HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION ;~:Ç;'2. ',;;;,..~, ~~, : .. .,: ti'::;:, c , "'e" C ' "'..,,-'''''..~-': "'''-'''c''''~~~ - ..,-~--~' '-'--"'_~,......-:-. -:--' '- --_....,,' , " ~' " , . : , . " .., .,..., ; .. .I:-. " '\, . :.". . , ...' , , '" __,_w._.. _0.,_ .. " BAKERSFIELD, FIRE DEPARTMENT" 'BUREÁU OF FIRE PREVENTION, APPLICATION .. '- . ,~' I" :.:": "" I '.' 29 September 1976 Date FL029 , Applica~ion No. In conformity with provisions of pertinent ordinances, codes -~nd/~r regulations, ~pplicatio~ is made by: '.. ' , ' ": ',,:.. Sun Valley Oil Name qf Company 3940 Roseda1e HisdlWa'y, :"; " Address ,.'.' to display, store, install, use, operate, sell or handle materials or processes involving or creating con- ditions deemed hazardous to life or property as follows: Installation of 10,000 gallon tank located at 2500 Wible Road -............... .._~-..-........ -..- -..- "," --.. ---.. .......... --...............-.. --............ ............... ............. -..-..---- Authorized Representative issued Permit denied Date By....... .......__........................... ......... .... .... U". U ......... ...:.. Fire Marshal .... ...... .....--- ----.. ...... ...... ---... --............ -...... -..-.. ............ ,:¡ ¡@ L ~ i L. ¡ --' ;~ßt~ . J "// ,//ân /J 'p -<)LvX/ ~~ ~ JI z 1/ yo jZ( (!;þ JJ{ " ' ,/ Sd?- 7,;{/;L , ~------~-- ..,.--'--.... - --. _._---_._-~,-- ---".. - :?,5z'O '~, -=- -; '/1 ", ,-- ~ '_£~~/' P@OR ORIGINIL':~¡~: .. \.. ~ ~A ..~. ~~i__~/ P .~'~~ ~ -, -~~ . , ~-~ ___"f.'" , ,.. .--- <'.~_.~--------- "'"------ --- .-- -.--.. '/ ï L_____,__,._ ~_.' . ~----- ----'--- ---~. ~---~~-- - --- ---~---- -- --- - --- ---- '~ t ./ ;¡¡ , ~ ~~ ' >': ,~r---' r - --, . l r-'Y--,I II' ~1 ~ I ': 'I ,1& î,'" : 8.~ : " \~ccO :: IO,OOC> I ',c:;...._.11 é' , ...-, , c,Aucol, , ~ I ; ,ïl\>IK. 1'''"-\'(. 1'Tf\\I'C. i " J Ii; I I ' " ' ·1 II, I' I' ~ , 1,' L_,...-' L. _ _J I ~\I' " ,r ""r-- II I, II ':: ;: " II " I' " ,I " " ' ' ,~.-:..-:..-:.- _ _ " :. 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TS ' ( öK,LLlTte. ~' . 3\;;¿\~l 3\:S t~l ~ 3> \ 2~ )'61.. ~ L\- A-ßAJ~..J AßA~'DaN 1700 Flower Street Baké'nlfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 It ~ COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTME. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. " DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard March 26, 1987 Jeffrey Palmer Krazan &: Associates 3860 N. Winery Fresno, California 93726 RE: A418-29 Valley Springs Plaza De'ar Mr. Paloer: A review of the analysis of the soil samples taken at'the Valley Springs Plaza site at Wilson &: Wible Roads in Bakersfield indicates that there is no soil contamination present. The Kern County Health Depart.ent is satisfied with thè results of the investigation and finds the abandonment complete. Sincerely, ~"~ Tho ma sA. ' Me 1 e Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program TAM: sw .....r-_.,.._ ""'r-'''''''''c:''' I('RAZAN .& ASSOCI'TES , INC. .' Soils Engineering Compaction Testing Engineered Septic Systems Construction Testing Geotechnical Investigations March 25, 1987 Proj. No. E87-016 Mr. Kenneth B. Payne II '1413 Calle-Hermosa Bakersfiel d, Ca 93309 RE: Tank Remoyals - Soil Samples Wilson & Wible Roads Bakersfield, California Gentlemen': In accordance with your authorization, we have completed soils sampling and chemical analysis of soil samples obtained during thè, removal of four underground storage tanks at the above-referenced project.' site. Krazan & Associates personnel conducted soil sampling during the t~nk removals, which occurred March 13, 1987. Sampling and analysis was conducted' to meet the requirements of the California Administrative Code, Title 23, Chapter 3, Subchapter 16, Section 2673, Subsect~on 2672.0. The purpose of this investigation was to determine if significant soil contamination had occurred beneath the storage tank sites. Upon removal of the storage tanks, the tanks were visually examined for leaks and the surrounding soil within the excavation' was examined for discoloration. Samples were obtained at a depths and locations outlined by the Kern County Environmental Health Department ordinance ,governing tank removal. The soil samples were analyzed for Benzene, Toluene, Xylenes, Total Purgeable Hydrocarbons, Total Organic Halides (TaX), and Oil & Grease. The results of this analysis are presented in the following table: Main Office: Fresno/Clovis · 3860 N. Winery · Fresno, California 93726 · (209) 291-7337 , Bakersfield (805) 393-2343 r'] Visalia (209) 625-8251 II Merced (209) 383-3993 ie e Page No. 2 Proj. No. E87-016 Table of Concentration of Gasoline Constituents in Soil Samples Total Sample Purgeable Oil & Location Benzene Toluene Xylenes TaX ' Hydrocarbons Grease Tank No. 1 - South, 10,000 gallon East end @ 2' N/D N/D N/D N/D East end @ 6' N/D N/D N/D N/D West end ~ 2' N/D N/D N/D N/D West end ~ 6' N/D N/D N/D N/D Tank No.2-Center, 10,000 gallons East end ~ 2' N/D N/D N/D N/D East end (it 6' N/D N/D N/D N/b West end (it 2' N/D N/D N/D N/D West end @ 6' N/D N/D N/D N/D Tank No.3 - North, 10,000 gallons East end @ 2' N/D N/D N/D N/D East end @ 6' . N/D N/D N/D N/D West end @ 2' N/D N/D N/D N/D West end @ 6' N/D N/D N/D N/D Waste Oil Tank - 550 gallons Center ® 2' N/D N/D N/D <20 N/D 61 Center ® 6' N/D N/D N/D <20 N/D 71 N/D - Not Detected Please refer to the attached site plan for samples locations. . No contamination was detected at this site. It is therefore concluded that no sig,nificant contamination has occurred due to th'e underground storage tanks and does not appear to be a threat to groundwater resources. KRAZAN & ASSOCIA TES, INC. I . -, - '> Page No.3 Proj. No. E87-016 If there are any questions or if we can be of further assistance, pJease do not hesitate to contact our office. Respectfully Submitted, K~AZAN & ASS IA TES, INC. Jeffrey S. Palmer Environmental Specialist ME/ JSP/ko 7n~- , Michael Erwin Principal Engineer RCE 1118625 2 c plus invoice herewith 1 c Kern County Environmental H,ealth Department I KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ( { e ~ .: '\ ~ .' I ' ff ~~' ~ tL\ "] JI~ ¢:.D. k " . ~ , , ñ i II ~ . F: I I ~? ,1&µ :::.~2 'lÇ-eJ-!íE:.,!) 16.µ~i I (~t+) I I + ~t1VLE.- ~o~ Llu~¡lD ~~tt~þl- ~ KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~ Fresno Visalia Bakersfield .' e LABORATORIES INC. A6RÎCUL TUllE J. J. EGLIN. REG. CHEM, ENGR, CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS PETROLEUM MAIN pFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 PHONE 327·4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) KRAZAN & ASSOC. ATTN: JEFF PALMER 3860 N. WINERY FRESNO, CA. 93726 Date of REPORT:3-19-87 LAB No. :4545, Sample Description: PROJECT# E-87-016 SOUTH TANK @6" DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 3-12-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 3-13-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 3-16-87 Constituent Reporting Un it's Analyses Results Minimum Reporting Level I' Total Volatile Hydrocarbons ~g/g none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none dete'cted 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.50 none detected 0.10 Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene a-Xylene Isopropyl Benzene Volatile Hydrocarbons ~g/g ~g/g ~g/g ~g/g ~g/g ~g/g ~g/g ~g/g , \ EPA 5020/8020: DRY MATTER BASIS COMMENTS: VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: Quantificatiån of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) util'izing a 8enzene Factor. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. Total volatile hydrocarbon values may be le.s than, equal to, or greater than any other constituent, or the combined total. . TOTAL VOLATILE HYDROCAR80NS: The sum total of all non-chlorinated constituents on this report. By ___ ~i.Z_~~~1~_~_ (f':':"'èJ.' @Jl1 n aw&~~ ~~------------- Analyst .' tt, AGRICUL TUItE LABORATORIES INC. '" CHEMICAL ANALYSIS J, J. EGLIN. REG. CHEM, ENGR, \ PETROLEUM MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 PHONE 327·4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL> KRAZAN & ASSOC. ATTN: JEFF PALMER 3860 N. WINERY FRESNO, CA. 93726 Date of REPORT:3-19-87 LAB No.: 4546 I I I Sample Description: PROJECT# E-87-016 SOUTH TANK @2' DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 3-12-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: '3-13-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 3-16-87 Constituent Reporting Units Analyses Resu Its Minimum Reporting Level Total Volatile Hydrocarbons J-4g/g none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detec'ted 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 nonE;? detected 0.10 none d'etected 0.10 none detected' 0.50 none detected 0.10 Benzene Toluene Ethyl "Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropyl Benzene Volati1e Hydrocarbons J-4g/g J-4g/g J-4g/g J-4g/g J-4g/g J-4g/g J-4g/g J-4g/g EPA 5020/802b: DRY MATTER BASIS COMMENTS: VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: Quant'ificatio~ of volatile hydrocarbons present (Cl to C20> utilizing a Benzene Factor. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. Total volatile hydrocarbon values may be less than, equal to, or greater, than any other constituent, or the combined total. TOTAL VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all non-chlorinated constituents on this report. t1r2~ " By ~--ã[~~~~~/_--- l2:~M~~~ Analyst . . LABORATORIES INC; A6RlCUL ruM ... , ,.... . .. ,~ .. ,'..", ·'"B"O":,' CHEMICAL ANALYSIS . , .' '.;, '3":..··,... . '-';,-' ".. ': : ,', . J, J. EGLIN, REG, CHEM, ENGR. PETROLEUM MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 PHONE 321·4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) KRAZAN & ASSOC. ATTN: JEFF PALMER 3860 N. WINERY FRESNO, CA. 93726 Date of REPORT:3-19-87 LAB No.: 4547 Sample Description: PROJECT# E-87-016 SOUTH TANK OPPOSITE END @2' DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 3-12-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 3-13-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 3-16-87 Constituent Reporting Units Analyses Results Minimum Reporting Level Total Volatile Hydrocarbons ~g/g " none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 , none detected 0.10 none dete'ct'ed 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.50 none detected 0.10 Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene a-Xylene IsoprQPyl Benzene Volatile Hydrocarbons ~g/g f-4g/g f-4g/g f-4g/g f-4g/g f-4g/g f-4g/g f-4g/g EPA 5020/8020: DRY MATTER BASIS COMMENTS: '"' VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: Quantification ,of volatile hydrocarbons present· (Cl to C20) utilizing a Benzene Factor. These volatile hydrocarbons are in additio~ ~o the constituents specifically defined on this report. , I Total volatile hydrocarbon values may be less than, equal to, or greater than any other constituent, or the combined total. TOTAL VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all non-chlorinated constituents on 1his report. By ___rZ a _~1l±~___,,_ ~?TJ:~lin æJ.d¡~~ ~--------------- Analyst · - ' ''c-..,!.:-' LABORATORIES INC. AGRICULTUM J. J. EGLIN, REG, CHEM, ENGR, :;- CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PETROLEUM MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 PHONE 327·4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) KRAZAN & ASSOC. ATTN: JEFF PALMER 3860 N. WINERY FRESNO, CA. 93726 Date of REPORT:3-19-87 LAB No.: 4548 Sample Description: PROJECT# E-87-016 SOUTH TANK OPPOSITE END @6' DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 3"';12-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 3-13-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 3-16-87 Total Volatile Hydrocar.bons ~g/g Minimum Analyses Reporting Results Level none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none det'ected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.50 none detected 0.10 Constituent Reporting Units Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropyl Benzene Volatlle Hydrocarbons ~g/g ~g/g ~g/g ~g/g ~g/g ~g/g ~g/g ~g/g EPA 5020/8020: DRY MATTER BASIS COMMENTS: , VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (Cl to C20) utilizing a Benzene Factor. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. Total volatile hydrocarbon values may be less than, equal to, or greater than any other constituent, or the combined total. TOTAL VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: ,The sum total of all non-chlorinated constituents on this report. By _~_ O~, ¿?~ ?/1~__ ~. ~. ~n _ú?~i[£(~~ Analyst -, :'[ . LABORATORIES \ . J, J. EGLIN, REG. CHE"",, ENGR. INC. AGRICUL TVM , .. . "'.' ..,; :.. ..'.. ¡;, a:c CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PETROLEUM " MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 PHONE 327·4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) KRAZAN & ASSOC. ATTN: JEFF PALMER 3860 N. WINERY FRESNO, CA. ~3726 Date of REPORT:3-19-87 LAB No.:4549 Sample Description: PROJECT# E-87-016 CENTER TANK WEST END ~2' DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 3-12-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 3-13-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 3-16-87 Constituent Reporting , Uni ts Analyses Results Minimum Reporting Level Total Volatile Hydrocarbons ~g/g none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 / none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.50 none detected 0.10 Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene 'o-X.ylene Isoprqpyl Benzene Volatile Hydrocarbons ~g/g ~g/g ~g/g ~g/g ~g/g ~g/g ~g/g ~g/g EPA 5020/8020: DRY MATTER BASIS COMMENTS: , ' VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: Quantifica~ion of volatile hydrocarbons presen~ (C1 to C20) utilizing a Benzene Factor. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. Total volatile hydrocarbon values may be less than, equal to, or greater than any other constituent, or the combined total. TOTAL VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all non-chlorinated constituents on this report. By ___t6-£:-dß~_- ~-:-' J. ~~l1n ' _r::ß.:{~~~~ Analyst . ... LABORATORIES INC. '. AGRICULTUM . .' ,."", '~. ,_', .:..; I CifEMICAL ANAL YSIS , ' ' ., ," '..", ·:'a"c,·" , ' '- , ,"" . '.' , , .. ..,' J, J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM, ENGR, ,;' '., PETROLEUM MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 PHONE 327·4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) KRAZAN & ASSOC. ATTN: JEFF PALMER 3860 N. WINERY FRESNO, CA. 93726 Date of REPORT:3-19-87 LAB No.:4550 Sample Description: PROJ~CT# E-87-016 CENTER TANK OPPOSITE END @6' . DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 3--12-87 DATE SAMPLÈ RECEIVED @ LAB: 3-13-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 3-16-87 Constituent Reporting Units Analyses Results Minimum Reporting Level Total Volatile Hydrocarbons ~g/g none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none deteè:ted 0.10 none, detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none, detected 0.50 none detec t,ed 0.10 Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene a-Xylene Isopr9Pyl Benzene Volatile Hydrocarbons ~g/,g ~g/g ~g/g ~g/g ~g/g ~g/g ~g/g ~g/g '4 EPA 5020/8020: ~RY MATTER BASIS COMMENTS: VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (Cl to C20) utilizing a Benzene Factor. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition to ~he constituents specifically defined on this report. Total volatile nydrocarbon values may be less than, equal to, or greater than any other ~onstituent, or the combined total. TOTAL VOLATILE ;YDROCARBONS: The sum total of all non-chlorinated constituents on this report. By __ !Î~ rJ. ~4;1'-~--- 10'ër:J ~~îi~ ~t!æ4~- Analyst .' -- '::....', - LABORATORIES INC. AGRICtJL ruM . .. ¡,.~, , . ., ',' BO";,;:,:, , ,." '.' , ,,' , ~',. ' ' . :", '. ~ J, J, EGLIN, REG, CHEM, ENGR. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PETROLEUM ',o" ..' . . MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 PHONE 327.4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) KRAZAN & ASSOC.' ATTN: JEFF PALMER 3860 N. WINERY FRESNO, CA. 93726 Date of REPORT:3-19-87 LAB No. :4551 Sample Description: PROJECT# E-87-016 CENTER TANK OPPOSITE END @2' DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 3-12-87 DATE SAMPLÉ RECEIVED @ LAB: 3-13-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 3-16-87 Constituent Reporting Units Analyses Results Minimum Reporti'ng Level Total Volatile Hydrocarbons }4g/g none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected' 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected O. to none detected 0.10 none detected 0.50 none detected 0.10 Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene a-Xylene Isopropyl Benzene Volatíle Hydrocarbons }4g/g }4g/g }4g/g }4g/g }4g/g" }4g/g }4g/g )-(g/g EPA 5020/8020: DRY MATTER BASIS COMMENTS: VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a Benzene Factor. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. Total volatile hydrocarbon values may be less than, equal to, or greater than any other constituent, or the combined total~ TOTAL VOLATILE HYD~OCARBONS: The sum total of all non-chlorinated constituents on this report. By ---ø-I-{ftt~- , J:~ ¿, If-'t/.· L_~_~~~~~~--- Analyst -- "- , " , , - LABORATORIES INC. A6RlCUL ruM J. J, EGliN. REG. CHEM, ENGI. CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS PETROLEUM MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAK~RSFIELD, CA. 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) KRAZAN & ASSOC. ATTN: JEFF PALMER 3860 N. WINERY FRESNO, CA. 93726 Date of REPORT:3-19-87 LAB No.: 4552 Sample Description: PROJECT# E-87-016 CENTER TANK OPPOSITE END @6' DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 3-12-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 3-13-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 3-16-87 Constituent Reporting Units Analyses Results Minimum Reporting Level Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropyl Benzene Volati~e Hydrocarbons }-4g/g }-4g/g }-4g/g }-4g/g }-4g/g ¡.tg/g }-4g/g -4g/g none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.50 , t Total Volatile Hydrocarbons ¡.tg/g none detected 0.10 EPA 5020/8020: DRY MATTER BASIS COMMENTS: VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (Cl to C20) utiliz~ng a Benzene Factor. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. Total volatile hydrocarbon values may be less than, equal to, or greater than any other constituent, or the combined total. TOTAL VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: The sum tcital of all non-chlorinated constituents on this report. ~ By ----f#-~- <;/ aJ· ,/ 0~ /!..Þa -~~-~---~-~~~- Analyst A6RlCUL ruM ~, ., LABORATORIES INC. .... '¡' CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS J, J. EGLIN, REG, CHEM, ENGR. PETROLEUM MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) KRAZAN & ASSOC. ATTN: JEFF PALMER' 3860 N. WINERY FRESNO, CA. 93726 Date of REPORT:3-19-87 LAB No.:4553 ~ Sample Description: PROJECT# E-87-016 NORTH TANK WEST END @2' DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 3-12-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 3-13-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 3-16-87 Constituent Reporting Units Analyses Results Minimum Reporting Level Total Volatile Hydrocarbons }-lg/g none detected 0.10 ' none detected 0'.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.10 none detected 0.50 none detected 0.10 Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropyl Benzene Volati1e Hydrocarbons }-lg/g }-lg/g }-lg/g }-lg/g }-lg/g }-lg/g }-lg/g }-lg/g EPA 5020/8020: DRY MATTER BASIS COMMENTS: VOLATILE HYDRqCÄRBONS: Quantification of vçlatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a Benzene Factor. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. Total volatile hydrocarbon values may be less than, equal to, or greater than any other constituent, or the combined total. TOTAL VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all non-chlorinated constituents on this report. By ---#-f!-~>--- æ~·u~~ Analyst It ~ -'- e LABORATORIES ASRICUL TUllE J. J.EGlIN. REG. CHEM. ENGR. CHEII/CAL ANALYSIS PETROLEUM INC. MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELI?, CA. 93308 PHONE 327·4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) KRAZAN & ASSOC.ATTN: JEFF PALMER 3860 N. WINERY FRESNO, CA. 93726 Date of REPORT:3-19-87 LAB No.: 4554 Sample Description: PROJECT# E-87-016 NORTH TANK' WEST END @6' , DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 3-12-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 3-13-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 3-16-87 ,-. Constituent Reporting Units Analyses Results Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene 'o-Xy 1 ene Isopropyl Benzene Volatile Hydrocarbons ¡.tg/g ¡.tg/g J,tg/g ¡.tg/g ¡.tg/g ¡.tg/g ¡.tg/g ¡.tg/g none detected none detected none detected none dete¿ted none ,detected none detected none detected none detected Total Vo~atile Hydrocarbons ¡.tg/g none detected EPA 5020/8020: DRY MATTER BASIS COMMENTS: Minimum Reporting Level 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.50 0.10 VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a Benzene Factor. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents spec~fically defined on this report. Total volatile hydrocarbon values may be less than, equal to, or greater than any other constituent, o~ the combined total. TOTAL VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all non-chlorinated constituents on this report. By --*Ji:~- . ~u!g~~ Analyst e - LABORATORIES INC. A6RlCULTuM J, J. EGliN, REG. CHEM. ENGI. CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS PETROLEUM MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308'PHONE 327'.4911 .- Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) KRAZAN& ASSOC. ATTN: JEFF PALMER 3860 N. WINERY FRESNO, CA. 93726 Date of REPORT:3-19-87 LAB No.: 4555 Samplé Description: PROJECT# E-87-016 NORTH TANK OPPOSITE END ,@2' DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 3-12-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 3-13-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 3-16-87 Constituent Reporting Units Analyses Results Minimum Reporting Level Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene p--Xylene m-Xylene a-Xylene Isopropyl Benzene Volatile Hydrocarbons }4g/g }4g/g }4g/g }4'g/g }4g/g }4g/g }4g/g }4g/g '}4g/g none detected 'none detected none detec,ted none detected none det'ected none detected none detected none detected 0.10 0.10 0.10 ,0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.50 Total Volatile Mydrocarb~ns none detected 0.10 EPA 5020/8020: DRY MATTER BASIS COMMENTS: VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (Cl to C20) utilizing a Benzene Factor. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition to ,the constituents specifically d~fined on this report. Total volatile hydrocarbon values may be less than, equal to, or greater than any other constituent, or the combined total. TOTAL VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all non-chlorinated constit~ents on this report. By --I-.Æ-~tL_- /J) J ~~~~___ ~--------- , Analyst -- . LABDRATORIËS INC. A6RlCUL TUllE '...' ., :..' B'd,' ",' .' ' CHEMICAL ANALYSIS , ...... , '. ~-. , .. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM, ENGI. PETROLEUM , . MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 PHONE 327;.4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) KRAZAN & ASSOC. ATTN: JEFF PALMER 3860 N. WINERY FRESNO, CA. 93726 Date of, REPORT:3-19-87 LAB No.:4556 Sample Description: PROJECT# E-87-016 NORTH TANK OPPOSITE END @6' DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 3-12-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 3-13-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 3-16-87 Const,i tuent Reporting Units Analyses Results Minimum' Repo,r t i ng Level Bef1zene Toluene Ethyl Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene a-Xylene Isopropyl Benzene Volatile Hydrocarbons ~g/g ~g/g ~g/g ~g/g, ~g/g , ~.g/g ~g/g 1-4g/g none d'etected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected' none detected none detected 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.50 Total Volatile Hydrocarbons ~g/g none detected 0.10 EPA 5020/8020: DRY MATTER BASIS COMMENTS: VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a Benzene Factor. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. Total volatile hydrocarbon values may be less than, equal to, or greater than any other constituent, or the combined total. TOTAL VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all non-chlorinated constituents on this report. By ---#f!-~- 0-~2~~3!.~ Analyst Ws En9'n~e/'n9 Comp.cUon Jesllng fn9&nft,~a SepUc S,slems Construe lion JUllng GeolecJ1nlc.,lnruiig.uon. . ~ of Custody Record . ~q7 -()/£, ) -'~---,------,~ DATE S:-/~?7 PAGE ) OF;2-- KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, ,PARAMETERS - ADDRESS K R.T>.Z AN & ASSOCIATES', INC. 3850 NO~~H WINERY '"', '"' (.I) 1:'t¡>='~l\'n r1\T,T>=,np"lTlI G17?Fi -J U U 4: Z Z ...-J ./7 A /??/A Q I: '" tI) 4: 4: PROJECT - I- w Z C t:I t:I - Z Z w 0 a: SAMPLERSISIGNA~;~¿7r ;/'-'//'¿7 , '"' ~- :::CJ U 1:, (.I) <- a 0 -J I-M ::: 4: U) 0( ::11: -(.I) ::1::: w ~U W W W I Tr>9h11/ .'l97-r'~ I- -J w4: 9 ...1- ...I X ..J", a: ..:- w 0( ...JU zZ _N 0 ::: ..J..J a: t:I c9 ~ 1-0 I- Pr~nted Name O~ -~ <~ <- too W '" I:õ I';!t:I I- - ::: ~too Z -'- -J ....' 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Signature I ' TIME TIME TIME P tin t &<j. N f'm. Printed Name Printed Name -I III OTHER ~ U 0 ~, t:::J -;¡;~ en -=:: II) +J:I: tiJ >,¡: 0 ~ :>0 r--OJ l:), CIJ.Q .-I Q)~ 'O.Q C :I:CIJ ¡:CIJ Z U ra~ -=:: .-10 C ra~ :<~ ~ t5 ~3' E-i=' H 00.. 0 ..:¡ E-i:I: 1).( I I rx I I X I " I X I X I iX I D( I I X I ìX I X I 'X I I RECEIVED BY Slgnotur. Printed Name Company RECEIVED BY (laooratory) Slgnatur. Prl".ted Name DATE TIME DATE TIME ,~ '"' a: w Z < I- Z o U u. o I: W CJ ::: ;:) z OBSERVA TIONS/ COMMENTS e /1 /1 / I /1 / / /1 / / . / / TOTAL NUMBER/. OF CONTAINERS :;;2- :;:;;;ß-/JØjr4k/ ~ ~SPECIAL SHIPMENT/HANDLING OR DRAGE REQUIREMENTS r/JI#ÞIJ/fJ , naio)of Custody Record ~-Ô/j. / . D,:'TE 3-/ s-?7 PAGE / OF;J- I. KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, SolIs fnglnHfJng Comø.cl/on fe-S'I09 E,n9l1tffftd Srpllc S,slems consvuc lon~9 G;:õï;ë:ïiñ;U'lnusf/gJi jons ~ DATE I TI~",E I Z;:;;,f¿.(f~:?:Z /::-r.Y~IJ?I.Pd /~~ø~-:-j/--<?T~"'//' ;:~'.(-<'¿í-'f7..<;;';~/I'.. 5-/?-<r? I";~,;.-µ,<",p-?~/-~.;.'l/~ / I I ! 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TI:.:e T.lME Printed N'¡me Printed N¡ml Pr1nuø Name Ccm::any ComnJnv ; '". - U! ~ '" '" ,v, U 0 U U ~ I-< Z Z ri'O <t <t "\J ~~ t:I t:I C:;' ~ 0 In 0 o . ....Q) w w W I~ ri 0 ..J- ..J X '0..0 _N C;r.J S:! 1-0 I- 0 r.Jp <I:!¿ < ... I- -'- ....J';; u '" 00 0'" 0 XI-< w >~ >~ r- E-<=' a.. C:::¡¡l, I I >< I Ix I I I I I I .. I I I I I I I I I I I I',. DATE RECEIVED BY Sign¡tur. TIME Printed Name Company DATE OTHER (:J CI) .::: (:J l:I 0 Z .::: 0 ..:¡ .::: .... (:J 0 ..J I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I U! >.::: :>0 r.J..Q Q)I-< :I:r.J U riO t ). .µ'O ~~ I I· I I I I I I I I I I I I DATE RECEIVED BY \I.ooratory) Sl~nature TIME Prlnuo Name - _.. '" c: W Z <t I- Z 8 O~S:¡:¡VATlONS/ ~ COMMENTS o W C ~ :J Z /1 I I I I I TIME TOTAL NUM3ER ~ OF corn:"INERS ,.).-- METHOD OF SHI?MENT 'M/'r?? ~'/~~è< DATE SPECIAL SHIPMENT/HANDLING ~~~a;;;;~ TIME ...: ,<'. e Ie I #/1£1-., L_._' ' PETROLEUM )( ( VI , PIi~/1 e- - LABORATORIES INC. J, J. EGLIN, REG: CHEM, ENGR, '--- , A6RlCUL TUllE ,CHEMICAL ANALYSIS ,MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics DR. MALLADI S. REDDY 2323 16th STREET 8AKERSFIELD~ CA. 93308 Date of REPORT: 12-29-86 LAB No.: 22573 ' Sample Description: N.E. CORNER WIBLE & WILSON RD. #1 SLUDGE , DATE/TIME SAMPLE COLLECTED: 12-19....,.86 DATE/TIME SAMPLE RECEIVED @ l,AB: 12-20-86 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 12-27....,.86 Constituent Reporting Units Analyses Results Minimum Reporting Level I I ¡ I Benzene Toluene Ethyl 'Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene a-Xylene Isopropyl Benzene TVH ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g none detected none de,tec ted none detected none.; detec ted none detected none detected none detected 5.99 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 EPA 5020/8020 TVH: By Gas Chromatography Organic Lead as Ph: (-) 1.00 mg/kg as rec'd p~ (1:1): 7.8 Pensky-Martens Flash Point: 140°F plus Comments: SLUDGE DRY MATTER BASIS, (-) refers to "less than". By ---vfr¥-- PETROLEUM e LA-BORATORIES INC. i·~UU"E CHEMICAL AIiAL YSIS J, J. EGLIN, REG, CHEM, ENGR. MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgea~le Aromatics DR. MALLADI S. REDDY 2323 16TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 Date of REPORT: 12-28-86 LAB No.:22574 Sample Description:' N.E. CORNER,WIBLE & WILSON RD. #2 SLUDGE DATE/TIME SAMPLE COLLECTED: 12-19-86 DATE/TIME SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 12-20-86 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 12-27-86 Constituent Reporting Units Analyses Results Minimum Reporting Level Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene a-Xylene Isopropyl Benzene TVH ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 O. 1 0.1 0.5 EPA 5020/8020 TVH:By Gas Chromatography Organic Lead as Pb: (-) 1.00 mg/kg as rec'd pH (1: 1): 7 . 9 Pensky-Martens Flash Point: l40°F plus Co~ments: SLUDGE, DRY MATTER BASIS (-) refers, to "less than". By --*tf-~-- I ~.,~ ,.~ICULTUIIE , c CHEMICAlAIlAL '($/$ PfTROlEUM . LABORATORIES INC. J. J. EGLIN. REG. CHEM, ENGR. I I I I , , MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics DR. MALLADI S. REDDY 2323 16TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 Date of REPORT: 12'-28-86 LAB No.: 22575 Sample Description: N.E. CORNER WIBLE & WI LSON RD. #3 SLUDGE DATE/TIME SAMPLE COLLECTED: 12-19-86 DATE/TIME SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 12-20-86 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 12-27-86 Constituent Reporting Units Analyses Results Minimum Reporting Level Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene a-Xylene Isopropyl Benzene TVH ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g none detected none detected non~ detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 \ EPA 5020/8020 TVH: By Gas Chromatography Organic Lead as Pb: (-) 1.OOmg/kg a.r. pH (1: 1) : 7 . 8 Pensky-Martens Flash Point: ,140°F plus Comments: SLUDGE, DRY MATTER BASIS (-) refers to "less than". 'Ah,r By ~-ziJ?: i;;í-i n ~- PETROLEUM - LABORATORIES INC. ,.~ICULTlJM .. CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS J, J. EGLIN, REG, CHEM. ENGR, MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable 0romatics DR. MALLADI S. REDDY 2323 16th STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 Date of REPORT: 12-29-86 LAB No.: 22576 Sample Des¿ription: N.E. CORNER WIBLE & WILSON RD. #4 SOIL DATE/TIME SAMPLE COLLECTED: 12-19-86 DATE/TIME SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 12-20-86 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 12-27-86 Constituent ,Reporting Units Analyses Results Minimum Reporting Level Benzene Toluene E1;hyl Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropyl Benzene TVH ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g 0.28 none detected none detected none detected' none detected none detected none detected 8.79 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 EPA 5020/8020 TVH: By Gas Chromatography Organic Lead as Pb: (-) 1.00 mg/kg as rec'd pH ( 1 : 1) : 7 . 4 Pensky-Martens Plash Point: 1400p plus ,Comments: SOIL DRY MATTER BASIS (-) refers to "less than". By ---f#Ë~- ~_.'., PROVIDE DRAWING' OF PHYSICAL LAYOUT OF FACILITY USING SPACE 1--r<.OVIDED BEI.OiJ. ALL OF THE FOUDWING' INFORMATION MUST BE INCLUDED IN ORDER FOR APPLICATION TO BE -- PReCESSED: TANK(S), PIPING & DISPENSER(S), INCLUDING LENGTHS AND DIMENSIONS PROPOSED SAMPLING ID'"'--ATIONS DESIGNATED BY THIS SYMBOL" ®" NEAREST STREET OR INTERSECTION JJOI1~ ANY WATER ,WELIS OR SURFACE WATERS WITHIN 100 I RADIUS OF FACILITY / NORTH ARROW r. ~, j~ I ~ --. ø ; /I rL " (') IJ y V ;..)- c, ~ r-; / ,~ >œh 'f .''[ ,,! @-, GP -' e ¡ , ! r ,!, 1-,- - ---:/ j ¡ , ~ ~." e! -,.--." ~[è \.1/', e : ~, --' ~ -a: 0·~l ð C I' leV - c ø -(0 '. cuR.b )..,,,€, IX)~ ! " ra': -+- (), ~i ; I j '/ / .~5 1'1, W~E ,- , 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 1'" Telephone (805) 861-3636 e"r::RN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTM. ' , , ' ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. '-., DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard Facility Name r Kern County Permit # \lALLE Y ...sf1Ii/#'~ S A '#1 -.;J '1 Address '31::J. ~ Wi4S"~ .d A¡(L:7'J"'-/ EL..¡) 'lJ 30 'i * * UNDERGROUND TANK DISPOSITION TRACKING RECORD * * '..-,. This form is to be returned to the Kern County Health Department within 14 days of acceptance of tank (s) by disposal or recycling facUity. The 'holder of the.. permit: with number noted above is responsible for insuring that this form is completed and returned. ..... ..... II... ... II.. II.... . . . . '. . . . . Section ~ - To be filled out ~ tank removal contractor: .. Date Tanks Removed 3/14/87 Phon~' ~Rq-q4n~ Zip q 111 ? No. of Tanks 1 ~ ;,-# , Tank Removal Contractor: willirtms & ~()ns Address 11612 Lone Oak Dr. Bakersfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " Section.! - To be filled -ºYi ~:cOlKractor "decontaminatinr;r tank(s): P ~ \,. . '". , . .,~ Tank "Decontaminat1on'\'-Contractor Wi 11 iams & Sons :J Address 11612· Lone Oak Dr. Phone' SRQ-Q40S # "or Zip 93112 Authorized representative of contractor certifies by signing below that tank (s) have been decontaminated in accordance with Kern County Health Depart~r:!¡J¡:n~y4ø¿¡¡;Ø?Q. ~~~ , /.1 Signature ," Title "," . . . . . ~ . . . . I,i. . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", . . . . . .'. . . . . Section 3 - To' ðe filled out and siftned ~ !!!! authorized representative treatment, storafte, ~ disposal facility acceptinft tank(s): Facility. Name t/~;,1¡" C.,.).,Jc. í¡¡,¡1J fi /1 Address A L !"'.',) ¡'/t.I"")/ Hie" 1/:';'/ ) I of the Phone # ?J?)..- 3 )1/ Date Tanks Signature R" Zip ,'- No. of Tanks . ~ Representative) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * MAILING INSTRUCTIONS: Fold in half and staple. Postage and mailing label have already been affixed to outside for your convenience. (For,m #JIro~,IP-150) ,I,> , DISTRICT OFFICES Calanl);', Lam"n! . Lair.. 1~lIb..IIA , Molave " RldQ..cr,,~t . ,Shatter . Taft, ',--" ~ r.. ~ 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 -:ÉRN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTM"- HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY ) , DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE Per.it Nu.ber A418-29 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS FACILITY NAME AND ADDRESS: , OWNER NAME AND ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: I Valley Springs Plaza 3124 Wilson Road Bakersfield, CA 93309 Valley Springs Associates 1413 Calle Hermosa Bakersfield, CA 93309 Kenneth Payne 1413 Calle Hermosa Bakersfield, CA 93309 License No. 226970 PERMIT, TO, ABANDON PERMIT EXPIRES June 30, 1988 APPROVED BY ,March_ 3, 1987 ~~él~¢ Tom ~ele / -1' TANK(S) AT ABOVE LOCATION APPROVAL DATE . . . . . . . . . . . POST ON PREMISES . . . . . . . . . ¡i . . . . . . . . . CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Permittee must obtain a City Fire Department permit prior to initiatir: abandonment action. 2. All procedures used must be in accordance with requirements of the Standarc and Guidelines ,developeØ for implementation of Kern County Ordinance Code. 3. A minimum of two samples must be retrieved beneath the cent~r of the wast oil tank at depths of approximately 2' and 6'. 4. A minimum of four samples must be retrieved one-third from e~ch end of eac gasoline tank at depths of approximately 2' and 6'. 5. A minimum of two samples must be retrieved, fo~ each 15 linear feet of pipir: at depths of 2' and 6'. ' 6. Samples taken from under the gasoline tanks and associated piping must t analyzed for benzene, xylene, toluene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons. 7. Samp 1 e s taken from under, the was t e 0 i 1 tank mus t be analyzed for' benzenE total petroleum hydrocarbons, and total l~ad. 8. Advise this office of the time and date of proposed, sampling with, 24 hour advance notice. 9. Sample results must be submitted to this office within 3 days of analys'::' completion. ACCEPTED BY, ~~~ - , DATE ~~~7 DISTRICT OFFICES Delano , Lamont , Lake Isabella , Mojave . Rldgecrest Shatter, Taft K~N ,COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT c" , e' ;::E::W~'~:PTA /lJ}/8-ð<7 APPLICATIO~ DATE ~~¡ldPj1 , OF TANKS TO BE ABAND~NED ~ DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 1700 FLOWER STREET. BAKERSFIELD; CA 93305 (805) 861-3636 LENGTH OF PIPING TO ABANDON APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY THIS APPLICATION IS FOR (2 REMOVAL. OR D ABANDONMENT IN PLACE (FILL OUT ONE APPLICATION PER FACILITY) (RURAL LOCATIONS ONLY) NEAREST CROSS STREET .( úJ.''¿ PHONE <Bð5' >ð'~ -?¿3: Z 0:0 0... ~~ ~~ ~o Z¡s. oz u... PHONE <805 > S8'l- rift)..: F",/V D C. WORKER'S COMPENSATION' ADDRESS Lfloo Bt:.~c~ RoA INSURER PHONE <80S-> ~7-'I'l11 PHONE < > a:i " ECOR..D LABORATORY THAT WILL ANALYZE SAMPLES '8 G LAb.s ADDRESS '1") . '1100 ,r/¿;fcÉ RoALJ PHONE <6'06> ~7- 1ft CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF MATERIALS STORED êi TANK , ~... <~ ( ~~- ffi 0 ó1.. :=¡s. us :3 Ù -;¡- VOLUME 3000 3000 3000 50 114~ CHEMICAL STORED (NON-COMMERCIAL NAME) Gf'4.~ / I ¡, W.4~ /....O,'L DATES STORED TO TO TO TO CHEMICAL PREVIOUSLY . ~ <z ~o z... tI ~ ~~ 00: 0:0 ...¡s. S;S CI WATER TO FACILITY PROVIDED BY CAt lb kA. DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER U f\ k/tow!" SOIL TYPE AT FACILITY 6A,ND Q z o ~... <~ ~~ (1)0 ...¡s. C:¡Z ... /:'E D f~ F, .:LI>; 'TRAtvSpO.':'- ~ " · · PLEASE PROVIDE INFORMATION REQUESTED ON REVERSE SIDE Qf. THIS ~ BEFORE SUBMITTING APPLICATION FOR REVŒW · · THIS FORM HAS BE, EN COMPLETED UNDER PENA:;&LTY OF PE URY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IS TRUE. AND CORRECT. --r-7 .-.-, . I ' SIGNATURE ' l.A.~~' ^~- - TITLE /7>0 ""1" /'4t'1-~Qr;;¿/~_ , /' ' r/ / DATE 3~$7 ./ (Form 'HMMP-140) i'~~;/,:~,,\ ' I , i -, '- e ,c'KRAZAN& ASSOCI!TES, INC. . ~ , Soils Engineering Compaction Testing Engineered Septic Systems Construction Testing Geotechnical Investigations November 7, 1986 Proj. No. B86-123. Dr. Malladi ,5. Reddy 2323 16th Street, Suite 304- Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Valley Springs Plaza Bakersfield, California Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, we have completed a, Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Investigation for the above-referenced site. The results of our investigation are presented in the attached report. If you have any questions or if we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office. ~ Respectfully Subri1i tted, KRAZ¡\N & ASSOCI/\ YES, INC. {}!:,:::::;fUÁ~~~ Geotechnical EngIneer RCE 1134274 DAlrv ., Main Office: Fresno/Clovis . 3860 N, Winery · Fresno, California 93726 . (209) 291-7337 Bakersfield (805) 393·2343 : Visalia (209) 625-8251, [] Merced (209) 383.3993 ~ . - ,> PRELIMINAR Y GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING INVESTIGATION V ALLEY SPRINGS PLAZA. , B.;\KERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Project No. B86-123 November 7, 1986 prepared for Dr. MalIadi S.Reddy 2323 16th Street, Sui te 304 Bakersfield, CA 93301 I -I e ~ / It PrOject No. B86-123 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION SITE DESCRIPTION SOILS PROFILE AND SUBSURFACE CONDITiONS CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Administrative Summary Site Preparation Engineered Fill Utility Trench Backfill F ounda tions Slabs-on-Grade Lateral Loading Criteria Soil-Cement Reactivity TESTING AND INSPECTION LIMIT A TIONS SITE PLAN , LOGS OF BORINGS (l thru 5) SUGGESTED EARTHWORK SPECIFICA nONS GENERAL PA VING SPECIFICA nONS 2 2 3 3 4- 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 10 Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C ·: KRAZAN & . ASSOCIATES, INC. z Soils Engineering Compaction Testing Engineered Sep·tic Systems Construction Testing Geotechnical Investigations November 7, 1986 Proj. No. B36-123 PRELIMINAR Y GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING INVESTIGA nON VALLEY SPRINGS PLAZA BAKERSF,IELD, CA'LIFORNIA INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of our Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Investigation for the proposed shopping center identified as Valley Springs Plaza, in Bakersfield, California. Development will consist of one building with a total surface area of· 20,000 square feet. It is understood that the building will be a single-story wood frame structure. Footing loads are anticipated to light to moderate. On-site parking, and landscaping are also planned. The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the foundation materials and subsurface conditions of the site. Methods of analysis included site reconnaIssance, examination of adjacent property, exploratory soil borings and sampling, laboratory testing of selected soil samples, a literature search, and engineering evaluation of the resultant data. Conclusions and recommendations concerning the soil and foundation engineering aspects of the project site with suggested methods of testing and inspection are provided in the report. Discussions of the field investigation and recommended, earthwork and pavement spe~cifications for the project are presented in the appendixes. When conflicts In the text of the report occur with the General Specifications, Lhe recommend,ations of the text have precedence. A site plan which outlines the property and shows the locations of the tests is provided at the end of the text. tv/a in 'Office: Fresno/Clovis · 3860 N. Winery · Fresno, California 93726 · (209) 291-7337 8r;L;ersfiei(f (R()5J 3D,],?']'!'] 'k;;¡lia (209) 625-[,;251; Merced f2fY))?.'J?,?G93 . . Page N.c. 2 ProJ. No. B86-123 SITE DESCRIPTION The site consists of approximately 1.5 acres and is located on the northeas t corner of \V ible and Wilson Roads LIì Bakersfield, California. Commercial developments surround the site. A se'rv ice station occupies the. southern p.ortion of the si te. One building, service islands, and buried fuel tanks are ass.ociated with this devel.opment. The serVlce station c.omplex is covered by asphaltic c.oncrete and is resting .on a maximum .of 3 feet .of sil ty sand fill. N.o c.ompacti.on rec.ords for this fill were available. One to 1 1/2 feet .of fill with asphaltic c.oncrete and c.oncrete intermixed IS l.ocated in the central one-third .of the site. This fill was .only l.o.osely placed and n.ot pr.operiy compacted. Th~ site is covered by a moderate weed growth, and the surface soils have a l.o.ose consistency. The site has an irregular top.ography due to the placement .of fill. Overhead power lines are located along the west property line. SOILS PROFILE AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Subsurface soil conditlOns were explored by driliing five borings tò a maXlmum depth of 15 feet. Up to 3 feet .of fill was found' In the southern .one-third .of the site. In additi.on, 1 t.o 1 1/2 feet of fill with pieces of asphaltic c.oncre,te and c.oncrete intermixed was encountered in the central porti.on of the site. The fill material is predominantly silty sand. Compaction records were not availabl'e on the fill. Drilling resistance was easy, and sod consistency was not uniform. It is suspected that this fill was only'l.o.osely placed and not properly comp,acted. " The surface native soils consisted of 6 to 12 irKhes of very loose sandy silt. These soils are disturbed, have low strength characteristics, and are highly compressible when saturated. Below the fill and surface soils, predominantly 10.ose to medium dense fine sand was encountered~ In some of th~ b.orings, interbedded lenses of sandy silt were encountered. Field and laborat.ory tests suggest that these soils have moderate strength characteristics dnd are slightly compressible. Penetration KRAZAN &: ASSOCIATES, [Ne. e' - Page No. 3 Pro). No. B86-123 ~ , resistance ranged from 9 to 17 blows per foot. ~ Dry densities ranged from 95 to 105 pcL Representative soil samples consolidated between 3,and 4~~ under a 2 ksf load when saturated. A representative soil sample had an angle of internal fr iction of 34 degrees. These soils extended to the termination depth of the bor ings. No expansive soil or shallow groundwater was encountered in any of the borings. For additional information about the soils encountered, please refer to the logs of borings in Appendix A., CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDA,TIONS ADMINISTRA TIVE SUMMARY In brief, the subject site and soil conditlOns, with the exœption of the loosely placed fil1, loose surfacé soils, and existing structures, appear to be conducive to the development of the project. A service station is located in the, southern one-third of the site. Demolition activities of this development should include proper removal and backfill of buried structures. Up to 3 feet of fil1 is located in the southern one-third of the site, and 1 to 1 1/2 feet of fill is located in the central portion of the site. No compaction records were available on this fill. It is suspected that this fill was only loosely placed and not properly compacted. Accordingly, it is recommended that this fill be recompacted. The fill material is predominantly silty sand. This material will be suitable for reuse as Engineered Fill, provided it is cleansed of excessive organics and debris. The surface native soils are disturbed, have low strength characteristics, - and are highly compressible when saturated. Accordingly, it is recommended that these surface,$oils be'recompacted. This compaction effort should stabilize the surface soils and locate any unsuitable or pliant areas not found during our field investigation. After completion of the recommended site preparation, the site should be suitable for shallow footing support. 'The proposed structure may be designed utilizing an allowable bearing capacity of 2000 psf for' dead-plus-live loads. Footings should have a minimum embedment of 12 inches. , KRAZAN &: ASSOCIATES, INC. . . Page No. l¡. Proj. No. 886-123 SITE PREP/\R,A. TION In general, all organic and deleterious materials must be removed from areas which will recèiv.e building foundations, Engineered Fill, slabs, pavement or other àreas deemed important by the Soils Engineer. The typical depth of stripping should be 2 to l¡. inches to ensure removal of weed root systems and. organic topsoil. This organic material will not be suitable for use as Engineered .- Fill. I I, II I Up to 3 feet of fill was encountered in the southern one-third of the site. In addi tion, 1, to 1 1/2 feet of fill is located in the central por tion of the site. This fill material should be recompacted to a minimum of 90% of maximum density based on ASHA Test Method 01557. This fill material is predominantly silty sand and will be suitable for reuse as Engineered Fill, provided it is cleansed of excessive organics and debris. The native surface soils should be scarified to a depth of 6 inches, mois.ture-conditioned, and recompacted to a minimum of 90% based on r\STM Test Method 01557. This compdction effort should stabilize the surface soils and locate any unsuitable or pliant areas not found during our field investigation. A service station is located in thè,--> southern one-third of the site. Demolition activities of this complex should include proper removal of buried structures. In general, debris pits, septic tanks, cessp'ools or similar structures should be entirely removed. The buried fuel tanks should be abandoned and removeçj in accordance Kern County Standards. Basement stemwalls and concrete footings should be removed to an equivalent depth of at least 3 feet below proposed footing elevations or as recommended by the Soils Engineer. Any other buried structures should be removed In accordance with the recommendations of the Soils Engineer. Resulting excavations should be backfilled wi th Epgineered Fill. KRAZAN &:: ASSOCIATES, INC. · '. Page No. 5 ProJ. No. B86-123 ENGINEERED FILL The organic-free on-si te soils are predominantly sandy sil IS and sands. These soils will be sui table for reuse as Engineered Fill. The on-si te fill ma ter ial is predominantly sil ty sand. Some asphaltic concrete and concrete is intermixed with the fill. This, material will be suitable for reuse as Engineered' Fill, provided it is cleansed of excessive organics and debris. Imported fill material should be predominantly nonexpanslve granular "- material with a plasticity index less than 10. Imported fill should be fre"e from' rocks and lumps greater than l¡. inches in diameter. All import fill material should be submitted for approval to the Soils Engineer at least 48 hours prior to delivery to the site. Fdl soil should be placed 10 lifts approximately 6 inches thick, " moisture-conditioned as necessary and compacted to achieve at l,east 90% of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM 01557. Additional lifts should not be placed if the previous lift did not meet the required dry density or if sod conditions are not stable. UTILITY TRENCH BACKFILL Utility trench backfill placed in or adjacent to buildings and exterior slabs should be compacted to at least 90% relative compaction. Trench backfill in paved areas should have the same compaction requirements with the following change. Below the upper 2 feet, the trench backfill in paved areas should be compacted to at leàst 85% relative compaction. The Contractor IS responsible for removing all the water-sensitive settlement from the trench backfill regardless of the backfill location and compaction requir,ements. The' Contractor should use appropriate equipment and methods to avoid damage to the utilities and/or structures during fill placement ~ and compaction. Select Fill around pipes and condui ts should have lOO% passing the No. 4 sieve and a maximum of 3% passIng the No. 200 sieve. ' KRAZi\N &: ASSOCIA TES, INC. . . Page No. 6 Pro]. No. B86-123 FOUNDA TIONS The undisturbed native soil below the surface sod appears to be ,moderately strong. The recommended site preparation and compaction of the surface soil should detect and minimize any loose soil condi tions. . The proposed structures may be supported on a shallow foundation system. bearing on undisturbed native soil or on Engineered Fill. Spread and continuous footings can be designed for the following maximum allowable soil, bearing pressures: LOAD ALLOW ABLE LOADING Dead Load Only Dead-PIus-Live Load Total Load, including wind or seismic loads 1500 psf 2000 psf 4650 psf I' ¡ The footings should have a minimum depth of 12 inches below pad subgrade (soil grade) or adjacent exterior grôde, whichever is lower. Footings should have a minimum width of 12 inches regardless of load. The total settlement is not expected to exceed one-half inch. DifferentiaJ settlement should be less than one-half inch. Most of the settlement is expected to occur during construction as the loads are applied. However, additIOnal post-construction settlement may occur if the foundation soils are flooded or saturated. SLABS-ON-GRADE Slab-on-grade construction should be appropriate for this project. Slab-on-grade construction should have a moisture barrier incorporated into the floor slab design. Interior slabs-on-grade should have at least 2 inches of clean free-drôining concrete sand placed below the floor slab. r e sand should conform tå ASTM C33 requirements for fine aggregate. An impervious membrane (vapor bar:¡'ier) should be placed under the 2 inches of sand. This system of2 inches of sand and a vapor barrier should be underlain by an addi tional 2 inches 'of clean concrete sand to stop capillary moisture rise. KRAZAN & ASSOCIA TES, [NC. . . '. Page No. 7 Proj. No. B86-l23 ~ Prior to pouring concrete, the sand should be thoroughly consolidated. The upper 2 inches of sand should be wetted during or just before the concrete pour to aid in concrete curing. The exterior slabs should be poured separately In order to act independently of the walls and foundation system. Exterior finish grades should be sloped a minimum of 1 to 1 1/2% away from all interior slab areas to preclude ponding of water adjacent to the structures. All fills required to bring the building pads to grade should be Engineered Fills. lA TERAl lOADING CRITERIA ..., lateral loads may' be resisted by soil friction and by passive resistance of soils. A coefficient of fric,tion of a.1¡. may be used between the footings and the supporting soil. The passive resistance of the native'material or proposed com- pacted fill may be assumed to be equal to the pressure developed by a fluid with a density of 300 pc£. The frictional and passive resistance of the soil 'may be combined without reduction' in determining the total lateral resistance. A one-third increase In the above value may be used for short duration wind or seismic loads. Retaining structures may be designed, for an a,ctive or at-re~t pressure, depending on the wall restraints. An unrestrained wall, such as i:i simple canti- lever retaining wall, can be designed for an equivalent fluid pressure of 31 pef, which is the active earth pressure. Restrained walls, such as basement walls which cannot move, should be designed for an at-r~st pressure or equivalent , ' fluid pressure of 58 pc£. These design pressures assume the material has a mois- ture content similar to that found at the time of our exploration. These lateral pressures are earth pressure only and should be increased where hydrostatic, foundatlOn, traffic and equipment loads are adjacent to the walls. SOIL-CEM ENT REl\CTIVITY Excessive sulfate in either the soil or native water may result In an ad- verse reaction between the, cement in conèrete (or stucco) and the soil. KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC, [- tt· Page No. 8 Pro). No. ß86-123 HUD/FHA and UBC have developed cri teria for evaluation of sulfate levels and how they relate to cement reactivity with.soil and/or water. Sol! samples were obtained from the site and tested in accoraance with State of California Materials Manual Test Designation 417. The sulfate con- centrations detected from these soil samples were less than 0.02;6 and are below the maXimum allowable values established by' HUD/FHA and UBC. Therefore, no special design requirements are necessary to compensate for sulfate reactivity with the cement. TESTING AND INSPECTION A representative of Krazan & Associates should be present at the site during the earthwork activities to confirm that actual subsurface conditions are consistent with the exploratory field work. This representative can also verify that the intent of these recommendations is incorporated into the project design and construction. The representative can also provide the necessary testing so certification of conformance to project compaction specifications can be given. ,Krazan & Associates will not be responsible for grades or staking, str.ce this is the responsibili ty of the Prime Contractor. LIMIT A nONS Foundation and earthwork construction is characterized by the presence of a calculated risk that soil and groundwdter çonditions have been fully revealed by the original foundation investigation. This risk is derived from the practical necessity of basing interpretations and design conclusions on limited sampling of the earth. The recommendations made in this report are based on the assumption that soil conditions do not vary significantly from those disclosed during our field investigation. If any variations or undesirable conditions are encountered during construction, the Soils Engineer should be notified so that supplemental recommendations can be made. The recommendations also assume that water is not allowed free access to or under foundation, slab or paved areas. KRAZAN & ASSOCI/\ TES, INC. {e 4t\ Page No.9 Proj. No. 586-123 The conclus'ions of this report are based on the information provided regarding the proposed con~truction. If the proposed construction is relocated or redesigned, the conclusions in this report may not be valid. The Soils Engineer should be notified of any changes so the recommendations can be reviewed and reevaluated. ' This report is a geotechnical engineering investigation with the purpose of evaluating the soil conditions in terms of foundation design. This investigation should not be construed as an environmental stùdy. No chemical testing for toxic analysis has been made or implied. The geotechnical data presented herewith is based upon professional interpretation utilizing the "state of the 9-rt" and a degree of conservatisrn . deemed proper for this project. It is not warranted that such data and interpretation cannot be superseded by future geotechnical developments. Respectfully Submitted, KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~ Dean Alexander Geotechnical Engineer RCE 1131+271+ DA/rv 2 c plus invoice herewith 3 c Robert L. Clement and Associates e, ,,~ KRAZAN &: A;SSOCIA TES, INC. n ~f7+f 47 I ' ~t-LE:í ~I ~ ~ WI ~e. f2t), 4: L.J ILéOW " -"1ß.....~. ~D~ -:W::2-- JI~ W. ~ ^ / \. / '\. / ), / / / I bfP~ I O~~~¿~~~_d . :d /,~ . KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~- tffL~IOÇ-{ e2~~-f Fresno Visalia Bakersfield -=r ~, ..J, J 'e - .. Proj. No. B86-123 ' APPENDIX A FIELD AND LABORATOR Y INVESTIGATIONS Field Investigation The field investigation consisted of a surface reconnaissance and a subsurface exploratory program. On October 23, 1986, five 4-inch exploratory borings were advanced.. The boring locations are shown on the site plan. The soils, encountered were logged in the field during the exploration and, with supplementary laboratory test data, are described in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification Systern. Modified standard penetration tests were performed at selected depths. This test represents the resistance to driving _ a 2 1 !2-inch diameter core barrel. The driving energy was provided by a hamrner weighing 140 pounds falling 30 inches. Relatively undisturbed soil samples were obtained while performing this test. Bag samples of the disturbed soil were obtained from the auger cuttings. All samples were returned to our Fresno laboratory for evaluation. Laboratory Investigation The laboratory, investigation was programmed to determine the physical and mechanical properties of the foundation soil underlying the site: Test results were Used as criteria for determining the engineering suitability of the surface and subsurface materials encountered. In-situ moisture content, dry density, consolidation, and direct shear tests were determined for the undisturbed samples representative of the subsurface material. These tests, supplemented by visual observation, comprised the basis for our evaluation of the site material. - - - - - - - - - - The logs of the exploratory' borings and laboratory determinations are presented in this Appendix. J I ( , SY-!óLS TYP. NAMES ) MAJOR DIVISIONS GW Well-graded gravels or gravel-sand mixtures. little or no lines "~ GRAVELS - GP Poorly graded gravels or gravel-sand mixfures. little or no tines O-~ I U) 'õ Q) U) .~ (More than 'h of coar3e GM Silty gravels, gravel-sand-silt mixtures o-v> ~oQ) fraction> no. 4 sieve size) Z :!::'~ GC Clayey gravels, gravel-sand-clay mixtures - OJ <{ C v> I a:~o SW Well-graded sands or gravelly sands. litlle or no fines ~:::O UJ~~ SANDS SP Poorly graded sands or gravelly sands. little or no fines :n 0 0 a;~c <{::='^ (More than 'h of coarse SM Silty sands. sand-silt mixtures ,8 traction <no, 4 sieve size) , SC Clayey sands, sand-clay mixtures ML Inorganic silts and very line sands, rock lIour, silty or clayey line sands or clayey silts with :n slight plasticity " ~ -- SilTS & CLAYS I - 'õ OJ CL o '" ,~ Inorganic clays 01 low to medium pla~ticity. gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, U)-'" II < 50 Q 0 OJ I lean clays w:!::~ ~. OL Z c ï;; Organic silts and organic silty clays 01 low plasticity '- C1 /<{,Co a;-o MH Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous line sandy or silty soils, elastic silts '~ Q) N JJ 0 ò SilTS & CLAYS CH z¿c II > SO Inorganic clays 01 high plasticity, lat clays __v J.. I OH Organic clays 01 medium to high plasticity, organic silty clay. organic silts I HIGHL Y ORGANIC SOILS Pt Peat and other highly organic soils \ UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM COHESIVE SOILS GRANULAR SOILS Description Blows/It, , Description Blows/II. very so II <3 very loose < 5 soli 3-5 loose 5-15 medium(lirmJ, 5-10 medium dense 15-40 still 11-20 dense 41-65 very still 21-40 very dense > 65 hard > 40 60 >< 50 UJ 0 40 ~ )- t- ,30 Ü t- Ul 20 « -' Cl. 10 7 4 0 CONSISTENCY CLASSIFICATION CLASSIFICA TION RANGE OF GRAIN SIZES Grain Type U,S, Standard Grain Size Sieve Size in Millimeters Boulders above 12" above 305 Cobbles 12" to 3" 305 to 76,2 Gravel 3" to no, 4 76,2 to 4,76 coarse (c) 3" 10 Y. 76,2 to 19,1 fine (f) :y." 10 no, 4 19,1 to 4,76 Sand no. 4 to no, 200 4,76 \0 0.074 coarse (c) no, 4 to no, 10 4,76102,00 medium (m) no. 1010 no, 40 2,00 to 0.420 tine (I) no, 40 10 no, 200 0,420 to 0,074 . , Silt & Clay below no, 200 below 0.074 GRAIN SIZE CLASSIFICATION 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 eo, 90 100 LIQUID LIMIT PLASTICrry CHART . KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES (2Qg) 2;1·7337 ~ p'r()ject VALLEY < SPReS PLAZA - ŒJ BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Boring No. Proj. No. B86-123 DATE DRillED: October 23, 1986 TYPE OF BORING: Auger HOLE ElEV: -- GROUNDWATER lEVEL: None lOGGED BY: KG -0 -o!;; <l) ,~ 0,<:: ü: <II <l> <II ü: ~~ >- r~t1 <:: <:: 0 UI <l) -e~ èTIü 0 « ,- <l> x- :J a. u; SOIL DESCRIPTION '~ :ï -,"g ~ - a. ü; 'S ã. :J E Vi E :- o::;c. "'-0) Ó '(5 ë -a. '<l> CD", 13 m 0 u C-.= '3 <:: u. <l) 0 if) "if) CD :; 0, c ~ U) Ü a; - '0 :;:¡ Ü :;:¡ 0 _0 ü .s Asphaltic Concrete Paving x Fill = Fine SILTY SAND (SM) ; tan, damp, drills easy Fine SANDY SILT (ML) ; dark brown, damp, x 12 drills easy 13.3 97.9 , 5- Fine SAND (SP) ; tan,' damp, drills easy . Very fine SANDY SILT (HL) ; mottled tan and x 11 grey, damp, drills easy 11.9 105.3 10 . , BOTTOM OF BORING - - - . 15- - - 20- . . 25 -j oR = Refusal, greater than 100 blows/foot KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES , Sheet ~ of ~ Fresno . Visalia . Bakersfield P.ròject VALLEY SPR_S PLAZA - ŒJ BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Proj. Boring No. No. B86-123 DA TE DRillED: Oc,tober 23, 1986 TYPE OF BORING: Auger HOLE ElEV: -- GROUNDWATER lEVEL: None lOGGED BY: KG '0 'O~ Q) ,0 c>c: ü: '" ill '" ü: Q) 0' 2:- Q ,- .- c: c: 0 '" "",2 -e~ :; - c:(/)= ,9 ";'';:: ill .c -0. ::Jo. 'Vi SOIL DESCRIPTION _ c: ·~'0 c:; ~ ~ ~71 ;g~ -,~ ~ ã. ::J E ;;¡ E 0- V) Q Oè:)a. òa.C,\Q. "'-0> CD.., Ô 'õ = .co. c: U. ill Q) '0 .., a gE~ 0 a (J) c:(J) ¡¡j ¿ 0 Qj- '0 ~ U ~o U _0 u .5 Fill Very fine SANDY SILT (ML) i dark brown, damp ,asphalt & concrete. drills ea 3Y x 15 Very fine to fine SAND (SW) i grey, dry, 5.3 96.2 ~ drills easy - x J , 5- 0 Fine SILTY SAND (SM) i tan, damp, drills ea ¡Sy - x Fine to medium SAND (SW) ; tan, damp, drills easy . 10 BOTTOM OF BORING . ( 15- ' .- 20- \/ . 25- *R = Refusal, greater than 100 blows/foot, !{RAZAN & ASSOCIATES Sheet ~ of ~ Fresno . Visalia · Bakersfield "1 SPRlls e, I p.roject VALLEY PLAZA ~ BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Proj. No. B86-123 Boring No. DATE DRillED: October 23, 1986 TYPE OF BORING: Auger HOLE ElEV: -- GROUNDWATERlEVE~ None lOGGED BY: KG ",'" '" '" ,0 o,c: ¡¡: '" OJ '" ~ OJ 0' :?:- w'~ -= Õ c: 0 U1 .OJ -e~ :; - c ...')- « ,- OJ .>< - ~'§ë ~ ~~~ ¡;)- ü '" ~ - a. :J a. SOIL DESCRIPTION _ c: ã. :J E ;;; E ;: '" '" o Q a. :> V) ~';:: ~ 'õ ë - a. iD"" D rc 0 Õ C,u. QJ OJ CD ¿ 0 0 c g c,o ã;- '0 0 rJ) c:rJ) U ::J U ::Ju _0 E Very fine to fine SANDY SILT (ML) ; dark brown drv, drills e'asv - x 17 Fine SAND (SP) ; grey, dry, drills easy 6.3 97.2 - ~ 5- x 12 4.3 96.0 - . Grades coarser with depth x 10- Silt streak at 11 feet - x - - Gravel at 14 feet . 15 BOTTOM OF BORING .. 20- - 25- , '<' ~ R = Refusal, greater than 100 blows/foot KRAZAN & A,SSOCIA TES Sheet ~ of ~ Fresno . Visalia . B3kersfield .. p.roject VALLEY SPReS PLAZA e ŒJ rBAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Proj. Boring No. No. B86-123 DA TE DRILLED: O<;:tober 23, 1986 TYPE OF BORING: Auger HOLE ELEV: -- GROUNDWATER LEVEL None LÒGGED BY: KG 'U . ." ( ) Q~ 'U > o,c: ü: '" ( ) '" t!; ~ ~'~~~ õ c: 0 '" ( ) -e~ :; - ::::~ ~ ,¿ -'<:- ::J a. ~ SOIL DESCRIPTION _ c: >-0;-- .'~ üi - a. Ii') w ,;;;; '::: u ã. ::J E ;;; E õë i..."jQQ. 8ê-';c.. .:::0. '" - 0> ( ) CD", TI m 0 0 ::J c: U. ( ) 0 Cf) c:Cf) ro ¿ 0 ::: å 0') Ü èJ --0 ::J Ü ::Jü _0 E Fine SANDY SILT (ML) ; dark brown, dry, drills easv - x 9 Fine SAND' (SP) ; grey, damp, drills easy 5.9 95.3 - - Very thin streak of silt at 4 feet ! 5- x 15 3.8 98.2 - . x Gravel at 9 feet 10- - BOTTOM OF BORING . . 15- "- - 20- - 25- , I · R = Refusal, greater than 100 blows/foot I{RAZAN & ASSOCIATES Sheet ~ of ~ Fresno · Visa Ii a · Bakersfield Project ,VALLEY SPRI~ PLAZA 1-123 I Borong No. ~ BAKERSFIELD,' ALIFORNIA Proj. No. .. october 23, 1986 Auger DATE DRILLED: TYPE OF BORING: HOLE ELEV: -- GROUNDWATER LEVEL: None , LOGGED BY: KG I Q) '0 ,0 ' I '0 ~ o,c: ü: '" Q) '" ü: CJ 0''', >- ~ 'Vi -E Õ c:o'" -"~ -e~ u; SOIL DESCRIPTION :5 ~ >- ~ _ :.;:: ~ UJ_ ~~ :::~ ~ -a. :00. ü) 2J '- ~ ü c:... c: ~, ã. :0 E ,~ E 3: Q,30.. 8c.2~ "'-0> ill '" '0 '" ° 'õ = c: LL Q) Q) ëD :::; ° o c: Eiii U Qj_U ,0 (j) c:(j) U 0° _0 0' U E " Asphaltic Concrete Paving Fill = Very fine SANDY SILT (ML) ; tan, damI , . drills easv. Concrete encountered at lh;' , BORING TERMINATED , , I 5- - . . 10- 15- - - - 20- ,. . 25- *R = Refusal, greater than 100 blows/foot KRAZAN & ASSOCIA TÉS Sheet ~ of ~ Fresno · Visalia\· Bakersfield z o ~ <t Q 6 .J o (J) Z 7 o o t- 8 Z LtJ U a: LtJ Q. . CONSOLIDATION TEST o HOLE No. DEPTH BLOWS PER FT. SOIL TYP£ 1 5 I 12 Fine SAND ----.. ............... ........... ........ . ...... ........ '1" " 4", ~ --- " r-- - -. 0;.;;;. ........ '\ ....----- r--- \ """"- , - - ~~ - " 1 2 3 4 5 0.1 100.0 1.0 10.0 PRESSURE / KSF KRAZAN e. ASSOCIATES .. z º t- ~ 6 J o (/) Z 7 o o ~ 8 W o a: w a. CÖNSOLJDATION TEST o HOLE No. DEPTH BLOWS PER FT. SOIL TYPE 4 l!;¡' 9 Fine SAND ----- ----- t-....... "': ... ì' 1'--~ , ' M~ " . ~ , . . " '\ ......... ........ ......... r\ r--r-.. ~ Ì"......... ') \ ............... ~ Ì\ .......... f\ ........ " ~ - , , . 1 2 3 4 5 0.1 1.0 100.0 10.0 PRESSURE / KSF KRAZAN' a ASSOCIATES SHEAR STRENGTH DIAGRAM ( DIRECT SHEAR I) 3000 l1. U) a. I l- e> Z 2000 W 0: I- U) 0: <{ W I (f) 1000 I DIRECT Angle of Internal Friction Cohesîon 340 150 psf ¡ I I I I I I I i I II I I i I I I I I I I " ¡ I I I I I I I i I . I I I II I I i I I i I t I ! I I ! I I i I I I I I I I , I I ! I I I I I I 7f' I I , I ¡;.; I I I Y - - - - '-. 1000 2000 30QO NORMAL LOAD, PSF SHEAR Scale: SHOWN Dra\Nn by: KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES BBB W, ASHCROFT .J ClOVIS. CA 93612 (209) 291-7337 Date: Approved by: . [Jra\N Ing No. of , Project No. e e }\PPENOIX B .,. EARTHWORK SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL SCOPE OF WORK: These specifications and applicable plans pertain to and include all earthwork associated with the site rough grading, including but not limited to the furnishing of all labor" tools, and equipment necessary-for site clearing and grubbing, stripping, preparation of foundation materials for receiving fill, excavation, processing, placement, and compaction of fill and backfill materials to the lines and grades shown on the project grading plans, and disposal of excess materials. PERFORMANCE: The Contractor shall be responsible for the satisfactory completion of all earthwork in accordance with the project plans and specificatiohs~ This work shall be inspected and tested by a representative of Krazan and Associates, hereinafter known as the Soils Engineer and/or Testing Agency. Attainment of design grades when achieved shall be certified to by the project Civil Engineer. Both the Soils Engineer and the civil Engineer are the Owner's representatives. If the èontractor should fa~l to meet the technical or design requirements embodied in this document and on the applicable plans, he shall make the necessary readjustments until all work is deemed satisfactory as determined by both the Soils Engineer and the civil Engineer. No deviation from these specifications shall be made except upon written approval'of the Soils Engineer, Civil Engineer or project Architect. No earthwork shall þe performed without the physical presence or approval of the Soils Engineer. The Contr~ctor shall notify the Soils Engineer at least two working days prior to the con~encement of any aspect of the site' earthwol'k. The contractor agrees that he shall assume sole and complete responsibility for job site conditions during the cours~ of construction of this project, including safety of all persons and property; that this requirement shall apply continuously and not be limi ted to normal w~:>rking hours; and that the Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the Owner and the Engineers harmless from any and, all liability, real or alleged, in connection with the performance of work on this project, except for liability arising from the sole negligence of the Owner or the Engineers. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS: All compacted materials shall be densified to a density not less than 90 per cent relative compaction based on ASTM Test Method 0-1557-78, UBC or CAL-216, as specified in the technical portion of the Soil Engineer's report. The location and frequency of field density tests shall be as determined by the Soils Engineer. The results of these tests and compliance with these specifications shall be the basis upon whic'h satisfactory completion ôf work will be judged by the Soils Engineer. , · e - ~: SITE 1\.ND FOUt:Wl\TIONCONDITIONS: The Contractor is presumed to have visited the site and to have familiarized himself with existing site condi'tions and the contents of the 'data presented in the soil report. The Contractor shall make his own interpretation of the data contained i~ said report, and the Contractor shall not be relieved of liability under the contract for any loss sustained as a result of any variance between conditions indicated by or deduced from said report and the actual conditions encountered during the progress of the work. DUST CONTROL: The work includes dust control. as requir'ed for the alleviation or prevention of any dust nuisance on or about the site or the borrow area, or o~f-site if caused by the Contract!Jr's operations either during the performi1l1ce of the earthwork or resulting from tlte conditions in which the Contractor leaves the site. The Contractor sltall assume all liability, including court costs of codefendants, for ,all claims related to dust or windblown materials attributable to his work. SITE PREPl\Iu\TION site preparation shall consist of site clearing and grubbing and the preparation of foundation materials for receiving fill. CLEJì'RING MID GIWBBHJG: The Contractor shall aècept the site in its present condition and shall demolish and/or remove from the area of designated project earthwork all structures, both surface and subsurface, trees, brush,' roots, debris, organic matter, and all other matter determined by the Soils Engineer to be deleterious. Such materials shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be removed from the site. ' Tree root systems in proposed building areas should be removed to a minimum depth of three (3.0) feet and to such an areal extent which would permit removal of all roots larger thi1n one (I) inch. Tree root removal in parking areas may be limi ted to the upper one and óne-half (1-1/2) feet of the ground surface. Backfill or tree root excavation should not be permitted until all exposed surfaces have been inspected and the Soils Engineer is present for the proper control of backfill placement and compaction. Burning in areas which are to receive fill materials shall not be permitted. SUBGMDE PREPMU\TION: Surfaces to receive engineered fill, building or slab loads shall be prepared as outlined above, scarified to a depth of six (6) inches, moisture-conditioned as necessary, and compacted to 90 per cent relative compaction. Loose and/or areas of disturbed soils shall be moisture-conditioned as necessary and compacteß to 90 per cent relative compaction. 7111 ruts, hwnmocks, or other uneven surface features shall be renloved by surface grading prior to placement of any fill material. All areas which are to receive fill materials shàll be approved by the Soils Engineer prior to the placement of any fIll material. ,~' ç, e e " , EXCAVATION All excavation shall be accompli'shed to the tolerance normally defined by the Civil Engineer as shown on the project grading plans. All overe~cavation below the grades specified shall be back'filled at the Contr~ctor's expense and shall be compacted in accordance with the applicable technical requirements. FILL AND BACKFILL MATERIAL No material shall be moved or compacted without the presence of the soils Engineer. Material from the required site excavatíon may be utilized for constructing site fills provided prior approval is given by the Soils Engineer. All materials utilized for constructing site fills shall be free from vegetal or other deleterious matter as determined by the Soils Engineer. PLACEMENT, SPREADING MID COMPACTION The placement and spreading of approved fill materials and the processing and compaction of approved fill and native materials shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. However, compaction of fill materials by flooding, ponding, or jetting shall not be permitted unless specifically approved by local code, as well as, the Soils Engineer. Both cut and fill shall be surface compacted to the satisfaction of the Soils Engineer prior to final'acceptance. SEASONAL LHlIl'S No fill material shall be placed, spreùd, or rolled while it is frozen or thawing or during unfavorable wet weather conditions. When the work is interrupted by heavy'rains, fill operations shall not be resumed until the Soils Engineer indicùtes that the moisture content and density of previously placed fill are as specified. ~' e e APPENDIX C G PAVEMENT SPECIFICATIONS 1. DEFINITIONS,.. The term "pavement" shall include asphalt concrete surfacing, untreated aggregate base, and aggregate subbase. The term "subgrade" is that portion of the area on which surfacing, base, or subbase is to be placed. The term "Standard Specifications" hereinafter referred to is the January 1982 Standard Specifications of the State of California, Department of Transportation, and the "Materials Manual" is the Materials Manual ,of Testing and Control Procedures, State of California, Department of Public Works, Division of ' Highways. The term "relative compaction" ,refers to the field density expressed as a percentage of the maximum laboratory density as defined in the applicable tests outlined in the Materials Manual. 2. SCOPE OF WORK - This portion of the work shall include all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for and reasonably incidental to the completion of the pavement shown on the plans and as herein specified, except work specifically noted as "Work Not Included." 3. PREPARATION OF THE SUBGRADE - The Contractor shall prepare the surface of the various subgrades receiving subsequent pavement courses to the lines, grades, and'dimensions given on the plans. The upper 6 inches of the soil subgrade beneath the pavement section shall be compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 90 per cent. The finished subgrades shall be tested and approved by the Soils Engineer prior to the placement of additional pavement courses. 4. UNTREATED AGGREGATE BASE'" The aggregate base course shal¡ be spread and compacted on the prepared subgrade in conformity with the lines, grades, and dimensions shown on the plans. The aggregate base material shall conform to the requirements of Section 26 of the ·.Standard Specifications for Class 2 material, 1-1/2 inches maximum size. ,The base course material shall be compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 95 per cent. The base material shall be spread and compacted in accordance with Section 26 of the Standard Specifications. The material shall be spread in layers not exceeding 6 inches and each layer of base course shall be tested and approved by the Soils Engineer prior to the placemen~ of successive layers. 5. AGGREGATE SUBBASE'" The aggregate subbase shall be' spread and compacted on the prepared subgrade in conformity with the lines, grades, and dimensions shown on the plans. The aggregate subbase material shall conform to the requirements of Section 25 of the Standard Specifications for Class 2 material. The subbase material shall be compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 95 per cent, and it shall be spread and compacted in accordance with Section 25 of the, Standard Specifications. Each layer of subbase shall be test~d and (~ e e !j approved by the Soiis Engineer prior to the placement ,of successive layers. \ 6. ASPHALTIC CONCRETE SURFACING - Asphaltic concrete surfacing shall consisrof a mixture of mineral aggregate and paving grade asphalt, mixed at a central mixing plant and sprea,d and compacted on a ,prepared base in conformity with the lines, grades, and dimensions shown on the plans. The'viscosity grade of the asphalt shall be AR-4000., The mineral aggregate shall be Type B, 1/2-inch maximum size, medium grading, and shall conform to the requirements set forth' in Section 39 of the Standard Specifications. The drying, proportioning, and mixing of the materials shall conform to Section 39. ' The prime coat, spreading and compacting equipment, and spreading and compacting the mixture shall conform to the applicable chapters of Section 39, with the exception that no surface course shall be placed when the atmospheric temperature is below 50 degrees F. The surfacing shall be rolled with a combination steel-wheel and pneumatic rollers, as described in Section 39-6. The surface course shall be placed with an approved self-propelled mechanical spreading and finishing machine. ¡ . 7. FOG SEAL COAT - The fog seal (mixing type asphaltic emulsion) shall conform to and be applied in accordance with the requirements of Section 37. "