HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 66-99(5)RESOLUTION N'O, 6 S = 9 e ~. ~j~ AMENDMENT NO. 5 TO RESOLUTION NO. 66-99 APPROVING MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE BLUE AND WHITE COLLAR UNITS AND ADOPTING SALARY SCHEDULE AND RELATE-'D BENEFITS, WHEREAS, Resolution No. 66-99 sets salaries and related benefits for employees of the Blue and White Collar Units, NOW, THEREFORE'., BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield that effective immediately, the Salan,/Schedule, a part of ResoNution No. 66-99, is hereby amended as fofiows: 1. Resolution No. 86-99 is hereby amended by deleting the following class title from the Blue Collar Unit: 14350 16.128 class title from the White Collar Unit: Industrial Waste Inspector 16.935 17.781 18.667 19.605 Resolution No. 66-99 is hereby amended by deleting the l~ollowing 21470 A IFire Inspector 15.576 16.354 17.173 18.033 18.934 title to the White Collar Unit: 24350 A 16.128 21470 A 15.576 Resolution No. 66-99 is hereby amended by adding the following class ilndustriaIWasteinspector 16.935 17.781 18.667 19.605 Fire Prevention/Environmental Officer 16.354 17,173 18.033 18.934 the following class titles in the White Collar Unit: 24350 ~ 17.307 21470 ~ 18.183 Resolution No. 66-99 is hereby amended by revising the salaries for Industria~ Waste Inspector 18.183 19.096 20.066 21.087 Fire Prevention/Environmental Officer 19.096 20.066 21.087 22.141 .......... o0o .......... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on AUG 16 2000 , by the foBIowing vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER CARSON,DEMOND,MAGGARD,COUCH,ROWLES,SULLIVAN,SALVAGGIO.~G'fJ=EJ~ COUNCILMEMBER i[~J(Tt',3E. COUNCILMEMBER ~.~_~. COUNCILMEMBER ~'4Qb,~F_, AUG 18 2000 APPROVED BOB PRICE MAYOR of the City of Bakersfie~d APPROVED as to form: CITY ATI'ORNEY of the Ci'b/of Bakersfield 8/8/00 S:\Resolution~B&W.IndWaste_Firelnspe~;tor.wpd 2 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CLASS SPECIFICATION: 1435024350 UNIT: ~"'-- White Collar EE04: Para Profcssional Technicians Class Title: INDUSTRIAL WASTE INSPECTOR Class Summary,: Under general supervision, inspects and monitors industrial and commcrcial wastc disposal proccsjcs to insurc compliancc with ordinancc and pcrmit rcquircmcnts; discharges into wastewater systems by commercial and industrial users in order to enfome applicable federal, state and local regulations; establishes and implements new procedures and discharge limits for the City's pretreatment program; and performs other work as required. Representative Duties: The following typical teSsks and responsibilities are representative of all positions in the class. They are descriptive, not limiting;. Essential Duties: Reviews applications for thc issuance of wastewater discharge pcrmits; and evaluates permit applications, permitted user's serf-monitoring reports, facility modifications, pretreatment systems; issues wastewater discharge permits; inspects industrial and commercial cstablishmcnts that arc located within the City scwcr scrvicc arcs users to determine their wastewater characteristics; performs field sampling duties, such as installing and adjusting mc, nitc~rL-~g sampling equipment to obtain representative samples for laboratory analyscs, preserving samples and performing field tests; performs technical calculations to derive defensible pollutant limits; investigates routine complaints; issues notice of violations; coordinates with other departments and agencies to assist the public in obtaining solutions to code violations; works with the City Attorney's Office and Municipal court when legal action is required; provides court testimony; prepares rclatcd comprehensive written reports; sets deadlines, tracks cases and documents the procedures taken by the City to hold responsible parties accountable for abating code violations; may interact with the public in adverse situations; resolves disputes in a tactful manner; follows established safety procedures; answers inquiries and provides information to the public regarding industrial wastewater control. Distinguishing Characteristics: Industrial Waste In~spector is required to interpret regulations and initiate appropriate e~2forcement action after identifying noncompliance with local, stare, or federal requirements. May be required to take charge of the Pretreatment/Revenue Section during the absence of the supervisor. This class is differentiated from the Wastewater Treatment Plant Lab Technician and Operator in that the latter focuses on routine plant operations and lab analyses while the Industrial 'Waste Inspector handles non- routine enfomement issues in the field. Dcs:ra5le Minimum Qualifications: Knowledge of: provisions of the City Sewer Ordinance and related federal and state pretreatment and ~ardous waste regulations; the methods of installation, operation, and maintenance of equipment used for monitoring industrial waste discharge; inspecting, sampling and testing of industrial wastewater; applicable safety precautions; related computer applications. CLASS TITLE: Industrial Waste Inspector 24350 Ability to: handle both routine and non-routine enforcement issues; issue correction notices; analyze technical information and take a]~ropriate! action; tactfully communicate the objectives of the industrial waste program to representatives of commercial and industrial firms; maintain accurate records and prepare clear and concise reports. Training and Experience: Graduation from high school supplcmcntcd by colXcgc lcvcl courscs in Chemistry or othcr courscs rclatcd to industrial wastcs, wastcwatcr, or water tcchnology. Graduation from an accredited college or university with a Bachelor's Degree in Biology, Chemistry, or closely related field and one year of experience in industrial waste inspection, wastewater treatment or related field; or an equivalent combination of traitring and experience which provides the capabilities to perform the described duties. Licenses. Certificates and Special Requirements: Possession of a valid California Class "C" driver's license. Certification by the California Water Pollution Control Environment Association (CWEA) a,s a Grade I Industrial Wastc Environmental Compliance Inspector is required within two years of appointment. A Grade II Environmental Compliance Inspector Certificate issued by the CWEA is required no later than three years after the first examination is given after employment. Physical Conditions or Special Working Conditions: Must possess sufficient strength :to lift and carry objects weighing up to 50 pounds. Must be able to open manholes weigl-dng up to 120 pounds using appropriate v. ools. Work involves all outdoor weather conditions, confined areas, heights and possible exposure to unpleasant and potentially hazardous conditions. Approved by the Miscellaneous Civii Service Board: Approved by the City Coancil: S: \JOBSPECS\IndustrialWastelnspector. wpd August 3, 2000 PROPOSED JOB SPECIFICATION CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CLASS SPECIFICATION: 21470 UNIT: WHITE COLLAR EEO4: TECHNICIANS CLASS TITLE: FIRE PREVENTION/ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICER CLASS SUMMARY: Undergeneral supervision, as a prevention/environmentalofficerweadng a badge, performs routine and difficult work requiring speoialized environmental skills to secure compliance with the California Fire Code, California Building Code, appficable sections of Chapter 6.5, 6.6 and 6.95 of the Health and Safety Code, Bakersfield Municipal Code, including other codes, ordinances, and standards. Work involves resolving routine to difficult code enforcement issues within established poficy. IncumbentsaresupervisedbytheFireMarshalortheDirectorofEnvironmentalServices. Performs other work as required. REPRESENTATIVE DUTIES: Thefollowing typical tasks and responsibifitiesare representativeofthis class. They are descriptive, not limiting. Essential Duties: As a Fire Prevention/Environmental Officer wearing a badge, performs state and local mandated inspections, investigates routine and complex non-complianceissues and complaints, prepares and processes appropriate corrective orders, and acts to gain compliance to California Fire Code, California Building Code, National Fire Protection Association Standards and Bakersfield Municipal Code violations; issues Notices of Violation, Stop Work Orders and correction notices; coordinates with other departments and agencies to assist the public in obtaining solutions tocode violations; inspects undergroundstorage tanks; works with the Fire Marshal or the Director of Environmental Services to implement office hearings; works with the City Attorney's Office and Municipal Court when legal action is required; testifies in court; researches ownership and lien holders of subject properties; prepares comprehensivewritten reports; sets deadlines, tracks cases, and documents the procedures taken by the City to hold responsible parties accountable to abating code violations; prepares documents, and tracks proceduresset forth in the Bakersfield Municipal Code; interacts with the public in potentially votatile situations; resolves disputes regarding code enforcement matters in a tactful and productive manner; utilizes a personal computer for reporting and documenting inspections. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: Fire Prevention/Environmentall Officer, after appropriate training, is authorized to issue citations. The Fire Prevention/EnvironmentalOfficerwill handle routine investigations independently, and with supervision, investigate long-term, potentially volatile or more involved cases. The Fire Prevention/Environmental Officer must be skilled at working with people to solve problems. iPROPOSED JOB SPECiFICATiON CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CLASS SPECIFICATION: 21470 UNIT: WHITE COLLAR EEO4: TECHNICIANS CLASS TITLE: FIRE PREVENTDON/ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICER QUALIFICATIONS GUi DE: Traininq and Experience: Graduation from high school or G.E.D. Two (2) years of college level course work in Fire Technology, Hazardous Materials or Environmental Science and two (2) years related work expedence in Uniform Fire Code (UFC) or Uniform Building Code (UBC)enforcement, hazardous materials or underground storage tank inspection. Knowledqe of: laws and ordinances regulating building construction and fire protection systems; codes related to fire and public Safety; legal procedures and documents, correction notices, violation notices and citations; dght-of-~;ntry, due process, and procedures used to research ownership of properties being inspected; state and local enactments governing building construction use and occupancy; personal computer applications related to work. Ability to: understand, interpret and enforce applicable laws, codes and regulations; read and understand blueprints, plans, specifications and pnaperty descriptions; work independently and priodtize workload; establish and maintain effective working relationshipswith staff, members of the public and others encountered in the course of work; handle routine and volatile code enforcement cases; enforce codes, ordinances and regulations firmly, consistently, tactfully and impartially; deal effectivelywith confrontational situations; propedy document code enforcement cases; com m unicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing; prepare and present information in meetings and court proceedings; operate an office computer and software applications related to work. Licenses, Certificates and Special Requirements: Possession of a valid California Class "C"' Driver's License. (Employees will be required to operate City vehicles on a daily basis.) Successful completion of training and certificationwill be required as a condition of continued employment. in addition, incumbents may be required to successfully complete training in Police procedures and pass a psychological examination. Physical Conditions or Special Workinq Conditions: Incumbents will be required to make on-site inspections and investigations in the field in all weather conditions. Construction sites may require inspections at above and below grade access. This position entails working in hazardous situations, and under conditions that may expose the incumbentto hazardousmaterials. This position emphasizes communication skfils as contacts may involve volatile situations. CURRENT JOB SPECIFICATION CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CLASS SPECIFICATION: 21470 UNIT: WHITE COLLAR EEO4: PARA-PROFESSIONALS CLASS TITLE: FIRE INSPECTOR CLASS CHARACTERISTICS: Under supervision, inspects industrial, commemial, institutional and residential facilities to ensure compliance with state and local iire and life safety codes; performs the coordination and follow up work of a continuing weed abatement and hazard reduction program; and assists in cause and origin of fire investigations. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES: Inspects sprinkler and alarm systems and other selected devices and equipment; enforces fire safety codes and issues notices, warnings and citations; reviews plans to ensure compliance with state and local fire codes; assists in cause and origin of fire investigations; writes inspection reports, maintains records; prepares documents in support of citatk>ns or warrants for violator's arrests; inspects industrial, commercial, institutional and residential facilities to ensure compliance with state and local fire codes; testifies in court on criminal and civil matters filed by the Fire Prevention Bureau on offenses against fire laws, ordimnces and regulations; receives specific complaints regarding weeds and hazards; handles all correspondence dealing with complaints and the weed abatement and hazard reduction program; answers the telephone and assists the public in specific areas; performs other related duties as assigned. MINIMUM OUALIFICATIONS: Training and Exp erienee: Grad~xation frora high school or attairap~ent of a satisfactory score on a GED test; and two years of college level course work in fire science or a related field or two years of experience in fire safety or building construction inspection. Knowledge, Skills and Abilltie!~: Knowledge of: fire protection and life safety systems; technical fire protection and inspection procedures and practices; local and state fire codes; national fire safety and prevention standards; plans review; Uniform Fire and Building Construction Codes. Ability to meet and deal effectively with the public; ability to understand and carry out oral and written instructions; ability to obtain and verify information through telephone contacts and personal interviews; ability to coramunicate effectively orally and in writing. Licenses and Certificates: Possession of a valid California driver's license. Approved bv the City Council: September 5, i990 ADDroved by the Fire Civil Service Board: August 7, 1990