HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK,~, ~ ~ (UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS) , _ ' FASTBREAK - - - ~ . ti,,, -- 4800 WHITE LANE f - -- '~ .~ -J I ~', ~' i :"~ Friday, July 14, 2006 8;48 AM Juliana Sessions 661-396-0569 p,05 The rectifier settings and outputs ire as fohQws: Settings Coarse C Fine 3 Qutput Volts 38.4 Amp i_Q Haar Meter bC429 This survey was conducted in accordance with the procedures described in the NACU The Corrosion Society St~dard RecoYnnnended Practice RPU285- 95, Corrosion Control of Underground Storage Tank ,S~.stems by Cathodic Protection and Axnerie~n Petiraleum Iztstitute (APB i~.ecommended Practice 1632, Cathodic Protection of Ui7dergrowpd Petroleum Storage Tanks arxd Piping Systems. Pro~essionai Engineer: Robert Paul P.E. Address: 2243 Aspen Muxar 'V~ay, Ste. 204 Laugblia, NV 89029 ~~p E55.~~ ~~p~~~ T p~f/< u tco.lit SI~I$t11r8: ~ C'~~~QSrq'~'~ R6gIS6Bred Pxofes~a'D.al Engineer N'o Co~rasioa 111 ~ ~ EXp1r8hOII n$te: 3~31/~~ n f ~~ 4 ~~ :; FROM :BSSR,INC FAX N0. :6615882786 Aug. 20 2007 03:00PM P7 s...._ . ' • , • • BS~R, Inc. . ~`' 6634 Raetsdale Hwy., # B, Bttlcersfielti, CA 93308 Phone (661) 588.27771~ax (661) 588-L786 • MGNY7'G~t:ING ~XSTEl-~ CERT~~'~CAT~0~1 - 'Phis form must be used to docu3ment testing and servicing of monitoring egtupment. A sevg~la certification or report must be prepares for ~ r,~i rnonitorinQ sv~cm cong~~ panel by the tochnioian who gorforn~a the work A copy of this form must be provided to the teak system owner/operator. Tile av;~ner/operator must submit a copy of this farm to tiie local agepcy regulating UST systems within 30 days of test date. ' A. General.Information y Facility Name: r~~-~~~ ~~ G. Bldg. No.: Site Address; ~ City: 'Zip: ,~Q Facility Contact 1?erson: Contact phone No.: (~~r ,~~ ~~-~ Make/Model of Monitotzng System: ~ ~ _ Date of Tosting/Servicing: ~~ B. Inventory of Eq,ufpment Tested/Certified Ta~ryic ID: Tan . n-Tank Gauging robe, Model: n-Tank Gaugtng Probe. 'Model: O Annular Space ar Vault Sensor. Model: D Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: ^ Piping Sump /'Cench Sensor(s). Modal: D Piping Sump /Trench Sensor(s), Model: O FiII Sump Sensor(s). Model: ' ._ _ O Fill Sump Sensor(s). Model: ^ ~t'echanical Lino Leak Detector. Model 0 MaohaniCal Line Leak Detector: ModeL•. glectronic Line Leak Detector.' Model• ~~~ l~leetronle Line );,eak Detector. Mode! O Tank Overfill (High-i:evel Sensor. Model: ~ ~ U 'tank Overfill J Thigh-Leval Sensor. Model: O.Other s cci ui ent t d modal itt Section E on T'a e 2 . C] Other ci ui t and model in Section 13 an Pa e 2 . Tagt~IlJ: ' Tan~ID; d l M i P b ' In,Tank Gauging Probe. Modal• tZ o e : e. ro fn-Tank Gaug ng C? Q Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: O Annular 5,pace or Vault Sensor. Model: Q Piping Sump /Trench Scneor{s}. Model: O Piping Sump /'Ranch Sensor(s). , Model: ^ Fill Sump Sensar(a). Model: O Fill Sump Stnaor(s}, Model: 0 ytcchanical Litie Leak neteetor. Model: Electronic Line L' eak Detector. -Model: ^ l~chanical L'!ne Leak Detector Model: lectronic Line Leak Detector. Model: O Tank Overfill /High-Level Sensor.. Modisl: ^ Tank Overfill /High-Level Sensor. Model: Q~ Other if ui menf and model in Section E an Pa e 2 . C.1 Other s acs a ui ment a and modes in Section E on Pa e 2 . Di~spu~se~ ID: DJJls~~ear 1A: ' set Containment Senaar(s). Model: eraser Cnntailtment Sensor(s). Model: PdD Shear Valve(s). hear valve(s). O Dis easer Containment Floats and Chains . O Di ensor Cantainment Float 6 and Chains , Dis~vser ID- . ' Dta er ID: M d l: t S i set Containmant.5ensor{s}. Model• fib ensor(s). e o nmen ~,g~~apenser Conta hear Valves}. ~ ~hrsr Valve(s). . O Di set Co taitunent Fl s- and Chains . p Dis str Containment Float s and Chain .s . Dis' set ID: -- Dispenser CD: Model• s C i m S ~' >~spenser ontainment Sensor(s). Model: cnsor{s). er onta n ent D}}sspen V ®''Sh l hear Valve(s), ve(s). . ear a Obis eraser Containment Float s and Chains . ~Q Dls enscr Containment Floats and (:pain s . •it the factory contains more tangs or mspensers, copymts IOrrtl. MGII1AC:nrormnuVrt tV~ cvc,r u~a+c auu uwN~i,ov~ u, u.` ,ov~i,.y. C. Certification - I ~ certify ' Wet the equiptpe3ot ideatifled in tb,ic doctttneat was tnspected/serviced In accordance with the manufacturers' guidelines. Attached•to thLt Certititiatioa is information (e.g. manufacturers' pheckilats) necessary to verify that this tnformatioo is correct and a Prot Plaa s6vwing the layout oY taonltoring equipment. F r any niptitent capable of geoerating suet: repons, T have also a t+ y of th r o that apply): "yet et- a art Tcclulieian I+Fama (print)~~~T, Signatur -- r ~~ Ccnitication No.: ~~ "~ License. No.: Testing Company Name: ~ Phone No.:~ ' ! ~ ~~~ Site Address: ~ t~ ~~ Date of Testing/Servicing: ,,,~~~~ Page i of ~ ~.~ ; 03/Ol ~•~ Monttoring System Certification • Q ~, FROM :BSSR,INC FRX N0. :6615882786 Aug. 2~ 2007 03:01PM P8 i ' ! p. Results of Testing/Serviciug • Software Version Installed; '~ ~~r ~, Cornnlete the failowino checklist: ~ ' 'Yes ^ No'" is the audible alarm o erat7ortal? Ycs ©No" Is the visual alarm p erational? Yes ^ No* Were al! sensors visuall ins ected tunetionall tested and confirmed o erational? Yes ^ Noy` were all sensors installed at lowest point of secondary containment and positioned so that other equipment will nat interfere with their 7ro r o cratian? ^ Yes O No* If alarms are relayed to a remote monitoring station, is all communications equipment (e.g. modem) N/A operational? Yes ^ No* For pressurized piping systems, does the turbine automatically shut down if the piping secondary containnteut ^ N/A monitoring system detects a leak, fails to operate, or is t:lectricalty disconnected? if yes: which sensors initiate positive shut-down? (C'heck all the! apply) ^ Sump/Trcnch Se~isors; ~ispenser Containment Sensors. Did ou confirm ositive shutdown due to leaks and sensor failure/discozinection? Yes; ^ No. • Yes ©No* For tank systems that utilize the nionitoriza$ sySiern as the primary tank over ill warning device (i.e. no ^ N!A mechanical averFll prevention valve is installed), is the overfill warnix-g alarm visible and audible at rite tank fill oint s and o eratin ro erI ? If so, at what rcent of taxik ca act does the alarm tri er? ^ Yes* ~ No Was azty matritoriug equipment replactd7 If yes, idetrtify specie sensors, probes, or atha equipment rcpiaccd • and list the Aianufacturer name and model for all t' lacement arts in Section E below. ^ Yes* ~} No Was liquid found inside asay secondary containment systems designed as dry systems? (Check elf that apply) 4 l'roduet~ ^ Water, I£ es describe causes in Section ~ below. Yes ^ No* Was manitorin s stem act-uri reviewed to Insure roper settings? Attach set up reports, ifapplicab1e Ycs ^ No* Is all t'iaonitorin a ui :Went o erational ex mantifaeturer's eciflcations? - in aecaon ~, oetOW., aescrtDe now ana Wn6n [Aese Qeticiel7Ctas Were or rV1[1 be COt'reCt2d. ~' . Corrrrrrt'lat3: ~~ Page Z of . Lf u 3ro t FROM :BSSR,ING FAX N0. :6615882786 Rug. 20 2007 03:01PM P9 • i. F. In=Tank Gauging /SIR Equipment:. " p Check this box if tank gaugirxg is used only for inventory control. CCI Cheek this box if no tank gauging or SIR equipment is installed, This s<~ction must be completed if in-tank gauging equipment is used w perform leak detection monitoring. Complete the followine checklist: ' Yes O No' Has all input wining been inspccted.fcr proper entry and termination, including testing for ground faults? Yes Yes ^ No' ~ C7 No* Were all tank gauging probes visually inspected for damage and rtsidue buildup? Was accuracy of system product Ievel readings tested? Yes O Now Was,accuracy of'system water level readings tested? fYCS O Now Wets all probes reu2sta]led properly? Yes * Fn the S O No+` ection Td. Were eU items on the equipment manufacturer's maintenance checklist completed? below. describe how find when these deficiencies were or will he corrected. G. Line Leak Detectors (LY,D): O Check this box if LLDs are not installed. Complete the fellnwinQ rhecklists Yes ^ No* For equipment start up or annual equipment cesti,~icatioa, was a leak simulated to verify LLD performance? ^ NIA (Check all that apply) Simulated leak rate: ~ g.p.h.; ^ 0,1 g.p.h ; D t}.2 g.p.h. Yes ^ Now Were all LLDs confirmed operational and accurate within regulatory requiremeitits? Yes ~ ^ No* Was the testing apparatus properly calibratxtd? ^ Yes tie No'" For uuchanical LLDs, does the LLD rostrict product flow if it detccta a leak? N/A Yes ^ No* For.electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut otY if the LLD detects a leak? 0 NIA Yes ^ No* Pox electronic LLDs, dote the turbine automatically shut o£f if any portion of the monitoring system is disabled C7 NJA or disconnected? 'Y'es O Now For electronic S~I,las, does the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system ^ N/A malfuaacuons or fails a nest? Yes ^ No* For electronic ~.{~s, have all accessible wiring connections bsen visually inspected? © NIA Yes O No" Were all ittms,on tt-e equipment ttianufacturer's maintenance checklist completed? * In the $ eCtiou H. below. descrfhe how gnd when three detlefaneias were nr will hp eerreetnri_ iyage 3 of ~ o3m~ ,i ~; .. FROM :HSSR,INC FAX N0. :6615882786 Aug. 20 2007~03:02PM P10 Monltbring System Certification Site Address: ~l ~ oa t~J H ~ ~Sx ~I1~on~toring SYte ~'la~ l..N . ~. ~-: : : . . : : : : : Mir ~ : : : : : : : : : : : ~ ~ ~ ' ... . .. ... . 5~ .tip ~ ~ ~. . ~,~~ . .r..... . . ~~ ~: Aare map was drawn: 8 / ~./~ Ir:struc If you already have a diagram that. shows sI] squired information, yvu may include it, rather than this page, with yon . Monitoring System Certiliaatiou. Da your site plan, show the general layout of tanks and piping. Clearly identif locations of the following equipment, if installed: monitoring system control panels; Sensors monitoring tank annul, spaces, sumps, dispenser pans, spill containers, or other seco»dary containment areas; mechanical or electronic line lea detectors; and in.tanlc Ifquid Level probes {if used for leak detcct€on). In the space provided, note Che date this Site I'i~ was prepared. Page oE___r__' osioo ,~ ~~' ~ .. FROM :BSSR,INC FAX N0. :6615882786 Aug. 20 2007 03:02PM P11 • I. lli. . , SWRCI3, 3anuaty 2006 . ~ Spill Bucket Testing Yteport Form This form is intended for use by contractors performing' anmtal testing of UST'spill containment structures. 7"he.eompieted,farm and printouts from tests (if applicable), should b2 provided f'b the faerllty owner/operator for submittal to the local rsgulatory aKency, ~ ~ s rrT .TTV r~tllft M A TTt1N Facility Name: ~ _ Date of Testing: ~ ' Facility Address: )"acuity contact: ~p ~' ~ ~ Phone: j ~ ~~.. Date Loco] Agency Was Noti>ried of Testing : ~• Name of Local, Agency Inspector (if present during testtn~; • /',~ ~ ,6~' Name: Technician Conducting Test: /{J l~~~/ Credcntisls`: ^ CSI..B Contractor C Servicx Tech. ^ SWRCZ3 Tank Tester. fl O#her (.Specify) License Number(s): ~~~ /~' ~ r[,~T' /C,~i . ~/~l`i -f S"-~~Stl ~ ~._ '2 eDTi T urrr~s~T TT+ami1~T~' 1•hTT[1RMA''PTt1N Test Iviethod Used: drostatic 0 Vacuum ^ ~-~ Test Equipment Used: Equipment Resolution: Identify Spilf Bucket (By Tank Number. Stored Product, etc. 2~~~~`~~l{/ G Z ~ 3 ~"`{~ 4 /~'~ Bucket Installatipn Type: ~n ~Dire~ Bury ^ Contained in S ~ireet gory ©Contain®d in Sum ireet Bury ~ Contained in Sum ireet Bury ^ Contained in Sum Socket 17iameter; r~ ~i ~ ~~ Bucket Depth: ~ r Wait time between applying vacuum water and start of test: Test Start Time (T~: Initial Reading {Rt}: Test End Tune (TP): ,~ Finale Reading (R.F): ,~ Test Duration (TP -~ TF): /~ lf/~ /f Change in Reading (I~ - R~: Pass/Fail Threshold ar Criteria: ~~" ~~~ ~~~ ~~ 'R`est Result: ass ©1~a11 ass l] Fail ass IJ Fail ass ^ Fail Comments - (include i ormatidn on repairs madeprior to testing, and recommQ>rded•~ollow-up for failed tests) ___ CERTIFICATION OF TECHNICIAN RESPONSIBLE FOR C4NDtJCTYNG THIS Tl~'STING r hereby certify that all the ir{fa Jtr oaatalned !,r th report trtee, accurate, artd In fuR compltance-with legs! req~u'irements. Technician's Signahtre: v . Date:T~S' ~i ~'"~~ / _„ ' State laws and regulations do not cwrentfy tvquiro testing to be performed by a qualified contractor. However, loco! requirements may F,o mnra ofrinnnnt ,~ _ i Monday, June O5, 200612:13 PM Juliana S®ssions 681=396-0569 Attention: ffir Steve Underovaod ........... Company: Bakersfield Fine Department Fax Number: 8522171 Voice Number: 3263979 From: Juliana Sessions ........... Company: Sessions Fax Number: ~ 661-396-0569 Voice Number: ~~ 1-833-95Q 1 Subject: Cathodic Protection System. Surveys Date: 6/5/206 Number of Pages: 4 Comments: Please find to follow the cathodic Prote~~ion System survey reports for the Fastbreak, 4800 White Lane, and Vllestchester Mobil, 3200 F Street, In Bakersfield, ~allfornla. Please call Ross at (~81~ 978-5059 if you have any questions. p.01 cc: Stuarts' Petroleum Monday, June 05, 200612;13 PM Juliana Sessions 6~1-3@6-0569 p,02 .~lF.~~~~-~ 951 W. ~'ri~ ~npe Bakersfield, ~~i 933Q7 (661) 833-95Q1 Fag X661) 396-OSG9 License #$446/I3.AZ May 26, 2006 Stuarts' Petrolewn l l East 4~' Street Bakersfield, CA 93307 Re; 3200 F Street Bakersfield, CA A Cathodic Protection System. test was p~trformed at the above location on May 23, 2006. A visual inspection was performed 'at the site and the Cathodic Protection test box was locates but the anode well was not. ~ It appears that tt;e site had been repaved and the paving gox~pany bad paved over the road box. We ne~rt inspected iE~e rectifier. It was noted that the re~,lhfier was set oa ~-3 and was opera#:ng at the maximum voltage of 50 volts and 24 amps. During the test the reamer was adjusted downward and the fallowimg Headings were taken: Fuel Tanl~ #1 Fuel Tank #Z Ori ~mv) Off (mv) -9~ 1 ~ -442 -9~9 -442 The above structure-topsail potentials were measured with a digital volt meter connected between the undergrc~~nd storage tank amd a saturated capper~opper sulfate reference electrode ~ contact with the earth. Structure to-sail poteatrtials tneasuremeints far each tank exceed the recog~~ed. N~4CE The Corrosion Societ~+' +criteria of -$SU millivolts and 300 my shift for full cathodic protection. Monday, June O5, 200612;13 PM Juliana Sessions BQ1-396-0569 Structure-tv-soil potentials measuremerit~ for each tank exceed the recognised ~1'ACE The Corrosion Society etiteria aF -850 millivolts and 300 my shift far full cathodic protection, The rectifier settings and outputs are as follt~ws: 9eit~ngs Coarse D Fine 3 C?utp~tt Volts 47 Amps 3.2 Dour Meter 17500 'Tbds survey was c~oa~ducted " in accordanc+~ with the procedures desc~ciibed in the MACE The Corrosion Society St~dat'~ ceded Practice RP02$S- 95, Corrpsion Ganxrol of Urrdergroatnd ,storage ~"crnk Syste~res by Cat~3odic Pratectron and American Petroleum Instt~zte (APB R ~conunended P~tice 1632, Cathodic Protection of Undergrv~rrd Petroleum Storage Tankr and Piping Systems. Professional F ,~ Weer: Robert Paul P.~. Qr Address: 2243 A.~en Mirror Way, ~bc. 204 ~4 `~ ~R~ ~< Laughlin, NV 89029 ,~,~ Qca q`~ c- ~ No. 111 i o~°~~o Signature: - ~~ of c~~~rA Registered Professional Engineer TTo Corrosion l is 1 Expiration 17ate: 3/31ro$ R• 03 ~- Monday, June O5, 2006 12:13 PM Juliana Sessions 6t1=396-0569 p.04 SESSIONS 9521 W. Fries Lane Bakersf eld, C:~ 93307 (661) 833-9501 Faz ~~61) 396-0569 License #84436/HAZ IvJay 26, 2QOb Stuarts' Petroleum 11 East 4a' Street Bake7sfield, CA 93307 Re: 4800 White Lane Bakersfield, CA A Cathodic Protection System test was performed at the above location on May 23, 2006_ A visual inspection was performed on the connecrions at the anode wells and everythirxg was, irr. gd~d working order. No Cathodic Protection test box was located at this si~_ The readings were taken on the tank fill pipes. We next inspected the reC~`ifier_ It was noted that the rectifier was set on B-3 amd was operating at 20 vti~ts and 1.2 amps. During the test at this setting all readings were belo'V1+ MACE The Corrosion Society requfrement_ We adjusted the reatiftier° and the following readings were taken: ~~ ~rnV~ d~ ~IIIY~ Fuel Tank #1 Diesel -9~'3 -342 Fuel Tank #2 Super -9~7 -342 Fuel Tank #3 Plus -$~5- -342 Fuel Task #4 Regular -9~4 -342 The above structure to-soil potentials ire measured with a digitat v'o1t rmetcr conn,GCted between the undergrc~uind storage teak and a saturated capper copper sulfate reference electrode itt contact with the earth. I i ._~ t- ~C i i ~ UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS ~.~, BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. / Prevention Services ,,~,,~ ~iR~ wRTr r 900 Truxtun Ave., Ste. 210 APPLICATION ~~ ~. Bakersfield, CA 93301 TO PERFORM ELO /LINE TESTING ~~ TeL: (661) 326-3979 / S6989 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TESTING `~~ Fax: (661) 852-2171 /TANK TIGHTNESS TEST AND TO PERFORM FUEL MONITORING CERTIFICATION page 1 of 1 PERMIT NO. ~'- 0 ^ ENHANCED LEAK DETECTION ^ LIN ^ SB-989 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TESTING n TGNK TIG4ITNFRS TFRT T(1 pFRF(lRM FI IFI MC1NITnRIN(; CFRTIFI(]ATIt3N FACILITY NAME 8~ PHONE NUMBER OF CONTACT PERSON ADDRESS O V t.JI--C.~ J OWNERS NAME OPERATORS NAME PERMIT TO OPERATE NO. NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED IS PIPING OING TO BETE TED? ^ YES ^ 0 T VOL ME CONTENTS ~ ~ °` Q ~ O ~' TANK TESTING COMPANY NAME OFT TING MPAN ~ NAME 8 PHONE NUMB OF NTACT PER ON MAILING ADDRESS al. g' 3 d NAME 8 PHONE NUMBER OF TESTER OR SPECIAL INSPECTOR Y U(o CERTIFICATIO #: DATE 8 TIME TEST TO BE CONDUCT ~Q O ICC #: TEST METHOD SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE . d APPROVED BY DATE r~7. o FD 2095 (Rev. 09/05) r BILLING & PERMIT STATEMENT PERMIT NO.: -1 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. Prevention Services PIRA 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 210 ~Rrr r Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel.: (6611 826-3979 S Fax: (661) 8522171 • LOCATION OF PROJECT 1 ~ ~[.~l - ~ • PROPERTY OWNER STARTWG OATS ~ ~. ~ ~ OCO PLETION D O ~ ~ NAME ~ ~ ~Of n - - ~ F •~ I PROJECT NAME ~ ~ -sV~ n ~ -, t. ADDRESS 1 - ' V„ ~ X. N H NE 0. P O _ PROJECT ADDRESS u ~ o CITY ~ f / ST ATE ~~ ZIP CODE • •' CONTRACTOR E ~ CA LICENSE NO. •' . TYPE Of LICENSE EXPIRATION DATE PHONE N CONTRACTOR COMPANY Y FAX N0. ~~ ADDRESS ~r Ilyn CRY ~ ZIP COD ~ ~~ u • • ~ ^ Alarms -New & Modifications - (Minimum Charge) $262 50 . ~ • . 98 Over 20 000 Sq Ft Ft x 013125 =Permit fee Sq ~ ^ , . . . 98 ^ Sprinklers -New & Modifications - (Minimum Charge) $210 00 ~ . 98 ^ Over 5 000 Sq. Ft Sq. FL x 042 =Permit fee ~ , . . 98 ^ Minor Sprinkler Modifications (< 10 heads) $ 93.00 [Inspection Only] ~ 98 ^ Commercial Hoods -New & Modifications $ 398 26 ~ . 98 ^ Additional Hoods $ 36.00 ~ 98 ^ Spray Booths -New & Modifications $458 00 ~ . 98 ^ Aboveground Storage Tanks (InstaUatioNlnsp: 1'~ Time) $165.00 82 ^ Additional Tanks $ 26.00 82 ^ Aboveground Storage Tanks (Removal/Inspection) $109.00 82 ^ Underground Storage Tanks (Insta/lationJlnspection) $878.00 (pertank) 82 ^ Underground Storage Tanks (Modification) $878.00 (persite) 82 ^ Underground Storage Tanks (Minor Modification) $155.00. 82 ^ Underground Storage Tanks (RemovaQ $675.00 (pertank) 84 ^ Oilwell (Installation) $ 72.00 ~ 84 Mandated Leak Detection (Testi Fuel Monit. Cert. ~ $ 81.00 (per site) 82 ^ Tents $ 93.00 (per tent) 84 ^ ~ After hours inspection fee $122.00 ~ 84 ^ Pyrotechnic -(Per event, Plus Insp. Fee @ $90 per hour) $ 60.00 + (5 hrs. min. stand -by fee /inspection) _ $510.00 84 ^ .. RE-INSPECTION(S) /FOLLOW-UP INSPECTION(S) $ 93.00 (per hour) 84 ^ Portable LPG (Propane): NO.OF CAGES? $66.00 84 ^ Explosive Storage $249.00 ~ ^ Copying & File Research (File Research Fee $33.00 per hr) 25¢ per page ; ~ ^ Miscellaneous ; ~ FD 2021 (Rev. 09/05) 1 -ORIGINAL WHITE (to Treasury) 1-YELLOW (to Flle) 1-PINK (to Customer) E R S F I D May 15, 2006 F//~E AI~TM T Mr. Abdul Aziz Fastbreak 4800 White Lane Bakersfield, CA 93309 NO'~ICE OF VIOLATION RONALD J. FRAZE FIRE CHIEF & SCH~~ULE FOR COMPLIANCE Gary Hutton, ~ Re: Failure to Perform i~r.submit Three Year Cathodic Protection Certification Senior Deputy Chief ' Administration Dear Mr. Aziz: 326-3650 ~ Our records indicate that your three year cathodic protection certification is past Deputy Chief Dean Clason '~ due. If you have performed tFtis test, please forward those results to my attention Operations/Training immediately. If you haven't performed this test you are in violation of Section 326-3652 2635 2(a) of the California C~rde of Regulations, Title 23, Division 3, Chapter 16 ~ Underground Tank Regulatlr~rls. Deputy Chief Kirk Blair i Fire Safety/Prevention Services ~ "Field-installed cathodic protection systems shall be designed 326-3653 ! and certified as adequate by a corrosion specialist. The cathodic protection system shall be tested by a cathodic protection tester 2101 "x" street ~ within 6 months of illi;tallation and at least every 3-years Bakersfield, CA 93301 thereafter." OFFICE: (661) 326-3941 ~ Therefore, prior to June 12, ~i~06 you will perform the necessary testing as FAX: (661) 852-2170 required by Code. Failure tt~ tromply may result in revocation of your Permit to Operate. RALPH E. HL1EY, DIRECTOR A ain, if ou have recent) erformed this certification test, please forward the PREVENTION SERVICES ~ g y y ~ FlRE SAFETYSERVICES•ENVIRONMENTALSERVICE3 ; results to my attention and disregard this notice. 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Should you have any questiells, please feel free to call me at 661-326-3190. OFFICE: (661) 326-3979 FAX: (661) 852-2171 ~ Sincerely, David Weirather ~ Ralph E. Huey, Fire Plans Examiner i Director of Prevention Servioes 326-3706 7 Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist , ~ , 326-3649 ' gy_ Steve Underwood, Fire Prevention Officer REH/SU/db u~e,~r~in~ t~ ~C~~n~.rr-,wru~ ~ ~~~o~ ~1 ~,a~ ~~~ent,-r~ b E R S F I D F/RE A R TM T April 10, 2006 Mr. Abdul Aziz Fastbreak 4800 White Lane Bakersfield, CA 93309 RONALD J. FRAZE REMINDER NOTICE FIRE CHIEF Re: Guidelines for Unsupervised Dis ensing Gary Hutton, Senior Deputy Chief Dear Mr. AZIZ: Administration 326-3650 It has come to our attention that many convenience stores who sell gasoline, like yourselves, are closing late at night. If you are using card readers and leaving Deputy Chief Dean Clason your fuel pumps on, this is defined in the California Fire Code as: "Unsupervised Operations/Training Dispensing." 326-3652 Unsupervised dispensing is allowed when the owner or operator provides, and is. Deputy Chief Kirk Blair accountable for daily site visits, regular equipment inspection and maintenance, Fire Safety/Prevention Services including any unauthorized release or spills, posted instructions for safe operation 326-3653 of dispensing equipment, and posted telephone numbers for the owner or operator. Signs prohibiting smoking, prohibiting dispensing into unapproved 2101 "H" Street containers and requiring vehicle engines to be stopped during fueling shall be Bakersfield, CA 93301 conspicuously posted within bite of each dispenser. OFFICE: (661) 326-3941 In addition, a sign shall be posted in a conspicuous location reading: FAX: (661) 852-2170 Incase of spill or release: RALPH E. HUEY, DIRECTOR 1) Use Emergency Pump shut-off PREVENTION SERVICES 2) Report the accident FlRE SAFETYSERVICES • ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 210 3) Fire Department Telephone Bakersfield, CA 93301 4) Facility address OFFICE: (661) 326-3979 FAX: (661) 852-2171 During the hours of operation stations having unsupervised dispensing shall be David Weirather provided with a fire alarm transmitting device. A telephone not requiring a coin to operate is acceptable. The fuel leak detection system must have a remote or Fire Plans Examiner phone modem to insure off-site monitoring during hours of unsupervised 326-3706 dispensing. During hours of darkness, sufficient lighting must be maintained so Howard H. Wines, 111 that all signs associated with fueling operation are conspicuous and readable. A Hazardous Materials Specialist gallon container of an absorbent material used for spills must be made available 326-3649 to the public during hours of unsupervised dispensing. Afire extinguisher with a minimum 2A, 26, and 2C rating must be located on dispenser island during hours of unsupervised dispensing. `"" o To: Mailing List of Valued Customers Reminder Notice Re: Guidance for Unsupervised Dispensing April 10, 2006 Page 2 of 72 To: Mailing List of Valued Customers Reminder Notice Re: Guidance for Unsupervised Dispensing April 10, 2006 Page 2 If you are currently having hours of unsupervised dispensing, you must comply with the above-mentioned requirements. Starting April 15, 2006, this office will conduct random checks of all fueling stations within the city limits for compliance. if you shut your station down after normal business hours and are not pumping fuel, please disregard this reminder notice. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 661-326-3190. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey, Director of Prevention Services By: Steve Underwood, Fire Prevention Officer REH/db FROM :BSSR,ING - FAX N0. :6615882786 Aug. 17 2006 01:34PM P2 ' • BS~~t, Inc. 663Q Rosedale Hwy., # B, Ba.kersfielti, CA 9330$ Phone (661) 588-2777 Fax (661) 58$-27$6 MaNITQItI~iG S`Y'S'~'~IV~ CERx'~~`~C~A'~'I4~i This fotm must be used to doetiment testing and st:rvieuo$ of monitoring eQuipment. ~ ~~~gi;a~t: certification or report must bie; prcoared for each monitoring_system control panel by the tecb,:aician who pcrfornxs the work. A copy of this form must be provideri9 toy the tank system owner/operator. Tlie owner/opetater must sut,tnit a copy of this farm to the loaal agency regulating 'UST sys[emsr within 30 days of test date. A.. Geaera Facility Name Site Address: Facility Contact Person: Coatac~ MalcelMadcl of Manitorin~Systtm: ~ ____ ~~~ B. Xmve>atory of Egniplwtelat Tested/Celrxed Cnccl.tt,e aeereeriatt beYn to te3lrate meelrie eauinment insntctedlserviced: rank ~~ fig [n-Tank Gauging liroba Model• Tank )<D: ~ ]n-Tank Gauging Frabe_ Model: D Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: O Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: ° ' ^ Piping Sump /Trench Scissor(s). Model: Q Piping Sump /Trench Sensor(s). lvlgdel: ^ Fill Sump Scissor(s). Model: O Fill Sump Sensor(s). Modal: - ^ Mechanical Liisc Leak Defector. Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: ModeL• ~ ~' L7 MechanicaE Llne Leak tetector. Electronic Line Laak Detector. Model: Model: Tank Ove~ll / iiiglt-Love1 Sensor_ Model: D 'l'ank 4ve~ll /High-Level Sensor. Model; Other s ecif ui ant and model in Section 13 on Pa e 2 . l3 Others i ui ent and• modal in Section E on Pa c 2 . "faak 117: In-'Tank Gauging Frobe. ~ Model: Tank ID: ~ In-Tank Gauging Probe. Model: _ - Annular Space or Vault Scnaor. Model: , .. _ ^ Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: q Piping Sump / Trench Sensor(s). Model: ^ Piping Sump /Trench Sensor(s). Model: ^ Fill Sump Sensor(s). Model: ^ Fill Sump Sensor(s). Model: D Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: O Meciianical Line Leak Detector. Model: Stcetronic Linc Leak Detector. Model: 1~I?lectronic Line Leak Detector. Model:. ~.."" Tank Ova{U /High-Level Sensor. ]vlodol: O Tank Overfill /High-Level Sensor. Model: ^ Others if ui ment a and model. in Section E on Pa e 2 . ^ Other s cci ui ent and model in Section E on Pa c 2 . t)isp nser IA: ~" te~nser Containment Sensor(s). fd"Shear valves}. r Model: i~renser iD; Cf~~sspenser Containrssent Sensor(s). I~Shear Valve(s). Model: ^ Dis nser Containment Flo sand Chains . ^ Di cnser Containment Floats d Chain s . Dis nser lb: ~ ~T gispcasar Can utrnent Sensor(s). Model: 17 nser ID: I3~1`spenser GontainmenE.Scnsor(s}. Modal: Shear Valvc(s}. i~ Shear Velve(s)_ © Dis nser Containment Floats and Chains . ^Dis nser Containment loots and Chains . Dis set m: ~ }Spenser Con mmcnt Sensor(s). Model: Di~,ptllsEC I~: r P,~~Spenser Containment Sensor(s). •h Model: Shear Valves}. LT 5hsar Valves}- ClDis enscr Containment Floats and Chains . O Dis enscr Containment Bloats and Chains . • If the facility contains more tanks or dispensers, copy this form. tnclude information for every tank and dispenser at the facility. C. Certification - I cerrlfy that the egniptnattt identified in this document was Igspected/serviced in accordaace with lbe maaufacturers' guldeliries. Attached to thig Certification Is litformatloa (e.g. manufacturers' cbeckllists) tiecessary to verify that rbis'" information 4s correct and a Plot Plaa shpwtng the layout of monitoring equipment- For an equi meat tapablt of generating such reports, I have also alto odd~ c}} oft cJrsck all that apply): Sys set- ary report Technician Name (print): J~~~ J~T~ $igaa[Lre: ~ ~!~~' ~^ ~t Cerfsfication No.:~ "C~J 7 ~ License. h1o.: ~~ ~~~ Testing Compan/yf~me: Pttane C~Io.:(~~-~--~~~~. ~,,r0 Site Address: fXp'~a /~~ T.. __ __ Date of Testing/Servicing: a_l_1+~~? Monitoring System Certtficatian Page t of 3 g. No. Zip: ". Phone Na.: (~~~~~ • ~'~ Date of Testing/Servit;ing: ~l ~ l~ 03~o i 'l~ '+~~; ::~~ r '~ si FROM :BSSR,INC FAX N0. :6615t~27B6 Aug. 17 2006 01:35PM P3 1)~. Results of'I'estirlg/Servi~c/ingn~ SUttti;•are Version Installed: ,_„_, /~ •~" _,,, Complete the following checklist: Yes O No" Is the audble alarm a etational? __ __, ~ Yes [wl No* Is the visual alarm o stational? _ _ _ _ ~ ,_ ~ l Yes Q No* ~ Were all sensors v-snall ins ected tuncdonafi tested, and confirmed o eratipn8l? _ Yes Q No" Were alI sensors installed at lowest point of secondary containment and positioned so that other eyui~me~~t .vil; not interfere with their ro er o eration? _~ ~ ~ ^ Yes C! No* , *~S''a l~corrirniz~is_ation~,:eyuiprrtent (e.g. r-tud~nz)~ If alarms arc relayed to a iemote n~onitoring station ~ '•~ °AflA _ opcrationalZ,.~ • • ~ ~5,~••~,;,;~, . ~ ~. ._ 1 -~ -. • Yes-• •L3 Na':. wn~ if the piping secondary con~ainmcnt -1±pr pressurized piping sysletx~s; does the turbine automatically•shu N/A - disconneeted7 Tf yes: which sensors initiate rripuitoci~i'g system detects a leak, fails to operate, or is electrieally .. .. , positive shut-dorm? (Check all that apply) d'~u,~l~renc)~i.'5~~9gas,;'t7;1.2ispenser Containment Sensors, Did ou confirm ositive shut-down due to leaks an sensor failure/disconnection? Yes' ^ No. Yes D No* Por tank systems that utilize the monitoring system as the primary tank overfill warning device (i,e, ~na D NIA mechanical ov dill preventic~o valve is installed), is the overfill warning alarm visible and audible at ~ ~ ~ " .: ~ tll pints s~i ratio ro eri ? If so at what ercant of tarslc ca aci d~ t]z er? ^ Yes* o " VGas any monitoring equipment replaced? ' f yes, identify sptr i ~erYsors, probcs,'or other equipment replaced. and list the manufacturer pama and model for all re lactmcnt arts ip Section E below. Cl Yes" No Was liquid found inside any secondary eont$inmerxt systeaps designed as dry systems? (Check ull dial apply •... ,Q Product D 'QVatcr. If es, descn'be causes in Scedon E, below. __,~ Yc ~ . o as manitorin s stem set-u reviewed to ens-u~ tt se in ? ch set u re orts if applicable Ycs Q No* Is all rnot~itoriu a ui ment o erationai er manufacturer's s eei -catibns? } In Section E belopv,.describe how and >hsa these tieticiencies were or wits be corrected. .~• ,,-.,~F. °~i~' .* t E. Comments: x,. , _ ~~,- ~.c •ti , ~;•~ ~ ., . -:_.~._ ~ _ = ~ 1 .tl o ' r .. _ „ ~ - - - ~ Z ~-~- •~age2af•3'~~ 'til _` ''~. ,1t+. ,~ ' ~ U3/Ut t~ FROM :BSSR,INC FAX N0. :66152786 Aug. 17 2006 01:35PM P4 F ln-T..a~zk-Gauging /SIR equipment: Q Check this bax if tarilc gauging is usCd only for isrventory control. Q Check`this box if nv tank gauging or SIR equipment is installed. ,;i This section must be cornplcted if in-taril~ gau$in$.egtuprlaent is used to perform leak detection monitoring. Cam lete the fvlloWin checklist: Yes D No* Has $11 input wiring been inspected for proper entry and tercnirtation, including testing fqr ground faults? Yes ~ ^ No* Were all tank gauging probes visually inspected for damage and residua buildup? ~ Yes ^ Nos Was accuracy of system product ]cvci readings tested? YeS Q No" Was accuracy of system water level readings tested? Ya. ^ No* Wete all probes reinstalled.propcrly? Y'es ^ No* Ware all items an the eglxipmept manufacturer's maintenance checklist completed? * Tn the Section & below, describe haw and when these delYciencfes were or vrill be corrected. G. LiIIc Leak Detectors {X,X,D): ^ Check this box if LLDs are r<ot installed. c: fet e the totty caeclulst: Yes Q No* • 3ior' equigmeat starittp or amtual equip ccx~tificatioa, ass 's Teak simulated to verify LLD pert'arn:anca? Q N!A (Check all that apply) Simulated leak rate 3 g.p.ln.; ^ 0. I g.p.h ; O 0.2 g.p.h. st Yes Q Nv" Were all LLDs ~ operational and acetuate within regulatory requirements? Yes • ^ .No* Vl~as the besting apparatus properly calibrated? D Yes ^ No's For mecYtaniaal 1'.I..Ds, does the LLD restrict'product #low if it detects a leak? N/A Yes ^ No's For electronic LLDs, does the tur$sne automatically shut aff if flee LLD detects a leak? D NIA •• Yes ^ No* For electronic ]rLDs, duos the tttrbi:ns automatically abut Off if any portion of the monitoring system is disabled ^ NIA or disconnecxd7 Yes O No" For eleo#ronie X,I.Ds, does the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system ^ N/A malfunctions yr fails a test? Yes D Nos For electronic LLDs, hgve all accessible wiring Connections been visually inspected? NIA Yes ^ Nos Were ail items.on the equipment manufacturer's maintenance checklist completed? r TR the S ection H, below. desarlbe how and whey .these d8flcieneipe sverP nr wrtl! hn mrrP.l!tE!d. rs r~_.....r.._..~. r. .. ... . .. 1V ROM :BSSR,INC FAX NO. :6615882786 -- •• Aug. 17 2@@6 @1:36PM P5 Monitoring System Certification Site Address: `~$~ ~~ l UST Mo>~itolring Site elan 1..~1 . . - - a'hor+~'rrsrz, tN .13RHS~R 1i~y '~Y+~u'rrcfL • r.` { i QR..~e ~.,. •Rcor~ -... ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ - - . +' ~ ~ ~ . . . .-. . q~~~• . . . ~ ... . :::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::1..:~:::: ~?:: ~: ~ a~:::::::: Date map was draswn: ~ / ~.. / ~ V Insiruct~o»s If you already have a diagram that-shows ail rtquired information, you may include it, rathtr than this page,. with your Monitoring System Certification. On your site pion, show the general layout of tanks and piping. Clearly identify locations of the following equipment, if installed: monitoring system control panels; sensors monitoring taNc annular Spaces, sumps, dispenser pans, spill caatainers, or other secondary containment arras; mechanical or electronic line leak detectors; sad in•tank liquid level pro>3es (if usal far leak detectionj. Tn the space provided, note the date this Site Plan was prepared. ~ . Page of OSI00 - FROM :BSSR,INC FAX N0. :6615882786 Aug. 17 2006 01:36PM P6 ' SWRGe, 3anuary 2006 Spill Bucket Testing Report dorm ' 7'hrs form is intended for use by eoatt-actors performing annual testing of 1!S?"spPll containment structures. ?'he completedform end printorrls from tests (tf applicable), should be provtiied to the facility owner/operator for submittal to the local regarlatary agency. ~ ~ s rTT .iTV rnrrnu~ a ~r'tnx Facility Name: ~ ~ Date of Testing: -- ~~ FgCiiity Address: (~7 Facility Contact; /~1 y~ r ~~ ~ Phone: ~/ 3Z - ~p bate Local Agency as Notife~d of Testing : ~ ~~ Q~a Name of Local Agency Inspector (fpres¢nt dw'tng testing}: /d/,Q .s~~dldk~~ 2_ . TFSTIlIT.G C0111'TRA['TOR Il~'O)EtMATION Company Name: Technician Conducting Test: ~ ~~ Credentialsf: d CSLB Coutractar CC Service'Teeh. [J SWRCB Tank Tester ^ Other (Sped) License Number(s): ~ ~ ~ ~- ~ ~~ ~-Q~ ~ 7 CY?TT T T27TlaTlTi T 'i'ti,'.CTTN!? 7'I\TG'C1T2TVYA'1`ZnN Test Method Used: drostatie ^ Vacuum ^ dth~ Test Equipment Used: Equipment Resolution: Identify SpiII Bucket (By Tank Number, Stored Product etc. 1 ~N~, 2 ~,[,`~ 3 ~~~~ ~ ~ 4 / ~~ Bucket Installation Type: ~3Direct Bury t] Contained in S Direct Bury ~Cantained in Sum ~-Direct Bury CI Contained in Sum l~%Direct Bury ^ Contained In Sum Buelcet Diameter: ~ /~ ~% r ,/~ /~' Bucket Depth: / i°~ ~ f 'Wait time between applying vacuum/water and start of test: ~ /17 //~ ~~1~/ ~ / ~~~`V ~~~~ Test Stmt Time (Tt); /&1 r r ~/ ~ /~/-~/L7 Initial heading (Rr); t:~ : t~ C~ `Celt $nd Time (TF): ~ q/ . ~ ~/L9 - ~ ~~ Final Reading (Rr): () Test Duration (Tg - Tr}: ~ ~ ,~°~. ~/(/ /j ~,yir ~ ~ /~ ; f ~ipj Change in Reading ~ - Rt): ~ .t~ ~ PasslFail Threshold or Criteria: ~,~ ~ ^~~ /7 fJ n f~ ,f" !/ , f)~~~ J" Test Basalt: pass , ^ Fail Pass ~[] )Fail Pass d Fail pass ^ Fail [:omtnents - (include in ormatior v>4 re(,airs mrxde prior to testin& acrd recommendedfollow-up far failed test J CERTIIr[CATIOIV O)(r TECI~IICIAI~i RESPONSIBLE FOR CUNAUCTXNG "I'I'l<I$ TESTWC 1' hereby cert(fy that all the lnfornrrtttan cotttainea in tkis rgport is rrue~ accurate,, and 1,t fall cotnplitinte wuh legal regulremerrrs. Technician's Signature: T/' i~~~~~~~ Date: ~r~--~ ' State laws and regulations do not currenkly mqui~e testing to be perfarneed by a qualified contractor. However, tacat requirements rr,ou Faa mn~o efriri(rant ,. FROM :BSSR,INC FAX NO. :6615882786 Aug. 17 2006 01:33PM P1 e 8630 Ros~ale Hwy ~ B Balce~sfield, CaliPOmia 93308 88~ 6ss 2~n , Fau fi6~ 588 2706 F~7C BS S R, Inc To: Steve Underuwaod Frq~re David TadCetE FaoC $52-2171 Date: 8/17f116 Phorae Pages: B R,ee FBSt Sneak Mobil f:~ • 48OQ 11VFti6e Lane Pemii#'!"'P 421 D Un$erntD For ReYrew ©Flaase Comment D Plus Reply q Please Reeycte UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS ~'~ t,` APPLICATION TO PERFORM ELD t LINE TESTING 3:`i / S6989 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TESTING .. /TANK TIGHTNESS TEST AND TO PERFORM FUEL MONITORING CERTIFICATION PERMIT N0. ~T ~ ~~I /-/Rl ~Rrr r BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. Prevention Services 900 Truxtun Ave., Ste. 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel.: (661) 326-3979 Fax: (661) 852-2171 Page 1 of 1 ^ ENHANCED LEAK DETECTION ^ IINE TESTING ^ SB-989 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TESTING ^ TANK TIGHTNESS TEST ~ TO PERFORM FUEL MONITORING CERTIFICATION - __ ~ c RITF WFl1RMATIt7N FACILITY /~ ~'J 1 ~ NAME 8 PHONE NUMBE OF CONT CT P RSyON~ ` I ~~~ 1 L~ - ------- ---- '"' ADDRESS ~~ ~ l~ \Xh~ l~yv`i - -------------- OWNERS NAME 5fi~~ ~~V, ~~ /~` ^ - -I { ~J OPERATORS NAM ~ ~~ PERMIT TO OPERATE N0. ~ NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED PIPIN IN TO BE TESTED ^ YE ^ NO __~ ~ M E C O N T E N T S ____ _-_-__1 }~~.~ - ~ W `J Q U --- ~ 3 ~ 0 , ooc~ , ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~,~~ ____ ~ __ _ TANK TESTING COMPANY-- _~ NAME OF TESTING COMPANY ~~ ~ N E 8 P E NUM E. OF TACT PERSON ~~ ! MAILING ADDRESS ~ ~~lX- ~ Su~~~ ~'~ V 1~~~ ~ N 8 PHONE N MB F T S E R SPEC L NSPE TOR ~ ~ ~ ~' ~~ .--- CERTIFICATION #: ~ I DATE & TI E TEST TO BE CONDUCTED 8 • ICC #: U~ TEST METHOD _ SIGNATURE OF APPLIC ~ ------------; DATE ~. .r%'_____ PRROVED - ~ APPROVED BY „a`~ ~~~/~ -- _ ------- DATE 7 Z(p (~ ~ FD 2095 (Rev. 09/05) r,~ ~'~ Friday, July 14, 2006 $:48 AM Juliana Sessions 661-396-0569 p,04 ~ESSIOI~IS 9521 W. Fritz Lane Sa~ersfield, ~A 93307 (661) 833-9501 Fay (b61) 396-0569 License #844326/l[~AZ May z6, 2ao~ Stuarts' Petroleum 11 East 4~ Street Bakersfield, CA 93307 R.e: 4800 White Lane Bakersfield, CA A Cathodic Protection System test was peanforx~nned at the above location on May 23, 2006. A visual inspecltioa~ was per~oxmed on the connections at the atzode wells and e~v~Jrything was in goad working order. No Cathodic Protection test box was located at this site. The readings were taken ou the tank fill pipes. We next inspected the rectifier. It was noted that the rectifier was set on B-3 and was operating at 20 volts and 1.2 amps. During the test at this setting ah readings were below NACE ~'he Cornasion Society requirement. Vve adjusted the rrc~er and the £vllowix><g readings were taken: Qn (mv) Dff (mgr) Fuel Tank #1 Diesel -993 -342 Fuel Tank #2 Super -997 -342 Fuel Tank #3 Plus -989 -342 Fuel Tank #4 Regular -994 -342 The above stntctere-to-soil potentials were measured with. a digit volt meter connected between the underground storage tank and a satauated copper-popper sulfate re#'ce electrode in conxact with the earth. `~ UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS ~`~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT, .~u.w~.:~~~~:-:~s.w~~~........~..~~.~;~:~.+-,.,.:...::.~~ ~ ~~R~ Prevention Services AR1N 1 900 Truxtun Ave., Ste. 2 10 II APPLICATION ~ .~~ ~~~erSflei~(, C,A ~3s3o1 TO PERFORM ELD /LINE TESTING ~ "I'cl.: (661) ;32E~-:.3~37f.) / 58989 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TESTING (~ Pik: ((j(j j) ~3 ~~-~ 17 1 JTANK TIGHTNESS TEST AND TO PERFORM FUEL MONITORING CERTIFICATION Paye t of 1 ~T~-az, PERMIT NO. ^ ENHANCED LEAK DETECTION ^ LINE TESTING ~ S8~989 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TESTING ^ TANK TIGHTI~dC-SS TEST ^ TO Pt fii ORPA FUEi. tvtONITORING GER?IFICAT!GPi n~ I ._ _._. _._____..-_.___._. RMATION.-___-- ~___ . -_- FACILITY I ~ NAME & PHONE NUMBER OP CONTACT PERSON '~-D-DRESS~~oO ~ :-~ WNERS NAME ____ ~~_-_-. ~- _____- - -T p I _ ~__.______. _ __ _. ~__ PERATORS NAME ERMIT'CO OPERATE N0, N~MBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED IS PIPING GOING TO BE 1:ESTE.D? 7' YES.. -.,_ ~_ NO P I .__._..._.. .. _~ _ .. .. __ _ ._ - I - TANK._# _._ _ .-_V.OL,UME _. _ ~__-__ GO.NTENT_S II .__.T ___._.___.___.._...____._i___.- ---_-.-~.-_-__...__...~_______.____-_.. _..._ ~ 1 _I ~.___.._.T.___._._..~-T__ ~_____ -__,____...___._._~~ ---- r__ _T...._ ____ _ ----- __ _______ _. i+ _ .. y_.___,~_ _. __. _.._ _ .. -.-.-.__.___-- _ r-__-- -_ i r + ~ I i .^ ~ -`__ _~ ^_----- _ .____ _______---__.__..~ _-..___~ ~_..Y_ ~_._...-, TANK TESTING COMPANY _ _- ~ _~.~_^--~__ ___, ~_ ~,~y IMAM F TESTING COMPANY NAM & PHONE NUMBER OF CONTACT PERSON ~ _ (oil-~'3~-(-tog ~ AILI G ADDRESS ~ q 33 0~, _ _ _ ___ _ "' NAME & PHONE N MBER OF TESTER ORS CIAL INSPECTOR _ E IRl FICATION ji ~~ ~~" "'-'--'_......__.____,___.__.,,.___.-.__-...__._~_, _____.__G61- 39~~'.Sep~ _._ ~ bSo35' ~aa - ~~So3S__'.3_a-._____._ ATE TIME TEST TO BE CONDUCTED ACC #: ~ TEST ETHOD~~~ ~~ ^~'~' SIGNATURE OF UC T D TA E - Q-~ ~~ _~.~'~____._._------~~---__-_. ---_____ //~ ~ ------.--_._ . _ . ~ - _ A PERMIT Nl ~ AP.P.~i4V~Q APPROVED BY ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~ DATE / '- FD2106 r it ` ~ '~ -0~r,,, . ~~ ;~. Y'~•:~ . ~:,. 44. .. ~_ :. , ,.. ~~i' ~~~~1~~~ ~; . . ~k`~ , DATE ~ dS •' , ~~~ ,;,.. FACILIT ID! ~ ~. 0 IVl gtl, •(,~ ~~` FACILITY At1bRE~ ` 3•' TIUN FORM ~~ry.. h.~'. r ~F. ~ ja u1l~L~/ r ~> ~~:,~ USiT A~n1ar Space ;~ J, ~; . , ~~~` ~ ~ ~e~rt'I7eee . • ri{Ri L~ ~ , u: " r . %~1• ~EaV/1 , , . ~`,.F 4 , ~ Q ~y,_t,.._ t77l M/~1Y~i~ ~~IW~ ''~i.. ~ . ' s ~._~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ x;~ a ~~~`~ 5tarcruae :- ~; : ~3{t4 ,:i : ~T ~~~f~l ' , .: ~ ;. 4 !''a~ ~W ~ .'. y•. - ,~ ~~ 7' _ . ~'(.. .. ^.~, f: ,: ~. ': ~ ~'. ~~: ;~ ~ Page 1 cif ' . ~;:: , ~; . , , 7, Tank 3 ~,T.s~tlc 4 r.~r..wrw~.~ Line 3 t ,Ltn~e.4 1 l ?..-~ CQ w° f~~ ~~~ : ~ SECOND~'~'•!t 51CSTEM CEA'TIFICATIOI~ F'URM ~~. ,, ., . . r . DATE ) d 5 e<.. ~ . FAQLIT ID~G«`. 1 / I d~ r / ~ /~ -'~~ FACYJ,~ITY ADDRL~58 ~-(~~~ (~,j~ ~ -C-C~~ ~~ ~.~. ;.,. ~::~ Tiub~ne Suwpa ~. . ~.. ~' . t ~' y~. .. ;, ~. v ~. 4r 'F !~ ~~ . ~" ;: ~:~ .. Siting t Sump Z Sump ~ Snmp 4 Start TuAe ~ntda! Hdg~t ~f Water ~ ~ ; v 5 '~lre~e Vvater Helght 'Cittt~ . ~~ AC'~j~tt ' ~~. ~~ ~Ys<ter t . ~erK~st}an ~~~) ~V '1,~~1$ilC~CltB o~eu is ~ ~ . o.~~ z a~~~~ : c~e~n ~ SL. fitrc Ttmee :vD ~ ~ : G~? ; oc~ Initial get~ht or Water .,. ... 0 ~.~~. ;,~- ~ ~, ~ ~ fiima :i w:~ xeigit ~ ;~ a7 ;~ al ~~ Time - , ~ , - cep (Sigaatura) ~~ ass / ~~. / i ~ Paga 2 of ,,. ~tZoCp -------~ Y'Ls'. .~• M1. i ~f`` • - ~..• _ ?~,. ,. .~I S>EtiCQND~IIIC: SYSTEM CERTIFICATION FORM[ DA ~ OS . ~~,.. ti ~ o~O eat. ~Y1 ~ III : ,•`~: FACIL ID ` : FACILITY ADDRESS t-f ~~, . U~.~i ~Q_,~L~ I~ ~.,~ I '; ~ . s; . k : '~' ~'',~'~ ~, _ UbC T)l;STiNG ', ;~' . ..,. ~.+.. . ,~ . ~~. ~- ~:~ ;. 1 i, ,- . ,. ~~~ .~t_ ~• ;;~ a ~ . ,.~, ~.: Ca... DtSPEt~I9°i~ ~ ;DIS~:NSER 2 DISPENSER 3 DL~PENSER 4 5TART TIME ;' i ~~. '~~ 1~EIG8'I' OF WATER Ot :~ ~ o' ~ . o 't'n-~ o :oo ~. t : von ; ao 1iti-ATER y'IME D: IS ~ b : I (D' WATER . CF.ltTtF7CATION (SIGNATURE} A . ~ . ~., ~~ ~S S G" / ~/ DI;~I"~~; ::: ..> DISrENSF.R 6 DISPENSIER 7 Di5>PIEiNSER 8 START TIME Y1VTi'IAI. HEI6AT OF .~ TIME ~ ~ ; '~NA'I'ER 1FIEIrirAT ~,! .,,, '~ i:Dop,M: ~:BD WATER ~IEIGHT (~9. •~..'.: ' J ~ $ i r ccn~ KSIGKATVRSj ~S . ~A~sS . Page 3 of ,,,_ I ~ ,- o (Q / \/"-er it to Operöte Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF ·PERMIT ON REVERSE SID~ t.-.. :,¡ .. , , this oennlt Is Issued for the following: . . ~ Hazardous Materials Plan o Underground Storage of Hazardous MaterIals o Risk Management Program o Hazardous Waste On-Site Treatment Permit ID #:: 015-000-001368 ,FASTBREAK lOCATION: 4800 WHITE lN 0 Issued by: Bakersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES· 1715 Chester Ave" 3rd Floor Approved by: Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 Expiration Date: Issue Date ;.lune 30, 2003 , ,.. 0;. . Per it to Operil.te Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE This permit is issued for the following: zardous Materials Plan round Storage of Hazardous Materials ",,~gement Program ..,,, Waste 4800 PERMIT 10# 01S-Q2HJ01368 FASTBREAK lOCATION WHITE TAN HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE GASOLINE DIESEL GASOLINE GASOLINE Issued by: 1 o,ooo1pÒ ,GAl~~:" 10,OOO.öOGA.l :\.~, 10,000.00 ¡,ßAI:.. ~f.' '1W 10000.00 GAC"''';,e,(]r , '"..' ',!;.;:" PIPING PIPING METHOD ONITOR SW S PRESSURE AlD SW S PRESSURE AlD SW S PRESSURE AlD SW S PRESSURE AlD '~~:~2¿~~2¿:~~~~~~bÞ:''': Bakersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield. CA 93301 Voice (80S) 326-3979 FAX (805)326-0576 *~ ph Huey. ' fficeof ental Servi es December 22, 1998 Approved by: Expiration Date: -" . . CA Cert. No. UOS-I3 ] City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave., Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 326-3979 An upgrade compliance certificate has been issued in connection with the operating permit for the facility indicated below. The certificate number on this facsimile matches the number on the certificate displayed at the facility. Instructions to the issuing agency: Use the space below to enter the following infonnation in the fonnat of your choice: name of owner; name of operator; name of facility; street address, city, and zip code of facility; facility identification number (from Form A); name of issuing agency; and date of issue. Other identifying information may be added as deemed necessary by the local agency, This permit is issued on this 2nd day of November, 1998 to: FASTBREAK Permit #015-021-001368 4800 White Ln 0 Bakersfield, California 93309 I~~.·· , '-" 'C ,I . )10/21/2002 // 11: 00 e 6613258481 e STUARTS'PETROLEUM PAGE 02/05 11841 East Smith Ave, Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 Tel: (562) 942..s964 Fax: (562) 942.2834 www.corrpro.com [[!~*m:~~ October 10, 2002 Stuart's Petroleum 11 East 41h Street Bakersfield, CA 93307 Attention: Mr. Don Dozah Subject: CA THOJ)JC PROTECTION REpORT MOBIL GAS STATJON - WaITE LANE, BAKERSFIELD, CA On October 10, 2002 Corrpro Companies Inc. installed nine impressed current anodes Üt three semi- deep holes for cathodic protection of the underground tanks. Tbe anodes were spliced into the existing cables. Following the )1}stalla.tion the systen} was tested. Testing consisted of: ¡ . Confirming that all structures that require protection are electdcally continuous. 2, Measuring static. Or native structure-to-reference potentials. 3, Measuring potentials with the system operating (ON) and "JR drop" &ee poteotials (instant OFF), Electrical continuity has been confirmed for all structures that require protection, All testing locatiOJ1:s met the NACE International criterion for cathodic protection. Cood\lsion and Recommendations · The steel tanks are cathodjcaJly protected. · No stray current interferel1œ effects were noted 011 foreign $teel structures, · Operate the system at 1.5 amperes Wit110ut exceeding the rated voltage of the unit (48 volts). · Routinely observe rectifier settings to confirm proper operation oftbe system. · Conduct a complete survey in 3 years as per code requirements. If yo\'! have any questions please contact the undersigned. Yours truly, Milan Sarjc Atlacl1ed: Field Da\8 Dr8wini Contractors UCan$8 IIC10-455184. A-764678 Page 1 of 1 ~ 1 HJ/21/2002 11: 00 e 6613258481 e STUARTS'PETROLEUM Structure-to-Reference Potentials ~,. CORRP CUENT NAME stuart's Petroleum ....... :OM'ANIES ~~ '"OJ.cr MQbll Service SI.fion - Whlto Lane For Every Corner of)'ø,¡r \M:¡rld DESCRIPTION Cathodic Protection Installation DATE 1 0/10/02 COLLECTED BY M. Fryling JOB # 160830 POTENTIAL (.mV) vs, Cu-CuS04 Ref, , 1 " Fixed Cell STATIC! ON OFF, ON ", '---I' -" . -- 1--- - --, ,-' --- - -,- ,I ,. - _m . ,-. '''_'UH .-'---------.-- . .~. :J. >S7. j ~i"7 -- :_:J.õ:;= ~.. 2435:f:~; ;::~USod ':.= . __···1_"_-2~~__-i-,~346,,. --~!- ----t----'-- ,-- ·___··_I·,__1~~__'i-2340 _ ," _.~,! _ -' ------ .. ---.-- .-- ." 'u '----f·: ,,---- ,1_.._,_ .', t=---- " --2436-- - .,.---- , ,,"._ -------._---.J_,.,___ __'__._ _ ,-,'.___ 396 ! 2411 887 I . _'_0_" "....__ ""-j_ __ ,,_ "__-".--.-__ ___.n_. 396 I 2421 "673 I ,-.-- '-"-T -4õ2--, '-24i6tBãO- I ''''''---'-- .= ·:----:r--=t::.=--:t::-=-~= 243ô-I='=~~-'" ., ,- '-'-,..---¡-'--;¡--- . --1--- ~-- ----.. ,--. ""--i'-~6 [ 2403 +._JJ77 -- l--- J_ ~ ",... ,-=-~ __.. :~~~~~._.-~:: ~'+-=.=J-~:~ " I .- . .., --'.H'l·--·~·- ·-r-,---..t--·'--~'-2436'-T-··~ -, --- T" --- 402' -1- '242-'i~ -~- -'ãS1-'"l-'--' "''I'' -"-. , ". ". . -..,,- ~'-t·_--_..-·,..¡-- ..u-.--~------r--v~'1 .___ _".___ 398 ._,,~o~, 240a'__'_i_¿~__-+-'_'_'_'_-+__. _ _ __ .., t--, ~J_~ _-I_~3~~_ , ._.~69 -+..,...._~I ___ , ~ . 1 - .-~-~J~ j?:-~~'~ 8~l=F'6 .~. ==- - .-..- .1-.._"...___1____. -- ... ..----~.. ·_____1~~,keY~~blefurthc ,- ---r' -'--- -- --i ._,~1..3~_1 U - '~~~·-f·· 2~i:!!'·n.... ~J!et e"""", to . ·~yc~~·_~=lÎhi:: ·.-ji: ~~¡=j~Rf~::~:::t ,. - t ". " ---1----··,,· ,,- . H. ,.... .--- ,- ..-- '" .j, -"'" _.n '"U',__ .--,-. ." - "--1 ""--:ï14 ""J.'" '872' -j'" "457'--" j ....-..-1'-..... '-. ..-- -- -.- -. -..: I.: _!_~~-;f:?_~1~:~j~--~;~f~----:-l~~--- - _-___ _:~ I I ' , ..:-J:~~J: -:~ --~ j.:.t-~_ --t:_::::.:::-:::= ::-=---=- Page 1 of 1 Location , IDies~1 Tank ( .F~~ .H' I , . _~~t~~ '. . I. .._,~nd_ I 1~~P~~~~~!9~~ ',~,: ::.,,' I Fill ''"' -o'ée;;t~~' ..", ! ". '·'Ëndo -. .--,..,.. ..,.,-- "..--... ........ ,.. i o. j 1-..... _ ...~ .a... -" ,,_ .. .. . ".. IPI,':Is_~.~~e!,.C!. n , "." ¡., _,.~~_, , ., H' ¡ Center I ' " ,~,~'~~(":'_-~. . -:-- !,~9~1:~~lJ.~I~~~ .. \, "Fill.... I Center 1--....------,,----,... H'" End i I I"" '. ,."-" ... .. .' .,. IV~n~..____ I IDispe~~er5: ¡ 1-2 I 3 II· ~ï:5 6-7 I '" , 8 I" '}10" .... 1'\hil!Ur~l, Ga~,~ne I!-!ne Si~~ Me~r, ¡ . ,Building Sì~e Meter I I PAGE 03/05 11841 Ea&t Smith Road Sarrta Fe Springs, CA 90610 Phone: (562) 94.2-8964 Fax: (562) 942-2834 Rømarks v ~ i 113/21/213132 11: 1313 e 6613258481 . STUARTS'PETROLEUM PAGE 134/135 Stuart's Petroleum Mobil Service Station - White lane, Bakersfield, CA Cumulative Rectifier Groundbed Data 2002 Name Location Manufacturer Model Serial Number AC Input DC output Target Current R<lnge Groundbed Data R1 4800 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Guardial1 Glassa 48-12-8-B 82651 120V 9.6A 48 V ~ 12 A 1,5-2,0 A 3 semi deep anode beds. Each bed contains three 2" x 60" graphite anodes. 7 old anodes are still tied into the circuit. I Circuit Date Status Tap Setting Voltage . Current Resistance Remarks I (Volt6) ! (Amperes) (Ohms) , ~l~b~~l§"~~j "~~·~~~~=.~~+-b.: 3 -·~-5~O-·±~!~ 1'-"16.67-' - Rectifiermeters ,___~". ,_. +__m ~!:_ ..._~_ .--,~..:.~-i-.-~=:¡: 1.50 l, 4.67 Actual readinglS ···:_.~~~-¡::~::-~·E.···~--t:=:.±~~=~-- -- .. .... - · . ., .--..-- --1----· - + --.--+-- -~i--- . : .~ _ ." +' __ H . ." : :,:,:':~:, ~~=_ :T~:.~'~~~~.~.~~~ _ _-=~.,~~'=i~:=-=-=- - ..___ __..:=~ ,-_.~...., ,~~,"- '; -....", .·'·l·"~::~~== ~====-ti-'_·~=,,,~·, ,-_. ~~-=~-=-_. .-.'-.-'.-.-{-'--.. '.----!'.------- ~._-,~.._----+-..- -~---- ----'..-..----.¡'-.. ..." , ....- j ---.- .---...---~--,------"_r_'--.,- ._._-,-,- -,., .-.. .,uT--·· .. ·,·-·f-..·,·---·--'-·--"--··...J---..··--¡·,-'----~- ,- .......... .... . m ·.·l·~:~=--::--l=:·~i==:=~:+=-- .. .. ::i·<~:2f:]~~1~=~:-::~]1¡>~~~î~~~:~m~.~- - ..; ;:.- +-··-T----·-··-m---t------ .... ¡ '. ¡.-::=·;r-~~--~¿_>-::~~l=~i~+:m!:~.::: _ --- = Stuarts 160830 Data.xls Page 1 of 1 ~ i10/21/2002 11:00 e 6613258481 u e STUARTS'PETROLEUM PAGE 05/05 ~NL DISPENSERS SLOG 0 0 D D REC11nER ~ ~ ~ 8 JNDMOUAL ANODE CABLE LfJJJS ()feCorrpro Compan.ies Incorporated "841 E. SUl1JI A~ ~ FE &PR/N/X CA lanD ~ (54') 1142-81164 ç- (Sa) .40t-a34 - M.S. - C,S, GIt R.G. lIIII1 10 1 '02 - PLAN SITE NOT TO SCALE LEGEND . OW ANODE (SINGLE) 8 J ANODE GROUND8ED I:;¡jI RECTlF1ER STUARTS PETOLEl1Jl WHITE LANE MOBIL BAKERSFIELD, CA CATDDIC PROTEC'l10N INSTALLATION fiGURE 1 Hm 1 OF' 1 IIiiIIt N. T.S - 160830 IU1 ~ent B~: CPS-CORRPRO I¡', . 0'1 ,e 562 942 2834; Nov-17-03 8:07AM; -- Page 1 11841 East Smith Ave, Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 Tel: (562) 942-8964 Fax: (562) 942~2834 www.corrpro.com 111- . CORRPRO .. COMPANIES INC November 14, 2003 Stuart's Petroleum 11 East 411\ Street Bakersfield, CA 93307 Fax: 661 3ZS 8481 Attention: Mr, Don Dozah Subject: CATHODIC PROTECTION ~UPDA n:: MOBIL GAS STATION - WIIrrE L~}t, BAKERSFIELD, CA BACKGROUND , ' On October 10,2002 Corrpro Companies Inc. ~led nine impressed current anodes in three semi- deep holes for cathodic protection of the undergrpund tanks. The anodes were spJiced into the existing cables. Fo1Jowing the ùistanation the systezriwas tested. Testirig consisted of: . . 1. Confirming that all stn1ctures thatrequÏ1t protection are electrically continuous. 2. Measuring static or ~ive structure-to-re£erence potentials. 3. Measuring potentials with the system :operating (ON) and «IR drop» free potentials (instant OFF), Electrical continuity has been CÓnfirmed for aU strubres that require :protection. The steel tanks and pipiflg were left cathodically prOtected as per NACE:International criterion for cathodic protection, PRESENT STATUS It has come to our· attention ~ construction is being completed ori the dispensers and di$penser piping, It is unknown wbat ùupact this constructi~ bas had on the ~odic protection of the tanks and piping. It is highly recommended tba1 the cathQdíc protection be rechecked to ensure protoctìon is maintained on the piping and.tank!¡ after aU construction is completed. The cost to complete this survey is $650.00 . . If you have any questions please contact the undersigned, 4" . f .-:::.. ~o '1y,.' ,ø' ..-(./ þ y Galisky, P .E. NACE CP SPECILÁIST #6192. At1aehed: Field ÐøJa"()ct 200Z Page 1 of 1 ConlTaoton; LioenH tc10-455164, A.764$7~ . Sent BV: CPS-CORRPRO ç:... e 562 942 2834; Nov-17-03 8:07AM; e Page 2/4 Structure-to-Reference Potentials I""'-~ORRPRO CUENT NAMe Stuart'. Petroleum: .t...I...COMPANIES INC ,PROJECT Mobil Servlci 8tatl~n. White Lane fr:". E'WY ç.".,., ø1 ~ ~ DESCRIPTION Cathodic Protectiori Installation DA TE1:0/1 0/02 COLLECTED BY M, Fryling JOB # 160830 11841 EASt Smith Road San~ Fe Springs, CA 80870 Phone: (SB~ "2~B" F.~ (562) 842-2134 Location POTENTIAL (-my> VI. Cu.cuS04 Ref. FIXed Cen Remarks 8T ATlC ON OFF ON ., ,,'. Dleset Tanit 2435 Fixed o~lIlooation used for ......." Fill , 387 2437 881 continuity testing. Center 362 23-«1 876 -- r--". '0 - ~.... '-., End 392 2340 881 -, , ' ..... 0 -, ,,'- . ".~ - -- Super Unlead 2436 Fill 396 2411 887 '.', ' - .-..,..... Center 396 2421 873 - ."....,.....--- 0 End 402 2458 880 -.. .~, ~ -" PIU$ Ulllead ; 2436 " '." ., Fill 396 2403 : 817 ." Center 401 2381 866 .. .~ End 401 22396 869 ." -"-. . ~ -,'" .u - Regular Un~!ad ,-, 2436 " Fill 4C2 2422 891 -" " ",,- Center 398 2408 800 ........., ., " End 391 2399 SSg 1-----"," ........, ~"-,. 1----'''' .' " .~. rY~nts 321 2246 857 2436 : " .... .. .........._... 1---.,,, ~, 'M ~,... ~n!ll8... No keY$ available for the -- 1-2 2135 849 2436 dispensers to get 8C~~.S to 'M' ,.... ...... 3 2141 ., ,,-~¡ 861 2435 . pipmg" Readings taken at ...,_.. 4-5 2033 837 2i435 hoses. .....,'^,~ - " ~.,,- 6-7 2098 B-11 2436 .....'.. ',,,,,- 8 2108 837 2435 '., .. "',- 9-10 2011 831 2437 .' "- ...", .....,,," .- : ",,,.".MM'.' Natural G... Une .. ". ",-- ,.... ",-.. '--.,"'- Line Side Meter _414 872 457 ..."....~ .-.....,,-.. --~,,- Building Side M!!er 192 191 , 192 , ,_...., ..-,... --- -'''.. ........"...... .. ~~- ......... - -. " '--. .~.,.... ...-.-....,.."......" ,'- ---",....... ..... .....,.. -..~ .."~._- _",wn.\U'_',\ ".... .-- Page 1 of.1 Sent ~: CPS-CORRPRO ~ e 562 942 2834; Nov-17-03 8:08AM; e Page 3/4 Stuart's Petroleum , Mobîl Service Station - White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Cumulative Rectifier Groundbed Data 2002 Name ft1 , Location 4800 White Lane, 8akersfleld.¡CA Manufacturer Guardian Model Glassa 48~ 12-8-B Serial Number 82651 lAc Input 120 V 9.6 A DC Output 48 V - 12 À : Target Current Range 1.5-2,0 A '. , . . Groundbed Data 3 semi deep anode beds. Ea~ bad contains threø 2" x 60" graphite anodes. 7 old anodes ere stili tied into t~e circuit. Tap Settir)g Voltage C~rrent Cfrcldt Date Status Resistance Remarks (Volts) (~P8teS) (Ohm$:) 10/10/02 AF 0-3 50.0 13.0 16,67 : Rectifier mét$f$ t 'M AL A ~, 7,00 1.50 4.ð7 Actual readings -. " ·t., ... .,..~. .... ..~ . ~"" .- ~ ~,.,. ~. .. ,...,. .. ..- ~- ........ ". .. ", " -' , ,."...- .,..,........~. n., -" . ." ~. 1--.. - ... "0 -,. -...., -. ~ ". ... . ......... ......, ... --'~ .......- -- v__ .v ''''--''. - ... , ... ... ." _.- .... '" -. .....-..",. -."... '" ......... . .. .. ..~ .,- ~ ~." .. ..... "- ....- -. ... .. ....,., .,.J.....,.~. 1--. ,....... - -" .. f----.. '.. . ..,,, ....,......- Stuart's 160BJO Data P8Qe 1 or , Sent ~: CPS-CORRPRO ~- " - 562 942 2834; NOV-17-, 8 :08AM; :SEND CONFIRMATION REPORT for ·CPS-COAHPRO '·562 942 2834 :Nov.'4·03 10:51AM Page 4/4 HP laserJet 3100 Printer/Fax/Copier/Scanner JOb Start Tlme Usage Phone Number or 10 Typø Pages Mode Status 778 11/14 10:50AM 1 '02" 6613258461 Send..)......,.. 31 3 EC144 Completed"", ..., "., ."" """'"",.,.""", Total 1 '02" Pages Sent: 3 Pages Printed: 0 ;;W1......-._h-....~~ Tot (Ntj."" . ~._.- ~'WØJ&"': m· ' ·.toRRPRO . cò...."..'U tHC ~ 14, 2i»1 $QIm'1....... 11_4*s...¡ -'~W07 Fa, 'f1 US 11411 ÑIIIiIIióa: ~:ÞM~ : ¡ JuIJjoŒ o._~.umua i . *-CW~-_w..~CA ~ '. Oa~ 10, JOG'.! c-p..~_....... ........___'*ìkIoi...... .., IoaIoo ... ..... ........... .,.. ~ ¡".. .'..-... I IIboI ...., Ø>e aiJliqlllblcs,J' IIowIIa..~Ibe.,...-..... ,....-.Jostd4é . I, c..Ibo6!ot- ..ia-..............,--... . ~ --.-.......~~, . 1, ~~..__~ (ÐIi)_""dNp"iItI-:iOIJoI¡ ...... ~"''''''_1IIr d~...........-. ~ ........_ """a_W....-y........ ,.,NAca~~__poooct!aL ~STAtuI ; , II -_Ioq¡,__-.--. iI"'~ DIÍ"~_~ PI,*" 1\11.............,.... ____ ~ '" *oiIIIadIr.-.. <I_1Mb ..,¡...... k IlIdibtr ...........1hII. cdc dIo ~1Io ~ 10 _,..IOOIIœ II IRIioIIirIod .. !lie pIpIIIc ..hl..ft. oÐ ........... 1t.....,lJolod. 'Do _ tø ....,_ ~ *"'-7;' $IS~,I» . ~;;;·/7-_#n~.. ¡ ~é MAœ a' SPIICIµJS'I" 1lli1f'J - -.....- ~u....~ .....A.:Naft . i ... ; Ii!1 . I:J r-'I cO 3' I. o Postal ServiceTM CGRTIFIED MAILM RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) o 0" . . , . ., , . r í OFFICIAL USE I Postage $ Cenlfled Fee Return Reclept Fee Postmark (Endorsement Required) Here Restricted Delivery Fee (Endotsem ( Ll1 J:Q IT' IT' .::r- CI CI CI CI Lfl r-'I T TotaIPos ABDUL AZIZ ~ 0 FASTBREAK ~ ~£APï 4800 WHITE LANE or PO Box BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 ëitÿ:'štãië;~___ -- ---~______~~~~_ _~_ -~~~-~-~~~~o~~~_-='" ,..-. . . :.. ." ..:. . Certified Mail Provides: · A mailing receipt (8SJ8A8tJ) ¡¡DO<: 9unr '~8€ WJo.: Sd · A unique identifier for your mail piece · A record of'delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years Important RemInders: 'I. · Certified Mail may ONLY be combined with First-Class Mail({ ) or Prlorífý Mail({ ). · Certified Mail is not available for any class of international mail. · NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with Certified Mail. For valuables, please consider Insured or Registered Mail. · For an additional fee, a Return Receipt may be requested to provide proof of delivery. To obtain Retum Receipt service, prease complete and attach a Return Receipt (PS Form 3811) to the article and add applicable postage to cover the fee. Endorse mailplece "Return Receipt Requested". To receive a fee waiver for a duplicate return receipt, a USPSe postmark on your Certified Mail receipt is required. · For an additional fee, delivery may be restricted to the addressee or addressee's authorized ag?nt. Advise the clerk or mark the mailpiece with the endorsement "RestrictedTJelivery". · If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is desired, please present the arti- cle at the post office for postmarking. If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is not needed, detach and affix label with postage and mail. IMPORTANT: Save this receipt and present it when making an inquiry. Internet access to delivery information is not available on mail addressed to APOs and FPOs. FIRE CHIEF KCN FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX'(661) 395-1349 SUPf'RESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SERVICES' ENVIRONMENTAl SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-{)576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Avè. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3696 FAX (661) 326-{)576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-{)576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 - - October 15,2003 CERTIFIED MAIL Mr. Abdul Aziz Fastbreak 4800 White Lane Bakersfield, CA 93309 REMINDER NOTICE Re: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirements December 31,2003 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner/Operator: A review of our files, indicate that you have not completed the retrofit of your underground storage tank system, Current code requires that you install under dispenser containment pans prior to December 31,2003. Further file review, indicates that you have been receiving Reminder Notices since April of 2002. With time growing short (2,5 months) this office is very concerned that insufficient time is left for you to hire a licensed contractor and complete the necessary retrofit. Currently, contractors are scheduling 8-10 weeks out. I strongly urge you to complete the repairs as soon as possible. Failure to comply with the state requirement could result in revocation of your permit to operate your underground storage tank system, If I can be of any further assistance, please feel free to contact me at 661-326-3190. SincereJ,y1 yours, jt:dk Steve Underwood Fire Inspector/Environmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/db "".7~ bfe Wcv/'l/n~ ~OP ,/I6OPe .o/~ ./'6 W~'" OCT-14-03 TUE NA1VŒQP"P3$ÏJNG COMPANY122~(( r l0c- C,O~ctQR~,UCENSB#__ LQ1,~~ "I' N~,&f@~NUMBEROPCONTACTPBRSO~¿ " ,1.1ATS ~ m"œ TB$T IS TO BE CONDUCTfID.).? -tl·-..o~.. ~ "'~:f , , 1< i " " , I ¡.. ,.:; 'J~:..f.: ~~~ '~M'¡ 1(;' .(., . '..; ~ .. I'· '.' I"" . . "I t :". ¡ "', ' '.......;.-' _:31 B _ S . S _ R __1: N C - P.02 FROM OC'r 25 2002 S~:;JS . .r 1', . ..). 1661J852-2172 ~ ,po Ç',^,~l ~ tr? BKSF~D FIRE PREVENTIOM ". . . , I ' , .. ¡ j' " . II., CITY OF BAKEr~:FŒtD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1115 Chester Ave" Bakersfield, CA (661) 326·3979 . , , . , " . " APPLICATION TO PERFORl\f : }.1~EL MONITORING CERTIFICA'lION FACImY ~~ . , . · . ,ADPRESs~JDQ ~~-[~, ~;~,~ ~l=~. L - ~ OPBaA1;ORS N~ ,_" , ;¡::;: OWNaRSN~~.. , , . NAME OF MONlTO~ MANUF~CTORE DOES FAQUTY HA VB DISPENSBl\ PANS? YSS_ 1.1 I:,. v .............. h. \JI ,: TANK' "'r" . ~ .. J T r ,f'll 'ir= : :.' ,2" ~;" :f ~:~ :', VOLutvIB -illþ)90 -- ..--3 P J ÔQ'C.~-.__ , ) 01 QO\J" --LO¡ 000 ~.....! lit .. T ..~.............-. po:¡ r .I -- --'-- ~ r~1 . L . _. STcféf..5-~~-r7 . 'V ~ : . ~ '. . " . .. ¿ ct.~»o " , . AP.fROVBD BY -l0iL\-i)~ _ DA1"B OF APPUCANT ... : - ~. : . . j~ . HIS SECTION o Agent o Addressee B. Received by ( Printed Name) Date of Delivery . - 0..-03 D. Is delivery address different from item 1? Yes if YES, enter delivery address below: 0 No ~ · Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired, · Print your na'Fte and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. .Article Addressed to: í FASTBREAK 4800 WHITE LANE BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 ... ..... .u.._=~_) 3. Service Type )¡r Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C,O.D. 4, Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes '""---~-----<'---------"-"--~~-- 2, Article Number (Transfer from service label) PS.Form 3811, August 2001 7002 3150 0004 9985 4261 Domestic Return Receipt 2ACPRH)3-Z-0985 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE I First-Class Mail Postage & Fees Paid USPS Permit No. G-10 ;¡; · Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box · Bakersfield Fire Department Prevention Services 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 iU ""ilwH I Hit!" ¡Jj,~ ;11111 I I "II ill II 'I ,iI,I,I, fI 11,1 U,S. Postal ServiceTM CERTIFIED MAILM RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) , ,. , . , , ., , , " I OFFICIAL USE I PosÍage $ . Certified Fee Postmark Return Reclept Fee Here (Endorsement Required) Restrtcted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total PastasI' II> r=I ..II ru .:r LIl cQ IT" IT" .:r t:J t:J t:J t:J LIl r=I ", ru t:J t:J "SfrëëtAjjtNë f'- or PO Box No, ëitÿ,-štãiè,"Zii To . II : .......-_'---=-_ FASTBREAK 4800 WHITE LANE BAKERSFŒLD CA 93309 ~ ~ Certified Mail Provides: · A mailing receipt · A unique Identifier for your mailpiece . · A record of delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years Important RemInders: ' · Certified Mail may ONLY be combined with First-Class -Mail@ or Priority Mail@. · Certified Mail is not available for any class of intemational mail. \ · NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with Certified - Mail. For valuables, please consider Insured or Registered Mail. . · For an additional feel a Retum Receipt may be requested to provick! proof of delivery. To obtain Relum Receipt service, please complete and attach a Retum Receipt (PS Form 3811l to the article and add applicable postage to cover the fee. Endorse mailpiece Retum Receipt Requested". To receive a fee waiver for a duplicate retum receipt, a USPSe postmark on your Certified Mail receipt is required, · For an additional fee, delivery may be restricted to the addressee or addressee's authorized aILent. Advise the clerk or mark the mailpiece with the endorsement "RestrictedDeliveryu. · If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is desired. please present the arti- cle at the post office for postmarking, If a postmark on the Certified Mall receipt Is not needed, detach and affix label with postage and mail. IMPORTANT: Save this receipt and rresent it when making an inquiry. Internet access to delivery informa ion is not available on mail addressed to APOs and FPOs. (8SJ8A8/:J) ë:OOë: aunr 'oose WJO:l Sd FIRE '-HIEF ?C;-'i :=q~ZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "W Slreel Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Slreel Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661).326-3941 FAX (661) 3,95-1349 PRIfvENTIOtt SERVICES FIRE SAFETY, SERVICES' ENŸ1RONMENTAl SERVICES . 1715 Chesler Ave, ~akersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chesler Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chesler Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 -. . September 8, 2003 CERTIFIED MAIL Fastbreak 4800 White Lane Bakersfield, CA 93309 REMINDER NOTICE Re: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirements December 31,2003 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner/Operator: A review of our files indicate that you have been receiving quarterly reminders from April of 2002 to December 2002. Our files further show that since January of this year you have been receiving monthly reminders. The purpose of this letter is to remind you of the necessary retrofit of your fueling system. Current code requires that you install under dispenser containment pans prior to December 31. 2003. You will not be allowed to pump fuel after December 31,2003 unless you have completed the upgrade requirements. Contractors are already scheduling 8-10 weeks in advance. I urge you to retrofit your facility as soon as possible, Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661-326-3190, Sincere, ¥Ý~Yo~urs" , *' , , , . ,: I - . ; Steve Underwood Fire Inspector/Environmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/db (,(,.%VÚlp de ?J::wl/nu~ .~ð vØ6o/l'e .o/~ .A W~.... _ =i:C ~ Ill:C :.tl.J¡~I:J. ~,::a,: I ,....'f =l.., LeJ.~ lCor·~¡:ar.u.....-r:f[fi'[.NL.].~.·J::!.J'1~'!· · Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired, · Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you, · Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. 1, Article Addressed to: r FASTBREAK 4800 WHITE LANE BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 o Agent o Addressee I.c.' D.a. t.e. O. f.. Delive~ 1"1 -/DrQ 3 D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: 0 No "\ 3. Service Type Xl Certified Mail o Registered o Insùred Mail o Express Mail o Return Receipt for Merchandise o C,O.D. "=-- ------ "=-----=-~__~__'"____ ß 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 2, Article Number (Transfer from service label) PS Form 3811, August 2001 7002 3150 0004 9985 3332 DYes 102595-02-M-1540 Domestic Return Receipt UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE First-Class Mail Postage & Fees Paid USPS Permit No, G-10 · Sender: Please print your name, ,address, and ZIP+4 in this box · ?f^- Bakersfield Fire Department Prevention Servic~s 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 \~ ",',111"1111',"111111",','"1'1'111""1111,1'1.,,',",11' :::r t:I t:I t:I CJ LI1 r-'I rn ru CI CJ £'- I. . ·OS a .-, "TM CERTIFIED MAILM RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) , " , , , " , , I OFFICIAL USE I praoe $ Certified Fee r Postmark Return ReçIept Fee Here (Endorsement ~equlred) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees $ ru rn ITI ITI LI1 c:Q IT' IT' Certified Mail Provides: · A mailing receipt (eSJeAe/:J) ë:oo¡: eunr '008£ WJO;: Sd · A unique identifier for your mailpiece · A record of delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years Important RemInders: · Certified Mail may ONLY be combined with First·Class Mail@ or Priority Mail@. · Certified Mall is not available for any class of international mail, · NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with ~Certified Mail. For valuables, please consider Insured or Registered Mail. "', · For an additional fee, a Return Receipt may be requested to brovide proof of delivery. To obtain Retum Receipt service, pfease complete aná attach a Retum Receipt (PS Form 3811) to the article and add applicable'P~tage to cover the fee. Endorse mailpiece "Retum Receipt Requested". To receive a fee waiver for a duplicate return receipt, a USPSe postmark on your Certified Mail receipt is required, · For an additional fee, delivery may be restricted to the addressee or addressee's authorized a~ent. Advise the clerk or mark the mailpiece with the endorsement uRestrictedDeliveryu. · If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt Is desired, please present the arti- cle at the post office for postmarking. If a ,postmark on the Certified Mall receipt is not needed, detach and affix label with postage and mail. IMPORTANT: Save this receipt and present it when making an inquiry. Internet access to delivery information is not available on mail addressed to APOs and FPOs. FIRE CHIEF RÙ~I ;:RAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Streel Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (6~1) 326-3941 FAX (6~) 395-1349 PREVE4T10N SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 -. , July 8, 2003 CERTIFIED MAIL Fastbreak 4800 White Lane Bakersfield, CA 93309 REMINDER NOTICE Re: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirements December 31,2003 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner/Operator: A review of our files indicate that you have been receiving quarterly reminders from April of 2002 to December 2002. Our files further show that since January of this year you have been receiving monthly reminders, The purpose of this letter is to remind you of the necessary retrofit of your fueling system. Current code requires that you install under dispenser containment pans prior to December 31. 2003, You will not be allowed to pump fuel after December 31,2003 unless you have completed the upgrade requirements, Contractors are already scheduling 8-10 weeks in advance. I urge you to retrofit your facility as soon as possible, Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (661) 326-3190, Sincerely, Ralph Huey Director of rrbn.Pre' . ntion S;rvices ~~ By: Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SU:db ~~Y'~ ~ ~&/~ ~ '~0P6 y~ .A W~" FiRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 e - June 5,2003 Fastbreak 4800 White Lane Bakersfield Ca 93309 REMINDER NOTICE RE: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirements December 31, 2003 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: A review of our files indicate that you have been receiving quarterly reminder notices since April of 2002. Effective January 2003, you can expect them monthly. The purpose of this letter is to remind you of the necessary retrofit of your fueling system, Current code requires that you install dispenser pans prior to December 31,2003. You will not be allowed to remain open after December 31,2003 unless you have completed the upgrade requirement. Contractors are already scheduling work 6-8 weeks out. I urge you to start planning to retrofit your facility as soon as possible, Sincerely, ~.dû£J Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Services Office of Environmental Services SBU/rs -"Y~ de W~ ~ V#;~ y~ .Æ ~~" FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIIIE SAFETY SERVICES' EIMRO/IIlEHTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Avè, Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX(661)326~76 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 e e March 5, 2003 Fastbreak 4800 White Lane Bakersfield CA 93309 REMINDER NOTICE RE: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirements December 31, 2003 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: A Review of our files indicate that you have been receiving quarterly reminder notices since April of 2002, Effective January 2003, you can expect them monthly, The purpose of this letter is to remind you of the necessary retrofit of your fueling system, Current code requires that you install dispenser pans prior to December 31,2003, You will not be allowed to remain open after December 31, 2003 unless you have completed the upgrade requirement. Contractors are already scheduling work 6-8 weeks out. I urge you to start planning to retrofit your facility as soon as possible. Sincerely, ~~ Steve Underwood Fire InspectorlEnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc ~~.9'~ de Wonzmu~ .%r. ~/~0P6 .9T~ A W~?" FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SERVICES' ENWIOHIlEHTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Avè, Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 -' . e February 3, 2003 Fastbreak 4800 White Lane Bakersfield CA 93309 REMINDER NOTICE RE: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirements December 31,2003 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: A Review of our files indicate that you have been receiving quarterly J! reminder notices since April of 2002, Effective January 2003, you can expect them monthly. The purpose of this letter is to remind you of the necessary retrofit of your fueling system, Cucrent code requires that you install dispenser pans prior to December 31,2003, You will not be allowed to remain open after December 31,2003 unless you have completed the upgrade requirement. Contractors are already scheduling work 6-8 weeks out. I urge you to start planning to retrofit your facility as soon as possible. Sincerely, Jz.~ Steve Underwood Fire Inspector/Environmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc ~~y~ de?5~ ~.A0Pe.r~ .A ?5~'I'I ---. P 024 368 612 ~ Receipt for Certified Mail TM No Insurance Coverage Provided ¡;¡¡ Do not tlse-for lúternational Mail (See Reverse) - Ø) Ø) - S'ö~ DOZAH Stn a~ N% TH STREET p:8~fflfm CA 93307 Postaga $ .32 Cartifiad Faa 1.10 Special Delivery Fee' Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing 1.10 to Whom & Date Delivered Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, and Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage $ 2.52 & Fees Postmark or Date CD c: ~ ., Ò o CD cw:I E .. o LI. (/) D. STICK POSTAGE STAMPS TO ARTICLE TO COVER FIRST ClASS POSTAGE. CERTIFIED MAil FEE. AND CHARGES FOR ANY SELECTED OPTIONAL SERVICES 1_ froRt), 1. If you want this receipt postmarked. stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address leaving the receipt attach1ld and present the article at a post office service window or hand it to your rural carrier (no extra charge , -¡ ~ ~ d! " 2. If you do not want this receipt postmarked, slick the gummed stub to the right J1'1he return address of the article, data. detach and retain the receipt, and meil the articla. ... Ø) Ø) 3. If you want a return receipt, write tha certified mail number and your name and eddress on a return receipt card. Form 3811, and attach it to the front of the article by means of Wié gummed ends if space permits. Otherwise, affix to back of article. Endor1e front of artitIe RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED adjecent to the number. ,0) c =' "") Ò o CD CW) E Õ ~ (I) Q,. 4. If you want delivery restñcted to the eddressee. or to an authorized agent of the addressee, endorse RESTRICTED DELIVERY on the front of the article, 5. Entar fees for the services requested in the appropriate spacas on tha front of this receipt. If ratum raceipt is requested. check the applicable blocks in item 1 of Form 3811. 6, Save this receipt and present it if you make inquiry. 1 02595-93-Z-04 7B }. ~ FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 oW Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENT10N SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 E~RONMENTALS~CES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DMSION 5642 Victor Ave, ' Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (805) 399-4697 FAX(805)3~5763 . e .~ -'. rfi July 21, 1999 Don Dozah Stuarts Petroleum 11 East 4th Street Bakersfield, CA 93307 CERTIFIED MAIL Re: Failure to Perform Cathodic Protection Testing at Fastbreak Deli Mart, 4800 White Lane NOTICE OF VIOLATION & SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE Dear Mr. Dozah: Our records indicate that you were contacted by this office on June 8, 1999, and were advised that your 6 month "Cathodic Protection Systems Test" was past due. Section 2635(a)(2) of Title 23, Division 3, Chapter 16, of the California Code of Regulations reads as follows: "field-installed of cathodic protection systems shall be designed and certified as adequate by a corrosion specialist. The cathodic protection system shall be tested by a cathodic protection tester within six months of installation and at least every three years thereafter." By this letter, you are hereby notified that on August 2,1999, your penn it to operate will be revoked, unless the above mentioned testing and documentation is received by this office. We have extended you every courtesy with regard to prior notification of needed compliance, and given more than sufficient time to submit verification, Should you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact me at 326- 3979. Sincerely, Ralph E, Huey, Director Office of Environmental Services b:t~ Steve Underwood, Inspector Office of Environmental Services SBU/dm ¡,¡,y~ de W~ .¥tye .A0Pe §"~ A W~?" " ;ç (. RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location: () e .5 Business Name: ,,${tJ rt'.s ßJI'I)I,u~ Contad Name:_Oð '" t)t\ ~d ~ Business Phone: ,~S'. t,3~O Inspector's Name: ~ ft tJe-- Time of Call: Date: f.A'" ~ "'11 Time: IO\JO """"- # Min: S- ID# FAX: Type of Call: Incoming [ ] Outgoing ~] Returned [ ] Content of Call: I 1'1 .ítfl\\tJ be V\ ~ y~-kk 11 f fÀ.!JI'rtufl l/ttJtJ ~ r 'IN) . ~t't {t .(,rllilDI'\ ' ~'J ilL J ()fAt I ~ ~ /,(J( 'l , f .. ~tLM,,),~ p'tJ4"I,tJØ'\ w~,4L J...t~L ,,; dvi.- .f)t\'^- ~t1,t"f I,t wfJu/1 Actions Required: 'J.ItðNL (11 ,~ N1YJ.. 1),1'~/fif1tt.J -fÁ~ "¡"4~ WI d :Jt'JtJ. '1 (,_~1A11 }/~I:l.v Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENT10N SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3951 FAX(805)32~576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 32~576 TRAINING DMSION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 . .. February 9, 1999 F astbreak 4800 White Lane Bakersfield, CA 93309 RE: Compliance Inspection Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: The city will start compliance inspections on all fueling stations within the city limits. This inspection will include business plans, underground storage tanks and monitoring systems, and hazardous materials inspection, To assist you in preparing for this inspection, this office is enclosing a checklist for your convenience. Please take time to read this list, and verify that your facility has met all the necessary requirements to be in compliance, Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 805-326-3979. SZ'&4v Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector Office of Environmental Services SBU/dm enclosure ""Y~ de ~ev.llH~ S7eve ..A~ .r~ A W~~'I'I Official Business ,·I~~·· ",,.;I- -. -'_"<~ PEN'ACTY FQRcPR'IVATE USE Ttr'ÄVÙID PAYMENT ~OSTrlßEo~O---· ~: - U.S. MAIL Print your name, address and ZIP Code here . BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 . ""111.11 I' .11.1111 11IItI,I.I,"1 .1" .1111,1111 11111.1,11'111 e ..... ~ .DER: 'iij' ,plete items 1 and/or 2 for additional services, CD plete items 3, and 4a & b. !!! . Print your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can CD return this card to you, . ~ . Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space .. does not permit, 1 . Write "Return Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the article numbeL ... . The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date delivered. 3. Article Addressed to: I also wish to receive the following services Ifor an extra fee): 1. 0 Addressee's Address CII U 'S: .. CD en c o "C CD ... CII ã. E o u en en w a: o o RE: <t ~ 5. Signature (Addressee) :;) I- a:'~. .. :s o >p !!l. 4a. 2. 0 Restricted Delivery Consult postmaster for fee. Article Number P 024 368 612 ... c. ëii u CII a: c .. :s ... CD a: DON DOZAH STUARTS PETROLEUM 11 EAST 4TH STREET BAKERSFIELD CA 93307 4800 WHITE LANE 4b. Service Type o Registered ~ Certified o Express Mail o Insured o COD o Return Receipt for Merchandise 7. Date of Delive'X J U L 2 J 1935 ~ 8. Addressee's Address (Only if requested ~ and fee is paid) 16 .r:. I- CI C "iij :s .. o ~ *u.s. GPO: 1993-352-714 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT _"::,,"~,';iÇ,"'~' .' ~"J?"?';~ .' ,~....) '. ,c: _~:;,;~~i¡;~E~~~i~~:~l.:~~,. .J ~",j~ .1Ji . ¿if ; \.. ,;\ -. /) . . -{P' . ":- , . I \ .... ~-." / ~ ','!YI;, ,. . .- -"- #i'~""! ~~ -- ---,j ,... ... r " .:1" . Î ... :;; CITY OF BAKERSFIÈLD r ; APPLICATION TO PERFORM A TANK TIGHTNESS TEST : I ~4/ 4~~ ADDRE~S -4 g-IJ () LA J4' r<J.-7 ~ /1/1. Q ~ PERMIT TO OPERATE # OPERATORS NAME_ OWNERS NAME NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED .1/ TANK # VOLUME I /3. !< ,..:) /:LA: , ~ J :Lfr: ~ Jri/~ ( . ! I "" F ACD..ITY &~d/ 9~~~Q; " IS PIPING GOING ~O BE TESTED . {f ðAJ ; CONTENTS :;2;~:~~ . 'À-<J;-y: //~£L ¡J~-ð-ll ~ ;1· ,¡ , . , ~{ TAJo,1<TESTINGCOMPANY ~~"f"Á-.-(-L ~~ -y~, MAILING ADDRESS / S ø' 7 éJ #t.J E- . ~ S'~ 1//.$ ~ /; jf)... LA-., ?ð dl.7r.: NAME & PHONE NUMBER OF CONTACT PERSON 0./ /f;U LJ A: -5"m;~ (;.t~ 7-')L;;: TEST METHOD I:t ,5 , !;¿sf (I A-pt.J)2) / $///~ ' . , , , I .. NAMEOFTESTER &8 ~/7?Y .. CERTIFICATION,# '11- /¥..5 / DATE & TIME TÉST IS TO BE CONDUCTED"I/---- ~ - 7% ; / Aßl;-;:; ,.~ ' ~~ //-~:,:9ff y~rAP~=~.·· ., . . e . INVOICE #BG000435 TEST DATE: 11/30/98 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS PO BOX 3710 VISALIA, CA 93292 209-747-5220 TANK STATUS EVALUATION REPORT ----------------------------- ***** CUSTOMER DATA ***** ***** SITE DATA ***** I,C,E,SERVICE P,O, BOX 20370 MOBILE STATION BAKERSFIELD,CA, 93390-037 4800 WHITE LANE RD, BAKERSFIELD,CA, 93390 CONTACT: GEORGE PHONE #: 805-589-9039 CONTACT: PHONE #: ***** COMMENT LINES ***** CURRENT EPA STANDARDS DICTATE THAT FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RATE OVER THE PERIOD OF ONE HOUR IS ,05 GALLONS, TANK #1: REG UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL RATE: ,013755 G,P,H, LOSS TANK IS TIGHT, TANK #2: PLUS UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL RATE: ,005508 G,P,H, LOSS TANK IS TIGHT, TANK #3: SUPER UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL RATE: ,021068 G,P,H, LOSS TANK IS TIGHT, TANK #4: DIESEL FUEL 2 TYPE: STEEL RATE: ,007027 G,P,H, LOSS TANK IS TIGHT, Iì')''': íJ ~f'~; r¡"S'~"~ ~;~~~;' í.0 0~1.~ ~ tJ till OPERATOR: ~~(0 t;:~nol'(}J~ SIGNATURE: 'J<.ßL~ H Il "-Þ'/ DATE: 1/-'11. ~~~Ai~___ Jr~~~j(- -------------------- TANK DIAMETER (IN) LENGTH ( FT) VOLUME (GAL) TYPE FUEL LEVEL ( IN) FUEL TYPE dVOL/dy (GAL/IN) CALIBRATION ROD 1 2 3 4 5 e ******* TANK NO, 1 96 31,91 12000 ST REG UNLD 133,79 DISTANCE 10,65625 26,95313 41,93750 56,93750 74,93750 e TANK DATA ******** 74 TANK NO, TANK NO, TANK NO, 2 3 4 96 96 96 31,91 31,91 31. 91 12000 12000 12000 ST ST ST 75 75 66 PLS UNLD SUP UNLD DIESEL 2 131,59 131,59 147,54 e e ******* C U S TOM E R D A T A ******** JOB NUMBER CUSTOMER (COMPANY NAME) CUSTOMER CONTACT (LAST, FIRST): ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX 000435 I,C,E,SERVICE GEORGE P,O, BOX 20370 BAKERSFIELD,CA, 93390-037 805-589-9039 ******* COM MEN T L I N E S ******* ******* SIT E D A T A ******** SITE NAME (COMPANY NAME) MOBILE STATION SITE CONTACT (LAST, FIRST) ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS - LINE 2 4800 WHITE LANE RD, CITY, STATE BAKERSFIELD,CA, ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) 93390 PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX GROUND WATER LEVEL (FT) 0 NUMBER OF TANKS 4 LENGTH OF PRE-TEST (MIN) 30 LENGTH OF TEST (MIN) 180 ~ 10 u; W ::I: Ü Z or- o o ..;, ...I ~ .....J Z w -5 l') z -< ::I: ü -10 15 e e tAH~ 1 START TI"E:8B:53:28:88 Cr: EA]( RATE: -15 o BG88Ð435.TST.1 CURRENT rl"£:18:53:28:88 V .J . "'-'" .¡ ,/ ..- - ~ OM, 5 -.88831 -.88252 .81375 GPH LOSS PTA, VERSION 1.28 30 60 TIME (MINUTES) 90 120 11/38/98 ~ 10 tr1 W I Ü Z -r- o o r ~ ...J ~ ...J Z w -5 e" z -< I C) -10 15 e e TANK 2 START TI"E:88:53:28:80 CURRENT TI"E:18:53:28:88 5 o EAI( RATE: -15 o BG888435.TST.1 '.^ ..-.- , - .. ;M" - > ~{ "'t' u u . '...". . """" .;\ ..1. ;....... '... - -.88839 -.88181 .88551 GPH LOSS PTA. UERSION 1.28 30 80 TIME (MINUTES~ 90 120 11/38/98 Cr: .-- 10 tJ) W J: Ü Z ~ o o , '-' ...J ~ ...J Z w -5 ø z ~ C) -10 e e Cr: 15 tANK 3 START TIHE:0B:53:28:88 CURRENT r["E:18:53:20:88 5 a .82187 GPH LOSS '-' .', -.88865 -.88385 PTA, UERSION 1.28 -15 o BG88843S.TST,1 30 120 11/38/98 60 TI M E (M IN UTES) 90 .-- 10 tJ) w :r: Ü z - o o r ~ ...J ~ -I Z w -5 ø z -< :r: C) -10 e e Cr: 15 TANK 4 START TIME:0B:53:28:Ø8 CURRENT 11"£:18:53:20:88 5 o -.88884 -.80129 .88783 GPH LOSS PTAJ VERSION 1.28 -15 o BG888435.Tsr.1 30 60 TIME {MINUTES~ 90 120 11/38/98 e e INVOICE #BG000435 TEST DATE: 11/30/98 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS PO BOX 3710 VISALIA, CA 93292 209-747-5220 TANK STATUS REPORT -- ULLAGE TEST --------------------------------- ***** CUSTOMER DATA ***** ***** SITE DATA ***** I,C,E,SERVICE P,O, BOX 20370 MOBILE STATION BAKERSFIELD,CA, 93390-037 4800 WHITE LANE RD, BAKERSFIELD,CA, 93390 CONTACT: GEORGE PHONE #: 805-589-9039 CONTACT: PHONE #: ***** COMMENT LINES ***** CURRENT EPA STANDARDS DICTATE THAT FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RATE OVER THE PERIOD OF ONE HOUR IS ,05 GALLONS, TANK #1: REG UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL SN: ,06 TANK IS TIGHT, TANK #2: PLUS UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL SN: ,12 TANK IS TIGHT, TANK #3: SUPER UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL SN: ,00 TANK IS TIGHT, TANK #4: DIESEL FUEL 2 TYPE: STEEL SN: ,06 TANK IS TIGHT, OPERATOR: m~0> «'iJ"1(,TUI ~~g ~b\ijU u ffU U~ #~JlQl~::Jl SIGNATURE: l<.ßL "" fl ',p / DATE: 'I ¡ ,¡.; . /(;JtT~,¿(/~--- ìf-~-2¡(- -------------------- e e ******* TANK DATA ******** TANK NO, TANK NO, TANK NO, TANK NO, 1 2 3 4 TANK DIAMETER (IN) 96 96 96 96 LENGTH (FT) 31,91 31. 91 31. 91 31,91 VOLUME ( GAL) 12000 12000 12000 12000 TYPE ST ST ST ST FUEL LEVEL (IN) 74 75 75 66 FUEL TYPE REG UNLD PLS UNLD SUP UNLD DIESEL 2 dVOL/dy (GAL/IN) 133,79 131,59 131,59 147,54 CALIBRATION ROD DISTANCE 1 10,65625 2 26,95313 3 41,93750 4 56,93750 5 74,93750 e e ******* C U S TOM E R D A T A ******** JOB NUMBER CUSTOMER (COMPANY NAME) CUSTOMER CONTACT (LAST, FIRST): ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX 000435 I,C,E,SERVICE GEORGE P,O, BOX 20370 BAKERSFIELD,CA, 93390-037 . 805-589-9039 ******* COM MEN T L I N E S ******* ******* SIT E D A T A ******** SITE NAME (COMPANY NAME) MOBILE STATION SITE CONTACT (LAST, FIRST) ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS - LINE 2 4800 WHITE LANE RD, CITY, STATE BAKERSFIELD,CA, ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) 93390 PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX GROUND WATER LEVEL (FT) 0 NUMBER OF TANKS 4 LENGTH OF PRE-TEST (MIN) 30 LENGTH OF TEST (MIN) 180 3.0 ...-., o ~ t:k: ~ 2.0 o z Q I- .....J -< Z r,:, tf) ~ 1.0 o 0:- (!) g e tANH 1 8": .06 PEAK SN: 5.45 31 2 -,~'-...... "- ."........ ",,"" I~".: "Ii .Ù 50 BG888435.S0N e Cr: tINE -- 11:3B:31 FREQUENCY (HZ~ 50000 11/38/98 3,0 .-, o ~ Q::: ~ 2.0 o z Q ~ -.J -< Z " t/} ~ 1.0 o ~ '" 9 tANK Z PEAK 8M: .0 50 BG8ÐÐ435.S0N 18.6? _J 51 4 e e IIftE -- 11:48:26 Cr: .12 FREQUENCY (HZ~ 50000 11/38/98 3,0 e e Cr: tAltK 3 tIME -- 11:44:41 ........ 0 ~ ~ w 2.0 t.f.) 0 z Q I- -1 .;( Z 0 {Jì 1.0 '-' 0 8M: .88 ~ (!;) g PEAK SN: 6.83 .0 50 BG888435.S0N 50000 11/38/98 FREQUENCY (HZ~ e 3.0 tANK 4 ......... o ~ Q! ~ 2.0 o z Q f- -.J -< Z " tf} '-"' 1.0 o .,.... 8N: .86 ~ g PEAK SN: ILl? 91 8 .Ù 50 BG8BÐ435.S0N e Cr: tI"E -- 12:89:42 500 5000 FREQUENCY (HZ~ 50000 11/38/98 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS P.o. BOX 3710 VISALIA, CA. 93278-3710 . " (559) 747-5220 PIPING TIGHTNESS DETERMINATION; PL400 FORMAT TEST LOCATION: MOBILE STATION (FAST BREAK) 4800 WHITE LANE BAKERSFIELD, ~' TEST OPERATOR: ð~Æ BOBBYv G. {MíTH OTTL LlC 97-1431 e DATE: 11/30/98 REG UNLD PLS UNLD SUP UNLD DIESEL 2 TEST INITIAL FINAL VOLUME LEAK RATE LEAK RATE DURATION PRESSURE PRESSURE DISPLACED PASS FAIL 30 50 44 9 -,0214 X 30 50 39 13 -,0310 X 30 50 41 11 - ,0262 X 30 50 48 4 - ,0095 X COMMENTS: e LEAK DETECTORIS FUNCTIONING PROPERL~ , ~ . . ,. PLOT PLAN JOBSITE LOCATION N MOBILE STATION 4800 WHITE LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 E S w -- -, í/ ,NI-,/l/J () 0 ó .,.--- (') ":i. ? 9 ~ If !M~I~1 fé [¿ I f;¿. ~?I#! IV . /) 'j I{ Af (1 H j' f , )/ , I~ ~ ~1#1 7 , r ~ W 1+. T/~- t.,/JN'E TANK SIZE PRODUCT LEGEND: c #1 ... U °LI) F FILL T TURBINE #2 P¿.s TL TUABINEiWlTH LEAK DETECTOR #3 FO OVEASPILLCONTAINER ON FILL #4 - ,2. R REMOTE ( 0 VENT I #5 E EXTRAC1tOR VALVE ,. '. . i #6 M MONITO SYSTEM ! ;" #7 [ MANIFO SYSTEM MONITOR WEll , #8 MW ,- ~ I " , iLLD LINE LEAK ALAR,.,l 3:SUPER ass LJ NE FAIL DEC 1. 1998 1 :54 PM e ("JPLLD LJ NE LEAK ALAR!'1 W 3:SUPER l,JPLLD SHUTDOWN AU"1 DEC 1. 1998 1 :54 PM e WPLLD LINE LEAK ALARM WI: UNL REG GRŒ3S LINE FA I L DEC 1. 1998 2:08 PM -~PLLDLINE LEAK ALARM Wi: UNL REG WPLLD SHUTDOWN ALM DEC 1. 1998 2:08 PM WPLLD LINE LEAK ALAR!'! W 2:PLUS ~ GROSS LINE FAIL . DEC 1. 1998 2:27 PM .- WPLLD LINE LEAK ALARM W 2 : PLUS WPLLD SHUTDOWN ALM DEC 1. 1998 2:27 PM e WPLLD LINE LEAK ALARM W 4:DIESEL GROSS LI NE FA I L DEC 1. 1998 2:38 PM WPLLD LINE LEAK ALARI"l W 4 :DIESEL LJPLLD SHUTDOWN AW DEC 1. 1998 2:38 PM e FAST BREAK 4800 WHITE LN BAKERSFIELD.CA DEC h -1998 2 :-45-Pt"1 SYSTEr"1 STATUS REPORT ------ - - - _. - - ALL FUNCTIONS NORr1AL INVENTORY REPORT -- ...... -" T 1: UNLEAD REG VOLUME 8908 GALS ULLAGE 1092 GALS 90% ULLAGE: 92 GALS TC VOLUME 8904 GALS HEIGHT 79.20 INCHES WATER VOL 0 GALS WATER 0,00 INCHES TEMP 65.8 DEG F T 2 :PLUS VOLUME 8798 GALS ULLAGE ,,__ 1202 GALS 90% ULLAGE" 202 GALS TC VOWfvlE 8795 GALS HEIGHT 78.12 INCHES WATER VOL 0 GALS WATER 0,00 INCHES TEi"IP 63.9 DEG F T 3:SUPER VOLUME ULLAGE 9œ. ULLAGE= TC VOLUI1E HEIGHT WATER VOL WATER TEMP T 4:DIESEL VOWI"'E ULLAGE 90% ULLAGE= TC VOLUrvIE HEIGHT WATER VOL WATER TEf"IP 8762 GALS 1238 GALS 238 GALS 8759 GALS 77.76 IN.,': ES 18 G{ 1.02 I r _ S 64.6 DEG F 7772 GALS 2228 GALS 1228 GALS 7735 GALS 68.93 INC':'ES o GALs 0.00 INCHES 70,3 DEG F ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ END ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e ;~ .' usr FL BAK~~FIELD CITY FIRE DEPAf.ENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION INSPECTION RECORD POST CARD AT JOBSITE FACILITY FA-S'íßf2£-4.~ OWNER W/f,TE ~ $rrNt. pAct-nv'elS 4~O W~(-r-c= úJ (.<0 " ADDRESS ADDRESS CITY, ZIP CITY. ZIP PHONE NO. PERMIT # ß1: - 0,4-7- INSTRUCTIONS: Please call for an inspector only when each group of inspections with the same number are ready. They will run in consecutive order beginning with number 1. DO NOT cover work for any numbered group until all items in that group are signed off by the Permitting Authority. Following these instructions will reduce the number of required inspection visits and therefore prevent assessment of additional fees. TANKS AND BACKFILL I INSPECTION I DATE I INSPECTOR I Backfill of Tank(s) Spark Test Certification or Manufactures Method Cathodic Protection of Tank(s) V MArJGJA!yJ ~C41I"'" ç::.tt.G ~£-Tf.;,/ II !f<b/C,fs' cÞIw.""-V\~ PIPING SYSTEM Piping & Raceway w/Collection Sump ~,~~~ Corrosion Protection of Piping, Joints, Fill Pipe Electrical Isolation of Piping From Tank(s) If'Jç" f( If Cathodic Protection System-Piping SECONDARY CONTAINMENT, OVERFILL PROTECTION, LEAK DETECTION v V Uner Installation - Tank(s) Uner Installation - Piping II / ~~/c,<6 .1 /-A' .<!!........), 'r-T' / Ai Vault With Product Compatible Sealer Level Gauges or Sensors, Hoat Vent Valves Product Une Leak Detector(s) rl· (- 7 r¡ / ,'J //1 -JJJ;:' ff¡/l.· A. £] Product Compatible Fill Box(es) Leak Detector(s) for Annular Space-D.W, Tank(s) Monitoring Well(s)/Sump(s) - H20 Test Leak Detection Device(s) for Vadose/Groundwater FINAL ,. Monitoring Wells, Caps & Locks Fill Box Lock Monitoring Requirements ~(, ( 1ÚW ~ CONTRACTOR I C 65 7zc, 77>' U<;ï_ 'r=2, J \R. HOV-24-98 12:18 PM ICE S 812155899513 P.12I1 p ~ e , INDUSTRIAL CONTAMINATION EXTRACTION SERVICES, INC, ICES BUSINESS OFFICE 7~01 R06èdale Hwy" p, O. 801( 20370. Bakersfield, CA 93390-0370 Phone 805-S89·9039 Fax 805-589·9513 F' AX A FAX - F' AX -F AX*1i' AX*FAX· FAX-FAX'F AX"f AX· Ii' AX·F AX · FAX - F AX* FAX !I F AX -'AX DATE: II/cJ"'¡ /~ f TO: 'h~~..-t?-,,-pL TIME: I (): j- ð A ".., COMPANY: &27 ~t··\.~· ¡{QV-Y FAX": J~ ~ - oS" ~ ~ FROM: \.-7lLtt-...:..t.L-tj ß7·~>./ TOTAL NUMBER OF PACES INCl.UDING FAX COVER SHEET: 2/ .ß,~(,AJ~ /lJ_~vt ~f' (I f .:J 0 tv-U~ (~--.(../ MESSACE: ct.~ ~~, ~t, Rf:PLY: \'£s_ NO V" Please Notc: If you do nol receive the total nunlber ofpagcs indicated above. please call 8OS-SK9-9039. HOV-24-98 12:19 PM ICE S -, '" '¡. - " " ~ TECHN~Al SERVICES 81355899513 P.ø2 . (/':{)1, 30 ~Ij/'{(I':' lY' /);'I!~tll.'/ (ì",t 'r.'~~/",A 'l:,'!r'r"1.1 - To: L...Ç"f;:.$.;.__ P. Q:"Bo.~.,?03 70 B~~~!.$field. CA 93390 Project No. 98-536-010 SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT SIte: MoþiJ Fast Break DelLMart. Address: 4800 Whit~ Lane Bakersfield, CA 93309 Date: Noy~m.Q§.L£ª,_1998 TtW j immediate results Inspection Report by the below named Special Inspector is to be pr~sented to the regulatory agency. Tank No. , Capacity 12.000 Gallons Dimensions 8' x 32' Product Gasoline CCR Title 23·2663 (t» T,~nk sl,ell will provide structural support if the tank is lined, (2) (A) Blasted free of scale, rust and foreign matter. (B) Witness ultrasound test -average of 75% or greater of original thickness, 1, No open seam Or split longer than 3 inches, 2 No perforation larger than 1-1/2 inch, 3, Does not have five or more perforations in a one square foot area, 4, No multiple perforations in which any single perforation is larger than is'' in diameter. (c) A serious corrosion problem does not exist. Spt)cial Inspector Cor"pany Ä(jdress City, St¡:¡te, ZIP Phor,e Number Fax Number Robert Paul. P,E C&H Technical Services 5650 District Blvd" Suite 106 Bakersfield. CA 933'3 (805) 835-5920 (805) 835-592~ n 12J~J;----~ Signature Registered Corrosion Engineer No, 111 Expirßllon Dale March 31, 2002 ~~~I'\ n.."irl ~I,,~ !O; ,j,.. 1nA R" ""r~ji"Jd r:.:1.93313 Pass ,/ J Fail , 11 ~ ..¡ ~ -.J v STAMP IBOS) 835,5920 Fax (805) 835·5925 HOV-24-98 06:02 PM ICE S 8055899513 P.01 " .) -- 1t. - . INDUSTRIAL CONTAMINATION EXTRACTION SERVICES, INC. ICES BUSINESS OFFice 7401 Resedale Hwy,. p, 0, 80x 20370. Bakersfield. CA 93390-0370 Phone 805-589-9039 F.x 805-589-9513 FAX*FAX*FAX*FAX*FAX*FAX-FAX*fAX*FAX*FAX*FAX*FAX*FAX*FAX·FAX·FAX DAT.:: NO\'tmb~r 24,1998 TO: Howard TIM.:: 4:4~PM COMPANY; Clf)' Fir Dept. Omt~8 of EIl\ironmental Scn>i'~1 FJ\X II: (80~) 326~5'6 FROM: Marilee Reagor ',C.t,s, TOTAL NVMBER OF PAGES INCLl1DING FAX COVER SHEET: Z MESSAGE: Attached II tbe "coating report" you ~qu~sted. REPLY; YES NO / Plè3Sè Note: If you do not l'CC'eÏ\'t the total number of pages indicated abovc. please call (805) SK9-9039, HOV-24-98 06:03 PM ICE S 8055899513 P.02 i .i, ~¡. . Siu ENGINEERING CO. e Over 30 Years Of Serving Our Valued Clients Date: November 24,1998 Project: Mobil Fast Break Deli Mart, Bakersfield, CA Contractor: ICES TANK DESCRIPTION: b~~ i~:E-~2~=~=4f~~d~~~~ ... . .. ..... .____,__".___..w__..........."....__..j_.__. ...__.__.,..______,_...._...._'_." ..-.-.. ....- ..... INSPECTION DESCRIPTION: Dry Film Thickness Measurements _....,.................---_..,..."..'-'-~-'".. ...,-, ""....."".. .-.- '''.. Coating dry film discõñìiñuity testing was performed with a Tinker-Tasor A.PN-I Holiday Detector with the capacitor set at 35,000 volts, 100% of surface area was tested, Calibration by completion of circuit All discontinuities were marked for remedial repair. CCR TITLE 23, DIV, 3, CHPT 16, SECTION 2663 (h) (7), Dry film thickness measuremeots were conducted utilizing a DEFELSKO POSITECTOR 6000 FT2 (meets Ferrous ASTM 8499 & SSPC-PA2) calibrated this date before and after inspection, Calibration was obtained in accordance with ASTM D1186 on National Bureau of Standards (NIST) calibration plates SRM#1358 at 39,7 mills, Dry film thickness readings met 100 mil and manufacturer's requirements based upon SSPC-PA2 criteria CCR TITLE 23, DIV, 3, CHPT 16, SECTION 2683 (h) (6), Tank # !g~~~~n:~t'i~:-'--- 'Testing 1 Average mills 126,0 Number of Readings ~ 2 Average mills , 20,0 Number of Readings 99+ 3 Average mills 119,0 Number of Readings 99+ 4 Average mills 123.0 Number of Readings 99-t- Dry Film Hardness Hardness measurements ranged from 75-80+ on a Barber Colman Measurements Hardness Impressor, Model #GYZJ935, Calibrated on aGYZL#69 test disc, stamped 87-89, CCR TITLE 23, DIV 3, CHPT 16, SECTION 2663 I(h) (6), CERTIFICATION Based solely upon the above tests, the coating applicator's final Inspection criteria, the above referenced tankls are suitable for conlinuous use for gasoline or diesel fuel storage only, Pursuant d Ii ¡ted to CCR TITLE 23, DIV 3, CHPT 16, SECTION 2663 (h) (8) (a), Date: 11-24-98 5650 Oistric:t Blvd, Suite 106, Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone: (805) 835-5920 Fax: (805) 83&-5925 ,<./.' NJ.\'V-23-98 05: 00 PM ICE S 8055899513 P,01 e e INDUSTRIAL CONTAMINATION EXTRACTION SERVICES, INC. ICES BUSINESS OFfICE 7401 Rose<:tale Hwy" p, O. Box 2037Q Bakersfield, CA ;3390-0370 Þhon& 805-589-9039 Fax 805--589·9513 rAx·r~~*fAX·FAX·FAX-FAX·FAX·FAX*FAX.FAX·FAX*FAX·fAX·FAX·FAX-FAX DATE; No"cn.ber 13,1998 TO; Inlllu~ctor Stcn Underwood TIMF.·; 3:50PM COMPANY: City Fire Dept. Omces or En\'ironmcntaJ Senices FAX II: (80S) 326-4)576 FROM: Maril('C Reagor ¡,C.t,S, TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING FAX COVER SHEET: 2 r-n:SSAGE: Plca~ ~ lt1a(:bed the "Special Inspection Report" for Mobil Fut Break Dcli Man, REPt\': VES NO /' PIcaSI;' Note:: If)'ou do not receive the total nun1bcr of pages indicated above, pttilSC call (80S) 589·9039, ..-/. .~ , '1. NOV-23-98 05:00 PM ICE S ~ e TECHNICAL SERVICES 8055899513 P,02 ,,/, .10 ~tI(tlJ C!9'C/I:Ù,// tPn'. 1/"",~( W{,('II'~ To: !.C,ES, p, O. Box 20370 Bakersfield. CA 93390 Project No, 98~S36-010 SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT Site: Mobil Fast Break Deli Mart Address: 4800 White Lane Bakersfield, CA 93309 - Date: November 23. 1998 Tt1ls immediate results Inspection Report by tt1e below namod Special Inspector is to be presented to the regulatory agency, Tank No. 1 Capacity 12,000 Gallons Dimensions 8' x 32' Product Gasoline CCR Title 23-2663 (b) Tank shell will provide structural support if the tank is lined, (2) (A) Blasted free of scale. rust and foreign matter, (8) Witness ultrasound test -average of 75% or greater of original thickness, 1, No open seam Of spHt longer than 3 inches, 2, No perforation larger than 1-"2 inch, 3, Does not have five or more perforations in a one square foot area, 4, No multiple perforations in which any single perforation is larger than W' in diameter, (c) A serious corro5ìon problem does not exìst. SIgnature Robert Paul, P.E. C&H Technical Services 5650 District Blvd" Suite 106 Bakersfield, CA 93313 (B05) 835-5920 (805) B35-59~ EL~~~ Special Inspector Company Address City, Stat~, lip Phone Number Fa¡c Number Registered Corrosion Engineer No. 111 bpiralion Date, March 31, 2002 f.W Fall I " -J .J ,¡ , " ,¡ ~ ~ STAMP 6660 Dìwiçt Blvd., Suite 106, Bakersfield, Ca, 933' 3 (8051 835-5920 Fa~ (805) 835-5925 - ~-- Vi -OS;)~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1 OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES I UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PROGRAM ( 171S Cbester Ave., Bakersfield, C~ (805) 326-3979 .. t , . , APPLICATION TO PERFORM A TANK TIGHTNESS TEST :' , 'Y11Á)L~/ 4~ ADDRE~S 4ffl){) ¿I. ~'j-(L.? ~___o~ PERMIT TO OPERATE # OPERATORS NAME OWNERS NAME . NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED -1/ TANK # VOLUME / /~ f< .-1 /~k . .E J :L1r' 4 I ~ /.\! I ¡ '. F ACll.ITY I :0;. .¡ fu~~/ 9~ ~!ç:q; ,; , ' ,. ¡ IS PIPING GOING to BE TESTED .~ t?~ ; CONTENTS -:;;2~~:~~ : t\ <J:r: L/~L/ £J~~-(jll-;: ,. . ..;. , ~. . ~. . . . . ~ . ,. ,. I. TM1<TESTING COMPANY l4n~-rÃ-~_L I ¥ - '>'-~: MAILING ADDRESS / S g' 7 ¿) ,4t.J ¿. . d ~~ t// ~ l'9- /: /}-. ('A, 7"8 o<.7r~ NAME&PHONENUMBEROFCONTACTPERSON I¿;,I/fvLJÀ 6"m;~ C;t,,717~7~.: TEST METHOD k.s_~T {'~f)f)/$///~ ¡ . £/L7 ~ ,. '/ NAME OF TESTER Å.Jð;(J \..~ /77Y' . CERTIFICATJON;# <11- /¥ -ð / DATE & TIME TÈST IS TO BE CONDUCTED, //- c2' - 57% ~;-- //-/£>-7'3 y~~~~.. . Y DATE SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT 51 J' ICES 805·861-9774 ; ()!)/09/!HI t 3: 59 '--. 326 0'576 un. ". Page 1 PERMIT APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCfIMODIFY UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK TYPE OF APPUÇA 110N (CHECK) r JNEWFACIUtY []MODIFICAT1ONOFfACIUTY ( NEWTANKINSTALLATIONATEXISTINGFACIUIY STARt1NG DAtE ~' eS PROPœED COMPUmONDATE No V ~. I "U8 f ACn.rTY NAME ~-::::.::.~= ==_ EXrS~G FAClLlTY PERMIT NO. ~~B=:~~~~~~~= ~~ TANXO~ ~ ~- PHONENO,32.3-/~~," æh ·0· ~. ~- . -: - . ~ -~CA~æ7~)~~-n5" PHONE NO. S"1t ~ .:l:i~c;;, ~ ~ BAIŒRSFŒID C!IY B~ UCENSE NO. q~ '!o 2 I ~ WORXMAN CaMP NO. ____~ INSURER S..,...~....,t> BRlEFLYDESCR1BETHEWORKTOBEOONE ~'~ '" - ~.O;: c;~~~1 ~ '~~I ~M~~~ Cov.==----.rt'"' ~_,_ __ _ 11/09/98 4:55PM ßFn n.\7. MAT _ Job 743 /{.Jaoz ()l~~ Permit No. Æ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester A ve.t BalœnfteJd, CA (805) 326-3979 WATER TO FACIUTYPROVIDEDBY D£PI'H TO GROUND WATER SOIL TYPE EXPECTED AT SlIP NO. OF TANKS TO BE INSTALIJID ARE THEY FOR MOTOR FUEL SPIlL PREVENTION CONTROL AND COUNTER MEASURES PIAN ON FlI.E TANK NO, I 2 ~ 4 VOLUME IZ I( i2 Itl l2. c¿. l2.1L TANK NO. VOLUME .APPL1CATION DATE YES YES NO NO SF.CTrON' FQR MOTOR FUEL UNLEADED &-- REGULAR PREMIUM DIESEL AVIATION -- ...- -- ~ICTlOH FOR NOH MOTOR FUEL STORAGE TANJeS CJi!MlCAL STORED (NO BRAND NAME) CAS NO. CHEMICAL PREVloust Y STORED (IF KNOWN) ~ FOR orncl..u. USE ONt. Y ';' ',' ',I ~2: " , w. ::'''::;!,:'<:' . .:,i,::::· :::::' :""';:::';¡:!.J :.' ,:: ".;-';::!: i::: J'~ClUT:YSO~ ? ~.~1!i:r~ h:' ':"., , , "h":~~:"""" "" .;~ : ...;;;;¡¡~~:;: ":. ;~\~:;r:'~' ..' .:':' :!·':::~·:;·::~:;:::n:~¡·:;:E:m::'::::;;:~;E ~:::~!¡¡m~~~¡:¡i;;~~~:::~:;:::~b:f:~;i~~~~;!?;!!!~: THE APPliCANT HAS RECEIVED, UNDERSTANDS, AND WILL CoMPI. Y WITH THE ATTACHED CONDmONS OF nos P£RMIT AND ANY OTHER. STA'Œ. LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. ~ UNDER PENAL TV OF PERJURY. ANDronm..{!;';¡'dlMY KNOWLEDGE. IS RC R~AéJOQ... r\~1 ~..~ ì : APPUCAN! NAME (PRlNT~ APPLICANT 51 1URE --- - - - ~HIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED e 11/12/98 1: 50PM e Job 759 Page 1 Sent by; . ICES 805-861-9774 -oj. à. INDUSTRiAl eONTAMINATION EXTRAcnON SERVICES, INC. ... BUSINESS OFFICE 7401 Rosedale Hwy . p,O, Box 20370, Bakersfield, California 93390-03"10 Phone 805-589-9039 . Fax 805-589-9015 CA lIC. NO. A-726775 HAZiA-7091 November 9, 1998 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT Hazardous Materials Division 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: Steve Underwood Subject Permit Application for Fast Break(STUART'S PETROLEUM) , 4800 White Lane Dear Mr, Underwood Industrial Contamination Extraction Services, Inc, will be responsible for the following work to upgrade four 12,000 gallon UST,s : This price includes: · Mobilization and demobilization · Removal of surface cover and soil above the tanks · Inerting the tanks · Cut a 24" by 24" manway and enter tank · Clean tank interior, remove sludge, water and scale · Sand blast and third party structuraì inspectìon · Apply one 125 mil nominal coat of Bridgeport epoxy · Reseaiing tank access opening with 4" bung · Third party holiday tests and inspection of lining · Sample soil for resistivity and submit resuits to Corrosion Engineer for design · Install impressed current cathodic protection system and energize · Backfill and replace paving and necessary concrete The Owner will need to remove fuel to within a maximum of 2" from the bottom and make provisions for a 120 volt dedicated circuit fm the cathodic protection system. I~o.dtdoes not include.; · Upgrade existing of tank monitoring and leak detection system e 11/12/98 1:51PM e Job 759 Page 2 Sent by: . ICES 805-861-9774 · Installation of overfills or overspills · Computers or computer equipment · Any work required to bring existing piping or electrical installation up to code other than for the equipment and material required above · Any electrical for lighting, signs, intercom systems · Any piping installation for water or air We are enclosing the permit applications for tank lining and facility modification along with 2 copies of the following documents: · Existing Plot Plan · Preliminary Cathodic Protection ûesign to be finalizeå this week Due to other commitments and permit delays out in the County, we have been asked by STUART'S PEïRûLEUM expedite this project and would thus iike to start demolition on November 11 and open the tanks on November 12. Call if yûu have any questions, We will okay overtime if we can have this permit by the evening of Tuesday, November 10. Thanks and regards, @~ ~ Cameron Reag~r ~ Te:vt / W u..L. fa...~ ON No\/' l3 ~ f!"ca¡L. ~ 2480.)A 'D~ (tk- r~ - \ . r/ ("\.4Sl/ . \ L.6lA.?' (..4.-1.~~ \:7V~~ Ar...J L" F A-:/.. I N'Ø v\:t 'O¡...J "\t:;;) 't oJ , Ol.~- Sent by: ICES 805-861-9774 ···e 11/12/98 1 :56PM Job 761 . ; Page 1 Sent b~: ICES 805-861-9774 hmi K.evif' Reu:fing To CAMERON e 11/16/981:17PM DatI! 11/16/98 Time: 9:5704. Job 762 Page 1 p,. From I<~v;n Redding To CAMERON . 11/16/981:20PM Cate:11f16J98 T1me: 9:57:04 !/Þ Job 763 Page 2 Sent b~: ICES 805-861-9774 , '.--- Pagel c1 2 WinFax PRO Cover Page 4 O'l"~ 'J 1: tau I" 'fa 'J. 'f~rf~ ~oOI1-l"\^, ), w~s ... ., ~--?"'.;;;-~ ~.. ~- MESSAGE: CAMERON, I AM SORRY ABOUT FRIDAy,... WHAT A DAY! I SENT THIS TO MR. UNDERWOOD LATE FRIDAY, I'M SENDING A HARDCOPY TO YOU TODAY, I WILL KNOW ABOUT YOUR ANODE SHIPMENT TODAY, AND BE CALLING YOU. KEVIN Guardian Corrosion Control, Phone: 1-806-665-5010, Fax: 1-806-665-2881 Tc CAMERON Fax Number· 18055899015 From i<evtn Redding Pages: 2 Date: 11/16198 'i"¡o;!, !\'NIIì Redding To: CAMERON . 11/16/98 1:20PM D1IIe 11/16198 Time: 9:57:04. Job 763 Page 1 Sent b~: ICES 805-861-9774 Page 2 of 2 ~,.;.~~..., ~~:.~r.:;:-~: ';: '!'~~,~ :~·,;"át, ,f¡:,,"~ .... RRl Box 164. Pampa, TX 79065 tel 1800628·1333 fax 1806665-3033 To: Steve 1 Jnderwood Reference: Fast Break Mohle 4800 WhilC L-~'l11c Sir, The impressed current cathodic protection installation drawing tÖr FAS'f BREAK :MOBJ.F: ;s a design of Troy R. StilJey, a NACE COJTOsion Specialist (#1297) and Ca1ifomia P,E, (#4&2). \'v'c certify that the d~!'\ign is in accordance with NACE standards. Kevin Redding A:osistant Sal¡:s r>.itanag.:r F;\XCVR .. .' CONTINUED (See 2nd File) / I 1 l=-~A;T BREX MrNI MA~I(ET -49-ro 'WHITE LANE ALLEY 1:::::-1 '--J \ \ \ \ \ i'---, \ ''--J \:e/~)\':\ \ // Tl i'(\ ~ \ /' 2·M\\, r ~ /./'12"/ 3~ \ '?':~~\ ~\~~ ~~';:' S@ -~ ~ \ \ ALL T ANY.S ARE 12,000 GAL (....."] ......' j)°n ....~F'- t.NJ'-ü c:.''r.!' NORTH c::--, -- ì-----.~ -.......~ ..........--- -- " " , ¡ <-. ' ~ c-, .----::; I i 1 DRIVE DRIVE ~._- _. - G TRQY R, STILLEY CURRENT REQU:RE1J MINIMUM ANODE!; REXTIF'ItR Vel TAGE: GRCUNDBED RESISTANCE NAC£: CERnnED CORROSION 11.6 AMPERES 8 EACH 48 VOLTS -4.13 [}UoCS MM~nUM SPEC!ALIST NI], 1297 . ~ i e M~UJE .. 1CS'T f'0l\" 1.) FfJTENTlAL PCADINGS <NE:GA TlVO GUARDIAN CORROSION I" O£cnF!(R J .1JHClICN BDX I :;:U1l BO¡;:~IN!j ~ ~DNITDR '-'ELL I.D, OF'f' ON IJ). Off" ON J.D, OFF ON CONTROL INC. C, (¡RllY.. U I I , 1 11 ì- .' Co. thod¡c Protection RCCTIrI£R DATA MOtEL NO, GlASSA 48-12-9-B ? 7 112 Ins to.ll o.:tlon -, SER1AL NO. 3 ::¡ ]3 SJTE: IW" fD' OUTPUT VOL TSI ICES DUTPUT AMPSI 4 9 )4 7401 ROSEDALE HVi. HOURI p.a. ID)( 20370 ITEMM> ¡.Do. JCSF'TJRJ< I DATE 11/10/98 5 10 15 BAICERSnELD, CA ~3390 . .-..-------., . en ,. (1) :J r+ I. 0- 'oÇ; ,-. H () m en Q) o (11 , Q) (]) ~ , CD -.J -.J -l:> - ~ ~ -- ~ I\) -- CD Q) e~ Q) ." ;;: C- o 0- -.J (]) ~ ." II) !C (1) ú) "'1 "- "' ,~- - '-- '. ..... .........-..---.- DR\VC .n' ___._..._ .._.._.. .~ O~;~L . ..·1·····'········'---·-··-'·.·..··.·----·-·-'·--·-·-'·.- --····'---···--·----·--------·····..···..····1· n..n......._..________....,.._.. .. ! f'A$ T ßREN( ~.,,\ \ N I 1--\ t\'R...T I t ¡I -\ ' - . . ¿ 4-goo 'vÝ µre- '-"A^Jë "'\..- \ ~ \ \ \ \\ \ \ .11 '...! 50 HHT . --- -..-. ----.~_.. "-.----...-.- ··_,··~·...~___'h___...._.___.._..._ __ n. ¿~, ~ t:; J~,- ~: -]~' ,".'. Ì"~> "'-,-1 ¿; lJ, \' P. -.J (!"Aj í '-.;~r;- '\.'\ ..;. ,/ "-.., '....../ \ \ - .-\ \ -~ \ - \. o \ \ ð .~ \ ,-, ~ ""': . ..... ~ 1 O~1 t-;t:E:"T .~ 1 ~ ......~.. 2!>::' H~f.T '\ \ \ , ~ o ..... ..~ \. \ n" / 00) ",~' .-1, .'..:: /-;--~.. nn -(''- / '> -'. ........-.J.' \..- -~ ~. \' 0 ------ \ .' ./ ~ , "0 .... /' ? /' " ,/ '~O / 4 - 1'2- k: ,.:::- u e- L T 1.\;,' :.::, .--~-'"....,.....-=::::-;-:-=..:~:..;;~~..::~:.:._-._---. .. . -.--. q--..-..~..- ..- .. ... '. ._~-_.. -_"~.--,.._-_. .--.. - . _._..._~--~-_. .---,," '- I.!I'I~E '---",J n LANE /' /' /' .---- ... \ ~ -- 0 \ CJ _ .:. .--- ,/ \ /' 0 '- /'0) ,/ ,/ r .--- --- D<\V!3 _...~.._._~,.__... -- ~_..-~..-. 20 I S C.A L E ---~¡ - -.-...--..-.--.-- .. ··..··_·__·...·_.··_.___.u..·_ N i~\ .. r I I ¡ i ¡ J ..._._........_·__n~·._ _ ~ . 0 en -~'(þ :J :r+ IT ':f: H 0 m en ()) 0 01 , ()) Q) , ill --J --J .þ -- --- o ill --- ill ()) e: I\) \J :s: L o IT --J tù ill \J I) (Q CD tù -~ FROM : CORRPRO COMPANIES BAKER~LD PHONE NO, : 661 5880364 4It Aug. 17 1999 02:28PM Pi Corrpro Companies, Inc. 6837 Krebs Road Baksr$field, CA 93308 PH: (661) 588-1196 FAX:. (661) ~'364 FAX TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET TO: Stwt, UruLu-~ fÞl ? 2-(., . 07::> '1 tp It.: CP ({ -f\Yt~ F--= ÎÍY\A.- Cd~ 8 Date; <6l11L q q Pas-- "'** CC& '" o:u."...t .J F.... ...w C ....... Comment 0 PI.... Reply Q "'"'~.. R8c)c1llt -c..menta; c,--u¿ ~ ) -'I ! As -pu- ~ .r~u.-es.-t. _ ft($+ 6_(~:JfuA.' ~ Shúud-/~ ~~~ íàp(t. . ,- . ,'" ð~ FROM : CORRPRO COMPANIES BAKER~LD PHONE NO, 661 5880364 e Aug, 17 1999 02:29PM P2 August 4, 1999 IIr- Corr'pro Companies Incorporated '~ Cotttrnitrne1lt to Ex,ellehcell 6837 Krebs Road Bakersfield. CA 93308 Tel 661/588-1196 . Fax 661/588-0364 Stuart's Petroleum Mobil Gas Station Fast Break Mini Mart Bakersfield, CA Re: Troubleshooting on a Cathodic Protection System INTRODUCTION There is a cathodic protection system with the following characteristics, · Impress current system, · The system has 8 anodes . The rectifier has a design output of: DC 48 volts 12 Amps · The system was designed to supply cathodic protection On four gas tanks with a 12,000 gallon capacity for each one. · Each anode wire runs from the anode bed to the rectifier, where they are joining without any shunt, to a plate connection, and from here to the (+) positive of the rectifier. · There is a single cable coming from the tanks to the (-) negative of the rectifier, The test purpose was to determine deficiencies in the cathodic protection system operation. There were some tests run and the evaluation showed that just one anode is working and the structure wire has a very high resistance for all (4) tanks. Atlchorage Charlorte Ed monton Hou6ton 1.."sAngo'ez New Or ean~ Phoenix Snnrj"t¡ Atlan!i< Chièa\)ò Formitleton Jakarta Mul:.y!lia New York Re!Jinél SinQApore BilUng. CI9Vel;ond Geneva Liberal Mid~...d Oce.an City San rranci5co Stockton On Tf1c~ B""IOI'I Oetroit Hong Kong LIsbon MilwfJukee Ottawa San DieGo Tul~Q Ò¡¡.19Ðry Ohahlsn I-Ionclulu london Minneapolis Philadð!phia Seattle Wa5nington, DC ~ FROM : CORRPRO COMPANIES BAKERS~D PHONE NO. 661 5880364 e Aug, 17 1999 02:29PM P3 ((. reST DESCRIPTION · The rectifier characteristics are attached to this report. · Data tables showing the information utilized to do the evaluation are attached. · There were shunts installed for each anode wire at the joining plate. · The rectifier tabs were moved to increase the current output. · Readings were taken of the current for each anode wire, with and without a current interrupter. · The cathodic protection potentials for all 4 tanks were taken, · A direct structure wire was connected from the tank (4) to the rectifier and the current from each anode was taken. The rectifier outputs were also taken. · The direct structure wire was disconnected from tank (4) and connected to tank (3). The current from anodes and rectifier outputs were taken again. · The same testing was done on tank (2) obtaining the final conclusions. · A new direct structure wire (-) was installed and attached to the vent pipes along side the store, CONCLUSION · At the time of testing the cathodic protection system was in operation with the resistance of the system being 'Very high when the output readings were obtained, · The anode (2) was the only one working when the anode shunt readings were taken, · A current interrupter was installed to take (on) and (off) potentials on the system. The tank (all 4) are not cathodicaUy protected. · When a direct structure wire was connected from a tank to the rectifier, the system resistance decreased alot. It was required to back up the rectifier tabs. · When the culTent output was set in the rectifier range, the current readings from each anode confirmed that anode (2) is the only one working property, · A direct structure wire for tank (4), (3) and (2) show the deficiency in the structure wire, · Due to a deficiency in the structure wire, the system is not cathodically protected, RECOMMENDATIONS . Installation of a new structure wire (-) to the vent pipes. · The rectifier was designed properly for this cathodic protection system, it may be used with the new structure wire, FROM : CORRPRO COMPANIES BAKER~LD PHONE NO. 661 5880364 RECTIFIER CHARACTERISTICS Manufacturer: Model: AC Volts DC Volts Phases Señal# Outputs; Potential: Current (Shunts): Tab Settings: First tests set: e Aug. 17 1999 02:30PM P4 ((. Guardian CP Products Glassa 48~ 12-8-8 120 Amps 9.60 48 Amps 12 --.-1 H2- 60 Ambient Temperature 82651 21,39 Volts 0_612 AmÞs B~3 Tab Settings; C-3 Outputs· Potential: Current (Shunts) 34.93 Volts 1.1 Amps Current readings without current interrupter: Shunt # Current (MA) 1 14 2 1102 3 0 4 15 5 13 6 7 7 8 8 10 45QC FROM : CORRPRO COMPANIES BAKER1IIJLD PHONE NO, Current readings with current interrupter: Shunt # Current (MA) (on) 26 1112 31 27 19 9 11 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 661 5880364 e Aug, 17 1999 02:30PM P5 œ Current (MA) (off) 17 121 1 16 13 7 8 9 Potential on tanks when the rectifier is (on) and (off) Tank # Potential (-mv) (on) 272 272 272 272 1 2 3 4 Potential (-mv) (off) 84 84 85 85 Anode· shunt readings when a direct structure wire is connected from tank 4 to rectifier_ Tab setting: A-3 Outputs: Potential 8_74V (on) 6.74V (off) Current 13.67A (on) Shunt # Current (on) Current (off) 1 60MA 33 MA 2 13.01 A 164 MA 3 76MA 19MA 4 70MA 15MA 5 45MA 16MA 6 23MA SMA 7 22MA 7MA 8 28MA sMA FROM : CORRPRO COMPANIES BAKER~D PHONE NO. 661 5880364 ~ Aug. 17 1999 02:31PM P6 (f Anode shunt readings when a direct structure wire is connected from tank 3 to rectifier. Tab setting: A-3 Outputs: Potential 8.65V (on) 6.62V (off) Current 13.6A (on) Shunt # Current (on) Current (oft) 1 60MA 33MA 2 13,14 A 1.83A 3 7SMA 36MA 4 70MA 32MA 5 43MA 19 MA 6 22MA 9MA 7 22MA 9MA 8 28MA 6MA Potential on tanks under these characteristics: Tank # Potential (on) Potential (off) 1 2 3 4 .364 V .376 V ,410V .382 V ,282 V .282 V .282 V _281 V FROM : CORRPRO COMPANIES BAKER1IIJLD PHONE NO, 661 5880364 e Aug. 17 1999 02:31PM P7 œ Anode shunt readings when a direct structure WÎre is connected from tank 2 to rectifier. Tab setting: A-3 Outputs: Potential: 8.7~ V (on) 6.83 V (oft) Current: 11.9 A (on) Shunt # Current (on) Current (oft) 1 45MA 20MA 2 11,39 A 1.60A 3 59MA 39MA 4 52MA 29MA 5 32MA 11 MA 6 1sMA 11 MA 7 15MA 9MA 8 20MA 9MA FROM : CORRPRO COMPANIES BAKER~LD PHONE NO, 661 5880364 4IÞ Aug, 17 1999 02:32PM P8 T est data after temperature structure wire (-) was installed to vent pípes Rectifier outputs: VoltS: 26,95 Amps: 4.95 Anode Readings: 1, 1,03Amps 3, 1,09 Amps 4, 1.02Amps 5. 0.62 Amps 6. 0_31 Amps 7. 0.32 Amps 8. 0.44 Amps Pipe to Soil Readings: Location: (on) #1A -.878 #2A -'.322 #3A -2.155 #4A -2.810 #SA -2_045 #6A ..2.862 #7A -2.263 #SA -1.559 Note: Anode #2 is not in the system due to the resistance when it 1S connected. (off) -.427 -.384 -.521 -.730 -,646 -.674 -,746 -.589 This report was constructed by Mr. John Shelton, Senior COlTosion Technologi$t and Mr. Juan D, Picazo of Corrpro Companies Incorporated. All repairs have been completed by Mr. John Shelton, Senior Corrosion Technologist of Corrpro Companies Incorporated. If you have any questions regarding this report, please contact Mr. John Shelton at (661) 588-1196_ FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 . -\ October 28, 1998 Don Dozah Stuarts Petroleum 11 East 41h Street Bakersfield, CA 93307 RE: Fastbreak, 4800 White Lane UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UPDATE Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: Having difficulty getting a return phone call from underground storage tank contractors? Are contractors telling you that they are booked until February and March of 1999? Has your price, that you were quoted six months ago, almost doubled? These are some of the concerns voiced by tank owners who are now trying to meet the compliance deadline. With less than 53 days left, many will fall short of being upgraded by December 22, 1998. This office has started issuing compliance stickers to those owners who have upgraded or replaced their underground storage tanks. We regret that you will not be receiving one. For those who will not make the deadline, this office suggests that you start preparing for closure. Your facilities will not be pennitted to pump fuel , after December 22, 1998. For infonnation regarding compliance or tank closure, please feel free to contact this office at (805) 326-3979. Si2 t/££J Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector Office of Environmental Services SB Uldm cc: Ralph E, Huey, Director Abdul Azze "".9~ de W~..¥OP ~~~ ybt, ./6 W~?'I'I FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 e e October 7, 1998 Mr. Don Dozah Stuart's Petroleum 11 East 4th Street Bakersfield, CA 93307 RE: Fastbreak Deli Mart, 4800 White Lane in Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Dozah: With regard to the above mentioned facility, our office has determined that the tanks in question are asphalt coated. Paint or asphalt coatings are not adequate for cathodic protection, and must be replaced. The information on the above mentioned site was obtained through R.L.W., who provided the original installation documentation and UL #'s, In answer to your question regarding extensions for time, Federal law does not allow any extensions to the December 22, 1998 deadline. Facilities that are not in compliance on December 22, 1998 will have their permit revoked, and will no longer be operational. Should you have a contract and permit pulled after December 22, 1998, this office will grant temporary closure. However, under no circumstances, will the above mentioned facility be allowed to stay operational. I hope this letter addresses your concerns. Should you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, 11 ~~ / Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector Office of Environmental Services SBU/dm enclosures ".~~ ~ W~ ~ ~0Pe y~ .A W~" 10/07/98 09:03 e805 326 0576 TRANSMISSION OK TXlRX NO. CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID START TIME USAGE TIME PAGES RESULT BFD HAZ MAT DIV *************************** *** ACTIVITY REPORT *** *************************** 8729 3258481 10/07 08:54 09'17 8 OK ~001 e :e ~ · e - BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, · Bakersfield, CA 93301 Business Phone (805) 326-3979 · FAX (805) 326-0576 FAX Transmittal TO: I ~..p éL."""1- COMPANY: ¡ ~ oJ 1<\ L- FROM: I ~cJ..AJVYV) L.J,~~ FAXNO,¡ 3'2.$"" ~ 2ÇL~ I I COMMENTS: (G ?l!6G-S "1ð K>LLøW, rJòŒ Bf'e::,IW-V -¡Of' or- CA""- PA<;€ ') T< é - r:-f>.:S'I GSf2.c-o. t:. 4'lPO w t.{ I æ LA) ~L1 (ß>A-'TC-0 TA:JV/,c.s N2£ NOT uf> \0 CðDE, 1 ç:: 11-fC...../lS þdLé ~P4At:, Cðkr'L-D ON LV , í "n-o; Y '<...,- NC--£-í) G 11-1~ I"\J íL-4.tCltL {...r N("JG- $ CA;-ílJe;DIc-- ffl..cJTC--c.'(tdN I h'L, / ø.I<- ~vJ.k. ~ r<EPt.ACc-rt-oE-/r c.,J (rJC~ 'DòJ'ßLé - c.-J!I.I. (A... TANIc.$ < ::c.- T /""/.>V rsE A WcM-~I(t.c oP«7cM! ï<:> D ~ Gr v f 'f?-f£ íòf oF ~ o-Ç T'"f0 TPrNI~S "TO GEr A II 'I (..OOK - SEE ÂT c::XMTLCI w/~'( TANKS t.(oLJ Go'i "PtC~, ¡rJ ~tc-(l.. VùOtZ-DS. ~ __ (í'~ ¡vc-c.e<;.SIXl.Y <fb CehJVt'llc6 17..{tS GIF.Ac.e- ~- T.o...JK:> .AlZ.£- û:)A K--o vJ ( F (ßC-e.G-LJ1S5 ð; NOr A-S-?f.l4(,.'l... '4'" ............'. ... ~ .. ' fI")...'. ., ~~~_..J,,"-'''''''''... ~""""'~!ft~:·· . 'y-- -II e .-- .. .11· æg!1 R lW""~"JI~1 AUTOMOTIVE. INDUSTRIAL' PETROLEUM JOHN PAXTON SALES ENGINEER 2080 SO, UNIQN "vI:, eAKEASFIELO. CA, 93307 ee05) 834·, 100 I . -,'-:.-, AUTOMOTIVE · INDUSTRIAL · PETROLEUM - ' 'ION AVE· BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA June 29, 1984 EXHIBIT A R N R Enterprises 4800 Easton Drive Ste 109 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Attention: Tracy or Gary Hill Subject: Revision of our proposal dated June 4, 1984 ," Furnish and install following equipment: . :{^¡:~.;.:1~;:: :~;;: .~ ",,' ;,~~~~'kJ ~~OSERVlaSTATIONEQUIPMENT HOISTS · HYDRAULIC JACKS · AU10llFTS · LUBE EQUIPMENT · BATTERYCHARGERS :::i .,: GAGES,. METERS · JACK STANDS · PUMPS AND METERS · TOOLS · TIRE EQUIPMENT · HAND PUMPS . TANKS AND VALVES AND NOZZLES Q!JIPMENT SALES AND SERVICE · STEAM CLEANERS · HOSE · HOISTS · V-BELTS · FILTERS · REGULATORS · LUBRICATORS :osEAND FITTINGS METERS WATER · OIL · CHEMICAL 'v 4 ./ 4 j 5 3 "4 2 1 4 4 2 2 1 1 4 6 1 1 1 10,000 gal. steel underground storage tanks, U L approved and asphalt coated 3/4 H.P, Redjacket submersible pumps 24" x 24" steel pump manhole wI covers Phase I vapor recovery systems (gasõline) 4' x 2' X 10' steel island forms w/ raised ends 4'-x 6' steel island forms D 20 "3m" master station intercom OSM speakers w/ call buttons DL2/390/1L/19V Wayne Electronic Dispensers with Cash/ Credit display and equipped with,Emco - Wheaton "balance type" vapor recovery and coaxial hoses DL2/361-1L/19 Wayne Electronic dispenser wI Cash 7 Credit display and automatic nozzles (diesel) " La Sabre" twin light fixtures - 400 watt super metal halide, mounted on 5" x 14' poles wI 61 brackets OL2412 Wayne electronic readout console for 12 fueling posttions Battery backup "Stop Motor" - IINo Smoking II signs "Pay Cashier Firstll signs Four product price posting sign - double 'faced pole mount with "flip style" tJetéers Four product price posting sign - double faced - no flip style letters 3000-10 Centurion fliter ass'y for deisel .' il - -- ~ --. i : ,-'.,'( -- II ¡ I "_ *__"ø"'~_____" ,. ....-.--....' e ~--===-_::;::=::_-==-=_::.: :-_:_ _..:_;...:'~~.f.dC -_.. .-. \'~ e 1;T~-'---*~----- ,\.. ~t . - . - ~ ..~'...., c "'-.._--....,:-~.... , ~ (TIO r PAGE NO, I JOB NAME ßN~ (ft¡-; MATERIALS SHEET MILEAGE DATE, ~ål( JOB NO. 'd-I CfD(¿, - nTY, RLWNO. ¥) ~111J-o "'. / (U./o18l.~, / t), /1'" A t:A þ'úe r/l A/ /("5 It::- -:r / ~ :~ ? /;;z. \. 'f"~ j(..- :;Jf- 'F163 ?/tJJ . '1X ~/, .3?/J/ : ') /I f: Of 3..1ó'/t. .~¡ØJtf5t.t~/i, Ve. ~ ) I~) A Tee "LfM.ð$ ~ -- . c; }(1; P IÙ f ¡; AfJe A C1 â ~\ð;L - /. 1-1;_ Q · ìAA!5I-t,~ "/¡" 'f¡1/-V, ^'tJ~ Dr~t:1~:A\):;;r~ (J. ~ ,t:.'ìJ':l.., fI '7/~ J /), ..--:-' """\V IU' r f ' J!ffi R~/.JQ -/!iÇ2&...) ,- S;C!,th~IÜ t:ïik- -P'D I t ~(g;ý MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TAXABLE SELL COST NON-TAXABLE SELL COST I- "-- ~ - --- IIJ¡¡-05. ~ ..s ¡.,.5 '5 f<- 3 K ::; I 'J-¡Js f\ "- '5 / / '------:i i Ot.:"'e4/ ! f) ( inS- j ~ -, / IJ J!ES /D .- .....v _v '7.Sf îl ,.v ;1M! -~ r:-/73,b(" ~ '- ----- olo?,Yc) .. 1/c 7' £ ~·f -~- '..,.;, ===--- ---- { HOURS 'E ~ 8 )..0 AMOUNT 8 I i/- l' ! iii'i _.- DATE JOB NAME OR NUMBER EMP, NO, 1;.2; ~ ð1 o-o~ \.fú "1--16 .. 1- i:J¡,¡yOB (SE~i;5ð6R Eï;7' OPER, ~ - J:'jR' HOURS RATE AMOUNT 3 1/ "1 /rJ.7"' -- ~~ I ;\ J ;/' ;is.. i~E AMOUNTl ~_ rrW I ! T 'MOUNTI 'MOu~r' 1/ \ I Ii !' ~I I 7~/ó..8f JOR:;;¡ _RBER E'Z) 7 .¡ ., !! !! -- - DATE'- JOB ~AME OR NUMBER EM/', NO, OPER, HOURS RATE ,-/r",1V J!l óI./ úúC, 'II Y Lj 1.2-- i_ï~~i~JoeïJ~!~;ZR E~ CPR, 9~~_RATE 1 - -Û~~ r777 IV(, ¡!(){ 53 lll+ u...t60 '/ Ù I-/~ ê ñ<C< \\'(~ c:::" 7~ \/ I C q'-¡ A," '-L;"""'> jVilL1, -..f!:::)' I rA):j C2... f'J ' ,,}...)AC.¡t,cr. C¡;SC (1:> _/é'òQ cÇ ï---;ztj>\)::.-). ...-~ . "-_ '-- IIi .' .. / ~.... !I.; /"\ e e STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD PAUL R BONDERSON BUILDING 901 P STREET , BOX 100 w...CRAMENTO. CAI:IFORNIA 95801 (916) 324-9496 FEB 1 3 1987 Local Implementing Agencies LG-51: CORROSION PROTECTION FOR UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS The Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), Subtitle I, Section 9003(g) interim prohibition requirements and the State Water Resources Control Board1s (State Board) Underground Storage Tank Regulations require corrosion protection for underground storage tanks. Enclosed is 40 CFR Part 280, the U, S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) interpretation of the interim prohibition requirements. The interim prohibition requirements are temporary standards effective from May 7, 1985 until the federal underground storage tank regulations go into effect (about mi d-1988). The basic requirements of the interim prohibition are as follows: 1. Underground storage tanks and piping shall be protected from corrosion. 2. Underground storage tanks and piping shall be constructed and installed to prevent str~ctural failure. 3. Materials used for construction shall be compatible with the substance stored in the underground storage tank. The 40 CFR Part 280 explains these requirements and gives examples of underground storage tanks that meet or do not meet these requirements. It also gives a history of the laws in effect and the legislative action being taken, Corrosion protection required under the state underground storage tank regulations meets or exceeds the federal requirements. Section 2635(b)(4) of the State Underground Storage Tank Regulations requires bare steel tanks and piping to have a properly installed and maintained cathodic protection system that is certified by a nationally recognized independent testing organization or is selected by a National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) certified corrosion engineer or specialist, Composite steel tanks and piping (underground storage tanks and piping clad with fiber-reinforced plastic or corrosion resistant materials) must be holiday tested imnediately prior to i nsta 11 ati on, e . Local Implementing Agencies FEa 1 3 1987 -2- There are two forms of cathodic protection systems, galvanic and impressed current. The galvanic system uses sacrificial anodes electrically connected to the underground storage tank which reverses the electrical flow causing corrosion. It is necessary to monitor the sacrificial anodes regularly. The impressed current method provides a direct current from an external source through non-corroding anodes to the underground storage tanks. Underwriter's Laboratories (UL) plans to publish Standard 1746 for corrosion protection on steel underground storage tanks in the near future. According to UL, this standard will certify galvanic protection systems and steel underground storage tanks clad with fiber-reinforced plastic. The second form of cathodic protection, the impressed current method, must be installed by a NACE c~rtified corrosion engineer or a NACE specialist since it will not be certified by Standard 1746. Furthermore, underground storage tanks clad with fiber-reinforced plastic require a holiday test immediately prior to installation regardless of what Standard 1746 entails, The corrosion protection requirements of the statutes and regulations should be enforced by local agencies before they issue a permit for new underground storage tank installations. If you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact Paul Roggensack at (916) 324-9496. Sincerely, I /!. . '- "/1 "'0. (J~~:;--;~t;' .~; Of· .....t;o LBivision of Water Quality Enclosure ( ) (' ) ( e- .,' . , - æææ rE'~ :: E = =:. = .-= - - =-==::.- æ == :: .-.- = , - --:: - - - -== - - - - =-=- ~ == ... - -- ': = -=== = =. === = - - - -= -==- - ~ -- -- ..=:::: ~ e=æ ~ æ: æ .æ - ...-......- - - - - \ :: æ .. - - - -=---- =~ ~ ~ =--- .. -...:==, =-..- -- -- -- -,- - - - - - - £. æ ..= - -- -=== ==:. ~~ - - - == - - - - =-- c::: --== e Wednesday June 4, 1986 Part IV Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR Part 280 Hazardous Waste; Interim 'Prohibition Against Installation of Unprotected Underground Storage Tanks; Interpretive Rule 20~18 Federal Register ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 40 CFR Part 280 [FRL 2928-91 Hazardous Waste; Interpretive Rule on the Interim Prohibition Against Installation of Unprotected Underground Storage Tanks AGENCY: Em·¡ronm"'ntal ?rct",ction Age"cy. ACTION: Interpretive rule. SUMMARY: New Subtille I of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act [RCRA), as amended, pro\;des ior the regulation of underground slorage lanks, Section 9003(g) of Subtille I establishes interim requirements for underground storage tanks that are bSlalled between May 7, 1985 and lhe effective date of new tank standards required to be promulgated by EPA under section 9003(e). This nolice sets forth EPA's interpretation of Section 9Où3(g), FOR FURTMER INFORMATION CONTACT: Pamela Harris, (202) 3824814:.or Sleven Way, (202) 475-9328: or the RCRA! Scperfund Hotline al (800) 424-9346 (toll free or (202) 382-3000 in \"'ashington. DC. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: I. Introduction: The Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984 On November 8, 1984, the President signed into law the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984, Public Law 98-õ18. These Amendments extend and strengthen the provisions of the Solid Waste Disposal Act of 1970 as amended by RCRA. A major portion of this new legislation. Subtitle L provides for the development and implementation of a regulatory program for underground storage tanks used to contain regulated substances. which include petroleum and substances defined as hazardous substances under section 101(14) of the Comprehensive Emironmental Response. Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA),I I "Undfrground .tono~e tanl" i. de!;'~ed under RCRA Subtitle t _nOD 9001(1) .. anyone or combinatIOn of taw (includ1ng unden¡roW2d pipe~ connected thereto! wluch I' ute<! to conUlLll an accumulation of ~ated ,ubarances. aod Lbe ,olume of wh:clI (U1c1ud.1n4 the volume of t.~e underçound pIp" connKted therelo) i. 10 percent or more beneaLb the .urtace of the ground, Such tem doe. not include aoy- tAl F.rm or re.,deDDallank of 1.100 ~allon. or I... capaCIty uaed lor 'lonII8 motor fuel for "oncommetC1al PW;>OleL (BI Tani< uaed for .10rtn3 beaung oil for· COI1JumpDve.... oa Ibe premloe. where .tored. 01. 51. No, 107 I Wednesday. June 4, 19 Among the provisions of new Subtitle I. section 9003 requires EPA to promulgate regulations pertaining to the detection. prevention. and correction of releases from underground storage tanks as may be necessary to protect hwnan health and the en\'1ronment.Z Section 9003(c) sets forth minimum requirements that must be promulgated for all underground storage tanks and section 9003fe) sets forth additional requirements that must be promulgated for new ~åe~rour.d stor3 j e tar.xs. Regulations u.,cier ooth sections 9003 (c) and (e) for tanks containing petroleum producls are to be effective by May 8, 1987, With rp.sp~ct to tanks containing haza:dous sucatances. regulations under sec:ion 900'>( e) for new tanks are to be effective by November 8. 1987 and regulations lL,der sec!ion 9003(c) for existing tanks are to be effective by No\·err:ber 8, 1988. Until new tank standards promulgaled un¿e¡ ~ection 9003(e become effective, section 9003(g)[1) eSlablishes interim requirementa for any lank installed on or after May 7. 1985. That section proviåes as foilows: . . ,(NJ\J~person ::lay inslall an underground storage tank for the purpose of storing regulated substances uniess such tank (whether of single or double walled construction -- (AI will prevent releases due to cOlTosion or structural failure for the operalionallife of the tank: (C) Septic tank. [D1 Pipeline facility [,"dueling gather.ng line,' regulated under· (IJ The Natural Cas Pipeline Safety Act of 1968. (49 U,S.C, App, 1671. et 'e<¡,), [ii) The Huardou. Uquid Pipeline Safety Act of 1979 (49 U,S,c. App. 2001. el .e<¡.). or (¡in Which i. an LlItntsUlte pipaline facility reguJated under Stale law. comparable to tha pro'~.,on' of law referred to in clause (i) or liil of !hi. .ubpanograpb: lEI Surface impoundment. pit. pond or lagoon. (FJ Slorm water or waste water collection .y.tem. (G) F1ow·throug!! procell la"k. . (HI Uquid trap or auoeated gaLberingline, directly related 10 oil or 881 production and galbering openotiona. or (II Slorase tank ',luated in an underground area (suCÌI .. a ba.ement. ceilar. auneworkUlg, drift, .haft or tunnel} if Lbe .tora~ tank i. .¡tualed upon or above Lbe .utface of the 1100r, "Regulsled .ub.tanc.eo" are defined under RCRA SubDtle t .ecuon 9oo1(Z) as: (A) Any sub. lance defined in .ection 101(14) of the Comprehel\Jlve E:1V1l'Or.:nental Reoporue. Compenullon, and '-'abIlity Act of 1980 Ibut nol includ;ng any ,ub.lanœ rewlaled a. a huardou. Wille under Subntle Cj, an·d (al Petroieum. LlIclu~ crude oil or any !nellon thereof which i. hqwd al .tandard condillon. of tempersture and ;¡reuure teo degree. Fahrenheit aod 1f,7 pound. per .quare Inch ab.olule), . '·Releaoe" II defined under RCRA Subtitla L .eclIon 900115\.. any .ptilin¡. lealùn¡. allUttUIg. diJChargtng. HCap1ß8. leaaung. or di'PO'LIII from an underground tlorage tani< into ground watar, .urtace water or oublllrlace lOilL ules and Regulation. I (a) is cathodically prolected against COITOSIOn. constructed of noncorrosive matenal. sleel clad with a noncorrosive material, or designed in a manner 10 prevent the release or threatened release of any slored subslance: and (C) the material used in the construction or lininq of the tank is compatible with the substance to be stored ( ) As a limi ted exception, section 9OO3(g)(2) allows the installation of tanks without corrosion protection in sd with a resistivltv of 12.000 ohm-cm or more. Uncier that ·pro...;sion. soil tests must be conducted in accordance with AmeMcan Society for Testing and Materials (AS'r..t) Standard G57-78. II. Purpose of the Interpretive RaJe An interpretive rule is a statement iss\:ed by an agency to advise the public of tbe agency's construction of the statutes and rules that it administers. AI1 inte;pretive rule simply construes the lang'Jage of the statute or regulation and does not impose additional obligations. Such rules are exempt from the notice and cotlunent requirements of the Admi:lÌstrative Procedures Act. 5 U,S,C. 553(b)(A) (198:!). A substantive rule, such a, the new tank standards authorized by section 9003(e}. is a rule that is issued by an agency pursuaI!t to statutory authority that implements the statute, EPA intends this notice to be an interpretive rule, not a substantive rule. Section 9003(g) establishes statutory requiremenls that took effect on May 7. 1985 without prior action on the part of EPA. Several of the requirements set forth under section 9003(g) are in the form of performance standards. EPA believes thaI the interpretive rule clarifies obliga tions of the regulated community in compl};ng with the interim prohibition. The rule also puts the regulated community on notice of the circumstances under which the Agency will proceed with enforcement action for noncompliance. III. Other Related EPA Activities On July 15, 1985, EPA codified the statutory language of section 9003(g) in its regulations at 4Ø CFR 280,2, EPA is preparing a guidance document that is available in draft form in the Regional Offices. This document discusses methods and technologies for preventing releases from tanks due to corrosion, structural failure. or the storage of materials that are incompatible with the tanks' construction or lining, This guidance wiU assist tank users in determining effective approaches to meet the performance standards in section 9003(g). (' l e r , . Federal R~ster I Vol. 5:, No, 107 / Wednes¿ay, June 4. 1985 I Rules and Regulations 2041S IV. Legislative History of Section 9003(g) Many of tile slorage tank provisions now contained in Subtttle }, including seclion 9OOJ(gJ. had thei~ ori¡;::!s in a blIl mtroduct'd b:: Sma tel' Durenbel1!e: on fel)rusr\, 29, 1964 a!' aT! e~enáment 10 tile ~eíe" Dnnkin~ \';e~£. Act. 130 Cong, Rec. S202ð (Feb. zg, 1984), Amo:tg Llese p!'O\"i!ions was s req~;re:nent that EPA pr')~wgale r.ew tank standard!! within nin~ months of the d¡¡te of enactment of the p:oposed a:nenær.ents. Such standards wpre to include a prohibition on bare stee! tanh. ¡d. a! 52026, The provisions established an exception from the bare steel tank ban "where the Administrator fmds there is mintmal danger of corrosion." ¡d. In describing that provision. Senator Durenberger stated that "installation of common but less adequate tanks-those made of bare steeJ-"..ould be prohibited unless the hydrogeology of the area i8 BUch that there is a minimal danger of corr08ion." /d. at 52027, On July 25. 19114, Senator Durenberger cHered a modified version of his storage tank provisions as an amendment to RCRA. 130 CO!1b. Rec. 59164 Uul~' 25, 1984), This amendment was passed by the Senate.ld, at S9201.ln this modified version. the deadline for-new tank standards wes extended and the bare steel ban was converted into an interim requirement that new tanks be installed in accordance willi enforced national cons!!nsus code." This requirement was to go into effect ninety days after the bill was passed and remain effective until EPA promulgated new tank standards. Id. at 59163-64, . On the House of Representatives side, amendments to RCRA were passed but did not contain provisions fer the regulation of unàerground storage tanka. 130 Congo Ree.. H9184 (November 3, 1983). On August 10, 1984, however, the House passed an underground storage tank bill as an amendment to CERCl.A, 130 Cong. Rec, H8938, H9027 (August 10. 1984). The House bill contained an interim prohibition that provided as follows: Until the effective date of !be regulations promul!!aled by the Administrator under SlJoseCllOn (a) and ahe. 180 days after the date of !be enactment of this tiÙe. no person may imtall or begin usi.'Ig an underground storage tank for the purpose of sloring bazardous substances UIÙess such tank, of ei!ber singJe or óouble wall construction, is ca!bodicaUy prolected against corrosion. construcled of nOl1corrosive material. 81~! dad with a noncorrosive malerial which would prevent corrosion for the operational ilie of the lank. or contained in a maMer ';estped to prevenl the release or Úln!alened Jeaae of any slored hazardous subslance end unJes8 In all cateS tile melena! Uled in tlle construcuon or lJlUR of \he løÙ is corr.patjble ~'ith the SUDstaDce to be ,Iored, ¡d. 61 H8939. Subsequen:1y, a Conference COMmittee was fc:me¿ to ccnslder t.'te RCR.-\ amendments passed by the Senate and the House. Altbo¡.:f:h the House CERCLA bill was not omciaüy t::1der consideration by the RCRA Conierence Committee. the conferees adopted the ia!l$:uage of that bill's ir.lenm proi:JbitlOn with several si~icant modifications. 130 Cong. Rec, H11121 (Oct. 3, 1934). These modifications included the req..mement that ever)' new tank prevent releases due to ''Structura! failure" for its "c;:!erationaJ life" (section 9OC3{g)(A)) and the exception from corrosion protection requirements for tanks located in soil with a resistivity of 12.000 ohm/em or more, The Coclere::ce Report described Lie repo:ted "rovision as follows: Following enaclment. the inslallation of hare sleel W1ks. i.e. thole which provide , linje or no proleclion against corrosion, ",ill he prohibited until the AdmL'1i9tralor promulgates regulations e~tab¡¡shir.g Ihe c'Jndltions for inslallation, Bare Iteel tanks may be installed (pending promu!¡:8tion of £FA re!lulatioP8 only.where properly conducled soil tests sbow reti!tivitv at 12.000 olu:1£/cm or more. This provision rèplacee the provision in the SenaLe amendment which prohibíls inslaUation of bare sleeltanks excepl in states thaI enforce a national consensus code. 130 Cong. Rec. 11139 (Oct. 3. 19M). The bill, as reported by the Conference CommiUee. ultimatelv passed both houses and was sigIÍed by the President on November 8. 1984, The legislative history of section 9003(g) reveals that. as originaUr introduced in the Senate, the section was aimed at preventiJ1g the installation of steel tank systems without corrosion protection. Ultimately. however. section 9003(g) was expanded not only to prohibit installation of bare steel tanks, but also to include requirements pertaining to the structural integrity of all newly instalied tanks aurl the compatibiltty of the substances stored with tne ma¡erials used in trie construction and lining of such tanks. V. EP A's Interpretation of Section 9003(g) EPA reviewed the statutory language of section 9:J03(g) and its legislative history, Based upon this review, EPA's conclusions are set forth below. Section 9003{g) (codified as 4{) CFR 280.2) establishes three requirements thaI must be. satisfied by all underground storage tanks (including underground pipes connected to the lar,Í<s) installed between Ma~' i. 1985 and the effe::tive date of new ta!Ù< standarà~ prormJl~aled under R:::RA section 9OOJ;e), with tile "xcep~cn c.f tanks qualiiymg for the exemptio:\ from corros:O!1 pr~techon require::1er.!s under IIP-Clion 9003(¡;)(:!). There requirements arc: (1) That L'Je tank and uncie:y.-ound piping be designed, constructed. and inslalled te prevent re¡eas~ dae to corrosion for the operational ¡ie of the tank and the piping: (2) that the tank and u.'1derground piping be desi6ned. constructeè, and instaUed to prevent reìeases due to structural failure for the operational life of the tank lånd the piping: end (3) that the materials used in the construction or lining of the tank and its underground piping be compatible with the substance to be stored in the tank. The first two of the above reauirements are established bv section 9OÓJ(g)(1)(A), which pro\;des that tanks nlust "prevent releases due to corrosion or structure! failure for the operational life of the tank," The third requirement is established by section 9003(g)(1)(C). In addition, section 9003(g)(1)(B) sets forth minimum requirements for tank design and construction. Under section 9003{g)(1)(B), tanks must be either cathodically protected against corrasion, constructed of noncorrosive material, steel clad with a noncorrosiye materia] or designed in a manner to prevent the release or threatened release of any stored substance. In addition to cathodically protected tanks and taIlks constructed or clad with non·corrosive materials, section 9OO3(g)(1)(8) would permit the use of ' other types of tanks and protective . measures if they are "designed in a maMer to prevent the release or threatened release of any stored substance," Interested parties may consult with EPA on a case-by· case basis concernín¡; the effectiveness of particular technologies for preventing reieases. Tnere are several examples of le:-';;:; that do nOl satisfy the require:nen! of section 9003{g)(1)(A) that they prevent releases due to corrosion for ilie operational life of the tank. A steel tank wÌ10se only corrosion protection is a coating of noncorrosive materials that is applied in such a way that it will not prevent releases due to corrosion for the operational life of Üle tank is not adequate, Similarly. a cathodicalIy protected tank whose cathodic protection is not designed to prevent releases for the operational life of the .~ 20420 Federal Register tank will not be deemed to have satisfied this requirement. Paint and asphalt coatings are not adequate for cathodic protection. Asphalt paints are soluble in a number of regulated substances that are normally stored in tanks, including solvents and hydrocarbons, such as gasoline. Applications of both asphalt paints and lead paints are thin, easily daIllaged during installation and easily worn away durir:g use. They do not proVIde a compiete seal for the tank. such paint or asphalt coatings do not pro\ide corrosion resistance for the operational life of the tank and. therefore. do not comply with the interim prohibition. Tanks that satisfy the requirement of section 9003(g)(1)(A) to prevent releases due to corrosion must still satisfy the requirements that they prevent releases due to "structural failure" and that the materia]s used in the construction of the tank be compatible with the substances to be stored. For example, a tank constructed of noncorrosive material that is subject to structural failure because of its design or installation would not satisfy the requirements of section 9003(g)(1). Similarly, a tank whose construction materials are not compatible with the product to be stored would not satisfy the requirements of section 9003(g)(1) because, although it satisfies the corrosion protection requirement of section 9003(g)(1)(A). it does not satisfy the compatibility requirement of section 9003(g)(I)(C}. Section 9003(g)(1) provides that "no person may install an underground storage tank" wùess such tank satisfies the requirements of sections 9003(g)(1) (A), (B), and (C). EPA interprets the term "no person may install an underground storage tank" to encompass any persons responsible for having a tank installed. including among others owners, operators and installers. EPA also interprets section 9003(g) as applying to all new installations, inCluding installation of previously used tanks and to any new installation of underground piping associated with underground 01. 51. No. 107 I Wednesday, June 4, 198 tanks subject to the prohibition. When lhe :1ew installation is only piping, only the new piping would be subject to the standards in section 9003(g). With respect to the exemption from corrosion protection requirements pro\ided by section 9003(g)(2), EPA interprets this provision as pennitting the installation of a tank without corrosion protection if a person, prior to installation, demonstrates by :neans of soH testi:1g conducted in accordance w,lh AS'Thf Standard G3i-38 thaI the soil at the location where the tank is to be installed does not have a resistivity of less than 12,000 ohm·cm, A tank exempted from corrosion prolection requirements under this section, however, must still satisfy the requirement that the tank be designed, constructed. and installed to prevent releases due to the structural failure of the tank and that the materials used in the constrection or lining of the tank be compatible with the substances to be stored in the tank, Thus, for example, a steel tank without any type of corrosion protection may be installed at a location where the soil continues to have a resistivity of 12,000 ohm-cm during the operationalliIe of the tank. However, if the tank is constructed or installed so that it suffers structural failure or is not compatible with the stored product and releases its contents, the tank would not be in compliance with section 9003(g), VI. Summary of Supporting Analyses 1. Executive Order 12291 Executive Order 12291 (46 FR 13193. February 9. 1981) requires that a regulatory agency determine whether a new regulation will be "major" regulation and. if 80. that a Regulatory Impact Analysis be conducted. A major rule is defIDed as regulation which is likely to result in: (1) An annual effect on the economy of 5100 million or more: (2) A major increase in costs or prices for consumers, individual industries, Federal. State, and localgovemment agencies. or geographic regions: <lIes and Regulations (3) Significant adverse effects on competition. employment. Investment. productivity, innovation. or on the ability of United States-based enterprises to compete with foreign- based enterprises in domestic or export markets. This rule does not ha\'e any of the impacts listed above, The Agency did conduct an economic impact analysis of the interim prohibition as part of the Hazardous Waste Ma:1a~ement S~'stem: Fir.al Codification Ruie puoüshed in the Federal Register July 15, 1985. The Regulatory Impact Analysis concludes that upper bound cost estimales for the Interim Prohibition are under $10 million per year. The interpretive rule has been submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review as required by Executive Order 12291. 2. Regulatory Flexibility Act Pursuant to the Regulatory Flexibility Act. 5 U,S,C. 601 et seq., whenever an agency publishes a general notice of 'rulemaking for any proposed or final ruJe, it must prepare and make available for public comment a regulatory flexibility analysis that describes the impact of the ruJe on small entities (i.e.. small businesses. small organizations. smallgovemmental jurisdictions). The Administrator may certify. however, that the rule will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. The Regulatory Impact Analysis for the Final Codification Rule also addresses the impact of the Interim Prohibition on small entities and concludes that the Interim Prohibition will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. This interpretive rule does not. therefore, require a regulatory flexibility analysis, Dated: May 21, 1986. Lee M, Thom.., Administrator. (FR Doc. 86-12002 Filed 11-3-ð8: 8:.5 ami 8IWNG COO£ .-.0.11 ( þ (¡ l 09/30/98 14: 54 ~805 326 0576 TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO. CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID START TIME USAGE TIME PAGES RESULT BFD HAZ MAT DIV *************************** *** ACTIVITY REPORT *** *************************** 8651 3252529 09/30 14:46 07'02 7 OK ~001 e "> .- . CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave,. 3rd Floor. Bakersfield. CA 93301 FACILITY NAME F"a6'\ ßrCA.t. ADDRESS 4~()() Wlt-.{t., aJ, FACILITY CONTACT INSPECTION TIME INSPECTION DATE 3 illl 18 PHONE NO, 83J' (p 7;JÐ BUSINESS 10 NO. 15-210- NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES ~ Section J: Business Plan and Inventory Program ~ Routine o Combined o Joint Agency o Multi-Agency o Complaint ORe-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Appropriate permit on hand Iv Business plan contact information accurate V' Visible address III Correct occupancy V Veritication of inventory materials '" V Veritication of quantities 1\/ Veritication of location V Proper segregation of material \I Veritication of MSDS availability V Verification of Haz Mat training V Veritication of abatement supplies and procedures ../ Emergency procedures adequate t/ Containers properly laheled / Housekeeping v' Fire Protection ..¡ Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand v' C=Compliance V=Violation Any hazardous waste on site?: Explain: o Yes fSl.No White - Env, Sves, Yellow - Station Copy Pink - Business Copy ú.-'h ~ Business Site Responsible Party Inspector: £J ~ - Questions regarding this inspection? Please callus at (805) 326-3979 ~-- - ----~--- GILBARCO TANK t10H I TÜ~: :::: - - - - - - - -. I t·~i-iEt~TC!F:::'l REF-CiF:T MAF:: i :::, i -31313 i0=22 Ari TAt·H::: i UNLEADED E,Ø:::7 GALLOt·~::; FUE! :3·~ i 6 C2ÅL:; 'jl.LÅ!~E 55.64 INCHES FUEL 0. 0 It~CHES ~·jATE¡ b:::. 4 I;ECiF~EE~; F T.. ',' .:' I . L. " ' II R"'" r:, . _I L r:. ::- -::a ; ; .... ." 40 40 --(~1-'3-2 -. -. .. :31.61 -;:..q · . · 7 TANK :::: GALLot~::; FUEl G Ab-:3--!;;! L L-A G E, It~CHE:; FUEL I t·K:HE::: WArE; IJEGREE~; F ~3IJF·E~: tlt~LEAIIEI; 2785 i~ÅLLClt·~::; FtiE~ 72i8 GALS Ul.LAGE 30.60 INCHES FUEL 0. ø I t·4CHE::: ~·jATE; 64. 0 DEGF~EE::; F TÅt~t< 4 IIIESEL "'c:-c-... J. ._1 ,_I '"t --Ad':=¡ · .' . ;:. ¡:::¡ ....- .¡ .-. ! . c- 65.8 GALLON::: FUEi GAL:; ULLAGE I NCHE:3 FUEL I t'KHES WArE; DEGREE~; F "' . . CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave" 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME hL5t (3..('£\ k: od 1- fhl1 r+ INSPECTION DATE~ Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program [S4"Routine 0 Combined 0 Joint Agency Type of Tank Ft:: 3 Type of Monitoring AT tn o Multi-Agency Number of Tanks t/ Type of Piping Fè S o Complaint ORe-inspection OPERA nON c v COMMENTS Proper tank data on tile J Proper owner/operator data on tile r/ Penn it fees current V Certification of Financial Responsibility V Monitoring record adequate and current ,¡ tók. Jtl/dltln.( £t1aW\ '\-' crt'- (Ctt{C t"(c :t'-I-lC'\ g~~"~ IIfvt.. OtArl ~'f- A-1I1f<,' rI . Maintenance records adequate and current Failure to correct prior UST violations rI Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No 1'-10 Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank AGGREGATE CAPACITY Number of Tanks OPERA TION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on file with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? ¡fyes, Does tank have overfill/overspill protection? C=Compliance V=Violation Y=Yes N=NO In,p"lo" .A...., ~ Oftïce of Environmental Services (805) 326-3979 White - Env. Svcs, , ~------ 0..1>. ~ Business Site Responsible Party Pink - Business Copy fiRE CHIEF MICHAEl R. KELLY ADMINISTRAtIVE SERVICES 2101 'W Street Bak8lSfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 oW Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAl. SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield. CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 .~ . e ~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT May 15, 1998 Don Dozah Stuarts Petroleum 11 East 4th Street Bakersfield, CA 93307 RE: Fastbreak, 4800 White Lane Dear Mr, Dozah: Last summer, you answered a survey concerning your underground storage tanks, stating that your tanks would be upgraded by March 1997. - - - - - - You did not meet that target date! - - - - - - We are concerned! On December 22, 1998, your current underground storage tanks will become illegal to operate. Current laws and code requirements would require that if your tanks are not upgraded by that date, your permit to operate would be revoked, - - it will be illegal for any fuel distributer to deliver fuel to your tanks, - - and your tanks would then be considered illegally abandoned and require that action be taken within ninety (90) days to remove the tanks. Of course, we have no interest in pursuing this route. We would like to have your tanks properly handled prior to this December 22,1998 deadline. Please review your situation and reply within two weeks as to the current (realistic) plans for your existing tanks. As we get closer to the December 22, 1998 deadline, I would expect construction costs, as well as lead times to increase considerably. If there is anything this office can do to assist you in your planning, do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, ~--- alph E. Huey, Director Office of Environmental Services REH/dm 'Y~õfe W~~vØ6~~ A W~" FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KELLY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 oW Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'w Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAl SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 ~ . _. - BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT February 24, 1998 Don Dozah Stuarts Petroleum 11 East 4th Street Bakesfield, CA 93307 RE: Fastbreak, 4800 White Lane UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UPDATE Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: The City of Bakersfield has some exciting news regarding loan monies, which has just become available through the Small Business Loan Association (SBA), Pollution Control loans, thru the SBA, are intended to provide loan guarantees to eligible small businesses for the financing of planning, design, or installation of pollution prevention controls, which includes underground storage tank facilities. , The vast majority of businesses are eligible for financial assistance from the SBA. The SBA defines an eligible small business as one that is independently owned and operated and not dominant in its field of operation. For those applicants that meet the SBA' s credit eligibility standards, the agency can guaranty up to eighty percent (80%) ofloans of$100,000. Seventy five percent (75%) ofloans above $100,000. Lynn Knutson, Chief of Finance for the SBA says, "If customers apply immediately, and meet the requirements, funding is available". The City of Bakersfield hopes all of our underground storage tank owners take advantage of this opportunity. For more information on SBA, Pollution Control Loans, please call or write to: Lynn Knutson, Chief Financial Officer Small Business Loan Association 2719 North Air Fresno Drive, Suite 200 Fresno, CA 93727 Phone # (209) 487-5785, Ext 130 Don't delay, start today!!! SinceA",ce..re~ ' ¡tz:~ Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector Office of Environmental Services cc: Ralph Huey 'Y~~ W~~V#;OPe~ A W~" FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R, KELLY ADMINJS1RAJIVE SEIMCES 2101 oW Street Bakersfletd. CA 9330 1 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SUVlCES 2101 'w Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENnON SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAl SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 3W-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 ~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT . e - February 13, 1998 F astbreak 4800 White Lane Bakersfield, CA 93309 RE: "Hold Open Devices" on Fuel Dispensers Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: The Bakersfield City Fire Department will commence with our annual Underground Storage Tank Inspection Program within the next 2 weeks. The Bakersfield City Fire Department recently changed its City Ordinance concerning "hold open devices" on fuel dispensers, The Bakersfield City Fire Department now requires that "hold open devices" be installed on all fuel dispensers. The new ordinance conforms to the State of California guidelines, The Bakersfield Fire Department apologies for any inconvenience this may cause you. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 326-3979. Sincerely, sl~ Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector cc: Ralph Huey 'Y~de ~~ ~ uØ60Pe ~ A ~~ " RRE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KEllY ADMlNIS1IA1M SERVICES 2101 'W street BakØlSfield, CA 9330 1 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 3~ 1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H'street BakØlSfield, CA 9330 1 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 3~ 1349 PREVENOON SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVlRONM£NTAI. SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 9330 1 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Street Bakersfield. CA 93308 (805) 399-4lh7 FAX (805) 399-5763 ~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT . . - January 29, 1998 Don Dozah Stuarts Petroleum 11 East 4th Street Bakersfield, CA 93307 RE: FastBreak, 4800 White Lane UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UPDATE Dear Mr. Dozah: The City of Bakersfield wishes to congratulate those tank owners who have upgraded, removed or replaced their tanks in the month of January. During the month of January, our office had six sites (14 tanks) which are now in compliance. This is a very big "first step". For those who have not yet upgraded, I would like to share some thoughts on why it is so important to act right away: 1. Licensed contractors are booking up fast, in some cases, up to three months in advance. 2. Supplies (pumps, dispensers, leak detection equipment) may be scarce. 3. The cost for upgrading or removing could go up as demand Increases. 4. Assembly Bill 1491 will ban fuel deliveries after January 1999 to non-upgraded owners. The good news, is there is still time!!! If there is anything this office can do to assist you in your planning, do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, J-dW Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector Office of Environmental Services cc: Ralph Huey, Director, Office of Environmental Services 'Y~de W~~~OPe ~ A W~" FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KEllY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 ow Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVlRONMENJ'AL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 ~ . ." ~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT December 18, 1997 Don Dozah Stuarts Petroleum 11 East 4th Street Bakersfield, CA 93307 RE: Fast Break, 4800 White Lane Dear Mr. Dozah: Last summer, you answered a survey concerning your underground storage tanks, stating that your tanks would be upgraded by March 1997 - - - - - - You did not meet that target date! In November, we invited you to a ftee underground storage tank workshop, where State representatives discussed both the regulations and alternatives that you as a tank owner will have, - - - - - - You did not attend! - - - - - - We are concerned! You will be receiving this letter on our about December 22, 1997. One year ftom today, December 22, 1998, your current underground storage tanks will become illegal to operate. Current laws and code requirements would require that if your tanks are not upgraded by that date, your permit to operate would be revoked, - - it will be illegal for any fuel distributer to deliver fuel to your tanks, - - and your tanks would then be considered illegally abandoned and require that action be taken within ninety (90) days to remove the tanks. Of course, we have no interest in pursuing this route. We would like to have your tanks properly handled prior to this December 22,1998 deadline. Please review your situation and reply within two weeks as to the current (realistic) plans for your existing tanks. As we get closer to the December 22, 1998 deadline, I would expect construction costs, as well as lead times to increase considerably. If there is anything this office can do to assist you in your planning, do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/dm cc: Kirk Blair, Assistant Chief 'Y~¿{Jg, W~ ~ ~t'N'e ~ A W~ " -"'- o\;~C'~Y. -~ ',. ,.. e . /«: 'O~~.';' ", A "',........:;¡ï;:¡""..t..:;~~. '." ~' '",/". , '4..... /~ .....m.' '(' \ ~.'!'~.c, ~I.,: \ ." ~ '...........- ..,,' \:...'. -- I ""~f$~'/ ,~':.. ~;"/ ---. ß T-O~~ ¡C;~7I':)N TO PE'RF(i~,~ A '!'H~tITNESS l'!S'" ~ .~ ''''AC''Ll'-'' "DC'".'·...,· ~¡¡ . .r '. J. ¡, .-., ".:.~.;, Y'~ -, ,~- -~; 3.3ð? PERMIT TC DPenAr'£' It ...-,---.--.-.,-.-.--....- ..-......- ----,"---.--.....-- pOP.£RA!Q1\S NAM£: .___________...:..._ owr1E~S NJ\.'%.f£~..~ Nù'1œ'Ef1. OF TAN}(S TO Sf 'l'E3'J'E.D ,_~. 1; :)~: T' l JG GO :N:i TC 3E TE5~tED~ 'I~ AN'K ,.. I ..:}--. ...1 ~_& 5l', "If) ~ lJM ,:~ ___J~¿é_ _ __. ,_ __LDtL_,__ ._ _vI!) (.<:.._____ .__../..12K__ .,. ,_, ".. ..........----- ':rANK TE,STI NG \:0 K:' AIr::' . &,~ œ-id..t:i:J2l2i.J...AJ.])..7:1J..:: 0 RE::' ';t. I$~ç),{,¿_...:l:l...J.LG__~ '!'EST ~Z'1'HOO ..lJ...i- 'Í._~''Æ.?.L_p _,_.._ J: ~lIi::"f}J¡'l11)...l~;(:' NAME Of ~EST'ER..___... ..-IOB-$MI11f ~'tI:':. ,:A': ION ~ .L~L.~s..~ rJ-?_~__ ST A. 'l'E;U:C. LS'l' R;-\'r )JJ N 'I' ._L.~~~~ !.:.!~1!_ '_'.__ .__ ____ OA!"£ 6a tl}i,!: 1'1:::;:: :;;, 1: n: ~:~Nr:1JC';:,,::,·_~-::-:J::.S[::::__.czL..________.._ eo. ,,"; --.... r;¡, _ -" f:::.¿-~ - _'17. 1JA'":'~ :zJ~.~ ~.G~v.AT'~FE ()f APPl, ; CAN'T 0#f/ t ~ ~ ./ - "f} }V . -' t. /.~ ..---/ - . INVOICE #BB000039 TEST DATE: 04/25/97 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS 15806 AVENUE 288 VISALIA, CA 93292 209-747-5220 TANK STATUS EVALUATION REPORT -----------------------~----- ***** CUSTOMER DATA ***** ***** SITE DATA ***** STUART'S PETROLEUM 11 E, 14TH, ST, FAST BREAK MOBILE 4800 WHITE LANE BAKERSFIELD,CA, 93307 BAKERSFIELD,CA, CONTACT: DON GOZA PHONE #: (800) 977-3835 CONTACT: PHONE #: ***** COMMENT LINES ***** CURRENT EPA STANDARDS DICTATE THAT FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RATE OVER THE PERIOD OF ONE HOUR IS ,05 GALLONS, TANK #1: REG UNLEADED RATE: ,031361 G,P,H, GAIN TANK #2: PLUS UNLEADED -- .- . -'.~- TYPE: STEEL RATE: ,014495 G,P,H, LOSS TANK #3: SUPER UNLEADED .~ /~ TANK #4: DIESEL FUEL 2 TYPE: STEEL OPERATOR: ___~r~;ii;i4~~Z ~~__ DATE: ~{_?~-?7 RATE: ,010233 G,P.H, LOSS RATE: ,049514 G,P,H, GAIN ·r~ ).....~ .' TANK DIAMETER ( IN) LENGTH (FT) VOLUME (GAL) TYPE FUEL LEVEL (IN) FUEL TYPE dVOL/dy (GAL/IN) CALIBRATION ROD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 . ******* TANK NO, 1 96 26,59 10000 ST REG UNLD 116,41 DISTANCE 10,6563 26.9531 41.9375 56,9375 74.9375 ,0000 ,0000 ,0000 TANK DATA TANK NO, 2 96 26,59 10000 ST 71 72 PLS UNLD 114,86 10,6563 26.9531 41. 9375 56,9375 74,9375 ,0000 ,0000 ,0000 e ******** TANK NO, 3 TANK NO, 4 96 26,59 10000 ST 96 26,59 10000 ST 74 71 SUP UNLD DIESEL 2 111,49 116,41 10,6563 26,9531 41. 9375 56,9375 74,9375 ,0000 ,0000 ,0000 10.6563 26,9531 41. 9375 56,9375 74,9375 ,0000 ,0000 ,0000 · .'~ ,1 .: e ******* C U S TOM E R JOB NUMBER CUSTOMER (COMPANY NAME) CUSTOMER CONTACT (LAST, FIRST): ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX ******* COM MEN T ******* SIT E SITE NAME (COMPANY NAME) SITE CONTACT (LAST, FIRST) ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX GROUND WATER LEVEL (FT) NUMBER OF TANKS LENGTH OF PRE-TEST (MIN) LENGTH OF TEST (MIN) e D A T A ******** 000039 STUART'S PETROLEUM DON GOZA 11 E, 14TH, ST, BAKERSFIELD,CA. 93307 (800)977-3835 L I N E S ******* D A T A ******** FAST BREAK MOBILE 4800 WHITE LANE BAKERSFIELD,CA, o 4 30 180 ,¡ ~ 10 ill :J: Ü Z 'I""" o o , "-' ...J ~ ...J Z w ....;5 ø :z < :r: C) -10 e 15 1~ I rA"~ 1 START TI"E:23:46:88:Ø8 I I ] CURRENT rlnE:88:46:ØØ:88 5 JbU'I: . 83136 G'p~ ~ IH PIAtL. VERSION 3.81 --'" .- - ...w- o .88839 .80171 L__..L_ -15 o BB888839.T8T.l 11:· ... 30 TIME (MINUTES) e ~·5 Cr: -I -1 "1 1 - 80 84/25/97 '" ,.-.-"- .-.. 1 0 tJi W :c: Ü z 'r"'" o o , <.-J ..J ~ ..J Z w -5 ~ z < :c: C) -10 15 e e TAHX 2 STARI TI"E:23:46:88:88 CURREHT II"E:88:46:88:88 5 o -~" '-"'-, .,----./\ ~~--.....\ "-c"ll'f:, N "" EAX RATE: .,,-,ç.., " ", ......./...~.."II"""""".. 88187 .... - ,-" - >/""'\ .: , "Ã. , 't 't,' 1'. " , \'"\,/"''' '. ' . - 1111£.31 ' -,/ <, ,^"- ,.-. \ l '" ',' . DUD \.-~I ""'II" -;~¡),'i' ,81449 GPH LOSS PIAtL, VERSIOH 3.81 Cr: i." /\;\ " ' J . . ~ r....~-"'-...../"'-r..... -'-<. /....j '¡i' "if '"!.. -15 o BB8B8839.TST,1 15 30 TIME (MINUTES~ 45 80 84/25/97 ..... ~ 10 t/) W :J: Ü Z """ o o , ~ ..J ~ -.J Z w -5 ø z ~ :J: [) -10 15 5 o e e Cr: TAHK 3 START TIME:23:46=88:88 CURRENT Iln£:88:46:80:88 "'- - ,,,,- ~"v .............. /---.. _ " ~""-_..-....... v -.88183 -.88488 EAJ( RATE: .01023 GPH LOSS PTALL, VERSION 3.81 -15 o BB88ÐB39.TST,1 15 3D TIME (MINUTES) 45 80 84/25/97 ....;... , . .-.. 1 Ù Tjj w ::r ü z 'I"'" o o w ...I Q ~ ...I :z IJ.J - 5 ø z -::( J: ü -10 e e 15 Cr: ST.ARt TIJ1£:23:46:88:88 CURREMT 11"£:88:46:88:88 5 .88183 .88748 IAK RArE: .84951 GPH GAIN PTAIIL, IJER8IOH 3.81 -15 o BB888839.TST.1 ~- 1~ 30 TIME (MINUTES) ¿,5 BO 84/25/91 ..: .. e e INVOICE #BB000039 TEST DATE: 04/25/97 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS 15806 AVENUE 288 VISALIA, CA 93292 209-747-5220 TANK STATUS REPORT -- ULLAGE TEST --------------------------------- ***** CUSTOMER DATA ***** ***** SITE DATA ***** STUART'S PETROLEUM 11 E, 14TH, ST, FAST BREAK MOBILE 4800 WHITE LANE BAKERSFIELD,CA, 93307 BAKERSFIELD,CA, CONTACT: DON GOZA PHONE #: (800)977-3835 CONTACT: PHONE #: ***** COMMENT LINES ***** CURRENT EPA STANDARDS DICTATE THAT FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RATE OVER THE PERIOD OF ONE HOUR IS ,05 GALLONS, TANK # 1: REG UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL SN: .11 TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #2: PLUS UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL SN: -,04 TANK IS TIGHT, TANK #3: SUPER UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL SN: ,03 TANK IS TIGHT, TANK #4: DIESEL FUEL 2 TYPE: STEEL SN: .14 TANK IS TIGHT. OPERATOR: !80~ $~l~nH ___b~~!t~J:¡43J_______ SIGNATURE: .,a:4~-- DATE: D_1~?.~~!? , .... e e ******* TAN K DATA ******** TANK NO, TANK NO, TANK NO, TANK NO, 1 2 3 4 TANK DIAMETER ( IN) 96 96 96 96 LENGTH (FT) 26,59 26,59 26,59 26,59 VOLUME (GAL) 10000 10000 10000 10000 TYPE ST ST ST ST FUEL LEVEL (IN) 71 72 74 71 FUEL TYPE REG UNLD PLS UNLD SUP UNLD DIESEL 2 dVOL/dy (GAL/IN) 116.41 114.86 111,49 116,41 CALIBRATION ROD DISTANCE 1 10,6563 10,6563 10,6563 10,6563 2 26,9531 26,9531 26,9531 26,9531 3 41,9375 41,9375 41,9375 41.9375 4 56.9375 56,9375 56,9375 56,9375 5 74,9375 74,9375 74,9375 74,9375 6 ,0000 ,0000 ,0000 ,0000 7 ,0000 ,0000 ,0000 ,0000 8 ,0000 ,0000 ,0000 .0000 " -:.. , <-.: e ******* C U S TOM E R JOB NUMBER CUSTOMER (COMPANY NAME) CUSTOMER CONTACT (LAST, FIRST): ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX ******* COM MEN T ******* SIT E SITE NAME (COMPANY NAME) SITE CONTACT (LAST, FIRST) ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX GROUND WATER LEVEL (FT) NUMBER OF TANKS LENGTH OF PRE-TEST (MIN) LENGTH OF TEST (MIN) e D A T A ******** 000039 STUART'S PETROLEUM DON GOZA 11 E, 14TH, ST. BAKERSFIELD,CA, 93307 (800)977-3835 L I N E S ******* D A T A ******** FAST BREAK MOBILE 4800 WHITE LANE BAKERSFIELD,CA, o 4 30 180 ........ 0 ~ CI::: w 2.0 (!) 0 z a ~ ....J < Z 0 (j) 1.0 ~ 0 8": .11 ~ ø 9 PEAK 8M: 5.65 . " ,f..·; ¡,. 3,0 e e Cr: tAriJ< 1 tItlE -- 81:36:49 .0 50 BB888Ð39.S0N 500 500CC 84/25/97 FREQUENCY (HZ~ . -' a ti") N ::=:; z::: <e: pool . . z: CI: :=::: . . ..a:: z: :AI ~ !:L4 ..L - 0 0 N ~ (OIJ)f~ 3SION 01 l\(N~IS) Ol ÐOì z: 00 Cf:I . o ~ L(} IS:) ~ a IS) . IS) = = e .,.. ŒI I .-I 00 ...c e . . lot (j ~ N co ("1'".1 ..-I aIi:I I I ~ z:: - ... ..:.-....~::jjP,!! 0 =:=-_0 ~__ 0 .....¡ Lí) ~ ""'- IS)..--ì .~-_..._._- . -- ~ ..-I-Š ~ "£'"- z: .....- -- -:..00 - --- >- C ~ -------- 0 = z ~ w ::> =- .. 0 L~- ~ ...... u 8 o r- L(} C""I ""- Ln N ""- ~ ŒI ~ ! _". . ,i' e e 3,0 Cr: tArlK 3 tIME -- 81:41:48 ...-..., 0 ~ Cr::: w 2,0 (J) 0 z 0 I- ....J <: z " t/) 1.0 ',.",.J 0 .03 0:- ø :3 PEAK Sri: 7.41 .ù 50 BBØØØÐ39.S0N 500 5DOO FREQUENCY (HZ~ 5000C 84/25/91 ........ o ~ CI::: ~ 2.0 o z Q I- .....J -c( Z '" tf) '-.J 1.0 o 0:- SH : . 14 o 9 PEAK SN: 18.26 ~; ... ;. ~ A-'; ; .... 3.0 e - Cr: YANK 4 YInE -- 81:44:31 91 8 lr-.....ö--- .0 50 BB8ÐÐÐ39.S0N 500 5000 FREQUENCY (HZ~ 5000C 84/25/97 " It~ .' '" UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS 15806 AVENUE 288 VISALIA, CA 93292 (800) 244-1921 - 431 PIPING TIGHTNESS DETERMINATION; PL400 FORMAT FAST BREAK MOBILE 4800 WHITE LANE 93307 TEST LOCATION TEST OPERATOR: DATE: 04/24/97 TEST FAil 30 50 33 15 -.0357 X 30 50 41 09 -,0214 X 30 50 44 06 -.0143 X 30 50 39 08 -,0191 X PASS lEAK RATE lEAK RATE VOLUME DISPLACED FINAL PRESSURE INITIAL SSURE REG UNLD PLS UNLD SUP UNLD DIESEL 2 - COMMENTS LEAK DETECTORIS FUNCTIONING PROPERL 8 "- ''''= '. uJ If I 1 ",- t L 11. .' .;:-.< , . PLOT PLAN JOBSITE LOCATION e N rA-Si ß(¿£I:}/rj , 1'~06 ltI~;7£ L,I/· w g~ S:-, é11J S I f p It ~ M p ~ S ~1L Ý ~J#/ 'í£ V ~IJl1 1L YbldJ It V ~ 11t{ TANK PRODUCT #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 E ~-,M ó¿øØ LEGEND' F FILL T TURBINE TL TURBINE WITH LEAK DETECTOR FO OVERSPILL CONTAINER ON FILL R 'REMOTE 0 VENT E EXTRACTOR VALVE M MONITOR SYSTEM [ MANIFOLD SYSTEM MW MONITOR WELL Î' e __ Stuarts' Petroleum 11 EAST 4TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 (805) 325-6320 FAX (805) 325-8481 Toll Free (800) 977-FUEL Fax Cover Sheet TO: Company Name ¿~Æ.s""'~ ÑJO:: :ø~7'". Attn: :s.'T~V'.E ¿./A.i?J~¿?IJ~À Fax # 3:z.~.. o!:'7' Phone # FROM: Name -:ö~ ~~A~~ -:~I)F,7 ~ Time: Date: Pages to follow Message: .::::s~P4 . , /.q...v~ '7.Ë"~.,- /'.457 ~.tc:::.. , r This message Is Intended for the use of the Individual or entity to which It Is addressed, and may contaIn Information that Is prIvileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this mesSilge Is not the Intended recipIent, you are hereby notified that any dIssemInation, distribution or copying of thIs communication Is strlcUy prohibited. If you have received this communication In error, please notify us Immediately by telephone and return the original message to us at the above address via the US postal service without making a copy. Thank you for your cooperation. ¡ 'd ¡8P8 gZS g08 'ON XVlI WD~10HLHd 'SlHVDrs Wd ¡ Z : Z I t~ L6-EZ- AVW "lìÑjÏERGROUND TANK TESTERS . 15806 AVENUE 28a e VISALlA, CA 93292 __,.__ _ (800) 244-1921 FAX; (2~) 747-5223 ««< FAX TRANSMITIAL »»> FAX NUMBER: ::1ðS - ~?,~ 5 - Z"1'6'ï DATE: S ~.J - "1" 7 COMPANY: ..:s::?~c::t-'t--~.....' ~Z/c_.~~.y\..../ ATTENTION: ~.r,-, C ~L/ . ..1 SUBJECT: -~ ./U",3~ ih":- ,5i ¿~ ¿t-¿~...~ 7J"!-¿;-¿~L0 SENDER: ¿'(_j¿:¿_.~,. ~_=-:'~I NUMBER OF PAGES (fNCLUOííJGtÎffsPÃiiÉ)?' t£) MESSAGES: ~1 t~v Cß1~t- u,"---d- -V ,Æ¿,¿~·4-"'J;<-<:6'Æ.) .;:tz;--.~ , ,~ ~ ::z-1 ~ .4.</....1 A.,,-r- J....-0~ .-4-L-~ --,~-: /~I E. /'4_ . .. " ," ~d . ;/ ~_., --""'........ ..-¡-- ,r;/ -:-,----, " ~ _ ^-f~... ~/1 4 1G<.¿Z¿.:¡k~ _.' l ~ ,'/ .... ~-~~ -/~ ¿Z~'1(! ~~{~d?L~ ~ I ~ ~ , - ¡. , -- . ~. , /, /. " .ð vt&~~ d, Z 'd I8v8 SZE S08 'ON XV1! WD310BJ3d'SJBVDJS Wd ZZ:Z IB1! L6-EZ-AVW e UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS 15806 AVENUE 288 VISALIA, CA 93292 e (209) 747-5220 INVOICE Invoice Number: 68-039 Date: 04/25/97 Customer Information STUART'S PETROLEUM 11 E, /irH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA, 93307 Site lr;forma1/on FAST BREAK MOS'LE 4800 WHITE LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA, 93307 JI::'~~~__IZII\ - NO.Tanks 4 Refer # Work Description PRECISION TANK, ULLAGE, & LINE TEST CITY PERMIT FEES Amount 225,00 220,00 ,,~.,,&I::Ii¡I4 $1 120.00 Amount Due -".-... -" -- Note: A copy of the attached test results have been filed with the prooer regulatory agency. Your Business is Appreciated Late Charge: A late charge is computed at 1 1/~1o per month on previous balance if not paid by the 10th of the month following test. This is an Annual Percentage Aat,e of 18%. t 'd 18v8 SZt S08 'ON XVd Wil~10~13d 'Sl~VillS Wd tZ:Z I~d ¿6-tZ-ÀVW e e ! .NOï:CE #BB000039 TEST DATE: 04/25/97 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS 15806 AVENUE 288 VISALIA, CA 93292 209-747-5220 TANK STATUS EVALUATION F.EPORT .. - ..- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '1<**** CUSTOMER DAT,n, **1r** ***** SITE DATA ***** S :'l'ART I S P8TROLEû'M ~l. R. _TH. ST. LJ, FAST BREAK MOEILE 4800 WHITE LANE BAKERSFIELD,CA, 9.DÙ7 BAKERSFIELD/CA. :)NTA.C'I': DON GOZA P.:iONE **: ( 800) 977 - 3 835 CONTACT: PHONE ~: ~***y COMMENT LINES **~*~ CURRENT EPA STANDARDS DICTATE THAT FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL Tl.~KS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RATE OVER THE PERIOD OF ONE HOUR IS .05 GALLONS, T.\NK #1: REG UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL RATE: .03~361 G,P.H, GAIN TA.'N"K IS TIGHT. T~NK #2: PLUS UNLEÞ~ED TYPE: STEEL RATE: ,Ol~495 G,P.H, LOSS TANK :8 TIGHT, 7~K #3: SUPER UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL RATE:: .010233 G.P.H. LOSS TANK ':8 TIGHT, ?:;NK #4: DIESEL FUEL 2 TYPE: STEEL RATE: .049514 G,P.H, GAIN TA.~K :::S TIGHT. O;?ERATOR: (:... '"', ~ ..," '-11 .~. I . ~', ..'~, ': .¡ t'" ... 0:..' ". '. i\ ~ SIGNATURE: "77~~ .. ".' ~,... ,...... 'J 7-.J' øI .'~ .....::..~~~...;:·7~...~/¿.. --_.~~-:~------------- DATE: ðÝ--- ~J -:- // t~~ .~'.:~<' 'Vi'~;~ --- ~--~._~~~---~-~- t 'd 18t8 SZE S08 'ON XV¿ WGH10UHd 'SlaVn1S Wd EZ: Z I ad ¿6-EZ-HW .. * ... '* '* '*.... c U S. 0 MER JOB NUMBER CUSTOMER (COMPANY NAME) CUSTOMER CONTACT (LAST, FIRST): ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS .. LINE :2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) P.HONE NUMaER (XXX)XXX-XXXX ******* COM MEN T ******* oS I T E SITE NAME (COMPANY NAME) SITE CONTACT (LAST, FIRST) ADDRESS - L1NE 1 ADDRESS - LINE .2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX GROUND WATER LEVEL ( FT) NUMBER OF TANKS ~ENGTH OF PRE-TBST MIN) LENGTH OF TEST (MIN S 'd I8v8 SZE S08 'ON XVd D A T A ******** 4IÞ 000039 STUART'S pgTRC~EUM DON GOZÞ. 11 E. 14TH. ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 91307 (800)977-3835 L I N E S ******* D A T A ******** FAST BREAK M09ILE 4800 WHITE LANE EAKERSFIELD,CA. o ~ 4 30 180 Wil310aJ3d'SJHilJS Wd vZ:Z lad L6-EZ-AVW ---- ------- **.,.",...*e TAN K D A T A **e*** TA..t\¡K NO. TANK NO, TANK NO. TANK NO, 1 2 3 4 ':\lliK DIAMETER (IN) % 96 96 96 LENGTH (Fr) 26,59 26.59 26.59 26.59 VOLUMB (GAL) 10000 10000 10000 10000 TYPE ST ST ST ST FJEL LEVEL (IN) 71 72 74 7l FJEL TYPE REG UNLD PLS UNLD SUP UNLD DI:SSBL 2 ::. ¡O::"/dy :GALl IN) 116.41 114.86 111.49 1.16.41 C.\LIBRATION ROD DISTANCE 1 10_6563 10,6563 10_6563 10.6563 2 26,9531 26.9531 26.9531 26.9531 3 41. 9375 41. 9375 41. 9375 41. 9375 4 56,9375 56.9375 56.9375 56.9375 5 74.9375 74.9375 74.9375 74,9375 6 .0000 .0000 ,0000 .0000 7 .0000 .OOCO .0000 .0000 a .0000 .0000 .0000 _0000 9 'd !8v8 SZE S08 'ON XV~ WIB10HBd'SlHVnLS Wd SZ:Z IH~ L6-EZ-AVW UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS 15806 AVENUE 288 VISALIA, CA 93292 L- P-, (800) 244-1921 PIPING TIGHTNESS DETERMINATION; PL400 FORMAT TEST LOCATION FAST BREAK MOBILE 4800 WHITE LANE e _ BAKÉ,RSFIEL-º.:.QA..:.._~~307___ "/I(}. t~/~j _~", ..~-.; . i";..·-" 80BByd~~~·~~··(5mïJê-~7.1 ~31 TEST OPERATOR DATE fAiL - 1 ¡ .4 X _ I - X -t------1 - ¡ ! 2--_ -~ X ______.1 04j24/97 ~ = --- = Lr) C'J (r) Lr) = = c5 Z :>< ~ ,:z.. PASS LEAK RATE LEAK RATE VOLUME DISPLACED FINAL PRESSURE INITIAL PRESSURE TEST DURATiON -.0357 5 1 33 50 30 REG UNLD -.0214 -.0143 09 06 41 44 50 t30 50 ----ªº_--L-~O 30 PLS UNLD SUP UNLD 08 -,0191 ------------ LEAK DElECTO",S FUNC1IQ/IIING PROPERL V6 39 COMMENTS. 2 DIESEL -I S1 -p. ïJ ~ ~ :::::> þo.: --" = P<:: E--o þo.: P-, <on E--o P<:: ~ :::::> E--o <on ~ P-, Lr) C'J C'J ~ P<:: ,:z.. L- en I (r) C'J I þ--< ~ ~ - - - --------- - ~-- -- -- - -- - - - - CqjRECTIO'N NOTlif BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT N~ 584 LocatioJ1 fõs+ B ({at Or{ l ' l11lUt Sub Div, L/foO w~(.k "I'{ . Blk, You are hereby required to mak at the above location: \ I.". rlS ft'-J,'f lOa-h 6¿\t:e-19, (f)¡UN.:{·OC do~~ v6, ,clwS5 lC ,/' .,. dt1dJf \, , Completion Date for COITeCti~ ql~ Date~1 'L/1 ì , Inspector 326·3979 ') HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INSPE.N Aikersfield Fire Dept. OFFJf!!Il OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date Completed .9 Þ 2{ tJ ') Business Name: I~t;r h('r(JIL 11~{I" ft1t(f- Location: l{(.OO l./JA J(., AN Business Identification No. 215-000 /.1 " ~ (Top of Business Plan) Inspector .$~()c... d~rl.l~ Station No, Shift Arrival Time: Departure Time: Inspection Time: Address Visable Ade~te Inad6uate Emergency Procedures Posted Ade¿vte Inad6uate Correct Occupancy ~ 0 Containers Properly Labled t\Ý 0 Verification of Inventory Materials ctI 0 Comments: Verification of Quantities (]/ 0 Verification of Location üÝ 0 Verification of Facility Diagram ~ 0 Proper Segregation of Material !ij" 0 Housekeeping 0 Fire Protection ~ 0 Comments: Electrical 0 rÝ Comments: Verification of MSDS .A,.vailablity 0 Number of EmþlRyees: UST Monitoring Program 0 cV Comments: Verification of Haz Mat Training 0 w' ~ Permits 0 Comments: flO ,,^EiO~ f'ltJf fftlh'I~1 l)pt:~~r d~d Spill Control 0 "",r ,tIIC( ) whClr I-k'v a.rc.- Hold Open Device 0 if Verification of ctI Hazardous Waste EPA No. Abbatement Supplies and Procedures 0 ~ Proper Waste Disposal 0 Comments: Secondary Containment 0 Security ~ 0 Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: Violations: I(H/!JrJ (JPêfY" drV'â:5 ß1ú~+ be.. f'cVUllooJ' {t'!Ol1\ dlf pllt'hp!J I "/~,a.1 ()Nf(..,~ +-t..... No Ta. ~t n1If/n:9.$ "r h",' (... '·"llt. <T-r'~t g,/..,cc.. I r9s No Me] f-f~c.. ð1l!'1'-k, tt;f P~Cc:.cJ.drc..... è, Íy c'~ Business Owner/Manager PRINT NAME ~ ß. ~ \J L. \\ '2- "l--2.- SIGNATURE to ~ ~ ~ All Items Q,K Correction Needed ~ :> Q) ~ ('oj I/) (þ ~ White-Haz Mat Div. Yellow-Station Copy Pink-Business Copy Q u- UNDERGROUND STORAGE TAN6sPECTION FACILITY NAME fò.J- b('{'d/( FACILITY ADDRESS l/f(J(J VJr"(\~ tIho.rl tlJt'ltk J..H Bakersfield Fire Dept. Office of Environmental Services Bakersfield, CA 93301 BUSINESS J.D. No. 215-000 IJ&, ~ CITY --!3l:~, ZIP CODE <1'3307 FACILITY PHONE No. ~ ID# ID# ID# '1/ p-h '1 (ð-L 3 l/ INSPECTION DATE Product Pit: pr¡j~ct , ( I tl/11 hlN ¡;(¡.$ ,V¡.f Il'~ r' TIME IN TIME OUT Insl Dale Insl Dale Ins/q¿le INSPECTION TYPE: /193 l'igJ g3 ROUTINE ,/ FOLLOW-UP Size Size Size r:> " ¡if) In, Ð 1/ "'~ J~ ~Li¡" REQUIREMENTS yes no n/a yes no nIa yes no nIa 1a, Forms A & B Submitted / 1b, Form C Submitted :/ 1c, Operating Fees Paid ,/ 1d. State Surcharge Paid V if 1e. Statement of Financial Responsibility Submitted II 1f. Written Contract Exists between Owner & Operator to Operate UST / 2a. Valid Operating Permit v:' 2b. Approved Written Routine Monitoring Procedure ..¡ 2c, Unauthorized Release Response Plan V 3a, Tank Integrity Test in Last 12 Months 1< J; II 3b. Pressurized Piping Integrity Test in Last 12 Months 't V 3c, Suction Piping Tightness Test in Last 3 Years .¡ , 3d. Gravity Flow Piping Tightness Test in Last 2 Years V ~ 3e. Test Results Submitted Within 30 Days \I ... '" 3f. Daily Visual Monitoring of Suction Product Piping , ~ ..~ 4a. Manual Inventory Reconciliation Each Month \I '\I' ~ 4b, Annual Inventory Reconciliation Statement Submitted oJ ~ ~ 4c. Meters Calibrated Annually if G 5, Weekly Manual Tank Gauging Records for Small Tanks \/ 6, Monthly Statistical Inventory Reconciliation Results \I 7. Monthly Automatic Tank Gauging Results Ý a. Ground Water Monitoring .J 9. Vapor Monitoring " 10, Continuous Interstitial Monitoring for Double-Walled Tanks 11 11. Mechanical Line Leak Detectors ./ 12, Electronic Line Leak Detectors V 13. Continuous Piping Monitoring in Sumps -.h 14. Automatic Pump Shut-off Capability oj 15. Annual Maintenance/Calibration of Leak Detection Equipment ./ 16, Leak Detection Equipment and Test Methods Listed in LG-113 Series .¡ 17, Written Records Maintained on Site ..¡ 18, Reported Changes in Usage/Conditions to Operating/Monitoring Procedures of UST System Within 30 Days J 19. Reported Unauthorized Release Within 24 Hours ,if 20, Approved UST System Repairs and Upgrades -/ 21- Records Showing Cathodic Protection Inspection .¡ 22. Secured Monitoring Wells V 23, Drop Tube V RE-INSPECTlON D RECEIVED BY: ~~ INSPECTOR: ~ (j,f{;tÞJr-O -" OFFICE TELEPHONE No, .3 J..(ô "-& f' 1 r FD 1669 (rev, 9/95) FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R, KELLY ADMINISTRAßVE SERVICES 2101 'w Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 oW Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENßON SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 ~ . . -- BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT December 10, 1996 White & Stine Partners Stockdale Property Management 5001 East Commerce Center Drive #210 Bakersfield, CA 93309 RE: Underground Storage Tanks located at Fastbreak, 4800 White Lane. Dear White & Stine Partners: As I am sure you are aware, all existing single walled steel tanks that do not meet the current code requirements must be removed, replaced or upgraded to meet the code by December 22, 1998 . Your tanks do not currently meet the new code requirements and therefore fall into the remove, replace or upgrade category, Your current operating permit expires on or before that date and of course will not be renewed until appropriate upgrade of your tank system is accomplished. In order to assist you and this office in meeting this fast approaching deadline, I have attached a brief questionnaire addressing your plans to upgrade these tanks. Please complete this questionnaire and return it to this office by Friday, December 27, 1996, If you have any questions concerning your tanks or if we can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, ~~ Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator Office of Environmental Services REHldlm attachment 'Y~~ ~~.97fve ~UPe ~ A ~~ " ;;- "~"> <1~} >':~-... . , " " y"-- _~:- ·,:.'-~'-á1.:':'i_ ';>-, '. '_ '_._:'- > Ir-rConfOmú";Y,Ii~'þ(avisions- of pertinent, ord~,cQdes 1-.. ^^ , . f.#,.T· ...:t_ ~a ,T,.'.;..,,<ùcY , 8/14¡ei5;£~i~~¡~:: '< .......-.,.,..¥,....., IJ~h~">t-,,,- .,;{" ( t,¡ ",J, , U.~. ',FI_.'D.IM..tlT~·.~.E.,.,.J~.", 'U~OF'FI_;PUft~~;",,; ,"". ':-,', " : . . '-'--,,/-,_:':;,~ j!,~:",;,>~::(¡-_?,-, APPLICATION:, ' ,':r~k;:; Bakersfield ~ iqsuUation of ('1') t¡C¡f}-qa'j r~as"(' ~toraie tq~..~ ~ti ~'ti!,,!f;.'/nM,te Ln. '~:ó'" ¿ /' ~~.,..,~' Authorized Representative. . permit~r;>_...._._.?b~!~i:._..._........_...._..... Date By..... ~.: .:'t. <~u.,¿~,Æºß ~.............. ....,.._.........,.. '1 ) Fire Marshal ., \ f ,,' '''/,'' \ , , ~------- -- ~--- --- - ~-- -:- '- UNDERGROUND,STORAGE. ,INS~ECJION ~ FACILITY NAME FACILITY ADDRESS FAst k?,~\Z be\~· ñÎ.<!~'\- '1 ~Ö() fA),^ "+e. ~ 1-"" FACILITY PHONE No. INSPECTION DATE I \ /'1,(.)/'1 ~ TIME IN TIME OUT INSPECTION TYPE: (1\b4tèo (1'l.\3 ROUTINE V-- FOLLOW-UP REQUIREMENTS 1a. 1b, 1c. 1d. 1e, 1f. 2a. 2b. 2c. 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 3e, 3f, 4a. 4b, 4c. 5. 6, 7, 8. 9, 10. 11. 12. 13. 14, 15, 16. 17. 18, Forms A & B Submitted Form C Submitted Operating Fees Paid State Surcharge Paid Statement of Financial Responsibility Submitted Written Contract Exists between Owner & Operator to Operate UST Valid Operating Permit Approved Written Routine Monitoring Procedure Unauthorized Release Response Plan Tank Integrity Test in Last 12 Months d,AP \\1'>(" C; t:::; Pressurized Piping Integrity Test in Last 12 Months Suction Piping Tightness Test in Last 3 Years Gravity Flow Piping Tightness Test in Last 2 Years Test Results Submitted Within 30 Days Daily Visual Monitoring of Suction Product Piping Manual Inventory Reconciliation Each Month Annual Inventory Reconciliation Statement Submitted Meters Calibrated Annually Weekly Manual Tank Gauging Records for Small Tanks Monthly Statistical Inventory Reconciliation Results Monthly Automatic Tank Gauging Results Ground Water Monitoring Vapor Monitoring Continuous Interstitial Monitoring for Double-Walled Tanks Mechanical Line Leak Detectors Electronic Line Leak Detectors Continuous Piping Monitoring in Sumps Automatic Pump Shut-off Capability Annual Maintenance/Calibration of Leak Detection Equipment Leak Detection Equipment and Test Methods Listed in LG-113 Series Written Records Måintain~d on Site Reported Changes in Usage/Conditions to Operating/Monitoring Procedures of UST System Within 30 Days Reported Unauthorized Release Within 24 Hours Approved UST System Repairs and Upgrades Records Showing Cathodic Protection Inspection Secured Monitoring Wells Drop Tube 19. 20, 21- 22, 23. -~._. -~ -,:, ">~·'Bäkersfield Fire Dept. Office of Environmental Services Bakersfield, CA 93301 BUSINESS I.D. No, 215-000 .LIJ,r;...g. CITY ~~~~<¿\rl ZIP CODE cr3_3n<? ID# <"11..t O~ Product ( II.-. t LJL -¡- Inst Date 19~ Size \ Ó "') ()f) >( 2.. ID# ð~ Product 'su þ€..,'t.U L Inst Date ~~2,. Size II) f\fY' ID# ñ4 'Koduct U\~~ Inst Date c::;-R~ Size ¡ /"), ")r\ r / ~ M ~ ~ M ~ ~ M ~ V' V t/ v V .......... V V- I/" v .......... )t v v ý V" V V v' ¡/ ~ V v .......... v ......... .,,- v ........ ...... v 0/' .,,- v V""" ,/ ./" v ,/" ....- V' v' ~ ,/'" ¡,.- v ../ V- i/' ,rV 11_ v' RECEIVED BY: YnM M;; OFFICE TELEPHONE NO,i. ,~ J..b \ RE-INSPECTION DATE ^ INSPECTOR: ''/ /i~,.¡ff ~t.-- --1..ú" ~ ../" ~ I/" >¡ 1"/ t v V ,/". ¿...-- ~ -- -- ..,.., v v- ~ V ¡...- ~ ...... ....- ...- .,..,. .,/ ,/ ¡./ v ......... v ~ v ,/' V' v.....' v ....-- ~-- -- ¡,..o-"'"" 10-- v V- V- I/" v ...- -' -. .---- ~ .....- .......... ~ ",.-' ,....-- -- ~ ..- .' .... .....- - ....... V ¡,/"' V"" - ~97r FD 1669 (rev, 9/95) ""';'; <~ HAZARDOUS MA TERItS ,INS;ECTION . ,.~fi~l4I Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division Date Completed II /3Q/" S / Business Name: ~0+ f1¡P4K- \'\e.1 \' Location: .J.( Rro {......;£,,/{.¡:; L J-. Business Identification No. 215-000 I~b ß (Top of Business Plan) Station No. ~/{.l:::' M\1\-"+- Shift ~ Inspector } LJ~ Arrival Time: Departure Time: Inspection Time: Verification of Inventory Materials Verification of Quantities Verification of Location Proper Segregation of Material Adequate ŒJ ~ ~ rn/ Inadequate LI LI D D Comments: Verification of MSDS Availability ~ ~ LI LI Number of Employees: Verification of Haz Mat Training Comments: Verification of Abatement Supplies & Procedures Comments: ~ D ~ ~ D D Emergency Procedures Posted Containers Properly Labeled . Comments: Verification of Facility Diagram Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: Œr' D .;. Violatiòns: I fJP44 ~1 SIé3NA TURE All Items O.K ~. Correction Needed !:] \ White-Haz Mat Div Yellow-Station Copy Pink-Business Copy ,.'"""t, _.,' p)- SI ¡¡ !!:. ~ ' ~, ~ State of Ca1iComia Staf.e Water Resources Co, Board éJt- ~ 0.&, (lDltrUCÙOIlJ OD reverse) -f-- CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBiliTY FOR UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS CONTAINING PETROlEUM A. 1 aaa ....... to......... P".....llupouibiitJ ia .... req1Iind __ca.. ¡pecified ia Sccåoa ZI07. Cbapter LIS. Div, 3. Tide Z3. CCR: 0500,000 IIoUan pel' -- D lmillioa doUanauaalagrepte or AND or ¡:a lmåDioa doUan per _ace 0 2 miDioD doUan alLDaalagrepte 8. 6iT//L)¿()~~ P~r.RðL~L/~ fN-aøl7WOIoIwcr~) Article 3, Chapter 18, Division 3, Title 23, California Code of Regulations. The mechanisms used to demonstJate ñnancial responsibility as required by Section 2807 are as follows: 'm~¡':;:,:;¡~i~l¡ :¡¡11111;¡_:~;~ili;;i.t::;i;:;tI::'::':':'¡·:':!:·:,:'::: ',;:i'¡":::··¡¡::¡·¡¡',:¡'¡':~~W:b~X:"':¡!:':':¡:·¡¡.¡.:¡.¡':¡'¡'''::~!~::''.;::' :'!¡,!i:m~~~j':;·:·: ·'m~.t>?;rgg~~~ $.,,:1?2f: ., "'.éJ:r~ ~.e,2) ~ ~AU ZA? ,.J ~~___ ~~~ ~K 'L>,~-(;,c:.v 77< Hef' ,¡,¡,-~zI7 ;P,ð,ß~~ ?~:A;71--- - ·______~_.h ~-~- ~~o; f2.A 9.¡t;!";9.~4" / hereby certifies that it is in compliance wfth the requirements of Section 2807, _ _ _ _ ___,""",,-__-0- V. y -- (Ç7i§~' ~'i t U;;, I .'¡ Dcr ~i . ' 11 7955 ./ .'8 ,. ".- y ~j """'-- ----- Note: If you are using the State Fund as any part of your demonstration of financial responsibility, your execuäon and submission - - - - - . ·õrthiš cêitificstion ã/so cefffiiës· thát -ouare in ·¿om tianiië With all condítiõns fo,--itJci-iìõifin tfíiiEiirjd. . - ~- - - - ------ .&'¿J ST13£60.f::.. FaålíIJN_e ~K.Sr , Faå1iIJH_. FaålílJ Name FIålåIJ Addnu PIålåIJ N..... PIålåIJAddnu Pac:i1iIJHame FIålåIJAddnu aR(~ _ /-c;- / N_."''J1d.olTukOwlMrarOponlar "'7 ßj ?b--- .j b{.,. ill ST U\.q. < r Dare N_.olWl_ar~ ,.Ó~ / --::ðC'7A/ ~,,/, J'IŒ: Ori!ial- Local Copi. - Fac:i1ilJtSill(a) Date . jÍ1:" . -.:-, ,,' 0. .l ~. INSTROCTIONS -;: , c:mr.nPI~IOB OF FIIfAIICIAL USPOIfSIBILIn PORN Pl.... type or prfnt clearly all fnfo....tion on Certific.tion of Financfal Responsibfl fty fo';'. ' All UST f.cilitf...a¡or att..,owned or oper.ted may be listed on one form: therefore a seper.te,certfficete is not requi red for e.ch site. ' DOCUMENT INFORMATION A. ,__-"ired - Check the appropriate boxes. B, __ of Tant 0Mner - Full name of either the tank owner or the operator, or Operator InrHcete which State approved mechanism(s) are being used to show financial responsibility either as contained in the federal regulations, 40 CFR, Part 280, Subpart H, Sections 280,90 through 280,103 (See Financial Rponsibility Guide, for more information), or Section 2802,1, Chapter 18, Division 3, Title 23, CCR, .... of Issuer - List all nameø and addresses of companies and/or individuals issuing coverage. ---Medí8niS8 M~ - -Cistfdèni{fYifng-m.tÌbe,. f-;'r each ~h-~~j~m~ed: -Éx--;;"t;;¡;~~~';; ~licy nuJtJer or file nunber as indicated on bond or docunent, (If using State Cleanup Ftn1 (State Ftn1) leave blank,) C. lleCbmi_ Type - Covel age MIurt - cove. age Period . Corrective Action- Th i rd 'arty - Calpenution , 0, Facility- Inf__tion E, Signøtlre Block - Indicate amount of coverage for each type of mechanism(s), If more than one mechanism is indicated, total must equal 100% of financial responsibility for each facH ity, Indicate the effective date(s) of all financial mechanism(s), (State Ftn1 coverage would be continuous as long as you maintain cCJq)l ianee and 'remain el igible to conti~ participation in the F~,) '.. Indicate yes or no, Does the specified financial mechanism provide coverage for corrective action? (If using'State F~, indicate "yes":) Indicate yes orono, Does the specified financial mechanism provide, coverage for third party c~ation? (If using State Fund, indicate "yes",) , Provide all facility and/or site names and addresses. Provide signature and date signed by tank owner or operator; printed or typed name and title of tank owner or operator; signature of witness or notary and date signed; and printed or typed name of witness or notary (if notary signs as witness, please place notary seal next to notary's signature), ....-eta tillii Certification: --- Please send original to your local agency (agency who issues your UST permits), Keep a copy of the certf.ficetion-J!lt, eect!.facility,or.sitelistechnn.the-:for.1ll,:- ~--- --- --- _.~ Questions: If you have questions on financial responsibility requirements or on the Certification of Financial Responsibility Form, please contact the State UST Cleanup FIIId at (916) 739-2475, Note: '-lties for Failure ta cc.Jly with Financial Resøcnsibil itv Reca.li,.-.,ts: Failure to comply may result in: (1) jeopardizing claimant eligibility for the State UST Cleanup Fund, and (2) liability for civil penalties of up to '10,000 dollars per day, per underground storage tank, for each day of violation as stated in Article 7, Section 25299,76(a) of the California Health and Safety Code, '~'~:.:~"-~ , " . - -...-.-.."'-....-.-...- ._--~. '-.. ,: -!...Y ombination' of.tanks,)ncluding.plpes1connected to the tanks, used for the f\\S)' storage of hazardous substances and located substantially.or:totally,:beneath the surf ' , ~ (}. ¡~,(i)tf~~:::."!·; , ;,,;' :':, Q ~ h ","", " , '\ " " "'irp?~~.,~,:"a" .':I,~",h, av~,'~ capacity c;!¡ / ~ ~~ '-''''1'",-,-,; "'f,~ ';c.",'i," 6ï\) ~ 'r-().t 0 :f',~;~' ~,:,',¡"~:,,; ",' 1',,1,,\ / J~ QC-\' ;f', v--::~i, .~,~ t01}- ~ \ ,\ 6^- '!).Gh'~'Ç-:~":~\À~ ~ ~~ ,&\1) FILING REQUIREMENTS -, ,\ ,·,,;t d\,v'~": ' 0 1" ^lo \, , " '", ,\ .~;;,.. ::ì,",:\-",;"",;""': .\., L\t> d1 \ 'r . " ;\ \ ,:' .' :"', )I!.... '\. , I' ';'" ..Jt\" µ. \ Every owner of an underground storage tank shall file a,'quarterly~sto.r"ag~)ee<rety¡'n", e/e,turnïs due' on or before the 25th day .1\ of the month following the end of the reporting'period.~late:payment~es!Jlts:ha,penalty.'of.,:;10%;and interest at an adjusted rate C\ I ~st~~lished pursuant !O ,Section 6591.5.of the Revanue'.al1dt·Tax'!tiOf1,COd~~:Th.e:~e!urn'·musfbeWed even though you have no A.b ~ ~ .. hablltty for the fee,~Thls rncludes tanks ¡,that are~emporanly~emp.ty"o : 'I'!;';!se. . ..''1!, ~vr.~~·: '7\;-,;, ';'C' , : WI' r 'fV'- "1- - "':'''''"''')'~:''Þ.\'":'Pl';,:,¿t'J;:.:r.t~\'ÌI',I';I,;~t:f'¡¡:I'i~Çf~'¡jr.:t~~~,'" ~~~j . ""~>:<"!!'\ '/';" VI'J,. \I" / ?-' If you have sold any?f 'yo.~rtanks or: h.av~,"!oved,! please, nobfy.!. ~,,.I.çe.\il, ,e !,r;Jot,~~r~Jarlk~:^:\ner. ~Iea~e indicate the /?y lA, current owneran.~~~t:~~~:S,a.'~~';~;~J:~l~~~,~i~_~;~!;~i{i:~~~£~~~~~~~~.~~ , ,.-".d<::J: . " . " ;)-? INSTRUCTION: Insert total gallons o!.petroleum placed into all La ,A;(f.-; C owned by you in Column A; multiply by the rate in,ColumnB; and HOLE TOTAL FEE DUE, write that number in Column C¡:¡".~:!;~k~'Jì~::i'\·':';k'ii£.¡,($¡'!~~~~~i\1!;ji'J~\ '..GALLONS ONLYt, . (Column A x B) , . . " - t', . t.:...."t\~,'J."'" ,...;,o-,,~'1...1r.:'r'"):<iI'.r~.I\~~''' "~''':~' r. .~,~:~I~'''';:'''~ "'¡¡ì. ;Zì ,.~: .'. , STATE OF CALIFORNIA ", BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (916) 322-9669 BOARD USE ONLY REG RR PR TR AUD NR REF, ' aD PI FILE READ INSTRUCTIONS 'BEFORE PREPARING ,'" Make changes if name ',,'f', : ,::"::i;"or address is incorrect !,.r~.. -~.., \~~. <' ",> ' . .,." < " " ~,. DEFINITIONS 1. 2. 1, '5,9Ó (:79 2, 3, .... 4,5,90/~Î9 " ".' - '- Always w~~t~ your, account, nÛ!TI.ber, ~n . ()l!~:9~,~c~.p.(mo~~- ;.Rrd ,j, ~~,!!,~opy.~.I"tþi.~ ,docyment .lor your records, . :. ·¿¡\;i'··:'-":··r':··.,~';·..: ,1 "1:.'· "'I;,~,-r.!:' "'~.¡..~J..;R':k"~''''''}.J¡'!:#t';;Î''ï;:!,)'''':'' ,.:'~'~<f'.~I.""':"~';)~'$'r.r"""/'~¡\',,~:.-- ~", \., . ,-,' .·"·~·\d·!.,.Io..·,·r.·' ..' ....\d.w~.\4 ,'(~.~,.\~ '~~'~"'\>r...t".j~~~!.-'1'~" .~\,r,,·f.1'r'i'i~1;4 ..~{,~·~·.,.if..);'\.....,~;); 1 (!!";}:"1",~\·1. "~-," ';"'" '..', '.....' ¡ ;~<., ....~~~ "; ::,:', . ~.";:'''''.: ~.' .:,~ ...:~. '.:.. ;·?~~)';~~3~t·~0:~:;' tt.~~::j,~.:){,'·tY~I:~~~\:·j~:t~,:~.Llj~ri~'~~r~~:.~ :·';·:;~t;~,~':'f,r~~',,···':~J-~~:i,¡ ~~."'.:,',.~.- ;: ',' . e _ CITY of BAKERSFIEW FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE SAFETY SERVICES & OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVE, . BAKERSFIELD. CA . 93301 R£ HUEV HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR (805) 326-3979 SEP 2 8 1995 FINAL NOTICE!!! R.B. TOBIAS. FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326·3951 REVOCATION OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT WILL FOLLOW IN 30-DAYS IF VIOLATION PERSISTS P..... be ..are that failure to pravlde the financial reaponalblllty document to this office within 30 days, will ......11 In your Permit to Operate being revok8d (2528S.1(b) California Health & Safety Code). 215-ØØØ-ØØ136B FASTBREAK 4800 WHITE LN 0 BAKERSFIELD~ CA 93309 WHITE & STINE PARTNERS Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: Our records indicate that your business does not have a Certification of Financial Responsibility on file with this office. Our records also indicate that you have been issued at least one warning letter prior to this notice. Please forward either a copy of your existing State approved mechanism to show financial responsibility or else complete the attached Certification for Financial Responsibility form and retum it to this office within 30 davs. An attached letter from the State Water Resources Control Board lists the approved financial responsibility mechanisms required to pay for corrective actions resulting from leaking underground fuel tanks. Remember, most tank owners only have to show financial responsibility for at least $10,000 of clean up liability. The Underground Storage Tank Clean Up Fund (USTCF) may be used as the mechanism to cover the remaining accidental release liability, The total amounts of financial responsibility required (check boxes from section A of form) are as follows: If you don't sell product from your tanKs, and you pump less than 10,000 gallons per month, check "$500,000 per occurrence". For owners of 101 or more petroleum underground storage tanks, check the "2 million dollar annual aggregate" box. All other need only check the·1 million dollars annual aggregate". If you have any questions, or would like help in completing the Certification of Financial Responsibility, please contact Howard Wines, Hazardous Materials Technician, at 326-3979. Sincerely, . ~ ~U~~ Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/dlrn attachments ..~ . . -------~ ~::~~1~3~~ By fP-.- .- -i~ _ ~i' ." INVOICE #DG000030 TEST DATE: 12/15/92 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS INC. 917 WEST BELLEVIEW AVE. PORTERVILLE, CA 93257 1-800-244-1921 ***** CUSTOMER DATA ***** ***** SITE TANK STATUS EVALUATION REPORT ----------------------------- JOHN STUART 11 EAST FOURTH STREET FAST BREAK DELI-MART 4800 WHITE LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93309 BAKERSFIELD, CA. CONTACT: STUART, JOHN JR. PHONE #: 805-325-6320 CONTACT: STUART, JOHN JR. PHONE #: ***** COMMENT LINES ***** CURRENT EPA STANDARDS DICTATE THAT FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RATE OVER THE PERIOD OF ONE HOUR IS .05 GALLONS. * THESE TESTS ARE PERFORMED USING THE USTEST PROTOCOL* TANK #1: REG UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL RATE: .038969 G.P.H. LOSS TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #2: PLUS UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL RATE: .045397 G.P.H. LOSS TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #3: REG UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL RATE: .034633 G.P.H. GAIN TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #4: DIESEL FUEL 2 TYPE: STEEL RATE: .014338 G.P.H. GAIN OPERATOR: DENNIS E. GOODAN UJTL #92-1000 TANK IS TIGHT. SIGNATURE:~ DATE: 12--1 ¡; ~l.... ,. <¡¡ '1' . ******* TAN K TANK NO. 1 TANK DIAMETER (IN) 86 LENGTH (FT) 33.14 VOLUME (GAL) 10000 TYPE ST FUEL LEVEL (IN) 81 FUEL TYPE REG UNLD dVOL/dy (GAL/IN) 69.29 CALIBRATION ROD DISTANCE 1 10.65625 2 26.95313 3 41.93750 4 56.93750 5 74.93750 e D A T A ******** TANK NO. TANK NO. 2 3 96 96 26.59 26.59 10000 10000 ST ST 78 71 PLS UNLD REG UNLD 103.53 116.41 TANK NO. 4 31. 91 12000 ST 78 DIESEL 2 124.24 ,~ ,¡ ... e - ******* C U S TOM E R JOB NUMBER CUSTOMER (COMPANY NAME) CUSTOMER CONTACT(LAST, FIRST): ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX D A T A ******** 000030 JOHN STUART STUART, JOHN JR. : 11 EAST FOURTH STREET · · BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93309 805-325-6320 ******* COM MEN T L I N E S ******* ******* SIT E D A T A ******** SITE NAME (COMPANY NAME) SITE CONTACT(LAST, FIRST) ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX GROUND WATER LEVEL (FT) NUMBER OF TANKS LENGTH OF PRE-TEST (MIN) LENGTH OF TEST (MIN) FAST BREAK DELI-MART : STUART, JOHN JR. 4800 WHITE LANE · · : BAKERSFIELD, CA. · · o 4 30 300 .¡, ,,;....~ 10 ....... r..r,. W :I: Ü Z 'I"'"" t:> o . ~. ..J ~ ...J :z w -5 lI) z < ::r: (,) -10 e 15 . TANK 1 STAAT TltŒ=83:81:28:øø CUR1ŒtfT TIM: Ø4 : 81: 28: 8Ø :) o -.88882 -.88856 .83897 GPH LOSS PTA, VERSION 1.28 -15 o DG9bÔ839.TSt,1 15 30 TIME (MINUTES) 45 Cr: 60 12/15/92 ...J 0 ~ ...J Z w -5 .88882 ~ - .88844 <: I () -1 0 EAX RATE: .84548 GPH LOSS ~ .!_ d. ...;' >' ........ '0 fJ} w :r: Ü z -=- o o . ,,-J e . Cl': 15 TANK 2 START T1I1I:83 :81 :28:88 CURRENT" T Ir1E: 84 : 81 : 28: 8Ø 5 ... {'o.. PTA, VERSION 1.28 -15 Ö ~GØ88838.rSTJl 15 30 TIME (MINUTES) 45 60 12/1S/92 A' ~ ,t, '-!" ,. :1. þ-" '.t.' .-. 10 tf) W J: Ü Z 'I"""' o o . "-rI ....I a ....I z w -5 ø z -c( I u -10 15 5 a e . TAHK 3 START TIK.E:Ø3:Øl:28:88 CURRENf fl"I:84:81:28:88 8: .88080 Cl: .00838 EAK RATE: .83463 GPH GA 1M PTA, VERSION 1.20 -15 ð DG988Ð38.TST,1 15 30 TIME (MINUTES) 45 60 12/15/92 CI': · 'J!@bil U STUARTS' PETROLEM 11 East 4th Street Bakersfield, Caiifornia 93307 DON DOZAH Distributor - Stuarts' Petroleum Q (B05) 325-6320 (800) 977 -FUEL Fax (80S) 325-84B1 Permit to Operate Underground Hazardous Materials Storage Facility 31 0059 .....:.:.:.::::::.:::.:.:::.:..::::.:.:::.:.:::::.:.::::.:.:.:.:.:. . ::=...:....:. :: .::. )".... / .... /":: State 1.0. No. AFW:~?f '¡~ΡU¡t$~,~:rmit No. CONDI TI 0 NS·IF!>PERMII!-;.INHREV ER SE SIDE Tank Number 01 02 03 04 Issued By: Approved by: 1368 " Hazardous Substance H' ..... _. ... . ...... . . ... ..... .-- ... .... ... ... - ". . ... .. .. . . .......... .. . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . .. GáIIÔ6<>:>·· ... . ...n . . .. . . .... ... ..., ',.. ··t"·"'''· .. CØP~ÇLY·> , . . "' . . . Y~ªt: ... .... {:T ank I lis fâlfêd ........ ... iT Y P e .. ...... --,. .. ... ...... ....... .. .. ...... ...... ............ . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . ..... .......... .", . .. .... .......... ... ....", ......... ..... .......... .... ........ .................... .........,...... .. . ............. .. .. . .... ... ..... ". . ... .. ...... . . . .. . . ..... . . ... . . .. . ....... .. . ..... .. ... ...... . . ........ ... ......... Tárik·..···. Piping M 0 riHQfirlg.:\ T y P e Piping Method Piping Monitoring . . -............-. . . ... ........... ... UNLEADED PLUS REGULAR SUPER DIESEL .. . ..... ..... :::.... .....::. :::: .::::,.:.',:-' ......-:.:.:.-..- ...:........:...:. ................ ..-..... ~þ,6~~L ····..···::···.·:·.f9êå/:~~~... AT G······ ...$WS.~.~ PRESSURE ·....1.'.Q,.·..0.0.,.P....,. \......... . ···1983}i{.iWI$)~.··\. AT..'..G.· ~ I _-J PRESSURE ·..d~83\ ,.. ""'P6~' .. ., K/, l§~; , ;;~!M!~,:;é;=;;l~~; ~J~' j,t: ~ ~=~:~=~ \~§~~~!'~~~bj~':~cHaÒ~?~,:i~;~:~:::~~ J,t ALD ALD ALD ALD .. ,. ...... .... ... ..... .. . ... ....... ........ .. ...... .. ....... ...- .. ..... ..... ........ ... ... ... .... ....... ....... ... ..... ....... ... ... -" . ... ........ ... ... .... ... ........ ... . ... ..... ........ .... ... ... ......... .... .... .. ... ...'........'.'.'; .........,....'....::. :············Issued To: Bakersfield Fire Dept. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 1715 Chester Ave" 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 (80S) 326-3979 WHITE & STINE PARTNERS FASTBREAK 4800 WHITE LN" SUITE 0 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 Valid from: 12-22-93 to: 12-22-98 ',,~. ~ ...~~~~~~t~~_::~iP:~:~' ~ ..'~.,~.,\' ..> ,.", ., ", . ,'. {,l:'~,i:i:'~~~~; "r'~:J ;;:j,\~~;~~~~D:ø.,:mlt "to .00.' '·,e.\.~ti"',"";;~ ' ~;', ::g-:',.~~,i¡;!J\,~~'.·;;'1¡;;,~'~5,'0.~¡;;,~f:~:;;*{.i'~,"~": .;,:';'-<':',' ' , ,; ': '.'!_-'::';~';;-.,: -: "<:);,~_:·~,,j!7.[\-:?<~":':.i¿>'-¡¡P,~X; :' ';~;fj~~~~gtdtlrtU Hazardous' MaterialsSi6fág~íri~Ii~;%, , - , :'~~'\:'}::f~"r],,' ' ' "·"';:j:!:,~/?~·'~):'~~;·:;S1,:,:};}-:.~.~~~;::" :: ',", , " " ' . , l '3 '[,; :C;' 't· '.t'-.:" ,."ìi' ", ,- , ;>:<~<:.: -'::)t:}' ',' " ",,,,,,,,,:t:~t:l:;?:)::7?::::;::?::;::::::::::::::::::>;:::::::::::::::::::::,,:,:.u ' · ' , - - ~ ~,~;:;' /' ';,' ~ <~, \;::::j~7....".¡ ¡'; e State, I D N 0 ~ too ~ ",,::::::)7: n: f/.,:',::::,,::::·:{{'::-::':'(,,:::,:::,:::,::,::;::::':~:(><"",:,:,::::~:::,<,:::", Permit No ~ ·1 ø,Q~,'í·, ,~·1:;;:·~.·. if,:"; -";, ',4', . ,·'·:>,"fi'~')' tO~DITION~{1ftf;r.fMftlii\EVER~E" '$~~:i;'::"i1*!j,8~¡',;i ':~~ :::"", :u, _':':':"":_:'::'~:':_:':':' u,:,:,:,:,,:"':"'::':u':"',:':':':',':':::':':'-"u -,:,:,:,::,u:-.: :', ~ ,.:- ~,\' . " , ,'" ..< í~'~" .; ~~ \::.\\ , ,\;~~=~^)¡;;;:¡;y ,ë, , ,Fi ( (,' .... ';:¥}~Pt~~f~~J .;::::::::;::;~~~;:~:::..... ,. }', .:; . . . . ..... .:....~ .....:. ,:." ·.Bakersfield Fire Dept. 'Y%~;;~,,;Z;7/;7!JjJ;JJJY' LI<I' ~.'éØt' 2~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION "N',:,:,::,::_:,:::,:,::::,:,:::,::,::,:,""'" ~ +J¡a..d.J..Q.).",,:\ ·.::~·..?<;:;t/,":'!':. r ~.~ 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor ~s-!- 6r; k '~t:",:,.:::..;;;,J;'.;#",,::>: Bakersfield, CA 93301 êA , ' " -~1~l;f,.;~\~;:g? ~~~j (805) 326-3979 4 ~ WL... \+ 'L$', l..',"!.¿;:!l~!/?~:~'§ \j7; ~ ~. ,~93'~~~r~ r Valid from: D,LL ~~ '1 ~ to:' ~ :~~J1'ß?f:~5~1 . . 'J~..' ' Tank, Number Hazardous Substance " .;~ Y '¡ä(:'::::':::'" \ r it k 'ri'Sl1iì'~~'~:~:::::::"Ili~ ;~e , " ( ( , LM (t:dJ PI ~ç f'l.ua"'""'~ ù 1,- ~:~.Î ul L. P,~seÆ z." ~. - ~ - ,4, " . ":i'" , " J" :.;.. ;.,' . .~ ,: .:.. .-" '-, Ralph E, Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinator Approved by: -. . RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location: 4~D ~k ~ c;L bl'ee..k .--. LrAJ ID#_ ~I+-e c! ~.f.~e. P~r1 Business Name: Contact Name: /V(v..... I Cc. / ~ ~k.&~! e. PV'af-'l'+- t ~ ~ Business Phone: '1 2. 3 - ì eg 3ðFAX: Inspector's Name: ~ Time of Call: Date: b/~/~~ Time: (( 10 # Min: Type of Call: Incoming [ ] Outgoing (é). Returned [ ] Content _of Call: V,u'1 ~I::J w "" \Le.. ~ 5:' ~ ~ ~r~ cJ~ ç ~(.;Je:r+- P .rv(4J(ft~ lA()+ ~ -' bJ+ ð;f~eL~ ~s ~ tI\. k. ov-J'A.æ~ f 1$ JI',S¿""blifw- CY'(~. . , Actions Required: Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: s- I .... ~~., -- CITY of BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE SAFETY CONTROL & HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISIONS 1715 CHESTER AVE. . BAKERSFIELD, CA . 99301 R£ HUEY HAl-MAT COORDINATOR (805) 326-3979 May 30, 1995 R,B, TOBIAS, FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3951 FASTBREAK 4800 WHITE LN 0 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 Dear Business Owner: NOTICE OF VIOLATION STATE REGISTRATION REQUIREMENT Owners of underground storage tanks must register those underground storage tanks with the State of California Water Resources Control Board and renew that registration every five years. Our records indicate five years have passed since your last State registration pursuant to Section 25287 of the California Health and Safety Code. This means that for state registration renewal you must submit a state surcharge of $56,00 for each tank, Please make your check payable to the City of Bakersfield. You have 30 days from the date of this letter return these the state surcharge to 1715 Chester Ave" Bakersfield, Ca. 93301, If you have any questions or if we can be of any further assistance please don't hesitate to call 326-3979. Failure to renew your state registration is a violation of Section 25287, California Health and Safety Code, and will result in your Permit to Operate the underground tank(s) being revoked. Sincerely Yours, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/ed ....... /' -- ., CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" January 30, 1995 FIRE DEPARTMENT M. R KEllY FIRE CHIEF WARNING! 1715 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD. 93301 326-3911 CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REQUIRED ;~ 15--000-ØØ 12:;68 ¡::'ASTB¡~Eí:'¡jJ~ ':~t:!0Ø :,JH I TE LN 0 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: Our records indicate that your business does not have a Certification of Financial Responsibility on file with this office. Please forward either a copy of your existing State approved mechanism to show financial responsibility or else complete the attached Certification of Financial Responsibility form. An attached letter from the State Water Resources Control Board lists the approved financial responsibility mechanisms required to pay for corrective actions resulting from leaking underground fuel tanks. Remember, most tank owners only have to show financial responsibility for at least $10,000 of clean up liability, The Underground Storage Tank Clean Up Fund (USTCF) may be used as the mechanism to cover the remaining accidental release liability, The total amounts of financial responsibility required (check boxes from section A of form) are as follows: If you don't sell product from you tanks, and you pump less than 10,000 gallons per month, check "$500,000 per occurrence". Else, or if you are in the business of sellíng from your tanks, check "1 million dollars per occurrence", For owners of 101 or more petroleum underground storage tanks, check the "2 million dollar annual aggregate" box, All others need only check the "1 million dollars annual aggregate" box. Please be aware that failure to provide the financial responsibility document to this office within 30 days will result in your Permit to Operate being revoked. (25285.1 (b) California Health & Safety Code), If you have any questions, or would like help in completing the Certification of Financial Responsibility, please contact Howard Wines, Hazardous Materials Technician, at 326-3979. ---" REH/dlm --",...~--=--:.--- '" . , CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT M, R KEllY FIRE CHIEF October 20, 1994 1715 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 (C(ô)[PV FASTBREAK 4800 WHITE LN 0 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 Dear Business Owner: This notice serves as a reminder that owners of underground storage tanks must be registered with the State of California Water Resources Control Board and renew that registration every five years. Our records indicate five years have passed since your last State registration pursuant to Section 25287 of the California Health and Safety Code. This means that for state registration renewal you must submit an Underground Storage Tank renewal application form, Forms A. Band C completed for each tank at this facility (forms included) and a state surcharge of $56,00 for each tank. Please make your check payable to the City of Bakersfield. You have 30 days from the date of this letter to complete and return these forms along with the state surcharge to 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, Ca. 93301. If you have any questions or if we can be of any further assistance please don't hesitate to call 326-3979. Sincerely Yours, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/ed þ(U6L- - 63\4-1~3~ . . " .. BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISIO 1715 CHESTER AVE.. BAKERSfIELD, CA r$$(èf§n (805) 326-3979 D LÇ, ~lÇU . DEC 291994 .. APPLICATION TO PERFORM A TIGHTNE ~YTEST v cl eL-:tÞ-'IO (, ;; /-OJ.sf FAC!LITY FAST BRAKE ADDRESS 4800 WHITE L~E RD - BAKERSFIELD, CA PERMIT TO OPERATE # OPERATORS NAME JOHN STUART B.P. OIL CO OWNERS NAME JOHN STUART NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED '4 IS PIPING GOING TO BE TESTEr~ TANK # 1 1 1 1 VOLUME 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 CONTENTS UNLD PT.S -S.I.IJ>~ DIJi:~El / TANK TESTING COMPAN'PNDERGROUND TANK TESTINGA.DDRESS~ AVE 288 -VISALIA,CA 93277 TEST METHOD U,S, TEST NAME OF TESTER BRUCE H1NsLEX CERTIFICATION if 10so-698 STATE REGISTRATION # 91-1069 DATE & TIME TEST IS TO BE CONDUCTED I j- J 0 - c;'1 Q~~Erdue-y lœPd1~~ Uß'1A4 DATE . '~4v~' . SIGNATURE OF APPL CANT dIP ~. ~ ~ .., 'ì . . INVOICE #BC000025 TEST DATE: 12/04/94 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS 15870 AVENUE 288 VISALIA, CA. 93292 (209) 244-1921 TANK STATUS EVALUATION REPORT ----------------------------- ***** CUSTOMER DATA ***** ***** SITE DATA ***** JOHN'S B P OIL CO. 11 E. 4TH ST. FAST BREAK 4800 WHITE LN, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93307 BAKERSFIELD, CA, 93304 CONTACT: JOHN PHONE #: CONTACT: JOHN PHONE #: ***** COMMENT LINES ***** CURRENT EPA STANDARDS DICTATE THAT FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RATE OVER THE PERIOD OF ONE HOUR IS .05 GALLONS. THIS TEST IS PERFORMED USING THE USTEST PROTOCOL. TANK #1: REG UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL RATE: .031368 G.P.H. LOSS TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #2: PLUS UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL RATE: .010609 G.P.H. LOSS TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #3: SUPER UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL RATE: .017898 G.P.H. LOSS TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #4: DIESEL FUEL 2 TYPE: STEEL RATE: .023982 G.P.H. LOSS TANK IS TIGHT. BRUCE W, HINSLEY OPERATOR: _____US~~~]~~~~2a SIGNATURE: ~~~_ DATE: l~~f~~_ i, ¡' - - ******* TAN K D A T A ******** TANK NO. TANK NO. TANK NO. TANK NO. 1 2 3 4 TANK DIAMETER (IN) 95 95 95 95 LENGTH (FT) 27.16 27,16 27.16 27.16 VOLUME (GAL) 10000 10000 10000 10000 TYPE ST ST ST ST FUEL LEVEL (IN) 82 74 76 71 FUEL TYPE REG UNLD PLS UNLD SUP UNLD DIESEL 2 dVOL/dy (GAL/IN) 92.12 111. 22 107.22 116.47 CALIBRATION ROD DISTANCE 1 10.65625 2 26.95313 3 41.93750 4 56.93750 5 74.93750 · ******* C U S TOM E R JOB NUMBER CUSTOMER (COMPANY NAME) CUSTOMER CONTACT (LAST, FIRST): ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX ******* COM MEN T ******* SIT E SITE NAME (COMPANY NAME) SITE CONTACT(LAST, FIRST) ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX GROUND WATER LEVEL (FT) NUMBER OF TANKS LENGTH OF PRE-TEST (MIN) LENGTH OF TEST (MIN) e D A T A ******** 000025 JOHN'S B P OIL CO. JOHN 11 E. 4TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93307 L I N E S ******* D A T A ******** FAST BREAK JOHN 4800 WHITE LN. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93304 o 4 30 240 '" . e INVOICE #BC000025 TEST DATE: 12/04/94 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS 15870 AVENUE 288 VISALIA, CA. 93292 (209) 244-1921 TANK STATUS EVALUATION REPORT ----------------------------- ***** CUSTOMER DATA ***** ***** SITE DATA ***** JOHN'S B P OIL CO, 11 E. 4TH ST. FAST BREAK 4800 WHITE LN, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93307 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93304 CONTACT: JOHN PHONE #: CONTACT: JOHN PHONE #: ***** COMMENT LINES ***** CURRENT EPA STANDARDS DICTATE THAT FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RATE OVER THE PERIOD OF ONE HOUR IS .05 GALLONS. THIS TEST IS PERFORMED USING THE USTEST PROTOCOL. TANK #1: REG UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL RATE: .031368 G.P.H. LOSS TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #2: PLUS UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL RATE: .010609 G.P.H. LOSS TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #3: SUPER UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL RATE: .017898 G.P.H. LOSS TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #4: DIESEL FUEL 2 TYPE: STEEL RATE: .023982 G.tt.H. LOSS TANK IS TIGHT. BRUCE W, HINSLEY OPERATOR: _____US~!cr~~~;~~~~Q~ SIGNATURE: ~~-:.~_ DATI:: !.~:!!.f~!: ~~¡ e e ******* TAN K D A T A ******** TANK NO. TANK NO. TANK NO. TANK NO. 1 2 3 4 TANK DIAMETER (IN) 95 95 95 95 LENGTH (FT) 27.16 27.16 27.16 27.16 VOLUME (GAL) 10000 10000 10000 10000 TYPE ST ST ST ST FUEL LEVEL (IN) 82 74 76 71 FUEL TYPE REG UNLD PLS UNLD SUP UNLD DIESEL 2 dVOL/dy (GAL/IN) 92.12 111.22 107.22 116.47 CALIBRATION ROD DISTANCE 1 10.65625 2 26.95313 3 41.93750 4 56.93750 5 74.93750 '" e ******* C U S TOM E R JOB NUMBER CUSTOMER (COMPANY NAME) CUSTOMER CONTACT(LAST, FIRST): ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX ******* COM MEN T ******* SIT E SITE NAME (COMPANY NAME) SITE CONTACT(LAST, FIRST) ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX GROUND WATER LEVEL (FT) NUMBER OF TANKS LENGTH OF PRE-TEST (MIN) LENGTH OF TEST (HIN) e D A T À ******** 000025 : JOHN'S B P OIL CO. JOHN 11 E. 4TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA, 93307 L I N E S ******* D A T A ******** FAST BREAK JOHN 4800 WHITE LN. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93304 o 4 30 240 'i: 10 ,--.., l r,~, W I Ü z 5 l- I- I- - c) o , '-" ....J ~ ~ z w -5 I~ z -:( I ü -10 -15 e e 15 CI': \ START TI"E:83:14:48:88 CURRENT TI"E:84:14:48:88 o . ~ I ~ ~-"--.., ~"'~ v . v . V './ ....../'" .... -.,..,-_~ . .....' ... l All .JP"- _-....~.",- - ....~._._ _../,,,,,-- -- _ i""..... ...... ,_ ..,..-.. "".' 1"<01. .~'--- V . ' .88821 -.88834 EAX RATE: .83136 GPH LOSS PTA, VERSION 1.28 o 45 15 30 60 12/84/94 BCÐ88825.TST,2 TIME (MINUTES) 10 ~ l ü :z 5 t -0;- o o , ......' ....J 0 ~ ....J Z w -5 ø z -c( I ü -10 -1 =! e e 15 Cr: TAHX 2 START TIME:81:4S:28:88 CURRENT TIME:82:4S:28:88 ,".".,.,...____ ,/t~..........Jr..,...... ,t., ..... ..... --or -..",,.^-_. '_1 -..,......' .... ...11>- _~.. J-.. .........../r-...-._ '\ l '.-' ''oj -' ., "'~ ~ø · .80843 t C1; -. 81111111 EAX RATE: .81861 GPH LOSS PTA, VERSION 1.28 15 3"", . '..I 60 12/84/94 45 o BC888825.TST,1 TIME (MINUTES') 10 ,--.. r ....., W :r: ü z ~ o c· , --.. ....J ~ W ...J z w -5 c.) z .:( I r -, ..... -10 -15 - 15 G:. ',J START TI"E:84:88:48:88 ("I ~ t\ ri 1 \ f \) \. ~'-'-....._,/' ',-_ _--", .l'-.. --- ¡" - jr ~..,."""-...___I I-cø · ,88875 ~ C1; - .88817 EAK HÂ'fE: .8i189 GPH LOSS e Cr: I ' ¡ I CURIE"T Tl"E~8S~88~48~88 ~\ _ A ~." / \. 1 """""'_-"""":::'--'''-''"''-'---~~-'-\'JL-~'7''-'-'' v- '" PTA, VERSiON 1.26 Co BC888825.TST,2 15 7' ;~~ "';';'.J! 45 60 12/04/94 TIME (MINUTES) 10 ~ V) W I Ü Z 0:- o C) , '-" .....J ~ .....J Z W -01=, ... ø z « I u -10 -1 ~5 15 e I START TlnE=01=45:2B:0Ø t 5 .þ........JI'.... o r-cø . - . Ø0Ø52 ~ C1; - .88821 I- bEAK RATE: ~ o BC888825.TSTJ1 I' .8239B GPH LOSS e ¡ I r I CURRENT TIME:B2:45:28:8B -- ..... - - - I 15 PiA, VERSION 1.28 I 30 45 TIME (MINUTES) Cr: 60 12/84/94 -- e INVOICE #BC000025 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS 15870 AVENUE 288 VISALIA, CA. 93292 (209) 244-1921 TEST DATE: 12/04/94 TANK STATUS REPORT -- ULLAGE TEST --------------------------------- ***** CUSTOMER DATA ***** ***** SITE DATA ***** JOHN'S B P OIL CO. 11 E. 4TH ST. FAST BREAK 4800 WHITE LN. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93307 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93304 CONTACT: JOHN PHONE #: CONTACT: JOHN PHONE #: ***** COMMENT LINES ***** CURRENT EPA STANDARDS DICTATE THAT FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RATE OVER THE PERIOD OF ONE HOUR IS .05 GALLONS. THIS TEST IS PERFORMED USING THE USTEST PROTOCOL. TANK #1: REG UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL SN: .01 TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #2: PLUS UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL SN: .31 TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #3: SUPER UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL SN: .08 TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #4: DIESEL FUEL 2 TYPE: STEEL SN: .02 OPERATOR: TANK IS TIGHT. BRUCE W. HINSLEY OTTL # 91-1069 US TEST # 1050-698 SIGNATURE: ~...~~ATE:: L?_-g~::!tft. -------------------- e e ******* TAN K D A T A ******** TANK NO. TANK NO. TANK NO. TANK NO. 1 2 3 4 TANK DIAMETER (IN) 95 95 95 95 LENGTH (FT) 27.16 27.16 27.16 27.16 VOLUME (GAL) 10000 10000 10000 10000 TYPE ST ST ST ST FUEL LEVEL (IN) 82 74 76 71 FUEL TYPE REG UNLD PLS UNLD SUP UNLD DIESEL 2 dVOL/dy (GAL/IN) 92.12 111.22 107.22 116.47 CALIBRATION ROD DISTANCE 1 10.65625 2 26.95313 3 41.93750 4 56.93750 5 74.93750 - ******* C U S TOM E R JOB NUMBER CUSTOMER (COMPANY NAME) CUSTOMER CONTACT(LAST, ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX e D A T A ******** 000025 JOHN'S B P OIL CO, FIRST): JOHN 11 E. 4TH ST. ******* COM MEN T ******* SIT E SITE NAME (COMPANY NAME) SITE CONTACT(LAST, FIRST) ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX GROUND WATER LEVEL (FT) NUMBER OF TANKS LENGTH OF PRE-TEST (MIN) LENGTH OF TEST (MIN) BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93307 L I N E S ******* D A T A ******** FAST BREAK JOHN 4800 WHITE LN. BAKERSFIELD, CA, 93304 : 0 4 30 240 " e e ,3,0 Cr~ I ~ TANK 1 TI"E -- 85:37:28 ."--", ('::, .- ¡:: '.::( Ct:: w 2.0 (i) 0 z 0 I- -! .:;( Z () T.r;. 1.0 ....-J 0 ...- S": .81 cr:. (") ::J PEA)( SH: íi.32 3J... I t. ~~JI'" .LI 50 5ÔO 5000 50000 BCa8a825.S0N FREQUENCY (HI') 12:/84/94 o e 3,[1 TANK 2 "'--... () ~ Cr;: w 2,Q Lf) 0 z r" _I f- .....J -:( '7 - ~ C') lr"';1 1.0 ~ --....J 0 or- ' 8M:.. .31 0 Q PEAK 8M: 13.25 .....J 51 4 ,0 50 BCaøaB25.80ti ,.---....,. /' . TIME -- 85:39:39 FREi)UENC'{ (HZ> e Cr: 5000 50000 1~~/84/94 - e .3.[1 Cr: ~ TAHK 3 I TInE -- 85:44:38 ...--., 0 ~ Cr:: w 2,0 (1) 0 2 0 I- .....J -=( Z () ú') 1,0 '-" 0 0:- S": .Ða r ,.., -' 0 PEA]( 8M: b.B? ....J 71 G ,0 50 500 5000 50000 BCBB882S.80H FREQUD~CY (HI'> 1~~/B4/94 ~ ,õ - - . . '" ,. .. . . . .'. .' I I . . . .', . I ,- ~ .. ,- .' ~ . 'I , ' .. . - ....-----.-. ---- .-. --...... ..".........-............,............ ............1 ."-..................... ....... ............-...........................-............. . --,.-..-....- .. --cr-:-" -. .. .. ~,[ , , ." ..... ... " . , '-', - ô' ~ Ct:: w 2,0 II) o :z (::. I- ...J -< Z C':1 (l} -..J 1. 0 o 'I- r "'1 9 TAtt]( 4 Sri: PEÂK Sri: ,D 50 BCÐ8B825.80H TIME -- 85:47:55 .82 27.4i r- 9/ S_ t ____ '\ ,/ \ 500 5000 50000 1:2/84/94 FREQUENCY (HZ) ,; ~ . e .t:} Î_.L 1 NG C)!:.(DL H .1 " ',¡' :. ;;: Lt·,; 1..1 HI be" ,....A.n,._. ~ _ _.. ... ..,,_.._.__....o.........n ....." ..... ,".- ..m..... ",..._·.-.u.~...,___._._·._·_··.... . .-- .~-- --'---- 11'1'.'U 1 CE:. f:¡VL> I:7{F f'!::. ~ ì¡:'~\I-H'. L( ;:HT~UN: I lake" by: .Tot11'1 ~ ß f ..". ...-.-.-.-.-...... . -~--_..-_.., ". . ....--.........-..---.-. .-.-._---"_.. --" . F~Jt lJY~ I [léit e t ,:,\k el-,: - ... . _.......~._... _r""'" _ __. _.-"~ .-.............-. -.....___._....... . . 1/ E. 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J..... » 1 CJ C1 c::J CJ /i:3 I IJi::::j 2- tc:ø 3 JE:::§J 'i o r:::J 11 V+J ~ TANK SIZE PRODUCT LEGEND F FILL ,---1 TURBINE #1 ¿j #2 0 ~ TURBINE WITH LEAK DETECTOR #3 U ~ OVERSPILL CONTAINER ON FILL 12 L., C\ REMOTE FILL #4 /0 IR) #5 IE) EXTRACTOR VALVE , I MONITOR SYSTEM #6 J'!J #7 r--J MANIFOLD SYSTEM ^" .-, - ~--~. City of ~rlfi1líèl TRA.NSMITT AL SLIP I-.;L (-'9-CP Date..,....... ....,.........-........,....................- ~b a ~~ ;:~~..~~....~~ ~.~~~~~~.~~~~,.~~~.~~....~,.~~~:~:~:~.~~:~~:.~::::~~::~~~~~::::~:~~::..~:::~~::~~::..~~:~~=~~~~~= For Your:- o Signature 0 Action 0 Information 0 File Please :- o Return 0 See Me 0 Follow Up 0 Prepare Answer Copy to: ..............................'.......................,..........uo........,......_............._........... Memo: .......................,............:................................................................_.....__ ................................................_._..............._.......... ............~...._......_........._........h......_.__........_.....h... ........,...,.,............................................,.,...,........"...._.~...........,.......................... ..................................._.......rl~~=..~t?g..........__.........._..... . :~:::::.::::.::::::::::::::::.~.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::]~?;~k::~:::::=:~~: ....................................................................................................................-............................-. ..........................................................-.....................................................-.......................-.. ¡ ..........................................................-.................................................................................. (~0 -~ . . BULK TRANSFER SITE LOCATION (:'.-151 ~ ILER/<. 4<;-00 WI-IIT& L~ 'S,.: t!) X' ¡.¡ 193. ¡J /..J"b í1, E J-/d"b JJ A '?J , IC r 'l:>,G¡"}t16 tJ;D.,¡.;erT':S I-Ii,ASTI</"i ~Q..A.lçTT I 3.40t:¡DS/l1lAJú Ór ~A.GGLSFI6") I t!.A 7.J30f . BUSINESS NAME OLD OWNERS NAME NEW OWNERS NAME NEW OWNERS ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBERS ''}J... 2.72.9/ f-IM 4131..61 /" 4ý5~ DATE OF TRANSFER 10 <3 I-'l~ ESCROW COMPANY (2E~TLA" e",¡'I¡:CL~/ £~~¿J ESCROW NUMBER - ~~ BY PRIOR TO ANY CHANGES BEING MADE, i_f);?O II '7_~O l c.)':7 t';0 cF CCY' 'íJj ~~. THIS INFORMATION IS TAKEN FROM THE DAILY REPORT AND SHOULD BE DISTRIBUTION: SaRitation Uastel[",.ta1: Hazardous Materials 1? Ð. - AIG¿.w3 ( ~ " -"5 I . October 21, 1994 Central California Escrow 1720 Oak street Ste A Bakersfield, California 93301 Re: Escrow Fast Break, 4800 White Lane ste 0 Escrow Officer: Ihab Andre Haddad, dba Fast Break, owes the City of' Bakersfield the sum of $661,95, A breakdown by account is shownbelow. This figure is good through October 31, 1994. If the escrow will close after that date please call for a revised figure, Also, please return an acknowledgment of receipt of this claim. Respectfully, Drew Sharples Financial Investigator BL27297 HM473201 $469.80 192.15 661.95 . ... BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION 1715 CHESTER AVE.. BAKERSFIELD. CA 93304 (80S) 326-3979 APPLICATION TO PERFORM A TIGHTNESS TEST ~ CJI, VA tL~IOlâ '!/I-O~-'T FAC.!LITY FAST BRAKE ADDRESS 4800 WHITE L~E ED - BAKERSFIELD, CA ....-:: PERMIT TO OPERATE # OPERATORS NAME JOlili STUART B ,P. OIL CO OWNERS NAME JOHN STUART NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED 4 IS PIPING GOING TO BE TESTE[~ . TANK # 1 1 1 1 VOLU1~E 10,000 10,000 10.000 10.000 CONTENTS UNLD PT.~ ---SI.Jþ. DI¡¡;~E¡ TANK TESTING COMPArfi1Ü:NDERGROUND TANK TESTINGi\DDRESS 15870 AVE 288-VISALI;.,CA 9327~ TEST METHOD U.S. TEST NAME OF TESTER BRUCE H!}¡SLEY CERTIFICATION ~ loso-698 STATE REGISTRATION # 91-1069 DATE & TIME TEST IS TO BE CONDUCTED 1/- J () - 9'( Q~Lt £- ÞLe-y APPd1~j~ ll4î!74 DATE .~~~ . SIGNATURE OF APPl.. CANT ---;---------------- I I RETURN PAYMENTS TO: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD P.O. BOX 2057 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93303-2057 STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION ACCOUNT NO. UT 753201 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Finance Charge 200,00 24,02 e UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT FEE Site Addr: FASTBREAK, 4800 WHITE LN, ANNUAL PERMIT TO OPERATE NOTICE DATE 03/05/93 YOUR ACCOUNT IS DELINQUENT, FINANCE CHARGES WILL BE ASSESSED MONTHLY ON THE BALANCE UNTIL IT IS PAID IN FULL, Previous Balance --------- TOTAL NOW DUE 224,02 INQUIRIES CONCERNING THIS Bill, PLEASE PHONE: 326-3979 STUARTS PETROLEUM ATTN: LANNY ADAMS 11 EAST 4TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 UT753201 ~") .,¡. . -~ .. CITY COpy -- ~--~~-------,------------- --- --- ~---~ --- - f~~ ~::-. ...~ , - . '. . - . fAX COVER SHEET CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT - HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, Ca, 93301 Fax Phone (805)326-0576 Office (805)326-3979 Date: \.'::S ~S 1 195~ PLEASE ROUTE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO: Name: ~ ~à~·. . . Company/Organization: . ~~~. yili~~ Fax No. Sending Message to: 0dS- ~L\~ \ ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Contact Person: FROM: ?~ . ~. Number of, Pages (including cover sheet): ~ Description of Materials Sent/Special Instructions: .,. LITJS~()\ ~ ~m ~±b»~ Q L4~()() Ù\~t._l",. w~-'-">- 0,.Q ~;K\CW¡±- ;i,'':;:' ~\ ~ CORREC.ON NOTICE . BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT N~ n 0035 Location ~~ S~ Sub Div. 4iacp uk;~ - IAl\(L;, Blk. . Lot You are hereby required to make the following corrections at the above location: Cor. No ð~ Ic:~_ tv í fk4tè {:J}tddtZf1ðI!I :d- Completion Date for Corrections ~~~ Date 76/1,/"4 ~ ~ ..,/ Inspector 326-3979 -." ~- '" ~"" , \ UNDERGROUND ST~GE TANK INSPECTION 4Itakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division Operating Permit: c3 \œ5~ c.., Business Name: Fl>.i+ ~~~ Location: L Sro {.J~~+I"' '\i\ Business Identification No. 215-000 I ~ Þ A Date Completed 8./ I A'i 1'1R 3 Number of Tanks, 'i Containment: .t"l f'~LI CONTACT INFORMATION Owner: r "A'h H AdÅr:rlc Type: 51l-cl - LOA-t1G-'1 (Top of Business Plan) léJ:Of"Jt) .3 Lines: fÞe.SS,,^~ìt't"'A í .rh::>'t3)n-<;Ç Emergency Contacts: Monitoring Program Ad~ Inadequate D A\¡\.'to~\è, ~4;v\~ 3A-~~1:5 1 ~V\", R.~, \J¡~,\'1 '1:1II.<.JL ,¡wy-\,¡ ^,,~<\ejt ~"'t\f!'l': \~ I>.-"\-tnlA \ ~-e!.1<!v:t\1 \ ~IA'£.. t-'ö-t\\A-.:J ' b\~Ç\V\1I\ \~04 -t~f'-~~<¡i-j . 6:lh~V1 Th4.4AÍ!--- MŒ>vl~~,ø , RECORDS Maintenance D C!J Testing D ~ d Inventory Reconciliation D RESPONSE PLAN Emergency Plan ri D Violations: . Ev~d..p,^",~. "'~ ('Ð~~\~Pro¥Q. iJ)~*,h. 4-~Y\,\<..¡I~",-o. -\~'\-~ '+o1'~ 40('. ~~- J t~b'.~ f¡Qf)(¡lJp~/ * ~ ~tÛ. ~CCL Plp~ f~(JrÅ.e (Y ~&o~r.Q., t>~ MM~\.~~~' ~l; '-"tak ~'(r'\n eo\,:, (plh<evt+ ~~. -Business Ownerl All Items O.K. Correction Needed v ~ ~ !!;. ~ c u. White . Haz Mat Div Pink - Business Copy ('"d;., ~~ ~lr'- ..:\-t :1=" · W<¡J;1\,f.àci.fr¡Il". '.:.",L.:ii.) : J,. t " -. - .. ~ : : _q.. ,. q'!ctJ "'if1:i!E0i; -,r~()-'i3' I : <' ~~(lò·· L'~9~'\1Ä.,{~-~-?~~- ~ i t - ~ - - ~.hU(~1 ;!--~-}::} i~L~:,,2~l.LL?-2~"! I , , ií .:... ,,,'~:;/' ",,\.\ i '. ", :}-~. . i ' i" .' G~?(3:i3,.q:DeéY''j},.\' "; : ' \ . "', _ '\" '. ,C)""' ..~~, -,.>"';':, ) "",,, .~ ~~ e . - . fAX COVER SHEET CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT - HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 2130 "G" Street \ Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 Fax Phone (805)326-0576 Office (805)326-3979 Date: <-3, J7 , 19--25 PLEASE ROUTE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO: Name: clOA(s"Q, Company/Organization: Fax No. Sending Message to: 3~3-·gC[J6' ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- FROM: Contact Person: L~ Number of Pages (including cover sheet): .~ Description of Materials Sent/Special Instructions: CltftJ ~ ßJì~ ·1 . BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS STORAGE FACILITY Permit No,: 310059C State ID No,:' 310059 Issued to: FAST BREAK MINI MARKET Location: 4800 WHITE LN BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309- Owner: WHITE & STINE PARTNERS 5001 E, COMMERCENTER DR. #210 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 Operator: FAST BREAK MINI MARKET 4800 WHITE LN BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 Facility Profile: Tank No, 1 2 3 4 Substance GASOLINE GASOLINE GASOLINE DIESEL Capacity - 10,000 10,000 \ 10,000 10,000 Year Installed 1983 1983 1983 1983 Is Piping I\erarim YES YES YES YES This permit is granted subject to the conditions listed on the attached summary of conditions and may be revoked for failure to adhere to the stated conditions and/or violations of any .other State or Federal regulations, Issued by: Ralph E, Buey <t~o: Material Coordinator Issue Date: JULY 1, 1991 Expiration Date: JULY 1, 1994 r POST ON PREMISES NONTRANSFERABLE " 6":'¿Ar-:UU'.::' :j»J ¡::;o'-.; ~~j. ~l~\ ~ .~,~.__ BAKERSFIELD CITY rLuE U~PAKl~~~l 21~O G STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 805 - 326-3979 m"DERGROUND TANK QliESTIONNAIRE éV I~~CC~~~~~ ~ NOV 9 1992 M tLIICJ/'t v .':' I. FAClLITYISlTE ;; OF TANKS~ By .-.- DBA C;:¡ ;:~:UTY NAME I NAME CF OPEAA TO~ PETROLEUM FAST BREAK MINI-MARKET STUARTS ...cDRESS I NEAAEST C¡:¡OSS STR=, I P.IRca (c;>TX)~ 4800 White Lane, #0 Stine Road CITY NAME I STATE I ZJP c::œ I srre PHONE. ww A~~ 7§E Bakersfield CA 93309 (805)83 - ./ aox ~PCRAT1OH o INCIVDJAl o pAI!THERS!tP o lDC:AI.~ o CCUHTY-AGÐCf o srAtE~ o 'ëJE'J.l..IGCICY TO IHCIC.\T'E ~ TYPECF BUSINESS Ø'Í GAS STATION o 2 OISTRISIJTOR I. 0 , o :I FARM o 4PROCESSOR 0 5 anER KER.1\J cou:¡...rfY PERNIT TO OPEr?ATE ;: 31 0 0 5 9 C - 9 1 EMERGÐICT COm':.r:r PEFlSON rsS:::NCARY)· oaùonal CA Y5: NAIoIE (lAST, FIRST) PHCHE . Wffi< AriëA =E HIGHTS: /WooIE (LAST. i'lRST) PHCNC . WfTH AriÏÕÅ =E II, PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION· (MUST BE COMPU:: ::!J\ /WooIE I ~RE CF AOORESS INFORJ.IATION White & Stine Partners Stockdale Property Management Inc, MAIUNG CR STREE, ACQRESS I ./ =Oil......... W IIDVWAl OL.C:C.M.~ c: STAtE..IG8CY 5001 E, Commercenter Dr, #210 o COAPORA1IOII ~ PNmERSIIP o CCUXTY.IGêICY o F.!)BIl~ CITY NAIoIE I STATE I ZIP ccœ I ~. wm< AREA coce Bakersfield, CA 93309 (805) 323-7830. 1/1, TANK OWNER INFORMATION· (MUST BE COMPlETED) ~fl~r~"& Stine Partners c.uu: OF AOORESS INFORIoiA T10H Stockdale Property Management Inc. ./ ClllII__ 0 IIOYDJAL 0 LOC.\I...IGëHCY W STAT'E-.IGë!ICY o taV'ORAT1ON ~ PAIITIERSIIP 0 CCUHTY.JoGë!CT 0 FtCE!W...AGaCY I STATE I ZJPcaJE, I PHONE. Wffi< AREAC:::oe CA 93309 (805)323-7830 /,jAILING OR STREE, ADORESS >,'-'. OWNERS DATE VOLUME TANK # INSTALLED / #¡r1¡ß la, cx:>o J- 16ðD-V ± f;~ /;:J ODD /() iYDo I './ PRODUCT , STORED "'--- IN; SERVICE . . (..L h 0ti\S2Ie;.J~, J~~~5 tiLl N ó'2ì N CP I N ~I N Y / N Y / N Y / N DO YOU HAVE FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY r:j2/ N Type S1'~ ~,~I'J / j Fill one segment ou~or each tank, unless all dÎlks and piping are ,éonstructed of the same materials, style and type then only one segment out. Please identify tanks by owner ID #~ ..... Do c:AAOStCM PRaœ:::CH o I Pat.~ WRAP CB--£ =-11'«1 o s canccx:: P~Ia....... 0 II ,.,.. :<';"":'~~;~:§~,==?B : :=~~:¿;$J a. lW'IUFoACn.IR&D õY: ;- L TANK Ce::C:=ïIFTtON. A. ~s TANK'I.e._ C. CAtã ;N8T,\U.iO (MO/CAYI'ÆAAI a. rANK c:.1PACrTV IN G.IU.OIa: III TANK t:ONSTiiUC110N.. IWIKQl/lirÆMONLYtNIlaXliSA.a.ANOc:..INIULL~TAPPlIe!IHSOXO '" TYPe OF 0' CCU8LS WALL. 0 ~ SWiIGLIi WIIU. wnw IiX'l'EUaIt t.NR 0 . UMINC'MI SYSTSI 0 2 SINGUi WALL. 0 .. ~ ~ (VAUL11æDTANIO o. anø ~ 8AAlõmãl. . 0 : srJIM.ESS ma. C s ~.... . 0 s =rc=arn¡ 0 . PaL.'MIm. eM.CRU C ., ALUIIMIII o ~ BACNZE 0 to Q,IL'INIIZI5D S1'IiL c. lØIICWN I 0 1 ALIIIIIS UNiD .,0 Z U'IQ I.IUICI . C' s ~ \JNINII Co :HTëHIOR ",:: 0 S cuss lJNINQ G< UIiI.IfCJ . UHIHG '. . ", -_ /' ,liS UNIHQ 1lAmw.. OCWIAT18LE 'Mn4 :QII!I, M&nWQ.! EL TANK IllATEHIAL IPft-.r_1 . ~'.' ., IV. P!PtNG INFORMATiON i:R:ui A ItrA8CMECSlDUHDCR aDnførAlllltlCa&ã .' ,,' A. SYSTeATYPe A 1.1 1 ~ . II Z . A II S aAAVIfY "':"",' A II EL C::NSTRUc::--.oM A 1.1 f SINGI.ã '''ALL. A II 2 oauaÆ 'NM.L, A II S IJIII&) TIŒNCH . A 11 . urIINCIWN '};\~>t::A-II. cmø Co IIA~AHD A 1.1 , IAAEmãI. All Z sr.-waS1&. All ~ 1IOU'IIM.c:HLCRQ¡1JI'jIQ ¿~~PP.!i~~~i?f5t¡:-, CCRROSICM A II S ~ A II . CCfCI'IIiãõi A II ., sræ. 'oWCOAt1NG A II . laB II&nWQ. =-.11ILã...... P1'ICTa:':':OM A 11 . Go\LVANIZ5J S'rSI. A II 10 CAnICCIC~.... _ A 11 . \IMOIQ'Me "'A II . onG·'·'·''-6d,,".;::..,· Do WI( aera:naM 0 1 .tUTCWAT1CUNliUiAlC~ 0 a UNlT'GNnIIiSSTaTINa o. <mIiiI . "Co:",!':'¡:,'" 'r' v. TANK LEAK CE!'E:TtON o ' VISUAl. ~ecc ~ TANC TaTtHQ -- ".-. ..' "-,'- 2 ~AY REC::HC:LIATDt 0 n....OIU.CNrI'CMlQI ~ AUTCllAT1CTAMCGMJaINIIO S aAaINI"'~~ o ., IlllTEftSllfIAL.\ICNr1aIINJ 0 II 111M 0 . UMOIC2WN 0 . anG:'~;;:$;it;:~è"/" " l TANK Ce::C¡:¡IFiICN Q.UII-='=.iU.:TtMS _ S~ ~~'lQWN A. ::WNliñS ;- ANK 'I. C. - a. IW'IUFAC'tJII&C iI't: c:. :JATë iHSTA&J.S: (wc,'tJAYI'ÆAAI a. TAHIC c:.1Ptt:rN IN G.I&.I.CNS: - ~.;~-, ~ -':., .' m. TANK CONSii1UCõON \WII( Ql/Ii rÆM OM,YtNllaxe A. a.ANO c:..INC AU. ~T oUJIIUESlH sox 0 '" TYÆ OF 0' CCU8LS WAU. 0 ~ SNU WML WIIN ;m;u:m LINIiJI 0 . ~ STSTaI 0 2 SINGUi WALL. 0 ¿ SIC:JCWIY CCNT~ (YAULrcÞTANIO o. anG o ' a.uu¡: STm. 0 Z S1'1oN.&$S STa. C ~ ~ 0 6 sr&I.a,.\G VfI~ RÐIFORœJ PUST1C o S ~ 0 . ~'t'IIM. CIC.CRQi C T AWMIMMoI 0 . .. WImWIaL. =-AT1ILã\IIIRI . o ~ IIACNZIi 0 10 Q,lLVMIZSI ma. C. ~ O. onG . 0 1 AI.II8S UNiD 0 Z AUm2 UØIII . C ' ;;oaxr..... 0 4 ~ ~ Co MalCR 0 s cuss t.JIIIMI 0 . 1.IIIIJNIiÐ ~ . UMIICWII O. 0D4IIIf UHING IS Ul't1NG WATëiIIAL C::UPAT18L£ WIfM :QII!I, ~ '! 'ÆS _ NO _ . So TANK IlATEHIAL . !'"-' r... " ;:-"-.~ a. c:AAOStCM PRCTECnCM o ' PCI.:nmMStS VffWII 0 2 c:A11NII o s canccx:: IIAwIl:...' A. 0 n ... c ~ vwn. YfNII . D .. UNIIIICWII o ~ RIEiIGIAS IIIiUHFCIaD PUr.: O·cmG IV. P!PING INFORMATION é:øIeuõ A IJIWM!GJ:aINOCIt U ltr~acnMltr~ A. SYSTeA TYPe A II 1 ~ A II 2 I'AOSUIIII A \I 2 GRAVfT't A \I . anG So C:HSTRUc::--.oM A 1.1 ,. SINGI.& '''ALL. A \I 2 CCUILã WALL. A \I 2 UIIID T1œCM "". UNCHCWN . . "II . cnø Co 1lAT5UAL ~ A II , IWI& snæ¡, A II a sr.aø.as S1G. A II ~ PCL:""""" ~1CIi1Jl'jlQ" \I 6 FIUiIGUSI JIll! CCRRCSCH " II 5~ " If . ~7a All 7 sniIiI. '/WCOA1fNII AIf . laB IIIm4AHaL =-AT1aS~ . PROTæc:ïCH " U . CYLVANIZE) ST5ii. A \I 10 C&JWCCICP....._....... A II . UJIIOICnWf A II . anG ~-.. <"'~' , a. LaJC aETECrTOM 0' A&ITOMAncUNliUiAlC~ o a UNIii T'GNnIIiSS 11iI11NII 0·:.0- C}- QnG v. TANK L.EAKCrncTION o ' I/IIUoIL Cl-l1iI:X 0 2 INV&Hf'OAY ~TDt 0 2 VoUJORlooQNro-w ¿ .lLlf\: llA11CTAMCGUiNI 0 S aRQUfCIWAtalolClllTCR1NG o · TANC TBT1NQ 0 1 JI1'eimmAL~ 0 n ,.. 0 . I.ItIOIOWN 0 . 0TMEiI . . o '.~ NOV, 09, 1992 (1) Frequency Of Monitoring Methal A) Dailey Tank and Meter Reconciliation B) Yearly Line Testing C) Every Other Year Tank Testing (21 Methods And Equipment AI Daily Tank Readings With A GilBarco Electronic Tank Monitor, B) Monthly Intank Leak Test Done Once Per Month With The GilBarco Tank Monitor. (3) Location Of Monitoring A) At Tank Location 4800 White Ln #10 (4) Name Of Persons Responsible For Monitoring b A) Ihab Haddad Store Owner And Manager 805-836-3923 E) John Stuart - Stuarts' Petroleum 805-325-6320 IS) Reporting Format: A) Using Kern County Health Dept Monitoring Sheets (6) Preventive Maintenence Schedule: A) Service Station Repair Company Checks Equipment Out Once Per Year. (7) Training: A) Manager Is Already Trained With Equipment, He Works Equipment Alone. c ~ ---_...._-._-...~ .__....-._,--~p ,,- , . ¡. . h·t~t'tv . SPILL Responce Plan 1» . Proposed ¡vlethod and Equipment: Pd Floor Dry Of A Small - Under 10 Gallon Spill occurs, Propose Of Floor Dry With A Certified Waste Hauler. B) If A Large Spill Occurs Call Fire Dept, Since A Unsafe Condition Will Occur, Then Call A Environmental Companv To Haul Away Spilled Fuel And To Investigate Site. / QJ~ f{c..J., ~ . -t- ~~ (~¡} 'I·L-I- -tf-ð ~/I .¿ ~~ ~ I ~a--/;~ "-'ó~ ~~, ..~~'V.~~~ . -:~- .. Î / X'···/· I / --J ,/ ~<~~"'\_~~.~-iJ~/~ '-.-) :~<:,:~: _' _ í / --- .~,. . _/:.~'Î'~ ,~ / ,- .'-"-", .~ '/:-.:: ç-,~ 1 / , ' I /Î / ~ .,': II}.J ,;,¡",¡",Ù '·'è"\.." .-'~ -' J ;.' /..,¿,/I:\,I' , ,-//(./__......-· -., ,/ /1 , " '~ U~/~¿¿), - __êi(l~.~_~~ ).,., ! ./ '-"..-.... , L) ~ / J ;7'1 \ I'/! I.., I .' V V (..1/,_/ I ..../// /1.-/ , . ~- I \---/ 1;/ /...:_/¥;¡- ~/ / c¿:?'í~;"L¿ o Ú/'/?þ<-- _ ~/ZZ'(}'-&0 .~ .. -" r--;/ "':.____" I _", i >¿¿~:-:-F:; . ....~/J "-, / '7' :..;;.....: '''/ ¡ '../ './ ~'./ . ¡ / l" .A,_..,:~- :~ ..¡./''Z~.~ , ~,I2~//'/C ~~.~~~~- ~/Ll i {;",/ '~,'/" ..--/ ,. -(..-<-( .~ '.,<. :2-·C , 0, 7"~'Yi ,V'I i . ,~..-'(.¿/ / ,1./,/'..../...,- ¡ -.... L-' ,/i,' ';-' --.,~- .:.... - . ,_'/'-,':','."-,~~. '?-'.'¡ I I., --.-..,;' ~':.~~..... _ L.. ~' _..:---.....-... -~~.( " l _:~ i' _ ~~ 1èo02~t) ~~ --- U 0 3/3/e1 ., ~~ 0.. c.~ ~ , .-4 %/J1 ~~ ~ ., / ,~. . j/f~ /~/", ., " "--'/··>"'.,';-'.·..,/r~ ~.' ~.." 1 /' . / V:__ -..-/~..:...:{_~>¿,>:~7';';¿,.-2-¿. -:' ;/ ,,:?:. i.~.~/ ~F.-' _",~ ,- ~ .---- :' " . I i , --,;'."~' /, --'I ' _. -A .. :_/è, \..Je.¿/..()/ .- _~¿·:__l~:-i '-:"',' ,,,",,.., ..: /l ·v. / C.·"7 J, /'_r·'·/. ~. ...-.';,,' / -<::,....... ~.... I.''\..- -'"_ r_ .- :.,...' " ,,~ U! -l~L lð0 CLiL ?/ rS- t-. o/V(c/ ",.:. C!L/¿¿ _ '.., ,-. ~/0, r~~/(;r~¿./ C /; "Î0 -.{! ,JY, .' !L.( /:) .' +." / " ,,-,-I ." . /' L/' ~.V{,/'L;-:...d' .. -",~2¿C0 v1'f.J )··'¿U-·}·?'r~· -;::>t.f:>¿ ../' ./ /ê '1/ I ii c:;¿¿ . '-/, /:..... .--~-~ _l":~~L¿/;/L ,. ~O_J' .-" -- __ ___' I . , - I , -+- , / ;'è___~:-,I /'í. ;~::;"'y;-<~./~.':/»_~-'; , .~' C., .~:./ . /.~ ;- I ' " ~. ,_,,/ï, (::.¿;C ..--""( ';.{~; ,.. ,-, 'i--/,/ ~.t/ ''--'L---/!_. c-7,·--y: ~.! / ;~,-; ~T ~,~~:~ ;:-c~. ,;~.__c~~_·¡ ___-OJ -' /::....'-., . .' /. >;'/i ,; /;r I ~, ",:",-. -' .~_,¿,.r,-, ._- -_. --- :' / V ,./',,1" ,., . ·~c~.:--~... ~~ú;: _:_,»:::=:-.;/~ '. / ,,>'~ __¿.·?--··L· .~(/ / ¿,r": V >:á:.i>~ ¡:/ ~, ._./:...,:.. ,; "-.-- " '-'~ ./'1 :'....~... I ___ ___ot:....-" _ __~ .....--< / ,./c/Î:J ~/i:R {-,> ''.;/Î ìC~~ '0_ ,. l/~~' Þ1~~ ~O")M.. tiel, POOR OR.HAL i: .-: ~'~ e . .. . ~d ~~-%~gb . ¡:;g ~ illPetd Iff ¡j 6 WnJL ß1tÝ- - 0 ~J 1 -- .~' -:= . ----" -- ~-- ; (, / ~~~\ b(~C1~ .. ~\'\J\'~ \...)~ \ - ,0 ' . \ '; \ 4C¿ r:JO ~rY\ \\ ~ '.... v.y. ' ,~ OCfR-O'\ \, Su"'<- ~. . "6o'b ~,,\,_é)5t4- ! - ~ ¡-; e . ( },-. FILE CONTENTS INVENTORY ...-, -4- /1 Ii Facili ty /~ &U/LJ<.. PTO # Date Construction Permit # Abandonment Permit # Modification Permit # Amended Permit Conditions Annual, Report Forms /'-", I;' ,< k" , ; j/ - / '-', & i.c" - 7/fc:vt,T ( " .' App, Date Date Date #of Tanks Plot Plan ~-' App, Date ~/5ïS7 #of Tank U , App. Date #of Tanks Date Appl. Date Copy of Written Contract Between Owner & Operator Inspection Reports Correspondence - Received Date Date Date Date Correspondence - Mailed Date Date Date Date Unauthorized Release Reports Abandonment/Closure Reports Sampling/Lab Reports MVF Compliance Check (New Construction Checklist) STD Compliance Check (New Construction Checklits) MVF Plan Check (New Construction) STD Plan Check (New Construction) MVF Plan Check (Existing Facility) STD Plan Check (Existing Facility) "Incomplete Application" Form Permit Application Checklist Permit Instructions Tightness Test Results Discarded Date Date Date Monitoring Well Construction Data/Permits Environmental Sensitivity Data: , Groundwater Drilling, Boring Logs Location of Water Wells Statement of Underground Conduits Plot Plan Featuring ~ll Environmentally Sensitive Data Photos Construction Drawings Location: Half sheet showing date received and tally of inspection time, etc, Miscellaneous ' TYPE OF INSTALLATION '-""'" . ... -' -','~'-":-:--"----'---'-" . -.. ~. . .' : -;:..~ \ . . ¡j/'¡ j, "-_:_~':L_~:'~'~~:~i(i)! :Uf 'U'! JAN 2 5 P.tMI ilfllf /I'! ~ ,WJ:II ~ L-. j' J PTO-~r ~~ I --------: A-742453 " e' PERMIT NUMBER (X) 1, In-Tank Level Sensor (X) 2, Leak Detector (X) 3, Fill Box FACILITY NAME , BP-Fast Break FACILITY ADDRESS 4800 White Lane #0 CONTACT PERSON IHAB HADDAD/JOHN STUART 1, IN TANK LEVEL SENSORS Number of Tanks 4 List' By Tank ID 10,000 gal 10,000 gal 10,000 gal 10,000 gal UNL UNL SUP REG DIESEL Name of System Red Jacket Manufacturer « Model Number 634-TT-4 Contractor/Installer B,S,S,R, 2, LEAK DETECTORS Number of Tanks 4 List By Tank ID 10,000 Name of System EMCO Wheaton Manufacturer « Model Number DLI-390 IL19V Contractor/Installer B,S,S,R, /Soenco Electronic 3, FILL BOXES Number of Tanks 4 List By Tank ID' 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 UNL UNL SUP REG DIESEL Name of System R,L,W, Equiomen~ Manufacturer « Model Number 523-78 Contractor/Installer B,S,S,R, Safety Caqe CO, OWNER: WHITE & STINE PARTNERS / .~~ d }!t' " -=-.7=:· B- / ,/1 R !!. / , y, ( 'Þv1 ~(ý \ ~- "k-æ~'l ) OWNER/~~~hery¡ L, M~ller, Agent for Owner ------ " -~./ January 23, 1991 DATE Stockdale propefty Management. 'nc. 6001 E. Commercenter Dr. Suite 210 Bakersfield, California 93309 '. ,. Ie . FACILITY NAt' PERMIT. U ................... ", .................. ... _'n. ......... .h....U"'...................... ..................... .....u...................... ...................................... ._, NUMBER OF TANKS AT T~E SITE: ..nn.................... ............u.....u.... ENV, SENSITIVITY 00 , , , , '.0 , EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON(PRIMARY): NAME: ...............-............................................................................................-. ........ .......... .... ........... ............................................ n....................... PHON E NUMBER': ........................................................................................................................................................................ EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON(SECONDARY): NAME: ..................................................................................-............................................................................................................................. PHONE NUMBER: ·...................................n..................................................................n...;...............nn.........................n................. TANK OWNER INFORMATION: NAME: ....-.-.........................................................-.............................-.........-..-...---.......--..-.............................................-......-..........-........................-..........-.... ADDRESS: ........--...-......-.......................-..............................-.....................-..............-..................-......-..........................--..........-............................................. PHON E NO,: TANK CONTENTS: .-......----...........-.................................-..................--.....-..-........................-....-...............................-......-................---.......-...........-...-- TANK U I MANUFACTURER YEAR INSTALLED CAPACITY CONTENTS I ! I I - TANK CONSTRUCTION: TANK U TYPE(dw, sw, sec. cant. ) MATERIAL INT. LINING CORROSION PROTo LEAK DETECTION: TANKS:.___..._.. VISUAL .._.__...~ROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLS ...._............ VADOSE ZONE MONITORÌNG WELLS ................_...__.....___ U-TUBES WITH LINERS ...____.......... U-TUBES WITHOUT LINERS....__.._........... VAPOR DETECTOR ........_.... LIQUID SENSORS _....____........... CONDUCTIVITY SENSORS ....___..........___ PRESSURE SENSORS IN ANNULAR SPACE .._...___.....__ LIQUID RETRIEVAL SYSTEMS IN U-TUBES, MONITORING WELLS, OR ANNULAR ...__.......... NON E ,.....:..._..._~ N K NOW N .._...._....._......._ 0 TH E R ..,....__..................,.........._...__...__.........____..._.._.__._........_._ PIPING TANK U CONSTRUCTION (SW.DW,LINED TR) MATERIAL LEAK DETECTION: PIPING: FLOW PIP I N G.....,....,........,..,.....,.. MON I TIN G SU M P SEALED CONCRETE RACEWAY .:: '.-' '" I T 1...1 C T T r ~ ~ : -';:::~ =J::. r_ :;:: i,oj t. '/ . RESTRICTING LEAK DETECTORS FOR PRESSURIZED WITH RACEWAY HALFCUT COMPATIBLE PIPE RACEWAY ~Jœ,! E !IN Kr-JO\'n! Kt(rr:t ç:ounty Heal th DeparJh.ent ' Dl~lSlon of EnvironmentJllfH~alth 1700, Flo1Ner Street, Bakers( ld, CA 93305 Pe_it No. :?JIJI\6C¡C'J. .. t.JIIII . ~ ~ '''_~ AWl ic~_Date.-' 1/ - <) -,,'\ . ( ~PLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERÞ.'í'E UNDE~ROOND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES S'l'ORÞGE F'ACILITY ~ of Application (check): ' , o New Facility Ofot>dification of Facillty OExistirq Facility ~Transfer of CMneÌ':; A. Ðnergency 24-Hour Contact (name, area code,'phone): DaYS."'(-:Ì-,JJ :;T,/}t'0. -¡',I ('-,~2,~-'(-: Nights " : j- ,1 /Ì'1 ¿ , ~ili i::" - oJ ' , tÐ f T k LI Fac ty Name r /?~ / ,D r ifl /(.., . 0 an s Type of BlÎsiness (cheek):, Gasoline Station CfOther (describe) I Is Tank(s) Located on an Agricultural Farm? Dyes ØlNo Is Tank(s) Used Primarily for Þqricultural Purposes? DYes ~'tÐ Facili ty Address L/r,J (J tÁi IJ ìT v ¡; A ¡Ii r¿ Nearest Cross St. ¡{;'(, ÎÁ1 f íí ,.J I.::J T ,-R ' I SEe (Rural Locations O'\ly) Owner ~i hi I~ r ,0 C-v';:' :r~~.. r;. \?Y'J' ' , Contact ,Person .Jõ h AI I\ddressJ(:¡ d f E ~'O '" "'. " ~e" r~" þ,. Zip ;,.-.1:J(J 9 Tele¡:ÒOne 3 ¿ -3 - 7 ,f.) 6 Operator _) ill r.J ~' , _) ¿ r _ Contact Person Address / / £, /77 5'7' Zip V ç 7 Tele¡i1one f-;(}!"- ..32.)"-~J 2 . B. Water to Facility Provided by Depth ta Groundwater U-+t,~, Soil Characteristics' at Facility Basis for Soil Typ8and Grourdwater Depth Determinations c. Contractor CA Contractor's License tÐ. Address Zip Telephone Proposed StartlB;1 Date /2 - / - r ç proposed Canpletion ~te Worker's Canpensation Certification ¡- , Insurer D. If ·This Permij Is For Modification Of An ÐcistiB] Facility, Briefly Dtscribe Þb3ificati Proposed ;1" â E. Tank(s) Store (d1eck all that apply) : Tank ! Waste Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded Regular prØllhm Diesel Wast Fuel of;. j>.Jðc(! 0 - Of 0 18" la' D B B /,,, " ,r J' 0 O¿.iL 0 0 .~ .... -- .,¡ /d d ,:.; ~I 0 ~:{c:.. 0 B B· 6 B /:: .;..} "'-~ ¡.) D o j.J [J F. Chanical Canpos~ don of Materials Stored (not necessary for IIIOtor vehicle fuels) Tank t Chemical Stored (non-coamercial name) CAS t (H kn<M'\) Chemical previously Stor (If different) '~ G. Transfer·~ OWIÍership Date of Transfer ~, (j U ' prev.~us Facility Name I , ", J Ie t\ t ' .C ï (.J~ ,"" r- - /,:)' - cç- Previous (),mer .Ff,çF ,.¿;'I'¿";-C ¡--.'}.)' ;- h re ~c, accept ful y all obligations of Permit !b. issueê . I understaoo that the PemtittlR:] Authority may review modify or tennlnate the transfer of the Permit tò Operate this underground stor facility upon receiving this completed fonn. '!'his form has been completed under true and correct. ---:-, / t ,.-- Sign.ature-'·, ," ~., //.' " penal ty of perj ury and to the best of my knowled<je ì Title , ~ .: Date ~h . !t4- ~.'" " Þ-' ~ ...,... . ----. ~ =---.-- -- . ..-.-~Þ-~'" . . ----, , ....-- ., " ~ / '. '. I .. ... . \PIt, R l W·~"!¡"'" AUTOMOTIVE' INOUSTRIAL . PETROLEUM , '~ ' , , ,... ". .".' .,. .oII!'. .' r': . \ JOHN PAXTON ¡ S~. ENOINI:C" . 2'080 SO. UÞtIt)N "vI.. 8AK~ftS'C~D.C..93!01 (80S) 634, \100 " \. AUTOMOTM . INDUSTRIAL. PETROLEUM liON AVE·BAKERSfIELD, CALIFORNIA R N R Enterprises 4800 Easton Drive Ste 109 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Attention: Tracy or Gary Hill Subject: Revision of our proposal dated June 4, 1984 '.' Furnish and install following equipment: ì \, 4 10,000 ga 1. steel underground storage tanks', U L approved and asphalt coated ~ 4 3/4 H.P. Redjacket submersible pumps ) 5 24" x 24" steel pump manhole wI covers 3 Phase I vapor recovery systems (gasõline) "4 41 x 21 X 10' steel island forms wI raised ends 2 4' x 6' steelis1and forms 1 D 20 "3m" master station intercom 4 OSH speakers wI call buttons 4 DL2/390/1L/19V Wayne Electronic Dispensers with Cashl Credit display and equipped with.£mco - Wheaton IIbalance type" vapor recovery and coaxial hoses 2 DL2/361-1L/19 Wayne Electronic dispenser wI Cash 1 Credit display and automatiG nozzles (diesel) , 2 "La Sabre" twin light fixtures - 400 watt super metal halide, mounted on 5" x 141 poles wI 6' brackets 1 (DL2412 Wayne electronic readout console for 12 fueling posttions 1 ~Battery backup 4 ,"-Stop Motor" - "No Smoking" signs 6 "Pay Cashier FirstN signs 1 Four product price posting sign - double 'faced - pole mount with" 'flip style" ~etters 1 Four product price posting sign - double faced - no flip style letters 1 3000-10 Centurion fliter assly for deisel , , I Î " . J .- '. ~-,; .. . :,;:::/~:r <.: ,". '.1,' ,'þ", .'. ". . . . ." .......:.. .'&'." . .' " :~.: -' .~ .. \. :- '1" . ;" .... " . . , ...~'::...: . June 29, 1984 EXHIBIT A / .- '-t P\ ~ \ b t:-..,c. h.... TANK it ':'- FOH EACH \)~î-\" \\ H-\¡" t J \ o.,jl,; , ~ i't~rliul i\u. (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORa., ¿ACH 1ßllii) SECTION, f!!§£!i lli. APPROPRIATE ~ '. ~ r.~ aCil!,ty Nämc 1. ~ h: [] _ Vaulted [] Non-Vaulted [] Double-Wall ~ingle-Wall 2. Tank Material 'VM/lII-" ~ Carbon steel [] StainJess Steel [] Polyvinyl Chloride [] Fiberglass-Qiad Steel o Piberglass-Reinforced PlastIc 0 Concrete 0 Aluminum 0 Bronze 0 Unknown [] Other (describe): .. 3, Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) ~\ 'I", .. ~ Secondary Coutainmellt CJ Double-Wall [] Synthetic C1 Other (describe): Material 5,_ 'Tank Inter lor Linin!! DRubber 0 Alkyd .0 Epoxy 0 Pheno'lic 0 Glass 0 Clay 0 Unlined 0 Unknown , . 13' Other (describe): !rte.L' f)¡ ~ Corrosion Protection o Galvanized [] Fiberglass-Clad [] Polyethylene Wrap 0 Vinyl Wrapping o Tar or Asphalt 0 Unknown IJir None 0 Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: [3- None [] Impressed Current System' [] Sacrificial Anode Syøtem o Describe System & Equipment:,' ' 7, .!&!!!s. Detection, Monitorin!!. and interceotion a, Tank: [] Visual (vaulted tanks only) 0 Groundwater Monitoring Well(s) [] Vadose Zone Monjtoring Well(s) [] U-Tube Without Liner ,[] U-Tube with Compatible Liner Uirecting Flow To Monitoring Well(s)* o Vapor UeteclOl' * 0 Li4Uid Level Sensor * [] Conductivity Sensor* CJ Pressure Senspr In Annular Space Of ,Double Wall Tank * o Liquid Hetrleval & Ins Jection From U-Tube. Monitoring Well Or Annular Space [] Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation 0 Periodic Tightneaa Testing [3' None 0 Unknown 0 Other Piping: 0 Flow-Restricting Leak- Detector(s) For PreB8urized Plpln¡* [] Monitoring Sump With Raceway (] Sealed Concrete- Raceway [] Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway [] Synthetic Liner Raceway .~ None [] Unknown (] .Other *Describe Make & Model:_ 8, ~ Tightness Has This Tank Been Tightness Tested? ~ Yes Date Of Last Tightness Test 'C\t.\Jo.M.œ-\ t '1'e.... Test Name \\ It." . 9. Tank Repair . Tank Repaired? 0 Yes Date(s) Of Repair(s] Describe Repairs la, Overfill Protection _ [] Operator Fills, Controls. & Visually Monitors o Tape Float Gauge 0 Float Vent Valves (] o Capacitance Sensor 0 Sealed Fill Box Œ:r o Other: '.~:;~ I:; "--, ..~. . .. ,-, " ~:';t,; . ".." .'" . ~:.. ..:., '" 11. \ ~,: l ; ù\:.J '-it' . Capacity (Gallons) \0,000 Manufacturer CV\04tMo . Wuð.'l\k Liner 0 Lined Vau! t ~ None 0 Unknown Manufacturer: Capacity (Gals,) Thickness (Inches) b: [] No D Unknown Results of Test Testing Company . 1', '* . I.\,\ù' ~'\'"'tl'\+ J:9'" No o Unknown Level Auto Shut-Off Controls None [] Unknown , List Make & Model For Above Devices "t'Ò\~ ~C'(. \ c.... ~ 1S' Piein!! a, Underground Piping: ~Yes [] No Thickness (inches)ul\'i'f\Qwf\ Diameter ~ Pressure 0 Suction [] Gr_avity Underground Piping Corrosion Protection: [] Galvanized [] Fiberglass-Clad. 0 Impressed Current 0 Sacrificial Anode o Polyethylene Wrap 0 Electrical Isolation 0 Vin¥l Wrap 0 Tar or Asphalt o Unknown ~one D Other (descr i be): s\ft\ ç"~\1'\A- t\w.'Q\L \ùfav~ w~ Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: \0 ('1\\\\ ""'&~ . 0 Double-Wall 0 Synthetic LireI' System ¡g'None 0 Unknown o Other (describe): o Unknown Mater ial ~ II Manufacturer Approximate Length Uf Pipe Run b, c·, , . ~~~Ùi~Y Name {. 1. ~ lJ!.: [] Vaulted 0 Non-Vaulted 0 Double-Wall ~ingle-Wall , 2. Tank Material ........,..' (;f- Carbon Steel [] Stain]ess Steel 0 Polyvinyl Chloride 0 Fiberglass-Olad Steel o Fiberglass-Heinforced Plastic 0 Concrete [] Aluminum 0 Bronze [] Unknown o Other (deser ibe) : 3. ?rimary Containmènt Date Installed ThIckness (Inches) ~\. 'I'" U 4, l!lli!s. Secondary Containment [J Double-Wall 0 Synthetic CJ Other (descrIbe); Material 6. 'Tan~ Interior LinillR ',: . 0 Rubber 0 Alkyd ,0 Epoxy 0 Phenolic 0 Glass 0 Clay 0 Unlined 0 Unknown Œ' Other (describe): !tt£L' Tan~ Corrosion Protection o Galvanized 0 Fiberglass-Clad 0 Polyethylene Wrap 0 Vinyl Wrapping D Tar or Asphalt 0 Unknown rï!r None 0 Other (describe): "Cathodic Protection: [3' None 0 Impressed Current System· 0 Sacrificial Anode Syøtem o Uescribe System & Equipment:, ' , 7,.1ill Uetection. MOlli tor ing-, ~. In terception a, Tank: 0 Visual (vaulted tanks only) 0 Groundwater Monitoring Well{s) (] Vadose Zone Monjtorlng Well{s) [] U-Tuue Without Liner ,[] U-Tube with Compatible Liner Uirecting Flow To Monitoring Well(s)· [] Vapor Detector · 0 Liquid Level Sensor * 0 Conductivity Sensor* * ~ [] Pressure Sensor In Annular Space Of Double Wall Tank ' [] Liquid Retrieval & Inspection From U-Tube. Monitoring ,Well Or Annular Space (] Dally Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation [] Periodic Tightne8s Testing 13 None 0 Unknown 0 Other b, .Piping: 0 Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) For Pressurized Piping* [] Moni toring Sump With Raceway 0 Sealed Concrete Raceway [] Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway [] Synthetic Liner Raceway ~ None [] Unknown 0 Other *1jescrlbe Make & Madel :.' ' 8, Tank Tightness Has This Tank Been Tightness Tested? 13' Yes Date Of Last Tightness Test ,'~~~~a*\, ~e~ Test Name \\ !.'\ ' , 9. Tank Repair Tank Repaired? 0 Yes Date(s) Of Repair(s) Describe RepairR .. 10, Ovet'fill Protection o Operator Fills, Controls, & Visual ly Monitors o Tape Float Gauge 0 Float Vent Valves 0 o Capacitance Sensor 0 Sealed.Fill Box G3' o Other: ;..... .; . :., ¡ ~~ ,; ',., . .-17.:-'-"" ",l-:: '. .' .. ~; 11. Picin¡r a. b. c. -:1AS\ b\{.'~ TANK .! '- "I ;-' ¡OJ{ EACH Ç)c.:~ \ '" rl It..\}..: ì J I NC ' . (FILL UUT SEPARATE FORM fL ¿ACH IMi!i.) SECTIUN, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES -- - { ~ ¡ (JLkj C-j(' P~[,JlliL Nu. ·"1 Capacity (Gal{ons) \0,000 Manufacturer ff\och tIt-. W -'thl\. Liner 0 Lined Vault ~ None [] Unknown Manufacturer: Capacity (Gals.) Thickness (Inches) o No 0 Unknown Results Of Test Testing Company , 1", "* . tL\ù' ~\n,mtl'\+ ŒrNo [] Unknown Level Auto Shut-Off Controls None 0 Unknown List Make & Model For Above Devices [J Unknown Material ~ .. Manufacturer Approximate Length Of Pipe f\"Ò\tr" -*« \ ~...'" ~. .", . Run 15' Underground Piping: ~ Yes [J No Thickness (inches )Uf\'iY\Qu~f\. Diameter &f" Pressure, 0 Suction [] Gravity Underground Piping Corrosion Protection: o Galvanized' [] Fiberglass-Clad [] Impressed Current 0 Sacrificial Anode o POlyethylene Wrap 0 IUectrical Isolation 0 Vin¥l Wrap 0 Tar or Asphalt o Unknown ~one 0 Other (de.scribe): ~-\ft\ n\'\.\"Q t\OU'o\l. \ûtQ.~~ w~ Underground Piping, Secondary Containment; \0 11\\\\ ,""ò.~ o Double-Wall 0 Synthetic Liner System [9'None 0 Unknown o Other" (descr'Í be) : 'i "~~il'{ty Name l~;' 1.. I.ä!lä h: (] 'Vaulted (] Non-Vaulted 0 Double-Wall ¡:;;-Single-Wall .~ 2. Tank Materia:1 .....-. ~ Carbon steel (J Sta~n]ess Steel (] Polyvinyl Chloride (] Fibe~glass-O~ Steel o Fiberglass-Heinforced Plastic 0 Concrete 0 Aluminum (] Bronze (] Unknown o Other (describe): .);" 3. Primary Containmènt Date Installed Thickness (Inches) ~1 'I"'" 4. !!!.!!!s. Secondary COlltainment CJ Double-Wall [] Synthetic Cl Other (describe): Material a, .~ Intedor Linin¡:r ""- >~ ·0 Rubber 0 Alkyd ,0 Epoxy 0 Phenolic (] Glass 0 Clay 0 Unlined 0 Unknown G-: Other (describe): ~ee.' 6. ~ Corrosion Protection ,0 Galvanized 0 Fiberglass-Clad (] Polyethylene Wrap 0 Vinyl Wrapping o Tar or Asphalt (] Unknown Iïir None 0 Other (descr ibe) : Cathodic Protection: \3'" None (J Impressed Current System· 0 Sacrificial Anode System o Uesct'ibe System & Equipment:, ' 7, ~ Detection, MOlli tor in!!, -ª!!£ Illterceutfon a, Tank: 0 Visual (vaulted tanks only) 0 Groundwater Monitoring Well(s) . 0 Vadose Zone MonHor ing Well (s) 0 U-Tube Without Liner . .0 U-Tulte with Compatible Liner Uirecting Flow To Monitot'ing We'll(s)* (] Vapor'Uetector * 0 Li4uirl Level Sensor * (] Conductivity Sensor* (] Pressure Sensor In Annular Space Of Double Wall Tank * , , (J Liquid Hetrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring·Well Or AnnulaL' Space (] Daily Uauging & Inventory Heconciliation 0 Periodic Tí¡htness Teatin¡ 13' None 0 Unknown [] Other b,_Piping: 0 Flow-Restricting Leak'Detector(s} Far Pressurized Piping· [] Monitoring Sump With Raceway (] Sealed Concrete Raceway [] Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway [] Synthetic Liner Raceway ~ None o Unknown 0 Other *'Describe Make & Model:. 8. Tank Tightness Has This Tank Been Tightness Tested? 13" Yes Date ot Last Tightness Test 'f\t,\J,.tf\(X\,c, 1'e~ Test Name \\ I 'ð? 9. Tank Repair Tank Repaired? 0 Yes Date(s) Of Repair(s) Describe Repairs " 10, Overfill Protection [J Operator Fills, Controls, & VisuaJly Monitors o Tape Float Gauge [] Float Vent Valves (] o Capacitance Sensor (] Sealed Fill Box ~ o Other: '.:... ,:,. ,,<- }:'~ -3£\'5\ b'tr'- TANK # ..1 ( . - ~ Foji EACH Pel'lII.1L Nu, (~/{)û!:J'-I{, \) ~~, .. fl ì H ¡.: i J I to... C , 'é';!',. ., (FILL Uur :>EPARATE FORM FL EACH TANK) SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES . -- - ·;l.,~" ~;.,'_o '~-' ~y~:.: u: Ji." Capacity (Gallons) \0.000 Manufacturèr ~04c~o w~ð.'I\' Liner 0 Lined Vaul t (!( None 0 Unknown Manufacturer: Capacity (Gals,) Thickness (Inches) ".¡' (] No 0 Unknown Results Of Test Testing Company . 1', .* t.\.\,Ù1 ~~\'"'tt\. Œr'No (] Unknown Level Auto Shut-Off Controls None 0 Unknown List Make & Model For Above Devices 11, P iDimr a, '\t' &1\1 , . Jot« \ ~.... .", o Unknown Material ~ tI Manufacturer Approximate LengthUf Pipe Run 15' b. Underground Piping: ~ Yes [] No Thickness (inches )UI\~Y'lDWf\ Diameter ~ Pressure 0 Suction 0 Gravity Underground Piping Corrosion Protection: o Galvanized 0 Fiberglass-Clad 0 Impressed' Current 0 Sacrificial Anode (] Polyethylene Wrap 0 Electrical Isolation 0 Vin¥l Wrap 0 Tar or. Asphalt o· Unknown ~one 0 Other (describe): . ~tt' \,""-,,,Q d~\e.Wfo.V~ w~ Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: \0 1'1\\\\ -+~fCo ,0 Double-Wall 0 Synthetic Liner Sys tem 9'None 0 Unknown o Other (describe): c, ,~ ....:.t AS\ '6 ~'¿¡,~L TANK! ~u Fan EACH -- -- --- ------- ------------- \.':f~ \ .~. í) ~I.\.", ) \ ]\" L . Pe~~~iL- No, , (FILL OUT SE~AnATE ~FL_. EACH TANK) SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES r- ~ i{ JÚ6·'Cf('· . Facili ty Name : . H. 1. Tank.i2.: 0 Vaulted 0 Non-Vaulted 0 Double-Wall ~ingle-Wal1 2. Tank Material ¡;;- Carbon Steel 0 Stain] ess Steel 0 Polyvinyl Chloride 0 Fiberglass-Clad Steel o Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic 0 Concrete 0 Aluminum 0 Bronze 0 Unknown o Other (descr i be) : 3. Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer ~1 \1", .t \ 01 000 ~o4t~o WÜ~'''1 4, lank Secondary Containment o Double-Wall 0 Synthetic Liner 0 Lined Vaul t 1!( None 0 Unknown 0, Other (desér i be) : Manufacturer: Material Thickness (Inches) Capaci ty (Gals.) 5, . Tank, Interior Lininf! DRubber 0 Alkyd 0 Epoxy 0 Phenolic 0 Glass 0 Clay 0 Unlined 0 ,Unknown G' Other (describe): !tt~eJ 6. Tank Corrosion Protection o Galvanized 0 Fiberglass-Clad 0 Polyethylene Wrap 0 Vinyl Wrapping o Tar or Asphalt 0 Unknown [;¡r None 0 Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: 13" None 0 Impressed Current System· 0 Sacrificial Anode System '0 Describe System & Equipment: ' , \ 7. Leak Detection, Monitorinf!. and Interception a. Tank: [] Visual (vaulted tanks only) 0 Groundwa'ter Monitoring \~ell (s) [] Vadose Zone Monitoring 'Well(s) 0 U-Tube Without Liner [] U-Tube with Compatible Liner Directing Flow To Monitoring Well(s)* o Vapor Detector * 0 Liquid Level Sensor * 0 Conductivity Sensor * [] Pressure Sensor'In Annular Space Of Double Wall Tank * f o Liquid Retrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitorihg Well Or Annula~ Space [] Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation [] Periodic Tightness Testing [3' None 0 Unknown [] Other b, Piping: [] Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) For Pressurized Piping* - [] Monitoring Sump With Raceway 0 Sealed Concrete Raceway [] Half-Cut Compatible Pipè Raceway [] Synthetic Liner Raceway ~ None [] Unknown 0 Other *Describe Make & Model:, 8, Tank Tif!htness Hàs This Tank Been Tightness Tested? 13" Yes 0 No 0 Unknown . Date Of Last Tightness Test f1\f.\lt'f\cthè. 1'e~'" Results of Test 1'"h+ Test Name "I ~~ Testing Company t\.\.\) ~U'~"'tl'\'¡' 9. Tank Repair . Tank Repaired? 0 Yes [g""'No 0 Unknown Date(s) Of Repairls) Describe Repairs 10, Overfill Protection [J Operator Fills, Controls, & VisuaJly Monitors Level o Tape Float Gauge [] Float Vent Valves 0 Auto Shut-Off Controls o Capacitance Sensor 0 Sealed. Fill Box 13'" None 0 Unknown [] Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices b. Underground ?iping: ET Yes [] No Thickness (inches )Uf\~"OWf'\ Diameter ¡;y Pressure [] Suction 0 Gravity Und~rground Piping Corrosion Protection: [] Galvanized [] Fiberglass-Clad [] Impressed Current 0 Sacrificial Anode o Polyethylene Wrap [] Electrical Isolation 0 Vinyl Wrap [] Tar or Asphalt o Unknown ~one 0 Other l describe) : S-\tt\ Ç~-\'h,,~ t\~u'dt '-'J('(\?~c.\ w.4h,- Underground Piping. Secondary Containment: \" 1'1\\\\ -+A~ [] Double-Wall 0 Synthetic Liner System ¡g'None 0 Unknown [] Other (describe): o Unknown Material 2. II Manufacturer Approximate Length Of Pipe f\ t." r.r- -*~ \ ~O.+ tift' Run 15' 11, Pipinf! a. c. K~(0' <?~unty Health Depar tmerÀ _ D1V1Slon of Environmental H_t:.\'"· 1700 Flower Street, Bakersfield, ~A 93305 . Pe rI!' i tiÀ> ',_ t. q /0 (j \.5"9C AppllcatlOn_r Ii APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY ~ of Application (check): . ~ . . o New Facility OM:>dification of Facility ?,Existi~ Facility DTransfer of OWnership A. Emergency 24-Hour Contact. (name, area code, phone): Days '3C\~"OS~1.fo 0tMo.. ec"t\4\.\( Nights \, " Fac il i ty Name 1=t\~ ~to."- 0 e\\ · tf\~t-\" No. of Tanks \.t Type of Business (check): Gaso we Stat on "Other (describe) t'(\\1\\'. Melt'o\" Is Tank(s) Located on an Agricultural Farm? Dyes ~ Is Tank(s) Used primarily for Agricultural Purposes? DYes Œf'No . . Facil i ty Address '" \00 \ù"'-'te. \.. t\ 1\e. Nearest Cross St. .~J\t.u) ~\re T R SEC (Rural Locations cnly) '. OWner (~~('ct\~ ~~ ~o\~t.r~ Contact Person ßtrtCÄ tot\n~\.\e.~ Address n~ ~ ~ \~ 0 Zip C\ ;;O:J. Telephone ~C\-:¡.. CS~1of Operator Contact Person Addr ess Z i p Telephone ~,,'It. 0 ~ ~ '" - C. ,B. Water to Facility Provided by Soil Characteristics at Facility Basis for Soil Type and Groundwater Depth Detenninations Contractor _it\. \.,V Addr ess 2 0 ~ Uf\ \ 0(\ fl 'It~ Proposed Startlng Date . Worker's Canpensation Certification I q Depth to GroW1dwater CA Contractor's License No. 2«=\,+0';- Zip ~~~01 Telephone ~. "ot:) propos Canpletion Date ß~ , Insurer. ' D. If This Permit Is For Modification Of An Existing Facility, Briefly Describe Modifications Proposed E. . Tank(s) Store (check all that apply) : Tank ! Waste Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded Regular Premium Diesel Waste Fuel Oil \ D 0 0 ~ ~ 0 0 0 "t 0 0 0 0 ~ D 0 ~ 0 0 0 8 B ~ B '" 0 0 0 [J F. Chanical CanlX>si tion of Materials Stored (not necessary for I'Ik)tor vehicle fuels) Tank. Chemical Stored (non-conrnercial name) CAS t (if knO'.1«1) Chemical Previously Stored (if different) G. Transfer of awñership Date of rransfer Previous OWner ' Previous Facility Name I, accept fully all obligations of Permit No. issued to I understand that the Permitting Authority may review and modify or tenninate the transfer of the Pe~it to Operate this underground storage facility upon receiving this completed form. This form has been canpleted under penalty of perjury and to the best of my knowledge is· true and correct. Signature 0 l\) »:t.--:- b\ Ì¡ a,,,}t...:\ o /, ',; , ,t ·-r ...'WI Ti tIe ~Ob"~t?~r- Date ~/b/~+ " J ~i t'il ~ . .' P 459 692 040 g: ,- ';r'. ',j ·~~__;:::7:;:';:::::' 'J::-iJ._ ~~C=:~." " ,I - -, . ,.'~ I "',::: ", I~ ,;.(.'." ~ ." ".,.-~ ',,:. ,. "-~J¡.'.: . .'f'. I:. . .';~~':;~,;":,,,,-} ~'IO 0 ~ ........... '" ' . ç ~, '.. - <...,;)~.. - --~--'-" ~":"¡¡J'&6 MQ1'"-+\~____ .~ --:4-'_\S:Ç~u__l!)b_~_kl", ___~*=-( . ..~.~_~__~_'l.8,3 Or . 0' ,- -. = :',: .- ¡ :'::::~'8C:~li ~~~':.~i "'~;"'" .- ·~e ---. ~';Sí;¡C:f-:'.: C:~¡".''=¡': -':t-: '" IX) í) '" ,.. ~ .., ô 0 00 M E - ! R.:.¡urn F'ìcc["!o: snOW!nfj I ¡i;'~ wnorn ~nc Dale Dellverec: II ~8h.:m ;:;eC>?1Dt snO'N¡f19 :0 wnorn. OGle. ann Ad¡jress of lJeJlvery TOT AL Pcsiage a.na Fees " Postma" or C:."e d !jc23/g-¡ :. --- --.- - -- -- -~. ~'~--.-- -'-:-'---'~'''''-;-;'--=t.-::~~__ ...,'__ -:-_ ~ !:: w c.; w a: '9, Z æ oJ ~ "....".O.o.UIO·( ~ X ~ '0 f3 X ~ 'g C . -,"" 31:13^1130 3.L'fO ¡>IJ1I.U8ðIl115'eauiuppe ¡b"íÍln.1lU15I. ule.QO MeAot,'f , Q-frO ~bð'J b.9t1 'I!W ISðJdIC30 00::> 0 Pð!I!Ua:) E PðJnSUI 0 PðJall!ða~ 0 MlQwnN .,:)!U" ;":)!"J"S '0 .d....1 'þ ¡ \ Ii ::>6S'OOTS o alIflS ~NV1 alIHM 008~ N:umrw HOH ~ .'':..". :0& p.nIUPp" 8 :JIU" '1: ,,\ .,~,. ·...Je"lIea PIt¡;) J1IØt:I 0 'I: '4Je"I/"p.o ~~~~'PUI! e&1Ip 'WO~M 01 MO~S ß( 'L 'pellenbeJ (".;) "'" .to. (..,woe¡' ~;)8~:) pUl!-. JO. J8&-walOd &'""'0:) '.IQI!"W"I! ..v ..:)!...... ðI.I!""OIIO..," _. IIIUO l!PØ. J0:l '''''''f ''P .- '0 .llIp .¡¡1 pu" 01 P'''.''I eØ UOCJlld .~1,0 .wvu IH.µ no' .- rc AO'd I".... ... U1i.:>eJ u.n¡eJ .¡¡I 'n04 0' pe..Un1.J ðUI"Q ~ WI' OJ,,:) ·!1411U....Jd III'" '!1 1 Op 01 ''In''.:I 'IIP!' 8I.I8""J E \. & uo e;)Old. ..Ol.·Nt:lnJ.3~.. e~l U! _JpPI! Jno... 1nd 0 -. 'Þ pU. t 'z 'L IW.~ 8l8 dwo:) :~3CíV1S f CO) CI) Ø) ... >- ~ ~ '" !:',!) ,~~.. (';.... K., '~OUNTY -r'" 1601 "H" Street, Soite 250 Bakersfield, California 93301 AIR POLLUTION CONI ::, )ISTRICT ~ ~ - 1J-- ·c··~" . . ~ .J .J fc. C,C; l - CD ':: Telephone (805) 861-3682 ¡ ì----:;'\ rf,¡; I ....:.~.J I:;1 ((:J 17·>, ) J '-.\ --;~. '.!, i'.~J":-:' ~ . :;.,) ~ ""'" ,è J[,!:;' .(*. 'APPLICATION FOR (check approrwiate item.s)· Ii _,J' /""7-' . -~ I JUL I) '">, ;, , ~ ,~.' ,QQ/1 ~ Permit to Operate' ........ ~u...,. -!),~ , -'\i" r·-. [ ] Authority to Construct - Modificatl'o&'P'in" I,' . [] Transfer of Location r-:..-¡- 1 ~~ . ''-I'--;D . [] Authority to Construct - Renewal " £~~] Transfer of Ownership An a lication is required for each source operation as defined ~n Rule 102, Section cc 1. PERMIT TO BE ISSUED TO: Name of oganization to operate the following equipment: r,KJ Authority to Construct ROBERT N.' RODRIGUEZ. INC. d /b / a RNR ENTERPRISES (QWIK KORNER) 2. MAILING ADDRESS: t 4800 Eastòn Dr. Suite 109 Bakersfied Ca 3. LOCATION AT WHICH THE EQUIPMENT IS TO BE OPERATED: X 4800 White Lane Suite 0 . Bakersfield Ca 93309 4, GENERAL NATURE OF BUSINESS: ~ Mini-mart/Deli/Gas Service 5, EQUIPMENT FOR WHICH APPLICATION IS ~ADE: GJ-^;tS if-- Twf S i (. MatQ. ,~,IAk'tt:¡¿.' "'¿.S. --(" l.è ,>..J..~ C. /;J (, I "T.;l. C "r'IL . . ,~i£fL (7Þ..L \.l(G- ~ LlÑL('1\-x;) 9,tsJ..c/J~ .Jf1;0~: ~ Å-\~L klw :)ift~£ . T c..¡ /1 - L~ ~ P-£C<..\\Jœ¡ ~ ~_ 1,< _. ." I . <?j - k&tL-P~A-s 0è~~5j . .... '~lltJ\ K-~ rÔ7/t:. )-/()jß)7) C~, . ,S~, T"(wi.-, .~,~-r?L6--.Ý.!tIu-, ''1-Æeß-001£!~ L~AL,1At£ V~. . ll~( .-/O/~~GC)~./, ~. _ o?l,C lc '3 \j 7T (2~ -' '- A-:~0'l>S' --()(¡).-- ct1v1 b1\x,'") C~)t,,:~~ Av~ £/ú.." . . . p \ s~- t:>V'q,SS"'~-~ Provide additional information as required by District "Instructions", se¡u:s ~O Zip Code: 93309 6,. TYPE AND ESTIMATED COST OF AIR POLLUTION CONTROL EQUIPMENT: 7. rYPE AND ESTIMATED COST OF BASIC PROCESS EQUIPMENT: ., 6$0. 0tJ E';~. ~(),~~ 8, )(. 9, ~ Robert N. Rodriguez ER: TITLE ,OF SIGNER: ~ President DATE: )( 7 / 13/84 PHONE NO,: ~ (805) 322-9804 IECE liVE JUL 1 31984 Validation (A,P,C,D, use only) KER~J CCUNTY AI~ POLLUTlO!\l CO:'<ITROL DISTRICT FILING FEE: . $ /.af) ;J. g g '-rM FEE SCHEDULE NUMRER; PERMIT FEE: $ Jb /~-:J..., f ð RECEIPT' NO ,: S:!C¡ ,:J... q.b DATE: RECEIPT NO.: ~9~J 9Ll ;~ . - ·~~fl·-'··· : - \ I ,-.' " - \ , ,# ,- --~ \ .,.-- - , .'. \.\.( 'I '.' :l3 ~\ '. . ..,: r -S"1:::' , ~~~-- r,IN ~l~\: . ¡,"s[J WA I ¡;i \~IL -_.H '-/7'-., t ,- ::f T . ·f :~l .-Jy .<.....~ t~ a./ff' , /~~Jr~'rj \ , ~\¿ 'If \, / ''(jj . ~r_'"';.1 I . . ¡ ,,'" "\ CJ~- \,-~ \ .~~,) J ß(ý) vA' , ~ -*', ~~ø :' ¥ J-1'V0 . .- -) Al- , , ...- \ \ _.-----_"!~~~~- .---::-- ~ .:.. l!!!. l: !LiE 1I VI f£ "'JUt 1 3W4 !f)) , 'Dc, '3(lÚ f);W~~ . R[~LM-- LtJ.{l-Ã\~ ~~~'-- L(J..(~:fJ - - .- . kERN C -, POLLUTION OUNTY AIR - . CONTROL DISTRICT ~_..: , '~ ....:.;~ "~ \;- :'-_~ 'ß « ,e --~ O~va.+'~1 ~~14/c ._-~~~- - a.J\.'-:"ðWV\ . Ii JI '~1'.~., , ,-' J, ~. ~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS STORAGE FACILITY Permit No.: 310059C State ID No.: 310059 Issued to: FAST BREAK MINI MARKET Location: 4800 WHITE LN BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 Owner: WHITE & STINE PARTNERS 5001 E. COMMERCENTER DR. #210 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 Operator: FAST BREAK MINI MARKET 4800 WHITE LN BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 Facility Profile: Year Is Piping Tank No, Substance Capacity Installed I\œuiad 1 GASOLINE 10,000 1983 YES .2 GASOLINE 10,000 1983 YES 3 GASOLINE 10,000 1983 YES 4 DIESEL 10,000 1983 YES This permit is granted subject to the conditions listed on the attached summary of conditions and may be revoked for failure to adhere to the stated conditions and/or violations of any other State or Federal regulations. Issued by: Issue Date: JULY 1, 1991 Title: Expiration Date: JULY 1, 1994 POST ON PREMISES NONTRANSFERABLE ~_'J_..J ~ h 0 :: '.- , . ,. . ", h;: -'>..0-:j ~ .~., ;.?):~;/S':~~' ,.'.. . ; '\J ::' . .' . '::<~ c >' \~i"'I~"';:~':::~;: I' . ¡,: '. . ::,<.'" . ~ ;;\',X:;.i"¿(¡ r';l·"'fiÈ;ELð~ËRs.tAPrf¡·¿'~ÒQ{.)'}.:·,.,\ 'rt;~;,t~L~~';~B~a?,~;~#¥~~' .,' ,.," " . :. '.'ì~: 4.4~0· Califòrñi~; $ûite. ~ - 30} t ':.~ . (805) ;3 23~'(996 II, '. .' !:~.'ßakèfsfi~ld;èk9330(F"'~':FAk (8o'5Ù,2!FÓ50J:.:'.' '. .--:~~'-~':~:-~ -:>~':'.__.~.. - '-":'~' --".: - - f.~'·--· :--;' '-,.- .:.'~.~;. " ..'_.;~"':'''~~.:.. -. .... J ~ . - .p; -'- '",--6 ; Fill one segment ou....r constructed of the ~e one segment out, ~lease each tan1r, unless all' t 'líS and 'piping ~re.;;;~;,. ¿t~ I"/~ "- materials, style and 1..a then only fJ.IH¿:h~~:-,"_ '. identify tanks by owner~ #. ..-c'>-"7~¥.;" ~...:2;;;~:;g.~-... .... , " L T..1NK oe:c::;rPTION. ." , ~".. . ,'"'.'. . A. ~s fAlOe·LQ.. . a. UAHUF~ av: a. fANIC C,\IIAQTY IN G.IU.CHS: ·'.~·~.:~~!~!Ä·:;."" .";,:,~~,~,,:,,';. C. M'E,1110R , UNING .', :'~-.... .::}'. /- '" III TANK CONSTRUCTION,. w.RI(C\lfãITEMONI..YIH80xaA.8.AHOC..INOAU.~TN'PUSSlHsaxa A. TYPE OF 0, 'I COU8U£ WMJ., 0 2 am¡¡ WAU. wnw ~ UNfãR 0 . ~ SYSTBI 0, 2 DGUi WMJ., 0 4-SIiC:HOAA'f ~ (VM.lLTED1'JMG o. cmG B. 'TANK ~ ItARUT'EiiI. 0 1 srAN.&SS ma. C s FII&RGLNIS 0 4 srliiLC!-'Ø ....~~PlASTIC IlATaUAL ' 0 S c:::NCUrni 0 . PCI.'l'II'M. CK.CRU c:: 7 IWI-JII. 0 . 1aa IØWG. =-A~~' (Pr!--rr_1 o. BRCMZE 0 10 CJAL.YMCZIiD StQ c. UMOtCWN 0 . anG:':',~·i, o 1 AUaII&a \JNIiD 0 1 UYO LMItCI . C s &iIOXY \JNING 0" I't4&tCU: LItN&, " , 0 S GLASS UltNJ G< UNUN&D C . UMCHCWN 0' . cmG' ,- ,'. . 'IS UNING ŸA1"ER1AL c::c::uPA1"IIt.& \WI1f ~DII!\ M&nWCI..1 . ~ YU _ IG _ ,- "j"" :"" '.- ~ .~, '.:.~'/;:""':;'" . .;.:;'·~~i:ù';' "--- . ..:Xoi ~'." .:-~;~, ',:. . ·t:, ... D. CORROSIOH 0 1 PaI.~ VIfWI Œ--£ c::AtIMI PRCTEC'::CN 0 5 CAnccx: 1'.....1 t;\o, iOrt 0 n ~ c s WM. 'MW' .' : W .. UNIOICIWN ":W~-'~ IV P1PING INFORMATION . CØICtS ... ør AIIaVIi GJICUNO 0It .. JICm4 1~ ,: ".",;,ú.,;,;,,,,,,,.,'i.1t;~:;}~'1i~~;'¡;~~~"~;!:~': A. SYSTEA TYPE ... II 1 ~ ,A((a 2 y A " 2 GRAVITY A " . cmG "'~.'~~~~'''~',",::~:~<_.;v,~, . q B. CONST'ñUc:"oCH A " t SI*iIJi "NMJ., A " 2 ccua¡ ',uu. A " 2 I.MD T1UiilCH ' ... " . UMCHaWIe '\,,;.':.\·IJ . <:nG :'~)f~~'\';. C. J&ATEñtAL .\NO ... " 1 8AR1L ST&!.. A II 2 sr.\IM.ESS STG. A " 2 PCI..'l'I1Im. QtUJRa¡ IP'ICI J,(ú " ~ J'II'C::» '·~!:r"'¥i~1\~"· CORROSION A " s )UJJ,IIHUU A " . a:rcs;¡¡¡¡ A II 7 ~ 'oWCCATINQ .\ II . taN. ~ C::WAT1Ir.ã~ PRCTEC:':OH A " . GAl"v.IHIZ5J Stm. A " 10 CAntoCIIC 1'.............. A II . UNIOIOWIt A IJ . anG ....1'" ~ ".' .:~. _ a. u:AX CETEC:iOH 0 1 M.lrCYATIC 1JNIi Li.AK CCB::'CJI 02 LMTX»mISS T1i5T1JIG 0 o· anG ;...··:1'...:.;.. ~'--.' ~ " Ji:J ':":,.) ',~ . v. TANK lEAK DErd:i10N o t VISUAl. Q ECC c¡;;¿4 TN« T1iST1NC1 '·,·~;¡~:_A~;~~~~~:·: . .. 2 1H\IÐmJR'f Rs::::HC:IJAT1CN 0 S VAPOR IoØIr1'ORINQ I " .lUrnUATIC TANK GAIJIaIG U S GRCUNO....r.;;¡ ~ 07~~ Otl:crc O.~ O.anG ~ ~-:. l T:'NK D5C::;IPitCN C::WOO_~.&U.:1"e4S';' SP'!C'Y't:~'IO\"" A. CWH&ñS .AIOe '1.0.. a. ~ aY': .";':-:-';,-:-/ Co :JA~ õHSTAI.I.EiJ .MO"CAVI'I'ENI\ 0. 1'ANIC C»'ICTY IH G.IU..ClG: . m. TANK CONSiiiUCõCN IIWU( CNIi IT'EW ONI..YIH80XO A. 8.MC2C..INO AU. ~T ~IH sax 0 .A. TYPe QF 0 1 ccua¡ WMJ., 0 :s ..a¡ WIU. wnN IiXÆÐOIIIJN/üI o . IMJCJMI 0 0 O-ana .. STSTeI 2 SDGUi WMJ., " SIiC:JCWI'f' ~ (VAULTiD1'JMG 0 1 BAfI ¡ ST'EiiI. o 1 srlolNUiSS sra. C2~ o " 'sn;¡¡"c::,.u)"'~ ~PUST1IC B. TANK 0 o . PCI.'I"fIM. CM.CRU' c; 1 .4WUNJII o . - w&n4UQ. ~A11RÃ.,.;;t JlATaUAL ' S c:::NCUrni ('"-'t r.-) 0 o 10 CJAL.VANIZSiD ST&I. C·~ O·anG " , . . BACNm o 1 IUIIIS \JNIiD o 1 .uY'O LIØICI " c: S. fi'Q%'f UWICI o " I'MiHCIU: ~ C. :NTëmOR o S GL.\SS UltNJ o . UMJNIiD C . UIIIICNCMIiI o . aIMIIt . UlIING IS UN..... J.u.tëinAL c::s.PAT1!II.£ wrt14 :1:Ir.\ M&nWCI..? 'rÐ_ 1'10_ ,. 0. c::RR0S10H o 1 POI..~ WfWII DZc::At1NG CS~~ o " ~ ~ JIUS;':C PRCTa:::CN o S Qnccx: 1'....1"'-'...... 0 n ~ . ,O··~ O-cmG .':. '.:- tv. PIPING INFORMATION ~ It.ør~GIICUNOCRU l~JICm4 1~ A. SYST6I iYFE A II 1 SIJC':":C/If A II Z PIIGSUIIIE A II :s GRAVITY It. U .·cmG q S. C:NSi11Uc:"oCH A II l' SI*iIJi ""'MJ., A II 2 0CU8I.ã WotU. A" , UIIIiD TRSNCM A II . UMI:tQYOII A II . cnG C. YATEñtAL.\NO A II 1 8AR1L srEiL. AU 1 Sf.wNI.DS StQ A U 2 PQ.~ c:M.QRICIiIP'lClA U " FJII&;IGUISS """' .. ::><'.j~~;'" CORRCS%CH A U S '4.LIV_ A IJ . ..............' AU 1 SI1iIiI. 'oWCCATINQ A Q . taN. wcnwcx. c::QMPA11IL&'MFRft PROTEC10H .A U . GAl"vlMZED STE;¡, A II 10 CAntoCIIC............- A II . UNIOIOWIt AU .~ C. wx: OET'EC:JOH o ¡ .I&IT'CWA TX: UNIã Li.AK CI;I"Ec;:OR o a UHIi'TDC11WDS T1iSTINI1 O~= Qa~ V. TANK lEAKDETECTICN o 1 VISUAl. Q &QC 0 o . TN« 'I"ES'MCI 0 2 1NVEHT'CR'f ~~.JAT1ON 02 VAI'OIIIoGwI..._O" .IUt'CMIoTlCTANKGoWGINII 0 5 QAOUMJWA'S~INQ 7 1NmISTmAL~1'CA.o4 0 n rc:rC " 0 . ~ 0 . an-G .,¡ .L-\rÜJU~~ ,'i>.j ¡':h: :Ü. u1\' ~ ,-, i' =- BAWRsFIELD CITY !-" iRE DEPART..__ 21~O G STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CA 9~301 805 - '326-3979 tit/Oft: v :"'J t:' U~DERGROUND TANK QUESTIONNAIRE L FAC:LITYISITE ;; OF TA~~ -, OSA c;; ;:.u::UTY NAME I NAME CF oPEAAro~ PETROLEUM FAST BREAK MINI-MARKET STUARTS JoOCRESS I HEAAEST CROSS STREë:. I p.u¡c¡¡., 1c;>T1JH-'U 4800 White Lane, #0 Stine Road CITY NAME I :sTAT£ I ZIP c:=œ I SITE PHONE. W~ A~~ 73¡ Bakersfield CA 93309 (805)83 - .;/ aox ~RPCl\At1OH o INCIVOJAL Dp~ D~~ o CCUHI'Y..vJiéJCf o STATE..AGêIICY o ¡:C¡:¡EiW..o.CëJ«:Y TO IHCICo\Ti DISrACT3 TYPS CF SUSINESS c::2r'" GAS STA 11014 o 2 OISTRI8UTOR o 5 ana I KERN COU!\7Y PER!'1IT TO OPERA~ ;: 310059 C- o ~ FARIA o "PROCESSOR 91 E.'dERGÐlC'f c::tlT Acr PERSOH (PRIMARY') EMERGENCY COtlT.\CT' PEtSOH (SEC::NDARY), oadona.l DAyS: HAUIõ (LIoST, FIRS11 PHCHE . ~ ASi~ c::.::e HG«S: NAME (v.sT, ;:III,Sl1 PHc.'iE , ~ ASiV> c:::::e 11, PROPERTY OWNEñ INFORMATION . (MUST BE COMPlETED1 HAlooIE I c.uu:: CF AOORESS IHFOIUoIATIOH White & Stine Partners Stockdale Property Management Inc, IAAIUNG CR sme=;. ACORESS I .,/::as ......... Ci IIC)IYQ A " Ci LCC.Il..IGé)I(;Y G STATi..IGa«:Y 5001 E. Commercenter Dr, #210 o CORPORATICII œJP~ o CCUICTY..vJiéJCf C! F-JEiu.l~ em HAUIõ I STATE I ZIP ccœ I PHONE · wm. AREA c:::c¡¡ Bakersfield, CA 93309 ( 805 ) 3 2 ;3 - 78 3 O. III, TANK OWNEñ INFORMATION· (MUST BE COMPLETED) ~R~~~^& Stine Partners c.uu:: OF AOORESS IHFORWA T10N Stockdale Property Management Inc. I .,/ _11.- 0 IHCIVOJAI. 0 LCC.Il..lGéllC1' L.J STAïë-.&Gê1ICY o CCIII'ORATICII œJ PNmEIWIP 0 C::UHTY..IGëIC'/' 0 FtDE.'W...&GëHCY I STATE I ZIP CCOE· PHONE' WITH AREA c::œ CA '93309 (805)323-7830 IoIAIUNG OR STRES:. ADDRESS ',"., OWNERS DATE VOLUME, , PRODUCT IN, TANK # INSTALLED STORED SillVTŒ / I¡r11ß ~<J'ðOOO ( .Lh ~ O\Srl~ <- $~ N ~ 6 D0 ;;~~6 N /~~ /4 OÐV C;Þ/ N /.B iYOo ~/ N . y / N Y / K -'{ / N DO YOC HAVE FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ~/ N Type S1ð-k::.' -å0",,,eI . --r . ~ . . o NOV. 09, 1992 (1) Frequency Of Monitoring Methal A) Dailey Tank and Meter Reconciliation B) Yearly Line Testing C) Every Other Year Tank Testing (2) Methods And Equipment A) Daily Tank Readings With A GilBarco Electronic Tank Monitor, B) Monthly Intank Leak Test Done Once Per Month With The GilBaf"co Tank Monjtor, (3) Location Of Monitoring A) At Tank Location 4800 White Ln #10 (4) Name Of Persons Responsible For Monitoring A) Ihab Haddad Store Owner And Manager 805-836-3923 B,) John Stuart - Stuarts' Petroleum 805-325-6320 (S) Reporting Format: A) Using Kern County Health Dept Monitoring Sheets (6) Preventive Maintenence Schedule: ( A) Service Station Repair Company Checks Equipment Out Once Per Year, (7) Training: A) Manager Is Already Trained With Equipment, He Works Equipment Alone, o " ~. - '. . . SPILL Responce Plan 1) Proposed Method and Equipment: A) Floor Dry Of A Small - Under 10 Gallon Spill occurs. Propose Of Floor Dry With A Certified Waste Hauler, 8) If A Large Spill Occurs Call Fire Dept, Since A Unsafe Condition Will Occur, Then Call A Environmental Company To Haul Away Spilled Fuel And To Investigate Site, /I , '11~ v ,- "'" ~ " f\ (~ . PERMIT NUMBER PTO-H3l005ge TYPE OF INSTALLATION (X) 1, In-Tank Level Sensor . A-742453 FACILITY NAME BP-Fast Break (X) 2, Leak Detector (X) 3, Fill Box FACILITY ADDRESS 4800 White Lane #0 CONTACT PERSON IHAB HADDAD/JOHN STUART 1, IN TANK LEVEL SENSORS Number of Tanks 4 List By Tank ID Name of System Red Jacket Manufacturer « Model Number 634-TT-4 Contractor/Installer B.S,S,R, 10,000 gal 10,000 gal 10,000 gal 10,000 gal ·UNL UNL SUP REG DIESEL 2, LEAK DETECTORS Number of Tanks 4 List By Tank ID 10,000 Name of System EMCO Wheaton Manufacturer « Model Number DLI-390 IL19V Contractor/Installer B,S,S.R. /Spenco Electronic 3, FILL BOXES Number of Tanks 4 List By Tank ID Name of System R.L,W, Equipment Manufacturer « Model Number 523-78 Contractor/Installer B,S.S,R. 10,000. 10,000 10,000 10,000 UNL UNL SUP REG DIESEL Safety Caqe CO, OWNER: WHITE & STINE PARTNERS By' (;~_ /~ lYj¿¿~7{~~, ) OWNE~~v~tery~ L, M~ll;r, Agent for Owner '.~ Stockdale Property Management. 'nc. 5001 E, Commercenter Dr, Suite 210 Bakersfield, California 93309 January 23, 1991 DATE ~ :: -I~' "tr :'-'~-t;~-h\:"':"." .., : '. :-.. ." ...... ·······_·~'.*'.,'''-~-~~~·~:¡I~'·i~~(i¡¡;¡jf~)·'l'' , 1'v\UGT ¡: Il <. J}..¿ L- fÿ'ÞÚLs Lv 14(':' tvùL oR- ~ ~ c.-t~(, ./-0 ..Ævci!J· ~rcx:.)s CðN'+' , ; ....., ::'1 T,,) , ¿tL~Ói L _..J ..(..l '-f- I L" /-..J . /)) , 1":'1 0v;1 \L~ ",'C.,1(. " ,...- ........ " '~, r" ----'. /--,. ' -'" ( ) ¡C' t Vi i-l/J (YO j) ........c ,..:.. t,:., . '-"1 ,j l' c,' ..... '---' ~ I::;GFé . , " ¡Af¡¿~ 2(L- (VlO (¿ . ~() ~ '------- i~';; :¡,¡{ \~. <? rjc'''~6: ¥ ,c-., \ ~~:~IX ~ ~~<2 <is g:j} . iil .. . b '. it": 1J b :. .' _ / '§~/-, ,'. ,,r',, .'-.... t' "Ifj "\ ç '(j.y\j91 "./' / . , ".~" .\. U '. ,,/ _ I/(\. ¡ ,.-': '''"\ (._ ',) . A"'" 71.' (( 1)/1<- {~~';;¡ """ ; ~:rr '\ - - ,/ P{ '" - --_~ . ~' ", - . i ['(..... ,. UJ') \, "\. (,..-".,. ., \ IV\-.- -.... ..J ,,"" " ~ ""'- . - /'\ r '. C!,·r· , '''. .. ~/" '" ' , I ,., ", .' J / . " ,.,'\. -,Y "'\, ,~- --' \~ ~:,--- 'f - . .Ii .....¡ . L.... .^ -- V(?tf\J-T I i -e. úÂi L( w l<ÌC. v¿~~ VO 5 2bo "'-- ~ (,.to+e. D, ßl (·o.J()h" i~Jtµ1 ('bIDe:;/) Hoc' (0~' W-{ Ú2VflL 260 I ç \ N- (L LCl.0 feveL lpO i¿f -fa, Ue¡-i('J ~í2SS.t!f.- p I u ) l- ¡ N~ fesr- 7~- \.,u \.l.l +ki s. b..¿ ð ';~. V /1 ;(.. " ~;~ "',"'"-,,\- , I '. . ~'" '. ':; ¡ '¡ . J1, ,i \i<. ",1' ~.,' , ..:::: ve~ 1 / ,\J ,'<'/ BSSR, Inc. 6630 Rosedale Hwy., # B~ Bakersfield, CA 93308 Phone (661) 588-2777 Fax (661) 588-2786 !~ . MONITORING SYSTEM CERTIFicATION This form r,nUSt þe, uSt:d to. document testing an(i ~e~icing of mònitoiirig equipment: A separate certification or report must be prepared for each' moi1itoriÍ1e system control panel by the technician who performs .the, wòrk A copy of this fonn. must ,be provided to the tank system owner/operator. The owner/operator' must sub~t a copy' ôf this:/ófm, to, the local agency regulating UST systems within 30 days of test date. . . ", ' , . , A. General Informatiòn Facility Name: 'F A CST ð I?E A K. N10 ß , L Site Address: ~ 800 Lù HIT E Lr-.J City: 13A \l E ~'F \ E LD Facility Contact P~rs~n: Contact Phone No.: ({J...\ ) Make/Model of Monitoring System: Em C (PA 0 '2 b 2010000 () Date of Testing/Servicing: _~.J 3-.J-º.:l , B. Inventory of Equipment Tested/Certified Check the a ro riate boxes to Indicate $ eclOc e ul meat Ins ectedlservlced: Tank ID: vÑLE~()E (S(ln- Tank Gauging Probe. Model: f'\1 Pc t;.. 1- D Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: D Piping Sump / Trench Sensor(s), Model: D Fill Sump Sensor(s). " Model: D Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: ~Iectronic Line Leak Detector. Model: ÞLL 1\ D Tank Overfill/ High-Level Sensor, Model: D Other s ecif e ui ment e and model in Section E on Pa e 2 . Tank ID: .. $\JPt:~ . CY1n-Tank Ç3auging Probe,.... ,;., .Model:. MAw.~,1...." D Annular' Spacé.or'ÿault"Se~sór.:, : Model: . ".'. ..' D,p!ping.Sump/Treï·ìé~Sensor(s):', dMoØ~l: , .. .. . '~. D Fill Sump Sensor(s), Model: . . D Mechanical Line Leak Detector, Model: ~Iectronic Line Leak Detector. Model: Þ L l ~. D Tank Overfill/ High-Level Sensor. Model:. D Other s ecif ui ment e and model in Section E on Pa e 2 . Di~enser rD: l - ;l ~Dispenser Containment Sensor(s), Model: 8EAI)Q~ A\J C3'Shear Valve(s), o Dis enser Containment Float s and Chain s . Dispenser ID: '1 ~ S ŒrDispenser Containment Sensor(s), Model: ~ t>Re A0 IŸShear Valve(s), _ ' D Di enser Containment Float s and Chain s . Dispenser rD: Grr)ispenser Containment Sensor(s), Model: ~E:ADOEA\J [Y"'Shear Valve(s), DDis enser Containment Float s and Chain s ' ·[fthe facility contains more tanks or dispensers, copy this form. Bldg, No.: Zip: 9330'L Tank ID: ~ pee: " A L !:I'1n-Tank Gauging Probe. Model: rnA t.. J... o Annular Space or Vault Sensor, Model: o Piping Sump / Trench Sensor(s). Model: o Fill Sump Sensor(s), Model: o Mechanical Line Leak Detector, Model: ~lectronjc Line Leak Detector, Model: PL Lt) o Tank Overfill/ High-Level Sensor, Model: o Other s ecif e ui ment e and model in Section E on Pa e 2 , Tank ID: D\ E-SE L ~",Tank Gauging Probe. , . Model: M P\ ~ ~ ,0 Arinular Space òf Våult Sensor. Moöel: o Piping Simip i'Trench. sen~<id~L_..._Módel: " , o Fill Sump SensòÍ'(s). ',,:' ,:;, Modd: . . o Mechanical Line Leak Detector, Model: ~lectronjc Line Leak Detector. Model: i>L LD o Tank Overfill/ High-Level Sensor. Model: o Other s ecif ui ment and model in Section E on P e 2 ' Dispenser rD: ~ üV'Dispenser Containment Sensor(s), Model: r,EAD1ZE.Av C!t"'Shear Valve(s), o Dis enser Containment Float s and Chain s , Dispenser ID: - . ~ispenser Containment Sensor(s), Model: ðE.fII ðQf; ~U ~he!U Valve(s). o Dis nser Containment Float s and Chain s , Dispenser ID: C\.... \ Gi"'Dispenser Containment Sensor(s), Model: BEp\[)ReAV C»-Shear Valve(s). o Dis enser Containment Float s and Chain 5 ' Include information for every tank and dispenser at the facility, C. Certification - I certify that the equipment identified in this document was inspected/serviced in accordance with the manufacturers' guidelines. Attached to this Certification Is information (e.g. manufacturers' checklists) necessary to verify that this information is correct and a Plot Plan showing the layout of monitoring equipment. For any equipment capable of generating such reports, I have also atta~ed a copy of tbe report; (check all that apply): ~-U~ 0 Alarm history report TeclmicianName(print): t- IDEL CAI2i2, LLC Signature: 1 C(Ä~ iAJ . . " Certitìcation No.: i ~ -I T ..'_ License. No.: Testing Company Name: ß-S5 R It-JC. Site Address: 663 0 «O~ Dft-LE- H II ''f we> . Phone No,:{ ~6\ ) 5BB -1113- Date of Testing/Servicing: 2-/3-/ ~,~ Monitoring System Certification Page I of3 03/0! . 0; Results of Testing/Servicing Software Version Installed: \ ("\ . ð 5 lete the foUowin checklist: o No· Is the audible alarm 0 erational? o No· Is the visual alarm 0 erational? o No· Were all sensors visuall ins ected functionall tested, and confirmed 0 erational? o No· Were all sensors installed at lowest point of secondary containment and positioned so that other equipment will not interfere with their ro er 0 eration? If alarms are relayed to a remote monitoring s~tiòn~; ,Is: ¡¡¡1.1 c~UI!Îc~ti~:ms': ~qlt~pn;ient (e,g, modem) operational?,' f" ;' "".~ '! ': ,",,); " ,¡_: ' , , '.' , , FQr prè.S§urìzed piping systems, does the turbine automaticalIy shut dówn if the pipmg secondary containment monitoring system detects a leak, (ai~~ to 9I'e~a1~, pr ~s, el~ctrically disconnected? If yes: which sensors initiate positive shut-down? (Check all that aþply) ,0 SJJmpi,rreneh Sensórs:':p Dispenser Containment Sensors. Did ou confum ositive shut-down due to I~aks sensor failure/disconnection? C»IVes' 0 No, o No· For tank systems that utilize the monitoring system as the primary tank overfill warning device (i,e, no o N/A mechanical ove,rfiP:p~ey~,titiQn valve is installed), is the overfill warning alarm,yi~ï~le and audible at the tank , " ,,~, " 111 oint s and 0 eratiÏ1 'fO ed ? If so at what ercept of ca aci does théaláÏin;tri 'r? % DYes· ij No Was any monitoring equipment replaced? If yes, identify specific ~ènsors, probes, or other equipment replaced and list the manufacturer name and model for all re lacement arts in Section E below, o Yes* ~ No Was liquid found inside any secondary containment systems designed as dry systems? (Check all that apply) ,0 Product; 0 Water. If es descn"be causes in Section E below. Yes 0 No....' "Wasmonitorin s stemset-u reviewedtdensure ro ersettirì ~!Attachsetu Yes 0 No· Is all monitorin e ui ment 0 erational er manufacturer's s ecifications? * In Sec~on E ~elow, describe how aDd~wp'e~~~ deficiencies were or will be corrected. J.... !'.:.~ ¡~I r (¡ ." ", I . ", . .. ...':. . Yes ..... " o No· Q'N/A CJ No· o NIA Yes ',.0 Yes þ ~; ."", E. Comments: . ~: .;". ~ ("'1 .'. ,. , " '·:"U':':.I'I-J,:< , " :.li; :~E¡t1 :"d'; , ,¡ , f, .I, _ r;i<.~ t~.lj.~ (~.' ..~,J ¡,. .' / . ..... : J ~',:': .~ ''',. l'~y ..J , "~I,: ~ '...,:'. .,.. ,.....;..... '. ....... ; .' >...:E~ >~1',ifrj " , I ~ 'I',' . -'-... .~,.j . , .:~.),..:.-'l·~t':' ,.., ..; J ,', i~' t " . :.:> .' ~ . ',. '. .. i _J i ¡ '. .. .'~ ." .- :'" .. . . ,^ , .. "., 4'. ~, , . .r, .. . .: ".,' . pagé 2 of 3 "" , '. '.~: " . . " ' 03/0J F. In-Tank Gauging I SIR Equipment: o Check this box if tank gauging is used only for inventory control. o Check this box if no tank gauging or SIR equipment is installed, This section must be completed if in-tank gauging equipment is used to perform leak detection monitoring. Co lete the followin checklist: Yes 0 No· Has all input wiring been inspected for proper entry and termination, including testing for ground faults? Yes .0 No· Were š\l~tank gauging bes visua r~' ected for damage and residue builduP! Yes -C) No· Was aCcuracy of system rodnct leyel rings tested? Yes 0 No· Was acWracy ofsysteIÍ!..' ater level re'áqiugs tested? Yes [J No· Were all probes reinstalled properly?) Yes 0 No· Were all items on the equipment manufacturer's maintenance checklist compleœd? * In the Section H, below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. 1 ,.-\ ¡-" ('\ - G. L~~t:~ak DetectP.:f,~~b..LD): ;~i,;':"R' Check tW.~ ifLLDs are not inStal1ed.~~... 4 ~_"~,,,; :. ~ ", Y" ; ~;. ',:" .\ ; (.~ (: ,~.:.: . \, , ., Com lete the followin checklist: B'Yes a No· For equipment start-up or annual equipment CßI1Üication, was a leak simulated to verify LLD performance? (J N/A (Check all that apply) Simulated leak rate: 13"3 g.p.h.; a 0.1 g.p.h; a 0.2 g.p.h. .J ... ..' ;',' ,.( }, ¡'. Yes,. -Q·,No· Were 1J!l LLDs confirmed. operational ~~1..~ccurate within regulatory requirements? Yes! 0 1'fo· Was tHe testing appara pr' erly cali rateq?,:,\ [J Yes,:: :q:,~;~ For mec~lcal LLDs, dO~" e LLD resft{rfproduct flow if it detects a leak? /~;~»~ (J No· For eleCtrohic LLDs, doeÚ1ie turbine autómaticalIy shut,.offi, e LLD detects a le~,-/ o N/A· . . /V',. / , .' (J No· For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically. ut 9-ff if any portion of the monitoring system is disabled o N/A or disconnected? ...'..\,1 : (J No· For electronic LLDs, does the turbme automatically shut off if any portion of the ~onitoring syst~m (J N/ A malfunctions or fails a test? . .', o No· For electronic LLDs, have all accessible wiring connections been~~~ually inspected? (:' 'y'''' [J N/A i \ I"', Yes (J No· Were all items,on the equipment manufacturer's maintenance cheçklist completed? * In the Section H, below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or ~iIlbé' corrected. ~.-,... "',,;- H. Comments: , . .. \ ,...1 . , \, " . .~ .\ " ..',. \ '. .;, ./' .\~» \ \ "t, .,... vi " ' ; "if ( ':,' :.... ",:,:..,'v·· :. \......\ .,.. .f .'.. Page 3 of3 . 03/01 '. Monitoring System Certification Site Address: ~ Boo , UST Monitoring Site Plan {)..)tT ( í E LN. , . "'¿'" . . c;:. . . . . . . . . 1 . . :::: ~ /:... ·rJ·-·-·S :;: I ~: : : : .. ..... .. ..... :~: . ,. ,.. : STOR E: ... . ... ~... . . . . . . . . . . . : : :.: .'~ \. .R>.... · .. ... · . . . " ..... · .. .,.. . .~ '" !/{;¡,. . . ~. " : : .:' ~: · . . . . . .~.. , . · .... .. 'b' .~.... · .. ... · " .. - - -.-- : :. :.~ · . . . .~. .-.-%....'... . . . . . . '" ... . .. .., 0 . ," · .. 0;," . . . . . re : 0:": : : O~':\.: 0: 0: ·0' . . . ~06G o ·sq· '-Þ't' . Date map was drawn: ...5.) .:Jj o~ ·0' . . ,f~ . .' 0: '8':f . . -Sot P .' ;, - -.-- -- Instructions ,. '~, r" " " 0 0 .! :0 -' ·0' . , . f'IZ08'&' o , Ç)R.ðÆ . o o .t>~~L- trrf' 'q, . .s'rf. ''; .- . . . . . . -' If you alrekdy have a diagram that. show~ aU required infonnation, you may include it, rather than this page, with your Monitoring System Certification. On your site plan, show the general layout of tanks and piping. Clearly identify locations of the following equipmen!, if installèd: monitoring system control panels; sensors monitoring tank annular spaces, sumps, dispenser pans, spill' containers, or other secondary contaÙ1ment areas; mechanical or electronic line leak detectors; and in~tank liquid level probes (ifused for leak detection). In the space provided, note the date this Site Plan was prepared. Page _of_ 05/00 - ----- -.- ---. FASiì· REAK 48 HITE LN SA FIELD CA.93309 661-832-6720 MAR 9. 2004 12:34 PM SYSTEM STATUS REPORT - - - - - - - - - - - - T I:SUDDEN LOSS ALARM T 2:SUDDEN LOSS ALARM T 3:SUDDEN LOSS ALARM T 4:SUDDEN LOSS ALARM WI: WPLLD COMM ALARM W 2: WPLLD COM!"1 ALARM W ~LLD COMM ALARM INVENTORV REPORT T 1 :REG UNLEADED VOLUME = 2636 GALS ULLAGE = 7364 GALS 90% ULLAGE= 6364 GALS ~TC VOI:.UME--=~2ô:J5-GAI:S-~-~ HEIGHT 29.42 INCHES WATER VOL 0 GALS WATER = 0.00 INCHES TEMP = 61.9 DEG F T 2:PLUS VOLUME ULW = 90' LAGE= TC UME = HEIGHT = WATER VOL = WATER TEMP = 2986 GALS 7014 GALS 6014 GALS 2985 GALS 32.20 INCHES o GALS 0.00 INCHES 63.0 DEG F T 3:SUPER VOLUME ULLAGE 90% ULLAGE= TC VOLUME HEIGHT WATER VOL WATER TEMP 4689 GALS 5311 GALS 4311 GALS 4688 GALS 45. 18 INCHES = 14 GALS = 0.84 INCHES = 63.9 DEG F T 4:DIESEL VOLUME = ULaE = 9 GWLLAGE = TC VOLUME = HEIGHT WATER VOL = WATER TEMP 2412 GALS 7588 GALS 6588 GALS 2411 GALS 27.59 INCHES o GALS 0.00 INCHES = 65 . 1 DEG F ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ END ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ · UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST SECTION 1 Business Plan and Inventory Program Bakersfield Fire Dept. Enironmental Services 1715 Chester Ave Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel: (661)326-3979 FACILITY NAME r:::- ~.l- \b . ~:U' {Öi>b ADDRESS 1-- V\ \IE. ----------~----~-----_._-- INSPECTION DATE ~lQ~ PHONE No, ß~Z-67 Business 10 Number INSPECTION TIME L-AJ No. of Employees l -~-.----.._._---.- 15-021- . BUsif!êsS Plan ànd InvêritóryProgram o Routine j,( Combined o Joint Agency D Multi-Agency --..-D Complaint aRe-inspection C V ( C=Compliance ) V=Violation OPERATION COMMENTS o ApPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND ----------~---~~---------~.--_.._----- .._._-_._-----_.__._~._----,----------~-_.__.__._--_."--"..---------.-------...-,--.--.- D )(' D , )t a ~ D a BUSINESS PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE -~---_....__.._----------_.-_.- --. --,--~._------ -----.-----.-..-.-..---------.----- .-----..---.....-.-----.---.-- .----- VISIBLE ADDRESS <--------_._-~--_._----_.._--_. ~..---.~----------_._-~------_._---_._-_._._---_...-.--.---.---.....-.----- --- CORRECT OCCUPANCY --_.._._-------_._._~--~ -_._--_.__._--_._~-_._._-----------_._----_.-- --------.---. VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS --------------.-- .-.- -"---- -. .------.-. -------_._-_.__._--~----_._----------~~-_..._._.-.~----.-.--.- VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES ____._~__________~_~_.._._______.______..___ _._____________________~____~._._.._.___.__.______.__..'--·'-4-·'-·'-·-'·---·- )( a_ VERIFICATIO--"'- OF LOC~TION __ ________________.__________________________ ):f a PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERI~______________ n__________________ ________________ ____________.___ ...Þ( ~~RIFIC~TION OF MSDS AVA~LABllI~~________________ _________________n__________________________ >( a VERIFICATION OF HAT MAT TRAINING ---_._-_.__.~----- ._~--------_._---_._--------_._----_._--_.__._------_.----_.~--- a VERIFICATION OF ABATEMENT SUPPLIES AND PROCEDURES .-----..--.-- --.-----.-----.-----------.-------..-------------"-----.-- .sq a EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE ---,----.---------.-- -_._------_.._._-_._-_._~---~----------~--------------------.--.--....---- .XI a CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED ~¿;H~USEK~~~ING ___________~n-_----C--,··_---:j/" __m__________________.___._________'______"._____.______----- , .'--.------.-.---- ~----:---_._-;._.__._--~---~------ ----- /l( 0 FIRE PROTECTION ' ¡J -to íM7>ùNT hie- b>C\l~Ù{:;; ---~------_._._-----_.__._--_. -------------_.__._--~---_._--------~_..__.._------- a SITE DIAGRAM ADEQUATE & ON HAND ' ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE?: aYES ~No EXPLAIN: \ .-/ £1 ------š-usiness Site~~sponsible Party QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS INSPECTION? PLEASE CALL US AT (661) 326-3979 White - Environmental Services Vello", - Station Copy Pink . Business Copy . . FACILITY NAME~fÞ6+ br6Þ-"- CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 INSPECTION DATE 3/9/04 Underground Storage Tank~ Program o Routine I2í-Combined 0 Joi~t A$ency Type of Tank ~~) L QC.. Y \ Type of Monitoring A TG Section 2: o Multi-Agency 0 Complaint 0 Re-inspection Number of Tanks 4- Type of Piping 5WS C. Q., ? L OPERA nON c v COMMENTS Proper tank data on tile Proper owner/operator data on tilc Penn it fees current ~ " Certitication or Financial Responsibility Monitoring record adequate and current 1~(M ~E.jIG Dt'I +.... ¿,OTOT Maintenance records adequate and current Failure to correct prior UST violations )( Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program AGGREGATE CAPACITY Number of Tanks TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank OPERA TION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on tile with OES Adequate secondary protection Propcr tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispcnsc MVF? If yes, Does tank have overtilI/overspilI protection? C=Compliance V=Violation Y=Yes N=NO A1 Inspector: Office of X· ~ ') Business Site Responsible Party White - Fnv. Svcs. Pink - RlIsincss Copy '>': -- . r1. Stuartð ' petroleum 11 EAST 4TH STREET . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307'- (661)325:6320 FAX (661)325-8481 Toll Free (800)977-FUEL Fax Cover Sheet TO: Company Name: ..ð"'P~ð'F&"'?:;Þ ~/~ ~.",. Attn: ...$"-r..-.;<"./,,- ~'-.I1P.U-I_~ Fax#: !J~' -ch(í,. Phone#; FROM: Name: ~ ~..,~ Date:/- 7-.:3 Time; . Pages to follow Message: ~__~ ~~.:t ø...v ,;r;?~<'-"Þ-- ' CL ~ This message is intended for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed, and may contain ínfonnation that Is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message Is not the intended recipient, you ara hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have recelvod this communication In error, please notify Us immediately by telephone and retum the original message to us at the above address via the US postal service without making a copy. Thank you for your cooperation. FAXCVR .... tø ' 39\;1d ~n3l~L3d,SL~~nLS t8Þ8!õZ£t99 tø:øt ÞØØZILØ/tØ . i~ . . [(~~~~~ , <1 11807 EltSt Smith Ave, Santß Fe Springs, Co 90670 , ,PH: (562) 942-8964, F»x: (562) 942-2834 December 29. 2003 Stuart's Petroleum 11 East 4th Street Bakersfield, CA 93307 (661) 325-6320 Attention: Mr. Don Dozah SUBJECT: CATHODIC PROTECTION REPORT Mobil Gas Station· White Lane Bakersfield, CA On December 23rd 2003. Corrpro Companies Inc. (CCl) conducted an inspection of the , cathodic protection system on four underground fuel storage tanks iUld piping at the su~ject location. The survey included the following: 1) Check all DC wires, COlUlectors and j\mction boxes for condition and state of repair. 2) Measure potentials of the underground storage tanks with the anode. connected (ON), and "IR drop" free potentials (OFF). 3) Evaluate the level of protection to NACE standards, and detennineif any repairs or upgrades are required. , 4) Issue a report detailing the test results including recommendations for system operation. ,maintenance and repair (if required). Description of Cathodic Protection System The system consists of 4 underground fuel storage tanks and connected piping. The tanks lay parallel to each other ruìming SE to NW. The tanks are listed below according to their contents, and any further reference to individual tanks will be according to their designated number. Tank 1. Diesel Tank 2. Super Unleaded Tank 3. Plus Unleaded Tank 4. Regular Unleaded Cathodic protection is supplied by nine graphite anodes that are located three semi-deep holes. These anodes are connected to the rectifier, which is located in the storage room of the main building. . . . Page lof2 . z;ø 3Ð'v'd wn3ì~13d,Sì~'v'nlS 181;>89Z8199 1Ø :Ø1 ÞBØULØltØ f" e - , ~ 11801 £a5! Smith Ave, San Is Fe Sprinss, Ca 90670 , .> ·r: (561) 942-8964, Fa (; (562) 942-2834 '. [(~~~ltq Test Procedure Measurements were taken at three locations above each tank. . A portable CulCl1S04 reference cel! was placed on a wetted area of the concrete, Or on available native soil. Readings were taken directly from the tanks. Structure-to~soil potential measurements were recorded with the system operating ("On "), and with the cunent interrupted ("Instant Off"). The reference cell was connected to the COmmon Or negative terminal of a digital high-input impedance voltmeter (Fluke Model 179). The positive terminal of the voltnleter was' connected to the test structure. Results and Analysis Data gathered during the survey is tabulated and presented 2!long with this report. Survey results indicate ail four underground fuel storage tanks and piping at this facility meet the criteria for complete cathodic protection in accordance with applicable NA:CE requirements. The Natiònal Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE International) Standard RP0169-2002 states the accepted criteria for càthodic protection of buried metallic structures. Thè following is the NACE Standards, which are a.pplicable to·this survey. 6.2.2. J.2 ''A negativ<; polarized pote'1'ltial of at least 850m V relative to a. satu.,.at~d CU/CUS04 re./èrence electrode." itA mi'1'limum of 100 mV of cathodic polarization between the structure surface and a stable reference electrode contacting the electrolyte. II . Conclusions & Recommendations · Based on inspection the cathodic protection system On the four tmderground fuel . storage tanks and piping meets NACE requirements. · Conduct a recheck of the cathodk protection system every tWo to three years, Or as regulations require, to ensure it isfunctÌoning properly. Please contact OUr office if we. can be ofadditionaI assistance. ,Regards~ ~,~ , Ron Deal Cathodic Protection Engineer CORRPRO COMPANIES INC, Santa Fe Springs, California (Los Angeles) Office Alc.tched: Field Dotà . Page 2 of2 E0 391;;'d wn3l~13d,Sl~l;¡'nlS 18Þ89lE199 10:01 Þ00llL0J10 i- e e ~ Structure-to-Reference Potentials IJ[-' . . CORRPRO CLIENT NAME Stuart's Petroleum .. COMPANIES INC PROJECT Mobil Service Station - White Lane FQ~ ~ G:uncor 01 Your world DESCRIPTION CathodIc Protection Installation DATE 12/23/03 COLLI:CTEDBY Ron Deal JOB # 161022 11807 East Smith Road Santa Fe Spring... CA 90670 Phone: (562) 942-8984 J:ax; (562) 942-2834 POTENTIAL (-mV) V$. Cu-CuS04' Ref. Location i i I Remarks STATIC J ON OFF i . I I .~... .. --.. ...-_. I -".",.--- ..---.. ,_. .--. -+-. ..-.. -r - ..- !--.. -....... .--.. ....---..--...-.., . -'-1 . -.- 387'-' ! --2Úã ··r-·· 696 ---', -.. .-. "j." O' ..-. -_... ." ... I -·-··-:..··-382 --';·2240---·--880-"1'-"--' 1- -. - .-. "-'··1 __u. r' --3~2':=.! . i~55~-~~. - ~95' .--t-~~- n-=_l~·. :.~--~~-~~_..~".~J ,---1--'-1 '-·---'·1-' .-. ~_.~-.. '-r ---- ·--··l ..=_..'.~- [. ~ ~::. f .':~~~~ . ~.. ··:~~··-ì+ =-~~~-= ~=1 1---:-4Ö;_··' '2535j'1Ö'Õ--' --.-. i -.. ..-- ----..-1 ---~:-- ·~~~3:-±-~~-I~~l;= ~=-~~- -~, :-~ -j Center ¡ 401 i 2189 : 882 I .' __.m... End·~ '';õ1"- 'j"-.' 2037- !. ··1'004·-- ¡ . ..---. ! ..-..' --. . ----.-i 1"'9~1¡' ~~I.~d i. .--, ..1..-- ;: --+---=:==1 I.~~æ,..-_·~ :~;I--1~~t- r ::- j~ .:r--=-=---:=-J i EM ~= ~'91-= 1~=Ö4i.::J- - 9~_=r .= ~C~~~.~~_ .-:.-.1 I~~:-~ ___....____..H . -.1 ..~~ .+. .~!~... +_.4~.. C-·--l -.---.-" ..-_.. ._~ ,DI·~~~~:_~T_ ;.ó2-1-~o~:-+ ----: '.::r··· -=---'t:::::.::'::~:: ~ .. .~ !.. ..... 3 .-~:._. -·~2 .::~=.' 90~_~ '-.-'865.:='. ~=: ·~:=~!p·i.~9: ~~ã..~íngs:t~!an ät."~--.'l 1-· :~=--=-~=;~l+ .~~ ~~!%=I:f'··'-~ = .~...~ · ·....···9~10·---··_·_..··_+ ·402 _.1 996·..--t· 860 '-~"---"I ..-. -".--- -~ !.......-....--.. --.. ..-.----. l- ..-- I.. -t +. .--.-1 1~:U~~;~;~Id:.~~;;: .~..-=~.. .··1 ;7L· -!. ..~7:~~- . ~~~~.-:_ :~. ..~- --~ · . .·--L . ....;... --. ..'t.....-.... . ~.'~---._---=.~~=l ... Re.fers to ~~tl.!!1ated.sta~c::.! .._._...... .'.._" .. _ i... . __U"" i _..._i__.__1 potentials..on dispe5~... .._.:.. ._ __._. . . . ._.___. l ._~~~T ...~~~~.... ..-.-..-- . .~=.r:..-__.~~-.~I_~~-:-~J .'~ - ·_~~'-~-H. . 'j IS.':!P'!~Unl~~~.. · Fill i ·..··.._~;~T¡~· ...._H End 1--"· . .1' Dløs~i Tank . :"..... . ~.._.. .~_.. , Fill \.... ::."-ç-~~~~".._... End I P·~~~··~!1ï~~~_.: . Fill . .__w...····· ....L Page 1 of 1 t>ø 3Ð\1d Wn3læU.3d, S.LèI\1nlS t8t>89ZEt99 tø:øt t>ØØZ!LØ/tØ (. . e 'ti I)[e . Corrp:ro CompaDles Incorpa:rated . Ii commitment tl> Itxcallence" CLIENT; PROJECT: DATE: RECORDED BY: Stuart's Petroleum MobiJ Station Dec. 23/03 Ron Deal SHEET OF RECTIFIER PARTICULARS RECTIFIER NQ.: LOCATION: MANUF ACTURER MODEL: SERIAL NO.: A.C. INPUT: D.C. OUTPUT; 1 4800 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Guardian Glassa 48-12-8-B 82651 120 Volts 12 Amps Single Phase 60 Hertz 48 Volts 12 Amps RECTIFIER OPERATION AS FOUND TAP SETTING AS L,E;FT TAF'SETTING CJR. RES. DATE VOLTS AMPS COARSE FINE VOLTS AMPS COARSE FINE ' (OHMS) COMMENiS Dec. 23 8 0.8 A 3 21 2.2 8 3 8.20 , OPTIONAL CHECK DAtA A.C. Voltage Input: A.C. Voltage At Stacks: D.C. Voltage At Stacks: A.C. To D.C. Stack Conversion Efficiency (Power Factor Not Included) D.C. Volts I A.C. Volts X 100 % GROUNDBED PAR.TICULARS DATE INSTALLED: ANODE TYPE: GROUND6ED TYPE: . NUMBER: ANODE CURRENT LOAplNG ANODE NO. CURRENT AMPS' ANODE NO. 'CURRENT AMPS RecUfIør Form.xls 90' 39\1d wn3ì~l3d,Sl~\1nlS t8Þ89~Et99' tø:øt PØ0~/LØ/tØ u.s. Postal ServiceTM '.' CERTIFIED MAILM RECEIPT n (Domestic [!..ail Only; No Insurance Coverage Prc.vlded) U1 .::r [T"' ru ru Ll1 :.J] I'- r' Postage $ .::t' CJ t:J Retum Reclept Fee o (Endorsement Required) t:J Restricted Delivery Fee ..JJ (Endorsement Required) ru ru rnTotal Po, rn-~ I o Sent 0 i Fastbreak t:J , f'- "$imë~'A;ir 4800 White Lane or PO Bo~ ëitY:-šià¡~ Bakersfield, CA 93309 ~ Certified Fee posi;¡ark~3' Here I [:: I -/ .. :- Certifie., Provides: · Amaili ipt · A unique identifier for your mailplece · A record of delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years Im/?Orfanf Reminders: · Certified Mail may ONLY be combined with First-GlassMaiiqþ or Priority Mall@. · Certified Mail is not available for any class of international mall. f · NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with Certified Mail. Fa! valuables, please consider Insured or Registered Mail. ' · Fot,anadditlonal feElL!'I Return Receipt may be requested to provide proof 01 dellVelf,'To otltaIn Rerum Receipt servlce,_ please complete and attach a Retum Receipt (PS Form 38112 to the article and add applicable postage to cover the fee. Endorse mallpiece Return Receipt Requested". To receive a fee walverfor a duplicate return receipt, a USPs. postmark on your Certified Mall receipt is reqUired. · For an additional fee. delivery may be restricted to the addressee or addressee's authorized agent. Advise the clerk or mark the mallpiece with the endorsement "RestrictedDelivery". . · If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is desired. please present tht: arti· cle at the post office for postmarking. If a postmark on the Certified Mall receipt is not needed. detach and affix label with postage and mail. IMPORTANT: Save Ihls receipt and present It when making an inquiry. Internet access to delivery Information Is not available on mail addressed to APOs and FPOs. (86J9116l:/) zoo¡¡ aunr '008& IUJO:: Sd ..., ,. . · Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. · Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. o Agent D Addressee C. Date of Delivery a- 3:-0] D. Is delivery address different from Item 11 Dyes If YES, enter delivery address below: 0 No 1. Article Addressed to: ~ti ~1l ..~ Fastbreak 4800 White Lane Bakersfield, CA 93309 3. ServIce Type 'B.Certifled Mail [J Express Mall [J Registered [J Retum Receipt for Merchandise [J Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes 2. Article Number (Transfer from service label) PS Form 3811, August 2001 7003 2260 0004 7652 2945 Domestic Retum Receipt 102595-02-M-154O · I r UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE First-Class Mail Postage & Fees Paid USPS Permit No. G-10 · Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box · ....--- Bakersfield Fire Deparfrñeñt Prevention Services 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 ¡ \. ~ U ,'It" "It, II, If .ltl "lI,','..,',',..'IIIt111 "If,'.'. If..,' '- FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAfETY SERVICES· ENYIROHIlEN'TAl. SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 32€H0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Avè. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 32€H0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326..Q576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VICtor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 -- . . December 12, 2003 CERTIFIED MAIL Fastbreak 4800 White Lane Bakersfield, CA 93309 RE: Propane Exchange Program Dear Owner/Operator: The purpose of this letter is to advise you of CUITent code requirements for . _ ,propane exchange systems, such as "Blue Rhino" or "Amerigas." This does not apply to large propane tanks, only propane exchange systems. -, Over the past two years this office has noted a dramatic increase in the propane exchange system in the city of Bakersfield. It has also been noted, with great concern, that many of these installations are a clear violation of the UFC - (UnifonnFire Code) and represent a danger to public health and safety. Accordingly, procedures for storage of propane cylinders awaiting use, resale or exchange, have been adopted through BMC (Bakersfield Municipal Code) and ' adoption of the 2001 UFC. The procedures are as follows: Storage outside of building for propane cylinders (1,000 pounds or less) awaiting use, re-sale, or part of a cylinder exchange point shall be located at least 10 feet from any doorways or openings in a building frequented by the public, or property line that can be built upon, and 20 feet from any automotive service station fuel dispenser. (Note distance from doorways increases when cylinders are over 1,000 pounds cumulatively.) Cylinders in storage shall be located in a manner which minimizes exposure to excessive temperature rise, physical damage or tampering (Section 8212, California Fire Code, 2001 Edition). When exposed to probable vehicular damage due to proximity to alleys, driveways or parking areas, protective crash posts will be required as follows (Section 8001.11.3 and 8210, California Fire Code, 2001 Edition): 1) Constructed of steel, not less than 4 inches in diameter, and concrete filled. 2) Spaced not more than 4 feet between posts, on center. "".Y;;nv/I,? a;~ r;¿'Þ'/I//lN/I/??- .¥ro/' . /6r/'r .y&,/;, . c-(; 'Ci-/I/N/'f/.... '" ,.. I I, I ~ + .-,.. .~ Lett_TO: Owner/Opëratõrs o(Pröpane-Exchange 'ems-' Re: Propane Exchange Program Dated: December 12. 2003 Page 20f2 3) Set not less than 3 feet deep in a concrete footing of not less than a 15 inch diameter. 4) Set with the top of the posts not less than 3 feet . aboveground. . 5) Located not less than 5 feet from the cylinder storage area. Exceptions: Cylinders storage areas located on a sidewalk which is elevated not less than 6 inches above the alley, driveway or parking area, with not less than 10 feét of separation between the curb and the cylinder storage area. "No Smoking" signs shall be posted and clearly visible (Section 8208, California Fire Code, 2001 Edition). hResale änd exchange facilities must behunder pernut to verify compliance. All existing facilities wiJI be checked and when compliance is confirmed, a pennit will be issued. All new propane exchange systems must be permitted prior to installation. You will have 90 days (March 4,2004) to comply with the procedures outlined. Once compliance has been confirmed, each exchange system will be issued a permit, which will be placed on the exchange system.' Sites not conforming to current code, will be "red tagged" and must be taken out of service immediately. You should contact your Blue Rhino representative, Mr. Taylor Noland, or your local Amerigas representative. They are aware of current code requirements. If you do not have a propane exchange system, please disregard this letter. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (661) 326-3190. Since;¿relY.', . ....~: , / .... . . . .. ../' . Steve Underwood .. Fire InspectorlPetroleuml Environmental Code Enforcement Officer '. .- . .~ '- ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,----,,,-,--,~_~¡;""""'4_--"'~""'" FAST BREAK 4800 WHITE LN BAKERSFIELD CA.93309 661-832-6720 DEC 1. 2003 12:45 PM : (J U 2){X~ 't r\Þ- h.... d()t'~ìo1 ~) I -I SYSTEM STATUS REPORT - - - - - - - - - ALL FUNCTIONS NORMAL INVENTORY REPORT T 1: REG UNLEADED VOLUr1E 8746 GALS ULLAGE 1254 GALS 90% ULLAGE= 254 GALS TC VOLUME 8737 GALS HEIGHT 77.61 INCHES WATER VOL 0 GALS WATER 0 . 00 INCHES TEMP = 74.0 DEG F T 2:PLUS 'VOLUME = 5055 GALS -;: -ULèAGE::-c-c ~ 4'9'45l¥\LS~ : 90% ULLAGE= 3945 GALS TC VOLUME = 5049 GALS ,HEIGHT = 47.91 INCHES WATER VOL 0 GALS \ WATER 0.00 INCHES TEMP = 74.2 DEG F \; T 3:SUPER VOLUME ULLAGE 90% ULLAGE= TC VOLUr1E HEIGHT WATER VOL WATER TEMP T ,,:Oi£8EL VC'LUI"1E ULLAGE 90% ULLAGE= TC VOLUi"1E HEIGHT WATER VOL WATER TEMP 3414 GALS 6586 GALS 5586 GALS 3410 GALS 35.54 INCHES o GALS 0.00 INCHES 75.4 DEG F 2749 GALS 7251 GALS 6251 GALS 2747 GALS 30.32 INCHES o GALS 0.00 INCHES 76.7 DEG F M M M M MEND M M M M M ______:;-..;:..::,-;.=->::-. + _ . -~_.......,-' .....-.c~,,=__=;;;=' :... r::.-- . ._ -.. It CITY OF BAK6FIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-3979 ¡ ( INSPECTION RECORD POST CARD AT JOB SITE Facility Owner ,... Address Address City, Zip City, Zip Phone No. Pennit # INSTRUCTIONS: Please call for an inspector only when each group of inspections with the same number are ready. They will run in consecutive order beginning with number I. DO NOT cover work tor any numbered group until all items in that group are signed otTby the Pennitting Authority. Following these instructions will reduce the number of required inspection visits and there tore prevent assessment of additional fees. TANKS AND BACKFILL INSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR Backtill ofTank(s) Spark Test Certification or Manufactures Method Cathodic Protection of Tank(s) PIPING SYSTEM ( Piping & Raceway w/Collection Sump (// (-z..4{ô) .bl.J Corrosion Protection of Piping, Joints, Fill Pipe Electrical Isolation of Piping From Tank(s) Cathodic Protection System-Piping - '. n /Z4/ O~ ¡..~ Dispenser Pan SECONDARY CONTAINMENT OVERFILL PROTECTION, LEAK DETECTION Liner Installation - Tank(s) Liner Installation - Piping Vault With Product Compatible Sealer Level Gauges or Sensors, Float Vent Valves Product Compatible Fill Box(es) Product Line Leak Detector( s) Leak Detector(s) for Annual Space-D.W. Tank(s) Monitoring Well(s)/Sump(s) - H20 Test Leak Detection Device(s) for Vadose/Groundwater Spill Prevention Boxes FINAL Monitoring Wells, Caps & Locks , Fill Box Lock Monitoring Requirements Type ¡?oS· 5Wr or-Ç"c$ ðt{P. p~ l-¿/ / ò3 ~ Authorization tor Fuel Drop CONTRACTOR Dr N- \ 0()h~\t0dccN LICENSE # CONTACT U(tt-'C ~\L PHONE# ~"l{" [02..3 1"? ~ÞiRMIT APPLICATION TO~NSTRUCT/MODIFY UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK Bakersfield Fire Dept. Environmental Service 1715 Chester Ave Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel: (661)326-3979 PERMIT NO. I ß:r::: - 03d-B I TYPE OF APPLICATION (CHECK) o NEW FACILITY ~ODIFICATION OF FACILITY o NEW TANK INSTAllATION AT EXISTING FACILITY STARTING DATE ~' -/1) -()$ FACILITY NAME r. r-,,4£r ~,.o~ FACILITY ADDRESS . qsø Wlh~ LN. gU1f"1Ç ð TYPE OF MSINESS LÍJ.ut//~"/9A.1cé 37é'~ i ~,.~ $r/~^-/ fb. PROPOSED COMPLETION DATE ~ÞJ I a /(¡Y -/ - d's.. EXISTING FACILITY PERMIT NO. IA/¡L///E L-PA/¿::= CITY Æ-¡¿ >,P:) ZIPCOD~~ðr TANK OWNER N)I/r~ ADDRESS 0/8Ó6 CITY gK6~ . 17e1; CONTRACTOR óS-4- ZIðOS . /Æ./'G ADDRESS /" CITY ~4g¿, _4 C?N..1L10¿:E 7G~~~ PHONE N.Ç>, BAKERSFIELD CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NO. II\ORKMAN COMP NO. EÞ~-1()25 OLI Q745'1 1?4f;ð-()~ INSUR§R CJ..T~n:E= ¡C"U'<" Þ ,."" "'SCR'" "" """"0" 00,"' ~, _ (c, ~ AJ . , TCI 1f'-~~ ~ ~ ~;!~~~1 WATER TO FACILITY PROVIDED BY éU- ¿J~ J~ DEPTH TO 15ð / I SOIL TYPE EXPECTED AT SITE å""",Æ../ /? '-7 GROUND WATER NO, OF TANKS 6- I ARE THEY FOR MOTOR FUEL I t' SPILL PREVENTION CONTROL AND COUNTER MEASURES PLAN ON FILE TO BE INSTALLED o YES ONO o YES o NO THIS SECTION IS FOR MOTOR FUEL TANK NO. VOLUME UNLEADED REGULAR PREMIUM DIESEL AVIATION THIS SECTION IS FOR NON MOTOR FUEL STORAGE TANKS TANK NO. VOLUME CHEMICAL STORED (NO BRAND NAME) CAS NO (IF KNOWN) CHEMICAL PREVIOUSLY STORED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPLICATION DATE FACILITY NO. NO. OF TANKS FEES $ The applicant has received, understands, and will comply with the attached conditions of the permit and any .the state, local andfederal regulations. Thisform has been completed under penalty of pefjur ,;and to i e. st of my knowledge, is true andforrect. VGtéh -f1.4tc APPL CANT NAME (PRINT) C') It) o N :E THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED ;: ~\ ~\ ! ~ ,~, ~ ¡-...- ~i . ~ ! -. I , ~ ~ "ti ~¡, I 0l ::i ,~¡~ ,""-!~ :~I"-'" UQ i I I i ;:)- ."'1. i' ;rv1 d1n-: _ \ ¡ í \ ¡ I I ¡ I -----:---_...,------- " , I' i I i 1 , ·--i I I ¡ I í i . ¡I 1 ' ! -'- - I , : I , , ¡ ¡ I , I I. --,-.. .~_. J , ! !--- i I ,. 0. r¡ ;0 ÇJ _, 1- 0. ;0 c a '~ '" ' d . , ---., I ¡ I 1 ! ¡ , i:flti;i. 17 ~tWÞ 1 , I I ! I ,.,' I ' ! ,! ¡ ¡ 'I ' , Iii I 'I! 1 I , ¡ I ' i i , ' l. , ¡ 1 :~~. ¡ i I ~.':. 1 "!{Ø~~-'I! 7f1 j I ¡I' ! I , I ¡ ! I i i , , , i :! I· ¡ I' I ' I ¡ I ' ' , , 'I: I . ¡ . ;. --, 4 'I ,i -' i 1. , ' ," I , f, ¡ I ¡ ¡ d~/~ ; ! ~,. ¡ i 'j i ! ; II ; ' ¡ T~i ii' rrtlllffl: ':1:." ...~.II-·nl·CII-lÎI T' " '._' I I I ¡Ii' ; : ¡ ! I I I I i --T Ii" i I i j', i ,: I! I ! ! , · - :' f I, .11'" 'I ï·f I ¡,I' I 'j -i . I " , ¡ ¡ -: I ¡ I I I' - ,i 1, j ¡ ! ¡ 'I; ¡ : ,. ¡, i ! ¡ I '''-, ". ~"- - , , ~ ~ ;.~~ ,.,~ e e· I ~____._ t ¡ ....·---·--~_n~. ~. 0~· ~ ..-_~-~- .¿. NOV-~-03 .MON 1_04 FROM. : ,.,:VV\ '. ~ c.\.. BSS;: I :~. S . R .,' N Pt:- ~A>- p...!: þ, ".! ,.- ) 6630 RoscdaJe Hwy., # B, ~ak~rsfield, CA 93308 Phone (661) ~88-~777 I"ax (661) 588.2786 ,,"': {()- 01. ., " MONITORING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION ... nll~ f() m mU$t be used t~ docum¢nt testing and servicing of monitormg equipment, ~9.Ø!.m.!.'! cc¡jificatJ.gg Qr report ro'l~ , ¡:¡!:I;j~~rC.ø fQr ~¡I.~.£Slu!œ!.p-ª.m1 by the tcchnidon who performs lhe work. A copy of this fOl"m must be providc~to :. ni.~~;~1~ri~ system owncr/opé.rator. The owner/op~r~tor must submit a copy ot" this fOlm to the local agency 1't1~11\t.i.nS UST systèms "\!N~.f1h.3Q days oftest date. '. . . A.~(;¡~!~...eralll1forma~JoD :;;r-;!XW~!~'Narile: .....f (-\"51 ß~E11~rûQ..'f)l..~ _.._. . ._...__... ,_. ._____._ Bldg. No.: ~!~:;, .:. ;;~;~~tt.;:~ç;~ss:~ Boo~ WH, \" E 1-r.J __.. _ CIty; ßß.Ll...e-~FI F bD_ Zip: .g..~.:~O ~ , . :; f'¡~~Ji~\~,C~uta,ct P,el:son: . __ _..._ ... _.. Contact Phone No.: C(J, t )~ '3 '1'" ,~ ~ º- ,;:,M~~odcl ~fMonitor~ Sy~ten): ..i:MC /2ß.02-..b.,¡CUQ..o..Q.OO_- .__ Date: o£TesliIiglServicing: l.(LI21/.Q.l.. . :~:~¿;'~~Y~n~ry·:c)í~q~ïpmep.~' t~sted/Çertified ·r \'.:·Ò¡ Ok Iho. rei riale boni to lDdltatcs edQ.: "I mellt In. ec:h,ð',ervlced! I... ' .:toi!l~ ~~~'3~ltI I"'' ""' : ..,11. IU .,.....-~ ::!>;r.~p;k:íl,k;·(jI,..H~A l\'Eé\i..; ';~ ° . __ Tank ID: ~U5 ..,; J. ,.~~,j~~J~.nk c:;au~ins Pro~e. .} . '.',' ;,~¥c): í?ßQ1b. ~¡'Oll~o.o_ (JI.1¡,.Tank Gauging Probe. Modc:I:£AO"ll1~~ÓD"ð.o.. ;,q <~I1D~,I~f spaçc or Vault ~en~Qr. . r.;todcl: __ C Annular Space or Vault Sen$or. . Mode-I: -:<~'ç,t .:f.~t?it)~. ~~pl Trench S~I1*~r($). . ¥o<!el; Q P!ping Sump I Trench Sensor(.). Model: . "; .q.ir\O:.Su11\P Senso.r(s). ..! Model: __ a FIll Sump Scnsor(s). Model: ":;' ,ÇFMt¿hurikal Line Leak Detector. Model: (J Mech lnfcal Líl\e Leak Detector. Model: :: :;·~$.!~ç:\¡;¿·~i¿ Linè' t~û ~¢tc~tor. Mo~¢1:8~q&.(qq.:.O.C:I.:ò.- C9"elcctronie Líne Leak Detector. Model: 8.':i9.!t9.0"'0 0 ~...- ..;:. C(îii,,~, q~crijU I (iigh·~eve) Scnsor. M~e.l:· ~ Q Tank Overfill I H¡gh-Lev~ Sensor. Model: . .' '.. .', ~" .g,&~r (s~çifr ~ujpment tyPe ànd mo4~1 in Sc::ction' E on Page 22.: ./' a Other Ii ecif c ui rnent and model in Section B on Pa e 2 : ;. . . ·t¡~i¥.Jp.:· '$ LI peR-' . Tank ID:1.E.'5..E..L ' . :. .:·~~J~n.k.Gau~ingp,io,bé. Modcl:~2c...02Q..Q.. I:!Hn.Tank Gauging Probe. Modcl:ee.Q.:l.h~QC:t :) 9 ;~m~~!~ Spacc orVau~tSen$or. Model: _ _ a Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: . .. '9 JW~!1i.!! ~ump I T,rènch,.Sensor(s). Model: Q Piping Sump I Trench Scnsor(~). Model: . ." 'Q)NI~$u'~ Scnsor(s). MQdel: 0 Fill Sump 5c:n30r(s). Model: .;¡ r:J:.j\:.f~ttlanic¡¡1 Line Leak Detector. Model: 0 McchanlcalUne Leak Dct<:c:tor. MQdel: .; ~;œ1-;I,€:?'f.Ó~ì~ ~inc ~eak Detcr-tor. ModeJ:g,qq...ctJ}":,,Q...¢..~ I5í'Élcctronic L.ine Leak Detector. Model:~O -00., .' ~'. q,:r:~I~ qv~rlíUlll'igh·Lev.cl Sensor. MQdel: Q Tank Overfill I High.Lc've:J Sensor. Model: .. !V " ~ :,1. ,ifr s ~ci IIi ment" iuid model in Section B (In Pa c 2 , 0 P~~2£cJf cqui ment e and model in S~ctlon B on Po c 2 . ;!. '~!" ,.J~fiD:'~.2.· W~'-l~f::" _ Dlsµcnscl'lD: ;3. WAIjN~ _ . .:p'p~~~n~~rçont~lnment 5c.nsol'(s). Model: 0 O ~penser Containment Scnsor(s). Model: :;9~<S'hcat Vlllve(s). I9"'"Shcar Valve(s), '. :l: ~~~.J?¡ri~l'Iser Containment Float(s} and Ch3in(sk 9~ Disec~£9!!!,alnment Flon!(s) and Chain s . ::; ~~~f.~~Ji!;e~(D;· . i I ~' WMt/6 Dlspc:n$'erID: __~~~ 1 ~wt11fo,)e . ,·..I?,.Q.~~u~.ns~r Conlalnment Sensor(s). Model: 0 Dispenser Contamment $ensor(s), Model: _. . . :;'~~tl.W Yalve(s). GYShc.ar Valve(s). . ~;:l;:fbj~~Sf:r COnl!~nm~ ')t Float(s) ¡¡nd ç~j~{$~. Q t?i5~ser Conta~mnt:;~t Float(s) and CM,n s . :.t1!¡ièi~ëHD: . 8.WM~ÏL':'" Dlsp~nser 10: .,~~ ,j Þ wð"l{l!' ,. '. q·,:R.tsp,cnscr Containment Sensor(s). Moóel: (J DISI)enSCr Contalnmcnt Sc.nsor(s). Model:_ '.; ;~j)ci~r Valvc:($). l"Q"Shcar Valve(s). ,'.' ,,öD/s c'l'\$cr ConrOllnmcnt Flollt s and Chain $ . 0 Dis enser Containmcnt Ploat S lIod Chain s , r>H~b.'~. fa¢'i/Icy .contains mO(c ~anks or . jŠI)Cn~r51 copy Ihis fom:\.~;· ¡ñfolmation for every tank and di,lpcm:er st the fnci/'t)'. . .Cii·(:'ertifit;:atioD . I certIfy that the equlpmcnt IdcÞt¡{l.«I In tbis dOCQrQcut w,~s 'Qspccted/scrvlced fa accord-pee with the . . ,~;) lQ~n~fac:tl\rér$' guideUaes. AttRcbed to thb Certlßtation Is IDformaUon (r.-g. manufacturers' cbec:JdISI:$) nece$$~ry to verify that this ·':·:trirorr!tation Is torrect and I Plot Pia... ahowlng the layout ot monitoring equlpmel1t. For aay t!qulpmtat c:apa~lc of g~eratlng $UQ rei-wrn, I have also attached á cop)' of the report; (c"ðcA ,,11 "'tit "ppIJl): 0 Systetn ~et~uPl tJ.fiarm hhtorr. rèport T~çh'O¡<:ian Name (print): -Íi.~.EL~.L.LCL-. Signature: ~.~. _Ç.",~Å.r-~ C~rttfi.çation No.: lJ::tO~~( ~. L~ccnse. No.; ""..___~fi].2.ß.i~ TcWI\~ Company Name: ~~'SR_-MC. ___.....-.,_ ... ."" Phone No.{.6.6LJ.h8B..:J -; 1.:1.;, Si~þ Address; ~."ð 0 ~.-E DA L F--':Lt&t.___iÊ..£L.- ____. _. DAte of Testing/Sorvicing: hi.! 1:1.1 /2.a Pa¡;e t of;~ 03/01 rr.~~r*~rlnl: Systom Certification . ß'. '~crv - 1 0 - 0 3 MaN 1.05 FROM B . S . S . R. _ N C . , P. 02 J F. In~Tank Gauging I SIR Equipment: .. o Chc¡,;k this box If tauk glluging is used only for ínvuntory control. a Check this 00)( 1/' HO t ,tk gauging Of. SIR equipment is installc:d. . Thi$ s~ct¡ori ~lUSt be comptcted ¡r'in-tank gauging equipmf:nt 11) usc;d tu perform leak detectiol1 monítol'jng. . .' ,. . ,((.2f,~l!;~f~~.!~!"~~U()W D¡ c:he<:klist: -'<':-=====:--'-===..,=~........-¡;¡¡r'-==--""-'''~-.h~~-==-,""=_,_",-,,,,,,,,,,,, :!'. .~~¢~}. :'CJ No· Has al1 iriput wirinS b~~n inspccrcifor"'proper entry añd terminati;ñ, including tt~stL.,g for srõ\md f'aults? ~: '~~f¡1m¡T :"Ò No'" Were a11 ta~ ¡a1.1ging probes visually inspected tor damage and residue buildup? . í,'!§;) ¡ Q No· Was accuracy otsy:¡tem product level readings tested? ;', jW:*' ;õ-Ffo~ Was accuracy .Dr system water level teadi,ngs tested? ...-.-- ."'- ------.. . t:~\::O No. Wcreal1probesre:Ï1µtaUe;dpropèrly7 ~ ,ft_.,·____ -.- :'" .. ~..~.~,-.~~,~ ·"~.,~~,~.f:; ',9 No'!! Were aU itern.S OD ttiQ equipment mé\nufactuJ:er's maintenance ¢he¢kÎi~pl~ted? 'IijII.... '...... ~.~~'..~,~ . mil __tmiliL~~~~~~u..;r-"'-;,"'Iiõv.T..Iiõ1:::r.:t:!:F'~~M.~:¡":,:*,,"n=.:..~. :!:~;~¡~~: (M.,~,~~tion H, below, deScribe bow and when these deficiencies wero Or wi)) be corrocted. .::·'(N!J~.~~~[Jeak Det¢ct~rs (LLD): 0 Check this box ifLLDS arc Dot in$tal1~d. : >Cø'J/,' 'l~~è the (ono'Wjn~ checklist: ::m'Þl!t . ~-~._-""'~---'¡¡¡iPW:O~·n-..-~""'''/",- _....~~~..;.~IM:o:.~~'rII'a.". :, 'g;J' T'·j i: r<·¡!!>~~;~;!;.'S· ~~À ~t~~~:::;;fS:1U=e~~:e~~~ti~Jo~a~,;.~C;akaS~;~~:.~.t() verify 1.r.D perfonµancc? :: ~1.~;~~: jJ. No· Were aU lLDs commned operational and accurate within regulatoryr;¡uireroents? ::.@!)j'¢l::.ii ,J;t No· Was thete,stÍI18 apPaf¡l.tµ$ properly calibrated? : ~1~:~ j:~ No· FQt mcchçical LLp~¡ does the LLD restrict product flow if it dt.'tects . leak? - : ;~~.j,(~7. 1:~ ~~~ Por elcèt;ronic LLDs. does the tu.rbinc automatically shut off if the LLD detects a leak? :1') l'!"":":<Ú .NIA .. , . ; . œ~t~:'" '~a . No. Fot elec.troJ;IÍC LLDs, does the turbine automatically sbtìt"'õCf if anT¡;Ôrtion of the monitolin¡ $>,s«:m is disabled ; e.""1 :.: :.;! :CÇï N/A or disconnected? . ~:~~~~VP No·' Pot otectroWQ LLDs¡ docs the turbino &l¡toroatical1y ~;b~~ff¡t any portio1Ì(>t the monitorl;ng sy~tem . :¡:~. .¡:¡ r:1H:!j' N/A m.:t.funct!m1.s or faitu teSt? . ~:*~~~:~:';;g ~;~. For eleotronic LLDs. havë a.ll acceS$ibIe wiring c01U1cctions been visuãJly inspected? 'W~'Y¡;~n ,1J No·. Were al1 i~.on the equipment mnnufacturcr'l ma.il1teIiax1èë-ch~ëkìTs'tcõmplet~d?- ~:t~;'''':Ü''''''''''' 'I.~~~.'·'·· . . CI__D..~...~E:niW¡3fJOg¡.."1ZL"'::;ICC:L'¥~~~~~-r.!".%:=~ :;~i X'l.;~ì~:~,$,~~tIO~ II, below, desctibe how n:nd when these deficlencIes were or will be corrected. . a" ÇQ~}!_lcnts: ,.-. -----......, - .......".""'!..............~.........,- ._,... . .......-............... ......".---.. ~,...~oio!u....:'... ..-.....--.----.....-- ...- ....-..---"...-..- .........;. ......~,...~..I'W'!"....... ..--- ---......-. ----- ..... .... .----.....--... ,... .... ..---..,. ._--- --....-~¡....._....",..~ ....-.. ...........-......-. .,",......._.........··.,...~..·.I- .--............,.-.... -. .".~. --,~..,-_..._,-... .------- --·-~I..··_···__.. ", .-.......--...-......,. ....-.-- -...,..-....,.-....-- --.....-.............-...-........,.......-... ..-."."-.. ._1......'....-....."'" ~.. .,..-_- .... -.-..---" ...."'....-..!"'...........--...- --...,,,.,,..- ..."..-..... .. ."............ ...---. -.-.....:........-- " ., ..'.".... ....11...·'.,.....___._·____ Page 3 of 3 03(01 ,K.~·. .~......1> _N,u'V-lø-ø~ MaN 1.1215 FROM B.S.S.R.4INC. P.ø3 r)!. RÇ~~1~tS ofTesting/Serviciog · . , . SqflW~i:;' Version Insta]]ed: ib...-º..5__- \ :.. .:: .' .·.i;'~·~p~,1 . :. i ... . l·1 ~ . --..fî....."., · : ~~! ·:¡~~m :t~ the folio Win I! chee st: -~=,~~a:;::~=::..~·iIIiö'-':;'i,;";:'=-"'::::':;;:;;;:::¡:::;'-wiO~·'=:===~"""'- ;;;¡O No· . IS the audible' åfarm opérationaJ? _&_~..............,... ~:-... - ~ )~?~~~: Is· the visuat alannoo'eratidnal? Were all sensors'visuaUv' ìri$pected, functioually tcst~d, 8 )~fil1ned opcrilti.2!!.!!? ~-- '?~':Q No" Were all sensors instål1ed at lowest point of secondary containment and positioned ~o that other equipment wì11 .. :~/p., not ÌDtert~re with their ¡)roøer oD~ratiOß? ~:'¡rJ Nö" If' . alanm arc tdayoo to a remote monitoring station, išãilëõim~úñic8tion' equipment (e.g. modem) , I . ;;·;O·'t'ItA operal:i9nal? ,:~ '¡Q Nö* For prèsSurìz~d piping systems, does the turbine automatically shutdown if the piping'secondary containment fQ 'N/A mòn#~i system detects a leak, taUs to operate, or is electrica.lly disconnected? ¡ryes: which sensors initiate . .·1·" , ... . pOsitlvc:.$hut'::doWn?· (Check all tflal apply) 0 Sump/rrencb Sensors; a Di1!pensc:r Gontainrncut Sensors. .:. :"QNp.t Did YOU conf"um OQsitivc shut-down due to leaks il11d. senSor failure/disconncction?_ ~es' a No. .Fot '1an; $ystems 'tb~tuti1ize the monitoring system as the primary tnnk overfill warning device {i.e. no -'1:·'1..'· 'I ..Q' N/A mechani9al òvc,:til p'rev~tion valve is insta1led), is tile overfill wiUtÛng alarm visible and audible ~t we tank '. I .fill DOintfS) and opcratmj propedy? If$01 at what pcrc¢nt of tank capacity dOe$ thc_aJann trigger? "0 % i ~"'~ N WaÙny'monitòring equipgjent replaced? If yes, jdentify specific sensa¡-s, probes, or 'other equipment replaçed '1' 9 ,. . and list the m4åUfactw'c:r Dame and model tor aU renlacement Darts ÍD Seotion B b(,low. !',.I ---- ; ø N(j W~s Uquid found in$tdc any seçondary containment systems designed as dry systcmS? (C}¡eckan that apply). , · ! CJ Product: [J Water. I(yes, descn'be causes in Section E, below. · ...w.....-. . ;::'Q No· Was monitorinil: 'System see:..üó reviewed to ensuce pro{)cr s~ttin~s? A~ch sct UP ~JPorts, if 4èDH¢able . :~ .0' .No~· ls aU mònitori.tià:· edUiømenfo'Øerational per' manufa~~.:.s~~f~~~~L:c:..=;...........m_""""=cr...,~ kU " · . (:oll:mk> .. "'';;L~ÿ~'~1 ,:B '. '..1").. ~'/i'~'" ; ~" ,;'J,; ~:·t:, " :1¡;f1t' ';'ê.iT · "'I...X,'~!;I · . : .! ~ . .' .:' . ! .J ;:~f¡~t.~+~~ · . Q.j'l:~.. . i:'_J·L;~;I~ .O,X~, .~ ~."'.~;.;;~~~ 'i.' GJi I'{ÇR; . ": "r¡þ,:¡;""'~:r .~·~;.il·¿¡¡¡..: 'ii(;~t~f~!!J,?:E b~owJ deSCribe how al}d ~hen UJèsè defieiendeS were or will be corrected. .:'....:.::~..I,¡;.II.· ' .:~~: ,~~~~'~1.~I~ent~: · . ". . ~~!'" '; .....~_._..'-_. } ~~..·~::t:;'~ .> !: ·~"':'":-tr.T~t~·; ..; ~ I I ;: <:;. . I I : T' ~~-¡...a.; ·.,;,¡t~J...,..· -.....---'''..- _..._~--...'~ «",,-,,. .---.......-..----..- . _..o:'-o"'.,.."':...~.:-- . ---.... --..-.... ..... .--. ..._._~.._--_. . . ~~~~".~""~~.~..,,,,-.~ . '. .....-----.-.. ...... ~,,,,~,,,,,,,.,~,.~ .1' ...........-...-.,...--- -:1...~.....~.ofI"tlO'" i . ._..._,...--............"..-.......-- ......~.~"'.".......;.~~~":._;.-- . . --.----..........--.---- .....t"""!~ ~~.~It~\~¡'._..; ----....-...___,..,.'........_.-- _·...~......".4":...--1 ..................--...-.... "....- ......~..¡.þ...........,.,.,.II4. · . .'. ,..... . _..._".........,-._.... - · . "-~~~.....i~~":~~·r:-r-- . I ----.. 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Dat~ map was drawn: JSL/ :J;gj o,¿ !Jlstrudions l'~9~ ~fI:t:;í~Y have a diagram that.~bows aU required information, you may inolude it, rather than this page, with your .~~\*~f.t¡~~~:Y.$teJJ1 G~i~,c~t~?':1" On ~ ý'~ur ~ite plan. s~0v.: tho general layout of tanks and pipin~. .Clearly identify IOëa~C¡i~~"Þr the (OllOWing equlpmcnt,i' UJstalled; momtonng system control panels; sensors momtormg tank annular ~p.a,¢/#.~.':j!l(nþs, d~spenser pailS. spill cont:aincrs, or other secondary containment areas; mechanical or electronic line leak d~~t[í~¡~9;Ç~~'~~19 in-tank; liquidJevel probes (if used for leak detection). In the space provided, note the date this Site Plan 'w.~:), pr¢~~~teo. Page _0'_ OSIOO u U.S. Postal ServiceTM CERTIFIED MAILM RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) D .:r r-'I U") f'- U") o:Ð IT' IT' . ¡\ jJ~F lei A l USE ,-~ Postage $ .:r a D Return Reclept Fee a (Endorsement Required) D Resb1cted Delivery Fee U") (Endorsement Requl r-'I m Certified Fee Postmark Here Total Postage 8 ~ nt ø ! FASTBREAK ~ W==--A::--'-,---- 4800 WHITE LANE, SUITE 0 I - ou_t "I't ,yO" BAKE ørPOBoxNo.·'¡ RSFIELD, CA 93309 ëñÿ.-šíãtë;z¡¡;.¡; ~ .,; Certified Mail Provides: . · A mailing re.£!!ipt (9SJ9A9/:J) <:00<: eunr 009£ WJo.:l Sd · A unique identifier for your mailpiece ~_ · A record of delivery kept by the Postal SelVìce for two,'y ars ' Important Reminders: " · Certified Mail may ONLY be combined with First-Class Mai~r Priority Mail®. · Certified Maills not available for any class of international maÎì\. · NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with Certified Mail. For valuables, please consider Insured or Registered Mail. · For an additional fee. a Return Receipt may be requested to provide proof of delivery. To obtain Retum Receip1 selVlce, prease complete and attach a Retum Receipt (PS Form 3811) to the article and add applicable postage to cover the fee. Endorse mailpiece "Return Receipt Requested". To receive a fee waiver for a duplicate return receipt, a USP~ postmark on your Certified Mail receipt is reqUired. - · For an additional fee, delivery may be restricted to the addressee or addressee's authorized aQ! nt. Advise the clerk or mark the mailpiece with the endorsement "RestrictedVelivery". · If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is desired, please present the arti- cle at the post office for postmarking. If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is not needed. detach and affix label with postage and mail. IMPORTANT: Save this receipt and present it when making an inquiry. Interne,t access to delivery information is not available on mail addressed to APOs and FPOs. UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE First-Class Mail Postage & Fees Paid USPS Permit No. G-10 · Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box · Bakersfield Fire Department Prevention Services 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 , i, i' r. [/ ,. -";iÎlI.l:t:_.'Jj~/:J.Æ.a.:".."'<eif:S"'I.J1." · Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete i~em 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ., · Print your name and address on the reverse. 'so tÏia(wè'can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. ----------- 1. Article Addressed to: F ASTBREAK 4800 WHITE J;i1NE, SUITE 0 . BAKERSFIELD,~CA:93309 ~~~------~-----~--~--- ---- 2. Article Number (Transfer from service labeQ PS Form 3811, August 2001 __1D1~I:l.:U~;Il.....-r~ø-,r.11.'!I'-H...,7~~:'~::::~,;,- I~Si9~ ~nt' o Addressee B. ;~iv;~«6,tedNa~e)___ ICtl~ff~v) D. Is delivery address diff-;;r8nit~rn-item1T? 'Elves . If VES. enter delivery address b'310w: 0 No J 3. Service Type i!: Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return R:eceipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. )..: Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes 700~'3150 0004 9985 7514 j 102595-02-M-154( Domestic Return Receipt FIRE CHIEF RON FR;.\ZE ADMINIST~ATlVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W S~et Bakersfield. C' ~3301 VOICE (661)(,#6-3941 FAX (661) 3'~-1349 PREVENTION tRVICES FIRE SAFETY SERVIÇ.~':ÈHVlRONUEHTAI. SERVICES 171'€> Chesfer Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Avè. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave: Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 / . . November 4, 2003 CERTIFIED MAIL \' . - Fastbrea~ \ 3_8<2Q_~hite Lane, Suitè-O· --~-.---------. " Bakersfield, CA 93309~-~" NOTICE OF VIOLATION & SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE Dear Sir or Madam, Our records indicate that your annual maintenance certification on your leak detection system was past due 10-13-03. You are currently in violation of Section 2641 (1) of the California Code of Regulations. "Equipment and devices used to monitor underground storage tanks shall be installed, calibrated, operated and maintained in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, including routine maintenance and service checks at least once per calendar year for operability and running condition." You are hereby notified that you have fifteen (15) days, November 19,2003, to either perform or submit your annual certification to this office. Failure to comply will result in revocation of your permit to operate your underground storage system. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661-326-3190. Sincerely yours, RalphE. Huey Director of Prevention Services By: Jz dd£ Steve Underwood Fire Inspector/Environmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/db ......... ""..%~ ~ WtJnVnU~ .¥OP ~0Pe !Y~ A WedLu;?" ( . CITY OFBAKJØsFIELD ~ -~ OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-3979 Facility r INSPECTION RECORD POST CARD AT JOB SITE Owner Address Address City,Zip City, Zip Phone No. Permit # INSTRUCTIONS: Please call for an inspector only when each group of inspections with the same number are ready. They will run in consecutive order beginning with number I. DO NOT cover work for any numbered group until all items in that group are signed off by the Permitting Authority. Following these instructions will reduce the number of required inspection visits and there tore prevent assessment of additional fees. TANKS AND BACKFILL INSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR Backfill ofTank(s) Spark Test Certification or Manufactures Method Cathodic Protection of Tank(s) PIPING SYSTEM ( Piping & Raceway w/Collection Sump Corrosion Protection of Piping, Joints, Fill Pipe Electrical Isolation of Piping From Tank(s) -.. Cathodic Protection System-Piping Dispenser Pan If ItA!o]. ?k-J SECONDARY CONTAINMENT, OVERFILL PROTECTION, LEAK DETECTION Liner Installation - Tank(s) Liner Installation - Piping Vault With Product Compatible Sealer Level Gauges or Sensors, Float Vent Valves Product Compatible Fill Box(es) Product Line Leak Detector(s) Leak Detector(s) for Annual Space-D.W. Tank(s) Monitoring Well(s)/Sump(s) - H20 Test 11/zA (t:>3 ¢4.W Leak Detection Device(s) for Vadose/Groundwater /I A Spill Prevention Boxes 'hr.tcL ÍT-<+- o(e ~ /"..... '1~~'o3 JlJ} ( FINAL' ÐJ¿ ) Monitoring Wells, Caps & Locks '--.. -- ~ Fill Box Lock , Monitoling Requirements Type Authorization for Fuel Drop /1.-1 , f 0> #U . CONTRACTOR ß5S R. CONTACT ~ '('iff- LICENSE # '" -,~~( 2 PHONE# S8~ ~d- 777 0/ ¡¡ . . PennltNO.~ V 0;).'81 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakers.field, CA (661);326-3979 .. . / u~· PERMIT AP:PLICATION TO CONSTRUCTIMODIFY UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK TYPE OF APPLICATION '(CHECK) , [ ~NEW FACILITY []MODIFICATION OF FACILITY []NEW TANK INSTALLATION AT EXISTING FACILITY STARTING DATE""" C - 1-'3 .., (,)'3 PROPOSED COMPLETION DATE 6' ]<{. ò~ FACILITY NAME ffi~""R....pa " (\I\é8i I E~, FACILITY PERMIT NO. . FACILITY ADDRESS W'oo (-.Ji,¡:f-e:. '-N m-~ ZIP CODE ~~!t=:fi!,~--IM Cl1Y·uk.,,~ - ..PHON~~ÓE q3;:1~~ CONTRACTOR ~ ':5:) (L -:r;¡¡¡ (;.. CA LICENSE NO. If:. Î 1- 'b I -v ADDRESS 6~cJ Rð;re.DAi¿ (., .~ :a:'B CITY ?3k:>f?'-D " ZIPCODE CJ33ög' PHONE NO. (;~ ( - S1?i=- ~7" BAKERSFIELD CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NO. WORKMAN COMP NO. INSURER BRIEFLY DESCRIBE THE WORK TO BE DONE SCwp 1Ulf1. tJl ~1J 6-vfL ~..5 - ....:-.--._- --,- -- ___"'__,,_~_-=o .. '- WATER TO FACILITY PROVIDED BY DEPTH TO GROUND WATER· SOIL TYPE EXPECTED AT SITE NO. OF TANKS TO BE INSTALLED ARE THEY FOR MOTOR fUEL SPILL PREVENTION CONTROL AND COUNTER MEASURES PLAN ON FILE .. TANK NO.. I '2" .,. 't VOLUME ful<- ~ 0/<- (Dl" YES YES NO NO S~CTION FOR MOTOR FUEL . UNLEt9ED REOUlAR V V" PREMIUM DIESEL AVIATION v TANK NO. SEmON FOR NON MOTOR FUEL STO~Q.E TANKS VOLUME CHEMICAL STORED CAS NO. CHEMICAL PREVIOUSLY STORED ----- (NO BRAND NAME) . (IFKNOWN)~.. .----~,,-'" ___ f APPUCATION D~TE... THE APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED. UNDERST ANDS. AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE ATTACHED CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER STATE. LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGULAT IONS. APPROVED BY: FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . , . '" .. iActi.rrv NO. ' p . NO. ÒFTANKS FEES $ , ,*'.1' MPLETED UNDE~ PENALTY OF PERJURY. AND TO TH &Júfrlr" ., " THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPR~VED 7 ¡ I FiRE CHIEF P,8H FP..'\ZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SERVICES. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 , .' May 7,2003 Fastbreak 4800 White Lane Bakersfield CA 93309 REMINDER NOTICE RE:Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirements December 31,2003 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: A Review of our files indicate that you have been receiving quarterly reminder notices since April of 2002. Effective January 2003, you can expect them monthly. The purpose of this letter is to remind you of the necessary retrofit of your fueling system. Current code requires that you install dispenser pans prior to December 31,2003. You will not be allowed to remain open after December 31, 2003 unless you have completed the upgrade requirement. Contractors are already scheduling work 6-8 weeks out. I urge you to start planning to retrofit your facility as soon as possible. Sincerely, i~ Steve Underwood Fire Inspector/Environmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc .- .7~ de ~s';vn//~ .%ft .Aope ..o/'bt- A W~p" FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 oW Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 oW Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SERVICES' ENVIRONIEHTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Avè. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 -- - April 10, 2003 Fastbreak 4800 White Lane Bakersfield CA 93309 REMINDER NOTICE RE: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirements December 31, 2003 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: A Review of our files indicate that you have been receiving quarterly reminder notices since April of 2002. Effective January 2003, you can expect them monthly. The purpose of this letter is to remind you of the necessary retrofit of your fueling system. Current code requires that you install dispenser pans prior to December 31,2003. You will not be allowed to remain open after December 31, 2003 unless you have completed the upgrade requirement. Contractors are already scheduling work 6-8 weeks out. I urge you to start planning to retrofit your facility as soon as possible. Sincerely, Jz~ Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc ··7~ ~ Y?~ ~ ~0Pe.r~ A Y?~" ---, e CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME r; ~l~ r-£iLlt~ INSPECTION DATE~ Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program o Routine aJ'Combined 0 Joint Agency Type of Tank 5WL. (LoP. J Type of Monitoring A Tea o Multi-Agency ~ /0 Complaint Number of Tanks '-f Type of Piping SW.5 (' (' . p ) # ORe-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on tile l / Proper owner/operator data on file f' / Pennit fees current t/ /' ,/ Certification of Financial Responsibility c/ / Monitoring record adequate and current v 1/ Maintenance records adequate and current ./ Failure to correct prior UST violations / Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No "\ / ..... Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank OPERA TION Y N COMMENTS spee available spec on file with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? If yes, Does tank have overfill/oversp¡'¡l protection? AGGREGATE CAPACITY Number of Tanks c~comPIi'nJ:~V¡OlaliOO V~Y" In,p"lo". ., d~ Oftìce of Environmental Services (805) 326-3979 White - Env. Sves. N=NO ~ Business Site Responsible Party Pink - Business Copy UNIFIED PROGRAM IlpECTION CHECKLIST- SECTION 1 Business Plan and Inventory Program Bakersfield Fire Dept. Enironmental Services 1715 Chester Ave Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel: (661)326-3979 FACILlTYCONTACT "M _____________ --- INSPECTION DATE Jl<1 Þ()_1 PHONE No. ~3J-=- <olJ. Business 10 Number INSPECTION TIME FACILITY Nr<^ + ADDRESS 11L'L ~ \.-\.C ---~~~--------------_._..._-----~--_._---------_._._-. ----_._--~- No. of Employees ..-------..------.-- 15-021- --z- ~~ç~ipn1:Bûsinèss Plån and lrivêntor'¡program l] Routine. 1l Combined LI Joint Agency l] Multi-Agency l] Complaint l] Re-inspection C V (c=comPlianCe) OPERATION V=Violation W"~ ApPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND ~ BUSIN~~S PLAN C~~~~CTINFOR~ATI-~N-:~~~~~---- COMMENTS ._---_._---_._._-~------------ -.----" ----~-_._--_._------_._--------~----_...-..__._-- _____. _____.__.______...__ ___ .._.___._______ _____~__.__.___._u_.__. _________u____.. ____ .__._......."".....____nn..._u._ ._______ VISIBLE ADDRESS .------------------.----....--. - _..._---_._--,--_.__._....~-----_._-_.__.__.__._._~-_.-----.---.-..----.-- ..-.-------..---.-. .......--.....---- -" CORRECT OCCUPANCY ~~-----------------_.-_.~-.- ---_.._._---------_.,-_._-,-_.----_.-~.---------,_._--------.--------.--- . ------..-.-.-..--- LI:;/'l] VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS ~D . VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES ________________________________n______________________--------------------- ?õ--- VERIFICATION ~--;:OCA~,~--;;--------------n-----~- ________________m_n___________________________________- ___n__n____ ~---;ROPER SEGREGATIO~ OF MATERIAL ------ -------------------------------------------------------n 7' l] VERIFICATION OF MSDS AVAILABILr~m~------------------ _______________________m_________________ ___________n______ Q7PWRIFI~~TION OF HAT -MAT ~ININ~--------------------m-- __nm__________._ ---------------------------------------- :J VERIFICATION OF ABATE.;NT ;UPPU~-AN~P"OC~~;;~_ _-~=:===::::-:-:-_==~=_=:= 6' ~ :::::1:::: ::~::~~~E:;:::U~~~------------+------------.----------___________..___·.__________________·.··_m___ ~¿]-H~USE;EEPING ______________n___________n__~~------------------------------.-----.-----.--.-----------.------- dD-~~~- PROTECTlON--------------- _____________n_______________________________ -/- .-----------.-.--------.- ---------------:---.------.-----------------------..--....---.------- Ó 0 SITE DIAGRAM ADEQUATE & ON HAND ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE?: l] YES ~O EXPLAIN: SPECTION? PLEASE CALL US AT (661) 326-3979 Inspector ~ ------- Badge No. Ll ------~_._-_._--------- Business Site ~é'sponsible Party White . Environmental Services Yellow . Station Copy Pink· Business Copy r)--~f) ~ ¡'. ? ! ,I; d ;1 I' /0 j F0~T BR~q.K i >:! I. 4CJ;_JHrrE ¡LN ;/ f,: , Bb.j F ¡'ELLI (,...., Y- "'-'u- ,-::,'1 jl J" I :. ,_,'N ~_ ,-,,_1 ;;')j 6;~ 1 '-8:32-16720 <iìl ~':.' I! ~t) ~I .,'., 'I ,II JI~N 2'3.' 20.03 2:18 f¡'(vl / !.' / '''. ; I, (ì' . i» ~'! ¡. :<:1 (' ~ c'i'i,'c,TÊr"l c'TATUc' REF/-"K''!' t ..JIA.~..J:, r :.J'~ l~ . (; ,1 ~17Õ\J~R'¡ LIF~Li~Rr~/ - r ", .:';1Q Ç) ~ ,: ¡ NVENTOFN REPORT ) /; Q °r:;í If Jt ') 1 j,: :ì ~, \ it' Ic ì T '1 : UNLEAD ,I!EG ,J /- \lOLUr;~E;/ =J 746t.l GALE; . ULLAGE í ~ 25:34" GALS : gU~·~,,· /LILTlb.('E5 1 k'>4.' ,"b.LC' ~. _ ,,~.~, , ,!..,r-,,_"1 ~ .....1'-' ...."111 ,~_, .': TC \J.OUJt"lE ~ 7466 GALS lfil~Ti .~ 66.4-1 Ir"ICHEE; ft~;:a· ¡\/O L~'" [0 (~ALS ') I,'JAW ¡ :;: 0,00 I NCHEEì TE!')R i .=15'3 ¡ 8 ÐEG F ¡ 'W~f;~ ~ J ' !. "I' "',,'-1:- ( T 2:Phllf: ,. ¡ . ~ . ---<á----~.--- -~.<. ~- :~,,¡'OLUI"l¡¡:: ~ = 47119 ·GALE; ·'UÜ.AGE 5281 A':>AL@ 90% ~LLAGE= 4281 '~ALS ~:T(' \/OLUr"lE ~= 47181 GALE; Q ,. HFan 45f,4Q INCHES . I,\Ji~ \JOL < ° GALS Wfl¡~ '" \ Q, m}) I NCHŒ I q T<ErvIPJ = 61 '1 DEG F 0 r -' /' ~ T :3;: SUPER f: NOLWME ¡4283 GALS 'ULLÄGE =.57:.37 GALS ; 90~:;) ULLAGE'" f 473"1 GALS TC 1'10 L Ur'1Eì = j 4 2.~ ~ GALS , HE... ~ l3 HT "')4 1 'J. tJ '3 I NC I;!ES; , WATER \/OL = 'r. 0 GALS : I",JATER = 0 ,100 DN ,HEffi '! :ErD;ESEL" t DE~ F·;:' '\j'þLUtvlE = 2716 GrtLS [ ULLAl~E ,b 7284 GALS .' '::j.~'O% LfLLAGE¡b ¡t 284 GALS' ,( 1/11; 'OLUr"1E ,=2706;ìGALS I J f~ . T /= :30, oé( INCHES ,~ . . VOL .= ° GALS! '.wATIfR ,f"'; 0,00 I NCH,EB , j. rrH'(! = \ ~B, 3 DEG ,F ~ "^' "" "".r., EI"i·.. ' ~ ....f ...1 :'. (, ì L 'I~ r,'.~ ) u , 9 . " ,10, c o f I,;v:I '/¡'it FAST BREAK c~ 4800 L'JHITE UJ .. BAKERSFIELD.CA r' ' MAY 14. 2001 8:45 AM ------ SYSTH'l STATUS 'REPORT - - - - T 1 : INVALID FUEL LEVEL I NI;'Et'HORY REPORT T 1: UNLEAD REG VOLUME 6917 GALS ULLAGE 3083 GALS 90% ULLAGE= 2083 GALS TC VOLUME 6906 G1I HEIGHT 62.03 rr J:ì LvATER VOL = 0 GA . WATER 0 . 00 INCHES TEMP 81.3 DEG F / T; :PLUS '.:~\.'!;,,;;:; ,I~'lE"'-=----"6 2r;.g-GAL.S~_.>. ULLAGE 3635 GALS 90% ULLAGE= 2635 GALS TC VOLUME 6356 GALS HEIGHT 57.77 INCHES WATER VOL 0 GALS L,JATER 0 . 00 INCHES TEr1P 79 . 3 D_F T :3 :SUPER VOLur"lE ULLAGE 9œ~ ULLA/:;E; TC I/OLUI"lE HEIGHT I"IATER VOL WATER TElvlP T 4:DIESEL VOLUI"1E ULLAGE 90% ULLAGE; TC VOLU~'lE HEIGHT WATER VOL ~.JATER TEMP 30:32 GALS 6968 GALS 5968 GALS 3028 GALS 32.56 INCHES o GALS 0.00 INCHES 75.8 DEG F " 2696 GAU3;(" 7304 GALS '- ~ 6304 GALS 2678 GALS 29.90 INCHES o GALS 0.00 ,~.ES 74.7 . F , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ EN[) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFm SERVICES' ENVIRONMENTAl SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326HD576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Avè. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 -- -. January 22, 2003 Fastbreak 4800 White Lane Bakersfield CA 93309 RE: Upgrade Certificate & Fill Tags Dear Owner/Operator: Effective January 1,2003 Assembly Bi1l2481 went into effect. This Bill deletes the requirement for an upgrade certificate of compliance (the blue sticker in your window) and the blue fill tag on your fill. You may, if you wish, have them posted or remove them. Fuel vendors have been notified of this change and will not deny fuel delivery for missing tags or certificates. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 661- -326-3190. Si]t-dMJ Steve Underwood Fire Inspector/Environmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc --y~ de W~ ~ ~OP6 §'"'kt, .AW~" , I ( FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SERVICES' EIMRONIlEHTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX(661)32€H0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 ChesterAvè; Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 32€H0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 e . January, 13, 2003 Fastbreak 4800 White Lane Bakersfield CA 93309 RE: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirements December 31, 2003 REMINDER NOTICE Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: A review of our files indicates that you have been receiving quarterly reminder notices since April of 2002. The purpose of this letter is to remind you of the necessary retrofit of your fueling system. CUITent code requires that you install dispenser pans prior to December 31, 2003. I urge you to start' planning to retrofit your facility as soon as possible. Should you have any question~, please feel free to contact me at 6~1- 326-3190. Sincerely, A~ Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc --.7~.~ W~ ~ ~~.r~ A. W~" I. \\1 It· ,\'/ Dft' C - 3-02 " t , - . FROM B.S.S.R. INC. TUE 8:104 , BSSR, InC. 6630 Rosedale Hvv.y._ # B ", B.4:ersfield~ ,CA 93308 Phone # 661-588...2777' " ' ~, Fax # 661-588..2786 .fàcsimil 1ransmittal " e /If . ··oJ .... To: Fax; SI€l(f" ..Vf1/)~~CL-__,_ 3~~.::.ÐÇ7~ From: Þ( ~ ~ d.52g:r-tJ <.:. J>~«, 'i - .1 .... (.> &- ,RÞ: .5If1J1 $£'6"1 'I?"'Y'¡ 'Tõ.f.T pages: 3._ cc: ,fi1~yß,qf4~ -fhCJ.4i.1~joo ¿c.:::..~. Urgœt Foi &view p~ ComlJ](..~1t P1ease &.1>1y PJease Rtcycle ~ l" N I r S~( 0'" Oft-". Y' tV f40S (L.t) F; If ßOXC= s ) ppÇE .:t.. P. 10 1 t~ ~ ; r~' Dl-t. C - 3-102 TUE " . . ' , . e e 8:104 FROM B.S.S.R. INC. P.ø2 . SECONDARY SYSTEM CERTMCATION FORM . . ,<'..DATE U'-¡'-O'-:, . ,.', j :"AClLlTYIf;).Fð-;r¡¡.d.-~fIf<. !hoB, ( , FACILITV ~RESS,I.' trß~() wll;1.~ 1.1;/. " Turblue Suipps , . " ... . ... Sump 1 Su~2 Sump 3 Sump 4 ..'"' . Start Time :mJÜS\I Helpt " 01 Water " "'- ,,<' ~ ./ . . Time . 0 Water HeIght ~ ..... , Time ./ ~ / -- W.Belgbt Time 0 ( ...--- WafA7r He1aht CertJfteatloD (.t.;:lpatu,è) .. 0verfJII Buckets Stan Time IDidaI ßdøbt of Water TÙDe Water HeIght Time .Water BeiPt Cel11ßcaUoD <S....ature) OvriD 2 OverftU 4 OverOu 3 if, <;>-5'$ , ..3.? '2 It): :). 7 3 5",9 z.. "'~J t'" " '9:cr ID;'2.7 3. - '8' ( 10:'),7 t,. 'lv " I..{ '2- CJ 1(., Cf;þ t¡ 10. 0 ~7" D./Ë C - <' !é' 3-02 . TUE: 8:05 . !¡II, !=ASTSRE:AI< MQB\~. BSSR TESTER . <\'t~ø .WH,l~~NE eAr<ERSFt£:~~ CA. j!/11/?0ß2 lq=4~ AM SUMP LEAK'TEST REPORT: ª7FIL ..,.; ,iI. " TEST $iARTfÞ 19:24 AM TF.:ST STÅ~n,:() . 1 V~ 1"'2~02 ,BEGIHI,.EÜEl' : ;' :S..7.27!, IN : ,JiND.' rrl'lE ,.' 1'Ø:40 AM I .' ·:iND.'..t>ti:r£~,:,.:.¡,~,1',.~1l:/..1,1"'~02 ¡~.~. :'." {~~~~l.~b9~þ.;;~~ft~,. m . 1.d%ti·R~$r~.¡: I. ' I," , ,·ff\1.I.£ ) ; ":' :"~:~J:;f~,:~~~¡~~',yr':;:',' , h·~~Itt.w.:~·il.iIr~'!~~'~ ',~t~i;..i..~,..~: ;.'~\.... ·(~"~t~. .:.. II ... ...,..... ....4, ~\;i\ ,~~Esi~ sf~·tfÉ:p:: ".', ~a:,~~ .ÀÌ'I " { TEST ST.ÄItf~:, '111'1 V2002 F!E~!l4.!"f.(JEL.,~ ' 4.,~9S' IN EHI) 1.IME·'· -~. '.' . 10~'4.0 AM fif.ID, '~F{I'7~" ". . 11,11'·1/;2002 EHD LtI,JF;l 4.39Ø9 IN . 1.~Å!(· TijRE$110LD 0.092 Iii T~, :'R~LJL".· . PA$SEO 'Q 9t::Tl. TEST STARTED 10:24 AM TEST STARtCD tl/t1~Ø~2 ÐEGIH LEVEL. 3.3991 IN END TIME 10=40 AM END bATE 11/11~Ø2 E~O LEVEL 3.3203 IN tJ.:A ( THRESHOLD ~. ø~ IN TtST Rë.SUI.T PAII.f.D D$LFIL T~ START=:;O \/:1: 24 AI'I TE:ST STf1JtrEO 1 VU"'200:? 19¡':GÍI>I 1.F:Uf.1.. 0. 6~~?' ìN F.NCTIME le~40 ~ ENO OATE ~1/11~?Ø02 00 LEVEL . 0.~252 IN L !:.f'¡K THRESI-IOLD @. ß'Y.2 IN TEST RESULT FAILED FROM B . s . S . R. . INC. P.03 )t;lF II f' :~';T ".', i'~RnJ) ~: '59 AM TEST START£!) 111'1 U2øe2 r::t:ntN' UW£L 3.5525' IN gND rIME '=13 AM F'Nf) l)~rc 11.'11....2002 ~~ L£VEl 3.2822 IN I tAl< THRESHOLD 9. ee2 IN, T£$T ~e:$ULT FAILED . . f UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE e, First-Class Mail Postage & Fees Paid USPS " Permit No. G-10 " " · Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box · BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 BakarsfteJd, CA 93301 =- ENDER: COMPLETE THI . ~ · Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. · Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1 .,"Ärticle Addressed to: ..j FASTBRFAK . 4800 WHITE LANE BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 J. 5" "",,, o Agent o Addressee B. Received by ( Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery (') cJ3 j)J- D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: 0 No 3. Service Type II Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes '<Ö02 0860 0000 1641 7374 102595-02-M-OB35 " PS Form 3811, August 2001 Domestic Return Receipt ~ _i~:;~~~'~'~IIl~..~.~'~~r.l!l"~~.l~r.nr.. I'- M .::r ..J] M IC L u s c c" c c Postage $ Certified Fee C Return Receipt Fee ..J] (Endorsement Required) r:Q Restricted Delivery Fee C (Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees $ Postmark Here n.J C D Sent To I'- FASTBREAK . š;ršši;Ä¡ii.ïiii.¡:·..··.._·········..·..··..···..··..····:······.............................. or p~ BoJC No. 4800 WHITE LANE ëiiý,·š¡¡,iii.·ž¡¡.:,.·;,·······················..··..··..·..··..·................................. BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 . . . ~rl'!'!i!rr¡Tiõ;. Certified Mail Provides: · A mailing receipt · A unique identifier for;your mailpiece · A signature' upon delivery · A record of delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years Important Reminders: · Certified Mail may ONLY be combined with First-Class Mail or Priority Mail. · Certified Mail is not available for any class of international mail. · NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with Certified Mail. For valuables, please consider Insured or Registered Mail. · For an additional fee, a Return Receipt may be requested to provide proof of delivery. To obtain Return Receipt service. please complete and attach a Return Receipt (PS Form 3811) to the article and add applicable postage to cover the fee. Endorse mailpiece "Return Receipt Requested". To receive a fee waiver for a duplicate return receipt, a USPS postmark on your Certified Mail receipt is required. · For an additional fee, delivery may be restricted to the addressee or addressee's authorized agent. Advise the clerk or mark the mail piece with the endorsement "Restricted Delivery". · If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is desire<\ please present the arti- cle at the post office for postmarking. lfo'a postmifrk on the Certified Mail receipt is not needed, detach and affix label with postage and mail. IMPORTANT. this rèceipt and present it when making an inquiry. PS Form 3800, April 2002 (Reverse) 102595·02·M·1132 FIRE CHIEF. RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY Sl:RVlCES . EIMRONIIENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326'()s76 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 -~ "" ~, ~~ ~' ... e ~ .,b;? ~"..~./ . :r October 21, 2002 Fastbreak 4800 White Lane Bakersfield, CA ,93309 CERTIFIED MAIL NOTICE OF VIOLATION & SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE RE: Failure to SubmitlPerform Annual Maintenance on Leak Detection System Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: Our records indicate that your annual maintenance certification on your leak detection system was past due. on October 15, 2002. You are currently in violation of Section 2641 (J) of the California Code of Regulations. "Equipment and devices used to monitor underground storage tanks shall be installed, calibrated, operated and maintained in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, including routine maintenance and service ch~ks at least once per calendar year for operability and running condition." You are hereby notified that you have thirty (30) days, November 21, 2002, to either perform or submit your annual certification to this office. Failure to comply will result in revocation of your permit to operate your underground storage system. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661-326-3190. Sincerely, Ralph Huey Director of Prevention Services bY:~~ Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services cc: Walter H. Porr Jr., Assistant City Attorney ""9~ ~ W~ ~ vØ60nÞ §'~ .Æ W~" '(vI ~~CT-16-"2 ( { . fNC. P. 01 WED a-: 4-2 FROM B.S.S.R. ~:r i CITY OF BAKERSFIELD , . OFFICE OF ~NVIRONMENTALSERVICES 1715 Chester A veil, Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-3979 . APPLICArIONTOPElUi'ORM' FUEL MONITORING CERTIFICATION FACILITY~ 'S-tb((~ _ "I } J.\PQRBSs~gOö C0'r\~'~ l.A ?:)~~r c( (~, ."- OPERATORS NAME' S t\1L0 ~.~~ "& ~ ~-(Ü\ '(~ <.1.. vv-...... Ow;NER$ NAME', S~-tt.ct.. (t~ ')~h\!\'(~ l.t (V, N.AMBOPMONlTORMANUFACTURBR C<")I~Yp..((t-, t.~(r\L- DOSS PACn.JTY HA VB DJSPENSëR PANS? YES_ NO~ TANK # ) "A . ~ ~ 4, VOLUME -.10 '-- 1 ("), h y -.JD l., " ~oi- CONTENTS 8/~~ . 89 -"" __æ.0! _ : J _d.~ ,.. NAMJ30FTBS'PNQCOMPANY~.a:~~e.· (/1C... : CONTRACTORS UCENSE tI ú{7 dffl ~ . ~AMB & PHONS ~ER. OF CONTACT PERSONfu~l' ~f.5-t1 5&S ~ d- 7Î ~l DATB & TIME TESTIS TO BECONDUCTED-1Q.:j"" l-C;;l. l~~cD pM ' J;;darf1o APPROVED BY .. I{) -[(D~OL DATE FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIR£ SAFm S£RVlCES' £NYIIIOf I/EHTAI. S£RVIC£S 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX(661)32~576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 32~576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX(661)32~576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 . - September 30, 2002 Fastbreak 4800 White Lane Bakersfield CA 93309 I RE: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirement December 31, 2003 REMINDER NOTICE Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: You will be receiving updates from this office with regard to Senate Bill 989 which went into effect January 1,2002. This bill requires dispenser pans under fuel pump dispensers. On December 31, 2003 which is the deadline for compliance, this office will be forced to revoke your Permit to Operate,for failure to comply with the regulations. It is the hope of this office that we do not have to pursue such action, which is why this office plans to update you. I urge you to start planning to retro-fit your facilities. If your facility has been upgraded already, please disregard this notice. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661-326- 3190. Sin::¡erel , :~.. . . ¡ Steve Underwood Fire Inspector/ Environmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc ""7~ de W~ ~OP.A~.r~ A W~" ~ 8-15-2002 8: 50AM /. , \·U Y'\i '\ FRO~CALVALLEY EQUIP 16613252529 . P.2 d). .~, t-iJ '" C' , ~' F JSOOGILMOfí£AVENlf£ BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 ',' 661-327-9341 FAX, 661-315-252'1 ConI. L~c. #784170 A I/AZ Bakersfield City Fire Dept. Hazardous Material Division 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 AUn: Steve Underwood -- On August 14, 2002~ . a cathodic protection test at the Fast Break located at 4800 White Lane Baker~"ïd, Ca. During the initial testing the . ential re~-º.il)gs were 0 ' . IncreaSed the rectifier power until it reached 47 VDC. At this setting some of the potential readings were high enough to pass but the majority were not. This systêm has failed the required test. Please call me if t ,Ç:,qn be of any service to you. ./ Thank you Sincerely. ?34-- ~~ Bruce Hinsley CAL-VALLEY EQUIPMENT Ma~onì. Tokhcilrl. G:\.~Ix)y. Line,aln l.ube E(lulpm~nt. OPW Products. Red J¡I¡;"~t rumps. AI.:mitc FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 21 01 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 . . August 30, 2002 F astbreak 4800 White Lane Bakersfield, CA 93309 RE: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirement December 31, 2003 I I REMINDER NOTICE Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: You will be receiving updates ITom this offices with regard to Senate Bill 989 which went into effect January 1, 2002. This bill requires dispenser pans under fuel pump dispensers. On December 31, 2003 which is the deadline for compliance, this office will be forced to revoke your Pennit to Operate, for failure to comply with the regulations. It is the hope of this office that we do not have to pursue such action, which is why this office plans to update you. I urge you to start planning to retro-fit your facilities. If your facility has been upgraded already, please disregard this notice. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661- 326-3190. sin2 dM Steve Underwood Fire Inspector/ Environmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/kr ""Y~ ~ Wonvnu~ ~ vØ6~ .o/~ A W~" UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE - - III First-Class Mail . Postage & Fee_~ Paid USPS Permit No. G-1 . d ZIP+4 in this box · · Sender: Please print your name, address, an 1 BAKERSAELD ARE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVfRONMENTAL SERVICES i 1715 Chester Avenue. Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 . SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION · ~Iete items 1,2, and 3. Also c9mplete iY. if Restricted Delivery is desired. ' · Pnnt your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card. to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: JOHN STUART JR STUARTS ~~OLEUM 11 EAST ~~H ST BAKERSFI~~ CA 93307 -- '-- ,_£.._,\ t"'I A....:_I_..lI.h,....-L-.:....... '" ..,..-.jJ~i~.=iiai:;h......,:(...[iì,'fãi¡l'.~¡=i~:;i~~- HA. :7i71h(pl:dtj~CrYJ:Jž¿qÿ¿ x o Agent o Addressee D. Ifdelivery addre'ššdifferent from item 1? 0 Yes // If YES, enter delivery address below: 0 No/ _ _L 3. Service Type-~Z - XJ Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt.f~r Merchandis?" o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. · 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes p 001 0360 0002 5244 7452 m 3811, July 1999 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-99-M-1789 't' Nm:ñ~'r;:¡Ö.Tl[.~ : . .]h','~'J.:I:(I)~~ .'61.J" . ~FiJ1..m"i'fiW'ìJ.."""~ "II{~-.r'lrL:I~ l~l=- :'~'JrJU[=l~!! - ru Lt') .:T J"'- .:T .:T ru Lt') ru c::J c::J c::J Postage $ .34 Certified Fee 2.10 Postmark Return Receipt Fee 1.50 Hera (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees $ 3.94 Sent To c::J ..D T c:J JOHN STUART .-:t si;ëëi;Äj,¡:.Ñõ:;....u..............uu....u......u...........u..............u.......... c::J or PO Box No. c::J J"'- 11 EAST 4TH ST ---..........--------..-------....--....-............--........------.........----.......----......--........-------......-........--............ City, State, ZIP+ 4 BAKERSFIELD CA 93307 : II ~_ I .. Ii .. .... ... .. ..... li!i!!'iE~~if!:.~~;: Certified Mail Provides: · A mailing receipt ." A unique identifier for your mailpiece · A signature upon delivery · A record of delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years Important Reminders: · Certified Mail may ONLY be combined iNith First-Class Mail or Priority Mail. · Certified Mail is not available for any class of international mail. · NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with Certified Mail. For valuables, please consider Insured or Registered Mail. · For an additional fee, a Return Receipt may be requested"to provide proof of delivery. To obtain Return Receipt service, please complete and attach a Return R~eipt (PS Form 3811) to the article and add applicable postage to cover the fee. Endorse mail piece "Return Receipt Requested", To receive a fee waiver for a duplicate return receipt, a USPS postmark on your Certified Mail receipt is required. · For an additional fee, delivery may be restricted to the addressee or addressee's authorized agent. Advise the clerk or mark the mailpiece with the endorsement "Restricted Delivery". · If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is desired, please present the arti- cle at the.st office for postmarking. If a .postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is eeded, detach and affix label with postage and mail. IMPORTAN e this receipt and present it when making an inquiry. .- ~"" ~ D~ i=nrrn ~Ann J~nll~rv ,nn1 IAIIVANA\ .. n"l:n~ n.. ,,"II 04 nAl" FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 MHM Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 MH" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 e , ~'Î}'I ~ August 15,2002 ~ -~...,\.--.... '::.'·l~ ~ John Stuart, Jr. Stuart's Petroleum 11 East 4th Street Bakersfield, CA 93307 CERTIFIED MAIL IRE: Failure of Cathodic Protection System at Fastbreak, 4800 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA NOTICE OF VIOLATION & SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE Dear Mr. Stuart: ,.' I " I We have ~e~ riotified by Cal Valley Equipment that your 3 year Cathodic I Protection test has failed (see enclosed copy). Since your Cathodic Protection System is part of your leak detection program and is part of your condition to operate, you must make repairs within 30 days of this notice (September 15, 2002). Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 661-326- 3190. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey Director of Prevention Services By: t.. .' ' )Jt;; ~ Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dlc enclosure ~~y~ ~ ~~~, uØ6OPß.r~ A ~~" 'l BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 .. Bakersfieki, CA 93301 . i ~a 11.1",.11",11,11"'1..11.1.1...1,1...1111""., SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION .,' · Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. · Print you!!îname and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the bacK of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. ,. 1. Article Addressed to: ABDUL AZIZ FAS~REAK~ \ 1800 ITE E 10 eRS rELD 93309 o Agent o Addressee ; c'~rGf~' D. is delivery address different from item 1? EE!Ï'es If4g~e~eIiVery~ o¿; frO 3. Service Type !Xl Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restri~ted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes ~il::l~II.IJ!I,;-,!" ~ 7001 0360 0002-5244 7186 PS Form 3811, August 2001 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-01-M-25CS _1~":rn::u:I""1:J"l!o;:e .I): :ì IIJ..I..ZI: I]I~'J'~'I. :1:(1)::1 I=' ."l'iJi'iI .j~r;n'-.JiJ¡g..1g'iJ.,."1~'#;J'IIf:.a~.}tl:.lt:J.~tYH~r:I~~ .J] CCI ,..: I'- :1" :1" ru U1 ru t:J t:J t:J t:J .J] IT! Sent To t:J ABDUL AZIZ ,..: ši;ëëi,·Ä"pt:Ñõ.¡·············...······················..···..............-................... t:J or PO Sox No. 1800 WHITE LANE 10 t:J ...... .................. ............................ ........ ..................... ............... I'- City, State, ZIP+ 4 BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 Postage $ .34 Certified Fee 2!10 Postmark Return Receipt Fee 1.50 Here (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees $ 3.94 :11 .. ... . :.¡'I::¡~"i:~(.l.r.J..-Hii:r~Hih;.:- Certified Mail Provides: · A mailing receipt · A unique identifier for your mailpiece · A signature upon delivery · A record of delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years . Important Reminders: · Certified Mail may ONLY be combined with First-Class Mail or Priority Mail. · Certified Mail is not available for any class of international mail. · NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with Certified Mail. For valuables, please consider Insured or Registered Mail. · For an additional fee, a Return Receipt may be requested to provide proof of delivery. To obtain Return Receipt service, please complete and attach a Retum Receipt (PS Form 3811) to the article and add applicable postage to cover the fee. Endorse mailpiece "Return Receipt Requested". To receive a fee waiver for a duplicate return receipt, a USPS postmark on your Certified Mail receipt is required. · For an additional fee, delivery may be restricted to the addressee or addressee's authorized agent. Advise the clerk or mark the mailpiece with the endorsement "Restricted Delivery". ðþ ," ,- · If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is desired, please present the arti- cle at the post office for postmarking. If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is not needed, detach and affix label with.postage and mail. IMPORTAN.e thi~ receipt and present it when making an inquiry. PS Form 3800, January 2001 (Reverse) 1 02595·01·M·1 047 FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SERVICES. EHVIRONIŒHTAl SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 . e ~ .. ti: <'P., .~, August 1, 2002 Abdul Aziz Fastbreak 1800 White Lane #0 Bakersfield, CA 93309 CERTIFIED MAIL Re: Failure to Perform or Submit Three Year Cathodic Protection Certification NOTICE OF VIOLATION & SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE Dear Customer: According to our records, your three year Cathodic Protection Certification is past due. You are in violation of section 2635 2(a) Failure to Perform/Submit CathOdic Protection Testing results. Section 2635 2(a) is as follows: "Field-installed cathodic protection systems shall be designed and certified as adequate by a corrosion specialist. The cathodic protection systems shall be tested by a cathodic protection tester within six months of installation and at least every three years thereafter. " The cathodic protection is part of your leak detection system and is a condition of your Permit to Operate. Therefore, prior to August 30, 2002, you shall either perform or submit evidence of cathodic protection testing. Failure to comply will result in revocation of your Permit to Operate. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661-326-3190. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey Director of Prevention Services BYsi ~ Steve Underwood Fire Inspector/Environmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services ~"Y~ ~ W~ ~ ~~ YÁán- A W~" ì FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street . Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SERVICES' ENVIRONMENTAl SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 32€H0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 32€H0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 'e e- July 31,2002 Fastbreak 4800 White Lane Bakersfield CA 93309 RE: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirement December 31,2003 REMINDER NOTICE Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: You will be receiving updates from this office with regard to Senate Bill 989 which went into effect January 1,2002. This bill requires dispenser pans under fuel pump dispensers. On December 31,2003, which is the deadline for compliance, this office will be forced to revoke your Pennit to Operate, for failure to comply with the regulations. It is the hope of this office that we do not have to purse such action, which is why this office plans to update you. I urge you to start planning to retro-fit your facilities. If your facility has been upgraded already, please disregard this notice. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661- 326-3190. Siß;t ~ Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc (,(,.9~sgR~-O~~~P~N~~" FIRE CHIEF RON FRN:E ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 21 01 "H· Streel Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 oW Slreet Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAF£TY SERVICES' EIMROIIIlElfl'AL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661)326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. BakersßeId. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-œ76 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93306 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 e e August 1. 2002 Abdul Aziz Fastbreak 1800 White Lane #0 Bakersfield, CA 93309 CERTIFIED MAIL Re: Failure to Perform or Submit Three Year Cathodic Protection Certification NOTICE OF VIOLATION & SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE Dear Customer: According to our records, your three year Cathodic Protection Certification is past due. You are in violation of section 2635 2(a) Failure to Perform/Submit Cllthodic Protection Testing results. Section 2635 2(a) is as follows: "Field-installed cathodic protection systems shall be designed and certified as adequate by a corrosion specialist. The cathodic protection systems shall be tested by a cathodic protection tester within six months of installation and at least every three years thereafter. " The cathodic protection is part of your leak detection system and is a condition of your Permit to Operate. Therefore, prior to August 30, 2002, you shaH either perform or submit evidence of cathodic protection testing. Failure to comply wiII result in . revocation of your Permit to Operate. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661-326-3190. Sincerely. Ralph E. Huey Director of Prevention Services BY.;i ~tt() Steve Underwood Fire InspectorlEnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer O(fice of Environmental Services "" y~ de W~ S?'lJP uØ6fJrß,ff~ A W~" FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 ,VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Viclor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 . e May 30, 2002 Fastbreak 4800 White Lane Bakersfield, CA 93309 RE: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirement December 31,2003 on Underground Storage Tank(s) located at 4800 White Lane, Bakersfield. Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: You will be receiving updates from this office with regard to Senate Bill 989 which went into effect January 1,2000. This bill requires dispenser pans under fuel pump dispensers. On December 31, 2003, which is the deadline for compliance, this office will be forced to revoke your Permit to Operate, for failure to comply with the regulations. It is the hope of this office, that we do not have to pursue such action, which is why this office plans to update you. I urge you to start planning to retro-fit your facilities. If your facility has been upgraded already, please disregard this notice. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (661)326- 3190. Siß:;l á~£ Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBUIkr ~~y~ de W~ S70P J!60Pe ..r-~ A W~" FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 e . April 12, 2002 F ASTBREAK 4800 WHITE LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 Re: Enhanced Leak Detection Requirements REMINDER NOTICE Dear Owner/ Operator, , The purpose of this letter is to remind you about the new provision in California law requiring periodic testing of the secondary containment of underground storage tanks. Your facility has been identified as not having secondary containment on at least one of your underground storage tank components and as such falls under section 2637.(1) of the California Code of Regulations, Title 23, Division 3, Chapter 16; As an alternative, the owner or operator may submit a proposal and workplan for enhanced leak detection to the local agency, by July 1,2002; complete the program of enhanced leak detection by December 31, 2002; and replace the secondary containment system with a system that can be tested in accordance with this section by July 1, 2005. The local agency shall review the proposed program of enhanced leak detection within 45 days of submittal or re-submittal." Please be advised that there are only a few qualified testers available to perfonn "Enhanced Leak Testing". All testing must be under-pennit through this office. For your convenience, I am' enclosing a copy of the code as a reference. Should you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to call me at (661)326-3190. Sincerely, Ralph Huey Director of Prevention Services by: Å ri£D Steve Underwood Fire Inspector/Environmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SU/kr Enclosures ··Y~ de W~ ~.A~.r~ .A W~" FA~=;T BREAK 4:300 klHITE LN BFÜŒR~:W ! ELD. ':;F; FEE: 21. :Õ' JCi2 . '3 : 4:Õ' N'I f;\'STEr"1 ::rJWfUi::; F:EF'(:'RT --'--.--- ALL FUNC:T! ON,:; NOØ'li~L I N\/ENT':)R\' REF'(;'Frr T !: UNLEAD REG '¡'/OLLW'1E 67:]0 GALE:~ ULLAGE ]:7:'70 C;AL:=; '30\. ULLAGE= 2:Õ'?iJ GFlLE; TC \/OLUr"IE 6727 GALE; HEIGHT 60.58 INCHES 1.',IF\TER '\,OL °A';' , c; ~\JATER iJ . 00 ).. ':3 TH'IP 66.:J (~JJF. _ iF T 2 :PLU,3 ',,/(;'LIJr"IE --:~¡li~~ Gt;1U:; --~ ul~LÃ':.:~E '" .~- "6f::31 GAL~=; '30\: ULU\GE= TC \/0 L ur"'IE HEIGHT ~'JATEF: ",lOL I..JATER TH'lP T :3 :BUPEE VOLur"IE ULU~GE 90:\ ULLAGE= TC "./OLur··'IE HEIGHT ~', ATER \,OL ~JATER TEI'·a:· T 4: D I EE;EL V()Lur"IE ULLAGE '30";;: ULU~GE= TC "/OLUf"IE HEIGHT ~',JATER \/OL I¡.IATER THIP 58f:: 1 GALE:~ ::::117 GA1B :3:] . 25 I NCHEf; O' Gr..··., -', I~I~OO I :3 to_,.4 [J .' F 4414 GALS 5586 (~f1LB 45:36 GALS <1412 I:;ALS 4:3.12 nJC;HES o (~ALS 0.00 ! NCHE:3 64.5 DEG F 2 t. 9 9 (~,cÜ..B ?::"~D 1 GALE~ 6]01 GALE; :ë'6'31 GAL:::; 29.92 I NCHE:3 /].':;3 Ci . CI [I., C'=:: 65.7 DE,·., F ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ END ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e . CITY OF BAKERSFIEI.D FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKI..IST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd I;'loor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~(ð do L PHONE NO. ~-1l'" (tJ ìdt'J BUSINESS 10 NO. 15-210- NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES :-~ FACILITY NAME ?V~4-~t'(JL ADDRESS 4Ron ~M 1#=-0 FACILITY CONTACT INSPECTION TIME INSPECTION OA TE Section I: Business Plan and Inventory Program o Routine IIt6mbined o Joint Agency o MuUi-Agency o Complaint ORe-inspection . OPERA TJON C V COMMENTS Appropriate pennit on hand Iv v Business plan contact infonnation accurate 11 / Visible address t ,;' Correct occupancy l./ Veri fication of inventory materials V / Verification of quantities V ,r Verification of location " V Proper segregation of material ,r V Verification of MSDS availability Vi Verification of Haz Mat training L.. / Verification of abatement supplies and procedures / v Emergency procedures adequate t.... / Containers properly labeled V " Housekeeping v Fire Protection ,./ Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand ,/ C=Compliance V=Violation Any hazardous waste on site?: Explain: DYes WNo Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (661) 326-3979 White - Env. Svcs. Yellow - Station Copy Pink - Business Copy Inspector: ~r ... - e CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME H dJ, r-t'll/( INSPECTION DA TE~ ~ \ I 0 l Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program o Routine ¡g-{ombined 0 Joint Agency Type of Tank ,SúJL Type of Monitoring j\TG o Multi-Agency 0 Complaint Number of Tanks 1: Type of Piping 3JJ C ¿ . p. ) ORe-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on tìle \..... / Proper owner/operator data on tìle V , \...../ Permit fees current Certification of Financial Responsibility v / Monitoring record adequate and current \.,... .) Maintenance records adequate and current / 0./ Failure to correct prior UST violations t......- V Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No ,/ - Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program OPERATION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on file with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? I f yes, Does tank have overfill/overspill protection? AGGREGATE CAPACITY Number of Tanks TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank ~COmPJi'"'L~Viol"ion y~y" In'p"to" _ ' ci.tl~ Oftìce of Environmental Services (805) 326-3979 White - !'nv. Svcs. N=NO J Busiriess Site Responsible Party Pink - Business Cnpy ¡),":;. .',// .. ,f " ¡Jì+ ·It . .- .-+--- . ----.. .-- '--'- .._-~ - -- .. -~ .-- - -- - -- -- -- .-.-- -.-.. . _..._-.------ - _.-,--- ..---- -- February J 1.,~02 FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE m" " Fastbreak 4800 White Lane Bakersfield CA93309 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 21 01 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 RE: Deadline for Dispenser p~ Requirement Decemþer 31. 2003 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 REMINDER NOTICE Dear Ut:lderground Storage Tank Owner: PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 . FAX (661) 326-0576 You will be receiving updates from this office with regard to Senate Bill 989 which went into effect January 1, 2000. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 . This bill requires dispenser pans under fuel pump dispensers. On n' '_0· o Dec~mbe~ 31, 2003, ""hich is the deadline for compliél!1ce, thisoffic~ will _ be forced to revoke your Permit to Operate, for failure, to comply with the regulations. TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 It is the hope of this office, that we do not have to pursue such action, which is why this office plans to update you. ' I urge you to start planning to 'retro- fit your facilities; . .- - ... -.- If your facility has been upgraded already, please disregard this notice. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661-326- 3190. Sincerlt" ~.~ Steve Underwood Fire Inspector/Environmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dm ~~..r~"de W~ ~'~0Pe .r~'.A W~" Y', it,...¿ ,," ~'T i . ~SS~ InC. . ~ Sf-«Ál ~~9 Rosedale Hwy., # B, Be)œrsfield, CA 9330~ Phone (661) 588-2777 Fax (661) 588-27~6 ~. Bldg. No.: City: BAKcRCS"Ç,ELD Zip: Cf~3(,)q , cpntact Phonè No.: cl:>6 , ) .~~2- ß':?21 . -! .' DateofTèŠiinglServicing:lQJ J....[j c,. ' Model: ::1.6.Jc.> q6 0 '0 Model: Model: Model: Model: Model: :2/,50 q6 010 Model: -- e2. '(i, \ '., i Certificatioq. Page It of 3 '. - .'., -, .~. .. '¡I' ~,:,... ..,~;: .~~'~. . .~\ ' , ' . . . ~~" :1.' ,; 03/0 t .,. ;,(", . _", . .r~ :._·,;"_r':. 1. ," ,-:', J _ "J [III Complete the following: checklist: . . "I ¡ III I c:r Yes a No· Is the audible alann operatiomH? ¡I' - ,11m (3"Yes a No· 'Is the visual alann operational? Î' I ,i!1 Ii \:YYes a No· Were all sensors visually insp¿cted. functioually tested. and confmned operational?! Ii!i , ~ Yes CJ No· Were' àll sensors installed at lowest point of ~econ~ containment and positioned so !;hat o~e' quipment will not interfere with their proper operation?;. ",. i Ii If alarms are relayed to a remote monitoring _ Station, is all communications equipn( n I (e.g. modem) . }? I ' , "I " operationa . ¡ ¡' i "¡I I For pressurized piping systemS, does the t1.1rþine automatical1y shutdown if the pipin~ seco~ d: v containnient monitoring system detects a le8k, fails to operate, ot¡ is electrically disconnected? i If y~: w~ :111 ensors initiate p~sitive shut-down? . (Check al! that apply;:þ Sumprrrench S~nsors: 0 Disp~spr Cop, ~~ Ie ,Ii Semors. DId yOU confnmnosltive-shut-downdue-to l¢aksand sensor faJlure/d1Sconnection?~s: ' ~ ,0., - - _. . Gt'Yes CJ No· For tan)( systems that utilize, ,the nionito~g systchn as thépnmary tank ovemll \'It~ ,m evice (i.e. no CJ N/ A mech~cal overfill pr~vention !valve is in~H~)' is! the overfill'w8miri.~ alann visible¡and. ~ , Ie at the tank fill pomt( s) and operatin2 properly? If so at ~hat percent of tank capacity does the aJái,m triii 611 c¡ S % Was any monitoring equipment, replaced? ~f/Yes,' ,id~, tify specific sensors, probesi, or o~er di l1îj nent replaced and list the manufacturer name knd model (o~ all replacement parts in Section E below:i Ii Ii Was liquid found inside any seþondary cOI#aÌDmentisystems designed as dry systems?1 (Ch~ Æ¡, II that applyJ Q Product; Q Water. If yes, descnõe cause$ÍD Section E, below. " ¡: ill ' I (Y'Yes Q No. Was monitorin2 system set-up reviewed to ensure prQper settings? Attach set UP reports) if apÏ Ii' I ble !:9""'Yes 0 No· Is all monitorin2 eauipment oD~ational Der!n).ånufaciurer's specifications? I! ¡i I * In Section E belowt describe how and when these deficienciesl'tere or wiU:be corr~ted. ': !I ìI ¡ q , ~D;' R'esults of TestinglServiciòg - Software Version Installed: ---16 ..0 5 ûYY es CJ No· Q N/A Q No· a N/A B" Yes a Yes* Q No CJ Yes· esI No E. Comments: , ¡ . .- .,;-~--~_.--~------- ---.;.-- -~---=--:,.- h ._ -. - -- -- -1-. - . --.- . , I ¡, I! - ~, ;-:''C.1F: : I ¡¡ ! ! , I I ì I I ¡ I ì I I i i I I : I I I , I I ¡ . ! i I - ~ i--\-n i I I ~ ' , , Page 2 'op i i ..I i, ~e - I, I" , ' I i , I , ¡ 1 , , 1 I , --~ .~~-~ ~ ,. , i 1 I i - .~~ ! i , . p " \i )1 J~ !! ,~~~ -=--;-~-- iii ii Ii .' \ 'H J í, Ii !! I !: :¡ " I " i II I I I . ¡ I, ii i' , . , I I , 1- .. . ~---_.~ - ! , : '. , i .. 1 , 'I :1 II I " 1\1 j¡ t I I I:!I i !I!i ¡¡ ¡i III !I II ¡¡ . ..II , .;¡ 'H! ¡Iii - 03/01 i i ;¡ '! ;¡ :i - 111' . it ¡ - .' \, a ~ 1! ~ ¡ .. . - . ~" - In-Tank qauging I SIR Equipment: ,_ . (J C~~ck this box if tank gauging is used only for inventory control.' Ii I I.! Q C~~ck this box if no tank gauging or SIR equipment is instaUed. : TIns s~tion m + becompi~ted if in-tank gauging 1uiPU¡# is used 1'1 perfonn leak detection monitoring. ComÐlete the rOUbWin2 checkli~t: ¡ [ I ' ' l:iYYes Q No'j'! 'as all inpu~ wiring been inspected for prpper entrr and termin~tion, including testing for ground faults? IJ""Yes 0 No,1 ere all ~ gauging probes visually insþected()f ~age and residue buildup? cgrYes a Noil' las accura4Y of system product level rea(lings te~tþd? B"'Yes a No* i, Was accura4y of system water level rea~gs test~~? ¡ [Y'Yes Q No*¡ ì¥ere all p~bes reinstalled.propèrly? I ¡ I i ûVY es a No*ii I ""ere aU itetþs on the equipment manufacþ-er's #ïntenance checklist completed? * In the Section 'r blo~, d~cr,be ho::v and w~en ~ese defifl~ci1 ter~ 0: wi~llbe co~e.eted.. ,; G. Line Leak I' e :ectors (L¡LD): 0 Check this b~x ifLLps are not instaued. ' II . ' 'f ¡ I ' Complete the roo :' vib2 checklist: I ¡ I Gt""í'"es a No*¡lör equipment start-up or annual equip~ent ~cation, was a leak simulated to verify LLD pèrfonnance? (J N/A I i I rheck all tftapply) Simulated leak rate: Gt'1 ilh.; 00.1 g.p.h; 00.2 g.p.h. a No* ! I ~ere all LLJ¡>s confirmed operational and ,accura~ }Vithin regu1*tory requirements? a No* II Vas the tes*g apparatus properly cahõra~? i I a No* 1,1; I pr meChaniç" al LLDs, does the LLD restriþt prOd*c't¡' flow if it detects a leak? Iia N/A:' f I 9'Yes g ~~~ II \ For electroniþ LLDs, does the turbine automatic4ylshut off if the LLD detects ~ leak? ~ es a No'" I, Fór electroniþ LLDs, does the turbine automatic4Y¡ shut off if any portion of the monitoring system is disabled a N/Ao~disconnec~d? . ì i ~~~_ =g..~~~ {!~~~~l-ffiWjf~JJi~f~~!- th: ~~~~L shut off ..~ an~~°rti°~_ of th~> ~~nitoring ~stem~ c c;rYes a No'" Fqr elec:;troDÌ? LLDs, have àII accessible w4ing cotutections been visually inspected? o N/A: f ' ·1 · . 8'Yes a No. øre all iterris.on the equipment manufact1µ"er's ~~tenance ch~ck1ist completed? * In the Section H,~I,teow, descr~e how and when these deficiencies ~~re or wiD be corrected. H. Comments: I: : ' i ! 1:1 IiI I I I' i ! H. ,-IH-- ,- - ,----'-- Ii I I: ¡! I ,i II :1 n !! I ! I ~." II' I R ! a 1 Œ(Yes Œl'Yes . o yes -, ,- ! ! : i ' I ' , ! . I t -- - _ I- i I ! I II I ! ·1 , I ¡ i -,' ~- - --". - --- - ,- --'-, ---~ -- ._-. -_.-- - Page 3 of3 03/0 I : ~:::::: ::':::: §:,:: ::: "c ,~~~t,. " ,,,.~ ~.~~. ;, .~. "' ' ,~t'f~l.. .'. '-.- - -. -..-. - -::" ~, . -."'- -\'''' . 'ò' . .), . I' ~ . . - e ~¡). .-~ Monitoring System Certification Site Address: '. B çt ~ \Q '. :R ,0 (;-y., ~ l!!!J . . '6f' O~: : . . .. . .. .. .. .. : :.: : : lID, 8' " :: : : ': : : O· '(~.i. . . . ,. , ..',....,.. ~ --=~'~'_'"'='= 'STI' .,....".,-.=-!.~.~~.,,.-=.~"- . ,. ._ 1ëïï:1 : ~J aff~ .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . 'ßt ' :o?~(): : 1ø!2 : 'S"Tt e !ì I II ...... I " , ',' !, I 'I I. !i I !¡ i I Ii I II : ¡:! , 1·'li , I'· , ,I ~ . ; it 1.',.1,1 . . II .. .. -II 'ail(. n' , ' . '\.I ~ . J<"¡, \';'\. . . -'<i",~":, .iJ¡,' ~',~òÍ2 ~ .. ";" ". 1: WIV .... ~-+- ; II,' .. . : Ii 'i ¡ UST Monitoting Site Plan i , . '. . ' .' , .. .. . .. .. . .. i' I' .. ì~ I ;. .. Ii f: 1: '1: ,. ~ 1 ·t!.. j .¡ I. 1,',:,. "';I!' , 'I· ii 'H' ¡i I: I' ¡I ¡ Ii - --''''-'-.. -, -Instrildiöns- - - ---- " '--I: " I I: If you already have a diagram that. shows all req"fired inform~tiOn, you may include it, r~ther ~han this ~ .' with your, Monitoring System Certification. On your site plan, show the general layout of tanks and þipin!g. fI I ly identify locations of the following equipment, if installe& monitorin~ system control panels; sensors i mon~tori I : nk annular spaces, sumps, d!spenser pans, spill containers, or other secon~ containment areas; mechaniçal o~ ele d: ,I . c line leak detectors; and in-tank liquid level probes (ifused for leak det~ction). In the space provided, note the da~, ~,s Site Plan was prepared. ' \ \ Ii . I II, I: ' \, I' ("o~."E:ft;. ' .!. , . 8 ;'t "; 5: .' oèoi'L , . ·~~·~--·-T . .. .' '" - -.......~ .. ,-........ - -~~~. . ~--- 8->-: :1 I '; .. . . . . . . I' . . ~;"'fOo.. . 'li' .¡ O· 'ot\!>¡. " ,. . I. '" . .. .. .. .i' " . " . . " I· . . . g.' . :. cr"å ~~~ì: '. ~. . ¡ .. " .. :. ì I .'¡ ¡ ~ "--"-_._~-~--_._.:.,...~- " . .. ;.ro~ . ,Ll.. ¡. . ·0 Of. " .. .. "" · . . . . I· · . . . . ¡." · .J....f'I1-. . u' :0 :O~~\.· , . - - ----- :s: --- '. : !I 'E '. j Date map was 'drawn: I \ 0 / ~ 0 \. Page _ of L- 05/00 i . I í Ii '\ 1', 1,1 FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 oW Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661)326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 .. . August 3,2001 F astbreak 4800 White Lane Bakersfield Ca 93309 RE: Deadline for Dispenser Pan Requirement December 31, 2003 REMINDER NOTICE Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: You will be receiving updates from this office with regard to Senate Bill 989 which went Into effect January 1, 2000. This bill requires dispenser pans under fuel pump dispensers. On December 31,2003, which is the deadline for compliance, this office will be forced to revoke your Pennit to Operate, for failure to comply with the regulations. It is the hope of this office, that we do not have to pursue such action, which is why this office plans to update you. I urge you to start planning to retro-fit your facilities. If your facility has been upgraded already, please disregard this notice. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661-326- 3190. Sincerely, Á~ Steve Underwood Fire Inspector/Environmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dm "" .7b,U1"/f~ d;~ Z';'WI/;ZU~ ._%1'« ___.·øtope. .r~ ___Æ g-~/lbl'~r''I'I e ... . .'~ . . CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME h1,~+brt-d(L- INSPECTION DATE ~,. {t( --0 ( Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program o Routine i!} Combined 0 Joint Agency Type of Tank ,~Ll) /.... Type of Monitoring A-T~ '\ o Multi-Agency 0 Complaint Number of Tanks t.{ Type of Piping SWtJ (~.. P. J ORe-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on tile V / Proper owner/operator data on tile v r Permit fees current G / Certification of Financial Responsibility t..,... V Monitoring record adequate and current V V Maintenance records adequate and current L II Failure to correct prior UST violations vV Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No V Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank AGGREGATE CAPACITY Number of Tanks OPERATION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on tile with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? If yes, Does tank have overfilI/overspill protection? C=Compliance V=Violation Y=Yes In'p"to, J: j da1J-;£) N=NO Pink - BlIsinessCopy Oftïce of Environmental Services (805) 326-3979 White - Env. Svcs. Busi - . \. ., CITY OF BAKERSFIEI..D FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Ji'loor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITYNAME~(¡Zu ADDRESS l{go ~ FACILITY CONTACT INSPECTION TIME 1f:.o INSPECTION DATE rç;'" (t("(){ PHONE NO. W S~ . {II ì ;10 BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210- NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program o Routine I:i Combined o Joint Agency o Multi-Agency o Complaint ORe-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Appropriate permit on hand L / Business plan contact information accurate l / Visible address V /' Correct occupancy r / Verification of inventory materials ( / Verification of quantities 4 / Verification of location v ,/ Proper segregation of material v / Verification of MSDS availability L. / Verification of Haz Mat training .L / Verification of abatement supplies and procedures 'r / ,/ Emergency procedures adequate !......... / , Containers properly labeled ........ Housekeeping / IV Fire Protection ,1\..,1 Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand .J C=Compliance V=Violation Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (661) 326-3979 Busines Any hazardous waste on site?: Explain: DYes ~ While - En\'. S\'cs. Yellow - Station Copy Pink - Business Copy Inspector: "' iI:, 1 ....w t FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 .. . " January 22,2001 Fastbreak 4800 White Lane Bakersfield Ca 93309 RE: Dispenser Pan Requirement December 31, 2003 Underground Storage Tank Dispenser Pan Update Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: You will be receiving updates from this office now, and in the future with regard to the Senate Bill 989, which went into effect January 1, 2000. This bill requires dispenser pans under fuel pump dispensers. On December 31, 2003, which is the deadline for compliance, this office will . . be forced to revoke your pennit to operate, effectively shutting down your fueling operation. It is the hope of this office, that we do not have to pursue such action, which is why this office plans to update you. I urge you to start planning now to retro-fit your facilities. If your facility has upgraded already, please disregard this notice. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661-326-3190. Sil' dLD Steve Underwood, Inspector Office of Environmental Services SBU/dm '--y~ bfe, ~~ ~ vØ60Pe .o/"'~ A ~~" tV \( {, ,,~ \ 'e . \ WRITTEN MONITORING PROCEDURES UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING PROGRAM ' This monitoring program must be kept at the UST locaùon at all rimes. The informaùon on this monitoring program are condiùons of theoperaùng permit. The permit holder must noùfy the Office of Environmental Services within 30 days of any changes to the monitoring procedures, unless required to obtain approval before making the change. ReqUired by Sections 2632(d) a.nd 2641(h) CCR. Facility Name Facility Address .c.t'J. 'f ~ ~",;¿:u¿ .tJ aDD J¡U'wI-re. '-IV' A. Describe the frequency of performing the monitoring: Tank Æ";:JI"~ M~It1,^,~~ ~ .MðA.l/rпQ /~ .A?~~. G.Aø /~ ~i!!l. _ __ "'7:QAI~$ /~ ~Péu:::~.':n:;:::·~, 'ñ5 n.-h/P'- ~__At: '¿,vI ¿Q}'21 ÀtI!I'LN--4I'CjI' Piping AA-0 'ñ#b~ ~~c...e:.6 7,f; ~~~~~¿: :;J; "7.ZI4' GLJU~''';' /..tJ 7;7~ 7.ã'AlA:::. '7.Vi #ð(J/n:;J,e.. .Qt.rn::J.I-4A~Þ ./~.. ./....-c B. What methods and equipment, identified by name and m_odç~ will be used for perfoming the monitoring: Tank ' ~ì t¡H-.M4"'" ~M<:.< Piping -- / . '.', ".,. """ .-,-< ,- ....,... , , c. Describe the location(s) where the monitonng'will be performed (facility plot plan should be attached): ' rSAr¿: P~r ~N D. List the name(s) and title(s) of the people responsible for performing the monitoring and/or maintaining the equipment: ~NA/' A. of 7VAi2...r. ~-~~~..-- -'-'- - ~..._._,- ---- ~----=-----------'-- ~ -----...- G. __ -.__...0..--.-___-:-::-_____.___ -_ E. Reporting F onnat for monitoring: Tank , S,-I' A. Piping , F. Describe the preventive maintenance schedule for the monitoring equipment. Note: Maintenance must be in accorctance with the manufacturer's maintenance schedule b'û'inotléss than'·every 12inonths. ~Æ 'V_1"A' ;ð"~J'/?);" (?~J~.w-'7"l!) pS' áJUð BAS (1~A1"",¿;"/~"b"K '. m..:,,:,. ~ oS . ~, ,,,.,- .. " Describe the training necessary for the operation ofUST system, including pipiñg, 'äIid.the monitoring equipl!1ent: øl'UN ~~ at: 7.Wr aÞ~, ~n'f!P~ ~. H ,- , ñiÇ kA'Th:1~ ð~ ~ NA.uCl~ &'.IIU".. i:)¿;.r q II i (tþ ~ EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN. UNDERGROUND STORAGE rANK MONITORING ·~ROGRAM This monitoring program'must be kept at the UST location at all times. The information on this monitoring program are coaditions of the operating permit. The peruùt holder must aorify th~ Office of EaviroD.lDeDw Services witbin 30 days of any changes to the monitoring procedures. unless n:quired to obtain approval before maJá.ag the change. Required by Sectioas 2632(d) and 2641(h) CCR Facility Name r:",.().s -r ð~ k:. Facility Address ~'I6'0t:J WÞi7r,£ LN'. 1. If an unauthorized release occurs, how will the hazardous substance be cleaned up? Note: If released hazardous substances reach the environment. increase the fire or explosion hazard, are not cleaned up from the secondary containment within 8, hours.~or-deteriorate tþ~ secøndarycontainment, t.~en the Office ofEñvirOnmenial Services must be notified -within 24 hours. ~Z:"7AL .:5"D~L.¿"',. t!.ðUJt'~' ~~~ ~rry .(¿'~ e-''''''"L~ ~..o~~2). ~~.i"-~ t"?¿Þ__A/ MJ~ ðl"~"'" p~ , ~ - .8P~. AÁ ...... ' H.L2.¿,-.L S PN '. Â/I ~LU.M.~ U~.. ,. C'.c-'~"'LI'''.t.h ~F"'4~A.<r ~;rr~ ,Q,¡~~A. ,.,... 2. Describe the proposed methods and equipment to be used for removing and properly disposing of any hazardous substance. A-'m~ ,r~r~~.,. ~...ø~ ÞL.4.:!f'Y"¿'C- ' ~v . ;DJt..AC#"~'" -..L2."'~ ~ y"'p .L,/ r-- ~ ~;V' ;Þ/ A ~:n::.. ~v :A-A..Jb 5~¿J, L.M '"7~~ ¿ M..:'~7' ¥""'7"AI7'\~LC WAS"'~ 7}ri'" ¿/;þ .. 3. Describe the location and availability of the required cleanup equipment in item 2 above. .(¡r..ð2>~~ AJ/¿¡// ~LØ ~N .s~Jr - - .~- - .,,_.' - --..---._--- - --- -, --- ~ .- -- -- --.-<- - -:..--..- - - - - -. 4. Describe the maintenance schedule for the cleanup equipment: S. List the name(s) and title(s) of the person(s) responsible for authorizing any work necessary under the response plan: J'--IAM/ ¿ .5~J.ß1!!.. r ~..Þ .. k-JNß/ 41." s ~ oA,ð r ;o~M~' ~ e' ~~ M~/,..O~ i \ i i ! ; ¡ \ ~ i \ í i i ¡ ! .S'ÃICJ7"~.r i I , i. -t #/Æ./~- ~?.e]'- ,.c:;:?S /-;Ó/?C:,?;J..e::. \ ....- I I I ! ! ; j ¡ i I L ~/¥.QNuaL:. e .1- ----(//7.···----·---· .' " ~ - I . " / ' ,/':" / ,----------=---------~~- - --- /1/ , ('-- ÞOMP5 7' / /' ------177 p- 1/ ?l;;1-------') ___ " I( / . _._~« \ ! LANE. W·t-//T£ ----~_.._:;..... DEC-ls-ee /. ~\.V/ y/ FRI 12:14 FROM B.S.S.R. INC. p.e2 . - : .';:/ 'f ." '., . ,:ÇÇ)ntinuous Monitoring' Device Certification ,. ... :! --,., FACIL.IlY NUMBER· CONTAcrPERSON ~Av~ TELEPHONE :i; " ,.:,... ' ., ZIP CODE ,£/J1(, PAC)2~<9100000 ... .··..~t~â~~;;~~~~·;: ....:.' ';;; ';' . . ~'" . ", ',", ,'" :. ',,,,..., I'" . '0" . .,n"· -,'", . . ..·.T~þ~9(PrQd.û#t r.,lrìe:(GrEfvlty~ ¢û'ction, Pres,sure). ,."··.·"...··.t,·..,, ,,,1;;.,. ... . '.., I , . . .",'" . , . ,~} " . ' i:·. .~~. ,:ic¡.(,r ,":.··~)·,.:.t~":·,:r.··~ '.~ :'~. ',j,'.',. ". ,~~'..',./,'.' ":' :.; :., . :;I~~I~!~ {c;CÀ~i~M"~i: :YHe' M.ONrrORING SeNSORS TESTED BY PLACING AYes OR No IN APPLICABLE BOX: :·!~p91~~,~é~~".,.~·~~~·?r~·(·;·:, ' tJQ tJo :··*.y~g~~ß~.ci(~.": '."::;..:>.,:......... .." N~~' ~O, : . . :~ ',' ~ 'N . . \ .. 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' , ~>: ' Does th~ turbine autômatlc:ally"$hut·gown If the system detects ¡:; , ~. ¡~~~. ;fàJ.ls·to ,operate þr Is. el,eót~onJcally dlsco~nected? ¡ " ,;-.'.", ........ . . .1,. ¡.....).. .. , ..I " .. .' ' . . :' :Js:~fh:1ç,r!t9~I~g,·,sy~tårri'.,ó~t~Jfed to prévent'unauthorized tamperIng? , :"~,~~:¡rh?~i~~rJngšy~t~.rn ~PE!ra,ble as per the m~nUfact~rets specifications? . '1 .'. ~ . . .:. ' " ' '..! tJo .~O·· tJè>:, . ',I' . ." .' .." ,. ;. ". .:.: "'0..·.·...·· ... "NO . to . . ~.. .,'.' No·· , ',,: " ,!.,:.' .....,: ,",¡'. '.' ~,.. 1ii;.Þ~"\ '¡ ,: ", .'. ~:'. ~ ' '.' ',' ". ~ " .... 'ê~R,i}¡E'Ò!it:Š~ER'$io#' .'; . ',' .. ".<:.:~"'~I"',::.~~:;':'"...:(,','¡','!' ....¡:....:'. ",:..",~: :¡:.., '.1' ~...;:,::.::.~'~~,,:.,·",0,·~.:.: .·..j!I(·.'I, i:.~·,:,:,..:·;:·~·· :.:',': '.':., , ·'.SiGNATURE'OF CERTIFIED TECHNICIAN .~ . j,::: ". ':''f': ~.~ ,'. ';.. . ".:~ . '. ". !',' . '.' ,. . .... .' ". ' ., .\:....: .../,:~,::.,.~: ",.i· "~' \,~, .'J ..~..',..,., '".; . . ;" .f~ ,.(tE:6~~9F: ¢ËRt fJ'ep:T~CHNICIAN ,"',,' _""2 .. .... "".. '.', ,/ '. .. '.. '.. .... .. . .,\,: J~~lij~~ç9M~p'~}~Ê.&~TÊí.E~Ho.NE~#~' ,.-li ,:.,1.·.. SS l:rJt:- ~~ I . 5,88' ~ 11 ,,:.: ~1'~..¡j~;·;:·':·'~':·J.:."::'-4';'·(I·~'''·''''''·:·I'·':..·I.....~.,~.'._. ','. ',,' ..:~' ".' ',. ...' I. "~. .. I;~:~:¡~~,(¡;¡'~tç~';'<1rr4CH ALiëERTlFICA TION DATA TO VERlFYTHE INFORMATION A80VEI; /"¡ .. .. . ,. '£ L . I' t. J'" d...,.._~· A :'1 '. ." . . '. . : ,; I . ·~išK~~û.~ij~Li~m~nJt~rtn9devlc~s.lryIti~te po~IUve shut-down of the turbln·~? WI) \..~ ~ € \J~c>t.~ '~,,,:: · '" ;~ 1..".- #' / '(\(\J/ '<'j '.'r 12/11/00 16:02 !t661 326 0576 e BFD HAZ MAT' DIV . @006 WRITTEN ROUTINE MONITORING PROCEDURE . FOR CARDLOCKlUNSUPERVISED DISPENSING SAMPLE FORM Facility Name: #;1.s:r A!.P~~.A:::.. Facility Address: ¿- , ~1t:JD A/N'/7.fl" LA! 0 Facitity Telephonè No.: L~2 -~72.Ø Tank Owner Name: , ~~~"L ", ...5 7/&'$ ?~,eT,v,.ß.~ Tank Owner Address: $"«>/ ~~.P'" ;^,'TJ!1;1t!... ~.e. , Tank. Owner Phone No.: " ..ðZ.B - 7830.' IA) Identify all equipment used to monitor the underground storage tanks on site. Include make and model of leak detection system. t;~¿,.eJ;t?lI!.flC k ¡lffc; ~1!/!2) ..ßJc,t::é r ~"'PS ~L077c ~T~~ NH#I III ~b/4N' t!oeeeSICI'J a:xrT~U ~~CInr~ c' ,q,s~?7¿(F'¡ MALJOAL. .:s;",~~A/ , . ffi) Identify all equipment used to monitor the underground spill containment on site. Include leak detection system, type and placement of liquid sensors, type of leak detectors and, does system havè dispenser containment. ' G/L,ðA,eCD, é/1/0, ¿(.Nn" ~t:)JlJln!I'JI- . Ä/4EW./~ S~$~ , ~.$"r"U6 ç HAJu¿1.L- $.d~lJðJA./ ~ ð,~.p~~",EAl. (1.ðA17: 2) Identify the name(s) and title(s) of the person(s) responsible for performing the monitoring and/or maintenance of equipment. J~ ,f. .s7V~tIl.T. ;¡:>'¿ I';,S. -) , .. - c BFD HAZ MAT DIV . -'- --- ¡g¡ 007 12/11/00 16:03 ft661 326 0576 e / 3) Identify the location ofthe monitoring equipment. Include where remote monitoring will be conducted and name of company assigned to ffiOIútor and report Tlame of company and phone: number if other than operator. #ðU/7"~ _ ~A~r ¿,v.A' ~ ~ ~HJ~UArr ,Þ' Sre7le€ ¡f~ . ~,.,.lt!ðL NðU"'7iØ~'..u~ 7:iAr. #P.u,~,e.- Identify how frequently the monitoring equipment is tested/checked for operational status. Indicate each piece of equipment separately. ð4::..tL H~.Mf~ ;a;¡.. ~/~L /4 .i'""..¡ 7/i" ~iI1ÞAJ~JIC ~ -?#Æ ¿;;;#~ AI ~ ~~. -z;:;¿ ~~:r4n7 ~ (?~~ Ap~~ ~~ ';a s-s,e . 4) Identify how often the tank(s) are monitorcd on sitc (i.c. daily, continuously). ~~~ ,/ (?ð,(J71AlNUð'4~ Dcscribe thc training needed to provide to the operator(s) of the underground storage tank for the proper operation of both the tank system and the monitoring equipment. ~~ÝÆl ~Ps.r m~ ~ ~r~~ ~ ~ Mð(...J~A- A'4£Pþ~ /J ~~Nè!S'2> ~,~,. ~~...~ Ñ~ a¡rF'~ ~J~~ Jc/ð ð'~~'7J!" M"... _~&:' ~ ðeL/V.#reMS ~ J¡IV~.JJI...JCr -ær ~;'~ð /~ ~ 7Ã~ . 7U4£~~QcJ"? ¿£ Sø K..cJ~..cJ, 7iiii '_.__ ðJt:" A:M A?A~ovlI~ ~~. 5) , An equipment used in implementing the monitoring program shall be installed, calibrated, operated and maintained in accordance with manufacturers it:Îstructions, inclùding routine maintenance and service checks. 8) You must develop a reporting formatllog that incorporates the following information: '- f) g) h) Verification of Equipment Testing Rcporting/Recording when Alarm is Indicated Maintenance Perfonned These reports/logs must be submitted to the Bakersfield Fire Department on a annual basis. Written records of equipment calibration/maintenance shall be kept on site for at teast 3 years. 9) In the event of a release, emergenc.y equipment is limited to fire extinguishers and absorbent material maintained on site. Please discun contingency plans for additional cleanup personnel and or contractor/clean up consultants. S'nOCliDU'RB MAI'IV,\).\I:;V\t1ELINEII FOR CAJUJt.OCr. · ,. .. CARDLOCKlUNSUPERVJ.iED DISPENSING , ., EMPLOYEE TRAJ:NThWGUIDELINES ' Employee Training: 3. General The Maintenance SupervisorlHeaIth & Safety Director or designated person will train aU new employees on the safe handljng of hazardous materials, proper emergency response coordination. and the use of emergency response equipment and supplies. Additionally, the manager will coordinate refresher t:raining pro~aìns for all employees on an annual basis. 4. Procedures for Safe Handling of Hazardous Materials a. Employees will be infonned of the health and safety hazards involved with the handling of gasoline and diesel. b; Employees will be careful not to spill gasoline or diesel onto themselves or on the ground. c. Employees will not smoke, light matches, cause sparks, or take action which could ignite flammable liquids or vapors. 5. Procedures for Emergency Response Coordinator a. Employees will be familiar with the emergency response procedure outlined in company emergency response plan. b. Employees will know the location and operation of electrical shut-off switches dispenser shut-off valves. c. Employees will know the location of how and when to use dry cheßÙca] fire extinguishers that are located on the prenuse&. d. Employees will know the location of the nearest storm drain(s) and the location of absorbent materials to be used to prevent spills reaching the storm drain(s). e. Employees will be familiar with the kinds of emergency situations, which will warrant immediate evacuation of the prenuses. L Any gasoline, diesel or other type of fire. . 2. Any spil1, leak Or vapor leak that has the potential for igniting or exploding. 3. Any spill or leak when employees or customers notice gasoline vapors or spills. f .. )' -0 e OPERATOR Gme:LINÉS EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES CARDLOCK OR UNSUPERVISED DISPENSING Daily Inspection: 1. Check for small spills 2. Place absorbent on the spill immediately 3. Clean up absorbent within one hour 4. Check for hoses lying on the ground 5. ,Look for other 1rippiDg hazards and remove 6. Ensure fire extinguishers are in place and inspect daily 7. Check quantity of absorbent material daily Spil1: 1. Determine the sou.rce of spill or release 2. Stop the flow of product 3. Hit emergency sbut-off valve 4. Stabilize the area 5. Extinguish any smoking material 6. Locate nearest fire extinguisher 1. Use absorbent or spill pack to keep any product out of water source or , sewers 8. Isolate the hazard area-deny entry to non-emergency personnel. Containment: I. Contain the spill totally with a spi1l pack and/or absorbent 2. Never ~se water 3. If larger than can be immediately contained. go to step #4 . 4. Contact the local fire department. 9-1-1. 5. Notify company management personnel Fire: ' 1 . ' Gasoline:fire extinguishers located on dispenser islands 2. Remove Pin 3. Point to the bottom of the flame and squeeze handle 4. Call fire dcparbnent even if fire is put out. (9-1-1) 5. Isolate and deny entry. except for emergency personnel 6. Notify company Inanagement personnel , Earthquake Response: 1. Make sure gasoline inventories are seetin: 2. If there are any signs of structural dam8¡c to the control room orisland canopy, keep everyone away fTom the da.nger area. If danger is inurúnent, shut down fdciIity opc;rations until it has beeo dciemed safe to continue. FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES , 2101 "H" Street Bàkersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 . . December 15,2000 Abbul Aziz F astbreak . 4800 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA 93309 Dear Mr. Aziz: Your facility has been identified by our department as not being in compliance for after hours dispensing of motor vehicle fuel without an attendant on site. Written notification was given on October 11, 2000 and again on December 7, 2000. . By this letter, you are hereby notified t4at you must cease after hours dispensing immediately. Failure to comply will result in written citation and court appearance. \ ì Should you have any questions, pl~ase feel free to call me at 661-326- 3979. Sincerely, , . " Ralph E. Huey, Director Office of Environmental Services bYjL ~ Steve Underwood, Inspector Office of Environmental Services SBU/dm --y~ ~ ~~ ~.A~..rki A ~~" UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE IIIII First-Class Mail Postage & Fees Paid USPS Permit No. G-10 . dd and ZIP+4 in this box · · Sender: Please print your name, a ress, , ~, BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (!' ii,f"i lil" ¡ii, Í'i'I""i1.i"H - DER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION · Complete jtl'!ms 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. · Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the fro.Qt if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: FASTRREAK. ABBUL !&IZ 4800 WHITE LANE BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 Number (Cqpy from service label) 410 28b 959 , A. Received by (Please Print Clearly) B. Date of Deli~ry , ltY-fS-où C. Signature x D. Is delivery address different from item 1? If YES, enter delivery address below: o Agent o Addressee DYes oNo 3. ~rvice Type ð Certified Mail ¡j Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes 102595-99-M-17B9 Domestic Return Receipt PS Form 3811. July 1999 Z 41~8.6 959 us Postal seZ Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. "," ~ '" ~ It) en en Do not use for International Mail (See reverse) Senuo !:i ~ ABBUL AZÆ'"'- 5141\& Number 00 WHITE LANE p<J1mm~A 93309 Postage $ .33 Certified Fee 1.10 Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to 1.10 Whom & Date Delivered Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date. & Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage & Fees $ 2.53 Postmark or Date 0.. 04: Ò C) CO C') E & (J) a.. Stick postage stamps to article to cover First-Class postage, certified mail fee, and charges for any selected optional services (See front). _ 1. If you wanÙhis receipt postmarked. stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address leaving the receipt attached, and present the article at a post office service window or hand it to your rural carTier (no extra charge). 2. If you do not want this receipt postmarked. stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address of the article. date. detach. and retain the receipt. and mail \e article. 3. If you want a return receipt. write the certijjed mail number and your name and address on a return receipt card. Form 3811. and attach it to the front of the article'~y means 01 the gummed ends if space permijs, Otherwise, affix to back of article. Endo~e Iront 01 article RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED adjacent to the number. . , 4. 11 you want delivery restricted to the addressee. or to an authorized agent 01 the addressee. endorse RESTRICTED DELIVERY on the front 01 the article. 5. Enter fees for the services requested in the appropriate spaces on the Iront of this receipt. If return receipt is requested. check the applicable blocks in item 1, of Form 3811. 6. Save this receipt and present it if you make an inquiry. 102595-98-M-0548 Q) !!! ~ ( ) ~ LO m m ~ .~ o CO M E o LL (f) a.. " '. FIRE CHIEF- RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 , VOICE (661) 326-3941 ~ FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 . e #'>~ .:--.~ :¢!~ r:-- ~, '! -, ( ." . December 7, 2000 Abbul Aziz Fastbreak 4800 White Lane Bakersfield, CA 93309 \ 'CERTIFIED MAIL RE: Dispensing After Hours Without an Attendant on Site FINAL NOTICE Dear Mr. Aziz: December 15, 2000 is the deadline for compliance for facilities who wish to dispense motor vehicle fuel after normal store hours without an attendant on site. (First notification sent on October 11, 2000). Prior to December 151h, you must provide a written Routine MorL;ring . Procedure for unsupervised dispensing. You were given a sample form on October 11, 2000. As of this writing, we have not received a returned form. If you have multiple stations, we need a list of those who plan to participate, along with the required monitoring procedure. If a facility is not planning to continue unsupervised dispensing, they must discontinue after hours dispensing, starting December 15, 2000. . Failure to comply will result in a written citation and,court appearance. Should you have any questions, please;feel free to call me at 326-3979. . Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey, Director Office of Environmental Services bY:~··~ Steve Underwood, Inspector , Office' of Environmental Services ~ SBU/dm . ".7~ de W~ S7eve .AoPe .r~ Á W~/?" iORRECTION NO'ICE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT N~ 103_4 LocatioI1 fat) ~/) t'C£l.IL Sub Div. I..{~{)() (vk~k l...N ~B~. . Lot You are hereby required to make the following corrections at the above location: Cor. No 3 C.b-tl t(CA/(<O~ d.) L'-12 ~p{o.Llt'C W ( fk dhAAlk( ~t\(J(Vlk1' (/1 M50S t .j.L Lv d-hi:-" 3Ð dt. Completion Date for Correction Date ltf 28/()ê) Inspector 326-3979 FAf.: -BREAK I 48l HITE LN BAr. _;FiELD.CA NOV 28. 2000 9:04 AM SYSTEM STATUS REPORT ------ ALL FUNCT IONS NORI"lAL I NVENTOR\' F:EPORT T 1 :UNLEAD REG VOLUJ"lE :3892 GAL:3 ULLAGE 6108 GALS 90~\ ULLAGE= 5108 GALS TC VOLUME 3889 GALS HEIGHT 39.19 INCHES WATER VOL 0 GALS ~,-' 0.00 I NCHE:3 T. 70.1 DEG F T 2 :PLU~~ VOLUr"lE :3835 GAL~; _ULLe,GE~,~5.t65J;A1.S,~ -~~ 90% ULLAGE= 51£5 GALS - TC ",/GLUr"IE :3B:32' '::;AL~~ HE I GHT 3B . 76 I NCHH3 l,JATER \lOL [I GAL::::~ W,"~ 0.00 I NCHE:=':~ 10 70.6 DEG F '-.I T 3:SUPER VOLUI"'lE ULLAGE 9 IT';; ULLAGE= TC VOLLIr"tE HEIGHT WATER VOL I;JATEF: - TEI"lP T .¡:DIESEL \lOLUI"1E ULLAGE 90% ULLAGE= TC \lOLU¡"1E HEIGHT l,IATER \/OL ~- 25:~10 GAL~::~ 74'70 Gf~L~~ 64,,'0 (;ALE: 2~:j2¡3 GhLS 28.56 1 NCHC::~ [I GAL::::; [1.00 I f', CHE:::; 73.2 DEG F 25~8 C;ALE~ 74:,2 GAL~=~ 6452 (.;ALt:; 2528 GAL~-:~ 28.70 I NCHE~~ (I GAL~3 o . 00 I NC'HE:=':~ 76.5 DEe F M M M M MEND M M * M * -- - e . CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL ~ERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME fõ c;t~k INSPECTION DATE (((2'6(o'l'l Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program o Routine œ. Combined 0 Joint Agency Type of Tank lJllJL Type of Monitoring ,4T(; o Multi-Agency 0 Complaint Number of Tanks t./ Type of Piping .5 (JJ ~ ( ~ () 1 ORe-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on file V Proper owner/operator data on tile V Permit fees current V Certification of Financial Responsibility V Monitoring record adequate and current V Maintenance records adequate and current V f..lttJ AVh'\JaJ IIA~ I \1\ {. o~ ku.(c. tu" Failure to correct prior UST violations V Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No 1 , -- "'~, Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program AGGREGA TE CAPACITY Number of Tanks TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank OPERATION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on file with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? If yes, Does tank have overfill/overspill protection? C=Compliance V=Violation Y=Yes N=NO In'p,oto,' _~, é'~~/~~ Office of Environmental Services (805) 326-3979 White - Env. Svcs. Busines Pink - Business Copy ! . . CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME fõ .tj..\.btlll.l ADDRESS t{t¡O() wlu4r hN- :ff 0 FACILITY CONTACT INSPECTION TIME INSPECTION DATE PHONE NO. BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210- NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES {f ('Lg{ 00 Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program o Routine ~ Combined o Joint Agency o Multi.,Agency o Complaint ORe-inspection OPERA nON C v COMMENTS Appropriate penn it on hand V Business plan contact infonnation accurate V Visible address ~,.) " \ r<--\ ~ \Þ(l ~ J Ad¡Vè~( tf:$ "'fool -1.1"\ fø t> , rl '{!i(\ Correct occupancy V Verification of inventory materials vi Verification of quantities \/ Verification of location V Proper segregation of material V Verification of MSDS availability V N () NfL?> éoUt. ßode. " Verification of Haz Mat training V ÑClNL. (1_ . r t:!f\S I k Verification of abatement supplies and procedures V IV "kß . /1_ _ r tCXi\.5. {¡- Emergency procedures adequate ,...... { l- f Containers properly labeled V Housekeeping V Fire Protection V Site Di~gram Adequate & On Hand V (,- t C=Compliance V=Violation Any hazardous waste on site?: Explain: DYes DNo Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (661) 326-3979 White - Env. Svcs. Yellow - Station Copy Pink - Business Copy Inspector: FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349, PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES , 1715 chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 .. TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 . e- -~~ . October 12, 2000 Abbul Aziz Fastbreak 4800 White Lane Bakersfield, CA 93309 /' Dear Mr.Aziz: Your facility has been identified by oùr department as dispensing motor vehicle fuel aftèr normal store hours without an attendant on site. Current Uniform Fire Code and guidelines, set forth by the Bakersfield Fire Department, Office of En vii on mental Services does allow for unsupervised dispensing under the following conditions. These conditions are as follows: I Unsupervised dispensing is allowed when the owner or operator provides, and is accountable for daily site visits, regular equipment inspection and maintenance, including any unauthorized release or spills, posted instructions for the safe operation of dispensing equiprpent, and posted telephone numbers for the owner or operator. Signs prohibiting smoking, prohibiting dispensing into ùnapproved containers and requiring vehicles engines to be stopped during fueling shall be conspicuously posted within site of each dispenser. In addition, a sign shall be posted in a conspicuous location reading: In case of spill or release: 1. Use Emergency Pump Shut-off 2. Report the accident 3. Fire Department telephone number 4. Facility address During the hours of operation, stations havingunsµpervised dispensing shall be provided with a fire alarm transmitting device. A telephone not requiring a coin to operate is acceptable. The fuel leak detection system , must have a remote or phone modem to insure off site monitoring during . " hours of unsupervised dispensing. During hQurs of dark~ess,. sufficient ~.y~.a; cç~ ~ vØ60Pe .r~ A W~~" f ·ff . .. , , lighting must be maintained so that all signs associated with fueling operation are conspicuous and readable. A 5 gallon container of an , absorbent material used for spills must be made available to the public during hours of unsupervised dispensing. A fire extinguisher with a minimum 2 A 20 BC rating, must be located on dispenser island during hours of unsupervised dispensing. ~ In addition to the above requirements, the following information is required: /' 1. Emergency Response Procedures 2. Employee Procedures ' 3. Sample forms, (see attachment)· shows all the necessary information which must be provided to the City of Bakersfield, Office of Environmental Services. You may use any format you wish, , provided that all the information requested is supplied. OPERATOR GUIDELINES EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES CARDLOCK OR UNSUPERVISED DISPENSING Daily Inspection: 1. 2. ,. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Spill: l. 2. 3. 4. ' 5. 6. 7. 8. Check for small spills Place absorbent on the spill immediately Clean up absorbent within one hour Check for hoses lying on the ground Look for other tripping hazards and remove Ensure fire extinguishers are in place and inspect daily Check quantity of absorbent material daily Detennine the source of spill or release Stop the flow of product Hit emergency shut'-off valve Stabilize the area Extinguish any smoking material Locate nearest fire extinguisher Use absorbent or spill pack to keep any product out of water source or sewers Isolate the hazard area-deny entry to non-emergency personnel. " tf e e If' Containment: I. Contain the spill totally with a spill pack and/or absorbent 2. Never use water 3. If larger than can be immediately contained, go to step #4 4. Contact the local fire depamnent. 9-1-1. 5. Notify company management personnel' Fire: I. Gasoline fire extinguÍshers located on dispenser islands 2. Remove Pin 3. Point to the bottom of the flame and squeeze handle' 4. Call fire depamnent even if fire is put out. (9-1-1) 5. Isolate and deny entry, except for emergency personnel 6. Notify company management personnel Earthquake Response: I. ' Make sure gasoline inventories are secure 2. If there are any signs of structural damage to the control room or island canopy, keep everyone away from the danger area. If danger is imminent, shut down facility operations until it has been deemed safe to continue. CARDLOCKlUNSUPERVISED DISPENSING . EMPLOYEE TRAINING GUIDELINES Employee Training: ... 3. General The Maintenance Supervisor/Health & Safety Director or designatéd person will train all new employees on the safe handling of hazardous materials, proper emergency response coordination, and the use of emergency response equipment and supplies. Additionally, the manager will coordinate refresher training programs for all employees on an annual basis. 4. Procedures for Safe Handling of Hazardous Materials a. Employees will be informed of the health and safety hazards involved with the handling of gasoline and diesel. b. Employees will be careful not to spill gasoline or diesel onto themselves or on the ground. c. Employees will not smoke, light matches, cause sparks, or take action which could ignite flammable liquids or vapors. 5. Procedures for Emergency Response Coordinator a. Employees will'be familiar with the emergency response procedure outli~ed in company emergency response plan. ð; ;, e - '-f b. Employees will know the location and operation of electrical shut-off switches dispenser shut-off valves. Employees will know the location of how and when to use dry chemical fire extinguishers that are located on the premises. Employees will know the location of the nearest storm drain( s) and the location of absorbent materials to be used to prevent spills reaching the storm drain(s). Employees will be familiar with the kinds of emergency situatióris, which will warrant immediate evacuation of the prenuses. c. d. e. 1. Any gasoline, diesel or other type of fire. 2. Any spill, leak or vapor leak that has the potential for igniting or exploding. 3. Any spill or leak when employees or customers notice gasoline vapors or spills. Employee Training Records: The manager or Health and Safety Supervisor will be responsible for documenting and retaining the types and dates of the "training"for at least 5 years. ,. By this letter, you are hereby notified that you have thirty (30) days, November 11, 2000, to conform to the guidelines set forth. Failure to comply may necessitate further enforcement action up to, and including, citation and injunctive relief. . Should you have any questions, please feel ftee to call me at 661-326- 3979. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey, Director Office ofEnvironrilental Services bYjL c££v Steve Underwood, Inspector Office of Environmental Services attachments S:\ocr 2000lFUEL DISPENSING LETrERWPD "f t e e WRITTEN ROUTINE MONITORING PROCEDURE - FOR CARDLOCK/UNSUPERVISED DISPENSING SAMPLE FORM Facility Name: Facility Address: /' Facility Telephone No.: Tank Owner Name: Tank Owner Address: Tank Owner Phone No.: IA) Identify aU'equipment used to monitor the underground storage tanks on site. ,Include make and model of leak detection system. .. IB) Identify all equipment used to monitor the underground spill containment on site. Include l~ak detection system, type and placement of liquid sensors, type of leak detectors and, does" system have dispenser containment. 2) Identify the name(s) and title(s) of the person(s) responsible for performing the monitoring and! or maintenance of equipment. \. ,f / 3) . e ,~ Identify the location of the monitoring equipment. Include where remote monitoring will be conducted and name of company a!;signed to monitor and report name of company and phone . number if other than operator. . Identify how frequently the monitoring equipment is tested/checked for operat~onal status. Indicate each piece of equipment separately. /' 4) Identify how often the tank(s) are monitored on site (i.e. daily, continuously). Describe the training needed to provide to the operator(s) of the underground storage tank for the proper operation of both the tank system and the monitoring equipment. . ... 5) All equipment used in implementing the monitoring program shall be installed, calibrated, operated and maintained in accordance with manufacturers instructions, including routine maintenance and service checks. 8) You must develop a reporting format/log that incorporates the following information: f) Verification of Equipment Testing g) ReportinglRecording when Alarm is Indicated h) Maintenance Performed These reports/logs must be submitted to the Bakersfield Fire Department on a annual basis. Written records of equipment calibration/maintenance shall be kept on site for at least 3 years. 9) In the event of a release, emergency equipment is limited to fire extinguishers and absorbent material maintained on site. Please discuss contingency plans for additional cleanup personnel and or contractor/cleé\n up consultants. ' S:IPROCEDURE MANUAL\QUIDELlNES FOR CARDLOCK . ,& CITY OF BAKERSFIEL1* ~ICE OF ENVIRONMENT AlII!!IERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-39,19 (Ø UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS - UST FACILITY TYPE OF ACTION 0 I, NEW SITE PERMIT (Check one Item only) [('3, RENEWAL PERMIT o 4. AMENDED PERMIT o 5, CHANGE OF INFORMATION (Specify CII.. . /oeøJ use only) o 8. TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE Page _ of o 7. PERMANENTLY CLOSED SITE o 8. TANK REMOVED 400. BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME dI' DBA· Doing Business As) J. FACILITY I SITE INFÒRMATlON 3 FACILITY 10 . ,¡:- ~ .srl'i!S~e¿: JC- NEAREST CROSS STREET UJIHr4 J.AAJ/L 401. FA~ITY OWNER TYPE !!r 1. CORPORATION o 2. INDIVIDUAL o 3. PARTNERSHIP o 4. LOCAl AGENCYlOlSTRICr o 5. COUNTY AGENCY" o 8., STATE AGENCY· o 7. FEDERAL AGENCY" 402, BUSINESS TYPE o 3. FARM 0 5, COMMERCIAl o 4. PROCESSOR 0 8. OTHER 403. 1, GAS STATION o 2. DISTRIBUTOR TOTAL NUMBER OF TANKS REMAINING AT SITE 4 404. Is facitity on indian Reservation or " owner of UST . public agency: name of supervisor of trusIIandI? division. sec:IIon 01 ofIIce whidl operaIes the .UST.' (This is the c:onlac:t person tor'the tank 11ICOIds.) o Ves 0 No 405. II. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION 406. PROPERTY OWNER NAME 407. PHONE 523" 78:t!- C) 408. I N#/7E " MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS 5"00 ¿;: G ;¡>4.t2~4St!f!..s c.£N;ra1!U!.. -:2>. 409. Srl'N4 ';u¿¡c 412. CITY 73 119~£Ae.snÆ£7.> PROPERTY OWNER TYPE o 1. CORPORATION o 2. INDIVIDUAl G;I-'3. PARTNERSHIP o 4. LOCAl AGENCY I DISTRICT o 5. COUNTY AGENCY o 8. STATE AGENCY o 7. FEDERAl AGENCY 413. III. TANK owNER INFORMATION TANK OWNER NAME W#I'7£ 6' $" MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS , 414. PHONE 3Z 3-7&'30 415. 418. 419. B~KL.eS;e-"EL4> TANK OWNER TYPE o 1. CORPORATION o 2. INDIVIDUAl ¡¡r( PARTNERSHIP. o 4. LO~ÄGENCY I DISTRICT o 5. COUNTY AGENCY o 8. STATE AGENCY o 7. FEDERAl AGENCY 420. IV. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION UST STORAGE FEE ACCOUNT NUMBER TV (TK) HO Call (916) 322-966911 questions arise 421. . . . . V. PETROLEUM UST RNANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY' INDICATE METHOD(S) o 1. SELF-INSURED ' o 2. GUARANTEE o 3, INSURANCE o 4. SURETY BOND o 5. LETTER OF CREDIT o 8. EXEMPTION œ-7. STATE FUND 08. STATE FUND &CFO LETTER o 9. STATEFuND&CD o 10. LOCAl GOVT MECHANISM o 99. OTHER: 422. VI. LEGAL NOTIFICATION AND MAILING ADDRESS Ched< one box to indlcale which addreSs shoUld be used for legal nOllflcations and malJlng. Legal noIIIk:aIJons and mailings wlh be sent to the tank owner unless box 1 r:s 2 is chec:ked. o 1. FACILITY o 2, PROPERTY OWNER, t o 3. TANK OWNER ~23. t VII. APPLICANT SIGNATURE tNe and accurate 10 the best of my lu1owIedge. DATE ~ _ ~ ~ _ OC:> 428. TITLE OF APPliCANT , -:P~ ~ 424. PHONE ~.26 r;;, iJ~ 425. 4Z7. I ST A TE UST FACILITY NUMBE~ (For IOuI vse omy) 428. I ( )g UPGRADE CERTIFICATE. NUMBER (For /oeGI use ottIyf. y / UPCF (7/99) \ S:\CUPAFORMS\s- \ Jr ~ -,.A /fj~ _.~._. OFF~ ð~~\~f:ct.~~k\1IvtêES ........ . ...... . 1715 CbèstetÁ ".., Bäkerš':'Þ) . .""'9J¡Öì~;!~g6f :'J26-j919'1~~4'¡~' - UNDIROÃOUND STÓRA' /'~Hkâ'¡·;rT,ij}~PA~Ê1 ' . ,...,:t~,·, .~ "~';'.,' c~: ........."...-.........-.. .. " ._~ . ,'" .-' " \ ." ':"". y... , ,. _ fI o e. ~Sri1! a.oSuq o ,. PeA~va.OseDOHsrTl! o e. rANI< AfMoveO rv~ OF .-crION a ,. . HffW 'SIT, PfI'MIT 0.. AMINOIO ptJU.fT / CJ\«. 0'" ,M/ft ~ o s. owdJ ÓfÌ ~TIOH) a J: ~NrWA&. Pf!IUMT (~- ."" 1OCeI_ 0Iti'f1 au SINE" ~ (s.t\e . "AClUTY NAMI till OIA . 0ciIII "'*'- AI) , ,z;t?.sr~~ , lOCA TION WITH" SITI ~ (~.... . "" IOCII_ OIIIV) , I~D' DIrrIJI[[] = WIh'1:f£. ~tE f e:; ~.T~A.Je.. NblUe lOA IN ( I . ,J . ~~/C,AJJOc.u AOOITIONA&. I L TANK DI!SCRP11ON VAJ~J COMPARTMeHTAUZio TANÌ< a v. I:B1:iá "..,..._~_ MIge for Men ~ 4 . AN I . 4.: IO,Ot:JtD - NtDµ&- ..,... 0IIf')I) 4J; I. TNIC CCII1W1'I i ~ TN« UII 4.11 ' ~TVN .... I ,. t.tOTOA VØICU fI'UI!I. ~ MCUMUÞUAOI!D a z. LfADI!D a s. JET FUEL I (ltlNMd."'''''''' ~ a tIL ....... UNLIAÐID a 3. C8IL C .. "'MTiON ML ! 0 2. NON$IJEL PI'1'RDlIUN o 'co ~UtUAÐI!D a4.OAScIHOL a II. OTHI!À I I 0 3. 0ØtICAL PAOOûCT OOIM)N NAMI....,...,........... ~pef8 "'1' ' CAI./IhMt,............ ~"'" 44: o .. HAlAAOOUI ~ (hiWN Ihed 011 095. tHOIOWN ~ "TANIC~ I TYPE CJÇ rNIC I (CII«* - ..... 0IIf')I) i I T ANI( /oMTÐUAi. ...-.r tIN! I (Ch«Jr _ ..." 0IIIy} I ToW< /oMTÐUAi.. -*y tIN! 0 t. IAN STIlL (Ch«Jr-"0IIf')I) 0 2. ITAItUSII1UL at1. IIØ.IWMI. a 2. DOtaIWIILL a a. ....wu """ DI~ r~tIIRM UNi!ìt a 4. ......WAU...AYAULT C i. ÏINCiIWM.&. WITH MØNAL ~iYmM CiS. ûtÑCWN Cìo.cmiR a .. ~ ail. tJNÌCNOWN a.. mÞooWATIIÌlI","_METHANoi. a·.. OTHER <Þ3 æ'f: IAN STIlL o 2. ITMUSS STIlL a 3. F1II!ACItASS, fIlASTIC a 4. STI!!I. ~ WFIIII!AOtAII AI!N!ORCED fIlASTIC . o 3. ~'fIlASTIC a .. STI!EL~~ AEJNIOACm PlASTIC (fAP) a .. COHCAITI I:iH:'" fPQXy LN«J a ... PH!NDUC LIM 444 . a .. ,. c::cYtA'" WtOO% M!THANOL a to PÁP~JAQCET - a to. COATID mB. a Ii. uNcNoWN a.OTHER 44S TN« INT'!I'UOft LØ«I OR COAT1NO a t. IUIIIt LMD a 2. AUM) LJINI c .. OWIlJNIG a II. tJNÌCNOWN a .. \iN.NìD C to. OTHI!.A .... IMTI! INSTALLED 441 a 3. .....w MNOACIDIIWnC C Ii. UPICNOVM a ... ..... I!IIID CUAMNr [J" OTHeR .44Ì 1MT1! AU.fD 449 ! (Ch«Jr ~ IN,IIJPIY I (1«"'", CMtl 48t owNrta.. PÅÒTICTJCN !QUtPM!NT: YI!AA INITALlED . 452 at. AI..AAM a 1 FlU. TUli!SHUTOFFVAlV8 ~ C 2. IAI.L noAT a 4. I!XÐPT ISTI/oM rID OA TI """ UIiD (\'MoO'OAY) a .. MANUAL TAHK OAUOINCI (ama» o .. VADOII ZONI o 7. . CWIUNOWATÞ ~" . ¡". . '~ a .. TNIC TÜrINò c.. ~ ~ 4. _. ~ ." Y. TANKCLOIUUINPORllAnaH/PUlWllNTCLOIUUINPLACI ' .: ' ... II1'IMTID QUNn'ITY 0J1 suatTAHCI ~ ... fNIC fII.LIO WITH IHIAT MATIIaAl~ .... [J YGO 0 No \ ~. S:\CUPAFORMS\.SWftC8\ \ UPCF (1190) . ~ t WIJi'i': _ CITY 01' 8Aì<ERSFIELØ ' . A .. OfI'ICIOP iNVIRøNÏlí.NTA,L S.Rv~ "J. ,. .- 1115 CfIHter Ave.. eakt,.flild¡ CA .3301 ("1) 32wt1t ,,:"··,.I:.'t'::-'-h, i .J-.'1:.., " .....f_ 'AGe i.'~' PIle, .:..:.z.....:. fII' ...... . ."'.". ~ . ,~~, I.~~'.~ ,." VI. ..... CONltRUCTIOH to. iI iItif WIf} UNOIAGROUND PIPING SYSTEM T'YPE I,PRESSURe a 2. SUCTION a ,. OAAVITY 451 I, PRESSURE CONSTRUCTIONI' I, SIHOU! WAU a J. L/NfO TREHCH a It. OTHER 4ðO I. SINGll!WAU ,PoAANUF"CTURER!O 2. DOU8l!WAU a.. IJNI<NCMtI 02. òOuuwÁU , MNoIUF-'CTUR!R 411 MAHuF-'CT\JÆR ¡ ! 0 1. lIAR! STl!I!l a .. FRP C:OWATIIL! WI 100'HETHANOL 0 I. BARE STeEL : PoAA TERIALS -'NO '0 2. STAINU!SS STl!I!l 07. GAlVANIZED STI!!L 0 2. STAINU!SS STEEL I CORROSION ¡ I PROTECTION ;03. PlASTtCCOMPATI8U!WlTHCONTeHTS 0.. UNKNOWN 03. PlASTtCCOfttPATl8t.£wtTHCONTEHTS ¡~F181!RGl.4SS 0 .. 1UXJIl!(HOPI!) a II. OTHI!A [d"( FIBERGlASS " :0 s. STeELW/COATING 0 t. CATHOOICPROT!CTION .... 0 S. STEEL WI COATING VI. JIIIING LÞK Dl!TECTIOH (CIId""'" WIY) o 1. """"TMI!OWIIMTHATSHUrSCWIH!ARYALVII , a 2. COHTNIOU8 0IIPENSeR PM SIN8OA. AUÒIÌU! AND WioÄL Ai..W.cs o 3. CONTN.IOUI 0IIfIINSIØt PM SI!NSOR YdI!I AUTO SHUT OFF FOR 0tSPENSER,+ AUDIèle AND VISUAL AtAAMs DC. OWNeRlOPlRATOR IIGNATURi! 10 IN ..... d..., IUIcMIed Je. UHOERGAOUND PIPING , I PRESSURIZED PIPING (Chedr ..",., fIIPIY : , ~ ELECTRONIC LINE U!AI< ~~:ò'ÒAt T!STmntAUTO PUIIt SHUT OFF FOR LEN<. SYSTEM FAlLUÆ. AND SYSTÐI DaIOOIIECTION + AUDØ.II AND VISUAL AI.AAMS c:y( MONTHLY 0.2 OPH TeST . ~ ANNUAL IHT!ORITY TEST (0. t 0fIH) CON\IEHTtONAL SUCTION SYSTEMS: . 0 S. OAJL Y VISUAL MONrTORINQ OF fIUMPIiIQ SYSTEM + T'RII!tNAL PI'ING NMOAI'TY ¡ TEST (0.1 GPH) 'I' SAFE SUCTION SYSmoIS (NO VALVES IN øaow OAOUND PIPING): o 7. SELF MONITOAJNG GRAVITY I'l.Ow. o t. 8IÐHAl1NTEGRfTY TEST (0.1 0fIH) II!CONDARILY CON1'AII!D ..... PRESSURIZED PIPING {CIIedI""" wI1J: 10. C TURBINE SUW SENSOR mnt AUDI8lI!ANDVlSUM.A1.AAM8 AND ( ane) .. AUTO PUa.P SHUT OFF WHeN A U!N< OCCURS o II. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS. SYSTEM FAIWRI! NÐ SYSTEM DISOOtKCTION o c. NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF a 1 ,. AI1T'OM4nc LIE U!AI< orTECT'OR (3.0 OAf TØT) mDf Fi.owåHUToi:r: OR ~~ . o 12. -'NNUAL IN1"EQRr'IY TeST (0.1 0fIH) SUCT1O~vrTY SYSTÐot o 13. COHT1NUOUS SUW SENSOR + AUD&ENCJ WIUAlAWle DIØOÐICY OINlMTOIIII ONLY {CItect..... wM o 14. CONTINUOUS SUMP SEN8ORmItD.fIAUTO PUW SHUTOFF.AUDIILI NÐ \/tSUAL MARMS o 15. AUTOMATIC UNI! U!AI< DE'ÆÇTOR (3.0 QPH TEST) mnDII F1J:JN 8HUT on OR ReSTRICTION o 18. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 QPH) o 11. DAI\,YVlSUALCH£CI< DISPENSER CONTAINMI!NT DATe IHSTAU!O 481 \ \ \ I "-II NumIMr (For lOCal uaI only} \CF ("!!OOí \ 47J I P«1IIII ~ (Fot1iMlll W$ M')I AIOVlOAOUNO PIPING o 2. SUCTioN o t5. UNICNOWN o H. OTHER o 3. OAAvny ~. a 8. FI;IPCOMPA~W"OKME'nWQ. o 7. ÖAi.vNm6'STI!EL ' o .. FlEXI8LE (HOPE) 0 H. OTHER O':t.' CATHODIC PÃòTECTtON o t5. UNICNOWN -. .. .. -'".,1, ' ", < , " . 'p. .A8OVe~ PIPING ~RtZEO ~ (Chedr..,¡.., WIYJ: ' .. rø t. B.!è:TRoMc ÌJNE U!AI< DETECroA 3.0 GAt TEST mnsAUTO PUa.P SHUT OFF FOR LEAK SYSTEM FAILURE. AND SYSTEM DISCONNECi1ON . AUDeU! NÐ WÌUAL AlARMS o 2. UOHnI.Y G.2 OPH TEST o S. ANNUALINI'EORnYTeST (0.1 QPH) a 4. OM Y \ItSUAL CHECI< OOHIII!HTIONAL SUCTION SYSTEMS (CItå _..,~): a S. DAILY \ItSUAL MONITOAING'oi= PIPIHCJ AND PUÌtPING SYSTEM o 8. TRIENNIAL INTEGRITY TEsT (0.1 0fIH) SAFE SUCTION svSrM (NO VALIIES IN øaowGRouNo PIPING): o 7. SELF MONITORING GRAVITY FlOW {CItfct.."", WfyJ: o .. cMà.v VISUM. MONrTORING a .. IÌIiNML tm!CÍRìTY TEST (0. t QPH) " ,,';"'.~ ~ , , sl!CONlWli'LÝcòNTAiNEoPiPlNo PRI!SSURIZEO PIPINO (CIiedr .."'" I/PpIy): 10. 00NT1NU0US TUÂ8INE SUMP SENSORmnt AUDI8LE AND VISUAL ALARMS AND (CI1eCk 000 [2(.. AUTO íí\MÞ SHUT OFF WHeN A U!N< OCCURS . . 0 b. AUTÓ fÍUMP SHUT ofF FOR U!AÌ<S. SYSTEt.t FAILURE ANO SYSTËM DISCONNECT1C~ o è. No AÍIT'Ô PIM> SHUT OFF czG,. ~nclÍNCOmcToR d t:z. ÀNNUÀL ÎiÆORI1Y TEST (0. t GPH) SIJCTIONIOÍtAvnv SVSTÐot o 1i éoHnHíJåUs šua.iP SENSOR . AUDI8Lè NiJ WJuAL N.AAMS IlllAGÐICY GIMDATOIIII OILY {OIect.."",.."" o 14. èôNTiNuöùs SuW seNSoR mntas,aAUTO PuMIt SHUTOFF +AUDI8l! AND VISUAL ALARMS . -- o IS. AI./'TOMATIC LINE U!AI< DeT!cToA (3.0 QPH TEST) o 18. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0. I QPH) o 17. OAIlylltSUALCHECI< . .t: "~~....:....;,,,,,~,~... ''>i,,\''\ ' ' ".::""'=:. ,.,' ..,' ',"," þ..:r..... .. .' , 4" DATe 4-/"..,..00 ~(, OF~. TOR ·~~G ( .70 .72 .\ , 474 PtmtIII!JIDi'IIIOI'I oM. (For "-.. Mtl .75 . , . S;\CUPAFORMS'lSV\lRC8-8·Vt'P' . . rJ) .a ..~ ..~ _.~._. -" CITY OF BAIŒRSFIELt> -' .' . " OFFA;ðF ENvtRô"""·'·"·NT~b:~§.Ví(:ES.: . . 1715 Chester A vÎ., SAkif'. 1~1~~,ìJ3Wfft¡6't;·~j26-j~1~l~~;,:. . .' UNÒI!RôRÖÜND !lfÖRAÕI~fÃNKi~::T:u.~PA~ê 1 ....' ". .f (I".¡~.." t. . , """. , -,.", , ~ "" .-1 ... - , 1'Vpt! 0' .\CTION , C/I«. 0'" .,..,. 0IIIr1 a I: NIW SlTi PfIUT a.. AWINOIO PfMIT .. a s. CMAHåi Of' ~1'ION) ...... _ fIl CJ t. ~v Srtia.OMe . CJ' t. lieAAWIÌHTL v a.OSlD ON SIT~ (~""'_IIICaI"'~ . 0 e. TAN<AIMO\ItD , /'AanYD'ITIIIJII1I[j .>-li' a J. "NeWA&. P!AMrT (~_. _1IICaI_ ~I BUSINESS NAMI(Serne. 'AOUTY ~ ~ oeA . De1lIIO ..... MI = , FQ..sr4J~~ . ~OCA flON WIT1-4IN SIT1 ~ W'#/-r£ LA!. .ç' ð 7? A..J.£ ,. AN 1 , L TANK O!SCRPTIOH COWARTUENTAUZED TAM< a v. No . " rv.·, CØII IIetè ON ØIOÌ tor UdI 00IIIpIItment. ~o.u.... " lOA IN ( I ClA.J~/!)«J A.! AOOfTIONAl 100II_ ~ ¿.P"v~~¡j ..: 1"0 ,Ot:) t!J _. 43- I. TANK QœI1IN1I i TAN< UII .. NTROUUMrm! .... i WI. ""~Y8lCLlfIUIL CJ ,a. MCUMUNI.IAam a I. WÐID . a s. .liT N!I. I (f/IIIIW.......,..... J')øe []-¡( ....... utI.IACID a 1 DIIIIL [] .. AtMtiOH NIl. , 0 2. foION.$UI!L PITI'OlIUM o 'Co IIDCMAØ!IJtUÀÐÏD CJ4.GAIOHOI. CJ OIl. 0THEìt I I 0 3. CH&ICAL PAOCIUCT CiOIMIN NAMI (IIiMI,.............. "-'IøIy;"' ...., CAS' tIM HI&IIdIIut........,....,.,eJ 44: o 4. HAlNIOOUI ~ (tIcWN /MtI OIJ o 95. UN<HCMff .. /' .. TANK CCIII1RUC'IIafI I TYPE OF TAN< I (CMdt 0IIt ..... ~ i , rANK ~TERIAL . ItNIy 111M (CMeJr _ .", odyJ I rANI( ~ TERIAL·1ICCIndIry 111M CJ " IWW STm. (CMdt 0IIt ..... odyJ D 2. ITAMØlSTm [!( ,. INU WALL D 2. OCULI M.L CJ I. .......... """ 1X11!NOft.... LNft a 4. .....WALU.AVAULT o 3. FII!AaLASS, fItAITtC CJ .., STm Q.AD 't'tIF1I!ROt.AI AI!IN'ORŒD fItAITtC o 3. ~/fItAITtC o ... ITI!B. Q.AD WPIIEAOLA8S AEN'OACI!D .usnc (FRP) a t. CONCArTI ~!POXvLIINQ a ... ....oue I.INM a L IiINau WALl. WITH NTI!RNAlItADOl!!R SYSTEM aN. UNìtNo\\tf a... ~ a .. ~ aM. UNCNòwN a .. .,. c:oWAT8.I \¥tOIlS METHANOi. 0 It OTHER 443 [if',. IAN! STm. a 2. STAHJ!SS ST!I!I. 444 a .. rrRÞOOIoï'À'TMU \¥t~ M!THANOI. a .. ". NCJH.COMOoeLI JiaœT [J ,0. ~tIO sTm aM. ~ CJotOTHÈA 445 TANK INfÐU()ft LM«J OR COAT1NG [J L cuáå lNNcJ a II. UtICNOVttf a .. UÑ.IÍ!ó . Cot OTHM ... Dl'Te INSTAW!D ....1 (CMeJr _ ..... odyJ. !IPtlL AHO 0WAnL I (CMeJr ..lNt ~ I a I. NBIGLW MNOACID.usnc a Ii. UNCNOVtW a .. ......110 CUMIHr a... OTHER ..... 100II_ Dl'Te INSTAW!D , 440 {FoI1IICaI UN ody 4It CMIAIIU MoTecnoN !QUR4I!NT: Y!AA INITAUEO . 452 0,. AI.MM a 3. FlU. T1J8I!SHUTOf'FVA&.VI--,"- CJ 2. IAU. PI.OAT . a .. I!XBPT .so TVPt! (tW1OCII1IIf ~ ':'~'~"..:'~...f!t~... ' . ISTIMA TlO OA TlI.AIr uMD ('tI'IIfoiiOfOA Y) o S. MANUAL TAN< OAUOINO (MTOt 0.. VAÐOII ZONI! C] ,f. CJN)UNOWATM o -~ TAMé Vn..o 0.. OTHØ. > '. >, , ' Y. TANK CLOIUItIINPORIlAT1OH I PIIUIANiNT CLOIUIiIIN PLAce '. ... UftMTID auNmTv 01' SUllTAHCI ~ .... TAMe I'UIO WITH MAT aMTIItIÁl' ... C V.. 0.. , , UPCF (7190) S:\CUPAFOAM~cø.ø·WPO I . .. CfTY Of DÂKER$FIELD.~' '-' ""ICI OPINVIRONMÎNTAL SÎRv,. '. 1115 Chttter AVe., iaiktriMld, CA t3301(ie . 2"'71 > . , . ~:¡ " ::;t'£ . IIIT.. rANI( 'M """ - d SYSTEM TYPE VI. ..... CONI11tUC11ON (CIIIciII"...." A80Vf!GAOUNO PIPING UNOEAGROUND PIPING I. PRESSURe 0 2. SUCTION 0 J. OAAVITV 451 ,. PReSSURE CONSTRUCTIONI' !. SINCI.!WALL 03. LIN!OTRfNCH 0.. OTHeR 480 I. SINGU!WAu. , MANUFACTURERIO 2. COUll.! WAlL 0 N. UNICNO'Mf 0 2. 'óÒuiu wÀI.Ì. : í MAMJFACT\JR!R 481 MAHUFACTUÃìR ¡ : 0 I. SARI! STeEL a .. FRP COaIÞÁTa! \W 100.. M!THANOL 0 t; BARE9T!EL :MATEAIALSAHO'O 2. STAINl!SSST!EL a 7. QALVANlZ!DSTæ 02. SrÂlNU!SSSTEEL I CORAOSION : . I PROTECTION ;0 3. PI.AS11C COMPATIIU! WITH CONTENTS 0 N. UNICNOWN 0 3. PI.AST1C COMPATI8Lë WITH CONTENTS :~. Fl8EAGlASS 0 .. Fl!XJ8L! (HOP!) 0 It. OTHER ~ FIBEAGtASS ., :05. mElYNCOATINO 0 t. CATHOOICPROT!CTIDN 484 0 S. s1uLWlCOATING . VI. ..... U!AIC Dl!TECTION (C/I«k'; 111«'" 1 UNOERGAOUND PIPING I PReSSURIZED PIPING (C/I«: ¡ " 111M fI/IIIr): (Y'( EleCTRONIC UNI! LEAl< Df!T!CTOR 3.0 GfIH TEST mItI AUTO PUIoP SHUT OFF FOR LEAK. SYSTEM FAIWRI!. AND SYST!M OIIJ(X)NÆCTICN . AUÐØ.I AND \IISIJAL ALARMS Gt'2. MONTHLy Ø.2 OPH TEST . ÇY3. ANNUAL MEORITY TeST (0. t OPH) CONVEH'/1ONAL SUCTION SYSTEMS: o 5. 0AIl y I/1SUAL MOHITORING OF f'UYINJ 8VSTI!M. TRII!fHAL f'IIINQ INTEGRITY : TEST (0.1 GfIH) . " SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALVES IN øaaw CR)UNQ PIPING): o 7. SELF MONITOAING GRAVITY FLOW: o t. 8IÐHAL INT'EGRfTY TEST (0.1 OPH) II!CONDMILY CON1'AINID ...... PReSSURIZED PIPING (CIIeck " "., fI/IIIr1: . 10. CONTINUOUS T\IR8INE SUMP SENSOR mn1 ,WDIBlE All) VlSUALALMMS AND (ChedlOM) [J .. AUTO PUM» SHUT OFF WHEN A LEN< OCCURS o II. AUTO PUM' SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS. SVST!M FAIUJRE AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION o c. NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF o ft. ~UNI! LEN< DIT!CTOR (UGflHTEST) mItlFLOWSHUT oFF OR o 12. AHHUAL INT'EGRfTY TEST (0.1 OPH) SUCTIONlGRAvnY SYSTEM: o 13. CONTNJOUS SUMP SEN80R . AUDIM.I NG WlUALA&MIo8 IIIIMDIC'I OINEItATOM ONLY (CtrØ........, o 14. CONTNJOUS SUMP seNSOR mDII!4AUTO PUIo4P NOIF. AUDIIU! AND VISUAL ALARMS o 15. AUTOtMTIC UNI! LEAl< Df!T!CTOR (1.0 GfIH TEST) mD:DII FLOW SHUT OFF OR RESTRICTION o 18. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 17. OAR.Y VISUAL CHECK ..' o' 2. SUèTiê:)N' OM. UNKHOWN d ft. OTHER o J. OAAVITY ~' t' '" , . o e. FRP COaIÞATIILE Wlloo.. METHANol tJ"1: ÓÄLvÀÑiìlÓmEl:' ,0 .. FLEXI8LE (HOPe) 0 go. ons [J t.CATHOOICPf(()TECTION. Ok UNKNOWN ,.~'-" ~ .;., ; , A8OVI!~PIPING ~ PIPINÓ (C/I«: ¡..1Itàt ~ . (B' 1. 'dcTAoNíi:: UNÈ LÍ!AK DETECTOA 3.0 0fIH TEST mItlAUTOPUMP,SHUT OFF FOR L.E.A SYSTÐIFAlLURI!. AND SYSTEM ~. AUDIILE AND'/Ì8UÀÎ. ALÀÅMs o 2. MONTHLY Q.2 0,.. TEST a So ANNUAL If1"EORrN TEST, (0.1 GfIH) a 4. DAILY VISUAL CHECK CONVENTIONAL SUCTION S'tSTEM8 (QIØ""" 1JPPI1 : o 5. DAILY VISUAL MONITOAING OF PIPING NÐ PUWING SYSTEM a e. TRIENNIAl INTEGM'Y TEST (0.1 GPH) SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALWS IN BELOW ÒÀOUND PIPING): o 7. SELF MONITORING QRAvrrY FLOW (CMdl"lIIt ¡¡ppIy): o .. DAÌ.Y VISUAL MONITORING a .. BIENNIAL If1"EORrN 1EST (0.1 OPH) .. lfCONDAIàLy CÓNrÀiNID PIPtNo PA£SSUÂIZED PIPING (CMt:1k ""., ¥PIf : to. CONTINUOUS T\JÄ8INE SUfoP SENSOR mIlt AUDl8LEAND VISUAL AlARMS AND (dIeck c ø';, AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN A LEN< OCCURS . . o ... AUTO PUMP ~ OFF FOR LEAKS. SYSTeM FAIlURE AND SYSTaC DISCONtCC ; ~~:o:=~ [j 12. ÅNNUAL ïNTea.arv -rm:·(0.1 GPH) . SUCTIONIGRAVITY SYSTEM: o ,i. ~.;UP SENSOR. AUOIÍI&ÆNGVISUAL ALARMS' IdRGIÜICY OIlJBATOM ONLY (CItect" flit ~ a 1~~'~ _ SI!NšoR mDiïìIAUTO AM' SHUTOFF .AUOI8LEAÌÐ visUN. AI.AAMS ,... o 15. AUTOMATIC litlE LUJc'DeTEciOÁ (3.0 OPH Tl5ST) o ". ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 17. OAIlYV!SUAl"';H1!CK 'A--..P':"" ..~:",..;.",,,,.v _a....."··(· .' ~...:'<'<:~.,. ... . . .' ",. )~.,. ....To... .~.:ir . ~w·,~· '-~';'f:'('t'" -. ". ·<fl.O-<,-·;o·'··"'i"· '~, :~'~~~~~~: \~';:{ ~ . ~ .,J:~,.,...:!":.~ ,..... a 1. FLOAT M!QWIIM'TWIT Mn'SOFP IHIARYALVI a 2. CONTINUOU8 0IIfIINIII!A PM SINIOR . AUOIIU! AND ViiIUAí. AÌ.ÁÅMS a 3. CONTINUOUt OIIPINII!I' PM SENIOR!tItD:I AUTO SHUT OFF FOR OISf'ÐI9f;R.. AUOI8LE AND VISUAL AI.ÀÄMS IX. OWNIRIOPMATOR SIGNATURE. --. to !lie" r ",,~. :~".' .... :..,:;.':~~~~. 't. 0I8PI!HSER CONTAINMENT DATI! INSTALLED - 'r/ I P",,"t NumIMr (Fot IOCM CIM 0IIIy} 473 , """* ~ (Fot...... 0lIl)1 UPCF (7199) '. . 0 4. DAILY VISUAL CHI!CK ~ o s. ml!NCHLlNER/MONrTC.-="::- a .. NONE 471 DATE -¥_ I :-(:;) 0 TIIUt°F~TOR RKE-£ . .,.... '. .,' '\ 4741 "~~~::.=-~ ~ S:\CUPAFORMS\SWRœ.:;j.~ j) - ~,-..... ..-- ".. A.'. -·V·-· . CITY OF BAKERSFIELD _ OFF. OF ENVIRONMlNtAL S"ICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3979.,. ~ UNOERGROUND STORAOETANKS . TANK PAGE l' ,,~, . .... ~ '. 1"Ypt! OF ACTION (J ,. ,." SIT. PPMT . 0 .. AMlHDfO.PeRaMT I C/I«- 0'" ,,.,,, 0IIIy1 o s. CHAHOI 01 woÅMAnoHl P.oe o e, T1!MfIOÃAAŸ Wa.ÒSUAl! o 7. PtlAMAHiHn. y a.oseD ON SlTÍI! o I. TANi< À!MCMO .- o 3. AiNewA'- Pw.trr (~_ ·IIN IOCM.,.. 0fIIy1 8USlNESS ~ (SIme.'ACIUTY NAMI 01 CIA· CoInt...... All . , ~~r/ß~~ , ~OCA TIOM wm.1N SIT1I (Q IeIDMO CvN~r£ ",{,A/ .' M-W ~~A/,e: ($p«iy.,.. ·IIN IOCM.,.. 0IIIy , I MClJTYG. D1IIIJIillJ = I TYPE OF TN« I (CMdI_......CIIIf)I i I TANK M4TÐUAL· ~... ŒJ1:"' IWÌ! ST!I!L I (CMcIr - ..", CIIIf)I 0 2.. S1'AN.US ST!EL I TANK M4T£A1Al. --*'Y'" a 1. IMI! ST!EL , (CMdI_ .... CIIIf)I 0 2. S1'ANJ!SI ST!EL I:B"1. ..... WALL o 2. DCIUIL8 WALL , TANK 10' , ~tI: I QATel ( I ~~~ ACOI1'IOfW. 0UCAP1'10H (t'w 100II ~ CIIIf)I i TAMCUII .. ¡ ~ MOTOAvtHICU M!L I (II memct ....."..... JP , 0 2. HON-I'UI!I. PIr1'ROlIUM I I 0 3. CHEMICAL PRODUCT o .. HAZAAÐOUI WASn (tIaWN IMtI Of) 095. UN<NOWN TANK INT£RIOA L...o OR COAT1NO (CMdI-""'CIIIf)I 5PIlL ANO O\I!AA.L I (CMcIr ~ tN' IØPIy I ISTIMA reo OA TI WT utiD ('tMoGOIOAY) UPCF (1199) L TANK DESCRIPTION J 432 4;J,J COWARnEHrAUZl!Î)TANI( 0 v. . ISiJ"No . .' f -v..... com_ ~ Ø9 for Ud'I CØIIII*t/IIenl . PA./~uJ,J GI . qe 4: /¿) I Ot:Jt:> - . .' . . 43i .. TANK canIIn'I PI!TROL!UM TVPI! a t& MCUM UtUADI!D a 2. LfADED 'fII1b. PNIUI UNLIAœD C] i DIISI!L i'J tc. ...w. UtoI..EAOËD C] .. GASOHOl. CCMDItWe hIlt............... ~,.} .. Os. .w:r FUEL EJ ï. A'MTION N!L o II. OTHER '. .., CAS .["- HIDrIIDuI....... ~ pege} 44: .. TANK CCNI11IUCI'ION a s. IINOU!WALL'MTH EXTI!AIOA ......IN!R C] 4. SNJUWAU.NAYA&A.T o I. 8INou! WALL 'MTH IH'f'ENW.ILAIXIeR S'tSTEM 011. UNIcNOWN 011. O'ÌHÌ!R C] s. 'c:ê:IÑéRê'tê . 0 IS. UNCNOWN o L mo COMPATIIIU! wnCln IETHANOI. C] II. cmø 443 o 3. FIIERŒASS I PtASTIC o . 4. ST!EL a.AD 't"iIFIII!ROtA ÆINFOAŒD PtASTIC o 3. FIIEAGtASII PlASTIC o 4. ITI!EL a.AD WFIIEAOLA8S REINFORCED PI.ASTic (FAP) o 5. c:cNaETI C!tJ: I!fIOX'( UNNQ 0 .. GtAI8 LM«J 0 II. UNICNCMtI o 4. '''!rIQue L...o 0 .. UM.No .. a II. em. o 3. NIIItJLAS8 AIINPaACI!D IUIT1C a... UNOØft'N 44Ì C] .. M'Ai!s8I!!D CURMHT a II. cmø 444 o L mo COMPATI8U! wnCln METHANOl o .. PAP NQH..COARCIOø.e JACKET' o to. COATID~ 0..· uNJCNOWN 011. cmø .us ... DATe NSTALLED 447 ",., ... D4Te INSTAIUD 4411 4SO TYPe {I'ot foal 1M CIIIf)I " _ '.. .., {FMtoca1IMOIIIy . 4It cvøu:u PAoTeCTlON EQUIPf.t!NT: YEAR INSTÁU..EÓ ¡ . 412 0,. AI.AAM 03. FlU TUBe SHUT OFF vA'-YI! _ o Z. IW.I. FlOAT C] .. EXBP1' ",;-Ir ~: . ~:. ~..~~~:~,!;';":~. >:>.",,0: :;~~r~_~~~{'''::' y. ..:.:"':.....:··:·..tre~..;· . øOu.u WÅu. TNIIC OR TNIIC NTH euDi. (CI»cIr_IMtØtllyt: 44 Os. a.wÞL TNIK~(M1'G) 0 t. VI8UA&.(iiNourWALL.INVAlATONLY) . 0.. VAOOIIlON! 0 2. CONTINUOUS IN1'1ASTIT1AL MONITORING 07. OfIOUNDWATI!It C] 3. MAHÜALMoHrToAINa 0.. TÀN< TUTINO . 0 aOTHIR V. TANK CLOÎUIU! iNFORMATION I PlIUWllNTCLOIURlIN PLACI, :.:'" . 4N ~TiD QUAHmY 01 SUllTAHCI ft8rWNNO .... . TAHIC I'IUIO WITH IHIRT M4TIItIAL.1 . ~7 ..... 0 v.. 0 No , S:\CUPAFORMS\SWRC8-8·WPD ~..",' ;; t .. . , ... t, 1Ii"-';,,,- em OF BAKERSFIELD . ~' - ,M;ICI oPlNVIRoNMINTAL SÊÞII, ,'.. ;' " . 1715 C.... Ave.. "k~~í~; è~ 13301 (ÎI . 2wt7t ,..,,,.t'f.,',l,,,,,,)o·:·,,t:~¡':\,,..tT ,'"Ii:. '.; '''~'< _Jit.~<_·. I..., ,_, ,.t" . ", .. ..' .UIT.TNIc'AGr.; PIOÌ _ cI ~ VI. ...... CONI1'ItUC11OH (CIttCt"....., UNOIROROVNI) PIPINQ SYSTEM TYPE 0 t, PRESSuR! 0 2. SUCTION 0 3. OAAVITY 451 0 I. PReSSURÈ CONSTRUCTIONI'O l.~eWALL 03. LIN!DTR!NOf 011. OTHER 480 0 t. SlNGLewAU. . MANUF"CTURER!~ OOU8U!WALL OM. UNI<NCMf¡ 02. OOU8LeWALL : ¡MANUFACTUReR ...t MANUFAèTuReR i :0 t.&W!ST!El 0.. FRPC:OWAT1ILEW1tOmU~TMANOl 0 t. SARESTeEL : MATERIALSANO '0 2. STAINU!SSSTEEL 07. QALVAHlZEDSTm. 02. STAINL!$SmEl I CORROSION ix I PROTECTION ;0 P\-'STICCOMP4T111U!wmtCONTENTS OM. UNI<NOWN 0 3. FUST1CCO~~T~WlTHCONTENT~ , I 4. Ft8I!RGlASS 0 .. FL!XJ8U! HOPe) 0 II. OTMIR 0 4. FiBeRGlASS ..... ". "'" . I I " , :05. STEELWlCOATINO 0 t. CATHOOICPAOTECTIOH ..... 0 $. STEaWlCOATIHG VI. fIllING LÞK Dl!Tl!CT1ON fCI**" lilt IIJ!IITJ \ UNDERGAOUNO PIPING I I PR~URIZED PtPtNO (C/ledl1I lilt 1/fItII'f): er 1. ELEcmoNIC LINE LEAK DET!CTOR 3.0 GfIH TEST mDlAUTO PUYlIHUT OFF FOR lEAl<. SYSTEM FAILURe. AKJ SYSTEM OISCOrMCTtON . AUDØ.II AKJ VISUAL 4 =VUOPHTEST .' c:! 3. ANNUAL INT!OM'Y TEST (0.' OPH) CON\lENTlONAL SUCTION SYSTEMS: o s. OAIL Y VISUAL MONITORINO OF PUMPINØ SYSTEM . TRIENNIAL PI'INO NTEGAI'TY TEST (0. t GPH) I ' SAFE SUCT16N SYSTEMS (NO VALves IN øa.ow QAOUND ~ o 7. SELF MONITOAING GRAVITY FLOW: o t. ØIENNIAL INT!OM'Y TEST (0.1 OPH) SI!CONDARIL V CONrAINI!D JIØIING P'R!SSUAIZEO fIllING (Chtå II '* ~ 10. E' TUR8INE $V" SENSOR mntAUDl8lE NÐVlSlMLN.NWSANO ( -) " " . , L AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN 4 lJ!A ( OCCURS o II. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAI<S. SYSTEM FAILURE NÐ SYSTEM OISCQNNECTION ' o c. NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF o t 1. AtITOMATIC LINE LEAK OETECTOR (3.0 OPH T1!ST) mD1 FlOW SHUT OFF OR ReSTRlCT10N o '2. ANNUAL INT'!OAfTY Tl!ST (0.' OPH) SUCTIONlGRAVITY SYSTÐot o 13. CONTINUOUS SUfoIP SENSOR + AUDllL2AKJ VllUALALAAMS IIIIRGINCY GI!NI!MTOM ONLY (Orect """ o 14. CONT1NUOUS SUfoIP seNSOR mDDLI AUTO PUfoIP SHUT OfF. AUOI8U! AKJ VISUAL ALARMS o '5. AUTOMATIC LINt! U!N( 0ET1!ÇT0A (3.0 GfIH T1!ST) MtIIIII AJ1N SHUT OFF OR ReSTRICTION Ole. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.' (]PH) o 17, OAILYVlSUALCHECI< AfIOVEOAOUNO PIPING o 3. 0AAVfT't \. :1' o 2. SUCTtOÑ o 15. UNKNOWN o II. OTHER o e. FAPÇONP~TIIlE W/~~ METtWQ. -, o 7. G.\lvAÑIZÈÒ mÊl"" : o .. FI.!XØ.I! (HOPe) 0 II. OTHER o ~.' CAntOÖIèPAOrtèTiÒ": o 15. UNKNOWN ", ..~'-'> ~GROUND PIPING PRI!.JSUAIZEO PIPING (C/IedI"""'.,IpIy): ~, [ð'" 1. ~ UNE,LÌAK DE'ÆC:TOÀ 3.0 0fIH TUTmnt.wrO fIUfoItSHuT'QFF:FQR LEAK SVSTÐoI FAILURE. AND SYSTEM 0ISC0NNËëT10H . AUDIIÍU! Nío visUAi. AL.AAMs o 2. MOHrHLV 0.2 OPH TEST o 3. ANNUAL in'EoArTY TIST (0.1 oPH) a 4. ciAa.V~cHEcK c:òNvEHnoHAL SUCTICH SYSTEMS (CItd II tItèt 1iPPÌ1): o 5. OAIL V VISUAL MONn'OAING OF PI'ING AKJ PUfoIPINO SVSTÐoI o e. TRIENNIALINÆGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) , . SAFE SUCTION SVS1'EMS (NO VALves IN Ba.ow GROUND PIPING): o 7. SELF MONrTOAINO GMYITY FWN (CttØ II ØIIt~): o .. ÒALV VISUAL MONITORING o t. 1III!NNW.1NTEGRïrvTE8T(O.t GPH) , " . II!COHIMAILYCONTAiNEÐPIPING PResSuÄIzI!ò PIPiNo (QÌeck" rw, WI1/: 10. CONTINUOUS TUÃIIINE SUMP seNSOR mnt AUOI8l£ AHD VISuAl. AtAAMS ~ (dWICt,;;;:c o L AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN A LEAK OCCURS o It. AUT'Ó PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEN<S. SYSTEM FAILURE NÐ SYSTEM DISCONNECT1C~ o Co NO AUT'Ó PuMP SHUT OFF ~ ÅU'TOMAiïc I.I!AK DETECTOR o 12. ANNUALINreGRnYTEST(O.' GfIH) SUCTIONI'GRAVI1Y SYSTEM: o 11 CONTINUOUS'SUM" SENSOR + AUOI8Le NI) VISUAL A&AAMS Elll!RGINCY GENlRATORI ONLY (Chect II..., wM o 14. êòNTlNUOuS SUW SI!NSoR~AUTO PUW,SHUTOfF +AUDI8LE NllJ VISuN.. ~ 015. AU'TOMATlCUNElEAKDETEC'TOÁ(3.0 GPHTEST) o 1e. ANNUAL INT!GRITY ,TEST (0.1 GPH) o '7. DAlLVVlSUALCHECK o 1. !'LOAT MEawaMTttAT SHUTSOIP IHfAAYALVE o Z. CONTINUOU8 DIII'INSER!WI 8INIOR + AUOI8le AND VIŠuAL AI.AAMs o 3. CONTINUOU8 0Ø'!NSÐt !WISINIOfImItlAUTO!HUT OFF ~ DISPENSÐt· AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ~ DC. OWNIRIOP!RATOR SlGNAtuRI __ 10 1M '*' aI "" IUIcMIId e. ", "/ :;,'.~;~?~' .~ , ") W'/~~ ~-~ ~~..,~~,." ". ,..;~."'t .~1r.1-\l'~i" ' . ~ ,(,,'''~¡;Z¡i-''~...~«'--::'~' ,," . ..(. I J I ¡.J ,,'" ',:'.~ ~,._.~:~~ ì:~"( ("'~'!"-I."':.I;JO,~~." OISPENSt!R CONTAINMENT DATI! INSTAU.!O _ 473 I '"'"'* ~ (For 100II UN 0lIl)1 UPCF (7199) DATE! 41'_ 4~'/tp-o¿; 47' TITLe OF OWNERIOPIRATOR 7~~.. , , 47- '\ 474 I PtnIII ~ DIIe (1'01' IDOI/ IIØ O/II)' ;75 S:\CUPAFORMS\SWRcø-s.WF .' ~ OFF'. g~1J.J~fA~~1r~1! ' 1715 Chest'r Åvi.; êiki:~~. (861) 326-3979 .....- UNDE~GROUNO STORAGE TANKS . INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE One form per tank 'tge _ of --...-.. -_..- .-.-.... .-..----. ..--...---- .-...--- -..... .....-.----------........-.... .----.-. I. FACILITY IDENTIFICATION . BUSINESS Ñ.uIE (S- üF¡éñ.iTY NAMe Of 08A - 00In0~) r:-~.$r~Æ.e.4~ , FAClUTYID'--rrIImLLLD --...--.--..... ._---~ -... - ....... .. ... ...............-......-.... ~' "'0__'___' _. .. _ .. _..._..._ ___..._... .;) --.------.-.- .---.....-.... II. IHSTALLA TlOH ChecJc all th.t apply . o . The Installer has been certftled by the tank and piping manufacturers. o The installatlon has been Inspec-f1Kf and certified by a registered professional engineer. . ~ The Installation has been Ins~ed and approved by the City of Bakersfield OffIce of Environmental Services. o All work listed on the manufacture(s Installation Checklist has been completed. r:i The Installation contractor has been certified or licensed by the Contractors State License Board. o Another method was used as allowed by the City of Bakersfield Offtcè of Environmental Services. Identify method: III. T AHK OWNER/AGENT SIGNATURE .".lNttvlmy~ .------ - --- DATi! _____._..._._. "_'._M~"" . . -. ..-----:¡¡¡- '4- /9-00 ) 7'~~lfZ.r..s .?ßr..e.lV #"(' .JM 4ðS ;;;;:¡ë¡¡i rÃÑKõiÑÑiRI'"'MiÑf----'-- ----. -. . - - .-. .~ , . .-------:¡l¡- f: _:. _....__.............. ..._O.._..____._..________M ._______.. .- ...--.--.. --......... ... . ....- '\ ,_c -"" .. ,City OF BAkE' .,., ÖFFICEõf*;;eN\ìI~ÐNI 1115 êí1iÎ.tír Ävli:' Ii" . , , . .. " j(~"" . ..' (861) 32ê-à~r/O UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANkS .INStALLA 110M CERTIFICATE OF COMÞlIANCE ..-".; , , , One form er t~nk ". _ Of ____..__.._ ._~__. _.w____. .·____4__ ._.___ --..... -..-..-.......------.............- .-...--.-. I. FACILITY IDENTIFICATiON .. 8üšiÑËšiï.w.Æ IS- It ,¡;ëlliTY iW.iõr ceÞI· DoinO ~ Aa)-- ----..-....--.... .---.... -... .. ........ ... .. ... .... ....---.. _.. . F~.$r/bÆ.e4~ 'ACWYID' IT£{IIlUlJ] F' -...--.---. .... .. - .... ..-.... ---...-. '.> > .. --.--.---.-.- .---...-....--- II. INSTALLA110N ChecJr aIIlh.t apply . a The Installer has been certified by the tank and piping manufacture". a The installation has been InspectlKf and certified by a registered professional engineer. r:I The Installation has been InspflCted and approved by the City of BakerSfield Offlce of Environmental Services. o All work listed on the manufacturer's Installation checklist has bëøn completed. ffi The Installation contractor has been certified or licensed by the Contractors State License Board. a Another method was used as allowed by the City of Bakersfield Offtcè of Environmental Services. Identify method: III. TANK OWNER/AGENT StGNÀTÙRE ,I . ¡ I Uf'ðty !hit IN JnIIIrm8IIcIII pIIMded ........ " !rue & ~ " IN cI ~ IInciwIIcIoe ŠÏÕHAñJÁEÕjrfAiiKfiiñiè:!t¡¡¡-/ž----·-.. -. ---- -~"'~VW_ <U rz:rs .::vßrR.(:V ;t:"~ JM DATÍ! ---.---.-. ._.._..~..... ..- .... ..... -.----:¡¡;¡- ¥_ ",,_ CD Tffi.iõiifÑi(~ ?>~~ .-----.... -. ..... .-. , ._._--~ 'r, , \ ' _. ....-...-.... .... ..... -_...._.._--_._.._---_._~ . ---- ---.. .--.- -'--'---' ---. ,... ... . ....- " ,_c ....~ . " ::-tW,"¡ ;,. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS .INštALLA TlON CERTtFICA TE OF cOMPLtANCE One form er tank P-oe _ of -....-..--..---.--. -..----- ..----.-- ._---- -..... ....-..--...-------............. .-..--.-.. I. FACilITY IDENTIFICATiON . BUSINESSÑAME IS- i,FÃëitiTY NAMI! 01 D8A. oœ.o ~ï F~.$ r/5/ê.lE,4~ FACWYIO' 1I£ILIW1J] --...--.--..... .----- - -. .. ........ .. .. .-.... -..--....-... TÑi<Õ . ...--.--.."" ..- ... ....-......---....-... ~' .-.--.--...-.- .---..-....--- II. INST AlLA 110N CMcIc .n th.t tppIy . a The Installer has been certtfted by the tank and piping manufacturers. a The installaUon has been InspøcflKl and certified by a registered professional engineer. M" The InstallaUon has been InspP.Cted and approved by the City of Bakersfield OffIce of EnvIronmental ServIces. a All work listed on the manufacturer's Installation checklIst has been completed. rsi The Installation contractor has been cerUfled or licensed by the eontractors State LIcense Board. a Another method was used as allowed by the, City of Bakersfield Officé of Environmental Services. Identify method: III. TANK OWNER/AGENT SIÓNÀ1ÛRE ~ 0A1ÍI ---.-...-.-. ..-..---... ..- ... . . -. '·---·,teA \ T¿.¿,;9l€.r oS' ;p¿:~ ,,<.JM ~ - /t:¡'-t:)O 4ðS TITL8 () I TÄHië~--'--'----' -. . - - .-. ;;2>A::.ê 6. . ._----~ . \', .-....-..... ..-. -_.__._--_.._.._-------~ . ---- ---.. .--.- -.--..---. --..... - ... . ...- " , 'CIftIIC . C~TY OF BAKSRSFI' OFFICE õ~I!NVÎAONMI'l·i 111~ ch.¡fì~Âv,., Alf'''' ',,,, (861); 32Iiã§~ .....- <:1~~:{+:'\' . ';, UNDERGROUND STORAGI! TANkS . INstALLATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE One form er taf;1k ,.. _ 01 -...-..--..- -.---. -..----- ..__.._~-- ._---- -..... ...----...-----.... .-........ .----.-. I. FACILITY IDENTIFICATION BUSINEšSiwÆ (S- ñ,¡ëll¡;:';¡ ÑÃM! III' 08A. DoIr'II.........ï F~.$ 'T"/5Æ.6.4,.tt::. FACUTY'O'lI£IJILW[1 -----..--.--... .---... - -. .. ....... .. .. .. .... ... .- -..... _.. - ~' --...-.---. _. .. - .. - ..-.... --.......-. :> , ..._.__0__-'-'- .____._.....__~_ 1I.INSTAlLA110N CMck l1li th., apply . o The Installer has been certified by the tank and piping manufacture.... o The Installation has been Inspøcf~ and certified by a registered professional engineer. ri" The Installation has been Inspl.'Cted and approved by the City of Bakér8field OffIce of Environmental Services. o All work listed on the manufacturer's Installation checklist has bëen completed. rsI The InstallatJon contractor has been certJfJed or licensed by the Contractors Statë license Board. o Another method was used as allowed by the City of Bakersfield Officë of Environmental Services. Identify method; III. TANK OWNERlAG~NT SIGNATURE .------ - --- Mfa -.-.-.-. .-...--þ'".. . . - . ..-...,--:¡¡¡- 4 - ~9 -t:Je> 4ð4 ~T.ijjj(õWiiiiÃÕiÑT-_·_·_·_---· -. .-. .-. 7~-s . . ...---""* f; -...--.... .........--.--..---..-..-------þ .------.. '--'- ..--.---. --....,.. .... ....- " ,_c FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES' 2101 "H. Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 ·H· Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DMSJON 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 . ..~.. ~, Y où have been identified as the compliance coordinator for the facility/facilities referenced in the attachment. The penn its to operate this facility/facilities will expire on June 30, 2000. However, in order for this office to renew your pennit, updated fonns A, , B, & C must be filled out and returned prior to the issuance of a new pennit. Please make sure that you are sending the updated fonns which are indicated by. the date 7/99 in the lower left hand comer. Please complete and return to this office by May 15, 2000. Failure to comply, will result in a delay of issuance of your new pennit to operate. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 661-326-3979. ~~7~¿¿ W~ ~ ~~.r~ ~ W~" April 4, 2000 Stewarts Petroleum Mr. Don Dozah 11 East 4th Street Bakersfield, CA 93307 Dear Mr. Dozah: Sincerely, A~ Steve Underwood, Inspector Office of Environmental Services SU/dam attachment -.:If j~ .(.' ¡<.~~ . . . ,Fàcillty Name Address BP Oil 2 Oak Street, Bakersfield, Ca 93304 Del Taco/Mobil 3622 California Ave, Bakersfield, Ca 93309 Fastbreak 4800 White Lane, Bakersfield, Ca 93309 Stuart's Mobil 10119th Street, Bakersfield, Ca 93301 Jim's Mobil 3200 "F" Street, Bakersfield, Ca 93301 Stuarts Mobil 800 34th Street, Bakersfield, Ca 93301