, damp, med ND ____ dense, no odor or staining. 11 80 B6-3' ML Silt, Dk Bro, soft, v moist, possible stain, no ND odor. 25 90 B6-5' SP Sand, med yelsh brn, fu - crs gr, damp, loose, no ND S odor or staining. Date Drilled: 4-20-01 Total Depth: 5' Depth To Water: NA Logged By: RJ Becker, R.G. Drilling Method: Hand Auger Contractor: SEI SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 PROJECT NAME: Country Club Cleaners SITE NAME: 4800 White Lane, Bakersfield, California PLATE BORING LOCATION: By Drain in Boiler Room Project Number: 01-9597 DATE: 7-13-01 B-6 BORING LOG . 10f 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I <, I ANALYSES SAMPLE ~ Boring Lab Field Z - Q .~ .. .c ~ ~ ~ Abandonment ~ e <II 0 :< III SOIL DESCRIPTION Ch4 '-' » '1:1 U ~ NUMBER <II PCE ~ tI: ~ v.i TCE Ppm ~ r;¡¡¡ 0 u 0 ~ ~ Q v.i ~ r;¡¡¡ .c (Ppb) Z ..... ¡::¡: ~ .... ~ ;:¡ 0 Concrete Surface 42 80 Silty Sand; med yelsh bro, vfn gr, damp, med ND dense, no odor or staining. 66 80 ML Silt, med to elk bm, soft to fInn, moist, no odor, ND no staining. 34 50 Sand, med yelsh brn, fn - med gr, damp!.. med ND dense, no odor or staining. Date Drilled: 4-20-01 Total Depth: 5' Depth To Water: NA Logged By: RJ Becker, R.G. Drilling Method: Hand Auger Contractor: SEI SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 PROJECT NAME: Country Club Cleaners SITE NAME: 4800 White Lane, Bakersfield, California PLATE Project Number: 01-9597 DATE: 7-13-01 BORING LOCATION: By PCE Filter Machine in Boiler Room B-7 BORING LOG . lof 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ANALYSES SAMPLE ~ Boring Lab Field Z ~ Õ CÏi ;:¡ ~ ..c Abandonment ~ ~ e .;;¡ 0 :< ~ SOIL DESCRIPTION Ch4 '-' :>. 't:I U ~ NUMBER <II PCE ~ := ~ 1'15 TCE Ppm t ~ 0 u 0 ~ Õ 1'15 (Ppb) .J ~ ..c Z ... ~ ~ ooo ~ ~ 0 Concrete Surface 28 80 B8-1' 8M Silty Sand, med yelsh bm, vfit gr, damp, med ND dense, no odor or staining. 160 110 B8-3' 8M Silty Sand, dk bro, as above 25 34 70 B8-5' 8M Silty Sand, med yelsh bro, fit - med gr, damp, med ND dense, no odor or staining. Clay at base 01 sample Date Drilled: 6-11-01 Total Depth: 5' Depth To Water: NA Logged By: RJ Becker, R.G. Drilling Method: Hand Auger Contractor: SEI SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 PROJECT NAME: Country Club Cleaners SITE NAME: 4800 White Lane, Bakersfield, California PLATE Project Number: 01-9597 DATE: 7-13-01 BORING LOCATION: 10' WestofB-2 B-8 BORING LOG . 10f 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ANALYSES SAMPLE Eo; Boring Lab Field Z ~ õ .~ ;:> 41 ,..:¡ .J:I Abandonment ~ e '" 0 ~ .... .. SOIL DESCRIPTION CM u - ~ NUMBER '" '0 PCE ~ = ~ CI5 TCE Ppm t ~ 0 u 0 ~ õ ,..:¡ ~ .J:I CI5 (Ppb) Z .... ~ ~ .... ;:3 ;;) 0 Concrete Surface 7600 120 B9-1' SM Silty Sand, It yelsh brn, vfu gr, damp, med ND dense, no odor or staining. 7500 130 B9-3' SM Silty Sand, bro, moist, fn -med gr, mod silt, ND possible staining, no odor. Refusal at 3' bgs. Date Drilled: 6-11-01 Total Depth: 3' Depth To Water: NA Logged By: RJ Becker, R.G. Drilling Method: Hand Auger Contractor: SEI SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 PROJECT NAME: Country Club Cleaners SITE NAME: 4800 White Lane, Bakersfield, California PLATE BORING LOCATION: 6' NE ofBl Project Number: 01-9597 DATE: 7-13-01 B-9 BORING LOG . 10f 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ANALYSES SAMPLE ~ Boring Lab Field Z Z' Q .~ ;:J Q, ~ .l:I Abandonment ~ ë '" 0 ~ ~ SOIL DESCRIPTION CM >. 'C U '-' ~ NUMBER '" PCE ~ = ~ v3 TCE Ppm ~ ~ Q U 0 ~ ~ Q v3 ~ ~ .c (ppb) Z ... ;:3 ~ ~ .... :.:3 0 Concrete Surface 50 60 Silty Sand, med yelsh bro, vfu gr, damp, med ND dense, no odor or staining. 310 80 Silt, dk bm, moist, firm, possible staining, no ND odor. 16 60 SP Sand, med yelsh brn, fn - med gr, damp, med ND CL dense, no odor or staining. Clay at base ôf sample Date Drilled: 6-11-01 Total Depth: 5' Depth To Water: NA Logged By: RJ Becker, R.G. Drilling Method: Hand Auger Contractor: SEI SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 PROJECT NAME: Country Club Cleaners SITE NAME: 4800 White Lane, Bakersfield, California PLATE Project Number: 01-9597 DATE: 7-13-01 BORING LOCATION: 5' south ofB3 B-IO BORING LOG . 10f 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I » "tJ "tJ m z C >< <1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I APPENDIX C RISK ASSESSMENT DATA & CALCULATIONS SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. ~ ------------------- RBCA Tool Kit for Chemical Releases, Version 1.2 [-------- Prepare Input Data Review Output I I D'" Comp'o('? ( · ,"", ."J ] I . 0 Exposure Pathways Exposure Flowchart I I COC Chern. Parameters r (2) I Constituents of I .0 Concern (COCs) J I Input Data Summary .0 Transport Models J User-Spec. coe Data... .0 Soil Parameters Transient Domenico Analysis... .0 GW Parameters Baseline Risks... J Generic Values Site-Specific Values On-Site On- or Off-Site Exposure Air Parameters J EXDosure .0 Cleanup Standards... RBCA Tool Kit for Chemical Releases Version 1.2 @ 1999 a cu a on pions G) . Affects which input data are required ~ Baseline Risks (Forward mode) ~ RBCA Cleanup Standards (Backward mode) 4. RBCA Evaluation Process .., ------------------- RBCA Tool Kit for Chemical Releases, Version 1.2 Outdoor Air Volatilization Factors CD o Surface soil volatilization model only <I Combination surface soil/Johnson & Ettinger models Thickness of surface soil zone I 4 I (ft) o User-specified VF from other model L';;¡xH#,~;';it!!jEnt:ét!VF:~VåIÜes,<%J Indoor Air VolatilizatIon Factors <I Johnson & Ettinger model o User-specified VF from other model !~'i¿!.[)!J!;U;~~Ei)Jêr¡,VCF,YaIÜei¡:(t~!i) Soil-to-Groundwater Leachlnø Factor <I ASTM Model CD ~ Apply Soil Attenuation Model (SAM) ~ Allow first-order blodecay ( . 0 Enter Decay Rates ) o User-specified LF from other model 1,)~»',\;;,EntérI1FValûes;<D 2. Lateral Air Dispersion Factor // -------- (-+-----1 I wind ': ~~"'~~"~:?::<":..,,t:"",~},:;;:{;¡¡,.1 ~%?:~f~4~~%*t~£þ·:.- o Calculate DAF using DomenIco Model G) o Domenico equation with dispersion only (no biodegradation) . Domenico equation first-order decay (. 0 Enter Decay Rates ) o Modified Domenico equation using (&:;f~;¡';i'w':JiiE""'t",'v''''s'''·t'b'{D'''''''t·-:'4,~1b'~1 I II '''''''''''".4!'''' ,n er;, I eo' a ad",.." e ectron acceptor superpos t on'''···'''<r'''\'~'''"",'''''''''''\·'··'''' ""'""''''''', [';;':Ehter)'DifêètlY1) ['''I' ,)(U!ini¡ ('iiJ:!::¡iy I NC !:/nq:iJ -or- User-SpecifIed DAF Values o DAF values from other model t~~\;{;~t~t§m~fLº~ê'~y.ªr:í~rê~s'Bi) or site data Œ) <I 3-D Gaussian dispersion model o User-Specified ADF Off-site 1 Off-site 2 I 1.00E+O 111.00E+O (-) Help '" ------------------- RBCA Tool Kit for Chemical Releases, Version 1.2 Site-Specific Soil Parameters 01 ource one arac ens ICS Hydrogeology General Case Construction Depth to water-bearing unit (ft) Capillary zone thickness (ft) Soil column thickness (ft) Affected Soil Zone Depth to top of affected soils Depth to base of affected soils Affected soil area Length of affected soil parallel to assumed wind direction Length of affected soil parallel to assumed GW flow direction (ft) (ft) (ft^2) (ft) 25 rft) c:: ._ E o ::J C/)õ o .!.O) Q) ·2 :!: åícuC:: ~Æ::) " ,.:,:~, -+ -+ o u ace 01 0 urnn Predominant uses Soil Type or ( Enter Directly ) Total porosity Volumetric water content Volumetric air content Dry bulk density Vertical hydraulic conductivity Vapor permeability Capillary zone thickness Net Rainfall Infiltration Net infiltration estimate or ( Enter Directly ) Average annual precipitation Partitioning Parameters Fraction organic carbon Soillwater pH CD (-) (-) (-) (kg/L) (ft/yr) (ft^2) (ft) ~~n/yr) 6 (inlyr) 0.01 6.8 J-) (-) "n Set Units Print Sheet ------------------- RBCA Tool Kit for Chemical Releases, Version 1.2 Saturated tl,ickni~:3~" (ftlyr) (ftlyr) (ft/yr) (-) (-) 0.001 (-) 6.20 (-) 20 (ft) 2 (ft) /j\ or 10 (It) I r¡"i I"! Lenqth of S,:)u\,Cf:' ?U¡1Ü " C'ff·~:;jU,: ()f{.·siti;:~; Distance to GW receptors I U II u or ( Enter Directly) 'oj¡ or \1/ LongitudInal disperslvlty (} U Transverse disperslvlty U u Vertical dispersivity U 0 Groun(iwatiH Discharge to SUd,3CC D¡~,;jí-~nc(-\ to i.~~:V'.¡J;~~~\j\f point ¡--}¡~I¡-rli:- \;,,/id!:i-: ;:-ìi (;\j--//~'-;\/\! cti::;cl")2Jrøü F-'!l !(n;~.· ! ~.)!(-:.¡, ni-':_;~-:' :~-ìi : :~\/"'!/~:~;\f\l disctì:·jrqf-~ Soil Leaching to GW (2) Off-site 1 OtfSli,::;: I 0 I(ft) ~ or \I; o (ft) o (ft) o (ft) G) Off-site 2 I f'JA Irft) L:Q:J (ft) L:Q:J (fl) ii il --,-- j ------------------- Site-Specific Air Parameters U oor Ir a way Dispersion in Air Distance to offsite air receptor or ( Enter Directly ) Horizontal dlspersivlty Vertical dlsperslvlty Air Source Zone Air mixing zone height Ambient air velocity In mixing zone Areal particulate emission flux RBCA Tool Kit for Chemical Releases, Version 1.2 Off-site 1 (ìff -~; ¡ t e 2 ¡¡;o! \~ 11ff) Õ (ft) c:JCJ (ft) G) :~II(' N;'"I(' (,(HIII11V Chili CI('''"('I', .¡¡¡IIII) /'B I )7iJ I ()(,.III¡¡II '11\1)1) III/lillI' I ;!lII' 1\;ikl'I'.III'I(1 C/\ "j,) I,', I ),,11' 1/ ¡III.IY U 1 (:¡¡IIlpl IIV :;1 I wind /r----------"/" // I outdoor air / f--:---------( I I I I I I I. I I I I (fl) (ftld) (g/cm^2/s) G) n oor Ir a way Building Parameters f;'-'<¡.j'}!IJ¡,'¡ Building volume/area ratio b _ )(-;¡ 1)::) Foundation area / ~\.; 4 1'1 Foundation perimeter ,¡ ii _:)4~: Building air exchange rate: ¿: ( I Depth to bottom of foundation slab U ,'; 'd,! I", Convective air flow through cracks Foundation thickness Foundation crack fraction Volumetric water content of cracks Volumetric air content of cracks Indoor/Outdoor differential pressure '-' ------------------- RBCA Tool Kit for Chemical Releases, Version 1,2 RBCA SITE ASSESSMENT Baseline Risk Summary-All Pathways Site Name: Country Club Cleaners Completed By: SEI Site Location: 4800 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA. 93313 Date Completed: 13-Jul-01 1 of 1 TIER 2 BASELINE RISK SUMMARY TABLE BASELINE CARCINOGENIC RISK BASELINE TOXIC EFFECTS EXPOSURE Cumulative cae Risk Total Target Value Risk Hazard Quotient Maximum Applicable Value Limit Hazard Index Total Applicable Value LImit Risk lImlt(s) Exceeded? Com plete: CRITICAL EXPOSURE PATHWAY (Maximum Values From Complete Pathways) 2.4E-6 1.0E-6 2.4E-6 1.0E-5 . Soil Soil 2.5E-1 1.0E+O Indoor Air 2.5E-1 1.0E+O Indoor Air Toxicity Llmlt(s) Exceeded? o o o o o o '" ------------------- ." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RBCA Tool Kit for Chemical Releases, Version 1.2 RBCA SITE ASSESSMENT Site Name: Count Club Cleaners Site Location: 4800 White Lane, Bakersfie Com leted B : SEI Date Com leted: 13-Jul-01 1 OF 1 TIER 2 EXPOSURE CONCENTRATION AND INTAKE CALCULATION ISQIIi;EX~OSU'Rg¡PÄ'THWÂYi;¡¡'¡0 ,¡h?i;¡;;,;¡:Jpj:}\t~t}}'¡:~¡r~,}j~rlt'ii,!Ntj}S~¡:;::::*:..¡:aêHÉCKÊPI~:pÂfíiWÂY:I$;ÂC'[IVÉ)¡:¡;!J¡i;;::i;i¡:¡;:'¡¡¥·'iiX.·";i;)}¡i~!¡t¡1¡;¡:¡¡¡;:+iilUL¡;:.¡¡iJ:¡;j:!:,¡¡!?;1 SURFACE SOILS OR SEDIMENTS: ON-SITE INGESTION AND 1) Source/Exposure Medium 2) Exposure Multiplier 3) Average Daily Intake Rate DERMAL CONTACT (IR+SAxMxRAF)xEFxED/(BWxA T\ Ikalka/dav) Imglkgldav) 11\x (2) Constituents of Concern Surface Soil Cone, (mglkg) Commercial Construction Worker Commercial Construction Worker IT etrachloroethene 4,5E+O 1.0E-5 I 3.0E-7 4.6E-5 I 1.4E-6 ITrichloroethene 2.5E·2 1,OE-5 I 3.0E-7 2.6E-7 I 7,5E-9 NOTE: RAF = Relative absorption factor (-) M = Adherence factor mg/cm^2 Site Name: Country Club Cleaners Site Location: 4800 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA. 93313 Completed By: SEI - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RBCA Tool Kit for Chemical Releases. Version 1.2 RBCA SITE ASSESSMENT 10F3 TIER 2 EXPOSURE CONCENTRATION AND INTAKE CALCULATION SOILS (1 ·4 ft): VAPOR INTRUSION INTO ON-5ITE BUILDINGS 1) Source Medium 2) NAF Value (m^3Ikg) 3) Exposure Medium 4) Exposure Multiplier 5) Average Inhalation Exposure Receptor IndoorAir. POEConc. (mgIm^3) (1)/(2) (EFxEDY(ATx365) (unitless) Concentration (mgIm^3) (3) X (4) Constituents of Concern Soil Cone, (matko) Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial ITetrachloroethene 4,5E+O 3.5E+2 1.3E-2 2.4E-1 3.1 E-3 I Trichloroethene 2.5E-2 3.5E+2 7.1 E-5 2.4E-1 1.7E-5 I NOTE: AT = Averaging time (days) EF = Exposure frequency (days/yr) ED = Exposure duration (yr) Site Name: Country Club Cleaners Site Location: 4800 White Lane. Bakersfield. CA. 93313 Completed By: SEI NAF = Natural attenuation factor POE = Point of exposure Date Completed: 13-Jul-01 Job ID: 2811274 '" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RBCA Tool Kit for Chemical Releases, Version 1.2 RBCA SITE ASSESSMENT 20F3 TIER 2 EXPOSURE CONCENTRATION AND INTAKE CALCULATION IINB'ö.òR,iÄí.RíEX¡>pãûREij~ÀT¡:(WÂY$Zií1l1iN:,ji:i:J¡"· "..,,,...,, (:¡:¥t!iæl,¡¡¡tt!jj1fiâ~¡tt¡t¡¡¡!y;, "hrati1i:i!l',::i0fl,!Ð ';:",:5:þ»j¡ŒI:ít1cHECKE"piJì=JpÅTHWÁWi$JÂc:Tlvej::¡1 Œ-'V-\: ·;{:~{fœ1W~j ~':::igq;;:l~(:)Hì1rY{¡_:: --,"'_:_'X~~:;;ie::;::;' t-:,,:-,-!>,~-'2' v~~lct:,?,,%\iþ¿y~:;Ys-;{j ~ ~ ,~, ~ ,;,v~jk4?,-:b0} T:S::;';;UY GROUNDWATER" VAPOR INTRUSION Exposure Concentration INTO ON-SITE BUILDINGS 1) Source Medium 2) NAF Value (m^3IL) 3) Exposure Medium 4) Exposure Multiplier 5) Average Inhalation Exposure Receptor IndoorAir. POEConc, (mgIm^3) (1)/(2) (EFxED)/(ATx365) (unitless) Concentration (mgIm^3) (3) X (4) Constituents of Concern Groundwater Cone, (moiL) None None None None r T etrachloroethene IT richloroethene I NOTE: AT = Averaging time (days) EF = Exposure frequency (days/yr) ED = Exposure duration (yr) Site Name: Country Club Cleaners Site Location: 4800 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA. 93313 Completed By: SEt NAF = Natural attenuation factor POE = Point of exposure Date Completed: 13-Jul-D1 Job ID: 2811274 ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RBCA Tool Kit for Chemical Releases. Version 1.2 RBCA SITE ASSESSMENT 30F3 TIER 2 EXPOSURE CONCENTRATION AND INTAKE CALCULATION liNQØØRfgiij;~XRQŠijRÊ!PA"HWÃYs.t¡1i¡}i¡¡f'!!ii·{:·';·· "'" ;TLt::':::::;':::':::::H!j~;~~;~rP4r,~f~r£j~i·;i:..:::,.'\~-ì%'i~~i;U:f!1(~-1I;lli;}jj#-1 ,;;,~;;:;::~~.:"" , TOTAL PATHWAY EXPOSURE (mg/m^3) (Sum average expsosure concentratIons from 5011 and groundwater routes.) Constituents of Concern Commercial IT etrachloroethene 3.1 E-3 ITrichloroethene 1 .7E-5 I Site Name: Country Club Cleaners Date Completed: 13-Jul-01 Site Location: 4800 White Lane, Bakersfield. CA. 9Job ID: 2811274 Completed By: SEI - - - - - o!\ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RBCA Tool Kit for Chemical Releases. Version 1,2 RBCA SITE ASSESSMENT 3 OF 10 TIER 2 PATHWAY RISK CALCULATION I".·.~~·······.····.·.···.' ,........,...............'................".....,....~.... INDOORAlREXPOSÜREjPATHV;¡;" YS']i V-""»'m:'i5~"-'" L<!~;':f.;~')j\V' , 1:fþt)~,:\ ;,iiQ~¡ffl¡¡:tJif~l:¡¡i.,¡'iêHECI{EO:IFi~Âf~wÃYS\AREAêf¡vE)ijitJlw!1;WGl%itJ11 CARCINOGENIC RISK """'".-,..' ",.-,-_." ;·;';,:"::'::::::<~,:<,:/:Ut~h/Vi:! ;·;·;·,;·:·,·;>;'tf:(+:-,,;w;,< ~wrn:;;c (1)EPA (2) Total Carcinogenic (3) Inhalation (4) Individual COC Carcinogenic Exposure (mgIm^3) Unit Risk Factor Risk (2) x (3) x 1000 Constituents of Concern Classification Commercial (µgIm^3)^-1 Commercial IT etrachloroethene C-B2 3.1 E-3 5,8E-7 1,8E-6 ITrichloroethene 82 1.7E-5 1,7E-6 3,QE-8 Total Pathway Carcinogenic Risk = 1.9E-6 Site Name: Country Club Cleaners Site Location: 4800 White Lane. Bakersfield, CA. 93313 Completed By: SEI Date Completed: 13-Jul-01 JoblD: 2811274 - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RBCA Tool Kit for Chemical Releases. Version 1,2 RBCA SITE ASSESSMENT 4 OF 10 TIER 2 PATHWAY RISK CALCULATION 1¡¡:'¡'P:ÔÔR'ÂI¡fEXì5'êi~ÛRÊ¡PATHWÂY~Jitff~¡;iII]jI:'f't:i:,i" ~i'n_:1dâiw¡iH ·~rcH~êKÊDfl fjpAj¡:¡WAYS;jARÊÄêj'¡vÊï\¡ ~ '::,~ 'j:K:;':V~i:i i"'>\ ~",'" TOXIC EFFECTS (5) Total Toxicant (6) Inhalation (7) Individual COC Exposure (mgIm^3) Reference Concentration Hazard Quotient (5)/(6) Constituents of Concern Commercial (mgIm^3) Commercial ITetrachloroethene 8.8E-3 3.5E-2 2.5E-1 ITrichloroethene 4.9E-5 2,1 E-2 2.3E-3 Total Pathway Hazard Index = I 2.5E-1 I Site Name: Country Club Cleaners Site Location: 4800 White Lane. Bakersfield, CA. 93313 Completed By: SEI Date Completed: 13-Jul-01 Job 10: 2811274 - - - - '" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RBCA Tool Kit for Chemical Releases. Version 1.2 RBCA SITE ASSESSMENT 5 OF 10 TIER 2 PATHWAY RISK CALCULATION CARCINOGENIC RISK (1)EPA (2) Total Carcinogenic Intake Rate (mglkglday) (3) Slope Factor (4) Individual COC Risk Carcinogenic (a) via Ingestion (b) via Dennal Contact (c) via Ingestion (d) via Dennal Contact (mglkglday)^-1 (2a)x(33) + (2b)x(3b) (2c)x(33) + (2d)x(3b) Classification Commercial Construction Worker (a) Oral (b) Dermal Commercial Construction Constituents of Concern Worker IT etrachloroethene C-62 7.9E-7 I 4.6E-5 4.5E-8 I 1.3E-6 5.2E-2 I 5.2E-2 2.4E-6 7.1 E-8 I Trichloroethene 62 4.4E-9 I 2.5E-7 2,5E-10 I 7.3E-9 1.1 E-2 I 7.3E-2 1.9E-8 5.4E-10 . No dennal slape factor available-oral slope factor used, Total Pathway Carcinogenic Risk = 2.4E-6 7.1E-8 Site Name: Country Club Cleaners Site Location: 4800 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA, 93313 Completed By. SEI Date Completed: 13-Jul-Q1 Job 10: 2811274 '" - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - RBCA Tool Kit for Chemical Releases, Version 1,2 RBCA SITE ASSESSMENT 6 OF 10 TIER 2 PATHWAY RISK CALCULATION TOXIC EFFECTS (5) Total Toxicant Intake Rate (mg/kglday) (6) Oral (7) Individual COC Hazard Quotient (a) via InQestion (b) via Dermal Contact (c) via Ingestion (d) via Dermal Contact Reference Dose (mgJkg-day) (5ay(6a) + (5bY(6b) (5cY(6a) + (5dY(6b) Commercial Construction Worker (a) Oral (b) Dermal Commercial Construction Constituents of Concern Worker IT etrachloroethene 2.2E-6 I 1.3E-4 3.2E-6 I 9.2E-5 1.0E-2 I 1.0E-2* 1.3E-2 9.5E-3 ITrichloroethene 1.2E-8 I 7,1 E-7 1.8E-8 I 5,1 E-7 6.0E-3 I 6,OE-3* 1,2E-4 8.8E-5 . No dermal reference dose available-Qral reference dose used. Total Pathway Hazard Index = 1.3E·2 9.6E-3 Site Name: Country Club Cleaners Site Location: 4800 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA. 93313 Completed By: SEI Date Completed: 13-Jul-01 Job ID: 2811274 0/\ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RBCA Tool Kit for Chemical Releases, Version 1,2 Cumulative Risk Worksheet Site Name: Country Club Cleaners Site Location: 4800 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA, 93313 Completed By: SEI Date Com leted: 13-Jul-01 Job 10: 2811274 10F3 CUMULATIVE RISK WORKSHEET CONSTITUENTS OF CONCERN CAS No. 127-18-4 79-01-6 Name Tetrachloroethene Trichloroethene Cumulative Values: Proposed CRF - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RBCA Tool Kit for Chemical Releases, Version 1,2 RBCA SITE ASSESSMENT Cumulative Risk Worksheet Site Name: Country Club Cleaners Site Name: Country Club Cleaners Completed By: SEI Site Location: 4800 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA. 93Site Location: 4800 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA. 933 Date Com leted: 13-Jul-01 Job 10: 2811274 20F3 Cumulative Target Risk: 1,OE-5 Target Hazard Index: 1,OE+O CUMULATIVE RISK WORKSHEET ON-SITE RECEPTORS Outdoor Air EXDosure: Indoor Air EXDosure: Soil Exposure: Groundwater EXDosure: Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Target Risk: Target HQ: Target Risk: Target HQ: Target Risk: Target HQ: Target Risk: Target HQ: CONSTITUENTS OF CONCERN 1,OE-6/1,OE-5 1,OE+O 1,OE-6 /1,OE-5 1,OE+O 1,OE-6/1,OE-5 1,OE+O 1,OE-6/1,OE-5 1,OE+O Carcinogenic Hazard Carcinogenic Hazard Carcinogenic Hazard Carcinogenic Hazard CAS No. Name Risk Quotient Risk Quotient Risk Quotient Risk Quotient 127-18-4 T etrachloroethene 1.4E-9 1.9E-4 7.6E-7 1.0E-1 1.0E-6 5.4E-3 6.0E-108 3.2E-104 79-01-6 Trichloroethene 5.6E-11 4.4E-6 3.0E-8 2.3E-3 1.9E-8 1.2E-4 1.1 E-45 4.5E-41 Cumulative Values: 1.5E-9 2.0E-4 I 7.9E-7 1.1 E-1 1.0E-6 I 5.5E-3 I 1.1 E-45 4.5E-41 I . indicates risk level exceeding target risk '" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RBCA Tool Kit for Chemical Releases, Version 1,2 , RBCA SITE ASSESSMENT Cumulative Risk Worksheet Site Name: Country Club Cleaners Site Name: Country Club Cleaners Completed By: SEI Site Location: 4800 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA. 93Site Location: 4800 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA, 9331Date Com leted: 13-Jul-01 Job ID: 2811274 30F3 Cumulative Target Risk: 1,OE-5 Target Hazard Index: 1,OE+O CUMULATIVE RISK WORKSHEET Groundwater DAF Option: Domenico - First Order OFF-SITE RECEPTORS Outdoor Air Exposure: Groundwater EXDosure: Commercial (100 ft) None Commercial (0 ft) None Target Risk: Target HQ: Target Risk: Target HQ: Target Risk: Target HQ: Target Risk: Target HQ: CONSTITUENTS OF CONCERN 1,OE-6 11,OE-5 1,OE+O 1,OE-6/1,OE-5 1,OE+O 1,OE-6/1,OE-5 1,OE+O 1,OE-6 11,OE-5 1,OE+O Carcinogenic Hazard Carcinogenic Hazard Carcinogenic Hazard Carcinogenic Hazard CAS No. Name Risk Quotient Risk Quotient Risk Quotient Risk Quotient 127-18-4 T etrachloroethene 4.2E-10 5.8E-5 2.2E-109 1.2E-105 79-01-6 Trichloroethene 1.7E-11 1.3E-6 4.6E-47 1.9E-42 Cumulative Values: 4.4E-10 6.0E-5 O.OE+O O.OE+O 4.6E-47 1.9E-42 O.OE+O O.OE+O . indicates risk level exceeding target risk </I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RBCA Tool Kit lor Chemical Releases, Version 1.2 RBCA SITE ASSESSMENT Site Name: Country Club Cleaners Site Location: 4800 White Lane Bakersfield CA. 93313 SOIL (1 -4ft) SSTL VALUES Completed By: SEI Date Com leted: 13-Ju1-01 Tallie! Risk (Class A & B) 1.0E-6 Tallie! Risk (Class C) 1.0E-5 Talllet Hazard Quotient 1.0E+0 Job ID: 2811274 1 OF 1 Groundwater OAF Option: Domenico - Fm Order (One-directional ""rt. dispersion) xl SOil leaching to Groundwater X I Soil Vol. to Xl Soil Volatilization and Surface X I Surface Soil Inhalation, Required CRF Innestion Indoor Air Soil Particulates to Outdoor Air Innestion Dermal Contact Applicable SSTl Representative Orrsite Off-s~e 1 Off-s~e 2 On-site On-s~e (0 ft) Off-s~e1 Off-site 2 On-s~e (0 ft) SSTL Exceeded? CONSTITUENTS OF CONCERN Concentration (Oft) (100ft) (Oft) (Oft) (100ft) (Oft) Only iI'yes" CAS No, Name (mglkg) Commercial Commercial None Commercial Commercial Construction Commercial None Commercial ConstructìJn (mgJkg) "." II yes left Worker Worker 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethene 4,5E+O >3,5E+2 >3,5E+2 NA 2,5E+O >3,5E+2 NA >3,5E+2 NA 1,9E+O 6.4E+1 1,9E+O . 2.4E+O 79-01-6 Trichloroethene 2,5E-2 >1.4E+3 >1,4E+3 NA 8,3E-1 8,9E+2 NA >1.4E+3 NA 1,3E+O 4,6E+1 8,3E-1 0 <1 SSTL Results For Complete Exposure Pathways ("X-If Comptete) ->- indicates risk-based target concentration greater than constituent residual saturation value. NA = Not applicable. NC = Not calculated, - _.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- RBCA Tool Kit for Chemical Releases, Version 1.2 RBCA SITE ASSESSMENT TIER 2 TRANSIENT DOMENICO ANALYSIS Job1D:2811274 Site Name: Country Club Cleaners Completed By: SEI Site Location: 4800 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA. 93313 Date Com leted: 13-Jul-01 Constiuent: Tetrachloroethene Source Medium: Affected Soils Leaching to Groundwater Biodegredation: 1st Order 10f2 Concentration vs. Distance from Source Time (yr) ,,-, 1,0. WI Off-site 1 Off-site2 (for given time) Commercial None Distance (ft) 10 20 30 40 50. 60 70 80 90 100 NA t = 1,0 yr 7.4E-104 4.9E-104 2,9E-104 1,8E-104 1,2E-104 8,3E-105 5,8E-105 4,2E-105 3,OE-105 2,2E-105 2,2E-105 NA Steady-state 7.4E-104 4,9E-104 2,9E-1o.4 1,8E-104 1,2E-104 8,6E-105 6,3E-105 4,7E-105 3, 7E-1 05 2,9E-105 2,9E-105 NA POE Concentration Limit (mg/L) 5,5E-3 NA 1,OE-1o.3 50 60 70 80 90 1 0 --+- Steady-state ;¡ -+- t= 1,o.yr CI .§.. 1,QE-104 Ú - - .. - 'Off-site1 Conc,Limit c 0 0 - - *' - 'Off-site2 Conc,Limit 1,OE-1o.5 Distance Concentration VS. Time '&Y""'," Distance (ft) 1ti;01i~0;::ii (for given distance from source) Time (yr) 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 Time to Reach x = 50. ft g;¡ O,OE+O 1,2E-104 1,2E-104 1,2E-104 1,2E-104 1,2E-104 1,2E-104 1,2E-104 1,2E-1o.4 1,2E-104 1,2E-104 Cone. Limit (yr) Off-s~e1 (100 II) o en O,OE+O 2,9E-105 2,9E-105 2,9E-105 2,9E-105 2,9E-105 2,9E-105 2.9E-105 2.9E-1o.5 2,9E-105 2,9E-105 Off-site1 E±j Off-s~e2 (0 II) ü.§.. NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Off-site2 NA 2.0E-104 -a-- x = 50 ft ;;¿ 1,5E-104 --<>-Off-site1 (10.0. ft) CI .§.. 1,o.E-1o.4 --<>- Off-site2 (0 ft) Ú c - - .. - 'Off-site1 Conc,Limit 0 0 5,o.E-1o.5 . . *' - ,Off-site2 Conc,Limit o.,o.E+o. 0. 5 10. TimtE(yr) 20. 25 30.