HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION 4/6/1993 --~~-'._- ,_u___. _ / ! e . , ",7 ''"'::',~'''''''''''''''-'1'~-'¿'"",..:.:-:,:.- -"\..;-.:'" """,~"'r~~.''''''·''':··'''''/'''~'''' .' .' ~..,4> ,:+.' ..: ~~:'">';':,-<'-r,i·:'::;:'~:·--' .-.-,.."_..;.,,;.,,:,,,.\}~.,.T~~ ~'~,rO""'''.."Î,'''''' . <~ ,'1; . "V ',1" ,~~ ~, ',.'" ,,~, " .... :' '--"i~'~"' _..--:.I. ,c.,." CI'~ -"-.. \ .~".,-, :,,- ,::.:..; ':;'" ·.:;¡.-"....n ....-';::~ -. ~ ~ ,~~,), -' ~." i~q~ ( · ç) 5018'3 · KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES' DEPARTMENT SERVICE AND COMPLAINT FORM Date.__W/i.3_.__ Tlme,___..__. o Service Re:uest d:tl Complaint CT NO....3..!.___..__. Assigned to:_~-~-~....-----. 'Ag..~-E..6...t~---0- c",~/'3 DlrectlOns._.__!iI.rd.. ("./1 bk_-BL__.__..._____, ~.__~" _________._____.__..____-'-.______ co . <r) .. Reporting Person --------------- Address_.________________.__._______.___ Phone... Property Owner ___________________.:.___________.._ Address_____.:.___________~____..________ Phone. Reasón"for ReqUest....LL:[ C --------------------------------.--..--..----..----.------------.---- , ' ------.-.--..-------------.-----.-....---------.---.-..---------. - ._----- -----------------------.-- ---------- Information ~ Taken by ~ ø' ' . .t~6LPaA.Lf=\ ~~(J4 ~l - ----~f- RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION-,-lJ..Lc..... (f)l..o I ok . +h ~-t ~~ ~A.-' wt-l-ñ . ~::::;'"' ::.... ~~:...,..... "J5.1\:.~~_. Date '+/ q J 4, -~ En'llronmental Health 580 4U3 2029 (Rev.9f( 9) ü____.-"f,__ __,_,__.,__"'~___' ~"-- -------------~- ------ --,---- f' !' ., ~, .- . I d1,4,,Ay .r:.r ,~J Ad ~ ~ e~ ,,¿ ; --'--'_''_'_.."......'___..____..4.__~... ~-~ ~ ~".T'_d'-__-'._- I ~ÃZ, ~~.-./~___ ~~_t:._£..-~-~-:-~1P~~ ---,-- I .---,--. ----~,-~~~ ----~. ----~~~-~~---_._- ----- -4-~._~-~-~~~_.- " ,____.____________,_~~~/-dIt,-~-~~----- ~~~..._~-~~~. .-... 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"'- ,--C I.- í- ,r c:-, LIT/w.o. # _¡;V!~B "" . ~-[) . , "- ENV. HEALTH -HMMP INVESTIGATION RECORD DATE HOURS CODE '.0 " ACTIVITY h I I ' i I \ I 1/:J/n/9'2.1 I Î I t I , I I I I I I I I I I I 0/;) , ¡ , , !~., ~ ~~ V3 1); I W rJJ) ç'1c,,~ I I T¡J¿/(u T.ð {}¡jaiL wi TIAh~ - N ~ z& I In r!Atn ~ JJ".., ~ '. uJ~ chJ 1ÃJ P'6- ~ E uJ ~ ~ t/M 'y ¡ I b?)n'~ ,'nl't',JltfJ,. . ¡We ~ !:.t. w..'~j;; ~;::~ f'r.;l ~~ú I I ¡" I '''''-Å Ý 4' I, -, ¡ . , ; I ¡ 1 i i , .' <f,j. '. AÐDUSS ADD1Œ~iS OF VICLA'1'ICB: ASSESEiOas I PARCEL i C'1' SPECIJ~IS~/TECHBZCZAH: CKItOHOLOGICAL RECOlUJ OF IBVES'rIGA'rIcm 'nMB HRl '.0 NARRA'1'j:vE ~M. I~~ B'L. T L "\ I' --:J V (1) :J . \)J J /f/1( q 3.. l.? w·o. 1- I to CJ;j _S- h.Lct I 0.5 ')-1 i "'1'3 Ii ~ ;!;Url<Þ ~ , J,. - ~- --<; '3 ~ '" J. ~¿;tP.. A:: 1j.,1 J ,!l - N/A-~ (J,? (}Wf b) ~ f , V ' , 08/30/94 11:30 ë¡m -----' - - -- --- ~' ,1 -~¿- ¡ R E eEl p r KERN CO RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY 2700 '1'11' Str<IDøt Së¡kersfield, CA 93301 CASH REGISTER I I I - ine . 1 Customer P.O.# ¡ '104779-IN I I Description 4751 HAZ MATS ~ ..: REF: Wtn By Order Date CSR I 08/30/94 I WORK ORDERS MW0001 EM 50183: 6/1 - 6/24/94 3 CK 421S0852/P G & E CO , , ~l4" THANK YOU! , . ---'-'- - - '- ,- á~ .,/ Invoice Nbr. Type of Ordær PACIFIC GAS & ELEC CO Shi p Oats I Vi a 08/30/94 120-PGE1 I Quantity 1 Price Unit 12.80 E Order Total Amount Duø Payment Made By Check .' '-.:' ,cl~. 0. >", ,i Io)@@œ @œ~®n~~p" I I I Disc P'AGrE 1 1 128301 I I I W I I I I I I I Terms I NT I Total 12.80 12.80 12.80 12.80 e .'; ,, .' . ~ .f.... :..,,~ :' ~:, \ ~ - - ecology and environment, inc. fÆ fÆ © ~ II WfÆFlY JUL f 0 1989 ' L0 717 W. TEMPLE ST., LOS ANGELES, CA 90012, TEL. 213-481-3870 International Specialists in the Environment , TO: FROM: Date: SUBJECT: EPA ID#: PAN #: THROUGH: Copy: INTRODUCTION ENVIRONMENTAL HeALTH MEMORANDUM Paul La Courreye, EPA Region IX Site Screening Coordinator Robert Wise, Ecology and Environment, Inc. March 17, 1989 Reevaluation of the Preliminary Assessment of Pacific Gas and Electric Bakersfield Service Center, 4101 Wible Road, Bakersfield, California, Kern County, dated August 6, 1980 CAD980816359 FCA0874PAA Christine Houston, Ecology and Environment, Inc. ~~ FIT Mas ter File Chris Lichens, Ecology and Environment, Inc. Don Plain, California Department of Health Services, Sacramento William Pfister, Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, Fresno Richard Casa Grande, Kern County Environmental Health, Bakersfield Ralph Huey, Bakersfield Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Unit, Bakersfield Under Technical Directive Document number F9-8809-079, Ecology and Environment, Inc.'sField Investigation Team (FIT) has been tasked to reassess all Preliminary Assessments (PAs) in the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) with "active" or "pending" status according to the guidelines established to implement the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA). During the course of this reassessment process, PAs were identified that contained insufficient information to allow for an accurate reassessment. FIT has been subsequently directed reevaluate and upgrade these PAs as needed to ensure that an accurate response determination is made. The strategy for determination of further action under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) is based solely on each site's potential to score high enough on the Hazard F09S e - Ranking System (HRS) for inclusion on the National Priorities List (NPL). This strategy is intended to identify those sites posing the highest relative risk to human health or the environment. All other sites needing remedial or enforcement follow-up will be referred to the States or other appropriate Federal agency. This site was evaluated primarily using the original HRS model. Additionally, this site was also evaluated for its potential to score using the proposed revised HRS model. The following is a summary of FIT's findings with regard to this site. SUMMARY The Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) Bakersfield Service Center is located at 4101 Wible Road, Bakersfield (Kern County), California (1). The Service Center is a maintenance and operations center for PG&E in the Bakersfield area. The PG&E facility consists of an operations/ administration building, several smaller buildings (use unknown), a parking lot for PG&E vehicles, and an outside storage area (as observed by FIT on October 10, 1988). PG&E management was made aware of possible buried PCB capacitors at the Bakersfield facility in mid-1980. A preliminary site investigation was initiated by PG&E at that time which confirmed that PCB capacitors and other construction debris had been placed in a depressed area of the facility grounds. It is believed by PG&E officials that the PCB capacitors found at the Bakersfield Service Center were placed on-site in the late 1960s and/or early 1970s. Subsequently, the site investigation was expanded and appropriate remediation plans were developed. Site investigation and remediation activities included soil sampling and analyses for site characterization, removal and proper disposal of all PCB articles (895 capacitors, less than nine tons of PCB contaminated oil), removal of associated contaminated soil, placement and compaction of clean backfill in excavated areas, and installation of a soil cement and asphaltic concrete cap over the entire facility. The site remediation was completed in May 1985. All PCB site investigation and remediation activities at the Bakersfield Service Center were performed under the direction of and with the concurrence of the California Department of Health Services (DOHS) (2). PCB contaminated soils have been removed from the site, which was then backfilled and capped with asphaltic concrete, precluding the possibility for documenting an observed release to air attributable to PG&E. The nearest surface water is a tributary to the Farmers Canal found 3000 feet south of the site. The Farmers Canal is an agricultural delivery canal connected to a series of canals that services the South Bakersfield area with irrigation water. These canals serve over 10,000 acres (exact figure unknown). The slope of the facility and intervening terrain is less than three percent (3). The one-year, 24-hour rainfall is less than one inch (4). No sensitive environments exist within a four-mile radius F09S . . of the site. The closest well to the site is within a quarter mile of PG&E. This well is a municipal well owned by the California Water Service Company. Water from this well is blended and serves over 10,000 people. The depth to this aquifer is greater than 150 feet below surface level. The unsaturated zone consists mainly of clays with intervening layers of sand (5). A Preliminary Assessment completed by EPA on August 6, 1980 recommended a high priority Site Inspection based on the presence of PCBs. FIT does \not concur. A preliminary HRS screening estimate of PG&E indicates that it will probably not qualify for inclusion on the NPL based on the following HRS factors: (1) depth to the aquifer of concern (greater than 150 feet); (2) low net precipitation (less than one inch); (3) low permeability of the unsaturated zone (clays); (4) low waste quantity (less than nine tons); (5) low potential for release to surface water (the slope of the facility and the intervening terrain is less than three percent); (6) no sensitive environments exist within a four-mile radius of the site; and (7) low potential for an observed release of hazardous materials to air because the PCB contaminated soils have been removed and the site was capped with asphaltic concrete. CONCLUSIONS Based on the following factors, the Pacific Gas and Electric Bakersfield Service Center does not appear to be eligible for inclusion on the National Priorities List: o depth to the aquifer of concern (greater than 150 feet); o low net precipitation (less than one inch); o low permeability of the unsaturated zone (clays); o low quantity of waste (less than nine tons); o low potential for release to surface water (the slope of the facility and the intervening terrain is less than three percent); o no sensitive environments exist within a four-mile radius of the site; and o PCB contaminated soils have been removed from the site, which was then backfilled and capped with asphaltic concrete, precluding the possibility for documenting an observed release to air attributable to Pacific Gas and Electric. F095 e . EPA RECOMMENDATION Ini tial Date No Further Action Under CERCLA r ~ /~;j/tf'1 I / High-Priority 55I Medium-Priority 55I '/)0 ~ ~~ ~~ Ô;-/?(!é# ~ ~~~ a:;r-~~~ ~ a·~5(c£</ " !! F09S · e References: 1) USGS 7.5 minute Quadrangle, Gosford, California 2) Letters to Robert Wise, Ecology and Environment, Inc., from Roger Anderson, December 7, 1988. 3) Conversation between Mark Dawson, Kern Public Works, Flood Control and Rob Wise, Ecology and Environment, Inc., October 31, 1989. 4) Rainfall Frequency Atlas of the United States, Technical Paper No. 40, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1983. 5) Conversation with Edward Wegmer, California Water Service Co. and Robert Wise, Ecology and Environment, Inc. January 1988. I I. I I F095 .- - ENVIRONMb..'AL HEALTH SERVIGèS DEPARTMENT \ STEVE McCALLEY. R.E.H.S. DIRECTOR 11111"""", "" , '\ ' () /:, :---- \\\\~~~~~\~ ~'':--:.~~:/,~ ~:-!~)~§ 'J':~.~~~.._~ ~~>}~t~~}l ':.--- )/:, (::\ \ """ -"""""'1 2700 -M- Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 881-3638 (805) 881-3429 FAX Dennis White Pacific Gas & Electric Company Kern Division 1918 "H' Street Bakersfiel~ CA 93301 October 31, 1994 SUBJECf: CIASS V SHALLOW INJECfION WELL LOCATED AT P G & E BAKERSFIELD SERVICE CENTER, 4101 WIBLE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA Dear Mr. White: This letter confirms the completion of site investigation at the above location. With the provision that the information provided to this agency was accurate and representative of existing conditions, it is the position of this office that no further action is required at this time. Please be advised that this letter does not relieve you of any liability under the Code of Federal Regulations or Water Code for past, present, or future operations at the site. Further, it does not relieve you of the responsibility to clean up existing, additional, or previously unidentified conditions at the site which cause or threaten to cause pollution or nuisance or otherwise pose a threat to water quality or public health. Additionally, be advised that changes in the present or proposed use of the site may require further site characterization and mitigation activity. It is your responsibility to notify this agency of any changes in report content, future contamination findings, or site usage. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Dolores Gough at (805) 861-3636. DG:cas cc: Twining, Laboratories, Inc.rUS EPA \doIores".t.1uDS8 Sincerely, Stevde MCCalle/J ~ctor ~~ By: oe Cañas, R.E.H.S. Program Supervisor Hazardous Materials Management Program I ..THE , '" !B~~~~' ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY . ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ,GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING' DRILLING SERVICES CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION & MATERIALS TESTING TRANSMITT AL LETTER DATE: JOB NO: RE: October 27, 1994 TL 393-0161-04a Bakersfield Service center TO Kern county Environmental Health 2700 M street, suite 300 Bakersfield, california 93321 ATTN: Ms. Dolores Gough WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] Attached [ ] Under separate cover via the following items: [ ] Drawings [ ] Specifications [ ] Plans [ ] Samples [ ] Copy of letter [ ] invoices [ ] Brochures [X] Copy of Report COPIES DATE NO, DESCRIYfION 1 10-26-94 1 Report of Abandonment of Class V Shallow Injection Well THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For approval [ ] A pproved as submitted [X] For your use [ ] Approved as noted [ ] As r~uested [ ] Returned for corrections [ ] For review and comment [ ] Resubmit_copies for approval [ ] Submit_copies for distribution [ ] For Signature REMARKS C c: C Ile",-t SIGNED' /14P- Walt P chta If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notity us at once· CORPORATE OFFICE: 2527 Fresno Street Fresno, CA 93721 (209) 268-7021 . Fax 268-7126 Chemistry Fax 268-0740 MODESTO 4230 Kiernan Ave, Suite 105 Modesto, CA 95356 (209) 545·1050 Fax 545-1147 VISALlA 2521 E, Valley Oaks Drive Visalia, CA 93292 (209) 625-1712 Fax 625-1714 BAKERSFIELD 3701 Pegasus Drive, Suite 124 Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 393-5088 Fax 393-4643 _JlTHE · . ,., !M~~~' ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY' ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING . DRILLING SERVICES CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION & MATERIALS TESTING October 26, 1994 TL 393-0161-04a Mr. Dennis White Pacific Gas and Electric Company Kern Division 1918 H Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Re: Report of Abandonment of Class V Shallow Injection Well Bakersfield Service Center Dear Mr. White: The Twining Laboratories, Inc. (Twining) has prepared this report of abandonment of the Class V Shallow Injection Well at the Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) Bakersfield Service Center, at your request. The abandonment was performed under PG&E Job Order number 036436. This report includes a project background and a description of the abandonment procedures. ' BACKGROUND The site is in the southeast quarter of Section 14, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, Mount Diablo Baseline and Meridian. The site is currently occupied by the PG&E Bakersfield Service Center (Drawing 1). According to the United States Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation (1993), grOundwater in the area of the site was at a depth of approximately 190 feet in the spring of 1993 and flows generally to the east (U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1993). A vehicle wash rack is located on the eastern edge of the vehicle maintenance building (Drawing 2). Prior to 1993, rinseate from the wash rack was collected in a drain and then piped through an oil/water separator into three dry wells. The dry wells are reportedly 10 to 15 feet deep. In 1993, PG&E installed a closed rinse ate recovery system that collects rinseate for recycling. Piping to the dry wells was disconnected at that time. In April 1993, The Kern County Environmental Health Services Department (KCEHSD) requested that PG&E perform a preliminary investigation of the former rinseate disposal system with the goal of closing the system according to United States EnVironmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) guidelines. Twining conducted a site reconnaissance on CORPORATE OFFICE: 2527 Fresno Street Fresno, CA 93721 (209\ 268-7021 . Fax 268-7126 MODESTO 4230 Kiernan Ave. Suite 105 Modesto, CA 95356 1209\ 545-1050 VlSALlA 2521 E. Valley Oaks Drive Visalia, CA 93292 (209\ 625-1712 BAKERSFIELD 3701 Pegasus Drive, Suite 124 Bakersfield,'CA 93308 1805\ 393-5088 , - -- , Thom~n ~... ... ~ -. ;. t' High Sch ~. . .':~~ -- ./ ~,~ '. ">. .,.., ...--... 37 '. ~ø ,t! ),..." ;/." . : ::::: :.:1:::: :: :. I; ~~ ~~. .,.. .i.~..... ", ,¡ '0 ~ ..,... ..... -- -",---- - --, ,.-.,'.. , : ) ,~.:,' _;~:' .-;---:;IHAR~f~ ~!¡ RD __/ ~i ~_ ._ .,<-', . '----.11 .1 . .jl ~ ~ ' <~"-1.1 ..J.~.L r¡ ~// . ~~~ ......~.:::..:.. ... .:. · t:\ - 1t:2 . \\'ible Orchlrd . · 1- . -.".."- ::=" ; '.k- . :: ./ ':>.01",\ G~'e(>~~Jd . 111.: : ,~r High Sch - -".1';;0 Fairview Sch. . . (Abon"d) L. : AIRVI£W 3~ 19 ROAO 'oJO' ¡-: ..".r;=L~,!~' ~ ' : h " i r ¡:,! , ,;.,~ / --. U¡ , ¡ ! , ; . .. i , PANAMA =~ï i . . Î, \... ' " "", ,___l SOURCE: UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEY, GOSFORD QUADRANGLE, 1973 Trailer Pa'rk .. I HORTH 20100 APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET SITE LOCATION MAP PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC BAKERSFIELD SERVICE CENTER 4101 WIBLE ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FILE NO,: 39301613 DRAWN BY CMS PROJECT NO, 393-0161 -03 DRAWING NO, 1 DATE: 1-26-94 APPROVED BY: '\ \ TH[ TWIIIIIIG LABORATORIES, INC. fRESNO/MOOESTO~SAUA/BAKERSRELD I' I I " WlH!ffTE LANE L/ OIL/WATER VEHICLE SEPARATOR MAINTENANCE GARAGE -a . B-1 COLLECTION 6 DRAIN DIVERTER 0 DRY WELL .. 40 ~ NORTH BORING LOCA nON I . APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET SOIL BORING LOCA nON FILE NO,: DATE: lf7~!~~~t! PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC 39301613 1-26-94 BAKERSFIELD SERVICE CENTER DRAWN BY: APPROVED BY: Vf' , 4101 WIBLE ROAD CMS BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO, '1'n'7 "..r... n'7 - - ,e te " Pacific Gas and Electric Company October 26, 1994 TLP 393-0161-04a Page 2 August 5, 1993 and samples of the liquid and sludge present in the oil-water separator were collected in the presence of a KCEHSD representative. The water sample appeared to have a slight petroleum odor and visible sheen. The samples were chemically analyzed for constituents specified by Mr. Terry Gray of the KCEHSD. The analytical methods and results are summarized in Tables 1 and 2. Table 1 Summary of Analytical Methods and Results Liquid Samole .".",'....,......".. .,..'"..............., ..,..."............... .,..,.................. UiSJlEPX) ,:::/Mdh&J..i::· ........,."..""..,........ ,'....,..""""".""...., Volatile Halocart>ons 601 ugfL ND Volatile Aromatics 602 ugfL Toluene 1.7 Xylenes 0.6 TPH-G GC/FID ugfL ND Methyl ethyl Ketone 80lS ugfL ND Methyl isobutyl Ketone 8015 ugfL ND TPH-D GC-FID ugfL 1040 TRPH 418.1 mgfL 125 0.5-3.0 0.5 0.5 40 0.5 0.5 80 10 ND MDL GC/FID ugfL TPH-G TPH-D TRPH None detected Method detection limit. Gas chromatography/flame ionization detector = Micrograms per liter = Total petroleum hydrocarbons-gasoline range = Total petroleum hydrocarbons-<liesel range = Total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons Note: Constituents not listed were none detected " ! e - 'I Pacific Gas cuu:l Electric Company October 26, 1994 TLP 393-0161-04a Page 3 Table 2 Summary of Analytical Methods and Results SIud2e Sample ,..,..,......",..."..",....." ""......'" . 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Poly-chlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) 8080 mg/kg mgfL mgfL ,mgfL mgfL mgfL mgfL mg/L mgfL ,mg/L mgfL mgfL mgfL mgfl mg/L mg/L mgfL mgfL ND 1.0 Antimony Arsenic 7041 7060 0.008 0.005 0.002 0.054 Barium 6010 1.27 0.005 Beryllium 6010 0.002 0.001 Cadmium 6010 0.03 0.01 Q11'omium 6010 0.16 0.01 '0.05 Cobalt 6010 0.06 Copper 6010 0.37 0.05 Lead 7420 0.33 ,0.05 Mercury 7470 ND 0.0002 ~olybdenum Nickel, 6010 6010 ND 0.14 0.2 0.05 Selenium 7741 0.009 0.003 Silver 7760 ND 0.02 Thallium 7841 ND 0.005 Vanadium 6010 0.23 0.05 Zinc 6010 1.32 0.05 ND None detected MDL Method detection limit mgflcg Milligrams per kilogram mg/L Milligrams per liter Based on ~a1ytica1 results of the liquid and sludge samples, the KCEHSD requested in a letter dated October 1, 1993, that PG&E submit a site characterization 'work plan for assessing the soil surrounding the shallow injection well system. Twining prepared the work plan (Twining, 1993b) and proposed drilling one soil boring near e Ie Pacific Gas and Electric Company October 26, 1994 TLP 393-0161-04a Page 4 one of the dry wells. The KCEHSD approved the work plan with the condition that the samples were to be analyzed for total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons (TRPH) instead of total petroleum hydrocarbons-diesel range (TPH-D) and with the understanding that additional work may be required. In December"1993 Twining drilled and sampled one boring (B-1) approximately three feet east of the eastern most dry well (Drawing 2). The location was approved in the field by the KCEHSD on-site representative. Soil boring B-1 was drilled to a depth of approximately 25 feet below surface grade (BSG). Soil samples were collected at 5-foot intervals, beginning at a depth of 5 feet BSG. Soil samples were examined for visual evidence of petroleum hydrocarbons, and screened for evidence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), using a photoionization detector (Pill). Soil samples from B-1 were analyzed by Twining for TRPH using U.S. EPA Method 418.1 (U.S. EPA, 1984). Soil sample analytical results are summarized on Table 3. The laboratory analytical report and chain-of-custody documents are presented in Appendix C. Table 3 Summary of Soil Samole Analytical Results Borin~ B-1. December 13. 1993 ittrtttttrrft - ',',',','.'.'.'.'.'..,',','.....',','.'....,',','.....',',',','.','.'.'..,'..,'.'.',',',',',','.'...'.....'.',','.',...,'....,.,.,'......",. ..',','.'....,..........'.',......',.,......'.',.,.,......',',','...'.........'.'.'.',',',.,.,.,...,.,......'..,...,..'..........,',.,...,'.. i,~,:I!:::.II!II!!:: ~::¡:::::::::¡I::I:I::¡:¡:¡:¡:¡:¡:¡:¡:¡I:¡:¡::#.ª¡¡ª:¡:::¡:~:¡;:¡:¡¡¡:¡:¡:¡:¡;:¡:¡:¡:¡:I¡:¡:¡I:¡¡¡:::~ ,::¡:¡:¡¡¡:¡::::::¡:¡¡¡:¡:¡¡:~¡::::¡:¡::::¡III!::§_::::¡¡¡:¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡:¡::¡¡¡¡¡::¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡:¡¡:¡¡ .......",..",,'........ ,.....,.,...,."",.,.., ,....,....,."",,'..... 8-1 4.5 · 5.0 ND 8-1 9.5 · 10.0 ND 8-1 14.5 · 15.0 ND 8-2 19.5 · 20.0 140 8-2 24.5 · 25.0 ND MDL 10 mgfkg = milligrams per kilogram TRPH = total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons ND = none detected above detection limit MDL = Method detection limit On the basis of the above results, soils in the vicinity of the dry wells have detectable concentrations of PPCs. Only one sample contained a detectable concentrations of TRPH, however, analysis of the sample collected .5 feet below it was none detected. On the basis e Ie Pacific Gas and Electric Company October 26, 1994 TLP 393-0161-04a Page 5 of the exploratory field investigatio~. and the laboratory analytical results, Twining concluded soils in the vicinity of the Class V shallow injection well have been impacted by petroleum product constituents. However, because the bottom sample (24.5 feet BSG) was none detected and groundwater is reported to be approximately 190 feet BSG, the petroleum hydrocarbons detected do not appear to be a threat to groundwater quality. In a letter dated February 17, 1994, the KCEHSD stated that based on the analytical results from B-1, "no remediation or additional sampling is needed for the shallow injection system area at this site." The letter also stated that the system could be removed or cleaned and abandoned in place.' Twining's prepared a "Work plan for Abandonment of Class V Shallow Injection Well, Bakersfield Service Center," dated August 4, 1994. The proposed scope of work was based on the requirements included in the KCDEHS "Closure of Shallow Disposal Wells",(SDW- 110), undated, and on discussionS with Ms. Dolores Gough of the KCEHSD. The KCEHSD approved the work plan on August 22, 1994. DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM ABANDONMENT I I Twining performed the disposal well system abandonment on September 29, 1994. Ms. Lydia Von Sydow of the KCEHSD was onsite throughout'the abandonment procedures. With Ms. Von Sydow's approval the following scope of work was' implemented: I I · The remaining liquid and sludge was removed from the system. PG&E stored the material on site for later disposal in accordance with applicable Federal, State, and löcal guidelines; · The remaining system piping and diverter boxes were steam-cleaned; · The sumps and oillwater separators were filled with a 6 sack sandi cement slurry; · The three drywells were filled from the bottom rip with a 6 sack sandi cement slurry; and I: · The system piping between the last diverter box and drywells was capped. I CERTIFICATION I (Clay L Rodgers, RG, CEG) certify under penalty of law that this docume.nt and attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the persons directly responsible for gathering e e Pacific Gas and Electric Company October 26, 1994 TLP 393-0161-04a Page 6 information, I certify that the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, ,true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. LIMITATIONS Work performed by Twining is for the sole use of the client and appropriate regulatory agencies. Any reliance on Twining's work by a third party will at that third party's sole risk. There are no third-party beneficiaries to this agreement between the client and Twining and no third-party shall be entitled to rely upon any work performed or reports prepared by Twining hereunder for any purpose whatsoever. Twining is unable to predict events that may change the site conditions after its professional services are performed. Therefore, Twining assumes no responsibility for conditions it was not authorized to evaluate, or conditions it was not generally recognized as predictable when services were performed. Twining's professional services were performed, findings obtained, and conclusions prepared consistent with generally-accepted engineering principles and practices in Kern County at the time the work was performed. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, either expressed or implied. CLOSING Twining appreciates the opportunity to provide this proposal to PO&E. Please contact us if you have any questions. Respectfully submitted, I I' THE lWINING LABORATORIES, INC. Environmental Services Division ~~ ~1ect Man~"~ I-,~' Clay Rodgers, RO, CEO Division Manager WP:CLR \mg ENVIRONM_'TAL HEALTH SERVIL \ DEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY. R.E.H.S. DIRECTOR 2700 -M- Street. Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 FAX Mr. Dennis White Pacific Gas and Electric Company Kern Division 1918 "H" Street Bakersfield, California 93301 August 22, 1994 SUBJECf: Qass V Shallow Injection Well Abandonment Workplan, PG & E, 4101 Wible Road, Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. White: The subject workplan prepared by The Twining Laboratories, Inc., has been reviewed. The plan is acceptable to this Department and must be implemented within 30 days from the date of this letter. Please inform this office at least 48 hours prior to beginning field activities. If you have any questions regarding this matter, I can be reached at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director Dol err '¿':t {re /.,"!iI'1 u By: Dolores Gough Hazardous Materials Specialist II Hazardous Materials Management !>rogram DG:cas cc: Twining Laboratories \gough\pg&e4.uic CCO[Plf . THE ( ,., !M~~~~ ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY . ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING' DRILLING SERVICES CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION & MATERIALS TESTING LEITER OF TRANSMITTAL Ms. Dolores Gough Kern County Environmental 2700 M Street Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93321 DATE 8/9/94 JOB NO. TL 393-0161-04 TO WE ARE SENDING YOU X Attached Under Separate cover via the following items: Drawings Copy of Letter Brochures Specifications Invoices Plans X Work Plan Samples Copy of Report ,-- , , , .. .. .CÓPIES· 1 8/4/94 1 Work Plan for Abandonment of class V Shallow Injection Well TIIESE ARE TRANSMlTfED as checked below: , '-For Approval X :ror your use ,-,,/ As requested For Review and Comment Approved as submitted Approved as noted Return for corrections Resubmit _copies for approval Submit_copies for distribution For Signature REMARKS COPY TO gGNID"I1t#ß4 Walt Plaëhta If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. I, CORPORATE OFFICE: 2527 Fresno Street Fresno, CA 93721 (209) 268-7021 . Fax 268·7126 Chemistry Fax 268-0740 MODESTO 4230 Kiernan Ave, Suite 105 Modesto, CA 95356 (209) 545-1050 Fax 545-1147 VISALlA 2521 E, Valley Oaks Drive Visalia, CA 93292 (209) 625-1712 Fax 625-1714 BAKERSFIELD 3701 Pegasus Drive, Suite 124 Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 393-5088 Fax 393-4643 e (-e Pacific Gas and Electric Company August 4, 1994 TLP 393-0161-04 Page 2 In April 1993, The Kern County Environmental Health Services Department (KCEHSD) requested that PG&E perform a preliminary investigation of the former rinseate disposal system with the goal of closure of the system according to United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EP A) guidelines. Twining conducted a site reconnaissance on' August 5, 1993 and samples of the liquid and sludge present in the oil-water separator were collected in the presence of a KCEHSD representative. The water sample appeared to have a slight petroleum odor and visible sheen. The samples were chemically analyzed for constituents specified by Mr. Terry Gray of the KCEHSD. The analytical methods and results are summarized in Tables 1 and 2. Table 1 Summary of Analytical Methods and Results Liquid Sample 1><<:öIIŠtit\lc:lltHHI Í!1'~¥~~IHÜIli~li '~ntl'ati&<>I"MriLI Volatile Halocarbons 601 ug/L ND Volatile Aromatics 602 ug/L Toluene 1.7 Xylenes 0,6 TPH-G GC/FID ug/L ND Methyl ethyl Ketone 8015 ug/L ND Methyl isobutyl Ketone 8015 ug/L ND TPH-D GC-FID ug/L 1040 TRPH 418.1 mg/L 125 ND = None detected MDL = Method detection limit. Note: Constituents not listed were none detected 0.5-3,0 0.5 0.5 40 0.5 0.5 80 10 I I - I, e Pacific Gas mid Electric Company August 4, 1994 TLP 393-0161-04 Page 5 On the basis of the above results, soils in the vicinity of the dry wells have detectable concentrations of PPCs. Only one sample contained measurable TRPH, however, and the analytical results for the sample collected 5 feet below it was none detected. On the basis of the exploratory field investigation, and the laboratory analytical results, Twining concluded soils in the vicinity of the Class V shallow injection well have been impacted by PPC's. However, because the bottom sample (24.5 feet BSG) was none detected and groundwater is reported to be approximately 190 feet BSG, the petroleum hydrocarbons detected do not appear to be a threat to groundwater quality. In a letter dated February 17, 1994, the KCEHSD stated that based on the analytical results from B-1, "no remediation or additional sampling is needed for the shallow injection system area at this site." The letter also stated that the system could be removed or cleaned and abandoned in place. PROPOSED SCOPE OF WORK Twining's proposed scope of work is based on the requirements included in the KCDEHS "Closure of Shallow Disposal Wells",(SDW-lOO), undated and on discussions with Ms. Dolores Gough of the KCEHSD. The proposed scope of work includes the following tasks: · Removal of remaining liquid and sludge in the system. PG&E will dispose of the material in accordance with applicable Federal" State, and local guidelines; · Steam-cleaning of the remaining system piping; · Capping of the system piping between the collection sump and oil/water separator and between the diverter sump and drywells; · Filling of the sumps and oil/water separators with sandi cement slurry; · Filling the three drywells from the bottom up with sandi cement slurry; · Preparation of a report of abandonment for submittal to the KCEHSD. I; ~ I' r. e Pacmc Gas and Electric Colßpany Kern Division 1918 H Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 805/321·4400 ,¡UN ""Ci " ' June 17, 1994 Ms. Dolores Gough Environmental Health Services Dept. 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Ms. Gough: This is in response to your letter dated June 14, 1994 regarding the closure of the shallow injection well system located at 4101 Wible Road, Bakersfield. We have recently received a proposal from Twining Laboratories for the abandonment of this system and have awarded the project to them. Twining will submit to you a scope of work proposal for your review and comment. Once , your concurrence has been received we will proceed with abandonment. We appreciate your assistance in this matter and if you should have any questions please direct them to me. I can be reached at (805) 398-5940. , Sincerely, r ,\,.,,~) /l ;, ' /~ ,,-' '1< ,_":;.:::;\ IJLL "-"-<..:d· :'(_ t\-- Lc- , "'-, Dencis R. White Building/Environmental Supervisor DRW:cc e e ENVIRONMt:NTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. DIRECTOR 2700 "M" Street. Suite 300 Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 FAX June 14, 1994 Mr. Dennis White Pacific Gas & Electric Company Kern Division 1918 "H" Street Bakersfield, California 93301 SUBJECT: Gass V Shallow Injection Well at PG&E, 4101 Wible Road, Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. White: The purpose of this letter is to determine the status of the remaining work necessary to close the shallow injection well system at the subject site. In our February 17, 1994, correspondence, we indicated that a closure letter would be issued after the well system has been properly abandoned. To date, we have not received notification that this work has been completed. Please inform this office as to the status of this project as soon as possible. If you have any questions regarding this matter, I can be reached at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director By: VollJ'íw 6tJ ~,h Dolores Gough Hazardous Materials Specialist II Hazardous Materials Management Program DG:ch gough\pg&e4.uic 'STATE OF CALIFORNIA - Envir~nmental prol_,n Agency CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD CENTRAL VALLEY REGION 3614 East Ashlan Avenue Fresno, CA 93726 PHONE: (209) 445-5116 FAX: (209) 445-5910 4Þ PETE WILSON, Governor ¡¡ 8 April 1994 CERTIFIED MAIL P 845 112 023 SHELL OIL COMPANY c/o CT Corporation System 818 West Seventh Street Los Angeles, CA 900 17 CERTIFIED MAIL P 845 112026 SHELL WESTERN E&P INC., c/o Prentice-Hall Corporation System, Inc. 5670 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 750 Los Angeles, CA 90036 CERTIFŒD MAIL P 845 112 024 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY c/o Ms. Virginia A. Robinson 555 West 5th Street Los Angeles, CA 90013 CERTIFIED MAIL P 845 112 027 McFARLAND ENERGY, INC. c/o Mr. Lawrence M. Hirst 10425 South Painter Ave. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 CERTIFIED MAIL P 845 112 025 , KOCH INDUSTRIES, INC. c/o CT Corporation System 818 West Seventh Street Los Angeles, CA 90017 CERTIFIED MAIL P 845 112 028 'I~,4\@mJc.hGÅS;'&:ªEC'];RJC,CØMBANY "!T~~i:A\~"~~~'f~~~¡;~,,;;.~'ti~-('ho.b.~:~.~...;~~~~~.i~:,}7";~~!ì·~;¡þt.-\.'.~ ~.:" ..,,- . ' c/o Ms. Leslie H.Everett - ' , ' 77 Beale Street, 32 Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 CLEANUP AND ABATEMENT ORDER, TEN SECTION OIL FIELD, KERN COUNTY Various discharges from petroleum operations at the subject site have caused contaminants to exist in soils that threaten to pollute waters of the State. The enclosed Cleanup and Abatement Order requires the conduct of geotechnical work and the, preparation and submission of technical reports in accordance with specified time schedules. , I I I' e e CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD CENTRAL VALLEY REGION CLEANUP AND ABATEMENT ORDER NO. 94-701 FOR SHELL OIL COMPANY SHELL WESTERN E & P INC. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY McFARLAND ENERGY, INC. KOCH INDUSTRIES, INC. TEN SECTION OIL FIELD KERN COUNTY The California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region, (hereafter Board) finds that: 1. The subject property is located south of Panama Lane in Kern County in the southwest quarter of Section 29, T.30S., R.26E., M.D.B. and M., Ten Section Oil Field. 2. Shell Oil Company owned and operated a 160 acre parcel used for oil and gas production between 1936 and 1978. 3. Shell Western E & P Inc. owned the surface rights to the property and operated a tank farm facility on the property between 1978 a.'ld 1991. 4. Southern California Gas Company (SCGC), through Pacific Lighting Service Company, its predecessor in interest, purchased the oil and gas interests at the subject site in 1978. In 1979, the company entered into an agreement with Pacific Gas & Electric to sell an undivided one- half interest of its rights and manage, develop, and operate the site. SCGC then operated the subsurface resources and a portion of the surface facilities at the site until 1984. 5. McFarland Energy, Inc. purchased the oil and gas interests in 1984, and has operated oil wells and an oil production facility on the 160-acre site since 1984. McFarland currently owns the oil and gas interests. 6. Koch Industries, Inc. purchased the surface rights to the property in June 1991, and is the current owner of the surface rights. Koch Industries, Inc. operates a pump station, the tank farm, and a truck unloading facility. 7. The past and present owners and operators at the site named in Findings 2 through 6 are hereafter referred to as Dischargers. ,8. Contaminants exist in soils at the site. Possible sources of these contaminants include the discharge of wastes to unlined surface impoundments, leaking crude oil tanks, crude oil e e CLEANUP AND ABATEMENT ORDER SHELL OIL COMPANY, SHELL WESTERN E & P INC. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY McFARLAND ENERGY, INC., KOCH INDUSTRIES, INC. TEN SECTION OIL FIELD, KERN COUNTY -3- of this state who has discharged, discharges, or is suspected of discharging, or who proposes to discharge, waste outside of its region that could affect the quality of waters within its region shall furnish, under penalty of peIjury, technical or monitoring program reports which the regional board requires. The burden, including costs, of those reports shall bear a reasonable relationship to the need for the report and the benefits to be obtained from the reports. [California Water Code, Section 13267 (b)(1)] 17. Dischargers, as past and current owners and operators of the property, have caused or permitted, cause or permit, or threaten to cause or permit waste to be discharged or deposited where it is, or probably will be, discharged into the waters of the State, creating a condition of pollution or nuisance. 18. Issuance of this Order is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (public Resource Code, Section 21000, et seq.) in accordance with Title 14, CCR, Section 15321 (a)(2). 19. Any person affected adversely by this action of the Board may petition the State Board to review this action. The petition must be received by the State Board within 30 days of the date on which the Board took action. Copies of the law and regulations applicable to filing petitions will be provided upon request. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that pursuant to Sections 13267 and 13304 of the California Water Code , the Dischargers shall comply with the following tasks and time schedules. Technical reports submitted in accordance with the following time schedule must be prepared under the direct supervision of a California registered civil engineer or certified engineering geologist. All plans and time schedules are subject to approval by the Executive Officer. Submitted time schedules become, part of the order once approved or revised by the Executive Officer. ~ Compliance Date 1. Submit a technical report which contains a plan and time schedule for conducting würk to: 1 July 1994 a. Determine whether or not ground water has been impacted by past' operations. b. Prevent contaminants in soils from migrating to ground water, in the future. I: e _DC, ENVIRONMl:I\JT AL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT STEVE MCCALLEY, R.E.H.S. DIRECTOR 2700 -M- Street. Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 FAX I I I Dennis White Pacific Gas & Electric Company Kern Division 1918 "H" Street Bakersfield, California 93301 February 17, 1994 SUBJECf: Gass V Shallow Injection Well Assessment Report, 4101 Wible Road, Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. White: The soil assessment report prepared by The Twining Laboratories, Inc., for the subject facility has been reviewed. The report results indicate the presence of 140 ppm TRPH in one of the subsurface soil samples retrieved by the eastern drywell. Based on the results, this Department has determined that no remediation or additional sampling is needed for the shallow injection system area at this site. However, before a closure letter can be issued, the system needs to be properly closed. If you do not have plans to reuse the separator by connecting it to a closed loop system, we recommend removing its contents and dispose of properly. Then the separator may be removed or left in place by filling with clean material. The dry wells and all associated piping also need to be properly abandoned. Please inform this office when the above work is completed in order that we can conduct our final inspection. If you have any questions regarding this matter, I can be reached at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director DG:ch:cas c: The Twining Laboratories, Inc. US Environmental Protection Agency gough\pg&e3.uic Vol wt.. GÐ~ By: Dolores Gough Hazardous Materials Specialist II Hazardous Materials Management Program " " TO k er 11 2?ço 41 &lers-h~ /11 t1>UVI.ty ;kf¿!fk fe/via's SI,e.,:1 L: WE ARE SENDING YOU o Drawings o Copy of letter o Brochures ør.W!IIIII'· ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. EN GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERI CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION ¡}e,øf. :} 3301 ____ _.___u_ .' ' ,... .......- TORIES,INC, ~rn:~::rnl~ VIRONMENTAL SERVICES NG . DRILLING SERVICES & MATERIALS TESTING DATE I :2 - '1-..9..3 Job No. ATTN: ¡PIs /J%res Go~t:jh REI C/ú ss V' Sh4/lcw /n /eC/-hÞk Well - Lflo/ tv, /;/e ;(ðd X Attached 0 Under separate cover via o Specifications o Invoices o Copy of Report ths fol1cwing itema: [] Plans [] Saçles /'__ ~ /h/~tr ¡¡Ute! Sà r-e-jt ¡?k~ .. ,,,.....,........ ',.,. ..--........... > "··c:òPïü.}···· THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: o X S o For approval. 0 For your use [J As requested [J For review and c:cmment Approved as submitted Approved as noted Rsturned for corrections I REIfARKS I- ðl r 6 tJ~14 .- ..... We a,..c sf, II J:.tr- s -he / / ~ '" .µ.,.. It? 41V1 . ?I.¿'a.re c.::;-/I * ð1:J(.I COpy TO SJ'II~a{; led -n:. t:) '" /J1 Þ-t. ~ ;-f 7f¡ i.s w' 1/ /let; /~ af f1G E If enclosureø are not as noted, kindly notify uø at once- CORPORATE OFFICE: 2SZ1 FR!SI1O Street Fresno, CA 93721 (209) 268-7021 - Fax 268-7126 Chemistry Fax 268-0740 MODESTO 4230 Kleman Ave. Suite 105 Modesto, CA 95356 (209) 545-1050 Fax 545-1147 SIGNED: o o o Rssubait copies for approval Submit_____copies for distribution For Signature !1tJ-! t>X'- _a.,.k f. dr,11 t4'.f ~(""I'" ;J1Æff~ Wð. / ¡. ?/ ~ ¡ fzc, VISAUA X2521 E. Valley Oaks Drive Visalla, CA 93292 (209) 625-1712 Fax 625-1714 BAKERSFELD 3701 Pegasus Drive, Suite 124 Bakersfield. CA 93308 (805) 393-6088 Fax 393-6U e e APPENDIX B SITE SAFE1Y PLAN The operations site safety plan for the Twining personnel assigned to the project are discussed in the' following subsections. B-1 Potential Health and Safety Hazards: Information developed regarding the site indicates that petroleum products are the potentially hazardous substance that has been stored on-site. Symptoms of direct exposure to significant concentrations of petroleum products may include: eye, nose, or skin irritation, nausea, and unconsciousness. If any of these symptoms develop, operations will be stopped immediately and medical attention will be obtained, as necessary. First aid procedures for direct exposure to the on-site materials are: · Skin: Remove contaminated clothing immediately. Flush affected area immediately with water, then wash ~th soap and water. · ~: Hold eyelid open and flush the eye with water. · Lungs: Move to fresh air immediately. Give artificial respiration as necessary. A list of emergency telephone numbers and contacts for emergencies requiring fire, police, and/ or ambulance response is summarized in Table B-l. A map of the 10catioIl of Mercy Hospital in relation to the site is shown on Drawing B-l. e e TABLE B-1 EMERGENCY INFORMATION Mercy Hospital 2215 Truxton Avenue Bakersfield, California (805) 632-5000 Police / Fire / Ambulance - 911 Twining Laboratories 1. Clay Rodgers....... (209) 268-7021, Ext 28 2. Walt Plachta....(209) 625-1712, 3. Robert Flay........ (209) 268-7021, Ext 32 Ext = extensIon B-2 Air Monitorin¡: Prol:l"am and Respiratory Protection: Respiratory equipment will available on-site and will be used if high levels of hydrocarbon vapors are detected during drilling operations. Vapors emitted from the boreholes will be periodically monitored using a Pill. In addition, if any unusual strong odors are noted, work will be temporarily discontinued and the source of the odor evaluated. B-3 Personal Protective Equipment: It is anticipated that the level of personal protection required for this project will be U.S. EP A Level D or modified Level C. Personal protective equipment for each member of the field team will be available on-site and used as may be required by field conditions. A summary of the personal protective equipment is as follows: · Full or half face respirators equipped with organic vapor cartridges; · Tyvek4Þ coveralls; · Neoprene rubber gloves; · Steel-toed leather work boots or steel-toed rubber boots; · Safety glasses; and · Hardhats. Hardhats will be worn at all times. Goggles will be worn during steam cleaning operations. H required, the remaining personal protective equipment shall be put on before entering the immediate work area. The sleeves of the coveralls shall be outside of the cuffs of the gloves e e to facilitate removal of clothing. If at any time protective clothing (coverall, boots or gloves) becomes torn, wet, or excessively soiled, they will be replaced immediately. No eating, drinking or smoking will be allowed in the vicinity of the drilling operations. The project geologist will designate a separate area on-site for eating and drinking. Smoking will not be allowed at the facility except in designated areas. No contact lenses will be worn by field personnel. B-4 Cleanup/Decontamination Procedures: At the end of the workday, the following procedures will be used to allow for the' safe removal and decontamination of personal protective equipment that may have been required. · Boots and gloves will be washed with a AlcoIiox4Þ detergent and tap water, then rinsed before removal. · Boot covers and coveralls will be removed and coveralls placed in a plastic bag for appropriate disposal. · Gloves will then be removed and placed in the plastic bag; hands will be washed with soap and water. · Spent protective clothing will be stored on-site in 55-gallon drums and properly disposed of after receipt of laboratory analyses. B-S Person Responsible for Health and Safety at Site: Twining's project geologist will be the designated site safety officer. His responsibilities will include implementation of the site safety work plan for Twining personnel involved with the field operations. I, I at a: :;jtevi.n'IV". IL I -:at" H~.;,,· .~ ~~'-ß.,.: ~.ìl!(ljE' c_.. 'S,'VÓ!>.,ç''''' v'. ;;2-'::-1-.- 30", °1 '::101 SI, I'" :~II ou;ncyl~~I!fc:..·1-;,jtJ/ifl1j~ r,: " "'"'~-"';-; '4ßj, . " "¡ ~ ." ~ ,-" .-..,,"~ ~, om~.. Av i ~:cf~~i""'%,'::"" f. "".f-f' q' . ¿; ~ N "'" ...:~~, t tr~t Ni.;(S:u.. I 0IWún ~ ..~' i , i;§, ~p, '" ,,,. " ~ '~."" .' ~~;r, HIGHWAY '.,. ¡~"~¡ ~1; ['0- ~,~.~,.¡: OEM? ~Ih '~.s.. coor;, OF" ! ~ ~ ~' "4' ,.:; "'''I'¡i -,c0: ,'< , ~......... L.EAItJi ~=~=HO,_", ,'- ''''''Jr.;::: .-., '''-'''~.:- ~-'- I VJ---"¡iiI': N ;:; .c:a'v. Wi ~ com~ M&-"\'31, ~ ~, ~ û) 2 th ;( : '~~ ~ . ... II:i ... '~~ § c:": ~"'... "w '-, ~ ""'/I:.1<t ' :'.t. 178 i~ B ! = ¡¡ : 23rd ST .;; '" on , '''SI-.. ~.' 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McKI7 "i~K~¡ ~;'ANCH, Ë ecx; _ ~:R'. ø,..... - - __ ,;:J - Ëlülõ ã;1-:J.1 Ro.d EIS' I LtwGinWay ~~.~,Or. ...MoonIiVIrtWy, ~;'actrl:..~'t~A¥ 'z. Of...R~. :' ,.c'ef'Ie .,.. en -"9-~;"l ,..Ct r.J.... Kim >- U) '··,t~~ ' ~==~,~:::~Ct. lrrh='¡~:SoqwC.neAw. A't;'"'^~Wy~! ~~I '~;uon-a!,,~ ~c Ct.~~~ - -St ,i:C 'Ruland Dr, 4...~ Wy, g wnndmere Or, b~/ Ayft1ue.. .IIV!! ~ .. ~ .. _ r.~ ~REENFlfLD.!: - ¡;- i t -¥ H~=~~' e-- ---. L_..J t>-~~~:',., ~ WV "~ - t:;;' üi¡~ ü; WVE~ ~n, Dr ! -~ c.,' b .. " öi jt~ ~À CJ....'" I." SNon ~I.;" ~ 'i r .,..,....F..,~~lf /0 E ~ ~ ;;RokanW Ct, < ..- A..., ~"Y ~;! - ' ~', . ;~:; Sc =1' 'Crou6nrgWay 0 I Bh...FounU:ln~~_ i ~ cr Ave.~ ~ '-"'d. ~_ II .'C::_1,_Úl..'3... ~ ';I & ".",,,,,,-Q, cr I ~~l:> ] i \' g 11a A".~ ·~d1ÛJfñ.fl i .. ,cñSperry St. ~. I=::OA... .š~ u"m- :~~,Ln~ § ~ H n :!Road .~:! õ . ngflet Falrvlew Road E.Õ F.irw.ewFAIRVlEW Rd. ~L CiMlta, \ <: E-;eov,.... ~'. ....._.. S. ~ IStñlp'cr:¡¡i. _ G _a. 8U_H~', ,~~ 'I ! Fl ~= Ü;': ",,_n. ,,- !~.W . ~;~oI'¡ ž:g;;;\.~~ li.....<I ~~:'ec~'n-":-~If'L\~~ ~f1PiMWy, £ 0z C en « ø r i ':) ~.I~ ~ Fr_ 't',ei } , R tell 'It! ~ I'd !. ~'~Irf ~r -;1 p~\ ::::..~. \'1\ menelAve, ~ . ,l. f'o"ä. _JiE ~ !:~! .c:j'....,Ct. ':ê ~ ':;Orn-l rn ! ,...- Wr, I ......... ,to ! n~ ... i ;'.~ _ .r.;:;¡;~d, M....... ~ ,Mg !IA. ,,,,Roan >;! 0;1 '.i ..ow, ã Suèld.., ~ ~ i ! ! I~ I 1,,:,,'Tvnd"IAV~_SC: ~! t.r.A,MI~""~¡¡1 ${'_I'-dA~- ~ ~ d~ I i Gllngaf'} t~J¡soarA" &: R ford f~~\ ~\ W.F.~ ":,...... ~ I. .. 0 \ Mav~~, ~'!a arls ~ ~ ~ 15 hv: 1"?"\Jf'~~, , R.~. ~.!.." g PANAMA \NAMA I'~ LANE. ~ i WDoInOn a; ð .;r-ofa~~~ _~_ ~ H, .Y~ ¡ ,~II; EAST t '" ~;e-... ~-'~"" PANAMA-~-~J'{'.m..".;' ., ," V'" '~~r,,' ., ~';:'-t--~f'LANE ]"1Ij: ~ -------- '~F~·~:I.~niCkor.' ~':':tFllth,.,J ~ >. 4, õ' ~ 'g~ ,¡;c:~ , I .J. o'iiIC'ICÞonI Or, C&IYuy .""~ ~ G . c: ¡¡ ¡¡: :: '§ II g~ò t Brit ".4"'in.. Ed;",n C,n.' . ~::~~~';~ ~\;,) ~~:-..~..: "lid Cand~.. Av ~ : z _ _ _ _ ~""" i ~ A,"" ,// 'HIGHWAY ~ra,d,in ò ' ~ Ct j J ~ " ROSEDALE ' -"-;:;r-' ' ..~~-- ,_ "U __u c ~ ruity",Aft. .;; 1 ~ I ' 'OAO Refin4!1'V . I --"~ e e ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT STEVE McCAllEY, R.E.H.S. DIRECTOR 2700 wMw Street. Suite 300 Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 FAX ¡I I: Dennis White Pacific Gas & Electric Company Kern Division 1918 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 November 22, 1993 SUBJECT: Class V Shallow Injection Well Site Assessment Workplan, 4101 Wible Road, Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. White: The subject workplan prepared by Twining Laboratories, Inc., has been reviewed. As discussed with Twining Laboratories, analysis of all soil samples needs to be changed from total petroleum hydrocarbons as diesel to total recoverable petroleum hy~rocarbons. Prior to beginning sampling activities, please provide this office with a plan to address health and safety of personnel during field work. In addition, 48 hours notification is needed. If you have any questions regarding this matter, I can be reached at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director By: Do IllY ~ G-o '^! t- Dolores Gough Hazardous Materials Specialist II Hazardous Materials Management Program DG:cas cc: Walt Plachta, Twining ,Laboratories, Inc. \gough\pg&e2.uic e e ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT . I D.G · f1;r RI, I STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. DIRECTOR 2700 -M- Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 FAX October 1, 1993 Dennis White Pacific Gas and Electric Company Kern Division 1918 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 SUBJECT: Class V Shallow Injection Well at 4101 Wible Road, Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. White: A review of the laboratory analysis of samples retrieved from the sump near the vehicle wash rack indicated the presence of total petroleum hydrocarbons exceeding designated waste levels. Based on the levels detected, further characterization of the soil surrounding the shallow injection well system is needed. Please submit a site characterization workplan proposal to this office within 30 days from the date of this letter. The workplan must be approved by this office before any work is started. If you have any questions regarding this matter, I can be reached at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director By: vollff~ G-o ~~ Dolores Gough Hazardous Materials Specialist II Hazardous Materials Management Program DG:ch cc: Twining Laboratories, Inc. gough\white2.let -- I I, I UIC PAPERWORK CHECKLIST 1. BEGIN UIC PAPERWORK CHECKLIST 2. COMPLETE COMPLAINT FORM 3. ASSIGN A TRACKING NUMBER (LIST ON COMPLAINT FORM) 4. BEGIN A FILE FOLDER FOR CASE (IF NECESSARY) e v1 FILE [/f FILE J..-- ] [/] PAGE 1 (INITIALS) [ .6'11] [?61 [.-£f [8tf ] RESEARCH PROPERTY RECORD FOR OWNERSHIP (IF NEEDED) 6. ATTACH APN MAP TO FILE (IF NEEDED) [ ] FILE 7. COMPLETE WORK ORDER LOG SHEET [,--1 FILE [b/1] ( 1 PER EACH RESPONSIBLE PARTY) [./] ACCOUNTING 5. 8. COMPLETE SHALLOW INJECTION WELL CHECKLIST & UIC PROGRAM FORM 9. PROP 65 REPORT (IF NEEDED) 10. DRAFT NOTIFICATION LETTER(S) (REVIEWED BY JOE CANAS) 11. NOTIFICATION LETTER(S) 12. SECOND NOTICE (IF NECESSARY) 13. HEARING NOTICE (IF NECESSARY) 14. REFERRAL TO E.P.A. (IF NECESSARY) 15. WITNESS INITIAL SAMPLING 16. REVIEW ANALYSIS FILE [~, EPA DISK V j.. FILE V] HARD FILE [ ] RWQCB L,.1 FILE V] JANET V'] Y'] ~~ [/] [ ] OWNER OPERATOR FILE RWQCB CC'S (9# ] [ ...-" ] //'-1 ',ì . Z,! [&'7] [tf1] [./1 OWNER [-1& T ] OPERATOR [,,,-1 FILE [ [ [ [ ] [/1' 0' OWNER OPERATOR FILE [ ] [~ [c9] e e I: UIC PAPERWORK CHECKLIST PAGE 2 (INITIALS) 16(a) . RECOMMEND CLOSURE WITHOUT SITE CHARACTERIZATION 16(a)(1). REQUEST DETAILS AND DOCUMENTATION FOR CLOSURE OF UIC 16(a) (2). ISSUE CLOSURE LETTER FOR SITES FILE WITHOUT CHARACTERIZATION EPA RWQCB 16(a) (3). COMPLETE WORK ORDER CLOSURE FORM FILE ACCOUNTING 16(a)(4). PUT ABATE DATE AND ABATEMENT ACTION IN COMPUTER FILE 16(a)(5). LOG FILE INTO FACILITIES FILES 16(a) (6). TAKE FILE TO FILE ROOM [ ] 16 (b) RECOMMEND ADDITIONAL SITE [/] [~'!] , f j '" CHARACTERIZATION 16(b)(1) INPUT DATA TO REFLECT CASE [ ] REASSIGNMENT 17. MAIL LETTER REQUESTING SITE [vi FILE [[6 ] CHARACTERIZATION 18. REVIEW & APPROVAL OF WORKPLAN 19. SITE CHARACTERIZATION & FIELDWORK 20. REVIEW SITE CHARACTERIZATION REPORT 21. REMEDIATION (IF NECESSARY) 22. CLOSURE LETTER FILE 23. ISSUE WORK ORDER CLOSURE SHEET FILE ACCOUNTING 24. PUT ABATE DATE AND ABATEMENT ACTION INTO COMPUTER FILE 25. LOG FILE INTO FACILITIES FILES 26. TAKE COMPLETED FILE TO FILE ROOM ST.\ TE OF CALIFORNIA - Environmental prot. Ä~ency CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD CENTRAL VALLEY REGION 3614 East Ash'an Avenue Fresno, CA 93726 PHONE: (209) 445-5116 FAX: (209) 445-5910 e PETE WILSON. Governor , " 2 November 1993 Patricia Sullivan Pacific Gas and Electric Co. P.O. Box 7640 San Francisco, CA 94120 HYDROSTATIC TEST WATER DiSCHARGE, NEW SECTION OF NATURAL GAS TRANSl\HSSION I;IPELINE, LINE 300A, BAKERSFlELD We reviewed your letter dated 12 October 1993 requesting concurrence from the Board nìat the discharge of hydrostatic test water from a new section of natural gas pipeline to land does not constitute a waste discharge. Your letter indicates that potable (domestic) water will be used and that no additives or wastes will be added to the water. Past tests of hydrostatic test waters sent by you have revea1ed no significant pollutants. We do not concur that this discharge does not constitute a discharge of waste. We requested and you have subsequently submitted a report of waste discharge and filing fee. Therefore, provided you receive approval from the property owner to discharge on its land and comply with the following procedures, we hereby waive waste discharge requirements. Following cûmpletion of the hydrostatic test, the water used for testing will be tested for quality and, if constituents of concern are not detected, discharged to land adjacent to Buena Vista Road. The results of the laboratory analysis of the discharge must be sent to the Regional Board. If you have any questions concerning this matter please contact Kevin Long at (209) 445-5548. WilLIAM H. CROOKS Executive Officer ~c-&~ by LOREN J. HARLOW Pri.J1cipal Engineer RCE No. 23867 KDL:kdllcjs cc: \. Kern County Department of Health and Environmental Services ',~J'- ~ ~{;~ e e Pacific Gas and Electric Company Kern Division 1918 H Slreei Bakersfield, CA 93301 805/321-4400 September 30, 1993 ~,C,\_ 'j "Ill ,.".. /'f, . ,,':,,/t.J.,;" , .,~ _..-1; I Joe Canas, R.E,H,S. County of Kern Environmental Health Services Department 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 SUBJECT: Release Reporting Guidelines Mr, Canas: Confirming discussions with your office, PG&E will observe the following guidelines for reporting releases to the County of Kern, Environmental Health Services Department as required by Division 20 of the California Health and Safety Code and Title 19 of the California Code of Regulations: RELEASES TO THE ENVIRONMENT THAT OCCUR OFF PROPERTY OWNED BY PG&E The following releases should be reported immediately: · Releases that are equal to or greater than RQ values as listed in 40CFR, 49CFR and CCR Title 23 · Releases that involve fluids containing 5 ppm or greater PCB · Releases or potential releases that present a significant threat to human health or the environment even ifbelow RQ values · Releases that involve water or vegetable gardens · Releases that involve sensitive areas such as schools and medical facilities · Releases that involve wildlife or domestic animals · Releases that attract public and/or media attention A list of all other incidental (do not meet the criteria above) releases that occur off property owned by PG&E should be submitted to the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department at the end of each calendar year. ~ I' e Joe Canas County of Kern September 30, 1993 Page Two RELEASES THAT OCCUR ON PG&E PROPERTY The following releases should be reported immediately: e · Releases that are equal to or greater than RQ values as listed in 40CFR, 49CFR and CCR Title 23 · P,"eleélse~ or pote~itial releases that present a signiflc.ant t}¡reat to human health or the environment even if below RQ values · Releases that involve wildlife or domestic animals · Releases that extend beyond PG&E's property line · Releases that attract public and/or media attention Incidental (involves one barrel (42 gal.) or less and does not meet the above criteria) releases that occur on PG&E property and are cleaned up immediately during the normal course of work need not be reported. If you have any questions about the reporting guidelines, please contact me at (805)398-5938, Sincerely yours, ( ~P1Vf?W frI. ~ Thomas M, O'Brien Support Services Director TMO:slm KERN COUNTY HAZ~UU~ _~A~ .~-~~_~A ~~ '-'...~- REPORTING PERSON S D L dt'/1 v: LOCATION OP DISCHARGE OR THREATENED DISC _ I PHONE' LIoN S claw ~()5) 8G 1- 3(,3, DATE AND TIME OP KNOWLEDGE OP DISCHARGE OR THRBATJUfIW D; O~þ';Zj93 I I RBPORTING AGENCY STREET ADDRESS: 350/ .AJðrih ChesTer CITY: l3~k(r.sÇir!: Id ZIP: 7330 J SEC T R (RURAL LOCATIOI DBA PROPERTY OWNER LOTus ()¡ J T;.o PCJ.si-t· tJ ~ Ilc-ti 0 N Too I NAME AND ADDRESS OP PARTY RESPONSIBLE FOR DISCHARGE. IF KNOWN: )/;'JtJA Fish/AJ 7;;,,/ (~)ð A-clclr~.>.s t/;r ,,/ 6/1.5IAJe.s.s.) AREA TYPE SCENE !!fg: 01-JÓNDUSTRIAL 04_RURAL/AGRI. 01_STATE HWY 02___COMMERCIAL OS_WILD LANDS 02_COUNTY RD 03___RESIDENTIAL 03_CITY RD 99~THER:SPECIFY 04_PRIVATE RD OS __PßBLIC STRUCTURE 08~RIVATE STRUCTURE 07----CANAL/WATERWAY 08::::DOMESTIC WATER WELL 09____0THER WATER WELL 10_AIRPORT/RAILYARD II____EMPTY LOT l2_LAKE/POND l3_WOOI: 14_DESE 15_BRUS 18_0ILl' ~;OF RELEASE 01___0IL REFINERY 02___CHEM. MANUPACTURER 03___MISC. FIXED FACILITY 04___MOTOR VEHICLE OS___TRAIN 06___AIRCRAFT 07___PIPELINE OS___UNDERGROUND TANK 9S UNKNOWN 99-i:oTHER:,.J;t.>5 JJl w~/I CIRCUMSTANCES .Q! OI_WHILE BEING MANUFACTURED 02 WHILE IN STORAGE 03 ~URrNG NORMAL END USE 04_WHILE BEING LOADED OS_WHILE IN TRANSIT 06_WIIILE VEHICLE PARKED 07 _DURING VEJIICLEACCIDENT OS_DURING PIRE/EXPL. 09_DURING AIR CRASH lO_WHILE ABANDONED RELEASE ll_____DURING CONTAINER OR CONDUIT REPAIR 12_____ILLEGAL DISPOSAL 98_____THREATENED RELEASE ONLY: NO DISCHARGE 97_____RELEASE OR INCIDENT MITIGATED AT TIME OF REPORT 98_____UNKNOWN 99_____0THER: CAUSE OF RELEASE ~EQUIPMBNT FAILU 02 VANDALISM 03-ACT OF NATURB 04 ACCIDENT OS_ILLEGAL DISPOSA 98_UNKNOWN 99_0THER: LIST THE ONE. TKO OR THREE MOST SIGNIPICANT SUBSTANCES DISCHARGED OR THREATENED TO BE DISCHARGED: ---~~;;~-;~~~;-~~;~;;;;~--Le~-~ - --~~;~;;;~T;~N AMO~;;-;;-RI;;-------~~-;~Z;~' COMMON NAME: CHEMICAL. CHEMICAL' CHEMICAL , [lJ HAZARD:~OXIC ~FLAMMABLE j___PURE ___SOLID '[1] [lJ (lJ REACTIVE CORROSIVE MIX LIQ. (2J' [2J [2J =RADIOACTIVE vWASTE---GAS [3J (3] [3] DOT ID NUMBER: ___ _ __ ---~~;;~-;;;~;~~;-~~;;~;;;;~-~~/;/;:;~ ~~;-~ ~~dk;;;;-~~;;IO;~~-~~;;;;;;~~;;~;Z;: -(~;~-;;~;;;;-;;-;;~~ COMMON NAME: (2] HAZARD: vrDXIC FLAMMABLE PURE SOLID ---REACTIVE ---CORROSIVE ,---MIX ---LIQ. ___RADIOACTIVE ~STE GAS DOT ID NUMBER: ---- ------------------------------------- ---------------- CHEM. NAME/MAJOR COMPONENT: COMMON NAME: [3) HAZARD:___TOXIC FLAMMABLE ___REACTIVE ___CORROSIVE _RADIOACTIVE DOT ID NUMBER: _PURE SOLID _MIX ___LIQ. _WASTE___GAS ---- --------------------------------------- --------------- HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION: -rnõÏcm ACTUAL ("AU) OR POTENTIAL ("P") FOR APPLICABLE ITEMS CHEM 1 CHEM 2 CIIEM 3 01 AIR 02---CANAL/WATERWAY 03---LAKE/POND 04~OIL 05___CROPS 08 LIVESTOCK 07_WILDLIFE 08 HOODED AREA 09=DESERT 10 BRUSHLAND 11 -FOODSTUFFS :-'12:J26ROUNDWATER . 13_DWELLING 14_HUMANS g9_0THER: INTERNAL ~~: z 7: IDENTIFICATION . INVESTIGATION REFERRAL MADE TO: HEALTH RISK ASSESSMENT RANKING: ~ L :E: ---- INFORMATION PHONED-IN? Y_ N_ IF YES. DATE TAKEN BY: DATE REPORT RECEIVED BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT CCMPUTER INPUT (CHECK) CLERK'S INITIALS DATE OF NOTIPICATION OP~H OFFICER DATE OF NOTIFICATION OF MEDIA BOS_ e e KERN COUNTY HAZARDOUS WASTE INCIDE~T REPORT 2.:?:~)~TIHG ~~;~[HCY ~:?ORT:NQ ~SR~O~ :;:;¡-::'¡-¡" ;Œr~\ C(), E\V HEALTH SERVICES TERRYL, GRAY (805 8 6 1 - :3 6 :3 6 --:-:- ":'" , " ..:'.;'.'; :. 'j :·~~.:AT::~:~:i ;'-:,:j::' 'i'-, -, ~ Jr:: ,:. ,~' L!:: ~ 1 ~ " " ". -. ,,'~ ~ - - -;: - -: :. ;,::-- !,¡¡;~! " ' "'-' '. ~ " ~ ' . . - .' , ;~.... '. . '.-.... -- " ' .. '-, , , .",. ,. - '.. .,....-- "'-" , ' " -.. - . - "- -' - --" , .. - - - - . -----,---------,-------------_. ..------ ',' ¡ ¡;;: .., ", C" ~ _. '~:', - - . ~.. - -.- ..... , , " . '," ~ -' .:,. ;. .-..:.:....j:...' ,-. - ;, ., -.. - -. - -. - - - ..- ,..,' , .. ,. '. - ....'- ., _._---------'~--~------- ~-----,- '. 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'OOR ORIGINAl ..__ 1 .: ~ I; ~";, -,--------, -----------..--- .. -,". .,... -------- " , ,.------.,---,-- -,--,- _THE ,e " ~BW!~!~~ ANAL YTICAL CHEMISTRY' ENVIRONMEIH AL SERVICES GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING' DRILLING SERVICES CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION & MATERIALS TESTING ;'fO Kern County Environmental Health Services Department 2700 M Street, suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 DATE 9-17-93 Job No. TL 393-0161-01 ATTN: Mr. Terry Gray RE: Results of Wash Rack' Sampling Bakersfield Service Center I' 'JŒ ARE SENDING YOU I' x Attached, 0 Under separate cover via the following items: Copy of letter Brochures o o X Specifications Invoices o plans o o samples o o o Drawings Copy of Report 1 9-16-1993 TL 393-0161-01 Results of Wash Rack Sump Sampling Bakersfield Service Center ,THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: 0 For approval 0 Approved as submitted 0 X For your use 0 Approved as noted 0 0 As requested 0 Returned for corrections 0 X For review and comment Resubmit copies for approval Submit_____copies for distribution For signature REMARKS Enclosed is a COpy of the report of samplinq results for the sump samplinq. Please call if you have any questions (209) 625-1712. SIGNED: ¡i€ft4 ,COPY TO: client If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once· C 2527 Fresno street, P.O. Box 1472 Fresno, California 93716 (209) 268-7021 Fax (209) 268-7126 »(2521 E. Valley Oaks Drive Visalia, california 93291 (209) 625-1712 Fax (209) 625-1714 C 3701 Pegasus Drive, suite 124 Bakersfield, California 93308 (805) 393-5088 Fax (805) 393-4643 C 4230 Kiernan Avenue, suite 105 Modesto, California 95356 (209) 545-1050 Fax (209) 545-1147 ..THE , ,., ~BW!~~~' ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY' ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING . DRILLING SERVICES CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION & MATERIALS TESTING September 16, 1993 TL 393-0161-01 I Mr. Dennis White Pacific Gas and Electric Company Kern Division 1918 H Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Re: Results of Wash Rack Sump Sampling Bakersfield Service Center Dear Mr. White: The Twining Laboratories, Inc. (Twining) has prepared this letter to report the sampling and analysis of liquid from a sump near the vehicle wash rack at the Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) Bakersfield Service Center. The sampling was performed based on a reqùest from Mr. Tom O'Brien of PG&E. Until the Spring of 1993, liquid from the vehicle maintenance wash rack was disposed of through a system of collection sumps, oil-water separator, and drywells. The drywell disposal system has been replaced by a "closed" system which recycles the wash water. FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND SAMPLING PROCEDURES Twining collected liquid samples from what appeared to be an oil-water separator on August 5, 1993. Mr. Terry Gray of the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department (KCEHSD) was present during the sampling and specified the location and number of samples. Twining collected samples of the liquid present in the oil-water separator using a clean disposable bailer. We also collected a sample of the underlying sludge within the separator with a clean stainless steel sampler. The samples were transferred to clean laboratory supplied containers for shipment to Twining's analytical laboratory. liquid within the oil-water separator appeared to have a petroleum-like sheen and had a slight petroleum odor. CORPORATE OFFICE: 2527 Fresno Street ~ Fresno, CA 93721 (209) 268-7021 . Fax 268-7126 Chemistry Fax 268·0740 MODESTO , 4230 Kiernan Ave, Suite 105 Modesto. CA 95356 (209) 545-1050 Fax 545-1147 VISALlA 2521 E, Valley Oaks Drive Visalia. CA 93292 (209) 625-1712 Fax 625-1714 BAKERSFIELD 3701 Pegasus Drive, Suite 124 Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 393-5088 Fax 393-4643 ·e - I: I, I I Pacific Gas and Electric Company September 16, 1993 TL 393-0161-01 Page 2 ANALYfICAL METHODS AND RESULTS The samples were transported to Twining's laboratory on the same day under chain-of- custody. The analyses were specified by Mr. Gray of the KCDEHS. The analytical methods and results are listed on tables 1 and 2. Twining's analytical laboratory is certified by the State of California for the requested analyses. Chain-of-custody documentation and analytical result sheets are included with this letter. TABLE 1 i, ANALYfICAL METHODS AND RESULTS Liquid Sample I""""""""""""""""""""""""'""""1"""""""""""""""""""""I'..' ....,............ 1 ",'....",........,....",........, ,:::::::,II:::H=llf:::::::::::::::::::::::::::I~:MiII:i:,'::Y~:::: ..'... ..'..:::::::::::::- " .. .. ,..,' : ".............., ,..............., "..........,.." ............,..., ::ÙdDL:i ......... ,,--... ....I Volatile Halocarbons Toluene Xylencs 601 ug/L ND 602 ugfL 1.7 0.6 GC/FID ugjL ND 8015 ugjL ND 8015 ug/L ND GC-FID ug/L 1040 ,/- 418.1 mgfL liS' 05-3.0 Volatile Aromatics TPH-G 05 05 40 Methyl ethyl Ketone 05 Methyl isobutyl Ketone 05 TPH-D 80 TRPH 10 ND = None detected MDL = Method detection limit. Individual MDLs are listed on laboratory data reports. Note: Constituents not listed were none detected e Pacific Gas and Electric Company September 16, 1993 TABLE 2 e ANALYTICAL METHODS AND RESULTS SIud2e Sample I·,·',',""'·"" '.;'.'.'..'..;.;.;,,'.'.',.;'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. """""""""""""1""""""'" """"""""""",';',';"';""""","'," ,:j~::"j,,::.,:jjj::øÁøêi&i "..~.,',::':":":祡;::j::j::'¡:'""I::,:,::: Poly-chlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) 8080 mg/kg Antimony 7041 mgfL Arsenic 7060 mgfL Barium 6010 mgfL Beryllium 6010 mg/L Cadmium 6010 mgfL Chromium 6010 mgfL Cobalt 6010 mgfL Copper 6010 mgfL Lead 7420 mgfL Mercury 7470 mgfL Molybdenum 6010 mgJL Nickel 6010 mgfL Selenium 7741 mgfl Silver Tl(JJ mgfL Thallium 7841 mgfL Vanadium 6010 mgfL Zinc 6010 mgJL ND None detected MDL Method detection limit : ......,...., n. :;::::::::::::::: ::::~ij¡::t ND 0.008 0.054 127 0.002 0.03 0.16 0.06 0.37 0.33 ND ND 0.14 0.009 ND ND 0.23 , 1.32 TL 393-0161-01 Page 3 .......1 ::':,¡::';?ç:::,j:j:',::":::::,:,,I 1.0 0.005 0.002 0.005 0.001 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.0002 0.2 0.05 0.003 0.02 0.005 0.05 0.05 e e Pacific Gas and Electric Company September 16, 1993 TL 393-0161-01 ' Page 4 LIMITATIONS Twining was responsible only for sampling at the site and analytical testing of the samples collected in the field. No investigation is thorough enough to exclude the presence of hazardous materials at a given site. If hazardous conditions have not been identified during this assessment, such a finding should not therefore be construed as a guarantee of the absence of such materials at the site, but rather as the result of the services performed within the scope, limitations, and cost of the work performed. This work was performed for the sole use of the client and appropriate regulatory agencies. Any reliance on this report by a third party is at such a party's sole risk. CLOSING Twining appreciates the opportunity to provide these services, to PG&E. If you have any questions regarding this report, please contact Twining at (209) 625-1712. Respectfully submitted, THE 1WINING LABORATORIES, INC. Environmental Services Division Ø/£?#:h ~~~~ Project Manager &/~ CIa/{ Rodgers Division Manager WP:CLR:lr Attachments: Chain-of-custody documentation Laboratory reports ..THE ¡ ,., 'rM~!~~ ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY . ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING. DRILLING SERVICES CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION & MATERIALS TESTING REPORT DATE EXAMINATION NO. August 31, 1993 693-4382.1-4 PROJECT MGR: W. Plachta DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED : 08-05-93 08-05-93 byW. Plachta at 1535 from W. Plachta ATTENTION CLIENT Dennis White Pacific Gas & Electric 1918 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA PROJECT Bakersfield Service Center-Dry Well 1918 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA : 393-0161-01 TL# The Twining Laboratories is accredited by the State of California Department of Health Services for the analysis of Drinking Water, Wastewater and Hazardous Waste under Certificate No. 1371. In accordance with your instructions, the samples submitted were analyzed for the components specified. All samples analyzed were submitted in good condition. The analytical results are enclosed on the following pages. Please contact us if you have any questions concerning the analyses or results. Thank you for letting us serve you. Àv~<:: -;w¡A;~ Authorized Signat ~r y ....--7 ~he Twining Laboratories, Inc. Chemistry Division RBF:mrl - -.-.- ,. MODESTO 4230 Kiernan Ave. Suite 105 Modesto, CA 95356 (209) 545-1050 - -.-...- , VISAUA 2521E. Valley Oaks DrIve Visalia, CA 93292 (209) 625-1712 -, ,..".,. ..~... BAKERSAao 3701 Pegasus Drive, Suite 124 Bakersfield. CA 93308 (805) 393-5088 ' 1:'....... f)ft1 ,UUI) CORPORATE OFFICE: '&l Fresno Street Fresno, CA 93721 (209) 268-7021 . Fax 268-7126 ¡- REPORT DATE : August 31, 1993 EXAMINATION NO.: 693-4382.1 e PROJECT MGR: W. Plachta PAGE 1 of 7 CLIENT : Pacific Gas & Electric PROJECT Bakersfield Service Center-Dry Well 1918 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 393-0161-01 TL# DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED 08-05-93 by W. Plachta 08-05-93 at 1535 from W. Plachta DATE ANALYZED 08-19-93 ANALYZED BY : L. Houser REVIEWED BY R. Stafford SAMPLE TYPE Water SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION: 001 METHOD : EPA 601 RESULT (ug/L) MDL (ug/L) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------, VOLATILE HALOCARBONS' Bromodichlorª~etKãrie' Bromoform ;1:4~~;;; Bromomethan ,"u~;,: Carbon Tetråc loride Chlorobenze C,' Chloroetha ' Chloroform ,: ,- Chlorometh:"'~;fß;.,:,i,iiy" " Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane l,l-Dichloroethylene trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 1,2-Dichloropropane trans-l,3-Dichloropropylene cis-l,3-Dichloropropylene Methylene Chloride 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethylene 1, 1, I-Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethylene Trichlorofluoromethane Vinyl Chloride ND ND NO NO NO NO No ND ND ND NO ND NO ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NO ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 3.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 NOTES: ug/L: micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) MOL : Method Detection Limit ND : None Detected e REPORT DATE : August J1, 1993 EXAMINATION NO.: 693-4382.1 e PROJECT MGR: W. Plachta PAGE 2 of 7 CLIENT : Pacific Gas & Electric PROJECT : Bakersfield Service Center-Dry Well 1918 "Rn Street Bakersfield, CA : 393-0161-01 TL4t DATE SAMPLED 08-05-93 by W. Plachta DATE RECEIVED : 08-05-93 at 1535 fromW. Plachta DATE ANALYZED 08-19-93 ANALYZED BY : L. Houser REVIEWED BY : R. Stafford SAMPLE TYPE : Water SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION: 001 METHOD: EPA 602 CONSTITUENT RESULT (ug/L) MDL (ug/L) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;~~;~~-~~~~~~~:~~~~---------------------------------------------- , ' ""f ~.~'_,"<'- i',",. <,_ ',~',;:¡.::;,'^! "c <;~,,:@ ;~¡'1f ;~7~ 7 ,(,~f Àt!P >'!:~;!,:16 ' ND ND ND 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 ~!~gªnze~ii. .··ff~Jli Chlorobenzenè:,:~,,¡..,,-. , l, 3-Dichlo;~~~~~~:~;~~;jJ 1, 2~Dichlorôbëñz'enè';;,f'·, 1,4-Dichlorobenzene NOTES: ug/L: micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) MDL : Method Detection Limit ND : None'Detected . THE ¡. ,., !B~~~~' ANAlYTICAL CHEMISTRY. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING . DRILLING SERVICES CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION & MATERIALS TESTING REPORT DATE EXAMINATION NO. August 31, 1993 : 693-4382.1 PROJECT MGR: W. Plachta PAGE 3 of 7 DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED 08-05-93 08-05-93 by W. Plachta at 1535 from W. Plachta ATTENTION CLIENT Dennis White Pacific Gas & Electric 1918 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA PROJECT : Bakersfield Service Center-Dry Well 1918 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 393-0161-01 TL# ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY : C. Loukas : R. Stafford DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED 08-10-93 08-18-93 SAMPLE TYPE : Wa ter CLIENT SAMPLE ID: 001 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSTITUENT RESULT UNITS MDL METHOD ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TPH-Gasoline Range Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) Methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) ND ND ND ug/L ug/L ug/L 40 0.5 0.5 GC/FID 8015 8015 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES Preparation: Gasoline (5030) ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) TPH : Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons MDL : Method Detection Limit ND : None Detected CERTIFICATE NO. 1371 mrl ~~ -M&~ Authorized Sign ure/Reviewer CORPORATE OFFICE: 2527 Fresno Street , Fresno, CA 93721 (209) 268-7021 . Fax 268-7126 -, - - -.-..-- VlSAUA 2521 E. Valley Oaks Drive V'1Sa1ia. CA 93292 (209) 625-1712 r..~. e-I'JC ""'11 BAKERSFIELD 3701 Pega!lus Drive, Suite 124 Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 393-5088 C:~V ~O~.AI:A1 MODESTO 4230 Kiernan Ave. Suite 105 Modesto, CA 95356 (209) 545-1050 . THE I ,., !M~~~~. ANAlYTICAL CHEMISTRY. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING . DRILLING SERVICES CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION " MATERIALS TESTING REPORT DATE EXAMINATION NO. August 31, 1993 693-4382.2 PROJECT MGR: W. Plachta PAGE 4 of 7 DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED : 08-05-93 08-05-93 byW. Plachta at 1535 from W. Plachta ATTENTION CLIENT Dennis White Pacific Gas & Electric 1918 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA TL# : Bakersfield Service Center-Dry Well 1918 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA : 393-0161-01 PROJECT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY M. Langroodi : R. Stafford DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED 08-10-93 08-19-93 SAMPLE TYPE : Water CLIENT SAMPLE ID: 002 ----------------------------------- ----- ----- ---- ----- CONSTITUENT RESULT UNITS MDL METHOD ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TPH-Diesel Range 1040 ug/L 80 GC/FID CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES CERTIFICATE NO. 1371 Preparation: 3510 ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) TPH : Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons MDL : Method Detection Limit mrl ~.&~.-/ ~-G Aut orized Sign e/Reviewer t CORPORATE OFFICE: 2527 Fresno Street Fresno, CA 93721 (209) 268-7021 . Fax 268-7126 -. ..... .........-.... MODESTO 4230 Kiernan Ave. Suite 105 Modesto, CA 95356 (209) ~ 1050 1:'....... I:AC: ....,~ VlSALIA 2521 E. Valley Oaks Drive Visalia. CA 93292 (209) 625-1712 I=~y ~1714 BAKERSFIELD 3701 Pegasus Drive, Suite 124 Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 393-5088 Fax 393-4643 l,e REPORT DATE August 31, 1993 EXAMINATION NO.: 693-4382.3 CLIENT PROJECT 'TL# i I DATE SAMPLED I DATE RECEIVED DATE ANALYZED ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY Ie PROJECT MGR: W. Plachta PAGE 5 of 7 Pacific Gas & Electric Bakersfield Service Center-Dry Well 1918 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 393-0161-01 08-05-93 by W. Plachta 08-05-93 at 1535 from W. ,Plachta 08-10-93 through 08-18-93 T. Geringer, K. Furlow J. Strutzel SAMPLE TYPE Sludge SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION: 003 CONSTITUENT RESULT (mg/L) MOL (mg/L) METHOD ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CAN HETALS-~tal Concentrations Antimony (Sb) Arsenic ( As ) Barium (Ba) Beryllium (Be) Cadmium (Cd) Chromium (Cr) Cobalt (Co) Copper (Cu) Lead (Pb) Mercury (Hg) Molybdenum (Mo) Nickel (Ni) Selenium (Se) Silver (Ag) Thallium (Tl) Vanadium (V) Zinc (Zn) NOTES: mg/L MDL ND 0.008 0.054 1.27 0.002 0.03 0.16 0.06 0.37 0.33 ND ND 0.14 0.009 ND ND 0.23 1.32 milligrams per Liter (parts per million) Method Detection Limit None Detected 0.005 0.002 0.005 0.001 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.0002 0.2 0.05 0.003 0.02 0.005 0.05 0.05 7041 7060 6010 6010 6010 6010 6010 6010 7420 7470 6010 6010 7741 7760 7841 6010 6010 e e REPORT DATE : August 31, 1993 EXAMINATION NO.: 693-4382.3 PROJECT MGR: W. Plachta ' PAGE 6 of 7 CLIENT : Pacific Gas & Electric PROJECT : Bakersfield Service Center-Dry Well 1918 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 393-0161-01 TL# DATE SAMPLED 08-05-93 by W. Plachta DATE RECEIVED : 08-05-93 at 1535 from W. ,P1achta DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED 08-09-93 08-09-93 ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY A. Holman R. Stafford SAMPLE TYPE : Sludge SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION: 003 CONSTITUENT RESULT (mg/kg) MOL (mg/kg) METHOD ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) ND 1.0 EPA 8080 NOTES: mg/kg: MDL ND milligrams per kilogram (parts per million) : Method Detection Limit : None Detected (e :- REPORT DATE August 31, 1993 EXAMINATION NO.: 693-4382.4 PROJECT MGR: W. Plachta PAGE 7 of 7 CLIENT Pacific Gas & Electric PROJECT Bakersfield Service Center-Dry Well 1918 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 393-0161-01 TLi DATE SAMPLED DATE RECE IVED 08-05-93 by W. Plachta 08-05-93 at 1535 from W. ,Plachta DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED 08-17-93 08-19-93 ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY M. Langroodi R. Stafford SAMPLE TYPE Water SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION: 004 CONSTITUENT RESULT (mg/L) MDL (mg/L) METHOD ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons 125 10 418.1 NOTES: mg/L : MDL milligrams per Liter '(parts per million) : Method Detection Limit :e ,e ' LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE\' QUALITY CONTROL REPORT for Hydrocarbons Reviewed by: R. Stafford Analyzed by: C. Loukas, M. Lanqroodi Spiked Sample ID: Spikinq Water Sample Matrix: Water S-TPHG-Range 081093 S~TPHD-Range QC Sample ID: 081793 I' Twining Laboratories, Inc. Examination Number: 693-4382.1 Constituent Method LCS LCS LCS LCS LCS Range Blank Expected Result Dup. % Rec Dup. % Result Conc. (ug/L) Result % Rec. (ug/L) (ug/L) (ug/L) TPH-Gasoline ND 245 185 194 76 79 5 Range TPH-Diesel ND 400 375 417 94 104 10 Range EXPLANATIONS: Method Blank: Laboratory Control Sample(LCS): ND: TPH: Dup: ug/L: Rev. -L 4/93 (QCBTEX.WAT) page 1 of 1 The method blank is used to determine if method analytes or other interferences are present in the laboratory environment, the reagents or apparatus. A laboratory control sample is generated by spiking the analyte into a, relatively inert matrix (clean sand or blank water). The laboratory control sample is analyzed exactly like a sample, and its purpose is to determine whether the methodology is in control and whether the laboratory is capable of making accurate and precise measurements. I I None Detected Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Duplicate micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) . THE i ,., rBW!ff~~~. ANAL YTICAL CHEMISTRY . ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING' DRILLING SERVICES CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION & MATERIALS TESTING July 15, 1993 Mr. Terry L. Gray Environmental Health Services Department Kern County 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Subject: Pacific Gas & Electric 4101 Wible Road Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Gray: Thank you for the opportunity to discuss the Class V Shallow Injection Well Program and Kern County's role as Program Coordinator for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The Twining Laboratories, Inc. (Twining) has been retained by Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), Kern Division, to collect and analyze samples from clarifiers at the PG&E Service Center on Wible Road in Bakersfield, California. We have reviewed a copy of your July 13, 1993 letter to Pacific Gas & Electric, and per our discussion today with you, it is our understanding that by PG&E's retaining our services and beginning sampling and analyses that Kern County will not take legal action against Pacific Gas & Electric in this matter. Respectfully, THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. CrliJÚ¡:l7í)y¿)[¿)(}( Cathy M1 !ohnson t Client Scirvices ~7onm:~~._ if/arry D. ~ ~CE, RGE President cc: PG&E CORPORATE OFFICE: 2527 Fresno Street Fresno, CA 93721 (209) 268-7021 . Fax 268-7126 Chemistry Fax 268-0740 MODESTO 4230 Kiernan Ave. Suite 105 Modesto, CA 95356 (209) 545-1050 Fax 545-1147 VISALIA 2521 E. Valley Oaks Drive Visalia, CA 93292 (209) 625-1712 Fax 625-1714 BAKERSFIELD 3701 Pegasus Drive, Suite 124 Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 393-5088 Fax 393-4643 ,- e ,ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY. R.E.H.S. DIRECTOR 2700 -M- Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield. CA 93301 (80S) 861-3636 (80SI 861-3429 FAX Pacific Gas & Electric Kern Division 1918 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 July 13, 1993 Attention: Thomas R. Keith SUBJECT: CLASS V SHALLOW INJECTION WELL, LOCATED AT 4101 WIBLE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Dear Mr. Keith: A notice was mailed to you on April 27, 1993, requesting you to obtain samples for analyses from clarifiers located at the site noted above. To date compliance has not been obtained. In order to avoid legal action you must comply with the original order dated April 27, 1993, within fourteen (14) days of receipt of this letter. If you have any questions, please contact this Department at (805) 861-3636, extension 582. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director ---- /7/0---. By: Terry L. Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program TLG:cas cc: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EP A) A TIN: Martin Zeleznik Regional Water Quality Control Board - Fresno A TIN: Dale Essary '\gray\pg&e.2nd .d/ e ~\/u e ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY. R.E.H.S. DIRECTOR 2700 -M- Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 FAX Pacific Gas and Electric Company Kern Division 1918 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 April 27, 1993 Attention: Thomas R. Keith SUBJECT: CLASS V SHALLOW INJECTION WELL LOCATED AT 4101 WIBLE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA Dear Mr. Keith: This letter is an official notice to inform you that the property noted above have been' determined by Kern County Environmental 'Health Services Department (KCEHSD) to be the site of Class V shallow injection wells. The wells have been identified as part of a wash rack that discharges into three dry wells. This notice is being sent to you because you have been identified as the contact person of the above-named property. Pursuant to Code of Federal Regulations 40 (40 CFR), Section 144.12(a), "no owner or operator shall . . . operate [an injection well] . . . in a manner that allows the movement of fluid containing any contaminant into underground sources of drinking water, if the presence of that contaminant may cause a violation of any primary drinking water regulation. . . or may otherwise adversely affect the health of persons." Within thirty (30) days of receipt of this notice, compliance must be initiated with the guidelines cited in the enclosed copy of EP A-REGION 9 GUIDELINES FOR CLOSURE OF SHALLOW DISPOSAL WELLS. The booklet cites the minimum requirements for site work plan activities, contractor requirements, example illustrations of well designs, and sampling methods and procedures. Be advised that KCEHSD may have additional requirements not listed in the EP A Qosure Guideline Booklet. In accordance with Kern County Ordinance Code G-5541, Section 8.04.100, the Department is authorized to charge for inspections, review of reports, and laboratory service costs incurred in the process of obtaining, compliance with any violations noted. Be advised that you will be billed at the rate of $24.80 per hour for oversight during the abatement of violations connected to the Class V well. ,e e Pacific Gas & Electric Company Re: Class V Shallow Injection Well April 27, 1993 Page 2 If we may be of any further assistance, please contact Barbara Houghton of this Department at (805) 861-3636, extension 577. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director -ðl ~hIrr- By: Barbara D. Houghton Hazardous Materials Specialist Environmental Health Services Department BDH:cas cc: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EP A) A TIN: Martin Zeleznik Regional Water Quality Control Board - Presno A TIN: Dale Essary \houghton\pg&e.uic -GJ~^ - .:::.;¡ '-D ~-:: 1- 7:'" _____- 15~::~, - ---. - - ,! ~ ~~: ,. '-, g '~ ~ þ -- -ª e 'e KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT fr I'" ~ i\ RDOTTn nf11J ..~\ ,~u ù ¡'l ð m~k~ T ¡\ LQ 1 L-ì 1 D1,(¡.J.. £1. U ~fANAGE~IENT PROGRAl\f ¡;',:.c T L I'" ',- \ ,-'\\1E: . ?Gt'zE UTC SHALLOW TNJECTION \<fELL CHECKLIST'l/:L5 r-j:~,'T¡": C':]';' -; '<~::'~F¡~(~'-¡·~.'(;\: T I \f E: __.1. C~: ;) ..:L.,::i.-..'J. , ....:~ 1~;' ~_~ ,~. .~~ c.; F i :'-::, ) .\ U L:: ~ ':'. T. (~:>-:.\ 1'.. ~::1_~\ };',-r J C I ~?>\.\-r:~ : ~'\' (} h) ;,,- ~ III II - ~;~ ~ g'~ ~ ~ (f) ::JJ ^ '" ;::;: ;:::¡- -<: ¿::)' ~ o ~ :3 SE , . " "1:1 .., ~ ¡;. C') .., en .., '" "" 1ft CD a- ñ' C") Q 3 -= I» '" 'C , " r~ ;-. ~- :" J ;~. U 1: :-~ ,'¡_;>lE,EH. ~ 'r~~,·\c:r~I,\-("~ \'~,:t\~B!:=R: ¡'~ is N E: i~,/\ J; r 1,J F() F?,ì~1 A;r T C)N "~ . 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WASTE ANTIFREEZE HAULER: STAMCO \JA,\IFESTS; YES FH,EC';¡UENCY; 2.0_ DAYS. ìJPE\: C:'C)\!T'_-\I \ER,: \" FF~,(YPT.,=R, L.;:\B,E~L I~\~(~: .-,}~~ " \v' :\ :~ ~r E ,'.~ l' l' r- .- '; ;-. ~) !,. l~ ,;)\ ':.r~ H .:\ 1_,~ r.,1~ n : ',' / ,\ "-"'--'--'--"~--"-"----"~----------- \L\\-I t:'F5,1~~~: 'FFE{)1.~?~\:C~i.-: :~p~~~ (·c~rr~:[~ER: ¡~R(~)PER [~ABELI~~G: '\"~ ,~\ ~~;:r E (~,;-1.~, E ,-\,c'r E p, I 7 i~ n : ;, ,..l,.:-.. ¡ i' ;: ¡: F'TL1'FF¿ H:\í:'r.FR: r.:_~~~~R(~FEE~>: __~___"_______,_.____ >I:·\\ I: FE~3-rs ~ ;.- F E (01,~ ,E \: CJ~\~ : :p~;-\~ (·C)\'¡'-,~.I\f¡~n.,: ~' [)¡7,()PF1\ L,),13f::LJ:\'C~: ,__ " ~·~¡Til FE ~,\~ ..'~,S'T;~~:=;; ¡'; í:' "_-~---~--,---------,----,----- I, - !~ i~ f. F T ( . _-~ T .~ () ,\~ ¡ ,;' F c.~ ,~~ ;. F- ; '... ' , ,'. 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CLASS V WELL(S): 3 ----- :,;TATUS: ,AC~~}:.YE .__.___ 'c'EARS or ()i:::¡~RATIO:-i :t C'-., I). (')1 L/h:,~\~rE1~ .sl:~F-'.~\F:.:~\~r()T:~ ()R (ì'rrEASE "TH,i\ P t~~:;ED; ~;-~c ~ J.~~..J E:. .-\h'l~ '-[I-IF í,"-F:~_.L,~·; !:=IT»1PE~D ()t_:~r: ,\,,, 1-1(;'\;; ()FTE>;: ,_~~,..~Q~~TIL~ :.¡ DC1 ~rHE \\'¡~:T~LS ¡,~\)-,ER CE'f :~')Lt"GGED 1,,7p: ~':;¡J ¡',~C)\s· \¡\){.;{~·rr}:c),\ !),E'I'A,ILS (>fE,\SUR,I~) Tcr:·,:\l. DFlyrH: JL':~~l~ nI.:\>¡E~rER: ,¡:.~~,~~ C,:\~~T>!(?: [~C}CI',~ H. \. Rr:~ ""'-'T!" : f1 !:. 1 ~.... \ ; 1.:: c ~r I () \' ",: F: L L S R,EC;,C L~~~:rErj H \ ~, S T_\TI ,'-\r! ',_.' ::\, I.. C) C .-\.r~ ~:J !-~ C)C~ FL~ ~l: ~.iJ~.c:~~_ T Ci~~?\, L~3~),¿\,E~r: ;:) j~: F~,:\.I J: : r-; \_~} ,i . ;.~ C') \~ -\ l'{;~,: ,:', '~-''- .~: i. l.. .',:- (..1 h :\ (,~ c.~ r !.j F>J'[ S l{,A~\ 1) L F j): /~B S(JJ]]3 E\f'L- ,"'. . 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'Ij II - -', ' ~ 4 - - " I: KERN COUNTY UNDERGROUND INJECTION CONTROL PROGRAM INSPECTION REPORT .:-\C} EN(~~{: L:E R.>J (:Ot;NT~{ E i\¡ T.,R,() \l:Lf::}J 'T :-\ L_1I:E.d.1,]·H ~~R,\- I C]; S D}~r!~.\.It.1~~\1 E:--:T I ¡-¡SPECTOR: IiQL:GHI.Q~{Ll~,AERE\../ C¡f:L~ FACILITY IN FOR-MATTON F :\ C_" I ] . r :1~ "; ~< -\ ~ i t~; ì~:[:.~.& ~~,__.____,___,____.___.__.__, _~______,_________,.._,__~___.~_..________ E)_:\ ~t E ~< ";: C· C! >í ,F) A\~ \-': ~Sn~~LE____,~_.______.___,_._____...___ _...,--_.._,.._,~----~----,---_.,-_._--,-------_._- .\. ;,,') j") j:~ ¡,.: ~,;:-; : -,-- ..+--------.-.----,-------. -------"-----.-'- .', :: 'T~ "," . i..'--. : ;~:. :~ ,~: T.\ -r E~ : ," ~'~ ~ ::--) . l,-:C).'\'f' ::..(~;r· \:.\ \t ¡:~. ':.¡~f(~\L\.~-) ¡...r. L ~.' ( ~ ~~; ,!, T ~: ~.~:: \ . '.' \ ;..' . ,'-' r-' ,', .' J .;~~..:.:.~~..~-~_;::I);~}:.L_ r: E:~ (~[1'. '1: P:f T ().\ : '¡ r: \'.;7:\ S ¡,~ ~ :-; '1.' E E_:-\ >f : ,-, j,~:,~~"~rJ;:,I-~,____,____ ,--~--_.,-_._--,--'-- _....,'-_..----~.~.__. .. 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PROGRAM: HMMP-Permitting - DESCRIPTION: LCIC- LL' J.t' LOCATION: J 10 I L,U vv-c0 FACILITY NAME: p Öì ~ L COMMENTS: ~OOR-ORlGltW. - ,-- Pacific Gas and Electric Company ~ ~~~ Dennis R, White Supervisor Building/Environmental Services Kern Division 1918 H Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~ A__,_........~"'." I_I n"74t:f'lAf'\ RE!ùRCE MANAGEMENT A!.NCY RANDALL L. ABBOn DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE DI ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Environmental Health Services Department STEVE McCALLEY. REHS. DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control District WILLIAM J. RODDY. APCO Planning & Development Services Department TED JAMES. AlCP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT September 13, 1991 Paul D. Elias, Kern Division Manager PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC 1918 H Street' Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Elias: The purpose of this letter is to memorialize my discussions with Russell Messick and our subsequent agreement regarding the method and manner in which P.G.& E. will address unplanned releases of materials containing PCB from electrical utility equipment into the environment. This letter will replace our previous direction on this subject dated November 16, 1982. REPORTING All releases of insulating fluid where the PCB concentration cannot be determined by reference to a manufacturer's tag, or sticker and those where reference to the tag or sticker indicates PCB concentration .2:,5 ppm shall be reported to the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department. Where reference to a manufacturer's sticker/tag or a P.G.& E. repair facility tag on the outside of a transformer or other piece of electrical equipment definitely confirms that the equipment contains No PCB or <5 ppm PCB no report to Kern County Environmental Health Services Department is required. The report of release should be made as soon as is practicable after the arrival of P.G.&E. supervisor on- scene. The reporting party should be prepared to give the location of the spill, the approximate amount of fluid spilled and whether the concentration of PCB has been determined by reference to a tag or sticker. In instances where fire or a traffic accident is involved to cause the release, it is likely the Department will have received notif ication from a 911 responding agency. However, unless contact is made with Department personnel on scene, the first arriving P.G.& E. personnel should make a confirming call as above. 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 PRJNlE) ON RECYClED PAPER (805) 861·3636 FAX: (805) 861·3429 e e Paul D. Elias September 13, 1991 Page 2 I ! Notification calls 'during working hours should be directed to Kern County Environmental Health Services Department at (805) 861-3636 After hours, weekends and holidays calls should be directed to: Kern County Communications, Control 5, at (805) 861-2500. ANALYSES All releases of insulating fluid from equipment not labeled as Non-PCB or <5 ppm PCB should be tested by a licensed hazardous waste laboratory using the appropriate gas chromatograph method. The timing of the analysis, whether emergency rush or routine, should be determined in consultation with the on-call Hazardous Materials Specialist. Factors to be considered include: amount spilled, location, and public access. In general, an emergency rush sample is preferred, however, a small quantity release in a rural area which can be secured without detriment to the public or the environment may be a candidate for routine testing and clean-up the next regular working day. The results of any testing performed are to be communicated to the Environmental Health Services Department upon receipt. CLEAN-UP In California clean-up of liquid waste containing ~5 ppm PCB is required. ,The adequacy of a clean-up will be judged by analyzing post-clean-up sample results and comparing them to criteria established for a particular site based on its potential to affect human health or the environment. The general clean-up levels outlined below can be expected to apply in the absence of extenuating circumstances as determined by the Environmental Health Services Department. MEDIA CLEAN UP LEVEL I, i Soil <5 ppm to N.D. Water Source To Be Determined I, I Solid Surface (vehicle, residence, etc.) ~10 ug/cm2 e e Paul D. Elias September 13, 1991 Page 3 ~'J Should you or your staff have questions on this policy in the future, please feel free to contact me. ~lY Chris Burger, R.E.H.S. Hazardous Materials Specialist IV Manager, Hazardous Materials Management Program CB : j g cc: Russ Messick, P.G.& E. Bakersfield Service Center File ~, ---1780 Flower Str... - 8ak,¡...~, Ctõlllom" 93305 T~e (805)1I1-3e38 tMN COUNTY HEALTH OEPART!Nl· A,\1t~),J"t t>~-J ~Z- ¡ ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebert.on. M.D. /' DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard -/J!z November 16, 1982 Michael Moore ager G and Electric Company 19l&, treet Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear Mr. Moore: This letter shall address the Kern County Health Department, Division of Environmental Health, policy regarding capacitor or transformer oil spillage. This policy is consistant with the "Hazardous Materials Incident Contingency Plan" used by the California Highway Patrol and which was agreed to by all state and local governmental agencies in Kern County. It appears that since P.G.& E. does not have records at this time to verify whether or not a piece of equipment contains P.C.B. prior to its' spillage, the untimely spillage would in fact fall under the category of a chemical spill as addressed in the plan described above The plan requires anyone who is aware of such a spillage to immediately notify the proper authorities; in these cases the referral should be made to either the Kern County Health Department at 861-3636, or directly to the California Highway Patrol. We then will notify the agencies needed per the plan; however, emergency agencies such as fire or ambulan¡ or other police agencies are to be called upon at your discretion or as company policy dic- tates as being necessary for each incident. Our experience has shown that P.G.& E. has the facilities, equipment, and personnel to answer emergency calls for equipment leakage to facilitate securing the area, taking and processing samples, and site clean-up and decontamination prior to disposal of any and all contaminations. It appears that the company has used two alternatives that are consistent with our analysis of risk assessment: I, 1) Immediate sampling of the oil for analysis prior to securing the spillage area with barricades and constant surveillance by authorized P.G. & E. personnel to prohibit entry; based on the timely lab response, P.G. & E. would know whether to start site clean-up or not. !' A F+€: IL hoc...uu Slø I - 2..15:'00 ." e e --- f', . ..'''... .' ~ I: Michael Moore Page Two November 16, 1982 I: 2) Immediate sampling of the oil for analysis and the proper site clean-up and contamination storage prior to disposal based on the analysis submitted. I: Since the Health Department's concerns are addressed by either of the alternatives above, the choice is clearly one for P.G. & E. to make on a case-by-case basis. Our personnel have been instructed to assist you at the scene in relaying information to the Incident Commander, normally California Highway Patrol, police department, or sheriff's department personnel. We have further instructed our personnel they may leave the scene once P.G. & E. verifies the method used for addressing our concerns and that method is initiated to their satisfaction. However, should decontamination be necessary, the Kern County Health Department should monitor the scene until the decontamination is completed so that we may state when the scene is safe again as required by the California Highway Patrol Plan. Should you have any questions regarding Kern County Health Department policy, the California Highway Patrol Plan, or individual incidents, we will be most willing to meet with you, as we look forward to working with your company in areas of mutual interest. Sincerely, ~ ?/~ Environmental Health Specialist III Hazardous and Toxic Materials Section Casagrande RC : j p cc: Lt. Ken Myatt, CHP All Specialists,KCHD File Ii !' . I I' THE PG&ESUGGESTIONSYSTEM l~ jVVYLA f a 'f~ 1/ 11 . 62-6294 (REV, 2/87) . I; ~ J tp I ~~-r-r-r Ideas in Action ...... Page _ of _ STANDARDIZE HÄZARDOUS WASTE CLEANUP PROCEDURES I have read the back of this form and agree to the terms and conditions as stated. 874-5859 M.I. SIGNATURE 545-74-8228 DATE JOINT SUGGESTION PRINT LAST NAME ARST NAME REYES FRANK R See (Section VI on back) COMPANY MAIUNG ADDRESS 4101 WIBLE - BAKERSFIELD SERVICE CTR. DEPARTMENT ET&D JOB TITlE FIELD CLERK SUPERVISOR'S NAME: CHECK IF YOU ARE: 0 RETIRED EMPLOYEE 0 CONSULTANT/AGENCY (do not sign forrr IMPORTANT! BEFORE YOU GO ON PLEASE SEe BACK OF THIS FORM FOR INFORMATION ON EMPLOYEE ELIGIBILITY (Section I-A) and INELIGIBLE SUBJECTS (Section II), INVALID SUGGESTIONS WILL BE RETURNED WITHOUT AN EVALUATION. ¡, I II your suggestion deals with any of ~ Ihese subjects-complete appropriate ~ box(es), Attach Samples SEE ATTACHED. CONTINUED 0 ON SEPARATE SHEET ~.:;r-·".J'··'~··\{~""·~··"'-":""'''''' ..__;....?-:. .~'....~:;~.¡_~_-,;'_":'"....,-C..:r-;.+~...~"."....,....._, ,_ ."'--f.&~"~~¡I:¡¡f!"'..p~,~.u~'''''''''~~':f~",....~..;..,~t.....,~__:...._:.....,-_ ~ ~...,;,;'" .;¡, .,: .-,..-.,~'~' '_':"~:':'''--':;~~'''''T_'-·'~''''::<''-''''~ESC·B·IB~V;OUR'SO-..~TIíON ,,-.-', '~-'~,"'--.. . - , -.."",,', i~ :~.~~--.::~~:,:¥~.~-~~:';:;:;.~~.:~:~;.:;:-;:;~.::..;: ~~:'-:r:~::~~~~~~~ _-.~¿. --=~L~~~!!~~_. ~.~:~:~~¿~.._~. :."__ ~,~"~_._ ,."~.__~: '~~ ~~ ~r-~- H _ .~~.~~~~-; Explain your solution in detail. Your supervisor or committee person will be glad to assist you ,If necessary, use additional sheets. Please include the name of the department that you think should evaluate your suggestion. CONTINUED 0 ON A SEPARATE SHEET KEY WORDS: Circle seven key words (including form numbers) that apply to your suggestion. LA8OR: HAS X $ MATERIAL: NO. OF UNITS X $ ..', OTHER SAVINGS (REVENUE, CAPITAL. ETC.):- COST TO IMPLEMENT, $ X 20% (IFUNCERS400DlSREGAAD) _ - $ , ARSTYEAR'SNETSAVlNGS - $ -i,+S" Ideas dealing with: Customer RefatlDnS; Employee Relations; Improved Aesthetics. ate; ". '~. -'.....~' SAFETY o Ideas eliminating or prwwntlng safely;: c, hazards '_":'~":" , . ~ '.......,~--,. -, .'. -. ::,.' :"": Jr' .' , .,'~:~,.~;~:_~-: ,_ !~~,:;;~~=,:~:".,~,;",'.~::~~;,~::":,~':~~~,~':~'~:;_~'..7HÅVE YOÜ??<""~ c"--_ :~; .. - '.. "".... . . ":;'';'' :' ... .~:-, ;..~::- ,~...' -:-~;~~;:" "'~.,:--_...':,-::, ': ::.,...' ,~ ,:.,: ~~:)": ~":-~":,' ~:"~~.<~" .: ,:'. '~:. ~'-:,.·:-r-!:,:,~~:~~~\~~,:(:~:X:'::;·,~ :~'~::, :-;':~:'~" :.T. ",. < -Anached allClilculatlonÌlandlorsupportlrìg documents? " ;".,' '",,; '''''~:' '.,., ' -Made a copy for yourself? Submit original to your Ideas in Action coordinator. A copy will be returned to you as acknowledgement. -Included \/Our comilanv chene number and !IOCial security numhAr? .. , .. ..., - ~.- 62-6294 (REV. 2/87) e ~ J . I -~-r-r-r Ideas in Action ~ I: THE PG&ESUGGESTIONSYSTEM jl I Page_of _ STANDARDIZE HAZARDOUS WASTE PROCEDURES 'F I have read the back of this form and agree to the terms and conditions as stated. 874-5856 PRINT LAST NAME ARST NAME M.I. SIGNATURE DATE JOINT SUGGESTION I RIART RHONDA J ~ (Section VI on back) COMPANY MAILING ADDRESS DEPARTMENT JOB TITLE D BAKERSFIELD SERVICE CTR ET&D UTILITY CLERK-TYPIST SUPERVISOR'S NAME: CHECK IF YOU ARE: .. '0' RETIRED EMPLOYEE 0 CONSULTANT/AGENCY (do not sign fom IMPORTANT! BEFORE YOU GO ON PLEASE SEE BACK OF THIS FORM FOR INFORMATION ON EMPLOYEE ELIGIBILITY (Section I-A) and INELIGIBLE SUBJECTS (Section II). INVALID SUGGESTIONS WILL BE RETURNED WITHOUT AN EVALUATION, CONTINUED 0 ON SEPARATE SHEET ~";':'{~"'<i"""~\I'....-i·~~·"·~··r~'·;;,.....~_:,~ ..,-.¡,_...;....._.........._...... .'~--t..-.ÿ..,~...":...~_,:......,.r.--:(...1-....-~~~,,.~.¡;~_: _'__...... . .~. , _..,' ~~"",='~·~;:;;,':.,:1",:.j';":":·~'>:¿'~,"-·':.,.~-'-;=,·':-·~·~-:::cESCRIBEo'YOUR-sõtuiiorf';: " ,:, -,' " >,;.::, ;'::-;·.~~-:;,:~:;,:::~-,-.:,:::::::·:-;.,,:~,;;:·"::".;'~~..~j_·....:·~~:r__r:'~-=-_r-:~Ä:"'~'" ,. .. --=-..:-_-.;.-~~-.._ ~"or:.........\..+-_.....~. _ ._, _ . _ . -'. _ _. .,_-;:~, Explain your solution in detail. Your supervisor or committee person will be glad to assist you. If necessary, use additional sheets. Please include the name of the department that you think should evaluale your suggestion. CONTINUED 0 ON A SEPARATE SHEET KEY WORDS: Circle seven key words (including form numbers) that apply to your suggestion. -(.... .. . ~' _ - < ... ~ .; _ 0'..- '.. ".. .. '_ r ... ~.; _ -,,,' . ~ .. . . _ . _ ;... " :-:-,:~~ŒSTIMÄTED-,SAVINGS>(FòrFjrst Year) (Refer to Section III on the back) OTHER BENEFITS < .~" ;- - . ~ .,- .- - ---~. ';. -.. ~.' ~ -. -: - - ~ '.- :: LABOR: HAS X $ MATERIAL; NO, OF UNITS X $ OTHER SAVINGS (REVENUE. CAPITAL. ETC.): caST TO IMPLEMENT, $ X 20% (IFUNDEAs.ooDDtSREOARO) _ - S FIRST YEAR'S NET SAVINGS - $ RATE(USETOPOFAATe) - + S , UNIT C~S~ ~+ $ --- - ... $':' INTANGIBLE D Ideas dealing with: Customer RelationS; Employee Relations; Improved Aesthetics. efC. , ,§~~ETY ",0 Ideas eliminating or prewnting Afety" ~ ~. "~',''''', ~~ ,-,."-~"",..- . .,.,......,:,,'-; ~.,À' _,-' ".,,' ,..'. =,,',-,; F:-' . , ,~" :, '·H' ·"E YOU?? ..'-- -...... ft", . . .' , . --. ., ,'. .... ~.. . . . ,----.... -'- - ,-..,-- - --..--.-......-.-..-. -.. ---. ,_. '_-;'.,1~,· ,.,.. ....i"".--.. -~_._,...._-'- ---...-.---'__:. '__ , --- --.-.-,- ---,----, -Attached all calcùlatioils andlo¡'sup¡)ortlng documen1S? '," . '" '.,:,~ ~,.,':.:-,,: :' ,-.. -Made a copy for yourself? Submit original 10 your Ideas In Action coordinator. A èopy will be returned to you as acknowledgement. , -Included your company phone number and social securilV number? ':';'¡",:~-,' 62-6294 (REV, 2/87) e ~ J 411Þ, I ....~ -.,r -r-r Ideas in Action II. ~ , I THE PG&ESUGGESTION SYSTEM Page_ot _ STANDARDIZE HAZARDOUS WASTE PROCEDURES I have read the back of this form and agree to the terms and conditions as stated. 550-52-1121 PRINT lAST NAME ARST NAME M.I. SIGNATURE DATE JOINT SUGGESTION MESSICK RUSSELL E See (Section VI on back) COMPANY MAILING ADDRESS 4101 WIBLE RD., BAKERSFIELD SERVICE CTR DEPARTMENT ET&D / ASAP JOB TITlE ELEC CONST SUPV SUPERVISOR'S NAME: CHECK IF YOU ARE: 0 RETIRED EMPLOYEE 0 CONSULTANT/AGENCY (do not sign fom IMPORTANT! BEFORE YOU GO ON PLEASE SEE BACK OF THIS FORM FOR INFORMATION ON EMPLOYEE ELIGIBILITY (Section I-A) and INELIGIBLE SUBJECTS (Section II). INVALID SUGGESTIONS WILL BE RETURNED WITHOUT AN EVALUATION, CONTINUED 0 ON SEPARATE SHEET ~.-..- ...S"" ~ -,.~. " '. ¥. . "-- - . . , ..,.......,Þ- ._ .. . , ~~.;,¿':;:h.:;,l:,::S."t.'.:'::-::';:';;;~~- ;:.":: -~. "',." '. ,;'-. '-'~-" --~D- E' S' CRIBE':",O"'~-U'" R-":,-S" 0.. -L"'U' -T'"'1'0' N-', " ','~."":~~ '::::',:,' :'''''.,:;:;:;':''-'C':.'.' :,::-:. " '. ':-~.,-.,' ;..,1-.,.... <". ~--·~....I '-.~ ',,1.1 . _.~ _-~"" .---_._ ~-~_:.::~~=::.;,:;:~~::..:-::: -: :::_:_.::~.__ :~:, ~ _ . _ "> ~ ~::.-" _ _ _ . _ _ ~ ~_.,. . .. . _. ' ." '_' , _.. _ _ .. ~..:.. ,'~, _A. ~. _ _:,~ ~.,,~._...:':_ ~_"., ".' ;>'.;_;~':;;...r Explain your solution in detail. Your supervisor or committee person will be glad to assist you. 11 necessary. use additional sheets. Please include the name 01 the department that you think should evaluate your suggestion. CONTINUED 0 ON A SEPARATE SHEET KEY ,WORDS: Circle seven keywordsJincluding form numbers) that ."ply,!O your suggestion. , , ..c;; ~ -.. '- ~ - -- - .. ~ . , _. ._~ ", :;:~:¥.~TIMATED SAVINGS (For First Year) (Refer to Section III on the back) 'OTHER'BENEFJT~::-~ ,;\': ..;..s...- . '..: .: : - LABOR: HRS X $ MATERIAL: NO. OF UNITS X $ OTHER ,SAVINGS (REVENUE, CAPITAl; ETC:)::' ' COST TO IMPLEMENT, $ X 20% RATE (USE TCPOf' RATE) , - + $ UNIT COST ~ ,+'$ '., _~~-+ ~S ' INTANGIBLE D Ideas dealing with: Customer Relations; Employee Relations; Improved Aesthetics. ale.' -, ' ' (IFUNOERSOOOOtSREGAAD) - _' _ ..-:$ . FIRST YEAR'S NET SAVINGS - $ _~_~EEI.)' , ,0 Ideas eliminating or preventing safetY' hazards ....", ..,... . _.'....,,-, '--';"';~'7 ",' õ."., .,.........'_~~.....;.._.,~,-_,~.;.;;,~::=- ~:'. .-:;::'!~-'..::'''''~~~'''''~,1;':-' '" " ~-o.-:-"'"'''''':';~''''''''''' ... _,_..__.' ~¡" '-"-".~.' -Made a copy for yourself? Submit original to your Ideas InACtion c:Oordlnàll:ir.'A êopy will be returned to you as acknowledgement. ,-,', -Included your company phone number and social security number? , -.,.. , ,. , ' ,.",;"., · e PRESENT METHOD: Every Service Center throughout PG&E is attempting to follow T&D Bulletin 2-50, (Rev. 6, eff. 12-30-'88), "Handling, i"1arking, Inspecting, Retrofilling, Reporting, & Spill Cleanup for PCB, PCB-Contaminated, and Oil Filled Electrical Equipment", with a variety of interpretations in the areas of testing of oilíwaterídirt samples and in the areas of handling spoils of the spill. SOLUTION: Build a computer based program to document known PCB concentration levels for oil filled equipment. This program could be done on a local level or preferably on the system level through LANíWAM. Work with local and state agencies on their acceptance of known PCB concentration levels identified through 1) manufacturer's name plate (Attachment 1), 2) manufacturer's non PCB stickers, blue, (Attachment 2), 3) PG&Erepaired sticker (silver with blue lettering), code 1428, (Attachment 3 8.; 4). A summary of T&D Bulletin 2-50 identifies the categories of PCB concentration for solid and liquid mediums in parts per million (ppm) '::\ ~5 : PCB F'C:B ~l)l) pptn or qv"'ea"ter contaminated, 50-499 ppm less t!'''¡¿'In 50 ppfii t'·,~ Ct n F: C: B Oil filled electrical equipment with an unknown PCB concentration must be assumed to be PCB contaminated (50-499 ppm) until tested or proven clther\A.li '5e. Ir¡ -[,he St¿;lte Df Califor'nia, all "waste" liquids:, c:ont¿lininq from 5 ppm to less than 50 ppm PCB are considered a long-term environmental risk and. therefore, regulated as a hazardous waste, for disposal purposes. All used "w,:o.',,;te" oi 1 ',;;, r-egard 1 ess of thei r- PCB concentrat ion ar-e no¡;., considered a hazardous waste in California. All retr- i evab 1 e 1 i qui d "waste" wi th 5 ppm or- greater, and all sol i d wastes containing 50 ppm or greater, PCB must be removed from the environment. Clean-up levels lower than those specified above may be necessary on a case-by-case basis, where there is likelihood of direct and repeated human or animal contact, where food chains may be endangered, or where water resources (including swimming pools), may beco~e contaminated. Regardless of the PCB concentration, at least visible traces of spilled mineral oil and synthetic insulating fluid(s) ~ust be removed from the environment. On all transformers and other oil filled equipment received from the manufacturers since approximately 1985, the PCB concentration level was identified at the time of manufacture on either the name plate data, the blue non-PCB sticker, or both. On all transformers or other oil filled equipment, tested and/or rebuilt by equipment repair facilities throughout the PG&E system, all insulating fluids are gas chromatograph tested for PCB concentration levels by PG&E and State approved labs. The test results are logged both at the repair facility and 6n the PG&E repaired I. sticker attached to the equipment. There does not seem to be a standard e e Page 2 way of filling out this tag, as shown in the photos of Attachment 3. This procedure needs to be "tied down" with each repair facility identifying 1) manufacturer and serial number, 2) repair facility identification, 3} date tested and lab, 4) date retrofilled, if applicable, and type of oil/insulating fluid, 5) type of test (gas chromatograph or other), i' 6) the PCB concentra,tion level, ppm. As indicated on the tags, (At tachment 3), 4) 1) non PCB, less than 50, another test will have to be taken to determine EXACT ppm. less than 50 ppm, same as above. 3) content ppm blank - same as no test, assumed to be PCB contaminated (50-499 ppm). content ppm 8T-61 8 ppm, indicates spill will have to be cleaned up to less than 5 ppm. content ppm - ND (none detected) mean 0 ppm. No clean-up procedure required except all visible traces of oil removed. 2} t:.,- '. J} :::~;E°C: t i:m 1,- D ( T ;~d) I-?u 11 f?t i n :2,-:')) '! ':=:p i 11 c I E? ,,;~,n -U,¡J p r' oc ed UI'- E'S, : " ?n I <:5[.:' i 11 clear')-LlpS n)lls·t begin wi't~~in 24 h(~urs of discover'y or wi'tt1in 24 hOLlrs af,tero, the end of an emerg~ncy (adverse weather, emergency operating conditions, etc.)." C:ornpdny emplu/ees as,::, \riell as, city, count.y, stö:i'te and/or +eder¿d agencies are anxious to get oil test results back from the testing facility to determine what level of clean-up is required. Emergency rush results (minimum 2 hours, maximum 8 hours) are requested from the testing 1 ¿I b 5 . $..f::JTI E:'..__..S'd:_~t ¡-", e.§. e t e_? t 5 _S,gl:~,.LsL.l:.:.?- e 1 i m i n ate cJ and /..(:;!.!::......J:;lì an q f:? d t º-_..! q~7l t :Lx", E~, ;~}_.Jj ",ï i:..:':i..L_ i 'f __k n D IrJ n t ~ s t ~,e s u Lt~_..i'j;:~.::..__€. ¿:;, c tL.P_!. e c ~_L e C u iQ merLt." a r" e _b.!."}g ~.J fl~ PG&E needs to work with the jurisdictional agencies to build confidence in our procedures and for them to accept data as supplied on the manufacture name pldte, manufacturer's non PCB tag, and PG&E repaired tag. PG&E will also need to supply these agencies with the types of all retrofilling oils/insulating fluids, including MSDS sheets and PCB concentration levels. NOTE: All retrofilled equipment will have to be considered at the highest tested PCB level until the equipment has been in service a minimum of 90 days and re-tested before the retrofilled equipment Cdn be re-tagged at a lower level ppm (T&D Bulletin 2-50, ::'3ec t:i. on I - I ) . Pr E'!s,ent 1 y , analyses. Kern Division is using B.C. B.C. Lab's address is: Laboratories +or dll of its PCB 4100 Atlds Ct.. Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805)327-4911 Contract #ZS 9880-098 , i: 'I e Page ..;:, e Pricing for oil samples is divided into three categories: Category Price Per Analysis Maximum Turnaround Time Routine Rush Emergency Rush $ 60.00 $120.00 $160.00 _ days 24 hour-s 8 hours Sample Type r'1iscellaneous pricing for PCB cO,ntaminated oil: Additional Cost Each Over Above Categories Wipe sample Soil Concret.e/asphalt. Clothing ')egetat.:i. c!n l'J ,=" t e 1'-' Additional Maximum 1"ur-naround 1"i me $ 75.00 $: 75.00 :.t '75. ()i) 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours 2,q, hour-s :24 hours 24 hours $: 75.. ()() :.t '75" ()(; :~ :¿~~5.. (:ei E}~afJ)ple OT a spill 't~)at r-equlF'es ar) e018F"gency r"Ltsh 5011 sample ~JOLtld De :t16(:)~(:)() + :~75g()(~) = $235.(:i(:~ I"\os:,t 0+ the spills ì<en-¡ Divis:;ion deals:, \.'Jith require "emerc;¡encv rus,h" because the PG&E exempt supervisor and t.he governing agencies want to know the test results immediately to determine the potential hazard to the environment and how thorough a clean-up must be done. San Joaquin Valley Region Equipment Repair Facility, under the supervision of Charlie Hasty (821-7105) uses Sherwood Labs Corporation for all of its F'C:E~ ¿1r", a 1 :./ses" Sheiwood Labs address is: 8071 N. Lander Ave. Hilmar, CA 95324 ( 20'';» 61'S 7 -5258 Contract #ZS-1463-008 Laboratory pr1cIng schedule 15 as follows: Anëd ysi s Standard oil PCB Standard soil PCB Standard wipe PCB Standard concrete PCB Standard water PCB I Emergency oil PCB Emergency soil PCB Emergency wipe PCB Emergency concrete PCB Emergency water PCB Price Maximum Turnaround Time $12.00 $35.00 $45.00 $45.00 $60.00 ,'+ days 5 days c::- days .J 5 days t::' days .J $25.00 $45.00 $55.00 $55.00 $75.00 2 hours 24 hour-s 24 hours 24 hours 24 hour-s Additional charges for courier ser-vice may be charged. e e Page 4 If this suggestion to set up a PCB data base program for each piece of oil filled equipment and the governing agencies agreed to accept the data provided, PCB clean-up procedures will be: 1) expedited because the type of clean-up required is immediately known 2) lab costs at time of spill could be eliminated or reduced to routine 3) less dirt andíor spoils would have to be removed, dep~nding on spill category, reducing labor, materials, transportation and dumping costs 4) overtime clean-up of 0-4.99 ppm, spills could be eliminated by barricading and work done during normal working hours Cost savings on the above procedure would have to be determined on a case-by-case basis fer each spill determined by the content of the ppm ot the sample analysis, the PG&E supervisor assigned to the spill, and the jurisdictional agencies. The secofld ~)hase of the sL~ggestion IS for" ~::ern Division~ and o·ther divisions as determined by laboratory costs, to use Sherwood Labs for all r:::ou~ti ne F'C!;: ¿mal 'y:",ª-,:§,:,=" B. C. LabS'; ~,.i 11 p¡~obabl 'j' have to be us:,ed for" EMERGENCY rush PCB analysis tests because of the time delay getting the samples to Sherwood Labs. Samples te Sherwood Labs sent from Kern Division could be transported to Fresno on the Regional warehouse truck, everyday as required, and picked up by common carrier at the Regional Equipment Repair Facility. After test results are determined, the date could be faxed back to the requesting Service Center for proper disposal. Cost comparisons for B.C. Labs and Sherwood Labs are as follows: B.C. LABS SHERWOOD SAVINGS ROLltine oil PCB Routine soil PCB Routine wipe PCB Routine concrete PCB Routine, water PCB :t60 ($60+$75) (::~60+~f.75 ) (~: ::60+$75 ) ($:60+$25 ) -- ~~: 135 = $135 ,,- ~f. 1 ,.:;.;::, '- ~:¡:: 85 :$:12 $35 ::1:.45 ~t 4, 5 ¥,~O Emergency rush oil PCB Emergency rush soil PCB Emergency rush wipe PCB Emergency rush concrete PCB Emergency rush water PCB $160 ($160+~~75 ) ($160+~:¡::75) = ($160+$75) ($160+$25) :1:.25 :t45 $55 $55 $75 = $235 $:235 ::,$235 = $235 i, :;. 48 $100 :;' 90 $ 90 $ 25 $135 $190 $180 $180 $160 e e ¡' I: Page 5 I II Because of spills thus far in 1991, Kern Division has had B.C. Labs do 44 oil samples, 4 wipe samples, 2 water samples and 3ï soil samples. Most of the samples were considered EMERGENCY RUSH because of the nature of the sPill, and the involvement of outside agencies. The sample analysis savings to Kern Division if they would have classified the samples as ROUTINE and used SHERWOOD LABS would have been: Oi I $160 $12 h 44 = $ 6,512 Soi 1 $235 $35 ë'ï = $ 7,400 ,', ._' I Wipe $235 $45 ,', 4 = $ ï60 I¡Jater $:235 $60 ,"') = ~t. 350 ,', ,... ------- $15,022 If Federal, State and Local by PG&E, the annual savings jurisdictional agencies accept data provided would be estimated at $30,044 ($15,022 x 2). The third pnase of the suggestion, if adopted, would have A.S.A.P. take (~:il !~afr1p],es on every 't~ansfor-me~ or- (3ther- oil filleej equipmen·t, BEFORE sending it into the field for installation. Only those transformers or equipment with UNKNOWN PCB CONTENT will have to be tested. This test data will be included in the computer based program to identify known PCB concentration levels. A suggested method for A.S.A.P. personnel to extract samples f~om deenergized transformers and other oil filled equi pment i:::, to US(,? th('?' ~3he.r~'Jood L=,b "salnp 1 i ng tool kit I", (pr- i cf2d :~> 155 each, cat.# S~'JLII(1). "Sherwood Lab E;¿ünpling Tool ~:::it II! contain:::, everything you need for testing pole and padmounted transformers, while ensuring environmental and individual safety. The tool kit contains cordless drill with drill charger, two colleted drill bits, impalement tool with handle, and a tube of clear sealant. Thi s sugge!st ion is a three-par't ~' or kabl e "Haz ardous I¡Jaste" management system. Each of the three parts should be considered separately with implementation at either the local or general office level. If adopted at the general office level, cost to create the computer based program to identify known PCB concentration levels for all oil filled equipment shoul d be pai d f or out of the "FCB annual Gt-1". I f adopted at the local level, cost to create the program will have to be funded. fT1 X OJ 3 -0 -' (1) V1 o -t, 3 OJ ::5 e -t, OJ () rt e , (1) , V1 ::5 OJ :3 (1) -0 -' OJ rt (1) V1 :::: -'. rt ::J -0 -0 3 a.. (1) ::5 rt -t, -I. (1) a.. -- Attachment 2 Examples of manufacturer's identification stickers to indicate non PCB with ppm indicated POOR ORIGIN£!l Blank - no results indicated will require test 8 ppm - gives exact ppm - wi 11 require a cleanup for · ~:~::::Al ,<~:\,~I,'~, ' ". ~ ,::-.i:;'t l' Cl or-N-Oi 1 Positive retrofilled use only if retrofilled Negative retrofilled no retrofilled required, less than 5 ppm , ûOR ORIGINAL I; ~~ er.., . i ft \ \S' ""<4L~ e e UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGION IX 215 Fremont Street San Francisco, Ca. 94105 -I ;J-2 //6't ? I I UUL 3 1Sì,,:: IN REPLY. REFER TO: T-4-7 EPA ID #: CAD980816359 I: v Mr. Richard Cas a Grande Kern County Environmental Health 2700 "M" street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Casa Grande: Enclosed please find the Preliminary Assessment Reassessment 3e~Qrt prepared by our contractor, Ecology and Environment, on i ~PacificGas-&'El'ecErTc'-servTc-e' centEh::-J"s>cated in Bakersfield, '--=-'California. ----' , EPA encourages your written comments on this report. They should note the EPA ID number given above a~d they should be sent to Paul La Courreye, EPA mail stop T-4-7. If you have any ques- tions please contact Paul at (415) 974-7198. Sincerely, -d~ /~ Thomas A. M~ Chief site Evaluation section Enclosure (Rj ~ © ~ ~ O/!~ID) JUL t 0 1989 ENvmONMENrAL HEALTH e e ~ ~~O~~~E~T.~:~G::::~2~~:~,t:Oinc. (gJ ~ © ~ II W ~[Q) International Specialists in the Environment J U L , 0 '989 I, TO: FROM: Date: SUBJECT: EPA IDft: PAN ft: THROUGH: Copy: ENV/AONMENTAL HEAL iH MEMORANDUM Paul La Courreye, EPA Region IX Site Screening Coordinator Robert ~ise, Ecology and Environment, Inc. March 17, 1989 Reevaluation of the Preliminary Assessment of Pacific Gas and Electric Bakersfield Service Center, 4101 ~ible Road, Bakersfield, California, Kern County, dated August 6, 1980 CAD980816359 FCA0874PAA Christine Houston, Ecology and Environment, Inc. ~~ FIT Mas ter File Chris Lichens, Ecology and Environment, Inc. Don Plain, California Department of Health Services, Sacramento ~illiam Pfister, Central Valley Regional ~ater Quality Control Board, Fresno Richard Casa Grande, Kern County Environmental Health, Bakersfield Ralph Huey, Bakersfield Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Unit, Bakersfield INTRODUCTION Under Technical Directive Document number F9-8809-079, Ecology and Environment, Inc.'s Field Investigation Team (FIT) has been tasked to reassess all Preliminary Assessments (PAs) in the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) with "active" or "pending" status according to the guidelines established to implement the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA). During the course of this reassessment process, PAs were identified that contained insufficient information to allow for an accurate reassessment. FIT has been subsequently directed reevaluate and upgrade these PAs as needed to ensure that an accurate response determination is made. The strategy for determination of further action under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) is based solely on each site's potential to score high enough on the Hazard F09S e e Ranking System (HRS) for inclusion on the National Priorities List (NPL). This strategy is intended to identify those sites posing the highest relative risk to human health or the environment. All other sites needing remedial or enforcement follow-up will be referred to the States or other appropriate Federal agency. This site was evaluated primarily using the original HRS model. Additionally, this site was also evaluated for its potential to score using the proposed revised HRS model. The following is a summary of FIT's findings with regard to this site. SUMMARY The Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) Bakersfield Service Center is located at 4101 ~ible Road, Bakersfield (Kern County), California (1). The Service Center is a maintenance and operations center for PG&E in the Bakersfield area. The PG&E facility consists of an operations/ administration building, several smaller buildings (use unknown), a parking lot for PG&E vehicles, and an outside storage area (as observed by FIT on October 10, 1988). PG&E management was made aware of possible buried PCB capacitors at the Bakersfield facility in mid-1980. A preliminary site investigation was initiated by PG&E at that time which confirmed that PCB capacitors and other construction debris had been placed in a depressed area of the facility grounds. It is believed by PG&E officials that the PCB capacitors found at the Bakersfield Service Center were placed on-site in the late 1960s and/or early 1970s. Subsequently, the site investigation was expanded and appropriate remediation plans were developed. Site investigation and remediation activities included soil sampling and analyses for site characterization, removal and proper disposal of all PCB articles (895 capacitors, less than nine tons of PCB contaminated oil), removal of associated contaminated soil, placement and compaction of clean backfill in excavated areas, and installation of a soil cement and asphaltic concrete cap over the entire facility. The site remediation was completed in May 1985. All PCB site investigation and remediation activities at the Bakersfield Service Center were performed under the direction of ' and with the concurrence of the California Department of Health Services (DOHS) (2). PCB contaminated soils have been removed from the site, which was then backfilled and capped with asphaltic concrete, precluding the possibility for documenting an observed release to air attributable to PG&E. i The nearest surface water is a tributary to the Farmers Canal found 3000 feet south of the site. The Farmers Canal is an agricultural delivery canal connected to a series of canals that services the South Bakersfield area with irrigation water. These canals serve over 10,000 acres (exact figure unknown). The slope of the facility and intervening terrain is less than three percent (3). The one-year, 24-hour rainfall is less than one inch (4). No sensitive environments exist within a four-mile radius I: F09S e I I , I e of the site. The closest well to the site is within a quarter mile of PG&E. This well is a municipal well owned by the California Yater Service Company. Yater from this well is blended and serves over 10,000 people. The depth to this aquifer is greater than 150 feet below surface level. The unsaturated zone consists mainly of clays with intervening layers of sand (5). A Preliminary Assessment completed by EPA on August 6, 1980 recommended a high priority Site Inspection based on the presence of PCBs. FIT does ~not concur. A preliminary HRS screening estimate of PG&E indicates that it will probably not qualify for inclusion on the NPL based on the following HRS factors: (1) depth to the aquifer of concern (greater than 150 feet); (2) low net precipitation (less than one inch); (3) low permeability of the unsaturated zone (clays); (4) low waste quantity (less than nine tons); (5) low potential for release to surface water (the slope of the facility and the intervening terrain is less than three percent); (6) no sensitive environments exist within a four-mile radius of the site; and (7) low potential for an observed release of hazardous materials to air because the PCB contaminated soils have been removed and the site was capped with asphaltic concrete. CONCLUSIONS Based on the following factors, the Pacific Gas and Electric Bakersfield Service Center does not appear to be eligible for inclusion on the National Priorities List: o depth to the aquifer of concern (greater than 150 feet); o low net precipitation (less than one inch); o low permeability of the unsaturated zone (clays); o low quantity of waste (less than nine tons); o low potential for release to surface water (the slope of the facility and the intervening terrain is less than three percent); o no sensitive environments exist within a four-mile radius of the site; and o PCB contaminated soils have been removed from the site, which was then backfilled and capped with asphaltic concrete, precluding the possibility for documenting an observed release to air attributable to Pacific Gas and Electric. F095 I I e e EPA RECOMMENDATION Initial Date No Further Action Under CERCLA r œ/~'J/?'1 / ' High-Priority 55I Medium-Priority 55I '¡/}o r~ ~~ tbn~ é!6-/?c!¿-f -{// ~~~ a:;;r ~~.¿ ~ {l·~5(~ F09S e e References: 1) USGS 7.5 minute Quadrangle, Gosford, California 2) Letters to Robert ~ise, Ecology and Environment, Inc., from Roger Anderson, December 7, 1988. 3) Conversation between Mark Dawson, Kern Public ~orks, Flood Control and Rob ~ise, Ecology and Environment, Inc., October 31, 1989. 4) Rainfall Frequency Atlas of the United States, Technical Paper No. 40, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1983. 5) Conversation with ,Edward ~egmer, California ~ater Service Co. and Robert ~ise, Ecology and Environment, Inc. January 1988. F09S e - t.ouÝ- ~ I G <f-- f- cg-/~ ( December 1. 1988 REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENTS ELECfRIC DISTRIBUTION Handling. Marking. Inspecting, RetrofJlling. Reponing. and SpiJI Cleanup for PCB. PCB-Contaminated. and Oil-FilIed Electrical Equipment T&D Bulletin 2-50. Revision No.6 Effective: December 30, 1988 ..,.. This Bulletin outlines requirements for handling, marking, inspecting, and retrofilling electrical equipment containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and for reponing and cleaning up PCB, PCB-contaminated, mineral oil, and other insulating fluid spills. The categories of electrical equipment insulating fluids covered in this Bulletin are PCB, PCB-contaminated and non-PCB, which correspond to the normal cleanup categories of high-concentration, low-concentration, and non-PCB spill cleanups respectively. The Bulletin includes the attached memorandum, diagrams, and exhibits that provide a synopsis of all procedures related to PCBs and other insulating fluids. This will also become part of a PCB Manual containing a referenced supplemental bulletin and appendices to cover in more detail the procedures outlined in .the text of the Bulletin.' ~'~I1- R. J. MASLOWSKI CFFrandrup(223-3520) :rgv Attachments e e I II I: I-A. RECISIONS AND REFERENCES , I, Ii I, I I i' i This Bulletin supersedes Transmission and Distribution (T&D) Bulletin No.2-50. Revision No.5. "Handling. Marking. Inspecting. Reponing and Spill Cleanup for PCB-Filled. PCB-Contaminated. and Oil-Filled Electrical Equi,pment". For references. see Bulletin Supplement Section A. I-B. GENERAL The categories of PCB concentration for solid and liquid mediums in parts per million (ppm) are PCB (500 ppm or greater). PCB-contaminated (50-499 ppm). and non-PCB (less than 50 ppm). Oil-filled electrical equipment with an unknown PCB concentration must be assumed to be PCB-contaminated until tested or proven otherwise. In the state of California. all "waste" liquids containing from 5 ppm to less than 50 ppm PCB are considered a long-term environmental risk and therefore regulated as a hazardous waste for disposal purposes. All, used "waste" oils. regardless of their PCB concentration. are now considered a hazardous waste in California. Spills involving 50 ppm or greater PCB have been classified into two 'major spill categories ofIow- and high-concentration PCB spills. A low-concentration PCB spill is assumed or identified as containing less than 500 ppm PCB. whereas a high-concentration PCB spill is identified as containing 500 ppm or greater PCB. Regardless of the concentration. spills that release the equivalent of 1 pound or greater of pure PCB by weight are defined to be high-concentration PCB spills. All retrievable liquid "wastes" with 5 ppm or greater and all solid wastes containing 50 ppm or greater PCB must be removed from the environment. Cleanup levels lower than those specified above may be necessary on a case-by-case basis where there is likelihood of direct and repeated human or animal contact; where food chains may be endangered; or where water resources. including swimming pools. may become contaminated. The general cleanup criteria for the different PCB insulating fluid spill categories are as follows: · Remove all retrievable liquid "wastes" (e.g.. oil cleanup solvents and oil/water mixtures) with 5 ppm or greater PCB from the environment. . Remove all contaminated solid "wastes" (e.g.. soil. rags. absorbent material. and vegetation) that have absorbed liquids containing 50 ppm or greater PCB. The specific cleanup criteria for "low-concentration PCB spilJs" and "high-concentration PCB spilJs" are detailed under PCB Spill Cleanup. . Cleanup levels lower than those specified for retrievable liquid "wastes" and for low- or high-concentration PCB spilJs may be necessary on a case-by-case basis where there is a likelihood of direct and repeated human or animal contact; where food chains may be endangered; or where water resources. including swimming pools. may betome contaminated. Regardless of ,the PCB concentration. at least visible traces of spilJed mineral oil and synthetic insulating fluid(s) must be removed from the environment. An 'overviewo{the eIeanùp process is given in Diagram 1 entitled Generic Overview of PCB Cleanup ProceSs; and a detalJed overview o£the 'cleanup process is given in Diagram 2 entitled Cleanup of PCB. PCB-Contaminated. and Non-PCB Spills. Ii I , 1 e e each approved container holding equipment and debris. Equipment and debris are never to be put in the same approved container. A ~Caulion PCB" adhesive label (ML label) must be displayed in access areas to enclosed PCB electrical equipment (500 ppm or greater). except on sidewalk or underground vawts. Access areas include doors. fences. hallways, etc. Firemen must be able to easily read the "Caution PCB" adhesive labels (ML labels) during a fire. The special PCB Hazardous Waste Identification Label is not to be placed on equipment and approved containers containing 50 ppm or greater PCB at the spill or construction site. 7. PCB Electrical Equipment Containment Requirements For a Fire-Related Incident A fire-related incident is, c,iefined as any incident involving PCB equipment which includes the generation of sufficient heat and/or pressure to result in the violent or nonviolent rupture of a PCB transformer and the release of PCBs. Any fire-related incident involving T &D equipment must be treated as a PCB.,...contaminated-re1ated fire until definitely known to be otherwise. When a fire department becomes involved in an equipment fire. the Company shall be responsible for de energizing the equipment so that it is not helping to sustain the fire. The fire department, if necessary, is responsible for putting out the fire after the equipment is deenergized. Contain and control any potential releases of PCBs and incomplete combustion byproducts, especially into water, that are associated with a fire-related incident. Refer to Protection of Personnel and Precaution in Enclosed Spaces for protection of employees during electrical equipment fires. 8. Combustible Materials In PCB Electrical Equipment Locations Combustible materials must not be stored within 20 feet of an enclosure containing PCB electrical equipment. 9. Inspections EPA regulations require periodic visual inspections of known PCB equipment to detect any leaking dielectric fluid. A leak is defined as any quantity of PCB running off or about to run off the equipment. I' Company policy requires all PCB electrical equipment to be retrofilled or removed as soon as possible after discovery. Since less than 1 percent of PG&E's electrical equipment' contains 500 ppm or greater PCB, these types of inspections should occur infrequently. It must be remembered that PCB equipment near food and feed facilities must be inspected weekly until it is removed or at least 90 days after it has been retrofiUed and confirmed to contain less than 500 ppm PCBby laboratory test. On a practical basis. all other inspection intervals will be on a yearly basis., Maintain records of inspections and leaks for all pieces of PCB electrical equipment, except capacitors. on a "PCB Equipment InspeCtion and Maintenance History Repon" (Form 62-4255), Exhibit 1. 10. Protection or Personnel . .. . ; : '., . " 1..· Þ' " _ ,...:, '~, I ,. When you '~nticipate,pcB c;ontact, wear disposable protective clothing and'>devices which consist of coveralls, plastic overshoes, solvex gloves. a web belt. and face shields. When necessary, tape sleeves 1-3 e e generated when PCBs and otherinsulating fluids are subjected to arcing from electrical faults or fires. Generated vapors are easily detectable by being both pungent smeIling and choking fumes. If it is necessary to enter an enclosure where PCB-contaminated mineral oil or other insu1aüng fluids have vaporized. before the area has been properly ventilated. wear a self-contained or a positive pressure breathing apparatus. Pole-top or padmounted equipment fires involving PCB equipment may require respiratory protecüon, depending on the circumstances. Immediately contact the Electric Distribution Department whenever an equipment fire occurs. I-D. SPILL CLEANUP PROCEDURES The first company employee receiving notice of a spill shall immediately notify the nearest Electric Operaüons Department Dispatcher of the spill. At the first opportunity. the Dispatcher shall send a troub1eman to the spill site and notify an Exempt Supervisor. At the spill site, the troub1eman shall put on appropriate protective clothing and control the spill, barricade the area using the Barricade Tape Adapter Kit or equivalent. and when possible obtain an oil sample from the equipment or source of the spill if the PCB concentration of the insulating fluid is not known. A CLOR-N-OIL 50 PCB Screening Kit can be used to initially determine whether the spill is a non-PCB or PCB-contaminated Spill. The Exempt Supervisor shall arrange for a cleanup crew. direct the cleanup process (which includes notifying the affected property owner(s». and ensure that the necessary records and reporting requirements have been met. AlI spill cleanups must begin within 24 hours of discovery or within 24 hours after the end of an emergency (adverse weather, emergency operaüng conditions. etc.). See Reporting. The Exempt Supervisor shall also notify the Division Gas and Electric Operations Manager, Regional PCB Coordinator, Regional Electric Operations Manager, Materials Department. and other key personnel. After the tailboard briefing and prior to starting any work. the cleanup crew shall put on disposable protective clothing and devices. Spills known or determined to be PCB spills (500 ppm or greater) require full protective clothing or at least disposable overshoes. coveralls. and gloves. Both known PCB-contaminated (assumed or actual) and non-PCB spills, which includes positive or negative test results from the C10r-N-Oil 50 kit. require that at least protective overshoes and gloves be worn. In any case, adequate protective clothing and devices shall be utilized as necessary to avoid contact with insulating fluid by personnel. personal clothing. tools. and equipment. Also, no matter what classification the Clor-N-Oil kit may indicate, equipment oil samples are always to be subsequently taken for analysis by a gas chromatograph. High-concentration PCB spills require a 3-foot lateral buffer around the spill area. In nonrestricted' access areas, all soil (lawn, etc.) with visible traces of oil is required to be excavated to a minimum depth ~ of 1...0 inches or fun her until the PCB con~naûon is reduced to a concentration of no greater than _10 ppmPCB. Excavation' can be reduced to lesS than 10 inches if the PCB concentration in the soil is reduced to nõgreåter~thân 1 ppm PCB. For restTicted access areas, all soil (lawn. elc.) is t be excavate'! . unûl the PCB còntaminationis reduced to a concentration f no rea PCB' no minimum excavaûon depth is;required; (Restricted access areas require residential/commerci~1 buildings where '-peåprëìiveor-worlt being greater than 0.1 kilometer or 328 feet from the spill site.) Low~concentration PCB spills require a I-foot lateral buffer around the area,' All soil ~ith visible traces of -, -: '" ... '", (';-'~..,... '1·..'..·,:ta. t,. ~.~.,.,. '~(" ;,.~:,~:!',. ;'=: ',' .' ,":", ':' ,I !,. , ' "oil'shalrbë re~oved.' J\s a guidelin~' (not a, requirement), excavate ,soi.1 tQ, a mi~imum depth of 6 inches . , ',- ..',- ,.,',.:....."-~ -..."",..'....,..,r...~:'-~;':'.,... (" ':-,' ,. .-,; '~"," ... '.._ -,", .. . .' ~ . "and'lawns -to'a minimum depth or 2 ïñè:hés LO 'obtain cleanups to practically attainable levels so that no 1-5 -- e laboratory test reports will serve as decontamination certificates for all spills of 5~ ppm or greater PCB. The "PCB Fluid Spill or Leak Report" (Form 62-3685). Exhibit 2. and the "PCB Fluid Spill Cleanup Report" (Form 62-3686). Exhibit 3. are forms summarizing reponing requirements for spills of 50 ppm or greater PCB. The "Oil/Hazardous Substance Discharge Report" (Form 01-6164). Exhibit 4. is to be used for spills into navigable waterways. AIl spill records shall be kept for a minimum of five (5) years. I-G. REPORTING 1. Recording of Spill Information The Exempt Supervisor in charge of the spill c1eanupshaIl prepare the following reports: A. PCB or PCB-Contaminated Spills (1) "PCB Fluid Spill or Leak Repon" (Form 62-3685), Exhibit 2. (2) "PCB Fluid Cleanup Report" (Form 62-3686), Exhibit 3. (3) "PCB Shipping Notice" (Form 62-4957), Exhibit 6. to accompany all shipments/debri. ( 4) An area cleanup grid; Exhibit 8. (5) Accident Report (Form 62-6226). (6) Photograph Identification Sheet(s) (Form 62-6332). B. Spills of Any Oily Fluids Involving Navigable Waters Report all oily fluid spills that lead to navigable waters which can cause a sheen on the surface of the water. This includes spills into storm drains, sewers. drainage ditches, etc., which could lead to navigable waters. Use the "Oil/Hazardous Substance Discharge Report" (Form 01-6164), Exhibit 4. 2. Reporting of Spill Information The Exempt Supervisor shall notify: A. The Regional PCB Coordinator of all PCB and PCB-contaminated spills, and all oil spills involving navigable waters, as soon as practicable during normal business hours. The Regional PCB Coordinator shall then immediately report all such spills to the Engineer Assistant of the General Office Electric Distribution Department. telephone number 223-2009 (PG&E) or 973-2009 (PT), and within 10 working days of the spill forward all required written reports and other information to Electric Distribution Department, Room H 1633, 123 Mission Street, San Francisco. B. The U.S. Coast Guard National Response Center (NRC), the State of California Office of Emergency Services (OE5). and the EPA Regional Office IX within 24 hours of discovery the following spills: all PCB or PCB-contaminated spills involving an equivalent of 10 pounds or greater of pure PCB; food and feed facilities; PCB equipment (500 ppm or greater) fire-related incidents; and all spills in exceptional or sensitive areas regardless of the PCB concentration. The Water Quality Control Board shaIl alsobe notified for spills involving navigable waters. General Office Electric Distribution I:]epartmem will notify governmental agencies. other than local agencies. of spi1L'i that occur' durin'g nòrmar business hours. The Exempt Supervisor shall notify goÝernmentalagencies . of 'spills 'thalocc:ur during' non-work hours; Refer .to ExhibiL,) '2 'and 3 for governmental agency telephone numbers. 1-7 e e I-M. TRAINING The Regional Electric Manager has the responsibility to ensure that all employees who may supervise or in any way become involved with PCB matters are given proper training and instructions. This is to be done annually but more frequently if necessary. I-N. AUDmNG A SpilJ Cleanup Audit Program is to be established in each Region to verify that proper PCB. PCB-contaminated, and non-PCB cleanups occur; electrical equipment are properly retrorilled; training programs are properly followed; and proper records are maintained. A written report on each audit will be submitted to the jurisdictional Division Manager and to the Regional Electric Manager (see Supplemental Section N, Exhibit 12) and a summary of each year's audit resultS to the Manager of the Electric Distribution Depanment by April 1 of the following year. 1-10 'I I 'r e e GENERIC OVERVIEW OF PCB CLEANUP PROCESS I' SPILL OCCURS I WEAR APPROPRIATE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND CO NT AIN THE SPilL I OBTAIN Oil SAMPLE FOR ClOR-N-OIL AND GAS CHROMATOGRAPH TESTS I CLEANUP ACCORDING TO SPILL CLASS/FICA TION AND PCB CONCENTRATION I PLACE DAMAGED EQUIPMENT AND SPILL DEBRIS IN SEPARATE APPROVED CONTAINERS AND LABEL ACCORDINGl Y I ENSURE PROPER NOTIFICATION, RECORDKEE~NG, AND ADEQUACY OF CLEANUP I COORDINATE PROPER DAMAGED EQUIPMENT HANDLING/WASTE DISPOSAL For a detailed overview of the cleanup process, refer to Diagram 2. 1-11 '"', DIAGRAM 1 e - CLEANUP OF PCB. PBC-CONTAMINATED. AND NON-PCB SPILLS DIAGRAM 2 SCREEN WITH CLOR-N-OIL 50 PCB SCREENING KIT POSITIVE CLOR-N-OIL NEGATIVE CLOR-N-OIL BEGIN 50 PPM OR GREATER PCB OIL SPILL ClEANUP (PCB ANO PCB-CONT AMINATED SPIlLS) UNTL ACTUAL LEVELS CONFIRMED WITH GAS CHROMATOGRAPH BEGIN LESS THAN 50 PPM PCB CLEANUP (NO~B SPILL) UNTI. ACTUAL LEVELS CONFIRMED WITH GAS CHROMATOGRAPH) GAS CHROMATOGRAPH NOTIFY NO LATER THAN 24 HOURS AFTER A SPILL OF SO PPM OR GREATER PCB: · THE REGIONAl. PCB COORDINATOR · THE PROPERTY OWNER · LOCALIREGlONAL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES WHERE REOUtRED · G.O. ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION · EPA REGIONAL OFFICE IX, NATIONAL RESPONSE CENTER (NRC). CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF EMERGENC SERVICES (DES), F: A. SPILL INVOLVES SURFACE WATER, SEWERS, DRINKING WATER, GRAZING LAND, FOOD GARDENS, F~, ETC. B. SPILL EXCEEDS 10 POUNDS PCB BY WEIGHT (EXAMPLE, 2,700 GALLONS AT 50 PPM PCB). C. ARE-RELATED INCIDENT ASSOCIATED WITH PCB EQUIPMENT ONLY (500 PPM OR GREATER). D. SEE EXCEFTlONS TO GENERAL CLEAMJP POUCY FOR FURTHER AREAS. Tl-ttS IS CONSIDERED A NO~B SPILL. SEE GENERAL NOTES 1 AND 2. IS THE SPILL IN NAVIGABLE WATER, COULD rr FLOW TO NAVIGABLE WATER, OR IS DRINKING WATER INVOLVED? REPORT THE SPILL ON FORM 01~164, OILIHAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE DISCHARGE REPORT. FORWARD COPIES TO ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION. CLEANUP ACCORDING TO T&D BULLETIN 2-50, PCB/OIL CLEANUP MANUAL (NON-PCB SPIlLS) COMPLETE FORMS 62-3685, PCB FLUID SPILL OR LEAK REPORT; 62-3686, PCB FLUID CLEANUP REPORT: 624gs7. PCB SHIPPING NOTICE: 62-6226. ACCIDENT REPORT; 01~164 OiLlHAZARDOUS StJ8STANCE DISCHARGE REPORT F THE SPILL INVOLVES WATER. PHOTOGRAPH THE CONTAMINATED AREA BEFORE AND AFTER CLEANUP. USE FORM 62-6332. IS THE SPILL A LOW-CONCENTRATION PCB SPILl (LESS THAN 500 PPM AND 1 POUND OF PCB)? YES NO BEGIN CLEANUP WITHIN 24 HOURS AND COMPLETE WITHIN 48 HOURS THE SPILl IS A ~ONCENTRATION PCB SPILL (500 PPM OR 1 LB. OR GREATER OF PCB). NONRESTRICTED AREAS RESTRICTED AREAS CLEANUP TO EPA ST ANOARDS FOR THE SPIlL AREA CLASSIACATlON AND SPILL AREA CONCENTRATION LEVEL VIA REGION ELECTRICIELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION WHENEVER POSSIBLE, CONTACT THE EPA TO DETERMINE THE LEVEL OF DECONT AMINA TION REQUIRED SEE TAD BULLET1N 2-50 PCB/OIL CLEANUP MAMJAL FOR CLEANUP INSTRUCTIONS (REFER TO DIAGRAM 3) RECORD AND CERTFY THE ADEQUACY OF THE CLEANUP BY A IT ACHING PHOTOGRAPHS AND POST CLEANUP lAB SAMPLES (SEE SAMPLING REQUIREMENTS, AND RECORDS AND CERT1F1CA TION SECTIONS) FORWARD COPIES OF ALL REQUIRED REPORTS AND INFOAMATION WITHIN 10 WORKNG DAYS TO ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION ~ ~ GENERAL NOTES , .I 1. AU. "WASn" CONTANNO 5 PPM OR GREATER ARE REGULATED AS A PCB HAZARDOUS WASTE IN CALFORNIA FOR DISPOSAl. PURpOSES. { I 2. AU."~ OILS REOAAOLESS OF PCB CONCENTRATION ARE CONSIDERED A ......7...RDOUS W"'STE IN CALIFORNIA FOR DISPOSAL PURPOSEs! 3. FOR DETAILED DEFNT10NS OF PCB CA TEGORJES. CLEANUP LEVELS, ANO REPORTNG PROCEDURES. SEE TAD BULETlN 2-60, PCB/OIL ClEANUP MANUAL. .....AAY OF N$)NWASTE PCB CATEGORIES FOR 0PERA8L£ OR REPAIRA8LE EQUIPMENT ACCORDING TO THE EPA ARE AS FOlLOWS: N()N....f"CB-t.E8S THAN 50 PPM PCB CDNTAa.W\lATED--ðO TO 500 PPM ~ PPMOA ~TER 4. FOR ALL TRANSFORMERS ~ TO CONTA/II/500 PPM OR GREATER PCB EVEN IF A SPILL DOES NOT OCCUR, NOTIFY THE JURISDICTIONAL FIRE DEPARTMENT ANO COMMERCIAL BUIlONO OWNER. RETROFLL OR REPlACE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE THEREAFTER. 1-12 PCB SPILL CLEANUP REQUIREMENTS [ PCB Spills 50 ppm or Greater I I I LESS THAN ONE POUND OF PCB AND LESS THAN 500 PPM PCB' ONE POUND OR GREATER OF PCB OR 500 PPM OR GREATER PCB' SENSITIVE SPILLS AREA OR EXCEPTIONS TO THE OENERAL CLEANUP POLICY · Double wash/rinse solid surfaces and clean to no greater than 10 µg/1 00 cm~ 193 µg/ft~). · Notify agencies," · Initiate cleanup within 24 hours. Exempt from automatic spill cleanup requirements; Instead. cleanup standards to be set by EPA Regional Office IX after notification." These Include contaminated: · With a 1-foot lateral buffer, remove contaminated, soli. lawn. etc.. to practically attainable levels using present normal cleanup procedures so that no solids with 50 ppm or greater PCB by weight remains In the soll,~ · With a 3-foot buffer, cordon off contaminated area and use clearly visible signs or ·Cautlon· marked tape, · food and feed facilities · Specific cleanup requirements: · animal grazing lands · Complete cleanup within 48 hours of discovery, except fo'r emergency conditions, · water systems · sewers or sewage treatment systems - - w I 1 PUBLIC ACCESS AREAS RESTRICTED ACCESS AREAS . Excavate contaminated soli. lawn, etc.. to a minimum depth of 10 Inches, Continue excavation If necessary until the PCB concentration In the 5011 Is no greater than 10 ppm PCB by weight, Excavation can be reduced to less than 10 Inches If soli samples Indicate no greater than 1 ppm PCB. · Excavate contaminated soli until no greater than 25 ppm PCB by weight remains In the soli. · Clean up solid surfaces to no greater than the following levels: . Double wash/rinse solid surfaces and clean them to no greater than 10 µg/100 cm~ (93 µgIft2) , - Substations 100 µg/100 cm2 (930 µg/ft2 - Other Areas (manholes, vaults, etc,) 10 µg/100 cm2 (93 µg/ft2) '1 pound of PCBs by weight means the amount of PCBs In minerai 011 that is equivalent to 1 pound of pure PCBs, This would Involve 2,700 gallons of minerai 011 either known by test to be contaminated at 50 ppm PCB or 270 gallons of minerai 011 either known by test or untested and assumed to be contaminated Just below 500 ppm PCB. 2When assured that a cleanup can occur that Is equivalent to the cleanup results outlined in the latest revision of T&D Bulletin 2-50, PCB/Oil Cleanup Manual, the amount of soli. lawn. etc.. excavated can be reduced so long as the cleanup crew will not have to return to the spill site to meet the cleanup requirements, ~Tho roportlng roqulrements Includo notifying the EPA Regional Offlco IX at (415) 974-8131, along with the National Response Center (NRC) and the California Office of Emergency Services IOESI where a spill exceeds 10 pounds of pure PCB. ' e e '=' - > C) ~ :: w ~:'-' m PKlne Oil and Elaelrie Company PCB Equipment Inspection and Maintenance History Report For EQuipment Known to Contain 500 PPM or Greater PCB ~: .2~~ ,=th I: ôö¡ flew" DI!,I'.I'l./I..,.· - I - . Inspection Report Maintenance TFR Date · No Leak(s) Name of Inspector Location Leak·· Remarks Date·· · Action Taken Resulls Location (s) Amount(s) : ; ¡ -··1 I I I ¡ \ I I " I I I I - -1 I -- . Visual Inspection dale or the date a leak was discovered if different from the Inspecllon date. An IXllndlcates no leak was observed, ' ... The date of, any cleanup containment repair retrofilling or replacement. For reclassifying 10 PCB-contaminated or non-PCB, retrofllled equipment must be In service 90 days prior to retesting by gas chromatograph for PCBs, Region NOTE: A separate form must be filled out for each transformer in a transformer bank, Division e e t'1 X - - - tI' ~ .... e . m Pacillc Gas IIId Electric Company PCB Auid Spill or Leak Report 67 J6æ> HPy, 100æ) [~0IsIr_ EXHIBIT 2 Date Reported: Time Reported: When Required NRC Report #: Phone 800-424-8802 OES Report #: Phone 800-852-7550 EPA Report #: Phone 415-974-8131 Region IX, S.F., California By Whom: Insulating Fluid PCB Concentration GENERAL IDENTIFICATION Region Division District Headquarters Substation Circuit Date of Spill Time of spin Spill location: City County (Be specific, i.e., on East Napa Street, one pole east of 3rd Street, East Sonoma.) Person Reporting Spill to PG&E: Name Telephone Region Coordinator: Name Telephone Type of Equipment Involved: o Capacitor KVAR o Transformer KVA o Other KVA (AMPS) Cause: o Unit Failure o Unit leaking o Third-Party Accident o Other o Unit Damaged During Handling o lightning Spill Classification o Low-concentration PCS's (50-500 PPMI o High-concentration PCS's (500 or greater or between 2.700 gal. @ 50 PPM or 270 gal. @ 500 PPMI Spill Category General Description of Spill Area o Food or teed (including processing facilities and animal grazing lands) o Nonrestricted Access 0 Residential Nelghborhood-(Street Areal o Restricted Access 0 Residential Nelghborhood- (Rear lot Line I o Outdoor Substation 0 Shopping Center o Business District o Farm/Ranch Area o Playground/School Area o Rural Highway o Industrial o Other · 0 Involves special cleanup requirements (regardless of PCB concentration) ·0 Waterways (river, drainage, ditch. creek, canal, pond, pool. etc.) · 0 Sewers or sewage treatment systems Types ot Surfaces Contaminated: o Asphalt o Shrubs o Decorative Rock o Pole and Hardware · 0 Agricultural Crops Type o Other o Concrete o Ground Cover o Flower Bed o lawn . 0 Vegetable Garden o Dirt o Gravel o Fence or Wall o Tree . 0 Fruit Tree o Structure o Vehicle o Other . 0 Grazing land Amount of Auld Spilled (Gallons): o Less than One o Other. · Must be reported to the EP A. Region IX. San Francisco, Caßfomla, National Response Center (NRC) and CaDfomla Office of Emergency Service (OES). In addition, these agencies must be notified of a8 splDs exceeding an equivalent of 10 pounds 'of pure PCB. o 1-2 o 2-5 o 5-10 o 10-20 o 20-50 ,_t< m PIcIfIc Gas lid EIecIrIc CompIay . PCB Fluid Spill aeanup Report . 62'Jf1Ø6 flew. 1Q18 EIIáIc ~ - GENERAL IDENTIFICATION EXHIBIT 3 Region Division District Headquarters Insulating Fluid PCB Concentration Substation Circuit Date of Spill Time of SpiU Spill Location: (Be specific, I.e., on East Napa Street, one pole east of 3rd Street, East Sonoma.) City County Person Reporting Spill to PG&E: Name Telephone Region Coordinator: Name Telephone Type of Equipment Involved: o Capacitor KVAR o Transformer KVA o Other KVA (AMPS) DESCRIPTION OF CLEANUP Describe in detail the cleanup procedures used for each type of surface contaminated: SURFACE CLEANUP PROCEDURES Asphalt Concrate Structures , . Dirt Depth of Excavation: inches Lawn Depth of Excavation: inches Trees Shrubs Depth of Excavation: inches Ground Cover ,.. " Depth of Excavation: Inches Flower Bed Depth of Excavation: inches . Agricuhural Cropl ' ' , Vegetable Gardenl Depth of Excavation: inches Fruit Trees . Gr azing Land ,'" .. ...' Other ~ .-. .. inches Depth of Excavation: Vehicles ,.. , ·1\A'I~t hn "nf"'l,""\"'h~'" .", ~h" C::PA Þð,.,¡"," IV ~an Fr;¡nC":i~r:n (":=-tifnrnl,. e - II PIcItIc GIs .. EIIctrIc CompIay On/Hazardous, Substance DlscIIarge Report EXHIBIT 4 01-'164 ØIIv..1JAI8I EIICIIIc DiIaIIID DUTY OFFICER NRC Report II: Phone 800-424-8802 DES Report II: Phone 800-852-7550 EPA Report II: Phone 415-974-8131 Region IX. S. F .. California If PCB Fluid Concentration (PPM): Contact the Jurisdictional California Water ' Quality Control Board NRC REPORT MA TERIAI I I, DATE TIME PERSON REPORTING/TITLE COMPANY /ORGANIZA TION ADDRESS TELEPHONE LOCATION OF SPILL DATE & TIME OF SPILL OCCURRENCE OR DISCOVERY SOURCE & CAUSE/OPERA TrON IN PROGRESS BODY OF WATER EXTENT OF INJURIES/ESTIMATED PROPERTY DAMAGE QUANTITY DISCHARGED QUANTITY IN WATER SIZE OF SLICK OR SHEEN COLOR ON-SCENE WEATHER WIND: SPD DIR SEA DIRECTION OF MOVEMENT CURRENT /TIDE CONTAINMENT /REMOV AL ACTIONS OTHER AGENCIES NOTIFIED ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PASSED TO AT OTHER ACTIONS/NOTIFICATIONS REPORT ROUTED TO: MTB NTSB BMCS FRA WFM OTHER m e PIdIIc 611 .... ÐIdrIc c....., EqulpllleatlDeln1s Container Clleckllst . 01Ø15 Ièr, II., EIái: DisdUian ~, EXHIBIT 5 Date Headquarters: Destination: Job Location: 1. Containers Checked in Yard (monthly inspection) Good Condition Needs Repair Ä. Container has "0" ring B. Half-box is stored or covered with plastic so it does not fill up with water c. Lids are secure D. Overall condition of container 2. Containers at Jobsite Good Condition Needs Repair Ä. Oil tight B. Lids are secure c. Absorbent compound in bottom of container D. Containers are securely strapped down on vehicle E. Containers are not overloaded or bulging F. Containers are properly marked G. Leaking equipment in half-box properly covered with plastic 1-20 rJ hdIIC Ga.~.~ ...., PCB SII.........;tice I e 1:/410 flow, ... at, bØ. EXHmrr 6 Inst~ions: 1 . Use this form when shipping PC8--contaminated debris. (SO ppm and above) from field locations to the nearest a proved. manned PG&E facifity. 2. A guide for estimating weights and volumes of PCB material is shown on the reverse side of the form. 3. The facility hazardous waste coordinator should keep these forms on file at the facifity for 3 years. then send the to long-term storage. Origin of Shipment: Destination of Shipment (e.g.. PG&E Service Center. Materials Facility): Hazardous Substance, Solid, NOS, ORM-~, NA 9188, (Polychlorinated Biphenyls) Number of Containers Type Of Container Estimated Total' Weight / o 4· x 4· x 4· Box (Spill debris/soil) o 55-Gallon Drum with removable head (Solids) o Other: Concentration of PCBs if known: "This is to certify that the above-named materials are properly classified, described. packaged. marked ar i labeled and are in proper condition for transportation according to the applicable regulations of tt Department of Transportation." Name. Tide and Company ~ Number of Person Preparing ShipØ1g Notice (at spill Name. TItle and Company Phone Number of Person Accepting ShIppIng (at faclityl Signature Signattre I Date I Date I Reference Guide few estimating weights of PCB wastes is ~ on reverse side of form. Distribution Instructions: t . White-Regional Materials Department 2. PinIc-RegionaI PCB Coordinatew 3. Green-Facility ,Hazardous Wasto Coordinator Shipper·s Number: I 1-21