HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION , .-' ..... '." .-- \.....:..... . ' " ,,': "".~;':"".' ,~'"-~ . . ·....1·. )~ ' -' . KERN COUNTY· ...p , " . ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES' DEPARTMENT~' INVESTIGATION RECORD - HHMP OWNER/OPERATOR: VERA GERALDINE. PROPERTY OWNER/RODNEY BOWSER.OPER. DBA: INDEPENDENT DETAIL ADDRESS: ADDRESS OF VIOLATION: 4106 WIBLE RD. BAKERSFIELD CA 93313 APN: 405-230-04-00-0 CT: 31 INSPECTOR: TERRY GRAY WORK ORDER NUMBER: 50037 TRACKING NUMBER: CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OF INVESTIGATION FILE NAME: INDEPENDENT DETAIL DATE TIME (HR) NARRATIVE ------------------------------------------------ 02/29/92 .7 PERFORMED INSPECTION. DRAIN LOCATED AT NORTH EAST CORNER OF PROPERTY. OPERATOR UNSURE OF WHERE THE DRAIN GOES. HE HAS USED THE DRAIN IN PAST TO WASH OIL & GREASE OFF MOTORS. FOUND LITTLE INSIDE SHOP THAT WOULD BE USED AT THE SAME TIME AS WASHING CARS. SOME SOLVENT THAT HE SAYS HE WIPES CARS WITH. BUDGET RENTAL CURRENTLY HOLDS LEASE FOR A FEW MORE DAYS. THEY SAY THE SITE WAS PREVIOUSLY RENTED BY A OIL TOOL CO. ASKED BOWSER TO DETERMINE THE TERMINUS POINT OF THE DRAIN. 03/02/92 .2 PREPARED WORK ORDER NUMBER. 03/03/92 .8 CONDUCTED FILE SEARCH AND PREPARED FILE. 03/13/92 .4 WROTE NOTICE OF VIOLATION. 03/25/92 .2 EDIT NOV AND SEND TO TYPING. 03/30/92 .4 UPDATED FILE & MAILED NOV'S TO BOWSER AND GERALDINE. 1 '. -.' . ';é\""t2~~::0'" ~i;;'C~;;l,,;~,,~~~f'~!Z,~>i;~') ,. -, .... . ... :1., .... ..... ... '·:i ,"",:~', .-¡ : ,. CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD' OP""INVES'l'IGA:'l'ION,:C,;, . . _. - -, ,~:'" .". ,_ '.- ,-('r .. , FILE NAME: INDEPENDENT D~'l'AIL DATE TIME (HR) '. NARRATIVE 04/02/92 . 5 ------------------------------------------------ 04/03/92 04/09/93 04/13/93 05/13/92 .2 06/15/92 MRS. BOWSER CALLED IN RESPONSE TO NOTICE. SHE ASKED ME TO CALL CITY WASTE WATER '1' DETERMINE IF A DYE TEST COULD BE CONDUCTED TO DETERMINE THE TERMINUS POINT OF THE WASH RACK. THE CITY SAID THAT IT WAS POSSIBLE BUT THEY WANTED IT IN WRITING. I CALLED BOWSER BACK. HE STATED THAT A PUMPER TRUCK HAD COME BY AND PUMPED THE WASH RACK OF SLUDGE. HE DID NOT KNOW WHO THE PUMPER WAS BUT BOWSER STATED THAT THE PUMPER STATED THAT THERE WAS A SEPTIC SYSTEM. I TOLD BOWSER TO CONTACT TIM RYAN AT CITY WASTE WATER AND THE PROPERTY OWNER FOR MORE INFORMATION. GREEN CARD FOR BOWSER RECEIVED. 4-3-92. RECEIVED GREEN CARD FROM GERALDINE, SIGNED FOR ON 4-8-92 MAILED NOTICE TO BUDGET. LETTER FROM BUDGET STATING THAT THEY DID NOT PUT ANY CONTAMINATES INTO WASH RACK. WILLIAM DALEY CALLED FOR VERA GERALDINE. HE OUESTIONED AN INVOICE THAT HE HAD RECEIVED FOR 816.00. I EXPLAINED THAT IT WAS FOR WORK RELATED TO THE CLOSURE OF THE UIC. DALEY OUESTIONED THE AUTHORITY WE HAD TO NAME THE SYSTEM AS AN INJECTION WELL. I GAVE HIM THE CFR ~ AND ALSO TOLD HIM THAT I HAD SPOKEN TO CITY WASTE WATER AND THAT THEY HAD NO RECORD OF A HOOK UP TO CITY SEWER LINES. DALEY SEEMED CONFUSED AS TO WHAT AGENCY HAD LEAD STATUS FOR THE CASE. I TOLD HIM THAT WE HAD LEAD STATUS UNDER AUTHORITY OF FED EPA. HE THEN WANTED TO KNOW WHAT TO DO; I TOLD HIM THAT SAMPLES WOULD NEED TO BE RETRIEVED FROM THE WASH RACK SYSTEM. HE INOUIRED WHO & I· TOLD HIM THERE WERE 2 CERTIFIED LABS IN BAKERSFIELD WITH FIELD SERVICES. HE SAID HE WOULD GET BACK IN TOUCH WITH ME. 2 ; .. ~ ~,·.~.~·_.:"~~:~~·;'~·A~~:..::.\.~?¿:_::.,"~?:~.i:i~~~"· ~:_::; .,.1 '. ' . ,..... " . ......, '> "'" '''~:; .. , ,'..,.. .', ..;...'., -,;~,.:.:'-:'-~:~~~~ ~:' :"':'-~'}-'," .' . . . " DATE ....!.,.\ " , , ." "'.:'?'c;;¡~:;1fil~~\~:¡~~q(~i~::;~;/t - .:;: ,~}.,~;).,..(..: ~ . ".,.... . . . :'~ "~"'~;,:::';1~:::~i ,J~>:",,: ., , " ..... -:,' ~ -~, . '... " ,. .. , ". ','" ",- - .. ,'......' . " ' -. ,';.' :1.~,.~~,~.:. :,,;~:~,~~ ;;' CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OF INVESTIGATION TIME (HR) FILE NAME: INDEPENDENT DETAIL NARRATIVE 06/17/92 ------------------------------------------------ 06/25/92 06/27/92 06/30/92 07/06/92 07/09/92 07/13/92 07/29/92 .2 . 5 1.2 (BILLED .2 TO EACH WORK ORDER) DRAFTED 2ND NOTICE TO EACH RP. MAILED 2ND NOTICES TO BOWSER. GERALDINE & BUDGET. BUDGET RESPONDED TO LETTER. RESTATED THAT THEY DID NOT BELIEVE THAT THEY HAVE ANY RESPONSIBILITY. TOLD THEM THAT THERE WAS A PROCESS FOLLOWED TO ACHIEVE COMPLIANCE. GREEN CARD RECEIVED FROM BUDGET. NO DATE ON CARD. GREEN CARD RECEIVED FROM GERALDINE. DALEY CALLED. HE CONTINUES TO ASSERT THAT GERALDINE DOES NOT HAVE A CLASS V WELL. BUT HE THEN REFERRED TO IT AS A DRY WELL. I WENT OVER THE PROGRAM AGAIN WITH HIM. HE FINALLY AGREED TO CALL A LAB. DALEY CALLED BACK AND TOLD ME THAT B.C. LABS WOULD RETRIEVE SAMPLES ON 7-9- 92 AT 11:00 AM. WITNESSED SAMPLING BY B.C LABS AT WASH RACK. BOWSER WAS THE ONLY RESPONSIBLE PARTY TO BE THERE. THE SUMP WAS APPROXIMATELY 12" FROM THE TOP. THE WATER WAS DISCOLORED BUT DID NOT HAVE A HEAVY HYDROCARBON ODOR. THE TECHNICIAN FROM B.C. LABS AND I LOOKED AT THE OTHER DRAIN ON THE PROPERTY. IT APPEARED TO HAVE BEEN INSTALLED FOR STORM WATER RUNOFF. BOWSER HAD REPORTED THAT THIS DRAIN WAS CONSTANTLY BACKING UP AND FLOODING THE PARKING LOT. THE INITIAL BOX WAS ABOUT 2 1/2 FEET DEEP. A PIPE STUCK OUT OF THE WATER IN THE CHAMBER. BENEATH THIS INITIAL CHAMBER WAS A SECONDARY CHAMBER. THERE WAS WATER RUNNING INTO THE SECONDARY CHAMBER FROM AN UNKNOWN SOURCE. REFERRED CASE TO EPA FOR FURTHER ENFORCEMENT ACTION. RECEIVED COpy OF ANALYSIS FROM DALEY. MAILED COPY TO EPA. 3 ~~~<"Y'I~;;~\~i~~ffi~~f)~7~~ ' ... .. .'lf~!i~~!{~~~~.~æ;·~·~:'····~ -:, " .. CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OF INVESTIGATION FILE NAME: INDEPENDENT DETAIL DATE TIME (HR) NARRATIVE ------------------------------------------------ 7/18/93 EPA INVITATION TO DTSC TO ASSUME OVERSIGHT OF CASE. 11/02/93 . 5 DISCUSSION OF CASE WITH RUBEN MEDINA. DTSC. COPIED FILE FOR HIM AND MAILED WITH COVER LETTER. 12/14/93 WENT TO SITE WITH RUBEN MEDINA (DTSC). HE WILL REFER THE CASE BACK TO USEPA. CHECK FOR ADDITIONAL INFO ON HARD DISK 4 . , . '. .,' , :;":':;''':~~>: Î:jl:;;-,*,::i£<'f;7::;;:'t:<¡.~~,;<),:;'j;;~'>:~~>';'; ",: ; ,.:,~ ~'~5;:,;;,:~.,:\.,<:.:., :':{It..~"~':?~:~,;~~':C~~~~~;~¡:~~~'~~~:r:~ri;;;::~\~:'¡,.^;, ':; "'>',-' ~ I . '<-'i",~\,'t'·'>''''~.'C\...OUNT~~RE€EN'AÞŒ· mtJ;CTIO"";>"~'~ _ . " ~,,: '. ~, ': '. "',',. :', '":,'.:., ' , , ; , ~," ..,' ><,:- ':-.:',<¡ ':",~',:~,;'C~~;~,; '~':>::;::': .š~:,;i:~~,,~i~;,::~'~~, ..,:',::', ' '.'...'".,,, AÐ:VISORY'FORM ". " "'..#' ....'..,. . " '. '..'..'.."..' ",',. '., , ',' , , ',--.",",', ';''':3~)'¡:'',;":,;""",·,·,, . PERMIT #' WORK ORDER # .>0, ð;l :r . DATE 0t¡/¿j,r INVOICE # CUSTOMER# ~tJßO!JSE¡¿l CUSTOMER NAME ..e,¿¡ ßot.JJ~r ACTION TO BE TAKEN Waive Permit Fee /" Waive Service Fee .../'/ Waive Late Charges Waive Surcharge Fee Send to Collections Payment Schedule Requested (See Details Below) Other (Explain Below) (State Reason Below) (State Reason Below) (State Reason Below) (State Reason Below) EXPLANATION/COMMENTS ~;LL::~ -P"'~'''~ ~ ~ðrC - APPROVED BY SPECIAUST ClilliF DIRECfOR RMA ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTANT DATE' DATE t' DATE DATE Comments: ACCfG-POSTED BY DATE REV. 7/94 ."t.._.~ -, >-.... . e e' :I,,, ",,' K ERN C 0 U N T Y - - - - 0 F F ICE M E MaR AND (],M TO ACCOUNTING JeVl'Y GIZA>' DATE: ?-I'ty, 7 ¿ FROM Î I..... SUBJECT: CLOSURE OF WORK ORDERS WORK ORDER NUMBER .5 OD 23 WORK ORDER NAME +:'Vù~ev-r j::er~/'L LAST DATE WORK ORDER WAS UTILIZED ?-/y.C);J- REASON FOR CLOSURE OF WORK ORDER (' Aç~ rerer~/ ?V é-,/JA PROGRAM MANAGER (!~ ck5 I ) I ~/'I ;T" " ",' , .... ". _~\f~~~~~~~!!;:;;;_-" . , . .-,~' "., 'r. . .~: l1c,;: S'Ï'.ÄTEME~rT*'*.*, 'j¡," .~ ,. - "' '- ...'-',.'{:.: -\ . ~ KERN COUNTY' "ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 2700 M STREET" SUITE 350 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805) 861-3502 STATEMENT' DATE': 07"~i30/94' PAGE,: 1 BOt-JSER, RODNEY CUSTOMER NO.: 20-BOWSER1 4106 WIBLE ROAD, SUITE B BJ'.!-:ERSF!ELD CA 93313 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "/,, '1''1:' l...I....._ REFERENCE DESCRIPTION CHARGE CREDIT BALANCE ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~:./22¡93 OOC1071-IN EM50023: 02/01/92-02/29/92 J:/22!93 0001595-IN EM50C23: 03/01/92-03/31/92 ]:;22/93 0002070-IN EM50023: 04/01/92-05/31/92 ;4/23/93 0004925-IN EM50023 PENALTY: OOOl07l-IN !~/23/93 aOC4926-!N EM50023 PENALTY: 0001595-IN " 14.11 42.32 20.16 7.06 21.16 10.08 14.11 "''' "" '"=~. .....,"'" 20.16 7.06 ')1 1~ ...........v .:4;!23/93 0004927-IN EM50023 PENALTY: OOC2070-IN 10.08 ) AMOUNT DUE: 114.89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 URRE~IT 30 DAYS 60 DAYS 90 DAYS 120 DAYS BALANCE DUE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .00 .00 .00 .00 114.89 114.89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRIS IS A STATEMENT OF YOUR ACCOUNT. IF THE AMOUNT DUE HAS BEEN PAID, PLEASE DISREGARD THIS STATEMENT I, 'J YOUR ACCOUNT IS 120 DAYS PAST DUE AND MAY BE SENT TO COLLECTIONS IF PAYMENT IS NOT RECEIVED. t CF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS STATEMENT, PLEASE CALL 861-3502. I ". :.." ...' , .: .... r- '.. ,.-.:,::.......'.' >."'f':., ...." ";.~,::~,~:ç:(~~~Ê~~t1·...·. if: ! . ", ". _. _ ",' . ,".f .".... ',' -' '" ' .,....'.. v.,.·' " ,"-', ...,".. ".,..' .,. '"'...~,,'.!(":."..'" 't...~~t"·"f.'·;':"~~~:t:.:~..(",~"\",...;~,~,..,~·,,j··i'I,"'" ' .~"',~.'. . . .".,..' ' ",'C'·: " .' .' ,..,' ;~·~.~i.-i:;"..,~-~·,~~..:··,·..:':~,~;;,:~~·+t~:·;"::;{~rr~".:ì'l.~-A'\:'.. :':i~~;::~~~~~;~::;~f~~~1t~~·j~~~' r , _ __. _.._ _...._. ... .l q( ¡1~ J1 (~ 2f I" JLC>lt~' rl( ~o - 8OwSg¿í tcOl Ò'1J - / ¡tJ E f}{5CÖ a-~ ----- - J Kecl'); Óérw\u/t Ó'3d-- 9YS<;; ~-t{~~1 ~ (J'vù)'1..ø1.. ~~ ~~ ~ (cid; f1 ¿ f, el, :Bö)<q 7 J 5" })}Sf" cÁ C;33<71- ~ c¡ 7/\ ~,' - \ tG- · 7 ~..,.~~-(~ -··-~~-~__~"~~._··_~_~~_"__V'___¥___~_·~<'~..>__'_·¥.~ ~____.w'~'~~"'_~_<_~'~".~'¥w_.,.~_~_."""~,,,_,_~___,_,~___...-.. WORK ORDER EM50023 RODNEY BOWSER SUBJECT MESSAGE: THIS CUSTOMER CALLED: SAID HE WAS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS BILL. HE WAS ONLY THE RENTER AND THAT THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY SHOULD BE BILLED. PER CONVERSATION WITH MR BOWSER: PROPERTY OWNER: VERA GERALDINE POBOX 9715 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389-9715 WOULD YOU PLEASE VERIFY AND ADVISE. ORIGINATOR..DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS liNE '=::::;1 v --" SIGN SHARON KNICK RMA REPLY DATE SIGNED SEND PARTS 1 AND 3 INTACT..PART 1 WILL BE RETURNED WITH REPLY RMCC-848-3 PRINTED IN U,S.A. ~ ~'·.':: :"~A;O? , ! i ------ -~---- ..' ~_.__..---_.. ~ . , ~" '. .' .' f···.. ! . "" ( . .~. .~,. :t.:: .jj.....,. . ',' "JI~PY:'QfÁ\RGESj/~"}:;1:'j.':.,..,¡,'Ù"j.~;.çt:~~~:..:.,.'¡J;:;~'i:'" ',' " Description Fi~st èopy(~ot exc'eeding 8%" x 14") Additional copies of the same page or additional pages of the same document (not exceeding 8%" x 14") First copy (size exceeding 8%" x 14") Additional copies of the same page or additional pages of the same document (size exceeding 8W' x 14") Postage (if mailed) Handling Charge (if mailed) I Charge, Per Page> " $ .75 $ .10 Lf $ 1.25 $ .25 ", ,', ". ,~ : ."" -. .¿ ,Cose ," 7S $ .50 Total Charges 5.15 (ì ,: ¡ I I, )' ~ , '. 1\ " / ~ - I ..-' 1,- (',-" \" ft-?t., Y\...; '>~' '-.. ", .::\<j' _' "'-, .r' . /, ,; /" I' '.-r !, ---4';:: ,(.....-flt, r / " / .~. \ -' ,- ") - ..'~f:> ---' Jb, I, '/ 2' fì4 c, , (~,~-':l ,i,/0J/\!.2 " ""i, I" L/'n : ~. ,--' -" - - - ,- -~ -- -----.- --..---- - e e' \--. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY. R.E.H.S. DIRECTOR 2700 -M- Street, Suite 300 Baker.field, CA 93301 (805) 881·3838 (805) 881-3429 FAX November 3, 1993 Mr. Ruben R. Medina California Environmental Protection Agency, Region 1 - Fresno 1515 Tollhouse Road Clovis, CA 93612 SUBJECf: INDEPENDENT DETAIL REFERRAL CASE FOR CLASS V SHALLOW INJECTION 'NELL LOCATED AT 4106 WIBLE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Dear Mr. Medina: Enclosed is a copy of the Independent Detail case that we discussed on November 2, 1993. If you have any questions or we can be of further help, please call me at (805) 861-3636. Sincere lv, Steve McCalley, Director ,.-/~, /~ ,,?-""~ ~" C ' By: Terry L. Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program TLG:cas \gray\dtsc-ind.ref ~8r..~. 'i ^ T¡ ~f tit I ~,- ~ ~UN J 6 1993 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION REGION IX 75 Hawthorne Street San Francisco, Ca. 94105-3901 Hail Codal .-6-2, ..... Gerald White, Unit Chief Surveillance and Enforcement Branch Department of Toxic Substances Control, Region 1 1515 Tollhouse Road Clovis, CA 93612 Dear Mr. White: In February, 1992 the Kern County Department of Environmental Services inspected Independent Detail, an auto detailing shop in Bakersfield, and discovered that wastewater containing oil, grease, and solvents, was being disposed into a Class V injection weIll Subsequently, Kern County sent notices of violation to Independent Detail (the current tenant), Budget Car and Truck Rental (the former tenant), and Vera Geraldine (the property owner) requiring sampling of the fluid in the injection well. Ms. Geraldine conducted the sampling, but has failed to comply with further requests from the County for more sampling and for remediation. Kern County is concerned that the wastewater discharged to the well may have exceeded hazardous levels. See the enclosed case file for more information. We are inviting the Department of Toxic Substances Control as well as the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board to assume oversight of possible further site investigation and mitigation. If you are interested in accepting this referral, please let us know within thirty (30) days. If you need any information about the referrals, you can reach me at (415) 744-1817. Questions about the case itself should be directed to Terry Gray, Kern County Hazardous Materials Inspector, at (805) 861-3636, or Cynthia Brouwers, USEPA Project Officer, at (415) 744-1839. If you plan to visit the facility, please contact Kern County to coordinate the inspection~ Sincerely, J~ef ~ Drinking Water and Ground Water Protection Branch enclosures Printed on Recycled Paper e e . , ' cc (w/o enclosures): vlJoe Cañas, Program Manager Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services Ruben Medina Department of Toxic Substances Control, Region 1 ~8T.., "j ft \ ..,~~ \~ e: ~ ~, UUN 1 6 1993 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGION IX 75 Ha~horne Str~ San Francisco, Ca. 9,~1 05-3901 Mail Code: .-6-2 Lawrence Beatty Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board 3614 East Ashlan Avenue Fresno, CA 93726 Dear Mr. Beatty: In February, 1992 the Kern County Department of Environmental Services inspected Independent Detail, an auto detailing shop in Bakersfield, and discovered that wastewater containing oil, grease, and solvents, was being disposed into a Class V injection well. Subsequently, Kern county sent notices of violation to Independent Detail (the current tenant), Budget Car and Truck Rental (the former tenant), and Vera Geraldine (the property owner) requiring sampling of the fluid in the injection well. Ms. Geraldine conducted the sampling, but has failed to comply with further requests from the County for more sampling and for remediation. Kern County is concerned that the wastewater discharged to the well may have exceeded hazardous levels. See the enclosed case file for more information. We are inviting the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board as well as the Department of Toxic Substances Control to assume oversight of possible further site investigation and mitigation. If you are interested in accepting this referral, please let us know within thirty (30) days. If you need any information about the referrals, you can reach me at (415) 744-1817. Questions about the case itself should be directed to Terry Gray, Kern County Hazardous Materials Inspector, at (805) 861-3636, or Cynthia Brouwers, USEPA Project Officer, at (415) 744-1839. If you plan to visit the facility, please contact Kern County to coordinate the inspection. . Sincerely, oris Betu~ef Drinking Water and Ground Water Protection Branch enclosures Printed on Recycled Paper e e cc (w/o enclosures): ~Joe Cañas, Program Manager Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services Dale Essary Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board , _.., ~" K ERN C 0 U N T Y - - - - 0 F F ICE M E M 0 RAN DUM TO ACCOUNTING DATE: /-/'1'--12 FROM ¡-¿l'ýY G-¡QA Ý Î I.., SUBJECT: CLOSURE OF WORK ORDERS .5' D¿3 7 WORK ORDER NUMBER WORK ORDER NAME \If! I'c.... r~>z rc..... L n J ~ LAST DATE WORK ORDER WAS UTILIZED '/ -1"¥~2- REASON FOR CLOSURE OF WORK ORDER f'As-t'" {'#: /Ó.:5t'..;oJ Þe¡e:ê>/~r ¡! 7"L~ êPA PROGRAM MANAGER e e K ERN C 0 U N T Y - - - - 0 F F ICE M E M 0 RAN D U.M TO ACCOUNTING DA TE: /,- /tf, 72. FROM jévrf 61<Aì' Î L... SUBJECT: CLOSURE OF WORK ORDERS WORK ORDER NUMBER .s DD 23 WORK ORDER NAME T"v ;)e~ ev-r j)Pr)g/'L LAST DATE WORK ORDER WAS UTILIZED ?-/~> 7,;,1 REASON FOR CLOSURE OF WORK ORDER C' .4s~ rere~~/ 7V é-.-oA PROGRAM MANAGER ( \. . I "õ.__ \,/ ~ K ERN C 0 U N T Y - - - - 0 F F ICE M E M 0 RAN D U,M TO ACCOUNTING DATE: ;þ'/Y-5-Z- Î " FROM Î7!rÎ'/ r;.eA7 SUBJECT: CLOSURE OF WORK ORDERS WORK ORDER NUMBER S'OL.J3 ~ ri i,)r:~51 e T (' 11/1' if- r)2l.1c,C. r"eu 14. I WORK ORDER NAME LAST DATE WORK ORDER WAS UTILIZED ?-/if-~~ REASON FOR CLOSURE OF WORK ORDER (7 Aj"-e I"e~e/~J 7b F.ßA PROGRAM MANAGER e . LAW OFFICE OF THOMAS P. DALY. JR. . - ---- -- - P. 0, Box 9715 Bakersfield, CA 93389 (805) 834-3033 101 July :28, 1992 '~;~L'::'''';l ~~. (_~r3;l .~ìùD '::'1' S:~r'2et, 2::·C8. :_:J:,.~ 3a~e~sfielJ, c~~ ]33:)1. .'- , .>r'i é_:-:Jge sump -. 41;6 i)ible ':'~oad TC:l:;'; 'l, ,;era l;Ji.i1e _.-led .-:..- ,..,{.... ~ -,-.L. . :.:;L;/: ~~_--::: Lose ,: ':;=l'erLt:, ;-1;r::::uè",¡~ ''':0 our telept;one ~-::.J¡\.r'~c;¿;t:,-,J~ 1..3 _!,:ooy ,~~~.., ;:eCW1"C dnalysis 'TIdde of ~_:~~...3i:.,J:;e ~)~.l;:np :J"¡ ~ .Opf~-::~? ::.il:·_¡a~~:e ;~t [+l'J6 ~Iíble :Zoad, '".' ·~.L::::3:"'-~". - ~-.: ~ ;"'; t . ~~ -.'~'- '. ~..' :_ :}:';.c~ ,.: 21 Y" :l Ot: i: 3 , \ , \ ~ ¡ , \ I ~~.-:- --~ );: ; ~~ .. \ \ ! / \ '~--"-. \ !.~), / \ \ .J.......... \ t ~Gr \'er3 ~=2r~ljine \' . i \ I , , i. . -~;,,~ . ~l~:~ - ;.- "-'1 -,,. :2)' , .. ,. # -) " ,\ -' m ~ ~m1t~;1~~ ~ ~lt.\\D ' m ~~. ~ ~. .~ 'ov...'obl.... _\V\\O.A- 1": U Q~4Ul' i . ,'.o~ ~', .·S.ni Ie Disposal R , CJ ' Disposal @ ~.oo ea. . ,., . Þ'-"tt ,,." tn ,...ltn"' Name - Address City Attention - Time: - Miles: - P.O.# . i~"v Billing Info S C\Yv\t ~ ~ State cß:a.ve - - - 'W~~I Relinquished by: (Signature) Relinquished by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Relinquished by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Relinquished by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Relinquished by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) - ---- Date: Time: 'ìj-~2- ,:~ Date: Time: Date: Time: Date: Time: Date: Time: Date: Time: r"--' --,- [\ - - - Analysis Requested Project: Project #: áampler Name:\)(,\\J\cJ ~ Other: i I .. ê -- - ~ >- c - -- œ J2 ~ ¡E! ~~ 8 JQ iF ca .... ~ cZ ¡: f! II ~ ::11: z8 a: en HI-qrit ~ _ 1f ~ - - - - e .' , r.__,· -- '-.-- !..ASOF'IA TC¡::¡IES BERA GERALDINE PROP, P. O. BOX 9715 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 000-0000 Date Reported: 07/22/92 Date Received: 07/09/92 Laboratory No.: 6095-1 Page 1 Sample Description: E. SUMP GERALDINE PROP. WIBLE RD., SAMPLED 7-9-92 @ 11:30 AM BY DAVID RITTENHOUSE TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) Regulatory Criteria Method STLC TTLC Constituents Sample Results Units P.O.L. Method mq/L mq/ka Antimony 0,10 mg/L 0.10 SW-6010 15. 500. Arsenic 0.003 mg/L 0,002 SW-7060 5.0 500. 3arium None Detected mg/L 0.10 SW-6010 100. 10000. 3eryllium None Detected mg/L 0.01 SW-6010 0,75 75. Cadmium 0.006 mg/L 0.005 SW-6010 1.0 100. Chromium None Detected mg/L 0.01 SW-6010 560. 2500. Cobalt None Detected mg/L 0.01 SW-6010 80. 8000. Copper 0.04 mg/L 0.01 SW-6010 25. 2500. Leaà None Detecteà mg/L 0.05 SW-6010 5.0 1000. Mercury None Detecteà mg/L 0.0002 SW-7471 0.2 20. Molybdenum None Detected :ng/L 0.01 SW-6010 350. 3500. Nickel None Detected mg/L 0.05 SW-6010 20. 2000. Selenium None Detected mg/L 0.002 SW-7740 1.0 100. Sih'er None Detected mg/L 0.01 SW-6010 5.0 500. Thallium None Detected mg/L 0.10 SW-6010 7.0 700. ~lanadi um None Detected mg/L 0.05 SW-6010 24. 2400. Zinc 0.21 mg/L 0.05 SW-6010 250. 5000. Comment: All above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. ?Q.L. = STLC = TTLC = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte detectable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed) . Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration Total Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846, September, 1986. ~7¿ Department supervisor ----- cc: KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPT · L..A8O~TCReS ~) ~- , ' -:""\..-.~ Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons SERA GERALDINE PROP, p_ O. BOX 9715 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 000-0000 Date of Report: Lab #: 07/14/92 6095-1 sample Description: E. SUMP GERALDINE PROP. WIBLE RD., SAMPLED 7-9-92 @ 11:30 AM BY DAVID RITTENHOUSE sample Matrix: Water Method Constituents Samt)le Results Units P.O.L, Method Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 3. mg/L 2. EPA-U8.1 ,.-. California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 ~ Department Supervisor cc: KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPT · e, \_, ~. ~F\ATOI=IIes BERA GERALDINE PROP. P.O. BOX 9715 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 000-0000 purgéable Organic Analysis Date of Report: Lab #: 07/22/92 6095-1 Sample Description: E. SUMP GERALDINE PROP. WIBLE RD., SAMPLED 7-9-92 @ 11:30 AM BY DAVID RITTENHOUSE Test Method: EPA Method 8010/8020 Date Sample Collected: 07/09/92 Constituents Benzene Bromodichloromethane Bromoform B romome thane Carbon tecrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane (l,l-DCA) 1,2-Dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) l,l-Dichloroethene (l,l-DCE) trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane cis-l,3-Dichloropropene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Ethyl Benzene Methylene chloride 1, 1, 2, 2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene (PCE) Toluene 1,1,1 Trichloroethane 1,1,2 Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Trichlorofluoromethane vinyl chloride Sample Matrix: Water Date Sample Received @ Lab: 07/09/92 Date Analysis Completed: 07/21/92 Analysis Results Reporting Units Minimum Reporting Level None None None None None None None None -' None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected 1.1 Detected Detected Detected 0.5 Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected µ.g/L µ.g/L µ.g/L µ.g/L µ.g/L µ.g/L µ.g/L µ.g/L µ.g/L µ.g/L µ.g/L µ.g/L µ.g/L µ.g/L µ.g/L µ.g/L µ.g/L µ.g/L µ.g/L µ.g/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µ.g/L µg/L µg/L µ.g/L µg/L µg/L µ.g/L µg/L µg/L 0.5 0,5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0,5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0,5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 " . . " ~,., ",~":",,.,,-.,.,,;~ ,,\ ~.~- , ' . ~ii~~~~'fj; . , '. .. =m.'" ~ - ~:,' -" .~: : <-~. - "" . -(.. .,-'~. "" . ~- l.ASOI=IATCReS \Þ~' " . . '" . '.! purgeable organic Analysis pag BERA GERALDINE PROP. P. O. BOX 9715 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 000-0000 Date of Report: Lab #: 07/22/92 6095-1 Sample Description: E. SUMP GERALDINE PROP. WIBLE RD., SAMPLED 7-9-92 @ 11:30 AM BY DAVID RITTENHOUSE Analysis Results Reporting Units Minimum Reporting Level Constituents o-Xylene m- & p-Xylenes Total Xylenes Total Trihalomethanes 0.9 3,8 4.7 None Detected µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L 0,5 0.5 0.5 0,5 ~', California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 ~é' Department supervis) cc: IŒRN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPT ""'~ :. .. ~ ~' .. ".; - - ~TCFI1S5 Petroleum Hydrocarbons BERA GERALDINE PROP, P. O. BOX 9715 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 000-0000 Date of Report: Lab #: 07/17/92 6095-1 sample Description: E, SUMP GERALDINE PROP, WIBLE RD" SAMPLED 7-9-92 @ 11:30 AM BY DAVID RITTENHOUSE TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T, Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 sample Matrix: Water Date sample Collected: 07/09/92 Date Sample Received @ Lab: 07/09/92 Date Analysis Completed: 07/14/92 50 Constituents Analysis Results Reporting Units Minimum Reporting Level Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (diesel) 50. ¡¡.g/L ¡¡.g/L so. 200. 2000. ,-'.. California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 ~~ Department Supervisor cc: KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPT ~ ':j~ ,t~~,~ ." ....:..::":. " :' .' :. . t' . ,,,~"~~~)7~,,=~,;j;'-;': "...~"".,,~'" .",:;,....,..,:' "'.. ....., ..... , " ...... " ,4 - . , - , ,',',.' .," , . ' .. , .:,. .. ,,' '~h" \;'..'.' -'.' _ -.: " ,~, , ~~<j ~ _CJ,'·e,. . '''" , ,.. ,>-: ¿ I..ASORATCF'IIES BERA GERALDINE PROP. P. O. BOX 9715 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 000-0000 purgeable organic Analysis Date of Report: Lab #: 07/22/92 6095-TB Sample Description: E. SUMP GERALDINE PROP. WIBLE RD" TRAVEL BLANK Test Method: EPA Method 8010/8020 Sample Matrix: Water Date Sample Collected: Constituents Benzene Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-DiChlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene DiChlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane (l,l-DCA) 1,2-Dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) 1,1-Dichloroethene (l,l-DCE) trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane cis-1,3-Dichloropropene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Ethyl Benzene Methylene chloride 1, 1, 2, 2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene (PCE) Toluene 1,1,1 Trichloroethane 1,1,2 Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Trichlorofluoromethane Vinyl chloride 17- Date Sample Received @ Lab: 07/09/92 Date Analysis Completed: 07/21/92 Analysis Results Reporting Units Minimum Reporting Level None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0,5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0,5 0_5 0.5 0.5 0,5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 . .'. ,'. . ,,'..: ..... .'.".,..',.," ~ ~ , -'" . ~"'" . >.', ... .'" . ' :_, ",':'. -.' . , " , '. LASOF1A'T'OFE5 purgeable Organic Analysis pag BERA GERALDINE PROP. P.O. BOX 9715 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 000-0000 Date of Report: Lab #: 07/22/92 6095-TB Sample Description: E. SUMP GERALDINE PROP. WIBLE RD., TRAVEL BLANK Constituents Reporting Units Minimum Reporting Level Analysis Results o-Xylene m- &: p-Xylenes Total Xylenes Total Trihalomethanes None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected µ.g/L µ.g/L µ.g/L ~µ.g /L 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 California D,O.H.S. Cert. #1186 ~é-- ") Department supervisor cc: KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPT """'t' ': ..' ..-~ ..- -t . "'"vt <e - ~- - ~,---- .;:'~-.: --:-::--:- ~.- "--~-- '~"~.. -. --." ....,.'" '~,:~.: ~t""':':":',.",..:,..~~:q,;,-,,,<,,-, _:~,' ,.:,;~~..: ..~'" -"~'------.. '. ,". ..l 'I, ,". ,F, ~;~:.r;:=~Oft;';'~~.~,~:~th.t:n é:atÞ.... g'. .;'«.,'.., h_,' t '''AttIcfJ''--.thiifnlfltqf1f1lt~~on_'''ff~ ..., ~?~~J~ ,'~~.cf\flClllpt~.~~~¡~~~~ ,~:;;~~~ ~f~~,t~\\';'1;~:'::"~~·"~~1::~~~~c:..; . fw.. . ~:;;'rli; ~:~~!,!,,,,,, .... - '., ..,'~.. ···97'f'~ Ir ~.>:'Ii;'¡ ~~=~tail,-::::::, .4b.s·'~d~\}¡:;"'L ~., .'~ '; ~'" 4106 Wible Road '~" . 'e".<::;.'q:~:;',.".,:·:,,;~;.r:.,'>':.><J~.,.,., .~ n Bakersfield, CA 9331JC¡\ ffjF 'Mèu(,,"~"~~:::'.f.-:;'} ,,' '" ','. , .,',' '!¡i'::':f:; .11\.....' '·17.,~PlUeofDellvery. ", .'." ., 'L.,~::· U.d........- IviC:U '- ", "', ,.",;>:, . 'll:L'::. 8. Addressee's Ad.dl'88S'(OnIy if ~.. " "'~'.,r;':" , and fee Is paid), '." ' , ", " ' It . " ~¡ I ber 199 t I "~l U.S.G.P.O.: 1992-307-530 DOMESTlC'RETURN RECEIPT ' I .~~.._"",--,~,-- ... ,,' ,- Signature (Addressee} Signature (Age~t} . ~'fl, r...'"'-þ:,,".. ~--- ------ .' . .- ~ ---'--'..... - .' . ......~ - ,", , \ ',' ,,~" ; ~ :.~:. ;.. ;;;~':'.<'1";c~7~~1~;~~~?~Þ flRO', N"" M' ~¡,''¡;;;''A:¡:'HEAt.TtfDI¥I.! ; SIQ, )í.'.::..., ..... r:MIi.. . .... 'to; '. ..,..... . ," o M Strèet, Suit&:3OC}; ,. : to',· ::FS~~t " ,.;' LlF0RNIA"9330t~, , , . . . ", .- .; - BØUBlRECSPT REQUESTED' -""':".;', :' -., ..?' ~ .".;- :S111D1t1 ,;..\:øLJo\IMCU Rodney Bowser . lndeœndent DetaIl 4106~Wible Road Bakersfield, CA 93313 "1IDnèI: :: ;: ¡-'¡otic t\;; ,.:rn QID ¡~ '..--- .;..:. "'-'!J \~¿~.::~;~2~L UNCLAIMED - '~_r ... - ---- -------- .._~----------- -.- ---- - -- " ,;,'" ',,~;,;):;~$:;¿~1:t~}~:~'~~':.~F;«~ ,~; , " ,"" "' ";'" " ' DI:'IÌ:!'I.'\'\¡, ";:'R' 'CE" "" ':'.,>"-..~"~ ·~ú ' ~~G~ar':~~li~t " '" ,'",: , ' , , '" '::'::, t:;::,~~.~:~X:+,:i?;~:;;:+:,;., '"" "~" ," '" " .' . RANDALL L. ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE III ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Environmental Health Services [)epartment STEVE',McCALLEY; RÐfS, DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control District WILLIAM J. RODDY. APCO Planning & Development Services Department TED JAMES. AlCP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT June 25, 1992 Rodney Bowser Independent Detail 4106 Wible Road Bakersfield, CA 93313 SUBJECT: Drainage sump located at 4106 Wible Road, Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Bowser: A notice was mailed to you on March 27, 1991, directing you to obtain a sample from a wash rack located at the site noted above. To this date compliance has not been obtained. In order to avoid further legal action you must comply with the original order dated February 11, 1992, within fourteen (14) days of receipt of this letter. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (805) 861-3636, extension 582. Sincerely, F/~ Terry L Grar Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program TLG:ch cc: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EP A) A TIN: Martin Zeleznik Regional Water Quality Control Board - Fresno ATIN: Dale Essary gray\indepen2.uic 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805) 861-3429 '\~~:?:·';,~ÜJ~;~~?~~~~.':¡'~~E:n:~~~:r~~¥.~¡~:~~0W~:·i':,.': " ;::i~~i~{;~i~~~"~ .J. ""1 'oj :",}. '. -,' '. .: .......'..."'.:t';.....:.,. .-"" '~·'I;7;J~'.t'J:?!X...···:..... .'":'~ .. ". ,. .1....... ·,.V.I. '~·,..~~â·.·:...: \- :..t,..,!y...-..... ,;., ., . ., ',' "~.J. .,,',~,¿~.''''' ~'.n·~~c/~;¡....~1':',~.,::::¡:s~~"O;,_;::1:,·.;;3:N'~. ~- ~""~';;,;,-.""""",, u.. _. ________. ---"--.-.-----------.--- ----..--... --~, -...... .~, -- -<..."., '-"...;;,..- " .' ........_.,_......~ ,,_·v.....- ...., , ... .__~-.#..v_ . ~'"~ '-.........__ r · ~- --- ......... ---- - ~ ¡ kntal ~~ ~--- /.;. \ ~~. I,. iJ "'- ¡;--:.:: .,' " ' ~ System Licensee Budgpt .~";:~~~~~.'.~. '~?~=1~~¡~~~;~~iI;1!~~t:fif~~:;~= , 'CilC;"".~~ " . ,;¥~(¡!Bi't.l.J¡¡)~ - - -- ----_._~- / _......-...--~ . ~<~>~:;:f1,r: ""'~"...,:<;_.".. ..":..,, .':',.. ,: ".. '.., . ;:J ----:-____ 'J¡ 0 " J1J£l[f~,' I .:1./ /'1 i // ë i MAY I 2 1992 J/ilf/ - J '0' '.~:.::,:"~' .. ~ . -J f"'- " , Budgtd May 8, 1 991 Environmental Health Services Department 2700 "M" st., Suite 300 Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 Dear Mr. Gray: Budget Rent-A-Car has operated at 4106 Wible, Unit C from Feb. 1st, 1990 through M~rch 31, 1992. We operated automobile rentals no maintenance on any vehicle. outside vendors. to retail customers. All of our work was Budget did put out to We have never had any mechanics work for us. Agents and Car Washers. We employed Rental We operated with leased vehicles that were less than one year old. Prior to us leasing this property, Bakersfield Bit & Tool occupied the premises for a number of years. They re-located in Bakersfield. Sincerely, '~.Jllf~~~-. Robert Hendricks Truck Manager Budget Rent-A-Car ~:Y.-:Ý.l\\~l .~'!'~~5l~~.::, ...t:~1:\· .'. I ". ;"'I[¿"" °c"!"",,'~;:"-;' ....',- ,. .' , , - . :-~~ .'d~-::-).: ',~,~ ,.>\,- ~ ., '1;' '~,~0~~:':' '. " ::.., , . "~ .. ..I, ~, . ' . : \ . ^ " t:' )."'", . ;., LfltJ6 '.¡ ..' " I,· __ ", '~1' EXHIBIT "A" LJ ~.·r BLb!; ·s" , ~ 2..-:'" &-tJb 'A' Farmer .~Insura ce ~~ Group Wi 6L-¿ Rù. . r.~·· .. ',~: .,,' . ~:t' , ß u:x;. .. c. .. ~ '0' ¿;~i,èJ,IA 'f .ÞR'~0AcM- .,"~ ,·1 .:', ., , j~ ," !' " " ~ - '¡.::" -, :..... ,."-.~~~;~~;~~~(;ri;j;;~::~:~~:~~i~:\iEÎ~~1~f,¿t~r":" Y -;... 4' ~~...~'i~"';...".· ,\"~,~"'~~$4·;"'~·r~I\.·;z.:,,,'·..~·;!r~;;:'~·,¿~::.....'';\:''~·~"''";1 ..:::-,..~':;,-i'/r:""'; ." . n'; ;.....,.<,. - ~--_.----,.....'~..-.......~. " " '. I -~~.?:;':.~;. 1~-t .~tf·;;""~~>·J ~ ~ , ,-' , A'. - ,~,'.~!.~ . ~ ..~ ~;I,- ::: :. f ....._ ;. \ ';'. ~J.' .<" ." .....:.r¿.;¡ "~:MH'I;··lÞw.~.:t:...~.~¡$o-~~~~~»»-:,,?-"'~~ ~ I ~ -" J~^~¥1 ' ~V v P 871 997 &52 , , ~ Certified Mail Receipt ~ No Insurance Coverage Provided __ Do not use for International Mail ~=a (See Reverse) I~~~ I Rodney Bowser Independent detail 4106'Wible Road Bakersfield, CA 93313 ~ Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered OJ Return Receipt Showing to Whom, c Date, & Address of Delivery ::; TOTAL Postage $ & Fees " Postmark or Date t -~" -9d--. --'-'--,-,-----,- ---,-_.._-,- .... o CJ') CJ') ~ -, o o CO M E ~ (fJ Q.. - .-------------- .--- ~.;.~:.,.. :.g~~~?~~ ."'-,¡;_..~...-.. .- - '. ~ I i ..- ------.--...- -.'-"'- -........- ...- ..~ .' . .... ',..... ···~UR~~~AG~ AI;~· -..~:..r r ., RANDALL L. ABBOIT' DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE III ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Environmental~:~,/)e )artment , STEVEMceAu£Y~1àEHs. DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control District WILLIAM J. RODDY, APCO Planning & Development Services Department TED JAMES, AlCP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT June 25, 1992 Rodney Bowser Independent Detail 4106 Wible Road Bakersfield, CA 93313 SUBJECf: Drainage sump located at 4106 Wible Road, Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Bowser: A notice was mailed to you on March 27, 1991, directing you to obtain a sample from a wash rack located at the site noted above. To this date compliance has not been obtained. In order to avoid further legal action you must comply with the original order dated February 11, 1992, within fourteen (14) days of receipt of this letter. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (805) 861-3636, extension 582. Sincerely, f6'/? Terry L. Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program TLG:ch cc: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EP A) A TIN: Martin Zeleznik Regional Water Quality Control Board - Fresno AITN: Dale Essary gray\indepen2.uic 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 C' ^ v. fOne\ n~1 "."" '" <~'; <;,{;,ç:!~~i~\~J~f0~5::~~:~"~::J~~~:~:¿~;+., " ' . '.,':. ,)i ~,¡::"i·:":;;:};~':~::·:::i.tr~t:~;ì,\(~, '. .: . ~ . . ~~'...... ,'.>t;... .",¡\ ,"-,1;;,- f·{· ';..Jr~~7.~~")o"l"t :~·"'~-4>J'1~~~1~i"Al"~Ø?r;('¡'4"¡f;~;<,!;.t !,\!..t~'::'.a~......"¡(~~.ltðci\i'fi~~#.'A.1'''' .~-,~ -''1 ':':,~J':.~~': :;¥ ~.............-....::...~_..... -.. <,)f:\~~5; ::',.- :~~:'~~~' .-,. "., "\~\ :;i;~~~(>""I1-"\~f , <0'<' ~].' 'l.,~:~.'}?:~t~::;:"~>· .a¡ . Print your 'name, ~drè~~~~n.}~n~:;~,~~:F~~.~'.,..,. ,n,".' ~ :.".,,: ,":r'1¡",·~¡ " ' ENVI RON M ENTAL HEA(TH~6EPARiMËN1\W.;~~~;::~~·t'~~a ,:;.:, 2700 "M" STREET;: SUITE' 300' ," :~i~~.:;~~:J',>~·;'9:;,>L BAKERSFIELDÖA'933Òt ".,' _".:,..~,,1i¡":';'(;,:~," \: " " : ,<¡~~;iië:~~~f;:r":" ~ /1,111111/11,",11111111 /I III .I..II¡'It,UI,IIt".'k: ;~:;:~,;:i " ,:;~~"~~;,~,, , ,____~~ ,', ",?;;~,~~f'}Îi;'~ -----~- ".,'/' PS Form 3800, June 1990 ~ ~ ~ ~. -..... , ~ p :ð'12:S:'156' 'I - - <: ,. ¡¡ ~ :; 1§3 i I §. ~ ~g :.. ~ ,"") 0 ~ ''? ,,= 1 "V I<§'I;~ I c ~ ~ ~ ! .., =. <",' ê" ¿ ~ ~ Q " t -< ~ :l i ¡ â I ¡~I ¡ I ¡ I ¡ ~ ! ¡ () ª ii, 0- ~ '" (/) v ro " ê. o <:'1. <' -? 'T1 '" ro JJ ~ ii ro 0- o <:'1. ~. -< 'T1 '" " R?:O~ ~Oi"1 (D. p¡ i"1 UJtpGJ H10rD i-"~ i"1 (D P¡ I-' \.0 I-' 0..--..10.. .... ....... --I- V1::! n (D :Þ \.0 W W co \.0 ._ _~_. H. _. .__ ! !;I~~' ~~ - ~In Ii: ""'C (ñozO (1)00(1) CÞ (l)55'~ "\J ~-~:;; ~ < c.., _. ~ ¡P:: (I) g¡õ~Q. .J) ~5-b'3: ~ ~ C5 æ. ~Q)-CÞ g- ~ :0 I..n ::::J -0 (I) I..n ~ i3 (") s: 5: !!. ê!.: (1)'0 c. _ -----~-- ;~ , _~--;~·ri. :.:~/~~~~-::~\=~:~~.' ~~'~~'l~~)~:~'?=:~~¿':'~_ '. ~:~ ~"~A -~ :~~~~J:r~~{/ :-.\:~ ;.. ~:~~ ; > '. :'}-... _......_,:t....~"'".(''''_î''>'~.~~.".,.'"''r..-..-l_.i:*.~.þ..,..,,~'.'.""'" J~'. "" .... . ""n" .... . . ."~" I" ",." '4~'''' ~ .. '.. v. . '... 1 . ...... \ J' , . . ' , '- . -.~. '. . . - '. , . . - ~ ." .~:>~ ~.~:~?:~~_.:~,..,..:, .j;:~~~~;s~_~- .,.,,', ..,' .,,-,'_,....v~., '. ',_' y : -../¡~', ' ./>" .;,,- :'" . - '-. ':': _ - J-;":',~,¡¿_..:. ::.,t ;:2,::j':'.:;;;·}1 . " . t ........... 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ABBOTT' DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE m ASSISTANT DIRECTOR EnvironmentaUfealth Services Department STEVE,'Mtè:AU.EYI'RÐfS¡,DIRECTOR Air PoUution Control District WILLIAM J. RODDY. APCO Planning & Development Services Department TED JAMES, AlCP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT June 25, 1992 Vera Geraldine P.O. Box 9715 Bakersfield, CA 93389 SUBJECT: Drainage sump located at Independent Detail, 4106 Wible Road, Bakersfield, CA Dear Ms. Geraldine: A notice was mailed to you on March 27, 1991, directing you to obtain a sample from a wash rack located at the site noted above. To this date compliance has not been obtained. In order to avoid further legal action you must comply with the original order dated February 11, 1992, within fourteen (14) days of receipt of this letter. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (805) 861-3636, extension 582. Sincerely, //4----, Terry L. Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program TLG:ch cc: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EP A) A TIN: Martin Zeleznik Regional Water Quality Control Board - Fresno A TIN: Dale Essary graylgerald2.uic 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 C' ð v. IQne:\ ot: 1 'Jllt}(\ .."'_~ W'::r·. . ~<' ~-. " ' , ~t~~~E Print your name, address andZIP.c6d~:;,h~tiÆ~t.' . /I. fA _ " )'. ,¡;<'~: 'i::~~;': .::: ~",VIÅl-í/~ _.·,s"·\:;--:""";:" ENVIR~.N~,ENTAl HEALTH DEPARfMÚn.-. '.'. 2700 M STREET; SUITE 300;.',;- .;,,' BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 " ' :-,' -.' ~:''i/~:': .~tt~,:::,;~~:';J~~·~~:;:2~~:;:~i':::· , , <\(.~~- ...~¡ - ""-:-";';'-.r ....: .' >~:~~~"'~'#;,.1:, . .~ . '-._'-,'~~::.':' ".." ",'- .;,' '... . ~:r .::.,'.....:"'1.4,..' ":,1;., ....;,~"-t:;"~~.ti:';'..;.'!'.. '\4', 'I~ =-.;;.;;::.¡:'~.~ ¡;"':'~,.I,.;':':r:....., ,..:·.: .,":"-'¡¡;:;;V .:.~~.. _'.... 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STICK POSTAGE STAMPS TO ARTICLE TO COVI CERTIFIED MAIL FEE, AND CHARGES FOR ANY SELECT iE. ~ (- fnIIIt). 1, If you want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed leaving the receipt attached and present the article at a IX your rural carrier (no extra chargej, eturn address or hand it to .----..-- 2, If you do not want this rp.ceipt postmarked, stick the g' address of the article, date, detacn ùiid retain the receipt, of the return 3, If you want a re¡urn receipt, write the certified mail nun address on a return receipt card, Form 3311. and a«ach it to the front of the article by means of the gummed ends if space permns, Otherwise, arti;.: .0 the back of article, Endorse front of article RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED adjacem \0 the number. 4, If you want delivery restricted to tre addressee, or to an authorized agent of the addressee, endorse RESTRICTED DELIVERY on the front of the article, 5, Enter fees lor the services requòsted in the appropriate spaces on the front of this receipt. If return receipt is requested, check the applicable blocks in item 1 of Form 3811, 6, Save this receipt and present it if you make inquiry, "U.S.G.P.O,1990-2711-153 'j' III I ,-- Official Business '..,> .. 'Io,¡Qg? '; \J '\..J. ~ ~ ", ' it r: , ~ - ! I . . !!æ 0 0) ~ Q) c: ~ "") Q Q CO CO) E ,.. ~ UJ .. a.. " . ,\ ~_·""':O;¡"""""''"'''_''''"'Y' Tl ! f i I ~ ~ I l l I .. "t'," I ¡' I I I ( ! - -. _'l'~'~';' ..: : L-- .^ ,- -. . .-'".' . , ,_~~:}í~~~ ':-·J-~:·~\~~,~r~r .,~ ,', ~ . " " ' -.....--. - ~ . -~-._._- -.~-....... - _. ~<-~- '::,:- .,,/~.><~';~:~j;)'HP,;~:;Y;~d~I~?"~~W~:·-i~~::~n:Y:' ,~':" , '.. '::~.,}. ·'~~~':~;-~-"~~.t.;t:'J;'~,(~-!<ti;?:;_:";-¡:_?' -~. ,-,- , '''p'. ,-, ~i;.~ ~TW¿~-~:~~ ,',.. .'. ~" ,,'!<tr'ì!!' ,,' ~ . """ ~,:,1 '.'~ ~"'·'!IP';:~~':';·j:~}$:;;.~~.·r~ ::) ;'~:>,,' ',; .,.; ~ ',ó', . _ -,',<,"- . .. , " ...... " ,:' ...,.,.'It.~...¡, .. ,~;~ r;:'~·il.::tJC:lo""~~''''-n4,;.r;~..¡.;;rii';·~i;,'<þ... ·":'t.l~~"~ " ,....i11 't',·." ". . PS Form 3800, June 1990 ~ i~ C:II õ:ll :II ( ) 0 f 0>0> CD CD ~ "II ~ CÞë :E2' ~ ~ ~ ',¡::,. ¡¡, ::0 3 ~3 O>"~ ¡;¡ 6 0> ",r o ::I (;' i: ~ I\JCO ~ ~ 6::11 3:11 iD C Oo..g- ..~ Q. if Q Q.~ CD (D CXHQ i» c ~ '" C '" m~' ~i' !2. ~~~:+ '" CD <' -< iD "'(/) CD(/) '" I SiŠ co>" -< ~ HI ~. '" 0 ~ '" ~. tr' n ::r: ~~, ~ ~. ! ~ -::I '" (D I-' ¡:u (D <'(0 ~'" ......(Dt1:J I "'- '" -< 0 Q. .?'~R'>g. :< --j ~, :::r 0.. ~. 0 ._- . _.. - -_. I 3 n· ~ () :Þ' t1 ~ C en --J) (I) ~ ~ Q. V w w , -' ffi' 1 W ! :J ! rt ! !lJ ...... - .---------.--- +-~------ -. ..._-----~~ """ft II~J:- -OZn ~Cocl CÞ CD ::I 5'... -.J :D2~ ~ I:-' ~~¡;:2! ~CD5C'D ~S'IDa. --:::'0' ::I 0 ::.t -<I» g: CD _. ~~ - g- CD ::D ::I-oC'D ~a(') ~ :5:, C'D ê: g.-S. a. _ ..lI -Q. "'1..1 ,t l_ Cþ Ln W Robert Hendricks Budget Car & Truck Rental 4208 Wible Rd. Bakersfield, CA 93313 -. .-.-:-----.,,----c--~_;_.;~...;_;:.:;,- ..-~~~--7_:;:;;.;.._;.-~-~-. . . .~'~. , .' J ·~;:~··:¿.~....·,-'!,:,~!l1{ ."1-.";':." t! .ft.';':~ I also wish"'tot"i'eceJVë~,the¡w,,'" . . - _,' ~'-' ;. - I '~.~. "'"', ". . following, service8t.(f~::'~;~~'[J: f~e;~ , 0 Addre~_~~'1~;¡~;~~~~~i: l., .." ,,' " ',,,: '~",~",:, '.§. ,',. 2. 0 Restricted':DelivefiZi::':~:';· 3:; Consult ostmaster,forfee.,:;., ,.." _( ·cleNumber·~ ' ";..... ',", ,; , : ", II: I Y7 /7.1;'.7.. :,~:.ré3.,;.,.,~·"ll' 4b. Service Type "\'. '::', t> 1: o Begistered',' ,0 Insu~,> ",..., litertifíe ,.", 0 COO;;;",,', <:;,.'-:':, I: o Expte [J4tetum Re?tiP,' t for' "'I' Mer . à 7. Date; ö: elivery, . . ,....: :",,41 "'~, .;¡. t;¡1 >- Addr"·s Address (Only, f requested~ QJld'f~:,~~ paid) . !" '1. D........ 1991 · u. '" " "...,,_ · OC;5T!CIlETtlRNRE~EIPT,jJ 'I ~, "" :; 10 · I! · > · .. · .&: .. C o 'a · ..' · is. E o u th ({", SENDER: · Complete items 1 and/or 2 for additional services, · Complete items 3, and 4a & b. · Print your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can: return this card to you. · Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece. or on the back if space ' does not permit. · Write "Return Recaipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the article number · The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date deliverad. 3. Article Addressed to: 48. z a: :;:) ... w ~ 6. ~ o >- .!! PS Form - ._~, -"-----_.~ ~ .-"" ....---.--. -- "-"'. .-.- -'.--, ,'~'. .-~'''' , , ....,[.' ,.':0 , ,~~~;", '. ,...~ ' , ~URCE , ", ,,- , " ' . " '.i':~~'~f¡~·;J'~':'~~~;·r.~~t!~f~t;7i?~~:j~:'~',';'\~':~~~~ ' ('to.., ' , ", , h ,-.,.\;;;,~;:,.,. .'''., ,',' MANAGEMErh-) A~NCY, " . \~\'; .::':?~'- :', " ..,'~ " RANDALL L. ABBOn DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE III ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Environmental HeaJt)i,Servicea Department STEVE McCAU.EY; REHS. DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control District WILLIAM J. RODDY. APCO Planning & Development Services Department TED JAMES. AlCP. DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT June 25, 1992 Robert Hendricks Budget Car and Truck Rental 4208 Wible Road Bakersfield, CA 93313 SUBJECf: Drainage sump located at 4106 Wible Road, Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Hendricks: A notice was mailed to you on April 10, 1991, directing you to obtain a sample from a wash rack located at the site noted above. To this date compliance has not been obtained. In order to avoid further legal action you must comply with the original order dated February 11, 1992, within fourteen (14) days of receipt of this letter. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (805) 861-3636, extension 582. Sincerely, h /4- ~ L. Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program TLG:ch cc: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EP A) A TIN: Martin Zeleznik Regional Water Quality Control Board - Fresno A TIN: Dale Essary gray\budget2.vic t)'7fV'1 "un C::TDJ:'J:'T <::r 1lTJ:' ':Inn RAKI=R~l=rl=r n rAT TFORNTA q~~01 (805) 861-3636 ,"' (rtE~RCE MANAGEM~ A!:NCY ':, . ~~.:;~. ... ,- RANDALL L. ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE Of ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Environmental HaIth'Savica Department STEVE McCAU..EV~ REHS, DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control District WILLIAM J. RODDY. APCO Planning 8£ DfIIIe!opment Setvices Department TED JAMES, AlCP. DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT April 10, 1992 Robert Hendricks Budget Car and Truck Rental 4208 Wible Road Bakersfield, CA 93313 SUBJECT: Drainage Sump Located at 4106 Wible Road, Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Hendricks: This letter is an official notice to inform you that the property noted above has been determined by Kern County Environmental Health Services Department to be the possible site of a Class V shallow injection well. Our records indicate that you were the lessee of this property during the inspection conducted. As a result, you are listed as a responsible party for any cleanup which may be required. An inspection conducted on February 28, 1992, noted a drainage sump located at the northeast corner of the property which accepts industrial waste water. The terminus point of the discharge from the drainage sump is unknown. Code of Federal Regulations 40 (40 CFR), Section 144.12 (a); provides that "no owner or operator shall . . . operate [an injection well] . . . in a manner that allows the movement of fluid containing any contaminant into underground sources of drinking water, if the presence of that contaminant may cause a violation of any primary drinking water regula- tion . . . or may otherwise adversely affect the health of persons." Within thirty days of receipt of this notice, you must contract to have a representative sample( s) retrieved from the liquid and/or sludge phases present in the drain in accordance with the procedures described in 40 C.F.R., Part 261, Appendix I, "Representative Sampling Methods." You must have the samples analyzed by a certified hazardous waste laboratory for the following: 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805) 861-3429 ~.~,,:.<:;tfi~~~·~: ~~·<·~;!~~~~~11;J~::\:>~~,:\~/~·=:. ',~:~~:.:~~.~:~:-_ ~:,: i r~. ~:;. ".... ' '" '. ",_..,...., C.' ".', . ~<'" , ,._.....~' .. _,. ,".',.' ,@'- .." ," ........, . -"'", . .,..... .... . ...:.t..,.... .~'.~ .... '_~..~~' . . - ~.!. ,¡, h' ". . " . "..",' ". ...:*-. . "',~'::~","'..'~,",~:':' O· -, :' ~..: ' . . ' , Robert Hendricks ' April 10, 1992 Page 2 1. Volatile and semi-volatile organics, using EPA Method 8240 or EPA Method 8010/8020. 2. Title 22 inorganic persistent and bioaccumulative toxic substances. 3. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) using EP A Preparation Method 5030 for the EPA Method 8015 contaminants (nonhalogenated volatile organics). Specify analysis for gasoline and diesel. 4. Oil and grease using EPA Method 418.1. Please notify this office 48 hours prior to sampling activities so that a Department representative can witness the sampling. A copy of the laboratory analyses must be forwarded to this office for review within fifteen days of analyses completion. In addition, please provide this Department with the following information: 1. The length of time the injection well has been in service and construction details of the well, including total depth. 2. A site history description, including the years of occupation of the current business, previous owners-operators, and uses of the facility. 3. A plot plan of the facility. 4. A drawing or diagram of the plumbing/waste disposal system of the facility. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of this letter, you must comply with all the provisions noted above. In accordance with Kern County Ordinance Code G-5541, Section 8.04.100, the Department is authorized to charge for inspections, report reviews, laboratory service costs, and any other costs incurred in the process of obtaining compliance with any violations noted. Be advised that you will be billed at the rate of $20.15 per hour for oversight time spent to date, as well as oversight costs incurred during the abatement of the violations connected with this Class V well. '" . .' "":- .: .-.... " ......... '>:(j ~,. r',> ~." v~ Robert Hendricks April 10, 1992 Page 3 If you have any questions regarding this order, you may contact me at (805) 861-3636, Extension 582. Sincerely, ?~ Terry L. Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program TG:jrw Enclosure Certified Mail: P 871 998 200 cc: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) A TIN: Martin Zeleznik Regional Water Quality Control Board - Fresno ATIN: Dale Essary Vera Geraldine Rodney Bowser (budget.uic ) "~::'~~~~~?~;~;:::"r;:~;:1~~,:~~~?~;i~~::I'\ ,:~;':.~~::..:i;,': . :.' >.' L':~~-;;:'~';'~\~:9'?'i{·7_~~.,;j:; ~ ~-·"~_"y....,·-t"'_"~~L-""'_,,,,,. ',t- __)~ ~ > "'.. j .~... "'., ',.., ' -- ,'...:<~.,:,~;~~'~~:,;.~~:-.:::'.;, . '.::, ~' -.! \ "! ," . - ') :":¡\,,1'...':' .' 'J '/: '~"'~":"7 ' '.\':l"; .;.: :':;;:...~"i.' .~ ""';;...,.,;....;::;'f\:""I:.~~!;':"'-iA-V:;..,J-.::.n',.,,..,..t...I;.:·....·.;-.:.;: ... 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Information Taken by ~7.~' /' ,/ . , RESUL TS OF I N V EST I GAT ION __......_....................'....................._................................____............__.......__........._.........................................................................._................_.. ..--.........-........-...----...-..........-...,.....--.................--......-...-....·..·.....··..··-·....·.....-.............m.__..._.............................._..........--.........m.._...._............................_...... ...-..........-. -- ..-....--.......................................-..- ---................_.... .._.m__....... ...._....._.._....................._..................__.............................................,..................._............... 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Complainant notitied of results .--....-------.....-.---..---..-....-...-..- Investigated by ...__..__________.,...,_,___......__....._____..._________.___....___.'......._._..___.._____,...._.._....... Da te ..._...._...._...._..______..........--._ EnVironment,, . H.....lth 5AO,4113 2029 IR"v q/A9L Iii> .~'- .,tT'-~'''''~_..~.¥' ," . ~;·."iiù·:,"./ . ."... ..... ._'('-...., t." h' "'ì,· ~.~"":""-:1''''''-:-'~''''') -, ¡ ì 1'"',' l... ~~I) ~ ~ ". ....- KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERY,ICES DEPARTMENT SERVICE AND COMPLAINT FORM Date..~:~/f..~.¿?~¿'........... Time: --.........--..-.................. o Service Request ,. ¡;z¡ Complaint " c CT No, ___..._::_...~..mn..__. Assigned to: _____....'..:!t-:.L.___..../..L¿:~~I.:m..___...___n..__............___._.___............----.. Locat\on --......-.--...........---....--.....--......................----..........--..........................................-.........................-..........-.-.............-.....-....... ." 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Phone .-...........,..........----. Reason for Request .____...._._..._,.,___.....mmm_....n_.....___...__m.___._ ,_..._____..__..'.m__................___._..___...__......_···m..__._.__..___.m_..__'..___,...·_·__·······____·___...m..__'.'......_._· -....---.....-.-------...---.....--.......--........-....---..........-...--...........-..........---.......--..-.................-..........--.........--.......-..-..-....-........---.......---............................--....--.....--....-.......-...............-.............-..-..........----.......--......-..........--............--..........---..-.. .....-..--...--.......-...................--.......--..........-.-....-.........-...................-............-..........--.............-....-..............-....-..........-....-.......-................--................-.......-.....-..-......--......-..-...................---...............--.--..--....--....---...-....--.............----..---..-... 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J FACILITY NAME: T rv J)ß(j ..;.7.., . ,J,J~>v-r Î);.7 TV- ; L COMMENTS: ~;(ê:sec o~ SI I€... \..,INri I :J - 3 I -9 :J- \-.. e (~. ~" WORK ORDER LOG SHEET" work' order I: wo ca:taqory: WO Typa: Reimb. : Y (j... RP Coda: DO SO 037 Jla9!1llJlts ¿:pPt . WORK ORDER BAKE: Ve ('0-.. G e r ÍA. I D i /J'4::.'.- RESPONSXBLE PARTY (RP) BAKE: \( €.rc..... Gt: r.:--.I ,); ~ RP CONTACT: RP ADDRESS: RP CITY: IJ Ç1 r-c... (~ è 'í '- I D I....."ê. p. (). Go>( q 7/.5 8 c.-.. k:l2.. r:5 F, e { J STATE: CA ZXP: Cf338'i + RP PHONE NOS.: ( ) (=) INSPECTOR: ¡: (; R c,..:,! EX'1' . ~ ð -z. PROGRAM: ,------~............ C BHHP-Enforcement } BHHP-permittinq ----- DESCRIPTIO.: r)Ie r ':5 / ';-e.. l./ vS- 2 ~ - Ô f,t'C./li ,,0 LOCATION: 4/0 b ( J " bl Q R {jÚ r./ ~ -,~ ~ -'1 d-. FACILITY NAME : Pv D (l Pt2_/I~\..> I)C 7 A I L COHKEHTS: Cì/,'cj,\,.I'f'r- 0/::'" I;J í& Pi? ì-V " I e \_-~ ", WORK ORDER LOG SHI4:I4;l' Work order I: wo C&taqory: WO Typa: RaÏJlb. : Y e>( aP Cade: _0 .súo~ 3 HamnJlt:s EPA N WORE ORDER NAKE: TtJ ù<2<Û<?¡VJ~.N\ ,]).eTC--- / I I RESPONSIBLE PARTY (RP) NAKE: Ro cI /I.J'{ Ý [\ D 1/..1 :) e,. RP CONTACT: Rvc/rv.¿ -¡ A ¡jW..s e r L¡- Job Cv ¡'h ¿ R d ' RP ADDRESS: RP CITY: P0-Iú. 15 IC ,(7 I,j STATE: Cft ZIP: 93'3 rt3 + RP PHONE NOS.: ( & () ')) <)( ~ ;;:2 - '7 ..¡ '3 )" (=> INSPECTOR: -;/Fr ry r; R. Î-' y ,---- '~ PROGRAM: \~-Enforcem_~/) DESCRIPTION: ~ -;¡. 7j- -7,.,L Err. ::(8-'2 HMHP-permittinq l.{ () S - Gt3()-D~ -oD-o (/.:ic ;: /V<;¡f<?c:. 0'0',1"\.-" , LOCATION: FACILITY NAME : COMMENTS: J; w .... _ ..", ~ . ~ ....w......." .'. ( - c :- :. ; " J :!;X' -! ,~~ ,~":'".... :, . ~ 'rIC Shallow Injectio(~>el~;C~ia~::;'::'frJ~::',~~':"~ ,.,~: ./, , ' ",'. , :,~.,' . '..,. , ' ,::,,::.,. ..:1~·"9'O'" , "1>:; .. , "4("'"'' '~'"I,¡j' <2¡hf"r":r'''''~'!\'~' ¡, ,..''{t,. "I, . ..,... . ""~I" ~':.9,'t<>I'~,,,,,,,,,,,,,",.,,.,..,..~'~t _,J .:,",~_~,_ _. . DeTA.¡ L".. "_...,,.___ '''''h''''""__'''_~>'-'~ . .......- ~_.'~.",,' ......-. ~ ~ FACILITY.. NAIŒ·"X f'J I::Yzfw-z> 0\)-;: -~~..~;.~;;E~~~~': '~j;~/9'"i ' INSPECTOR(S): ¿¡Æf¿Y C,RAY ,,,,,, - .', ~- .. ~-"'f..·.~~~;~~;'~~;ç~;::;t~~~L~.~.'.'!..~'V~~;';'_ . . . ' : - ,~..no..... ~'''..L-11"1§;:'''' I 0 .' !~'b AM . .". . .~>J~ .~~ ."r:¿, ·'t", ",tc;" '" ~~~'<r"__W_"'I"_' ADDITIONAL PARTICIPANTS: Rod.ve.v Aow.ser .' I. G8Deral. Inforaa~ioJ1 A. Introduce Yourself and All Others (Show Credentials) B. Explain why you are there, qo over the Notice of Inspection. Have them read and sign it C. (Need Leqal Info.) / Owner's Name: ~e~ .~. ('?erkl ùl~ \. Proper1""Y OW~rJ Address: p.(). i.~o.K. Cl7/ <; {1Ptt<ers¡:If?lrß CA 93389 Phone No. operator's Name: R~vt~ ßow~-£ . Address: i...J I ü biN Ii, d . , er.sf, el rf CA· 7 33 ¡ 3 Phone No.: .>(05- ~i ~ - 7'-1 ~5 (SWAP BUSINESS CARDS, also as~ for business license) Parent Company: Address: Are they a subsidiary of a corporation? Are they incorporated in the state?: Contact Person: Phone #: D. E. F. II. ID~erview the operator\øature of Business A. B. C. Lonq in Business?: I '~ PI A- they a Member of an Association?: rv ú they aware of any Water Supply Well Location/Ownership: D. How Are Are 1\)0 site History - Years of Occupation, Previous Owners and Uses of the Facility: vc e. ,^ r ,J rQvc. c../ I ,J . i, 'J -00 ¡' c;.. ! r ~ - " ZÍ2 ¡(' or Services Offered?: í-I v íD 0E' r?c, / I ~ " · ' ;,/è. E. F. Brief Description of any Process, Operation, or Mairttenance ~hat Produces Waste: n 1/+ 9 f"'t'<-t")C' " rV/I1 fÇ;-V., , ,,~ I f " . / · ¡/j~"-", iJV-L _) A'" ," i"SLI'"'I/1 r'J(?é/ , tv/tIT} ~-U.Mt:J, c- I G. What Chemi)cals a~e Stored, on Site?: '-)oü,/JS .<;"U(.X?f' k /~/J,'V · (perro i~)I_':>i/ qt<! P,/(£¡h.f.JI¡ "Î.)!,~) I / H. Material Safety Data Sheets?: luO .. ..:"~..t .~¡ (j ~, , .. L-, !:' UBDBRGROUBD INJBCTION COIl'l'ROL PROGRAH INSPBCTION,,· REPORT' Aqency KlriV Co. f:rvV¡ fVJl/ro'\.CV.....¡ /lëk/r~ Inspector /"i7r'("Y r-:> ('''-'I Facilitv Information Facility Name "I"N~b.i,¡]..pAJ-;- De.TGAI L Phone 1(;5'- :-r3Z4'1~S Parent Company Address ~/() ~ w,He.. R d- City &~r.s.I~le/J state CA Zip 93313 Contact Name and Position KCld,w!'y /3ow_çer - {)WN-€'f" Description of waste stream 1711 \j .3 re~~e. ,:ro^^- ~rrk-t.... ("/(,?,:,,¡V,:v'! ('J V7V ~N::JJ'N'eS. Description of injection well ~, ,Iv"<:' () .: v M (.J oS e T 'v ~7.:> _~ ru,w,j w' r!.... ðDc:..", bl~ ¡:j I::'C~~"¡-;"£! ;-0 C-. 1-r'i.l(i...... I.. .~... r . -,/ /.~ ;7V;O , ~ ,',;,-.;:... r-t:.~ CJ v-.e ¡- Description of activity that may endanqer qround water but not related to injection wells or tanks (e_q_ ponds, spills) InSDection Information Inspection Date I 'd-./).~;, 'Î ). Number of Wells / Well Type Auto Service .~ Industrial Waste ~ Agricultural Drainage Storm Water ' Other - -- status of Wells Other Active CL Abandoned Under Construction Injectate Sampled(Y/N) N Violation Found(Y/N) Y FOllow-Up Needed (Y/N) I¡' RCRA Facility(Y/N) ~ Comments l...-'V j")E"ífrl\l1 i Ivy.; ,5 ('t..,~·r C',-' .' ,)¡-s !.. .:~,~ f/'.' ¿ c; //;?' ) / TV / !! ,:.....¿ "-<' h_ , Iv..:? , l) ~) ~·r.."-·" . G ~ -. -. 405-230-04-00-0 Roll 1 FILE BEING PREPARED 92 Area Code 001-018 Name GERALDINE VERA V TR 801 cd 92351 SD 2 %GERALDINE VERA V TRS Use 31050 CV 91273 Notf POBOX 9715 KTX BAKERSFIELD CA 93389 Census Bill POBOX 9715 STATUS - ACTIVE Deed 06577-0417 10/04/91 !.'~: (] CJ ï' cl BAKERSFIELD ;:~ 9~~3;?(? .? c)nì t' 'Ç1 ::: i te ::- Ec; :::'O:~ FT 2:, /:.: Hi ¡o! :J F ':'W COR, LOT?3 T H i'j ~'S -. C:[) I, :7" p,/Ji""1 :~·~:';3----"2 L !."::'" <:I.L - (11.)-:':; i_ ,/ ::S 1,3:. e ,/ ~~ ;-.-:. ~·P. ,/ H.Ci ~~. :~c i~es, rJ .5() (;P .:., ~~. .~, '...:' ;~-: !.. i.J E. ~::: .~:: ,*.:"* ¡./! ~l Îi .:::: j~' a ~. ~. a n c~ ¡. rT! ~:> I'" \i f11 ¡-'j t. :;:, CJ t hcs ¡" :: m!8t~; Per s / P f^ C) t:1 E)( e iTi t:> t :-1. C) '\'] (".::¡ ¡. .~ .;... "'. I'''~ . .:; ':. ~ "v (:.' \..: . ~ ..... , 'v w ;'..¡ ., ,- , . . (! '.- ..... . . :·:i.! , . .. . . .-- "-'Y '''': :-:.~ 1-..! I.~.; ;:_ \_1 . \. -': t", . ~ :. ~\! :~ ¡- '-' ., . : "! ~~. :... I "/ , ;.~" ' , , . ~ "'~ (.Jp rC;j~'; .. ~.. \ ! !:::' ~'-:" ¡\\ ~:...!/': , ; ""., ¡vi I i; "f ",- , . '. ¡',·:c; . ,[ :,1.. ,~, ~ .... ',... 1.':,. } ¡.:: r·; :1."',: - ,~. r :"..¡ .~, " ~., _... L: ,. , ; .-;- ;:' , ri :=)F~ ,; : '- -' '-:-:1';-' ',,}',',"'::,) ',; ~', \ -..' :- -~ . ' : j ¡ "..: '~'., , ~,'. :::'j\! 1-- "'i!:,¡ ·.:'1 .i... .1.. . ,-~' Poor Orijínc¡ I ~~. ,~. ~1' '. " .;: '> '1 :f 23 .::8)"'R "'-../ ò : y 2õìÃC. /40 AC, 3' / J8 ...c ~ :~.;' JJ. SEC.13 T30S R27E. î:\ 7.'<::";:. S~ N~~ À- ..@ Ii'C'; 0' :.:¿ : 267~~ .... .,[~ ~ ~ I ~ ¡ ... " . ,< ", ~ I 1 ::, L:J , '...,.~., :,~l . '.. ',1 ~-;. '1 , ·t9~' .\' ~:'::~ . ",:"'1": ~ ," ,.' " . , \W,-:-. .,::.~~Z-; . . -- -.-.-..- ;~,':~_:J. " " ASSESSORS MAP NO" 405-23 ":4;;;" " COUHTY OF KERN-· ,.::~:""i, .. ~: . - " :- . :.: . ~ -~- ~ Ù~:~ ~', ~ :is 2ôÎÃë. Mole: T10Ie _ .... _~ 1 t .-- ..... .. .. _ .. .. -.M _ ...... _.... 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(.;') , .-'!.¥, Street & No, P ''- . (~ ",'x' q 7/5 po.. State & ZIP Code ) c.t4 '73)''6) i") /4/10 r<, /-:/ f (../ Postage $ Certified Fee , Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee 0 Return Receipt Showing '" to Whom & Date Delivered '" ~ Return Receipt Showing to Whom. Q) Date. & Address of Delivery c ::J ~ TOTAL Postage $ c:i & Fees 0 Pt>stmark or Date CO C') E 3 ~3/- 7~ & (f) a. ",.--- ---...... -.----.-------- -<. 'i:.ià,~~~~~r~:;:;:':ti'~:·. '.',(fA " .:·"'~·E· ~. :;"~I;~'~; ,~·?:·,};':'èA·':','aj;::~tf'·~?~\:~~B:~~i'Ii,t~¡'~f:,;':",,', > .' ,', ~tlJRG "j.~'''~,~, '~~';.{>.::-'" ,.,' .. ;~ ',~'. . .. RANDALL, L.,. ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE ßI ASSISTANT DIRECTOR l~\~:![~~~;~~, /~. ..:~;/'~1W"!j~)\-:_¡~, "¡--s.o ".,,!;# ...\....\ ~\ '-'...." ~ :-'.' \~\ \ '1- ',' \, . 'I" ~ . :1'· "/ -,--, ::: /; ,~' ~ ',:, " . .~.~ I:_Ä~/ '1', ;\,_1 ~" '~", .':_ \,1 "',\F ¡_.~.. "~"-'\ ... .....,..\.. ......~ -¡if :;.;. \\1 \//):~~..~·~~~::I' / ~~ '()f';';'¡':'\ \s\ ¡,I' ---_ '¡I' -""'1',,///1 ~ JieIIIth,s..w:. Deputment STEVE McCALLEYI'RÐIS,',DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control District WIU.IAM J. RODDY, AKO Planning II: Development Services Department TED JAMES, AlCP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT March 27, 1992 Vera Geraldine P.O. Box 9715 Bakersfield, CA 93389 SUBJECT: Drainage sump located at Independent Detail, 4106 Wible Road, Bakersfield, CA Dear Ms. Geraldine: This letter is an official notice to inform you that the property noted above has been determined by Kern County Environmental Health Services Department to be the possible site of a Class V shallow injection well. Our records indicate that you are the owner of this property and as such are a responsible party for any cleanup which may be required. An inspection conducted on February 28, 1992, noted a drainage sump located at the northeast comer of the property which accepts industrial waste water. The terminus point of the discharge from the drainage sump is unknown. Pursuant to Code of Federal Regulations 40, (40 CFR), Section 144.12 (a), provides that "no owner or operator shall...operate [an injection well]...in a manner that allows the movement of fluid containing any contaminant into underground sources of drinking water, if the presence of that contaminant may cause a violation of any primary drinking water regulation...or may otherwise adversely affect the health of persons." Within thirty days of receipt of this notice, you must contract to have a representative sample( s) retrieved from the liquid and or sludge phases present in the drain in accordance with the procedures described in 40 C.F.R., Part 261, Appendix I, "Representative Sampling Methods." You must have the samples analyzed by a certified hazardous waste laboratory for the following: 1. Volatile and semi volatile organics, using EP A Method 8240 or EP A Method 8010/8020. 2. Title 22 inorganic persistent and bioaccumulative toxic substances. 3. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) using EP A Preparation Method 5030 for the EPA Method 8015 contaminants (nonhalogenated Volatile Organics). Specify analysis for gasoline and diesel. 4. Oil and grease using EP A Method 418.1. 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805) 861-3429 , O:\:':,,~'~iÔ' .. ' ,:'~ ~'~. '~.' A-, v~ r',~-,'" o ~,"~ Vera Geraldine' March 27, 1992 Page 2 Please notify this office 48 hours prior to sampling activities so that a Department representative can witness the sampling. A copy of the laboratory analyses must be forwarded to this office for review within fifteen days of analyses completion. In addition, please provide this Department with the following information: 1. The length of time the injection well has been in service, and construction details of the well including total depth. 2. A site history description including the years of occupation of the current business, previous owners-operators, and uses of the facility. 3. A Plot plan of the facility. 4. A drawing or diagram of the plumbinglwaste disposal system of the facility. 5. A telephone number where you may be contacted. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of this letter you must comply with all the provisions note~ above. " In accordance with Kern County Ordinance Code G-5541, Section 8.04.100, the Department is authorized to charge for inspections, report reviews, laboratory service costs, and any other costs incurred in the process of obtaining compliance with any violations noted. Be advised that you will be billed at the rate of $65.00 per hour for oversight time spent to date, as well as future oversight costs incurred during the abatement of these violations. If you have any questions regarding this order, you may contact me at (805) 861-3636, extension 582. Sincerely, TLG:ch Enclosure J'-' .. ;;:;: '~': /?7-- , v' Tèrry L. Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program Certified Mail: P 871 998 225 cc: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EP A) A TIN: Martin Zeleznik Regional Water Quality Control Board - Fresno ATIN: Dale Essary gray\geraldin.let e -- r<o[)~y -:t. rJ Dep 0J í)ØJ¡ ~Tf'll>,~; '1 ( 0 b C-v' i b Ie. R d. ,:'~' 9331'3; Signature (Addressee) r , ) 8. Addressee's Address (Only if requested and fee is paid) 6. Signature (Agent) PS Form 3 11, November 1990 * U.$, GPO: 1991-28H)66 DOM~STIC R,EiFURN RECEIPT ·~4·:'.r :~,._. ---- '" , -Xv; P 871 998 224 ¡"G/, ,> I {. ~ Certified Mail Receipt No Insurance Coverage Provided 'M Do not use for International Mail '= (See Reverse) ØQSTA1. Sf:1N'Cf Sent to ~- ì R\ . <133 (3 $ Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing ~ to Whom & Date Delivered ~ Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date. & Address of Delivery ( ) C ::J '"') 1UTAL Postage o & Fees g Postmark or Date C') E ~ en Cl.. $ 3 - 3/ - 92 dE!JRCE MANAGEM~'-f A!¿NCY RANDALL L. ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE III ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Environmental Health Services Department STEVE McCALLEY, RÐiS, DIRECTOR Air PoUution Control District WllUAM J. RODDY, APCO PlaMing & Development Services Department TED JAMES, AlCP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT March 27, 1992 Rodney Bowser Independent Detail 4106 Wible Road Bakersfield, CA 93313 SUBJECT: Drainage sump located at 4106 Wible Road, Bakersfield CA. Dear Mr. Bowser: This letter is an official notice to inform you that the property noted above has been determined by Kern County Environmental Health Services Department to be the possible site of a Class V shallow injection well. Our records indicate that you are the operator of this property and as such are a responsible party for any cleanup which may be required. An inspection conducted on February 28, 1992, noted a drainage sump located at the northeast corner of the property which accepts industrial waste water. The terminus point of the discharge from the drainage sump is unknown. Pursuant to Code of Federal Regulations 40, (40 CFR), Section 144.12 (a) provides that "no owner or operator shall...operate [an injection well]...in a manner that allows the movement of fluid containing any contaminant into underground sources of drinking water, if the presence of that contaminant may cause a violation of any primary drinking water regulation...or may otherwise adversely affect the health of persons." Within thirty days of receipt of this notice, you must contract to have a representative sample(s) retrieved from the liquid and or sludge phases present in the drain in accordance with the procedures described in 40 C.F.R., Part 261, Appendix I, "Representative Sampling Methods." You must have the samples analyzed by a certified hazardous waste laboratory for the following: 1. Volatile and semi volatile organics, using EPA Method 8240 or EPA Method 8010/8020. 2. Title 22 inorganic persistent and bioaccumulative toxic substances. 3. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) using EP A Preparation Method 5030 for the EPA Method 8015 contaminants (nonhalogenated Volatile Organics). Specify analysis for gasoline and diesel. 4. Oil and grease using EP A Method 418.1 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805) 861,3429 ,-".,.... <: I L.- c/ · T/ Cj ~ Rodney Bowser March 27, 1992 Page 2 Please notify this office 48 hours prior to sampling activities so that a Department representative can witness the sampling. A copy of the laboratory analyses must be forwarded to this office for review within fifteen days of analyses completion. In addition, please provide this Department with the following information: 1. The length of time the injection well has been in service, and construction details of the well including total depth. 2. A site history description including the years of occupation of the current business, previous owners-operators, and uses of the facility. 3. A plot plan of the facility. 4. A drawing or diagram of the plumbinglwaste disposal system of the facility. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of this letter you must comply with all the provisions noted above. In accordance with Kern County Ordinance Code G-5541, Section 8.04.100, the Department is authorized to charge for inspections, report reviews, laboratory service costs, and any other costs incurred in the process of obtaining compliance with any violations noted. Be advised that you will be billed at the rate of $65.00 per hour for oversight time spent to date, as well as oversight costs incurred during the abatement of these violations. If you have any questions regarding this order, you may contact me at (805) 861-3636, extension 582. Sincerely, TLG:ch Enclosure Certified Mail: P 871 998 224 cc: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EP A) A TIN: Martin Zeleznik Regional Water Quality Control Board - Fresno A TIN: Dale Essary Vera Geraldine gray\independ.uic '77 ./I 4 ø ~'...;-(. / ' Terry L. Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program ---7' -''--::_--'~_~'. .. ...,,' r': .. ...... h ~ . "- "-.. P, ~ \.' .~. "-.:;.3'oÙIØ.~-+:"1.:. .......',~ - ------ . -.-:-'----~~~i:·- , ,~. . ....1:.. ; ,:-,,, . :').-'~ ,.' . ,);.<:'. ':-., ;-;.: ~.:.~ 'ì: .:. ;"",! "'::" ".":'. , . .",{ .... ,'..'.::.:. ". DOMESTIC¡RETURN ~RECEIPT .. . '1"' ~. , " 't y~ P 87'.1. 998 200 Certified Mail Receipt - No Insurance Coverage Provid~d ,. 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