HomeMy WebLinkAboutHAZ-BUSINESS PLAN 11/14/2001 HAZA1It)OUS MA1ERIALS ~!ISION TIME. CHARGED BUSINESS/DEAPRTMENT NAME: CDVV7VLV C0JlS ~/l.-S ADDRESS: 4~ WI~ì'Æ LAI $-IV\ PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ()K.""-~(G¡fr c>P PEiê.c.. ~Ò(<... M/'k.r PROJECT NUMBER: ~4s- FLJ YI7'~ ' DATE: NAME: /;/,/(4/01 -/:tw ~Th<C~ ~ PL~ (llc..~ 'TO : Mr. ß,AAD ~Mß.EAU t.N~rrE €( $.TI tolE PWl-'INéfi.~ 44s-o CAur-rftNIA Ãv ~-103 ~kC~":.(CtC~, <2,A 1'3'309 TIME . CHGD: COMMENTS: ~ wz.s ¡2evI€W éf A/?~v€ Siæ ~_ fè.CÅÝlJ j If-l,b. (01.- . ~ 'v(AJ!ò'L '4J<u cf:ll/o~, Æ~¿:{-tf k '(jb JO. ~ . ék~ /-/3.02) .3 ¡,. 1':; 'f<¿.j, e...c;' $ $ciJi..+ c<)"W¡r~ ' w;~ ø'~ß' ~: ldf.er 2 ÚL5, f26l1 e...t) ¢ e;.cC,.e.p1 r~o"¡~'/ ðt m<1c,ì., 11(. ,¿;Yá dcJ ~d PROJECf COMPLETION: , DATE: I ( /;4(&' Per it Operate ~ to Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit ~ CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE This pennit is Issued for the following: ~ Hazardous Materials Plan o Underground Storage of Hazardous Materials o Risk Management Program o Hazardous Waste On-Site Treatment Permit 10 #:: 015-000-000945 COUNTRY CLUB CLEANERS LOCATION: 4800 WHITE LN M Issued by: Bakersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Approved by: Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 Expiration Date: Issue Date June 30, 2003 Per... it to Operil.te Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE This permit is issued for the following: zardous Materials Plan ~:[ground Storage of Hazardous Materials . agement Program Waste 4800 WHITE PERMIT ID# 01S-021.()0094S COUNTRY CLUB CLEANERS LOCATION Issued by: Bakersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 *~ ph Huey. ffice of ental Servi es June 30, 2000 Approved by: Expiration Date: - - -- ~.. -:~ ~~ . ~ir, 5VN t WEsT . S:r,.-e:/PACIL..T-ry A<SRAM Q4S-Ifl 7 SCALe: I'':: 10' BIAS! ~6S N/I/f\E: CÐ(,(.h Try b CI'fð.)1 e,~s ftðO~: t: PA1Fs g/3/'7FAcIL.m 1'l^~E: wh/1é L«."'~ VI//Øf.Je, 4'1Jb:'~~~ /-J1 (CH~CJ< ow;) srrf Di~RAM ·,'C. IActLI1YD1'AóR.A'" V t po.-t' /( ,.." Spo1#7'JBoa,I'J '-.. r /,0.. ~ k ~j \) < -. Q... " Q' ~ ~ (S~4JeJ area.) (b (tApQl\cI ( ve r Cot. fie X(Jf' .. (ATì 1,7ÿ ~&&S .... :s ~ ~ ~ ~. G=-1 o } i ~l ~ p;,rM P""lsAel" Fotv" f¡,.ísÁel' ~rf"'S5 Pdt!, C..I:Jlne 1::(t'. £/>..S) l).yC le4hl1!' !ltAc¡'''''t!,-- S5,ø..lJHLM~.. __. ~.. r~) VKtL~ hoT F/«.IN't~' ~ -Ai¡- C()lt\~r c: 1e4Ì\'~'_ h\tu::.( lite.. ~flS ria ~tfe T...It 1\$ ~ '3"r') 3~'4.1) 2 'Jct.l S he II' wlae,.e. Ø(¡ I( r>yC/ea.hJit,CneM. lco./S ~Joi'e- ~1ð"ëd" (FLLQ) ø EJec1;';c'tl Q.1\c , 80; IeI' ~ .., -~ 1~øSS~Q, I 64s IftLeTV41ve d(W."'sw^er'~ J (ohly'\ r: Irc~A."'e s1Ø1'e J . C~ "\0..1 ~ -..,.. C~h ~ I ~ ~ xx x)( X xx )( xxx )(JIXX XI(" X xx x X'X X xx 1x xx X XX;' I Insp"c1"or',s ~): ..OFFICIAL use OIILY- f ",\ - . ~ SITE/FACrLITY D~GRAM FORM 5 ~"';¡ <' . - 9 ~.;.....~ NORTH SCALE: 1'':6 () I BUS I NESS NAME: C ø....", rry c I.fl.b c: It:.fJO'1e r..s FLOOR: OF DA TE: c¿ .1.3/ ß 7F AC I L ITY NAME: W A ¡r-G La......e. fI,'/ I ~ e. UNIT #: OF V - (CHECK ONE) SITE DIAGRAM FACILITY DIAGR.~~ -. . ~1~ ~ , \) - -. (\" ~ ~ .... . ~ ~ t\ ~ ~ :s () C' ~ o\ VI ~ ~ ., <:\i CA "i 'I '* vi S+N. E 0 ~ , ~~ ~ ::r -;. S1~ ~~ (¡I' 'p~ ~t.A.u.S' '(It) ~..,(.';..L. .¡ 'Þ (í> ¡po Q'!) -:g .!l. ~ ~ f "IÞ) qJ /.r!J 'tV.iJ ")::)IIC.%.' d r~Wp\N~9 6a.~- "'- F.' 9 M~~"'S) Flre. L~¡,e. Cq,Y\ð.! ~ ~ 0 ~ fJ,'þ.fp) JI-:1.A.'d. Q) r d ~ ~ f.. ~ -OFFICIAL USE ONLY- - 5A - Ä (Inspector's Comments):- ~a.,.,~1 -It .. '~)" ~-... SITE DIAGRAM (Req~ iteas) 1. Address: Identity the principle buildinis by the Street nu.bers. e '~., '.. 9. Lock (key) Box . .'-;1' (..... '"" 10. MSDS Storage Box 2. Street(s), Alleys, Driveways, and Parking Areas adjacent to the property. Include the street na.ea. 11, Railroad Tracks 12. Fence or Barrier a. Wire 3. Stor. Drains. Culverts, Yard Drains b. Masonry c. Wood 4. Drainage Canals, Ditches, Creeks, " .,.~" d. Gates 5. Buildings a. Frame construction 13. Powerl1nes 14. Guard Station b. Masonry construction 15. Storage Tanks: Identify the capacity in ¡al. a. Above ¡round c. Metal construction d. Access Door 6. Utility Controls a. Gaa b. Underground 16. Diking or Ber~ b. Electricity 17. Evacuation Route c. Water 18. Evacuation Area: Identity the location where e.ployeea wi 11 .eet. 7. Fire Suppression Systeaa: a. Fire Hydrants b. Fire Sprinkler Connections 19. Outside Huardoua Waste Storage c. Pire'Standpipe Connections 20. Outside Hazardous Material Storage d. Water Control Valves tor protection ~yste.s 21. Outside Hazardous Material Uae/Handlinr ,,' " e. Fire PUllp 22. Type ot Hazardoua Mater ial/Waste Stored or Ueed (See Below) 8. Pire Depart.ent Aceell ø TYPE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIAL :P F · Flauable £ · bplod ve L · Liquid R . Radiological C · Corrol1ve 0 · Oxidizer G · Gas P . Poison W · Water Reactive T · Toxic S · Solid H . Cryogenic ,,' D . Waste B . Etiological Exa.ple: Fla..able Liquid. FL ~FACILITY DIAGRAH (Required iteml in addition to the above) 1. Risers tor Sprinklers 8. Pire Elcapes 2. PlÎrtJ tJona e. Air Conditionln¡ Unltl 3. Stairways: Indicate the 10. Windows levels served f,toa highest to lowest. 11. Inside Hazardous Wa.te Storli,e 4. Escalator: Indicate the levels served tro. 12. In.ide Hazardous highest to lowe.t. Material.' Storace ð. Elevator 13. Inside Hazardous Materials Use/Handline 8. Attic Access 1.. Sewer Drain Inlets 7. Skyl1rhts -·f (~ SITE/FAC~LITY Df~GRAM FORM 5 NORTH SCALE: 1".:60 I BUSINESS NA.'iE: CO""", 'ír, ct~b C 1~ØJ1'1er.s FDOOR: OF DATE: ¡ /3/ß1FACILITY NA.'iE: WA;rG ~G V"II~e- . UNIT ~: OF V -" (CHECK ONE) SITE DIAGRA'i FACILITY DIAGRAM . vJ S+N E 0 ")'\ f "<.::t::.. ~ ';:I. 1- ~~ ~.:!.. "" ~1~ CA ~ - '. ~ '". L\... t\ a V\ ~ if 6Q,,~ "-.. F.19 Me.~"S) 'p ~ 'atA.!,J.S' .~~ ~.'~ '¡"Þ~JpOQ'f) -:g iJ..,; ~ f --J V- Ár¿j.Wj/ "0..%.' d r,1i'Wp"" 1:U-:/ V I:' d ~ ~ l \i: '\ :;¡ ./1 i .' c..~., ~ I -V Ä (Inspector's Comments):, ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ W Fl re. L Q. " e.. Cq,t'\~1 l- -OFFICIAL USE ONLY- - 5A - 'i" ,",', S+N r WEsT r po..t' If ,. t1 J ( 5.r-rE/PACIL...r~y 9-.rAGRAM Cf4S-Ifi 7 SCALe: 1"::10' aw;rNlEss N/tIf\E: cð~hrry¿"(,b C./~",e,~s f1.DO~: F DAtrsgI3/'7FAcIl..mN"~E: wh/1é L~~ V/IIØf.)G 4~:'~~~ L1? (, H~c.K Oat}) 5 rt'f Di ~RA,^ < -. Q.. " 0' ~ ~ (S~4JerI area,) C' MfW ( 't/erCøhVe:y"()~ 5~j 8oa,,.J c: le4"''''_ h\AcA l..e.- hø.s fA "eul T..." 1($ ~ "3"r') 32,..') 2 "J4.1 S he II' W^e~ fA. If OryCle4h/Ìt,ch~ ico./s ~re .s1ð1'ëcJ" (FLLQ) Elee íl'lc6\1 4.1\ e , ~ ~ -,. ~ ~ c~t\~1 ~ ~ )('~x ~xxx >lXX 'J" \) fActL!1Y OI^óR,A~ v'" r Do.. .. " ¡;.,. c, I U tATìIl1ÿ ~&&S .... :I ~ >-. ~ ~ " FðrHl p,."lsÂel' rotv'\ FiltÎsÁel' ~ I pNfSS fd~ CtA.I::JI'he -r:{f\. S~~ [).yC letu"ia, IltAclal,.e.- " ss,..tJHUII"1ñr'¡;-1 V~ t- œJ F,....~' -A;,.C~ So; IeI' 1''''øSS~Q.1 G4:s ,~Lerv't(ve . ~\~~e~~kJ (ohly) c~Y\o-l !nspeC"tor".s c.olft"'.ttn): -OFF"'1'CIAL \.be O1ILY- .' e E5.3/ 9fo e COUNTRY CLUB CLEANERS SiteID: 015-021-000945 Manager Location: 4800 WHITE LN M City BAKERSFIELD CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 07 EPA Numb: BusPhone: Map : 123 Grid: 14C (661) 833-0498 CommHaz : High FacUnits: 1 AOV: SIC Code:1541 DunnBrad: Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title ANITA JOHNSON / MANAGER / Business Phone: (661) 833-0498x s Phone: (661) x 24-Hour Phone (661) 397-3 x 24-Hour one (661) x Pager Phone (661) 33 932x Pager Phon ( ) x Hazmat Hazards: React Contact : () (3J>I're-- s S (661) 833-0498x MailAddr: 4800 WHIT M CA City BAKERSFIE 93309 Owner KATHLEEN & ANITA JOHNSON ne: (661) 833-0498x Address 7809 SELKIR CA City BAKERSFIELD 93309 Period to otalASTs: Gal Preparer: TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif1d: RSs: No Emergency Directives: One Unified List ì All Materials at Site ì f= Hazmat Inventory f== Alphabetical Order Hazmat Common Name... SpecHaz EPA Hazards DailyMax MCP PERCHLOROETHYLENE WASTE PERCHLOROETHYLENE R R L L 143.00 GAL Low 60.00 GAL Low -1- 09/30/2002 e e F COUNTRY CLUB CLEANERS f= Inventory Item 0001 = COMMON NAME / CHEMI CAL NAME PERCHLOROETHYLENE SiteID: 015-021-000945 ì Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ì Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit CLEANING MACHINE NE CORNER Map: Grid: CAS# 127-18-4 STATE - TYPE Liquid Pure PRESSURE Ambient TEMPERATURE Ambient CONTAINER TYPE IN MACHINE/EQUIP Largest Container GAL AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum 143.00 GAL. Daily Average 93.00 GAL %Wt. RS CAS# 100.00 Perchloroethylene No 127184 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies R / / / Low HAZARD ASSESSMENTS f= Inventory Item 0002 = COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME WASTE PERCHLOROETHYLENE Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ì Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit INSIDE REAR OF STORE Map: Grid: CAS# 127-18-4 STATE Liquid TYPE Pure PRESSURE ---- TEMPERATURE Ambient Ambient CONTAINER TYPE IN MACHINE/EQUIP Largest Container 15.00 GAL AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum 60.00 GAL Daily Average 30.00 GAL %Wt. '. RS CAS# 100.00 perchloroethylene No 127184 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies R / / / Low HAZARD ASSESSMENTS -2- 09/30/2002 e e Employee Notif./Evacuation SiteID: 015-021-000945 9 Fast Format 9 Overall Site 9 10/25/2001 ] 08/14/1990 F COUNTRY CLUB CLEANERS I f= Notif./Evacuation/Medical ~ Agency ·Notification CALL 911. WE WOULD CALL 911 AND EVERYONE WOULD EXIT FRONT DOOR. Public Notif./Evacuation 10/25/2001 1 08/14/1990 TELL ALL PERSONS NOT TO GO IN, Emergency Medical Plan IF OVERCOME BY PERC FUMES WE WOULD KEEP VICTIM INSIDE UNTIL EMERGENCY MEDICAL TEAM ARRIVED. -3- 09/30/2002 e e SiteID: 015-021-000945 9 Fast Format ì Overall Site ì 10/25/2001 F COUNTRY CLUB CLEANERS I p= Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt Re.lease Prevention BOIL OVER OF PERC FROM DISTILLING PROCESS. TO RENDER LESS SEVERE CLEAN UP WOULD INCURE THE USE OF SLEEPING BAGS, BLANKETS AND LAST RESORT CLOTHING. PREVENTION & ABATEMENT: HAVING SUPPLIER FILL TANKS WHEN IN NEED. CONTINUOUS WATCHING OF STILL WHILE RECLAMING IS IN PROCESS. Release Containment 08/14/1990 OUR WAY TO CONTAIN A PERC SPILL WOULD BE TO USE SLEEPING BAGS AND OLD RAGS OR BLANKETS TO ABSORB CLEANING FLUID. Clean Up 08/14/1990 OUR WAY TO CONTAIN AND CLEAN A PERC SPILL WOULD BE TO USE SLEEPING BAGS AND OLD RAGS OR BLANKETS TO ABSORB CLEANING FLUID. Other Resource Activation '-4- 09/30/2002 e e SiteID: 015-021-000945 9 Fast Format 9 Overall Site 9 08/14/1990 F COUNTRY CLUB CLEANERS I p= Site Emergency Factors Special Hazards IF SPILL OCCURS WITH TETRACHLORETHYLENE SELF CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS MUST BE WORN. Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - GAS METER BEHIND DELI-MART B) ELECTRICAL - SE CORNER OF BLDG C) WATER - D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO 10/25/2001 Fire Protec./Avail. Water 10/25/2001 PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - WE HAVE A FIRE EXTINGUISHER. FIRE HYDRANT - ON WHITE LN AND CORNER OF WHITE LN AND STINE. Building Occupancy Level -5- 09/30/2002 e e f COUNTRY CLUB CLEANERS I F Training Employee Training SiteID: 015-021-000945 ì Fast Format ì Overall Site ì 10/25/2001 WE HAVE 5 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY. WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE. BREIF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: WE TALK TO EACH EMPLOYEE AS TO WHAT TO DO IN CASE OF FIRE OR A PERC SPILL. Page 2 r I I Held for Future Use Held for Future Use -6- 09/30/2002 FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE .SERVICES 2101 °H· Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESStON SERVICES 2101 °Ho Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-D576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399·5763 . . --- January 11,2002 Ms. Anita Johnson Country Club Cleaners c/o 7809 Selkirk Drive Bakersfield CA 93309 RE: 4800 White Lane, Suite M in Bakersfield Dear Ms. Johnson: Subsequent to a November 14, 2001 directive issued by this office in response to the July 13,2001 site characterization report for the above referenced site, you have indicated in a December 14, 2001 letter to me that "the dryc1eaning machine will be removed from the premises and will be of no future risk of contamination. II This office accepts your proposal to remove the dryc1eaning machine as satisfying the November 14,2001 directive and will require no further action beyond that of removing the dryc1eaning machine from the premises. If you have any questions, please call me at 661-326-3979. Sincerely, ctL?kU~~ Howard H. Wines, ill Hazardous Materials Specialist Registered Geologist No. 7239 Office of Environmental Services HHW/dm cc: B. Barbeau, White & Stine Partners ··7~ ~ W~ yO/-' ~0Pe.r~ A W~" DEC-14-2001 04:46 PM P.01 e e December 14,2001 Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialists 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93309 Dear Mr,·Wines. nI: I am writing this letter to address the November 14, 2001 letter address to Brad Barbeau, White &. Stine Panners, concerning Country Club Cleaners White Lane and Stine Rd. We our closìng our business as of January IS, 2002. The dryc1eaning machine will be removed from the premises and will be of no fiJture risk of contamination, We are asking that tlùs would be satisfactory to your , , ent and that it would not require any furtlIer action from Country Club Cleaners. Id like to speak with InC, I can be contacted at 661 833-0498. Mon.-Fri. 7:30 a.m. til2:00 son Club Cleaners o White Lane Stc.. M Bakersfield. CA 93309 ~1 \ ~ 7~OC¡ set ~lrlL f).r ()c¡ --- ---~- ........................ DEC-14-2001 04:47 PM -, P.02 - - December 14, 2001 Mr. Brad Barbeau White & Stine Panners 4450 California Ave. Ste. K-303 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Dear Mr. Barbeau: This letter is to inform you of Country Club Cleaners intent to close their business. Our intention is to vacate the premises by January 15, 2001. We would like you to inform us in writing as to what condition you expect us to leave the premises in. ':~;moted is the letter you received from Howard H. Wines, nI, Bakersfield Fire ". ,eot. I am sending him a copy of this letter notifYing him of our intent to , rder to close out this situation. We wíl1 be asking for a letter trom him uld solve the possibility of further contamination. We would also ask , r would state that there would be no further action required by Country "ers. reciate the opportunity of doing business with you for so many years, and and your staff the happiest of holidays. Anita JolUlson Country Club Cleaners 4800 Wlùte Lane Ste., M Bakersfield, CA 93309 ....................... FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 ·H· Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H· 5treet Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave, Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 - e November 14,2001 Mr. Brad Barbeau White & Stine Partners 4450 California Ave. Ste. K-303 Bakersfield, CA 93309 RE: Results of site characterization of the property located at Country Club Cleaners, 4800 White Ln. Unit M. Dear Mr. Barbeau: This office has reviewed the site characterization report submitted by you for the property located at the above stated address. Laboratory results reveal that chlorinated hydrocarbon derivatives are present in the soil at levels exceeding limits allowable by state guidelines under the non- degradation of the environment policy. You are hereby notified that mitigation of the contamination plume to acceptable levels is required by this office. This office accepts the recommendations listed in the site characterization study, re-sealing the concrete and installing secondary containment beneath the dry cleaning machine, as the most practical method for accomplishing a natural attenuation reduction in the chlorinated hydrocarbon levels detected at the site. Further confirmation soil sampling may be required upon any future change in land use. Please respond within twenty (20) working days ITom receipt of this letter as to your intention regarding this matter and a time table for carrying them out. If you have any questions, please call me at (661) 326-3979. Sincerely, HG~~ ~lG~ ~..(!4¿J~þ- Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Registered Geologist No. 7239 Office of Environmental Services HHW/dm S:\USTFORMS\UST,L$ ··Y~ de W~ ,%p .A0Pe ..o/~ ./6 W~" -::- ~----- -----,:----- -------=--:;:;0------ ~- HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION . CITY OF BAKERSFIELija OF~E OF ENVIRONMENTAL SIIJIVICES 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 o REVISE 200 (one form per material per building or area) Page of '.,' I. FACILITY INFORMATION ----~-----------_.~.._-~---_.~"~._...- . '. '-. . ,:,. NÄMËorDSA=50iñgBusfiï¡;Sš-ÃS)'---" -_._.~._.- ....--~_.._. CHEMICAL NAME éct.JrlïR-'f CL:('¿Jl___Ç_~ç~~~._ _n____________ {NS'-(I)'Z. o-n",,, _.r C'_,,'-:;: 201; CHEMICAL LOCATION <..- f-\..~~ ~ ;;;;0 lCJfC(..<" ¡CONFIDENTIAL (EPCRA) : - ¡--;-""""1 --1fMAP#{optional} __n______._ - ---- ----"2õ3iGRfö'ïi (õ,ölionaJj-- I ..L_L i ., .', ',,' ". ._.______________________ "., J,.:' '1. ,lIo.CH.EM. ICAL "~FORMATION .':' .,:,c,,>:-'+" ','/¡J:~~:,'::-. .n/ --"------------------·------"---------2ts-r TRÂDE SÉC'RET :'.'0 Yes 0 No 206 Pa<:..:-<(ptQe;n+Y2.~_.t._ Ft· L~..e.S' -----.-_________1..._ If Subject to EPCRA, refertoinstrudions 207 I i EHS· I .- ----·---t-· 209 ! ;'IIE I.. o Yes 0 No 202 204 WPó~ COMMON NAME o Yes 0 No 208 FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if requested by local fire chief) ----_._-~--~-----_._._.__._~-------. ,---~-----_._'-- 7é:;<·~:~~~~~¡~2,~~iu~. . ._.~._-- ..- - --- - ~--- -.-----..---..- . ---.. -_.~ --- -.-- CAS # 210 PHYSICAL STATE )i{; WASTE-'--;-:-:T~~,~I_;_;Z~;~~-----O Yes--- 0 No ---. 'u_ --r-- ...-.----. ---- ----._---- I o s SOLID ~ LIQUID ,0 9 GAS 214 ¡ LARGEST CONTAINER (~ _____.__________..__________L..... ____ __..._____________ o 1 FIRE 0 2 REACTIVE 0 3 PRESSURE RELEASE ~ A\~UTE HEALTH 0 5 CHRONIC HEALTH -= 21~li~~~uNT -- ~º---~-~_:~~~I~~~i~~~~=--_==:-~~=~:=_- 219 STATE WASTE CODE UNITS· ;8(ga GAL 0 d CU FT 0 Ib LBS 0 tn TONS 221 DAYS ON SITE If EHS. amount must be in Ibs, 212 CURIES 213 TYPE o P PURE o m MIXTURE - --------. 215 FED HAZARD CATEGORIES (Check all that apply) ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT 216 220 222 ------~----- ------- STORAGE CONTAINER (Check all that apply) o a ABOVEGROUND TANK o b UNDERGROUND TANK o c TANK INS [)E BUILDING o d STEEL DRUM ~ PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM Of CAN o 9 CARBOY o h SILO o i FIBER DRUM OJ BAG o k BOX o I CYLINDER [J m GLASS BOTTLE o n PLASTIC BOTTLE o 0 TOTE BIN o P TANK WAGON o q RAIL CAR o r OTHER 223 -'-'-- ...-.-........-. -~-. ...-- ._--~-- -.. -.- STORAGE PRESSURE ¡(a AMBIENT o aa ABOVE AMBIENT o ba BELOW AMBIENT 224 ----.---.-----. -_._-~-----------~_. .-.--. ._.____ ..__ _ ..~__n__._____ STORAGE TEMPERATURE ~a AMBIENT o aa ABOVE AMBIENT 229 ~,. ~; ", '. -x.'." . " ".... . : HAZA~ÔóUS\ÇÓMP9NENt .<~., "',,., . .,. ,,~ 226 2 230 3 234 4 238 5 242 233 ---------- --------~ ----- ~ -- ---- -~ 235 OYesONo 236 237 --'--'~'''---- . i '.' ~--~----;- -. ---~-_.__._.. 23~0 Yes 0 No 240 ____________________h___.__________________.._____ ··--~4~ I ~~::~:-:~- -------'--~:::--:~;> :'If-¡i.:<~;~~'~~~;~----..--~~ ¡; ~;< >,-- ---_.- ..'--- -.------. 241 245 ~;'":- i..i '1:. " PANYREPRESENTÃTIVE ,." . , . - ,;(. " . . . --"~. - "' .' ..siGÑAfüRE------..···--·-···----------------·- __________._______.. _._. _~ _.__..__.__~____ '__~"_n ___ _ . ...~....._._- UPCF (7/99) S:\CUPAFORMS\OES2731.TV4.wpd e CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 INSPECTION DATE Ld 1'l..4 ÞJ FACILITY NAME eCJuN'f'f4/ Ú.v~ ~$ Section 4: Hazardous Waste Generator Program EPA ID ¡þûCfg'( q6<ß4-% o Routine %-. Combined o Joint Agency o Multi-Agency o Complaint ORe-inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS Hazardous waste detennination has been made ~ I'(C~Ç. ÐIL EP A ID Number (Phone: 916-324-1781 to obtain EP A ID #) Authorized for waste treatment and/or storage Reported release, fire, or explosion within 15 days of occurrence Established or maintains a contingency plan and training Hazardous waste accumulation time frames Containers in good condition and not leaking Containers are compatible with the hazardous waste Containers are kept closed when not in use Weekly inspection of storage area Ignitable/reactive waste located at least 50 feet from property line Secondary containment provided Conducts daily inspection of tanks Used oil not contaminated with other hazardous waste Proper management of lead acid batteries including labels Proper management of used oil filters Transports hazardous waste with completed manifest Sends manifest copies to DTSC Retains manifests for 3 years Retains hazardous waste analysis for 3 years Retains copies of used oil receipts for 3 years Detennines if waste is restricted ITom land disposal C=Compliance V=Violation Inspector: Office of Environmental Services (661) 326-3979 White - Env. Svcs, w (,JGs Pink - Business Copy e - CITY OF BAKERSFIEl.D FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd [<'Ioor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME COJ~ CLùß ~(.C~~ ADDRESS 4<tð(:) c..Jù{~U'4 FACILITY CONTACT ÅfJ {'ï'Ä ~cH~NSð'" INSPECTION TIME INSPECTION DATE ( ol-z.. 4 !ð¡ PHONE NO. <833>-e>4q& BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210- c;4.s- NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Z-- Section I: Business Plan and Inventory Program o Routine ~ombined o Joint Agency o Multi-Agency o Complaint ORe-inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS Appropriate pennit on hand Business plan contact infonnation accurate Uç>(.),1.-"ít-o 'Pun I ,.J(:y iÑSf Visible address Correct occupancy Verification of inventory materials Verification of quantities Verification of location Proper segregation of material Verification of MSDS availability Verification of Haz Mat training Verification of abatement supplies and procedures Emergency procedures adequate Containers properly labeled Housekeeping Fire Protection Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand C=Compliance V=Violation Any hazardous waste on site1.: .àY es 0 No Explain: I ~-re PGtlC. ~ G7l-"T8"-5 Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (661) 326-3979 While - Env, Svcs, Yellow - Statíon Copy Pink - Business Copy Inspector: W'~.:> ...,- -.: .' . CITY OF BAKERSFlEl.D FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKI..IST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd J<'loor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME COJ~ Cl~ Cc.(-:).1JC~ ADDRESS 4t:lOO W/J ,-r(=-- U"4 FACILITY CONTACT_ ~,'t'Ä ~!(,.Jsø,p INSPECTION TIME INSPECTION DATE ( 0 /~ 41ð> PHONE NO. 'is 33, -04c¡g BUSINESS ID NO. 15~21 0- 94 ~ NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 'Z.- Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program· o Routine _Combined o Joint Agency o Multi-Agency o Complaint ORe-inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS Appropriate pennit on hand Business plan contact infonnation accurate . uPPA-"iC-o pun r ..J6.- iNSf Visible address Correct occupancy Verification of inventory materials Verification of quantities Verification of location Proper segregation of material Verification of MSDS availability Veri fication of Haz Mat training Verification of abatement supplies and procedures Emergency procedures adequate Containers properly labeled Housekeeping Fire Protection Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand C=Compliance V=Violation Any hazardous waste on site?: ~Y es 0 No Explain: I ~5"'i"Ë (>GIlc. f Çf(..~ø.-"'£ White - Env, Svcs, , Yellow - Station Copy Pink - Business Copy B iness Site Responsible Party Inspector: Wf'V'<E':;' Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (661) 326-3979 t' - "" tI COUNTRY CLUB CLEANERS SiteID: 215-000-000945 Manager : Location: 4800 WHITE LN M City BAKERSFIELD OCT 2 81999 BusPhone: Map : 123 Grid: 14C (805) 833-0498 CommHaz : High FacUnits: 1 AOV: BY: = CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 07 EPA Numb: SIC Code:1S41 DunnBrad: Emergency Contact / Title ,..¡,Ill,"! ~lMsFL AN /íà J;Hfv~1J MANAGER Business Phone: (805) 833-0498x 24-Hour Phone: ..(..gQ.§) ~e¡~ O~lSX;~~_3763 ~r Phone : ((.;(p I) 33( -ðq:32~ c £:.c.. c., Hazmat Hazards: Emergency Contact ANITA R JOHNSON Business Phone: 24-Hour Phone : -:~I... Phone : / Title / MANAGER (805) 833-0498x ( ~ ) ~1 1 A 1 ~3q7-B7{'<. ("" () iìf -o'?32 ~ -<.J React Owner Address City KATHLEEN ŒAcmNli ANITA : 7809 SELK~ DR~ : BAKERSFIELD HIJ1J1eAl Phone: ( ) State: CA Zip : 93309 Phone: ( ) State: CA Zip : 93309 - x Contact : MailAddr: 4800 WHITE LN City : BAKERSFIELD - x Period : Preparer: Certif'd: to TotalASTs: = TotalUSTs: = RSs: No Gal Gal Emergency Directives: Á IV I -r It- 3'0 1+¡-..\.5 0,0 ~. !-tJ ~ð J. ¡ '" !..L. D© I¡¡~reby certify that I h~ve (i'vPG or ¡;;1m Vláma) rwiew®d U~e att~choo hamrdoos materials manage- ment p~an fo'{~ulllki!k~F"!~ that ~ along with any oorredi©ó1~ <OOfij~û~tnt~ ~ oomp~ete and oorfi~d Mi31n- ~gem~nt ~Mm g©1i' M~ ~©öM\ty. , ~, v4r~~ ~ .:¡û .£.7-97- /o/:;L/ / 01 -1- 10/12/1999 ,,' ¡ F COUNTRY CLUB CLEANERS p= Hazmat Inventory f== As Designated Order SiteID: 215-000-000945 By Facility Unit Fixed Containers on Site e e ì ì ì DailyMax unitlMCP 143 GAL Low Hazmat Common Name... PERCHLOROETHYLENE specHaz EPA Hazards Frm I R L -2- 10/12/1999 · e e F COUNTRY CLUB CLEANERS p= Inventory Item 0001 = COMMON NAME / CHEMI CAL NAME PERCHLOROETHYLENE SiteID: 215-000-000945 ì Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ì Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit CLEANING MACHINE NE CORNER Map: Grid: CAS # 127-18-4 STATE - TYPE Liquid Pure PRESSURE Ambient TEMPERATURE Ambient CONTAINER TYPE IN MACHINE/EQUIP Largest Container GAL AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum 143.00 GAL Daily Average 93.00 GAL %Wt. RS CAS # 100.00 Perchloroethylene No 127184 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies R / / / Low HAZARD ASSESSMENTS -3- 10/12/1999 ~ e e F COUNTRY CLUB CLEANERS I p= Notif./Evacuation/Medical r=: Agency Notification CALL 911 Employee Notif./Evacuation SiteID: 215-000-000945 ì Fast Format ì Overall Site ì 08/14/1990 ] 08/14/1990 WE WOULD CALL 911 AND EVERYONE WOULD EXIT FRONT DOOR. Public Notif./Evacuation 08/14/1990 1 08/14/1990 TELL ALL PERSONS NOT TO GO IN Emergency Medical Plan IF OVERCOME BY PERC FUMES WE WOULD KEEP VICTIM INSIDE UNTIL EMERGENCY MEDICAL TEAM ARRIVED. -4- 10/12/1999 .' e e SiteID: 215-000-000945 ì Fast Format ì Overall Site ì 08/14/1990 f COUNTRY CLUB CLEANERS I p= Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt Release Prevention PROBLEMS IN OUR BUSINESS THAT WOULD ARISE WOULD BE A PERCHLOROETHYLENE OCCURING B: TRANSFERRING OF E C FROM 55 GAL DRUM TO CLEANIN MACHINE. BOIL OVER OF PERC FROM DISTILLING PROCE S. TO REND ESS SEVERE CLEAN UP WOULD INCURE THE USE OF SLEEPING BAGS, BLANKETS AND LAST RESORT CLOTHING. PREVENTION & ABATEMENT: HAVING SUPPLIER FILL TANKS WHEN IN NEED. CONTINUOUS WATCHING OF STILL WHILE RECLAMING IS IN PROCESS. Release Containment 08/14/1990 OUR WAY TO CONTAIN A PERC SPILL WOULD BE TO USE SLEEPING BAGS AND OLD RAGS OR BLANKETS TO ABSORB CLEANING FLUID. Clean Up 08/14/1990 OUR WAY TO CONTAIN AND CLEAN A PERC SPILL WOULD BE TO USE SLEEPING BAGS AND OLD RAGS OR BLANKETS TO ABSORB CLEANING FLUID. Other Resource Activation 5S- Gkl.. O~ h~ 6~ AkmrvJ ~ µo p~' Ù7 ~r!~ w~~ 7 ø~~ -5- 10/12/1999 · e e SiteID: 215-000-000945 ì Fast Format ì Overall Site ì 08/14/1990 F COUNTRY CLUB CLEANERS I p= Site Emergency Factors Special Hazards IF SPILL OCCURS WITH TETRACHLORETHYLENE SELF CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS MUST BE WORN. Utility Shut-Offs 08/14/1990 A) GAS - GAS METER BEHIND DELI-MART B) ELECTRICAL -SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BUILDING C) WATER - D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO Fire Protec./Avail. Water 08/14/1990 PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - WE HAVE A FIRE EXTINGUISHER FIRE HYDRANT - ON WHITE LANE AND CORNER OF WHITE LANE AND STINE Building Occupancy Level -6- 10/12/1999 0' .' ~ e e F COUNTRY CLUB CLEANERS I F Training Employee Training SiteID: 215-000-000945 ì Fast Format ì Overall Site ì 09/10/1991 WE HAVE 5 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE BREIF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: WE TALK TO EACH EMPLOYEE AS TO WHAT TO DO INCASE OF FIRE OR A PERC SPILL. Page 2 r I I Held for Future Use Held for Future Use -7- 10/12/1999 07,(25/90 couJlay CLUB CLEANERS 215-000-411)945 Overall Site with 1 Fac. U~it Page 1 Ge~eral I~formation Location: 4800-M WHITE LN Ident Number: 215-000-000945 Map: 123 Hazard: High Grid: 14C Area of Vul: 0.0 C':'Y',t act Name JAMES A JOHNSON ANITA R JOHNSON Bus i Y'less Ph':'Y'le ) 833-0498 x ) 833-0498 x 24 Hc,ur Phc'Y'le ) 833-3817 ) 833-3817 Administrative Data Owner: KATHLEEN HAGEN & ANITA Address: 7809 SELKIRK DR City: BAKERSFIELD Ph':'Y'le: St ate: Zip: lIðh e... II 9;611 II I I (~ ~333<b17 CA 93309- Mail Addrs: 4800 WHITE LN City: BAKERSFIELD Comm Code: 215-007 BAKERSFIELD STATION 07 D&B N"lmbet~: State: CA Zip: SIC Code: SI_lmmat~y !Do honr.by certiífy ~h~~ ij ~®V® (T~·pt. 01 prInt i'\S.M(¡1) ra iswsd the a~~ached ¡'H}_'~7::i'(i-:,u$ maiaf!~i$ m~V'D~~®" m®&1~ ¡glan for_~.,,_,_:::¡-;.:"_:" , , '~¡" ~j ~h~~ ¡~ ~I©r¡@ w¡~~ '.1,.. ,I, "; '~I \to'" ~.: ' ®nYOOllrrect!0i1~t0n~,t :t::,. ..:. _.. ;- ;rto 2r:;J(;orred m~Jùo ~®m®li1~ ¡9Ji~ij1 ~©r my iad¡i·()f. ¡.. ~ ~~'<$~qéJ rr ' - EhaM- fw ð-úi:- /JUu.J ~tJu {)/wJ4J¡ addJìuuu c:uL _ Ju~h£¡~/ÚId (}JtltU, /h'taJ?¿ ~ ~ ßÁ£Vn~1 ~ fJfi\lt; ~ ~~-/{),-qó- r.;. 07/25/90 COUNTRY CLUB CLEANERS 215-000-000945 Hazmat Inventory List in Reference Number Order Page 2 02 - Fixed Containers on Site PIn-Ref Name/Hazards FCIt"~m Quarlt i ty MCP 02-001 TETRACHLOROETHYLENE ? 143 LClw GAL - e 07/25/90 COU~Y CLUB CLEANERS 215-000-~)945 00 - Overall Site Page 3 <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical (1) Agency Notification AJJh~~c4 c¡ IJ (2) Employee Notif./Evacuation WE WOULD CALL 911 AND EVERYONE WOULD EXIT FRONT DOOR. <3> Public Notif./Evacuation 1JJ evt{~ ~~/h.· (4) Emergency Medical Plan ~~ þt~. . .~.~ß}U~. , ~ ~~;íeað'-~ 07/25/90 COUNTRY CLUB CLEANERS 215-000-000945 00 - Overall Site Page 4 (E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt <1> Release Prevention PROBLEMS IN OUR BUSINESS THAT WOULD ARISE WOULD BE A PERCHLOROETHYLENE SPILL. OCCURING BY: TRANSFERRING OF PERC FROM 55 GAL DRUM TO CLEANING MACHINE. BOIL OVER OF PERC FROM DISTILLING PROCESS. TO RENDER LESS SEVERE CLEAN UP WOULD INCURE THE USE OF SLEEPING BAGS, BLANKETS AND LAST RESORT CLOTHING. PREVENTION & ABATEMENT: HAVING SUPPLIER FILL TANKS WHEN IN NEED. CONTINUOUS WATCHING OF STILL WHILE RECLAMING IS IN PROCESS. (2) Release Containment <3) Clean Up ~ frC?-J (4) Other Resource Activation e e 07/25/'30 couAv CLUB CLEANERS 215-000-_)'345 00 - Overall Site Page 5 <F> Site Emergency Factors <1> Special Hazards IF SPILL OCCURS WITH TETRACHLORETHVLENE SELF CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS MUST BE WORN. <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - GAS METER BEHIND DELI-MART B) ELECTRICAL - SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BUILDING C) WATER - D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - ???????????????? Y85 FIRE HYDRANT - ????????????? ye-S (4) Held for Jr:"~~e1ó f'øJ-/J1(óiJ 07/25/'30 COUNTRY CLUB CLEANERS 215-000-000945 00 - Overall Site <G} Tt"'ai ni .....g Page (; <1) Page 1 !~ WE HAVE ?? EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY ì'~ DO YOU HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE? ye-S BREIF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: ø~~ ~~~ ~ ::t?~.Ã3k- ~ 'i-~ c0-~ <2} Page 2 as needed <3} Held for Future Use <4} Held for Future Use It . ........ .~ .~ _.;.,,~,.... " ,,-' h';~ e e BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD. CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 1d3-\l\~ G :;P5f 7 OFFICIAL USE ONLY 000945 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS BUSINESS PLAN AS A WHOLE FORM 2A INSTRUCTIONS: 1. To avoid further action. return this form by 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA A. BUSINESS NAME: (\ £\ (.I. n -tV'j C,\ 11_'0 C.'\eJ1 J') e 'f'" r 5 B. LOCATION / STREET ADDRESS: 4~()O \f\Jhi~ \-O-If'\e, Slli-h:..J'\ CITY: ~~e.~s~;eJd ZIP: G}3.30Q BUS. PHONE: (~OS') ~?>~""nL .'J~ SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In case of an emergency involving the release or threatened release of a hazardous material. call 911 and 1-800-852-7550 or 1-916-427-4341. This will notify your local fire department and the state Office of Emergency Services as required by law. EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: NAME AND TITLE A. 'S"(LfY\~~ B. 'Þ\'f'\\'\-~ 1\.. '}'CJh~~Y) R. JOhf\SOn Ph# DURING BUS. HRS. ~3~~OL.f~Ph# cg~~... Oy q'g Ph# AFTER BUS. HRS. ~~~-ð'?I'7 ~~3~~8'17 Ph# SECTION 3: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE: B. ELECTRICAL: S I l 1-h e..CLS+ ('orY'\er C. WATER: D. SPECIAL: E. LOCK BOX: YES /~ IF YES. LOCATION: IF YES. DOES IT CONTAIN SITE PLANS? YES / NO FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO (')-Ç \r¡li i\di":3 MSDSS? YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO - 2A - e e ., ,.,)to ~:\~:, ~... ~ SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEAM FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE ío/~ ,)'. l' : ' " ~ ~ ... " .. SECTION 5: LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE FOR YOUR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE 'Wh~+-e. SLiD \ w\ï ~ t~ 'fuKe-\s ç; \ €.\d I c.Ov ~3?-~OOO Lö.X\e M ed ~~ \ e.en1-e.Y"" L o....t'\ e.. SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINING EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PROGRAM WHICH PROVIDES EMPLOYEES WITH INITIAL AND REFRESHER TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS. CIRCLE YES OR NO INITIAL A. METHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (jjÞ NO B. PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES I WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES:.....~.:.................. Y , NO NO C. PROPER USE OF SAFETY ,EQUIPMENT...... . ... ....... . . ES NO NO D. EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES:................. . NO NO E. DO YOU MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS:..... ,. . YES NO NO SECTION 7: HAZARDOUS MATERIAL CIRCLE YES OR NO DOES YOUR BUSINESS HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IN QUANTITIES LESS THAN 500 POU~F A SOLID, 55 GALLONS OF A LIQUID, OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF A COMPRESSED GAS:..... . ~ NO I ,~'f) ~ -\- ~ ~-ç-J\t f\~'n, certify that the above information is accurate. I understand that this information will be used to fulfill my firm's obligations under the new California Health and Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. 20 Chapter 6.95 Sec. 25500 Et AI.) and that inaccurate information constitutes perjury. SIGNATURE Cl '" ;! "', ~TITLE -"""' "".... DATE ~-rS~a¡7 - 2B - " .. e e ~ ...', -.> '.: " BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 OFFICIAL USE ONLY ID# - - -' - - - BUS INESS NA~1E: BUSINESS PLAN SINGLE FACILITY UNIT FORM 3A INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further action. this form must be returned by: 2, TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for THE FACILITY UNIT LISTED BELOW 4. Be as BRIEF and CONCISE as possible. . FACILITY UNIT# FACILITY ù~IT NAME: ySECTION 1: MITIGATION. PREVENTION, ABATEMENT PROCEDURES '?ro\o\exns \ ~ o\À.r ~\)..S\~V)ess '~o...\- vJo ü...\.d 0.,,'("\ s-e., would '0 e 0- .p-€)\c~ ('0 \'e...;\- h",,/ t~ V\ -e. ~ p ~ \ \ . Qcc..u.~V'\·n~~: (l~ \ro..nsk~~~~ S S Cj'^-\ ð-rv-YY'\ ~o ~ \-e.0-'r\ 'r'\~ (2..) ~o~, O\ie'f' of. .perc. ~~O'('() Ó'\ s...h \,\i'f\,5 f'(OCesS, "\0 'CeJnð~"r \~S sc"e.-c:ý. cleçu') ~ 'NooJ.d \\')cu..~<::. ~e... 'V,.se.. oç- 6\e.er\"~ ~s) ç;''(Q..V'\~e..+s. C)..:Y"\~ \~'S* :e..6crt ~\c)'\-'c\\~: :?Y'e "e ..v,\-' 0 V"I _ ê¡ a.. ~~ í'l\e:V\ -t. ~ \-\A..~ \ ~~ SQ('P \" eY" (? ~ \ \ ,~ K.~ w ~ eY) ,"" -Cov\'\.\W"Iu..os, \N8kh;~ &- s+;l\ ~~.\e re.c\dlrr¡~I'\~ \~ \f') ~'rcX.e..C;Sr '" SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES AT';'HIS ù"NIT ONLY W'e wDoJd C.Q.\ l C1 \ I ~ND e..-\Je...riò né:..... WD ccLd -e ~ ; -\- ~ 'YO h t- c\ 00 Î', O,Ç' p.erc. ~~,~e.,. Çro~ "'e~, - 3A - ~ ~'~.~--"'.)- e e ..;. .:"........ .' ~" SECTION 3: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FOR THIS UNIT ONLY A. Does this Facility Unit contain Hazardous Materials?,.., " YES NO If YES, see B. If NO, continue with SECTION 4. B. Are any of the hazardous materials a bona fide Trade Secret YES NO If No. complete a separate hazardous materials inventory form marked: NON-TRADE SECRETS ONL~ (white form #4A-l) If Yes, complete a ha~ardous materials inventory form marked: TRADE SECRETS ONLY (yellow form #4A-2) in addition to the non-trade secret form. List only the trade secrets on form 4A-2. SECTION 4: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION . SECTION 5: LOCATION OF WATER SUPPLY FOR USE BY EMERGENCY RESPONDERS SECTION 6: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-orrs AT THIS UNIT ONLY, A. NAT. GAS/PROPAN~~ B, ELECTRICAL: C. WATER: 0, SPEC rAL: .E, LOCK BOX: YES! NO IF YES, LOCATION: IF YES, SITE PLANS? FLOOR PLANS? YES ! NO YES / NO MSDSs? KEYS? YES / NO YES ! NO - ~ - jß ~ 0 ,. " '. .'"' e e ",-, - ('< Country Club Cleaner's 4800 White Lane Suite M Bakersfield, Ca 93309 (805) 833-0498 As a business we intend to provide information about chemical hazards and other hazardous substances and the control of hazaeds via our comprehensive Hazard Communication Program which includes container labeling, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and training. THE FOLLOWING PROGRAM OUTLINES HOW WE WILL ~CCOMPLISH THIS OBJECTIVE: a. It i8 the policy of this business that no material will be used in the process of our business unless: (1) containers are clearly labeleà as to the contents (2) appropiate hazard warnings are noted (3) employees are aware of steps to take in case of accidental exposure b. Copies of MSDS for all hazardous substances to which employees of this business may be exposed are kept in the file cabinet in the immediate location of hazardous substaces. (1) ~JU1ita Johnson will be responsible for obtaining and maintaining the data sheets system for this business and will review all incoming data for new and significant health/safety info. To see to it taht all new information will be passed on to the employees. ~ ' ~ ... ..- e e .., t ).,...~ EMPLOYEE INFORMATION AND TRAINING Employees are notified as to health and safety regulations by Anita Johnson (manager), prior to beginning work concerning Hazardouß chemi~als used at this location. An overview of the requirements contained in the Hazard Communi~ cation Regulations including their rights under the regulation. Proper and safe methods for operation of any machinery to which they may be exposed. Inform employees of any operation pf any machinery to which they may be exposed. Inform employees of any operations in their work area where hazardous substances are present. Location and availability of the written hazardous communication program. Physical and health effects of the hazardous substances. Methods and observation techniques used to determine the presence or release of hazardous substances in the work area. How to lessen or prevent exposure to these hazardous substances through work practices. Steps the business has taken to lessen or prevent exposure to these substances. Emergency and first aid procedures to follow if employees are exposed to these substances. How to read labels and review MSDS to obtain appropiate hazard information. Note: Although hazardous substances are present and used in the process of this business, employees are not required to the exposure or use of these substances on the premises. r ". ~/ ~,;v' '. P "'. f ."jio age ~'o """'~ - ..;..;-- .1. D. # BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT FORM 4A-1 NON-TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY BUSINESS NAME: COC(.f\(;.YC/(A.þ ('..,./r:::.a..n~y..51 ~h a^,'~$Á~c~l1TY UNIT #: ADDRESS: I-/fl()(') IUÁ.l..rt /5fA./1é-A1 . FACILITY UNIT NAME: CITY, ZIP: ¡JCLkeJ1S P,·e./d eer 9',3.309 . CE.r~_73~'fº'7m PHONE #: ~ :?.~-;z.-ð 0/99 ·c, .. P IV\ M M M /v^t OFFICIAL USE CFIRS CODE ONLY 1 TYPE CODE 2 MAX AMOUNT 3 ANNUAL AMOUNT 4 8 % BY WT. 9 10 HAZARD D.O.T CODE GUIDE e M ¡V\ M M /V\ EMERGENCY CONTACT: PRINCIPAL BUSINESS A TITLE: ~ '7 CÀ'~~ 4A-l - - DATE: Ji3-/ó"-ð'/· PHO #. BUS HOURS :--HJ--W·~ - AFTER BUS HRS: _ J PHONE # BUS HOURS: ~~j - ð 'Ý?!- AFTER BUS HRS: - a 'ð SIGNATURE: '') '-< OHAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY ~ , ' ,NON~}:"RADE SE RE,TS \"ÍÍYlil1::oh, ,Ppge ___,'" of '" k~l1(()tN~ NAME: J /y 7 ,.,,, tf~<7el:1 á t1.f11 ~t'i5F THIS FACILITY' {',ct{n 1)\}I Cltéc!(r7e-Þ5 ADDRESS' ~"'" STANDARD IND. CLASS CÒDE:--' /-~- CITY zIp:. DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER-'--nn-----'n'----'~---- PHONÈ tt: . ct.. ~ - REFER TO-r ~ffO~éR CODES !'>vl'v 8 9 . 12 ~or.r Cont Cont loc~tlon Where on SIte Type Press Stored In facIlIty /' 3 b 11"'''' ,µ L "'jbC."~()- Jl~5 Standard Business o Fire Hazard Ji De Jayed 0 Suddfn Re 1 ease Health 0 Pressure o Reactivity CITY of BAKERSFIELD - - - - U Na~es of ~ixture/Ço~ponents See Instru:tlons O Component.2 Name & C.A,S. Number Immediate Health Component.3 Name & C,A.S, Number Phï$ical fOd Health Halard (Chec~ a I that apply, C.A,S, Number [] Fire Hazard [] Reactivity [] De \ayed [] Sudden Re I ease Health of Pressure Component II Name & C,A,S, Number [] Component .2 Name & C.A.S. Number Immediate Health Component .3 Name I C.A.S, Number Component 'I Name & C,A.S, Number Component '2 Name & C.A,S. Number o Immediate Health Component '3 Name & C,A.S. Number Component .1 Name & C,A,S, Number [] Component 12 Name' C.A,S. Number Immediate Health Component 13 Hame , C,A.S. Humber I L L l_ ¡-- Phï$ical end Health Haiard (Check all that apply C,A.S. Number o Fire Hazard o Reactivity [] De I ayed 0 SUddfn Re I ease Health 0 Pressure Phï$ical lod Health Halard (Check all that apply, C,A,S, Number ~ -r [] Fire Hazard [] Reactivity [] Delayed [] Sudden Release Health of Pressure EMERGENCY CONTACTS #1 TItle ~ ;;{~8:22.Í'/ 'lTl!r PMné ' ~-$-7ð U~n~i~~--u e g='IO~0() e July 26, 1990 Mr. James A. Johnson Country Club Cleaners 4800 White Lane, Suite M Bakers£ield, Ca. 93309 Dear Mr. Johnson: Enclosed you will £ind a computer printout ox the Hazardous Materials Management Plan that we have in the computer. Due to a change in the laws that went into e££ect January, 1989, we need to have a new inventory £orm (enclosed) £illed out. This £orm must be £illed out and returned to our o££ice by August 10, 1990. 1£ you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely Yours, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator /.-;::~~....¡;, ", . .~ \.>. '\"-~" ,/··O~·:.. .",.... <S'''¿.,. ,/,..1.. ---.', ~\ \ 'f:; "'..I.~" \-"'\ : ,U _.c.. o'..) I , . -:- .;-../;.,....._' . t\~ ~~}·~i '\ ~__ ~'\ i... '...>.,(' ':'., .:'.....,j <:~ ,.,~ IIi! I ./ \\\\~'~"I"Þ_-- . ~e:.. ~.<.\,.:l.lJ ,.¡,,--_~ C1 J .:§/~' '~ / Co..;: ~,\>' \\ &/! -::~~ Cfj=:::: \."'>/1 :;~ =: ~ ::'\"', "I::::::: () ~'\. .. '- /::;::;? ~?lf{)·"I %lÍ;í¡~% REcetVED fEB 2 , \<)6<) HAZ. MAT. OW. n~ ¿;)9 r;L CITY of BAKERSFIELD e e or corrections constitute a complete and correct "WE CARE" I Jafi1.es I! \1d /;;h~O h ItYDe or print name) Do here b3- cert i fy tha t I ha \-e revi eh-ed the attached Hazardous Materials business plan for (;(JuJ/1l-l r;/aA Ch ner;>, (name of usiness) and that it along with the attached additions Business Plan for my facility. ~j1./lVA~~ / sig:nare . ~._;;;< -ffe¡ date ... . ,J/ '7 .~ ."'¡j .... --~~- ., ( .. (J) ( l e It ¡kJC MAT E R I A L S A F E T Y D A T ASH E E T ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dow Chemical U.S.A. Midlands MI 48674 Emergency Phone: 517-636-4400 MSD: 000190 Page: PRODUCT NAME: COWPER (R) SOLVENT Effective Date: 04/10/85 - Date Printed: 10/16/85 Product Code: 25202 1. INGREDIENTS: Tetrachloroethylene CAS# 000127-18-4 99.9% 2. PHYSICAL DATA: BO III NG PO I NT: 250F (121. 1 C) VAP PRESS: 13 mmHg @ 20C VAP DENSITY: 5.76 SOL. IN WATER: 0.015 g/1009 25C SP. GRAVITY: 1.619 @ 25/25C APPEARANCE: Colorless liquid. ODOR: Not available. 3. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA: FLASH POINT: None METHOD USED: TOC, TCC. COC FLAMMABLE LIMITS LFI..: None UFL: None EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Non-flammable material. ----FIRE & EXPLOSION HAZARDS: No autoignition temperature. FIRE-FIGHT~NG EQUIPMENT: Wear positive pressure self-contained respiratory equipment. -. (Cont i nued on Page 2) (R) Indicates a trademark of The Dow Chemical Company -- tit ...- .... ~'It:- MAT E R I A L S A F E T Y D A T A SHE E T ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ( Dow Chemical U.S.A. Midland, NI 48674 Emergency Phone: 517-636-4400 MSD: 000190 Page: 2 PRCDUCT NAME: DOWPER (R) SOLVENT Effective Date: 04/10/85 Date Printed: 10/16/85 Product Code: 25202 4. REACTIVITY DATA: STABILITY: (CONDITIONS TO AVOID) Avoid open flames, welding arcs, or other high temperature sources which induce thermal decomposition. INCOMPATIBILITY: (SPECIFIC MATERIALS TO AVOID) Strong acids and oxidizing materials. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Involvement in fire forms hydrogen chloride and small amounts of phosgene and chlorine. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur. 5. ENVIRONMENTAL AND DISPOSAL INFORMATION: ( ACTION TO TAKE FOR SPILLS/LEAKS: Small leaks - mop up, wipe up, or soak up immediately. Remove to out of doors. Large spills - evacuate area. Contain liquid; transfer to closed metal containers. Keep out of water supply. DISPOSAL METHOD: When disposing of the unused contents, the preferred options are to send to licensed reclaimer, or to permitted incinerators, in compl iance with local, state, and federal regulations including Subtitle C of The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. Dumping into sewers, on the ground, or into any body of water is strongly discouraged. and may be illegal. Consult The Dow Chemical Company for further information. 6. HEALTH HAZARD DATA: EYE: May cause pain, and slight transient irritation. Vapors may irritate ~he eyes at about 100 ppm. SKIN CONTACT: Short single exposure not likely to cause significant skin irritation. Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause some skin irritation. even a burn. Repeated contact may cause drying or flaking of skin. l (Cont i nued on Page 3) (R) Indicates a trademark of The Dow Chemical Company e e ,ø v -. .' . -, MAT E R I A L S A F E T Y D A T A SHE E T ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ( Dow Chemical U.S.A. Midland, MI 48674 Emergency Phone: 517-636-4400 1'\50: 000190 Page: 3 PRODUCT NAME: DOWPER (R) SOLVENT Effective Date: 04/10/85 Date Printed: 10/16/85 Product Code: 25202 6. HEALTH HAZARD DATA: (CONTINUED) SKIN ABSORPTION: A single prolonged skin exposure is not likely to result in absorption of harmful amounts. The L050 for skin absorption in rabbits is >10,000 mg/kg. INGESTION: Single dose oral toxicity is low. The LOSO for rats is >5000 mg/kg. If aspirated (liquid enters the lung), may be rapidly absorbed through the lungs and result in injury to other body systems. ( INHALATION: Dizziness may occur at 200 ppm; progressively higher levels may also cause nasal irritation, nausea, incoordination, drunkenness; and over 1000 ppm, unconsciousness and death. A single brief (minutes) inhalation exposure to levels above 6000 ppm may be immediately dangerous to life. In confined or poorly ventilated areas vapors can readily accumulate and can cause unconsciousness and death. Alcohol consumed before or after exposure may increase adverse effects. SYSTEMIC & OTHER EFFECTS: Excessive exposure may cause anesthetic or narcotic effects, central nervous system effects, and liver and/or kidney effects. The preponderence of information indicates perchloroethylene is not likely to be a carcinogen in man although one 1 ifetime study with toxic doses of perchloroethylene given by stomach tube indicated a carcinogenic response in laboratory mice, but not in rats exposed by ingestion or inhalation. Birth defects are unlikely. Although in laboratory animals other adverse effects were observed in the mother and fetus at exaggerated doses, ---..- -- exposures having no effect on the mother should have no effect on the fetus. Results of in vitro ("test tube") mutagenicity tests have been negative. 7. fIRST AID: ,.. EYES: Irrigate immediately with water for at least 5 minutes. SKIN: Wash off in flowing water or shower. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. c --(Coñti·nuèd-,on~ge 4) (R) Indicates a trââemark-OfThe Dow Chemical Company . . ( ( ~ l e e 'p MAT E R I A l SAFETY SHE E T D A T A ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dow Chpmical U.S.A. Midland~ MI 48674 Emergency Phone: 517-636-4400 MSD: 000190 Page: 4 PRODUCT NAME: DOWPER (R) SOLVENT Effectivë Date: 04/10/85 Date Printed: 10/16/85 Product Code: 25202 7. FIRST AID: (CONTINUED) INGESTION: Do not induce vomiting. Call a physician and/or transport to emergency facility immediately. ItJHALATION: Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Call a physician. NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: Because rapid absorption may occur through lungs if aspirated and cause systemic effects, the decision of whether to' induce vomiting or not should be made by a physician. If lavage is performed, suggest endotracheal and/or esophageal control. Danger from lung aspiration must be weighed against toxicity when considering emptying the stomach. If burn is present, treat as any thermal burn, after decontamination. Exposure may increase IImyocardial irritabilityll. Do not administer sympathomimetic drugs unless absolutely necessary. No specific antidote. Supportive care. Treatment based on judgment of the physician in response to reactions of the patient. 8. HANDLING PRECAUTIONS: EXPOSURE GUIDELINE(S): Perchloroethylene: ACGIH TLV is 50 ppm (stel is 200 ppm); OSHA PEL !s 100 ppm. VtNTILATION: Control airborne concentrations below the exposure guideline. Use only with adequate ventilation. Local exhaust venti lation may be necessary for some operations. Lethal concentrations may exist in areas with poor ventilation. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Atmospheric levels should be maintained bclow the exposure guideline. When respiratory protection is required fòr certain operations, use an approved air-purifying rezpirator. In confined or poorly ventilated areas, use an approved positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus. SKIN PROTECTION: Use protective clothing impervious to this material. Selection of specific items such as gloves, boots. apron, or full-body suit wil 1 depend on operation. Remove ------------ (Continued on Page 5) ----~ ." ~--------- (R) Indicates a trademark of The Dow Chemlca~Company . ..,,~ "r :: -......, ...:1 1'" .; -- /...~,..... ,- e e :;, , , . MAT E R I A L S A F E T Y OAT A SHEET ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r \.... Dow Chemical U.S.A. Midland, MI 48674 Emergency Phone: 517-636-4400 MSD: 000190 Page: 5 PRODUCT NAME: DOWPER (R) SOLVENT Effective Date: 04/10/85 Date Printed: 10/16/85 Product Code: 25202 8. HANDLING PRECAUTIONS: (CONTINUED) contaminated clothing immediately, wash skin area with soap and water, and launder clothing before reuse. EYE PROTECTION: Where contact with liquid is I ikely, chemical goggles are recommended because eye contact with this material may cause pain, even though it is unlikely to cause injury. 9. ADDITIO~AL INFORMATION: SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORAGE: Handle with reasonable care and caution. Avoid breathing vapors. Vapors of this product are heavier than air and will collect in low areas such as pits. degreasers, storage tanks, and other r confined areas. Do not enter these areas where vapors of this ~ product are suspected unless special breathing apparatus is used and an observer is present for assistance. MSDS STATUS: Revised 1. 6, 7, and 8. - -- l (R) Indicates a trademark of The Dow Chemical Company The Information Herein Is Given In Good Faith, But No Warranty, Expressed Or Implied, Is Made. Consult The Dow Chemical Company For Further Information. (j) - ___ . .." ,......... I vr L.AtlüR M A T~îAl' sSrAFË;y"'i;ÂTA~H E ET Po.", Aoøro..... 0i0oi8 No. 44.Al~11 . - ~ .-. .: ~.. ~. ;. .. . .,;.~:~; ~ .' :4:-1/ RC1uired under U~DL Saf<!tv and Health Regulations for Ship Repairing. ,Shipbuilding. ånd.Shipbreaking (29 CFR 1915,1916,1917) SECTION I '.. .. .. MANUFACTURER'S NAME, E. \·1. bn1itb·.C}¡¡;micG:iJ. Co. AOORESS (Numòer, Screer. Cily, Slatt. and ZiP Code) 'cn~, ~ ~" ~'~~ CkEMICAI.. NAM£. ANO SYNONYMS EMERGENC'( TEL.E >HONE NO. (818) 333-5205 ·t· .... .. .. . ~ "I"' I..FAMII-'f L~s EoLler Vuter Tre~tment 7/766 . SECTION II',. HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS . .;: .:':.;.'~.:.. t .. '. I'AINl'S. PRESERVATIVES. & SOLV£NTS % TLV AL.L.OYS AND MEl'ALL.IC COATINGS % TLY (Unitsl (Uniu\ "!CMI!:NTS BASE METAL. . '. ' - . . " CATAL.YST AL.L.OVS . . VEHICLE . METAL.L.IC COATINGS : SOLV!:NTS FIL.L.ER METAL. f:·· " PLUS COA'rING OR'CORE FLUX AOO)TI....ES OTHERS / OTHERS ~odi~ H~rdrox1.de .' "" ¡Polymeric 2.' 5 .::. ., ~AZARDOUS MIXTU~ES OF OTHER lIQUIDS, SOLIDS. OR CASES % TLY (Uniul , .. . SECTION III . PHYSICAL DATA DOIL.ING POINT (oF.) . SP::;CIFIC GRAVITV (H10-1) .. VAPOR PRE:$SUR£ tmm H~.I PERCE:NT, VOI..ATlL.£ . BY VOI..UMe: (':.! .- VAPOR DENSITY (AIR'll ,~ vmtE ·EVAPORATION RATE urtr.e as r ( -1 ) SOLUlilLlTV IN wI!.TE:R hi.:..;cible pH 11.9 APPEARANCE ANO OOOR LL¡;:;ht ~if: l10\-1 cclor - rJO odor . SECTIOtJ IV . FIRE AND EX?LOSION HAZARD DATA N/A F~:'H POINT ¡.....tnoo ....01 IFLAMMAB\..E '-1M ITS I LoI T Uel ¡ EXTINCUISIo1ING MEOlA SPECIA,- 1'1 REF ICI1 TlNC .. ,\'"\èËo'ij'¡i:s l NUSUAL. FIRE ANO EÄPI-OSION H",ZARCS -. --- . '- PAGE (11 ,Conti¡,..cd on fwcr:e side) Form OSHA·20 "... ...., 1J ..-..-- - ~¡t .....:::.... -: ""~i:{~~':';;~~~:Y:::':';;:':'i~;!~?;~i2:.>:r~';'{:~£b:S:ç;~G..;;;.~~~~~.~;~-:~::'~,?Ef~'::2L~',:..;..,.:;==-~ a:.;.<:-.': '. ' : ..~;~.~. :...'-" ". . ..~. ". . -III. ..0:. . 't_" .. . :,:i:.i.....? .-:,;:;:';-'..-f: .. . -:~i,~·.? 2:: ,'..'~~:: ..- ¿.~...'" . . ::.~;~;~ . . ..... :..- -'. .....~~i~·· '. ;~::}~~- .. ~~==;. e'. ..:. ..~:.: ~.": . ~;"i;"·1:":¡ ~ ...;.... .. " :. :'....~... . ."'." þ .." . . ~. iE: ~ '::-= ~{t·: ..'":.... -0 . - . ..; ..... .' . ., ' .... .1OooC" . . þ..~.~ ...:.... :" . "*¡;.:' ~ .." " ..~. .;-. ,," " ~;..~- ~~.~- ..j .." :- " ....~.... .. ~ ~..;:-_.. .. .:" . .. -' ~- . ...- ~ . . - ... oÞ~ ....- ..- .. ,.. -..-:;. . . -. - " - ..... .- ::".... :". . , . . ~., ..::~- .. "" .. ., .."'.... . . ... '; ...~, ..i: ...... .:. .. '. .... ,. . ... i .' ." ¡ , ~ i ! ..., 1 .'! : . ...~. .~- ' . -...... . ....,:: 0: ~:' . '\-~o,r ,~ . '~::.~~:~ ~ --.. ',.' ..... Ems Boiler Water Treat~ent ~ e .e ': 0:. . .~:~ .,:; ; '~.".~~;:.. '. .. . ....... #' .~:....:: :..u..~:.;" ì . SECTION V . HEALTH HAZARD OAT A . .... .... ':!: , .. Tt'tRESt10L.O L.IMIT VAL.uE t:,FF£CTS OF O\(t:.Rt:.XPOSU~f. R- -..,...,~"1 ';f' ~·,,~.11 'rF'~ C8.H cause irritation to skin and .., .......- , . EMERCENCY ANO FIFlST AID PROCEOUR1:;S '\fte~, any e:cno.snre , \-m.sh rn"omntl:'T and tl'orou~hly with coau and water.' 'I '" t~e ?roauct gets into~t~c ~ye~? flood ~yes imr.ediately ~dot~oroug~~y w~th \"___..., vvV.. ,I(J..I", ...... .. .t'....._w a.,;)"';, ¡.~.....-..a".\J .J'" --..... 1JTodüc't is sw;:\llm·Fed. call a 1Jhvsician at O!1ce. Neutralize. alkali bv ~~vi~~ vi~e~~~ o~ five rercent acetic acid. : -.....-: . -.. , - . - - , SECTION Vt REACTIViTY DATA " . . . -~ ... . .,,;. , - . . . . .0 STABII..ITY UNSTABI..E CCNOITIONS TO AVOID o. Skin and e-ve contact etc. ' . . '- . . ST ABL.E: Y- . .. . INC.OMÞ'ATAb'I..ITV (.II..'OIQI: 10 11"0".1.1 : . , , t'tAZAROOUS Ot:.COMPOSITlON PROOUCTS 0 't. -i0" .... ".:. none . - CONOITIONS TO AVGID ' ' t'tAZAROOLJS '. MAY OCCUR. : .~ I'OI..YMEAI.ZATIO/'f - ·_.._---....Jw~ , · - WILl.. NOT OCCUR X <i'. , , " . ... .- .' . . ' 1:~·"~· . , .. .. '". ~ .. ."=" ~;. . . . .. ." .~ - :;- .:. -. , ~ ... ..- ~ .. '~..:,SECTIONVII SPILLOR.J.:EAK PROCEDURES ' ' · .. '. ,STE:;>$ TO ='" r~Ke::'i IN CASE: MATERIAI.."IS R.E.L.E:ASe:C OR S;:rII..~S:D be ~rem.oved from drU!!!s The ·'!)r~d'tJ.c~ is soluble J.:n water 'æ~d 'can by 'est8. b li::~led·u:;-.'oced.ures used by drum Teconè.itioners. -....--- .--..---.- -........--...- ---- '.- - -. '.W,'!.TE: DISI>":>A\.. ME:THOO ar.: r;1 e qU<.i.~tities of wÐter. Fl~sh to s~wer with , . . .. .. , . . .' ..... ... - -. ..- ...~.. ::':' '0 . ~ ~~ .. ~ . SECTION Vlll . SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMAT10N Rt:~;:rIRATORV ó>RorO:C::Tlor. (SptCIJ";t r:;pt) ~T'"I 1"":....1"'\ ~ .: .., , T"\.,.....,"'Io..-..,......¡.. ~~"... .........-1p.~ VCNTILATIGN L.v::..:..... t::.<....AU:;.T SPECIAL. ,",'" ~'r"''''' , .. MECHANICAL 1c.;~nt:TQIJ OTHER PROTeCTIvE G...OVf:S I EVE PROTECTION ~.#.tr:.."1~ ""'11) ¡).~'" ,..,.1 r) 'f~S \~'eaI' sD.fet--;' rrof!~les OT....".:R PROTf:cnvE. (,QU,õfM£NT . . I..l(>~ r ~'~~-D('~r h(~ () t::: . , ..... .. ~. .. '. . .' .' SECTION IX . SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PA(.C":"uTIONS TO ~E TAKE:N IN H....NOL.'NG ANO STORING . K~c:-) ~o:; tël j :ler C 1l'~cd ..<11:(: n not. t r: lI~e. OfH(..:\ P~E'':'OiT¡O'''S aC COI':';::.e~..1 üa ;,.:e U. ;_:1.(;; Ol~,~ :1'-::1':: . - , - ~. PAGE (21 Form QSHA·20 .h... "'7'2 '. ... ".,- . i ...... ." ....4, · .!~ . ". ":}i- . ~ ... ~~. .. ... .;-~;:.0-'~ y~...[;:.1~~~·~~~;;t~ : ':.~¡¡~~;;'1'- . ~ ~...- .' '~~i:;¡r~:"~~.:;:;-....~i..\:.,-;,;;,...;r- :~.~!~)~1:~"--:;¿-· -·"'"\··~··i":''-; ~.~ .~~~ -- -.------ (j) . e MA'ERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET DFB PRODUCT HAZARD RATINGS· -OSHA- -N.F.P.A.- nonreactive Health Q Fire 0 Reactivity ~ I slight health hazaril I slightly combustible I since 1908 I - PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION DOT Class: UN 1897 Manufacturer: ADCO, Inc. 900 W. Main, Sedalia, MO 65301 Emergency Telephone nos: CHEMTREC (800) 424·9300; ADCO,Inc. (800) 821-7556 Intended use detergent for drycleaning garments Chemical name none - proprietary mixture CAS# none Synonyms none State registry# pending II - PHYSICAL DATA Appearance clear yellow liquid ()dor sweet, etheral Specifìc gravity Solubility in water 1.230@ 68°P Flash point % volatile (220°F) pH (water solution) none _ 45% 5.0 - 5.5 insoluble III .. HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS o none ŒJ proprietary mixture o not applicable ŒJ Ingredients are considered hazardous only as eye or skin irritants. chlorinated hydrocarbons CAS # 127.18-4 CAS # IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA Flash Point: none Lower Flammable Umit: not applicable Extinguishing Media: Compatible with all types· product noncombustible. Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Use water spray to keep fire-exposed containers cool. Wear self-contained breathing apparatus. Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: Exposure of product to high temperatures may produce toxic and irritating fumes. · Hazard ratings and other information are based on latest available information from tests on product or ingredients of mixtures. The data and evaluations are accurate to the best of ADCO's knowledge. No guarantee or liability is expressed or implied. .................... - - ---.- --------- . .. - V· HEALTH HAZARD DATA .. Threshold Limit Value: 100 ppm Toxicity: slightly toxic ŒJ Estimated. No test data on this mixture is available. Effects of Overexposure: Acute: Exposure to high concentrations of vapors can cause dizziness. eye irritation: headache and nausea. Prolonged or repeated contact with skin may cause drying and irritation. Chronic: None known First Aid Procedures: Remove person overcome by vapors to fresh air. Flush eyes 15 minutes with water. Wash off of skin. If swallowed: do NOT induce vomiting. Call physician immediately. IF SYMPTOMS PERSIST SEEK MEDICAL ASSISTANCE VI. REACTIVITY DATA Stability: ŒJ Stable below 300°F 0 Unstable Conditions to Avoid: Exposure of vapors to high heat or open flame. Incompatibility(materials to avoid): none. Hazardous Decomposition Products: Hydrogen chloride, phosgene and other toxic fumes may be produced on burning vapors. Hazardous Polymerization: 00 Will not Occur VII - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES Steps to be taken if material is spilled: Small spills. wipe up. Large spills· soak up on absorbent material and shovel into resealable containers for disposal. Waste Disposal Method: Liquid product or absorbents containing this product must be disposed of in accordance with applicable local, state and federal regulations for chlorinated hydrocarbons. VIII. SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION Respiratory Protection: ŒJ None required when used as directed with adequate ventilation; ŒJ When cleaning up large spills in confined areas, self·contained breathing apparatus is recommended. ŒJ Normal industrial ventilation is adequate. 0 Use in a spray booth. ŒJ Local exhaust at work station recommended. 00 Ordinarily not needed. Use gloves when contact is prolonged or frequent. ŒJ·. Use goggles or face mask if splashing is likely. Ventilation: Protective Gloves: Eye Protection: Other protection Equipment: ŒJ Ordinarily not needed. Availability of eye washes in work areas recommended. Recommended Precautionary Labeling: Caution: Use with adequate ventilation. First Aid: If overcome by vapors, remove person to fresh air. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. In case of contact with eyes, flush 15 minutes with Avoid prolonged breathing of vapors. water. Flush off of skin. Harmful if swallowed. If swallowed: do NOT induce vomiting. Call physician immediately. IX - OTHER SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS This product is intended for professional use only by trained personnel. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. DO NOT TAKE INTERNALLY. Store in cool. well ventilated area. Keep containers closed when not in use. This information is provided for guidance only based on information we have. No guarantee of accuracy or completeness is expressed or implied. Prepared b} C2~~ Date 10/30/85 Robert Risner SHEET e EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS BUSINESS HRS.: 215-587-7060 OTHER HOURS: 215-587-7060 CHEHTREC: 800-424-9300 " ~ .. .TERI AL CHEMICAL S?ECIALTIES DIVISION TEXTILE CHEMICALS DEPARTMENT THREE PARKYiAY PHllAOELPHIA, PA 19102 SAFETY DATA (f) ***~***~**~******.****.******4·~.**~******************.******************.*....- PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION CAS NO.: Ñ~ - MIXTURE (i<) i{UST RE"IOI/ER AQUEOUS HYDROFLUORIC ACID SOLUTION **~***~4***~**~~*************'****~*******************~********~*************** ING~EDIENTS----HAlARD CLASSIFICATIONS COMPùNE'H S: ..;. CAS NO. : % 07664-39-3 10 01341-49-7 25 00112-34-5 1 HYDROFLUORIC A-CIJ AMMONIUM diFLUORIDE 2-(2-ßUfOXYETlidXY)ErHANOL COM¡'1ENTS: HfA 2.5 MG/M3 (AS F) (C) PEL 3 PPM TWA 2.5 MG/M3 (AS F) PEL 2.5 MG/M3 (AS F) LD50 6560 MG/KG (ORAL-RAT) LOSO 4120 MG/KG (SKIN-RABBIT) LOSO 2000 MG/KG (ORAL-GUINEA PIG) LEl 0.85 UEl 24.6 FLASH POINT 172 OEG F VAPOR PRESSURE ~ 25 OEG, 0.023 MM HG ****~~*****************4*****~********.********.****.********.*.************** SHiPPING INFORMATrmJ COMPOUNJ, CLEANr~G, LIQUID (CJ~TAINING HYDROFLUORIC ACID); CORROSIVE MATERIAL; ~A 179ù. . CASES OF Tt/IS PRJDUCr MAY NOT JE TRANSPORfEO BY AIR EITHER DOMESTICALLY OR INTERNATIONALLY. . INTER~ArIUN~L SHIPMENTS 3Y SE\ MAY 3E SHI~PED AS HYDROFLUORIC ACID SOLUTION; CLASS i; UN 1790; I~CO PAGE NUMBER 8103; IMCO PACKAGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NA - Nor APPLIC~üLE NE - NOT ESTABLISHED (R) - INDICATES 1EGIST~~ED T~~JEMAkK OF PENNWALT CORPORATION ~:~}'.J~,~;:=1:.~~:1~:Tj~ž~i~~;~'7:=~:~;:~.:~kt~4~11z:J:Ts:~,LT~,~:~~~ '~::==.<-·-~LY -f~'=:",-~ ë~;·~~~~"::~-~~~7-~.·,: .c-, ' .:~~:v_~'·~ ,_-.»"......_..;.. ill.. ~1*I~Ìj(~! 1::- ~ili1I:!'~.·~31...-a:,;,:¡.,..;s:.....<,G.;....-~ ..d __......, ~-~-;-.~. "'....,. '-l.."'....i\¡t'1H.LÎ \",;.j¡,,\I'l.;.-,í-\' .i.UI"" ,', ~'..J.) ~KUUU~I ~UU~; v~v¿V-üU0 e 0 ATE: 07103/ a 6.. ~ A Gt : e SHIPPING INFORMATION - CONTINUED NW·' '3 E R -t G 1 . . CASES OF THIS ?KOOUCT MAY NOT dE SHIPPED VIA ups. .*~*******~*********.********~******.*************************+**.*.******....*- PHYSICAL PROPERTIES BOILING POL\jT/RAdGE: ) 200 DEGREES F r1¿LTING POINT: N.\ FREEZING POINT: NA HOLECUL~R ~EIGHT: N A - IH X r U R E SPECIFIC GRAVITY(H20=1): 1.15 @ 25/25 DEG C VAPOR PRESSURE{MM HG): AS WATER VAPOR DENSITY(AIR=lJ: AS ~ATER SOLUBILITY IN H20: CTiPlE TE ~ VOLATILES BY VOLUME: '60 APPEAKAì~CE A~W OOOR.: CLEAR COLJ~LESS lIQUIO JITH SHARP HYDROFLUORIC ACID ODOR BECAJSE AMMONiUM BIFLUORIQE IS ACTUALLY A DOUBLE SALT OF AMMONIUM FLUO~IGE AN~HYOROFLUORIC ACID. THE ACTUAL TITRATABL~ HYDROFLUORIC ACID CONTt~~r IS 21%. ***~****~**~*¥*~**********~-~*********~******~**************~**~**+************ FIRE ~NO EXPLOSION DATA FLA SH PJCH: 212 OEGR¿ES F FLAMMABLE lIMITS: LOA¿R: 1 UPPER: 25 AUrOIGNITION TEMP. NONE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EX T H¡GU I Sri H~G ;"IEU I A: WATER- WAfEr< FOG :)T~EAM C02 ORY CHEt.,l CAL FOAM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPECI~l FI~E FIGHTING PROCEDU~ES: ~l E A;<{ S E L ¡.: - C G:-n A i N E u B REA T H I N (; A P? A RAT US. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UNUSUAL Fl~E AN) EX?LOSIJ~ HAZARDS: NA *~**~~~*~*~***~**~*.***~*****~**,****.********************~...*.******.**$**.~~ RE\CTI'JITï J~TA ST~BllIT'(: ST~aLt CONDITIONS CONTRI3UTING TO INSTABILITY: NA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INCGMP~rIßrL¡TY-AVOlO CJ~TACT ~IrH: STRJNG ST~O~; ALKALI~ OXIDIlERS NA - Nor ~PPLICAaLE NE - NOT ESTABLISHED (P) - INÛiCATES ~EGistE~ED r~~JEMA~K OF PENNWALT CORPORATION Pl::I';NHALr CJKFuKA r IJ,-J e ¡'IS0 S ... f::::>,. -" ,.. e PRODUCT CJOE: 03020-0JO DATE: 01/03/86 PAGE: REACTIVITY DATA - CONTINUED DO NOT :1l}. J:-< CONTA;'lINATE ~HTH ANY OTHER MATEKIALS. CO ;~OT ALLJ~ CONTACT WITH GLASS, PORCELAIN, ENAMELWARE, METALLIC- WEIGHTE0 FAß~ICS OR MILO ~ETALS SUCH AS MILO STEEL OR ALUMINUM. . DO :~ûT ALLO¡.¡ COHTACT ~HTH LAUNDRY BLEACHES. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION THERMAL AND OTHER: Ai DECJ.1POSITliJ¡~, ErlITS HIGHLY CORROSIVE FLUORIDE FUMES. CDNr~CT WITH MILO METALS SUCH AS STEEL AND ALUMINUM MAY GENERATE t,(PLùS I Vi: Ht JRûGEN GA S. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CO~~ClrIJt4S TJ AVJID: OPt:. :~ SP!\RK$ I·GN I T ION SOURCES F L t. :1 [ 5 ******~~~*******~***.**********.**.***.********.*****.********...************$ ..:, TOXICITY ROUTE; ORAL DERMAL INHAlAT 1mj ,;\.H:1AL: ì.J ¿: N¿ NE DATA: NE NE NE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------~-- TOXIC EFFECTS EYE EFf¿CTj; CORRJSIVE SPE¿J I::> I~P8RrANT FOR BEGINNING TREATMENT. cc:n:.cr CAUSi:S SEV!:.:'{E 3URNS ;mICrl MAY NOT BE H1.'1EDIATElY VISIBLE OR PAI.¡¡::UL .·jHIC;~ CAUSE: 3LINO'ŒSS. SKIt~ t:FF¿CT';;; CO~R]$I Fê S?EEJ L L'1P'JKTANI FOR 3EGPUING TREAH1E:NT. CO'HACT CAJSE:) SEVERE dUR:i5"HICd MAY NOT bE IMMEDIATELY VISIBLE OR p A I'~¡-:Ui.... OTHEK TJXI~ EFFECTS: P¡W:OLONGi::O UK REPEATED INHo\LAflCN OF FlUO~lDES OVER AN E;<TENDED PERIOD OF TII~t CA,j CAU.)¿ A RA.-<E Co.-UITION KiW\~ AS FLUOKOSIS. USUALLY ONLY SEEN PI FLJO~IOE MINERS, WHICH G~~JUALLY CAUSES BCNE WEAKNESS AND TOOTH MOT TL I:'JG. Nt. - :JGT ,\PPL1CÁBLE NE - NOT ESTAôLISHED (R) - r"UICATE.S ,-<t:GISTi:::<EJ r":.\OEMARI( OF Pt::N~JWALT CQRPOKATlü't -~ Pt~'1Nhhi...T C;J-<'r'Jr<Ar lJ:¡ t'iSiJS e PRODUCT CODE: 03020-000 DATE: 07/03/86 0: PJ\Gfii.: ~ e TJXICITf - CONTINUED . PROLGNG:a U~ REPEATED EXPJSURE TJ 2-{2-BUTOXYETHOXY)ETHANOL CAN CAUSE EYE, LUN~ ANa SKIN IRRITATION AS WELL AS ACIDOSIS AND KIDNEY DAMAGE. THIS PRJUUCT IS NOT. NOR JOES IT CONTAlN. ANY CARCINOGENS. MUTAGENS OR TE~ATOGENS AS LISTED BY rARC. NIP OR OSHA. TARGET ORGAN TJXIN: NA TCXICITY CJ~MtNT5: THI5 PRODUCT SHOULD BE HA~JLED AS A STRONG ACID. BECAUSE OF THE SHORT T¿R"1 (ACUTE) EFFECT':; OF EXPOSURE (SURiJS. BLINDNESS, ETC.), THERE ARE NO PRE-EXISTING MEOICAL CO~OITIONS WHICH ARE AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE. **,**~**~*****~***********************************.******.********************* HEALTH HAlA~D INFORMATION PERMIS5IGLE ExpaSU~E LriITS: SiNCt TrlIS PRODUCT IS A MIXTURE, THERE IS NO EXPOSURE LlMIT ESTABLISHED FO~ IT. HAl~~DOUS COMPON¿~TS AND THEIR ASSOCIATED PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE LI~HTS ÀKE L1ST¿D 1,'-1 THE SECTION TITLED 'lNGREDIEi'HS--------HAZARO CLASSIFICÄ~IJNS' TO AID YOUR COMPLIANCE WITH SPECIFIC REGULATIONS. *~****~********~***.~**********************************.***....**.********....* EM~RGENCY FIRST AID I:'. G E srI J~:: DC NOT Lmuc¿ VGtlITI-'iG GIVE LARGE QUANTITIES GF A~TER OR HILK. 00 NOT GlVE ANYTHING BY MOUTH TJ AN UNCCNSCrUJS PERSON. GET EMERGENCY MEDICAL ATTENTION. . NUTt TJ PHYSICIAN FOR AB3JRPTIJN BY ANY Rour~ OF EXPOSURE, MONITOR ELECTROCARDIOGRAM FaR SIC:JS JF CALCIU:1 úEi>LETIO'J (PRCLJNGATION OF THE QT INTERVAL). corJSH)E~ IN L'¡';\ II ¿¡OU 5 FLUID TrlER..\PYH Trl CAL C I U;--f GLUCO\'~A T E. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DER~It,L : lMMEUIAT~LY ANJ CONSTANTLY FLUSH SKIN WITH PL~NTY OF WATER FOR AT LEAST 15 ~¡NJr¿S OR UNTIl.. MEDIC~L TRiAT~ENT IS RECEIVED. PAY PA~TICUL~R t,rT¿;aIJN TJ FLUSHl'~G $KPJ UNDER NAILS. nlHLE FLUSHING. Rt::MOVE (.OtH:'~H;4ATEJ CLJTHL'H; ~NJ:>HJES AND OESTi<OV. GET El"'IERGE;'iCY MEDICAL ATTENTH.:r'. . NOTE TO PHYSICIAN FJLLmi .'iATE¡{ FlUSHLJG 3Y IMMERSING EXPOSED AREA IN OR APPLYING FxEQUENT CJ~P~ESSE~ JF A~ ICED AQUEJUS SOLUTION OF BENZALKONIUM CHLCRIDE (0.13 PERCE,'H lE.PìU"AN (R) CHLO,HDE); IF AVAlLABLE, 2.5 PERCENT CALCIUM GLUCOìJATt GEL :1AY dE USED ~S AN UPTlO¡~AL TOPICAL SKIN Ti{EATMENTi FJR NA - ~OT APPLIC~bLE NE - NOT ESTABLiSHED CR) - INJIC~TES ~EGISTEr<ED T~~JEMARK OF PENNWALT CORPORATION - "' ..,,~. .....'-""1 -,.~..". ...._.. . ..._~._...,_. _).~__. V--'.J:"""'¡ .~" ~- "." <; . HEAL TH H!ARD lì~FORMA r ION - CaNT ¡NU' DAfE: 07/03/ò6 P~GE: DEEP SURW:>, ;\ 5 TO 10 PERCENT AQUEOUS SOLUTION OF CALCIUM GLUCONATE MAY ~E SUBcurANEOUSLY INJECTED. . FdR ~BSJRBTIJN BY ANY ROUTE OF EXPOSURE, MONITOR ELECTROCARDIOGRAM FOR SIGNS OF CALCIUM OEPLETIJi (PRJlONGATION OF THE QJ INTERVAL). CONSIDER INT~~VENOUS FLUID THERAPY ~ITH CAlCIUH GLUCONATE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EYE CJ~rL~cT: I~MEDIArElY AND CO~STANTlY FLUSH EYES (HOLDING EYELIDS OPEN) WITH PLENTY OF ~ATE~ FOR AT LEAST 15 ~INUTES OR UNTIL MEDICAL TREATMENT IS RECEIVE']. ~mIlE FLUSdIi~G, REMOVE COiHAi'1INATED CLOTHING AND SHOES AND DESTRUY. GET EMERG¿NCY MEDICAL ATTENTION. . NorE TU PHYSICIAN FOLLU~ ~ArE~ FLUSHI~G 3Y IRRIGATION WITH A 1 PERCENT SOLUTION OF CALcru~ ~LUCGNATE Ii PHYSIOLOGIC SALINE SOLUTION. AFTER IRRIGATION, USE 1 PERC~NT CALCIJM GLUCONATE IN SALINE AS EYE DROPS. FOLLOW UP CARE ¿Y AN JPHTrlAlMJlOGISr IS SUGGESTED. F¡JK Ad SQ:<.P TI.wN ü Y A,~ Y RiJU fE OF EXPOSURE, t'lONiTOR ELECTROCARD IOGRAt'l FOR SIGN S ûF C"'~LC I Ui1 ü¿? LEn o:~ (PROLm~GA T ION OF THE QT INTERVAL). CO¡,~S IJER LH~~AV¿NJu$ FLUID THE~APY .H TH C\LCIW1 GLUCONATE. -----------------------------------------------------.-------------------------. INrlAL\flùN: REMUiE TO F j~ t: S i1 A L~ IF Nor 3~EATHING GIVE ¡\;~TlfICIAl RES? I iH T ION GIVE OXYGEN GET MEDICAL AT TEN rIa 'J *~**************4*********.*************.*****.***~*******.*********.****.*..~ S?ECL\L PKOTECTIO;~ INFORMATION VENTILArIO~ REQUIREMENTS: USE WITH ADEQUATE VENTILATION M.\ ill r.u N V GIT I lA T I û;J SUFF Ie IEN T TO REJUCE THE lEVEL OF HAl~RDOUS ¡;¡G~:COI¿,'IT(':) t3ELO;..¡ THE STATED CUtJCE.'JTRATION LEVEL(5). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EYE: GOGGU':S llQUI~S CAN JUILU UP A?P~ECIA3LE PRESSURE IN TRANSFER LINES, EITHER FRO~ A 8UL~ TANK TRUCK, $rO~~G¿ TANK OR STOCK TANK. WHENEVER MAKING OR B~EAKING TRA~SF¿R LINES, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT A FULL FACE SHIELD BE wOR i¿ r J P RJ rEe TFrW;1 SUDD¿N HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE RELEASE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HANU(GLUVE TYP¿): S y ~JT HEr 1 C K U:3 ¿ E,~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NA - NUT APPLICASLE NE - NOT E5TA~LISHEU on - ¡ i ~ C r ,,:; t-\ T E :) ;~ t GIS T ¿:~ E J r :{ .\ J E:'1 M~ K 0 F PEN ì'E~ A LTC 0 R PO R A TI Û;-.. .~..Þ~:¡"i,._.;;r"....:'I.".:_:;_;~-.: _~~~.;.'__-'....__·"....'".;~~·..,_',.xc..r_-~_~·7':".·_-.·~_,,~~"':'....~ .~_.,.-:-.'~,_.._;,;..~....¡"...:_~~~;.~~.zMo. o~ ¡JE'lN~~AL r CC~-<PJ"ATiû:'¡ MSOS e PRODUCT CODE: 03020-000 DATE: 07/03/86~ PA~: ~ - ~ e S?¿CIAL PROTECTION INFDRMATION - CONTINUED RESPI~ATJR TiPE; CARTRIOG~ R~SPIRArJRY PROTECTION, SUCH AS DUST OR MIST MASK. IS ONLY NECESSARY IF THERE IS AIRBORNE CUNTAMINANTS AND THE LEVEL OF THOSE CONTAMINANTS EXCEEDS ~Aft LEVELS. AIR QUALITY SHOULD ALWAYS BE IMPROVED FIRSTLY BY E~GINEERING SOLUTIONS (SUCH AS BETTER VENTILATION) AND THEN BY USING t1AS¡,S O:JLY IFrttE ENGINEEHNG SOLUTION IS UNSUCCESSFUL. IN SITUATIONS WH¿~E THE AIR QUALIfY IS UNKNO~N. SUCH AS IN AN EMPTY 8UlK STORAGE TANK OR U:WER fIRE CONOITIONS, IT IS ALWAYS BEST TO EITHER MONITOR THE AIR FOR HAZAROJU~ CHEMICALS FIRST OR TO ~EAR A FULLY SELF-CONTAINED 3KEATHING APPARATUS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OTHER PRUTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: APRON *~***~*~*¥*~**?****-~v***********~********************************~**~********* SPECIAL HANDLING ANJ STORAGE CONDITIONS ~L\ S:-i T rlJR JUG HL Y AFT ë;~ HMWL r NG ~ DO NOT GET IN EYES, ON SKIN OR CLOTHING DO NOT gREATHE OUST,VAPOR,MIST,GAS KEEP Cû:H A1>iER CLOSED STJRE IN TIGHTLY CLOSED CONTAINERS EMPTY CONTAINER MAY CONTAIN HAIAROOUS RESIDUES RINSE BOTTLE IN RUNNING W~TER 8EFORE ANO AFTER EACH APPLICATION OF PRUDUCT TO PREVENT TOXIC AND POSSIBLY CORROSIVE RESIOUE FROM BUILDING UP ON THE CUNTAINER'S SURFACE. · · 00 :~ùT Tr(ANSFER FRû;J TrlE JRIGINAL CONTAINER. · WEAk. HEAVY KU¡:H:iER GLOVES, RINSE SPOT wELL OR SPONGE SEVERAL TIMES WITfi WET CLUrrl RINSED OUT 3ETWE¿N SPONGINGS. THO~OUGH RINSING IS ESS~NTIAL ~¿FORE {RUNI~G OR ALLO~ING FABRICS TO DRY. OTHERWISE H~NOLING THE FAe~[CS MAY CAUSE ß~RNS, TrlE Sr~lN MAY REAPPEAR, OR FOGGING OF NEAR~Y GLAS~ OR PORCELAIN SURFACES MAY accu~, PA~TICULARLY IN CONfINED AREAS. DU ~JûT'HX ,HTd Arfì' Or.tE' PRODUCT, INCLUDING CLEMHNG CHENICALS, AS VIOLENr REACTION OR ~ELEA5E OF TOXIC GAS HAY OCCUR. · OJ ~Jf fAKE INT¿~NALLY. OJ ~or RUB IN WITH FINGERS OR PE~MIT CONTACT ',H fH S{C¿ \J;~ EYES. AL"¡AYS APPLY TO THE R.UST SPOT ~HTH THE NOZIEL OF TH¿ dorTL¿. NEIER ~U3 {N ~ITH FINGE~S. WEAR RUBBER GLOVES. ALWAYS WA5H HhNDS AFTE~ USI~G. )0 NOT 3REATHE VAPO~. USE WITH ADEQUATE V E ~,j T r L A r I 0 ;,1 . · IN CASE JF CONTACT OR SUS?ICION OF CONTACT, IMMEDIATELY FLUSH ~ITH PLENTf JF WArE~ AND GET E~¿~G¿NCY MEuICAL ATTENTION. ****~~~***~*~*~*~**~**~~**~~******.*****.*************$********************.** NA - NJT A~PLICAaLE NE - Nor ESTABLISHED on - Ii.jQ Ie:. r E j ¡« E GIS T c.:;~ E J r~·\ 0 E ,'1,\1-': K 0 F ¡> E N N" A LTC 0 R PO RAT I o:-. PE~N;.o¡..\Lí : t+ ~. I.~.~ , , l -(I.. ' . . e PRODUCT CODE: 03020-00J DATE: 07/03/86 PAGE: Cu;(~ u:-<~ f i ¡,r~ e ¡'IS J S SPILL MANAGEMENT CCVêR SPILL riITrl SODIUM BICARBONATE SOLUTION OR SODA ASH/LIME MIXTURE (50/50); ADD WAfER TO MAKE SLU~RY; WASH DOWN CHEMICAL DRAIN WITH EXCESS ~ATER; ~[NSE ~[rH SODA 'SY SOLUTION. **~**~*****~*************.**~***********.**+************.*****...*******.***~~ DISPOSAL PROCEDURES ADO TO LARGE VUlUM~ OF SOLUTION OF SOOA ASH/lIME MIXTURE; ADD ~~Ur~AlI¿EJ SOLUTION TO EXCESS RUNNING WATER TO CHEMICAL DRAIN. CQ~I SUL 1 FE JERAL, ST ArE t OR LOCAL AUTHOR I TIE S FOR PROPER DISPOSAL PROCEDU~ES. ~:( ':( );,':< 'I:' ~ .~c ,;< ):1[ ,~c .;< ):< ):< )~< );< If.. .~( j;c ~:c ~~( -¡;c ~~< ~~<..;c J¡':t~C);.t ,;C: JI:< ):' .:< ,,;c I,c:..;C *):':I!c J;~ ':<"J:< .,:<_~:c )1:< 11:<'-"<'»:< )~C):C ):c * >:< ~;c ~:< ~:c >:<">:c .):c >:< 'I.c >;c >:c.:c >:C):C ~4: ,.:( ~:c >;C );( .:< >:<.* »:c »:c.,:< ~:< ~:c ~:c MSJ5 P~E?AREO d( CH~RlES J. MATLACK *****~********4*******************~******:~****~**************.*.****.********** THE AdJ'¡¿ INFOR:-IAliûN IS ACCU:~ATE TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE. HOWEVER, SI~CE Q~TA, SAFEry STANDARDS, AND GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CH~NGE A~D THE CDNDITIONS OF H~NalING AND USE, OR MISUSE ARE BEYOND OUR CO'HRUL, PE¡'~~Jr~AL-'r MAKES NO ~A,~¡~ANTYt EITHER EXPRESS OR HIPLIEO, WIfH RESPECT T~ THE CJMPLETEiES5 O~ CONfINUING ACCURACY OF THE INFORMATION CO'ITAI:~¿J rlt~;;:U'¡ AND DlSCLAl'1S .1\LL LIABILITY fOR RELIANCE TdEREON. USER SHJUL0 SATISFY HIMSELF THAT H~ HAS ALL CU~RENT DATA RELEVANT TO HIS PAKTICUL.:Ii~ USE. ~A - Nor ~?~LICAßLE NE - NOT ESTABLISHED (~) - l:LHC\f[S "~EGlSTE<EJ LUJE¡'-1AkK OF Pi:NN'rlALT CO~PORATIO:-.l ~ r @ c···· (, r, ~.. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Occupational Safety and Health Administration , . FOrm Approved OMS No. 44-1'\1381 MATERIAL SAfETY D11TA SHEET Required under USDL Safety and Health Regulations for Ship Repairing, Shipbuilding, and Shipbreaking (29 CFR 1915, 1916, 1917) . SECTION I MANUFACTURER'S NAME t EMERGENCY TEL..EPHONE NO. Faultless Starch/Bon Ami Com~any 816-421-7075 ADORESS (Number, Street, City, State. and ZIP Code) 64~ 1025 W. 8th St. Kansas City, Missouri CHEMICAl. NAME ANO SYNONYMS n/a ~RAOE N¡øE ANO SYNONYMS ' Ez-Off Hot-iron Cleaner CHEMICAL. FAMIL.Y FORM~~ cleaners a P3ste . ure of waxes. lubricants, and cleaners SECTION II . HAZAR:)OUS INGRED!ENTS PAINTS. PRESERVATIVES, & SOLVENTS % TLV ALLOYS AND METALLIC COATINGS % TLV (Unitsl (Unitsl PIGMENTS BASE METAL. CATAL.YST AL.L.OYS . VEHICL.E METAL.L.IC COATINGS SOI.VENTS FII.I.ER METAL. PL.US COATING OR CORE FLUX AODITIVES OTHERS :>THERS HAZARDOUS MIXTURES OF OTHER LIQUIDS, SOLIDS, OR GASES % TLV (Units) No hazardous inqredients I \ BOILING ~1f>iT (oF.) SECTION III . PHYSICAL DATA I :?70°F I SPECIFIC GRAVITY (H20"1) ---- PERCENT. VOLATIL.E BY VOLuME (%) EVAPORATION RATE ( "1\ q/ml: VAPOR PRESSURE (mm H9.) n/a n/a 80% paste with a /I 0,1 Cl P odor VAPOR DENSIT<? (AIR"l) SOL.UBIL.ITY IN WATER APPEARANCE AND ODOR/Creamy SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA Fl.ASH POINT (Metnod used) I Fl.AMMABLE L.IMITS I L.el I Uel qreater than SOoop I c1 I fa EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Product is not flammable. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTlNC PROCEOURES Nnnp rpf"ll1;rpr'! UNUSUAL. FIRE ANO EXPLOSION HAZARDS ?Jone known. PAGE (11 (Continued on reverse ~idel Form OSHA·20 0... ........'1 I u.s. DEPARTMENT OF LASO'" ccupational Safety and Health Admi"ration "'orm AOorov"d OMS No. 44-RIJ87 :~ / ~1ATERIAL SflFETY Dl~TA SHEET Co. ',- ',:,' , , Required under USDL Safety and He<,!lth Regulations for Ship Repairing, Shipbuilding, and Shipbreaking (29 CFR 1915, 1916, 1917) ~.;.. . - ~ . ... . .. SECTION I .. MANUFACTURER'S NAME I EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NO. R. R. Street & Co. Inc. . . (312)654-4242 ~ . . ... . - ' ADDRESS (Number, Streer, Citr. Srare, and ZIP Code) 60521 ~' ~ 625 EnterDrise DÍ"ivc. Oak ·Brook. Illinois CHEMICAL NAME AND SYNONYMS I TRADE NAME f¡V§éYNONYMS ) reetan CH~MICAL FAMILY FORMUI-A \ / urfactant solution . ""'- ./ SECTION II - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS PAINTS, PRESERVATIVES, & SOLVENTS % TLV ALLOYS AND METALLIC COATINGS ., TLV (Unit~1 ,. (Uni~s) PIGMENTS - BASE METAl. CAT A l.Y ST AI-l.OYS VEHICLE , METALLIC COATINGS SOLVENTS FILLER METAL I PLUS COATING OR CORE FLUX AOOITIVES OTHERS . - OTHERS HAZARDOUS MIXTURES OF OTHER LIQUIDS. SOLIDS, OR GASES . , ~ TLV (Units) Lactic Acid . .~ " . , '-. - ~ .. - -. ~ '. ~ .. . ! . .. " . ., -. . . G'~ ~ ~ SECTION III . PHYSICAL DATA BOIl.ING POINT lOF.) SPECIFIC GRAVITY lH20:1) 1.1 VAPOR PRESSURE lmm Hg. PERCENT, VOLATILE 40 BY VOLUME (%) ¡ EVAPORATION RATE " VAPOR OENSITY (AI R=l) - ( : 1) , - SOL.UBILlTY IN WATER . - complete .. . . APPEARANCE AND ODOR Light yellow, odorles s @",;:;;, . ~ "I": .ti ,',,:,% SECTION IV . FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLASH POINT (Metnod used) n. a, FI-AMMABLE L.IMITS I Lei I Wet I EXTINGUISHING MEDIA n. a. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES , - n. a. " - . . " - .. . , . ' . ~ . . . . UNUSUA\.. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS None PAGE (1) (Ccntinued on reverse side) , Form OSHA·20 R..... ..hy 72 - _.. - -.. - . . .-:: ·e SECTION V . HEALTH HAZARD DATA - THRESHOLD LIMIT VALue; n. a. EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE Irritating if splashed in eyes or ingested. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AIO PROCEDURES Flush eves with large amount of water. If ingested, gastric lavage with limewater followed by demulcents. : , - Call a physician. - - , .' . ". .' - . . . -' . (' SECTION VI REACTIVITY DATA . . . .. - . STABILITY UNSTABLE CONDITIONS TO AVOID . . - . . . . .' .' . . ST ABLE X ( INCOMPATA81LITY (M:;rencis co avoid) None HAZARDOUS, DECDMOOSITlON PRODUCTS S07 and/or SO.., Thermal dec:omt)o sition mav t)roduce CO.., CO,. CONDlïlONS TO AVOID - HAZARDOUS MAY OCCUR POL.YMERIZATlON . WIL.L NOT OCCUR X , ~ SECTION Vii - SPI LL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ~TEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE ~.'ATERIAL IS RELEt'SED OR SPILLED I Flush with water ... .- ....;. -. - . , '. ' WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD . Incinerate, bury in landfill. or flush to s ewe r c: SECTION VIII . SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION R~SPIR~!ORY PROTECTION (Specijy type) None VENTll.ATION LOCAL EXHAUST SPECIAL None MECHANICAL (General) OTHER PROTECTIVE GLOVES Desirable I E;YE PROTECTION Goggles desirable OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT ., - - : . . ". i . . SECTION IX . SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING Althourrh no sD"ecial precuations appear necc'S sary. good industrial practices as to housekeeping, personal hygiene, OTHER PRECAUTIONS avoidance of prolonged and repeated skin contact and splashing in eyes is indicated. Q1é"~;;';::~ . , ....~." '" ..- PAGE (2) C;PO ':10.540 " Form OSHA·20 Rn. M.y 1Z . -.-; ., .~ e ,e ...J, 1- U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Occupational Safety and Health Administration c' Form ADprove~ OMS No. 4~·R13a7 . ~1ATEni14L S:~FETY DATA SHEEï Required under USOL Safety and Health Regulations for Ship Repairing, Shipbuilding, and Shipbreaking (29 CFR 1915. 1916, 1917) SECTION I CHEMICAL..FAMIL..Y EMERGENCY TEI.EPHONE NO. 654-4242 MANUFACTURER'S NAME R. R. Street &: Co. Inc. ADORESS !,\'IIu:hl!r. Street, On', State. and ZiP Code) 623 Er.ter'tlriše Drive Oak Brook. CH Ef.1I CAI. NA....IE AND SYNONYMS SYNONYMS 8 SECTION II . HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS I PAINTS, PRESERVATIVES, & SOLVENTS % TLV ALLOYS AND METAL1.IC COATINGS %! n,v I IUnits) (Unitsl BASE METAl. .. I I PICMENTS CATAI.VST Al.L.OYS I I VEHICl.E . METAl.l.IC COATINGS I I SOl.VENTS FIl.I.ER METAL. I I PL.US COATING OR CORE FLUX ADDITIVES OTHERS I I OTHERS I I f TLV I HAZARDOUS MIXTURes OF OTHER LIQUIDS, SOLIDS, OR GASES % (Units! Butyl acetate . . 251 150 I -. .Butvl Cellosolve . . . . : . . 25\ SO 1 . . . Methvl Isobutvl" ketone . 111 100 1 - 51 I Cyc1chc:-:anol . SO -- - .. .'.~- SECTION III - PHYSICA:" D;::\T:, ., - BOIL.ING POINT (~F.) 192-248 SPECIFIC G R....." 'TV (H1O=1) 0.91 VAPOR PRES;iI,l£U:, (mm H9.) PERCENT, VOLATlL.E 70 BV VOLUME I~~) VAPOR DENSITV (AIR=l) EVAPORATION RATE ( =1) . SOLUBILITV IN WATER 150ml/l00 ,.. ,,1 ~ _ n <- APPEARANCE ANO ODOR light amber - mild cheTr1ical odor . SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLASH POIUT (M~t"Od used) 1040F, fFL.AMMA8L..E LIMITS I LeI 1 Uel C. O. c. I EXTINGUIS~IING :>.IEOIA chcTnical. Carbon dioxide dry water foam SP£CJ-"L FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES None . . . UNUSUAl. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS None . PAGE {1} (Continued on revers.e sidl!) Form OS!-! ';·2') - ..- .... . .._.~.....'." ".:!. ."jt~¿j2X5ii:2;¡?&~~~;,~~'~~:~.{~~:: ',. ". .". -:".; ....-po..... .~:~:.. ~:.;...~':..~.... I . SECTION V - HEALTH HAZARD DATA THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE 'D'Dm (based on lowest TLV of components) 50 EFFECTS OF OVEREX;>OSu¡::¡¡:: Narcosis, headache, nausea - . EMERGENCY AND FIRST AIO PrlOCEDURES Remove to fresh air. Call a physician. Flush ~ from skin ancì. eves with water. , " SECTION VI . REACTIVITY DATA STABILITY UNSTABLE CONOITIONS TO AVOIO . STAaL!:: . X Heat, o'Oen fian1es INCD:.IPAT~3 LITY p¡.;rcn.;¡s [.:J (H"o;d) None . HAZ.ARDOUS OECDMPOSITION PRODUCTS . None CONOITIONS TO AVOID HAZARDOUS MAY OCCUR , POL Yr.~ERI;¡:ATION WILL NOT OCCUR X None . . SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES SECTION VII - ST,;>S TO aE TAKZN IN C':'S;:: MATERIAL IS RELEASEO OR SPILLEO Elimin;:.te all sources of iCTnition. Flus h s'Oill with water or absorb on soEd absorbent. i WA~Të: DIS;>OSAL METHOD of in accordance with Fe¿e:~aì. State or¿i-:-l2.nces. Incinerate or ¿iSDose of local I . . , " ...-. ., .- -.... I - . SECTION VII1 - SPECIAL f-'ROTECTI0N INFORMATION . ~E::'PIAATORY PRor£CTlON [SpecIfy type) All pur'Oose canister Tnask ' . VENTILATION LOCAL.. EXHAUST SPECIAL.. adeauate for em'Dlovee cOTnfort MECHAN I CAL (Gt!llera/) OTHER . PROTECTIVE GI..O\lES I EYE PROTECTION Rubber Goggles or face shield OTI-1ER PROTECTIVE f.CUIPr.Iê.NT . SECTION IX . SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS P~£CAUTIO~ S TO HE TAKEN IN HANOI..ING AND STORING Keen awav from ne2t and ooen f1aT':'1es. Use onlv' with adecu.ate venHlati..o-:1.. Avoid prolonged or repeated breathing of va? or. OTHER P¡:¡e:CAUTlON$ Avoid prolonged or reDeated with s kfn. contact PAGE (21 c;I'O ')J.$~ Form OSHA·20 Rew. M~y 12 . . . @ ( (, C., e e Form Approved OMB No. 44-R1387 ":1 I Warco Laboratories, Inc. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET II.F.P.A. ~~,v ~" m'tM ... .. PRODUCT SCRAM BLOOD FORMULA NO, 3 - 0 81 DATE 1/5/85 SECTION I MANUFACTURER'S NAME I EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NO. WARCO LABORATORIES, INC. (213) 775-7547 ADDRESS 24020 S. Frampton Ave., Harbor City,' CA 90710~.-e---"'O=--_ CHEMICAL NAME AND SYNONYMS - ~ vr!iADE NAME AND SYN0;.¡7tS 113-081 Co~~ercial Spot Remover for Textiles SCRAM BLOOD W RCO CHEMICAL FAMILY FORM#,~ variant -eriemical mixture Alkaline Spot Remover 3~081 '---- --- SECTION II - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS PAINTS. PRESERVATIVES, & SOLVENTS % TLV ALLOYS AND METALLIC COATINGS % TLV (Unitsl (Units) PIGMENTS N/A BASE METAL N/A CATALYST N/A AL.LOYS N/A VEHICLE N/A METALLIC COATINGS N/A SOLVENTS Isoproyl Alcohol 400 FILLER METAL N/A PL.US COATING OR CORE FLUX ADOITI \/ES N/A OTHERS N/A OTHERS N/A HAZARDOUS MIXTURES OF OTHER LIQUIDS. SOLIDS. OR GASES % TLV (Units) SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA BOILING POINT (oF.1 SPECIFIC GRAVITY (H2O=1) 1.00 VAPOR PRESSURE (mm Hg.) PERCENT, VOL.ATILE BY VOLUME (%) VAPOR DENSITY (AIR='l) EVAPORATION RATE ( =1) SOLUBILITY IN WATER complet pH 9.9 APPEARANCE AND ODOR Clear light green liquid with mild ammonium odor. SECTION IV . FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLASH POINT (Method used) None FLAMMABLE LIMITS I Lei I Uel EXTINGUISHING MEDIA N/A - SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES N/A UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS N/A PAGE (1) (Continued on reverse side) . Form OSHA-20 Rev. May 72 ~ -,; SECTION V . HEALTH HAZARD DATA THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE 400 ppm EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE Can cause eve & skin irrirarion EMERGENCV ANî FI~T AID PROCEDURES Eves: f us with water for at least 15 minutes. Skin: flush skin with water. If irritation persists, see a physician. SC~LOOD, Formula 3-081, 1/1~5 ( SECTION VI - REACTIVITY DATA STABILlTV UNSTABLE CONDITIONS TO AVOID STABLE XX INCOMPATABILITV (.\laraials (0 avoid) HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS CONDITIONS TO AVOID HAZARDOUS MAY OCCUR POLYMERIZATION WILL NOT OCCUR XX SECTION VII - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES .' STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Rinse area with water and mop up or use a wet-dry vacuum, or wipe up. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD c SECTION VIII - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION (Specify type) N/A VENTILATION LOCAL EXHAUST SPECIAL N/A MECHANICAL (General) N/A OTHER PROTECTIVE GLOVES N/A I EYE PROTECTION For large amounts use splash 2:02: OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT N/A les SECTION IX . SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING Keep capped when in storage, away from' acid solutions. OTHER PRECAUTIONS For industrial use only---Do not take internally We cannot anticipate all conditions under which this information and our products, or the products of other manufacturers in combination with our products, may be used. We accept no responsibility for results obtained by the appJi·cation of this information or the safety and suitability of our product.s, ("..< eit.her alone or in combinat.ion for their own purposes. Unless otherwise agreed ~ in writing, we sell the products without warranty, and buyers and users assume all responsibil ity and liabil ity for loss or damage arising from the handling and use of our products, whether used alone or in combination with other products. PAGE (2) Form OSHA-20 A... May 72 Material Safety e Data Sheet . e Date last revised March. 1 9 86 fJJ Chemical Name & Synonyms ___ NO_:t__Applicable Chemical Family __.~g_~__~pplicable Proper DOT Shipping Name ___!'lat._Applicable Manufacturer . -- --~-'"- - --......-. - ._~--~._--~- ._-_._._~ .~--_... I. General Information T~~-& Synonyms .... ~l~:î~2~~~:···· .... _ pp ... ....___._u__ DOT Hazard Classification Not ...Applicable,_____ Manufacturer's Phone Number .m_ ___.. ..._.____ ___ ---. .. --'-'--~--~-'------'---'--"-" --. .._-- --..-.. -----... __ _ "_ ___ __.~.____u____~_.____~_..__.__ .._-.-.-_..... --. .--., ".-- ----.-- __R. R._ Street & Co. ,__ Inc____________________ 312-654-4242.____._______ Manufacturer's Address 625 Enterprise Drive 24-Hour Errergency Telephone Number Oak Brook IL 60521 _1-800-228-5635 II. Ingredients .. ....---_._--.----- Principal Hazardous Components Percent Threshold limit Value (units) ~--_._-----_. .-...-.- ._..-+-~_.~---------------_.,.,.- ..-.-. "..-,..'-"-.. .. ..--,.--...... ," ----- Trade S~cret ._-------- .__ _..__...._...d - .----, -.-.."'-'''' ,.____C - 25 p.p.m. "--~-'-"'-'---~ ----------.,. ,.-. -,---- ---~._---------------_. -. ..- ,-_...._~_._.~.... .._,.- '--- -. .-.---- -----------. ._"'. ~_. .....- ____________._.. .._ _ ..._____._M..__..____ ..--- -- ------- ---.----......--- ---..... ---_._.~..._------ ---.,-.-.---.. '-.. .....---. --~------ '-- ._-._--_.__.~ ..- ~.__.~-_..__._--_._..--~~-- ---_.~. "-~--'~'----"-- .._._-_._..._-~---_.._,-_. --.- .-...--...-----.-..- --------_... .. ,...--. .-- .-.. -.~----~---_._----- ,.~-.'-~.- ----~ --~_.~ --.~~_._-~._- ----~-----------~~-- .-- .'__,_._'.' ....._·__N.._______·______ ..._N._'___ 4.__~_N.__________ -_._.-.~-_.._---_.- ------..------.----. -_._~ ._-~. . "-"'~ ..._.......__.__.._._~. .----- - --~--- III. Physical Data Boiling Point (OF) ,__~,:L.Q .__ ___ _._.. .____..__________ Vapor Pressure (mm Hg.) __~§j;_--=-l_l______._ .._. ___________ Vapor Density (Air:: 1) 0.5 ._._. 4_.__.____.__~" __~_.N_~ .____ Specific Gravity (H20:: 1) .__......,______._.__, ._._...1..018 ....._____,______.. Percent Volatile By Volume (%) 64 ~---_._~-_..-._--- ._--.- -..-..---..------.-- -._.~------_._-----. Evaporation Rate (B1L.Ac:: 1) __..______ __ Ini t .___Es t !.___=__ ,0__3__. pH 7 '-.. - ... .~._..-------_..._-_._----_._- -- . -----. .-." .._-_._~_._--.------ ,_ .. ..___~4..___...._.._~___.____ Solubility in Water . C0E1_E1 e t~__n________________.____ Appearance & Odor Clear, water white, mild odor IV. Fire & Explosion Hazard Data -----~-- -. ._-----_.,--~--------_.-~----_.__._-_.- ~. .'" '--.'" "- ------- Flash Point (Test Method) Auto Ignition Temperature ~~~:o~~\~;;j,l ,C,Q,.C.. ... ...... ·l~Qt,· AyaUahl~~_·_1 VEL Not_h~pplicableh------.----------..:-,'------. .u _n__n.___ ..___.____.,____.. Edinguishing Media J~Q.t.u_bppl,icable ... ..__________________________h Special Fire Fighting Procedures Not_ Applicable __._ ,______________________'.. --._-,.._..._.~-------- .---_.._~,- .-------.-------- -. .-'-'-.-'''''-.-.- - _. n. _ .... _.__~~_._.______._ ___, .- ,.- -. '-""'-'-- -.-...--. -.... --- -- d_._.____,__ .---- .--. --- .- ..-.-- - -- _____~_____ ___._ ..__ _~ .·_______n Unusual Fire & Explosion Hazards N ane_ ___._.,. _ .__.. ___.. _'____.___.____________ _________ ---.-.----.. - ... _. - .. ..- --.~ ..- -- -- .----..- "---.'- .-- - -- -- .. eCopynght 19B~ 4 P\lbli,heoc or J J KEllEQ & ASSOCIA.TES, INC. - Nee1'lQh, W! 54956-0368 Format Based On OSHA Form 20 138-F .. . V. Health Hazard Data Threshold Limit Value Semi-Volatile Corrponent: Carcinogen - NTP Program Not Applicable Symptoms of Exposure Irritation of skin on prolonged or repeated contact. Irritation of eyes. Ingestion: May cause vomiting and diarrhea. Irritation of the mucous membnme of the gastrointestinal and respiratory _ tracts may occur. __ __ ,_ Medical Conditions Aggravated By Exposure Not Available OSHA Threshold limit Value ACGIH Threshold limit Value Not Established _ ,np_ _p_ _ C - 25 p.p.m. I Carcinogen - IARC Program Not Applicable -,. .... .-- . .."_. ..___.u_.._. _~_.m_.___.._..______·_ _. _ ____.~_ __. ___.. _..'_"_____'..._ __~ ...,_._. ___~_.n ,__ Primary Route(s) of Entry Ingestion. Emergency First Aid Wash affected area with water; flush.. eyes wi thwater .___' Call. ª _physic.1,aIl~_________ ._. ___.u.___.,.__..._.____.__. _;._.___~.___.________~____._.__._.....__.____.__.__~.~_.,______._h__.___.__._.__~.-.----.--. VI. Reactivit Data Sta bilìty xl Unstable Stable. Conditions To Avoid None un un _..___..__ ._._.. _.__.n.______.,_____...'___._m_'_._'..___ . _ un_ ._.. _, u. _.___.__._,.__._._ _.___P___p___ Materials To Avoid Strong,oxidizingagents, . strong acids and. alkalies ...'_,.,__. Conditions To Avoid None ________. __u._____ -_._-_._---~-... ...-.-.-..---..-....-."------.- .,--.-.---.--.--.--.------------.-."-- ,.-. Incompatobility Hazardous Ma Occur Polymerizotion X Will Not Occur Hazardous Decomposition Products Thermal decom osition could form CO CO SO and SO . VII. Environmental Protection Procedures Spill Response Wash_ away spills wi th water_or.__cover____with___absorbent__.material._______________,_,_ .. _ ." d_ _." ~~.___h. _h__.______.~_________._ __.______..... _._____.___.__.....____._____________..____.._.__,_.___..__h'_'~_ __.__.. _, _~____.______._____ Waste Disposal Method Incinerate _ or bury ..in._Iandfill...,__________________._ _________________________________________._________________________ VIII. S ecial Protection Information .. ..____,__...___.n Skin Protection Gloves desirable.....__________ _...H____'___~______________ Ventilation Recommended Gene r.{i.l . roomven tila tion. ____________..:._____________ Eye Protection Splash-proof goggles. Respiratory Protection (Specific Type) Mist Respirator.. (if necessary) L_ Other Protection ot A licable .. ....-.......--.-.. "-..-.". IX. S ecial Precautions Hygienic Practices In Hondling & Storage void skin or eye contact. .... ...--------..'...- ".- ._-- - --" Precautions For Repair & Maintenance Of Contaminated Equipment ot Applicable Other Precautions Avoid inhaling mist during spray-spotting. ~'7=7F' "~., ,'-" _..: ~.-." ".', ...' .' ~,. 'i;,~~;:·:,~~~:~~;~;;{~:;,;~·.~:'¡·:Y';::.:;~~;:~.~~~~:,.;~,~'~;~'~~~':~¡':';~~~'~,~it~::-''::, '::;:- ~;:::::?: ...' ...~.. - r-, i ;,-- r. ,··,..:·'··='.··:>;'.·1·..\"....,·.,..::·\ :,'-"'.l.~..,".,.,.,~....~,....-.ç.., "'__' ..._~_ '~"'~;'J' "j ,.:): 1 ··~·:r:··;.~:~i:..: :"~:.~~·~;:i\::~-::~...~~f~.:;..!:i:~!..:¡:~:.:~-:....::--.~:\. '.' ·~2·!::);,·~·.··:· . _..~......... I ··'rf-·' ) i I I "0 '., .. _.......~-.....¿:....~ ':iJ'-":'._.-:.i'~.-... ..~. .,.........;.,.".J._ .:::.,;I\.....""~.~. "'.' ..,..... ". _.~.. .' .:'~:;::::~ ':r:~ ..>~. '. .:L- ~ ·,>;~l~:·:'::7·;~i"l:'~~~~~t~;;:~e:~~~:~\~.~~,~tr;;i~;~~~{~~\i·t::~}\:;;~f/~:·:~::i~.:.. .: .:. ;.~' ''';~::;~i.:-..;.:.. _~ J J ..,...~. .." . -. \. ~.-:......";T-~~.... ....~.......' -.' ....'.,.,. .~.:.'!:..'-..ø;".......,._;~:::.'..~..:_..:...~... '.:.,;,,;. --nJf', :;- ;... ........ .:...-.i'....::.... '--;,.. ..;'..!7".:." .:......-. "-... .p'- _ _ ~..;.- ..- . . -...,..- e -. .. 4. "'~......,.~...-...~.__._. ......="~..;J . . .-.. / /";';')_1"-:":.::·-:\:~~;',:,,: 1':~/"-:'''~''~ ..:__ .. . .__.".___ _'.. ...::....;_:~_..... :'. "':..h.: .__.. h"_..,"~:'__ .____~_ ....... .. ..:........ ..;-:...__'_~/_.... .~2·~..·...·Y1?1'''~~~·::.t..··...':~ .;:.....:.. :.~ ( @- . . < ( .. 1 , \.. MATER1I'~L SAF.ETY DATA SHEET IDENTIFiCATION ~U::1 -;;rboc~ GriJde Technic.:ll SynonymsSodiu~ Pecborate Tetrahydrate, Sodiu~ M~tabor~te Peroxyhydrate CAS t.':Jme Ped:odc >.ciè, Sodium Salt, 'l'etrahydrate I.D. fJos.:Coées NIosa aegi~t:1 No, SC7350aaO /.fan u f acturer.Dis ~ributor E. I. du Pon{de Nemours t. Co. (Inc.) /' Chemical Family Peroxygen Salt Formula NaB02 .H202· 3H~O CAS Registry No. 7632-04-4 Du Pont Registry No. ~ ! Producr/nformation and Emérgency Phone (302) 774·2421 .~ Address Wilmington, DE}9~98 . . Transportation Emergency Phone . . - (800) 424·9300 ,. . PHYSIC:"L DATA Boiling Point. 750 t:1m Hg 130 to 150°C (266 Specific Gr:Jvil'l 0.69 to 0.87 to 302°F) Melting Point 63°C (145°P) Vapor Pressure 10 mm Hg at 25°C (77°F) 33 mm P.g at 40°C (104°r) Solubilily in H:O 2 . 5 5'!i at. 150 C ~s 9 ° F) 3_75~ at 32°C 90~:) EV:Jporalion Rate (Bu yl Acet.:Jte ... 1) . , . ViJpor Dõ1nsit"¡ r:ot detcr::\Ín~d ~~ Volatiles by '/0/. - Form Sol id Appear:mce Crystalline powder Cofor Odor White None Oct;Jnol/\ViJler Partition Coefficient p'H In(ort:1J:ian 10.0 to 10.-t (in '''ater) HAZARDOUS CO:."l?ONENTS '.f.J!N;.J/{S) Approximate '%. .- HAZARDOUS RE.~CTIVITY lnst.:Jbifit"¡ St..:1blc. IncompJtibi/ity Hixtucc~ cont~ining heavy met~l salts, combustible organic m3ttcr, or miosture~ Decomposition CC.::Jdu.Jlly releases controlled amount~ of oxygen; not consièered h~~~rèou$ unèer foreseeable circumst.Jnccs. Po/ymefllJtron Will not. occur. . , ~ E- 52960 D.Jtc: 10/82 -;::::::::::7,::.:-::---:- ~- .---- -- - -- - . ---_ _____ __ .. . ..~...,. ~ ","'. ....-)le"o....!. 10::"". ':_CI'·C Mo_.".~...C'.........:.CI rr-.. ""I'IQ c~,,..,~.,'" .... ..-......CCHP,.""""........,... .:-.... ...t....... .1..... ~.OC'!'.... .1', ::--':'-.AI '" ... :~r~ .......... ....'....,.'":..<oQ ..'!~ QI C:" \:r..e ""Q.. :..._" ~.. ...;................,.&1..;,.. JI ...... ,)-:'". :c......,.~ :" f.-. 'C:'..:I 1'_':.-C~J'''''"w., :'!-,...... ~ ~...,..O ."""" c...Þt ... ........, ,.~....._...e,.,,;;..::. -....... ~. ~ :-:. '~"..':'.,;""." .... ~.. .:......, 1ttIW ..; .....;..~.if' _..... ,..J ......""'..... .,;epC'.. "': ."C-.I. ..,.. .:..__,.....~I. .A~........C;..a'" ..':." ""t ...... ..1.'-. a .... _ -, ......... .. _ .. .,:,., .", .,___, _ :....:.. _:!,_ ~_. ..... . ".....-,: .::'I""!;:~ __~...,. .... . .;.~..... ..............: .., .. , '. ": , . ..::..~-...:.:.~ ~,;.:~; ...-~"'... ::';'"J.;" ~::~;...;.:.~~.-::::;.;-..: ,::... -:'.-~~:..:;-.:-'"....:.··".1_~··-·..:·;~;·:_·";_..·;..~.'-;:~·._:~..:·;-.::.1..V~:~ç__ .:;......_.....~~-....:;...;~~ toJ-..........._~·~::..·~~~'!.....,¡.::o.::..:'t4i--..____~ . FiñE AND EX?LOSION CA. FIJSI'I Point Method will not burn. FIJmm:Jote Umits in Air. ':~ by Vol. Lower U Will not burn. pper ..... Fire and E:tplosion HaZ:Jrds e; AutoignifJon Temperature ; . Rele~ses oxy~en at high temperatures. E:tinguishing ,',1edia Wat~r for fires in which sodium perborate is involved. S;eci.JI Fire Fighting Instructions ::cne : HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION E::?osur~ Limits Sc=iu~ P~rbor~te _is not regulated as Hc~ever Cu Pont recc~ends a maximum - 3 . ^ver~ge) of 5 rng/~. :- '9 þ' . .. ~ 1": ..,:. . "'--r- ..)~-:r'J: ."~J ,.- ~~... - ' ... , . . - '. .' a toxic or hazardous substance by OSHA. exposure ,limit in air (8-hou.r,T~~~ Wei9h~~d ~ " I' . Siqni{ic¡,nl Roulcs :md Effects of Exposure Cause~ severe ey~ burns. " SJ{¿c-¡ PtcCJutior.s Co not g~t in eY~$. ñ~oid br~athi~g dust. ~azh thoco~ghll after handlin9· First Aid .' . ( -. . . . -- ~ ) -- ( E'I'? cont.Jct:: I~~ediately flush ey~s with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. C~ll a physician. ~ ....... E~. S29~O Dô1te: 10/82 ø. , .. .' . . ~ .·C "- : .-~, PROïECTI0;--,J INFORMATION. . '<'1 Vcn!i/"tiòn ' -·'' C;':fd gen\;ri11 ventilation should be e :<C~~ C~-~ ir.\Ï. t. . Pcr.;0l1.J1 Protective £qulpment Chcmic~l spl~5h gcggles. Ru~=ec gloves are recommended for repeated or prolonged exposure. e provided to maintain dust concentrations below .;':>·K ...... .'..' . -- . ·~:}.:iS::.-~ - ....; '.,. .. c· ". ~ .. - ".:- I .'~". " .'-- - . . r__ .... . ',. .-- ".:.:',,:" ". ~'.-. - .' . Spill. Leal. or Release S~ee? U? spillage. Fiù~h.spill area with" water.. . . O:her .. . . DlS?OSAL INr=ORMATION AçuJCic Toxicir¡ .1 -F ";"" - ,', . . >.. -....- \'/JsCe DjspOSJI c=?Ly'with fedecal. state and loc~l regulations. If ap?coved, ~ay be remove¿ to la~d di~posal area or flushed to sewer to waste treat~ent plant. ."" +. ." . . - .. . SHI?PH~G 1~~r=ORMATI0N l Tr;:¡n:;::orCJlion DOT Ha::Jfd C:Js:>.·: t:ot ce~ul~t~d i1S a haz~rdous material by DOT. DOT :hipp;ng fJ.Jmc·; .- . lone ---. I!.fCO CIJss,: ~; UN No.: NA No.: - - no O:J:Jnlit'¡": .", eTR 112.101 Shippil1g Con/.J;ncr:; ~ilro~d hopper c~r~, . . ., multiwall bags, 2000-lb Super Sacks, sampl~ buttles. ~.scor~gc CondItion:; to:e in ~ ccol place. it~ hc~vy mct~l salts t Ke~p cont~iners dry. Avoid contamin~tion. or cc~bustiblc org~nic m~tter. Do not sto: e .'~--' E· S~%O D:1tc: 10/82 :\ ------_._~ ...... ~. .--- ". .' -.......-..-.-. ..-- -.---. --- ---........-.-. ......-...------ --...---...---..- :":~ (.i ~ i ' ·~":~~..,.:::'·,...'--.,,":":'..7"·.·~..,:>o".":"''''.~' ':'..,..~_~-...-._,. ~/::" ..,..-,,;:,>:-. -.. ...",~-' .-- ",-~:-::,=---,-""'~'-"'''-'-'\~~.''''''''~.'~:~:_-'.''":-~-~ MaE RIAL SAFETY DATA .:5T EFFECTIVE DATE: NOVEMBER 1, 1985 . Union C;ortllde Corøor3.tlon urge$ the customer receiving thi.S Material Safely Data Sheel to Sludy it careful.IY to become a. ware 0.1 hazards. II any. 01 the ørodu.ct InVOlved,.'n th.lnterest 01 ,"~ ulety you sllould 11) n01l1y your emø10yees. agents. and contractors 01 the mlormation on thi. sheet. (2) lurnish a copy 10 each 01 your customerslorthe product, and (3) requelt your .' clll1o.~e~ to Inlorm,~~eir emp,l~vees ~~d cuslomers as. well., '. . ... , .. ,. '. ,,' .) '\..'\{ .;J'1f>4of ~"'.~~ ,,,\.."t"..~..."" .'",'" .... '., "...............04....". ~'4.,.J... ~ .. .;-. . . .....-:;......- . .... - .:. ,". .../..........., "'-...... .-.,,;.... "r; ., ...."" ,·~..t~ ~, .,,", ._~(;.J;"~ "'....~ ; 'f!,P-.i:-~.S~:Z-~~~:¡~j~?-Jg:;'~i.~Ii:~&ç~~l~'f.:C~;1:;I·~~}I;1 o'EN T I FI CA TI ON . /~~;;~~:':~¡~l~~~.. ~ . ... ::....... -L"~~'·~..":'- ::'-":,..~'I...:.,..~:i!..... :--.r":~'¡¡,...:...~~!"= -{...~.":..~-;......:: ~:.:..~-þ..,.~...';':.:.~.._:....-...~..,:..'f't';;..::':.""t~.""- .:..:..4.....':~~~........."'... '.":. "~.~."" '~'", PRODUCT NAME: PRHIARY ANYL ACETATE. m::ED IS.ŒlERS CHEMICAL NAME: primat·y Amyl Acetate CHEMICAL FAMILY: Esters FORMULA: CH3COoësH11 (mixed isomers) MOLECULAR WEIGHT: 130.19 DEPARTMENT OF I Hazard Classification TRANSPORTATION I Shipping Name CAS # CAS NAME Combustible Liquid Soh·ent. NOS Not available (mixture) ~ , BOILING POINT, 1460C (294.S°F) I FREEZING POINT Set to gl,ass 760 mm Hg belo\.J -100°C SPECIFIC GRA VITY 0.8757 at 20/20oe Iv APOR PRESSURE 4 mm Hg .( H20 = 1) at 20°C, ",(' VAPOR DENSITY 4.5 ! SOLUB I LlTY IN 0.2 at 20°C (air = 1) IWA TER, % by wt. PERCENT VOLA TILES \100 IEVAPORATION RATE 0.42 ':..0: BY VOLUME (B utyl Acetate = 1) €t9APPEARANCE AND ODOR I-latet'-Hhjte liquid; mild. characteristic odor ~~(~?~.~~~;< ?,t.f,~~:~/r:~i~:~;;~I5-~~,~~1{i~~E~¢;ltD'~'~:·~;E",t-J·9'~ ~ ?I"E N )~·s,·:~a:~~;,~g{~~0iri-~;};~¥.~X·;;~~f,i1T0~~1§;~0.tk?i@~~ MATERIAL % TLV HAZARD Primary Amyl .Acetate -60 100 ppm Icombustible. Irritant (CAS # 628-63-7) 2-Hethyl Butyl Acetate -35 None established ¡combustible. Irritant 3-Hethyl Bu¿yl Acetate -5 INone established ¡combustible. Irritant <~,{,~'~~S'~:J:~{M}.>~~:·0»~~ÚY/~lÿ :',¿F:I, ~~·.ÀN~",:~X.~,LOS I~N" HAZAR~. .b.~J. A,·:,~;~;%t~t~j~~~~~t5~~~ii~~~t~ FLASH POINT \101 of. Tag Closed Cup; 106°F. Tag Open Cup FLAMMABLE LIMITS '!,LOWER 111.1 II,UPPER 7.5 IN AIR, % by volume , .. EXTINGUISHING Use \.¡ater spray, carbon dioxide. dry chemical. alcohol-type. or MEDIA universal-type foams applied by manufacturers' recommended techniques. 2 SPEC IAL FI RE FIGHTING! Use self-contained breathing appat'atus and protective PROCEDURES I clothing. I . ~ UNUSUAL FIRE AND INone .;ff¡, EXPLOSION HAZARDS I ~~~~ER-~~~~~~~~.?_~~~NU;~BËÄ ·;·1~8oo:ûcé:HÊ~p·:_:¡h¡;-~~;b~;ï~·~~~ii~bï~d-;~'~7'n¡ght;~~-;;k~'~d~~~~9~~~:~ . ..~. .~._..__~.. ._·...1...___.... _........_. ..._____..__"'.___..._......_~ ....c.... ..._~~z.r.....:.i....._~~ ..,.,,,,, ,... A OOJr'\C' ,...r'\"'"".... ...._.. _ __.. __..,__ ,. __ .._.. ......_ .... .___.". .... _.. .............. _ "'_,... _ _._ .....__. ._.. __.. _ _.. ....., ,_II., ,.._ ,..".""._ ""'......... .." . , ;.,~ f.. . ,'tV .. 'iJ PRH!.;R\" AllYL ACETATE . :.::~~·:.r~ :~·':::"'i··~::;·~~·::~::·:~·~.t~~~~~f~r~·r.:~·V'· .-. ~l.~r·H· E'· ··A~·<~L: ;'T' H··.. H"~A-Z'-A' : -:" ., ";: ··..·A·-· ". . ···'~tz·,'!.S'-i:;:~ ':\;~~'\~1·.:~!.::t~~;;f..::~~r:,~"~~,·"",,,;,,·~~t.~~-:-:~r:.:~.~ '~·~··:.·;"'.:r·""'·~·"·~'.::"."~~-:·"";""·_":~¡··-~:':"'-":_'. ',·....f., " ,-.:' _. .RD...P J:A'~""~;::~~:1'tl'.:'·~·.:*;;'~'~';I,..,~..~~~~. . .' :. 0-... - . .. . U '.. </',~' .....~""::"'....,.&.~. ,_ ". ,~._. . -.' '"..,'.. ". -. ., .., '....:-.. ..... ... ...~ .-. .,~;:;~~ '. _ ...~.!'J'. ~: .. ., ~: '.'..". ¡...:' ¡;O':.....4··~~·~ -,' .........'1--", .5~..._ . .' ... .~.~ ··c- :~-"-"-;.... ...;,; .'.~".,;... .,...,,'... ~....__.ÿ. TL V . AND SOURCE .'~),.'~;:¿':.."¿,~0''::'~·ð~';.a'-¿,,,·,~~::J:-:¡~·:R'> . '. '. ,. .~"..~ ...... t;\~~ Øo.. -:-...·.,,7~..:K~~:.j:¿~~~:/.~~~;.~':;~;~~::;:!:';::?;f--~;·:.~~.:~~ See Section III. Values from ACGIH 1985-66 and OSHA CRF 29, pat"a. 1910.1000, Table 2-1. , '. ...-...-.... . '.' ~~'~'..'.....' -of·..... ..............~....,......,...,..... ...... EFFÈCTS OF ACUTE OVEREXPOSURE ~':;;1::~,&-~' . .....:.., __ . .... .: . ~." ...................-;;-.... .-#.' T.'· ''f_......;..-:~,..:~:.r..............~\..~. SWALLOWING SKIN ABSORPTION INHALA TION ¡Hay cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. ¡NO evidence of adverse effects from available information. Vapors may be irritating and cause dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, and narcosis. SKIN CONTACT Brief contact should not produce any harmful effects, but ~ prolonged contact, a~ from clothing wet with the chemical, may cause irritation. EYE CONTACT I Causes irritation. EFFECTS OF REPEA'TED ·oýÈ~Î~X~õ$0.,RfL~~t:: .... ........~... ." . ~.~ ··.-.··...t···~··- .'<c' .. ...,p- ~-"..,¡,,¡ ..... ..J". Ho ~\·id¿nce of .:Id\"é~rse effects from available· information. \ . '.. . .. . .." .~; . '~~~;,,':""" .~~ .:.",:.:.~~::....:.~~;.._..\~~'.::- OTHER HEALTH HAZARDS ,,=;"'~;":.];:t;;~.':I,~~~""¿:';:::-;-~:;:('':' . ...... Of·. -. ..: ..'~ .'::_.'..c-:,~?_-,~"",,:.._:.~~..~~:~~~.}::-.~:-.:-, -... ;.. ..~ IIone clltTently kno·..;n. EMER~ENCY. A~£? F'I~S,T'·-A.-fÖ.p,,~9.¿~DU~~S :.'-1 SWALLOWING Gi\'e t\,:o glasses of \,:ater and induce ,..omiting. EYES ¡Remove contaminated clothing and flush skin with water; Remove to fresh air. Call a physician. Give artificial respiration if not breathing. Give oxygen if breathing is difficult . I,FlUSh with plenty of water. Call a physician if discomfort persists: I SKIN INHALÄTION NOTES TO PHYSICIAN Tr~3tment Sllould be directed at the control of symptoms and the clinical condition. ~~~r~ is no specific antidote. ,t { \ . ~-i . {~"mAR'i' AllYL ACET.UE . ¡f A, !~,:~~)i~~?y?,':;'..\~~}~)j~~~~~ß.~~t~v i'~·r1!1'~~~~I!YITX~.P'~T~:~::2~~:U~;i,!l~B}i.tt~~~~~~?~;~~~{;~£.i~i*~% ~ ~ STABILITY UNSTABLE I STABLE I X INCOMPATIBILITY (materials to avoid) CONDITIONS None TO AVOID HAZARDOUS COMBUSTION OR IIAlkali metal hydroxides, such as sodium hYdroxide; "strong oxidizing agents, such as concentr~ted nitric acids. ¡Burning can produce carbon dioxide and/or carbon DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS monoxide. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION May Occur Will Not Occur CONDITIONS None 1 TO AVOID ¡ X , , :i~f.~~i:)~~~~\~t81~:i;i~~t;1{l~~~~ih~_I.i~:.:::~,~~~~ ÇL,',~"~~:,L~.Â:'~::~:~ e~~,É:o. ~.R.E~ S .·.}2i~~~{t~~:~§\i:;!~1~:;~~~~:i;Z{;~~ STEPS TO BE TAKEN IF MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Wear suitable protective equipment. Collect for disposal. A\'oid discharge to se\-I-e,r's or \.¡a ten-lays. See Section IX. . ~ WASTE DISPOSAL I Incinerate in a furnace \,'het"e permitted under METHOD, I appt-opriate Fedet-al, State, and local regulations . \ . . ·;'.,........:.,.:.~·,~i::·;..;.:;_,I:;;;.:-.,;.·,:~;j...'õ.:....,..~·..-..:=.1';'7'\.4'" .~..:.':,...:-:-~:..·.....Þ."'- ...., \_ --..~~..."'" .;-:;,~~ '. _..;,}>_.... .~ :>;,:::~~~::5[:X2J~~;~~:~·);:~;,:;'¿lt./·! ¡:.t.! ~~.): ~g.~ ~-~~.t.., p.~.!~ ~¡T J.o.,~,:,}.N F.þ,RM~! I,? N'.·,~~~i~:~9{k~;·;~;:YJ~ :~}J:fi~;L~~f.~~~~~ (3'}. ~ RESPIRATORY PROTECTION ~elf-contained breathing apparatus in high co;)cen tt"a tions. VENTI LA TION I , This product should be confined within covered equipment, in which case general {mechanical} room ventilation is expected to be satisfactory. Special, local ventilation is needed at points where vapors can be expected to escape to the workplace air. PROTECTIVE GLOVES OTHER PROTECTIVE EQU I PMENT Rubber I EYE IHonogOggleS I PROTECTION I IEye bath and safety shower : ::..':::.'~ ..:',: ....4......, :: '~r-.:.~: .".·....:I;\~..-:.~:.;..: ;.;,.' .....:;.:.. .', .... ~. 0'·. .. ." ._ . .' ."!':,,':' ,.-:',' :::-:. < :,:,::'.-"~_..;' '::': :,'<'::,:,:~:<IX. ,.SPEC IA L PRECA UT ION S .··,'~..:::,:,'.:},i~,·,:,:.f;,.·.;:·.:·,::,~.,~~:.,:,.·L.}..;,¡'.:.:·,/-:.::'f.;.,+.~}.;.·.;:~.\:·.:,,::.~::,:'::.:.; ~,~: . ..' ....... ." :-.', . -~.:,._;~~. .......<..:~..~.....:.~...' ',. ~...:-:' ..~.: .' .. . r _-- I PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING ¡Avoid breathing vapor. Keep away ,from heat, sparks, and flame. Avoid contact with eye&, skin, and clothing. Keep container closed. Use with adequate ventilation. ¡Wash thoroughly after handling. . FOR INDUSTRY USE ONLY , I :OTHER PRECAUTIONS ¡This product has a fairly low solubility in water; if ~he solubility limit is exceeded \{as in a large spill}, it would float o~ the surface presenting a fl~e hazard. Also, I it is highly toxic to aquatic life. Avoid discharge to se\-lers or \-laten-lays. .(~ T~e OOlr"ol1s e.oressea ~ere," are Inose 01 Qualihea experts wllh," Union CarblCe Corporat,on We bc ¡e~e Inat t~e ,nlorI"lJt.on conlalnea nere,n 's currenl JS 01 tne CJ:e Of InlS t.!alerIJI Safety Data Sheer SInce toe use at thIS ,nlormJllon ana tnese OPInions ana Ine conC,hons 01 use 01 t~e procuC! Jre nOI w,ln,n Ine contrOl 01 Union CarOlce CerporJllon, ,t 'S Ine user s oblIgation to aeterm,ne the conCltlons 01 sale use or the procuCI