HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 101-99(2)RESOLUTION NO. AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO RESOLUTION NO, 101-99 ADOPTING THE OPERATING AND CAPITAL iMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGETS FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIE"LD, CALIFORNIA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1999-00. WHEREAS, in accordance with the Charter of the City of Bakersfield and applicable ordinances, the City Council of said City amended Resolution No. 101-99 amending the Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budgets for the City of Bakersfield, California, for the fiscal year 1999-00 on January 12, 2000; and, WHEREAS, the City desires to make amendments thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. That the Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budgetsforthe City of Bakersfield, California, for the fiscal year 1999-00, as adopted by Resolution No. 101-99, are hereby further amended to reflect the applicable changes included in Exhibit 2. That ,,;aid Budgets for said fiscal year 1999-00, so amended, shall be the Budgets For the City of Bakersfield, California, for said fiscal year 1999-00 as contemplated to be made lay this Council. 3. ThatsaidBudgetsforfiscalyear1999-00shalltotal$239,030,896with the Operating and Debt Service, which includes the Community Development Block Grant and the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency Budget totaling $211,597,787, and the Capital Improvement Program totaging $27,433,109. 4. That the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of the resolution, and henceforth and hereafter the same shall be in fulB force and effect. .......... o0o .......... by the I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on kUG ]- 6 ~0D0 by the folgowing vote: AYES: COUNC;LMEMEIER DaMONC, CARSON, MASGARD, COUCH, ,E~'9,~.E.'~ ~ SULL VAN SALVAGG~O NOES: COUb!CILt,,1,?,:~E"'z(~-b~--~ ABS'~Ai~: COtJ~,~C~L~,,EED,'~BSR ABSENT* COUNC',L~EMS~R APPROVED AUG 16 2000 MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield DWH.jp AMEND Op and Cip 99-00No2 Attachment CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FISCAL YEAR 1999 - 00 BUDGET AMENDMENTS EXHIBIT" A" AMENDED BUDGET DECEMBER 31, 1999 $25,183,729 PAGE I OF 2 DATE FUND 01/12/00 311 01/12/00 411 01/26/00 395 01/26/00 331 02/09/00 336 02/09/00 151 03/15/00 411 03/15/00 41 ! 03/15/00 151 03/29/00 331 05/02/00 311 05/10/00 311 05/10/00 311 05/24/00 321 05/24/00 412 06/14/00 151 06114/00 412 ITEM CIP AMENDMENTS - JANUARY I - JUNE 30, 2000 AMOUNT App. Contribution to Rec &Parks CIP within Capital Outlay Fund $20,000.00 App. Fund Balance to CIP within Sewer Enterprise Fund $75,000.00 App. Fund Balance & misc revenue to CIP within Arena Proj Fund $68,000.00 App. Fund Balance to CIP within Trans Development Fund $25,000.00 App Trans Enhancement Act funds to CIP within Amtrak Fund $500,000.00 App. Fund Balance to CIP within Sewer Enterprise Fund $13,000.00 App. Fund Balance to CIP within Sewer Enterprise Fund $138,000.00 App. Fund Balance to CIP within Gas Tax Fund $100,000.00 App. Fund Balance to CIP within Transportation Development Fund $50,000.00 Reduce estimated revenues for Skate Board Park project ($11,120.00) Transfer Council Contingency to CIP in Capital Outlay Fund $50,000.00 App & transfer ERAF reimb and Motor Vehicle-in-Lieu to CIP in Capital Outlay Fund $250,000.00 App. Fund Balance to CIP Budget within Park Improvement Fund $94.500.00 App. Fund Balance to CIP within Sewer Enterprise Fund $15,000.00 App. KernCOG reimbursement to CIP within the Gas Tax Fund $100,000.00 App. Fund Balance to CIP within Sewer Enterprise Fund $162,000.00 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AMENDMENTS $2,249,380 AMENDED CIP BUDGET JUNE 30, 2000 $27,433,109 COMMENTS Funding for purchase of a pool heater at Jastro Park (Item 8p.) Additional funding for Fairfax Road Storm Drain repair (Item 8s.) Funds for additional suite improvements at the Arena (Item 8i.) Funding for change order related to Panama Lane Overcrossing Widening (Item 8h.) Const of imp & features for the Amtrak Stn & Q St underpass (Item 8q.) Cnnst of imp & features for the Amtrak Stn& Q St underpass (Item 8q.) Acquisition of property for drainage basin & street right-of-way (Item 8n.) Raise monuments, manholes & cleanouts after resurfacing (Item 8p.) Raise monuments, manholes & deanouts after resurfacing (Item 8p.) Additiona~ funding for traffic signal at Brimhall and Jewetta (item 8.03 Actual donations raised were only $8,880 Feasibility study and cost estimating for Ice Skating Facility (Item 12.a) Feasibility study and cost estimating for Ice Skating Facility (Item 12.a.) Acquisition of land for a future park and fire station (Item 8.n.) Const. of storm drain Brimhall Rd/Calloway Dr, (Item St.) Metro Transportation Systems Study (Item 8j,) Reconstruct sewer manholes Brimhall RdANindsong Dr. (Item 8.x,) CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FISCAL YEAR 1999 - 00 BUDGET AMENDMENTS EXHIBIT" A" AMENDED OPERATING BUDGET DECEMBER 31, '1999 DATE FUND ITEM OPERATING AMENDMENTS JANUARY I. JUNE 30, 2000 01/12/00 01/26/00 02/09/00 02/09/00 02/09/00 02/23100 02/23/00 02123/00 02123/00 02/23/00 02/23/00 02/23/00 03/15/00 03/15100 03/29/00 03/29/00 03~29~00 04/12/00 04~26~00 05/10t00 05/10100 05/10/00 05/10/00 05/15~00 06/14~00 06~28~00 06/28/00 06~28/00 $209,721,450 AMOUNT 011 App. Revenue/Expenses to Rec & Parks Op Budget within General Fund $88,500.00 011 App. Contribution to Dev Svcs Op Budget in General Fund $77,755.00 431 Transfer from Op Budget in Ag Water Fund to CFP within Trans Develop Fund $10,000.00 331 App Fund Balance to P W Op Budget within Trane Development Fund $37,200.00 411 App Fund Balance in Sewer Enterprise Fund to CIP within Trans Develop Fund $20,000.00 011 App. Asset Forfeiture Funds to Police Dept Op Budget in General Fund $13,200,00 52! App from Self Fns Fund to Attorneyy Op Budget in Refuse Fund $175,000,00 421 Transfer from Self Ins Fund to Attorney Op Budget in Refuse Fund $175,000.00 011 App. State Grant Revenue to Fire Dept Op Budget within Gen Fund $20,800.00 392 App from CDRA Op Budget to Housing Set Aside & Debt Serv Funds $100,000.00 392 Transfer from CDRA Op Budget to Housing Set Aside & Debt Serv Funds $121,000.00 011 App. Ins. Company Grant to Fire Dept Op Budget within Gen Fund $1,500.00 011 App. QTS Grant to Fire Op Budget in General Fund $61,940.00 111 App. State Park Grant to EDCD Op Budget within CDBG Fund $9,850.00 011 App. SMI Trust Funds to Building Op Budget within General Fund $15,000,00 411 App. Fund Balance to CFP within Sewer Enterprise Fund $22,210.00 411 App. Fund Balance to City Attorney's Qp Budget within Sewer Enterprise Fund $12,000.00 111 App, from Offstreet Parking Fund Balance into Economic Development Op Budget $9,400.00 311 App. Seized Asset Forfeiture Funds to CIP Budget within Capital Outlay Fund $162.805.00 011 Transfer Council Contingency to CIP in Capital Outlay Fund ($50,000.00) 311 App. ERAF reimbursement to CIP within Capital Outlay Fund $198,395.00 311 App. Motor Vehicle-in-Lieu Revenue to CIP within Capital Outlay Fund $51,605.00 311 App. Council Contingency to CIP within Capital Outlay Fund $50,000.00 311 Transfer misc. purchase orders to Capital Outlay Fund $8,191.00 611 App Contribution to Gen Svcs Op Budget within the General Fund $15,900.00 012 App. Dev. Contribution to Dev. Svcs. Op Budget in General Fund $76,886 411 App Fund Balance to PW Op Budget within Sewer Enterprise Fund $200,000 011 App. Grant Revenue to Police Qp Budget within General Fund $192,200 TOTAL OPERATFNG AMENDMENTS $1,876,337 AMENDED OPERATING BUDGET JUNE 30, 2000 AMENDED OPERATING & CIP BUDGETS JUNE 30, 2000 $2tl,597,787 $239,030,896 PAGE 2 OF 2 COMMENTS Fund customer service training provided by Disney Institute (Item 8j.) Costs associated with 2010 General Plan update and FIR (item 8f.) MuFti-agency agr with KernCOG to purchase aerial imaging of Kern County (Item 8f,) Multi-agency agr with KernCOG to purchase aerial imaging of Kern County. (Item 8f) MuFti-agency agr with KernCOG to purchase aerial imaging of Kern County. (Item 8f.) Purchase of dog, its training, kennel facilities and equipment (Item 8c.) Additional funding for outside counsel to litigate matters (item 8o.) Additional funding for outside counsel to litigate matters (item 8o.) For Y2K preparedness and related emergencies (Item 8x.) Additional funding as result of unanticipated tax revenue shodfall (item By) Additional funding as result of unanticipated tax revenue shortfall (Item By.) To purchase an accelerant detector (Item 8z.) Purchase of equipment, educational materials & personnel training (item 8c.) To purchase playground equip for battered women and children shelter (Ftem 8d,) Purchase of racks and shelving for storage of disaster-related materials (Item 8.v.) Reimburse Carroll's Tire Warehouse for installation of sewer line (Item 8.m.) Additional funding for outside regal services - Valley Communities, Inc. (Item 8,p.) Payment of elevator repairs at Parking Garage (Item 8.m) Replace existing aircraft and radio equipment (item 8,s.) Feasibility study and cost estimating for Ice Skating Faciirty (item t2,a.) Feasibility study and cost estimating for Ice Skating FaciFity (item 12.a+) Feasibility study and cost estimating for Ice Skating Facility (Item 12.a+) Feasibility study and cost estimating for Ice Skating Facility (item 12.a.) To close out the Arena Project Fund For anti-grafitti educational / promotional activities (item 8.cc,) EIR Report for General Plan Amendment/Zone Change (item 8i.1) Unanticipated Electricity Costs (item 8 s) Expenditure of CLETEP Program Grant Funds (gem 9,b+)