HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION 7/28/2000 , . '~.,'Î :----...', ~¡;...-,- --'Plupose Implem.entation Respònsibilities I ' , 1', UO Standard ~.~' , ~ - . , .. , . ÙTIUTVOPERA110NS (UO) @j,hJJt(j[$tªn/¡tglf¡jJ;Šg~2;ª; EFFECTIVE DATE:" . 8-00 REVIEW DATE: 8-01 , PAGE NO.: 19' I -, '".1 , , , ' This standard describe$the requi~errients for managing, ~eporting arid document~ng' .ínsulatingfluid spills ÏIlVolvingelectric distribut!on line èquipment. These requirements,·will be followed in aU instances involving the release of equipment , insulating fluids to the,environmerit. ' . . ' . , , \- . . ' ' This standard'supports Utilit)iPolicy,:"Enviróninental Qu,!-lity/' Utility Policy, "Safety and Health," åndDCS Policy 3-7, "Gas and Elec~ç Màintenance and Operatiol1'" , ' , , . '. " , , . ' , . ., ,J'hevice président ofEnginèèring arid Planning (E&P)'is responsible for approving~ reviewing and distributing this standard. ' < . ' " The mailagerofET&D,Engineering is responsible fqr initiating and requesting approval fof any changes to this standard, and is authoriied to update and reissue chánge,s to theättachments or appendixes associated\Vith this standard: " OM&C area managers are responsible for ensuring that area employees 'are properly trained,' and' are awar¿õf andaccountabie for çonsistent and uniform , compliance with the area,:.specific requirements of this standard. , , Directors, superintendents and, supervisors who direct spill respons~ tasks are responsiblèforthe'safe,efficient and timely performance of the necessary workto ensUre compliance with thiS' standard. , Directors and superintendents are responsible for correctly tracking and reporting work progn::ss: Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that employees assigned toperform spiIi response tasks are trained, knowledgeable and qualified to perform the assigned tasks, They are also responsible for peri0ciically checking the work of employees performing spill response tasks toverifyáccuracy"completeness and proper recordkeeping;and that auditable records and documentation ate current, accurat~and readily accessible. ' , Employees assi~e;d spill response tasks are responsible foreffectjvely and 'effiCiently perfonning their assignments. F.0r their own safety and thatofthe , ,general public, they ,are responsible for performing only tasks for which they are trained, knowledgeable and qualified. When necessary, they shall notify their ' , supervisors of any additionaltrairung, equipment or resources needed to ' effectivelyandeffiei~nt1y perform their assigÌ1ed tasks. , ' , .'. July28,2POO , :. , ' '. ~ '..... ":'.tl;;$J?i!1/I1ª:r.'i1r$~ß~¡l PAGE NO.: ,2 OF 19 PCB/Oil Spill Response for Electric Distribution Line Equipment Compliance , " Procedures Definition of Terms ,,' UO Standard Area Operations; Maintenance and Construction (OM&C) I!lanagersare responsible for ensuring thátemployees are aware of and, cómply with the' requirements of this standard. " ' :- ' Corporate Environmental Affairs is available to provide guidance,and advièe on ~urrent regulations and'interpretations invol:,ingspecial or unusual-situations. ' The Environmental Protection Agency (EP A) and other regulating, bodies ~ay , levy significant penalties and fines for failing to meet the requirements set forth in this standard.' , , , (]eneralspill response procedures aIld detailed proce.<:iures thai apply to ~pecific concentrations or amounts of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) spills are described starting on Page 5. , Approved Cleaning Solution: For _solid surface; except on vehicles or boats, use _ ..either Penetone Power Cleaner or Calla 301 diluted to eight ounces, per two gallons ófwater. For cleaning vehicles and boats, useniineralspirits (paint thinner) on , 'rags to wipe down affected areas., , , , Approved Containers: M&S c?ded Department of Transportation (DOT) . approved steel and polyethylene drums. Arochlor: .PCBs are afainily of compounds wþose individual members are called Arochlors. PCB lab sample results will tell you the concentration ofthe individual Arochlor compounds and will sum them up to give "total PCBs." Generally, the total is the important number but in some situations you haveto be sure individual Arochlor compounds are below a target concentration. You may see mixed PCBs ' in oil and'soil samples. Common Arochlors are Aroèhlor 1242, Arochlor 1254, , AroCl11or 1221, Ar9chlor 1231, Arochlor 1248, Arochlor 1260 and Aroch1or 1016. Certified Uniform Program Agency (CUP A): An agency that has taken over lead responsibility for the following programs: hazardous waste (HW) generators , and HW onsite treatment, aboveground storage tanks, underground storage tanks, , Hazardous Materials Release Response Plans and Inventories, Acutely Hazardoùs Materials, and Unifonn Fire Code Hazardous, Materials Management Plans and Inventories. Double WashlRinse: The minimum requirement for c1eaningsolidsurfacés. , Solid surfaces must be cleaned twice with an appropriate solvent, or another material such.as Penetone Power Cleaner or Calla 301, diluted with water, in which PCBs ar,e at least 5% soluble by weight. Note: Mineral'spirits shall be used on vehicles to avoid paint damage. July 28, 2000 .. , , ' ..' " ,--< I' .' -TITLE: PCB/Oil Spill Response for Electric Distribution ,Line Equipment ';'fÆlJJ..Sîfifi/IJIlflJll,;{Sg32Ô ' PAGE No..: ' ,3 OF 19 , , , " I . '. . "Environmental Field Sp~cialist(EFS): The contact in the Environmental Affairs 'Department who supports the,localUo.organization. , ", In.:.service Equipment: Electric~l equipmerit'is considered to'be "in ,s~rvice"until declared a waste by a materials facility. 'Equipment that is inherently ''waste,:-like'' such as severely burned, damåged or irreparable equipment- is not "in.;.seiv~ce'" , equipment. Leaks:,' Leaks or leaking means any instance in which a PCB' container or , equipment has any PCB 'on its external sUrface. ' Parts Per Million (pPM): Refers to the concentration of a contaminant in a base 'material by the ratio of the number of parts ofthe contaminant per one million parts ofthe base material. 1 mglKg (for solids or oil) = I mgll (for liquids, except oil) = 1 PPM. A milligram is 1/1000th of a gram; Release/Spill: Releases include any spills, leaks and other uncontrolled discharges , where the release results in any quantity of insulating fluid or PCBs running off or ' about to runofftheexternal surface of the equipment, and also the contamination resulting from the release. , Spill Categories: I. Mineral o.il Spill - less than five parts per million (PPM) PCB II. California Regulated PCB Spill - five to 49 PPM PCB ',III. Federal Low Concentration PCB Spill - 50 to 499 PPM PCB and less than òne pound of pure PCB IV.' Federal High Concentration PCB,Splll- 500PPM or greater PCB or more than' one pound of pur~ PCB . ',. Note:, Spill concentrations are based upon the pcn concentration in the original liquId spilled and not the concentration in the waste material. Supervisor: An exempt management employee in charge of the spill cleanup ,activity or a designated represenÚltive of such an employee. ' , Qualified Employee: Any employee who has had the pr~liminary training and bienirial refresher-necessary to complete the assigned task. Waterway: Any river, creek, ditch; canal, pond, pool, drainage, groundwater, storm drain or sewer, etc:: Do. Standard July 28; 2000 , .. '.., , .. , PCB/Oil Spill' Response for Electric Distribution Line Equipment 1¡{~;h~f>ftjrfX~*J:"f;',,£ttti?$tª'¥iaJJf[iJ3;$2ã~Q PAGE NO.: 40F 19' Date IssuedlUpdated' Effective:, AUgUBt' 2000 , Review Date:', August 200r ' '. ., Signed, , . ;'. - I Shan Bàttacharya Vice President Engineering and Planning , , I I , I I ,I I I I Reference Documents ' Utility Policy, "Environmèntal Quálity" Utility Policy, "Safety and Health" , " D.CS Policy 3-7, "Gasand,Electric Maintenance and Operations" Hazardous ,Waste Manual PCB/Oil Spill or Leak Report (Form 62-3685) Hazardous Waste Shipping Paper Department òfToxic Substance'Control, "CallEPA Ànnual PCB Transportation Variance" ' California Hi'ghway Patrol, "Annual Hazardous Matenal Transportation, License" I I Department of Transportation, Emergency Responsè Guidebook, Page 171 , , , Cod~ofFederal Regulations, Title 40; part 761 -.,'; VO Standard 'l' .- July 28,' 2000 .. , , [", ^' '. .,.." - , .. ,QSiâ,iYàåi/[J'¡S232Ô' . ,>,,',,,0, ',' ,',..'.. u, <'"~,, ~," __"'' '''', < ", "', ""',"',',,,, ,'d" < ,~,,~ PAGE NO.:' ,5 OF "',, 19, PCB/Oil Spill Rèsponsè for Electric Distribution Line Equipment Procedures, ' I., General Procedures, .. I I I I, DO Standard ;, . A. 'Response to Any Spil~' ~ ' .' " , ,Employees responding to spills or .emergency condifions must notify the DO, take necessary precautions t9 ensure that equipment is safely de-energized or 'isolated and that they wear appropriate protective clothing and equipment. . '" . . , , ' PCB hi'~torY cå.h be used to d~teimirie the PCB còncenh-ation in a transformer , .. .' , . . ¡ . " , . . , withoutáblüe sticker. Thefollòwing can also be used to establish the PCB . èoncentration: . 'Nameplate data showing,that the.transformer was fÍlledwith non- PCB mineral oil can be use5i to establish that the PCB- concèntration is below 50 PPM. · Nameplate data showing the ,manufàcture date was after July 1979 , can he used to establish that 'the PCB concentration is below 50 PPM. - · A repair facility silvèr sticker or a repair tracking syst~m label can now be used to establish that the PCB concentration of a transformer " is below 50 PPM'. NQte: These options caímot be used to establish an exact concentration. They are intended to establish the concentration c8;tegory for the equipment. The oil sample must still,be analyzed"b,ut oil sample analysis maybe done on the next business day. If unsure, consµlt with your local environmental specialist before " delaJ:ing oil sampling. " , Any release of oil or fluid ,ITom electricál equipmeIlt which cannot b~ classified using the proc;edure above shall be handled as if it is a federal low concentration' PCBspill (50 to 499 P~M) Until test results are available. Tests establishing the , actUal concentration shall be performed bya certified laboratory using an EP A approved test. ' The weight of pure PCBisdetermined by multiplying the concentration by the number of gallons spilled ànd ,dividing by 135,000. For exampie, it would, take' 270 gallons 6f500 PPM oil or 2,700 gallons of 50 PPM oil to equal one pound of pure PCB. B. Leaks, ' Leaks shall be wiped clean using an appropriate solvent. Dispose of wiping materials appropriately as hazaidouswaste, as based on the original PCB concentration ofthe leaking equipment or a concentration assumed to be 50 to , , July 28, 2000 , , .:., -;.' ;. ". PC~IOil Spill ~espo'nsefor Electric Distribution Line Equipment , .""i'75:;;?tX(ll{šJdJjfddfr.¡1·$~ß~Õ} PAGE NO.: 6 OF, ", ,19 ( II ~I " , , , , " , " ' . - , , .' . ' 499 PPMPCB if the, concentr~tion is unknown. If the leakpersists, the' , ~quipmentmust be removed ftomservice, repaired or replàced;andappropriate , \ ,spiUpròcedures must be followed as detennined by the, PCB cOi1centÎ"ati()n~ " , ' ., '" ... ' '. 'c. Internal Notification The local'Operations, Maintenance and Construction manager i~ responsible for establishing'wri~ten..procedures to ensure that aUinternaI' and extern,àl notifièa,tions take plâ~e. ':,;. ' - " '. , ' , , An:exempt, supervisor (during regular work hours) or the department on-call' " '" supervisor'(ðuring noh-work hours), or their designated 'representative, 'shall 'visit the job location to detennine the le-yel of response and what additional notificati()ns ,are requited. .. ,F:or' all spills, the local exempt supervisoror the on-call supervisor, or the , designated representat,ive; shall notify the local Environmental Field Specialist .. (EFS). If after règularbusiness hours or if tl1e local EFS cannot be reached,. . notify the Environmental E~ergencyHotline at:(800) 874-4Ö43~' " , Environmental Field Services will assist in detennining the proper response' levelartd is resporisibì~ior making all ofthe external agencyIÎôtifièations and the internal notification to the Law Department.Addi~iona¡'¡ntetnal, notifications will be reqùired if the spill meets eståblished reporting criÚ~riafor CPUC AccidentÆlectric Incident reporting~ This includes situations where a " -", significant numb~r of custOlners are out of service for an extt;:ndedperiod of ' time 'or where~h~jnciden( involves significant publjc~ormedia attent,ion. '," ., , " , . '~ Established "ùnusuàl event",reporting procedures should bèfollowedto notify Corpdiate S~curity (by telephone) forsenio~management notificatipn, and Engineering and Planning - Electric Distribution for any required CPUC ' notificatiori.;Examplesmay include: spills to waterways or sewers; spins that ,mayhave'significantaffectson'food,fèed, or livestock; spills that may contàriiinate people or those ~hat may draw significant pUQliè or media attention. , Asslime that any spill,where the media is present will.draw atterition,and report ,thespiiI to the CPUC ~ , " ' , Localintema! notifiëation requirements may inëlude telephone call centers; the vice president; 'OM&C, the public affairs/news representative and the Ethics and Law Departments. The local claims representative ftom thè:Safety? lIealth and Claims Departm~nt shall becontact~d foranyspills involving a third party. , UO Staridard " " July28~ 2000 ,,' , , '<, , " "., :... ." " -- ;'- .. " ,PCB/Oil Spill Respons~ for Electric , Distribùtion L.ine Equipment,u ' :Q·'·,·'${ªnXtiéfkti\Z$~:32ôt PAGE NO.:, 7 OF 19 , , , I I " ,. , ' p. ,'Site Security , . The first qualified PG&Ee11Ìployee at the spill site s.hall barricade and restrict , an area encompassing all visible traces, plus an additional tIITee-footlateraL. buffer, andplace a clearly visible sign advising people to avoid the areél This is required for federal high concentration spills 'and is recoÍ11mended for all others.' ',A supervisor' shall ensure that a qualifiedPG&E employee remains onsite for the duration of the cleanup, as,necessary, to prevent exposure to the public and minimize the spread of contamination. E.': Release Containinent an'd Cleanup .. , , , - ". 'The first qualified responder at the site should stop the release, if it is safe to do so, using appropriate means such as temporarily plug~irig holes in equipment; , , , buÍldirtg a temporary, benn or restricting access to stonn drains, waterways and ' , càtch basins. ' ,The 'first responder should also collect an oil sample,' if possible, for subsequent laboratory analysis., This is especially c~ti~al ifall,òfthe oil coùld flow out,of the equipment. In addition, a detailed site diagram showing the area of visible , contamination should he prepared as soon as possible. F. ,Equipment Identification "' . , , , Prior to transportation, all electrical equipmeñt removed fro~ service in the ' " field is to' be tagged by the removing crew with a properly completed, TransfonnerConditiqnTag (M62-0570), When properly completed and' , attached to the equipment, the Tr;:msfonner Condition Tag meets the tracking requirements for "storage for reuse" as mandated by the PCB Mega Rule., Other . tags may be used to próvide the Same or additionalinfonnation. Once the , electrical equipment is returned to the facility, the following applies: The electrical equipment may be'retained'in the yard and reused if: · . ,,-ithas been operating satisfactorily, · iris in good physical condition, .' the PCB concentration is knoWn to be < 50 PPM, and · it remains ,onsite no longer than five yeats. The è1ectrical equipment may be transported to the Materials Department for repair if: ., it is no~ leaking, and , . UO,Stanåard ' ..' luly28,20ÒO, - , " c ' .. ' , . . ~ '. ,", , '~ .. ~, .' PCB/Oil ~pill Response for Electric Distribution Line Equipmènt '~~X'~;fjl¡<;i;~~~fJlQ~sJªtt(llit(l;S2ª2º,' PAGE NO.: 8 ,OF 19 , ,\ · ,it remains onsite no longer than two years. The electrical equipmerit must be managed onsite as hazardous 'Yaste if and at the time when: ' . it is obvious waste (riot repairable), · it is notcoilsidered usable equipment in the PG&Esystem (confinn with the Materials Department before disposal), or ., the PCB concentration is known to be > 50 PPM(confinn with the Materials D'epårtment before disposal). ' , Note: Drained wasteblectrical equipment with < 50 PPMPCB maybe , 'transported by, the Materials Department (Investment Recovery), for salvage. G. Use of Outside Cleanup Contractors , , Outside cleanupcontractòrs are available to assist in those situations where PG&E employees are not qualified or experienced in the cleanup activities, where spe~ialized equipmeÏ1t is required to meet regulatory or employee safety requirements, or when ,company resources are better used for other work. Examples of situations where outside contractors might be used include spills in waterways, spills irivolving fires or confined spaces, spills involving large quantities ofhazardous~aterial, or situations where PG&E crews are needed , for service re,storation;In addition, spills ofthis Ilature typically require oþtaining an emergency EPA generator ill number. , Field personnel must co,òrdinate with the local environmental field specialist piior to calling out a cleanup contractor. Emergency cleanup contractors must' be accompanied onsite throughout all cleanup operations. Any qualified PG&E employee may be delegated by an exempt superVisor to oversee the contractor '!lld'to be responsible for ensuring that an appropriate cleanup is 'conducted per this standard. H., Special Situ~tions' This document covers situ.atioI,1s typically encountered when responding to PCB , , oil spills., Thèreare other situations which require further action. Examples of these situations may include, but are not limited to, retrofitting of equipment, high concentration equipment which must remain 'energized, spills which occur , during transportation of equipment, historic spills (prior to May 4, 1987), or incidents involving fire or enclosed spaces. ' In these situations, consult with the local environmental field specialist or safety engineering representative to detennine i(special handling or response is required. 'UOSÚmdard, , July 28, 2000 " ' ,TITLE: PCB/Oil Spill Response for Electr.ic ' Distribution Line Equipment ";i;t.J;ØjStª1!iil'å~i.ls..2Q'2f)'· PAGE NO.: 9 OF 19 I.:' Employe'e Trainjng , Employees (including supervisors) are responsible for ensuring that théy are' trained and knowledgeable in the work tasks that they arè expected toperfoim~ . " . . ,Supervisorsaie responsible for ensuring that their employees aretrairied prior to the employees perfonning the work. Training will nonnally be fulfilled through existing training programs, inchiding the injury & Illness Prevention Program' safety meetings, first-aid training, H~ardous Waste and Material General, Awarenèss Training, Department of Transportation Hazardous Material HandlÍng Training, and Hazard COITllmihication (HAZ!=OM) Training. Employees (including supervisors) shall receive refre~her training every two years to ensure theY are trained and knowledgeablè in c:urrent procedures. ' ," J. Training Program Development The Environmental Support and Services Department inEnvir~nmental Affairs , is responsible for preparing and providing materials and resources (brochures, videos, etc.), and delivering trairung. Specific infonnation that employees must be aware of include notification procedures, cleanup, documentation and transportation requirements. Employees must also be trained,in the proper selection, use and care of personal protective equipment. Training must be documented and records retained in confonnance with the requirements of eacþtraining program. At a mit:rimum~ documentation shall include Fonn 2, Reéord of Training, which acts,as à roster (i.e~, it lists emplöyeè , , , "name, title/classification, social security number, training description ànd agenda). These records will be retained at the employee's base headquarters. Training records of current' personnel are to be kept onsite as long às the facility is operational, though records of individuals who transfer within PG&E may accompany them to their new location. Records of fonner employees must be kept for at .least three years after the' employee leaves PG&E. Records may also be kept and tracked electronically on a database provided they can be made available within a reasonable period oftime when requested. II. Response to ' ,Mineral Oil Spills (below 5 PPM) ,A. Notification For any spill, immediately contact the local environmental field specialist or the Environmental Affairs EFS,oncall (800)874-4043 who will make the', appropriate external notifications. In the ~are cases where ~ enviTomhental field specialist cannot be re~ched within 24 hours of the 'spill discovery and the Environmental Emergency VO Standard , July 28,,2000 .. ' TITLE: PCB/Oil Spill Response for Electric Distribution Line Equipment ",·~bl)Jj;~:sta~tt"â:r(lS2Qif);; , · PAGE NO:: '10 OF, 19 I Hotline is not working; the'exèmpt s\lpervisor shall nòtitYthe following , agenc~es: " . > · ~ational Response Center (800) 424-8802 .' State Office ofEri1eq~ency Services (800)852-7550 . ". . ., . '. ,. · County Eìwironmental Health Department c" .' ,Certified Unifonn Program Agency · Any additional agenèies with prë-arranged'not~ficati9n commitments , , Note: Calls to agericies should be made as soon as it becomes apparent that an EFS carn10tbe reached. Do not delay 24 hours. , , The localènvironmental field specialist will also make external notifications for any'spills that enter or threaten to enter surface or groundwater, or onto any grazing land or edible crops iJ1cluding vegetable gardens.' Property oWners/residents shall be notified by the exempt supervisor of the nature and extent of the release; if known; how the situation is being handled; , , the cleanup activities that the company will be doing; arid any restrictions if crops or wetlands are involved. Contact the local environmental field specialist if assistance is needed in notifying property owners. , , B. Cleanup Cleanup shall be completed as soon as pradicaland should be initiated within, 48 hours of becoming aware of the release. ,Consult with thç local environmental field specialist regarding any cleanup delays. Use appropriate protective clothing. 'At a minimum, wear polyvinyl chloride (PVÇ) overshoes and Solvex gloves. Tyvek or Saranex coveralls should be , used if bodily contact with transfonner fluids is possible. Use ~bsorbent material to collect fteestanding liquid. Deposit the contaminated material in approved containers. Remove contaminated soil and vegetatiqn until there are no visible traces of , liquid. pepositthe contaminated materials in approved containers. Restore the property to its original condition. ' , Double wash/rinse all solid surfaces such as walls, sidewalks, streets,poles, " cars, etc., capturing waste liquid with absorbents for deposit in approv~d containers. Use mineral spirits Oil cars to avoid damaging paint. Post-cleanup saIllpling is not required. "(Lo~al agencies may require ~dditional ,sampling.) , i VO StaÌ1dard "July 28, 200Ò- , ," ,;.~, .. ',. ',- PCB/Oil $pill Response for Electric . DistriQution lin~ Equipment '(jrsi¡tli(j/i/if~'i){S232º'1 ' PAGE NO.: 11, OF '19 Attadµn~nt 3 provides, cÍeanup guidelines for employee~ or members of the "public whohecome contaminated with m~neral oil or dielectric flûids containing PCBs. ' I I '. c. Documentation Records and test reports shall be, retained at each local headquarters for a minimum of five years. After five years~, the records should be archived. It is suggested that this documentation be retained in a file by site address. Documentation that should be retained includes copies of PCB/Oil Spill or Le~ Reports (Form, 62-3685), site diagrams, PG&E Chain of Custody forms, laboratory-test reports, emergency job estimates, accident report forms, 'haz~dous waste shipping'papers and any records of regulatory agency corresporidence;andphotocopies of hazardous waste manifests. The exempt supervisor is responsible for ensUring that all the required documentation is' filed. D. Transportation ' , .. ,Waste, oil and}he cleanup debris associated with it are generally considered hazardous waste in California and are subject to all appropriate hazardous waste transportation requirements. ,The PG&E Hazardous Waste Shipping Paper must b~ used to identify all loads of hazardous waste (in excess of 10 pounds) transported fTomthespillsite back to the.1ocal service center/headquarters or , consolidations, site. Documents also required to' be onboard the transport , vehicle include a. copy of the DOT Emergency Response Guidebook, Page 171; " , ~d the CHP Hazardous Materials Transportation license. For shipments of hazardous waste in excess of 500 gallons or 2,500 pounds, a HW manifest and , , ,an approved hazardous waste haulér are required. A temporary hazardous waste generator ill numb,er must be obtained for the site if a HW manifest will be ',us~d., A copy of the HWmanifest or the PG&E HW Shipping Paper must be ,kept with the spill documentation. Equipment considered to be "in service" or , "iIi storagè for reuse" (not 'a waste) does not require a HW manifest or shipping p,apers. ," " ',', Ùse approved containers. In cases where electrical equipment is too large or shaped such that it will ,not fit in the M&S co~ed containers, it may be shipped in non-DOT ~pecification,containets. ,Electrical equipment maybe shipped ' " without packaging if it isnon-ieaking, intact and sealed; or if it can be made 'non-leaking and is not expected to leak or become damaged during transport. , .' I ' I , , DO Standard Júiy 28, 2000 I.., . ' ~.... TITLE:PCB/Oil Spill Responsef()r Electric , "Distribution Line Equipment ',' ' III. Response to Californià Regulated 'PCB SpiÍls", (5to 49 PPM) DO Standard .""". , ' Á. Notification For é:lIlY spi~l,iIÌ1mediat~ly co~tact the local enviroÍ1mentalfi~ld specialist or the' , Environmental Affairs EFS on call (800) 874·:4043 who will make the appr()priate extemal notifications. , In the rare cases where an environmen~al field specialist cannot be reached within 24 hours of the spill discovery and the Environmentàl Emergency ,Hot1i~e is not working, the exempt supervisor shall nottfy-the following agencIes: · Natio~al Response Center (800)' 424':8802 ' '., ,State Office ofE~ergency Services (800) 852-7550 '. County Environmental Health Department ,. ,Certifie~Un~foÍ111 Program Agency , · 'Anyadditionalagencie~ with pre-arranged notification commitments Note: "Calls to agencies should be made as sqon as it becomes apparent that an' :EFS cannot be reached. Do not delay 24 40urs. The local environmental field specialist :will also make external notifications for any spills thatenterorthreatento enter surface or groundwater, or onto any , gr~ing land 'o,r edible ,crops inCluding vegetable gardens. , " Property owners/residents shall be notified by.the exemp~ supervisor ofthe nature and extent ofthe release, if known; how the situation is being handled; the cleanup activities that the company will be doing; and any restrictions.if > ' " .' , crops or wetlatldsare involved., Contact the local. environmental field specialist if assistance is needed in notifying' property owners. ' "B. Cle::tDup , I I I I , " Cleanup shall be completed as soon as practical, and should be initiated within 48 hours of becoming aware of the release.' Consult with the local ' environmental ' field'specialist regarding any cle~up delays. , , Use appropriate protective clothing:' At a minimum, wearPVC overshoes and Solvex glove~. ' Ty-vek or Saranex, coveralls shall 'be' used if bodily contact with transfonnerfluids is possible. , " Use absorbent material to collect freestanding liquid. 'Deposit the contaminated . material in approvedèontairiers. Remove contamimited soil an!ivegetation until there are no visible traces of . 'I',' liquid. Deposit the contàmimited materials in approved containers. Restore the property to its ori~inal èop.dition. ." Jùly 2,8, 2000 .~< , '. , -:. TITLE: PCB/Oil Spill Response for Electric Distribution Line Equipment ,.l);St?¡ii(JJirfl,}$~3gll: PAGE NO.: 13 OF 19 Double wash/rinse all solid surfaces such as walls, sidewalks, streets, poles, cars, etc., capturing waste liquid with absorbents for deposit in approved containers. Use mineral spirits on cars to avoid damaging paint. Post-cleanup sampling is not required. (Local agencies may require additional sampling.) Attachment 3 provides cleanup guidelines for employees or members of the public who become contaminated with mineral oil or dielectric fluids containing PCBs.' . c. Documentation Records and test reports shall be retained at each local headquarters for a minimum of five years. After five years, the records should be archived. It is suggested that this documentation be retained in a file by site address. Documentation that should be retained includes copies of PCB/Oil Spill or Leak Reports (Fo1111 62-3685), site diagrams, PG&E Chain of Custody f01111s; laboratory test reports, emergency job estimates, accident report f01111s, hazardous waste shipping papers and records of regulatory agency correspondence; and photocopies of hazardous waste manifests. The exempt supervisor is responsible for ensuring that all the required documentation is filed. D. Transportation Waste insulating oil and the cleanup debris associated with it are generally considered hazardous waste in California and are subject to all appropriate hazardous waste transportation requirements. The PG&E Hazardous Waste Shipping Paper must be used to identify all loads of hazardous waste transported from the spill site back to the local service center/headquarters. Documents also required to be onboard the transport vehicle include a copy of the DOT Emergency Response Guidebook, Page 171; the CHP Hazardous Materials Transportation license and the PCB Transportation Variance. For shipments of hazardous waste in excess of 500 gallons or 2,500 pounds, a HW manifest and an approved hazardous waste hauler are required. A temporary hazardous waste generator ID number must be obtained for the site if a HW manifest is used. Copies of the HW manifest or the PG&E HW Shipping Paper must be kept with the spill documentation. Equipment considered to be "in service" or "in storage for reuse" (not a waste) n01111ally does not require a HW manifest or shipping papers. Use approved containers. In cases where electrical equipment is too large or shaped such that it will not fit in the M&S coded containers, it may be shipped in non-DOT specification containers. Electrical equipment may be shipped without packaging ifit is non-leaking, intact and sealed; or ifit can be made non-leaking and is not expected to leak or become damaged during transport. UO Standard July 28, 2000 " " ,'~",::i'~Y:J:i\!,I'\~Bl!lf;t Stiilit1âfâ8'232f[ PAGE NO.: 14 OF 19 TITLE: PCB/Oil Spill Response for Electric Distribution Line Equipment IV. Response to Federal Low Concentration PCB Spills (50 to 499 PPM and less than 1 pound of pure ,PCB) UO Standard A. Notification For any spill, immediately contact the local environmental field specialist or the Environmental Affairs EFS on call (800) 874-4043 who will make the appropriate external notifications. In the rare' cases where an environmental field specialist cannot be reached within 24 hours of the spill discovery and the Environmental Emergency Hotline is not working, the exempt supervisor shall notify the following agencIes: · National Response Center (800) 424-8802 · State Office of Emergency Services (800) 852-7550 · EPA Region IX (415) 744-2000 · County Environmental Health Department · Certified Unifonn Program Agency · Any additional agencies with pre-arranged notification commitments Note: Calls to agencies should be made as soon as it becomes apparent that an EFS cannot be reached. Do not delay 24 hours. The local environmental field specialist will also make external notifications for any spills that enter or threaten to enter surface or groundwater, or onto any grazing land or edible crops including vegetable gardens. Property owners/residents shall be notified by the exempt supervisor of the nature and extent of the release, ifknown; how the situation is being handled; the cleanup activities that the company will be doing and any restrictions if crops or wetlands are involved. Contact the local environmental field specialist if assistance is needed in notifying property owners. B. Cleanup Cleanup shall start as soon as practical and within no more than 24 hours, and shall be completed within 48 hours of becoming aware of the spill. Completion of the cleanup may be delayed beyond 48 hours only in the case of civil emergency, a~verse weather conditions, lack of access, or emergency operating conditions. If the start of the cleanup is delayed beyond 24 hours, records must be kept that indicate the type and duration of the circumstances that precluded rapid response. The occurrence of a spill on a weekend, or overtime costs, are not acceptable reasons to delay the cleanup. Use appropriate protective clothing. At a minimum, wear PVC overshoes and Solvex gloves. Tyvek or Saranex coveralls shall be used if bodily contact with transfonner fluids is possible. July 28, 2000 <if!JQ:'StãTi,ãJlriJ:$~32ô' PAGE NO.: 15, OF 19 Use absorbent material to collect freestanding liquid. Deposit the contaminated material in approved containers. Remove soil and vegetation until there are no visible traces of liquid or stains, plus dean an additional two inches and a one-foot lateral buffer area. Deposit the contaminated materials in approved containers. Restore the property to its original condition. Double wash/rinse all solid surfaces such as walls, sidewalks, streets, poles, cars, etc., capturing waste liquid with absorbents for deposit in approved containers. Use mineral spirits on cars to avoid paint damage. When easily replaceable property such as furniture, toys, clothes, etc., are contaminated, it is recommended that these items be properly disposed of and replaced rather than decontaminated. Manage all cleanup material and debris as federal hazardous waste. Post-cleanup testing is necessary to verify that PCB contamination in soil is below one PPM for each Arochlor species present, and below 10 micrograms per 100 square centimeters on solid surfaces. Because of the complexity of post-cleanup test sampling, this activity shall be coordinated by the local environmental field specialist, using resources from Technical and Ecological Services or a qualified PCB spill cleanup contractor. The post-cleanup testing shall be accomplished as soon as practical, and the laboratory analysis should be expedited. For known spills where it is difficult to determine the spill boundaries by visible traces, a statistical sampling method is required to determine the spill boundaries. Contact the local environmental field specialist for advice on how to do the sampling. Examples of where this situation may occur are spills on wet ground or where oil is sprayed under high pressure. If statistical sampling is used to determine the spill boundaries, then it must also be used for the post- cleanup testing. Attachment 3 provides cleanup guidelines for employees or members of the public who become contaminated with mineral oil or dielectric fluids containing PCBs. c. Documentation Records and test reports shall be retained at each local headquarters, for a minimum of five years. After five years, the records should be archived. It is suggested that this documentation be retained in a file by site address. Documentation that should be retained includes copies of PCB/Oil Spill or Leak Reports (Form 62-3685), site diagrams, PG&E Chain of Custody forms, laboratory test reports, emergency job estimates, accident report forms, UO Standard July 28, 2000 ~ c1¡1~~(:'îlljtSt1;:ff¡j'(ltûjs~3~.º' PAGE NO.: 16 OF 19 hazardous waste shipping papers and records of regulatory agency correspondence; and photocopies of hazardous waste manifests. The Cleanup Certification Block on thePCB/Oil Spill or Leak Report (ponh 62-3685) must be signed by the responsible supervisor. This responsibility cannot be delegated. The exempt supervisor is responsible for ensuring that all the required documentation is filed. D.' Transportation Waste insulating oil containing 2: 50 PPM PCBs and the cleanup debris associated with it are considered state and federal hazardous waste and are subject to all appropriate hazardous waste transportation requirements. The PG&E Hazardous Waste Shipping Paper must be used to identify all loads of hazardous waste transported from the spill site back to the local service center/headquarters. Documents also required to be onboard the transport vehicle include a copy of the DOT Emergency Response Gui~ebook, Page 171; the CHP Hazardous Materials Transportation license and the PCB Transportation Variance. Copies of the HW manifest or the PG&E HW Shipping Paper must be kept with the spill documentation. For shipments of hazardous waste in excess of 500 gallons or 2,500 pounds, a HW manifest and an approved hazardous waste hauler are required. 'A temporary hazardous waste generator ID number must be obtained if a HW manifest is used. Copies of the HW manifest or the PG&E HW Shipping Paper must be kept with the spill documentation. All waste containers, or containers with leaking in-service equipment inside (including those with unknown concentrations), shall be marked with an EP A "Caution PCB" adhesive label (ML label). Non-leaking, in-service electrical equipment containing less than 500 PPM PCB is not required to be marked with the ML label. Transport vehicles loaded with PCB containers (not transfonners) with 99.4 pounds (about 13 gallons) or more of PCBs 50 PPM or greater in the liquid phase, must display the ML label on the front, rear and sides of the vehicle. Equipment considered to be "in service" or "in storage for reuse" (not a waste) nonnally does not require shipping papers unless there is a reportable quantity , (RQ) present. A reportable quantity ocèurs when there is one pound or more of pure PCB in ? single container. At 50 PPM, it would take 2,700 gallons to reach a reportable quantity; at 499 PPM, it would take 270 gallons. Use approved containers. In cases where electrical equipment is too large or shaped such that it will not fit in the M&S coded containers, it may be shipped in non-DOT specification containers. Electrical equipment may be shipped without packaging if it is non-leaking, intact and sealed; or if it can be made non-leaking and is not expected to leak or become damaged during transport. UO Standard July 28, 2000 , I ~. , (ti1ïtlº~siãfifjJjJj(Ji'S~3~(J; PAGE NO.: 17 OF 19 ,TITLE: PCB/Oil Spill Response for Electric Distribution Line Equipment v; Response to Federal High Concentration PCB Spills (over 500 PPM) or those involving 1 pound or more of PCB VO Standard A. Notification The weight of pure PCB is detennined by multiplying the concentration by the number of gallons spilled and dividing by 135,000. For example, it would take 270 gallons oÎ500 PPM oil or 2,700 gallons of 50 PPM oil to equal one pound of pure PCB. For any spill, immediately contact the local environmental field specialist or the Environmental Affairs EFS on call (800) 874;.4043 who will make the appropriate external notifications. In the rare cases where an environmental field specialist cannot be reached within 24 hours of the spill discovery and the Environmental Emergency Hotline is not working, the exempt supervisor shall notify the following agencIes: · National Response Center (800) 424-8802 · State Office of Emergency Services (800) 852-7550 · EP A Region IX (only notify if spill contains greater than 49 PPM PCB) (415)744-2000 · County Environmental Health Department · Certified Vnifonn Program Agency · Any additional agencies with pre-arranged notification commitments Note: Calls to agencies should be made as soon as it becomes apparent that an EFS cannot be reached, Do not delay 24 hours. The local environmental field specialist will also make external notifications for any spills that enter or threaten to enter surface or groundwater, or onto any grazing land or edible crops including vegetable gardens. Property owners/residents shall be notified by the exempt supervisor of the nature and extent of the release, if known; how the situation is being handled; the cleanup activities that the company will be doing; and any restrictions if crops or wetlands are involved. Contact the local environmental field specialist if assistance is needed in notifying property owners. B. Cleanup- Cleanup shall be initiated as quickly as possible and within 24 hours of becoming aware of the spill. Every effort will be made to clean up high concentration spills expeditiously. Initiation of the cleanup may be delayed beyond 24 hours only in the case of civil emergency, adverse weather conditions, lack of access, or emergency operating conditions. If the start of'the cleanup is delayed beyond 24 hours, records must be kept that indicate the type July 28, 2000 .. ? TITLE: PCB/Oil Spill Response for Electric Distribution Line E ui ment ··'~!c.Jø)sri{jf(JtiHd)S'2$~ÔÇ PAGE NO.: 18 OF 19 and duration of the circumstances that preCluded rapid response. The occurrence of a spill on a weekend, or overtime costs, are not acceptable reasons to delay thè cleanup. Use appropriate protective clothing. At a minimum, wear PVC overshoes and Solvex gloves. Tyvek and Saranex coveralls should be used if bodily contact with transfonner fluids is possible. For spills in this category, the first PG&E répresentative at the spill site must, as soon as it is safe to do so, barricade and restrict an area encompassing all visible traces plus an additional three-foot lateral buffer area. A clearly visible sign shall be placed advising people to avoid the area. Use absorbent material to collect freestanding liquid. Deposit the contaminated material in approved containers. Remove contaminated soil and vegetation until there are no visible traces of liquid or stains, plus clean an additional three-foot lateral buffer. Clean to a minimum additional depth of 10 inches. The' excavation may be less than 10 inches provided that the soil PCB concentration, based on a post-cleanup sampling test, is less than one PPM. Deposit contaminated materials and debris in approved containers. Restore the property to its original condition. Double wash/rinse all solid surfaces such as walls, sidewalks, streets, poles, cars, etc., capturing waste liquid with absorbents for deposit in approved containers. Use mineral spirits on cars tò avoid damaging paint. When easily replaceable property such as furniture, toys, clothes, etc., are contaminated, it is recommended that these items be properly disposed of and replaced rather than decontaminated. Manage all cleanup material and debris as federal hazardous waste. Post-cleanup testing is necessary to verify that PCB in soil is below one PPM for each Arochlor species present, and below 10 micrograms per 100 square centimeters on solid surfaces. Because of the complexity of post-cleanup test sampling, this activity shall be coordinated by the local environmental field specialist, using resources from Technical and Ecological Services or a qualified PCB spill cleanup contractor. Post-cleànup sampling shall be done as soon as practical, and the laboratory analysis should be expedited. For known spills where it is difficult to detennine the spill boundaries by visible traces, a statistical sampling method is required to detennine the spill boundaries. Contact the local environmental field specialist for advice concerning this method of sampling. Examples of where this situation may occur are spills on wet ground or where oil is sprayed under high pressure. If statistical sampling is used to detennine the spill boundaries, then it must also UO Standard I July 28, 2000 : t;: ~ .. TITLE: PCB/Oil Spill Response for Electric Distribution Line Equipment be used for post-cleanup testing. C. Documentation Records and test reports shall be retained at each local headquarters for a minimum of five years. After five years, records should be archived. It is suggested that this documentation be retained in a file by site address. DocuiTIentation that should be retained includes copies of PCB/Oil Spill or Leak: Reports (Fonn 62-3685), site diagrams, PG&E Chain of Custody Fonns, laboratory test reports, emergency job estimates, accident report fonns, hazardous waste shipping papers and records of regulatory agency correspondence; and photocopies of hazardous waste manifests. The Cleanup Certification Block on the PCB/Oil Spill or Leak: Report (Fonn 62-3685) must be signed by the responsible supervisor. This responsibility cannot be delegated. The exempt supervisor is responsible for ensuring that all the, required documentation is filed. D. Transportation Waste insulating oil containing ~ 50 PPM PCBs and the cleanup debris associated with it are considered state and federal hazardous waste and are subj ect to all appropriate hazardous waste transportation requirements. 'The PG&E Hazardous Waste Shipping Paper must be used to identify all loads of hazàrdous waste transported from the spill site back to the local service center/headquarters. Documents also required to be onboard the transport vehicle include a copy of the DOT Emergency Response Guidebook, Page 171; the CHP Hazardous Materials Transportation licensè and the PCB Transportation Variance. Copies of the PG&E HW Shipping Paper or the HW manifest must be kept with the spill documentation. For shipments of hazardous waste in excess of 500 gallons or 2,500 pounds, a HW manifest and an approved hazardous waste hauler are required. A temporary hazardous waste , generator EP A ID number must be obtained if a HW manifest is used, All waste containers and waste equipment shall be marked with an EP A "Caution PCB" adhesive label (ML label). Transport vehicles loaded with PCB containers with 99.4 pounds (about 13 gallons) or more of PCBs in the liquid phase, or one or more PCB-containing transfonners, must display the ML label on the front, rear and sides of the vehicle. Use approved containers. In cases where electrical equipment is too large or shaped such that it will not fit in the M&S coded containers, it may be shipped in non-DOT specification containers. Electrical equipmènt may be shipped without packaging if it is non-leaking, intact and sealed; or if it can be made non-leaking and is not expected to leak: or become damaged during transport. UO Standard July 28, 2000 RULES FOR WATER DISPOSITION If the sample is or Can water be discharged Then.. . contains.. . to: streets, storm drains, sanitary sewers, small creeks or streams? Clean, clear water YES! 1. Discharge the water. without contaminants. 2. Monitor the discharge 3. Prevent surface erosion 4. Complete a Water Discharge Record Form. Discoloration [except NO! The water must not be discharged into ''tea'' color from the environment until chemical analysis contact with soil or a proves it is not contaminated. "green" color from 1. Collect the water in suitable contact with vegetation containers or drums. or algae] 2. Label container with "Test Pending", vault location, number, Unusual odors date, and name of responsible person. Oil sheen 3. Transport portable container to local Service Center for storage Asphalt tar 4. Have water analyzed by the lab. 5. After analysis, dispose of water based on results of chemical testing. (Discharge to the sanitary sewer system may require approval.) 6. Complete a Water Discharge Record Form. Soil particl~ Yes! l. Water may be discharged onto terrain (landscape beds, Cloudiness (With Conditions) excavations, vacant lots, etc.) provided it does not run off into streets, storm drains, sanitary sewers small creeks or streams or create erosion. Get permission from the owner if possible. 2. Complete a Water Discharge Record Form. C:IWINDOWSITEMPIDWTRJBAD,DOC Page 4 of 4 Records and disposing of sample End If you don't fmd unusual odors (sewage, etc.), gasoline, solvent or chemical odors or discoloration in the sample, but you see evidence of: · Oil sheen · Oily water mixture · Asphalt tar · Evidence of soil particles You may discharge the clear portion of the water providing you can do so without disturbing the contaminants. A. Pump the enclosure such that a minimum amount of water remains behind with the contaminants. If contamination occurs during discharge, stop discharging immediately. B. The remaining liquid must be pumped into a storage container or solidified and placed into an appropriate container. Ensure all rags or materials used for solidifying the water (absorbent, kitty litter, etc.) are properly disposed of. Go to Step 8. 1~2 NO! NO! OK! Samples of water used to substantiate the condition of the discharged water must be retained by the crew until the discharging is complete. Once complete, the water samples may be disposed with the vault water. You can reuse the sampler and jar if they are cleaned and rinsed twice with drinking water. Complete PG&E's Water Discharge Record Form prior to discharging and return it for filing at the local Service Center for a minimum of 5 years. Contact your local Environmental Specialist if you have questions. 30f4 TESTING WATER BEFORE DISCHARGE The federal Clean Water Act, California state law and PG&E policy require the person in charge of the work evaluate the water in vaults and other utility underground structures before discharging it into , the environment. The results of this evaluation set the conditions under which you mayor may not discharge the water. Follow the procedures shown below. ! ! ! Continue on page 2 Collect water sample by dipping clear plastic sampler (Coliwassa sampler, M&S Code M49- 0074) or other appropriate container (e.g. Bailer, M&S Code M49-0076) below surface of water. Collect at least one cup (8 fluid ounces) of the sample water. NOTE: Do not collect material floating on the surface or resting on the bottom of the enclosure unless it is representative of the water to be discharged. Transfer the sample into a clean plastic jar (M&S Code M49-0075) and cover with close fitting lid. If the coded jar is unavailable, another appropriate container such as a clean Mason or canning jar may be used. Allow the sample to stand undisturbed for at least 10 minutes. After the 10 minutes settling time, check the sample for presence of: Turbidity (cloudiness) Suspended sediment or solids Visible floating materials Oil Sheen or aiV\\' ater mixture or soapiness Unusual odors such as sewage · Gasoline, solvents or chemical odors . Discoloration 10f4 ? - ¡...... ...... ~", J . . . . . E! ( i' t '~I L~ If you found.. . NOTHING (water is A. completely clear and odorless) B. C. · Turbidity (cloudiness) A. · Suspended sediment or solids · Visible floating materials B. C. Then... You may discharge the water into streets, storm drains, sanitary sewers, small creeks or streams. Monitor the discharge and prevent surface erosion Complete a Water Discharge Record Fonn. Go to Step 8. Do not allow discharge water or runoff into streets, stonn drains, sanitary sewers small creeks or streams or create erosion. However; Water may be discharged onto terrain , (landscape beds, excavations, vacant lots, etc.). Complete a Water Discharge Record Fonn. Go to Step 8. · · · Unusual odors (sewage, etc.) Gasoline, solvent or chemical odors Discoloration Laboratory testing and water containment are mandatory. Go to step 6. · Oil sheen I oil water mixture I It may be possible to pump the water out from soapiness under the floating oil. Go to step 7. If you detected unusual odors (sewage, etc.), gasoline, solvent or chemical odors or discoloration in the sample, A. The water must be ånalyzed by a chemical laboratory prior to being discharged. B. Coordinate the testing with your local Environmental Specialist. Pump water into containers (example: 55 gallon drums, M&S Code M55-1008) and label containers "Lab Test Pending." Include vault location, number, date and name of the responsible individual. Return drums or other portable container to local Service Center. If larger containers are needed, contact your local Environmental Specialist for assistance. They will arrange for larger containers such as portable tanks from Allwaste, Baker or Rain For Rent. Larger tanks will have to be left on site and kept secured. Go to step 8. Continue on page 3 20f4 ~ ~~~ Send sample to lab. Contain water pending lab analysis and disposition instructions. TESTING WATER BEFORE DISCHARGE The federal Clean Water Act, California state law and PG&E policy require the person in charge of the work evaluate the water in vaults and other utility underground structures ~ discharging it into , the environment. The results of this evaluation set the conditions under which you mayor may not discharge the water. Follow the procedures shown below. Collect water sample by dipping clear plastic sampler (Coliwassa sampler, M&S Code M49- 0074) or other appropriate container (e.g. Bailer, M&S Code M49-0076) below surface of water. Collect at least one cup (8 fluid ounces) of the sample water. NOTE: Do not collect material floating on the surface or resting on the bottom of the enclosure unless it is representative of the water to be discharged. ¡ ¡ Transfer the sample into a clean plastic jar (M&S Code M49-0075) and cover with close fitting lid. If the coded jar is unavailable, another appropriate container such as a clean Mason or canning jar may be used. Allow the sample to stand undisturbed for at least 10 minutes. 1 After the 10 minutes settIing time, check the sample for presence of: · Turbidity (cloudiness) . Suspended sediment or solids · Visible floating materials · Oil Sheen or Oil/W ater mixture or soapiness · Unusual odors such as sewage · Gasoline, solvents or chemical odors · Discoloration Continue on page 2 10f4 ~"I J . . . , . a: ( J. ...-", ).,~ [., t ,~\ L~ c.<>£i,l ~' :ø/7 ,!b:.4~'-m j;"--¡ ", I & I. I, I I ' I I I . . '~ Pacific Gas and Electric CompanYTM SUPERVISOR'S RESPONSE GUIDE TO , PCB/MINERAL OIL SPILLS - MARCH 2000 SPECIAL NOTE You must treat suspect spills as 50 to 499 ppm PCB until lab results provè otherwise. AsSess the situation. Assist with containment, if necessary, Communicate with switChing center. Is the area adequately barricad~? Is the public appropriately protected? Assist as needed. Prepare Cleanup Grid (If Necessary) Ch~k ,Spill Is the floW of oil contained? ContaInment Are dikes built as needed? ' Is, absorbØntcompound applied? Assist as needed. ' What is contaminated? Who is contaminated (people/animals)? What equipment is needed? In-house clèanup or contractor? (See page 4) \ Put on protective clothing, Mlnlmùm requl,rements: *Plastic overshoes .' *SoIvex gloves , If contact.ls anticipated, add: *Disposable coveralls " (flame retardent"if needed) , *\Neb belt (if climbing) Draw oil sample, Have sample taken to lab with Chain-of-Custody fòrm. , Contact local Environmental Field Specialist to determine if rush anaysis is required. Page 1 of 4 \ ' Immediately contact local- Environmental Field Specialist or call (800) 874-4043 after hours. Owner notification is required for all releases affecting their property, Explain the nature and extent of the release, if known; hòw the situation is being handled; cleanup procedures; and any restrictions if crops or wetlands are involved, The local Environmental Field Specialist can assist with the property owner notification, if necessary , For all spills 50 ppm or greater, a sampling grid is required where visible traces are not sufficient to establish spill boundries (or as otherwise required by the regulating agency). Contact local Environmental Field Specialist for assistance in establishing the sampling grid. Photograph spill area; 1. Prior to cleanup, 2. After site restoration. Ensure non-essential personnel are kept out of spill area. Ensure adequate protective clothing and devices are used, Inspect equipment and debris containers. Ensure only DOT approved containers are used for transport. Ensure the following documentation is maintáined: Accident Report PCB/Oil SpilVLeak Report 'Site diagrams Laboratory test results Chain of Custody form Házardous Wasœ Shipping Paper Photocopy of Hazardous Wasœ Manifests Agency correspondence. Continued on next page SUPERVISOR'S RESPONSE GUIDE TO Electric Company'" PCB/MINERAL OIL SPILLS - MARCH 2000 Begin immediately after notification, of spill: !D Step 1. Pacific Gas and Action Report to spill location 2. Review adequacy of barricading 3. Check spill containment 4. Determine level of response " ,-" ""'.. '~ ,~~ ,II ~ ü' ~, ~'!?-- . Cbec:k Wboa ,I)œw o o 0, o o o o o o o o o o o Details Assess the situation Assist ,with containment, if necessary Communicate with switchin center Area barricaded appropriately Ensure public protection Assist as needed Contain flow of oil Build dikes as needed Apply absorbent as needed Assist as needed What is contaminated? Who is contaminated (people/animals)? What clean up equipment is needed? In-house cleanup or contractor? Due to the size and weight of the equipment and volume of fluid, it may be necessary to contract for rigging, hauling, and fluid handling. Spills involviµg any of the following may require assistance from an outside contractor to clean up: Waterways (ditch, canal, pond, rain runoff, etc.) Grazing land Agricultural crops Hard to decontaminate objects , Large distribution transfonners'or other equipment Large excavations Contact the Environmental Field Specialist for securing qualified contractors. Tinie Limits for Startin and Com letin PCB Concentration Start Cleanu 49 m and below Within 48 hours 50 - 499ppm and Recommended no R * within 24 hours Greater than 500 ppm or Within 24 hóurs As soon as possible R * *RQ = I pound PCB Pounds of PCB = (gallons)(ppm)/135,000 Continued on next page . e PG&E 2000 AY8iIabIe From: Learning Ser¥iœs, LivemJOn: Training Center 8477·2550 (925) 606-2550 14 March 2000 S:\PCB Training Materials & Job AidIJob Aid 2000\200O . PCB Supervisor JA,doc " Page 2 of 4 --'-~ // /' I ~'\V"/~m Pacific Gas and It, ~.¡ ì & Electric Companyrw ,Ú, CIIock Step Action WIIm ~ 5. - Classify the spillJrelease ' 0 I 6. Contact Environmental Field Specialist NOTE ' If Specialist cannót be reached, you must notify the agencies. ' ---- .' ¡ j SUPERVISOR'S RESPONSE GUIDE TO PCB/MINERAL OIL SPILLS - MARCH 2000 Details Put on protective equipment. For any spill, protective clothing and equipment must be usèd as neCessary to avoid contact with oil by personnel, personal clothing, ÌOC!ls and,other equipment. The minimum requirements are: Plastic overshoes / , Solvex gloves! If contact is anticipated, also wear: Disposable coveralls (flame retardant, if needed) Web belt, if climbing Draw oil sample when safe to do so. Oil samples ar,e required for each leaking piece of equipment , without a blue'or silver sticker, a PG&E repair tracking system label, or if the manufacture date is not known,to be after July, 1979. Have sample and,Çhain-of-Custody form taken to lab. Contact the local Environmental Fièld Specialist regarding sample , turnaroundtini.e. o - 'Call the local Environmental Field Specialist immediately. If after hours, use the Environmental,Emergency ÌIotline (800) 874-4043. o o Be prepared to provide the foUowing information: · Date, location and time of release · Description of material released, including known or assumed PCB concentration · Type and size of equipment · Amount/<luantity released · Descriptipn of the surroundings \ · Cause of release · Brief description of response actions · Names of any agencies notified · Phone number of someone to talk to for more information later · All third parties involved (and injuries) · Any need for someone to act as a company spokesperson · Are any agencies already on site and if so, which one(s) Key Telephone Numbers o o o Env. Specialist On-Call (after hours) 800) 874-4043 Local Env. Specialist (regular hours) sáfety, Health and Claims (415) 973-8700 Continued on next page Page 3'of 4 m Pacific Gas and Electric Company'" , Step Action 6. Contact Environmental Field Specialist ( contiµued) 7. Notify property owner 8. Prepare cleanup grid 9. Photograph area 10. Direct cleanup 11. Submit reports and documents ~ ........' ,,;..~" "'> SUPERVISOR'S RESPONSE GUIDE TO PCB/MINERAL OIL SPILLS - MARCH 2000 ~,., '" :{ Cbeck. Wboa Dœw Details o o [j o o [J [J o o Remember: External agencies must be notified as soon as practical, but in no case should notification be delayed more than 24 hours after event is discovered. The Environmental Field Specialist will notify the required agencies. If you cannot contact the Environmental Field S~ialist, make the followin notifications ourself. A en Phone Number COUD Environmental Health D 1. Other Local A en US EPA Re 'on IX (For ills >= 50 State Office ofEmer en Services National Re nse Center Explain the nature and extent of the release, if known Explain how the situation is being handled Explain cleanup procedures Explain restrictions if crops or wetlands are involved. NOTE: The local Environmental Field Specialist can assist with property owner notification. if nece Contact Environmental Field Specialist who will assist with the preparation of the cleanu . d. Photograph spill area: Prior to cleatÌup After site restoration Ensure non-essential personnel are kept out of spill area. Ensure adequate protective equipment are available and are used. ~ Inspect equipment'and debris containers. Ensure only DOT approved containers ~ used for rt. Accident Report PCB/Oil Spill or Leak Report Site diagrams Laboratory test results Chain of Custody form Hazardous Waste Shipping Paper Photocopy of Hazardous Waste Manifest Agency correspondence. (415) 744-2000 (800) 852-7550 (800) 424-8802 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Decontaminating People and Animals' Steps similar to the ones below may be used to decontaminate animals. To ensure your safety, decontamination of animals should be performed by the owner, veterinarian, animal control agent or other party responsible for the animal's well being. Step Should an individual become contaminated, immediately: 1. Remove any affected personal articles, place them in a 6 mil plastic bag, tag with individual's name, address, phone number. Notify Safety Health and Claims. If eye contact has occ~ call 911 immediately and begin flushing eye(s) with water (potable preferred). 2, Provide privacy for the individual and ensure affected clothing is removed. 3. Ensure the individual cleans their affected areas with repeated applications of waterless hand cleaner. The cleaner should be completely wiped off with rags or towels between applications. Repeat twice for non PCB, three times for 5 ppm and above. 4. Provide the individual with standard disposable clothing, as needed. 5, Get the individual to a source of soap and water and allow them to wash thoroughly. 6. Gather all clean-up rags, etc. for return to consolidation site. Follow appropriate hazardous waste transportation procedures. . 7. Deliver the bag containing the contaminated personal articles to Safety, Health and Claims so they can replace the personal articles. Page 4 of 4 m . I' 1- . Pacific Gas and Electric CompanYTM LINE CREW'S RESPONSE GUIDE TO PCB/MINERAL OIL SPILLS - MARCH 2000 Determine the nature of the trouble Categorize the spill: Non-PCB - equipment with blue sticker stating PCB less than 5 pprn: Less than 50 ppm PCB- equipment with blue sticker not specifying PCB concentration, a Assess the silver sticker, PG&E repair tracking Situation system label or manufacture date after July 1979. ALL OTHERS must be treated as 50--499 ppm PCB until lab results prove otherwise. Conduct Tailboard Briefing Take Action to Stop Spill Barricade the Area Identify safety hazards. Discuss work area protection requirements, Discuss service restoration requirements. Assign specific tasks and resources. Identify required protective clothing. Put on protective clothing Minimum requirements: *Plastic overshoes *Solvex gloves. If contact is anticipated, add: *Disposable coveralls (flame retardent, if needed) *Web belt, if climbing. Build dikes to contain liquid Apply absorbent materials. Plug leaks in equipment. Use barricade adapter kit. Maintain access control point. Control vehicle and pedestrian traffic. Wear protective clothing in contaminated area. Page 1 of2 Implement Cleanup Procedures CONTAIN IT Wear protective clothing in contaminated area. Absorb remaining standing or flowing liquid and prevent further spilling prior to removing failed equipment. COLLECT IT Eliminate all visible traces by: *Excavation *Removal *Double wash and rinse. Put all debris, vegetation, soil, rags, protective clothing, etc. into approved DOT containers. Properly prepare equipment for transport to crew's headquarters, LABEL IT Fill out and place transformer conditon tag on equipment. Fill out and place appropriate labels on hazardous waste containers. TRANSPORT IT Fill out Hazardous Waste Shipping Paper. Insure the transportation vehicle has: 1, CHP Hazardous Materials Transportation License 2. California PCB Transportation Exernption 3. DOT Emergency Response Guide (page 171). Verify proper tags and labels on all equipment and containers. Transport hazardous waste to consolidation site (service center). m Pacific Gas and Electric CompanYTM LINE CREW'S RESPONSE GUIDE TO PCB/MINERAL OIL!SPILLS - MARCH 2000 Soil Removal .~ If you are cleaning up... and the PCB concentration is... then you must remove... plus a buffer zone that extends horizontally from the edges of the spill in all directions a distance of... 49 ppm and below 50 - 499 ppm and no RQ* 500 ppm and above or RQ* ~/~.,....., Buffer Zone .~~ ~ I I ~ ~ II!Æ ~ N/A Soil, Lawn, or Vegetation 12 inches 36 inches *RQ = 1 pound of PCB Pounds of PCB = (gallons)(ppm)/135,OOO Washing and Removal Structures Apply approved cleaning solution (follow manufacturer's guidelines), swab with mo s or brush with stifIbrooms. Pick u li uid with absorbent materials. Remove all contam#tated branches and leaves. Wash trunk with approved cIeanin solution. Wi with clean ra s. Contaminated crops, fruits, vegetables, animal forage, feed, etc. must be removed. Contact Environmental S ialist for assistance Contaminated buildings, retaining walls, signs, solid SUIfaces, etc., must be scrubbed with rags or brushes immersed in approved cleaning solution and wiped with clean ra s. Rub down contaminated painted SUIfaces with rags dampened with mineral spirits and with clean ra s. ' Turn off filter and pump. Contaminated swimming pools require special clean up ui ment and rocèdures. Contact the Environmental S 'alist for assistance. H you are cleaning... after removing the free standing liquids, you must... Concrete, Asphalt, or other solid SUIfaces Trees Food and Feed YES Vehicles YES Swimming Pools YES Decontaminating People and Animals Steps similar to the ones below may be used to decontaminate animals. To ensure your safety, decontamination of animals should be performed by the owner, veterinarian, animal control agent or other party responsible for the animal's well being. Step Should an individual become contaminated, immediately: 1. Remove any affected personal articles, place them in a 6 mil plastic bag, tag with individual's name, address, phone number. Notify Safety Health and Claims. If eye contact has occurred, call 911 immediately and begin flushing eye(s) with water (potable preferred). 2. Provide privacy for the individual and ensure affected clothing is removed, 3. Ensure the individual cleans their affected areas with repeated applications of waterless hand cleaner. The cleaner should be completely wiped off with rags or towels between applications. Repeat twice for non PCB, three times for 5 ppm and above. 4. Provide the individual with standard disposable clothing, as needed. 5. Get the individual to a source of soap and water and allow them to wash thoroughly. 6. Gather all clean-up rags, etc. for return to consolidation site. Follow appropriate hazardous waste transportation procedures. - 7. Deliver the bag containing the contaminated personal articles to Safety, Health and Claims so they can replace the personal articles. e PG&E 2000 Available From: Learning Selvices, Livem10re Tnining Center 8477·25SO (925) 6Oó-25SO t4 March 2000 S:\PCB Training Materials & Job Aid\Job Aid 2000\200O . PCB Line Crew JA,doc Page 2 of2 m . c:. ! . .. Pacific Gas and Electric CompanYTM FIRST RESPONDERS GUIDE TO PCB/MINERAL OIL SPILLS - MARCH 2000 .'.".""......, .,..'.........,..", ....;,;:::::::::::::::;:;:;:;:::::::;:::::::::::;::,:..... .. \':::::::I:::::!!~:¡:':':I'i:i!i:i:I::i!:':-¡::,:::::¡::::::: ~~Jdo~e~::~gS~~:~:ao~ ~~~~~Ie, Whafs out? Who's out? Location? Is there 3rd party contamination (animalslhumans)?(refer to pg 2) ! Categorize the spill Non-PCB - equipment with blue sticker stating PCB less than 5 ppm Less than 50 DDm PCB - equipment with blue sticker not specifying PCB concentration, a silver sticker, PG&E repair tracking system label or manufacture date after July 1979. ALL OTHERS must be treated as 50-499 ppm PCB until lab results prove otherwise. Wear protective clothing in contaminated area (wear flame Report to the retardent coveralls if needed), Switching Center Nature of trouble. , Restoration requirements, Circuit location. F acilitieslequipment involved. Request supervisor be notified. Assess the Situation De-Energize or Isolate Initiate Action to Stop the Spin Put on protective clothing necessary to clearflSolate trouble or execute switching. Minimum Requirements: *Plastic overshoes *Solvex gloves. If contact is anticipated, add: *Disposable coveralls (flame retardent, if needed) * Web belt if climbin ), Put on protective clothing. Build dikes to contain liquid. Apply absorbent compound. Plug leaks in equipment Use barricade adapter kit or other appropriate means. Page 1 bf2 Prevent Entry to Area Guard barricaded area and prevent entry of humans, animals and vehicles, Direct Traffic DirectJflag traffic as necessary to ensure public safety, ObtaIn Fluid Sample Nature of spill: PCB/Non-PCB, Size of spill, What is contaminated. Properties involved: crops, waterways, vehicles, storm drains, traffic conditions, etc. Are any agencies on site? If safe and practical to do so, obtain fluid sample for laboratory analysis. Remain at spill site and assist until released by supervisor or other appropriate PG&E employee. Continued next page III Pacific Gas and ~&~ Electric CompanYTM Your Responsibilities " I' I: 1 1 You're key Treat as PCB Protection first Ii Required materials J FIRST RESPONDERS GUIDE TO PCB/MINERAL OIL SPILLS - MARCH 2000 .' As the first PG&E employee on the scene of a possible PCB spill, you have several key priorities and responsibilities. They are, in order: 1. Safety/communication 2. Containment 3. Restoration If you are unsure of the possible concentration of PCB, you must assume the PCB level is 50 to 499 PPM and you must take all protective measures based on that concentration until laboratory analysis proves otherwise. When there is any doubt, protect 1. Once the area is electrically safe, you may be able to minimize the damage caused by the oil spill by: · Applying absorbent compound · Building dikes to contain liquid · Barricading the area 2. You must take initial steps to contain the spill and protect the public and the environment before beginning to restore power. You must have the following materials with you on your vehicle. They will be needed so you can safely begin containment of a PCB spill: · Disposable coveralls (standard and flame retardant) . . Solvex gloves . Absorbent materials · Respirator (optional/as needed) All of the above items, except flame retardant coveralls, are found in the PCB Spill Kit, Code # 49-0679 Flame retardant coveralls: Medium (M20-0257) Large (M20-o278) material codes X Large (M20-0282) XX Large (M20-o283) .',', '<'~,,: r ",' I ; . ~ . Plastic overshoes Web belt Barricade tape . Decontaminating People and Animals Steps similar to the ones below may be used to decontaminate animals. To insure your safety, decontamination of animals should be performed by the owner, veterinarian, animal control agent or other party responsible for the animal's well being. Step Should a person become contaminated, immediately: 1. Remove any affected personal articles, place them in a 6 mil plastic bag, tag with person's name, address, phone number. Notify Safety Health and Claims. If eye contact has occurred, call 911 immediately and begin flushing eye(s) with water (potable preferred). 2. Provide privacy for the affected individual and insure affected clothing is removed. 3. Insure the affected areas are cleaned by repeated applications of waterless hand cleaner. The cleaner should be completely wiped offwith rags or towels between applications. Repeat twice for non PCB, three times for 5 PPM and above. 4. Provide the person with standard disposable clothing, as needed, S. Get the person to a source of soap and water and allow them to wash thoroughly. 6. Gather all clean-up rags, etc. for return to consolidation site. Follow appropriate hazardous waste transportation procedures. 7. Deliver the bag containing the contaminated personal articles to Safety, Health and Claims so they can replace the, personal articles, : , @ PG&.E 2000 Available From: Learning Services, LivermoÌe Training Center 8477·2550 (925) 6Oó-2S5O, 14 March 2000 S:\PCB Training Materials & Job AidIJob Aid 2000\200O . PCB First Responder JA,doc Page 2 of2